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Aatrox,the Darkin Blade | | | health: Health650+114, resource: ResourceN/A, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)3+1, resource regen: Resource regen.N/A, armor: Armor38+4.45, attack damage: Attack damage60+5, attack speed: Base AS0.651, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius135, release: 2013-06-13, changed: V13.20, role: Juggernaut, position: Top, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 4800|880 | Games
AatroxMainWingedTitlesNickname(s)BrotherBrotherThe Blade of IcathiaAlias(es)The Darkin BladeDeathbringerWorld EnderGod KillerCharacteristicsSpeciesDarkinGod-WarriorHumanPronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:5000 BN - 3400 BNWeapon(s)The Darkin BladeHemomancyWorld Ender FormPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originShurima(Ancient Times)Current residenceUnknown(No Fixed Abode)Professional statusOccupation(s)Darkin WarmongerShuriman GuardianRegion(s)RuneterraShurimaFaction(s)DarkinRelated character(s)NaafiriRhaastVarusAzirZoePantheonTryndamereKayleKaynRyzeXolaaniMihira
• Main
• Winged
• Brother
• Brother
• The Blade of Icathia
• The Darkin Blade
• Deathbringer
• World Ender
• God Killer
• Darkin
• God-Warrior
• Human
• Born:5000 BN - 3400 BN
• The Darkin Blade
• Hemomancy
• World Ender Form
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
• Darkin Warmonger
• Shuriman Guardian
• Runeterra
• Shurima
Related character(s)
Once honored defenders ofShurimaagainst the Void,Aatroxand his brethren would eventually become an even greater threat toRuneterra, and were defeated only by cunning mortal sorcery. But after centuries of imprisonment,Aatroxwas the first to find freedom once more, corrupting and transforming those foolish enough to try and wield the magical weapon that contained his essence. Now with stolen flesh, he walks Runeterra in a brutal approximation of his previous form, seeking an apocalyptic and long overdue vengeance.
• 1Background1.1Early Life1.1.1Ascension1.1.2Icathian Uprising1.1.3The Great Darkin War1.2Modern History1.2.1Host Bodies1.2.2Killing the Aspect of War1.2.3Reaving in the North1.3Recent Events1.3.1Xolaani Returns
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Darkin5.1.1Rhaast5.1.2Varus5.1.3Naafiri5.1.4Xolaani5.2Aspects5.2.1Pantheon5.2.2Zoe5.2.3MihiraandKayle5.3Ryze5.4Tryndamere
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early Life1.1.1Ascension1.1.2Icathian Uprising1.1.3The Great Darkin War
• 1.2Modern History1.2.1Host Bodies1.2.2Killing the Aspect of War1.2.3Reaving in the North
• 1.3Recent Events1.3.1Xolaani Returns
• 1.1.1Ascension
• 1.1.2Icathian Uprising
• 1.1.3The Great Darkin War
• 1.2.1Host Bodies
• 1.2.2Killing the Aspect of War
• 1.2.3Reaving in the North
• 1.3.1Xolaani Returns
• 5.1Darkin5.1.1Rhaast5.1.2Varus5.1.3Naafiri5.1.4Xolaani
• 5.2Aspects5.2.1Pantheon5.2.2Zoe5.2.3MihiraandKayle
• 5.3Ryze
• 5.4Tryndamere
• 5.1.1Rhaast
• 5.1.2Varus
• 5.1.3Naafiri
• 5.1.4Xolaani
• 5.2.1Pantheon
• 5.2.2Zoe
• 5.2.3MihiraandKayle
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early Life[]
As a mortal, Aatrox was born and raised inShurimaat the height of its power. He eventually became a champion of the empire, being honored for his service as a strong warrior. During this time, he had served it for all his life. He was a noble warrior and would not hesitate to fight alongside his fellow soldiers in battle.
Aatrox was one of the first to be granted the gift ofAscensionin the ancient times of Shurima, a rite that was reserved for those near the end of their life.[1]Once he was Ascended, Aatrox was granted a heightened role within the military as a member of the Ascended Host. As one of the most powerful of the Ascended, Aatrox fought and even killedSpirit Godsand other powerful beings.[2]
Icathian Uprising[]
WhenIcathiarebelled against the emperor, the Ascended hero Setaka requested that Aatrox aid her in fighting them back alongside the rest of the Ascended Host. Answering the call with no hesitation, he helped drive back theVoidwhen the Icathians tried weaponizing it, an event that deeply scarred his mind and lead to the loss of his wings.
The Great Darkin War[]
Aatrox standing among his fellow Darkin,VarusandRhaast
After theShuriman Empire felldue to the sudden death of emperorAzir, the Ascended renamed themselvesSunbornand clashed with each other due to the lack of leadership and purpose. Their battle brought so much devastation that the mortals eventually began to call these SunbornDarkin, an old Shuriman word which most closely translated to 'The Fallen.'
During the war, Aatrox was an honored general who commanded several other Darkin to his side in an attempt to unify them again. It's implied that Aatrox was one of five notably powerful Darkin that fought side by side during the war and sought to bring ruin to the entire world once reunited. These Darkin include Aatrox himself,Rhaast,Varus,Naafiriand an unknown fifth Darkin.[3]
Ryzewitnessing a vision of the Darkin War, seeing the moment where Aatrox andXolaanibegan their violent conflict.
Aatrox had a particular rivalry withXolaani, who utilized her talents in blood magic to puppeteer the bodies of the other Darkin to her will in an attempt to end the war.[4]Horiffied by this, Aatrox named Xolaani a coward for her methods and honed a deep, violent hatred for her.[5]
Fearing for the fate of Runeterra, theCelestial beingsofTargonintervened as the5Aspect of War, also known asPantheon, rallied mortals to fight back against the Darkin while Myisha theAspect of Twilighttaught mortals how to imprison the Darkin within their own weapons. Aatrox fought against Pantheon with an army of his own, ultimately losing and becoming deceived as he became one of the first Darkin to become imprisoned. Trapped within his sword in a torturous existence, Aatrox continued to hopelessly reach out of his prison in agony.
Modern History[]
Host Bodies[]
Eventually, an unknown mortal man fled a battle and, out of desperation to defend himself, tried to wield Aatrox's sword. Using hemomancy, Aatrox quickly took over this human's body and reformed it as close to his original Ascended form as possible. Fearing that this body was too weak to withstand his Darkin essence, Aatrox looked toward a city caught in the middle of a chaotic battle and planned to slaughter as many mortals as possible and repurpose their corpses to strengthen his new form.[6]
Aatrox possessed many men and women over the years, learning how to take over a body instantly and feast on his enemies' flesh. Aatrox travelled the world in search of a way to return to his Ascended form but realized that there was no escape from his prison and despaired. With that, Aatrox grew desperate and decided that since he cannot truly free himself from the blade, he would instead end all of existence including himself in a terrible cataclysm. Marching with a new purpose, Aatrox brought war and death wherever he went, hoping to create a battle apocalyptic enough to bring oblivion to everything.
Killing the Aspect of War[]
On his quest to achieve oblivion and enact vengeance against the Aspects that trapped him, Aatrox travelled toMount Targonand terrorized armies of barbarians on his way there, driving them into Targonian lands. Seeking to reach the mountain's summit, Aatrox faced off against Pantheon and confronted him in a battle in the skies. Aatrox achieved what was thought impossible and stabbed his sword through Pantheon's chest, wounding him so deeply that he carved the constellation of War out of the cosmos, essentially killing the Aspect. Only the Aspect's hostAtreusremained, spitting in Aatrox's face as he sneered and left him to die to his wounds.
Eventually, a fully recovered Atreus returned and stood between Aatrox and an army of barbarians, wielding the now fallen Aspect's dulled spear and shield. Aatrox mocked Atreus for being foolish enough to face him without the powers of Pantheon and fought him, casting Atreus down to his knees. Before striking the killing blow, Atreus managed to awaken the residual celestial power within himself and reignited the powers of Pantheon, leaping into the air and severing Aatrox's sword arm and defeating him.[7]
Reaving in the North[]
Aatrox eventually gained a new host and began a rampage in the northern parts ofValoran, such as theFreljord.[8]One night, Aatrox flew across a snowstorm and appeared beforeTryndamere'sclan, who mistook the Darkin for their horned god the8Iron Boar. As some of the tribespeople began to kneel and pray, Aatrox immediately began to slaughter them as Tryndamere looked on in horror before raising his blade and attempting to strike. Aatrox swatted the barbarian aside and nearly beat him to death, speaking archaic words and laughing maniacally as he succumbed to his wounds.[9]
Recent Events[]
Xolaani Returns[]
Aatrox in an apocalyptic battle againstXolaani, withKayleattempting to intervene.
After Xolaani achieved a3hostinIonia, Aatrox was able to sense her reawakening from continents away.[10]Aatrox's hatred for Xolaani burned so deeply that he planned to wage a final war against her to bring him oblivion, rallying the rest of the Darkin to join him in Icathia to battle Xolaani.[11]
In Icathia, he faced off against an empowered7Xolaaniand battled her alongside the other Darkin. However, some of them fell victim to her hemomancy and fought Aatrox against their will.[12]Mihira, the Aspect of Justice, sensed the cataclysmic battle between the two and descended down to Runeterra with her daughterKayleto intervene. Kayle and Aatrox fought one another while Xolaani somehow managed to use hemomancy to bend even Mihira to her will, seemingly fusing with the7Aspect.
Though the outcome is unclear, its most likely thatRyze, who accompanied Kayle on her mission to intervene, decided to utilize aWorld Runeto completely neutralize the catastrophe.[13]
Aatrox's consciousness is imprisoned within his sword; a large red blade with sharp spikes and black organic platting that mimics steel. In the center of the blade close to the handle is Aatrox's beating heart, which constantly pulsates with his life force.
In his physical form, Aatrox is incredibly large, standing taller than most mortals and capable of increasing his size by repurposing the bodies of his fallen enemies. His skin is a deep red that gets brighter around his chest and he has organic armor covering various parts of his body including his right arm, back, legs, and head. The armor shell on his head forms a helmet with two horns and on his back are two large wings with fleshy membranes that he often grows to raise himself from the ground and intimidate people.
It is unknown what Aatrox looked like in his Ascended form, however it is known that he looked similar to his current form with giant golden wings and shimmering armor.
As anAscended, Aatrox was known as an incredibly noble warrior who was loyal to theShuriman Empireas he didn't hesitate to aid his fellow Ascended during theIcathian Uprising. After facing the horrors of theVoid, Aatrox's mind was horribly scarred and he was forever changed by what he faced during the war, seemingly losing his noble nature.
During theGreat Darkin War, Aatrox grew violent and mad from the lack of leadership and purpose. He began disregarded mortal life completely, either seeing them as beneath him or simply as soldiers for his armies. Though he was a ruthless and vicious warrior, he still held a sense of comradery with his fellow Darkin, being an honored general among them. Aatrox had an intense sense of hatred for his enemies, especially those he considers cowards or traitors.
After years trapped in a torturous existence within his sword, Aatrox now speaks vicious rage and constant vindication against life itself, loathing his existence and how far he has fallen from glory.[14]Aatrox has grown so desperate to end his suffering that he is more than wiling to commit all kinds of atrocities to achieve a proper end, uncaring of who he kills or destroys in the process. Aatrox has a passion for warfare and battle, constantly taunting enemies and going on tangents about the oblivion he wishes to achieve. Despite this, Aatrox can also speak poetically, especially when reminiscing on his current form and the pain of his existence.
• Darkin Physiology:Aatrox is a Darkin, originally one of the manyAscendedGod-Warriors of Shurima in ancient times trapped within a weapon. As a Darkin, Aatrox has immense physical strength, gigantic size and access to some celestial magics.Immortality:Because his consciousness is trapped within his indestructibleDarkin Blade, Aatrox is immune to aging and dying as there is no known way to permanently kill him.World Ender Form:Once Aatrox consumes enough bodies, he can empower his physical form and grow even larger in size and stature to an almost gargantuan scale.Winged Flight:In his World Ender form, Aatrox grows giant wings made of a fleshy membrane. These wings are capable of flight but also grant Aatrox a more imposing appearance over his enemies.
• Hemomancy:Like most Darkin, Aatrox utilizeshemomancyto manipulate the flesh and blood of mortals for his own purposes. Hemomancy allows Aatrox to both possess and transform the body of any mortal that wields him, reshaping their flesh to create a physical form that resembles his formerly Ascended body. Once he possesses a body, Aatrox can consume the blood and flesh of his victims through his sword, empowering and healing his current host body.
• Great-Sword Proficiency:Aatrox is trained in the use of a great-sword in combat, having wielded a powerful blade countless times into battle which he almost exclusively wielded in combat.Darkin Blade:Aatrox continues to wield his great-sword, now being known as the Darkin Blade. This sword is capable of killing other Darkin,Spirit GodsandCelestials. Most notably, Aatrox managed to kill5Pantheonby striking him so hard that he was able to personally carve the constellation of War itself out of the cosmos.
• Leadership:Though Aatrox is infamous for his vicious and violent nature even among the other Darkin, he has shown capability to rally armies together even as an Ascended in the past. In doing so, Aatrox can drive entire armies into a mad bloodlust to sate his desire for a cataclysmic battle.
• Immortality:Because his consciousness is trapped within his indestructibleDarkin Blade, Aatrox is immune to aging and dying as there is no known way to permanently kill him.
• World Ender Form:Once Aatrox consumes enough bodies, he can empower his physical form and grow even larger in size and stature to an almost gargantuan scale.Winged Flight:In his World Ender form, Aatrox grows giant wings made of a fleshy membrane. These wings are capable of flight but also grant Aatrox a more imposing appearance over his enemies.
• Winged Flight:In his World Ender form, Aatrox grows giant wings made of a fleshy membrane. These wings are capable of flight but also grant Aatrox a more imposing appearance over his enemies.
• Darkin Blade:Aatrox continues to wield his great-sword, now being known as the Darkin Blade. This sword is capable of killing other Darkin,Spirit GodsandCelestials. Most notably, Aatrox managed to kill5Pantheonby striking him so hard that he was able to personally carve the constellation of War itself out of the cosmos.
Aatrox regards most of his fellow Darkin as his brothers and sisters at arms, being honored among them when he acted as their general during thewar. Though he participated in the war and most likely has slain some Darkin in the past, he deeply respects those that remained loyal to him prior to being imprisoned, regarding some of them as old friends and sympathizing with their imprisonment, promising them freedom by joining him on his quest for oblivion. Most recently, Aatrox has rallied most of his Darkin allies to gather in Icathia for a final battle againstXolaani.[11]
The Darkin that Aatrox rallied includes his honored captainJoraal, one of his soldiers namedTaarosh, his old friendsPraa,Baalkux,Anaakca,Horazi,NaganekaandStyraatu.
Aside from them, Aatrox is implied to be one of five Darkin said to bring ruin to the whole world once they reunite, further implying that they all fought side by side during the war. Though not united, these Darkin are Aatrox himself,Rhaast,Varus,Naafiriand an unknown fifth Darkin.[3]
Rhaast is regarded as Aatrox's brother, being one of the five Darkin said to have fought alongside Aatrox during the war and destined to reunite and bring ruin to the world. Aatrox does not give Rhaast much respect, as he has yet to fully possesses his current hostShieda Kaynand even criticizes his weapon of choice.
Varus considers Aatrox his brother and is one of the five Darkin said to have fought alongside him during the war, destined to reunite and bring ruin to the world. Though the two share a desire the bring oblivion to the world, Aatrox considers Varus weak and unbecoming of a Darkin, claiming that he has become too human and succumbing to his mortal emotions, such as his need for revenge.
It's implied there was some 'memo' given to Varus by Aatrox which explained that Varus had to use two A's in his name, officially naming him "Vaarus." However, Varus thought the memo was absurd and refused to comply, angering and offending Aatrox.
Naafiri is one of the five Darkin said to have fought alongside Aatrox during the war, destined to reunite and bring ruin to the world. Because of her eager quest to reunite the rest of the Darkin together, she urges Aatrox to 'focus his rage' and join her in her reunion. Along with that, she actually considers Aatrox stubborn, likely referring to his headstrong mission to bring oblivion to the world.
Aatrox and Xolaani faced off against each other during theGreat Darkin War, as Aatrox disagreed with her methods in utilizing her hemomancy talents to manipulate and control all things, including her fellow Darkin.[4]He saw this as a horrifying and cowardly tactic, considering Xolaani a coward and honing a deep hatred for her. In his rage against Xolaani, Aatrox spent years destroying her statues and removing all influence she had.
Aatrox's hatred for Xolaani ran so deep that he was capable of sensing her reawakening from continents away, rallying the rest of the Darkin to gather in Icathia and face her in a cataclysmic final battle.[10]When fighting in Icathia, Xolaani managed to use her abilities on some of his Darkin allies, forcing them to fight him against their will. Though the conclusion of the battle isn't clear, it's most likely thatRyzeused aWorld Runeto neutralize the catastrophe and prevent total oblivion.
Aatrox has a deep hatred towardsTargonand the Aspects, as they were the ones who ultimately betrayed and imprisoned the Darkin, with Aatrox being the first. At one point, Aatrox sought to enact revenge against the Aspects themselves and possibly achieve oblivion by reaching the summit ofMount Targon, but was ultimately stopped by the5Aspect of War.
When the Aspects first began to intervene in the Darkin War, the5Aspect of Warwas sent out to rally armies to fight back against them. Seeing this, Aatrox fought back with an army of his own, clashing in brutal warfare against the Aspect and his mortal armies. In the end, Aatrox was ultimately deceived by theAspect of Twilightand imprisoned within his sword. Due to this, Aatrox considers Pantheon's battle against him as treachery, calling him a fiend and a betrayer for what he did.
Many years later, Aatrox sought to reach the peak of Mount Targon and met Pantheon in battle, fighting him in the skies before driving his blade so deeply through him that he carved the constallation of War out of the cosmos, effectively killing the Aspect. When all that remained was the mortal hostAtreus, Aatrox sneered and left him to die to his wounds. Soon after, Atreus recovered and fought Aatrox a second time, managing to reignite the constellation of War with his own mortal will and gaining the residual powers of the Aspect. Pantheon severed Aatrox's sword arm and ultimately defeated the Darkin.
The two of them continue holding antagonism and animosity for one another long after their battle and wish to destroy one another once and for all one day, with Aatrox wishing to achieve true oblivion and Pantheon seeking to fight against all gods meddling with mortal affairs, including the Darkin.[7]
The Aspect of Twilight is the one responsible for teaching the mortals how to imprison the Darkin within their weapons, starting with Aatrox being the first. The Aspect's host at the time, a girl named Myisha, was the one who orchestrated the process in the first place and was deeply hated by the rest of the Darkin for what she did.
Though Zoe herself was not responsible for imprisoning the Darkin, Aatrox still holds a disdain for the Aspect no matter who is the current host. Out of all the Aspects, Aatrox wants to kill and torture the Aspect of Twilight the most for what she did, claiming that killing her a thousand times still wouldn't be enough to express his anger towards her.
During his battle againstXolaani, the Aspect of Justice and her daughter Kayle descended down to Icathia to intervene and end the cataclysmic fight. Aatrox fought off Kayle in battle and taunts her with her heritage, claiming she is not worthy of ascending to godhood.
Ryze accompanied Kayle when she and her mother travelled to Icathia to intervene in Aatrox's final war against Xolaani. After meditating on the major events of Runeterra's history, Ryze ultimately decided to use aWorld Runeto neutralize the cataclysm, narrowly avoiding oblivion.
Aatrox was responsible for decimating most of Tryndamere's tribe after they mistook him as8the Iron Boar. Though Tryndamere tried to attack Aatrox for slaughtering his clan, Aatrox swatted him away and beat him nearly to death, speaking archaic words and laughing as he slowly bled to death before miraculously waking up, fully revived by a mysterious power activated by his rage. Tryndamere is deeply scarred by visions of Aatrox laughing maniacally as he slaughtered his people, deeply hating him for what he did.
It's heavily implied that Aatrox intends to make Tryndamere his next host body, possibly even being the one who granted him his mysterious abilities after he nearly beat him to death.[9]
Read More
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Mentioned:Aatrox,Akali,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Darius,Diana,Draven,Ezreal,Gnar,Illaoi,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kai'Sa,Karma,Karthus,Katarina,Kayle,Kayn,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nunu,Ornn,Pantheon,Pyke,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Rhaast,Ryze,Sejuani,Shen,Sion,Sivir,Soraka,Sylas,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Thresh,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Vi,Volibear,Willump,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs,Zoe
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• Aatrox is between 4396 – 5996 years old, being one of the first Shurimans to become anAscended.
• While it was never stated what manner of creature Aatrox took the form of in the past, it was known to be winged and likely something of noble character.
• It's possibleIllaoi'sgod,Nagakabouros, could free or kill Aatrox's human soul and allow it to return to the cosmos. However, it's complicated since the celestial concept Aatrox merged with and gained his ascended power from has been trapped or deleted from existence, meaning the ideal he represented ceased to exist when he was trapped. Because of this, humans can't comprehend or remember what Aatrox was an avatar of previously.[15]
• Aatrox was one of the most powerful Ascended. Before his imprisonment, Aatrox had fought and killed spirit gods (avatars likeOrnn), other celestial empowered beings and possibly other Darkin. Later, he killed5The Aspect of Warhimself.[2]
• Aatrox has spent the most time imprisoned due to the fact that he was the first. Because of this, the magic used to imprison him was botched and likely damaged him in the process, causing his shattered mind and torturous existence. By the time the mages had imprisonedVarus, they'd perfected the process a little more.
• Demonblade Tryndameremay be representative of a "what if" scenario where Aatrox completely claims Tryndamere as his host.
Change log[]
"Some fight for honor, some fight for glory. It matters only that you fight."-Aatrox
"Some fight for honor, some fight for glory. It matters only that you fight."-Aatrox
See also[] | Name: Deathbringer Stance, Description: Innate: Periodically, Aatrox empowers his next basic attack to gain 50 bonus range and deal bonus magic damage equal to 4% − 12% (based on level) of the target's maximum health , capped at 100 against monsters . Aatrox heals for 80% of the post-mitigation bonus damage dealt, reduced to 25% against minions . Whenever Aatrox hits at least one enemy champion or large monster with a basic attack on-hit or an ability , the cooldown of Deathbringer Stance is reduced by 2 seconds, modified to 4 if he hits with the Sweetspot of The Darkin Blade ., STATIC COOLDOWN: STATICCOOLDOWN:24 − 12 (based on level), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'Aatroxwill assume stance when an enemy champion is in range ofInfernal Chains.PressingCTRL + 5switches stances controllably.', 'PressingCTRL + 5switches stances controllably.', "IfDeathbringer Stancebecomes available during a standard attack's windup, it will not be consumed or trigger thebonusdamage.", "Even if the ability hit isspell shieldedDeathbringer Stance'scooldown will still be reduced.", 'This ability goes on cooldown on death and refreshes upon respawn.', 'The empowered attack will not trigger againststructuresandwards.']} | Name: The Darkin Blade, Description: Aatrox can activate The Darkin Blade three times before the ability goes on cooldown, with a 1-second static cooldown between casts. If Aatrox does not recast the ability within 4 seconds of the previous cast, it goes on cooldown. Active: Aatrox performs a strike with his greatsword for each of the three casts, dealing physical damage to enemies hit within an area. Enemies hit within a Sweetspot of the area take 60% bonus damage and also knocked up for 0. 25 seconds. Each subsequent cast increases The Darkin Blade's damage by 25%. First Cast: Aatrox's first strike affects a 625 × 180-unit rectangular area in the target direction, with him centered on the back line and the Sweetspot at the farthest edge. First Cast Damage: 10 / 25 / 40 / 55 / 70 (+ 60 / 67. 5 / 75 / 82. 5 / 90% AD) First Sweetspot Damage: 16 / 40 / 64 / 88 / 112 (+ 96 / 108 / 120 / 132 / 144% AD) Second Cast: Aatrox's second strike affects a trapezoidal area in the target direction, with the Sweetspot at the farthest edge. The hitbox begins 100-units behind Aatrox and extends 475-units in front of him, measuring between 300 and 500-units wide from behind to in front. Second Cast Damage: 12. 5 / 31. 25 / 50 / 68. 75 / 87. 5 (+ 75 / 84. 375 / 93. 75 / 103. 125 / 112. 5 % AD) Second Sweetspot Damage: 20 / 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 (+ 120 / 135 / 150 / 165 / 180% AD) Third Cast: Aatrox's third strike affects a 300-radius circular area centered on a target location that is 200 units in front of him, with a 180-radius Sweetspot within. Third Cast Damage: 15 / 37. 5 / 60 / 82. 5 / 105 (+ 90 / 101. 25 / 112. 5 / 123. 75 / 135% AD) Third Sweetspot Damage: 24 / 60 / 96 / 132 / 168 (+ 144 / 162 / 180 / 198 / 216% AD) The Darkin Blade deals 55 / 60 / 65 / 70% (based on level) damage against minions , and the knock up duration from hitting the Sweetspot is doubled to 0. 5 seconds against monsters . Maximum Non-Minion Damage: 60 / 150 / 240 / 330 / 420 (+ 360 / 405 / 450 / 495 / 540% AD), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'The highlighted areas denote the sweetspot - enemies are affected where the two areas overlap (Seeedge rangeandcenter range).The first and second casts function like any point-blank AOE (i.e. an effect centered on the caster). An enemy is considered to be hit by the ability based onedge range- i.e. if any part of yourgameplay radiusis within the hitbox, you are affected.', "The third cast, as well as theSweetspotfor the first and second cast, function likeground-targetedabilities. An enemy is considered to be hit by the ability based oncenter range- i.e. an enemy's center has to be within the hitbox to be affected.", "As implied by the previous point, theSweetspotfor the first and second cast is implemented as separateareas of effectto the main component of the ability. Enemies must be within both areas to trigger the bonus damage,knock upandDeathbringer Stance'scooldown reduction.The 'target gets hit' SFX plays whenever an enemy is within theSweetspot- meaning it is possible to trigger the sound effect without affecting an enemy.", "The 'target gets hit' SFX plays whenever an enemy is within theSweetspot- meaning it is possible to trigger the sound effect without affecting an enemy.", "Each cast counts as an ability activation for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.", "The hitbox andAatrox'smodel are fixed to the initial target direction.Aatrox'sfacing-direction, for effects such asPetrifying Gaze, is the direction he is moving, and not the direction the model is facing.", "Aatrox'sfacing-direction, for effects such asPetrifying Gaze, is the direction he is moving, and not the direction the model is facing.", 'All damage modifiersstack multiplicatively.', "There's a small period of time in which Aatrox can't declare basic attacks after castingThe Darkin Blade.(bug)", 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'Death']} | Name: Infernal Chains, Description: Active: Aatrox sends a chain in the target direction that deals magic damage to the first enemy hit, doubled against minions , and slowing them for 1. 5 seconds. Magic Damage: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 (+ 40% AD) Minion Damage: 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 / 140 (+ 80% AD) Slow: 25 / 27. 5 / 30 / 32. 5 / 35% If this hits an enemy champion or large monster , a tether is formed between the target and the ground beneath them for 1. 5 seconds, during which they are revealed . If the tether is not broken by the end of its duration, the target is dealt the same magic damage again and pulled to the center of the area. Total Damage: 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 / 140 (+ 80% AD), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Tips & Tricks', 'Video', "The impact area is oriented relative toAatrox'sposition when the projectile hits, not where the projectile originated from.", "The location that the target is dragged to is not at the target's original location, but slightly closer towardsAatrox'sposition when the zone expires.", "There's a small delay in checking if the target is in or outside theInfernal Chainsarea. Because of this it is still possible to drag the target if they leave the zone at the last instant.", "Spell shieldwill block the chain's application and initial damage but not the aftereffects of one already applied.", 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'To succesfully escape when moving in a straight line away fromAatroxrequires at least628 movement speed.']} | Name: Umbral Dash, Description: Passive: Aatrox heals for a portion of the non- persistent post-mitigation damage he deals against enemy champions, increased during World Ender . Healing: 18 / 19. 5 / 21 / 22. 5 / 24% World Ender Increased Healing: 20 / 24 / 28 / 32 / 36% Active: Aatrox dashes in the target direction. Umbral Dash resets Aatrox's basic attack timer and can be cast during his other abilities without cancelling them and vice versa., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', 'Thedashdistance can be extended to up-to 500 units when targeting across terrain. It will only extend for the distance needed to cross the wall.This may upscale his dash speed so that the dash takes the same total time as the standard maximum-range dash.', 'This may upscale his dash speed so that the dash takes the same total time as the standard maximum-range dash.', 'IfUmbral Dashis cast in the same directionAatroxis moving, he will be unable to buffer commands that require him to move.(bug)', "Aatrox'smodel darkens for 1.5seconds upon castingUmbral Dash, which is a remnant from a buff he received before it got removed.", 'Healing changed to 20 / 23 / 26 / 29 / 32%.', 'World Enderhealing changed to 24 / 29 / 34 / 39 / 44%.', 'Recharge changed to 22 / 19 / 16 / 13 / 10 seconds.']} | Name: World Ender, Description: Active: Aatrox unleashes his true form for 10 seconds, fearing nearby enemy minions and monsters for 3 seconds, during which they are gradually slowed by up to 99% over the duration. He also gains ghosting and bonus movement speed that decays by 10% of the current bonus every 0. 25 seconds, lasting until World Ender has ended. Bonus Movement Speed: 60 / 80 / 100% Whenever Aatrox scores a champion takedown , he extends the duration by 5 seconds and becomes unleashed again. During World Ender , Aatrox gains bonus attack damage and 5% increased size , and receives increased self-healing from all sources. Bonus Attack Damage: 20 / 32. 5 / 45% AD Increased Healing: 25 / 35 / 45% Link ▶️ "Fight! Or be forgotten!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', 'His resource bar indicates the remaining duration ofWorld Ender.', "World Enderpersists throughresurrectioneffects.World Ender'shealing amplification applies to the health gained by resurrecting.", "World Ender'shealing amplification applies to the health gained by resurrecting.", 'World Enderwill cast from whereverAatroxis at the end of the cast time.', "CastingWorld Enderwhile it is still active rendersAatrox'swings invisible and removes the timer on the resource bar.(bug)This is possible viaAxiom Arc'sorPractice Tool'scooldown reduction or by going on a very long killing spree.", "This is possible viaAxiom Arc'sorPractice Tool'scooldown reduction or by going on a very long killing spree.", 'Increased healing changed to 30 / 45 / 60%.']} | Out-of-universe,Aatroxis a word play on Latinatrox"fierce, savage, cruel" in turn fromater"dull black, dark", from rootPIE*h₂eh₁ter-"fire";[2]All of these reference theDarkinweapon's physical manifestation and demonic nature (punning ondark kin), varioushistorical fire-based weapons, thescorched earthstrategy, and his 'war as an artform' philosophy. Latinatroxgives rise to Anglo-Frenchatrocity.
Aatrox,Dr. Mundo,Mordekaiser,Vladimir, andZacare the only champions that use their ownhealthas a resource forabilities.
Enemies hit byMassacrewill leave a blood trail between themselves and Aatrox that he will rapidly absorb (this is a remaining visual effect from PBE testing, where Aatrox would gain attack speed based on how many enemies had been hit byMassacre, that was recycled inV5.6).
Aatrox can still use emotes duringBlood Well'srevive.
Sterak's Gageis speculated to have beenAatrox'smissing left arm glove. Its passive was also coincidentally similar to Aatrox's.
Prior to his rework, on the statement "This champion needs an update", players ranked Aatrox 5th in NA; 4th in BR; 3rd in KR and 14th in CN. He ranked 4th overall.[3] |
Ahri,the Nine-Tailed Fox | | | health: Health590+96, resource: Mana418+25, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)2.5+0.6, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)8+0.8, armor: Armor21+4.7, attack damage: Attack damage53+3, attack speed: Base AS0.668, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius100, release: 2011-12-14, changed: V13.22, role: Burst, position: Middle, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 3150|790 | Games
AhriMainCasual 1Casual 2Casual 3Casual 4Casual 5HoodedTitlesNickname(s)Little FoxAlias(es)The Nine-Tailed FoxThe Gatekeeper(The Spirit in Ionian mythology that may have been partly influenced by Ahri)CharacteristicsSpeciesVesaniPronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:25 BN - 816 ANWeapon(s)Spirit MagicSoul DevouringCharmPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originIoniaCurrent residenceShadow Isles(No Fixed Abode)FamilyUnnamed Lover†(Former Spouse)Professional statusOccupation(s)Soul DevourerTravelling Protector of LifeRegion(s)IoniaFaction(s)VastayaRelated character(s)LilliaWukongYasuoBraumIllaoiMiss FortunePykeMaokaiNecritViegoThreshGangplank
• Main
• Casual 1
• Casual 2
• Casual 3
• Casual 4
• Casual 5
• Hooded
• The Nine-Tailed Fox
• The Gatekeeper(The Spirit in Ionian mythology that may have been partly influenced by Ahri)
• Born:25 BN - 816 AN
• Spirit Magic
• Soul Devouring
• Charm
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Unnamed Lover†(Former Spouse)
Professional status
• Soul Devourer
• Travelling Protector of Life
Related character(s)
Innately connected to the magic of the spirit realm,Ahriis a mysterious fox-likevastayain search of her place in the world. Having become a somewhat reluctant and empathetic predator since entering mortal society, she prefers to manipulate her prey's emotions before partaking of theirlife essence—receiving flashes of memory and insight from each soul she consumes.
• 1Background1.1Early Life1.1.1The Garden of Forgetting1.2Modern History1.2.1Omikayalan1.2.2Ymelo's Sunstones1.2.3Spirit Blossom Festival1.3Recent Events1.3.1Arrival in Bilgewater1.3.2The Shadow Isles1.3.3Cleansing Maokai's Roots1.3.4Facing Thresh1.3.5Return of the Ruined King1.3.6Shipwrecked1.3.7The Vesani Vault1.3.8Battle Against Viego
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Humans5.1.1Dead Lover5.1.2Hirin5.2The Gardener5.3Ymelo5.4Vesani5.5Crew of the Charming Lady5.5.1Sarah Fortune5.5.2Braum5.5.3Illaoi5.5.4Pyke5.5.5Yasuo5.6Viego5.7Thresh5.8Malik5.9Gangplank5.10Maokai
• 6Trivia
• 7Read More7.1Biography7.2Starring Champion7.3Mentioned Champion7.4Alternate Universes
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early Life1.1.1The Garden of Forgetting
• 1.2Modern History1.2.1Omikayalan1.2.2Ymelo's Sunstones1.2.3Spirit Blossom Festival
• 1.3Recent Events1.3.1Arrival in Bilgewater1.3.2The Shadow Isles1.3.3Cleansing Maokai's Roots1.3.4Facing Thresh1.3.5Return of the Ruined King1.3.6Shipwrecked1.3.7The Vesani Vault1.3.8Battle Against Viego
• 1.1.1The Garden of Forgetting
• 1.2.1Omikayalan
• 1.2.2Ymelo's Sunstones
• 1.2.3Spirit Blossom Festival
• 1.3.1Arrival in Bilgewater
• 1.3.2The Shadow Isles
• 1.3.3Cleansing Maokai's Roots
• 1.3.4Facing Thresh
• 1.3.5Return of the Ruined King
• 1.3.6Shipwrecked
• 1.3.7The Vesani Vault
• 1.3.8Battle Against Viego
• 5.1Humans5.1.1Dead Lover5.1.2Hirin
• 5.2The Gardener
• 5.3Ymelo
• 5.4Vesani
• 5.5Crew of the Charming Lady5.5.1Sarah Fortune5.5.2Braum5.5.3Illaoi5.5.4Pyke5.5.5Yasuo
• 5.6Viego
• 5.7Thresh
• 5.8Malik
• 5.9Gangplank
• 5.10Maokai
• 5.1.1Dead Lover
• 5.1.2Hirin
• 5.5.1Sarah Fortune
• 5.5.2Braum
• 5.5.3Illaoi
• 5.5.4Pyke
• 5.5.5Yasuo
• 7.1Biography
• 7.2Starring Champion
• 7.3Mentioned Champion
• 7.4Alternate Universes
Early Life[]
Ahri's earliest memories are of her growing up among a pack of icefoxes in northernShon-Xan. Though her true origins are unknown even to her, she was accepted by the pack and considered one of them.
Ahri's pair of sunstones perfectly aligned with each other.
Though she was avastaya, she had no knowledge of her tribe except for a pair of sunstones she carried her entire life.
Living in the wild among the icefoxes, Ahri began to feel her vastayan abilities surface as she found she was capable of channeling theSpirit Realmwithin herself, gaining the ability to enhance her in reflexes and control the emotions of her prey.
A drawing of Ahri when she was found bathing by thePiltovanexplorer Eduard Santangelo.[1]
Ahri often watched humans from afar for years until she found one wounded by a stray arrow. Ahri found she could feel his life force seeping away and followed her predatorial instincts, absorbing his spiritual essence and feasting on his memories, emotions and knowledge on human language. As she grew closer to the fringes ofIoniansociety, Ahri became addicted to feeding off of the spiritual essence of mortals, becoming drunk on their emotions and stolen memories. Eventually Ahri saw memories depicting how humans perceived her; a terrifying monster. Distressed by this, Ahri tried to stop from feeding on mortal essence but realized her powers slowly faded if she did, deciding to fully embrace her nature as a monster.
One day, Ahri met an artist who, instead of running away from her in fear, actually offered his own essence in exchange for her love. For the first time, Ahri felt genuine happiness without having to feed on spiritual essence and the two fell in love. Though Ahri pleaded that she was too monstrous for him, the artist explained that he loved her wholly despite her monstrous nature. The two would often sit by a lake at the edge of Ionia, as Ahri blissfully watched her lover paint pictures of flowers. Unfortunately, Ahri lost control of her ravenous instincts one day and completely drained her lover, killing him. Ahri despaired over this and mourned the loss of the first and only person she truly loved, retreating further even from society.
The Garden of Forgetting[]
Ahri at theGarden of Forgettingattempting to use a snow lily flower to remove her traumatic memories of her dead lover.
Grief stricken over the loss of her lover, Ahri retreated from society and travelled to theGarden of Forgetting. Here, she wished to erase all the troubled memories she stole during her time as a predator, especially those of her dead lover.
Here she met a mysterious old woman tending to the garden. Ahri recognized this woman as the garden's caretaker, known by names such as the Eater of Secrets, the Forgotten or the Witch Gardener. Ahri referred to her asIghilya,the Ionian word for "great grandmother," and begged her to show her how to forget the painful memories of her lover. The Gardener warned her that forgetting these memories was a worse fate, but reluctantly agreed to help Ahri, handing her a budding snow lily and instructing her to breath into the flower and think of the memory she wanted to get rid of. The flower, while trying to consume the memory, caused Ahri to relive the death of her lover through painful visions, making Ahri realize that she didn't want to lose these memories of her beloved as removing them was far worse than living with the pain.
Attempting to pull away, Ahri felt suffocated by the unnatural perfumes of the snow lily and saw hallucinogenic visions appear as a result of it. After hallucinating in the garden, she regained her senses as the Gardener stood above her, asking her if she managed to keep the memory before the flower took hold. Ahri explained that she did, despite it seeming cloudy, as the Gardener quietly urged Ahri to leave the garden before it takes her, as it did with many others who visited it before. As dark vines and snow lilies began to overgrow and cover the exits out of the garden, Ahri managed to escape with her vastayan reflexes and decided that she would from now on live from her past pains and experiences rather than regret and attempt to forget them.[2]
Modern History[]
Wishing to find a solution to control her abilities and her predatory instincts, Ahri became consumed with learning more about her origins and her mysterious vastayan tribe. Her travels through Ionia eventually lead her toOmikayalan, the once sacred grove of the God-Willow; a legendary and magical tree that had been cut down thousands of years ago.
Ahri at the grove ofOmikayalan, unknowingly being followed by the vastayan lord4Himon'she
There she met several spiritual creatures that protected3a God-Willow sapling, including vastayan lords such as4Himon'she,5Gai'sh,5the Tail-Cloak Matriarchand a mighty fox spirit named6Sai'nen Thousand-Tailed. Here, Ahri learned to embrace her wild vastayan nature, continuing her search for her lost tribe and leaving the sacred grove.
Ymelo's Sunstones[]
On her search for her lost tribe, Ahri travelled to an Ionian market, taking in the new environment. A fortune teller named Hirin approached Ahri and recognized her twin sunstones as the work of a talented artisan named Ymelo. Curious, as these sunstones were her only link to her lost tribe, Ahri asked the fortune teller more details about Ymelo as the two conversed in her caravan. Offering Ahri tea, Hirin proceeded to tell Ahri what she knew about Ymelo, explaining how he was a master sculptor known for collecting fossilized lizard eggs and carving them into intricate shapes. Ahri's sunstones were a very particular beauty to Hirin, as she explained that his stones were typically built to be small pieces fitting into a larger sculpture.
As the conversation went on, Hirin pulled out a hunting knife and revealed that she slipped a paralysis potion into Ahri's tea, leaving Ahri unable to move or pounce as her limbs completely froze. Hirin sought to cut off one of Ahri's tails, as they are a useful ingredient for her potions and seen as extremely valuable.
Despite being paralyzed, Ahri managed to use her soul-devouring abilities to steal essence from Hirin and make herself strong enough to move again. Enraged, Ahri began to devour Hirin's essence, seeing flashes of her memories and witnessing the hardships she faced in life. Empathizing with the fortune teller, Ahri decided to spare her life, devouring the memories of their encounter and leaving Hirin to forget what just happened. Ahri then left the market with a new lead to follow on her quest; the craftsman Ymelo.[3]
Spirit Blossom Festival[]
At some point, Ahri found more clues about Ymelo that required her to travel to the pirate cityBilgewater. In order to do so however, Ahri realized that she needed a bodyguard to escort her overseas. Travelling toWeh'leduring aSpirit Blossomfestival, Ahri found her self at a local teahouse in search of anybody willing to act as her protecting in Bilgewater.
Overhearing a conversation aboutNoxianwarriors living in the village, Ahri became curious and asked where she can find a mighty warrior like these Noxians to serve as her guard. Paskoma, the teahouse's owner, immediately denied Ahri and refused to allow anybody dangerous to stay in her house, insisting that Ahri leave if she intends to bring in a warrior. Ahri didn't want to stay at a different teahouse and agreed to respect Paskoma's wishes before disappearing into her room.
During the first night of the Spirit Blossom festival, a massive feast was hosted at the teahouse as even Ahri decided to join in on the festivities. During the dinner, Ahri talked with Paskoma's granddaughter Satokka, who mistook Ahri's fox-like appearance as a costume ofthe Gatekeeper; a mythological Ionian spirit known for guiding the dead souls during the festival. The two got in a heated discussed over Ionian culture and mythology, most notably about a spirit namedthe Taker. As Paskoma's spouse Ituren began to serve desert to the teahouse guests, Ahri used hermind altering abilitiesto convince him to let warriors in the teahouse.[4]
At some point, Ahri metYasuo; a lone swordsman in search of a purpose outside of Ionia. They both wanted to find things outside of their homeland, so Ahri managed to persuade Yasuo into accompanying her to Bilgewater, officially hiring him as her bodyguard. Though the two set sail and traveled together, Ahri kept her vastayan nature and identity a secret from Yasuo.[5]
Recent Events[]
Arrival in Bilgewater[]
As the two finally arrived in the pirate city, Ahri traveled to a black market and spoke to one of their vendors. Asking about her tribe, now knowing them as theVesani, Ahri learned that a Vesani sunstone was recently purchased by a member of theJagged Hooksnamed Malik, who was headed towards Grey Harbor. Overtime though, Yasuo grew more frustrated as Ahri refused to explain her mission and reveal her true nature to him. Deciding to search for the pirate tomorrow, the two stayed the night at a local tavern where Yasuo finally deduced Ahri's true nature as a vastaya as she revealed her mission to him. That night, after having a nightmare of her former lover, Ahri feared the same thing would happen to Yasuo and left for Grey Harbor alone, managing to track down and interrogate one of the Jagged Hooks. Here, she discovered that the pirate kingGangplankactually took the sunstone and set off for theShadow Isles.
The Shadow Isles[]
In pursuit of the sunstone, Ahri traveled to the Shadow Isles by herself, leaving her cloak behind in the forst. Here, she encountered and befriended the nature spiritMaokai, who explained his origins as a spirit that once helped theBlessed Islesflourish with life before theRuination of Helia. Searching for Gangplank, Maokai revealed that he actually allied himself with the wicked wraithThresh, using his artifacts to stir the mist and causing it to form impenetrable walls and weaken Maokai by infecting his roots within the Vesani vaults below the isles, who she discovered had traveled to the Blessed Isles long before the Ruination.
Ahri along the rest of the crew of the Charming Lady, consisting of her bodyguard Yasuo,Illaoi, their captainSarah Fortune,PykeandBraum.
Yasuo arrived on the Shadow Isles as part of the crew of the Charming Lady, accompanied byBraum,Illaoi,Pykeand their captainSarah Fortune. The group faced off against a threatened Maokai before Ahri intervened, clearing the air and explaining the situation that Maokai shared with her. As the crew also wanted to find Gangplank, they realized he would most likely be in Thresh's fortress which was being protected by walls of the Black Mist. Ahri planned on heading to one of the Vesani vaults in search of more evidence, but the others insisted on accompanying her to cleanse Maokai's roots to which she reluctantly agreed.
Cleansing Maokai's Roots[]
The crew pushed back the Black Mist infesting the vault while Ahri slowly gained more knowledge and clues about her ancestors, discovering that they had a deep connection to the Shadow Isles and created technology based around preserving memories. Though they managed to cleanse Maokai's roots, he would regain his strength slowly and remained too weak to immediately help clear out the mist. Instead, the group planned to travel to a an undersea temple of theBuhruas Maokai gave Illaoi one of his seeds to be blessed by her godNagakabouros, allowing him to quickly restore his grove and clear out the mist.
After Pyke managed to locate the deep undersea temple and Illaoi convinced the Buhru serpent callers to tame the sea monsters guarding it, the crew traveled into the undersea temple and found a place to purify the seed of the Black Mist and bless it. Ahri, using her powers to aid in the process, nearly lost control of herself due to the Black Mist corruption within the seed before regaining her sanity. With the seed now successfully blessed, the crew sailed back to the Shadow Isles to return it to Maokai.
On their way to Maokai's grove, the crew met an undead shade namedNecrit, revealed to be the former advisor ofViego, the Ruined King ofCamavor. Necrit explains and reveals the true, unknown origins of the Shadow Isles and how it was formed by the broken heart of Viego after the tragic death of his wifeIsolde. Finally, Necrit warned the crew that Thresh's grand plan is to use artifacts of power to reawaken Viego from the mist before bidding them farewell and urging them to stop Thresh's ritual.
Facing Thresh[]
With Maokai reinvigorated by the purified seed, he managed to clear out the walls of mist and expose Thresh's fortress, allowing the crew to enter. Inside Thresh's Library of Agony, Ahri found Thresh's collection of Vesani artifacts, as well as Gangplank's sunstone which she discovered was a vessel used to contain memories. However, the sunstone seemed depleted and drained with only some residual memories of her ancestors. Wishing to examine it more, Ahri took the sunstone for safekeeping. The crew eventually manage to find Thresh and defeat him in battle, returning him to the Black Mist.
Return of the Ruined King[]
Now searching for Gangplank, the crew travelled to the heart of the Shadow Isles hoping to stop him but arrive too late, as Gangplank has already reawakened Viego. Though he attempted to capture Viego within a Buhru artifact, he fails and becomespossessedby the Ruined King as he flies towards Bilgewater alongside a violentHarrowingin search of hisdead wife's crown. Forced to fight the crew under Viego's control, Gangplank was defeated and imprisoned on Sarah Fortune's ship. Meanwhile, Ahri managed to sense something lingering in the Black Mist and receieved visions of Viego's discarded memories, seeing the negative parts of his marriage and learning the truth; that his love for his wife was not as pure as he tells himself.
In order to pursue Viego, Yasuo volunteered to channel the wind into the sails and Ahri empowered him with her own magic. While Illaoi interrogates Gangplank for a way to defeat Viego, he reveals that the discarded memories discovered by Ahri would most likely be capable of weakening Viego enough to be defeated. Though they managed to reach Viego, he sends out a gale of Black Mist, shipwrecking the crew on a mysterious island with mystical winds. Here, Yasuo became haunted by visions of his past and confronted a shadow resembling hisdead brother. Seeing Yasuo's past play in action, Ahri began to empathize with him and shared her own grief over her dead lover, allowing him to defeat the shadow and overcome his past. The ship is eventually repaired, allowing them to make it back to Bilgewater in time to prepare them for Viego's Harrowing.
The Vesani Vault[]
The crew make a plan to have Ahri weaken Viego with his own discarded memories and imprison him within Gangplank's Buhru amulet, but it had been corrupted and damaged in the fight. Learning about an ancient Buhru forge located underneath the Shadow Isles, the crew plan to take the amulet there to have it repaired. Once they land at the Shadow Isles, they are once again confronted by Necrit, who revealed that the forge is located inside a Vesani vault with more evidence of Ahri's ancestors. Inside the vault, Ahri channeled the memories within her twin sunstones and learned that her people were a nomadic tribe of vastaya that specialized in studying magic relating to memories. Their nomadic lifestyle brought them to the Blessed Isles, where they became allies with the city of Helia and began to study the ethereal Hallowed Mist that once protected the isles, learning to harness its power to enchant golems, technologies and other artifacts such as Ahri's sunstones. The Vesani however became victims of the terribleRuination of Heliathat ultimately created the Shadow Isles.
After finding a facility capable of transferring memories into sunstones, Ahri planned to transfer all the research preserved by her Vesani ancestors into a sunstone and finally achieve the answers she had been looking for. However, she is eventually forced to make a decision; should she use the sunstone as a vessel to hold the memories of her people or to house Viego's discarded memories as a means to weaken him? Ahri, knowing what's at stake for the world, chose to store Viego's memories, causing the memories of her ancestors to fade away. Despairing over the loss, Ahri was suddenly faced with a memory of her dead lover, who forgave her for what she did. He explained that her memories will always be with her, but that it's more important to allow yourself to create new memories rather than dwell on old ones. He urges Ahri to keep fighting and to help save the world before finally fading away as Ahri thanks him for the closure.
As the crew managed to find the Buhru forge underneath the vault, Ahri joined the rest of the group as they bore their souls before Nagakabouros herself, battling the goddess's avatar and being found worthy of her help as the goddess cleanses the amulet.
Battle Against Viego[]
Now back at Bilgewater, the crew finally battled the Ruined King while Ahri, wielding the sunstone containing his discarded memories, used her magic to weaken Viego, forcing him to remember the twisted parts of his love for Isolde. Once beaten, Ahri hit him with more of his memories, forcing him to relive his death when an angered wraith of Isolde killed him at the Blessed Isles. While distracted, Sarah Fortune used the opportunity to imprison Viego within the amulet. Though he nearly corrupted her soul and tempted her to follow him in the process, she was ultimately successful as the Ruined King was finally banished.
With the battle over, Ahri celebrated with her new friends at the Baron's Rest tavern, where each member of the group talked about their future plans now that Viego had been defeated. Ahri revealed that she plans on returning to the Shadow Isles, wishing to see what else she can learn from her ancestors and dedicating herself to living in their footsteps by bringing life and new memories to the world.[6]
Ahri is an attractive femaleVesaniof medium stature with pale skin and long black hair down to her back tied in a braid with two long strands sticking out on the sides in her face. Her eyes are golden yellow with slit-shaped pupils and her cheeks have red, whisker-like marks on them. Due to her vastayan nature, she has black fox ears atop her head, long claws for nails and nine white fox tails. She usually wears a white dress with red and gold details as well as trinkets such as three purple tassels.
At times, usually when hiding her vastayan nature among society to stop from unwanted attention, Ahri wears a giant white hooded cloak to shield not only her face but also her nine white tails.
Ahri started out as very savage and impulsive, growing up in the wilds away from civilization and becoming obsessed with consuming the spiritual essence of mortals. As she devoured more souls, she began to feel the emotions of her victims and became more empathetic and reluctant to continue her hunts. After the death of her lover, Ahri became consumed with regret and guilt, completely ashamed of herVesaninature and distancing herself completely from society, only ever interacting with people to feast on their essence and sate her hunger. Ahri's pain grew so large that she simply wanted to forget all the painful memories, but ultimately decided that these memories were too valuable to let go of learned to carry her memories with her, no matter how painful they are.
Though deceivingly old and wise with the knowledge of the many memories she had consumed over the years, Ahri carries a youthful demeanor with a witty, mischievous and even flirty attitude. Although she remains somewhat moody and impulsive, sometimes losing control of her ravenous hunger, she has become incredibly empathetic with her abilities to consume emotions, even empathizing with those that would wish her harm. After choosing to cleanse the memories of her ancestors from her sunstones, Ahri found closure with her past and now lives to uphold the wisdoms of the Vesani by looking towards the future and allowing herself to make new memories instead of dwelling on her old ones.
• Vastayan Physiology:Ahri is a vastaya, an ancient race of demi-humans changed by magic of theSpirit Realm. This connection to the Spirit Realm has increased their longevity and granted them powerful magics, allowing them to live for centuries. Ahri is a member of the Vesani tribe of vastaya; vulpine vastaya that resemble snow foxes.Enhanced Speed:Because of Ahri's foxlike features, she is naturally faster and more agile than an average human. Along with that, Ahri can channel spirit magic into herself to enhance her reflexes and even allow her to fly swiftly in the air.Sharp Claws:Ahri's nails are incredibly sharp and capable of scratching thanks to her Vesani nature.Soul Feeding:The Vesani have the ability to absorb the spiritual essence of others, which includes one's memories, emotions and their very life force. When Ahri does this, she experiences these emotions and memories as if they were her own, feeding a ravenous hunger she has for human experiences. Though she used to lose control of her hunger for spiritual essence, she has grown more in tune with her nature and has learned to control it.Spirit Magic: Ahri has a powerful connection to the Spirit Realm, allowing her to sense things within it and manipulate its energies to an extent. She can use this energy in a variety of ways, such as communing withSpiritsor empowering the spiritual magic of allies.Spirit Fire Manipulation:Ahri can condense raw spiritual energy into different shapes, particularly in the form of magical blue flames. Ahri can send out these flames to damage enemies or condense them into apowerful orbthat she uses as a weapon.Mind Manipulation:Ahri has the ability to manipulate the minds of others by accessing their emotions through the Spirit Realm. With this, she can hypnotize others into following her commands or lure them to her with her charms. Along with that, Ahri can connect to the minds of others and sense their emotions.
• Enhanced Speed:Because of Ahri's foxlike features, she is naturally faster and more agile than an average human. Along with that, Ahri can channel spirit magic into herself to enhance her reflexes and even allow her to fly swiftly in the air.
• Sharp Claws:Ahri's nails are incredibly sharp and capable of scratching thanks to her Vesani nature.
• Soul Feeding:The Vesani have the ability to absorb the spiritual essence of others, which includes one's memories, emotions and their very life force. When Ahri does this, she experiences these emotions and memories as if they were her own, feeding a ravenous hunger she has for human experiences. Though she used to lose control of her hunger for spiritual essence, she has grown more in tune with her nature and has learned to control it.
• Spirit Magic: Ahri has a powerful connection to the Spirit Realm, allowing her to sense things within it and manipulate its energies to an extent. She can use this energy in a variety of ways, such as communing withSpiritsor empowering the spiritual magic of allies.Spirit Fire Manipulation:Ahri can condense raw spiritual energy into different shapes, particularly in the form of magical blue flames. Ahri can send out these flames to damage enemies or condense them into apowerful orbthat she uses as a weapon.Mind Manipulation:Ahri has the ability to manipulate the minds of others by accessing their emotions through the Spirit Realm. With this, she can hypnotize others into following her commands or lure them to her with her charms. Along with that, Ahri can connect to the minds of others and sense their emotions.
• Spirit Fire Manipulation:Ahri can condense raw spiritual energy into different shapes, particularly in the form of magical blue flames. Ahri can send out these flames to damage enemies or condense them into apowerful orbthat she uses as a weapon.
• Mind Manipulation:Ahri has the ability to manipulate the minds of others by accessing their emotions through the Spirit Realm. With this, she can hypnotize others into following her commands or lure them to her with her charms. Along with that, Ahri can connect to the minds of others and sense their emotions.
Since childhood, Ahri has observed human civilization from afar until she encountered a hunter dying from a stray arrow. Curiously sensing his fading life force, Ahri got her first taste of spiritual essence and absorbed the man's memories, gaining all his knowledge and experiences. Since then, Ahri hunted down human prey for years, drunkenly drinking their essence and learning to manipulate them with her charms.
She slowly felt a sense of regret as she grew empathetic from absorbing human emotions, eventually seeing how they perceived her as a monstrous fox demon. Despite this, Ahri accepted her monstrous nature and continued to feast on human essence. It wasn't until she met her first and only love, a human artist, that she began to feel true sympathy for humans and decided to completely Now, after befriendingYasuoand the rest ofSarah Fortune'screw, she feels a deep sense of empathy and sympathy or her prey, sparing them from her hunger by learning to control it.
Dead Lover[]
Years ago, Ahri fell in love with a human artist who remains as her first and only true love. Unlike the rest of Ahri's prey, the artist was the first person to willingly offer his essence to Ahri in exchange for her love, to which she agreed. From there, she felt true happiness for the first time as the two would often lay in a lake at the edge of Ionia. Unfortunately, Ahri lost control of her hunger one day and accidentally drained her lover completely, thoroughly killing him.
For years Ahri lived in constant regret over the death of her lover and attempted to remove the memories of him entirely at theGarden of Forgetting. In the process though, Ahri realized that her memories of her lover were too valuable to simply let go of and decided to live with them, no matter how painful it is to remember.
Ahri finally found closure with the death of her lover when she cleansed the memories of her ancestors from the sunstones at theBuhruforge. In the process of this, Ahri sorrowed over the loss of the memories of her ancestors but was confronted with a memory of her lover, who urged Ahri to fight for the future and told her to live life to create new memories instead of dwelling on her old ones. This interaction defined Ahri, allowing her to live as she does now, as a protector of life in the same vein as her Vesani ancestors.
Hirin was a fortune teller that Ahri encountered in anIonianmarket during her search for clues about her long-lost vastayan tribe. The fortune teller recognized Ahri's mysterious set of twin sunstones as the work of Ymelo, which intrigued Ahri as she agreed to enter her caravan for tea and to discuss more about her stones. Hirin revealed everything she knew about Ymelo to Ahri, before pulling out a hunting knife and revealing that she had put a paralysis potion in Ahri's cup of tea. Wishing to cut off one of her tails as an ingredient for her potions, Ahri managed to absorb enough of Hirin's essence to regain her strength and defend herself. Though she was furious at the betrayal, she looked into Hirin's memories and hardships in life, deciding to spare her life and leaving her without any memory of their encounter, essentially making her forget Ahri completely.
The Gardener[]
The Gardener is the mysterious caretaker of theGarden of Forgetting, also known asIghilyaby Ahri. The Gardener seems to be a person with some magical affinity rumored to be a witch of some sorts and offered Ahri guidance when she arrived to the garden with regret and sorrows over her dead lover. Though Ahri desperately begged the Gardener to help her forget these painful memories, she was reluctant to help her and urged her to live life with the pain and attempting to convince her that forgetting is much worse than living with the pain. As Ahri was in the process of feeding her memories to a snow lily given to her by the Gardener, she finally took her advice and refused to forget, believing that her memories of her lover were too valuable to forget. When the garden attempted to trap Ahri for interrupting the process, the Gardener quietly warned Ahri to leave before it was too late, allowing her to escape.
Ymelo is the famed sculptor said to have created Ahri's twin sunstones as well as many others. Though who his true origins are unknown, he's famed across the world for his ability to carve ancient fossilized eggs into intricate shapes and often creates small artifacts as pieces of larger sculptors. After learning of Ymelo, Ahri found clues leading her to Bilgewater, where she confronted a vendor at a black market and tried finding another of his sculptors, which the vendor sold to Malik of theJagged Hooks.
The Vesani are Ahri's long-lost vastayan tribe. Since her childhood, Ahri was completely unaware of their existence and lived lost and | Name: Essence Theft, Description: Innate: Ahri generates a stack of Essence Fragment whenever she kills a minion or monster . At 9 stacks, she consumes them to heal herself for 35 − 95 (based on level) (+ 20% AP) . Additionally, whenever Ahri scores a champion takedown within 3 seconds of damaging them, she consumes their essence to heal herself for 75 − 165 (based on level) (+ 30% AP) ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'No additional details.']} | Name: Orb of Deception, Description: Active: Ahri sends her orb in the target direction that deals magic damage to enemies hit. At maximum range, the orb homes back to her to deal the same in true damage to enemies hit. Damage Per Pass: 40 / 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 (+ 45% AP) Total Mixed Damage: 80 / 130 / 180 / 230 / 280 (+ 90% AP) Enemies can be hit only once per pass., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic/True', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', "Orb of Deceptionwill hit additional units around the return point in a small circle when the orb turns around.This applies both to the initial and return missile's damage, but the initial missile only deals damage if the unit was not hit by it already.", "This applies both to the initial and return missile's damage, but the initial missile only deals damage if the unit was not hit by it already.", 'Each pass of the projectile can only damage an enemy once.', 'IfAhridies while the orb is out, the orb will visually disappear but continue to deal damage and return toAhri.(bug)', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.']} | Name: Fox-Fire, Description: Active: Ahri gains 40% bonus movement speed that decays over 2 seconds and conjures three flames which orbit her clockwise for up to 2. 5 seconds. After 0. 25 seconds, each flame targets a visible enemy, or after 0. 4 seconds targets the closest visible enemy in range, dealing magic damage . The damage is doubled against minions below 20% maximum health . Magic Damage: 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 (+ 30% AP) Increased Minion Damage: 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 / 300 (+ 60% AP) Subsequent flames on a single target deal 30% damage. Additional Magic Damage: 15 / 22. 5 / 30 / 37. 5 / 45 (+ 9% AP) Total Single Target Damage: 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 (+ 48% AP) Flames prioritize enemy champions hit by Charm , then enemy champions , then minions that would die to Fox-Fire's damage, and then the target of Ahri's last basic attack within 3 seconds., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'Each missile ofFox-Firehas its own shorter non-priority range.', 'Any unusedFox-Fireswill fizzle upon death.']} | Name: Charm, Description: Active: Ahri blows forth a kiss in the target direction that deals magic damage to the first enemy hit, knocking them down and charming and slowing them by 65% for a duration. Magic Damage: 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200 (+ 60% AP) Disable Duration: 1. 2 / 1. 4 / 1. 6 / 1. 8 / 2, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'Charmis able toslowtargets otherwiseimmune to slowsuponcharmingthem.(bug)', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.']} | Name: Spirit Rush, Description: Active: Ahri dashes to the target location and then fires essence bolts to up to 3 nearby visible enemies, each dealing magic damage . Spirit Rush can be recast twice more within 15 seconds of the activation at no additional cost, with a 1-second static cooldown between casts. Consuming a champion's essence with Essence Theft while Spirit Rush is active extends the recast duration by and up to 10 seconds, and grants an additional recast, storing up to 3 recasts at a time. Magic Damage: 60 / 90 / 120 (+ 35% AP) Recast: Ahri mimics the first cast's effects. Spirit Rush's recast duration will persist even after having used all recasts. Fox-Fire can be cast during the dash. Spirit Rush will cast at max range if cast beyond that., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', "Each cast counts as an ability activation for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.", 'Spirit Rushusesquick castby default.', "There's a slight delay before a champion gains vision of the fog of war once inside it. Because of this, ifAhridashes into it, it is possible thatSpirit Rushwill not target any enemy in range.", 'The bolts do not fire ifAhridies whiledashing, unless she was saved byresurrection.The bolts will fire if the dash isinterruptedby other means.', 'The bolts will fire if the dash isinterruptedby other means.']} | Ahri's dance references “RunDevilRun” byGirls' Generation.
The first icon forSpirit Rush'sdisplays Ahri without fox ears, which harkens to the time she didn't have them.
Some of her older models, such asOriginal AhriandMidnight Ahri, lack whiskers ingame.
Ahri아리could've been shortened from '아리땁다'Arittabda, from stative verbal stemaritta(b)-"be beautiful" & verbal suffix-da.
For "The most visually appealing champion in League", Ahri's visual appeal is statistically ranked 1st among men, and 2nd among women (second toJinx).[2]
Ahri's Series 1Eternalsmake the following references:LDRrefernces theeponymous acronymthat stands for "long-distance relationship" and the large distance covered fromSpirit Rush'smultiple dashes.On the Reboundreferences theeponymous phraseassociated with unhappy relationships and the literal rebound ofOrb of Deception'sprojectile. |
Akali,the Rogue Assassin,Akali Jhomen Tethi | | | health: Health570+119, resource: Energy200+0, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)9+0.9, resource regen: Energy regen. (per 5s)50, armor: Armor23+4.7, attack damage: Attack damage62+3.3, attack speed: Base AS0.625, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius100, release: 2010-05-11, changed: V13.16, role: Assassin, position: TopMiddle, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 3150|790 | Games
AkaliMainArmoredDisguiseTitlesReal nameAkali Jhomen TethiNickname(s)Little LeafAlias(es)The Rogue AssassinThe Fist of ShadowCharacteristicsSpeciesHumanPronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:977 ANWeapon(s)KamaKunaiShurikenSmoke BombPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originTemple of Thanjuul,IoniaCurrent residenceIonia(No Fixed Abode)FamilyTahno Jhomen Tethi†(Father)Mayym Jhomen Tethi(Mother)Professional statusOccupation(s)Kinkou OrderLeaderVigilanteRegion(s)IoniaFaction(s)Kinkou OrderRelated character(s)KennenShenZedKaynJhinIreliaSionYasuoKarma
• Main
• Armored
• Disguise
Real name
• Little Leaf
• The Rogue Assassin
• The Fist of Shadow
• Born:977 AN
• Kama
• Kunai
• Shuriken
• Smoke Bomb
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Tahno Jhomen Tethi†(Father)
• Mayym Jhomen Tethi(Mother)
Professional status
• Kinkou OrderLeader
• Vigilante
Related character(s)
Abandoning theKinkou Orderand her title of the Fist of Shadow,Akalinow strikes alone, ready to be the deadly weapon her people need. Though she holds onto all she learned from her master Shen, she has pledged to defendIoniafrom its enemies, one kill at a time. Akali may strike in silence, but her message will be heard loud and clear: fear the assassin with no master.
• 1Background1.1Early Life1.1.1Shadow Order Attack1.1.2Rebuilding the Kinkou Order1.1.3Encounter with the Navori Brotherhood1.1.4Becoming the Fist of Shadow1.1.5Leaving the Kinkou Order1.2Modern History1.2.1The Councilman in Weh'le1.2.2Reunion with Shen1.2.3Search for Zed1.2.4Capturing Khada Jhin1.2.5The Second Noxian Invasion
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Kinkou Order5.2Zed5.3Kayn5.4Jhin5.5Irelia,Karma&Yasuo
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early Life1.1.1Shadow Order Attack1.1.2Rebuilding the Kinkou Order1.1.3Encounter with the Navori Brotherhood1.1.4Becoming the Fist of Shadow1.1.5Leaving the Kinkou Order
• 1.2Modern History1.2.1The Councilman in Weh'le1.2.2Reunion with Shen1.2.3Search for Zed1.2.4Capturing Khada Jhin1.2.5The Second Noxian Invasion
• 1.1.1Shadow Order Attack
• 1.1.2Rebuilding the Kinkou Order
• 1.1.3Encounter with the Navori Brotherhood
• 1.1.4Becoming the Fist of Shadow
• 1.1.5Leaving the Kinkou Order
• 1.2.1The Councilman in Weh'le
• 1.2.2Reunion with Shen
• 1.2.3Search for Zed
• 1.2.4Capturing Khada Jhin
• 1.2.5The Second Noxian Invasion
• 5.1Kinkou Order
• 5.2Zed
• 5.3Kayn
• 5.4Jhin
• 5.5Irelia,Karma&Yasuo
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early Life[]
Akali was born within theKinkou Order, daughter to Tahno and Maymm Jhomen Tethi. Maymm was the renownedFist of Shadowand one of the Kinkou leaders in charge of preserving the delicatespiritualbalance ofIonia. As a child, Akali's parents would often be called off on their duties, leaving her under the care of other Kinkou masters such asMaster KushoorKennen. When in the care of Kennen, Akali would be taught many shuriken techniques and honed her skills in speed and agility. Being a prodigy, Akali showed great promise as a member of the Kinkou Order and woult often train alongside Master Kusho's son and appointed successorShen.
Shadow Order Attack[]
During theNoxian Invasion of Ionia, Master Kusho's adopted son and former studentZedreturned to the order after having left to participate in the war. With an army of his own followers, Zed planned to enact a violent takeover of the Kinkou Order and seemingly killed Master Kusho, transforming the Kinkou into theShadow Order. Zed and his acolytes proceeded to kill the remaining Kinkou, including Akali's father Tahno. Luckily, Akali fled to a long-abandoned temple in the eastern mountains alongside a small group of other Kinkou consisting of her mother Maymm, Kennen and the newEye of Twilight, Shen.
Rebuilding the Kinkou Order[]
In the mountains, Shen began rebuilding the Kinkou Order by returning to its three fundamental philosophes: the pure impartiality ofWatching the Stars, the passage of judgment inCoursing the Sun, and the elimination of imbalance byPruning the Tree.As Fist of Shadow, Maymm's duty was in Pruning the Tree, training Akali and several other neophytes to become assassins that would kill those that would threaten the balance. By the age of nine, Akali became close friends with another neophyte name Faey, Maymm's young apprentice and possible successor. Though Akali was skilled, she was often impatient and rambunctious, often causing trouble for Faey and the neophytes due to being the youngest of them.
Encounter with the Navori Brotherhood[]
Akali's friend and fellow neophyte Faey, firing arrows and attempting to free her friends.
While training and playing games, Akali and the rest of the neophytes encountered a band of warriors from theNavori Brotherhood, an Ionian nationalist faction formed in the aftermath of the Noxian invasion currently searching for people to forcefully recruit into their army. Akali and the group of neophytes hid in the trees, not wanting to lead the brotherhood back to their Kinkou temple. Using a variety of tricks and traps, they managed to scare the warriors away by convincing them that the forest was cursed.
In the process, the group accidentally angered a corrupted nature spirit that began rampaging and entrapping the neophytes in vines. Faey quickly tried freeing them while Akali helped, against Faey's orders, by hastily running circles around the spirit, distracting it. While Akali dragged some of the neophytes to safety, Faey was suddenly struck by the spirit and fell to the ground, becoming gravely injured and breaking her leg. At that moment, Maymm, Shen and Kennen arrived just in time to dispel the spirit and save the children.
Back at the temple, Akali was praised by her fellow students for her speed in saving them. When Faey woke up, she realized the severity of her injuries as she was missing a leg and unable to walk. When Akali tried to comfort her, Faey snapped at Akali, blaming her and angered by the fact that she disobeyed her orders. Hearing her distrss, Maymm enetered the room and comforted Faey, vowing to find a way to heal Faey's leg and allow her to walk again so she can fight alongside her as her apprentice once again. Akali, overhearing the conversation, saw the kindness Maymm harbored for Faey and tearfully walked off.[1]
Becoming the Fist of Shadow[]
At the age of fourteen, Akali formally entered her Kinkou training, determined to eventually succeed her mother in becoming the new Fist of Shadow. Though she possessed no magical talents like the other acolytes who would fill her role, she proved her worth of the title by sheer skill. Soon, Maymm stepped down from her role as Fist of Shadow and focused on mentoring the other neophytes, officially granting Akali the title as her successor.
Leaving the Kinkou Order[]
As the Noxian Invasion ended and the Shadow Order reached an uneasy accord with the Kinkou, Akali slowly saw the suffering her people still endured. She began to question her purpose as the Fist of Shadow and whether or not she was truly fulfilling her duties inPruning the Tree. Shen would constantly urge restraint, teaching her meditation techniques and mantras to tame her spirit. However, Akali believed Shen was holding her back, constantly arguing and defying him as she took down Ionia's enemies in her own way.
Finally growing sick of Shen's views on Ionia's balance, Akali insulted the entire order by declaring their impotence, claiming their lack of action in favor of spiritual balance has lead to more Ionians suffering in the Material Realm. Akali officially left order, discarding her title as Fist of Shadow, while Shen let her go without arguing. Shen believed that this was a path that Akali must walk alone with hopes of her returning to the order one day, though he knows that is a decision only she can make herself.
Modern History[]
Now living as an independent assassin, free from the restraints of the Kinkou Order's teachings, Akali lived as a vigilante, traversing the urban underground of Ionia and killing those that cause her people harm.
The Councilman in Weh'le[]
In the coastal village ofWeh'le, a hidden phantom port with mystical properties, Akali went on a mission to assassinate a councilman fromPuboewho had sold out his own people to Noxian invaders in exchange for gold and safe passage through. She visited her tattoo artist Bo'lii, avastayanartist who ran a tavern in the port. While drawing a tattoo of a dragon on her back, the Puboe councilman walked into Bo'lii's tavern accompanied by three guards. Akali planned to kill them on the spot, but Bo'lii urged her to do her business outside of his tavern this time, to which she agreed. Once outside, Akali approached and killed the councilman's guards by hiding in asmoke cloudand firing severalkunaisbefore finally killing the councilman himself.[2]
Reunion with Shen[]
Despite being an independent assassin and having left the Kinkou Order, Akali still retained a close relationship with Shen, who continued acting as her mentor. One day, the two came across a Noxian boy in theNavoriprovince cutting wood from aGuardian Tree. While Akali plans to punish the Noxian with brute force, Shen suggests she finds a different approach. As the Noxian loaded up his cart, Akali arrived and broke the wagon's wheels with her shuriken, discovering that the Noxian is actually a young boy to Akali's surprise.
As the sap of the Guardian Tree began to flow into a shrine, it awoke its protector; a large stone guardian that slowly walked towards the Noxian boy. By granting Akali his ability to see into theSpirit Realm, he revealed to Akali that the protector was powered by the anger of the forest, seeking to restore balance and avenge the Guardian Tree by killing the Noxian boy. Against Shen's wishes, Akali rushed forward and attacked the protector with little to no effect. While trying to lift the wagon off of the Noxian boy, Akali realized that the only way to restore the balance is if the boy planted a new tree in its place. By taking a seed from a nearby branch, Akali had the boy plant the seed into the ground before Shen used his spiritual powers to instantly grow the seed into a sapling, taming the stone protector. Lifting the wagon off of the boy, Akali gave him a warning not to harm the land as Shen used his powers to grow the sapling into an even larger Guardian Tree, wrapping itself around the shrine guardian.[3]
Search for Zed[]
InZhyun, Akali got word that Zed recently assassinated the Kinkou master Althon, a cousin of Shen. Finding Shen in the Olgathee Forest killing corrupted spirits, Akali told him the news about master Althon, stating that she knows the town that Zed is staying in and suggesting she and Shen go confront him, which he reluctantly agrees to.[4]
Once at a tavern inThonx, the two found out from the innkeeper that Zed had already left and attacked a blossom festival before heading north toShual. Akali suggested they follow him, but Shen stated that he had to travel south to slay demons that have been terrorizing a village. Akali tried to convince Shen to follow her to Shual, but Shen remained dedicated to his duties as the Eye of Twilight, urging his former student not to chase Zed alone. Akali, disregarding Shen's warning, took a boat and sailed down the quickest route to Shual.[5]
Akali at aKinkoutemple confronting members of theShadow Order, includingShieda Kayn.
Travelling to an inn near the Kinkou temple of Koeshin, Akali found a group of Zed's acolytes disguised as Kinkou, including Zed's apprenticeShieda Kayn. Kayn told Akali that their masters were inside the inn while Akali threatened them by calling a group of Kinkou warriors to defend the temple. Zed then exited the inn followed by Shen, who ordered Akali to let the Shadow Order walk free since Zed declared theCode of Tuonn,an honorable call for temporary peace that allows them to let each other walk free without combat. Akali however wasn't satisfied with just letting Zed go and dashed in to kill him anyway, which Zed easily avoided byshadow shiftingaway while the rest of his acolytes quickly fled the Kinkou temple. Angered by Akali's recklessness, Shen told her never to fight Zed and that he'll fight him alone in the future, officially declaring that the armistice between the Shadow Order and the Kinkou has ended.
Shen eventually revealed to Akali what transpired in the inn; Zed came to warn Shen that the serial killerKhada Jhinhad escaped and that he seeks to bring him back to prison. Though Zed wanted to ally with Shen and capture Jhin, Shen refused and insisted on catching Jhin on his own without the help of the Shadow Order, declaring that if he sees Zed interfere then he'll personally kill him and finally settle their scores.
Capturing Khada Jhin[]
Akali followed Shen as he investigated a trail of intricate clues in search of the murderer Khada Jhin. Shen's investigation eventually lead him to believe that Jhin was working with theKashuri faction, a radical nationalist group with ties to the Navori Brotherhood. This trail lead Shen toNanthee, believing that the village elder was a potential target of Jhin's murder spree. Once at the scene of the crime, Shen stopped Akali from looking at the corpses, stating that she simply isn't ready to see the horrors that Jhin committed.[6][7]
Eventually, Jhin's traps activated as dozens of bombs hidden in lanterns across Nanthee began exploding, killing many and causing massive damage to the city. Akali, noticing the explosion from afar, vows to kill Jhin for what he'd done. Noticing a small ship in the distance and deducing that that's where Jhin was escaping, Akali demanded to know where it was headed, learning that it was headed to thePiltover.
Deciding to follow Jhin's trail alone, Akali set sail and eventually landed in Piltover. On her search for Jhin, Akali questioned and interrogated many of the locals, which lead her to the undercity ofZaun. In Zaun, she learned that Jhin had been attacking Piltover merchant clans that did business in exporting weapons to Ionia. By questioning the Piltover enforcers, Akali found herself at a theater in the Zaunite neighborhood of Mistfloor, where Jhin was said to have battled with the Ferros clan and theirintelligencer agent.[8]
At the theater, Jhin revealed an elaborate trap for Akali, wishing to make her the fourth victim in his disturbing art piece as three piltovans hung from Ionian trees strapped to machines. These machines began firing harpoons at Akali, who narrowly dodged them by tossing asmoke bombbefore being hit unconscious by an explosive blast created byJhin's rifle.[9]
Jhin, having anticipated Zed and Shen's arrivals, set a trap by tying Akali up in a tree near a decoy of his. While Jhin tried to kill the two of them with Zaunite machinery, Zed managed to toss ashurikenat Akali, cutting her rope and freeing her from Jhin's trap. While Jhin was ready to fire a shot into Shen's head, Akali burst out of the smoke and punched Jhin to the ground, grabbing his gun and preparing to kill him for his crimes while Shen pleaded for her not to as he needed to bring Jhin to Ionia alive. Before she could kill him, Zed pushed her aside and grabbed Jhin, demanding he tell him how he got out of prison. Jhin simply replied with cryptic riddles, stating that Zed alreadyknewwho freed him before Zed threw Jhin to Shen and Akali's feet, stating that their bargain is done as he quickly fled Zaun.[10]
The Second Noxian Invasion[]
Akali joining the effort to defendIoniafromNoxusalongsideIrelia,Kennen,KarmaandYasuo.
At some point, Noxus began a second incursion of Ionia, sending massive armies accompanied by theundeadjuggernautSion. When the Ionian war heroIreliabegan a resistance, she requested aid at a seaside village and received assistance from Kinkou members lead byAkaliandKennen, the spiritual leaderKarmaand the lone wandererYasuo. During the defense against the Noxian army, Akali targeted Sion and struck him with her kama and smoke bombs before joining Irelia and the rest of the champions in a final charge against the Noxians.[8]
Akali is a slender but muscular woman with light skin and red-brown eyes. Her thick black hair is often tussled, tied back in a large, messy bun which flares in every direction. She also has a tattoo of a pale blue dragon among white clouds swirling around her arms and across the backs of her shoulders.
Her typical professional attire is various shades of green with brown leather highlights. She wears baggy pants, a crop top, tabi, and a cloth mask that covers her lower face.
Akali is impatient, explosive and determined, preferring to leave the Kinkou Order rather than betray her own ideals and not fight for his people. It is notable that, despite this, she is still loyal to Ionia, being able to do anything, even to become a murderer, to protect the First Lands and her home.
• Assassin Combat Mastery:Akali was trained in the Kinkou Order to be the nextFist of Shadow,the head assassin of the order. Because of this, she is an expert in assassination and stealth combat, capable of knowing how to strike a perfect killing blow from the shadows and get out of danger by hiding in hersmoke shroud.Agility:As an expert assassin, Akali is incredibly agile with a talent in acrobatics and running. Since childhood, Akali has had an exceptional running speed.Weapon Mastery:As part of her training as an assassin, Akali has learned to masterfully wield a large variety of weapons, learning how to use and specialize each one to kill any target.Kama Proficiency:Akali is most comfortable using her kama, a short sickle-like blade she can use to strike enemies. In the past, Akali wieldeddual kamasbut has resorted to using a singular, specialized kama that is connected to a rope, allowing Akali to detach it from its handle and swing it at further distances.Kunai Proficiency:Akali utilizes a collection of kunai daggers, small blades that she can use to either stab up close or toss at a distance. Akali has learned a technique to toss five kunais at the same time, dealing massive damage in a wider area.Shuriken Proficiency:Akali was taught how to use a shuriken byKennen, a Kinkou master most known for wielding shurikens. Training with Kennen has taught Akali how to toss a shuriken from a far distance with great accuracy.
• Agility:As an expert assassin, Akali is incredibly agile with a talent in acrobatics and running. Since childhood, Akali has had an exceptional running speed.
• Weapon Mastery:As part of her training as an assassin, Akali has learned to masterfully wield a large variety of weapons, learning how to use and specialize each one to kill any target.Kama Proficiency:Akali is most comfortable using her kama, a short sickle-like blade she can use to strike enemies. In the past, Akali wieldeddual kamasbut has resorted to using a singular, specialized kama that is connected to a rope, allowing Akali to detach it from its handle and swing it at further distances.Kunai Proficiency:Akali utilizes a collection of kunai daggers, small blades that she can use to either stab up close or toss at a distance. Akali has learned a technique to toss five kunais at the same time, dealing massive damage in a wider area.Shuriken Proficiency:Akali was taught how to use a shuriken byKennen, a Kinkou master most known for wielding shurikens. Training with Kennen has taught Akali how to toss a shuriken from a far distance with great accuracy.
• Kama Proficiency:Akali is most comfortable using her kama, a short sickle-like blade she can use to strike enemies. In the past, Akali wieldeddual kamasbut has resorted to using a singular, specialized kama that is connected to a rope, allowing Akali to detach it from its handle and swing it at further distances.
• Kunai Proficiency:Akali utilizes a collection of kunai daggers, small blades that she can use to either stab up close or toss at a distance. Akali has learned a technique to toss five kunais at the same time, dealing massive damage in a wider area.
• Shuriken Proficiency:Akali was taught how to use a shuriken byKennen, a Kinkou master most known for wielding shurikens. Training with Kennen has taught Akali how to toss a shuriken from a far distance with great accuracy.
Kinkou Order[]
Akali is currently a ninja gone rogue from theKinkou Order. Although still part of it, she operates outside of its rules and regulations.[11]She andShenparted on neutral terms. Neither hates the other but both disapprove of the other's methods.[12]While growing up in the Kinkou,Kennentrained her and helped her refine her shuriken techniques.
Zedmight attempt to recruit her for his Order of Shadows. Akali; however, wants him dead since many Kinkou members including her father Tahno were killed by him and his order.
Akali andKaynknow each other. He has tried to flirt with her multiple times and Akali finds him hot but too crazy for her taste.
Akali temporarily teamed up withShento track downJhinafter they were informed of his escape. She later pursued Jhin toPiltover-Zaunand got captured by him, but was later saved with the help ofShenandZed.
In the secondNoxianinvasion ofIonia,Irelia'scall for help to defend a seaside village from the Noxian army includingSionwas met by Akali,Karma,KennenandYasuowhose arrival turned the tide of the battle.
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Zed: Issue 5
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Zed: Issue 6
ByOdin Austin Shafer,Edgar Salazar,Lorenzo Ruggiero,Chris O'Halloran
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Music Video
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Journal of Justice
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Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
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Music Video
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Sharp: Issue 1
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The Siren's Call
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Twin Stars
ByCat Cheresh
Akali could see the stars.
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Academy Adventures: Series 1
ByGutter Rat
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ByGutter Rat
Harmonies: Issue 3
ByMichael Yichao
A true fan follows the elusive Evelynn's career, leading to a chance encounter that changes everything.
Music Video
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Reaching the peak takes more than skill. Only those with the ambition to RISE above all others will know its height.
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Akali,Ashe,Braum,Darius,Ekko,Ezreal,Fiora,Garen,Gnar,Jarvan IV,Jax,Jinx,Kalista,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Leona,Lux,Master Yi,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Riven,Ryze,Sejuani,Swain,Taliyah,Thresh,Tryndamere,Vayne,Xayah,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs
Short Story
Riot's virtual artist HEARTSTE | Name: Assassin's Mark, Description: Innate: When Akali damages an enemy champion with an ability , she creates a ring around them for 4 seconds, refreshing on subsequent damaging abilities against champions. For 2 seconds, she gains 30 / 40 / 50 / 60% (based on level) bonus movement speed while moving away from the center of the ring. Only one ring may be active at a time. When Akali exits the ring, for 2 seconds, she regains the bonus movement speed while facing nearby enemy champions and becomes empowered with Swinging Kama for 4 seconds, during which she cannot create another ring. Swinging Kama: Akali's next basic attack is empowered to have its range doubled and deal 35 − 182 (based on level) (+ 60% bonus AD) (+ 55% AP) bonus magic damage ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'Enemies cannot see the ring, but can see the empower effect.', "Swinging Kamagives a staticbonusrange which doesn't change ifAkali'srange changes during it (i.eRapid Firecannon):IfRapid Firecannonfully charges withinSwinging Kama'sduration,Akali'stotal range increases to337.5.IfRapid Firecannonfully charges before gainingSwinging Kama,Akali'stotal range is increased to395.", "IfRapid Firecannonfully charges withinSwinging Kama'sduration,Akali'stotal range increases to337.5.", "IfRapid Firecannonfully charges before gainingSwinging Kama,Akali'stotal range is increased to395.", 'The ring will be created around the last target hit byFive Point Strike.', "The ring's center is offset 120 units away from the enemy's center, towards Akali.", 'The empowered attack can bedodgedandblocked, and will be mitigated byblinds.', 'The empowered attack will trigger but not be consumed nor apply its effects againststructuresandwards.']} | Name: Five Point Strike, Description: Active: Akali unleashes kunais in a cone in the target direction, dealing magic damage to enemies hit. Targets at maximum range are also slowed by 50% for 0. 5 seconds. Magic Damage: 45 / 70 / 95 / 120 / 145 (+ 65% AD) (+ 60% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', 'Five Point Strikewill hit enemies after only0.188/ 0.169/ 0.15/ 0.131(based on level)seconds (75% of cast time) into the cast time.Due toany actions only starting on integer game ticks, the effective cast time rounds up to0.264/ 0.231/ 0.231/ 0.198(based on level)and the hit will occur at0.198/ 0.198/ 0.165/ 0.132(based on level)seconds into it.', 'Due toany actions only starting on integer game ticks, the effective cast time rounds up to0.264/ 0.231/ 0.231/ 0.198(based on level)and the hit will occur at0.198/ 0.198/ 0.165/ 0.132(based on level)seconds into it.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'Base damage changed to 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150.', 'Bonus AD ratio changed to70%bonusAD.', 'AP ratio changed to65% AP.']} | Name: Twilight Shroud, Description: Active: Akali restores 100 energy over 0. 4 seconds and gains bonus movement speed that decays over 2 seconds. She also detonates a smoke bomb a fixed distance away in the target direction, creating a circular shroud that expands over the next 5 seconds into a ring. The shroud does not permeate terrain, and will expand toward nearby enemy champions. While the shroud is active, Akali's maximum energy is increased by 100 . Bonus Movement Speed: 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50% Shroud Duration: 5 / 5. 5 / 6 / 6. 5 / 7 Entering the shroud renders Akali invisible , unless she is dashing . Declaring a basic attack or casting an ability will break the invisibility and prevent Akali from entering it for 1 − 0. 625 (based on minutes) seconds, refreshing on subsequent attacks and casts. The marked section of Twilight Shroud will linger for the mark's duration, even after the shroud ends., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', 'Akaliwill also not gain theinvisibilityif she isRecalling.', 'It is possible forAkalito detonate the smoke bomb on the far side of terrain from her current location.', 'The effects are applied before the cast time, andAkalican move during the cast time.', 'Now affected by +30 ability haste.', 'Energy restoration changed to 150.']} | Name: Shuriken Flip, Description: Active: Akali flips backward and, after the cast time, throws a shuriken in the target direction that deals magic damage to the first enemy hit. Magic Damage: 30 / 56. 25 / 82. 5 / 108. 75 / 135 (+ 25. 5 % AD) (+ 36% AP) The shuriken marks and reveals the enemy or the last smoke section hit for 3 seconds, during which Shuriken Flip can be recast to consume the mark. Recast: Akali dashes towards the marked target or smoke section, regardless of distance. Against enemies she deals magic damage upon arrival. Magic Damage: 70 / 131. 25 / 192. 5 / 253. 75 / 315 (+ 59. 5 % AD) (+ 84% AP) Total Magic Damage: 100 / 187. 5 / 275 / 362. 5 / 450 (+ 85% AD) (+ 120% AP) Akali will not flip backwards if she is immobilized or grounded during the cast time. Twilight Shroud and Perfect Execution can be cast during the recast's dash., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection/Auto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'Akaliwill track the target if they change locations.She will not stop tracking the target until she reaches them, as there is no maximum tracking distance.', 'She will not stop tracking the target until she reaches them, as there is no maximum tracking distance.', "Both casts count as ability activations for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.", "Shuriken Flipdoes not interruptAkali'sprevious move or attack orders.The recast does.", 'The recast does.', 'Shuriken Flipcannot be recast if the target is notvisibleor isuntargetable.', "Akaliwill be ordered to basic attack the target after the recast's dash ends.", 'Akaliwill dash backwards up-to 400 units in a straight line. This dash can cross terrain if the end point is beyond it. If she would end the dash inside terrain, she will instead look for a location in either direction left or right that is outside of terrain and dash there. If there is no such location, she will dash only up to the wall at her normal speed, ending the dash early.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.The shuriken missile will fire from whereverAkaliis at the end of the cast time (usually mid-dash), but always towards and reaching the location that was 825 units in front of her at the start of cast. The only exception is if she moves viaFlash, in which case the range of the missile is decreased relative to the distance she blinked.', 'The shuriken missile will fire from whereverAkaliis at the end of the cast time (usually mid-dash), but always towards and reaching the location that was 825 units in front of her at the start of cast. The only exception is if she moves viaFlash, in which case the range of the missile is decreased relative to the distance she blinked.', 'Killing an enemy with the shuriken will still mark the last area of theshroudhit.', 'Attempting to castFive Point Strikeduring either dash will buffer it to cast as soon as the dash ends.', 'Death', 'Cast-inhibiting effects']} | Name: Perfect Execution, Description: Active: Akali dashes 750 units in the direction of the target enemy champion , dealing magic damage to enemies she passes through. If this hits an enemy, she flips over them to continue the dash up to the normal range but for at least another 150 units. Magic Damage: 80 / 220 / 360 (+ 50% bonus AD) (+ 30% AP) Perfect Execution can be recast after a 2. 5 -second static cooldown within 10 seconds of the first activation. Recast: Akali dashes 800 units in the target direction, dealing magic damage to enemies she passes through, increased by 0% − 200% (based on target's missing health) . Minimum Magic Damage: 60 / 130 / 200 (+ 30% AP) Maximum Magic Damage: 180 / 390 / 600 (+ 90% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit/Direction', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', "Both casts count as ability activations for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.", 'With the first cast,Akalican dash up to a maximum of 900 units if the first enemy she hit was at the maximum dash range.', "CastingFlashduring either dashes will interrupt them, butAkaliwill deal damage to any enemies she comes in contact with at the new location.Enemies already hit by either ofPerfect Execution'scasts cannot be affected more than once by the same cast.", "Enemies already hit by either ofPerfect Execution'scasts cannot be affected more than once by the same cast.", "Shuriken Flipcan be used during the initial dash if it is cast afterPerfect Execution'scast time finishes."]} | Akali's dance referencedSingle LadiesbyBeyoncé.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.
Akali was the only energy-based champion to have any associated cost on theirultimate(one Essence of Shadow).
Shadow Dancewas going to be a skillshot but became single-targeted instead.
Akali used to gain the'Law of Inverse Ninja Strength'cosmeticEaster eggdebuff ("This unit is a flippin' ninja!"-"Ninjas are more effective when they work alone. For every Ninja on your team beyond yourself, you lose 1 health.") when she,Kennen,Shen, and/orZedfound themselves on the same team. It was removed inV3.14for unknown reasons.
In theV1.0.0.115April Fools' Daypatch, the following change regarding Akali was jokingly listed:Akali is no longer a ninja. |
Akshan,the Rogue Sentinel | | | health: Health630+107, resource: Mana350+40, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)3.75+0.65, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)8.2+0.7, armor: Armor26+4.7, attack damage: Attack damage52+3, attack speed: Base AS0.638, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius100, release: 2021-07-22, changed: V13.20, role: MarksmanAssassin, position: TopMiddleBottom, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 4800|880 | Missing section(s):
AkshanMainTitlesNickname(s)Shirtless wonderAlias(es)The Rogue SentinelCharacteristicsSpeciesHumanPronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:966 AN - 971 ANWeapon(s)The AbsolverBoomerangGrappling HookPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originMarwi,ShurimaCurrent residenceVekaura,ShurimaFamilyShadya†(Mentor)Professional statusOccupation(s)Sentinel of LightRogueVigilanteRegion(s)ShurimaFaction(s)Sentinels of LightRelated character(s)DianaGravesGwenIreliaLucianOlafPykeRengarRivenSennaVayneViego
• Shirtless wonder
• Born:966 AN - 971 AN
• The Absolver
• Boomerang
• Grappling Hook
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Shadya†(Mentor)
Professional status
• Sentinel of Light
• Rogue
• Vigilante
Related character(s)
Raising an eyebrow in the face of danger,Akshanfights evil with dashing charisma, righteous vengeance, and a conspicuous lack of shirts. He is highly skilled in the art ofstealth combat, able to evade the eyes of his enemies and reappear when they least expect him. With a keen sense of justice and alegendary death-reversing weapon, he rights the wrongs ofRuneterra'smany scoundrels while living by his own moral code: "Don't be an ass."
• 1Background1.1Early Life1.1.1Life on the Streets1.1.2Sentinel Training1.2Contemporary history1.3Recent events
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early Life1.1.1Life on the Streets1.1.2Sentinel Training
• 1.2Contemporary history
• 1.3Recent events
• 1.1.1Life on the Streets
• 1.1.2Sentinel Training
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early Life[]
Life on the Streets[]
Akshan grew up an orphan in theShurimancity of Marwi, where brutal warlords ruled by subjugating the civilians and taking what they wanted. As a young boy, Akshan refused to let these misdeeds go unnoticed and often intervened at the sight of injustice. This eventually lead to Akshan making enemies with powerful warlords who eventually beat him to near-death, leaving him unconscious and dying on the street.
Akshan was soon found by an elderly woman named Shadya, who took him into her home and miraculously nursed him back to health. While staying with the old woman, Akshan discovered Shadya was a member of theSentinels of Light; an ancient order dedicated to protecting the world from horrors ofUndead. Despite his shortcomings as a stubborn and troubled youth, Shadya saw immense potential in Akshan due to his dedication to fighting injustice. Shadya offered to allow Akshan to safely live with her and in exchange he'd dedicate himself to the Sentinels of Light order, which Akshan happily agreed to.
Sentinel Training[]
Shadya and Akshan formed a fast bond, as Shadya mentored Akshan everything she knew to survive as a solo Sentinel. As Akshan's Sentinel skills grew under Shadya's tutelage, he slowly noticed his mentor growing more distant. When the time came, Shadya finally revealed to her pupil the source of her concern, that aHarrowingwas coming, larger than the world had ever seen with an army of undead from theShadow Isles. Shadya stated that their only hope in defending against this future threat is laid in a collection of ancient Sentinel weapons buried in Shurima's crypts and tombs. However, they would find most of their weapons gone, pilfered by local warlords who sought to unlock their powers for themselves. The Sentinels would try to negotiate the return of their weapons, but to no avail. With time running out, they would have to make do with what they had left.
As they took stock of their remaining arsenal, one peculiar relic gun would catch Akshan's eye, but it was quickly snatched away by Shadya, who forbade him from ever using it. This weapon was known as the Absolver, a gun that was enchanted to revive anyone who was recently killed by someone, if it kills its target. Shadya believed that only fate should wield the powers of life and death, but Akshan disagreed, believing that fate needed a little help. Akshan continued to pry for more information about the weapon until Shadya revealed the truth, she had used it to revive the young sentinel. Shadya once wielded the Absolver and slayed Akshan's would-be murderer many years ago, restoring him to life. The revelation would cause Akshan ponder what had made him so worthy of being revived. While Akshan questioned the antiquated rules of his order, Shadya continued to press the warlords to return their weapons, leading to tensions between the two groups.
Contemporary history[]
Things would come to a head on one tragic day, when Akshan would find Shadya murdered on the streets. After burying her within the sentinel base of Shurima, Akshan would disregard his late-mentor's wishes and armed himself with the Absolver, after making a few modifications. Filled with vengeance, Akshan decides to abandon the sentinel's cause and prepares for a new mission: to avenge his fallen teacher. He now hunts for his mentor's killer, delivering comeuppance to one warlord at a time.
Recent events[]
The great Harrowing would soon arrive, blanketing the world in Black Mist.Lucianand a Sentinel Rookie would come to the Shuriman Sentinel base in search of the Absolver. The two would encounter Akshan, who explained what had happened to Shadya and his mission to bring her back. Akshan then departed to hunt down another warlord. The two Sentinels followed Akshan to the warlord's compound and watched the Absolver in action. After dispatching the warlord, the trio raced back to the base to see if Shadya was resurrected. When they find her body still lifeless, Lucian tries to recruiting him, but Akshan remains undeterred, and leaves to face another warlord.
As the two Sentinels prepare to return to headquarters, they notice thatViegois in the town below, searching for another fetter. As they confront the Ruined King, he unleashes an army of ghouls against them, making short work of the sentinels. As they lay dying, Akshan returns, having had a change of heart, and quickly dispatches the ghouls and takes their bodies back to the base. The two reawaken, realizing they were revived by the Absolver. Finally understanding Shadya's life goal was the sentinel's cause, Akshan finally agrees to join them and returns to Sentinel headquarters.Sennascolds Lucian and the Rookie for leaving in the middle of night for a secret a mission and at Akshan for his dress code violations.
Akshan joins the rest the Sentinels andGwenas they mount their final assault against Viego on the Shadow Isles. As Senna draws out Viego, the Sentinels ambush him. Viego quickly turns the tide of the battle and quickly dispatches Senna and Gwen and creates a portal to Camavor and takes the fetters through. Akshan manages to slip through the portal as well and tries to take Viego out with the Absolver, but soon realizes his weapon is ineffective against the Ruined King. However, he is prompted by the recently revived Queen Isolde to shoot her instead, and he fires at the queen, returning her to eternal rest once again. With Isolde gone, Viego begins to weaken and Senna and Gwen are brought back to life. With their combined efforts, they manage to defeat the Ruined King and imprison him with Hallowed Mist.
They return to the Shadow Isles and reunite with their allies until they sense another dark presence approaching.Thresharrives and reveals that he is now unbound from the Shadow Isles. He demands one of their souls in exchange for Senna's escaping, or all of their souls if none comply. The Sentinels try to resist him, but he proves too powerful. The Rookie offers their soul to Thresh instead, but as he prepares to harvest soul, the Rookie unleashes their wayfinder and teleports everyone back to headquarters instead. With Viego defeated, Akshan decides to return to Shurima and continue to honor Shadya's legacy.
After returning to Shurima, Akshan begins to forget his mentor and tries to find mementos to keep her memory alive. One day he recognizes a peculiar bracelet on the arm of a street urchin, realizing it once belonged to Shadya, he interrogates the child. The young girl reveals that she stole it from one of the warlords, determined to reclaim his master's lost jewelry, Akshan prepares to confront the warlord. Later that night, Akshan sneaks into the warlord's palace and holds him at gunpoint, demanding a confession. The sentinel orders the warlord to admit that he killed Shadya, after finding the rest of her jewelry in his possession, but he refutes the claim and asks what he really wants instead. Taking a second to ponder the question, Akshan realizes he wants peace and executes the warlord.
As Akshan walks back to city, his memories of Shadya continue to fade. He knows that she would not have approved of him killing the warlord out of vengeance, but he had done it for himself, yet it did not grant him the peace he desired. Looking towards the bracelets for solace, he notices an inscription on one of them, an old sentinel mantra:"Give all, and all may live."The sentinel suddenly has an epiphany and fires his grappling hook, he swings from building to building until he finds his target, the urchin from yesterday. He finds the young girl sleeping in an alley and wakes her, he then offers her Shadya's remaining bracelets, knowing it is what she would have wanted. Despite parting with the last remnants of his mentor, he now has the peace he was looking for, knowing Shadya would approve.
Akshan is an attractive young man with Mediterranean skin, brown eyes, a short beard, and long, dark chocolate brown hair.
He mainly wears a cloak with the emblem of the Sentinels of Light, wears no shirt and exposes his bare chest, wears black pants, black boots with gold stripes, and has several Shuriman amulets on his arms and hands.
• Absolver:Akshan wields the Absolver; a legendary weapon of theSentinels of Lightthat has been enchanted with the ability torevivethe dead. The exact method of the Absolver's reviving magic isn't entirely known, but it has been shown to take the life of a killer and restore the lives of their most recent victims. Due to being an invention of the Sentinels, the Absolver is created with their signature relic stones and is capable of harming the undeadwraithsof theShadow Isles. Though initially wielded by Shadya, Akshan has taken up the Absolver and made various modifications to it.Boomerang Proficiency:Akshan has modified the Absolver to include a boomerang attachment, which he can easily detach and throw at long distances before returning to his hand.Grapple Hook Proficiency:Akshan's absolver has been modified to include a grapple hook, allowing him to travel far distances by firing it and swinging from the attached rope.
• Rogue Combat Mastery:Akshan has a particularly informal style of combat as a rogue vigilante, utilizing stealth and cunning in combat. This is due to having grown up on the streets as a child as well as his lack of formal training within the Sentinels of Light, aside from his mentor Shadya.
• Boomerang Proficiency:Akshan has modified the Absolver to include a boomerang attachment, which he can easily detach and throw at long distances before returning to his hand.
• Grapple Hook Proficiency:Akshan's absolver has been modified to include a grapple hook, allowing him to travel far distances by firing it and swinging from the attached rope.
Read More
The Rogue Sentinel
ByJohn O'Bryan
Starring Champion
Absolution (Cinematic)
Two souls entwined by fate. One life for the other’s freedom.
Short Story
In Search of Things Lost
ByJohn O'Bryan
Shadya had only been dead a few weeks, and already Akshan could feel all traces of her slipping away.
Rise of the Sentinels
ByJohn O'Bryan
Black Mist pours across Runeterra, enthralling its champions and shrouding the continent in darkness. If the last Sentinels are going to save Runeterra, they're going to need all the help they can get. And that meansyouRookie!
Starring:Akshan,Diana,Draven,Graves,Gwen,Irelia,Isolde,Karma,Lucian,Miss Fortune,Olaf,Pantheon,Pyke,Rengar,Riven,Senna,Shyvana,Thresh,Vayne,Vex,Viego,Yorick
Steadfast Heart: Issue 5
ByIan St. Martin
Senna trains the new Sentinels of Light, as Lucian searches for the wielder of a legendary weapon in Shurima. Meanwhile, the Ruined King gains allies of his own.
Steadfast Heart: Issue 6
ByIan St. Martin
The final showdown between Light and Darkness - the fate of Runeterra lies in the balance!
Mentioned Champion
Short Story
The Boys and Bombolini
ByJared Rosen
There existed, among the multitude of disgusting Bilgewater shipping warehouses filled with rusted knives and arms-length carnivorous rats, one Bilgewater shipping warehouse devoid of such things.
Starring:Graves,Twisted Fate
Mentioned:Akshan,Gwen,Nilah,Tahm Kench,Vayne,Viego
Alternate Universes
Another Sky
ByJared Rosen,Taylor Dinwiddie,Ty Sheedlo
As a new generation of Star Guardians prepares to fight back the forces of chaos, rising star Akali finds herself wracked with doubt. Does she have what it takes to be a Star Guardian? Or will the darkness she senses inside spell doom for her and her friends?
Mentioned:Ahri,Akshan,Ezreal,Gwen,Jinx,Lux,Miss Fortune,Rakan,Xayah
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Dirty Fighting, Description: Innate: Whenever Akshan uses a basic attack , he fires an additional shot after a delay that deals 50% AD physical damage , increased to 100% AD against minions . If this shot is cancelled, he gains 20 − 75 (based on level) × (1 + 100% bonus attack speed) bonus movement speed decaying over 1 second. The additional shot applies on-hit and on-attack effects at 100% effectiveness and can critically strike for 「 (61. 25 % + 15. 75 % ) AD ( (122. 5 % + 31. 5 % ) AD ) 」 「 70% total critical damage 」 physical damage . Innate: Akshan's basic attacks on-hit and ability hits apply a stack of Dirty Fighting to enemies for 5 seconds, refreshing on subsequent applications and stacking up to 3 times. The third stack against a target consumes them all to deal them 10 − 165 (based on level) (+ 60% AP) bonus magic damage ; if the target is a champion , Akshan will also gain a 40 − 280 (based on level) (+ 35% bonus AD) shield for 2 seconds. The shield may be gained only once every few seconds., STATIC COOLDOWN: STATICCOOLDOWN:16 / 12 / 8 / 4 (based on level), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Physical/Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'Appliesbasic damagefor the second shot andproc damagefor the bonus damage.', "The second shot:Is treated as a basic attack.Critically strikes independently from the first shot.Can be cancelled by inputting a different command right after using the first shot.Counts as a separate hit for effects such asElectrocute,Muramana'sShock, andEclipse'sEver Rising Moon.Starts the attack windup's cooldown after it is used, rather than when the first shot is.", 'Is treated as a basic attack.', 'Critically strikes independently from the first shot.', 'Can be cancelled by inputting a different command right after using the first shot.', "Counts as a separate hit for effects such asElectrocute,Muramana'sShock, andEclipse'sEver Rising Moon.", "Starts the attack windup's cooldown after it is used, rather than when the first shot is.", "The attack speed scaling on the movement speed buff includes the bonus attack speed gained fromAkshan'sinnate attack speed growth.At level 18, at minimum it grants 126 decaying movement speed.", 'At level 18, at minimum it grants 126 decaying movement speed.']} | Name: Avengerang, Description: Active: Akshan throws a boomerang in the target direction that briefly grants sight around its trajectory and deals physical damage to enemies hit, revealing them for 1 second and extending its range each time it hits a target. If this hits an enemy champion , Akshan gains bonus movement speed that decays over 1 second. Physical Damage: 5 / 25 / 45 / 65 / 85 (+ 80% AD) Bonus Movement Speed: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40% (+ 5% per 100 AP) Once the boomerang has passed its original range and has not hit a target in the last 500 units of travelling, it homes back to Akshan and applies the same effects to enemies hit. Total Physical Damage: 10 / 50 / 90 / 130 / 170 (+ 160% AD) Avengerang's deals reduced damage against non-champions. Non-Champion Damage: 40 / 52. 5 / 65 / 77. 5 / 90% Enemies can be hit only once per pass., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', 'Avengerangwill fire from whereverAkshanis at the end of the cast time.', 'Spell shieldwill only block a single hit. They do not prevent the initial throw from extending its range.', 'Base damage changed to 15 / 45 / 75 / 105 / 135.', 'AD ratio changed to100% AD.']} | Name: Going Rogue, Description: Passive: Akshan marks enemy champions that kill allied champions as Scoundrels for 60 seconds. If Akshan scores a takedown against a Scoundrel while alive and within 3 seconds of damaging them, he receives an additional 100 and revives all dead allied champions that they have slain after 1 second. When Akshan claims a Scoundrel's bounty he removes the marks of all other enemies. Scoundrels refresh their mark duration on subsequent kills, and will have their mark removed when they die by any means. Akshan cannot mark enemies as Scoundrels while they are dead. Allies are revived at their summoning platform . Active: Akshan enters camouflage , which lasts indefinitely while he is near terrain or inside brush , and for 2 seconds otherwise. During this time. he can see trails leading toward Scoundrels , and while facing them if they are within 5000 units, he gains bonus mana regeneration equal to 12% of his missing mana as well as bonus movement speed . Bonus Movement Speed: 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120 Going Rogue can be recast after 1 second, and does so automatically after its duration. Attacking or casting abilities ends Going Rogue immediately. Recast: Akshan ends Going Rogue . Link ▶️ "To the shadows... where the scoundrels hide.", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', "Akshancan move duringGoing Rogue'scast time.", 'The mark displays the duration and slay count.Enemy champions that killAkshanwill not be marked asScoundrelsnor increase their slay count.', 'Enemy champions that killAkshanwill not be marked asScoundrelsnor increase their slay count.', "Clonesdo not count for triggeringGoing Rogue'spassive.", "Going Rogue'sbuff refreshes to last indefinitely upon moving near terrain or into brush, and will refresh to 2 seconds after leaving near terrain or brush.", 'Allied champions within azombie stateare revived only after the state ends.', "Akshancan still triggerGoing Rogue'spassive while he is within azombie state.", 'Scoundrel duration reduced to 25 seconds.', 'New Effect:During the events ofBardle Royale,URF Deathmatch, andPrize Fight, allied champions that are revived will respawn at the location of their death and with30%maximumhealth.', 'Scoundrel takedown gold changed to 200.', 'New Effect:Scoundrel takedown gold is also granted to his ally.', 'Revive now spawns ally in the battlefield rather than at the spawn.', 'Ally revive health changed to60%maximumhealth.']} | Name: Heroic Swing, Description: Active: Akshan can activate Heroic Swing three times before the ability goes on cooldown, and can use the third cast only after 0. 5 seconds of the second cast. Akshan may input an attack or movement command to use the second and third casts. First Cast: Akshan fires a hook in the target direction that embeds in the first terrain hit, and enters preparation for up to 2. 125 seconds. Heroic Swing's second cast can be used while the hook is attached. If the hook fails to attach or Akshan is moved or becomes immobilized , grounded , or polymorphed within the duration, the preparation will end prematurely, cancelling Heroic Swing in the process. Second Cast: Akshan swings around the terrain in the target direction, stopping upon colliding with an enemy champion or terrain. While swinging, he rapidly fires at the nearest visible enemy to deal them physical damage and apply on-hit effects at 25% effectiveness per shot. Akshan will be knocked down by any immobilizing or polymorphing crowd control during the dash. Physical Damage per Shot: 25 / 40 / 55 / 70 / 85 (+ 17. 5 % bonus AD) × (1 + 0. 3 per 100% bonus attack speed) Third Cast: Akshan ends the swing by jumping to the target location, though not through terrain, and fires one last shot at a nearby visible enemy. Scoring an enemy champion takedown reduces Heroic Swing's current cooldown to 0. 5 seconds. The shots can critically strike for 「 (57. 5 % + 40. 5 % ) bonus damage 」 「 90% total critical damage 」 and apply life steal at 100% effectiveness. Avengerang and Going Rogue can be cast during the third cast's dash. Comeuppance can be cast at all points during Heroic Swing, though Akshan cannot fire during the swing while it is active. Akshan prioritizes firing at enemy champions with stacks of Dirty Fighting , then those damaged by his targeted spells in the last 4 seconds, then the nearest enemy. Heroic Swing can be cast during Akshan's other abilities., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection/Auto/Location', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', 'Akshanwill not stop swinging until his dash is stopped.The swing will end prematurely if the terrain the hook was attached to no longer exists, such asplayer-generated terrain.', 'The swing will end prematurely if the terrain the hook was attached to no longer exists, such asplayer-generated terrain.', 'Akshanwill prioritize firing at enemies he damaged withanyunit-targeted ability or spell within the last 4 seconds, such asComeuppanceorIgnite.', "Heroic Swinggrants a buff toAkshanfor 2 seconds that indicates and determines the first cast's duration.This buff starts as soon as the ability is cast, and lingers for 0.125seconds after it expires.This means the hook can be attached to terrain for longer if it hits it earlier in the duration, and vice versa.IfAkshandashes(excluding second cast's dash) orblinksor becomes affected byimmobilization,ground, orpolymorphin the duration, the buff is removedimmediately, causing the first cast to be lost and cancellingHeroic Swingentirely.", 'This buff starts as soon as the ability is cast, and lingers for 0.125seconds after it expires.This means the hook can be attached to terrain for longer if it hits it earlier in the duration, and vice versa.', 'This means the hook can be attached to terrain for longer if it hits it earlier in the duration, and vice versa.', "IfAkshandashes(excluding second cast's dash) orblinksor becomes affected byimmobilization,ground, orpolymorphin the duration, the buff is removedimmediately, causing the first cast to be lost and cancellingHeroic Swingentirely.", 'Akshanimmediately fires one shot at the beginning of his swing, one shot every0.231secondsduring the swing, and a final shot while dismounting from the swing.The fire rate is not affected byattack speed.', 'The fire rate is not affected byattack speed.', 'Akshancan fire at any targetable enemy unit excludingstructuresandjungle plants.', "OnlyHeroic Swing'sfirst cast is disabled whilegroundedorrooted. The third cast is still usable during those effects.", "Heroic Swing'ssecond and third cast can both be used whilesilenced.", "Takedownsagainstclonesdo not count for resettingHeroic Swing'scooldown.", 'If atakedownis scored whileHeroic Swingis active, the cooldown afterwards will be 0.5seconds.', "Akshanwill attempt to basic attack the target he fired at with the last shot after the third cast's dash ends, if there is no other input given.", 'Each shot generates a stack ofConqueror.', 'Spell shieldwill only block a single shot.', "The attack speed scaling on the damage of the attacks includes the bonus attack speed gained fromAkshan'sinnate attack speed growth.At level 18, each shot at minimum deals 108.36(+ 21.07%bonusAD)physical damage.", 'At level 18, each shot at minimum deals 108.36(+ 21.07%bonusAD)physical damage.', "Despite this ability not applyingon-attackeffects, it does applyNavori Quickblades'Transcendence.(bug)", 'Under certain circumstances, upon attaching the hook to terrain,Akshanwill create a particle on the location permanently.(bug)This particle can be attacked by minions.', 'This particle can be attacked by minions.', 'PENDING FOR TEST:Hook range including lollipop against walls, automated attacks range while swinging, final dash distance and speed.', 'The following table refers for interactions while the hook is attached or in flight:', 'Death', 'Grounding effects', 'Immobilizing effects', 'The following table refers for interactions whileAkshanis swinging:', 'Death', 'Immobilizing effects', 'Attack speed ratio changed to1 + 0.45per 100%bonusattack speed.', 'Bonus AD ratio changed to22.5%bonusAD.']} | Name: Comeuppance, Description: Active: Akshan locks onto the target enemy champion and begins channeling for 2. 5 seconds, revealing them as well as revealing himself. He gradually stores bullets into his weapon over the duration. Maximum Bullets Stored: 5 / 6 / 7 Comeuppance will recast after the duration, or can recast early after 0. 5 seconds. Comeuppance is placed on a 5-second cooldown if the channel is cancelled. Recast: Akshan fires all stored bullets at the target, each briefly granting sight around their trajectory and dealing physical damage to the first enemy hit, increased by 0% − 300% (based on target's missing health) . The shots can hit structures . Minimum Physical Damage per Bullet: 20 / 25 / 30 (+ 10% AD) × (1 + (0. 5 + 0. 225 ) per 100% critical strike chance) Maximum Physical Damage per Bullet: 80 / 100 / 120 (+ 40% AD) × (1 + (0. 5 + 0. 225 ) per 100% critical strike chance) Minimum Charged Physical Damage: 100 / 150 / 210 (+ 50 / 60 / 70% AD) × (1 + (0. 5 + 0. 225 ) per 100% critical strike chance) Damage to target with 67% missing hp: 300 / 450 / 630 (+ 150 / 180 / 210% AD) × (1 + (0. 5 + 0. 225 ) per 100% critical strike chance) Each bullet's damage applies life steal at 100% effectiveness, and executes minions . Akshan can move while channeling Comeuppance. Link ▶️ "Here comes the 'uppance!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', "A kill threshold will appear on thehealth barof the target locked onto during the channel, which increases each timeAkshanstores a bullet. If the target'scurrenthealthfalls below the threshold, their health bar will be framed in red.The indicator factors the bonus damage applied byDirty Fightingas well asdamage modifiersand the target's resistances.It also factors the projected increase in the target'smissinghealth, from which each consecutive bullet scales more.It updates dynamically over the channel's duration, reacting to fluctuations of the target's health and damage mitigations.", "The indicator factors the bonus damage applied byDirty Fightingas well asdamage modifiersand the target's resistances.", "It also factors the projected increase in the target'smissinghealth, from which each consecutive bullet scales more.", "It updates dynamically over the channel's duration, reacting to fluctuations of the target's health and damage mitigations.", 'Therevealwill linger for 2 seconds after the channel has ended.', 'Spell shieldwill not prevent the lock-on and will only block a single bullet.', 'Comeuppancewill not go on a reduced cooldown ifAkshandiesduring the channel.', 'Comeuppancewill cancel if the target becomesuntargetableordiesduring the channel.', 'Damage to structuresdoesscale with theirmissinghealth.', 'The following table refers for interactions whileAkshanischanneling:', 'Death', 'Cast-inhibiting effects', 'AD ratio changed to20% AD.']} | His dance references Indian musical videoMalharifrom albumBajirao Mastani.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.
Akshan is the first champion to be revealed forLeague of Legends,Wild RiftandLegends of Runeterraaround the same time.
Akshan is the second of three champions released in 2021 tied toViego'sreturn and a continuation of the Ruined King's story.[2] |
Alistar,the Minotaur | | | health: Health685+120, resource: Mana350+40, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)8.5+0.85, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)8.5+0.8, armor: Armor47+4.7, attack damage: Attack damage62+3.75, attack speed: Base AS0.625, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius80, selection radius: Selection radius145, release: 2009-02-21, changed: V13.7, role: Vanguard, position: Support, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 1350|585 | Games
AlistarTitlesAlias(es)The MinotaurCharacteristicsSpeciesMinotaurPronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:25 BN - 974 ANWeapon(s)HornsFistsPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originThe Great BarrierCurrent residenceUnknownProfessional statusOccupation(s)WarriorGladiatorRegion(s)RuneterraFaction(s)MinotaursReckonersRelated character(s)Xin ZhaoSett
• Born:25 BN - 974 AN
• Horns
• Fists
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
• Warrior
• Gladiator
• Minotaurs
• Reckoners
Related character(s)
Always a mighty warrior with a fearsome reputation,Alistarseeks revenge for the death of his clan at the hands of theNoxianempire. Though he was enslaved and forced into the life of a gladiator, hisunbreakable willwas what kept him from truly becoming a beast. Now, free of the chains of his former masters, he fights in the name of the downtrodden and the disadvantaged, his rage as much a weapon as his horns, hooves and fists.
• 1Background1.1Early Life1.1.1Betrayal1.1.2Life as a Reckoner1.1.3Escape1.2Modern History1.3Recent Events
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Ayelia
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early Life1.1.1Betrayal1.1.2Life as a Reckoner1.1.3Escape
• 1.2Modern History
• 1.3Recent Events
• 1.1.1Betrayal
• 1.1.2Life as a Reckoner
• 1.1.3Escape
• 5.1Ayelia
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Alternate Universes
Early Life[]
Alistar grew up in theMinotaurclans of theGreat Barriermountains. Historically, these Minotaurs protected the overland trade routes toZaun, gaining a fearsome reputation and strong beasts but preferring to to avoidValoran'swider political conflicts.
Alistar was known as a noble warrior and respected among all the clans. Despite this, he always urged his kin to forge greater bonds with other races, wishing to reach out to them. Unfortunately, most of civilizations saw Minotaurs as nothing but beasts and monsters, souring their relations with outsiders.
When theNoxian empirecame to the Great Barrier, they requested a parley with representatives from the Minotaur clans. The emissary of Noxus, a matriarch of House Tewain, stated that the empire was preparing to take the eastern coastal city ofBasilichand could not go through with it without the support of the Minotaur clans. While many of the Minotaurs were eager to accept her offer and join Noxus, seeing this as a way to gain power and recognition, Alistar remained skeptical. Having encountered Noxian scouts previously, Alistar knew them to be duplicitous and cunning people, growing incredible distrustful of the potential invaders. Hearing Tewain's call for support from the Minotaurs, Alistar's clan sent him and fifty of their mightiest warriors to personally meet the matriarch and reject her alliance on behalf of the clan.
When Alistar arrived to announce his clan's position on the issue, he discovered that most of the larger Minotaur clans had already pledged themselves to Noxus. Now seeing Alistar and his clan as oppositions against the Noxian empire, the clan representatives betrayed Alistar, attacking him and his warriors for their new Noxian masters. In the swift and brutal battle, Alistar managed to kill many of the Noxian soldiers and traitorous Minotaurs, choking the life out of Lady Tewain. Despite this, Alistar and his surviving warriors were captured and relocated to thethe Noxian capital,accused of the crime of inciting rebellion within the empire.
Life as a Reckoner[]
Cast asReckonersin the arenas of the city, Alistar and his warriors became part of a gruesome, bloodthirsty event called the Fleshing; a twenty-one day festival of non-stop fights within the Reckoners' arenas. Despite telling his warriors to not fight back and sate the bloodlust these Noxian spectators wanted to see, Alistar became the last of his tribe standing by the end of the festival. Afterwards, Alistar was constantly hated and feared by the Noxians, forced to fight and act like the beast they all assumed he was. Driven to madness, Alistar began to accept the bestial nature these Noxians forced on him, losing memories of his own home with every gruesome kill.
One day Ayelia, a servant girl in one of the arenas, visited the infamously savage Reckoner in his cell. He bellowed and charged the bars of his cage, expecting her to fear or goad him like every other visitor he's had, but Ayelia instead treated him with the first act of kindness Alistar had seen in many years. She returned every day and spoke to him with gentle respect until Alistar managed to reply, revealing the true kindness in him that the Noxian spectators never see. Through their many talks, Alistar sympathized with Ayelia as he learned that her homeland, much like Alistar's, was also claimed by Noxus. By seeing Alistar's suffering as an enslaved Reckoner, Ayelia had finally been convinced to leave the city and planned to take Alistar with her. While formulating a plan to escape, Alistar's memories of his home began to return to him, remembering the home he wished to return to instead of the awful betrayal by the other tribes.
Ayelia brought Alistar the key to his cell, beginning their escape plan. They hurried to a river where a cargo barge awaited them, ready to sail them away from the city. Unfortunately, Noxian agents burst from the shadows just as they boarded and began to attack. Eager to protect his only living friend Ayelia, Alistar hurled himself directly into battle but became, once again, lost in his own rage and bloodlust. Ayelia constantly called out to Alistar to calm him down and escape with her, but he was too blinded by his rage to hear or notice her calls.
By the time Alistar had slain the attackers, the cargo boat had already left and Ayelia was missing. Now without the boat, Alistar fled south on foot instead in search of Ayelia, fearing she had been captured or killed.
Modern History[]
Weeks after Alistar's escape, a political coup lead by the disgraced generalJericho Swainshook the empire to its core, leading to massive reforms in the political structure of Noxus and the culture of the Reckoning arenas. Because of this, the event of Alistar's violent escape from the arenas was mostly forgotten.
Recent Events[]
Alistar continues to travel alone through Noxian territories as quietly and subtley as he can in fear of being found out for his crimes. In every city, Alistar incites rebellion and fights to protect the people oppressed by the cruel Noxian regime. With every act of kindness he shows the downtrodden of these territories, Alistar hopes to clear the shame he feels from the horrific acts he committed as a Reckoner. In every city Alistar passes through, he asks for Ayelia, continuing his search for the servant girl responsible for freeing him all those years ago.
Alistar is a purple skinned Minotaur with blue tufts of hair, blood red eyes, and large white horns atop his head. He is gargantuan and very muscular even byMinotaurstandards, with a notably large torso and giant fists. He wears nothing but a loincloth around his waist and broken chain cuffs around his wrists.
Alistar is a fighter, and his goal is to fight against Noxus in the name of all he has lost and all those that have lost much too. He is angry, wanting Noxus to fall and inciting rebellion in Noxuian territories. Despite this, Alistar has a kind heart, and is intent on finding Ayelia at all costs, as she was one of the few people who showed kindness to him.
• Minotaur Physiology:Minotaursare naturally stronger and larger than most races, renown for their bestial nature and intimidating stature. In addition to immense size and strength, Minotaurs also have massivehornsthat allow them to charge into opponents with immense strength. Alistar in particular is stronger than most Minotaurs, known as a strong and fierce warrior within his tribe.
• Gladiatorial Combat Mastery:Alistar had already been a known and fierce warrior within his tribe of minotaurs but became more versed in combat due to his time as an enslavedreckoner. Even as a reckoner, Alistar was feared by the Noxian gladiators as he willingly and brutally fought against anyone Noxus would pit against him.
After being captured and turned into aReckonerfor the arenas of the Noxian capital, Ayelia would visit Alistar in his cage every day as the first person to show the tortured and enslavedMinotaurtrue kindness. The two would slowly kindle a true friendship, sympathizing with the fact that both of them had lost their homes to the brutal expansions of the Noxian empire. Ayelia and Alistar eventually hatched an escape plan, managing to escape to a nearby cargo boat. Before they could escape, Noxians discovered the two and caused Alistar to enter a brutal rage in order to protect Ayelia, blindingly fighting them off as she attempted to calm him down and call him to the now sailing boat. By the time Alistar regained his consciuenss, Ayelia was gone along with the boat. Not knowing whether or not she had been killed or captured, Alistar fled southward by foot and, while inciting riots in Noxian territories, continually searches for and asks for Ayelia, intent on finding her.
Read More
The Minotaur
ByLaurie Goulding,Rachel Harrison
Starring Champion
Alternate Universes
Clash of Fates
Starring:Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Cho'Gath,Evelynn,Jax,Karthus,Kayle,Master Yi,Nunu,Rammus,Ryze,Singed,Sivir,Soraka,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Warwick,Willump,Zilean
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Since its inception, Worlds has grown and evolved. Each unbelievable play and phenomenal match created moments and memories that will never be forgotten. In these iconic moments, players and teams reached for something incredible within themselves and brought it to life on the Summoner’s Rift...
Starring:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Brand,Caitlyn,Darius,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Gnar,Janna,Jax,Jayce,Jinx,Kassadin,Katarina,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lulu,Orianna,Rek'Sai,Rengar,Rumble,Ryze,Shen,Sivir,Tahm Kench,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Yasuo,Ziggs
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
Make History
In this battle of regions, one will conquer all others to make history.
Starring:Alistar,Ashe,Azir,Bard,Brand,Caitlyn,Cassiopeia,Elise,Evelynn,Janna,Karma,LeBlanc,Lee Sin,Lucian,Morgana,Nautilus,Orianna,Pyke,Ryze
Save the Celebration
Honor the past, protect the future. Every year, a beast of legend arrives to threaten the Lunar New Year, and every year, a team of heroes is chosen to stand as guardians over the celebration.
Starring:Alistar,Annie,Darius,Fiora,Jarvan IV
Short Story
The Man with the Grinning Shadow
ByJared Rosen
“You the marshal?”
There Will Be Mayhem
Starring:Alistar,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Nasus,Nunu,Teemo,Trundle,Volibear,Willump
Welcome to League of Legends
Starring:Alistar,Ashe,Cho'Gath,Katarina,Kayle,Master Yi,Morgana,Nasus,Ryze,Warwick
Punches and Plants: Series 1
Mentioned:Ahri,Alistar,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Braum,Caitlyn,Darius,Diana,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Evelynn,Ezreal,Gangplank,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jinx,Karma,Katarina,Leona,Lucian,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Nunu,Quinn,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Sivir,Sona,Soraka,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Valor,Varus,Vel'Koz,Vladimir,Volibear,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Zac,Ziggs
Punches and Plants: Series 2
Mentioned:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Amumu,Annie,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Diana,Draven,Ekko,Ezreal,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Kha'Zix,Kog'Maw,Leona,Lucian,Lux,Malphite,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nasus,Nautilus,Nidalee,Olaf,Orianna,Poppy,Quinn,Rakan,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Shaco,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Valor,Vel'Koz,Viktor,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Xin Zhao,Yasuo,Ziggs
Music Video
Worlds Collide
By Numerous creators
Two teams have risen above their peers. Ten warriors have laid claim to the Summoner’s Cup. Five champions will etch their names in history.
Starring: N/A
• Alistar is one of few champions tied to theReckoningarenas, along withRiven,Xin Zhao, andDraven.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Triumphant Roar, Description: Innate: Alistar generates a stack of Triumph for each enemy champion he stuns or displaces with his abilities , and each time a nearby enemy minion or non-epic monster dies. He generates 7 stacks if a nearby enemy champion or epic monster dies. At 7 stacks, Alistar consumes them all to heal himself for 5% of his maximum health and nearby allied champions for 7% of his maximum health . Triumphant Roar can occur only once every few seconds, though Alistar may still generate stacks before then., STATIC COOLDOWN: STATICCOOLDOWN:3, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'IfAlistaris at 7 stacks whenTriumphant Roarcomes off cooldown, he will roar as soon as it elapses.', 'Alistardoes not gain stacks for unsuccessfully trying to applycrowd control, for instance against acrowd control immunetarget.Alistarwill still gain a stack for unsuccessfully trying to knock back a champion protected by aspell shieldwithHeadbutt.(bug)', 'Alistarwill still gain a stack for unsuccessfully trying to knock back a champion protected by aspell shieldwithHeadbutt.(bug)', 'Healing occurs simultaneously forAlistarand his allies.There is a VFX projectile (700 missile speed) that cannot be destroyed byWind Walland is unrelated to the actual heal.', 'There is a VFX projectile (700 missile speed) that cannot be destroyed byWind Walland is unrelated to the actual heal.', 'Alistarloses allTriumphstacks upon dying.']} | Name: Pulverize, Description: Active: Alistar smashes the ground, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies and stunning and knocking them up simultaneously for 1 second. Magic Damage: 60 / 100 / 140 / 180 / 220 (+ 80% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'Pulverizecan be buffered duringHeadbuttto cast with reduced cast time when the dash ends.', 'Displacement immunitywill also resist the application of thestun.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.']} | Name: Headbutt, Description: Active: Alistar dashes to the target enemy's location. If they are within 400 units upon arrival, he deals them magic damage and knocks them back 700 units over 0. 5 seconds while also stunning them for 0. 75 seconds. Magic Damage: 55 / 110 / 165 / 220 / 275 (+ 100% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Tips & Tricks', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', "The dash speed depends on the inverse of the distance to the target:IfAlistar'sradiusoverlaps with his target's, he will dash with1200 speed.IfAlistaris further from his target than the previous condition, he will dash with (1200 \xa0×\xa0 dash distance) / (dash distance - sum of radiuses).At maximum target range, against an enemy with a 65gameplay radius(median of all champions),Alistarwill dash with1544 speed(reaching his target within0.429seconds).Both the lower the dash distance and the largerAlistarand/or his target, the faster the dash becomes; this scales hyperbolically.", "IfAlistar'sradiusoverlaps with his target's, he will dash with1200 speed.", 'IfAlistaris further from his target than the previous condition, he will dash with (1200 \xa0×\xa0 dash distance) / (dash distance - sum of radiuses).At maximum target range, against an enemy with a 65gameplay radius(median of all champions),Alistarwill dash with1544 speed(reaching his target within0.429seconds).Both the lower the dash distance and the largerAlistarand/or his target, the faster the dash becomes; this scales hyperbolically.', 'At maximum target range, against an enemy with a 65gameplay radius(median of all champions),Alistarwill dash with1544 speed(reaching his target within0.429seconds).', 'Both the lower the dash distance and the largerAlistarand/or his target, the faster the dash becomes; this scales hyperbolically.', 'WhenPulverizeis buffered during the dash, the knockback distance is reduced to 200 units.', 'The CC duration of the ability can be reduced by up to 33.33%Tenacity, due to airborne not being reducible while the stun is.', "Theknockbackdirection is in a straight line fromAlistar'soriginal location at start of cast and the enemy whenAlistar'sdash ends.", 'Headbuttcan knock enemies through terrain. Theknockbackstops short on walls that cannot be surpassed but the disable duration is not changed.', "Thespell indicatorfor this ability also displays the direction for the knock back relative toAlistar'sposition.", "Alistar'sattack rangeis reduced「\xa0to -375\xa0」「\xa0by 500\xa0」duringHeadbutt, to prevent him from being able to attack the target when he completes the dash.", 'Displacement immunitywill not resist the application of thestun.', "Headbuttmay be used as a gap-closer toknock upenemies at the target location withPulverize, additionally overridingHeadbutt'sknock back.", 'Stun now ends at the same time the displacement does.', 'Cooldown changed to 17 / 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 seconds.']} | Name: Trample, Description: Active: Alistar tramples the ground around him every 0. 5 seconds over 5 seconds, becoming ghosted and dealing magic damage to nearby enemies. Each time this damages at least one enemy champion, he generates a stack of Trample that lasts for the remaining duration, stacking up to 5 times. Magic Damage Per Tick: 8 / 11 / 14 / 17 / 20 (+ 7% AP) Total Magic Damage: 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200 (+ 70% AP) At 5 stacks, Alistar's next basic attack against a champion within 6 seconds is empowered to deal 20 − 275 (based on level) bonus magic damage and stun the target for 1 second. This will end Trample prematurely., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'parries': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'Trampledealspersistent area damagedamage aroundAlistar, while the bonus damage on the resulting attack isproc damage.', 'Thestunandbonusdamage are blocked byspell shieldsbut the base attack damage is not.', "The on-hit effect is consumed if the attackblocked, but not if it isdodgedor missed whileAlistarisblinded. In all cases, the attack's effects are negated as normal.", "As it is anon-hiteffect, the bonus damage and stun can be applied byGuinsoo's Rageblade'sPhantom Hit."]} | Name: Unbreakable Will, Description: Active: Alistar cleanses himself of all crowd control . For the next 7 seconds, he reduces incoming damage taken. Damage Reduction: 55 / 65 / 75%, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', 'True damagecannot be reduced by any means and will deal full damage toAlistarduringUnbreakable Will.', "Unbreakable Will'smodifier to incoming damage stacks additively withVladimir'sHemoplaguefor a total reduction of 45/55/65%.*", 'Duration reduced to 3.5seconds.*', 'Cooldown changed to 180 / 150 / 120 seconds.']} | Alistar isvoicedbyHarlan Hogan.
Alistaris an alternative form ofAlistair, the Anglicized form of Scottish GaelicAlasdair, ultimately from Ancient Greek Ἀλέξανδρος, meaning "Defender": fromPIEroots*h₂lek-"to ward off, to defend" and*h₂nḗr"man"[2]
DuringAlpha Test, he was simply called 'Minotaur'.
Alistar was deemed overpowered/obnoxious in theUltra Rapid Firegame mode (available in April 2014) and was ultimately disabled in non-custom games.
Alistar's Series 1Eternalsmake the following references:By the Hornsreferences the phrasetake the bull by the horns.Indomita-Bullis a pun on the words "indomitable" and "bull".Matadoris another term forbullfighter. |
Amumu,the Sad Mummy | | | health: Health685+94, resource: Mana285+40, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)9+0.85, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)7.4+0.55, armor: Armor30+4, attack damage: Attack damage53+3.8, attack speed: Base AS0.736, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius55, selection radius: Selection radius100, release: 2009-06-26, changed: V13.11, role: Vanguard, position: JungleSupport, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 450|260 | Games
AmumuTitlesAlias(es)The Sad MummyEmperor AmumuPrince AmumuCharacteristicsSpeciesYordlePronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:5000 BN - 3400 BNWeapon(s)Cursed TouchBandagesPersonal statusStatusUnknown(Possibly Undead or Alive)Place of originShurima(Ancient Times)Current residenceUnknown(No Fixed Abode)Professional statusOccupation(s)WandererEmperor of ShurimaPrince of ShurimaRegion(s)Shurima
• The Sad Mummy
• Emperor Amumu
• Prince Amumu
• Born:5000 BN - 3400 BN
• Cursed Touch
• Bandages
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
• Wanderer
• Emperor of Shurima
• Prince of Shurima
Legend claims thatAmumuis a lonely and melancholy soul from ancientShurima, roaming the world in search of a friend. Doomed by an ancient curse to remain alone forever, histouchis death, his affection ruin. Those who claim to have seen him describe a living cadaver, small in stature and wrapped in creeping bandages. Amumu has inspired myths, songs, and folklore told and retold for generations such that it is impossible to separate truth from fiction.
• 1Background1.1Early Life1.1.1Legend of the Emperor's Blight1.1.2The Eye of Angor1.1.3The Yordle Beggar1.2Modern History1.3Recent Events
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Khaldun
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early Life1.1.1Legend of the Emperor's Blight1.1.2The Eye of Angor1.1.3The Yordle Beggar
• 1.2Modern History
• 1.3Recent Events
• 1.1.1Legend of the Emperor's Blight
• 1.1.2The Eye of Angor
• 1.1.3The Yordle Beggar
• 5.1Khaldun
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Alternate Universes
Early Life[]
Stories about Amumu have circulated aroundShurimanculture for centuries but his true origins are an enigma and the subject of debate. Shurimans have told countless origin stories about Amumu but the validity of these tales is uncertain as nobody can agree on a single story. Some people claim that Amumu was a youngundeadprince while others claim he's a wanderingspirit, but the most likely explanation is that Amumu is actually aYordlewho has embedded himself into Shuriman culture, though even this isn't wholly agreed on.
Because Amumu has been a staple figure in Shuriman culture since ancient times, there are countless different stories that mention him throughout history. These stories vary in many ways but one detail is universally seen throughout all of them; Amumu is a mummy cursed with eternal loneliness due to hisdeadly touchand forced to eternally wander the desert in search of a friend.
Legend of the Emperor's Blight[]
One of the legends about Amumu connected him to the first ruling family of Shurima, claiming that they were struck by a terrible disease that forced Amumu to quarantine in his chambers. Hearing Amumu's weeping through the walls, a servant girl would often visit Amumu and eventually befriended him, bringing courtly news and tales about her mystic grandmother.
One day, the girl brought news that Amumu's eldest brother had died from the illness, making Amumu the official emperor of Shurima. Pitying him for enduring this news alone, the servant girl decided to go into his chambers and comfort him. As Amumu embraced his friend, he realized that his touch had infected her with the same blight that killed his entire family, causing her to die. On the day of her death, the girl's grandmother became enraged and placed a terrible curse on the young emperor, trapping him in a permanent moment of suffering for eternity.
The Eye of Angor[]
Another tale depicted Amumu as a young and cruel emperor who forced his subjects to worship him like a god. The young emperor sought the legendary Eye of Angor, an artifact believed to grant eternal life whoever gazes at it with an unflinching heart. For years Amumu hunted for the relic, being carried by a host of slaves through dangerous catacombs as they were forced to sacrifice themselves to deadly traps under Amumu's command.
When Amumu finally reached the room containing the Eye of Angor, Amumu rushed in and gazed into the artifact as soon as he can. Now seeing an opportunity, his slaves betrayed Amumu and sealed the doorway, trapping the child emperor in darkness. The young Amumu endured darkness for years to the point of insanity as he clawed at his own skin, covering the wounds with bandages. Amumu's life was extended by the Eye of Angor, allowing him to reflect on his past transgressions, but was cursed with eternal loneliness in the process.
After a series of earthquakes shattered the tomb's foundations and opened its doors, Amumu emerged, now completely wrapped in bandages and seeking redemption for the suffering he caused as emperor.
The Yordle Beggar[]
One of the most peculiar stories of Amumu claim that he was the first and lastYordleruler of Shurima. Amumu, being a firm believer in the goodness of the human heart, sought to prove his point and swore an oath to live as a beggar until he made one true friend, convinced that his people would rally to help him. Despite thousands passing him by however, nobody extended a helping hand to the impoverished Amumu as he eventually died of a broken heart. Some say that the Yordle did not truly die however, believing that he continues to wander the desert for eternity, hoping to find someone who can restore his faith in humanity.
Modern History[]
The legends of Amumu still endure in modern Shurima, even after thedeath of the last emperorAzir. It's widely believed that Amumu still wanders the desert as his cries echo through the winds while he despairs over his inability to find friendship. Some claim that they have actually encountered the mummy, stating that his very presence brings death and illness at the touch. A song known throughoutValoranasThe Curse of the Sad Mummydetails Amumu's loneliness as he travels the world in search of a friend. By the end of the song, it's said that Amumu's fragile soul couldn't bear the curse anymore as he unleashed a destructive tantrum, destroying the town as he was tragically left alone once again.[1]
Though its unclear what Amumu is looking for, whether it's redemption, companionship or just a simple act of kindness towards him, his quest remains unfulfilled as he continues to shamble around the sands aimlessly.
Recent Events[]
Though many still claim to encounter Amumu to this day, one storyteller named Khaldun stated that he stumbled upon Amumu's tomb after it cracked open during an earthquake. Traversing the tomb, he saw wall carvings that detailed Amumu's life with images depicting a young boy sitting atop the Shuriman Sun Disc and another carving depicting his deathbed being surrounded by people either mourning or celebrating.
After hearing the wails of what he thought was a lost child, he stumbled upon puddles ofsalt water, which he thought was impossible to find so deep underneath the deserts, and eventually Amumu, who hid himself in the shadows and refused to come out. Khaldun felt pity for him and asked if he was lost while Amumu simply replied that he was unsure of where he was or how he got there, having lost his memory over the thousands of years. Khaldun approached closer to comfort him until he realized that the young boy was in fact a mummy. As Amumu's bandaged hand grasped onto Khaldun's arm, he asked if he could be his friend while Khaldun looked at his arm in horror, watching it rapidly decompose to the point of completely falling off.
Khaldun quickly fled the tomb out of fear, leaving it open and supposedly releasing Amumu to wander the desert. Though the validity of this story is in question, Khaldun lived to tell this story to his grandchildren as an explanation to why he is missing an arm.[2]
Amumu is short in stature, about the size of a young child and completely covered head to toe in dark green bandages. He has a permanently despaired facial expression as his yellow eyes constantly tear up as he cries.
Because of his curse, Amumu is doomed to an eternity of anguish, despair and loneliness. Because of his deadly touch, Amumu is incapable of embracing or befriending other people, forced to wander the deserts in a constant search for a true friend and wailing as he does so.
• Immortality:Amumu has existed for centuries and remains as a child, practically immune to aging. The true nature of his immortality is unknown, with some theories raised by his many myths range from his true nature as anundead child,a lost Spirit,or even aYordle.
• Curse of the Sad Mummy:Amumu is cursed to endure suffering and loneliness for all eternity, but the true origin and nature of this curse is unknown, with some claiming that it is in fact a deadly illness he suffers from.Cursed Touch:As part of his curse, Amumu is incapable of true companionship due to the fact that his very touch can cause anything to wither and decay, practically killing anybody he touches. Some have claimed to have survived encounters with Amumu, as whatever part of their body made contact with Amumu had completely rotted away and fallen off.
• Bandages:Amumu is completely wrapped in bandages which he is able to use to incapacitate enemies from a distance, tossing his bandages at them and wrapping them around his opponents.
• Cursed Touch:As part of his curse, Amumu is incapable of true companionship due to the fact that his very touch can cause anything to wither and decay, practically killing anybody he touches. Some have claimed to have survived encounters with Amumu, as whatever part of their body made contact with Amumu had completely rotted away and fallen off.
Though the validity of his tale is unclear, an old storyteller named Khaldun claims to his grandchildren that he survived an encounter with Amumu, having delved into his tomb and accidentally left it open once he escaped. According to Khaldun, Amumu's cursed touch withered away his arm with decay, being the reason behind his missing arm to this day.[2]
Read More
The Sad Mummy
ByRayla Heide
Starring Champion
Short Story • 5 Minute Read
Greed and Tears
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
The gods were angry, and shook the land. Cracks rent the earth,' said old Khaldun, his crag-featured face lit by firelight. 'It was into one of these fissures that a young man ventured. He found an opening; the entrance to a tomb, hidden for the Jackal knows how long. The man had little ones to feed and a wife to please, and so he ventured in, lured by opportunity.'
Music Video
The Curse of the Sad Mummy
ByChristian Linke
Every child in Valoran has heard the tale before. About the cursed mummy boy who felt his heart no more.
Alternate Universes
Clash of Fates
Starring:Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Cho'Gath,Evelynn,Jax,Karthus,Kayle,Master Yi,Nunu,Rammus,Ryze,Singed,Sivir,Soraka,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Warwick,Willump,Zilean
Cupcakes 4 Heartaches
ByTy Sheedlo
Play League of Legends to collect ingredients for Caitlyn's top secret cupcake recipe!
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
A Hero Awakens
What secrets lie beneath the shards?
Mentioned:Amumu,Diana,Kindred,Teemo,Xin Zhao
Academy Adventures: Series 1
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Akali,Amumu,Anivia,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Braum,Cho'Gath,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fiora,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Ivern,Jhin,Jinx,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nidalee,Olaf,Poppy,Rek'Sai,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Shen,Sion,Sona,Soraka,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tristana,Trundle,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Vel'Koz,Vi,Yorick,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 3
ByGutter Rat
Almost Home
Five unlikely friends band together to discover that home isn’t just a place—it’s a feeling.
Starring:Diana,Sett,Teemo,Tristana,Xin Zhao
Mac Client Available
Starring:Dr. Mundo
Mentioned:Amumu,Ashe,Caitlyn,Ezreal,Fizz,Gragas,Graves,Katarina,Master Yi,Miss Fortune,Mordekaiser,Orianna,Riven,Ryze,Singed,Soraka,Viktor,Zac,Ziggs
Music Video
breakout starsHEARTSTEEL is a band. kayn, ezreal, sett, yone, k’sante, and aphelios are in it. “PARANOIA” features BAEKHYUN, tobi lou, ØZI, and Cal Scruby
Playtime with Gnar: Series 1
ByRachel J. Corey
Mentioned:Amumu,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Darius,Draven,Karthus,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Malzahar,Nocturne,Nunu,Rengar,Twisted Fate,Willump
Punches and Plants: Series 2
Mentioned:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Amumu,Annie,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Diana,Draven,Ekko,Ezreal,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Kha'Zix,Kog'Maw,Leona,Lucian,Lux,Malphite,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nasus,Nautilus,Nidalee,Olaf,Orianna,Poppy,Quinn,Rakan,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Shaco,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Valor,Vel'Koz,Viktor,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Xin Zhao,Yasuo,Ziggs
• Amumu has been revealed to be a Yordle within Wild Rift's Guild vs Guild interactions. While the information is canon, the events in Guild vs Guild are not.[3]Many voicelines directed specifically to all Yordles in-game include Amumu, further implying he is in fact a Yordle.Link▶️"A Yordle? Gah!""Why would I need a spirit's help? I am guided by Nagakabouros."(Illaoi's line when taunting a Yordle)Link▶️"I don't get Yordles. Too fluffy."
• Amumu is at least 6000 years old, having myths and legends about him dating back as the early days of the Shuriman Empire.
• Many voicelines directed specifically to all Yordles in-game include Amumu, further implying he is in fact a Yordle.Link▶️"A Yordle? Gah!""Why would I need a spirit's help? I am guided by Nagakabouros."(Illaoi's line when taunting a Yordle)Link▶️"I don't get Yordles. Too fluffy."
• Link▶️"A Yordle? Gah!"
• "Why would I need a spirit's help? I am guided by Nagakabouros."(Illaoi's line when taunting a Yordle)
• Link▶️"I don't get Yordles. Too fluffy."
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Cursed Touch, Description: Innate: Amumu's basic attacks and Curse of the Sad Mummy are empowered to mark enemies with Curse for 3 seconds, refreshing on subsequent applications and Despair's per-tick damage. Cursed targets receive 10% bonus true damage from all incoming pre-mitigation magic damage ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'True', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'If the triggering basic attack fromAmumuappliesmagic damageon-hit,Cursewill be applied before themagic damage.', 'TheCurseapplication fromCurse of the Sad Mummyhappens after themagic damageis dealt by it, therefore amplifying the damage only if the target was also already marked before the hit.', 'Neutral units / enemies affected by theCursecan receive bonus damage from the opposing team ofAmumu/ neutral units, but the damage will be credited toAmumu.', 'The application ofCurseonCurse of the Sad Mummyis negated if the ability is blocked by aspell shield.']} | Name: Bandage Toss, Description: Active: Amumu throws a bandage in the target direction that deals magic damage to the first enemy hit, stunning them for 1 second and pulling him to them, during which they are revealed . Magic Damage: 70 / 95 / 120 / 145 / 170 (+ 85% AP) Amumu periodically stocks a Bandage Toss charge, up to a maximum of 2. Despair can be cast during the dash., STATIC COOLDOWN: STATICCOOLDOWN:3, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', "Amumuwill track the target if they change locations.He will dash to the target's previous location if the target is 2000 or more units away or moves beyond2000units.", "He will dash to the target's previous location if the target is 2000 or more units away or moves beyond2000units.", "Bandage Tosswill always be directed towards the target's location even ifAmumumoves while it is in flight.", 'Immobilizingeffects will not preventAmumufrom commencing thedash.', "Bandage Tossdoes not fizzle onAmumu'sdeath, and can still stun and damage enemies.", 'Amumuis still able todasheven ifBandage Tossis blocked byspell shield.', 'Amumuwill be ordered to basic attack the target upon completion of the dash.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.']} | Name: Despair, Description: Toggle: Amumu cries a continuous pool of tears, dealing magic damage every 0. 5 seconds to nearby enemies. Magic Damage Per Tick: 7 (+ 0. 5 / 0. 625 / 0. 75 / 0. 875 / 1% (+ 0. 25 % per 100 AP) of target's maximum health), STATIC COOLDOWN: STATICCOOLDOWN:1, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', "Toggle abilities do not count as ability activations for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.", "Despite the rounding inDespair'stooltip, it will deal increased damage for every point ofability power."]} | Name: Tantrum, Description: Passive: Amumu reduces every instance of pre-mitigation physical damage taken, capped at 50% of the damage instance. Physical Damage Reduction: 5 / 7 / 9 / 11 / 13 (+ 3% bonus armor) (+ 3% bonus magic resistance) Active: Amumu releases his anger, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies. Magic Damage: 65 / 100 / 135 / 170 / 205 (+ 50% AP) Tantrum's current cooldown is reduced by 0. 75 seconds whenever Amumu is hit by a basic attack ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', "Abasic attack'sbasic damageand eachon-hiteffect are all separate damage instances, and may be reduced each if they dealphysical damage.", "Tantrum'scooldown reduction will trigger multiple times for effects such asDouble StrikeandGuinsoo's Rageblade'sPhantom Hit.The cooldown will be reduced, even if the incoming attack isblocked.The cooldown will not be reduced, if the incoming attack misses due to the enemy beingblinded.", 'The cooldown will be reduced, even if the incoming attack isblocked.', 'The cooldown will not be reduced, if the incoming attack misses due to the enemy beingblinded.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.']} | Name: Curse of the Sad Mummy, Description: Active: Amumu entangles nearby enemies in bandages, dealing magic damage as well as knocking down and stunning them for 1. 5 seconds. Magic Damage: 200 / 300 / 400 (+ 80% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.']} | Amumu's original icon forBandage Tossshows him in a pose that referencesSpider-Man's web shooting fromMarvel Comics.
Amumu is seen on a caution sign in the game's Mac Version trailer.
Amumu was the thirdchampionto attain 7skins.
Amumu's dance references the Goth kids'danceinSouth Park.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.Both are in turn parodying classic 'Peanut's Dance', a bizarre shuffling dance performed by the characters from thePeanutscomic and animated films.
When Amumu dies, his pose is that of an Egyptianmummywith his arms crossed right over left.This is a nod to him being aShurimanboy prince in life.
Amumu's price range was lowered from1350to450in accordance with the release of hisThe Curse of the Sad Mummymusic video.
Amumu andBlitzcrankwereplannedto haveSewnChaosskins, but both werecancelledforfailingto meetRiot's quality standards.They may return in the future.
Theward skinSad Mummy Wardreferences him.
He has a base size of 50 which is considered medium. |
Anivia,the Cryophoenix | | | health: Health550+92, resource: Mana495+45, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)5.5+0.55, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)8+0.8, armor: Armor21+4.9, attack damage: Attack damage51+3.2, attack speed: Base AS0.658, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius140, release: 2009-07-10, changed: V13.22, role: Battlemage, position: MiddleSupport, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 3150|790 | Missing section(s):
AniviaMainCurrentEgg 1Egg 2TitlesAlias(es)The CryophoenixThe FrostbringerWinter's MotherThe Undying EagleCharacteristicsSpeciesSpirit GodPronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:Earlier than 9000 BNWeapon(s)Ice MagicPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originFreljord(The Formation)Current residenceFreljord(No Fixed Abode)FamilyOrnn(Brother)Volibear(Brother)Ildhaurg(Sibling)Unnamed Wildclaw(Sibling)Unnamed Raven(Sibling)Seal Sister(Sister)Unnamed Lynx(Sibling)Unnamed Owl(Sibling)Professional statusOccupation(s)TheFreljord's GuardianDemi-God Spirit(Ice, Wind, Snow, Everwinter, Freedom, and Hope)Guide for the Notai TribeRegion(s)FreljordFaction(s)AvarosanRelated character(s)OrnnVolibearAsheLissandraNunuBrandSejuaniWillump
• Main
• Current
• Egg 1
• Egg 2
• The Cryophoenix
• The Frostbringer
• Winter's Mother
• The Undying Eagle
• Born:Earlier than 9000 BN
• Ice Magic
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Ornn(Brother)
• Volibear(Brother)
• Ildhaurg(Sibling)
• Unnamed Wildclaw(Sibling)
• Unnamed Raven(Sibling)
• Seal Sister(Sister)
• Unnamed Lynx(Sibling)
• Unnamed Owl(Sibling)
Professional status
• TheFreljord's Guardian
• Demi-God Spirit(Ice, Wind, Snow, Everwinter, Freedom, and Hope)
• Guide for the Notai Tribe
Related character(s)
Aniviais a benevolent winged spirit who endures endless cycles of life, death, and rebirth to protect the Freljord. A demigod born of unforgiving ice and bitter winds, she wields thoseelemental powersto thwart any who dare disturb her homeland. Anivia guides and protects the tribes of the harsh north, who revere her as a symbol of hope, and a portent of great change. She fights with every ounce of her being, knowing that through her sacrifice, her memory will endure, and she will bereborninto a new tomorrow.
• 1Background1.1Early Life1.1.1Arrival of Mortal Tribes1.1.2The Three Sisters1.1.3Death and Rebirth1.2Modern History1.2.1Myths and Legends1.3Recent events
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Freljordian Demi-Gods5.1.1Ornn5.1.2Volibear5.2Lissandra5.3Ashe5.4Notai5.4.1Nunu & Willump5.5Udyr
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early Life1.1.1Arrival of Mortal Tribes1.1.2The Three Sisters1.1.3Death and Rebirth
• 1.2Modern History1.2.1Myths and Legends
• 1.3Recent events
• 1.1.1Arrival of Mortal Tribes
• 1.1.2The Three Sisters
• 1.1.3Death and Rebirth
• 1.2.1Myths and Legends
• 5.1Freljordian Demi-Gods5.1.1Ornn5.1.2Volibear
• 5.2Lissandra
• 5.3Ashe
• 5.4Notai5.4.1Nunu & Willump
• 5.5Udyr
• 5.1.1Ornn
• 5.1.2Volibear
• 5.4.1Nunu & Willump
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early Life[]
Anivia is an ancientdemi-godwho represents the eternal cycle of life, death, rebirth and the changing of the seasons. She, along with her many siblings, sprung fromRuneterraduring its formation and together they began to forge the lands of theVorrijaarditself. Anivia's birth in particular is believed to have brought the first winters into the world, with some even claiming she is responsible for creatingTrue Ice.
Arrival of Mortal Tribes[]
When the first mortals arrived in the ancient Vorrijaard, Anivia welcomed them willingly. Witnessing their fragility to the cold weather, she sheltered and guided them to secluded valleys where they would establish their own tribal communities and harden themselves to the elements. While nurturing and watching over these tribes, the mortals would come to revere and worship her and her siblings as gods. Legends state that, though she hoped that these tribes would remain united, blood-feuds and infighting made them susceptible to a massive invasion from a greedy king in the south who marched through the mountains seeking to claim the wild magic of the Vorrijaard for himself. Anivia, angered by the outsiders, summoned a massive snowstorm that lasted a century, obliterating the ancient army.
The Three Sisters[]
A young mortal woman namedLissandra, alongside her two sisters Avarosa and Serylda, sought to harness the magics of the world and claim dominion over the entire Vorrijaard. In order to do so, each sister scoured the world for ancient powers to harness with Lissandra seeking to tame the wild magic of the land itself.[1]Anivia's brothersValhirand8Ildhaurghowever grew angered by Lissandra's defiance and sought to destroy the three sisters for their transgressions. Anivia however, alongside her other siblings, was more inclined to work with the sisters rather than declare a war.[2]
After the eldest sister Lissandra made a pact withotherworldly masters, these three sisters would form a mighty alliance and lead a horde of warriors called theIceborn. These powerful mortals were attuned to elemental magics of the ice, capable of wielding and utilizing the True Ice substance and practically immune to the frigid cold of the Vorrijaard, now called theFreljord.[1]
As Lissandra and her sisters gained power and marched with their armies, they slowly erased the influences of the Freljordian demi-gods in favor of venerating the Three Sisters as goddesses, affecting the worship of Anivia and her siblings over time.
Death and Rebirth[]
It's believed that even death cannot touch Anivia herself, as many stories tell of how she had been struck down a handful of times throughout history, always followed by a magnificent rebirth—for as long as the Freljord exists, her soul remains immortal. Each rebirth may take hundreds or thousands of years before she rises again, but they always coincide with the dawn of a new era for the Freljord, causing her appearance to be both a wondrous blessing as well as an omen of great or terrible changes on the horizon.
Legend has it that Anivia once sacrificed herself against a march of toweringBalestriders, colossal and ancient creatures now corrupted by the influence of Lissandra.[3]Though she was incapable of truly slaying these creatures, she instead plunged into the ice beneath their feet and shattered her own body, entombing them beneath the ice and snow.
Modern History[]
Myths and Legends[]
Anivia is ancient enough to have witnessed countless mortal civilizations and is highly revered to by many tribal communities of the Freljord. Many stories and legends have been told in Anivia's honor, cementing her as a staple for most of Freljordian mythology and culture.
One of the oldest stories of Anivia tells of how her brother Ornn felled one of her favorite perching trees to build his house the Horn Hall. Annoyed by this, Anivia sought to prank her brother by tickling his nose with her feathers as he slept, causing him to sneeze out a gout of flame and setting his bedsheets on fire. Anivia, panicked by the blaze of fire building in the wooden house, flapped her wings to fly away and accidentally stoked the fire even hotter within the dry Freljordian air, causing all of Horn Hall to light ablaze. Ornn woke up on top of a pile of ashes in a bad mood, feeling disturbed in his sleep but unaware of the prank Anivia did on him, something she hasn't told him to this day.[4]
The nomadic Notai highly revere Anivia, traveling along the waves of frost believed to spill from Anivia's massive wings.[5]Well known for their songs and storytelling, the Notai have many songs that detail Anivia's magnificent birth; bursting from a giant egg of ice and hurling tiny shards into the sky to eventually fall as snow.
Another tribe, called the Mourncrow, have sagas telling how the frigid winds and blizzards that scour the Freljord actually originate from the first beats of Anivia's wings when she first birthed into the world.
TheAvarosantribe have a legend about an Iceborn warmother named Ulla Shatter-Spear, who was favored by Anivia herself for saving a younghawkfrom arimefang wolf. Throughout Ulla's life, Anivia protected her from harm until she finally fell in battle after witnessing a hundred winters. After her death, Ulla's soul was welcomed by Anivia herself with wings spread wide.
Recent events[]
Anivia has reemerged from her egg once more, marking the start of a new era for the Freljord and bringing great change. She most recently appeared beforeAshe, who continued her deceased mother Grena's search for the mythicalThrone of Avarosa.Ashe, now the new warmother of the Avarosan tribe, is seen by Anivia as the one who can finally reunite the tribes of the Freljord and thus has somewhat gained the favor of the Cryophoenix.[6]
With Anivia's return to the Freljord, more and more shamans and spirit walkers of the old demi-gods feel her presence and the new era she heralds to the Freljord, though they are unsure of what great threat she has come to face.
• Spirit GodPhysiology:Anivia is an ancient divine being embodying an aspect of the world. In her case, Anivia embodies the concepts of ice, winter, changing of seasons, rebirth and hope inFreljordianculture. As a spirit god, Anivia is empowered by the belief of her followers and linked to the cultural concepts she embodies.Winged Flight:Anivia takes the form of a giant, majestic bird made of ice and snow with massive wings. Though these wings grant her the ability of flight, she may also use these wings tosummon great blizzardsas ice and snow constantly fall off of her wings.Immortality:As a spirit goddess, Anivia cannot age or die as long as the concepts she embodies and the Freljord itself still exists. Historically however, Anivia has been struck down in battle several times over thousands of years. Whenever this occurs, Anivia is sure to be reborn and emerge from aneggsoon after, with her rebirth marking a new era for the Freljord.Ice Magic:As a powerful goddess of the winter, Anivia is linked to the elemental magics of ice and frost. Many legends tell of her immense strength and capability in controlling the winter. She is capable of summoning great blizzards, erectmighty walls of iceand is even believed to have created the magical substanceTrue Ice.
• Winged Flight:Anivia takes the form of a giant, majestic bird made of ice and snow with massive wings. Though these wings grant her the ability of flight, she may also use these wings tosummon great blizzardsas ice and snow constantly fall off of her wings.
• Immortality:As a spirit goddess, Anivia cannot age or die as long as the concepts she embodies and the Freljord itself still exists. Historically however, Anivia has been struck down in battle several times over thousands of years. Whenever this occurs, Anivia is sure to be reborn and emerge from aneggsoon after, with her rebirth marking a new era for the Freljord.
• Ice Magic:As a powerful goddess of the winter, Anivia is linked to the elemental magics of ice and frost. Many legends tell of her immense strength and capability in controlling the winter. She is capable of summoning great blizzards, erectmighty walls of iceand is even believed to have created the magical substanceTrue Ice.
Freljordian Demi-Gods[]
Anivia is one of the Freljordian demi-gods responsible for creating and forging the very land itself. All of the gods are siblings with one another, with Anivia being among one of the older ones. Anivia has not shown any true ill will to any of her fellow gods and is related to deities such as theSeal Sisterand other currently unnamed spirits.
Ornn is the eldest of the Freljordian demi-gods, being the god of the forge and magma. Ornn doesn't socialize with his siblings very much but hasn't shown any ill will towards Anivia. However, there are legends within the Freljord that tell of how Anivia, after Ornn felled her favorite perching tree, pulled a prank on Ornn in his sleep, causing him to sneeze a gout of flame and burn his house down. The legend states that he woke up in a grumpy mood, unaware of what Anivia had done.[4]
The mighty Volibear, also known asValhir, is the Freljordian demi-god of storms and warfare. Volibear interacted with Anivia when he called his siblings together to declare war on the ice witchLissandra. Many of the gods, especially Anivia, actually denied Volibear's proposal of war and was more inclined to cooperate with the mortals.[2]Despite this, and despite his violent nature, Volibear actually highly respects Anivia as a goddess.
Though it's unsure whether or not Anivia has personally interacted with Lissandra, she is the one who moved to make peace with her instead of declaring war like her brother Volibear proposed. Anivia felt the ice witch's presence when she rallied her army ofIcebornto claim dominion over the Freljord, as followers of the old gods began to die out in her crusade to wipe out all of their worshippers.[1]
Anivia hasn't personally interacted with Ashe, but she did appear before her at the mythicalAvarosa's Throne,where Ashe found her signatureTrue Icebow.[6]Recently, word has spread that Ashe has actually gained the favor of Anivia herself as she sees in Ashe a way to truly reunite the Freljord.
The Notai tribe highly revere Anivia in particular, having many stories and songs passed down for generations that speak of her many deeds and detailing her magnificent birth and rebirth within the world. They are nomadic and travel by following wherever the snow may fall, traveling along the waves of frost believed to fall off of Anivia's wings as she flies.[5]
Nunu & Willump[]
Nunu hasn't personally met Anivia but was born within the Notai tribe where he heard many stories and songs about her, particularly from his mom Layka.[5]
As the most powerful spirit walker in the Freljord, Udyr is easily capable of channeling the powers of all the Freljordian spirits including Anivia herself.[7]When channeling Anivia, Udyr enters hisStorm Stance, gaining the ice magic of the Cryophoenix herself.
Read More
The Cryophoenix
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Starring Champion
Mentioned Champion
Short Story
A Good Day
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Vrynna gritted her teeth to stop them from chattering and forced herself on, trudging through the thick snow.
Short Story
Frozen Hearts
ByDavid Slagle
“Mom… can I ask you a question?”
Short Story
Shield of Remembrance
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Quinn ran through the forest, moving softly and swiftly.
Short Story
Silence for the Damned
ByOdin Austin Shafer
Across the frozen river, the distant, glowing lights promised warmth and food. Udyr imagined a hearth fire crackling inside one of the city's homes. Around the fire, bedding furs rested, prickling with warmth.
Song of Nunu
ByTequila Works
Short Story
Stone Cold
ByDavid Slagle
I wake up suddenly, like a story that starts in the middle of the action.
The Boy and His Yeti
ByDavid Slagle
Short Story • 15 Minute Read
The Lost Tales of Ornn
ByMatthew Dunn
I have never seen the forgotten god. My grandmother told me these tales, but she never saw the forgotten god either—nor did her grandmother before her, or hers before her, a thousand times over. His legends endure only around crackling fires and meals of roasted fish. The further back we trace our ancestors, the truer the tales become.
The Relentless Storm
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné,Rayla Heide
Warmother: Issue 2
ByOdin Austin Shafer,Nina Vakueva
Faced with impossible odds, Ashe and her tribe must decide what is worth dying for.
Alternate Universes
Clash of Fates
Starring:Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Cho'Gath,Evelynn,Jax,Karthus,Kayle,Master Yi,Nunu,Rammus,Ryze,Singed,Sivir,Soraka,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Warwick,Willump,Zilean
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Since its inception, Worlds has grown and evolved. Each unbelievable play and phenomenal match created moments and memories that will never be forgotten. In these iconic moments, players and teams reached for something incredible within themselves and brought it to life on the Summoner’s Rift...
Starring:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Brand,Caitlyn,Darius,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Gnar,Janna,Jax,Jayce,Jinx,Kassadin,Katarina,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lulu,Orianna,Rek'Sai,Rengar,Rumble,Ryze,Shen,Sivir,Tahm Kench,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Yasuo,Ziggs
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
Wings of Revelry
Battling in a World of Gray... Or Partying All Day? Sound, Color and Ecstasy on the Wings of Revelry!
Academy Adventures: Series 1
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Akali,Amumu,Anivia,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Braum,Cho'Gath,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fiora,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Ivern,Jhin,Jinx,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nidalee,Olaf,Poppy,Rek'Sai,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Shen,Sion,Sona,Soraka,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tristana,Trundle,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Vel'Koz,Vi,Yorick,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Crystal Quest: Series 1
Mentioned:Anivia,Ashe,Braum,Bristle,Caitlyn,Camille,Elise,Ezreal,Garen,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Illaoi,Ivern,Katarina,Kled,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lucian,Nami,Olaf,Poppy,Ryze,Senna,Singed,Skaarl,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Veigar,Vi,Zac
Crystal Quest: Series 2
Nunu & Willump: Issue 4
ByIan St. Martin
This comic is an alternate/inspired story of how Nunu and Willump met.
• Anivia is a prehistoric entity, being at least 10000 years old and possibly much older than that.
• As aSpirit God, Anivia acts as a manifestation of cultural ideas, given immense power by the belief of her followers. Because of this, her power can wax and wane depending on her worship or even disappear entirely for a long time.[8]
• It's most likely thatTrue Ice'sorigins are traced back to Anivia, asSylascan obtain ice magic similar to hers when he made contact with True Ice.[9]
• While inegg form, Anivia is often referred to as1Eggnivia.In League of Legends, Anivia's in-game name changes accordingly while she isresurrectingwith her passive.
• In League of Legends, Anivia's in-game name changes accordingly while she isresurrectingwith her passive.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Rebirth, Description: Innate: Periodically, upon taking fatal damage , Anivia enters resurrection for 6 seconds and restores all of her health . While under resurrection, Anivia is unable to act and gains -40 − 20 (based on level) bonus armor and bonus magic resistance . If Anivia remains alive by the end of the duration, she is revived with her current health ., STATIC COOLDOWN: STATICCOOLDOWN:240, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', 'TriggeringRebirthwill breaktethersonAnivia.', 'ChronoshiftandGuardian Angelwill take priority overRebirth.', "IfRebirthtriggers whileAniviais channelingTeleport, her channel won't be interrupted.All otherchannelswill be interrupted upon triggeringRebirth.", 'All otherchannelswill be interrupted upon triggeringRebirth.', 'The following refers for interactions whileAniviais resurrecting:', 'Death', 'Cooldown set to 60 seconds.']} | Name: Flash Frost, Description: Active: Anivia launches a chunk of ice in the target direction that deals magic damage to enemies hit and slows them by 20% − 40% (based on Glacial Storm's Rank) for 3 seconds. Magic Damage: 50 / 70 / 90 / 110 / 130 (+ 25% AP) Flash Frost can be recast while the ice is in flight after its cast time, and does so automatically at maximum range. Recast: Anivia shatters the ice, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies and stunning them for a duration, as well as refreshing the slow . Magic Damage: 60 / 95 / 130 / 165 / 200 (+ 45% AP) Total Magic Damage: 110 / 165 / 220 / 275 / 330 (+ 70% AP) Stun Duration: 1. 1 / 1. 2 / 1. 3 / 1. 4 / 1. 5, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection/Auto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', "The initial cast and the manual recast count as ability activations for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.If the ability is not manually recasted, the secondary effect will trigger without being considered as an ability activation.", 'If the ability is not manually recasted, the secondary effect will trigger without being considered as an ability activation.', 'Flash Frostcan only procConqueroronce even if it damages the same target twice.', 'Flash Frostwill fire from whereverAniviawas at the start of the cast time.', 'Spell shieldcan only prevent either the collision hit or recast from affecting the target.']} | Name: Crystallize, Description: Active: Anivia summons a wall of ice at the target location perpendicular to her facing, knocking all units away from it, though not through terrain. The wall lingers as impassable terrain for 5 seconds. Width : 600 / 700 / 800 / 900 / 1000 units Number of ice segments: 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 chunks of ice Distance between outermost segments: 400 / 500 / 600 / 700 / 800 units Distance between individual segments: 133. 33 / 125 / 120 / 116. 67 / 114. 29 units, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', "Crystallize'sdisplacement triggers in-combat effects by dealing 0proctrue damage, such as drawing turret aggro,Sudden Impactand applyingElixir of Sorcery.", 'Individual ice chunks have both 100 unitspathing radiusandgameplay radius.', 'Championsare knocked 120 units to either side of a wall segment, non-champions 250 units.PENDING FOR TEST:Knockback speed?', 'PENDING FOR TEST:Knockback speed?', 'Player-generated terrain such asCrystallizedoes not blocksight.']} | Name: Frostbite, Description: Passive: Enemies hit by Flash Frost or a fully formed Glacial Storm become Chilled for 3 seconds, refreshing on subsequent hits. Active: Anivia blasts a freezing wind at the target enemy that deals magic damage , doubled if they were Chilled . Magic Damage: 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 (+ 60% AP) Enhanced Damage: 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 / 300 (+ 120% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', "The damage ofFrostbiteis calculated once it hits. If the target's mark from being hit byFlash Frostor a fully formedGlacial Stormwares off while the projectile is traveling, the damage is not doubled.", 'Frostbitehas a different sound effect when it hits a target for double damage.', 'If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the cast time, this ability will cancel but does not go oncooldownnor pay its cost (if applicable).']} | Name: Glacial Storm, Description: Active: Anivia calls forth a driving rain of ice and hail at the target location, dealing magic damage every 0. 5 seconds to enemies within and slowing them for 1 second, refreshing every 0. 5 seconds while they remain inside. Magic Damage per Tick: 15 / 22. 5 / 30 (+ 6. 25 % AP) Slow: 20 / 30 / 40% The blizzard increases in size over 1. 5 seconds. At maximum size, Glacial Storm is empowered to deal 300% damage and increase the effectiveness of its slow by 50%, which also instead lasts 1. 5 seconds and refreshes every 0. 25 seconds. Empowered Damage per Tick: 45 / 67. 5 / 90 (+ 18. 75 % AP) Empowered Slow: 30 / 45 / 60% Glacial Storm can be recast after 1 second, and does so automatically if Anivia is no longer in range or unable to pay the mana cost, or becomes affected by any form of interrupting crowd control . Recast: Anivia ends Glacial Storm , dealing one last tick of damage., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation/Auto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', "Toggle abilities do not count as ability activations for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.", "Glacial Storm'sslow leaves a trail that is visible even if the target isstealthed.", 'Glacial Stormdeals 3 half ticks at 200 / 267 / 333 radius for a total of 1.5normal damage ticks before it starts dealing empowered damage at 400 radius.', "StasisviaStopwatch/Zhonya's Hourglassdoesn't interruptGlacial Storm.Tahm Kench'sDevourdoesinterrupt (allied and enemy)Glacial Storm.", "Tahm Kench'sDevourdoesinterrupt (allied and enemy)Glacial Storm."]} | Anivia's dance references theChicken Dance, a faddance.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.She shares this dance withBirdio.
The quote in her lore referencesFire and IcebyRobert Frost.
Anivia is the first female entirely-non-humanoid champion, the second beingRek'Sai.
As stated byBrian 'FeralPony' Feeney,Flash Frostresembles the very first Nexus Crystal.[2]
From the previous rating system, Anivia was one of five champions with a difficulty of 10, the others beingCassiopeia,Evelynn,Rumble, andYasuo.However, Anivia has not been given this rating originally.Anivia also had an ability of 10, which made her the only champion that scored two 10 ratings. |
Annie,the Dark Child,Annie Hastur | | | health: Health560+102, resource: Mana418+25, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)5.5+0.55, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)8+0.8, armor: Armor19+4.7, attack damage: Attack damage50+2.65, attack speed: Base AS0.61, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius55, selection radius: Selection radius100, release: 2009-02-21, changed: V13.22, role: Burst, position: MiddleSupport, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 450|260 | Games
AnnieMainOriginsCurrent 1Current 2TitlesReal nameAnnie HasturNickname(s)Firefly(Gregori Hastur)Alias(es)The Dark ChildCharacteristicsSpeciesHuman(Magical;Magically Altered)Pronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:988 ANWeapon(s)Fire MagicPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originIronspike Mountains,NoxusCurrent residenceNoxus(No fixed abode)FamilyGregori Hastur†(Father)Amoline Kiosar-Hastur†(Mother)Leanna Hastur†(Stepmother)Daisy Hastur†(Stepsister)Unnamed Maternal Great-Grandmother†Pet(s)TybaulkProfessional statusOccupation(s)Wandering OrphanRegion(s)RuneterraRelated character(s)MordekaiserLeBlancTybaulk
• Main
• Origins
• Current 1
• Current 2
Real name
• Born:988 AN
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Gregori Hastur†(Father)
• Amoline Kiosar-Hastur†(Mother)
• Leanna Hastur†(Stepmother)
• Daisy Hastur†(Stepsister)
• Unnamed Maternal Great-Grandmother†
Professional status
Related character(s)
Dangerous, yet disarmingly precocious,Annieis a child mage with immense pyrokinetic power. Even in the shadows of the mountains north ofNoxus, she is a magical outlier. Her natural affinity for fire manifested early in life through unpredictable, emotional outbursts, though she eventually learned to control these tricks. Her favorite includes the summoning of her beloved teddy bear,Tibbers, as a fiery beast hellbent on destruction. Lost in the perpetual innocence of childhood,Anniewanders the dark forests, always looking for someone to play with.
• 1Background1.1Early Life1.1.1Family History1.1.2Childhood1.1.3Step-Family1.2Modern History1.3Recent events1.3.1Ravenbloom Conservatory
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Tybaulk/Tibbers5.2Gregori Hastur5.3Amoline Kiosar-Hastur (Mother)5.4Daisy Hastur(Stepsister)5.5Leanna Hastur5.6Ravenbloom Conservatory5.6.1Daani5.6.2Sydell Kythera5.6.3Faye5.6.4LeBlanc5.7Mordekaiser
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early Life1.1.1Family History1.1.2Childhood1.1.3Step-Family
• 1.2Modern History
• 1.3Recent events1.3.1Ravenbloom Conservatory
• 1.1.1Family History
• 1.1.2Childhood
• 1.1.3Step-Family
• 1.3.1Ravenbloom Conservatory
• 5.1Tybaulk/Tibbers
• 5.2Gregori Hastur
• 5.3Amoline Kiosar-Hastur (Mother)
• 5.4Daisy Hastur(Stepsister)
• 5.5Leanna Hastur
• 5.6Ravenbloom Conservatory5.6.1Daani5.6.2Sydell Kythera5.6.3Faye5.6.4LeBlanc
• 5.7Mordekaiser
• 5.6.1Daani
• 5.6.2Sydell Kythera
• 5.6.3Faye
• 5.6.4LeBlanc
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Alternate Universes
Early Life[]
Family History[]
Annie was born toGregori Hasturand Amoline Kiosar, two mages that fled the capital city ofNoxusdue to their uncertainty ofBoram Darkwill'srule. Unbeknownst to Gregori, Amoline was actually a runaway from the1Ravenbloom Conservatory, a school run by theBlack Rosewhere she was experimentally fused with aDemonnamedTybaulk.[1]
The couple made a home in theIronspike Mountainsand Amolie became pregnant. In anticipation for her child's birth, Amoline crafted a stuffed teddy bear based off of the mysteriousshadow bearsrumored to roam the lands around them. As she applied finishing touches to the toy, Amoline suddenly went into labor and gave birth to Annie.
As a newborn, Annie was given the teddy bear that her mother made for her. When Annie was a toddler, she and her father got ill with a fever that was so hot that Amoline couldn't even touch her. Amoline tried using ice water from the river to ease her daughter's fever but became desperate, resorting to using the powers of the demon Tybaulk to save her. By infusing the demon with Annie's stuffed bear, her illness was magically cured at the cost of her own life. When Gregori woke up the next day, Annie in her crib, cured of her fever and playing with her stuffed bear she now namedTibbers. Amoline however was nowhere to be seen.
Growing up, Annie's latentmagical abilitiesbegan to manifest, allowing her to manipulate the flames of the fireplace without her father noticing. Annie naïvely believed that her mother would return one day, often found sitting by the fireplace in her mother's rocking chair and clutching Tibbers tightly while waiting for her mother's return.
Crayon drawings depictingTibbersand Annie's birth mom Amoline.
As more people began settling around the Ironspike Mountains, Gregori fell in love with one of these settlers namedLeanna, who had a daughter of her own namedDaisy. Gregori soon married Leanna and the two families joined together, making Leanna Annie's new step-mother. Leanna began to grow disturbed by Annie, often finding her morbid crayon drawings depicting Amoline and Tibbers. Daisy on the other hand grew close with Annie as sisters, but grew terrified of Tibbers and Annie's fire magic, which often sparked from her short temper.
Annie andDaisychasing aFaerieacross a river.
While playing outside, the two chased aFaeriearound the forest and followed it to a river. Though Annie protested against chasing it across the river, Daisy began skipping on stones to reach the Faerie, losing her balance and slipping. As the waters started to take Daisy, Annie reached out with her bear and allowed her step-sister to grab on. As Daisy held on, Annie's magical abilities began to flare up as Tibbers glowed with a light fire. Frightened by Annie's magic, Daisy panicked and let go of Tibbers, drowning in the river while Annie watched helplessly.
Mourning the death of her step-sister, Annie overheard Leanna as she blamed Annie and called her a monster to Gregori's face. Overwhelmed with grief and emotion, Annie ran to her room and sobbed as she slowly lost control of her magic, setting her room on fire. Soon the entire house caught aflame as Gregori ran into his daughter's and carried her out of the burning house. As house began to collapse, some rubble from the ceiling began to fall, forcing Gregori to throw Annie to safety as he sacrificed himself to save her, getting crushed to death by the falling rubble.
Annie standing on top of the ashes of her house, orphaned and clutching Tibbers.
As the whole house was in ashes, Leanna violently expressed her spite towards Annie, vocally blaming her for everything. As Leanna snatched Tibbers away from Annie, she tried to tear the bear apart out of anger, triggering Annie's full rage as she manifested the demonic Tybaulk byanimating her teddy bearfor the first time, viciously tearing Leanna into pieces. Now, completely alone, traumatized and orphaned, Annie wandered off into the countryside with only her bear Tibbers to keep her company.[2]
Modern History[]
Annie wandered the northern parts of Noxus while avoiding the capital city, believing that most city Noxians would be similar to her hated step-mother. Occasionally on her travels, Annie would use her adorable exterior to convince a family to take her in and care for her, which would usually end in a fire and death when anyone tries to separate Annie from her stuffed bear. At some point, Annie was adopted by a family who gave her a new set of clothes; her signature pink and purple outfit along with her horned tiara. It's unknown what happened to them, but they are presumed to have been killed by Annie's uncontrollable fire magic.
At some point, Annie ended up at a tavern run by a bartender named Marcin. Ominously, Annie skipped through the tavern doors and asked Marcin for a cup of milk, which Marcin was confused by but complied anyway. As he got the girl a cup of milk, Annie paid with a full bag of coins that was more than necessary for payment. A nearby bounty hunter overheard and caught glimpse of the large sum of gold, demanding to know where she found so much money. As the bounty hunter continued to provoke the young girl, Annie unleashed Tibbers, who immediately shredded the man apart and set the tavern on fire. Annie happily thanked the bartender before walking out as the entire structure crumbled into ashes.[3]
Recent events[]
Ravenbloom Conservatory[]
• Annie being taken into the1Ravenbloom Conservatoryby Fynn Retrick.
• Annie skipping away as the school burns down behind her.
After hearing rumors about a girl with fire magic roaming the northern Ironspike Mountains, the Ravenbloom Conservatory sent a scout named Fynn Retrick to investigate. Fynn, who personally knew Amoline in the past, found Annie and immediately recognized her as Amoline's daughter. Having been sent to retrieve the demon Tybaulk and realizing what Amoline had done with Annie, Fynn brought Annie back to the school with him to be enrolled as their newest student.[4]
In the conservatory, Annie befriended most of her classmates, all of whom were youths wielding magical abilities. This included anOovi-Kat vastayanamed3Daani, a boy named2Sydelland a prodigy student named3Faye. Annie showed a powerful talent for fire magic to the school and became extremely important due to the fact that she was directly linked to Tybaulk, an important asset that the school wished to regain control of. Annie was a temperamental and mischievous student, as her misbehavior proved too difficult for the faculty staff to control and discipline.[5]Annie's temper eventually got the best of her as she summoned the full force of Tibbers and set the entire school on fire, forcing everybody to evacuate as the academy burned to ashes.[6]
She is a young girl described with a bright-red hair and brilliants green eyes. She wears a infant gothic, with a pink and purple palette. She wears a horned tiara, who gives her the impression of an imp, and has a leather bag on her back. She seems to always carry a innocent and malicious face.
Annie is childish and reckless, putting on a display of innocence while showing an unsettling sense of humor at times. She is very protective of Tibbers, seeing him as her best friend, and will not hesitate to animate him to attack whomever tries to harm her or snatches him from her. She is shown to have an indomitable will which impressed Tybaulk (the demon within Tibbers) enough to ally with her.
• Magical Physiology:Annie, like her mother Amoline, was born with a natural magical talent which might grow as she matures and trains her abilities further. Though her talents in magic arose as a young child, she is almost completely untrained in them and often loses control of her magic during moments of intense emotion, particularly rage or distress. Annie was initially admitted into the1Ravenbloom Conservatoryfor training, but proved too unruly and mischievous to teach.Fire Magic:Annie has a natural affinity towards fire magic, something she may have inherited from her mother as well. Her abilities allow her to control fire with her mind, capable of setting small objects on fire or lighting hearths. After bonding withTybaulk, Annie's magic with fire became enhanced, allowing her to burn entire homes down with awave of flamesorhurl destructive fireballsat opponents.
• Demonic Bonding:Annie has a magical bonding with thefire demonTybaulk, which thoroughly enhances her innate fire magic to an extreme degree. Tybaulk is trapped inside Annie's sentimental stuffed teddy bear Tibbers, allowing Annie to manifest Tybaulk in the form of a giant fire bear capable of tearing opponents to shreds and setting everything in the vicinity ablaze.
• Fire Magic:Annie has a natural affinity towards fire magic, something she may have inherited from her mother as well. Her abilities allow her to control fire with her mind, capable of setting small objects on fire or lighting hearths. After bonding withTybaulk, Annie's magic with fire became enhanced, allowing her to burn entire homes down with awave of flamesorhurl destructive fireballsat opponents.
Tybaulk, known to Annie as 'Tibbers,' is thefire demontrapped within her stuffed teddy bear. Annie's mother Amoline initially contained Tybaulk within her own body, until she eventually placed him within Annie's teddy bear while magically curing her daughter's sudden illness.
Tibbers is Annie's best friend and last companion due to the death of her entire family. Because her teddy bear is the only living piece of Annie's mother she has left, she is extremely fond of him and becomes enraged when someone tries to hurt or separate the two. Tybaulk on the other hand doesn't care much for Annie and serves only as an extension of her powers. However, he is impressed by her strong will as she is the first mortal he's met that has been capable of taming him.[7]
Gregori Hastur[]
Gregori was the loving father of Annie, nicknaming her 'Firefly' and raising her for most of her life after Amoline's sudden disappearance. After Gregori remarried, his love for Annie never faltered and he acted as the mediator between Annie and her new stepmother Leanna, who often came to odds with his daughter due to being disturbed by her abilities and strange tendencies. When the house burned down because of Annie's flames, Gregori remained concerned for his daughter's safety, ultimately sacrificing his own life to bring her to safety.
Amoline Kiosar-Hastur (Mother)[]
Amoline was Annie's birth mother and had created Tibbers as a gift to her when she was born, having gone into labor with Annie while stitching the last button eye on the stuffed bear. When Annie gained a terrible fever, Amoline grew desparate to save her daughter from the illness and resorted to infusing her daughter with the powers of the demonTybaulkto save her, sacrificing her own life and mysteriously disappearing in the process.
After Amoline's disappearance, Annie held on hope that her mother would one day return, constantly waiting for her at the fireplace while drawing pictures of her mother. Her obsession with her mother would grow disturbing however, such as one crayon drawing depicting her mother being buried underground implying she's aware that she most likely passed away. Tibbers is the last remaining piece of Amoline that Annie has left, causing her to be deeply connected to the stuffed bear to the point that anyone attempting to separate them would cause Annie's rageful outbursts.
Daisy Hastur(Stepsister)[]
Daisy was Annie's stepsister, being the daughter of Leanna. Because the two were similar in age, they often got along and played together, but Daisy became frightened of Annie's temper and fiery powers. She grew a fear of Tibbers due to the fact that, at one point, Annie ignited Tibbers when Daisy attempted to take him to play a game.
One fateful day, the two playfully followed afaerieas it flew across a river with dangerously rushing waters. While chasing the faerie, Daisy slipped on a wet rock and struggled to hang on as the powerful currents took hold of her. Annie tried to save Daisy by reaching out to her with Tibbers, unwillingly heating the stuffed bear with fire because of her overwhelming emotions. Daisy, terrified of the toy bear, lost her grip and drowned in the river as Annie watched, horrified. Shortly after, Daisy's mother Leanna vocally blamed Annie for Daisy's death, causing Annie to become overwhelmed with guilt and sadness as she grieved her stepsister's death.
Leanna Hastur[]
Leanna is a colonist in theIronspike Mountainswho fell in love and married Gregori Hastur, becoming Annie's stepmother. Annie's continuous obsession for her birth mother Amoline immediately caused a rift between her and Leanna, who in turn grew disturbed by Annie's strange behaviors especially after finding her crayon drawings of Amoline.
Their troubled relationship grew as Annie played with Leanna's daughter Daisy, who she would try to protect from Annie due to her temper and fiery magic. After Daisy's tragic death in the river, Leanna told her husband that she completely blamed Annie for her daughter's death, calling her a monster. As Annie overheard Leanna, she became overwhelmed with grief and set the house ablaze without control of her powers, ultimately leading to Gregori's death as he sacrificed himself to save her from the house fire.
Atop the ashes of the house, Leanna violently lashed out at Annie, blaming her for everything and stating that she took everything from her. In anger, she snatched Tibbers out of the hands of a grieving Annie and attempted to rip him apart out of anger, causing Annie to manifest Tibbers as he viciously tore Leanna to shreds.
Ravenbloom Conservatory[]
Annie's birth mother, Amoline, was a former student of the Ravenbloom Conservatory but ran away to the northern parts ofNoxusafter being infused with the demon Tybaulk. The headmistress of the school, Headmistress Telsi, sent a scout named Fynn Retrick to locate Amoline and retrieve the demon infused with her body. Fynn instead returned with Annie, who they instantly recognized as Amoline's daughter and that she was magically infused with Tybaulk.
In the school, Annie was incredibly powerful with her magic considering her young age and lack of training. However, most of the school faculty feared her due to her temper and mischievous, claiming that her misbehaviors made her impossible to teach. Eventually, Annie summoned Tibbers in the school, burning the entire building to ashes as she joyfully skipped away.
Daani is one of Annie's classmates in the Ravenbloom Conservatory, being a magically talentedOovi-Kat vastaya. He is incredibly playful with Annie and friendly with her, with Annie even considering him her 'second bestfriend.' Daani also seems curious about Tibbers, mostly due to his magical ability to see magical auras and noting that he's never seen a powerful aura around a stuffed bear before.
Sydell Kythera[]
Sydell Kythera is one of Annie's classmates in the Ravenbloom Conservatory, magically gifted with a connection to spiders such as his pet spider namedFang. The two seem to get along, with Sydell being mischievous delinquent in the school and bonding with Annie over their troublemaking. Though Sydell would rather do things like skip classes, Annie would state that she thinks it'd be more fun to burn the entire school down. Annie calls SydellMr. Kytherabut often has trouble pronouncing his last name.
Faye is a prodigy within the Ravenbloom Conservatory and one of Annie's classmates. Wielding powerful telekinetic abilities, she is favored by Headmistress Telsi, who utilizes Faye to influence the students when they become too unruly for the school faculty to control.
When Annie sparred with Faye at the school's training grounds, Faye became interested in her immense power and took a liking to her. Possibly under the orders of the headmistress, Faye would attempt to convince Annie to further her training and expand her powers.
Though LeBlanc has never met Annie in person, she runs theBlack Rose, a secret society within Noxus that truly runs many schools such as the Ravenbloom Conservatory. In this school in particular, the Black Rose experimented with demons, harnessing their powers and infusing one of them within Annie's mother Amoline. When Amoline went missing, it's assumed that the Black Rose are the ones who issued to orders to retrieve both her and their experimented demon.
Annie has never met Mordekaiser, but its believed that Tybaulk had initially been enslaved by him during his vicious reign over Noxus, before being harnessed by the Black Rose in the Ravenbloom Conservatory.
Read More
The Dark Child
ByAriel Lawrence
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill,Daisy Hastur,Gregori Hastur,Leanna Hastur
Starring Champion
Annie: Origins
Discover the spark that set off the Dark Child's fire.
Starring:Annie,Daisy Hastur,Gregori Hastur,Leanna Hastur,Tibbers
Short Story
ByMichael Yichao
There's one thing you should remember about little Annie: she's never alone. Isn't that right, Tibbers?
Alternate Universes
A Twist of Fate
The battle seems decided... until there is a Twist of Fate.
Starring:Annie,Fiddlesticks,Garen,Katarina,Nocturne,Ryze,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate
Clash of Fates
Starring:Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Cho'Gath,Evelynn,Jax,Karthus,Kayle,Master Yi,Nunu,Rammus,Ryze,Singed,Sivir,Soraka,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Warwick,Willump,Zilean
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Since its inception, Worlds has grown and evolved. Each unbelievable play and phenomenal match created moments and memories that will never be forgotten. In these iconic moments, players and teams reached for something incredible within themselves and brought it to life on the Summoner’s Rift...
Starring:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Brand,Caitlyn,Darius,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Gnar,Janna,Jax,Jayce,Jinx,Kassadin,Katarina,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lulu,Orianna,Rek'Sai,Rengar,Rumble,Ryze,Shen,Sivir,Tahm Kench,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Yasuo,Ziggs
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
Save the Celebration
Honor the past, protect the future. Every year, a beast of legend arrives to threaten the Lunar New Year, and every year, a team of heroes is chosen to stand as guardians over the celebration.
Starring:Alistar,Annie,Darius,Fiora,Jarvan IV
Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Punches and Plants: Series 1
Mentioned:Ahri,Alistar,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Braum,Caitlyn,Darius,Diana,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Evelynn,Ezreal,Gangplank,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jinx,Karma,Katarina,Leona,Lucian,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Nunu,Quinn,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Sivir,Sona,Soraka,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Valor,Varus,Vel'Koz,Vladimir,Volibear,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Zac,Ziggs
Punches and Plants: Series 2
Mentioned:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Amumu,Annie,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Diana,Draven,Ekko,Ezreal,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Kha'Zix,Kog'Maw,Leona,Lucian,Lux,Malphite,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nasus,Nautilus,Nidalee,Olaf,Orianna,Poppy,Quinn,Rakan,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Shaco,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Valor,Vel'Koz,Viktor,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Xin Zhao,Yasuo,Ziggs
Annie, the Dark Child
• Tibbers was hand-crafted by Annie's mother, with the mythical Shadow Bears as a template, and is the only memento she has of her. She uses it as a focus for her pyromancy to bring Tibbers to life[8]as opposed to the previous lore when he was just a Shadow Bear whom Annie herself enthralled.
• Annie's stepmother is named Leanna and her stepsister is named Daisy just like theSentinelIvernsummons. It is unknown if these two are related or not.
• Tibbers'lost his button eye in the incident where Annie lost her step-sister, Daisy.While distracted by chasing after afairie, Daisy fell in a rushing river despite Annie trying to warn her. Annie attempted to save her but Daisy was swept away in the current.It is most likely that Amoline drowned in the river she tried to draw water from, due to poor visibility in the middle of the night. It is stated that there is only one river near their home and considering that Annie and Daisy would not have been allowed to venture far from their house, it is most likely the same river that Daisy drowned in.
• Her current appearance was due to an unknown adopted family that lived around the Ironspike Mountain regions ofNoxus.
• She is currently 9 years old.
• It is implied that Annie's pyrokinetic magic passively shields her from the cold of winter, being perfectly fine in a short-sleeved dress. If she had to actively use her visible flames to keep warm, it is more likely that a "meanie" devoured by Tibbers that had stopped Annie on the road would have avoided antagonizing her in the first place.[3]
• ANNIE: Originsdepicts Annie with brown hair, butTroublestates that she has "bright red" hair.
• While distracted by chasing after afairie, Daisy fell in a rushing river despite Annie trying to warn her. Annie attempted to save her but Daisy was swept away in the current.
• It is most likely that Amoline drowned in the river she tried to draw water from, due to poor visibility in the middle of the night. It is stated that there is only one river near their home and considering that Annie and Daisy would not have been allowed to venture far from their house, it is most likely the same river that Daisy drowned in.
Original Annie
• She is the daughter of Gregori Hastur the Gray Warlock & Amoline the Shadow Witch.
• When Annie was 8 years old, she enthralled a shadow bear from the Voodoo Lands, who would be known asTibbers.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Pyromania, Description: Innate - Pyromania: Annie generates a stack of Pyromania whenever she hits an enemy with Disintegrate or casts her other abilities , stacking up to 4 times, at which she gains Energized . Energized: Annie empowers her next cast of Disintegrate , Incinerate , or Summon: Tibbers to consume all Pyromania stacks to stun enemies hit for 1. 25 / 1. 5 / 1. 75 (based on level) seconds. Annie gains maximum stacks of Pyromania when the game starts and upon respawning . She will lose Energized and all Pyromania stacks upon death ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Tips & Tricks', 'Video', 'Anniedoes not lose any stacks if she entersresurrection.', 'Stacks are gained even if the ability is blocked byspell shield.', 'The stun applies to the first ability that lands when the stun is available. If you castDisintegratefollowed byIncineratewhile the stun is available andIncineratelands first, the stun will be applied throughIncinerate.']} | Name: Disintegrate, Description: Active: Annie hurls a fireball at the target enemy that deals magic damage . Magic Damage: 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 / 210 (+ 75% AP) If this kills the target, 50% of the cooldown is reduced and the mana cost is refunded., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the cast time, this ability will cancel but does not go oncooldownnor pay its cost (if applicable).']} | Name: Incinerate, Description: Active: Annie releases fire in a cone in the target direction, dealing magic damage to enemies hit. Magic Damage: 70 / 115 / 160 / 205 / 250 (+ 85% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'Incineratecan hit targets behindAnnie, provided their radius intersects with the cone hitbox.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.']} | Name: Molten Shield, Description: Active: Annie grants herself or the target allied champion and Tibbers a shield for 3 seconds and 20% − 50% (based on level) bonus movement speed that decays over 1. 5 seconds. Shield Strength: 60 / 95 / 130 / 165 / 200 (+ 40% AP) While Molten Shield is active, enemies that deal damage to it take magic damage . This may only occur once per enemy per cast for each active Molten Shield . Magic Damage: 25 / 35 / 45 / 55 / 65 (+ 40% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit/Location', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'Molten Shieldcasts on ally if targeted or if very close to targeting them (within a range of 225); otherwise self casts.', 'Molten Shielddoes not deal damage toturretswhen attacked by them.', 'Attacks that aredodgedormissagainst the shielded target will not cause the shield to deal damage, whileblockedattacks still deal damage to the attacker.']} | Name: Summon: Tibbers, Description: Active: Annie summons Tibbers to the target location in a burst of flame, dealing magic damage to enemies near him. Summon: Tibbers can be recast at any time while Tibbers is alive. Initial Magic Damage: 150 / 275 / 400 (+ 75% AP) Tibbers then remains on the field as a controllable pet for up to 45 seconds. Recast: Annie directs Tibbers to the target location. Summon: Tibber's recast can be used while affected by cast-inhibiting crowd control . See Pets for more details about Tibbers . Link ▶️ "Get 'em, Tibbers!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', "Burst of flame dealsarea damageandTibbers'basic attacks applypet damage.", 'Tibbers willblinkback next toAnnieif he gets too far away.', 'Tibbers base health changed to 50% value.', 'Initial base damage changed to 125 / 225 / 325.', 'Tibbers base attack damage changed to 25 / 50 / 75.', 'Tibbers attack damage AP ratio changed to10% AP.', 'Tibbers aura base damage changed to 15 / 20 / 25.']} | Annie was one of the first six champions designed (the others beingLee Sin,Singed,Sion,Sivir, andTwisted Fate).[2][3]
Annie was the first champion to have 12 skins including Classic.
Annie is the second champion to have her ability icons remade with a Visual Update (the first beingKatarina).
Summon Tibberscurrently has the highestAPratio in the game (515%with initial cast as well as all 45 ticks fromTibbers'aura).
Annie is the first fire-themed champion (the second beingBrand).
In the now-removed official League of Legendsforums, theoriginal iconofMolten Shieldwas used to represent the " Discussion" section. |
Aphelios,the Weapon of the Faithful | | | health: Health580+102, resource: Mana348+42, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)3.25+0.55, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)6.5+0.4, armor: Armor26+4.2, attack damage: Attack damage55+3, attack speed: Base AS0.64, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius110, release: 2019-12-11, changed: V13.14, role: Marksman, position: Bottom, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 4800|880 | Games
ApheliosMainCurrentTitlesNickname(s)PhelBrotherAlias(es)The Weapon of the FaithfulThe HitmanThe SeerCharacteristicsSpeciesHuman(Aphelios)Human(Magical)(Alune)Pronoun(s)He/Him(Aphelios)She/Her(Alune)TimelineBorn:Earlier than 971 AN(Aphelios)Born:Earlier than 971 AN(Alune)Weapon(s)Moonstone BladeCalibrumCrescendumGravitumInfernumSeverumPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originMount Targon,TargonCurrent residenceMount Targon,Targon(Aphelios)Marus Omegnum(Alune)FamilyAlune(Twin Sister)Professional statusOccupation(s)Lunari Warrior(Aphelios)Seer(Alune)Region(s)TargonFaction(s)LunariRakkorRelated character(s)AluneDianaLeonaSorakaYuumi
• Main
• Current
• Phel
• Brother
• The Weapon of the Faithful
• The Hitman
• The Seer
• Human(Aphelios)
• Human(Magical)(Alune)
• Born:Earlier than 971 AN(Aphelios)
• Born:Earlier than 971 AN(Alune)
• Born:Earlier than 971 AN
• Born:Earlier than 971 AN
• Moonstone Blade
• Calibrum
• Crescendum
• Gravitum
• Infernum
• Severum
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Mount Targon,Targon(Aphelios)
• Marus Omegnum(Alune)
• Alune(Twin Sister)
Professional status
• Lunari Warrior(Aphelios)
• Seer(Alune)
• Lunari
• Rakkor
Related character(s)
Emerging from moonlight’s shadow with weapons drawn,Aphelioskills the enemies of his faith in brooding silence—speaking only through the certainty of his aim, and the firing of each gun. Though fueled by a poison that renders him mute, he is guided by his sisterAlunein her distant temple sanctuary from where she pushes an arsenal of moonstone weapons into his hands. For as long as the moon shines overhead, Aphelios will never be alone.
• 1Background1.1Early Life1.1.1The Marus Omegnum1.2Modern History1.3Recent Events
• 2Appearence
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Lunari5.1.1Alune5.1.2Diana5.2Solari5.3Yuumi
• 6Trivia
• 7Read More7.1Biography7.2Starring Champion7.3Alternate Universes
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early Life1.1.1The Marus Omegnum
• 1.2Modern History
• 1.3Recent Events
• 1.1.1The Marus Omegnum
• 5.1Lunari5.1.1Alune5.1.2Diana
• 5.2Solari
• 5.3Yuumi
• 5.1.1Alune
• 5.1.2Diana
• 7.1Biography
• 7.2Starring Champion
• 7.3Alternate Universes
Early Life[]
ApheliosandAlunewere twins born to theLunariduring a lunar convergence; when the moon of theSpirit Realmeclipsed the physical moon. Because of the significance of their birth on a significant lunar event, the twins were celebrated as children of destiny. Growing up as loyal zealots of the Lunari faith, the two embraced the night and hid in the shadows, away from the oppressiveSolarithat ruled them as heretics.
Mirroring the two moons that marked their births, Aphelios trained tirelessly with mystical moonstone blades, becoming physically strong as a symbol of the physical moon. Throughout his rigorous training he only truly bonded with his twin sister Alune, who was gifted magically and trained to be a seer as a symbol of the spiritual moon, using her magic to reveal hidden paths and truths using the light of the moon.
Eventually, Alune's training would require her to leave the Lunari temple that the two had been raised in, causing Aphelios to separate from his sister more often. Saddened by his sister's increasing absence and desperate for purpose, Aphelios underwent a ceremonial journey in order to discover his pathway in life, or hisorbit, as the Lunari call it. On his religious journey, Aphelios discovered a pool full of poisonousnoctum flowershidden in a cave. These rare flowers bloomed beneath the water's surface, allowing the poison to be distilled into a liquid that, if consumed, was thought to open one's mind to the power of the moon. Drinking the noctum's essence as part of his ceremonial journey, Aphelios felt a pain so intense that his entire body became numb, allowing Aphelios's body to be completely immune to pain. However, Aphelios's vocal cords would tighten up and render him almost completely mute while under the influence of the noctum essence.
The Marus Omegnum[]
Not long after completing his journey, an ancient Lunari fortress called theMarus Omegnumbegan to phase in from the Spirit Realm; an event that hasn't occurred in centuries. Lunari from all over Targon gathered to the location of the ancient temple, hoping to witness the event as a sign of a new era for the Lunari and a shifting of power in the cosmos. Traditionally, the Marus Omegnum would open up to a magically gifted individual to occupy it every time it phased into existence, with this year's chosen occupant being Alune. Aphelios, to the Lunari's surprise, personally requested to witness the event and see his sister move on to the spiritual fortress.
Aphelios's ceremonial bracelet on aLunaripedestal.
As the Marus Omegnum phased into reality under a veil of moonlight, the oppressive Solari discovered the gathered Lunari and initiated an ambush to purge them. Aphelios fought bravely to protect his people but got defeated, left with his moonstone blades shattered and reaching towards the noctum flower he retrieved from his journey. As Alune rushed into the temple, she reached the heart of the fortress while Aphelios consumed the noctum flower at the same time. As Alune's magical abilities were amplified within the spiritual fortress, Aphelios found he was capable of feeling his sister's powers embrace him, hearing her voice as she materialized a new moonstone weapon in his hand. Within the Marus Omegnum, Alune's powers would be magnified and allowed her to project her magic anywhere in the world as long as it found a focus-in this case being the noctum poison coursing through Aphelios's veins. Using her newly amplified powers, Alune pushed both herself and the temple back into the spirit realm while Aphelios fought off the Solari with a new arsenal ofmoonstone weapons.
By using the poisonous noctum, Aphelios found he could hollow himself out by numbing his body, becoming a living conduit for his sister's lunar magic. Alune on the other hand would remain alone within the spiritual fortress, guiding her brother from afar, seeing through his eyes and providing him with his mystical arsenal. Their souls were simultaneously close yet realms apart, converging into something they couldn't wholly understand. Now realizing their true destinies, the twins became the weapon that the Lunari needed; an agent to protect them in the newly shifting power balance ofTargonbetween the Solari and Lunari.
Modern History[]
Aphelios &Alunepreparing to assassinate a4Solari SunforgerwithSeverum.
In order to protect the faithful Lunari from oppression, the twins would go on many missions together, combining their newfound abilities as Aphelios's assassin training was complimented by Alune's guidance and magical assistance. Over the course of their many missions, Alune would perfect the arsenal of weapons she provided her brother; each weapon being uniquely tied to a spiritual creature within the Marus Omegnum.[1]On most of their missions, Aphelios would be sent by his sister to assassinate many Solari targets that threatened their people. One of these targets would be a talented4Sunforgerwho enchanted Solari weapons with the power of the sun, who Aphelios would assassinate under the cover of night.[2]
Recent Events[]
Aphelios &Alunecommuning with one another while on a mission.
While preparing in a cave temple for a mission, Aphelios felt his sister comforting him from the spirit realm, sharing his senses and sending him visions of both the past and of his next target: a mysterious barbarian from outside of Mount Targon. After drinking the poisonous noctum flower and numbing his body, he felt Alune's presence as she summonedGravitumin his hands.
Aphelios then emerged from the cave and scaled the mountain, guided by his sister and armed with his new gravity cannon, he drew floating islands towards himself. After finally reaching his destination at the side of the mountain, Aphelios witnessed a group of Solari warriors infamously known asBurning Onessurrounding the same outsider he saw in his visions. After successfully killing the Solari withSeverumandCrescendum, the barbarian outsider thanked Aphelios for saving him from the Solari warriors. Aphelios, though unwillingly, was forced to kill the man as part of his mission to retrieve a mysteriousscimitarstolen by the barbarian.
After fully realizing what the weapon was, Alune stated that the scimitar'sownerwas fleeing from something-- though unsure of what. They knew that their next mission was to locate her and bring her back to the Lunari people. Aphelios, intent on completing his mission, walked into the night with the crescent blade in hand.[3]
Aphelios is a thin man with pale skin and dark hair. He wears elegant, sacred clothing with large shoulders and a deep collar with a distinctive palette of black, gray and turquoise. Hanging around his neck is a notable bright scarf made of a very silky, turquoise material etched with markings of theLunari. The most distinctive ornament he has is theTargoniangold necklace with the symbol of the moon on it hanging below his neck. Aphelios's face has markings and makeup resembling more moon iconography that is common with the Lunari faith, most notably a circular marking across his whole face that correlates with the markings on hissister'sface as well
Aphelios is an incredibly enigmatic person, but he is unwaveringly faithful to his people and protective of his only true bond; his twin sister. In the past, he was an extreme loner and rarely engaged in any social interactions or events with anyone other than his twin sisterAlune. After being separated, Aphelios grew so sorrowful and purposeless that he embarked on a spiritual journey to find his ownorbitin the universe, leading to the discovery of thenoctum flowers.
After becoming an honored agent for theLunari, Aphelios remained extremely faithful and eternally loyal to not only his sister but to his Lunari faith as well, following its beliefs almost blindingly. Though he mourns the pain he endures and causes in his duties, he is comforted by his sister and reminded that everything he must do is in service to protecting his people from the oppressions of theSolari.
• Assassin Combat Mastery:At birth, Aphelios was gifted with physical prowess representative of the physical moon, having a talent in strength and acrobatics. At a young age, Aphelios underwent intense and gruesome training with moonstone blades to the point of spilling his own blood, further honing his skills in assassination. With the essence of the poisonousnoctum flowers, Aphelios could numb his own body and become almost immune to all pain at the cost of muting himself.
• Telepathic Connection:Thanks to his spiritual connection to his twin sister, Aphelios is telepathically connected toAluneand able to hear her voice from within theMarus Omegnum. Alune offers her brother words of comfort as well as guidance on their missions. Through the numbing poison of the noctum flowers, Aphelios can become a physical conduit for his sister's powers, allowing them to share each other's feelings, thoughts and even senses.
• Moonstone Weapon Masteries:Through his magical connection to his twin sister Alune, Aphelios is provided a powerful arsenal ofmoonstone weaponssummoned from theMarus Omegnum. These weapons have magical attributes and are each uniquely tied to a spiritual creature revered to within the temple fortress. Through many missions together, Aphelios has managed to master each and everyone of these weapons while Alune has mastered her ability to summon and perfect which weapons to provide for him. Though Aphelios is incapable of summoning the weapons himself due to their connections to the Marus Omegnum, he trusts completely in his sister for guiding him and providing him the correct weapon for each mission.Sniper Rifle Mastery:Aphelios has mastered the moonstone weapon Calibrum, a sniper rifle capable of shootingbolts of energyat extremely far distances. This weapon is heavily tied to1'The Flight,'a spiritual creature revered in the Magnus Omegnum that resembles a crane.Scythe Pistol Mastery:Aphelios has mastered the moonstone weapon Severum, a unique scythe pistol capable ofslashing at targets with energyfrom short distances, draining life out of their bodies. This weapon is heavily tied to4'The Fangs,'a spiritual creature revered in the Magnus Omegnum that resembles a sabretooth tiger.Gravity Cannon Mastery:Aphelios has mastered the moonstone weapon Gravitum, a unique gravity cannon capable of shooting giant orbs that manipulate gravity. Aphelios cancontrol these orbsto pull in enemies, weigh them down to the floor or even pull large objects towards himself. This weapon is heavily tied to4'The Cloven Way,'a spiritual creature revered in the Magnus Omegnum that resembles a ram.Flamethrower Mastery:Aphelios has mastered the moonstone weapon Infernum, a flamethrower that fireswaves of intensely hot and blue flamesin a large area. This weapon is heavily tied to7'The Winding Light,'a spiritual creature revered in the Magnus Omegnum that resembles a salamander.Chakram Mastery:Aphelios has mastered the moonstone weapon Crescendum, a chakram blade that can be thrown at targets and return to his hand. This chakram can be multiplied into manysmaller chakramsthat Aphelios can also control, capable of throwing at least a dozen of them at a singular target. Aphelios is also able to throw one of his chakrams at the ground, equipping it with another one of his moonstone weapons and turning it into anautomated turret device.This weapon is heavily tied to2'The Sky Shadows,'two spiritual creatures revered in the Magnus Omegnum that resemble koi fishes.
• Sniper Rifle Mastery:Aphelios has mastered the moonstone weapon Calibrum, a sniper rifle capable of shootingbolts of energyat extremely far distances. This weapon is heavily tied to1'The Flight,'a spiritual creature revered in the Magnus Omegnum that resembles a crane.
• Scythe Pistol Mastery:Aphelios has mastered the moonstone weapon Severum, a unique scythe pistol capable ofslashing at targets with energyfrom short distances, draining life out of their bodies. This weapon is heavily tied to4'The Fangs,'a spiritual creature revered in the Magnus Omegnum that resembles a sabretooth tiger.
• Gravity Cannon Mastery:Aphelios has mastered the moonstone weapon Gravitum, a unique gravity cannon capable of shooting giant orbs that manipulate gravity. Aphelios cancontrol these orbsto pull in enemies, weigh them down to the floor or even pull large objects towards himself. This weapon is heavily tied to4'The Cloven Way,'a spiritual creature revered in the Magnus Omegnum that resembles a ram.
• Flamethrower Mastery:Aphelios has mastered the moonstone weapon Infernum, a flamethrower that fireswaves of intensely hot and blue flamesin a large area. This weapon is heavily tied to7'The Winding Light,'a spiritual creature revered in the Magnus Omegnum that resembles a salamander.
• Chakram Mastery:Aphelios has mastered the moonstone weapon Crescendum, a chakram blade that can be thrown at targets and return to his hand. This chakram can be multiplied into manysmaller chakramsthat Aphelios can also control, capable of throwing at least a dozen of them at a singular target. Aphelios is also able to throw one of his chakrams at the ground, equipping it with another one of his moonstone weapons and turning it into anautomated turret device.This weapon is heavily tied to2'The Sky Shadows,'two spiritual creatures revered in the Magnus Omegnum that resemble koi fishes.
Aphelios and his twin sister were born within the Lunari faith during a rare convergence of the physical andspiritualmoons, marking their births as significant and hailing them as children of destiny. Aphelios was a very devote follower to the Lunari, going through gruesome assassination training in his hope to protect them when threats against his people would arise. Despite this, he was infamously known for almost never socializing with anyone other than his sister.
After the arrival of theMarus Omegnum, a major power shift from the heavens has begun to occur and caused an arising conflict between the Lunari and the rivalingSolari. Communing with his sister from the spirit realm and equipped with an arsenal of moonstone weapons, Aphelios now faithfully serves as the weapon to protect the Lunari, assassinating key targets and defending his people from dangers.
Alune and Aphelios share a profound and intimate bond as twin siblings, born during the convergence of the physical and spiritual moons within the Lunari faith. Their connection is rooted in their birth's significance and their subsequent training in separate disciplines that symbolize these twin moons. While Aphelios specialized in the art of assassination, honing his skills in stealth and combat, Alune devoted herself to mastering her magical talents as a seer.
Despite their divergent paths, Aphelios found solace and companionship almost exclusively in his twin sister. The depth of their relationship was such that when Alune's training required her to leave the temple and separate from her brother, Aphelios was left without a purpose, embarking on a spiritual journey to find hisorbit,ultimately leading to his discovery of thenoctum flowers.
When the Marus Omegnum manifested in the physical realm for the first time in centuries, Alune was chosen to inhabit it. Aphelios, who rarely attended anything at all in his typical loneliness, personally requested to attend the event and witness his sister passing into the spirit realm. Once the Solari discovered the gathered Lunari and attacked, the twins were forced to act fast and combined their abilities together. Aphelios drank the essence of the poisonousnoctumand willingly became a conduit for Alune's enhanced magic from within the Marus Omegnum. Since then, the two work in unison as faithful agents to the Lunari as Aphelios, utilizing his combat training, carries out physical missions, while Alune guides him and provides him with his diverse arsenal.
Although the twins exist in separate realms, they can only truly come together when Aphelios consumes the poisonousnoctum,rendering himself mute and numbing his senses. In this state, Alune can spiritually project herself to commune with her brother while they share each other's thoughts, feelings, and senses. However, the bittersweet consequence is that Alune can never physically be in Aphelios's presence and Aphelios is unable to verbally communicate with her due to being mute in the process. Their bond is a paradox of immense closeness and profound distance. They mourn the circumstances that necessitate their reunion, as Aphelios sacrifices his physicality to allow Alune to commune with him, while Alune grieves over the pain Aphelios endures on his missions, dedicating herself entirely to protecting him.
Though Aphelios has never met Diana in person, she is the currentAspectof the Moon, serving as a physical embodiment of the deity that the Lunari pray to.
Currently, Alune has been granted visions that require her and Aphelios to seek out and locate Diana for an unknown reason. On their most recent mission, Aphelios managed to locate Diana's crescent blade, which had been left on the mountain and in the hands of a barbarian who Aphelios had to assassinate. The twins are aware that Diana is out there, running from something, but are attempting to figure out why and locate her.
As members of the Lunari, Aphelios and his sister are constantly persecuted by the Solari faith for heresy against their religion. The Solari serve as the main targets of Aphelios's mission to protect his people, having trained to assassinate and fight Solari that would threaten the Lunari even further.
During the event of the Marus Omegnum's emergence in the physical realm, a group of Solari warriors discovered and attacked the gathered Lunari, ultimately leading to Alune and Aphelios combining their abilities to kill them.
In his most recent mission, Aphelios and Alune located a group of Solari warriors infamously calledBurning Onessurrounding a key target of theirs; a barbarian holding the scimitar that formerly belonged to Diana.
Though Aphelios never met Yuumi, Alune mentions that she is often visited by her from within the Marus Omegnum due to it being located within the spirit realm. Alune greatly appreciate's Yuumi's visits, as she often gets lonely without her brother, and sometimes mentions her when speaking to Aphelios.
• Aphelios is not born mute, he can speak when not under the influence of noctum essence. Unfortunately, he can only connect with Alune after drinking the noctum, rendering him mute.[4]
• Alune is not dead, she is just residing within theSpirit Realm.She is not a ghost, her ethereal appearance in thePhysical Realma "lunar projection" of her.
• Aphelios's weapons are made of moonsilver, the same material thatDiana'sblade is made out of, and moonstone, which is whatNamiis currently looking for.[5]Moonsilver is a silver metal forged in moonlight and imbued with a small amount of the moon's magic.[6]Moonstone is material that broke off of the moon and, after falling ontoRuneterra, has embedded itself intoMount Targonand retains its magical potency.[6]
• Alune spends most of her time in the spirit realm meditating and scrying the future.[7]
• Alune loves to explore and see beauty and wonder. She sees the world through the temple's projections and through the eyes of her brother.[7]
• She is not a ghost, her ethereal appearance in thePhysical Realma "lunar projection" of her.
• Moonsilver is a silver metal forged in moonlight and imbued with a small amount of the moon's magic.[6]
• Moonstone is material that broke off of the moon and, after falling ontoRuneterra, has embedded itself intoMount Targonand retains its magical potency.[6]
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The Weapon of the Faithful
ByDavid Slagle
Starring Champion
The Weapon of the Faithful (Video)
True power comes at a cost. By taking the poison, Aphelios channels the voice of his sister, Alune. In turn, she grants him her abilities: five moonstone weapons for him to master.
Short Story
You Are the Weapon
ByDavid Slagle
He started his training with a single breath. In, and out.
Alternate Universes
Music Video
breakout starsHEARTSTEEL is a band. kayn, ezreal, sett, yone, k’sante, and aphelios are in it. “PARANOIA” features BAEKHYUN, tobi lou, ØZI, and Cal Scruby
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Riot's virtual artist HEARTSTEEL will surpass K/DA
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Change log[]
See also[] | Name: The Hitman and the Seer, Description: Innate: Aphelios has access to an arsenal of 5 Moonstone Weapons , created by his sister Alune . He equips two weapons at any one time, one as his main weapon and one as his off-hand . Each weapon has a unique basic attack and passive effect. Aphelios begins the game with Calibrum as his main weapon and Severum in his off-hand , with Gravitum , Infernum , and Crescendum queued in reserve. The queue order can be rearranged based on weapon usage. Innate - Moonlight: Weapons spawn with 50 Moonlight for ammunition , which is consumed on basic attacks on-attack or to cast his abilities . Abilities that cause Aphelios to attack do not cost additional Moonlight on top of their ability cost. Once his main weapon is exhausted of Moonlight , it is moved to the end of the queue and Aphelios assembles his next available weapon over 1 second to equip it from his reserve, with its ability being placed on a 1. 5 -second cooldown before that time. Aphelios cannot cast Phase during the assembly. Innate - Weapon Master: Aphelios cannot improve his abilities with skill points . He starts the game with Phase and gains access to abilities at level 2 and Moonlight Vigil at level 6, with the latter improving automatically at levels 11 and 16. Instead, Aphelios may spend his skill points to gain bonus attack damage , bonus attack speed or lethality . Bonus Attack Damage: 4. 5 / 9 / 13. 5 / 18 / 22. 5 / 27 Bonus Attack Speed: 9 / 18 / 27 / 36 / 45 / 54% Lethality: 5. 5 / 11 / 16. 5 / 22 / 27. 5 / 33 Link ▶️ "This will be your voice.", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', 'Thelevel upfor the bonusattack damage,attack speed, andarmor penetrationhave hotkeys Q, W, E, respectively.Assigning pointsdoes notfollow the same rules as conventional point expenditure. The quickest you can get an individual statistic to rank-6 is by assigning points at 1 / 2 / 3 / 5 / 7 / 9.', 'Assigning pointsdoes notfollow the same rules as conventional point expenditure. The quickest you can get an individual statistic to rank-6 is by assigning points at 1 / 2 / 3 / 5 / 7 / 9.', 'An ammunition counter will appear to the right side of the screen at 10 or lessMoonlight.', 'Abilities can still be used with less than the required amount ofMoonlight, consuming all remainingMoonlightin the process.', "Runaan's Hurricanedoes not consume additionalMoonlightfor his basic attacks.", "The icon for this ability changes based on the active skin and functions asAlune'sportrait, similarly toAphelios'portrait.", 'Weapon ammunition changed to 30.']} | Name: Weapons of the Faithful, Description: The active effect of Aphelios' varies based on his current main weapon . The individual actives do not share a cooldown., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Calibrum Details', 'Moonshot Details', 'Tips & Tricks', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Crescendum'soutgoing basic attack can bypassYasuo'sWind WallandBraum'sUnbreakablebut cannot while returning.", "TriggeredMarksapply on-hit effects, stackEnergizedand triggerRunaan's Hurricane, but no otheron-attack effects.", 'The mark will not be triggered byOnslaughtattacks.', 'The increased basic attack range is drawn forApheliosto differentiate it from his normal attack range.', 'The empowered range for the mark will also be drawn as an indicator forAphelios.', "Runaan's Hurricanebolts will useCalibrum'sprojectiles forAphelios'sattacks withCalibrum.", "If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the empowered attack's cast time, it will still fire despite the target being invalid.(bug)", 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', "Moonshot'sname is modified based onAphelios'off-handweapon:Resurgent MoonshotBinding MoonshotIncendiary MoonshotArcing Moonshot", 'Resurgent Moonshot', 'Binding Moonshot', 'Incendiary Moonshot', 'Arcing Moonshot', 'Hide', 'Severum Details', 'Onslaught Details', "Runaan's Hurricanebolts will useSeverum'sattack animation instead of firing projectiles forAphelios'attacks withSeverum.", "Severum'sattacks are notintercepted, but the attacks from theoff-handweapon are duringOnslaught.", 'Aphelioswill also not perform the attacks while channelingRecall.', 'IfApheliosistaunted, he will still attack the nearest enemy.', "DuringOnslaught,Aphelios'attack rangeis reduced「\xa0to 410\xa0」「\xa0by 140\xa0」and his attack commands instead issue movement commands to walk into the respective range of his target.", "Onslaught'sname is modified based onAphelios'off-handweapon:Precision OnslaughtBinding OnslaughtIncendiary OnslaughtArcing Onslaught", 'Precision Onslaught', 'Binding Onslaught', 'Incendiary Onslaught', 'Arcing Onslaught', "Onslaught'sattacks stackEnergized, but do not apply any otheron-attackeffects.", 'Crescendumwill not deal damage if blocked byWind Wall, but the stacks will still be gained.', 'Cosmetically, theMoonlightcost is consumed through the duration.', 'Hide', 'Gravitum Details', 'Binding Eclipse Details', "Gravitum'sdebuff applies even if the target is immune toslows(viaslow immunityorcc-immunity).The target will be affected after losing their immunity.", 'The target will be affected after losing their immunity.', "Runaan's Hurricane'sbolts will useGravitum'sprojectiles whenApheliosattacks withGravitum.", 'No compensations are made ifBinding Eclipseis used to empower in-flightGravitumprojectiles that aredestroyedor have the slow application negated by any means, wasting the effect in the process.', 'Binding Eclipsecannot expunge enemies affected byGravitumthat areuntargetable.', 'Binding Eclipsecannot be cast without a marked target.', 'Hide', 'Infernum Details', 'Duskwave Details', "Infernum'sattack hit can bedodgedby ormissedagainst the primary target.This will not prevent the missile from dealing damage to secondary targets nor from splashing against additional targets behind the primary target. The damage cannot be dodged as or missed against a secondary target.", 'This will not prevent the missile from dealing damage to secondary targets nor from splashing against additional targets behind the primary target. The damage cannot be dodged as or missed against a secondary target.', "Runaan's Hurricanebolts will useInfernum'sprojectiles whenApheliosattacks withInfernum.The bolts' attacks shoot 3 missiles, increased to 5 missiles when theycritically strike.", "The bolts' attacks shoot 3 missiles, increased to 5 missiles when theycritically strike.", 'The volley appliesarea damageand the follow up attacks from theoff-handweapon dealbasic damage.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.', "The hitbox also includes a very small portion behindAphelios'character model.", "Duskwave'sname is modified based onAphelios'off-handweapon:Precision DuskwaveResurgent DuskwaveBinding DuskwaveArcing Duskwave", 'Precision Duskwave', 'Resurgent Duskwave', 'Binding Duskwave', 'Arcing Duskwave', 'Apheliosis locked out of declaring attacks until the volley of attacks have been resolved.', 'The automatic attacks do not triggeranyon-attack effects.Pixdoes not increase the damage of the volley.', 'Pixdoes not increase the damage of the volley.', "The volley of attacks won't deal any damage, if they aredodged,blocked, or ifApheliosisblinded.", 'Hide', 'Crescendum Details', 'Sentry Details', 'AccumulatedChakramsaccompanyCrescendumwheneverApheliosperforms a basic attack. This is merely a visual representation of the increased damage, and the separate blades are not considered separate damage sources norprojectiles.', 'AllChakramstacks are lost if theCrescendumprojectile is destroyed (i.eWind Wall,Unbreakable).', "At high attack speedsCrescendumwill lowerAphelios'total attack speed, even when right next to his target.", "Sentry'sname is modified based onAphelios'off-handweapon:Precision SentryResurgent SentryHealsApheliosfor any damage it deals.Attacks cannot be intercepted byWind WallandUnbreakable.Binding SentryIncendiary Sentry", 'Precision Sentry', 'Resurgent SentryHealsApheliosfor any damage it deals.Attacks cannot be intercepted byWind WallandUnbreakable.', 'HealsApheliosfor any damage it deals.', 'Attacks cannot be intercepted byWind WallandUnbreakable.', 'Binding Sentry', 'Incendiary Sentry', 'TheSentrywill stop upon colliding withWind Wall. It will be deployed in front of the wall.', "TheSentry'sattacks can bedodgedandblocked, but not missed from beingblinded.", 'Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'Switching does not interruptanycommandsAphelioswas issued before or duringPhase.', 'Calibrum:Applies an empowered mark that deals50 / 80 / 110 (based on level)bonusphysical damagepermarkconsumed.', 'Severum:HealsApheliosfor250 / 350 / 450 (based on level)if at least one enemy champion is hit.', 'Gravitum:Increases the initialslowto 99% and empowersBinding Eclipsetoroottargets affected by the enhanced slow for 1.35seconds.', 'Infernum:Deals50 / 100 / 150 (based on level)(+ 25%bonusAD)bonusphysical damageon the initial blast. Attacks splash in a 400 radius instead of a cone, dealing「\xa090% of that damage.\xa0」「45 / 90 / 135 (based on level)(+ 22.5%bonusAD)physical damage.\xa0」Enemy champions will take damage from overlapping areas.', 'Crescendum:Generates 5 additional spectralChakramsthat return toApheliosfrom the first enemy champion hit, for a total of 6, on top of those from other targets hit.', 'Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'The basic attacks always count asprojectilesunlessSeverumis being used. The lunar beam, however, may always be intercepted regardless of which weapon is in play as the main weapon.', "Spell shieldblocks theMoonlight Vigil'sinitial detonation damage but does not prevent the attacks from locking-on.", 'The basic attacks fromMoonlight Vigilcritically strikeindependently from each other. Targets further away from the center of the blast are hit after a slightly longer delay. These attacks do not applyon-attack effects.', 'Changing weapons whileMoonlight Vigilis in flight does not change the effect it has when it hits.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.', "Moonlight Vigil'seffect radius is centered around the location of the missile as it collides.", "WithCalibrum, the extra damage from consuming the mark is a bonus damage on top ofCalibrum'snormal mark consumption damage.", 'WithInfernum, 14 fire bolts splash from each target hit (18 forcritical strikes). This does not occur if the initial damage ofMoonlight Vigilkillsthe target.', 'WithInfernum,the splash attacks damage is also modified by Infernum attack secondary target damage amplifier, which means it only deals 70.125% (=82.5%*85%) of attack damage to secondary targets before level 9.', 'WithCrescendum, 1 spectral chakram is gained for every target hit by the blast, meaning it is possible to gain up to 10 spectral chakrams with one use ofMoonlight Vigilif it hits 5 enemy champions.', "WithSeverum, the extra flat heal is given only once, not per target. However, all damage done byMoonlight Vigilwith it also heals him fromSeverum'sown passive effect.", "The locked-on attacks' can bedodgedandblocked, but won't be prevented ifApheliosisblinded.Preventing the attack also prevents the additional effect (e.g. marking them withGravitumor grantingspectral chakrams).", 'Preventing the attack also prevents the additional effect (e.g. marking them withGravitumor grantingspectral chakrams).', 'Moonlight Vigilhas different visual effects changed accordingly to each weapon.This may vary depending on theskin, this showcases thedefault:', 'Calibrum', 'Gravitum', 'Infernum', 'Severum', '3 damage from ranged basic attacks', '4 damage from abilities', '6 damage from turret basic attacks', 'Cripple', 'Silence', 'Slow', 'Root', "Uses a copy ofAphelios'currentoff-handweapon to fire at targets.", "Attacks benefit fromAphelios'attack speedandcritical strike chance.", 'Attacks are able tocritically strike.', 'Gainsuntargetabilitywhile inactive. This is lost after becoming active.', "GeneralBug Fix:Model no longer twitches unexpectedly during his weapon's idle animations.", "Bug Fix:Model no longer twitches unexpectedly during his weapon's idle animations.", 'GravitumBug Fix:Slow VFX now correctly rotates around the target.', 'Bug Fix:Slow VFX now correctly rotates around the target.', 'GravitumSlow duration reduced to 2.5seconds from 3.5.', 'Slow duration reduced to 2.5seconds from 3.5.', 'SeverumBasic attacks heal reduced to2% − 7.1% (based on level)from2.5% − 9% (based on level).Abilities heal reduced to5% − 17.75% (based on level)from8.33% − 30% (based on level).', 'Basic attacks heal reduced to2% − 7.1% (based on level)from2.5% − 9% (based on level).', 'Abilities heal reduced to5% − 17.75% (based on level)from8.33% − 30% (based on level).', 'SentryTurret attack speed reduced to 0.64from 0.8.', 'Turret attack speed reduced to 0.64from 0.8.', 'The Hitman and the SeerBonus attack damage reduced to 4.5/ 9 / 13.5/ 18 / 22.5/ 27 from 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30.', 'Bonus attack damage reduced to 4.5/ 9 / 13.5/ 18 / 22.5/ 27 from 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30.', 'The Hitman and the SeerBonus attack speed increased to 9 / 18 / 27 / 36 / 45 / 54% from 7.5/ 15 / 22.5/ 30 / 37.5/ 45%.', 'Bonus attack speed increased to 9 / 18 / 27 / 36 / 45 / 54% from 7.5/ 15 / 22.5/ 30 / 37.5/ 45%.', 'Binding EclipseBug Fix:Now is properly blocked byspell shields.', 'Bug Fix:Now is properly blocked byspell shields.', 'GeneralBug Fix:Knocked up/stunned animation is now correctly played.', 'Bug Fix:Knocked up/stunned animation is now correctly played.', 'The Hitman and the SeerBonus attack speed increased to 7.5/ 15 / 22.5/ 30 / 37.5/ 45% from 6 / 12 / 18 / 24 / 30 / 36%.Lethality increased to 5.5/ 11 / 16.5/ 22 / 27.5/ 33 from 4.5/ 9 / 13.5/ 18 / 22.5/ 27.', 'Bonus attack speed increased to 7.5/ 15 / 22.5/ 30 / 37.5/ 45% from 6 / 12 / 18 / 24 / 30 / 36%.', 'Lethality increased to 5.5/ 11 / 16.5/ 22 / 27.5/ 33 from 4.5/ 9 / 13.5/ 18 / 22.5/ 27.', 'StatsBase health increased to 580 from 510.Health growth increased to 102 from 88.Armor growth increased to 4.2from 3.Magic resistance growth increased to 1.3from 0.5.', 'Base health increased to 580 from 510.', 'Health growth increased to 102 from 88.', 'Armor growth increased to 4.2from 3.', 'Magic resistance growth increased to 1.3from 0.5.', 'SeverumBasic attacks heal reduced to2.5% − 9% (based on level)from3% − 10% (based on level).Abilities heal reduced to8.33% − 30% (based on level)from9% − 30% (based on level).', 'Basic attacks heal reduced to2.5% − 9% (based on level)from3% − 10% (based on level).', 'Abilities heal reduced to8.33% − 30% (based on level)from9% − 30% (based on level).', 'Moonlight VigilSeverumheal reduced to250 / 350 / 450 (based on level)from275 / 400 / 525 (based on level).', 'Severumheal reduced to250 / 350 / 450 (based on level)from275 / 400 / 525 (based on level).', 'PhaseBug Fix:Cast SFX is no longer audible to enemies from the fog of war.', 'Bug Fix:Cast SFX is no longer audible to enemies from the fog of war.', 'StatsBase armor reduced to 26 from 28.Base health reduced to 510 from 530.', 'Base armor reduced to 26 from 28.', 'Base health reduced to 510 from 530.', 'PhaseBug Fix:Cast bar near the HUD now properly animates upon cast.', 'Bug Fix:Cast bar near the HUD now properly animates upon cast.', 'GeneralBug Fix:Champion model no longer becomes stuck in a certain pose if he is killed shortly after performing a basic attack.', 'Bug Fix:Champion model no longer becomes stuck in a certain pose if he is killed shortly after performing a basic attack.', 'StatsBase attack damage reduced to 55 from 57.', 'Base attack damage reduced to 55 from 57.', 'The Hitman and the SeerBonus attack damage increased to 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 from 4 / 8 / 12 / 16 / 20 / 24.Lethality increased to 4.5/ 9 / 13.5/ 18 / 22.5/ 27 from 3.5/ 7 / 10.5/ 14 / 17.5/ 21.', 'Bonus attack damage increased to 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 from 4 / 8 / 12 / 16 / 20 / 24.', 'Lethality increased to 4.5/ 9 / 13.5/ 18 / 22.5/ 27 from 3.5/ 7 / 10.5/ 14 / 17.5/ 21.', 'Moonlight VigilBug Fix:Fixed a bug where he would heal from spells instead of basic attacks when using it withSeverum.', 'Bug Fix:Fixed a bug where he would heal from spells instead of basic attacks when using it withSeverum.', 'StatsBase magic resistance increased to 30 from 26.Attack damage growth increased to 3 from 2.4.', 'Base magic resistance increased to 30 from 26.', 'Attack damage growth increased to 3 from 2.4.', 'SeverumHealing from basic attacks reduced to3% − 10% (based on level)from3% − 20% (based on level).Healing from spells increased to9% − 30% (based on level)from3% − 20% (based on level).', 'Healing from basic attacks reduced to3% − 10% (based on level)from3% − 20% (based on level).', 'Healing from spells increased to9% − 30% (based on level)from3% − 20% (based on level).', 'OnslaughtAttack speed ratio reduced to2 per 100%bonusattack speedfrom3.Base damage increased to10 − 40 (based on level)from10 − 30 (based on level).Bonus AD ratio changed to20% − 35% (based on level)bonusADfrom21% − 30% (based on level).', 'Attack speed ratio reduced to2 per 100%bonusattack speedfrom3.', 'Base damage increased to10 − 40 (based on level)from10 − 30 (based on level).', 'Bonus AD ratio changed to20% − 35% (based on level)bonusADfrom21% − 30% (based on level).', 'CrescendumBonus damage reduced to0% − 160% (based on number of Chakrams)ADfrom0% − 164% (based on number of Chakrams)AD.', 'Bonus damage reduced to0% − 160% (based on number of Chakrams)ADfrom0% − 164% (based on number of Chakrams)AD.', 'SentryBase damage increased to31 − 100 (based on level)from25 − 85 (based on level).Bonus AD ratio increased to40% − 60% (based on level)bonusAD)from35% − 50% (based on level).', 'Base damage increased to31 − 100 (based on level)from25 − 85 (based on level).', 'Bonus AD ratio increased to40% − 60% (based on level)bonusAD)from35% − 50% (based on level).', 'InfernumBug Fix:Missile and splash missiles can once againcritically strikeon collision with enemy andmissagainst the primary target.', 'Bug Fix:Missile and splash missiles can once againcritically strikeon collision with enemy andmissagainst the primary target.', 'The Hitman and the SeerLethality increased to 3.5/ 7 / 10.5/ 14 / 17.5/ 21 from 3 / 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 18.', 'Lethality increased to 3.5/ 7 / 10.5/ 14 / 17.5/ 21 from 3 / 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 18.', 'Moonlight VigilCalibrummark damage increased to50 / 80 / 110 (based on level)from40 / 70 / 100 (based on level).Severumheal increased to275 / 400 / 525 (based on level)from250 / 375 / 500 (based on level).Gravitumempowered root duration increased to 1.35seconds from 1.25.Infernumsplash damage increased to 90% from 85%.Crescendumbonus chakrams increased to 5 from 4.Total chakrams generated increased to 6 from 5.', 'Calibrummark damage increased to50 / 80 / 110 (based on level)from40 / 70 / 100 (based on level).', 'Severumheal increased to275 / 400 / 525 (based on level)from250 / 375 / 500 (based on level).', 'Gravitumempowered root duration increased to 1.35seconds from 1.25.', 'Infernumsplash damage increased to 90% from 85%.', 'Crescendumbonus chakrams increased to 5 from 4.Total chakrams generated increased to 6 from 5.', 'Total chakrams generated increased to 6 from 5.', 'OnslaughtUndocumented:On-hit damage (includingKraken Slayer) now properly reduced on hits withGravitumorInfernum.', 'Undocumented:On-hit damage (includingKraken Slayer) now properly reduced on hits withGravitumorInfernum.', "OnslaughtBug Fix:Now properly modifies damage dealt byKraken Slayer'sBring It Down.", "Bug Fix:Now properly modifies damage dealt byKraken Slayer'sBring It Down.", 'PhaseBug Fix:No longer consumes charges ofTear of the Goddesswhen he swaps his weapons.', 'Bug Fix:No longer consumes charges ofTear of the Goddesswhen he swaps his weapons.', "SentryBug Fix:Sentryturrets are no longer pushed towards their facing direction bySion'sRoar of the Slayer.", "Bug Fix:Sentryturrets are no longer pushed towards their facing direction bySion'sRoar of the Slayer.", 'The Hitman and the SeerLethality increased to 3 / 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 18 from 2 / 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 / 12.', 'Lethality increased to 3 / 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 18 from 2 / 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 / 12.', "Moonlight VigilCalibrummark damage increased to40 / 70 / 100 (based on level)from20 / 45 / 70 (based on level).Severumheal increased to250 / 375 / 500 (based on level)from200 / 300 / 400 (based on level).New Effect:Now increasesBinding Eclipse'sroot duration to 1.25seconds if slowed while empowered byGravitum.Infernumsplash damage increased to 85% from 75%.BonusCrescendumchakrams increased to 4 from 3.", 'Calibrummark damage increased to40 / 70 / 100 (based on level)from20 / 45 / 70 (based on level).', 'Severumheal increased to250 / 375 / 500 (based on level)from200 / 300 / 400 (based on level).', "New Effect:Now increasesBinding Eclipse'sroot duration to 1.25seconds if slowed while empowered byGravitum.", 'Infernumsplash damage increased to 85% from 75%.', 'BonusCrescendumchakrams increased to 4 from 3.', 'StatsAttack damage growth increased to 2.4from 2.', 'Attack damage growth increased to 2.4from 2.', 'SentryTurret attack range reduced to 500 units from 575.Turret arm time increased to 0.35seconds from 0.25.Bug Fix:Now properly appliesManaflow Band.', 'Turret attack range reduced to 500 units from 575.', 'Turret arm time increased to 0.35seconds from 0.25.', 'Bug Fix:Now properly appliesManaflow Band.', "InfernumRemoved:Runaan's Hurricanebolts no longer damage enemies they pass through.Critical strike splash missiles reduced to 6 from 8.Runaan's Hurricanesplash missiles reduced to 3 from 4.Critical strikeRunaan's Hurricanesplash missiles reduced to 5 from 8.New Effect:Runaan's Hurricanesplash missile lengths are now reduced by 100 units.", "Removed:Runaan's Hurricanebolts no longer damage enemies they pass through.", 'Critical strike splash missiles reduced to 6 from 8.', "Runaan's Hurricanesplash missiles reduced to 3 from 4.", "Critical strikeRunaan's Hurricanesplash missiles reduced to 5 from 8.", "New Effect:Runaan's Hurricanesplash missile lengths are now reduced by 100 units.", 'Moonlight VigilBug Fix:No longer deals damage without going on cooldown if killed when casting.', 'Bug Fix:No longer deals damage without going on cooldown if killed when casting.', 'Moonlight VigilBug Fix:Bonus critical strike damage increased to(20% +25%) ADfrom(20% +18.75%) AD.', 'Bug Fix:Bonus critical strike damage increased to(20% +25%) ADfrom(20% +18.75%) AD.', 'StatsAttack damage growth reduced to 2 from 2.2.', 'Attack damage growth reduced to 2 from 2.2.', 'CrescendumRemoved:Attacking epic monsters no longer refreshes spectralchakramduration.', 'Removed:Attacking epic monsters no longer refreshes spectralchakramduration.', 'SentryTurret range indicators no longer show in Spectator mode.', 'Turret range indicators no longer show in Spectator mode.', 'Moonlight VigilBonus critical strike damage reduced to(20% +18.75%) ADfrom(50% +18.75%) AD.', 'Bonus critical strike damage reduced to(20% +18.75%) ADfrom(50% +18.75%) AD.', 'StatsBase health increased to 530 from 500.Health growth increased to 88 from 86.', 'Base health increased to 530 from 500.', 'Health growth increased to 88 from 86.', 'The Hitman and the SeerRemoved:No longer grants3 / 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 18%bonus-armor penetration.New Effect:Now grants2 / 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 / 12 lethality.', 'Removed:No longer grants3 / 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 18%bonus-armor penetration.', 'New Effect:Now grants2 / 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 / 12 lethality.', 'MoonshotBase damage reduced to60 − 160 (based on level)from60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 (based on level).Cooldown increased to10 − 8 (based on level)seconds from10 / 9.5/ 9 / 8.5/ 8 (based on level).Bonus AD ratio reduced to42% − 60% (based on level)bonusADfrom60%at all levels.', 'Base damage reduced to60 − 160 (based on level)from60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 (based on level).', 'Cooldown increased to10 − 8 (based on level)seconds from10 / 9.5/ 9 / 8.5/ 8 (based on level).', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to42% − 60% (based on level)bonusADfrom60%at all levels.', 'OnslaughtBase damage reduced to10 − 30 (based on level)from10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 (based on level).Cooldown increased to10 − 8 (based on level)seconds from10 / 9.5/ 9 / 8.5/ 8 (based on level).Bonus AD ratio reduced to21% − 30% (based on level)bonusADfrom30%at all levels.', 'Base damage reduced to10 − 30 (based on level)from10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 (based on level).', 'Cooldown increased to10 − 8 (based on level)seconds from10 / 9.5/ 9 / 8.5/ 8 (based on level).', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to21% − 30% (based on level)bonusADfrom30%at all levels.', 'Binding EclipseBase damage reduced to50 − 110 (based on level)from50 / 65 / 80 / 95 / 110 (based on level).Cooldown increased to12 − 10 (based on level)seconds from12 / 11.5/ 11 / 10.5/ 10 (based on level).Bonus AD ratio reduced to26% − 35% (based on level)bonusADfrom35%at all levels.', 'Base damage reduced to50 − 110 (based on level)from50 / 65 / 80 / 95 / 110 (based on level).', 'Cooldown increased to12 − 10 (based on level)seconds from12 / 11.5/ 11 / 10.5/ 10 (based on level).', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to26% − 35% (based on level)bonusADfrom35%at all levels.', 'DuskwaveBase damage reduced to25 − 65 (based on level)from25 / 35 / 45 / 55 / 65 (based on level).Cooldown increased to9 − 6 (based on level)seconds from9 / 8.25/ 7.5/ 6.75/ 6 (based on level).Bonus AD ratio reduced to56% − 80% (based on level)bonusADfrom80%at all levels.', 'Base damage reduced to25 − 65 (based on level)from25 / 35 / 45 / 55 / 65 (based on level).', 'Cooldown increased to9 − 6 (based on level)seconds from9 / 8.25/ 7.5/ 6.75/ 6 (based on level).', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to56% − 80% (based on level)bonusADfrom80%at all levels.', 'SentryBase damage reduced to25 − 85 (based on level)from25 / 40 / 55 / 70 / 85 (based on level).Cooldown increased to9 − 6 (based on level)seconds from9 / 8.25/ 7.5/ 6.75/ 6 (based on level).Bonus AD ratio reduced to35% − 50% (based on level)bonusADfrom50%at all levels.', 'Base damage reduced to25 − 85 (based on level)from25 / 40 / 55 / 70 / 85 (based on level).', 'Cooldown increased to9 − 6 (based on level)seconds from9 / 8.25/ 7.5/ 6.75/ 6 (based on level).', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to35% − 50% (based on level)bonusADfrom50%at all levels.', 'SeverumHealing reduced to3% − 20% (based on level)from8% − 25% (based on level).', 'Healing reduced to3% − 20% (based on level)from8% − 25% (based on level).', 'InfernumSecondary damage to minions reduced to23 / 30% (based on level)ADfrom34 / 45% (based on level)AD.', 'Secondary damage to minions reduced to23 / 30% (based on level)ADfrom34 / 45% (based on level)AD.', 'CrescendumBonus damage reduced to0% − 164% (based on number of Chakrams)ADfrom0% − 173% (based on number of Chakrams)AD.', 'Bonus damage reduced to0% − 164% (based on number of Chakrams)ADfrom0% − 173% (based on number of Chakrams)AD.', 'Weapons of the FaithfulNew Effect:Players can now see both guns he is holding next to his health bar.', 'New Effect:Players can now see both guns he is holding next to his health bar.', "CalibrumRemoved:No longer resetsAphelios'basic attack timer 0.2seconds after triggering the mark.", "Removed:No longer resetsAphelios'basic attack timer 0.2seconds after triggering the mark.", 'SentryRange indicator is now red for enemies when inactive.Base attack speed reduced to 0.8from 1.Turret damage taken from ranged attacks increased to 3 from 2.Turret damage taken from AoE abilities increased to 4 from 2.Bug Fix:No longer occasionally dies upon being activated.', 'Range indicator is now red for enemies when inactive.', 'Base attack speed reduced to 0.8from 1.', 'Turret damage taken from ranged attacks increased to 3 from 2.', 'Turret damage taken from AoE abilities increased to 4 from 2.', 'Bug Fix:No longer occasionally dies upon being activated.', 'Moonlight VigilVisual effects adjusted to be clearer in game.Target range reduced to 1300 units from 1600.', 'Visual effects adjusted to be clearer in game.', 'Target range reduced to 1300 units from 1600.', 'CalibrumNew Effect:Marks now have a maximum range of 1800 units, instead of a global range.', 'New Effect:Marks now have a maximum range of 1800 units, instead of a global range.', 'CalibrumMark base damage reduced to 15 at all levels from20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 (based on level).Mark bonus AD ratio reduced to20%bonusADfrom30%.', 'Mark base damage reduced to 15 at all levels from20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 (based on level).', 'Mark bonus AD ratio reduced to20%bonusADfrom30%.', 'MoonshotCooldown increased to10 / 9.5/ 9 / 8.5/ 8 (based on level)seconds from9 / 8.25/ 7.5/ 6.75/ 6 (based on level).', 'Cooldown increased to10 / 9.5/ 9 / 8.5/ 8 (based on level)seconds from9 / 8.25/ 7.5/ 6.75/ 6 (based on level).', 'OnslaughtBonus AD ratio reduced to30%bonusADfrom35%.', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to30%bonusADfrom35%.', 'CrescendumBonus damage reduced to0% − 173% (based on number of Chakrams)ADfrom0% − 224.25% (based on number of Chakrams)AD.', 'Bonus damage reduced to0% − 173% (based on number of Chakrams)ADfrom0% − 224.25% (based on number of Chakrams)AD.', 'DuskwaveBug Fix:Splash damage now properly originates from where the primary target was hit and deals the proper amount of damage depending on his level.', 'Bug Fix:Splash damage now properly originates from where the primary target was hit and deals the proper amount of damage depending on his level.', 'StatsMovement speed reduced to 325 from 330.Base health reduced to 500 from 530.', 'Movement speed reduced to 325 from 330.', 'Base health reduced to 500 from 530.', 'Moonlight VigilInfernumsplash damage reduced to 75% from 100%.', 'Infernumsplash damage reduced to 75% from 100%.', 'CalibrumBug Fix:Attacks that consumeCalibrummarks no longer apply on-hit effects an additional time.Mark AD ratio reduced to30%bonusADfrom40%bonusAD.', 'Bug Fix:Attacks that consumeCalibrummarks no longer apply on-hit effects an additional time.', 'Mark AD ratio reduced to30%bonusADfrom40%bonusAD.', 'MoonshotBug Fix:No longer applies on-hit effects.', 'Bug Fix:No longer applies on-hit effects.', 'Moonlight VigilInfernumAD ratio reduced to25%bonusADfrom40%bonusAD.Infernumsplash radius reduced to 400 units from 500.', 'InfernumAD ratio reduced to25%bonusADfrom40%bonusAD.', 'Infernumsplash radius reduced to 400 units from 500.', 'The Hitman and the Seer(Innate)Innate:Aphelioshas access to an arsenal of 5Moonstone Weapons, created by his sisterAlune. He equips two weapons at any one time, one as hismain weaponand one as hisoff-hand. Each weapon has a unique basic attack and passive effect.Apheliosbegins the game withCalibrumas hismain weaponandSeverumin hisoff-hand, withGravitum,Infernum, andCrescendumqueued in reserve. The queue order can be rearranged based on weapon usage.Moonlight:Weapons spawn with 50Moonlightfor ammunition, which is consumed on basic attacks or to cast hisabilities. Abilities that causeApheliosto attack do not cost additionalMoonlighton top of their ability cost. Once hismain weaponis exhausted ofMoonlight, it is moved to the end of the queue andApheliosequips the next available weapon from his reserve.Weapon Master:Aphelioscannot improve his abilities with skill points. He starts the game withPhaseand gains access toabilitiesat level 2. He gains access toMoonlight Vigilat level 6, which improves automatically at levels 11 and 16. Instead,Apheliosmay spend his skill points to gainbonusattack damage,bonusattack speedorarmor penetration.Bonus Attack Damage:4 / 8 / 12 / 16 / 20 / 24.Bonus Attack Speed:6 / 12 / 18 / 24 / 30 / 36%.Armor Penetration:3 / 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 18%.', 'Innate:Aphelioshas access to an arsenal of 5Moonstone Weapons, created by his sisterAlune. He equips two weapons at any one time, one as hismain weaponand one as hisoff-hand. Each weapon has a unique basic attack and passive effect.', 'Apheliosbegins the game withCalibrumas hismain weaponandSeverumin hisoff-hand, withGravitum,Infernum, andCrescendumqueued in reserve. The queue order can be rearranged based on weapon usage.', 'Moonlight:Weapons spawn with 50Moonlightfor ammunition, which is consumed on basic attacks or to cast hisabilities. Abilities that causeApheliosto attack do not cost additionalMoonlighton top of their ability cost. Once hismain weaponis exhausted ofMoonlight, it is moved to the end of the queue andApheliosequips the next available weapon from his reserve.', 'Weapon Master:Aphelioscannot improve his abilities with skill points. He starts the game withPhaseand gains access toabilitiesat level 2. He gains access toMoonlight Vigilat level 6, which improves automatically at levels 11 and 16. Instead,Apheliosmay spend his skill points to gainbonusattack damage,bonusattack speedorarmor penetration.Bonus Attack Damage:4 / 8 / 12 / 16 / 20 / 24.Bonus Attack Speed:6 / 12 / 18 / 24 / 30 / 36%.Armor Penetration:3 / 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 18%.', 'Bonus Attack Damage:4 / 8 / 12 / 16 / 20 / 24.', 'Bonus Attack Speed:6 / 12 / 18 / 24 / 30 / 36%.', 'Armor Penetration:3 / 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 18%.', "Weapons of the Faithful(Q)The active effect ofAphelios'ability varies based on his currentmain handweapon.The individual actives do not share a cooldown.", "The active effect ofAphelios'ability varies based on his currentmain handweapon.", 'The individual actives do not share a cooldown.', "Calibrum(R1)Innate:Apheliosgains100bonusrangewhileCalibrumis hismain weapon.Precision:Enemies damaged byCalibrumvia an ability aremarkedfor 4.5seconds,revealingthem for the duration.Aphelios'snext basic attack against amarkedtarget uses the currentoff-handweapon and gainsglobal range.This attack will consume all marks, dealing20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 (based on level)(+ 40%bonusAD)bonusphysical damageper mark to the initial target. IfCalibrumis the currentoff-handweapon, the empowered attack uses themain weaponinstead.Cost:1 Moonlight per attack.", 'Innate:Apheliosgains100bonusrangewhileCalibrumis hismain weapon.', "Precision:Enemies damaged byCalibrumvia an ability aremarkedfor 4.5seconds,revealingthem for the duration.Aphelios'snext basic attack against amarkedtarget uses the currentoff-handweapon and gainsglobal range.", 'This attack will consume all marks, dealing20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 (based on level)(+ 40%bonusAD)bonusphysical damageper mark to the initial target. IfCalibrumis the currentoff-handweapon, the empowered attack uses themain weaponinstead.', 'Cost:1 Moonlight per attack.', 'Moonshot(Q1)Calibrum- Active:Apheliosfires a bolt of energy in a line, dealing60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 (based on level)(+ 60%bonusAD)(+ 100% AP)physical damageto the first enemy hit.Cost:10 Moonlight + 60 mana.Cooldown:9 / 8.25/ 7.5/ 6.75/ 6 (based on level)seconds.', 'Calibrum- Active:Apheliosfires a bolt of energy in a line, dealing60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 (based on level)(+ 60%bonusAD)(+ 100% AP)physical damageto the first enemy hit.', 'Cost:10 Moonlight + 60 mana.', 'Cooldown:9 / 8.25/ 7.5/ 6.75/ 6 (based on level)seconds.', "Severum(R2)Basic attacks withSeverumdon't useprojectiles.Resurgent:Severum'sattackshealhim for8% − 25% (based on leve | Name: Calibrum, the Sniper Rifle, Description: Aphelios gains 100 bonus attack range while Calibrum is his main weapon . Enemies damaged by Calibrum through an ability are marked for 4. 5 seconds, revealing them for the duration. Aphelios' next basic attack against a marked target uses the current off-hand weapon and has 1800 range , increased missile speed, and a brief cast time that lasts shorter based on Aphelios' proximity to the target. The empowered attack will consume the marks from all targets, dealing 15 (+ 20% bonus AD) bonus physical damage to the main target for each mark consumed. If Calibrum is the current off-hand weapon, the main weapon is used for the attack instead. Link ▶️ "Calibrum.", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Severum Details', 'Onslaught Details', "Runaan's Hurricanebolts will useSeverum'sattack animation instead of firing projectiles forAphelios'attacks withSeverum.", "Severum'sattacks are notintercepted, but the attacks from theoff-handweapon are duringOnslaught.", 'Aphelioswill also not perform the attacks while channelingRecall.', 'IfApheliosistaunted, he will still attack the nearest enemy.', "DuringOnslaught,Aphelios'attack rangeis reduced「\xa0to 410\xa0」「\xa0by 140\xa0」and his attack commands instead issue movement commands to walk into the respective range of his target.", "Onslaught'sname is modified based onAphelios'off-handweapon:Precision OnslaughtBinding OnslaughtIncendiary OnslaughtArcing Onslaught", 'Precision Onslaught', 'Binding Onslaught', 'Incendiary Onslaught', 'Arcing Onslaught', "Onslaught'sattacks stackEnergized, but do not apply any otheron-attackeffects.", 'Crescendumwill not deal damage if blocked byWind Wall, but the stacks will still be gained.', 'Cosmetically, theMoonlightcost is consumed through the duration.', 'Hide', 'Gravitum Details', 'Binding Eclipse Details', "Gravitum'sdebuff applies even if the target is immune toslows(viaslow immunityorcc-immunity).The target will be affected after losing their immunity.", 'The target will be affected after losing their immunity.', "Runaan's Hurricane'sbolts will useGravitum'sprojectiles whenApheliosattacks withGravitum.", 'No compensations are made ifBinding Eclipseis used to empower in-flightGravitumprojectiles that aredestroyedor have the slow application negated by any means, wasting the effect in the process.', 'Binding Eclipsecannot expunge enemies affected byGravitumthat areuntargetable.', 'Binding Eclipsecannot be cast without a marked target.', 'Hide', 'Infernum Details', 'Duskwave Details', "Infernum'sattack hit can bedodgedby ormissedagainst the primary target.This will not prevent the missile from dealing damage to secondary targets nor from splashing against additional targets behind the primary target. The damage cannot be dodged as or missed against a secondary target.", 'This will not prevent the missile from dealing damage to secondary targets nor from splashing against additional targets behind the primary target. The damage cannot be dodged as or missed against a secondary target.', "Runaan's Hurricanebolts will useInfernum'sprojectiles whenApheliosattacks withInfernum.The bolts' attacks shoot 3 missiles, increased to 5 missiles when theycritically strike.", "The bolts' attacks shoot 3 missiles, increased to 5 missiles when theycritically strike.", 'The volley appliesarea damageand the follow up attacks from theoff-handweapon dealbasic damage.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.', "The hitbox also includes a very small portion behindAphelios'character model.", "Duskwave'sname is modified based onAphelios'off-handweapon:Precision DuskwaveResurgent DuskwaveBinding DuskwaveArcing Duskwave", 'Precision Duskwave', 'Resurgent Duskwave', 'Binding Duskwave', 'Arcing Duskwave', 'Apheliosis locked out of declaring attacks until the volley of attacks have been resolved.', 'The automatic attacks do not triggeranyon-attack effects.Pixdoes not increase the damage of the volley.', 'Pixdoes not increase the damage of the volley.', "The volley of attacks won't deal any damage, if they aredodged,blocked, or ifApheliosisblinded.", 'Hide', 'Crescendum Details', 'Sentry Details', 'AccumulatedChakramsaccompanyCrescendumwheneverApheliosperforms a basic attack. This is merely a visual representation of the increased damage, and the separate blades are not considered separate damage sources norprojectiles.', 'AllChakramstacks are lost if theCrescendumprojectile is destroyed (i.eWind Wall,Unbreakable).', "At high attack speedsCrescendumwill lowerAphelios'total attack speed, even when right next to his target.", "Sentry'sname is modified based onAphelios'off-handweapon:Precision SentryResurgent SentryHealsApheliosfor any damage it deals.Attacks cannot be intercepted byWind WallandUnbreakable.Binding SentryIncendiary Sentry", 'Precision Sentry', 'Resurgent SentryHealsApheliosfor any damage it deals.Attacks cannot be intercepted byWind WallandUnbreakable.', 'HealsApheliosfor any damage it deals.', 'Attacks cannot be intercepted byWind WallandUnbreakable.', 'Binding Sentry', 'Incendiary Sentry', 'TheSentrywill stop upon colliding withWind Wall. It will be deployed in front of the wall.', "TheSentry'sattacks can bedodgedandblocked, but not missed from beingblinded.", 'Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'Switching does not interruptanycommandsAphelioswas issued before or duringPhase.', 'Calibrum:Applies an empowered mark that deals50 / 80 / 110 (based on level)bonusphysical damagepermarkconsumed.', 'Severum:HealsApheliosfor250 / 350 / 450 (based on level)if at least one enemy champion is hit.', 'Gravitum:Increases the initialslowto 99% and empowersBinding Eclipsetoroottargets affected by the enhanced slow for 1.35seconds.', 'Infernum:Deals50 / 100 / 150 (based on level)(+ 25%bonusAD)bonusphysical damageon the initial blast. Attacks splash in a 400 radius instead of a cone, dealing「\xa090% of that damage.\xa0」「45 / 90 / 135 (based on level)(+ 22.5%bonusAD)physical damage.\xa0」Enemy champions will take damage from overlapping areas.', 'Crescendum:Generates 5 additional spectralChakramsthat return toApheliosfrom the first enemy champion hit, for a total of 6, on top of those from other targets hit.', 'Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'The basic attacks always count asprojectilesunlessSeverumis being used. The lunar beam, however, may always be intercepted regardless of which weapon is in play as the main weapon.', "Spell shieldblocks theMoonlight Vigil'sinitial detonation damage but does not prevent the attacks from locking-on.", 'The basic attacks fromMoonlight Vigilcritically strikeindependently from each other. Targets further away from the center of the blast are hit after a slightly longer delay. These attacks do not applyon-attack effects.', 'Changing weapons whileMoonlight Vigilis in flight does not change the effect it has when it hits.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.', "Moonlight Vigil'seffect radius is centered around the location of the missile as it collides.", "WithCalibrum, the extra damage from consuming the mark is a bonus damage on top ofCalibrum'snormal mark consumption damage.", 'WithInfernum, 14 fire bolts splash from each target hit (18 forcritical strikes). This does not occur if the initial damage ofMoonlight Vigilkillsthe target.', 'WithInfernum,the splash attacks damage is also modified by Infernum attack secondary target damage amplifier, which means it only deals 70.125% (=82.5%*85%) of attack damage to secondary targets before level 9.', 'WithCrescendum, 1 spectral chakram is gained for every target hit by the blast, meaning it is possible to gain up to 10 spectral chakrams with one use ofMoonlight Vigilif it hits 5 enemy champions.', "WithSeverum, the extra flat heal is given only once, not per target. However, all damage done byMoonlight Vigilwith it also heals him fromSeverum'sown passive effect.", "The locked-on attacks' can bedodgedandblocked, but won't be prevented ifApheliosisblinded.Preventing the attack also prevents the additional effect (e.g. marking them withGravitumor grantingspectral chakrams).", 'Preventing the attack also prevents the additional effect (e.g. marking them withGravitumor grantingspectral chakrams).', 'Moonlight Vigilhas different visual effects changed accordingly to each weapon.This may vary depending on theskin, this showcases thedefault:', 'Calibrum', 'Gravitum', 'Infernum', 'Severum', '3 damage from ranged basic attacks', '4 damage from abilities', '6 damage from turret basic attacks', 'Cripple', 'Silence', 'Slow', 'Root', "Uses a copy ofAphelios'currentoff-handweapon to fire at targets.", "Attacks benefit fromAphelios'attack speedandcritical strike chance.", 'Attacks are able tocritically strike.', 'Gainsuntargetabilitywhile inactive. This is lost after becoming active.', "GeneralBug Fix:Model no longer twitches unexpectedly during his weapon's idle animations.", "Bug Fix:Model no longer twitches unexpectedly during his weapon's idle animations.", 'GravitumBug Fix:Slow VFX now correctly rotates around the target.', 'Bug Fix:Slow VFX now correctly rotates around the target.', 'GravitumSlow duration reduced to 2.5seconds from 3.5.', 'Slow duration reduced to 2.5seconds from 3.5.', 'SeverumBasic attacks heal reduced to2% − 7.1% (based on level)from2.5% − 9% (based on level).Abilities heal reduced to5% − 17.75% (based on level)from8.33% − 30% (based on level).', 'Basic attacks heal reduced to2% − 7.1% (based on level)from2.5% − 9% (based on level).', 'Abilities heal reduced to5% − 17.75% (based on level)from8.33% − 30% (based on level).', 'SentryTurret attack speed reduced to 0.64from 0.8.', 'Turret attack speed reduced to 0.64from 0.8.', 'The Hitman and the SeerBonus attack damage reduced to 4.5/ 9 / 13.5/ 18 / 22.5/ 27 from 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30.', 'Bonus attack damage reduced to 4.5/ 9 / 13.5/ 18 / 22.5/ 27 from 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30.', 'The Hitman and the SeerBonus attack speed increased to 9 / 18 / 27 / 36 / 45 / 54% from 7.5/ 15 / 22.5/ 30 / 37.5/ 45%.', 'Bonus attack speed increased to 9 / 18 / 27 / 36 / 45 / 54% from 7.5/ 15 / 22.5/ 30 / 37.5/ 45%.', 'Binding EclipseBug Fix:Now is properly blocked byspell shields.', 'Bug Fix:Now is properly blocked byspell shields.', 'GeneralBug Fix:Knocked up/stunned animation is now correctly played.', 'Bug Fix:Knocked up/stunned animation is now correctly played.', 'The Hitman and the SeerBonus attack speed increased to 7.5/ 15 / 22.5/ 30 / 37.5/ 45% from 6 / 12 / 18 / 24 / 30 / 36%.Lethality increased to 5.5/ 11 / 16.5/ 22 / 27.5/ 33 from 4.5/ 9 / 13.5/ 18 / 22.5/ 27.', 'Bonus attack speed increased to 7.5/ 15 / 22.5/ 30 / 37.5/ 45% from 6 / 12 / 18 / 24 / 30 / 36%.', 'Lethality increased to 5.5/ 11 / 16.5/ 22 / 27.5/ 33 from 4.5/ 9 / 13.5/ 18 / 22.5/ 27.', 'StatsBase health increased to 580 from 510.Health growth increased to 102 from 88.Armor growth increased to 4.2from 3.Magic resistance growth increased to 1.3from 0.5.', 'Base health increased to 580 from 510.', 'Health growth increased to 102 from 88.', 'Armor growth increased to 4.2from 3.', 'Magic resistance growth increased to 1.3from 0.5.', 'SeverumBasic attacks heal reduced to2.5% − 9% (based on level)from3% − 10% (based on level).Abilities heal reduced to8.33% − 30% (based on level)from9% − 30% (based on level).', 'Basic attacks heal reduced to2.5% − 9% (based on level)from3% − 10% (based on level).', 'Abilities heal reduced to8.33% − 30% (based on level)from9% − 30% (based on level).', 'Moonlight VigilSeverumheal reduced to250 / 350 / 450 (based on level)from275 / 400 / 525 (based on level).', 'Severumheal reduced to250 / 350 / 450 (based on level)from275 / 400 / 525 (based on level).', 'PhaseBug Fix:Cast SFX is no longer audible to enemies from the fog of war.', 'Bug Fix:Cast SFX is no longer audible to enemies from the fog of war.', 'StatsBase armor reduced to 26 from 28.Base health reduced to 510 from 530.', 'Base armor reduced to 26 from 28.', 'Base health reduced to 510 from 530.', 'PhaseBug Fix:Cast bar near the HUD now properly animates upon cast.', 'Bug Fix:Cast bar near the HUD now properly animates upon cast.', 'GeneralBug Fix:Champion model no longer becomes stuck in a certain pose if he is killed shortly after performing a basic attack.', 'Bug Fix:Champion model no longer becomes stuck in a certain pose if he is killed shortly after performing a basic attack.', 'StatsBase attack damage reduced to 55 from 57.', 'Base attack damage reduced to 55 from 57.', 'The Hitman and the SeerBonus attack damage increased to 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 from 4 / 8 / 12 / 16 / 20 / 24.Lethality increased to 4.5/ 9 / 13.5/ 18 / 22.5/ 27 from 3.5/ 7 / 10.5/ 14 / 17.5/ 21.', 'Bonus attack damage increased to 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 from 4 / 8 / 12 / 16 / 20 / 24.', 'Lethality increased to 4.5/ 9 / 13.5/ 18 / 22.5/ 27 from 3.5/ 7 / 10.5/ 14 / 17.5/ 21.', 'Moonlight VigilBug Fix:Fixed a bug where he would heal from spells instead of basic attacks when using it withSeverum.', 'Bug Fix:Fixed a bug where he would heal from spells instead of basic attacks when using it withSeverum.', 'StatsBase magic resistance increased to 30 from 26.Attack damage growth increased to 3 from 2.4.', 'Base magic resistance increased to 30 from 26.', 'Attack damage growth increased to 3 from 2.4.', 'SeverumHealing from basic attacks reduced to3% − 10% (based on level)from3% − 20% (based on level).Healing from spells increased to9% − 30% (based on level)from3% − 20% (based on level).', 'Healing from basic attacks reduced to3% − 10% (based on level)from3% − 20% (based on level).', 'Healing from spells increased to9% − 30% (based on level)from3% − 20% (based on level).', 'OnslaughtAttack speed ratio reduced to2 per 100%bonusattack speedfrom3.Base damage increased to10 − 40 (based on level)from10 − 30 (based on level).Bonus AD ratio changed to20% − 35% (based on level)bonusADfrom21% − 30% (based on level).', 'Attack speed ratio reduced to2 per 100%bonusattack speedfrom3.', 'Base damage increased to10 − 40 (based on level)from10 − 30 (based on level).', 'Bonus AD ratio changed to20% − 35% (based on level)bonusADfrom21% − 30% (based on level).', 'CrescendumBonus damage reduced to0% − 160% (based on number of Chakrams)ADfrom0% − 164% (based on number of Chakrams)AD.', 'Bonus damage reduced to0% − 160% (based on number of Chakrams)ADfrom0% − 164% (based on number of Chakrams)AD.', 'SentryBase damage increased to31 − 100 (based on level)from25 − 85 (based on level).Bonus AD ratio increased to40% − 60% (based on level)bonusAD)from35% − 50% (based on level).', 'Base damage increased to31 − 100 (based on level)from25 − 85 (based on level).', 'Bonus AD ratio increased to40% − 60% (based on level)bonusAD)from35% − 50% (based on level).', 'InfernumBug Fix:Missile and splash missiles can once againcritically strikeon collision with enemy andmissagainst the primary target.', 'Bug Fix:Missile and splash missiles can once againcritically strikeon collision with enemy andmissagainst the primary target.', 'The Hitman and the SeerLethality increased to 3.5/ 7 / 10.5/ 14 / 17.5/ 21 from 3 / 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 18.', 'Lethality increased to 3.5/ 7 / 10.5/ 14 / 17.5/ 21 from 3 / 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 18.', 'Moonlight VigilCalibrummark damage increased to50 / 80 / 110 (based on level)from40 / 70 / 100 (based on level).Severumheal increased to275 / 400 / 525 (based on level)from250 / 375 / 500 (based on level).Gravitumempowered root duration increased to 1.35seconds from 1.25.Infernumsplash damage increased to 90% from 85%.Crescendumbonus chakrams increased to 5 from 4.Total chakrams generated increased to 6 from 5.', 'Calibrummark damage increased to50 / 80 / 110 (based on level)from40 / 70 / 100 (based on level).', 'Severumheal increased to275 / 400 / 525 (based on level)from250 / 375 / 500 (based on level).', 'Gravitumempowered root duration increased to 1.35seconds from 1.25.', 'Infernumsplash damage increased to 90% from 85%.', 'Crescendumbonus chakrams increased to 5 from 4.Total chakrams generated increased to 6 from 5.', 'Total chakrams generated increased to 6 from 5.', 'OnslaughtUndocumented:On-hit damage (includingKraken Slayer) now properly reduced on hits withGravitumorInfernum.', 'Undocumented:On-hit damage (includingKraken Slayer) now properly reduced on hits withGravitumorInfernum.', "OnslaughtBug Fix:Now properly modifies damage dealt byKraken Slayer'sBring It Down.", "Bug Fix:Now properly modifies damage dealt byKraken Slayer'sBring It Down.", 'PhaseBug Fix:No longer consumes charges ofTear of the Goddesswhen he swaps his weapons.', 'Bug Fix:No longer consumes charges ofTear of the Goddesswhen he swaps his weapons.', "SentryBug Fix:Sentryturrets are no longer pushed towards their facing direction bySion'sRoar of the Slayer.", "Bug Fix:Sentryturrets are no longer pushed towards their facing direction bySion'sRoar of the Slayer.", 'The Hitman and the SeerLethality increased to 3 / 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 18 from 2 / 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 / 12.', 'Lethality increased to 3 / 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 18 from 2 / 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 / 12.', "Moonlight VigilCalibrummark damage increased to40 / 70 / 100 (based on level)from20 / 45 / 70 (based on level).Severumheal increased to250 / 375 / 500 (based on level)from200 / 300 / 400 (based on level).New Effect:Now increasesBinding Eclipse'sroot duration to 1.25seconds if slowed while empowered byGravitum.Infernumsplash damage increased to 85% from 75%.BonusCrescendumchakrams increased to 4 from 3.", 'Calibrummark damage increased to40 / 70 / 100 (based on level)from20 / 45 / 70 (based on level).', 'Severumheal increased to250 / 375 / 500 (based on level)from200 / 300 / 400 (based on level).', "New Effect:Now increasesBinding Eclipse'sroot duration to 1.25seconds if slowed while empowered byGravitum.", 'Infernumsplash damage increased to 85% from 75%.', 'BonusCrescendumchakrams increased to 4 from 3.', 'StatsAttack damage growth increased to 2.4from 2.', 'Attack damage growth increased to 2.4from 2.', 'SentryTurret attack range reduced to 500 units from 575.Turret arm time increased to 0.35seconds from 0.25.Bug Fix:Now properly appliesManaflow Band.', 'Turret attack range reduced to 500 units from 575.', 'Turret arm time increased to 0.35seconds from 0.25.', 'Bug Fix:Now properly appliesManaflow Band.', "InfernumRemoved:Runaan's Hurricanebolts no longer damage enemies they pass through.Critical strike splash missiles reduced to 6 from 8.Runaan's Hurricanesplash missiles reduced to 3 from 4.Critical strikeRunaan's Hurricanesplash missiles reduced to 5 from 8.New Effect:Runaan's Hurricanesplash missile lengths are now reduced by 100 units.", "Removed:Runaan's Hurricanebolts no longer damage enemies they pass through.", 'Critical strike splash missiles reduced to 6 from 8.', "Runaan's Hurricanesplash missiles reduced to 3 from 4.", "Critical strikeRunaan's Hurricanesplash missiles reduced to 5 from 8.", "New Effect:Runaan's Hurricanesplash missile lengths are now reduced by 100 units.", 'Moonlight VigilBug Fix:No longer deals damage without going on cooldown if killed when casting.', 'Bug Fix:No longer deals damage without going on cooldown if killed when casting.', 'Moonlight VigilBug Fix:Bonus critical strike damage increased to(20% +25%) ADfrom(20% +18.75%) AD.', 'Bug Fix:Bonus critical strike damage increased to(20% +25%) ADfrom(20% +18.75%) AD.', 'StatsAttack damage growth reduced to 2 from 2.2.', 'Attack damage growth reduced to 2 from 2.2.', 'CrescendumRemoved:Attacking epic monsters no longer refreshes spectralchakramduration.', 'Removed:Attacking epic monsters no longer refreshes spectralchakramduration.', 'SentryTurret range indicators no longer show in Spectator mode.', 'Turret range indicators no longer show in Spectator mode.', 'Moonlight VigilBonus critical strike damage reduced to(20% +18.75%) ADfrom(50% +18.75%) AD.', 'Bonus critical strike damage reduced to(20% +18.75%) ADfrom(50% +18.75%) AD.', 'StatsBase health increased to 530 from 500.Health growth increased to 88 from 86.', 'Base health increased to 530 from 500.', 'Health growth increased to 88 from 86.', 'The Hitman and the SeerRemoved:No longer grants3 / 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 18%bonus-armor penetration.New Effect:Now grants2 / 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 / 12 lethality.', 'Removed:No longer grants3 / 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 18%bonus-armor penetration.', 'New Effect:Now grants2 / 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 / 12 lethality.', 'MoonshotBase damage reduced to60 − 160 (based on level)from60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 (based on level).Cooldown increased to10 − 8 (based on level)seconds from10 / 9.5/ 9 / 8.5/ 8 (based on level).Bonus AD ratio reduced to42% − 60% (based on level)bonusADfrom60%at all levels.', 'Base damage reduced to60 − 160 (based on level)from60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 (based on level).', 'Cooldown increased to10 − 8 (based on level)seconds from10 / 9.5/ 9 / 8.5/ 8 (based on level).', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to42% − 60% (based on level)bonusADfrom60%at all levels.', 'OnslaughtBase damage reduced to10 − 30 (based on level)from10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 (based on level).Cooldown increased to10 − 8 (based on level)seconds from10 / 9.5/ 9 / 8.5/ 8 (based on level).Bonus AD ratio reduced to21% − 30% (based on level)bonusADfrom30%at all levels.', 'Base damage reduced to10 − 30 (based on level)from10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 (based on level).', 'Cooldown increased to10 − 8 (based on level)seconds from10 / 9.5/ 9 / 8.5/ 8 (based on level).', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to21% − 30% (based on level)bonusADfrom30%at all levels.', 'Binding EclipseBase damage reduced to50 − 110 (based on level)from50 / 65 / 80 / 95 / 110 (based on level).Cooldown increased to12 − 10 (based on level)seconds from12 / 11.5/ 11 / 10.5/ 10 (based on level).Bonus AD ratio reduced to26% − 35% (based on level)bonusADfrom35%at all levels.', 'Base damage reduced to50 − 110 (based on level)from50 / 65 / 80 / 95 / 110 (based on level).', 'Cooldown increased to12 − 10 (based on level)seconds from12 / 11.5/ 11 / 10.5/ 10 (based on level).', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to26% − 35% (based on level)bonusADfrom35%at all levels.', 'DuskwaveBase damage reduced to25 − 65 (based on level)from25 / 35 / 45 / 55 / 65 (based on level).Cooldown increased to9 − 6 (based on level)seconds from9 / 8.25/ 7.5/ 6.75/ 6 (based on level).Bonus AD ratio reduced to56% − 80% (based on level)bonusADfrom80%at all levels.', 'Base damage reduced to25 − 65 (based on level)from25 / 35 / 45 / 55 / 65 (based on level).', 'Cooldown increased to9 − 6 (based on level)seconds from9 / 8.25/ 7.5/ 6.75/ 6 (based on level).', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to56% − 80% (based on level)bonusADfrom80%at all levels.', 'SentryBase damage reduced to25 − 85 (based on level)from25 / 40 / 55 / 70 / 85 (based on level).Cooldown increased to9 − 6 (based on level)seconds from9 / 8.25/ 7.5/ 6.75/ 6 (based on level).Bonus AD ratio reduced to35% − 50% (based on level)bonusADfrom50%at all levels.', 'Base damage reduced to25 − 85 (based on level)from25 / 40 / 55 / 70 / 85 (based on level).', 'Cooldown increased to9 − 6 (based on level)seconds from9 / 8.25/ 7.5/ 6.75/ 6 (based on level).', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to35% − 50% (based on level)bonusADfrom50%at all levels.', 'SeverumHealing reduced to3% − 20% (based on level)from8% − 25% (based on level).', 'Healing reduced to3% − 20% (based on level)from8% − 25% (based on level).', 'InfernumSecondary damage to minions reduced to23 / 30% (based on level)ADfrom34 / 45% (based on level)AD.', 'Secondary damage to minions reduced to23 / 30% (based on level)ADfrom34 / 45% (based on level)AD.', 'CrescendumBonus damage reduced to0% − 164% (based on number of Chakrams)ADfrom0% − 173% (based on number of Chakrams)AD.', 'Bonus damage reduced to0% − 164% (based on number of Chakrams)ADfrom0% − 173% (based on number of Chakrams)AD.', 'Weapons of the FaithfulNew Effect:Players can now see both guns he is holding next to his health bar.', 'New Effect:Players can now see both guns he is holding next to his health bar.', "CalibrumRemoved:No longer resetsAphelios'basic attack timer 0.2seconds after triggering the mark.", "Removed:No longer resetsAphelios'basic attack timer 0.2seconds after triggering the mark.", 'SentryRange indicator is now red for enemies when inactive.Base attack speed reduced to 0.8from 1.Turret damage taken from ranged attacks increased to 3 from 2.Turret damage taken from AoE abilities increased to 4 from 2.Bug Fix:No longer occasionally dies upon being activated.', 'Range indicator is now red for enemies when inactive.', 'Base attack speed reduced to 0.8from 1.', 'Turret damage taken from ranged attacks increased to 3 from 2.', 'Turret damage taken from AoE abilities increased to 4 from 2.', 'Bug Fix:No longer occasionally dies upon being activated.', 'Moonlight VigilVisual effects adjusted to be clearer in game.Target range reduced to 1300 units from 1600.', 'Visual effects adjusted to be clearer in game.', 'Target range reduced to 1300 units from 1600.', 'CalibrumNew Effect:Marks now have a maximum range of 1800 units, instead of a global range.', 'New Effect:Marks now have a maximum range of 1800 units, instead of a global range.', 'CalibrumMark base damage reduced to 15 at all levels from20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 (based on level).Mark bonus AD ratio reduced to20%bonusADfrom30%.', 'Mark base damage reduced to 15 at all levels from20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 (based on level).', 'Mark bonus AD ratio reduced to20%bonusADfrom30%.', 'MoonshotCooldown increased to10 / 9.5/ 9 / 8.5/ 8 (based on level)seconds from9 / 8.25/ 7.5/ 6.75/ 6 (based on level).', 'Cooldown increased to10 / 9.5/ 9 / 8.5/ 8 (based on level)seconds from9 / 8.25/ 7.5/ 6.75/ 6 (based on level).', 'OnslaughtBonus AD ratio reduced to30%bonusADfrom35%.', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to30%bonusADfrom35%.', 'CrescendumBonus damage reduced to0% − 173% (based on number of Chakrams)ADfrom0% − 224.25% (based on number of Chakrams)AD.', 'Bonus damage reduced to0% − 173% (based on number of Chakrams)ADfrom0% − 224.25% (based on number of Chakrams)AD.', 'DuskwaveBug Fix:Splash damage now properly originates from where the primary target was hit and deals the proper amount of damage depending on his level.', 'Bug Fix:Splash damage now properly originates from where the primary target was hit and deals the proper amount of damage depending on his level.', 'StatsMovement speed reduced to 325 from 330.Base health reduced to 500 from 530.', 'Movement speed reduced to 325 from 330.', 'Base health reduced to 500 from 530.', 'Moonlight VigilInfernumsplash damage reduced to 75% from 100%.', 'Infernumsplash damage reduced to 75% from 100%.', 'CalibrumBug Fix:Attacks that consumeCalibrummarks no longer apply on-hit effects an additional time.Mark AD ratio reduced to30%bonusADfrom40%bonusAD.', 'Bug Fix:Attacks that consumeCalibrummarks no longer apply on-hit effects an additional time.', 'Mark AD ratio reduced to30%bonusADfrom40%bonusAD.', 'MoonshotBug Fix:No longer applies on-hit effects.', 'Bug Fix:No longer applies on-hit effects.', 'Moonlight VigilInfernumAD ratio reduced to25%bonusADfrom40%bonusAD.Infernumsplash radius reduced to 400 units from 500.', 'InfernumAD ratio reduced to25%bonusADfrom40%bonusAD.', 'Infernumsplash radius reduced to 400 units from 500.', 'The Hitman and the Seer(Innate)Innate:Aphelioshas access to an arsenal of 5Moonstone Weapons, created by his sisterAlune. He equips two weapons at any one time, one as hismain weaponand one as hisoff-hand. Each weapon has a unique basic attack and passive effect.Apheliosbegins the game withCalibrumas hismain weaponandSeverumin hisoff-hand, withGravitum,Infernum, andCrescendumqueued in reserve. The queue order can be rearranged based on weapon usage.Moonlight:Weapons spawn with 50Moonlightfor ammunition, which is consumed on basic attacks or to cast hisabilities. Abilities that causeApheliosto attack do not cost additionalMoonlighton top of their ability cost. Once hismain weaponis exhausted ofMoonlight, it is moved to the end of the queue andApheliosequips the next available weapon from his reserve.Weapon Master:Aphelioscannot improve his abilities with skill points. He starts the game withPhaseand gains access toabilitiesat level 2. He gains access toMoonlight Vigilat level 6, which improves automatically at levels 11 and 16. Instead,Apheliosmay spend his skill points to gainbonusattack damage,bonusattack speedorarmor penetration.Bonus Attack Damage:4 / 8 / 12 / 16 / 20 / 24.Bonus Attack Speed:6 / 12 / 18 / 24 / 30 / 36%.Armor Penetration:3 / 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 18%.', 'Innate:Aphelioshas access to an arsenal of 5Moonstone Weapons, created by his sisterAlune. He equips two weapons at any one time, one as hismain weaponand one as hisoff-hand. Each weapon has a unique basic attack and passive effect.', 'Apheliosbegins the game withCalibrumas hismain weaponandSeverumin hisoff-hand, withGravitum,Infernum, andCrescendumqueued in reserve. The queue order can be rearranged based on weapon usage.', 'Moonlight:Weapons spawn with 50Moonlightfor ammunition, which is consumed on basic attacks or to cast hisabilities. Abilities that causeApheliosto attack do not cost additionalMoonlighton top of their ability cost. Once hismain weaponis exhausted ofMoonlight, it is moved to the end of the queue andApheliosequips the next available weapon from his reserve.', 'Weapon Master:Aphelioscannot improve his abilities with skill points. He starts the game withPhaseand gains access toabilitiesat level 2. He gains access toMoonlight Vigilat level 6, which improves automatically at levels 11 and 16. Instead,Apheliosmay spend his skill points to gainbonusattack damage,bonusattack speedorarmor penetration.Bonus Attack Damage:4 / 8 / 12 / 16 / 20 / 24.Bonus Attack Speed:6 / 12 / 18 / 24 / 30 / 36%.Armor Penetration:3 / 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 18%.', 'Bonus Attack Damage:4 / 8 / 12 / 16 / 20 / 24.', 'Bonus Attack Speed:6 / 12 / 18 / 24 / 30 / 36%.', 'Armor Penetration:3 / 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 18%.', "Weapons of the Faithful(Q)The active effect ofAphelios'ability varies based on his currentmain handweapon.The individual actives do not share a cooldown.", "The active effect ofAphelios'ability varies based on his currentmain handweapon.", 'The individual actives do not share a cooldown.', "Calibrum(R1)Innate:Apheliosgains100bonusrangewhileCalibrumis hismain weapon.Precision:Enemies damaged byCalibrumvia an ability aremarkedfor 4.5seconds,revealingthem for the duration.Aphelios'snext basic attack against amarkedtarget uses the currentoff-handweapon and gainsglobal range.This attack will consume all marks, dealing20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 (based on level)(+ 40%bonusAD)bonusphysical damageper mark to the initial target. IfCalibrumis the currentoff-handweapon, the empowered attack uses themain weaponinstead.Cost:1 Moonlight per attack.", 'Innate:Apheliosgains100bonusrangewhileCalibrumis hismain weapon.', "Precision:Enemies damaged byCalibrumvia an ability aremarkedfor 4.5seconds,revealingthem for the duration.Aphelios'snext basic attack against amarkedtarget uses the currentoff-handweapon and gainsglobal range.", 'This attack will consume all marks, dealing20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 (based on level)(+ 40%bonusAD)bonusphysical damageper mark to the initial target. IfCalibrumis the currentoff-handweapon, the empowered attack uses themain weaponinstead.', 'Cost:1 Moonlight per attack.', 'Moonshot(Q1)Calibrum- Active:Apheliosfires a bolt of energy in a line, dealing60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 (based on level)(+ 60%bonusAD)(+ 100% AP)physical damageto the first enemy hit.Cost:10 Moonlight + 60 mana.Cooldown:9 / 8.25/ 7.5/ 6.75/ 6 (based on level)seconds.', 'Calibrum- Active:Apheliosfires a bolt of energy in a line, dealing60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 (based on level)(+ 60%bonusAD)(+ 100% AP)physical damageto the first enemy hit.', 'Cost:10 Moonlight + 60 mana.', 'Cooldown:9 / 8.25/ 7.5/ 6.75/ 6 (based on level)seconds.', "Severum(R2)Basic attacks withSeverumdon't useprojectiles.Resurgent:Severum'sattackshealhim for8% − 25% (based on level)of damage dealt.Healing fromSeverumin excess ofAphelios'maximumhealthis converted into ashieldfor an amount of up to10 − 140 (based on level)(+ 6%maximumhealth), lasting for up to 30 seconds.Cost:1 Moonlight per attack.", "Basic attacks withSeverumdon't useprojectiles.", "Resurgent:Severum'sattackshealhim for8% − 25% (based on level)of damage dealt.", "Healing fromSeverumin excess ofAphelios'maximumhealthis converted into ashieldfor an amount of up to10 − 140 (based on level)(+ 6%maximumhealth), lasting for up to 30 seconds.", 'Cost:1 Moonlight per attack.', 'Onslaught(Q2)Se | Name: Severum, the Scythe Pistol, Description: Basic attacks with Severum are non-projectile and have an uncancellable windup . Severum's attacks heal Aphelios for 2% − 7. 1 % (based on level) of the post-mitigation damage dealt, increased to 5% − 17. 75 % (based on level) for attacks from abilities. Healing from Severum in excess of Aphelios' maximum health is converted into a shield for an amount of up to 10 − 140 (based on level) (+ 6% maximum health) , lingering for up to 30 seconds. Link ▶️ "Severum.", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Gravitum Details', 'Binding Eclipse Details', "Gravitum'sdebuff applies even if the target is immune toslows(viaslow immunityorcc-immunity).The target will be affected after losing their immunity.", 'The target will be affected after losing their immunity.', "Runaan's Hurricane'sbolts will useGravitum'sprojectiles whenApheliosattacks withGravitum.", 'No compensations are made ifBinding Eclipseis used to empower in-flightGravitumprojectiles that aredestroyedor have the slow application negated by any means, wasting the effect in the process.', 'Binding Eclipsecannot expunge enemies affected byGravitumthat areuntargetable.', 'Binding Eclipsecannot be cast without a marked target.', 'Hide', 'Infernum Details', 'Duskwave Details', "Infernum'sattack hit can bedodgedby ormissedagainst the primary target.This will not prevent the missile from dealing damage to secondary targets nor from splashing against additional targets behind the primary target. The damage cannot be dodged as or missed against a secondary target.", 'This will not prevent the missile from dealing damage to secondary targets nor from splashing against additional targets behind the primary target. The damage cannot be dodged as or missed against a secondary target.', "Runaan's Hurricanebolts will useInfernum'sprojectiles whenApheliosattacks withInfernum.The bolts' attacks shoot 3 missiles, increased to 5 missiles when theycritically strike.", "The bolts' attacks shoot 3 missiles, increased to 5 missiles when theycritically strike.", 'The volley appliesarea damageand the follow up attacks from theoff-handweapon dealbasic damage.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.', "The hitbox also includes a very small portion behindAphelios'character model.", "Duskwave'sname is modified based onAphelios'off-handweapon:Precision DuskwaveResurgent DuskwaveBinding DuskwaveArcing Duskwave", 'Precision Duskwave', 'Resurgent Duskwave', 'Binding Duskwave', 'Arcing Duskwave', 'Apheliosis locked out of declaring attacks until the volley of attacks have been resolved.', 'The automatic attacks do not triggeranyon-attack effects.Pixdoes not increase the damage of the volley.', 'Pixdoes not increase the damage of the volley.', "The volley of attacks won't deal any damage, if they aredodged,blocked, or ifApheliosisblinded.", 'Hide', 'Crescendum Details', 'Sentry Details', 'AccumulatedChakramsaccompanyCrescendumwheneverApheliosperforms a basic attack. This is merely a visual representation of the increased damage, and the separate blades are not considered separate damage sources norprojectiles.', 'AllChakramstacks are lost if theCrescendumprojectile is destroyed (i.eWind Wall,Unbreakable).', "At high attack speedsCrescendumwill lowerAphelios'total attack speed, even when right next to his target.", "Sentry'sname is modified based onAphelios'off-handweapon:Precision SentryResurgent SentryHealsApheliosfor any damage it deals.Attacks cannot be intercepted byWind WallandUnbreakable.Binding SentryIncendiary Sentry", 'Precision Sentry', 'Resurgent SentryHealsApheliosfor any damage it deals.Attacks cannot be intercepted byWind WallandUnbreakable.', 'HealsApheliosfor any damage it deals.', 'Attacks cannot be intercepted byWind WallandUnbreakable.', 'Binding Sentry', 'Incendiary Sentry', 'TheSentrywill stop upon colliding withWind Wall. It will be deployed in front of the wall.', "TheSentry'sattacks can bedodgedandblocked, but not missed from beingblinded.", 'Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'Switching does not interruptanycommandsAphelioswas issued before or duringPhase.', 'Calibrum:Applies an empowered mark that deals50 / 80 / 110 (based on level)bonusphysical damagepermarkconsumed.', 'Severum:HealsApheliosfor250 / 350 / 450 (based on level)if at least one enemy champion is hit.', 'Gravitum:Increases the initialslowto 99% and empowersBinding Eclipsetoroottargets affected by the enhanced slow for 1.35seconds.', 'Infernum:Deals50 / 100 / 150 (based on level)(+ 25%bonusAD)bonusphysical damageon the initial blast. Attacks splash in a 400 radius instead of a cone, dealing「\xa090% of that damage.\xa0」「45 / 90 / 135 (based on level)(+ 22.5%bonusAD)physical damage.\xa0」Enemy champions will take damage from overlapping areas.', 'Crescendum:Generates 5 additional spectralChakramsthat return toApheliosfrom the first enemy champion hit, for a total of 6, on top of those from other targets hit.', 'Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'The basic attacks always count asprojectilesunlessSeverumis being used. The lunar beam, however, may always be intercepted regardless of which weapon is in play as the main weapon.', "Spell shieldblocks theMoonlight Vigil'sinitial detonation damage but does not prevent the attacks from locking-on.", 'The basic attacks fromMoonlight Vigilcritically strikeindependently from each other. Targets further away from the center of the blast are hit after a slightly longer delay. These attacks do not applyon-attack effects.', 'Changing weapons whileMoonlight Vigilis in flight does not change the effect it has when it hits.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.', "Moonlight Vigil'seffect radius is centered around the location of the missile as it collides.", "WithCalibrum, the extra damage from consuming the mark is a bonus damage on top ofCalibrum'snormal mark consumption damage.", 'WithInfernum, 14 fire bolts splash from each target hit (18 forcritical strikes). This does not occur if the initial damage ofMoonlight Vigilkillsthe target.', 'WithInfernum,the splash attacks damage is also modified by Infernum attack secondary target damage amplifier, which means it only deals 70.125% (=82.5%*85%) of attack damage to secondary targets before level 9.', 'WithCrescendum, 1 spectral chakram is gained for every target hit by the blast, meaning it is possible to gain up to 10 spectral chakrams with one use ofMoonlight Vigilif it hits 5 enemy champions.', "WithSeverum, the extra flat heal is given only once, not per target. However, all damage done byMoonlight Vigilwith it also heals him fromSeverum'sown passive effect.", "The locked-on attacks' can bedodgedandblocked, but won't be prevented ifApheliosisblinded.Preventing the attack also prevents the additional effect (e.g. marking them withGravitumor grantingspectral chakrams).", 'Preventing the attack also prevents the additional effect (e.g. marking them withGravitumor grantingspectral chakrams).', 'Moonlight Vigilhas different visual effects changed accordingly to each weapon.This may vary depending on theskin, this showcases thedefault:', 'Calibrum', 'Gravitum', 'Infernum', 'Severum', '3 damage from ranged basic attacks', '4 damage from abilities', '6 damage from turret basic attacks', 'Cripple', 'Silence', 'Slow', 'Root', "Uses a copy ofAphelios'currentoff-handweapon to fire at targets.", "Attacks benefit fromAphelios'attack speedandcritical strike chance.", 'Attacks are able tocritically strike.', 'Gainsuntargetabilitywhile inactive. This is lost after becoming active.', "GeneralBug Fix:Model no longer twitches unexpectedly during his weapon's idle animations.", "Bug Fix:Model no longer twitches unexpectedly during his weapon's idle animations.", 'GravitumBug Fix:Slow VFX now correctly rotates around the target.', 'Bug Fix:Slow VFX now correctly rotates around the target.', 'GravitumSlow duration reduced to 2.5seconds from 3.5.', 'Slow duration reduced to 2.5seconds from 3.5.', 'SeverumBasic attacks heal reduced to2% − 7.1% (based on level)from2.5% − 9% (based on level).Abilities heal reduced to5% − 17.75% (based on level)from8.33% − 30% (based on level).', 'Basic attacks heal reduced to2% − 7.1% (based on level)from2.5% − 9% (based on level).', 'Abilities heal reduced to5% − 17.75% (based on level)from8.33% − 30% (based on level).', 'SentryTurret attack speed reduced to 0.64from 0.8.', 'Turret attack speed reduced to 0.64from 0.8.', 'The Hitman and the SeerBonus attack damage reduced to 4.5/ 9 / 13.5/ 18 / 22.5/ 27 from 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30.', 'Bonus attack damage reduced to 4.5/ 9 / 13.5/ 18 / 22.5/ 27 from 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30.', 'The Hitman and the SeerBonus attack speed increased to 9 / 18 / 27 / 36 / 45 / 54% from 7.5/ 15 / 22.5/ 30 / 37.5/ 45%.', 'Bonus attack speed increased to 9 / 18 / 27 / 36 / 45 / 54% from 7.5/ 15 / 22.5/ 30 / 37.5/ 45%.', 'Binding EclipseBug Fix:Now is properly blocked byspell shields.', 'Bug Fix:Now is properly blocked byspell shields.', 'GeneralBug Fix:Knocked up/stunned animation is now correctly played.', 'Bug Fix:Knocked up/stunned animation is now correctly played.', 'The Hitman and the SeerBonus attack speed increased to 7.5/ 15 / 22.5/ 30 / 37.5/ 45% from 6 / 12 / 18 / 24 / 30 / 36%.Lethality increased to 5.5/ 11 / 16.5/ 22 / 27.5/ 33 from 4.5/ 9 / 13.5/ 18 / 22.5/ 27.', 'Bonus attack speed increased to 7.5/ 15 / 22.5/ 30 / 37.5/ 45% from 6 / 12 / 18 / 24 / 30 / 36%.', 'Lethality increased to 5.5/ 11 / 16.5/ 22 / 27.5/ 33 from 4.5/ 9 / 13.5/ 18 / 22.5/ 27.', 'StatsBase health increased to 580 from 510.Health growth increased to 102 from 88.Armor growth increased to 4.2from 3.Magic resistance growth increased to 1.3from 0.5.', 'Base health increased to 580 from 510.', 'Health growth increased to 102 from 88.', 'Armor growth increased to 4.2from 3.', 'Magic resistance growth increased to 1.3from 0.5.', 'SeverumBasic attacks heal reduced to2.5% − 9% (based on level)from3% − 10% (based on level).Abilities heal reduced to8.33% − 30% (based on level)from9% − 30% (based on level).', 'Basic attacks heal reduced to2.5% − 9% (based on level)from3% − 10% (based on level).', 'Abilities heal reduced to8.33% − 30% (based on level)from9% − 30% (based on level).', 'Moonlight VigilSeverumheal reduced to250 / 350 / 450 (based on level)from275 / 400 / 525 (based on level).', 'Severumheal reduced to250 / 350 / 450 (based on level)from275 / 400 / 525 (based on level).', 'PhaseBug Fix:Cast SFX is no longer audible to enemies from the fog of war.', 'Bug Fix:Cast SFX is no longer audible to enemies from the fog of war.', 'StatsBase armor reduced to 26 from 28.Base health reduced to 510 from 530.', 'Base armor reduced to 26 from 28.', 'Base health reduced to 510 from 530.', 'PhaseBug Fix:Cast bar near the HUD now properly animates upon cast.', 'Bug Fix:Cast bar near the HUD now properly animates upon cast.', 'GeneralBug Fix:Champion model no longer becomes stuck in a certain pose if he is killed shortly after performing a basic attack.', 'Bug Fix:Champion model no longer becomes stuck in a certain pose if he is killed shortly after performing a basic attack.', 'StatsBase attack damage reduced to 55 from 57.', 'Base attack damage reduced to 55 from 57.', 'The Hitman and the SeerBonus attack damage increased to 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 from 4 / 8 / 12 / 16 / 20 / 24.Lethality increased to 4.5/ 9 / 13.5/ 18 / 22.5/ 27 from 3.5/ 7 / 10.5/ 14 / 17.5/ 21.', 'Bonus attack damage increased to 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 from 4 / 8 / 12 / 16 / 20 / 24.', 'Lethality increased to 4.5/ 9 / 13.5/ 18 / 22.5/ 27 from 3.5/ 7 / 10.5/ 14 / 17.5/ 21.', 'Moonlight VigilBug Fix:Fixed a bug where he would heal from spells instead of basic attacks when using it withSeverum.', 'Bug Fix:Fixed a bug where he would heal from spells instead of basic attacks when using it withSeverum.', 'StatsBase magic resistance increased to 30 from 26.Attack damage growth increased to 3 from 2.4.', 'Base magic resistance increased to 30 from 26.', 'Attack damage growth increased to 3 from 2.4.', 'SeverumHealing from basic attacks reduced to3% − 10% (based on level)from3% − 20% (based on level).Healing from spells increased to9% − 30% (based on level)from3% − 20% (based on level).', 'Healing from basic attacks reduced to3% − 10% (based on level)from3% − 20% (based on level).', 'Healing from spells increased to9% − 30% (based on level)from3% − 20% (based on level).', 'OnslaughtAttack speed ratio reduced to2 per 100%bonusattack speedfrom3.Base damage increased to10 − 40 (based on level)from10 − 30 (based on level).Bonus AD ratio changed to20% − 35% (based on level)bonusADfrom21% − 30% (based on level).', 'Attack speed ratio reduced to2 per 100%bonusattack speedfrom3.', 'Base damage increased to10 − 40 (based on level)from10 − 30 (based on level).', 'Bonus AD ratio changed to20% − 35% (based on level)bonusADfrom21% − 30% (based on level).', 'CrescendumBonus damage reduced to0% − 160% (based on number of Chakrams)ADfrom0% − 164% (based on number of Chakrams)AD.', 'Bonus damage reduced to0% − 160% (based on number of Chakrams)ADfrom0% − 164% (based on number of Chakrams)AD.', 'SentryBase damage increased to31 − 100 (based on level)from25 − 85 (based on level).Bonus AD ratio increased to40% − 60% (based on level)bonusAD)from35% − 50% (based on level).', 'Base damage increased to31 − 100 (based on level)from25 − 85 (based on level).', 'Bonus AD ratio increased to40% − 60% (based on level)bonusAD)from35% − 50% (based on level).', 'InfernumBug Fix:Missile and splash missiles can once againcritically strikeon collision with enemy andmissagainst the primary target.', 'Bug Fix:Missile and splash missiles can once againcritically strikeon collision with enemy andmissagainst the primary target.', 'The Hitman and the SeerLethality increased to 3.5/ 7 / 10.5/ 14 / 17.5/ 21 from 3 / 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 18.', 'Lethality increased to 3.5/ 7 / 10.5/ 14 / 17.5/ 21 from 3 / 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 18.', 'Moonlight VigilCalibrummark damage increased to50 / 80 / 110 (based on level)from40 / 70 / 100 (based on level).Severumheal increased to275 / 400 / 525 (based on level)from250 / 375 / 500 (based on level).Gravitumempowered root duration increased to 1.35seconds from 1.25.Infernumsplash damage increased to 90% from 85%.Crescendumbonus chakrams increased to 5 from 4.Total chakrams generated increased to 6 from 5.', 'Calibrummark damage increased to50 / 80 / 110 (based on level)from40 / 70 / 100 (based on level).', 'Severumheal increased to275 / 400 / 525 (based on level)from250 / 375 / 500 (based on level).', 'Gravitumempowered root duration increased to 1.35seconds from 1.25.', 'Infernumsplash damage increased to 90% from 85%.', 'Crescendumbonus chakrams increased to 5 from 4.Total chakrams generated increased to 6 from 5.', 'Total chakrams generated increased to 6 from 5.', 'OnslaughtUndocumented:On-hit damage (includingKraken Slayer) now properly reduced on hits withGravitumorInfernum.', 'Undocumented:On-hit damage (includingKraken Slayer) now properly reduced on hits withGravitumorInfernum.', "OnslaughtBug Fix:Now properly modifies damage dealt byKraken Slayer'sBring It Down.", "Bug Fix:Now properly modifies damage dealt byKraken Slayer'sBring It Down.", 'PhaseBug Fix:No longer consumes charges ofTear of the Goddesswhen he swaps his weapons.', 'Bug Fix:No longer consumes charges ofTear of the Goddesswhen he swaps his weapons.', "SentryBug Fix:Sentryturrets are no longer pushed towards their facing direction bySion'sRoar of the Slayer.", "Bug Fix:Sentryturrets are no longer pushed towards their facing direction bySion'sRoar of the Slayer.", 'The Hitman and the SeerLethality increased to 3 / 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 18 from 2 / 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 / 12.', 'Lethality increased to 3 / 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 18 from 2 / 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 / 12.', "Moonlight VigilCalibrummark damage increased to40 / 70 / 100 (based on level)from20 / 45 / 70 (based on level).Severumheal increased to250 / 375 / 500 (based on level)from200 / 300 / 400 (based on level).New Effect:Now increasesBinding Eclipse'sroot duration to 1.25seconds if slowed while empowered byGravitum.Infernumsplash damage increased to 85% from 75%.BonusCrescendumchakrams increased to 4 from 3.", 'Calibrummark damage increased to40 / 70 / 100 (based on level)from20 / 45 / 70 (based on level).', 'Severumheal increased to250 / 375 / 500 (based on level)from200 / 300 / 400 (based on level).', "New Effect:Now increasesBinding Eclipse'sroot duration to 1.25seconds if slowed while empowered byGravitum.", 'Infernumsplash damage increased to 85% from 75%.', 'BonusCrescendumchakrams increased to 4 from 3.', 'StatsAttack damage growth increased to 2.4from 2.', 'Attack damage growth increased to 2.4from 2.', 'SentryTurret attack range reduced to 500 units from 575.Turret arm time increased to 0.35seconds from 0.25.Bug Fix:Now properly appliesManaflow Band.', 'Turret attack range reduced to 500 units from 575.', 'Turret arm time increased to 0.35seconds from 0.25.', 'Bug Fix:Now properly appliesManaflow Band.', "InfernumRemoved:Runaan's Hurricanebolts no longer damage enemies they pass through.Critical strike splash missiles reduced to 6 from 8.Runaan's Hurricanesplash missiles reduced to 3 from 4.Critical strikeRunaan's Hurricanesplash missiles reduced to 5 from 8.New Effect:Runaan's Hurricanesplash missile lengths are now reduced by 100 units.", "Removed:Runaan's Hurricanebolts no longer damage enemies they pass through.", 'Critical strike splash missiles reduced to 6 from 8.', "Runaan's Hurricanesplash missiles reduced to 3 from 4.", "Critical strikeRunaan's Hurricanesplash missiles reduced to 5 from 8.", "New Effect:Runaan's Hurricanesplash missile lengths are now reduced by 100 units.", 'Moonlight VigilBug Fix:No longer deals damage without going on cooldown if killed when casting.', 'Bug Fix:No longer deals damage without going on cooldown if killed when casting.', 'Moonlight VigilBug Fix:Bonus critical strike damage increased to(20% +25%) ADfrom(20% +18.75%) AD.', 'Bug Fix:Bonus critical strike damage increased to(20% +25%) ADfrom(20% +18.75%) AD.', 'StatsAttack damage growth reduced to 2 from 2.2.', 'Attack damage growth reduced to 2 from 2.2.', 'CrescendumRemoved:Attacking epic monsters no longer refreshes spectralchakramduration.', 'Removed:Attacking epic monsters no longer refreshes spectralchakramduration.', 'SentryTurret range indicators no longer show in Spectator mode.', 'Turret range indicators no longer show in Spectator mode.', 'Moonlight VigilBonus critical strike damage reduced to(20% +18.75%) ADfrom(50% +18.75%) AD.', 'Bonus critical strike damage reduced to(20% +18.75%) ADfrom(50% +18.75%) AD.', 'StatsBase health increased to 530 from 500.Health growth increased to 88 from 86.', 'Base health increased to 530 from 500.', 'Health growth increased to 88 from 86.', 'The Hitman and the SeerRemoved:No longer grants3 / 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 18%bonus-armor penetration.New Effect:Now grants2 / 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 / 12 lethality.', 'Removed:No longer grants3 / 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 18%bonus-armor penetration.', 'New Effect:Now grants2 / 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 / 12 lethality.', 'MoonshotBase damage reduced to60 − 160 (based on level)from60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 (based on level).Cooldown increased to10 − 8 (based on level)seconds from10 / 9.5/ 9 / 8.5/ 8 (based on level).Bonus AD ratio reduced to42% − 60% (based on level)bonusADfrom60%at all levels.', 'Base damage reduced to60 − 160 (based on level)from60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 (based on level).', 'Cooldown increased to10 − 8 (based on level)seconds from10 / 9.5/ 9 / 8.5/ 8 (based on level).', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to42% − 60% (based on level)bonusADfrom60%at all levels.', 'OnslaughtBase damage reduced to10 − 30 (based on level)from10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 (based on level).Cooldown increased to10 − 8 (based on level)seconds from10 / 9.5/ 9 / 8.5/ 8 (based on level).Bonus AD ratio reduced to21% − 30% (based on level)bonusADfrom30%at all levels.', 'Base damage reduced to10 − 30 (based on level)from10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 (based on level).', 'Cooldown increased to10 − 8 (based on level)seconds from10 / 9.5/ 9 / 8.5/ 8 (based on level).', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to21% − 30% (based on level)bonusADfrom30%at all levels.', 'Binding EclipseBase damage reduced to50 − 110 (based on level)from50 / 65 / 80 / 95 / 110 (based on level).Cooldown increased to12 − 10 (based on level)seconds from12 / 11.5/ 11 / 10.5/ 10 (based on level).Bonus AD ratio reduced to26% − 35% (based on level)bonusADfrom35%at all levels.', 'Base damage reduced to50 − 110 (based on level)from50 / 65 / 80 / 95 / 110 (based on level).', 'Cooldown increased to12 − 10 (based on level)seconds from12 / 11.5/ 11 / 10.5/ 10 (based on level).', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to26% − 35% (based on level)bonusADfrom35%at all levels.', 'DuskwaveBase damage reduced to25 − 65 (based on level)from25 / 35 / 45 / 55 / 65 (based on level).Cooldown increased to9 − 6 (based on level)seconds from9 / 8.25/ 7.5/ 6.75/ 6 (based on level).Bonus AD ratio reduced to56% − 80% (based on level)bonusADfrom80%at all levels.', 'Base damage reduced to25 − 65 (based on level)from25 / 35 / 45 / 55 / 65 (based on level).', 'Cooldown increased to9 − 6 (based on level)seconds from9 / 8.25/ 7.5/ 6.75/ 6 (based on level).', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to56% − 80% (based on level)bonusADfrom80%at all levels.', 'SentryBase damage reduced to25 − 85 (based on level)from25 / 40 / 55 / 70 / 85 (based on level).Cooldown increased to9 − 6 (based on level)seconds from9 / 8.25/ 7.5/ 6.75/ 6 (based on level).Bonus AD ratio reduced to35% − 50% (based on level)bonusADfrom50%at all levels.', 'Base damage reduced to25 − 85 (based on level)from25 / 40 / 55 / 70 / 85 (based on level).', 'Cooldown increased to9 − 6 (based on level)seconds from9 / 8.25/ 7.5/ 6.75/ 6 (based on level).', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to35% − 50% (based on level)bonusADfrom50%at all levels.', 'SeverumHealing reduced to3% − 20% (based on level)from8% − 25% (based on level).', 'Healing reduced to3% − 20% (based on level)from8% − 25% (based on level).', 'InfernumSecondary damage to minions reduced to23 / 30% (based on level)ADfrom34 / 45% (based on level)AD.', 'Secondary damage to minions reduced to23 / 30% (based on level)ADfrom34 / 45% (based on level)AD.', 'CrescendumBonus damage reduced to0% − 164% (based on number of Chakrams)ADfrom0% − 173% (based on number of Chakrams)AD.', 'Bonus damage reduced to0% − 164% (based on number of Chakrams)ADfrom0% − 173% (based on number of Chakrams)AD.', 'Weapons of the FaithfulNew Effect:Players can now see both guns he is holding next to his health bar.', 'New Effect:Players can now see both guns he is holding next to his health bar.', "CalibrumRemoved:No longer resetsAphelios'basic attack timer 0.2seconds after triggering the mark.", "Removed:No longer resetsAphelios'basic attack timer 0.2seconds after triggering the mark.", 'SentryRange indicator is now red for enemies when inactive.Base attack speed reduced to 0.8from 1.Turret damage taken from ranged attacks increased to 3 from 2.Turret damage taken from AoE abilities increased to 4 from 2.Bug Fix:No longer occasionally dies upon being activated.', 'Range indicator is now red for enemies when inactive.', 'Base attack speed reduced to 0.8from 1.', 'Turret damage taken from ranged attacks increased to 3 from 2.', 'Turret damage taken from AoE abilities increased to 4 from 2.', 'Bug Fix:No longer occasionally dies upon being activated.', 'Moonlight VigilVisual effects adjusted to be clearer in game.Target range reduced to 1300 units from 1600.', 'Visual effects adjusted to be clearer in game.', 'Target range reduced to 1300 units from 1600.', 'CalibrumNew Effect:Marks now have a maximum range of 1800 units, instead of a global range.', 'New Effect:Marks now have a maximum range of 1800 units, instead of a global range.', 'CalibrumMark base damage reduced to 15 at all levels from20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 (based on level).Mark bonus AD ratio reduced to20%bonusADfrom30%.', 'Mark base damage reduced to 15 at all levels from20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 (based on level).', 'Mark bonus AD ratio reduced to20%bonusADfrom30%.', 'MoonshotCooldown increased to10 / 9.5/ 9 / 8.5/ 8 (based on level)seconds from9 / 8.25/ 7.5/ 6.75/ 6 (based on level).', 'Cooldown increased to10 / 9.5/ 9 / 8.5/ 8 (based on level)seconds from9 / 8.25/ 7.5/ 6.75/ 6 (based on level).', 'OnslaughtBonus AD ratio reduced to30%bonusADfrom35%.', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to30%bonusADfrom35%.', 'CrescendumBonus damage reduced to0% − 173% (based on number of Chakrams)ADfrom0% − 224.25% (based on number of Chakrams)AD.', 'Bonus damage reduced to0% − 173% (based on number of Chakrams)ADfrom0% − 224.25% (based on number of Chakrams)AD.', 'DuskwaveBug Fix:Splash damage now properly originates from where the primary target was hit and deals the proper amount of damage depending on his level.', 'Bug Fix:Splash damage now properly originates from where the primary target was hit and deals the proper amount of damage depending on his level.', 'StatsMovement speed reduced to 325 from 330.Base health reduced to 500 from 530.', 'Movement speed reduced to 325 from 330.', 'Base health reduced to 500 from 530.', 'Moonlight VigilInfernumsplash damage reduced to 75% from 100%.', 'Infernumsplash damage reduced to 75% from 100%.', 'CalibrumBug Fix:Attacks that consumeCalibrummarks no longer apply on-hit effects an additional time.Mark AD ratio reduced to30%bonusADfrom40%bonusAD.', 'Bug Fix:Attacks that consumeCalibrummarks no longer apply on-hit effects an additional time.', 'Mark AD ratio reduced to30%bonusADfrom40%bonusAD.', 'MoonshotBug Fix:No longer applies on-hit effects.', 'Bug Fix:No longer applies on-hit effects.', 'Moonlight VigilInfernumAD ratio reduced to25%bonusADfrom40%bonusAD.Infernumsplash radius reduced to 400 units from 500.', 'InfernumAD ratio reduced to25%bonusADfrom40%bonusAD.', 'Infernumsplash radius reduced to 400 units from 500.', 'The Hitman and the Seer(Innate)Innate:Aphelioshas access to an arsenal of 5Moonstone Weapons, created by his sisterAlune. He equips two weapons at any one time, one as hismain weaponand one as hisoff-hand. Each weapon has a unique basic attack and passive effect.Apheliosbegins the game withCalibrumas hismain weaponandSeverumin hisoff-hand, withGravitum,Infernum, andCrescendumqueued in reserve. The queue order can be rearranged based on weapon usage.Moonlight:Weapons spawn with 50Moonlightfor ammunition, which is consumed on basic attacks or to cast hisabilities. Abilities that causeApheliosto attack do not cost additionalMoonlighton top of their ability cost. Once hismain weaponis exhausted ofMoonlight, it is moved to the end of the queue andApheliosequips the next available weapon from his reserve.Weapon Master:Aphelioscannot improve his abilities with skill points. He starts the game withPhaseand gains access toabilitiesat level 2. He gains access toMoonlight Vigilat level 6, which improves automatically at levels 11 and 16. Instead,Apheliosmay spend his skill points to gainbonusattack damage,bonusattack speedorarmor penetration.Bonus Attack Damage:4 / 8 / 12 / 16 / 20 / 24.Bonus Attack Speed:6 / 12 / 18 / 24 / 30 / 36%.Armor Penetration:3 / 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 18%.', 'Innate:Aphelioshas access to an arsenal of 5Moonstone Weapons, created by his sisterAlune. He equips two weapons at any one time, one as hismain weaponand one as hisoff-hand. Each weapon has a unique basic attack and passive effect.', 'Apheliosbegins the game withCalibrumas hismain weaponandSeverumin hisoff-hand, withGravitum,Infernum, andCrescendumqueued in reserve. The queue order can be rearranged based on weapon usage.', 'Moonlight:Weapons spawn with 50Moonlightfor ammunition, which is consumed on basic attacks or to cast hisabilities. Abilities that causeApheliosto attack do not cost additionalMoonlighton top of their ability cost. Once hismain weaponis exhausted ofMoonlight, it is moved to the end of the queue andApheliosequips the next available weapon from his reserve.', 'Weapon Master:Aphelioscannot improve his abilities with skill points. He starts the game withPhaseand gains access toabilitiesat level 2. He gains access toMoonlight Vigilat level 6, which improves automatically at levels 11 and 16. Instead,Apheliosmay spend his skill points to gainbonusattack damage,bonusattack speedorarmor penetration.Bonus Attack Damage:4 / 8 / 12 / 16 / 20 / 24.Bonus Attack Speed:6 / 12 / 18 / 24 / 30 / 36%.Armor Penetration:3 / 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 18%.', 'Bonus Attack Damage:4 / 8 / 12 / 16 / 20 / 24.', 'Bonus Attack Speed:6 / 12 / 18 / 24 / 30 / 36%.', 'Armor Penetration:3 / 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 18%.', "Weapons of the Faithful(Q)The active effect ofAphelios'ability varies based on his currentmain handweapon.The individual actives do not share a cooldown.", "The active effect ofAphelios'ability varies based on his currentmain handweapon.", 'The individual actives do not share a cooldown.', "Calibrum(R1)Innate:Apheliosgains100bonusrangewhileCalibrumis hismain weapon.Precision:Enemies damaged byCalibrumvia an ability aremarkedfor 4.5seconds,revealingthem for the duration.Aphelios'snext basic attack against amarkedtarget uses the currentoff-handweapon and gainsglobal range.This attack will consume all marks, dealing20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 (based on level)(+ 40%bonusAD)bonusphysical damageper mark to the initial target. IfCalibrumis the currentoff-handweapon, the empowered attack uses themain weaponinstead.Cost:1 Moonlight per attack.", 'Innate:Apheliosgains100bonusrangewhileCalibrumis hismain weapon.', "Precision:Enemies damaged byCalibrumvia an ability aremarkedfor 4.5seconds,revealingthem for the duration.Aphelios'snext basic attack against amarkedtarget uses the currentoff-handweapon and gainsglobal range.", 'This attack will consume all marks, dealing20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 (based on level)(+ 40%bonusAD)bonusphysical damageper mark to the initial target. IfCalibrumis the currentoff-handweapon, the empowered attack uses themain weaponinstead.', 'Cost:1 Moonlight per attack.', 'Moonshot(Q1)Calibrum- Active:Apheliosfires a bolt of energy in a line, dealing60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 (based on level)(+ 60%bonusAD)(+ 100% AP)physical damageto the first enemy hit.Cost:10 Moonlight + 60 mana.Cooldown:9 / 8.25/ 7.5/ 6.75/ 6 (based on level)seconds.', 'Calibrum- Active:Apheliosfires a bolt of energy in a line, dealing60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 (based on level)(+ 60%bonusAD)(+ 100% AP)physical damageto the first enemy hit.', 'Cost:10 Moonlight + 60 mana.', 'Cooldown:9 / 8.25/ 7.5/ 6.75/ 6 (based on level)seconds.', "Severum(R2)Basic attacks withSeverumdon't useprojectiles.Resurgent:Severum'sattackshealhim for8% − 25% (based on level)of damage dealt.Healing fromSeverumin excess ofAphelios'maximumhealthis converted into ashieldfor an amount of up to10 − 140 (based on level)(+ 6%maximumhealth), lasting for up to 30 seconds.Cost:1 Moonlight per attack.", "Basic attacks withSeverumdon't useprojectiles.", "Resurgent:Severum'sattackshealhim for8% − 25% (based on level)of damage dealt.", "Healing fromSeverumin excess ofAphelios'maximumhealthis converted into ashieldfor an amount of up to10 − 140 (based on level)(+ 6%maximumhealth), lasting for up to 30 seconds.", 'Cost:1 Moonlight per attack.', 'Onslaught(Q2)Severum- Active:For 1.75seconds,Apheliosgains 20%(+ 10% per 100 AP)bonusmovement speedand autonomously performs up to 6(+ 3 per 100%bonusattack speed)attacks over the duration to the nearest enemy, prioritizing enemychampions.Attacks alternate betweenSeverumand his currentoff-handweapon, each dealing10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 (based on level)(+ 35% bonus AD)physical damage, 25% on-hit damage and cancritically strike. This will consumeMoonlightfromSeverumregardless of whether the attacks are used.Cost:10 Moonlight + 60 mana.Cooldown:10 / 9 / 8 (based on level)seconds.', 'Severum- Active:For 1.75seconds,Apheliosgains 20%(+ 10% per 100 AP)bonusmovement speedand autonomously performs up to 6(+ 3 per 100%bonusattack speed)attacks over the duration to the nearest enemy, prioritizing enemychampions.', 'Attacks alternate betweenSeverumand his currentoff-handweapon, each dealing10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 (based on level)(+ 35% bonus AD)physical damage, 25% on-hit damage and cancritically strike. This will consumeMoonlightfromSeverumregardless of whether the attacks are used.', 'Cost:10 Moonlight + 60 mana.', 'Cooldown:10 / 9 / 8 (based on level)seconds.', 'Gravitum(R3)Innate - Binding:Gravitumapplies a 30%slowthat decays over 3.5seconds.Cost:1 Moonlight per att | Name: Gravitum, the Gravity Cannon, Description: Basic attacks with Gravitum slow enemies by 30% for 2. 5 seconds, decaying to 10% after 0. 7 seconds. Link ▶️ "Gravitum.", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'parries': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Infernum Details', 'Duskwave Details', "Infernum'sattack hit can bedodgedby ormissedagainst the primary target.This will not prevent the missile from dealing damage to secondary targets nor from splashing against additional targets behind the primary target. The damage cannot be dodged as or missed against a secondary target.", 'This will not prevent the missile from dealing damage to secondary targets nor from splashing against additional targets behind the primary target. The damage cannot be dodged as or missed against a secondary target.', "Runaan's Hurricanebolts will useInfernum'sprojectiles whenApheliosattacks withInfernum.The bolts' attacks shoot 3 missiles, increased to 5 missiles when theycritically strike.", "The bolts' attacks shoot 3 missiles, increased to 5 missiles when theycritically strike.", 'The volley appliesarea damageand the follow up attacks from theoff-handweapon dealbasic damage.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.', "The hitbox also includes a very small portion behindAphelios'character model.", "Duskwave'sname is modified based onAphelios'off-handweapon:Precision DuskwaveResurgent DuskwaveBinding DuskwaveArcing Duskwave", 'Precision Duskwave', 'Resurgent Duskwave', 'Binding Duskwave', 'Arcing Duskwave', 'Apheliosis locked out of declaring attacks until the volley of attacks have been resolved.', 'The automatic attacks do not triggeranyon-attack effects.Pixdoes not increase the damage of the volley.', 'Pixdoes not increase the damage of the volley.', "The volley of attacks won't deal any damage, if they aredodged,blocked, or ifApheliosisblinded.", 'Hide', 'Crescendum Details', 'Sentry Details', 'AccumulatedChakramsaccompanyCrescendumwheneverApheliosperforms a basic attack. This is merely a visual representation of the increased damage, and the separate blades are not considered separate damage sources norprojectiles.', 'AllChakramstacks are lost if theCrescendumprojectile is destroyed (i.eWind Wall,Unbreakable).', "At high attack speedsCrescendumwill lowerAphelios'total attack speed, even when right next to his target.", "Sentry'sname is modified based onAphelios'off-handweapon:Precision SentryResurgent SentryHealsApheliosfor any damage it deals.Attacks cannot be intercepted byWind WallandUnbreakable.Binding SentryIncendiary Sentry", 'Precision Sentry', 'Resurgent SentryHealsApheliosfor any damage it deals.Attacks cannot be intercepted byWind WallandUnbreakable.', 'HealsApheliosfor any damage it deals.', 'Attacks cannot be intercepted byWind WallandUnbreakable.', 'Binding Sentry', 'Incendiary Sentry', 'TheSentrywill stop upon colliding withWind Wall. It will be deployed in front of the wall.', "TheSentry'sattacks can bedodgedandblocked, but not missed from beingblinded.", 'Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'Switching does not interruptanycommandsAphelioswas issued before or duringPhase.', 'Calibrum:Applies an empowered mark that deals50 / 80 / 110 (based on level)bonusphysical damagepermarkconsumed.', 'Severum:HealsApheliosfor250 / 350 / 450 (based on level)if at least one enemy champion is hit.', 'Gravitum:Increases the initialslowto 99% and empowersBinding Eclipsetoroottargets affected by the enhanced slow for 1.35seconds.', 'Infernum:Deals50 / 100 / 150 (based on level)(+ 25%bonusAD)bonusphysical damageon the initial blast. Attacks splash in a 400 radius instead of a cone, dealing「\xa090% of that damage.\xa0」「45 / 90 / 135 (based on level)(+ 22.5%bonusAD)physical damage.\xa0」Enemy champions will take damage from overlapping areas.', 'Crescendum:Generates 5 additional spectralChakramsthat return toApheliosfrom the first enemy champion hit, for a total of 6, on top of those from other targets hit.', 'Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'The basic attacks always count asprojectilesunlessSeverumis being used. The lunar beam, however, may always be intercepted regardless of which weapon is in play as the main weapon.', "Spell shieldblocks theMoonlight Vigil'sinitial detonation damage but does not prevent the attacks from locking-on.", 'The basic attacks fromMoonlight Vigilcritically strikeindependently from each other. Targets further away from the center of the blast are hit after a slightly longer delay. These attacks do not applyon-attack effects.', 'Changing weapons whileMoonlight Vigilis in flight does not change the effect it has when it hits.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.', "Moonlight Vigil'seffect radius is centered around the location of the missile as it collides.", "WithCalibrum, the extra damage from consuming the mark is a bonus damage on top ofCalibrum'snormal mark consumption damage.", 'WithInfernum, 14 fire bolts splash from each target hit (18 forcritical strikes). This does not occur if the initial damage ofMoonlight Vigilkillsthe target.', 'WithInfernum,the splash attacks damage is also modified by Infernum attack secondary target damage amplifier, which means it only deals 70.125% (=82.5%*85%) of attack damage to secondary targets before level 9.', 'WithCrescendum, 1 spectral chakram is gained for every target hit by the blast, meaning it is possible to gain up to 10 spectral chakrams with one use ofMoonlight Vigilif it hits 5 enemy champions.', "WithSeverum, the extra flat heal is given only once, not per target. However, all damage done byMoonlight Vigilwith it also heals him fromSeverum'sown passive effect.", "The locked-on attacks' can bedodgedandblocked, but won't be prevented ifApheliosisblinded.Preventing the attack also prevents the additional effect (e.g. marking them withGravitumor grantingspectral chakrams).", 'Preventing the attack also prevents the additional effect (e.g. marking them withGravitumor grantingspectral chakrams).', 'Moonlight Vigilhas different visual effects changed accordingly to each weapon.This may vary depending on theskin, this showcases thedefault:', 'Calibrum', 'Gravitum', 'Infernum', 'Severum', '3 damage from ranged basic attacks', '4 damage from abilities', '6 damage from turret basic attacks', 'Cripple', 'Silence', 'Slow', 'Root', "Uses a copy ofAphelios'currentoff-handweapon to fire at targets.", "Attacks benefit fromAphelios'attack speedandcritical strike chance.", 'Attacks are able tocritically strike.', 'Gainsuntargetabilitywhile inactive. This is lost after becoming active.', "GeneralBug Fix:Model no longer twitches unexpectedly during his weapon's idle animations.", "Bug Fix:Model no longer twitches unexpectedly during his weapon's idle animations.", 'GravitumBug Fix:Slow VFX now correctly rotates around the target.', 'Bug Fix:Slow VFX now correctly rotates around the target.', 'GravitumSlow duration reduced to 2.5seconds from 3.5.', 'Slow duration reduced to 2.5seconds from 3.5.', 'SeverumBasic attacks heal reduced to2% − 7.1% (based on level)from2.5% − 9% (based on level).Abilities heal reduced to5% − 17.75% (based on level)from8.33% − 30% (based on level).', 'Basic attacks heal reduced to2% − 7.1% (based on level)from2.5% − 9% (based on level).', 'Abilities heal reduced to5% − 17.75% (based on level)from8.33% − 30% (based on level).', 'SentryTurret attack speed reduced to 0.64from 0.8.', 'Turret attack speed reduced to 0.64from 0.8.', 'The Hitman and the SeerBonus attack damage reduced to 4.5/ 9 / 13.5/ 18 / 22.5/ 27 from 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30.', 'Bonus attack damage reduced to 4.5/ 9 / 13.5/ 18 / 22.5/ 27 from 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30.', 'The Hitman and the SeerBonus attack speed increased to 9 / 18 / 27 / 36 / 45 / 54% from 7.5/ 15 / 22.5/ 30 / 37.5/ 45%.', 'Bonus attack speed increased to 9 / 18 / 27 / 36 / 45 / 54% from 7.5/ 15 / 22.5/ 30 / 37.5/ 45%.', 'Binding EclipseBug Fix:Now is properly blocked byspell shields.', 'Bug Fix:Now is properly blocked byspell shields.', 'GeneralBug Fix:Knocked up/stunned animation is now correctly played.', 'Bug Fix:Knocked up/stunned animation is now correctly played.', 'The Hitman and the SeerBonus attack speed increased to 7.5/ 15 / 22.5/ 30 / 37.5/ 45% from 6 / 12 / 18 / 24 / 30 / 36%.Lethality increased to 5.5/ 11 / 16.5/ 22 / 27.5/ 33 from 4.5/ 9 / 13.5/ 18 / 22.5/ 27.', 'Bonus attack speed increased to 7.5/ 15 / 22.5/ 30 / 37.5/ 45% from 6 / 12 / 18 / 24 / 30 / 36%.', 'Lethality increased to 5.5/ 11 / 16.5/ 22 / 27.5/ 33 from 4.5/ 9 / 13.5/ 18 / 22.5/ 27.', 'StatsBase health increased to 580 from 510.Health growth increased to 102 from 88.Armor growth increased to 4.2from 3.Magic resistance growth increased to 1.3from 0.5.', 'Base health increased to 580 from 510.', 'Health growth increased to 102 from 88.', 'Armor growth increased to 4.2from 3.', 'Magic resistance growth increased to 1.3from 0.5.', 'SeverumBasic attacks heal reduced to2.5% − 9% (based on level)from3% − 10% (based on level).Abilities heal reduced to8.33% − 30% (based on level)from9% − 30% (based on level).', 'Basic attacks heal reduced to2.5% − 9% (based on level)from3% − 10% (based on level).', 'Abilities heal reduced to8.33% − 30% (based on level)from9% − 30% (based on level).', 'Moonlight VigilSeverumheal reduced to250 / 350 / 450 (based on level)from275 / 400 / 525 (based on level).', 'Severumheal reduced to250 / 350 / 450 (based on level)from275 / 400 / 525 (based on level).', 'PhaseBug Fix:Cast SFX is no longer audible to enemies from the fog of war.', 'Bug Fix:Cast SFX is no longer audible to enemies from the fog of war.', 'StatsBase armor reduced to 26 from 28.Base health reduced to 510 from 530.', 'Base armor reduced to 26 from 28.', 'Base health reduced to 510 from 530.', 'PhaseBug Fix:Cast bar near the HUD now properly animates upon cast.', 'Bug Fix:Cast bar near the HUD now properly animates upon cast.', 'GeneralBug Fix:Champion model no longer becomes stuck in a certain pose if he is killed shortly after performing a basic attack.', 'Bug Fix:Champion model no longer becomes stuck in a certain pose if he is killed shortly after performing a basic attack.', 'StatsBase attack damage reduced to 55 from 57.', 'Base attack damage reduced to 55 from 57.', 'The Hitman and the SeerBonus attack damage increased to 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 from 4 / 8 / 12 / 16 / 20 / 24.Lethality increased to 4.5/ 9 / 13.5/ 18 / 22.5/ 27 from 3.5/ 7 / 10.5/ 14 / 17.5/ 21.', 'Bonus attack damage increased to 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 from 4 / 8 / 12 / 16 / 20 / 24.', 'Lethality increased to 4.5/ 9 / 13.5/ 18 / 22.5/ 27 from 3.5/ 7 / 10.5/ 14 / 17.5/ 21.', 'Moonlight VigilBug Fix:Fixed a bug where he would heal from spells instead of basic attacks when using it withSeverum.', 'Bug Fix:Fixed a bug where he would heal from spells instead of basic attacks when using it withSeverum.', 'StatsBase magic resistance increased to 30 from 26.Attack damage growth increased to 3 from 2.4.', 'Base magic resistance increased to 30 from 26.', 'Attack damage growth increased to 3 from 2.4.', 'SeverumHealing from basic attacks reduced to3% − 10% (based on level)from3% − 20% (based on level).Healing from spells increased to9% − 30% (based on level)from3% − 20% (based on level).', 'Healing from basic attacks reduced to3% − 10% (based on level)from3% − 20% (based on level).', 'Healing from spells increased to9% − 30% (based on level)from3% − 20% (based on level).', 'OnslaughtAttack speed ratio reduced to2 per 100%bonusattack speedfrom3.Base damage increased to10 − 40 (based on level)from10 − 30 (based on level).Bonus AD ratio changed to20% − 35% (based on level)bonusADfrom21% − 30% (based on level).', 'Attack speed ratio reduced to2 per 100%bonusattack speedfrom3.', 'Base damage increased to10 − 40 (based on level)from10 − 30 (based on level).', 'Bonus AD ratio changed to20% − 35% (based on level)bonusADfrom21% − 30% (based on level).', 'CrescendumBonus damage reduced to0% − 160% (based on number of Chakrams)ADfrom0% − 164% (based on number of Chakrams)AD.', 'Bonus damage reduced to0% − 160% (based on number of Chakrams)ADfrom0% − 164% (based on number of Chakrams)AD.', 'SentryBase damage increased to31 − 100 (based on level)from25 − 85 (based on level).Bonus AD ratio increased to40% − 60% (based on level)bonusAD)from35% − 50% (based on level).', 'Base damage increased to31 − 100 (based on level)from25 − 85 (based on level).', 'Bonus AD ratio increased to40% − 60% (based on level)bonusAD)from35% − 50% (based on level).', 'InfernumBug Fix:Missile and splash missiles can once againcritically strikeon collision with enemy andmissagainst the primary target.', 'Bug Fix:Missile and splash missiles can once againcritically strikeon collision with enemy andmissagainst the primary target.', 'The Hitman and the SeerLethality increased to 3.5/ 7 / 10.5/ 14 / 17.5/ 21 from 3 / 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 18.', 'Lethality increased to 3.5/ 7 / 10.5/ 14 / 17.5/ 21 from 3 / 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 18.', 'Moonlight VigilCalibrummark damage increased to50 / 80 / 110 (based on level)from40 / 70 / 100 (based on level).Severumheal increased to275 / 400 / 525 (based on level)from250 / 375 / 500 (based on level).Gravitumempowered root duration increased to 1.35seconds from 1.25.Infernumsplash damage increased to 90% from 85%.Crescendumbonus chakrams increased to 5 from 4.Total chakrams generated increased to 6 from 5.', 'Calibrummark damage increased to50 / 80 / 110 (based on level)from40 / 70 / 100 (based on level).', 'Severumheal increased to275 / 400 / 525 (based on level)from250 / 375 / 500 (based on level).', 'Gravitumempowered root duration increased to 1.35seconds from 1.25.', 'Infernumsplash damage increased to 90% from 85%.', 'Crescendumbonus chakrams increased to 5 from 4.Total chakrams generated increased to 6 from 5.', 'Total chakrams generated increased to 6 from 5.', 'OnslaughtUndocumented:On-hit damage (includingKraken Slayer) now properly reduced on hits withGravitumorInfernum.', 'Undocumented:On-hit damage (includingKraken Slayer) now properly reduced on hits withGravitumorInfernum.', "OnslaughtBug Fix:Now properly modifies damage dealt byKraken Slayer'sBring It Down.", "Bug Fix:Now properly modifies damage dealt byKraken Slayer'sBring It Down.", 'PhaseBug Fix:No longer consumes charges ofTear of the Goddesswhen he swaps his weapons.', 'Bug Fix:No longer consumes charges ofTear of the Goddesswhen he swaps his weapons.', "SentryBug Fix:Sentryturrets are no longer pushed towards their facing direction bySion'sRoar of the Slayer.", "Bug Fix:Sentryturrets are no longer pushed towards their facing direction bySion'sRoar of the Slayer.", 'The Hitman and the SeerLethality increased to 3 / 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 18 from 2 / 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 / 12.', 'Lethality increased to 3 / 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 18 from 2 / 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 / 12.', "Moonlight VigilCalibrummark damage increased to40 / 70 / 100 (based on level)from20 / 45 / 70 (based on level).Severumheal increased to250 / 375 / 500 (based on level)from200 / 300 / 400 (based on level).New Effect:Now increasesBinding Eclipse'sroot duration to 1.25seconds if slowed while empowered byGravitum.Infernumsplash damage increased to 85% from 75%.BonusCrescendumchakrams increased to 4 from 3.", 'Calibrummark damage increased to40 / 70 / 100 (based on level)from20 / 45 / 70 (based on level).', 'Severumheal increased to250 / 375 / 500 (based on level)from200 / 300 / 400 (based on level).', "New Effect:Now increasesBinding Eclipse'sroot duration to 1.25seconds if slowed while empowered byGravitum.", 'Infernumsplash damage increased to 85% from 75%.', 'BonusCrescendumchakrams increased to 4 from 3.', 'StatsAttack damage growth increased to 2.4from 2.', 'Attack damage growth increased to 2.4from 2.', 'SentryTurret attack range reduced to 500 units from 575.Turret arm time increased to 0.35seconds from 0.25.Bug Fix:Now properly appliesManaflow Band.', 'Turret attack range reduced to 500 units from 575.', 'Turret arm time increased to 0.35seconds from 0.25.', 'Bug Fix:Now properly appliesManaflow Band.', "InfernumRemoved:Runaan's Hurricanebolts no longer damage enemies they pass through.Critical strike splash missiles reduced to 6 from 8.Runaan's Hurricanesplash missiles reduced to 3 from 4.Critical strikeRunaan's Hurricanesplash missiles reduced to 5 from 8.New Effect:Runaan's Hurricanesplash missile lengths are now reduced by 100 units.", "Removed:Runaan's Hurricanebolts no longer damage enemies they pass through.", 'Critical strike splash missiles reduced to 6 from 8.', "Runaan's Hurricanesplash missiles reduced to 3 from 4.", "Critical strikeRunaan's Hurricanesplash missiles reduced to 5 from 8.", "New Effect:Runaan's Hurricanesplash missile lengths are now reduced by 100 units.", 'Moonlight VigilBug Fix:No longer deals damage without going on cooldown if killed when casting.', 'Bug Fix:No longer deals damage without going on cooldown if killed when casting.', 'Moonlight VigilBug Fix:Bonus critical strike damage increased to(20% +25%) ADfrom(20% +18.75%) AD.', 'Bug Fix:Bonus critical strike damage increased to(20% +25%) ADfrom(20% +18.75%) AD.', 'StatsAttack damage growth reduced to 2 from 2.2.', 'Attack damage growth reduced to 2 from 2.2.', 'CrescendumRemoved:Attacking epic monsters no longer refreshes spectralchakramduration.', 'Removed:Attacking epic monsters no longer refreshes spectralchakramduration.', 'SentryTurret range indicators no longer show in Spectator mode.', 'Turret range indicators no longer show in Spectator mode.', 'Moonlight VigilBonus critical strike damage reduced to(20% +18.75%) ADfrom(50% +18.75%) AD.', 'Bonus critical strike damage reduced to(20% +18.75%) ADfrom(50% +18.75%) AD.', 'StatsBase health increased to 530 from 500.Health growth increased to 88 from 86.', 'Base health increased to 530 from 500.', 'Health growth increased to 88 from 86.', 'The Hitman and the SeerRemoved:No longer grants3 / 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 18%bonus-armor penetration.New Effect:Now grants2 / 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 / 12 lethality.', 'Removed:No longer grants3 / 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 18%bonus-armor penetration.', 'New Effect:Now grants2 / 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 / 12 lethality.', 'MoonshotBase damage reduced to60 − 160 (based on level)from60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 (based on level).Cooldown increased to10 − 8 (based on level)seconds from10 / 9.5/ 9 / 8.5/ 8 (based on level).Bonus AD ratio reduced to42% − 60% (based on level)bonusADfrom60%at all levels.', 'Base damage reduced to60 − 160 (based on level)from60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 (based on level).', 'Cooldown increased to10 − 8 (based on level)seconds from10 / 9.5/ 9 / 8.5/ 8 (based on level).', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to42% − 60% (based on level)bonusADfrom60%at all levels.', 'OnslaughtBase damage reduced to10 − 30 (based on level)from10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 (based on level).Cooldown increased to10 − 8 (based on level)seconds from10 / 9.5/ 9 / 8.5/ 8 (based on level).Bonus AD ratio reduced to21% − 30% (based on level)bonusADfrom30%at all levels.', 'Base damage reduced to10 − 30 (based on level)from10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 (based on level).', 'Cooldown increased to10 − 8 (based on level)seconds from10 / 9.5/ 9 / 8.5/ 8 (based on level).', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to21% − 30% (based on level)bonusADfrom30%at all levels.', 'Binding EclipseBase damage reduced to50 − 110 (based on level)from50 / 65 / 80 / 95 / 110 (based on level).Cooldown increased to12 − 10 (based on level)seconds from12 / 11.5/ 11 / 10.5/ 10 (based on level).Bonus AD ratio reduced to26% − 35% (based on level)bonusADfrom35%at all levels.', 'Base damage reduced to50 − 110 (based on level)from50 / 65 / 80 / 95 / 110 (based on level).', 'Cooldown increased to12 − 10 (based on level)seconds from12 / 11.5/ 11 / 10.5/ 10 (based on level).', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to26% − 35% (based on level)bonusADfrom35%at all levels.', 'DuskwaveBase damage reduced to25 − 65 (based on level)from25 / 35 / 45 / 55 / 65 (based on level).Cooldown increased to9 − 6 (based on level)seconds from9 / 8.25/ 7.5/ 6.75/ 6 (based on level).Bonus AD ratio reduced to56% − 80% (based on level)bonusADfrom80%at all levels.', 'Base damage reduced to25 − 65 (based on level)from25 / 35 / 45 / 55 / 65 (based on level).', 'Cooldown increased to9 − 6 (based on level)seconds from9 / 8.25/ 7.5/ 6.75/ 6 (based on level).', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to56% − 80% (based on level)bonusADfrom80%at all levels.', 'SentryBase damage reduced to25 − 85 (based on level)from25 / 40 / 55 / 70 / 85 (based on level).Cooldown increased to9 − 6 (based on level)seconds from9 / 8.25/ 7.5/ 6.75/ 6 (based on level).Bonus AD ratio reduced to35% − 50% (based on level)bonusADfrom50%at all levels.', 'Base damage reduced to25 − 85 (based on level)from25 / 40 / 55 / 70 / 85 (based on level).', 'Cooldown increased to9 − 6 (based on level)seconds from9 / 8.25/ 7.5/ 6.75/ 6 (based on level).', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to35% − 50% (based on level)bonusADfrom50%at all levels.', 'SeverumHealing reduced to3% − 20% (based on level)from8% − 25% (based on level).', 'Healing reduced to3% − 20% (based on level)from8% − 25% (based on level).', 'InfernumSecondary damage to minions reduced to23 / 30% (based on level)ADfrom34 / 45% (based on level)AD.', 'Secondary damage to minions reduced to23 / 30% (based on level)ADfrom34 / 45% (based on level)AD.', 'CrescendumBonus damage reduced to0% − 164% (based on number of Chakrams)ADfrom0% − 173% (based on number of Chakrams)AD.', 'Bonus damage reduced to0% − 164% (based on number of Chakrams)ADfrom0% − 173% (based on number of Chakrams)AD.', 'Weapons of the FaithfulNew Effect:Players can now see both guns he is holding next to his health bar.', 'New Effect:Players can now see both guns he is holding next to his health bar.', "CalibrumRemoved:No longer resetsAphelios'basic attack timer 0.2seconds after triggering the mark.", "Removed:No longer resetsAphelios'basic attack timer 0.2seconds after triggering the mark.", 'SentryRange indicator is now red for enemies when inactive.Base attack speed reduced to 0.8from 1.Turret damage taken from ranged attacks increased to 3 from 2.Turret damage taken from AoE abilities increased to 4 from 2.Bug Fix:No longer occasionally dies upon being activated.', 'Range indicator is now red for enemies when inactive.', 'Base attack speed reduced to 0.8from 1.', 'Turret damage taken from ranged attacks increased to 3 from 2.', 'Turret damage taken from AoE abilities increased to 4 from 2.', 'Bug Fix:No longer occasionally dies upon being activated.', 'Moonlight VigilVisual effects adjusted to be clearer in game.Target range reduced to 1300 units from 1600.', 'Visual effects adjusted to be clearer in game.', 'Target range reduced to 1300 units from 1600.', 'CalibrumNew Effect:Marks now have a maximum range of 1800 units, instead of a global range.', 'New Effect:Marks now have a maximum range of 1800 units, instead of a global range.', 'CalibrumMark base damage reduced to 15 at all levels from20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 (based on level).Mark bonus AD ratio reduced to20%bonusADfrom30%.', 'Mark base damage reduced to 15 at all levels from20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 (based on level).', 'Mark bonus AD ratio reduced to20%bonusADfrom30%.', 'MoonshotCooldown increased to10 / 9.5/ 9 / 8.5/ 8 (based on level)seconds from9 / 8.25/ 7.5/ 6.75/ 6 (based on level).', 'Cooldown increased to10 / 9.5/ 9 / 8.5/ 8 (based on level)seconds from9 / 8.25/ 7.5/ 6.75/ 6 (based on level).', 'OnslaughtBonus AD ratio reduced to30%bonusADfrom35%.', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to30%bonusADfrom35%.', 'CrescendumBonus damage reduced to0% − 173% (based on number of Chakrams)ADfrom0% − 224.25% (based on number of Chakrams)AD.', 'Bonus damage reduced to0% − 173% (based on number of Chakrams)ADfrom0% − 224.25% (based on number of Chakrams)AD.', 'DuskwaveBug Fix:Splash damage now properly originates from where the primary target was hit and deals the proper amount of damage depending on his level.', 'Bug Fix:Splash damage now properly originates from where the primary target was hit and deals the proper amount of damage depending on his level.', 'StatsMovement speed reduced to 325 from 330.Base health reduced to 500 from 530.', 'Movement speed reduced to 325 from 330.', 'Base health reduced to 500 from 530.', 'Moonlight VigilInfernumsplash damage reduced to 75% from 100%.', 'Infernumsplash damage reduced to 75% from 100%.', 'CalibrumBug Fix:Attacks that consumeCalibrummarks no longer apply on-hit effects an additional time.Mark AD ratio reduced to30%bonusADfrom40%bonusAD.', 'Bug Fix:Attacks that consumeCalibrummarks no longer apply on-hit effects an additional time.', 'Mark AD ratio reduced to30%bonusADfrom40%bonusAD.', 'MoonshotBug Fix:No longer applies on-hit effects.', 'Bug Fix:No longer applies on-hit effects.', 'Moonlight VigilInfernumAD ratio reduced to25%bonusADfrom40%bonusAD.Infernumsplash radius reduced to 400 units from 500.', 'InfernumAD ratio reduced to25%bonusADfrom40%bonusAD.', 'Infernumsplash radius reduced to 400 units from 500.', 'The Hitman and the Seer(Innate)Innate:Aphelioshas access to an arsenal of 5Moonstone Weapons, created by his sisterAlune. He equips two weapons at any one time, one as hismain weaponand one as hisoff-hand. Each weapon has a unique basic attack and passive effect.Apheliosbegins the game withCalibrumas hismain weaponandSeverumin hisoff-hand, withGravitum,Infernum, andCrescendumqueued in reserve. The queue order can be rearranged based on weapon usage.Moonlight:Weapons spawn with 50Moonlightfor ammunition, which is consumed on basic attacks or to cast hisabilities. Abilities that causeApheliosto attack do not cost additionalMoonlighton top of their ability cost. Once hismain weaponis exhausted ofMoonlight, it is moved to the end of the queue andApheliosequips the next available weapon from his reserve.Weapon Master:Aphelioscannot improve his abilities with skill points. He starts the game withPhaseand gains access toabilitiesat level 2. He gains access toMoonlight Vigilat level 6, which improves automatically at levels 11 and 16. Instead,Apheliosmay spend his skill points to gainbonusattack damage,bonusattack speedorarmor penetration.Bonus Attack Damage:4 / 8 / 12 / 16 / 20 / 24.Bonus Attack Speed:6 / 12 / 18 / 24 / 30 / 36%.Armor Penetration:3 / 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 18%.', 'Innate:Aphelioshas access to an arsenal of 5Moonstone Weapons, created by his sisterAlune. He equips two weapons at any one time, one as hismain weaponand one as hisoff-hand. Each weapon has a unique basic attack and passive effect.', 'Apheliosbegins the game withCalibrumas hismain weaponandSeverumin hisoff-hand, withGravitum,Infernum, andCrescendumqueued in reserve. The queue order can be rearranged based on weapon usage.', 'Moonlight:Weapons spawn with 50Moonlightfor ammunition, which is consumed on basic attacks or to cast hisabilities. Abilities that causeApheliosto attack do not cost additionalMoonlighton top of their ability cost. Once hismain weaponis exhausted ofMoonlight, it is moved to the end of the queue andApheliosequips the next available weapon from his reserve.', 'Weapon Master:Aphelioscannot improve his abilities with skill points. He starts the game withPhaseand gains access toabilitiesat level 2. He gains access toMoonlight Vigilat level 6, which improves automatically at levels 11 and 16. Instead,Apheliosmay spend his skill points to gainbonusattack damage,bonusattack speedorarmor penetration.Bonus Attack Damage:4 / 8 / 12 / 16 / 20 / 24.Bonus Attack Speed:6 / 12 / 18 / 24 / 30 / 36%.Armor Penetration:3 / 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 18%.', 'Bonus Attack Damage:4 / 8 / 12 / 16 / 20 / 24.', 'Bonus Attack Speed:6 / 12 / 18 / 24 / 30 / 36%.', 'Armor Penetration:3 / 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 18%.', "Weapons of the Faithful(Q)The active effect ofAphelios'ability varies based on his currentmain handweapon.The individual actives do not share a cooldown.", "The active effect ofAphelios'ability varies based on his currentmain handweapon.", 'The individual actives do not share a cooldown.', "Calibrum(R1)Innate:Apheliosgains100bonusrangewhileCalibrumis hismain weapon.Precision:Enemies damaged byCalibrumvia an ability aremarkedfor 4.5seconds,revealingthem for the duration.Aphelios'snext basic attack against amarkedtarget uses the currentoff-handweapon and gainsglobal range.This attack will consume all marks, dealing20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 (based on level)(+ 40%bonusAD)bonusphysical damageper mark to the initial target. IfCalibrumis the currentoff-handweapon, the empowered attack uses themain weaponinstead.Cost:1 Moonlight per attack.", 'Innate:Apheliosgains100bonusrangewhileCalibrumis hismain weapon.', "Precision:Enemies damaged byCalibrumvia an ability aremarkedfor 4.5seconds,revealingthem for the duration.Aphelios'snext basic attack against amarkedtarget uses the currentoff-handweapon and gainsglobal range.", 'This attack will consume all marks, dealing20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 (based on level)(+ 40%bonusAD)bonusphysical damageper mark to the initial target. IfCalibrumis the currentoff-handweapon, the empowered attack uses themain weaponinstead.', 'Cost:1 Moonlight per attack.', 'Moonshot(Q1)Calibrum- Active:Apheliosfires a bolt of energy in a line, dealing60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 (based on level)(+ 60%bonusAD)(+ 100% AP)physical damageto the first enemy hit.Cost:10 Moonlight + 60 mana.Cooldown:9 / 8.25/ 7.5/ 6.75/ 6 (based on level)seconds.', 'Calibrum- Active:Apheliosfires a bolt of energy in a line, dealing60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 (based on level)(+ 60%bonusAD)(+ 100% AP)physical damageto the first enemy hit.', 'Cost:10 Moonlight + 60 mana.', 'Cooldown:9 / 8.25/ 7.5/ 6.75/ 6 (based on level)seconds.', "Severum(R2)Basic attacks withSeverumdon't useprojectiles.Resurgent:Severum'sattackshealhim for8% − 25% (based on level)of damage dealt.Healing fromSeverumin excess ofAphelios'maximumhealthis converted into ashieldfor an amount of up to10 − 140 (based on level)(+ 6%maximumhealth), lasting for up to 30 seconds.Cost:1 Moonlight per attack.", "Basic attacks withSeverumdon't useprojectiles.", "Resurgent:Severum'sattackshealhim for8% − 25% (based on level)of damage dealt.", "Healing fromSeverumin excess ofAphelios'maximumhealthis converted into ashieldfor an amount of up to10 − 140 (based on level)(+ 6%maximumhealth), lasting for up to 30 seconds.", 'Cost:1 Moonlight per attack.', 'Onslaught(Q2)Severum- Active:For 1.75seconds,Apheliosgains 20%(+ 10% per 100 AP)bonusmovement speedand autonomously performs up to 6(+ 3 per 100%bonusattack speed)attacks over the duration to the nearest enemy, prioritizing enemychampions.Attacks alternate betweenSeverumand his currentoff-handweapon, each dealing10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 (based on level)(+ 35% bonus AD)physical damage, 25% on-hit damage and cancritically strike. This will consumeMoonlightfromSeverumregardless of whether the attacks are used.Cost:10 Moonlight + 60 mana.Cooldown:10 / 9 / 8 (based on level)seconds.', 'Severum- Active:For 1.75seconds,Apheliosgains 20%(+ 10% per 100 AP)bonusmovement speedand autonomously performs up to 6(+ 3 per 100%bonusattack speed)attacks over the duration to the nearest enemy, prioritizing enemychampions.', 'Attacks alternate betweenSeverumand his currentoff-handweapon, each dealing10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 (based on level)(+ 35% bonus AD)physical damage, 25% on-hit damage and cancritically strike. This will consumeMoonlightfromSeverumregardless of whether the attacks are used.', 'Cost:10 Moonlight + 60 mana.', 'Cooldown:10 / 9 / 8 (based on level)seconds.', 'Gravitum(R3)Innate - Binding:Gravitumapplies a 30%slowthat decays over 3.5seconds.Cost:1 Moonlight per attack.', 'Innate - Binding:Gravitumapplies a 30%slowthat decays over 3.5seconds.', 'Cost:1 Moonlight per attack.', "Binding Eclipse(Q3)Gravitum- Active:Apheliosexpunges all enemies affected byGravitum'sslow, dealing50 / 65 / 80 / 95 / 110 (based on level)(+ 35%bonusAD)(+ 70% AP)magic damageandrootingthem for 1 second.Cost:10 Moonlight + 60 mana.Cooldown:12 / 11.5/ 11 / 10.5/ 10 (based on level)seconds.Effect Radius:Global.", "Gravitum- Active:Apheliosexpunges all enemies affected byGravitum'sslow, dealing50 / 65 / 80 / 95 / 110 (based on level)(+ 35%bonusAD)(+ 70% AP)magic damageandrootingthem for 1 second.", 'Cost:10 Moonlight + 60 mana.', 'Cooldown:12 / 11.5/ 11 / 10.5/ 10 (based on level)seconds.', 'Effect Radius:Global.', 'Infernum(R4)Innate - Incendiary:Infernumdeals110% ADphysical damageto the target and spray four firebolts in a cone behind them, each dealing75 / 100% (based on level)ADphysical damageto enemies hit, reduced to34 / 45% (based on level)ADphysical damageagainstminions.Critical strikesspray eight firebol | Apheliosmeans "furthest from the sun".[2]It comes fromGreek, "apo" means "far apart, away"[3]and "Helios" is theTitan godof the sun,[4]the latter element being shared withAurelionSol.In astronomy, "aphelion" means "the point in the orbit of an object where it is farthest from the Sun" also has thesame origin.
His sister's nameAluneis possibly based onLatinluna, which shares the same PIE root *lewk-asLuxandLucian.[5]
ApheliosandAluneare possibly inspired by theSun and Moon twinsfromIndo-European mythology; albeit thatboth twinsbelong to the Lunari order.
Aphelios is the first champion that has less than four abilities.
A unique HUD is used due to the unorthodox arrangement of his kit.
Aphelios has a game start ceremony that forces him in place.
Aphelios is the only champion inLeague of Legendswho can obtain the highest amount ofLethality.[6]
Since Aphelios can hold two weapons at a time withThe Hitman and the Seer, there are 10 different possible combinations of weapons he can have equipped. These are:CalibrumandSeverumCalibrumandGravitumCalibrumandInfernumCalibrumandCrescendumSeverumandGravitumSeverumandInfernumSeverumandCrescendumGravitumandInfernumGravitumandCrescendumInfernumandCrescendum
Aphelios was associated with a meme known as'200 years'that stemmed from a champion designer's controversialcommentsregarding game design experience. Despite the comment being in response to a conversation aboutWukong, the meme has been affiliated with Aphelios because the comment was made shortly after Aphelios's release, because of his kit's complexity, and because the first iteration of his design possessed too much power. |
Ashe,the Frost Archer | | | health: Health640+101, resource: Mana280+35, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)3.5+0.55, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)7+0.65, armor: Armor26+4.6, attack damage: Attack damage59+2.95, attack speed: Base AS0.658, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius120, release: 2009-02-21, changed: V13.12, role: Marksman, position: BottomSupport, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 450|260 | Games
AsheMainCurrentCasualTeen 1Teen 2TitlesAlias(es)The Frost ArcherIncarnation of AvarosaWarmotherCharacteristicsSpeciesHuman(Iceborn)Pronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:973 ANWeapon(s)True Ice BowPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originVathcaer,FreljordCurrent residenceFreljord(PreviouslyFrostheld)FamilyEreen[1]†(Oathfather)Grimshall†(Oathfather)Logren†(Oathfather)Rorn†(Oathfather)Yrael†(Oathfather)Grena†(Mother)Helnr†(Aunt)Unnamed Cousin†(Cousin)Unnamed Siblings†(Siblings)Tryndamere(Spouse)Sejuani(Estranged Battlesister)Avarosa†(Potential Previous Incarnation)Professional statusOccupation(s)Tribal Leader (Warmother)Region(s)FreljordFaction(s)AvarosanRelated character(s)SejuaniTryndamereBraumLissandraAniviaOrnnVolibear
• Main
• Current
• Casual
• Teen 1
• Teen 2
• The Frost Archer
• Incarnation of Avarosa
• Warmother
• Born:973 AN
• True Ice Bow
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Ereen[1]†(Oathfather)
• Grimshall†(Oathfather)
• Logren†(Oathfather)
• Rorn†(Oathfather)
• Yrael†(Oathfather)
• Grena†(Mother)
• Helnr†(Aunt)
• Unnamed Cousin†(Cousin)
• Unnamed Siblings†(Siblings)
• Tryndamere(Spouse)
• Sejuani(Estranged Battlesister)
• Avarosa†(Potential Previous Incarnation)
Professional status
Related character(s)
Iceborn warmother of theAvarosantribe,Ashecommands the most populous horde in the north. Stoic, intelligent, and idealistic, yet uncomfortable with her role as leader, she taps into the ancestral magics of her lineage to wield a bow of True Ice. With her people's belief that she is the mythological hero Avarosa reincarnated, Ashe hopes to unify the Freljord once more by retaking their ancient, tribal lands.
• 1Background1.1Early life
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Sejuani5.2Trundle5.3Anivia5.4NunuandWillump5.5Tryndamere5.6Lissandra
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early life
• 5.1Sejuani
• 5.2Trundle
• 5.3Anivia
• 5.4NunuandWillump
• 5.5Tryndamere
• 5.6Lissandra
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early life[]
The only child ofGrena, the matriarchal chieftain of the tiny Avarosan tribe, Ashe wasIceborn: a member of the warrior caste, gifted with an ancestral connection to the magic of her lands, and the rare ability to wield the power ofTrue Ice. Everyone assumed that Ashe would follow her mother as the tribe's next leader. However, this was never a glory Ashe desired. The grim responsibility of her warlike lineage and extraordinary gifts instead left Ashe feeling isolated, burdened, and alone.
Her only respite was whenSejuani, an Iceborn girl from a sister tribe, would stay with them for the summer hunts around theOrnnkaal Rocks. The girls' friendship defined their childhoods, but was cut short just as they reached their teens. Somehow, Grena had offended Sejuani's grandmother, and the fellowship between their tribes ended suddenly.
Soon after, with her youth fading, Ashe's mother began her lifelong quest for the “Throne of Avarosa”, a supposed hoard of treasures and magical items that she hoped would return her people to greatness.
But Grena’s belief in prophecies and legends led her to take risks, which often left her tribe enfeebled. Finally, during a dangerous and unnecessary raid in another tribe's lands, Grena was killed. Her sudden death left young Ashe on the run, while most of her tribe was wiped out.
Alone, pursued, Ashe followed her mother's last map to a deserted glacier where she found the supposed grave of Avarosa, and her magical bow of True Ice. Ashe used the weapon to avenge her mother's death, then turned west.
Whether it was out of duty or loneliness, Ashe gained a reputation by protecting the many scattered hearthbound tribes she encountered. She spurned the custom of taking thralls, and instead chose to adopt these desperate people as full members of her new tribe, and her fame grew quickly. Soon many began to believe that she did not just carry the weapon of Avarosa—Ashewasthe legend herself, reborn and destined to reunite the Freljord.
But tall tales would not feed her followers, and their long march south left the tribe on the verge of starvation. So, Ashe leveraged the myths surrounding her, using them to form alliances with the powerful and land-rich southern tribes, promising to unite them into a nation capable of challenging neighboring kingdoms.
These new alliances brought new dangers, and Ashe quickly found herself at the center of a political feud. A Warmother, as Freljordian tribal leaders are known, was expected to wed, and taking a husband from one of the major tribes would anger the others. Ashe could take several husbands, but this would only bring the conflict to a boil within her own household, and the ensuing bloodshed would shatter the alliances she had fought to build.
Her answer was an impoverished vagabond from a mountain clan that had been nearly wiped out—the warriorTryndamere. He was neither a spirit-walker nor blessed with any elemental powers, but upon his arrival in Ashe’s new capital, Tryndamere had thrown himself into every dueling ring he could find. He fought with abandon, desperate to prove the destitute survivors of his clan were worthy of adoption by one of the stronger tribes. But even for the Freljord, his brutal fighting style and extraordinary vitality were unsettling, and many suspected he was touched by dark magic. Ignoring this, Ashe offered to adopt his people as her own, if he became her first and only bloodsworn.
Tryndamere accepted reluctantly. Though a political marriage, the attraction they felt for each other was palpable, and slowly a true affection blossomed.
Ashe is a slender, pale-skinned woman with long white hair. She wears light, elegant robes with a distinct palette of black, dark blue, and gold. She also wields aAvarosa's True Ice Bow.
Ashe is smart, stoic, serene and has a calm disposition. She is idealistic as well, believing that by retaking their ancient, tribal lands once more will unite the Freljord.
However, Ashe is implied to have a heated temper as well, especially when one of her allies betrays her and joins the opposition. She also holds a strong compassion to those who side with her, getting enraged should something bad happen to them. She deeply resents the Ice Trolls, likely due to their allegiance to Lissandra, and thinks that they should be wiped off the face of the Freljord.
• Iceborn Physiology:Ashe is one of the Iceborn, individuals with a magical alteration to their bodies that makes them inherently resistant to the cold. Because of these resistances, Ashe is capable of wieldingTrue Ice, a magical material that constantly freezes and never melts.
• Bow Proficiency:Ashe is extremely talented in the art of archery since childhood, capable of firing arrows with extreme precision at far distances. She currently wields a magical bow made of True Ice, believed to have been previously wielded by the reveredFreljordiangoddess Avarosa. Using this bow, Ashe can summonfrost arrowsas ammunition, capable of completelyfreezingher enemies in an instant.
• Leadership:As the current Warmother of the Avarosans, Ashe is a formidable leader and successfully leads the Avarosans on their mission for a newly united and modernized Freljord.Diplomacy Mastery:Unlike the rest of the Freljord, Ashe focuses primarily on diplomatic relationships and has become well versed in all manners of negotiation and modern politics. With this, she has successfully made theAvarosansone of the largest tribes in the Freljord thanks to the many alliances made on Ashe's behalf.
• Diplomacy Mastery:Unlike the rest of the Freljord, Ashe focuses primarily on diplomatic relationships and has become well versed in all manners of negotiation and modern politics. With this, she has successfully made theAvarosansone of the largest tribes in the Freljord thanks to the many alliances made on Ashe's behalf.
Ashe andSejuaniwere childhood friends but were separated when Ashe's mother offended Sejuani's grandmother about how she was raising Sejuani. They were eventually reunited as teenagers after Ashe's tribe was decimated byLissandra'sfrost priests, but the two had a falling out during a raid against a neighbor of the Winter's Claw. These neighbors, whom Ashe did not want to kill, would later become the first members of the new Avarosans. The two once saw each other as sisters.
Legends of Runeterracards suggest Ashe's Avarosan andTrundle'strollsare in direct conflict which has resulted in a number of loss for the tribe. For that reason, Ashe wants the race to be exterminated.
Aniviais the demigod that Ashe prays to the most and the one she has the deepest connection to. This is because she speaks the most to Ashe's hopes and beliefs.[2]Rumors say a recently hatched Anivia has met Ashe, and perhaps Anivia sees one who may be able to finally reunite the Freljord.
It is unknown ifNunuandWillumpsupport Ashe, but their deeds around the Freljord lead towards the same goal.
AsheandTryndamereareBloodsworn, a political marriage, but the two eventually developed genuine affection for each other. Ashe originally married Tryndamere in order to avoid having to marry multiple suitors from neighboring tribes. All of this is, in turn, an inside reference at Riot. The name of Riot's co-founderMarc 'Tryndamere' Merrill's wife isAshley.
Unbeknownst to all,Lissandrais the Ice Witch of Freljordian legend, who is actually waiting for the right moment to strike Ashe's and Sejuani's tribes and wipe out any potential incarnations of Avarosa and Serylda in order to take over the Freljord. As revealed byLissandra, she herself is one of the Three Sisters who led the Iceborn uprising against the Watchers. Whether or not she knows Ashe andSejuaniare potentially direct descendants of her sisters (Avarosa and Serylda, respectively) making her their great-aunt-many-times-removed, is unknown.
Read More
The Frost Archer
ByOdin Austin Shafer
Starring Champion
Legends Never Die
The pursuit of mastery is an endless journey, but those who persevere etch their names in history.
Starring:Ashe,Garen,Lee Sin
Short Story
The Harder Path
ByLillian Herington
The colossal brazier flared to life, its flames reaching high into the air. In times past, the gathered tribes would use this as the mark of the festival's beginning.
Warmother: Issue 1
ByOdin Austin Shafer,Nina Vakueva
Thousands of years ago, the War of the Three Sisters nearly tore the frigid wilds of the Freljord apart. Today, the tribes descended from the three sisters - the Winter's Claw, the Avarosan, and the Frostguard - still fight for power and survival. Ashe, daughter of the Avarosan warmother, trains to someday lead her people. Food is scarce in the Freljord. Warmth, even more so.
Warmother: Issue 2
ByOdin Austin Shafer,Nina Vakueva
Faced with impossible odds, Ashe and her tribe must decide what is worth dying for.
Warmother: Issue 3
ByOdin Austin Shafer,Nina Vakueva
Weak and starving, Ashe finds herself utterly alone, until an unexpected ally bursts into action.
Warmother: Issue 4
ByOdin Austin Shafer,Nina Vakueva
The series conclusion! Taken in by the Winter's Claw, Ashe may have found hope for her future...
Mentioned Champion
Short Story
A Smoldering Coal
ByRoy Graham
This far north, the nights are dark. The shadows grow long in the hall of Ashe and her bloodsworn groom. The braziers burn down to smoldering coals. They may seem extinguished, dead—but even a fool knows not to grasp one with a naked hand. Even a fool.
Short Story
Dead of Winter
ByGraham McNeill
Even from a distance, Sejuani could see the mammoth was dying.
Ezreal's Field Notes
ByMatthew Dunn
Who needs a map?
Ruined King
ByAirship Syndicate
Rise Against Ruin - Unite a party of League of Legends Champions, explore Bilgewater and set sail for the Shadow Isles to uncover the secrets of the deadly Black Mist in this immersive turn-based RPG.
Starring:Ahri,Braum,Gangplank,Illaoi,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Necrit,Pyke,Rafen,Thresh,Viego,Yasuo
Mentioned:Ashe,Elise,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Gwen,Hecarim,Isolde,Ivern,Janna,Jarvan IV,Kalista,Ledros,Lucian,Nagakabouros,Nautilus,Olaf,Ornn,Rhasa,Riven,Senna,Swain,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Twisted Fate,Udyr,Volibear,Yone,Yorick,Zed
Short Story
Silence for the Damned
ByOdin Austin Shafer
Across the frozen river, the distant, glowing lights promised warmth and food. Udyr imagined a hearth fire crackling inside one of the city's homes. Around the fire, bedding furs rested, prickling with warmth.
Song of Nunu
ByTequila Works
The Barbarian King
ByAriel Lawrence
The Cryophoenix
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
The Heart of the Freljord
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
The Ice Witch
ByAriel Lawrence
The Winter's Wrath
ByOdin Austin Shafer
Alternate Universes
Short Story
Ambition's Embrace
ByMichael Yichao
Bound by darkness.
Starring:Ashe,Kassadin,Lulu,Lux,Master Yi,Rakan,Thresh,Xayah,Xin Zhao
Clash of Fates
Starring:Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Cho'Gath,Evelynn,Jax,Karthus,Kayle,Master Yi,Nunu,Rammus,Ryze,Singed,Sivir,Soraka,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Warwick,Willump,Zilean
Enter the Freljord
Enter the Freljord
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Since its inception, Worlds has grown and evolved. Each unbelievable play and phenomenal match created moments and memories that will never be forgotten. In these iconic moments, players and teams reached for something incredible within themselves and brought it to life on the Summoner’s Rift...
Starring:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Brand,Caitlyn,Darius,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Gnar,Janna,Jax,Jayce,Jinx,Kassadin,Katarina,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lulu,Orianna,Rek'Sai,Rengar,Rumble,Ryze,Shen,Sivir,Tahm Kench,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Yasuo,Ziggs
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
Make History
In this battle of regions, one will conquer all others to make history.
Starring:Alistar,Ashe,Azir,Bard,Brand,Caitlyn,Cassiopeia,Elise,Evelynn,Janna,Karma,LeBlanc,Lee Sin,Lucian,Morgana,Nautilus,Orianna,Pyke,Ryze
Welcome to League of Legends
Starring:Alistar,Ashe,Cho'Gath,Katarina,Kayle,Master Yi,Morgana,Nasus,Ryze,Warwick
Short Story
With Hell Before Them
ByJared Rosen
June 7th, 1868
Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Crystal Quest: Series 1
Mentioned:Anivia,Ashe,Braum,Bristle,Caitlyn,Camille,Elise,Ezreal,Garen,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Illaoi,Ivern,Katarina,Kled,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lucian,Nami,Olaf,Poppy,Ryze,Senna,Singed,Skaarl,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Veigar,Vi,Zac
Crystal Quest: Series 2
Short Story
Journey Into The Freljord
By Unknown Author
Mentioned:Ashe,Jarvan IV,Lissandra,Trundle
Mac Client Available
Starring:Dr. Mundo
Mentioned:Amumu,Ashe,Caitlyn,Ezreal,Fizz,Gragas,Graves,Katarina,Master Yi,Miss Fortune,Mordekaiser,Orianna,Riven,Ryze,Singed,Soraka,Viktor,Zac,Ziggs
A band of cybernetic castoffs plans to infiltrate The City to destroy the entity that created—and then abandoned—them: the PROJECT Corporation.
Punches and Plants: Series 1
Mentioned:Ahri,Alistar,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Braum,Caitlyn,Darius,Diana,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Evelynn,Ezreal,Gangplank,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jinx,Karma,Katarina,Leona,Lucian,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Nunu,Quinn,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Sivir,Sona,Soraka,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Valor,Varus,Vel'Koz,Vladimir,Volibear,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Zac,Ziggs
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Reaching the peak takes more than skill. Only those with the ambition to RISE above all others will know its height.
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Akali,Ashe,Braum,Darius,Ekko,Ezreal,Fiora,Garen,Gnar,Jarvan IV,Jax,Jinx,Kalista,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Leona,Lux,Master Yi,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Riven,Ryze,Sejuani,Swain,Taliyah,Thresh,Tryndamere,Vayne,Xayah,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs
The Roadtrip
ByCassie Parkes,Marvin Clifford
Mentioned:Ahri,Ashe,Azir,Bard,Braum,Darius,Fiddlesticks,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Irelia,Jinx,Kalista,Katarina,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Lulu,Master Yi,Nami,Poppy,Rakan,Shaco,Sona,Swain,Taric,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Varus,Xayah,Yasuo,Zilean
The Seeker's Tale
ByChristina Norman
Mentioned:Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Sejuani,Xerath
Short Story
The Stranger on the Road
ByRiver Jaffe
The road from Tenacity to Progress was a flat, barren thing, unspooling across miles and miles of cactus country from one edge of the sky to the other.
Mentioned:Ashe,Katarina,Leona,Mordekaiser,Senna,Tahm Kench,Twitch,Varus
The Tale of the Poro King
By Numerous creators
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aatrox,Akali,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Darius,Diana,Draven,Ezreal,Gnar,Illaoi,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kai'Sa,Karma,Karthus,Katarina,Kayle,Kayn,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nunu,Ornn,Pantheon,Pyke,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Rhaast,Ryze,Sejuani,Shen,Sion,Sivir,Soraka,Sylas,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Thresh,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Vi,Volibear,Willump,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs,Zoe
Music Video
By Numerous creators
The battle begins, and sixteen teams across the globe are fighting towards one goal – to win the League of Legends World Championship.
Starring: N/A
• Ashe's True Ice bow is said to have belonged to her supposed ancestor Avarosa, the ancientIcebornqueen of unifiedFreljord.However, dialogue fromSwainsuggests Ashe has possibly lied about unearthing the bow from Avarosa's tomb. Ashe's comic series,Warmother,showed her unearthing it from an ancient battlefield; its true origins and original wielder are unknown.Dialogue fromTaricsuggests the bow is actually a celestial weapon ofTargoninfused with True Ice by one of her ancestors who were "of the stars".According toLissandra's biography, the only ancestor stated to have ever had any interaction with Targon was Serylda,Sejuani's ancestor, which ultimately suggests the bow might actually have been Serylda's. In one of theirLegends of Runeterrainteractions, Lissandra calls Ashe "pretender", suggesting the bow may not have belonged to Avarosa.
• Ashe is around 23 years old.Ashe was 15 or 16 in "Warmother", in game she is around 21 to 24.[3]
• Ashe's hair was originally blonde, but turned white since she picked up the bow.
• Hawkshotis derived from the power ofAnivia.[2]
• Yraelis likely Ashe's biological father but to emphasize or call that out would be disrespectful to the otherOathfathersand presume greater importance.[4]
• In theold lore:Ashe directly took the bow from Avarosa's grave.evidence to support Ashe's heritage stemmed fromEzreal'suncle Lyte stating her 'striking resemblance' to Avarosa herself, as well as the fact Ashe was supposedly led to Avarosa's grave by a great hawk, where she found her ancestor's True Ice bow.Warmothershows us the real story of how she got her bow, though, and her new voiceover makes it clear that Ashe's image as a descendant of Avarosa is an act.MultipleLegends of Runeterraartworks suggest the Avarosan and Frostguard may enter direct conflicts at some point in the future.TheAvarosan(led by Ashe) are engaged in a civil war with the [Winter's Claw(led bySejuani) over sovereignty of the Freljord. TheFrostguard(led byLissandra) appears to be political allies of the Avarosan, but in truth they are waiting to strike both tribes in order to make way for theWatcher's return and rule the Freljord.Anivia,Gragas,NunuandWillumpare allies of the Avarosan.During the events of "Journey Into The Freljord", Ashe metQuinnandValorwhen they visited her territory on a scouting mission atJarvan IV'sbehest. Valor has come to like Ashe, a rare display towards anyone other than Quinn herself.There was one scandal involving Ashe andPantheondue to them being found meeting in the middle of the night, raising concerns of Ashe's infidelity.Ashe marriedTryndamerefor purely political reasons; however, according toBlitzcrank'sdating service, they are a perfect match.
• However, dialogue fromSwainsuggests Ashe has possibly lied about unearthing the bow from Avarosa's tomb. Ashe's comic series,Warmother,showed her unearthing it from an ancient battlefield; its true origins and original wielder are unknown.
• Dialogue fromTaricsuggests the bow is actually a celestial weapon ofTargoninfused with True Ice by one of her ancestors who were "of the stars".
• According toLissandra's biography, the only ancestor stated to have ever had any interaction with Targon was Serylda,Sejuani's ancestor, which ultimately suggests the bow might actually have been Serylda's. In one of theirLegends of Runeterrainteractions, Lissandra calls Ashe "pretender", suggesting the bow may not have belonged to Avarosa.
• Ashe was 15 or 16 in "Warmother", in game she is around 21 to 24.[3]
• Ashe directly took the bow from Avarosa's grave.
• evidence to support Ashe's heritage stemmed fromEzreal'suncle Lyte stating her 'striking resemblance' to Avarosa herself, as well as the fact Ashe was supposedly led to Avarosa's grave by a great hawk, where she found her ancestor's True Ice bow.Warmothershows us the real story of how she got her bow, though, and her new voiceover makes it clear that Ashe's image as a descendant of Avarosa is an act.MultipleLegends of Runeterraartworks suggest the Avarosan and Frostguard may enter direct conflicts at some point in the future.
• TheAvarosan(led by Ashe) are engaged in a civil war with the [Winter's Claw(led bySejuani) over sovereignty of the Freljord. TheFrostguard(led byLissandra) appears to be political allies of the Avarosan, but in truth they are waiting to strike both tribes in order to make way for theWatcher's return and rule the Freljord.
• Anivia,Gragas,NunuandWillumpare allies of the Avarosan.
• During the events of "Journey Into The Freljord", Ashe metQuinnandValorwhen they visited her territory on a scouting mission atJarvan IV'sbehest. Valor has come to like Ashe, a rare display towards anyone other than Quinn herself.
• There was one scandal involving Ashe andPantheondue to them being found meeting in the middle of the night, raising concerns of Ashe's infidelity.
• Ashe marriedTryndamerefor purely political reasons; however, according toBlitzcrank'sdating service, they are a perfect match.
• MultipleLegends of Runeterraartworks suggest the Avarosan and Frostguard may enter direct conflicts at some point in the future.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Frost Shot, Description: Innate - Frost Shot: Ashe's basic attacks and ability hits apply Frost to enemies for 2 seconds, which slows them by 20% − 30% (based on level) for the duration. Basic attacks against enemies with Frost are modified to deal 120% (+ (75% + 45% ) of critical strike chance) damage. Innate - Critical Slow: Ashe's critical strikes do not deal any additional damage, instead they double Frost's slow strength to 40% − 60% (based on level) , decaying over 1 second to its normal strength., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', "Ashe'scritical strikes are still consideredcritical strike damagethat will be reduced byRanduin's Omen.", "Runaan's Hurricane'swill not deal additional damage oncritical strikes.", 'Cheap Shotwill trigger on a subsequent basic attack even when the target is no longer slowed.(bug)']} | Name: Ranger's Focus, Description: Passive: While Ranger's Focus is inactive, Ashe's basic attacks on-attack generate a stack of Focus for 4 seconds, which refreshes on subsequent attacks and stacks up to 4 times. Stacks expire by one every 1 second. Active: For 6 seconds, Ashe gains bonus attack speed and empowers her basic attacks to fire a flurry of five arrows. Bonus Attack Speed: 25 / 32. 5 / 40 / 47. 5 / 55% Each arrow deals modified physical damage that benefits from Frost Shot and life steal . Flurries apply on-hit effects only once. Physical Damage Per Arrow: 21 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 25% AD Total Damage Per Flurry: 105 / 110 / 115 / 120 / 125% AD Ranger's Focus resets Ashe's basic attack timer., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', "The first attack from Ranger's Focus has 6 arrows, thus dealing 20% more total damage than expected.", "Ranger's Focusfirst bolt dealsbasic damagewith the subsequent 4 bolts dealing a non-reactive damage type (e.g.default damageorproc damage). The entire effect is classified as a basic attack on ascript-level, but is considered an ability for other effects (i.eSap Magic), which is likely due to a mistaken script-level tag.", "AlthoughRanger's Focushas no actual cooldown, 4 stacks of focus are needed beforeRanger's Focuscan be reactivated. The time before being able to reactivateRanger's Focusis6.08− 1.6(based on attack speed)seconds.", "Each arrow from a flurry appliesFrostand the bonus damage fromFrost Shotis calculated individually per arrow.Similarly, since a flurry is 5 instances of physical damage,Black Cleaverallows her to cleave the enemy target 5 times per flurry.Sources of flat damage reduction against any (physical) damage such asAmumu'sTantrum,Leona'sEclipseorFizz'sNimble Fighterwill apply the reduction to each arrow's damage, resulting in extremely reduced damaged compared to a normal attack.", 'Similarly, since a flurry is 5 instances of physical damage,Black Cleaverallows her to cleave the enemy target 5 times per flurry.', "Sources of flat damage reduction against any (physical) damage such asAmumu'sTantrum,Leona'sEclipseorFizz'sNimble Fighterwill apply the reduction to each arrow's damage, resulting in extremely reduced damaged compared to a normal attack.", "Each additional arrow fromRunaan's Hurricanewill also split into 5 arrows.The arrows are evenly distributed among secondary enemies but one enemy cannot be hit by more than 5 arrows.The flurry will trigger on-hit effects once to each enemy hit, but no more than 3 targets per attack.", 'The arrows are evenly distributed among secondary enemies but one enemy cannot be hit by more than 5 arrows.', 'The flurry will trigger on-hit effects once to each enemy hit, but no more than 3 targets per attack.', 'The flurry applies againststructures. Stacks ofFocuswill not be granted when attacking structures.']} | Name: Volley, Description: Active: Ashe shoots a volley of arrows in a cone in the target direction, each dealing physical damage to the first enemy hit, and applying Critical Slow to enemy champions hit. Arrows: 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 Physical Damage: 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 / 80 (+ 100% AD) Enemies can intercept multiple arrows but do not take damage from any beyond the first., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', 'The missiles are spawned in a straight horizontal line 75 units in front ofAshe, with a total width of 75/100/100/123/123 units.Between each missile spawn location is a distance of 12.5units, except for the two outermost ones at the last two ranks (which are 11.5units from the closest other one), and the two centermost missiles at ranks 2 and 4 (which have 20 units between them and 15 units to the next missile, respectively).This inconsistent behaviour of spawn locations means the angle between each missile can vary off of 4.625° slighty.', 'Between each missile spawn location is a distance of 12.5units, except for the two outermost ones at the last two ranks (which are 11.5units from the closest other one), and the two centermost missiles at ranks 2 and 4 (which have 20 units between them and 15 units to the next missile, respectively).', 'This inconsistent behaviour of spawn locations means the angle between each missile can vary off of 4.625° slighty.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'Cooldown changed to 18 seconds at all ranks.', 'Base damage changed to 25 / 45 / 65 / 85 / 105.', 'AD ratio changed to120% AD.']} | Name: Hawkshot, Description: Active: Ashe sends a hawk spirit toward the target location, granting sight of the area along its path 「 repeatedly for 0. 5 seconds after every 100 units traveled 」 「 for effectively up-to 1. 8 seconds at any location 」 and at its destination for 5 seconds. Ashe periodically stocks a Hawkshot charge, up to a maximum of 2., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', "Hawkshot'srecharge timer seems to start at the beginning of the game, even prior to ranking the ability, but upon actually ranking the ability, it starts with one charge and the recharge timer starts from 0.", "Hawkshotwill ping enemy champions it spots if allies didn't already have vision of them, and put a 'revealed' visual effect on them for2.75seconds, but does not actually reveal the units in particular, and is removed if the champion leaves the area.", 'Hawkshotwill grant assist credit if a previously-unseen enemy champion is killed within 10 seconds of being revealed by the ability.', 'Hawkshotwill trigger upon colliding withBlade WhirlorWind Wallor but notUnbreakable.', 'Hawkshotwill grant 0.33 points ofvision scorefor each champion revealed.']} | Name: Enchanted Crystal Arrow, Description: Active: Ashe fires a massive arrow of ice in the target direction, granting sight of the area it flies through each for 1 second. The arrow shatters upon hitting an enemy champion , dealing them magic damage , stunning them for 1 − 3. 5 (based on distance traveled) seconds, and granting sight of the area around them for 1 second. Magic Damage: 200 / 400 / 600 (+ 120% AP) Enemies surrounding the primary target are dealt 50% damage and afflicted with Frost Shot . Reduced Damage: 100 / 200 / 300 (+ 60% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', "Enchanted Crystal Arrow'sprojectile has anicon on the mini-map while it is in flight. It can be seen by onlyAsheand her allies.", 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.', 'The effect will be centered on the first champion struck, not at the location the missile collided with them.', 'Cooldown changed to 110 / 90 / 70 seconds.', 'Minimum stun duration changed to 1.5seconds.', 'Maximum stun duration changed to 4.5seconds.']} | Ashe's dance referencesJ'en Ai Marre!byAlizée.A side by side comparison can be seenhere.
Ashe shares similarities withAshelia B'nargin DalmascafromFinal Fantasy XII. Their names are similar and both became queens, use ranged weapons (Ashelia uses hand bombs inFinal Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings) and were once hunted down to prevent them from leading their respective peoples.
Ashe is the first (and so far the only) champion to possess two global-ranged abilities:HawkshotandEnchanted Crystal Arrow.TimewinderandChronobreak'sranges can be global, albeit situationally.
Ashe was named forMarc 'Tryndamere' Merrill's wife Ashley.
As of December 9, 2017 Ashe has featured on thefree champion rotationmore than any other champion (76 times).
InSummoner's Rift,Thornmailwas once recommended as a situational item forAshe, this was most likely a reference to the oldBasic TutorialwhereAsheis pre-selected as the player's champion andThornmailis the only purchasable item.
In the now-removed official League of Legendsforums, theiconofFocuswas used to represent the "New Player Forum" section. |
Aurelion Sol,The Star Forger | | | health: Health620+90, resource: Mana530+40, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)5.5+0.55, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)8+0.75, armor: Armor22+4, attack damage: Attack damage55+3.2, attack speed: Base AS0.625, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius165, release: 2016-03-24, changed: V13.21, role: Battlemage, position: Middle, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 4800|880 | Games
Aurelion SolMainCurrentTitlesNickname(s)Space DragonSpace Doggy6The old cosmic lizardAlias(es)The Star ForgerCharacteristicsSpeciesCelestial DragonPronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:UnknownWeapon(s)StardustStarfire BreathPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originUnknown(Before Runeterra)Current residenceUnknown(No Fixed Abode)Professional statusOccupation(s)Star ForgerCosmic OverlordServant of the AspectsRegion(s)RuneterraTargonRelated character(s)SorakaLeonaDianaTaricPantheonZoeBard
Aurelion Sol
• Main
• Current
• Space Dragon
• Space Doggy
• 6The old cosmic lizard
• Born:Unknown
• Stardust
• Starfire Breath
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
• Star Forger
• Cosmic Overlord
• Servant of the Aspects
• Runeterra
• Targon
Related character(s)
Aurelion Solonce graced the vast emptiness of thecelestial realmwith wonders of his own devising, but was tricked by theAspectsofTargoninto revealing the secrets of a sun that he himself created. His awesome power was channeled into immortalgod-warriorsto protect the apparently insignificant world of Runeterra—now, desiring a return to his mastery of the cosmos, Aurelion Sol will15drag the very stars from the sky, if he must, in order to regain his freedom.
• 1Background1.1Early Existence1.2Betrayal and Detainment1.3Twin Dawns1.4Return to Runeterra
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Celestials5.2LeonaandDiana5.3Zoe
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early Existence
• 1.2Betrayal and Detainment
• 1.3Twin Dawns
• 1.4Return to Runeterra
• 5.1Celestials
• 5.2LeonaandDiana
• 5.3Zoe
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early Existence[]
Born at the beginning of creation, Aurelion Sol and his kin were alive for eons beforeRuneterraeven existed. They wandered through the early universe, seeking to fill it with wonders. Aurelion Sol's passion was creating stars; he forged systems and galaxies as he traveled. He rarely met any equals in power and stayed away from the Aspects, who were egotistical and uninterested in creation, instead focusing on their own philosophies.
Betrayal and Detainment[]
When Aurelion Sol returned to one of his earliest creations, he was surprised to see that there was a world orbiting it, a planet he had not formed. The Aspects seemed invested in this world, Runeterra, where crude civilizations had sprung up. They urged him to come closer and guide the inhabitants. Flattered by the opportunity to have his glory praised, Aurelion Sol descended upon Mount Targon, taking the form of a cosmic dragon. The Targonians named himSol,after their sun, and the Aspects demanded they make him a gift to thank him for it. This came in the form of a golden crown, which they offered to him.
As soon as it touched him, though, it became clear that this was no gift. The crown attached to its head, etched with magic so powerful that even he could not remove it. It restricted his powers and placed him firmly in the control of the Aspects. Aurelion Sol realized what was happening, but before he could retaliate, he was thrown back into space and prevented from coming near Runeterra. With Aurelion Sol at their command, the Aspects channeled his powers into a massive Sun Disc that the mortals had made. Using his energy, they raised up mortals into god-warriors, and when the first Sun Disc fell, a more powerful one took its place. Aurelion Sol was forced to watch as theseAscendeddestroyed first their enemies, then Void-creatures, and finally themselves.
The stars he had created began to fade because of neglect, but he was still unable to free himself and help them. The Aspects ferried him between different planets to complete tasks for them, not realizing that the crown's bonds were slowly weakening. Aurelion Sol decided that when he escaped, he would take revenge on the Aspects and destroy Runeterra for detaining him, and finally got the chance when a series of magical cataclysms rendered the planet almost defenceless.
Twin Dawns[]
Aurelion Sol was called back to Runeterra by a previous incarnation ofPantheon, the Aspect of War. As always, he appeared in the sky as a glowing comet, invoking various reactions and emotions from the people below. As he witnessed the people react to him in ways he had seen before, Aurelion Sol thought about how humans never learned from their mistakes and how circular the pattern of history is. He scoffed at the primitive nature of the people below, hearing their names for him, and deeming them all incorrect, believing that these lowly creatures could never understand what he truly was.
When he arrived on the mountain on which Pantheon was waiting for him, the Aspect ordered him to seal a breach intoThe Voidthat had formed in the mountain. However, Aurelion Sol did not immediately obey, managing to unease the Aspect. Eventually, he was forced to obey the Pantheon, and he destroyed some of the the various energies and Voidborn creatures that emerged from the rift. However, he was not able to seal the rift, as there was a sentient being keeping it open. Aurelion Sol felt the energy eminating from the rift and realized that this being was laughing at him.
Infuriated, Aurelion Sol formed threefledgling starsout of the elements around him and threw all three at the rift. The stars seared the abyss closed, with an explosion so massive that it that it destroyed the mountain that the rift had formed on and everything on it, along with Pantheon's physical form. Across Runeterra, mortals saw what many called a 'second dawn', caused by the light that was released by the explosion.
Aurelion Sol had killed Pantheon's physical form, he had disobeyed orders from the Aspects themselves, and the cost of such insubordination was the life of a star, which physically and emotionally hurt him. His fury that a sun was the cost of an Aspect's physical form was tempered by the knowledge that he had learned from the Aspects' mistakes once again. From across the universe, the Aspects rushed to direct him somewhere else. As he left Runeterra, Aurelion Sol sensed that a new host - possiblyAtreus- was chosen to bear the spirit of Pantheon. As he took pleasure in the confusion and desperation he sensed from the Aspects, Aurelion Sol left Runeterra, knowing that the Aspects were afraid of what he might do next.
Return to Runeterra[]
Aurelion Sol has been called back to Runeterra, though it is unclear for what purpose. Moreover, he has summoned6Inviolus Voxto the planet, to await the time when dragons across the universe shall descend upon Runeterra.
While most cannot see or even comprehend his true form, Aurelion Sol takes the form of a cosmic dragon when not in thecelestial realm. In this form, he is larger than even Mount Targon, Runeterra's tallest mountain. His skin is dark blue, resembling the color of deep space, and glistens with the light of stars. He glows in this form in light and dark shades of blue, and his head is white with sharp spikes resembling teeth around his mouth. What could be considered his hair is a deep purple and dark blue, and attached to his head is a golden crown.
Aurelion Sol is an arrogant and prideful celestial being. He is angry at the Aspects for imprisoning him and is determined to destroy Runeterra. He is impatient and irritable and is extremely dismissive of Aspects (apart fromZoe) and anybody that he sees as inferior to him. Made bitter by his imprisonment, perhaps the only things that Aurelion Sol cares about are the stars he has created.
• Celestial Dragon PhysiologyAurelion Sol is a Celestial, an entity coming directly from theCelestial Realm. As a Celestial, Aurelion Sol does not possess a proper body and instead chooses to take the form of a dragon.Immortality:As a Celestial, Aurelion Sol is immune to aging, disease and is functionally immortal.Flight:Aurelion Sol is capable of flying across space by using his Celestial Dragon form and being attuned to the Celestial Realm.Stardust Breath:Because of his Celestial Dragon physiology, Aurelion Sol can channel cosmic power into his mouth, breathing it out as a powerful blast of stardust capable of obliterating enemies in starfire.
• Celestial Magic:Aurelion Sol is closely attuned to the Celestial Realm and has access to its magic, allowing him to create and manipulate the cosmos to his will. Unfortunately, these powers are strongly nullified by the golden crown given to him by theAspects. Despite this, Aurelion Sol has begun regaining some control over his celestial magic, allowing him to create blasts of energy, miniature black holes and entire living entities out of constellations.Stardust Manipulation:Aurelion Sol can manipulate stardust, allowing him to coalesce it into entire stars. Aurelion Sol is so talented in creating stars that he practically forged every star in the universe with pristine detail and care. Along with that, he can manipulate stars to his own whim by making miniature star-like objects, causing supernovas at will and even going as far as todrag entire stars downto crush his opponents.
• Immortality:As a Celestial, Aurelion Sol is immune to aging, disease and is functionally immortal.
• Flight:Aurelion Sol is capable of flying across space by using his Celestial Dragon form and being attuned to the Celestial Realm.
• Stardust Breath:Because of his Celestial Dragon physiology, Aurelion Sol can channel cosmic power into his mouth, breathing it out as a powerful blast of stardust capable of obliterating enemies in starfire.
• Stardust Manipulation:Aurelion Sol can manipulate stardust, allowing him to coalesce it into entire stars. Aurelion Sol is so talented in creating stars that he practically forged every star in the universe with pristine detail and care. Along with that, he can manipulate stars to his own whim by making miniature star-like objects, causing supernovas at will and even going as far as todrag entire stars downto crush his opponents.
Aurelion Sol has several 'siblings' in the sense that they are celestial dragons like him, including6Inviolus Voxand8The Infinite Mindsplitter.8The Immortal Firemay also be a sibling.
He has also created several constellations, including1The Charger,3The Trickster,2The Messenger,10The Scourge,0The Serpent, and9The Great Beyond. The Great Beyond is what Aurelion Sol considers his magnum opus, and he would like it to be the first to attack Mount Targon.
He is fully aware of the existence of other celestial entities such asBardandSoraka.
Aurelion Sol hates the people of Targon and the Aspects, as they are the ones who enslaved him.
Aurelion Sol has disdain for both the Solari and Lunari, and by extension Leona and Diana. This is because he sees their divisions as pointless, since moonlight is merely reflected sunlight.
Aurelion Sol and Zoe are well-acquainted. She is the only Targonian Aspect that appears to offer him aid and protection from the Aspects' wrath. However, he often gets frustrated by her childish behavior and her insistence on him being her pet 'space doggy'.
Read More
The Star Forger
ByMatthew Dunn
Starring:Aurelion Sol
Starring Champion
Call of the Mountain (Video)
The mountain calls. Will you answer?
Starring:Aurelion Sol,Diana,Illi,Inviolus Vox,Leona
He Has Returned
Starring:Aurelion Sol
The Star Forger Returns
Cower. Worship. Marvel. All appropriate responses, really.
Starring:Aurelion Sol
Short Story • 10 Minute Read
Twin Dawns
ByMatthew Dunn
This world's familiar sun still hides below the horizon. Crude and unpolished earth unfurls below. Mountains contort into barriers that stretch like fingers across empty scrub lands. Palaces, or rather, what pass for palaces, fail to loom over anything but the squattest of hills. The curvature of the planet meets the stars with a serenity and grace few of the dwellers below will ever witness. They are so scattered across the globe and grasp so blindly for any sort of understanding that it's no surprise they've been conquered and don't even comprehend their predicament.
Starring:Aurelion Sol
Mentioned Champion
Short Story • 5 Minute Read
Meet Zoe
ByOdin Austin Shafer
The moment she thought of the cake store, Zoe dove into the air, surrendering herself to gravity. While falling, she reached out with her consciousness to form a gateway. Instantly, a portal opened beneath her and connected to the other place. She fell into the gate. Her mass collided and imploded as she traveled.
Mentioned:Aurelion Sol,Pantheon
The Aspect of Twilight
ByOdin Austin Shafer
Mentioned:Aurelion Sol,Mordekaiser
Short Story • 3 Minute Read
The Mountain
ByGraham McNeill
Mount Targon is the mightiest peak in Runeterra, a towering mountain of sun-baked rock amid a range of summits unmatched in scale anywhere else in the world. Located far from civilization, Mount Targon is utterly remote and all but impossible to reach save by the most determined seeker.
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aurelion Sol,Diana,Leona,Pantheon,Taric,Zoe
Short Story • 4 Minute Read
The Spear of Targon
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
A lone figure awaited the armed convoy, standing silhouetted against the sun. His heavy cloak and the long plume atop his helm billowed in the hot, dry desert wind. A tall spear was held at his side.
Mentioned:Aurelion Sol,Soraka
Alternate Universes
Ao Shin's Adventure
Every little dragon has a destiny.
Starring:Aurelion Sol,Azir,Jinx,Sett,Teemo,Veigar,Yuumi
Starring:Aurelion Sol,Azir,Braum,Kindred,Neeko,Ornn,Pantheon,Warwick
Return to the Stars
Starring:Aurelion Sol,Bard,Cassiopeia,Gnar,Illaoi,Kog'Maw,Nautilus,Nocturne,Teemo,Urgot,Vayne,Viktor,Ziggs
There Will Be Mayhem
Starring:Alistar,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Nasus,Nunu,Teemo,Trundle,Volibear,Willump
Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Olaf vs Everything: Series 2
ByTom Barton
Mentioned:Ahri,Aurelion Sol,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Gnar,Illaoi,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Nagakabouros,Ornn,Renekton,Skarner,Teemo,Tryndamere,Urgot,Vel'Koz,Vi,Viktor,Vladimir,Warwick,Zyra
Punches and Plants: Series 2
Mentioned:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Amumu,Annie,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Diana,Draven,Ekko,Ezreal,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Kha'Zix,Kog'Maw,Leona,Lucian,Lux,Malphite,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nasus,Nautilus,Nidalee,Olaf,Orianna,Poppy,Quinn,Rakan,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Shaco,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Valor,Vel'Koz,Viktor,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Xin Zhao,Yasuo,Ziggs
13 regional champions will compete at the 2019 Mid-Season Invitational, but there can be only one winner. Who will lift the trophy? Who will represent?
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aatrox,Aurelion Sol,Darius,Garen,Kayn,Leona,Poppy
The Seeker's Tale
ByChristina Norman
Mentioned:Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Sejuani,Xerath
The Tale of the Poro King
By Numerous creators
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aatrox,Akali,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Darius,Diana,Draven,Ezreal,Gnar,Illaoi,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kai'Sa,Karma,Karthus,Katarina,Kayle,Kayn,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nunu,Ornn,Pantheon,Pyke,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Rhaast,Ryze,Sejuani,Shen,Sion,Sivir,Soraka,Sylas,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Thresh,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Vi,Volibear,Willump,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs,Zoe
• When Aurelion Sol dies, he dissipates into adragon-like constellation. This may indicate that Celestial Dragons, such as himself andInviolus Vox, are formed as constellations, as are normal celestials.As matter imitates the shape of greater energies, similar to how a logarithmic spiral is found in a nautilus shell and a galaxy, terrestrial dragons are shaped after their celestial counterparts, even though they have no bloodline connection.
• According to a Q&A with Riot about Aurelion Sol, it is mentioned that during his story's development they had an idea that some of the 'celestial beings' that Aurelion mentions were actually his sisters, whom control other aspects of space such as Gravity or Dark Matter. Whether or not this is still canon is unknown.[citation needed]
• Narrative WriterJared Rosenrates him as the most knowledgeable known being in the universe, tied withSwainand ahead ofZoe.[1]
• As matter imitates the shape of greater energies, similar to how a logarithmic spiral is found in a nautilus shell and a galaxy, terrestrial dragons are shaped after their celestial counterparts, even though they have no bloodline connection.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Cosmic Creator, Description: Innate: Aurelion Sol's damaging abilities against enemies generate him permanent stacks of Stardust , which gradually augments all of his abilities. The Stardust generated varies per ability. Breath of Light : Bursts deal bonus magic damage equal to ( 3. 1 % Stardust )% of the target's maximum health . Astral Flight : Range is increased by ( 62. 5 % Stardust )%. Singularity : Outer and inner radius increased by ( 15% Stardust )%, and execution threshold increased by ( 2. 6 % Stardust )%. Falling Star and The Skies Descend : Effect radius increased by ( 15% Stardust )%., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Singularity'srelative size and ratio stays the same when affected byCosmic Creator'ssize modifier.", 'New Effect:Gains 31.25Starduststacks per round.']} | Name: Breath of Light, Description: Active: Aurelion Sol charges for up to 3. 25 seconds to exhale a beam of starfire, during which he can steer the beam in the target direction. The beam collides with the first enemy hit to reveal them and deal magic damage every 0. 125 seconds, reduced to 50% for other surrounding enemies hit by the beam. Magic Damage per Tick: 5. 625 / 7. 5 / 9. 375 / 11. 25 / 13. 125 (+ 6. 875 % AP) Reduced Damage per Tick: 2. 8125 / 3. 75 / 4. 6875 / 5. 625 / 6. 5625 (+ 3. 4375 % AP) The beam will deal a burst of bonus magic damage for each full second that it damages the same enemy, and generates 1 Stardust if the target is a champion . The damage based on the target's health ratio is capped at 300 against monsters . Bonus Magic Damage: 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 (+ 35% AP) (+ ( 3. 1 % Stardust )% of target's maximum health Breath of Light can be recast within the duration, and does so automatically afterwards. Recast: Aurelion Sol ends Breath of Light early. At rank 5, Breath of Light's channel duration is increased to 160 seconds. Breath of Light cannot be cast for 1 second if the channel is cancelled within the first 0. 25 seconds., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Appliesspell damageon the burst andpersistent area damageon the beam.', "Breath of Light'sbursts against an enemy champion will aggro nearby enemy minions.", "Breath of Lightplaces a timer on each target, which ticks in 0.2second intervals. Thus, at「\xa05 completed intervals\xa0」「\xa01 full second\xa0」, the burst damage is procced.The timer's visuals themselves otherwise serve no other purpose than gameplay clarity.The timer falls off and resets to zero immediately upon no longer damaging affected targets.", "The timer's visuals themselves otherwise serve no other purpose than gameplay clarity.", 'The timer falls off and resets to zero immediately upon no longer damaging affected targets.', 'Spell shieldwill only block the burst damage.', 'The following table refers to interactions whileAurelion Solischarging.', 'Death', 'Cast-inhibiting effects']} | Name: Astral Flight, Description: Active: Aurelion Sol dashes in the target direction and resets Breath of Light's cooldown . During flight, he has unobstructed vision and Breath of Light has no cooldown and maximum channel duration and its flat damage is increased, but Astral Flight's dash speed is reduced by 50% during its channel. Breath of Light Flat Damage Modifier: 114 / 115. 5 / 117 / 118. 5 / 120% Aurelion Sol will be knocked down by any immobilizing crowd control during the dash. Astral Flight can be recast after 0. 5 seconds during the dash, and does so automatically upon arrival. Recast: Aurelion Sol ends Astral Flight . Scoring a champion takedown within 3 seconds of damaging them reduces Astral Flight's current cooldown by 90% of its total cooldown. Aurelion Sol will not dash if he is immobilized or grounded during the cast time. He can cast any of his abilities during the dash. Breath of Light's channel will be interrupted if Astral Flight ends or Singularity is cast during the flight, but the ability will automatically be cast afterwards., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'If atakedownis scored whileAstral Flightis active, the cooldown will be reduced after it ends.', 'Astral Flightcannot be used in the first 15 seconds of the game.', 'The following table refers for interactions whileAurelion Solisdashing.', 'Death', 'Immobilizing effects']} | Name: Singularity, Description: Active: Aurelion Sol conjures a black hole at the target location after a 0. 5 -second delay that lasts for 5 seconds, granting sight of the area and dealing magic damage every 0. 25 seconds to enemies within. Magic Damage per Tick: 2. 5 / 3. 75 / 5 / 6. 25 / 7. 5 (+ 5% AP) Total Magic Damage: 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 (+ 100% AP) Enemies in the black hole are dragged inward until they reach the center, and non-champions also have their movement speed reduced to 0 . Enemies within the center are executed below 5% (+ 2. 6 % Stardust) of their maximum health , excluding epic monsters . After Singularity ends, it generates 1 Stardust for each full second that enemy champions were inside, as well as varying amounts for each takedown within: Champions and epic monsters grant 5 Stardust . Large minions and monsters grant 3 Stardust . Small minions and monsters grant 1 Stardust . Singularity will cast at max range if cast within 200 units beyond. During Astral Flight , it will cast at max range if cast at any range beyond., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'The damage area hits targets by theiredge, while thekinematicsarea hits targets by theircenter. This makes a slight fringe where targets may be damaged without displacing them.', 'Spell shieldwill block a single instance of damage.', "Singularity'sexecute against an enemy champion will aggro nearby enemy minions.", "Singularity'sexecute will triggerLeague of DravenifDravengets an assist.(bug)", 'Cooldown changed to 14 seconds.']} | Name: Falling Star, Description: Active: Aurelion Sol calls down a star that strikes the target location after 1. 25 seconds, dealing magic damage to enemies hit and stunning them for 1 second. This generates 5 Stardust for each enemy champion hit. Magic Damage: 150 / 250 / 350 (+ 65% AP) Once Falling Star has been learned, gathering 75 Stardust causes the next cast of Falling Star to transform into The Skies Descend , empowering the impact with new effects. Falling Star will cast at max range if cast within 200 units beyond that. During Astral Flight , it will do so at any range beyond the max., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Falling Star Details', 'The Skies Descend Details', 'Stardustrequired for transformation is denoted by a progress bar overFalling Starin the HUD.', 'Falling Starwill impact immediately upon colliding with projectile-intercepting effects.', 'The shockwave radius and path are globally visible on the minimap.', "The shockwave's radius is fixed.", 'The Skies Descendwill impact immediately upon colliding with projectile-intercepting effects.The shockwave is not blocked.', 'The shockwave is not blocked.', 'Breath of LightBase damage per second increased to 45 / 60 / 75 / 90 / 105 from 15 / 25 / 35 / 45 / 55.Removed:Damage per second is no longer increased by30 − 80 (based on level).AP ratio per second reduced to55% APfrom60% AP.Burst base damage increased to 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 from 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80.Removed:Burst damage is no longer increased by20 − 30 (based on level).', 'Base damage per second increased to 45 / 60 / 75 / 90 / 105 from 15 / 25 / 35 / 45 / 55.', 'Removed:Damage per second is no longer increased by30 − 80 (based on level).', 'AP ratio per second reduced to55% APfrom60% AP.', 'Burst base damage increased to 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 from 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80.', 'Removed:Burst damage is no longer increased by20 − 30 (based on level).', 'The Skies DescendBug Fix:Casting the ability now properly updates the ultimate cooldown indicator in the UI.', 'Bug Fix:Casting the ability now properly updates the ultimate cooldown indicator in the UI.', "SingularityMana cost increased to 80 / 85 / 90 / 95 / 100 from 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100.AP ratio per tick reduced to5% APfrom6.25% AP.Total AP ratio reduced to100% APfrom125% AP.Bug Fix:Cooldown is no longer improperly reduced byUltimate Hunter'sultimate haste.", 'Mana cost increased to 80 / 85 / 90 / 95 / 100 from 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100.', 'AP ratio per tick reduced to5% APfrom6.25% AP.Total AP ratio reduced to100% APfrom125% AP.', 'Total AP ratio reduced to100% APfrom125% AP.', "Bug Fix:Cooldown is no longer improperly reduced byUltimate Hunter'sultimate haste.", "The Skies DescendBug Fix:Shockwave is now properly visible even if the caster is devoured byTahm Kench'sDevour.", "Bug Fix:Shockwave is now properly visible even if the caster is devoured byTahm Kench'sDevour.", 'Falling StarBug Fix:On-hand VFX ofMecha Aurelion SolandStorm Dragon Aurelion Solnow properly disappears after casting it.', 'Bug Fix:On-hand VFX ofMecha Aurelion SolandStorm Dragon Aurelion Solnow properly disappears after casting it.', 'GeneralBug Fix:Restored some voice lines to play when he first learnsFalling Star.', 'Bug Fix:Restored some voice lines to play when he first learnsFalling Star.', 'StatsHealth growth reduced to 90 from 95.Armor growth reduced to 4 from 4.3.', 'Health growth reduced to 90 from 95.', 'Armor growth reduced to 4 from 4.3.', 'The Skies DescendBug Fix:Shockwave now properly deals damage at all times.', 'Bug Fix:Shockwave now properly deals damage at all times.', "Astral FlightBug Fix:Cooldown no longer resets from an enemy clone dying withinSingularity'sarea.", "Bug Fix:Cooldown no longer resets from an enemy clone dying withinSingularity'sarea.", 'Breath of LightBase damage per level reduced to30 − 80 (based on level)from30 − 90 (based on level).Burst base damage per level reduced to20 − 30 (based on level)from20 − 40 (based on level).', 'Base damage per level reduced to30 − 80 (based on level)from30 − 90 (based on level).', 'Burst base damage per level reduced to20 − 30 (based on level)from20 − 40 (based on level).', 'Astral FlightBug Fix:Dash is no longer immediately cancelled if used against a wall.', 'Bug Fix:Dash is no longer immediately cancelled if used against a wall.', 'SingularityCooldown increased to 12 seconds at all ranks from 12 / 11.5/ 11 / 10.5/ 10.', 'Cooldown increased to 12 seconds at all ranks from 12 / 11.5/ 11 / 10.5/ 10.', 'Falling StarStun duration reduced to 1 second from 1.25.', 'Stun duration reduced to 1 second from 1.25.', 'The Skies DescendKnock up duration reduced to 1 second from 1.25.', 'Knock up duration reduced to 1 second from 1.25.', 'StatsHealth growth reduced to 95 from 100.Armor growth reduced to 4.3from 4.8.', 'Health growth reduced to 95 from 100.', 'Armor growth reduced to 4.3from 4.8.', 'Breath of LightBurst AP ratio reduced to35% APfrom40% AP.Removed:Channel duration at maximum rank no longer takes current mana into account.New Effect:Channel duration at maximum rank now lasts 160 seconds.', 'Burst AP ratio reduced to35% APfrom40% AP.', 'Removed:Channel duration at maximum rank no longer takes current mana into account.', 'New Effect:Channel duration at maximum rank now lasts 160 seconds.', 'Falling StarBug Fix:Visual effects are no longer invisible inside terrain.', 'Bug Fix:Visual effects are no longer invisible inside terrain.', 'GeneralUpdated SFX for champion pick.Updated SFX forStorm DragonandAshen Lordskins.Bug Fix:Mecha Aurelion SolSFX now properly play at the correct volumes.Bug Fix:Now properly displays tooltips for his abilities in the death recap.', 'Updated SFX for champion pick.', 'Updated SFX forStorm DragonandAshen Lordskins.', 'Bug Fix:Mecha Aurelion SolSFX now properly play at the correct volumes.', 'Bug Fix:Now properly displays tooltips for his abilities in the death recap.', "Breath of LightNew Effect:Now is placed on a 1-second cooldown if the channel is cancelled within the first 0.25seconds.Bug Fix:Cooldown is now properly reset when its channel andAstral Flightare cancelled simultaneously from inputting a movement command.Bug Fix:Charge no longer persists under certain circumstances whereQuick Castwas being used and the ability key wasn't being held down.Bug Fix:Channel is now properly cancelled when the ability key was released from input.", 'New Effect:Now is placed on a 1-second cooldown if the channel is cancelled within the first 0.25seconds.', 'Bug Fix:Cooldown is now properly reset when its channel andAstral Flightare cancelled simultaneously from inputting a movement command.', "Bug Fix:Charge no longer persists under certain circumstances whereQuick Castwas being used and the ability key wasn't being held down.", 'Bug Fix:Channel is now properly cancelled when the ability key was released from input.', 'Astral FlightBug Fix:Casting it into an outer wall while next to it no longer permanently locks out the ability.', 'Bug Fix:Casting it into an outer wall while next to it no longer permanently locks out the ability.', 'SingularityNew Effect:Casting it within 200 units of the cast range now automatically casts it at maximum range.New Effect:Now casts at maximum range if cast beyond that duringAstral Flight.Bug Fix:Execution indicator is now properly displayed on enemy clones.Bug Fix:Damage over time debuff is now properly removed regardless of which dimension (normal realm andDeath Realm) the target is in.Bug Fix:No longer deals damage to enemies in the area even after the effect had ended.', 'New Effect:Casting it within 200 units of the cast range now automatically casts it at maximum range.', 'New Effect:Now casts at maximum range if cast beyond that duringAstral Flight.', 'Bug Fix:Execution indicator is now properly displayed on enemy clones.', 'Bug Fix:Damage over time debuff is now properly removed regardless of which dimension (normal realm andDeath Realm) the target is in.', 'Bug Fix:No longer deals damage to enemies in the area even after the effect had ended.', 'Falling StarNew Effect:Casting it within 200 units of the cast range now automatically casts it at maximum range.New Effect:Now casts at maximum range if cast beyond that duringAstral Flight.', 'New Effect:Casting it within 200 units of the cast range now automatically casts it at maximum range.', 'New Effect:Now casts at maximum range if cast beyond that duringAstral Flight.', "The Skies DescendNew Effect:Casting it within 200 units of the cast range now automatically casts it at maximum range.New Effect:Now casts at maximum range if cast beyond that duringAstral Flight.New Effect:Gaining the ability now communicates it in the game chat to both teams.Bug Fix:Shockwave is no longer cancelled fromAstral Flightending.Bug Fix:Shockwave is no longer delayed or cancelled ifStopwatch's/Zhonya's Hourglass'Stasis was active.Bug Fix:Now properly uses the correct impact VFX while using the pink chroma asMecha Aurelion Sol.", 'New Effect:Casting it within 200 units of the cast range now automatically casts it at maximum range.', 'New Effect:Now casts at maximum range if cast beyond that duringAstral Flight.', 'New Effect:Gaining the ability now communicates it in the game chat to both teams.', 'Bug Fix:Shockwave is no longer cancelled fromAstral Flightending.', "Bug Fix:Shockwave is no longer delayed or cancelled ifStopwatch's/Zhonya's Hourglass'Stasis was active.", 'Bug Fix:Now properly uses the correct impact VFX while using the pink chroma asMecha Aurelion Sol.', 'StatsHealth growth reduced to 100 from 105.', 'Health growth reduced to 100 from 105.', 'Breath of LightBurst AP ratio reduced to40% APfrom50% AP.', 'Burst AP ratio reduced to40% APfrom50% AP.', 'SingularityAP ratio per tick reduced to6.25% APfrom10% AP.Maximum AP ratio reduced to125% APfrom200% AP.Stardust stack per epic monster reduced to 5 from 10.Stardust stack per large monster reduced to 3 from 5.', 'AP ratio per tick reduced to6.25% APfrom10% AP.Maximum AP ratio reduced to125% APfrom200% AP.', 'Maximum AP ratio reduced to125% APfrom200% AP.', 'Stardust stack per epic monster reduced to 5 from 10.', 'Stardust stack per large monster reduced to 3 from 5.', 'The Skies DescendSlow reduced to 50% from 75%.', 'Slow reduced to 50% from 75%.', 'Breath of LightBug Fix:Burst damage now properly draws the aggro of nearby enemy minions.Bug Fix:Now properly casts automatically after being cancelled fromAstral Flightending orSingularitybeing cast during the flight.Bug Fix:Damage against secondary targets is now properly reduced by half of the damage taken by the primary target.', 'Bug Fix:Burst damage now properly draws the aggro of nearby enemy minions.', 'Bug Fix:Now properly casts automatically after being cancelled fromAstral Flightending orSingularitybeing cast during the flight.', 'Bug Fix:Damage against secondary targets is now properly reduced by half of the damage taken by the primary target.', 'StatsBase attack damage reduced to 55 from 57.Base armor increased to 22 from 19.Base health reduced to 620 from 645.Base health regeneration reduced to 5.5from 7.Base mana increased to 530 from 350.Base mana renegeration increased to 8 from 6.Attack speed growth increased to 1.5from 1.32.Health growth reduced to 105 from 106.Health regeneration growth reduced to 0.55from 0.6.Mana growth reduced to 40 from 50.Mana regeneration growth reduced to 0.75from 0.8.Movement speed increased to 335 from 325.', 'Base attack damage reduced to 55 from 57.', 'Base armor increased to 22 from 19.', 'Base health reduced to 620 from 645.', 'Base health regeneration reduced to 5.5from 7.', 'Base mana increased to 530 from 350.', 'Base mana renegeration increased to 8 from 6.', 'Attack speed growth increased to 1.5from 1.32.', 'Health growth reduced to 105 from 106.', 'Health regeneration growth reduced to 0.55from 0.6.', 'Mana growth reduced to 40 from 50.', 'Mana regeneration growth reduced to 0.75from 0.8.', 'Movement speed increased to 335 from 325.', "Cosmic Creator(Innate)Innate:Aurelion Sol'sdamaging abilities against enemies grant him stacks ofStardust, which improve each of his abilities. The amount ofStardustcollected by each ability may vary by target.Breath of Light: Bursts dealbonusmagic damageequal to(0.031% Stardust stacks)of thetarget'smaximumhealth.Astral Flight: Range is increased by62.5% Stardust stacks.Singularity: Outer and inner radius increased by15% Stardust stacks, and execution threshold increased by2.6% Stardust stacks.Falling StarandThe Skies Descend: Effect radius increased by15% Stardust stacks.", "Innate:Aurelion Sol'sdamaging abilities against enemies grant him stacks ofStardust, which improve each of his abilities. The amount ofStardustcollected by each ability may vary by target.Breath of Light: Bursts dealbonusmagic damageequal to(0.031% Stardust stacks)of thetarget'smaximumhealth.Astral Flight: Range is increased by62.5% Stardust stacks.Singularity: Outer and inner radius increased by15% Stardust stacks, and execution threshold increased by2.6% Stardust stacks.Falling StarandThe Skies Descend: Effect radius increased by15% Stardust stacks.", "Breath of Light: Bursts dealbonusmagic damageequal to(0.031% Stardust stacks)of thetarget'smaximumhealth.", 'Astral Flight: Range is increased by62.5% Stardust stacks.', 'Singularity: Outer and inner radius increased by15% Stardust stacks, and execution threshold increased by2.6% Stardust stacks.', 'Falling StarandThe Skies Descend: Effect radius increased by15% Stardust stacks.', "Breath of Light(Q)Active:Aurelion Solchargesfor up to 3.25seconds to exhale a beam of starfire, during which he can steer the beam in the target direction. The beam collides with the first enemy hit,revealsthem, and deals them3.75− 11.25(based on level)(+ 1.875/ 3.125/ 4.375/ 5.625/ 6.875)(+ 7.5% AP)magic damageevery 0.125seconds, reduced to 50% for other surrounding enemies hit by the beam.Breath of Lightcan be recast within the duration, and does so automatically afterwards.For each second that the beam continuously damages the same enemy, it bursts to deal20 − 40 (based on level)(+ 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80)(+ 50% AP)(+(0.031% Stardust stacks)of target'smaximumhealth)bonusmagic damageand grants1 Stardustif the target is achampion. The damage based on the target's health ratio is capped at 300 againstmonsters.Recast:Aurelion SolendsBreath of Lightearly.At rank 5,Breath of Light'schannel duration lasts for as long asAurelion Solcan pay itsmanacost.Mana Cost:22.5/ 25 / 27.5/ 30 / 32.5per 0.5seconds.Cooldown:3seconds.Cast Time:None,Range:750 − 920 (based on level).", 'Active:Aurelion Solchargesfor up to 3.25seconds to exhale a beam of starfire, during which he can steer the beam in the target direction. The beam collides with the first enemy hit,revealsthem, and deals them3.75− 11.25(based on level)(+ 1.875/ 3.125/ 4.375/ 5.625/ 6.875)(+ 7.5% AP)magic damageevery 0.125seconds, reduced to 50% for other surrounding enemies hit by the beam.', 'Breath of Lightcan be recast within the duration, and does so automatically afterwards.', "For each second that the beam continuously damages the same enemy, it bursts to deal20 − 40 (based on level)(+ 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80)(+ 50% AP)(+(0.031% Stardust stacks)of target'smaximumhealth)bonusmagic damageand grants1 Stardustif the target is achampion. The damage based on the target's health ratio is capped at 300 againstmonsters.", 'Recast:Aurelion SolendsBreath of Lightearly.', "At rank 5,Breath of Light'schannel duration lasts for as long asAurelion Solcan pay itsmanacost.", 'Mana Cost:22.5/ 25 / 27.5/ 30 / 32.5per 0.5seconds.', 'Cooldown:3seconds.', 'Cast Time:None,Range:750 − 920 (based on level).', "Astral Flight(W)Active:Aurelion Soldashesin the target direction and resetsBreath of Light'scooldown. While in flight, he hasunobstructed visionandBreath of Lighthas no cooldown and maximum channel duration and its flat damage is increased by 14 / 15.5/ 17 / 18.5/ 20%, butAstral Flight'sdash speed is reduced by 50% during its channel.Aurelion Solwill beknocked downby anyimmobilizingcrowd control during the dash.Astral Flightcan be recast after 0.5seconds during the dash, and does so automatically after reaching the destination.Recast:Aurelion SolendsAstral Flightearly.Scoring a championtakedownwithin 3 seconds of damaging them reducesAstral Flight'scurrentcooldownby 90% of itstotalcooldown.Aurelion Solwill not dash if he isimmobilizedorgroundedduring the cast time. He can cast any of his abilities during the dash.Breath of Light'schannel will be interrupted if Astral Flight ends orSingularityis cast during the flight, but the ability will automatically be cast afterwards. Astral Flight will cast at max range if cast beyond that.Mana Cost:80 / 85 / 90 / 95 / 100.Cooldown:22 / 20.5/ 19 / 17.5/ 16seconds.Cast Time:0.4seconds,Range:1200 + 7.5perStardust stack,Speed:335 +100% movement speed/167.5+50% movement speed.", "Active:Aurelion Soldashesin the target direction and resetsBreath of Light'scooldown. While in flight, he hasunobstructed visionandBreath of Lighthas no cooldown and maximum channel duration and its flat damage is increased by 14 / 15.5/ 17 / 18.5/ 20%, butAstral Flight'sdash speed is reduced by 50% during its channel.", 'Aurelion Solwill beknocked downby anyimmobilizingcrowd control during the dash.', 'Astral Flightcan be recast after 0.5seconds during the dash, and does so automatically after reaching the destination.', 'Recast:Aurelion SolendsAstral Flightearly.', "Scoring a championtakedownwithin 3 seconds of damaging them reducesAstral Flight'scurrentcooldownby 90% of itstotalcooldown.", "Aurelion Solwill not dash if he isimmobilizedorgroundedduring the cast time. He can cast any of his abilities during the dash.Breath of Light'schannel will be interrupted if Astral Flight ends orSingularityis cast during the flight, but the ability will automatically be cast afterwards. Astral Flight will cast at max range if cast beyond that.", 'Mana Cost:80 / 85 / 90 / 95 / 100.', 'Cooldown:22 / 20.5/ 19 / 17.5/ 16seconds.', 'Cast Time:0.4seconds,Range:1200 + 7.5perStardust stack,Speed:335 +100% movement speed/167.5+50% movement speed.', 'Singularity(E)Active:Aurelion Solblasts the target location, conjuring a black hole after a 0.5-second delay that grantssightof the area, lasts for 5 seconds, and deals 2.5/ 3.75/ 5 / 6.25/ 7.5(+ 10% AP)magic damageevery 0.25seconds to enemies within the area.Enemies in the black hole aredraggedtoward its center over the duration. Non-epic monster targets within the center that are below5%(+ 2.6% Stardust stacks)of theirmaximumhealthare alsoexecuted. Additionally, non-champions affected have theirmovement speedreducedto0.AfterSingularityends,Aurelion Solis granted1 Stardustfor each continuous second that enemy champions were inside it, and a varying amount ofStardustfor enemies that died while within the area:Epic monsters grant10 Stardust.Champions and large monsters grant5 Stardust.Large minions grant3 Stardust.Small minions and monsters grant1 Stardust.Mana Cost:60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100.Cooldown:12 / 11.5/ 11 / 10.5/ 10seconds.Cast Time:0.25seconds,Target Range:750 − 920 (based on level),Effect Radius:√(275² + 16.93² \xa0×Stardust)/√(137.5² + 8.46² \xa0×Stardust)/√(275² + 16.93² \xa0×Stardust)/√(137.5² + 8.46² \xa0×Stardust).', 'Active:Aurelion Solblasts the target location, conjuring a black hole after a 0.5-second delay that grantssightof the area, lasts for 5 seconds, and deals 2.5/ 3.75/ 5 / 6.25/ 7.5(+ 10% AP)magic damageevery 0.25seconds to enemies within the area.', 'Enemies in the black hole aredraggedtoward its center over the duration. Non-epic monster targets within the center that are below5%(+ 2.6% Stardust stacks)of theirmaximumhealthare alsoexecuted. Additionally, non-champions affected have theirmovement speedreducedto0.', 'AfterSingularityends,Aurelion Solis granted1 Stardustfor each continuous second that enemy champions were inside it, and a varying amount ofStardustfor enemies that died while within the area:Epic monsters grant10 Stardust.Champions and large monsters grant5 Stardust.Large minions grant3 Stardust.Small minions and monsters grant1 Stardust.', 'Epic monsters grant10 Stardust.', 'Champions and large monsters grant5 Stardust.', 'Large minions grant3 Stardust.', 'Small minions and monsters grant1 Stardust.', 'Mana Cost:60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100.', 'Cooldown:12 / 11.5/ 11 / 10.5/ 10seconds.', 'Cast Time:0.25seconds,Target Range:750 − 920 (based on level),Effect Radius:√(275² + 16.93² \xa0×Stardust)/√(137.5² + 8.46² \xa0×Stardust)/√(275² + 16.93² \xa0×Stardust)/√(137.5² + 8.46² \xa0×Stardust).', 'Falling Star(R)Active:Aurelion Solcalls down a star to impact the target location after 1.25seconds, dealing 150 / 250 / 350(+ 65% AP)magic damageto enemies hit andstunningthem for 1.25seconds.Falling Stargrants5 Stardustfor each enemy champion hit.OnceFalling Starhas been learned, gathering75 Stardustcauses the next cast ofFalling Starto transform intoThe Skies Descendinstead, empowering the impact with new effects.Mana Cost:100.Cooldown:120 / 110 / 100 seconds.Cast Time:None,Target Range:1250,Effect Radius:√(275² + 16.93² \xa0×Stardust).', 'Active:Aurelion Solcalls down a star to impact the target location after 1.25seconds, dealing 150 / 250 / 350(+ 65% AP)magic damageto enemies hit andstunningthem for 1.25seconds.Falling Stargrants5 Stardustfor each enemy champion hit.', 'OnceFalling Starhas been learned, gathering75 Stardustcauses the next cast ofFalling Starto transform intoThe Skies Descendinstead, empowering the impact with new effects.', 'Mana Cost:100.', 'Cooldown:120 / 110 / 100 seconds.', 'Cast Time:None,Target Range:1250,Effect Radius:√(275² + 16.93² \xa0×Stardust).', 'The Skies Descend(Enhanced R)Active:Aurelion Solsummons an enormous star to impact the target location after 2 seconds, dealing25% increased damage, exploding in a larger radius, andknocking upenemies hit for 1.25seconds.Upon impact, a massive shockwave is unleashed which rapidly expands outward from the impact location over 3 seconds, dealing 150 / 250 / 350(+ 60% AP)magic damageto enemy champions and epicmonstershit, andslowingall enemies hit by 75% for 1 second andrevealingthem for 1.5seconds.Mana Cost:100.Cooldown:120 / 110 / 100 seconds.Cast Time:None,Target Range:1250,Effect Radius:√(388.91² + 21.85² \xa0×Stardust)/5000.', 'Active:Aurelion Solsummons an enormous star to impact the target location after 2 seconds, dealing25% increased damage, exploding in a larger radius, andknocking upenemies hit for 1.25seconds.', 'Upon impact, a massive shockwave is unleashed which rapidly expands outward from the impact location over 3 seconds, dealing 150 / 250 / 350(+ 60% AP)magic damageto enemy champions and epicmonstershit, andslowingall enemies hit by 75% for 1 second andrevealingthem for 1.5seconds.', 'Mana Cost:100.', 'Cooldown:120 / 110 / 100 seconds.', 'Cast Time:None,Target Range:1250,Effect Radius:√(388.91² + 21.85² \xa0×Stardust)/5000.', "Aurelion Solis one of 14 champions that have an ability that infinitely stacks an effect:Bard,Bel'Veth,Cho'Gath,Draven,Kindred,Nasus,Senna,Shyvana,Sion,Swain,Sylas,Thresh,\xa0andVeigar.In Aurelion Sol's case,Starduststacks gained throughCosmic Creatorpermanently increasesBreath of Light's bonusmagic damage,Astral Flight's range,Singularity's outer and inner radius and execution threshold andFalling StarandThe Skies Descend's effect radius.", "In Aurelion Sol's case,Starduststacks gained throughCosmic Creatorpermanently increasesBreath of Light's bonusmagic damage,Astral Flight's range,Singularity's outer and inner radius and execution threshold andFalling StarandThe Skies Descend's effect radius.", 'The Skies Descendwas named after his champion spell of the same15nameinLegends of Runeterra.', "In 'Aurelion Sol: The Star Forger Returns' his hand gesture resembles the oldRiot Games Inc.fist intro.", 'A lot of his animations and visual effects were inspired bycelestial objectsandatoms.', "Aurelion Sol's lower body is not part of his in-gamehitbox, which is why it is semi-transparent.A demonstration can be seenhere.", 'A demonstration can be seenhere.', 'Prior to his CGU, inUltra Rapid FirehisCenter of the Universepassive used to have 6 stars orbiting around him with increased speed, simply by leveling up.Interestingly, this is the only non-stat modification made to any champion in URF, suggesting this may have originally been an intended feature which was scrapped from the champion before release.', 'Interestingly, this is the only non-stat modification made to any champion in URF, suggesting this may have originally been an intended feature which was scrapped from the champion before release.', 'The name of the concept character from which Aurelion Sol spurred from,\xa0\u200b\u200b\u200b\u200b\u200b\u200bAo Shin, could be a reference toAo Qin, theDragon Kingof theSouth Sea.', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'Ao Shin', 'Avasha', 'Averdrian', 'CeeCee', 'Cyborg Cowboy', 'Eagle Rider', 'Gavid', 'Husk', 'Iron Engineer', 'Ivan', 'Omen', 'Priscilla', 'Rob Blackblade', 'Seth', 'Tabu', 'Tiki', 'Urf', 'Well', "↑Aurelion Sol's profile"]} | Aurelion Solis one of 14 champions that have an ability that infinitely stacks an effect:Bard,Bel'Veth,Cho'Gath,Draven,Kindred,Nasus,Senna,Shyvana,Sion,Swain,Sylas,Thresh, andVeigar.In Aurelion Sol's case,Starduststacks gained throughCosmic Creatorpermanently increasesBreath of Light's bonusmagic damage,Astral Flight's range,Singularity's outer and inner radius and execution threshold andFalling StarandThe Skies Descend's effect radius.
The Skies Descendwas named after his champion spell of the same15nameinLegends of Runeterra.
In 'Aurelion Sol: The Star Forger Returns' his hand gesture resembles the oldRiot Games Inc.fist intro.
A lot of his animations and visual effects were inspired bycelestial objectsandatoms.
Aurelion Sol's lower body is not part of his in-gamehitbox, which is why it is semi-transparent.A demonstration can be seenhere.
Prior to his CGU, inUltra Rapid FirehisCenter of the Universepassive used to have 6 stars orbiting around him with increased speed, simply by leveling up.Interestingly, this is the only non-stat modification made to any champion in URF, suggesting this may have originally been an intended feature which was scrapped from the champion before release.
The name of the concept character from which Aurelion Sol spurred from, Ao Shin, could be a reference toAo Qin, theDragon Kingof theSouth Sea. |
Azir,the Emperor of the Sands,Omah Azir | | | health: Health550+119, resource: Mana320+40, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)7+0.75, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)8+0.8, armor: Armor22+5, attack damage: Attack damage52+3.5, attack speed: Base AS0.625, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius89, release: 2014-09-16, changed: V13.23, role: Specialist, position: Middle, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 4800|880 | Games
AzirMainFormalAscendingResurrectingHumanTitlesReal nameOmah AzirNickname(s)Hawk-FatherHawk EmperorAlias(es)The Emperor of the SandsGolden SunBeloved of Mother DesertCharacteristicsSpeciesGod-WarriorRevenantHumanPronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:2040 BN - 2025 BNWeapon(s)Staff of OfficeSand Magic and Sand SoldiersSun DiscPersonal statusStatusAlive(Resurrected)Place of originShurima City,Shurima(Ancient Times)Current residenceShurima City,ShurimaFamilyUnnamed Father†Unnamed Mother†Unnamed Step-Mothers†Unnamed Siblings†Unnamed Spouses†Unnamed Lovers†Unnamed Children†Sivir(Descendant)Professional statusOccupation(s)Shurima's EmperorRegion(s)ShurimaRelated character(s)XerathAatroxRhaastVarusNasusRenektonCassiopeiaSivirTaliyah
• Main
• Formal
• Ascending
• Resurrecting
• Human
Real name
• Hawk-Father
• Hawk Emperor
• The Emperor of the Sands
• Golden Sun
• Beloved of Mother Desert
• God-Warrior
• Revenant
• Human
• Born:2040 BN - 2025 BN
• Staff of Office
• Sand Magic and Sand Soldiers
• Sun Disc
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Unnamed Father†
• Unnamed Mother†
• Unnamed Step-Mothers†
• Unnamed Siblings†
• Unnamed Spouses†
• Unnamed Lovers†
• Unnamed Children†
• Sivir(Descendant)
Professional status
Related character(s)
Azirwas a mortal emperor of Shurima in a far distant age, a proud man who stood at the cusp of immortality. His hubris saw him betrayed and murdered at the moment of his greatest triumph, but now, millennia later, he has been reborn as anAscendedbeing of immense power. With his buried city risen from the sand,Azirseeks to restore Shurima to its former glory.
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2The Catastrophic Ascension
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Xerath5.2Ezreal5.3Sivir5.4Nasus&Renekton
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2The Catastrophic Ascension
• 5.1Xerath
• 5.2Ezreal
• 5.3Sivir
• 5.4Nasus&Renekton
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early life[]
Azir was the last son of the emperor of Shurima. He never received the same love from the emperor as did the other children. It was highly unexpected that he would be the one to become emperor. He spent most of his time studying the texts rather than training for combat.
Azir met a slave looking for texts for his master in the library. Surprisingly, he was able to help Azir understand complex grammar from an ancient text. The two quickly became friends after this, and Azir named the boy Xerath, even though slaves were not allowed names.
One day, while the royal family was travelling in the desert, they were attacked by assassins. Azir and Xerath had gone out to plot the stars. Xerath managed to suppress the attacker while Azir plunged a dagger into his throat. But Azir’s brothers had all been killed before Renekton managed to slay the assassins. Azir promised that one day, he and Xerath would be brothers.
Azir, now heir to the throne, began to train in combat under the tutelage of Renekton. He learned to wield the sword and spear.
Strangely, all the sons of the emperor’s wife began to die before they were born. Then one was finally born. But during a great storm, the emperor’s wife was killed along with her newborn son. It was said that the emperor went mad with grief and took his own life, leaving Azir to take the throne.
The Catastrophic Ascension[]
Xerath had secretly longed for the power of ascension himself and saw Azir as a threat to his own aspirations; a world without slavery, and to end that, he secretly planned to guide Azir to the Dais of Ascension himself. On the day of Ascension, just as Azir is ascended-Xerath used his magic to subvert the ritual, causing it to fail and unleashing a catastrophic explosion that destroyed the capital city of Shurima, killing many of Azir's people in the process.
In the aftermath of the failed ascension, Azir was presumed dead, and Shurima fell into ruin and decay. However, Azir had actually ascended in a flawed and incomplete manner, becoming trapped in a state of suspended animation, his body and spirit separated from each other. Over the centuries, Azir's spirit remained dormant, while his body was preserved in a state of stasis within a chamber in The Sun Disc, an ancient structure that had been built to harness the power of the sun and the magic of the Ascended. It wasn't until the present day, whenThe Sun Discwas rediscovered and reactivated, that Azir's body was reawakened, and his spirit was reunited with it. When the tomb containing the Sun Disc and Azir was opened, chaos broke out andSivir's blood spilled over to the sand, awakening the falcon god in the process.
As Azir awakened, he was confronted by the brutal reality of his empire's decline and the treachery of those who had sought to undermine him, especially the now berserkXerath. Despite these obstacles, Azir remained determined to reclaim his throne and rebuild Shurima, using his newfound power and knowledge to unite his people and restore their former glory.
Azir is a tall male humanoid figure with features of a bird, specifically a falcon, his head is that of a golden falcon with blue eyes that shine like sapphires.He wears ancient golden Shuriman armor with red ribbons hanging from his arms and a white cape on his back.
When he was human, Azir was a brown-skinned man and quite stocky, with long dark hair tied in dreadlocks and various trappings of royalty.He didn't wear a shirt but his chest and arms were adorned with all kinds of Shuriman amulets and necklaces, he wore white baggy pants with red ribbons around his hips.
Azir is a proud, determined ruler who sees potential in others. While he originally had no chance of being emperor, he befriended Xerath and saw him more than just a mere slave, but also a friend and even a brother. He wished to repay Xerath by giving him rewards and a higher status, but the societal values of Shurima prevented this. Despite this, Azir wished to become emperor to abolish slavery and give Xerath what he would've wanted, but his power led to him becoming hubristic, which was Azir's biggest weakness and one of the causes of Shurima's downfall. While he did have selfless intentions for the empire, his arrogance prevented him from communicating his goals with Xerath and seeing when he was being manipulated, and his shortsightedness towards the consequences of his actions caused Xerath's resentment to grow to the point where by the time he announced his plan, it was too late and Xerath had already made his decision to betray him.
Since his resurrection, Azir now wishes to rebuild the empire and return Shurima to its former glory is a very noble gesture, calling upon the help of his allies in order to do so.
However Azir has shown a quite noble and generous side, since one of the things he always wanted to do after becoming emperor was to abolish slavery and help the poor, he has shown a kinder side of him when he saved Sivir's life.
• Ascended:Azir is an Ascended, also known as God-Warriors or Sunborn. The Ascended are mortals that were empowered by The Sun Disc into immensely powerful demigods. Each Ascended has unique powers depending on the individual they were prior to the Ascension.Immortality:The ascended do not age, and do not need to eat or sleep. Barring beings of similar power, the Ascende cannot be killed.Sand Magic:Azir can control the sands of the Shuriman desert to his desires, creating almost anything that he desires, like massive building and cities around him.Sand Soldiers:Azir mainly uses his power over the sand to create his mighty Sand Soldiers, powerful constructs that serve as his personal army. The Sand Soldiers are completely under his control, are far more powerful than a normal human and don't need neither sleep nor food.
• Immortality:The ascended do not age, and do not need to eat or sleep. Barring beings of similar power, the Ascende cannot be killed.
• Sand Magic:Azir can control the sands of the Shuriman desert to his desires, creating almost anything that he desires, like massive building and cities around him.Sand Soldiers:Azir mainly uses his power over the sand to create his mighty Sand Soldiers, powerful constructs that serve as his personal army. The Sand Soldiers are completely under his control, are far more powerful than a normal human and don't need neither sleep nor food.
• Sand Soldiers:Azir mainly uses his power over the sand to create his mighty Sand Soldiers, powerful constructs that serve as his personal army. The Sand Soldiers are completely under his control, are far more powerful than a normal human and don't need neither sleep nor food.
Xerath'streachery made Azir furious at his former soul brother betraying his trust to become an Ascended being and destroying Shurima in the process. He can't let go because he truly loved his nation, however much his ambition may have led him astray. He can't accept responsibility for what happened to his kingdom - he blames Xerath, but was it really Xerath's fault...? Or was it the emperor who couldn't see the cruel intent of his most trusted advisor - and friend? And yes - for the moment, he is an emperor without an empire. An emperor without a people. He has nothing - but he'll do everything with his newfound power to change that, and rebuild Shurima into the thriving, powerful empire it once was.
GivenEzreal'sexploration of the Shurima Desert and robbing of artifacts from its tombs, it's likely Azir won't be entirely fond of him.
Azir dislikesSivir'sgraverobbing but does not resent her. She is family after all, and saving her fromCassiopeia'sbackstabbing meant everything at the time of his revival. He would hold his hatred for Cassiopeia for almost ending his bloodline forever.
When he was young, Azir was taught ancient knowledge fromNasusand combat fromRenekton. The Ascended brothers' teachings will prove useful for the trials ahead.
Azir is disappointed that a mighty warrior such asRenektonhas been reduced to a rabid beast after being tortured beyond insanity for imprisoning himself with Xerath.
On the other hand,Nasusmight be the only remaining Ascended that can help the Emperor. Azir deeply respects Nasus, though the Curator looks down on him for his arrogance and for what his hubris did to Shurima.[1]
Read More
The Emperor of the Sands
ByGraham McNeill
Starring Champion
Short Story • 4 Minute Read
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Azir walked the gold-paved Emperor's Way. The immense statues of Shurima's earliest rulers – his ancestors – watched his progress.
Descent into the Tomb
Scroll after scroll in Noxian libraries chronicle the power buried within Shurima. Now Cassiopeia thinks she's found the key. Learn how the saga began.
Empires of the Ascended (Video)
A buried empire. A brother’s betrayal. A relic that could change everything.
Fall of the Empire
By Numerous creators
Rise of the Ascended
Discover the tale of Ancient Shurima, where the fates of Azir and Siver intertwine.
Short Story
Water and Shade To You
ByGraham McNeill
For the first time Khari could remember, flowers grew on the street leading from the town square to the Cut.
Mentioned Champion
Short Story • 36 Minute Read
ByGraham McNeill
Taliyah had almost forgotten how much she'd missed the furnace heat of Shurima – the sweat and crush of hundreds of people pushing, cursing, haggling and speaking with such passion and speed that outsiders often thought they were fighting.
ByDouble Stallion Games
Rewind the Past, Control the Future - Explore and traverse through the spectacular city of Zaun as Ekko, a young inventor with an ingenious device to manipulate time, in this story-driven action platformer. Play as a young Ekko and realize the full potential of one of League’s fan-favorite Champions.
Starring:Aximander,Camille,Chadd,Corin Reveck,Corina Veraza,Drake Poingdestre,Ekko,Elie,Inna,Jinx,Lem,Red,Rungs,Vale Poingdestre,Warwick,Wyeth,Zarkon Poingdestre
Mentioned:Ashlesh,Azir,Blitzcrank,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Eramis,Evil Kay,Farron,Fiddlesticks,Janna,Jayce,Kay,Nasus,Orianna,Renata Glasc,Seraphine,Shomi,Singed,Twitch,Urgot,Vi,Viktor,Zac,Zeri,Ziggs
Short Story • 4 Minute Read
Darkness Renews
ByGraham McNeill
Am I a god?
Short Story • 4 Minute Read
Echoes in the Stone
ByAriel Lawrence
Taliyah was outrunning the sandstorm when she first noticed the water. In the beginning, it was faint, just a cool dampness she felt as she lifted the stones from deep beneath the sand. As she drew closer to old Shurima, wet streaks dripped from each new stone as if they were weeping. Taliyah knew the rock had stories to tell as she sped across the desert, but she didn't have time to listen, to hear if they were tears of joy or sadness.
Short Story
Feast of the Prophet
ByJared Rosen
Meir follows a crowd of cultists out of the prophet’s tent city, and down into a low valley at the edge of the desert.
Short Story
ByDana Luery Shaw
Kai’Sa peers out from the mouth of the tunnel and feels like she’s standing at the edge of the world.
Short Story • 4 Minute Read
ByRyan Verniere
Nasus walked at night, unwilling to face the sun. The boy followed in his wake.
Short Story
Roots of a Poisoned Tree
ByGraham McNeill
Dust hung in veils as Shoorai followed the mechanical-limbed form of Tunnel-Chief Hewlett deeper into the mine shaft.
Short Story • 9 Minute Read
Sai Kahleek (Short Story)
ByOdin Austin Shafer
Six boys and a camel, and the boys were cheaper to replace. Some were orphans and escaped slaves, but most were off casts — teenagers abandoned by families too poor to keep them. When Shahib offered him the work, Jaheje hadn't eaten in days.
The Battle Mistress
ByRayla Heide
Short Story • 19 Minute Read
The Bird and the Branch
ByAriel Lawrence
A young stone mage from Shurima encounters an unlikely mentor in the mountains of Ionia.
The Butcher of the Sands
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
The Curator of the Sands
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Short Story
The Faceless God
ByGraham McNeill
I watch the worm wriggling its way up from the sand.
Starring: N/A
Short Story
The Legend of the Darkin
ByGraham McNeill
The darkin are thrice-cursed - once by the ancient enemy they faced, again by the fall of their glorious empire, and finally by the betrayal that has damned them for all eternity.
Starring: N/A
The Magus Ascendant
ByGraham McNeill
The Pride of Nazumah
ByMichael Luo
The Stoneweaver
ByAriel Lawrence
The Unforgiven
ByAriel Lawrence
Short Story • 25 Minute Read
Twilight of the Gods
ByGraham McNeill
They came to a dead city in the mountain's shadow under cover of night.
Short Story • 3 Minute Read
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
This was the moment.
Short Story • 5 Minute Read
ByOdin Austin Shafer
Sivir's throat felt like it was coated in a layer of broken glass. The cracked flesh of her lips burned. Her eyes refused to focus. I've given them more than enough time to move on.
Short Story
With Teeth
ByGraham McNeill
Firewood was precious in the desert, but the blackened ruins of Vekaura offered a plentiful supply of charred timbers to hurl on bonfires.
Alternate Universes
Ao Shin's Adventure
Every little dragon has a destiny.
Starring:Aurelion Sol,Azir,Jinx,Sett,Teemo,Veigar,Yuumi
Starring:Aurelion Sol,Azir,Braum,Kindred,Neeko,Ornn,Pantheon,Warwick
Make History
In this battle of regions, one will conquer all others to make history.
Starring:Alistar,Ashe,Azir,Bard,Brand,Caitlyn,Cassiopeia,Elise,Evelynn,Janna,Karma,LeBlanc,Lee Sin,Lucian,Morgana,Nautilus,Orianna,Pyke,Ryze
Rise of the Elements
Academy Adventures: Series 1
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Akali,Amumu,Anivia,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Braum,Cho'Gath,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fiora,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Ivern,Jhin,Jinx,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nidalee,Olaf,Poppy,Rek'Sai,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Shen,Sion,Sona,Soraka,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tristana,Trundle,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Vel'Koz,Vi,Yorick,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Music Video
ByTrue Damage
Mentioned:Ahri,Azir,Book,Camille,Corki,Jinx,Kayn,Kindred,LeBlanc,Lucian,Pyke,Rhaast,Tahm Kench,Teemo,Thresh,Twitch,Yuumi
Playtime with Gnar: Series 2
ByRachel J. Corey
Punches and Plants: Series 2
Mentioned:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Amumu,Annie,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Diana,Draven,Ekko,Ezreal,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Kha'Zix,Kog'Maw,Leona,Lucian,Lux,Malphite,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nasus,Nautilus,Nidalee,Olaf,Orianna,Poppy,Quinn,Rakan,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Shaco,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Valor,Vel'Koz,Viktor,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Xin Zhao,Yasuo,Ziggs
The Roadtrip
ByCassie Parkes,Marvin Clifford
Mentioned:Ahri,Ashe,Azir,Bard,Braum,Darius,Fiddlesticks,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Irelia,Jinx,Kalista,Katarina,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Lulu,Master Yi,Nami,Poppy,Rakan,Shaco,Sona,Swain,Taric,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Varus,Xayah,Yasuo,Zilean
The Tale of the Poro King
By Numerous creators
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aatrox,Akali,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Darius,Diana,Draven,Ezreal,Gnar,Illaoi,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kai'Sa,Karma,Karthus,Katarina,Kayle,Kayn,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nunu,Ornn,Pantheon,Pyke,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Rhaast,Ryze,Sejuani,Shen,Sion,Sivir,Soraka,Sylas,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Thresh,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Vi,Volibear,Willump,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs,Zoe
• Based on the timeline inRealms of Runeterraand his lore, Azir is between 3000 – 3050 years old.
• As suggested byTaliyah'squoteLink▶️"Close to the ground, the sparrow flies faster than the falcon.", his Ascended form resembles that of a falcon.
• Azir's mother was born inVekaura.Xerathlater destroyed the city during the events ofBloodline.Azir originally intended to destroySaikhal,Xerath'sbirthplace, for revenge but was convinced not to as he was reminded that it would make him the same thing as what Xerath has become.Azir knows a lot of secrets aboutXerath'spast that are only known to the two.
• As stated by Riot Opeli in Azir's Q&A thread, Azir was a benevolent leader, a kind dictator devoted to his people's well-being and prosperity. Though he got a little ahead of himself with the over-enthusiastic Ascension ritual, even that was done with good intentions, for he saw Ascension as a means to have Shurima grow and influence the entire world.[2]This desire was never derived from conquest, as Azir truly believes Shurima was the pinnacle of civilization and could only continue to prosper.Azir put off abolishing slavery because doing so in a short period of time would likely lead to massive protests and possibly a coup. As power went to his head, however, he forgot that others also had worthwhile ideas.Azir currently wishes for the other city-states to join his empire so that they may benefit from Shurima's culture and way of life. This might prove difficult after being trapped in limbo for millennia, given the likes ofZaunare the antithesis to Shurima.So for now, Azir's motivation is to restore Shurima's glory.Back in the empire's heyday, Azir was popular with the ladies.[3]This charisma might help him restore his people to greatness.
• As stated byGem 'Lonewingy' Limin Azir's Q&A thread, Azir's gauntlets have ribbon-like tassels to emphasize his regal status and to resemble embroidered robes which in turn represent feathers, cementing the bird-like appearance.[4]
• Xerath'sAscended power was stolen from Azir, but manifests in the wrong way due to its not being intended for him.
• At the end ofTwilight of the Gods,the Chalicarhad absorbed the - for want of a better phrase - Darkin DNA essence, which, combined with Ta'anari's heart, would allow humans to craft the weapons tailored to trap the remaining Darkin at a later date.[5]Tomb of Emperors is Shuriman, but the events of the story imbued the Chalicar with a resonance to the Ascended, so it acted as a channel betweenSivirand her distant ancestor, Azir which allowed her blood to revive him. As the Alchemists of Old said, "Like attracts like...".[6]
• Azir's Q&A (Creative)byRiot Narrative team: (Note: In case people question the authenticity of the contents above, the copy-and-paste version of the orginal text is added here: )[7]1. What kind of a ruler was he?Riot-Opeli: He was a benevolent leader. Still a dictator, but a kind one, and he was interested in his people's well-being and prosperity. He got a little ahead of himself, though - hence the over-enthusiastic Ascension ritual - but even that was done with good intentions. He wanted Shurima to grow and influence the entire world.2. Why can't Azir just let go his lost empire? What he gonna rule there anyway, sands? Though I can somehow see him modeling his whole empire with sand then play empire in his head. Now I kinda got sad for him...Riot-Runaan: He can't let go because he truly loved his nation, however much his ambition may have led him astray. He can't accept responsibility for what happened to his kingdom - he blames Xerath, but was it really Xerath's fault...? Or was it the emperor who couldn't see the cruel intent of his most trusted advisor - and friend? :O And yes - for the moment, he is an emperor without an empire. An emperor without a people. He has nothing - but he'll do everything with his newfound power to change that, and rebuild Shurima into the thriving, powerful empire it once was.3. Does Azir plan to rebuild Shurima?Riot-Opeli: Yes! It's his main motivation.4. Does Azir wish to just peacefully rebuild Shurima and see if people join his ways? Or will he do it with force?Riot-Opeli: He wishes to do it peacefully, but he's not afraid of using force. It will only happen if he's forced his hand.5. What's the CURRENT state of Shurima? We've heard that it's been swallowed by the desert, and that Xerath, apparently, blew up the city, but...An empire isn't just one city. What about the rest of Shurima? What did they do for the world around them when they were at their prime?Riot-Runaan: We talked about Shurima as a place with a really thriving culture - a place with not only a strong military and a powerful emperor, but a place with a sense of personal identity (art, music, literature, trade, magical technology etc). Azir's motivation to bring the golden light of Shurima to other nations was/is not really a "conquering" aim - it's that he truly believes that Shurima was the height of civilization, and could only continue to grow more wonderful. After Xerath's corrupt ascension, everything was more or less buried beneath the sands and left to ruin, but Azir definitely doesn't think that's the end of things.6. Did Azir have any inkling that Xerath was going to betray him, or was he blind to that possibility?Riot-Opeli: He was blind to it. He totally trusted Xerath. :(7. Did Azir rule alone, or would there have been a...Mrs. Azir?Riot-Opeli: It's safe to say he was... popular with the ladies.8. What does Azir think of Nasus? Does he respect him or dislike him?Riot-Opeli: Azir deeply respects Nasus. Although Nasus views him as a little arrogant because he got to see what happened to Shurima as a result of Azir's hubris.9. What does Azir think of Yordles? Does Azir know Anivia at all or have any relation to her? Did Azir ALWAYS love birds?Riot-Entropy: Azir would welcome their furry enthusiasm, provided they directed it toward expanding Shurima's greatness. Azir was once human, so he's a great deal younger than Anivia. Nasus on the other hand... Birds soar to great heights. I can't help but think Azir would admire that.10. Does (Ascended) Azir sleep in a bed or a nest? If it's a nest, what's it made of?Riot-Opeli: I don't think he sleeps! At all!11. Given the fact that the Shurimans aren't the only sun revering culture, what does Azir think of Mount Targon and the Solari?Riot-Entropy: At the very least, intrigued. Though one can't help but wonder if once the whole "You like the Sun? Me too!" phase passes they might have some serious differences to sort out.12. How much of Runeterra (regions, city states etc.) does Azir know/remember from old-Shuriman days? How much has changed for him?Riot-Opeli: For some people, Shurima is like an Atlantis to them - they believe it's only a myth (although, obviously, they will be proven wrong). For others, like the people currently inhabiting the desert of Shurima, they knew it existed a long time ago and there are believed to be no "true" Shurimans remaining. Even Renekton and Nasus were stories for them. A LOT has changed for Azir. He has a lot of catching up to do.13. Was he always so...birdy? I mean he has fabulous legs but I wonder were they like that when he was young and...alive?Riot-Opeli: No, he was human originally. But I also think he has fabulous legs. :P14. Now that he is returned, what are his views on the other City-States like Noxus and Piltover?Riot-Opeli: Azir believes that the other city-states would benefit from Shurima's culture and way of life. He'll try to get them to join his empire and conform to his ideals. HOWEVER, he is in for quite the culture shock because so much has changed while he's been... away. I think Zaun would boggle him the most. But he wouldn't let anyone see that.
• Azir originally intended to destroySaikhal,Xerath'sbirthplace, for revenge but was convinced not to as he was reminded that it would make him the same thing as what Xerath has become.Azir knows a lot of secrets aboutXerath'spast that are only known to the two.
• Azir knows a lot of secrets aboutXerath'spast that are only known to the two.
• This desire was never derived from conquest, as Azir truly believes Shurima was the pinnacle of civilization and could only continue to prosper.
• Azir put off abolishing slavery because doing so in a short period of time would likely lead to massive protests and possibly a coup. As power went to his head, however, he forgot that others also had worthwhile ideas.
• Azir currently wishes for the other city-states to join his empire so that they may benefit from Shurima's culture and way of life. This might prove difficult after being trapped in limbo for millennia, given the likes ofZaunare the antithesis to Shurima.So for now, Azir's motivation is to restore Shurima's glory.
• Back in the empire's heyday, Azir was popular with the ladies.[3]This charisma might help him restore his people to greatness.
• So for now, Azir's motivation is to restore Shurima's glory.
• 1. What kind of a ruler was he?Riot-Opeli: He was a benevolent leader. Still a dictator, but a kind one, and he was interested in his people's well-being and prosperity. He got a little ahead of himself, though - hence the over-enthusiastic Ascension ritual - but even that was done with good intentions. He wanted Shurima to grow and influence the entire world.
• 2. Why can't Azir just let go his lost empire? What he gonna rule there anyway, sands? Though I can somehow see him modeling his whole empire with sand then play empire in his head. Now I kinda got sad for him...Riot-Runaan: He can't let go because he truly loved his nation, however much his ambition may have led him astray. He can't accept responsibility for what happened to his kingdom - he blames Xerath, but was it really Xerath's fault...? Or was it the emperor who couldn't see the cruel intent of his most trusted advisor - and friend? :O And yes - for the moment, he is an emperor without an empire. An emperor without a people. He has nothing - but he'll do everything with his newfound power to change that, and rebuild Shurima into the thriving, powerful empire it once was.
• 3. Does Azir plan to rebuild Shurima?Riot-Opeli: Yes! It's his main motivation.
• 4. Does Azir wish to just peacefully rebuild Shurima and see if people join his ways? Or will he do it with force?Riot-Opeli: He wishes to do it peacefully, but he's not afraid of using force. It will only happen if he's forced his hand.
• 5. What's the CURRENT state of Shurima? We've heard that it's been swallowed by the desert, and that Xerath, apparently, blew up the city, but...An empire isn't just one city. What about the rest of Shurima? What did they do for the world around them when they were at their prime?Riot-Runaan: We talked about Shurima as a place with a really thriving culture - a place with not only a strong military and a powerful emperor, but a place with a sense of personal identity (art, music, literature, trade, magical technology etc). Azir's motivation to bring the golden light of Shurima to other nations was/is not really a "conquering" aim - it's that he truly believes that Shurima was the height of civilization, and could only continue to grow more wonderful. After Xerath's corrupt ascension, everything was more or less buried beneath the sands and left to ruin, but Azir definitely doesn't think that's the end of things.
• 6. Did Azir have any inkling that Xerath was going to betray him, or was he blind to that possibility?Riot-Opeli: He was blind to it. He totally trusted Xerath. :(
• 7. Did Azir rule alone, or would there have been a...Mrs. Azir?Riot-Opeli: It's safe to say he was... popular with the ladies.
• 8. What does Azir think of Nasus? Does he respect him or dislike him?Riot-Opeli: Azir deeply respects Nasus. Although Nasus views him as a little arrogant because he got to see what happened to Shurima as a result of Azir's hubris.
• 9. What does Azir think of Yordles? Does Azir know Anivia at all or have any relation to her? Did Azir ALWAYS love birds?Riot-Entropy: Azir would welcome their furry enthusiasm, provided they directed it toward expanding Shurima's greatness. Azir was once human, so he's a great deal younger than Anivia. Nasus on the other hand... Birds soar to great heights. I can't help but think Azir would admire that.
• 10. Does (Ascended) Azir sleep in a bed or a nest? If it's a nest, what's it made of?Riot-Opeli: I don't think he sleeps! At all!
• 11. Given the fact that the Shurimans aren't the only sun revering culture, what does Azir think of Mount Targon and the Solari?Riot-Entropy: At the very least, intrigued. Though one can't help but wonder if once the whole "You like the Sun? Me too!" phase passes they might have some serious differences to sort out.
• 12. How much of Runeterra (regions, city states etc.) does Azir know/remember from old-Shuriman | Name: Shurima's Legacy, Description: Innate: Whenever a turret outside the enemy team's base is destroyed, a marker is placed above its ruins which can be targeted by Azir . Innate - Disc of the Sun: Azir can select a marker to construct the Sun Disc above the ruins after a 0. 5 -second cast time . The Sun Disc will activate after being assembled over 5 seconds. The Sun Disc functions the same as a standard inner turret but deals magic damage , gains 40% AP bonus attack damage , and grants its kill credit to Azir . The Sun Disc's health decays over 45 seconds and loses 100 armor and 100 magic resistance while Azir is not alive or is too far away. Azir cannot construct a Sun Disc with the marker while he is unable to cast abilities. See Pets for more details about the Sun Disc . Link ▶️ "Return!", STATIC COOLDOWN: STATICCOOLDOWN:90, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', 'No additional notes.', 'Azircan summon aSun Discin the center of the map provided theAncient Ascendedis dead. TheSun Discwill be destroyed if theAncient Ascendedrespawns while active.']} | Name: Conquering Sands, Description: Active: Azir orders all Sand Soldiers to dash toward the target location, dealing magic damage to all enemies they pass through and slowing them by 25% for 1 second. They also hit enemies in front of them when they come to a halt. Magic Damage: 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 / 140 (+ 35% AP) Enemies hit by subsequent soldiers take no additional damage and are instead slowed by an additional 25% per soldier. Conquering Sands will cast at max range if cast beyond that. Link ▶️ "Conquer!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'Sand Soldiersdash about 50 units further away from Azir than the target location, making them stab targets slightly further away.', 'Sand Soldierswill stop their movement upon colliding withWind Wallbut not withUnbreakable.']} | Name: Arise!, Description: Active: Azir summons a Sand Soldier at the target location that is untargetable , lasts 10 seconds, and grants sight of its surroundings. The Sand Soldier expires twice as fast while within range of an enemy turret , and does so instantly if Azir is too far away. Azir periodically stocks a Sand Soldier , up to a maximum of 2. When Azir declares a basic attack against an enemy in a soldier's attack range , the Sand Soldier attacks in his stead, thrusting their spear in the target's direction to deal magic damage to enemies struck in a line and applying on-hit and on-attack effects against the primary target at 50% effectiveness. Targets hit beyond the closest take 25 / 50 / 75 / 100% (based on level) damage. Subsequent Sand Soldiers against the same target deal 25% damage. Magic Damage: 0 − 77 (based on level) (+ 50 / 65 / 80 / 95 / 110) (+ 55% AP) Sand Soldiers cannot attack structures , wards , nor traps . Arise! will cast at max range if cast beyond that. See Pets for more details about Sand Soldiers ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'parries': 'Missing', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', 'Nearsightingeffects will only allowAzirto perform attacks from soldiers within his own sight radius.', 'Azirmust rankArise!as his first ability, and will do so automatically if he reaches level 2 before ranking an ability.', 'Azircan only command his soldiers to attack if he is able to declarebasic attackcommands himself, meaningcrowd controleffects that disable attacking, such asdisarm, do not allow him to order his soldiers to attack in his stead.', 'Damage to enemy champions fromSand Soldierstabs will draw minion aggro even if the enemy champion was not the primary target.(bug)', 'Commanding a soldier to attack will triggeron-attackeffects, but will not apply any of these effects to the target hit.', 'PENDING FOR TEST:Interaction withdodge,block, andblind.', 'Sand Soldierswill attack the closest enemy toAzirwhen using attack move (orA + RMB/Shift + RMB) orauto-attack.', 'Azirwill start the game with one point already ranked inArise!, allowing him to allocate the other two to his other abilities.', 'Limited to 3Sand Soldiersactive.', 'Charge cooldown set to 4.8/ 4.4/ 4 / 3.6/ 3.2seconds.', 'On-hit and on-attack effectiveness changed to 100%.']} | Name: Shifting Sands, Description: Active: Azir grants himself a shield for 1. 5 seconds and dashes to the target Sand Soldier , dealing magic damage to enemies within his path. Shield Strength: 70 / 110 / 150 / 190 / 230 (+ 60% AP) Magic Damage: 60 / 100 / 140 / 180 / 220 (+ 40% AP) If Azir dashes into an enemy champion , he stops and gains a charge of Arise! . Azir can cast of any of his abilities during the dash., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'Azirwill track theSand Soldierif they change locations, such as byConquering Sands.']} | Name: Emperor's Divide, Description: Active: Azir calls forth a phalanx of soldiers from 175 units behind him, catching enemies from up to 325 units behind him and charging forward 575 units in the target direction. Width: 6 / 7 / 8 soldiers Width (charge): 620 / 720 / 820 Width (impassable wall): 750 / 850 / 950 Enemies impacted by the charge are dealt magic damage and knocked away over 1 second to a line 650 units in front of Azir . Magic Damage: 200 / 400 / 600 (+ 75% AP) Upon finishing their charge, the soldiers stand as a wall for 5 seconds, acting as impassible terrain against enemies and granting sight of their surroundings. Azir and his allies can move through these soldiers. Link ▶️ "My soldiers march on!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'The soldier units are spawned only 175 units behindAzir, but do not control theknock backdirectly. Each comes with a missile that travels the same path and conveys the damage and knockback effect.The furthest area (from 325 to 175 units behindAzir) is covered by a separate set of missiles with the same effects.All of the soldiers and their missiles will end the charge prematurely when one encountersWind Wall/Unbreakable/Blade Whirlor upon colliding with terrain that they cannot charge through.', 'The furthest area (from 325 to 175 units behindAzir) is covered by a separate set of missiles with the same effects.', 'All of the soldiers and their missiles will end the charge prematurely when one encountersWind Wall/Unbreakable/Blade Whirlor upon colliding with terrain that they cannot charge through.', 'The charge starts at 0.25seconds into the cast time.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.', "When the dash of the soldiers comes to a halt, all not-yet-affected enemies on top of the soldiers' landing locations (125 radius) are also knocked back.", "Emperor's Dividewill not be canceled ifAzirdies during the cast time.", 'While the soldiers are charging forward, the wall is not impassable terrain.This means enemies that are immune toairborneeffects can pass through the wall while its moving.', 'This means enemies that are immune toairborneeffects can pass through the wall while its moving.', "The wallwillcount as terrain for the purposes of 'into terrain' effects (e.g.Condemn,Dredge Line,Heroic Charge). This will only affect enemies, allies will pass through the wall in all circumstances, even if knocked into it by an enemy."]} | Azir is the first champion to have his first ability point restricted to a single one (Arise!) since it's required for the other two (Conquering SandsandShifting Sands) to function.He is also the second champion to be unable to rank up a basic ability at Level 1, the first beingZilean.
Shurima's Legacymay be referencing the Egyptian solar disc godAten[2](depicted as a sphere emanating rays of light each ending with a hand) and titular god of the short-lived monotheistic religion imposed by PharaohAkhenaten. His sonTutankhamunlater restored the polytheistic religion.
Azir's dance referencesRemember The TimebyMichael Jackson.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.If AzirsummonsSand Soldiers and then dances, they will follow him and dance all in sync.His soldiers will keep dance in Azir's stead while if the player types '/dance' while Azir isrecalling.If enemies cannot see Azir while he dances, his soldiers will not appear to dance to them. |
Bard,the Wandering Caretaker,Bard | | | health: Health630+103, resource: Mana350+50, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)5.5+0.55, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)6+0.45, armor: Armor34+5.2, attack damage: Attack damage52+3, attack speed: Base AS0.625, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius80, selection radius: Selection radius89, release: 2015-03-12, changed: V13.19, role: Catcher, position: Support, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 4800|880 | Games
BardCurrentConstellationTitlesAlias(es)The Wandering CaretakerCosmic CaretakerCosmic VagabondGreat CaretakerCharacteristicsSpeciesCelestialPronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:UnknownWeapon(s)Magical HornPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originCelestial Realm(Beginning of Time)Current residenceUnknown(No Fixed Abode)Pet(s)MeepsProfessional statusOccupation(s)Celestial GuardianTravelling CaretakerRegion(s)RuneterraRelated character(s)Aurelion SolSorakaRyze
• Current
• Constellation
• The Wandering Caretaker
• Cosmic Caretaker
• Cosmic Vagabond
• Great Caretaker
• Born:Unknown
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
• Travelling Caretaker
Related character(s)
A traveler from beyond the stars,Bardis an agent of serendipity who strives to maintain the harmony between creation, and the cold indifference of what lies beyond it. ManyRuneterranssing songs that ponder his extraordinary nature, yet they all agree that the cosmic vagabond is drawn to artifacts of great magical power. Surrounded by a jubilant choir of helpfulmeeps, it is impossible to mistake his actions as malevolent, as Bard always serves the greater good... in his own odd way.
• 1Background1.1Early Life1.2Modern History1.2.1Bard Mountain1.2.2Encounters with Mortals1.3Recent events1.4Future
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Celestials5.1.1Aurelion Sol5.2Runeterra5.2.1Ryze
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early Life
• 1.2Modern History1.2.1Bard Mountain1.2.2Encounters with Mortals
• 1.3Recent events
• 1.4Future
• 1.2.1Bard Mountain
• 1.2.2Encounters with Mortals
• 5.1Celestials5.1.1Aurelion Sol
• 5.2Runeterra5.2.1Ryze
• 5.1.1Aurelion Sol
• 5.2.1Ryze
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Alternate Universes
Early Life[]
Bard is aCelestialwho existed at theCreation of the Universewithin theCelestial Realm. Initially drifting aimlessly, Bard found a new purpose when theCelestial DragonAurelion Solforged the universe's first stars, producing a symphony of creation. Bard traversed the celestial harmonies of the universe and began to attract new companions calledmeeps; celestial spirit creatures spawned from the residual inspiration used to create the stars.
As Bard continued his travel, the meeps alerted him to a world with a unique song of its own calledRuneterra, a realm filled with primitive and chaotic music that disharmonized with the rest of the cosmos. While he appreciated its inherent beauty, he realized that this song had become destructive and needed intervention before it can threaten the fabric of the universe.
Venturing into the planet's physical realm, Bard first touched down on the continent ofIoniaand created a physical form from the trinkets and fabrics of a shawm-player's wagon. He roamed Runeterra for an extensive period, confusing and bewildering any who would those he encountered. On his travels, Bard discovered that many powerful and unpredictable objects, such as theWorld Runes, had mysteriously been left scattered on the planet's surface by some unknown entities, which threatened to disrupt the balance of the universe.
As a caretaker, Bard personally took the task of retrieving these misplaced objects and restoring cosmic harmony in an effort to protect Runeterra from theforces that lay beyond. Seeing into the future, Bard saw an impending cataclysm that would span across all realms, anticipating for when he must choose a side to maintain the cosmic balance.
Modern History[]
Bard Mountain[]
In the midst of the viciousNoxian Invasion of Ionia, a group of villagers settled around a mountain with a sacred temple at the very top of it. TheNoxianseventually discovered the village and, in their conquest to take over the continent, sought out an immensely powerful, egg-like artifact of celestial origin in the mountain. The Noxians slaughtered most of these Ionians and ransacked the village in search of this artifact. Meanwhile, the village sage used the powerful artifact to obliterate a group of these soldiers, causing collateral damage to the surrounding area and slicing an entire mountain in half. Bard's instantly turned his attention to the shockwave made by the artifact as he rushed to the site of the invasion.
Flying through the clashing Ionian and Noxian armies, Bard quickly flew up the mountain's steps and grabbed the artifact, taking it to the peak and placing it on a sacred pedestal. From there, Bard blew into his cosmic instrument, summoning a chorus of meeps to witness him as he used his powers to transport both himself and the artifact into the celestial realm away from the hands of mortals who could potentially weaponize it. Those witnessing the event saw Bard's transportation manifest into a three-pointed constellation in the sky, naming the mountainBard Mountainin his honor.[1]
Encounters with Mortals[]
While on his quest to preserve powerful artifacts, Bard would encounter many people who witnessed his mysterious deeds. Some artists and performers considered him a source of immense inspiration for great works of art, while others would be bewildered and confused by his bizarre nature.
According to a travelling balladeer from theFreljordwho made a stop inDemacia, his mother had an ancientchimethat managed to attract a stray meep shortly before floating away. After chasing the flying chime, Bard himself appeared and placed the man in a dream-like state, temporarily transforming him into a meep and allowing him to perceive the universe as Bard does temporarily. In this form, he realized the coming dangers that Bard is attempting to avoid before returning to his mortal body.[2]
A man named Old Gaff claimed that he saw Bard in the sky once, flying across the heavens like a falling star.[3]The day after, while sweeping the floors at his house, Old Gaff witnessed a similar entity to Bard named1Byrd, who created a physical form from his pots and pans before waddling away to a nearby temple as if it were looking for something.[4]At the temple, Old Gaff found Bard summoning a massive vortex of meeps, all singing and dancing in a beautiful choir as they rose upward before disappearing in a flash of light, leaving only a single chime in Old Gaff's hands.[5]
Recent events[]
Bard continues his journey to protect the beauty of Runeterra by restoring its cosmic equilibrium, safeguarding immensely powerful artifacts that could potentially be misused by mortals in the future.
Most recently on his travels, Bard has taken notice ofXolaani, aDarkinwho has just recently possessed a brand new3host.[6]However, it's unclear what her significance to Bard is as he hasn't been shown to intervene.
At least fifty years in the future, one of the survivors of the Noxian invasion at Bard Mountain lives to become an elderly story teller, remaining on that very same mountain. Here, the storyteller would tell three teenagers various stories and describe the many constellations in the skies that represent significant events of the past;arrival of the Watchers in the Freljord, thefall ofShurimaand theruination of theShadow Isles. The final constellation he talks about is the three pointed mask of Bard himself, which he witnessed on that very same mountain many years ago as a child.[7]
Bard is an ethereal Celestial being who created a corporeal form in order to traverse and interact with the physical world.[8]His corporeal form has stitched body with wooden-peg legs and a mask-face. Bard's true form is able to abandon his body while it 'deflates'.
Unlike other Celestials that care for and meddle with the existence of mortal beings, Bard focuses more on the 'bigger picture,' interested more in the cosmic balance of Runeterra and assessing any threats that can endanger the fabric of all reality. The only time Bard notices or wholly interacts with a mortal being is if they are involved with some significant event or power that threatens the cosmic balance. Bard simply doesn't care for individual lives and instead is more concerned with the 'bigger picture' and seeing preserving life as a whole.
Bard would never intervene in combat with someone unless they themselves have some significance that could potentially alter the world's cosmic balance, almost completely ignoring anybody and everything that isn't his concern. Though Bard has the absolute best intentions in mind, he can come off as incredibly strange and whimsical in his behaviors, popping in and out of existence without warning almost mischievously.
• Celestial Physiology:Bard is a Celestial, an entity coming directly from theCelestial Realmbefore transcending down to thePhysical Realm. As a Celestial, Bard possesses a variety of different abilities and is essentially immortal. However, as with most Celestials, Bard does not have a physical body of his own and must create one out of many materials and objects. In Bard's case, he created a physical body out of the instruments and trinkets found in aIonianshawm-player's wagon.Cosmic Hearing:A unique feature to Bard is his ability to perceive the universe purely as music rather than through sight, something unheard of for other celestials. He mainly uses this as a way to not only appreciate the beauty of the universe but also to sense out any threats to the stable harmonies of the universe, being able to sense and disruptions such as the impendingVoid.
• Cosmic Music Manipulation:Using a large horn as his main weapon, Bard can completely warp reality by playing music and manipulating the songs that dictate the laws of the universe. Bard typically uses this to freeze targets in place, bind them or transport things instantaneously, but the true extents of his powers are unknowable by mortal minds.Portal Creation:By blowing into his horn and manipulating the music of the universe, Bard can create portals of various kinds with ease. Portals created by Bard are capable of traveling through space, time and even to entirely different dimensions.
• Meep Familiars:Bard has attracted a chorus of mystical entities calledmeeps, mysterious celestial spirits who are derived from leftover inspiration during theCreation of the Universe. Even though these creatures are capable of surviving on their own, they've traveled with Bard for so long they've formed a symbiotic bond.[9]
• Cosmic Hearing:A unique feature to Bard is his ability to perceive the universe purely as music rather than through sight, something unheard of for other celestials. He mainly uses this as a way to not only appreciate the beauty of the universe but also to sense out any threats to the stable harmonies of the universe, being able to sense and disruptions such as the impendingVoid.
• Portal Creation:By blowing into his horn and manipulating the music of the universe, Bard can create portals of various kinds with ease. Portals created by Bard are capable of traveling through space, time and even to entirely different dimensions.
Bard knows about and has met many Celestials on his travels around the cosmos. Unlike other Celestials however, Bard perceives the world in a completely unique way; as harmonious music rather than through sight. Along with that, Bard doesn't manifest in the physical realm through possessing a mortal body like theAspectsdo, Bard instead possesses a collection of trinkets and instruments strewn together into a suitable form. Bard is aware of other Celestials and their affairs in meddling withRuneterra, such as how they had left behind countlesspowerful artifactson the planet, but he simply questions why they would leave these objects behind and endanger the universe.
Aurelion Sol[]
At thefirst breath of creation, Bard simply drifted across the cosmos without purpose or perception. It wasn't until Aurelion Sol forged the first stars that Bard began to perceive the universe as music, flowing across the harmonies between the stars and witnessing the beauty of the universe.
Bard perceives the universe as musical melodies and first took notice to Runeterra because of its inherent dissonance in the universe's harmonies. Though the music of Runeterra is primitive and chaotic it is also beautiful in its freedom, something that specifically took Bard's interest. However, he also sees the danger of this as Runeterra has the capability of growing so chaotic and destructive that it could end the stability of the cosmos, dedicating himself to becoming the cosmic caretaker of this world and keeping incomprehensible powers out of mortal hands.
Ever since touching down atIonia, Bard continues to passively restore the balance of powers in Runeterra rather than interfering in major historical events, having no direct ties to major events such as thearrival of the Watchers, theFall of Shurimaor theRuination of Helia. Though these events involved powerful forces, they had no major cosmic ramifications and thus didn't take Bard's notice.[10]
Though its unknown whether or not the two have actually met in the past, it is very likely considering Ryze's age and their conjoined efforts in safeguarding powerful magics such as theWorld Runes.
Read More
The Wandering Caretaker
ByMarcus Terrell Smith
Starring Champion
Bard Mountain (Video)
When Runeterra's sacred treasures are misused, the Wandering Caretaker intervenes.
Short Story
Testimony of the Balladeer
ByMarcus Terrell Smith
You, there! Yes, you! You look like a fine Demacian with working ears—one who might stay a stretch and heed the warnings of an old man who has seen the impossible.
Short Story
The Wonder Above
ByRyan Verniere
The stars tell their own stories. Some speak of past events. Some speak of... other things.
Alternate Universes
A Snowdown Snowtale
The Poro King sends a young poro on an urgent mission: find the one with the magnificent mustache to save Snowdown!
Short Story
Attack of the Demon Poros
Be Your Best Santa
Santa Draven, Ambitious Elf Jinx, and Snow Fawn Poppy step up to help Santa Braum with this year’s Snowdown festivities. But with Jinx and Draven at the frontlines, the celebrations could easily snowball into shenanigans!
Crystal Quest: Series 1
Mentioned:Anivia,Ashe,Braum,Bristle,Caitlyn,Camille,Elise,Ezreal,Garen,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Illaoi,Ivern,Katarina,Kled,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lucian,Nami,Olaf,Poppy,Ryze,Senna,Singed,Skaarl,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Veigar,Vi,Zac
Crystal Quest: Series 2
Make History
In this battle of regions, one will conquer all others to make history.
Starring:Alistar,Ashe,Azir,Bard,Brand,Caitlyn,Cassiopeia,Elise,Evelynn,Janna,Karma,LeBlanc,Lee Sin,Lucian,Morgana,Nautilus,Orianna,Pyke,Ryze
Return to the Stars
Starring:Aurelion Sol,Bard,Cassiopeia,Gnar,Illaoi,Kog'Maw,Nautilus,Nocturne,Teemo,Urgot,Vayne,Viktor,Ziggs
Academy Adventures: Series 1
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Akali,Amumu,Anivia,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Braum,Cho'Gath,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fiora,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Ivern,Jhin,Jinx,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nidalee,Olaf,Poppy,Rek'Sai,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Shen,Sion,Sona,Soraka,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tristana,Trundle,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Vel'Koz,Vi,Yorick,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 3
ByGutter Rat
Punches and Plants: Series 2
Mentioned:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Amumu,Annie,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Diana,Draven,Ekko,Ezreal,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Kha'Zix,Kog'Maw,Leona,Lucian,Lux,Malphite,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nasus,Nautilus,Nidalee,Olaf,Orianna,Poppy,Quinn,Rakan,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Shaco,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Valor,Vel'Koz,Viktor,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Xin Zhao,Yasuo,Ziggs
The Roadtrip
ByCassie Parkes,Marvin Clifford
Mentioned:Ahri,Ashe,Azir,Bard,Braum,Darius,Fiddlesticks,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Irelia,Jinx,Kalista,Katarina,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Lulu,Master Yi,Nami,Poppy,Rakan,Shaco,Sona,Swain,Taric,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Varus,Xayah,Yasuo,Zilean
• Despite the lack of a physical form, Bard is not omnipotent. He can be banished or imprisoned by powerful magics or even meet an ultimate end if a magic equally or more powerful than him were to be discovered.[11]
• The green ball that sits in Bard's weapon is a harmonic key that splits layers of reality and taps directly into the magical friction that all worlds emit.[12]
• Though Bard only speaks in musical chiming noises, he is actually speaking in a voice that is incomprehensible by mortal ears. Very few, most notably other Celestials, are actually able to understand him.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Traveler's Call, Description: Innate - Ancient Chimes: Bard's presence causes sacred Chimes to appear at random locations on the map, lingering for up to 10 minutes. Collecting a Chime restores 12% maximum mana and grants Bard 20 + ( 1 per minute after 5 minutes ) experience , as well as 24% bonus movement speed out of combat for 20 seconds, which stacks up to 10 times. Each Chime collected beyond the first instead grants an additional 14% bonus movement speed , up to a total of 150% bonus movement speed . Bard empowers his Meeps each time he collects 5 Chimes . Innate - Meeps: Bard's presence attracts Meeps , which are small spirits that come to his side. While he has Meeps , his basic attacks are empowered to each consume a Meep on-attack to deal 35 ( + 14 per 5 Chimes collected ) (+ 30% AP) bonus magic damage . At 5 Chimes , Meeps slow damaged enemies by 25% − 75% (based on number of Chimes ) for 1 second. At 15 Chimes , Meeps deal the damage to enemies within 150 units of the primary target as well as those in a cone behind them. At 35 Chimes , the cone's radius increases. Meeps spawn every 8 − 4 (based on number of Chimes) seconds and Bard can have up to 1 − 9 (based on number of Chimes) of them at a time., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'parries': 'Missing', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', 'Primary target takesspell damage, while secondary ones takearea damage.', 'Meepsgrant additional stacks ofElectrocute,Phase RushandConqueror.', "Chimespawns are weighted towards the areas of the map thatBardis currently present in, and spawn every 50 seconds in pairs, with the only exception being the second and third spawns onSummoner's Rift, which spawn only one.Chimeswill not spawn in either team's base and will not spawn in the enemy team's jungle before the 5 minute mark.", "Chimeswill not spawn in either team's base and will not spawn in the enemy team's jungle before the 5 minute mark.", 'OnlyBardcan see achimethat is in thefog of war. All other players must havesightof achimefor it to be visible to them.OnlyBardcan see a minimap icon for an uncollectedchime, regardless of whether other players have vision on it or not. The minimap icon will turn red when thechimeis one minute away from expiration.Bardcannot seechimeswhilenearsighted.', 'OnlyBardcan see a minimap icon for an uncollectedchime, regardless of whether other players have vision on it or not. The minimap icon will turn red when thechimeis one minute away from expiration.', 'Bardcannot seechimeswhilenearsighted.', "OnlyMeepcone attacks are absorbed byspell shields. Those that deal damage together with the basic attack don't.", 'If aMeepempowered auto attack isdodged,blockedor whenBardisblinded, the basic attack itself will deal no damage, but theMeepdamage will still be applied.', 'The empowered attack will not trigger againststructuresandwards.', 'Chime spawn rate changed to every 30 seconds instead of 50 seconds (initial spawn unchanged).', 'Increased chime spawn rate. First chime spawns at 30 seconds, and spawns 2 new ones every 20 seconds.', 'Meepsthresholds reduced to one each 2Chimesfrom each 5Chimes.', 'Meeprespawn time set to 6 seconds.', 'Increased Chime spawn rate during combat.', 'Chimes per upgrade changed to 4.', 'AP ratio changed to50% AP.']} | Name: Cosmic Binding, Description: Active: Bard fires an energy bolt in the target direction that deals magic damage to the first enemy hit and slows them by 60% for a duration. Magic Damage: 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260 (+ 65% AP) Disable Duration: 1 / 1. 2 / 1. 4 / 1. 6 / 1. 8 After Cosmic Binding hits an enemy, the bolt continues behind them for 300 units . If the bolt hits terrain or a second enemy, it stuns both targets for the same duration, dealing the same damage to the secondary target., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', "Cosmic Binding'sinteraction withspell shields:If the first target has a spell shield, they will block the damage but the bolt will still pass through them.If the bolt hits a second target, only they will be stunned.If the bolt hits terrain, the first target will be stunned.If the second target has a spell shield, they will block the stun and damage.The first target will still be stunned.If the first target gains a spell shield after being hit, the stun will not be blocked.", 'If the first target has a spell shield, they will block the damage but the bolt will still pass through them.If the bolt hits a second target, only they will be stunned.If the bolt hits terrain, the first target will be stunned.', 'If the bolt hits a second target, only they will be stunned.', 'If the bolt hits terrain, the first target will be stunned.', 'If the second target has a spell shield, they will block the stun and damage.The first target will still be stunned.', 'The first target will still be stunned.', 'If the first target gains a spell shield after being hit, the stun will not be blocked.', 'Thestunwill apply even if the first target becomesuntargetable.', 'Cosmic Bindingcan interact withplayer-generated terrain.', 'Thestunis still applied even if the first or second target dies to the ability itself or before the projectile can bind them.', 'Cosmic Bindingdoes not grantsightof enemies hit, but a hit can be seen and heard to indicate that at least one enemy is there.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.']} | Name: Caretaker's Shrine, Description: Active: Bard conjures a shrine at the target location that gathers power over 5 seconds, granting sight of its surroundings for 1. 8 seconds . Shrines last until they are consumed by champions moving over them. Up to 3 shrines may be active at a time. If the champion was an ally or Bard himself, they are healed for an amount based on the shrine's power and gain bonus movement speed that decays over 1. 5 seconds. Minimum Heal: 25 / 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 (+ 30% AP) Maximum Heal: 50 / 87. 5 / 125 / 162. 5 / 200 (+ 60% AP) Bonus Movement Speed: 20 / 22. 5 / 25 / 27. 5 / 30% (+ 5% per 100 AP) Bard periodically stocks a Caretaker's Shrine charge, up to a maximum of 2., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation/Unit', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', "Caretaker's Shrinecan be cast directly on an ally and it will be treated as aunit-targetedability for effects such asGuardian.IfBardhas 3shrineson the map and creates a new one that is cast directly on himself or an ally, the oldest shrine will not be destroyed. This is because theshrineis used as an actual targeted heal on himself or someone else, and not a permanent shrine, so the other 3 may stay.Thespell indicatorofCaretaker's Shrineshows the area in which it can be used as a targeted heal. After a shrine has been placed on the ground its activation area becomes smaller: allies or enemies have to step directly on the shrine to use it or destroy it.", 'IfBardhas 3shrineson the map and creates a new one that is cast directly on himself or an ally, the oldest shrine will not be destroyed. This is because theshrineis used as an actual targeted heal on himself or someone else, and not a permanent shrine, so the other 3 may stay.', "Thespell indicatorofCaretaker's Shrineshows the area in which it can be used as a targeted heal. After a shrine has been placed on the ground its activation area becomes smaller: allies or enemies have to step directly on the shrine to use it or destroy it.", "Leveling upCaretaker's Shrinewill update the healing of existing shrines.", 'Charge time changed to 8 seconds.', 'Now affected by +70 ability haste.', 'Maximum number of shrines active changed to 33.', 'Healing doubled.']} | Name: Magical Journey, Description: Active: Bard opens a one-way magical corridor through a piece of terrain in the target direction for 10 seconds. A champion can pass through the corridor by selecting it, becoming revealed during the travel. Bard and allies travel through the portal at 33% increased speed. A nearby valid piece of terrain is required to cast this ability. Magical Journey cannot be taken while immobilized or grounded ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', 'Terrain also includesstructures.', "Magical Journey'stunnel has a max range of 2600 units (about two screens long)[2].", 'Magical Journeywill score assists forBardif an ally that uses it scores akillorassistshortly after.', 'Bardcan castMagical Journeywhilegroundedorrooted.', 'There is no limit to how many times a given instance ofMagical Journeymay be used.', 'Magical Journeycannot interact with player-created terrain due to its short lifespan.[3]', 'Any abilities that continue during normal movement, such aspoint blank area of effectsand various forms ofstealth, will continue during the travel withinMagical Journey.', "If a champion'sdashisinterruptedwhile inside terrain usingMagical Journey, they will be immediately displaced out to the nearest open space, but are not renderedairborne.", 'TakingMagical Journeyis considered adash, and so will interact with effects such asSudden Impactandknockdown.', 'Now affected by +70 ability haste.']} | Name: Tempered Fate, Description: Active: Bard sends magical energy arcing to the target location, granting sight of the area during travel. Upon impact, it puts all units within into stasis for 2. 5 seconds, as well as stunning all enemy champions , minions , and turrets struck for the same duration. Enemies hit are revealed for the duration. Epic monsters and turrets are affected by Tempered Fate despite being immune to crowd control ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', "Tempered Fate'sstunis affected byTenacity.Thestasisis unaffected.", 'Thestasisis unaffected.', 'Tempered Fatewill affect alltargetablechampions,minions,monsters,turrets,wards, andjungle plants.', 'Tempered Fatehas no effect on enemies that havedisplacement immunityortotal crowd control immunity, and allies that are immune from using an ability that preloadsUnstoppableForceMarker.The only exceptions are the crowd control immunity thatturretsand epicmonstershave.', 'The only exceptions are the crowd control immunity thatturretsand epicmonstershave.', 'Allchampions(including allies) during thestasisare prohibited from activatingcleansingeffects for its duration.It will not disableQuicksilverand instead put it on a 3-secondcooldown.', 'It will not disableQuicksilverand instead put it on a 3-secondcooldown.', 'Tempered Fatedeals 0proctrue damage, which triggersin-combateffects such as drawing turret andmonster aggression,Sudden Impactor applyingNight HarvesterandElixir of Sorcery.Elixir of Sorcerydeals damage before the target is put into stasis.', 'Elixir of Sorcerydeals damage before the target is put into stasis.', "Tempered Fate'stravel time varies between ~0.65at point blank and ~1.8at max range, resulting in an overall delay of ~1.15-2.3seconds including the cast time depending on distance covered."]} | Bardis one of 14 champions that have an ability that infinitely stacks an effect:Aurelion Sol,Bel'Veth,Cho'Gath,Draven,Kindred,Nasus,Senna,Shyvana,Sion,Swain,Sylas,Thresh, andVeigar.In Bard's case,Traveler's Callinfinitely stacks the basemagic damageof hisMeeps.
Bard was the firstchampionreleased in2015.
Curiously enough,The Wonder Aboveis the antithesis ofThe Terror Beneath, going so far as to both having a portal-opening ability (Magical JourneyandTunnel) as well as an enemy-destructible object-placing one (Caretaker's ShrineandTunnel)
Bard is the first champion to be able to disable bothBaron NashorandDragon(thanks toTempered Fate'sstasis).
In the Latin servers and in Spain, he is calledBardo.
The Meeps will occasionally whisper upon spawning beside Bard.
Bard was most notably used in the final game of the 2022 League of Legends World Championship final between T1 and DRX, and his pick by DRX's Deft for BeryL was met with jubilation and surprise, as Bard was never used throughout the whole tournament. |
Bel'Veth,the Empress of the Void | | | health: Health610+99, resource: ResourceN/A, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)6+0.6, resource regen: Resource regen.N/A, armor: Armor32+4.7, attack damage: Attack damage60+1.5, attack speed: Base AS0.85, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius120, release: 2022-06-09, changed: V13.21, role: Skirmisher, position: Jungle, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 6300|975 | Games
Bel'VethDisguisedTrue FormTitlesReal nameBel'Veth(Ancient Shuriman: 'God of Oblivion')Alias(es)The Empress of the VoidCharacteristicsSpeciesVoidbornPronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:997 ANWeapon(s)TailWing TipsTrue FormPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originVoidBelveth,Shurima(Origin of Assimilation)Current residenceLavender Sea,VoidFamilyWatchers(Creators)Pet(s)Void RemoraVoidlingsVoid CoralProfessional statusOccupation(s)Void EmpressRegion(s)VoidShurimaRelated character(s)Kai'SaLissandraMalzaharVel'Koz
• Disguised
• True Form
Real name
• The Empress of the Void
• Born:997 AN
• Tail
• Wing Tips
• True Form
Personal status
Place of origin
• Void
• Belveth,Shurima(Origin of Assimilation)
Current residence
• Watchers(Creators)
• Void Remora
• Voidlings
• Void Coral
Professional status
• Void Empress
• Void
• Shurima
Related character(s)
A nightmarish empress created from the raw material of an entire devoured city,Bel'Vethis the end ofRuneterraitself... and the beginning of a monstrous reality of her own design. Driven by epochs of repurposed history, knowledge, and memories from the world above, she voraciously feeds an ever-expanding need for new experiences and emotions, consuming all that crosses her path. Yet her wants could never be sated by only one world as she turns her hungry eyes toward the Void's old masters...
• 1Background1.1Early Life1.1.1The Void1.1.2The Lavender Sea1.1.3Birth1.2Modern History1.3Recent Events1.3.1Encounter with Kai'Sa
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Kai'Sa5.2Kassadin5.3Malzahar5.4Voidborn5.4.1Vel'Koz5.4.2Xer'Sai5.4.3Watchers
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion
• 7Trivia
• 8Changelog
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early Life1.1.1The Void1.1.2The Lavender Sea1.1.3Birth
• 1.2Modern History
• 1.3Recent Events1.3.1Encounter with Kai'Sa
• 1.1.1The Void
• 1.1.2The Lavender Sea
• 1.1.3Birth
• 1.3.1Encounter with Kai'Sa
• 5.1Kai'Sa
• 5.2Kassadin
• 5.3Malzahar
• 5.4Voidborn5.4.1Vel'Koz5.4.2Xer'Sai5.4.3Watchers
• 5.4.1Vel'Koz
• 5.4.2Xer'Sai
• 5.4.3Watchers
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
Early Life[]
The Void[]
Bel'Veth's birth is heavily tied to the origins of theVoid; a dimension of pristine and perfect nothingness where entities calledWatcherslived. Upon contact with aneighboring dimension, the Void's silence was interrupted and new entities were forcefully pulled into reality, leading to the creation of the firstVoidborn. These Voidborn were the subjects of the Watchers and held an innate desire to consume all of reality in order to return to the perfect silence of theOld Void.
The Lavender Sea[]
TheLavender Sea.
Due to thewar efforts of mortalsand theWatchers' attempted invasion of theFreljord, more rifts between the dimensions would rip open and increase the abrasive contact between both realities. The Void, mutating from constant contact with the Runeterran reality, would develop an 'allergic reaction' that took the form of a cancerous pocket of reality located underneath the deserts ofShurimacalled theLavender Sea. Littered with hideously remade shapes and forms meant to mimic the world above, this pocket would mutate so heavily that it practically became sentient, managing to deny the commands of the Watchers and embrace its own desires, wishing to consume and remake all of existence in its own image rather than destroy it.
Malzahargathering a crowd of people to sacrifice to the Lavender Sea, as an ominous vision of Bel'Veth is seen behind him.
After consuming more sentient beings, the Lavender Sea took inspiration from those it consumed and began to crave a leader to represent itself; something that could physically interact with the mortals of this reality. The Lavender Sea soon made contact with a Shuriman boy namedMalzahar, delcaring him the prophet of the Void and granting him visions of anempressto feed mortal minds and memories to.[1]After opening up a large rift, Malzahar managed to sink the entire Shuriman port city of Belveth into the Void, allowing the Lavender Sea to completely consume and assimilate the city and some of the surrounding ocean.[2]
By consuming the collective consciousnesses of the entire city, Bel'Veth was finally born as a physical manifestation of the Lavender Sea. Naming herself after the city she consumed at her birth, Bel'Veth was born from the combined memories, experiences and emotions of everyone that lived in the city when it sank, granting her millions of years worth of knowledge and near-omniscience. Still hungering to consume and remake all of reality, she then devised and perfected a plan to consume both Runeterra as well as ultimately stop her progenitors the Watchers.
Modern History[]
From within the Lavender Sea, Bel'Veth continues to enact her intricate plan, telapathically communicating with many mortal minds in the world above, most notably her prophet Malzahar, as well as other Voidborn that she urges to join her on her mission as she did withVel'Koz.
Bel'Veth also sent out manyVoidborn remora,drone-like creatures spawned from the Lavender Sea and shaped after the sealife that surrounded the city of Bel'Veth. Living as extensions of Bel'Veth's will, they were often sent out as swarms, overwhelming enemies to further Bel'Veth's plans. At some point a group of specialized remora, later nicknamedLamplights, fought the Void huntressKai'Sawhile travelling through an underground passage in the Shuriman desert. These Lamplights soon fled to theSai Kahleekand made contact with a colony ofXer'Sai, granting thehatchlingsandCallersa peculiar, soft-blue glow and seemingly mutating them to follow Bel'Veth's commands. Angered by the intruders on their territory, a furiousDunebreakerattacked and killed the Lamplights alongside Kai'Sa andTaliyah.[3]
Recent Events[]
Encounter with Kai'Sa[]
Bel'Veth confronting and showing her true form toKai'Sa.
After her fight against the Xer'Sai queenRek'Sai,[4]Kai'Sa fell through a massive hole underground and landed inside the Lavender Sea itself, which Bel'Veth anticipated thanks to her careful planning. Bel'Veth revealed herself in a vaguely disguised form to Kai'Sa, who attempted to attack her in response before becoming restrained as Bel'Veth slowly shifted into her true, monstrous form.[5]Trapped and cornered, Kai'Sa began to realize that this creature was the embodiment of the entire city as Bel'Veth formally introduces herself and reveals that she named herself after the city she consumed, something that Kai'Sa thought was impossible for Voidborn to be capable of.
Now slightly frightened by the alarmingly intelligent Voidborn, Kai'Sa exclaimed that she will kill Bel'Veth by any means, to which Bel'Veth simply states that she won't. Seeing herself as truly inevitable, Bel'Veth explained that she's already calculated and formed a perfectly intricate plan to consume all of reality and that others, such as her thought deceasedKassadin, have attempted to stop her already with little to no success. Shocked by the revelation about her father, Kai'Sa accused Bel'Veth of lying despite Bel'Veth stating that she simply doesn't see the use in lying.
By explaining her plan to eventually stop the Watchers from completely destroying reality, Bel'Veth began to bargain and offered Kai'Sa a choice: help her find a way to completely defeat her Watcher progenitors and in return Bel'Veth will spare humanity for a period of time, or resist and simply be destroyed with the rest of existence either by Bel'Veth or the Watchers.
Bel'Veth explains that though her victory is inevitable, she is willing to give mortals a chance to fight against her by sparing their lives for a short period of time, even though she's confident that they won't succeed. Furious by the prospect of working with this Void monster, Kai'Sa attempted to attack Bel'Veth once again with no effect, as she stabbed her in the chest with the tip of her wings and lifted her up. Bel'Veth told Kai'Sa to seek out the Watchers and find a way to destroy them before sending her flying upwards towards the surface, emerging out of the sands and left with Bel'Veth's proposition.[6]
Typically, Bel'Veth utilizes a disguise with the face of a middle-aged woman with gray skin, deep purple eyes and a third eye in the center on her forehead. Draped on the side of her head is a dorsal fin-like structure mimicking a strand of hair. Her face isn't very animated, almost like a statue, and her mouth doesn't match her speech. Her shoulders have large spikes acting as shoulder pads and she wraps herself in her wings to mimic the appearance of a regal cloak, standing ten feet tall with a twenty-two foot wingspan. She has a tail that drags behind her with a massive bulb at the end.
Bel'Veth's true form is that of a golden stingray-likeVoidborn, growing into a gargantuan size and revealing her 'face' to be a false head attached to a lure-like appendage. Her true face is revealed to be located at the center of her body where he chest would be; a massive gaping maw with teeth and four beady purple eyes. The protrusions on her shoulders are revealed to actually be horns on and her wings completely unfurl and appear as massive pectoral fins with pointed stingers at each tip.
Unlike mostVoidborn, Bel'Veth is sapient and individualistic due to the human qualities she consumed at her birth. Seeing herself as the embodiment of the trueVoid, her main goal is to assimilate all ofRuneterrainto theLavender Seaand remake all of reality in her own perfected image. She is cold and immensely intelligent, having nigh-omniscience and the ability to calculate information at a humanely unfathomable rate. Because of this she is extremely arrogant, having calculated her plans so precisely that she genuinely sees her own success as an inevitability, though its unclear whether or not this is genuine intelligence or just delusions of grandeur. Because of her arrogance, Bel'Veth sees herself as a superior being and looks down on most beings including her creators theWatchers. She is so certain of her success that she never lies, deciding only to state harsh truths as she sees it. In her efforts to eventually remake all of reality, Bel'Veth is willing to bargain and make deals with lesser beings that would oppose her, as she did withKai'Sa.
• VoidbornPhysiology:Bel'Veth is a very particular Voidborn, birthed from theLavender Sea'sdesire for a representative within physical reality. All Voidborn are considered the contructs and subjects of theWatchers, programmed with their inherent desire to consume all of reality but turned into vicious animals. Due to their completely alien nature, Voidborn are unrestricted from the laws of reality and can come in many forms, sometimes mimicking biological lifeforms ofRuneterra. Bel'Veth for instance has taken the form of a massive manta ray-like beast.True Form:Though Bel'Veth typically utilizes a vaguely human-like disguise, she is capable of transforming into a more monstrous form, turning her false 'chest' into a gaping maw with many rows of teeth. In this form, Bel'Veth grows gargantuan in size, becoming physically stronger and faster.Winged Flight:Bel'Veth's manta ray-like form grants her giant wings that allow her to hover above the ground and fly at incredible speeds to the point where she moves faster than the human eye can track.[6]The tips of her wings are incredibly sharp, allowing her to slice and stab at opponents with immense speed.Tail Strength:Bel'Veth has a massive tail with a spiked tip at the end of it. Using her sheer strength, Bel'Veth can slam her tail on the ground so hard that it disrupts the ground.Voidborn Spawning:Bel'Veth can spawn her own Voidborn out of the Lavender Sea and shaped after the aquatic life that surrounded the city of Belveth. Some of these creatures, which she callsremora,are drone-like without thoughts of their own, acting solely as extensions of Bel'Veth's influence and attacking in swarms at Bel'Veth's command. Some of these spawn have become more specialized and have begun spreading Bel'Veth's influence to other Voidborn outside of the Lavender Sea, such as how theLamplightsencountered theXer'SaiinSai Kahleekand began granting their soft-blue glow to some of the Xer'Sai hatchlings.[3]
• TelepathyBel'Veth has powerful telepathic abilities possibly due to her unique birth and connection to the Lavender Sea. She has shown capabilities of not only communicating telepathically but doing so on a large scale with hundreds of different individuals. She's been capable of doing this from great distances, having been shown to communicate and manipulate mortals on the surface of Shurima all the way from the Lavender Sea deep underground. Through her telepathy, she has been capable of contacting and sending visions to her prophetMalzaharand convincing him to bring other mortals to do her bidding.
• Nigh-Omniscience:Having been born from the coalesced consciousnesses of an entire city, Bel'Veth's mind has a millennia's worth of knowledge collected from all the minds she consumed at her birth. Along with that, Bel'Veth's knowledge is still capable of constant expansion as she perfectly stores the knowledge and experiences of whatever she consumes in her own brain. With this, Bel'Veth is capable of computing thoughts and calculations thought impossible for mortal minds, allowing her to create a plan so intricate that, according to her, it is simply impossible to fail as she is absolutely certain in her inevitable victory. Along with that, thanks to the Lavender Sea's rare deviation from the Void, Bel'Veth has a unique sense of sentience that separates her from other Voidborn, showing a capability to not only name herself but also bargain rather than blindly consume like an average animalistic Voidborn would.
• True Form:Though Bel'Veth typically utilizes a vaguely human-like disguise, she is capable of transforming into a more monstrous form, turning her false 'chest' into a gaping maw with many rows of teeth. In this form, Bel'Veth grows gargantuan in size, becoming physically stronger and faster.
• Winged Flight:Bel'Veth's manta ray-like form grants her giant wings that allow her to hover above the ground and fly at incredible speeds to the point where she moves faster than the human eye can track.[6]The tips of her wings are incredibly sharp, allowing her to slice and stab at opponents with immense speed.
• Tail Strength:Bel'Veth has a massive tail with a spiked tip at the end of it. Using her sheer strength, Bel'Veth can slam her tail on the ground so hard that it disrupts the ground.
• Voidborn Spawning:Bel'Veth can spawn her own Voidborn out of the Lavender Sea and shaped after the aquatic life that surrounded the city of Belveth. Some of these creatures, which she callsremora,are drone-like without thoughts of their own, acting solely as extensions of Bel'Veth's influence and attacking in swarms at Bel'Veth's command. Some of these spawn have become more specialized and have begun spreading Bel'Veth's influence to other Voidborn outside of the Lavender Sea, such as how theLamplightsencountered theXer'SaiinSai Kahleekand began granting their soft-blue glow to some of the Xer'Sai hatchlings.[3]
As a well versed huntress of theVoid, Kai'Sa is the natural enemy of Bel'Veth and aims to oppose everything she stands for. Bel'Veth however looks down at Kai'Sa, both with a form of admiration but also entertained by her foolishness in her attempts to stop her. Bel'Veth mostly admires Kai'Sa as she is one of the few individuals to retain their sanity after encountering the Void so much, with the only other individual being her own fatherKassadin. During their first encounter, Kai'Sa continuously attempted to attack Bel'Veth with no effect. Bel'Veth offered Kai'Sa a deal to find a way to stop her creators theWatchersfrom completely erasing reality and, in return, Bel'Veth will give humanity a period of time before being consumed by herLavender Sea, seeing her success as inevitable whether or not Kai'Sa assists her.[6]
Though it's unclear whether or not Bel'Veth has personally encountered Kassadin, she is very much aware of him as one of the few people to retain their sanity after facing the Void alongside Kai'Sa, who she is aware of as her father.[6]
As Malzahar ventured through the lands ofShurimain search of his true destiny, he stumbled upon the ruins ofIcathiaand encountered the enigmatic powers of the Void. It's believed that he may have communicated with the Lavender Sea itself, suggesting that Bel'Veth was responsible for influencing his mind.[7]
When the Lavender Sea desired a leader, it commanded Malzahar to find and gather enough minds to sacrifice to the Void so that it may birth one. This ultimately led him to open a rift in the city of Belveth, meaning he was the one responsible for her birth.[2]Bel'Veth considers Malzahar her prophet, using him to carry out her desires among mortals and rallying followers to reshape reality according to her own vision.[8]
Because of Bel'Veth's unique nature, she fights with other Voidborn due to their unwillingness to join her cause. Despite this, she actually speaks in high regards to her fellow Voidborn especially if they display more intelligence that can somewhat match her own, seeing potential for them to join her and evolve past the need to serve the Watchers.
Because of Vel'Koz's intelligence and continuous loyalty to the Watchers, he serves as a constant rival to Bel'Veth. She constantly taunts him for serving the Watchers to willingly, stating that they are incapable of seeing her vision of the Void. In turn, Vel'Koz may actually fear her in some regards.[9]
Though it's unclear whether or not Bel'Veth herself has encountered any of the Xer'Sai, her own Voidborn spawn have encountered many of them in theSai Kahleek. These Voidborn have been seen 'infecting' Xer'Sai hatchlings with a mysterious blue glow which is implied to put other Voidborn under Bel'Veth's control.[3]
The Lavender Sea, and in turn Bel'Veth, are initially constructs created by the Watchers when their reality first made contact withRuneterra. Because of her mutations even as a Voidborn, Bel'Veth has evolved past the need to serve the Watchers and has grown sentience, seeing her own vision for the Void that would remake and assimilate rather than destroy. She believes that the Watchers are incapable of understanding this vision, having a low opinion on her creators and doing everything in her power to defy them and the 'Old Void.'[9]
Recently, she has made a deal with the Void huntress Kai'Sa, offering her and her people a chance at salvation if she finds a way to finally destroy the Watchers.[6]
Read More
The Empress of the Void
ByJared Rosen
Starring Champion
All That Will Ever Be
Let the Lavender Sea take you.
Bel'Veth's Promise
Bel'Veth's Warning
Her time is now and your time is up, Eye of the Void.
Short Story
ByJared Rosen
“Okay,” Kai’Sa pants...
Mentioned Champion
Short Story
Feast of the Prophet
ByJared Rosen
Meir follows a crowd of cultists out of the prophet’s tent city, and down into a low valley at the edge of the desert.
• Bel'Veth's name originates from theBa'al(a storm god and savior figure in Ugaritic tradition) andMavethas well as deriving fromdeath,oblivionorangel of death.[10]In-universe, Bel'Veth's name originates from Belveth, the city that she assimilated, which translates to "God of Oblivion" in Shuriman language.
• Bel'Veth's face and accent are an amalgamation ofShurimanfeatures, as the city of Belveth was in Shurima.[11]
• In-universe, Bel'Veth's name originates from Belveth, the city that she assimilated, which translates to "God of Oblivion" in Shuriman language.
See also[] | Name: Death in Lavender, Description: Innate: Bel'Veth attacks 36% faster than the median champion and her attack speed cap is modified to 90, but all sources of damage (including on-hit effects) dealt by her basic attacks are reduced to 75%. Her attack speed does not increase through growth (per level) . Innate: Bel'Veth's ability casts each generate 2 stacks of Death in Lavender , lasting for 5 seconds, refreshing on basic attacks and subsequent casts, and stacking up to 6 times. While Bel'Veth has stacks, she becomes ghosted and gains 20% − 40% (based on level) bonus attack speed . Her basic attacks each consume 1 stack. Innate: Whenever Bel'Veth scores a takedown against a champion , monster , or minion within 3 seconds of damaging them, she generates a permanent stack of Lavender . Minions and monsters that are large generate 1 stack, champions and epic monsters generate 2 stacks. Lavender: For each stack, Bel'Veth gains 0. 28 % − 1% (based on level) bonus attack speed ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Death in Lavender'stakedowneffect will not trigger against monsters if they were slain by an enemy.", "Death in Lavenderstacks are indicated onBel'Veth'shealth bar.", "Bel'Veth'sbasic attack damage modifier will reduce the damage dealt by on-hit effects even if they aren't applied on-hit.(bug)", "Bel'Vethgains 2 stacks from nearby siege minion deaths.", 'New Effect:Gains 7.5Lavenderstacks per round.']} | Name: Void Surge, Description: Active: Bel'Veth dashes in the designated direction, though not through terrain, dealing physical damage to enemies she passes through and applying on-hit effects at 75% effectiveness to the first target hit. Void Surge can critically strike for (75% + 45% ) bonus physical damage against the first target and deals 140% damage to monsters and modified damage against minions . Physical Damage: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 (+ 110% AD) Monster Damage: 14 / 21 / 28 / 35 / 42 (+ 154% AD) Modified Minion Damage: 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100% Void Surge can be cast only within a cardinal direction that is off cooldown, and incurs a cooldown between casts. Each cardinal direction has a unique cooldown that is reduced equivalent to 0. 25 ability haste per 1% bonus attack speed . These cooldowns reset upon respawning . Void Surge resets Bel'Veth's basic attack timer., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'parries': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'The icon partially darkens based on the combination of dashes available. When all dashes are expended, the cooldown indicates the next available dash.', "While inTrue Form,Void Surge'sdash distance is extended up to225units when targeted across terrain.", 'The basic attack reset is not considered one forHail of Blades.', 'Void Surgecan bedodgedandblockedonly as the first enemy hit.', 'Per-direction dash cooldown reduced to 5 seconds at all ranks from 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 / 12.*']} | Name: Above and Below, Description: Active: Bel'Veth slams her tail down in the target direction that deals magic damage to enemies hit, knocks them up for 0. 75 seconds, and slows them by 50% for a duration. Magic Damage: 70 / 110 / 150 / 190 / 230 (+ 100% bonus AD) (+ 125% AP) Slow Duration: 1. 25 / 1. 5 / 1. 75 / 2 / 2. 25 If this hits an enemy champion , it resets Void Surge's dash cooldown of the target direction., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.', "Above and Belowcan reset the cooldown of each dash fromVoid Surge.More than one cooldown can be reset if enemy champions were hit within multiple directions.IfVoid Surge's dash comes off cooldown duringAbove and Below'scast time,Bel'Vethwill be able to dash twice in the same direction.(bug)", 'More than one cooldown can be reset if enemy champions were hit within multiple directions.', "IfVoid Surge's dash comes off cooldown duringAbove and Below'scast time,Bel'Vethwill be able to dash twice in the same direction.(bug)"]} | Name: Royal Maelstrom, Description: Active: Bel'Veth enters a defensive stance for 1. 5 seconds, during which she is unable to move, but gains 20% (+ 100% life steal ) life steal and damage reduction. Damage Reduction: 42 / 49 / 56 / 63 / 70% While active, she rapidly slashes at the nearest enemy with the lowest current health percentage for up to 6 (+ 1 per 33. 3 % bonus attack speed ) times over the duration. Each slash deals physical damage , increased by 0% − 300% (based on target's missing health) , and applies on-hit , on-attack , and spell effects at 8% − 32% (based on target's missing health) effectiveness. Minimum Physical Damage per hit: 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 (+ 8% AD) Maximum Physical Damage per hit: 24 / 28 / 32 / 36 / 40 (+ 32% AD) Royal Maelstrom deals 150% damage to monsters , applies life steal at 100% effectiveness, and is affected by critical strike modifiers. Bel'Veth cannot perform slashes while unable to declare basic attacks. Minimum Monster Damage per hit: 9 / 10. 5 / 12 / 13. 5 / 15 (+ 12% AD) Maximum Monster Damage per hit: 36 / 42 / 48 / 54 / 60 (+ 48% AD) Royal Maelstrom can be recast after 0. 75 seconds within the duration, and does so automatically after the duration or when Bel'Veth casts an ability. Recast: Bel'Veth ends Royal Maelstrom . The target does not have to be visible to be hit by this ability., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Royal Maelstromdoes not prioritize champions over other units.', "Bel'Vethcannot attackstructures,wards, norjungle plantswithRoyal Maelstrom.", "IfBel'Vethisberserkedortaunted, she will slash at the unit she is forced to attack.", "Each slash's damage triggers a stack ofConqueror.", "Despite this ability's cooldown starts on cast, it cannot be reduced byNavori Quickblades'Transcendenceduring the effect of this ability.(bug)Cooldowns of the other basic abilities can be normally reduced during this ability, though.", "The following table refers for interactions whileBel'Vethis performingRoyal Maelstrom:", 'Death']} | Name: Endless Banquet, Description: Passive: Bel'Veth's basic attacks on-hit apply a mark to the target for 5 seconds, refreshing on subsequent hits. Every second attack on-hit against the marked target deals bonus true damage and generates a stack of Endless Banquet that increases this damage by the same value. This effect stacks infinitely, but is capped at 5 stacks against epic monsters . The mark and stacks expire upon attacking a new target. Bonus True Damage: 6 / 8 / 10 (+ 12% bonus AD) Maximum Monster Damage: 30 / 40 / 50 (+ 60% bonus AD) Passive: When Bel'Veth scores a takedown against an enemy champion or epic monster while alive, a Void Coral is spawned from their corpse for 15 seconds. Baron Nashor and pit Rift Herald spawn an Enhanced Void Coral . Active: Bel'Veth dashes to the target Void Coral to consume it over the cast time, slowing nearby enemies by 25% ramping to 99% over the duration. She then creates an explosion at the location to deal true damage to enemies within, capped at 1500 versus monsters, and assumes her True Form for 60 seconds. Bel'Veth consumes all existing Void Corals at once, generating a stack of Lavender for each one consumed. True Damage: 150 / 200 / 250 (+ 100% AP) (+ 25% of target's missing health) True Form: Bel'Veth evolves into a monster, gaining bonus health , bonus movement speed out-of-combat , 50 bonus attack range , as well as increased total attack speed . Void Surge can dash through terrain . Consuming a Void Coral refreshes the duration of True Form and heals Bel'Veth . Enhanced Void Coral Bonus: True Form is empowered to last 180 seconds and causes Void Remora to spawn from allied and enemy minions that die nearby. Bonus Health: 100 / 150 / 200 (+ 120% bonus AD) (+ 90% AP) Bonus Movement Speed: 10 / 45 / 80 Increased Total Attack Speed: 10 / 15 / 20% Heal: 100 / 150 / 200 (+ 120% bonus AD) (+ 90% AP) A nearby Void Coral is required to cast this ability. The on-hit modifiers from Death in Lavender , Void Surge and Royal Maelstrom affect the bonus true damage applied by Endless Banquet's passive. See Pets for details about Void Remora and Void Corals., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'True', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Appliesproc damageon the bonus true damage and dealsarea damageon the explosion.', "Endless Banquet'stakedowneffect will not trigger against monsters if they were slain by an enemy.", "Endless Banquet'strue damage based on the target's missing health is calculatedbeforethe base damage is dealt.", "True Form'sduration is refreshed based on the type ofVoid CoralthatBel'Vethconsumes.Consuming a normalVoid Coralin a normalTrue Formstate refreshes the duration to 60 seconds.Consuming an enhancedVoid Coralrefreshes the duration to 180 seconds and grants the enhanced effects regardless of currentTrue Formstate.If she consumes a normalVoid Coralwhile in an enhancedTrue Formstate, the current duration is extended by 60 seconds.The enhanced effects arenotlost in this case.", 'Consuming a normalVoid Coralin a normalTrue Formstate refreshes the duration to 60 seconds.', 'Consuming an enhancedVoid Coralrefreshes the duration to 180 seconds and grants the enhanced effects regardless of currentTrue Formstate.', 'If she consumes a normalVoid Coralwhile in an enhancedTrue Formstate, the current duration is extended by 60 seconds.The enhanced effects arenotlost in this case.', 'The enhanced effects arenotlost in this case.', "Bel'Vethwill consume all existingVoid Coralsat once, therefore she is able to acquire the enhanced effects ofTrue Formeven if she does not physically consume an enhancedVoid Coral.", "TheVoid CoralthatBel'Vethconsumes herself will not expire in the process of her doing so.", "Bel'Vethwill consume all otherVoid Coralsupon consumption regardless of range.", "Ranking upEndless Banquetwill update the bonuses dynamically; ifBel'VethhasTrue Formupon the level-up, she will receive the upgraded stats.", "Bel'Vethgains thebonushealth and heal fromEndless Banquetat the start of the cast time.", "Bel'Vethwill be able to consume the targetVoid Coraleven if her dash is interrupted.She dashes at the start of the cast time.", 'She dashes at the start of the cast time.', 'AVoid Coralwillnotspawn when scoring atakedownagainst a summonedRift Herald.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.', "The following table refers for interactions whileBel'Vethis in cast time:She remains locked out for 0.5seconds after the cast time completes.", 'She remains locked out for 0.5seconds after the cast time completes.', 'Death, unless protected byResurrection', 'Enhanced Void Corals spawn from nearby turrets being destroyed.', 'New Effect:EnemyJungle Guardiansnow drop anEnhanced Void Coralupon death.']} | Bel'Vethis one of 14 champions that have an ability that infinitely stacks an effect:Aurelion Sol,Bard,Cho'Gath,Draven,Kindred,Nasus,Senna,Shyvana,Sion,Swain,Sylas,Thresh, andVeigar.In Bel'Veth's case,Death in Lavenderinfinitely stacks the bonus attack speed gained fromLavenderstacks andEndless Banquetinfinitely stacks the bonus true damage dealt by the passive.
IfBel'Vethhas an attack speed of1.8or higher, her attack animations will change to thrust at the target instead of swiping at them. |
Blitzcrank,the Great Steam Golem | | | health: Health650+109, resource: Mana267+40, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)7.5+0.75, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)8.5+0.8, armor: Armor40+4.7, attack damage: Attack damage62+3.5, attack speed: Base AS0.625, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius80, selection radius: Selection radius165, release: 2009-09-02, changed: V13.17, role: Catcher, position: Support, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 1350|585 | InDev Update - Champs, Lore & More, Laura 'poisonpixxi' DeYoung, Head of IP Creative for Riot Games, elaborated on their new approach to narrative cohesiveness by ironing out any inconsistencies that have sprung up over the years.
This article contains information that conflicts with this new narrative and will most likely be changed/moved in the following year(s).
Missing section(s):
BlitzcrankMainGolemTitlesAlias(es)The Great Steam GolemCharacteristicsSpeciesTechmaturgicalGolemPronoun(s)They/ThemTimelineBorn:986 AN - 991 ANWeapon(s)Hextech CoreChained Rocket HandStatic FieldPersonal statusStatusAlive(Constructed)Place of originZaunCurrent residenceZaun(No Fixed Abode)FamilyViktor(Creator)Professional statusOccupation(s)Zaun's GuardianRegion(s)ZaunRelated character(s)OriannaViktorEkko
• Main
• Golem
• Born:986 AN - 991 AN
• Hextech Core
• Chained Rocket Hand
• Static Field
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
Related character(s)
A behemoth of burnished metal, steam, and crackling electricity,Blitzcrankwalks the streets ofZaunin a tireless effort to improve the undercity and give aid to those in need. Created to descend into the most caustic and dangerous of environments in Zaun to dispose of harmful waste, they have evolved beyond the bounds of their original programming, thanks to the genius of their inventor, and the mysterious power ofhextech.
• 1Background1.1Early Life1.1.1Creation1.1.2Growing Sentient1.2Modern History1.3Recent events
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Zaun5.1.1Viktor5.1.2Ekko5.1.3Zeri
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early Life1.1.1Creation1.1.2Growing Sentient
• 1.2Modern History
• 1.3Recent events
• 1.1.1Creation
• 1.1.2Growing Sentient
• 5.1Zaun5.1.1Viktor5.1.2Ekko5.1.3Zeri
• 5.1.1Viktor
• 5.1.2Ekko
• 5.1.3Zeri
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early Life[]
After a massive chem-spill devastated entire districts ofZaun, a series ofmechanical golemswere sent out to clean up the mess. Designed to remove the toxic waste claiming the neighborhoods, these lumbering golems, toiled continuously in extremely hazardous locations, fulfilling their programming to better the city for the people of Zaun. Eventually, one particular golem was rendered inoperative, discarded as useless scrap. It wasn't until the esteemed inventorViktordiscovered the abandoned golem, seeing the potential within its inert chassis. Viktor ran a series of experiments to improve the automaton, implanting a pricelesshextech crystalfrom the deserts ofShurimainto the forsaken golem as an immense upgrade.
As the machine rumbled to life, Viktor named itBlitzcrankafter the fizzing arcs of lighting that danced around their frame; an unexpected side effect of the hextech crystal within their chassis. As Blitzcrank was sent down into the most toxic parts of Zaun, they proved more than capable of laboring just like their steam-powered brethren. However, Viktor witnessed Blitzcrank miraculously accomplish tasks with vastly improved speed and efficiency, realizing that his custom-built golem had actually been learning rather than simply laboring.
Growing Sentient[]
As Blitzcrank continued to clean up the chemical spills of Zaun, they began to innovate, interpret and extrapolate on their daily directives, serving the people of Zaun much further. Blitzcrank's intelligence would grow so much that they would interact with the Zaunite citizens on a regular basis, something unheard of for a laboring steam golem. Meanwhile, Viktor would attempt to replicate his achievement to no avail, as origin of Blitzcrank's blossoming consciousness became complete enigma to him, but most likely the product of the hextech crystal.
As Blitzcrank continued to learn and grow, concepts such as moderation and nuance remained alien to the golem, as BLitzcrank would persue any effort with their entirety or not at all. This would cause Blitzcrank to overdo or misinterpret requests at times, such as smashing down the front of a tenement to help a single resident who lost their keys. At one point, Viktor dispatched Blitzcrank to clean up runoff of caustic chemicals. Reasoning that the most efficient means to prevent further pollution was to eliminate the source of said pollution, Blitzcrank proceeded to destroy the factory, their lightning-wreathed fists not stopping until it was reduced to a mound of rubble and twisted iron.
A local chem-baron who had owned the factory became enraged when Blitzcrank destroyed it, demanding that Viktor either destroy the golem or pay a steeper price in blood. Viktor became devastated, having witnessed Blitzcrank's growth in sentience and considering them a living being. He eventually concocted a scheme to smuggle Blitzcrank to safety, but discovered that his creation had already left to ensure the safety of their creator as the two parted ways. However, as Viktor returned toPiltoverto continue his studies, he discovered that his teacher Professor Stanwick had actually held a symposium about Blitzcrank, presenting their creation as his own and taking Viktor's credit.[1]
Modern History[]
Having grown into self-sufficiency, Blitzcrank decided to take up their own mission independent of their creator, looking to resolve Zaun's local problems and better life for its citizens their own way. They would often patrol the city, serving to assist and protect any Zaunites without pausing for instruction. Always searching for any problems in need of solution, Blitzcrank aims to shepherd Zaun down the path of becoming the greatest city in the world. It's also rumored that Blitzcrank has slowly been upgrading their own form, adding modifications to their own body to help further their goal.
While swinging around Zaun with their rocket arms, Blitzcrank found themself at theRising Howl,a massive Hexdraulic Conveyor designed to allow vertical travel between the Sump to the Boundary Markets atop Zaun. Blitzcrank stopped at the elevator to enjoy the noise and unique sounds from the massive machine, curiously surveying the many passengers riding it.
As the Howl began to descend from the Entresol level, it abruptly jammed, causing a terrible malfunction as it painfully braced against the support beams before dropping entirely. As the elevator quickly fell and the passengers screamed, Blitzcrank attempted to grasp onto the support beams and stop the Howl from falling. During the chaos, a young boy almost fell out of the Howl's window before Blitzcrank grasped him with his arm mid-air. Blitzcrank eventually managed to grasp onto the support beams, abruptly stopping the elevator and saving the lives of all the passengers. Once the elevator began to stabilize, the Howl's passengers were directed to medical workers by the conductor, who graciously thanked the golem. Blitzcrank simply responded by saying they were 'fulfilling their purpose' before bidding the passengers a good day.[2]
Recent events[]
Blitzcrank helped outEkkowhen he was fighting a gang of chempunks, grabbing some of them and blasting them with a wave of electricity to protect the young boy.[3]After this, he would quickly befriend Ekko and the rest of his gang, includingZeri. At one point, Blitzcrank became badly damaged after a violent encounter with a couple of scrappers, causing the detachment of their arm. Luckily, Zeri was nearby to help save and repair them.[4]
They are a big steampunk-like golem with golden armor, and wire arms.
Unlike other robots, this one has A.I, a compassionate one at that. Despite its bulk they are a kind hearted, altruistic golem and will lend a helping hand to those in need in Zaun.
• Golem Physiology:Blitzcrank is a golem, an artificial construct made of metal and powered by technological programming. After Blitzcrank's body had ahextech crystal, they evolved a form of advanced sentience and are continuously growing their intelligence every day.Rocket Arms:Blitzcrank has upgraded their own body with augmentations that allow their arms to detach and launch forward, connected by wires and chains to their chassis. Blitzcrank can use these arms to climb great heights, swing long distances or grab people from afar.Electrical Field:Because of the hextech crystal at their core, Blitzcrank constantly emits electrical energy and sparks. Using the power of the crystal, Blitzcrank can launch a wave of electricity outwards, capable of shocking and stunning opponents surrounding them.
• Rocket Arms:Blitzcrank has upgraded their own body with augmentations that allow their arms to detach and launch forward, connected by wires and chains to their chassis. Blitzcrank can use these arms to climb great heights, swing long distances or grab people from afar.
• Electrical Field:Because of the hextech crystal at their core, Blitzcrank constantly emits electrical energy and sparks. Using the power of the crystal, Blitzcrank can launch a wave of electricity outwards, capable of shocking and stunning opponents surrounding them.
Read More
The Great Steam Golem
ByRayla Heide
Starring Champion
Short Story • 6 Minute Read
ByRayla Heide
The plump belly of the Rising Howl looms before me, churning with its endless gears and elaborate ironwork. Some say the Howl is named for the wrought iron wolf that cries atop the apex of the hexdraulic descender; others swear the ghost of a black-veiled gentle-servant haunts the cabin, and when the Howl lifts him away from his lost love in Zaun, the sounds of his moans reverberate and shake its metal core. Many Piltovans, convinced as they are in their own sound judgment, are sure the name refers to nothing more than the cold wind whistling between the crevasses below their city.
The Climb
Take the first step and begin your climb.
Starring:Blitzcrank,Ekko,Illaoi,Lucian,Miss Fortune,Senna,Taliyah,Thresh,Xerath,Yasuo
Mentioned Champion
ByDouble Stallion Games
Rewind the Past, Control the Future - Explore and traverse through the spectacular city of Zaun as Ekko, a young inventor with an ingenious device to manipulate time, in this story-driven action platformer. Play as a young Ekko and realize the full potential of one of League’s fan-favorite Champions.
Starring:Aximander,Camille,Chadd,Corin Reveck,Corina Veraza,Drake Poingdestre,Ekko,Elie,Inna,Jinx,Lem,Red,Rungs,Vale Poingdestre,Warwick,Wyeth,Zarkon Poingdestre
Mentioned:Ashlesh,Azir,Blitzcrank,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Eramis,Evil Kay,Farron,Fiddlesticks,Janna,Jayce,Kay,Nasus,Orianna,Renata Glasc,Seraphine,Shomi,Singed,Twitch,Urgot,Vi,Viktor,Zac,Zeri,Ziggs
The Machine Herald
ByGraham McNeill
Alternate Universes
A New Journey
Inspired by the true story of Michelle, a university student and League of Legends player who joined a team and joined the fight. Season 2019 of League of Legends starts now! It's On.
Starring:Ahri,Blitzcrank,Braum,Caitlyn,Ekko,Miss Fortune,Ornn,Riven,Yasuo,Zed,Zoe
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
Just One More
Every League of Legends player knows what it's like to chase the next win. Inspired by the true story of the five North American League of Legends players with the longest losing streak in one sitting. It's On.
Music Video
You Really Got Me
By Numerous creators
Ready for the Rift?
Academy Adventures: Series 1
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Akali,Amumu,Anivia,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Braum,Cho'Gath,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fiora,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Ivern,Jhin,Jinx,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nidalee,Olaf,Poppy,Rek'Sai,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Shen,Sion,Sona,Soraka,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tristana,Trundle,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Vel'Koz,Vi,Yorick,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 3
ByGutter Rat
Punches and Plants: Series 1
Mentioned:Ahri,Alistar,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Braum,Caitlyn,Darius,Diana,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Evelynn,Ezreal,Gangplank,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jinx,Karma,Katarina,Leona,Lucian,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Nunu,Quinn,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Sivir,Sona,Soraka,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Valor,Varus,Vel'Koz,Vladimir,Volibear,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Zac,Ziggs
Punches and Plants: Series 2
Mentioned:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Amumu,Annie,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Diana,Draven,Ekko,Ezreal,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Kha'Zix,Kog'Maw,Leona,Lucian,Lux,Malphite,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nasus,Nautilus,Nidalee,Olaf,Orianna,Poppy,Quinn,Rakan,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Shaco,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Valor,Vel'Koz,Viktor,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Xin Zhao,Yasuo,Ziggs
Road to the Cup
As the 2013 League of Legends World Championship final draws near, we showcase the biggest heroes in esports from around the world. Many teams fell by the wayside in epic battles, and now only two remain: Korea's SK Telecom T1 and China's Royal Club. Who will rise?
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Blitzcrank,Brand,Caitlyn,Corki,Elise,Ezreal,Gragas,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Lux,Malphite,Mordekaiser,Orianna,Renekton,Ryze,Shen,Thresh,Twisted Fate,Vayne,Zac,Zed
• Originally, Blitzcrank was referred to withHe/Himpronouns in the lore. In theV9.22revision of thebiography, the pronouns switched fromIttoThey/Themwhen Blitzcrank gains sentience, meaning Blitzcrank is non-binary.
• InRuneterra Legacy, Blitzcrank used to run a dating service called'Blitzcrank's Fleshling Compatibility Services'.
• Blitzcrank's lore is seemingly based onThe Bicentennial ManbyIsaac Asimov.
• Blitzcrank has a loving fascination forPoros, going so far as to protect them fromdangerous predators.[5]
Change log[]
Blitzcrankis an enormous, near-indestructible steam golem originally built to dispose of hazardous waste inZaun. Evolved beyond his primary purpose, Blitzcrank selflessly uses his strength and durability to protect others. Able to see past false veneers and artifice to the truth of an intention, Blitzcrank moves to help those in need.
See also[] | Name: Mana Barrier, Description: Innate: Periodically, when damaged to 30% maximum health , Blitzcrank generates a shield equal to 30% of maximum mana , lasting up to 10 seconds., STATIC COOLDOWN: STATICCOOLDOWN:90, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', 'The shield will absorb the portion of incoming damage that would reduce health past 30%.', "Mana Barrier'sinteractions with othershieldeffects that trigger before taking damage that would reduce below 30% health:Mana Barrierwill trigger simultaneously with theLifelineeffect fromHexdrinker,Maw of Malmortius, orImmortal ShieldbowifBlitzcranktakes damage while above 30% health, and trigger before them when the damage is taken while below 30% health.Mana Barrierwill always trigger simultaneously with theLifelineeffect fromSterak's GageifBlitzcranktakes damage while above or below 30% health.Mana Barrierwill trigger afterNullifying OrbifBlitzcranktakes damage while above 30% health, and trigger simultaneously with it while below 30% health.", "Mana Barrierwill trigger simultaneously with theLifelineeffect fromHexdrinker,Maw of Malmortius, orImmortal ShieldbowifBlitzcranktakes damage while above 30% health, and trigger before them when the damage is taken while below 30% health.Mana Barrierwill always trigger simultaneously with theLifelineeffect fromSterak's GageifBlitzcranktakes damage while above or below 30% health.", "Mana Barrierwill always trigger simultaneously with theLifelineeffect fromSterak's GageifBlitzcranktakes damage while above or below 30% health.", 'Mana Barrierwill trigger afterNullifying OrbifBlitzcranktakes damage while above 30% health, and trigger simultaneously with it while below 30% health.', 'Shield doubled.', 'Static cooldown changed to 30 seconds.']} | Name: Rocket Grab, Description: Active: Blitzcrank fires their right hand in the target direction that catches the first enemy hit, dealing them magic damage , stunning them for 0. 65 seconds, and pulling them towards Blitzcrank , during which they are revealed . Magic Damage: 105 / 150 / 195 / 240 / 285 (+ 120% AP) Blitzcrank is unable to move or attack while Rocket Grab is in flight., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', "Rocket Grab'srange is composed of a missile with 1080 range, and a smaller center-range area check at the end (colloqially known as a 'lollipop').The area check is currently half as long as it is supposed to be, reducing the intended 1150 range of the ability to 1115 range.Hitting an enemy with this area check only also fails to play the ability's hit SFX. This makes it possible to easily distinguish whether the target was picked up by the missile collision or 'lollipop'.Targetslarger than 95 units in radiuscan be hit by a different edge-range circle check at the end of the missile.", "The area check is currently half as long as it is supposed to be, reducing the intended 1150 range of the ability to 1115 range.Hitting an enemy with this area check only also fails to play the ability's hit SFX. This makes it possible to easily distinguish whether the target was picked up by the missile collision or 'lollipop'.", "Hitting an enemy with this area check only also fails to play the ability's hit SFX. This makes it possible to easily distinguish whether the target was picked up by the missile collision or 'lollipop'.", 'Targetslarger than 95 units in radiuscan be hit by a different edge-range circle check at the end of the missile.', "Theairbornedebuff lasts for up-to 1 second but will end prematurely when the target's movement stops, while the stun will persist (if duration permits).", 'Displacement immunitywill not resist the application of thestun.', "The target's destination lies 75 units in front ofBlitzcrank.If the target is closer than this, the effect will still move them to this location.If this location would be inside static terrain, the target's destination will end up onBlitzcrank'sside, even if that means pulling them right on top ofBlitzcrank.This can occasionally fail.", 'If the target is closer than this, the effect will still move them to this location.', "If this location would be inside static terrain, the target's destination will end up onBlitzcrank'sside, even if that means pulling them right on top ofBlitzcrank.This can occasionally fail.", 'This can occasionally fail.', "IfBlitzcrankis being moved (e.g.Airborne,KinematicsorFate's Call) during the grab, the target will be pulled towardsBlitzcranks old location.", 'Blitzcrankwill be ordered tobasic attackthe target once the target arrives.', "If the target dies toRocket Grab'sdamage, they will not be pulled.", 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'Death, unless protected byResurrection', 'AP ratio changed to150% AP.', 'Now affected by +40 ability haste.']} | Name: Overdrive, Description: Active: Blitzcrank shifts into overdrive, gaining bonus attack speed for 5 seconds and bonus movement speed that decays to 10% over the first 2. 9 seconds. Bonus Attack Speed: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70% Bonus Movement Speed: 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90% When Overdrive ends, Blitzcrank is slowed by 30% for 1. 5 seconds., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', "The movement speed boost's decay is linear. On the first stat update after the buff is gained, the boost does not decay.", 'The self-slow is affected byslow resistandTenacity.']} | Name: Power Fist, Description: Active: Blitzcrank empowers their next basic attack within 5 seconds to have an uncancellable windup , deal 100% AD (+ 25% AP) bonus physical damage and knock up the target for 1 second. This damage is affected by critical strike modifiers. Power Fist resets Blitzcrank's basic attack timer., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'parries': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'Theknockupis applied even if the attack isdodgedormissed.It is not applied if it isblocked.', 'It is not applied if it isblocked.', 'Spell shieldprevents theknockupbut not the damage.', "The enhanced attack will still complete and hit the target even if they becomeuntargetableduring theattack's windup.", 'The target is displaced a short distance during theknockupin a random direction.']} | Name: Static Field, Description: Passive: While Static Field is not on cooldown, Blitzcrank's basic attacks apply a stack to the target on-hit . After every 1 second, one stack is consumed to deal them magic damage . Magic Damage: 50 / 100 / 150 (+ 30 / 40 / 50% AP) (+ 2% maximum mana) Active: Blitzcrank detonates a static field, completely destroying damage-mitigating shields of nearby enemies before dealing them magic damage and silencing them for 0. 5 seconds. Magic Damage: 275 / 400 / 525 (+ 100% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', "Blitzcrank'sattacks do not have to deal damage to apply the mark.", 'The mark will be consumed even if the target becomesuntargetable.', 'The lightning bolts dealspell damagewhile the static field appliesarea damage.', 'Even ifStatic Fieldis blocked by aspell shield, it will still destroy any existing damageshieldson the target.', 'The visual effects will appear from whereverBlitzcrankis at the end of the cast time.(bug)', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.', 'Passive base damage changed to 60 / 110 / 160.', 'Passive AP ratio changed to40 / 50 / 60% AP.', 'Active AP ratio changed to130% AP.']} | While initially referred to usingHe/Himpronouns, Blitzcrank's most recent lore update updated pronouns toThey/Them.Ingame and spell descriptions still refer to Blitzcrank usingHe/Himpronouns.
Concept art for a champion codenamed theIron Engineerwas likelyincorporatedon Blitzcrank.
Rocket Grab'sicon displays Blitzcrank's left hand even though they use their right one in-game.
Their dance references theMacarenadance.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.
Blitzcrank has been jokingly referred to as a girl byTom 'Zileas' Cadwell.[2]
They resembleZogfromthe 2009 Astro Boy movie.
Riot's love of ducks has made it so Blitzcrank's feet resemble theirs.
Blitzcrank andAmumuwereplannedto haveSewnChaosskins, but both werecancelledforfailingto meetRiot's quality standards.They may return in the future.
The icon forRocket Grabis reused for theTeamfight TacticsitemRocket-Propelled Fist.
OnV12.20, a change was added to wherePower Fistwould occasionally knock up non-champion targets it killed "to the moon".[3] |
Brand,the Burning Vengeance,Kegan Rodhe | | | health: Health570+105, resource: Mana469+21, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)5.5+0.55, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)10.65+0.6, armor: Armor27+4.2, attack damage: Attack damage57+3, attack speed: Base AS0.681, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius89, release: 2011-04-12, changed: V13.22, role: Burst, position: MiddleSupportJungle, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 450|260 | Games
BrandMainKeganTitlesReal nameKegan RodheNickname(s)Healer's SonReaver-BastardAlias(es)The Burning VengeanceCharacteristicsSpeciesHuman(Magical;Magically Altered)Pronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:349 AN - 772 ANWeapon(s)Fire MagicPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originRygann's Reach,FreljordCurrent residenceUnknown(No fixed abode)FamilyUnnamed Father†Krezia Rodhe†(Mother)Zvanna†(Former Lover)Professional statusOccupation(s)Ryze's apprenticeRegion(s)RuneterraRelated character(s)RyzeAnivia
• Main
• Kegan
Real name
• Healer's Son
• Reaver-Bastard
• The Burning Vengeance
• Born:349 AN - 772 AN
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Unnamed Father†
• Krezia Rodhe†(Mother)
• Zvanna†(Former Lover)
Professional status
Related character(s)
Once a tribesman of the icyFreljordnamed Kegan Rodhe, the creature known asBrandis a lesson in the temptation of greater power. Seeking one of the legendary World Runes, Kegan betrayed his companions and seized it for himself—and, in an instant, the man was no more. His soul burned away, his body a vessel of living flame, Brand now roamsValoranin search of other Runes, swearing revenge for wrongs he could never possibly have suffered in a dozen mortal lifetimes.
• 1Background1.1Early Life1.2Banishment1.3Transformation
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Rygann's Reach Villagers5.2Krezia Rodhe5.3Zvanna5.4Old Rygann5.5Ryze
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early Life
• 1.2Banishment
• 1.3Transformation
• 5.1Rygann's Reach Villagers
• 5.2Krezia Rodhe
• 5.3Zvanna
• 5.4Old Rygann
• 5.5Ryze
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Alternate Universes
Early Life[]
Brand was born as Kegan Rodhe in theFreljord, in the region ofLokfarin a settlement called Rygann's Reach. His mother was a healer and his father was a reaver. Because of this and the fact that his father never stayed to raise him, he earned the nickname "Reaver-Bastard" among the people of Rygann's Reach.
Kegan and his mother were shunned from the settlement, with the only reason they weren't banished from the settlement entirely being that Kegan's mother healed the denisons of Rygann's Reach. Due to all of this, Kegan was often the subject of ridicule from the townspeople, often being called names and getting in fights. His only friend was Zvanna, a local girl he met shortly after she and her family had moved to Rygann's reach. Kegan and Zvanna were lovers for a time, but stopped at some point for unknown reasons, most likely because of Kegan's temper against the townspeople that were cruel to him.
After the death of his mother, Kegan was informed by Zvanna that the Townspeople of Rygann's Reach wanted him to leave. After packing up and getting ready to leave, Kegan snuck into the home of Rygann, the leader of Rygann's Reach and the person that Kegan hated and blamed the most for what he and his mother had to endure during their stay at the town. He poured gasoline on the floor of the home and as Rygann woke up, Kegan told Rygann that he and all the other townspeople had killed his mother by slowly wearing her away with how they treated her and that he was now sending Kegan out to die. He then set the house on fire.
After burning himself in the fire that he started, Kegan walked away intending to leave Rygann's Reach and go into the wilderness. After getting on top of a hill, Kegan looked back and saw that the fire had spread throughout the entire settlement. Realizing that Zvanna's home had burned down, he ran back to find her. He found her dead body laying next to her family's bodies. After kneeling beside them for a time, he went into the wilderness to find another settlement.
Kegan wandered through the wilderness for weeks, hunting wildlife to survive. He had wandered into a cave hoping to wait out a blizzard whenRyzewalked into the cave and healed him of his frostbite and his severe burns from the fire at Rygann's Reach. Ryze saw potential in Kegan and decided to take him as his apprentice.
After Kegan had been Ryze's apprentice for a time, they tracked down a World Rune, a magical artifact that could give the user a large amount of magical power. After obtaining it, Kegan chose to keep and use the World Rune for his own gain. The Rune transformed Kegan, making the creature who would eventually come to be known as Brand. A shadow of the man he once was, Brand began his search for more World Runes.
Brand has burned grey and black skin. This skin is interrupted by an orange streak along his chest that eminates light. His hands and scalp are this same shade of orange and are continuously on fire. Crevices where his eyes and mouth would be are replaced with orange light. Brand wears nothing but a pair of brown pants with belts around each leg, with the lower half of these pants being burned off.
Kegan Rodhe was an angry man, bitter towards the denizens of Rygann's Reach for how they treated him and his mother. He had an explosive temper, often resorting to him yelling, or more often using violence at those who angered him.
After transforming into Brand, the World Rune took full control of Kegan's body, becoming a cataclysmic pyromaniac obsessed with gaining more power and burning the world to ash, seeing mortals as weak and wishing to rule as a god. He is obsessed with hunting down his vessel's former masterRyze, trying to tempt him to rule with the World-Runes' power alongside him, and taunting him when his apprentice Kala nearly gave in to the temptation of a World-Rune.[1]It is shown that Brand's personality was influenced by the World-Rune tempting Kegan to getting revenge on the world for how he had been treated, reducing Kegan to nothing more than the embodiment of his desire for vengeance.[2]
• Magical: Kegan Rodhe was born with innate magical abilities, inherited from his mother whom used her magic to heal others. Kegan struggled to manifest his magic, but once he became Brand his magical abilities became significantly more powerful.Fire:Brand is able to use magic to create and manipulate fire to his will, which has many uses, including burning his enemies and flammable material. The World Rune that Brand has in his possession leaves the magical potential of this ability almost limitless.Magic:Other than fire, Brand has at least a rudimentary understanding and talent for traditional magic.
• Resistance:Brand is impervious to damage from magical and traditional sources. So far, there is no known way to permanently kill him.
• Fire:Brand is able to use magic to create and manipulate fire to his will, which has many uses, including burning his enemies and flammable material. The World Rune that Brand has in his possession leaves the magical potential of this ability almost limitless.
• Magic:Other than fire, Brand has at least a rudimentary understanding and talent for traditional magic.
Rygann's ReachVillagers[]
Since he was young, Kegan was ostracized by the villagers of Rygann's Reach for being a son of a reaver and therefore being a symbol of bad luck in the village, insulting him with the moniker "reaver-bastard". Throughout Kegan's life the villagers subjected him to constant physical and verbal abuse, causing him to develop an aggressive and resentful personality. After his mother's death, he wished to take out his hatred towards the village for not grieving her death after she had overworked herself to death for their sake, though he blamed Rygann for stoking their beliefs in the first place. After the villagers witnessed his role in Zvanna's death, they mocked him again as he left the village. Even after going his separate ways, Kegan's bitterness from all of the torment his fellows subjected to him never faded, which allowed the World-Rune to tempt him into becoming Brand, leaving Kegan's personality as nothing but his resentment towards the world.
Krezia Rodhe[]
Krezia is Kegan's mother, whom was also shunned and outcasted by the village. She wanted to resign herself and Kegan to their cruel treatment fearing that they would be exiled and left to die in the wilderness. Due to her paranoia, she tried to urge her son not to make things worse for the both of them, but he remained defiant and said he refused to be a coward like her. Despite her protectiveness towards her son, Krezia was also abusive towards Kegan due to him being a constant reminder of her husband and his crime which caused them both to be outcasts in the first place. Even so, Kegan grieved his mother's death and burned down Rygann's Reach to avenge her and the cruelty suffered by her alongside himself.
Kegan first met Zvanna at the age of thirteen. She was the only person in the village who treated him kindly, so the two developed a friendship which later became a romance, though their relationship didn't last as Zvanna split up with him and later married Malvir, disappointing Kegan as he had lost the love of the only person who cared about him. Zvanna later told Kegan about Old Rygann's decree to exiled, feeling saddened towards him and offering him food to help him survive, though Kegan refused as he wanted to die in his exile. Later, Kegan's attempt to burn down the village ended up accidentally killing Zvanna and her family in the collateral damage, and he felt heavy remorse for causing her death.
Old Rygann[]
Old Rygann perpetuated his people's beliefs that the Rodhe family was bad luck, playing a role in the abuse they were subjected to. He wished to exile both Krezia and Kegan but only kept them due to the former's abilities to heal the villagers. Once Krezia died, Rygann had Kegan exiled as he no longer had worth for the village. Of all the people whom mistreated him, Kegan hated Rygann the most due to his role in Krezia's death, so Kegan came to his hut, threatening him with a knife while admonishing him for the way he treated him and his mother, before using his lantern to burn down Rygann's hut and by extent the entire village to get revenge.
Brand was once a student of Ryze when he was still known as Kegan Rodhe. After Brand's transformation, they became enemies, with Brand intent on finding and gaining possession of another World Rune, which directly conflicts with Ryze's objective of making sure that nobody can find or use any other World Runes again.
Read More
The Burning Vengeance
ByAriel Lawrence,Laurie Goulding
Starring Champion
Short Story • 32 Minute Read
From the Ashes
ByAaron Dembski-Bowden
I can't do it.
The Burning Lands
ByAaron Dembski-Bowden,Anthony Reynolds Lenné
Legends speak of an ageless mage with violet skin.
Alternate Universes
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Since its inception, Worlds has grown and evolved. Each unbelievable play and phenomenal match created moments and memories that will never be forgotten. In these iconic moments, players and teams reached for something incredible within themselves and brought it to life on the Summoner’s Rift...
Starring:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Brand,Caitlyn,Darius,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Gnar,Janna,Jax,Jayce,Jinx,Kassadin,Katarina,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lulu,Orianna,Rek'Sai,Rengar,Rumble,Ryze,Shen,Sivir,Tahm Kench,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Yasuo,Ziggs
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
ByInstitute of War
The truest opponent lies within.
Starring:Boram Darkwill,Brand,Caitlyn,Cassiopeia,Galio,Graves,Irelia,Jarvan IV,Karma,LeBlanc,Lee Sin,Leona,Lux,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nocturne,Orianna,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Skarner,Sona,Swain,Talon,Trundle,Urgot,Varus,Vayne,Vladimir,Wukong,Xerath,Xin Zhao,Yorick
Make History
In this battle of regions, one will conquer all others to make history.
Starring:Alistar,Ashe,Azir,Bard,Brand,Caitlyn,Cassiopeia,Elise,Evelynn,Janna,Karma,LeBlanc,Lee Sin,Lucian,Morgana,Nautilus,Orianna,Pyke,Ryze
Olaf vs Everything: Series 2
ByTom Barton
Mentioned:Ahri,Aurelion Sol,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Gnar,Illaoi,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Nagakabouros,Ornn,Renekton,Skarner,Teemo,Tryndamere,Urgot,Vel'Koz,Vi,Viktor,Vladimir,Warwick,Zyra
Punches and Plants: Series 1
Mentioned:Ahri,Alistar,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Braum,Caitlyn,Darius,Diana,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Evelynn,Ezreal,Gangplank,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jinx,Karma,Katarina,Leona,Lucian,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Nunu,Quinn,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Sivir,Sona,Soraka,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Valor,Varus,Vel'Koz,Vladimir,Volibear,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Zac,Ziggs
Road to the Cup
As the 2013 League of Legends World Championship final draws near, we showcase the biggest heroes in esports from around the world. Many teams fell by the wayside in epic battles, and now only two remain: Korea's SK Telecom T1 and China's Royal Club. Who will rise?
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Blitzcrank,Brand,Caitlyn,Corki,Elise,Ezreal,Gragas,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Lux,Malphite,Mordekaiser,Orianna,Renekton,Ryze,Shen,Thresh,Twisted Fate,Vayne,Zac,Zed
• Fans speculated that Brand was the beast thatXerathused to distractNasusandRenektonin order to stealAzir'sascension; however, with new knowledge about the timeline of the Runeterra, it is now known that Brand could not have been the beast.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Blaze, Description: Innate: Brand's abilities apply a stack of Ablaze to enemies hit for 4 seconds, refreshing on subsequent applications and stacking up to 3 times. Subsequent abilities used against a target with Ablaze are empowered. Killing an enemy afflicted with Ablaze or with an ability restores 30 − 50 (based on level) mana . Ablaze: While afflicted with Ablaze , the target is dealt magic damage equal to 「 2. 5 % of their maximum health over 3. 25 seconds. 」 「 0. 8 3 % of their maximum health every 1. 08 3 seconds over 3. 25 seconds. 」 Ablaze deals 220% damage per tick to monsters , capped at 80. Upon applying 3 stacks of Ablaze to a large monster or enemy champion , the fire becomes unstable, forming an area around the target that grants sight and explodes after 2 seconds, consuming all stacks. All enemies within the detonation are dealt magic damage equal to 9% − 13% (based on level) of their maximum health (+ 2% per 100 AP) , reduced by 50% against Epic monsters , and applied a stack of Ablaze . The explosion will still occur if the target dies to the ability applying the third stack or during the delay. Brand cannot stack Ablaze more than once on enemies who have exploded in the last 4 seconds., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'Ablazeis adebuffthat persists throughdeath.', 'The explosion is not considered atethereffect and will not affectuntargetabletargets, even if the explosion originated from them.', 'Each stack deals the damage individually and will always consider the time it was applied for deciding when the ticks will be applied, even when the duration refreshes.At sub-optimal applied times, 2 stacks will deal a minimum of6%maximumhealthdamage over 4 seconds, but will deal7%maximumhealthat optimal applied times.Against small-medium units 3 stacks will deal a minimum of9%maximumhealthat sub-optimal times, but11%maximumhealthat optimal times. If these stacks are furtherrefreshedat optimal times they can deal up to12%maximumhealthover 4 seconds.', 'At sub-optimal applied times, 2 stacks will deal a minimum of6%maximumhealthdamage over 4 seconds, but will deal7%maximumhealthat optimal applied times.', 'Against small-medium units 3 stacks will deal a minimum of9%maximumhealthat sub-optimal times, but11%maximumhealthat optimal times. If these stacks are furtherrefreshedat optimal times they can deal up to12%maximumhealthover 4 seconds.', 'The burn ispersistent damageand the explosion isarea damage.']} | Name: Sear, Description: Active: Brand launches a fireball in the target direction that deals magic damage to the first enemy hit. Magic Damage: 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200 (+ 65% AP) Ablaze Bonus: The target is stunned for 1. 5 seconds., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', 'With an ability haste value of 81 / 70 / 58 / 47 / 36 to 162 / 145 / 129 / 113 / 96 based on the ranges of applications from the target, it is possible to apply the stun without having to use other abilities.Searwill apply before the duration of the pre-appliedBlazetimes out.The needed ability haste value if you remained at the same range from the target for both casts would be 114 / 100 / 87 / 74 / 60.', 'The needed ability haste value if you remained at the same range from the target for both casts would be 114 / 100 / 87 / 74 / 60.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'Stun duration reduced to 1 second.']} | Name: Pillar of Flame, Description: Active: After a 0. 627 seconds delay, Brand erupts a pillar of flame at the target location that deals magic damage to enemies hit. Magic Damage: 75 / 120 / 165 / 210 / 255 (+ 60% AP) Ablaze Bonus: The target takes 25% increased damage. Increased Damage: 93. 75 / 150 / 206. 25 / 262. 5 / 318. 75 (+ 75% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'The delay before the eruption does not include the cast time. The delay would be a total of0.891secondsif it included the cast time.']} | Name: Conflagration, Description: Active: Brand sets the target enemy aflame, which creates a blast that deals magic damage to them and nearby enemies. Magic Damage: 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 / 165 (+ 50% AP) Ablaze Bonus: Conflagration's spread range is doubled., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the cast time, this ability will cancel but does not go oncooldownnor pay its cost (if applicable).']} | Name: Pyroclasm, Description: Active: Brand launches a fireball at the target enemy that bounces between nearby enemies and Brand up to four times, dealing magic damage to enemies each time. Magic Damage: 100 / 200 / 300 (+ 25% AP) Total Single-Target Damage: 300 / 600 / 900 (+ 75% AP) Pyroclasm prioritizes ablazed enemy champions, then other enemy champions, then any valid bounce target, then Brand . The target does not have to be visible for the fireball to bounce to them. Ablaze Bonus: The target is slowed for 0. 25 seconds. This can affect the same enemy more than once., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', "IfPyroclasm'scurrent target becomes invalid, it selects a new target at its remaining bounces.The fireball will bounce toBrandeven if he becomes an invalid target while it is currently on a target or is in flight towards him.", 'The fireball will bounce toBrandeven if he becomes an invalid target while it is currently on a target or is in flight towards him.', 'The fireball acquires a new target as soon as it hits its current target.If the new target becomes invalid, the fireball will fizzle.', 'If the new target becomes invalid, the fireball will fizzle.', 'The fireball may only bounce to valid targets, includingBrand.', "If the initial cast target usesspell shield,Pyroclasmwill not bounce. If the bounce is blocked by an enemy'sspell shieldit will not deal any damage, but it will keep on bouncing.", "Pyroclasm'sdamage against enemy champions will not aggro nearby enemy minions.(bug)", 'If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the cast time, this ability will cancel but does not go oncooldownnor pay its cost (if applicable).']} | Brand is the second fire-themed champion, the first beingAnnie.Sear'sanimation resemblesAnnie'sbasic attack one.Brand's autoattack particle is the same asMorgana'sbut orange instead of purple.
Brandcomes from Proto-Germanic*brandaz, meaning "fire, torch, sword".His host's given nameKeganis likely based on Gaelic patronymicMacAodhagáin, "son offire" by coincidence;[2]His surnameRodhepossibly from Old Norsehróðr"praise, renown".[3]Pyroclasmderives frompyroclastic, a term used to describe fast-moving volcanic material, from Greek πῦρ "fire" & κλαστός "brokenBrand musical reference comes from the hip-hop group calledBrand Nubian |
Braum,the Heart of the Freljord | | | health: Health610+112, resource: Mana311+45, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)8.5+1, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)6+0.8, armor: Armor47+5.2, attack damage: Attack damage55+3.2, attack speed: Base AS0.644, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius80, selection radius: Selection radius100, release: 2014-05-12, changed: V13.22, role: Warden, position: Support, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 3150|790 | Games
BraumMainCasual 1Casual 2TitlesAlias(es)The Heart of the FreljordCharacteristicsSpeciesHuman(Iceborn)Pronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:896 AN - 971 ANWeapon(s)Ornn's Ram DoorPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originFreljordCurrent residenceFreljordFamilyUnnamed MotherUnnamed CousinsPet(s)PorosProfessional statusOccupation(s)Goat HerderLegendary Tale HeroProtector of LifeRegion(s)FreljordFaction(s)AvarosanRelated character(s)OrnnAsheTryndamereGragasLissandraYuumiAhriIllaoiMiss FortunePykeYasuoMaokaiNecritGangplankThreshViegoNunuWillump
• Main
• Casual 1
• Casual 2
• Born:896 AN - 971 AN
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Unnamed Mother
• Unnamed Cousins
Professional status
• Goat Herder
• Legendary Tale Hero
• Protector of Life
Related character(s)
Blessed with massive biceps and an even bigger heart,Braumis a belovedIcebornhero of theFreljord. Every mead hall north ofFrostheldtoasts his legendary strength and tells tales of how he felled a forest of oaks in a single night, and punched an entire mountain into rubble. With his shield, an enchantedvault doorforged inages past, Braum roams the frozen north as a cheerful protector, helping the vulnerable as he works toward his dream of a peaceful Freljord.
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2Contemporary history1.3Recent events
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Ornn5.2Frostguard5.3Ashe5.4Tryndamere5.5Yuumi5.6Crew of the Charming Lady5.7Illaoi
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2Contemporary history
• 1.3Recent events
• 5.1Ornn
• 5.2Frostguard
• 5.3Ashe
• 5.4Tryndamere
• 5.5Yuumi
• 5.6Crew of the Charming Lady
• 5.7Illaoi
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early life[]
As a child, Braum was larger than other Freljordian youths. His mother taught him not to use his size to intimidate or bully and taught him that true courage was not about dominating, but helping those in need. One day, an enemy tribe was attacked by ice giants and Braum's mother did not hesitate to help them. Braum was confused why she would help their enemies, but thanks to her kindness, said tribe became allies. Braum then understood his mother's philosophy that all of the Freljord was a family, and he pledged to bring that family together. Braum helped people in his home town by saving them from danger and bringing hope wherever he goes.
Eventually, he realized that he was needed in more places than his home, so he bid his mother a tearful farewell as he went off on his quest. His heroism and good deeds inspired people all over the Freljord to tell stories about his feats, but some were unrealistic and exaggerated. One myth told that Braum's signature shield was an indestructible vault door made by the demigod Ornn, which he broke from its hinges by punching the rocks surrounding it in order to save a troll boy trapped within. Braum laughed heartily at the stories he'd heard about himself, but rather than refuting them, he embraces them, as he won't let the truth get in the way of inspiring others.
Contemporary history[]
Braum later travelled toRakelstaketo hear the words of Ashe, a leader of theAvarosan, a tribe who followed the teachings Avarosa of theThree Sisters, whom Ashe is said to be the reincarnation of. There he also met Tryndamere, a barbarian who was determined to prove his worth by dominating every opponent he could face. In one duel, Tryndamere became increasingly lost in his fury and was actually about to kill his opponent, but Braum intervened by holding up his shield, and Tryndamere kept attacking the impenetrable shield until his rage subsided. After that, they became good friends, and it is even said that Braum was the one who introduced Tryndamere to Ashe, his now wife.
Braum has no specific allegiance, as he believes that all within the Freljord are brothers and sisters. He is reliant on Ashe as they both share a goal to unite the region, and the Avarosans have adopted him as their own. He often tells adoring children that he wishes for the Frejlord to settle their differences and then retire to become a poro herder.
Braum sees no-one as an enemy of his. However, the Frostguard, led by Lissandra, are hunting for him and he does not understand what they want from him. Still, he has fought against the Frostguard's forces numerous times in order to defend innocents threatened by them.
Recent events[]
Sometime before the events of Ruined king, Braum hears of a sickness that is plaguing the Freljord's children. While visiting a village, one of the elders mentions that when he was a boy, his father told him of the waters of theBlessed Isles. Although warning Braum of the dangers of visiting the Isles, Braum sets sail for the Isles in search of a cure.
Upon reaching the Isles, his boat is attacked by the Black Mist and Braum is force to abandon ship, losing his shield. Thought dead, he was rescued by the Buhru. Once there, he helps the people ofBilgewaterby bringing a massive sea creature into the docks with his bear hands.Illaoi, who had just returned from facing the Bloodharbor Ripper, investigates Braum's feat, amazed by his strength. Together with Illaoi,Miss Fortune,Ahri,Yasuo, andPyke, he helps in stopping the Ruined King.
Once on the isles, they metMaokai, who, after healing him, offered his leaves — infused with the remaining Water of Life — to cure Braum's people. Together, the breachedThresh's libraries of agony and tookGangplankback into custody. Returning to Bilgewater, Braum caught rumor of a strange shipwreck, with beams of blue light emerging from the sea. Recognizing the ship as his own, he found the ship and recovered his shield.
Following their triumph overViego, The group celebrated their victory and parted ways. Braum returned to the Freljord, escorted by Yasuo, who was on a journey toNoxusin search ofRiven.
Braum is a large, fair-skinned, bald man with comically large muscles and brown mustache. He has a large tattoo that covers from his left arm to his pectoral. He wears a large shoulder pad on his right shoulder that connects to a large belt buckle with a symbol of a ram's head, representing his connection toOrnn. He carries a large shield with a ram's head forged in the center.
As his title suggests, he has a heart of pure gold; Braum is a selfless, friendly man who enjoys helping people, simply because he likes being altruistic and hopes that his actions will inspire others. Ever since witnessing his mother's act of kindness on a neighboring tribe despite being enemies, he has taken his mother's teachings to heart and sees worth in all of theFreljord's people, calling them all a family of brothers and sisters, and is able to make friends with anyone, regardless of their character. Braum's feats have inspired many myths, but Braum himself accepts the stories about himself no matter how inaccurate they may be, since he knows that people will be inspired to acts of generosity and kindness after his example.
• Iceborn:Braum has a rare magical alteration from birth, giving him a strong resistance to the cold of theFreljordand allowing him to wield True Ice.True Ice: Braum is capable of summoning True Ice, magical, unmeltable ice.
• True Ice: Braum is capable of summoning True Ice, magical, unmeltable ice.
Braum's original tribe has a strong tie toOrnnand hence his magic takes the shape of the ram.Ornnis responsible for forging the door that would later be wielded by Braum. However, Braum is not aware of this fact.
TheFrostguardis hostile toward Braum.
Braum doesn’t hold any particular tribal allegiance with any tribe as he views all within the Freljord as brothers and sisters. However, he is particularly friendly towardAshe'sand theAvarosan, believing that Ashe may unite the Freljord.
Braum stoppedTryndamere's fury when he first arrived at theRakelstakeand may have introduced him toAshe.
During his travels, he has encounteredYuumiandBook. Yuumi rested on his shoulders for a time, protecting him from angry snow-spirits stirring up flurries in a hailstorm, while he brought her wriggling fish.
Crew of the Charming Lady[]
During the events ofRuined King, Braum joinsAhri,Yasuo,Miss Fortune,IllaoiandPyketo theShadow Islesto confrontViegoin order to protectBilgewater.
Illaoi's demeanor towards Braum implies that she finds Braum physically attractive. Over the course of the adventure, Braum and Illaoi develop a friendship. Illaoi would invite Braum to be more intimate and while he isn't averse to her advances, he declines because it is an inopportune time due to him needing to focus on the upcoming battles.
Read More
The Heart of the Freljord
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Starring Champion
Music Video
Kingdom (Video)
By Numerous creators
Starring:Ahri,Braum,Illaoi,Miss Fortune,Pyke,Viego,Yasuo
Ruined King
ByAirship Syndicate
Rise Against Ruin - Unite a party of League of Legends Champions, explore Bilgewater and set sail for the Shadow Isles to uncover the secrets of the deadly Black Mist in this immersive turn-based RPG.
Starring:Ahri,Braum,Gangplank,Illaoi,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Necrit,Pyke,Rafen,Thresh,Viego,Yasuo
Mentioned:Ashe,Elise,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Gwen,Hecarim,Isolde,Ivern,Janna,Jarvan IV,Kalista,Ledros,Lucian,Nagakabouros,Nautilus,Olaf,Ornn,Rhasa,Riven,Senna,Swain,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Twisted Fate,Udyr,Volibear,Yone,Yorick,Zed
Song of Nunu
ByTequila Works
The Feats of Braum
In the mead halls of the Freljord, Braum's great feats are immortalized by murals painted on the walls. On many a frozen night, the locals gather to recount his tales amidst merriment and drink!
The Raid
While defending her tribe from a brutal attack, a young warmother entrusts Braum with the safety of her infant child, before turning to face Lissandra's Frostguard alone.
Short Story • 3 Minute Read
Tomb of the Troll Boy
ByLeslee Sullivant Heintz
'Would you like to hear a bedtime story?'
Trial of the Poro
With the Freljord's winter closing in and an almighty battle raging around him, one brave PoroSquare Poro bounds on in his eternal search for snacks.
Mentioned Champion
Short Story
Stone Cold
ByDavid Slagle
I wake up suddenly, like a story that starts in the middle of the action.
Tales of Runeterra
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Akali,Braum,Corki,Darius,Diana,Ekko,Fiora,Garen,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jinx,Leona,Lulu,Miss Fortune,Shen,Teemo,Thresh,Tristana,Twisted Fate
The Fire Below the Mountain
ByMatthew Dunn
The Magical Cat
ByRayla Heide
Alternate Universes
A New Journey
Inspired by the true story of Michelle, a university student and League of Legends player who joined a team and joined the fight. Season 2019 of League of Legends starts now! It's On.
Starring:Ahri,Blitzcrank,Braum,Caitlyn,Ekko,Miss Fortune,Ornn,Riven,Yasuo,Zed,Zoe
A Snowdown Snowtale
The Poro King sends a young poro on an urgent mission: find the one with the magnificent mustache to save Snowdown!
Be Your Best Santa
Santa Draven, Ambitious Elf Jinx, and Snow Fawn Poppy step up to help Santa Braum with this year’s Snowdown festivities. But with Jinx and Draven at the frontlines, the celebrations could easily snowball into shenanigans!
Starring:Aurelion Sol,Azir,Braum,Kindred,Neeko,Ornn,Pantheon,Warwick
Short Story
Journey to Thy Golden Mustache!
There Will Be Mayhem
Starring:Alistar,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Nasus,Nunu,Teemo,Trundle,Volibear,Willump
Music Video
You Really Got Me
By Numerous creators
Ready for the Rift?
Academy Adventures: Series 1
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Akali,Amumu,Anivia,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Braum,Cho'Gath,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fiora,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Ivern,Jhin,Jinx,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nidalee,Olaf,Poppy,Rek'Sai,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Shen,Sion,Sona,Soraka,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tristana,Trundle,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Vel'Koz,Vi,Yorick,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Crystal Quest: Series 1
Mentioned:Anivia,Ashe,Braum,Bristle,Caitlyn,Camille,Elise,Ezreal,Garen,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Illaoi,Ivern,Katarina,Kled,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lucian,Nami,Olaf,Poppy,Ryze,Senna,Singed,Skaarl,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Veigar,Vi,Zac
Nunu & Willump: Issue 1
ByIan St. Martin
This comic is an alternate/inspired story of how Nunu and Willump met.
Nunu & Willump: Issue 4
ByIan St. Martin
This comic is an alternate/inspired story of how Nunu and Willump met.
Playtime with Gnar: Series 2
ByRachel J. Corey
Punches and Plants: Series 1
Mentioned:Ahri,Alistar,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Braum,Caitlyn,Darius,Diana,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Evelynn,Ezreal,Gangplank,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jinx,Karma,Katarina,Leona,Lucian,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Nunu,Quinn,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Sivir,Sona,Soraka,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Valor,Varus,Vel'Koz,Vladimir,Volibear,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Zac,Ziggs
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Reaching the peak takes more than skill. Only those with the ambition to RISE above all others will know its height.
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Akali,Ashe,Braum,Darius,Ekko,Ezreal,Fiora,Garen,Gnar,Jarvan IV,Jax,Jinx,Kalista,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Leona,Lux,Master Yi,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Riven,Ryze,Sejuani,Swain,Taliyah,Thresh,Tryndamere,Vayne,Xayah,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs
The Roadtrip
ByCassie Parkes,Marvin Clifford
Mentioned:Ahri,Ashe,Azir,Bard,Braum,Darius,Fiddlesticks,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Irelia,Jinx,Kalista,Katarina,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Lulu,Master Yi,Nami,Poppy,Rakan,Shaco,Sona,Swain,Taric,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Varus,Xayah,Yasuo,Zilean
The Tale of the Poro King
By Numerous creators
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aatrox,Akali,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Darius,Diana,Draven,Ezreal,Gnar,Illaoi,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kai'Sa,Karma,Karthus,Katarina,Kayle,Kayn,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nunu,Ornn,Pantheon,Pyke,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Rhaast,Ryze,Sejuani,Shen,Sion,Sivir,Soraka,Sylas,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Thresh,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Vi,Volibear,Willump,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs,Zoe
• Braum is anIceborn,[1]even though he was not originally intended to be one, as shown in Riot Jaredan's original statement where he confirmed that Braum is not an Iceborn.[2]
• Braum's legendary stories are, according to Braum himself, partly based on the truth, though a lot of details have been exaggerated.
• The door he wields was made byOrnn.[3]
• He sometimes uses the door as a skii board.
Change log[]
See also[]
• Bilgewater
• Camavor
• Demacia
• Freljord
• Ionia
• Shadow Isles
• Runeterra
• Journals
• Ruined King (Soundtrack)
• The Ruined King Saga (Universe) | Name: Concussive Blows, Description: Innate: Braum's basic attacks and Winter's Bite each apply a stack of Concussive Blows to their target for 4 seconds, refreshing on subsequent applications and stacking up to 4 times. Once the first stack has been applied, any allied champion's basic attack applies an additional stack to the target on-hit . The fourth stack against a target consumes them all to deal 26 − 196 (based on level) magic damage and stun them for 1. 25 − 1. 75 (based on level) seconds. This effect cannot apply to the same target more than once every few seconds. During this immunity period, affected targets take 「 bonus magic damage equal to 20% of the trigger damage 」 「 5. 2 − 39. 2 (based on level) bonus magic damage 」 from Braum's basic attacks., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'parries': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', "Concussive Blowswon't be applied if the attack isdodgedorblockedor if the attackmisses."]} | Name: Winter's Bite, Description: Active: Braum propels ice from his shield in the target direction, dealing magic damage to the first enemy hit and slowing them by 70% decaying over 2 seconds. Magic Damage: 75 / 125 / 175 / 225 / 275 (+ 2. 5 % of Braum's maximum health), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.']} | Name: Stand Behind Me, Description: Active: Braum dashes to put himself between the target ally and the closest visible enemy champion within 1500 units , and upon arrival grants himself and the ally bonus armor and bonus magic resistance for 3 seconds. Ally Bonus Armor: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 (+ 12% bonus armor) Ally Bonus Magic Resistance: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 (+ 12% bonus magic resistance) Stand Behind Me can be self cast to instantly grant Braum the bonus resistances. Self Bonus Armor: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 (+ 36% bonus armor) Self Bonus Magic Resistance: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 (+ 36% bonus magic resistance) Unbreakable can be cast during the dash. Link ▶️ "Stand behind Braum!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', 'Stand Behind Mecan be used on alliedminionsbut not onwardsnortraps.', 'If there are no nearby enemy champions,Braumwill dash to land up-to 150 units on the far side of his target.', 'The maximum dash range without enemy champions present is ~650. An enemy champion on the far side of the ally will allowBraumto dash a total of up-to 800 units.', "IfUnbreakableis cast during the dash,Winter's BiteandGlacial Fissuremay also be cast.", 'If thedashis interrupted, neitherBraumnor his ally receive the bonus resistances.', 'Base resistances changed to 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60.', 'Self armor ratio changed to45%bonusarmor.', 'Ally armor ratio changed to16%bonusarmor.', 'Self magic resistance ratio changed to45%bonusmagic resistance.', 'Ally magic resistance ratio changed to16%bonusmagic resistance.']} | Name: Unbreakable, Description: Active: Braum sets his shield in the target direction for a few seconds, creating a barrier that intercepts all incoming hostile projectiles and reduces the damage Braum takes through it. The first instance of damage dealt by a champion from this direction is reduced by 100%. Unbreakable does not affect turrets . Damage reduction: 35 / 40 / 45 / 50 / 55% Barrier Duration: 3 / 3. 25 / 3. 5 / 3. 75 / 4 While his shield is raised, Braum also gains 10% bonus movement speed and ghosting . Link ▶️ "My shield is here for you.", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'DefinitionsIncoming:Damage sources coming from somewhere facing the shield. Those coming from different sides are not affected.Projectiles:Sped up entities not classified as a unit (champions,minions,monsters, etc.)Intercepting:A projectile hittingBraumbecause he is standing in front of the intended target. In addition to being redirected, an intercepted projectile is also destroyedafterhittingBraum(although this is only applicable to pass-through projectiles).', 'Incoming:Damage sources coming from somewhere facing the shield. Those coming from different sides are not affected.', 'Projectiles:Sped up entities not classified as a unit (champions,minions,monsters, etc.)', 'Intercepting:A projectile hittingBraumbecause he is standing in front of the intended target. In addition to being redirected, an intercepted projectile is also destroyedafterhittingBraum(although this is only applicable to pass-through projectiles).', "Unbreakable'sfull damage reduction can block multiple instances of damage if they're dealt at the same time.", 'Moving units do not count for being blocked byUnbreakable.Champion summoned unitsare not classified as units until they hit the ground (e.g.Sapling Toss) and thus will interact withUnbreakablewhilst en route.', 'Champion summoned unitsare not classified as units until they hit the ground (e.g.Sapling Toss) and thus will interact withUnbreakablewhilst en route.', "Projectiles whose effects trigger on collision will still trigger - dealing damage, applyingdebuffs, creating area of effects and marking the target as 'hit'.", 'Projectiles that create anarea of effectupon their collision will still affect other units and not onlyBraum.', "Projectiles thatcannothitBraumor his allies (such as an enemyPrismatic Barrier) will not be intercepted.[2]Soraka'sStarcall'sRejuvenationprojectile is however blocked.", "Soraka'sStarcall'sRejuvenationprojectile is however blocked.", "Thedamage reductionwill affect any source of damage whose origin is in front of the shield. This includes:All intercepted projectiles.Meleeand non-projectile-basedrangedattacks.Instantaneousdirection-targetedabilities (e.g.Arcanopulse,Final Spark,Lifeform Disintegration Ray.)Instantaneously-placedground-targetedabilities (e.g.Lay Waste,Pillar of Flame,Rupture) relative to the ability's center andnotthe caster's.Point-blank area-of-effects (e.g.Ground Slam,Tantrum,Time Bombnottargeted atBraum)Instantaneous targeted abilities (e.g.Malefic Visions,Transfusion,Time Bombtargeted atBraum) andAoE DoT(e.g.Spirit Fire,Tormented Shadow,Poison Trail).", 'All intercepted projectiles.', 'Meleeand non-projectile-basedrangedattacks.', 'Instantaneousdirection-targetedabilities (e.g.Arcanopulse,Final Spark,Lifeform Disintegration Ray.)', "Instantaneously-placedground-targetedabilities (e.g.Lay Waste,Pillar of Flame,Rupture) relative to the ability's center andnotthe caster's.", 'Point-blank area-of-effects (e.g.Ground Slam,Tantrum,Time Bombnottargeted atBraum)', 'Instantaneous targeted abilities (e.g.Malefic Visions,Transfusion,Time Bombtargeted atBraum) andAoE DoT(e.g.Spirit Fire,Tormented Shadow,Poison Trail).', 'The damage reduction only benefitsBraum.', 'Damage over timeis calculated per tick but the full damage reduction will still only apply to a single tick.', "If the damage mitigated byUnbreakableexceeds a minimum threshold it is represented with floating text similar to the damage mitigated by shields ('-X')This floating text is always shown for the single fully-reduced damage source.", 'This floating text is always shown for the single fully-reduced damage source.', "Braum'sfacing direction is in the direction he's moving in.", 'IfBraumis protected by aspell shield, both it and the one-time-use full damage reduction can be consumed by a single blockable spell.The one-time-use full damage reduction will not be consumed if the damage source is nothing buttrue damage.', 'The one-time-use full damage reduction will not be consumed if the damage source is nothing buttrue damage.', 'Unbreakablewill grantassistcredit if the enemy whose damaging projectile is blocked from is killed within 10 seconds.']} | Name: Glacial Fissure, Description: Active: Braum leaps into the air and slams his shield into the ground, creating a fissure that travels forth in the target direction, dealing magic damage to enemies within its path as well as those around Braum . Magic Damage: 150 / 300 / 450 (+ 60% AP) The first target hit is knocked up for at least 0. 3 seconds, increased if they are further away from Braum . All other enemies hit are knocked up for 0. 3 seconds. Maximum Knockup Duration: 1 / 1. 5 / 2 A field of ice is created along the fissure's path, lasting for 4 seconds and slowing enemies within the area every 0. 25 seconds. The field disappears after the duration ends in the same order and speed it was created with. Slow: 40 / 50 / 60%, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'Death, unless protected byResurrection']} | Braum is the first champion to feature a unique attack animation against turrets.He is also the second to feature two joke animations, the first beingHeimerdinger.
Braum's dance resembles theUkrainian Cossack dance.
Braum(as pronounced by his voice-actor: /bɹɔ:m/) is the American variant of German surnameBrahm[3]/bɹɑ:mz/), originating either from:Proto-Germanic*bremaz"prickly bush,blackberry" >Middle High Germanbrame,Low SaxonBraam, English:broom(also*bremilaz> Englishbramble), orreduction of HebrewAbramאַבְרָם, from Semitic *ʔab"father"[4]&*r-w-m ~ *r-y-m"high".[5]
Braum strongly resembles the figure in the oldJuggernautmastery.
When Braum feeds aPoroaPoro-Snaxthey will grow a mustache, with the color being determined by which skin he is using. |
Briar,the Restrained Hunger | | | health: Health590+100, resource: ResourceN/A (Uses Health), health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)0+0, resource regen: Resource regen.N/A, armor: Armor32+4.2, attack damage: Attack damage60+3, attack speed: Base AS0.664, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius55, selection radius: Selection radius111, release: 2023-09-14, changed: V13.23, role: Diver, position: TopJungle, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 6300|975 | Games
BriarMainFrenzyTitlesAlias(es)The Restrained HungerCharacteristicsSpeciesBlood GolemPronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:973 AN - 979 AN[1]Weapon(s)HemomancyPilloryBlood BladesPersonal statusStatusAliveCurrent residenceNoxus(No Fixed Abode)FamilyVladimir(Possible Creator)Professional statusOccupation(s)FugitivePrisonerLiving WeaponRegion(s)NoxusRelated character(s)SionSwainTalonVladimirBoram Darkwill
• Main
• Frenzy
• The Restrained Hunger
• Born:973 AN - 979 AN
• Hemomancy
• Pillory
• Blood Blades
Personal status
Current residence
• Vladimir(Possible Creator)
Professional status
• Fugitive
• Prisoner
• Living Weapon
Related character(s)
A failed experiment by the Black Rose, Briar’s uncontrollable bloodlust required a special pillory to focus her frenzied mind. After years of confinement, this living weapon broke free from her restraints and unleashed herself into the world. Now she’s controlled by no one—following only her hunger for knowledge and blood—and relishes the opportunities to let loose, even if reining back the frenzy isn’t easy.
• 1Background1.1Early Life1.1.1Creation1.1.2First Mission1.1.3Swain's Coup1.2Modern History1.3Recent Events1.3.1Escape
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Black Rose5.1.1Vladimir5.2Boram Darkwill5.3Jericho Swain5.4Sion
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early Life1.1.1Creation1.1.2First Mission1.1.3Swain's Coup
• 1.2Modern History
• 1.3Recent Events1.3.1Escape
• 1.1.1Creation
• 1.1.2First Mission
• 1.1.3Swain's Coup
• 1.3.1Escape
• 5.1Black Rose5.1.1Vladimir
• 5.2Boram Darkwill
• 5.3Jericho Swain
• 5.4Sion
• 5.1.1Vladimir
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
Early Life[]
Briar was created near the end ofBoram Darkwill'sreign by theBlack Rose'shemomancers. She was designed to be a new type of living weapon created purely out of blood magic and not requiring sustenance to survive.
First Mission[]
The magical pillory created by theBlack Roseto restrain and control Briar.
Though designed to be a perfect assassin, Briar was completely driven by a hunger for blood, entering a constant state ofhemomania.Despite this, the Black Rose sent Briar off on her first mission which ended in a gory failure as Briar entered a frenzy and killed everyone indiscriminately. Realizing she was too dangerous to control, the Black Rose created a special pillory with ahemolith gemstoneto both restrain and focus her mind, taming her hemomanic instincts completely.
Swain's Coup[]
When the disgraced generalJericho Swainbegan his coup over the Noxian empire, the Black Rose quickly deployed many of their living weapons and experiments to fight him off. Briar was deployed among them and had the special job of killing Swain himself. Once she was given to a handler to help direct her, Briar was released from her pillory and immediately devoured him and everyone around her. Unfortunately, Swain managed to escape her bloody frenzy and his guards managed to capture her, restoring Briar's pillory. Now restrained, Swain was able to transfer Briar to a holding facility, locking her in a cell with many other living experiments that had been employed by the Black Rose.
Modern History[]
• Drawing of the holding facility that Briar was imprisoned in.
• The hallway inside the castle leading up to Briar's prison cell.
Alone in her cell, Briar was unable to die from starvation and simply focused on her hunger. Initially thinking the many crazed wails of the neighboring cells were her own voices, Briar came to realize they were other living weapons like her that were captured. While listening to them however, she began to realize how boring and single-minded her neighbors were. Not wishing to become like them, Briar instead decided to seclude herself in solitude within her cell.
Briar sat in solitary confinement for years, finding entertainment in eavesdropping her guards' conversations, pestering them for raw meat and agonizing whether she should race her pet spiders or eat them. She would eventually wonder about the world outside of her cell and, while toying with her restraint, managed to loosen the hemolith in her pillory. She thought about the neighboring hemomaniacs and their simple-minded hunger for blood and decided that she wanted to be something more, finding a balance between being calm and frenzied.
Recent Events[]
Now with a newfound purpose, Briar wanted to finally see the outside world and devised a plan to escape her prison. Though the guards were used to her calling for attention, one particular guard was lured closer to Briar's cell, allowing her to attack him and feast on his blood, giving her enough strength to break out.
Briar gleefully escaping her cell.
Eager and excited to escape, Briar quickly befriended a young janitor who she mistakenly assumed was escaping with her. When she saw the prison guards roughly shove the janitor away to safety, Briar got angry and managed to break her pillory, going into a hemomanic frenzy and brutally defeating many of the guards while trying to follow her new janitor 'friend.' Once outside of the prison gates, Briar reconstructed her pillory and gazed at the outside world, free to explore the world beyond and feast on all the blood she wants.[2]Now, she wanders the streets ofNoxus, learning more about the world beyond her cell and wishing to make new friends. The Black Rose, curious about Briar's unexpected development, have been secretly monitoring their living weapon for currently unknown purposes.
Briar is a pale humanoid girl with grey skin and white hair dyed with blood. Her eyes are cataracted with huge white pupils resembling the full moon and bright pink sclera. Briar's claws and teeth are incredibly sharp and she has pointed ears resembling a bat's. There are metal bolts on her shoulder-blades capable of emitting magical energy for propulsion. She appears very thin and almost emaciated but her bottom half is a bit heavier. She wears a black corset-like outfit adorned with many black, leather straps and some red, wax seals on the belts on her hip. Her bottom half simply has some black bandages covering her legs, leaving her feet bare with metal stakes stabbing through her ankles. She is restrained by an arch-shaped pillory adorned with many spikes and runic symbols that glow a dark red, held together by a hemolith gemstone in the middle of it.
In her hemomanic state, Briar shatters her pillory and her hair stands on end. Her face morphs into a savage expression with glowing red eyes and an extended tongue. The cuffs of her pillory form sharp red daggers, which can be empowered with blood magic to become longer blades made of blood.
Briar's defining characteristic is her never-ending hunger for blood, with her instincts drawing her to kill both her allies and enemies indiscriminately so she can eat them. After developing independence as a result of her imprisonment, she became excitable and carefree, always displaying a childlike sense of wonder. She has more control over her hunger and is more open to befriending others, though she is willing to unleash her hemomanic instincts if she needs to.
• Blood Golem Physiology: Briar is an artificial, organic construct created through hemomancy, crafted purely out of blood magic. Though she is made of flesh and blood, she does not require food or water to live.Hemomanic Instincts:Briar was created with the sole purpose of being a living weapon and has the innate ability to enter a state ofhemomania.In this state, Briar becomes frenzied and hungers for blood, being granted increased strength and stamina in order to pursue her prey. However, Briar is completely mindless in this state and works off of pure instinct. In order to keep herself focused and control her insatiable hunger, Briar willingly keeps herself in herhemolith pillory, which negates her hemomanic instincts completely. Briar is bound to this pillory and can both remove and rebuild it at will.Enhanced Agility:Briar is incredibly agile and flexible, allowing her to run at high speeds, leap far distances and even contort her own body.
• Hemomancy:Due to her creation, Briar has innate hemomancy which allows her to manipulate blood and flesh to a small degree and consume it. When Briar consumes blood, she regenerates her body and sates her endless hunger.Blood Blade Creation:When Briar breaks out of her pillory, she can generate a pair of dagger-like blades on her cuffs out of blood, allowing her to viciously slash at enemies. Briar can empower and grow these blades at will.Sonic Scream:Briar can channel blood magic into her mouth and release it, producing a sonic scream and releasing a blast of magic that pushes enemies back.Propulsion:Using the small structures on her back, Briar can emit magical energy to propel herself through the air towards her target when she's unrestrained from her pillory.
• Hemomanic Instincts:Briar was created with the sole purpose of being a living weapon and has the innate ability to enter a state ofhemomania.In this state, Briar becomes frenzied and hungers for blood, being granted increased strength and stamina in order to pursue her prey. However, Briar is completely mindless in this state and works off of pure instinct. In order to keep herself focused and control her insatiable hunger, Briar willingly keeps herself in herhemolith pillory, which negates her hemomanic instincts completely. Briar is bound to this pillory and can both remove and rebuild it at will.
• Enhanced Agility:Briar is incredibly agile and flexible, allowing her to run at high speeds, leap far distances and even contort her own body.
• Blood Blade Creation:When Briar breaks out of her pillory, she can generate a pair of dagger-like blades on her cuffs out of blood, allowing her to viciously slash at enemies. Briar can empower and grow these blades at will.
• Sonic Scream:Briar can channel blood magic into her mouth and release it, producing a sonic scream and releasing a blast of magic that pushes enemies back.
• Propulsion:Using the small structures on her back, Briar can emit magical energy to propel herself through the air towards her target when she's unrestrained from her pillory.
Black Rose[]
Briar was created by the Black Rose's hemomancers as a living weapon. After she proved to be too dangerous to keep unrestrained after her first mission failed, they bound her in a special pillory designed with a hemolith gemstone meant to keep her mind focused and under control. She was later deployed by the Black Rose to kill Jericho Swain during his coup, but lost control and was ultimately imprisoned by Swain and his guards.
After Briar broke out of Swain's holding facility, the Black Rose continue to monitor and spy on her as she wanders the streets of Noxus, intrigued by her sudden development into a more sentient being.
Briar was created with hemomancy, a magical art strongly tied to Vladimir, a founding member of the Black Rose. Though his exact relationship with Briar is unclear, it's heavily implied that he was mainly responsible for her creation. As her creator, Briar somewhat considers Vladimir her 'dad,' though she questions whether or not to actually call him that.
Boram Darkwill[]
Boram Darkwill is the one who entrusted the Black Rose to create living weapons towards the end of his reign and mainly oversaw the creation of Briar as a perfect assassin. When the Black Rose deployed her to kill Jericho Swain during his coup, she failed and was captured by his guards, allowing Swain to eventually take over Noxus and kill Darkwill.
Jericho Swain[]
Briar was sent to kill Swain during his coup but proved too difficult to control as she managed to kill everybody around her except for her target. As Swain managed to escape, his guards captured and restored Briar's pillory restraint, transporting her to a secret holding facility with several other living weapons sent to kill him by the Black Rose. Eventually, Briar managed to escape the facility, killing many of the guards and now roaming the streets of Noxus.
Sion is another hemomancy experiment conducted by the Black Rose as they attempted to revive him using blood magic. As one of their many experiments, Sion was also imprisoned in the same facility as Briar, being held in a cell neighboring hers. Sion was one of the many experiments that annoyed Briar during her imprisonment, seeing him as boring and simple. Their exact relationship isn't entirely known, but Briar seems disappointed and annoyed to see that Sion escaped the facility as well.
Read More
The Restrained Hunger
ByMax Folkman
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill,Swain
Starring Champion
Feeding Frenzy
After years behind bars in Noxus, Briar is starving for some action.
• Briar's pillory is similar toRiven'sblade, as both are runic objects created by the Black Rose with the special ability to reassemble at will.[3]
• Briar's height is 5 foot, 3 inches or 161 centimeters.[4]
• Riot August, on his stream, stated that Briar is "around late college age." However, because she was created toward the end of Boram Darkwill's reign as Grand General, she was most likely created at least a decade ago.[1]
• Though Briar's relation withTalonisn't clear, he's described as one of the few people she considers a 'friend'.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Crimson Curse, Description: Innate: Briar's basic attacks and abilities inflict a bleed against enemies for 5 seconds, refreshing on subsequent applications, stacking up to 9 times and dealing 25% damage for stacks beyond the first. The bleed deals 「 10 − 50 (based on level) (+ 50% bonus AD) total physical damage over the duration, increased by 2. 5 − 12. 5 (based on level) (+ 12. 5 % bonus AD) for each subsequent stack and up to a maximum of 30 − 150 (based on level) (+ 150% bonus AD) . 」 「 2 − 10 (based on level) (+ 10% bonus AD) physical damage per second, increased by 0. 5 − 2. 5 (based on level) (+ 2. 5 % bonus AD) for each subsequent stack and up to a maximum of 6 − 30 (based on level) (+ 30% bonus AD) per tick. 」 Briar heals herself equal to 25% of the pre-mitigation damage dealt. If a target dies while bleeding, she will heal herself equal to 125% of the remaining bleed damage. Briar has no base health regeneration , but she increases healing from all sources by 0% − 50% (based on missing health) ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Blood Frenzy'sarea of effect damage around the target does not apply bleed stacks."]} | Name: Head Rush, Description: Active: Briar leaps to the target unit. If the target is an enemy, she deals physical damage , stuns them for 0. 85 seconds, and inflicts them with armor reduction for 5 seconds. Physical Damage: 60 / 95 / 130 / 165 / 200 (+ 80% bonus AD) Armor Reduction: 10 / 12. 5 / 15 / 17. 5 / 20% Head Rush resets Briar's basic attack timer., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Head Rushcan be cast on any unit with the exception ofstructures,wards, andtraps.It can be cast onjungle plants.', 'It can be cast onjungle plants.', "Head Rushis a non-following dash.It picks its dash destination ~100 units in front of enemy targets, 75 units in front enemy targets when already very close to them, 75 units in front of of allied targets.If already within 75 units of her target, she dashes to her current location, which takes 0 time but still triggers dash effects such asSudden ImpactandProwler's Claw.", 'It picks its dash destination ~100 units in front of enemy targets, 75 units in front enemy targets when already very close to them, 75 units in front of of allied targets.', "If already within 75 units of her target, she dashes to her current location, which takes 0 time but still triggers dash effects such asSudden ImpactandProwler's Claw.", "PENDING FOR TEST:Head Rushdeals its damage after the armor reduction is applied.It does not force the target's armor value to update immediately outside of the natural stat update cycle, which means it will typically still be mitigated by the unreduced armor value.", "It does not force the target's armor value to update immediately outside of the natural stat update cycle, which means it will typically still be mitigated by the unreduced armor value.", 'Base damage changed to 50 / 85 / 120 / 155 / 190.', 'Armor reduction changed to 10 / 12 / 14 / 16 / 18%.']} | Name: Blood Frenzy, Description: Active: Briar dashes to the target location. If there is a nearby enemy upon her arrival, she gains Blood Frenzy for 5 seconds, during which she can cast Snack Attack . Blood Frenzy: Briar breaks free from her pillory, turning berserk against the nearest enemy. She reveals the target and gains ghosting , bonus attack speed and bonus movement speed , as well as empowering her basic attacks to deal physical damage to enemies surrounding her target. This damage is affected by critical strike modifiers. Bonus Attack Speed: 60 / 75 / 90 / 105 / 120% Bonus Movement Speed: 24 / 33 / 42 / 51 / 60% Physical Damage: 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100% AD Briar prioritizes attacking champions , then large monsters or minions , and then any other unit. If she casts Head Rush on a non-champion, she will shift her target priority to large monsters or minions, then champions, and then any other unit. Blood Frenzy ends early if there are no longer any nearby valid targets or Chilling Scream is cast. Blood Frenzy resets Briar's basic attack timer. Head Rush and Certain Death can be cast during the dash., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Blood Frenzy Details', 'Snack Attack Details', 'Blood Frenzyacquires targets regardless of if they are visible or not.This does not apply tostealthedtargets.', 'This does not apply tostealthedtargets.', 'If the main attackcritically strikes, the cleave damage will do so as well.', 'The following table refers for interactions whileBriarisberserked:IfBriaris affected by anotherforced actioncrowd control, that effect will take priority over her own berserk.', 'IfBriaris affected by anotherforced actioncrowd control, that effect will take priority over her own berserk.', 'Death', 'Snack Attackcan only be used duringBlood Frenzy; if the frenzy ends at any point, the empowered attack will be lost immediately.', 'Hide', 'Details', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'The following table refers for interactions whileBriarischanneling:', 'Death', 'Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Briarwill track the target if they change locations.', 'Briarlands 100 units in front of her target at the end of the dash.', 'Briarwill not initiate the second cast if she is beingsuppressedor is underresurrection.SinceCertain Deathcleanses herself from all crowd control when the first cast hits, she will be able to start the second cast due to removing the suppression effect.', 'SinceCertain Deathcleanses herself from all crowd control when the first cast hits, she will be able to start the second cast due to removing the suppression effect.', 'Briarwill still dash to the target even if they die before she reaches them.', 'Briargains the displacement immunity upon starting the second cast time.', 'Briarwill place herself onto the ground and interruptsdisplacementsaffecting her upon starting the second cast time.', "Hematomania'sberserk targeting priorities differ slightly from that ofBlood Frenzy's:She will prioritize the marked target regardless of range and over all other units as long as it can be attacked.If the marked target is not available, then she shifts her priority to the nearest other champion, then large monster or minion, and then any other unit.If neither the marked target is valid or any other valid targets are close nearby, then she will prioritize targeting the nearest other champion, then large monster or minion, and then any other unit within a global radius.", 'She will prioritize the marked target regardless of range and over all other units as long as it can be attacked.If the marked target is not available, then she shifts her priority to the nearest other champion, then large monster or minion, and then any other unit.If neither the marked target is valid or any other valid targets are close nearby, then she will prioritize targeting the nearest other champion, then large monster or minion, and then any other unit within a global radius.', 'If the marked target is not available, then she shifts her priority to the nearest other champion, then large monster or minion, and then any other unit.If neither the marked target is valid or any other valid targets are close nearby, then she will prioritize targeting the nearest other champion, then large monster or minion, and then any other unit within a global radius.', 'If neither the marked target is valid or any other valid targets are close nearby, then she will prioritize targeting the nearest other champion, then large monster or minion, and then any other unit within a global radius.', 'Starting the second cast interrupts any spells thatBriaris channeling.', "The mark will expire ifHematomania'sbuff is dispelled.", "CastingBlood FrenzyduringHematomaniawill not grant any additional bonuses nor will it overrideHematomania'seffects.GainingHematomaniawhileBlood Frenzyis active will override the previous buff.", 'GainingHematomaniawhileBlood Frenzyis active will override the previous buff.', "Thedisruptis 'wrapped' into a status effect that says the target isSilencedfor 0.3seconds, but it does not actuallysilence. It however makes sure that thedisruptis prevented byimmunity to silences.", 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.', 'The following table refers for interactions whileBriaris in either the first or second cast time:', 'Death, unless protected byResurrection', 'The following table refers for interactions whileBriaris dashing:', 'Death', 'Base damage changed to 150 / 275 / 400.', 'Damage bonus AD ratio changed to90%bonusAD.', 'Resistances AD ratio changed to10% AD.', '', '', 'StatsBase health reduced to 590 from 610.', 'Base health reduced to 590 from 610.', "Snack AttackHealth ratio reduced to9% of target'smissinghealthfrom10%.Bonus AD ratio reduced to2.5% per 100bonusADfrom3.5%.", "Health ratio reduced to9% of target'smissinghealthfrom10%.", 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to2.5% per 100bonusADfrom3.5%.', 'Head RushBase damage reduced to 60 / 95 / 130 / 165 / 200 from 60 / 100 / 140 / 180 / 220.Armor reduction reduced to 10 / 12.5/ 15 / 17.5/ 20% from 10 / 14 / 18 / 22 / 26%.', 'Base damage reduced to 60 / 95 / 130 / 165 / 200 from 60 / 100 / 140 / 180 / 220.', 'Armor reduction reduced to 10 / 12.5/ 15 / 17.5/ 20% from 10 / 14 / 18 / 22 / 26%.', 'Blood FrenzyBug Fix:No longer counts as a crowd control ability for the purposes of death recap and crowd control score in the post-game statistics.Bug Fix:Basic attack animations no longer sometimes appear to be slower against champions.Bug Fix:No longer triggers the loss of control screen effect upon becoming berserk.', 'Bug Fix:No longer counts as a crowd control ability for the purposes of death recap and crowd control score in the post-game statistics.', 'Bug Fix:Basic attack animations no longer sometimes appear to be slower against champions.', 'Bug Fix:No longer triggers the loss of control screen effect upon becoming berserk.', 'Snack AttackBug Fix:Using it to score the killing blow againstBaron Nashorno longer causes her to then gain kill credit of all minions empowered by theHand of Baron.', 'Bug Fix:Using it to score the killing blow againstBaron Nashorno longer causes her to then gain kill credit of all minions empowered by theHand of Baron.', 'Certain DeathBase damage reduced to 150 / 300 / 450 from 150 / 325 / 500.Bonus AD ratio reduced to75%bonusADfrom110%.Bug Fix:No longer causes players to disconnect from the game if her dash finishes while the target is untargetable.Bug Fix:Basic attacks no longer become disabled against almost any target for a period after the frenzy ended if she hadDuskblade of Draktharr.Bug Fix:No longer is able to attack allies during the berserk under certain conditions.', 'Base damage reduced to 150 / 300 / 450 from 150 / 325 / 500.', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to75%bonusADfrom110%.', 'Bug Fix:No longer causes players to disconnect from the game if her dash finishes while the target is untargetable.', 'Bug Fix:Basic attacks no longer become disabled against almost any target for a period after the frenzy ended if she hadDuskblade of Draktharr.', 'Bug Fix:No longer is able to attack allies during the berserk under certain conditions.', 'StatsAttack speed growth reduced to 2% from 2.3%.', 'Attack speed growth reduced to 2% from 2.3%.', 'Crimson CurseHeal on-target death increased to 125% of remaining bleed damage from 100%.', 'Heal on-target death increased to 125% of remaining bleed damage from 100%.', 'Snack AttackBonus AD ratio reduced to3.5% per 100bonusADfrom4%.', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to3.5% per 100bonusADfrom4%.', 'GeneralRecommended items and runes have been updated.Bug Fix:Transitions from her attack to idle animation now play correctly.', 'Recommended items and runes have been updated.', 'Bug Fix:Transitions from her attack to idle animation now play correctly.', 'StatsAttack speed growth reduced to 2.3% from 2.5%.', 'Attack speed growth reduced to 2.3% from 2.5%.', 'Crimson CurseBug Fix:Spell shieldnow also blocks applications of bleed stacks from blocked spells when the first stack was already applied.', 'Bug Fix:Spell shieldnow also blocks applications of bleed stacks from blocked spells when the first stack was already applied.', 'Head RushNew Effect:Now properly tagged as an attack reset for interactions likeHail of Blades.Bug Fix:Targeting an enemy over terrain now consistently causes her to dash to their location on the other side, rather than landing in front of the wall if the target was not far enough away from the wall on the other side.', 'New Effect:Now properly tagged as an attack reset for interactions likeHail of Blades.', 'Bug Fix:Targeting an enemy over terrain now consistently causes her to dash to their location on the other side, rather than landing in front of the wall if the target was not far enough away from the wall on the other side.', 'Blood FrenzyNew Effect:Frenzy duration is now also displayed on her resource bar on the health bar, and color-coded.Tooltip now clarifies that casting it does not remove or replace the empoweredBlood Frenzygranted byCertain Death.Bug Fix:Dash no longer cancels existing movement commands.', 'New Effect:Frenzy duration is now also displayed on her resource bar on the health bar, and color-coded.', 'Tooltip now clarifies that casting it does not remove or replace the empoweredBlood Frenzygranted byCertain Death.', 'Bug Fix:Dash no longer cancels existing movement commands.', 'Snack AttackHealing changed to 36 / 42 / 48 / 54 / 60% from 35 / 42.5/ 50 / 57.5/ 65%.Non-champion damage reduced to 110% from 120%.Monster health ratio damage cap reduced to 400 from 500.Bug Fix:Percent health damage is no longer affected by critical strike modifiers.New Effect:Now has a brief cooldown after gainingBlood Frenzy.', 'Healing changed to 36 / 42 / 48 / 54 / 60% from 35 / 42.5/ 50 / 57.5/ 65%.', 'Non-champion damage reduced to 110% from 120%.', 'Monster health ratio damage cap reduced to 400 from 500.', 'Bug Fix:Percent health damage is no longer affected by critical strike modifiers.', 'New Effect:Now has a brief cooldown after gainingBlood Frenzy.', 'Chilling ScreamBug Fix:Now makes displaced enemies collide with player-generated terrain more consistently.Undocumented/Bug Fix:No longer renders enemiesairbornefor 1 second after the displacement ends.', 'Bug Fix:Now makes displaced enemies collide with player-generated terrain more consistently.', 'Undocumented/Bug Fix:No longer renders enemiesairbornefor 1 second after the displacement ends.', "Certain DeathNew Effect:Frenzy duration is now also displayed on her resource bar on the health bar, and color-coded.New Effect:Pinging the ability now tells teammates which enemies are within its cast range.Bug Fix:Berserk is now properly canceled if the the target dies during the cast time of the second cast.Bug Fix:No longer creates the explosion around the target if the dash is interrupted by theDashsummoner spell.Bug Fix:Now behaves properly when interacting withTahm Kench'sDevourandKalista'sFate's Call.Bug Fix:True sight debuff now properly expires if she enters aresurrectionstate during the berserk effect.Bug Fix:VFX now properly plays even if cast at maximum range.Bug Fix:Yuumiis now properly revealed by the true sight debuff even while she is untargetable fromYou and Me!.Bug Fix:No longer fails to enter the berserk state withBlood Frenzyupon reaching the target and consequently create two explosions under certain conditions.", 'New Effect:Frenzy duration is now also displayed on her resource bar on the health bar, and color-coded.', 'New Effect:Pinging the ability now tells teammates which enemies are within its cast range.', 'Bug Fix:Berserk is now properly canceled if the the target dies during the cast time of the second cast.', 'Bug Fix:No longer creates the explosion around the target if the dash is interrupted by theDashsummoner spell.', "Bug Fix:Now behaves properly when interacting withTahm Kench'sDevourandKalista'sFate's Call.", 'Bug Fix:True sight debuff now properly expires if she enters aresurrectionstate during the berserk effect.', 'Bug Fix:VFX now properly plays even if cast at maximum range.', 'Bug Fix:Yuumiis now properly revealed by the true sight debuff even while she is untargetable fromYou and Me!.', 'Bug Fix:No longer fails to enter the berserk state withBlood Frenzyupon reaching the target and consequently create two explosions under certain conditions.', 'Street Demons BriarChilling ScreamBug Fix:SFX for the ability now plays correctly.', 'Chilling ScreamBug Fix:SFX for the ability now plays correctly.', 'Bug Fix:SFX for the ability now plays correctly.', 'StatsBase health increased to 610 from 590.', 'Base health increased to 610 from 590.', 'Chilling ScreamDamage reduction increased to 40% from 35%.Cooldown reduced to 16 seconds from 18.', 'Damage reduction increased to 40% from 35%.', 'Cooldown reduced to 16 seconds from 18.', "Crimson Curse- InnateInnate:Briar'sbasic attacksandabilitiesinflict a bleed against enemies for 5 seconds, refreshing on subsequent applications,stackingup to 9 times and dealing 25% damage for stacks beyond the first. The bleed deals「10 − 50 (based on level)(+ 50%bonusAD)totalphysical damageover the duration, up to a maximum of30 − 150 (based on level)(+ 150%bonusAD).\xa0」「2 − 10 (based on level)(+ 10%bonusAD)physical damageper second, up to a maximum of6 − 30 (based on level)(+ 30%bonusAD)per tick.\xa0」Briarhealsherself equal to 25% of thepre-mitigation damagedealt. If a target dies while bleeding, she will heal herself equal to 100% of the remaining bleed damage.Briarhas nobasehealth regeneration, but she increases healing from all sources by0% − 50% (based onmissinghealth).", "Innate:Briar'sbasic attacksandabilitiesinflict a bleed against enemies for 5 seconds, refreshing on subsequent applications,stackingup to 9 times and dealing 25% damage for stacks beyond the first. The bleed deals「10 − 50 (based on level)(+ 50%bonusAD)totalphysical damageover the duration, up to a maximum of30 − 150 (based on level)(+ 150%bonusAD).\xa0」「2 − 10 (based on level)(+ 10%bonusAD)physical damageper second, up to a maximum of6 − 30 (based on level)(+ 30%bonusAD)per tick.\xa0」Briarhealsherself equal to 25% of thepre-mitigation damagedealt. If a target dies while bleeding, she will heal herself equal to 100% of the remaining bleed damage.", 'Briarhas nobasehealth regeneration, but she increases healing from all sources by0% − 50% (based onmissinghealth).', 'Head Rush- QActive:Briarleapsto the target unit. If the target is an enemy, she deals 60 / 100 / 140 / 180 / 220(+ 80%bonusAD)physical damage,stunsthem for 0.85seconds, and inflicts them with10 / 14 / 18 / 22 / 26%armor reductionfor 5 seconds.Cost:6%currenthealth.Cooldown:13 / 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 seconds.Cast Time:None,Target Range:450.', 'Active:Briarleapsto the target unit. If the target is an enemy, she deals 60 / 100 / 140 / 180 / 220(+ 80%bonusAD)physical damage,stunsthem for 0.85seconds, and inflicts them with10 / 14 / 18 / 22 / 26%armor reductionfor 5 seconds.', 'Cost:6%currenthealth.', 'Cooldown:13 / 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 seconds.', 'Cast Time:None,Target Range:450.', "Blood Frenzy- WActive:Briardashesto the target location. If there is a nearby enemy upon her arrival, she gainsBlood Frenzyfor 5 seconds, during which she can castSnack Attack.Blood Frenzy:Briarbreaks free from her pillory, turningberserkagainst the nearest enemy. Sherevealsthe target and gainsghosting, 60 / 75 / 90 / 105 / 120%bonusattack speedand 24 / 33 / 42 / 51 / 60%bonusmovement speed, as well as empowering her basic attacks to deal60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100% ADphysical damageto enemies surrounding her target. This damage is affected bycritical strikemodifiers.Briarprioritizes attackingchampions, then largemonsters, and thenminions.Blood Frenzy ends early if there are no longer any nearby valid targets orChilling Screamis cast. IfHead Rushis cast on a non-champion,Briarwill stop prioritizing champions during the frenzy. Blood FrenzyresetsBriar'sbasic attack timer.Head RushandCertain Deathcan be cast during the dash.Cost:6%currenthealth.Cooldown:14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10 seconds.Cast Time:None,Target Range:75-300/650,Effect Radius:1000/275,Speed:1200.Snack Attack- WActive:Briarempowers her next basic attack within 5 seconds duringBlood Frenzyto take a bite out of the target enemy, having anuncancelable windup, gaining50bonusrange, dealing 5 / 20 / 35 / 50 / 65(+ 105% AD)(+ 10%(+ 4% per 100bonusAD)of the target'smissinghealth)bonusphysical damageandhealingfor 35 / 42.5/ 50 / 57.5/ 65% of thepost-mitigation damagedealt.Snack Attackdeals 120% damage againstminionsandmonsters, with the damage based on the target's health ratio being capped at 500.Snack AttackresetsBriar'sbasic attack timer.Cast Time:None.", 'Active:Briardashesto the target location. If there is a nearby enemy upon her arrival, she gainsBlood Frenzyfor 5 seconds, during which she can castSnack Attack.', 'Blood Frenzy:Briarbreaks free from her pillory, turningberserkagainst the nearest enemy. Sherevealsthe target and gainsghosting, 60 / 75 / 90 / 105 / 120%bonusattack speedand 24 / 33 / 42 / 51 / 60%bonusmovement speed, as well as empowering her basic attacks to deal60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100% ADphysical damageto enemies surrounding her target. This damage is affected bycritical strikemodifiers.', 'Briarprioritizes attackingchampions, then largemonsters, and thenminions.', "Blood Frenzy ends early if there are no longer any nearby valid targets orChilling Screamis cast. IfHead Rushis cast on a non-champion,Briarwill stop prioritizing champions during the frenzy. Blood FrenzyresetsBriar'sbasic attack timer.Head RushandCertain Deathcan be cast during the dash.", 'Cost:6%currenthealth.', 'Cooldown:14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10 seconds.', 'Cast Time:None,Target Range:75-300/650,Effect Radius:1000/275,Speed:1200.', "Snack Attack- WActive:Briarempowers her next basic attack within 5 seconds duringBlood Frenzyto take a bite out of the target enemy, having anuncancelable windup, gaining50bonusrange, dealing 5 / 20 / 35 / 50 / 65(+ 105% AD)(+ 10%(+ 4% per 100bonusAD)of the target'smissinghealth)bonusphysical damageandhealingfor 35 / 42.5/ 50 / 57.5/ 65% of thepost-mitigation damagedealt.Snack Attackdeals 120% damage againstminionsandmonsters, with the damage based on the target's health ratio being capped at 500.Snack AttackresetsBriar'sbasic attack timer.Cast Time:None.", "Active:Briarempowers her next basic attack within 5 seconds duringBlood Frenzyto take a bite out of the target enemy, having anuncancelable windup, gaining50bonusrange, dealing 5 / 20 / 35 / 50 / 65(+ 105% AD)(+ 10%(+ 4% per 100bonusAD)of the target'smissinghealth)bonusphysical damageandhealingfor 35 / 42.5/ 50 / 57.5/ 65% of thepost-mitigation damagedealt.", "Snack Attackdeals 120% damage againstminionsandmonsters, with the damage based on the target's health ratio being capped at 500.", "Snack AttackresetsBriar'sbasic attack timer.", 'Cast Time:None.', "Chilling Scream- EActive:Briarchargesfor up to 1 second, during which she increasesChilling Scream'sdamage and range, and gains 35% damage reduction andhealsherself for2.5/ 2.875/ 3.25/ 3.625/ 4%maximumhealthevery 0.25seconds.Chilling Screamcan be recast within the duration, and does so automatically afterwards.Chilling Scream'scharge cannot beinterruptedbycrowd control.Recast:Briarunleashes a scream in the target direction that deals 80 / 115 / 150 / 185 / 220(+ 100%bonusAD)(+ 100% AP)magic damageto enemies hit andslowsthem by 80% for 0.5seconds.IfChilling Screamwas charged for its full duration, enemies hit are alsoknocked back575 units. If they collide with terrain, they will rebound to take 140 / 215 / 290 / 365 / 440(+ 240%bonusAD)(+ 240% AP)bonusmagic damageand becomeknocked upfor 0.5seconds andstunnedfor 1.5seconds.Cost:6%currenthealth.Cooldown:18 seconds.Cast Time:None/0.291(at base attack speed),Range:-100/400 − 600 (based on charge time),Width:380,Speed:1900/1800.", "Active:Briarchargesfor up to 1 second, during which she increasesChilling Scream'sdamage and range, and gains 35% damage reduction andhealsherself for2.5/ 2.875/ 3.25/ 3.625/ 4%maximumhealthevery 0.25seconds.", "Chilling Screamcan be recast within the duration, and does so automatically afterwards.Chilling Scream'scharge cannot beinterruptedbycrowd control.", 'Recast:Briarunleashes a scream in the target direction that deals 80 / 115 / 150 / 185 / 220(+ 100%bonusAD)(+ 100% AP)magic damageto enemies hit andslowsthem by 80% for 0.5seconds.', 'IfChilling Screamwas charged for its full duration, enemies hit are alsoknocked back575 units. If they collide with terrain, they will rebound to take 140 / 215 / 290 / 365 / 440(+ 240%bonusAD)(+ 240% AP)bonusmagic damageand becomeknocked upfor 0.5seconds andstunnedfor 1.5seconds.', 'Cost:6%currenthealth.', 'Cooldown:18 seconds.', 'Cast Time:None/0.291(at base attack speed),Range:-100/400 − 600 (based on charge time),Width:380,Speed:1900/1800.', 'Certain Death- RActive:Briarkicks a hemolith in the target direction that briefly grantssightof itssurroundingsas ittravelsand marks the first enemy champion hit as her prey,disruptingtheir ongoingchannelsandrevealingthem.If a target is hit,Briarcleansesherself from allcrowd controland destroys her pillory over a cast time, afterwardsdashingto them withdisplacement immunity. Upon arrival, she creates an explosion around the marked target that deals 150 / 325 / 500(+ 110%bonusAD)(+ 110% AP)physical damageto them and nearby enemies andfearsall non-marked targets for 1.5seconds. She then enters a state ofHematomania.Hematomania:Briargains all effects ofBlood Frenzyagainst the marked target as well asbonusarmorandbonusmagic resistanceequal to20% AD, 10 / 15 / 20%life steal, and 10 / 20 / 30%additional bonusmovement speed.Hematomanialasts until the marked target dies. If the target becomes invalid,Briarwill turnberserkagainst the nearestother enemyuntil her target becomes valid again.CastingChilling Screamends Hematomania early.Cost:6%currenthealth.Cooldown:120 / 100 / 80 seconds.Cast Time:1/1.25,Range:10000,Effect Radius:Global/1500/575,Width:320,Speed:2000/2500 - 5000.', 'Active:Briarkicks a hemolith in the target direction that briefly grantssightof itssurroundingsas ittravelsand marks the first enemy champion hit as her prey,disruptingtheir ongoingchannelsandrevealingthem.', 'If a target is hit,Briarcleansesherself from allcrowd controland destroys her pillory over a cast time, afterwardsdashingto them withdisplacement immunity. Upon arrival, she creates an explosion around the marked target that deals 150 / 325 / 500(+ 110%bonusAD)(+ 110% AP)physical damageto them and nearby enemies andfearsall non-marked targets for 1.5seconds. She then enters a state ofHematomania.', 'Hematomania:Briargains all effects ofBlood Frenzyagainst the marked target as well asbonusarmorandbonusmagic resistanceequal to20% AD, 10 / 15 / 20%life steal, and 10 / 20 / 30%additional bonusmovement speed.', 'Hematomanialasts until the marked target dies. If the target becomes invalid,Briarwill turnberserkagainst the nearestother enemyuntil her target becomes valid again.', 'CastingChilling Screamends Hematomania early.', 'Cost:6%currenthealth.', 'Cooldown:120 / 100 / 80 seconds.', 'Cast Time:1/1.25,Range:10000,Effect Radius:Global/1500/575,Width:320,Speed:2000/2500 - 5000.', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'Ao Shin', 'Avasha', 'Averdrian', 'CeeCee', 'Cyborg Cowboy', 'Eagle Rider', 'Gavid', 'Husk', 'Iron Engineer', 'Ivan', 'Omen', 'Priscilla', 'Rob Blackblade', 'Seth', 'Tabu', 'Tiki', 'Urf', 'Well', "↑Briar's profile"]} | Name: Chilling Scream, Description: Active: Briar charges for up to 1 second, during which she increases Chilling Scream's damage and range, and gains 40% damage reduction and heals herself every 0. 25 seconds. Heal Per Tick: 2. 5 / 2. 875 / 3. 25 / 3. 625 / 4% maximum health Maximum Heal: 10 / 11. 5 / 13 / 14. 5 / 16% maximum health Chilling Scream can be recast within the duration, and does so automatically afterwards. Chilling Scream's charge cannot be interrupted by crowd control . Recast: Briar unleashes a scream in the target direction that deals magic damage to enemies hit and slows them by 80% for 0. 5 seconds. Maximum Magic Damage: 80 / 115 / 150 / 185 / 220 (+ 100% bonus AD) (+ 100% AP) If Chilling Scream was charged for its full duration, enemies hit are also knocked back 575 units. If they collide with terrain, they will rebound to take bonus magic damage and become knocked up for 0. 5 seconds and stunned for 1. 5 seconds. Bonus Magic Damage: 140 / 215 / 290 / 365 / 440 (+ 240% bonus AD) (+ 240% AP) Total Magic Damage: 220 / 330 / 440 / 550 / 660 (+ 340% bonus AD) (+ 340% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto/Self', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'The following table refers for interactions whileBriarischanneling:', 'Death']} | Name: Certain Death, Description: Active: Briar kicks a hemolith in the target direction that briefly grants sight of its surroundings as it travels and marks the first enemy champion hit as her prey, disrupting their ongoing channels and revealing them. If a target is hit, Briar cleanses herself from all crowd control and destroys her pillory over a cast time, afterwards dashing to them with displacement immunity . Upon arrival, she creates an explosion around the marked target that deals physical damage to them and nearby enemies and fears all non-marked targets for 1. 5 seconds, during which they are slowed by 35%. She then enters a state of Hematomania . Physical Damage: 150 / 300 / 450 (+ 75% bonus AD) (+ 110% AP) Hematomania: Briar gains all effects of Blood Frenzy as well as bonus armor and bonus magic resistance equal to 20% AD , life steal , and additional bonus movement speed . Life Steal: 10 / 15 / 20% Additional Bonus Movement Speed: 10 / 20 / 30% While berserked , Briar prioritizes attacking the marked target over all other units and regardless of range. If that target becomes invalid, she will shift back to her normal targeting priority until the marked target can be attacked again. Hematomania lasts until the marked target dies. Casting Chilling Scream ends Hematomania early. Head Rush's cast does not shift her targeting priority during Hematomania. Link ▶️ " FOUND YOU!! " Link ▶️ Activation alert., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Briarwill track the target if they change locations.', 'Briarlands 100 units in front of her target at the end of the dash.', 'Briarwill not initiate the second cast if she is beingsuppressedor is underresurrection.SinceCertain Deathcleanses herself from all crowd control when the first cast hits, she will be able to start the second cast due to removing the suppression effect.', 'SinceCertain Deathcleanses herself from all crowd control when the first cast hits, she will be able to start the second cast due to removing the suppression effect.', 'Briarwill still dash to the target even if they die before she reaches them.', 'Briargains the displacement immunity upon starting the second cast time.', 'Briarwill place herself onto the ground and interruptsdisplacementsaffecting her upon starting the second cast time.', "Hematomania'sberserk targeting priorities differ slightly from that ofBlood Frenzy's:She will prioritize the marked target regardless of range and over all other units as long as it can be attacked.If the marked target is not available, then she shifts her priority to the nearest other champion, then large monster or minion, and then any other unit.If neither the marked target is valid or any other valid targets are close nearby, then she will prioritize targeting the nearest other champion, then large monster or minion, and then any other unit within a global radius.", 'She will prioritize the marked target regardless of range and over all other units as long as it can be attacked.If the marked target is not available, then she shifts her priority to the nearest other champion, then large monster or minion, and then any other unit.If neither the marked target is valid or any other valid targets are close nearby, then she will prioritize targeting the nearest other champion, then large monster or minion, and then any other unit within a global radius.', 'If the marked target is not available, then she shifts her priority to the nearest other champion, then large monster or minion, and then any other unit.If neither the marked target is valid or any other valid targets are close nearby, then she will prioritize targeting the nearest other champion, then large monster or minion, and then any other unit within a global radius.', 'If neither the marked target is valid or any other valid targets are close nearby, then she will prioritize targeting the nearest other champion, then large monster or minion, and then any other unit within a global radius.', 'Starting the second cast interrupts any spells thatBriaris channeling.', "The mark will expire ifHematomania'sbuff is dispelled.", "CastingBlood FrenzyduringHematomaniawill not grant any additional bonuses nor will it overrideHematomania'seffects.GainingHematomaniawhileBlood Frenzyis active will override the previous buff.", 'GainingHematomaniawhileBlood Frenzyis active will override the previous buff.', "Thedisruptis 'wrapped' into a status effect that says the target isSilencedfor 0.3seconds, but it does not actuallysilence. It however makes sure that thedisruptis prevented byimmunity to silences.", 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.', 'The following table refers for interactions whileBriaris in either the first or second cast time:', 'Death, unless protected byResurrection', 'The following table refers for interactions whileBriaris dashing:', 'Death', 'Base damage changed to 150 / 275 / 400.', 'Damage bonus AD ratio changed to90%bonusAD.', 'Resistances AD ratio changed to10% AD.']} | null |
Caitlyn,the Sheriff of Piltover | | | health: Health580+107, resource: Mana315+40, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)3.5+0.55, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)7.4+0.7, armor: Armor27+4.7, attack damage: Attack damage60+3.8, attack speed: Base AS0.681, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius120, release: 2011-01-04, changed: V13.21, role: Marksman, position: Bottom, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 450|260 | InDev Update - Champs, Lore & More, Laura 'poisonpixxi' DeYoung, Head of IP Creative for Riot Games, elaborated on their new approach to narrative cohesiveness by ironing out any inconsistencies that have sprung up over the years.
This article contains information that conflicts with this new narrative and will most likely be changed/moved in the following year(s).
Caitlyn KirammanMainWarden 1Warden 2TacticalTitlesReal nameCaitlyn KirammanNickname(s)CupcakeHat LadyMatilda(Undercover)Alias(es)The Sheriff of PiltoverPiltover's FinestCharacteristicsSpeciesHumanPronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:970 AN - 973 AN14-16 Years Old(Arcane (TV Series)Act 1)20-23 Years Old(Arcane (TV Series)Act 2-3)Weapon(s)PeacemakerYordle Snap Trap90 Caliber NetPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originPiltoverCurrent residencePiltoverFamilyTobias Kiramman[1](Father)Cassandra Kiramman[2](Mother)Professional statusOccupation(s)Warden(Sheriff)EnforcerRegion(s)PiltoverFaction(s)Piltover WardensKiramman ClanRelated character(s)CassandraTobiasJayceXimenaGraysonMelBolbokHoskelSaloShoolaMarcusHaroldViJerichoPimSevikaJinxEkkoSilcoUrgot
Caitlyn Kiramman
• Main
• Warden 1
• Warden 2
• Tactical
Real name
• Cupcake
• Hat Lady
• Matilda(Undercover)
• The Sheriff of Piltover
• Piltover's Finest
• Born:970 AN - 973 AN
• 14-16 Years Old(Arcane (TV Series)Act 1)
• 20-23 Years Old(Arcane (TV Series)Act 2-3)
• Peacemaker
• Yordle Snap Trap
• 90 Caliber Net
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Tobias Kiramman[1](Father)
• Cassandra Kiramman[2](Mother)
Professional status
• Warden(Sheriff)
• Enforcer
• Piltover Wardens
• Kiramman Clan
Related character(s)
Renowned as its finest peacekeeper,Caitlynis alsoPiltover’sbest shot at ridding the city of its elusive criminal elements. She is often paired withVi, acting as a cool counterpoint to her partner’s more impetuous nature. Even though she carries a one-of-a-kindhextechrifle, Caitlyn’s most powerful weapon is her superior intellect, allowing her to lay elaborate traps for any lawbreakers foolish enough to operate in the City of Progress.
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2Contemporary history
• 2Personality
• 3Appearance
• 4Abilities
• 5Relationships5.1Vi
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8References
• 9See also
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2Contemporary history
• 5.1Vi
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early life[]
Born into a wealthy and influential merchant clan, Caitlyn Kiramman swiftly learned the social graces of life in Piltover, but preferred to spend her time in the wilder lands outside it. Equally adept at mingling with the moneyed elite of the City of Progress or stalking a deer through the mud of the forest, she could confidently track a bird on the wing over the merchant districts, or put a shot through the eye of a hare at a hundred paces with her father’s repeater musket.
Caitlyn’s greatest assets, however, were her intelligence and willingness to learn from her parents, who reinforced her understanding of right and wrong, even within a life of comfort and privilege. Her mother was one of the highest comptrollers in Clan Kiramman, and would always warn Caitlyn of Piltover’s seductions, and its gilded promises that could harden the kindest heart. At first, Caitlyn paid little heed—to her, Piltover was a place of beauty and order that she cherished after each trip into the wild.
All that was to change one Progress Day, some years later.
Caitlyn returned to find her home ransacked and empty. The family retainers were all dead, and there was no trace of her parents. Caitlyn secured the house, and immediately set out to find them.
Tracking within the confines of a city was very different from hunting in the wild but, one by one, Caitlyn located the thugs who had invaded her family home. The trail eventually led her to a hidden safehouse, where her mother and father were being tortured for information. She rescued them under cover of darkness, and alerted the Piltover Wardens… though not one of the kidnappers they arrested knew the identity of the individual who had hired them—only a proxy with the initialC.
Caitlyn and her parents began to rebuild their lives… but something fundamental had changed. Her mother in particular could no longer face the politics and duplicity of clan life, and gave up her prestigious role, leaving something of a vacuum in the Kiramman leadership. And, though she loved her parents dearly, Caitlyn had no desire to take her mother’s place, nor to learn her father’s trade as an artificer.
Instead, her focus turned toward breaking through the web of intrigue surrounding the mysterious "C". Utilizing her hunting skills, she established herself as a private investigator, and quickly made a name for herself as someone who could find anything or anyone. In recognition of her self-made success, Caitlyn’s parents crafted her a hextech rifle of exquisite artifice, with greater accuracy than any musket. The weapon could take a variety of specialized shells, and be easily modified in the field.
After a particularly traumatic case involving a missing hextech device and a series of child abductions, Caitlyn was summoned by the Wardens.
She had been recommended by one of their number who had also developed something of an affinity for stranger cases—and their battle with a host of rogue chimerics in the employ of a lunatic chem-researcher driven mad by his own concoctions led to her being offered a formal position as a sheriff. At first, Caitlyn refused, but eventually came to realize that the Wardens’ resources could potentially get her closer to discovering the true identity of “C".
Contemporary history[]
Caitlyn has since become a highly respected officer within the ranks of the Wardens, always striving to make the City of Progress a better and safer place. She recently partnered with a new recruit from Zaun, the brash and reckless Vi. How such an unlikely pairing came about—and been proven so effective—is the subject of wild rumor and tavern speculation among their fellow Wardens, as well as those they haul away to jail.
What Caitlyn doesn't know, however, is that "C" is also keeping tabs on her... especially as her investigations bring her ever closer to the truth.
Caitlyn is a woman who is very devoted to the community of Piltover. She enjoys her work as a sheriff, where she assists citizens and apprehends criminals while ensuring they have a fair trial, demonstrating that she is fair to both good and bad people.
She is strict, disciplined, and level-headed. She will use legal means to ensure that her work is meticulous and routine. These characteristics are what distinguishes her as an effective detective. However, Caitlyn can also be somewhat rebellious, as she has been known to break the rules at times in order to carry out her duty, such as allowing Vi, a woman from Zaun, to join her and chaperone her on missions. There have been rumors that her and Vi's relationship is more than just professional or a friendship.
Caitlyn has proven to be a very compassionate person after witnessing the state of Zaun; she works together with Vi to protect the city, and prevent the corruption from continuing.
Despite her maturity and elegance, she is a big fan ofSeraphineand will drop all said traits to being giddy and excitable should she be around.
Caitlyn's height is above average, standing 6' tall and slim but muscular build with pale skin, back-length dark blue hair, and piercing deep blue eyes. She is part Piltovan and Ionian.
Her outfit is a combination of white, dark blue, and bronze colors. She consists of a sheriff's uniform with a short navy blue skirt, long navy blue stockings with embellishments and bronze heeled boots and she always wears a matching top hat with the uniform which gives her a classy yet intimidating look.
Caitlyn earned her position as sheriff for her incredible use of firearms, especially in the rifle that is her favorite weapon, she never misses andVidescribed her aim as impeccable.
CaitlynandViare partners-in-law-enforcement. The two have a very close relationship. They've been chasing afterJinxwho is Vi's sister and a dangerous criminal who's been wreaking havoc in Piltover. They managed to stop a turmoil caused byUrgotand his followers, caught him and later put him in an isolated island prison. The duo later fight him again when his followers try to free him from his prison.
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The Sheriff of Piltover
ByElyse Lemoine
Starring Champion
Arcane (TV Series)
Every legend has a beginning.
Starring:Aero,Amara,Ambessa,Babette,Benzo,Billingsworth,Bolbok,Caitlyn,Cassandra,Chross,Claggor,Deckard,Ekko,Elora,Finn,Gorgeous Man,Grayson,Harold,Heimerdinger,Hoskel,Huck,Jayce,Jericho,Jinx,Jules,Lock,Marcus,Margot,Mel,Mylo,Pim,Ren,Renni,Salo,Sevika,Shoola,Silco,Singed,Sky,Smeech,Thieram,Tobias,Vander,Verne,Vi,Viktor,Ximena
Beyond the Bandlewood (Video)
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Short Story
Child of Zaun
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Progress Day
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Tamara forces herself to rise early - an easy habit to get into when the earth is your bed and fallen leaves the only blanket. Less so when the mattress is stuffed with goose down and the sheets woven from soft cotton. The curtains are pulled back, and warm light pools on the floor of her third floor boarding room. She'd closed the curtains on her first night in Piltover and had slept two hours past dawn, which worried her so much, she has never closed them since.
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The Council Archives
ByTy Sheedlo
The Council Archives. You'd heard stories at the Academy, of course, but words could not describe the breathtaking magnitude of its contents. The entire history of your city: its glorious achievements, its sinister secrets, painstakingly documented, waiting to be read.
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The Thrill of the Chase
ByGraham McNeill
Even three bells after the Sun Gate had closed, Piltover was still full of life - life that was currently getting in her way. Caitlyn sprinted down Mainspring Crescent, weaving a path between midnight revelers strolling down the fashionable promenade of cafes and bistros. The supper clubs were emptying, as were the nearby theaters inside the Drawsmith Arcade, so this street was going to get a whole lot busier. If they didn't catch up to Devaki soon, they were going to lose him.
Music Video
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Mentioned Champion
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Interrogation 101
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Vi stifled a yawn as she moved through the gilded chamber at the heart of Piltover's Hall of Law. Dawn was less than an hour old, and the place was quiet. A few drunks were sleeping it off in the shaming cells, and she'd heard there were a couple of chem-augmented thugs in the deeper, more secure lock-ups. She'd ask around later, see if she could provide any insight as to what they were doing up in Piltover.
The Loose Cannon
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The Piltover Enforcer
ByGraham McNeill
Alternate Universes
A New Journey
Inspired by the true story of Michelle, a university student and League of Legends player who joined a team and joined the fight. Season 2019 of League of Legends starts now! It's On.
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Cupcakes 4 Heartaches
ByTy Sheedlo
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Dawn by Raid
Music Video
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Since its inception, Worlds has grown and evolved. Each unbelievable play and phenomenal match created moments and memories that will never be forgotten. In these iconic moments, players and teams reached for something incredible within themselves and brought it to life on the Summoner’s Rift...
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ByInstitute of War
The truest opponent lies within.
Starring:Boram Darkwill,Brand,Caitlyn,Cassiopeia,Galio,Graves,Irelia,Jarvan IV,Karma,LeBlanc,Lee Sin,Leona,Lux,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nocturne,Orianna,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Skarner,Sona,Swain,Talon,Trundle,Urgot,Varus,Vayne,Vladimir,Wukong,Xerath,Xin Zhao,Yorick
Short Story
Lunar Guardian
By Numerous creators
There was an age when darkness smothered all hope. A traveler arrived, late into that twilight hour, bearing with him the first light of dawn.
Make History
In this battle of regions, one will conquer all others to make history.
Starring:Alistar,Ashe,Azir,Bard,Brand,Caitlyn,Cassiopeia,Elise,Evelynn,Janna,Karma,LeBlanc,Lee Sin,Lucian,Morgana,Nautilus,Orianna,Pyke,Ryze
One Simple Rule
The Roadtrip
ByCassie Parkes,Marvin Clifford
Mentioned:Ahri,Ashe,Azir,Bard,Braum,Darius,Fiddlesticks,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Irelia,Jinx,Kalista,Katarina,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Lulu,Master Yi,Nami,Poppy,Rakan,Shaco,Sona,Swain,Taric,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Varus,Xayah,Yasuo,Zilean
Unite Against The Dark
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Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Crystal Quest: Series 1
Mentioned:Anivia,Ashe,Braum,Bristle,Caitlyn,Camille,Elise,Ezreal,Garen,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Illaoi,Ivern,Katarina,Kled,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lucian,Nami,Olaf,Poppy,Ryze,Senna,Singed,Skaarl,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Veigar,Vi,Zac
Mac Client Available
Starring:Dr. Mundo
Mentioned:Amumu,Ashe,Caitlyn,Ezreal,Fizz,Gragas,Graves,Katarina,Master Yi,Miss Fortune,Mordekaiser,Orianna,Riven,Ryze,Singed,Soraka,Viktor,Zac,Ziggs
Short Story
Out of Time
ByMichael Yichao
Playtime with Gnar: Series 2
ByRachel J. Corey
Punches and Plants: Series 1
Mentioned:Ahri,Alistar,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Braum,Caitlyn,Darius,Diana,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Evelynn,Ezreal,Gangplank,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jinx,Karma,Katarina,Leona,Lucian,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Nunu,Quinn,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Sivir,Sona,Soraka,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Valor,Varus,Vel'Koz,Vladimir,Volibear,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Zac,Ziggs
Punches and Plants: Series 2
Mentioned:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Amumu,Annie,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Diana,Draven,Ekko,Ezreal,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Kha'Zix,Kog'Maw,Leona,Lucian,Lux,Malphite,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nasus,Nautilus,Nidalee,Olaf,Orianna,Poppy,Quinn,Rakan,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Shaco,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Valor,Vel'Koz,Viktor,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Xin Zhao,Yasuo,Ziggs
Road to the Cup
As the 2013 League of Legends World Championship final draws near, we showcase the biggest heroes in esports from around the world. Many teams fell by the wayside in epic battles, and now only two remain: Korea's SK Telecom T1 and China's Royal Club. Who will rise?
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Blitzcrank,Brand,Caitlyn,Corki,Elise,Ezreal,Gragas,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Lux,Malphite,Mordekaiser,Orianna,Renekton,Ryze,Shen,Thresh,Twisted Fate,Vayne,Zac,Zed
Music Video
Take Over
By Numerous creators
We're Taking Over.
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Caitlyn,Galio,Jarvan IV,Kassadin,Lee Sin,Thresh,Xayah
The Tale of the Poro King
By Numerous creators
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aatrox,Akali,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Darius,Diana,Draven,Ezreal,Gnar,Illaoi,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kai'Sa,Karma,Karthus,Katarina,Kayle,Kayn,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nunu,Ornn,Pantheon,Pyke,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Rhaast,Ryze,Sejuani,Shen,Sion,Sivir,Soraka,Sylas,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Thresh,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Vi,Volibear,Willump,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs,Zoe
• Caitlyn’s Kiramman name and house is inherited matrilineally. Her father became a part of the house after marrying her mother. Her mother sits on the council, a position meant to go to Caitlyn, and her joining the Enforcers was seen by her parents as an act of rebellion, despite their superficial show of support.[3]
• Caitlyn'sYordle Snap Trapappears to bea bear trapwith aCupcakefor bait.Vicalling her 'Cupcake' might allude to Caitlyn's choice forYordlebait.
• <span class="skin-play-button skinloading-icon" data-champion=""My my, does your dear grandniece know what "C" has been up to?"" data-skin="Swain" data-variant="" style="position:relative; height:20px; width:20px; display:inline">[[File:"My my, does your dear grandniece know what "C" has been up to?"SwainCircle.png|20px|link=]]implies thatCamilleis Caitlyn's arch-nemesis, or atleast has ties to "C". InLegends of Runeterra, it is revealed that "C" isCorina Veraza.
• The name of Caitlyn's House (previously unnamed inLeague of Legends) was conceived byArcanewriter Amanda Overton.[4]The name has since been adapted inLeaguecanon.[5]
• Caitlyn is in her 20s.She is around 14-16 years old during the first act of Arcane.She is around 20-23 years old during the second and third act of the series.[6]
• Caitlyn's official height, including the heels, is 185 cm (6'1).[7]
• Vicalling her 'Cupcake' might allude to Caitlyn's choice forYordlebait.
• She is around 14-16 years old during the first act of Arcane.
• She is around 20-23 years old during the second and third act of the series.[6]
See also[] | Name: Headshot, Description: Innate: Caitlyn's basic attacks generate a stack of Count on-attack , doubled if she is within brush . At 5 stacks, or 4 while in brush , her next basic attack consumes all stacks to become a Headshot . Headshot: Caitlyn's basic attack is empowered to have an uncancellable windup and deal 60 / 90 / 120% (based on level) (+ (148. 75 % + 38. 25 % ) critical strike chance) AD bonus physical damage , increased to 110 / 115 / 120% (based on level) (+ (148. 75 % + 38. 25 % ) critical strike chance) AD against non-champions. Caitlyn may fire more than one Headshot until it hits a target, which consumes all stacks. Enemies that step over a Yordle Snap Trap or are hit by 90 Caliber Net can grant an additional Headshot against them at 1300 range within 1. 8 seconds, without consuming stacks. Each method grants only one Headshot at a time., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'Headshotis consumed when the missile successfully hits the target.', "IfCaitlyn'scurrent target becomes trapped byYordle Snap Trapor90 Caliber Netwhile her attack is on cooldown, this ongoing cooldown will be refunded partially so that her next attack on them can begin earlier.Swapping the target to an enemy trapped byYordle Snap Trapor90 Caliber Netalso reduces her ongoing attack cooldown.PENDING FOR TEST:: The exact attack cooldown refund appears to be 50% of the attack cooldown at current attack speed, but at a minimum amount it letsCaitlynstart the attack against the trapped target within 0.5seconds of her previous attack windup completing.", 'Swapping the target to an enemy trapped byYordle Snap Trapor90 Caliber Netalso reduces her ongoing attack cooldown.PENDING FOR TEST:: The exact attack cooldown refund appears to be 50% of the attack cooldown at current attack speed, but at a minimum amount it letsCaitlynstart the attack against the trapped target within 0.5seconds of her previous attack windup completing.', 'PENDING FOR TEST:: The exact attack cooldown refund appears to be 50% of the attack cooldown at current attack speed, but at a minimum amount it letsCaitlynstart the attack against the trapped target within 0.5seconds of her previous attack windup completing.', 'The bonus range fromRapid Firecannonwill not have any effect duringtrapandnetextendedHeadshotattacks.', "Only the ordinary100% attack damageportion of the attack can critically strike. The bonus fromHeadshotis added after the critical strike is rolled.The full damage ofHeadshotapplieslife steal.Headshotis a single instance of damage, thus does not triggerAmumu'sTantrum'sorWarden's Mail'spassives twice.", 'The full damage ofHeadshotapplieslife steal.', "Headshotis a single instance of damage, thus does not triggerAmumu'sTantrum'sorWarden's Mail'spassives twice.", "The basic attack triggeringHeadshotcancritically strike, butHeadshot'sdamage remains unchanged if it does.", "SinceCaitlyn'sArt and Sustainability Update, Ability-grantedHeadshotsare the same as the originalHeadshotoverride attack, though what lets them cast at high range is still relatively special. They triggeron-attackeffects (including stackingHeadshot).PENDING FOR TEST:Runaan's Hurricane'sWind's Fury, is special cased to search targets with the increased range as well.", "PENDING FOR TEST:Runaan's Hurricane'sWind's Fury, is special cased to search targets with the increased range as well.", "BecauseHeadshotstacks are generatedon-attack,Runaan's Hurricanebolts will not generate stacks towardsHeadshot.", 'The empowered attack will not trigger againstwards.Stacks will still be generated towardsHeadshotwhen attacking them.', 'Stacks will still be generated towardsHeadshotwhen attacking them.']} | Name: Piltover Peacemaker, Description: Active: Caitlyn fires a piercing shot in the target direction that deals physical damage to the first enemy it passes through, after which it expands in width but deals only 50% damage to enemies it hits thereafter. Physical Damage: 50 / 90 / 130 / 170 / 210 (+ 125 / 145 / 165 / 185 / 205% AD) Reduced Damage: 25 / 45 / 65 / 85 / 105 (+ 62. 5 / 72. 5 / 82. 5 / 92. 5 / 102. 5 % AD) Enemies revealed by Yordle Snap Trap always take full damage from Piltover Peacemaker ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'Enemies hit while protected by aspell shieldwill still be considered a target for calculating damage for subsequent hits.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.']} | Name: Yordle Snap Trap, Description: Active: Caitlyn sets a visible trap at the target location that is untargetable and arms after 1 second, lasting for a duration. The trap grants sight of the area for 1 second after being placed. Trap Duration: 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50 Caitlyn periodically stocks a Yordle Snap Trap charge, up to a maximum amount. Deploying traps beyond the maximum destroys the oldest one. Maximum Traps: 3 / 3 / 4 / 4 / 5 The next enemy champion that springs the trap is rooted for 1. 5 seconds and revealed for 3 seconds, as well as takes additional damage from the Headshot granted by this ability. Trapped targets become immune to further Yordle Snap Traps for 3 seconds. Headshot Damage Increase: 40 / 85 / 130 / 175 / 220 (+ 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80% bonus AD), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'Immunity vsAirbornemoveblocks andKinematics?:', 'If multiple traps are placed under an enemy, they will spring all at once.']} | Name: 90 Caliber Net, Description: Active: Caitlyn fires a net in the target direction and recoils 390 units in the opposite direction. The net deals magic damage to the first enemy hit and slows them by 50% for 1 second. Magic Damage: 80 / 130 / 180 / 230 / 280 (+ 80% AP) Caitlyn will not dash backwards if she is immobilized or grounded during the cast time. She can cast any of her abilities during the dash., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'The recoil can be used to pass through terrain.', "IfCaitlynbuffersPiltover Peacemakerduring90 Caliber Net'scast time,Piltover Peacemakerwill start after the cast time.IfCaitlynbuffers an ability orbasic attackduring this ability's cast time, the buffered ability or basic attack will instead start after the dash ends.Other abilities can be cast whiledashingif they are input after the cast time.", "IfCaitlynbuffers an ability orbasic attackduring this ability's cast time, the buffered ability or basic attack will instead start after the dash ends.", 'Other abilities can be cast whiledashingif they are input after the cast time.', "90 Caliber Net'smissile will fail to fire ifCaitlynissuppressedduring the cast time.(bug)"]} | Name: Ace in the Hole, Description: Active: Caitlyn locks onto the target enemy champion and channels for 1 second, revealing them as well as revealing herself. Ace in the Hole is placed on a 5-second cooldown if canceled. Once Caitlyn completes the channel, she fires a homing bullet toward the target that deals physical damage to the first enemy champion it hits, increased by 0% − 50% (based on critical strike chance) . Physical damage: 300 / 500 / 700 (+ 170% bonus AD) Link ▶️ "In my sights.", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', "The following will cancelAce in the Hole'schannel (mana expenditure is not compensated):Caitlynisinterrupted.The target becomesuntargetable.Caitlynor her targetdies.", 'Caitlynisinterrupted.', 'The target becomesuntargetable.', 'Caitlynor her targetdies.', 'Ace in the Holereveals the target andCaitlynthrough a buff that lasts for up to 4 seconds.The buff is applied to the target from the start of the cast time.The buff ends prematurely when the channel is canceled or the bullet hits an enemy.The target is revealed for 1 second if the buff is ended prematurely.It is not removed if the cast time is cancelled or the bullet missile is destroyed.(bug)', 'The buff is applied to the target from the start of the cast time.', 'The buff ends prematurely when the channel is canceled or the bullet hits an enemy.The target is revealed for 1 second if the buff is ended prematurely.It is not removed if the cast time is cancelled or the bullet missile is destroyed.(bug)', 'The target is revealed for 1 second if the buff is ended prematurely.', 'It is not removed if the cast time is cancelled or the bullet missile is destroyed.(bug)', 'The ability also goes on a 5-secondcooldownifCaitlynentersresurrectionduring the cast time.The cast time does not end prematurely but the channel will be immediately canceled the moment the cast time completes.', 'The cast time does not end prematurely but the channel will be immediately canceled the moment the cast time completes.', 'If the target dies after the bullet has been fired, the shot will continue towards their corpse and may still hit other enemy champions.', 'The bullet has asightradius of 1500 attached to it.', 'If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the cast time, this ability will cancel but does not go oncooldownnor pay its cost (if applicable).This excludes losing sight of the target.', 'This excludes losing sight of the target.', 'The following table refers for interactions whileCaitlynischanneling:', 'Death', 'Cast-inhibiting effects']} | In Western culture, the name Caitlyn is believed to be derived from the Greek Αἰκατερίνα (Aikaterine).Katarina'sname has the same roots.
Caitlyn's accent is aReceived Pronunciationspoken in south ofEngland.
Caitlyn's rifle can be seen in thetrailerfor the game's Mac version.AYordle Snap Trapcan be seen shortly after.
Caitlyn has the longest basebasic attack rangein the game at650 units.Her dance and taunts resemble several rifle moves in modernColor guardcorps.
Headshotsactually fires at the target's head; this is most noticeable with tall targets likeBaron NashororEnemy Turrets.
When Caitlyn and Vi are on the same team, they are granted the cosmetic buffOn the Case. This buff gives them extragoldwhen they score atakedowntogether.If there is aJinxon the enemy team, Caitlyn gets the cosmetic debuffCatch me if you can!This debuff displays a counter of 'criminals apprehended' (kills/assists scored against Jinx). |
Camille,the Steel Shadow,Camille Ferros | | | health: Health646+99, resource: Mana339+52, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)8.5+0.8, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)8.15+0.75, armor: Armor35+5, attack damage: Attack damage68+3.8, attack speed: Base AS0.644, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius100, release: 2016-12-07, changed: V13.17, role: Diver, position: Top, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 4800|880 | InDev Update - Champs, Lore & More, Laura 'poisonpixxi' DeYoung, Head of IP Creative for Riot Games, elaborated on their new approach to narrative cohesiveness by ironing out any inconsistencies that have sprung up over the years.
This article contains information that conflicts with this new narrative and will most likely be changed/moved in the following year(s).
CamilleMainArmoredTitlesReal nameCamille FerrosNickname(s)The Gray LadyAlias(es)The Steel ShadowThe Razor's Edge[1]CharacteristicsSpeciesHuman(Cyborg)Pronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:916 ANWeapon(s)Hextech HeartHextech Blade LegsHookshotPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originPiltoverCurrent residencePiltoverFamilyRhodri Ferros†(Father)Gemma Ferros†(Mother)Unnamed Siblings†Stevan Ferros†(Brother)Hakim Naderi†(Former Lover)Elicia Ferros†(Grand-Aunt)Albus Ferros(Relative)Unnamed Grand-NieceProfessional statusOccupation(s)Clan Ferros' Principal IntelligencerRegion(s)PiltoverFaction(s)Ferros ClanRelated character(s)EzrealJayceViktorViEkkoOriannaWarwickJhin
• Main
• Armored
Real name
• The Steel Shadow
• The Razor's Edge[1]
• Born:916 AN
• Hextech Heart
• Hextech Blade Legs
• Hookshot
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Rhodri Ferros†(Father)
• Gemma Ferros†(Mother)
• Unnamed Siblings†
• Stevan Ferros†(Brother)
• Hakim Naderi†(Former Lover)
• Elicia Ferros†(Grand-Aunt)
• Albus Ferros(Relative)
• Unnamed Grand-Niece
Professional status
Related character(s)
Weaponized to operate outside the boundaries of the law,Camilleis the Principal Intelligencer ofClan Ferros—an elegant and elite agent who ensures thePiltover machineand itsZaunite underbellyruns smoothly. Adaptable and precise, she views sloppy technique as an embarrassment that must be put to order. With a mind as sharp as the blades she bears, Camille's pursuit of superiority through hextech body augmentation has made many wonder if she is now more machine than woman.
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2Contemporary history1.3Convergence
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Jhin
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2Contemporary history
• 1.3Convergence
• 5.1Jhin
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early life[]
Most of the family’s wealth came through harvesting a rare crystal from the brackern, a creature native to Shurima. These hex-crystals—or “first crystals”—contained power normally only wielded by those born with innate magical ability. After Camille’s great-great aunt lost an arm during an early expedition, her sacrifice inspired the Ferros family motto:“For family, will I give.”
The brackern were a limited resource, and Camille's family had to augment the crystals they’d accumulated. Utilizing shadow investments in chemtech and runic alchemy, they developed less powerful, but easier to make, synthetic hex-crystals.
Yet there were consequences—synthetic crystal manufacturing has long been rumored to heavily contribute to the Zaun Gray. Furthermore, it was only through espionage, intimidation, and murder that Clan Ferros held its monopoly on this priceless commodity, and ensured its uninterrupted production in Zaun, maintaining the family’s place in Piltover’s illustrious Bluewind Court.
As the eldest surviving child of Clan Ferros’ masters, Camille received every educational advantage. She had exceptional tutors, learning to speak several foreign languages and play the cellovinna at a concert-master level. Camille also learned to read and write Ancient Shuriman while assisting her father on digs in the Odyn Valley.
Traditionally, one of the younger children would become their family's principal intelligencer, working with the clan master to secure their family’s success by any means necessary. However, Camille's younger brother, Stevan, had a weak constitution, and so Camille took his place. He jealously watched her embrace her additional training, and she became quite adept in combat, reconnaissance, and interrogation.
When Camille was twenty-five, augmented Zaunite thugs attacked her and her father, intent on stealing lucrative trade secrets. Camille’s father succumbed to his wounds, and in anguish, her mother died soon after. Stevan became clan master, and he doubled the clan’s research in human hextech augmentation, eager to prove himself as a strong leader.
After a year of mourning, Stevan oversaw the induction of Hakim Naderi—a promising young crystallographer from the Shuriman coastal city of Bel'zhun—as the family’s lead artificer.
Camille requested hextech augmentation from Hakim to push her beyond her human limitations. Hakim was instantly enamored with her, and they bonded over the preparations and late night stories of Shurima… and eventually, Camille returned Hakim's feelings. Their affair grew reckless, as they knew the surgery would conclude their time together. Hakim would move onto other projects, and Camille would once again be fully committed to the principal intelligencer’s duties. More than that, Hakim worried that in carving away Camille's heart, he might remove her humanity.
Days before Camille's operation, Hakim proposed marriage and begged her to run away with him. For the first time in her life, Camille was torn.
Stevan had no such conflict, as he needed Camille to execute his vision. When he learned of the secret proposal, he devised a plan—the next time Camille and Hakim were together, Stevan set himself up to be attacked. When she saw her brother bruised and bloodied, Camille recognized what could happen when her attention was divided.
Hakim pleaded with Camille, but she wouldn’t listen. For family, she would give. She ended her relationship with Hakim, insisting her surgery go forward.
He was the only one who could safely perform the operation, and so he excised Camille’s heart and replaced it with hextech—then resigned. When she awoke, the lab she and Hakim had shared was abandoned.
Camille focused on her work. She took on further refinements, including bladed legs, grapple-spindled hips, and other, minor hex-augmentations, leading some to wonder how much of the woman was left. And as Clan Ferros amassed more power and wealth, Camille’s missions became darker and more deadly.
Thanks to her hextech heart, she did not age—but the years were not so kind to her brother. Yet even as Stevan's body grew more frail, his iron grip on the clan remained.
Contemporary history[]
Eventually, Camille uncovered the depth of Stevan's betrayal, and realized his machinations were no longer in the family’s best interests. In that moment, she discarded the last sentiment she felt toward her brother.
After installing her favorite grand-niece as clan master, Camille now runs the family's public affairs as well as its more shady operations. As a solver of…difficult problems, she embraces her more-than-human transformation and the cutting judgment it affords her—but a strange, mournful keening in her hextech heart may yet prove a troubling portent.
Regardless, Camille refuses to sit idle, and gains invigoration from well-executed industrial espionage, a fresh-brewed cup of tea, and long walks in the Gray.
During the events of Convergence, Camille is entrusted with a mission which is to stop the Poingdestres, a chymobarons family which has carried out illegal and extremely dangerous experiments at the expense of the Hextech crystals of the Ferros clan.
After finding out thatEkkowas getting into the Poingdestres' investigation, she herself went to confront him and tell him that the only way to stop him from interfering further was to kill him and the two began to fight.Ekko managed to incapacitate Camille. Future Ekko at that moment telling her that he had met Camille, she immediately deduced that there were two Ekkos, who were trying to stop the Poingdestres chemobarons just like her and proposes that they work together. Future Ekko, upsetting Present Ekko , to which Camille proceeded to leave to find the remaining Poingdestres.
During the fight against Jinx, she was about to throw explosives at Ekko but at that moment Camille appeared and cut the explosives with her legs leaving Jinx very surprised, then Camille proceeded to attack Jinx. At first Jinx took the lead hitting camille on the head, but Ekko used his Z press to rewind that moment to tell Camille to protect her head, then after a few hits she managed to incapacitate Jinx but due to a slight distraction she managed to escape .
Camille asked Ekko if there was any way to contact his Future Self and Ekko told him that there was a way and to play along, Ekko called his future self and told him that Camille was going to kill him for letting the Poigndestres go, Camille proceeded to pretend to attack him with her blades and Future Ekko appeared at that moment to stop Camille from landing the final blow on Ekko.
Future Ekko asked what was happening and realized that he had been set up, Camille proceeded to threaten him to reveal his plan unless he wanted her to get the information out of him herself. Future Ekko said that the only way to avoid the catastrophe was to destroy the reserves of Syntixi and the reserves of Hextech crystals in the Ferros clan vaults at the same time, which horrified Camille and Ekko. Future Ekko subsequently escaped to search for more Syntixi, Ekko asked Camille to go with him to Zaun to try to find Future Ekko's hideout and discover his plan.
Camille is an elegant-looking woman with beautiful human and robotic features; she is very tall due to having, instead of legs, large prosthetic blades; her hips are exaggeratedly large, housing her grappling lines; her facial features are pale white skin, high cheekbones, thick lips, short platinum white hair, and piercing electric blue eyes. She wears a cyborg armor of black, dark blue and dark gray colors that covers the entirety of her body aside from her face.
Camille is obsessed with her work, enhancing her body to levels far from a normal human through hextech body augmentations. She's cold and ruthless, not allowing any emotion to interfere with her duties. Being born into one of the most powerful families in Piltover, Camille is an aristocrat with an intense loathing of carelessness and mistakes. The virtues she values most are: Patience and Precision.
Despite her lack of emotions, Camille can still show signs of empathy and teamwork, even collaborating with Zaunitas.
• Hextech Cybernetic Enhancement:Camille has been given extensive cybernetic augmentations. Those enhancements gradually culminated when her heart was replaced with a hextech heart.Enhanced Longevity:Camille's aging has been severely halted. She has lived for 80 years while still looking like a woman in her early forties.Cybernetic Prosthetics:Camille's legs have been substituted with prosthetics with powerful abilities.Leg Blades:The "feet" of Camille's legs are sharp blades capable of cutting through most materials.Hookshots:Her tights have two hookshots attached that can be used as grappling hooks to move more easily across the city.Hex Energy Manipulation:Camille emits powerful hex energy that can be used in several ways.Energy Coating:Camille can "coat" her blades with energy, strengthening their cutting power.Energy Fields:Camille can create energy fields around herself and others to protect herself or imprison others.Deduction Skills: Camille is incredibly skilled at gathering information to solve cases.Multilingual: Camille was educated in languages, being able to speak fluently and understand Ancient Shuriman, Targonian, and Ixtali.
• Enhanced Longevity:Camille's aging has been severely halted. She has lived for 80 years while still looking like a woman in her early forties.
• Cybernetic Prosthetics:Camille's legs have been substituted with prosthetics with powerful abilities.Leg Blades:The "feet" of Camille's legs are sharp blades capable of cutting through most materials.Hookshots:Her tights have two hookshots attached that can be used as grappling hooks to move more easily across the city.
• Hex Energy Manipulation:Camille emits powerful hex energy that can be used in several ways.Energy Coating:Camille can "coat" her blades with energy, strengthening their cutting power.Energy Fields:Camille can create energy fields around herself and others to protect herself or imprison others.
• Deduction Skills: Camille is incredibly skilled at gathering information to solve cases.
• Multilingual: Camille was educated in languages, being able to speak fluently and understand Ancient Shuriman, Targonian, and Ixtali.
• Leg Blades:The "feet" of Camille's legs are sharp blades capable of cutting through most materials.
• Hookshots:Her tights have two hookshots attached that can be used as grappling hooks to move more easily across the city.
• Energy Coating:Camille can "coat" her blades with energy, strengthening their cutting power.
• Energy Fields:Camille can create energy fields around herself and others to protect herself or imprison others.
She has encountered and fought againstJhinduring his assassination mission inZaunwhich affected her clan's business. What happened to Camille afterward is still unknown, however.
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ByDouble Stallion Games
Rewind the Past, Control the Future - Explore and traverse through the spectacular city of Zaun as Ekko, a young inventor with an ingenious device to manipulate time, in this story-driven action platformer. Play as a young Ekko and realize the full potential of one of League’s fan-favorite Champions.
Starring:Aximander,Camille,Chadd,Corin Reveck,Corina Veraza,Drake Poingdestre,Ekko,Elie,Inna,Jinx,Lem,Red,Rungs,Vale Poingdestre,Warwick,Wyeth,Zarkon Poingdestre
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The Shadows Beckon
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Swift and lethal, Evelynn is one of the most deadly - and expensive - assassins in all of Runeterra. Able to merge with shadows at will, she patiently stalks her prey, waiting for the right moment to strike. While Evelynn is clearly not entirely human, and her heritage remains unclear, it is believed that she hails from the Shadow Isles - though her link with that tortured realm remains shrouded in mystery.
• Camille is an 80-year-oldaugmented humanwhose Hextech heart has allowed her to age much more slowly than usual.She was 26 when she started experimenting with self-augmentation one year after her parents' assassination.
• Her augmented body, as well as her undercover shadow ops, have earned her the moniker 'The Gray Lady' (theGlorious Evolved'spatron saint).
• Camille takes the role of a 'fixer' in service of the powerful clans, keeping Zaun's power in check from rivaling Piltover.
• The idea of body augmentation is not so strange to the people of Zaun and Piltover, though Camille's particular body mod would be widely considered extreme.
• Camille would never admit to anyone else her doubts about how far she could modify herself while retaining humanity. Her deepest fear is that because she's traded in her flesh for tools, others may see her as little more than a tool to be used.
• Her fighting technique originates from her favorite weapon, theShon-Xanfooted glaive.
• Her current grappling line and hook originate from the WesternSerpent Isles.
• She masters several foreign languages such as localZhyunfrom SouthernIoniaand ancient Ur-Nox fromNoxus, beside reading and writing Ancient Shuriman.
• She can play the cellovinna at a concert-master level, her favorite spare-time hobby.
• Her great-great-aunt is speculated to be the escaping woman inDreamsong.
• InAwaken, Camille's eyes change colour when she approachesJhin. This changing eye color is an allusion to her in-game passive, where she gains a shield based on the damage type of the champion she's attacking. That shot in the cinematic is her realizing that Jhin has set a trap. Her reaction is to first analyze the threat before jumping into action.[2]
• It is hinted that Camille knows who killedVi'sparents.
• She was 26 when she started experimenting with self-augmentation one year after her parents' assassination.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Adaptive Defenses, Description: Innate: Periodically, Camille's next basic attack against an enemy champion is enhanced to on-hit grant her a shield equal to 20% of her maximum health for 2 seconds from either exclusively physical damage or magic damage , based on which type the target has previously dealt most of against champions as well as on Camille's current armor and magic resistance . Link ▶️ "Adapt or perish.", STATIC COOLDOWN: STATICCOOLDOWN:20 / 15 / 10 (based on level), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'Adaptive Defensesgoes on cooldown after the shield expires or is destroyed.', "The shield-typing is determined based on thetotaldamage the target has dealt to champions that game (as a percentage) versusCamille'scurrentarmorandmagic resistance.For example, with littlebonusresistancesCamillewould likely gain the most obvious shield-typing - i.e.physical shieldversus champions primarily dealingphysical damageandmagic shieldversus champions primarily dealingmagic damage. However, if she has a sufficient amount ofarmoragainst a champion dealing both alternates ofphysical damageandmagic damage, she will receive a magic shield as thephysical damagethreat is already being mitigated by herarmor, and vice versa.", 'For example, with littlebonusresistancesCamillewould likely gain the most obvious shield-typing - i.e.physical shieldversus champions primarily dealingphysical damageandmagic shieldversus champions primarily dealingmagic damage. However, if she has a sufficient amount ofarmoragainst a champion dealing both alternates ofphysical damageandmagic damage, she will receive a magic shield as thephysical damagethreat is already being mitigated by herarmor, and vice versa.', 'The type of shield that will be granted toCamillewhen she attacks any one enemy champion is shown as an icon beneath theirhealth bar:orangefor physical shield andbluefor magic shield.', 'Adaptive Defensestakes priority over all othershieldsexceptBlack Shield.', 'Adaptive DefensesWill not grantCamillethe shield is the attack isdodged,blocked, or if she isblinded.']} | Name: Precision Protocol, Description: Active: Camille empowers her next basic attack within 4 seconds to have an uncancellable windup , gain 50 bonus range , deal bonus physical damage and grant her bonus movement speed for 1 second. Bonus Physical Damage: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40% AD Bonus Movement Speed: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40% After 0. 25 seconds, Precision Protocol can then be recast within the next 3. 5 seconds at no additional cost. Recast: Camille mimics the first cast's effects. If Precision Protocol is recast after 1. 5 seconds of the first attack, then the bonus damage is doubled, and 40% − 100% (based on level) of the attack's total damage will be dealt as true damage . Increased Mixed Damage: 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80% AD Both casts of Precision Protocol reset Camille's basic attack timer. Camille is able to cast Tactical Sweep , Hookshot , or The Hextech Ultimatum during the windup of Precision Protocol's empowered attack without cancelling it., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Physical damage/True damage', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', "Both casts count as ability activations for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.", 'Both enhanced attackscannotcritically strike.', 'The 1.5-second delay is "fuzzy", meaning it may take up to another 0.25seconds to ready the window for the empowered attack.This syncs up perfectly withSheen\'scooldown between casts at 0 Item Haste, which is also "fuzzy".', 'This syncs up perfectly withSheen\'scooldown between casts at 0 Item Haste, which is also "fuzzy".', 'The second attack will also become empowered if it simply starts after the 1.5-second delay, even if the recast was consumed earlier.', "The empoweredrecast'strue damage:Has a special case to factorSpellbladeinto the true damage conversion of part of her attack's damage.Otheron-hiteffects do not interact with the true damage conversion.Is not amplified by modifiers that do not increase true damage such asCoup de Grace.Is reduced byPlated Steelcaps'passive because the partial conversion of the physical damage to true damage happens after the reduction to the physical damage (both are pre-mitigation on-take-damage events).*Is dealt just prior to the physical damage portion of the attack.", "Has a special case to factorSpellbladeinto the true damage conversion of part of her attack's damage.", 'Otheron-hiteffects do not interact with the true damage conversion.', 'Is not amplified by modifiers that do not increase true damage such asCoup de Grace.', "Is reduced byPlated Steelcaps'passive because the partial conversion of the physical damage to true damage happens after the reduction to the physical damage (both are pre-mitigation on-take-damage events).*", 'Is dealt just prior to the physical damage portion of the attack.', 'Precision Protocolapplies tostructuresbut the recast does not convert to true damage.', "The enhanced attack will still complete and hit the target even if they becomeuntargetableduring theattack's windup."]} | Name: Tactical Sweep, Description: Active: Camille sweeps her leg in a cone in the target direction over 1. 1 seconds, during which she is ghosted and unable to declare basic attacks. Afterwards, she deals physical damage to all enemies within. Physical Damage: 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 / 190 (+ 60% bonus AD) Enemies hit by the outer half of the cone take additional physical damage , capped at 300 against monsters , and are slowed by 80% decaying over 2 seconds. Camille is healed for 100% of this additional damage post-mitigation against enemy champions in the outer half. Outer Cone Bonus Damage: 5 / 5. 5 / 6 / 6. 5 / 7% (+ 2. 5 % per 100 bonus AD) of target's maximum health Non-epic monsters take 50% damage from Tactical Sweep . Non-Epic Monster Damage: 35 / 50 / 65 / 80 / 95 (+ 30% bonus AD) Bonus Non-Epic Monster Damage: 2. 5 / 2. 75 / 3 / 3. 25 / 3. 5 % (+ 1. 25 % per 100 bonus AD) of target's maximum health Other abilities can be cast during the animation without cancelling it., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', "Camillecan move during the delay, but the hitbox andCamille'svisuals are fixed to the initial target direction.Camille'sfacing-direction, for effects such asPetrifying Gaze, is the direction she is moving, and not the direction the model is facing.", "Camille'sfacing-direction, for effects such asPetrifying Gaze, is the direction she is moving, and not the direction the model is facing.", 'The 50% damage reduction against non-epic monsters applies after the cap. Because of this, the actual cap against non-epic monsters is 150 damage.', 'Because the increased damage in the outer range of the cone is dealt as anadditionalinstance of damage (as opposed tobonusdamage to the original instance), it will trigger effects twice such as being reduced byBone Platingan extra time.(bug)It still belongs to the samecast instance, therefore it does not trigger additional stacks ofConquerororElectrocute.', 'It still belongs to the samecast instance, therefore it does not trigger additional stacks ofConquerororElectrocute.']} | Name: Hookshot, Description: Active: Camille fires a grapple in the target direction. If the grapple collides with terrain, Camille will dash toward and attach to the terrain for 0. 75 seconds, during which she gains the ability to cast Wall Dive . Camille will be knocked down by any immobilizing or polymorphing crowd control, excluding sleep (bug) , during the dash. Other abilities can be cast during the ability. Casting The Hextech Ultimatum will cause the grapple to disappear if it is in flight., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Hookshot Details', 'Wall Dive Details', 'Video', 'Camillemay move while the grapple is in flight.', 'Hookshotcan be cast whilerootedbut not whilegrounded.', 'Camillewill grapple to terrain even if she isimmobilized.', 'Hookshotcan interact withplayer-generated terrain.', "Wall Divecount as an ability activation for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.", 'Despite what one might assume from a wall-jumping ability,Wall Divecanbe used to go through terrain (including the terrain she is bound to).', "CastingFlashduringWall Dive'sdash will interrupt it butCamillewill affect enemies around the new location.", 'Wall Diveis disabled whilegroundedorrooted.Wall Divewill not automatically cast from movement or attack commands in both cases. While grounded, however,Camilleis able to move while bound. She may still dash away from her current location once the grounding finishes.', 'Wall Divewill not automatically cast from movement or attack commands in both cases. While grounded, however,Camilleis able to move while bound. She may still dash away from her current location once the grounding finishes.', 'Camillewill only gain a range indicator towards each valid champion within the extended dash range (800), but will still gain the extended dash range without the indicator against enemies within the 1400 range.She does not have toseeany enemy champions to gain the range indicator or extended range.', 'She does not have toseeany enemy champions to gain the range indicator or extended range.', 'Displacement immunitywill not resist the application of thestun.', "IfTactical Sweepis cast duringWall Dive'sdash on its opposite direction, the target wil be knockback further and to a different direction.(bug)", 'The following table refers for interactions whileCamilleis bound to terrain:WhenCamilleis interrupted, she will automatically castWall Dive. The only exception is if she was interrupted by castingFlashorRecall, in which caseWall Divecancels.', 'WhenCamilleis interrupted, she will automatically castWall Dive. The only exception is if she was interrupted by castingFlashorRecall, in which caseWall Divecancels.', 'Death', 'Cast-inhibiting effects', 'Hide', 'Details', 'Video', "Thedisruptis 'nested' into a 0.4-secondSilence debuffon the target, but unlike normal silences, this debuff does not actually make the targetunable to cast. Instead, this makes sure that thedisruptis prevented byimmunity to silences.", 'Camillewill attempt to basic attack the target upon landing.', 'Camillewill track the target if they change locations.She will always land and create the zone after 0.5seconds.', 'She will always land and create the zone after 0.5seconds.', "If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or moves2000or more units away during the dash, it will be interrupted and the ability'scooldownandmanacost will not be refunded.", 'Knockawayspeed is 1000.', 'If the target manages to be outside of the boundaries, they will immediately be pulled back towards the center of the hexagon.', "The boundaries are not considered terrain (Unstoppable Onslaughtexception), and enemies that try to move out of the area will be displaced back inside.Dashes,blinks,displacements, and other forms of movement will cap their effect range to the boundary. Targets will stop at the boundary even after it expired.Ekko'sChronobreakwill still deal damage at the hologram's location.An activeCease and Desiston a target outside the perimeter will causeVito continue her charge untilThe Hextech Ultimatumends. She can knockback and damage secondary targets multiple times.If the targetattachesto a unit, they will only be displaced back inside once they detach.The Hextech Ultimatumdoes not end nor break the bind to the victim.Kayn'sUmbral Trespassallows him to cast it even if his target is outside the area, dashing through the borders and attaching despite being unable to escape.Yuumi'sYou and Me!allows her to bypass the borders if the unit she attaches to leaves the area.Sett'sThe Show Stopperdoes not allow him to pass through the borders and the dash will end prematurely when he encounters them.If the target ofThe Show Stopperis also the target ofThe Hextech Ultimatum, they can go through the borders while attached to him.", 'Dashes,blinks,displacements, and other forms of movement will cap their effect range to the boundary. Targets will stop at the boundary even after it expired.', "Ekko'sChronobreakwill still deal damage at the hologram's location.", 'An activeCease and Desiston a target outside the perimeter will causeVito continue her charge untilThe Hextech Ultimatumends. She can knockback and damage secondary targets multiple times.', "If the targetattachesto a unit, they will only be displaced back inside once they detach.The Hextech Ultimatumdoes not end nor break the bind to the victim.Kayn'sUmbral Trespassallows him to cast it even if his target is outside the area, dashing through the borders and attaching despite being unable to escape.Yuumi'sYou and Me!allows her to bypass the borders if the unit she attaches to leaves the area.Sett'sThe Show Stopperdoes not allow him to pass through the borders and the dash will end prematurely when he encounters them.If the target ofThe Show Stopperis also the target ofThe Hextech Ultimatum, they can go through the borders while attached to him.", "Kayn'sUmbral Trespassallows him to cast it even if his target is outside the area, dashing through the borders and attaching despite being unable to escape.", "Yuumi'sYou and Me!allows her to bypass the borders if the unit she attaches to leaves the area.", "Sett'sThe Show Stopperdoes not allow him to pass through the borders and the dash will end prematurely when he encounters them.If the target ofThe Show Stopperis also the target ofThe Hextech Ultimatum, they can go through the borders while attached to him.", 'If the target ofThe Show Stopperis also the target ofThe Hextech Ultimatum, they can go through the borders while attached to him.', 'IfCamilleentersresurrectionduring the initial cast, thedashis stopped and the zone is formed immediately.The Hextech Ultimatumends if the target entersresurrection, but not ifCamilledoes.', 'The Hextech Ultimatumends if the target entersresurrection, but not ifCamilledoes.', 'The Hextech Ultimatumends immediately if the target is dragged byFear Beyond Death.', 'The following table refers for interactions whileCamilleis dashing.', 'Death', 'Adaptive DefensesBug Fix:Shield type indicator now uses the correct color for an enemyNeekodisguised as a champion that uses a different damage type from hers.', 'Bug Fix:Shield type indicator now uses the correct color for an enemyNeekodisguised as a champion that uses a different damage type from hers.', 'StatsAttack damage growth increased to 3.8from 3.5.', 'Attack damage growth increased to 3.8from 3.5.', 'The Hextech UltimatumBase damage increased to 20 / 30 / 40 from 5 / 10 / 15.', 'Base damage increased to 20 / 30 / 40 from 5 / 10 / 15.', 'Program CamilleBug Fix:Voice lines will no longer be played globally for allies and enemies as long as she was visible to them.', 'Bug Fix:Voice lines will no longer be played globally for allies and enemies as long as she was visible to them.', 'StatsBase magic resistance reduced to 32 from 32.1.', 'Base magic resistance reduced to 32 from 32.1.', 'Adaptive DefensesShield health ratio increased to20%maximumhealthfrom17%.', 'Shield health ratio increased to20%maximumhealthfrom17%.', 'Wall DiveBase damage increased to 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200 from 60 / 95 / 130 / 165 / 200.Bonus AD ratio increased to90%bonusADfrom75%.', 'Base damage increased to 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200 from 60 / 95 / 130 / 165 / 200.', 'Bonus AD ratio increased to90%bonusADfrom75%.', 'StatsBase health increased to 646 from 576.Health growth increased to 99 from 85.Armor growth increased to 5 from 3.8.Magic resistance growth increased to 2.05from 1.25.', 'Base health increased to 646 from 576.', 'Health growth increased to 99 from 85.', 'Armor growth increased to 5 from 3.8.', 'Magic resistance growth increased to 2.05from 1.25.', 'Adaptive DefensesShield health ratio reduced to17%maximumhealthfrom20%.', 'Shield health ratio reduced to17%maximumhealthfrom20%.', 'Tactical SweepOuter cone base damage reduced to5 / 5.5/ 6 / 6.5/ 7%maximumhealthfrom6 / 6.5/ 7 / 7.5/ 8%.Outer cone bonus AD ratio reduced to2.5% per 100bonusADfrom3.3%.', 'Outer cone base damage reduced to5 / 5.5/ 6 / 6.5/ 7%maximumhealthfrom6 / 6.5/ 7 / 7.5/ 8%.', 'Outer cone bonus AD ratio reduced to2.5% per 100bonusADfrom3.3%.', 'HookshotCooldown increased to 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 / 12 seconds from 16 / 14.5/ 13 / 11.5/ 10.', 'Cooldown increased to 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 / 12 seconds from 16 / 14.5/ 13 / 11.5/ 10.', 'Precision ProtocolNew Effect:Now trigger spell effects when dealing damage.', 'New Effect:Now trigger spell effects when dealing damage.', 'Adaptive DefensesCooldown increased to20 / 15 / 10 (based on level)seconds from16 / 13 / 10 (based on level).', 'Cooldown increased to20 / 15 / 10 (based on level)seconds from16 / 13 / 10 (based on level).', 'HookshotBug Fix:Fixed a bug where it would get cancelled upon using any consumables.', 'Bug Fix:Fixed a bug where it would get cancelled upon using any consumables.', 'Tactical SweepBug Fix:Heal now properly takes into account her outer cone bonus damage, not the inner cone damage.', 'Bug Fix:Heal now properly takes into account her outer cone bonus damage, not the inner cone damage.', 'Tactical SweepCooldown increased to 17 / 15.5/ 14 / 12.5/ 11 seconds from 15 / 13.5/ 12 / 10.5/ 9.', 'Cooldown increased to 17 / 15.5/ 14 / 12.5/ 11 seconds from 15 / 13.5/ 12 / 10.5/ 9.', 'StatsBase health increased to 576 from 575.6.Not functional:Base magic resistance reduced to 32 from 32.1.', 'Base health increased to 576 from 575.6.', 'Not functional:Base magic resistance reduced to 32 from 32.1.', 'StatsMana growth increased to 52 from 32.', 'Mana growth increased to 52 from 32.', 'Wall DiveBonus attack speed reduced to 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60% from 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80%.', 'Bonus attack speed reduced to 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60% from 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80%.', 'HookshotIndicator added to show recast ability timer.Indicator added to show empowerment timer.', 'Indicator added to show recast ability timer.', 'Indicator added to show empowerment timer.', 'The Hextech UltimatumIndicator added to show empowerment timer.', 'Indicator added to show empowerment timer.', 'HookshotBug Fix:Is now properly disabled whengrounded. Can still be cast whilerooted.Undocumented:Camille can now start moving ifgroundedwhile attached to a wall. She may still re-cast from her current location once the grounding finishes.', 'Bug Fix:Is now properly disabled whengrounded. Can still be cast whilerooted.', 'Undocumented:Camille can now start moving ifgroundedwhile attached to a wall. She may still re-cast from her current location once the grounding finishes.', "Precision ProtocolBug Fix:Now properly convertsSheen'sbonus damage to true damage.", "Bug Fix:Now properly convertsSheen'sbonus damage to true damage.", 'StatsBase attack speed increased to 0.644from 0.625.', 'Base attack speed increased to 0.644from 0.625.', 'HookshotRemoved:No longer collides with minions or monsters,stunningthem for 0.75seconds.', 'Removed:No longer collides with minions or monsters,stunningthem for 0.75seconds.', 'StatsBase attack speed reduced to 0.625from 0.644.', 'Base attack speed reduced to 0.625from 0.644.', 'HookshotBase damage reduced to 60 / 95 / 130 / 165 / 200 from 75 / 120 / 175 / 210 / 255.', 'Base damage reduced to 60 / 95 / 130 / 165 / 200 from 75 / 120 / 175 / 210 / 255.', 'Adaptive DefensesShield duration increased to 2 seconds from 1.5.', 'Shield duration increased to 2 seconds from 1.5.', 'Precision ProtocolTime to use second cast increased to 3.5seconds from 3.New Effect:Timer displays on icon showing second cast availability.', 'Time to use second cast increased to 3.5seconds from 3.', 'New Effect:Timer displays on icon showing second cast availability.', 'StatsBase attack damage increased to 68 from 60.Base armor increased to 35 from 26.', 'Base attack damage increased to 68 from 60.', 'Base armor increased to 35 from 26.', 'Tactical SweepBase damage increased to 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 / 190 from 65 / 95 / 125 / 155 / 185.', 'Base damage increased to 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 / 190 from 65 / 95 / 125 / 155 / 185.', 'HookshotBase damage increased to 75 / 120 / 175 / 210 / 255 from 70 / 115 / 160 / 205 / 250.', 'Base damage increased to 75 / 120 / 175 / 210 / 255 from 70 / 115 / 160 / 205 / 250.', 'Adaptive DefensesCooldown reduced to16 / 13 / 10 (based on level)seconds from20 / 15 / 10 (based on level).', 'Cooldown reduced to16 / 13 / 10 (based on level)seconds from20 / 15 / 10 (based on level).', 'Precision ProtocolEmpowered second attack bonus damage increased to 100% from 80%.', 'Empowered second attack bonus damage increased to 100% from 80%.', 'Tactical SweepRemoved:Outer half healing against minions and monsters.Now only heals against enemy champions.', 'Removed:Outer half healing against minions and monsters.Now only heals against enemy champions.', 'The Hextech UltimatumDuration reduced to 2.5/ 3.25/ 4 seconds from 4 at all ranks.', 'Duration reduced to 2.5/ 3.25/ 4 seconds from 4 at all ranks.', "HookshotBug Fix:Fixed a bug where the second cast ofHookshotwasn't granting attack speed on hitting an enemy champion if she buffered herThe Hextech Ultimatum.", "Bug Fix:Fixed a bug where the second cast ofHookshotwasn't granting attack speed on hitting an enemy champion if she buffered herThe Hextech Ultimatum.", 'Precision ProtocolBonus damage on second hit reduced to 80% from 100%.', 'Bonus damage on second hit reduced to 80% from 100%.', 'Tactical SweepNew Effect:Now decays fully to 0% over the duration.Slow reduced to 80% from 90%.', 'New Effect:Now decays fully to 0% over the duration.', 'Slow reduced to 80% from 90%.', 'HookshotMana cost increased to 70 from 50.Stun duration reduced to 0.75seconds from 1.New Effect:Now only grantsattack speedif she hits an enemychampion.', 'Mana cost increased to 70 from 50.', 'Stun duration reduced to 0.75seconds from 1.', 'New Effect:Now only grantsattack speedif she hits an enemychampion.', 'The Hextech UltimatumRemoved:No longer persists for its full remaining duration afterCamilledies.New Effect:Now dissipates within 1 second afterCamilledies.', 'Removed:No longer persists for its full remaining duration afterCamilledies.', 'New Effect:Now dissipates within 1 second afterCamilledies.', 'Precision ProtocolBug Fix:Second cast now correctly damages wards at level 16 and higher.', 'Bug Fix:Second cast now correctly damages wards at level 16 and higher.', 'StatsHealth growth reduced to 85 from 95', 'Health growth reduced to 85 from 95', 'Adaptive DefensesDuration reduced to 1.5seconds from1.5/ 2 / 2.5(based on level).', 'Duration reduced to 1.5seconds from1.5/ 2 / 2.5(based on level).', 'HookshotSlightly increased radius whereCamillewill reveal herself ifHookshottingnear enemies while she is in Fog of War.', 'Slightly increased radius whereCamillewill reveal herself ifHookshottingnear enemies while she is in Fog of War.', "The Hextech UltimatumKnockaway speed increased to 1000 from 600.Knockaway stun now only lasts until the target lands, rather than a 1-second fixed duration.Bug Fix:Border no longer disappears under elevated terrain.Bug Fix:The green triangle patterning on the ground duringProgram Camille'sThe Hextech Ultimatumno longer fails to appear if the camera moved away during the cast time.", 'Knockaway speed increased to 1000 from 600.', 'Knockaway stun now only lasts until the target lands, rather than a 1-second fixed duration.', 'Bug Fix:Border no longer disappears under elevated terrain.', "Bug Fix:The green triangle patterning on the ground duringProgram Camille'sThe Hextech Ultimatumno longer fails to appear if the camera moved away during the cast time.", 'StatsBase attack damage reduced to 60 from 62.', 'Base attack damage reduced to 60 from 62.', 'Precision ProtocolSecond hit true damage conversion reduced to40 − 100 (based on level)% from55 − 100 (based on level)%.', 'Second hit true damage conversion reduced to40 − 100 (based on level)% from55 − 100 (based on level)%.', "Adaptive Defenses- InnateCamille'snext basic attack against enemy champions is periodically enhanced to shield her for20%maximumhealthagainst the target's most lethal damage type. If the target is liable to inflict more magic damage than physical damage againstCamille, the shield exclusively blocks magic damage, otherwise, the shield exclusively blocks physical damage.Static Cooldown:20 / 15 / 10 (based on level)", "Camille'snext basic attack against enemy champions is periodically enhanced to shield her for20%maximumhealthagainst the target's most lethal damage type. If the target is liable to inflict more magic damage than physical damage againstCamille, the shield exclusively blocks magic damage, otherwise, the shield exclusively blocks physical damage.", 'Static Cooldown:20 / 15 / 10 (based on level)', "Precision Protocol- Q spellCamille'snext basic attack deals20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40% ADbonusphysical damage and grants her 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40%bonusmovement speed for 1 second.Precision Protocolcan then be recast within the next 3 seconds at no extra cost. If recast at least 1.5seconds after the first attack,Precision Protocol'sdamage is doubled and55 − 100 (based on level)% of the damage is dealt as true damage. Both casts ofPrecision ProtocolresetCamille'sauto attack timer.Cooldown:9 / 8.25/ 7.5/ 6.75/ 6Cost:25", "Camille'snext basic attack deals20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40% ADbonusphysical damage and grants her 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40%bonusmovement speed for 1 second.Precision Protocolcan then be recast within the next 3 seconds at no extra cost. If recast at least 1.5seconds after the first attack,Precision Protocol'sdamage is doubled and55 − 100 (based on level)% of the damage is dealt as true damage. Both casts ofPrecision ProtocolresetCamille'sauto attack timer.", 'Cooldown:9 / 8.25/ 7.5/ 6.75/ 6', 'Cost:25', "Tactical Sweep- W spellAfter a brief delay,Camillesweeps her leg to deal 65 / 95 / 125 / 155 / 185(+ 60%bonusAD)physical damage all enemies in a cone in front of her. Enemies hit by the outer half of the cone areslowedby 90%, decaying over 2 seconds, and take6 / 6.5/ 7 / 7.5/ 8%(+ 3% per 100bonusAD)of target'smaximumhealthbonusphysical damage, healingCamillefor the same amount, capped at10% of hermaximumhealthagainst non-champions. Non-epic monsters take 50% reduced damage fromTactical Sweep.Cooldown:15 / 13.5/ 12 / 10.5/ 9Cost:50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70", "After a brief delay,Camillesweeps her leg to deal 65 / 95 / 125 / 155 / 185(+ 60%bonusAD)physical damage all enemies in a cone in front of her. Enemies hit by the outer half of the cone areslowedby 90%, decaying over 2 seconds, and take6 / 6.5/ 7 / 7.5/ 8%(+ 3% per 100bonusAD)of target'smaximumhealthbonusphysical damage, healingCamillefor the same amount, capped at10% of hermaximumhealthagainst non-champions. Non-epic monsters take 50% reduced damage fromTactical Sweep.", 'Cooldown:15 / 13.5/ 12 / 10.5/ 9', 'Cost:50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70', 'Hookshot- E spellFirst Cast:Camillefires a hookshot in the target direction that attaches to terrain, causing her to dash to it and enabling the second cast.Second Cast - Wall Dive:Camilledashes to the target location, range doubled if she is leaping toward an enemy champion. Upon colliding with the first enemy struck or finishing the dash,Camilledeals 70 / 115 / 160 / 205 / 250(+ 75%bonusAD)physical damage to all nearby enemies andstunsthem for 1 second. IfCamillestrikes an enemy on the second cast ofHookshot, she gains40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80%bonusattack speedfor 5 seconds.Cooldown:16 / 14.5/ 13 / 11.5/ 10Cost:50', 'First Cast:Camillefires a hookshot in the target direction that attaches to terrain, causing her to dash to it and enabling the second cast.', 'Second Cast - Wall Dive:Camilledashes to the target location, range doubled if she is leaping toward an enemy champion. Upon colliding with the first enemy struck or finishing the dash,Camilledeals 70 / 115 / 160 / 205 / 250(+ 75%bonusAD)physical damage to all nearby enemies andstunsthem for 1 second. IfCamillestrikes an enemy on the second cast ofHookshot, she gains40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80%bonusattack speedfor 5 seconds.', 'Cooldown:16 / 14.5/ 13 / 11.5/ 10', 'Cost:50', "The Hextech Ultimatum- R spellCamilledashes toward the target enemy champion, becoming untargetable during the leap. When she lands, she creates a locked, hexagonal zone around the target for 4 seconds,knocking awayall other nearby enemies on impact. The target can move freely inside the zone, but cannot escape it through any means. While within the zone,Camille'sbasic attacks deal 5 / 10 / 15(+ 4 / 6 / 8% of target'scurrenthealth)bonusmagic damage.The Hextech Ultimatum'seffects end automatically ifCamilleleaves the area.Cooldown:140 / 115 / 90Cost:100", "Camilledashes toward the target enemy champion, becoming untargetable during the leap. When she lands, she creates a locked, hexagonal zone around the target for 4 seconds,knocking awayall other nearby enemies on impact. The target can move freely inside the zone, but cannot escape it through any means. While within the zone,Camille'sbasic attacks deal 5 / 10 / 15(+ 4 / 6 / 8% of target'scurrenthealth)bonusmagic damage.The Hextech Ultimatum'seffects end automatically ifCamilleleaves the area.", 'Cooldown:140 / 115 / 90', 'Cost:100', 'Camilleis one of 20 champions without a singleability powerratio on any ability:Aatrox,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Garen,Kayn,Kled,Naafiri,Nilah,Olaf,Pyke,Riven,Samira,Sett,Talon,Urgot,Xayah,Yone, andZed.', "Camille was the last champion released in2016, designed to make players 'feel like in-control badasses'.", 'Her design bears a very strong resemblance to \u200b\u200b\u200b\u200bLin Beifong from the seriesLegend of Korra, with similar appearance, profession, and fighting style. She may have also been influenced by Gazelle from the movieKingsman: The Secret Service.', "Camille's passive is so far the only instance of a shield that exclusively protects from physical damage.", 'Camilleis the French derivative of LatinCamilla, feminine form ofcognomenCamillus.Camillus/ameans \'temple attendant,\' and has no Latin root. Earlier forms include GreekΚάδμος-Κάμιλλος-Κᾰσμῖλος-Κᾰδμῖλος, loaned from Pre-Greek*Hatʸmilʸ-.[2]The name Camille could also be a reference to the mythological warriorCamillawho appears in the second half of Vergil\'s Aeneid on the side of theRutulians. She is a warrior virgin queen of theVolsciand serves under the goddess Diana. She was said to be so swift-footed she could run through a wheat field without breaking the tops of the stalks and run across the ocean without wetting her feet.Her clan\'s nameFerrosprobably references the Latin word for ironferrum"iron".[3]', "Camillus/ameans 'temple attendant,' and has no Latin root. Earlier forms include GreekΚάδμος-Κάμιλλος-Κᾰσμῖλος-Κᾰδμῖλος, loaned from Pre-Greek*Hatʸmilʸ-.[2]", "The name Camille could also be a reference to the mythological warriorCamillawho appears in the second half of Vergil's Aeneid on the side of theRutulians. She is a warrior virgin queen of theVolsciand serves under the goddess Diana. She was said to be so swift-footed she could run through a wheat field without breaking the tops of the stalks and run across the ocean without wetting her feet.", 'Her clan\'s nameFerrosprobably references the Latin word for ironferrum"iron".[3]', "Her dance references theAirflare, abreakdance move.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.She shares this dance withKennen.Her dance is very similar toPROJECT: Vayne's, whose dance is a similar breakdance move.A side-by-side comparison of her andPROJECT: Vayne'sdances can be seenhere.", "A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.She shares this dance withKennen.Her dance is very similar toPROJECT: Vayne's, whose dance is a similar breakdance move.A side-by-side comparison of her andPROJECT: Vayne'sdances can be seenhere.", 'She shares this dance withKennen.', "Her dance is very similar toPROJECT: Vayne's, whose dance is a similar breakdance move.A side-by-side comparison of her andPROJECT: Vayne'sdances can be seenhere.", "A side-by-side comparison of her andPROJECT: Vayne'sdances can be seenhere.", "She was first mentioned in pre-reworkEvelynn'scolor storyThe Shadows Beckonwhich is no longer canon.", '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'Ao Shin', 'Avasha', 'Averdrian', 'CeeCee', 'Cyborg Cowboy', 'Eagle Rider', 'Gavid', 'Husk', 'Iron Engineer', 'Ivan', 'Omen', 'Priscilla', 'Rob Blackblade', 'Seth', 'Tabu', 'Tiki', 'Urf', 'Well', "↑Camille's profile", '↑Beekes, R.S.P.Etymological Dictionary of Greek, pp. 613-4', '↑DeVaan.Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the other Italic Languages, p. 213, 214']} | Name: The Hextech Ultimatum, Description: Active: Camille becomes untargetable and leaps with displacement immunity towards the target enemy champion over 0. 5 seconds, revealing them for the duration and disrupting their ongoing channels . Upon landing on the target, she becomes targetable again and creates a hexagonal zone around her current location for a duration, knocking away all other nearby enemies on impact, though not through terrain. Zone Duration: 2. 5 / 3. 25 / 4 The target cannot escape the zone through any means. While within the zone, Camille's basic attacks deal bonus magic damage . Bonus Magic Damage: 20 / 30 / 40 (+ 4 / 6 / 8% of target's current health) The Hextech Ultimatum ends automatically within 1 second if Camille leaves the area or dies. Link ▶️ "You will stay where I want you to stay!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', "Thedisruptis 'nested' into a 0.4-secondSilence debuffon the target, but unlike normal silences, this debuff does not actually make the targetunable to cast. Instead, this makes sure that thedisruptis prevented byimmunity to silences.", 'Camillewill attempt to basic attack the target upon landing.', 'Camillewill track the target if they change locations.She will always land and create the zone after 0.5seconds.', 'She will always land and create the zone after 0.5seconds.', "If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or moves2000or more units away during the dash, it will be interrupted and the ability'scooldownandmanacost will not be refunded.", 'Knockawayspeed is 1000.', 'If the target manages to be outside of the boundaries, they will immediately be pulled back towards the center of the hexagon.', "The boundaries are not considered terrain (Unstoppable Onslaughtexception), and enemies that try to move out of the area will be displaced back inside.Dashes,blinks,displacements, and other forms of movement will cap their effect range to the boundary. Targets will stop at the boundary even after it expired.Ekko'sChronobreakwill still deal damage at the hologram's location.An activeCease and Desiston a target outside the perimeter will causeVito continue her charge untilThe Hextech Ultimatumends. She can knockback and damage secondary targets multiple times.If the targetattachesto a unit, they will only be displaced back inside once they detach.The Hextech Ultimatumdoes not end nor break the bind to the victim.Kayn'sUmbral Trespassallows him to cast it even if his target is outside the area, dashing through the borders and attaching despite being unable to escape.Yuumi'sYou and Me!allows her to bypass the borders if the unit she attaches to leaves the area.Sett'sThe Show Stopperdoes not allow him to pass through the borders and the dash will end prematurely when he encounters them.If the target ofThe Show Stopperis also the target ofThe Hextech Ultimatum, they can go through the borders while attached to him.", 'Dashes,blinks,displacements, and other forms of movement will cap their effect range to the boundary. Targets will stop at the boundary even after it expired.', "Ekko'sChronobreakwill still deal damage at the hologram's location.", 'An activeCease and Desiston a target outside the perimeter will causeVito continue her charge untilThe Hextech Ultimatumends. She can knockback and damage secondary targets multiple times.', "If the targetattachesto a unit, they will only be displaced back inside once they detach.The Hextech Ultimatumdoes not end nor break the bind to the victim.Kayn'sUmbral Trespassallows him to cast it even if his target is outside the area, dashing through the borders and attaching despite being unable to escape.Yuumi'sYou and Me!allows her to bypass the borders if the unit she attaches to leaves the area.Sett'sThe Show Stopperdoes not allow him to pass through the borders and the dash will end prematurely when he encounters them.If the target ofThe Show Stopperis also the target ofThe Hextech Ultimatum, they can go through the borders while attached to him.", "Kayn'sUmbral Trespassallows him to cast it even if his target is outside the area, dashing through the borders and attaching despite being unable to escape.", "Yuumi'sYou and Me!allows her to bypass the borders if the unit she attaches to leaves the area.", "Sett'sThe Show Stopperdoes not allow him to pass through the borders and the dash will end prematurely when he encounters them.If the target ofThe Show Stopperis also the target ofThe Hextech Ultimatum, they can go through the borders while attached to him.", 'If the target ofThe Show Stopperis also the target ofThe Hextech Ultimatum, they can go through the borders while attached to him.', 'IfCamilleentersresurrectionduring the initial cast, thedashis stopped and the zone is formed immediately.The Hextech Ultimatumends if the target entersresurrection, but not ifCamilledoes.', 'The Hextech Ultimatumends if the target entersresurrection, but not ifCamilledoes.', 'The Hextech Ultimatumends immediately if the target is dragged byFear Beyond Death.', 'The following table refers for interactions whileCamilleis dashing.', 'Death']} | Camilleis one of 20 champions without a singleability powerratio on any ability:Aatrox,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Garen,Kayn,Kled,Naafiri,Nilah,Olaf,Pyke,Riven,Samira,Sett,Talon,Urgot,Xayah,Yone, andZed.
Camille was the last champion released in2016, designed to make players 'feel like in-control badasses'.
Her design bears a very strong resemblance to Lin Beifong from the seriesLegend of Korra, with similar appearance, profession, and fighting style. She may have also been influenced by Gazelle from the movieKingsman: The Secret Service.
Camille's passive is so far the only instance of a shield that exclusively protects from physical damage.
Camilleis the French derivative of LatinCamilla, feminine form ofcognomenCamillus.Camillus/ameans 'temple attendant,' and has no Latin root. Earlier forms include GreekΚάδμος-Κάμιλλος-Κᾰσμῖλος-Κᾰδμῖλος, loaned from Pre-Greek*Hatʸmilʸ-.[2]The name Camille could also be a reference to the mythological warriorCamillawho appears in the second half of Vergil's Aeneid on the side of theRutulians. She is a warrior virgin queen of theVolsciand serves under the goddess Diana. She was said to be so swift-footed she could run through a wheat field without breaking the tops of the stalks and run across the ocean without wetting her feet.Her clan's nameFerrosprobably references the Latin word for ironferrum"iron".[3]
Her dance references theAirflare, abreakdance move.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.She shares this dance withKennen.Her dance is very similar toPROJECT: Vayne's, whose dance is a similar breakdance move.A side-by-side comparison of her andPROJECT: Vayne'sdances can be seenhere.
She was first mentioned in pre-reworkEvelynn'scolor storyThe Shadows Beckonwhich is no longer canon. |
Cassiopeia,the Serpent's Embrace,Cassiopeia Du Couteau | | | health: Health630+104, resource: Mana350+60, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)5.5+0.5, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)8+0.8, armor: Armor18+4.7, attack damage: Attack damage53+3, attack speed: Base AS0.647, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius120, release: 2010-12-14, changed: V13.22, role: Battlemage, position: TopMiddleBottom, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 4800|880 | Games
CassiopeiaMainMutatingHumanTitlesReal nameCassiopeia Du CouteauNickname(s)SnakeAlias(es)The Serpent's EmbraceLady CassiopeiaCharacteristicsSpeciesHuman(Magically Altered)Pronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:965 AN - 971 ANWeapon(s)ToxinsTwin FangPetrifying GazePersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originNoxus Prime,NoxusCurrent residenceUrzeris,ShurimaFamilyMarcus Du Couteau†(Formerly Missing Father)Soreana Du Couteau(Mother)Talon Du Couteau(Adopted Brother)Katarina Du Couteau(Sister)Professional statusOccupation(s)NoxianNoblewomanRegion(s)NoxusFaction(s)Du Couteau HouseBlack RoseRelated character(s)KatarinaRenektonNasusXerathSivirAzirTalon
• Main
• Mutating
• Human
Real name
• The Serpent's Embrace
• Lady Cassiopeia
• Born:965 AN - 971 AN
• Toxins
• Twin Fang
• Petrifying Gaze
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Marcus Du Couteau†(Formerly Missing Father)
• Soreana Du Couteau(Mother)
• Talon Du Couteau(Adopted Brother)
• Katarina Du Couteau(Sister)
Professional status
• Du Couteau House
• Black Rose
Related character(s)
Cassiopeiais a deadly creature bent on manipulating others to her will. Youngest and most beautiful daughter of the noble Du Couteau family ofNoxus, she ventured deep into the crypts beneathShurimain search of ancient power. There, she was bitten by a gruesome tomb guardian, whose venom transformed her into a viper-like predator. Cunning and agile, Cassiopeia now slithers under the veil of night, petrifying her enemies with her baleful gaze.
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2Contemporary history1.3Recent events
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Katarina5.2Black Rose
• 6Sivir
• 7Read More7.1Biography7.2Starring Champion7.3Mentioned Champion7.4Alternate Universes
• 8Trivia
• 9Change log
• 10References
• 11See also
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2Contemporary history
• 1.3Recent events
• 5.1Katarina
• 5.2Black Rose
• 7.1Biography
• 7.2Starring Champion
• 7.3Mentioned Champion
• 7.4Alternate Universes
Early life[]
Born as a noble ofNoxus, Cassiopeia Du Couteau had a sharp mind and wit at an early age, and very early on in her life the Du Couteau family moved toUrzeris,Shurima. While her older sisterKatarinatrained under their fatherMarcusto be an assassin, Cassiopeia was taught by her motherSoreanahow to use a position of authority. One day, Soreana fell ill as a result of an assassination attempt through poisoning her hairbrush. With Marcus removing the house staff, Cassiopeia tended to her mother, where the two developed a closer bond as Soreana recovered.
When Marcus and Katarina returned to Noxus, Cassiopeia remained in Urzeris with her mother. Soreana told her the truth that she was part of theBlack Rosecult, which had managed to influence Shurima. As Cassiopeia grew to adulthood, Soreana mentored her to be a cunning and manipulative figure who could use those around her as tools before disposing of them when given the chance. Cassiopeia was initiated into the Black Rose by stealthily assassinating those who plotted Soreana's death.
After gaining her role with the Black Rose's plans, Cassiopeia raided Shuriman ruins with the help of a Shuriman mercenary namedSivir. When Soreana received the news that her husband honoredJericho Swain'scoup againstBoram Darkwill, she realized that the Black Rose would be in danger, so she instructed Cassiopeia to obtain Shurima's godly power. Swearing to her mother's oath, Cassiopeia raided the underground Tomb of the Forgotten with Sivir. She backstabbed Sivir with her dagger before reaching for the artifact, the Chalikar to open the doors to the tomb and gain theGod-Warriors'power of Ascension.
However, Cassiopeia was bitten by a stone snake guardian wwhich guarded the tomb, painfully transforming her into a half-human, half-snake hybrid. Falling into despair, Cassiopeia mourned her lost life for weeks, but eventually moved on and accepted her new form, hoping for her newfound Ascended magic to have potential for the Black Rose.
Contemporary history[]
Recent events[]
Getting used to her new form while overlooking Urzeris, Cassiopeia felt an urge to hunt down a Noxian soldier she held contempt for. Lurking out of his view, she admonished him for killing children for drake meat for profit and killing three people while leaving them unrecognizable. Calling out to her to show herself, Cassiopeia revealed her monstrous appearance to him. She wrapped her tail around the soldier, feeling sadistic satisfaction towards his pain. He recognized her as Lady Cassiopeia and taunted her about how she lost her nobility. In response, Cassiopeia released all of her pent-up emotions as she petrified him into stone. Feeling satisfaction that her new cursed form allowed her to take what she wanted, she smashed the petrified soldier as she eagerly plotted to attack her next victim.
Cassiopeia is a slim woman who wears only a Shuriman headdress, bra and armbands on her elbows. After being transformed by her curse, her legs turned into a long green snake tail merged into her body with a golden belt, and her fingers have become golden with an adorned jewel on the back of each hand. She has black sclera with glowing lime irises and slitted pupils. She has snake-like fangs in place of teeth and a forked tongue.
Cassiopeia is a treacherous, manipulative schemer who takes any opportunity she can to further her goals. She has an individualistic philosophy, seeing others as tools to exploit. After transforming into her cursed form, she initially felt disgust towards her new body and despair from losing her old life as a noble, but embraced her new form as a way to enact her goals herself. Though Cassiopeia's new capabilities have made her sadistic and predatory, she still has moral standards and prefers to hunt those more evil than herself, such as when she admonished and killed a Noxian soldier whom committed inhumane crimes.
• Magically Altered Physiology:Cassiopeia was transformed in a monstrous half-snake creature with several new powers.Tail:Cassiopeia's legs were replaced by a long, snake like tail. She can use her tail to ensnare others, or as a blunt weapon. The tail is also much faster than normal human legs.Toxin Creation:Cassiopeia naturally produces powerful toxins that can kill one in a matter of minutes.Fangs:Cassiopeia has gained fangs that she can use to bite her foes, or shoot as projectiles.Petrifying Gaze:Cassiopeia's gaze can turn others to stone.
• Tail:Cassiopeia's legs were replaced by a long, snake like tail. She can use her tail to ensnare others, or as a blunt weapon. The tail is also much faster than normal human legs.
• Toxin Creation:Cassiopeia naturally produces powerful toxins that can kill one in a matter of minutes.
• Fangs:Cassiopeia has gained fangs that she can use to bite her foes, or shoot as projectiles.
• Petrifying Gaze:Cassiopeia's gaze can turn others to stone.
Cassiopeia isKatarina'syounger sister. The sisters andthe Blade's Shadoware members ofNoxiannoble house Du Couteau, whose head (General Marcus, Noxus' finest assassin) is missing and presumed dead.
Black Rose[]
Cassiopeia was initiated into theBlack Roseorder by her mother Soreana. One of her missions tasked by her mother was to retrieve godlike powers that had been the key toShurima'ssupremacy in ancient times to help the order defeat Swain'sTrifarix. Her father and sister supportedSwain, which was considered a betrayal by Cassiopeia and her mother. Other members of her house may not be aware of their connection to the organization.
Cassiopeia hiredSivirto raid ancientShurimanruins and later stabbed her to steal her blade in order to open an ancient tomb.RenektonandXerathwere released thanks to Cassiopeia.
Read More
The Serpent's Embrace
ByIan St. Martin
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill,Katarina,Marcus Du Couteau,Sivir,Soreana Du Couteau,Swain
Starring Champion
Descent into the Tomb
Scroll after scroll in Noxian libraries chronicle the power buried within Shurima. Now Cassiopeia thinks she's found the key. Learn how the saga began.
Short Story • 5 Minute Read
The Shedding of Skin
ByRayla Heide
Cassiopeia reclined against the crenelated rooftop, and gazed over the winding alleys and crowded streets of Urzeris. A Noxian possession for years, the coastal city still refused to completely embrace its new identity—it felt ancient, and quietly resistant to the future.
Mentioned Champion
Katarina: Issue 4
ByScott Hawkes
The kingdom of Demacia is in chaos! While the Great City has its focus on Sylas and his mage rebellion, a cunning, redheaded assassin, Katarina, lurks in the shadows. Focused on executing the most dangerous mission of her life, she hopes to finally live up to her father’s impossible expectations. However, when she is forced to choose between the mission and her own instincts, will she have to betray Noxus’ Master of Assassins?
Mentioned:Cassiopeia,Jarvan III,Marcus Du Couteau,Rache,Soreana Du Couteau,Swain,Zed
The Battle Mistress
ByRayla Heide
The Magus Ascendant
ByGraham McNeill
The Sinister Blade
ByAnthony Burch
Mentioned:Cassiopeia,Marcus Du Couteau,Soreana Du Couteau,Talon
Short Story • 5 Minute Read
ByOdin Austin Shafer
Sivir's throat felt like it was coated in a layer of broken glass. The cracked flesh of her lips burned. Her eyes refused to focus. I've given them more than enough time to move on.
Alternate Universes
Dominion (Video)
Starring:Cassiopeia,Irelia,Jarvan IV,Lux,Malphite,Miss Fortune,Mordekaiser,Ryze,Swain,Teemo
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
ByInstitute of War
The truest opponent lies within.
Starring:Boram Darkwill,Brand,Caitlyn,Cassiopeia,Galio,Graves,Irelia,Jarvan IV,Karma,LeBlanc,Lee Sin,Leona,Lux,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nocturne,Orianna,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Skarner,Sona,Swain,Talon,Trundle,Urgot,Varus,Vayne,Vladimir,Wukong,Xerath,Xin Zhao,Yorick
Make History
In this battle of regions, one will conquer all others to make history.
Starring:Alistar,Ashe,Azir,Bard,Brand,Caitlyn,Cassiopeia,Elise,Evelynn,Janna,Karma,LeBlanc,Lee Sin,Lucian,Morgana,Nautilus,Orianna,Pyke,Ryze
Return to the Stars
Starring:Aurelion Sol,Bard,Cassiopeia,Gnar,Illaoi,Kog'Maw,Nautilus,Nocturne,Teemo,Urgot,Vayne,Viktor,Ziggs
Spirit Bonds
ByJared Rosen,Michael Yichao,Rayla Heide,Elan Stimmel,Cat Manning,David Slagle,John O'Bryan,Michael Luo,Phillip Vargas
They say the Spirit Blossom Festival represents a thinning of the veil between our world and the Spirit Realm.
Olaf vs Everything: Series 2
ByTom Barton
Mentioned:Ahri,Aurelion Sol,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Gnar,Illaoi,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Nagakabouros,Ornn,Renekton,Skarner,Teemo,Tryndamere,Urgot,Vel'Koz,Vi,Viktor,Vladimir,Warwick,Zyra
Playtime with Gnar: Series 1
ByRachel J. Corey
Mentioned:Amumu,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Darius,Draven,Karthus,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Malzahar,Nocturne,Nunu,Rengar,Twisted Fate,Willump
Short Story
The Man with the Grinning Shadow
ByJared Rosen
“You the marshal?”
The Path, An Ionian Myth
Every myth carries a seed of truth. A slain swordsman must decide if he will make peace with his past—or be consumed by it.
• It is possible that the snake statue in the tomb is related toNaganeka, aGod-WarriordeemedDarkin.
• In the old lore,CassiopeiaconsidersTalonas more of an outsider, whileKatarinatreats him as a brother.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Serpentine Grace, Description: Innate: Cassiopeia gains 4 − 72 (based on level) bonus movement speed , but she cannot purchase Boots ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'The movement speed fromSerpentine Graceis worth48per level, up to a maximum of864at level 18.', 'Without other movement speed modifiers taken into account,Serpentine GracegrantsCassiopeiaa total of332 − 400 (based on level)movement speed.', 'AsPredatorandMagical Footwearrequire boots, they will be replaced withElectrocuteandPerfect Timing, respectively.', 'New Effect:Increases theGuardianitem limit to 2.', 'Bonus movement speed changed to2.8− 50.4(based on level).']} | Name: Noxious Blast, Description: Active: Cassiopeia creates a blast at the target location that explodes after a 0. 4 -second delay. Enemies within the blast are poisoned for 3 seconds, taking magic damage every second over the duration. Total Magic Damage: 75 / 110 / 145 / 180 / 215 (+ 90% AP) Magic Damage Per Tick: 25 / 36. 67 / 48. 33 / 60 / 71. 67 (+ 30% AP) If Noxious Blast hits an enemy champion , Cassiopeia gains bonus movement speed that decays over 3 seconds. Bonus Movement Speed: 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50%, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'Noxious Blastalways usesquick cast, regardless of player settings.']} | Name: Miasma, Description: Active: Cassiopeia spews forth 8 bolts of venom in an arc at the target location, creating toxic clouds at the area for 5 seconds. Enemies within the clouds are poisoned to take magic damage every second and become grounded and slowed by an amount that decays over the area's duration. Magic Damage Per Tick: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 (+ 15% AP) Total Magic Damage: 100 / 125 / 150 / 175 / 200 (+ 75% AP) Slow: 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80% Miasma will cast at max range if cast beyond that., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', 'Cleansesare ineffective againstMiasmasince the area of effect constantly reapplies the effect.', 'If a target becomesuntargetablewhile affected by theground, the debuff will refresh to 0.25seconds.', 'Wind Wallwill block the portion ofMiasmait destroys.', 'Now affected by -30 ability haste.']} | Name: Twin Fang, Description: Active: Cassiopeia launches her fangs at the target enemy that deal 52 − 120 (based on level) (+ 10% AP) magic damage . If this kills the target, Twin Fang's mana cost is refunded. Against a poisoned target, Twin Fang deals bonus magic damage and heals Cassiopeia . The heal is reduced by 75% against minions and small and medium monsters . Bonus Magic Damage: 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 (+ 60% AP) Total Enhanced Damage: 52 − 120 (based on level) (+ 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100) (+ 70% AP) Heal: 10 / 11. 5 / 13 / 14. 5 / 16% AP Reduced Heal: 2. 5 / 2. 875 / 3. 25 / 3. 625 / 4% AP, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', 'Upon reaching the target,Twin Fangwill wait for an ongoingNoxious Blastto explode before dealing its damage.', "Twin Fang'sdamage against poisoned targets:When maxed first:72 − 220 (based on level)(+ 70% AP).When maxed second:72 − 220 (based on level)(+ 70% AP).When maxed last:72 − 220 (based on level)(+ 70% AP).", 'When maxed first:72 − 220 (based on level)(+ 70% AP).', 'When maxed second:72 − 220 (based on level)(+ 70% AP).', 'When maxed last:72 − 220 (based on level)(+ 70% AP).', "Twin Fang'scast indicator is incorrectly adding her own radius to the range like anedge rangeability, and therefore slightly larger than the actual cast rangeTwin Fangcan cast at.", 'If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the cast time, this ability will cancel but does not go oncooldownnor pay its cost (if applicable).', 'Poisoned AP ratio changed to45% AP.']} | Name: Petrifying Gaze, Description: Active: Cassiopeia blasts enemies in a cone in the target direction, dealing magic damage to enemies struck within and slowing them by 40% for 2 seconds. Enemies with their facing direction towards her are instead stunned for the same duration. Magic Damage: 150 / 250 / 350 (+ 50% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'Cassiopeiawill turn to face the target direction over the cast time.', "This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.Petrifying Gaze'starget direction will change ifCassiopeia'sfacing direction changes during the cast time (i.e. throughknockbacks).", "Petrifying Gaze'starget direction will change ifCassiopeia'sfacing direction changes during the cast time (i.e. throughknockbacks).", "The facing direction of champions whose abilities/animations cause them to lock their facing or spin is always the direction they are moving in. For abilities that cause the champion to spin in place (e.g.Death Lotus,Judgment) it will factor the direction they were facing on cast.Lucian'sThe Cullingis an exception and his facing direction is actually considered to be the direction he is facing.", "Lucian'sThe Cullingis an exception and his facing direction is actually considered to be the direction he is facing."]} | Cassiopeia was the last champion released in 2010 as well as the third one to feature an 'Art Spotlight' (hers in particular shows how her taunt was animated).Cassiopeia's basic attack particles were snakes at release, as seen inherChampion Spotlight.
Cassiopeia -Katarinais one of seven pairs of sibling champions (the others beingKayle-Morgana,Garen-Lux,Nasus-Renekton,Yasuo-Yone,Darius-Draven, andVi-Jinx).Though not a pair,Anivia,Ornn, andVolibearare also siblings.
Twin Fangdirectly benefits from allied poison abilities in the same fashionLast Breathdoes with displacement ones.
Her name's first element derives from Hebrew קְצִיעָהqeṣiahcassia:Possibly from Semitic rootK-S"cut", as the barks were scrapped from the tree's trunk;Or borrowed from Old Chinese 桂*kʷeːs(> Mandaringuì/kʷei̯˥˩/) "osmanthus fragrans", by spice-merchants who imported the barks;the suffix-opeiais etymologically uncertain.
The inspiration for Cassiopeia comes from mainly three sources:Greek mythologyShe shares names withthe eponymous constellationcharted byPtolemyas well asthe eponymous queenfromGreek Mythology.Miasmareferencesthe eponymous mythical disease.She resembles aGorgon(withPetrifying Gazeand her death animation referencingMedusa) as well as aDrakaina.Hellenised Ptolemaic EgyptHer seductress background referencesCleopatra VII.Hers is thethe Belly Dance.IndianNāgini. |
Cho'Gath,the Terror of the Void | | | health: Health644+94, resource: Mana270+60, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)9+0.85, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)7.2+0.45, armor: Armor38+5, attack damage: Attack damage69+4.2, attack speed: Base AS0.625, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius80, selection radius: Selection radius130, release: 2009-06-26, changed: V13.6, role: Specialist, position: TopJungleMiddleSupport, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 1350|585 | Games
Cho'GathTitlesAlias(es)The Terror of the VoidCharacteristicsSpeciesVoidborn(Unknown Sub-species)Pronoun(s)It/ItsTimelineBorn:UnknownWeapon(s)TeethSpikesFeral ScreamPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originRuneterraCurrent residenceUnknown(No Fixed Abode)FamilyWatchers(Creators)Professional statusOccupation(s)Watcher's ServantRegion(s)VoidRelated character(s)Kog'MawKha'ZixVel'Koz
• Born:Unknown
• Teeth
• Spikes
• Feral Scream
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
Related character(s)
From the moment Cho'Gath first emerged into the harsh light ofRuneterra's sun, the beast was driven by the most pure and insatiable hunger. A perfect expression ofthe Void's desire to consume all life, Cho'Gath's complex biology quickly converts matter into new bodily growth—increasing its muscle mass and density, or hardening its outer carapace like organic diamond. When growing larger does not suit the Void-spawn's needs, it vomits out the excess material asrazor-sharp spines, leaving prey skewered and ready tofeastupon later.
• 1Background
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Alternate Universes
The origins of Cho'Gath lie within the depths of the Void, a realm between dimensions filled with unimaginable horrors. Born from the unspeakable darkness of the Void, Cho'Gath is a creature of malice and violence, feared by all who encounter it. The Voidborn, including Cho'Gath, have been attempting to breach the barriers between dimensions and invade Runeterra, a world separated from the horrors of the Void.
It is believed that the Voidborn were once driven away from Runeterra by long-lost and powerful magic. However, rumors persist that they seek to return and unleash their armies of unspeakable creatures upon the world. In Icathia, something dark stirs, possibly signaling the impending return of Cho'Gath and its kind.
The appearance of Cho'Gath is an embodiment of terror and otherworldly monstrosity. Towering over its adversaries, Cho'Gath is a massive creature with a hulking, muscular form. Its body is covered in a hardened carapace, resembling organic diamond, providing formidable protection against attacks.
Its terrifying visage features multiple rows of razor-sharp teeth within a gaping maw, capable of rending its prey apart. The eyes of Cho'Gath glow with an eerie, malevolent light, reflecting its intelligence and sinister nature. With each feeding, Cho'Gath grows larger and more imposing, a living manifestation of the Void's insatiable hunger.
Cho'Gath is an entity driven by an unrelenting and insatiable hunger. It embodies the all-consuming desire of the Void to consume all life and bring about chaos and destruction. Despite its primal nature, Cho'Gath possesses a certain level of intelligence, hinting at the sentience that lies within the creature.
It revels in the fear and terror it instills in others, taking pleasure in its violent predations. Cho'Gath is a relentless force, unyielding in its pursuit of sustenance and the expansion of its own power. It exists as a sentient horror, a creature of nightmares that strikes fear into the hearts of even the bravest souls.
As aVoidborn, Cho'Gath is able to evolve and grow, becoming increasingly formidable. Some of its known abilities include:
• Vorpal Spikes: Cho'Gath can unleash a barrage of spikes from its body, impaling and damaging enemies in a wide area.
• Rupture: Cho'Gath slams the ground, causing devastating seismic ruptures that erupt beneath enemies, launching them into the air and dealing damage.
• Feral Scream: With a terrifying roar, Cho'Gath emits a sonic blast that silences and damages nearby enemies, rendering them unable to cast spells.
• Feast: Cho'Gath's signature ability, he devours its enemies, dealing massive damage and growing in size and strength with each kill.
• Void Assault: Cho'Gath taps into the dark energies of the Void, temporarily enhancing its speed, strength, and durability. During this time, it becomes even more formidable in combat, inspiring fear and awe in its opponents.
Cho'Gath has no known relations with any existing or known characters.
Read More
The Terror of the Void
By Unknown Author
Starring Champion
Alternate Universes
Clash of Fates
Starring:Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Cho'Gath,Evelynn,Jax,Karthus,Kayle,Master Yi,Nunu,Rammus,Ryze,Singed,Sivir,Soraka,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Warwick,Willump,Zilean
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
Welcome to League of Legends
Starring:Alistar,Ashe,Cho'Gath,Katarina,Kayle,Master Yi,Morgana,Nasus,Ryze,Warwick
Academy Adventures: Series 1
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Akali,Amumu,Anivia,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Braum,Cho'Gath,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fiora,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Ivern,Jhin,Jinx,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nidalee,Olaf,Poppy,Rek'Sai,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Shen,Sion,Sona,Soraka,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tristana,Trundle,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Vel'Koz,Vi,Yorick,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Olaf vs Everything: Series 2
ByTom Barton
Mentioned:Ahri,Aurelion Sol,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Gnar,Illaoi,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Nagakabouros,Ornn,Renekton,Skarner,Teemo,Tryndamere,Urgot,Vel'Koz,Vi,Viktor,Vladimir,Warwick,Zyra
Playtime with Gnar: Series 1
ByRachel J. Corey
Mentioned:Amumu,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Darius,Draven,Karthus,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Malzahar,Nocturne,Nunu,Rengar,Twisted Fate,Willump
Punches and Plants: Series 2
Mentioned:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Amumu,Annie,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Diana,Draven,Ekko,Ezreal,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Kha'Zix,Kog'Maw,Leona,Lucian,Lux,Malphite,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nasus,Nautilus,Nidalee,Olaf,Orianna,Poppy,Quinn,Rakan,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Shaco,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Valor,Vel'Koz,Viktor,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Xin Zhao,Yasuo,Ziggs
The Tale of the Poro King
By Numerous creators
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aatrox,Akali,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Darius,Diana,Draven,Ezreal,Gnar,Illaoi,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kai'Sa,Karma,Karthus,Katarina,Kayle,Kayn,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nunu,Ornn,Pantheon,Pyke,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Rhaast,Ryze,Sejuani,Shen,Sion,Sivir,Soraka,Sylas,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Thresh,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Vi,Volibear,Willump,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs,Zoe
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Carnivore, Description: Innate: Whenever Cho'Gath kills an enemy, it heals for 18 − 52 (based on level) and restores 4. 72 − 9. 48 (based on level) mana ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Carnivorewill also trigger whenCho'Gathdestroys aturret, but not from other structures.", 'Carnivoredoes not trigger upon destroyingwardsand possibly other similar units.']} | Name: Rupture, Description: Active: Cho'Gath ruptures the target location after a 0. 627 seconds -second delay, granting sight of the area before dealing magic damage to enemies within and knocking them up for 1 second, and afterwards slowing them by 60% for 1. 5 seconds. Magic damage: 80 / 140 / 200 / 260 / 320 (+ 100% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', 'The delay before the rupture does not include the cast time.', 'The animation is visible inbrushand infog of war.', 'Cleansingtheairbornewill not prevent theslow.The slow itself can also not be blocked byspell shield, but will always be prevented if the airborne was.', 'The slow itself can also not be blocked byspell shield, but will always be prevented if the airborne was.', "The area will still rupture even ifCho'Gathdies during the delay.", 'Base damage changed to 100 / 160 / 220 / 280 / 340.', 'Slow strength changed to 70%.', 'Cooldown changed to 5 seconds at all ranks.']} | Name: Feral Scream, Description: Active: Cho'Gath roars in a cone in the target direction, dealing magic damage to enemies hit. Magic damage: 80 / 135 / 190 / 245 / 300 (+ 70% AP) Enemy champions and Rift Scuttlers hit are also silenced for a duration. Silence Duration: 1. 6 / 1. 7 / 1. 8 / 1. 9 / 2, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'Feral Screamusesedge rangefor enemy targets only; Its range iscenter-to-edge.']} | Name: Vorpal Spikes, Description: Active: Cho'Gath empowers its next 3 basic attacks within 6 seconds to gain 50 bonus range and launch a blast of spikes on-attack in the target's direction. Enemies struck are dealt magic damage and slowed by an amount that decays over 1. 5 seconds. The damage based on the target's health ratio is capped against minions and monsters . Magic Damage: 22 / 34 / 46 / 58 / 70 (+ 30% AP) (+ 3% (+ 0. 5 % per Feast stack) of target's maximum health) Total Magic Damage: 66 / 102 / 138 / 174 / 210 (+ 90% AP) (+ 9% (+ 1. 5 % per Feast stack) of target's maximum health) Capped Monster Percent Damage: 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 / 140 Slow: 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50% The width of the blast of spikes increases based on Cho'Gath's character size modifier when they launch, including but not limited to the bonus from Feast stacks . Vorpal Spikes resets Cho'Gath's basic attack timer., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'parries': 'Bypass', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', "The missiles are launched from an offset 25 units in front of Cho'Gath and towards the target's location on-attack-complete.When attacking enemies within 25 units center-to-center ofCho'Gath, the missile will fire in the opposite direction.", "When attacking enemies within 25 units center-to-center ofCho'Gath, the missile will fire in the opposite direction.", "Cho'Gath'ssize factors into the wideness of the hitboxVorpal Spikeshas. External size modifiers (Wild Growth) contribute to this.At certain size thresholds, the missile gets replaced by a different one with a different width. At each step, the width grows by 30, except for the 3rd missile, where it only grows by 10.(bug)Some of the size thresholds are placed very weird.(bug)The missile range is unchanged.", 'At certain size thresholds, the missile gets replaced by a different one with a different width. At each step, the width grows by 30, except for the 3rd missile, where it only grows by 10.(bug)', 'Some of the size thresholds are placed very weird.(bug)', 'The missile range is unchanged.', 'The empowered attack will trigger but not apply its effects againststructures.', 'Base damage changed to 32 / 44 / 56 / 68 / 80.', 'Slow strength changed to 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60%.']} | Name: Feast, Description: Active: Cho'Gath attempts to eat the target enemy, dealing them true damage . Against non-champions, the base damage is modified. Champion True Damage: 300 / 475 / 650 (+ 50% AP) (+ 10% bonus health) Non-Champion True Damage: 1200 (+ 50% AP) (+ 10% bonus health) If the target is killed, Cho'Gath gains a stack of Feast . Only 6 stacks can be gained from non-epic monsters or minions . Each stack of Feast grants Cho'Gath bonus health as well as bonus attack range and increased size , capping at 75 bonus attack range and 100% increased size. Bonus Health Per Stack: 80 / 120 / 160 Bonus Attack Range Per Stack: 4. 62 / 6. 15 / 7. 69 Bonus Size Per Stack: 6 / 8 / 10%, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'True', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', 'The increased size stacks additively with other size increases.', 'The name of the bonus health buff is"Feast".', 'The bonus attack range and increase size cap at respectively 16.25/ 12.19/ 9.75and 16.67/ 12.5/ 10 stacks, with the last stack being effective as the decimal part of the value (no decimal meaning 100% as effective).', 'Each stack ofFeastincreases the damage by 8 / 12 / 16.', 'If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the cast time, this ability will cancel but does not go oncooldownnor pay its cost (if applicable).', 'If an enemychampionhas health below the amount oftrue damageFeastdeals, they will be marked for execution. This indicator does not considershieldsorinvulnerability.', 'New Effect:Gains 1Feaststack per round after learning this ability.', 'Champion base damage changed to 400 / 575 / 750.', 'Bonus health per stack changed to 100 / 150 / 200.', 'Cooldown changed to 60 / 50 / 40 seconds.']} | Cho'Gathis one of 14 champions that have an ability that infinitely stacks an effect:Aurelion Sol,Bard,Bel'Veth,Draven,Kindred,Nasus,Senna,Shyvana,Sion,Swain,Sylas,Thresh, andVeigar.In Cho'Gath's case,Feastinfinitely stacks hishealth.
Cho'Gath was the firstchampionto receive a secondLegendaryskin(thoughCorkihas two1820skins both of which areLegacyandTristanahas also two1820skins although one is Legacy and the other one is available).
Cho'Gath's dance referencesFantasmic!byMickey Mouse.
Riotcreated anAdobe Flashminigame dedicated for him calledCho'Gath Eats the WorldforApril Fools' Day2013.Another minigame released on the same date,Astro Teemo, which was unlocked by playing to a certain point in this game.
The depiction of Cho'Gath in theiconofFeral Screamwas based on his pose in hisOriginal splash art.
In the now-removed official League of Legendsforums, theoriginal iconofFeral Screamwas used to represent the "General Discussion" section.
In the official League of Legends gametrailerfrom 2009, Cho'Gath was given generic T-Rex sounds.
In theV1.0.0.115April Fools' Daypatch;The following changes regarding Cho'Gath were jokingly listed:Cho'Gath now starts the game the same size as if he had 6feasts.Feaststill increases Cho'Gath's size.Bushescan no longerstealthCho'Gath.The following joke item was listed to be added:NEW Yordle Saddle: Anyyordlechampion can buy this new item to ride Cho'Gath.
Cho'Gath was given a retexture and features as a monster called the "Big Stompy Monster" (along with its huge variant) inInvasion, afeatured game mode. |
Corki,the Daring Bombardier | | | health: Health588+105, resource: Mana350+54, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)5.5+0.55, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)7.4+0.55, armor: Armor28+4.7, attack damage: Attack damage55+2.8, attack speed: Base AS0.638, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius135, release: 2009-09-19, changed: V13.23, role: Marksman, position: MiddleBottom, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 3150|790 | Missing section(s):
CorkiTitlesAlias(es)The Daring BombardierCharacteristicsSpeciesSpirit(Yordle)Pronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:990 AN - 996 ANWeapon(s)ROFL CopterHextech Shrapnel ShellsPhosphorus BombsIncendiary BombsGatling GunHextech MissilesPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originBandle CityCurrent residencePiltoverProfessional statusOccupation(s)Screaming Yipsnakes MemberRegion(s)Bandle CityFaction(s)YipsnakesRelated character(s)HeimerdingerVeigarTristanaLuluTeemoGravesTwisted Fate
• Born:990 AN - 996 AN
• ROFL Copter
• Hextech Shrapnel Shells
• Phosphorus Bombs
• Incendiary Bombs
• Gatling Gun
• Hextech Missiles
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
Related character(s)
TheyordlepilotCorkiloves two things above all others: flying, and his glamorous mustache... though not necessarily in that order. After leavingBandle City, he settled inPiltoverand fell in love with the wondrous machines he found there. He dedicated himself to the development of flying contraptions, leading an aerial defense force of seasoned veterans known as the Screaming Yipsnakes. Calm under fire, Corki patrols the skies around his adopted home, and has never encountered a problem that a good missile barrage couldn't solve.
• 1Background1.1Migration to Piltover1.2Recent events
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Other Yordles
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8References
• 9See also
• 1.1Migration to Piltover
• 1.2Recent events
• 5.1Other Yordles
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Migration to Piltover[]
When Heimerdinger and his yordle colleagues migrated to Piltover, they embraced science as a way of life, and they immediately made several groundbreaking contributions to the techmaturgical community. What yordles lack in stature, they make up for with industriousness. Corki, the Daring Bombardier, gained his title by test-piloting one of these contributions - the original design for the Reconnaissance Operations Front-Line Copter, an aerial assault vehicle which has become the backbone of the Bandle City Expeditionary Force (BCEF). Together with his squadron - the Screaming Yipsnakes - Corki soars over Valoran, surveying the landscape and conducting aerial acrobatics for the benefit of onlookers below.
Corki is the most renowned of the Screaming Yipsnakes for remaining cool under fire and exhibiting bravery to the point of madness. He served several tours of duty, often volunteering for missions that would take him behind enemy lines, either gathering intelligence or delivering messages through hot zones. He thrived on danger, and enjoyed nothing more than a good dogfight in the morning. More than just an ace pilot, Corki also made several modifications to his copter, outfitting it with an arsenal of weapons which some speculate were more for show than functionality. When open hostilities ceased, Corki was forced into a retirement, which he felt ''cut the engines and clipped the wings.’’ He tried to make do with stunt flying and canyon running, but it was never the same without the refreshing smell of gunpowder streaking through the air around him.
Recent events[]
Corki is a stout yordle with a long, white mustache and a pink nose. His other features are almost always obscured by an aviator hat and goggles. He wears the practical attire of an old-timey airplane pilot.
Corki is a quirky character, being obsessed with mechanical flight and seeming to view all other topics through that lens. He is an energetic but eccentric presence, almost single-mindedly devoted to his craft.
• Yordle Physiology:Corki is a Yordle, a being coming from theSpirit Realmand possesses several abilities natural of his species.Immortality:Being spiritual beings, Yordles don't age the same way as normal humans, and they can't normally die.Yordle Magic:Just like anyYordle, Corki is capable of performing yordle magic, which he utilizes in tandem with his skills as a pilot.
• Immortality:Being spiritual beings, Yordles don't age the same way as normal humans, and they can't normally die.
• Yordle Magic:Just like anyYordle, Corki is capable of performing yordle magic, which he utilizes in tandem with his skills as a pilot.
Corki is friend withLulu,TeemoandTristana.GravescapturedTeemofor the bounty onyordleswhileTwisted Faterefuses because "messing with Yordles brings a whole heap of trouble." He then fought Corki,LuluandTristanawho came to save Teemo, which ended up in Graves beingturnedinto a frog and the Yordles escaping.
Read More
The Daring Bombardier
By Unknown Author
Starring Champion
Don't Mess With Yordles
Wanna go cause a ruckus? When Teemo goes missing, Tristana finds plenty of volunteers to help bring him home to Bandle City—in all the ways that only yordles can!
Starring:Corki,Graves,Lulu,Teemo,Tristana,Twisted Fate
Mentioned Champion
Short Story
A Bandle Scout Mission Journal
By Numerous creators
Another Bandle Scout mission badge complete.
Mentioned:Corki,Kennen,Lulu,Tristana,Von Yipp
Tales of Runeterra
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Akali,Braum,Corki,Darius,Diana,Ekko,Fiora,Garen,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jinx,Leona,Lulu,Miss Fortune,Shen,Teemo,Thresh,Tristana,Twisted Fate
Alternate Universes
Cats Versus Dogs (Video)
This April Fools’, leave it all on the show floor.
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
Music Video
ByTrue Damage
Mentioned:Ahri,Azir,Book,Camille,Corki,Jinx,Kayn,Kindred,LeBlanc,Lucian,Pyke,Rhaast,Tahm Kench,Teemo,Thresh,Twitch,Yuumi
Road to the Cup
As the 2013 League of Legends World Championship final draws near, we showcase the biggest heroes in esports from around the world. Many teams fell by the wayside in epic battles, and now only two remain: Korea's SK Telecom T1 and China's Royal Club. Who will rise?
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Blitzcrank,Brand,Caitlyn,Corki,Elise,Ezreal,Gragas,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Lux,Malphite,Mordekaiser,Orianna,Renekton,Ryze,Shen,Thresh,Twisted Fate,Vayne,Zac,Zed
• Corki flies a Reconnaissance Operations Front Line (ROFL) Copter, named after and referencingthe ROFLcopter meme.It was created byHeimerdinger.
• It was created byHeimerdinger.
See also[] | Name: Hextech Munitions, Description: Innate - Hextech Shrapnel Shells: Corki's basic attacks are modified to deal 80% AD magic damage and 20% AD physical damage . Innate - The Package: After 10:00 , The Package is delivered to both corners of the allied fountain , which can be selected by Corki to pick up after channeling for 1 second. Upon completion of the channel, Corki gains one cast of Special Delivery for 60 seconds, replacing Valkyrie for the duration. While holding the The Package , Corki gains 40% bonus movement speed out of combat and ghosting . Corki cannot start the channel to pick up the package while he is unable to cast abilities. Link ▶️ "Ready to fly!" Link ▶️ Package acquired alert., STATIC COOLDOWN: STATICCOOLDOWN:300, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Physical/Magic', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', "The mixed damage is dealt in two simultaneous instances of damage, but will pretend to be a single instance for most effects (such asConqueror'sstacks).Themagic damageis dealt in an instance before thephysical damage.Both instances dealbasic damageand thus natively applylife steal.The attack applieson-hiteffects only once, right at the start.Even if the target dies from themagic damage, thephysical damagewill still be applied to it.If the target dies fromon-hitdamage, the magic damage portion will be skipped and only the physical damage applied.(bug)Spellbladedamage is special cased to be converted tomagic damage.The damage fromRunaan's Hurricane'sWind's Furyis affected byHextech Munitions'modifier.", 'Themagic damageis dealt in an instance before thephysical damage.', 'Both instances dealbasic damageand thus natively applylife steal.', 'The attack applieson-hiteffects only once, right at the start.', 'Even if the target dies from themagic damage, thephysical damagewill still be applied to it.If the target dies fromon-hitdamage, the magic damage portion will be skipped and only the physical damage applied.(bug)', 'If the target dies fromon-hitdamage, the magic damage portion will be skipped and only the physical damage applied.(bug)', 'Spellbladedamage is special cased to be converted tomagic damage.', "The damage fromRunaan's Hurricane'sWind's Furyis affected byHextech Munitions'modifier.", 'Critical strikesamplify the damage as usual, multiplying both instances of damage.', 'All players are alerted byCorkiemitting a global siren upon picking upThe Package.', 'Corkican pick up the package even if he does not have askill pointinValkyrie.', 'The following table refers for interactions whileCorkiischanneling:', 'Death', 'Cast-inhibiting effects', 'First package spawn time reduced to 5:00.', 'Package cooldown reduced to 150 seconds.', 'The Package respawn timer reduced to 1 minute.Initial spawn timer unchanged.', 'Package now spawns in the battlefield rather than at the spawn.', 'Package duration changed to 15 seconds.', 'New Effect:Spawns the package every round starting at level 6.']} | Name: Phosphorus Bomb, Description: Active: Corki launches a bomb at the target location that explodes upon impact, dealing magic damage to enemies hit. Magic Damage: 75 / 120 / 165 / 210 / 255 (+ 70% bonus AD) (+ 50% AP) The bomb also grants sight of the area for 6 seconds and reveals enemy champions hit for the same duration., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'No additional details.']} | Name: Valkyrie, Description: Active: Corki dashes to the target location and drops bombs that leave up to 3 blazing patches along his path, depending on the distance traveled. Each patch lasts 2. 5 seconds. Enemies within the patches are dealt magic damage every 0. 25 seconds. Magic Damage Per Tick: 15 / 22. 5 / 30 / 37. 5 / 45 (+ 10% AP) Total Magic Damage: 150 / 225 / 300 / 375 / 450 (+ 100% AP) Gatling Gun can be cast during the dash. Valkyrie will cast at max range if cast beyond that., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Valkyrie Details', 'Special Delivery Details', 'Video', 'No additional information.', 'Enemies that stay within the trail for its entire duration are dealt210 − 700 (based on level)(+ 1400%bonusAD)(+ 168% AP)totalmagic damage.', 'Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', 'The direction of the gun firing changes depending on whereCorkiis facing.Corkiwill turn to face in the direction of the cursor upon castingGatling Gun.', 'Corkiwill turn to face in the direction of the cursor upon castingGatling Gun.', "Gatling Gun'sarea of effect can hit closeby enemies next to and behind him, due to hittingenemy boundary edge.", 'Cooldown changed to 20 seconds.', 'Now affected by -30 ability haste.', 'Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', "OnceCorkihas learned the ability, he receives abuffthat automatically tracks the number of times he's used his ultimate since the lastBig One.Since this information is represented as a buff, this information is available to both allies and enemies.", 'Since this information is represented as a buff, this information is available to both allies and enemies.', 'Corkiretains progress towardsThe Big Onewhen hedies.', 'OnceCorkihas his ultimate, he has an indicator below his health bar that is only visible to him that shows when aBig Onewill be fired, how many missiles he has in reserve, and how many more missiles he canstore.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.', "Missile Barrage'seffect radius is centered around the location of the missile as it collides.", 'Base damage changed to 70 / 105 / 140.', 'AD ratio changed to10 / 35 / 60% AD.', 'AP ratio changed to20% AP.', 'GeneralNow replacesAftershockwithGrasp of the Undying.Now replacesGlacial AugmentwithFirst Strike.Now replacesFont of LifewithDemolish.', 'Now replacesAftershockwithGrasp of the Undying.', 'Now replacesGlacial AugmentwithFirst Strike.', 'Now replacesFont of LifewithDemolish.', 'StatsBase mana regeneration reduced to 7.4from 7.42.', 'Base mana regeneration reduced to 7.4from 7.42.', 'StatsAttack damage growth increased to 2.8from 2.5.Health growth increased to 105 from 101.', 'Attack damage growth increased to 2.8from 2.5.', 'Health growth increased to 105 from 101.', 'Gatling GunBonus AD ratio per tick increased to15%bonusADfrom10%.Total bonus AD ratio increased to240%bonusADfrom160%.', 'Bonus AD ratio per tick increased to15%bonusADfrom10%.Total bonus AD ratio increased to240%bonusADfrom160%.', 'Total bonus AD ratio increased to240%bonusADfrom160%.', 'Missile BarrageBase damage reduced to 80 / 115 / 150 from 90 / 125 / 160.Big One base damage reduced to 160 / 230 / 300 from 180 / 250 / 320.AP ratio reduced to12% APfrom20% AP.Big One AP ratio reduced to24% APfrom40% AP.', 'Base damage reduced to 80 / 115 / 150 from 90 / 125 / 160.Big One base damage reduced to 160 / 230 / 300 from 180 / 250 / 320.', 'Big One base damage reduced to 160 / 230 / 300 from 180 / 250 / 320.', 'AP ratio reduced to12% APfrom20% AP.Big One AP ratio reduced to24% APfrom40% AP.', 'Big One AP ratio reduced to24% APfrom40% AP.', 'StatsBase health increased to 588 from 518.Health growth increased to 101 from 87.Armor growth increased to 4.7from 3.5.Magic resistance growth increased to 1.3from 0.5.', 'Base health increased to 588 from 518.', 'Health growth increased to 101 from 87.', 'Armor growth increased to 4.7from 3.5.', 'Magic resistance growth increased to 1.3from 0.5.', 'Hextech MunitionsPackage spawn time increased to 10:00 from 8:00.Package respawn timer increased to 300 seconds from 240.', 'Package spawn time increased to 10:00 from 8:00.', 'Package respawn timer increased to 300 seconds from 240.', 'Gatling GunBug Fix:Corrected the tooltip to properly match its actual values.', 'Bug Fix:Corrected the tooltip to properly match its actual values.', 'StatsBase mana reduced to 350 from 350.16.Mana growth increased to 54 from 34.', 'Base mana reduced to 350 from 350.16.', 'Mana growth increased to 54 from 34.', 'Phosphorus BombBonus AD ratio increased to70%bonusADfrom50%.', 'Bonus AD ratio increased to70%bonusADfrom50%.', 'Special DeliveryMinimum DoT duration increased to 2 seconds from 1.5.', 'Minimum DoT duration increased to 2 seconds from 1.5.', 'Special DeliveryAD ratio increased to50%bonusADfrom37.5%.AP ratio increased to6% APfrom5%.Minimum DoT duration increased to 1.5seconds from 1.New Effect:Nowslowschampions that are directly hit andknocked asidefor 1.5seconds.', 'AD ratio increased to50%bonusADfrom37.5%.', 'AP ratio increased to6% APfrom5%.', 'Minimum DoT duration increased to 1.5seconds from 1.', 'New Effect:Nowslowschampions that are directly hit andknocked asidefor 1.5seconds.', 'Missile BarrageBase damage increased to 90 / 125 / 160 from 90 / 115 / 140.', 'Base damage increased to 90 / 125 / 160 from 90 / 115 / 140.', 'StatsBase attack damage reduced to 55 from 60.Attack damage growth reduced to 2.5from 3.', 'Base attack damage reduced to 55 from 60.', 'Attack damage growth reduced to 2.5from 3.', "Hextech MunitionsBug Fix:Now properly convertsSheen'sentire bonus damage to magic damage.", "Bug Fix:Now properly convertsSheen'sentire bonus damage to magic damage.", "Hextech MunitionsBug Fix:The Package no longer spawns only inMordekaiser'sRealm of DeathifCorkiwas banished there at the time of its spawn.Undocumented:Sheen'sbonus damage is no longer split evenly between physical and magic damage. Now only deals physical damage.", "Bug Fix:The Package no longer spawns only inMordekaiser'sRealm of DeathifCorkiwas banished there at the time of its spawn.", "Undocumented:Sheen'sbonus damage is no longer split evenly between physical and magic damage. Now only deals physical damage.", 'Hextech MunitionsARAM first package spawn time reduced to 5:00 from 8:00.ARAM package cooldown reduced to 150 seconds from 240.', 'ARAM first package spawn time reduced to 5:00 from 8:00.', 'ARAM package cooldown reduced to 150 seconds from 240.', 'Missile BarrageLeft missile is now always the next to fire, with new charges loading in from the right.', 'Left missile is now always the next to fire, with new charges loading in from the right.', 'Gatling GunNew Effect:Ability icon HUD now shows the remaining duration of the ability.', 'New Effect:Ability icon HUD now shows the remaining duration of the ability.', 'Missile BarrageBase damage increased to 90 / 115 / 140 from 75 / 100 / 125.', 'Base damage increased to 90 / 115 / 140 from 75 / 100 / 125.', 'Gatling GunTotal base damage increased to 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 / 320 from 80 / 140 / 200 / 260 / 320.Total resistance reduction increased to 8 / 11 / 14 / 17 / 20 from 4 / 8 / 12 / 16 / 20.', 'Total base damage increased to 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 / 320 from 80 / 140 / 200 / 260 / 320.', 'Total resistance reduction increased to 8 / 11 / 14 / 17 / 20 from 4 / 8 / 12 / 16 / 20.', "GeneralBug Fix:Bolts fromRunaan's Hurricaneare now properly converted to partial true damage against champions when they critically strike while he hasInfinity Edge, and no longer partially convert to true damage against non-champions.", "Bug Fix:Bolts fromRunaan's Hurricaneare now properly converted to partial true damage against champions when they critically strike while he hasInfinity Edge, and no longer partially convert to true damage against non-champions.", 'Fnatic CorkiThe PackageBug Fix:VFX are no longer misplaced when picked up.', 'The PackageBug Fix:VFX are no longer misplaced when picked up.', 'Bug Fix:VFX are no longer misplaced when picked up.', 'StatsBase health regeneration increased to 5.5from 5.424.', 'Base health regeneration increased to 5.5from 5.424.', 'StatsBase attack damage reduced to 60 from 63.Attack damage growth reduced to 3 from 3.5.', 'Base attack damage reduced to 60 from 63.', 'Attack damage growth reduced to 3 from 3.5.', 'Phosphorus BombBase damage reduced to 75 / 115 / 155 / 195 / 235 from 75 / 120 / 165 / 210 / 255.', 'Base damage reduced to 75 / 115 / 155 / 195 / 235 from 75 / 120 / 165 / 210 / 255.', 'Hextech MunitionsBug Fix:Fixed a bug where the additional damage to minions is also being factored intoHextech Munitions.', 'Bug Fix:Fixed a bug where the additional damage to minions is also being factored intoHextech Munitions.', 'StatsBase health increased to 518 from 512.76.Health growth increased to 87 from 82.Base attack damage increased to 63 from 55.Base armor increased to 28 from 23.38.', 'Base health increased to 518 from 512.76.', 'Health growth increased to 87 from 82.', 'Base attack damage increased to 63 from 55.', 'Base armor increased to 28 from 23.38.', 'Phosphorus BombBase damage increased to 75 / 120 / 165 / 210 / 255 from 70 / 115 / 160 / 205 / 250.', 'Base damage increased to 75 / 120 / 165 / 210 / 255 from 70 / 115 / 160 / 205 / 250.', 'StatsBase attack damage reduced to 55 from 58.', 'Base attack damage reduced to 55 from 58.', "Arcade CorkiGatling GunBug Fix:Visuals no longer shoot sideways when under the effect ofLulu'sWhimsy.", "Gatling GunBug Fix:Visuals no longer shoot sideways when under the effect ofLulu'sWhimsy.", "Bug Fix:Visuals no longer shoot sideways when under the effect ofLulu'sWhimsy.", 'StatsBase attack speed increased to 0.638from 0.625.Base attack damage increased to 58 from 56.', 'Base attack speed increased to 0.638from 0.625.', 'Base attack damage increased to 58 from 56.', 'Hextech MunitionsBasic attacks now deal 80% magic damage and 20% physical damage from 50% on both types.', 'Basic attacks now deal 80% magic damage and 20% physical damage from 50% on both types.', "ValkyrieNew Effect:Phosphorus BombandMissile Barragecan now be buffered duringValkyrie'stravel time.", "New Effect:Phosphorus BombandMissile Barragecan now be buffered duringValkyrie'stravel time.", 'StatsMagic resistance growth increased to 0.5from 0.', 'Magic resistance growth increased to 0.5from 0.', 'Arcade CorkiGatling GunBug Fix:VFX have been toned down to be less overwhelming.Missile BarrageBug Fix:VFX have been updated to be more recognizable.', 'Gatling GunBug Fix:VFX have been toned down to be less overwhelming.', 'Bug Fix:VFX have been toned down to be less overwhelming.', 'Missile BarrageBug Fix:VFX have been updated to be more recognizable.', 'Bug Fix:VFX have been updated to be more recognizable.', 'GeneralAdjusted splash artwork forOriginal Corki,Ice Toboggan Corki,Red Baron Corki,Hot Rod Corki,Urfrider Corki,Dragonwing CorkiandFnatic Corki.', 'Adjusted splash artwork forOriginal Corki,Ice Toboggan Corki,Red Baron Corki,Hot Rod Corki,Urfrider Corki,Dragonwing CorkiandFnatic Corki.', "Arcade CorkiBug Fix:Fixed a bug where his model didn't immediately reappear after his recall animation.", "Bug Fix:Fixed a bug where his model didn't immediately reappear after his recall animation.", 'Missile BarrageBase damage reduced to 75 / 100 / 125 from 100 / 130 / 160.AD ratio reduced to15 / 45 / 75% ADfrom20 / 60 / 100% AD.AP ratio reduced to20% APfrom30% AP.Big Onebonus damage increased to 100% from 50%.Big Onebase damage increased 150 / 200 / 250 from 150 / 195 / 240.Big OneAD ratio unchanged to30 / 90 / 150% AD.Big OneAP ratio reduced to40% APfrom45% AP.New Effect:The number of missilesCorkihas stored is now shown in his secondary resource bar. The resource bar turns red when the next missile is aBig One.', 'Base damage reduced to 75 / 100 / 125 from 100 / 130 / 160.', 'AD ratio reduced to15 / 45 / 75% ADfrom20 / 60 / 100% AD.', 'AP ratio reduced to20% APfrom30% AP.', 'Big Onebonus damage increased to 100% from 50%.Big Onebase damage increased 150 / 200 / 250 from 150 / 195 / 240.Big OneAD ratio unchanged to30 / 90 / 150% AD.Big OneAP ratio reduced to40% APfrom45% AP.', 'Big Onebase damage increased 150 / 200 / 250 from 150 / 195 / 240.', 'Big OneAD ratio unchanged to30 / 90 / 150% AD.', 'Big OneAP ratio reduced to40% APfrom45% AP.', 'New Effect:The number of missilesCorkihas stored is now shown in his secondary resource bar. The resource bar turns red when the next missile is aBig One.', 'StatsAttack damage growth increased to 3.5from 2.5.', 'Attack damage growth increased to 3.5from 2.5.', "Hextech MunitionsAttacking wards no longer removes thePackage'sout of combat movement speed.", "Attacking wards no longer removes thePackage'sout of combat movement speed.", 'Hextech MunitionsPackage cooldown reduced to 240 seconds from 300.', 'Package cooldown reduced to 240 seconds from 300.', 'ValkyrieCooldown changed to 20 / 19 / 18 / 17 / 16 seconds from 26 / 23 / 20 / 17 / 14.', 'Cooldown changed to 20 / 19 / 18 / 17 / 16 seconds from 26 / 23 / 20 / 17 / 14.', 'Gatling GunBase damage increased to 80 / 140 / 200 / 260 / 320 from 80 / 128 / 176 / 224 / 312.Damage ticks per second increased to 4 from 2.Stacking resistance reduction cap unchanged.', 'Base damage increased to 80 / 140 / 200 / 260 / 320 from 80 / 128 / 176 / 224 / 312.', 'Damage ticks per second increased to 4 from 2.Stacking resistance reduction cap unchanged.', 'Missile BarrageAD ratio increased to20 / 60 / 100% ADfrom20 / 50 / 80% AD.', 'AD ratio increased to20 / 60 / 100% ADfrom20 / 50 / 80% AD.', 'GeneralNew splash artwork forUFO Corki.Splash artwork forRed Baron Corkiupdated to the Chinese art.', 'New splash artwork forUFO Corki.', 'Splash artwork forRed Baron Corkiupdated to the Chinese art.', 'Hextech MunitionsRemoved:10% increased damage.', 'Removed:10% increased damage.', 'Phosphorus BombBase damage reduced to 70 / 115 / 160 / 205 / 250 from 80 / 130 / 180 / 230 / 280.', 'Base damage reduced to 70 / 115 / 160 / 205 / 250 from 80 / 130 / 180 / 230 / 280.', 'Missile BarrageCharge time increased to 12 / 11 / 10 seconds from 12 / 10 / 8.', 'Charge time increased to 12 / 11 / 10 seconds from 12 / 10 / 8.', 'GeneralSpecial DeliverySound effects adjusted.', 'Special DeliverySound effects adjusted.', 'Sound effects adjusted.', 'GeneralNew ability icons.', 'New ability icons.', 'StatsAttack damage increased to 56 from 51.24.Attack damage growth reduced to 2.5from 3.Mana increased to 280 from 231.8.Mana growth reduced to 34 from 37.', 'Attack damage increased to 56 from 51.24.', 'Attack damage growth reduced to 2.5from 3.', 'Mana increased to 280 from 231.8.', 'Mana growth reduced to 34 from 37.', "Hextech Munitions-New InnateHextech Shrapnel Shells:Corki's basic attacks deal 110% of his attack damage evenly split between physical and magic damage.Life stealwill apply to both damage types.The 55-55 modifiers interact with critical strikes andRunaan's Hurricane'sWind's Furywhile other 'bonus damage' effects are applied as normal.The Package:After an initial 8 minutes, The Package is delivered to Corki's Fountain, which he can interact with to pick up (~1 second channel time).Collecting The Package grants Corki 40% out-of-combat movement speed and the ability to castSpecial Deliverywithin 60 seconds.A new Package will be delivery 300 seconds afterSpecial Deliveryis used.", "Hextech Shrapnel Shells:Corki's basic attacks deal 110% of his attack damage evenly split between physical and magic damage.Life stealwill apply to both damage types.The 55-55 modifiers interact with critical strikes andRunaan's Hurricane'sWind's Furywhile other 'bonus damage' effects are applied as normal.", 'Life stealwill apply to both damage types.', "The 55-55 modifiers interact with critical strikes andRunaan's Hurricane'sWind's Furywhile other 'bonus damage' effects are applied as normal.", "The Package:After an initial 8 minutes, The Package is delivered to Corki's Fountain, which he can interact with to pick up (~1 second channel time).Collecting The Package grants Corki 40% out-of-combat movement speed and the ability to castSpecial Deliverywithin 60 seconds.A new Package will be delivery 300 seconds afterSpecial Deliveryis used.", 'Collecting The Package grants Corki 40% out-of-combat movement speed and the ability to castSpecial Deliverywithin 60 seconds.A new Package will be delivery 300 seconds afterSpecial Deliveryis used.', 'A new Package will be delivery 300 seconds afterSpecial Deliveryis used.', 'Valkyrie-Normal WRange reduced to 600 from 800.', 'Range reduced to 600 from 800.', 'Special Delivery-Enhanced WActive:Corki flies up to 1800 units forward in a line, dropping bombs that knock enemies ~500 units aside and leaving a ~200-units-wide trail of fire in his wake that lingers for 5 seconds. The trail slows enemies by 90% while dealing 30 - 100 (based on level)(+150% Bonus AD)(+ 20% AP)magic damage per second.Valkyrieis instantly ready to cast after Special Delivery is used.Dash speed: 1500.', 'Active:Corki flies up to 1800 units forward in a line, dropping bombs that knock enemies ~500 units aside and leaving a ~200-units-wide trail of fire in his wake that lingers for 5 seconds. The trail slows enemies by 90% while dealing 30 - 100 (based on level)(+150% Bonus AD)(+ 20% AP)magic damage per second.Valkyrieis instantly ready to cast after Special Delivery is used.Dash speed: 1500.', 'Valkyrieis instantly ready to cast after Special Delivery is used.Dash speed: 1500.', 'Dash speed: 1500.', "Gatling GunBase damage increased to 20 / 32 / 44 / 56 / 78 from 20 / 32 / 44 / 56 / 68.AD ratio increased to(+ 40% AD)from(+ 20% AD).Damage type changed to half physical and half magic from all physical.New Effect:Reduces enemy's magic resistance.Armor and magic resistance shred reduced to 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 from 2 / 4 / 6 / 8 / 10.", 'Base damage increased to 20 / 32 / 44 / 56 / 78 from 20 / 32 / 44 / 56 / 68.', 'AD ratio increased to(+ 40% AD)from(+ 20% AD).', 'Damage type changed to half physical and half magic from all physical.', "New Effect:Reduces enemy's magic resistance.", 'Armor and magic resistance shred reduced to 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 from 2 / 4 / 6 / 8 / 10.', 'Missile BarrageBase damage reduced to 100 / 130 / 160 from 100 / 180 / 260.AD ratio increased to(+ 20 / 50 / 80% AD)from(+ 20 / 30 / 40% AD).AP ratio increased to(+ 30% AP)from(+ 20% AP).', 'Base damage reduced to 100 / 130 / 160 from 100 / 180 / 260.', 'AD ratio increased to(+ 20 / 50 / 80% AD)from(+ 20 / 30 / 40% AD).', 'AP ratio increased to(+ 30% AP)from(+ 20% AP).', 'ValkyrieFixed a bug where it was dealing damage too frequently.', 'Fixed a bug where it was dealing damage too frequently.', 'ValkyrieMana cost increased to 100 from 50.', 'Mana cost increased to 100 from 50.', 'Phosphorus BombBomb speed reduced to 1000 from 1125.', 'Bomb speed reduced to 1000 from 1125.', 'GeneralTexture update to Classic, Hot Rod, Ice Toboggan, Red Baron, UFO, and Urfrider.', 'Texture update to Classic, Hot Rod, Ice Toboggan, Red Baron, UFO, and Urfrider.', "ValkyrieFixed a bug where it being interrupted would halt Corki's movement but still extend the damage field.", "Fixed a bug where it being interrupted would halt Corki's movement but still extend the damage field.", 'StatsArmor increased to 17.5from 13.5.', 'Armor increased to 17.5from 13.5.', 'Phosphorus BombNew Effect:(+50% Bonus AD)ratio.Area of effect indicator is now visible to allies.', 'New Effect:(+50% Bonus AD)ratio.', 'Area of effect indicator is now visible to allies.', 'Phosphorus BombMana cost reduced to 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 from 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120.Now lobs a bomb through the air that explodes at the target location instead of instantly damaging the area.Cast range increased to 825 from 600.Now grants vision while the bomb is in the air.', 'Mana cost reduced to 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 from 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120.', 'Now lobs a bomb through the air that explodes at the target location instead of instantly damaging the area.', 'Cast range increased to 825 from 600.', 'Now grants vision while the bomb is in the air.', 'Gatling GunMana cost reduced to 50 at all ranks from 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80.', 'Mana cost reduced to 50 at all ranks from 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80.', 'Missile BarrageAD ratio increased to(+ 20 / 30 / 40% AD)from(+ 20% AD)at all ranks.', 'AD ratio increased to(+ 20 / 30 / 40% AD)from(+ 20% AD)at all ranks.', 'StatsAttack speed reduced to 0.625from 0.658.', 'Attack speed reduced to 0.625from 0.658.', 'Missile BarrageCooldown increased to 2 seconds (static) from 1.2.Base damage reduced to 100 / 180 / 260 from 120 / 190 / 260.', 'Cooldown increased to 2 seconds (static) from 1.2.', 'Base damage reduced to 100 / 180 / 260 from 120 / 190 / 260.', 'ValkyrieMana cost reduced to 50 from 100.', 'Mana cost reduced to 50 from 100.', 'Missile BarrageMana cost reduced to 20 at all ranks from 30 / 35 / 40.', 'Mana cost reduced to 20 at all ranks from 30 / 35 / 40.', 'Missile BarrageFixed a bug where it would sometimes fail to deal damage.', 'Fixed a bug where it would sometimes fail to deal damage.', 'Missile BarrageFixed a bug where using it restarted the cooldown for next missile.', 'Fixed a bug where using it restarted the cooldown for next missile.', 'Missile BarrageBig Onenow fires after every 3rd missile from every 4th.Charge time reduced to 12 / 10 / 8 seconds from 12 at all ranks.', 'Big Onenow fires after every 3rd missile from every 4th.', 'Charge time reduced to 12 / 10 / 8 seconds from 12 at all ranks.', 'Gatling GunMana cost reduced to 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80 from 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100.', 'Mana cost reduced to 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80 from 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100.', 'StatsMovement speed increased to 325 from 300.', 'Movement speed increased to 325 from 300.', 'Hextech Shrapnel ShellsNo longer benefits from critical strikes.', 'No longer benefits from critical strikes.', 'ValkyrieCooldown increased to 26 / 23 / 20 / 17 / 14 seconds from 20 / 18 / 16 / 14 / 12.', 'Cooldown increased to 26 / 23 / 20 / 17 / 14 seconds from 20 / 18 / 16 / 14 / 12.', 'Missile BarrageCharge time increased to 12 seconds from 10.', 'Charge time increased to 12 seconds from 10.', 'GeneralNew splash artwork forOriginal Corki.', 'New splash artwork forOriginal Corki.', 'ValkyrieTargeting indicator now scales with distance from Corki.', 'Targeting indicator now scales with distance from Corki.', 'Missile BarrageArea of effect and particle now properly centered around point of impact.Icon is now tinted whenBig Oneis ready.', 'Area of effect and particle now properly centered around point of impact.', 'Icon is now tinted whenBig Oneis ready.', 'Phosphorus BombBase damage increased to 80 / 130 / 180 / 230 / 280 from 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270.Now reveals non-stealthed champions for 6 seconds in addition to revealing the area for the duration.', 'Base damage increased to 80 / 130 / 180 / 230 / 280 from 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270.', 'Now reveals non-stealthed champions for 6 seconds in addition to revealing the area for the duration.', 'Gatling GunNow deals 20 / 32 / 44 / 56 / 68 damage per second.Duration changed to 4 seconds at all ranks.AD ratio changed to Bonus from Total.', 'Now deals 20 / 32 / 44 / 56 / 68 damage per second.', 'Duration changed to 4 seconds at all ranks.', 'AD ratio changed to Bonus from Total.', 'Missile BarrageCooldown before next charge and current stacks now shown in the same buff.', 'Cooldown before next charge and current stacks now shown in the same buff.', 'Phosphorus BombNo longer blinds.Base damage reduced to 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 from 80 / 130 / 180 / 230 / 280.', 'No longer blinds.', 'Base damage reduced to 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 from 80 / 130 / 180 / 230 / 280.', 'Gatling GunAD ratio reduced to(+ 20% AD)from(+ 25% AD)', 'AD ratio reduced to(+ 20% AD)from(+ 25% AD)', 'Missile BarrageBig Onebonus damage reduced to 50% from 60.', 'Big Onebonus damage reduced to 50% from 60.', 'ValkyrieFixed a bug that was causing the line missile targeting display to be offset.', 'Fixed a bug that was causing the line missile targeting display to be offset.', 'Missile BarrageFixed a bug causing the line missile targeting display to be offset.', 'Fixed a bug causing the line missile targeting display to be offset.', 'StatsMovement speed reduced to 300 from 310.', 'Movement speed reduced to 300 from 310.', 'Phosphorus BombNo longer reveals stealthed units.', 'No longer reveals stealthed units.', 'Gatling GunFixed a bug where it could hit unseen non-champion stealthed targets like wards.Fixed a bug where it was dealing too much damage.', 'Fixed a bug where it could hit unseen non-champion stealthed targets like wards.', 'Fixed a bug where it was dealing too much damage.', 'Missile BarrageTooltip corrected.', 'Tooltip corrected.', "ValkyrieLevel-up tooltip corrected to show the effects of Corki's current cooldown reduction.", "Level-up tooltip corrected to show the effects of Corki's current cooldown reduction.", 'Gatling GunTooltip corrected.', 'Tooltip corrected.', 'Missile BarrageBase damage reduced to 120 / 190 / 260 from 125 / 200 / 275.Mana cost increased to 30 / 35 / 40 from 25 / 30 / 35.Big Onebonus damage reduced to 60% from 100.Tooltip corrected.', 'Base damage reduced to 120 / 190 / 260 from 125 / 200 / 275.', 'Mana cost increased to 30 / 35 / 40 from 25 / 30 / 35.', 'Big Onebonus damage reduced to 60% from 100.', 'Tooltip corrected.', 'ValkyrieRange increased to 800 from 700.Speed increased to 650 from 500.', 'Range increased to 800 from 700.', 'Speed increased to 650 from 500.', 'Missile BarrageTooltip updated to reflectBig Onedeals double damage.New Effect:(+20% AD)ratio in addition to AP one.New Effect:Recharge time is reduced by cooldown reduction effects.New Effect:Recharge time does not progress while at maximum missile storage capacity.New Effect:Corki respawns with 4 missiles.', 'Tooltip updated to reflectBig Onedeals double damage.', 'New Effect:(+20% AD)ratio in addition to AP one.', 'New Effect:Recharge time is reduced by cooldown reduction effects.', 'New Effect:Recharge time does not progress while at maximum missile storage capacity.', 'New Effect:Corki respawns with 4 missiles.', 'Phosphorus BombMana cost reduced to 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120 from 90 / 100 / 110 / 120 / 130.', 'Mana cost reduced to 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120 from 90 / 100 / 110 / 120 / 130.', 'Gatling GunMana cost reduced to 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 from 60 / 75 / 90 / 105 / 120.', 'Mana cost reduced to 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 from 60 / 75 / 90 / 105 / 120.', 'StatsAttack range increased to 550 from 500.Attack speed per level increased to 2.3% from 1.86.', 'Attack range increased to 550 from 500.', 'Attack speed per level increased to 2.3% from 1.86.', 'ValkyrieCan no longer be cast while rooted.', 'Can no longer be cast while rooted.', 'Missile BarrageCharge time reduced to 10 seconds from 14.', 'Charge time reduced to 10 seconds from 14.', 'Missile BarrageNew Effect:Counter indicating how close toBig One.New Effect:Grants one missile when unlocking.New Effect:Charges while dead and will no longer resets stack count upon death.', 'New Effect:Counter indicating how close toBig One.', 'New Effect:Grants one missile when unlocking.', 'New Effect:Charges while dead and will no longer resets stack count upon death.', 'ValkyrieAnimation improved.', 'Animation improved.', 'Phosphorus BombArea of effect reduced to 225 from 250.Mana cost increased to 90 / 100 / 110 / 120 / 130 from 70 / 85 / 100 / 115 / 130.Fixed a bug causing the particle to show above the fog of war even without vision of that area.Fixed a bug where using it placed a buff on Corki saying he would miss on attacks.Fixed a bug where the vision granted disappeared upon using a basic attack.', 'Area of effect reduced to 225 from 250.', 'Mana cost increased to 90 / 100 / 110 / 120 / 130 from 70 / 85 / 100 / 115 / 130.', 'Fixed a bug causing the particle to show above the fog of war even without vision of that area.', 'Fixed a bug where using it placed a buff on Corki saying he would miss on attacks.', 'Fixed a bug where the vision granted disappeared upon using a basic attack.', 'ValkyrieCast range reduced to 700 from 900.Mana cost increased to 100 from 100 / 90 / 80 / 70 / 60.', 'Cast range reduced to 700 from 900.', 'Mana cost increased to 100 from 100 / 90 / 80 / 70 / 60.', 'Missile BarrageArea of effect reduced to 200 from 225.Big Onearea of effect reduced to 300 from 350.Mana cost increased to 25 / 30 / 35 from 20 / 25 / 30.', 'Area of effect reduced to 200 from 225.', 'Big Onearea of effect reduced to 300 from 350.', 'Mana cost increased to 25 / 30 / 35 from 20 / 25 / 30.', 'Phosphorus BombBlind duration reduced to 3 seconds from 4.', 'Blind duration reduced to 3 seconds from 4.', 'ValkyrieCast range reduced to 900 from 1000.', 'Cast range reduced to 900 from 1000.', 'StatsMana regen reduced to 0.8from 0.88.Mana regen per level reduced to 0.07from 0.08.', 'Mana regen reduced to 0.8from 0.88.', 'Mana regen per level reduced to 0.07from 0.08.', "Phosphorus BombTarget's miss chance reduced to 35% from 50.Mana cost increased to 70 / 85 / 100 / 115 / 130 from 60 / 75 / 90 / 105 / 120.", "Target's miss chance reduced to 35% from 50.", 'Mana cost increased to 70 / 85 / 100 / 115 / 130 from 60 / 75 / 90 / 105 / 120.', 'Gatling GunBase damage reduced to25% Total ADfrom 33.', 'Base damage reduced to25% Total ADfrom 33.', 'ValkyrieAP ratio reduced to(+ 40% AP)from(+ 80% AP).', 'AP ratio reduced to(+ 40% AP)from(+ 80% AP).', 'Missile BarrageCharge time increased to 14 seconds from 12.Mana cost increased to 20 / 25 / 30 from 15 / 20 / 25.', 'Charge time increased to 14 seconds from 12.', 'Mana cost increased to 20 / 25 / 30 from 15 / 20 / 25.', "AddedHextech Shrapnel Shells-ICorki's basic attacks deal 20% additional true damage.Phosphorus Bomb-QCorki fires a bomb at a target location. In addition to dealing damage the blast reduces an enemy's chance to hit by 50% and reveals nearby stealthed units for 4 seconds.Valkyrie-WCorki surges to target location, dropping bombs that create a trail of destruction for opponents who remain in the fire.Gatling Gun-ECorki's gatling gun fires rapidly, dealing 40% of his total damage twice a second in an area in front of him and shredding the armor of enemies who are under continuous fire.Missile Barrage-RCorki fires a missile towards his target location that will collide with the first enemy it hits dealing damage to units around the target. Corki stores one missile every 12 seconds up to 7 missiles total. Every fourth missile will be aBig One.", "Hextech Shrapnel Shells-ICorki's basic attacks deal 20% additional true damage.", "Corki's basic attacks deal 20% additional true damage.", "Phosphorus Bomb-QCorki fires a bomb at a target location. In addition to dealing damage the blast reduces an enemy's chance to hit by 50% and reveals nearby stealthed units for 4 seconds.", "Corki fires a bomb at a target location. In addition to dealing damage the blast reduces an enemy's chance to hit by 50% and reveals nearby stealthed units for 4 seconds.", 'Valkyrie-WCorki surges to target location, dropping bombs that create a trail of destruction for opponents who remain in the fire.', 'Corki surges to target location, dropping bombs that create a trail of destruction for opponents who remain in the fire.', "Gatling Gun-ECorki's gatling gun fires rapidly, dealing 40% of his total damage twice a second in an area in front of him and shredding the armor of enemies who are under continuous fire.", "Corki's gatling gun fires rapidly, dealing 40% of his total damage twice a second in an area in front of him and shredding the armor of enemies who are under continuous fire.", 'Missile Barrage-RCorki fires a missile towards his target location that will collide with the first enemy it hits dealing damage to units around the target. Corki stores one missile every 12 seconds up to 7 missiles total. Every fourth missile will be aBig One.', 'Corki fires a missile towards his target location that will collide with the first enemy it hits dealing damage to units around the target. Corki stores one missile every 12 seconds up to 7 missiles total. Every fourth missile will be aBig One.', 'Corki isvoicedby an individual named"Ralph".', "It was speculated that Corki was inspired byAurel Vlaicu the GyrocopterfromDota 2.This has been proven false given Corki was released on 19-Sep-2009 (patchV0.9.25.21) while Gyrocopter was released on 28-Jul-2010 for the originalDotAcustom map.Yet both of them are most likely based on theGyrocopterfr | Name: Gatling Gun, Description: Active: Corki sprays bullets in a cone toward his facing direction for 4 seconds, dealing equal parts physical and magic damage every 0. 25 seconds to all enemies hit as well as reducing their armor and magic resistance with each tick, lasting for 2 seconds, refreshing on subsequent ticks, and stacking up to 8 times. Mixed Damage Per Tick: 7. 5 / 10. 625 / 13. 75 / 16. 875 / 20 (+ 15% bonus AD) Physical Damage Per Tick: 3. 75 / 5. 3125 / 6. 875 / 8. 4375 / 10 (+ 7. 5 % bonus AD) Magic Damage Per Tick: 3. 75 / 5. 3125 / 6. 875 / 8. 4375 / 10 (+ 7. 5 % bonus AD) Total Mixed Damage: 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 / 320 (+ 240% bonus AD) Resistance Reduction Per Tick: 1 / 1. 375 / 1. 75 / 2. 125 / 2. 5 Total Resistance Reduction: 8 / 11 / 14 / 17 / 20, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Physical damage/Magic damage', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', 'The direction of the gun firing changes depending on whereCorkiis facing.Corkiwill turn to face in the direction of the cursor upon castingGatling Gun.', 'Corkiwill turn to face in the direction of the cursor upon castingGatling Gun.', "Gatling Gun'sarea of effect can hit closeby enemies next to and behind him, due to hittingenemy boundary edge.", 'Cooldown changed to 20 seconds.', 'Now affected by -30 ability haste.']} | Name: Missile Barrage, Description: Active: Corki fires a missile in the target direction that explodes upon the first enemy hit, dealing magic damage to enemies within the area. Magic Damage: 80 / 115 / 150 (+ 15 / 45 / 75% AD) (+ 12% AP) Corki periodically stocks a Missile Barrage charge, up to a maximum of 7. He gains maximum charges upon respawning . Every third missile Corki fires is a Big One , dealing 100% increased damage as well as gaining increased range and explosion radius. Big One Magic Damage: 160 / 230 / 300 (+ 30 / 90 / 150% AD) (+ 24% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', "OnceCorkihas learned the ability, he receives abuffthat automatically tracks the number of times he's used his ultimate since the lastBig One.Since this information is represented as a buff, this information is available to both allies and enemies.", 'Since this information is represented as a buff, this information is available to both allies and enemies.', 'Corkiretains progress towardsThe Big Onewhen hedies.', 'OnceCorkihas his ultimate, he has an indicator below his health bar that is only visible to him that shows when aBig Onewill be fired, how many missiles he has in reserve, and how many more missiles he canstore.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.', "Missile Barrage'seffect radius is centered around the location of the missile as it collides.", 'Base damage changed to 70 / 105 / 140.', 'AD ratio changed to10 / 35 / 60% AD.', 'AP ratio changed to20% AP.']} | Corki isvoicedby an individual named"Ralph".
It was speculated that Corki was inspired byAurel Vlaicu the GyrocopterfromDota 2.This has been proven false given Corki was released on 19-Sep-2009 (patchV0.9.25.21) while Gyrocopter was released on 28-Jul-2010 for the originalDotAcustom map.Yet both of them are most likely based on theGyrocopterfromWarcraft III: Reign of Chaos(Frozen Throne's name:Flying machine).
Corki was the firstchampionto have twoLegendaryskinsas well as the first and only to have three.All of them are old skins that are either Legacy or were never for sale to begin with.
Corki's dance references the"Do a barrel roll!"phrase spoken byPeppy HareinStar Fox 64.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.
In the now-removed official League of Legendsforums, theoriginal iconofMissile Barragewas used to represent the "In-Game HUD Discussion" section.
Theold sound effectfor when Corki picks upThe Packagewas similar to anair raid siren, which was pointed out by a player in Syria.[2]It was promptly changed.[3] |
Darius,the Hand of Noxus | | | health: Health652+114, resource: Mana263+58, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)10+0.95, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)6.6+0.35, armor: Armor39+5.2, attack damage: Attack damage64+5, attack speed: Base AS0.625, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius80, selection radius: Selection radius125, release: 2012-05-23, changed: V13.14, role: Juggernaut, position: Top, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 450|260 | Missing section(s):
DariusMainArmored 1Armored 2BareYoungTitlesAlias(es)The Hand of NoxusGeneral DariusCommander DariusCommander General DariusCharacteristicsSpeciesHumanPronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:956 AN - 960 ANWeapon(s)BattleaxeNoxian MightPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originBasilich,NoxusCurrent residenceNoxus Prime,NoxusFamilyDraven(Brother)Quilletta Varn†(Spouse)Decius Varn†(Alleged Son)Invetia Varn(Alleged Daughter)Professional statusOccupation(s)Trifarix Leader of MightGeneral of theTrifarian LegionRegion(s)NoxusFaction(s)TrifarixTrifarian LegionReckonersRelated character(s)DravenKatarinaSwainVladimirLeBlancKledSamiraViegoBoram Darkwill
• Main
• Armored 1
• Armored 2
• Bare
• Young
• The Hand of Noxus
• General Darius
• Commander Darius
• Commander General Darius
• Born:956 AN - 960 AN
• Battleaxe
• Noxian Might
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Draven(Brother)
• Quilletta Varn†(Spouse)
• Decius Varn†(Alleged Son)
• Invetia Varn(Alleged Daughter)
Professional status
• Trifarix Leader of Might
• General of theTrifarian Legion
• Trifarix
• Trifarian Legion
• Reckoners
Related character(s)
There is no greater symbol of Noxian might thanDarius, the nation's most feared and battle-hardened leader. Rising from humble origins to become the Hand of Noxus, he cleaves through the empire's enemies—many of them Noxians themselves. Knowing that he never doubts his cause is just, and never hesitates once his axe is raised, those who stand against the commander of the Trifarian Legion can expect no mercy.
• 1Background1.1Childhood1.2In Noxus
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Swain5.2Sion5.3Garen5.4Draven5.5Family5.6Samira&Viego
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8References
• 9See also
• 1.1Childhood
• 1.2In Noxus
• 5.1Swain
• 5.2Sion
• 5.3Garen
• 5.4Draven
• 5.5Family
• 5.6Samira&Viego
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Born inBasilich, Darius was as an orphan alongside his younger brotherDraven. He struggled hard to provide for both himself and his brother and protected the latter from anyone who tried to harm him, even the city guard. Darius spent a majority of his childhood fighting for survival, with constant fights leaving permanent scars on himself. He and Draven were friends with a girl namedQuilletta Varn, whom saved him from falling off a cliff that they were climbing. Darius developed a relationship with Quilletta, having ambitions to conquer the world alongside her.
When anNoxianarmy led by their captain Cyrus invaded Basilich, the three children hid atop a rooftop. Quilletta was reluctant towards the harsh choice between joining Noxus or being killed, but Darius contemplated paying the consequences since he didn't want to leave Draven behind. To his horror, Draven attempted to throw a knife to fight them but ended up hitting Cyrus' flag, leading to the three to get apprehended by the soldiers. After hearing Draven's boasts, Cyrus invited the kids to ally with Noxus.
In Noxus[]
Growing to adulthood in Noxus, Darius married Quilletta and became a father to two: Decius andInvetia. He and Draven served as soldiers under Cyrus' warhost, engaging in many war campaigns and stopping rebellions againstBoram Darkwill's throne. Darius quickly rose through the ranks, embodying the values of Noxus through his aggression, bravery and patriotism. In one battle, after a general ordered a retreat, Darius saw him as a coward and beheaded him out of defiance, rallying the fearful troops and securing a victory. He was rewarded by being promoted to senior commander, which attracted many Noxians to join his army but he only accepted those with the greatest strength and discipline. Feared to the point where cities surrendered at the sight of Darius' banners, his victory against the Varju got him promoted to the Hand of Noxus by Darkwill himself.
As the new Hand of Noxus, Darius and his army were sent to the Freljord to conquer it, enduring countless assassination attempts and a capture from theWinter's Clawbefore ending in a stalemate after a long, grueling conflict. He headed back to Noxus to request a reconsolidation of the military, but found that Darkwill had been assassinated and usurped byJericho Swain, as part of his coup which even Draven had backed. Darius began to respect Swain's accomplishments and was prepared to serve him, but he gave Darius a place in theTrifarian Legion, representing the Noxian principle of Might alongside Swain as Vision and the Faceless as Guile.
However, Quilletta was starting to become disillusioned towards Noxus after witnessing the horrific aftermath ofSinged's chemical bomb in Ionia, which caused her arm to be amputated as a result of the poison, and their son Decius dying in the campaign against the Freljord. Quilletta expressed her worries to Darius, but he dismissed her saying that Noxus required mercilessness and sacrifice because the empire had to conquer and losing one city would be severely detrimental. Finally having enough, Quilletta snapped from her grief towards Decius' death only to be killed Invetia, believing her to be weak. Horrified, Darius asked Invetia about her merciless act, and she cited the Noxian philosophy and how she learned it from him.
Darius is a large, bulky man with a serious, intense face and middle-aged features. He has fair skin, green eyes, and swept-back black hair with a gray streak. He also has a long, straight scar over his left eye.
Darius wears heavy full plate armor that leaves only his head and his upper arms exposed. It is dark gray, intricately crafted, and accentuated with spikes around the shoulders and thighs. It also features a long cape and loin cloth, both blood red, symbolizing Noxus.
His weapon of choice is a massive two-handed ax, viciously curved and forged with a symbol of a skull where the blade meets the handle.
Stern and warlike, Darius is unwaveringly dedicated to Noxus and its ideals. He is a soldier without parallel, balancing ruthless mettle with sound strategy. He stands confident and firm, showing no tolerance for weakness or cowardice. Despite his intimidating demeanor, however, Darius is also deeply committed to fostering the strength of others wherever he can find it, elevating those he finds deserving and crushing those whom have not earned their status.
Darius was accoladed by Darkwill, but allied withSwainbecause he sees in the Master Tactician someone who can make Noxus rise.
In Darius' eyesnecromancyis cheating death to justify one's undeserved continued survival.[1]Yet for him,Sion'slegacy is an example. Though when he gazes upon the Undead Juggernaut, he sees what might become of himself should he no longer be useful to the empire (or rather, too useful, should death come knocking).[2]
Darius holds no grudge againstGaren. However, he considers him a fool bound by a meaningless code of "honor." Despite this, he would relish killingGarensimply to proveNoxian Mightcrushes all, even DemacianPerseverance,Courage, andJustice—especially a paragon of said values.[3]
Darius and his younger brotherDravenare renowned as the "Blood Brothers." Family ties are strong and can serve as the basis for one's strength, yet Darius sees self-serving aristocrats using theirs as a crutch for their weakness, and as a result, the perpetuation of stagnant leadership that needs to be removed and replaced. With this in mind, one cannot tell if Darius providing and caring forDravenduring their childhood came out of love or even mere pragmatism. The comicBlood of Noxusseems to imply the former.
He has 2 children (Decius andInvetia Varn) mothered by his former lover,Quilletta Varn. They never married given the pragmatism of Noxus, and knowing the likely trajectory of their lives at war.[4]She was murdered by their daughterInvetiaduring theBattle of Basilich.
While it was never explicitly confirmed that they are his children, it was heavily implied due to the relationship between Darius and Quilletta as well as some localizations using terms indicative of blood relation.
Seeing the approval of the slaughtering of innocents bySingedand Emystan madeQuilletta Varngrow more disillusioned about the empire's ambitions, which led her to rebel against the empire, among the other events of the story.
During a Black Mist attack caused byViegoatThe Immortal Bastion, Darius was temporarily possessed and foughtSamirabefore the Mist retreated.
Read More
The Hand of Noxus
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill,Draven,Swain
Starring Champion
After Victory
Darius and his victorious warhosts demand that the king of Urtis surrender his throne, offering every citizen—from the highest noble to the lowliest servant—a place in the Noxian empire.
Blood of Noxus
ByGraham McNeill
In all Runeterra, there is no army more feared than that of the Noxian empire. In all Noxus, there is no soldier more respected than Darius. Of all the commandments that have kept Noxus strong, one rule stands above all others: Loyalty is everything.
Starring:Darius,Draven,Invetia Varn,Quilletta Varn,Tamara
The wolves of the Freljord are savage predators. But they've never encountered a man like this.
Noxian Brotherhood
ByJared Rosen
Draven - Another victory for the Glorious Executioner.
Short Story
Proclamation of the Trifarix
ByLaurie Goulding
Citizens of Noxus, I bring word from the capital!
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill
Ruination (Video)
A king returns. All he touches turns to ruin.
The Hand of Noxus (Video)
Short Story • 17 Minute Read
The Principles of Strength
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
My name is Alyssa Roshka Gloriana val-Lokan. For almost two millennia, my ancestors ruled the Delverhold as kings.
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill,Irelia,Kindred
Short Story
The Winterspike Road
ByLaura Michet
Mentioned Champion
ByDouble Stallion Games
Rewind the Past, Control the Future - Explore and traverse through the spectacular city of Zaun as Ekko, a young inventor with an ingenious device to manipulate time, in this story-driven action platformer. Play as a young Ekko and realize the full potential of one of League’s fan-favorite Champions.
Starring:Aximander,Camille,Chadd,Corin Reveck,Corina Veraza,Drake Poingdestre,Ekko,Elie,Inna,Jinx,Lem,Red,Rungs,Vale Poingdestre,Warwick,Wyeth,Zarkon Poingdestre
Mentioned:Ashlesh,Azir,Blitzcrank,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Eramis,Evil Kay,Farron,Fiddlesticks,Janna,Jayce,Kay,Nasus,Orianna,Renata Glasc,Seraphine,Shomi,Singed,Twitch,Urgot,Vi,Viktor,Zac,Zeri,Ziggs
League Animation Workshop
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Darius,Lux,Miss Fortune,Zed
Tales of Runeterra
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Akali,Braum,Corki,Darius,Diana,Ekko,Fiora,Garen,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jinx,Leona,Lulu,Miss Fortune,Shen,Teemo,Thresh,Tristana,Twisted Fate
The Glorious Executioner
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill,Darius,Swain
Short Story
The Whispering Doodad
ByGraham McNeill
“Here, doodad,” she whispers to the grass. “Pretty please, with sprinkles on top! I'll let you take us somewhere you want to go next.” The doodad—or whatever it's really called—doesn't respond, but I sense it rolling away from Lulu. Well, not really rolling, as such, more making itself be where she isn't.
Short Story
Thorns of the Black Rose
ByLaurie Goulding
I smile, playing my part. “It is the simplest of things,” I tell him, “to hide in plain sight.”
Starring:Brannin Granth,LeBlanc
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill,Darius,Mordekaiser,Swain
Alternate Universes
A Fireside Frightener
ByLuchador Teemo,ZeOcelot
A New Dawn
Day breaks over a landscape consecrated by blood and steel. A battle begins as a new dawn rises.
Academy Adventures: Series 1
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Akali,Amumu,Anivia,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Braum,Cho'Gath,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fiora,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Ivern,Jhin,Jinx,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nidalee,Olaf,Poppy,Rek'Sai,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Shen,Sion,Sona,Soraka,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tristana,Trundle,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Vel'Koz,Vi,Yorick,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 3
ByGutter Rat
Battle of the God-Kings
Music Video
By Numerous creators
It’s your time to be legendary.
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Since its inception, Worlds has grown and evolved. Each unbelievable play and phenomenal match created moments and memories that will never be forgotten. In these iconic moments, players and teams reached for something incredible within themselves and brought it to life on the Summoner’s Rift...
Starring:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Brand,Caitlyn,Darius,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Gnar,Janna,Jax,Jayce,Jinx,Kassadin,Katarina,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lulu,Orianna,Rek'Sai,Rengar,Rumble,Ryze,Shen,Sivir,Tahm Kench,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Yasuo,Ziggs
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
Just One More
Every League of Legends player knows what it's like to chase the next win. Inspired by the true story of the five North American League of Legends players with the longest losing streak in one sitting. It's On.
LoL School
Save the Celebration
Honor the past, protect the future. Every year, a beast of legend arrives to threaten the Lunar New Year, and every year, a team of heroes is chosen to stand as guardians over the celebration.
Starring:Alistar,Annie,Darius,Fiora,Jarvan IV
Solo Darius
It's easy crushing top lane when you're SoloRenektonOnly. It’s On.
Short Story
With Hell Before Them
ByJared Rosen
June 7th, 1868
Olaf vs Everything: Series 2
ByTom Barton
Mentioned:Ahri,Aurelion Sol,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Gnar,Illaoi,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Nagakabouros,Ornn,Renekton,Skarner,Teemo,Tryndamere,Urgot,Vel'Koz,Vi,Viktor,Vladimir,Warwick,Zyra
Playtime with Gnar: Series 1
ByRachel J. Corey
Mentioned:Amumu,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Darius,Draven,Karthus,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Malzahar,Nocturne,Nunu,Rengar,Twisted Fate,Willump
Playtime with Gnar: Series 2
ByRachel J. Corey
Punches and Plants: Series 1
Mentioned:Ahri,Alistar,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Braum,Caitlyn,Darius,Diana,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Evelynn,Ezreal,Gangplank,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jinx,Karma,Katarina,Leona,Lucian,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Nunu,Quinn,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Sivir,Sona,Soraka,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Valor,Varus,Vel'Koz,Vladimir,Volibear,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Zac,Ziggs
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Reaching the peak takes more than skill. Only those with the ambition to RISE above all others will know its height.
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Akali,Ashe,Braum,Darius,Ekko,Ezreal,Fiora,Garen,Gnar,Jarvan IV,Jax,Jinx,Kalista,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Leona,Lux,Master Yi,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Riven,Ryze,Sejuani,Swain,Taliyah,Thresh,Tryndamere,Vayne,Xayah,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs
13 regional champions will compete at the 2019 Mid-Season Invitational, but there can be only one winner. Who will lift the trophy? Who will represent?
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aatrox,Aurelion Sol,Darius,Garen,Kayn,Leona,Poppy
The Roadtrip
ByCassie Parkes,Marvin Clifford
Mentioned:Ahri,Ashe,Azir,Bard,Braum,Darius,Fiddlesticks,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Irelia,Jinx,Kalista,Katarina,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Lulu,Master Yi,Nami,Poppy,Rakan,Shaco,Sona,Swain,Taric,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Varus,Xayah,Yasuo,Zilean
The Tale of the Poro King
By Numerous creators
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aatrox,Akali,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Darius,Diana,Draven,Ezreal,Gnar,Illaoi,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kai'Sa,Karma,Karthus,Katarina,Kayle,Kayn,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nunu,Ornn,Pantheon,Pyke,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Rhaast,Ryze,Sejuani,Shen,Sion,Sivir,Soraka,Sylas,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Thresh,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Vi,Volibear,Willump,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs,Zoe
Tournament of Souls: Wild Rift Edition
ByKristina Atanasoski
Be careful what you wish for—and what youfightfor. Draven entered the Tournament of Souls to make a name for himself, but when the results don't live up to expectations, it's time for some quiet introspection. ...Aww, who are we kidding?! It's time to double down and carve through the competition! Join Draven on his winding path to glory in the League of Legends: Wild Rift's Soul Fighter Event!
Starring:Draven,Irelia,Nilah,Xin Zhao,Yasuo
Music Video
By Numerous creators
The battle begins, and sixteen teams across the globe are fighting towards one goal – to win the League of Legends World Championship.
Starring: N/A
• He is between his mid and late 30s.
• Darius,Draven,Invetia, andQuilletta Varnwere all born inBasilich.
• Darius isn't a crazed, bloodthirsty maniac but more of a cold-blooded killer moving through the battlefield with powerful, precise movements and striking with deadly force where it matters most. He takes pride in combat, but there's no primal bloodlust needing to be sated. Unpredictable sadists don't always make for the best commanders." —Harrow, narrative writer for Riot.[5]
• Darius'sTrifarian Legionis probably based on theTriarii, the elite unit in theRoman Republic's early period legionss;The stemTrifar-is possibly based onLatintrifārius"in three parts~places" (cf. Sanskrit cognate त्रिधाtridhā), from PIE*tri-dʰóh₁-.[6]
• Having been raised as an orphan, Darius doesn't care for titles or privileges—only to serve his empire throughNoxian Might.[7]
• His armor and axe were likely made with ore from theDelverholdof theIronspike Mountains.[8]
• The stemTrifar-is possibly based onLatintrifārius"in three parts~places" (cf. Sanskrit cognate त्रिधाtridhā), from PIE*tri-dʰóh₁-.[6]
See also[] | Name: Hemorrhage, Description: Innate: Darius' damaging basic attacks and abilities apply a stack of Hemorrhage to enemies for 5 seconds, refreshing on subsequent applications and stacking up to 5 times. Hemorrhage: For each stack, the target is dealt 「 13 − 30 (based on level) (+ 30% bonus AD) total physical damage over the duration, 」 「 3. 25 − 7. 5 (based on level) (+ 7. 5 % bonus AD) physical damage every 1. 25 seconds over the duration, 」 up to a maximum of 「 65 − 150 (based on level) (+ 150% bonus AD) total physical damage over the duration. 」 「 16. 25 − 37. 5 (based on level) (+ 37. 5 % bonus AD) physical damage with each tick. 」 Hemorrhage deals 300% damage against monsters . When Darius kills a champion with Noxian Guillotine , or applies 5 stacks on an enemy champion , he becomes empowered with Noxian Might for 5 seconds. Noxian Might: Darius gains 30 − 230 (based on level) bonus attack damage and instantly applies 5 Hemorrhage stacks through his usual means. Link ▶️ "Witness true strength.", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', "If Hemorrhage'stotalpost-mitigationdamage is higher than thetarget'scurrenthealth, a small area ofsightis granted around the target for the duration of Hemorrhage and for another 2 seconds after it ends.", 'Hemorrhagedoes not apply tostructuresnorwards.', "Darius'attacks and abilities have to deal damage to applyHemorrhage.Hemorrhagecannot be applied to/refreshed againstinvulnerabletargets.Hemorrhagecanbe applied to and refreshed againstshieldedtargets.Hemorrhagecan also be appliedon-hit, but will specifically not do so if the target is invulnerable.", 'Hemorrhagecannot be applied to/refreshed againstinvulnerabletargets.', 'Hemorrhagecanbe applied to and refreshed againstshieldedtargets.', 'Hemorrhagecan also be appliedon-hit, but will specifically not do so if the target is invulnerable.', "Spell shieldpreventsHemorrhage'sapplication from abilities only."]} | Name: Decimate, Description: Active: Darius hefts his axe for 0. 75 seconds, and then swings it around himself, dealing physical damage to nearby enemies, reduced to 35% against enemies hit by the inner radius. Physical Damage: 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 (+ 100 / 110 / 120 / 130 / 140% AD) Reduced Damage: 17. 5 / 28 / 38. 5 / 49 / 59. 5 (+ 35 / 38. 5 / 42 / 45. 5 / 49% AD) Against champions and large monsters hit, Darius heals for 13% − 39% (based on enemy champions hit by the outer radius) of his missing health . Enemies hit by the inner radius do not refresh the duration of or gain a new stack of Hemorrhage . Darius is unable to declare basic attacks or cast Apprehend or Noxian Guillotine during Decimate., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'Decimatewill cancel ifDariusentersstasisor usesDashduring the delay.After the delay,Decimatewill be placed on a 1-second cooldown.', 'After the delay,Decimatewill be placed on a 1-second cooldown.']} | Name: Crippling Strike, Description: Active: Darius empowers his next basic attack within 4 seconds to have an uncancellable windup , gain 25 bonus range , deal modified physical damage and slow the target by 90% for 1 second. Physical Damage: 140 / 145 / 150 / 155 / 160% AD If this attack kills the target, half of Crippling Strike's cooldown is reduced and its mana cost is refunded. Crippling Strike's total damage is affected by critical strike modifiers. Crippling Strike resets Darius' basic attack timer., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'Spell shieldwill not block the damage.', "The attack's animation can be cancelled by castingDecimate, but the attack will still land.", "Crippling Strikewill triggerManaflow Band,Tear of the Goddess'Mana Chargeandspell effects.", 'Despite its name,Crippling Strikedoes notcrippleanymore.']} | Name: Apprehend, Description: Passive: Darius gains armor penetration . Armor Penetration: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35% Active: Darius sweeps his axe in a cone in the target direction, granting sight of the area for 1 second while pulling enemies hit towards him. Upon arrival, they rebound 150 units off of him, remaining airborne and becoming slowed by 40% for 1 second. Darius is unable to move or cast Decimate or Noxian Guillotine for 0. 4 seconds after Apprehend's cast time., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', "Enemies hit byApprehendwill quickly be dragged toDariusbefore rebounding over a longer period.Theslowduration starts as soon as the target rebounds off ofDarius.PENDING FOR TEST:: The rebound location is determined when the target reachesDarius'location.The rebound's forced movement's duration is roughly 0.5seconds, finishing before theairborneduration ends.PENDING FOR TEST:: There is nostunapplied for the same duration of theairborne, meaningbrittlecannot extend the disable duration. It will not increase theslowduration in most situations because of the negative tenacity falling off before the slow is applied.", 'Theslowduration starts as soon as the target rebounds off ofDarius.', "PENDING FOR TEST:: The rebound location is determined when the target reachesDarius'location.", "The rebound's forced movement's duration is roughly 0.5seconds, finishing before theairborneduration ends.", 'PENDING FOR TEST:: There is nostunapplied for the same duration of theairborne, meaningbrittlecannot extend the disable duration. It will not increase theslowduration in most situations because of the negative tenacity falling off before the slow is applied.', 'After the pull,Dariuswill attempt to basic attack the closest pulled target, prioritizing enemy champions.', 'The armor penetrationstacks multiplicativelywith other forms ofpercentage armor penetration.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'Death, unless protected byResurrection']} | Name: Noxian Guillotine, Description: Active: Darius attempts to execute the target enemy champion , leaping towards them to deal true damage , increased by 0% − 100% (based on Hemorrhage stacks) , and granting sight of the area around them for 2. 5 seconds from the start of the cast time. True Damage: 125 / 250 / 375 (+ 75% bonus AD) Bonus Damage Per Stack: 25 / 50 / 75 (+ 15% bonus AD) Maximum True Damage: 250 / 500 / 750 (+ 150% bonus AD) If the target dies within 0. 15 seconds after being hit by Noxian Guillotine , Darius fears nearby minions and monsters for 3 seconds, during which they are gradually slowed by up to 99% over the duration. He can also recast the ability within 20 seconds at no cost, which refreshes on further executions. At rank 3, Noxian Guillotine has no mana cost and recast timer. Darius is unable to cast Decimate or Apprehend for 0. 25 seconds after Noxian Guillotine's cast time., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'True', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', "Noxian Guillotine'scooldown after the recast or recast window is calculated by taking the values at the end, and using this formula: (Noxian Guillotine'sCooldown - time since first cast)\xa0×\xa0100\xa0÷\xa0(100 +AH).", 'Noxian GuillotineappliesHemorrhageafter the damage.', 'Dariuswill only leap towards the target if it is at range, or leap backwards if it is very close.This leap can pass very thin terrain and will otherwise not be able to. In any case,Dariuswill still hit the target.The ability is disabled whilegroundedorrootedeven ifDariusis in the range in which he does not leap.', 'This leap can pass very thin terrain and will otherwise not be able to. In any case,Dariuswill still hit the target.', 'The ability is disabled whilegroundedorrootedeven ifDariusis in the range in which he does not leap.', 'Noxian Guillotinewill not reset nor triggerNoxian Mightif used to kill acloneor a target protected byresurrection.', 'Noxian Guillotinewill reset but not triggerNoxian Mightif it finishes off a target that is in azombie state.', 'If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the cast time, this ability will cancel but does not go oncooldownnor pay its cost (if applicable).']} | Dariusis one of 20 champions without a singleability powerratio on any ability:Aatrox,Camille,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Garen,Kayn,Kled,Naafiri,Nilah,Olaf,Pyke,Riven,Samira,Sett,Talon,Urgot,Xayah,Yone, andZed.
Darius -Dravenis one of seven pairs of sibling champions (the others beingCassiopeia-Katarina,Kayle-Morgana,Garen-Lux,Nasus-Renekton,Yasuo-Yone, andVi-Jinx).Though not a pair,Anivia,Ornn, andVolibearare also siblings.
Darius is 6 feet 5 inches (1.96 meters) tall and weighs 266 lbs (121 kilograms).[2]
Darius was the first champion to have an autonomousRecall/Teleportanimation.He and his brotherDravenare the first related champions to be released back to back.
Darius was the first champion to receiveChromapacks for 2 of his skins, namelyClassicandDunkmaster.
Tahm Kenchsays Darius' strength is 'waning' and that he could 'help him slow time's regress'.This and the strands of gray hair on his head suggest Darius either is of advanced age or ages prematurely after years of exertion & combat stress.
Dariusis Latin transliteration, through Greek Δαρεῖος, of Old PersianDārayauš"Upholder of Good".[3][4]His new background referencesDarius I.[5]By coincidence,DariussharesPIEroot*dʰer-withDarha, the birth name ofKarmain her updated lore.[6]
Darius' abilities had different names during development:Hemorrhageused to have a movement speed buff calledAggression.It read:"The carnage of war enlivens Darius, increasing his movement speed."Hamstring / Noxian TacticsSudden DeathNoxian Mightwas originally calledBlood Ragebut was renamed by player request to better reflect his personality.[7] |
Diana,Scorn of the Moon | | | health: Health640+109, resource: Mana375+25, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)6.5+0.85, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)8+0.8, armor: Armor31+4.3, attack damage: Attack damage57+3, attack speed: Base AS0.625, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius75, release: 2012-08-07, changed: V13.14, role: AssassinDiver, position: JungleMiddle, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 450|260 | Games
DianaMainSentinelYoungTitlesNickname(s)Night MatronMoonbeamsAlias(es)Scorn of the MoonAspect of the MoonChild of the MoonCharacteristicsSpeciesAspect Host(formerlyHuman)Pronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:915 AN - 925 ANWeapon(s)Crescent MoonbladeRelic Stone BladeLuanr MagicPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originUnknownCurrent residenceIonia(No Fixed Abode)FamilyUnnamed Father†Unnamed Mother†Leona(Former Lover)Professional statusOccupation(s)Aspect of the MoonReligious FigureheadSentinel of LightRegion(s)TargonFaction(s)LunariSentinels of LightSolariRelated character(s)AkshanAluneApheliosAurelion SolGravesGwenIreliaLeonaLucianNamiOlafPantheonPykeRengarRivenSennaSorakaTaricVayneViegoZoe
• Main
• Sentinel
• Young
• Night Matron
• Moonbeams
• Scorn of the Moon
• Aspect of the Moon
• Child of the Moon
• Aspect Host(formerlyHuman)
• Born:915 AN - 925 AN
• Crescent Moonblade
• Relic Stone Blade
• Luanr Magic
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Unnamed Father†
• Unnamed Mother†
• Leona(Former Lover)
Professional status
• Aspect of the Moon
• Religious Figurehead
• Sentinel of Light
• Lunari
• Sentinels of Light
• Solari
Related character(s)
Bearing her crescentmoonblade,Dianafights as a warrior of theLunari, a faith all but quashed in the lands aroundMount Targon. Clad in shimmering armor the color of winter snow at night, she is a living embodiment of the silver moon's power. Imbued with the essence of anAspectfrom beyond Targon's towering summit, Diana is no longer wholly human, and struggles to divine her power and purpose in this world.
• 1Background1.1Early Life1.1.1Solari Training1.1.2Meeting Leona1.1.3Festival of the Nightless Eve1.1.4Lunar Discovery1.1.5Ascending Mount Targon1.1.6Attacking the Solari1.2Modern History1.2.1Encounter with Voidborn1.2.2Travelling Runeterra1.2.3Confronting Leona1.3Joining the Sentinels of Light
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Leona5.2Nami5.3ApheliosandAlune5.4Soraka5.5Ruined Pantheon
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early Life1.1.1Solari Training1.1.2Meeting Leona1.1.3Festival of the Nightless Eve1.1.4Lunar Discovery1.1.5Ascending Mount Targon1.1.6Attacking the Solari
• 1.2Modern History1.2.1Encounter with Voidborn1.2.2Travelling Runeterra1.2.3Confronting Leona
• 1.3Joining the Sentinels of Light
• 1.1.1Solari Training
• 1.1.2Meeting Leona
• 1.1.3Festival of the Nightless Eve
• 1.1.4Lunar Discovery
• 1.1.5Ascending Mount Targon
• 1.1.6Attacking the Solari
• 1.2.1Encounter with Voidborn
• 1.2.2Travelling Runeterra
• 1.2.3Confronting Leona
• 5.1Leona
• 5.2Nami
• 5.3ApheliosandAlune
• 5.4Soraka
• 5.5Ruined Pantheon
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early Life[]
Though Diana's true birthplace is unknown, she was found by a group ofSolarihunters when they discovered her swaddled between her dead parents, both of whom were distant travelers that were claimed byMount Targon'scold temperatures. Discovering that the baby was still alive, the hunters quickly brought her into their temple and dedicated her, raising Diana as a member of theRakkor, also known as theTribes of the Last Sun.
Solari Training[]
Like all in the Solari faith, Diana underwent rigorous physical and religious training as a child. She was determined to understand the ways and traditions of the Solari, trying to piece together the reasoning and logic behind their beliefs in the sun. Diana would spend many nights digging through the temple's libraries, relying on the pale moonlight in the night sky to illuminate the texts. Paradoxically, Diana's pursuit for answers brought more questions than answers, as her teachers' vague and aphoristic replies provided her with nothing.
While continuing her search, Diana began to notice that some tomes had entire chapters torn out of them, with all references to the moon seemingly missing from all Solari texts. Questioning the Solari faith lead to Diana facing harsh punishments by her teachers, who scolded her for her doubt in the sun. At the same time, Diana's troublesome relationship with her own instructors lead to even her own fellow acolytes shunning her, causing Diana to grow cold and bitter against her fellow classmates who considered her a strange outsider.
At the age of thirteen, Diana went under the tutelage of priestess Elcinae, who witnessed a massive argument Diana had with a fellow priestess named Nycinde. Despite this, Elcinae saw the potential in Diana's skills in rhetoric and logic and urged her to train her skills in a way that still respects the teachings of the Solari.
The next year, Diana questioned her Oratory class instructor Nemyah on why they call the night "The Darkness", arguing that the night is not truly dark and instead lit by a gentler, cooler light in the form of the moon. Because of this, Nemyah demanded she held her tongue and punished her for being disruptive. As punishment, Diana had her speaking privileges revoked from the class. Catching news of this, Elcinae wrote to Diana to urge restraint when questioning the logic of the Solari as well as noting that she would talk with her instructor Nemyah about reinstating her speaking privileges in her Oratory class.
Meeting Leona[]
The day after, Diana's Oratory class discussed the topic of the upcoming Festival of the Nightless Eve, hearing her classmate Sebina's speech about her excitement for her first Nightless Eve. Diana, rightfully annoyed, questioned whyshewas being punished while the rest of her classmates get to discuss pointless topics such as the festival.
Surprisingly, a fellow acolyte namedLeona, who was known as being the most faithful and dedicated Solari student, volunteered to argue against Sebina by combatting her emotion with a different one. Though it wasn't a very captivating argument, Diana liked her effort nonetheless. On top of that, Leona described the night assomberrather than evil, which quickly caught Diana's attention. Continuing off of Leona's statement, Diana began to ask questions about the darkness and state her criticisms of the upcoming festival, which quickly angered Nemyah.
A few days later, Leona passed notes with Diana as the two discussed plans to practice Oratory studies together after their Middle Rakkoric instruction class. Diana questioned why she would askherof all people to help, as she was known to be the class troublemaker, but Leona insisted that she was the most skilled at constructing logical arguments in the class despite her disagreements with their instructors. Along with that, Leona offered to help Diana in return and share some advice of her own if she wanted. Diana, though still suspicious of whether or not this was some kind of joke Leona was trying to play on her, agreed to help since she had no other assignments of her own to work on.
Diana, not wanting to get Leona in trouble for talking to her, decided not to meet in person and instead the two swapped notes with each other. Despite the fact that Leona was extremely faithful to the Solari, Diana admired her bravery and humbleness by approaching her for help. Leona was one of the first few classmates to ever show her some form of kindness and she liked the idea of having someone to talk to, but she questioned why Leona would continue associating with her.
One day, the two swapped notes once more as Diana examined and discussed Leona's arguments for her upcoming presentation, noting that she was definitely improving. However, the two had a slight disagreement on why anything outside of the Sun was considered evil, as Leona was content with accepting it as truth while Diana believed they should dig deeper into the subject. Aside from that, Leona also noticed that Diana hadn't been practicing with her shield and offered to practice with her, which Diana denied as she felt that using a shield was too distracting and weighed her down, noting that she felt well defended as long as she was on Leona's team.
During the presentation, Diana joined in the debate with Leona despite her speaking privileges having been revoked. When her instructor Priestess Nemyah ordered her to be quiet, Diana instead proposed a rebuttal and suggested that not everything belongs to the sun, which was considered blasphemous to the Solari. As punishment, Diana was sentenced to three days of standing in the sun with no shade or water until sunset as a reminder of its merciful judgement.
Festival of the Nightless Eve[]
By the third day of her punishment, Diana was resentful but still didn't completely forsake her Solari faith, though she started questioning whether or not sun even loved her at all as a follower. Though she was punished, she thought the debate she had with Leona during her presentation was worth it as that was the closest they'd have to talking together in public. Though the Festival of the Nightless Eve was coming, Diana planned to instead climb and watch the stars at night, as Leona was the only person she would consider going to the festival with. Diana believed that, because of her low social status and after their public debate, she couldn't possibly want to go to the festival with her.
Leona finally asked Diana if she would attend the Festival of the Nightless Eve with her, but instead told her that she simply won't be attending the festival, which saddened Leona as she questioned why she wouldn't. Diana, resentful from the punishment she endured, accused Leona of simply trying to preach to her, and never seeing her as a real friend. Diana, despite being on the verge of tears, got angry and yelled at Leona as the two got in a very loud, heated argument before being dragged off and reprimanded by Priestess Thalaia, sentenced to scrubbing the floors of the entire temple as punishment. A few days later, Diana came to the realization that Leona wasn'tpreachingto her, but genuinely wanted Diana to attend the festival as herdate,becoming angry with herself for being so foolish.
One the night of the festival, Diana snuck out of the temple while the other acolytes prepared and dressed up. Climbing above the temple around the lower peaks of the mountain, Diana found a good resting place and sat there, watching the sky as the sun began to set. Once the night sky appeared, Diana, even though she knew it was against the Solari faith, relished in the light of the moon and the night stars, secretly offering a prayer to the moon.
After her silent prayer, Diana heard Leona calling for her from afar. As she approached her, Diana questioned why Leona was up there with her and not down at the festival and asked if someone sent Leona to bring her back to the temple. Leona shook her head and instead apologized for making her upset and getting them both in trouble. Diana insisted thatshehad to apologize instead and the two laughed slightly. While staring at each other under the night sky, the two realized that this was the first time they ever spoke in person with nobody else around to watch them.
Diana offered Leona a spot to sit next to her and the two watched the night sky together, being closer than they ever had before. Diana again asked if she was going to the festival at all as Leona stated she wasn't sure and that it depended on how she felt. As the two watched in silence, Diana laid her head against Leona's shoulder. The two sat there for hours, simply enjoying the view and each other's company. Diana, however, knowing how much the festival meant to her, offered to dance with her back at the temple. Though she expected her to say no, Leona simply stated "not yet" and grabbed her hand, leaning in for a loving kiss before travelling down the mountain to the festival.[1]
For years, Leona and Diana remained as incredibly close friends and lovers. Though the two have their differences in their level of faith to the Solari, they continued to love one another as Diana relished in finally having a true friend among her Solari peers.
Lunar Discovery[]
Many years later, Diana continued to question her Solari faith, constantly searching for answers beyond their teachings and seeking to unearth ancient secrets that the Solari seemingly kept hidden for generations. One night, Diana discovered a hidden alcove deep inside the mountain and found images depicting golden warriors with imagery of the sun as well as silver-clad warriors with reflective imagery of the moon, providing evidence of an ancient civilization that once praised the moon the same way the Solari praised the sun.
Diana eagerly raced to share this message with her dear Leona, but she surprisingly reacted harshly and urged Diana to quit her pursuit, warning her of the punishments she'd face for the heresy she unearthed. Diana, having never seen Leona so serious and bleak before, reluctantly promised her that she'd drop the subject. Frustrated, Diana couldn't resist questioning why this discovery was considered heretical against the faith and sought to find out what the Solari were hiding.
Ascending Mount Targon[]
Desperate for answers, Diana decided to sneak out of the temple under the cover of night and ascend Mount Targon itself, hoping to find the answers she seeks at its peak. The climb up the mountain was excruciating, testing her both physically, mentally and even spiritually as she faced vicious trials on her climb. Surprisingly, she found herself able to survive the harsh heights of Mount Targon by focusing on her love for Leona, hoping to find answers that would make the Solari a better, more complete faith.
Once Diana arrived at the summit, she was greeted by the brightest, fullest moon she'd ever seen. In a rapturous moment of power, a pillar of moonlight slammed into her body from the skies as she felt the great presence of anAspect, which has chosen Diana to be its mortal host. As her body bathed in moonlight, Diana saw glimpses of the past in her mind, provided by this Aspect as it slowly took over her consciousness. Through these visions, Diana learned of theLunari; a long lost Rakkor faith that were devout followers of the moon rather than the sun.
Once the light dissipated, Diana regained control of her own mind and emerged as the new host for the6Aspect of the Moon, her once dark hair now gleamed with a bright silver as she found herself clad in silver armor and holding acrescent blade. Diana quickly realized she was not alone in this ascension, as Leona stood at her side in a golden set of armor that reflected her own.
Though Diana was overjoyed to share this ascension with her lover, Leona instead demanded that the two of them immediately return to the Solari temple and face the judgement of the priests. Diana begged Leona not to, instead urging her to come with her so that the two can face a new future together, to which Leona refused. Their disagreement increased dramatically as the two eventually engaged in swift combat with one another, erupting into a flurry of moonlight and sunfire. Though Diana had her blade at Leona's throat for a moment, she refused to strike the killing blow and instead feared that she was losing herself to the powers of her new Aspect, choosing to flee down the mountain instead.[2]
Attacking the Solari[]
Vindicated in her search, Diana decided to confront the Solari for their incorrect teachings, wishing to show them the errors of their ways. As she arrived at the Solari temple, Diana easily pushed back theRa'Horakguardians and burst into the chambers of the Solari high priests. While Diana explained the discoveries she found and the visions she saw of the Lunari, she was denounced as a heretic, blasphemer and a peddler of false gods, sentencing her to punishment for her heresy. Upon this, Diana felt a rage amplified by the Aspect within and decided to embrace it in a terribleburst of moonlight, instantly obliterating the high priests and many surrounding Solari. Startled by this sudden and uncontrolled display of powers, Diana fled the temple.
Modern History[]
Following visions and memories of the Aspect within her, Diana sought to follow these visions as a means to find the answers she had always been looking for, believing that she had a larger purpose beyond the Solari. Though she's still unsure what these visions are leading her to, she remains resolute to seek out her answers no matter the cost.
Encounter with Voidborn[]
One night, her visions lead her to a dark forest filled with massive, ancient trees and foliage. Having grown up on the mountain ranges of Targon, she had never seen such verdant forests before. After thanking the Aspect of the Moon for her guidance, Diana found overgrown, withered trees up the slopes of some rocky highlands. After passing through these trees, Diana found a circle of towering stones carved with spirals and curving sigils, noticing that each stone had the same moon-shaped rune that appeared on her forehead. Moving to the center of the mysterious structures, Diana drew her crescent blade and knelt down with her head bowed down before sensing the arrival of three terrifyingVoidborn.
Diana brutally and hastily fought the creatures, slashing at their ivory flesh as their bone-white carapaces quickly darkened a deep purple upon exposure toRuneterra'satmosphere. While fighting off the creatures, Diana felt a deep hatred from within her, seeing visions granted by her Aspect that showed aterrible warthat was once waged against these monsters. Diana soon unleashed the full might of her Aspect and got lost in visions of a great city that once stood in this forest, summoning a striking beam of moonlight that split the clouds and empowered the stone structures that surrounded her before obliterating the Voidborn and closing the Void Rift that stood nearby.
After that, Diana returned to her normal conscious self and successfully sealed the rift. However, she knew that her work was not finished and went onward to continue her quest in following the Aspect of the Moon.[3]
Travelling Runeterra[]
Following her visions, Diana seemingly went missing and began travelling across the world, either running from something or following some unknown mission. At some point, Diana fled Targon and travelled toIoniafor unknown reasons.[4][5]While fleeing out of Targon, Diana left behind her crescent-shaped blade on a distant snowy peak around Mount Targon.[6]
Confronting Leona[]
At some point, Diana returned to Mount Targon and found a large majority of Lunari followers emerging out of hiding, inspired by her arrival as the new Aspect of the Moon and seeking to fight back the oppressiveness of the Solari.
When a Lunari Shadestalker named2Lyrawas captured by the Solari, her mentor5Cygnusgathered several Lunari warriors to save her including Diana herself. Lyra, having fallen in love with a Solari boy, was able to escape herself and Diana saw the two of them fleeing the Solari soldiers at a cliff known as Dragon's Roost. Unfortunately, Lyra was killed when an arrow struck her in the chest as she tried protecting her Solari lover. At that moment, Diana witnessed the moon eclipse the sun, illuminating the edge of Dragon's Roost and allowing the two to ascend into the heavens, turning them into celestial constellations that depicted their love.
As the Solari soldiers headed back to the tribe, Diana saw Leona for the first time in years leading the Solari soldiers. Though she initially held her weapon up as a threat, she slowly lowered it when Leona noticed her from afar, silently agreeing to not fight this day as the two stared at each other longingly before going their separate ways.[7]
Over the years, the two would clash with one another in small skirmishes, as Leona continuously tried to convince Diana to let go of her connection to the moon while Diana continued her search for answers through the Aspect's visions. Eventually, the two Aspects prepared to fully face one another in combat. As Diana stood among her Lunari followers, they gave her prayers of protection for the upcoming battle and coated her weapon in1Duskpetal Dust. On the day of the battle, Diana raced down the mountain's peak with the intention of catching Leona's attention, drawing her into a position where she'd get the upper-hand.[8][9]
Joining the Sentinels of Light[]
Diana is an incredibly slender woman with pale white skin and eyes the color of lavender. Though her hair was initially black as the night sky, it quickly turned into a striking silver color when she ascended as anAspect Host. Now as an Aspect, Diana bears a glowing white sigil of the Lunari on her forehead which acts a symbol of her celestial powers. AS makeup, Diana has striking dark eyeshadow along with black lines that vertically cross her eyes. She dons dark blue clothing with bright silver armor plates on her shoulders, forearms and breastplate. Her entire outfit is adorned with crescent shaped accessories and details that are customary of theLunari. Diana's signature moonsilver blade is bright silver, crescent shaped and glows a deep ethereal blue when she activates her abilities.
Diana as a child was a quite rebellious and undisciplined girl since many times she did not obey the rules of the Solari and that led her to isolate herself from everyone, the only person who understood her wasLeonawhom she always treated with respect, with time the two became best friends and eventually lovers.
Diana was also quite curious and she was more curious about the moon and the Lunari tribe whom the Solari looked upon with hatred and abhorrence.
After becoming the Aspect of the Moon, Diana tried to convince Leona to leave Mount Targon together. However Leona only wanted to return to the Solari. This disagreement soon turned into a titanic battle. Diana chose to flee rather than strike down her only friend and lover. Diana is driven by the idea that the Solari and Lunari were close once bfore, and could be again. In recent times she has dedicated herself to guiding the Lunari and helping them to move forward. Meanwhile Diana still has feelings for Leona and refuses to kill her.
• Aspect Host Physiology:Diana is the mortal host to the6Aspect of the Moon, blessing her with incredible abilities tied to her aspect as well as enhanced strength, speed, immunity to pain and sickness and a dramatically increased lifespan.Lunar Magic:Diana's powers are tied to her Aspect, granting her magical abilities tied to the silver moon. Diana can utilize this magic to summon beams of moonlight that can produce burning white flames, empower hercrescent bladewith lunar energies and even go as far as to reverse the effects of blessings granted by the sun, such asShurimanAscension.[10]
• Moonsilver Blade:Diana wields the Moonsilver Blade, a crescent shaped scimitar made of a material that is infused with magic of the moon. This legendary blade is inherently tied to the Aspect of the Moon and can be empowered with lunar energies, allowing it to fire offblasts of lightand even produce silver flames of moonlight.
• Rhetoric Mastery:As a child, Diana was incredibly skilled in her Oratory class, which mainly focused on the subjects of logic, verbal debates and rhetoric. Despite her constant questionings of the Solari and doubts in their faith, her arguments were incredibly concise and extremely well constructed to the point that her former loverLeonapersonally asked Diana to help her in her own studies.
• Lunar Magic:Diana's powers are tied to her Aspect, granting her magical abilities tied to the silver moon. Diana can utilize this magic to summon beams of moonlight that can produce burning white flames, empower hercrescent bladewith lunar energies and even go as far as to reverse the effects of blessings granted by the sun, such asShurimanAscension.[10]
Despite their disagreements,DianaandLeonawere close friends and lovers growing up on Mount Targon. The two expressed romantic interest during aFestival of the Nightless Eve.
• Leona saw the moment Diana was imbued with the moon's power; she rushed to help before being imbued with the sun's power herself and was made an Aspect.The two became enemies after being chosen as the hosts of the Aspects.Although they still have feelings for each other, they cannot show it due to theSolariandLunaririvalry.
• The two became enemies after being chosen as the hosts of the Aspects.
• Although they still have feelings for each other, they cannot show it due to theSolariandLunaririvalry.
Namiis travelling toIoniato find Diana and request she conjure a Moonstone, a super-rare stone from a piece of the moon that broke off and embedded in the mountain aeons ago, to save the Marai from being overrun by the Voidborn invading theGuardian's Seathrough a dimensional rift.
Apheliosis looking for Diana to find out why she is running.
Diana met aCelestialbeing descending from theAstral Grove. Soraka refers toDianaas the Pale-haired Woman/Sable-haired Girl
Ruined Pantheon[]
Diana joined theSentinels of Lightto stop the threats ofresurrected Pantheonwho was under the control ofViego.
Read More
Scorn of the Moon
ByDaniel Couts
Starring Champion
Call of the Mountain (Video)
The mountain calls. Will you answer?
Starring:Aurelion Sol,Diana,Illi,Inviolus Vox,Leona
Short Story • 4 Minute Read
Night's Work
ByGraham McNeill
Night had always been Diana's favorite time, even as a child. It had been that way since she was old enough to scramble over the walls of the Solari temple and watch the moon traverse the vault of stars. She looked up through the dense forest canopy, her violet eyes scanning for the silver moon, but seeing only its diffuse glow through the thick clouds and dark branches.
Rise of the Sentinels
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Black Mist pours across Runeterra, enthralling its champions and shrouding the continent in darkness. If the last Sentinels are going to save Runeterra, they're going to need all the help they can get. And that meansyouRookie!
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Short Story
Rise with Me
ByDana Luery Shaw
Hear! Upon the Great Mountain,
The Vaulted Road
In the shadow of an approaching eclipse, a young Lunari scout escapes captivity with her Solari lover, and the two of them decide to turn their backs on Targon forever.
Mentioned Champion
Short Story • 5 Minute Read
First Steps
ByRayla Heide
She brings her curiosity and a dire message. They bring torches and a violent fear.
Short Story
Halfway Between the Stars and Earth
ByKatie Chironis
It was a perfectly good night for a cup of tea. Chilly, certainly, but clear—as crisp a night as frigid Mount Targon ever got, really. Soraka was expecting a visitor. The snow in the stone kettle had already begun to melt over the hearth at the center of her little yurt; as it grew warmer, the room was suffused with the smell of dried tea leaves and sparse mountain herbs.
Short Story
In Battle, Broken
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Weary from the day’s labors, Iula wiped her stiff hands upon her apron, and raised a cup to the mantel.
Into the Abyss
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Deep in the oceans of Runeterra, the Marai are protected from terrors by the light of a moonstone. Through an ancient ritual, the Marai choose one of their people to dive into the abyss and retrieve an abyssal pearl, which is exchanged with a landwalker for the moonstone. Their chosen Tidecaller has not returned. Nami, a headstrong girl of the Marai, decides to descend into the black before the moonstone's light dims forever…
Tales of Runeterra
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Akali,Braum,Corki,Darius,Diana,Ekko,Fiora,Garen,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jinx,Leona,Lulu,Miss Fortune,Shen,Teemo,Thresh,Tristana,Twisted Fate
Short Story • 3 Minute Read
The Mountain
ByGraham McNeill
Mount Targon is the mightiest peak in Runeterra, a towering mountain of sun-baked rock amid a range of summits unmatched in scale anywhere else in the world. Located far from civilization, Mount Targon is utterly remote and all but impossible to reach save by the most determined seeker.
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aurelion Sol,Diana,Leona,Pantheon,Taric,Zoe
The Radiant Dawn
ByIan St. Martin
The Tidecaller
ByRayla Heide
Short Story
You Are the Weapon
ByDavid Slagle
He started his training with a single breath. In, and out.
Alternate Universes
Almost Home
Five unlikely friends band together to discover that home isn’t just a place—it’s a feeling.
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Short Story
Battle Queen Crests
ByCat Manning,Jared Rosen
To be a Battle Queen is to see with open eyes. As you complete Keystone Crest Missions, you’ll be rewarded with a story of nobility.
A Hero Awakens
What secrets lie beneath the shards?
Mentioned:Amumu,Diana,Kindred,Teemo,Xin Zhao
Punches and Plants: Series 1
Mentioned:Ahri,Alistar,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Braum,Caitlyn,Darius,Diana,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Evelynn,Ezreal,Gangplank,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jinx,Karma,Katarina,Leona,Lucian,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Nunu,Quinn,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Sivir,Sona,Soraka,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Valor,Varus,Vel'Koz,Vladimir,Volibear,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Zac,Ziggs
Punches and Plants: Series 2
Mentioned:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Amumu,Annie,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Diana,Draven,Ekko,Ezreal,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Kha'Zix,Kog'Maw,Leona,Lucian,Lux,Malphite,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nasus,Nautilus,Nidalee,Olaf,Orianna,Poppy,Quinn,Rakan,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Shaco,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Valor,Vel'Koz,Viktor,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Xin Zhao,Yasuo,Ziggs
The Tale of the Poro King
By Numerous creators
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aatrox,Akali,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Darius,Diana,Draven,Ezreal,Gnar,Illaoi,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kai'Sa,Karma,Karthus,Katarina,Kayle,Kayn,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nunu,Ornn,Pantheon,Pyke,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Rhaast,Ryze,Sejuani,Shen,Sion,Sivir,Soraka,Sylas,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Thresh,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Vi,Volibear,Willump,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs,Zoe
• While the idea of Diana being a lesbian was noted through her release, Riot confirmed her as being part of the LGBTQIA+ community with the release ofRise With Mealongside Leona in June of 2021.AlthoughNeekois the first Champion to be confirmed LGBTQIA+ on release, Diana is technically the first in terms of release date.This was further confirmed in the Pride event of 2023, where Leona and Diana are among the other confirmed LGBTQIA+ Champions.
• Diana's blade is made of Moonsilver, a silver metal forged under the moon's light and imbued with a small amount of the moon's magic.[11]
• The storyline of Diana abandoning her weapon and fleeing to Ionia is implied to be non-canon and subject to change.[12]
• Diana's hair was initially colored black, but turned silver once she became an Aspect.
• AlthoughNeekois the first Champion to be confirmed LGBTQIA+ on release, Diana is technically the first in terms of release date.
• This was further confirmed in the Pride event of 2023, where Leona and Diana are among the other confirmed LGBTQIA+ Champions.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Moonsilver Blade, Description: Innate: Diana gains 15% − 40% (based on level) bonus attack speed . After casting an ability , this bonus is tripled to 45% − 120% (based on level) for 3 seconds. Innate: Diana's basic attacks generate a stack of Moonsilver Blade for 3. 5 seconds, refreshing on subsequent attacks and stacking up to 2 times. At 2 stacks, Diana empowers her next basic attack to consume the stacks on-hit to additionally cleave nearby enemies, dealing them 20 − 220 (based on level) (+ 50% AP) magic damage . Moonsilver Blade deals 300% damage against monsters ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', 'Moonsilver Bladewill affectstructures.', 'Each attack has a distinct animation and she will glow when the empowered attack is ready.', 'Sometimes, the empowered basic attack will not consume the stacks.(bug)In this case, the attack will also not deal its damage.', 'In this case, the attack will also not deal its damage.', 'AP ratio changed to75% AP.']} | Name: Crescent Strike, Description: Active: Diana unleashes a bolt of lunar energy that travels in a counter-clockwise arc before exploding at the target location, granting sight of the area for 0. 5 seconds and dealing magic damage to enemies hit and afflicting them with Moonlight for 3 seconds, during which they are revealed . Magic Damage: 60 / 95 / 130 / 165 / 200 (+ 70% AP) Lunar Rush interacts with Moonlight . Crescent Strike will cast at max range if cast beyond that., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'Even if the targetspell shieldsthe bolt, they may still be damaged by the explosion.Moonlightis not applied to the protected target if blocked.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.If the ability is cast at max range and she is moved backwards while casting, the bolt will travel to the target location with increased distance.(bug)', 'If the ability is cast at max range and she is moved backwards while casting, the bolt will travel to the target location with increased distance.(bug)']} | Name: Pale Cascade, Description: Active: Diana grants herself a shield for up to 5 seconds and creates three spheres that orbit her for the same duration, detonating upon contact with an enemy to deal magic damage to nearby enemies. Shield Strength: 45 / 60 / 75 / 90 / 105 (+ 30% AP) (+ 9% bonus health) Magic Damage per Orb: 18 / 30 / 42 / 54 / 66 (+ 18% AP) Total Magic Damage: 54 / 90 / 126 / 162 / 198 (+ 54% AP) If all three spheres detonate, Pale Cascade's shield is reapplied, stacking with its original shield and refreshing the duration. Maximum Shield Strength: 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 / 210 (+ 60% AP) (+ 18% bonus health), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', "On the second application ofPale Cascade'sshield,Shield Powerwill apply to both the new shield amount and the shield amount remaining from the first shield, which has already benefited fromshield power.Because of this,shield powereffectively applies to the second shield twice, but with reduced efficiency, for up to an increase of 50% ofshield power(maximum benefit if no damage was mitigated by the first shield). With 10%shield power, the second shield's total amount will be increased by up to an additional 5%, for a total of15.5%bonusshield.The formula for the total amount of shieldDianawill receive from both shield applications is:Total Shield = (((Shield Amount × (1 + Shield Power)) - Damage Blocked by Shield) + Shield Amount) × (1 + Shield Power)", "Because of this,shield powereffectively applies to the second shield twice, but with reduced efficiency, for up to an increase of 50% ofshield power(maximum benefit if no damage was mitigated by the first shield). With 10%shield power, the second shield's total amount will be increased by up to an additional 5%, for a total of15.5%bonusshield.", 'The formula for the total amount of shieldDianawill receive from both shield applications is:Total Shield = (((Shield Amount × (1 + Shield Power)) - Damage Blocked by Shield) + Shield Amount) × (1 + Shield Power)', 'Total Shield = (((Shield Amount × (1 + Shield Power)) - Damage Blocked by Shield) + Shield Amount) × (1 + Shield Power)', 'Base shield changed to 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160.']} | Name: Lunar Rush, Description: Active: Diana dashes to the target enemy's location, and upon completion, she deals them magic damage and consumes Moonlight from all enemies. If the target is within 400 range, Diana will dash through their location. Magic Damage: 50 / 70 / 90 / 110 / 130 (+ 60% AP) If Moonlight is consumed from the target, Lunar Rush's current cooldown is reduced to 0. 5 seconds. Diana can cast any of her abilities during the dash., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Tips & Tricks', 'Video', "Dianawill attempt to basic attack the target. This will not grant a stack ofConqueror,Electrocute,Phase RushorSpellthief's Edge.", "Lunar Rush'scooldown will also be reset if the target dies during the dash while being affected byMoonlight.", 'Lunar RushconsumesMoonlightupon ending the dash (even ifinterrupted).', 'Lunar Rushwill still deal damage even if the target isuntargetableby the end of the dash.', "IfLunar Rushis blocked byspell shieldtheMoonlightdebuff is still consumed butLunar Rush'scooldown is not reset.", 'SinceMoonlightis consumed upon ending the dash, aCrescent Strikecast mid-dash can still cause a reset.', 'Lunar Rushonly consumes presentMoonlightfrom the enemies. Because of this, it is possible forLunar Rushto be reset multiple times during the sameCrescent Strikecast, until it finishes its trajectory.']} | Name: Moonfall, Description: Active: Diana pulls in all nearby enemies, during which they are revealed , then slows them for 2 seconds. Slow: 40 / 50 / 60% If an enemy champion is pulled in, she calls down a beam of moonlight to strike upon the area around her after 1 second, dealing magic damage to all nearby enemies, increased for each champion pulled beyond the first. Magic Damage: 200 / 300 / 400 (+ 60% AP) Bonus Damage Per Champion: 35 / 60 / 85 (+ 15% AP) Total Damage Vs. 5 Champions: 340 / 540 / 740 (+ 120% AP) Link ▶️ "Night approaches!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Enemies stay in the area for a maximum of approximately 0.5seconds while being pulled.', 'Crowd control immunityanddisplacement immunitystill count as being "pulled in" by the ability.', "Clonescount as champions for increasing this ability's damage.", "Moonfall'sadditional damage is not capped at 4 champions.", 'The beam of moonlight does not crash down if champions hit blocked the initial effect withspell shield.Enemy champions protected byspell shielddo not count towards the damage increase.', 'Enemy champions protected byspell shielddo not count towards the damage increase.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'A lunar phase of the moon will appear aboveDianawhile she is castingMoonfall, each phase is based on the number of enemychampionspulled:', 'Base damage changed to 300 / 450 / 600.']} | Dianaderives fromPIEroot*dyew-"to shine".She shares her name withDiana. Roman goddess of the Moon.[2]
Diana is the first champion to feature animations for when affected by bothcrowd controlandmovement speedbuffs.
Moonfall'sindicator above Diana references theLunar phase.[3]1 enemy: New moon2 enemies: Waning crescent3 enemies: Last quarter4 enemies: Waning gibbous5 enemies: Full moon
A functional replica ofCrescent Moonbladewas crafted in an episode of YouTube seriesMan At Arms: Reforged.There are also videos where the following are crafted:Katarina'sDaggers(functional)Leona'sZenith Blade(functional)Master Yi's'Highlander' Ring Sword(functional)Poppy'sHammer of Orlon(functional)Yasuo's'Last Breath' Sword(functional)Ziggs'Hexplosive Bomb(prop) |
Dr. Mundo,the Madman of Zaun,'Doctor' Mundo | | | health: Health613+103, resource: ResourceN/A (Uses Health), health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)7+0.5, resource regen: Resource regen.N/A, armor: Armor32+3.7, attack damage: Attack damage61+2.5, attack speed: Base AS0.67, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius80, selection radius: Selection radius135, release: 2009-09-02, changed: V13.22, role: Juggernaut, position: TopJungle, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 450|260 | Games
Dr. MundoTitlesNickname(s)Dr. MundoAlias(es)The Madman of ZaunCharacteristicsSpeciesHuman(Chemically Altered)Pronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:967 AN - 977 ANWeapon(s)BonesawElectric Implants'Medical' bagPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originZaunCurrent residenceOsweld Asylum,ZaunFamilyUnnamed MotherPet(s)RaccoonProfessional statusOccupation(s)'Doctor'HenchmanRegion(s)ZaunRelated character(s)Ekko
Dr. Mundo
• Born:967 AN - 977 AN
• Bonesaw
• Electric Implants
• 'Medical' bag
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Unnamed Mother
• Raccoon
Professional status
• 'Doctor'
• Henchman
Related character(s)
Utterly mad, tragically homicidal, and horrifyingly purple,Dr. Mundois what keeps many ofZaun’scitizens indoors on particularly dark nights. Now a self-proclaimed physician, he was once a patient of Zaun’s most infamous asylum. After “curing” the entire staff, Dr. Mundo established his practice in the empty wards that once treated him and began mimicking the highly unethical procedures he had so often experienced himself. With a full cabinet of medicines and zero medical knowledge, he now makes himself more monstrous with each injection and terrifies the hapless “patients” who wander near his office.
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2Torture at Osweld Asylum1.3Do No Harm
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Ekko
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2Torture at Osweld Asylum
• 1.3Do No Harm
• 5.1Ekko
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early life[]
The man now known asDr. Mundowas born and raised inZaun. He grew up to be a large man, able to physically intimidate others. He had a friendly and good-natured personality and would often use nicknames for people. As an adult, despite his friendly conduct, he worked as henchman and enforcer for a chem-baron.
Torture at Osweld Asylum[]
After making a mistake that infuriated his boss, the chem-baron decided to make an example out of the enforcer. He was committed to Osweld Asylum, where he was experimented on. Suffering through the cruel treatments, the enforcer's body grew muscular than he already was, yet his brain deteriorated. Eventually, he lost all memories of his previous life, including his name and that of his boss. Instead he constructed a new reality from his surroundings, mistaking his restraining jacket for the coat of a doctor, and took on the name and professionDr. Mundo.
Over time, Mundo 'treated' everyone in the asylum, killing and dismembering them. When the chem-baron returned to collect his enforcer, Mundo treated him as well, killing him on an operating table. After the man tragically died during the surgery, Dr. Mundo stepped outside for the first time and recognized many potential patients that need to be 'cured'.
Do No Harm[]
One day,Dr. MundofoughtEkkoon theSump Level, who he thought of as a carrier of a virus. After hours, he managed to harm the boy, but the damage wasmagically reversedand the patient managed to escape. After the fight, Mundo returned to his hospital.
Dr. Mundo is a towering man enhanced by Chemtech medicine and implants. His already large body gained even more muscles during his torture at the asylum, which also led to his purple skin and blue tongue. He currently wears a ragged restraining jacket, even though it is much too small for his figure.
Mundo believes himself to be a doctor and everyone else to be his patients. This is a psychotic delusion/escapist reality, and he often injures, dismembers, or even kills his 'patients' without realizing it. Despite all this, Mundo seems to care for his 'patients,' becoming sad when his 'cures' don't work. He works tirelessly to cure these people of these supposed 'diseases' and is a generally caring but crazy person.
• Chemically Altered Physiology: At some point in the past, Dr. Mundo was forcefully injected with large quantities of purple liquids, which drastically altered his mind and entire body.Accelerated Healing: Dr. Mundo's fast muscle growth can quickly heal his wounds, including gunshots.[1]Physical Strength: Dr. Mundo was naturally a strong person working as an enforcer and bodyguard for a chem-baron. The treatments he was exposed to amplified his muscle growth, making him stronger than regular humans.
• Limited Cognitive Capabilities: Dr. Mundo was traumatized while subjected to torture, and now lives in an escapist reality. He believes himself to be a doctor that has to 'treat' other citizens, but in reality is hurting, dismembering or even killing them. He is known to randomly assault people on the street.[2]
• Accelerated Healing: Dr. Mundo's fast muscle growth can quickly heal his wounds, including gunshots.[1]
• Physical Strength: Dr. Mundo was naturally a strong person working as an enforcer and bodyguard for a chem-baron. The treatments he was exposed to amplified his muscle growth, making him stronger than regular humans.
Dr. Mundofought against Ekko in the Sump level. However, he only perceived him as 'patient' in need of 'treatment', and it is unclear Mundo even remembers him.
Read More
The Madman of Zaun
ByJohn O'Bryan
Starring:Dr. Mundo
Starring Champion
Short Story • 4 Minute Read
Do No Harm
ByAnthony Burch
It has been while, Mundo thought, stroking the massive purple tongue that hung from his mouth like an executed criminal swinging from gallows, since Mundo made a housecall.
Starring:Dr. Mundo
Short Story
Mundos Medikul Jernel
ByDr. Mundo
Portions of this text have been transcribed for legibility and edited for grammar byJohn O'Bryan.
Starring:Dr. Mundo
Mentioned Champion
ByDouble Stallion Games
Rewind the Past, Control the Future - Explore and traverse through the spectacular city of Zaun as Ekko, a young inventor with an ingenious device to manipulate time, in this story-driven action platformer. Play as a young Ekko and realize the full potential of one of League’s fan-favorite Champions.
Starring:Aximander,Camille,Chadd,Corin Reveck,Corina Veraza,Drake Poingdestre,Ekko,Elie,Inna,Jinx,Lem,Red,Rungs,Vale Poingdestre,Warwick,Wyeth,Zarkon Poingdestre
Mentioned:Ashlesh,Azir,Blitzcrank,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Eramis,Evil Kay,Farron,Fiddlesticks,Janna,Jayce,Kay,Nasus,Orianna,Renata Glasc,Seraphine,Shomi,Singed,Twitch,Urgot,Vi,Viktor,Zac,Zeri,Ziggs
Alternate Universes
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
Mac Client Available
Starring:Dr. Mundo
Mentioned:Amumu,Ashe,Caitlyn,Ezreal,Fizz,Gragas,Graves,Katarina,Master Yi,Miss Fortune,Mordekaiser,Orianna,Riven,Ryze,Singed,Soraka,Viktor,Zac,Ziggs
The Day Before Snowdown
Gather ‘round and hear the story of how Winter Wonder Neeko, Snow Man Yi, Winter Wonder Soraka, and Ice King Mundo saved Snowdown from Ice King Twitch in the Snowdown 2018 event in League of Legends.
Starring:Akali,Dr. Mundo,Master Yi,Neeko,Soraka,Twitch
Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Olaf vs Everything: Series 2
ByTom Barton
Mentioned:Ahri,Aurelion Sol,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Gnar,Illaoi,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Nagakabouros,Ornn,Renekton,Skarner,Teemo,Tryndamere,Urgot,Vel'Koz,Vi,Viktor,Vladimir,Warwick,Zyra
Punches and Plants: Series 1
Mentioned:Ahri,Alistar,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Braum,Caitlyn,Darius,Diana,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Evelynn,Ezreal,Gangplank,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jinx,Karma,Katarina,Leona,Lucian,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Nunu,Quinn,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Sivir,Sona,Soraka,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Valor,Varus,Vel'Koz,Vladimir,Volibear,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Zac,Ziggs
• "Mundo" isn't his real name and is instead him misreading the name on his straight jacket.
• Mundo believes he is a doctor because he thinks his straight jacket is a lab coat.
Change log[]
Utterly insane, unrepentantly homicidal, and horrifyingly purple,Dr. Mundois what keeps many ofZaun's citizens indoors on particularly dark nights. This monosyllabic monstrosity seems to want nothing more than pain - both the giving of it, and the receiving of it. Wielding his massivemeat cleaveras if it were weightless, Mundo is infamous for capturing and torturing dozens of Zaun's citizens for his nefarious 'operations', which seem to have no overall point or goal. He is brutal. He is unpredictable. He goes where he pleases. He is also not, technically, a doctor.
It is said that the man now known asDr. Mundowas born without any sort of conscience. Instead, he had an unquenchable desire to inflict pain through experimentation. By the time he was five, most of the pets in theZaunneighborhood where Mundo grew up had gone missing. By his teenage years, his parents were nowhere to be found. By the time he had legally acquired his license to practice medicine, he had been acquitted of thirty-eight separate charges of murder by the Zaun authorities; the lack of evidence made prosecution impossible.
See also[] | Name: Goes Where He Pleases, Description: Innate: Dr. Mundo regenerates an additional 「 0. 4 % − 2. 3 % (based on level) of his maximum health every 5 seconds. 」 「 0. 08 % − 0. 46 % (based on level) of his maximum health each second. 」 Passive: Periodically, Dr. Mundo gains immunity to the immobilizing effects of the next hostile spell to affect him. Upon resisting one, Dr. Mundo pays a health cost equal to 4% of his current health and propels a canister that lands 525 units in the general direction of its source, remaining on the ground for 7 seconds. Dr. Mundo can move near the canister to consume it, healing himself for 4% of his maximum health and reducing the cooldown of Goes Where He Pleases by 15 seconds. Enemy champions can move near it to destroy it. Goes Where He Pleases' cooldown resets upon respawning . Link ▶️ "Mundo goes where he pleases!", STATIC COOLDOWN: STATICCOOLDOWN:60 − 15 (based on level), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Upon being triggered by a hostileimmobilizingeffects,Goes Where He Pleaseswill also grantDr. Mundoimmunity to additional immobilizing effects from the samecast instance.Abilities where non-immobilizing effects and damage are nested into immobilizing ones will have them also prevented. Non-immobilizing effects and damage applied separately (the vast majority of cases) are not prevented.', 'Abilities where non-immobilizing effects and damage are nested into immobilizing ones will have them also prevented. Non-immobilizing effects and damage applied separately (the vast majority of cases) are not prevented.', 'Spell shieldandBlack Shieldtake priority overGoes Where He Pleases.', "Goes Where He Pleaseswill not trigger against nor resistRell'sMagnet Storm'songoing kinematic effect.It will trigger against and prevent the ability's initialdisplacement, but even in that case, not prevent the continous effect.", "It will trigger against and prevent the ability's initialdisplacement, but even in that case, not prevent the continous effect.", "The canister, whether in flight and on the ground, will transition in and out ofMordekaiser'sRealm of DeathalongsideDr. Mundo.(bug)", 'The canister cannot be interacted with whileuntargetable.', 'Health regeneration increased to2.3% − 4.7% (based on level)maximumhealth.']} | Name: Infected Bonesaw, Description: Active: Dr. Mundo throws an infected bonesaw in the target direction that deals magic damage to the first enemy hit and slows them by 40% for 2 seconds. Magic Damage: 20 / 22. 5 / 25 / 27. 5 / 30% of target's current health Infected Bonesaw has a minimum damage threshold, and is capped against monsters . Minimum Damage: 80 / 130 / 180 / 230 / 280 Capped Monster Damage: 350 / 425 / 500 / 575 / 650 If the bonesaw hits an enemy, Dr. Mundo heals for 50% of the health cost , increased to 100% against champions or monsters . Link ▶️ "Bonesaw!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.', "Spell shieldblocking the ability's effects on the enemy does not preventDr. Mundofrom receiving the health cost refund."]} | Name: Heart Zapper, Description: Active: Dr. Mundo charges up a defibrillator for up to 3 seconds, dealing magic damage every 0. 25 seconds to nearby enemies and storing 80% − 95% (based on level) of post-mitigation damage he takes as grey health on his health bar , reduced to 25% after the first 0. 75 seconds. Magic Damage per Tick: 5 / 8. 75 / 12. 5 / 16. 25 / 20 Total Magic Damage: 80 / 140 / 200 / 260 / 320 Heart Zapper can be recast after 0. 5 seconds within the duration, and does so automatically after the duration. Recast: Dr. Mundo detonates the defibrillator, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies and healing for 50% of grey health , increased to 100% if at least one enemy champion or large monster is hit. Magic Damage: 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 / 80 (+ 7% bonus health), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'The charge up appliespersistent area damageand the detonation dealsarea damage.', 'Spell shieldwill only block the detonation.', 'Heart Zapperwill occasionally deal an additional tick of damage.(bug)', "Heart Zapperand its recast will buffer and cast at the end ofInfected Bonesaw'scast time if attempted to cast during it.As with all buffering of this type, another input such as a movement command can override the buffering of the spell again.", 'As with all buffering of this type, another input such as a movement command can override the buffering of the spell again.']} | Name: Blunt Force Trauma, Description: Passive: Dr. Mundo gains bonus attack damage . Bonus Attack Damage: 2 / 2. 35 / 2. 7 / 3. 05 / 3. 4 % maximum health Active: Dr. Mundo empowers his next basic attack within 4 seconds to have an uncancellable windup , gain 50 bonus range , and deal bonus physical damage , increased by 0% − 40% (based on Dr. Mundo's missing health) . If the target dies or is a small monster, they are sent flying away in a line, though not through terrain, causing all enemies they pass through to take 100% AD plus Blunt Force Trauma's minimum bonus damage. Minimum Bonus Physical Damage: 5 / 15 / 25 / 35 / 45 (+ 7% bonus health) Maximum Bonus Physical Damage: 7 / 21 / 35 / 49 / 63 (+ 9. 8 % bonus health) Blunt Force Trauma as well as the triggering attack's damage is increased to 140% against minions and 200% against monsters . Blunt Force Trauma resets Dr. Mundo's basic attack timer., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Blunt Force Trauma'sattack dealsspell damage, while the target's body being shoved dealsarea damageto enemies it passes through.", "Blunt Force Trauma'sattack works againststructures, consuming the buff and dealing its full damage.", 'Blunt Force Traumacannot knock backwards,structuresor epicmonstersit kills, nor champions that enter azombie stateupon dying.', 'Targets flung away are rendereduntargetablein the process.', "The damage of the enemy's corpse colliding with enemies does not benefit fromBlunt Force Trauma'sattackcritically striking."]} | Name: Maximum Dosage, Description: Active: Dr. Mundo injects himself with chemicals to become enhanced for 10 seconds, gaining increased base health , bonus movement speed , and bonus health regeneration . Increased Base Health: 15 / 20 / 25% missing health Bonus Movement Speed: 15 / 25 / 35% Bonus Health Regeneration: 20 / 40 / 60% maximum health Health Regenerated per Second: 2 / 4 / 6% maximum health At rank 3, Maximum Dosage's increased base health and bonus health regeneration are both increased by 5% for each enemy champion within 1200 units at the time of cast. Link ▶️ "Medicine time!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "The health regeneration granted byMaximum Dosageadjusts dynamically toDr. Mundo'smaximumhealth.", 'Maximum Dosagewill end prematurely upon enteringresurrection.']} | "Mundo" has two real world origins: the Proto-Germanic*mundo"hand, protection" & unrelated Ibero-Romancemundo"world" (like in Spanish, Portuguese, etc.).He is named afterEdmundo 'odnumde' Sanchez, byBrandon 'Ryze' Beck.[2]
Dr. Mundo's dance references the titular character fromHouse, turn dancing toFight the PowerbyPublic Enemy.A side-by-side comparison be seenhere.
Of the five champions that use health as a resource for abilities;Soraka,Vladimir,OlafandZac, he himself was the only one whose ultimate ability has a cost, that being 25% of his current health.
In theV1.0.0.115April Fools' Daypatch, the following change regarding Dr. Mundo were jokingly listed:Dr. Mundo decided that he enjoys the color blue.Dr. Mundo now has mana.None of his ability costs have changed.
Masochismreferences theeponymous termfor enjoyment derived from being inflicted pain, named after real-life writerLeopold von Sacher-Masoch.This is also mechanically referenced in his kit by gaining a higher AD bonus the lower his health is.The ability's name also fits for theearly iterationsof his E ability, which caused Dr. Mundo to be healed instead of being damaged from physical attacks for a duration.
Sadismreferences theeponymous termfor enjoyment derived from inflicting pain on others, named after real-life writerMarquis de Sade.The name chosen for this ability made the most sense for theearly iterationsof his R ability, which damaged nearby enemies for their current health. |
Draven,the Glorious Executioner | | | health: Health675+104, resource: Mana361+39, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)3.75+0.7, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)8.05+0.65, armor: Armor29+4.5, attack damage: Attack damage62+3.6, attack speed: Base AS0.679, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius111, release: 2012-06-06, changed: V13.23, role: Marksman, position: Bottom, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 4800|880 | Missing section(s):
DravenCurrentRuinedReckoner 1Reckoner 2YoungTitlesNickname(s)DraaaavenAlias(es)The Glorious ExecutionerCharacteristicsSpeciesHumanPronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:965 ANWeapon(s)Spinning AxesPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originBasilich,NoxusCurrent residenceNoxus Prime,NoxusFamilyDarius(Brother)Quilletta Varn†(Sister-in-law)Decius Varn†(Alleged Nephew)Invetia Varn(Alleged Niece)Professional statusOccupation(s)ExecutionerRegion(s)NoxusFaction(s)ReckonersRelated character(s)DariusSwainLuluTristanaRivenSettViegoBoram Darkwill
• Current
• Ruined
• Reckoner 1
• Reckoner 2
• Young
• Born:965 AN
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Darius(Brother)
• Quilletta Varn†(Sister-in-law)
• Decius Varn†(Alleged Nephew)
• Invetia Varn(Alleged Niece)
Professional status
Related character(s)
InNoxus, warriors known asreckonersface one another in arenas where blood is spilled and strength tested—but none has ever been as celebrated asDraven. A former soldier, he found that the crowds uniquely appreciated his flair for the dramatic, not to mention the spray of blood from each of hisspinning axes. Addicted to the spectacle of his own brash perfection, Draven has sworn to defeat whomever he must to ensure that his name is chanted throughout the empire forever more.
• 1Background
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Darius5.2Swain5.3Tamara5.4Lulu&Tristana5.5Riven5.62Karl5.7Viego
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 5.1Darius
• 5.2Swain
• 5.3Tamara
• 5.4Lulu&Tristana
• 5.5Riven
• 5.62Karl
• 5.7Viego
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Draven grew up as an orphan on the streets ofBasilichuntil his hometown was conquered byNoxus. He and his brotherDariusjoined the Noxian army, but Draven grew steadily more bored with the drudgery of soldier life. Instead, he was drawn to the excitement of theReckoners' gladiator arena. After playing an instrumental role inSwain's coup overBoram Darkwill, Draven was appointed the Glorious Executioner, punishing the enemies of Noxus with spectacular deaths.
Draven is a tall, muscular man with fair skin and dark brown or black hair. He is variously portrayed with either brown, gray, or green eyes. His body and face are decorated with reddish tattoos, a series of thick, angular lines. He is virtually never seen without his signature facial hair: a long, thin mustache that extends past his jawline.
He typically wears light leather armor, accented with metal spikes and white fur. His weapons of choice are a pair of large, spinning axes meant for throwing.
With a knack for spectacle and showmanship, Draven is a bombastic, blustering personality and a famous crowd-pleaser during his gladiatorial "performances." He is brash and impulsive, often acting purely on instinct. In addition, he is almost cartoonishly arrogant, loving himself and the sound of his own name with extreme passion. As such, he often refers to himself in the third person. He is also a remorseless killer, executing his opponents in the ring with no hesitation.
Draven andDariusare renowned as the 'Blood Brothers' (Draven being the younger one). Draven looked up to his older brother for guidance. They are competitive brothers, with both generally disapproving of the way the other goes about his life.
Draven supportedSwainwhen he was considered a disgraced figure, and aided him in his coup for the leadership of Noxus. For this, Swain considers him a friend and ally.
It is revealed inThe Whispering Doodadthat bothDravenand WarmasonTamara Lautariharbor feelings towards each other that they refuse to express to one-another, much to the confusion of the observer.
Dravenhad encountered bothLuluandTristana, fought and fled from them during his return trip fromBasilichto Noxus Prime.
Draven seesRivenas a mighty warriorworthy of his timein The Fleshing Arena.
2Karloffered Draven an opportunity to renew the Reckoners' arena business, which he gladly accepted.
DuringViegoconquests, Draven challenged him and immediately lost, resulting in hisruination.[1]
Read More
The Glorious Executioner
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill,Darius,Swain
Starring Champion
Music Video
By Numerous creators
A deadly masterpiece unfolds. A lone resistance made whole. A chance to come alive.
Blood of Noxus
ByGraham McNeill
In all Runeterra, there is no army more feared than that of the Noxian empire. In all Noxus, there is no soldier more respected than Darius. Of all the commandments that have kept Noxus strong, one rule stands above all others: Loyalty is everything.
Starring:Darius,Draven,Invetia Varn,Quilletta Varn,Tamara
Noxian Brotherhood
ByJared Rosen
Draven - Another victory for the Glorious Executioner.
Rise of the Sentinels
ByJohn O'Bryan
Black Mist pours across Runeterra, enthralling its champions and shrouding the continent in darkness. If the last Sentinels are going to save Runeterra, they're going to need all the help they can get. And that meansyouRookie!
Starring:Akshan,Diana,Draven,Graves,Gwen,Irelia,Isolde,Karma,Lucian,Miss Fortune,Olaf,Pantheon,Pyke,Rengar,Riven,Senna,Shyvana,Thresh,Vayne,Vex,Viego,Yorick
Short Story
The Whispering Doodad
ByGraham McNeill
“Here, doodad,” she whispers to the grass. “Pretty please, with sprinkles on top! I'll let you take us somewhere you want to go next.” The doodad—or whatever it's really called—doesn't respond, but I sense it rolling away from Lulu. Well, not really rolling, as such, more making itself be where she isn't.
Mentioned Champion
The Hand of Noxus
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill,Draven,Swain
Alternate Universes
A Fireside Frightener
ByLuchador Teemo,ZeOcelot
A New Dawn
Day breaks over a landscape consecrated by blood and steel. A battle begins as a new dawn rises.
Be Your Best Santa
Santa Draven, Ambitious Elf Jinx, and Snow Fawn Poppy step up to help Santa Braum with this year’s Snowdown festivities. But with Jinx and Draven at the frontlines, the celebrations could easily snowball into shenanigans!
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Since its inception, Worlds has grown and evolved. Each unbelievable play and phenomenal match created moments and memories that will never be forgotten. In these iconic moments, players and teams reached for something incredible within themselves and brought it to life on the Summoner’s Rift...
Starring:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Brand,Caitlyn,Darius,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Gnar,Janna,Jax,Jayce,Jinx,Kassadin,Katarina,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lulu,Orianna,Rek'Sai,Rengar,Rumble,Ryze,Shen,Sivir,Tahm Kench,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Yasuo,Ziggs
Tournament of Souls: Wild Rift Edition
ByKristina Atanasoski
Be careful what you wish for—and what youfightfor. Draven entered the Tournament of Souls to make a name for himself, but when the results don't live up to expectations, it's time for some quiet introspection. ...Aww, who are we kidding?! It's time to double down and carve through the competition! Join Draven on his winding path to glory in the League of Legends: Wild Rift's Soul Fighter Event!
Starring:Draven,Irelia,Nilah,Xin Zhao,Yasuo
Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 3
ByGutter Rat
Music Video
Coming Alive
ByNumerous Creators
In the fight of a lifetime, you may get knocked down. But never knocked out.
Olaf vs Everything: Series 1
ByTom Barton
Playtime with Gnar: Series 1
ByRachel J. Corey
Mentioned:Amumu,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Darius,Draven,Karthus,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Malzahar,Nocturne,Nunu,Rengar,Twisted Fate,Willump
Playtime with Gnar: Series 2
ByRachel J. Corey
Punches and Plants: Series 2
Mentioned:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Amumu,Annie,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Diana,Draven,Ekko,Ezreal,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Kha'Zix,Kog'Maw,Leona,Lucian,Lux,Malphite,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nasus,Nautilus,Nidalee,Olaf,Orianna,Poppy,Quinn,Rakan,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Shaco,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Valor,Vel'Koz,Viktor,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Xin Zhao,Yasuo,Ziggs
The Tale of the Poro King
By Numerous creators
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aatrox,Akali,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Darius,Diana,Draven,Ezreal,Gnar,Illaoi,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kai'Sa,Karma,Karthus,Katarina,Kayle,Kayn,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nunu,Ornn,Pantheon,Pyke,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Rhaast,Ryze,Sejuani,Shen,Sion,Sivir,Soraka,Sylas,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Thresh,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Vi,Volibear,Willump,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs,Zoe
Music Video
By Numerous creators
The battle begins, and sixteen teams across the globe are fighting towards one goal – to win the League of Legends World Championship.
Starring: N/A
Music Video
Worlds Collide
By Numerous creators
Two teams have risen above their peers. Ten warriors have laid claim to the Summoner’s Cup. Five champions will etch their names in history.
Starring: N/A
• Darius,Draven,Invetia, andQuilletta Varnwere all born inBasilich.
• Draven's unusual axes are an extension of his desire for recognition and fame, as observed by his outfit and moves.[2]
• Draven has a picture of himself on his bedside table. He loves himself very much.
• Draven is 32 years old.[3]
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: League of Draven, Description: Innate: When Draven catches a Spinning Axe , kills a non-champion, or destroys a turret , he gains a stack of Adoration . Additionally, whenever Draven kills a minion or destroys a ward or trap , he generates a Strike stack for 10 seconds, refreshing on subsequent kills and stacking up to 6 times. All Strike stacks are lost if he drops an axe or a nearby minion dies without him killing it. The sixth stack consumes all stacks to grant him 2 Adoration stacks. When Draven kills an enemy champion , he consumes all of his Adoration stacks and gains 40 + (2. 5 × stacks) bonus gold . Draven loses 75% of his Adoration stacks upon death ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', 'AssistsfromDeath from Belowwill triggerLeague of Draven.', 'Upon reaching 150Adorationstacks, and every 100 stacks thereafter, as well as when he cashes at least 150 stacks in,Dravenautomatically sends a chat message notifying all players.', 'A chat message will display to all players whenever:League of Dravengrants over300 gold.League of Dravengets reduced.', 'League of Dravengrants over300 gold.', 'League of Dravengets reduced.', 'None of the parts ofLeague of Dravenrequire actually using aSpinning Axefor a kill to getStrikeorAdorationstacks, as well as to cashAdorationstacks.', "League of Dravenwill trigger upon receiving an assist on an enemyexecutedbyAurelion Sol'sSingularity.(bug)", 'Adoration stacks per kill orAxecatch changed to 10.', 'Adoration stacks perAxecatch from an enemyDravenchanged to 50.', 'New Effect:Gains 100Adorationstacks per round.']} | Name: Spinning Axe, Description: Active: Draven starts spinning his axe, empowering his next basic attack within 5. 8 seconds to deal bonus physical damage . Bonus Physical Damage: 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60 (+ 75 / 85 / 95 / 105 / 115% bonus AD) Upon hitting the target, the axe then ricochets off of them to land after 2 seconds, with the location being determined by Draven's current movement . If Draven catches the axe, he gains Spinning Axe's empowered attack again. Draven can hold up to two Spinning Axes at once., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', "The landing location is determined byDraven'smovement speedand direction at the timeSpinning Axehits the target. IfDravenis actually moving, it will bounce directly into his path. Otherwise, it will bounce back towards his current location, either landing directly onto him or to his sides.", 'Spinning Axewill place a visual cue on the ground where it will land. This visual cue is visible to both teams, althoughDravenhimself will see a more prominent marker.', "RecastingSpinning Axewill refresh thebuffand add another axe if possible.There is no limit to how many axes can be juggled at once, just the limit of 2 of them at a time inDraven'shands.", "There is no limit to how many axes can be juggled at once, just the limit of 2 of them at a time inDraven'shands.", "Dravenused to be able to catch (steal) an enemyDraven's axes. This event also prompted a few unique voice lines.", 'Spinning Axesmay optically bypassWind WallandBlade Whirlbut they will be destroyed upon collision.Unbreakablewill not prevent the axe from bouncing off whenBraumis the target.', 'Unbreakablewill not prevent the axe from bouncing off whenBraumis not the target.', 'The axe will still bounce against parrying effects.', "Runaan's Hurricane'sWind's Furydoes not interact with the effects of the axes.", 'If aSpinning Axeis readied during a basic attack wind-up, the effects will be applied to the fired attack.', 'Spinning Axeattacks deal their total increased damage in a single instance ofbasic damage.', 'The empowered attack will not trigger againststructures.The duration will refresh on-attack against them.', 'The duration will refresh on-attack against them.', 'Spînning Axehas an indicator that appears on the ground for Draven to stand on. Some skins have a unique indicator.', 'Axes can be picked up (stolen) by alliedDravens. This event also prompts one of a few unique voice lines. The same can be done in blind pick in games where there are twoDravens.', 'Bonus AD ratio changed to70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 110%bonusAD.']} | Name: Blood Rush, Description: Active: Draven enters an adrenaline rush, gaining bonus attack speed for 3 seconds as well as decaying bonus movement speed and ghosting for 1. 5 seconds. Bonus Attack Speed: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40% Bonus Movement Speed: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70% Catching a Spinning Axe resets Blood Rush's cooldown ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'ActivatingBlood Rushwhile the effect is already active will refresh the duration.']} | Name: Stand Aside, Description: Active: Draven throws a fan of axes in a line in the target direction, dealing physical damage to enemies hit, knocking them aside , though not through terrain, and slowing them for 2 seconds. Physical Damage: 75 / 110 / 145 / 180 / 215 (+ 50% bonus AD) Slow: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40%, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.']} | Name: Whirling Death, Description: Active: Draven hurls two massive axes in the target direction that briefly grant sight of their surroundings and deal physical damage to enemies hit. Enemy champions that are damaged to or while below a health threshold equal to the number of Adoration stacks are executed . Physical Damage: 175 / 275 / 375 (+ 110 / 130 / 150% bonus AD) Total Physical Damage: 350 / 550 / 750 (+ 220 / 260 / 300% bonus AD) Whirling Death can be recast after 1 second while the axes are traveling, and does so automatically after the axes hit an enemy champion or the edge of the map . Recast: Draven forces the axes to reverse direction, slowly coming to a stop before homing back to him, dealing the same damage to enemies hit. Whirling Death deals 100% − 40% (based on enemies hit) damage, resetting upon reversing direction. Minimum Physical Damage: 70 / 110 / 150 (+ 44 / 52 / 60% bonus AD) Minimum Total Damage: 140 / 220 / 300 (+ 88 / 104 / 120% bonus AD) Enemies can be hit only once per pass., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', "Whirling Death'sprojectile has anicon on the mini-map while it is in flight. It can be seen by onlyDravenand his allies.", 'Spell shieldwill block one instance of damage.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.']} | Dravenis one of 20 champions without a singleability powerratio on any ability:Aatrox,Camille,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Garen,Kayn,Kled,Naafiri,Nilah,Olaf,Pyke,Riven,Samira,Sett,Talon,Urgot,Xayah,Yone, andZed.
Dravenis one of 14 champions that have an ability that infinitely stacks an effect:Aurelion Sol,Bard,Bel'Veth,Cho'Gath,Kindred,Nasus,Senna,Shyvana,Sion,Swain,Sylas,Thresh, andVeigar.In Draven's case,League of Dravencan stackAdorationinfinitely as well asWhirling Death'sexecute.
Draven -Dariusis one of seven pairs of sibling champions (the others beingCassiopeia-Katarina,Kayle-Morgana,Garen-Lux,Nasus-Renekton,Yasuo-Yone, andVi-Jinx).Though not a pair,Anivia,Ornn, andVolibearare also siblings.
Draven's shares thefire dancewithThresh.
League of DravenandHijackare the only abilities to interact with the chat interface.
League of Draven'siconwas directly cropped from hisChampion Square, which was in turn directly edited from hisOriginal splash art.
League of Dravenis among a few abilities that were named after a quote of their champion. In this case, it references his "Welcome to the League of Draven" quote which he had before the patch he got the ability,V3.9.The others areDr. Mundo'sGoes Where He PleasesandGraves'End of the Line.
Draven was not played byDavid 'Phreak' Turleyin his 'Champion Spotlight'.
When Draven isrecallingorteleporting, he strikes a pose resemblingUsain Bolt's.He points to his target location.
Draven's style of executioning references those ofSoulfikarandRichard Brandon.
Draven's death animation likely referencesCowboy Bebop'sending.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.
Draven wonThe Great GameFAQs Character Battle IX.
Draven is the only champion to have two differentcritical strikeanimations (one for each arm's attack).
Theward skinWard of Dravenreferences him. |
Ekko,the Boy Who Shattered Time | | | health: Health655+99, resource: Mana280+70, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)9+0.9, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)7+0.8, armor: Armor32+4.2, attack damage: Attack damage58+3, attack speed: Base AS0.688, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius120, release: 2015-05-29, changed: V13.16, role: Assassin, position: JungleMiddle, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 3150|790 | InDev Update - Champs, Lore & More, Laura 'poisonpixxi' DeYoung, Head of IP Creative for Riot Games, elaborated on their new approach to narrative cohesiveness by ironing out any inconsistencies that have sprung up over the years.
This article contains information that conflicts with this new narrative and will most likely be changed/moved in the following year(s).
EkkoMainPresentPossible FutureTitlesAlias(es)The Boy Who Shattered TimeThe Time Tinkerer[1]CharacteristicsSpeciesHumanPronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:979 ANWeapon(s)Piltover Clock HandZero-DriveTimewinderPipelineFlying HoverboardPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originZaunCurrent residenceZaunFamilyWyeth(Father)Inna(Mother)Professional statusOccupation(s)VigilanteInventorSumpsnipeRegion(s)ZaunFaction(s)The Lost Children of ZaunRelated character(s)JinxViJayceCaitlynCamilleViktorJannaBlitzcrankRenata GlascZeriWarwick
• Main
• Present
• Possible Future
• The Boy Who Shattered Time
• The Time Tinkerer[1]
• Born:979 AN
• Piltover Clock Hand
• Zero-Drive
• Timewinder
• Pipeline
• Flying Hoverboard
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Wyeth(Father)
• Inna(Mother)
Professional status
• Vigilante
• Inventor
• Sumpsnipe
• The Lost Children of Zaun
Related character(s)
A prodigy from the rough streets ofZaun,Ekkomanipulatestimeto twist any situation to his advantage. Using his own invention, theZ-Drive, he explores the branching possibilities of reality to craft the perfect moment. Though he revels in this freedom, when there’s a threat to his friends, he’ll do anything to defend them. To outsiders, Ekko seems to achieve the impossible the first time, every time.
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2Convergence1.3Potential Future
• 2Apperance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Wyeth&Inna5.2Jinx&Vi5.3The Lost Children of Zaun5.4Piltovans5.5Ezreal5.6Jayce&Viktor5.7Zaunites5.8Heimerdinger5.9Seraphine5.10Zeri
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2Convergence
• 1.3Potential Future
• 5.1Wyeth&Inna
• 5.2Jinx&Vi
• 5.3The Lost Children of Zaun
• 5.4Piltovans
• 5.5Ezreal
• 5.6Jayce&Viktor
• 5.7Zaunites
• 5.8Heimerdinger
• 5.9Seraphine
• 5.10Zeri
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early life[]
Born with genius-level intellect, Ekko constructed simple machines before he could crawl. His parents,InnaandWyeth, vowed to provide a good future for their son—Zaun, with all its pollution and crime, would only stifle Ekko, whom they felt deserved the wealth and opportunities of Piltover. Throughout his youth he watched his parents age beyond their years, toiling for too many hours under dangerous conditions in suffocating factories. They earned meager wages while greedy factory owners, and sneering Piltovan buyers, profited immensely from their labor.
It would all be worth it, they reasoned, if it meant their son could one day rise to the city above.
Ekko saw things differently. Beyond Zaun’s flaws, he saw a dynamic place overflowing with energy and potential. Zaunites’ industry, resourcefulness, and resilience stirred a hotbed of pure innovation. They had built a thriving culture from catastrophe, and flourished where others would have perished. That spirit captivated Ekko, and spurred him to a youth of wild invention and innovation.
He wasn’t alone. He befriended scrappy orphans, inquisitive runaways, and eager upstarts. Zaunites tended to eschew formal education in favor of apprenticeships, but these “Lost Children of Zaun” looked to the labyrinthine streets to be their mentor. They wasted time in glorious, youthful fashion—foot races through the border markets, or daring climbs from the Sump to the Promenade. They ran wild and free, answering to no one.
One night, on a solo trek into the rubble of a recently demolished laboratory, Ekko made an astonishing find: a shard of blue-green crystal that glittered with magical energy. Every child of Zaun heard tales ofhextech, said to power weapons and heroes alike. Such a thing had the potential to change the world, and now he held a broken one. He scrambled to find more pieces, but the crunching footfalls of teched-up enforcers told him he wasn’t the only one looking. Ekko barely escaped, and returned to his home.
He experimented madly with the crystal. During one less-than-scientific attempt, the gem exploded into a vortex of shimmering dust, triggering eddies of temporal distortion. Ekko opened his eyes to see several splintered realities—and several “echo” versions of himself—staring back in sheer panic amid the fractured continua.
He’d really done it this time.
After some tense coordination between Ekko and his paradoxes, they managed to contain and repair the hole he had torn in the fabric of reality. Eventually, he harnessed the shattered crystal’s temporal powers into a device that would allow him to manipulate small increments of time… at least in theory.
On his name day, his friends badgered him into climbing the ancient clocktower known as Old Hungry, so Ekko brought the untested device along with him.
The Lost Children climbed, stopping occasionally to paint an obscene caricature or two of prominent Pilties. They were near the top when a handhold gave way, sending one of Ekko’s friends tumbling to certain doom. Instinctively—as if he’d done it a thousand times before—Ekko activated his device. The world shattered around him, and he was wrenched backward through swirling particles of time.
Then Ekko was back, watching his friend reach again for the same rotting plank. The plank broke, the boy fell… but Ekko was ready this time, diving to the edge and grabbing him by the shirt. Ekko tried to swing him to safety, but his friend became caught in the tower’s clockwork gears, and—
Stop. Rewind.
Several attempts later, Ekko finally saved his friend’s life. But to his crew, Ekko’s supernatural reflexes had saved their friend before anyone even realized the danger. He told them about the crystal and made them swear to secrecy. Instead, they dared each other to new heights of foolishness, knowing Ekko had the means to pluck them out of danger.
With each trial, andso mucherror, the time-warping device—which Ekko dubbed the Zero Drive—grew more and more stable. The only limit was how many do-overs his body could take before exhaustion set in.
Ekko’s time-bending antics have made him a person of interest to some of Zaun and Piltover’s most inventive, most powerful, and most dangerous individuals. But his only interest is in his friends, his family, and his city. He dreams of the day when his hometown rises up to dwarf the so-called City of Progress, when Piltover’s golden veneer will be overshadowed by the towering ingenuity and relentless spunk of a Zaun born not from generations of privilege, but from sheer daring. He may not have a plan yet, but he’s got all the time in the world.
After all, if Ekko’s Z-Drive can change the past, how hard can it be to change the future?
Potential Future[]
In a possible future, Ekko becomes more enraptured in his technology, neglecting his loved ones. He would use his Zero Drive to rewind situations with his friends and family to get the optimal outcome. He eventually drifts away from all his friends and seldom returns home to see his parents. The Poingdestre Chembaron family would greatly increase their Syntixi manufacturing, much to the ire of Clan Ferros, causing Piltover to increase their chemical dumpings into Zaun. The increased pollution would strengthen the noxious Zaun Grey, causing a city-wide quarantine to be put in place. In retaliation, the Poingdestres would launch attacks against Piltover. Ekko would do his best to save lives on both sides, but to little success. With the cities on the brink of civil war and the pollution forcing his parents to leave Zaun, Ekko resolved to improve his technology to allow to travel further back in time to stop the war.
After numerous failed attempts, Ekko is able to turn his Zero Drive into the Chronoport, but at the expense of his last Zero Drive. With his last chance, he travels back to stop Clan Ferros from hiring the Poingdestres to manufacture artificial Hextech, but arrives too late. Despite Syntixi being discovered, Future Ekko decides to round it all up before the Poingdestres amass to much power and recruits his younger self to aid him. After the two Ekkos gather all the Syntixi, Future Ekko plans to create a Syntixi bomb and detonate it at the half way point between Piltover and Zaun, not only to destroy the Syntixi but also Clan Ferros' Hextech vault, rendering both cities powerless and averting civil war. His past self is horrified that his future self would sacrifice so many innocent lives to stop the war, but Future Ekko disregards him.
His past self would team up with Camille to stop him from detonating the bomb. After beating him, present Ekko manages to talk him down, but the bomb is already armed. However, Future Ekko decides to take the bomb and hurl it through a rift in time and destroy the Syntixi at the cost of his own life. As he hurdles through time and space, Ekko sees the multiverse. In one timeline, he sees his parents have decided to stay in Zaun and steps through, hoping his past self forgives him.
Ekko is a short, thin, brounette skinyoung man with hazelnut brown eyes, white hair cut in a rooster's comb, and his forehead and nose painted white.
He has a baggy builder's overalls, with a red scarf with protective glasses on his neck, semi-sewn baggy green pants and black boots.
He had a ingenious mind, even when he was a baby, he could invent simple machines. He is also very determined to save his allies, as he was willing to go back in time to save a friend of his life.
• Agility:He is shown to have agility to get around the streets of Zaun.
• Time-Rewind:He can rewind time to the point before he gained any injuries.
Ekko's parents work overtime in one of Zaun's many factories, so they're rarely home.[2]
The graffiti Ekko often visits has paintings of girls with blue (Jinx) and pink (Vi) hair. Ekko andJinxwere childhood friends and often played together. He had a crush on her before she started talking toFishbonesandPow-Pow.
The Lost Children of Zaun[]
Ekko and friends belong to a gang called the Lost Children of Zaun, a group of orphans and teenagers drawn together by their mutual interests and desire for community. Members of the Lost Children include:
• 4Ajuna Lem, a scavenger whose death ways heavily on Ekko.
• Aximander, the older brother ofLemand an archivist of Zaun, highly knowledgable about its people, history, feuds, and secrets.
• Chancee, an inventor who thinks Ekko relies too much on his Zero-Drive to fix his mistakes.
• Elie, a former apprentice costume designer at the Fenlox theater, she now has her own boutique clothing store in Entresol.
• 3Kay, a talented inventor focused on cloning research.
• Lem, the younger brother ofAximanderand a bright inventor with a fondness for animals. He looked up toAjuna Lemand adopted his surname and donned his goggles in his memory.
• 1Shomi, a highly proficient hoverboarder.
• Skids, a teenager who enjoys headbutting people.
• Red, one of Ekko's oldest friends and always trying something to new to find her passion in life.
• Rungs, the toughest member of the Lost Children and a skilled fighter.
Ekko dislikesPiltieslikeJayce,Ezreal, andCaitlyn, as he sees them as arrogant and self-important, as well as to promote Zaunite nationalism. He is convinced Piltover is not the only progressive city in Valoran and is proud to be Zaunite. Seeing his former friends leave for the City of Progress gave him a bit of a chip on his shoulder. Not to mention his 12-year-old friend4Ajunawas killed by a Piltie.[3]
However little by little Ekko began to stop judging the Piltovians, beginning to establish certain relationships or even to become familiar with them, likeCamilleand Seraphine.
He findsEzreala poser.[4]
To him,JayceandViktorare the opposite extremes of the same decadent spectrum, and hopes he doesn't turn out like either of them.[5]
Ekko also dislikesZauniteslikeViktor,Singed, andDr. Mundo, as they embody everything that is wrong with the city. Ekko once saved his friend fromDr. Mundoby rewinding time; however, Mundo remains aware of the changed timeline.
Ekko appreciatesZacfor what he has done for Zaun. Ekko remarks that he would poke at Zac to learn about the composition of his chemical body.[6]
He likesBlitzcrankfor unknown reasons and fights alongside him in The Climb.[7]
The onlyYordleEkko has met isHeimerdinger. The two of them shared stories with each other while Heimerdinger visited Ekko's hideout in Zaun. He hasn't met any otherYordles(at least not without glamour) and has only heard tales of them.[8]He respectsHeimerdingeras an inventor despite him residing in and working for Piltover.[9]
Ekko and his friends have been shown to attendSeraphine'sperformance. They are likely her fans despite her strong ties to Piltover.
Ekko metZeriafter she freed a group of hostages, including Ekko's parents, from a warehouse owned byRenata Glasc. It's implied inCONV/RGENCEthat they and their families keep in touch with each other.
Read More
The Boy Who Shattered Time
ByMatthew Dunn
Starring Champion
A Perfect Life: Closed Circuit
ByJohn O'Bryan
Ekko is a teen inventor who lives in Zaun, a city where being handy with technology is the best path to a better future. His greatest invention is the Z-Drive: a device which allows him to rewind his own timeline—and redo the last few seconds of his past. Ekko uses the Z-Drive to fix everything in his life: small mistakes, life-changing ones, and everything in between. But messing with time can have some major consequences for Ekko, his friends, his family, and his world...In this prequel to Conv/rgence, Ekko imagines a timeline without do-overs, where he must give up the extra chances time travel has offered him. But it's harder than he thinks to let time flow on without getting involved...
Starring:Aximander,Chancee,Ekko,Jayce,Lem,Red,Skids,Van Klegg,Viktor,Wyeth
A Perfect Life: Jump Start
ByJohn O'Bryan
Ekko is a teen inventor who lives in Zaun, a city where being handy with technology is the best path to a better future. His greatest invention is the Z-Drive: a device which allows him to rewind his own timeline—and redo the last few seconds of his past. Ekko uses the Z-Drive to fix everything in his life: small mistakes, life-changing ones, and everything in between. But messing with time can have some major consequences for Ekko, his friends, his family, and his world...In this prequel to Conv/rgence, Ekko imagines a timeline without do-overs, where he must give up the extra chances time travel has offered him. But it's harder than he thinks to let time flow on without getting involved...
Starring:Chancee,Ekko,Inna,Lem,Skids,Van Klegg,Viktor,Wyeth
A Perfect Life: Side Effects
ByJohn O'Bryan
Ekko is a teen inventor who lives in Zaun, a city where being handy with technology is the best path to a better future. His greatest invention is the Z-Drive: a device which allows him to rewind his own timeline—and redo the last few seconds of his past. Ekko uses the Z-Drive to fix everything in his life: small mistakes, life-changing ones, and everything in between. But messing with time can have some major consequences for Ekko, his friends, his family, and his world...In this prequel to Conv/rgence, Ekko imagines a timeline without do-overs, where he must give up the extra chances time travel has offered him. But it's harder than he thinks to let time flow on without getting involved...
Starring:Ekko,Jayce,Van Klegg,Viktor,Wyeth
A Perfect Life: The Depths
ByJohn O'Bryan
Ekko is a teen inventor who lives in Zaun, a city where being handy with technology is the best path to a better future. His greatest invention is the Z-Drive: a device which allows him to rewind his own timeline—and redo the last few seconds of his past. Ekko uses the Z-Drive to fix everything in his life: small mistakes, life-changing ones, and everything in between. But messing with time can have some major consequences for Ekko, his friends, his family, and his world...In this prequel to Conv/rgence, Ekko imagines a timeline without do-overs, where he must give up the extra chances time travel has offered him. But it's harder than he thinks to let time flow on without getting involved...
Starring:Aximander,Chancee,Ekko,Lem,Red,Skids,Van Klegg,Viktor,Wyeth
A Perfect Life: Wrong Turn
ByJohn O'Bryan
Ekko is a teen inventor who lives in Zaun, a city where being handy with technology is the best path to a better future. His greatest invention is the Z-Drive: a device which allows him to rewind his own timeline—and redo the last few seconds of his past. Ekko uses the Z-Drive to fix everything in his life: small mistakes, life-changing ones, and everything in between. But messing with time can have some major consequences for Ekko, his friends, his family, and his world...In this prequel to Conv/rgence, Ekko imagines a timeline without do-overs, where he must give up the extra chances time travel has offered him. But it's harder than he thinks to let time flow on without getting involved...
Starring:Aximander,Chancee,Drake Poingdestre,Ekko,Lem,Red,Skids,Vale Poingdestre,Viktor,Wyeth
Mentioned:Elie,Rungs,Van Klegg
Arcane (TV Series)
Every legend has a beginning.
Starring:Aero,Amara,Ambessa,Babette,Benzo,Billingsworth,Bolbok,Caitlyn,Cassandra,Chross,Claggor,Deckard,Ekko,Elora,Finn,Gorgeous Man,Grayson,Harold,Heimerdinger,Hoskel,Huck,Jayce,Jericho,Jinx,Jules,Lock,Marcus,Margot,Mel,Mylo,Pim,Ren,Renni,Salo,Sevika,Shoola,Silco,Singed,Sky,Smeech,Thieram,Tobias,Vander,Verne,Vi,Viktor,Ximena
ByDouble Stallion Games
Rewind the Past, Control the Future - Explore and traverse through the spectacular city of Zaun as Ekko, a young inventor with an ingenious device to manipulate time, in this story-driven action platformer. Play as a young Ekko and realize the full potential of one of League’s fan-favorite Champions.
Starring:Aximander,Camille,Chadd,Corin Reveck,Corina Veraza,Drake Poingdestre,Ekko,Elie,Inna,Jinx,Lem,Red,Rungs,Vale Poingdestre,Warwick,Wyeth,Zarkon Poingdestre
Mentioned:Ashlesh,Azir,Blitzcrank,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Eramis,Evil Kay,Farron,Fiddlesticks,Janna,Jayce,Kay,Nasus,Orianna,Renata Glasc,Seraphine,Shomi,Singed,Twitch,Urgot,Vi,Viktor,Zac,Zeri,Ziggs
ByMatthew Dunn
A friend in need or a murderous deed. We're defined by the paths we take.
Starring:Ajuna Lem,Ekko
Music Video
ByJustin Tranter,Imagine Dragons,JID,Fortiche Productions
Oh, the misery, everybody wants to be my ENEMY.
Short Story • 6 Minute Read
ByMatthew Dunn
It had been a weeklong sort of day.
Mentioned:Ajuna Lem
Rise of the Underworlds (Video)
Theirs are the names frantically whispered by scoundrels and swindlers. They come from below—the sea, the sands, the city—and wherever they surface, the legends follow.
Some things are worth fighting for. Time and time again.
Mentioned:Ajuna Lem,Jinx
The Climb
Take the first step and begin your climb.
Starring:Blitzcrank,Ekko,Illaoi,Lucian,Miss Fortune,Senna,Taliyah,Thresh,Xerath,Yasuo
Short Story
The Unexpected Spark
ByMichael Luo
"I can’t accept this,"
Mentioned:Inna,Renata Glasc,Wyeth
True Genius
When Heimerdinger's latest hextech creation is stolen by Jinx, the professor sends an unfortunate apprentice on a wild goose chase through the City of Progress… and beneath it.
Mentioned Champion
Short Story • 4 Minute Read
Do No Harm
ByAnthony Burch
It has been while, Mundo thought, stroking the massive purple tongue that hung from his mouth like an executed criminal swinging from gallows, since Mundo made a housecall.
Starring:Dr. Mundo
Tales of Runeterra
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Akali,Braum,Corki,Darius,Diana,Ekko,Fiora,Garen,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jinx,Leona,Lulu,Miss Fortune,Shen,Teemo,Thresh,Tristana,Twisted Fate
Short Story
The Council Archives
ByTy Sheedlo
The Council Archives. You'd heard stories at the Academy, of course, but words could not describe the breathtaking magnitude of its contents. The entire history of your city: its glorious achievements, its sinister secrets, painstakingly documented, waiting to be read.
Alternate Universes
A New Journey
Inspired by the true story of Michelle, a university student and League of Legends player who joined a team and joined the fight. Season 2019 of League of Legends starts now! It's On.
Starring:Ahri,Blitzcrank,Braum,Caitlyn,Ekko,Miss Fortune,Ornn,Riven,Yasuo,Zed,Zoe
Academy Adventures: Series 1
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Akali,Amumu,Anivia,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Braum,Cho'Gath,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fiora,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Ivern,Jhin,Jinx,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nidalee,Olaf,Poppy,Rek'Sai,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Shen,Sion,Sona,Soraka,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tristana,Trundle,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Vel'Koz,Vi,Yorick,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 3
ByGutter Rat
Another Sky
ByJared Rosen,Taylor Dinwiddie,Ty Sheedlo
As a new generation of Star Guardians prepares to fight back the forces of chaos, rising star Akali finds herself wracked with doubt. Does she have what it takes to be a Star Guardian? Or will the darkness she senses inside spell doom for her and her friends?
Mentioned:Ahri,Akshan,Ezreal,Gwen,Jinx,Lux,Miss Fortune,Rakan,Xayah
Virtual hip-hop group True Damage was born when K/DA's lead rapper Akali sought to bring together the distinct talents of Ekko, Senna, Qiyana, and Yasuo in an ambitious, genre-defying collaboration.
Music Video
Everything Goes On
ByPorter Robinson
Together with some familiar faces, a new generation of Star Guardians ascend to battle a looming threat. But even when confronted with eternal darkness, their hope burns brighter than fear.
Mentioned:Ahri,Lux,Miss Fortune
Music Video
ByTrue Damage
Mentioned:Ahri,Azir,Book,Camille,Corki,Jinx,Kayn,Kindred,LeBlanc,Lucian,Pyke,Rhaast,Tahm Kench,Teemo,Thresh,Twitch,Yuumi
LoL School
Short Story
Out of Time
ByMichael Yichao
Systems Online
In the wake of a ruthless Praetorian threat, an elite team converges to stop them. Prepare to engage—you're just in time.
Harmonies: Issue 1
ByMichael Yichao
In a difficult moment during a recording secession, Akali reassures a nervous Seraphine that K/DA's bonds run deep.
Olaf vs Everything: Series 2
ByTom Barton
Mentioned:Ahri,Aurelion Sol,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Gnar,Illaoi,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Nagakabouros,Ornn,Renekton,Skarner,Teemo,Tryndamere,Urgot,Vel'Koz,Vi,Viktor,Vladimir,Warwick,Zyra
Punches and Plants: Series 1
Mentioned:Ahri,Alistar,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Braum,Caitlyn,Darius,Diana,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Evelynn,Ezreal,Gangplank,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jinx,Karma,Katarina,Leona,Lucian,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Nunu,Quinn,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Sivir,Sona,Soraka,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Valor,Varus,Vel'Koz,Vladimir,Volibear,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Zac,Ziggs
Punches and Plants: Series 2
Mentioned:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Amumu,Annie,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Diana,Draven,Ekko,Ezreal,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Kha'Zix,Kog'Maw,Leona,Lucian,Lux,Malphite,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nasus,Nautilus,Nidalee,Olaf,Orianna,Poppy,Quinn,Rakan,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Shaco,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Valor,Vel'Koz,Viktor,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Xin Zhao,Yasuo,Ziggs
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Reaching the peak takes more than skill. Only those with the ambition to RISE above all others will know its height.
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Akali,Ashe,Braum,Darius,Ekko,Ezreal,Fiora,Garen,Gnar,Jarvan IV,Jax,Jinx,Kalista,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Leona,Lux,Master Yi,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Riven,Ryze,Sejuani,Swain,Taliyah,Thresh,Tryndamere,Vayne,Xayah,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs
XII on Ekko's 'bat'
• His canon appearances in chronological order:Enemy,Arcane,True Genius,Lullaby,Chronobreak,Seconds,A Perfect Life,CONV/RGENCE,The Unexpected Spark.
• During his release, it was stated that Ekko was a 16-17-year-old teenager.
• As of 997 AN, Ekko is 18 years old.
• LikeJinxandVi, 'Ekko' is not his actual name but rather what his friends call him.[10]
• Ekko is basically a gifted, unrefined genius that tends to take on more than he can initially handle. He managed to create theZero-Driveand theTimewindersimply through trial and error, and as a result splits the timeline to fuel his perfectionism[11]
• Ekko mainly uses the Z-Drive to undo his mistakes and find key points to exploit, such as taking down a Vigilnaut (the techmaturgically augmented goon he fought inSeconds).[12]
• Despite being able to undo physical effects on his body, Ekko retains some residual effects over the rewind, including physical pain and mental fatigue. His cognitive age does not change over the course of rewinding.[13][14]
• Ekko's facepaint andZero-Driveare both shaped after an hourglass, an expression of his personality as well as the symbol he adopted for himself.[15]He displays the sameZaunitestreet fashionJinxandVido (with Ekko's neckpiece being identical to the hextech bolts on her gauntlets)
• Ekko's 'bat' is a clock second-hand he stole from a Piltover clocktower (as evidenced by the Roman 'XII' at its base)[16]
• Ekko believes in and cares for Zaun and its future despite not fully understanding the bigger picture.
• As evidenced by his joke, theZero-Drivesometimes functions unexpectedly.It being the product of makeshift hextech powered by a shattered crystal of undocumented properties might have something to do with it.The shattered crystal is implied to be part of the one thatViktorandJaycefought over in their biographies.And that also implies the currentZero-Driveisn't the first of many broken before.As evidenced inCONV/RGENCE, the Zero-Drive can create time rifts capable of tearing different timelines even in differentuniverses.
• TheTimewinderis powered by theZero-Drive.Ekko had at first another function for it in mind (likely a smoke/flash grenade) but several successive malfunctions prompted its current incarnation.
• Using theZero-Drive, Ekko is able to create afterimages of himself.While in-game, an afterimage can be seen throwing hisZero-Driveto activateParallel Convergence, inThe ClimbandEkko's Arrivalthe device thrown is shown to be an unique one also shaped like a hourglass.This device temporarly stops the flow of time in an areaarea.In the non-canonThe Path of ChampionsAdventure, one of Ekko's afterimage named Ozzi starts acting on its own and desires to not be reset and remain as an individual. It's unknown if afterimages fromRuneterra Primeare also capable of this.
• ZileanandBardmay be concerned by Ekko fracturing the timeline.[17]
• He displays the sameZaunitestreet fashionJinxandVido (with Ekko's neckpiece being identical to the hextech bolts on her gauntlets)
• It being the product of makeshift hextech powered by a shattered crystal of undocumented properties might have something to do with it.The shattered crystal is implied to be part of the one thatViktorandJaycefought over in their biographies.And that also implies the currentZero-Driveisn't the first of many broken before.
• As evidenced inCONV/RGENCE, the Zero-Drive can create time rifts capable of tearing different timelines even in differentuniverses.
• The shattered crystal is implied to be part of the one thatViktorandJaycefought over in their biographies.
• And that also implies the currentZero-Driveisn't the first of many broken before.
• Ekko had at first another function for it in mind (likely a smoke/flash grenade) but several successive malfunctions prompted its current incarnation.
• While in-game, an afterimage can be seen throwing hisZero-Driveto activateParallel Convergence, inThe ClimbandEkko's Arrivalthe device thrown is shown to be an unique one also shaped like a hourglass.This device temporarly stops the flow of time in an areaarea.
• In the non-canonThe Path of ChampionsAdventure, one of Ekko's afterimage named Ozzi starts acting on its own and desires to not be reset and remain as an individual. It's unknown if afterimages fromRuneterra Primeare also capable of this.
• This device temporarly stops the flow of time in an areaarea.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Z-Drive Resonance, Description: Innate - Resonance: Ekko's basic attacks on-hit and damaging abilities apply a stack of Resonance to enemies hit for 4 seconds, refreshing on subsequent hits and stacking up to 3 times. The third stack consumes them all to deal 30 − 140 (based on level) (+ 90% AP) bonus magic damage . Z-Drive Resonance deals 300% damage against monsters . Resonance cannot affect the same target more than once every few seconds. Innate - Stolen Time: Triggering Resonance against a champion grants Ekko 50 / 60 / 70 / 80% (based on level) bonus movement speed for 2 / 2. 5 / 3 (based on level) seconds., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'parries': 'Missing', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', "Ekko'sbasic attacks have different animations based on how many stacks his target has. His attack pattern is as follows:Downwards→Upwards→SidewaysIf the target has already been affected byResonance,Ekko'sbasic attack animations will kick or attack the target sideways.", "Downwards→Upwards→SidewaysIf the target has already been affected byResonance,Ekko'sbasic attack animations will kick or attack the target sideways.", "If the target has already been affected byResonance,Ekko'sbasic attack animations will kick or attack the target sideways.", 'Resonancestacks will not be applied nor consumed if the basic attack isdodgedorblockedor if the attackmisses.', 'Base damage changed to33 − 154 (based on level).']} | Name: Timewinder, Description: Active: Ekko throws a temporal grenade in the target direction that deals magic damage to enemies hit. Magic Damage: 70 / 85 / 100 / 115 / 130 (+ 30% AP) At 700 units or upon hitting an enemy champion , the grenade slows down for 1. 75 seconds to gradually expand into a Temporal Sickness field that slows nearby enemies, travelling for another 190 units. Slow: 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60% Afterwards, the grenade contracts and homes back to Ekko at an increased speed, dealing magic damage to enemies hit. Magic Damage: 40 / 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 (+ 60% AP) Total Magic Damage: 110 / 150 / 190 / 230 / 270 (+ 90% AP) Enemies can be hit only once per pass., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', 'Spell shieldwill block only a single instance of damage.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'Initial base damage changed to 70 / 85 / 100 / 115 / 130.', 'Secondary base damage changed to 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150.']} | Name: Parallel Convergence, Description: Passive: Ekko's basic attacks deal bonus magic damage equal to 3% (+ 3% per 100 AP) of the target's missing health against enemies below 30% of their maximum health . The damage has a minimum threshold of 15 and is capped at 150 against minions and monsters . Active: Ekko creates an afterimage of himself that, after 2 seconds, bats a device to the target location and grants sight of the area for 2. 5 seconds. After travelling over 1. 25 seconds, the device expands into a chronosphere that is visible for 1. 5 seconds and which slows enemies within by 40%. If Ekko enters the sphere within 2 seconds of its creation, it detonates to grant him a shield for 2 seconds and stun enemies within for 2. 25 seconds. Shield Strength: 100 / 120 / 140 / 160 / 180 (+ 150% AP) Enemies can see the indicator for Parallel Convergence 2 seconds after casting. Link ▶️ "Come get me!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', 'Appliesproc damagefor the passive.', "The passive will proc with the attack that triggers the final stack ofResonanceif it reduces a target's health below the 30% threshold.", "Ekkocan detonate the expansion even whileuntargetable(i.e.Chronobreak'sdash), but not if he isresurrecting.", 'Parallel Convergencewill continue toslowenemies even if its expansion is detonated.', 'Parallel Convergencewill interact with all alliedEkkos.', "Base damage changed to4% of target'smissinghealth."]} | Name: Phase Dive, Description: Active: Ekko dashes in the target direction, then empowers his next basic attack within 3 seconds to have a 0. 25 -second cast time, gain 300 bonus range , cause him to blink within 125 range of the target, and deal bonus magic damage . Bonus Magic Damage: 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 (+ 40% AP) Phase Dive resets Ekko's basic attack timer. Ekko can cast any of his abilities during the dash., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'parries': 'Missing', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'Thedashdistance can be extended to up-to 550 units when targeting across terrain. It will only extend for the distance needed to cross the wall.', 'Whilegroundedorrooted,Ekkoloses thebonusattack rangefromPhase Dive.', "Phase Drive'sattack can beblockedordodged, consuming the basic attack without dealing any damage. If the attackmisses, the same will happen.", "If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away during the empowered attack's cast time, it is cancelled but not consumed."]} | Name: Chronobreak, Description: Passive: Upon learning Chronobreak or if its current cooldown is lower than 4 seconds, Ekko reveals a time-delayed afterimage of himself that constantly tracks where he was 4 seconds ago. Active: Ekko enters stasis at the start of the cast time, and afterwards heals himself and dashes to his afterimage's current location over 0. 5 seconds. Upon arrival, the stasis ends and he creates an explosion that deals magic damage to nearby enemies. Magic Damage: 200 / 350 / 500 (+ 175% AP) Heal: 100 / 150 / 200 (+ 60% AP) (+ 3% per 1% of health lost in the past 4 seconds ) Ekko is immune to all displacements during Chronobreak . Link ▶️ "One more time!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Tips & Tricks', 'Video', 'Ekkowill attempt to basic attack the closest target after appearing at the cast location, but can do so quicker if he manually attack commands after the dash, except ifPhase Diveis primed.', "Theafterimage'slocation will explode even ifEkko'sdashis interrupted.", 'Theafterimageis always visible toEkkoand his allies. To enemies, theafterimagecan only be seen if theysightof it.', 'Alinkcan also be seen between theafterimageandEkkothat traces along his path.Thelinkfollows the same visibility rules as theafterimage.Upon activation,Ekkotravels full distance through thelink, and thus will detonateParallel Convergencethat thelinkpasses through.', 'Thelinkfollows the same visibility rules as theafterimage.', 'Upon activation,Ekkotravels full distance through thelink, and thus will detonateParallel Convergencethat thelinkpasses through.', 'Quicksilveris placed on a 1-secondcooldownupon castingChronobreak.', 'Theafterimageinstantly spawns upon learningChronobreak. This may be used once per match for astealthChronobreakusage.']} | The nameEkkois a play on the English wordecho.Besides the proverbial-and-literal 'Ekkos of the past' his name, having two Ks (KK) references the Rewind symbol ⏪.His name could also be a reference toJohn 'Mikky Ekko' Stephen Sudduthand his first album 'Time' although this has never been confirmed. |
Elise,the Spider Queen,Elise Kythera Zaavan | | | health: Health650+109, resource: Mana324+50, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)5.5+0.6, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)6+0.8, armor: Armor30+5.2, attack damage: Attack damage55+3, attack speed: Base AS0.625, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius120, release: 2012-10-26, changed: V13.23, role: Diver, position: Jungle, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 4800|880 | Missing section(s):
EliseMainCurrentTransformingSpider 1Spider 2TitlesReal nameElise Kythera ZaavanAlias(es)The Spider QueenLady EliseCharacteristicsSpeciesHuman(Magically Altered)Pronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:349 AN - 796 ANWeapon(s)NeurotoxinCocoonSpider FormPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originNoxus Prime,NoxusCurrent residenceNoxus Prime,NoxusFamilyBerholdt Zaavan†(Spouse)2Sydell Kythera(Distant relative)Pet(s)SpiderlingsProfessional statusOccupation(s)HeadmistressArtifact CollectorVilemaw'sSymbioteRegion(s)Shadow IslesNoxusFaction(s)Kythera HouseZaavan HouseBlack RoseRelated character(s)KledLeBlancVladimir
• Main
• Current
• Transforming
• Spider 1
• Spider 2
Real name
• The Spider Queen
• Lady Elise
• Born:349 AN - 796 AN
• Neurotoxin
• Cocoon
• Spider Form
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Berholdt Zaavan†(Spouse)
• 2Sydell Kythera(Distant relative)
Professional status
• Headmistress
• Artifact Collector
• Vilemaw'sSymbiote
• Shadow Isles
• Noxus
• Kythera House
• Zaavan House
• Black Rose
Related character(s)
Eliseis a deadly predator who dwells in a shuttered, lightless palace, deep within the oldest city ofNoxus. She was once the mistress of a powerful noble house, until the bite of avile spider-godtransformed her into something utterly inhuman, yet still beautiful—an arachnoid creature, drawing unsuspecting prey into her web. Elise now feeds upon the naive and the faithless, and there are few who can resist her seductions.
• 1Background
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Black Rose5.2Vilemaw5.3Spiderlings
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 5.1Black Rose
• 5.2Vilemaw
• 5.3Spiderlings
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
• Magically Altered Physiology:After Elise was bitten by Vilemaw, she was turned into a terrible spider hybrid with several strange, mystical powers.Immortality:By taking the Vilemaw's poison from time to time, Elise managed to live for centuries, without any major aging.Spider Transformation:Elise can shift from a human form to that of a monstrous giant spider form. She also can stay in a in between form.Multiple Limbs:Elise has multiple extra limbs coming from her back. Those spider legs can be used as an extra arms or weapon against foes.Wall Crawling:With her spider limbs, Elise can crawl on vertical surfaces.Poison Secretion:Elise can naturally create a powerful neurotoxin that can be used to kill her foes in battle.Web Making:Elise can produce webs to ensnare her foes.Parthenogenesis:Elise has several spiderlings that she can produce and will, without the help of other being.
• Immortality:By taking the Vilemaw's poison from time to time, Elise managed to live for centuries, without any major aging.
• Spider Transformation:Elise can shift from a human form to that of a monstrous giant spider form. She also can stay in a in between form.Multiple Limbs:Elise has multiple extra limbs coming from her back. Those spider legs can be used as an extra arms or weapon against foes.Wall Crawling:With her spider limbs, Elise can crawl on vertical surfaces.Poison Secretion:Elise can naturally create a powerful neurotoxin that can be used to kill her foes in battle.Web Making:Elise can produce webs to ensnare her foes.Parthenogenesis:Elise has several spiderlings that she can produce and will, without the help of other being.
• Multiple Limbs:Elise has multiple extra limbs coming from her back. Those spider legs can be used as an extra arms or weapon against foes.
• Wall Crawling:With her spider limbs, Elise can crawl on vertical surfaces.
• Poison Secretion:Elise can naturally create a powerful neurotoxin that can be used to kill her foes in battle.
• Web Making:Elise can produce webs to ensnare her foes.
• Parthenogenesis:Elise has several spiderlings that she can produce and will, without the help of other being.
Black Rose[]
Elise is a member of theBlack Rosethat resides inNoxusfor the most part.
LeBlanctasks her with bearing magical artifacts for her fromShadow Islesand gives her acolytes to offer toVilemaw.
She worshipsVilemawand its poison provides her with eternal youth in exchange for the acolytes as preys.
She has multiple spiderlings living with her in the ruin of House Zaavan's halls.
Read More
The Spider Queen
ByGraham McNeill
Starring Champion
Short Story
Courting Disaster
ByRowan Noel Williams
From a collection of letters, from Lord Emet of House Sassen to the Lady Elise
Spider God
By Unknown Author
Short Story • 5 Minute Read
Strand By Silken Strand
ByGraham McNeill
The weeks spent on the ocean had made Markus feel dizzy and weak, so he was glad to be back on dry land. The path leading from the basalt shore had a slick, oily quality, making it treacherous underfoot. The crooked trees to either side were wretched, blackened husks that wept yellowed sap from where it looked like some panicked animal had clawed them ragged. Soft light shimmered between the trees, dancing like the corpse candles that flickered over marshland and drew unwary souls to their doom. The branches were hung with what looked like canopies of ragged muslin, and it took Markus a moment to realize they were swathes of cobwebs.
Short Story
The Shuttered Manse
ByGraham McNeill
She felt the thief coming closer with every careful step he took.
Mentioned Champion
Ruined King
ByAirship Syndicate
Rise Against Ruin - Unite a party of League of Legends Champions, explore Bilgewater and set sail for the Shadow Isles to uncover the secrets of the deadly Black Mist in this immersive turn-based RPG.
Starring:Ahri,Braum,Gangplank,Illaoi,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Necrit,Pyke,Rafen,Thresh,Viego,Yasuo
Mentioned:Ashe,Elise,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Gwen,Hecarim,Isolde,Ivern,Janna,Jarvan IV,Kalista,Ledros,Lucian,Nagakabouros,Nautilus,Olaf,Ornn,Rhasa,Riven,Senna,Swain,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Twisted Fate,Udyr,Volibear,Yone,Yorick,Zed
Alternate Universes
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Since its inception, Worlds has grown and evolved. Each unbelievable play and phenomenal match created moments and memories that will never be forgotten. In these iconic moments, players and teams reached for something incredible within themselves and brought it to life on the Summoner’s Rift...
Starring:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Brand,Caitlyn,Darius,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Gnar,Janna,Jax,Jayce,Jinx,Kassadin,Katarina,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lulu,Orianna,Rek'Sai,Rengar,Rumble,Ryze,Shen,Sivir,Tahm Kench,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Yasuo,Ziggs
Make History
In this battle of regions, one will conquer all others to make history.
Starring:Alistar,Ashe,Azir,Bard,Brand,Caitlyn,Cassiopeia,Elise,Evelynn,Janna,Karma,LeBlanc,Lee Sin,Lucian,Morgana,Nautilus,Orianna,Pyke,Ryze
The Siren's Call
It waits. Make the world anew with Coven Nami, Elise, Akali, Syndra, Nilah, and Old God Mordekaiser.
Academy Adventures: Series 1
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Akali,Amumu,Anivia,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Braum,Cho'Gath,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fiora,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Ivern,Jhin,Jinx,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nidalee,Olaf,Poppy,Rek'Sai,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Shen,Sion,Sona,Soraka,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tristana,Trundle,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Vel'Koz,Vi,Yorick,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 3
ByGutter Rat
Crystal Quest: Series 1
Mentioned:Anivia,Ashe,Braum,Bristle,Caitlyn,Camille,Elise,Ezreal,Garen,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Illaoi,Ivern,Katarina,Kled,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lucian,Nami,Olaf,Poppy,Ryze,Senna,Singed,Skaarl,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Veigar,Vi,Zac
By Numerous creators
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill,Elise,Jarvan IV,Vladimir
Road to the Cup
As the 2013 League of Legends World Championship final draws near, we showcase the biggest heroes in esports from around the world. Many teams fell by the wayside in epic battles, and now only two remain: Korea's SK Telecom T1 and China's Royal Club. Who will rise?
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Blitzcrank,Brand,Caitlyn,Corki,Elise,Ezreal,Gragas,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Lux,Malphite,Mordekaiser,Orianna,Renekton,Ryze,Shen,Thresh,Twisted Fate,Vayne,Zac,Zed
• Elise,Hecarim,Karthus,Mordekaiser, andYorickwill trigger dedicated lines about themselves when capturing theTwisted Treelinealtars.They can be foundhere.
• They can be foundhere.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Spider Queen, Description: Innate - Human Form: Elise gains one dormant Spiderling whenever she hits an enemy with an ability , storing up to 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 (based on Human Form's Rank) at a time. Innate - Spider Form: Elise's basic attacks deal 12 / 22 / 32 / 42 (based on Spider Form's Rank) (+ 20% AP) bonus magic damage and heal her for 6 / 8 / 10 / 12 (based on Spider Form's Rank) (+ 8% AP) on-hit . See Pets for more details about Spiderlings., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'parries': 'Missing', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', "Spider Form'seffects do not apply tostructures.", 'Elisewill always begin the game and respawn with maximum availableSpiderlingsstored.', "Elise'sHuman Formability casts can only store oneSpiderlingeach.", 'TheSpiderlingshave aleash range.', "Spider Form'sbasic attacks will apply otheron-hit effectsand cancritically strikeas normal (thebonusdamage does not).Spider Form'sbonus damage and healing can beblocked,dodgeand are not applied ifEliseisblind.", "Spider Form'sbonus damage and healing can beblocked,dodgeand are not applied ifEliseisblind.", 'Appliesproc damageon the bonus magic damage on-hit inSpider Form.', 'TheSpiderlingsapplyarea damage.']} | Name: Neurotoxin, Description: Active: Elise fires a toxin at the target enemy that deals magic damage , with the damage based on the target's health ratio being capped against monsters . Magic Damage: 40 / 75 / 110 / 145 / 180 (+ 4% (+ 3% per 100 AP) of target's current health) Capped Monster Damage: 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 / 175, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the cast time, this ability will cancel but does not go oncooldownnor pay its cost (if applicable).']} | Name: Volatile Spiderling, Description: Active: Elise summons a venom-gorged spider for 3 seconds, which is untargetable and crawls to the target location, navigating its path upon encountering terrain. The spider explodes upon contact with an enemy or at the end of its lifespan, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies. Magic Damage: 60 / 105 / 150 / 195 / 240 (+ 95% AP) If the spider does not hit an enemy before reaching the target location, it chases down a nearby enemy, prioritizing champions and gaining bonus movement speed based on its proximity to the target., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'IfVolatile Spiderlingdashes to a target due toVenomous Bite, it will not expire before finishing its jump.It can still collide with enemies while dashing, but since this proximity check is repeated only every so often, it might phase through an enemy on its way without detecting the collision if dashing quickly enough.', 'It can still collide with enemies while dashing, but since this proximity check is repeated only every so often, it might phase through an enemy on its way without detecting the collision if dashing quickly enough.', 'The spiderling checks for nearby targets every0.264seconds, both for potential enemies to chase down and to explode \'on-contact\'. Because of this, it may walk closer to an enemy than its "collision radius" before exploding.']} | Name: Cocoon, Description: Active: Elise fires a web in the target direction, stunning the first enemy hit for a few seconds, during which they are also revealed . Stun Duration: 1. 6 / 1. 8 / 2 / 2. 2 / 2. 4, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.', "Cocoondeals no damage and thus doesnottriggerturretaggro, or effects such asElixir of SorceryandSudden Impact'sactivation."]} | Name: Venomous Bite, Description: Active: Elise pounces at the target enemy with her fangs and bites them, dealing magic damage and applying on-hit effects at 100% effectiveness. The damage based on the target's health ratio is capped against monsters . Magic Damage: 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 (+ 8% (+ 3% per 100 AP) of target's missing health) Capped Monster Damage: 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 / 175 If there are active Spiderlings or Volatile Spiderlings nearby, they will dash alongside Elise towards Venomous Bite's target and reprioritize them., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'parries': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', "Venomous Bitecannot be used to cross walls or impassable terrain.The target will be damaged regardless.Spiderlingscan cross walls and terrain to reachVenomous Bite'starget and will attack providedElisestays within theirleash range.", "The target will be damaged regardless.Spiderlingscan cross walls and terrain to reachVenomous Bite'starget and will attack providedElisestays within theirleash range.", "Spiderlingscan cross walls and terrain to reachVenomous Bite'starget and will attack providedElisestays within theirleash range.", 'There is a maximum range in whichSpiderlingsorVolatile Spiderlingscan dash to the target.', 'Spiderlingswill dash even if they arecrowd controlled.', 'Venomous Bitewill always apply its effects after the cast time, even if the dash is interrupted.', 'Elisewill not dash if the target is within basic attack range.', 'Venomous Bitewill still deal its damage but not apply on-hit effects if it isblockedordodged. It cannot be missed whileEliseisblinded.', 'If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the cast time, this ability will cancel but does not go oncooldownnor pay its cost (if applicable).']} | She was the first champion to have a monologue during her login screen, the others being (in that order)Lissandra,Lucian, andYasuo.
She is one of few to have...Access to both herultimateand a basic ability at Level 1 (the others beingKarma,Jayce, andNidalee)A total 19 ranks on their whole abilities at Level 18 (the others beingKarma,Jayce,YuumiandNidalee)Her transformation available before Level 6 (the others beingNidaleeandJayce)More than four abilities (the others beingGnar,Jayce,Lee Sin,Lulu,Nidalee, andRek'Sai)The ability to be bothmeleeandranged(the others beingJayce,KayleandNidalee)Her title as the name of one of her abilities (the other beingVayne/Night Hunter)
Elise's dance is theCan-can.A side-by-side comparison of both her forms can be seenhere.She shares this dance withFinal Boss VeigarandUrgot.
Elise'sSpider Formrecallingmight be referencingSkulltulafromThe Legend of Zelda.
Eliseis a truncation forElis/zabet(h)the Romanised form of the Hebrew name אֱלִישֶׁבַע.
Elise was the base forTwisted Treeline'supdate, at whose centerher godnow resides.
Elise is the final incarnation ofPriscilla, acanceledchampion brought back by playerbase request. |
Evelynn,Agony's Embrace | | | health: Health642+98, resource: Mana315+42, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)8.5+0.75, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)8.11+0.6, armor: Armor37+4.7, attack damage: Attack damage61+3, attack speed: Base AS0.667, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius120, release: 2009-05-01, changed: V13.19, role: Assassin, position: Jungle, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 1350|585 | Games
EvelynnMainShadowedTitlesNickname(s)EveHorned womanAlias(es)Agony's EmbraceMistressThe Demon of AgonyThe Demon of Pleasure and PunishmentThe Demon of PainThe WidowmakerCharacteristicsSpeciesDemonPronoun(s)She/Her, formerly It/ItsTimelineBorn:Earlier than 9000 BNWeapon(s)LashersShadow MagicPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originRuneterra(Ancient Times)Current residenceUnknown(No Fixed Abode)Professional statusOccupation(s)PredatorDemon of AgonyRegion(s)RuneterraRelated character(s)FiddlesticksTahm KenchVayneRyze
• Main
• Shadowed
• Eve
• Horned woman
• Agony's Embrace
• Mistress
• The Demon of Agony
• The Demon of Pleasure and Punishment
• The Demon of Pain
• The Widowmaker
• Born:Earlier than 9000 BN
• Lashers
• Shadow Magic
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
• Predator
• Demon of Agony
Related character(s)
Within the dark seams ofRuneterra, the demonEvelynnsearches for her next victim. She lures in prey with the voluptuous façade of a human female, but once a person succumbs to hercharms, Evelynn'strue formis unleashed. She then subjects her victim to unspeakable torment, gratifying herself with their pain. To the demon, these liaisons are innocent flings. To the rest of Runeterra, they are ghoulish tales of lust gone awry and horrific reminders of the cost of wanton desire.
• 1Background1.1Early Existence1.2Awakening and Adaptation1.3Recent Events
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Vayne5.2Tahm Kench
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9See also
• 10References
• 1.1Early Existence
• 1.2Awakening and Adaptation
• 1.3Recent Events
• 5.1Vayne
• 5.2Tahm Kench
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early Existence[]
What would become Evelynn started as a primordial, shapeless, and barely sentient entity, barely a shadow. This entity was left this way for a long time, numb to everything and barely existing for centuries.
Awakening and Adaptation[]
When theRune Warshappened, thousands of people suffered and died. This stimulated the entity, and it was affected by the manic vibrations of all the suffering of the people ofRuneterra. This pleasured and nourished the entity, transforming it into a different creature, a demon that fed on the pain of others.
When the Rune wars ended, the creature was left hungry and desperate for the pleasure that others' suffering provided it. It subsequently decided that it would have to cause the pain that it needed itself.
To catch its prey, people, it would have to form itself into something tangible, but it could never make a form that didn't scare its prey away. It decided to study humans and see what they liked. By watching from the shadows, the demon was able to craft itself a form that attracted prey and learned to talk in a way that was alluring to them. As it amassed victims, it got better and better at attracting prey, until a point where it could lure prey in with ease.
Despite killing dozens, the demon isn't able to completely satiate its hunger and can only hold itself over until its next meal. Because she has never felt a pleasure so great since the Rune Wars, Evelynn dreams of a day when she can plunge the world into anarchy and feel that ecstasy again.
Recent Events[]
Evelynn made a cult designed to attract worshipers who would do her bidding. While traveling throughValoranwith her teacher Frey,Vayneheard of this and traveled to the meeting place of the cult. Despite being injured by a member of the cult and killing her own teacher on the way, Vayne continued her journey to the meeting place with the intent of finally killing Evelynn.
While Evelynn can change her form at will, she often takes the form of a curvaceous human woman with pink hands and claws, two "lashers" resembling twin tails, light blue skin and pink and white hair. This form includes constantly shifting "clothes" that show off most of her body.
In her shadow form, Evelynn's body becomes pitch black, her lashers obtain magenta tips and she sprouts magenta horns.
Evelynn is a predatory demon who finds pleasure in other people's pain. She inflicts pain on others to satisfy her never-ending hunger and to experience pleasure. Although she lures her prey with promises of sexual pleasure, she does not actually engage in the creation of carnal pleasures, probably because she finds no entertainment in it of her own. To close this gap, Evelynn prefers to prey on happy people, because they are the only ones with something to lose. Behind her pretty exterior hides a very sadistic, sarcastic, and hilarious nature; after all, for her, killing seduced victims is exactly the same as a love game for people who really love each other.
Under this persona, Evelynn is charming and flirty towards her victims, manipulating others towards her doom. She prefers those that live happy lives, and then brings them to the peak of ecstasy so that their agony is more intense, relishing in her cruelty.
• Demon Physiology:Evelynn is a demon, a malevolent spirit that feeds from human emotions. She has no physical form and cannot be harmed by physical weapons (unless it has magical properties). Each demon is linked to a specific emotion, in this case, Evelynn feeds from pain and agony.Emotional Feeding:Like other demons, Evelynn can feed herself from an specific emotion, in her case pain and agony. By absorbing the agony of others, Evelynn can sustain herself for prolonged periods of time. Evelynn instinctively knows how to make one suffer.Immortality:So long as agony and pain exists, Evelynn will exist in some form.Shadow Magic:Evelynn is able to use shadows to form anything she desires, mostly used to form spikes to torture her victims.Form Shift:Being a spirit, Evelynn can shift her form to fit any situation she needs, most often turning herself into a form that makes it easy to seduce people.Invisibility:Evelynn can turn herself into an almost invisible shadow, visible only by the keenest of onlookers.Sharp Body Parts:Evelynn often uses sharp body parts that she gives herself, such as claws and lashers, to torture and kill the people that she preys on.
• Emotional Feeding:Like other demons, Evelynn can feed herself from an specific emotion, in her case pain and agony. By absorbing the agony of others, Evelynn can sustain herself for prolonged periods of time. Evelynn instinctively knows how to make one suffer.
• Immortality:So long as agony and pain exists, Evelynn will exist in some form.
• Shadow Magic:Evelynn is able to use shadows to form anything she desires, mostly used to form spikes to torture her victims.
• Form Shift:Being a spirit, Evelynn can shift her form to fit any situation she needs, most often turning herself into a form that makes it easy to seduce people.Invisibility:Evelynn can turn herself into an almost invisible shadow, visible only by the keenest of onlookers.Sharp Body Parts:Evelynn often uses sharp body parts that she gives herself, such as claws and lashers, to torture and kill the people that she preys on.
• Invisibility:Evelynn can turn herself into an almost invisible shadow, visible only by the keenest of onlookers.
• Sharp Body Parts:Evelynn often uses sharp body parts that she gives herself, such as claws and lashers, to torture and kill the people that she preys on.
Evelynnkilled Vayne's mother and father, who were the patron and matron of House Vayne ofDemacia, in their home. Vayne came home while Evelynn killed them, and got a glimpse of her face. Vayne was scarred from this incident and dedicated her life to finding and destroying monsters, with her ultimate goal being to find Evelynn and take revenge for her mother and father.
Tahm Kench[]
Like Tahm Kench, Evelynn is classified as a demon, and they seem to know each other. She considers him a rival, as both prey on humans and do not consider sharing her food.
Read More
Agony's Embrace
ByJohn O'Bryan
Starring Champion
Short Story • 5 Minute Read
The Tallest Daisy
ByJohn O'Bryan
Evelynn slinked through the teeming streets, the shadows of her body blending seamlessly with the night. Her eyes glinted within the gloom, though only the keenest observer would have noticed. Drunks, sailors, and harlots chatted in a nearby thoroughfare, blissfully unaware they were being watched by a demon in the dark. The demon, on the other hand, saw them all with perfect clarity, and judged them with the most discerning eye.
Mentioned Champion
The Mageseeker
ByDigital Sun
In the kingdom of Demacia, the Mageseekers hold the power to oppress magic-using citizens in the name of public order–by inducting and indoctrinating them, locking them away, or driving them into hiding. Play as Sylas, a spell-stealing mage who has just broken free of his unjust captivity at the Mageseekers’ hands. Wielding the chains that once bound you, you must liberate your homeland from tyranny, one Mageseeker at a time.
Starring:Aidan,Eldred,Garen,Gideon,Hesbeth,Jarvan IV,Kara,Killan,Leilani,Lux,Morgana,Rayn,Rukko,Shyvana,Sylas,Wisteria,Yops
Mentioned:Aatrox,Anden Mayne,Dalin,Dominick,Evelynn,Falden,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Jaredan,Jarvan III,Katarina,Kayle,LeBlanc,Mihira,Naafiri,Nocturne,Rhaast,Ryze,Sion,Tianna,Varus
The Night Hunter
ByAnthony Burch
Alternate Universes
Music Video
Clash of Fates
Starring:Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Cho'Gath,Evelynn,Jax,Karthus,Kayle,Master Yi,Nunu,Rammus,Ryze,Singed,Sivir,Soraka,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Warwick,Willump,Zilean
Harmonies: Issue 1
ByMichael Yichao
In a difficult moment during a recording secession, Akali reassures a nervous Seraphine that K/DA's bonds run deep.
Harmonies: Issue 2
ByMichael Yichao
Seraphine navigates a life-changing moment as she embraces her dream becoming reality.
Mentioned:Ezreal,Janna,Jinx,Lulu,Lux,Miss Fortune,Poppy,Soraka,Syndra,Volibear,Yasuo
Harmonies: Issue 3
ByMichael Yichao
A true fan follows the elusive Evelynn's career, leading to a chance encounter that changes everything.
Harmonies: Issue 4
ByMichael Yichao
Kai'Sa dances through life, finding her way to present moment as a part of K/DA.
Harmonies: Issue 5
ByMichael Yichao
Ahri reflects on the long road that led to her forming K/DA: breaking old bonds while establishing new ties, navigating the flood of attention (and expectation) following their initial success, and looking forward to their bright future.
Short Story
Interview: Inside K/DA
ByPopRox,Indu Reddy
PopRox chats with K/DA on their style, personal life, and success after POP/STARS.
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
Make History
In this battle of regions, one will conquer all others to make history.
Starring:Alistar,Ashe,Azir,Bard,Brand,Caitlyn,Cassiopeia,Elise,Evelynn,Janna,Karma,LeBlanc,Lee Sin,Lucian,Morgana,Nautilus,Orianna,Pyke,Ryze
Music Video
Sharp: Issue 1
ByMichael Yichao
Learn more about K/DA and their upcoming ALL OUT EP in this very special edition of SHARP magazine.Read through over 16 dedicated pages about Ahri, Evelynn, Kai’Sa and Akali, and how the pop group sensation renewed their ambitions since the launch of their electric 2018 debut single, POP/STARS. Discover how K/DA staged their comeback with THE BADDEST, the first song of their new and long-awaited EP, and meet Seraphine, their talented new collaborator.This special edition of SHARP also includes a special quiz to prove to yourself and your friend that you are a real BLADE!
Short Story
The Heist
ByRiot Paradox
The Shadows Beckon
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Swift and lethal, Evelynn is one of the most deadly - and expensive - assassins in all of Runeterra. Able to merge with shadows at will, she patiently stalks her prey, waiting for the right moment to strike. While Evelynn is clearly not entirely human, and her heritage remains unclear, it is believed that she hails from the Shadow Isles - though her link with that tortured realm remains shrouded in mystery.
Tournament of Souls
ByTaylor Dinwiddie,Ty Sheedlo
Play League of Legends to build Samira's reputation and style on your competition at the Tournament of Souls! Face off against the strongest soul fighters in a series of fierce 1v1 matches to help Samira chase down her biggest bounty yet and fulfill her SOUL'S DESIRE!
Academy Adventures: Series 3
ByGutter Rat
Music Video
Coming Alive
ByNumerous Creators
In the fight of a lifetime, you may get knocked down. But never knocked out.
Punches and Plants: Series 1
Mentioned:Ahri,Alistar,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Braum,Caitlyn,Darius,Diana,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Evelynn,Ezreal,Gangplank,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jinx,Karma,Katarina,Leona,Lucian,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Nunu,Quinn,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Sivir,Sona,Soraka,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Valor,Varus,Vel'Koz,Vladimir,Volibear,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Zac,Ziggs
• Evelynn was initially unaffiliated with any faction, but was later revealed to hail fromThe Shadow Isles,[1]although theTwisted Treelinealtarsnever had quotes dedicated to Evelynn out of a desire to not reveal much about her.
• Her in-game form is likely 164 cm (5’4”) high, much like herK/DA counterpart.
• It appears that, while demons can change their forms, this power does have limits. Nocturne himself was able tochange his formbut retained his black colour. Evelynn's normal form is attractive butstill not entirely human-colored, which could be taken as a sign of warning to a would-be victim. The form depicted ingame (her main form) is the one she most prefers/finds the most success with.[2]
• Evelynn requires a touch with intent in order to harm her victims.[3]
Change log[]
See also[]
References[] | Name: Demon Shade, Description: Innate: Evelynn shrouds herself in Demon Shade after not performing actions that break stealth for 4 seconds. Attacking or casting abilities ends Demon Shade immediately and places it on a 4-second static cooldown , reduced to 1. 25 seconds from casting Last Caress . Taking damage from champions or turrets interrupts Demon Shade and places it on a 1. 5 -second static cooldown . Demon Shade: While below 250 − 590 (based on level) (+ 250% AP) health , Evelynn heals herself for 15 − 150 (based on level) every second. From level 6 onward, Demon Shade also grants camouflage . Link ▶️ "It's better in the dark.", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'Demon Shadeis also placed on a 1.5second cooldown uponrespawning.', "Demon Shade'scooldown incurs upon starting the attack windup of the basic attack and upon the cast time of the ability.", 'Demon Shadeactivates even ifEvelynnisRecalling.', 'WheneverDemon Shadeactivates, a puff of purple smoke will briefly appear around her.']} | Name: Hate Spike, Description: Active: Evelynn launches a dart in the target direction, dealing magic damage to the first enemy hit and marking them for 4 seconds. Magic Damage: 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 (+ 30% AP) Evelynn's next 3 basic attacks or abilities against the marked target deal bonus magic damage . Bonus Magic Damage: 15 / 25 / 35 / 45 / 55 (+ 25% AP) Total Bonus Damage: 45 / 75 / 105 / 135 / 165 (+ 75% AP) Hate Spike may be recast up to 3 times at no cost until the ability comes off cooldown. Recast: Evelynn unleashes a line of deadly spikes in the direction of the nearest visible enemy that deals magic damage to all enemies struck. Magic Damage: 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 (+ 30% AP) Maximum Magic Damage: 75 / 90 / 105 / 120 / 135 (+ 90% AP) Total Magic Damage: 130 / 180 / 230 / 280 / 330 (+ 195% AP) Hate Spike's recast prioritizes targeting Evelynn's attack target, then the nearest enemy champion, then the nearest non-champion. A nearby visible enemy is required to recast this ability., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection/Auto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', "Each cast counts as an ability activation for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.", 'Hate Spikeprioritizes:The last championEvelynnhitThe last non-championEvelynnhitThe lowest-health championThe lowest-health non-champion', 'The last championEvelynnhit', 'The last non-championEvelynnhit', 'The lowest-health champion', 'The lowest-health non-champion', 'The dart appliesspell damageand the spikes dealarea damage.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.', 'Recasts can be buffered up to 0.5seconds before becoming castable at a maximum range of approximately 500 units.', 'Recast can now be used up to 10 times instead of 3.*', 'Base damage changed to 35 / 40 / 45 / 50 / 55.', 'Bonus damage changed to 25 / 35 / 45 / 55 / 65.', 'Bonus damage AP ratio changed to30% AP.']} | Name: Allure, Description: Active: Evelynn curses the target enemy champion or monster for 5 seconds. Evelynn's next basic attack or ability against the accursed target expunges them, slowing them by 65% for 0. 75 seconds. Expunging a target will refund Allure's mana cost . If the target is cursed for at least 2. 5 seconds, the expunge also charms them for a few seconds and the duration of the slow is increased to last for this time, as well as applying additional effects based on the target type. Charm Duration: 1. 25 / 1. 5 / 1. 75 / 2 / 2. 25 Monster Duration: 3. 25 / 3. 5 / 3. 75 / 4 / 4. 25 Against champions, the expunge also inflicts magic resistance reduction for 4 seconds. Against monsters, the expunge deals bonus magic damage and the charm lasts 2 seconds longer. Magic Resistance Reduction: 35 / 37. 5 / 40 / 42. 5 / 45% Bonus Magic Damage: 250 / 300 / 350 / 400 / 450 (+ 60% AP) Casting Allure does not break Demon Shade nor its fade into it. Link ▶️ "Go on, touch me.", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', "The mark fully forming signifies the 2.5seconds have elapsed, meaning thecharmwill be applied on the triggering attack or ability.An enemy champion cursed byAllureis alarmed of her presence and after the mark has fully formed, an arrow will appear next to them pointing towardsEvelynn'sdirection. This is visible to both teams.", "An enemy champion cursed byAllureis alarmed of her presence and after the mark has fully formed, an arrow will appear next to them pointing towardsEvelynn'sdirection. This is visible to both teams.", 'Themagic penetrationwill be applied to the attack or ability that triggers it.', "Allure'smark application on a target cannot be blocked byspell shield.The expunge will not occur if the ability is blocked by a spell shield. The mark does not trigger and will remain on the target in this case.", 'The expunge will not occur if the ability is blocked by a spell shield. The mark does not trigger and will remain on the target in this case.', "Themagic resistance reductiondebuff is applied independently of theCharmdebuff when the matured mark is expunged, meaning a target can still have their magic resistance reduced while they are resisting applications of CC debuffs (e.g.Morgana'sBlack Shield).", 'If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the cast time, this ability will cancel but still go oncooldownand pay its cost.(bug)Allurewill restart its cooldown whenever the mark debuff is removed.(bug)', 'Allurewill restart its cooldown whenever the mark debuff is removed.(bug)', 'Now affected by +20 ability haste.']} | Name: Whiplash, Description: Active: Evelynn whips the target enemy with her lashers, dealing magic damage and applying on-hit effects at 100% effectiveness. Magic Damage: 55 / 70 / 85 / 100 / 115 (+ 3% (+ 1. 5 % per 100 AP) of target's maximum health) Evelynn also gains 30% bonus movement speed for 2 seconds. Gaining Demon Shade resets Whiplash's cooldown and empowers its next cast. The damage based on the target's health ratio for both Whiplash and its empowered cast deals a minimum of 25 and is capped at 450 against monsters ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'parries': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Whiplash Details', 'Empowered Whiplash Details', 'Video', 'Whiplashcan bedodgedandblockedbut may not miss ifEvelynnisblinded.', 'If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the cast time, this ability will cancel but does not go oncooldownnor pay its cost (if applicable).', "Evelynnwill track the target if they change locations.She will dash to the target's previous location if the target moves2000or more units away.She will not stop tracking the target until she reaches them, as there is no maximum tracking distance.", "She will dash to the target's previous location if the target moves2000or more units away.", 'She will not stop tracking the target until she reaches them, as there is no maximum tracking distance.', 'There is no time-out period onEmpowered Whiplash.', 'Empowered Whiplashcan beblockedbut cannot bedodgedand/or missed ifEvelynnisblinded.', 'If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the cast time, this ability will cancel but does not go oncooldownnor pay its cost (if applicable).', 'Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'Last Caresscan be buffered duringEmpowered Whiplash.', "The casting input controls the directionLast Caress'damage is dealt from, with the movement automatically happening in the reverse direction.", "Enemychampionsbelow the health threshold are marked forEvelynn, indicating the target will receiveLast Caress'increased damage.", "The screen will direct toEvelynn'sposition after sheblinks.", 'Death, unless protected byResurrection', 'Hate SpikeBug Fix:Now properly plays its SFX even if it hits a target at maximum range.', 'Bug Fix:Now properly plays its SFX even if it hits a target at maximum range.', 'Demon ShadeBug Fix:No longer has a VFX issue after exiting stealth from either the innate itself orLast Caress.', 'Bug Fix:No longer has a VFX issue after exiting stealth from either the innate itself orLast Caress.', 'StatsBase magic resistance reduced to 32 from 32.1.', 'Base magic resistance reduced to 32 from 32.1.', 'Hate SpikeBase damage per mark increased to 15 / 25 / 35 / 45 / 55 from 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 50.', 'Base damage per mark increased to 15 / 25 / 35 / 45 / 55 from 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 50.', 'AllureCharm duration increased to 1.25/ 1.5/ 1.75/ 2 / 2.25seconds from 1 / 1.25/ 1.5/ 1.75/ 2.', 'Charm duration increased to 1.25/ 1.5/ 1.75/ 2 / 2.25seconds from 1 / 1.25/ 1.5/ 1.75/ 2.', 'Demon ShadeBug Fix:Fixed a bug where the stealth would break after a target she killed entered a zombie form and then died again.', 'Bug Fix:Fixed a bug where the stealth would break after a target she killed entered a zombie form and then died again.', 'GeneralBug Fix:Knocked up/stunned animation is now correctly played.', 'Bug Fix:Knocked up/stunned animation is now correctly played.', 'Demon ShadeHeal per second increased to15 − 150 (based on level)from15 − 75 (based on level).', 'Heal per second increased to15 − 150 (based on level)from15 − 75 (based on level).', 'AllureMagic resistance reduction increased to 35 / 37.5/ 40 / 42.5/ 45% from 25 / 27.5/ 30 / 32.5/ 35%.', 'Magic resistance reduction increased to 35 / 37.5/ 40 / 42.5/ 45% from 25 / 27.5/ 30 / 32.5/ 35%.', "Last CaressNew Effect:Now setsDemon Shade'scooldown to 1.25seconds upon casting.", "New Effect:Now setsDemon Shade'scooldown to 1.25seconds upon casting.", 'StatsBase health increased to 642 from 572.Health growth increased to 98 from 84.Armor growth increased to 4.7from 3.5.Magic resistance growth increased to 2.05from 1.25.', 'Base health increased to 642 from 572.', 'Health growth increased to 98 from 84.', 'Armor growth increased to 4.7from 3.5.', 'Magic resistance growth increased to 2.05from 1.25.', 'Demon ShadeBug Fix:Fixed a bug where she would appear translucent while stealthed.', 'Bug Fix:Fixed a bug where she would appear translucent while stealthed.', 'Last CaressCooldown reduced to 120 / 100 / 80 seconds from 140 / 110 / 80.', 'Cooldown reduced to 120 / 100 / 80 seconds from 140 / 110 / 80.', 'GeneralUndocumented:Restored proper split oflaugh emoteinto a giggle and laugh, including their animations.', 'Undocumented:Restored proper split oflaugh emoteinto a giggle and laugh, including their animations.', 'StatsBase magic resistance reduced to 32 from 32.1.', 'Base magic resistance reduced to 32 from 32.1.', 'StatsBase mana reduced to 315 from 315.6.Base mana regeneration increased to 8.11from 8.108.', 'Base mana reduced to 315 from 315.6.', 'Base mana regeneration increased to 8.11from 8.108.', 'Demon ShadeNow has an "incoming health" UX added to the health bar, so the player can see how much health they will receive fromDemon Shade.', 'Now has an "incoming health" UX added to the health bar, so the player can see how much health they will receive fromDemon Shade.', 'AllureBug Fix:Fixed a bug where cursed jungle monsters that are then expunged after 2.5seconds would not be charmed.', 'Bug Fix:Fixed a bug where cursed jungle monsters that are then expunged after 2.5seconds would not be charmed.', 'Demon ShadeBug Fix:Corrected the cooldown tooltip from 2 seconds to 1.5seconds.', 'Bug Fix:Corrected the cooldown tooltip from 2 seconds to 1.5seconds.', 'Hate SpikeDart base damage reduced to 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 from 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50.Spike base damage reduced to 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 from 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50.', 'Dart base damage reduced to 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 from 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50.', 'Spike base damage reduced to 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 from 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50.', 'Hate SpikeRemoved:Hitting a monster with the dart no longer refunds the cooldown by 50%.Cooldown reduced to 4 seconds from 8.', 'Removed:Hitting a monster with the dart no longer refunds the cooldown by 50%.', 'Cooldown reduced to 4 seconds from 8.', "AllureBug Fix:Now properly functions when cast onBaron Nashorat all ability's levels and from any range.", "Bug Fix:Now properly functions when cast onBaron Nashorat all ability's levels and from any range.", 'Hate SpikeBase dart and spike damage increased to 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50 from 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45.', 'Base dart and spike damage increased to 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50 from 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45.', 'AllureBug Fix:Now properly damagesBaron Nashorat all levels from any range.', 'Bug Fix:Now properly damagesBaron Nashorat all levels from any range.', 'Demon ShadeBug Fix:UsingOracle Lensno longer breaks her camouflage.', 'Bug Fix:UsingOracle Lensno longer breaks her camouflage.', 'Demon ShadeBug Fix:Tooltip no longer displays zeros for every number.', 'Bug Fix:Tooltip no longer displays zeros for every number.', 'Last CaressBonus damage against low-health targets increased to 140% from 100%.', 'Bonus damage against low-health targets increased to 140% from 100%.', 'Hate SpikeMonster cooldown refund reduced to 50% from 60%.', 'Monster cooldown refund reduced to 50% from 60%.', 'WhiplashBug Fix:Will always dash and apply damage and go on cooldown when targets flash away.Bug Fix:Fixed a bug where if a target moveblock exceeded a certain distance,Whiplashwould not get consumed and go on cooldown. Now,Whiplashwill still get consumed and apply the damage regardless of the distance they moved.', 'Bug Fix:Will always dash and apply damage and go on cooldown when targets flash away.', 'Bug Fix:Fixed a bug where if a target moveblock exceeded a certain distance,Whiplashwould not get consumed and go on cooldown. Now,Whiplashwill still get consumed and apply the damage regardless of the distance they moved.', 'AllureBug Fix:No longer gets locked out if used on a target that dies.', 'Bug Fix:No longer gets locked out if used on a target that dies.', 'Empowered WhiplashBug Fix:Once again applies on-hit effects.', 'Bug Fix:Once again applies on-hit effects.', 'Hate SpikeNew Effect:Still prioritizes the last champion then the last non-championEvelynnhit, but now prioritizes the lowest-health champion next (ahead of the lowest-health non-champion).New Effect:Recasts can now be buffered up to 0.5seconds before becoming castable.', 'New Effect:Still prioritizes the last champion then the last non-championEvelynnhit, but now prioritizes the lowest-health champion next (ahead of the lowest-health non-champion).', 'New Effect:Recasts can now be buffered up to 0.5seconds before becoming castable.', 'AllureBug Fix:Cast no longer fizzles if she loses sight of her target mid-cast.', 'Bug Fix:Cast no longer fizzles if she loses sight of her target mid-cast.', 'WhiplashBug Fix:No longer occasionally drops her directly on top of her target.', 'Bug Fix:No longer occasionally drops her directly on top of her target.', 'Last CaressNew Effect:Can now be buffered duringEmpowered Whiplash.', 'New Effect:Can now be buffered duringEmpowered Whiplash.', 'Blood Moon EvelynnBug Fix:Left lasher no longer shrinks at the end of her death animation.', 'Bug Fix:Left lasher no longer shrinks at the end of her death animation.', 'WhiplashEmpowered base damage reduced to 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 / 175 from 95 / 115 / 135 / 155 / 175.', 'Empowered base damage reduced to 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 / 175 from 95 / 115 / 135 / 155 / 175.', 'Last CaressBase damage reduced to 125 / 250 / 375 from 150 / 275 / 400.', 'Base damage reduced to 125 / 250 / 375 from 150 / 275 / 400.', 'WhiplashBase damage increased to 55 / 70 / 85 / 100 / 115 from 40 / 55 / 70 / 85 / 100.Empowered base damage increased to 95 / 115 / 135 / 155 / 175 from 70 / 90 / 110 / 130 / 150.', 'Base damage increased to 55 / 70 / 85 / 100 / 115 from 40 / 55 / 70 / 85 / 100.', 'Empowered base damage increased to 95 / 115 / 135 / 155 / 175 from 70 / 90 / 110 / 130 / 150.', "WhiplashHealth ratio reduced to3%(+ 1.5% per 100 AP)of target'smaximumhealthfrom4%(+ 2.5% per 100 AP).Empowered health ratio reduced to4%(+ 2.5% per 100 AP)of target'smaximumhealthfrom6%(+ 3.5% per 100 AP).New Effect:Now draws nearby minion aggro when targeting an enemy champion.", "Health ratio reduced to3%(+ 1.5% per 100 AP)of target'smaximumhealthfrom4%(+ 2.5% per 100 AP).", "Empowered health ratio reduced to4%(+ 2.5% per 100 AP)of target'smaximumhealthfrom6%(+ 3.5% per 100 AP).", 'New Effect:Now draws nearby minion aggro when targeting an enemy champion.', 'WhiplashBug fix:No longer goes on cooldown if it fizzles due to her losing vision of her target during its cast time.', 'Bug fix:No longer goes on cooldown if it fizzles due to her losing vision of her target during its cast time.', 'GeneralRecommended items have been updated.', 'Recommended items have been updated.', "Demon ShadeBug Fix:When camouflaged, she is now properly warned when she's revealed by a turret.", "Bug Fix:When camouflaged, she is now properly warned when she's revealed by a turret.", 'AllureNew Effect:Magic resist shred now applies to the attack or ability that procs it.', 'New Effect:Magic resist shred now applies to the attack or ability that procs it.', 'StatsBase armor increased to 37 from 28.', 'Base armor increased to 37 from 28.', 'Demon ShadeNew Effect:Taking damage from champions or turrets puts Demon Shade on a 1.5second cooldown, reduced from 4.Attacking or casting abilities still puts it on a 4 second cooldown.', 'New Effect:Taking damage from champions or turrets puts Demon Shade on a 1.5second cooldown, reduced from 4.Attacking or casting abilities still puts it on a 4 second cooldown.', 'WhiplashBase damage increased to 40 / 55 / 70 / 85 / 100 from 30 / 45 / 60 / 75 / 90.Empowered base damage increased to 70 / 90 / 110 / 130 / 150 from 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 / 140.', 'Base damage increased to 40 / 55 / 70 / 85 / 100 from 30 / 45 / 60 / 75 / 90.', 'Empowered base damage increased to 70 / 90 / 110 / 130 / 150 from 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 / 140.', 'WhiplashNew Effect:The percent health ratio now deals a minimum of 25 damage.', 'New Effect:The percent health ratio now deals a minimum of 25 damage.', 'Full Relaunch', "GeneralTitle changed toAgony's Embracefromthe Widowmaker.Complete visual upgrade across all skins.New splash artwork forOriginal Evelynn,Shadow Evelynn,Masquerade EvelynnandTango Evelynn. Tweaked splash artwork forSafecracker Evelynn.New voice over.New lore.", "Title changed toAgony's Embracefromthe Widowmaker.", 'Complete visual upgrade across all skins.', 'New splash artwork forOriginal Evelynn,Shadow Evelynn,Masquerade EvelynnandTango Evelynn. Tweaked splash artwork forSafecracker Evelynn.', 'New voice over.', 'New lore.', 'StatsBase health increased to 572 from 531.2.Health growth reduced to 84 from 90.Base health regeneration reduced to 8.5from 9.824.Health regeneration growth increased to 0.75from 0.55.Base attack damage increased to 61 from 53.88.Attack damage growth reduced to 3 from 3.5.Base attack speed increased to 0.667from 0.625.Attack speed growth reduced to 2.1% from 3.6%.Base armor increased to 28 from 26.5.Armor growth reduced to 3.5from 3.8.Base movement speed reduced to 335 from 340.', 'Base health increased to 572 from 531.2.', 'Health growth reduced to 84 from 90.', 'Base health regeneration reduced to 8.5from 9.824.', 'Health regeneration growth increased to 0.75from 0.55.', 'Base attack damage increased to 61 from 53.88.', 'Attack damage growth reduced to 3 from 3.5.', 'Base attack speed increased to 0.667from 0.625.', 'Attack speed growth reduced to 2.1% from 3.6%.', 'Base armor increased to 28 from 26.5.', 'Armor growth reduced to 3.5from 3.8.', 'Base movement speed reduced to 335 from 340.', 'Demon Shade(Innate)Innate:EvelynngainsDemon Shadeafter being out of combat for 4 seconds.Demon Shade:While below250 − 590 (based on level)(+ 250% AP)health,Evelynnrestores15 − 75 (based on level)health every second. From level 6 onward,Demon Shadealso grantscamouflage.', 'Innate:EvelynngainsDemon Shadeafter being out of combat for 4 seconds.', 'Demon Shade:While below250 − 590 (based on level)(+ 250% AP)health,Evelynnrestores15 − 75 (based on level)health every second. From level 6 onward,Demon Shadealso grantscamouflage.', 'Hate Spike(Q)First Cast:Evelynnflourishes her lashers, launching a dart in the target direction, dealing 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45(+ 30% AP)magic damage to the first enemy hit. Hitting a monster refunds 60% of the cooldown.For the next 4 seconds the enemy hit takes 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 50(+ 25% AP)bonusmagic damage from her next 3 basic attacks or abilities.Hate Spikemay be reactivated up to 3 times until the ability comes off cooldown at no cost.Second Cast:Evelynnprojects a line of spikes in the direction of her attack target, dealing 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45(+ 30% AP)magic damage to all enemies struck.Hate Spikewill prioritize the nearest enemy if she does not have an attack target.Mana Cost:40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60Cooldown:8 seconds', 'First Cast:Evelynnflourishes her lashers, launching a dart in the target direction, dealing 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45(+ 30% AP)magic damage to the first enemy hit. Hitting a monster refunds 60% of the cooldown.', 'For the next 4 seconds the enemy hit takes 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 50(+ 25% AP)bonusmagic damage from her next 3 basic attacks or abilities.', 'Hate Spikemay be reactivated up to 3 times until the ability comes off cooldown at no cost.', 'Second Cast:Evelynnprojects a line of spikes in the direction of her attack target, dealing 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45(+ 30% AP)magic damage to all enemies struck.Hate Spikewill prioritize the nearest enemy if she does not have an attack target.', 'Mana Cost:40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60', 'Cooldown:8 seconds', "Allure(W)Active:Evelynncursesthe target champion or monster for 5 seconds.Evelynn'snext basic attack or ability against theaccursedslowsthem by 65% for 1 / 1.25/ 1.5/ 1.75/ 2 seconds, as well as refundingAllure'smana costif she triggers this before 2.5seconds.If the target iscursedfor at least 2.5seconds, shecharmsthe target, as well as applying additional effects based on the target type.Against champions reduces theirmagic resistanceby 25 / 27.5/ 30 / 32.5/ 35% for 4 seconds. Against monsters, thecharm'sduration is increased by 2 seconds and they take 250 / 300 / 350 / 400 / 450(+ 60% AP)bonusmagic damage.Mana Cost:60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100Cooldown:14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10 seconds", 'Active:Evelynncursesthe target champion or monster for 5 seconds.', "Evelynn'snext basic attack or ability against theaccursedslowsthem by 65% for 1 / 1.25/ 1.5/ 1.75/ 2 seconds, as well as refundingAllure'smana costif she triggers this before 2.5seconds.", 'If the target iscursedfor at least 2.5seconds, shecharmsthe target, as well as applying additional effects based on the target type.', "Against champions reduces theirmagic resistanceby 25 / 27.5/ 30 / 32.5/ 35% for 4 seconds. Against monsters, thecharm'sduration is increased by 2 seconds and they take 250 / 300 / 350 / 400 / 450(+ 60% AP)bonusmagic damage.", 'Mana Cost:60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100', 'Cooldown:14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10 seconds', "Whiplash(E)Active:Evelynnwhips the target enemy with her lashers, dealing 30 / 45 / 60 / 75 / 90(+ 4%(+ 3% per 100 AP)of target'smaximumhealth)magic damage, applying on-hit effects, and gaining30%bonusmovement speed for 2 seconds.GainingDemon ShaderesetsWhiplash'scooldown and empowers the next cast.Empowered Active:Evelynndashes toward the target enemy, dealing 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 / 140(+ 6%(+ 4% per 100 AP)of target'smaximumhealth)magic damage as well as damaging all enemies she passes through.On-hit effects are only applied to her target.Mana Cost:40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60Cooldown:8 seconds", "Active:Evelynnwhips the target enemy with her lashers, dealing 30 / 45 / 60 / 75 / 90(+ 4%(+ 3% per 100 AP)of target'smaximumhealth)magic damage, applying on-hit effects, and gaining30%bonusmovement speed for 2 seconds.", "GainingDemon ShaderesetsWhiplash'scooldown and empowers the next cast.", "Empowered Active:Evelynndashes toward the target enemy, dealing 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 / 140(+ 6%(+ 4% per 100 AP)of target'smaximumhealth)magic damage as well as damaging all enemies she passes through.On-hit effects are only applied to her target.", 'Mana Cost:40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60', 'Cooldown:8 seconds', 'Last Caress(R)Active:Evelynnbecomesuntargetableas she reveals her true form to all enemies in front of her, before blinking back400units.Enemies caught in her reveal are devastated, taking 150 / 275 / 400(+ 75% AP)magic damage, which is doubled versus enemies below30% of theirmaximumhealth.Mana Cost:100Cooldown:140 / 110 / 80 seconds', 'Active:Evelynnbecomesuntargetableas she reveals her true form to all enemies in front of her, before blinking back400units.', 'Enemies caught in her reveal are devastated, taking 150 / 275 / 400(+ 75% AP)magic damage, which is doubled versus enemies below30% of theirmaximumhealth.', 'Mana Cost:100', 'Cooldown:140 / 110 / 80 seconds', 'Eveylnncomes from Norman FrenchAveline, diminutive of GermanicAva, possibly from Proto-Germanic:afalan"strength",*agwjō"island",*ahwō"stream", or*awōn"grandmother".[2]Famous namesakes areFrau AvaandAva Gardner.', 'Famous namesakes areFrau AvaandAva Gardner.', "Evelynn's dance references Tina Tech'sdancefrom the movieFlashdance.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.", 'A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.', 'Evelynn is one of five champions which had a difficulty rating of 10 on the old scale, the others beingAnivia,Cassiopeia,Rumble, andYasuo.She was not originally given this rating.', 'She was not originally given this rating.', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'Ao Shin', 'Avasha', 'Averdrian', 'CeeCee', 'Cyborg Cowboy', 'Eagle Rider', 'Gavid', 'Husk', 'Iron Engineer', 'Ivan', 'Omen', 'Priscilla', 'Rob Blackblade', 'Seth', 'Tabu', 'Tiki', 'Urf', 'Well', "↑Evelynn's profile", '↑V. Orel,A handbook of Germanic Etymology, pp. 2, 4-5, 31']} | Name: Last Caress, Description: Active: Evelynn reveals her true form, becoming untargetable at the start of the cast time and then unleashing her lashers in a cone in the target direction, dealing magic damage to enemies struck within. After 0. 5 seconds, she blinks 700 units in the opposite direction and becomes targetable again. Magic Damage: 125 / 250 / 375 (+ 75% AP) Last Caress deals 140% increased damage to enemies below 30% of their maximum health . Empowered Damage: 300 / 600 / 900 (+ 180% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'Last Caresscan be buffered duringEmpowered Whiplash.', "The casting input controls the directionLast Caress'damage is dealt from, with the movement automatically happening in the reverse direction.", "Enemychampionsbelow the health threshold are marked forEvelynn, indicating the target will receiveLast Caress'increased damage.", "The screen will direct toEvelynn'sposition after sheblinks.", 'Death, unless protected byResurrection']} | Eveylnncomes from Norman FrenchAveline, diminutive of GermanicAva, possibly from Proto-Germanic:afalan"strength",*agwjō"island",*ahwō"stream", or*awōn"grandmother".[2]Famous namesakes areFrau AvaandAva Gardner. |
Ezreal,the Prodigal Explorer | | | health: Health600+102, resource: Mana375+70, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)4+0.65, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)8.5+1, armor: Armor24+4.7, attack damage: Attack damage62+2.5, attack speed: Base AS0.625, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius115, release: 2010-03-16, changed: V13.21, role: Marksman, position: Bottom, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 1350|585 | Games
EzrealMainCasualTitlesNickname(s)Jarro LightfeatherAlias(es)The Prodigal ExplorerCharacteristicsSpeciesHuman(Magical)Pronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:973 AN - 978 ANWeapon(s)Left Gauntlet of Ne'ZukArcane MagicPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originPiltoverCurrent residencePiltoverFamilyUnnamed Father(Missing)Unnamed Mother(Missing)Professor Lymere(Uncle)Professional statusOccupation(s)AdventurerTomb RaiderRegion(s)PiltoverRelated character(s)IllaoiKai'SaKassadinKindredNeekoRek'Sai
• Main
• Casual
• The Prodigal Explorer
• Born:973 AN - 978 AN
Arcane Magic
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Unnamed Father(Missing)
• Unnamed Mother(Missing)
• Professor Lymere(Uncle)
Professional status
• Adventurer
• Tomb Raider
Related character(s)
A dashing adventurer, unknowingly gifted in the magical arts,Ezrealraids long-lost catacombs, tangles with ancient curses, and overcomes seemingly impossible odds with ease. His courage and bravado knowing no bounds, he prefers to improvise his way out of any situation, relying partially on his wits, but mostly on his mysticalShurimangauntlet, which he uses to unleash devastatingarcane blasts. One thing is for sure—wheneverEzrealis around, trouble isn’t too far behind. Or ahead. Probably everywhere.
• 1Background1.1Early Life1.1.1Disappearance of Parents1.1.2Finding the Tomb of Ne'Zuk1.2Modern History1.2.1The Vault of Resplendent Hollies1.2.2Various Adventures1.2.2.1Adventures in Shurima1.2.2.2Deserted Island East of Shurima1.2.2.3Mystery Contact in the Immortal Bastion1.2.2.4The Kindred's Masks1.2.2.5Jarro Lightfeather1.2.2.6Avarosan Mountain Totem1.2.2.7Mutiny at Targonian Seas1.2.2.8Studying the Buhru1.2.2.9Bandle Portal Encounter1.2.2.10Game of Krakenhand1.2.3The Elixir of Uloa1.3Recent Events1.3.1Void Encounter
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Unnamed Parents5.2Professor Lymere5.3Ne'Zuk5.4Avarosans5.5Black Rose5.6Neeko5.7Illaoi5.8Piltover Explorers Guild5.8.1Januk5.9Kasdjar5.10Xer'Sai5.10.1Rek'Sai5.11Kassadin5.12Kai'Sa
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early Life1.1.1Disappearance of Parents1.1.2Finding the Tomb of Ne'Zuk
• 1.2Modern History1.2.1The Vault of Resplendent Hollies1.2.2Various Adventures1.2.2.1Adventures in Shurima1.2.2.2Deserted Island East of Shurima1.2.2.3Mystery Contact in the Immortal Bastion1.2.2.4The Kindred's Masks1.2.2.5Jarro Lightfeather1.2.2.6Avarosan Mountain Totem1.2.2.7Mutiny at Targonian Seas1.2.2.8Studying the Buhru1.2.2.9Bandle Portal Encounter1.2.2.10Game of Krakenhand1.2.3The Elixir of Uloa
• 1.3Recent Events1.3.1Void Encounter
• 1.1.1Disappearance of Parents
• 1.1.2Finding the Tomb of Ne'Zuk
• 1.2.1The Vault of Resplendent Hollies
• 1.2.2Various Adventures1.2.2.1Adventures in Shurima1.2.2.2Deserted Island East of Shurima1.2.2.3Mystery Contact in the Immortal Bastion1.2.2.4The Kindred's Masks1.2.2.5Jarro Lightfeather1.2.2.6Avarosan Mountain Totem1.2.2.7Mutiny at Targonian Seas1.2.2.8Studying the Buhru1.2.2.9Bandle Portal Encounter1.2.2.10Game of Krakenhand
• 1.2.3The Elixir of Uloa
• in Shurima
• Island East of Shurima
• Contact in the Immortal Bastion
• Kindred's Masks
• Lightfeather
• Mountain Totem
• at Targonian Seas
• the Buhru
• Portal Encounter
• of Krakenhand
• 1.3.1Void Encounter
• 5.1Unnamed Parents
• 5.2Professor Lymere
• 5.3Ne'Zuk
• 5.4Avarosans
• 5.5Black Rose
• 5.6Neeko
• 5.7Illaoi
• 5.8Piltover Explorers Guild5.8.1Januk
• 5.9Kasdjar
• 5.10Xer'Sai5.10.1Rek'Sai
• 5.11Kassadin
• 5.12Kai'Sa
• 5.8.1Januk
• 5.10.1Rek'Sai
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Alternate Universes
Early Life[]
Ezreal was born and raised in a wealthy neighborhood ofPiltoveras the son of two renowned archeologists. As explorers, Ezreal's parents were often away for extended periods of time on expeditions while Ezreal was taken care of by his uncle, Professor Lymere. Becoming used to his parents' absence, Ezreal loved hearing the stories his parents would tell him of their adventures, often fantasizing about joining them on their travels. Ezreal's father would typically tell him the stories of their travels, eventually sharing his plans for an incredibly secretive and ambitious expedition. Ezreal's father sought out theTomb of Ne'Zuk, aShurimantyrant rumored to have the ability to jump from one place to another. He would often joke to the young Ezreal that, if he learned Ne'Zuk's teleportation magic, he would use it to continue his travels and jump back into Piltover in time for dinner.
Professor Lymere had trouble raising Ezreal, who was an unruly and rash child, often being tutored on various subjects just to keep him busy and out of trouble. These subjects included advanced cartography,Hextechmechanics and ancient histories ofRuneterra, which Ezreal found extremely easy to grasp thanks to his prodigal skill in learning. Seeing studying as a waste of time, he often passed all assessments easily with little or no preparation, infuriating his uncle as he had more free time to roam the university grounds. Being a troublemaker, Ezreal often spent time evading campus wardens, navigating tunnels underneath lecture halls and even practicing lockpicking to sneak into his teachers' offices and rearrange their belongings.
Disappearance of Parents[]
As Ezreal grew older, the absences of his parents became longer to the point where they simply didn't return home one day. At that point, Ezreal's uncle tearfully admitted that the two had most likely died somewhere in the Shuriman desert, which Ezreal simply couldn't accept. Having heard of all the preparations and studies his parents would make for these expeditions, Ezreal was still convinced that his parents were still out there somewhere. Ezreal decided he'd find his parents on his own as he planned to search the location of their most important expedition; the Tomb of Ne'Zuk. In preparation, Ezreal abandoned his studies and gathered supplies from the university such as celestial diagrams, runic sigil translations, guides on the burial rites of Shurima and even a pair of protective goggles. Leaving a farewell note for his uncle, Ezreal snuck onto a supply ship heading towards the Shuriman city ofNashramae. The ship's captain discovered Ezreal as a stowaway and threatened to throw Ezreal overboard before he convinced them otherwise by agreeing to act as their navigator, as the previous navigator was unfortunately lost at sea.
Finding the Tomb of Ne'Zuk[]
In Shurima, Ezreal followed his mother's meticulous field notes and crossed theThe Great Saiwith merchant caravans. For months, Ezreal explored the most ancient Shuriman locations as he delved into cavernous ruins beneath the sands and faced unspeakable horrors that guarded hidden chambers, imagining himself as following his parents' path as an adventurer.
The left gauntlet of Ne'Zuk, which Ezreal found within thelost tomb.
Finally, Ezreal found the tomb of Ne'Zuk underneath a mausoleum for some unnamed emperor, achieving what his parents unfortunately couldn't. The sarcophagus in the tomb however was empty, save for a gleaming bronze gauntlet with a crystalline matrix at its center. As soon as Ezreal touched it, the tomb began to turn on him, activating various thousand year old traps and wards. Improvising and thinking on instinct, Ezreal used the gauntlet and shot out apowerful blast of arcane energyto create a hole for him to exit through. He thenteleported instantlyto the hidden entrance right before the entire tomb collapsed into sand.
Having barely escaped, Ezreal looked down at the mysterious gauntlet as it hummed in-sync with his heartbeat, feeling it siphoning and amplifying his own magical essence. After some investigation, Ezreal discovered that the gauntlet was a fearsome weapon belonging to anAscended God-Warrior, which he saw as perfect for an explorer like himself.
Modern History[]
Having found the mystical gauntlet in Ne'Zuk's now collapsed tomb, Ezreal soon returned to Piltover and continued to go on various adventures and expeditions. Ezreal travelled to lost cities, mystical temples and other ancient locations that university professors would only read about on maps, slowly growing his reputation as a treasure-seeking explorer as many would begin telling stories of his exploits, which Ezreal usually saw as incapable of conveying the true scope and scale of his feats. Ezreal chased fame and glory throughout all parts of the world to create a name for himself, but he still hoped that his parents would one day catch word of his grand explorations and eventually seek him out in person.
In order to become an officially renowned explorer, Ezreal desperately sought to join the esteemed Piltover Explorers Guild, a widespread organization consisting of Runeterra's best explorers and adventurers. However, Ezreal would be denied entry into the Explorers Guild for currently unknown reasons, angering Ezreal since he believed he was more than qualified to join because of all the dangerous adventures he'd already gone on, and even seeking full acreditation on the guild in exchange for artifact retrieval jobs, like the time he was hired by Januk, a freljordian explorer member of the guild in such way.
The Vault of Resplendent Hollies[]
Following Professor Lymere's theories about Zaun's ancient history as a Shuriman port city once calledOshra Va'Zaun,Ezreal realized that his uncle had no proof for his theories and decided to search the deepest parts of Zaun to find proof and take credit.[1]Eventually, Ezreal would discover stories about theVault of Resplendent Hollies, an ancient and renowned Shuriman vault believed to be full of artifacts and lost temples.[2]Ezreal eventually learned from a few sources that industrial excavations in Zaun have opened up a crack in the deepest and flooded depths of theSumplayer of Zaun, which he delved into in search of the vault.
Ezreal discovering the doors to the Vault of Resplendent Holies beneathZaun'sSump
As Ezreal began to lose morale over finding nothing within the depths, he managed to find an ancient door most likely to the Vault of Resplendent Holies. The door was lined with various Shuriman glyphs, including a few that resembled owls, which Ezreal deciphered as a warning about a curse that 'multiplies' into a thousand curses, though his Shuriman was candid and rusty. Unable to unlock the door, Ezreal shot ablast of arcane magicthrough it, creating a hole for him to enter.
Ezreal hiding from fieryGolemswithin the vault.
Once inside the vault, Ezreal found various relics such as one that belonged to Carikkan, the Shuriman emperor's personal spirit-banisher who bound troublesome entities to inanimate objects for his own dark purposes. While rummaging through Carikkan's many relics, Ezreal encountered an army of fiery stone-warriorGolemsthat defended Carikkan's artifats, which he easily obliterated with shots of arcane energy. Another artifact that Ezreal found was a perfectly preserved golden stele inscribed with the legend of the"Day of Fire"and Carikkan's oath to protect Oshra Va'Zaun.
After defeating more fiery Golems, a rush of water started to flood in through the cracks of the floor, forcing Ezreal to swim through tunnels to reach the surface again while carrying the golden stele. Managing to escape, Ezreal traveled back to Piltover and visitedZaile's, an outfitter store where Ezreal intended to get his jacket, now torn to shreds, tailored and repaired. Ezreal intended to look as good as possible so that he can impress the Explorers Guild by presenting his journal recording his explorations within the Vault of Resplendent Holies.
Ezreal preparing to fire a blast of energy at the swarm of locusts he acidentally unleashed.
While getting his jacket tailored at Zaile's, Ezreal left the golden stele by a window, causing it to come in contact with direct sunlight during an equinox. The stele began to glow and speak in an ancient language before exploding into a swarm of infernal locust creatures. As more locusts began to pour out of the sewer grates, Ezreal helped clear them out by using blasts from his gauntlet. A few days later, Ezreal faced legal repercussions for bringing the dangerous artifact into Piltover and causing property damage to the mercantile district. Though he sought legal advice and read up on Piltover's libel and slander laws, he ultimately decided to representhimselfin court. In order to prove his innocence however, Ezreal quickly logged a possibly false log on his journal to act as evidence, which directly stated that he had nothing to do with the outbreak and blamed the clerk at Zaile's for placing the stele in the sunlight.[1]
Various Adventures[]
Ezreal continued his adventurous expeditions across the world, writing them in his field notes to record his endeavors and impress the Explorers Guild so they can grant him membership:
Ezreal first traveled southwest of Piltover to the city of Bel'zhun, located in northern Shurima and occupied by Noxian rule. Ezreal knew that the best guides in Shurima were found in the coastal city and found Kasdjar, a knowledgeable and charismatic guide who shared many details about the ancient histories of Shurima as they travelled.
The two traveled through the desert together, at some point going to the ancient city ofNerimazeth. While scouring the ruins for priceless artifacts, Kasdjar shared many historical facts about the lands outside of the city, noting that they were once home to the first prototype Sun Disc before it failed and collapsed. Towards the south ofSai Kahleek, Ezreal encountered manyXer'Saicreatures, defending him and his guide by using the magic of his gauntlet. The two took shelter in a circular cavern, which Kasdjar quickly realized was a gargantuan Xer'Sai burrow and the lair of theSand Motheras the two quickly left as soon as they could. At some point, Kasdjar was tragically killed when a massive obelisk fell on him. Despite this, Ezreal continued his adventure down south reached the edge ofIcathia, which he immediately saw as way too dangerous and turned around instantly.
At some point, Ezreal sailed out of theShuriman junglesand shipwrecked on a deserted island home to mysterious, albeit aggressively flirtatious walrus-esque beings. After about a week, Ezreal repaired his ship and sailed back to the main land.
In the Noxian capital city, Ezreal once planned to meet a new, mysterious contact to collect archival materials. While waiting for her, Ezreal strolled the promenades surrounding theImmortal Bastion, sampling Noxian cuisine, notably their tacos, and inspecting he monoliths of dark magic that made up the fortress. Ezreal's contact never showed, but he noticed many spies following him until one of them handed him arose petal colored black. Now sensing danger, Ezreal decided to leave the city and found black petals every day until he left the border, even finding one in his satchel.
In the Demacian city ofJandelle, Ezreal searched for a pair of masks supposedly belonging to theKindredthemselves, having been carved out of a bewitched eldlock tree. While searching though, Ezreal began to reminisce on anold taleabout a famous Demacian actress who died on stage while playing the dual role of Kindred. Though the masks she wore for that role mysteriously disappeared, Ezreal theorized that these were the original masks of the Kindred and believed they were most likely locked away in a collector's show room.
While staying in Demacia, Ezreal took on the alias ofJarro Lightfeather, a fake identity of aSentinel of Lightwho was born inVaskasia. While taking on the name of Jarro Lightfeather, Ezreal met various Demacians and became a renowned and seemingly infamous national hero.
At the eastern parts ofRakelstakein the Freljord, Ezreal encountered theAvarosansand procured a silver totem at the top of a freezing mountain. After that, Ezreal faced trouble with the tribe and fled as quickly as possible, denying any claims that he was ever in the Freljord to the Avarosans.
While sailing around the oceans east ofMount Targon, Ezreal took in the beauty of the Targonian night sky. At the same time however, Ezreal helped quell a mutiny that occurred on the ship he had stowed away on.
InBilgewater, Ezreal studied the localBuhruculture on theBlue Flame Isles, which he knew as theSerpent Isles, and came to learn that their religion predates everything found on bothValoranand Shurima. Having joined in on the festive ceremonies of the Buhru, Ezreal caught sight ofIllaoi, curiously examining the massive idol she carried on her.
At the southern parts of theRenek River, Ezreal faced off against the eight tribes of the Southern Dune Wanderers, who chased him through the mountains for stealing their sacred medallion. While running though, Ezreal found a rock with a shimmering gap in it, opening up a portal toBandle Citybefore vanishing. Though Ezreal camped out for a week to see it again, it never reappeared and Ezreal convinced himself it may have been a hallucination.
InMudtown, Ezreal got captured by a gang of marauders who took his gauntlet and possibly other belongings. However, after playing a game of Krakenhand with the gang, Ezreal quickly befriended the gang members and proved his worth to them. Despite not knowing how to play whatsoever, Ezreal managed to win his gauntlet back along with an antique flintlock.[2]
The Elixir of Uloa[]
Ezreal, wanting to once again apply for membership in the Explorers Guild, reunited with Januk, a Freljordian explorer known for illegally raiding museums, and with whom the explorer had already worked before, albeit in uneasy terms as they constantly betrayed one another on their adventures. One instance of such betrayals was when Januk, as payback for the time Ezreal ran off with an important map, purposefully blew Ezreal's cover after they salvaged the wreck of a ship called the Echelon Dawn, which in turn prompted Ezreal to leave him behind on a noxian prision camp. Despite this, Ezreal agreed to do a job for him; find the mythical Elixir of Uloa, a potion sought out by many cults and believed to imbue people with immortality upon consumption. In return, Januk agreed to pay Ezreal sixty thousand, along with full accreditation in the guild.[3]
Searching for the elixir in the Shuriman jungles, Ezreal arrived in the village ofParetha. While staying at the village, Ezreal traveled to theVale of Silver Mist, a magical part of the jungles outside of Paretha. After drinking some taffa-flower water he found in the jungle, Ezreal found what appeared to be anexact copy of himselfcuriously peering at him from behind a tree, which he choked up to hallucinations from drinking the flower water.[2]
Ezreal discovering a mysterious temple inParetha, which housed the Elixir of Uloa.
After a few hours in the jungles, Ezreal found an underground crypt and entered it, easily traversing the many labyrinthine tunnels and traps until he reached a room with the Elixir of Uloa sitting on top of a pedestal. Anticipating more traps to activate if he approaches the vial, Ezreal carefully stepped towards it and lightly grasped the elixir, causing hundreds of sharp stakes to drop, which he narrowly escaped by teleporting away at the last second. Noticing the tomb's supports begin to fall apart, Ezreal quickly traversed back the way he came, escaping the chamber as the floors began to crack and split. Giant insects with large pincers and red eyes began to crawl through the collapsed walls, attacking Ezreal as he defended himself with a few blasts from his gauntlet. As Ezreal slid towards the exit, the chamber suddenly fell apart right in front of him and closed off his only exit out of the crypt. Just in type though, Ezreal blasted a hole through the collapsed chamber with his magical gauntlet and left with the Elixir of Uloa in hand while the tomb's entrance began to cave in completely.[4]
With the elixir in his possession, Ezreal stayed in Paretha to gather supplies. A tribal shaman of the village claimed that Ezreal's soul was entwined with theAspect of the Wanderer,which confused Ezreal as he didn't think the shaman looked Targonian. Not wishing to face the citizens of Paretha when they realize he caused the collapse of their ancient temple, Ezreal quickly left and began travelling back to Januk to deliver the elixir.[2]
Meeting with Jaunk, Ezreal described the feats he pulled when trying to achieve the elixir but refused to give it without the proper payment. Though Januk offered him his payment in money, Ezreal added that he wanted full accreditation within the Explorers Guild as well, which Januk didn't wanna comply with since the Guild weren't very fond of Ezreal and neither was Januk. When Ezreal threatened to give the elixir to a different buyer, Januk laughed it off and went to his office to grab a letter that can grant Ezreal full accreditation in the guild, which Ezreal easily realized was a potential betrayal about to happen. While examining a peculiar bell in Januk's collection, Ezreal heard him state that the bell hadOchnunwritten on it; the language of the dead. Turning around to face Januk, Ezreal saw him pointing two flintlock pistols at his head.
Ezreal and an angry Januk pointing his flintlock pistols.
Januk stated that Ezreal's application to the guild has been denied and revealed that he's part of a cult that sought to use the elixir to raise afallen dreadlordfrom the dead. Dodging the gunshots with his teleportation magic, Januk grabbed Ezreal by the gauntlet and tossed him to the floor before kicking his ribs and snagging the elixir out of his grip. After proudly drinking it, Ezreal revealed that the elixir he just drank was actually a bottle of sand wasp venom; a very potent laxative. As he pulled out the true elixir, Januk groaned and collapsed on the floor while Ezreal quickly grabbed the Ochnun bell and leapt out of Januk's office window, hoping to bring the bell back to the Explorers Guild as a way to earn membership.[3]
Recent Events[]
Void Encounter[]
Kai'Saand Ezreal fighting off a swarm ofVoidlingstogether.
On a recent expedition to Shurima, Ezreal managed to locate an ancient temple holding the legendary artifact known as theTear of the Goddess. After removing the magical gem from its base, the temple triggered a mechanism that released a swarm ofVoidlingcreatures from the ground and slowly sealed the temple entrance. Just as the door closed and the swarm closed in,Kai'Saflew down and blasted a bunch of Voidlings and a hole through the closed entrance. Kai'Sa continued fighting off the swarm while Ezreal had a chance to run off with the gemstone. However, Ezreal hesitated and noticed Kai'Sa getting overwhelmed by the amount of Voidlings, dropping the gem and firing an arcane blast at the creatures before teleporting at Kai'Sa's side. The two fought alongside each other and cleared out most of the swarm as they quickly rushed towards the exit, managing to escape and eventually part ways.[5]
Ezreal is a young slim pale skinned man with tousled blonde hair and blue eyes.
He wears a small brown leather jacket, sometimes undersized so it barely reaches his waist, and some others a more regular sized one. In some versions of the jacket, the collar has a deep-blue furry lining, while in others the jacket has a hood in which the lining is shorter and more wooly-looking, but of a similar color. Both of his sleeves are rolled up, exposing his forearms. Underneath the jacket. he wears a white shirt with a low V-neck which is adorned with brown colored diamond motives. Since its sleeves can't be seen on his arms, it is either a short-sleeved t-shirt or a tank top. On his left hand he wears an oversized bronze colored (depicted usually more yellowish) glove shaped Shuriman artifact known as the Gauntlet of Ne'Zuk. On his right hand he wears a fingerless glove, probably made from some kind of leather too.
He also wears dark high boots and skinny jeans with a pair of belts: one for the jeans themselves and another with several pockets. He wears a secondary thigh belt with an extra pocket in his right leg and has both knees protected by brown colored pads sewed into the jeans.
His most distinctive physical feature is the pair of triangular-shaped light blue colored marks appearing right on his cheekbones, products of magic expression in his body that glow brighter when he channels magical energy.[6]He also wears a pair of protective glasses, either tightened into his head or hanging from his neck.
Ezreal is an intelligent and cunning young man that appears to be an arrogant, and narcissistic person. He also seems to be a very self-confident individual, always getting into trouble and not being very careful of traps and monsters he encounters as he explores, not caring about the 'collateral damage' he might incur in when exploring.[7]
As stated in his biography, at least part of his attention-seeking behavior comes from a young age. Back when he was kid attending university at petition of his uncle, he was already known for his troublemaking behavior, lockpicking into restricted areas, evading the university wardens, rearranging the professors desks, and even for more infamous and notoriously complex pranks.[8]Even in his shenanigans as explorer, not taking into account any rules or legal proceedings to do things, all in hopes of his parents being out there and coming back to him if he makes enough of a reputation as an explorer.
Despite showing this ego-inflated attitude, Ezreal is a wounded inside individual that uses this confident exterior to cover trauma he wouldn't admit having.[7][9]He is a very critical individualof the people and city he grew up in, because he sees his own flaws exaggerated in them.[9]
He has a rather evident image problem, dissonant with his exterior self-centered attitude, Ezreal appears to not stand looking to his reflection in a mirror.[9]
• Mage Physiology:Ezreal was naturally born with inherent magical abilities that could grow with proper training and control. Ezreal's abilities however are largely underdeveloped due to having relied on hisgauntletas a 'shortcut' to accessing his magical abilities. He could use magic without the gauntlet to some extent, but it would quickly become a burden.[6]Arcane Energy Blasts:Ezreal's innate magical abilities allow him to fire off arcane energy as small blasts. When Ezreal channels his innate arcane energy, the light-blue markings on his face glow brighter as a signal of his inherent magic.
• Left Gauntlet of Ne'Zuk:Ezreal wields the Left Gauntlet of Ne'Zuk, an ancient weapon designed for anAscendedthat is capable of granting Ezreal the ability to teleport short distances instantaneously. Though it's unclear how much control and how far he can teleport, Ezreal has jumped as far as a hundred yards. Along with that, the gauntlet activates and empowers Ezreal's own latent magical abilities, allowing him to fire evenlarger blastsof arcane energy.
• High Intelligence:Since childhood, Ezreal showed great talent in learning all knowledge presented to him, as he easily absorbs information like a sponge. Being raised by his uncle Professor Lymere, Ezreal has been thoroughly educated in many subjects such as ancientRuneterranhistory, advanced cartography and evenhextechmechanics.Exploration Mastery:Ezreal is nearly an expert in adventuring and exploration, having experienced many life-threatening events while traversing dangerous locations in pursuit of fame and glory. Ezreal utilizes his intense knowledge in tandem with his skills in adventuring, capable of surveying traps within dangerous tombs, being capable of deciphering several ancient languages and even being able to understand the rich histories of the ancient places he explores.
• Arcane Energy Blasts:Ezreal's innate magical abilities allow him to fire off arcane energy as small blasts. When Ezreal channels his innate arcane energy, the light-blue markings on his face glow brighter as a signal of his inherent magic.
• Exploration Mastery:Ezreal is nearly an expert in adventuring and exploration, having experienced many life-threatening events while traversing dangerous locations in pursuit of fame and glory. Ezreal utilizes his intense knowledge in tandem with his skills in adventuring, capable of surveying traps within dangerous tombs, being capable of deciphering several ancient languages and even being able to understand the rich histories of the ancient places he explores.
Unnamed Parents[]
Ezreal's parents were renown archaeologists of Piltover who, due to their expeditions and adventures outside of Piltover, would often leave Ezreal under the care of his uncle Professor Lymere. Despite their absences, they had a very clear love for their son and kept a good relationship with him on the short occasions that they'd return home to see him.
Ezreal's father would often tell him of their many adventures in the form of stories that amazed the young boy, sparking his initial interest in adventuring and following in his parents' footsteps. Ezreal initially heard the story of Ne'Zuk from his father, who often described it as being his most ambitiously planned expedition as he joked to learn Ne'Zuk's teleportation magic so that he can instantly teleport back home after an adventure.
Ezreal's mother was a talented navigator and the one who wrote meticulous field notes that Ezreal eventually used to help him navigate Shurima when he initially searched for the Tomb of Ne'Zuk.
After their sudden disappearence, their fates remain unknown despite Ezreal's uncle believing that they most likely died on their adventure. However, Ezreal simply refuses to believe that and constantly copes with the idea that they'll eventually return. To this day, Ezreal continues to create a name for himself as a famous explorer with the intent of making sure his parents catch word of their son's grand feats, hopefully convincing them to return home finally.
Professor Lymere[]
Professor Lymere is Ezreal's uncle and the one who primarily took care of him while growing up due to the absence of his parents. Due to Ezreal's troublesome nature as a child, the two had a rocky and tumultuous relationship. In order to occupy the boy and keep him from causing trouble, Professor Lymere enrolled him into college level courses, which proved ineffective due to Ezreal's incredible ability to absorb and retain knowledge. Freeing up his time from his uncle's classes, Ezreal would continue to cause mischief on the university campus, often angering Professor Lymere.
To this day the two stay in touch and, despite their turbulent relationship, Ezreal seems to share some respect for his uncle as a professor. When Ezreal discovered Lymere's theories on Zaun's ancient history as aShurimanport city calledOshra Va'Zaun,he felt a bit of pity due to his lack of evidence and traversed the Vault of Resplendent Hollies to search for some to bring back, yet intended to take all the credit for himself.
Ne'Zuk is an ancientIxtaliAscendedtyrant who was long dead after Ezreal raided his tomb in search of his parents. Though his tomb held the gauntlet that Ezreal eventually took, it is actually a part of a pair of gauntlets that were originally wielded by another Ascended named Horok, who Ne'Zuk seemingly murdered and took the gauntlet from in ancient times.[10]
Ezreal encountered the Avarosan tribe when he travelled to theFreljordand stole a silver totem at the top of a freezing mountain. It's unclear what exactly transpired, but Ezreal insists on having never met the Avarosans, most likely in fear of being caught for something he did while grabbing the silver totem.
Black Rose[]
The Black Rose seem aware of Ezreal's name as a growing, renown adventurer. Though Ezreal doesn't seem completely aware of who the Black Rose are, he seems knowledgable about the dark magics hiding underneath theNoxiancapital and encountered several Black Rose spies when he tried meeting with a mysterious contact for archival material at Noxus.
Though Ezreal doesn't officially know who Neeko really is, he seemingly encountered her on his expedition toParethain search of the Elixir of Uloa. While in the jungles of Paretha, Ezreal encount | Name: Rising Spell Force, Description: Innate: Ezreal generates a stack of Rising Spell Force for each enemy hit by his abilities , lasting for 6 seconds, refreshing on subsequent hits, and stacking up to 5 times. Rising Spell Force: For each stack, Ezreal gains 10% bonus attack speed , up to a maximum of 50% ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Rising Spell Forcewill stack even if the abilities hit were blocked byspell shields.', 'Bonus attack speed per stack changed to 15%.']} | Name: Mystic Shot, Description: Active: Ezreal fires a bolt of energy in the target direction that deals physical damage to the first enemy hit and applies on-hit and on-attack effects at 100% effectiveness. Physical Damage: 20 / 45 / 70 / 95 / 120 (+ 130% AD) (+ 15% AP) If Mystic Shot successfully hits an enemy, the current cooldowns of Ezreal's abilities, including Mystic Shot's , are reduced by 1. 5 seconds., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', 'Mystic Shotdealsbasic damage, but also triggers spell effects by dealing an additional 0spell damage.', 'Mystic Shotbenefits fromlife steal,omnivamp, andphysical vamp, but notspell vamp.', 'Even if the ability is blocked byspell shieldit will still trigger the cooldown reduction.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'Mystic Shotwill be buffered and cast when the cooldown ends if the player attempts to cast it within 0.05seconds of the cooldown ending.', 'Cooldown reduction onEssence Flux,Arcane Shift, andTrueshot Barragereduced to 0.333seconds from 1.5.*', 'Base damage changed to 30 / 55 / 80 / 105 / 130.', 'AD ratio changed to135% AD.', 'AP ratio changed to20% AP.']} | Name: Essence Flux, Description: Active: Ezreal fires an orb in the target direction that marks the first enemy champion , epic monster , or structure hit for 4 seconds. His next basic attack or ability against the target detonates the mark to deal them bonus magic damage . Bonus Magic Damage: 80 / 135 / 190 / 245 / 300 (+ 60% bonus AD) (+ 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90% AP) If the mark was detonated with an ability, Ezreal restores 60 mana plus the mana cost of that ability., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'parries': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', "The application ofEssence Fluxdeals 0proc damage.This triggersin-combateffects such as drawing turret aggro and drawingmonster aggression.It also triggersSudden Impactand appliesElixir of Sorcery.It does not triggerCheap Shot, however, asproc damagedoesn't triggerCheap Shot.", 'This triggersin-combateffects such as drawing turret aggro and drawingmonster aggression.', 'It also triggersSudden Impactand appliesElixir of Sorcery.', "It does not triggerCheap Shot, however, asproc damagedoesn't triggerCheap Shot.", 'BlockandDodgeprevents the mark from being triggered by a basic attack.', "Spell shieldprevents the mark from being triggered by an ability. If the mark is triggered by a basic attack, spell shield will preventEssence Flux'sdamage.", 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'Base damage changed to 110 / 170 / 230 / 290 / 350.']} | Name: Arcane Shift, Description: Active: Ezreal blinks from his current location to up to 475 units towards the target location, then fires a homing bolt towards the nearest enemy that deals magic damage and reveals them for 1 second. Magic Damage: 80 / 130 / 180 / 230 / 280 (+ 50% bonus AD) (+ 75% AP) Arcane Shift prioritizes firing at the nearest enemy marked by Essence Flux . The target does not have to be visible to be hit by this ability. Arcane Shift will cast at max range if cast beyond that., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', 'IfEzrealis moved during the cast time, his range to blink will update accordingly. This does not exceed the maximum target range.', 'The target is revealed as soon asEzrealfires the missile at them.', 'Base damage changed to 90 / 140 / 190 / 240 / 290.', 'AP ratio changed to80% AP.', 'Cooldown changed to 18 / 16 / 14 / 12 / 10 seconds.', 'Now affected by +15 ability haste.']} | Name: Trueshot Barrage, Description: Active: Ezreal fires an arc of energy in the target direction that briefly grants sight of its surroundings and deals magic damage to enemies hit. Magic Damage: 350 / 500 / 650 (+ 100% bonus AD) (+ 90% AP) Minions and non-epic monsters take 50% reduced damage. Reduced Damage: 175 / 250 / 325 (+ 50% bonus AD) (+ 45% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', "Trueshot Barrage'sprojectile has anicon on the mini-map while it is in flight. It can be seen by onlyEzrealand his allies.", 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.', 'Base damage changed to 390 / 540 / 690.', 'AP ratio changed to110% AP.']} | Ezreal was the first to have a 'Champion Spotlight'.He is one of few to feature in multiple ones due to significant gameplay changes (the others beingLee Sin,Karma,Katarina, andSivir).He was also the first6300champion released after the game's official launch on 27-Oct-2009.
He was named afterColt 'Ezreal' Hallam.
His dance both before and after hisvisual updatereferences the dance from the 'Hare Hare Yukai' ED of theThe Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiyaanime.According to a forum post by Colt 'Ezreal' Hallam, the idea for him to have this dance came fromMiyuki 'Shurelia' Mitsuhashi.[2]A side-by-side comparison from before his update can be seenhere.A side-by-side comparison from after his update can be seenhere.
Much likeAkali'sVisual Gameplay Update, Ezreal's previous iteration is still considered canon.[3][4]
Ezreal is the first champion to have 13 skins and one of the first to have 12 skins.He andMiss Fortuneattained their twelfth skin at the same time with thePajama Guardianskin set.
Ezreal is the first champion to have askillshotability that can give buffs to allies with hisEssence Flux, but it was reworked fromV8.20.Ezreal is also the first champion to have askillshotability that can heal to allies with hisEssence Flux, but its heal component was removed fromV1.0.0.94.
There is aRunescapeNPCbased on and named after Ezreal. |
Fiddlesticks,the Ancient Fear | | | health: Health650+106, resource: Mana500+28, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)5.5+0.6, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)8+0.8, armor: Armor34+4.7, attack damage: Attack damage55+2.65, attack speed: Base AS0.625, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius135, release: 2009-02-21, changed: V12.22, role: Specialist, position: JungleSupport, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 1350|585 | Games
FiddlesticksTitlesNickname(s)Fiddlesticks(Name Given From Children's Tales)ScarecrowThe Voice Eater(Name In TheFreljord)Ur-DemonLord of FearFirst of NothingAlias(es)The Ancient FearThe Demon of FearThe Demon of HorrorFirst of TenCharacteristicsSpeciesDemonPronoun(s)ItTimelineBorn:Earlier than 10000 BNWeapon(s)Scarecrow BodyScarecrow EffigyTeethScytheLife Drain MagicPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originSpirit Realm(Ancient Times)Current residenceRocky Highlands,Demacia(No Fixed Abode)Pet(s)Demonic CrowsProfessional statusOccupation(s)Demon of FearRegion(s)RuneterraRelated character(s)AshleshEvelynnTahm KenchNocturneShacoSwainZoe
• Fiddlesticks(Name Given From Children's Tales)
• Scarecrow
• The Voice Eater(Name In TheFreljord)
• Ur-Demon
• Lord of Fear
• First of Nothing
• The Ancient Fear
• The Demon of Fear
• The Demon of Horror
• First of Ten
• Born:Earlier than 10000 BN
• Scarecrow Body
• Scarecrow Effigy
• Teeth
• Scythe
• Life Drain Magic
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
Related character(s)
Something has awoken in Runeterra. Something ancient. Something terrible. The ageless horror known asFiddlesticksstalks the edges of mortal society, drawn to areas thick with paranoia where it feeds upon terrorized victims. Wielding a jagged scythe, the haggard, makeshift creature reaps fear itself, shattering the minds of those unlucky enough to survive in its wake. Beware the sounding of the crow, or the whispering of the shape that appears almost human... Fiddlesticks has returned.
• 1Background1.1Early Existence1.2Disappearances and The Return
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Spirits5.2Zoe
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early Existence
• 1.2Disappearances and The Return
• 5.1Spirits
• 5.2Zoe
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early Existence[]
The origin ofFiddlesticksis shrouded in mystery and filled with myths, tales, and horror stories that have risen theorizing about its origin. One such story is that Fiddlesticks was accidentally released by a mage tampering with powers beyond their understanding. A story from Noxus depicts Fiddlesticks as an innocent farmboy who was blamed for a bad harvest and fed to the crows that came back as a demon. Despite no shortage of stories and theories, no one truly knows where Fiddlesticks came from.
Disappearances and The Return[]
Despite many tales and stories about Fiddlesticks, its existence was treated as myth by many until disappearances and sightings started happening in theDemacianhinterlands. This was Fiddlesticks, attracted to the rising fear and paranoia among the people of Demacia. Fiddlesticks had returned, and was coming to cause chaos.
Fiddlesticks is mostly known as a shambling figure of scrap and shadow somewhat resembling a scarecrow. A torn burlap sackcloth rests over its "face", which is little more than two holes for glowing red eyes and a mouth of rows and rows of jagged metal teeth, secured around its "neck" by a rope which carries three keys.
A mass of red-tinged shadows grow from various points along Fiddlesticks's body, one large growth emerging from its back, and the rest occasionally forming extra arms for Fiddlesticks, of which it already has three metal ones made of rusted scrap. One of these arms is connected to its body by a sawblade which emerges from its shoulder.
At the center of Fiddlesticks's torso is a cage which houses the true essence of Fiddlesticks, as the body itself is merely puppetted around by the essence within the cage. Inside the cage is a shifting cloud of red eyes and shadowed forms from which itscrowssprout.
However, this is only the appearance of the Demacian incarnation of Fiddlesticks. While the red-black mass of crows which makes up the essence of Fiddlesticks remains constant, the body which carries it changes based on the trash around it.[1]For example, in theFreljord, Fiddlesticks is known to be made up of helmets, bucklers, wood, & furs.[2]
Fiddlesticks is a creature of pure emotional instinct that doesn't understand the form it takes or the words it repeats, who was created from the formless negative energy endemic to all life.[3]
• Demon Physiology:Fiddlesticks is a demon, a malevolent spirit that feeds from human emotions. It has no physical form and cannot be harmed by physical weapons (unless it has magical properties). Each demon is linked to a specific emotion; in this case, Fiddlesticks feeds from fear and horrors.Emotional Feeding:Like other demons, Fiddlesticks nourishes itself from an specific emotion, in its case, fear. By absorbing the fear that it causes, Fiddlesticks can sustain itself for prolonged periods of time. Fiddlesticks instinctively knows one's fears.Immortality:So long as fear exists Fiddlesticks will exist in some form.Demonic Magic:Fiddlesticks has within itself a massive amount of dark power that allows it to perform many terrible feats of dark magic. it can summon constructs that look and behave almost alive, such as crows and copies of itself that will last until it chooses to let them unmake themselves. It could shift space to appear or disappear at will, like when it massacred a entire family inside their house without opening any of the doors or windows.
• Emotional Feeding:Like other demons, Fiddlesticks nourishes itself from an specific emotion, in its case, fear. By absorbing the fear that it causes, Fiddlesticks can sustain itself for prolonged periods of time. Fiddlesticks instinctively knows one's fears.
• Immortality:So long as fear exists Fiddlesticks will exist in some form.
• Demonic Magic:Fiddlesticks has within itself a massive amount of dark power that allows it to perform many terrible feats of dark magic. it can summon constructs that look and behave almost alive, such as crows and copies of itself that will last until it chooses to let them unmake themselves. It could shift space to appear or disappear at will, like when it massacred a entire family inside their house without opening any of the doors or windows.
Though not directly equals, Fiddlesticks is still directly related to the other demons currently on Runeterra, such asEvelynn,Tahm Kench,NocturneandRaum, the demon thatSwainis allied with.
Along with this, Fiddlesticks's incomprehensibly ancient age may be the reason as to why it is the only champion to refer toKindred'soriginal name, referring to them as the"Grey man".
Zoe at some point took a key from Fiddlesticks. It is unknown what this key does, but one story as to Fiddlesticks's origins is aTargonianlegend that tells of how a child of twilight stole the only joy from a ragged, whispering horror.[4][5]
Read More
The Ancient Fear
ByJared Rosen
Starring Champion
Terror in Demacia
An ancient fear awakens.
Short Story
ByJared Rosen
Ten great kings took ten great thrones,
Mentioned Champion
ByDouble Stallion Games
Rewind the Past, Control the Future - Explore and traverse through the spectacular city of Zaun as Ekko, a young inventor with an ingenious device to manipulate time, in this story-driven action platformer. Play as a young Ekko and realize the full potential of one of League’s fan-favorite Champions.
Starring:Aximander,Camille,Chadd,Corin Reveck,Corina Veraza,Drake Poingdestre,Ekko,Elie,Inna,Jinx,Lem,Red,Rungs,Vale Poingdestre,Warwick,Wyeth,Zarkon Poingdestre
Mentioned:Ashlesh,Azir,Blitzcrank,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Eramis,Evil Kay,Farron,Fiddlesticks,Janna,Jayce,Kay,Nasus,Orianna,Renata Glasc,Seraphine,Shomi,Singed,Twitch,Urgot,Vi,Viktor,Zac,Zeri,Ziggs
Ruined King
ByAirship Syndicate
Rise Against Ruin - Unite a party of League of Legends Champions, explore Bilgewater and set sail for the Shadow Isles to uncover the secrets of the deadly Black Mist in this immersive turn-based RPG.
Starring:Ahri,Braum,Gangplank,Illaoi,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Necrit,Pyke,Rafen,Thresh,Viego,Yasuo
Mentioned:Ashe,Elise,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Gwen,Hecarim,Isolde,Ivern,Janna,Jarvan IV,Kalista,Ledros,Lucian,Nagakabouros,Nautilus,Olaf,Ornn,Rhasa,Riven,Senna,Swain,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Twisted Fate,Udyr,Volibear,Yone,Yorick,Zed
The Mageseeker
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In the kingdom of Demacia, the Mageseekers hold the power to oppress magic-using citizens in the name of public order–by inducting and indoctrinating them, locking them away, or driving them into hiding. Play as Sylas, a spell-stealing mage who has just broken free of his unjust captivity at the Mageseekers’ hands. Wielding the chains that once bound you, you must liberate your homeland from tyranny, one Mageseeker at a time.
Starring:Aidan,Eldred,Garen,Gideon,Hesbeth,Jarvan IV,Kara,Killan,Leilani,Lux,Morgana,Rayn,Rukko,Shyvana,Sylas,Wisteria,Yops
Mentioned:Aatrox,Anden Mayne,Dalin,Dominick,Evelynn,Falden,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Jaredan,Jarvan III,Katarina,Kayle,LeBlanc,Mihira,Naafiri,Nocturne,Rhaast,Ryze,Sion,Tianna,Varus
Alternate Universes
A Twist of Fate
The battle seems decided... until there is a Twist of Fate.
Starring:Annie,Fiddlesticks,Garen,Katarina,Nocturne,Ryze,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate
Another Sky
ByJared Rosen,Taylor Dinwiddie,Ty Sheedlo
As a new generation of Star Guardians prepares to fight back the forces of chaos, rising star Akali finds herself wracked with doubt. Does she have what it takes to be a Star Guardian? Or will the darkness she senses inside spell doom for her and her friends?
Mentioned:Ahri,Akshan,Ezreal,Gwen,Jinx,Lux,Miss Fortune,Rakan,Xayah
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
Short Story • 4 Minute Read
To Our End
ByRayla Heide
Niram and his fellow brigands readied their horses beneath the noonday sun. He fastened the buckle of the last satchel on his horse. Each was filled with an assortment of ornately carved daggers, snowfox furs, and cured meat. The stolen wares weighed his horse's saddle down so significantly he decided to walk her back to their camp.
A Fireside Frightener
ByLuchador Teemo,ZeOcelot
Academy Adventures: Series 1
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Akali,Amumu,Anivia,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Braum,Cho'Gath,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fiora,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Ivern,Jhin,Jinx,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nidalee,Olaf,Poppy,Rek'Sai,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Shen,Sion,Sona,Soraka,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tristana,Trundle,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Vel'Koz,Vi,Yorick,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 3
ByGutter Rat
Playtime with Gnar: Series 2
ByRachel J. Corey
The Roadtrip
ByCassie Parkes,Marvin Clifford
Mentioned:Ahri,Ashe,Azir,Bard,Braum,Darius,Fiddlesticks,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Irelia,Jinx,Kalista,Katarina,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Lulu,Master Yi,Nami,Poppy,Rakan,Shaco,Sona,Swain,Taric,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Varus,Xayah,Yasuo,Zilean
• Fiddlesticks is at least 10,000 years old
• As noted by its voice, Fiddlesticks preys on fear of any sentient being, but mostly humans.
• Fiddlesticks has no words of its own, instead repeating things it has heard or things that have been spoken to its victims, as can be implied by its voice lines.
• The 10 Kings mentioned in its lines andcolor storyare 10 primordial demons that predate the demons in the game likeEvelynnandTahm Kenchand are much more powerful.[6]While it is said to not have a crown on its head like the rest of the 10, the keys it keeps may potentially form one.[7]
• Fiddlestick's champion theme is an in-universe folk song about it, with the rhythm implying it was sung by some of its victims.[8]
• Fiddlesticks's body is made up of whatever's lying around, it frequently swaps pieces of his body and can't be killed by ordinary means. The current version of Fiddlesticks body is made out of stuff the demon found aroundGoldweald.[9]
• While it is said to not have a crown on its head like the rest of the 10, the keys it keeps may potentially form one.[7]
• Even though Fiddlesticks is said to use ascythehe uses asicklein-game.
• In his old lore, the key around Fiddlesticks's neck was owned by aZaunite Summonernamed Istvaan, who performed some perverse ritual that caused him to manifest Fiddlesticks. The key unlocked the door to Istvaan's summoning tower, which he spent quite a lot of time in seclusion inside.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: A Harmless Scarecrow, Description: Innate - Scarecrow Effigy: Fiddlesticks begins the game with an exclusive Scarecrow Effigy , which permanently occupies the trinket slot. Fiddlesticks can pretend to be an Effigy by standing still and not acting nor being acted upon for 2 seconds, during which it adjusts its body into a scarecrow and extends its arm out to expose its lantern. Innate - A Harmless Scarecrow: From level 6 onward, placing an Effigy also summons a Sweeper Drone at the location for 6 seconds., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputVector', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Scarecrow Effigiesare unavailable onARAMuntilFiddlesticksuses itsPoro-Snax.', 'The process of or the act of pretending to be anEffigywill be interrupted ifFiddlesticks:Moves.Takes damage.Declares an attack.Casts any ability or spell.Startschanneling.Is hit by an ability.Is affected by acrowd controleffect.', 'Moves.', 'Takes damage.', 'Declares an attack.', 'Casts any ability or spell.', 'Startschanneling.', 'Is hit by an ability.', 'Is affected by acrowd controleffect.', "Effigieswill mimicFiddlesticks'idle animations and theirhealth barsare hidden until they fake an action.IfFiddlestickspretends to be anEffigy, its health bar stays hidden until the pose is interrupted.", 'IfFiddlestickspretends to be anEffigy, its health bar stays hidden until the pose is interrupted.', 'Effigies are consideredclones.They are not valid targets todirection,ground, andauto-targetedeffects for first1.5secondsof their lifespan.', 'They are not valid targets todirection,ground, andauto-targetedeffects for first1.5secondsof their lifespan.', 'The trinket slot can still be temporarily replaced byEye of the Herald.', '-Surprise Party Fiddlestickshas a special icon for this ability.']} | Name: Terrify, Description: Passive: While Fiddlesticks has been out of combat for at least 2. 5 seconds and is not visible to the enemy team, or is pretending to be an Effigy , its next damaging ability will additionally fear targets hit for a duration. Fear Duration: 1. 25 / 1. 5 / 1. 75 / 2 / 2. 25 Active: Fiddlesticks launches a crow at the target enemy that deals magic damage and fears them for a duration. Terrify has a minimum damage threshold and is capped at 400 against monsters . Magic Damage: 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10% (+ 2% per 100 AP) of target's current health Minimum Damage: 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 Fear Duration: 1. 25 / 1. 5 / 1. 75 / 2 / 2. 25 Targets feared by Fiddlesticks by any means cannot be affected by it again for a duration equal to Terrify's cooldown. Against these targets, Terrify's damage and minimum threshold are doubled. Increased Magic Damage: 12 / 14 / 16 / 18 / 20% (+ 4% per 100 AP) of target's current health Increased Minimum Damage: 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 Terrify slows affected targets by 90%., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Tips & Tricks', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'The fear-immunity timer is not refreshed by subsequent attempts to fear the target.', "Thefearis appliedat the end of the cast time, regardless of the target's distance or the missile landing.The missile cannot be destroyed, either.", 'The missile cannot be destroyed, either.', 'Fiddlesticksis considered "seen" if it is visible and is inside an enemy champion\'ssight radius. Vision fromminions,wards, andturretswill not preventFiddlesticksfromfearingif there are no nearby enemy champions.There is a very brief grace period after being seen or when entering combat. This can allow for multiple spells to inflictfear.', 'There is a very brief grace period after being seen or when entering combat. This can allow for multiple spells to inflictfear.', "Monstersare feared byFiddlesticks'sabilities whenFiddlesticksis out of combat, with some exceptions.IfFiddlestickshas recently damaged a monster from a camp with a basic attack or abilities (includingSmitebut not item active abilities), monsters in that camp will not be feared by his other abilities.Bountiful Harvestwill not fear monsters unlessFiddlesticksis pretending to be anEffigyor is not visible to them.", 'IfFiddlestickshas recently damaged a monster from a camp with a basic attack or abilities (includingSmitebut not item active abilities), monsters in that camp will not be feared by his other abilities.', 'Bountiful Harvestwill not fear monsters unlessFiddlesticksis pretending to be anEffigyor is not visible to them.', 'Minionsare always feared ifFiddlesticksis not attacking them and there is no enemy champion in its view.', 'The passive portion does not currently communicate any information toFiddlesticks, its allies nor its enemies. There is no indicator to say thatFiddlesticksis out of combat; and no indicator or debuff icon on affected enemies.A visual indicator will circle around all enemy champions whileFiddlesticksis channelingCrowstormif it is unseen. This is only visible toFiddlesticks.', 'A visual indicator will circle around all enemy champions whileFiddlesticksis channelingCrowstormif it is unseen. This is only visible toFiddlesticks.', 'The fear immunity applies even if the target iscrowd control immune. It is not applied if it is blocked byspell shield.', 'Terrifywill still cast and affect the target even ifFiddlesticksdies or losessightof them during the cast time.Terrifywill still cast but not affect the target if they die or becomeuntargetableduring the cast time. There is no compensation.', 'Terrifywill still cast but not affect the target if they die or becomeuntargetableduring the cast time. There is no compensation.', "Theplayer'sscreen will have a visual effect when successfullyfearedbyTerrify.", '-Surprise Party Fiddlestickshas a special icon for this ability.', 'Crowstormwill not fear enemy champions if cast while they have vision ofFiddlesticks, even ifFiddlesticksis pretending to be anEffigy.', "Nearsightreduces an enemychampion'ssightradius, thus allowingFiddlesticksto utilize the passive portion ofTerrifymore effectively.", 'The fear-immunity is shared across allFiddlesticks.']} | Name: Bountiful Harvest, Description: Active: Fiddlesticks forms a tether between itself and each nearby enemy over the cast time, then channels for up to 2 seconds to harvest their souls, revealing them in the process. While Fiddlesticks is channeling, the tethered enemies are dealt magic damage every 0. 25 seconds, with the final tick at the end of the channel dealing additional magic damage . Bountiful Harvest deals 135% damage against monsters and 50% damage against minions . Magic Damage per Tick: 15 / 22. 5 / 30 / 37. 5 / 45 (+ 8. 75 % AP) Last Tick of Damage: 15 / 22. 5 / 30 / 37. 5 / 45 (+ 8. 75 % AP) (+ 12 / 14. 5 / 17 / 19. 5 / 22% of target's missing health) Total Magic Damage: 120 / 180 / 240 / 300 / 360 (+ 70% AP) (+ 12 / 14. 5 / 17 / 19. 5 / 22% of target's missing health) Fiddlesticks heals itself for a percentage of the pre-mitigation damage dealt, modified to 45% against monsters and 15% against minions. Champion Heal Percentage: 25 / 32. 5 / 40 / 47. 5 / 55% Total Heal per Champion: 30 / 58. 5 / 96 / 142. 5 / 198 (+ 17. 5 / 22. 75 / 28 / 33. 25 / 38. 5 % AP) (+ 3 / 4. 7125 / 6. 8 / 9. 2625 / 12. 1 % of target's missing health) Total Heal per Monster: 72. 9 / 109. 35 / 145. 8 / 182. 25 / 218. 7 (+ 42. 525 % AP) (+ 7. 29 / 8. 80875 / 10. 3275 / 11. 84625 / 13. 365 % of target's missing health) Total Heal per Minion: 9 / 13. 5 / 18 / 22. 5 / 27 (+ 5. 25 % AP) (+ 0. 9 / 1. 0875 / 1. 275 / 1. 4625 / 1. 65 % of target's missing health) Bountiful Harvest ends if all targets have died or broken their tethers. If the channel was not interrupted , 60% of the current cooldown is refunded. A nearby enemy is required to cast this ability. The target does not have to be visible to be tethered by this ability., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Spell shieldwill block the tether's application but not the damage of one already applied.", '-Surprise Party Fiddlestickshas a special icon for this ability.', 'The following table refers for interactions whileFiddlesticksischanneling:', 'Death', 'Cast-inhibiting effects']} | Name: Reap, Description: Active: Fiddlesticks slashes the target location with its scythe, dealing magic damage to enemies within the area and slowing them for 1. 25 seconds. Magic Damage: 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 / 210 (+ 50% AP) Slow: 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50% Enemies hit in the center of the area are also silenced for 1. 25 seconds. Link ▶️ "Reap!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', '-Surprise Party Fiddlestickshas a special icon for this ability.']} | Name: Crowstorm, Description: Active: Fiddlesticks channels for 1. 5 seconds, then blinks to the target location upon completion with a murder of crows flying wildly around it for 5 seconds, dealing magic damage every 0. 25 seconds to nearby enemies. Magic Damage per Tick: 37. 5 / 62. 5 / 87. 5 (+ 12. 5 % AP) Total Magic Damage: 750 / 1250 / 1750 (+ 250% AP) Crowstorm will cast at max range if cast beyond that. Link ▶️ "Fear!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Rootsdo notinterruptthe ability despite being amovement channel.', 'Fiddlestickswill alwaysblinkto its intended location even if its position changes during thechannelwithout being interrupted (e.g. byRealm Warp).', '-Surprise Party Fiddlestickshas a special icon for this ability.', 'The following table refers for interactions whileFiddlesticksischanneling:', 'Death', 'Grounding effects', 'Cast-inhibiting effects']} | Fiddlesticks' dance referencesthe Scarecrow'sdancefromThe Wonderful Wizard of OzbyL. Frank Baum.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.
He appears to be left-handed.
Hisoldest splash artmade acameoinFright Nightalong withChinese Classic Karthus.
In theV1.0.0.115April Fools' Daypatch, he was jokingly listed to receive a skin called"8-bit-tlesticks", referencing the8-bit eraof video games.The following changes were also jokingly listed:Crowstormnow triggersTerrifyon all enemies caught in the area of effect.Notably, this mechanic was actually implemented in post-reworkFiddlesticks's kit due toTerrify'snew passive.Terrify: fear duration has been increased to 10 seconds at all ranks.Fiddlesticks has been removed from the League.
His pre-reworkW ability,Drain, had its name reused byVladimirfor his ability inTeamfight TacticsSet 2. |
Fiora,the Grand Duelist,Fiora Laurent | | | health: Health620+99, resource: Mana300+60, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)8.5+0.55, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)8+0.7, armor: Armor33+4.7, attack damage: Attack damage68+3.3, attack speed: Base AS0.69, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius100, release: 2012-02-29, changed: V13.21, role: Skirmisher, position: Top, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 4800|880 | Missing section(s):
FioraMainArmored 1Armored 2TitlesReal nameFiora LaurentAlias(es)The Grand DuelistLady FioraCharacteristicsSpeciesHumanPronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:966 AN - 971 ANWeapon(s)2RapierPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originDemacia City,DemaciaCurrent residenceDemacia City,DemaciaFamilySebastien Laurent†(Father)Unnamed Mother(Mother)Ammdar Laurent(Older Brother)Unnamed Brothers4Antoine Laurent(Relative)Pierre de Guillard Laurent(Relative)4Unnamed Relative2Unnamed Relative3Unnamed RelativeProfessional statusOccupation(s)Head of House LaurentRegion(s)DemaciaFaction(s)Laurent HouseRelated character(s)LuxJaxJarvan IVGaren
• Main
• Armored 1
• Armored 2
Real name
• The Grand Duelist
• Lady Fiora
• Born:966 AN - 971 AN
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Sebastien Laurent†(Father)
• Unnamed Mother(Mother)
• Ammdar Laurent(Older Brother)
• Unnamed Brothers
• 4Antoine Laurent(Relative)
• Pierre de Guillard Laurent(Relative)
• 4Unnamed Relative
• 2Unnamed Relative
• 3Unnamed Relative
Professional status
Related character(s)
The most feared duelist in allValoran,Fiorais as renowned for her brusque manner and political cunning as she is for the speed of herrapier. Born to the noble Laurent family inDemacia, Fiora claimed the household from her father in the wake of a scandal that nearly destroyed them—now she is dedicated to restoring the Laurents to their rightful place among the great and good of the kingdom.
• 1Background
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Jax5.2Crownguard House5.3Garen
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 5.1Jax
• 5.2Crownguard House
• 5.3Garen
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Jaxmight be the 'worthy opponent' Fiora longs for. He may also be interested in having her join his rebuilt Kohari.
Crownguard House[]
Fiora was set to marry a member of theCrownguard Housebut rejected it, leading to her father Sebastien having to participate in a death duel.Tianna, Garen and Lux's aunt, selected a veteran warrior from theDauntless Vanguardto fight for her kinsman so that his defeat would be certain. As a result, she may have some resentment toward their family.
Garenand Fiora know each other, as she helps train theDauntless Vanguard, though they never train together as "the outcome would be obvious". They fought together against the dragon that attackedEhrenmount.
Read More
The Grand Duelist
ByGraham McNeill
Mentioned:Jarvan III,Tianna
Starring Champion
Short Story • 4 Minute Read
A Matter of Honor
ByGraham McNeill
The man Fiora was going to kill was named Umberto. He had the look of a man very sure of himself. She watched him talking to four men, so alike they must surely be his brothers. The five of them were cocksure and preening, as though it was beneath their dignity to even present themselves in the Hall of Blades in answer to her challenge.
Before Glory
Two aspiring young warriors sneak into a Demacian training arena, hoping to walk in the footsteps of their heroes, Garen Crownguard and Fiora Laurent.
Mentioned Champion
Short Story • 5 Minute Read
None Shall Pass
ByGraham McNeill
Jax sat cross-legged at the center of the bridge with his long-hafted polearm resting on his knees. Demacia had not changed much since he had last traveled this way, but that didn't surprise him. Its people zealously protected their borders, which had turned them into pretty decent fighters. Well, some of them anyway, he thought, wiping a spot of blood from the softly glowing head of the lamppost. He flicked the droplet over the parapet to the river below and reached into his robe to pull out his third hard-boiled egg of the day. Tapping it on the cobbles, he slowly peeled the shell as he heard the warriors at the end of the bridge try to decide which one of them would face him next.
Tales of Runeterra
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Akali,Braum,Corki,Darius,Diana,Ekko,Fiora,Garen,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jinx,Leona,Lulu,Miss Fortune,Shen,Teemo,Thresh,Tristana,Twisted Fate
Tellstones: King's Gambit (Video)
Can you play like a champion?
Mentioned:Fiora,Garen,Jarvan IV,Lux,Quinn,Sona,Taric,Valor,Xin Zhao
Alternate Universes
LoL School
Starring:Fiora,Lucian,Master Yi,Zed
Short Story
Out of Time
ByMichael Yichao
Save the Celebration
Honor the past, protect the future. Every year, a beast of legend arrives to threaten the Lunar New Year, and every year, a team of heroes is chosen to stand as guardians over the celebration.
Starring:Alistar,Annie,Darius,Fiora,Jarvan IV
Systems Online
In the wake of a ruthless Praetorian threat, an elite team converges to stop them. Prepare to engage—you're just in time.
Short Story
Where the Heavens Touch the Earth
By Numerous creators
Starring:Fiora,Janna,Master Yi
Academy Adventures: Series 1
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Akali,Amumu,Anivia,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Braum,Cho'Gath,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fiora,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Ivern,Jhin,Jinx,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nidalee,Olaf,Poppy,Rek'Sai,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Shen,Sion,Sona,Soraka,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tristana,Trundle,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Vel'Koz,Vi,Yorick,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 3
ByGutter Rat
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Reaching the peak takes more than skill. Only those with the ambition to RISE above all others will know its height.
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Akali,Ashe,Braum,Darius,Ekko,Ezreal,Fiora,Garen,Gnar,Jarvan IV,Jax,Jinx,Kalista,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Leona,Lux,Master Yi,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Riven,Ryze,Sejuani,Swain,Taliyah,Thresh,Tryndamere,Vayne,Xayah,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs
• Fiora has turned down every suitor since she does not want to become a political pawn.
• Based on her appearance, Fiora is between her late 20s to early 30s.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Duelist's Dance, Description: Innate: Fiora identifies the Vitals of nearby visible enemy champions, marked as an arc around them in North-, East-, South- or Westward direction. Vitals take 1. 75 seconds to become targetable and linger for 13. 25 seconds afterwards while Fiora remains near the target, otherwise the Vital will disappear. After a Vital ends, Fiora identifies a new one on her target. Dealing damage in the direction of a Vital will trigger it to deal bonus true damage equal to 3% (+ 4% per 100 bonus AD) of target's maximum health , heal Fiora for 35 − 100 (based on level) , and grant her 20 / 30 / 40 / 50% (based on Grand Challenge's Rank) bonus movement speed that decays over 1. 85 seconds., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'True', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', 'Vitalscan be triggered by any source of damageFioradeals, except those withdefault damageandreactive damagetypes.', 'TheVitalsare visible to all units.', "AVital'sangle is fixed to the champion's model and doesn't interact with its orientation.", 'Vitalsspawn directions alternate in a Northeast-Southwest pattern. Other than that, they have a 50% chance to spawn North or East, or South or West, respectively.PENDING FOR TEST:The direction of the first Vital uponFioraand her enemy encountering one another in the game for the first time is always South- or Westward. This is regardless of whether Fiora is in the Blue or Red team.', 'PENDING FOR TEST:The direction of the first Vital uponFioraand her enemy encountering one another in the game for the first time is always South- or Westward. This is regardless of whether Fiora is in the Blue or Red team.', "Vitalswill not trigger if the attack isdodgedor missed whileFioraisblinded.Blockwill not prevent a trigger.If theVitalis triggered byLunge, it can bedodged, but it can't beblockedand will trigger even ifFioraisblinded.", 'Blockwill not prevent a trigger.', "If theVitalis triggered byLunge, it can bedodged, but it can't beblockedand will trigger even ifFioraisblinded.", "Base damage changed to2% of target'smaximumhealth.", 'Bonus AD ratio changed to3% per 100bonusAD.']} | Name: Lunge, Description: Active: Fiora dashes in the target direction, then stabs a nearby enemy. Lunge can hit structures and wards . Stabbing a target reduces Lunge's cooldown by 50%. The stab deals physical damage and applies on-hit effects at 100% effectiveness. Physical Damage: 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 (+ 90 / 95 / 100 / 105 / 110% bonus AD) Fiora can cast any of her abilities during the dash. The target does not have to be visible to be hit by this ability., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'parries': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', "Lunge'sdash speed is modified by herbonusmovement speedat the time of cast:1100 +350%bonusmovement speed, capped at 1600 maximum dash speed if bonus movement speed is positive.1100 +300%bonusmovement speed, capped at 850 minimum dash speed if bonus movement speed is negative.", '1100 +350%bonusmovement speed, capped at 1600 maximum dash speed if bonus movement speed is positive.', '1100 +300%bonusmovement speed, capped at 850 minimum dash speed if bonus movement speed is negative.', 'Fioradoes not stab if thedashisinterrupted.Flashgets sealed during the dash soFioracannot interrupt herself with it. This also means she cannot bufferFlashduring the dash for it to be cast right afterward, however.Fioracan castHextech Rocketbeltduring the dash, potentially interrupting it based on the timing, preventing the stab if it does.', 'Flashgets sealed during the dash soFioracannot interrupt herself with it. This also means she cannot bufferFlashduring the dash for it to be cast right afterward, however.', 'Fioracan castHextech Rocketbeltduring the dash, potentially interrupting it based on the timing, preventing the stab if it does.', 'The dashcanpass through walls.The dash has no forgiveness mechanic to clear distant or wider walls with. Any wall wider than 400 units is not crossable.', 'The dash has no forgiveness mechanic to clear distant or wider walls with. Any wall wider than 400 units is not crossable.', "The stab searches for targets in its radius and prioritizes in order of:Nearest enemy champion affected byGrand Challengewith aVitalfacingFiora.Nearest enemy championVitalfacingFiora.Nearest enemy champion affected byGrand ChallengeEnemy champion with the lowest percent health out of all champions <20% remaining health.Nearest enemy champion, minion, or monster within 60% of the radius (252) with current health belowLunge'sraw damage.Nearest enemy champion in the radius check.Nearest champion in arectangular check with 160 width and 450 units length backwards fromFiora'scurrent facting direction, ignoring the normal radius check.TurningFiora'sfacing direction during the dash (e.g. by castingRiposte) can create some very long range hits opposite to her new facing direction, especially against targets with a large gameplay radius.(bug)Nearest enemy minion with current health belowLunge'sraw damage.Any nearest enemy minion or monster.Structures.Wards.", 'Nearest enemy champion affected byGrand Challengewith aVitalfacingFiora.', 'Nearest enemy championVitalfacingFiora.', 'Nearest enemy champion affected byGrand Challenge', 'Enemy champion with the lowest percent health out of all champions <20% remaining health.', "Nearest enemy champion, minion, or monster within 60% of the radius (252) with current health belowLunge'sraw damage.", 'Nearest enemy champion in the radius check.', "Nearest champion in arectangular check with 160 width and 450 units length backwards fromFiora'scurrent facting direction, ignoring the normal radius check.TurningFiora'sfacing direction during the dash (e.g. by castingRiposte) can create some very long range hits opposite to her new facing direction, especially against targets with a large gameplay radius.(bug)", "TurningFiora'sfacing direction during the dash (e.g. by castingRiposte) can create some very long range hits opposite to her new facing direction, especially against targets with a large gameplay radius.(bug)", "Nearest enemy minion with current health belowLunge'sraw damage.", 'Any nearest enemy minion or monster.', 'Structures.', 'Wards.', 'Lungewill not attempt to strikejungle plants.', 'Lungedealsbasic damage, but also triggers spell effects by also being tagged asspell damage.Lungecannotcritically strike.', 'Lungecannotcritically strike.', "Lungewon't deal damage, if the spell isdodgedorblocked, but will deal damage ifFioraisblinded.", "Lungedoes not applyon-attackeffects apart from certain exceptions.It does applyEnergizedas if it was anon-hiteffect.It does not stackGuinsoo's Ragebladenor trigger Phantom Hit.", 'It does applyEnergizedas if it was anon-hiteffect.', "It does not stackGuinsoo's Ragebladenor trigger Phantom Hit."]} | Name: Riposte, Description: Active: Fiora enters a defensive stance for 0. 75 seconds, becoming unable to act , preventing all incoming non- turret damage, and gaining debuff immunity and crowd control immunity . Additionally, over the first 0. 6 seconds of the duration, Fiora poises to strike, after which she sends a shock with her sword in a line in the target direction, dealing magic damage to all enemies hit until colliding with an enemy champion. Magic Damage: 110 / 150 / 190 / 230 / 270 (+ 100% AP) The enemy champion struck is also slowed and crippled by 50% for 2 seconds. If Riposte negates at least one hostile immobilizing effect, Fiora stuns the target for the same duration instead. Link ▶️ (Upon blocking an immobilizing effect) "One step ahead!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', "Riposteis notinvulnerabilitybut instead reduces any damage to her by 100% late into the damage event. Because of this, it interacts differently with effects triggered from damage:Life stealandHealingbased on damage dealt (Vamp) will still have effect even if the damage is ultimately ignored byRiposte.Shieldswill absorb damage beforeRipostetakes effect.Fioracannot beexecutedbyPyke'sDeath from BelowduringRipostebut she can byAspect of the Dragon.", 'Life stealandHealingbased on damage dealt (Vamp) will still have effect even if the damage is ultimately ignored byRiposte.', 'Shieldswill absorb damage beforeRipostetakes effect.', "Fioracannot beexecutedbyPyke'sDeath from BelowduringRipostebut she can byAspect of the Dragon.", 'Ripostewill not negate alliedcrowd control.', 'Ripostewill not negatenearsight.', 'Immobilizingeffects include those fromBlast Cone(only if triggered by an enemy) andepic monsters.', 'Debuff immunity includessummoner spells, such asExhaustandIgnite, as well asdamage over timeand other effects.', 'Riposteis and is not prioritized over certain effects:Ripostewill block effects beforespell shields.Black Shieldwill negatecrowd controlbeforeRiposte.Ripostewill not be able to apply itsstun, as it requiresRiposteto negate theimmobilizeand not any other external source to do so.', 'Ripostewill block effects beforespell shields.', 'Black Shieldwill negatecrowd controlbeforeRiposte.Ripostewill not be able to apply itsstun, as it requiresRiposteto negate theimmobilizeand not any other external source to do so.', 'Ripostewill not be able to apply itsstun, as it requiresRiposteto negate theimmobilizeand not any other external source to do so.', 'Spell shieldwill also preventVitalsfrom being triggered byRiposte.', 'The following table refers for interactions whileFiorais performingRiposte:', 'Death', 'Now affected by -20 ability haste.']} | Name: Bladework, Description: Active: Fiora empowers her next two basic attacks on-attack within 4 seconds to gain 25 bonus range and bonus attack speed . Bonus Attack Speed: 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90% The first attack slows the target by 30% for 1 second but cannot critically strike . The second attack will critically strike for modified critical damage , including to structures . Critical damage: 160 / 170 / 180 / 190 / 200% Bladework resets Fiora's basic attack timer., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'parries': 'Missing', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', "Infinity Edge'sbonuscritical damagewill increase the damage of the second attack by 35% AD.", 'Spell shieldwill only block the slow from the first hit.', "PENDING FOR TEST::Bladework'sinteraction withdodging,blocking, andblindingeffects."]} | Name: Grand Challenge, Description: Passive: Duelist's Dance's bonus movement speed is increased. Additional Bonus Movement Speed: 10 / 20 / 30% Active: Fiora challenges the target enemy champion for 8 seconds, highlighting all four of their Vitals after a 0. 5 -second delay. While in effect, Duelist's Dance does not identify new Vitals on Fiora's target. While near the target, Fiora gains Duelist's Dance's bonus movement speed . If Fiora triggers at least one Vital before the target dies , or triggers all four, she creates a Victory Zone at their location for 2 − 5 (based on Vitals hit) seconds, which heals Fiora and all allies within the area every second. Heal per Tick: 75 / 100 / 125 (+ 60% bonus AD) Maximum Heal: 375 / 500 / 625 (+ 300% bonus AD) Unlike Duelist's Dance , the Vitals will continue to linger even if Fiora is not nearby., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'True', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Tips & Tricks', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', "Grand Challengeis dispelled instantly if targeting adecoy.PENDING FOR TEST::Sion'sGlory in Death", "PENDING FOR TEST::Sion'sGlory in Death", "The damage of this ability scales withDuelist's Dance.", 'Even ifFioradies, theVictory Zonewill trigger so long as she hit at least oneVitaland they die before theVitalswear off.Resurrectioneffects will not prevent the activation of theVictory Zone.', 'Resurrectioneffects will not prevent the activation of theVictory Zone.', 'Ally units instasiswill not behealedby theVictory Zone.', "Fiorawill automatically attack the target upon casting if the target was selected while they weren't in range of the ability.", 'If the target stays very close to terrain they can preventFiorafrom hitting all vitals.', 'Attempting to castGrand Challengeon a target that is already affected by it will inform the player that it "Cannot be stacked" onceFiorais in cast range.']} | Fiora isvoicedbyKaren Strassman, who also voicesCassiopeia,ShyvanaandZyra.Karen Strassman also voices her inLegends of Runeterra.[2]
Fiora's fighting style referencesFencingwhile she herself might have been inspired byJulie d'Aubigny.[3]Her taunt references the 'salute' from duel tradition.
In her joke, Fiora drawsTeemo'sface in the air.
Her dance referencesFred Astaire'sto the tune ofPuttin' On the RitzinBlue Skies.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.
Fioraderives fromSabinetheonymFlora, from Proto-Italic*flōs[4]plusfeminine suffix-a.Her name might be referencingFiore dei Liberiand/orFioretto(Italian: 'foil')
Her house's name is a reference toNicolo Laurent, former CEO of Riot Games.Alex 'Skribbles' Yeechose his surname without even telling him and because he was "the only french person he knows".Having become CEO years after, Laurent only discovered thiseaster eggduring the production ofLegends of Runeterra.[5]
Riposteand4Fiora's Riposte/4Riposteare named after theeponymous fencing move, but its effect is more akin to aParry, alongside a Riposte. |
Fizz,the Tidal Trickster | | | health: Health640+106, resource: Mana317+52, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)8+0.7, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)6+0.8, armor: Armor22+4.6, attack damage: Attack damage58+3, attack speed: Base AS0.658, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius55, selection radius: Selection radius108, release: 2011-11-15, changed: V13.5, role: Assassin, position: Middle, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 1350|585 | Missing section(s):
FizzMainCurrentTitlesAlias(es)The Tidal TricksterCharacteristicsSpeciesYordlePronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:Earlier than 9000 BNWeapon(s)Seastone TridentPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originBandle CityCurrent residenceGuardian's Sea(NearBilgewater)Pet(s)LongtoothProfessional statusOccupation(s)TricksterRegion(s)BilgewaterRelated character(s)IllaoiLongtoothNamiNautilus
• Main
• Current
• Born:Earlier than 9000 BN
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
Related character(s)
Fizzis an amphibiousyordle, who dwells among the reefs surroundingBilgewater. He often retrieves and returns the tithes cast into the sea by superstitious captains, but even the saltiest of sailors know better than to cross him—for many are the tales of those who have underestimated this slippery character. Often mistaken for some manner of capricious ocean spirit, he seems able to command the beasts of the deep, and delights in confounding his allies and enemies alike.
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2Becoming a Legend
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Creatures of the Shallow Sea5.2Nautilus
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2Becoming a Legend
• 5.1Creatures of the Shallow Sea
• 5.2Nautilus
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early life[]
In ages past, the oceans of Runeterra were home to civilizations far older than those of the land. In the depths of what is now theGuardian’s Sea, a great city once stood—it was here that the yordle Fizz made his home. He lived alongside the artisans and warriors of that proud, noble race. Even though he was not one of them, they treated him as an equal, and his playful nature and tall tales of adventures in the open sea made him welcome at any gathering.
But the world was changing. The oceans were growing warmer, emboldening fierce predators to rise up from the deepest trenches. Other settlements had fallen silent, but the rulers of the great city could still not agree on how to deal with the threat. Fizz pledged to roam the seas in search of survivors, or anyone who knew what had happened.
Then, one dark day, thegigalodonscame.
These huge dragon-sharks stunned their prey with fell shrieking, and the avenues of the great city were soon clouded red. Thousands died in a matter of hours, the immense bulk of their killers crushing towers and temples in a monstrous feeding frenzy. Scenting blood in the water, Fizz raced back, determined to join the fight and save the city.
He was too late. There was nothing left of the city to save. When the debris finally settled, not a single living creature remained, nor any stone upon another, and the ravenous shoal had moved on. Alone in the cold depths, Fizz sank into mournful despair. As his yordle magic began to fade, he let himself be carried by the currents, drifting in a catatonic torpor, dreaming away the millennia…
It was only chance that reawakened him. A handful of copper coins fell from above, scattered to the seabed in the wake of a huge,woodenfish that swam upon the surface. This was no gigalodon, but Fizz was alarmed nonetheless—he knew little of the world overhead, but surely no fish could survive up there? He ventured up and peered into the salty air for the first time.
There were people, people who lived outside of the water and sailed in wooden fish of all sizes. Fizz found the thought both frightening and exciting, but the curious gifts they cast into the water made it clear that they wanted to be his friends. In time, following their movements to and fro across the oceans, he came to the port city of Bilgewater.
Becoming a Legend[]
To the inhabitants of that lawless place, this strange and slippery creature quickly became something of a legend—the Tidal Trickster, a spirit of the ocean itself. It is said that he can summon great beasts to do his bidding, hole a ship’s hull with his stone trident, and breathe air or water as it suits him. Many a misbehaving child has been warned on a moonless night: “Go quickly to sleep, or the Trickster will come and feed you to the fishes…”
In the beginning, Fizz was a proud and headstrong warrior of a ancient aquatic civilization. Like most Yordles, Fizz was greatly attached to his civilization of choice, and dedicated his life to protect it, training to become a powerful warrior against terrible foes.
When that aquatic civilization was destroyed anyway, the trauma made Fizz sank in a despair so big that he hibernated, were he remained for centuries.
After waking up from his coma in Bilgewater. Fizz personality changed greatly. He became the trickster of Bilgewater, a strange and mercurial creature of the seas. Thought generally good natured, Fizz pranks often lead to chaos and destruction, such as the sinking of ships and massive amounts of casualties. In spite of this, Fizz often tends to help the good natured and punish those that try to abuse the oceans.
• Yordle Physiology:Fizz is a Yordle, a being coming from theSpirit Realmand possesses several abilities natural of his species.Immortality:Being spiritual beings, Yordles don't age the same way as normal humans, and they can't normally die.Yordle Magic:Just like anyYordle, Fizz is capable of performing yordle magic, which he utilizes in tandem with his skills as a trickster.
• Amphibious Physiology:Fizz seems to be the only Yordle that's amphibious. He can breathe both air and water without issue, swim at great speeds, and survive the intense pressures of the ocean.Sea Animal Communication:Fizz can communicate with aquatic beings.
• Water Magic:Fizz is a powerful water mage, having a deep connection to the element thanks to his nature. He control the seas with playful ease, sinking entire ships without problem. He can summon water from nothing, and use it to fight his foes.Water Teleportation:Fizz can use water to create portals to other places. He can use that as method of travel, or to summon sea animals to his aid, mainly his sharkLongtooth.
• Skilled Fighter:Fizz is a talented fighter, being able to use his trident to bring down enemies much bigger than him.
• Immortality:Being spiritual beings, Yordles don't age the same way as normal humans, and they can't normally die.
• Yordle Magic:Just like anyYordle, Fizz is capable of performing yordle magic, which he utilizes in tandem with his skills as a trickster.
• Sea Animal Communication:Fizz can communicate with aquatic beings.
• Water Teleportation:Fizz can use water to create portals to other places. He can use that as method of travel, or to summon sea animals to his aid, mainly his sharkLongtooth.
• Seastone Trident:A magical trident created byOrnnthat came to fall in Fizz possession.[citation needed]
Creatures of the Shallow Sea[]
Fizz is friend with many creatures of the shallow sea surroundingSerpent Islessuch as1Shellshocker,2Coral Creatures,3Bubble Bear,4Zap Sprayfinand4Longtooth.
Nautilushates Fizz and would like to see him dead, though Fizz may not be fully aware of that fact.
Read More
The Tidal Trickster
ByLaurie Goulding
Starring Champion
The Lucky Kraken
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Eh! Well, 'allo there, young 'uns. Shouldn't you cheeky little sprats already be a-bed? What's that? You want a suppertime story from old One-Legged Lars, eh?
Mentioned Champion
Short Story
Dead in the Water
ByGraham McNeill
Red tide out, red tide in.
Starring:Miss Fortune,Nautilus
Short Story
Destiny and Fate
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Ah, Bilgewater.
Starring:Graves,Miss Fortune,Twisted Fate
Ruined King
ByAirship Syndicate
Rise Against Ruin - Unite a party of League of Legends Champions, explore Bilgewater and set sail for the Shadow Isles to uncover the secrets of the deadly Black Mist in this immersive turn-based RPG.
Starring:Ahri,Braum,Gangplank,Illaoi,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Necrit,Pyke,Rafen,Thresh,Viego,Yasuo
Mentioned:Ashe,Elise,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Gwen,Hecarim,Isolde,Ivern,Janna,Jarvan IV,Kalista,Ledros,Lucian,Nagakabouros,Nautilus,Olaf,Ornn,Rhasa,Riven,Senna,Swain,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Twisted Fate,Udyr,Volibear,Yone,Yorick,Zed
The Mageseeker
ByDigital Sun
In the kingdom of Demacia, the Mageseekers hold the power to oppress magic-using citizens in the name of public order–by inducting and indoctrinating them, locking them away, or driving them into hiding. Play as Sylas, a spell-stealing mage who has just broken free of his unjust captivity at the Mageseekers’ hands. Wielding the chains that once bound you, you must liberate your homeland from tyranny, one Mageseeker at a time.
Starring:Aidan,Eldred,Garen,Gideon,Hesbeth,Jarvan IV,Kara,Killan,Leilani,Lux,Morgana,Rayn,Rukko,Shyvana,Sylas,Wisteria,Yops
Mentioned:Aatrox,Anden Mayne,Dalin,Dominick,Evelynn,Falden,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Jaredan,Jarvan III,Katarina,Kayle,LeBlanc,Mihira,Naafiri,Nocturne,Rhaast,Ryze,Sion,Tianna,Varus
Alternate Universes
Cats Versus Dogs (Video)
This April Fools’, leave it all on the show floor.
Just One More
Every League of Legends player knows what it's like to chase the next win. Inspired by the true story of the five North American League of Legends players with the longest losing streak in one sitting. It's On.
Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 3
ByGutter Rat
Mac Client Available
Starring:Dr. Mundo
Mentioned:Amumu,Ashe,Caitlyn,Ezreal,Fizz,Gragas,Graves,Katarina,Master Yi,Miss Fortune,Mordekaiser,Orianna,Riven,Ryze,Singed,Soraka,Viktor,Zac,Ziggs
Punches and Plants: Series 2
Mentioned:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Amumu,Annie,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Diana,Draven,Ekko,Ezreal,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Kha'Zix,Kog'Maw,Leona,Lucian,Lux,Malphite,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nasus,Nautilus,Nidalee,Olaf,Orianna,Poppy,Quinn,Rakan,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Shaco,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Valor,Vel'Koz,Viktor,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Xin Zhao,Yasuo,Ziggs
Music Video
Worlds Collide
By Numerous creators
Two teams have risen above their peers. Ten warriors have laid claim to the Summoner’s Cup. Five champions will etch their names in history.
Starring: N/A
• Fizz is a prehistoric yordle, at the very least older than 10000 years, dating back to a time when there were no massive civilizations on land.He was able to survive for millennia due to hibernation and being a Yordle, a magical race that does not age.
• Before Fizz's reveal inLegends of Runeterra, his shark was previously calledChomper.[1]It has since been renamed to4Longtooth.
• He was able to survive for millennia due to hibernation and being a Yordle, a magical race that does not age.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Nimble Fighter, Description: Innate: Fizz gains ghosting and takes 4 (+ 1% AP) reduced damage from every instance of damage, up to a maximum of 50% reduction., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'No additional notes.']} | Name: Urchin Strike, Description: Active: Fizz dashes a fixed distance in the direction of the target enemy. If they are in range upon arrival, he deals magic damage plus 100% AD physical damage and applies on-hit effects at 100% effectiveness. Magic Damage: 10 / 25 / 40 / 55 / 70 (+ 55% AP) Seastone Trident and Chum the Waters can be cast during the dash., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Physical/Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Urchin Strikecan only go through walls if the target is on the other side.', 'Urchin Strikeonly damages targets if within 200 units of their original location upon completion of the dash.', 'Fizzwill be automatically ordered tobasic attackthe target afterUrchin Strike.', 'Urchin Strikedoes not deal damage if the target isuntargetable.', 'Life stealapplies only on the physical damage component.Spell vampapplies to both the physical damage and bonus magic damage.']} | Name: Seastone Trident, Description: Passive: Fizz's basic attacks rend enemies on-hit , dealing magic damage every 0. 5 seconds over 3 seconds, refreshing on subsequent hits. Total Magic Damage: 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 (+ 40% AP) Magic Damage per Tick: 3. 33 / 5 / 6. 67 / 8. 33 / 10 (+ 6. 67 % AP) Active: Fizz empowers his next basic attack within 4 seconds to have an uncancellable windup , gain 50 bonus range , and deal bonus magic damage . Bonus Magic Damage: 50 / 70 / 90 / 110 / 130 (+ 50% AP) If Seastone Trident kills its target, the cooldown is reduced to 1 second and Fizz restores mana . Otherwise, if the target is not killed, Fizz's basic attacks deal bonus magic damage on-hit for the next 5 seconds. Mana Restored: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 Bonus Magic Damage On-Hit: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 (+ 35% AP) Seastone Trident resets Fizz's basic attack timer., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'parries': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Appliesspell damageon the empowered attack,persistent damageon the damage over time effect, andproc damageon the bonus damage on-hit.', "Seastone Trident'sinteractions withdodging,blocking, andblindingeffects.The passive bonus damage gets negated bydodgingorblockingthe attack, or ifFizzisblinded.The active:If the attacked enemy isdodgingor ifFizzisblinded, the empowered attack won't deal any damage, but the empowered attack won't be consumed.If the attacked enemy isblocking, the empowered attack won't deal any damage despite being consumed. But the attack will apply the passive bonus damage ofSeastone Trident.", 'The passive bonus damage gets negated bydodgingorblockingthe attack, or ifFizzisblinded.', "The active:If the attacked enemy isdodgingor ifFizzisblinded, the empowered attack won't deal any damage, but the empowered attack won't be consumed.If the attacked enemy isblocking, the empowered attack won't deal any damage despite being consumed. But the attack will apply the passive bonus damage ofSeastone Trident.", "If the attacked enemy isdodgingor ifFizzisblinded, the empowered attack won't deal any damage, but the empowered attack won't be consumed.", "If the attacked enemy isblocking, the empowered attack won't deal any damage despite being consumed. But the attack will apply the passive bonus damage ofSeastone Trident.", 'The empowered attack will trigger but not be consumed nor apply its effects againststructures.']} | Name: Playful, Description: Active: Fizz dashes to the target location while becoming untargetable , balancing on his trident for 0. 75 seconds, during which he can cast Trickster after 0. 15 seconds into the duration. He then begins to hop off of his trident over 0. 5 seconds, afterwards becoming targetable and landing to create a splash that deals magic damage to nearby enemies and slows them for 2 seconds. Magic Damage: 80 / 130 / 180 / 230 / 280 (+ 90% AP) Slow: 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60% While hopping off of the trident, Fizz may input movement commands to direct his landing. Playful will cast at max range if cast beyond that., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Playful Details', 'Trickster Details', "Playfulcounts as an ability activation for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.Detonating the ability early forTricksterdoes not.", 'Detonating the ability early forTricksterdoes not.', 'Playfulcannot be used for approximately 0.5seconds after usingUrchin Strike.', 'Flashcan be used while hopping off the trident but not while balanced on it.', 'If the first dash is interrupted,Fizzinitiates the hop immediately, and if the second one is, the splash will not occur.In either cases,Fizzloses the untargetability.', 'In either cases,Fizzloses the untargetability.', 'IfPlayfulis cast while under the effect of a move block,Fizzwill not become untargetable and will initiate the hop instantly.(bug)IfTricksteris cast, the splash will not occur.(bug)', 'IfTricksteris cast, the splash will not occur.(bug)', 'There is a minimum dash distance of 25 units forPlayful.IfFizzcastsPlayfulon top of himself after being teleported (e.g.Flash,Recall), the minimum dash distance will not apply.(bug)', 'IfFizzcastsPlayfulon top of himself after being teleported (e.g.Flash,Recall), the minimum dash distance will not apply.(bug)', "The distance covered duringPlayful'sdirected splash is equal to half ofFizz'smovement speed.", 'IfFizzentersstasisduring eitherPlayfulorTrickster, the splash occurs after the stasis ends.', 'Tricksterdoes not count as an ability activation.', "BothPlayful'sandTrickster'sdashesmay be directed separately.", 'Tricksterhas a minimum dash distance of 75 units.', 'Flashcannot be used during the dash.', 'The splash occurs immediately ifFizzencounters terrain that cannot be dashed through (he has to be particularly close to the wall).', 'Hide', 'Details', 'Chum the Waterswill stop its movement if the lure collides with an enemy champion with aspell shield(does not attach) or upon colliding withWind Wall(does not get destroyed).', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.The targeted area does not change unless the ability was cast beyond maximum range.', 'The targeted area does not change unless the ability was cast beyond maximum range.', 'If the lure attaches to an enemy champion, a countdown will appear at their position to signify when the shark is about to emerge. The countdown begins from 4, and ticks down by one every 0.5 second.', 'Seastone TridentMana restore increased to 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 from 20 / 28 / 36 / 44 / 52.', 'Mana restore increased to 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 from 20 / 28 / 36 / 44 / 52.', 'PlayfulBase damage increased to 80 / 130 / 180 / 230 / 280 from 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270.Mana cost reduced to 75 / 80 / 85 / 90 / 95 from 90 / 95 / 100 / 105 / 110.', 'Base damage increased to 80 / 130 / 180 / 230 / 280 from 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270.', 'Mana cost reduced to 75 / 80 / 85 / 90 / 95 from 90 / 95 / 100 / 105 / 110.', "Urchin StrikeBug Fix:Now properly applies spell effects even whileSeastone Tridentwasn't learned yet.", "Bug Fix:Now properly applies spell effects even whileSeastone Tridentwasn't learned yet.", 'PlayfulAP ratio increased to90% APfrom75% AP.', 'AP ratio increased to90% APfrom75% AP.', 'PlayfulBug Fix:Range indicator is now properly shown.', 'Bug Fix:Range indicator is now properly shown.', 'GeneralUpdated visual effects.', 'Updated visual effects.', 'Original FizzComplete overhaul.', 'Complete overhaul.', 'Atlantean Fizz,Tundra Fizz,Fisherman FizzSame as new base, but with new effects forSeastone TridentandChum the Waters.', 'Same as new base, but with new effects forSeastone TridentandChum the Waters.', 'Void FizzComplete overhaul.', 'Complete overhaul.', 'Cottontail FizzComplete overhaul.', 'Complete overhaul.', 'Super Galaxy Fizz,Omega Squad Fizz,Fuzz Fizz,Prestige Fuzz Fizz,Little Devil FizzNew passive marker forSeastone Trident.', 'New passive marker forSeastone Trident.', 'StatsHealth growth reduced to 106 from 112.Mana growth increased to 52 from 37.', 'Health growth reduced to 106 from 112.', 'Mana growth increased to 52 from 37.', 'StatsBase health increased to 640 from 570.Health growth increased to 112 from 98.Armor growth increased to 4.6from 3.4.Magic resistance growth increased to 2.05from 1.25.', 'Base health increased to 640 from 570.', 'Health growth increased to 112 from 98.', 'Armor growth increased to 4.6from 3.4.', 'Magic resistance growth increased to 2.05from 1.25.', 'GeneralBase voice lines have been remastered to sound clearer, cleaner, and smoother.', 'Base voice lines have been remastered to sound clearer, cleaner, and smoother.', 'Nimble FighterRemoved:Damage reduction against champion basic attacks is no longer increased to 8(+ 2% AP).', 'Removed:Damage reduction against champion basic attacks is no longer increased to 8(+ 2% AP).', 'Seastone TridentOn-hit base damage reduced to 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 from 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40.', 'On-hit base damage reduced to 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 from 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40.', 'PlayfulCooldown reduced to 16 / 14 / 12 / 10 / 8 seconds from 16 / 14.5/ 13 / 11.5/ 10.', 'Cooldown reduced to 16 / 14 / 12 / 10 / 8 seconds from 16 / 14.5/ 13 / 11.5/ 10.', 'Chum the WatersGuppy base damage increased to 150 / 250 / 350 from 150 / 225 / 300.Chomper base damage increased to 225 / 325 / 425 from 200 / 275 / 350.Gigalodon base damage increased to 300 / 400 / 500 from 250 / 325 / 400.Guppy AP ratio increased to80% APfrom70% AP.Chomper AP ratio increased to100% APfrom85% AP.Gigalodon AP ratio increased to120% APfrom100% AP.', 'Guppy base damage increased to 150 / 250 / 350 from 150 / 225 / 300.', 'Chomper base damage increased to 225 / 325 / 425 from 200 / 275 / 350.', 'Gigalodon base damage increased to 300 / 400 / 500 from 250 / 325 / 400.', 'Guppy AP ratio increased to80% APfrom70% AP.', 'Chomper AP ratio increased to100% APfrom85% AP.', 'Gigalodon AP ratio increased to120% APfrom100% AP.', 'Nimble FighterNew Effect:Damage reduction against champion basic attack is increased to 8(+ 2% AP).', 'New Effect:Damage reduction against champion basic attack is increased to 8(+ 2% AP).', 'Seastone TridentOn-hit base damage increased to 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 from 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30.', 'On-hit base damage increased to 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 from 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30.', 'Chum the WatersGuppy base damage reduced to 150 / 225 / 300 from 150 / 250 / 350.Chomper base damage reduced to 200 / 275 / 350 from 225 / 325 / 425.Gigalodon base damage reduced to 250 / 325 / 400 from 300 / 400 / 500.Guppy AP ratio reduced to70% APfrom80% AP.Chomper AP ratio reduced to85% APfrom100% AP.Gigalodon AP ratio reduced to100% APfrom120% AP.', 'Guppy base damage reduced to 150 / 225 / 300 from 150 / 250 / 350.', 'Chomper base damage reduced to 200 / 275 / 350 from 225 / 325 / 425.', 'Gigalodon base damage reduced to 250 / 325 / 400 from 300 / 400 / 500.', 'Guppy AP ratio reduced to70% APfrom80% AP.', 'Chomper AP ratio reduced to85% APfrom100% AP.', 'Gigalodon AP ratio reduced to100% APfrom120% AP.', 'Nimble FighterBug Fix:Now properly ignores unit collision even after dying.', 'Bug Fix:Now properly ignores unit collision even after dying.', 'Seastone TridentBug Fix:Fixed a bug where he was unable to gainTear of the Goddessstacks when killing minions.', 'Bug Fix:Fixed a bug where he was unable to gainTear of the Goddessstacks when killing minions.', 'PlayfulBug Fix:Fixed a bug where he was locked out of casting his other abilities until he castedTrickster.', 'Bug Fix:Fixed a bug where he was locked out of casting his other abilities until he castedTrickster.', 'StatsBase attack damage reduced to 58 from 58.04.Base armor reduced to 22 from 22.412.Base magic resistance reduced to 32 from 32.1.', 'Base attack damage reduced to 58 from 58.04.', 'Base armor reduced to 22 from 22.412.', 'Base magic resistance reduced to 32 from 32.1.', 'StatsMana growth reduced to 37 from 57.', 'Mana growth reduced to 37 from 57.', "Seastone TridentBug Fix:Can no longer triggerTear of the Goddess'mana charge twice.", "Bug Fix:Can no longer triggerTear of the Goddess'mana charge twice.", 'StatsMana growth increased to 57 from 37.', 'Mana growth increased to 57 from 37.', 'Chum the WatersBug Fix:SFX are no longer audible in Fog of War.', 'Bug Fix:SFX are no longer audible in Fog of War.', 'Urchin StrikeBug Fix:Now properly breaks spell shields.', 'Bug Fix:Now properly breaks spell shields.', 'Nimble FighterUndocumented:Base damage reduction increased to 4 from 3.', 'Undocumented:Base damage reduction increased to 4 from 3.', 'Nimble FighterUndocumented:Base damage reduction reduced to 3 from 4.', 'Undocumented:Base damage reduction reduced to 3 from 4.', 'Nimble FighterBase damage reduction increased to 4 from 3.', 'Base damage reduction increased to 4 from 3.', 'Nimble FighterBase damage reduction reduced to 3 from 4.', 'Base damage reduction reduced to 3 from 4.', 'Nimble FighterRemoved:No longer takes4 − 14 (based on level)less physical damage from basic attacks, applied before other modifiers.New Effect:Now takes 4(+ 1% AP)less damage from all sources of pre-mitigation damage, up to a maximum of 50% reduction.', 'Removed:No longer takes4 − 14 (based on level)less physical damage from basic attacks, applied before other modifiers.', 'New Effect:Now takes 4(+ 1% AP)less damage from all sources of pre-mitigation damage, up to a maximum of 50% reduction.', 'Seastone TridentActive AP ratio reduced to50% APfrom60% AP.On-hit magic damage AP ratio reduced to35% APfrom40% AP.', 'Active AP ratio reduced to50% APfrom60% AP.', 'On-hit magic damage AP ratio reduced to35% APfrom40% AP.', 'Chum the WatersGuppy AP ratio reduced to80% APfrom90% AP.Chomper AP ratio reduced to100% APfrom110% AP.Gigalodon AP ratio reduced to120% APfrom130% AP.', 'Guppy AP ratio reduced to80% APfrom90% AP.', 'Chomper AP ratio reduced to100% APfrom110% AP.', 'Gigalodon AP ratio reduced to120% APfrom130% AP.', 'Seastone TridentActive base damage increased to 50 / 70 / 90 / 110 / 130 from 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80.Active AP ratio increased to60% APfrom40% AP.On-hit magic damage AP ratio increased to40% APfrom30% AP.', 'Active base damage increased to 50 / 70 / 90 / 110 / 130 from 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80.', 'Active AP ratio increased to60% APfrom40% AP.', 'On-hit magic damage AP ratio increased to40% APfrom30% AP.', 'Chum the WatersGuppy AP ratio increased to90% APfrom60% AP.Chomper AP ratio increased to110% APfrom90% AP.Gigalodon AP ratio increased to130% APfrom120% AP.', 'Guppy AP ratio increased to90% APfrom60% AP.', 'Chomper AP ratio increased to110% APfrom90% AP.', 'Gigalodon AP ratio increased to130% APfrom120% AP.', "Urchin StrikeRemoved:No longer appliesSeastone Trident'sbleed effect to units it passes through.Still applies the bleed to its main target.", "Removed:No longer appliesSeastone Trident'sbleed effect to units it passes through.Still applies the bleed to its main target.", "Seastone TridentActive base damage increased to 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 from 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60.Cooldown reduced to 7 / 6.5/ 6 / 5.5/ 5 seconds from 10 / 9.5/ 9 / 8.5/ 8.Mana refund increased to 20 / 28 / 36 / 44 / 52 from 20 / 28 / 36 / 42 / 50.Removed:Basic attacks no longer marks the target for 6 seconds.Removed:Active no longer deals\xa0triple damage when hitting a mark-primed target.New Effect:If the active doesn't kill its target,Fizzgains 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30(+ 30% AP)bonuson-hit magic damage for 5 seconds.", 'Active base damage increased to 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 from 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60.', 'Cooldown reduced to 7 / 6.5/ 6 / 5.5/ 5 seconds from 10 / 9.5/ 9 / 8.5/ 8.', 'Mana refund increased to 20 / 28 / 36 / 44 / 52 from 20 / 28 / 36 / 42 / 50.', 'Removed:Basic attacks no longer marks the target for 6 seconds.', 'Removed:Active no longer deals\xa0triple damage when hitting a mark-primed target.', "New Effect:If the active doesn't kill its target,Fizzgains 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30(+ 30% AP)bonuson-hit magic damage for 5 seconds.", "Chum the WatersRemoved:No longer appliesSeastone Trident'sbleed effect to the enemy the fish attaches to and all enemies affected by the emerging shark.", "Removed:No longer appliesSeastone Trident'sbleed effect to the enemy the fish attaches to and all enemies affected by the emerging shark.", 'StatsBase health regeneration reduced to 8 from 8.176.', 'Base health regeneration reduced to 8 from 8.176.', 'StatsBase health increased to 570 from 558.48.Health growth increased to 98 from 86.', 'Base health increased to 570 from 558.48.', 'Health growth increased to 98 from 86.', 'Chum the WatersBug Fix:No longer attaches to spell-shielded champions at max range.', 'Bug Fix:No longer attaches to spell-shielded champions at max range.', 'Playful/TricksterCooldown reduced to 16 / 14.5/ 13 / 11.5/ 10 seconds from 18 / 16 / 14 / 12 / 10.', 'Cooldown reduced to 16 / 14.5/ 13 / 11.5/ 10 seconds from 18 / 16 / 14 / 12 / 10.', 'Seastone TridentPassive AP ratio increased to40% APfrom33.3% AP.Active AP ratio increased to40% APfrom33.3% AP.Charged active AP ratio increased to120% APfrom100% AP.Passive and active base damage reduced to 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 from 25 / 40 / 55 / 70 / 85.Charged active base damage reduced to 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 from 75 / 120 / 165 / 210 / 255.', 'Passive AP ratio increased to40% APfrom33.3% AP.', 'Active AP ratio increased to40% APfrom33.3% AP.', 'Charged active AP ratio increased to120% APfrom100% AP.', 'Passive and active base damage reduced to 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 from 25 / 40 / 55 / 70 / 85.Charged active base damage reduced to 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 from 75 / 120 / 165 / 210 / 255.', 'Charged active base damage reduced to 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 from 75 / 120 / 165 / 210 / 255.', "Seastone TridentNew Effect:Damage-over-time ticks, including the initial application, no longer count as spell hits (matching similar persistent effects likeTeemo'sToxic Shot).", "New Effect:Damage-over-time ticks, including the initial application, no longer count as spell hits (matching similar persistent effects likeTeemo'sToxic Shot).", "Chum the WatersBug Fix:Fixed a bug where it wouldn't slow enemies properly when the shark erupted.", "Bug Fix:Fixed a bug where it wouldn't slow enemies properly when the shark erupted.", 'GeneralBug Fix:Intermediate bot now has a keystone mastery.', 'Bug Fix:Intermediate bot now has a keystone mastery.', 'Urchin StrikeAP ratio increased to55% APfrom35% AP.', 'AP ratio increased to55% APfrom35% AP.', 'Seastone TridentBleed duration reduced to 3 seconds from 4.Mark duration increased to 6 seconds from 4.', 'Bleed duration reduced to 3 seconds from 4.', 'Mark duration increased to 6 seconds from 4.', 'Chum the WatersWhen fishes reach their target location without attaching to anything, the check for a nearby target to attach to is now less generous.Removed:Whiffed fishes are no longer picked up by enemies that walk over them.', 'When fishes reach their target location without attaching to anything, the check for a nearby target to attach to is now less generous.', 'Removed:Whiffed fishes are no longer picked up by enemies that walk over them.', 'Chum the WatersBug Fix:The nearby enemy knockback effect ofChum the Watersno longer knocks back spell shielded targets while still consuming the spell shield.', 'Bug Fix:The nearby enemy knockback effect ofChum the Watersno longer knocks back spell shielded targets while still consuming the spell shield.', "Seastone TridentBug Fix:Fixed a bug whereSeastone Trident'scooldown wasn't refunded if it killed an enemy champion with a post-death form (ex.Karthus,Sion).", "Bug Fix:Fixed a bug whereSeastone Trident'scooldown wasn't refunded if it killed an enemy champion with a post-death form (ex.Karthus,Sion).", "Chum the WatersWhiffed fishes now display their attachment radius to enemies.Whiffed fishes now visually hop onto enemies they attach to, rather than instantly teleporting onto them.Fishes that can't attach to enemies (dropped after hitting a spell shield or when the original target dies) don't display the attachment ring and instead flop over onto their bellies.", 'Whiffed fishes now display their attachment radius to enemies.', 'Whiffed fishes now visually hop onto enemies they attach to, rather than instantly teleporting onto them.', "Fishes that can't attach to enemies (dropped after hitting a spell shield or when the original target dies) don't display the attachment ring and instead flop over onto their bellies.", 'Playful/TricksterBug Fix:Damage no longer fires ifFizzdies while on top of his pole.', 'Bug Fix:Damage no longer fires ifFizzdies while on top of his pole.', 'GeneralNew ability icons.', 'New ability icons.', 'Urchin StrikeCooldown reduced to 8 / 7.5/ 7 / 6.5/ 6 seconds from 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6.Mana cost reduced to 50 at all ranks from 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70.Bug Fix:Sheennow properly activates when used on targets right next toFizz.', 'Cooldown reduced to 8 / 7.5/ 7 / 6.5/ 6 seconds from 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6.', 'Mana cost reduced to 50 at all ranks from 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70.', 'Bug Fix:Sheennow properly activates when used on targets right next toFizz.', "Seastone TridentCooldown reduced to 10 / 9.5/ 9 / 8.5/ 8 seconds from 10 at all ranks.Mana cost changed to 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 from 40 at all ranks.Base damage increased to 25 / 40 / 55 / 70 / 85 from 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60.AP ratio reduced to33% APfrom45% AP.Bleed duration increased to 4 seconds from 3.Removed:4 / 4.5/ 5 / 5.5/ 6% of target's missing healthbonus damage on bleed.Removed:Active empoweringFizz'sbasic attacks for 6 seconds.New Effect:Now resets basic attack timer and empowers the next basic attack.Active base damage 25 / 40 / 55 / 70 / 85 from 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30.Active AP ratio increased33% APfrom30% AP.New Effect:If the target has been bleeding for at least 2 seconds, the bonus damage is tripled to 75 / 120 / 165 / 210 / 255(+ 100% AP).New Effect:If the empowered attack kills a unit,Seastone Tridentrefunds20 / 28 / 36 / 42 / 50 manaand sets its cooldown to 1 second.New Effect:Active now grants 50 additional attack range.New Effect:Passive bleed is applied to all enemiesFizzpasses through duringUrchin Strikeand to the enemyChum the Waterssticks to.", 'Cooldown reduced to 10 / 9.5/ 9 / 8.5/ 8 seconds from 10 at all ranks.', 'Mana cost changed to 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 from 40 at all ranks.', 'Base damage increased to 25 / 40 / 55 / 70 / 85 from 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60.', 'AP ratio reduced to33% APfrom45% AP.', 'Bleed duration increased to 4 seconds from 3.', "Removed:4 / 4.5/ 5 / 5.5/ 6% of target's missing healthbonus damage on bleed.", "Removed:Active empoweringFizz'sbasic attacks for 6 seconds.", 'New Effect:Now resets basic attack timer and empowers the next basic attack.', 'Active base damage 25 / 40 / 55 / 70 / 85 from 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30.', 'Active AP ratio increased33% APfrom30% AP.', 'New Effect:If the target has been bleeding for at least 2 seconds, the bonus damage is tripled to 75 / 120 / 165 / 210 / 255(+ 100% AP).', 'New Effect:If the empowered attack kills a unit,Seastone Tridentrefunds20 / 28 / 36 / 42 / 50 manaand sets its cooldown to 1 second.', 'New Effect:Active now grants 50 additional attack range.', 'New Effect:Passive bleed is applied to all enemiesFizzpasses through duringUrchin Strikeand to the enemyChum the Waterssticks to.', "PlayfulNew Effect:Now showsFizzan indicator of the area damaged before he lands. Enemies see a red flash of this area after he lands.Mana cost reduced to 90 / 95 / 100 / 105 / 110 from 90 / 100 / 110 / 120 / 130.Bug Fix:Zhonya's Hourglassnow properly delaysPlayful / Trickster'sdamage.", 'New Effect:Now showsFizzan indicator of the area damaged before he lands. Enemies see a red flash of this area after he lands.', 'Mana cost reduced to 90 / 95 / 100 / 105 / 110 from 90 / 100 / 110 / 120 / 130.', "Bug Fix:Zhonya's Hourglassnow properly delaysPlayful / Trickster'sdamage.", 'Chum the WatersDelay before the shark pops out increased to 2 seconds from 1.5.Base slow reduced to 40% at all ranks from 50 / 60 / 70%.New Effect:The fish attach radius scales with distance.New Effect:The further the fish flies, the bigger the shark that is attracted, increasing its area of effect, dealing bonus damage, applying up to an 80% slow and increasing its knockback from 150 to up to 350.Base damage reduced to 150 / 250 / 350 from 200 / 325 / 450.AP ratio reduced to60% APfrom100% AP.Maximum damage implemented at 300 / 400 / 500(+ 120% AP)after a 910 units distance.Removed:Increased magic damage.Removed:Placing the fish inside of terrain.', 'Delay before the shark pops out increased to 2 seconds from 1.5.', 'Base slow reduced to 40% at all ranks from 50 / 60 / 70%.', 'New Effect:The fish attach radius scales with distance.', 'New Effect:The further the fish flies, the bigger the shark that is attracted, increasing its area of effect, dealing bonus damage, applying up to an 80% slow and increasing its knockback from 150 to up to 350.', 'Base damage reduced to 150 / 250 / 350 from 200 / 325 / 450.', 'AP ratio reduced to60% APfrom100% AP.Maximum damage implemented at 300 / 400 / 500(+ 120% AP)after a 910 units distance.', 'Maximum damage implemented at 300 / 400 / 500(+ 120% AP)after a 910 units distance.', 'Removed:Increased magic damage.', 'Removed:Placing the fish inside of terrain.', "IfChum the Watersdeals the killing blow to a champion with a small model size (likeAnnieor aYordle) their corpse is eaten and not visible on the map (doesn't work onTeemofor some reason)", "Fizz'sSeastone Tridentis seen alongside other champion weapons in the game's Mac Version trailer.", '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'Ao Shin', 'Avasha', 'Averdrian', 'CeeCee', 'Cyborg Cowboy', 'Eagle Rider', 'Gavid', 'Husk', 'Iron Engineer', 'Ivan', 'Omen', 'Priscilla', 'Rob Blackblade', 'Seth', 'Tabu', 'Tiki', 'Urf', 'Well', "↑Fizz's profile"]} | Name: Chum the Waters, Description: Active: Fizz throws down a lure at the target location that attracts a shark, granting sight of the area before it emerges to chomp at the lure after 2 seconds, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies, knocking them back , though not through terrain, and slowing them for 2 seconds. The further the lure travels in its initial flight, the larger the shark that is attracted; increasing Chum the Waters' damage, slow, eruption radius and knock back distance. Guppy (<455): 40% slow, 200 eruption radius and 150 unit knock back distance. Guppy Damage: 150 / 250 / 350 (+ 80% AP) Chomper (455-910): 60% slow, 325 eruption radius and 250 unit knock back distance. Chomper Damage: 225 / 325 / 425 (+ 100% AP) Gigalodon (>910): 80% slow, 450 eruption radius and 350 unit knock back distance. Gigalodon Damage: 300 / 400 / 500 (+ 120% AP) Enemy champions can intercept the lure while it is in flight, which attaches to them upon contact and causes the shark to emerge at their position after the same delay. The lure's holder is slowed and revealed for the duration and afterwards is impacted by the eruption but is knocked up for 1 second instead of knocked back. Chum the Waters will cast at max range if cast beyond that. Link ▶️ "Feeding time!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Chum the Waterswill stop its movement if the lure collides with an enemy champion with aspell shield(does not attach) or upon colliding withWind Wall(does not get destroyed).', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.The targeted area does not change unless the ability was cast beyond maximum range.', 'The targeted area does not change unless the ability was cast beyond maximum range.', 'If the lure attaches to an enemy champion, a countdown will appear at their position to signify when the shark is about to emerge. The countdown begins from 4, and ticks down by one every 0.5 second.']} | IfChum the Watersdeals the killing blow to a champion with a small model size (likeAnnieor aYordle) their corpse is eaten and not visible on the map (doesn't work onTeemofor some reason)
Fizz'sSeastone Tridentis seen alongside other champion weapons in the game's Mac Version trailer. |
Galio,the Colossus | | | health: Health632+126, resource: Mana500+40, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)8+0.8, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)9.5+0.7, armor: Armor24+4.7, attack damage: Attack damage59+3.5, attack speed: Base AS0.625, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius80, selection radius: Selection radius125, release: 2010-08-10, changed: V13.20, role: Warden, position: MiddleSupport, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 3150|790 | Missing section(s):
GalioMainGolemTitlesNickname(s)Galio Justice JusticeAlias(es)The ColossusThe Titan Who 'Ate Magic'CharacteristicsSpeciesPetriciteGolemPronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:292 AN - 349 ANWeapon(s)Petricite BodyAnti-Magic BulwarkShield of DurandPersonal statusStatusAlive(Constructed)Place of originDemacia City,DemaciaCurrent residenceDemacia City,DemaciaFamilyArcturus J. Durand†(Creator)Professional statusOccupation(s)Anti-Magic GuardianDemacia's ProtectorRegion(s)DemaciaFaction(s)Durand HouseRelated character(s)PoppyKayleMorganaSionShyvanaLuxRyzeGarenSylas
• Main
• Golem
• The Colossus
• The Titan Who 'Ate Magic'
• Born:292 AN - 349 AN
• Petricite Body
• Anti-Magic Bulwark
• Shield of Durand
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
• Anti-Magic Guardian
• Demacia's Protector
Related character(s)
Outsidethe Great City of Demacia, the stone colossus Galio keeps vigilant watch. Built as a bulwark against enemy mages, he often stands motionless for decades until the presence of powerful magic stirs him to life. Once activated, Galio makes the most of his time, savoring the thrill of a fight and the rare honor of defending his countrymen. But his triumphs are always bittersweet, for the magic he destroys is also his source of reanimation, and each victory leaves him dormant once again.
• 1Background1.1Early Life1.2Stagnation1.3MeetingLux1.4Defending against theWinter's Claw
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Arcturus J. Durand5.2Vladimir5.3Luxanna Crownguard
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early Life
• 1.2Stagnation
• 1.3MeetingLux
• 1.4Defending against theWinter's Claw
• 5.1Arcturus J. Durand
• 5.2Vladimir
• 5.3Luxanna Crownguard
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early Life[]
Galio was built over two years during the kingdom's early years in the 3rd and 4th centuries AN. Upon the slopes of the Greenfang Mountains, a group of Demacian soldiers was battered by a barrage of arcane magic projected by a powerful group of Noxian warmages. It was here that Galio absorbed the emanating magic and awoke for the first time.
Defending against theWinter's Claw[]
Sometime after Lux had left the Great City of Demacia, he was summoned by her to aid herself,Garenand other Demacian soldiers at a northern fortress in fighting offSylasand hisWinter's Clawallies.
Galio is takes the appearance of a large muscular gargoyle, with wing motifs reminiscent to thewinged sisterduring Demacia's early years. His body is mostly made of petricite, which is of a white marble-like color, Some gold elements are present around his body, giving him a regal appearance.
Galio, when active, has a cheerful personality, always eager to help people in need, as well as fight whenever called upon. He has no particular fondness for most mages, as most of his encounters with them are from opposing armies.
• Magic Absorption:Galio's gigantic petricite body can absorb magic in a large area around him, preventing collateral damage by magic. He seems to be capable of controlling this ability, given thatLuxseems to be able to use magic when around him.
• Immense Strength:Thanks to his enormous size, Galio has immense strength, capable to destroy entire armies and create powerful shockwaves by clapping his wings.
• Invulnerability:Galio is particularly indestructible, and can resist massive amount of physical attacks that very few could survive.
• Flight:Despite his massive size, Galio can fly with no problem. It is unclear how much the wing-like construction on his back contributes to his flying abilities.
• Brawler:During his time as the protector of Demacia, Galio has learned several hand-to-hand combat moves, which he utilizes with his immense strength and durability.
Arcturus J. Durand[]
Galiowas designed by Arcturus J. Durand, who also crafted Sylas shackles. Galio is the only instance of animated golem published by Durand.
Galio foughtVladimirand theNoxianarmy at some point.
Luxanna Crownguard[]
As most Demacians do, the Crownguards make an annual pilgrimage to visit Galio on the Memorial Road. This is how he first became aware ofLux, reacting to the growing presence of the light magic within her each year ever since she was a toddler. Galio sees Lux as the only mage he likes and has become a sort of guardian to her. Lux is apparently the first person to have an actual conversation with him. She was 13-years-old at the time.[1]
Read More
The Colossus
ByJohn O'Bryan
Starring Champion
Short Story • 6 Minute Read
A Hero Wakes
ByJohn O'Bryan
A taste of magic is all it takes to wake the Colossus and send him smashing. And he just got one.
Short Story • 17 Minute Read
Flesh and Stone
ByJohn O'Bryan
A young girl ashamed of her power. A monolith that can't help his curiosity. An unlikely pair - or the perfect match?
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Mentioned Champion
Short Story
Art is Life
ByGraham McNeill
Nights in Noxus were never silent.
Lux: Issue 2
ByJohn O'Bryan,Billy Tan,Haining,Gadson,John Roshell
Struggling to control her growing magic, Lux bluffs her way into the Mageseeker compound.
Starring:Garen,Jarvan IV,Lux,Sylas
Mentioned:Galio,Jarvan III,Morgana,Tianna
The Mageseeker
ByDigital Sun
In the kingdom of Demacia, the Mageseekers hold the power to oppress magic-using citizens in the name of public order–by inducting and indoctrinating them, locking them away, or driving them into hiding. Play as Sylas, a spell-stealing mage who has just broken free of his unjust captivity at the Mageseekers’ hands. Wielding the chains that once bound you, you must liberate your homeland from tyranny, one Mageseeker at a time.
Starring:Aidan,Eldred,Garen,Gideon,Hesbeth,Jarvan IV,Kara,Killan,Leilani,Lux,Morgana,Rayn,Rukko,Shyvana,Sylas,Wisteria,Yops
Mentioned:Aatrox,Anden Mayne,Dalin,Dominick,Evelynn,Falden,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Jaredan,Jarvan III,Katarina,Kayle,LeBlanc,Mihira,Naafiri,Nocturne,Rhaast,Ryze,Sion,Tianna,Varus
Alternate Universes
ByInstitute of War
The truest opponent lies within.
Starring:Boram Darkwill,Brand,Caitlyn,Cassiopeia,Galio,Graves,Irelia,Jarvan IV,Karma,LeBlanc,Lee Sin,Leona,Lux,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nocturne,Orianna,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Skarner,Sona,Swain,Talon,Trundle,Urgot,Varus,Vayne,Vladimir,Wukong,Xerath,Xin Zhao,Yorick
Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 3
ByGutter Rat
Crystal Quest: Series 2
Punches and Plants: Series 2
Mentioned:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Amumu,Annie,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Diana,Draven,Ekko,Ezreal,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Kha'Zix,Kog'Maw,Leona,Lucian,Lux,Malphite,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nasus,Nautilus,Nidalee,Olaf,Orianna,Poppy,Quinn,Rakan,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Shaco,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Valor,Vel'Koz,Viktor,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Xin Zhao,Yasuo,Ziggs
Music Video
Take Over
By Numerous creators
We're Taking Over.
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Caitlyn,Galio,Jarvan IV,Kassadin,Lee Sin,Thresh,Xayah
• Galio normally stands on a plinth (stated to somehow be both beside and straddling) the Memorial Road miles away to the south, far from the main highway apparently leading to the Last Gate of North Demacia City. At certain times of the year, the Memorial Road is flooded with travelers making their pilgrimages to the colossus, paying tribute to the symbol of Demacian resolve.
• Birds often nest in Galio's crown. He apparently has not simply the appearance of eyes that he uses to see, but physical eyeballs that move in their sockets.[2]
• Galio's height is 25 meters.[3]
• Galio has a striking resemblence toTalosfrom Greek mythology. Both are automatons created to protect their homes from invaders
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Colossal Smash, Description: Innate: Periodically, Galio's next basic attack is empowered to have an uncancellable windup and deal 15 − 200 (based on level) (+ 100% AD) (+ 50% AP) (+ 60% bonus magic resistance) modified magic damage to the target and all enemies near them. Colossal Smash can critically strike for (75% + 45% ) AD bonus magic damage to all targets hit. Link ▶️ "Smash!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Spellbladedoes not get converted to magic damage and it will deal its damage only to the primary target.', 'The empowered attack will not trigger againstwards.']} | Name: Winds of War, Description: Active: Galio creates two windblasts 250 units to either side of him that arc out before converging to the target location, dealing magic damage to all enemies they pass through. Magic Damage: 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 / 210 (+ 75% AP) When the blasts meet, the gusts form a tornado that persists for 2 seconds, slowly moving forward and dealing magic damage every 0. 5 seconds to enemies within the area. The damage based on the target's health ratio is capped at 150 against monsters . Magic Damage Per Tick: 2. 5 % (+ 1% per 100 AP) of target's maximum health Total Magic Damage: 10% (+ 4% per 100 AP) of target's maximum health Winds of War will cast at max range if cast beyond that., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Dealsarea damageon the gust and appliespersistent area damagefor the tornado.', "Spell shieldwill block the gusts damage but not the tornado's.", "Yasuo'sWind WallandBraum'sUnbreakablecan block each windblast individually.The tornado will not form if only one windblast reaches the target location.", 'The tornado will not form if only one windblast reaches the target location.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'Base damage changed to 100 / 145 / 190 / 235 / 280.']} | Name: Shield of Durand, Description: Passive: Galio gains Anti-Magic Bulwark , and restores it after 12 / 10 / 8 (based on level) seconds without taking damage. Anti-Magic Bulwark: Gain a shield that absorbs magic damage . Magic Shield Strength: 7. 5 / 9 / 10. 5 / 12 / 13. 5 % of maximum health Active: Galio charges for up to 2 seconds, slowing himself by 15%, and gaining magic damage reduction and half of that amount as physical damage reduction; charging increases Shield of Durand's radius, damage and taunt duration over the first 1. 5 seconds of the channel. Magic Damage Reduction: 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45% (+ 5% per 100 AP) (+ 12% per 100 bonus magic resistance) Physical Damage Reduction: 12. 5 / 15 / 17. 5 / 20 / 22. 5 % (+ 2. 5 % per 100 AP) (+ 6% per 100 bonus magic resistance) Shield of Durand can be recast within the duration and does so automatically afterwards or if it is interrupted . Recast: Galio refreshes the damage reduction for 2 seconds and deals magic damage to nearby enemy champions, increased by 0% − 200% (based on channel time) , as well as taunts them for 0. 5 − 1. 5 (based on channel time) seconds during which their movement speed is set to a static 60 for the same duration. Minimum Magic Damage: 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 / 80 (+ 30% AP) Maximum Magic Damage: 60 / 105 / 150 / 195 / 240 (+ 90% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Tips & Tricks', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Galioislocked outof attacking and casting for 0.4seconds after recasting.Galiomay still buffer his actions during this time.', 'Galiomay still buffer his actions during this time.', 'Static movement speedcannot be modified bybonusmovement speedorslow resist.This effect is negated only if the target isslow-immune.', 'This effect is negated only if the target isslow-immune.', 'The ability key does not need to be held down when buffered in other abilities exceptWinds of War.', 'The following table refers for interactions whileGalioischanneling:', 'Death', 'Cast-inhibiting effects', 'SinceAnti-Magic Bulwarkis instantly granted upon learning the ability, theshieldmay be gained once per game while in combat.', 'Now affected by +30 ability haste.', 'Shield health ratio changed to10%maximumhealth.', 'Shield timer changed to 5 seconds.']} | Name: Justice Punch, Description: Active: Galio steps backwards in the opposite direction over the cast time, then dashes to the target location until he hits an enemy champion or terrain . Galio deals magic damage to enemies he passes through, reduced by 50% against non-champions, and knocks them up for 0. 75 seconds as well as reveals them for the same duration. Magic Damage: 90 / 130 / 170 / 210 / 250 (+ 90% AP) Non-Champion Damage: 45 / 65 / 85 / 105 / 125 (+ 45% AP) Justice Punch will cast at max range if cast beyond that., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Galiowill initiate thedasheven if his step backwards isknocked down.', "Galio'ssecond dash will always dash the distance of the target direction. Having the step backwards cut short has no effect on the total distance gained.", 'Death, unless protected byResurrection']} | Name: Hero's Entrance, Description: Active: Galio prepares to make an entrance, channeling for 2. 75 seconds and designating the target allied champion's location at the time of cast as his landing spot. Additionally, he resets Shield of Durand's passive shield for himself and grants it to all allied champions within the area for 5 seconds. After channeling for 1. 25 seconds, he gains crowd control immunity for the remaining duration, becomes untargetable , and leaps into the air for 0. 85 seconds before dashing to his destination over 0. 25 seconds . Afterwards, he lands and becomes targetable again, dealing magic damage to all nearby enemies upon impact, knocking them back 100 units over 0. 75 seconds, and remaining in place for 0. 4 seconds . Magic Damage: 150 / 250 / 350 (+ 70% AP) Link ▶️ (Upon landing) "Hi everybody!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Hero's Entrancedoes not resist alliedcrowd control.", "Galiocannot castHero's Entranceon allies he cannotseewhilenearsighted.", "Galiowill still cause an impact to occur at the destination even if he is unable to travel the full distance with the dash (e.g. byThe Hextech Ultimatum'sandRealm of Death'sborders and terrain).Galiowill dash as far as he can go, and thus, does not end the dash prematurely.", "Galiowill always dash 100 units minimum, and dashoverhis target's location if they are less than 100 units away from him.", 'The following table refers for interactions whileGalioischanneling:', 'Death', 'Grounding effects', 'Immobilizing effects', 'Cast-inhibiting effects', "Hero's Entrance'schannel can only beinterruptedbycrowd controlin the first 1.25seconds.", 'Knock up duration changed to 1.5seconds.']} | The name Galio may be inspired by the name Galileo, most commonly known for the Renaissance polymathGalileo.The name Galileo means "man ofGalilee", ultimately from Semitic rootg-l"to roll".[2]
Galio's dance referencesBeauty and the BeastbyWalt Disney. |
Gangplank,the Saltwater Scourge,GP | | | health: Health600+114, resource: Mana280+60, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)6+0.6, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)7.5+0.7, armor: Armor31+4.2, attack damage: Attack damage64+3.7, attack speed: Base AS0.658, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius85, release: 2009-08-19, changed: V13.19, role: Specialist, position: TopMiddle, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 3150|790 | Missing section(s):
GangplankMainCurrentRuinationPossessedBurning TidesTitlesAlias(es)The Saltwater ScourgeCaptain GangplankReaver KingCharacteristicsSpeciesHuman(Cyborg)Pronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:946 AN - 956 ANWeapon(s)Bilgewater CutlassHand CannonDead Man's PlateThe 'Leviathan'The 'Dead Pool'Death's DaughterPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originBilgewater,Serpent IslesCurrent residenceBilgewater,Serpent IslesFamilyIllaoi(Former Lover)Professional statusOccupation(s)PirateCaptain of the 'Leviathan'Captain of the 'Dead Pool'Bilgewater's Reaver KingRegion(s)BilgewaterFaction(s)Jagged HooksRelated character(s)Miss FortuneSwainZedIllaoiThreshTwisted FateGravesViegoAhriBraumPykeYasuo
• Main
• Current
• Ruination
• Possessed
• Burning Tides
• The Saltwater Scourge
• Captain Gangplank
• Reaver King
• Born:946 AN - 956 AN
• Bilgewater Cutlass
• Hand Cannon
• Dead Man's Plate
• The 'Leviathan'
• The 'Dead Pool'
• Death's Daughter
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
• Pirate
• Captain of the 'Leviathan'
• Captain of the 'Dead Pool'
• Bilgewater's Reaver King
Related character(s)
As unpredictable as he is brutal, the dethroned reaver kingGangplankis feared far and wide. Once, he ruled the port city ofBilgewater, and while his reign is over, there are those who believe this has only made him more dangerous. Gangplank would see Bilgewater bathed in blood once more before letting someone else take it—and now with pistol, cutlass, and barrels of gunpowder, he is determined to reclaim what he has lost.
• 1Background
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Illaoi5.2Thresh5.3Swain&Zed5.4Miss Fortune
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 5.1Illaoi
• 5.2Thresh
• 5.3Swain&Zed
• 5.4Miss Fortune
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Gangplank andIllaoiwere in a relationship over a decade ago, but eventually broke up. After subjecting him to aTest of Spiritin order to get him back 'in motion',the Kraken Priestessordered the Serpent Islander chiefs to support the Saltwater Scourge in retaking Bilgewater. They would lead Gangplank to Buhru artifacts that could control the Black Mist.Illaoiwas Gangplank's first love. She would eventually oppose him alongsideAhri,Braum,Miss Fortune,Pyke, andYasuoinRuined King.
Gangplank would enter a partnership withThreshinRuined King, in order to awaken and subjugateViegoto conquer Bilgewater. Viego's power would prove too strong for Gangplank and ended up controlling him instead.
SwainandZedwant Gangplank dead for stealing from each of them. Namely, Gangplank stoleSwain'spersonal warship known asthe Leviathanand ransacked the Temple of the Jagged Knife belonging toZed'sShadow Order.
Miss Fortune[]
Miss Fortunemanaged to overthrow and 'kill' Gangplank in revenge for him murdering her mother back when she was a girl. Gangplank had only thought ofMiss Fortuneas the most persistent of bounty hunters, unaware that she is the daughter of the gunsmith he killed when she refused to hand overthe twin pistolshe had commissioned in order to spearhead his rise to Reaver King of Bilgewater.
Miss Fortune would defeat Gangplank again inRuined Kingand had him detained in order to publicly execute him as a show of power. He would escape before his execution and entered a massive gang war against Fortune.
Read More
The Saltwater Scourge
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Mentioned:Miss Fortune,Swain
Starring Champion
Short Story • 1 Minute Read
Blood in the Water
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
The massive Noxian war captain shuddered and dropped his axe as Gangplank rammed his cutlass deep into the man's gut. Blood bubbled from the warrior's tattooed lips as he mouthed an unheard curse.
Short Story • 34 Minute Read
Burning Tides: Act 1
ByScott Hawkes,George Krstic,Anthony Reynolds Lenné,John O'Bryan
The Rat Town slaughter docks; they smell as bad as their name suggests.
Starring:Gangplank,Graves,Twisted Fate
Short Story
Burning Tides: Act 2
ByScott Hawkes,George Krstic,Anthony Reynolds Lenné,John O'Bryan
Starring:Gangplank,Graves,Miss Fortune,Rafen,Twisted Fate
Short Story
Burning Tides: Act 3
ByScott Hawkes,George Krstic,Anthony Reynolds Lenné,John O'Bryan
Starring:Gangplank,Graves,Miss Fortune,Rafen,Twisted Fate
Short Story
Burning Tides: Epilogue
ByScott Hawkes,George Krstic,Anthony Reynolds Lenné,John O'Bryan
Starring:Gangplank,Graves,Miss Fortune,Twisted Fate
Ruined King
ByAirship Syndicate
Rise Against Ruin - Unite a party of League of Legends Champions, explore Bilgewater and set sail for the Shadow Isles to uncover the secrets of the deadly Black Mist in this immersive turn-based RPG.
Starring:Ahri,Braum,Gangplank,Illaoi,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Necrit,Pyke,Rafen,Thresh,Viego,Yasuo
Mentioned:Ashe,Elise,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Gwen,Hecarim,Isolde,Ivern,Janna,Jarvan IV,Kalista,Ledros,Lucian,Nagakabouros,Nautilus,Olaf,Ornn,Rhasa,Riven,Senna,Swain,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Twisted Fate,Udyr,Volibear,Yone,Yorick,Zed
Short Story • 8 Minute Read
The Burden
ByOdin Austin Shafer
Truth Bearer, this is why we must retreat to Buhru. We cannot save the paylangi' the Hierophant said. The heavy-set woman grinned, obviously pleased by the prospect of leaving Bilgewater.
Mentioned:Graves,Miss Fortune,Nagakabouros,Twisted Fate
Mentioned Champion
Short Story
Dead in the Water
ByGraham McNeill
Red tide out, red tide in.
Starring:Miss Fortune,Nautilus
Short Story
Destiny and Fate
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Ah, Bilgewater.
Starring:Graves,Miss Fortune,Twisted Fate
Short Story • 4 Minute Read
Down Among the Dead Men
ByGraham McNeill
Bilgewater's White Wharf had earned its name thanks to the layer of bird waste covering it from end to end, which was only to be expected at a resting place for the dead. Folk here didn't bury corpses; they returned them to the sea. A grave of the sunken dead hung suspended in the cold depths, marked by hundreds of bobbing grave-buoys. Some were merely name posts, while others were elaborate tomb markers carved to resemble rearing krakens or buxom sea wenches.
Starring:Miss Fortune
Fortune Smiles
ByAnthony Burch
Bilgewater. A haven for Runeterra's most notorious monster hunters, mercenaries, and scoundrels. For decades, a ruthless pirate named Gangplank kept the city in check. Under his merciless rule, Bilgewater was an orderly place to make a dishonest living. But now Gangplank is dead. Murdered, by a crimson-haired bounty hunter seeking vengeance for her parents' deaths. Bilgewater has descended into chaos. Only the woman who killed Gangplank can save it. Her name is Sarah. They call her Miss Fortune.
Starring:Miss Fortune
Rise of the Sentinels
ByJohn O'Bryan
Black Mist pours across Runeterra, enthralling its champions and shrouding the continent in darkness. If the last Sentinels are going to save Runeterra, they're going to need all the help they can get. And that meansyouRookie!
Starring:Akshan,Diana,Draven,Graves,Gwen,Irelia,Isolde,Karma,Lucian,Miss Fortune,Olaf,Pantheon,Pyke,Rengar,Riven,Senna,Shyvana,Thresh,Vayne,Vex,Viego,Yorick
Short Story • 51 Minute Read
Shadow and Fortune: Chapter One
ByGraham McNeill
Blood on the Streets, Glory in Death, Down to the Bearded Lady/nThe Butcher Blades had hung the Jackdaw from a rusted marlinspike through his jawbone and left him for the quayside scavengers. This was the seventeenth murdered ganger the hooded man had seen tonight.
Starring:Lucian,Miss Fortune,Olaf,Rafen
Short Story • 51 Minute Read
Shadow and Fortune: Chapter Three
ByGraham McNeill
The Purifier, City of the Dead, Sanctuary
Starring:Hecarim,Lucian,Miss Fortune,Olaf,Rafen,Thresh
The Bounty Hunter
ByGraham McNeill
Starring:Miss Fortune
The Card Master
ByGraham McNeill
Starring:Twisted Fate
The Kraken Priestess
ByOdin Austin Shafer
The Outlaw
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Mentioned:Gangplank,Twisted Fate
Short Story
The Will of the Dead
ByLaura Michet
Long before she became a Truth Bearer of her people, Illaoi had been an acolyte priestess at a Buhru temple on the coast.
Starring:Illaoi,Miss Fortune,Yorick
Mentioned:Gangplank,Maiden of the Mist,Nagakabouros,Pyke,Tahm Kench,Thresh,Viego
Alternate Universes
By Numerous creators
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
The Roadtrip
ByCassie Parkes,Marvin Clifford
Mentioned:Ahri,Ashe,Azir,Bard,Braum,Darius,Fiddlesticks,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Irelia,Jinx,Kalista,Katarina,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Lulu,Master Yi,Nami,Poppy,Rakan,Shaco,Sona,Swain,Taric,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Varus,Xayah,Yasuo,Zilean
First light after the Harrowing
Though the Black Mist fades and the souls it claimed will soon forget their past, the threat of the fell tide will not be forgotten. Worse than all previous years, those who lived are left to wonder where it will return, and whether anyone will survive when it does.
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Gangplank,Hecarim,Miss Fortune,Mordekaiser,Nautilus
Punches and Plants: Series 1
Mentioned:Ahri,Alistar,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Braum,Caitlyn,Darius,Diana,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Evelynn,Ezreal,Gangplank,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jinx,Karma,Katarina,Leona,Lucian,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Nunu,Quinn,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Sivir,Sona,Soraka,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Valor,Varus,Vel'Koz,Vladimir,Volibear,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Zac,Ziggs
• Death's Daughteris the name of theDead Pool's(Gangplank's now-destroyed ship he took from his father) in theold main cannon.The ship Gangplank stole fromSwainis calledLeviathan, though it is unknown if it is the same ship as the7Leviathanthat appears inLegends of Runeterra.His current ship is called8The Dreadway.
• A tip shown inLegends of Runeterraandhis artworkshow that he likes to eat oranges dipped in the ocean before hand and calls them "sweet and salty" (he eats them without peeling first).
• The ship Gangplank stole fromSwainis calledLeviathan, though it is unknown if it is the same ship as the7Leviathanthat appears inLegends of Runeterra.
• His current ship is called8The Dreadway.
Change log[]
See also[]
• Bilgewater
• Camavor
• Demacia
• Freljord
• Ionia
• Shadow Isles
• Runeterra
• Journals
• Ruined King (Soundtrack)
• The Ruined King Saga (Universe) | Name: Trial by Fire, Description: Innate: Periodically, Gangplank empowers his next basic attack to set the target on fire, dealing them 「 50 − 250 (based on level) (+ 100% bonus AD) (+ 2 per 1% critical strike chance) bonus true damage over 2. 5 seconds. 」 「 5 − 25 (based on level) (+ 10% bonus AD) (+ 0. 2 per 1% critical strike chance) bonus true damage every 0. 25 seconds over 2. 5 seconds. 」 Turrets are dealt 50% damage. If Gangplank successfully hits a target with Trial by Fire , he gains 15% − 30% (based on level) bonus movement speed for 2 seconds. Every time a Powder Keg explodes, the cooldown for Trial by Fire resets and Gangplank gains its bonus movement speed . Trial by Fire cannot be applied with Parrrley nor Powder Keg ., STATIC COOLDOWN: STATICCOOLDOWN:15, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'True', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'parries': 'Missing', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'ReapplyingTrial by Firebefore a previous application has run out will stack the full damage, instead of refreshing the duration.', 'The bonus true damage scaling based on critical strike chance is capped at 100% of the stat.', 'If the attack isdodgedor ifGangplankisblinded, the effect is not applied nor doesTrial by Firego on cooldown. If the attack isblocked, the effect is not applied, butTrial by Firewill go on cooldown.', 'The empowered attack will not trigger against non-turretstructuresnorwards.']} | Name: Parrrley, Description: Active: Gangplank fires a shot at the target enemy that deals physical damage and applies on-hit and on-attack effects at 100% effectiveness as a ranged attack. Parrrley can critically strike for (175% + 45% ) total damage. Physical Damage: 10 / 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 (+ 100% AD) If Parrrley kills the target, Gangplank plunders gold and Silver Serpents . Each enemy killed by a Powder Keg explosion that was originally set off by Parrrley also counts for the plunder. Gold Plunder: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 Silver Serpent Plunder: 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 Silver Serpents can be spent in the shop to upgrade Cannon Barrage ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Parrrleydealsbasic damage, but also triggers spell effects by dealing an additional 0spell damage.', "On-hiteffects that deal damage to secondary targets will allowParrrleyto plunder from enemies killed that way, much like withPowder Kegs.Ravenous HydraandTitanic Hydrawork like this and will grant additional plunder from enemies they kill when triggered byParrrleyas theircast instance.Even spell effects such asLuden's Tempest'sEchowill work with this when triggered byParrrleyas theircast instance. Spell effects that do not belong to their triggering cast instance, such asLiandry's Anguish'sandDemonic Embrace'sdamage debuffs, do not grant plunder for enemies they kill.", 'Ravenous HydraandTitanic Hydrawork like this and will grant additional plunder from enemies they kill when triggered byParrrleyas theircast instance.', "Even spell effects such asLuden's Tempest'sEchowill work with this when triggered byParrrleyas theircast instance. Spell effects that do not belong to their triggering cast instance, such asLiandry's Anguish'sandDemonic Embrace'sdamage debuffs, do not grant plunder for enemies they kill.", 'If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the cast time, this ability will cancel but does not go oncooldownnor pay its cost (if applicable).', 'New Effect:Passively gains 1Silver Serpentper second.', 'Silver Serpentgeneration multiplied by 3.', 'New Effect:Now grants gold andSilver Serpentsequal to 7% of damage dealt to champions.', 'New Effect:Gains 187.5Silver Serpentsper round.']} | Name: Remove Scurvy, Description: Active: Gangplank consumes a large quantity of citrus fruit, cleansing himself from all crowd control and healing himself. Heal: 45 / 70 / 95 / 120 / 145 (+ 90% AP) (+ 13% missing health), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Remove Scurydoes not removedebuffsother thancrowd control, even if both occur from the same effect. For example,Remove Scurvywill dispel theslowfromExhaust, but not itsdamage reduction.', 'Remove Scurvycan remove the underlyingstunfromairborne, but ablinkordashability is required to override the displacement.']} | Name: Powder Keg, Description: Active: Gangplank consumes a charge to place a powder keg at the target location that lasts for 25 seconds and will connect to other kegs with overlapping connection radius through a trail of black powder. The keg starts with 3 health and loses 1 every 2 / 1 / 0. 5 (based on level) seconds until it is left with 1 health . Gangplank periodically stocks a Powder Keg charge, up to a maximum. Maximum charges: 3 / 3 / 4 / 4 / 5 Kegs can be basic attacked by enemies or Gangplank (including his Parrrley ), dealing 1 damage to it. When an enemy destroys it, it is safely defused. When Gangplank destroys it, it explodes and also triggers a chain reaction that explodes other nearby connected kegs with a 0. 33 seconds -delay between explosions. The explosions also grant sight of their radiuses for 2 seconds. Enemies caught in an explosion are slowed for 2 seconds, and are dealt the triggering attack's damage , dealing bonus physical damage against champions . Each enemy can only be hit once per chain and the damage dealt ignores 40% of the target's armor . Slow: 30 / 37. 5 / 45 / 52. 5 / 60% (+ 0% − 25% (based on critical strike chance) Bonus Champion Damage: 75 / 105 / 135 / 165 / 195 If the triggering attack was a critical strike , the explosions deal 5% more damage on top of the critical damage., STATIC COOLDOWN: STATICCOOLDOWN:0.5, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "The triggering attack's damage can includeParrrley's base damage andSpellblade.", 'When triggered with critical strike,Spellbladeand the bonus damage to champions are added after the calculations, meaning that these effects are not increased by 5%.', "The total damage can be easily calculated with this formula:{aDMG * [1.75 (+ 0.45)] * 1.05} + sDMG + cDMGWhere:aDMG = Triggering attack's damagesDMG = Spellblade's damagecDMG = Bonus damage to champions", "aDMG = Triggering attack's damage", "sDMG = Spellblade's damage", 'cDMG = Bonus damage to champions', "Kegs have special interactions withSpellblade:If the keg destroying attack was empowered withSpellblade, its damage will be added to the explosions' damage.If the keg was not destroyed, it will consume the effect and the keg will store the damage it would have dealt. If the storing keg is the initial detonation of the chain, it will add its damage to the explosions' damage as if it was triggered withSpellblade.If the storing keg was attacked with a new instance ofSpellblade, it will override the previously stored damage (if different).Damage can only be stored ifSpellbladewas consumed byGangplank.The stored damage is static and will not change ifGangplank'sbaseattack damage or ability power (see below) changes.", "If the keg destroying attack was empowered withSpellblade, its damage will be added to the explosions' damage.", "If the keg was not destroyed, it will consume the effect and the keg will store the damage it would have dealt. If the storing keg is the initial detonation of the chain, it will add its damage to the explosions' damage as if it was triggered withSpellblade.", 'If the storing keg was attacked with a new instance ofSpellblade, it will override the previously stored damage (if different).', 'Damage can only be stored ifSpellbladewas consumed byGangplank.', "The stored damage is static and will not change ifGangplank'sbaseattack damage or ability power (see below) changes.", "SpecificSpellbladeitem interactions:Trinity Force: Attacking kegs or dealing damage to champions with the explosion does not increase thebase attack damage.Divine Sunderer: Explosions always apply the minimum damage of this item and does not apply the heal.Lich Bane: Themagic damagewill be added to the explosions' damage, but will be dealt asphysical damage.Essence Reaver: Consuming the effect on kegs will restoremana. Explosions does not trigger this.", 'Trinity Force: Attacking kegs or dealing damage to champions with the explosion does not increase thebase attack damage.', 'Divine Sunderer: Explosions always apply the minimum damage of this item and does not apply the heal.', "Lich Bane: Themagic damagewill be added to the explosions' damage, but will be dealt asphysical damage.", 'Essence Reaver: Consuming the effect on kegs will restoremana. Explosions does not trigger this.', 'Placed barrels donotgrantvisionuntil they explode, but they are revealed toGangplank.IfGangplankloses allied vision, for instance due tonearsight, he will also lose vision on his barrels temporarily.Barrels prematurely grantsightof their explosion radius (including across terrain and into bushes) ifParrrleyor a lit fuse is travelling towards them.This area reveal happens even ifParrrleyis not going to make it explode.', 'IfGangplankloses allied vision, for instance due tonearsight, he will also lose vision on his barrels temporarily.', 'Barrels prematurely grantsightof their explosion radius (including across terrain and into bushes) ifParrrleyor a lit fuse is travelling towards them.This area reveal happens even ifParrrleyis not going to make it explode.', 'This area reveal happens even ifParrrleyis not going to make it explode.', "An explodingPowder Kegwill splashParrrley'sbonusdamage, and will also be modified if the attackcritically strikes.", "Attacks againstPowder Kegswill applyon-hiteffects (such asTiamat'sCleave), butproc damageagainst the barrel itself is reduced to 0.Damage fromon-hiteffects willnotincrease the damage of the explosion.Spellbladeis aspecial-cased exception.", 'Damage fromon-hiteffects willnotincrease the damage of the explosion.', 'Spellbladeis aspecial-cased exception.', "Dead Man's Plate'sCrushing Blowwill not trigger fromPowder Kegsdestroyed fromGangplank, even withParrrley.", "GangplankstocksPowder Kegseven if the ability hasn't been learned yet.This is due to the recharge rate at level 1 being set the same as level 0.While at maximum charges, ranking up the ability to rank 3 or 5 grants the remaining charge immediately regardless of the recharge timer.", 'This is due to the recharge rate at level 1 being set the same as level 0.', 'While at maximum charges, ranking up the ability to rank 3 or 5 grants the remaining charge immediately regardless of the recharge timer.', 'If a barrel is destroyed during the0.33seconds-delay between explosions,Gangplankwill plundergoldandSilver Serpentsupon killing enemies as if he had done so usingParrrley.(bug)This effect persists throughdeathand will only end upon killing an enemy withParrrley.', 'This effect persists throughdeathand will only end upon killing an enemy withParrrley.', 'Keg deterioration speeds up at level 19 to every0.264seconds, and at level 25 to every0.132seconds.']} | Name: Cannon Barrage, Description: Active: Gangplank shoots a flare into the air, signaling his ship off-shore to fire upon the target location for 8 seconds, calling down 12 waves of cannonballs in clusters of 3 every 2 seconds, and granting sight of the area for the duration. Each wave deals magic damage to all enemies within the area and slows them by 30% for 0. 5 seconds. Magic Damage Per Wave: 40 / 70 / 100 (+ 10% AP) Magic Damage Per Cluster: 120 / 210 / 300 (+ 30% AP) Total Magic Damage: 480 / 840 / 1200 (+ 120% AP) Gangplank can purchase upgrades for his ship in the store at the cost of 500 Silver Serpents each, which improve Cannon Barrage : Death's Daughter : A large cannonball lands in the center of the barrage after the first cluster of waves occur, dealing a cluster's worth of true damage to enemies within the impact and slowing them by 75% for 1 second. True Damage with Death's Daughter : 120 / 210 / 300 (+ 30% AP) Total Mixed Damage with Death's Daughter : 600 / 1050 / 1500 (+ 150% AP) Fire at Will : Cannon Barrage fires 「 6 additional waves 」 「 2 additional clusters 」 over its duration; 18 waves of cannonballs are called down in clusters of 3 every 1. 3 3 seconds. Total Magic Damage with Fire at Will : 720 / 1260 / 1800 (+ 180% AP) Maximum Mixed Total Damage with Fire at Will and Death's Daughter : 840 / 1470 / 2100 (+ 210% AP) Raise Morale : Cannon Barrage grants Gangplank and all allies within the area 40% bonus movement speed , lingering for 2 seconds. Link ▶️ "Volley fire!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Cannon Barrage'sslow lingers for 0.25seconds after affected enemies leave the target area."]} | During development he was simply calledPirateorRogal Cheastbeard.
Gangplank was named after the eponymousdisembarkationdevice.
Gangplank isvoicedbyDennis Collins Johnson, who also voicesHeimerdingerandTaric.
Parrrleybeing spelled with three R's referencesthe pop culture pirate renditionand how Gangplank ironically negotiates (as per the word's definition) by killing his opponents and plundering them.
Remove Scurvyreferences the real-world disease ofscurvy, a disease common in sailors caused by a deficiency in Vitamin C. The high Vitamin C content in oranges is in turn a tongue-in-cheek way to say that eating them can "remove scurvy".
NA Summoner 'SantiagoBR'is the creator of the'But I ate some oranges and it was K'meme.
During Closed Beta 1 of development, Gangplank didn't have a beard. This was changed in Closed Beta 3. An image of him in this state can be viewedhere.
His secondary role isSupport.
In the now-removed official League of Legendsforums, theoriginal iconofParrrleywas used to represent the "Bug Reports" section. |
Garen,The Might of Demacia,Garen Crownguard | | | health: Health690+98, resource: ResourceN/A, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)8+0.5, resource regen: Resource regen.N/A, armor: Armor38+4.2, attack damage: Attack damage69+4.5, attack speed: Base AS0.625, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius75, release: 2010-04-27, changed: V13.8, role: Juggernaut, position: TopMiddle, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 450|260 | Missing section(s):
GarenMainArmored 1Armored 2Armored 3BareCasualTrainingTeenTitlesReal nameGaren CrownguardAlias(es)The King's SwordThe Might of DemaciaLord GarenCommander GarenSword-Captain GarenCharacteristicsSpeciesHumanPronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:971 ANWeapon(s)Silver Broadsword "Judgment"[1]Anti-Magic ArmorDemacian JusticePersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originHigh Silvermere,DemaciaCurrent residenceDemacia City,DemaciaFamilyPieter Crownguard(Father)Augatha Crownguard(Mother)Luxanna Crownguard(Sister)Fossian Crownguard(Great-Grandfather)†Unnamed Uncle(Uncle)†Hargold Crownguard(Great-Uncle)†Tianna Crownguard(Aunt)Eldred Crownguard(Uncle)†Professional statusOccupation(s)Dauntless Vanguard LeaderRegion(s)DemaciaFaction(s)Crownguard HouseDauntless VanguardRelated character(s)Jarvan IVTiannaLuxXin ZhaoKatarinaSwainQuinnFioraTaricNocturneGalioSylasCithria
• Main
• Armored 1
• Armored 2
• Armored 3
• Bare
• Casual
• Training
• Teen
Real name
• The King's Sword
• The Might of Demacia
• Lord Garen
• Commander Garen
• Sword-Captain Garen
• Born:971 AN
• Silver Broadsword "Judgment"[1]
• Anti-Magic Armor
• Demacian Justice
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Pieter Crownguard(Father)
• Augatha Crownguard(Mother)
• Luxanna Crownguard(Sister)
• Fossian Crownguard(Great-Grandfather)†
• Unnamed Uncle(Uncle)†
• Hargold Crownguard(Great-Uncle)†
• Tianna Crownguard(Aunt)
• Eldred Crownguard(Uncle)†
Professional status
• Crownguard House
• Dauntless Vanguard
Related character(s)
A proud and noble soldier,Garenfights at the head of theDauntless Vanguard. He is popular among his fellows, and respected well enough by his enemies—not least as a scion of the prestigiousCrownguard family, entrusted with defendingDemaciaand its ideals. Clad in magic-resistant armor and bearing a mighty broadsword, Garen stands ready to confront mages and sorcerers on the field of battle, in a veritable whirlwind of righteous steel.
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2Recent history
• 2Apperance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Lux5.2Katarina5.3Jarvan IV5.4Taric5.5Pieter Crownguard5.6Nocturne5.7Sylas5.8Galio5.9Fiora
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2Recent history
• 5.1Lux
• 5.2Katarina
• 5.3Jarvan IV
• 5.4Taric
• 5.5Pieter Crownguard
• 5.6Nocturne
• 5.7Sylas
• 5.8Galio
• 5.9Fiora
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early life[]
At 12 years old, Garen leftHigh Silvermereto join the military. By the time Garen was 18 years old he has served with honor in campaigns along the Freljordian borders, played a key role in purging cultists from the Silent Forest, fought alongside the defenders of Whiterock, and started the trials necessary to join the ranks of theDauntless Vanguard. At the age of 21, Garen joined the ranks of theDauntless Vanguard.
Recent history[]
Garen is a tall and stocky handsome man, with fair skin, a strong jaw, short brown hair, and blue eyes.
Garen isLux'solder brother and their family name is Crownguard. He deeply respects and loves his sister, but he fears what may happen to her if her magical abilities were to be revealed. After the events of theLux comic, Lux got Garen to verbally acknowledge that she was a mage. The two parted ways on good terms. In the end Garen ended up accepting his magician sister and that not all magicians are bad people. He and their aunt,Tianna Crownguard, planned on arranging Lux to marry princeJarvan IVin order to protect her from persecution. As their family name implies, they serve and protect the crown.
It is hinted that Garen andKatarinahave feelings for each other. Then there are those who imply it to the point of confirmation:
• Link▶️"KatandGarensitting in a tree~ And you better just be holding hands or I'm telling!"
• Link▶️"Youlive by a code that'll never let you get what you want. Let me take you toher."
• Link▶️"Don't starve your heart,child! Let me deliver you tohim."
• "Honor? Duty? Ha! Whatyourheart demands is all that matters."
• "No love is impossible, my god demands you followyourdesires."
• Link▶️"The always-enchanting tale ofstar-crossedlovers."
• Link▶️"Yourfinale will be aduet."
• Link▶️"Stop carving words into my bark! Everyone knowsG<3K!"
Their special interactions with each other and various others inLegends of Runeterrasuggests that at some point the two are in a romantic relationship, which they try to keep secret.
Jarvan IV[]
Jarvan IVis Garen's childhood friend. When the Exemplar was captured, Garen felt responsible and led the Dauntless Vanguard on a rescue operation.
Garen andTaricare long-time friends from the Shield of Valoran's days in the Demacian military. Garen was furious at being convincedTaricwas wasting his talents as a warrior but he still believed in him.
Pieter Crownguard[]
Garen andLuxanna'sfather, Pieter Crownguard was a defender during the failed Noxian assault nicknamedCyrus's Folly. This is likely referring to the same Cyrus who conquered the port city Basilich, which also happens to be the home town ofDariusand hisyounger brother.
Nocturneterrorized the Demacian settlement of Fossbarrow untilGarenandLuxexpelled him from neighboring tomb.Nocturnewas sealed in the grave of their great-grandfather Fossian, who died during the fight versus him, before a young mage named Luca accidentally woke him up.
Garen has foughtSylasand his allies multiple times.
Garen encounteredGaliowhen his sister summoned the Colossus to fight offSylasand theWinter's Claw.
Garen andFioraknow each other, as she helps train theDauntless Vanguard, though they never train together as "the outcome would be obvious". They fought together against the dragon that attackedEhrenmount.
Read More
The Might of Demacia
ByGraham McNeill
Mentioned:Jarvan III,Jarvan IV,Lux,Tianna
Starring Champion
Before Glory
Two aspiring young warriors sneak into a Demacian training arena, hoping to walk in the footsteps of their heroes, Garen Crownguard and Fiora Laurent.
Short Story • 28 Minute Read
For Demacia
ByGraham McNeill
In a town plagued by nightmares, can even the best and bravest of Demacia bring back the light?
Mentioned:Jarvan IV,Morgana,Shyvana
Short Story
Garen: First Shield
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
The King is dead. Demacia is mourning. And in the eyes of Garen Crownguard, it’s his fault. But can he rise to the challenge when Demacia needs him again? While on a peacetime expedition beyond the borders of Demacia, Garen, Quinn, and the Dauntless Vanguard uncover a plot that threatens to destroy long-standing alliances. As the knight-ranger Quinn tries to get word back to Demacia, Garen and his comrades make a desperate last stand. How long can they last, and at what cost?
Mentioned:Jarvan IV,Lux,Sylas
Katarina: Issue 3
ByScott Hawkes
The kingdom of Demacia is in chaos! While the Great City has its focus on Sylas and his mage rebellion, a cunning, redheaded assassin, Katarina, lurks in the shadows. Focused on executing the most dangerous mission of her life, she hopes to finally live up to her father’s impossible expectations. However, when she is forced to choose between the mission and her own instincts, will she have to betray Noxus’ Master of Assassins?
Mentioned:Arrika,Drann,Jarvan III,Lux,Marcus Du Couteau,Swain,Sylas
Legends Never Die
The pursuit of mastery is an endless journey, but those who persevere etch their names in history.
Starring:Ashe,Garen,Lee Sin
Lux: Issue 1
ByJohn O'Bryan,Billy Tan,Haining,Gadson,John Roshell
In Demacia, order reigns and magic is forbidden. How will the order be upset when Lux's hidden magic emerges?
Mentioned:Jarvan III,Jarvan IV
Lux: Issue 2
ByJohn O'Bryan,Billy Tan,Haining,Gadson,John Roshell
Struggling to control her growing magic, Lux bluffs her way into the Mageseeker compound.
Starring:Garen,Jarvan IV,Lux,Sylas
Mentioned:Galio,Jarvan III,Morgana,Tianna
Lux: Issue 3
ByJohn O'Bryan,Billy Tan,Haining,Gadson,John Roshell
If saving Sylas means exposing her powers, will Lux dare risk her own future to save a criminal?
Mentioned:Jarvan III,Jarvan IV
Lux: Issue 4
ByJohn O'Bryan,Billy Tan,Haining,Gadson,John Roshell
Sylas' master plan is revealed! But is it too late for a guilt-ridden Lux to turn the tide?
Starring:Garen,Jarvan III,Jarvan IV,Lux,Sylas,Tianna
Lux: Issue 5
ByJohn O'Bryan,Billy Tan,Haining,Gadson,John Roshell
As all mages are hunted down by Prince Jarvan IV and forces led by Garen, Lux must make her ultimate decision!
Starring:Garen,Jarvan IV,Lux,Sylas
Mentioned:Jarvan III
The Mageseeker
ByDigital Sun
In the kingdom of Demacia, the Mageseekers hold the power to oppress magic-using citizens in the name of public order–by inducting and indoctrinating them, locking them away, or driving them into hiding. Play as Sylas, a spell-stealing mage who has just broken free of his unjust captivity at the Mageseekers’ hands. Wielding the chains that once bound you, you must liberate your homeland from tyranny, one Mageseeker at a time.
Starring:Aidan,Eldred,Garen,Gideon,Hesbeth,Jarvan IV,Kara,Killan,Leilani,Lux,Morgana,Rayn,Rukko,Shyvana,Sylas,Wisteria,Yops
Mentioned:Aatrox,Anden Mayne,Dalin,Dominick,Evelynn,Falden,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Jaredan,Jarvan III,Katarina,Kayle,LeBlanc,Mihira,Naafiri,Nocturne,Rhaast,Ryze,Sion,Tianna,Varus
Short Story • 7 Minute Read
The Soldier and the Hag
ByGraham McNeill
The Lady of the Stones took a fellow soldier. Now, she'll take on Garen and his broadsword.
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Mentioned Champion
Katarina: Issue 2
ByScott Hawkes
The kingdom of Demacia is in chaos! While the Great City has its focus on Sylas and his mage rebellion, a cunning, redheaded assassin, Katarina, lurks in the shadows. Focused on executing the most dangerous mission of her life, she hopes to finally live up to her father’s impossible expectations. However, when she is forced to choose between the mission and her own instincts, will she have to betray Noxus’ Master of Assassins?
Starring:Arrika,Jarvan III,Katarina,Lux,Marcus Du Couteau
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill,Garen,Soreana Du Couteau,Swain,Sylas,Talon
Katarina: Issue 5
ByScott Hawkes
The kingdom of Demacia is in chaos! While the Great City has its focus on Sylas and his mage rebellion, a cunning, redheaded assassin, Katarina, lurks in the shadows. Focused on executing the most dangerous mission of her life, she hopes to finally live up to her father’s impossible expectations. However, when she is forced to choose between the mission and her own instincts, will she have to betray Noxus’ Master of Assassins?
Starring:Drann,Jaredan,Katarina,Marcus Du Couteau,Swain
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill,Garen,Jarvan III,LeBlanc,Lux,Mordekaiser,Soreana Du Couteau,Sylas,Talon
Short Story • 4 Minute Read
Last Light
ByGraham McNeill
In the wake of disaster, Lux risks all for the sake of a wounded soldier.
Short Story
Shield of Remembrance
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Quinn ran through the forest, moving softly and swiftly.
Stand With Sylas
Demacia is built on a lie. All these noble ideals and promises of a brighter future - they were never meant for us. For too long have we mages had to hide in the shadows, and it has cost us everything.It is time we stand up and fight back!
Tales of Runeterra
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Akali,Braum,Corki,Darius,Diana,Ekko,Fiora,Garen,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jinx,Leona,Lulu,Miss Fortune,Shen,Teemo,Thresh,Tristana,Twisted Fate
Tellstones: King's Gambit (Video)
Can you play like a champion?
Mentioned:Fiora,Garen,Jarvan IV,Lux,Quinn,Sona,Taric,Valor,Xin Zhao
The Exemplar of Demacia
ByRayla Heide
Starring:Jarvan IV
Mentioned:Garen,Jarvan III,Shyvana,Sion,Tianna,Xin Zhao
The Lady of Luminosity
ByGraham McNeill
Mentioned:Garen,Jarvan III,Tianna
The Shield of Valoran
ByGeorge Krstic
Short Story
The Weight of Expectations
ByAmanda Jeffrey
Cithria hacked at the ground with the mattock, her shoulders burning with the exertion.
Alternate Universes
A Twist of Fate
The battle seems decided... until there is a Twist of Fate.
Starring:Annie,Fiddlesticks,Garen,Katarina,Nocturne,Ryze,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate
Battle of the God-Kings
Dawn by Raid
Enemy of my Enemy
Two sworn enemies discover a newfound respect for each other when they're forced to put their differences aside and work together against a common enemy.
Faction Wars
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
Crystal Quest: Series 1
Mentioned:Anivia,Ashe,Braum,Bristle,Caitlyn,Camille,Elise,Ezreal,Garen,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Illaoi,Ivern,Katarina,Kled,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lucian,Nami,Olaf,Poppy,Ryze,Senna,Singed,Skaarl,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Veigar,Vi,Zac
Demacia Needs Heroes
By Numerous creators
She is a new kind of hero, one of new mind and new method. One who can go where armies cannot reach, where swords cannot clash.
Mentioned:Garen,Jarvan IV,Talon
Olaf vs Everything: Series 1
ByTom Barton
Punches and Plants: Series 1
Mentioned:Ahri,Alistar,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Braum,Caitlyn,Darius,Diana,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Evelynn,Ezreal,Gangplank,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jinx,Karma,Katarina,Leona,Lucian,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Nunu,Quinn,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Sivir,Sona,Soraka,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Valor,Varus,Vel'Koz,Vladimir,Volibear,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Zac,Ziggs
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Reaching the peak takes more than skill. Only those with the ambition to RISE above all others will know its height.
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Akali,Ashe,Braum,Darius,Ekko,Ezreal,Fiora,Garen,Gnar,Jarvan IV,Jax,Jinx,Kalista,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Leona,Lux,Master Yi,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Riven,Ryze,Sejuani,Swain,Taliyah,Thresh,Tryndamere,Vayne,Xayah,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs
13 regional champions will compete at the 2019 Mid-Season Invitational, but there can be only one winner. Who will lift the trophy? Who will represent?
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aatrox,Aurelion Sol,Darius,Garen,Kayn,Leona,Poppy
The Roadtrip
ByCassie Parkes,Marvin Clifford
Mentioned:Ahri,Ashe,Azir,Bard,Braum,Darius,Fiddlesticks,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Irelia,Jinx,Kalista,Katarina,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Lulu,Master Yi,Nami,Poppy,Rakan,Shaco,Sona,Swain,Taric,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Varus,Xayah,Yasuo,Zilean
Music Video
By Numerous creators
The battle begins, and sixteen teams across the globe are fighting towards one goal – to win the League of Legends World Championship.
Starring: N/A
Welcome Aboard
Consider this your invite to join the greatest crew in the galaxy.
• Garen is 26 years old.He was 25 years old during the events of theFor Demaciaand laterLux Comic.[2]
• InFor Demacia, his sword is described as silver, likely means it is made of silver steel, which is rumored to be metal quenched with petricite in blessed waters, to offer protection from magic in battle. As revealed inGaren: First Shield, its name isJudgement. The sword has magical power as shown inLux comicandWarriors.Garen was seriously injured during his first battle againstSylas, when, having run out of stored magic, Sylas'petricite shacklesunexpectedly absorbed some after blocking Garen's sword strike and used what appears to be some sort of flame magic to strike back.Luxrealized that the Demacian Steel sword was key to Garen's losing the first fight though Garen had not. She warned him to use another weapon when he faced off with Sylas a second time.
• Canonically, Garen doesn't spin when usingJudgment, instead he repeatedly swings his sword around.
• TheWarriors Cinematic Season 2020 Asset Packincludes models of him and his sword depicted in the cinematic.
• He was 25 years old during the events of theFor Demaciaand laterLux Comic.[2]
• Garen was seriously injured during his first battle againstSylas, when, having run out of stored magic, Sylas'petricite shacklesunexpectedly absorbed some after blocking Garen's sword strike and used what appears to be some sort of flame magic to strike back.Luxrealized that the Demacian Steel sword was key to Garen's losing the first fight though Garen had not. She warned him to use another weapon when he faced off with Sylas a second time.
• Luxrealized that the Demacian Steel sword was key to Garen's losing the first fight though Garen had not. She warned him to use another weapon when he faced off with Sylas a second time.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Perseverance, Description: Innate: Garen regenerates 「 1. 5 % − 10. 1 % (based on level) of his maximum health every 5 seconds. 」 「 0. 15 % − 1. 01 % (based on level) of his maximum health every 0. 5 seconds. 」 Perseverance is lost for 8 seconds if Garen takes damage from epic monsters , turrets , or champions , or if he is hit by an enemy ability or affected by an enemy summoner spell , refreshing on subsequent damage and hits taken from them., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Perseverancedoes not go on nor refresh its cooldown from damage which was fully prevented by ashieldorinvulnerability.']} | Name: Decisive Strike, Description: Active: Garen cleanses himself of all slows and gains 35% bonus movement speed for a few seconds. Movement Speed Duration: 1 / 1. 65 / 2. 3 / 2. 95 / 3. 6 Additionally, Garen empowers his next basic attack within 4. 5 seconds to have an uncancellable windup , lunge at the target, deal bonus physical damage , and silence the target for 1. 5 seconds. Bonus Physical Damage: 30 / 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 (+ 50% AD) Decisive Strike resets Garen's basic attack timer., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'The enhanced attack will apply otheron-hit effectsand cancritically strikeas normal (the bonus damage does not).The bonus damage will also applylife steal.The bonus damage is applied tostructures.', 'The bonus damage will also applylife steal.', 'The bonus damage is applied tostructures.', 'Decisive StrikelocksGarenout of using basic attacks for a short period of time. This is shortened withattack speed.', "The enhanced attack will still complete and hit the target even if they becomeuntargetableduring theattack's windup.", 'Decisive Strikewill not prevent the reapplication ofslows(e.g. the persistent slow fromPillar of Icewill be immediately reapplied after removal ifGarenis still within itsarea of effect).', 'Spell shieldwill only negate thesilence.', "Decisive Strike'slungecan pass very thin terrain and will otherwise not be able to. In any case,Garenwill still hit his target."]} | Name: Courage, Description: Passive: Whenever Garen kills an enemy, he generates a stack of Courage , stacking up to 150 times. Courage: For each stack, Garen gains 0. 2 bonus armor and 0. 2 bonus magic resistance , up to a maximum of 30 bonus resistances each. After reaching maximum stacks, Garen gains 10% bonus armor and 10% bonus magic resistance . Active: Garen reduces incoming damage by 30% for a few seconds. For the first 0. 75 seconds, Garen additionally grants himself a shield and 60% tenacity . Duration: 2 / 2. 75 / 3. 5 / 4. 25 / 5 Shield Strength: 65 / 85 / 105 / 125 / 145 (+ 18% bonus health), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Courage'sbonus resistances are only gained when it is ranked up at least once, butCourage'spassive is retroactive for units killed before it was learned.", "Courage'sbonusresistances can be obtained by any ofGaren'sdamage sources (basic attacks, abilities, summoner spells, runes, item actives).This does not includelast hitstransferred toGarenartificially, through effects such asSpoils of War.", 'This does not includelast hitstransferred toGarenartificially, through effects such asSpoils of War.', "The kills on these enemy unit types count towardsCourage'sbonusresistances:Champions(Onlykills,Assistsdon't grant thebonusresistances)AllminionsandmonstersChampion summoned units(e.g.Noxious Trap,Powder Keg,Dark Procession)Allpetsandclones.The bonus is equal for all these units;Largeunits do not grant a larger bonus.", "Champions(Onlykills,Assistsdon't grant thebonusresistances)", 'Allminionsandmonsters', 'Champion summoned units(e.g.Noxious Trap,Powder Keg,Dark Procession)', 'Allpetsandclones.The bonus is equal for all these units;Largeunits do not grant a larger bonus.', 'The bonus is equal for all these units;Largeunits do not grant a larger bonus.', "The kills on these enemy unit types donotcount towardsCourage'sbonusresistances:Wards.Turrets(includingSun Disk) and otherstructuresJungle plants.Units destroyed by 'trampling' such asZyra'sseeds,Zac'sgooorRek'Sai'stunnels.", 'Wards.', 'Turrets(includingSun Disk) and otherstructures', 'Jungle plants.', "Units destroyed by 'trampling' such asZyra'sseeds,Zac'sgooorRek'Sai'stunnels.", 'Couragewill only grant bonus resistances from units killed byGarenhimself.Eye of the HeraldandSpoils of Warof allies do not count.', 'TheTenacityincreasestacks additivelywith thetenacity reductionfromBrittle, but multiplicatively with other sources.', 'Bonus resistances on-kill changed to 0.5.Number of enemy kills needed to reach the maximum amount changed to 60.', 'New Effect:Gains 18.75Couragestacks per round.']} | Name: Judgment, Description: Active: Garen rapidly spins his sword around himself 7 (+ 1 per 25% bonus attack speed ) times over 3 seconds, becoming ghosted and unable to basic attack and dealing physical damage to nearby enemies periodically. Judgment can be recast after 1 second for its duration, and does so automatically after it ends. Physical Damage Per Spin: 4 / 8 / 12 / 16 / 20 (+ 0 − 8. 2 (based on level) ) (+ 32 / 34 / 36 / 38 / 40% AD) Enemy champions hit 6 times by Judgment are inflicted with 25% armor reduction for 6 seconds, with the duration refreshing upon the 7th hit and every 6th hit thereafter. Judgment deals 25% increased damage against the nearest enemy hit. Increased Damage Per Spin: 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 (+ 0 − 10. 25 (based on level) ) (+ 40 / 42. 5 / 45 / 47. 5 / 50% AD) Recast: Garen ends Judgment prematurely, reducing its cooldown by its remaining duration. Judgment can critically strike for (75% + 45% ) bonus physical damage . Additionally, Judgment deals 150% damage against monsters ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "The initial casts count as an ability activation for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.Deactivating the ability manually does not.", 'Deactivating the ability manually does not.', 'Each spin triggers a stack ofConqueror.', "For the purpose of moving closer to an enemy when right clicking them,Judgmentalso reducesGaren'sattack range「\xa0to 100\xa0」「\xa0by 75\xa0」for the duration.", "JudgmentcancelsGaren'slast movement command upon ending.", 'Each spin deals damage simultaneously to all enemies within its range when the spin is completed.', 'The spin animation is capped at once per 0.2seconds, but the amount of ticks will keep on scaling.', 'The armor reduction stacks multiplicatively with other percentage armor penetration effects.', 'Death', 'Cannot spin more than once from multiple casts.']} | Name: Demacian Justice, Description: Active: Garen calls upon the might of Demacia onto the target enemy champion , dealing them true damage as well as revealing them for 1 second at the start of the cast time. True Damage: 150 / 300 / 450 (+ 25 / 30 / 35% of target's missing health) Link ▶️ "For the cause!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'True', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "The target will die if they're at least under20 / 23.08/ 25.93%maximumhealth+120 / 230.77/ 333.33flathealthon top of that. This does not count effects that mitigatetrue damage, such asshields.", 'If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the cast time, this ability will cancel but does not go oncooldownnor pay its cost (if applicable).']} | Garen was featured in theSummoner's RiftBattle Trainingtutorialbefore its revamp.
His dance is a reference toBye Bye ByebyNSYNC.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.He used to share this dance withTryndamerebefore they both gotreworked.
Wukong'sabilities might have been based on Garen's kit. (Decisive Strike/Crushing Blow,Judgment/Cyclone)
Garen was the first to have hisInfluence Pointprice reduced twice, others beingMiss FortuneandWarwick.
Theoriginal iconofPerseverancefeatures a silhouette of Garen's pose from his firstOriginal splash art.
In the now-removed official League of Legendsforums, the original icon ofPerseverancewas used to represent the "Public Beta Environment" section. |
Gnar,the Missing Link | | | health: Health540+79, resource: ResourceN/A, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)4.5+1.25, resource regen: Secondary BarRage(100), armor: Armor32+3.7, attack damage: Attack damage57+3, attack speed: Base AS0.625, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius100, release: 2014-08-14, changed: V13.17, role: Specialist, position: Top, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 4800|880 | Missing section(s):
GnarMainMegaTitlesNickname(s)Little furry cave thingAlias(es)The Missing LinkCharacteristicsSpeciesYordlePronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:Earlier than 9000 BNWeapon(s)Rage GeneBoomerang(Mini Gnar)Boulder(Mega Gnar)Personal statusPlace of originRamshara,FreljordCurrent residenceUnknown(No Fixed Abode)Ramshara,Freljord(Founding of the Freljord)FamilyUnnamed Father†Unnamed Mother†Unnamed Siblings†Professional statusOccupation(s)HunterRegion(s)FreljordRelated character(s)Willump
• Main
• Mega
• Little furry cave thing
• Born:Earlier than 9000 BN
• Rage Gene
• Boomerang(Mini Gnar)
• Boulder(Mega Gnar)
Personal status
Place of origin
• Ramshara,Freljord
Current residence
• Unknown(No Fixed Abode)
• Ramshara,Freljord(Founding of the Freljord)
• Unnamed Father†
• Unnamed Mother†
• Unnamed Siblings†
Professional status
Related character(s)
Gnaris an excitable yordle whose playful antics can erupt into a toddler's outrage in an instant, transforming him into a massive beast bent on destruction. Frozen in True Ice for millennia, the curious creature broke free and now hops about a changed world he sees as exotic and wondrous. Delighted by danger, Gnar flings whatever he can at his enemies, be it his bonetooth boomerang... or an uprooted tree.
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2Awakening
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2Awakening
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early life[]
Before the ice had given the Freljord its name, there existed a land brimming with wonder—that is, if one could see the world through the eyes of Gnar.
A young yordle with boundless energy, Gnar and others like him lived openly among the hardy tribes of the northlands. Though barely big enough to leave footprints in the snow, his temper rivaled that of beasts ten times his size, and he would erupt with a babble of curses the moment anything went amiss. For this reason, he felt more kinship with the greater and wiser creatures, who kept their distance from mortals. To Gnar, they looked like overgrown, white-furred yordles… and that was good enough for him.
While the tribes foraged across the tundra, gathering wild berries and tasty moss, Gnar collected more essential items, like rocks, pebbles, and the muddy remains of dead birds. His greatest treasure was the jawbone of a drüvask. When he tugged it from the cold earth, he squealed with glee and flung it as far as he could.
It landed two hops away.
Thrilled by this early success, Gnar carried his “boomerang” wherever he went. The world would try its best to offer him new delights—shiny lint, sweet nectar, round things—but none could match the pure joy he felt in throwing and catching his cherished weapon. He now considered himself a hunter, and trailed herds of wild beasts that paid him no mind.
But even he could sense change coming to the land. The sky seemed darker. The winds felt colder. The mortal tribes who had once foraged together, now appeared to hunt each other…
The big white yordles would know what to do. Gnar would go to them.
Using all of his hunting skill, he tracked them into the snow-capped peaks of a vast mountain range, much farther than he had ever wandered before. As he approached unseen, he also saw more mortals than he could count. This was exciting, but no one else seemed too happy about it.
Then the ground shook, and split apart. For the first time in Gnar’s life, it seemed as thougheveryone elsewas throwing tantrums. The mortals yelled. The big yordles roared.
But the monster’s arrival silenced them all.
Heaving itself up from the newly opened abyss, it bore huge horns, whipping tentacles, and a single eye, burning with strange light that made the fur on Gnar’s back crawl. While some mortals fled at the sight, he began to feel an odd pain in his chest—it was like the thought of losing his boomerang, or never being hugged again. This horrible thing wanted to hurt his new friends.
And this made him angry. In that moment, Gnartrulyraged.
All he could see was the monster. In a flash, he was in the air, leaping toward it. In one paw, he grasped a snowball… or so he thought. In fact, it was a boulder plucked from the mountainside, for Gnar had grown as large as the big white yordles. He would send this monster back where it came from, by walloping its face!
But the blow never landed. Gnar felt a chill colder than any winter, one that seemed to turn the air itself into ice—truly, this elemental magic froze him in place, biting through his shaggy fur. Everything, including the monster, became quiet. The yordle’s strength and anger melted away. A deep tiredness crept into his limbs, and he fell softly asleep.
Gnar napped for a long time. When he finally awoke, he shook the frost from his shoulders, breathing heavily. Everyone else was gone. With no monsters to fight and no friends to protect, he felt very small and alone again.
The land was very different, too. There was snoweverywhere, blanketing everything as far as his wide eyes could see. Still, he let out a happy yelp when he saw his beloved boomerang lying beside him, and scurried away to find something to hunt.
Even now, Gnar has no grasp of what took place that fateful day, nor how he escaped. He simply marvels at the world before him, with so many oddities to collect and places to explore.
He has the mind and innocence of a 4 year old, energetic, but tantrum prone, playful, but fierce. but despite his temper, he is quick to forgive and is overall a nice guy so long as others are nice to him in return.
• Yordle Physiology:Gnar is a Yordle, a being coming from theSpirit Realmand possesses several abilities natural of his species.Immortality:Being spiritual beings, Yordles don't age the same way as normal humans, and they can't normally die.Yordle Magic:Just like anyYordle, Gnar is capable of performing yordle magic, which he utilizes in tandem with his skills as a hunter.
• Atavism:Being a prehistoric Yordle, Gnar has certain characteristics that modern Yordles don't have, such as sharp fangs and tails.
• Transformation:If Gnar gets too angry, he will transform into a massive beast of immense destructive power.
• Skilled Hunter:Gnar is excellent at finding and capturing prey.
• Immortality:Being spiritual beings, Yordles don't age the same way as normal humans, and they can't normally die.
• Yordle Magic:Just like anyYordle, Gnar is capable of performing yordle magic, which he utilizes in tandem with his skills as a hunter.
• Gnar was accidentally frozen whenLissandraunleashes an icy catastrophe to bury theWatchers.
• Gnar will befriend nearly everyone that is kind and will play with him.Potential candidates includeLulu,Pix,Annie,Lux, and thePoros.Heimerdingermay be very interested in Gnar for the evolutionary insights he might provide regarding Yordle.
• Potential candidates includeLulu,Pix,Annie,Lux, and thePoros.
• Heimerdingermay be very interested in Gnar for the evolutionary insights he might provide regarding Yordle.
Read More
The Missing Link
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Discovering the Link
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Snow Day
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Snow falls all morning, blanketing the earth in fresh coats of white. One by one, feathery flakes trickle from the sky, gently at first, and then rapidly in unison. Soon, the howling blizzard muffles all sounds save for a peculiar racket coming from a nearby cave, where a shock of orange and blue bounces up and down, left to right.
Short Story • 2 Minute Read
The Hunter Hunted
ByLeslee Sullivant Heintz
The jungle does not forgive blindness. Every broken branch tells a story.
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Alternate Universes
A Snowdown Snowtale
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Be Your Best Santa
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Starring:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Brand,Caitlyn,Darius,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Gnar,Janna,Jax,Jayce,Jinx,Kassadin,Katarina,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lulu,Orianna,Rek'Sai,Rengar,Rumble,Ryze,Shen,Sivir,Tahm Kench,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Yasuo,Ziggs
Playtime with Gnar: Series 1
ByRachel J. Corey
Mentioned:Amumu,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Darius,Draven,Karthus,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Malzahar,Nocturne,Nunu,Rengar,Twisted Fate,Willump
Playtime with Gnar: Series 2
ByRachel J. Corey
Return to the Stars
Starring:Aurelion Sol,Bard,Cassiopeia,Gnar,Illaoi,Kog'Maw,Nautilus,Nocturne,Teemo,Urgot,Vayne,Viktor,Ziggs
Academy Adventures: Series 1
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Akali,Amumu,Anivia,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Braum,Cho'Gath,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fiora,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Ivern,Jhin,Jinx,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nidalee,Olaf,Poppy,Rek'Sai,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Shen,Sion,Sona,Soraka,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tristana,Trundle,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Vel'Koz,Vi,Yorick,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 3
ByGutter Rat
Olaf vs Everything: Series 2
ByTom Barton
Mentioned:Ahri,Aurelion Sol,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Gnar,Illaoi,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Nagakabouros,Ornn,Renekton,Skarner,Teemo,Tryndamere,Urgot,Vel'Koz,Vi,Viktor,Vladimir,Warwick,Zyra
Punches and Plants: Series 1
Mentioned:Ahri,Alistar,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Braum,Caitlyn,Darius,Diana,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Evelynn,Ezreal,Gangplank,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jinx,Karma,Katarina,Leona,Lucian,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Nunu,Quinn,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Sivir,Sona,Soraka,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Valor,Varus,Vel'Koz,Vladimir,Volibear,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Zac,Ziggs
Punches and Plants: Series 2
Mentioned:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Amumu,Annie,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Diana,Draven,Ekko,Ezreal,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Kha'Zix,Kog'Maw,Leona,Lucian,Lux,Malphite,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nasus,Nautilus,Nidalee,Olaf,Orianna,Poppy,Quinn,Rakan,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Shaco,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Valor,Vel'Koz,Viktor,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Xin Zhao,Yasuo,Ziggs
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Reaching the peak takes more than skill. Only those with the ambition to RISE above all others will know its height.
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Akali,Ashe,Braum,Darius,Ekko,Ezreal,Fiora,Garen,Gnar,Jarvan IV,Jax,Jinx,Kalista,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Leona,Lux,Master Yi,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Riven,Ryze,Sejuani,Swain,Taliyah,Thresh,Tryndamere,Vayne,Xayah,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs
The Roadtrip
ByCassie Parkes,Marvin Clifford
Mentioned:Ahri,Ashe,Azir,Bard,Braum,Darius,Fiddlesticks,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Irelia,Jinx,Kalista,Katarina,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Lulu,Master Yi,Nami,Poppy,Rakan,Shaco,Sona,Swain,Taric,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Varus,Xayah,Yasuo,Zilean
The Tale of the Poro King
By Numerous creators
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aatrox,Akali,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Darius,Diana,Draven,Ezreal,Gnar,Illaoi,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kai'Sa,Karma,Karthus,Katarina,Kayle,Kayn,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nunu,Ornn,Pantheon,Pyke,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Rhaast,Ryze,Sejuani,Shen,Sion,Sivir,Soraka,Sylas,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Thresh,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Vi,Volibear,Willump,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs,Zoe
• Gnar is a prehistoric yordle, at the very least older than 10,000 years, dating back to a time when there were no massive civilizations on land.He was able to survive for millennia due to hibernation and being encased in True Ice.
• He is unaware that he transforms but that may change when he grows older.He retains his personality as Mega Gnar.
• The tribal paintings in 'Discovering the Link' depict Gnar and his family living in peace until a one-eyed entity with two horns/tentacles (speculated to be a FrozenWatcheror one ofVel'Koz'sVoidborn species) attacked them. It knocks Gnar's family away, triggering hisRage Genetherefore turning Mega, and promptly fighting the entity to unknown success.Originally, a defeatedAniviaencased Gnar for centuries in True Ice to preserve him and ultimately awakens him again to fight the FrozenWatcherson the brink of their return.[1]However, in the current lore,Lissandrais the one who imprisoned the Watchers with the True Ice catastrophe.
• Gnar learned to use a boomerang from and fashioned his after his father's.The boomerang is hidden in Mega Gnar's fur when he transforms.[2]
• Gnar is the only Yordle in modern times to have a tail due to his antiquity.Part of the reason Gnar is the way he is relates to how he grew up near prehistoric beasts and was raised byyetis. He's also young (or at least, he still has the mind of a youngster) so he tantrums a lot, obviously.[3]
• The Hunter Huntedwas originally written fromRengar'spoint of view. However, with the later established timeline and map settings, the hunter that encountered Gnar from the story is unlikely to still be him should the story be still canon.[4]
• He was able to survive for millennia due to hibernation and being encased in True Ice.
• He retains his personality as Mega Gnar.
• Originally, a defeatedAniviaencased Gnar for centuries in True Ice to preserve him and ultimately awakens him again to fight the FrozenWatcherson the brink of their return.[1]However, in the current lore,Lissandrais the one who imprisoned the Watchers with the True Ice catastrophe.
• The boomerang is hidden in Mega Gnar's fur when he transforms.[2]
• Part of the reason Gnar is the way he is relates to how he grew up near prehistoric beasts and was raised byyetis. He's also young (or at least, he still has the mind of a youngster) so he tantrums a lot, obviously.[3]
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Rage Gene, Description: Innate - Rage Gene: Mini Gnar generates 4 / 7 / 11 (based on level) Rage over 2 seconds upon dealing or receiving damage. Against non-champions, basic attacks and Boomerang Throw instantly generate 「 0. 5 / 0. 875 / 1. 375 (based on level) Rage . 」 「 12. 5 % of the amount. 」 Against champions, Boomerang Throw instantly generates 「 1 / 1. 75 / 2. 75 (based on level) Rage , 」 「 25% of the amount, 」 and basic attacks instantly generate 「 2 / 3. 5 / 5. 5 (based on level) . 」 「 50% of the amount. 」 Boomerang Throw can only generate Rage once per cast, and grants Rage based on the first enemy hit. Gnar's Rage decays after being out of combat for 13 seconds. At maximum Rage , Gnar's abilities are switched to Mega Gnar's abilities for 4 seconds. Casting one of Mega Gnar's abilities will cause him to transform into Mega Gnar , else he will transform automatically after the 4 seconds have elapsed. Gnar's Mega form lasts for 15 seconds, with his Rage bar depleting as an indication of remaining time. Rage cannot be generated while in this form. Afterwards, Gnar returns to Mini Gnar , retaining his current percentage health and becoming too tired to generate Rage for 15 seconds. Gnar gains different stat bonuses based on whether he is in Mini or Mega form. Both of Gnar's forms share their ability cooldowns. Link ▶️ "GNAR!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'TheRagegenerated upon dealing or receiving damage occurs over 2 seconds with 4 ticks every 0.5seconds. It also does not stack but instead refreshes with subsequent applications (of dealing or receiving damage).', "The bonus rage generation on basic attacks counts as anon-hiteffect, and is triggered byRunaan's HurricaneandGuinsoo's Rageblade.", 'In-game, the value on theRagebar always displays rounded down to the nearest integer.', "Mega Gnar'sgained health is not affected byhealingmodifiers such asGrievous Woundsand those fromitemsandrunes.", 'When returning toMini Gnar,Gnarwill only retain his current health percentage, not current health total.This is intentional to preventGnarfrom simply triggeringRage Genein order to heal himself over time.', 'This is intentional to preventGnarfrom simply triggeringRage Genein order to heal himself over time.', "Gnar'sabilities sharecooldownsacross forms.", "The final stats, afterRage Genebeing applied, can be seen onMini Gnar'sandMega Gnar'srespective data template, in thefront page.Mini Gnargains5.5% − 99% (based on level)bonusattack speed.", 'Mini Gnargains5.5% − 99% (based on level)bonusattack speed.', 'Fury generation changed to 150%.']} | Name: Mini Gnar, Description: Innate: Gnar gains bonus movement speed , bonus attack range , attack speed , as well as attack speed growth . Bonus Movespeed: 0 − 20 (based on level) Total Movespeed: 335 − 355 (based on level) Bonus Range: 0 − 100 (based on level), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "The boomerang return direction is determined at the apex of its flight byGnar'scurrent position and which directionGnaris heading at the time.", 'Since the cooldown between the two is shared,Mini Gnarmay pick up aboulderand/orMega Gnarmay catch aboomerang.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.']} | Name: Boomerang Throw, Description: Active: Gnar throws a boomerang in a line in the target direction that deals physical damage to enemies in its path and slows them for 2 seconds. After reaching its maximum range or hitting an enemy, the boomerang flies back toward Gnar based on his current movement, dealing 50% damage to subsequent targets. Physical Damage: 5 / 45 / 85 / 125 / 165 (+ 115% AD) Reduced Damage: 2. 5 / 22. 5 / 42. 5 / 62. 5 / 82. 5 (+ 57. 5 % AD) Slow: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35% Catching the boomerang while it is returning back refunds 40% of the ability's total cooldown . Enemies can be hit only once per pass., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "The bonus movement speed's duration refreshes wheneverGnarwould receive it (by hitting a target three times again)."]} | Name: Hyper, Description: Passive: Gnar's basic attacks on-hit and ability hits apply a stack of Hyper to enemies for 3. 5 seconds, refreshing on subsequent applications and stacking up to 3 times. The third stack against a target consumes them all to deal bonus magic damage , capped at 300 against monsters , and grant Gnar 20 / 40 / 60 / 80% (based on GNAR!'s rank) bonus movement speed that decays over 3 seconds. Bonus Magic Damage: 0 / 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 (+ 6 / 8 / 10 / 12 / 14% of target's maximum health) (+ 100% AP) Gnar gains Hyper's bonus movement speed when he leaves Mega form., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Hopdoes not allowGnarto bounce off wards.', 'Hopdoes not grantbonusattack speed if used to transform.', 'IfHopgeneratesRageto maximum andGnarbounces off an enemy, he may castGNAR!during the bounce.']} | Name: Hop, Description: Active: Gnar leaps to the target location, then gains bonus attack speed for 6 seconds. Bonus Attack Speed: 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60% If Gnar lands on a unit he will bounce 500 units further in the same direction. Landing on an enemy deals them physical damage and slows them by 80% for 0. 5 seconds. Physical Damage: 50 / 85 / 120 / 155 / 190 (+ 6% maximum health) Gnar will not bounce if he is immobilized , excluding from sleep (bug) , during the first leap. Boomerang Throw can be cast during the dash. Hop will cast at max range if cast beyond that., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Since the cooldown between the two is sharedMini Gnarmay pick up aboulderand/orMega Gnarmay catch aboomerang.', 'TheBoulderwill still drop to the ground if colliding withWind WallorUnbreakable.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.']} | Gnar,Elise,Jayce,KayleandNidaleeare the only champions to be bothrangedandmelee.
Gnar's concept is built on monstrous transformations in fiction coupled with theFish Out of Watertrope.Inspirations includeStrange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr HydebyRobert Louis Stevenson,Gremlins, andHulkbyMarvel Comics.Paleontologically speaking, Gnar is not a missing link, i.e.transitional specimen, but he belongs to the Yordle population ancestral to modern ones; colloquially-speaking, he is the great-great-...-granduncle of all living Yordles.
In Brazilian localization, Gnar's title was changed toO Yordle Pré-histórico('the Prehistoric Yordle') in order to avoid matchmaking-rating-associated jokes/bullying derived fromO Elo Perdido('the Missing Link').
Gnar is the second champion to have two champion portraits (Mini GnarandMega Gnar) the first beingQuinnandValor.He is also the third to have more than one chat name, the first beingAniviaandEggniviaand the second being anyone polymorphed byLulu(Squill).As well as the seventh champion to have more than four abilities, the others beingElise,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Karma,Nidalee,Lee Sin,Rek'SaiandYorick.
Mini Gnar has the fewest active abilities of any ranged champion (HyperandGNAR!are fully passive effects) and the lowest health at Level 18 (1645).
Mega Gnar has his own separate emotes from Mini Gnar's.His dance referencesDonkey Kong.Boulder Toss' projectile is shaped like theRiot Games Inc.logo.
Mega Gnar has the highestlevel 18baseattack damage(157).
Although patchV7.16made it so the portrait of the selected skin would be used in the central portion of the in-game UI, transforming intoMega Gnaralways uses his base portrait for all skins.
Hophas the shortest ability name at 3 characters long.For contrastLife Form Disintegration Rayis the longest ability name at 29 characters long, exceeding Hop by 26 characters. |
Gragas,the Rabble Rouser | | | health: Health670+109, resource: Mana400+47, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)5.5+0.5, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)6+0.8, armor: Armor38+4.8, attack damage: Attack damage64+3.5, attack speed: Base AS0.675, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius80, selection radius: Selection radius155, release: 2010-02-02, changed: V13.22, role: Vanguard, position: TopJungleMiddleSupport, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 3150|790 | Missing section(s):
GragasMainCurrentTitlesAlias(es)The Rabble RouserCharacteristicsSpeciesHumanPronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:896 AN - 975 ANWeapon(s)CaskGraggy IcePersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originUnknownCurrent residenceFreljordProfessional statusOccupation(s)BrewerLiquor ConnoisseurRegion(s)FreljordFaction(s)AvarosanRelated character(s)TryndamereBraumJaxAshe
• Main
• Current
• Born:896 AN - 975 AN
• Cask
• Graggy Ice
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
• Brewer
• Liquor Connoisseur
Related character(s)
Equal parts jolly and imposing,Gragasis a massive, rowdy brewmaster on his own quest for the perfect pint of ale. Hailing from parts unknown, he now searches for rare ingredients among the unblemished wastes of theFreljord, trying each recipe as he goes. Often intoxicated and extremely impulsive, he is legendary for the brawls he starts, which often end in all-night parties and widespread property damage. Any appearance from Gragas must surely foreshadow drinking and destruction—in that order.
• 1Background1.1Early life
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early life
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Alternate Universes
Early life[]
One night, when he had drained all the kegs and was left wanting, Gragas was struck by a thought rather than the usual barstool: why couldn't he brew himself something that would finally get him truly drunk? It was then that he vowed to create the ultimate ale.
Gragas' quest eventually brought him to the Freljord, where the promise of acquiring the purest arctic water for his recipe led him into uncharted glacial wastes. While lost in an unyielding blizzard, Gragas stumbled upon a great howling abyss. There he found it: a flawless shard of ice unlike anything he had ever seen. Not only did this unmelting shard imbue his lager with incredible properties, but it also had a handy side effect - it kept the mixture chilled at the perfect serving temperature.
Under the spell of his new concoction, Gragas headed for civilization, eager to share the fermented fruits of his labor. As fate would have it, the first gathering to catch Gragas' bleary eyes would shape the future of the Freljord. He blundered into a deteriorating negotiation between two tribes discussing an alliance with Ashe. Though Ashe welcomed a break in the tension, the other warriors bristled at the intrusion and hurled insults at the drunken oaf. True to his nature, Gragas replied with a diplomatic headbutt, setting off a brawl matched only in the legends of the Freljord.
When the fallen from that great melee finally awoke, Ashe proposed a friendly drink as an alternative to fighting. With their tempers doused in suds, the two tribes, formerly on the brink of war, bonded over a common love of Gragas' brew. Although strife was averted and Gragas hailed a hero, he still had not achieved his dream of drunken blissfulness. So once more, he set off to wander the tundra in search of ingredients for Runeterra's perfect pint.
He was known for his rowdiness, and ability to start fights in a bar. Despite this, he can be friendly when sharing his ale.
• Gragas is allied with theAvarosan for unknown reasons.
• Jaxis Gragas' drinking buddy in the old lore.
Read More
The Rabble Rouser
By Unknown Author
Starring Champion
Short Story
A Well-Earned Tip
ByLaura Michet
Up in the mountains that separate Demacia from the Freljord, there aren’t a lot of jobs that pay coin.
Alternate Universes
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
Short Story
Journey to Thy Golden Mustache!
Crystal Quest: Series 1
Mentioned:Anivia,Ashe,Braum,Bristle,Caitlyn,Camille,Elise,Ezreal,Garen,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Illaoi,Ivern,Katarina,Kled,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lucian,Nami,Olaf,Poppy,Ryze,Senna,Singed,Skaarl,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Veigar,Vi,Zac
Mac Client Available
Starring:Dr. Mundo
Mentioned:Amumu,Ashe,Caitlyn,Ezreal,Fizz,Gragas,Graves,Katarina,Master Yi,Miss Fortune,Mordekaiser,Orianna,Riven,Ryze,Singed,Soraka,Viktor,Zac,Ziggs
Punches and Plants: Series 1
Mentioned:Ahri,Alistar,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Braum,Caitlyn,Darius,Diana,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Evelynn,Ezreal,Gangplank,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jinx,Karma,Katarina,Leona,Lucian,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Nunu,Quinn,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Sivir,Sona,Soraka,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Valor,Varus,Vel'Koz,Vladimir,Volibear,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Zac,Ziggs
Road to the Cup
As the 2013 League of Legends World Championship final draws near, we showcase the biggest heroes in esports from around the world. Many teams fell by the wayside in epic battles, and now only two remain: Korea's SK Telecom T1 and China's Royal Club. Who will rise?
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Blitzcrank,Brand,Caitlyn,Corki,Elise,Ezreal,Gragas,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Lux,Malphite,Mordekaiser,Orianna,Renekton,Ryze,Shen,Thresh,Twisted Fate,Vayne,Zac,Zed
The Roadtrip
ByCassie Parkes,Marvin Clifford
Mentioned:Ahri,Ashe,Azir,Bard,Braum,Darius,Fiddlesticks,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Irelia,Jinx,Kalista,Katarina,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Lulu,Master Yi,Nami,Poppy,Rakan,Shaco,Sona,Swain,Taric,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Varus,Xayah,Yasuo,Zilean
• The 9000 years lease Gragas might arrange withAsheandTryndamerereferencesSt. James's Gate.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Happy Hour, Description: Innate: Periodically, after casting an ability , Gragas heals himself for 6. 5 % of his maximum health ., STATIC COOLDOWN: STATICCOOLDOWN:12, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'No additional details.', 'Cooldown changed to 4 seconds.']} | Name: Barrel Roll, Description: Active: Gragas rolls a cask to the target location, remaining there for 4 seconds, granting sight of the area, and fermenting over 2 seconds to increase its damage and slow effectiveness, up to a maximum of 150%. Barrel Roll can be recast at any time within its duration after the cask has fully travelled, and does so automatically after its duration ends. Recast: Gragas detonates the cask, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies, reduced by 30% against minions , and slowing them for 2 seconds. Minimum Magic Damage: 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 (+ 80% AP) Maximum Magic Damage: 120 / 180 / 240 / 300 / 360 (+ 120% AP) Minimum Minion Damage: 56 / 84 / 112 / 140 / 168 (+ 56% AP) Maximum Minion Damage: 84 / 126 / 168 / 210 / 252 (+ 84% AP) Minimum Slow: 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60% Maximum Slow: 60 / 67. 5 / 75 / 82. 5 / 90%, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation/Auto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "The initial cast counts as an ability activation for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.Deactivating the ability manually does not.", 'Deactivating the ability manually does not.', 'The cask ignores unit and terrain collision therefore it will only stop once it reaches the target location.On arrival the cask will begin to glow ever brighter as it ferments until it turns bright red.', 'On arrival the cask will begin to glow ever brighter as it ferments until it turns bright red.', 'Barrel Rollhas an internal cooldown while traveling so thatGragasmay only make it explode on arrival.', 'The charge-up countdown will only start once the cask stops rolling.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.']} | Name: Drunken Rage, Description: Active: Gragas channels for 0. 75 seconds, drinking out of his brew, and gains damage reduction for 2. 5 seconds. Damage Reduction: 10 / 12 / 14 / 16 / 18% (+ 4% per 100 AP) Upon completing the channel, Gragas empowers his next basic attack within 5 seconds to have an uncancellable windup , gain 50 bonus range and deal bonus magic damage to the target and nearby enemies, capped at 300 against monsters . Bonus Magic Damage: 20 / 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 (+ 7% of target's maximum health) (+ 70% AP) Capped Monster Damage: 320 / 350 / 380 / 410 / 440 (+ 70% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'The enhanced attack will apply otheron-hit effectsand cancritically strikeas normal.', 'The empowered attack will trigger but not be consumed nor apply its effects againststructuresandwards.', 'The following table refers for interactions whileGragasischanneling:', 'Death', 'Cast-inhibiting effects', "Health ratio changed to12% of target'smaximumhealth."]} | Name: Body Slam, Description: Active: Gragas charges in the target direction and stops upon colliding with an enemy, dealing magic damage to all nearby enemies, knocking them back , though not through terrain, and stunning them for 1 second. Magic Damage: 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260 (+ 60% AP) Body Slam's current cooldown is reduced by 40% if Gragas hits an enemy. Barrel Roll and Explosive Cask can be cast during the dash., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Flashcan be casted duringBody Slam, instantly ending it and affecting enemies at the flash location.', 'Units hit byBody Slamturn away fromGragas.', 'Displacement immunitywill not resist the application of thestun.', 'Cooldown refund reduced to 1 second from 3.', 'Cooldown refund changed to 1 second.']} | Name: Explosive Cask, Description: Active: Gragas hurls a cask that travels to the target location over 0. 5 seconds, exploding on impact to deal magic damage to all enemies within the area and knock them back 900 units, though not through terrain, from the epicenter of the explosion, as well as granting sight of the area for 1 second. Magic Damage: 200 / 300 / 400 (+ 80% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.']} | Gragas isvoicedbyJ.S. Gilbert.Battlecast Prime Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Corporate Mundo, pre-reworkSion,UdyrandSpirit Guard Udyrare also voiced by the same voice actor.
Gragas used to be the onlyMage/Fighterchampion as well as the only melee mage.He is now aFighter/Mageso until recently there have been no melee mages, withSylasnow taking up that role. (even though most champions with the Mage secondary role are melee).
His first title was 'the Cask Master' but was changed to avoid confusion withthe Card Master.
What appears to be Gragas' cask can be seen in the game's Mac Version trailer.
Gragas is the third champion to have 9 skins, behindRyzeandAnnie. |
Graves,the Outlaw,Malcolm Graves | | | health: Health625+106, resource: Mana325+40, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)8+0.7, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)8+0.7, armor: Armor33+4.6, attack damage: Attack damage68+4, attack speed: Base AS0.475, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius110, release: 2011-10-19, changed: V13.22, role: Specialist, position: TopJungle, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 4800|880 | Missing section(s):
GravesCurrentMercenarySentinelYoungTitlesReal nameMalcolm GravesNickname(s)Mr. Scruffy Smokes-a-lotAlias(es)The OutlawCharacteristicsSpeciesHumanPronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:956 AN - 961 ANWeapon(s)New DestinySmoke CanistersExplosive ShellsDestinyRelic Stone ShotgunPersonal statusPlace of originBilgewater,Serpent IslesCurrent residenceUnknown(No Fixed Abode)FamilyTwisted Fate(Partner)Unnamed Mother†Professional statusOccupation(s)MercenaryThiefGamblerSentinel of LightCutthroatRegion(s)BilgewaterFaction(s)Sentinels of LightRelated character(s)Twisted FateGangplankMiss FortuneRafenTeemoTristanaCorkiLuluViegoLucianSennaVayneGwenOlafIreliaRivenDianaPykeRengarNilah
• Current
• Mercenary
• Sentinel
• Young
Real name
• Born:956 AN - 961 AN
• New Destiny
• Smoke Canisters
• Explosive Shells
• Destiny
• Relic Stone Shotgun
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Twisted Fate(Partner)
• Unnamed Mother†
Professional status
• Mercenary
• Thief
• Gambler
• Sentinel of Light
• Cutthroat
Related character(s)
Malcolm Gravesis a renowned mercenary, gambler, and thief—a wanted man in every city and empire he has visited. Even though he has an explosive temper, he possesses a sense of criminal honor, often enforced at the business end of his double-barreled shotgunDestiny. In recent years, he has reconciled a troubled partnership withTwisted Fate, and together they have prospered once more in theturmoilofBilgewater’scriminal underbelly.
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2Burning Tides1.3Destiny and Fate
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Tobias Felix5.2Yordles5.3Shauna Vayne
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2Burning Tides
• 1.3Destiny and Fate
• 5.1Tobias Felix
• 5.2Yordles
• 5.3Shauna Vayne
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early life[]
Raised in the wharf alleys ofBilgewater, Malcolm Graves quickly learned how to fight and how to steal. He could always find work hauling contraband up from the smugglers’ skiffs that came into the bay each night—with a tidy side-gig as hired muscle for various other unsavory local characters, as they went about their business in the port.
But the alleys were small-time, and he craved more excitement than they could offer. Still little more than a youth, Graves stole a blunderbuss and smuggled himself aboard a ship headed out of Bilgewater to theShuriman mainland, where he stole, lied, and gambled his way from place to place along the coast.
Across the table of a high-stakes—and highly illegal—card game inMudtown, Graves metTwisted Fate.
Each immediately saw in the other the same reckless passion for danger and adventure, and together they formed a most lucrative partnership. Between Graves’ raw brawn and Twisted Fate’s brains, they were an unusually effective team from the outset. Their mutual sense of roguish honor grew into genuine trust, and together they stole from the rich, swindled the foolish, handpicked skilled crews for specific jobs, and sold out their rivals whenever they could.
On the southern borderlands ofValoran, they set two renowned noble houses ofNoxusat each other’s throats as cover for the rescue of a kidnapped heir. That they pocketed the reward money, only to ransom the vile young man to the highest bidder, should really have come as no surprise to their original employer. InPiltover, they still hold the distinction of being the only thieves ever to crack the supposedly impenetrable Clockwork Vault. Not only did the pair empty the vault of all its treasures, they also tricked the guards into loading the loot onto their hijacked schooner, for a quick getaway through the Sun Gates.
In almost every case, only once they and their accomplices were safely over the horizon were their crimes even discovered—usually along with one of Twisted Fate’s trademark calling cards left where it would be easily found.
During a heist that rapidly turned from complex to completely botched, Graves was taken by the local enforcers, while Twisted Fate merely turned tail and abandoned him.
Thrown into the infamous prison known as the Locker, Graves endured years of torture and solitary confinement, during which time he nursed his bitter anger toward his old partner, and, convinced that Twisted Fate had betrayed him, Graves was determined to have his revenge.
When he finally clawed his way to freedom, with the prison warden’s brand new shotgun slung over his shoulder, Graves began his long-overdue pursuit of Twisted Fate.
Burning Tides[]
In the years after, Twisted Fate continued conning people solo, one-time evading capture by Miss Fortune. She would later hire him by proxy to sneak into Gangplank’s warehouse to steal and return a Crimson-Coil dagger, where he would reunite with Graves, who broke out from The Locker and was tipped off by the Bounty Hunter herself about Twisted Fate presence.
Flamed with rage at his partner's apparent betrayal, Graves started shooting at Tobias in an effort to settle the score with him. With Gangplank's warehouse burning and with the pirate captain's thugs swarming, the resolution of Graves' and Twisted Fate's long-simmering feud threatens to engulf the entire city in flames. Informed by the destruction of his warehouse, Gangplank set off the catch both of the perpetrators of this act.
Both Graves and Twisted Fate tried to flee from the wrath of the Pirate King but with no success. Gangplank tortured them until he tried to publicly execute them in front of the whole city for their misbehavior. Hearing the news of this event, Sarah Fortune's plans set in motion and along with her crew, started to make preparations to blow up Gangplank’s flagship so all Bilgewater could witness the death of their Reaver King.
Graves managed to hide one of Twisted Fate's cards, snatched during their previous fight around the city, from the pirate thugs, and so, Twisted Fate teleports behind Gangplank and punches him, but Graves gets dragged to the bottom of the ocean. Twisted Fate then jumps after him and saves Graves from drowning but almost dies in the process. Graves manages to save Twisted Fate and after they successfully survive the explosion, both men settled their dispute and resolve to pick up their joint hustling.
As Graves had lost his shotgun Destiny, they head to Piltover so he can get a new one. Even though Graves and Twisted Fate are tempted to reconcile their relationship, both know it may take a while for Graves to completely trust Twisted Fate again, still, the latter is happy to have his old friend back.
Destiny and Fate[]
After running jobs in Piltover and Zaun for a while, they go back to Bilgewater in search of the Abyssal Crown. Along with the story, Twisted Fate actively tries to regain Graves' trust, staying despite the danger and giving the Crown to Graves since the latter still keeps some distance from him.
They end up angering a sea witch in the process. Later on Miss Fortune springs a trap for Twisted Fate and Graves. Despite the latter's success in cornering her, she manages to trap them and hand them to the sea witch in exchange for her quartermaster. In the end, she helps Twisted Fate and Graves escape as well.
Graves is a gruff-looking, broad-shouldered, middle-aged man. He has fair skin, dark brown hair, and brown eyes. He typically wears his hair swept back and his beard in a mustache-and-mutton-chops combo with only his chin shaved, though he has also been seen with a full beard.
He generally wears simple, practical attire, such as a blue shirt and dark brown pants with leather boots and gloves. He wears a number of belts and pouches on his waist, visibly holding shotgun shells. He is also known to wear a blood-red cowl over his shoulders and back.
His signature weapon, Destiny, is an oversized double-barreled shotgun made of black, gold, and brown metal. It houses a glass chamber which glows with orange-yellow energy.
Tobias Felix[]
Their partnership started when they recognized a kindred soul in one another across a table during a high-stakes game in Mudtown.
They both shared the same reckless passion for danger and adventure, which is what encouraged them to form their partnership. Graves being the brawn, and T.F. being the brains they were an unusually effective team from the outset. Their mutual sense of roguish honor grew into genuine trust, and together they hustled across Valoran.
They were forced apart when a heist went south, with Graves getting sent to The Locker despite Twisted Fate’s efforts to save him.
Graves endured years of torture and solitary confinement, during which time he nursed his bitter anger toward his old partner, and, convinced T.F. had betrayed him, Graves was determined to have his revenge.
Graves reunited with T.F. again when MIss Fortune set them up, yet they were forced to put aside their differences in order to escape almost certain death in the ongoing conflict between her and Gangplank.
Even though Graves and T.F. were tempted to reconcile their relationship, both knew it may take a while for Graves to completely trust T.F. again, still, the latter was happy to have his old friend back.
Still, since Graves still kept some distance from T.F., in the short story Destiny and Fate, T.F. proactively tries to show Graves that he can trust him again. T.F. had a history of taking off when things got ugly and so, T.F. wanted to stay and retrieve the Abyssal Crown even if it meant risking his life so he could prove to Graves that he wouldn't leave him to pick up the pieces anymore. In the same story, when Graves shows up next to T.F. bleeding, the latter notices and expresses his concern, something that Graves actually appreciated even if he didn't say it out loud.
During the Burning Tides events, T.F. jumps after Graves to save him from drowning despite not knowing how to swim and being terrified of drowning himself.
Graves seems to like messing with T.F., particularly by calling him Tobias instead of Twisted Fate insisting the latter is a stupid name, or by splashing him with salt water just to mess with TF's carefully oiled and perfumed hair. Similarly, T.F. usually comes up with clever replies to annoy Graves. Their petty bickering is seen many times like at the end of Burning Tides' Act 4, Double-double cross, and Destiny and Fate.
After some time, Graves capturedTeemofor the bounty onyordleswhile Twisted Fate refuses because "messing with Yordles brings a whole heap of trouble." He then foughtCorki,LuluandTristanawho came to save Teemo, which ended up in Graves beingturnedinto a frog and the Yordles escaping.
Shauna Vayne[]
Graves respectsVaynefor being the only person among theSentinels of Lightto stand up to him.
Read More
The Outlaw
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Mentioned:Gangplank,Twisted Fate
Starring Champion
Absolution (Cinematic)
Two souls entwined by fate. One life for the other’s freedom.
Short Story
An Intimate Evening at Oyster Bill's
ByJared Rosen
You will know joy...
Mentioned:Ashlesh,Rengar,Senna,Tahm Kench,Viego
Short Story • 34 Minute Read
Burning Tides: Act 1
ByScott Hawkes,George Krstic,Anthony Reynolds Lenné,John O'Bryan
The Rat Town slaughter docks; they smell as bad as their name suggests.
Starring:Gangplank,Graves,Twisted Fate
Short Story
Burning Tides: Act 2
ByScott Hawkes,George Krstic,Anthony Reynolds Lenné,John O'Bryan
Starring:Gangplank,Graves,Miss Fortune,Rafen,Twisted Fate
Short Story
Burning Tides: Act 3
ByScott Hawkes,George Krstic,Anthony Reynolds Lenné,John O'Bryan
Starring:Gangplank,Graves,Miss Fortune,Rafen,Twisted Fate
Short Story
Burning Tides: Epilogue
ByScott Hawkes,George Krstic,Anthony Reynolds Lenné,John O'Bryan
Starring:Gangplank,Graves,Miss Fortune,Twisted Fate
Short Story
Destiny and Fate
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Ah, Bilgewater.
Starring:Graves,Miss Fortune,Twisted Fate
Don't Mess With Yordles
Wanna go cause a ruckus? When Teemo goes missing, Tristana finds plenty of volunteers to help bring him home to Bandle City—in all the ways that only yordles can!
Starring:Corki,Graves,Lulu,Teemo,Tristana,Twisted Fate
Double-Double Cross
Down on the slaughter docks, Miss Fortune springs a trap for wanted criminals Twisted Fate and Graves… but soon finds the tables turned against her.
Starring:Graves,Miss Fortune,Rafen,Twisted Fate
Short Story • 2 Minute Read
One Last Shot
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Holed up in an empty bar, bleeding from a dozen wounds and surrounded by armed men who wanted him dead, Malcom Graves had seen better days. He'd seen worse ones, too, so he wasn't worried yet. Graves leaned over the smashed bar and helped himself to a bottle, sighing as he read the label.
Rise of the Sentinels
ByJohn O'Bryan
Black Mist pours across Runeterra, enthralling its champions and shrouding the continent in darkness. If the last Sentinels are going to save Runeterra, they're going to need all the help they can get. And that meansyouRookie!
Starring:Akshan,Diana,Draven,Graves,Gwen,Irelia,Isolde,Karma,Lucian,Miss Fortune,Olaf,Pantheon,Pyke,Rengar,Riven,Senna,Shyvana,Thresh,Vayne,Vex,Viego,Yorick
Short Story
The Boys and Bombolini
ByJared Rosen
There existed, among the multitude of disgusting Bilgewater shipping warehouses filled with rusted knives and arms-length carnivorous rats, one Bilgewater shipping warehouse devoid of such things.
Starring:Graves,Twisted Fate
Mentioned:Akshan,Gwen,Nilah,Tahm Kench,Vayne,Viego
Mentioned Champion
Tales of Runeterra
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Akali,Braum,Corki,Darius,Diana,Ekko,Fiora,Garen,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jinx,Leona,Lulu,Miss Fortune,Shen,Teemo,Thresh,Tristana,Twisted Fate
Short Story • 8 Minute Read
The Burden
ByOdin Austin Shafer
Truth Bearer, this is why we must retreat to Buhru. We cannot save the paylangi' the Hierophant said. The heavy-set woman grinned, obviously pleased by the prospect of leaving Bilgewater.
Mentioned:Graves,Miss Fortune,Nagakabouros,Twisted Fate
The Card Master
ByGraham McNeill
Starring:Twisted Fate
Alternate Universes
A New Dawn
Day breaks over a landscape consecrated by blood and steel. A battle begins as a new dawn rises.
A Snowdown Snowtale
The Poro King sends a young poro on an urgent mission: find the one with the magnificent mustache to save Snowdown!
Be Your Best Santa
Santa Draven, Ambitious Elf Jinx, and Snow Fawn Poppy step up to help Santa Braum with this year’s Snowdown festivities. But with Jinx and Draven at the frontlines, the celebrations could easily snowball into shenanigans!
Fight for Yours
ByInstitute of War
The truest opponent lies within.
Starring:Boram Darkwill,Brand,Caitlyn,Cassiopeia,Galio,Graves,Irelia,Jarvan IV,Karma,LeBlanc,Lee Sin,Leona,Lux,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nocturne,Orianna,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Skarner,Sona,Swain,Talon,Trundle,Urgot,Varus,Vayne,Vladimir,Wukong,Xerath,Xin Zhao,Yorick
Systems Online
In the wake of a ruthless Praetorian threat, an elite team converges to stop them. Prepare to engage—you're just in time.
Crystal Quest: Series 1
Mentioned:Anivia,Ashe,Braum,Bristle,Caitlyn,Camille,Elise,Ezreal,Garen,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Illaoi,Ivern,Katarina,Kled,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lucian,Nami,Olaf,Poppy,Ryze,Senna,Singed,Skaarl,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Veigar,Vi,Zac
Harmonies: Issue 1
ByMichael Yichao
In a difficult moment during a recording secession, Akali reassures a nervous Seraphine that K/DA's bonds run deep.
Mac Client Available
Starring:Dr. Mundo
Mentioned:Amumu,Ashe,Caitlyn,Ezreal,Fizz,Gragas,Graves,Katarina,Master Yi,Miss Fortune,Mordekaiser,Orianna,Riven,Ryze,Singed,Soraka,Viktor,Zac,Ziggs
Punches and Plants: Series 1
Mentioned:Ahri,Alistar,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Braum,Caitlyn,Darius,Diana,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Evelynn,Ezreal,Gangplank,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jinx,Karma,Katarina,Leona,Lucian,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Nunu,Quinn,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Sivir,Sona,Soraka,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Valor,Varus,Vel'Koz,Vladimir,Volibear,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Zac,Ziggs
Punches and Plants: Series 2
Mentioned:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Amumu,Annie,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Diana,Draven,Ekko,Ezreal,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Kha'Zix,Kog'Maw,Leona,Lucian,Lux,Malphite,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nasus,Nautilus,Nidalee,Olaf,Orianna,Poppy,Quinn,Rakan,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Shaco,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Valor,Vel'Koz,Viktor,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Xin Zhao,Yasuo,Ziggs
The Roadtrip
ByCassie Parkes,Marvin Clifford
Mentioned:Ahri,Ashe,Azir,Bard,Braum,Darius,Fiddlesticks,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Irelia,Jinx,Kalista,Katarina,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Lulu,Master Yi,Nami,Poppy,Rakan,Shaco,Sona,Swain,Taric,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Varus,Xayah,Yasuo,Zilean
• Cutpurse Twisted FateandCutthroat Gravesdepict them in their younger years.
• Graves' mother had been dead for five years before the events ofBurning Tides.Graves andTwisted Fateused to have a crew when hustling all over the world, but they all died trying to get the Outlaw out of the Locker.Members include Kolt, Wallach, and The Brick.
• According to4Twisted Fate, Graves had quit smoking. This likely happened afterBurning Tides, when the two reunited.
• Graves originally wielded a gun named Destiny (sharing the name with his partner's ultimate). However after the events of Burning Tides it got destroyed and was replaced with New Destiny, an exact replica of the gun.Destiny is a double barrelled shotgun with abreak actioncylinderchamber, which seems to be a fantasy design.In game, Destiny has the power to launch smoke grenades.In universe, Graves has to still manually light and throw his smoke grenades.
• Graves was given a Blue Card by Twisted Fate duringRise of the Sentinels, it could instantly teleport him to Twisted Fate's location in case of an emergency.
• Graves is the only person who still calls Twisted Fate by his birthname, Tobias.
• One of the scrapped narrative concepts for Graves was for him to be married or to be an ex-lover of Twisted Fate. The concept of having "palpable sexual tension" between the characters was preserved in their final lore.For Pride 2022, it was revealed that Graves is Gay inThe Boys and Bombolini.One of the emotes for Pride 2022 is a reference to the classic scene in the romantic drama film "Brokeback Mountain".
• Graves andTwisted Fateused to have a crew when hustling all over the world, but they all died trying to get the Outlaw out of the Locker.Members include Kolt, Wallach, and The Brick.
• Members include Kolt, Wallach, and The Brick.
• Destiny is a double barrelled shotgun with abreak actioncylinderchamber, which seems to be a fantasy design.
• In game, Destiny has the power to launch smoke grenades.In universe, Graves has to still manually light and throw his smoke grenades.
• In universe, Graves has to still manually light and throw his smoke grenades.
• For Pride 2022, it was revealed that Graves is Gay inThe Boys and Bombolini.
• One of the emotes for Pride 2022 is a reference to the classic scene in the romantic drama film "Brokeback Mountain".
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: New Destiny, Description: Innate - Double Barrel: Graves' basic attacks consume ammunition within 2 shells . He will reload over a few seconds immediately after expending all shells or withholding leftover shells for a while. The reload time is reduced by Graves' level and bonus attack speed , and can be interrupted by declaring an attack or casting an ability. Innate - 12-Gauge: Graves' basic attack sprays 4 pellets in a cone, each colliding with the first enemy unit or structure in their path, dealing 70% − 100. 01 % (based on level) AD physical damage plus 「 23. 31 % − 33. 3 % (based on level) AD damage 」 「 about one-third of the damage 」 for each subsequent pellet hitting the same target, up to 139. 93 % − 199. 92 % (based on level) AD physical damage against a single target. Pellets deal 25% reduced damage against structures . Critical strikes spray 6 pellets over a 25% wider cone, with each pellet dealing (30% + 18% ) bonus physical damage , resulting in 「 73. 3 % (+ 18. 66 %) bonus damage to attacks where all pellets hit. 」 「 242. 52 % − 346. 48 % (based on level) (+ 26. 12 % − 37. 31 % (based on level) ) AD physical damage if all pellets hit. 」 Pellets apply life steal at 100% effectiveness. Only the first pellet to hit each enemy applies on-hit effects . Innate - Buckshot: Non-champion units hit by more than one pellet are knocked back , though not through terrain., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', "The in-game HUD displaysGraves'reload speed in place of his attack speed. This is a visual bug, and his attack speed behaves normally.", "His reload speed is in the form of reloads per second:Graves'bonus attack speedgrowthand the cap affect his reload speed, making hisbonusattack speedmore worth after each level.Reload speed: Scales less the more attack speed you have until150%bonusattack speed(not included growth). Going over that will decrease the reload speed until capping at200%bonusattack speed.The reload time after firing bothshellsand the time before the reloading starts while sitting on one shell are the same, of 2.08seconds. They're then reduced bybonusattack speed, to a minimum of1.54− 1.12(based on level)seconds.Reload speed at 150% bonus attack speed:0.651− 0.891(based on level).", "Graves'bonus attack speedgrowthand the cap affect his reload speed, making hisbonusattack speedmore worth after each level.", 'Reload speed: Scales less the more attack speed you have until150%bonusattack speed(not included growth). Going over that will decrease the reload speed until capping at200%bonusattack speed.', "The reload time after firing bothshellsand the time before the reloading starts while sitting on one shell are the same, of 2.08seconds. They're then reduced bybonusattack speed, to a minimum of1.54− 1.12(based on level)seconds.Reload speed at 150% bonus attack speed:0.651− 0.891(based on level).", 'Reload speed at 150% bonus attack speed:0.651− 0.891(based on level).', 'The reload time with oneshellis 1.3seconds.', "Graves'attack windupis based on such a low value that it will always take only1 game tick, even at the lowest possibleattack speed(0.2AS).", "WhenGraves'has his range increased by 35% to573.75viaRapid Firecannon, it has special effects on his cone spread:The reach of the individual missiles is also increased by 35% to843.75/783.75.The spread of the individual missiles isdecreasedby 35% (angle \xa0×\xa0 1/1.35) to17.7°/22.2°.The reduced spread means that the empowered attack can deal adequate damage in a scaled-up cone.", 'The reach of the individual missiles is also increased by 35% to843.75/783.75.', 'The spread of the individual missiles isdecreasedby 35% (angle \xa0×\xa0 1/1.35) to17.7°/22.2°.The reduced spread means that the empowered attack can deal adequate damage in a scaled-up cone.', 'The reduced spread means that the empowered attack can deal adequate damage in a scaled-up cone.', "Given the right circumstancespelletscan fly past and beyond the intended target without colliding with them, and thus collide with other enemies.Because the first pellet to hit an enemy deals unreduced damage, this can increase the total damage of the attack dealt, but spread across more targets instead.IfGravesisblindedpelletswill fly (still in a cone) in a random direction (excluding his target's) but he can still damage nearby enemy units hit by pellets.", 'Because the first pellet to hit an enemy deals unreduced damage, this can increase the total damage of the attack dealt, but spread across more targets instead.', "IfGravesisblindedpelletswill fly (still in a cone) in a random direction (excluding his target's) but he can still damage nearby enemy units hit by pellets.", 'Structures will intercept and can be hit by multiplepellets, as with other valid targets.', 'WardsandJungle plantswill not interceptpellets, and instead be triggered by a hiden homing attack missile (3000 missile speed, 3400 on crit), reminiscent of the more standard ranged attack of pre-reworkGraves.Graveswill not collaterally damage wards or jungle plants, and blocking pellets from reaching the target ward or jungle plant will not preventGravesfrom damaging them.', 'Graveswill not collaterally damage wards or jungle plants, and blocking pellets from reaching the target ward or jungle plant will not preventGravesfrom damaging them.', "The firstpelletto hit an enemy dealsbasic damage, additional ones to hit the same enemy from the same attack dealdefault damage.Because of this, only the first pellet to hit each enemy applies on-hit effects (see further details below).The additional pellets stillapply life steal.Warden's Mailonly reduces damage from the first pellet to hit its wearer.PENDING FOR TEST:Randuin's Omen'sdamage reduction to critical damage will apply to the damage of each pellet from a critical buckshot.", 'Because of this, only the first pellet to hit each enemy applies on-hit effects (see further details below).', 'The additional pellets stillapply life steal.', "Warden's Mailonly reduces damage from the first pellet to hit its wearer.", "PENDING FOR TEST:Randuin's Omen'sdamage reduction to critical damage will apply to the damage of each pellet from a critical buckshot.", 'Attack effects have a variety of interactions withNew Destiny:On-hiteffects are dealt to each stuck target, but not multiple times to the same target by subsequent pellets from the same attack.The order is based on the order in which the targets are hit. "Single-use" on-hit effects (e.g.Spellblade) will be applied to the first enemy hit; the closest one.On-Action Effectssuch asHelp, Pix!andRunaan\'s Hurricanewill be triggered, and still obey their standard target-acquisition rules.Wind\'s Furycan select secondary targets that will also be damaged by collision fromGraves\'attack.Energizedis special and will be applied by a hidden homing attack missile (3000 missile speed, 3400 on crit), reminiscent of the more standard ranged attack of pre-reworkGraves. The effect is therefore guaranteed to affect his attack target.Black Cleavertriggers on every instance ofphysical damage, so it will apply 1 stack when each individualpellethits, stacking multiple times if multiplepelletshit the same target (Armor reduction does not take effect until the automatic stat update).', 'On-hiteffects are dealt to each stuck target, but not multiple times to the same target by subsequent pellets from the same attack.The order is based on the order in which the targets are hit. "Single-use" on-hit effects (e.g.Spellblade) will be applied to the first enemy hit; the closest one.', 'The order is based on the order in which the targets are hit. "Single-use" on-hit effects (e.g.Spellblade) will be applied to the first enemy hit; the closest one.', "On-Action Effectssuch asHelp, Pix!andRunaan's Hurricanewill be triggered, and still obey their standard target-acquisition rules.Wind's Furycan select secondary targets that will also be damaged by collision fromGraves'attack.", 'Energizedis special and will be applied by a hidden homing attack missile (3000 missile speed, 3400 on crit), reminiscent of the more standard ranged attack of pre-reworkGraves. The effect is therefore guaranteed to affect his attack target.', 'Black Cleavertriggers on every instance ofphysical damage, so it will apply 1 stack when each individualpellethits, stacking multiple times if multiplepelletshit the same target (Armor reduction does not take effect until the automatic stat update).']} | Name: End of the Line, Description: Active: Graves fires a round in the target direction that deals physical damage to enemies it passes through and leaves behind a powder trail. Physical Damage: 45 / 60 / 75 / 90 / 105 (+ 80% bonus AD) After 2 seconds, or 0. 231 seconds upon colliding with terrain, the round detonates to deal physical damage to enemies within a wide perpendicular area and in a reverse wave along the powder trail. Physical Damage: 85 / 120 / 155 / 190 / 225 (+ 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160% bonus AD) Total Physical Damage: 130 / 180 / 230 / 280 / 330 (+ 120 / 150 / 180 / 210 / 240% bonus AD), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Spell shieldscan only block one instance of the ability's damage.", 'Wind Wallwill destroy the projectile entirely and mitigate all effects, including the trail on the ground.', 'Unbreakableis considered to be terrain for the purposes of the projectile, triggering its second effect.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.']} | Name: Smoke Screen, Description: Active: Graves fires a smoke canister at the target location that upon impact deals magic damage to enemies within the area and slows them by 50% for 0. 5 seconds. Magic Damage: 60 / 110 / 160 / 210 / 260 (+ 60% AP) The canister creates a cloud of smoke for 4 seconds that applies nearsight of outside the area to all enemies within every 0. 25 seconds, reducing their sight radius relative to the center., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Smoke Screenwill nearsightuntargetableunits.', 'Spell shieldswill block the instance of damage andslow, but will not mitigate the persistent area of effect.', "Crowd control immunityandcleanseshave no effect on the user'ssightradius reduction despite thenearsightbeing resisted / removed. Loss of allied vision will still be affected.Removing or resisting the nearsight will prevent it from being reapplied while staying inside the area (leaving and coming back inside will not).", 'Removing or resisting the nearsight will prevent it from being reapplied while staying inside the area (leaving and coming back inside will not).', 'The nearsight debuff applies to non-champions but it does not inherently stop them from performing actions that requiresight, such asbasic attacking.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.']} | Name: Quickdraw, Description: Active: Graves dashes to the target location, reloading one shell while generating a stack of True Grit for 4 seconds, stacking up to 8 times. Dashing towards an enemy champion generates 2 stacks of True Grit . Quickdraw's current cooldown is reduced by 0. 5 seconds for every pellet impacting an enemy. True Grit: For each stack, Graves gains bonus armor . Subsequent casts of Quickdraw and attacks versus non- minions will refresh the duration of True Grit . Bonus Armor: 4 / 7 / 10 / 13 / 16 Maximum Bonus Armor: 32 / 56 / 80 / 104 / 128 Quickdraw resets Graves' basic attack timer. If Graves dashes while reloading, he can cast any of his abilities during the dash. (bug) Quickdraw will cast at max range if cast beyond that., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Gravesgains the one additional stack ofTrue GritfromQuickdrawif at any point during the dash avisibleenemy champion is in front ofGraveswithin1300 distance.Enemy champions have to be targetable to grant the additional stack.The additional stack ofTrue Gritis gained when dashing towardsclonesjust like actual champions.This check never happens ifGravesdashes 0 distance (impossible outside of bugs), and will not always repeat a final time at the very end of the dash. Otherwise, it occurs continously whileGravesis dashing.PENDING FOR TEST:Exact angle requirement.', 'Enemy champions have to be targetable to grant the additional stack.', 'The additional stack ofTrue Gritis gained when dashing towardsclonesjust like actual champions.', 'This check never happens ifGravesdashes 0 distance (impossible outside of bugs), and will not always repeat a final time at the very end of the dash. Otherwise, it occurs continously whileGravesis dashing.', 'PENDING FOR TEST:Exact angle requirement.']} | Name: Collateral Damage, Description: Active: Graves fires an explosive shell in the target direction that deals physical damage to enemies hit and causes him to recoil 300 units in the opposite direction. Physical Damage: 275 / 425 / 575 (+ 150% bonus AD) Upon hitting an enemy champion or reaching the end of its range, the shell explodes in a cone to deal 80% damage to additional enemies. Reduced Damage: 220 / 340 / 460 (+ 120% bonus AD), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Appliesspell damageto the target hit by the shell (including to non-champions struck before exploding(bug)) andarea damageto targets within the explosion cone.', 'The projectile will still explode early if the champion hit by the shell is protected by aspell shield.', 'The explosion cone is anchored on the location of the shell missile when it collided with a champion, or otherwise its maximum cast range.', 'Collateral Damageis disabled whilegroundedbut not whilerooted.', 'Graveswill notdashafter the cast time if he isairborne.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.']} | Graves' jokes referencegallows humor, as per his surnameGraves.
Graves' dance referencesone from a country show.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.
Graves was the second-to-last champion to have a "League Judgement" (they were discontinued after release;Varuswas the last champion to receive one).
End of the Lineis among a few abilities that were named after a quote of their champion. In this case, it references his "End of the Line" quote which he had before the patch he got the ability,V5.22.The others areDr. Mundo'sGoes Where He PleasesandDraven'sLeague of Draven.
The icon forCollateral Damageis a reference to explosive hazard safety signs.
Graves' shotgun can be seen in the game'sMac version trailer.
Graves was the product of playerbase requests for a 'manly' ranged carry.
In the Chinese localization, the names of all four of his active abilities are four-character phrases that allude to the criminal underworld and are often titles of gangster or martial arts films or television.End of the Linebecomes 人在江湖, literally "a person in river and lake"; "river and lake" is a euphemism for the underworld, and the phrase is usually used to imply a person in the underworld cannot avoid committing unsavoury actions. Secondary title ofYoung and Dangerous, a Hong Kong triad film, in Chinese.Smoke Screenbecomes 一手遮天, literally "covering the sky with one hand", a phrase to describe a criminal so well-connected and/or powerful they can halt justice. Secondary title ofYoung and Dangerous 3, a sequel to the above, in Chinese.Quickdrawbecomes 猛龙过江, literally "ferocious dragon crossing river", usually used to describe a ruthless foreign rival or criminal. Secondary title ofYoung and Dangerous 2in Chinese. It is also the Chinese name ofWay of the Dragon, starring Bruce Lee who fights against foreign martial artists including Chuck Norris.Collateral Damagebecomes 龙争虎斗, literally "struggle of dragon and tiger", a phrase similar to "clash of the titans" in English. Secondary title ofYoung and Dangerous 5in Chinese. It is also the Chinese name ofEnter the Dragon. |
Gwen,The Hallowed Seamstress | | | health: Health620+106, resource: Mana330+40, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)9+0.9, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)7.5+0.7, armor: Armor39+5.2, attack damage: Attack damage63+3, attack speed: Base AS0.69, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius100, release: 2021-04-15, changed: V13.15, role: Skirmisher, position: TopJungle, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 4800|880 | Games
GwenTitlesNickname(s)ScissorsScissors doll4Dear Lady4Dear Gwen2Madame3Lady1Guest of honorAlias(es)The Hallowed SeamstressCharacteristicsSpeciesHuman(Magically Altered)[1](formerly Doll)Pronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:47 BN - 30 BN(Physically appears 18-25 years old).Weapon(s)ScissorsNeedles & ThreadHallowed MistPersonal statusPlace of originCamavorCurrent residenceEnchanted Manse,Shadow IslesFamilyIsolde(Creator)†Professional statusOccupation(s)SeamstressRegion(s)Shadow IslesCamavorFaction(s)Sentinels of LightRelated character(s)AkshanDianaGravesIreliaIsoldeLucianOlafPykeRengarRivenSennaVayneViegoYorick
• Scissors
• Scissors doll
• 4Dear Lady
• 4Dear Gwen
• 2Madame
• 3Lady
• 1Guest of honor
• Human(Magically Altered)[1](formerly Doll)
• Born:47 BN - 30 BN
• Scissors
• Needles & Thread
• Hallowed Mist
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Isolde(Creator)†
Professional status
• Seamstress
• Shadow Isles
• Camavor
Related character(s)
A former doll transformed and brought to life by magic,Gwenwields the very tools that once created her. She carries the weight of hermaker’slove with every step, taking nothing for granted.
At her command is the Hallowed Mist, an ancient and protective magic that has blessed Gwen’s scissors, needles, and sewing thread. So much is new to her, but Gwen remains joyfully determined to fight for the good that survives in a broken world.
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2Contemporary history1.3The Stranger Who Sews1.4Recent events
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1IsoldeandViego5.2Sentinels of Light5.34Ghostly Paramour
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 11References
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2Contemporary history
• 1.3The Stranger Who Sews
• 1.4Recent events
• 5.1IsoldeandViego
• 5.2Sentinels of Light
• 5.34Ghostly Paramour
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early life[]
Gwen was originally crafted as a doll by a seamstress namedIsolde, embodying her desire for adventure and royalty. Isolde loved her doll very much and would spend hours sewing and playing with her. Eventually, Isolde would be courted byViego, the king of Camavor, and would no longer have time to play with her cherished doll. At first, Gwen could sense that Viego made her creator happy, but their love would sour and become painful. Isolde would fall ill due to an assassin's blade and eventually pass. Viego took Isolde's corpse to the Blessed Isles in hopes of reviving her, but unleashed ruination instead. Without their king, the nation of Camavor would crumble and Gwen would be forgotten for centuries.
Contemporary history[]
Gwen would eventually find herself on the Shadow Isles when Viego was awakened byGangplankandThresh. Viego would be defeated byAhri,Braum,Illaoi,Miss Fortune,Pyke, andYasuoand imprisoned within an amulet. The Ruined King would somehow escape the amulet and resume his search for his queen. The fragments of Isolde's soul scattered across Runeterra and imbued themselves into various fetters, one of them being Gwen. Gwen would be brought to life by the fragment of Isolde's soul and found herself with an oversized pair of scissors, needles, and thread. She would soon be attacked by a swarm of wraiths and remembered the pain associated with Viego, she quickly dispatched the wraiths and knew that they were tied with him. Fascinated by the wonders of life, Gwen would set out to explore the world and stop the pain caused by Viego and the Black Mist.
The Stranger Who Sews[]
Gwenwas watching children play from afar, while she was protected from the Black Mist. The Black Mist threatens to attack the children's house so Gwen unhesitatingly undoes herHallowed Mistand begins to purge the specters of the Black Mist to protect the children.
Right after the children's mother appears and thanks her, Gwen observes the mother's hands and sees several calluses and wounds. The mother was a seamstress and made dolls for her children to play with, so Gwen felt the affection thatIsoldehad when creating and sewing her.
Gwen then understands that her creator's true magic was love.
Recent events[]
Gwen soon found herself at the Sentinels of Light's headquarters where she would meetLucian,Sennaand a Rookie. She aided them in repelling a swarm of wraiths and joined them in stopping Viego's global harrowing. She would travel with the Sentinels across Runeterra, chasing after the other fetters and repelling Viego's attacks. Along the way, the Sentinels would recruit more fighters into their ranks and Gwen would give haircuts and tailor new uniforms forDiana,Graves,Irelia,Olaf,Pyke,Rengar,Riven, andVayne. When Viego obtained most of the fetters, the Sentinels launched one last assault against him on the Shadow Isles. Gwen attempted to bind him within the Hallowed Mist, but Viego quickly dispatched her with a stroke of his blade. He took her, Senna and the Maiden of the Mist to Camavor to resurrect Isolde. Viego tore the fragment of Isolde's soul within Gwen, killing her and the other fetters, and revived his queen. Isolde was horrified at what Viego had done and rejected him. She promptedAkshanto kill her with his Absolver and revived Gwen, Senna and the Maiden. Gwen then was able to seal him within the Hallowed Mist and the threat of the Ruined King was over. Gwen reckoned with Senna about Isolde being truly gone now, but was ready to live her life to the fullest.
After some time,Gwencontinued to clear the black mist on theShadow Isles. As she made her way through theBlack Mist, she found an opulent mansion in the shadowy woods. As she investigated, Gwen discovered that it was home to the Midnight Revel, a grand ball hosted by friendly spirits, whom invited her in as their guest of honor. She attended the party, protecting it from the Black Mist and dancing the night away.
Gwen has the appearance of a pale young woman of medium stature. Her hair is blue and curled up in two long ringlets that are decorated with dark blue ribbons. On her neck and arms she has magical blue marks resembling the stitches of a doll in the same way when she was a normal doll. Her eyes have cross shaped pupils, resembling buttons, with the one on the left being blue and the one on the right being pink.
Gwen typically dresses In a white dress with a black rim and blue chest, decorated with golden details.
Gwen is a doll given life by the Hallowed Mist and a fragment of Isolde's soul, representing her kindness, love and joy, granting her self awareness and a independent personality.
Having being created as an idealized character by Isolde as a little girl, Gwen has the personality of a idealized princess of fairy tales, highly polite and graceful. She's kind, friendly, and excitable, eager to see the world, curious and in love of everything in it. Having been alive for only a short time, she is terrified of dying.
Although generally friendly and genuine in her niceness, Gwen is not unaware of the darkness of the world. She dutifully fights the evils of the Black Mist to protect the world she was born in, and she has nothing but contempt for theShadow Isles's most malevolent members, such asThreshandViego.
• Magically Altered Physiology:Gwen's body is magically altered and extremely unique due to the circumstances of her birth. Though she was initially a doll created byIsolde, she has been fully granted life by her creator thanks to the magic of the mysticalHallowed Mistand is, by all means, considered a human to some extent.Hallowed Mist Manipulation:Having been granted life and blessed by the hallowed opposite of the accursed Black Mist, Gwen is capable of manipulating this mist for many capabilities. The Hallowed Mist's main function is to protect both herself and others within her cloud of mist, practically rendering them both hidden and immune from outside dangers. Those under the effect of her Hallowed Mist tend to feel a sense of comfort and calmness to them when it envelops them. As the antithesis of the Black Mist, Gwen has shown that she can utilize the Hallowed Mist to banish and ward off anyundeadaffected by the mist, being strong enough to imprison theRuined Kinghimself.Hallowed Mist Constructs:Gwen can manipulate the Hallowed Mist into many different shapes, most commonly in the form of common sewing materials and tools. With these constructs, Gwen can use them to attack enemies, most notably any undead.Enchantment:Gwen can use the Hallowed Mist to enchant and strengthen other objects to be more capable of fighting off the Black Mist. She can use this in the creation of new objects, such as the many outfits she fashioned for theSentinels of Lightwhich she sewed with threads made from the mist itself, or she can enchant common items such as she did with her signaturescissors.
• Scissor Proficiency:Gwen typically uses a giant, enchanted pair of scissors in combat which she has enchanted with the Hallowed Mist. Gwen wields these scissors with ease, capable of quickly cutting up entire groups of enemies with speed. Along with that, Gwen has shown that she's able to manipulate the scissors with her mind, telekinetically moving it and allowing it to cut enemies without needing to touch it.
• Sewing Mastery:Being a doll created by Isolde, who already had a talent in sewing, Gwen is an supernaturally talented seamstress. Other than the fact that her manipulation of the Hallowed Mist directly reflects her talent as a seamstress, Gwen can create entire, intricate outfits almost instantly when provided enough fabric and materials, just as she did with the Sentinels of Light.
• Hallowed Mist Manipulation:Having been granted life and blessed by the hallowed opposite of the accursed Black Mist, Gwen is capable of manipulating this mist for many capabilities. The Hallowed Mist's main function is to protect both herself and others within her cloud of mist, practically rendering them both hidden and immune from outside dangers. Those under the effect of her Hallowed Mist tend to feel a sense of comfort and calmness to them when it envelops them. As the antithesis of the Black Mist, Gwen has shown that she can utilize the Hallowed Mist to banish and ward off anyundeadaffected by the mist, being strong enough to imprison theRuined Kinghimself.Hallowed Mist Constructs:Gwen can manipulate the Hallowed Mist into many different shapes, most commonly in the form of common sewing materials and tools. With these constructs, Gwen can use them to attack enemies, most notably any undead.Enchantment:Gwen can use the Hallowed Mist to enchant and strengthen other objects to be more capable of fighting off the Black Mist. She can use this in the creation of new objects, such as the many outfits she fashioned for theSentinels of Lightwhich she sewed with threads made from the mist itself, or she can enchant common items such as she did with her signaturescissors.
• Hallowed Mist Constructs:Gwen can manipulate the Hallowed Mist into many different shapes, most commonly in the form of common sewing materials and tools. With these constructs, Gwen can use them to attack enemies, most notably any undead.
• Enchantment:Gwen can use the Hallowed Mist to enchant and strengthen other objects to be more capable of fighting off the Black Mist. She can use this in the creation of new objects, such as the many outfits she fashioned for theSentinels of Lightwhich she sewed with threads made from the mist itself, or she can enchant common items such as she did with her signaturescissors.
Gwen was created byIsolde,Viego'swife. After being brought to life, Gwen uses Isolde's tools. Gwen also contains a fragment of Isolde's soul, likeSenna.
Gwen travels across Runeterra to fightViegoand the Mist as well as to help people in need.
Sentinels of Light[]
During the events ofRise of the Sentinels, Gwen accompanied theSentinels of Lightin the fight against the Black Mist and Viego. She worked as the team' hair stylist and tailor.
4Ghostly Paramour[]
Gwenand4heseem to have feelings and to like each other, both say they've seen each other before but don't remember exactly when.4Ghostly Paramouris likely a reference to6Viego; a perfect version of the imperfect man she once knew.
Read More
The Hallowed Seamstress
ByMichael Luo
Starring Champion
Absolution (Cinematic)
Two souls entwined by fate. One life for the other’s freedom.
Made with Love
Once upon a time, a seamstress made a darling little doll. This doll loved her maker very much, but sadly, tragedy ripped them apart, sending the doll to sink beneath sea and sorrow. Centuries passed, but the doll was not deterred, for she knew love would find her again.
Rise of the Sentinels
ByJohn O'Bryan
Black Mist pours across Runeterra, enthralling its champions and shrouding the continent in darkness. If the last Sentinels are going to save Runeterra, they're going to need all the help they can get. And that meansyouRookie!
Starring:Akshan,Diana,Draven,Graves,Gwen,Irelia,Isolde,Karma,Lucian,Miss Fortune,Olaf,Pantheon,Pyke,Rengar,Riven,Senna,Shyvana,Thresh,Vayne,Vex,Viego,Yorick
Short Story
Roots of Ruin
By Numerous creators
The end began with one man.
Short Story
The Stranger Who Sews
ByMichael Luo
Under the setting sun, hidden behind a dense thicket, a young lady stands with large black bows in her silvery blue hair, complimented by golden ornaments and an elegantly tailored dress.
Mentioned Champion
Ruined King
ByAirship Syndicate
Rise Against Ruin - Unite a party of League of Legends Champions, explore Bilgewater and set sail for the Shadow Isles to uncover the secrets of the deadly Black Mist in this immersive turn-based RPG.
Starring:Ahri,Braum,Gangplank,Illaoi,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Necrit,Pyke,Rafen,Thresh,Viego,Yasuo
Mentioned:Ashe,Elise,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Gwen,Hecarim,Isolde,Ivern,Janna,Jarvan IV,Kalista,Ledros,Lucian,Nagakabouros,Nautilus,Olaf,Ornn,Rhasa,Riven,Senna,Swain,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Twisted Fate,Udyr,Volibear,Yone,Yorick,Zed
Short Story
The Boys and Bombolini
ByJared Rosen
There existed, among the multitude of disgusting Bilgewater shipping warehouses filled with rusted knives and arms-length carnivorous rats, one Bilgewater shipping warehouse devoid of such things.
Starring:Graves,Twisted Fate
Mentioned:Akshan,Gwen,Nilah,Tahm Kench,Vayne,Viego
Alternate Universes
Choncc Dome
ByTy Sheedlo,Taylor Dinwiddie,Isa Mari De Leon,Elyse Lemoine
Just because the Tournament of Souls is all about 1v1 combat doesn't mean you have to train alone! That's why Choncc has gathered some of the greatest Soul Fighters under one roof—er… dome. So choose a champ and start gettin'swole, Choncc-style!
Tournament of Souls
ByTaylor Dinwiddie,Ty Sheedlo
Play League of Legends to build Samira's reputation and style on your competition at the Tournament of Souls! Face off against the strongest soul fighters in a series of fierce 1v1 matches to help Samira chase down her biggest bounty yet and fulfill her SOUL'S DESIRE!
Another Sky
ByJared Rosen,Taylor Dinwiddie,Ty Sheedlo
As a new generation of Star Guardians prepares to fight back the forces of chaos, rising star Akali finds herself wracked with doubt. Does she have what it takes to be a Star Guardian? Or will the darkness she senses inside spell doom for her and her friends?
Mentioned:Ahri,Akshan,Ezreal,Gwen,Jinx,Lux,Miss Fortune,Rakan,Xayah
Music Video
Coming Alive
ByNumerous Creators
In the fight of a lifetime, you may get knocked down. But never knocked out.
• Gwen was created somewhere between 47 BN and 30 BN, whenIsoldewas a young girl who dreamed of traveling the kingdom. In an attempt to play out this life, Isolde created her own princess doll that she imagined was the picture of regal elegance. The doll's dress was crafted to match the intricate designs on the Camavoran warships.Gwensounded perfectly royal for a name.[2]
• Gwen's biggest fear is death, now that she has begun to experience life.[3]
• Gwen can magically change the size of her scissors at will to be any size she wants.[4]
• Gwen was brought to life shortly after the events ofRuination.[3]
• Gwen was happy for Isolde when her relationship with Viego was good, but when it turned bad, she felt her pain on a deep level.[5]
• Gwen's weapons are similar in style to relic weapons, as they have the power to destroy wraiths.
• Gwen also wields pure mist, which can hide people from Wraiths and protect against the Harrowing.
Change log[]
See also[]
References[] | Name: Thousand Cuts, Description: Innate: Gwen's basic attacks on-hit , the center of Snip Snip! , and Needlework deal bonus magic damage equal to 1% (+ 0. 8 % per 100 AP) of the target's maximum health . Thousand Cuts is modified based on the target: Heals Gwen for 50% of post-mitigation damage dealt against champions , capped at 10 − 25 (based on level) (+ 6. 5 % AP) per instance. Deals an additional 8 − 30 (based on level) bonus magic damage against minions that are below 40% health . Deals a maximum of 10 (+ 15% AP) magic damage against monsters ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'The attacks do not deal thebonusdamage againststructures.']} | Name: Snip Snip!, Description: Passive: Gwen's basic attacks generate a stack of Snippy on-hit for 6 seconds, stacking up to 4 times and refreshing on subsequent attacks. Active: Gwen snips at least twice with her scissors in a cone in the target direction over the cast time, dealing magic damage per snip to all enemies within the area, with the final snip dealing increased damage. The center of each snip converts 50% of the damage to true damage , then applies Thousand Cuts . Snip Snip! deals 75% damage against minions , and executes them on the first damage instance if they are below 20% health . Damage per Snip: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 (+ 5% AP) Center Damage per Snip: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 (+ 5% AP) (+ 1% (+ 0.8% per 100 AP) of the target's maximum health) Final Snip Damage: 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 (+ 35% AP) Final Snip Center Damage: 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 (+ 35% AP) (+ 1% (+ 0.8% per 100 AP) of the target's maximum health) If Gwen has any Snippy stacks, she consumes them to snip an additional time for each. Minimum Damage: 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 / 190 (+ 40% AP) Minimum Center Damage: 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 / 190 (+ 40% AP) (+ 2% (+ 1. 6 % per 100 AP) of the target's maximum health) Maximum Damage: 110 / 160 / 210 / 260 / 310 (+ 60% AP) Maximum Center Damage: 110 / 160 / 210 / 260 / 310 (+ 60% AP) (+ 6% (+ 4. 8 % per 100 AP) of the target's maximum health) Link ▶️ "Snip snip!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic/True', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Subsequent basic attacks on-hit also refresh the duration ofSnippystacks.', 'The amount ofSnippystacksGwenhas is indicated below herhealth bar.', 'Spell shieldblocks only one snip.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'The first snip happens at0.13seconds, the last one at the end of the cast time.Bonus snips fromSnippystacks each happen at 0.45, 0.4, 0.35and 0.23seconds into the cast time.', 'Bonus snips fromSnippystacks each happen at 0.45, 0.4, 0.35and 0.23seconds into the cast time.']} | Name: Hallowed Mist, Description: Active: Gwen summons the Hallowed Mist upon her current location, lasting for 4 seconds. Hallowed Mist can be recast after 0. 5 seconds, and does so automatically if Gwen attempts to leave the area. While inside the mist, Gwen gains bonus armor and bonus magic resistance and is untargetable to all enemies (except turrets and monsters ) outside of the mist. Bonus Resistances: 22 / 24 / 26 / 28 / 30 (+ 7% AP) Recast: Gwen commands the mist to move to her current location. Gwen negates all attacks by monsters outside of the mist., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Hallowed Mist'suntargetabilitydoes not apply tomonstersnorturrets, meaning they are allowed to gain aggro againstGwenand attack her regardless of being in the mist or not.However,Gwenwill not take damage from monsters that hit her and are outside of the mist.", 'However,Gwenwill not take damage from monsters that hit her and are outside of the mist.', 'Hallowed Mistdoes not grant untargetability against enemypetsinside the zone even if their source is not.', 'Allprojectilestargeted atGwenby enemy champions outside the mist aredestroyedupon attempting to pass through the mist or being inside the mist.Targeted projectiles sourced by minions or monsters will not be destroyed and can still hitGweneven if they are outside of the zone.', 'Targeted projectiles sourced by minions or monsters will not be destroyed and can still hitGweneven if they are outside of the zone.', "IfGwendashesout of the area, the mist will automatically move to the dash's destination instead ofGwen'slocation.The mist will stop moving immediately if the dash is interrupted.", 'The mist will stop moving immediately if the dash is interrupted.', "The recast will move the mist's center 75 units throughGwen'slocation at the time.If she isdashing, the mist will move 75 units through her dash destination instead.", 'If she isdashing, the mist will move 75 units through her dash destination instead.', "The mist will teleport toGwen'slocation if sheblinksa far distance.", 'Enemy champions outside the mist are indicated with a broken sword.', 'Hallowed Mistwill indicate thatGwen is Immunewhenever an effect attempts to hitGwen.']} | Name: Skip 'n Slash, Description: Active: Gwen dashes to the target location, then empowers her basic attacks within the next 4 seconds to deal 15 (+ 20% AP) bonus magic damage on-hit and gain bonus attack speed and 75 bonus attack range . Bonus Attack Speed: 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 / 80% Gwen's first basic attack within the duration refunds a portion of Skip 'n Slash's cooldown . Cooldown Refund: 25 / 35 / 45 / 55 / 65% Skip 'n Slash resets Gwen's basic attack timer, and can be cast during any of her abilities, and vice versa. Skip 'n Slash will cast at max range if cast beyond that., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Skip 'n Slashhas no minimum dash range.", 'The basic attack reset is not considered one forHail of Blades.(bug)']} | Name: Needlework, Description: Active: Gwen launches a needle in the target direction that deals magic damage to enemies hit and slows them for 1. 5 seconds. Magic Damage per Needle: 35 / 65 / 95 (+ 10% AP) Damage with Thousand Cuts : 35 / 65 / 95 (+ 10% AP) (+ 1% (+ 0. 8 % per 100 AP) of the target's maximum health) Slow: 40 / 50 / 60% Needlework can be recast twice more within 6 seconds of the activation at no additional cost, with a 1-second static cooldown between casts. Each subsequent cast refreshes the duration and increases the number of needles launched by 2. Needle hits beyond the first slow by a reduced amount against each individual target. Reduced Slow: 15 / 20 / 25% Recast: Gwen mimics the first cast's effects, while barraging three needles on the second cast and five on the third cast. Second Cast Total Damage: 105 / 195 / 285 (+ 30% AP) (+ 3% (+ 2. 4 % per 100 AP) of the target's maximum health) Third Cast Total Damage: 175 / 325 / 475 (+ 50% AP) (+ 5% (+ 4% per 100 AP) of the target's maximum health) Maximum Total Damage: 315 / 585 / 855 (+ 90% AP) (+ 9% (+ 7. 2 % per 100 AP) of the target's maximum health) Link ▶️ "Needles out!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Gwencan still move duringNeedlework'scast times.", 'Dying during the cast time will prevent the remaining needles of the cast from being launched.', "The first cast's cast time is 0.25seconds, and the second and third's cast times are each 0.5seconds.Gwenlaunches the needles during the cast times.For the second cast, the first needle launches0.264secondsafter the start of the cast, the second needle launches after0.132seconds, and the third needle launches0.231secondsafter the first.For the third cast, the first needle launches0.264secondsafter the start of the cast. Each additional needle launches0.066secondsseconds after the previous one.", 'For the second cast, the first needle launches0.264secondsafter the start of the cast, the second needle launches after0.132seconds, and the third needle launches0.231secondsafter the first.', 'For the third cast, the first needle launches0.264secondsafter the start of the cast. Each additional needle launches0.066secondsseconds after the previous one.', "The needles of each cast will fire based onGwen'slocation at0.264secondsinto each cast time (in case of the first cast, this is at the end of the cast time).The needles fire from 100 unitsbehindthe cast location.The width of all needle missiles decreases with their distance travelled, forming an approximately triangular missile hitbox.Needles of the same cast all travel the same line at a slight delay after one another. The visual origins are offset (by 70 and 110 units to either side from the center missile spawn location), but the actual hitting missiles all follow the central line.", 'The needles fire from 100 unitsbehindthe cast location.', 'The width of all needle missiles decreases with their distance travelled, forming an approximately triangular missile hitbox.', 'Needles of the same cast all travel the same line at a slight delay after one another. The visual origins are offset (by 70 and 110 units to either side from the center missile spawn location), but the actual hitting missiles all follow the central line.', 'Spell shieldblocks only one needle.', 'Needleworkis placed on a 0.1-second cooldown when the cast time completes and whenGwengains a recast (before gaining a recast via the attack, the recast remains sealed even while not on cooldown).', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.']} | Gwen is the first of three champions released in 2021 tied toViego'sreturn and a continuation of the Ruined King's story.[2]
She's the secondheterochromicchampion (first beingOriginal Zoe) with her right eye being teal, and the other being violet.
Gwen will walk in her doll form for a short time if you let her transform during her joke animation.
There is a Gweneaster eggwithinRuined King: A League of Legends Story.
Her dance is based on thePONPONPONmusic video.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.
Thousand Cutsreferences the eponymoustorture and execution method.
Gwen's champion theme has elements ofViego'smixed in.[3] |
Hecarim,the Shadow of War | | | health: Health625+99, resource: Mana280+40, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)7+0.75, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)7+0.8, armor: Armor32+5.45, attack damage: Attack damage66+3.7, attack speed: Base AS0.67, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius80, selection radius: Selection radius140, release: 2012-04-18, changed: V13.21, role: Diver, position: Jungle, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 4800|880 | Games
HecarimMainCurrentHumanRuinationTitlesAlias(es)The Shadow of WarThe HorsemanThe Conqueror of HeliaGrand Master of the Iron OrderKnight Commander HecarimCharacteristicsSpeciesWraithHumanHorsePronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:75 BN - 50 BNWeapon(s)GlaiveThe Black SpearPersonal statusStatusUndeadPlace of originKingdom of CamavorCurrent residenceShadow IslesFamilyKalista(Ex-Fiancée)Professional statusOccupation(s)Black Mist VanguardIron Order Knight CommanderRegion(s)Shadow IslesCamavorRelated character(s)ViegoKalistaNecritIsoldeYorickThreshMiss FortuneLucianIllaoiLedros
• Main
• Current
• Human
• Ruination
• The Shadow of War
• The Horseman
• The Conqueror of Helia
• Grand Master of the Iron Order
• Knight Commander Hecarim
• Wraith
• Human
• Horse
• Born:75 BN - 50 BN
• Glaive
• The Black Spear
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Kalista(Ex-Fiancée)
Professional status
• Black Mist Vanguard
• Iron Order Knight Commander
• Shadow Isles
• Camavor
Related character(s)
Hecarimis a spectral fusion of man and beast, cursed to ride down the souls of the living for all eternity. When theBlessed Islesfell intoshadow, this proud knight was undone by the destructive energies of theRuination, along with all his cavalry and their mounts. Now, wheneverThe Black Mistreaches out acrossRuneterra, he leads its devastating charge, reveling in the slaughter and crushing foes beneath his armored hooves.
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2Ruination of Helia
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Viego5.2Kalista5.3Miss Fortune&Illaoi
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2Ruination of Helia
• 5.1Viego
• 5.2Kalista
• 5.3Miss Fortune&Illaoi
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early life[]
In life, Hecarim had been a lieutenant of the Iron Order, charged with protecting the lands owned byKing ViegoofCamavor. Due to his many victories in battle, the Knight-Commander of the Order had considered Hecarim as a potential candidate to succeed him and lead the Order some day, but when the Commander realized Hecarim's growing darkness and lust for personal glory, he concluded that Hecarim should never lead the Order. On being told of this decision by the Commander, Hecarim was furious, but returned to his duties with the Order.
During the Order's next battle, Hecarim found the Commander surrounded by enemies and cut off from reinforcements. Hecarim chose to turn away and leave his commander to die. After the battle, the Iron Order swore allegiance to Hecarim, unaware of his involvement in their fallen commander's death.
Ruination of Helia[]
On his way to be officially sworn in as the new Knight-Commander of the Iron Order, Hecarim met GeneralKalista. The General was on a desperate mission to find a cure for the Queen, who had been poisoned by an assassin. The King, overcome by paranoia and seeing traitors everywhere, sent the Iron Order and its new Commander to quell all dissent within Camavor. The Order put hundreds to death and burned entire towns. Eventually, the Queen died, presenting a new opportunity for Hecarim to advance his brutal reputation. He proposed that the King should deploy the Order to attack Camavor's foreign enemies to avenge the murdered Queen.
The King agreed, but while the Order was preparing to ride against the kingdom's enemies, General Kalista returned, having found the antidote to the poison on theBlessed Isles. Furious that his general had come too late to save his wife, the King had Kalista thrown in a cell. Hecarim, curious about her journey, went to visit the general. He learned of the Blessed Isles, concealed by thick, white mist and home to incredible riches — including the Waters of Life, which may yet be able to heal the Queen.
Hecarim convinced the King to release Kalista so she could lead a fleet back to the Blessed Isles, as she was the only one who could find the way. Soon, Kalista, Hecarim, the Iron Order, and King Viego himself all landed at the Blessed Isles' city ofHelia, along with the body of the dead Queen. The expedition marched toward the city, but were was stopped by the city's leaders, who refused to help. At this, the King ordered Kalista to kill the leaders of Helia. When Kalista refused, Hecarim seized yet another opportunity. He stabbed the general through the back with spear and gave the command for the Order to pillage and plunder the city.
In the ensuing havoc, acommon custodianagree to give access to the Waters, but Hecarim was too consumed by greed and bloodlust to listen. During the continued ransacking of Helia, an enormous magical shockwave exploded across the city, destroying every building. After the explosion subsided, a whirling storm ofThe Black Misttore through the ruined city, engulfing all in its path. Hecarim called for a retreat, but it was too late. Every member of the Iron Order was consumed by the Mist, ending with Hecarim himself. When the Mist took him, it permanently merged Hecarim with his warhorse. He is. now anUndeadmonster; a living engine of wrath. He is damned to endlessly patrol the now-renamedShadow Isles, unable to leave except during an event known as aHarrowing, when the Black Mist rolls out to find new souls to join the army of Undead.
Hecarim is an armored centaur-like wraith with a humanoid upper half and an equine lower half, as a result of him fusing with his horse after transforming into a wraith. His body is composed of metallic armor, connected by a glowing spectral body with visible hooves and tail. His head is a samurai-like helmet with an axe-like crest and skull-like teeth on its mouth. His chestplate and horse armor have skull-like faces adorning them, and has a tattered banner beneath the horse's chest. He is often seen wielding his glaive.
As mentioned when touched by Nagakaboros' powers, Hecarim's appearance as a human was described as being tall and handsome, with silver and gold armor and having dark eyes.
Hecarim is a merciless, bloodthirsty warrior who enjoys raiding cities and killing their inhabitants, mainly to gain a reputation of being feared or simply pure sadism, shown when he was so caught up with slaughtering the Helians that the Ruination took him by surprise. He is obsessed with glory and has no problem with killing his own allies to further climb up the ranks. Hecarim can also be cunning and manipulative to get what he wants, pushing Viego's grief into becoming more unhinged so he could raid enemy settlements on his command, and persuading Kalista to reveal the Blessed Isles for him. After becoming a wraith, he now seeks to kill every mortal being he comes across with the Iron Order by his side.
• Wraith:Hecarim is one of the Shadow Isles's wraiths, created when the Ruinations came to be. The Black Mist consumes one's original personality, leaving only a specter consumed by negative emotions and obsessions. Hecarim has been consumed by his bloodlust and was turned into horrific spirit of war.
Hecarim is a member of the Iron Order which vowed to protectthe king'sland, but he does not respect Viego and only follows him as he allows to pillage lands.
Hecarim is being hunted byKalistafor his betrayal and for helping unleash the Ruination of the Blessed Isles, thus turning them into the Shadow Isles and its denizens intoUndeadabominations.
Miss Fortune&Illaoi[]
Hecarim facedMiss FortuneandIllaoiduring one of the Black Mist's attack onBilgewaterbut was driven back when Illaoi channeled her god's power.
Read More
The Shadow of War
ByGraham McNeill
Starring Champion
Short Story • 3 Minute Read
No One Lives
ByGraham McNeill
Icy waves crashed on the bleak shore, red with the blood of the men Hecarim had already butchered. The mortals he had yet to kill were retreating over the beach in terror. Black rain doused them and stormclouds boiled in from the mourning heart of the island. He heard them shouting to one another. The words were a guttural battle-cant he did not recognize, but the meaning was clear; they actually thought they might live to reach their ship. True, they had some skill. They moved as one, wooden shields interlocked. But they were mortal and Hecarim savored the meat-stink of their fear.
Short Story
Roots of Ruin
By Numerous creators
The end began with one man.
Short Story
Ruination (Novel)
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Camavor is a brutal land with a bloody legacy. Where the empire’s knights go, slaughter follows. Kalista seeks to change that. When her young and narcissistic uncle, Viego, becomes king she vows to temper his destructive instincts as his loyal confidant, advisor, and military general. But her plans are thwarted when an assassin’s poisoned blade strikes Viego’s wife, Isolde, afflicting her with a malady for which there is no cure. As Isolde’s condition worsens, Viego descends into madness and grief, threatening to drag Camavor down with him. Kalisa makes a desperate gambit to save the kingdom: She searches for the long-lost Blessed Isles, rumored to hold the queen’s salvation if only Kalista can find them. But corruption grows in the Blessed Isle’s capital, where a vengeful warden seeks to ensnare Kalista in his cruel machinations. She will be forced to choose between her loyalty to Viego and doing what she knows is right–for even in the face of utter darkness, one noble act can shine a light that saves the world.
Short Story • 51 Minute Read
Shadow and Fortune: Chapter Four
ByGraham McNeill
She is not Dead, Strange Bedfellows, In Motion Again
Starring:Hecarim,Illaoi,Lucian,Miss Fortune,Olaf,Rafen,Thresh
Short Story • 51 Minute Read
Shadow and Fortune: Chapter Three
ByGraham McNeill
The Purifier, City of the Dead, Sanctuary
Starring:Hecarim,Lucian,Miss Fortune,Olaf,Rafen,Thresh
Tales of the Black Mist
A ghastly puppet show recounts a tale familiar in Bilgewater, but tonight the fog's come down especially thick…
Short Story
The Despoiler of Havenfall
ByMichael Haugen Wieske
The fog had come in swiftly, eclipsing the afternoon sun over the crossroads.
Mentioned:Jarvan IV,Kayle,Viego
Mentioned Champion
Ruined King
ByAirship Syndicate
Rise Against Ruin - Unite a party of League of Legends Champions, explore Bilgewater and set sail for the Shadow Isles to uncover the secrets of the deadly Black Mist in this immersive turn-based RPG.
Starring:Ahri,Braum,Gangplank,Illaoi,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Necrit,Pyke,Rafen,Thresh,Viego,Yasuo
Mentioned:Ashe,Elise,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Gwen,Hecarim,Isolde,Ivern,Janna,Jarvan IV,Kalista,Ledros,Lucian,Nagakabouros,Nautilus,Olaf,Ornn,Rhasa,Riven,Senna,Swain,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Twisted Fate,Udyr,Volibear,Yone,Yorick,Zed
Short Story • 51 Minute Read
Shadow and Fortune: Chapter Two
ByGraham McNeill
Something Stupid, The Red Shroud, The Shadow of War
Starring:Lucian,Miss Fortune,Olaf,Rafen
Mentioned:Hecarim,Morgana,Senna,Tahm Kench,Thresh
Short Story
The Echoes Left Behind
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Blood pooled beneath him, bright crimson against pristine white stone. His sword lay nearby, its blade broken. His killers stood around him, shadows on the periphery, but he saw nothing except her.
The Princeling's Lament
ByGraham McNeill
Scrape the bench of sunless moss.
Starring: N/A
The Spear of Vengeance
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Alternate Universes
Short Story
With Hell Before Them
ByJared Rosen
June 7th, 1868
A Fireside Frightener
ByLuchador Teemo,ZeOcelot
First light after the Harrowing
Though the Black Mist fades and the souls it claimed will soon forget their past, the threat of the fell tide will not be forgotten. Worse than all previous years, those who lived are left to wonder where it will return, and whether anyone will survive when it does.
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Gangplank,Hecarim,Miss Fortune,Mordekaiser,Nautilus
Short Story
The Spirit of Copperwood Glade
ByJared Rosen
It is common in these dark days to speak of the Elderwood with some deference, as both the young and old know it as a place of great danger, filled with tricks and traps laid by the last true children of the wilds.
Music Video
Worlds Collide
By Numerous creators
Two teams have risen above their peers. Ten warriors have laid claim to the Summoner’s Cup. Five champions will etch their names in history.
Starring: N/A
• Hecarim is between 1050 – 1060 years old, born inCamavorat some point before the Ruination of the Blessed Isles.
• Hecarim was Kalista's fiancé and betrayer as well as the one of the people resposible for the Ruination of the Blessed Isles and the spread of the Undead.The Black Spearshe uses to bind her Oathsworn is the one he used to run her through.Both of them were some of the first Undead created by The Black Mist right after the Ruination.
• As seen by Miss Fortune when Hecarim was touched by the power of Illaoi's god, he was "a tall rider, armored in silver and gold. A young man, handsome and proud with dark eyes and a future of glory ahead of him".
• The Black Spearshe uses to bind her Oathsworn is the one he used to run her through.Both of them were some of the first Undead created by The Black Mist right after the Ruination.
• Both of them were some of the first Undead created by The Black Mist right after the Ruination.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Warpath, Description: Innate: Hecarim gains bonus attack damage equal to 12% − 24% (based on level) of his bonus movement speed ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Warpath'sbonusattack damage will adjust itself to any temporary movement speedbuffsanddebuffsHecarimis affected by.Since this only affectsbonusvaluesHecarimwill not dip below his regular attack damage if he isslowedbelow hisbasemovement speed.", 'Since this only affectsbonusvaluesHecarimwill not dip below his regular attack damage if he isslowedbelow hisbasemovement speed.', 'The amount of movement speed scaling tobonusattack damage is refreshed every 0.25seconds.']} | Name: Rampage, Description: Active: Hecarim cleaves his glaive around himself, dealing physical damage to nearby enemies, reduced to 60% against minions . Physical Damage: 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 (+ 90% bonus AD) Minion damage: 36 / 51 / 66 / 81 / 96 (+ 54% bonus AD) If this damages an enemy, Hecarim gains a stack of Rampage for 8 seconds, refreshing on subsequent damage and stacking up to 3 times. Each stack increases Rampage's damage by 3% (+ 4% per 100 bonus AD) and reduces its base cooldown by 0. 75 seconds, up to a 9% (+ 12% per 100 bonus AD) damage increase and a 2. 25 -second reduction of the base cooldown at maximum stacks. Stacks expire by one every 1 second when the duration ends., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'No additional notes.', 'Stacking cooldown reduction effect removed.*', 'Base damage changed to 80 / 105 / 130 / 155 / 180.']} | Name: Spirit of Dread, Description: Active: Hecarim surrounds himself with the Spirit of Dread for 5 seconds, dealing magic damage every second to nearby enemies. Magic Damage Per Tick: 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 (+ 20% AP) Total Magic Damage: 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 / 300 (+ 100% AP) While active, Hecarim gains bonus armor and bonus magic resistance and is healed for 20% of the post-mitigation damage dealt to enemies within the area, halved to 10% for damage dealt by allies. The healing is capped against minions and monsters . Bonus Resistances: 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 Capped Healing: 120 / 150 / 180 / 210 / 240, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'The healing cap against minions accounts for every single one regardless of how many are present and/or affected bySpirit of Dreadat the time of cast.', 'Base healing changed to 35% of damage dealt.', 'Healing bonus AD ratio changed to3% per 100bonusAD.']} | Name: Devastating Charge, Description: Active: Hecarim becomes ghosted and gains 25% − 65% (based on time active) bonus total movement speed for 4 seconds. During this time, Hecarim empowers his next basic attack to gain 50 − 250 (based on distance traveled) bonus range and cause him to dash in the target's direction, revealing them for 1 second. If the target remains nearby during the dash, the ghosting and bonus movement speed ends prematurely and Hecarim knocks them back 150 − 350 (based on distance traveled) units, though not through terrain, stuns them for 0. 25 seconds, and deals them modified physical damage , increased by 0% − 100% (based on distance traveled) . Minimum Physical Damage: 30 / 45 / 60 / 75 / 90 (+ 50% bonus AD) Maximum Physical Damage: 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 (+ 100% bonus AD) Devastating Charge can critically strike for (75% + 45% ) AD bonus physical damage . Devastating Charge resets Hecarim's basic attack timer. Hecarim can cast any of his abilities during the dash. Devastating Charge's duration is paused during Onslaught of Shadows ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'parries': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Hecarimcan cast any of hisabilitieswhiledashing.Onslaught of Shadowswill interrupt the dash.', 'Onslaught of Shadowswill interrupt the dash.', "If the target does not remain nearby during the dash,Devastating Charge'seffect will not be consumed.", 'Thebonusmovement speedstacks multiplicativelywith other sources of movement speed boosts.', 'The bonus attack range stacks additively withRapid Firecannon.', 'Devastating Chargewill still apply its effects to the target even if thedashisinterrupted, but not if he goes intoresurrection.', "Devastating Charge'sdamage will applylife stealand will affect structures.", '"Distance traveled"can be simple movement as well asdashingandblinking.', "Devastating Charge'sdamage will not bypassblockordodgebut theknock backwill still be applied.Devastating Chargewill still deal damage whileblinded.", 'Devastating Chargewill still deal damage whileblinded.', 'Whilegroundedorrooted,Hecarimloses thebonusattack rangefromDevastating Charge.Hecarimwill not use the empowered attack whilerooted.', 'Hecarimwill not use the empowered attack whilerooted.', "Thedashdoes not follow targets. The target's position at the time of the enhanced attack is the directionHecarimwill leap to.", 'Displacement immunitywill not resist the application of thestun.', 'Cooldown begins after the empowered attack is used or times out.*', 'Minimum base damage changed to 50 / 65 / 80 / 95 / 110.', 'Maximum base damage changed to 100 / 130 / 160 / 190 / 220.', 'Minimum bonus AD ratio changed to60%bonusAD.', 'Maximum bonus AD ratio changed to120%bonusAD.']} | Name: Onslaught of Shadows, Description: Active: Hecarim dashes with displacement immunity to the target location and summons 5 spectral riders in an arrow formation that charge alongside him in the target direction, dealing magic damage to all enemies in their path and revealing them for 2. 5 seconds. Magic damage: 150 / 250 / 350 (+ 100% AP) Upon arrival, he fears nearby enemies for 0. 75 − 1. 5 (based on distance traveled) seconds and slows them, ramping to 99% over the duration. The wave of spectral riders travels independently of Hecarim and will always charge at the same distance. The slow's strength cannot be reduced and is increased based on how far away the affected units are from Hecarim . Onslaught of Shadows will cast at max range if cast beyond that., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "The spectral rider missiles originate atHecarim'slocation, 145 units behind and 100 units to either side of him, and 290 units behind and 200 units to either side. They travel 1510 units forward parallel to Hecarim from their origin each.", 'Only the spectral riders deal damage to enemies they pierce,Hecarimonly dashes and fears enemies at the end of it.']} | Hecarim might have been inspired by theFour Horsemen of the Apocalypse(specifically War) and/orAssault RiderfromKingdom Hearts.
His dance references'Dope Zebra'by'rhettandlink'.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.
Warpath, along withTailwindis one of the only two abilities in the game that scale with movement speed.
Onslaught of Shadowsmight be referencing the fight withGanondorfinThe Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.The spectral riders used to be members of the Iron Order Hecarim was Knight Commander of and, together with him, became undead when the Ruination of the Blessed Isles was unleashed.
Hecarim was deemed overpowered inUltra Rapid Fire(2014 edition) and was ultimately disabled in non-custom games. |
Heimerdinger,the Revered Inventor,Cecil B. Heimerdinger | | | health: Health558+101, resource: Mana385+20, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)7+0.55, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)8+0.8, armor: Armor19+4.2, attack damage: Attack damage56+2.7, attack speed: Base AS0.658, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius55, selection radius: Selection radius100, release: 2009-10-10, changed: V13.22, role: Specialist, position: TopMiddleBottomSupport, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 3150|790 | InDev Update - Champs, Lore & More, Laura 'poisonpixxi' DeYoung, Head of IP Creative for Riot Games, elaborated on their new approach to narrative cohesiveness by ironing out any inconsistencies that have sprung up over the years.
This article contains information that conflicts with this new narrative and will most likely be changed/moved in the following year(s).
Missing section(s):
HeimerdingerMainInventorGlamouredTitlesReal nameCecil B. HeimerdingerNickname(s)ProfessorfaceAlias(es)The Revered InventorProfessor HeimerdingerCharacteristicsSpeciesYordlePronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:Earlier than 680 ANWeapon(s)Repair BotsH-28G Evolution TurretAutomated Ball PitcherH-28Q Apex TurretMicro-RocketsRocket SwarmCH-2 Electron Storm GrenadeCH-3X Lightning GrenadeD.I.N.G.R.Tri-beam ImprobulatorT-HexAdaptatron 3000MK0 Windup ShredderMK1 WrenchbotMK2 Evolution TurretMK3 Floor-B-GoneMK4 Apex TurretMK5 Rocket BlasterMK6 StormlobberMK7 Armored StomperPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originBandle CityCurrent residencePiltoverPet(s)PoroProfessional statusOccupation(s)ScientistInventorMechanicOwner of Heimerdinger's Pyrotecnic ProvisionsProfessor of Piltover UniversityRegion(s)PiltoverRelated character(s)CorkiZiggsRumbleVeigarJayceViktorJinx
• Main
• Inventor
• Glamoured
Real name
• The Revered Inventor
• Professor Heimerdinger
• Born:Earlier than 680 AN
• Repair Bots
• H-28G Evolution Turret
• Automated Ball Pitcher
• H-28Q Apex Turret
• Micro-Rockets
• Rocket Swarm
• CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade
• CH-3X Lightning Grenade
• D.I.N.G.R.
• Tri-beam Improbulator
• T-Hex
• Adaptatron 3000
• MK0 Windup Shredder
• MK1 Wrenchbot
• MK2 Evolution Turret
• MK3 Floor-B-Gone
• MK4 Apex Turret
• MK5 Rocket Blaster
• MK6 Stormlobber
• MK7 Armored Stomper
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
• Scientist
• Inventor
• Mechanic
• Owner of Heimerdinger's Pyrotecnic Provisions
• Professor of Piltover University
Related character(s)
A brilliant yet eccentricyordlescientist,Professor Cecil B. Heimerdingeris one of the most innovative and esteemed inventorsPiltoverhas ever known. Relentless in his work to the point of neurotic obsession, he thrives on answering the universe's most impenetrable questions. Though his theories often appear opaque and esoteric, Heimerdinger has crafted some of Piltover's most miraculous—not to mention lethal—machinery, and constantly tinkers with his inventions to make them even more efficient.
• 1Background
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Other Yordles5.2Jinx5.3Piltover
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 5.1Other Yordles
• 5.2Jinx
• 5.3Piltover
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Heimerdinger is a skinny light skinnedYordle. His most prominent feature is his lush blond hair on his head (alternating between curly and straight), blue eyes, as well as his white mustache. He wears typical laboratory dark grey coat, gloves, as well as goggles that protect him during dangerous experimentation.
Eventually he would incorporate hisD.I.N.G.R.machine, an extended third arm that is strapped on top of his head.
• Yordle Physiology:Heimerdinger is a Yordle, a being coming from theSpirit Realmand possesses several abilities natural of his species.Immortality:Being spiritual beings, Yordles don't age the same way as normal humans, and they can't normally die.Yordle Magic:Just like anyYordle, Heimerdinger is capable of performing yordle magic, which he utilizes in tandem with his skills as a scientists and inventor.
• Immortality:Being spiritual beings, Yordles don't age the same way as normal humans, and they can't normally die.
• Yordle Magic:Just like anyYordle, Heimerdinger is capable of performing yordle magic, which he utilizes in tandem with his skills as a scientists and inventor.
Heimerdinger is seen as a role model byZiggsand as a sellout byRumble. Ziggs used to work for him before the events ofPaint the Town.
Consequently, he knowsJinx, who has stolen and used some of his experiments as "target practice".[1]
Piltover recognizes Heimerdinger's contributions to technological advancement and techmaturgical (thaumaturgical and technological) research.
Read More
The Revered Inventor
By Unknown Author
Starring Champion
Arcane (TV Series)
Every legend has a beginning.
Starring:Aero,Amara,Ambessa,Babette,Benzo,Billingsworth,Bolbok,Caitlyn,Cassandra,Chross,Claggor,Deckard,Ekko,Elora,Finn,Gorgeous Man,Grayson,Harold,Heimerdinger,Hoskel,Huck,Jayce,Jericho,Jinx,Jules,Lock,Marcus,Margot,Mel,Mylo,Pim,Ren,Renni,Salo,Sevika,Shoola,Silco,Singed,Sky,Smeech,Thieram,Tobias,Vander,Verne,Vi,Viktor,Ximena
Short Story • 3 Minute Read
From The Journal Of Professor Cecil B. Heimerdinger
By Unknown Author
Paint the Town
ByAnthony Burch,Fabio Moon,Dave Stewart
Oh, they say I'm crazy -- they say that Yordles would be easy to spot in a city such as ours, what with their fuzzy countenances and diminutive stature. But I've heard rumors that they have invented some sort of magical charms that make these abominations appear no different from you or I. But don't be fooled! No matter how adorable they may seem, these mischievous creatures will bring our city of Piltover to ruin! If I were so moved, I'd say they're an even bigger threat than those lunatic terrorists from Zaun! But I'm getting ahead of myself. Our story starts in a small pyrotechnics shop in Piltover, run by two unnervingly fuzzy gentlemen...
True Genius
When Heimerdinger's latest hextech creation is stolen by Jinx, the professor sends an unfortunate apprentice on a wild goose chase through the City of Progress… and beneath it.
Mentioned Champion
Short Story
Bombs: A Tribute
ByAbigail Harvey
Okay, Zaun. I’m here, I’m fuzzy, and I’m ready to explode stuff.
Tales of Runeterra
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Akali,Braum,Corki,Darius,Diana,Ekko,Fiora,Garen,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jinx,Leona,Lulu,Miss Fortune,Shen,Teemo,Thresh,Tristana,Twisted Fate
Short Story
The Council Archives
ByTy Sheedlo
The Council Archives. You'd heard stories at the Academy, of course, but words could not describe the breathtaking magnitude of its contents. The entire history of your city: its glorious achievements, its sinister secrets, painstakingly documented, waiting to be read.
Short Story
The Whispering Doodad
ByGraham McNeill
“Here, doodad,” she whispers to the grass. “Pretty please, with sprinkles on top! I'll let you take us somewhere you want to go next.” The doodad—or whatever it's really called—doesn't respond, but I sense it rolling away from Lulu. Well, not really rolling, as such, more making itself be where she isn't.
Alternate Universes
Be Your Best Santa
Santa Draven, Ambitious Elf Jinx, and Snow Fawn Poppy step up to help Santa Braum with this year’s Snowdown festivities. But with Jinx and Draven at the frontlines, the celebrations could easily snowball into shenanigans!
Hextech Mayhem
ByChoice Provisions
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
Academy Adventures: Series 1
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Akali,Amumu,Anivia,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Braum,Cho'Gath,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fiora,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Ivern,Jhin,Jinx,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nidalee,Olaf,Poppy,Rek'Sai,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Shen,Sion,Sona,Soraka,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tristana,Trundle,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Vel'Koz,Vi,Yorick,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Crystal Quest: Series 1
Mentioned:Anivia,Ashe,Braum,Bristle,Caitlyn,Camille,Elise,Ezreal,Garen,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Illaoi,Ivern,Katarina,Kled,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lucian,Nami,Olaf,Poppy,Ryze,Senna,Singed,Skaarl,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Veigar,Vi,Zac
Punches and Plants: Series 1
Mentioned:Ahri,Alistar,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Braum,Caitlyn,Darius,Diana,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Evelynn,Ezreal,Gangplank,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jinx,Karma,Katarina,Leona,Lucian,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Nunu,Quinn,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Sivir,Sona,Soraka,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Valor,Varus,Vel'Koz,Vladimir,Volibear,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Zac,Ziggs
Punches and Plants: Series 2
Mentioned:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Amumu,Annie,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Diana,Draven,Ekko,Ezreal,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Kha'Zix,Kog'Maw,Leona,Lucian,Lux,Malphite,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nasus,Nautilus,Nidalee,Olaf,Orianna,Poppy,Quinn,Rakan,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Shaco,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Valor,Vel'Koz,Viktor,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Xin Zhao,Yasuo,Ziggs
• In the previous canon, Heimerdinger createdMaster Yi'sSeven Lenses of Insight[2]as well asCorki'sReconnaissance Operations Front-Line Copter (ROFL Copter).
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Hextech Affinity, Description: Innate: Heimerdinger gains 20% bonus movement speed while near an allied turret or a H-28G Evolution Turret or H-28Q Apex Turret deployed by him., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'No additional details.']} | Name: H-28G Evolution Turret, Description: Active: Heimerdinger deploys a H-28G Evolution Turret at the target location, which lasts until destroyed. Heimerdinger periodically stocks a Turret Kit charge, up to a maximum of 3. Up to 3 H-28G Evolution Turrets can be deployed at a time, with those deployed beyond the maximum destroying the oldest one. See Pets for more details about H-28G Evolution Turrets., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'H-28G Evolution Turret Details', 'H-28Q Apex Turret Details', 'Dealsspell damageon basic attacks andarea damageon the beam.', "H-28G Evolution Turret'sstats are determined on cast, and do not update with ranking up the ability or gaining or losing AP or levels.", "H-28G Evolution Turret'scharged / beam shot is NOT determined on cast, and is calculated based on current AP the moment it is fired, separate from the rest of the turret's stats. For this reason, momentary AP boosts active at the time a turret is placed will permanently live with the turret's stats (HP and auto attack strength), but will not be included in the charged / beam shot if no longer active at the time it is fired.", "TheTurret Kitbuff will visually represent the recharge rate cooldown, and how manyH-28G Evolution Turret'sthatHeimerdingerhas stored. This is visible to both allies and enemies.", 'The recharge rate ofH-28G Evolution Turretis affected byability haste.', 'TheH-28G Evolution Turrethas asightradius of585while active and227.5while dormant.The -10% sight range modifier is applied only on the first stat update after theH-28G Evolution Turretis spawned, because of this it will have its full 650 sight range for up-to 0.25seconds upon being spawned.(bug)', 'The -10% sight range modifier is applied only on the first stat update after theH-28G Evolution Turretis spawned, because of this it will have its full 650 sight range for up-to 0.25seconds upon being spawned.(bug)', 'The amount ofTurret KitchargesHeimerdingerhas is indicated by small nuts orbiting him.', 'TheH-28Q Apex Turrethas asightradius of900.The -10% sight range modifier is applied only on the first stat update after theH-28Q Apex Turretis spawned, because of this it will have its full 1000 sight range for up-to 0.25seconds upon being spawned.(bug)', 'The -10% sight range modifier is applied only on the first stat update after theH-28Q Apex Turretis spawned, because of this it will have its full 1000 sight range for up-to 0.25seconds upon being spawned.(bug)', 'Hide', 'Hextech Micro-Rockets Details', 'Hextech Rocket Swarm Details', "Hextech Micro-Rockets'direction-targeting allows for custom spread.", 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', "Hextech Rocket Swarm'sdirection-targeting allows for custom spread.", "Heimerdingercan move onceHextech Rocket Swarmhas been cast, even if the projectiles are still spawning or haven't even started to move yet.", 'Hextech Micro-Rocketswill cast from whereverHeimerdingeris at the end of the cast time.', 'Hide', 'CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade Details', 'CH-3X Lightning Grenade Details', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'No additional details.', 'Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Toggle abilities do not count as ability activations for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.Consuming the buff for an empowered basicabilitydoes.", 'Consuming the buff for an empowered basicabilitydoes.', 'No compensations formanaare made ifUPGRADE!!!is recast.', 'H-28Q Apex Turretbase damage changed to 50 / 65 / 80.', 'H-28Q Apex Turretbeam base damage changed to 90 / 125 / 160.', 'H-28G Evolution Turret', 'H-28Q Apex Turret', 'StatsBase attack speed increased to 0.658from 0.625.Attack windup reduced to 20% from 20.078125%.', 'Base attack speed increased to 0.658from 0.625.', 'Attack windup reduced to 20% from 20.078125%.', 'UPGRADE!!!H-28Q Apex TurretBase health changed to725 − 1525 (based on level)from850 − 1450 (based on level).Health AP ratio changed to50% APat all levels from25% − 200% (based on level)AP.Armor increased to30 − 90 (based on level)from10 − 80 (based on level).Magic resistance increased to30 − 90 (based on level)from25 − 65 (based on level).', 'H-28Q Apex TurretBase health changed to725 − 1525 (based on level)from850 − 1450 (based on level).Health AP ratio changed to50% APat all levels from25% − 200% (based on level)AP.Armor increased to30 − 90 (based on level)from10 − 80 (based on level).Magic resistance increased to30 − 90 (based on level)from25 − 65 (based on level).', 'Base health changed to725 − 1525 (based on level)from850 − 1450 (based on level).', 'Health AP ratio changed to50% APat all levels from25% − 200% (based on level)AP.', 'Armor increased to30 − 90 (based on level)from10 − 80 (based on level).', 'Magic resistance increased to30 − 90 (based on level)from25 − 65 (based on level).', "H-28G Evolution TurretBug introduced affecting Q Recharge on Spawn, and Q Charge DisplayPreviously, Heimerdinger began the game with all 3 turret charges.Now, Heimerdinger begins the game with 1 turret charge, but 3 charges displayed on the 'buff' icon, with the number of charges on his Q button de-synced from the number shown floating around him and on the buff/debuff GUI.When Heimerdinger accrues 3 turrets (as tracked on his Q button counter AND the buff bar counter), they will match until his next death.After death / respawn, the counter on the buff bar will reset to 3 (as in prior patches, Heimerdinger would always respawn with a full 3 turrets).After death / respawn, Heimerdinger will actually have however many turrets would have accrued naturally since his last life, with no reset on death. This means that he may use all 3 of his turrets in lane, die, and not have any more to put down after teleporting in to lane for quite a while, which is different behavior than in prior patches.The number of floating 'Nuts' or bolts (Or Dragon Eggs, depending on skin) is synced up with the count on the buff bar, not on his Q. This is misleading if you are used to quickly glancing at your character (or an enemy Heimerdinger) to track his turret count, as many times throughout the game he may visually appear to have 3 turrets ready but not actually have all 3 available.", 'Bug introduced affecting Q Recharge on Spawn, and Q Charge Display', 'Previously, Heimerdinger began the game with all 3 turret charges.', "Now, Heimerdinger begins the game with 1 turret charge, but 3 charges displayed on the 'buff' icon, with the number of charges on his Q button de-synced from the number shown floating around him and on the buff/debuff GUI.", 'When Heimerdinger accrues 3 turrets (as tracked on his Q button counter AND the buff bar counter), they will match until his next death.', 'After death / respawn, the counter on the buff bar will reset to 3 (as in prior patches, Heimerdinger would always respawn with a full 3 turrets).', 'After death / respawn, Heimerdinger will actually have however many turrets would have accrued naturally since his last life, with no reset on death. This means that he may use all 3 of his turrets in lane, die, and not have any more to put down after teleporting in to lane for quite a while, which is different behavior than in prior patches.', "The number of floating 'Nuts' or bolts (Or Dragon Eggs, depending on skin) is synced up with the count on the buff bar, not on his Q. This is misleading if you are used to quickly glancing at your character (or an enemy Heimerdinger) to track his turret count, as many times throughout the game he may visually appear to have 3 turrets ready but not actually have all 3 available.", 'UPGRADE!!!Undocumented change - No longer automatically refreshes the cooldowns of Hextech Micro-Rockets or Electron Stun Grenade when cast. If you previously used these abilities, and then cast UPGRADE!!! , you will now be unable to cast the upgraded form of Hextech Micro-Rockets or Electron Stun Grenade until their cooldown timer has elapsed.Previously, you could exploit UPGRADE!!! by flexing it on and off each 3 seconds to renew the cooldowns on these two abilities indefinitely.', 'Undocumented change - No longer automatically refreshes the cooldowns of Hextech Micro-Rockets or Electron Stun Grenade when cast. If you previously used these abilities, and then cast UPGRADE!!! , you will now be unable to cast the upgraded form of Hextech Micro-Rockets or Electron Stun Grenade until their cooldown timer has elapsed.Previously, you could exploit UPGRADE!!! by flexing it on and off each 3 seconds to renew the cooldowns on these two abilities indefinitely.', 'Previously, you could exploit UPGRADE!!! by flexing it on and off each 3 seconds to renew the cooldowns on these two abilities indefinitely.', 'H-28G Evolution TurretTurret base health reduced to130 − 640 (based on level)from175 − 700 (based on level).Turret health AP ratio increased to5% − 45% (based on level)APfrom5% − 40% (based on level)AP.', 'Turret base health reduced to130 − 640 (based on level)from175 − 700 (based on level).', 'Turret health AP ratio increased to5% − 45% (based on level)APfrom5% − 40% (based on level)AP.', 'Hextech Micro-RocketsInitial rocket base damage reduced to 40 / 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 from 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150.Initial rocket AP ratio increased to55% APfrom45% AP.', 'Initial rocket base damage reduced to 40 / 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 from 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150.', 'Initial rocket AP ratio increased to55% APfrom45% AP.', 'H-28Q Apex TurretBug Fix:Casting the ability no longer improperly resets the cooldowns ofHextech Micro-RocketsandCH-2 Electron Storm Grenadeif they were already on cooldown.', 'Bug Fix:Casting the ability no longer improperly resets the cooldowns ofHextech Micro-RocketsandCH-2 Electron Storm Grenadeif they were already on cooldown.', 'H-28G Evolution TurretTurret base damage increased to 7 / 11 / 15 / 19 / 23 from 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 18.Turret base health increased to175 − 700 (based on level)from150 − 575 (based on level).', 'Turret base damage increased to 7 / 11 / 15 / 19 / 23 from 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 18.', 'Turret base health increased to175 − 700 (based on level)from150 − 575 (based on level).', 'CH-2 Electron Storm GrenadeCooldown reduced to 11 seconds from 12.', 'Cooldown reduced to 11 seconds from 12.', 'StatsBase health increased to 558 from 488.Health growth increased to 101 from 87.Armor growth increased to 4.2from 3.Magic resistance growth increased to 1.3from 0.5.', 'Base health increased to 558 from 488.', 'Health growth increased to 101 from 87.', 'Armor growth increased to 4.2from 3.', 'Magic resistance growth increased to 1.3from 0.5.', 'H-28G Evolution TurretBug Fix:Deactivation sound effects have been restored for several of his skins.', 'Bug Fix:Deactivation sound effects have been restored for several of his skins.', 'CH-2 Electron Storm GrenadeBug Fix:Explosion sound effects no longer play multiple times upon hitting an enemy.', 'Bug Fix:Explosion sound effects no longer play multiple times upon hitting an enemy.', 'Hextech Micro-RocketsInitial rocket base damage reduced to 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 from 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170.Additional rocket base damage reduced to 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 from 10 / 16 / 22 / 28 / 34.Maximum base damage reduced to 90 / 135 / 180 / 225 / 270 from 90 / 144 / 198 / 252 / 306.', 'Initial rocket base damage reduced to 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 from 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170.Additional rocket base damage reduced to 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 from 10 / 16 / 22 / 28 / 34.Maximum base damage reduced to 90 / 135 / 180 / 225 / 270 from 90 / 144 / 198 / 252 / 306.', 'Additional rocket base damage reduced to 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 from 10 / 16 / 22 / 28 / 34.', 'Maximum base damage reduced to 90 / 135 / 180 / 225 / 270 from 90 / 144 / 198 / 252 / 306.', 'StatsBase attack damage increased to 56 from 55.536.Base armor reduced to 19 from 19.04.', 'Base attack damage increased to 56 from 55.536.', 'Base armor reduced to 19 from 19.04.', 'H-28G Evolution TurretBug Fix:Turret now properly triggersManaflow Band.', 'Bug Fix:Turret now properly triggersManaflow Band.', 'H-28G Evolution TurretBug Fix:Approaching and triggering his turrets no longer triggersImmolate.', 'Bug Fix:Approaching and triggering his turrets no longer triggersImmolate.', 'Hextech Micro-RocketsInitial rocket base damage reduced to 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 from 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180.', 'Initial rocket base damage reduced to 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 from 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180.', 'CH-3X Lightning GrenadeBase damage reduced to 100 / 200 / 300 from 150 / 250 / 350.AP ratio reduced to60% APfrom75% AP.', 'Base damage reduced to 100 / 200 / 300 from 150 / 250 / 350.', 'AP ratio reduced to60% APfrom75% AP.', "UPGRADE!!!Bug Fix:Tooltip no longer mentions that hisCH-3X Lightning Grenade'sslow is improved to 80%.", "Bug Fix:Tooltip no longer mentions that hisCH-3X Lightning Grenade'sslow is improved to 80%.", 'H-28G Evolution TurretTurret basic attack AP ratio increased to35% APfrom30% AP.', 'Turret basic attack AP ratio increased to35% APfrom30% AP.', 'H-28Q Apex TurretTurret basic attack AP ratio increased to35% APfrom30% AP.', 'Turret basic attack AP ratio increased to35% APfrom30% AP.', 'CH-2 Electron Storm GrenadeStun duration increased to 1.5seconds from 1.25.', 'Stun duration increased to 1.5seconds from 1.25.', 'TurretsNew Effect:Now triggers effects that are triggered by pets (i.e. on-ability-hit effects).Turret lasers, ult turrets shots, and ult turret lasers are classified as AoE effects, too.', 'New Effect:Now triggers effects that are triggered by pets (i.e. on-ability-hit effects).Turret lasers, ult turrets shots, and ult turret lasers are classified as AoE effects, too.', 'H-28G Evolution TurretNew Effect:Can now ping the number of turrets available or time until next turret if none are available.', 'New Effect:Can now ping the number of turrets available or time until next turret if none are available.', 'H-28G Evolution TurretBug Fix:Dying while third turret charge is stockpiling no longer allows him to get a fourth charge.', 'Bug Fix:Dying while third turret charge is stockpiling no longer allows him to get a fourth charge.', 'Hextech Rocket SwarmBug Fix:Once again shares a cooldown withHextech Micro-Rockets.', 'Bug Fix:Once again shares a cooldown withHextech Micro-Rockets.', 'CH-2 Electron Storm GrenadeBug Fix:Stun duration has been fixed.', 'Bug Fix:Stun duration has been fixed.', 'CH-3X Lightning GrenadeBug Fix:Stun duration has been fixed.Bug Fix:Can no longer cast it immediately afterCH-2 Electron Storm Grenadeif timed exactly.', 'Bug Fix:Stun duration has been fixed.', 'Bug Fix:Can no longer cast it immediately afterCH-2 Electron Storm Grenadeif timed exactly.', "H-28G Evolution TurretTurret beam attack cooldown now actually scales with cooldown reduction.Turret stats have been moved into the expanded tooltip (hold SHIFT). Expanded tooltip now indicates that turret health scales offHeimerdinger'sability power.", 'Turret beam attack cooldown now actually scales with cooldown reduction.', "Turret stats have been moved into the expanded tooltip (hold SHIFT). Expanded tooltip now indicates that turret health scales offHeimerdinger'sability power.", 'Hextech Micro-RocketsNow states the actual damage rockets deal to minions instead of "60%" (which was lower than actual damage dealt due to additional AP scaling).', 'Now states the actual damage rockets deal to minions instead of "60%" (which was lower than actual damage dealt due to additional AP scaling).', 'Hextech Rocket SwarmMaximum base damage increased to 503 / 697.5/ 892 from 499 / 687 / 862.Missiles 2 to 5 base damage increased to 32 / 45 / 58 from 28 / 39 / 49.Missiles 6 to 20 base damage reduced to 16 / 22.5/ 29 from 16.8/ 23.4/ 29.4.', 'Maximum base damage increased to 503 / 697.5/ 892 from 499 / 687 / 862.', 'Missiles 2 to 5 base damage increased to 32 / 45 / 58 from 28 / 39 / 49.', 'Missiles 6 to 20 base damage reduced to 16 / 22.5/ 29 from 16.8/ 23.4/ 29.4.', 'Dragon Trainer HeimerdingerBug Fix:No longer has redundant death SFX.Bug Fix:Is no longer missing dance SFX.', 'Bug Fix:No longer has redundant death SFX.', 'Bug Fix:Is no longer missing dance SFX.', 'StatsBase mana increased to 385 from 307.2.Mana growth reduced to 20 from 40.Base mana regeneration increased to 8 from 6.', 'Base mana increased to 385 from 307.2.', 'Mana growth reduced to 20 from 40.', 'Base mana regeneration increased to 8 from 6.', 'H-28Q Apex TurretBeam base damage reduced to 100 / 140 / 180 from 200 / 270 / 340.', 'Beam base damage reduced to 100 / 140 / 180 from 200 / 270 / 340.', 'StatsBase health increased to 488 from 476.Health growth increased to 87 from 75.', 'Base health increased to 488 from 476.', 'Health growth increased to 87 from 75.', "H-28Q Apex TurretBug Fix:Beam attack no longer breaks for the rest of its duration if its target walks out of range during the beam attack's wind-up.", "Bug Fix:Beam attack no longer breaks for the rest of its duration if its target walks out of range during the beam attack's wind-up.", 'Hextech Rocket SwarmBug Fix:Now correctly do reduced damage after the first hit toBaron Nashor.', 'Bug Fix:Now correctly do reduced damage after the first hit toBaron Nashor.', 'CH-2 Electron Storm GrenadeBug Fix:Sweeping a ward no longer plays the sound effects to it when he is in the game.', 'Bug Fix:Sweeping a ward no longer plays the sound effects to it when he is in the game.', 'CH-3X Lightning GrenadeBug Fix:No longer has the old AP ratio of 60% for the second and third bounces.', 'Bug Fix:No longer has the old AP ratio of 60% for the second and third bounces.', 'GeneralBug Fix:Must now actually fire a basic attack to command turrets to focus a target. Issuing an attack command and immediately cancelling it no longer triggers the redirect.', 'Bug Fix:Must now actually fire a basic attack to command turrets to focus a target. Issuing an attack command and immediately cancelling it no longer triggers the redirect.', 'CH-2 Electron Storm GrenadeBug Fix:Now properly charges nearby turret beam attacks even if it kills an enemy.', 'Bug Fix:Now properly charges nearby turret beam attacks even if it kills an enemy.', 'H-28G Evolution TurretRemoved:Turrets killed increasing the minion killed stat.H-28Q Apex Turretstill increases the creep score.', 'Removed:Turrets killed increasing the minion killed stat.H-28Q Apex Turretstill increases the creep score.', 'StatsBase health regeneration reduced to 7 from 11.008.Health regeneration growth reduced to 0.55from 1.75.', 'Base health regeneration reduced to 7 from 11.008.', 'Health regeneration growth reduced to 0.55from 1.75.', "Hextech AffinityRenamed toHextech AffinityfromTechmaturgical Repair Bots.New Effect:Grants 20%bonusmovement speed while near allied turrets (hisownand the map's) (300 range).Removed:Heimerdingergrants nearby allied champions and histurrets10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 (based on level)health regeneration, persisting for 5 seconds after they move out of range or his death (1000 range).", 'Renamed toHextech AffinityfromTechmaturgical Repair Bots.', "New Effect:Grants 20%bonusmovement speed while near allied turrets (hisownand the map's) (300 range).", 'Removed:Heimerdingergrants nearby allied champions and histurrets10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 (based on level)health regeneration, persisting for 5 seconds after they move out of range or his death (1000 range).', 'H-28G Evolution TurretAmount of turrets held increased to 3 at all ranks from 1 / 2 / 2 / 3 / 3.Cooldown reduced to 20 seconds at all ranks from 24 / 23 / 22 / 21 / 20.Base damage reduced to 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 18 from 12 / 18 / 24 / 30 / 36.AP ratio increased to30% APfrom15% AP.Beam attack base damage reduced to 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 from 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 / 140.Removed:Turrets no longer prioritize nearby enemy champions or champions that attack them.Removed:Turrets no longer briefly remain active afterHeimerdingerleaves the area.Beam attack generation rate per second reduced to 1.11% from 6.25%.Beam attack charge time increased to 90 seconds from 16.Removed:Turrets no longer gain 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5% beam charge for each of their basic attacks.Removed:Turrets no longer spawn with 70% beam charge.New Effect:The charge bar is now white instead of dark blue.', 'Amount of turrets held increased to 3 at all ranks from 1 / 2 / 2 / 3 / 3.', 'Cooldown reduced to 20 seconds at all ranks from 24 / 23 / 22 / 21 / 20.', 'Base damage reduced to 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 18 from 12 / 18 / 24 / 30 / 36.', 'AP ratio increased to30% APfrom15% AP.', 'Beam attack base damage reduced to 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 from 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 / 140.', 'Removed:Turrets no longer prioritize nearby enemy champions or champions that attack them.', 'Removed:Turrets no longer briefly remain active afterHeimerdingerleaves the area.', 'Beam attack generation rate per second reduced to 1.11% from 6.25%.Beam attack charge time increased to 90 seconds from 16.', 'Beam attack charge time increased to 90 seconds from 16.', 'Removed:Turrets no longer gain 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5% beam charge for each of their basic attacks.', 'Removed:Turrets no longer spawn with 70% beam charge.', 'New Effect:The charge bar is now white instead of dark blue.', 'Hextech Micro-RocketsMana cost reduced to 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 from 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 120.Cooldown reduced to 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 seconds from 11 at all ranks.New Effect:Each rocket that hits a champion grants 20% beam charge to all turrets within 1000 range of the damage, up to a maximum of 100% if all five rockets hit.', 'Mana cost reduced to 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 from 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 120.', 'Cooldown reduced to 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 seconds from 11 at all ranks.', 'New Effect:Each rocket that hits a champion grants 20% beam charge to all turrets within 1000 range of the damage, up to a maximum of 100% if all five rockets hit.', 'CH-2 Electron Storm GrenadeCooldown changed to 12 seconds at all ranks from 18 / 16 / 14 / 12 / 10.Grenade hitbox increased to 250 from 210.Stun hitbox is still 135.New Effect:If the grenade hits a champion, all turrets within 1000 range of the damage gain 100% beam charge.New Effect:Heimerdingercan now lob the grenade onto himself.', 'Cooldown changed to 12 seconds at all ranks from 18 / 16 / 14 / 12 / 10.', 'Grenade hitbox increased to 250 from 210.Stun hitbox is still 135.', 'New Effect:If the grenade hits a champion, all turrets within 1000 range of the damage gain 100% beam charge.', 'New Effect:Heimerdingercan now lob the grenade onto himself.', 'CH-3X Lightning GrenadeBase damage increased to 150 / 250 / 350 from 150 / 200 / 250.AP ratio increased to75% APfrom60% AP.', 'Base damage increased to 150 / 250 / 350 from 150 / 200 / 250.', 'AP ratio increased to75% APfrom60% AP.', 'Heimerdingerhas the longest champion name at 12 characters long.For contrast, it is longer thanVi, the shortest champion name at 2 characters long, by 10 characters.', 'For contrast, it is longer thanVi, the shortest champion name at 2 characters long, by 10 characters.', 'Heimerdinger is aportmanteauofJ. Robert OppenheimerandErwin Schrödinger\'slast names.His given nameCecilcomes fromCaecilius, a Roman surname, fromcaecus"one-eyed > blind".[2]', 'His given nameCecilcomes fromCaecilius, a Roman surname, fromcaecus"one-eyed > blind".[2]', 'His dance references theHeadspin, abreakdance move.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.', 'A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.', "Heimerdinger's alternate/old walk is referred to as'derpy'.Using anyEmotes, or activating Heimerdinger's passive will make Heimerdinger alternate between his regular walk and his 'derpy' walk.", "Using anyEmotes, or activating Heimerdinger's passive will make Heimerdinger alternate between his regular walk and his 'derpy' walk.", "WhileUPGRADE!!!is active, Heimerdinger gains a cosmetic buff that reads'Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger'.", "If Heimerdinger scores a Pentakill, he will gain the cosmetic buffEureka!This buff referencesArchimedes' sudden revelation, only in Heimerdinger's case his own came after the mass murder of the enemy team.", "This buff referencesArchimedes' sudden revelation, only in Heimerdinger's case his own came after the mass murder of the enemy team.", 'Heimerdinger is the sixth champion to have more than four abilities, the others beingElise,Gnar,Jayce,Karma,Lee Sin, andNidalee.', 'The icon forHextech Affinityis reused for theTeamfight TacticsitemMagnetic Remover.', 'In the now-removed official League of Legendsforums, theoriginal iconofUPGRADE!!!was used to represent the "Help & Support" section.', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'Ao Shin', 'Avasha', 'Averdrian', 'CeeCee', 'Cyborg Cowboy', 'Eagle Rider', 'Gavid', 'Husk', 'Iron Engineer', 'Ivan', 'Omen', 'Priscilla', 'Rob Blackblade', 'Seth', 'Tabu', 'Tiki', 'Urf', 'Well', "↑Heimerdinger's profile", '↑DeVaan, >Etymological Dictionary of Latin & other Italic languages, p. 79']} | Name: Hextech Micro-Rockets, Description: Active: Heimerdinger unleashes a wave of 5 rockets that converge to the target location and fan beyond it up to a maximum range, with each one dealing magic damage to the first enemy it hits. Every rocket hitting an enemy champion grants 20% beam charge to all turrets within 1000 range, up to a maximum of 100% beam charge when hitting 5 rockets on an enemy champion. Initial Magic Damage: 40 / 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 (+ 55% AP) Enemies can be hit by multiple rockets, with each one beyond the first dealing 20% damage, increased to 40% against minions . Additional Magic Damage: 8 / 13 / 18 / 23 / 28 (+ 11% AP) Total Magic Damage: 72 / 117 / 162 / 207 / 252 (+ 99% AP) Additional Minion Damage: 24 / 39 / 54 / 69 / 84 (+ 33% AP) Total Minion Damage: 136 / 221 / 306 / 391 / 476 (+ 187% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Hextech Micro-Rockets Details', 'Hextech Rocket Swarm Details', "Hextech Micro-Rockets'direction-targeting allows for custom spread.", 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', "Hextech Rocket Swarm'sdirection-targeting allows for custom spread.", "Heimerdingercan move onceHextech Rocket Swarmhas been cast, even if the projectiles are still spawning or haven't even started to move yet.", 'Hextech Micro-Rocketswill cast from whereverHeimerdingeris at the end of the cast time.', 'Hide', 'CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade Details', 'CH-3X Lightning Grenade Details', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'No additional details.', 'Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Toggle abilities do not count as ability activations for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.Consuming the buff for an empowered basicabilitydoes.", 'Consuming the buff for an empowered basicabilitydoes.', 'No compensations formanaare made ifUPGRADE!!!is recast.', 'H-28Q Apex Turretbase damage changed to 50 / 65 / 80.', 'H-28Q Apex Turretbeam base damage changed to 90 / 125 / 160.', 'H-28G Evolution Turret', 'H-28Q Apex Turret', 'StatsBase attack speed increased to 0.658from 0.625.Attack windup reduced to 20% from 20.078125%.', 'Base attack speed increased to 0.658from 0.625.', 'Attack windup reduced to 20% from 20.078125%.', 'UPGRADE!!!H-28Q Apex TurretBase health changed to725 − 1525 (based on level)from850 − 1450 (based on level).Health AP ratio changed to50% APat all levels from25% − 200% (based on level)AP.Armor increased to30 − 90 (based on level)from10 − 80 (based on level).Magic resistance increased to30 − 90 (based on level)from25 − 65 (based on level).', 'H-28Q Apex TurretBase health changed to725 − 1525 (based on level)from850 − 1450 (based on level).Health AP ratio changed to50% APat all levels from25% − 200% (based on level)AP.Armor increased to30 − 90 (based on level)from10 − 80 (based on level).Magic resistance increased to30 − 90 (based on level)from25 − 65 (based on level).', 'Base health changed to725 − 1525 (based on level)from850 − 1450 (based on level).', 'Health AP ratio changed to50% APat all levels from25% − 200% (based on level)AP.', 'Armor increased to30 − 90 (based on level)from10 − 80 (based on level).', 'Magic resistance increased to30 − 90 (based on level)from25 − 65 (based on level).', "H-28G Evolution TurretBug introduced affecting Q Recharge on Spawn, and Q Charge DisplayPreviously, Heimerdinger began the game with all 3 turret charges.Now, Heimerdinger begins the game with 1 turret charge, but 3 charges displayed on the 'buff' icon, with the number of charges on his Q button de-synced from the number shown floating around him and on the buff/debuff GUI.When Heimerdinger accrues 3 turrets (as tracked on his Q button counter AND the buff bar counter), they will match until his next death.After death / respawn, the counter on the buff bar will reset to 3 (as in prior patches, Heimerdinger would always respawn with a full 3 turrets).After death / respawn, Heimerdinger will actually have however many turrets would have accrued naturally since his last life, with no reset on death. This means that he may use all 3 of his turrets in lane, die, and not have any more to put down after teleporting in to lane for quite a while, which is different behavior than in prior patches.The number of floating 'Nuts' or bolts (Or Dragon Eggs, depending on skin) is synced up with the count on the buff bar, not on his Q. This is misleading if you are used to quickly glancing at your character (or an enemy Heimerdinger) to track his turret count, as many times throughout the game he may visually appear to have 3 turrets ready but not actually have all 3 available.", 'Bug introduced affecting Q Recharge on Spawn, and Q Charge Display', 'Previously, Heimerdinger began the game with all 3 turret charges.', "Now, Heimerdinger begins the game with 1 turret charge, but 3 charges displayed on the 'buff' icon, with the number of charges on his Q button de-synced from the number shown floating around him and on the buff/debuff GUI.", 'When Heimerdinger accrues 3 turrets (as tracked on his Q button counter AND the buff bar counter), they will match until his next death.', 'After death / respawn, the counter on the buff bar will reset to 3 (as in prior patches, Heimerdinger would always respawn with a full 3 turrets).', 'After death / respawn, Heimerdinger will actually have however many turrets would have accrued naturally since his last life, with no reset on death. This means that he may use all 3 of his turrets in lane, die, and not have any more to put down after teleporting in to lane for quite a while, which is different behavior than in prior patches.', "The number of floating 'Nuts' or bolts (Or Dragon Eggs, depending on skin) is synced up with the count on the buff bar, not on his Q. This is misleading if you are used to quickly glancing at your character (or an enemy Heimerdinger) to track his turret count, as many times throughout the game he may visually appear to have 3 turrets ready but not actually have all 3 available.", 'UPGRADE!!!Undocumented change - No longer automatically refreshes the cooldowns of Hextech Micro-Rockets or Electron Stun Grenade when cast. If you previously used these abilities, and then cast UPGRADE!!! , you will now be unable to cast the upgraded form of Hextech Micro-Rockets or Electron Stun Grenade until their cooldown timer has elapsed.Previously, you could exploit UPGRADE!!! by flexing it on and off each 3 seconds to renew the cooldowns on these two abilities indefinitely.', 'Undocumented change - No longer automatically refreshes the cooldowns of Hextech Micro-Rockets or Electron Stun Grenade when cast. If you previously used these abilities, and then cast UPGRADE!!! , you will now be unable to cast the upgraded form of Hextech Micro-Rockets or Electron Stun Grenade until their cooldown timer has elapsed.Previously, you could exploit UPGRADE!!! by flexing it on and off each 3 seconds to renew the cooldowns on these two abilities indefinitely.', 'Previously, you could exploit UPGRADE!!! by flexing it on and off each 3 seconds to renew the cooldowns on these two abilities indefinitely.', 'H-28G Evolution TurretTurret base health reduced to130 − 640 (based on level)from175 − 700 (based on level).Turret health AP ratio increased to5% − 45% (based on level)APfrom5% − 40% (based on level)AP.', 'Turret base health reduced to130 − 640 (based on level)from175 − 700 (based on level).', 'Turret health AP ratio increased to5% − 45% (based on level)APfrom5% − 40% (based on level)AP.', 'Hextech Micro-RocketsInitial rocket base damage reduced to 40 / 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 from 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150.Initial rocket AP ratio increased to55% APfrom45% AP.', 'Initial rocket base damage reduced to 40 / 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 from 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150.', 'Initial rocket AP ratio increased to55% APfrom45% AP.', 'H-28Q Apex TurretBug Fix:Casting the ability no longer improperly resets the cooldowns ofHextech Micro-RocketsandCH-2 Electron Storm Grenadeif they were already on cooldown.', 'Bug Fix:Casting the ability no longer improperly resets the cooldowns ofHextech Micro-RocketsandCH-2 Electron Storm Grenadeif they were already on cooldown.', 'H-28G Evolution TurretTurret base damage increased to 7 / 11 / 15 / 19 / 23 from 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 18.Turret base health increased to175 − 700 (based on level)from150 − 575 (based on level).', 'Turret base damage increased to 7 / 11 / 15 / 19 / 23 from 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 18.', 'Turret base health increased to175 − 700 (based on level)from150 − 575 (based on level).', 'CH-2 Electron Storm GrenadeCooldown reduced to 11 seconds from 12.', 'Cooldown reduced to 11 seconds from 12.', 'StatsBase health increased to 558 from 488.Health growth increased to 101 from 87.Armor growth increased to 4.2from 3.Magic resistance growth increased to 1.3from 0.5.', 'Base health increased to 558 from 488.', 'Health growth increased to 101 from 87.', 'Armor growth increased to 4.2from 3.', 'Magic resistance growth increased to 1.3from 0.5.', 'H-28G Evolution TurretBug Fix:Deactivation sound effects have been restored for several of his skins.', 'Bug Fix:Deactivation sound effects have been restored for several of his skins.', 'CH-2 Electron Storm GrenadeBug Fix:Explosion sound effects no longer play multiple times upon hitting an enemy.', 'Bug Fix:Explosion sound effects no longer play multiple times upon hitting an enemy.', 'Hextech Micro-RocketsInitial rocket base damage reduced to 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 from 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170.Additional rocket base damage reduced to 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 from 10 / 16 / 22 / 28 / 34.Maximum base damage reduced to 90 / 135 / 180 / 225 / 270 from 90 / 144 / 198 / 252 / 306.', 'Initial rocket base damage reduced to 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 from 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170.Additional rocket base damage reduced to 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 from 10 / 16 / 22 / 28 / 34.Maximum base damage reduced to 90 / 135 / 180 / 225 / 270 from 90 / 144 / 198 / 252 / 306.', 'Additional rocket base damage reduced to 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 from 10 / 16 / 22 / 28 / 34.', 'Maximum base damage reduced to 90 / 135 / 180 / 225 / 270 from 90 / 144 / 198 / 252 / 306.', 'StatsBase attack damage increased to 56 from 55.536.Base armor reduced to 19 from 19.04.', 'Base attack damage increased to 56 from 55.536.', 'Base armor reduced to 19 from 19.04.', 'H-28G Evolution TurretBug Fix:Turret now properly triggersManaflow Band.', 'Bug Fix:Turret now properly triggersManaflow Band.', 'H-28G Evolution TurretBug Fix:Approaching and triggering his turrets no longer triggersImmolate.', 'Bug Fix:Approaching and triggering his turrets no longer triggersImmolate.', 'Hextech Micro-RocketsInitial rocket base damage reduced to 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 from 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180.', 'Initial rocket base damage reduced to 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 from 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180.', 'CH-3X Lightning GrenadeBase damage reduced to 100 / 200 / 300 from 150 / 250 / 350.AP ratio reduced to60% APfrom75% AP.', 'Base damage reduced to 100 / 200 / 300 from 150 / 250 / 350.', 'AP ratio reduced to60% APfrom75% AP.', "UPGRADE!!!Bug Fix:Tooltip no longer mentions that hisCH-3X Lightning Grenade'sslow is improved to 80%.", "Bug Fix:Tooltip no longer mentions that hisCH-3X Lightning Grenade'sslow is improved to 80%.", 'H-28G Evolution TurretTurret basic attack AP ratio increased to35% APfrom30% AP.', 'Turret basic attack AP ratio increased to35% APfrom30% AP.', 'H-28Q Apex TurretTurret basic attack AP ratio increased to35% APfrom30% AP.', 'Turret basic attack AP ratio increased to35% APfrom30% AP.', 'CH-2 Electron Storm GrenadeStun duration increased to 1.5seconds from 1.25.', 'Stun duration increased to 1.5seconds from 1.25.', 'TurretsNew Effect:Now triggers effects that are triggered by pets (i.e. on-ability-hit effects).Turret lasers, ult turrets shots, and ult turret lasers are classified as AoE effects, too.', 'New Effect:Now triggers effects that are triggered by pets (i.e. on-ability-hit effects).Turret lasers, ult turrets shots, and ult turret lasers are classified as AoE effects, too.', 'H-28G Evolution TurretNew Effect:Can now ping the number of turrets available or time until next turret if none are available.', 'New Effect:Can now ping the number of turrets available or time until next turret if none are available.', 'H-28G Evolution TurretBug Fix:Dying while third turret charge is stockpiling no longer allows him to get a fourth charge.', 'Bug Fix:Dying while third turret charge is stockpiling no longer allows him to get a fourth charge.', 'Hextech Rocket SwarmBug Fix:Once again shares a cooldown withHextech Micro-Rockets.', 'Bug Fix:Once again shares a cooldown withHextech Micro-Rockets.', 'CH-2 Electron Storm GrenadeBug Fix:Stun duration has been fixed.', 'Bug Fix:Stun duration has been fixed.', 'CH-3X Lightning GrenadeBug Fix:Stun duration has been fixed.Bug Fix:Can no longer cast it immediately afterCH-2 Electron Storm Grenadeif timed exactly.', 'Bug Fix:Stun duration has been fixed.', 'Bug Fix:Can no longer cast it immediately afterCH-2 Electron Storm Grenadeif timed exactly.', "H-28G Evolution TurretTurret beam attack cooldown now actually scales with cooldown reduction.Turret stats have been moved into the expanded tooltip (hold SHIFT). Expanded tooltip now indicates that turret health scales offHeimerdinger'sability power.", 'Turret beam attack cooldown now actually scales with cooldown reduction.', "Turret stats have been moved into the expanded tooltip (hold SHIFT). Expanded tooltip now indicates that turret health scales offHeimerdinger'sability power.", 'Hextech Micro-RocketsNow states the actual damage rockets deal to minions instead of "60%" (which was lower than actual damage dealt due to additional AP scaling).', 'Now states the actual damage rockets deal to minions instead of "60%" (which was lower than actual damage dealt due to additional AP scaling).', 'Hextech Rocket SwarmMaximum base damage increased to 503 / 697.5/ 892 from 499 / 687 / 862.Missiles 2 to 5 base damage increased to 32 / 45 / 58 from 28 / 39 / 49.Missiles 6 to 20 base damage reduced to 16 / 22.5/ 29 from 16.8/ 23.4/ 29.4.', 'Maximum base damage increased to 503 / 697.5/ 892 from 499 / 687 / 862.', 'Missiles 2 to 5 base damage increased to 32 / 45 / 58 from 28 / 39 / 49.', 'Missiles 6 to 20 base damage reduced to 16 / 22.5/ 29 from 16.8/ 23.4/ 29.4.', 'Dragon Trainer HeimerdingerBug Fix:No longer has redundant death SFX.Bug Fix:Is no longer missing dance SFX.', 'Bug Fix:No longer has redundant death SFX.', 'Bug Fix:Is no longer missing dance SFX.', 'StatsBase mana increased to 385 from 307.2.Mana growth reduced to 20 from 40.Base mana regeneration increased to 8 from 6.', 'Base mana increased to 385 from 307.2.', 'Mana growth reduced to 20 from 40.', 'Base mana regeneration increased to 8 from 6.', 'H-28Q Apex TurretBeam base damage reduced to 100 / 140 / 180 from 200 / 270 / 340.', 'Beam base damage reduced to 100 / 140 / 180 from 200 / 270 / 340.', 'StatsBase health increased to 488 from 476.Health growth increased to 87 from 75.', 'Base health increased to 488 from 476.', 'Health growth increased to 87 from 75.', "H-28Q Apex TurretBug Fix:Beam attack no longer breaks for the rest of its duration if its target walks out of range during the beam attack's wind-up.", "Bug Fix:Beam attack no longer breaks for the rest of its duration if its target walks out of range during the beam attack's wind-up.", 'Hextech Rocket SwarmBug Fix:Now correctly do reduced damage after the first hit toBaron Nashor.', 'Bug Fix:Now correctly do reduced damage after the first hit toBaron Nashor.', 'CH-2 Electron Storm GrenadeBug Fix:Sweeping a ward no longer plays the sound effects to it when he is in the game.', 'Bug Fix:Sweeping a ward no longer plays the sound effects to it when he is in the game.', 'CH-3X Lightning GrenadeBug Fix:No longer has the old AP ratio of 60% for the second and third bounces.', 'Bug Fix:No longer has the old AP ratio of 60% for the second and third bounces.', 'GeneralBug Fix:Must now actually fire a basic attack to command turrets to focus a target. Issuing an attack command and immediately cancelling it no longer triggers the redirect.', 'Bug Fix:Must now actually fire a basic attack to command turrets to focus a target. Issuing an attack command and immediately cancelling it no longer triggers the redirect.', 'CH-2 Electron Storm GrenadeBug Fix:Now properly charges nearby turret beam attacks even if it kills an enemy.', 'Bug Fix:Now properly charges nearby turret beam attacks even if it kills an enemy.', 'H-28G Evolution TurretRemoved:Turrets killed increasing the minion killed stat.H-28Q Apex Turretstill increases the creep score.', 'Removed:Turrets killed increasing the minion killed stat.H-28Q Apex Turretstill increases the creep score.', 'StatsBase health regeneration reduced to 7 from 11.008.Health regeneration growth reduced to 0.55from 1.75.', 'Base health regeneration reduced to 7 from 11.008.', 'Health regeneration growth reduced to 0.55from 1.75.', "Hextech AffinityRenamed toHextech AffinityfromTechmaturgical Repair Bots.New Effect:Grants 20%bonusmovement speed while near allied turrets (hisownand the map's) (300 range).Removed:Heimerdingergrants nearby allied champions and histurrets10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 (based on level)health regeneration, persisting for 5 seconds after they move out of range or his death (1000 range).", 'Renamed toHextech AffinityfromTechmaturgical Repair Bots.', "New Effect:Grants 20%bonusmovement speed while near allied turrets (hisownand the map's) (300 range).", 'Removed:Heimerdingergrants nearby allied champions and histurrets10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 (based on level)health regeneration, persisting for 5 seconds after they move out of range or his death (1000 range).', 'H-28G Evolution TurretAmount of turrets held increased to 3 at all ranks from 1 / 2 / 2 / 3 / 3.Cooldown reduced to 20 seconds at all ranks from 24 / 23 / 22 / 21 / 20.Base damage reduced to 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 18 from 12 / 18 / 24 / 30 / 36.AP ratio increased to30% APfrom15% AP.Beam attack base damage reduced to 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 from 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 / 140.Removed:Turrets no longer prioritize nearby enemy champions or champions that attack them.Removed:Turrets no longer briefly remain active afterHeimerdingerleaves the area.Beam attack generation rate per second reduced to 1.11% from 6.25%.Beam attack charge time increased to 90 seconds from 16.Removed:Turrets no longer gain 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5% beam charge for each of their basic attacks.Removed:Turrets no longer spawn with 70% beam charge.New Effect:The charge bar is now white instead of dark blue.', 'Amount of turrets held increased to 3 at all ranks from 1 / 2 / 2 / 3 / 3.', 'Cooldown reduced to 20 seconds at all ranks from 24 / 23 / 22 / 21 / 20.', 'Base damage reduced to 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 18 from 12 / 18 / 24 / 30 / 36.', 'AP ratio increased to30% APfrom15% AP.', 'Beam attack base damage reduced to 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 from 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 / 140.', 'Removed:Turrets no longer prioritize nearby enemy champions or champions that attack them.', 'Removed:Turrets no longer briefly remain active afterHeimerdingerleaves the area.', 'Beam attack generation rate per second reduced to 1.11% from 6.25%.Beam attack charge time increased to 90 seconds from 16.', 'Beam attack charge time increased to 90 seconds from 16.', 'Removed:Turrets no longer gain 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5% beam charge for each of their basic attacks.', 'Removed:Turrets no longer spawn with 70% beam charge.', 'New Effect:The charge bar is now white instead of dark blue.', 'Hextech Micro-RocketsMana cost reduced to 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 from 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 120.Cooldown reduced to 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 seconds from 11 at all ranks.New Effect:Each rocket that hits a champion grants 20% beam charge to all turrets within 1000 range of the damage, up to a maximum of 100% if all five rockets hit.', 'Mana cost reduced to 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 from 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 120.', 'Cooldown reduced to 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 seconds from 11 at all ranks.', 'New Effect:Each rocket that hits a champion grants 20% beam charge to all turrets within 1000 range of the damage, up to a maximum of 100% if all five rockets hit.', 'CH-2 Electron Storm GrenadeCooldown changed to 12 seconds at all ranks from 18 / 16 / 14 / 12 / 10.Grenade hitbox increased to 250 from 210.Stun hitbox is still 135.New Effect:If the grenade hits a champion, all turrets within 1000 range of the damage gain 100% beam charge.New Effect:Heimerdingercan now lob the grenade onto himself.', 'Cooldown changed to 12 seconds at all ranks from 18 / 16 / 14 / 12 / 10.', 'Grenade hitbox increased to 250 from 210.Stun hitbox is still 135.', 'New Effect:If the grenade hits a champion, all turrets within 1000 range of the damage gain 100% beam charge.', 'New Effect:Heimerdingercan now lob the grenade onto himself.', 'CH-3X Lightning GrenadeBase damage increased to 150 / 250 / 350 from 150 / 200 / 250.AP ratio increased to75% APfrom60% AP.', 'Base damage increased to 150 / 250 / 350 from 150 / 200 / 250.', 'AP ratio increased to75% APfrom60% AP.', 'Heimerdingerhas the longest champion name at 12 characters long.For contrast, it is longer thanVi, the shortest champion name at 2 characters long, by 10 characters.', 'For contrast, it is longer thanVi, the shortest champion name at 2 characters long, by 10 characters.', 'Heimerdinger is aportmanteauofJ. Robert OppenheimerandErwin Schrödinger\'slast names.His given nameCecilcomes fromCaecilius, a Roman surname, fromcaecus"one-eyed > blind".[2]', 'His given nameCecilcomes fromCaecilius, a Roman surname, fromcaecus"one-eyed > blind".[2]', 'His dance references theHeadspin, abreakdance move.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.', 'A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.', "Heimerdinger's alternate/old walk is referred to as'derpy'.Using anyEmotes, or activating Heimerdinger's passive will make Heimerdinger alternate between his regular walk and his 'derpy' walk.", "Using anyEmotes, or activating Heimerdinger's passive will make Heimerdinger alternate between his regular walk and his 'derpy' walk.", "WhileUPGRADE!!!is active, Heimerdinger gains a cosmetic buff that reads'Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger'.", "If Heimerdinger scores a Pentakill, he will gain the cosmetic buffEureka!This buff referencesArchimedes' sudden revelation, only in Heimerdinger's case his own came after the mass murder of the enemy team.", "This buff referencesArchimedes' sudden revelation, only in Heimerdinger's case his own came after the mass murder of the enemy team.", 'Heimerdinger is the sixth champion to have more than four abilities, the others beingElise,Gnar,Jayce,Karma,Lee Sin, andNidalee.', 'The icon forHextech Affinityis reused for theTeamfight TacticsitemMagnetic Remover.', 'In the now-removed official League of Legendsforums, theoriginal iconofUPGRADE!!!was used to represent the "Help & Support" section.', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'Ao Shin', 'Avasha', 'Averdrian', 'CeeCee', 'Cyborg Cowboy', 'Eagle Rider', 'Gavid', 'Husk', 'Iron Engineer', 'Ivan', 'Omen', 'Priscilla', 'Rob Blackblade', 'Seth', 'Tabu', 'Tiki', 'Urf', 'Well', "↑Heimerdinger's profile", '↑DeVaan, >Etymological Dictionary of Latin & other Italic languages, p. 79']} | Name: CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade, Description: Active: Heimerdinger hurls a grenade at the target location that detonates upon impact, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies and slowing them by 35% for 2 seconds. If the grenade hits an enemy champion , all turrets within 1000 range of the impact gain 100% beam charge. Magic Damage: 60 / 100 / 140 / 180 / 220 (+ 60% AP) Enemies hit at the center of the grenade's impact are also stunned for 1. 5 seconds., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade Details', 'CH-3X Lightning Grenade Details', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'No additional details.', 'Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Toggle abilities do not count as ability activations for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.Consuming the buff for an empowered basicabilitydoes.", 'Consuming the buff for an empowered basicabilitydoes.', 'No compensations formanaare made ifUPGRADE!!!is recast.', 'H-28Q Apex Turretbase damage changed to 50 / 65 / 80.', 'H-28Q Apex Turretbeam base damage changed to 90 / 125 / 160.', 'H-28G Evolution Turret', 'H-28Q Apex Turret', 'StatsBase attack speed increased to 0.658from 0.625.Attack windup reduced to 20% from 20.078125%.', 'Base attack speed increased to 0.658from 0.625.', 'Attack windup reduced to 20% from 20.078125%.', 'UPGRADE!!!H-28Q Apex TurretBase health changed to725 − 1525 (based on level)from850 − 1450 (based on level).Health AP ratio changed to50% APat all levels from25% − 200% (based on level)AP.Armor increased to30 − 90 (based on level)from10 − 80 (based on level).Magic resistance increased to30 − 90 (based on level)from25 − 65 (based on level).', 'H-28Q Apex TurretBase health changed to725 − 1525 (based on level)from850 − 1450 (based on level).Health AP ratio changed to50% APat all levels from25% − 200% (based on level)AP.Armor increased to30 − 90 (based on level)from10 − 80 (based on level).Magic resistance increased to30 − 90 (based on level)from25 − 65 (based on level).', 'Base health changed to725 − 1525 (based on level)from850 − 1450 (based on level).', 'Health AP ratio changed to50% APat all levels from25% − 200% (based on level)AP.', 'Armor increased to30 − 90 (based on level)from10 − 80 (based on level).', 'Magic resistance increased to30 − 90 (based on level)from25 − 65 (based on level).', "H-28G Evolution TurretBug introduced affecting Q Recharge on Spawn, and Q Charge DisplayPreviously, Heimerdinger began the game with all 3 turret charges.Now, Heimerdinger begins the game with 1 turret charge, but 3 charges displayed on the 'buff' icon, with the number of charges on his Q button de-synced from the number shown floating around him and on the buff/debuff GUI.When Heimerdinger accrues 3 turrets (as tracked on his Q button counter AND the buff bar counter), they will match until his next death.After death / respawn, the counter on the buff bar will reset to 3 (as in prior patches, Heimerdinger would always respawn with a full 3 turrets).After death / respawn, Heimerdinger will actually have however many turrets would have accrued naturally since his last life, with no reset on death. This means that he may use all 3 of his turrets in lane, die, and not have any more to put down after teleporting in to lane for quite a while, which is different behavior than in prior patches.The number of floating 'Nuts' or bolts (Or Dragon Eggs, depending on skin) is synced up with the count on the buff bar, not on his Q. This is misleading if you are used to quickly glancing at your character (or an enemy Heimerdinger) to track his turret count, as many times throughout the game he may visually appear to have 3 turrets ready but not actually have all 3 available.", 'Bug introduced affecting Q Recharge on Spawn, and Q Charge Display', 'Previously, Heimerdinger began the game with all 3 turret charges.', "Now, Heimerdinger begins the game with 1 turret charge, but 3 charges displayed on the 'buff' icon, with the number of charges on his Q button de-synced from the number shown floating around him and on the buff/debuff GUI.", 'When Heimerdinger accrues 3 turrets (as tracked on his Q button counter AND the buff bar counter), they will match until his next death.', 'After death / respawn, the counter on the buff bar will reset to 3 (as in prior patches, Heimerdinger would always respawn with a full 3 turrets).', 'After death / respawn, Heimerdinger will actually have however many turrets would have accrued naturally since his last life, with no reset on death. This means that he may use all 3 of his turrets in lane, die, and not have any more to put down after teleporting in to lane for quite a while, which is different behavior than in prior patches.', "The number of floating 'Nuts' or bolts (Or Dragon Eggs, depending on skin) is synced up with the count on the buff bar, not on his Q. This is misleading if you are used to quickly glancing at your character (or an enemy Heimerdinger) to track his turret count, as many times throughout the game he may visually appear to have 3 turrets ready but not actually have all 3 available.", 'UPGRADE!!!Undocumented change - No longer automatically refreshes the cooldowns of Hextech Micro-Rockets or Electron Stun Grenade when cast. If you previously used these abilities, and then cast UPGRADE!!! , you will now be unable to cast the upgraded form of Hextech Micro-Rockets or Electron Stun Grenade until their cooldown timer has elapsed.Previously, you could exploit UPGRADE!!! by flexing it on and off each 3 seconds to renew the cooldowns on these two abilities indefinitely.', 'Undocumented change - No longer automatically refreshes the cooldowns of Hextech Micro-Rockets or Electron Stun Grenade when cast. If you previously used these abilities, and then cast UPGRADE!!! , you will now be unable to cast the upgraded form of Hextech Micro-Rockets or Electron Stun Grenade until their cooldown timer has elapsed.Previously, you could exploit UPGRADE!!! by flexing it on and off each 3 seconds to renew the cooldowns on these two abilities indefinitely.', 'Previously, you could exploit UPGRADE!!! by flexing it on and off each 3 seconds to renew the cooldowns on these two abilities indefinitely.', 'H-28G Evolution TurretTurret base health reduced to130 − 640 (based on level)from175 − 700 (based on level).Turret health AP ratio increased to5% − 45% (based on level)APfrom5% − 40% (based on level)AP.', 'Turret base health reduced to130 − 640 (based on level)from175 − 700 (based on level).', 'Turret health AP ratio increased to5% − 45% (based on level)APfrom5% − 40% (based on level)AP.', 'Hextech Micro-RocketsInitial rocket base damage reduced to 40 / 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 from 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150.Initial rocket AP ratio increased to55% APfrom45% AP.', 'Initial rocket base damage reduced to 40 / 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 from 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150.', 'Initial rocket AP ratio increased to55% APfrom45% AP.', 'H-28Q Apex TurretBug Fix:Casting the ability no longer improperly resets the cooldowns ofHextech Micro-RocketsandCH-2 Electron Storm Grenadeif they were already on cooldown.', 'Bug Fix:Casting the ability no longer improperly resets the cooldowns ofHextech Micro-RocketsandCH-2 Electron Storm Grenadeif they were already on cooldown.', 'H-28G Evolution TurretTurret base damage increased to 7 / 11 / 15 / 19 / 23 from 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 18.Turret base health increased to175 − 700 (based on level)from150 − 575 (based on level).', 'Turret base damage increased to 7 / 11 / 15 / 19 / 23 from 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 18.', 'Turret base health increased to175 − 700 (based on level)from150 − 575 (based on level).', 'CH-2 Electron Storm GrenadeCooldown reduced to 11 seconds from 12.', 'Cooldown reduced to 11 seconds from 12.', 'StatsBase health increased to 558 from 488.Health growth increased to 101 from 87.Armor growth increased to 4.2from 3.Magic resistance growth increased to 1.3from 0.5.', 'Base health increased to 558 from 488.', 'Health growth increased to 101 from 87.', 'Armor growth increased to 4.2from 3.', 'Magic resistance growth increased to 1.3from 0.5.', 'H-28G Evolution TurretBug Fix:Deactivation sound effects have been restored for several of his skins.', 'Bug Fix:Deactivation sound effects have been restored for several of his skins.', 'CH-2 Electron Storm GrenadeBug Fix:Explosion sound effects no longer play multiple times upon hitting an enemy.', 'Bug Fix:Explosion sound effects no longer play multiple times upon hitting an enemy.', 'Hextech Micro-RocketsInitial rocket base damage reduced to 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 from 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170.Additional rocket base damage reduced to 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 from 10 / 16 / 22 / 28 / 34.Maximum base damage reduced to 90 / 135 / 180 / 225 / 270 from 90 / 144 / 198 / 252 / 306.', 'Initial rocket base damage reduced to 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 from 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170.Additional rocket base damage reduced to 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 from 10 / 16 / 22 / 28 / 34.Maximum base damage reduced to 90 / 135 / 180 / 225 / 270 from 90 / 144 / 198 / 252 / 306.', 'Additional rocket base damage reduced to 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 from 10 / 16 / 22 / 28 / 34.', 'Maximum base damage reduced to 90 / 135 / 180 / 225 / 270 from 90 / 144 / 198 / 252 / 306.', 'StatsBase attack damage increased to 56 from 55.536.Base armor reduced to 19 from 19.04.', 'Base attack damage increased to 56 from 55.536.', 'Base armor reduced to 19 from 19.04.', 'H-28G Evolution TurretBug Fix:Turret now properly triggersManaflow Band.', 'Bug Fix:Turret now properly triggersManaflow Band.', 'H-28G Evolution TurretBug Fix:Approaching and triggering his turrets no longer triggersImmolate.', 'Bug Fix:Approaching and triggering his turrets no longer triggersImmolate.', 'Hextech Micro-RocketsInitial rocket base damage reduced to 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 from 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180.', 'Initial rocket base damage reduced to 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 from 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180.', 'CH-3X Lightning GrenadeBase damage reduced to 100 / 200 / 300 from 150 / 250 / 350.AP ratio reduced to60% APfrom75% AP.', 'Base damage reduced to 100 / 200 / 300 from 150 / 250 / 350.', 'AP ratio reduced to60% APfrom75% AP.', "UPGRADE!!!Bug Fix:Tooltip no longer mentions that hisCH-3X Lightning Grenade'sslow is improved to 80%.", "Bug Fix:Tooltip no longer mentions that hisCH-3X Lightning Grenade'sslow is improved to 80%.", 'H-28G Evolution TurretTurret basic attack AP ratio increased to35% APfrom30% AP.', 'Turret basic attack AP ratio increased to35% APfrom30% AP.', 'H-28Q Apex TurretTurret basic attack AP ratio increased to35% APfrom30% AP.', 'Turret basic attack AP ratio increased to35% APfrom30% AP.', 'CH-2 Electron Storm GrenadeStun duration increased to 1.5seconds from 1.25.', 'Stun duration increased to 1.5seconds from 1.25.', 'TurretsNew Effect:Now triggers effects that are triggered by pets (i.e. on-ability-hit effects).Turret lasers, ult turrets shots, and ult turret lasers are classified as AoE effects, too.', 'New Effect:Now triggers effects that are triggered by pets (i.e. on-ability-hit effects).Turret lasers, ult turrets shots, and ult turret lasers are classified as AoE effects, too.', 'H-28G Evolution TurretNew Effect:Can now ping the number of turrets available or time until next turret if none are available.', 'New Effect:Can now ping the number of turrets available or time until next turret if none are available.', 'H-28G Evolution TurretBug Fix:Dying while third turret charge is stockpiling no longer allows him to get a fourth charge.', 'Bug Fix:Dying while third turret charge is stockpiling no longer allows him to get a fourth charge.', 'Hextech Rocket SwarmBug Fix:Once again shares a cooldown withHextech Micro-Rockets.', 'Bug Fix:Once again shares a cooldown withHextech Micro-Rockets.', 'CH-2 Electron Storm GrenadeBug Fix:Stun duration has been fixed.', 'Bug Fix:Stun duration has been fixed.', 'CH-3X Lightning GrenadeBug Fix:Stun duration has been fixed.Bug Fix:Can no longer cast it immediately afterCH-2 Electron Storm Grenadeif timed exactly.', 'Bug Fix:Stun duration has been fixed.', 'Bug Fix:Can no longer cast it immediately afterCH-2 Electron Storm Grenadeif timed exactly.', "H-28G Evolution TurretTurret beam attack cooldown now actually scales with cooldown reduction.Turret stats have been moved into the expanded tooltip (hold SHIFT). Expanded tooltip now indicates that turret health scales offHeimerdinger'sability power.", 'Turret beam attack cooldown now actually scales with cooldown reduction.', "Turret stats have been moved into the expanded tooltip (hold SHIFT). Expanded tooltip now indicates that turret health scales offHeimerdinger'sability power.", 'Hextech Micro-RocketsNow states the actual damage rockets deal to minions instead of "60%" (which was lower than actual damage dealt due to additional AP scaling).', 'Now states the actual damage rockets deal to minions instead of "60%" (which was lower than actual damage dealt due to additional AP scaling).', 'Hextech Rocket SwarmMaximum base damage increased to 503 / 697.5/ 892 from 499 / 687 / 862.Missiles 2 to 5 base damage increased to 32 / 45 / 58 from 28 / 39 / 49.Missiles 6 to 20 base damage reduced to 16 / 22.5/ 29 from 16.8/ 23.4/ 29.4.', 'Maximum base damage increased to 503 / 697.5/ 892 from 499 / 687 / 862.', 'Missiles 2 to 5 base damage increased to 32 / 45 / 58 from 28 / 39 / 49.', 'Missiles 6 to 20 base damage reduced to 16 / 22.5/ 29 from 16.8/ 23.4/ 29.4.', 'Dragon Trainer HeimerdingerBug Fix:No longer has redundant death SFX.Bug Fix:Is no longer missing dance SFX.', 'Bug Fix:No longer has redundant death SFX.', 'Bug Fix:Is no longer missing dance SFX.', 'StatsBase mana increased to 385 from 307.2.Mana growth reduced to 20 from 40.Base mana regeneration increased to 8 from 6.', 'Base mana increased to 385 from 307.2.', 'Mana growth reduced to 20 from 40.', 'Base mana regeneration increased to 8 from 6.', 'H-28Q Apex TurretBeam base damage reduced to 100 / 140 / 180 from 200 / 270 / 340.', 'Beam base damage reduced to 100 / 140 / 180 from 200 / 270 / 340.', 'StatsBase health increased to 488 from 476.Health growth increased to 87 from 75.', 'Base health increased to 488 from 476.', 'Health growth increased to 87 from 75.', "H-28Q Apex TurretBug Fix:Beam attack no longer breaks for the rest of its duration if its target walks out of range during the beam attack's wind-up.", "Bug Fix:Beam attack no longer breaks for the rest of its duration if its target walks out of range during the beam attack's wind-up.", 'Hextech Rocket SwarmBug Fix:Now correctly do reduced damage after the first hit toBaron Nashor.', 'Bug Fix:Now correctly do reduced damage after the first hit toBaron Nashor.', 'CH-2 Electron Storm GrenadeBug Fix:Sweeping a ward no longer plays the sound effects to it when he is in the game.', 'Bug Fix:Sweeping a ward no longer plays the sound effects to it when he is in the game.', 'CH-3X Lightning GrenadeBug Fix:No longer has the old AP ratio of 60% for the second and third bounces.', 'Bug Fix:No longer has the old AP ratio of 60% for the second and third bounces.', 'GeneralBug Fix:Must now actually fire a basic attack to command turrets to focus a target. Issuing an attack command and immediately cancelling it no longer triggers the redirect.', 'Bug Fix:Must now actually fire a basic attack to command turrets to focus a target. Issuing an attack command and immediately cancelling it no longer triggers the redirect.', 'CH-2 Electron Storm GrenadeBug Fix:Now properly charges nearby turret beam attacks even if it kills an enemy.', 'Bug Fix:Now properly charges nearby turret beam attacks even if it kills an enemy.', 'H-28G Evolution TurretRemoved:Turrets killed increasing the minion killed stat.H-28Q Apex Turretstill increases the creep score.', 'Removed:Turrets killed increasing the minion killed stat.H-28Q Apex Turretstill increases the creep score.', 'StatsBase health regeneration reduced to 7 from 11.008.Health regeneration growth reduced to 0.55from 1.75.', 'Base health regeneration reduced to 7 from 11.008.', 'Health regeneration growth reduced to 0.55from 1.75.', "Hextech AffinityRenamed toHextech AffinityfromTechmaturgical Repair Bots.New Effect:Grants 20%bonusmovement speed while near allied turrets (hisownand the map's) (300 range).Removed:Heimerdingergrants nearby allied champions and histurrets10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 (based on level)health regeneration, persisting for 5 seconds after they move out of range or his death (1000 range).", 'Renamed toHextech AffinityfromTechmaturgical Repair Bots.', "New Effect:Grants 20%bonusmovement speed while near allied turrets (hisownand the map's) (300 range).", 'Removed:Heimerdingergrants nearby allied champions and histurrets10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 (based on level)health regeneration, persisting for 5 seconds after they move out of range or his death (1000 range).', 'H-28G Evolution TurretAmount of turrets held increased to 3 at all ranks from 1 / 2 / 2 / 3 / 3.Cooldown reduced to 20 seconds at all ranks from 24 / 23 / 22 / 21 / 20.Base damage reduced to 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 18 from 12 / 18 / 24 / 30 / 36.AP ratio increased to30% APfrom15% AP.Beam attack base damage reduced to 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 from 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 / 140.Removed:Turrets no longer prioritize nearby enemy champions or champions that attack them.Removed:Turrets no longer briefly remain active afterHeimerdingerleaves the area.Beam attack generation rate per second reduced to 1.11% from 6.25%.Beam attack charge time increased to 90 seconds from 16.Removed:Turrets no longer gain 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5% beam charge for each of their basic attacks.Removed:Turrets no longer spawn with 70% beam charge.New Effect:The charge bar is now white instead of dark blue.', 'Amount of turrets held increased to 3 at all ranks from 1 / 2 / 2 / 3 / 3.', 'Cooldown reduced to 20 seconds at all ranks from 24 / 23 / 22 / 21 / 20.', 'Base damage reduced to 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 18 from 12 / 18 / 24 / 30 / 36.', 'AP ratio increased to30% APfrom15% AP.', 'Beam attack base damage reduced to 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 from 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 / 140.', 'Removed:Turrets no longer prioritize nearby enemy champions or champions that attack them.', 'Removed:Turrets no longer briefly remain active afterHeimerdingerleaves the area.', 'Beam attack generation rate per second reduced to 1.11% from 6.25%.Beam attack charge time increased to 90 seconds from 16.', 'Beam attack charge time increased to 90 seconds from 16.', 'Removed:Turrets no longer gain 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5% beam charge for each of their basic attacks.', 'Removed:Turrets no longer spawn with 70% beam charge.', 'New Effect:The charge bar is now white instead of dark blue.', 'Hextech Micro-RocketsMana cost reduced to 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 from 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 120.Cooldown reduced to 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 seconds from 11 at all ranks.New Effect:Each rocket that hits a champion grants 20% beam charge to all turrets within 1000 range of the damage, up to a maximum of 100% if all five rockets hit.', 'Mana cost reduced to 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 from 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 120.', 'Cooldown reduced to 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 seconds from 11 at all ranks.', 'New Effect:Each rocket that hits a champion grants 20% beam charge to all turrets within 1000 range of the damage, up to a maximum of 100% if all five rockets hit.', 'CH-2 Electron Storm GrenadeCooldown changed to 12 seconds at all ranks from 18 / 16 / 14 / 12 / 10.Grenade hitbox increased to 250 from 210.Stun hitbox is still 135.New Effect:If the grenade hits a champion, all turrets within 1000 range of the damage gain 100% beam charge.New Effect:Heimerdingercan now lob the grenade onto himself.', 'Cooldown changed to 12 seconds at all ranks from 18 / 16 / 14 / 12 / 10.', 'Grenade hitbox increased to 250 from 210.Stun hitbox is still 135.', 'New Effect:If the grenade hits a champion, all turrets within 1000 range of the damage gain 100% beam charge.', 'New Effect:Heimerdingercan now lob the grenade onto himself.', 'CH-3X Lightning GrenadeBase damage increased to 150 / 250 / 350 from 150 / 200 / 250.AP ratio increased to75% APfrom60% AP.', 'Base damage increased to 150 / 250 / 350 from 150 / 200 / 250.', 'AP ratio increased to75% APfrom60% AP.', 'Heimerdingerhas the longest champion name at 12 characters long.For contrast, it is longer thanVi, the shortest champion name at 2 characters long, by 10 characters.', 'For contrast, it is longer thanVi, the shortest champion name at 2 characters long, by 10 characters.', 'Heimerdinger is aportmanteauofJ. Robert OppenheimerandErwin Schrödinger\'slast names.His given nameCecilcomes fromCaecilius, a Roman surname, fromcaecus"one-eyed > blind".[2]', 'His given nameCecilcomes fromCaecilius, a Roman surname, fromcaecus"one-eyed > blind".[2]', 'His dance references theHeadspin, abreakdance move.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.', 'A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.', "Heimerdinger's alternate/old walk is referred to as'derpy'.Using anyEmotes, or activating Heimerdinger's passive will make Heimerdinger alternate between his regular walk and his 'derpy' walk.", "Using anyEmotes, or activating Heimerdinger's passive will make Heimerdinger alternate between his regular walk and his 'derpy' walk.", "WhileUPGRADE!!!is active, Heimerdinger gains a cosmetic buff that reads'Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger'.", "If Heimerdinger scores a Pentakill, he will gain the cosmetic buffEureka!This buff referencesArchimedes' sudden revelation, only in Heimerdinger's case his own came after the mass murder of the enemy team.", "This buff referencesArchimedes' sudden revelation, only in Heimerdinger's case his own came after the mass murder of the enemy team.", 'Heimerdinger is the sixth champion to have more than four abilities, the others beingElise,Gnar,Jayce,Karma,Lee Sin, andNidalee.', 'The icon forHextech Affinityis reused for theTeamfight TacticsitemMagnetic Remover.', 'In the now-removed official League of Legendsforums, theoriginal iconofUPGRADE!!!was used to represent the "Help & Support" section.', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'Ao Shin', 'Avasha', 'Averdrian', 'CeeCee', 'Cyborg Cowboy', 'Eagle Rider', 'Gavid', 'Husk', 'Iron Engineer', 'Ivan', 'Omen', 'Priscilla', 'Rob Blackblade', 'Seth', 'Tabu', 'Tiki', 'Urf', 'Well', "↑Heimerdinger's profile", '↑DeVaan, >Etymological Dictionary of Latin & other Italic languages, p. 79']} | Name: UPGRADE!!!, Description: Active: Heimerdinger empowers his next basic ability for an additional effect. These empowered abilities have the same cooldowns as their basic forms, deal modified damage, and do not have a mana cost. UPGRADE!!! can be recast after 3 seconds, and does so automatically upon casting another ability. Recast: Heimerdinger ends UPGRADE!!! and puts it on a 3-second cooldown . UPGRADE!!! can be used while affected by cast-inhibiting crowd control ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Toggle abilities do not count as ability activations for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.Consuming the buff for an empowered basicabilitydoes.", 'Consuming the buff for an empowered basicabilitydoes.', 'No compensations formanaare made ifUPGRADE!!!is recast.', 'H-28Q Apex Turretbase damage changed to 50 / 65 / 80.', 'H-28Q Apex Turretbeam base damage changed to 90 / 125 / 160.']} | Heimerdingerhas the longest champion name at 12 characters long.For contrast, it is longer thanVi, the shortest champion name at 2 characters long, by 10 characters.
Heimerdinger is aportmanteauofJ. Robert OppenheimerandErwin Schrödinger'slast names.His given nameCecilcomes fromCaecilius, a Roman surname, fromcaecus"one-eyed > blind".[2]
His dance references theHeadspin, abreakdance move.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.
Heimerdinger's alternate/old walk is referred to as'derpy'.Using anyEmotes, or activating Heimerdinger's passive will make Heimerdinger alternate between his regular walk and his 'derpy' walk.
WhileUPGRADE!!!is active, Heimerdinger gains a cosmetic buff that reads'Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger'.
If Heimerdinger scores a Pentakill, he will gain the cosmetic buffEureka!This buff referencesArchimedes' sudden revelation, only in Heimerdinger's case his own came after the mass murder of the enemy team.
Heimerdinger is the sixth champion to have more than four abilities, the others beingElise,Gnar,Jayce,Karma,Lee Sin, andNidalee.
The icon forHextech Affinityis reused for theTeamfight TacticsitemMagnetic Remover.
In the now-removed official League of Legendsforums, theoriginal iconofUPGRADE!!!was used to represent the "Help & Support" section. |
Illaoi,the Kraken Priestess | | | health: Health656+109, resource: Mana300+50, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)9.5+0.8, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)7.5+0.75, armor: Armor35+5, attack damage: Attack damage68+5, attack speed: Base AS0.625, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius100, release: 2015-11-24, changed: V13.20, role: Juggernaut, position: Top, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 3150|790 | Games
IllaoiMainCasual 1TitlesAlias(es)The Kraken PriestessTruth Bearer IllaoiCharacteristicsSpeciesHuman(Magical)Pronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:946 AN - 956 ANWeapon(s)Eye of GodNagakabourosPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originBuhru,Serpent IslesCurrent residenceBilgewater,Serpent IslesFamilyGangplank(Former Lover)Professional statusOccupation(s)Nagakabouros' Truth BearerProtector of LifeRegion(s)BilgewaterFaction(s)BuhruRelated character(s)GangplankMiss FortuneHecarimAhriBraumPykeYasuoMaokaiNecritThreshViegoYorick
• Main
• Casual 1
• The Kraken Priestess
• Truth Bearer Illaoi
• Born:946 AN - 956 AN
• Eye of God
• Nagakabouros
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
• Nagakabouros' Truth Bearer
• Protector of Life
Related character(s)
Illaoi'spowerful physique is dwarfed only by her indomitable faith. As the prophet of the Great Kraken, she uses a huge, goldenidolto rip her foes'spiritsfrom their bodies and shatter their perception ofreality. All who challenge the 'Truth Bearer of Nagakabouros' soon discoverIllaoinever battles alone - the god of theSerpent Islesfights by her side.
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2Spreading the Faith1.3Shadow and Fortune1.4Return of the Ruined King
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Gangplank5.2Miss Fortune5.3Undead5.4Braum5.5Pyke5.6Spirits
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2Spreading the Faith
• 1.3Shadow and Fortune
• 1.4Return of the Ruined King
• 5.1Gangplank
• 5.2Miss Fortune
• 5.3Undead
• 5.4Braum
• 5.5Pyke
• 5.6Spirits
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early life[]
Illaoi was born into the Buhru tribe of the Serpent Islands in Bilgewater, at a very young age she was trained into the priesthood and displayed incredibly high spiritual talent.
Illaoi at some point in her youth metGangplankand fell in love with him, having a long romance, however Illaoi ended up being chosen as the Truth Bearer of Nagakabouros and was therefore forced to end the relationship.
Spreading the Faith[]
After her break with Gangplank, Illaoi devoted herself entirely to spreading the faith of Nagakabouros among the Buhru tribe and ensuring the protection of the Serpent Islands.
Shadow and Fortune[]
After Gangplank was defeated at the hands of Miss Fortune, Illaoi rescued him from drowning in the sea, she also kept him with her in the serpent islands where she took care of him and helped him recover.
Return of the Ruined King[]
Illaoi received a mission from Nagakabouros which was to hunt down the so-called Red Dock Ripper, she along with a group of Buhru warriors left the Serpent Islands and went to Bilgewater.
Illaoi is a tall, stocky woman with dark skin with fluorescent green tattoos all over her body, long brown hair tied in a ponytail, and piercing green eyes.
She wears a dark green shirt and brown pants with some gold trim on her neck and arms, grayish black boots, and always carries a golden sphere.
She was known for her indomitable faith, and is above good and evil and will encourage those not to kneel but to fight. She worshipsNagakabouros, a spirit goddess, who in turn gave her title of "Truth Bearer of Nagakabourous".
• Spirit Magic: Illaoi is a powerful performer of spirit magic, capable of numerous feats such as invoking the power of her goddess, creating magical barriers, healing others, and projecting spirit energy to decimate her foes.Soul Manipulation:As a follower of Nakagabourus, Illaoi can tap into soul energy and draw strength from it,test someone's spiritand banish wraiths.Seer: The connection with her Goddess makes Illaoi able to see small vestiges of the future, especially of a future to come.
• Priesthood: Illaoi is the leader of the Buhru religion, the "Truth Bearer", as such she is very knowledgeable on performing rituals, spell casting, creating wardens of protection, and creating magical items.
• Formidable Physique: Illaoi's faith is only rivaled by her enormous strength. She is capable of holding theEye of God, a very heavy artifact, with notable ease.
• Soul Manipulation:As a follower of Nakagabourus, Illaoi can tap into soul energy and draw strength from it,test someone's spiritand banish wraiths.
• Seer: The connection with her Goddess makes Illaoi able to see small vestiges of the future, especially of a future to come.
Illaoi was Gangplank's first love.Gangplank, but they went their separate ways over a decade ago. Their past relationship is implied by her liking mangos and himoranges. Illaoi still has some feelings for him.She chose to save Gangplank after his ship was sunk byMiss Fortuneand gave him a spirit test which he passed. She then decided to help him retake the city.
Miss Fortune[]
Illaoi protectedMiss Fortuneand many others from an attack of the Black Mist, during which she drove offHecarimwith the power of her god.
Illaoi suspectsMiss Fortuneneeds to be tested by her god soon. This test is briefly shown inThe Climb.
Illaoi abhors the undead of theShadow Islesand the Black Mist itself as both embody the very stagnation she seeks to eradicate. This can be illustrated when she tellsSionhe was 'cheated of rebirth' (his soul has been trapped and unable to reincarnate as new life)[1][2]
The undead would fail their test instantly.[3]She would want to endMordekaiserthe most for being the de facto puppeteer of others' souls.[4]
Illaoi's dialogue with Braum implies that she finds Braum physically attractive. Over the course of the adventure, Braum and Illaoi develop a friendship. Illaoi would invite Braum to be more intimate and while he isn't averse to her advances, he declines because it is an inopportune time due to him needing to focus on the upcoming battles.
Illaoi's voice lines imply if she were to ever test Braum, he would pass the test very easily as he is doing exactly what Illaoi preaches: living his life as he sees fit.[5][6][7]
BecausePykeis a murderous undead, Illaoi initially saw him as a threat against the beliefs of Nagakabourous. However, after testing his spirit, she now believes him to be serving a much larger eddy and therefore staying in motion.[8]She had casted a spell that made Pyke more benevolent and tamed as a result of Nagakabouros' influence, but he may eventually return back to his murderous state.
Illaoi views 'spirits' (Anivia,Bard,Kindred,Yordles, etc.) as a useless distraction from the truth.[9]Tahm Kenchwould avoid her as he probably knows he would perish if Nagakabouros tested him.[10]
Read More
The Kraken Priestess
ByOdin Austin Shafer
Starring Champion
Music Video
Kingdom (Video)
By Numerous creators
Starring:Ahri,Braum,Illaoi,Miss Fortune,Pyke,Viego,Yasuo
Ruined King
ByAirship Syndicate
Rise Against Ruin - Unite a party of League of Legends Champions, explore Bilgewater and set sail for the Shadow Isles to uncover the secrets of the deadly Black Mist in this immersive turn-based RPG.
Starring:Ahri,Braum,Gangplank,Illaoi,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Necrit,Pyke,Rafen,Thresh,Viego,Yasuo
Mentioned:Ashe,Elise,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Gwen,Hecarim,Isolde,Ivern,Janna,Jarvan IV,Kalista,Ledros,Lucian,Nagakabouros,Nautilus,Olaf,Ornn,Rhasa,Riven,Senna,Swain,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Twisted Fate,Udyr,Volibear,Yone,Yorick,Zed
Short Story • 51 Minute Read
Shadow and Fortune: Chapter Four
ByGraham McNeill
She is not Dead, Strange Bedfellows, In Motion Again
Starring:Hecarim,Illaoi,Lucian,Miss Fortune,Olaf,Rafen,Thresh
Short Story • 8 Minute Read
The Burden
ByOdin Austin Shafer
Truth Bearer, this is why we must retreat to Buhru. We cannot save the paylangi' the Hierophant said. The heavy-set woman grinned, obviously pleased by the prospect of leaving Bilgewater.
Mentioned:Graves,Miss Fortune,Nagakabouros,Twisted Fate
The Climb
Take the first step and begin your climb.
Starring:Blitzcrank,Ekko,Illaoi,Lucian,Miss Fortune,Senna,Taliyah,Thresh,Xerath,Yasuo
Short Story
The Will of the Dead
ByLaura Michet
Long before she became a Truth Bearer of her people, Illaoi had been an acolyte priestess at a Buhru temple on the coast.
Starring:Illaoi,Miss Fortune,Yorick
Mentioned:Gangplank,Maiden of the Mist,Nagakabouros,Pyke,Tahm Kench,Thresh,Viego
Trial of the Kraken Priestess
By Numerous creators
There can be no rest. We are the motion.
Mentioned Champion
Short Story
Dead in the Water
ByGraham McNeill
Red tide out, red tide in.
Starring:Miss Fortune,Nautilus
Ezreal's Field Notes
ByMatthew Dunn
Who needs a map?
Short Story • 51 Minute Read
Shadow and Fortune: Chapter One
ByGraham McNeill
Blood on the Streets, Glory in Death, Down to the Bearded Lady/nThe Butcher Blades had hung the Jackdaw from a rusted marlinspike through his jawbone and left him for the quayside scavengers. This was the seventeenth murdered ganger the hooded man had seen tonight.
Starring:Lucian,Miss Fortune,Olaf,Rafen
Alternate Universes
Short Story
Resistance Illaoi
ByJared Rosen
Return to the Stars
Starring:Aurelion Sol,Bard,Cassiopeia,Gnar,Illaoi,Kog'Maw,Nautilus,Nocturne,Teemo,Urgot,Vayne,Viktor,Ziggs
Crystal Quest: Series 1
Mentioned:Anivia,Ashe,Braum,Bristle,Caitlyn,Camille,Elise,Ezreal,Garen,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Illaoi,Ivern,Katarina,Kled,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lucian,Nami,Olaf,Poppy,Ryze,Senna,Singed,Skaarl,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Veigar,Vi,Zac
Olaf vs Everything: Series 1
ByTom Barton
Olaf vs Everything: Series 2
ByTom Barton
Mentioned:Ahri,Aurelion Sol,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Gnar,Illaoi,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Nagakabouros,Ornn,Renekton,Skarner,Teemo,Tryndamere,Urgot,Vel'Koz,Vi,Viktor,Vladimir,Warwick,Zyra
The Tale of the Poro King
By Numerous creators
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aatrox,Akali,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Darius,Diana,Draven,Ezreal,Gnar,Illaoi,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kai'Sa,Karma,Karthus,Katarina,Kayle,Kayn,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nunu,Ornn,Pantheon,Pyke,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Rhaast,Ryze,Sejuani,Shen,Sion,Sivir,Soraka,Sylas,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Thresh,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Vi,Volibear,Willump,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs,Zoe
• Nagakabouros' religion is meant to speak uniquely toRuneterraand to life on theSerpent Isles.[11]The Kraken is the spirit god of life, chaos, the ocean, and storms.[12][13]The deity's name is a fusion of many mythological elements.Nagaनाग, originally "snake", laterserpentine deities;Ka: one of fiveAncient Egyptian concepts of soul;Bourosto thetail-devouring snake.
• Illaoi is powerful because she is personally capable of serving her god--- that's actually a rare gift. That puts her on the same level as Moses at the very least. Channeling her god's power (not generating it) is extremely difficult.
• Illaoi in world (as opposed to "in game") is insanely strong against the undead. (After all her religion is about "life" in all its messiness serving the universe's plan).[14]Illaoi is definitely deeply involved in matters of the soul, but there is an important distinction between her interaction with the spirit world and what the Harrowing represents. 'Healthy' souls move through a constant cycle of transition and rebirth. Losts souls, like the denizens that inhabit the Shadow Isles, are stagnant, and trapped on the mortal plane.
• Illaoi's worldview expresses that everyone must follow their dreams no matter how brutal they might be. Having doubts isn't a "sin" in her religion—failing to take action is.[15]But if while doing so someone becomes so passive or so demotivated to keep on pursuing their destiny that their soul starts to stagnate, then Illaoi will give them aHarsh Lessonin order to encourage them to get back on track. She's a tough lady, so she's a fan of harsh lessons, but the truth is that she has your best interest at heart. If she breaks a few bones in the process, well, then it was probably for your own good.This brand of tough love will end in one of two ways: someone passes theirTest of Spiritand is back in 'motion' or they fail and, as a result, their energy returns to the universe so that another lifeform might make better use of it.[1][2][16]While a fiercely intelligent woman, Illaoi is from a far, isolated corner of the world. She often doesn't know who people are—but wants everyone to understand they are below her god.
• Nagakabouros is not even the only god worshipped in Buhru (though it is the most popular on that island). However, Serpent Islanders aren't aware of other religions so they've never needed a name for their faith.[17]Buhru has other gods. Valoran has other gods.Indigenous creatures from their home isles are used as religious symbols in the same fashion Christianity uses lambs and doves.[18]They always share food with guests (especially fruit) but eating without offering to share is a huge insult and an overt threat in their eyes.[19]
• Illaoi's religion is about life serving the universe. But Nagakabouros is seen as bigger than that goal. Illaoi knows, she can not comprehend her god or its plans. So she and her religion are attempting to serve and understand a small portion of that god's idea. She is aware that Nagakabouros is a mental construct based on human's limited perception and intellect—but it is an attempt to illustrate a greater truth (See Brahma vs Para Brahman for an example of this.)[20]"Is what I'm doing god's will?" Is something she struggles with. That is her test of faith. She absolutely knows her god exists (in a way we cant). But is she doing what it wants? Is she serving its will? That is something her faith must bear. Nagakabouros doesn't give out bibles, or hard rules. It demands you to be self aware, emotionally present, and iron willed. Her faith requires you to approach you're own subconscious with simultaneous questioning doubt and total certainty.[21]
• When Illaoi conducts aTest of Spiritshe rips only one of theVessel'smany incarnations from throughout their lives.She hits people with Nagakabouros idol (which she is stepping in in her splash art) too. For her and her religion it's a useful thing—built to last—objects and symbols are to glorify motion—they have no value outside of that. If it breaks it was meant to break and has reached the end of its use.
• The Kraken is the spirit god of life, chaos, the ocean, and storms.[12][13]The deity's name is a fusion of many mythological elements.Nagaनाग, originally "snake", laterserpentine deities;Ka: one of fiveAncient Egyptian concepts of soul;Bourosto thetail-devouring snake.
• The deity's name is a fusion of many mythological elements.Nagaनाग, originally "snake", laterserpentine deities;Ka: one of fiveAncient Egyptian concepts of soul;Bourosto thetail-devouring snake.
• Nagaनाग, originally "snake", laterserpentine deities;
• Ka: one of fiveAncient Egyptian concepts of soul;
• Bourosto thetail-devouring snake.
• Illaoi is definitely deeply involved in matters of the soul, but there is an important distinction between her interaction with the spirit world and what the Harrowing represents. 'Healthy' souls move through a constant cycle of transition and rebirth. Losts souls, like the denizens that inhabit the Shadow Isles, are stagnant, and trapped on the mortal plane.
• But if while doing so someone becomes so passive or so demotivated to keep on pursuing their destiny that their soul starts to stagnate, then Illaoi will give them aHarsh Lessonin order to encourage them to get back on track. She's a tough lady, so she's a fan of harsh lessons, but the truth is that she has your best interest at heart. If she breaks a few bones in the process, well, then it was probably for your own good.This brand of tough love will end in one of two ways: someone passes theirTest of Spiritand is back in 'motion' or they fail and, as a result, their energy returns to the universe so that another lifeform might make better use of it.[1][2][16]
• While a fiercely intelligent woman, Illaoi is from a far, isolated corner of the world. She often doesn't know who people are—but wants everyone to understand they are below her god.
• This brand of tough love will end in one of two ways: someone passes theirTest of Spiritand is back in 'motion' or they fail and, as a result, their energy returns to the universe so that another lifeform might make better use of it.[1][2][16]
• Indigenous creatures from their home isles are used as religious symbols in the same fashion Christianity uses lambs and doves.[18]They always share food with guests (especially fruit) but eating without offering to share is a huge insult and an overt threat in their eyes.[19]
• They always share food with guests (especially fruit) but eating without offering to share is a huge insult and an overt threat in their eyes.[19]
• "Is what I'm doing god's will?" Is something she struggles with. That is her test of faith. She absolutely knows her god exists (in a way we cant). But is she doing what it wants? Is she serving its will? That is something her faith must bear. Nagakabouros doesn't give out bibles, or hard rules. It demands you to be self aware, emotionally present, and iron willed. Her faith requires you to approach you're own subconscious with simultaneous questioning doubt and total certainty.[21]
• She hits people with Nagakabouros idol (which she is stepping in in her splash art) too. For her and her religion it's a useful thing—built to last—objects and symbols are to glorify motion—they have no value outside of that. If it breaks it was meant to break and has reached the end of its use.
Change log[]
See also[]
• Bilgewater
• Camavor
• Demacia
• Freljord
• Ionia
• Shadow Isles
• Runeterra
• Journals
• Ruined King (Soundtrack)
• The Ruined King Saga (Universe) | Name: Prophet of an Elder God, Description: Innate: Periodically, Illaoi spawns a Tentacle on the nearest terrain perpendicular to her location, if no other Tentacles are already nearby it. Tentacles fully spawn after a 2 second delay and are untargetable in the meantime. Tentacles are commanded to attack by Illaoi's abilities , dealing 100% − 130% (based on Tentacle Smash's rank) of ( 10 − 180 (based on level) (+ 120% AD) (+ 40% AP) ) physical damage to all enemies struck. Enemies struck by multiple slams within 0. 5 seconds of another, take 50% damage for the second and 25% damage for all other additional slams. Each Tentacle also heals Illaoi for 4. 5 % of her missing health if it hits at least one enemy champion . See Pets for more details about Tentacles ., STATIC COOLDOWN: STATICCOOLDOWN:20 − 7.25(based on level), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Illaoicannot spawnTentacleson ally invulnerablestructures(bug), in addition to neither her nor theVesselbeing able to spawn them inNexus Obelisk'sattack range.Even afterNexus turretshave lost their invulnerability,Illaoistill has issues spawningTentacleson them (probably because of the nearby invulnerableNexus).(bug)", 'Even afterNexus turretshave lost their invulnerability,Illaoistill has issues spawningTentacleson them (probably because of the nearby invulnerableNexus).(bug)', 'Tentacleswill prioritize spawning on map terrain before player-made ones.', "If multipleTentacleshit simultaneously, the received healing is calculated iteratively based on the new amount ofmissinghealth, as per this formula:(maximumhealth\xa0−currenthealth)×\xa0(1\xa0−\xa00.955n), with 'n' the number ofTentaclehits.", 'Heal health ratio changed to3.5%missinghealth.']} | Name: Tentacle Smash, Description: Passive: Tentacle damage is increased. Damage Increase: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30% Active: Illaoi slams down a Tentacle in the target direction., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.Tentacle Smash'shitbox is fixed in front ofIllaoi, while the indicator on the ground is fixed to the targeted direction.", "Tentacle Smash'shitbox is fixed in front ofIllaoi, while the indicator on the ground is fixed to the targeted direction.", 'PENDING FOR TEST:Tentacle Smashvisual indicator of the hitbox is visible to enemies even when cast in the fog of war.', 'Death, unless protected byResurrection', 'Bonus tentacle damage changed to 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25%.']} | Name: Harsh Lesson, Description: Active: Illaoi's next basic attack within 6 seconds gains 225 bonus range and causes her to leap to the target's location if they're beyond her normal basic attack range. The attack deals bonus physical damage , with a minimum threshold, and capped at 300 against non-champions, and commands all Tentacles in range to attack the target. The minimum bonus damage can also be applied against turrets . Bonus Physical Damage: 3 / 3. 5 / 4 / 4. 5 / 5% (+ 4% per 100 AD) of target's maximum health Minimum Physical Damage: 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 Harsh Lesson resets Illaoi's basic attack timer. Harsh Lesson can be activated during Illaoi's other abilities, other than while pulling a Spirit ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'parries': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Thebonusdamage doesn't applylife stealbut it does applyspell vampandOmnivamp.", "Harsh Lessonis made of two different abilities which are decided byIllaoi'srange to the target, being eithermeleeor withindashrange.", "The close range ability:Has anuncancellable windup.Can be used whilegroundedorrooted. IfIllaoiattack commands and then castsHarsh Lessonwhilerooted, she is able to use the close range version within its dash range.(bug)Starting the attack before triggeringGuardian Angel'spassive and hitting while she's in it will not cause theTentaclesto slam.(bug)The attack will still hit if the target becomesuntargetable, but will not if itdies.(bug)Tentacleswill slam if the attack isblocked, but not if it'sdodgedor if itmisses.(bug)Does triggerHail of Blades.TriggersEnergizedeffectson-hit.If the empowered attack duration ends during the attack animation, the attack won't be empowered.(bug)After hitting the target,Illaoican quickly cast other abilities.Abilities cannot be buffered during the windup.PENDING FOR TEST:The attack goes throughspell shields.", 'Has anuncancellable windup.', 'Can be used whilegroundedorrooted. IfIllaoiattack commands and then castsHarsh Lessonwhilerooted, she is able to use the close range version within its dash range.(bug)', "Starting the attack before triggeringGuardian Angel'spassive and hitting while she's in it will not cause theTentaclesto slam.(bug)", 'The attack will still hit if the target becomesuntargetable, but will not if itdies.(bug)', "Tentacleswill slam if the attack isblocked, but not if it'sdodgedor if itmisses.(bug)", 'Does triggerHail of Blades.', 'TriggersEnergizedeffectson-hit.', "If the empowered attack duration ends during the attack animation, the attack won't be empowered.(bug)", 'After hitting the target,Illaoican quickly cast other abilities.', 'Abilities cannot be buffered during the windup.', 'PENDING FOR TEST:The attack goes throughspell shields.', 'The dash range ability:Does not have an uncancellable windup, meaning effects that can interrupt the dash will cancel the attack and put the ability on cooldown.Can be cast but cannot be used whilegroundedorrootedbecauseIllaoiloses thebonusattack range.The attack will not hit if the target becomesuntargetable, but does hit if itdies.(bug)Tentacleswill slam if the attack isdodged,blockedor if itmisses.Does not triggerHail of Blades.(bug)TriggersEnergizedeffects during the jump.(bug)Having enough attack speed will perform an unusual dunk.(bug)If the empowered attack duration ends during the dash, the buff will linger until the attack has finished.After hitting the target,Illaoihas a short delay before she can cast other abilities.(bug)Abilities can be buffered during the windup.The attack goes throughspell shields, but also triggers them.(bug)', 'Does not have an uncancellable windup, meaning effects that can interrupt the dash will cancel the attack and put the ability on cooldown.', 'Can be cast but cannot be used whilegroundedorrootedbecauseIllaoiloses thebonusattack range.', 'The attack will not hit if the target becomesuntargetable, but does hit if itdies.(bug)', 'Tentacleswill slam if the attack isdodged,blockedor if itmisses.', 'Does not triggerHail of Blades.(bug)', 'TriggersEnergizedeffects during the jump.(bug)', 'Having enough attack speed will perform an unusual dunk.(bug)', 'If the empowered attack duration ends during the dash, the buff will linger until the attack has finished.', 'After hitting the target,Illaoihas a short delay before she can cast other abilities.(bug)Abilities can be buffered during the windup.', 'Abilities can be buffered during the windup.', 'The attack goes throughspell shields, but also triggers them.(bug)', 'If the target dies at the instantHarsh Lessonis about to hit the target, the attack will hit, be consumed, but will not make theTentaclesslam.(bug)', 'TheTentacleattacking because ofHarsh Lessonis considered to be of the samecast instance, and thus will not grant additional stacks ofConqueror,Electrocute,Phase RushandTribute.(bug)', 'Harsh LessontriggersBone Platingand one of its plates with the same attack.(bug)It also triggersArcane Cometand reduces its cooldown twice.', 'It also triggersArcane Cometand reduces its cooldown twice.', 'Attack moving while chargingHexflashwill delay the attack.']} | Name: Test of Spirit, Description: Active: Illaoi launches a tendril in the target direction that stops at the first enemy hit, pulling their Spirit out in front of Illaoi over 0. 75 seconds if they're a champion . The target is tethered to the Spirit for 7 seconds , revealing them in addition to granting sight of the area around them while the tether remains. The Spirit spawns with the target's current health , armor and magic resist , and redirects a portion of the pre-mitigation damage received to the tethered champion. Damage Transmission: 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45% (+ 8% per 100 AD) When the Spirit is killed or the target leaves tether range, the tether is severed, marking the target as a Vessel for 10 seconds and slowing them by 80% for 1. 5 seconds once the tether returns back to them. Each Tentacle autonomously attacks the closest Vessel or Spirit , prioritizing the latter, once every 5. 5 / 4. 5 / 3. 5 (based on level) seconds. Enemies made a Vessel also spawn a Tentacle near themselves every 5 / 4 / 3 (based on level) seconds. Tentacles can spawn 250 units closer to each other than when spawned by Illaoi . Illaoi is unable to act while firing the projectile and while the target's Spirit is being pulled. Illaoi cannot cast Test of Spirit again until the Spirit dies. Vessels can dispel the debuff by scoring a takedown against Illaoi . Link ▶️ "Take back your spirit.", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical/Magic/True(Redirected damage)', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Spiritsare classified asclones:Spiritscan only be fully targeted byIllaoi'steam and neutral monsters. TheSpirit'sallies cannot manually select it as a valid target for spells and abilities, but they can still do so with automatically targetted effects.(bug)Spiritstake 50% damage fromturrets.(bug)Spiritscannot behealednorshielded(Summon Aeryexcluded(bug)).TheSpiritlevels up when theVesseldoes, gaining the target's stats per level. If the target has a resource that also increases per level (i.emana), theSpirit'slifetime will increase instead.(bug)", "Spiritscan only be fully targeted byIllaoi'steam and neutral monsters. TheSpirit'sallies cannot manually select it as a valid target for spells and abilities, but they can still do so with automatically targetted effects.(bug)", 'Spiritstake 50% damage fromturrets.(bug)', 'Spiritscannot behealednorshielded(Summon Aeryexcluded(bug)).', "TheSpiritlevels up when theVesseldoes, gaining the target's stats per level. If the target has a resource that also increases per level (i.emana), theSpirit'slifetime will increase instead.(bug)", "TheSpirit'sdestination is decided based onIllaoi'sposition and facing direction when the target is hit.", "TheSpiritisuntargetablewhile it is being pulled, and spawns with the tethered champion's default model and size.TheSpirit'slifetime is sometimes 0.25seconds longer, while itsuntargetabilityis sometimes shorter, causingTentaclesto hit an inconsistent amount of times.", "TheSpirit'slifetime is sometimes 0.25seconds longer, while itsuntargetabilityis sometimes shorter, causingTentaclesto hit an inconsistent amount of times.", "Redirected damage is calculated by taking the pre-mitigation damage against theSpirit, applyingTest of Spirit'sdamage modifier, and then capping it to theSpirit'scurrenthealth. This damage will then be affected by damage modifiers (resistances and other effects) of theVessel.This order of operations allowsTest of Spiritto deal more or less percentage of theVessel'shealththan would be expected:Because theSpirit'smodifiers can be different from theVessel's, and the damage being pre-mitigated, allowing theSpiritto have higher or lowereffective health, respectively increasing or decreasing the maximum achievable damage from killing it.Because the cap is supposed to block excess damage over theSpirit'scurrenthealth, which does not reliably do so or does too well, depending on whether theSpirit'sdamage modifier is higher thanTest of Spirit'sor not, respectively. This causes an increasing difference of damage when the pre-mitigated damage is betweenSpirit current health\xa0÷\xa0SpiritmodandSpirit current health\xa0÷\xa0Emod.(bug)To fix this case, pre-mitigated damage would need to be capped at the amount that kills theSpirit, and only then haveTest of Spirit'sdamage modifier apply.Illaoineeds937.5/ 875 / 812.5/ 750 / 687.5totalADto reach 100% redirected damage. As per above, the damage is still dependent on theSpirit'sandVessel'sdamage modifiers and may not always be able to deal 100% of the target'scurrenthealth as total redirected damage.", "This order of operations allowsTest of Spiritto deal more or less percentage of theVessel'shealththan would be expected:Because theSpirit'smodifiers can be different from theVessel's, and the damage being pre-mitigated, allowing theSpiritto have higher or lowereffective health, respectively increasing or decreasing the maximum achievable damage from killing it.Because the cap is supposed to block excess damage over theSpirit'scurrenthealth, which does not reliably do so or does too well, depending on whether theSpirit'sdamage modifier is higher thanTest of Spirit'sor not, respectively. This causes an increasing difference of damage when the pre-mitigated damage is betweenSpirit current health\xa0÷\xa0SpiritmodandSpirit current health\xa0÷\xa0Emod.(bug)To fix this case, pre-mitigated damage would need to be capped at the amount that kills theSpirit, and only then haveTest of Spirit'sdamage modifier apply.", "Because theSpirit'smodifiers can be different from theVessel's, and the damage being pre-mitigated, allowing theSpiritto have higher or lowereffective health, respectively increasing or decreasing the maximum achievable damage from killing it.", "Because the cap is supposed to block excess damage over theSpirit'scurrenthealth, which does not reliably do so or does too well, depending on whether theSpirit'sdamage modifier is higher thanTest of Spirit'sor not, respectively. This causes an increasing difference of damage when the pre-mitigated damage is betweenSpirit current health\xa0÷\xa0SpiritmodandSpirit current health\xa0÷\xa0Emod.(bug)To fix this case, pre-mitigated damage would need to be capped at the amount that kills theSpirit, and only then haveTest of Spirit'sdamage modifier apply.", "To fix this case, pre-mitigated damage would need to be capped at the amount that kills theSpirit, and only then haveTest of Spirit'sdamage modifier apply.", "Illaoineeds937.5/ 875 / 812.5/ 750 / 687.5totalADto reach 100% redirected damage. As per above, the damage is still dependent on theSpirit'sandVessel'sdamage modifiers and may not always be able to deal 100% of the target'scurrenthealth as total redirected damage.", 'Spell shieldsmay only prevent the initial spirit grab and theslowupon becoming aVessel.Spell shieldswill not prevent becoming aVesselorTentaclesfrom attacking.', "The tendril can be blocked by abilities such asYasuo'sWind Wall, but the returning tether slow cannot, even if it can otherwise bedestroyedby effects that can do so (i.euntargetability).The tether slow will not be fired if the target is alreadyuntargetablewhen theSpiritdies.", 'The tether slow will not be fired if the target is alreadyuntargetablewhen theSpiritdies.', "The spirit pull is not considered acrowd controleffect and will not be blocked bycrowd control immunity, with the exception ofMorgana'sBlack Shield.(bug)", "The projectile tentacle model is linked toIllaoi'smodel animation and size. However gameplay wise it is not, thus the actual hitbox being different than the position, width and length of the visible model.(bug)The model will stop mid-air / vanish ifIllaoigoes intostasis,sleeporairborne, however the actual hitbox will continue its trajectory unseen.PENDING FOR TEST:The projectile is however seen by enemies ifIllaoiis notvisible.", 'The model will stop mid-air / vanish ifIllaoigoes intostasis,sleeporairborne, however the actual hitbox will continue its trajectory unseen.', 'PENDING FOR TEST:The projectile is however seen by enemies ifIllaoiis notvisible.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.And will fire towards the same pointed location.', 'And will fire towards the same pointed location.', "Grabbing theSpiritof a champion before it goes intoresurrectionviaChronoshiftorGuardian Angelwill spawn theSpiritwith 0 health, making itinvulnerable.(bug)The same does not happen with otherresurrectioneffects (i.eKarthus'Death Defied) since they leave the champion with more than 0 health.", "The same does not happen with otherresurrectioneffects (i.eKarthus'Death Defied) since they leave the champion with more than 0 health.", 'PENDING FOR TEST:Grabbing theSpiritof anOathswornwill make theSpiritinvisible.(bug)', "Illaoiis the only one able to see who's beenVesseled, by adding a layer of watery effects on their model. TheVesselwill also be let known it's debuffed, by having a layer of watery effects on its screen instead.If the target becomes aVesselwhilevanished, the layer on their model will fail to be added.(bug)", 'If the target becomes aVesselwhilevanished, the layer on their model will fail to be added.(bug)', "TheVesselstatus effect is a debuff that doesn'tpersist through death.", 'If the target is made aVesselwhileresurrecting, they will not revive as aVessel.', 'Runes consider theSpiritas a champion for their effects and stat-tracking.(bug)Tentaclesdamage withFirst Strikeonly reflects double bonus damage, not taking into account actual damage done to theSpirit(e.g ifFirst Strikewould deal 3 bonus damage, what would get reflected is 6 damage).(bug)', 'Tentaclesdamage withFirst Strikeonly reflects double bonus damage, not taking into account actual damage done to theSpirit(e.g ifFirst Strikewould deal 3 bonus damage, what would get reflected is 6 damage).(bug)', "Transferred damage will apply on-damage effects, such asBlack Cleaver,Morellonomicon,Executioner's Calling,Riftmaker,Aspect of the Dragonburn damage.Redirected damage always counts as single target for the purpose ofOmnivamp.TheSpiritwill also redirect thebonusdamage dealt byRiftmakerandAspect of the Dragon, effectively double diping their damage to theVessel. In particular,Riftmakeralso further increases its own redirected damage, granting an additional 0.81%bonusdamage at full stacks, for a total of 18.81%.Transferred damage will not doubly apply on-hit or on-spell effects versus the target (e.g.Liandry's Anguish,Phase Rushstacks). These effects are only applied versus theSpirit.Attacking theVesseland itsSpiritsimultaneously will only apply one stack ofBlack Cleaverto theVessel.(bug)", 'Redirected damage always counts as single target for the purpose ofOmnivamp.', 'TheSpiritwill also redirect thebonusdamage dealt byRiftmakerandAspect of the Dragon, effectively double diping their damage to theVessel. In particular,Riftmakeralso further increases its own redirected damage, granting an additional 0.81%bonusdamage at full stacks, for a total of 18.81%.', "Transferred damage will not doubly apply on-hit or on-spell effects versus the target (e.g.Liandry's Anguish,Phase Rushstacks). These effects are only applied versus theSpirit.", 'Attacking theVesseland itsSpiritsimultaneously will only apply one stack ofBlack Cleaverto theVessel.(bug)', "When the tether is broken (whether theSpirit'slifetime ran out or the target moved out of range), theSpiritwillvanishand move toIllaoi'slocation.Anuncancellable windupattack may still kill theSpiritafter itvanishedto grant the gold, but without making the target aVessel.", 'Anuncancellable windupattack may still kill theSpiritafter itvanishedto grant the gold, but without making the target aVessel.', "TheSpiritis immune tostasis(i.e.Bard'sTempered Fate).", "Fiora'sRipostecan be used to prevent becoming aVesselif used before theSpiritis killed or while leaving the tether's range.", "Sion'sSpiritcannot be spawned duringGlory in Death.Spiritscreated beforeSion'szombie statewill remain active.", 'If the target that had itsSpiritpulled from them is taken into theRealm of Death, the tether will break, but they will not be made into aVessel.', "IfIllaoihasCrown of the Shattered Queen'sSafeguard, theSpiritwill gainSafeguard'seffects.(bug)", "The following table refers for interactions whileIllaoiis firing the projectile and while the target'sSpiritis being pulled:", 'Death']} | Name: Leap of Faith, Description: Active: Illaoi gains displacement immunity and leaps into the air for the cast time. She then slams her idol into the ground, dealing physical damage to nearby enemies. For each enemy champion hit, a Tentacle is summoned for 8 seconds (up to a maximum of 6 summons). Physical Damage: 150 / 250 / 350 (+ 50% bonus AD) For the duration, Harsh Lesson's cooldown is halved, all Tentacles awakened by Illaoi are untargetable , will not show their hitboxes, nor go dormant, and will take half the amount of time to make an attack. This however does not affect the Tentacle attack from Tentacle Smash . Link ▶️ "There are kind and gentle gods. Mine isn't one of those.", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', "Illaoispawns theTentacle700 range away from her, unless there's a natural wall blocking the way making theTentaclespawn on it, with an angle relative to the direction she's facing.1+ champions: oneTentacleat 0 degrees. (towardsIllaoi'sfacing direction)2+ champions: oneTentacleat 60 degrees.3+ champions: oneTentacleat 300 degrees.4+ champions: oneTentacleat 120 degrees.5+ champions: oneTentacleat 240 degrees.6+ champions: oneTentacleat 180 degrees.Tentaclesmay spawn on base barriers. IfIllaoiis in the center of a base barrier, allTentacleswill spawn in the same position and stack over each other, making it appear as if there was only oneTentacle.Illaoi'sfacing direction is decided by the position of the cursor on cast, but can also be changed mid-cast through other effects, such asFlash.If there are no walls nearby, spawning the lastTentaclewill form a perfect hexagon.", "1+ champions: oneTentacleat 0 degrees. (towardsIllaoi'sfacing direction)", '2+ champions: oneTentacleat 60 degrees.', '3+ champions: oneTentacleat 300 degrees.', '4+ champions: oneTentacleat 120 degrees.', '5+ champions: oneTentacleat 240 degrees.', '6+ champions: oneTentacleat 180 degrees.', 'Tentaclesmay spawn on base barriers. IfIllaoiis in the center of a base barrier, allTentacleswill spawn in the same position and stack over each other, making it appear as if there was only oneTentacle.', "Illaoi'sfacing direction is decided by the position of the cursor on cast, but can also be changed mid-cast through other effects, such asFlash.", 'If there are no walls nearby, spawning the lastTentaclewill form a perfect hexagon.', "Spell shieldswill block the ability's damage but will not preventTentaclesfrom spawning.", "IfIllaoidieswithin 0.25seconds of dropping down, she will spawn buffedTentacles, but she won't manage in time to buff the already spawned ones.(bug)", 'IfIllaoiis near aTentaclethat is about to spawn, it will spawn buffed byLeap of Faitheven ifIllaoiis no longer nearby.', 'UsingHarsh LessonafterIllaoidrops down will commandTentaclesto instantly attack, regardless if they were already attacking. Their old attack will keep on going and will hit while the second attack is on its animation attack.(bug)This makes it possible for the same tentacle to reduce its own damage by having the second attack hit too fast, which is not otherwise possible.', 'This makes it possible for the same tentacle to reduce its own damage by having the second attack hit too fast, which is not otherwise possible.', "UsingHarsh Lessonan instant beforeLeap of Faith'sbuff finishes will delay theTentacle'sattack.(bug)"]} | Illaoi has the 2nd highest level 18baseattack damage(153), behindMega Gnar.
Illaoi as a whole might have been influenced byAtlantis: The Lost Empire.
She is the only champion who can summon an enemy unit (Vessel).
Zoologically, Illaoi is actually summoningarmsrather than tentacles, the latter of which have suckers only at the tip. |
Irelia,the Blade Dancer,Xan Irelia | | | health: Health590+124, resource: Mana350+50, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)8.5+0.85, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)8+0.8, armor: Armor36+4.7, attack damage: Attack damage65+4, attack speed: Base AS0.656, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius100, release: 2010-11-16, changed: V12.16, role: Diver, position: TopMiddle, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 3150|790 | Games
IreliaMainCurrentArmoredSentinelYoungTitlesReal nameXan IreliaNickname(s)Blade-witch5Elder's favorite studentAlias(es)The Blade DancerThe Defiant BladeCaptain IreliaCharacteristicsSpeciesHuman(Magical)Pronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:972 ANWeapon(s)Xan Crest BladesBlade Silk DanceRelic Stone BladesPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originNavori,IoniaCurrent residenceNavori,IoniaFamilyXan Lito†(Father)Unnamed Mother†Xan Zelos†(Brother)Xan Kye†(Brother)Xan Ohn†(Brother)Xan Ruu†(Brother)O-ma†(Grandmother)Professional statusOccupation(s)Ionian Guard CaptainDefender of the First LandsSilk DancerSentinel of LightRegion(s)IoniaFaction(s)Xan HouseSentinels of LightRelated character(s)SwainKarmaSingedSyndraSionAkaliKennenYasuoViegoLucianSennaAkshanGravesGwenOlafVayneRivenDianaPykeRengar
• Main
• Current
• Armored
• Sentinel
• Young
Real name
• Blade-witch
• 5Elder's favorite student
• The Blade Dancer
• The Defiant Blade
• Captain Irelia
• Born:972 AN
• Xan Crest Blades
• Blade Silk Dance
• Relic Stone Blades
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Xan Lito†(Father)
• Unnamed Mother†
• Xan Zelos†(Brother)
• Xan Kye†(Brother)
• Xan Ohn†(Brother)
• Xan Ruu†(Brother)
• O-ma†(Grandmother)
Professional status
• Ionian Guard Captain
• Defender of the First Lands
• Silk Dancer
• Sentinel of Light
• Xan House
• Sentinels of Light
Related character(s)
TheNoxianoccupation ofIoniaproduced many heroes, none more unlikely than youngIreliaofNavori. Trained in the ancient dances of her province, she adapted her art for war, using the graceful and carefully practised movements to levitate a host of deadly blades. After proving herself as a fighter, she was thrust into the role of resistance leader and figurehead, and to this day remains dedicated to the preservation of her homeland.
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2Rise of the Sentinels
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Swain5.2Riven5.3Sona5.4Ionians5.5Liana
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2Rise of the Sentinels
• 5.1Swain
• 5.2Riven
• 5.3Sona
• 5.4Ionians
• 5.5Liana
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early life[]
When she was young, she was fascinated by the grace and beauty of human movement. Under her grandmother’s tutelage, she learned the traditional silk dances of her province—though she was dubious of their supposedly mystical connection to the Spirit of Ionia, Irelia’s love for the dances was real. Seeking to master the art, she eventually left home to study with some of Ionia’s most respected performers at the Placidium of Navori.
Irelia’s people were peaceful and sought harmony with their neighbors, but rumors of foreign invaders sighted off the coast unsettled many at the Placidium. Irelia returned to her village to find it already occupied, with steel-helmed soldiers from distant Noxus shoving unarmed civilians through the streets with the butts of their spears. The Noxian Admiral Duqal had seized the Xan home to quarter his fleet officers.
Irelia’s brothers and her father Lito had evidently protested; her entire family now lay in unmarked graves, in the gardens.
Ravaged by grief, the young girl saw Duqal’s men hauling valuables from the house. Among the loot was a large metal crest, depicting the Xan family emblem. Irelia raced to it, wrenching it from Noxian hands. The admiral himself hurled her to the ground, and had his warriors shatter the crest with a heavy iron maul, before ordering them to dig a fresh grave for this upstart child.
As they surrounded her, Irelia averted her eyes, looking to the pieces of the Xan crest scattered on the ground. From deep within her soul, she felt a strange rhythm begin to beat. The shards of metal began to twitch, to twist, moving seemingly on their own, and Irelia felt the serene joy of the ancient dances once more...
With a sweep of her arm, she sent the pieces flying like ragged blades, cutting clean through two of the Noxians. As Duqal and his officers reeled in shock, Irelia snatched up the shards of her crest, and fled the village.
In the quiet forests beyond, Irelia mourned her family, and thought back to her grandmother’s teachings. She realized that the techniques she had learned were more than mere dances—they were a powerful expression of something far greater.
The Noxian occupation soon began to test the fragile peace of the First Lands. It was said that even the religious leader Karma had been forced to strike back at the invaders with deadly magic, though her followers had now withdrawn to the Lasting Altar and would not condone any further violence. Across Navori, dissenting voices began to band together. A resistance was forming, one that would not rest until Ionia was free once more. Irelia joined their ranks, performing her cherished dances for them in the woodland camps, to preserve some vestige of their vanishing culture.
She was barely fourteen years old when she found herself back at the Placidium. Her band of resistance fighters joined the militia who had sworn to guard the monasteries and wild, sacred gardens.
But Noxus knew only too well what this place represented. A particularly cunning general named Jericho Swain captured the Placidium and took its defenders hostage, hoping to lure the inevitable reinforcements into a trap.
It was in this moment that Irelia rose to meet her destiny. Freed from her bonds, she unleashed the full potential of her ancient blade dance, lashing out with graceful zeal. A dozen of Swain’s veterans fell, sowing chaos in their ranks as the other captives joined her, before she struck down the general himself—the sight of this rebellious girl hefting his severed arm over her head would be the turning point of the war.
This victory, the Great Stand at Navori, ensured that everyone in Ionia knew the name of Xan Irelia, and looked to her for leadership. Reluctantly, she led the growing resistance for almost three years of grueling battle before her triumph at Dalu Bay. There, she finally cornered the defeated Admiral Duqal, and exacted the vengeance she had sought for so long.
Though the war has long since ended, Ionia has been permanently changed by it. The First Lands are now divided, with rival factions fighting each other almost as bitterly as they did the Noxians. Many continue to look to Irelia for answers but, while others might welcome such power, Irelia remains uneasy with it.
At heart, she still yearns only to dance alone.
Rise of the Sentinels[]
Irelia is a slender, pale-skinned woman with long dark hair up to the hips and sea green eyes . Her robes are a mix of elegant robes and battle attire with a distinctive palette of red, pink, black and silver. The most characteristic ornaments of her attire are the silver diadem on her head. She also has several1silver bladesthat float around it.
Irelia is a passionate, protective and very fond of dance individual who dedicates herself to the protection of Ionia. She believes that brute force is needed to properly defend Ionia from the likes of Noxus, hence why she considers alliances with Zed and his shadow assassins due to their similar beliefs. She also demonstrates a kind and caring persona to those close to her, such as the Blossoming Blade, whom she has a soft spot for.
Despite her uptight and serious demeanour, however, Irelia also displays a level of sarcasm at her opponents, evidenced by her comments on Garen's fighting technique and his habit of yelling his country's name in battle.
• Spiritualist:Irelia has a deep connection to the Spirit Realm, created through meditation and spiritual pratices, allowing her to sense the influences of the Spirit Realm, and use it's magic for several purposes. Irelia has nurtured that connection with the pratice of the dancing arts of her people.Blade Silk Dance:Irelia has been trained in the tradicional dances of her people. More than simple exercises of artistic expression, these dances connect the dancer to the Spirit Realm, allowing it's power to flow through them.Telekinesis:By dancing, Irelia can levitate her Crests Blades through dancing to use them in combat. It's unknown if she levitate objects without dancing, or levitate other objects besides her Blades.
• Blade Silk Dance:Irelia has been trained in the tradicional dances of her people. More than simple exercises of artistic expression, these dances connect the dancer to the Spirit Realm, allowing it's power to flow through them.Telekinesis:By dancing, Irelia can levitate her Crests Blades through dancing to use them in combat. It's unknown if she levitate objects without dancing, or levitate other objects besides her Blades.
• Telekinesis:By dancing, Irelia can levitate her Crests Blades through dancing to use them in combat. It's unknown if she levitate objects without dancing, or levitate other objects besides her Blades.
Irelia cut offSwain'sarm which resulted in him contacting and taming a demon of secrets named Raum and then become the Grand General of Noxus, for such reason he is somewhat grateful for her action.
Irelia was heavily antagonistic towardsRiven, due to her past actions during the Noxian Invasion, but grew to respect her during their time together as Sentinels of Light.
Sona'sin-game voice lines suggest she and Irelia met at some point when she returned to Ionia.
TheIonianresistance led by Irelia in the war was later sprung into different groups with different ideologies, including theNavori Brotherhoodand the Navovi Militia. The Brotherhood in particular became more aggressive when she wasn't the hardcore leader they needed and has tried to kill her multiple times.[1]
Irelia dislikes those with more pacifist attitude likeKarmaandIvernor those who do not protect their homeland like theKinkou Ordersince in her belief it would only lead to the fall of Ionia. She may also be willing to side with Ionian extremists likeZed,his orderand even theNavori Brotherhoodif necessary despite not approving their method.[2]
As told inLegends of Runeterra, her resistance force include peasants of Ionia, musicians and dancers. Among those, Irelia appears to have the most intimate relationship with5Liana.
Read More
The Blade Dancer
ByJohn O'Bryan
Starring Champion
Music Video
By Numerous creators
A deadly masterpiece unfolds. A lone resistance made whole. A chance to come alive.
Rise of the Sentinels
ByJohn O'Bryan
Black Mist pours across Runeterra, enthralling its champions and shrouding the continent in darkness. If the last Sentinels are going to save Runeterra, they're going to need all the help they can get. And that meansyouRookie!
Starring:Akshan,Diana,Draven,Graves,Gwen,Irelia,Isolde,Karma,Lucian,Miss Fortune,Olaf,Pantheon,Pyke,Rengar,Riven,Senna,Shyvana,Thresh,Vayne,Vex,Viego,Yorick
Short Story • 5 Minute Read
Stains on a Name
ByJohn O'Bryan
I believed in you, Blade Dancer!' the man choked, his lips frothing red. 'You showed us the path…'
Steadfast Heart: Issue 4
ByIan St. Martin
Tension brews as the Sentinels recruit more allies and prepare to take on the Ruined King. Can this motley crew win this fight?
Steadfast Heart: Issue 6
ByIan St. Martin
The final showdown between Light and Darkness - the fate of Runeterra lies in the balance!
The Defiant Blade
A decade after the Battle of the Placidium, Ionia honors the young woman who inspired a revolution.
Mentioned Champion
Guardians of the Ancient (Video)
Runeterra is in turmoil! Noxian warships set sail for Ionia’s shores. But all is not lost. Heroes will rise. Fates will change.
The Noxian Grand General
ByDavid Slagle
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill,Irelia,LeBlanc
Short Story • 17 Minute Read
The Principles of Strength
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
My name is Alyssa Roshka Gloriana val-Lokan. For almost two millennia, my ancestors ruled the Delverhold as kings.
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Alternate Universes
Dominion (Video)
Starring:Cassiopeia,Irelia,Jarvan IV,Lux,Malphite,Miss Fortune,Mordekaiser,Ryze,Swain,Teemo
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
ByInstitute of War
The truest opponent lies within.
Starring:Boram Darkwill,Brand,Caitlyn,Cassiopeia,Galio,Graves,Irelia,Jarvan IV,Karma,LeBlanc,Lee Sin,Leona,Lux,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nocturne,Orianna,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Skarner,Sona,Swain,Talon,Trundle,Urgot,Varus,Vayne,Vladimir,Wukong,Xerath,Xin Zhao,Yorick
A band of cybernetic castoffs plans to infiltrate The City to destroy the entity that created—and then abandoned—them: the PROJECT Corporation.
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Destroy your doubt, face the future.
The Blade Dancer: Issue 1
The Blade Dancer: Issue 2
The Blade Dancer: Issue 3
The Blade Dancer: Issue 4
The Blade-Dancing Immortal
By Numerous creators
Tournament of Souls: Wild Rift Edition
ByKristina Atanasoski
Be careful what you wish for—and what youfightfor. Draven entered the Tournament of Souls to make a name for himself, but when the results don't live up to expectations, it's time for some quiet introspection. ...Aww, who are we kidding?! It's time to double down and carve through the competition! Join Draven on his winding path to glory in the League of Legends: Wild Rift's Soul Fighter Event!
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Music Video
Coming Alive
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In the fight of a lifetime, you may get knocked down. But never knocked out.
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Immortal Journey Cinematic
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Short Story
The Heist
ByRiot Paradox
The Roadtrip
ByCassie Parkes,Marvin Clifford
Mentioned:Ahri,Ashe,Azir,Bard,Braum,Darius,Fiddlesticks,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Irelia,Jinx,Kalista,Katarina,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Lulu,Master Yi,Nami,Poppy,Rakan,Shaco,Sona,Swain,Taric,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Varus,Xayah,Yasuo,Zilean
Music Video
Worlds Collide
By Numerous creators
Two teams have risen above their peers. Ten warriors have laid claim to the Summoner’s Cup. Five champions will etch their names in history.
Starring: N/A
• Ireliais the feminine version of obscure Latin nameIrelius, possibly diminutive ofira"wrath".
• Irelia mentions and names her entire family, whom were slaughtered during the Noxian invasion. This being her mother, father Lito, O-ma (Grandmother) and her siblings Zelos, Kye, Ohn and Ruu.Kaiis a common Navorian name with many variants, so Irelia's deceased brother Kye is not the sameKailiving withinVarus.[3]
• The blades that she wield come from a prized emblem of her household that was smashed by Noxian soldiers. Now, after all the events of the war and everything she's done, it is also the symbol for an Ionia that will not bow. It's become her medal/Mantle of Decorum, but is also her weapon.[4]
• Irelia is 24 years old.Young Irelia was just 14 years old when a Noxian Warhost lead by none other thanGeneral Swain, successfully attacked and captured the Placidium of Navori. Swain intended to use the captive villagers to lure Ionian reinforcements into his laid-out ambush, yet Irelia broke free & counter-attacked, killing Swain's veterans & dignitaries as well as severing his left arm, scoring, against overwhelming odds, a strategic victory that'd ultimately turn the tide against Noxian invaders.
• Irelia's favourite soup is pickled lotus.
• Kaiis a common Navorian name with many variants, so Irelia's deceased brother Kye is not the sameKailiving withinVarus.[3]
• Young Irelia was just 14 years old when a Noxian Warhost lead by none other thanGeneral Swain, successfully attacked and captured the Placidium of Navori. Swain intended to use the captive villagers to lure Ionian reinforcements into his laid-out ambush, yet Irelia broke free & counter-attacked, killing Swain's veterans & dignitaries as well as severing his left arm, scoring, against overwhelming odds, a strategic victory that'd ultimately turn the tide against Noxian invaders.
• WhenNoxusinvadedIoniait wasSorakawho saved Irelia from the brink of death.As a result, Irelia awakened her ability to control her father Master Lito's blade.
• Rick 'ricklessabandon' Maher once described Irelia as aLichand her blade as herPhylactery.According to this,Sorakabound Irelia's soul to her blade, meaning Irelia would die for good if her blades were destroyed.
• The Art of Hiten was a blade style developed by the famed swordsman Master Lito. His art was a highly guarded secret, but it was said that swords would breathe in his grasp. When Master Lito died, his daughter inherited the Hiten style. Irelia has since taken the art form to new heights as she is capable of telekinetically commanding multiple blades.
• Irelia wore a "Mantle of Decorum" on her back, which is the highest decoration an Ionian can receive (Karmahas one).
• As a result, Irelia awakened her ability to control her father Master Lito's blade.
• According to this,Sorakabound Irelia's soul to her blade, meaning Irelia would die for good if her blades were destroyed.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Ionian Fervor, Description: Innate: Irelia generates a stack of Ionian Fervor for each enemy champion hit by her abilities , or if she hits at least one non-champion, lasting for 6 seconds, refreshing on basic attacks and ability hits against enemy champions and large monsters , and stacking up to 4 times. Ionian Fervor: For each stack, Irelia gains 7. 5 % − 20% (based on level) bonus attack speed , up to a maximum of 30% − 80% (based on level) . At maximum stacks, Irelia's basic attacks are empowered to deal 10 − 61 (based on level) (+ 20% bonus AD) bonus magic damage on-hit . Innate - Unsteady: Enemy champions and large monsters hit by Flawless Duet and Vanguard's Edge's initial barrage are marked as Unsteady for 5 seconds. The mark can be consumed by Bladesurge ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'parries': 'Missing', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'The attacks do not deal thebonusdamage againststructures.', 'PENDING FOR TEST:: Parry interactions (block,dodge, andblind).']} | Name: Bladesurge, Description: Active: Irelia dashes 100 units through the target enemy's location, and upon collision or dash completion, she deals physical damage , applies on-hit effects, and heals herself. Bladesurge deals 55 − 259 (based on level) bonus physical damage to minions . Physical Damage: 5 / 25 / 45 / 65 / 85 (+ 60% AD) Heal: 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13% AD Bladesurge's current cooldown is reduced to 0. 2 seconds upon collision of targets marked as Unsteady , and is reset if the target dies to or during Bladesurge's dash. Flawless Duet can be cast during the dash., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Bladesurgewill be buffered and cast when the cooldown ends or is reset if the player attempts to cast it within 0.5seconds of the cooldown ending/resetting.', 'Bladesurgedealsbasic damage, but also triggers spell effects by dealing an additional 0spell damage.', "If the target dies duringBladesurge'sdash,Ireliamay cast her other abilities during the dash.", 'If the target dies toBladesurgeand was alsomarked, the cooldown is still fully refunded.', 'Bladesurgewill only allowIreliato dash through walls if there is enough space for her on the other side.', 'Bladesurgedeals its damage and consumesmarkswhenIreliacollides with the target, or at the end of the dash if the target moves away.Bladesurgewill not deal damage if thedashisinterruptedbeforehand.The damage will be dealt if the target is in collision range when the dash is interrupted however.Flashwill interrupt thedashbutIreliawill still collide with and deal damage to her target if the blink leaves her in contact with it at the new location.Ireliawill complete her remaining dash distance even if the damage is dealt earlier.If the target isuntargetable,Bladesurgewill instead deals its damage at the end of the dash, rather than on collision.', 'Bladesurgewill not deal damage if thedashisinterruptedbeforehand.The damage will be dealt if the target is in collision range when the dash is interrupted however.Flashwill interrupt thedashbutIreliawill still collide with and deal damage to her target if the blink leaves her in contact with it at the new location.', 'The damage will be dealt if the target is in collision range when the dash is interrupted however.', 'Flashwill interrupt thedashbutIreliawill still collide with and deal damage to her target if the blink leaves her in contact with it at the new location.', 'Ireliawill complete her remaining dash distance even if the damage is dealt earlier.', 'If the target isuntargetable,Bladesurgewill instead deals its damage at the end of the dash, rather than on collision.']} | Name: Defiant Dance, Description: Active: Irelia charges for up to 1. 5 seconds, during which she increases Defiant Dance's damage over the first 0. 75 seconds of the channel and reduces incoming physical damage by 40% − 70% (based on level) (+ 7% per 100 AP) and incoming magic damage by 20% − 35% (based on level) (+ 3. 5 % per 100 AP) . Defiant Dance can be recast within the duration, and does so automatically afterwards. Defiant Dance's charge cannot be interrupted by crowd control . Recast: Irelia swipes her blades in the target direction, dealing physical damage to enemies around her and within a line, increased by 0% − 200% (based on channel time) . She also retains the damage reduction for 0. 5 seconds. Minimum Physical Damage: 10 / 25 / 40 / 55 / 70 (+ 40% AD) (+ 40% AP) Maximum Physical Damage: 30 / 75 / 120 / 165 / 210 (+ 120% AD) (+ 120% AP) Defiant Dance's recast can be used while affected by cast-inhibiting crowd control . If Ionian Fervor would expire during the charge, it will instead refresh every 0. 25 seconds for the remaining charge and be retained for 0. 5 seconds after the recast is initiated., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto/Direction', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Enemies aroundIreliawill be dealt the damage once the recast's cast time ends, while enemies within the line are dealt the damage via a missile that reaches the furthest targets after a0.066secondsdelay after the recast's cast time.", 'Quick Casting utilizes hold-and-release for the two casts.', 'Defiant Dancereaches 100% physical damage reduction at857.14− 428.57(based on level)AP.', 'Defiant Dancereaches 100% magic damage reduction at2285.71− 1857.14(based on level)AP.', 'Defiant Dancewill also recast automatically upon enteringresurrection.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.This refers to the recast.', 'This refers to the recast.', 'The following table refers for interactions whileIreliaischanneling:', 'Death']} | Name: Flawless Duet, Description: Active: Irelia sends a blade to the target location for 3. 5 seconds. Flawless Duet can be recast after 0. 15 seconds while the blade is active, and does so automatically at the end of its duration, though not if she is unable to cast abilities. Recast: Irelia sends a second blade to the target location, or to her current position if Flawless Duet was recast automatically. Once both blades have been placed, they fly toward each other regardless of distance and converge over 0. 25 seconds, afterwards dealing magic damage to all enemies within a line between them and stunning them for 0. 75 seconds, during which they are revealed . Magic Damage: 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260 (+ 80% AP) Flawless Duet's recast can be used during Bladesurge and the cast time of Vanguard's Edge . Each of the blades' travel times are 0. 264 seconds . Flawless Duet will cast at max range if cast beyond that., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Both casts count as an ability activation for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.If the ability is not manually recasted, the secondary effect will trigger and it will be considered as an ability activation. This is the only ability with this interaction in the game.", 'If the ability is not manually recasted, the secondary effect will trigger and it will be considered as an ability activation. This is the only ability with this interaction in the game.', 'Flawless Duetwill recast automatically at its end duringDefiant Dancedespite being disabled.', 'Flawless Duetwill also recast automatically upon enteringresurrection.', "The blades will not stun nor deal damage if they fail to converge (i.eYasuo'sWind Wall).", "Both ofFlawless Duet'scasts will be buffered and cast when their cooldowns end if the player attempts to cast each within 0.3seconds of their cooldown ending."]} | Name: Vanguard's Edge, Description: Passive: Bladesurge's total cooldown is reduced by a flat amount. Flat Cooldown Reduction: 0. 5 / 1. 5 / 2. 5 Active: Irelia launches a barrage of blades in the target direction, expanding outward upon hitting an enemy champion, dealing magic damage to all enemies hit and revealing them for 1 second. Magic Damage: 125 / 250 / 375 (+ 70% AP) After expanding, the blades drop on the ground, knocking all enemy units away from them, though not rendering them airborne , and forming a spade-shaped perimeter around the enemy champion hit for 2. 5 seconds that grants sight of its surroundings. Enemies that pass through the blades for the first time are dealt the same magic damage and are slowed by 90% for 1. 5 seconds. The perimeter will point at the same angle Irelia casted it from, but based on the target's center. Link ▶️ "Ionia calls!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Bladesurge'scooldown reduction applies beforeability haste.", 'Enemies that cross the perimeter arenotmarkedforBladesurge.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'Bladesurgecooldown reduction changed to 1.5/ 2.5/ 3.5.']} | According toKuo-Yen 'Xypherous' Lo, Irelia is based onHimura KenshinfromRurouni Kenshin.[2] |
Ivern,the Green Father,Ivern Bramblefoot | | | health: Health655+99, resource: Mana450+60, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)7+0.85, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)6+0.75, armor: Armor27+4.7, attack damage: Attack damage50+3, attack speed: Base AS0.644, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius70, selection radius: Selection radius140, release: 2016-10-05, changed: V13.22, role: Catcher, position: JungleSupport, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 4800|880 | Missing section(s):
IvernMainCurrentTitlesReal nameIvern BramblefootNickname(s)Tree GuyAlias(es)The Green FatherThe Old WoodsmanFriend of the ForestIvern the CruelCharacteristicsSpeciesHuman(Magically Altered)Pronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:9000 BN - 8000 BNWeapon(s)Nature MagicPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originFreljord(Ancient Times)Ionia(Ancient Times)Current residenceUnknown(No Fixed Abode)FamilyThe Dreaming Tree(Offspring of the God-Willow)Lillia(Offspring of the Dreaming Tree)Pet(s)DaisyProfessional statusOccupation(s)Nature GuardianGod-Willow SuccessorWarriorRegion(s)IoniaFreljordRelated character(s)DaisyLissandraLillia
• Main
• Current
Real name
• The Green Father
• The Old Woodsman
• Friend of the Forest
• Ivern the Cruel
• Born:9000 BN - 8000 BN
Personal status
Place of origin
• Freljord(Ancient Times)
• Ionia(Ancient Times)
Current residence
• The Dreaming Tree(Offspring of the God-Willow)
• Lillia(Offspring of the Dreaming Tree)
Professional status
• Nature Guardian
• God-Willow Successor
• Warrior
• Ionia
• Freljord
Related character(s)
Ivern, known to many as Bramblefoot or the Old Woodsman, is a peculiar half-man, half-tree who roams the wilds ofRuneterra, cultivating life everywhere he goes. He knows all the secrets of the natural world, and holds deep friendships with things that grow, fly, and scuttle. Ivern enriches the forests, imparts strange wisdom to any mortal he meets, and occasionally entrusts loose-lipped butterflies with his secrets.
• 1Background1.1Early Life1.2Reborn as the The Green Father
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early Life
• 1.2Reborn as the The Green Father
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early Life[]
Ivern the Cruel was a renowned warlord of ancientVorrijaard, following the ways of the warlikeold gods, inluding theVolibear, in spite of the newThree Sisters. Though the armies of the Three Sisters was enhanced bydark magicand could not be beaten by any normal means. Ivern and his clan plotted on how best to take down theIceborn, eventually they settled on sailing east, towards where all magic flows from, to harvest said magic for himself. Unbeknownst to them, once they had set sail, they would never be seen in Vorrijaard again.
As Ivern and his tribe landed onIoniaand conquered their way through a dozen coastal settlements, they discovered a sacred grove,Omikayalanor "the Heart of the World". Ivern was attacked by manyVastayans, trying to drive away Ivern and his tribe from their sacred grove, but Ivern continued, slaying anyone who stood in his way. This continued until finally he had arrived at the legendaryGod-Willow, a colossal tree with gossamer leaves, shimmering of gold. He realised this had to be what the Vastaya were trying to protect so he took up his axe and struck down the God-Willow. As the tree fell, Ivern the Cruel disapeared with it.
Reborn as the The Green Father[]
Ivern saw bursts of life from the death and destruction he had caused, and he found it oddly beautiful. As he reflected on himself, he noticed his body had changed; he was taller and with longer limbs, rough with bark and leaves. Suddenly he started hearing the very land around him crying and Ivern felt a sudden rush of remorse and sadness over what he had done. As Ivern cried out in sadness, he noticed that somehow, a unfathomable long time had passed, the world felt new and the sadness and violence he once felt as Ivern the Cruel had disapeared. Ivern was a completely different person now, one who enjoyed communicating with the various flora and fauna, rivers and dirt, developing close friendships with the forest creatures and offering a helping hand where he could. He realised that he now bore the God-Willows legacy, to cultivate and help humanity grow into something beautiful.
Ivern is a thin being, as tall as a tree. Iverns entire body is made out of living wood, with his legs thinning out into roots. His head is made of a pale wood with various moss and mushrooms growing from it. His head spirals outwards into two large portrusions, giving the appearance of two great horns, almost resembling an old Freljordian helmet, a remnant from his former life. From his head, leaves grow in places where his hair would normaly be, giving him a lush beard, pair of eyebrows and a mane of hair behind his horns. On his right arm is a woven gauntlet with various moss and mushrooms growing from it. In his horns, across his roots and in his left arm, rings of gold still remain.
• Magical Alteration:After cutting the God-Willow, Ivern was forcibly turned into a half plant creature.Immortality:Ivern has lived for millenia.Nature Magic:Ivern has been altered by the essence of the God-Willow, granting him many mystical powers over plants and animals. With the ability to commune with the spirits of the land. He can manipulate the growth of plants to his wishes, whether it be for hiding or for immobilizing his foes.
• Immortality:Ivern has lived for millenia.
• Nature Magic:Ivern has been altered by the essence of the God-Willow, granting him many mystical powers over plants and animals. With the ability to commune with the spirits of the land. He can manipulate the growth of plants to his wishes, whether it be for hiding or for immobilizing his foes.
• Ivern sees almost all the forest creatures as friends (not so muchDragon) but he finds theRift Heraldscary.
• As Ivern the Cruel, Ivern once led a rebellion against theFrozen Watchersand theIceborn.He was a worshipper of the most warlike demi-gods, includingVolibear.He came toIoniato search for the power that could defeat the Iceborn led by the Three Sisters, which includeLissandra.
• Ivern has been all overRuneterra, but he has yet to visit the Blessed/Shadow Isles, and is thus unaware ofMaokai'sexistence.
• Bard,Kindred, and Ivern are all familiar with each other on some level.
• He was a worshipper of the most warlike demi-gods, includingVolibear.
• He came toIoniato search for the power that could defeat the Iceborn led by the Three Sisters, which includeLissandra.
Read More
The Green Father
ByMatthew Dunn
Starring Champion
Friend of the Forest
From the cuddliest of creatures to the fiercest of beasts, all life is precious.'
Short Story • 9 Minute Read
Gift of Venom
ByMatthew Dunn
For most people, a hundred years is a very long time. In a century, one could explore the entire world, meet thousands of people, or complete countless works of art. Now, anyone could easily assume that standing in one spot for over a century would be a colossal waste. But during that time, Ivern Bramblefoot accomplished more than any could dream.
Mentioned Champion
Ruined King
ByAirship Syndicate
Rise Against Ruin - Unite a party of League of Legends Champions, explore Bilgewater and set sail for the Shadow Isles to uncover the secrets of the deadly Black Mist in this immersive turn-based RPG.
Starring:Ahri,Braum,Gangplank,Illaoi,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Necrit,Pyke,Rafen,Thresh,Viego,Yasuo
Mentioned:Ashe,Elise,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Gwen,Hecarim,Isolde,Ivern,Janna,Jarvan IV,Kalista,Ledros,Lucian,Nagakabouros,Nautilus,Olaf,Ornn,Rhasa,Riven,Senna,Swain,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Twisted Fate,Udyr,Volibear,Yone,Yorick,Zed
The Bashful Bloom
ByDavid Slagle
Alternate Universes
Answer To Her Light
By Unknown Author
The omens are clear: The coven has reassembled in the name of the old gods. Eclipse Leona is ready to meet them.
Academy Adventures: Series 1
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Akali,Amumu,Anivia,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Braum,Cho'Gath,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fiora,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Ivern,Jhin,Jinx,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nidalee,Olaf,Poppy,Rek'Sai,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Shen,Sion,Sona,Soraka,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tristana,Trundle,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Vel'Koz,Vi,Yorick,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Crystal Quest: Series 1
Mentioned:Anivia,Ashe,Braum,Bristle,Caitlyn,Camille,Elise,Ezreal,Garen,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Illaoi,Ivern,Katarina,Kled,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lucian,Nami,Olaf,Poppy,Ryze,Senna,Singed,Skaarl,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Veigar,Vi,Zac
Sharp: Issue 1
ByMichael Yichao
Learn more about K/DA and their upcoming ALL OUT EP in this very special edition of SHARP magazine.Read through over 16 dedicated pages about Ahri, Evelynn, Kai’Sa and Akali, and how the pop group sensation renewed their ambitions since the launch of their electric 2018 debut single, POP/STARS. Discover how K/DA staged their comeback with THE BADDEST, the first song of their new and long-awaited EP, and meet Seraphine, their talented new collaborator.This special edition of SHARP also includes a special quiz to prove to yourself and your friend that you are a real BLADE!
• Ivern was born at some point before or during the reign of the Three Sisters.
• Ivern knows of an event he calls 'theKumunguAffair'.
• Ivern travels with a squirrel called Mikkus, voiced by aRiotemployee called 'Ampson'.[1]Mikkus was intended to die in extremely early versions of Ivern's backstory. The development team were all very upset with Matthew 'FauxSchizzle' Dunn because of it.
• Ivern was amongst the first Freljordians, and therefore the first outsider, to set foot inIoniaafter its centuries-old isolation from the rest of the world.[2]
• Ivern's life goal is to succeed the God-Willow he struck down back when he was human. He is 'close' (a relatively long time from a human perspective) to completing this objective.[3]
• Ivern is essentiallyimmortal(but not invincible).[4]
• Mikkus was intended to die in extremely early versions of Ivern's backstory. The development team were all very upset with Matthew 'FauxSchizzle' Dunn because of it.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Friend of the Forest, Description: Innate: Ivern cannot attack nor damage non-epic monsters . Instead, targeting a jungle camp initiates a 2. 5 second channel that will plant a grove upon the camp. Placing a grove costs 98. 25 − 0. 14 (based on level) health and 90 − 0. 37 (based on level) mana . The channel cannot be cancelled in the first 0. 15 seconds and in the last 0. 5 seconds. Ivern cannot place a grove while he is unable to cast abilities. The grove matures over 40 − 1 (based on level) seconds. When fully matured, Ivern can target the camp again to free it after a 0. 5 -second cast time , clearing the camp and receiving the full gold and full experience bounties . Using Smite on a monster within the grove will instantly free the camp regardless of maturity. If the camp's large monster has already been slain prior to planting a grove , Ivern will free the camp upon completing the channel at no cost. Similarly, the grove will instantly mature if the large monster is slain., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', "Freeing aKrugscamp will only give thegoldandexperienceof 1Ancient Krug, 2Krugs, and 3Mini Krugs, for a total of95 − 128.25(based on monster's level)experienceand85.The entireKrugscamp is usually a total of 1Ancient Krug, 3Krugs, and 6Mini Krugs, for a total of153 − 206.55(based on monster's level)and131.", "The entireKrugscamp is usually a total of 1Ancient Krug, 3Krugs, and 6Mini Krugs, for a total of153 − 206.55(based on monster's level)and131.", 'Ivernmust be within275 units of thelarge monsterof the targeted camp to start channeling or collect agrove. The large monsters also must bevisible.', "IfIverncannot afford the cost to place a grove,Friend of the Forestis placed on a cooldown equal to the number of seconds it takes for hishealth regenerationand/ormana regenerationto restore him to the amount of health and/or mana needed to afford the cost.The cooldown will update based onIvern'scurrenthealth and mana regeneration, as well as hiscurrenthealth and mana.", "The cooldown will update based onIvern'scurrenthealth and mana regeneration, as well as hiscurrenthealth and mana.", "Friend of the Forestcan be used whileIvernor the camp is in combat and, once thegroveis placed,Smitecan be used to instantly claim the camp.InterruptingIvern'schannel is the only way to contest jungle camps, short of killing the camp during the channel time.", 'Saplingscannot be gathered by allied champions in azombie statenor alliedclones.', 'Saplingscan be gathered whileuntargetable.', 'Alliedcloneskilling buff monsters will also cause asaplingto be spawned.', 'Freeing agrovecauses the monsters within the camp to be dealt5000 true damagein theinternalraw damagesource type byIvern, despite his inability to damage them.', 'Friend of the Forestwill leaveIvernat1 healthif cast with exactly the required amount.Friend of the Forestcannot be cast with less, unlike other abilities with health costs.', 'The following table refers for interactions whileIvernischanneling:Ivernis unable to act during the first 0.15and last 0.5seconds of the channel.', 'Ivernis unable to act during the first 0.15and last 0.5seconds of the channel.', 'Damaging effects', 'Death', 'Cast-inhibiting effects', "Alternate Innate -Enemy of the Forest:It's time forIvern'srevenge.Iverncan damage monsters, and they can damage him. Source: Ivern the Cruel."]} | Name: Rootcaller, Description: Active: Ivern throws a vine in the target direction, dealing magic damage to the first enemy hit and rooting them for a duration, during which they are also revealed . Rootcaller can be recast while the target is rooted . Magic Damage: 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260 (+ 70% AP) Root Duration: 1. 2 / 1. 4 / 1. 6 / 1. 8 / 2 Ivern and allied champions can select the target rooted by Rootcaller to dash to their location, stopping at their attack range . Recast: Ivern dashes to the rooted target. Hitting a non-epic monster reduces Rootcaller's cooldown by 50%., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection/Auto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.', 'Daisydashes to rooted minions.', 'Rootcallerwill hitmonstersbut does not deal damage to them unless they were an epic monster.', "Ivern'spull/attack range is determined when he dashes to the target - not from when he initially castsRootcallerand throws the vine.", 'Ivernis not able to dash to the target unless they are within approximately 1200 range.PENDING FOR TEST:: This also counts for allies.', 'PENDING FOR TEST:: This also counts for allies.', 'Rootcallercannot be usedtodashwhilegroundedorrooted. This applies toIvernand his allies.', "Rootcaller'sdash does not follow targets, their position at the time of starting the dash is the locationIvernand his allies will stop from.", 'Ivernand his teammates cannot dash to a target if the root was not applied to them.', 'Cooldown changed to 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 / 12 seconds.']} | Name: Brushmaker, Description: Passive: While Ivern is in brush , his basic attacks are empowered to deal bonus magic damage on-hit . This bonus persists for 3 seconds after leaving brush. Bonus Magic Damage: 20 / 27. 5 / 35 / 42. 5 / 50 (+ 20% AP) Active: Ivern grows a patch of brush at the target location for 45 seconds, granting sight of the area within and around it for 8 seconds. Brushes despawn instantly after allied vision of them is lost. Spawning brush near terrain or other brush increases its radius. While allied champions are in spawned brush , their basic attacks are empowered to deal bonus magic damage on-hit . This bonus persists for 1. 5 seconds after leaving brush. Ally Bonus Magic Damage: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 (+ 10% of Ivern's AP) Ivern periodically stocks a Brushmaker charge, up to a maximum of 3., STATIC COOLDOWN: STATICCOOLDOWN:0.5, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'parries': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Tips & Tricks', 'Video', 'Abrushwill be immediatelyexposedif grown within thesightof an enemyturret.', 'The bonus damage does not apply to structures.', "The bonus damage can beblockedordodged.PENDING FOR TEST:: Passive's interactions withblindingeffects.", "PENDING FOR TEST:: Passive's interactions withblindingeffects.", 'Since enemycontrol wardsrequire line of sight to disable your wards, placing aBrushon the disabled ward can re-enable them for the lifetime of the brush.']} | Name: Triggerseed, Description: Active: Ivern places a seed on the target allied champion, Daisy , or himself, granting the target a shield for 2 seconds. Shield Strength: 85 / 125 / 165 / 205 / 245 (+ 50% AP) After 2 seconds, the seed explodes to deal magic damage to nearby enemies and slow them for 2 seconds. Magic Damage: 70 / 90 / 110 / 130 / 150 (+ 80% AP) Slow: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70% If the seed does not damage an enemy champion, the shield is reapplied for the same strength and duration without the explosion effect., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', 'The explosion occurs regardless of whether the shield is maintained.', "The damage ofTriggerseedis attributed to the champion the shield was cast on.If cast onDaisy, the damage is attributed toIvern.Theslowdebuff is always attributed toIvern.Therefore, placingTriggerseedon allied champions:grants them credit for allkillson enemy units that it causes.triggers turret aggro on them if it deals damage to an enemy champion.triggers their spell effects instead ofIvern's.benefits from theirmagic penetrationstat.Ivern'splayer can appreciate the damageTriggerseedfrom an ally deals via a yellow damage number intended to reflect the damage dealt.This yellow damage number wrongfully usesIvern'smagic penetrationstat to calculate the expected damage dealt, instead of reflecting the actual damage dealt.", 'If cast onDaisy, the damage is attributed toIvern.', 'Theslowdebuff is always attributed toIvern.', "Therefore, placingTriggerseedon allied champions:grants them credit for allkillson enemy units that it causes.triggers turret aggro on them if it deals damage to an enemy champion.triggers their spell effects instead ofIvern's.benefits from theirmagic penetrationstat.", 'grants them credit for allkillson enemy units that it causes.', 'triggers turret aggro on them if it deals damage to an enemy champion.', "triggers their spell effects instead ofIvern's.", 'benefits from theirmagic penetrationstat.', "Ivern'splayer can appreciate the damageTriggerseedfrom an ally deals via a yellow damage number intended to reflect the damage dealt.This yellow damage number wrongfully usesIvern'smagic penetrationstat to calculate the expected damage dealt, instead of reflecting the actual damage dealt.", "This yellow damage number wrongfully usesIvern'smagic penetrationstat to calculate the expected damage dealt, instead of reflecting the actual damage dealt.", 'Detonation damages jungle monsters when cast on himself orDaisy.', 'Base shield changed to 80 / 115 / 150 / 185 / 220.', 'Shield AP ratio changed to45% AP.', 'Base damage changed to 60 / 75 / 90 / 105 / 120.', 'Damage AP ratio changed to70% AP.', 'Slow strength changed to 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60%.']} | Name: Daisy!, Description: Active: Ivern summons his sentinel friend Daisy to his side, who lands 350 units away from him in the target direction and remains on the field for up to 45 seconds as a controllable pet . Daisy! can be recast at any time while Daisy is alive. Recast: Ivern commands Daisy to move to the target location. If cast on Ivern , Daisy will follow him. The recast of Daisy! can be used while affected by cast-inhibiting crowd control . See Pets for more details about Daisy . Link ▶️ Daisy!, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'Daisy, when the ability is initially cast, isuntargetableuntil she lands.']} | Ivern is ananagramofRiven.
OnV9.20, Ivern became the first champion to have its range type changed, fromMeleetoRanged.
If IvernsummonsDaisy and then dances, she will also dance.
Daisy'sanimations were reused from theBlue Sentinel's.Because of this, she shared its dance, which referencesOpen the DoorbyIm Chang-jung.Before the rework of theRift Heraldin patchV7.9, she also shared this dance with her.
TheRaptor campfeatures in the icon of hisFriend of the Forestability. |
Janna,the Storm's Fury,Janna Windforce | | | health: Health570+90, resource: Mana360+50, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)5.5+0.55, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)11.5+0.4, armor: Armor28+4.5, attack damage: Attack damage47+2.5, attack speed: Base AS0.625, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius125, release: 2009-09-02, changed: V13.23, role: Enchanter, position: Support, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 1350|585 | Games
JannaMainCurrentSpirit GodTitlesReal nameJan'ahrem(AncientShuriman: 'Guardian')Nickname(s)GirlAlias(es)The Storm's FurySpirit of Wisdom and HarmonyBlue Bird of the SeaCharacteristicsSpeciesSpirit GodPronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:Earlier than 5000 BNWeapon(s)Wind MagicStaffPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originShurima(Ancient Times)Current residenceZaun(No Fixed Abode)Pet(s)ZephyrProfessional statusOccupation(s)Zaun's GuardianElemental Spirit of WindSpirit of Wisdom and HarmonyRegion(s)ZaunShurimaRelated character(s)EkkoJinxNilahUrgotViVolibear
• Main
• Current
• Spirit God
Real name
• Girl
• The Storm's Fury
• Spirit of Wisdom and Harmony
• Blue Bird of the Sea
• Born:Earlier than 5000 BN
• Wind Magic
• Staff
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
• Zaun's Guardian
• Elemental Spirit of Wind
• Spirit of Wisdom and Harmony
• Zaun
• Shurima
Related character(s)
An ancient and mysterious wind spirit,Jannahas come to protect the dispossessed ofZaun. While her presence is most often felt as a soothing breeze or a ferocious tempest, she also can manifest in corporeal form as an ethereal figure, comforting the downtrodden. Over the eons, Janna has witnessed the rise and fall of civilizations. Through it all, she remains steadfast as a beacon of hope to those in need.
• 1Background1.1Early Life1.2Belief in Zaun1.3Deep Breath1.4Recent Events
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Zaun
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9See also
• 1.1Early Life
• 1.2Belief in Zaun
• 1.3Deep Breath
• 1.4Recent Events
• 5.1Zaun
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early Life[]
Most of what is known about Janna is known through secondhand accounts and stories. Since ancient times, there were those who prayed to the winds. Some said that the winds would even answer sometimes. Seafarers said that they would spot abright blue birdjust before heavy winds, and others would say that they'd heard a whistling in the air right before a storm, as if to warn them of its approach. These stories spread and gained reverence among people all acrossRuneterra, with some saying that they had seen a bright blue bird transform into a woman with tapered ears and flowing hair. This mysterious figure was said to float above the water and direct the wind with a flick of her staff.
Those that believed in these tales called this wind spirit "Jan'ahrem", an ancientShurimanword meaning “guardian,” as she always seemed to appear in times of great need. As time went on, she became known more simply as Janna.
These tales spread across the Shuriman continent, with Janna's most faithful believers residing in what is now known asZaun, as they needed calm seas for their city's port. These people made statues and shrines and regularly prayed to Janna, asking for calm seas and favorable winds. Despite decrees suppressing worship of false idols, Janna's devotees remained faithful, wearing amulets with the image of a blue bird in reverence for her.
Belief in Zaun[]
After the fall of the Shuriman empire, what was now the Shuriman deserts became enveloped in war. Despite this,Zaunremained untouched, as Janna shielded it from the turmoil.
Over time, less and less people in Zaun prayed to Janna, instead becoming preoccupied with machines and advancing technology. However, one day, entire districts collapsed below sea level, and thousands had to fight for their lives against the currents of the River Pilt. This reignited faith in Janna, as the victims prayed to her for salvation and survival. Despite being forgotten for all this time, Janna helped the people. She used her wind magic not only to stop the water of the river from destroying homes so that people could evacuate, but also to quell smoke coming from fires so that people could see and breath better as they ran. While many died, those that survived saw what Janna did, and a belief and faithfulness to Janna was reignited within the Zaunite people, with her faithful once again wearing amulets reminiscent of blue birds and praying to her frequently.
Deep Breath[]
AZauniteorphan prays to Janna. While he prays, he reflects on his life, including how difficult being a Zaunite is and how he is discriminated against because of his origins in the city. After an outburst of sadness, Janna appears behind the boy. She calms and hugs him, saying that it will be okay in the end. After comforting the boy, Janna throws awindy tornadoon apiltovancitizen who had humiliated the boy, and this managed to get a smile from the little orphan.
Recent Events[]
While caring for the needy ofZaun, Janna metNilahand her crew and helped her face an ancient sea monster called6Lascylla, also known as theFigurehead of the Deep.Although Iascylla proved to be a worthy foe, the6Tidedancereventually sailed close to the port city ofPiltoverand caught the attention of the spiritual goddessJanna, who used her powers over the winds to dispel Iascylla, protecting Nilah and pushing her away from Piltover's shores.[1]
Janna is aSpirit Godwho takes the form of a slender woman with white skin, tapered ears and long, pale blonde hair waving over his head and light teal eyes. She wears light, sacred clothing with a white palette with some orange gemstones. The most distinctive ornament on her attire is the crown that appears to be crystal on her head. She also has a staff that appears to be crystal.
Janna is a benevolent and mysterious individual, but is also extremely protective and caring towards those who believe in her and trust her guidance, she is true to her cause in helping those most in need.
• Spirit God Physiology:Janna is an ancient divine being embodying a particular aspect of the world. In her case, Janna embodies the winds and protection. Janna is empowered and shaped by the faith of her followers and the cultural concept she embodies.Immortality:Janna's existence is linked to the belief her followers have in her. As a Spirit God, she is incapable of aging and dying in conventional ways.Air Magic:As goddess of the wind, Janna has complete control over the winds and air. Janna is capable ofcreating powerful tornadoesand flying on the currents of the winds. Originally, Janna was focused on helping sailors travel across the sea to their destinations. As time changed, the center of her worship moved to Zaun, and with that, her priorities changed to take care of her worshipers by purifying the poisonous air of Zaun, essentially making her the goddess of clean air. By the way of her domain of air, Janna can cause many different forms of magic.Healing:Janna can heal others using her purifying winds.Shield creation:Janna can use winds to create a powerful shield around those in need.
• Immortality:Janna's existence is linked to the belief her followers have in her. As a Spirit God, she is incapable of aging and dying in conventional ways.
• Air Magic:As goddess of the wind, Janna has complete control over the winds and air. Janna is capable ofcreating powerful tornadoesand flying on the currents of the winds. Originally, Janna was focused on helping sailors travel across the sea to their destinations. As time changed, the center of her worship moved to Zaun, and with that, her priorities changed to take care of her worshipers by purifying the poisonous air of Zaun, essentially making her the goddess of clean air. By the way of her domain of air, Janna can cause many different forms of magic.Healing:Janna can heal others using her purifying winds.Shield creation:Janna can use winds to create a powerful shield around those in need.
• Healing:Janna can heal others using her purifying winds.
• Shield creation:Janna can use winds to create a powerful shield around those in need.
Janna has been the protective deity of Zaun since ancient times. While worship of her has diminished during Darkin and Rune Wars, she would once again be called upon after the Sun Gates disaster. Since then Janna has been called upon to clear the air of noxious pollution from the undercity, as well as be a supportive presence for zaunite inhabitants that require it.
Read More
The Storm's Fury
ByAnthony Burch
Starring Champion
Short Story • 6 Minute Read
Deep Breath
ByAnthony Burch
They think Zaun is where the losers live.
Mentioned Champion
ByDouble Stallion Games
Rewind the Past, Control the Future - Explore and traverse through the spectacular city of Zaun as Ekko, a young inventor with an ingenious device to manipulate time, in this story-driven action platformer. Play as a young Ekko and realize the full potential of one of League’s fan-favorite Champions.
Starring:Aximander,Camille,Chadd,Corin Reveck,Corina Veraza,Drake Poingdestre,Ekko,Elie,Inna,Jinx,Lem,Red,Rungs,Vale Poingdestre,Warwick,Wyeth,Zarkon Poingdestre
Mentioned:Ashlesh,Azir,Blitzcrank,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Eramis,Evil Kay,Farron,Fiddlesticks,Janna,Jayce,Kay,Nasus,Orianna,Renata Glasc,Seraphine,Shomi,Singed,Twitch,Urgot,Vi,Viktor,Zac,Zeri,Ziggs
Short Story • 23 Minute Read
City of Iron and Glass
ByGraham McNeill
"Hurry up, Wyn!" shouted Janke. "The Rising Howl's on its way!"
Starring: N/A
Ruined King
ByAirship Syndicate
Rise Against Ruin - Unite a party of League of Legends Champions, explore Bilgewater and set sail for the Shadow Isles to uncover the secrets of the deadly Black Mist in this immersive turn-based RPG.
Starring:Ahri,Braum,Gangplank,Illaoi,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Necrit,Pyke,Rafen,Thresh,Viego,Yasuo
Mentioned:Ashe,Elise,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Gwen,Hecarim,Isolde,Ivern,Janna,Jarvan IV,Kalista,Ledros,Lucian,Nagakabouros,Nautilus,Olaf,Ornn,Rhasa,Riven,Senna,Swain,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Twisted Fate,Udyr,Volibear,Yone,Yorick,Zed
Short Story
The Whispering Doodad
ByGraham McNeill
“Here, doodad,” she whispers to the grass. “Pretty please, with sprinkles on top! I'll let you take us somewhere you want to go next.” The doodad—or whatever it's really called—doesn't respond, but I sense it rolling away from Lulu. Well, not really rolling, as such, more making itself be where she isn't.
Alternate Universes
Short Story
Battle Queen Crests
ByCat Manning,Jared Rosen
To be a Battle Queen is to see with open eyes. As you complete Keystone Crest Missions, you’ll be rewarded with a story of nobility.
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Since its inception, Worlds has grown and evolved. Each unbelievable play and phenomenal match created moments and memories that will never be forgotten. In these iconic moments, players and teams reached for something incredible within themselves and brought it to life on the Summoner’s Rift...
Starring:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Brand,Caitlyn,Darius,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Gnar,Janna,Jax,Jayce,Jinx,Kassadin,Katarina,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lulu,Orianna,Rek'Sai,Rengar,Rumble,Ryze,Shen,Sivir,Tahm Kench,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Yasuo,Ziggs
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
Make History
In this battle of regions, one will conquer all others to make history.
Starring:Alistar,Ashe,Azir,Bard,Brand,Caitlyn,Cassiopeia,Elise,Evelynn,Janna,Karma,LeBlanc,Lee Sin,Lucian,Morgana,Nautilus,Orianna,Pyke,Ryze
Short Story
New Stars
ByAriel Lawrence
Star Guardians can only defeat the darkness that spreads across the universe if they stand together. They will fight as one or fall as many.
Short Story
ByAriel Lawrence
A team bonding trip will test Lux's leadership and confidence as the group welcomes new stars during the annual meteor shower.
Starring:Ahri,Ezreal,Janna,Jinx,Lulu,Lux,Miss Fortune,Poppy,Soraka,Syndra
Short Story
The Slumber Party Summoning
ByAriel Lawrence
Okay, I'll admit slamming the door in their faces was a bit of an overreaction.
Starring:Ezreal,Janna,Jinx,Lulu,Lux,Miss Fortune,Poppy,Soraka
Short Story
The Twilight Star
ByAriel Lawrence
I have too many questions I want to ask her.
Starring:Janna,Jinx,Lulu,Lux,Miss Fortune,Poppy
Short Story
Twin Stars
ByCat Cheresh
Akali could see the stars.
Starring:Ahri,Akali,Ezreal,Janna,Jinx,Kai'Sa,Lulu,Lux,Miss Fortune,Neeko,Poppy,Rakan,Soraka,Syndra,Xayah,Zoe
Short Story
Where the Heavens Touch the Earth
By Numerous creators
Starring:Fiora,Janna,Master Yi
Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Harmonies: Issue 2
ByMichael Yichao
Seraphine navigates a life-changing moment as she embraces her dream becoming reality.
Mentioned:Ezreal,Janna,Jinx,Lulu,Lux,Miss Fortune,Poppy,Soraka,Syndra,Volibear,Yasuo
Punches and Plants: Series 1
Mentioned:Ahri,Alistar,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Braum,Caitlyn,Darius,Diana,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Evelynn,Ezreal,Gangplank,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jinx,Karma,Katarina,Leona,Lucian,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Nunu,Quinn,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Sivir,Sona,Soraka,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Valor,Varus,Vel'Koz,Vladimir,Volibear,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Zac,Ziggs
Road to the Cup
As the 2013 League of Legends World Championship final draws near, we showcase the biggest heroes in esports from around the world. Many teams fell by the wayside in epic battles, and now only two remain: Korea's SK Telecom T1 and China's Royal Club. Who will rise?
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Blitzcrank,Brand,Caitlyn,Corki,Elise,Ezreal,Gragas,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Lux,Malphite,Mordekaiser,Orianna,Renekton,Ryze,Shen,Thresh,Twisted Fate,Vayne,Zac,Zed
The Tale of the Poro King
By Numerous creators
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aatrox,Akali,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Darius,Diana,Draven,Ezreal,Gnar,Illaoi,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kai'Sa,Karma,Karthus,Katarina,Kayle,Kayn,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nunu,Ornn,Pantheon,Pyke,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Rhaast,Ryze,Sejuani,Shen,Sion,Sivir,Soraka,Sylas,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Thresh,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Vi,Volibear,Willump,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs,Zoe
• Jan'ahremis her ancient name which is an ancientShurimanword meaning “guardian”, as time went by it becameJanna.Her given name originates from Arabic جنّة, meaning "paradise, garden, enclosure", < Syriac ܓܢܬܐɡannəθɑʔ, < proto-Semitic noun*Gann-at(> Hebrew גִּנָּהginnâh) lit. "tract of land protected [by a barrier]", from Semitic rootg-n-n"protect".However, "Guardian ~ Guarding" would've been**Jānina < *Gānin-at(> Hebrew גּוֹנֶנֶתgônénet).Her surname in the old lore is Windforce.
• Janna is a spirit god from pre-imperialShurima. "Spirit gods" are more like manifestations of cultural ideas, given immense power by the belief of their followers and can wax and wane, depending - or disappear for a long, long time.She is over 6000 years old.At her peak, she was even more powerful than mostGod-Warriors, shieldingOshra Va'Zaunfrom theDarkinwar.She was considered a false idol by the ancientShurimaempire.
• Janna appears to be left-handed even though some of her artwork has her holding her staff in her right hand
• Her given name originates from Arabic جنّة, meaning "paradise, garden, enclosure", < Syriac ܓܢܬܐɡannəθɑʔ, < proto-Semitic noun*Gann-at(> Hebrew גִּנָּהginnâh) lit. "tract of land protected [by a barrier]", from Semitic rootg-n-n"protect".However, "Guardian ~ Guarding" would've been**Jānina < *Gānin-at(> Hebrew גּוֹנֶנֶתgônénet).
• Her surname in the old lore is Windforce.
• However, "Guardian ~ Guarding" would've been**Jānina < *Gānin-at(> Hebrew גּוֹנֶנֶתgônénet).
• She is over 6000 years old.
• At her peak, she was even more powerful than mostGod-Warriors, shieldingOshra Va'Zaunfrom theDarkinwar.
• She was considered a false idol by the ancientShurimaempire.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Tailwind, Description: Innate: Janna grants 6% bonus movement speed to nearby allied champions that are facing in the direction of her location. Janna's basic attacks on-hit and Zephyr deal bonus magic damage equal to 30% of her bonus movement speed ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'No additional notes.']} | Name: Howling Gale, Description: Active: Janna summons a whirlwind at her current location that charges up over 3 seconds, increasing its range, speed, damage, and knock up duration every second over the duration. Howling Gale's direction is determined by this cast. Minimum Magic Damage: 55 / 90 / 125 / 160 / 195 (+ 50% AP) Bonus Damage Per Second: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 (+ 10% AP) Maximum Magic Damage: 85 / 135 / 185 / 235 / 285 (+ 80% AP) Howling Gale can be recast at any time within the duration, and does so automatically after the duration. Recast: Janna launches the whirlwind in the direction she targeted over 1. 25 seconds, dealing magic damage to enemies hit and knocking them up for 0. 5 − 1. 25 (based on seconds charged) seconds., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection/Auto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "The initial cast and the manual recast count as ability activations for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.", 'The storm does not interact with enemy units that stand on top of it while it is charging.']} | Name: Zephyr, Description: Passive: Janna is ghosted and gains bonus movement speed . Bonus Movement Speed: 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10% (+ 2% per 100 AP) Active: Janna sends an air elemental at the target enemy that deals magic damage and slows them for 2 seconds, capped at 99%. Magic Damage: 55 / 90 / 125 / 160 / 195 (+ 60% AP) (+ 30% bonus movement speed) Slow: 20 / 24 / 28 / 32 / 36% (+ 6% per 100 AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'The maximum slow (99%) is reached with 1316.67/ 1250 / 1183.33/ 1116.67/ 1050 ability power.', 'If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the cast time, this ability will cancel but does not go oncooldownnor pay its cost (if applicable).']} | Name: Eye of the Storm, Description: Passive: Whenever Janna's abilities slow or knock up at least one enemy champion , 20% of Eye of the Storm's cooldown is refunded. This may occur once per spell cast. Active: Janna grants the target allied champion or turret , or herself, a shield for 4 seconds. Shield Strength: 80 / 115 / 150 / 185 / 220 (+ 55% AP) While the shield holds, the target gains bonus attack damage . Bonus Attack Damage: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 (+ 10% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Attack speed slowsapplied to enemy champions byJanna(e.g.Frozen Heart) also trigger the passive.(bug)', 'Jannareceives kill credit on enemy champions that are killed by turrets shielded byEye of the Storm.', 'Allied turrets will benefit from the bonus attack damage when targeted byEye of the Storm.']} | Name: Monsoon, Description: Active: Janna unleashes a blast that knocks back all nearby enemies to up to 875 units over 0. 5 seconds based on their proximity, though not through terrain. Janna also channels for up to 3 seconds, healing nearby allies every 0. 25 seconds. Heal Per Tick: 25 / 37. 5 / 50 (+ 12. 5 % AP) Total Heal: 300 / 450 / 600 (+ 150% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'The following table refers for interactions whileJannaischanneling:', 'Death', 'Cast-inhibiting effects']} | Janna isvoicedbyErin Fitzgerald.[2]Sona,DJ SonaandPsyOps Sonaare also voiced by the same voice actress.
During development she was calledAirAvatar, which then turned into her title 'The Avatar of Air' before getting changed to 'The Storm's Fury'.Some localizations retain it (French:L'avatar De L'air).
Janna's original lore might have been inspired byStormfromX-Men.She herself might have been based onBarbaricciafromFinal Fantasy IV.
Janna is the only champion able to shield turrets (Eye of the Storm).Turrets can help her scorekillsindirectly by doing this.
Janna's dance referencesDanceStudio's Jazz-Funk choreography.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere. |
Jarvan IV,the Exemplar of Demacia,Jarvan Lightshield IV,J4 | | | health: Health640+104, resource: Mana300+55, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)8+0.7, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)6.5+0.45, armor: Armor36+4.8, attack damage: Attack damage64+3, attack speed: Base AS0.658, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius125, release: 2011-03-01, changed: V13.23, role: Diver, position: Jungle, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 3150|790 | Missing section(s):
Jarvan IVMainFormal 1Formal 2ArmoredTrainingYoung 1Young 2TitlesReal nameJarvan Lightshield IVAlias(es)The Exemplar of DemaciaKing JarvanGeneral JarvanThe Honor-Bound PrincePrince JarvanCharacteristicsSpeciesHumanPronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:Around 970 ANWeapon(s)DrakebanePersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originDemacia City,DemaciaCurrent residenceDemacia City,DemaciaFamilyJarvan Lightshield III†(Father)Catherine Spiritmight†(Mother)Xin Zhao(Adoptive Uncle)Jarvan Lightshield I†(Great-Grandfather)Jarvan Lightshield II†(Grand-Father)Professional statusOccupation(s)Demacian KingRegion(s)DemaciaFaction(s)Lightshield HouseSpiritmight HouseRelated character(s)GarenShyvanaQuinnUrgotSwainXin ZhaoFioraLuxSylasJarvan IIITiannaEldred
Jarvan IV
• Main
• Formal 1
• Formal 2
• Armored
• Training
• Young 1
• Young 2
Real name
• The Exemplar of Demacia
• King Jarvan
• General Jarvan
• The Honor-Bound Prince
• Prince Jarvan
• Born:Around 970 AN
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Jarvan Lightshield III†(Father)
• Catherine Spiritmight†(Mother)
• Xin Zhao(Adoptive Uncle)
• Jarvan Lightshield I†(Great-Grandfather)
• Jarvan Lightshield II†(Grand-Father)
Professional status
• Demacian King
• Lightshield House
• Spiritmight House
Related character(s)
As the king’s only son,Prince Jarvanis heir apparent to the throne ofDemacia. Raised to be a paragon of his nation’s greatest virtues, he is forced to balance the heavy expectations placed upon him with his own desire to prove himself on the battlefield. An exceptional warrior in his own right, Jarvan also inspires his troops with fearsome courage and selfless determination, raising his family’s colors high and revealing his true strength as a future leader of his people.
• 1Background
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Jarvan III Lightshield5.2Xin Zhao5.3Sylas of Dregbourne5.4Garen Crownguard5.5Shyvana5.6Luxanna Crownguard5.7Tianna Crownguard
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 5.1Jarvan III Lightshield
• 5.2Xin Zhao
• 5.3Sylas of Dregbourne
• 5.4Garen Crownguard
• 5.5Shyvana
• 5.6Luxanna Crownguard
• 5.7Tianna Crownguard
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Jarvan III Lightshield[]
Jarvan IIIis the father ofJarvan IVand is the former King of Demacia. His lineage can be traced even further back to his great-grandfather of Jarvan I, the first king ofDemaciawho was killed bySionduring the decisive battle forNoxus.
Xin Zhao[]
Jarvan IV sees Xin Zhao as his Uncle.
Sylas of Dregbourne[]
Sylasis looking to overthrow and kill the Demacian elite, including Jarvan. Jarvan IV was almost executed bySylasand now is chasing him, believing Sylas is behind his father's death, although the king was already dead by the time he was found.
Garen Crownguard[]
Jarvan IV andGarenhave known and become friends with each other since joining the military at young age.
Jarvan IV was saved byShyvanaafter escaping and later helped her in slaying her mother and, out of gratitude, she earned a spot in the Demacian Elite Guard. Jarvan mentioned loved someone that wasn't so different from the mages. It was later revealed to be Shyvana.
Luxanna Crownguard[]
Jarvan IV was arranged to marryLuxby her family to protect her from being persecuted for being a mage: as queen, she would have been too powerful to accuse. After she didn't show up for the betrothal ceremony, the matter was apparently dropped.
Tianna Crownguard[]
After his father's death, Jarvan is counsel of many prominent nobles—including Garen’s aunt, High MarshalTianna Crownguardto prepare him for the days ahead before he can be crowned king.
Read More
The Exemplar of Demacia
ByRayla Heide
Starring:Jarvan IV
Mentioned:Garen,Jarvan III,Shyvana,Sion,Tianna,Xin Zhao
Starring Champion
Short Story
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
The first rays of dawn brushed the rooftops of the Great City, turning pale stone to gold. The air was still, and the only sounds filtering up to the high garden terraces on the east side of the citadel were the gentle chorus of morning birds and the hushed murmur of the waking city below.
Starring:Jarvan IV,Tianna,Xin Zhao
Mentioned:Eldred,Jarvan III
Short Story • 3 Minute Read
Ivory, Ebony, Jasper
ByRayla Heide
The approaching swarm is a death sentence for a small village - unless Jarvan carries out his own.
Starring:Jarvan IV
Lux: Issue 2
ByJohn O'Bryan,Billy Tan,Haining,Gadson,John Roshell
Struggling to control her growing magic, Lux bluffs her way into the Mageseeker compound.
Starring:Garen,Jarvan IV,Lux,Sylas
Mentioned:Galio,Jarvan III,Morgana,Tianna
Lux: Issue 4
ByJohn O'Bryan,Billy Tan,Haining,Gadson,John Roshell
Sylas' master plan is revealed! But is it too late for a guilt-ridden Lux to turn the tide?
Starring:Garen,Jarvan III,Jarvan IV,Lux,Sylas,Tianna
Lux: Issue 5
ByJohn O'Bryan,Billy Tan,Haining,Gadson,John Roshell
As all mages are hunted down by Prince Jarvan IV and forces led by Garen, Lux must make her ultimate decision!
Starring:Garen,Jarvan IV,Lux,Sylas
Mentioned:Jarvan III
The Mageseeker
ByDigital Sun
In the kingdom of Demacia, the Mageseekers hold the power to oppress magic-using citizens in the name of public order–by inducting and indoctrinating them, locking them away, or driving them into hiding. Play as Sylas, a spell-stealing mage who has just broken free of his unjust captivity at the Mageseekers’ hands. Wielding the chains that once bound you, you must liberate your homeland from tyranny, one Mageseeker at a time.
Starring:Aidan,Eldred,Garen,Gideon,Hesbeth,Jarvan IV,Kara,Killan,Leilani,Lux,Morgana,Rayn,Rukko,Shyvana,Sylas,Wisteria,Yops
Mentioned:Aatrox,Anden Mayne,Dalin,Dominick,Evelynn,Falden,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Jaredan,Jarvan III,Katarina,Kayle,LeBlanc,Mihira,Naafiri,Nocturne,Rhaast,Ryze,Sion,Tianna,Varus
Mentioned Champion
Short Story • 28 Minute Read
For Demacia
ByGraham McNeill
In a town plagued by nightmares, can even the best and bravest of Demacia bring back the light?
Mentioned:Jarvan IV,Morgana,Shyvana
Short Story
Fragile Legacies
ByDana Luery Shaw
I was young and unafraid, heart aflame with the sort of righteousness that cast out all shadows of doubt, on the day I first met Barrett Buvelle.
Starring:Eldred,Jarvan III,Quinn,Sona,Tianna
Mentioned:Barrett Buvelle,Jarvan IV,Kayle,Morgana
Short Story
Garen: First Shield
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
The King is dead. Demacia is mourning. And in the eyes of Garen Crownguard, it’s his fault. But can he rise to the challenge when Demacia needs him again? While on a peacetime expedition beyond the borders of Demacia, Garen, Quinn, and the Dauntless Vanguard uncover a plot that threatens to destroy long-standing alliances. As the knight-ranger Quinn tries to get word back to Demacia, Garen and his comrades make a desperate last stand. How long can they last, and at what cost?
Mentioned:Jarvan IV,Lux,Sylas
Lux: Issue 1
ByJohn O'Bryan,Billy Tan,Haining,Gadson,John Roshell
In Demacia, order reigns and magic is forbidden. How will the order be upset when Lux's hidden magic emerges?
Mentioned:Jarvan III,Jarvan IV
Lux: Issue 3
ByJohn O'Bryan,Billy Tan,Haining,Gadson,John Roshell
If saving Sylas means exposing her powers, will Lux dare risk her own future to save a criminal?
Mentioned:Jarvan III,Jarvan IV
Ruined King
ByAirship Syndicate
Rise Against Ruin - Unite a party of League of Legends Champions, explore Bilgewater and set sail for the Shadow Isles to uncover the secrets of the deadly Black Mist in this immersive turn-based RPG.
Starring:Ahri,Braum,Gangplank,Illaoi,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Necrit,Pyke,Rafen,Thresh,Viego,Yasuo
Mentioned:Ashe,Elise,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Gwen,Hecarim,Isolde,Ivern,Janna,Jarvan IV,Kalista,Ledros,Lucian,Nagakabouros,Nautilus,Olaf,Ornn,Rhasa,Riven,Senna,Swain,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Twisted Fate,Udyr,Volibear,Yone,Yorick,Zed
Tellstones: King's Gambit (Video)
Can you play like a champion?
Mentioned:Fiora,Garen,Jarvan IV,Lux,Quinn,Sona,Taric,Valor,Xin Zhao
Short Story
The Despoiler of Havenfall
ByMichael Haugen Wieske
The fog had come in swiftly, eclipsing the afternoon sun over the crossroads.
Mentioned:Jarvan IV,Kayle,Viego
The Half-Dragon
ByRayla Heide
Mentioned:Jarvan III,Jarvan IV
The Might of Demacia
ByGraham McNeill
Mentioned:Jarvan III,Jarvan IV,Lux,Tianna
The Seneschal of Demacia
ByMichael Luo
Starring:Xin Zhao
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill,Jarvan III,Jarvan IV,Sylas
Short Story
What Once Sailed Free
ByMichael Luo
My father once said Noxus wasted its talent in those arenas. Now I see the truth in his words.
Starring:Jarvan III,Tianna,Xin Zhao
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill,Jarvan IV
Alternate Universes
Dominion (Video)
Starring:Cassiopeia,Irelia,Jarvan IV,Lux,Malphite,Miss Fortune,Mordekaiser,Ryze,Swain,Teemo
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
ByInstitute of War
The truest opponent lies within.
Starring:Boram Darkwill,Brand,Caitlyn,Cassiopeia,Galio,Graves,Irelia,Jarvan IV,Karma,LeBlanc,Lee Sin,Leona,Lux,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nocturne,Orianna,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Skarner,Sona,Swain,Talon,Trundle,Urgot,Varus,Vayne,Vladimir,Wukong,Xerath,Xin Zhao,Yorick
Save the Celebration
Honor the past, protect the future. Every year, a beast of legend arrives to threaten the Lunar New Year, and every year, a team of heroes is chosen to stand as guardians over the celebration.
Starring:Alistar,Annie,Darius,Fiora,Jarvan IV
Demacia Needs Heroes
By Numerous creators
She is a new kind of hero, one of new mind and new method. One who can go where armies cannot reach, where swords cannot clash.
Mentioned:Garen,Jarvan IV,Talon
Short Story
Journey Into The Freljord
By Unknown Author
Mentioned:Ashe,Jarvan IV,Lissandra,Trundle
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Reaching the peak takes more than skill. Only those with the ambition to RISE above all others will know its height.
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Akali,Ashe,Braum,Darius,Ekko,Ezreal,Fiora,Garen,Gnar,Jarvan IV,Jax,Jinx,Kalista,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Leona,Lux,Master Yi,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Riven,Ryze,Sejuani,Swain,Taliyah,Thresh,Tryndamere,Vayne,Xayah,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs
By Numerous creators
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill,Elise,Jarvan IV,Vladimir
Road to the Cup
As the 2013 League of Legends World Championship final draws near, we showcase the biggest heroes in esports from around the world. Many teams fell by the wayside in epic battles, and now only two remain: Korea's SK Telecom T1 and China's Royal Club. Who will rise?
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Blitzcrank,Brand,Caitlyn,Corki,Elise,Ezreal,Gragas,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Lux,Malphite,Mordekaiser,Orianna,Renekton,Ryze,Shen,Thresh,Twisted Fate,Vayne,Zac,Zed
Music Video
Take Over
By Numerous creators
We're Taking Over.
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Caitlyn,Galio,Jarvan IV,Kassadin,Lee Sin,Thresh,Xayah
Short Story
The Lure
ByDan Abnett
Ordinal Shieda Kayn slings out to the unremarkable edgeworld of Ionan, hot on the trail of a band of millitant Templars. These enemies of the state were clearly looking for something important...but what?
Mentioned:Jarvan IV
The Tale of the Poro King
By Numerous creators
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aatrox,Akali,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Darius,Diana,Draven,Ezreal,Gnar,Illaoi,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kai'Sa,Karma,Karthus,Katarina,Kayle,Kayn,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nunu,Ornn,Pantheon,Pyke,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Rhaast,Ryze,Sejuani,Shen,Sion,Sivir,Soraka,Sylas,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Thresh,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Vi,Volibear,Willump,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs,Zoe
• Jarvan IV is around 26 years old, or a similar age asGaren.He was around 26 years old when during the events of theLux Comics.He was 6 years old during the events ofWhat Once Sailed Free.
• Jarvan IV'sspear,Drakebane, was crafted by a Demacian weaponsmith named Orlon, the same one who craftedPoppy'sHammer.
• Jarvan III's flavour text inLegends of RuneterraimpliesLeBlancmay have been involved in Jarvan's capture by theNoxianarmy.
• In theold lore, Jarvan IV's blood was used bySwain(his nemesis) andVladimirto resurrectSion. How they would have gotten the Exemplar's blood was never explored.LeBlancis theorized to have impersonated Jarvan IV in order to cause a war between Demacia and Noxus.
• He was around 26 years old when during the events of theLux Comics.
• He was 6 years old during the events ofWhat Once Sailed Free.
Change log[]
See also[]
• Demacia
• Runeterra
• Journals
• Portraits
• Sprites
• Soundtrack | Name: Martial Cadence, Description: Innate: Jarvan IV's basic attacks are empowered to deal bonus physical damage equal to 6% of the target's current health , with a minimum threshold of 20 and capped at 400 against all targets. This effect cannot occur on the same target more than once every few seconds., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Martial Cadence'sdamage is based on the current health of the target before any damage of the attack has been dealt.", "Martial Cadence'sdamage is dealt after the main attack damage.If the target dies to the main attack damage, the additional damage will not be dealt.", 'If the target dies to the main attack damage, the additional damage will not be dealt.', 'The empowered attack will not trigger againststructures.']} | Name: Dragon Strike, Description: Active: Jarvan IV extends his lance in the target direction, dealing physical damage to enemies hit and inflicting them with armor reduction for 3 seconds. Physical Damage: 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 (+ 140% bonus AD) Armor Reduction: 10 / 14 / 18 / 22 / 26% of target's armor If the lance connects with a deployed Demacian Standard , Jarvan IV dashes to its location, knocking up nearby enemies around him and along his path for 0. 75 seconds. Jarvan IV can cast any of his abilities during the dash., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'The armor reduction is applied after the damage. The damage dealt does not benefit from it in this case.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'Dragon Strikewill still pullJarvan IVtoDemacian Standardeven if he isimmobilizedorgrounded.', 'Flashwill interrupt thedashto aDemacian StandardbutJarvan IVwill stillknock upand damage enemies he comes in contact with at the new location.CastingFlashright before thedashbegins will causeJarvan IVto be pulled to the flag from the new position.Enemies already hit byDragon Strikecannot be affected more than once.', 'CastingFlashright before thedashbegins will causeJarvan IVto be pulled to the flag from the new position.', 'Enemies already hit byDragon Strikecannot be affected more than once.', 'Theknockupalso slightly moves the target, landing 50-100 units in a random direction.']} | Name: Golden Aegis, Description: Active: Jarvan IV slows all nearby enemies for 2 seconds. Slow: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35% Jarvan IV also grants himself a shield for 4 seconds, increased by 1. 3 % of his maximum health for each enemy champion hit by Golden Aegis . Shield Strength: 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 / 140 (+ 70% bonus AD), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'No additional information.']} | Name: Demacian Standard, Description: Passive: Jarvan IV gains bonus attack speed . Bonus Attack Speed: 20 / 22. 5 / 25 / 27. 5 / 30% Active: Jarvan IV throws a Demacian flag to the target location, dealing magic damage to enemies within the area. Magic Damage: 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 (+ 80% AP) The flag then remains for 8 seconds, granting sight of its surroundings and providing an aura that grants bonus attack speed equal to Demacian Standard's passive to Jarvan IV and all nearby allied champions. Demacian Standard will cast at max range if cast beyond that., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "The attack speed granted from a deployedDemacian Standardstacks additivelywithDemacian Standard'spassive permanent bonus attack speed toJarvan, but the aura from multipleDemacian Standardsdoes not stack.", 'The flag has 13.6pathing radiusand 65gameplay radius.The gameplay radius matters toDragon Strike.', 'The gameplay radius matters toDragon Strike.', 'Demacian Standardcan be targeted by allied abilities (Teleport,Safeguard). The target type is the same as aminion.', 'Demacian Standardisuntargetableto enemies.']} | Name: Cataclysm, Description: Active: Jarvan IV leaps with displacement immunity to the target enemy champion's location over 0. 35 seconds, dealing physical damage to all nearby enemies upon arrival. Physical Damage: 200 / 325 / 450 (+ 180% bonus AD) Upon impact, he creates a circle of impassable terrain that initially pulls units inside it. The terrain lasts for 3. 5 seconds and grants sight of the area. Cataclysm can be recast after 1 second while the terrain is active. Recast: Jarvan IV destroys the terrain created by Cataclysm ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "The initial cast and the manual recast count as ability activations for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.If the ability is not manually recasted, the secondary effect will trigger without being considered as an ability activation.", 'If the ability is not manually recasted, the secondary effect will trigger without being considered as an ability activation.', 'Cataclysmwill not deal damage, generate terrain, nor refund its cooldown ifJarvan IVis killed whileleaping.', 'The perimeter is made up of 24 units with 95pathing radius, 65gameplay radiusand 1350sightradius each. Only every other unit is rendered visible.', 'Searing Chargewill not destroy the whole ring but only the part thatOrnncollides with.']} | Jarvan IV was first mentioned inUrgot'slore.
A tab for Jarvan IV can be faintly seen at the top duringMaokai'sArt Spotlight.
In-universe Demacian naming convention does not mirror real-life's European royalty and nobility's naming convention; as the current Jarvan should not have gotten theregnal numberIVbefore his coronation.
The terrain created byCataclysmis made of 24 minions to make sure that no one can squeeze through the wall.[2]
The old visual effects ofGolden Aegiswas once made up of little ghosts due being a recolored copy ofDeath's Caress.[3] |
Jax,Grandmaster at Arms,Saijax Cail-Rynx Kohari Icath’un | | | health: Health665+100, resource: Mana339+52, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)8.5+0.55, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)7.6+0.7, armor: Armor36+4.2, attack damage: Attack damage68+4.25, attack speed: Base AS0.638, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius120, release: 2009-02-21, changed: V13.22, role: Skirmisher, position: TopJungle, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 1350|585 | Games
JaxMainWanderer 1Wanderer 2TitlesReal nameSaijax Cail-Rynx Kohari Icath'unAlias(es)Grandmaster at ArmsKohari SaijaxCharacteristicsSpeciesUnknown(PossiblySand-Troll)Pronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:3400 BN - 2530 BNWeapon(s)Brazier-Stave, 'The Light of Icathia'Icathian Axe-Headed PolearmSwordPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originIcathia,Shurima(Ancient Times)Current residenceUnknown(No Fixed Abode)FamilyRynx Icath'un†(Father)Cail Icath'un†(Mother)Professional statusOccupation(s)MercenaryKohari warriorRegion(s)RuneterraIcathiaShurimaRelated character(s)ZileanNasusRenektonGragasFiora
• Main
• Wanderer 1
• Wanderer 2
Real name
• Grandmaster at Arms
• Kohari Saijax
• Born:3400 BN - 2530 BN
• Brazier-Stave, 'The Light of Icathia'
• Icathian Axe-Headed Polearm
• Sword
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Rynx Icath'un†(Father)
• Cail Icath'un†(Mother)
Professional status
• Mercenary
• Kohari warrior
• Runeterra
• Icathia
• Shurima
Related character(s)
Runeterra's greatest weapons master,Jaxis the only survivor of the Kohari—champions sworn to the defense ofIcathia. But when theVoidwas unleashed against theShuriman empire's Ascended Host, Icathia was destroyed, leaving Jax without a home or purpose. He gathered the “last light of Icathia”, a symbol of his hope to one day defeat the Void, and now travels the world, searching for warriors strong enough to face the coming darkness by his side.
• 1Background1.1Early Life1.2Fall of Icathia1.3Recent events
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Ascended5.2Fiora
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early Life
• 1.2Fall of Icathia
• 1.3Recent events
• 5.1Ascended
• 5.2Fiora
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early Life[]
Saijax Cail-Rynx Icath’un was born and raised inIcathia, a vassal-state of theShuriman Empire. He was raised by his father, who along with the other people of Icathia harbored resentment towards the Empire because of the fact that their great nation had been taken over by it. He would tell Jax stories of the Kohari, a group of heroes who served the Mage King, the title given to the ruler of Icathia before it was taken over. The Mage King had resisted the Shuriman acquisition of Icathia, but he was defeated in battle. In his honor, the Kohari committed ritual suicide, as was customary for their order. The corpses of the Kohari and the Mage King were paraded around the city by the Empire for all to see as a warning of the consequences of resistance.
Saijax's father passed down this resentment towards the Empire to his son, and Saijax started the study of arms, learning from Shurima's weapon masters and his clan's elders.
Fall of Icathia[]
One day, a massive earthquake struck the coastal province of Saabera. This quake unearthed something hidden deep within the earth that Icathia's mages recognized could help them defeat the Shuriman Empire and gain their independence. Saijax was tasked with protecting and escorting the mages while they traveled, and he saw that the mages could barely contain what they had found with brazier staves with magical fire. This power would be come to be known asThe Void.
Saijax was worried about the safety of using The Void as a weapon. As a master of weapons, he knew the danger of using a weapon they couldn't understand or control. He would come to regret not killing the mages when he had the chance.
Confident that they could win with the powers of The Void, the people of Icathia crowned a new Mage King and rebuilt the Kohari, with Saijax among the first to join their ranks. They won early engagements with the Shuriman troops and Saijax even defeated anAscendedwarrior. Soon, even more Ascended and troops arrived to fight against Icathia. Saijax was on the front lines and fought many troops, stopping them from advancing into their home. As the battle raged, the mages unleashed the power of The Void, killing many Shuriman troops. However, the mages lost control of it quickly and it started consuming everything around it, including the entirety of Icathia. Saijax, seeing that it was lost, left Icathia to be destroyed. He eventually returned to where Icathia once stood, ready to commit ritual suicide like the Kohari of old. However, before he could do it, he saw a brazier stave that was used to contain The Void and he saw that it was still burning. He saw the hope that it represented and picked it up and left. He forsook his name in shame and was henceforth known as Jax.
Recent events[]
Jax has committed himself to rebuilding the Kohari and fighting The Void in Shurima. The flame inside the brazier stave that he now uses as a weapon burned lower the farther he went from Icathia, making him realize that he cannot run from his past. He has fought a great many people, but none have been skilled enough. He will not stop until he has rebuilt the Kohari and can finally take on The Void.
Jax wears purple robes with blue tinted stripes and patterns in various places. He carries with him a brazier stave used to contain elemental fire that can harm The Void. His most defining feature is his mask with six glowing blue "eyes" that covers his entire face.
It is not known what he looks like underneath his mask. However, during the events of Icathia's destruction, he was described as having a shaven head, a forked beard, and skin pockmarked by a childhood illness.
Always itching for a fight, Jax is a brazen and arrogant individual, wanting to find an opponent that presents him a challenge. Despite this brazen personality, Jax still harbors personal doubt because of the events of Icathia, which changed him forever.
• Weapons Master:When he was young, Jax devoted himself to the study of weapons and arms, and as such is a master of combat with weapons, defeating many in duels over the course of his life.
• Brazier Stave:Jax wields an ignited brazier stave that can harm The Void. He uses this as a weapon in almost every combat situation he finds himself in, as he finds it more challenging.Extended Life:The magic emanating from the brazier stave has extended Jax's life and continues to do so. Jax is currently more than 3500 years old.
• Extended Life:The magic emanating from the brazier stave has extended Jax's life and continues to do so. Jax is currently more than 3500 years old.
Jax fought against the God-warriors of Shurima during the final days of Icathia. This would includeAatrox,Nasus,Renekton,Varus, and possiblyRhaast.
While looking for people to join his rebuilt Kohari force, Jax stood on a bridge belonging to House Laurent, of which Fiora is a part of. After defeating numerousDemacianwarriors and fighters on the bridge, Jax fought Fiora. It is not known the outcome of this fight, however it is known that both survived the encounter.
Read More
Grandmaster at Arms
ByIan St. Martin
Starring Champion
Short Story • 5 Minute Read
None Shall Pass
ByGraham McNeill
Jax sat cross-legged at the center of the bridge with his long-hafted polearm resting on his knees. Demacia had not changed much since he had last traveled this way, but that didn't surprise him. Its people zealously protected their borders, which had turned them into pretty decent fighters. Well, some of them anyway, he thought, wiping a spot of blood from the softly glowing head of the lamppost. He flicked the droplet over the parapet to the river below and reached into his robe to pull out his third hard-boiled egg of the day. Tapping it on the cobbles, he slowly peeled the shell as he heard the warriors at the end of the bridge try to decide which one of them would face him next.
Short Story • 22 Minute Read
Where Icathia Once Stood
ByGraham McNeill
My name is Axamuk Var-Choi Kohari Icath'or.
Mentioned Champion
Ezreal's Field Notes
ByMatthew Dunn
Who needs a map?
Alternate Universes
A New Dawn
Day breaks over a landscape consecrated by blood and steel. A battle begins as a new dawn rises.
Clash of Fates
Starring:Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Cho'Gath,Evelynn,Jax,Karthus,Kayle,Master Yi,Nunu,Rammus,Ryze,Singed,Sivir,Soraka,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Warwick,Willump,Zilean
Music Video
Fire to the Fuse
ByNumerous Creators
Driven by an endless need for revenge, Pyke hunts down other versions of himself across dimensions. After each kill, the dimension collapses and a new Empyrean is born with volatile powers and a mission all their own.
Short Story
God Staff
By Numerous creators
We must rise above the past if we wish to have a future.
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Since its inception, Worlds has grown and evolved. Each unbelievable play and phenomenal match created moments and memories that will never be forgotten. In these iconic moments, players and teams reached for something incredible within themselves and brought it to life on the Summoner’s Rift...
Starring:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Brand,Caitlyn,Darius,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Gnar,Janna,Jax,Jayce,Jinx,Kassadin,Katarina,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lulu,Orianna,Rek'Sai,Rengar,Rumble,Ryze,Shen,Sivir,Tahm Kench,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Yasuo,Ziggs
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
Immortal Journey Cinematic
Mentioned:Irelia,Jax,Master Yi,Nami,Riven
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Reaching the peak takes more than skill. Only those with the ambition to RISE above all others will know its height.
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Akali,Ashe,Braum,Darius,Ekko,Ezreal,Fiora,Garen,Gnar,Jarvan IV,Jax,Jinx,Kalista,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Leona,Lux,Master Yi,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Riven,Ryze,Sejuani,Swain,Taliyah,Thresh,Tryndamere,Vayne,Xayah,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs
Music Video
By Numerous creators
The battle begins, and sixteen teams across the globe are fighting towards one goal – to win the League of Legends World Championship.
Starring: N/A
• Before lore retconning, the nameJaxwas Ionian.[1]
• Jax's full name is Saijax Cail-Rynx Kohari Icath’un, his full name consists five elements specific to Icathian naming convention:Birth name,Mother's name,Father's name,Occupation / social standing,Clan name.
• Before his transformation, Saijax was a giant with a shaven-head, skinpockmarkedby the ravages of a childhood illness, and a forked beard stiffened to points with wax and white chalk.
• Though considered a "master of weapons", he often wielded an Icathian axe-headed polearm as his primary weapon, which is actually a discarded brazier stave blazed with elemental fire that can harm the Void.
• Jax's favorite food is eggs, particularly those from a certain caravansary in the Shuriman City of Uzeris. His prefered method of egg consumption is to boil them.
• He is more than 3500 years old as he was present during the fall ofIcathia.It is hinted that he can live longer than usual due to being non-human like a lot of Icathian citizens.[2]The elemental fire inside his polearm also greatly extends his life span.Jax was not mutated by the Void during the fall of Icathia.[3]
• It is hinted that he can live longer than usual due to being non-human like a lot of Icathian citizens.[2]The elemental fire inside his polearm also greatly extends his life span.
• Jax was not mutated by the Void during the fall of Icathia.[3]
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Relentless Assault, Description: Innate: Jax's basic attacks generate a stack of Relentless Assault on-attack for 2. 5 seconds, refreshing on subsequent attacks and stacking up to 8 times. Stacks expire by one every 0. 25 seconds when the duration ends. Relentless Assault: For each stack, Jax gains 3. 5 % − 11% (based on level) bonus attack speed , up to a maximum of 28% − 88% (based on level) . Grandmaster at Angling: While out-of-combat with champions and idle in the river for 10 seconds, Jax will occasionally catch a fish, granting him 1 and 1 ability power for 5 seconds. He catches a fish at an average rate of one every 15 seconds. He also has a 5% chance to catch a rare fish that grants 10 and 10 ability power for 5 seconds., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Jaxwill start fishing while idle in the river if he is in-combat with only monsters (e.g. any of the three Epic monsters).(bug)', 'Jaxcatching a fish is a random event and will play a special animation.', 'The total number of fish caught during the game is displayed when fishing asGrandmaster at Anglingpassive.']} | Name: Leap Strike, Description: Active: Jax dashes to the target unit's location. If the target is an enemy and they are in range upon arrival, Jax deals them physical damage . Physical Damage: 65 / 105 / 145 / 185 / 225 (+ 100% bonus AD) Jax can cast any of his abilities during the dash., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Leap Strikecannot be cast onstructures.', 'If the target is an enemy champion,Jaxwill be ordered to basic attack them after the dash ends.', 'Spell shieldwill block the damage, including whenempowered.']} | Name: Empower, Description: Active: Jax empowers his next basic attack or Leap Strike against an enemy within 10 seconds to deal bonus magic damage . If Empower is used on a basic attack, it will gain 50 bonus range and have an uncancellable windup . Bonus Magic Damage: 50 / 85 / 120 / 155 / 190 (+ 60% AP) Empower resets Jax's basic attack timer., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'The empowered attack will trigger but not be consumed nor apply its effects againststructures.']} | Name: Counter Strike, Description: Active: Jax enters Evasion for 2 seconds: a defensive stance that causes him to dodge all incoming non- turret basic attacks and take 25% reduced damage from all area of effect abilities from champions . Counter Strike can be recast after 1 second, and does so automatically after the duration. Recast: Jax deals magic damage to nearby enemies, with the total damage increased by 20% for each attack dodged, up to a 100% increase, and stuns them for 1 second. Minimum Magic Damage: 55 / 85 / 115 / 145 / 175 (+ 70% AP) (+ 4% of target's maximum health) Maximum Magic Damage: 110 / 170 / 230 / 290 / 350 (+ 140% AP) (+ 8% of target's maximum health), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "The initial cast and the manual recast count as ability activations for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.", "Counter Strikewill also dodge abilities that can triggeron-hit effects(Parrrley,Mystic Shot) which will count towardsCounter Strike'sincreased damage. There are exceptions however.", 'Now affected by -30 ability haste.']} | Name: Grandmaster-At-Arms, Description: Passive: Jax's basic attacks generate a stack of Grandmaster-At-Arms on-hit for 2. 5 seconds, refreshing on subsequent hits and stacking up to 2 times. At 2 stacks, his next basic attack is empowered to consume them all to deal bonus magic damage . While Grandmaster-At-Arms is active, the empowered attack triggers at 1 stack instead. Bonus Magic Damage: 60 / 110 / 160 (+ 60% AP) Active: Jax swings his lantern around, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies. If this hits a champion, he gains bonus armor , increased for each champion hit beyond the first, and bonus magic resistance equal to 60% of that amount as well as 10% increased size for 8 seconds. Magic Damage: 150 / 250 / 350 (+ 100% AP) Bonus Armor: 15 / 40 / 65 (+ 40% bonus AD) Bonus Magic Resistance: 9 / 24 / 39 (+ 24% bonus AD) Bonus Armor per Champion Hit: 15 / 20 / 25 (+ 10% bonus AD) Bonus Magic Resistance per Champion Hit: 9 / 12 / 15 (+ 6% bonus AD), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'parries': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'The attack bonus dealsproc damage. The swing dealsarea damage.', 'The bonus resistances are represented by a glowing aura aroundJaxthat grows with each enemy champion hit beyond the first.', "Jaxcan move duringGrandmaster-At-Arms'cast time.", 'Thebonusmagic damagecan bedodgedandblockedbut it cannotmiss.', 'Spell shieldwill only block the bonus damage from the third attack if it isempowered.', 'The empowered attack will trigger but not be consumed nor apply its effects againststructuresandwards.Stacks will still be generated when attacking them.', 'Stacks will still be generated when attacking them.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'Passive base damage changed to 40 / 80 / 120.']} | Jax's eyes are blue.
Jax was likely inspired byGaret Jax, "The Weapons Master" of theSword of Shannara Trilogy. He was adept with any weapon and was undefeated in combat, though he often wielded a sword and cudgel.
In theV1.0.0.115(April Fools' Day) patch,Wriggle's Lanternwas given the following joke passive, referencingJax'susage of a lamp post (which is functionally similar to a lantern) as a weapon:NewUnique Passive: Taunts nearbyJaxes(both enemy and allied).
In the now-removed official League of Legendsforums, theiconofRelentless Assaultwas used to represent the "Off Topic Discussion" section.
The icon art ofGrandmaster's Mightfeatures a stunned soldier who was directly mirrored from theoriginal iconforTime Bomb. |
Jayce,the Defender of Tomorrow,Jayce Giopara | | | health: Health590+109, resource: Mana375+45, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)6+0.6, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)6+0.8, armor: Armor22+5, attack damage: Attack damage57+4.25, attack speed: Base AS0.658, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius75, release: 2012-07-07, changed: V13.1, role: Artillery, position: TopMiddle, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 4800|880 | InDev Update - Champs, Lore & More, Laura 'poisonpixxi' DeYoung, Head of IP Creative for Riot Games, elaborated on their new approach to narrative cohesiveness by ironing out any inconsistencies that have sprung up over the years.
This article contains information that conflicts with this new narrative and will most likely be changed/moved in the following year(s).
Missing section(s):
JayceMain 1Main 2Casual 1Casual 2YoungTitlesAlias(es)The Defender of TomorrowCharacteristicsSpeciesHumanPronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:963 AN - 966 ANWeapon(s)Mercury HammerMercury CannonHextech CapacitorAcceleration GatePersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originPiltoverCurrent residencePiltoverFamilyUnnamed FatherUnnamed MotherProfessional statusOccupation(s)InventorPiltover's DefenderMember of the Council of ClansApprenta for Clan FerrosApprenta for Clan GioparaRegion(s)PiltoverFaction(s)Ferros ClanGiopara ClanRelated character(s)HeimerdingerCaitlynViktorViEzrealCamilleSkarner
• Main 1
• Main 2
• Casual 1
• Casual 2
• Young
• Born:963 AN - 966 AN
• Mercury Hammer
• Mercury Cannon
• Hextech Capacitor
• Acceleration Gate
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Unnamed Father
• Unnamed Mother
Professional status
• Inventor
• Piltover's Defender
• Member of the Council of Clans
• Apprenta for Clan Ferros
• Apprenta for Clan Giopara
• Ferros Clan
• Giopara Clan
Related character(s)
Jayceis a brilliant inventor who has pledged his life to the defense ofPiltoverand its unyielding pursuit of progress. With his transforming hextechhammerin hand, Jayce uses his strength, courage, and considerable intelligence to protect his hometown. While revered throughout the city as a hero, he hasn't taken well to the attention it brings. Still, Jayce's heart is in the right place, and even those who envy his natural skills are grateful for his protection in the City of Progress.
• 1Background
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relationships5.1Viktor
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8See also
• 5.1Viktor
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Jayce is a tall, muscular, and tanned man. He has blue (sometimes depicted as violet) eyes and styled dark hair. Jayce can be seen wearing typical Piltovan clothing, most often his signature leather coat with gear and cog elements on it.
• Inventor:A brilliant mind, Jayce is able to invent numerous contraptions, especially those made to utilize hextech gemstones. As the person who perfected hextech, he is one of the leading scientists in hextech innovations.Mercury Hammer/Mercury Cannon:Transforming weapon created byJaycein order to assaultViktor'slaboratory and retrieve the hextech crystal he stole. It can transform into a powered greathammer that has the hammer's head and pommel enhanced so that its ability to deal heavy blows is intensified; or it can transform into a blaster that can shoot lightning orbs. It can also emit anelectrical fieldthat surrounds Jayce and knocks back and electrocutes nearby enemies.
• Mercury Hammer/Mercury Cannon:Transforming weapon created byJaycein order to assaultViktor'slaboratory and retrieve the hextech crystal he stole. It can transform into a powered greathammer that has the hammer's head and pommel enhanced so that its ability to deal heavy blows is intensified; or it can transform into a blaster that can shoot lightning orbs. It can also emit anelectrical fieldthat surrounds Jayce and knocks back and electrocutes nearby enemies.
Viktor and Jayce were previously friends, and are now unfortunately enemies. They disagree over many topics relating to ethics in science, most pertaining to free will.
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The Defender of Tomorrow
ByAnthony Burch
Starring Champion
A Perfect Life: Closed Circuit
ByJohn O'Bryan
Ekko is a teen inventor who lives in Zaun, a city where being handy with technology is the best path to a better future. His greatest invention is the Z-Drive: a device which allows him to rewind his own timeline—and redo the last few seconds of his past. Ekko uses the Z-Drive to fix everything in his life: small mistakes, life-changing ones, and everything in between. But messing with time can have some major consequences for Ekko, his friends, his family, and his world...In this prequel to Conv/rgence, Ekko imagines a timeline without do-overs, where he must give up the extra chances time travel has offered him. But it's harder than he thinks to let time flow on without getting involved...
Starring:Aximander,Chancee,Ekko,Jayce,Lem,Red,Skids,Van Klegg,Viktor,Wyeth
A Perfect Life: Side Effects
ByJohn O'Bryan
Ekko is a teen inventor who lives in Zaun, a city where being handy with technology is the best path to a better future. His greatest invention is the Z-Drive: a device which allows him to rewind his own timeline—and redo the last few seconds of his past. Ekko uses the Z-Drive to fix everything in his life: small mistakes, life-changing ones, and everything in between. But messing with time can have some major consequences for Ekko, his friends, his family, and his world...In this prequel to Conv/rgence, Ekko imagines a timeline without do-overs, where he must give up the extra chances time travel has offered him. But it's harder than he thinks to let time flow on without getting involved...
Starring:Ekko,Jayce,Van Klegg,Viktor,Wyeth
Short Story • 5 Minute Read
A Quick Fix
ByAnthony Burch
Any fool could have predicted that Viktor would strike back at some point. If one weren't a fool, one might predict the exact date and time of an attempted counterattack.
Arcane (TV Series)
Every legend has a beginning.
Starring:Aero,Amara,Ambessa,Babette,Benzo,Billingsworth,Bolbok,Caitlyn,Cassandra,Chross,Claggor,Deckard,Ekko,Elora,Finn,Gorgeous Man,Grayson,Harold,Heimerdinger,Hoskel,Huck,Jayce,Jericho,Jinx,Jules,Lock,Marcus,Margot,Mel,Mylo,Pim,Ren,Renni,Salo,Sevika,Shoola,Silco,Singed,Sky,Smeech,Thieram,Tobias,Vander,Verne,Vi,Viktor,Ximena
Short Story
The Council Archives
ByTy Sheedlo
The Council Archives. You'd heard stories at the Academy, of course, but words could not describe the breathtaking magnitude of its contents. The entire history of your city: its glorious achievements, its sinister secrets, painstakingly documented, waiting to be read.
Mentioned Champion
A Perfect Life: Jump Start
ByJohn O'Bryan
Ekko is a teen inventor who lives in Zaun, a city where being handy with technology is the best path to a better future. His greatest invention is the Z-Drive: a device which allows him to rewind his own timeline—and redo the last few seconds of his past. Ekko uses the Z-Drive to fix everything in his life: small mistakes, life-changing ones, and everything in between. But messing with time can have some major consequences for Ekko, his friends, his family, and his world...In this prequel to Conv/rgence, Ekko imagines a timeline without do-overs, where he must give up the extra chances time travel has offered him. But it's harder than he thinks to let time flow on without getting involved...
Starring:Chancee,Ekko,Inna,Lem,Skids,Van Klegg,Viktor,Wyeth
A Perfect Life: The Depths
ByJohn O'Bryan
Ekko is a teen inventor who lives in Zaun, a city where being handy with technology is the best path to a better future. His greatest invention is the Z-Drive: a device which allows him to rewind his own timeline—and redo the last few seconds of his past. Ekko uses the Z-Drive to fix everything in his life: small mistakes, life-changing ones, and everything in between. But messing with time can have some major consequences for Ekko, his friends, his family, and his world...In this prequel to Conv/rgence, Ekko imagines a timeline without do-overs, where he must give up the extra chances time travel has offered him. But it's harder than he thinks to let time flow on without getting involved...
Starring:Aximander,Chancee,Ekko,Lem,Red,Skids,Van Klegg,Viktor,Wyeth
ByDouble Stallion Games
Rewind the Past, Control the Future - Explore and traverse through the spectacular city of Zaun as Ekko, a young inventor with an ingenious device to manipulate time, in this story-driven action platformer. Play as a young Ekko and realize the full potential of one of League’s fan-favorite Champions.
Starring:Aximander,Camille,Chadd,Corin Reveck,Corina Veraza,Drake Poingdestre,Ekko,Elie,Inna,Jinx,Lem,Red,Rungs,Vale Poingdestre,Warwick,Wyeth,Zarkon Poingdestre
Mentioned:Ashlesh,Azir,Blitzcrank,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Eramis,Evil Kay,Farron,Fiddlesticks,Janna,Jayce,Kay,Nasus,Orianna,Renata Glasc,Seraphine,Shomi,Singed,Twitch,Urgot,Vi,Viktor,Zac,Zeri,Ziggs
The Machine Herald
ByGraham McNeill
Alternate Universes
Short Story
Attack of the Demon Poros
Crystal Quest: Series 1
Mentioned:Anivia,Ashe,Braum,Bristle,Caitlyn,Camille,Elise,Ezreal,Garen,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Illaoi,Ivern,Katarina,Kled,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lucian,Nami,Olaf,Poppy,Ryze,Senna,Singed,Skaarl,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Veigar,Vi,Zac
Fight for Yours
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Since its inception, Worlds has grown and evolved. Each unbelievable play and phenomenal match created moments and memories that will never be forgotten. In these iconic moments, players and teams reached for something incredible within themselves and brought it to life on the Summoner’s Rift...
Starring:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Brand,Caitlyn,Darius,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Gnar,Janna,Jax,Jayce,Jinx,Kassadin,Katarina,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lulu,Orianna,Rek'Sai,Rengar,Rumble,Ryze,Shen,Sivir,Tahm Kench,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Yasuo,Ziggs
Academy Adventures: Series 3
ByGutter Rat
Short Story
An ancient mystery in Runeterra
ByExplorer Ezreal
Mentioned:Jayce,Lux,Twisted Fate
Crystal Quest: Series 2
Punches and Plants: Series 2
Mentioned:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Amumu,Annie,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Diana,Draven,Ekko,Ezreal,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Kha'Zix,Kog'Maw,Leona,Lucian,Lux,Malphite,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nasus,Nautilus,Nidalee,Olaf,Orianna,Poppy,Quinn,Rakan,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Shaco,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Valor,Vel'Koz,Viktor,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Xin Zhao,Yasuo,Ziggs
Represent Your House
Which side will you choose?
Starring: N/A
Road to the Cup
As the 2013 League of Legends World Championship final draws near, we showcase the biggest heroes in esports from around the world. Many teams fell by the wayside in epic battles, and now only two remain: Korea's SK Telecom T1 and China's Royal Club. Who will rise?
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Blitzcrank,Brand,Caitlyn,Corki,Elise,Ezreal,Gragas,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Lux,Malphite,Mordekaiser,Orianna,Renekton,Ryze,Shen,Thresh,Twisted Fate,Vayne,Zac,Zed
The Tale of the Poro King
By Numerous creators
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aatrox,Akali,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Darius,Diana,Draven,Ezreal,Gnar,Illaoi,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kai'Sa,Karma,Karthus,Katarina,Kayle,Kayn,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nunu,Ornn,Pantheon,Pyke,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Rhaast,Ryze,Sejuani,Shen,Sion,Sivir,Soraka,Sylas,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Thresh,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Vi,Volibear,Willump,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs,Zoe
Music Video
By Numerous creators
The battle begins, and sixteen teams across the globe are fighting towards one goal – to win the League of Legends World Championship.
Starring: N/A
• Depending on writer, Jayce's lore varies in its depiction of Viktor from a counter-cultural figure who acts as Jayce's personalfoilto aSaturday morning cartoonvillain. Instances of the latter usually get retconned in response to feedback.
• House Giopara runs theThe Forge Of Tomorrowthat makes hammers and other tools; tools that were popularized by Piltovians and were said to be contributory in the construction of Piltover.
• In the old lore:Jayce founded The Resistance to counteractViktorand hisGlorious Evolutionafter their clash over the arcane crystal.The MercuryCannon/Hammerand theAcceleration Gateare a product of Jayce's research into this crystal.Jayce is fascinated bypurelyroboticallifeforms but disgusted bynecromanticexperimentsandaugmentation.Jayce deemsHeimerdingeras an academic influence while he 'amusedly respects'RumbleandZiggs.While Jayce is not part of thePiltoverPoliceForcethey frequently cross paths (results may vary).Jayce helpedEzrealaccess restricted areas in Piltover Academy's library so the Prodigal Explorer could research records ofAatrox'sexistence.JayceknewViktorduring their academic days. Due to moral and creative differences they have since parted ways.They clashed during an event which revolved around a Hex-crystal.
• Jayce founded The Resistance to counteractViktorand hisGlorious Evolutionafter their clash over the arcane crystal.The MercuryCannon/Hammerand theAcceleration Gateare a product of Jayce's research into this crystal.
• Jayce is fascinated bypurelyroboticallifeforms but disgusted bynecromanticexperimentsandaugmentation.
• Jayce deemsHeimerdingeras an academic influence while he 'amusedly respects'RumbleandZiggs.
• While Jayce is not part of thePiltoverPoliceForcethey frequently cross paths (results may vary).
• Jayce helpedEzrealaccess restricted areas in Piltover Academy's library so the Prodigal Explorer could research records ofAatrox'sexistence.
• JayceknewViktorduring their academic days. Due to moral and creative differences they have since parted ways.They clashed during an event which revolved around a Hex-crystal.
• The MercuryCannon/Hammerand theAcceleration Gateare a product of Jayce's research into this crystal.
• They clashed during an event which revolved around a Hex-crystal.
See also[] | Name: Hextech Capacitor, Description: Innate: Whenever Jayce switches between either Hammer Stance or Cannon Stance , he gains ghosting and 40 bonus movement speed for 0. 75 seconds., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'No additional details.']} | Name: To the Skies!, Description: Active: Jayce leaps to the target enemy's location. Upon arrival, he deals physical damage to all enemies within an area and slows them for 2 seconds. Physical Damage: 60 / 110 / 160 / 210 / 260 / 310 (+ 120% bonus AD) Slow: 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50 / 55% Lightning Field can be cast during the dash. Link ▶️ "To the skies!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "To The Skies!will always directJaycelinearly to his target's location."]} | Name: Lightning Field, Description: Passive: Jayce's basic attacks restore mana on-hit . Mana Restored: 10 / 12 / 14 / 16 / 18 / 20 Active: Jayce surrounds himself with an electric field for 4 seconds that deals magic damage every second to nearby enemies. Magic Damage Per Tick: 35 / 50 / 65 / 80 / 95 / 110 (+ 25% AP) Total Magic Damage: 140 / 200 / 260 / 320 / 380 / 440 (+ 100% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Themanarestore triggers onstructures.']} | Name: Thundering Blow, Description: Active: Jayce swings his hammer at the target enemy, dealing magic damage , capped against monsters , while also displacing them to a location 500 units in front of him. Magic Damage: 8 / 10. 8 / 13. 6 / 16. 4 / 19. 2 / 22% of target's maximum health (+ 100% bonus AD) Maximum Monster Damage: 200 / 300 / 400 / 500 / 600 / 700, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the cast time, this ability will cancel but does not go oncooldownnor pay its cost (if applicable).']} | Name: Transform Mercury Cannon, Description: Active: Jayce transforms into Cannon Stance , receiving access to its abilities , becoming ranged with 500 attack range , and empowering his next basic attack to reduce the target's armor and magic resistance by 10 / 15 / 20 / 25% (based on level) for 5 seconds. Jayce begins the game with Transform but cannot increase its rank. Instead, his basic abilities each have 6 ranks. Link ▶️ "Cannon engaged.", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Transformations do not count as ability activations for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.", 'The resistance reduction does not apply to structures.', 'BothTransformon-hit effects have no set duration and will only be consumed whenJayceeither lands a basic attack or switches stances.', 'The enhanced attack will not be consumed if it is parried (dodge,block,blind, andRiposte).', 'The empowered attack will not trigger againststructuresnorwards.']} | Jayce was the 100th released champion.He was also:The third to have aRecallanimation on release, the others beingDariusandDraven.The second to start the game with an unlocked Ultimate ability, the others beingElise,Karma, andNidalee.The fourth to have access to all four abilites at Level 1, the others beingElise,Karma,Nidalee, andUdyr.The third to have more than four abilities, the others beingElise,Gnar,Kled,Lee Sin,Nidalee, andRek'Sai.The first to have access to eight abilities (Transform Mercury CannonandTransform Mercury Hammercounted separately).One of five champions to be labeled as bothmeleeandranged, the others beingElise,Gnar,Kayle, andNidalee.
Jayce's dance referencesU Can't Touch ThisbyMC Hammer.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.He shares this dance withMalzahar(specifically hisVoidlings'part).Coincidentally 'MercuryCannon/Hammer' can be shortened to 'MC Hammer'.
Jayce's title 'the Defender of Tomorrow' referencesSuperman: The Man of Tomorrow.[citation needed] |
Jhin,the Virtuoso,Khada Jhin | | | health: Health655+107, resource: Mana300+50, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)3.75+0.55, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)6+0.8, armor: Armor24+4.7, attack damage: Attack damage59+4.7, attack speed: Base AS0.625+3, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius120, release: 2016-02-01, changed: V13.19, role: MarksmanCatcher, position: Bottom, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 4444|880, attack range: 550 | Games
JhinMainArmored 1Armored 2Armored 3PuppeteerTeenTitlesNickname(s)Khada Jhin(Stage Name,Ionian: 'golden excellence')Alias(es)The VirtuosoArtisan KillerGolden DemonCharacteristicsSpeciesHuman(Magical)Pronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:956 AN - 961 ANWeapon(s)WhisperDancing GrenadeLotus TrapPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originIoniaCurrent residenceIonia(No Fixed Abode)FamilyUnnamed FatherUnnamed MotherProfessional statusOccupation(s)VirtuosoArtistAssassinSerial KillerCalligrapherPainterPoetSmithTheatrical StagehandRegion(s)IoniaRelated character(s)KushoShenZedAkaliKaynCamille
• Main
• Armored 1
• Armored 2
• Armored 3
• Puppeteer
• Teen
• The Virtuoso
• Artisan Killer
• Golden Demon
• Born:956 AN - 961 AN
• Whisper
• Dancing Grenade
• Lotus Trap
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Unnamed Father
• Unnamed Mother
Professional status
• Virtuoso
• Artist
• Assassin
• Serial Killer
• Calligrapher
• Painter
• Poet
• Smith
• Theatrical Stagehand
Related character(s)
Jhinis a meticulous criminal psychopath who believes murder is art. Once anIonianprisoner, but freed by shadowy elements within Ionia's ruling council, the serial killer now works as their cabal's assassin. Using hisgunas his paintbrush,Jhincreates works of artistic brutality, horrifying victims and onlookers. He gains a cruel pleasure from putting on his gruesome theater, making him the ideal choice to send the most powerful of messages: terror.
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2Events leading to imprisonment1.3Release from Prison1.4Post-Imprisonment
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Shen&Zed5.2Kusho5.3Akali5.4Sona
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2Events leading to imprisonment
• 1.3Release from Prison
• 1.4Post-Imprisonment
• 5.1Shen&Zed
• 5.2Kusho
• 5.3Akali
• 5.4Sona
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early life[]
Jhin is assumed to have spent most of his life into early 20's on theIonianprovince ofZhyun. Not much is known about his family life, except for his father's martial arts school. His father's career was snuffed out by the success ofWuju.
Jhin had been slaughtering farmsteads and scores of travelers for an unknown period of time before he was persued byMaster Kusho,Usan, andShen. He began his work in the ages spanning from 19-21, working primarily with knives. For a little more than four years, the three men pursued Jhin and were far from the first to have hunted him down. In the final stages of the three men's investigation, they discover that he is a mere stagehand working forZhyun's traveling theatre and opera houses under the name, "Khada Jhin". This is not his real name, the real one remains a mystery.
Events leading to imprisonment[]
Master Kusho, Zed, and Shen followed Jhin's movements toJyom Passon theGhajanriver. Zed chased Jhin down only to get knocked out by the handle of his blade. Jhin captured the young acolyte and tied him to a chair looking out towards the dock. Before Zed wakes up, Jhin takes the amulet off his neck. Zed wakes up to Jhin chiding him to look up, saying that he'll want to see Yevnai before she dies. Jhin goes on about how boring and symmetrycal Yevnai's face is in contrast to the situation which was "glorious" . Zed begins to cry at seeing Yevnai on the dock before her "final moments". After Jhin goes on about the tragic connections between Yevnai, Shen and Usan, the captive Zed begs for Jhin to not harm her, admitting that they were following him and noting that Yevnai, "didn't do anything". After saying he'll do anything, Jhin asks about the amulet that he took from Zed. Zed then concedes that it is a symbol of theKinkouand that the amulet allows them to find him. Shen, presumably having found Zed, punches through the wall and pins Jhin's neck to the wall. Zed declares that the whole thing was a set-up, that he was the bait, and takes Jhin's 4th knife, lunging at the man to kill him. Master Kusho appears in the nick of time, saving Khada Jhin's life.[1]Kusho believes that because Jhin is not a realdemon, he should be locked away at the monestary prison inTuula.
Khada Jhin was sentenced to life in the Tuula monestary prison. Jhin revealed as little about himself as possible during his many years there. The monks that guarded him said he was a "bright student". He excelled at a myriad of subjects, mostly in the arts, (i.e. smithing, poetry, and dance). Despite this, they could find nothing to cure him of his morbid fascinations. During his time in jail, the Noxian invasion began, and it is due to Ionia's instability during this time that his patrons funded him and released him from jail to terrorize the citizens of Ionia into action.
Release from Prison[]
Jhin, post-Tuula, is freely roaming, bound only by his patrons. Those weaponizing Jhin include: theKashuriArmories, as their weapons are relatively moderized for Ionia. Supposedly Jhin has also done performances for theNavori Brotherhood,Noxus, and most recentlyZaun. Zed, when faced with Jhin's sniper rifle for the first time remarked that it was a "foreigners weapon". He has been described at this point in his life as both an assassin and an instrument of terror.[2]
Jhin was released some time after the war with Noxus. The timeline of his actions right after his release from prison is unclear, but he eventually sends a messenger out toZed. She, the messenger, rows a small boat (with one of Jhin's lanterns on it!) out to theKwol Tavernwhere she finds Master Zed and delivers him a message about a "rich man" wanting to meet him in the village north of theThonx outskirts; she gives Zed a blade attuned to his spirit wrapped in a red cloth which was the "rich man's" supposed thank-you-gift.[3]Jhin kills four people before the Order of Shadow arrive: two unidentified people, the messenger, and the woman whose leg was amputated by Zed and Kusho 16 years prior. This time span makes Jhin about 38 to 39 years old currently.
Jhin is a tall, slender, pale-skinned man. He has black hair and brown eyes (he is seen only using one, however his eyes are perfectly fine, he covers one because he enjoys the lack of depth during his "performances").
His most noticeable feature is his theater mask that he wears constantly when performing as Khada Jhin. It is implied that he has an average face that allows him to easily blend in when in a crowd. Typically, he wears a large white cloak as well as elegant Ionian attire. He refers to his attire as his "finery" and at times uses the middle half of his gun as a cane to announce his presence and to rhythmically tap on the ground.[4]
Despite his theatrics during murders, much of his day-to-day personality is reserved and quiet; it's not very memorable which he takes advantage of with his performances. Within the ranks of theNavori Brotherhood, the few that know him consider him a weirdo.[1]His inner voice is one of attentiveness, almost to the point of obsession, like when he cleans the stock of his gun. When interacting with the people around him, he seems to analyze their attributes. The man is internally self-deprecating, as it is mentioned that "normally, [his appearance] elicited pangs of self-conscious loathing". When it comes to his performances, he's willing to take risks which makes sense due to his psychopathy. He's also notably grandiose, carrying himself with an air of haughtiness.
• Calligrapher:Talented in artistic writing.
• Musician:A talented musician, particularly with the Runeterran equivalent of a violin and piano.
• Painting:A talented painter, particularly with oil based paints.
• Singing:Jhin shows some talent with singing. Often than not, he could be heard humming tunes during his work.
• Smith:All of the weapons he uses were designed by him. The Kashuri armories reverse engineered Piltovan and Zaunite technology with the addition of Ionian spirit magic.Whisper:Although he did not craft the gun himself, he did influence its design and he does craft his own magic-infused bullets.[2]The gun itself, is already magical due to beingHextech.Mass Accelerator:The device Jhin carries on his shoulder is a Hextech-powered mass accelerator that in turns powers and loadsWhisperwhen it'sfully assembled.[5][6]
• Serial Killer:Infamous murderer, Jhin is well known for his elaborate kills. Using his specialized weapons, he is able to morph his victims into gruesome and warped artistic displays of his own design and madness.Ki Blades:Before the Kashuri armories granted himWhisper, Jhin used to 'perform' with blades powered by Ki techniques passed down from his father'.[4]
• Whisper:Although he did not craft the gun himself, he did influence its design and he does craft his own magic-infused bullets.[2]The gun itself, is already magical due to beingHextech.
• Mass Accelerator:The device Jhin carries on his shoulder is a Hextech-powered mass accelerator that in turns powers and loadsWhisperwhen it'sfully assembled.[5][6]
• Ki Blades:Before the Kashuri armories granted himWhisper, Jhin used to 'perform' with blades powered by Ki techniques passed down from his father'.[4]
Jhin has some resentment towards Shen and Zed for catching him and imprisoning him. During each of his encounters with both Shen and Zed, he would leave a trail of gruesome deaths behind him, which would forever change the two ninjas. After he was released, Jhin would force Zed and Shen to work together so he might kill them both for catching him years before. He attacked Zed, Kayn and theirorder, killing some of the members.
As the main reason for his imprisonment, Jhin holds some resentment towards the Kinkou master. However, after Kusho fakes his death with the help of Zed and becoming the leader of theNavori Brotherhood, Kusho unleashed Jhin to terrorize and get control ofIonia. Jhin knows the truth about the circumstance of Kusho's "death" and could have revealed to Shen if he had wanted to but didn't as he realized Zed was going after Kusho.
Akalitracked Jhin down toPiltover-Zaunand was captured by him, but was later saved with the help ofShenandZed.
Jhin has some interest in killing Sona for being a very famousIonianartist who is taking the spotlight away from his 'performances'.
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The Virtuoso
ByOdin Austin Shafer,Ian St. Martin
Starring Champion
Music Video
By Numerous creators
A deadly masterpiece unfolds. A lone resistance made whole. A chance to come alive.
Mind of the Virtuoso
I will make you beautiful. I will make you perfect.
Short Story
The Man with the Steel Cane
ByOdin Austin Shafer
Zed: Issue 1
ByOdin Austin Shafer,Edgar Salazar,Lorenzo Ruggiero,Chris O'Halloran
Zed is lured back to a village where he and Shen once encountered a great evil, a brutal killer from their past resurfaces: the magically gifted psychopath Khada Jhin!
Zed: Issue 2
ByOdin Austin Shafer,Edgar Salazar,Lorenzo Ruggiero,Chris O'Halloran
Zed is under attack from all sides! He and his band of assassins are ambushed by the twisted Khada Jhin! In order to survive, Zed will be forced to confront his past sins and seek the aid of his most bitter enemy--the Eye of Twilight, Shen!
Zed: Issue 3
ByOdin Austin Shafer,Edgar Salazar,Lorenzo Ruggiero,Chris O'Halloran
In order to survive, Zed will be forced to confront his past sins and seek the aid of his most bitter enemy--the Eye of Twilight, Shen!
Zed: Issue 4
ByOdin Austin Shafer,Edgar Salazar,Lorenzo Ruggiero,Chris O'Halloran
Khada Jhin's master plan comes together in a most explosive and deadly manner! But even if Zed and Shen survive, they might just kill one another! Only one will be left standing by the end of this issue!
Zed: Issue 5
ByOdin Austin Shafer,Edgar Salazar,Lorenzo Ruggiero,Chris O'Halloran
Zed has been captured and is at the mercy of his most bitter enemy--and once most trusted friend--Shen! Meanwhile Akali sets out on her own in search of the deadly Jhin--a journey that may lead her to her own doom! But what is Jhin's endgame?
Zed: Issue 6
ByOdin Austin Shafer,Edgar Salazar,Lorenzo Ruggiero,Chris O'Halloran
It's all led to this: Zed and Shen, united in a final battle with the psychopathic murderer Khada Jhin! And the life of the captive Akali hangs in the balance! Then--Shen and Zed's greatest enemy will stand revealed…and you'll never guess who it is! Shocking secrets about the past AND the present will be unveiled…and whoever survives will be left to pick up the pieces!
Mentioned Champion
The Eye of Twilight
ByMichael Luo
The Master of Shadows
ByMichael Luo,Ariel Lawrence
The Visionary
ByIsa Mari De Leon
Alternate Universes
Short Story
Of Rats and Cats and Neon Mice
ByAriel Lawrence
Short Story
The Bloody Tale
By Unknown Author
The Hunt
Tournament of Souls
ByTaylor Dinwiddie,Ty Sheedlo
Play League of Legends to build Samira's reputation and style on your competition at the Tournament of Souls! Face off against the strongest soul fighters in a series of fierce 1v1 matches to help Samira chase down her biggest bounty yet and fulfill her SOUL'S DESIRE!
“Nothing's going to stop me.” Inspired by the true story of Doublelift, Team Liquid ADC and five-time North American LCS champion. It's On.
Academy Adventures: Series 1
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Akali,Amumu,Anivia,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Braum,Cho'Gath,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fiora,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Ivern,Jhin,Jinx,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nidalee,Olaf,Poppy,Rek'Sai,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Shen,Sion,Sona,Soraka,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tristana,Trundle,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Vel'Koz,Vi,Yorick,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 3
ByGutter Rat
Short Story
Ambition's Embrace
ByMichael Yichao
Bound by darkness.
Starring:Ashe,Kassadin,Lulu,Lux,Master Yi,Rakan,Thresh,Xayah,Xin Zhao
Music Video
Coming Alive
ByNumerous Creators
In the fight of a lifetime, you may get knocked down. But never knocked out.
• His stagenameKhada Jhinmeans "Golden Excellence". As revealed in a "Did you Know" message, Khada Jhin is just a stage name, and Jhin's real name remains unknown.Jhinderives from Mandarin 金jīn[t͡ɕin˥]"gold"[7]< Old Chinese*kəm"metal <copper,bronze".[8]In Chinese localization, his name is written烬~燼jìn[t͡ɕin˥˩][9]"ashes < remnants", from Old Chinese*dzins<Sino-Tibetan*dzin[10](also,dzinʔ> 盡~尽jìn"to end, to exhaust"[11]).Khadareferences the real-lifeKhatascarf, fromTibetanཁ་བཏགསkha-btags.His release story was originally named "Golden Excellence" before being changed into "The Man with the Steel Cane".Jhin shows traits consistent with obsessive-compulsive disorder focused on the number four.The tally marks engraved onWhispermight be referencing this notation.One of his innates is Death in4Acts.When he 'performs' in any given nation he makes a number people 'beautiful and perfect'. That number is always a multiple of four.In Chinese andSino-Xenic pronunciations, 四 "four" sounds like 死 "death" (albeit with different tones, except in toneless Japanese & Korean), leading toavoidance, though unhistorical. Examples:Middle Chinese:*siɪH四 vs.*siɪX死;Mandarin:sì[sz̩˥˩] 四 vs.sǐ[sz̩˨˩˦] 死;[12]Vietnamese:tứ[tɯ˧˥] 四 vs.tử[tɯ˨˩˦] 死;Japanese:shi[ɕiꜜ] 四 & 死;Korean:sa[sa] 四 & 死.Whispercan hold up to four bullets/fire up to four times before Jhin having to reload, with the fourth shot being the deadliest.Dancing Grenadecan bounce up to four times.Deadly Flourishmarks a target for four seconds.Captive Audiencereveals units for four seconds.Curtain Callcan fire up to four shots, with the fourth being the deadliest.During his joke Jhin dropsWhisperand it fires all four bullets.Other references related to number 4 include:TriggeringThe CollectorDeath and Taxeswill cause the damage indicator to display as "4444" instead of "999", which isfournumberfour.The word "Jhin" has 4 letters.The "J-H-I-N" letter combination creates an italic "4" on QWERTY keyboards.As of patchV13.5Jhin's price on the shop has been changed to 4444 Blue Essence.Jhin'sWhisperhas another innate named Every Moment Matters which grants him bonus ATK equal to 4%-44% at base modifier.Jhin's fourth shot crits structures at 44% reduced damage.Mind of the Virtuosodepicts how 'artistic' Jhin sees his 'performances'.The rose that appears in game is one of the many things he sees when killing someone.[13]It has been confirmed by aRioterthat his bullets shapes his victims flesh into his choosing or make it move as well as other effects. This was later reflected inZed comic series.Examples would be the four champions (Sona,Garen,Vi, andZed) chosen to be in his teasers. However, these teasers are not canon.Jhin appears to be ambidextrous (he fires regularWhisperwith his left hand but whenfully assembledhe fires with his right one.Underneath the mask Jhin has a fully functional face, and without his usual outfit he doesn't stand out in a crowd.Jhin's face was orginally supposed to be revealed inZed comics, but the idea was scrapped. However, the concept art for his supposed canon face has been accidentally posted.[14]His favorite food is dumplings.[15]Outside of theIonian government, theShadow Order, theKinkou Orderand a few related people, other Ionians do not know that the Golden Demon was actually a man, and believe that Master Kusho has slain the monster.Jhin is around 38 to 39 years old, 4 years older thanZed.[16][17]After the events ofZed: Issue 6, he is likely in prison again.
• Jhinderives from Mandarin 金jīn[t͡ɕin˥]"gold"[7]< Old Chinese*kəm"metal <copper,bronze".[8]In Chinese localization, his name is written烬~燼jìn[t͡ɕin˥˩][9]"ashes < remnants", from Old Chinese*dzins<Sino-Tibetan*dzin[10](also,dzinʔ> 盡~尽jìn"to end, to exhaust"[11]).
• Khadareferences the real-lifeKhatascarf, fromTibetanཁ་བཏགསkha-btags.
• His release story was originally named "Golden Excellence" before being changed into "The Man with the Steel Cane".
• In Chinese localization, his name is written烬~燼jìn[t͡ɕin˥˩][9]"ashes < remnants", from Old Chinese*dzins<Sino-Tibetan*dzin[10](also,dzinʔ> 盡~尽jìn"to end, to exhaust"[11]).
• The tally marks engraved onWhispermight be referencing this notation.
• One of his innates is Death in4Acts.
• When he 'performs' in any given nation he makes a number people 'beautiful and perfect'. That number is always a multiple of four.
• In Chinese andSino-Xenic pronunciations, 四 "four" sounds like 死 "death" (albeit with different tones, except in toneless Japanese & Korean), leading toavoidance, though unhistorical. Examples:Middle Chinese:*siɪH四 vs.*siɪX死;Mandarin:sì[sz̩˥˩] 四 vs.sǐ[sz̩˨˩˦] 死;[12]Vietnamese:tứ[tɯ˧˥] 四 vs.tử[tɯ˨˩˦] 死;Japanese:shi[ɕiꜜ] 四 & 死;Korean:sa[sa] 四 & 死.
• Whispercan hold up to four bullets/fire up to four times before Jhin having to reload, with the fourth shot being the deadliest.
• Dancing Grenadecan bounce up to four times.
• Deadly Flourishmarks a target for four seconds.
• Captive Audiencereveals units for four seconds.
• Curtain Callcan fire up to four shots, with the fourth being the deadliest.
• During his joke Jhin dropsWhisperand it fires all four bullets.
• Other references related to number 4 include:TriggeringThe CollectorDeath and Taxeswill cause the damage indicator to display as "4444" instead of "999", which isfournumberfour.The word "Jhin" has 4 letters.The "J-H-I-N" letter combination creates an italic "4" on QWERTY keyboards.As of patchV13.5Jhin's price on the shop has been changed to 4444 Blue Essence.Jhin'sWhisperhas another innate named Every Moment Matters which grants him bonus ATK equal to 4%-44% at base modifier.Jhin's fourth shot crits structures at 44% reduced damage.
• Middle Chinese:*siɪH四 vs.*siɪX死;Mandarin:sì[sz̩˥˩] 四 vs.sǐ[sz̩˨˩˦] 死;[12]Vietnamese:tứ[tɯ˧˥] 四 vs.tử[tɯ˨˩˦] 死;Japanese:shi[ɕiꜜ] 四 & 死;Korean:sa[sa] 四 & 死.
• Mandarin:sì[sz̩˥˩] 四 vs.sǐ[sz̩˨˩˦] 死;[12]
• Vietnamese:tứ[tɯ˧˥] 四 vs.tử[tɯ˨˩˦] 死;
• Japanese:shi[ɕiꜜ] 四 & 死;
• Korean:sa[sa] 四 & 死.
• TriggeringThe CollectorDeath and Taxeswill cause the damage indicator to display as "4444" instead of "999", which isfournumberfour.
• The word "Jhin" has 4 letters.
• The "J-H-I-N" letter combination creates an italic "4" on QWERTY keyboards.
• As of patchV13.5Jhin's price on the shop has been changed to 4444 Blue Essence.
• Jhin'sWhisperhas another innate named Every Moment Matters which grants him bonus ATK equal to 4%-44% at base modifier.
• Jhin's fourth shot crits structures at 44% reduced damage.
• The rose that appears in game is one of the many things he sees when killing someone.[13]
• It has been confirmed by aRioterthat his bullets shapes his victims flesh into his choosing or make it move as well as other effects. This was later reflected inZed comic series.Examples would be the four champions (Sona,Garen,Vi, andZed) chosen to be in his teasers. However, these teasers are not canon.
• Examples would be the four champions (Sona,Garen,Vi, andZed) chosen to be in his teasers. However, these teasers are not canon.
• Jhin's face was orginally supposed to be revealed inZed comics, but the idea was scrapped. However, the concept art for his supposed canon face has been accidentally posted.[14]
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Basic Attack, Description: Basic Attack: Jhin fires at the target with Whisper , dealing 100% AD physical damage and applying on-hit and on-attack effects. Jhin's basic attacks can critically strike . These attacks have slightly increased missile speed, but deal only 「 (150. 5 % + 38. 7 % ) AD physical damage . 」 「 86% of the critical damage champions usually have. 」 Jhin's attack speed cannot be improved at all except through growth ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "The 3000 missile speed for critical strikes also applies toWhisper's4th shot, which is a guaranteed critical strike."]} | Name: Whisper, Description: Innate - Death In 4 Acts: Jhin's basic attacks consume ammunition within 4 rounds. He will reload over 2. 5 seconds immediately after expending all rounds or withholding leftover rounds after 10 seconds of being out of combat and not being affected by crowd control . The latter reload can be interrupted by declaring an attack or casting an ability. Jhin's final round attack has an uncancellable windup versus champions, always critically strikes , including against structures , and deals bonus physical damage equal to 15 / 20 / 25% (based on level) of the target's missing health . Innate - Every Moment Matters: Jhin gains bonus attack damage equal to 4% − 44% (based on level) 「 (+ 0. 3 % per 1% critical strike chance) (+ 0. 25 % per 1% bonus attack speed) 」 「 (+ 30% critical strike chance) (+ 25% bonus attack speed) 」 AD . Additionally, critical strikes grant Jhin 10% (+ 0. 4 % per 1% bonus attack speed) bonus movement speed for 2 seconds. Link ▶️ "One, two, three, four, two, two, three, four.", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "The penalty toJhin'scritical damagealso reduces the base damage ((100 + 75)\xa0×\xa00.86 rather than 100 + (75\xa0×\xa00.86) and stacks with other sources (i.eInfinity Edge) ((100 + 75 + 35)\xa0×\xa00.86).This penalty does not affectCurtain Call.", 'This penalty does not affectCurtain Call.', 'Themissinghealthdamage benefits fromlife steal.', 'The 4th attack cannot be canceled byJhinhimself.', 'The 4th attack versus a structure is classified as a critical strike.', "The attack damage multiplier stacks additively withDragon Slayer's.", "Every Moment Matters'bonusADwill benefit from any amount ofbonusattack speed, even in excess of an amount that would usually reach the attacks per second cap (2.5).The maximum modifier without attack speed is 74%.44% base modifier at level 18.30% from critical strike chance on account of the 100% cap.Attack speed slowswill not affectJhin'sbonus attack damage from his passive and will ignore his attack speed as it is fixed.", "The maximum modifier without attack speed is 74%.44% base modifier at level 18.30% from critical strike chance on account of the 100% cap.Attack speed slowswill not affectJhin'sbonus attack damage from his passive and will ignore his attack speed as it is fixed.", '44% base modifier at level 18.', '30% from critical strike chance on account of the 100% cap.', "Attack speed slowswill not affectJhin'sbonus attack damage from his passive and will ignore his attack speed as it is fixed.", 'Attack damage reductions apply before the multiplier causing them to be stronger againstJhinthan advertised or versus other champions.', "The bonus damage based on the target's missing health does not affect structures.", 'Bonus movement speed attack speed ratio changed to 80%.']} | Name: Dancing Grenade, Description: Active: Jhin throws a grenade at the target enemy that deals physical damage and can bounce to up to three additional nearby enemies. Minimum Physical Damage: 45 / 70 / 95 / 120 / 145 (+ 35 / 42. 5 / 50 / 57. 5 / 65% AD) (+ 60% AP) Maximum Physical Damage: 92. 25 / 143. 5 / 194. 75 / 246 / 297. 25 (+ 71. 75 / 87. 125 / 102. 5 / 117. 875 / 133. 25 % AD) (+ 123% AP) The damage is increased by 35% of the base damage if the enemy the grenade last bounced off of dies., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Spell shieldwill not prevent the canister from bouncing.', 'If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the cast time, this ability will cancel but does not go oncooldownnor pay its cost (if applicable).', 'Base damage changed to 70 / 130 / 190 / 250 / 310.', 'AD ratio changed to80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120% AD.']} | Name: Deadly Flourish, Description: Passive: Enemy champions that trigger a Lotus Trap to bloom or are damaged by Jhin or allied champions are marked for 4 seconds. Active: Jhin fires a shot in the target direction that deals physical damage to all enemies in a line until colliding with an enemy champion, reduced by 25% against minions . Physical Damage: 60 / 95 / 130 / 165 / 200 (+ 50% AD) Minion Damage: 45 / 71. 25 / 97. 5 / 123. 75 / 150 (+ 37. 5 % AD) Hitting a marked champion roots them for a duration and grants Jhin Every Moment Matters' bonus movement speed . Root Duration: 1. 25 / 1. 5 / 1. 75 / 2 / 2. 25, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Appliesspell damageto the enemy champion andarea damageto all other enemy units.', "TheCaught Outmark only appears ifDeadly Flourishcan potentiallyrootthe target, and will not if the ability's cooldown is longer than 4 seconds or isn't ranked up.", 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.', "Deadly Flourishis blocked byWind Wallbut notBlade Whirl.Deadly Flourishis special cased to be intercepted by the former because it looks like a blockable missile, even though it isn't functionally a missile.", "Deadly Flourishis special cased to be intercepted by the former because it looks like a blockable missile, even though it isn't functionally a missile.", 'Base damage changed to 70 / 115 / 160 / 205 / 250.', 'Root duration changed to 1.75/ 2.125/ 2.5/ 2.875/ 3.25seconds.']} | Name: Captive Audience, Description: Passive - Beauty in Death: Whenever Jhin kills an enemy champion, he summons a Blooming Lotus Trap on their corpse. Active: Jhin places a Lotus Trap at the target location which, upon landing, becomes stealthed after arming over 1 second, lasting for up to 180 seconds and granting sight within its radius. The Lotus Trap blooms upon enemy contact, with enemies in the area at the time of its trigger becoming revealed for 4 seconds. Jhin periodically stocks a Lotus Trap charge, up to a maximum of 2. Blooming Lotus Traps slow enemies within the area by 35% for 2 seconds before exploding, dealing magic damage to enemies. Lotus Traps deal 65% damage against minions as well as champions who have been struck by another Lotus Trap in the last 1 second. Magic Damage: 20 / 80 / 140 / 200 / 260 (+ 120% AD) (+ 100% AP) Reduced Damage: 13 / 52 / 91 / 130 / 169 (+ 78% AD) (+ 65% AP) See Pets for more details about Lotus Traps., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Beauty in Deathdoes not consumeLotus Trapcharges.', 'TheLotus Trapwill stop upon encountering aWind WallorUnbreakable.', 'Beauty in Deathdoes not trigger after killing aclone.', 'The reveal debuff is namedCaught Out.This debuff is shared betweenCaptive AudienceandCurtain Call.', 'This debuff is shared betweenCaptive AudienceandCurtain Call.', 'Slow strength changed to 50%.']} | Jhin's Deutsch/German title,Der Virtuose, is the masculine form ofSona'stitle,Die Virtuosin.
His dance references theLezginkadance.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.
Jhin is the first champion who does not actually appear in his own Splash Art.Jhin is the second champion to have a Loading screen and Portrait icon not focus the actual champion, in his case, focus on the mirror image. The first one isLeBlanc.
Jhin is the first champion to feature a takedown animation on his Classic skin, viaBeauty in Death. It should be noted however that the passive effect is not solely for cosmetic purposes.Despite being the only one seen in-game, the rose is just one of the many things he sees when killing someone.[2]
Occasionally when playing as Jhin, at the start of the game (between your team spawning at the fountain and then minions doing so at nexus) the player can hear a version of the map's theme that fits the style of Jhin's own.
As Jhin, triggeringThe CollectorDeath and Taxeswill cause the damage indicator to display as "4444" instead of "999". This change was added onV12.19. |
Jinx,the Loose Cannon | | | health: Health630+105, resource: Mana260+50, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)3.75+0.5, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)6.7+1, armor: Armor26+4.7, attack damage: Attack damage59+3.15, attack speed: Base AS0.625, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius120, release: 2013-10-10, changed: V13.21, role: Marksman, position: Bottom, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 3150|790 | InDev Update - Champs, Lore & More, Laura 'poisonpixxi' DeYoung, Head of IP Creative for Riot Games, elaborated on their new approach to narrative cohesiveness by ironing out any inconsistencies that have sprung up over the years.
This article contains information that conflicts with this new narrative and will most likely be changed/moved in the following year(s).
JinxMainFormalCasualTitlesReal namePowder(Possibly)Nickname(s)Pow-PowAlias(es)The Loose CannonThe Demolition Diva[1]CharacteristicsSpeciesHuman(Chemically Altered)Pronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:975 ANWeapon(s)Pow-PowFishbonesZapperChompersSuper Mega RocketShimmerMr. SparklesPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originZaunCurrent residencePiltoverFamilyUnnamed Father†Unnamed Mother†Vi(Sister)Professional statusOccupation(s)CriminalSumpsnipeRegion(s)ZaunFaction(s)SumpsnipesRelated character(s)ViEkkoCaitlynZiggsHeimerdinger
• Main
• Formal
• Casual
Real name
• The Loose Cannon
• The Demolition Diva[1]
• Born:975 AN
• Pow-Pow
• Fishbones
• Zapper
• Chompers
• Super Mega Rocket
• Shimmer
• Mr. Sparkles
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Unnamed Father†
• Unnamed Mother†
• Vi(Sister)
Professional status
• Criminal
• Sumpsnipe
Related character(s)
A manic and impulsive criminal fromZaun,Jinxlives to wreak havoc without care for the consequences. With an arsenal of deadly weapons, she unleashes the loudest blasts and brightest explosions to leave a trail of mayhem and panic in her wake. Jinx despises boredom and gleefully brings her own chaotic brand of pandemonium wherever she goes.
• 1Background1.1Early Life1.2Contemporary History1.3Recent events1.4Convergence
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Vi5.2Ekko5.3Caitlyn Kiramman5.4Ziggs
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8References
• 9See also
• 1.1Early Life
• 1.2Contemporary History
• 1.3Recent events
• 1.4Convergence
• 5.1Vi
• 5.2Ekko
• 5.3Caitlyn Kiramman
• 5.4Ziggs
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early Life
Jinx grew up inZaunas a sweet and innocent girl who loved tinkering with machinery but never quite fit in. However, a horrible tragedy changed her into a completely different person who delighted in acts of destruction.
Contemporary History
Jinx eventually became a widely known criminal, first gaining notoriety through her anonymous “pranks” on the citizens ofPiltover, particularly those with connections to the city's ruling houses. These pranks ranged from mildly annoying to extremely dangerous, causing chaos and mayhem throughout Piltover and Zaun. Law enforcement attributed these to other gangs in Zaun, and Jinx was annoyed by this, deciding to make it clear that her future "pranks" were going to clearly mark her as their perpetrator from then on. Soon, word of her began to spread around and she became the most widely known criminal in both cities, causing mayhem and destruction wherever she went.
Recent events
Jinx continues to cause mayhem around Piltover and Zaun wherever and whenever she can with seemingly no regard for the property damage or potential victims she would create, only occasionally being thwarted by enforcerViorCaitlyn.
Jinx began to be idolized by a group of Zaunites who adored how she caused chaos and destruction, although she ignored them.
Jinx is a slender, sinewy, and white-skinned woman. She wears common punk street fashion typical for Zaunite youth. Her most noticeable features are her tattoos of stylized clouds, pink eyes, and really long blue hair that almost reaches to the ground.
Jinx is an eccentric inventor and criminal, taking pleasure in inventing and causing mayhem and destruction.
Jinx can be described as a highly volatile entity who exhibits a range of psychological complexities characterized by Borderline Personality Disorder and Antisocial Personality Disorder. Her emotional agility is nothing short of bewildering, with mood swings of drastic proportions. A memorable past of relentless trauma has left her with a sense of inhospitality and disregard that fuels a powerful outburst of anger and resentment toward the cosmos, which in turn leads her to recklessly display impetuous tendencies.
An inseparable amalgam of a fearful and chaotic individual, Jinx is the epitome of anarchism and recklessness. Her uncanny ability to remain indifferent to the feelings and rights of others makes her an enigma worthy of analysis. Jinx's compulsion to malice and malevolence is quite disturbing, and her thought process may indicate the presence of psychopathic tendencies. An examination of her character reveals her to be a confused and troubled individual, plagued by emotional instability and a lack of the skills necessary to maintain an emotionally stable relationship.
• Chemically Altered Physiology:As many of Zaunite youth, Jinx has dabbled in shimmer, which changed her physical appearance and mental deteriorated state. It is possible it affected her physical strength and durability.
• Inventor:While not having any formal education, Jinx learned how to create numerous contraptions and weapons with her own creativity and ingenuity.Pow-Pow:A machine gun of her own design, this would be Jinx's primary weapon during her usual escapades around Piltover and Zaun.Fishbones:This rocket cannon has a chemtech payload known asSuper Mega Rockets, which is enabled it to shoot great distances.Zapper:A gun that shoots lightning arcs, it's able to stun any person targeted.Chompers:The chompers have a chemtech payload inside them. Disarming one can prove to be dangerous, as its inner mechanisms are difficult to go through due to their random scrapheap design.Mr. Sparkles:A laser cannon or rocket launcher. After she tried modifying it with the stolen hextech core in Piltover it launched itself out of her hands and landed in Zaun, being destroyed from the impact.
• Pow-Pow:A machine gun of her own design, this would be Jinx's primary weapon during her usual escapades around Piltover and Zaun.
• Fishbones:This rocket cannon has a chemtech payload known asSuper Mega Rockets, which is enabled it to shoot great distances.
• Zapper:A gun that shoots lightning arcs, it's able to stun any person targeted.
• Chompers:The chompers have a chemtech payload inside them. Disarming one can prove to be dangerous, as its inner mechanisms are difficult to go through due to their random scrapheap design.
• Mr. Sparkles:A laser cannon or rocket launcher. After she tried modifying it with the stolen hextech core in Piltover it launched itself out of her hands and landed in Zaun, being destroyed from the impact.
As an enforcer, Vi is dedicated to capturing Jinx at all costs. Jinx once painted a rude depiction of Vi on the wall of the Ecliptic Vaults, one of Piltover's most secure treasuries.
Jinx seemingly shows no signs of knowing Ekko, despite Ekko stating that he knew Jinx and had a crush on her when they were kids.
Caitlyn Kiramman
As the sheriff ofPiltover, Caitlyn is dedicated to arresting Jinx for her crimes.
Meeting Ziggs during her regular escapades around Zaun, Jinx quickly saw through his yordle glamour, believing him to be a product of her imagination, more specifically, her conscience. Due to their shared love for explosions, Jinx convinced Ziggs to live with her in Zaun aftera night of hijinks.
Read More
The Loose Cannon
ByGraham McNeill
Starring Champion
Arcane (TV Series)
Every legend has a beginning.
Starring:Aero,Amara,Ambessa,Babette,Benzo,Billingsworth,Bolbok,Caitlyn,Cassandra,Chross,Claggor,Deckard,Ekko,Elora,Finn,Gorgeous Man,Grayson,Harold,Heimerdinger,Hoskel,Huck,Jayce,Jericho,Jinx,Jules,Lock,Marcus,Margot,Mel,Mylo,Pim,Ren,Renni,Salo,Sevika,Shoola,Silco,Singed,Sky,Smeech,Thieram,Tobias,Vander,Verne,Vi,Viktor,Ximena
ByDouble Stallion Games
Rewind the Past, Control the Future - Explore and traverse through the spectacular city of Zaun as Ekko, a young inventor with an ingenious device to manipulate time, in this story-driven action platformer. Play as a young Ekko and realize the full potential of one of League’s fan-favorite Champions.
Starring:Aximander,Camille,Chadd,Corin Reveck,Corina Veraza,Drake Poingdestre,Ekko,Elie,Inna,Jinx,Lem,Red,Rungs,Vale Poingdestre,Warwick,Wyeth,Zarkon Poingdestre
Mentioned:Ashlesh,Azir,Blitzcrank,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Eramis,Evil Kay,Farron,Fiddlesticks,Janna,Jayce,Kay,Nasus,Orianna,Renata Glasc,Seraphine,Shomi,Singed,Twitch,Urgot,Vi,Viktor,Zac,Zeri,Ziggs
Music Video
ByJustin Tranter,Imagine Dragons,JID,Fortiche Productions
Oh, the misery, everybody wants to be my ENEMY.
Paint the Town
ByAnthony Burch,Fabio Moon,Dave Stewart
Oh, they say I'm crazy -- they say that Yordles would be easy to spot in a city such as ours, what with their fuzzy countenances and diminutive stature. But I've heard rumors that they have invented some sort of magical charms that make these abominations appear no different from you or I. But don't be fooled! No matter how adorable they may seem, these mischievous creatures will bring our city of Piltover to ruin! If I were so moved, I'd say they're an even bigger threat than those lunatic terrorists from Zaun! But I'm getting ahead of myself. Our story starts in a small pyrotechnics shop in Piltover, run by two unnervingly fuzzy gentlemen...
Short Story
The Council Archives
ByTy Sheedlo
The Council Archives. You'd heard stories at the Academy, of course, but words could not describe the breathtaking magnitude of its contents. The entire history of your city: its glorious achievements, its sinister secrets, painstakingly documented, waiting to be read.
Short Story • 6 Minute Read
The Wedding Crasher
ByGraham McNeill
Jinx hated petticoats.
True Genius
When Heimerdinger's latest hextech creation is stolen by Jinx, the professor sends an unfortunate apprentice on a wild goose chase through the City of Progress… and beneath it.
Mentioned Champion
A Perfect Life: The Depths
ByJohn O'Bryan
Ekko is a teen inventor who lives in Zaun, a city where being handy with technology is the best path to a better future. His greatest invention is the Z-Drive: a device which allows him to rewind his own timeline—and redo the last few seconds of his past. Ekko uses the Z-Drive to fix everything in his life: small mistakes, life-changing ones, and everything in between. But messing with time can have some major consequences for Ekko, his friends, his family, and his world...In this prequel to Conv/rgence, Ekko imagines a timeline without do-overs, where he must give up the extra chances time travel has offered him. But it's harder than he thinks to let time flow on without getting involved...
Starring:Aximander,Chancee,Ekko,Lem,Red,Skids,Van Klegg,Viktor,Wyeth
Short Story
Bombs: A Tribute
ByAbigail Harvey
Okay, Zaun. I’m here, I’m fuzzy, and I’m ready to explode stuff.
Some things are worth fighting for. Time and time again.
Mentioned:Ajuna Lem,Jinx
Tales of Runeterra
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Akali,Braum,Corki,Darius,Diana,Ekko,Fiora,Garen,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jinx,Leona,Lulu,Miss Fortune,Shen,Teemo,Thresh,Tristana,Twisted Fate
The Piltover Enforcer
ByGraham McNeill
Alternate Universes
A Fireside Frightener
ByLuchador Teemo,ZeOcelot
Ao Shin's Adventure
Every little dragon has a destiny.
Starring:Aurelion Sol,Azir,Jinx,Sett,Teemo,Veigar,Yuumi
Be Your Best Santa
Santa Draven, Ambitious Elf Jinx, and Snow Fawn Poppy step up to help Santa Braum with this year’s Snowdown festivities. But with Jinx and Draven at the frontlines, the celebrations could easily snowball into shenanigans!
Music Video
Get Jinxed
ByAgnete Kjølsrud,Christian Linke
Jinx's dreams come alive in a hexplosive sequence packed with bombs and bullets and her unique take on fun.
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Since its inception, Worlds has grown and evolved. Each unbelievable play and phenomenal match created moments and memories that will never be forgotten. In these iconic moments, players and teams reached for something incredible within themselves and brought it to life on the Summoner’s Rift...
Starring:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Brand,Caitlyn,Darius,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Gnar,Janna,Jax,Jayce,Jinx,Kassadin,Katarina,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lulu,Orianna,Rek'Sai,Rengar,Rumble,Ryze,Shen,Sivir,Tahm Kench,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Yasuo,Ziggs
Just One More
Every League of Legends player knows what it's like to chase the next win. Inspired by the true story of the five North American League of Legends players with the longest losing streak in one sitting. It's On.
Mayhem Everywhere You Look
By Unknown Author
An inane crime wave sweeps Piltover to the tune of manic laughter. As authorities attempt to curtail the chaos, one enforcer vows to pull the plug on the panic-inducing party.
Short Story
New Stars
ByAriel Lawrence
Star Guardians can only defeat the darkness that spreads across the universe if they stand together. They will fight as one or fall as many.
A band of cybernetic castoffs plans to infiltrate The City to destroy the entity that created—and then abandoned—them: the PROJECT Corporation.
Spooky Jinx
Sometimes your worst nightmare has a nightmare. Just ask KayPea. It's On.
Short Story
ByAriel Lawrence
A team bonding trip will test Lux's leadership and confidence as the group welcomes new stars during the annual meteor shower.
Starring:Ahri,Ezreal,Janna,Jinx,Lulu,Lux,Miss Fortune,Poppy,Soraka,Syndra
Short Story
The Slumber Party Summoning
ByAriel Lawrence
Okay, I'll admit slamming the door in their faces was a bit of an overreaction.
Starring:Ezreal,Janna,Jinx,Lulu,Lux,Miss Fortune,Poppy,Soraka
Short Story
The Twilight Star
ByAriel Lawrence
I have too many questions I want to ask her.
Starring:Janna,Jinx,Lulu,Lux,Miss Fortune,Poppy
Short Story
Twin Stars
ByCat Cheresh
Akali could see the stars.
Starring:Ahri,Akali,Ezreal,Janna,Jinx,Kai'Sa,Lulu,Lux,Miss Fortune,Neeko,Poppy,Rakan,Soraka,Syndra,Xayah,Zoe
“Nothing's going to stop me.” Inspired by the true story of Doublelift, Team Liquid ADC and five-time North American LCS champion. It's On.
Welcome Aboard
Consider this your invite to join the greatest crew in the galaxy.
By Unknown Author
Music Video
You Really Got Me
By Numerous creators
Ready for the Rift?
Academy Adventures: Series 1
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Akali,Amumu,Anivia,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Braum,Cho'Gath,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fiora,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Ivern,Jhin,Jinx,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nidalee,Olaf,Poppy,Rek'Sai,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Shen,Sion,Sona,Soraka,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tristana,Trundle,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Vel'Koz,Vi,Yorick,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Another Sky
ByJared Rosen,Taylor Dinwiddie,Ty Sheedlo
As a new generation of Star Guardians prepares to fight back the forces of chaos, rising star Akali finds herself wracked with doubt. Does she have what it takes to be a Star Guardian? Or will the darkness she senses inside spell doom for her and her friends?
Mentioned:Ahri,Akshan,Ezreal,Gwen,Jinx,Lux,Miss Fortune,Rakan,Xayah
Music Video
ByTrue Damage
Mentioned:Ahri,Azir,Book,Camille,Corki,Jinx,Kayn,Kindred,LeBlanc,Lucian,Pyke,Rhaast,Tahm Kench,Teemo,Thresh,Twitch,Yuumi
Harmonies: Issue 2
ByMichael Yichao
Seraphine navigates a life-changing moment as she embraces her dream becoming reality.
Mentioned:Ezreal,Janna,Jinx,Lulu,Lux,Miss Fortune,Poppy,Soraka,Syndra,Volibear,Yasuo
Punches and Plants: Series 1
Mentioned:Ahri,Alistar,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Braum,Caitlyn,Darius,Diana,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Evelynn,Ezreal,Gangplank,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jinx,Karma,Katarina,Leona,Lucian,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Nunu,Quinn,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Sivir,Sona,Soraka,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Valor,Varus,Vel'Koz,Vladimir,Volibear,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Zac,Ziggs
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Reaching the peak takes more than skill. Only those with the ambition to RISE above all others will know its height.
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Akali,Ashe,Braum,Darius,Ekko,Ezreal,Fiora,Garen,Gnar,Jarvan IV,Jax,Jinx,Kalista,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Leona,Lux,Master Yi,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Riven,Ryze,Sejuani,Swain,Taliyah,Thresh,Tryndamere,Vayne,Xayah,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs
The Roadtrip
ByCassie Parkes,Marvin Clifford
Mentioned:Ahri,Ashe,Azir,Bard,Braum,Darius,Fiddlesticks,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Irelia,Jinx,Kalista,Katarina,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Lulu,Master Yi,Nami,Poppy,Rakan,Shaco,Sona,Swain,Taric,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Varus,Xayah,Yasuo,Zilean
Music Video
By Numerous creators
The battle begins, and sixteen teams across the globe are fighting towards one goal – to win the League of Legends World Championship.
Starring: N/A
• While Jinx's real name, Powder, was only officially confirmed in theArcaneseries,4Ekkocalls her Powder in hisLegends of Runeterrainteractions with4Jinx.
• Before the release ofArcane, Vi andJinxwere often theorized by the community to be sisters. The reference to this on Jinx's release was her quote,"You thinkI'mcrazy? You should see my sister". Though there was never any implication that the sister wasVi, players equated Jinx's antagonisation of Vi specifically as "sisterly bonding".Incidentally,Jinxonly antagonized Vispecificallyon English-speaking servers. Other servers showed her antagonizing other champions, such asLucian.Hermitlater says to Vi,"You look like your sister! Er, wait, I'm not supposed to talk about that...". This could be a confirmation that Vi has a sister, but could also be an example of Lyte repeating rumors he's heard from players (such as the rumor he heard from players thatLuxandEzrealwere dating, which Lux herself later denied after hearing the rumor).There is a significant indication that the pair did grow up together. With Vi currently suffering from amnesia,Jinxhas taken it upon herself to try and trigger her memories.In an interview with Ghostcrawler, he mentioned thatJinx and Vi are "sisters", but laterconfirmedhe was merely stating what hethoughtwas true, and that the narrative team said otherwise.
• Jinx is around 20s, being around 5 years younger thanVi.
• Warwickmay have encountered Jinx at some point in the past.
• Incidentally,Jinxonly antagonized Vispecificallyon English-speaking servers. Other servers showed her antagonizing other champions, such asLucian.
• Hermitlater says to Vi,"You look like your sister! Er, wait, I'm not supposed to talk about that...". This could be a confirmation that Vi has a sister, but could also be an example of Lyte repeating rumors he's heard from players (such as the rumor he heard from players thatLuxandEzrealwere dating, which Lux herself later denied after hearing the rumor).
• There is a significant indication that the pair did grow up together. With Vi currently suffering from amnesia,Jinxhas taken it upon herself to try and trigger her memories.
• In an interview with Ghostcrawler, he mentioned thatJinx and Vi are "sisters", but laterconfirmedhe was merely stating what hethoughtwas true, and that the narrative team said otherwise.
See also | Name: Get Excited!, Description: Innate: Whenever Jinx scores a takedown against an enemy champion , epic monster , turret , or inhibitor within 3 seconds of damaging them, she gains 175% bonus movement speed decaying over 6 seconds. Additionally, she gains a stack of Get Excited! and is allowed to exceed the attack speed cap for the same duration. Only takedowns against enemy champions can grant stacks beyond the first. Each stack grants her 25% total attack speed , stacking up to 5 times for a maximum of 125% ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Jinx'sattack speed capis increased to 90.0for the duration, however this value is already beyond the technical limit for attack speed.", 'Jinxwill still triggerGet Excitedfrom killing a summonedRift Herald.', 'Jinxwill fail to triggerGet Excitedin the specific circumstance of killingBaron Nashorwhile more than ~2500 distance away.(bug)']} | Name: Switcheroo!, Description: Toggle: Jinx switches between Pow-Pow , her minigun, and Fishbones , her rocket launcher. Pow-Pow: Basic attacks with Pow-Pow generate a stack of Rev'd up for 2. 5 seconds, refreshing on subsequent attacks with Pow-Pow and stacking up to 3 times. Each stack of Rev'd up grants bonus attack speed , with all stacks beyond the first one being 50% effective. Stacks expire by one when the duration ends. Bonus Attack Speed: 15 / 27. 5 / 40 / 52. 5 / 65% Attack Speed per Subsequent Stack: 7. 5 / 13. 75 / 20 / 26. 25 / 32. 5 % Maximum Attack Speed: 30 / 55 / 80 / 105 / 130% Fishbones: Basic attacks with Fishbones cost mana on-attack to deal 110% AD modified physical damage to the target and nearby enemies. The damage is affected by critical strike modifiers. While Fishbones is equipped, Jinx gains bonus range but loses 10% of her bonus attack speed . Bonus Range: 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200 Only the first attack after switching to Fishbones will benefit from Rev'd up ., STATIC COOLDOWN: STATICCOOLDOWN:0.9, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Toggle abilities do not count as ability activations for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.", "Jinx'sfirst attack after switching toFishbonescan be triggered after 0.4seconds, instead of using the attack timer.", "DespiteJinxstarting the game usingPow-Powshe doesn't receive any bonus attack speed untilSwitcheroo!has been learned.", "Fishbonessplash damage affects structures (minions will targetJinx) but does not affect targets ifJinx'sattacks areblocked,dodged, ormissed.", "WithRunaan's HurricanePow-Powgenerates one stack per enemy hit.", "Each ofRunaan's Hurricane'sadditional bolts applyFishbones'splash damage, which stacks with each other.", 'Both weapons dealbasic damageto their primary target (this includes the increased damage ofFishbones), which applieslife stealbased on the damage dealt (post-mitigation) as usual.', "The splash damage ofFishbonesis based on the pre-mitigation damage done to the primary target (which includes critical strikes), and is not consideredmodifiedphysical damage. It dealsdefault damage: It doesn't applylife stealoron-hit effects.Fishbonesdamage:110% AD(100% + 10%).Fishbonescritical strike damage:192.5% AD((100% + 10%)\xa0×\xa01.75).Fishbonescritical strike damage withInfinity Edge:231% AD((100% + 10%)\xa0×\xa02.1).Fishbonesboltdamage:44% AD((100% + 10%)\xa0×0.4).Fishbonesboltcritical strike damage:77% AD((100% + 10%)\xa0×0.4×\xa01.75).Fishbonesboltcritical strike damage withInfinity Edge:92.4% AD((100% + 10%)\xa0×0.4×\xa02.1).Fishbonespotential damage on stacked enemies withRunaan's Hurricane:198% AD(110% + 44% + 44%).Fishbonespotential critical strike damage on stacked enemies withRunaan's Hurricane:346.5% AD((110% + 44% + 44%)\xa0×\xa01.75).Fishbonespotential critical strike damage on stacked enemies withRunaan's HurricaneandInfinity Edge:415.8% AD((110% + 44% + 44%)\xa0×\xa02.1).", 'Fishbonesdamage:110% AD(100% + 10%).', 'Fishbonescritical strike damage:192.5% AD((100% + 10%)\xa0×\xa01.75).', 'Fishbonescritical strike damage withInfinity Edge:231% AD((100% + 10%)\xa0×\xa02.1).', 'Fishbonesboltdamage:44% AD((100% + 10%)\xa0×0.4).', 'Fishbonesboltcritical strike damage:77% AD((100% + 10%)\xa0×0.4×\xa01.75).', 'Fishbonesboltcritical strike damage withInfinity Edge:92.4% AD((100% + 10%)\xa0×0.4×\xa02.1).', "Fishbonespotential damage on stacked enemies withRunaan's Hurricane:198% AD(110% + 44% + 44%).", "Fishbonespotential critical strike damage on stacked enemies withRunaan's Hurricane:346.5% AD((110% + 44% + 44%)\xa0×\xa01.75).", "Fishbonespotential critical strike damage on stacked enemies withRunaan's HurricaneandInfinity Edge:415.8% AD((110% + 44% + 44%)\xa0×\xa02.1)."]} | Name: Zap!, Description: Active: Jinx fires a shock blast in the target direction that deals physical damage to the first enemy it hits and reveals and slows them for 2 seconds. Physical Damage: 10 / 60 / 110 / 160 / 210 (+ 160% AD) Slow: 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80%, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.', 'Base damage changed to 10 / 70 / 130 / 190 / 250.', 'AD ratio changed to200% AD.']} | Name: Flame Chompers!, Description: Active: Jinx tosses out 3 Chompers centered at the target location, landing after 0. 4 seconds, arming after 0. 5 seconds, and exploding after 5 seconds to deal magic damage to nearby enemies. Magic Damage: 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 (+ 100% AP) Each Chomper explodes on contact with an enemy champion , knocking them down and rooting them for 1. 5 seconds. Enemy champions can be affected by only one Chomper . Flame Chompers! will cast at max range if cast beyond that., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Chomperswill halt when encounteringWind WallandUnbreakable.', 'Spell shielddoes not negate the explosion.']} | Name: Super Mega Death Rocket!, Description: Active: Jinx fires a massive rocket in the target direction, briefly granting sight of its surroundings and exploding upon colliding with an enemy champion. The explosion deals physical damage to nearby enemies and grants sight of the area for 2 seconds. Super Mega Death Rocket! deals 10% − 100% (based on distance traveled) damage. This does not affect the bonus damage based on the target's missing health . Maximum Physical Damage: 325 / 475 / 625 (+ 165% bonus AD) (+ 25 / 30 / 35% of target's missing health) Minimum Physical Damage: 32. 5 / 47. 5 / 62. 5 (+ 16. 5 % bonus AD) (+ 25 / 30 / 35% of target's missing health) Enemies surrounding the primary target take 80% damage. The bonus damage based on the target's missing health is capped at 1200 against monsters . Maximum Secondary Damage: 260 / 380 / 500 (+ 132% bonus AD) (+ 20 / 24 / 28% of target's missing health) Minimum Secondary Damage: 26 / 38 / 50 (+ 13. 2 % bonus AD) (+ 20 / 24 / 28% of target's missing health) Link ▶️ "Bye bye!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Tips & Tricks', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', 'Spell shieldwill not prevent the explosion.', "Super Mega Death Rocket'sprojectile has anicon on the mini-map while it is in flight. It can be seen by onlyJinxand her allies.", "The bonus damage based on missing health is based on each unit's own missing health and not the primary target's.", "Unlike similar spells,Super Mega Death Rocketwill not increase it's damage when ranked up while the missile is in flight.(bug)This is because the base damage is fixed at a multiple of the damage the rocket initially started with.ThebonusADratio will still update whenADis gained or lost between the cast and hit of the missile.", 'This is because the base damage is fixed at a multiple of the damage the rocket initially started with.', 'ThebonusADratio will still update whenADis gained or lost between the cast and hit of the missile.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.', 'The maximum damage is reached after traveling 1500 units, which is equal to roughly 0.85seconds of travel time. The rocket changes its visual appearance and missile speed slightly earlier, after traveling 1350 units.', 'Cooldown changed to 50 / 40 / 30 seconds.']} | Jinxstraightforwardly means "ill omen", from the Pre-Greek noun ἴυγξiynx"Eurasian wryneck", a bird often used as a charm.[2]In-universe, Jinx's alias was given to her byVi.
Jinx's dance is a reference toJake'sdancefromAdventure Time.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.
Super Mega Death Rocket!'sblast radius displays asmileyface upon impact.Get Excited!also displays a smiley face over Jinx upon activation.
Jinx is the first champion whose laugh animation automatically loops.
Jinx's hair (or scarf onCrime City Jinx) forms a heart when she dies.
Jinx is the only champion to have all her ability names end in an exclamation mark.
Whenever Jinx is on the opposing team,Viand/orCaitlyneach gain theCatch me if you can!cosmetic debuff.
On 21 August 2018, women have statistically attributed Jinx as "The most visually appealing champion in League".[3]
Jinx is the third champion to have one skin for each of the three big annual events of the year -Lunar Revel,HarrowingandSnowdown Showdown. The skin that gave her this distinction wasAmbitious Elf Jinxin 2017.The first two wereKatarinaandNidaleewith theirWarring Kingdomsskins in 2015.Anniealmost became another champion that fulfilled the criteria afterPanda Anniewas released in 2013. However,Frostfire Anniewas not released during theSnowdown Showdownevent.
Jinx -Viis one of seven pairs of sibling champions (the others beingCassiopeia-Katarina,Kayle-Morgana,Nasus-Renekton,Garen-Lux,Yasuo-Yone, andDarius-Draven).Though not a pair,Anivia,Ornn, andVolibearare also siblings. |
K'Sante,The Pride of Nazumah | | | health: Health570+115, resource: Mana290+60, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)9.5+0.85, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)7+1, armor: Armor33+5.2, attack damage: Attack damage64+3.5, attack speed: Base AS0.625, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius103, release: 2022-11-02, changed: V13.23, role: WardenSkirmisher, position: TopMiddle, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 6300|975 | Missing section(s):
K'SanteNtofosBladesTitlesReal nameK'SanteNickname(s)The HunterYoung defenderAlias(es)The Pride of NazumahCharacteristicsSpeciesHumanPronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:962 AN - 972 ANWeapon(s)NtofosPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originNazumahCurrent residenceNazumahFamilyUnnamed FatherUnnamed MotherTope(Former Lover)Professional statusOccupation(s)Monster HunterDefenderRegion(s)ShurimaRelated character(s)AzirRenektonXerath
• Ntofos
• Blades
Real name
• The Hunter
• Young defender
• The Pride of Nazumah
• Born:962 AN - 972 AN
• Ntofos
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Unnamed Father
• Unnamed Mother
• Tope(Former Lover)
Professional status
• Monster Hunter
• Defender
Related character(s)
Defiant and courageous,K'Santebattles colossal beasts and ruthless Ascended to protect his home of Nazumah, a coveted oasis amid the sands of Shurima. But after a falling-out with his former partner, K'Sante realizes that in order to become a warrior worthy of leading his city, he must temper his single-minded drive for success. Only then can he avoid falling prey to his own pride and find the wisdom he needs to defeat the vicious monsters threatening his people.
• 1Background1.1Early Life1.1.1Hunt of the Cobra-Lion1.2Modern History1.3Recent Events1.3.1Reunion with Tope
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Tope5.2Ascended5.2.1Azir5.2.2Xerath
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Changelog
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early Life1.1.1Hunt of the Cobra-Lion
• 1.2Modern History
• 1.3Recent Events1.3.1Reunion with Tope
• 1.1.1Hunt of the Cobra-Lion
• 1.3.1Reunion with Tope
• 5.1Tope
• 5.2Ascended5.2.1Azir5.2.2Xerath
• 5.2.1Azir
• 5.2.2Xerath
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Alternate Universes
Early Life[]
K'Sante was born in theShurimancity ofNazumah, a city-state independent from the rule of the Shuriman emperorAzirand home to a culture based around hunting ferocious monsters that roamed the oasis. Inspired by his parents' teachings and stories of Nazumah's history, K'Sante dreamt of becoming his homeland's greatest warrior-hunter. For twenty years, K'Sante trained under the tutelage of several teachers, learning how to extract materials from beasts and craft them into weaponry and infrastructure. During his first years of hunting, K'Sante formed a close friendship with a fellow hunter namedTope, who fought alongside him as they hunted5rockbearherds, shakkal raiders and even someXer'Sai. The two formed a close bond over the years and K'Sante eventually confessed his love for Tope, who in turn revealed that the feelings were mutual as the two shared their first kiss.
Hunt of the Cobra-Lion[]
With theresurrection of Azir,Xerathwaged a violent crusade to take over Shurima and eradicate Azir's bloodline. The twoAscendedwaged battles against one another with monstrous forces and Nazumah was caught in the crossfire. Xerath, experimenting with a Sun Disc of his own, attempted to use its powers ofAscensionto empower and fuse Shuriman fauna together, producingBaccaimonsters. One such creature, a hybrid between a cobra and a lion, began terrorizing a nearby savannah and alerted K'Sante and Tope, who both vowed to hunt down and kill the cobra-lion. Unfortunately, they were unable to wound the creature due to its rapidly regenerating hide, forcing them to flee emptyhanded. The two trained to slay the cobra-lion and made various other attempts to kill the beast to no avail. Tope spent his time formulating strategies and studying how to weaken the beast's regenerative properties, making some progress by chipping away a portion of its hide. K'Sante was unsatisfied by the development however, getting lost in his prideful pursuit for glory in killing the creature. His pride got so problematic that that he began to look down on Tope, accusing him of holding him back from a successful hunt. The two argued over their differing methods of how to defeat the cobra-lion until they had a falling out, separating as lovers and going their separate ways.
K'Sante spent the next year training and trying to defeat the cobra-lion by himself but would keep failing, causing him to come to terms with his inability to slay the beast by himself. With that, he gained the courage to seek Tope's help and travelled to his home only to find Tope's aunt instead. His aunt greeted K'Sante and revealed that her nephew had left Nazumah and returned to his hometown inMarrowmarkshortly after their separation. However, she handed K'Sante one of Tope's journals, stating that he left it behind to assist him on finally slaying the cobra-lion one day. K'Sante thoroughly studied Tope's journal and read his theories on the beast's true nature as a Baccai, theorizing that the magical properties of Nazumah's natural waters could weaken the beast's regenerating armor. K'Sante remembered his parents' teachings, realizing he had grown too prideful of himself and failed to respect Tope's ideas. Accepting his mistakes and finding a newfound respect for his former lover, K'Sante set off to slay the cobra-lion once and for all.
Beneath a scarlet sky, K'Sante had a final battle against the beast, taking a more calculated approach and dodging its attacks while striking when its guard was lowered. As his body was bloodied and his weapons were shattered, the beast finally tired and K'Sante saw an opportunity to strike the final blow. Inspired by Tope's theories, he lured the cobra-lion into a Nazuman waterfall, weakening its armor in the natural waters and finally slaying the beast.[1]
His victory was celebrated and and he donated the Baccai's body to be studied under Nazuman tradition. The only parts of the beast that he kept were two slabs of its hide, crafting them into his signature ntofos and specially engineered to utilize the beast's regenerative properties. In his ntofos, K'Sante also carved a lion's head, the symbol Tope used to represent the beast in his journal, as a way to honor his partner's hand in slaying the beast even after their relationship ended.
Modern History[]
After his victorious hunt of the cobra-lion, K'Sante was hailed as thePride of Nazumah,and the city-state was so grateful that they planned a major celebration to place his name within their esteemedHunter's Hall,where the greatest hunters of Nazumah were honored for their great deeds and victorious hunts.
As the Pride of Nazumah, K'Sante acts as the guardian of his city, defending it from other monstrous beasts, raiders and even the battling forces of the Ascended such as Azir and Xerath's followers.
Recent Events[]
Reunion with Tope[]
Outside of Nazumah, K'Sante battled against a group of mad zealots following Xerath. K'Sante fought them off despite his severe injuries, slowly being overwhelmed by the amount of zealots. Unexpectedly, he was saved by a mysterious, masked warrior armed with a bow and leading a group of archers, all of them wearing a striking green and gold outfit. K'Sante fought alongside these archers and they effortlessly defeated the raiders, to which the masked warrior revealed himself as Tope, K'Sante's former lover. Impressed by K'Sante's combat and entertained by their reunion together, Tope invited K'Sante to his hunting group's camp nearby, offering to heal his injuries. K'Sante initially refused, but quickly succumbed to his intense injuries and collapsed on the ground, falling unconscious.
Two days later, K'Sante woke up in the camp, greeted by Tope waiting near his bed. Tope explains how, over the past few months, the Ascended have been sending their armies farther down south, encroaching on territories such as Marrowmark and Nazumah. The two bonded over a meal and talked about their current lives, reminiscing on their past relationship and how far they've come since then. Tope reveals that he is now a commander for his own Marrowmarkman hunting party, while K'Sante invites Tope to attend the celebration of his name being placed in Nazumah's Hunter's Hall. Tope, grateful for the invite, refuses due to the fact that he is getting married around the same time. K'Sante, surprised and slightly flustered, feels genuine happiness for Tope and congratulates him on his marriage.
As the two talk more about their past, Tope recalled their falling out years ago and apologized for not supporting K'Sante enough during the hunt for the cobra-lion. K'Sante quickly interjected and objected to Tope's apology, stating thathehas to apologize for how badly his pride took over and how he hurt Tope by disregarding his strategies. After that, the two make a toast, wishing each other the best of luck on their paths and feeling a deeper sense of friendship and love for one another.[2]
K'Sante is a determined and ambitious individual who grew up with a deep reverence for his homeland and a desire to become its greatest warrior-hunter thanks to the many stories he heard as a child. He is fiercely independent and believes that he must prove himself through his own strength and achievements, but often refuses to accept help or support from others. This intense drive and pride in his own abilities lead him to dismiss the ideas and strategies of his partner, Tope, ultimately straining their relationship.
Now, K'Sante remains incredibly ambitious and passionate about his own nation. He speaks with lots of confidence and fearlessness especially on a hunt. Though he still sometimes struggles with humbling himself for the sake of others, he is actively aware of not letting his own hubris take over.
As it is in Nazuman culture, K'Sante does not follow any of theAscendedand has a strong opposition towards them. He hates the idea of the Ascended self-proclaiming to be gods above mortals and sees their ongoing conflict with each other as a threat against his homeland.
• Ntofo Mastery:K'Sante wields two ntofos; massive and blunt tonfa-like weapons that he can wield with ease thanks to his immense physical strength. K'Sante has shown that he can deal immense blunt damage with his ntofos, striking with enough force that he can create fractures to the ground. Along with that, K'Sante can also use these weapons defensively, holding them up to create a nearly impenetrableshield. K'Sante's ntofos have been reengineered with slabs of the cobra-lion's regenerative hide, allowing K'Sante toshattertheir heavy outer layer if he applies enough physical force. Once he does this, he can continue wielding the hidden blades within his ntofos, striking with more agility and sharpness. After a short period, the ntofos' outer layers regenerate.
• Monster Hunting Mastery:Thanks to years of training and studying the journal of his former loverTope, K'Sante has proven to be one of the most talented and skilled monster hunters inNazumah. He's capable of not only finding the weaknesses of beasts but also calculating when and where to strike to deal the most fatal damage to them. Along with that, his years of training has given him knowledge on how to harvest and craft materials collected from his hunts.
Tope and K'Sante trained and hunted together for years, becoming an extremely talented and inseparable duo of hunters. Eventually, the two confessed their love for one another and, after sharing their first kiss, grew into an official, romantic relationship. While hunting for the cobra-lion, K'Sante became more prideful of himself and often argued with Tope over their differing methods in hunting down the Baccai beast, eventually having a massive falling out and separating as lovers. K'Sante, having to hunt the beast alone, swallowed his pride and sought Tope's help once more, only to find out that he had moved back to Marrowmark. However, he had left behind his journal and his many studies on the beast, revealing to K'Sante his many plans and strategies to kill the cobra-lion, which ultimately proved effective in the end once he slew it.
The two reunited years later when battling some zealous followers of theAscendedXerath, fighting alongside each other as Tope nursed K'Sante back to health at his nearby camp over two days. Once awake, the two shared a meal together and reminisced on each other's lives, with K'Sante revealing a massive celebration being held for him and Tope having his wedding to a new lover that same time. Tope tried to apologize for leaving K'Sante during the hunt for the cobra-lion, but K'Sante interjected and stated thatheshould be apologizing instead for how he let his pride get the best of him and how he mistreated Tope in their relationship. Despite their past, the two hold a deep friendship and appreciation for one another, as K'Sante is genuinely happy that Tope found true love in his future husband and Tope is happy for K'Sante's new honorary title as the Pride of Nazumah.[2]
Historically, Nazumah is independent from the rule of the Shuriman emperor and denies any Ascended, seeing them as a threat. That said, K'Sante holds disdain for any of the Ascended, seeing them as one of the main threats he seeks to protect Nazumah from. With the growing conflict betweenAzirandXerath, Nazumah is caught in the crossfire and K'Sante, as the Pride of Nazumah, fights against them and their followers.
Nazumah rejects the rule of Azir as emperor and functions as a completely independent city-state. K'Sante has a disdain for Azir and his conquests over Shurima, seeing his rule as a threat to Nazuman culture. Though Xerath is responsible for atrocities against his people, such as the rampaging cobra-lion, he places blame on Azir as well for being the one that Xerath is fighting against.
The infamous cobra-lion that K'Sante and his lover Tope hunted years ago was actually the product of failed experiments by Xerath, as he attempted to fuse Shuriman fauna together with Ascension magic using a makeshift Sun Disc of his own. Because of that, K'Sante holds an even deeper hatred for Xerath, seeing him as a massive threat against his people due to the atrocities he's already committed.
K'Sante has battled many of Xerath's zealous followers already, most recently reuniting with his lover Tope to fight off a large band of them seeking to kill K'Sante and invade Nazumah.[2]
Read More
The Pride of Nazumah
ByMichael Luo
Starring Champion
Defeat Your Monster
Yesterday's wounds become tomorrow's weapons. Learn, for the hunt continues.
Short Story
Everything We Should Have Said
ByMichael Luo
K’Sante wipes his forehead, his bloodied fingers catching sweat and dirt...
Alternate Universes
Music Video
breakout starsHEARTSTEEL is a band. kayn, ezreal, sett, yone, k’sante, and aphelios are in it. “PARANOIA” features BAEKHYUN, tobi lou, ØZI, and Cal Scruby
Short Story
Riot's virtual artist HEARTSTEEL will surpass K/DA
ByPark Ji-yoon,Ha Ye-jin
Witness the debut of 'HEARTSTEEL', which will capture your heart once you see it.
• K'Sante wields two extremely largeNtofos, which is just a play-on-words forTonfas, the inspiration weapon.
• K'Sante is openlygay, having been in a relationship with a fellow hunter namedTope.
See also[]
|} | Name: Dauntless Instinct, Description: Innate: K'Sante's abilities mark enemies hit for 4 seconds. His basic attacks against marked enemies are empowered to gain 25 bonus range and consume the mark on-hit , dealing 5 − 20 (based on level) (+ 1 / 1. 33 / 1. 66 / 2% (based on level) of target's maximum health) bonus physical damage . All Out Bonus: Both the attack's damage and the mark damage are increased by 30% − 78% (based on level) . The bonus damage dealt by consuming a mark is converted to true damage ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Physical/True', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'parries': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Spell shieldwill block the mark's application, but not the mark's consumption from an attack.", 'The empowered attack can bedodged,blocked, and missed whileblindedbut the mark will not be consumed.', 'Starting the empowered attack while the mark is about to time out will not extend the mark duration, but still complete the attack and apply the bonus damage.', 'Health ratio increased to1% − 2.66% (based on level)maximumhealth.All Outhealth ratio increased to1.8/ 2.24/ 2.7/ 3.15/ 3.59% (based on level)(+0.27/ 0.33/ 0.4/ 0.47/ 0.53% (based on level)per 100bonusarmor)(+0.27/ 0.33/ 0.4/ 0.47/ 0.53% (based on level)per 100bonusmagic resistance)maximumhealth.', 'All Outhealth ratio increased to1.8/ 2.24/ 2.7/ 3.15/ 3.59% (based on level)(+0.27/ 0.33/ 0.4/ 0.47/ 0.53% (based on level)per 100bonusarmor)(+0.27/ 0.33/ 0.4/ 0.47/ 0.53% (based on level)per 100bonusmagic resistance)maximumhealth.']} | Name: Ntofo Strikes, Description: Active: K'Sante slams his ntofo down in the target direction that deals physical damage to enemies hit and slows them by 80% for 0. 5 seconds. Physical Damage: 30 / 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 (+ 40% AD) (+ 30% bonus armor) (+ 30% bonus magic resistance) If this hits at least one enemy, K'Sante generates a stack for 6 seconds, stacking up to 2 times and refreshing on subsequent hits. At 2 stacks, the next Ntofo Strikes consumes them all to become empowered with a new effect. Empowered Active: K'Sante fires a shockwave in the target direction that applies the same effects to enemies hit, but also pulls them towards him over 0. 65 seconds and then stuns them for 0. 25 seconds. All Out Bonus: Ntofo Strikes' cooldown is reduced by 25%, with a minimum total cooldown of 1. 33 seconds, and the cast time is reduced by 0. 08 seconds. Upon entering All Out , Ntofo Strikes' stacks are reset and its cooldown is refreshed if K'Sante had 2 stacks. Ntofo Strikes resets K'Sante's basic attack timer., STATIC COOLDOWN: STATICCOOLDOWN:3.5− 1.75(based onbonusresistances), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Tips & Tricks', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', "IfNtofo Strikeshits no more than one enemy champion,K'Santewill be ordered an attack command against them.", 'The basic attack reset is not considered one forHail of Blades.', "Temporary increases/decreases in bonus resistances will count for reducing/increasingNtofo Strikes'cooldown.", 'Only the empowered active is aprojectile.', "The following table refers for interactions whileK'Santeis in the cast time of the third cast:", 'Death, unless protected byResurrection', "UsingFootworkon top of an enemy immediately followed by an empoweredNtofo StrikesallowsK'Santeto fling enemies behind him, including through walls.", 'Base damage changed to 40 / 80 / 120 / 160 / 200.', 'Base cooldown changed to 2.75seconds.']} | Name: Path Maker, Description: Active: K'Sante charges for a minimum of 0. 66 seconds and up to 1. 5 seconds, during which he increases Path Maker's range over the first 0. 75 seconds of the channel. During this time, he gains displacement immunity and 40% − 65% (based on level) damage reduction. Path Maker can be recast within the duration, and does so automatically afterwards. Path Maker's charge cannot be interrupted by crowd control . Recast: K'Sante dashes in the target direction, though not through terrain, dealing physical damage to enemies he passes through, carrying them alongside him, and stunning them for 1. 25 seconds. This damage is capped at 50 − 475 (based on level) against monsters . Physical Damage: 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 (+ 50% AD) (+ 30% bonus armor) (+ 30% bonus magic resistance) (+ 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10% of target's maximum health) All Out Bonus: Path Maker no longer applies its knock back and stun , but its damage reduction is increased to 50% − 75% (based on level) , charge time for the minimum duration and maximum dash range is reduced to 0. 45 seconds, and total cooldown is reduced, as well as has increased dash speed. Upon entering All Out , Path Maker's cooldown is refreshed. Ntofo Strikes and All Out can be cast during the dash. Path Maker's recast can be used while affected by cast-inhibiting crowd control ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Tips & Tricks', "All Out'sduration is increased by 2 seconds if it were to expire duringPath Maker'scharge.", "Path Makercancels any existing movement or attack commands. However, new inputs given during the charge will be retained once the dash ends, except when the dash hits only one enemy champion. IfPath Makerhits only one enemy championK'Santewill be ordered to basic attack them afterwards.", "IfK'Santeblinksduring the charge, the dash is interrupted but any enemies at his blink point will be affected byPath Maker'seffects only if they were within the maximum charged distance.Enemies outside the charge range cannot be hit this way.Targets hit are knocked back in the original target direction ofPath Maker.The displacement distance is longer than intended.(bug)", 'Enemies outside the charge range cannot be hit this way.', 'Targets hit are knocked back in the original target direction ofPath Maker.The displacement distance is longer than intended.(bug)', 'The displacement distance is longer than intended.(bug)', "K'Santecannot useFlashduringPath Maker'sdash.", "Path Maker'sdamage is not capped against monsters while empowered byAll Out.(bug)", "Path Maker'srecast can be used even whilegroundedorrooted.", 'Path Makercan be recast by issuing an attack move command (orLMB) but not a targeted attack command.', "The following table refers for interactions whileK'Santeischanneling:If the charge is cancelled, he will not automatically use the recast.", 'If the charge is cancelled, he will not automatically use the recast.', 'Death', "With the generous hitbox ofPath Maker, it is easy to knock an enemy in the desired direction ifK'Santecan get on top of them, such as viaFootwork.", 'Due to the scaling of the charged effects,Path Makeris often cast farther than the minimum distance even when attempting a very short charge.']} | Name: Footwork, Description: Active: K'Sante dashes to the target location, though not through terrain, and grants himself a shield for 2 seconds. Footwork can be cast on allies to dash to them at an increased range and speed. If the ally is a champion upon arrival, they receive the shield as well. Shield Strength: 50 / 90 / 130 / 170 / 210 (+ 10% bonus health) All Out Bonus: Footwork's dash speed and location range are increased, and it can dash through terrain. Footwork resets K'Sante's basic attack timer. K'Sante can cast any of his abilities during the dash. Footwork will cast at max range if cast beyond that., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'The basic attack reset is not considered one forHail of Blades.', 'Cooldown changed to 9 / 8.5/ 8 / 7.5/ 7 seconds.', 'Now affected by +20 ability haste.']} | Name: All Out, Description: Active: K'Sante roots the target enemy champion for 0. 5 seconds and gains displacement immunity over the cast time, then shatters his ntofos to knock them back , during which they are revealed , and blinks to the end location. The target is dealt magic damage near the end of the displacement and is stunned for 0. 25 seconds afterwards. Magic Damage: 70 / 110 / 150 (+ 65% AP) If the target hits terrain during the displacement, they are knocked back through the terrain and dealt the magic damage once they emerge. At the end of the displacement, they remain airborne for 0. 5 seconds and K'Sante strikes them to deal additional magic damage , after which they are stunned for 0. 25 seconds. Additional Damage: 70 / 110 / 150 (+ 65% AP) Total Magic Damage: 140 / 220 / 300 (+ 130% AP) After K'Sante blinks , he enters All Out for 20 seconds, and the ability can be recast after 1. 5 seconds within the duration. All Out: K'Sante gains a health threshold equal to 65% maximum health which cannot be modified nor exceeded by any means. Upon entering All Out , his current health is reduced to this threshold. Additionally, his base armor and base magic resistance are reduced by 85% bonus armor and 85% bonus magic resistance , respectively. In return, he gains bonus attack damage and bonus attack speed , heals for a percentage of the post-mitigation damage dealt to enemy champions, and modifies his basic abilities which can be cast at no cost. Bonus Attack Damage: 10 / 25 / 40 (+ 25% bonus armor) (+ 25% bonus magic resistance) Bonus Attack Speed: 25 / 35 / 45% Healing Percentage: 10 / 15 / 20% Recast: K'Sante ends All Out early. K'Sante retains his maximum health and bonus resistances during All Out. Health lost from gaining the health threshold is not restored after the effect ends. Upon entering All Out, K'Sante is restored to 100% maximum mana which rapidly decays over the duration. His mana percentage prior to All Out is preserved and is gained back after the effect ends. If the target is knocked over terrain that is longer than 2000 units, K'Sante will vanish during their displacement and reappear near the end of it. Link ▶️ "I will not yield!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "K'Santewillblink175 units beyond the target's hitbox's edge at the end location.", "GoingAll Outdoes not overrideK'Sante'sattack or movement commands if the target does not collide with terrain.If the target is however knocked back through terrain thenK'Santewill be ordered to attack the target after appearing at the target's location.", "If the target is however knocked back through terrain thenK'Santewill be ordered to attack the target after appearing at the target's location.", 'In addition to being knocked back, the target is alsoattachedto a missile that travels in the same trajectory as the displacement.Removing theairbornedoes not cause the target to detach from the missile.', 'Removing theairbornedoes not cause the target to detach from the missile.', "All Out'sknock back does not interact withplayer-generated terrain.", 'SinceK\'Santeretains the stats he "lost", any effects that scale based on those stats will calculate based on the value prior to him goingAll Out.Hisbaseresistances can be reduced below 0 by hisbonusresistances.', 'Hisbaseresistances can be reduced below 0 by hisbonusresistances.', 'Minimum knock back distance has distance of 300 units.', 'Wall scan has distance of 350 units.', "K'Sante places enemy in distance of 450 units away from a wall and himself 550 units.", 'Gainingbonushealth duringAll Outcauses the health threshold to be briefly increased then reset back to its original value.Thebonushealth is still applied to hiscurrenthealth.', 'Thebonushealth is still applied to hiscurrenthealth.', 'BonusAD will not be affected by any changes in resistances.(bug)', "If the target resists the knockback,K'Santewill still blink behind the target's endpoint as if they were displaced.", "All Out'sremaining duration is tracked in his secondary resource bar.His current mana will decay over the duration in order to indicate this.Once the effect ends, he will restore the mana he had prior to goingAll Out.", 'His current mana will decay over the duration in order to indicate this.Once the effect ends, he will restore the mana he had prior to goingAll Out.', 'Once the effect ends, he will restore the mana he had prior to goingAll Out.', "K'Santewill blink closer to his target if there is no valid space at the end of the target's displacement.", "If the target dies duringAll Out'scast time, their camera will be locked in a position relative to them.(bug)", 'If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the cast time, this ability will cancel but does not go oncooldownnor pay its cost (if applicable).', "The following table refers for interactions whileK'Santeis in cast time:", 'Death, unless protected byResurrection', "The following table refers for interactions whileK'Santeis performingAll Out'scast:", 'Death', 'Maximum knock back distance changed to 2000.', 'Cooldown changed to 90 / 75 / 60 seconds.']} | null |
Kai'Sa,Daughter of the Void | | | health: Health640+102, resource: Mana345+40, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)3.5+0.55, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)8.2+0.7, armor: Armor25+4.2, attack damage: Attack damage59+2.6, attack speed: Base AS0.644, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius100, release: 2018-03-07, changed: V13.22, role: Marksman, position: Bottom, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 1350|585 | Missing section(s):
Kai'SaMainVoid 1Void 2TitlesReal nameKaisaAlias(es)Daughter of the VoidThe Girl Who Came BackCharacteristicsSpeciesHuman(Void Touched)Pronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:976 ANWeapon(s)Living Void carapaceVoid EnergyEnergy BladesVoid MissilesPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originSai,ShurimaCurrent residenceUnknown(No Fixed Abode)FamilyKassadin(Father)Unnamed Mother†Professional statusOccupation(s)Balance PreserverGuardianRegion(s)VoidFaction(s)The Preservers ofValoranRelated character(s)KassadinMalzaharEzrealTaliyahRek'SaiBel'Veth
• Main
• Void 1
• Void 2
Real name
• Daughter of the Void
• The Girl Who Came Back
• Born:976 AN
• Living Void carapace
• Void Energy
• Energy Blades
• Void Missiles
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Kassadin(Father)
• Unnamed Mother†
Professional status
• Balance Preserver
• Guardian
Related character(s)
Claimed bythe Voidwhen she was only a child,Kai'Samanaged to survive through sheer tenacity and strength of will. Her experiences have made her a deadly hunter and, to some, the harbinger of a future they would rather not live to see. Having entered into an uneasy symbiosis with a living Void carapace, the time will soon come when she must decide whether to forgive those mortals who would call her a monster, and defeat the coming darkness together... or simply to forget, as the Void consumes the world that left her behind.
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2Return to the Surface1.3Encounter with Bel'Veth
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Malzahar5.2Kassadin5.3Ezreal5.4Taliyah5.5Bel'Veth
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Changelog
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2Return to the Surface
• 1.3Encounter with Bel'Veth
• 5.1Malzahar
• 5.2Kassadin
• 5.3Ezreal
• 5.4Taliyah
• 5.5Bel'Veth
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early life[]
Kaisa was an ordinary girl born in the southern deserts of Shurima. During her tenth summer, she came upon a pen of sacrificial goats. The girl tried to release the animals but then, suddenly, the ground shook, flashes of light scorched the sky, and a rift opened up the earth. The rift swallowed up the entire village and everyone inside.
Now trapped under the desert, Kaisa could hear the faint voices of others trapped inside. But soon, hers was the only voice left. The first void creature she encountered was about her size. After being knocked down by the voidling, Kaisa drove her knife into its heart, killing it.
Although the creature was dead, its flesh clung to Kaisa’s arm. She was unable to remove it and soon enough, it started growing around her as though it was becoming part of her. She was able to use the second skin as armor against other void creatures. The longer she survived against the void, the greater her confidence grew until she finally managed to escape back to the desert surface. No longer was she the little girl who fell into the rift but was now a fearless hunter of the void.
Return to the Surface[]
Encounter with Bel'Veth[]
Kai'Sa is a slender, pale-skinned woman with long dark brown hair and violet eyes. Her robes are composed of a Void Symbiote with a distinct palette of grey, dark grey, purple and bronze. The most distinctive ornaments of her attire are some purple marks on her face.
• Void Symbiote:When Kai'sa was stuck in a cave connected to the Void, Kai'sa was attached to a Void symbiote. The symbiote grants Kai'sa many different powers.Organic Armor:The symbiote's carapace provides a powerful defense against the harmful effects of the Void on living humans, allowing Kai'sa to pass throught dangerous territories across Runeterra.Void Energy Projection:Kai'sa can project void energy in the form of missiles to decimate her foes.Enhanced Senses:When wearing her helmet, Kai'sa has enhanced senses, like seeing in different light spectrums.
• Organic Armor:The symbiote's carapace provides a powerful defense against the harmful effects of the Void on living humans, allowing Kai'sa to pass throught dangerous territories across Runeterra.
• Void Energy Projection:Kai'sa can project void energy in the form of missiles to decimate her foes.
• Enhanced Senses:When wearing her helmet, Kai'sa has enhanced senses, like seeing in different light spectrums.
Kaisa unwittingly released the sacrificial goats meant forMalzahar's cultists into a Void-linked canyon as a prank to a transiting desert nomad, causing an earthquake that devastated her village, swallowing and killing all inhabitants except herself, who survived thanks to the symbiote suit and learning the Voidborns' methods of predation
Kassadinlived in the same village as Kai'sa before the village was engulfed by The Void. The event killed Kassadin's wife and child, causing Kassadin to go on his quest for revenge against The Void. While is has not been confirmed, a prevailing theory among players is that Kai'sa is Kassadin's daughter. While their relationship in the main universe has not been formally confirmed, it has been implied through voice lines and in theMusic skinsandStar Guardianuniverse, Kassadin isK/DA Kai'Sa'sfather.[1][2][3]
InPinwheel,Bel'Vethreveals that Kai'Sa's father was the only other person to survive the Void.
Kai'Sa savedEzrealwhen he was attacked by Void creatures. Ezreal later helped her fight them.
Kai'Sa encounteredTaliyahand her group on their journey to findXolan, a mythical paradise inSai Kahleek. They fought some void creatures together, including some ofRek'Sai'sXer'Sai. Taliyah would then part way with the others and join Kai'Sa in going there.
Bel'Vethis an enemy of Kai'Sa, Naturally feeling animosity towards the empress, Kai'Sa was shocked when Bel'Veth revealed she and her motives were more than a simpleVoidborn's, talking about how she would be her salvation and even making a pragmatic deal to spare humanity so she would defeat theWatchers.
Read More
Daughter of the Void
ByMichael McCarthy
Starring Champion
All That Will Ever Be
Let the Lavender Sea take you.
ByPhillip Vargas
Hunter or prey? The lines get blurred when Kai'Sa must hunt down a pack of deadly predators.
Short Story
ByDana Luery Shaw
Kai’Sa peers out from the mouth of the tunnel and feels like she’s standing at the edge of the world.
Short Story
ByGraham McNeill
There's light under the earth, if you know where to look.
Short Story
ByJared Rosen
“Okay,” Kai’Sa pants...
The Call
For the fallen. For the deserted. For the downtrodden. And for those who will rise again.
Short Story • 4 Minute Read
The Girl Who Came Back
ByMichael McCarthy
Listen to me,' I tell the little girl who found me here, beside the pit. 'I need you to hear me. There isn't much time.'
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Mentioned Champion
The Void Walker
ByAriel Lawrence
Short Story
Whom Does the Desert Know?
ByLaurie Goulding
Shurima is dying. I do not think she will rise again.
Alternate Universes
Music Video
Another Sky
ByJared Rosen,Taylor Dinwiddie,Ty Sheedlo
As a new generation of Star Guardians prepares to fight back the forces of chaos, rising star Akali finds herself wracked with doubt. Does she have what it takes to be a Star Guardian? Or will the darkness she senses inside spell doom for her and her friends?
Mentioned:Ahri,Akshan,Ezreal,Gwen,Jinx,Lux,Miss Fortune,Rakan,Xayah
Music Video
Everything Goes On
ByPorter Robinson
Together with some familiar faces, a new generation of Star Guardians ascend to battle a looming threat. But even when confronted with eternal darkness, their hope burns brighter than fear.
Mentioned:Ahri,Lux,Miss Fortune
Harmonies: Issue 1
ByMichael Yichao
In a difficult moment during a recording secession, Akali reassures a nervous Seraphine that K/DA's bonds run deep.
Harmonies: Issue 2
ByMichael Yichao
Seraphine navigates a life-changing moment as she embraces her dream becoming reality.
Mentioned:Ezreal,Janna,Jinx,Lulu,Lux,Miss Fortune,Poppy,Soraka,Syndra,Volibear,Yasuo
Harmonies: Issue 4
ByMichael Yichao
Kai'Sa dances through life, finding her way to present moment as a part of K/DA.
Harmonies: Issue 5
ByMichael Yichao
Ahri reflects on the long road that led to her forming K/DA: breaking old bonds while establishing new ties, navigating the flood of attention (and expectation) following their initial success, and looking forward to their bright future.
Short Story
Interview: Inside K/DA
ByPopRox,Indu Reddy
PopRox chats with K/DA on their style, personal life, and success after POP/STARS.
Short Story
By Numerous creators
Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Starring:Kai'Sa,Miss Fortune
Music Video
Sharp: Issue 1
ByMichael Yichao
Learn more about K/DA and their upcoming ALL OUT EP in this very special edition of SHARP magazine.Read through over 16 dedicated pages about Ahri, Evelynn, Kai’Sa and Akali, and how the pop group sensation renewed their ambitions since the launch of their electric 2018 debut single, POP/STARS. Discover how K/DA staged their comeback with THE BADDEST, the first song of their new and long-awaited EP, and meet Seraphine, their talented new collaborator.This special edition of SHARP also includes a special quiz to prove to yourself and your friend that you are a real BLADE!
Star-Crossed: Embrace
ByJared Rosen,Callie Miller
Final showdown! The Guardians have played all their cards, but something in Xayah tells her to keep fighting—she’ll find a way to redeem Rakan or die (again) trying.
Starring:Ahri,Akali,Kai'Sa,Miss Fortune,Orianna,Rakan,Senna,Seraphine,Xayah
Short Story
Twin Stars
ByCat Cheresh
Akali could see the stars.
Starring:Ahri,Akali,Ezreal,Janna,Jinx,Kai'Sa,Lulu,Lux,Miss Fortune,Neeko,Poppy,Rakan,Soraka,Syndra,Xayah,Zoe
Harmonies: Issue 3
ByMichael Yichao
A true fan follows the elusive Evelynn's career, leading to a chance encounter that changes everything.
Shadow of a Doubt
Star Guardians have a brilliant light, but some stagger in the darkness. Can Akali escape her own nightmares?
The Tale of the Poro King
By Numerous creators
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aatrox,Akali,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Darius,Diana,Draven,Ezreal,Gnar,Illaoi,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kai'Sa,Karma,Karthus,Katarina,Kayle,Kayn,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nunu,Ornn,Pantheon,Pyke,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Rhaast,Ryze,Sejuani,Shen,Sion,Sivir,Soraka,Sylas,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Thresh,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Vi,Volibear,Willump,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs,Zoe
• She is around 20 years old.She was 10 when she fell into the Void tunnel and has stayed there for about 10 years.
• Kai'Sa is 169.6 cm (5’6”) in height like herK/DA counterpart.[4]HerStar Guardian counterpartis around 180 cm (5'11)[5]HerBullet Angel counterpartis between 165 and 172 cm (5’5"-5'8")[6]
• Kaisa is her given name, Kai'Sa is her adopted Void name.
• Her symbiote can sustain her through the Void-spawns they kill by absorbing their essence, but that isn't really pleasing to her. After the earthquake she unwittingly caused, she scavenged leftover food from castaway sources in the catacombs— water skins, rotting fruit, etc. Now that she can get out from the underground, she likes eating what she can find aroundShurima, preferably peaches. But the suit has to feed too, and she is somewhat fearful of what it might do if she doesn't continue to hunt and sustain it.Due to her symbiote, Kai'Sa is stronger than normal humans while gaining abilities like blastingdestructive energy, especially when wearing her helmet-like empowered senses (like a special vision that is either thermoreception or X-ray vision).
• Despite common belief, Kaisa was never trapped in the Void itself, rather willingly stayed within a complex underground tunnel system between the massive Void rift that caused the earthquake of her lore and the surface of the Sai desert, sculpted through years by the spawns that breach from the rift.
• The lines that decorate her face are tribal marks made out of Voidborn blood.
• Unlike other beings exposed to the Void's influence, Kaisa was able to avoid its seething madness thanks to her suit's helmet, which allows her to safely remain within the vicinity of Void rifts.
• It has been theorized that the creature whose part would later become her second skin belonged to the same species asKha'Zix.One of her quotes to him is "I know your tricks".Both the symbiote and Kha'zix evolve to become stronger.Both have the potential to become invisible and shoot more projectiles after certain evolutions.
• She was 10 when she fell into the Void tunnel and has stayed there for about 10 years.
• HerStar Guardian counterpartis around 180 cm (5'11)[5]
• HerBullet Angel counterpartis between 165 and 172 cm (5’5"-5'8")[6]
• Due to her symbiote, Kai'Sa is stronger than normal humans while gaining abilities like blastingdestructive energy, especially when wearing her helmet-like empowered senses (like a special vision that is either thermoreception or X-ray vision).
• One of her quotes to him is "I know your tricks".
• Both the symbiote and Kha'zix evolve to become stronger.Both have the potential to become invisible and shoot more projectiles after certain evolutions.
• Both have the potential to become invisible and shoot more projectiles after certain evolutions.
See also[] | Name: Second Skin, Description: Innate - Living Weapon: Kai'Sa can evolve each of her basic abilities by gaining a set amount of permanent stats from items and stat growth , granting them additional effects. Evolving an ability causes her to enter a 2-second cast time . The upgrade is lost if the stat requirement is no longer met. Innate - Plasma: Kai'Sa's basic attacks on-hit and Void Seeker apply stacks of Plasma to enemies for 4 seconds, refreshing on subsequent applications and stacking up to 5 times. Basic attacks each apply 1 stack and Void Seeker applies 2 stacks, increased to 3 if it is evolved . Her and nearby allies' immobilizing effects and polymorphs against enemy champions will also apply a stack of Plasma . Innate - Caustic Wounds: Plasma stacks applied by Kai'Sa's basic attacks or Void Seeker deal 5 − 23 (based on level) (+ 1 − 12 (based on level) per Plasma stack before application) (+ 15% − 25% (based on Plasma stacks before application) AP) bonus magic damage . The fifth stack against a target consumes them all to deal additional bonus magic damage equal to 15% (+ 6% per 100 AP) of the target's missing health , capped at 400 against monsters ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Kai'Sareceives the evolution even if she dies while in cast time.", "Kai'Sacan evolve an ability even if she hasn't learned it yet.", 'The bonus missing health damage is evaluated after the initial damage fromCaustic Woundsis evaluated, and afterVoid Seeker\'sdamage if triggered by it, but before a triggering basic attack\'s is.This effectively increases the "flat"Caustic Woundsdamage preceding the expunge proc and (if applicable)Void Seekerdamage and any potential preceding on-hit damage (usually not possible to acquire due to buff slot order) by 15%(+ 6% per 100 AP)divided by (1+the target\'s MR post penetration/100).', 'This effectively increases the "flat"Caustic Woundsdamage preceding the expunge proc and (if applicable)Void Seekerdamage and any potential preceding on-hit damage (usually not possible to acquire due to buff slot order) by 15%(+ 6% per 100 AP)divided by (1+the target\'s MR post penetration/100).', 'Plasmastacks that exceed the rupture are reapplied normally.', 'Spell shieldwill block thePlasmaapplication fromVoid Seekeronly.', "WithVoid Seeker, if the stacks detonatePlasma, any remaining stacks are reapplied afterwards.Void Seekeralso dealsCaustic Wounds'damage based onPlasmastacks on the target. This damage is calculated as if each stack was applied successively.Hitting a target with 0 stack with normalVoid Seeker:10 − 46 (based on level)(+ 1 − 12 (based on level)(+ 32.5% AP)Hitting a target with 3 stacks with normalVoid Seeker:10 − 46 (based on level)(+ 7 − 84 (based on level)(+ 47.5% AP)Hitting a target with 0 stack with evolvedVoid Seeker:15 − 69 (based on level)(+ 3 − 36 (based on level)(+ 52.5% AP)Hitting a target with 2 stacks with evolvedVoid Seeker:15 − 69 (based on level)(+ 9 − 108 (based on level)(+ 67.5% AP)", 'Hitting a target with 0 stack with normalVoid Seeker:10 − 46 (based on level)(+ 1 − 12 (based on level)(+ 32.5% AP)', 'Hitting a target with 3 stacks with normalVoid Seeker:10 − 46 (based on level)(+ 7 − 84 (based on level)(+ 47.5% AP)', 'Hitting a target with 0 stack with evolvedVoid Seeker:15 − 69 (based on level)(+ 3 − 36 (based on level)(+ 52.5% AP)', 'Hitting a target with 2 stacks with evolvedVoid Seeker:15 − 69 (based on level)(+ 9 − 108 (based on level)(+ 67.5% AP)', 'On-hit damage changed to 50% value.', "Detonation base damage changed to10% of target'smaximumhealth."]} | Name: Icathian Rain, Description: Active: Kai'Sa releases a swarm of 6 missiles that evenly distributes among nearby visible enemies, each one hitting their target after 0. 4 seconds to deal physical damage . Minions below 35% health take double damage. Physical Damage Per Missile: 40 / 55 / 70 / 85 / 100 (+ 50% bonus AD) (+ 20% AP) Non-minions take 25% damage from missiles beyond their first. Reduced Damage Per Missile: 10 / 13. 75 / 17. 5 / 21. 25 / 25 (+ 12. 5 % bonus AD) (+ 5% AP) Total Single-Target Damage: 90 / 123. 75 / 157. 5 / 191. 25 / 225 (+ 112. 5 % bonus AD) (+ 45% AP) Evolution : Requires 「 100 − 56 (based on level) attack damage from items 」 「 100 attack damage from items and stat growth 」 to upgrade – Icathian Rain instead fires 12 missiles. Total Evolved Single-Target Damage: 150 / 206. 25 / 262. 5 / 318. 75 / 375 (+ 187. 5 % bonus AD) (+ 75% AP) A nearby enemy is required to cast this ability., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'The first missile on a target appliesarea damage, while the rest on the same target applypersistent area damage.', 'Spell shieldsonly block the damage from a single missile.', 'Icathian Rainacquires its targets upon cast. Moving will not change its targets.', 'ChargingSuperchargewill not stop the missiles from firing.', 'It takes 1 second for all missiles to fire at a single target.', 'Bonus AD ratio per missile changed to40%bonusAD.', 'AP ratio per missile changed to15% AP.']} | Name: Void Seeker, Description: Active: Kai'Sa fires a void bolt in the target direction that briefly grants sight around its trajectory as it travels, deals magic damage to the first enemy hit, applies 2 Plasma , and reveals them for 4 seconds. Magic Damage: 30 / 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 (+ 130% AD) (+ 45% AP) Evolution : Requires 100 ability power from items to upgrade – Void Seeker applies 3 Plasma instead and refunds 75% of its cooldown if it hits an enemy champion ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.']} | Name: Supercharge, Description: Active: Kai'Sa charges up over the cast time, during which she is still allowed to move, becomes ghosted , and gains bonus movement speed , with the effectiveness increased by 0% − 100% (based on bonus attack speed) . Minimum Movement Speed: 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 / 75% Maximum Movement Speed: 110 / 120 / 130 / 140 / 150% After completing the charge, she gains bonus attack speed and reduces her basic attack windup percentage by 6. 44 % for 4 seconds. Bonus Attack Speed: 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80% Supercharge's current cooldown is reduced by 0. 5 seconds on-attack . Evolution : Requires 「 100% − 70% (based on level) attack speed from items 」 「 100% attack speed from items and stat growth 」 to upgrade – Supercharge grants invisibility at the start of the cast time for 0. 5 seconds., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Tips & Tricks', "Her attack commands during this time are switched to movement commands instead. Upon finishing the charge and if an attack command was issued,Kai'Sawill continue walking toward her target.Kai'Sabehaves normally if attack move click was issued not on a target during the cast time, stopping at attack range of the closest target and starts attacking when charged up.", "Kai'Sabehaves normally if attack move click was issued not on a target during the cast time, stopping at attack range of the closest target and starts attacking when charged up.", "IfSupercharge'scast time finished while its buff is still active, the movement speed buff lingers briefly longer.This is only possible with a significantly high amount ofability hasteandattack speed.", 'This is only possible with a significantly high amount ofability hasteandattack speed.']} | Name: Killer Instinct, Description: Active: Kai'Sa grants herself a shield for 2 seconds and dashes to a target location near a visible enemy champion that was affected by Plasma within the last 4 seconds. The shield's duration is refreshed when the dash ends. Shield Strength: 70 / 90 / 110 (+ 90 / 135 / 180% AD) (+ 120% AP) A nearby enemy champion affected by Plasma is required to cast this ability. Killer Instinct resets Kai'Sa's basic attack timer. Kai'Sa can cast any of her abilities during the dash., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Kai'Sawill issue a movement command to the targeted location regardless of whether the target location is valid. The dash is not buffered during this movement command.Kai'Sawill not dash if the targeted location becomes valid by walking in range or a nearby enemy champion becomes affected byPlasma.If the targeted location is not valid, the range indicator will glow.", 'If the targeted location is not valid, the range indicator will glow.', "The enemy champion recently affected byPlasmamust be in range ofKai'Safor the targeted location to be valid, and not the targeted location itself.", 'The basic attack reset is not considered one forHail of Blades.']} | Her name resembles FinnishKaisa, which is derived from Pre-Greek Αἰκατερίνη (Aikaterine).
Her name's current form follows the Ancient Shuriman naming convention forVoidborns.
Her accent is Afrikaner.
She is the first champion to receiveChromavariants upon release.
She uses aFrogin one of her animations, along withBewitching MorganaandDark Star Thresh.
Her dance references theside-to-side body wave.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.
In-game, Kai'Sa can toggle her helmet on and off [default: Ctrl + 5]. |
Kalista,the Spear of Vengeance | | | health: Health600+114, resource: Mana300+45, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)4+0.75, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)6.3+0.4, armor: Armor24+5.2, attack damage: Attack damage61+3.25, attack speed: Base AS0.694, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius100, release: 2014-11-20, changed: V13.11, role: Marksman, position: TopBottom, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 4800|880, attack range: 525 | Games
KalistaMainCurrentHumanRuinationTitlesReal nameKalista vol Kalah HeigaariNickname(s)My belovedAlias(es)The Spear of VengeanceThe Lady of VengeanceGeneral KalistaThe King's SpearSpear of the Argent ThronePrincess KalistaCharacteristicsSpeciesWraith(formerlyHuman)Pronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:50 BN[1]Weapon(s)Soul SpearsSoul Sentinels2Black SpearPersonal statusStatusUndeadPlace of originKingdom of CamavorCurrent residenceShadow IslesFamilyAlvaro vol Kalah Heigaari(Grandfather)†Nivora, The Golden(Grandmother)†Nivor vol Kalah Heigaari(Father)†Eliante, The Devout(Mother)†Castillia vol Kalah Heigaari(Uncle)†Bastillon vol Kalah Heigaari(Uncle)†Viego Santiarul Molach vol Kalah Heigaari(Uncle)Isolde(Aunt)†Vladimir(Distant Uncle)Ledros(Former Lover)Hecarim(Ex-Fiancé)Camor(Ancestor)Avora(Ancestor)Professional statusOccupation(s)Spirit of VengeanceGeneralRegion(s)Shadow IslesCamavorRelated character(s)HecarimLedrosNecritRyzeSorakaThreshViegoVladimirYorick
• Main
• Current
• Human
• Ruination
Real name
• My beloved
• The Spear of Vengeance
• The Lady of Vengeance
• General Kalista
• The King's Spear
• Spear of the Argent Throne
• Princess Kalista
• Wraith(formerlyHuman)
• Born:50 BN
• Soul Spears
• Soul Sentinels
• 2Black Spear
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Alvaro vol Kalah Heigaari(Grandfather)†
• Nivora, The Golden(Grandmother)†
• Nivor vol Kalah Heigaari(Father)†
• Eliante, The Devout(Mother)†
• Castillia vol Kalah Heigaari(Uncle)†
• Bastillon vol Kalah Heigaari(Uncle)†
• Viego Santiarul Molach vol Kalah Heigaari(Uncle)
• Isolde(Aunt)†
• Vladimir(Distant Uncle)
• Ledros(Former Lover)
• Hecarim(Ex-Fiancé)
• Camor(Ancestor)
• Avora(Ancestor)
Professional status
• Spirit of Vengeance
• General
• Shadow Isles
• Camavor
Related character(s)
An undying specter of wrath and retribution,Kalistais an armored nightmare summoned from theShadow Islesto hunt deceivers and traitors. The betrayed may cry out in blood to be avenged, but Kalista only answers those willing to pay with their very souls. Those who become the focus of Kalista's wrath should make their final peace, for anypactsealed with this grim hunter can only be ended by the cold, piercing fire of hersoul-spears.
• 1Background1.1Early Life1.2Invasion of the Blessed Isles1.3Spirit of Vengeance
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Viego5.2Commander Ledros5.3Hecarim5.4Vladimir5.5Tahm Kench
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early Life
• 1.2Invasion of the Blessed Isles
• 1.3Spirit of Vengeance
• 5.1Viego
• 5.2Commander Ledros
• 5.3Hecarim
• 5.4Vladimir
• 5.5Tahm Kench
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early Life[]
Kalista was born in the long-forgotten kingdom ofCamavor, as the daughter of the heir to the Argent Throne and the niece ofViego. Despite being his niece, Kalista and Viego were close in age and was one of his closest friends, acting as a big sister towards him. Eventually her father passed and when her grandfather was on his deathbed, he tasked her with monitoring Viego's reign, due to him being unprepared to rule. Kalista served him with utmost loyalty as the general of Camavor. Viego would fall in love withIsoldeand two would soon wed. Kalista saw Isolde as a sister and enjoyed the positive influence she had on his uncle.
When Viego was targeted by an assassin sent to kill him with a poisoned blade, Kalista deflected the blade in time but accidentally caused it to graze Isolde instead. With the best medics and priests in Camavor unable to save her, a grief-stricken Viego sent Kalista, along with the captain of the Iron Order,Hecarim, to find a cure. While most nations were unable to give her the results she wanted, she learned of theBlessed Islesand was able to get the Waters of Life that could cure even the direst of ailments. But when she got back, Isolde had already succumbed to the poison. Viego, maddened by grief, saw Kalista as a traitor to the crown and got her imprisoned.
Invasion of the Blessed Isles[]
In the dungeons, Kalista was visited by Hecarim, who manipulated her into revealing the location of the Blessed Isles all so he could reap glory for himself. Hecarim then told Viego about the information she gave him, which led to the fleets of Camavor sailing to the capital of the Blessed Isles,Helia.
However, the elders of the Blessed Isles refused to let the Camavorans pass, as they believed that death was final and to cheat it would break the natural order of the world. Viego ignored their warnings and ordered Kalista to kill them. She refused and tried to get Hecarim to stand with her, but he and his knights killed her by driving their spears into her back, before killing her loverLedrosand all the Camavoran soldiers loyal to her. Then, they began to raid the Blessed Isles, looting their treasures and killing all of the natives they could find. But thanks to Viego's failed attempt to revive his wife, the Blessed Isles' protective barrier was tainted by the magic of Viego'sblade, causing a disaster which turned it into the ghostly realm now known as theShadow Isles.
Spirit of Vengeance[]
Many of the people within the Isles at the time of the Ruination, both living and dead, were reborn as ghostlywraiths. Kalista was one such wraith, who remembered nothing but her feelings of vengeance toward Hecarim as she died. She became a spirit of vengeance, travelling all over Runeterra to appear before those who made pacts in her name, absorbing their souls to kill the ones whom had betrayed them. But with each soul she absorbed, her humanity disappeared as she became a hive mind of vengeful souls who avenged the wronged across Runeterra.
In life Kalista was a woman with an athletic physique, brown skin, brown eyes, and long flowing black hair.
While being of royal blood, Kalista was surprisingly down to earth in life and had a strong sense of justice. She got along far better with the common footsoldiers in the military than the nobles trying to curry favour with her. She was also depicted as caring sister figure to a youngViegowhen he suddenly was to be crowned as king ofCamavorand tried to be his emotional and moral support during his reign, with some help fromIsolde.
• Wraith:Kalista is one of the Shadow Isles's wraiths, created when the Ruination came to be. The Black Mist consumes ones original personality, leaving only a specter consumed by negative emotions and obsessions. In Kalista's case, she became an spirit of vengeance after being betrayed in life.Immortality:Being already dead, Kalista can't die again. She can only be banished and loose her material form for a while.Spiritual Construction:Wraiths can create solid constructs from spectral energy, such as bodies and physical objects. These constructs mainly base themselves around how they looked in life.Transitory State:Being ethereal beings, Wraiths can shift from the physical world and spiritual one at will. This means they can become intangible and invisible, and teleport from one place to another.Spirit of Vengeance:After dying, Kalista became a vengeful spirit that hunts down others that have betrayed their oaths. This grants her many terrible powers.Pacts of Vengeance:If someone craving vengeance call upon Kalista, she will come to their aid and grant them their vengeance, stalking her mark until they die by her spears.Soul Absorption:When the pact is done, the dying will be absorbed inside Kalista and became part of an endless vortex of souls inside of her.
• Trained Warrior:Kalista is a incredible warrior that can easly defeat many foes in battle.
• Immortality:Being already dead, Kalista can't die again. She can only be banished and loose her material form for a while.
• Spiritual Construction:Wraiths can create solid constructs from spectral energy, such as bodies and physical objects. These constructs mainly base themselves around how they looked in life.
• Transitory State:Being ethereal beings, Wraiths can shift from the physical world and spiritual one at will. This means they can become intangible and invisible, and teleport from one place to another.
• Spirit of Vengeance:After dying, Kalista became a vengeful spirit that hunts down others that have betrayed their oaths. This grants her many terrible powers.Pacts of Vengeance:If someone craving vengeance call upon Kalista, she will come to their aid and grant them their vengeance, stalking her mark until they die by her spears.Soul Absorption:When the pact is done, the dying will be absorbed inside Kalista and became part of an endless vortex of souls inside of her.
• Pacts of Vengeance:If someone craving vengeance call upon Kalista, she will come to their aid and grant them their vengeance, stalking her mark until they die by her spears.
• Soul Absorption:When the pact is done, the dying will be absorbed inside Kalista and became part of an endless vortex of souls inside of her.
Kalista is theRuined King'sniece and was one of his generals in life. Kalista's father was the previous king ofCamavor. Viego became the king after his brother died in battle. Despite being her uncle, Kalista and Viego were around the same age and friends for a long time since he was largely ignored in favor of Kalista's father. When her father died and Viego became king, his negative traits were worsened and they began to drift apart, however she was still loyal to him. Kalista managed to protect Viego from an assassin, but resulted in Isolde getting poisoned instead. She would set sail in order to find a cure, but found it too late and was imprisoned as a traitor for her failure.She was eventually convinced byHecarimto leadViegoand their army to the Blessed Isles for the Waters of Life. When the masters of the island refused to let them use the water, Viego ordered her to kill anyone who opposed them. Kalista refused and was stabbed by Hecarim before her forces clashed with the Iron Order.
Commander Ledros[]
Commander Ledroswas her lover in life and is trying to free her soul.Threshtried to persuade him to give up trying to freeKalistaand so far has succeeded at obtaining his silver pendant which Ledros may use to remind Kalista of her humanity, but Ledros instead has tried to end the curse of the Ruination himself.
Hecarimand his Iron Order are now restlessly hunted and "killed" by her, but they always come back due to the Black Mist.
Vladimirwas soul-marked by Kalista but he was able to banish her with the help of a magical artifact. He was a prince of Camavor, and Viego and Kalista's distant relative who was centuries old by the time they were born.
Tahm Kench[]
Kalista occasionally comes afterTahm Kench; however, he is safe from her due to his contracts with the victims.
Read More
The Spear of Vengeance
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Starring Champion
Short Story
In Sight of Land
ByIan St. Martin
The waters were eerily still at night. Their surface was so undisturbed, one might mistake it for dark glass mirroring the starlit skies above. Moonlight bathed everything in cold, silver light, though its radiance was slowly dying.
Short Story • 4 Minute Read
ByGraham McNeill
The sword-wife stood amid the burnt out ruin of her home. Everything and everyone that mattered to her was gone, and she was filled with fathomless grief... and hate. Hate was now all that compelled her.
Short Story
Roots of Ruin
By Numerous creators
The end began with one man.
Short Story
Ruination (Novel)
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Camavor is a brutal land with a bloody legacy. Where the empire’s knights go, slaughter follows. Kalista seeks to change that. When her young and narcissistic uncle, Viego, becomes king she vows to temper his destructive instincts as his loyal confidant, advisor, and military general. But her plans are thwarted when an assassin’s poisoned blade strikes Viego’s wife, Isolde, afflicting her with a malady for which there is no cure. As Isolde’s condition worsens, Viego descends into madness and grief, threatening to drag Camavor down with him. Kalisa makes a desperate gambit to save the kingdom: She searches for the long-lost Blessed Isles, rumored to hold the queen’s salvation if only Kalista can find them. But corruption grows in the Blessed Isle’s capital, where a vengeful warden seeks to ensnare Kalista in his cruel machinations. She will be forced to choose between her loyalty to Viego and doing what she knows is right–for even in the face of utter darkness, one noble act can shine a light that saves the world.
Short Story
The Daring Darling
ByLaura Michet
Fayette always warned her guests that the journey from the Shadow Isles back to the Daring Darling's dock would take a whole watch.
Short Story
The Echoes Left Behind
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Blood pooled beneath him, bright crimson against pristine white stone. His sword lay nearby, its blade broken. His killers stood around him, shadows on the periphery, but he saw nothing except her.
The Pledge
A pledge and a soul Escape his final breath, His offer accepted And her spirit summoned, A soul for a soul-- His betrayer's life, Rent.
Mentioned Champion
Ruined King
ByAirship Syndicate
Rise Against Ruin - Unite a party of League of Legends Champions, explore Bilgewater and set sail for the Shadow Isles to uncover the secrets of the deadly Black Mist in this immersive turn-based RPG.
Starring:Ahri,Braum,Gangplank,Illaoi,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Necrit,Pyke,Rafen,Thresh,Viego,Yasuo
Mentioned:Ashe,Elise,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Gwen,Hecarim,Isolde,Ivern,Janna,Jarvan IV,Kalista,Ledros,Lucian,Nagakabouros,Nautilus,Olaf,Ornn,Rhasa,Riven,Senna,Swain,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Twisted Fate,Udyr,Volibear,Yone,Yorick,Zed
The Princeling's Lament
ByGraham McNeill
Scrape the bench of sunless moss.
Starring: N/A
The Shadow of War
ByGraham McNeill
Alternate Universes
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Reaching the peak takes more than skill. Only those with the ambition to RISE above all others will know its height.
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Akali,Ashe,Braum,Darius,Ekko,Ezreal,Fiora,Garen,Gnar,Jarvan IV,Jax,Jinx,Kalista,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Leona,Lux,Master Yi,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Riven,Ryze,Sejuani,Swain,Taliyah,Thresh,Tryndamere,Vayne,Xayah,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs
The Roadtrip
ByCassie Parkes,Marvin Clifford
Mentioned:Ahri,Ashe,Azir,Bard,Braum,Darius,Fiddlesticks,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Irelia,Jinx,Kalista,Katarina,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Lulu,Master Yi,Nami,Poppy,Rakan,Shaco,Sona,Swain,Taric,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Varus,Xayah,Yasuo,Zilean
Music Video
Worlds Collide
By Numerous creators
Two teams have risen above their peers. Ten warriors have laid claim to the Summoner’s Cup. Five champions will etch their names in history.
Starring: N/A
• Kalista is between 1050 years old, born at some point before the Ruination of theBlessed Isles.She was in her 20s, roughly the same age asViegoduring the first Ruination.She's old enough for legends to spread about her across the world. Every place has a different, but similar story about summoning her.
• According toViego'sbiography, her kingdom was from an unknown continent outside of the known map.
• 'The Spear of Vengeance' (the specter Kalista became after theRuination) is ahivemindof betrayed souls (hence she referring to herself as 'we') while Kalista herself is buried deep beneath them all, with every new soul burying her ever-deeper within the entity she has become. Very little of who she once was remains, but it surfaces occasionally.Ledrosalmost managed to free her from her curse.Kalista is one of the strongest characters fromRuneterra, being basically the Avatar of Vengeance at this point.She would feel all sorts of things in the moments when she is more lucid; remorse, anger, regret, sadness, grief, rage...
• Her spears are the spectral remnants of the way she was originally murdered.She would have used a spear in life. She was a heroic leader - think of her as having been kind of female (and honorable) Achilles.
• Kalista is a lawful neutral character who acts according to both her drive to enact vengeance on betrayers and her own law.Her 'alignment' depends on one's perspective - it's all in the eye of the beholder. To some, she would be seen as evil because she is an undying spirit, full stop. However, she was a hero in life, and very much an honorable one at that. She didn't ask to become what she is, and is now consumed with enacting vengeance. So, to some, she might be seen as an avenger, a spirit of justice. To those she is pursuing? They'd probably think she is evil - she certainly couldn't be bargained or argued with, and she'd see things very much in black and white. What if someone did do a horrible betrayal, but has atoned for it? She'd not be bothered with those kind of details...She'd be very black and white, it is possible even if someone may have a very good reason for betraying someone, in her eyes just the fact that there is betrayal may damn them in her eyes.She is also very focused. She's not an indiscriminate killer, and would not destroy everything in her path to get to her target. She's got all the time in the world (she'd not exactly got to worry about ageing any more...), so she can be patient in order to get her target without involving unnecessary deaths.
• Kalista can travel mystically across Valoran, and there's no escaping her once she's got her target without using powerful spirit magic, asVladimirdid in the storyThe Daring Darling.
• She was in her 20s, roughly the same age asViegoduring the first Ruination.
• She's old enough for legends to spread about her across the world. Every place has a different, but similar story about summoning her.
• Kalista is one of the strongest characters fromRuneterra, being basically the Avatar of Vengeance at this point.
• She would feel all sorts of things in the moments when she is more lucid; remorse, anger, regret, sadness, grief, rage...
• She would have used a spear in life. She was a heroic leader - think of her as having been kind of female (and honorable) Achilles.
• Her 'alignment' depends on one's perspective - it's all in the eye of the beholder. To some, she would be seen as evil because she is an undying spirit, full stop. However, she was a hero in life, and very much an honorable one at that. She didn't ask to become what she is, and is now consumed with enacting vengeance. So, to some, she might be seen as an avenger, a spirit of justice. To those she is pursuing? They'd probably think she is evil - she certainly couldn't be bargained or argued with, and she'd see things very much in black and white. What if someone did do a horrible betrayal, but has atoned for it? She'd not be bothered with those kind of details...She'd be very black and white, it is possible even if someone may have a very good reason for betraying someone, in her eyes just the fact that there is betrayal may damn them in her eyes.She is also very focused. She's not an indiscriminate killer, and would not destroy everything in her path to get to her target. She's got all the time in the world (she'd not exactly got to worry about ageing any more...), so she can be patient in order to get her target without involving unnecessary deaths.
• She'd be very black and white, it is possible even if someone may have a very good reason for betraying someone, in her eyes just the fact that there is betrayal may damn them in her eyes.
• She is also very focused. She's not an indiscriminate killer, and would not destroy everything in her path to get to her target. She's got all the time in the world (she'd not exactly got to worry about ageing any more...), so she can be patient in order to get her target without involving unnecessary deaths.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Basic Attack, Description: Basic Attack: Kalista's basic attack windup is uncancellable except by casting Rend , although she can input a new attack command to change her target during the windup. Additionally, Kalista's attack windup is only reduced by 0. 75 % per 1% bonus attack speed ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Kalistashares having an unusual basic attack windup modifier with a few other champions.SeeList of champions/Basic attacksfor a list.', 'SeeList of champions/Basic attacksfor a list.', 'Kalistaalso has the longest relative basic attack windup time of all champions, however this is offset by her high base attack speed and attack speed scaling.']} | Name: Martial Poise, Description: Innate: Whenever Kalista inputs a movement command during her basic attack windup or the cast time of Pierce , she will dash in the target direction. Kalista's dash from Martial Poise will be knocked down by any immobilizing or polymorphing crowd control, excluding sleep (bug) . The range and speed of Martial Poise are modified by the tier of Kalista's Boots . The base range when dashing from a basic attack is 250 / 265 / 280 (based on Boots Tier) units. This base distance is reduced when dashing toward the direction of her attack, to a minimum of 150 / 165 / 180 (based on Boots Tier) units. The base range when dashing from Pierce's cast is increased 「 by 50 units. 」 「 to 300 / 315 / 330 (based on Boots Tier) units. 」 If dashing away from the point of cast, the dash range is reduced, to a minimum of 165 / 180 / 195 (based on Boots Tier) units. Innate - Oathsworn Bond: Kalista begins the game with an exclusive Black Spear . Link ▶️ "The oath has been taken.", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'There is a very brief grace period in excess of the on-screen timers whereinKalistacan still triggerMartial Poise.', "The dash speed depends onKalista'sbonusattack speedandBootsTier. Basic boots increase the dash speed by 75, and Finished boots increase it by 135.", 'The dash speed is affected bymultiplicative movement speed modifierssuch asslows.Additive movement speed modifiersdo not affect it.', 'Additive movement speed modifiersdo not affect it.', 'There are a total of 24 different dash ranges based on direction withBootsandPiercebeing cast.', 'Dash distance decreases exponentially as the dash direction becomes closer to the minimum direction (forward for basic attacks, backward forPierce.', 'Kalistawill attempt to attack her target again at the end of the dash, allowing the player to kite with only movement commands as long as they remain in attack range.', 'Attack move click checks for targets in brief intervals, but only whileKalistais not in a dash, resulting in lost DPS if it is used to automatically dash.', "Kalista'sfacing direction when dashing is considered to be in the direction of the dash, not her visual facing direction."]} | Name: Pierce, Description: Active: Kalista launches a spear in the target direction that deals physical damage to the first enemy hit. Physical Damage: 20 / 85 / 150 / 215 / 280 (+ 105% AD) If Pierce kills the target, the spear continues onward to transfer all of the target's Rend stacks to the next enemy it hits. This can repeat indefinitely until the spear reaches its maximum range., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'AD ratio changed to135% AD.']} | Name: Sentinel, Description: Passive - Soul-Marked: While Kalista and her Oathsworn are tethered , their basic attacks and Pierce apply a Soul-Mark to their targets. If both Soul-Marks are applied to the same target within 4 seconds, they take bonus magic damage , capped against non-champions, and cannot be Soul-Marked again for a few seconds. Soul-Mark deals a minimum of 75 damage to minions , executes them if they're below 125 health , and is capped against non-champions. Kalista applies the damage on-attack while the Oathsworn does so on-hit . Bonus Magic Damage: 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18% of target's maximum health Maximum Non-Champion Damage: 100 / 125 / 150 / 175 / 200 Active: Kalista summons a Sentinel that patrols back and forth on a path along the target location, granting sight of its surroundings as it travels. Kalista periodically stocks a Sentinel charge, up to a maximum of 2. See Pets for more details about Sentinels., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'parries': 'Missing', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Soul-Marked'sbonus damage is credited toKalistaand will benefit from both hermagic penetrationandspell effects.If herOathswornally scores a kill usingSoul-Marked'sbonus damage they will get a message stating 'Kill Secured' in place of the usual gold pop-up (the gold itself is credited toKalista).", "If herOathswornally scores a kill usingSoul-Marked'sbonus damage they will get a message stating 'Kill Secured' in place of the usual gold pop-up (the gold itself is credited toKalista).", "TheSentinel'ssightreveal on enemychampionsis accredited forassistsand potentiallykills(if they die shortly after being spotted).It does not revealstealthedtargets.", 'It does not revealstealthedtargets.', 'Sentinelwill cast from whereverKalistais at the end of the cast time.', "PENDING FOR TEST::Soul Mark'sinteraction withparryingeffects (dodge,block,blind).", "PENDING FOR TEST:IfPiercekills the target bySoul-Mark'sadditional damage, it will/will not continue."]} | Name: Rend, Description: Passive: Kalista's basic attacks on-hit and Pierce apply a stack of Rend to enemies for 4 seconds, refreshing on subsequent hits and stacking up to 254 times. Active: Kalista rips all lodged spears from nearby enemies, consuming all of their stacks to deal them physical damage and slow them for 2 seconds. Each additional spear on the target deals reduced damage. Rend deals 50% reduced damage against epic monsters . Physical Damage: 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 (+ 70% AD) (+ 20% AP) Damage per Additional Stack: 8 / 12 / 16 / 20 / 24 (+ 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45% AD) (+ 20% AP) Slow: 10 / 18 / 26 / 34 / 42% (+ 5% per 100 AP) If Rend kills at least one target, the cooldown is reset and Kalista restores mana . Mana Restored: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 A nearby enemy with a Rend stack is required to cast this ability. Rend can be used during the dash of Martial Poise and the cast time of Pierce . In-flight spears and Pierce if in cast will be empowered to apply Rend's effects to their targets. These empowered spears can also trigger Rend's refund., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'parries': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Rendat maximum stacks will deal a total of2044 / 3066 / 4341 / 5869 / 7650(+ 5914.3/ 7079.618/ 8186.493/ 9293.368/ 10400.243% AD)physical damage.', 'Rendcannot activate onuntargetableenemies.', 'Rendapplies its effects instantly on cast.', 'The cooldown will not reset if the target is protected byresurrectioneffects.', 'IfRendis used againstSionunder the effects ofGlory in Death, the cooldown will reset even if it does not kill him.(bug)', 'A stack is not applied if the attack isdodged,blockedor missed whileKalistaisblinded.', 'Piercedoes not apply a stack ofRendif blocked byspell shield.', "Whilebeserk,Kalista'sattacks will also stackRendon allies.Kalistawill be unable to castRendif there are no stacks on an enemy in range.Rendwill only remove enemy spears if cast while both an ally and enemy with stacks are in range.", 'Kalistawill be unable to castRendif there are no stacks on an enemy in range.', 'Rendwill only remove enemy spears if cast while both an ally and enemy with stacks are in range.']} | A fully-stackedRendhas the highest AD ratio in the game(5120 / 6068.75/ 7017.5/ 7966.25/ 8915% AD).
Kalista's dance referencesOberyn Martell'sspear dancefromGame of Thrones.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.
Kalista's 'Champion Spotlight' was the first to feature the updatedSummoner's Riftmap.
The Spear of Vengeanceresemblesthe Arrow of Retribution.
The Black Spearis the third champion-unique item, the first beingPrototype Hex Core(Viktor's) and the second beingBonetooth Necklace(Rengar'sbefore it merged withUnseen Predator).
Her way of referring herself in the third person, as well as the echo in her voice, resemblesErmacfromMortal Kombat.
Kalista targeted many betrayers for execution duringHarrowing2014.CassiopeiaforbackstabbingSivir.Hecarimfor histreacheryagainst her in the Blessed Isles.LeBlancfor aiding thebarbarian invadersagainstMordekaiseras well as betraying countless others.LissandraformurderingAvarosa for her spearheading the rebellion against the Frozen Watchers.Twisted FateforabandoningGravesto be imprisoned in the Locker (Kalista is trying to convince the Outlaw to 'give in to his hate' despite being told by the Card Master he and their crew did try to get him out, reconciling their differences and settling the feud)XerathforplottingagainstAzirand laying waste to Ancient Shurima.ZedformurderingShen'sfather Kusho, slaughtering the Kinkou Order, and founding the Order of Shadow over the remains of their monastery. |
Karma,the Enlightened One | | | health: Health604+109, resource: Mana374+50, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)5.5+0.55, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)13+0.5, armor: Armor28+5, attack damage: Attack damage51+3.3, attack speed: Base AS0.625, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius120, release: 2011-02-01, changed: V13.16, role: BurstEnchanter, position: Support, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 3150|790 | Games
KarmaCurrentCasual 1Casual 2RuinedTitlesReal nameDarha(Current Incarnation)Jakgri(Previous Incarnation)Alias(es)The Enlightened OneCharacteristicsSpeciesHuman(Magical; Reincarnated Spirit)Pronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:Around 968 ANWeapon(s)Spirit MagicMantle of DecorumPersonal statusStatusAlive(Reincarnated)Place of originNorthern Highlands,Ionia(Current Reincarnation)Current residenceLasting Altar,Ionia(Current Reincarnation)FamilyUnnamed Past Reincarnations†Professional statusOccupation(s)ElderSpiritual LeaderAvatar of IoniaRegion(s)IoniaRelated character(s)IreliaLee SinSyndraAkaliKennenYasuoViegoSion
• Current
• Casual 1
• Casual 2
• Ruined
Real name
• Darha(Current Incarnation)
• Jakgri(Previous Incarnation)
• Born:Around 968 AN
• Spirit Magic
• Mantle of Decorum
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Unnamed Past Reincarnations†
Professional status
• Elder
• Spiritual Leader
• Avatar of Ionia
Related character(s)
No mortal exemplifies the spiritual traditions ofIoniamore thanKarma. She is the living embodiment of an ancient soul reincarnated countless times, carrying all her accumulated memories into each new life, and blessed with power that few can comprehend. She has done her best to guide her people in recent times of crisis, though she knows that peace and harmony may come only at a considerable cost—both to her, and to the land she holds most dear.
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2Remember Me1.3Ruination
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2Remember Me
• 1.3Ruination
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early life[]
Karma is an ancient spirit ofIoniawhich has guided the Ionian people for many generations, taking the form of many human incarnations throughout history. One known incarnation, Jakgri, had to leave his lover Watai in order to take on his duties as Karma. After his death, the collective spirit of Karma moved on to its current host: Darha, a girl who was raised inShon-Xanand carriedKathkaniancestry. At the age of twelve, she began to see visions of memories that weren't hers, and she tried to resist the visions at first before she could no longer handle them. Sent to rest at a healing hut, Darha recognized a group of monks from the Lasting Altar who visited her village to search for the next reincarnation of Karma. Just as they prepared to leave unsuccessful, Darha ran to them, crying to them about her visions and recognizing their voices from her visions. The monks realized that Darha's visions were the result of Karma's past lives moving on to their next vessel, so they adopted her as the new Karma. Leaving her old life behind, Darha was taught how to connect and communicate with the past lives of Karma, and adopted the traditional philosophy of promoting peace and harmony while leaving acts of evil to await their own consequences. But in spite of these teachings, Darha felt confliction of these philosophies, to the confusion of her followers.
When the forces ofNoxusinvaded Ionia, Karma felt the true horrors of war as millions of Ionians were slaughtered by the Noxians. The voices within Karma told her to remain at the Lasting Altar and handle the conflict peacefully, but an even bigger urge to take action swelled in her. Feeling agonized by her internal conflict, Karma stood up and headed out to act. She confronted a Noxian commander on his war frigate by blasting him with divine energy, destroying the ship and killing many of the crew members.
The Ionian civilians cheered for Karma's victory, but the monks believed that she had misused her power and went against everything the spirit of Karma stood for, bringing dishonor to her past lives. Karma interrupted with a raised hand, with the spirit of Ionia intervening to defend itself when necessary. She realized that the true way to keep harmony was to accept that the world was changing rather than ignoring it. As the Ionians ended up stirring into conflict as a result of the war, Karma dedicated herself to guiding her people to peace, while condoning action to be taken when necessary.
Remember Me[]
Many years after the death of Jakgri, his lover Watai visited the Lasting Altar to receive Karma's healing after being damaged by a fall. Karma healed her leg, but Watai felt contempt towards her due to her pain towards Jakgri's death. Karma admitted to her guilt towards her involvement in the Noxian conflct and being unable to apologize to the people whose lives were ruined by the war, but had no regrets for acting upon Ionia's will to fight back. Watai showed Karma her ring which Jakgri had given her, where the two had to be separated due to having to live their lives far away from each other. Suddenly, Karma's eyes glowed the same color that Jakgri's had when he was Karma. Watai began to tear up, emotional towards the possibility of Jakgri's soul still being in there. Karma told her that he was now a part of the avatar's shared mind, and Watai started to resign to the thought that he had a new life to live. Suddenly, Karma was taken over by the collective spirits, whom reassured Watai that Jakgri loved her until the end and he wanted her to keep her ring. Watai thanked Karma for allowing him to come back, but Karma thanked her since Jakgri's voice had become silent for a long time after the war, but it was she who brought him back. Karma invited Watai to stay at the Lasting Alter for a few more days so they could both heal. By the end of the period, Jakgri's spirit became a part of Karma again, and Watai left knowing that not even death could stop the two's love for each other.
When theRuined Kingreturned to the world of Runeterra, he resumed his search for his fallen queen. He would unleash harrowings across Runeterra in search of the fragments of her soul. Karma would defend the Lasting Altar against one of these Harrowings, but was nearly overwhelmed and corrupted by the king. The Harrowing would subside, when Viego obtained a soul fragment fromSenna, but Karma would be left influenced by the king's magic. Karma would eventually come into possession of one of the fetters of Queen Isolde's soul, a silver flower.
The King would soon continue his search, with aid from his Yordle companion,Vex, by unleashing a global Harrowing, spreading Black Mist across Runeterra. TheSentinels of Lightwould arrive in Ionia in search of the fragment and were guided to the Lasting Altar byIrelia. Karma proposed hiding the fetter within an ancient Vastayan groves, guarded by ancient magics that not even the Black Mist could penetrate. As they prepared to leave, they would be ambushed by an army of Mistwalkers, the Sentinels and Irelia would hold off the ghouls while Karma fled towards the grove.
The Sentinels would catch up to Karma and they escorted her towards the grove, she began to express regret at not having done more during the Noxian invasion. Karma's regret caused her become susceptible to the influence of the Black Magic and she began to become ruined. Now under the sway of the Ruined King, she would attempt to flee with the fetter, but the Sentinels intercepted her. They manage to incapacite and momentarily purify her, she then reveals the King's plan, to use the fragments of the queen's soul to resurrect her. They are soon spotted by another hoard of ghouls, Karma gives the Sentinels the fetter and tells them to leave her as she succumbs to the Black Mist again. Karma would then become fully corrupted by the Black Mist and become an agent of Viego.
She andDravenwould accompany the Ruined King to Shurima to search for another fetter. She, alongside the other corrupted champions, would face off against the Sentinels of Light when they mounted their final assault against the Shadow Isles. Viego would resurrect Isolde, but would be to rest again byAkshanand his Absolver. The Sentinels imprisoned Viego within Hallow Mist in Camavor. With Viego defeated, his corruption would subside and Karma and others would be free from the Ruined King's influence.
Karma is a tall, slim and curvaceous young woman with slightly brown skin, short brown hair and emerald green eyes, she wears makeup with marks under her eyes, dark red lipstick, dark eye shadow and wears a kind of golden headband with a gem. aquamarine green in the center.
Her clothes consist of a long Ionian dress with different shades of purple and violet colors, with golden lines that run through the entire dress, it has a white sash that is tightened with a purple bow, its right side has a long sleeve and the leg is exposed and his left side has an exposed arm and a purple sock on his left leg.
Karma is depicted as a wise and compassionate individual with a strong sense of responsibility and duty. As an ancient spirit of Ionia, she has guided the Ionian people for generations, taking on various human incarnations throughout history. Karma is known for her wisdom and guidance. She carries the collective memories and experiences of her past lives, which allows her to offer valuable insights and advice to those around her. Her guidance is often sought in times of uncertainty or conflict. Despite her commitment to peace, Karma experiences an internal conflict when faced with the brutality of war. Her struggle to balance her desire for harmony with the need for action and protection. She grapples with the ethical dilemma of whether to remain pacifist in the face of conflict or take more direct action to protect her people.
• Spiritualist:Karma has a deep connection to the Spirit Realm, created through meditation and spiritual pratices, allowing her to sense the influences in the Spirit Realm, and use it's magic for several purposes. As the Enlightened One, Karma's soul has been choosen to pass through multiple lives and memories, allowing her to wield the spiritual powers acumulated by many lives across time.Enlightened Reincarnation:The soul that is currently incarnated in Darha has reached a level of enlightment that allows her to connect with her past life.Access to Previous Live's Memories:Darha can see the memory of every other incarnation of Karma and use their knowledge as she sees fit.Spirit Magic:Karma can freely use the energy of the spiritual world to her wishes. She is deeply connected to the spiritual world and able to feel it's influence in the physical world.Spirit Flames:Karma can summon powerful mystical flames to attack her foes.Barrier creation:Karma can summon barriers to protect herself and others.Levitation:Karma can float.
• Enlightened Reincarnation:The soul that is currently incarnated in Darha has reached a level of enlightment that allows her to connect with her past life.Access to Previous Live's Memories:Darha can see the memory of every other incarnation of Karma and use their knowledge as she sees fit.
• Spirit Magic:Karma can freely use the energy of the spiritual world to her wishes. She is deeply connected to the spiritual world and able to feel it's influence in the physical world.Spirit Flames:Karma can summon powerful mystical flames to attack her foes.Barrier creation:Karma can summon barriers to protect herself and others.Levitation:Karma can float.
• Access to Previous Live's Memories:Darha can see the memory of every other incarnation of Karma and use their knowledge as she sees fit.
• Spirit Flames:Karma can summon powerful mystical flames to attack her foes.
• Barrier creation:Karma can summon barriers to protect herself and others.
• Levitation:Karma can float.
• During theSecond Invasion of Ionia, Karma fought alongsideIrelia,Akali,Kennen, andYasuoagainstSionand the rest of the Noxian forces.
• Karma managed to repel a Black Mist attack in the Lasting Altar but was eventuallycorruptedbyViegowhen he exploited her guilt at not doing more during the Noxian invasion.Irelia would then join theSentinels of Lightin hope of saving Karma.
• Irelia would then join theSentinels of Lightin hope of saving Karma.
Read More
The Enlightened One
ByJohn O'Bryan
Starring Champion
Music Video
By Numerous creators
A deadly masterpiece unfolds. A lone resistance made whole. A chance to come alive.
Short Story
Remember Me
ByDana Luery Shaw
Watai twisted the jade ring on her finger anxiously as she stared up at the monastery carved into the mountainside
Rise of the Sentinels
ByJohn O'Bryan
Black Mist pours across Runeterra, enthralling its champions and shrouding the continent in darkness. If the last Sentinels are going to save Runeterra, they're going to need all the help they can get. And that meansyouRookie!
Starring:Akshan,Diana,Draven,Graves,Gwen,Irelia,Isolde,Karma,Lucian,Miss Fortune,Olaf,Pantheon,Pyke,Rengar,Riven,Senna,Shyvana,Thresh,Vayne,Vex,Viego,Yorick
Ruination (Video)
A king returns. All he touches turns to ruin.
Mentioned Champion
Short Story • 5 Minute Read
Stains on a Name
ByJohn O'Bryan
I believed in you, Blade Dancer!' the man choked, his lips frothing red. 'You showed us the path…'
The Blade Dancer
ByJohn O'Bryan
Alternate Universes
A Snowdown Snowtale
The Poro King sends a young poro on an urgent mission: find the one with the magnificent mustache to save Snowdown!
Be Your Best Santa
Santa Draven, Ambitious Elf Jinx, and Snow Fawn Poppy step up to help Santa Braum with this year’s Snowdown festivities. But with Jinx and Draven at the frontlines, the celebrations could easily snowball into shenanigans!
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
ByInstitute of War
The truest opponent lies within.
Starring:Boram Darkwill,Brand,Caitlyn,Cassiopeia,Galio,Graves,Irelia,Jarvan IV,Karma,LeBlanc,Lee Sin,Leona,Lux,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nocturne,Orianna,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Skarner,Sona,Swain,Talon,Trundle,Urgot,Varus,Vayne,Vladimir,Wukong,Xerath,Xin Zhao,Yorick
Make History
In this battle of regions, one will conquer all others to make history.
Starring:Alistar,Ashe,Azir,Bard,Brand,Caitlyn,Cassiopeia,Elise,Evelynn,Janna,Karma,LeBlanc,Lee Sin,Lucian,Morgana,Nautilus,Orianna,Pyke,Ryze
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Destroy your doubt, face the future.
The Blade Dancer: Issue 1
The Blade Dancer: Issue 2
The Blade Dancer: Issue 3
The Blade Dancer: Issue 4
Punches and Plants: Series 1
Mentioned:Ahri,Alistar,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Braum,Caitlyn,Darius,Diana,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Evelynn,Ezreal,Gangplank,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jinx,Karma,Katarina,Leona,Lucian,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Nunu,Quinn,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Sivir,Sona,Soraka,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Valor,Varus,Vel'Koz,Vladimir,Volibear,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Zac,Ziggs
The Tale of the Poro King
By Numerous creators
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aatrox,Akali,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Darius,Diana,Draven,Ezreal,Gnar,Illaoi,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kai'Sa,Karma,Karthus,Katarina,Kayle,Kayn,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nunu,Ornn,Pantheon,Pyke,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Rhaast,Ryze,Sejuani,Shen,Sion,Sivir,Soraka,Sylas,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Thresh,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Vi,Volibear,Willump,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs,Zoe
• Her lore resembles that ofThe Avatarfrom the seriesAvatar: The Last Airbender.Her previous reincarnation was a man named Jakgri, who gave up his lover Watai for his duty as Karma.
• Darha, the current Karma, is around her late 20s, or 28 years old.She was around 12 years old when she unlocked the memories of her previous lives. She would train for several few years before the start of the Noxian invasion of Ionia which ended in 989 AN.
• Darha's ancestors originated from Kathkan, the home ofNilah.
• Her previous reincarnation was a man named Jakgri, who gave up his lover Watai for his duty as Karma.
• She was around 12 years old when she unlocked the memories of her previous lives. She would train for several few years before the start of the Noxian invasion of Ionia which ended in 989 AN.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Gathering Fire, Description: Innate: Mantra's current cooldown is reduced by 5 seconds for each enemy champion hit by Karma's damaging abilities ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Inner Flame/SoulflarereducesMantra'scooldown per target hit (for a total reduction of 25 seconds if 5 enemy champions are hit at once).", "Focused Resolve/RenewalreducesMantra'scooldown per tick of damage (for a total reduction of 10 seconds for the entire duration).", "Inspire/Defiancedoes not reduceMantra'scooldown (it has no damage component).", 'On-damage cooldown reduction reduced to 0.5/ 0.75/ 1.*']} | Name: Inner Flame, Description: Active: Karma fires a bolt in the target direction that explodes on the first enemy hit, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies and slowing them by 35% for 1. 5 seconds. Magic Damage: 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 (+ 50% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Inner Flame Details', 'Soulflare Details', 'Spell shieldwill block the initial impact fromInner Flame.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', "Inner Flame'seffect radius is centered around the location of the missile as it collides.", "Spell shieldwill block the initial impact from either ability but will not blockSoulflare'sfield damage.", "Soulflare'sdetonation radius is centered around the location of the missile as it collides, while the lingering field will always be created at the impacted enemy's center instead.", 'Soulflarewill cast from whereverKarmais at the end of the cast time.', 'Hide', 'Focused Resolve Details', 'Renewal Details', "Spell shieldwill block the tether's application and damage but not the aftereffects of one already applied.", 'If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the cast time, this ability will cancel but does not go oncooldownnor pay its cost (if applicable).', "Spell shieldwill block the tether's application and damage but not the aftereffects of one already applied.", 'If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the cast time, this ability will cancel but does not go oncooldownnor pay its cost (if applicable).', 'Hide', 'Inspire Details', 'Defiance Details', 'No additional notes.', 'No additional notes.', 'Hide', 'Details', 'No additional details.', 'Inner FlameAP ratio increased to50% APfrom40% AP.', 'AP ratio increased to50% APfrom40% AP.', 'SoulflareExplosion AP ratio increased to70% APfrom60% AP.', 'Explosion AP ratio increased to70% APfrom60% AP.', 'MantraCooldown reduced to 40 / 37 / 34 / 31 seconds from 40 / 38 / 36 / 34.', 'Cooldown reduced to 40 / 37 / 34 / 31 seconds from 40 / 38 / 36 / 34.', "Focused ResolveBug Fix:VFX now properly follows the targeted enemy's movements.", "Bug Fix:VFX now properly follows the targeted enemy's movements.", 'MantraRemoved:Duration is no longer extended by the casts ofFocused ResolveorInspirewhen they are cast while outside of range of the target.', 'Removed:Duration is no longer extended by the casts ofFocused ResolveorInspirewhen they are cast while outside of range of the target.', 'StatsBase health increased to 604 from 534.Health growth increased to 109 from 95.Armor growth increased to 5 from 3.8.Magic resistance growth increased to 1.3from 0.5.', 'Base health increased to 604 from 534.', 'Health growth increased to 109 from 95.', 'Armor growth increased to 5 from 3.8.', 'Magic resistance growth increased to 1.3from 0.5.', 'RenewalBase heal reduced to17%missinghealthfrom20%.', 'Base heal reduced to17%missinghealthfrom20%.', 'InspireBase shield reduced to 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 from 90 / 135 / 180 / 225 / 270.Shield AP ratio reduced to45% APfrom50% AP.', 'Base shield reduced to 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 from 90 / 135 / 180 / 225 / 270.', 'Shield AP ratio reduced to45% APfrom50% AP.', 'DefianceBonus base shield reduced to 25 / 75 / 125 / 175 from 25 / 80 / 135 / 190.Bonus shield AP ratio reduced to45% APfrom50% AP.', 'Bonus base shield reduced to 25 / 75 / 125 / 175 from 25 / 80 / 135 / 190.', 'Bonus shield AP ratio reduced to45% APfrom50% AP.', 'StatsBase armor increased to 28 from 26.', 'Base armor increased to 28 from 26.', 'InspireBase shield increased to 90 / 135 / 180 / 225 / 270 from 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260.', 'Base shield increased to 90 / 135 / 180 / 225 / 270 from 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260.', "Gathering FireRemoved:Basic attacks against enemy champions no longer reduceMantra'scooldown by 1 second.Mantracooldown reduction from spells increased to 5 seconds at all levels from2 / 3.5/ 5 (based on level).", "Removed:Basic attacks against enemy champions no longer reduceMantra'scooldown by 1 second.", 'Mantracooldown reduction from spells increased to 5 seconds at all levels from2 / 3.5/ 5 (based on level).', 'Inner FlameCooldown changed to 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 / 5 seconds from 8 / 7.5/ 7 / 6.5/ 6.Mana cost reduced to 45 from 55.Base damage reduced to 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 from 90 / 135 / 180 / 225 / 270.', 'Cooldown changed to 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 / 5 seconds from 8 / 7.5/ 7 / 6.5/ 6.', 'Mana cost reduced to 45 from 55.', 'Base damage reduced to 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 from 90 / 135 / 180 / 225 / 270.', 'SoulflareInner Flamebonus base damage increased to 40 / 100 / 160 / 220 from 25 / 75 / 125 / 175.', 'Inner Flamebonus base damage increased to 40 / 100 / 160 / 220 from 25 / 75 / 125 / 175.', 'InspireBase shield increased to 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260 from 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240.Bonus movement speed reduced to 40% at all ranks from 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60%.', 'Base shield increased to 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260 from 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240.', 'Bonus movement speed reduced to 40% at all ranks from 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60%.', "DefianceNew Effect:Secondary targets now only receive 30% ofInspire'sbonus movement speed instead of 100%.", "New Effect:Secondary targets now only receive 30% ofInspire'sbonus movement speed instead of 100%.", 'StatsBase attack damage reduced to 51 from 54.', 'Base attack damage reduced to 51 from 54.', 'Traditional KarmaUpdated visual effects.', 'Updated visual effects.', 'GeneralUpdated visual effects.', 'Updated visual effects.', 'Inner FlameVFX updated to improve color range and reduce noise.', 'VFX updated to improve color range and reduce noise.', 'InspireVFX updated to improve color range and reduce noise.', 'VFX updated to improve color range and reduce noise.', "DefianceBug Fix:Fixed a bug where it would not triggerMoonstone Renewer'sStarlit Grace.", "Bug Fix:Fixed a bug where it would not triggerMoonstone Renewer'sStarlit Grace.", 'Inner FlameCooldown reduced to 8 / 7.5/ 7 / 6.5/ 6 seconds from 9 / 8.5/ 8 / 7.5/ 7.', 'Cooldown reduced to 8 / 7.5/ 7 / 6.5/ 6 seconds from 9 / 8.5/ 8 / 7.5/ 7.', 'StatsBase mana regeneration increased to 13 from 11.5.', 'Base mana regeneration increased to 13 from 11.5.', 'Inner FlameMana cost reduced to 55 from 65.', 'Mana cost reduced to 55 from 65.', 'StatsBase attack damage increased to 54 from 53.544.', 'Base attack damage increased to 54 from 53.544.', 'InspireBase shield increased to 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 from 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200.', 'Base shield increased to 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 from 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200.', 'RenewalNow has an "incoming health" UX added to the health bar, so the player can see how much health they will receive fromRenewal.', 'Now has an "incoming health" UX added to the health bar, so the player can see how much health they will receive fromRenewal.', 'Gathering FireMantracooldown reduction from spells increased to2 / 3.5/ 5 (based on level)seconds from2 / 3 / 4 (based on level).Mantracooldown reduction from basic attacks reduced to 1 second at all levels from1 / 1.5/ 2 (based on level).', 'Mantracooldown reduction from spells increased to2 / 3.5/ 5 (based on level)seconds from2 / 3 / 4 (based on level).', 'Mantracooldown reduction from basic attacks reduced to 1 second at all levels from1 / 1.5/ 2 (based on level).', 'MantraCooldown reduced to 40 / 38 / 36 / 34 seconds from 45 / 42 / 39 / 36.', 'Cooldown reduced to 40 / 38 / 36 / 34 seconds from 45 / 42 / 39 / 36.', 'Inner FlameMana cost changed to 65 at all ranks from 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70.Cooldown increased to 9 / 8.5/ 8 / 7.5/ 7 seconds from 7 / 6.5/ 6 / 5.5/ 5.', 'Mana cost changed to 65 at all ranks from 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70.', 'Cooldown increased to 9 / 8.5/ 8 / 7.5/ 7 seconds from 7 / 6.5/ 6 / 5.5/ 5.', 'Inner FlameBase damage increased to 90 / 135 / 180 / 225 / 270 from 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260.', 'Base damage increased to 90 / 135 / 180 / 225 / 270 from 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260.', 'Focused ResolveBase damage increased to 40 / 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 from 30 / 55 / 80 / 105 / 130.', 'Base damage increased to 40 / 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 from 30 / 55 / 80 / 105 / 130.', 'SoulflareBug Fix:Corrected the tooltip to its actual value (60% AP).', 'Bug Fix:Corrected the tooltip to its actual value (60% AP).', 'InspireBase shield increased to 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200 from 70 / 95 / 120 / 145 / 170.', 'Base shield increased to 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200 from 70 / 95 / 120 / 145 / 170.', 'Inner FlameAP ratio reduced to40% APfrom60% AP.', 'AP ratio reduced to40% APfrom60% AP.', "Focused ResolveBug Fix:Now properly lowersMantra'scooldown while damaging enemy champions.", "Bug Fix:Now properly lowersMantra'scooldown while damaging enemy champions.", 'DefianceBonus shield strength reduced to 25 / 80 / 135 / 190 from 30 / 90 / 150 / 210.Bonus shield AP ratio reduced to50% APfrom60% AP.', 'Bonus shield strength reduced to 25 / 80 / 135 / 190 from 30 / 90 / 150 / 210.', 'Bonus shield AP ratio reduced to50% APfrom60% AP.', 'Focused ResolveNew Effect:Now grants true sight for the duration of theroot.', 'New Effect:Now grants true sight for the duration of theroot.', 'RenewalNew Effect:Now grants true sight for the duration of theroot.', 'New Effect:Now grants true sight for the duration of theroot.', 'InspireBonus movement speed duration reduced to 1.5seconds from 2.5.', 'Bonus movement speed duration reduced to 1.5seconds from 2.5.', 'Inner FlameSlow strength increased to 35% from 25%.', 'Slow strength increased to 35% from 25%.', 'InspireMana cost reduced to 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 from 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80.Bonus movement speed duration increased to 2.5seconds from 1.5.', 'Mana cost reduced to 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 from 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80.', 'Bonus movement speed duration increased to 2.5seconds from 1.5.', "Traditional KarmaInspireBug Fix:Voiceover no longer uses her base skin's audio.", "InspireBug Fix:Voiceover no longer uses her base skin's audio.", "Bug Fix:Voiceover no longer uses her base skin's audio.", 'GeneralNew fast run animation added.', 'New fast run animation added.', 'Focused ResolveRoot duration increased to 1.4/ 1.55/ 1.7/ 1.85/ 2 seconds from 1 / 1.25/ 1.5/ 1.75/ 2.', 'Root duration increased to 1.4/ 1.55/ 1.7/ 1.85/ 2 seconds from 1 / 1.25/ 1.5/ 1.75/ 2.', 'StatsBase mana regeneration increased to 11.5from 8.5.Mana regeneration growth reduced to 0.5from 0.8.Base armor increased to 26 from 20.384.', 'Base mana regeneration increased to 11.5from 8.5.', 'Mana regeneration growth reduced to 0.5from 0.8.', 'Base armor increased to 26 from 20.384.', 'Inner FlameSplash radius increased to 280 from 250.', 'Splash radius increased to 280 from 250.', 'SoulflareBase detonation damage reduced to 35 / 140 / 245 / 350 from 50 / 150 / 250 / 350.', 'Base detonation damage reduced to 35 / 140 / 245 / 350 from 50 / 150 / 250 / 350.', 'InspireShield duration reduced to 2.5seconds from 4.', 'Shield duration reduced to 2.5seconds from 4.', 'DefianceShield duration reduced to 2.5seconds from 4.', 'Shield duration reduced to 2.5seconds from 4.', 'Conqueror KarmaBug Fix:Unique particles have been restored for all of her spells', 'Bug Fix:Unique particles have been restored for all of her spells', 'StatsBase health regeneration reduced to 5.5from 5.624.', 'Base health regeneration reduced to 5.5from 5.624.', 'Focused ResolveNew Effect:Now draws nearby minion aggro when targeting an enemy champion.', 'New Effect:Now draws nearby minion aggro when targeting an enemy champion.', 'Conqueror KarmaandWinter Wonder KarmaSoulflareBug Fix:VFX are no longer cut off on elevated terrain.', 'SoulflareBug Fix:VFX are no longer cut off on elevated terrain.', 'Bug Fix:VFX are no longer cut off on elevated terrain.', 'StatsBase health increased to 534 from 522.44.Health growth increased to 95 from 83.', 'Base health increased to 534 from 522.44.', 'Health growth increased to 95 from 83.', 'Gathering FireAbility cooldown reduction increased to2 / 3 / 4 (based on level)seconds from2 / 2.5/ 3 (based on level).Basic attack cooldown reduction increased to1 / 1.5/ 2 (based on level)seconds from1 / 1.25/ 1.5(based on level).', 'Ability cooldown reduction increased to2 / 3 / 4 (based on level)seconds from2 / 2.5/ 3 (based on level).', 'Basic attack cooldown reduction increased to1 / 1.5/ 2 (based on level)seconds from1 / 1.25/ 1.5(based on level).', 'GeneralBug Fix:Now correctly has recommended item pages for both mid and support.', 'Bug Fix:Now correctly has recommended item pages for both mid and support.', "Winter Wonder KarmaInspireBug Fix:Is now better differentiated fromWinter Wonder Lulu'sHelp, Pix!.DefianceBug Fix:Is now better differentiated fromWinter Wonder Lulu'sHelp, Pix!.", "InspireBug Fix:Is now better differentiated fromWinter Wonder Lulu'sHelp, Pix!.", "Bug Fix:Is now better differentiated fromWinter Wonder Lulu'sHelp, Pix!.", "DefianceBug Fix:Is now better differentiated fromWinter Wonder Lulu'sHelp, Pix!.", "Bug Fix:Is now better differentiated fromWinter Wonder Lulu'sHelp, Pix!.", 'InspireBase shield strength reduced to 70 / 95 / 120 / 145 / 170 from 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 / 190.', 'Base shield strength reduced to 70 / 95 / 120 / 145 / 170 from 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 / 190.', 'DefiancePercentage of original shield to nearby allied champions reduced to 30% from 50%.', 'Percentage of original shield to nearby allied champions reduced to 30% from 50%.', 'StatsMagic resistance growth increased to 0.5from 0.', 'Magic resistance growth increased to 0.5from 0.', "Conqueror KarmaBug Fix:Fixed channeling animation (ex. when capturingSkarner'sCrystal Spires).", "Bug Fix:Fixed channeling animation (ex. when capturingSkarner'sCrystal Spires).", 'GeneralNew splash artwork forSun Goddess Karma,Sakura KarmaandTraditional Karma. Adjusted splash artwork forOrder of the Lotus Karma.', 'New splash artwork forSun Goddess Karma,Sakura KarmaandTraditional Karma. Adjusted splash artwork forOrder of the Lotus Karma.', 'Focused Resolve/RenewalNumber of damage ticks reduced to 2 from 3.Base damage per tick increased to 30 / 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 from 20 / 36.7/ 53.3/ 70 / 86.7Damage per tick AP scaling increased to45% AP+30% AP.Total damage unchanged.', 'Number of damage ticks reduced to 2 from 3.', 'Base damage per tick increased to 30 / 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 from 20 / 36.7/ 53.3/ 70 / 86.7', 'Damage per tick AP scaling increased to45% AP+30% AP.Total damage unchanged.', 'Total damage unchanged.', 'RenewalBug Fix:Base tether visuals are no longer a funky color.', 'Bug Fix:Base tether visuals are no longer a funky color.', 'DefianceBase shield strength reduced to 30 / 90 / 150 / 210 from 30 / 100 / 170 / 240.', 'Base shield strength reduced to 30 / 90 / 150 / 210 from 30 / 100 / 170 / 240.', "SoulflareBug Fix:Fixed a spectator mode bug preventingOrder of the Lotus Karma'sSoulflareexplosion circle indicator from displaying.", "Bug Fix:Fixed a spectator mode bug preventingOrder of the Lotus Karma'sSoulflareexplosion circle indicator from displaying.", 'InspireShield reduced to 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 / 190 from 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200Removed:Can no longer target minions.', 'Shield reduced to 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 / 190 from 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200', 'Removed:Can no longer target minions.', 'DefianceBonus movement speed reduced to 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60% from 60% at all ranks.', 'Bonus movement speed reduced to 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60% from 60% at all ranks.', 'GeneralSplash artwork forSun Goddess KarmaandSakura Karmaupdated to the Chinese art.', 'Splash artwork forSun Goddess KarmaandSakura Karmaupdated to the Chinese art.', 'DefianceBase shield strength increased to 30 / 100 / 170 / 240 from 30 / 90 / 150 / 210.AP ratio increased to60% APfrom30% AP.', 'Base shield strength increased to 30 / 100 / 170 / 240 from 30 / 90 / 150 / 210.', 'AP ratio increased to60% APfrom30% AP.', 'Focused ResolveMana cost reduced to 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 from 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90.', 'Mana cost reduced to 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 from 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90.', 'StatsBase mana regeneration increased to 8.5from 6.', 'Base mana regeneration increased to 8.5from 6.', 'Focused ResolveCooldown reduced to 12 seconds at all ranks from 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 / 12.', 'Cooldown reduced to 12 seconds at all ranks from 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 / 12.', 'Gathering FireMantra cooldown refund on spell hit increased to2 / 2.5/ 3 (based on level)seconds from 2 at all levels.Mantra cooldown refund on basic attack increased to1 / 1.25/ 1.5(based on level)seconds from 1 at all levels.', 'Mantra cooldown refund on spell hit increased to2 / 2.5/ 3 (based on level)seconds from 2 at all levels.', 'Mantra cooldown refund on basic attack increased to1 / 1.25/ 1.5(based on level)seconds from 1 at all levels.', 'Focused ResolveNew Effect:Can target monsters.AP ratio increased to90% APfrom60% AP.', 'New Effect:Can target monsters.', 'AP ratio increased to90% APfrom60% AP.', "RenewalNew Effect:IncreasesFocused Resolve's root duration by 0.5seconds.Removed:75 / 150 / 225 / 300 +60% APbonus damage", "New Effect:IncreasesFocused Resolve's root duration by 0.5seconds.", 'Removed:75 / 150 / 225 / 300 +60% APbonus damage', 'InspireBase shield strength reduced to 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200 from 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240.Mana cost reduced to 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80 from 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100.Cooldown reduced to 10 / 9.5/ 9 / 8.5/ 8 seconds from 10 at all ranks.', 'Base shield strength reduced to 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200 from 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240.', 'Mana cost reduced to 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80 from 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100.', 'Cooldown reduced to 10 / 9.5/ 9 / 8.5/ 8 seconds from 10 at all ranks.', "DefianceNew Effect:Primary target gains 30 / 90 / 150 / 210 +30% APshield health.Allied area-of-effect shield changed to 50% of primary target's from 30 / 70 / 110 / 150.Removed:60 / 140 / 220 / 300 +60% APdamage over time.", 'New Effect:Primary target gains 30 / 90 / 150 / 210 +30% APshield health.', "Allied area-of-effect shield changed to 50% of primary target's from 30 / 70 / 110 / 150.", 'Removed:60 / 140 / 220 / 300 +60% APdamage over time.', 'DefianceBug Fix:Fixed a bug where allied champions were granted the inspire portion of the shield, instead of half of the defiance damage.', 'Bug Fix:Fixed a bug where allied champions were granted the inspire portion of the shield, instead of half of the defiance damage.', 'SoulflareBug Fix:Area of effect visual fizzling when Karma dies.', 'Bug Fix:Area of effect visual fizzling when Karma dies.', 'MantraNew Effect:Can now be cast while disabled.', 'New Effect:Can now be cast while disabled.', 'StatsBase armor increased to 14 from 10.', 'Base armor increased to 14 from 10.', 'Inner FlameMana cost reduced to 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 from 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90.Explosion radius increased to 250 from 230.', 'Mana cost reduced to 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 from 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90.', 'Explosion radius increased to 250 from 230.', 'Focused ResolveBug Fix:Not granting vision of rooted target.', 'Bug Fix:Not granting vision of rooted target.', 'RenewalHeal changed to20% +1% per 100 APmissing healthon-cast followed by the same amount over tether duration from25% missing healthover time.', 'Heal changed to20% +1% per 100 APmissing healthon-cast followed by the same amount over tether duration from25% missing healthover time.', 'DefianceBug Fix:Allied area-of-effect shield not accounting for AP ratio.', 'Bug Fix:Allied area-of-effect shield not accounting for AP ratio.', 'SoulflareNew Effect:Slow area spawns directly under primary target.', 'New Effect:Slow area spawns directly under primary target.', 'Inner FlameBase damage increased to 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260 from 60 / 110 / 160 / 210 / 260.', 'Base damage increased to 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260 from 60 / 110 / 160 / 210 / 260.', 'Focused ResolveCooldown reduced to 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 / 12 seconds from 16 / 15.5/ 15 / 14.5/ 14.', 'Cooldown reduced to 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 / 12 seconds from 16 / 15.5/ 15 / 14.5/ 14.', 'InspireCooldown reduced to 10 seconds from 12.Bonus movement speed increased to 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60% from 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60%.', 'Cooldown reduced to 10 seconds from 12.', 'Bonus movement speed increased to 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60% from 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60%.', 'MantraCooldown reduced to 45 / 42 / 39 / 36 seconds from 45 at all ranks.', 'Cooldown reduced to 45 / 42 / 39 / 36 seconds from 45 at all ranks.', 'Gathering FireMantraon-spell cooldown reduction increased to 2 seconds at all levels from 1 / 1.5/ 2.Mantraon-hit cooldown reduction increased to 1 second at all levels from 0.5/ 0.75/ 1', 'Mantraon-spell cooldown reduction increased to 2 seconds at all levels from 1 / 1.5/ 2.', 'Mantraon-hit cooldown reduction increased to 1 second at all levels from 0.5/ 0.75/ 1', 'Inner FlameDetonation area-of-effect focus changed to point of impact from the center of impacted target.', 'Detonation area-of-effect focus changed to point of impact from the center of impacted target.', 'Focused ResolveMana cost reduced to 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90 from 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 110.Gathering Fireapplication changed to per-tick from on-cast.Ticks reduced to 3 from 6.', 'Mana cost reduced to 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90 from 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 110.', 'Gathering Fireapplication changed to per-tick from on-cast.', 'Ticks reduced to 3 from 6.', 'InspireBonus movement speed duration increased to 1.5seconds from 1.25.Bug Fix:Tooltip displaying incorrect shield value (80 / 115 / 150 / 185 / 220 instead of the intended 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240).', 'Bonus movement speed duration increased to 1.5seconds from 1.25.', 'Bug Fix:Tooltip displaying incorrect shield value (80 / 115 / 150 / 185 / 220 instead of the intended 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240).', "DefianceBonus movement speed increased to 60% at all ranks from 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60%.(Inspire's rank)Allied area-of-effect shield/haste range increased to 700 from 600.", "Bonus movement speed increased to 60% at all ranks from 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60%.(Inspire's rank)", 'Allied area-of-effect shield/haste range increased to 700 from 600.', 'Full Relaunch', 'GeneralComplete visual upgrade across all skins.New splash artwork forOriginal Karma.New voice over.New lore.', 'Complete visual upgrade across all skins.', 'New splash artwork forOriginal Karma.', 'New voice over.', 'New lore.', "Gathering Fire(Innate)Reduces Mantra's cooldown every time Karma damages an enemy with one of her abilities (Half-effect for Karma's basic-attacks).", "Reduces Mantra's cooldown every time Karma damages an enemy with one of her abilities (Half-effect for Karma's basic-attacks).", 'Inner Flame(Q)Fires a blast of energy that explodes upon enemy contact, dealing magic damage and slowing all enemies in the area.Mantra Bonus: deals additional magic damage and leaves a circle of flame at the impact area (or upon reaching maximum range), heavily slowing all enemies inside the circle. After a brief delay the circle erupts, dealing heavy magic damage to all enemies in the area.', 'Fires a blast of energy that explodes upon enemy contact, dealing magic damage and slowing all enemies in the area.', 'Mantra Bonus: deals additional magic damage and leaves a circle of flame at the impact area (or upon reaching maximum range), heavily slowing all enemies inside the circle. After a brief delay the circle erupts, dealing heavy magic damage to all enemies in the area.', 'Focused Resolve(W)Links Karma to target enemy champion, revealing them and dealing magic damage over 2 seconds. If the link is not broken, the enemy is rooted.Mantra Bonus: Focused Resolve deals bonus magic damage over time and heals Karma for a percent of her missing health while linked to her target.', 'Links Karma to target enemy champion, revealing them and dealing magic damage over 2 seconds. If the link is not broken, the enemy is rooted.', 'Mantra Bonus: Focused Resolve deals bonus magic damage over time and heals Karma for a percent of her missing health while linked to her target.', 'Inspire(E)Target ally gains a shield, granting movement speed for a brief duration and absorbing damage.Mantra Bonus: the shield overflows with energy, dealing magic damage to all enemies around the shielded unit. Allied champions near the shielded unit gain half of that amount as a shield and are hasted.', 'Target ally gains a shield, granting movement speed for a brief duration and absorbing damage.', 'Mantra Bonus: the shield overflows with energy, dealing magic damage to all enemies around the shielded unit. Allied champions near the shielded unit gain half of that amount as a shield and are hasted.', 'Mantra(Ultimate)Karma empowers her next ability within 8 seconds for an additional effect.', 'Karma empowers her next ability within 8 seconds for an additional effect.', 'Karma was named afterthe eponymous cause-and-effect principle.Her title,The Enlightened One, referencesGautama Buddha&Awakening.', 'Her title,The Enlightened One, referencesGautama Buddha&Awakening.', 'Mantrawas named afterthe eponymous Hindu sacred utterances, fromIndo-Iranic*mántram<PIE*men-[2]tro-m"instrument of thought".The \'translation\' forMantra\'sAncient Ionian language was provided by Player Support Escalation Specialist \'Marowe\'.', "The 'translation' forMantra'sAncient Ionian language was provided by Player Support Escalation Specialist 'Marowe'.", "Karma was the first champion to feature an 'Art Spotlight' before release and the first to befully relaunched.She was the fifth to have more than four abilities (the others beingElise,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Lee Sin, andNidalee).", 'She was the fifth to have more than four abilities (the others beingElise,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Lee Sin, andNidalee).', 'LikeJayce, Karma used to have six ranks on each basic ability and only one on herultimate.', "Renewal'sroot has the longest duration in-game (3.25seconds withFocused ResolveandMantraboth fully-ranked).", "In the minigameAstro Teemo, the most expensive upgrade in the game thatTeemo'scan purchase, Soul Shield, is a reference to one of Karma's pre-reworkskillsof the same name.", 'In Karma\'s most current lore, Karma\'s spirit has lived countless lives only to be re-incarnated within new bodies, inspired bythe eponynous conceptinDharmic religions.The name of her current incarnation,Darha, comes from Sanskrit adjectiveदृढdṛḍhá<दृळ्हdṛḷhá"firm, steadfast", sharingPIErootdʰer-"to uphold" withDarius.[3][4]', 'The name of her current incarnation,Darha, comes from Sanskrit adjectiveदृढdṛḍhá<दृळ्हdṛḷhá"firm, steadfast", sharingPIErootdʰer-"to uphold" withDarius.[3][4]', "Karma was the fourth champion to feature two 'Champion Spotlights' due to significant gameplay changes (the others beingEzreal,Katarina,Lee Sin, andSivir)", "Inspire'sspeed buff reads “Vroom Vroom!”.", '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'Ao Shin', 'Avasha', 'Averdrian', 'CeeCee', 'Cyborg Cowboy', 'Eagle Rider', 'Gavid', 'Husk', 'Iron Engineer', 'Ivan', 'Omen', 'Priscilla', 'Rob Blackblade', 'Seth', 'Tabu', 'Tiki', 'Urf', 'Well', "↑Karma's profile", '↑', '↑De Vaan, M.Etymological Dictionary of Latin(2008). p. 223', '↑Cheung, J.Etymological Dictionary of Iranian verbs(2007). p. 57-59']} | Name: Focused Resolve, Description: Active: Karma deals magic damage to the target enemy champion or monster and forms a tether between her and them for 2 seconds, during which they are revealed . Magic Damage: 40 / 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 (+ 45% AP) If the tether is not broken by the end of its duration, the target is dealt the same magic damage again and is rooted for a duration, during which they are revealed . Total Magic Damage: 80 / 130 / 180 / 230 / 280 (+ 90% AP) Root Duration: 1. 4 / 1. 55 / 1. 7 / 1. 85 / 2, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Focused Resolve Details', 'Renewal Details', "Spell shieldwill block the tether's application and damage but not the aftereffects of one already applied.", 'If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the cast time, this ability will cancel but does not go oncooldownnor pay its cost (if applicable).', "Spell shieldwill block the tether's application and damage but not the aftereffects of one already applied.", 'If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the cast time, this ability will cancel but does not go oncooldownnor pay its cost (if applicable).', 'Hide', 'Inspire Details', 'Defiance Details', 'No additional notes.', 'No additional notes.', 'Hide', 'Details', 'No additional details.', 'Inner FlameAP ratio increased to50% APfrom40% AP.', 'AP ratio increased to50% APfrom40% AP.', 'SoulflareExplosion AP ratio increased to70% APfrom60% AP.', 'Explosion AP ratio increased to70% APfrom60% AP.', 'MantraCooldown reduced to 40 / 37 / 34 / 31 seconds from 40 / 38 / 36 / 34.', 'Cooldown reduced to 40 / 37 / 34 / 31 seconds from 40 / 38 / 36 / 34.', "Focused ResolveBug Fix:VFX now properly follows the targeted enemy's movements.", "Bug Fix:VFX now properly follows the targeted enemy's movements.", 'MantraRemoved:Duration is no longer extended by the casts ofFocused ResolveorInspirewhen they are cast while outside of range of the target.', 'Removed:Duration is no longer extended by the casts ofFocused ResolveorInspirewhen they are cast while outside of range of the target.', 'StatsBase health increased to 604 from 534.Health growth increased to 109 from 95.Armor growth increased to 5 from 3.8.Magic resistance growth increased to 1.3from 0.5.', 'Base health increased to 604 from 534.', 'Health growth increased to 109 from 95.', 'Armor growth increased to 5 from 3.8.', 'Magic resistance growth increased to 1.3from 0.5.', 'RenewalBase heal reduced to17%missinghealthfrom20%.', 'Base heal reduced to17%missinghealthfrom20%.', 'InspireBase shield reduced to 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 from 90 / 135 / 180 / 225 / 270.Shield AP ratio reduced to45% APfrom50% AP.', 'Base shield reduced to 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 from 90 / 135 / 180 / 225 / 270.', 'Shield AP ratio reduced to45% APfrom50% AP.', 'DefianceBonus base shield reduced to 25 / 75 / 125 / 175 from 25 / 80 / 135 / 190.Bonus shield AP ratio reduced to45% APfrom50% AP.', 'Bonus base shield reduced to 25 / 75 / 125 / 175 from 25 / 80 / 135 / 190.', 'Bonus shield AP ratio reduced to45% APfrom50% AP.', 'StatsBase armor increased to 28 from 26.', 'Base armor increased to 28 from 26.', 'InspireBase shield increased to 90 / 135 / 180 / 225 / 270 from 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260.', 'Base shield increased to 90 / 135 / 180 / 225 / 270 from 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260.', "Gathering FireRemoved:Basic attacks against enemy champions no longer reduceMantra'scooldown by 1 second.Mantracooldown reduction from spells increased to 5 seconds at all levels from2 / 3.5/ 5 (based on level).", "Removed:Basic attacks against enemy champions no longer reduceMantra'scooldown by 1 second.", 'Mantracooldown reduction from spells increased to 5 seconds at all levels from2 / 3.5/ 5 (based on level).', 'Inner FlameCooldown changed to 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 / 5 seconds from 8 / 7.5/ 7 / 6.5/ 6.Mana cost reduced to 45 from 55.Base damage reduced to 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 from 90 / 135 / 180 / 225 / 270.', 'Cooldown changed to 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 / 5 seconds from 8 / 7.5/ 7 / 6.5/ 6.', 'Mana cost reduced to 45 from 55.', 'Base damage reduced to 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 from 90 / 135 / 180 / 225 / 270.', 'SoulflareInner Flamebonus base damage increased to 40 / 100 / 160 / 220 from 25 / 75 / 125 / 175.', 'Inner Flamebonus base damage increased to 40 / 100 / 160 / 220 from 25 / 75 / 125 / 175.', 'InspireBase shield increased to 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260 from 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240.Bonus movement speed reduced to 40% at all ranks from 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60%.', 'Base shield increased to 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260 from 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240.', 'Bonus movement speed reduced to 40% at all ranks from 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60%.', "DefianceNew Effect:Secondary targets now only receive 30% ofInspire'sbonus movement speed instead of 100%.", "New Effect:Secondary targets now only receive 30% ofInspire'sbonus movement speed instead of 100%.", 'StatsBase attack damage reduced to 51 from 54.', 'Base attack damage reduced to 51 from 54.', 'Traditional KarmaUpdated visual effects.', 'Updated visual effects.', 'GeneralUpdated visual effects.', 'Updated visual effects.', 'Inner FlameVFX updated to improve color range and reduce noise.', 'VFX updated to improve color range and reduce noise.', 'InspireVFX updated to improve color range and reduce noise.', 'VFX updated to improve color range and reduce noise.', "DefianceBug Fix:Fixed a bug where it would not triggerMoonstone Renewer'sStarlit Grace.", "Bug Fix:Fixed a bug where it would not triggerMoonstone Renewer'sStarlit Grace.", 'Inner FlameCooldown reduced to 8 / 7.5/ 7 / 6.5/ 6 seconds from 9 / 8.5/ 8 / 7.5/ 7.', 'Cooldown reduced to 8 / 7.5/ 7 / 6.5/ 6 seconds from 9 / 8.5/ 8 / 7.5/ 7.', 'StatsBase mana regeneration increased to 13 from 11.5.', 'Base mana regeneration increased to 13 from 11.5.', 'Inner FlameMana cost reduced to 55 from 65.', 'Mana cost reduced to 55 from 65.', 'StatsBase attack damage increased to 54 from 53.544.', 'Base attack damage increased to 54 from 53.544.', 'InspireBase shield increased to 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 from 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200.', 'Base shield increased to 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 from 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200.', 'RenewalNow has an "incoming health" UX added to the health bar, so the player can see how much health they will receive fromRenewal.', 'Now has an "incoming health" UX added to the health bar, so the player can see how much health they will receive fromRenewal.', 'Gathering FireMantracooldown reduction from spells increased to2 / 3.5/ 5 (based on level)seconds from2 / 3 / 4 (based on level).Mantracooldown reduction from basic attacks reduced to 1 second at all levels from1 / 1.5/ 2 (based on level).', 'Mantracooldown reduction from spells increased to2 / 3.5/ 5 (based on level)seconds from2 / 3 / 4 (based on level).', 'Mantracooldown reduction from basic attacks reduced to 1 second at all levels from1 / 1.5/ 2 (based on level).', 'MantraCooldown reduced to 40 / 38 / 36 / 34 seconds from 45 / 42 / 39 / 36.', 'Cooldown reduced to 40 / 38 / 36 / 34 seconds from 45 / 42 / 39 / 36.', 'Inner FlameMana cost changed to 65 at all ranks from 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70.Cooldown increased to 9 / 8.5/ 8 / 7.5/ 7 seconds from 7 / 6.5/ 6 / 5.5/ 5.', 'Mana cost changed to 65 at all ranks from 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70.', 'Cooldown increased to 9 / 8.5/ 8 / 7.5/ 7 seconds from 7 / 6.5/ 6 / 5.5/ 5.', 'Inner FlameBase damage increased to 90 / 135 / 180 / 225 / 270 from 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260.', 'Base damage increased to 90 / 135 / 180 / 225 / 270 from 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260.', 'Focused ResolveBase damage increased to 40 / 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 from 30 / 55 / 80 / 105 / 130.', 'Base damage increased to 40 / 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 from 30 / 55 / 80 / 105 / 130.', 'SoulflareBug Fix:Corrected the tooltip to its actual value (60% AP).', 'Bug Fix:Corrected the tooltip to its actual value (60% AP).', 'InspireBase shield increased to 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200 from 70 / 95 / 120 / 145 / 170.', 'Base shield increased to 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200 from 70 / 95 / 120 / 145 / 170.', 'Inner FlameAP ratio reduced to40% APfrom60% AP.', 'AP ratio reduced to40% APfrom60% AP.', "Focused ResolveBug Fix:Now properly lowersMantra'scooldown while damaging enemy champions.", "Bug Fix:Now properly lowersMantra'scooldown while damaging enemy champions.", 'DefianceBonus shield strength reduced to 25 / 80 / 135 / 190 from 30 / 90 / 150 / 210.Bonus shield AP ratio reduced to50% APfrom60% AP.', 'Bonus shield strength reduced to 25 / 80 / 135 / 190 from 30 / 90 / 150 / 210.', 'Bonus shield AP ratio reduced to50% APfrom60% AP.', 'Focused ResolveNew Effect:Now grants true sight for the duration of theroot.', 'New Effect:Now grants true sight for the duration of theroot.', 'RenewalNew Effect:Now grants true sight for the duration of theroot.', 'New Effect:Now grants true sight for the duration of theroot.', 'InspireBonus movement speed duration reduced to 1.5seconds from 2.5.', 'Bonus movement speed duration reduced to 1.5seconds from 2.5.', 'Inner FlameSlow strength increased to 35% from 25%.', 'Slow strength increased to 35% from 25%.', 'InspireMana cost reduced to 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 from 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80.Bonus movement speed duration increased to 2.5seconds from 1.5.', 'Mana cost reduced to 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 from 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80.', 'Bonus movement speed duration increased to 2.5seconds from 1.5.', "Traditional KarmaInspireBug Fix:Voiceover no longer uses her base skin's audio.", "InspireBug Fix:Voiceover no longer uses her base skin's audio.", "Bug Fix:Voiceover no longer uses her base skin's audio.", 'GeneralNew fast run animation added.', 'New fast run animation added.', 'Focused ResolveRoot duration increased to 1.4/ 1.55/ 1.7/ 1.85/ 2 seconds from 1 / 1.25/ 1.5/ 1.75/ 2.', 'Root duration increased to 1.4/ 1.55/ 1.7/ 1.85/ 2 seconds from 1 / 1.25/ 1.5/ 1.75/ 2.', 'StatsBase mana regeneration increased to 11.5from 8.5.Mana regeneration growth reduced to 0.5from 0.8.Base armor increased to 26 from 20.384.', 'Base mana regeneration increased to 11.5from 8.5.', 'Mana regeneration growth reduced to 0.5from 0.8.', 'Base armor increased to 26 from 20.384.', 'Inner FlameSplash radius increased to 280 from 250.', 'Splash radius increased to 280 from 250.', 'SoulflareBase detonation damage reduced to 35 / 140 / 245 / 350 from 50 / 150 / 250 / 350.', 'Base detonation damage reduced to 35 / 140 / 245 / 350 from 50 / 150 / 250 / 350.', 'InspireShield duration reduced to 2.5seconds from 4.', 'Shield duration reduced to 2.5seconds from 4.', 'DefianceShield duration reduced to 2.5seconds from 4.', 'Shield duration reduced to 2.5seconds from 4.', 'Conqueror KarmaBug Fix:Unique particles have been restored for all of her spells', 'Bug Fix:Unique particles have been restored for all of her spells', 'StatsBase health regeneration reduced to 5.5from 5.624.', 'Base health regeneration reduced to 5.5from 5.624.', 'Focused ResolveNew Effect:Now draws nearby minion aggro when targeting an enemy champion.', 'New Effect:Now draws nearby minion aggro when targeting an enemy champion.', 'Conqueror KarmaandWinter Wonder KarmaSoulflareBug Fix:VFX are no longer cut off on elevated terrain.', 'SoulflareBug Fix:VFX are no longer cut off on elevated terrain.', 'Bug Fix:VFX are no longer cut off on elevated terrain.', 'StatsBase health increased to 534 from 522.44.Health growth increased to 95 from 83.', 'Base health increased to 534 from 522.44.', 'Health growth increased to 95 from 83.', 'Gathering FireAbility cooldown reduction increased to2 / 3 / 4 (based on level)seconds from2 / 2.5/ 3 (based on level).Basic attack cooldown reduction increased to1 / 1.5/ 2 (based on level)seconds from1 / 1.25/ 1.5(based on level).', 'Ability cooldown reduction increased to2 / 3 / 4 (based on level)seconds from2 / 2.5/ 3 (based on level).', 'Basic attack cooldown reduction increased to1 / 1.5/ 2 (based on level)seconds from1 / 1.25/ 1.5(based on level).', 'GeneralBug Fix:Now correctly has recommended item pages for both mid and support.', 'Bug Fix:Now correctly has recommended item pages for both mid and support.', "Winter Wonder KarmaInspireBug Fix:Is now better differentiated fromWinter Wonder Lulu'sHelp, Pix!.DefianceBug Fix:Is now better differentiated fromWinter Wonder Lulu'sHelp, Pix!.", "InspireBug Fix:Is now better differentiated fromWinter Wonder Lulu'sHelp, Pix!.", "Bug Fix:Is now better differentiated fromWinter Wonder Lulu'sHelp, Pix!.", "DefianceBug Fix:Is now better differentiated fromWinter Wonder Lulu'sHelp, Pix!.", "Bug Fix:Is now better differentiated fromWinter Wonder Lulu'sHelp, Pix!.", 'InspireBase shield strength reduced to 70 / 95 / 120 / 145 / 170 from 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 / 190.', 'Base shield strength reduced to 70 / 95 / 120 / 145 / 170 from 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 / 190.', 'DefiancePercentage of original shield to nearby allied champions reduced to 30% from 50%.', 'Percentage of original shield to nearby allied champions reduced to 30% from 50%.', 'StatsMagic resistance growth increased to 0.5from 0.', 'Magic resistance growth increased to 0.5from 0.', "Conqueror KarmaBug Fix:Fixed channeling animation (ex. when capturingSkarner'sCrystal Spires).", "Bug Fix:Fixed channeling animation (ex. when capturingSkarner'sCrystal Spires).", 'GeneralNew splash artwork forSun Goddess Karma,Sakura KarmaandTraditional Karma. Adjusted splash artwork forOrder of the Lotus Karma.', 'New splash artwork forSun Goddess Karma,Sakura KarmaandTraditional Karma. Adjusted splash artwork forOrder of the Lotus Karma.', 'Focused Resolve/RenewalNumber of damage ticks reduced to 2 from 3.Base damage per tick increased to 30 / 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 from 20 / 36.7/ 53.3/ 70 / 86.7Damage per tick AP scaling increased to45% AP+30% AP.Total damage unchanged.', 'Number of damage ticks reduced to 2 from 3.', 'Base damage per tick increased to 30 / 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 from 20 / 36.7/ 53.3/ 70 / 86.7', 'Damage per tick AP scaling increased to45% AP+30% AP.Total damage unchanged.', 'Total damage unchanged.', 'RenewalBug Fix:Base tether visuals are no longer a funky color.', 'Bug Fix:Base tether visuals are no longer a funky color.', 'DefianceBase shield strength reduced to 30 / 90 / 150 / 210 from 30 / 100 / 170 / 240.', 'Base shield strength reduced to 30 / 90 / 150 / 210 from 30 / 100 / 170 / 240.', "SoulflareBug Fix:Fixed a spectator mode bug preventingOrder of the Lotus Karma'sSoulflareexplosion circle indicator from displaying.", "Bug Fix:Fixed a spectator mode bug preventingOrder of the Lotus Karma'sSoulflareexplosion circle indicator from displaying.", 'InspireShield reduced to 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 / 190 from 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200Removed:Can no longer target minions.', 'Shield reduced to 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 / 190 from 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200', 'Removed:Can no longer target minions.', 'DefianceBonus movement speed reduced to 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60% from 60% at all ranks.', 'Bonus movement speed reduced to 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60% from 60% at all ranks.', 'GeneralSplash artwork forSun Goddess KarmaandSakura Karmaupdated to the Chinese art.', 'Splash artwork forSun Goddess KarmaandSakura Karmaupdated to the Chinese art.', 'DefianceBase shield strength increased to 30 / 100 / 170 / 240 from 30 / 90 / 150 / 210.AP ratio increased to60% APfrom30% AP.', 'Base shield strength increased to 30 / 100 / 170 / 240 from 30 / 90 / 150 / 210.', 'AP ratio increased to60% APfrom30% AP.', 'Focused ResolveMana cost reduced to 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 from 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90.', 'Mana cost reduced to 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 from 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90.', 'StatsBase mana regeneration increased to 8.5from 6.', 'Base mana regeneration increased to 8.5from 6.', 'Focused ResolveCooldown reduced to 12 seconds at all ranks from 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 / 12.', 'Cooldown reduced to 12 seconds at all ranks from 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 / 12.', 'Gathering FireMantra cooldown refund on spell hit increased to2 / 2.5/ 3 (based on level)seconds from 2 at all levels.Mantra cooldown refund on basic attack increased to1 / 1.25/ 1.5(based on level)seconds from 1 at all levels.', 'Mantra cooldown refund on spell hit increased to2 / 2.5/ 3 (based on level)seconds from 2 at all levels.', 'Mantra cooldown refund on basic attack increased to1 / 1.25/ 1.5(based on level)seconds from 1 at all levels.', 'Focused ResolveNew Effect:Can target monsters.AP ratio increased to90% APfrom60% AP.', 'New Effect:Can target monsters.', 'AP ratio increased to90% APfrom60% AP.', "RenewalNew Effect:IncreasesFocused Resolve's root duration by 0.5seconds.Removed:75 / 150 / 225 / 300 +60% APbonus damage", "New Effect:IncreasesFocused Resolve's root duration by 0.5seconds.", 'Removed:75 / 150 / 225 / 300 +60% APbonus damage', 'InspireBase shield strength reduced to 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200 from 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240.Mana cost reduced to 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80 from 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100.Cooldown reduced to 10 / 9.5/ 9 / 8.5/ 8 seconds from 10 at all ranks.', 'Base shield strength reduced to 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200 from 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240.', 'Mana cost reduced to 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80 from 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100.', 'Cooldown reduced to 10 / 9.5/ 9 / 8.5/ 8 seconds from 10 at all ranks.', "DefianceNew Effect:Primary target gains 30 / 90 / 150 / 210 +30% APshield health.Allied area-of-effect shield changed to 50% of primary target's from 30 / 70 / 110 / 150.Removed:60 / 140 / 220 / 300 +60% APdamage over time.", 'New Effect:Primary target gains 30 / 90 / 150 / 210 +30% APshield health.', "Allied area-of-effect shield changed to 50% of primary target's from 30 / 70 / 110 / 150.", 'Removed:60 / 140 / 220 / 300 +60% APdamage over time.', 'DefianceBug Fix:Fixed a bug where allied champions were granted the inspire portion of the shield, instead of half of the defiance damage.', 'Bug Fix:Fixed a bug where allied champions were granted the inspire portion of the shield, instead of half of the defiance damage.', 'SoulflareBug Fix:Area of effect visual fizzling when Karma dies.', 'Bug Fix:Area of effect visual fizzling when Karma dies.', 'MantraNew Effect:Can now be cast while disabled.', 'New Effect:Can now be cast while disabled.', 'StatsBase armor increased to 14 from 10.', 'Base armor increased to 14 from 10.', 'Inner FlameMana cost reduced to 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 from 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90.Explosion radius increased to 250 from 230.', 'Mana cost reduced to 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 from 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90.', 'Explosion radius increased to 250 from 230.', 'Focused ResolveBug Fix:Not granting vision of rooted target.', 'Bug Fix:Not granting vision of rooted target.', 'RenewalHeal changed to20% +1% per 100 APmissing healthon-cast followed by the same amount over tether duration from25% missing healthover time.', 'Heal changed to20% +1% per 100 APmissing healthon-cast followed by the same amount over tether duration from25% missing healthover time.', 'DefianceBug Fix:Allied area-of-effect shield not accounting for AP ratio.', 'Bug Fix:Allied area-of-effect shield not accounting for AP ratio.', 'SoulflareNew Effect:Slow area spawns directly under primary target.', 'New Effect:Slow area spawns directly under primary target.', 'Inner FlameBase damage increased to 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260 from 60 / 110 / 160 / 210 / 260.', 'Base damage increased to 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260 from 60 / 110 / 160 / 210 / 260.', 'Focused ResolveCooldown reduced to 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 / 12 seconds from 16 / 15.5/ 15 / 14.5/ 14.', 'Cooldown reduced to 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 / 12 seconds from 16 / 15.5/ 15 / 14.5/ 14.', 'InspireCooldown reduced to 10 seconds from 12.Bonus movement speed increased to 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60% from 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60%.', 'Cooldown reduced to 10 seconds from 12.', 'Bonus movement speed increased to 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60% from 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60%.', 'MantraCooldown reduced to 45 / 42 / 39 / 36 seconds from 45 at all ranks.', 'Cooldown reduced to 45 / 42 / 39 / 36 seconds from 45 at all ranks.', 'Gathering FireMantraon-spell cooldown reduction increased to 2 seconds at all levels from 1 / 1.5/ 2.Mantraon-hit cooldown reduction increased to 1 second at all levels from 0.5/ 0.75/ 1', 'Mantraon-spell cooldown reduction increased to 2 seconds at all levels from 1 / 1.5/ 2.', 'Mantraon-hit cooldown reduction increased to 1 second at all levels from 0.5/ 0.75/ 1', 'Inner FlameDetonation area-of-effect focus changed to point of impact from the center of impacted target.', 'Detonation area-of-effect focus changed to point of impact from the center of impacted target.', 'Focused ResolveMana cost reduced to 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90 from 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 110.Gathering Fireapplication changed to per-tick from on-cast.Ticks reduced to 3 from 6.', 'Mana cost reduced to 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90 from 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 110.', 'Gathering Fireapplication changed to per-tick from on-cast.', 'Ticks reduced to 3 from 6.', 'InspireBonus movement speed duration increased to 1.5seconds from 1.25.Bug Fix:Tooltip displaying incorrect shield value (80 / 115 / 150 / 185 / 220 instead of the intended 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240).', 'Bonus movement speed duration increased to 1.5seconds from 1.25.', 'Bug Fix:Tooltip displaying incorrect shield value (80 / 115 / 150 / 185 / 220 instead of the intended 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240).', "DefianceBonus movement speed increased to 60% at all ranks from 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60%.(Inspire's rank)Allied area-of-effect shield/haste range increased to 700 from 600.", "Bonus movement speed increased to 60% at all ranks from 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60%.(Inspire's rank)", 'Allied area-of-effect shield/haste range increased to 700 from 600.', 'Full Relaunch', 'GeneralComplete visual upgrade across all skins.New splash artwork forOriginal Karma.New voice over.New lore.', 'Complete visual upgrade across all skins.', 'New splash artwork forOriginal Karma.', 'New voice over.', 'New lore.', "Gathering Fire(Innate)Reduces Mantra's cooldown every time Karma damages an enemy with one of her abilities (Half-effect for Karma's basic-attacks).", "Reduces Mantra's cooldown every time Karma damages an enemy with one of her abilities (Half-effect for Karma's basic-attacks).", 'Inner Flame(Q)Fires a blast of energy that explodes upon enemy contact, dealing magic damage and slowing all enemies in the area.Mantra Bonus: deals additional magic damage and leaves a circle of flame at the impact area (or upon reaching maximum range), heavily slowing all enemies inside the circle. After a brief delay the circle erupts, dealing heavy magic damage to all enemies in the area.', 'Fires a blast of energy that explodes upon enemy contact, dealing magic damage and slowing all enemies in the area.', 'Mantra Bonus: deals additional magic damage and leaves a circle of flame at the impact area (or upon reaching maximum range), heavily slowing all enemies inside the circle. After a brief delay the circle erupts, dealing heavy magic damage to all enemies in the area.', 'Focused Resolve(W)Links Karma to target enemy champion, revealing them and dealing magic damage over 2 seconds. If the link is not broken, the enemy is rooted.Mantra Bonus: Focused Resolve deals bonus magic damage over time and heals Karma for a percent of her missing health while linked to her target.', 'Links Karma to target enemy champion, revealing them and dealing magic damage over 2 seconds. If the link is not broken, the enemy is rooted.', 'Mantra Bonus: Focused Resolve deals bonus magic damage over time and heals Karma for a percent of her missing health while linked to her target.', 'Inspire(E)Target ally gains a shield, granting movement speed for a brief duration and absorbing damage.Mantra Bonus: the shield overflows with energy, dealing magic damage to all enemies around the shielded unit. Allied champions near the shielded unit gain half of that amount as a shield and are hasted.', 'Target ally gains a shield, granting movement speed for a brief duration and absorbing damage.', 'Mantra Bonus: the shield overflows with energy, dealing magic damage to all enemies around the shielded unit. Allied champions near the shielded unit gain half of that amount as a shield and are hasted.', 'Mantra(Ultimate)Karma empowers her next ability within 8 seconds for an additional effect.', 'Karma empowers her next ability within 8 seconds for an additional effect.', 'Karma was named afterthe eponymous cause-and-effect principle.Her title,The Enlightened One, referencesGautama Buddha&Awakening.', 'Her title,The Enlightened One, referencesGautama Buddha&Awakening.', 'Mantrawas named afterthe eponymous Hindu sacred utterances, fromIndo-Iranic*mántram<PIE*men-[2]tro-m"instrument of thought".The \'translation\' forMantra\'sAncient Ionian language was provided by Player Support Escalation Specialist \'Marowe\'.', "The 'translation' forMantra'sAncient Ionian language was provided by Player Support Escalation Specialist 'Marowe'.", "Karma was the first champion to feature an 'Art Spotlight' before release and the first to befully relaunched.She was the fifth to have more than four abilities (the others beingElise,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Lee Sin, andNidalee).", 'She was the fifth to have more than four abilities (the others beingElise,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Lee Sin, andNidalee).', 'LikeJayce, Karma used to have six ranks on each basic ability and only one on herultimate.', "Renewal'sroot has the longest duration in-game (3.25seconds withFocused ResolveandMantraboth fully-ranked).", "In the minigameAstro Teemo, the most expensive upgrade in the game thatTeemo'scan purchase, Soul Shield, is a reference to one of Karma's pre-reworkskillsof the same name.", 'In Karma\'s most current lore, Karma\'s spirit has lived countless lives only to be re-incarnated within new bodies, inspired bythe eponynous conceptinDharmic religions.The name of her current incarnation,Darha, comes from Sanskrit adjectiveदृढdṛḍhá<दृळ्हdṛḷhá"firm, steadfast", sharingPIErootdʰer-"to uphold" withDarius.[3][4]', 'The name of her current incarnation,Darha, comes from Sanskrit adjectiveदृढdṛḍhá<दृळ्हdṛḷhá"firm, steadfast", sharingPIErootdʰer-"to uphold" withDarius.[3][4]', "Karma was the fourth champion to feature two 'Champion Spotlights' due to significant gameplay changes (the others beingEzreal,Katarina,Lee Sin, andSivir)", "Inspire'sspeed buff reads “Vroom Vroom!”.", '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'Ao Shin', 'Avasha', 'Averdrian', 'CeeCee', 'Cyborg Cowboy', 'Eagle Rider', 'Gavid', 'Husk', 'Iron Engineer', 'Ivan', 'Omen', 'Priscilla', 'Rob Blackblade', 'Seth', 'Tabu', 'Tiki', 'Urf', 'Well', "↑Karma's profile", '↑', '↑De Vaan, M.Etymological Dictionary of Latin(2008). p. 223', '↑Cheung, J.Etymological Dictionary of Iranian verbs(2007). p. 57-59']} | Name: Inspire, Description: Active: Karma grants a shield to herself or the target allied champion for 2. 5 seconds as well as 40% bonus movement speed for 1. 5 seconds. Shield Strength: 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 (+ 45% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'details': ['Hide', 'Inspire Details', 'Defiance Details', 'No additional notes.', 'No additional notes.', 'Hide', 'Details', 'No additional details.', 'Inner FlameAP ratio increased to50% APfrom40% AP.', 'AP ratio increased to50% APfrom40% AP.', 'SoulflareExplosion AP ratio increased to70% APfrom60% AP.', 'Explosion AP ratio increased to70% APfrom60% AP.', 'MantraCooldown reduced to 40 / 37 / 34 / 31 seconds from 40 / 38 / 36 / 34.', 'Cooldown reduced to 40 / 37 / 34 / 31 seconds from 40 / 38 / 36 / 34.', "Focused ResolveBug Fix:VFX now properly follows the targeted enemy's movements.", "Bug Fix:VFX now properly follows the targeted enemy's movements.", 'MantraRemoved:Duration is no longer extended by the casts ofFocused ResolveorInspirewhen they are cast while outside of range of the target.', 'Removed:Duration is no longer extended by the casts ofFocused ResolveorInspirewhen they are cast while outside of range of the target.', 'StatsBase health increased to 604 from 534.Health growth increased to 109 from 95.Armor growth increased to 5 from 3.8.Magic resistance growth increased to 1.3from 0.5.', 'Base health increased to 604 from 534.', 'Health growth increased to 109 from 95.', 'Armor growth increased to 5 from 3.8.', 'Magic resistance growth increased to 1.3from 0.5.', 'RenewalBase heal reduced to17%missinghealthfrom20%.', 'Base heal reduced to17%missinghealthfrom20%.', 'InspireBase shield reduced to 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 from 90 / 135 / 180 / 225 / 270.Shield AP ratio reduced to45% APfrom50% AP.', 'Base shield reduced to 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 from 90 / 135 / 180 / 225 / 270.', 'Shield AP ratio reduced to45% APfrom50% AP.', 'DefianceBonus base shield reduced to 25 / 75 / 125 / 175 from 25 / 80 / 135 / 190.Bonus shield AP ratio reduced to45% APfrom50% AP.', 'Bonus base shield reduced to 25 / 75 / 125 / 175 from 25 / 80 / 135 / 190.', 'Bonus shield AP ratio reduced to45% APfrom50% AP.', 'StatsBase armor increased to 28 from 26.', 'Base armor increased to 28 from 26.', 'InspireBase shield increased to 90 / 135 / 180 / 225 / 270 from 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260.', 'Base shield increased to 90 / 135 / 180 / 225 / 270 from 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260.', "Gathering FireRemoved:Basic attacks against enemy champions no longer reduceMantra'scooldown by 1 second.Mantracooldown reduction from spells increased to 5 seconds at all levels from2 / 3.5/ 5 (based on level).", "Removed:Basic attacks against enemy champions no longer reduceMantra'scooldown by 1 second.", 'Mantracooldown reduction from spells increased to 5 seconds at all levels from2 / 3.5/ 5 (based on level).', 'Inner FlameCooldown changed to 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 / 5 seconds from 8 / 7.5/ 7 / 6.5/ 6.Mana cost reduced to 45 from 55.Base damage reduced to 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 from 90 / 135 / 180 / 225 / 270.', 'Cooldown changed to 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 / 5 seconds from 8 / 7.5/ 7 / 6.5/ 6.', 'Mana cost reduced to 45 from 55.', 'Base damage reduced to 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 from 90 / 135 / 180 / 225 / 270.', 'SoulflareInner Flamebonus base damage increased to 40 / 100 / 160 / 220 from 25 / 75 / 125 / 175.', 'Inner Flamebonus base damage increased to 40 / 100 / 160 / 220 from 25 / 75 / 125 / 175.', 'InspireBase shield increased to 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260 from 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240.Bonus movement speed reduced to 40% at all ranks from 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60%.', 'Base shield increased to 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260 from 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240.', 'Bonus movement speed reduced to 40% at all ranks from 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60%.', "DefianceNew Effect:Secondary targets now only receive 30% ofInspire'sbonus movement speed instead of 100%.", "New Effect:Secondary targets now only receive 30% ofInspire'sbonus movement speed instead of 100%.", 'StatsBase attack damage reduced to 51 from 54.', 'Base attack damage reduced to 51 from 54.', 'Traditional KarmaUpdated visual effects.', 'Updated visual effects.', 'GeneralUpdated visual effects.', 'Updated visual effects.', 'Inner FlameVFX updated to improve color range and reduce noise.', 'VFX updated to improve color range and reduce noise.', 'InspireVFX updated to improve color range and reduce noise.', 'VFX updated to improve color range and reduce noise.', "DefianceBug Fix:Fixed a bug where it would not triggerMoonstone Renewer'sStarlit Grace.", "Bug Fix:Fixed a bug where it would not triggerMoonstone Renewer'sStarlit Grace.", 'Inner FlameCooldown reduced to 8 / 7.5/ 7 / 6.5/ 6 seconds from 9 / 8.5/ 8 / 7.5/ 7.', 'Cooldown reduced to 8 / 7.5/ 7 / 6.5/ 6 seconds from 9 / 8.5/ 8 / 7.5/ 7.', 'StatsBase mana regeneration increased to 13 from 11.5.', 'Base mana regeneration increased to 13 from 11.5.', 'Inner FlameMana cost reduced to 55 from 65.', 'Mana cost reduced to 55 from 65.', 'StatsBase attack damage increased to 54 from 53.544.', 'Base attack damage increased to 54 from 53.544.', 'InspireBase shield increased to 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 from 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200.', 'Base shield increased to 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 from 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200.', 'RenewalNow has an "incoming health" UX added to the health bar, so the player can see how much health they will receive fromRenewal.', 'Now has an "incoming health" UX added to the health bar, so the player can see how much health they will receive fromRenewal.', 'Gathering FireMantracooldown reduction from spells increased to2 / 3.5/ 5 (based on level)seconds from2 / 3 / 4 (based on level).Mantracooldown reduction from basic attacks reduced to 1 second at all levels from1 / 1.5/ 2 (based on level).', 'Mantracooldown reduction from spells increased to2 / 3.5/ 5 (based on level)seconds from2 / 3 / 4 (based on level).', 'Mantracooldown reduction from basic attacks reduced to 1 second at all levels from1 / 1.5/ 2 (based on level).', 'MantraCooldown reduced to 40 / 38 / 36 / 34 seconds from 45 / 42 / 39 / 36.', 'Cooldown reduced to 40 / 38 / 36 / 34 seconds from 45 / 42 / 39 / 36.', 'Inner FlameMana cost changed to 65 at all ranks from 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70.Cooldown increased to 9 / 8.5/ 8 / 7.5/ 7 seconds from 7 / 6.5/ 6 / 5.5/ 5.', 'Mana cost changed to 65 at all ranks from 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70.', 'Cooldown increased to 9 / 8.5/ 8 / 7.5/ 7 seconds from 7 / 6.5/ 6 / 5.5/ 5.', 'Inner FlameBase damage increased to 90 / 135 / 180 / 225 / 270 from 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260.', 'Base damage increased to 90 / 135 / 180 / 225 / 270 from 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260.', 'Focused ResolveBase damage increased to 40 / 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 from 30 / 55 / 80 / 105 / 130.', 'Base damage increased to 40 / 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 from 30 / 55 / 80 / 105 / 130.', 'SoulflareBug Fix:Corrected the tooltip to its actual value (60% AP).', 'Bug Fix:Corrected the tooltip to its actual value (60% AP).', 'InspireBase shield increased to 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200 from 70 / 95 / 120 / 145 / 170.', 'Base shield increased to 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200 from 70 / 95 / 120 / 145 / 170.', 'Inner FlameAP ratio reduced to40% APfrom60% AP.', 'AP ratio reduced to40% APfrom60% AP.', "Focused ResolveBug Fix:Now properly lowersMantra'scooldown while damaging enemy champions.", "Bug Fix:Now properly lowersMantra'scooldown while damaging enemy champions.", 'DefianceBonus shield strength reduced to 25 / 80 / 135 / 190 from 30 / 90 / 150 / 210.Bonus shield AP ratio reduced to50% APfrom60% AP.', 'Bonus shield strength reduced to 25 / 80 / 135 / 190 from 30 / 90 / 150 / 210.', 'Bonus shield AP ratio reduced to50% APfrom60% AP.', 'Focused ResolveNew Effect:Now grants true sight for the duration of theroot.', 'New Effect:Now grants true sight for the duration of theroot.', 'RenewalNew Effect:Now grants true sight for the duration of theroot.', 'New Effect:Now grants true sight for the duration of theroot.', 'InspireBonus movement speed duration reduced to 1.5seconds from 2.5.', 'Bonus movement speed duration reduced to 1.5seconds from 2.5.', 'Inner FlameSlow strength increased to 35% from 25%.', 'Slow strength increased to 35% from 25%.', 'InspireMana cost reduced to 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 from 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80.Bonus movement speed duration increased to 2.5seconds from 1.5.', 'Mana cost reduced to 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 from 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80.', 'Bonus movement speed duration increased to 2.5seconds from 1.5.', "Traditional KarmaInspireBug Fix:Voiceover no longer uses her base skin's audio.", "InspireBug Fix:Voiceover no longer uses her base skin's audio.", "Bug Fix:Voiceover no longer uses her base skin's audio.", 'GeneralNew fast run animation added.', 'New fast run animation added.', 'Focused ResolveRoot duration increased to 1.4/ 1.55/ 1.7/ 1.85/ 2 seconds from 1 / 1.25/ 1.5/ 1.75/ 2.', 'Root duration increased to 1.4/ 1.55/ 1.7/ 1.85/ 2 seconds from 1 / 1.25/ 1.5/ 1.75/ 2.', 'StatsBase mana regeneration increased to 11.5from 8.5.Mana regeneration growth reduced to 0.5from 0.8.Base armor increased to 26 from 20.384.', 'Base mana regeneration increased to 11.5from 8.5.', 'Mana regeneration growth reduced to 0.5from 0.8.', 'Base armor increased to 26 from 20.384.', 'Inner FlameSplash radius increased to 280 from 250.', 'Splash radius increased to 280 from 250.', 'SoulflareBase detonation damage reduced to 35 / 140 / 245 / 350 from 50 / 150 / 250 / 350.', 'Base detonation damage reduced to 35 / 140 / 245 / 350 from 50 / 150 / 250 / 350.', 'InspireShield duration reduced to 2.5seconds from 4.', 'Shield duration reduced to 2.5seconds from 4.', 'DefianceShield duration reduced to 2.5seconds from 4.', 'Shield duration reduced to 2.5seconds from 4.', 'Conqueror KarmaBug Fix:Unique particles have been restored for all of her spells', 'Bug Fix:Unique particles have been restored for all of her spells', 'StatsBase health regeneration reduced to 5.5from 5.624.', 'Base health regeneration reduced to 5.5from 5.624.', 'Focused ResolveNew Effect:Now draws nearby minion aggro when targeting an enemy champion.', 'New Effect:Now draws nearby minion aggro when targeting an enemy champion.', 'Conqueror KarmaandWinter Wonder KarmaSoulflareBug Fix:VFX are no longer cut off on elevated terrain.', 'SoulflareBug Fix:VFX are no longer cut off on elevated terrain.', 'Bug Fix:VFX are no longer cut off on elevated terrain.', 'StatsBase health increased to 534 from 522.44.Health growth increased to 95 from 83.', 'Base health increased to 534 from 522.44.', 'Health growth increased to 95 from 83.', 'Gathering FireAbility cooldown reduction increased to2 / 3 / 4 (based on level)seconds from2 / 2.5/ 3 (based on level).Basic attack cooldown reduction increased to1 / 1.5/ 2 (based on level)seconds from1 / 1.25/ 1.5(based on level).', 'Ability cooldown reduction increased to2 / 3 / 4 (based on level)seconds from2 / 2.5/ 3 (based on level).', 'Basic attack cooldown reduction increased to1 / 1.5/ 2 (based on level)seconds from1 / 1.25/ 1.5(based on level).', 'GeneralBug Fix:Now correctly has recommended item pages for both mid and support.', 'Bug Fix:Now correctly has recommended item pages for both mid and support.', "Winter Wonder KarmaInspireBug Fix:Is now better differentiated fromWinter Wonder Lulu'sHelp, Pix!.DefianceBug Fix:Is now better differentiated fromWinter Wonder Lulu'sHelp, Pix!.", "InspireBug Fix:Is now better differentiated fromWinter Wonder Lulu'sHelp, Pix!.", "Bug Fix:Is now better differentiated fromWinter Wonder Lulu'sHelp, Pix!.", "DefianceBug Fix:Is now better differentiated fromWinter Wonder Lulu'sHelp, Pix!.", "Bug Fix:Is now better differentiated fromWinter Wonder Lulu'sHelp, Pix!.", 'InspireBase shield strength reduced to 70 / 95 / 120 / 145 / 170 from 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 / 190.', 'Base shield strength reduced to 70 / 95 / 120 / 145 / 170 from 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 / 190.', 'DefiancePercentage of original shield to nearby allied champions reduced to 30% from 50%.', 'Percentage of original shield to nearby allied champions reduced to 30% from 50%.', 'StatsMagic resistance growth increased to 0.5from 0.', 'Magic resistance growth increased to 0.5from 0.', "Conqueror KarmaBug Fix:Fixed channeling animation (ex. when capturingSkarner'sCrystal Spires).", "Bug Fix:Fixed channeling animation (ex. when capturingSkarner'sCrystal Spires).", 'GeneralNew splash artwork forSun Goddess Karma,Sakura KarmaandTraditional Karma. Adjusted splash artwork forOrder of the Lotus Karma.', 'New splash artwork forSun Goddess Karma,Sakura KarmaandTraditional Karma. Adjusted splash artwork forOrder of the Lotus Karma.', 'Focused Resolve/RenewalNumber of damage ticks reduced to 2 from 3.Base damage per tick increased to 30 / 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 from 20 / 36.7/ 53.3/ 70 / 86.7Damage per tick AP scaling increased to45% AP+30% AP.Total damage unchanged.', 'Number of damage ticks reduced to 2 from 3.', 'Base damage per tick increased to 30 / 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 from 20 / 36.7/ 53.3/ 70 / 86.7', 'Damage per tick AP scaling increased to45% AP+30% AP.Total damage unchanged.', 'Total damage unchanged.', 'RenewalBug Fix:Base tether visuals are no longer a funky color.', 'Bug Fix:Base tether visuals are no longer a funky color.', 'DefianceBase shield strength reduced to 30 / 90 / 150 / 210 from 30 / 100 / 170 / 240.', 'Base shield strength reduced to 30 / 90 / 150 / 210 from 30 / 100 / 170 / 240.', "SoulflareBug Fix:Fixed a spectator mode bug preventingOrder of the Lotus Karma'sSoulflareexplosion circle indicator from displaying.", "Bug Fix:Fixed a spectator mode bug preventingOrder of the Lotus Karma'sSoulflareexplosion circle indicator from displaying.", 'InspireShield reduced to 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 / 190 from 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200Removed:Can no longer target minions.', 'Shield reduced to 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 / 190 from 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200', 'Removed:Can no longer target minions.', 'DefianceBonus movement speed reduced to 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60% from 60% at all ranks.', 'Bonus movement speed reduced to 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60% from 60% at all ranks.', 'GeneralSplash artwork forSun Goddess KarmaandSakura Karmaupdated to the Chinese art.', 'Splash artwork forSun Goddess KarmaandSakura Karmaupdated to the Chinese art.', 'DefianceBase shield strength increased to 30 / 100 / 170 / 240 from 30 / 90 / 150 / 210.AP ratio increased to60% APfrom30% AP.', 'Base shield strength increased to 30 / 100 / 170 / 240 from 30 / 90 / 150 / 210.', 'AP ratio increased to60% APfrom30% AP.', 'Focused ResolveMana cost reduced to 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 from 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90.', 'Mana cost reduced to 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 from 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90.', 'StatsBase mana regeneration increased to 8.5from 6.', 'Base mana regeneration increased to 8.5from 6.', 'Focused ResolveCooldown reduced to 12 seconds at all ranks from 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 / 12.', 'Cooldown reduced to 12 seconds at all ranks from 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 / 12.', 'Gathering FireMantra cooldown refund on spell hit increased to2 / 2.5/ 3 (based on level)seconds from 2 at all levels.Mantra cooldown refund on basic attack increased to1 / 1.25/ 1.5(based on level)seconds from 1 at all levels.', 'Mantra cooldown refund on spell hit increased to2 / 2.5/ 3 (based on level)seconds from 2 at all levels.', 'Mantra cooldown refund on basic attack increased to1 / 1.25/ 1.5(based on level)seconds from 1 at all levels.', 'Focused ResolveNew Effect:Can target monsters.AP ratio increased to90% APfrom60% AP.', 'New Effect:Can target monsters.', 'AP ratio increased to90% APfrom60% AP.', "RenewalNew Effect:IncreasesFocused Resolve's root duration by 0.5seconds.Removed:75 / 150 / 225 / 300 +60% APbonus damage", "New Effect:IncreasesFocused Resolve's root duration by 0.5seconds.", 'Removed:75 / 150 / 225 / 300 +60% APbonus damage', 'InspireBase shield strength reduced to 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200 from 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240.Mana cost reduced to 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80 from 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100.Cooldown reduced to 10 / 9.5/ 9 / 8.5/ 8 seconds from 10 at all ranks.', 'Base shield strength reduced to 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200 from 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240.', 'Mana cost reduced to 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80 from 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100.', 'Cooldown reduced to 10 / 9.5/ 9 / 8.5/ 8 seconds from 10 at all ranks.', "DefianceNew Effect:Primary target gains 30 / 90 / 150 / 210 +30% APshield health.Allied area-of-effect shield changed to 50% of primary target's from 30 / 70 / 110 / 150.Removed:60 / 140 / 220 / 300 +60% APdamage over time.", 'New Effect:Primary target gains 30 / 90 / 150 / 210 +30% APshield health.', "Allied area-of-effect shield changed to 50% of primary target's from 30 / 70 / 110 / 150.", 'Removed:60 / 140 / 220 / 300 +60% APdamage over time.', 'DefianceBug Fix:Fixed a bug where allied champions were granted the inspire portion of the shield, instead of half of the defiance damage.', 'Bug Fix:Fixed a bug where allied champions were granted the inspire portion of the shield, instead of half of the defiance damage.', 'SoulflareBug Fix:Area of effect visual fizzling when Karma dies.', 'Bug Fix:Area of effect visual fizzling when Karma dies.', 'MantraNew Effect:Can now be cast while disabled.', 'New Effect:Can now be cast while disabled.', 'StatsBase armor increased to 14 from 10.', 'Base armor increased to 14 from 10.', 'Inner FlameMana cost reduced to 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 from 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90.Explosion radius increased to 250 from 230.', 'Mana cost reduced to 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 from 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90.', 'Explosion radius increased to 250 from 230.', 'Focused ResolveBug Fix:Not granting vision of rooted target.', 'Bug Fix:Not granting vision of rooted target.', 'RenewalHeal changed to20% +1% per 100 APmissing healthon-cast followed by the same amount over tether duration from25% missing healthover time.', 'Heal changed to20% +1% per 100 APmissing healthon-cast followed by the same amount over tether duration from25% missing healthover time.', 'DefianceBug Fix:Allied area-of-effect shield not accounting for AP ratio.', 'Bug Fix:Allied area-of-effect shield not accounting for AP ratio.', 'SoulflareNew Effect:Slow area spawns directly under primary target.', 'New Effect:Slow area spawns directly under primary target.', 'Inner FlameBase damage increased to 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260 from 60 / 110 / 160 / 210 / 260.', 'Base damage increased to 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260 from 60 / 110 / 160 / 210 / 260.', 'Focused ResolveCooldown reduced to 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 / 12 seconds from 16 / 15.5/ 15 / 14.5/ 14.', 'Cooldown reduced to 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 / 12 seconds from 16 / 15.5/ 15 / 14.5/ 14.', 'InspireCooldown reduced to 10 seconds from 12.Bonus movement speed increased to 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60% from 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60%.', 'Cooldown reduced to 10 seconds from 12.', 'Bonus movement speed increased to 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60% from 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60%.', 'MantraCooldown reduced to 45 / 42 / 39 / 36 seconds from 45 at all ranks.', 'Cooldown reduced to 45 / 42 / 39 / 36 seconds from 45 at all ranks.', 'Gathering FireMantraon-spell cooldown reduction increased to 2 seconds at all levels from 1 / 1.5/ 2.Mantraon-hit cooldown reduction increased to 1 second at all levels from 0.5/ 0.75/ 1', 'Mantraon-spell cooldown reduction increased to 2 seconds at all levels from 1 / 1.5/ 2.', 'Mantraon-hit cooldown reduction increased to 1 second at all levels from 0.5/ 0.75/ 1', 'Inner FlameDetonation area-of-effect focus changed to point of impact from the center of impacted target.', 'Detonation area-of-effect focus changed to point of impact from the center of impacted target.', 'Focused ResolveMana cost reduced to 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90 from 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 110.Gathering Fireapplication changed to per-tick from on-cast.Ticks reduced to 3 from 6.', 'Mana cost reduced to 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90 from 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 110.', 'Gathering Fireapplication changed to per-tick from on-cast.', 'Ticks reduced to 3 from 6.', 'InspireBonus movement speed duration increased to 1.5seconds from 1.25.Bug Fix:Tooltip displaying incorrect shield value (80 / 115 / 150 / 185 / 220 instead of the intended 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240).', 'Bonus movement speed duration increased to 1.5seconds from 1.25.', 'Bug Fix:Tooltip displaying incorrect shield value (80 / 115 / 150 / 185 / 220 instead of the intended 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240).', "DefianceBonus movement speed increased to 60% at all ranks from 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60%.(Inspire's rank)Allied area-of-effect shield/haste range increased to 700 from 600.", "Bonus movement speed increased to 60% at all ranks from 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60%.(Inspire's rank)", 'Allied area-of-effect shield/haste range increased to 700 from 600.', 'Full Relaunch', 'GeneralComplete visual upgrade across all skins.New splash artwork forOriginal Karma.New voice over.New lore.', 'Complete visual upgrade across all skins.', 'New splash artwork forOriginal Karma.', 'New voice over.', 'New lore.', "Gathering Fire(Innate)Reduces Mantra's cooldown every time Karma damages an enemy with one of her abilities (Half-effect for Karma's basic-attacks).", "Reduces Mantra's cooldown every time Karma damages an enemy with one of her abilities (Half-effect for Karma's basic-attacks).", 'Inner Flame(Q)Fires a blast of energy that explodes upon enemy contact, dealing magic damage and slowing all enemies in the area.Mantra Bonus: deals additional magic damage and leaves a circle of flame at the impact area (or upon reaching maximum range), heavily slowing all enemies inside the circle. After a brief delay the circle erupts, dealing heavy magic damage to all enemies in the area.', 'Fires a blast of energy that explodes upon enemy contact, dealing magic damage and slowing all enemies in the area.', 'Mantra Bonus: deals additional magic damage and leaves a circle of flame at the impact area (or upon reaching maximum range), heavily slowing all enemies inside the circle. After a brief delay the circle erupts, dealing heavy magic damage to all enemies in the area.', 'Focused Resolve(W)Links Karma to target enemy champion, revealing them and dealing magic damage over 2 seconds. If the link is not broken, the enemy is rooted.Mantra Bonus: Focused Resolve deals bonus magic damage over time and heals Karma for a percent of her missing health while linked to her target.', 'Links Karma to target enemy champion, revealing them and dealing magic damage over 2 seconds. If the link is not broken, the enemy is rooted.', 'Mantra Bonus: Focused Resolve deals bonus magic damage over time and heals Karma for a percent of her missing health while linked to her target.', 'Inspire(E)Target ally gains a shield, granting movement speed for a brief duration and absorbing damage.Mantra Bonus: the shield overflows with energy, dealing magic damage to all enemies around the shielded unit. Allied champions near the shielded unit gain half of that amount as a shield and are hasted.', 'Target ally gains a shield, granting movement speed for a brief duration and absorbing damage.', 'Mantra Bonus: the shield overflows with energy, dealing magic damage to all enemies around the shielded unit. Allied champions near the shielded unit gain half of that amount as a shield and are hasted.', 'Mantra(Ultimate)Karma empowers her next ability within 8 seconds for an additional effect.', 'Karma empowers her next ability within 8 seconds for an additional effect.', 'Karma was named afterthe eponymous cause-and-effect principle.Her title,The Enlightened One, referencesGautama Buddha&Awakening.', 'Her title,The Enlightened One, referencesGautama Buddha&Awakening.', 'Mantrawas named afterthe eponymous Hindu sacred utterances, fromIndo-Iranic*mántram<PIE*men-[2]tro-m"instrument of thought".The \'translation\' forMantra\'sAncient Ionian language was provided by Player Support Escalation Specialist \'Marowe\'.', "The 'translation' forMantra'sAncient Ionian language was provided by Player Support Escalation Specialist 'Marowe'.", "Karma was the first champion to feature an 'Art Spotlight' before release and the first to befully relaunched.She was the fifth to have more than four abilities (the others beingElise,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Lee Sin, andNidalee).", 'She was the fifth to have more than four abilities (the others beingElise,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Lee Sin, andNidalee).', 'LikeJayce, Karma used to have six ranks on each basic ability and only one on herultimate.', "Renewal'sroot has the longest duration in-game (3.25seconds withFocused ResolveandMantraboth fully-ranked).", "In the minigameAstro Teemo, the most expensive upgrade in the game thatTeemo'scan purchase, Soul Shield, is a reference to one of Karma's pre-reworkskillsof the same name.", 'In Karma\'s most current lore, Karma\'s spirit has lived countless lives only to be re-incarnated within new bodies, inspired bythe eponynous conceptinDharmic religions.The name of her current incarnation,Darha, comes from Sanskrit adjectiveदृढdṛḍhá<दृळ्हdṛḷhá"firm, steadfast", sharingPIErootdʰer-"to uphold" withDarius.[3][4]', 'The name of her current incarnation,Darha, comes from Sanskrit adjectiveदृढdṛḍhá<दृळ्हdṛḷhá"firm, steadfast", sharingPIErootdʰer-"to uphold" withDarius.[3][4]', "Karma was the fourth champion to feature two 'Champion Spotlights' due to significant gameplay changes (the others beingEzreal,Katarina,Lee Sin, andSivir)", "Inspire'sspeed buff reads “Vroom Vroom!”.", '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'Ao Shin', 'Avasha', 'Averdrian', 'CeeCee', 'Cyborg Cowboy', 'Eagle Rider', 'Gavid', 'Husk', 'Iron Engineer', 'Ivan', 'Omen', 'Priscilla', 'Rob Blackblade', 'Seth', 'Tabu', 'Tiki', 'Urf', 'Well', "↑Karma's profile", '↑', '↑De Vaan, M.Etymological Dictionary of Latin(2008). p. 223', '↑Cheung, J.Etymological Dictionary of Iranian verbs(2007). p. 57-59']} | Name: Mantra, Description: Active: Karma empowers her next basic ability within 8 seconds for an additional effect. Mantra can be used while affected by cast-inhibiting crowd control . Karma begins the game with one rank in Mantra . Her empowered abilities scale based on Mantra's rank. Link ▶️ "Sae Eleisa Tera Vi.", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'No additional details.']} | Karma was named afterthe eponymous cause-and-effect principle.Her title,The Enlightened One, referencesGautama Buddha&Awakening.
Mantrawas named afterthe eponymous Hindu sacred utterances, fromIndo-Iranic*mántram<PIE*men-[2]tro-m"instrument of thought".The 'translation' forMantra'sAncient Ionian language was provided by Player Support Escalation Specialist 'Marowe'.
Karma was the first champion to feature an 'Art Spotlight' before release and the first to befully relaunched.She was the fifth to have more than four abilities (the others beingElise,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Lee Sin, andNidalee).
LikeJayce, Karma used to have six ranks on each basic ability and only one on herultimate.
Renewal'sroot has the longest duration in-game (3.25seconds withFocused ResolveandMantraboth fully-ranked).
In the minigameAstro Teemo, the most expensive upgrade in the game thatTeemo'scan purchase, Soul Shield, is a reference to one of Karma's pre-reworkskillsof the same name. |
Karthus,the Deathsinger | | | health: Health620+110, resource: Mana467+31, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)6.5+0.55, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)8+0.8, armor: Armor21+4.7, attack damage: Attack damage46+3.25, attack speed: Base AS0.625, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius100, release: 2009-06-12, changed: V13.22, role: Battlemage, position: JungleMiddleBottom, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 3150|790 | Games
KarthusTitlesAlias(es)The DeathsingerThe HarbingerCharacteristicsSpeciesWraith(formerlyHuman)Pronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:700 AN - 946 ANWeapon(s)Unholy MagicBlack MistPersonal statusStatusUndeadPlace of originNoxus Prime,NoxusCurrent residenceShadow IslesFamilyUnnamed Father†Unnamed Mother†Three unnamed Sisters†Professional statusOccupation(s)Death WorshipperDeath PreacherRegion(s)Shadow IslesNoxusRelated character(s)MordekaiserThreshYorickSorakaKindred
• The Deathsinger
• The Harbinger
• Wraith(formerlyHuman)
• Born:700 AN - 946 AN
• Unholy Magic
• Black Mist
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Unnamed Father†
• Unnamed Mother†
• Three unnamed Sisters†
Professional status
• Death Worshipper
• Death Preacher
• Shadow Isles
• Noxus
Related character(s)
The harbinger of oblivion,Karthusis an undying spirit whose haunting songs are a prelude to the horror of his nightmarish appearance. The living fear the eternity of undeath, butKarthussees only beauty and purity in its embrace, a perfect union of life and death. When Karthus emerges from theShadow Isles, it is to bring the joy of death to mortals as an apostle of the unliving.
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2Transformation
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Kindred
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2Transformation
• 5.1Kindred
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early life[]
Karthus was born in a poor area just outside the capital ofNoxus, living in an almshouse with other families. Fascinated with death, Karthus would sneak into the rooms of those about to die and wait beside them to watch them, intent on seeing the moment of their death. He would not see this moment until his sisters came down with the plague. He looked after them, and as they died, Karthus realized that he wanted to experience whatever was beyond death.
After the tally-men ofKindredcollected his sisters' bodies, as was custom in the parts of Noxus where they lived, Karthus followed them, asking them questions along the way. The tally-men soon accepted Karthus into their ranks, first as a grave digger, then pyre builder, then a corpse collector. Eventually, Karthus worked in the temple of the tally-men, tending to the sick in their final moments. As they died, he asked them what they saw and what layed beyond death.
After watching many more die in front of him and getting unsatisfying answers from those that he questioned, Karthus decided that he couldn't learn any more from the living. so he would instead try to learn from the dead. After learning of theShadow Islesfrom the dying people that he questioned, he decided to leave the order of tally-men and journey to the Isles himself.
After a long journey, Karthus finally arrived at the shores of the Shadow Isles. As the Black Mist entered Karthus and ravaged his body and soul, his desire to transcend mortality stopped him from dying. Instead, his body was transformed, and he was put into the threshold between life and death. Karthus decided to preach death to the rest of the world, and as he killed the fisherman that brought him to the Isles, he vowed to bring death to all.
Karthus is a thin man wraith with unnaturally colored skin, pale white in some areas and pure black in others. There is blue light eminating from the crevices where his eyes and mouth would be. He wears the traditional clothes of a member of the tally-men ofKindred, dark red and grey robes with armored cuffs and shoulderblades. He carries the staff of a tally-man of Kindred, with a grey handle and a spike at its tip. He also carries a book with him, with it likely containing either prepared laments for the dead or spells and enchantments, possibly both.
Karthus has pledged to bringing death to the world. He sees life as a crutch and an obstacle from reaching the true potential and knowledge that humanity has to offer. He feels no remorse for those he kills, as he sees them as freed and at their true potential.
• Wraith:Karthus is one of the Shadow Isles's wraiths, created when the Ruination came to be. The Black Mist consumes one original personality, leaving only a specter consumed by negative emotions and obsessions. In Karthus case, he became an spirit that sings for the dead.Amortality:Being already dead, Karthus can't die again. He can only be banished and loose his material form for a while.Spiritual Construction:Wraiths can create solid constructs from spectral energy, such as bodies and physical objects. These constructs mainly base themselves around how they looked in life.Transitory State:Being ethereal beings, Wraiths can shift from the physical world and spiritual one at will. This means they can become intangible and invisible, and disappear from one place to another.
• Amortality:Being already dead, Karthus can't die again. He can only be banished and loose his material form for a while.
• Spiritual Construction:Wraiths can create solid constructs from spectral energy, such as bodies and physical objects. These constructs mainly base themselves around how they looked in life.
• Transitory State:Being ethereal beings, Wraiths can shift from the physical world and spiritual one at will. This means they can become intangible and invisible, and disappear from one place to another.
Karthus was a tally-man ofKindredand, he still wears the vestments and carries the staff, which he still etches every time he 'releases' a mortal soul from life.
Read More
The Deathsinger
ByGraham McNeill
Starring Champion
Short Story • 4 Minute Read
Burial at Sea
ByGraham McNeill
The sea was mirror-smooth and dark. A pirate's moon hung low on the horizon as it had for the last six nights. Not so much as a whisper of wind stirred the air, only that damned dirge carried from who knew where. Vionax had sailed the oceans around Noxus long enough to know that seas like this only ever presaged ill-fortune. She stood on the Darkwill's foredeck, training her spyglass on the far ocean, searching for anything she could use to plot their position.
Mentioned Champion
The Princeling's Lament
ByGraham McNeill
Scrape the bench of sunless moss.
Starring: N/A
Alternate Universes
Short Story
Attack of the Demon Poros
Clash of Fates
Starring:Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Cho'Gath,Evelynn,Jax,Karthus,Kayle,Master Yi,Nunu,Rammus,Ryze,Singed,Sivir,Soraka,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Warwick,Willump,Zilean
Crystal Quest: Series 1
Mentioned:Anivia,Ashe,Braum,Bristle,Caitlyn,Camille,Elise,Ezreal,Garen,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Illaoi,Ivern,Katarina,Kled,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lucian,Nami,Olaf,Poppy,Ryze,Senna,Singed,Skaarl,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Veigar,Vi,Zac
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
Just One More
Every League of Legends player knows what it's like to chase the next win. Inspired by the true story of the five North American League of Legends players with the longest losing streak in one sitting. It's On.
Music Video
Pentakill II: Grasp of the Undying
No one shreds like the undead.
Music Video
Pentakill III: Lost Chapter
Join Karthus, Mordekaiser, Sona, Yorick, Olaf, and Kayle to do battle with Viego and the Dissonant One, as the future of all Metal hangs in the balance...
Music Video
Pentakill: Smite and Ignite
The era of metal has begun.
Short Story
The Man with the Grinning Shadow
ByJared Rosen
“You the marshal?”
A Fireside Frightener
ByLuchador Teemo,ZeOcelot
Academy Adventures: Series 1
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Akali,Amumu,Anivia,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Braum,Cho'Gath,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fiora,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Ivern,Jhin,Jinx,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nidalee,Olaf,Poppy,Rek'Sai,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Shen,Sion,Sona,Soraka,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tristana,Trundle,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Vel'Koz,Vi,Yorick,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Olaf vs Everything: Series 2
ByTom Barton
Mentioned:Ahri,Aurelion Sol,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Gnar,Illaoi,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Nagakabouros,Ornn,Renekton,Skarner,Teemo,Tryndamere,Urgot,Vel'Koz,Vi,Viktor,Vladimir,Warwick,Zyra
Playtime with Gnar: Series 1
ByRachel J. Corey
Mentioned:Amumu,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Darius,Draven,Karthus,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Malzahar,Nocturne,Nunu,Rengar,Twisted Fate,Willump
Short Story
The Dissonant Verses
ByIan St. Martin
I: Herald of the Forbidden God
The Tale of the Poro King
By Numerous creators
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aatrox,Akali,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Darius,Diana,Draven,Ezreal,Gnar,Illaoi,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kai'Sa,Karma,Karthus,Katarina,Kayle,Kayn,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nunu,Ornn,Pantheon,Pyke,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Rhaast,Ryze,Sejuani,Shen,Sion,Sivir,Soraka,Sylas,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Thresh,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Vi,Volibear,Willump,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs,Zoe
• Unlike most Shadow Isles champions who have a direct relation tothe Ruined Kingand/or the Ruination that destroyed the Isles, Karthus is one of two champions with no connection to the Isles' origin.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Death Defied, Description: Innate: Upon taking fatal damage , Karthus enters a zombie state for 7 seconds, during which he can cast his abilities at no cost. If Defile has been learned, it will remain toggled on for Death Defied's entire duration. Requiem becomes disabled after Death Defied has lasted 4 seconds. While under this state, Karthus becomes untargetable and immune to crowd control as well as prevents all incoming damage, but is also rendered unable to move, declare basic attacks , use summoner spells , and activate items . Link ▶️ "I am become death!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Death Defied'suntargetabilitydoes notdestroyin-flightprojectiles.", 'Karthuscannot beexecutedby theAspect of the DragonduringDeath Defied.', 'At the start ofDeath Defied,Karthusis set to1 health.Karthuscan still regenerate his health over the duration, but he will always die at the end of it.', 'Karthuscan still regenerate his health over the duration, but he will always die at the end of it.', 'AfterDeath Defiedends, the corpse ofKarthuswill retainunit collisiondespite being dead on the ground.', "Karthus'mana bardrains over the duration ofDeath Defiedas an indicator of his time remaining in this state.", 'Zombie states trigger upon takinglethal damage.Raw damageeffects will not prevent zombie states from triggering.', 'Raw damageeffects will not prevent zombie states from triggering.', 'Allresurrectioneffects will take precedence over effects that reanimate as a zombie.', 'A champion that enters a zombie state will start their death timer upon triggering the effect.', "Most buffs and debuffs will be lost upon transitioning into a zombie state.Those that persist through death, such asBrand'sBlaze, will remain.Undisplayed marker buffs, such as those imposed byVeigar'sEvent HorizonandViktor'sGravity Fieldto prevent being affected multiple times by the same effect, will be lost.(bug)This does not apply when transitioning from one zombie state to another zombie state.(bug)", "Those that persist through death, such asBrand'sBlaze, will remain.", "Undisplayed marker buffs, such as those imposed byVeigar'sEvent HorizonandViktor'sGravity Fieldto prevent being affected multiple times by the same effect, will be lost.(bug)", 'This does not apply when transitioning from one zombie state to another zombie state.(bug)', "Units within a zombie state cannot:UseRecallorCorrupting Potion/Refillable Potion.Activateresurrectioneffects.TakeDark Passage,Catapult, orgates.Pick up theEye of the Herald.Be targeted by the following:BailoutChronoshiftUmbral Trespass.Be affected by the following:Curse of the Black MistFear Beyond Death'schain missileTest of Spirit'sinitial missileLamb's RespiteRealm of DeathFountainhealth restore", 'UseRecallorCorrupting Potion/Refillable Potion.', 'Activateresurrectioneffects.', 'TakeDark Passage,Catapult, orgates.', 'Pick up theEye of the Herald.', 'Be targeted by the following:BailoutChronoshiftUmbral Trespass.', 'Bailout', 'Chronoshift', 'Umbral Trespass.', "Be affected by the following:Curse of the Black MistFear Beyond Death'schain missileTest of Spirit'sinitial missileLamb's RespiteRealm of DeathFountainhealth restore", 'Curse of the Black Mist', "Fear Beyond Death'schain missile", "Test of Spirit'sinitial missile", "Lamb's Respite", 'Realm of Death', 'Fountainhealth restore', 'Duration changed to 5 seconds.']} | Name: Lay Waste, Description: Active: Karthus conjures a blast at the target location that detonates after 0. 528 seconds to 0. 759 seconds , granting sight of the area and dealing magic damage to all enemies within, doubled when only one target is struck. Magic Damage: 43 / 61 / 79 / 97 / 115 (+ 35% AP) Enhanced Damage: 86 / 122 / 158 / 194 / 230 (+ 70% AP) During Death Defied , Lay Waste will cast at maximum range if cast beyond that., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "The delay between the cast and the detonation is inconsistent, but always matches up with the VFX.(bug)Defile'sticks beyond the first has a similar issue.", "Defile'sticks beyond the first has a similar issue.", 'Appliesspell damageif it hits a single target andarea damageif it hits multiple targets.Lay Wastealso plays a different sound effect when it only hits one target.', 'Lay Wastealso plays a different sound effect when it only hits one target.']} | Name: Wall of Pain, Description: Active: Karthus erects a wall of pain at the target location perpendicular to his facing that lasts 5 seconds, granting sight around its pillars and center. Wall Length: 800 / 900 / 1000 / 1100 / 1200 Enemies that touch the wall are inflicted with 15% magic resistance reduction and become slowed for 5 seconds, decaying over the duration. Enemies can be affected by Wall of Pain only once per cast. Slow: 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80% Reduced Slow: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40%, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'No additional details.']} | Name: Defile, Description: Passive: Karthus restores mana whenever he kills an enemy. Mana Restored: 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 Toggle: Karthus surrounds himself in a necrotic aura that deals magic damage every 0. 25 seconds to all nearby enemies. Toggling Defile off triggers a final tick of damage. Magic Damage Per Tick: 7. 5 / 12. 5 / 17. 5 / 22. 5 / 27. 5 (+ 5% AP) Damage Per Second: 30 / 50 / 70 / 90 / 110 (+ 20% AP) Defile cannot be toggled off during Death Defied ., STATIC COOLDOWN: STATICCOOLDOWN:0.5, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Toggle abilities do not count as ability activations for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.", 'Defilewill restoremanaifKarthusdestroys an enemy structure.', "Defilere-calculates its damage with each tick based on changes inKarthus'sability poweror an increase in the rank ofDefilewithout the need to toggle it off and on again.", 'Defilewill toggle off automatically ifKarthusentersresurrection.']} | Name: Requiem, Description: Active: Karthus channels for 3 seconds, then deals magic damage to all targetable enemy champions upon completion. Magic Damage: 200 / 350 / 500 (+ 75% AP) Link ▶️ "Die!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Due to several character stats needing to be recalculated each time a character spawns, castingRequiemimmediately upon respawning will cause its cooldown to be unaffected by ability haste. Damage dealt is unaffected due to cast time.(bug)', "Requiem'schannel is telegraphed to all enemy champions by a beam of light that descends on all targets, including if they areuntargetableor evendead.", 'Requiemwill affectclones.', "The damage will applyspell effectsto targets in an order based on proximity toKarthus. Single target spell effects (such asLuden's Tempest) are thus triggered on theclosestenemy champion.", 'The following table refers for interactions whileKarthusischanneling:', 'Death', 'Cast-inhibiting effects']} | The nameKarthusresembles Medieval LatinCarthusianus. |
Kassadin,the Void Walker | | | health: Health646+119, resource: Mana400+87, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)6+0.5, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)6+0.8, armor: Armor19+4, attack damage: Attack damage59+3.9, attack speed: Base AS0.64, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius120, release: 2009-08-07, changed: V13.22, role: Assassin, position: Middle, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 3150|790 | Games
KassadinMainHumanTitlesReal nameKassaiadyn(Shuriman: 'whom does the desert know')Alias(es)The Void WalkerCharacteristicsSpeciesHuman(Void Touched)Pronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:946 AN - 956 ANWeapon(s)Void StoneZaunite techNether Blade of HorokPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originSai,ShurimaCurrent residenceUnknown(No Fixed Abode)FamilyUnnamed Spouse†Kai'Sa(Daughter)Professional statusOccupation(s)Balance PreserverRegion(s)VoidFaction(s)The Preservers ofValoranRelated character(s)Kai'SaMalzahar
• Main
• Human
Real name
• Born:946 AN - 956 AN
• Void Stone
• Zaunite tech
• Nether Blade of Horok
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Unnamed Spouse†
• Kai'Sa(Daughter)
Professional status
Related character(s)
Cutting a burning swath through the darkest places of the world,Kassadinknows his days are numbered. Though once a notorious adventurer, he had chosen to live anonymously and raise a family among the nomad tribes of Shurima—until the day his daughter was claimed by the Void. Kassadin vowed to bring her back, combining a number of arcane artifacts and forbidden technologies for the struggle ahead. His precautions were not enough, however, and these devices now only serve to slow the insidious corruption that ravages his body... but he will gladly pay that price, if only he can save her...
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2The Prophet1.3Recent events
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Relations4.1Malzahar
• 5Read More5.1Biography5.2Starring Champion5.3Mentioned Champion5.4Alternate Universes
• 6Trivia
• 7Change log
• 8References
• 9See also
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2The Prophet
• 1.3Recent events
• 4.1Malzahar
• 5.1Biography
• 5.2Starring Champion
• 5.3Mentioned Champion
• 5.4Alternate Universes
Early life[]
Kassadin began his life as nothing more than a lowly orphan, hired as bait for the merchant caravans ofthe Great Saito distract the predators of the lands away from the more important goods they transported. But to the surprise of many, Kassadin survived every predator attack and instead of being hired as bait, he started being hired as a guide.
He spent many years exploring ancient ruins and guiding his employers through the Great Sai, and it was here finally gained his name;“Kas sai a dyn?”or “whom does the desert know?”, often shortened to Kassadin due to his employers inexperience in the language ofShurima. It was through this line of work where he wandered intoZirimawhere he fell in love. Kassadin and his new wife decided to settle down, south in the rocky canyons, and the two of them had adaughter.
Though he had a wife and daughter, work still required him to travel very far away, always bringing exciting tales back with him. One day though, on his way home fromPiltover, he spotted some terrified, fleeing survivors speaking of a terror that ruined their homes,the maw of the underworldthat opened up to devour everything. Kassadin hurried home as fast as his mount could travel, but when he arrived there was nothing left but rubble and ash.
The Prophet[]
After the death of his wife and daughter, and the total ruin of his home, Kassadin fell into a deep depression, spending years drowning his sorrows in Zirima. That was until he heard of some new unspeakable horror bellow the earth and sacrifices being made in its name, by an unholyprophet. He knew what happened toIcathiaand he could not let such utter devestation happen to the rest of Shurima.
He made a vow to himself and his dead wife and child to avenge their deaths by destroying this prophet beckoning the void. Kassadin is well traveled and knows he needs to be as well equiped as possible, so he set off on one last journey to arm himself with the most arcane and esoteric equipment from all overValoran. He equiped himself withZaunitetech, got blessed byIonianspirit-healers then lastly stole theNether Blade of Horok, the bladed gauntlet of the firstAscendedto fight against the void. His last stop now was Icathia where he would have his vengeance, no matter what.
Recent events[]
Now Kassadin wanders what was formerly Icathia, killing anything theVoidthrows at him, his flesh, mind and spirit slowly corrupting from the dangerous artifacts he carries and from the corrupting nature of the Void, but his resolve unshaking.
Kassadin'sbody has been heavily modified . His skin has turned a sickly shade of blue, if that even is his skin anymore. On his head he wears a Zaunite helmet made in a deep metal with purple embellishments and with two large metal horns on either side. The helmet itself resembes a gas mask with two metal tubes that go from the helmet to Kassadin's back. He wears two large spiked shoulder pads in the same metal and with the same embellishments as his helmet, he also wears two metal gauntlets in the same style. Other than that he is shirtless, exposing his blue skin. And to cover his lower body he wears a dark purple skirt which reaches down and covers his feet. On his right arm he wields theNether Blade of Horok.
Kassadin has become a cold and nihilistic man. He is fixated on delivering justice, but equally wishes for the monsters of the void to strike him down so he may join his wife and child. Either way, he will defy the Void until the very end.
Kassadin andMalzaharare polar opposites. While Kassadin tries to fight the void, Malzahar tries to bring it to Runeterra, therefore Kassadin has sworn to kill him.
Read More
The Void Walker
ByAriel Lawrence
Starring Champion
Short Story
Whom Does the Desert Know?
ByLaurie Goulding
Shurima is dying. I do not think she will rise again.
Mentioned Champion
Daughter of the Void
ByMichael McCarthy
Short Story
ByJared Rosen
“Okay,” Kai’Sa pants...
Alternate Universes
Short Story
Ambition's Embrace
ByMichael Yichao
Bound by darkness.
Starring:Ashe,Kassadin,Lulu,Lux,Master Yi,Rakan,Thresh,Xayah,Xin Zhao
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Since its inception, Worlds has grown and evolved. Each unbelievable play and phenomenal match created moments and memories that will never be forgotten. In these iconic moments, players and teams reached for something incredible within themselves and brought it to life on the Summoner’s Rift...
Starring:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Brand,Caitlyn,Darius,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Gnar,Janna,Jax,Jayce,Jinx,Kassadin,Katarina,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lulu,Orianna,Rek'Sai,Rengar,Rumble,Ryze,Shen,Sivir,Tahm Kench,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Yasuo,Ziggs
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
Harmonies: Issue 4
ByMichael Yichao
Kai'Sa dances through life, finding her way to present moment as a part of K/DA.
Short Story
Interview: Inside K/DA
ByPopRox,Indu Reddy
PopRox chats with K/DA on their style, personal life, and success after POP/STARS.
Music Video
Take Over
By Numerous creators
We're Taking Over.
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Caitlyn,Galio,Jarvan IV,Kassadin,Lee Sin,Thresh,Xayah
• In-universe, this former pathfinder's by-nameKassadinis a modified version of the foreign phrase“Kas sai a dyn?""whom does the desert know?" to describe his talents.
• Even though he is fromShurima, his ties to his homeland are very weak, due to his preoccupation with theVoid.
• Ezreal'sparents may have been the ones who employedKassadinto search for Ne'Zuk's tomb and found both Horok's tomb and hisNether Bladebut he originally did not dare to take it.[1]As shown inWarriors, items like this may be used to prevent Void creatures and will trap those inside the tomb once moved. The tomb has since been claimed by theVoid, which may explain their disappearance.[2]BothKassadin'sNether Bladeand Ezreal's gauntlet originally belonged to Horok. Ne'Zuk likely took the gauntlet after killing Horok.[3]As seen in hisWild Riftmodel, Kassadin's gauntlet used to be gold, like Ezreal's.[4]
• As shown inWarriors, items like this may be used to prevent Void creatures and will trap those inside the tomb once moved. The tomb has since been claimed by theVoid, which may explain their disappearance.[2]
• BothKassadin'sNether Bladeand Ezreal's gauntlet originally belonged to Horok. Ne'Zuk likely took the gauntlet after killing Horok.[3]As seen in hisWild Riftmodel, Kassadin's gauntlet used to be gold, like Ezreal's.[4]
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Void Stone, Description: Innate: Kassadin is permanently ghosted and takes 10% reduced magic damage ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'No additional details.']} | Name: Null Sphere, Description: Active: Kassadin fires an orb of void energy at the target enemy that deals magic damage and disrupts their ongoing channels . Magic Damage: 65 / 95 / 125 / 155 / 185 (+ 70% AP) He also gains a shield that absorbs magic damage for 1. 5 seconds. Magic Shield Strength: 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200 (+ 30% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Thedisruptis 'wrapped' into a status effect that says the target isSilencedfor 0.25seconds, but it does not actuallysilence. It however makes sure that thedisruptis prevented byimmunity to silences.", 'The shield is granted at the start of the cast time.', 'Base damage changed to 100 / 127.5/ 155 / 182.5/ 210.']} | Name: Nether Blade, Description: Passive: Kassadin's basic attacks deal 20 (+ 10% AP) bonus magic damage on-hit . Active: Kassadin empowers his next basic attack within 5 seconds to have an uncancellable windup , gain 50 bonus range , deal increased bonus magic damage , and restore mana , with the restoration amount quintupled against champions . Increased Bonus Magic Damage: 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 (+ 80% AP) Mana Restored: 4 / 4. 5 / 5 / 5. 5 / 6% of missing mana Mana Restored Against Champions: 20 / 22. 5 / 25 / 27. 5 / 30% of missing mana Nether Blade resets Kassadin's basic attack timer., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'parries': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'The passive damage appliesproc damageand the active damage appliesspell damage.', 'The enhanced attack will apply otheron-hit effectsand cancritically strikeas normal.', 'Nether Bladewill not grant mana if the attack isdodgedor if itmisses, but will do so if the attack isblocked. In all cases the damage is parried.', 'Spell shieldwill block theactivedamage but not thepassiveone.', 'The passivebonusdamage applies to structures.', 'The empowered attack will trigger but not be consumed nor apply its effects againststructures.', 'Base damage changed to 75 / 111.25/ 147.5/ 183.75/ 220.']} | Name: Force Pulse, Description: Passive: Each time Kassadin or a nearby champion casts an ability , Force Pulse's current cooldown is reduced by 0. 75 seconds. Active: Kassadin emits a pulse of void energy in a cone in the target direction that deals magic damage to enemies hit and slows them for 1 second. Magic Damage: 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 (+ 80% AP) Slow: 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90%, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Untargetablechampions do not grant stacks upon ability activations.', "Toggle abilitiesand transformation abilities do not count as ability activations andwill notreduceForce Pulse'scooldown.", 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.']} | Name: Riftwalk, Description: Active: Kassadin blinks toward the target location, dealing magic damage to all nearby enemies upon arrival. He then gains a stack of Riftwalk for 15 seconds, refreshing on subsequent casts and stacking up to 4 times. Magic Damage: 70 / 90 / 110 (+ 50% AP) (+ 2% maximum mana) Riftwalk: For each stack, Riftwalk deals bonus magic damage at an increased mana cost . Bonus Damage Per Stack: 35 / 45 / 55 (+ 10% AP) (+ 1% maximum mana) Maximum Bonus Damage: 140 / 180 / 220 (+ 40% AP) (+ 4% maximum mana) Maximum Magic Damage: 210 / 270 / 330 (+ 90% AP) (+ 6% maximum mana) Riftwalk will cast at max range if cast beyond that., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Flashcan be used during the cast time, allowingKassadinto blink further away.', 'Cooldown is set to 3 / 2 / 1 seconds.*', 'Maximum Riftwalk stacks reduced to 2.', 'Base damage changed to 100 / 120 / 140.', 'Bonus damage per stack changed to 45 / 55 / 65.']} | Kassadin's dance references theSprinklerdance.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.
Kassadin's breathing might be referencingDarth Vader'sfromStar Wars.
Kassadin has been disabled for everyUltra Rapid Fireedition except forSnow Battle ARURF. This is most likely because he would have been (and be) able toRiftwalkthe entirety ofSummoner's Riftin seconds.
Kassadin was named afterJeff 'Kassadin' Jew, the Lead Producer ofLegends of Runeterra.Ezreal,RyzeandTryndamereare also named after Rioters' nicknames. |
Katarina,the Sinister Blade,Katarina Du Couteau | | | health: Health672+108, resource: ResourceN/A, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)7.5+0.7, resource regen: Resource regen.N/A, armor: Armor28+4.7, attack damage: Attack damage58+3.2, attack speed: Base AS0.658, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius120, release: 2009-09-19, changed: V13.15, role: Assassin, position: Middle, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 3150|790 | Missing section(s):
KatarinaMainCurrent 1Current 2TitlesReal nameKatarina Du CouteauNickname(s)Dereen(Undercover)Alias(es)The Sinister BladeCharacteristicsSpeciesHumanPronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:966 AN - 971 ANWeapon(s)Infused DaggersPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originNoxus Prime,NoxusCurrent residenceNoxus Prime,NoxusFamilyMarcus Du Couteau†(Father)Soreana Du Couteau(Mother)Talon Du Couteau(Adopted Brother)Cassiopeia Du Couteau(Sister)Professional statusOccupation(s)House Du Couteau's HeadmistressRegion(s)NoxusFaction(s)Du Couteau HouseRelated character(s)CassiopeiaSionTalonGarenSwainDariusLuxJarvan III
• Main
• Current 1
• Current 2
Real name
• Dereen(Undercover)
• Born:966 AN - 971 AN
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Marcus Du Couteau†(Father)
• Soreana Du Couteau(Mother)
• Talon Du Couteau(Adopted Brother)
• Cassiopeia Du Couteau(Sister)
Professional status
Related character(s)
Decisive in judgment and lethal in combat,Katarinais aNoxianassassin of the highest caliber. Eldest daughter to the legendaryGeneral Du Couteau, she made her talents known with swift kills against unsuspecting enemies. Her fiery ambition has driven her to pursue heavily guarded targets, even at the risk of endangering her allies—but no matter the mission, Katarina will not hesitate to execute her duty amid a whirlwind of serrated daggers.
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2Contemporary history1.3Recent events
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2Contemporary history
• 1.3Recent events
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early life[]
Katarina was born the eldest daughter of Marcus Du Couteau often won the attention of theirmother, Katarina was raised under the tutelage and guidance of her father to become one of the most precise assassins in all ofNoxus. General Du Couteau was a strict teacher who was difficult to impress, and after years of training Katarina hoped to win her father's approval and the approval of the empire by performing exceedingly complex missions, even testing different poisons on herself to test her own resistance to them.
One day, Katarina was tasked with assassinating an enemy line officer known as Demetrius, but seeing the task as a waste of her talents, Katarina disobeyed orders and instead assassinated the enemy commander. However, this proved to be a terrible error of judgment, as Demetrius took charge of the enemy forces and killed dozens of Noxian soldiers, nearly costing the general his life.
Furious with his daughter's disobedience, Marcus sent his adoptive son and protégé, the assassin known asTalon, to kill Katarina. Their battle was brief and Katarina left the encounter with her life intact, but with a new scar over her left eye. Six hours later, Katarina killed Demetrius as a recognition of her own failure, with her scar as a permanent reminder of it. Humbled by the consequences, Katarina realized she had lost her father's favor, but hoped to someday redeem herself in both his eyes and the empire by putting her talents to good use.
Contemporary history[]
Following a coup, Grand GeneralBoram Darkwillwas publicly executed by the demonic magic ofSwain, who seized power and established theTrifarixin Darkwill's place. Four years later, Katarina's father mysteriously went missing, and Katarina assumed he had been killed. Still, as a supporter of the new regime, Katarina made certain to make her skills known to Swain, and in time, rose to a position as one of his most loyal and deadly assassins. She spent the next few years eliminating Swain's political rivals, cutting down rogue warbands, and silencing those who still believed in Darkwill's reign. This, Katarina believed, was to ensure a brighter future for a Noxus without tyrants or prejudice, where all people in the empire would be given the chance to thrive.
Recent events[]
Katarina was assigned a covert mission to the Great City ofDemacia, where she was to assassinateLuxanna CrownguardandKing Jarvan IIIduring the chaos ofSylas' Mage Rebellion. Before setting out, she was shocked to discover that her father, Marcus Du Couteau, had in fact faked his own death on Swain's order. Mistrustful of Swain, Marcus advised Katarina that the Grand General had betrayed them both and intended for her to die. Still, Katarina decided to follow through on her mission anyway, as succeeding an impossible mission would ensure her family's safety from Swain's regime.
Upon finding Lux, who Swain had deemed a threat to Noxus, Katarina decided against killing her, as she sympathized with the rejection the young mage felt from her family and realized Lux did not agree with the corrupt Demacian hierarchy. Nonetheless, she judged Jarvan III to be both a tyrant and a traitor to his people, as he oppressed mages just because they had the strength to overthrow him. After sneaking into his saferoom, Katarina killed the king and escaped undetected by the surviving Demacian guards, who then pinned the assassination on Sylas and his rebellion.
After killing Jarvan III, Katarina proceeded to try and escape from Demacia, she climbed to the highest tower of the castle and saw that the only way out was the great gates of the city which were closing due to Sylas attack. However, her escape attempt was interrupted by the arrival of Garen, who was told that she was a mage and was helping Sylas by Jaredin. The two engaged in a short but fierce fight that abruptly ended after they witnessed an explosion that signalled the start of the mage rebellion. Seeing that they couldn't stay longer, the two parted ways, and Katarina re-focused on trying to escape Demacia.
As she continued climbing and jumping across the roofs of the city, grateful for the tremendous distraction that Lux was causing, Katarina found a winged guardian with her silver wing, Katarina stealthily put her dagger to his throat.The guardian warned him that if he killed him, his silverwing would not obey her, since the bird was only loyal to him. Katarina, smiling, began to force the soldier to give orders to his bird and the two flew out of the city. But out of nowhere the arrow from a crossbow ended up hitting the rider, alarming her mount, which got upset and threw Katarina from her back but not before scratching her in the ribs and breaking one of her daggers. It is revealed that Captain Jaredin was responsible for shooting that arrow.
Katarina fell abruptly to the ground, remaining unconscious till the next day, when she found out she had fortunately landed on a magical snail in one of Demacia's magical forests. She quickly made it back to the teahouse to tell Drann of her adventures, and the two discuss the person who Captain Jaredin actually is along with who was really in the wrong. Realising that things may not be what she thought, Katarina resolved to return to her home to confront Talon about the truth.
Katarina is portrayed as a beauty slender woman with an athletic and voluptuous physique, she has peach skin, full red lips and the things that stand out the most about her appearance are her long dark cherry-colored hair and her piercing emerald green eyes, with a scar on her left eye.
She usually wears a rather revealing assassin uniform made of black and gray leather which reveals her abdomen with several dark blue Noxian tattoos, she wears leather heeled boots and a small leather jacket.
As heir to a house of assassins, Katarina had pursued her father's approval for many years, but always remained short of his standards. Having lost the respect of her parents, Katarina developed her own ideals as a noxian. Rather than chase legacies, she would use her skills to make a Noxus that she believes in. She is a firm believer in individual merit, and recognizes the benefit of having allies, especially those of different skillsets. Therefore, she finds mutual appreciation under the Trifarix.
As an assassin, Katarina is an agile fighter, can quickly plan her strategies, and has a keen eye for the subtlest of clues. Behind these instincts, her personal code of conduct dictates how she would kill targets based on how honorable she regards them, also shows a somewhat flirtatious personality with Garen.
• Agile Combat Mastery: Katarina is both agile and quick, capable of performing acrobatic maneuvers in the midst of battle and proving difficult to seize when the fight seems over.
• Stealth Mastery: As an assassin, Katarina is trained to infiltrate heavy security in order to approach her target. Her stealth is comprised of part silence and part elusiveness.
• Knife Mastery: Katarina's ambidexterity makes excellent use of twin daggers.
• Blade Bond: Katarina's blood bond with her blades allows her to retrieve them telekinetically or reappear next to them at the blink of an eye.
• Infused Daggers: Katarina possesses twin daggers infused with her blood by a hemomancy ritual. Drann gifted these blades to replace the Daggers of Du Couteau.
• Daggers of Du Couteau: Katarina inherited twin daggers for her assassin profession. One shattered during her assignment in Demacia, and she gave the other to Talon.
Read More
The Sinister Blade
ByAnthony Burch
Mentioned:Cassiopeia,Marcus Du Couteau,Soreana Du Couteau,Talon
Starring Champion
Katarina: Issue 1
ByScott Hawkes
The kingdom of Demacia is in chaos! While the Great City has its focus on Sylas and his mage rebellion, a cunning, redheaded assassin, Katarina, lurks in the shadows. Focused on executing the most dangerous mission of her life, she hopes to finally live up to her father’s impossible expectations. However, when she is forced to choose between the mission and her own instincts, will she have to betray Noxus’ Master of Assassins?
Starring:Drann,Katarina,Khogan,Marcus Du Couteau,Rache,Talon
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill,Soreana Du Couteau,Swain
Katarina: Issue 2
ByScott Hawkes
The kingdom of Demacia is in chaos! While the Great City has its focus on Sylas and his mage rebellion, a cunning, redheaded assassin, Katarina, lurks in the shadows. Focused on executing the most dangerous mission of her life, she hopes to finally live up to her father’s impossible expectations. However, when she is forced to choose between the mission and her own instincts, will she have to betray Noxus’ Master of Assassins?
Starring:Arrika,Jarvan III,Katarina,Lux,Marcus Du Couteau
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill,Garen,Soreana Du Couteau,Swain,Sylas,Talon
Katarina: Issue 3
ByScott Hawkes
The kingdom of Demacia is in chaos! While the Great City has its focus on Sylas and his mage rebellion, a cunning, redheaded assassin, Katarina, lurks in the shadows. Focused on executing the most dangerous mission of her life, she hopes to finally live up to her father’s impossible expectations. However, when she is forced to choose between the mission and her own instincts, will she have to betray Noxus’ Master of Assassins?
Mentioned:Arrika,Drann,Jarvan III,Lux,Marcus Du Couteau,Swain,Sylas
Katarina: Issue 4
ByScott Hawkes
The kingdom of Demacia is in chaos! While the Great City has its focus on Sylas and his mage rebellion, a cunning, redheaded assassin, Katarina, lurks in the shadows. Focused on executing the most dangerous mission of her life, she hopes to finally live up to her father’s impossible expectations. However, when she is forced to choose between the mission and her own instincts, will she have to betray Noxus’ Master of Assassins?
Mentioned:Cassiopeia,Jarvan III,Marcus Du Couteau,Rache,Soreana Du Couteau,Swain,Zed
Katarina: Issue 5
ByScott Hawkes
The kingdom of Demacia is in chaos! While the Great City has its focus on Sylas and his mage rebellion, a cunning, redheaded assassin, Katarina, lurks in the shadows. Focused on executing the most dangerous mission of her life, she hopes to finally live up to her father’s impossible expectations. However, when she is forced to choose between the mission and her own instincts, will she have to betray Noxus’ Master of Assassins?
Starring:Drann,Jaredan,Katarina,Marcus Du Couteau,Swain
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill,Garen,Jarvan III,LeBlanc,Lux,Mordekaiser,Soreana Du Couteau,Sylas,Talon
Short Story
Message on a Blade's Edge
ByMichael Yichao
An assassin's blades are but one of her weapons. Know your mark. Know the killing ground. Anything can be a tool to secure the kill.
Short Story
The Name of the Blade
ByIan St. Martin
There is copper in the air.
Mentioned Champion
The Mageseeker
ByDigital Sun
In the kingdom of Demacia, the Mageseekers hold the power to oppress magic-using citizens in the name of public order–by inducting and indoctrinating them, locking them away, or driving them into hiding. Play as Sylas, a spell-stealing mage who has just broken free of his unjust captivity at the Mageseekers’ hands. Wielding the chains that once bound you, you must liberate your homeland from tyranny, one Mageseeker at a time.
Starring:Aidan,Eldred,Garen,Gideon,Hesbeth,Jarvan IV,Kara,Killan,Leilani,Lux,Morgana,Rayn,Rukko,Shyvana,Sylas,Wisteria,Yops
Mentioned:Aatrox,Anden Mayne,Dalin,Dominick,Evelynn,Falden,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Jaredan,Jarvan III,Katarina,Kayle,LeBlanc,Mihira,Naafiri,Nocturne,Rhaast,Ryze,Sion,Tianna,Varus
The Serpent's Embrace
ByIan St. Martin
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill,Katarina,Marcus Du Couteau,Sivir,Soreana Du Couteau,Swain
Alternate Universes
A New Dawn
Day breaks over a landscape consecrated by blood and steel. A battle begins as a new dawn rises.
A Twist of Fate
The battle seems decided... until there is a Twist of Fate.
Starring:Annie,Fiddlesticks,Garen,Katarina,Nocturne,Ryze,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate
Short Story
Battle Queen Crests
ByCat Manning,Jared Rosen
To be a Battle Queen is to see with open eyes. As you complete Keystone Crest Missions, you’ll be rewarded with a story of nobility.
Enemy of my Enemy
Two sworn enemies discover a newfound respect for each other when they're forced to put their differences aside and work together against a common enemy.
Fight for Yours
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Since its inception, Worlds has grown and evolved. Each unbelievable play and phenomenal match created moments and memories that will never be forgotten. In these iconic moments, players and teams reached for something incredible within themselves and brought it to life on the Summoner’s Rift...
Starring:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Brand,Caitlyn,Darius,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Gnar,Janna,Jax,Jayce,Jinx,Kassadin,Katarina,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lulu,Orianna,Rek'Sai,Rengar,Rumble,Ryze,Shen,Sivir,Tahm Kench,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Yasuo,Ziggs
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
Welcome to League of Legends
Starring:Alistar,Ashe,Cho'Gath,Katarina,Kayle,Master Yi,Morgana,Nasus,Ryze,Warwick
Crystal Quest: Series 1
Mentioned:Anivia,Ashe,Braum,Bristle,Caitlyn,Camille,Elise,Ezreal,Garen,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Illaoi,Ivern,Katarina,Kled,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lucian,Nami,Olaf,Poppy,Ryze,Senna,Singed,Skaarl,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Veigar,Vi,Zac
Mac Client Available
Starring:Dr. Mundo
Mentioned:Amumu,Ashe,Caitlyn,Ezreal,Fizz,Gragas,Graves,Katarina,Master Yi,Miss Fortune,Mordekaiser,Orianna,Riven,Ryze,Singed,Soraka,Viktor,Zac,Ziggs
Punches and Plants: Series 1
Mentioned:Ahri,Alistar,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Braum,Caitlyn,Darius,Diana,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Evelynn,Ezreal,Gangplank,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jinx,Karma,Katarina,Leona,Lucian,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Nunu,Quinn,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Sivir,Sona,Soraka,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Valor,Varus,Vel'Koz,Vladimir,Volibear,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Zac,Ziggs
Represent Your House
Which side will you choose?
Starring: N/A
The Roadtrip
ByCassie Parkes,Marvin Clifford
Mentioned:Ahri,Ashe,Azir,Bard,Braum,Darius,Fiddlesticks,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Irelia,Jinx,Kalista,Katarina,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Lulu,Master Yi,Nami,Poppy,Rakan,Shaco,Sona,Swain,Taric,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Varus,Xayah,Yasuo,Zilean
Short Story
The Stranger on the Road
ByRiver Jaffe
The road from Tenacity to Progress was a flat, barren thing, unspooling across miles and miles of cactus country from one edge of the sky to the other.
Mentioned:Ashe,Katarina,Leona,Mordekaiser,Senna,Tahm Kench,Twitch,Varus
The Tale of the Poro King
By Numerous creators
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aatrox,Akali,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Darius,Diana,Draven,Ezreal,Gnar,Illaoi,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kai'Sa,Karma,Karthus,Katarina,Kayle,Kayn,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nunu,Ornn,Pantheon,Pyke,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Rhaast,Ryze,Sejuani,Shen,Sion,Sivir,Soraka,Sylas,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Thresh,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Vi,Volibear,Willump,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs,Zoe
Welcome Aboard
Consider this your invite to join the greatest crew in the galaxy.
• Katarina is at least in her mid- to late 20s, having been present during the Ionian war.
• There's nothing to suggest Katarina is a mage, or has any innate magical power. However, the nature of her blades is unclear.[1]The Katarina comic revealed they do have a magical nature, they have been infused with blood in a hemomancy ritual.
• As suggested bySwainandUrgot, Katarina knows the truth about the disappearance of her father, who was killed by Swain after his attempted assassination.It was confirmed in the Katarina comic that Katarina's father actually faked his death with the help ofTalon. However, after the final fight between him and Katarina, he was killed off for real by Swain.
• The Katarina comic revealed they do have a magical nature, they have been infused with blood in a hemomancy ritual.
• It was confirmed in the Katarina comic that Katarina's father actually faked his death with the help ofTalon. However, after the final fight between him and Katarina, he was killed off for real by Swain.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Voracity, Description: Innate: Scoring a champion takedown within 3 seconds of damaging them will reduce the current cooldowns of Katarina's abilities by 15 seconds. Innate - Sinister Steel: Whenever Katarina retrieves a Dagger , she slashes around to deal 68 − 240 (based on level) (+ 60% bonus AD) (+ 70 / 80 / 90 / 100% (based on level) AP) magic damage to nearby enemies and against champions additionally applying on-hit effects at 100% effectiveness. This also reduces Shunpo's current cooldown by 78 / 84 / 90 / 96% (based on level) of its total cooldown. Daggers grant sight of their radius and will disappear after being on the ground for 4 seconds., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'parries': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Voracity'scooldown reduction will still take effect even afterKatarinadies.", "TheDagger'sarea of effect indicator is displayed even before it lands, althoughKatarinamay not slash until it has. This can be targeted byShunpo.", 'Daggerswill still deal damage but not apply on-hit effects ifdodged. They cannot beblockednor can they be missed whileKatarinaisblinded.', 'Single-use on-hit effects, such asSpellblade, will apply to the closest target toKatarinawhen she uses aDagger.', 'Bonus AD ratio changed to80%bonusAD.', 'Passive cooldown reduction changed to 20 seconds.']} | Name: Bouncing Blade, Description: Active: Katarina throws a Dagger at the target enemy that deals magic damage and can bounce to up to two additional nearby enemies. Magic Damage: 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200 (+ 35% AP) The Dagger then lands onto the ground after 1 second, about 350 units opposite from where it struck the first target. The target does not have to be visible for the Dagger to bounce to them., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Bouncing Bladewill not be destroyed in-flight if the target dies before reaching them but it will onclonesthat expire.', "If theDagger's intended landing position is inside terrain it will instead land at the closest spot that isn't inside terrain.", 'If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the cast time, this ability will cancel but does not go oncooldownnor pay its cost (if applicable).', 'AP ratio changed to50% AP.']} | Name: Preparation, Description: Active: Katarina tosses a Dagger into the air above her current location and gains bonus movement speed that decays until it lands after 1. 25 seconds, becoming ghosted for the same duration. Bonus Movement speed: 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90%, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'No additional details.']} | Name: Shunpo, Description: Active: Katarina blinks to the target location around the target unit or Dagger , dealing magic damage to the nearest enemy in range and applying on-hit effects at 100% effectiveness. Magic Damage: 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 / 80 (+ 40% AD) (+ 25% AP) Shunpo resets Katarina's basic attack timer. Upon blinking, Katarina enters a 0. 15 -second cast time., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation/Unit', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'parries': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Shunpocan be used on any unit exceptstructuresandwards.', "Shunpocan be cast onDaggersthat haven't landed yet.", 'Shunpoprioritizes damaging enemy champions within range at the targetted location.', "IfKatarinaShunpo'son an ally, any attack command she is given during its cast time will be negated, and every movement command will be delayed by 1 second (starting at the start of the cast time).", 'Shunposhould be an instant ability but it has extra logic to consider which makes it have a short cast time.', 'Flashcan be used during cast time but it will not cancel the blink.', 'If the target is very close to a wall andKatarinatargetsShunpobehind the target, she can blink over the wall.', 'Shunpowill still deal damage but not apply on-hit effects ifdodged. It cannot beblockednor can it be missed whileKatarinaisblinded.', 'Shunpodoes not require the enemy to be within targeting range to damage them. It only requires them to be within the max range around a unit thatShunpoallows them to blink to.', 'Death, unless protected byResurrection', 'Base damage changed to 50 / 65 / 80 / 95 / 110.', 'AD ratio changed to50% AD.', 'AP ratio changed to35% AP.']} | Name: Death Lotus, Description: Active: Katarina channels for up to 2. 5 seconds, rapidly throwing a dagger every 0. 166 seconds to up to 3 of the closest nearby enemy champions, revealing herself in the process. Each dagger deals physical damage and magic damage , applies on-attack and on-hit (without applying life steal ) effects, and inflicts Grievous Wounds on the target for 3 seconds. Physical Damage Per Dagger: 16% (+ 50% per 100% bonus attack speed) bonus AD Maximum Physical Damage: 240% (+ 750% per 100% bonus attack speed) bonus AD Magic Damage Per Dagger: 25 / 37. 5 / 50 (+ 19% AP) Maximum Magic Damage: 375 / 562. 5 / 750 (+ 285% AP) On-Attack/On-Hit Effectiveness: 30 / 35 / 40% An enemy champion within 500 units is required to cast this ability. The target does not have to be visible to be hit by this ability., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'parries': 'Bypass', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Tips & Tricks', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'An alternate form of writing the formula for thebonus ADratio (and which the game data is using internally) is(16%\xa0×\xa0(1+ 312.5% per 100%bonusattack speed)bonusAD).At level 6,Katarinahas a minimum of 10.82%bonusattack speed.The minimum physical damage per dagger is21.41%bonusAD.', 'At level 6,Katarinahas a minimum of 10.82%bonusattack speed.The minimum physical damage per dagger is21.41%bonusAD.', 'The minimum physical damage per dagger is21.41%bonusAD.', "Inadditionto already revealing herself,Katarinawillrevealher location (400 radius) for 4.5seconds every time she throws a dagger at an enemy while the enemy team does not otherwise have vision of her.(bug)Because of this, the vision onKatarina'slocation will persist for up-to 4.5seconds after the channel ends.", "Because of this, the vision onKatarina'slocation will persist for up-to 4.5seconds after the channel ends.", 'Death Lotuswill not end if no enemies remain in range.', 'Spell shieldwill block and be consumed by only one dagger.', "Each dagger counts as a separate hit for effects such asConqueror,Electrocute, andEclipse'sEver Rising Moon.", 'The following table refers for interactions whileKatarinaischanneling:', 'Death', 'Cast-inhibiting effects', 'Trying to cast a disabled active (excludingHextech Rocketbelt) will buffer it to cast at the completion of the channel.', "The ability will light up once an enemy champions gets into range, even if notvisible, revealing they're nearby.", 'Base damage per dagger changed to 50 / 62.5/ 75.', 'AP ratio per dagger changed to22% AP.']} | Katarina's name comes from Greek Αἰκατερίνα/η (Akaterine).Du Couteau (her family name) is French for "of the knife".She shared her namesake withCaitlynandKai'Sa.She may have been inspired by Katherina fromThe Taming of the ShrewbyWilliam Shakespeare.
Shunpo(pronounced: [ɕʉ͍̃mpo] shoom-poh) comes from Sino-Japanese 瞬歩 "blink step".
A framed portrait of Katarina can be seen in the game's Mac Version trailer.
Katarina -Cassiopeiais one of seven pairs of sibling champions (the others beingKayle-Morgana,Garen-Lux,Nasus-Renekton,Yasuo-Yone,Darius-Draven, andVi-Jinx).Though not a pair,Anivia,Ornn, andVolibearare also siblings.
Katarina's dance referencesNapoleon Dynamite, viaone of its portions.She used to share this dance withMaster Yi, whose old dance references the other portions until he gotreworked.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.
Voracity'soldiconwas directly edited from her secondOriginal splash art.
Katarina is one of few champions to feature two 'Champion Spotlights' due to significant gameplay changes (the others beingEzreal,Karma,Lee Sin, andSivir).
Katarina is one of the first champions to have one skin for each of the three big annual events of the year -Lunar Revel,HarrowingandSnowdown Showdown. She andNidaleereceived theirWarring Kingdomsas the skin that gave them this distinction in 2015.The other one isJinxwhen she receivedAmbitious Elf Jinxin 2017.Anniealmost became another champion that fulfilled the criteria afterPanda Anniewas released in 2013. However,Frostfire Anniewas not released during theSnowdown Showdownevent.
A functional real-life replica of Katarina'sDaggerswas crafted in an episode of YouTube seriesMan At Arms: Reforged.This video can be viewedhere.There are also videos where the following are crafted:Diana'sCrescent Moonblade(functional)Leona'sZenith Blade(functional)Master Yi's'Highlander' Ring Sword(functional)Poppy'sHammer of Orlon(functional)Yasuo's'Last Breath' Sword(functional)Ziggs'Hexplosive Bomb(prop) |
Kayle,the Righteous | | | health: Health670+92, resource: Mana330+50, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)5+0.5, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)8+0.8, armor: Armor26+4.2, attack damage: Attack damage50+2.5, attack speed: Base AS0.625, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius140, release: 2009-02-21, changed: V13.17, role: Specialist, position: TopMiddle, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 4800|260 | Games
KayleMain (Zealous)ArisenAflameTranscendentTitlesNickname(s)SisterDear OneAlias(es)The RighteousThe ProtectorBringer of JusticeThe Winged ProtectorWinged Protector of DemaciaCharacteristicsSpeciesHuman(Magically Altered;Aspect HostCandidate)Pronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:13 BN - 10 BNWeapon(s)Ascended WingsCelestial Fire MagicVirtue (Named Sword)Personal statusStatusAlivePlace of originMount Targon(Ancient Times)Current residenceMount Targon(No Fixed Abode)FamilyMihira(Mother)Kilam†(Father)Morgana(Twin Sister)Professional statusOccupation(s)Protector of JusticeGuardianRegion(s)DemaciaMount TargonRelated character(s)MorganaMihiraAatroxRyzeXolaani
• Main (Zealous)
• Arisen
• Aflame
• Transcendent
• Sister
• Dear One
• The Righteous
• The Protector
• Bringer of Justice
• The Winged Protector
• Winged Protector of Demacia
• Born:13 BN - 10 BN
• Ascended Wings
• Celestial Fire Magic
• Virtue (Named Sword)
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Mihira(Mother)
• Kilam†(Father)
• Morgana(Twin Sister)
Professional status
• Protector of Justice
• Guardian
• Demacia
• Mount Targon
Related character(s)
Born to a Targonian Aspect at the height of the Rune Wars,Kaylehonored her mother's legacy by fighting for justice on wings of divine flame. She and her twin sisterMorganawere the protectors ofDemaciafor many years—untilKaylebecame disillusioned with the repeated failings of mortals, and abandoned this realm altogether. Still, legends are told of her punishing the unjust with her fiery swords, and many hope that she will one day return...
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2Becoming Demacia's Winged Protector1.3Battle of the Winged Sisters and Departure1.4Journey to Targon Prime1.5Mage Rebellion and Demacian Revolution
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Attributes4.1Powers4.2Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Morgana5.2Sylas
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2Becoming Demacia's Winged Protector
• 1.3Battle of the Winged Sisters and Departure
• 1.4Journey to Targon Prime
• 1.5Mage Rebellion and Demacian Revolution
• 4.1Powers
• 4.2Abilities
• 5.1Morgana
• 5.2Sylas
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early life[]
Kayle and her twin sisterMorganawere born on Mount Targon during the height of the Rune Wars toKilamandMihira, the current Aspect of Justice. Due to Mihira ascending while pregnant, the sisters were born with a fraction of her celestial power. As the war raged on, Mihira's celestial power began to overshadow her personality and affections as she dedicated more and more of her time to her duties as an aspect. Fearing what Mihira was becoming, as well as the enemies drawn to her light, Kilam resolved to take their daughters to safety. He fled Targon with his children and they would sail to the land that would be known asDemacia.
Becoming Demacia's Winged Protector[]
The sisters grew to having distinct and clashing personalities. While Morgana was empathizing with the newly arrived refugees, Kayle argued about laws of the settlement because she knew the laws were meant to protect people.
One day, Mihira's sword would fell from the sky and clash into two. From that moment, feathered wings bursted from the sister's backs and remained, confirming the celestial magic would still remain inside them. In that moment, Kayle felt more connected to her mother than ever. While Morgana resented her gifts, Kayle embraced her new power. One day, the settlement was attacked, and the sisters flew to aid the people of Zeffira. While Kayle was busy dealing with the frontline attack, Morgana learned of a hidden wave of enemies attacking the city and left the frontlines to aid the citizens. After the battle Kayle lost trust in her sister for leaving her on the battlefield. Since that day, they were hailed as the Winged Protectors.
Battle of the Winged Sisters and Departure[]
Warriors flocked to Kayle's banner at Silvermere's Peak, where she founded a judicator order to enforce the law, and hunted down rebels and reavers with equal fervor. Kayle allowed Morgana to rehabilitate wrongdoers who appeared humble enough to admit their guilt. However, some people in the Judicator Order and especially Ronas, one of Kayle's ardent disciples, decided to arrest Morgana and her followers when Kayle was bringing justice upon a distant kingdom ruled by a cruel, unrighteous king. In an attempt to protect her followers, Morgana conjured magical chains of fire and bound him until he fell dead. His death led to an outbreak of riot in the settlement.
When Kayle found out what happened, she became enraged and with her power she summoned divine fire to punish the sinners and Ronas' killer. Morgana flew up to meet her, the two dueled in the sky, knocking down columns where they passed and killing people without realize. It seemed that one of them was eventually going to win but Morgana faltered because she and Kayle heard their father's screams and stopped fighting. Their father was mortally wounded, Morgana hurled her sword at Kayle through tears, and plunged to the surface like a meteorite to cradle her father.
She took her dying father in her arms, and in a sea of tears, cursed her heavenly inheritance for the destruction around her. A moment later, Kayle landed too, and between sobs Morgana asked her if the purification of mortals by smiting included her father. Kayle kept silent, grabbed Morgana's sword and thought about senseless violence that overtaken the city this day. Сrying because of loss, she soared into the heavens and flew to Mount Targon to find her mother, and swore that she would not allow emotions to dominate her,
Journey to Targon Prime[]
She left Demacia to stand at her mother's side, and to seek for perfect, celestial clarity on Targon. Even though she has been absent from Demacia for many centuries, she has inspired Demacia's culture, law, and architecture. Many pray to the Protector in times of chaos, and hope that she might return, some pray that such a day will never come.
For centuries, Morgana has tried to find her sister, and written down her findings on her journal. ASolariwarrior reported a sighting of a winged creature on the peaks of the mountain, ascending higher. A wind mage said that a bright flame streaked through the air, spinning away faster and faster. A Demacian noble was convinced that the Winged Protector was still alive, so he sent out rider to track her. After decades, the riders found a single white feather beneath Targon. ALunarichild, in the middle of the night, said that he saw a winged ghost, flying around the mountain. Yet, his mother did not believe him.
Many centuries passed, Morgana heard a voice. A lonely, so distant prayer. She had no idea where it came from, but she was so sure that Kayle was praying to her. However, her prayers remained unanswered.
Mage Rebellion and Demacian Revolution[]
She is mentioned many times by the inhabitants of Demacia, and is also seen in Morgana's vision about the foundation of Demacia, and her statue is covered up in Morgana's refuge. Yet, she did not return to Demacia during the events of Great Mage Rebellion.
Kayle is a slim and slightly muscled woman with pale, slightly tanned skin, short light blue hair with a bang on the right side, sun-gold eyes, pointy ears, and four wings on her back and two wings on her waist that vary in white and light blue. She was ascended on her thirties, so her aging has stopped since then.
Kayle's clothing consists of a golden armor that covers her entire body. Kayle normally wears a helmet that covers her face but takes it off when she is in her second form.
Kayle is one of the incarnations of justice, while her sister Morgana represents retributive justice and advocated for the repentant, Kayle punished in the fair way possible those who committed crimes without forgiveness. Despite wanting to make the world more just, her lack of an open mind makes her quite stoic and cold since she only seeks to punish sinners on an eye-to-eye level, without forgiveness.
• Unique Celestial Physiology:Coming into contact with Heavenly Magic while still in the womb, Kayle has a very similar physiology to the hosts in appearance, unlike Morgana, Kayle accepted her new Heavenly powers with open arms.Celestial Fire Magic:Kayle obtained magical powers over heavenly fire, that is capable of doing severe damage; purifying humans.
• Immortality:Due to her celestial alteration, Kayle is immortal and cannot die of old age or by conventional means.
• Flight:Unlike her sister, Kayle has free wings, allowing her to quickly fly great distances. When she is in her second form, her wings are flooded with heavenly fire and give her the ability to burn her enemies with them.
• Sword Manipulation:Kayle can create, control, and move swords.Sword Creation:Kayle can create swords that are capable of burning humans. She can rain down the swords of former Aspects of Justice by calling down them.Sword Empowerment and Fire Wave:Kayle, can empower her sword with flames, and send fire waves by swinging her swords.
• Purification:Kayle can remove all evil, and negativity from any person, and purify them.
• Automaton Leading:Kayle can lead the celestial automatons created by a higher power that her mother represents, the Aspect of Justice.
• Omnipresence: Like the rest of the Aspects, Kayle can be omnipresent, and she can hear, listen and appear to everone who invokes, summons and prays to her.
• Empowerment: Kayle, like all Aspects, has the ability to give parts of her power to those she deems worthy.
• Celestial Fire Magic:Kayle obtained magical powers over heavenly fire, that is capable of doing severe damage; purifying humans.
• Sword Creation:Kayle can create swords that are capable of burning humans. She can rain down the swords of former Aspects of Justice by calling down them.
• Sword Empowerment and Fire Wave:Kayle, can empower her sword with flames, and send fire waves by swinging her swords.
• Master Swordsman:Kayle is very skilled in the use of swords, her swords are made of celestial magic which gives her the ability to not only melee, but also the ability to launch beams of divine energy from those swords.
Both Kayle and are twin siblings, Kayle being the older of the two. Their relationship soured after the event that lead to the death of their father, but the two know deep down they still love each other since they still need each other.
Sylas knows certain truths about the sisters and calls out their power during the events ofLux comics.
Read More
The Righteous
ByRayla Heide
Starring Champion
Short Story
Canticle of the Winged Sisters
ByGraham McNeill
Born beneath the vault of stars,one in Light, one in Shadow.Kayle and Morgana,Sisters by Fate, joined hand in hand
Short Story
In the Fires of Justice
ByRayla Heide
But most fearful of all was the burning in her eyes, gleaming and grave with uncompromising wrath.
Mentioned Champion
Short Story
Fragile Legacies
ByDana Luery Shaw
I was young and unafraid, heart aflame with the sort of righteousness that cast out all shadows of doubt, on the day I first met Barrett Buvelle.
Starring:Eldred,Jarvan III,Quinn,Sona,Tianna
Mentioned:Barrett Buvelle,Jarvan IV,Kayle,Morgana
Lux: Issue 4
ByJohn O'Bryan,Billy Tan,Haining,Gadson,John Roshell
Sylas' master plan is revealed! But is it too late for a guilt-ridden Lux to turn the tide?
Starring:Garen,Jarvan III,Jarvan IV,Lux,Sylas,Tianna
Short Story
The Despoiler of Havenfall
ByMichael Haugen Wieske
The fog had come in swiftly, eclipsing the afternoon sun over the crossroads.
Mentioned:Jarvan IV,Kayle,Viego
The Fallen
ByRayla Heide
The Mageseeker
ByDigital Sun
In the kingdom of Demacia, the Mageseekers hold the power to oppress magic-using citizens in the name of public order–by inducting and indoctrinating them, locking them away, or driving them into hiding. Play as Sylas, a spell-stealing mage who has just broken free of his unjust captivity at the Mageseekers’ hands. Wielding the chains that once bound you, you must liberate your homeland from tyranny, one Mageseeker at a time.
Starring:Aidan,Eldred,Garen,Gideon,Hesbeth,Jarvan IV,Kara,Killan,Leilani,Lux,Morgana,Rayn,Rukko,Shyvana,Sylas,Wisteria,Yops
Mentioned:Aatrox,Anden Mayne,Dalin,Dominick,Evelynn,Falden,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Jaredan,Jarvan III,Katarina,Kayle,LeBlanc,Mihira,Naafiri,Nocturne,Rhaast,Ryze,Sion,Tianna,Varus
Alternate Universes
Clash of Fates
Starring:Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Cho'Gath,Evelynn,Jax,Karthus,Kayle,Master Yi,Nunu,Rammus,Ryze,Singed,Sivir,Soraka,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Warwick,Willump,Zilean
Immortal Journey Cinematic
Mentioned:Irelia,Jax,Master Yi,Nami,Riven
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
Music Video
Pentakill II: Grasp of the Undying
No one shreds like the undead.
Music Video
Pentakill III: Lost Chapter
Join Karthus, Mordekaiser, Sona, Yorick, Olaf, and Kayle to do battle with Viego and the Dissonant One, as the future of all Metal hangs in the balance...
Welcome to League of Legends
Starring:Alistar,Ashe,Cho'Gath,Katarina,Kayle,Master Yi,Morgana,Nasus,Ryze,Warwick
No war stays hidden for long.
Starring:Ezreal,Master Yi,Shen,Sona,Vi
The Tale of the Poro King
By Numerous creators
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aatrox,Akali,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Darius,Diana,Draven,Ezreal,Gnar,Illaoi,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kai'Sa,Karma,Karthus,Katarina,Kayle,Kayn,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nunu,Ornn,Pantheon,Pyke,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Rhaast,Ryze,Sejuani,Shen,Sion,Sivir,Soraka,Sylas,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Thresh,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Vi,Volibear,Willump,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs,Zoe
• Kayle's name is the modernized, more-revised version of her father,Kilam.BothKilamandKaylemight come fromClassical Latincaelum[ˈkae̯.ɫũ] "sky, heaven, whole", fromPIEnoun *keh₂ilom.[1]Typically,caelumyieldsgens' nameCaelia[ˈkae̯.ɫi.a] and then given nameCelia.
• Her parents were from one of the tribes onMount Targon, an earlier version of theRakkor.[2]
• Kayle andMorganaare fraternal twins.[3]
• She was born over 1000 years ago at the height of the Rune War. How much time she has experienced in thecelestial realmis unknown.
• Kayle andMorganaare Targonianascendedbut are technically not hosts of the Aspect of Justice. They retained and share the power of the aspect due to their mother, who was the former ascended host of the aspect, being pregnant with them during her ascension, which also makes them half mortal.[4]Kayle andMorganacurrently have less celestial power than the other Aspects due to being the children of an Aspect but have free will and a more unified identity.[5]After her ascension,Kaylefully established herself as the next Aspect of Justice.[6]Kayle andMorganabecame ascended when their wings materialized shortly after their mother's swords fell from the heavens.[7]Divine Ascentis a condensed version of what has happened to Kayle over the course of her lifetime; as she suppresses her humanity in order to grow more powerful.[8]Kayle'sDivine JudgmentandMorgana'sBlack Shieldcome from the same source but are interpreted in different ways due to their opposing viewpoints.[9]Divine Judgmentrepresents Kayle calling upon the previous Aspects of Justice to use their swords to rain truth and justice upon the world to protect the innocent.[10]
• Kayle went on a quest to find out what had happened to their mother, the previous Aspect of Justice, and has succeeded in going to the land beyond Targon Prime and is currently staying there.[11][12]
• Kayle's view of justice is based around law, she believes that every crime deserves punishment proportionate to its scale and that you are redeemed after you have been punished.[13]Kayle would believe Demacians have twisted a lot of the original ideals that made them great, and taken them to an extreme. She would also take issue with Demacia's recent lawlessness and chaos withSylas'escape.[14]
• Kayle'sTranscendentform is her current appearance over the last 100 years as she strives to be as close to her mother, the former Aspect of Justice, as possible.[13]
• Kayle suppresses the feelings of her mistakes because she fears that she was wrong and is becoming a monster.[13]
• Kayle's worst flaw is her self righteousness and ability to blind herself to her own flaws and mistakes. Her best quality is her idealistic desire to do good in the world and protect innocents.[15]
• Kayle's favourite food is kale.[16]
• In modern times, Kayle's name has been long forgotten and she is known as The Protector within Demacia's mythos.Most Demacians are unaware that there were two Winged Protectors and believe that Kayle was the sole protector.Most Demacians don't necessarily know the Winged Protectors were even female.[17]The Winged Protectors are seen as myth or a legend in Demacia, similar to saints with forgotten names.[18]
• Kayle andMorgana'scurrent lore represents the interaction between two approaches tojustice:retributiveandrestorative, respectively; both sisters are not viewed as mutual enemies who fight each other but are comprised by aYang and Yinforce that fights back evil.They were the first pair of sibling champions (the others beingGaren-Lux,Nasus-Renekton,Darius-Draven,Katarina-Cassiopeia, andYasuo-Yone).Though not a pair,Anivia,Ornn, andVolibearare also siblings.They are some of the few twin champions in the game. The other twin champions includeAphelioswith his sisterAluneandQuinnwith her deceased brother Caleb.Their old story resembles the struggle betweenMichael&Satan, dating back toEarly Christianity.[19]
• Kayle's blade is represented as the The Sword stone inTellstones: King's Gambit.
• Kayle's right hand appears to be more dominant (unlike herpre-rework selfwho appears to be left handed) as she holds her sword by her right hand, as opposed toMorganawhose left hand appears to be more dominant. This likely references the fact that historically right-handedness is associated with beneficence, goodness, light and righteousness, while left-handedness is associated with malevolence, wickedness, darkness and sinfulness.
• BothKilamandKaylemight come fromClassical Latincaelum[ˈkae̯.ɫũ] "sky, heaven, whole", fromPIEnoun *keh₂ilom.[1]
• Typically,caelumyieldsgens' nameCaelia[ˈkae̯.ɫi.a] and then given nameCelia.
• Kayle andMorganacurrently have less celestial power than the other Aspects due to being the children of an Aspect but have free will and a more unified identity.[5]After her ascension,Kaylefully established herself as the next Aspect of Justice.[6]
• Kayle andMorganabecame ascended when their wings materialized shortly after their mother's swords fell from the heavens.[7]
• Divine Ascentis a condensed version of what has happened to Kayle over the course of her lifetime; as she suppresses her humanity in order to grow more powerful.[8]
• Kayle'sDivine JudgmentandMorgana'sBlack Shieldcome from the same source but are interpreted in different ways due to their opposing viewpoints.[9]
• Divine Judgmentrepresents Kayle calling upon the previous Aspects of Justice to use their swords to rain truth and justice upon the world to protect the innocent.[10]
• After her ascension,Kaylefully established herself as the next Aspect of Justice.[6]
• Kayle would believe Demacians have twisted a lot of the original ideals that made them great, and taken them to an extreme. She would also take issue with Demacia's recent lawlessness and chaos withSylas'escape.[14]
• Most Demacians are unaware that there were two Winged Protectors and believe that Kayle was the sole protector.
• Most Demacians don't necessarily know the Winged Protectors were even female.[17]
• The Winged Protectors are seen as myth or a legend in Demacia, similar to saints with forgotten names.[18]
• They were the first pair of sibling champions (the others beingGaren-Lux,Nasus-Renekton,Darius-Draven,Katarina-Cassiopeia, andYasuo-Yone).Though not a pair,Anivia,Ornn, andVolibearare also siblings.They are some of the few twin champions in the game. The other twin champions includeAphelioswith his sisterAluneandQuinnwith her deceased brother Caleb.
• Their old story resembles the struggle betweenMichael&Satan, dating back toEarly Christianity.[19]
• Though not a pair,Anivia,Ornn, andVolibearare also siblings.
• They are some of the few twin champions in the game. The other twin champions includeAphelioswith his sisterAluneandQuinnwith her deceased brother Caleb.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Divine Ascent, Description: Innate: Kayle ascends through four forms that each grant additional bonuses. She ascends upon spending a skill point at levels 1, 6, 11, and 16. Level 1 - Zealous: Kayle's basic attacks on-attack generate a stack of Zeal for 5 seconds, refreshing on subsequent hits and stacking up to 5 times. For each stack, she gains 6% (+ 1% per 100 AP) bonus attack speed , up to a maximum 30% (+ 5% per 100 AP) . At max stacks, she becomes Exalted , gaining 10% bonus movement speed . Level 6 - Arisen: Kayle becomes ranged and gains 350 bonus attack range for a total of 525 . Level 11 - Aflame: Kayle gains 10% bonus size . While Kayle is Exalted , her basic attacks on-attack also launch a wave of fire forward that deals 20 − 41 (based on level) (+ 10% bonus AD) (+ 25% AP) magic damage to all enemies it passes through. The wave is affected by critical strike modifiers. Level 16 - Transcendent: Kayle gains an additional 100 bonus attack range for a total of 625 , and permanently gains the full effects of Zealous . Link ▶️ "Behold, the righteous flame!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'parries': 'Bypass', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'The stacking attack speed can be tracked in the HUD via a buff calledZeal, while the maximum stacks bonus grants the buffExalted.', 'Subsequent applications will also refresh the duration of all stacks, but all of them are lost when expired.', 'IfKayleis in her attack animation after the stacks expire, she gains another 0.5seconds to refresh/stackZeal.', 'Each stack increase attack speed based on the amount of ability powerKaylehas at the time the stack is acquired and will not update if it is changed.For example, if a stack acquired while she has no ability power, it will the increase attack speed by6%. If200acquired afterwards, the next stack will grant8%. The two increased attack speed by14%(6 + 8) and not16%(8 + 8).', 'For example, if a stack acquired while she has no ability power, it will the increase attack speed by6%. If200acquired afterwards, the next stack will grant8%. The two increased attack speed by14%(6 + 8) and not16%(8 + 8).', 'Basic attacks within175will still useKayle\'smelee basic attack animations and do not utilizeprojectiles.They are still classified asrangedattacks.Due to this fact, projectile blocking effects cannot intercept basic attacks whileKayle\'starget is within her "melee" range.', 'They are still classified asrangedattacks.', 'Due to this fact, projectile blocking effects cannot intercept basic attacks whileKayle\'starget is within her "melee" range.', "On becomingAflame,Kayle'sbonus size grows linearily over 1 second.", 'Basic attacks againststructuresandwardsdo not trigger fire waves.', 'While at 4 stacks ofZeal, the nexton-attackreaching the fifth stack will be empowered byAflame, releasing the first fire wave.', "ZealandExaltedbuffs swapped to a new buff that grants the benefit of both and it is not visible on Kayle's HUD.", 'This buff also updates itsattack speedvalue whenever astat updatehappens andability poweris changed, however, it does not trackability powerfrom other buffs, unless they have been specifically special cased. The following buffs are not special cased yet and will not grant bonusattack speed:Runes(includingAdaptive Force rune shards)Infernal Might', 'Runes(includingAdaptive Force rune shards)', 'Infernal Might', 'Hitboxes shows by a graph side by side.A wave consists of three projectiles for the hitbox and a fourth for visuals.', "The hitbox projectiles spawn 75 units behindKayle, travel through her, and are destroyed once they've traveled 850 units. Their technical details are:Range:850(755 effective)Width:200Projectile Speed:2800Angle:18° (left and right at 9° to their side, respectively)", 'Range:850(755 effective)', 'Width:200', 'Projectile Speed:2800', 'Angle:18° (left and right at 9° to their side, respectively)', 'Projectileblocking effects can block each projectile individually.It is possible to block the visuals, but still get hit by an unblocked "invisible" hitbox projectile.', 'It is possible to block the visuals, but still get hit by an unblocked "invisible" hitbox projectile.', 'Hitting an enemy with multiple projectiles of the same wave will not increase the damage dealt.', 'The fire wave sharescast instancewith the triggering basic attack.The amount ofConquerorstacks gained will be(2/1)if the basic attack deals damage first or 2 if the wave does so.', 'The amount ofConquerorstacks gained will be(2/1)if the basic attack deals damage first or 2 if the wave does so.', "Keep in mind that it's still two damage instances. If one triggersBone Plating, the other's damage will be blocked.", 'Fire waves rollcritical strike chanceon each target hit individually.', 'The distance of the fire waves scales withbonusattack range.', 'A known issue is that despite dealingarea spell damagethe fire wave does not:consumeMana ChargefromTear of the Goddessand its upgrades,or triggerManaflow Band.', 'consumeMana ChargefromTear of the Goddessand its upgrades,', 'or triggerManaflow Band.', 'BecauseKayleis both ameleeandrangedchampion, she can purchase both ranged and melee exclusive items at anytime, but their effects will function depending on her current range type; the same principle also applies torunes.However, keep in mind that, prior to ascending toArisen,Starfire Spellbladealso changes this behaviour based on its usage.', 'However, keep in mind that, prior to ascending toArisen,Starfire Spellbladealso changes this behaviour based on its usage.', 'Waves are fired in the direction thatKayleis facing. Changing that during the attack windup viaFlashwill also change the direction of the wave.', "Each ascension has an unique animation and a voice line.(See: Kayle's quotes)", "The ascensions' animation will override the current one, but it does not cancelKayle'scurrent action, nor her previous orders."]} | Name: Radiant Blast, Description: Active: Kayle conjures a portal in front of her that faces the target direction, from which a celestial sword launches forward. The sword expands upon hitting an enemy, targets struck in the area are dealt magic damage , slowed for 2 seconds, and inflicted with 15% reduced armor and magic resistance for 4 seconds. Magic Damage: 60 / 100 / 140 / 180 / 220 (+ 60% bonus AD) (+ 50% AP) Slow: 26 / 32 / 38 / 44 / 50%, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', "This ability has a cast time and cast delay. The former represents the amount of time Kayle needs to spend to cast and is equal to her attack windup time. The latter is the amount of time the portal needs to launch the sword, which is always0.264secondsseconds, starting from the beginning of the cast time.As implied by the previous point, the portal is created at the start of the cast time andKayledoes not have to be alive for it to launch the sword.The portal does not followKayle'smovements, usingFlashor getting displaced won't change its position nor direction either.", 'As implied by the previous point, the portal is created at the start of the cast time andKayledoes not have to be alive for it to launch the sword.', "The portal does not followKayle'smovements, usingFlashor getting displaced won't change its position nor direction either.", "The cast time can be calculated by dividingKayle'swindup percentvalue (0.193555) with her current total attack speed.Radiant Blast'scast time is0.33secondsat base attack speed, is at most0.99secondsat the minimum attack speed of0.2, and is0.099secondsat the attack speed cap of2.5. The cast time can be further decreased with effects that allows the player to bypass the attack speed cap, such asLethal Tempo,Additionally, it should be noted that due to action only taking place on whole game ticks, the cast time can only be changed in fractions of 0.033seconds. This also means that the lowest possible cast time is 0.033seconds, requiring at least5.8652attack speed.Correction:Important to note that in patchV9.17,Radiant Blast'scast time was changed to be a flat 0.25seconds, rather than scaling with the attack windup time. In patchV10.4, this was undocumentedly changed back. Whether the change to scale with windup time again was intentional or not is unknown.", "Radiant Blast'scast time is0.33secondsat base attack speed, is at most0.99secondsat the minimum attack speed of0.2, and is0.099secondsat the attack speed cap of2.5. The cast time can be further decreased with effects that allows the player to bypass the attack speed cap, such asLethal Tempo,", 'Additionally, it should be noted that due to action only taking place on whole game ticks, the cast time can only be changed in fractions of 0.033seconds. This also means that the lowest possible cast time is 0.033seconds, requiring at least5.8652attack speed.', "Correction:Important to note that in patchV9.17,Radiant Blast'scast time was changed to be a flat 0.25seconds, rather than scaling with the attack windup time. In patchV10.4, this was undocumentedly changed back. Whether the change to scale with windup time again was intentional or not is unknown.", 'The resistance reduction is applied after the damage has been dealt.', "The expansion consist of 5 hitboxes, forming a cross-like shape centered 100 units ahead from the impact in its direction. Their technical details can be seen below and visualized on the image to the right.The left side shows projectile's width and the total area traveled if it does not hit a target, while the right side shows the explosions when it hits a target.ExplosionCenter: 100 radiusExplosionLeft: 150 distance, 125 widthExplosionRight: 150 distance, 125 widthExplosionBackward: 100 distance, 90 widthExplosionForward: 400 distance, 90 width", 'ExplosionCenter: 100 radius', 'ExplosionLeft: 150 distance, 125 width', 'ExplosionRight: 150 distance, 125 width', 'ExplosionBackward: 100 distance, 90 width', 'ExplosionForward: 400 distance, 90 width', "The visual effects of the explosion shows the blade and guard ofKayle'sswords.", 'The resistance reduction can be tracked on the HUD as a debuff calledSunderedand has a special icon that can be seen below.', 'Correction:Note that thePsyOps skin still uses the old shred VFX, which also only shows for 3 seconds (effect duration is not affected). This is possibly an oversight as all existing, and at the time released Dragon Slayer, skins were updated properly inV11.18.']} | Name: Celestial Blessing, Description: Active: Kayle and the target allied champion are healed and gain bonus movement speed for 2 seconds. Heal: 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155 (+ 25% AP) Bonus Movement Speed: 24 / 28 / 32 / 36 / 40% (+ 8% per 100 AP) If cast without a valid target, or self-cast , Celestial Blessing will automatically target the closest allied champion in range, prioritizing the one with the lowest health ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit/Auto', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', "Celestial Blessing'scast time does not interrupt movement and the effects are applied at the start.", "If cast withauto-targeting,Celestial Blessingmay target allies who areuntargetable, or allied clones that cannot be targeted by allies (such asWukong'sWarrior Trickster)."]} | Name: Starfire Spellblade, Description: Passive: Kayle deals bonus magic damage on-hit . Passive Damage: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 (+ 10% bonus AD) (+ 20% AP) Active: Kayle kindles her blade, empowering her next basic attack within 6 seconds to have an uncancellable windup and deal additional bonus magic damage on-hit that is capped at 400 against monsters . If Kayle is not yet Arisen , this attack becomes ranged with 525 range . Bonus Magic Damage: 8 / 8. 5 / 9 / 9. 5 / 10% (+ 1. 5 % per 100 AP) of target's missing health Aflame Bonus: The attack explodes upon the target, dealing its damage to surrounding enemies and applying on-hit effects. This is affected by critical strike modifiers. Starfire Spellblade resets Kayle's basic attack timer., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'parries': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', 'Starfire Spellbladewill be buffered and cast when the cooldown ends if the player attempts to cast it within 0.1 seconds of the cooldown ending.', "Starfire Spellbladeconsist of 3 parts, each dealing different type of damage source type:The basic attack part dealsbasic.The passive's on-hit effect dealsproc.The active's portion dealsspell.Additionally, the damage against secondary targets caught in the explosion is also tagged asarea of effect.", 'The basic attack part dealsbasic.', "The passive's on-hit effect dealsproc.", "The active's portion dealsspell.", 'Additionally, the damage against secondary targets caught in the explosion is also tagged asarea of effect.', "The basic attack and the active's portion shares the samecast instancesince patchV11.1. (Exception:Muramana, see underInteractions & Other.)", "Parry interactions:Blind: The main target will never receive damage, but the secondary targets will receive the active's spell damage.Block: Blocking will always negate all damage. Keep in mind that if a secondary target is outside ofSpirit's Refuge'szone, they won't block damage.Dodge: Dodging will always negate all damage.", "Blind: The main target will never receive damage, but the secondary targets will receive the active's spell damage.", "Block: Blocking will always negate all damage. Keep in mind that if a secondary target is outside ofSpirit's Refuge'szone, they won't block damage.", 'Dodge: Dodging will always negate all damage.', 'PENDING FOR TEST:: All parry interactions are marked for retesting because of patchV11.1changes.', "While the active's effect is up, a circle is visible toKayle, indicating herrange, however, this circle only takes into accountDivine Ascent'seffect on her range, not other sources such asRapid Firecannon.The increased range (with the item's effect included) will be675prior to ascending toTranscendent, after which it's725.", "The increased range (with the item's effect included) will be675prior to ascending toTranscendent, after which it's725.", 'To clarify the description,Starfire Spellbladecan behave both as arangedandmeleeattack based on how far the target is prior toKayleascending toArisen, after which the attack will be always using ranged standards.If the target is 200 units away or closer, the attack will be considered melee. This also uses her melee animations, not utilizing projectiles even after ascending.If the target is over 200 units, the attack will be considered ranged.', 'If the target is 200 units away or closer, the attack will be considered melee. This also uses her melee animations, not utilizing projectiles even after ascending.', 'If the target is over 200 units, the attack will be considered ranged.', "To further expand on this: Using the ranged empowered attack will changeKayle'srange type to ranged while the projectile is alive. This means that if the target could outrun the projectile,Kaylewould be stuck on being ranged, although the bonuses from the active are not kept. While it's unlikely to be on this temporary ranged state for longer than half a seconds during a normal playthrough, it is possible to achieve few seconds when specific conditions are met.", 'Keep in mind that while on-hit effects will be applied to all targets in the explision,on-attackeffects are only applied once per basic attack, not per target hit.', "Single-use on-hits, such asSpellblade, will be applied to the main target.If the main target died prior to the projectile reaching them, or if it was ajungle plant, the effects will be applied to the closest target from the explosion's center.", "If the main target died prior to the projectile reaching them, or if it was ajungle plant, the effects will be applied to the closest target from the explosion's center.", "Guinsoo's Rageblade'sPhantom Hitcan only be applied to the main target.", "Despite being one cast instance,Starfire SpellbladetriggersMuramana'sShocktwice on each target, dealing normal bonus damage after the basic attack and increased bonus damage after the spell, totalling at(5%/4.2%)maximummana(+ 6% AD)bonusphysical damage.", 'Passive base damage changed to 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30.', "Health ratio changed to6.5/ 7 / 7.5/ 8 / 8.5% of target'smissinghealth."]} | Name: Divine Judgment, Description: Active: Kayle grants herself or a target allied champion invulnerability for 2. 5 seconds and conjures swords of fire. After 2. 5 seconds, she rains the swords down around the target, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies. Magic Damage: 200 / 300 / 400 (+ 100% bonus AD) (+ 70% AP) Link ▶️ "Drown in holy fire!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', "Divine Judgment'scast time does not interrupt movement and the cast will finish even afterKayle'sdeath.", "Sinceinternalrawdamage ignores invulnerability, the target may still die via theNexus Obelisk, but the ability will finish at their corpse's position regardless.", "Divine Judgmentwill prioritize casting on allies overKayle. This means that if Kayle's and an ally's selection ranges are intercepting each other on the cursor's position, the cast will always occur on the ally.", "Prior to becomingTranscendedviaDivine Ascent, castingDivine Judgmentrefreshes the duration ofZealstacks at the start of the cast time to ensure that it does not expire while she can't attack during the cast.", 'During cast, an indicator for the damaging area can be seen around the target, however, this is not visible if there is nosighton the them.', 'Divine Judgmentcan be cast onclonestoo, includingShapesplitterandWarrior Trickster, which are normally not targetable for allies.', "While it's uncommon occurence, it is possible to castDivine Judgmenton targets who just enteredresurrectionorzombie state. This is only possible with very strict timing and perhaps high latency.", "It's recommended to avoid both of the afformentioned interactions, as they renders the usage ofDivine Judgmentuseless in many cases.", 'While the target is invulnerable, a number indicator will appear beneath them whenever they would receive damage to show the amount that was entirely mitigated. This is calculated pre-mitigation, meaning before resistances and reductions are taken into account.', "Rapid Firecannon'sEnergizedeffect behaves strangely with the set basic attack range:If the ability is cast while the effect is ready, the range goes from400to385over 4stat updates(400 -> 390 -> 387 -> 385). When the cast completes, the proper range needs 2 updates to set in (660-675whileArisen;710-725whileTranscended).Gaining the effect during the cast will cause the range to cycle between525and550until the cast finishes, then the proper range is set after 1 update.Selling the item during the cast causes the range to be set to250.", 'If the ability is cast while the effect is ready, the range goes from400to385over 4stat updates(400 -> 390 -> 387 -> 385). When the cast completes, the proper range needs 2 updates to set in (660-675whileArisen;710-725whileTranscended).', 'Gaining the effect during the cast will cause the range to cycle between525and550until the cast finishes, then the proper range is set after 1 update.', 'Selling the item during the cast causes the range to be set to250.', 'The invulnerability can be tracked on the HUD via a buff calledIntervention.', 'Cooldown is now affected by -100 ability haste.', 'Base damage changed to 50 / 100 / 150.']} | The projectile speed of Kayle's basic attacks are the second highest in the game with its 5000 speed among all ranged basic attacks that utilizes projectiles.Aphelios'Severumgun has the fastest at 92400 speed, whileSorakahas the slowest at 1000 speed. The average is between 1500 and 2000.
The first buff from Kayle's innate passive (Zeal) shares its name with the itemZeal.
Her dance referencesElaine Benes'dancefromSeinfeld.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.
InUltimate Spellbook,Kayleascends without the player's input. This is caused by the fact that the choosen Ult-ernate Summoner Spells are automatically ranked up when the required levels are reached, which also matches the levels that the player may initiate the ascensions on. |
Kayn,the Shadow Reaper,Shieda Kayn,Rhaast, Darkin, Shadow Assassin | | | health: Health655+109, resource: Mana410+50, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)8+0.75, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)11.5+0.95, armor: Armor38+4.5, attack damage: Attack damage68+3.3, attack speed: Base AS0.669, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius135, release: 2017-07-12, changed: V13.17, role: Skirmisher, position: Jungle, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 3150|790 | Missing section(s):
KaynMainTrue FormTitlesReal nameShieda KaynAlias(es)The Shadow ReaperThe Shadow AssassinCharacteristicsSpeciesHuman(Magically Altered)(Kayn)Pronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:Around 976 AN(Kayn)Weapon(s)Rhaast's Scythe BodyBlood MagicShadow TechniquePersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originNoxus(Kayn)Current residenceTemple of Thanjuul,IoniaProfessional statusOccupation(s)Noxian Soldier(Kayn)Region(s)Ionia(Kayn)Noxus(Kayn)Faction(s)Shadow Order(Kayn)Related character(s)DariusZedShenJhinKushoAatroxNasusRenektonVarusRhaastAzirAkaliXolaaniMaster Yi
• Main
• True Form
Real name
• Shieda Kayn
• The Shadow Reaper
• The Shadow Assassin
• Human(Magically Altered)(Kayn)
• Born:Around 976 AN(Kayn)
• Born:Around 976 AN
• Rhaast's Scythe Body
• Blood Magic
• Shadow Technique
Personal status
Place of origin
• Noxus(Kayn)
Current residence
Professional status
• Noxian Soldier(Kayn)
• Ionia(Kayn)
• Shadow Order(Kayn)
Related character(s)
A peerless practitioner of lethal shadow magic, ShiedaKaynbattles to achieve his true destiny—to one day lead the Order of Shadow into a new era ofIoniansupremacy. He wields the sentientdarkinweaponRhaast, undeterred by its creeping corruption of his body and mind. There are only two possible outcomes: either Kayn bends the weapon to his will... or the malevolent blade consumes him completely, paving the way for the destruction of allRuneterra.
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2WieldingRhaast1.3Future Scenarios
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Zed5.2Rhaast5.3Jhin5.4Akali5.5Kusho5.64Royce5.7Master Yi
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2WieldingRhaast
• 1.3Future Scenarios
• 5.1Zed
• 5.2Rhaast
• 5.3Jhin
• 5.4Akali
• 5.5Kusho
• 5.64Royce
• 5.7Master Yi
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early life[]
Noxianby birth, Shieda Kayn was conscripted as a child soldier like many others. When he was no more than ten, he and his comrades were ordered to attack the province ofBahrlinIonia. He and other young soldiers made up the vanguard of the attack. While Kayn’s young comrades fled or were cut down by the defenders before the Noxian regulars came in from the flank, Kayn showed no fear and survived to see the end of the battle.
Zedand his followers arrived on the battleground two days later. There, they found Kayn on the ground, leveling a sickle at Zed. The Master of Shadows saw potential in the boy and welcomed him into theOrder of Shadow.
After joining the order, the young Kayn was given food and a home to stay. Growing up training as an acolyte of the order, Kayn was able to master all the weapons given to him while other acolytes spent years training with a single weapon. By drinking the Tears of the Shadow, Kayn gained the ability to cloak himself in the shadows to stealthily assassinate enemies. He was able to spread fear among the survivors through his swift kills, using fear as his weapon. As Kayn's power and reputation grew, he gained hubristic ambitions that one day he could be more powerful than even Zed.
Kayn was later sent on a mission to Noxus as his final test: to procure aDarkinscythe recently uncovered in the Noxian city ofVindorto stop the weapon from being used against the Ionians. Accompanied by his fellow acolyte Nakuri, he used his shadow magic to sneak up on the three guards defending the noxtoraa, killing two of them before intimidating the last one, whom was killed by Nakuri. After killing several more Noxian soldiers, Kayn approached the weapon where he heard the DarkinRhaastcall to him from within the scythe. One of the Noxians snatched the scythe in desperation, and began to swing it uncontrollably at his comrades as Rhaast's corruption took over. Realizing that the legends were true, Kayn possessed the soldier's body, where he witnessed the atrocities that Rhaast inflicted over millenia. However, instead of destroying it as ordered, he was tempted to wield the Darkin for himself. Ignoring Nakuri's pleas, Kayn took hold of Rhaast and underwent the same corruption, but Kayn was able to resist his will and control his enhanced power. After a final struggle against Nakuri, Kayn killed his fellow acolyte. Since then, Kayn now duels Rhaast over control over his own body, until one of them wins and seizes control.
Future Scenarios[]
These scenarios are not canon to the official timeline, but future possibilities that have been hinted at in the lore and gameplay.
• Should Kayn fully overcome Rhaast, he will take full control of the scythe's powers, unlocking his full potential as theShadow Assassin.
• ShouldRhaastoverpower Kayn, he will completely assimilate Kayn's body and wield the scythe for himself, using his new body to resume his killing and bloodshed acrossRuneterra. He also hints that Kayn's consciousness has been trapped in the same dimension where he was sealed.
Kayn is a young man with a thin, muscular build. He has black hair with a blue streak at the right side and a long braid on the back. He wears nothing but large, baggy pants with a rope around it and leather boots. Due to Rhaast's partial assimilation, his left arm has become muscle with grey plating covering his shoulder, left pectoral and left eye. His right eye has a yellow iris, while his corrupted left eye has a dark red sclera and a glowing red iris.
As theShadow Assassin, he now has pale white skin, glowing pupilless eyes and lacks the corruption on his body. He has dark blue tattoos on his eyes, torso and arms. His braided hair has been replaced with long-flowing hair with a larger blue streak.
• Weapon Prodigy:During his training in the Shadow Order, Kayn was able to master all weapons available to him with ease, whereas most of his fellow acolytes took years to master one weapon.
• Shadow Magic:Kayn has been empowered with the powers of the Tears of The Shadow, greatly enhancing his abilities, and letting him control the shadows to his wishes.Intangibility:Kayn can turn his body into shadow, allowing him to pass through walls.Shadow Cloning:Upon becoming the Shadow Assassin, Kayn is able to create shadowy clones of himself to attack.
• Darkin Weapon:Having taken the Darkin Rhaast as a weapon and resisted the Darkin's will, Kayn's physical atributes were greatly enhanced.
• Resistant Will:Kayn has a strong will which allows him to resist being taken over by Rhaast, and even allows him to fully overcome Rhaast in order to become the Shadow Assassin. However, his will cannot stop the possibility of him losing the battle against Rhaast.
• Possession:Kayn can temporarily possess others using his shadow magic. He was shown to have possessed a Noxian soldier's body prior to his corruption from Rhaast.
• Intangibility:Kayn can turn his body into shadow, allowing him to pass through walls.
• Shadow Cloning:Upon becoming the Shadow Assassin, Kayn is able to create shadowy clones of himself to attack.
When Kayn was a child soldier, Zed saw the potential within him and recruited him to be a part of his order, feeding him and giving him a home. Kayn became Zed's favorite and most loyal disciple, trusting him enough to confide valuable information and hoping that Kayn would become the new leader of the Order of Shadow if something were to happen to him. Kayn refused to betray him when Kusho urged him to, because of how he saved him from a hopeless fate and gave him a new purpose in life. Despite his loyalty, Kayn's growing arrogance led him to believe that with Rhaast's power, he would even surpass Zed one day.
Kayn sees his wieldership of Rhaast as being his destiny, risking the Darkin's corruption to unlock his true potential. While Rhaast tries to manipulate him into embracing violence, Kayn defies him just as easily. They both fight against each other over control of his body, with Kayn intending to fully overpower Rhaast and claim his power for himself.
Kayn, along with Zed and other members of the Shadow Order, were attacked by Jhin.
Kayn may have a crush on Akali. She knows Kayn and finds him hot but too crazy for her taste.
Kusho manipulated Kayn into serving him and ordered him to kill Zed, but Kayn remained loyal to Zed due to the latter being his mentor whom gave him his new purpose in life.
Royce sympathizes with Kayn due to them both growing up as child soldiers of Noxus, considering Kayn as a "brother in blood".
Master Yi[]
Kayn fought against Master Yi and his Wuju disciples to obtain the1The Darkin Bloodlettersthat they were guarding.
Read More
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Short Story • 5 Minute Read
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Kayn stood confidently in the shadow of the noxtoraa, surrounded by dead soldiers, and smiled at the irony. These triumphal arches of dark stone were raised to honor the strength of Noxus—to instill fear and to demand fealty from all who passed beneath them. Now this one was a tombstone, a monument to false strength and arrogance, and a symbol of the fallen warriors' own fear turned against them.
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Zed: Issue 3
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In order to survive, Zed will be forced to confront his past sins and seek the aid of his most bitter enemy--the Eye of Twilight, Shen!
Zed: Issue 4
ByOdin Austin Shafer,Edgar Salazar,Lorenzo Ruggiero,Chris O'Halloran
Khada Jhin's master plan comes together in a most explosive and deadly manner! But even if Zed and Shen survive, they might just kill one another! Only one will be left standing by the end of this issue!
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Zed: Issue 6
ByOdin Austin Shafer,Edgar Salazar,Lorenzo Ruggiero,Chris O'Halloran
It's all led to this: Zed and Shen, united in a final battle with the psychopathic murderer Khada Jhin! And the life of the captive Akali hangs in the balance! Then--Shen and Zed's greatest enemy will stand revealed…and you'll never guess who it is! Shocking secrets about the past AND the present will be unveiled…and whoever survives will be left to pick up the pieces!
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Mentioned:Aatrox,Akali,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Darius,Diana,Draven,Ezreal,Gnar,Illaoi,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kai'Sa,Karma,Karthus,Katarina,Kayle,Kayn,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nunu,Ornn,Pantheon,Pyke,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Rhaast,Ryze,Sejuani,Shen,Sion,Sivir,Soraka,Sylas,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Thresh,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Vi,Volibear,Willump,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs,Zoe
• Kayn is around 20 years old.He was 'no more than 10' whenZedhad taken him in into theShadow Order.
• Rhaast is between 3496 and 4396 years old.
• The blue streak in Kayn's hair is the result of using Rhaast.[1]
• InZed: Issue 6it is revealed thatRhaast'scorruption of Kayn's left arm is able to be reverted back to normal by either Rhaast's or Kayn's will.
• He was 'no more than 10' whenZedhad taken him in into theShadow Order.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: The Darkin Scythe, Description: Innate: Kayn has a secondary experience bar that tracks progress toward his Darkin and Shadow Assassin forms. He gathers orbs from champion takedowns and each instance of damage (excluding damage over time ) dealt against champions. Once he has earned enough orbs, he unlocks a form based on whether he earned more from melee or ranged champions (for Darkin and Shadow Assassin , respectively), with the other form unlocked later. Kayn can move near the summoning platform to transform over 6 seconds, where he restores full health and mana , during which he is invulnerable , untargetable , and unable to act. Kayn cannot choose a form if he is unable to cast abilities. The transformation will grant a passive bonus and permanently empower some of Kayn's abilities based on the form chosen. He gains a one-time Homeguard once the transformation is complete. Shadow Assassin Bonus: If Kayn has been out of combat with enemy champions for over 8 seconds, or he casts Umbral Trespass , he deals 15% − 45% (based on level) of post-mitigation damage dealt against enemy champions as bonus magic damage , lasting for 3 seconds upon entering combat and also applying on the first instance of damage dealt. If this effect is ready, it will not be lost by taking damage. Darkin Bonus: Rhaast heals for 25% of the post-mitigation physical damage that he deals to enemy champions with his abilities . Link ▶️ Link ▶️ Transformation alert., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Entering transformation will notdestroyin-flightprojectiles.', 'Meleeorbs grant 2 points per hit and 6 points per takedown.', 'Rangedorbs grant 3 points per hit and 7 points per takedown.', 'The amount of points received per orb is multiplied by3 − 10.39(based on minutes).', 'The bar gets filled up completely at 500 points.', 'If the two forms are within 8% of each other, the last champion range type hit will determine the winner. If both types are hit at the same time, the trasformation will default toDarkin.', "Each side's bar has a bucket system, starting at 60 points.Each time an orb is taken the system checks if there's an amount of points in the bucket equal to or higher than the amount received from the orb.If there is,Kaynis given an additional orb of the same type he received, while also subtracting that amount of points from the bucket.The bucket fills by 0.8points per second if out of champion combat for 70 seconds.", "Each time an orb is taken the system checks if there's an amount of points in the bucket equal to or higher than the amount received from the orb.If there is,Kaynis given an additional orb of the same type he received, while also subtracting that amount of points from the bucket.", 'The bucket fills by 0.8points per second if out of champion combat for 70 seconds.', 'Damage dealt bydamage over timeeffects and specificallyFirst Strikewill not grant orbs.', 'Transformation no longer restores fullhealthandmana.', 'New Effect:Gains 25Orbsper round.', 'Shadow Assassin bonus damage changed to30% − 60% (based on level).', 'Shadow Assassin bonus damage cooldown changed to 4 seconds.']} | Name: Reaping Slash, Description: Active: Kayn dashes in the target direction, dealing physical damage to enemies he passes through. He then swings his scythe, dealing the same damage to nearby enemies. Physical Damage: 75 / 95 / 115 / 135 / 155 (+ 80% bonus AD) Total Physical Damage: 150 / 190 / 230 / 270 / 310 (+ 160% bonus AD) Both instances of Reaping Slash deal 40 bonus physical damage against minions and monsters . Non-Champion Damage: 115 / 135 / 155 / 175 / 195 (+ 80% bonus AD) Total Non-Champion Damage: 230 / 270 / 310 / 350 / 390 (+ 160% bonus AD) Darkin Bonus: Reaping Slash's damage is modified to deal 65% AD (+ 5% (+ 3. 5 % per 100 bonus AD) of the target's maximum health) physical damage for both instances. This damage has a cap against monsters that does not include the bonus damage. Capped Monster Damage per Hit: 200 / 250 / 300 / 350 / 400 Total Capped Monster Damage: 400 / 500 / 600 / 700 / 800 Reaping Slash's dash speed scales with Kayn's total movement speed ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Spell shieldswill block only a single instance of damage - either the dash or the slash.', 'If thedashisinterrupted,Kaynwill not swing his scythe.', "Reaping Slash'sswing can be performed quicker if the dash stops prematurely upon colliding with terrain.", 'As theShadow Assassin, analternate icon for Reaping Slash is used but has no modified effect.', 'Other abilities can be queued while castingReaping Slash.', "Allitem activescan be used duringReaping Slash.StopwatchandZhonya's Hourglasswill not stop the dash or the damage from occurring.Using an item active that has a dash (e.g.Hextech Rocketbelt,Galeforce) will overrideReaping Slash'sdash if used before it ends, preventing the slash from happening. If used afterReaping Slash'sdash ends,Kayncan reposition where the slash happens.", "StopwatchandZhonya's Hourglasswill not stop the dash or the damage from occurring.", "Using an item active that has a dash (e.g.Hextech Rocketbelt,Galeforce) will overrideReaping Slash'sdash if used before it ends, preventing the slash from happening. If used afterReaping Slash'sdash ends,Kayncan reposition where the slash happens.", "The swing's animation has a 0.25-secondlockouttime.Kaynwill only be able to move after 0.416seconds.", 'Kaynwill only be able to move after 0.416seconds.']} | Name: Blade's Reach, Description: Active: Kayn swings his scythe in the target direction, dealing physical damage to enemies hit and slowing them by 90% decaying over 1. 5 seconds. Physical Damage: 90 / 135 / 180 / 225 / 270 (+ 110% bonus AD) Shadow Assassin Bonus: Blade's Reach's radius is extended by 200 units. Kayn conjures an untargetable shadow at the casting position to perform Blade's Reach's sweep over 0. 55 seconds in his stead, removing the ability's cast time. Darkin Bonus: Blade's Reach knocks up enemies hit for 1 second., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "The hitbox of this ability is determined based onKayn'sposition on-cast.", "Blade's Reach'sindicator is visible to enemies while cast inside terrain and towards enemy champions.", 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.', 'Death, unless protected byResurrection']} | Name: Shadow Step, Description: Active: Kayn gains 40% bonus total movement speed , ghosting and the ability to ignore terrain collision for a duration. If he has been in combat with enemy champions within the last 3 seconds, Shadow Step will instead last 1. 5 seconds. Duration: 7 / 7. 5 / 8 / 8. 5 / 9 Kayn heals himself upon entering terrain for the first time from casting Shadow Step and he gains unobstructed vision while inside. Heal: 90 / 100 / 110 / 120 / 130 (+ 45% bonus AD) Receiving damage from or dealing damage to an enemy champion while Shadow Step is active reduces its remaining duration to 1. 5 seconds. This effect also cannot remain active out of terrain for longer than 1. 5 seconds and will cancel immediately if Kayn performs a basic attack or becomes immobilized , excluding from sleep (bug) , or polymorphed . Shadow Assassin Bonus: Shadow Step's cooldown is reduced to 10 seconds at all ranks. Kayn gains 100% slow resist while active and, upon entering terrain, the bonus total movement speed is increased to 70% for the remaining duration., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'AsRhaast, analternate icon for Shadow Step is used but has no modified effect.', 'Thebonusmovement speedstacks multiplicativelywith other sources of movement speed boosts.', "Selfimmobilizationssuch asStopwatch/Zhonya's Hourglassalso count for interruptingShadow Step.", 'Recallis disabled whileKaynis inside terrain.', 'Enemies cannot seeKaynwhile he is inside of terrain unless they have terrain-piercing vision, such asHeightened Senses,Hawkshotorunobstructed vision.However, enemies and allies (includingKayn) will be notified when nearby terrain is infested ifKaynis within 1000 units of an enemy champion - with an indicator being placed on the terrain with a direct line betweenKaynand the enemy champion.Slightly less than standard sight radius, but more than thecamouflagedetection radius.', 'However, enemies and allies (includingKayn) will be notified when nearby terrain is infested ifKaynis within 1000 units of an enemy champion - with an indicator being placed on the terrain with a direct line betweenKaynand the enemy champion.Slightly less than standard sight radius, but more than thecamouflagedetection radius.', 'Kayncan move up to 550 units beyond the outer-edge of the battlefield.', 'Shadow Stepcan interact withplayer-generated terrain.', 'IfKaynis inside terrain when the effect ends, he will be placed correspondingly to the nearest valid space.', 'Sleepwill not interruptShadow Step.(bug)', 'Shadow Assassin bonus movement speed changed to 100%.', 'Shadow Assassin modified cooldown changed to 7 seconds.']} | Name: Umbral Trespass, Description: Passive: Kayn marks enemy champions he damaged in the last 3. 15 seconds. Active: Kayn vanishes and dashes to a marked enemy champion. Upon arrival, he channels for up to 2. 5 seconds, attaching to the target and revealing them. Umbral Trespass can be recast after 0. 75 seconds during the channel, and does so automatically after the duration or if it is interrupted . Recast: After a 0. 75 -second delay, Kayn deals physical damage to the target and dashes out from their body in the target direction while still being untargetable . Physical Damage: 150 / 250 / 350 (+ 175% bonus AD) Shadow Assassin Bonus: Umbral Trespass gains 200 bonus cast range and emerge range. Additionally, emerging will reset The Darkin Scythe's cooldown . Darkin Bonus: Umbral Trespass is modified to deal physical damage equal to 15% (+ 10% per 100 bonus AD) of the target's maximum health , and heals him for 9. 75 % (+ 6. 5 % per 100 bonus AD) of the target's maximum health ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit/Direction', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'The initial cast counts as an ability activation for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellblade.Detonating the ability manually does not.The ability activation happens whenKaynis attached to his target and the channel starts.Kassadincannot gain a stack forForce PulsebecauseKaynis untargetable during the activation.', 'Detonating the ability manually does not.', 'The ability activation happens whenKaynis attached to his target and the channel starts.Kassadincannot gain a stack forForce PulsebecauseKaynis untargetable during the activation.', 'Kassadincannot gain a stack forForce PulsebecauseKaynis untargetable during the activation.', 'The ability will recast ifKaynis ordered a movement command.', 'The amount of time it takes forKayntoattachto his target is between 0.5seconds (cast from max range, not asShadow Assassin) and 0.25seconds (cast from point blank range).This duration is fixed, meaningKaynwill attach regardless of how far away the target gets while he isdashingtoward them.', 'This duration is fixed, meaningKaynwill attach regardless of how far away the target gets while he isdashingtoward them.', "If the targetdies, entersresurrection, or is sent to theRealm of DeathwhileKaynisattached, he will instantly detach and reappear on top of the target's location. This does not occur ifKaynis in the process of emerging from the target.If those same conditions occur before the attachment,Kaynwill reappear at the target's location after completing the dash.In both of these cases,Umbral Trespasswill occasionally not go on cooldown.(bug)Kaynwill automatically emerge when attached to aclonethat expires.", "If those same conditions occur before the attachment,Kaynwill reappear at the target's location after completing the dash.In both of these cases,Umbral Trespasswill occasionally not go on cooldown.(bug)", 'In both of these cases,Umbral Trespasswill occasionally not go on cooldown.(bug)', 'Kaynwill automatically emerge when attached to aclonethat expires.', "IfKayndies whileattachedand the recast is available,Umbral Trespass'damage is dealt immediately. If the recast is not available,Umbral Trespass'damage is not dealt at all.Enteringresurrectionwhileattacheddoes not dealUmbral Trespass'damage regardless of if the recast is available or not.Kaynwill detach immediately in both cases.", "Enteringresurrectionwhileattacheddoes not dealUmbral Trespass'damage regardless of if the recast is available or not.Kaynwill detach immediately in both cases.", 'Kaynwill detach immediately in both cases.', "DuringUmbral Trespass,Kaynwill not take the self-inflicted damage fromDeath's Dance'sIgnore Painif the damage was sourced from aturret.", 'AsRhaast,Umbral Trespasswill nothealif the target dies during the 0.75-second delay before emerging.', "Umbral Trespass'interactions withcrowd control:Beingstunnedorsilencedor fallingasleepwhileattachedwill cause the ability to recast automatically (even during the 0.75-second delay beforeKaynis able to recast after attaching).Umbral TrespasscleansesKaynfromdrowsiness.Kaynis immune tofearduringUmbral Trespass.Rootswill not preventKaynfrom initiating the recast.Displacementscannot interrupt the initial dash and neither can they apply whileKaynis attached. If theairbornesource applies adebuff,Kaynattaches to his target immediately, ending the dash prematurely in the process. The debuff is also removed instantly.", 'Beingstunnedorsilencedor fallingasleepwhileattachedwill cause the ability to recast automatically (even during the 0.75-second delay beforeKaynis able to recast after attaching).', 'Umbral TrespasscleansesKaynfromdrowsiness.', 'Kaynis immune tofearduringUmbral Trespass.', 'Rootswill not preventKaynfrom initiating the recast.', 'Displacementscannot interrupt the initial dash and neither can they apply whileKaynis attached. If theairbornesource applies adebuff,Kaynattaches to his target immediately, ending the dash prematurely in the process. The debuff is also removed instantly.', "Until the recast or after the duration, the ability will have had no effect on the target for the purposes ofElectrocuteor the 'in-combat' status.", "Spell shieldswill preventKaynfrom infesting the target, but will do nothing to mitigate the recast when used once he has already infested them.IfKayntargets an enemy that is currently being protected by aspell shield, the ability will simply go on cooldown without making him infest his target.This is also true forFiora'sRiposte.", "IfKayntargets an enemy that is currently being protected by aspell shield, the ability will simply go on cooldown without making him infest his target.This is also true forFiora'sRiposte.", "This is also true forFiora'sRiposte.", 'Umbral Trespasscannot be cast on targetablezombie statessuch asSionduringGlory in Death.', "Kaynwill drawturretaggro after the recast's dash, despite the damage occurring while he was untargetable.", 'The damage isnotblocked if the target becomesuntargetable.', "Kaynwill copy his target's totalsizeforUmbral Trespass'duration, even if their size is smaller than his.", "The screen will direct to the target's position upon attaching.", 'AsRhaast, analternate icon is used for the initial activation of Umbral Trespass.', 'The following table refers for interactions whileKaynischannelingand dashing out of the victim:The dash out is not interrupted bycast-inhibiting crowd control.', 'The dash out is not interrupted bycast-inhibiting crowd control.', 'Death', 'Cast-inhibiting effects', "Darkin base damage health ratio changed to7% of target'smaximumhealth.", 'Darkin damage bonus AD ratio changed to8% per 100bonusAD.', 'Shadow Assassin cast range changed to 950 units.', 'Shadow Assassin maximum dash range changed to 700 units.']} | Kaynis one of 20 champions without a singleability powerratio on any ability:Aatrox,Camille,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Garen,Kled,Naafiri,Nilah,Olaf,Pyke,Riven,Samira,Sett,Talon,Urgot,Xayah,Yone, andZed.
He is the seventh dark-themed Ionian-affiliatedchampion (albeit Noxian-born), afterShen,Varus,Syndra,Zed,Xayah&Jhin; as well as the second-known member from the Order of Shadow.
His given nameShiedais pronounced /ˈʃi:da/, and is Ionian in origin.[4]By coincidence, his surnameKaynresembles:BiblicalCain, from Semitic rootq-y-n"smith"[5]< "spear" < "reed"*qanay.[6]Irish surnameKane, Anglicized from GaelicÓ Catháin, from Proto-Celtic*katus"fight, battle".[7]
His stint as a child-soldier referencesconscription of children;Not all Noxian commanders condone their colleagues' callousness, though they at least turn a blind eye.
While inDarkinform, the champion's ability tooltips change to read "Rhaast" instead of "Kayn".
His dance referencesthe Reebok dance.
If you are tied in orbs forThe Darkin Scythe, you will be defaulted toRhaast.[8]
Although patchV7.16made it so the portrait of the selected skin would be used in the central portion of the in-game UI, transforming intoShadow AssassinorRhaastalways uses their base portraits for all skins.
The Darkin Scythe'sicons upon transformation forShadow AssassinandDarkinare both reused for theTeamfight TacticsitemsKayn's LiberationandRhaast's Embracerespectively, which reference him and Rhaast. |
Kennen,the Heart of the Tempest | | | health: Health611+98, resource: Energy200+0, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)5.5+0.65, resource regen: Energy regen. (per 5s)50, armor: Armor29+4.95, attack damage: Attack damage48+3.75, attack speed: Base AS0.625, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius55, selection radius: Selection radius100, release: 2010-04-08, changed: V13.16, role: Specialist, position: TopMiddle, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 4800|880 | Missing section(s):
MainArmoredTitlesAlias(es)The Heart of the TempestMaster KennenCharacteristicsSpeciesYordlePronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:Earlier than 9000 BNWeapon(s)Thundering ShurikenElectric MagicPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originBandle CityCurrent residenceTemple of Koeshin,IoniaProfessional statusOccupation(s)Kinkou Order's LeaderRegion(s)IoniaFaction(s)Kinkou OrderRelated character(s)AkaliShenZedIreliaSionKarmaYasuo
• Main
• Armored
• The Heart of the Tempest
• Master Kennen
• Born:Earlier than 9000 BN
• Thundering Shuriken
• Electric Magic
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
Related character(s)
The longest-standing member of the ancientKinkou Order, theyordleKennenis the first and only Heart of the Tempest. For centuries, he has used diplomacy—and force—to maintain the sacred balance in his adopted home ofIonia. Lightning fast and bearing the wisdom of a long and storied life, Kennen works with the Eye of Twilight, Shen, to protect the fragile harmony of the First Lands with a whirling storm of shuriken and devastating electrical energy.
• 1Background
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Kinkou Order5.2Akali5.3Zed5.4Teemo
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Quotes
• 9Change log
• 10References
• 11See also
• 5.1Kinkou Order
• 5.2Akali
• 5.3Zed
• 5.4Teemo
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Kennen is a cream furred yordle with light brown hair and deep blue eyes. Usually he dresses in a purple ninja outfit with golden details.
Kennen is a paradoxical being, due to his nature as a Yordle. Simultaneously an ancient being and a unaging spirit, Kennen can shift from a wise master to excitable and childlike in an instant.
When he first arrived on the Mortal Plane, Kennen became fascinated with humans and how they managed to do so much in so little time. After joining the Kinkou Order, Kennen took the responsability of recording the history of the Kinkou, and serving as the mediator of conflicts between the Mortal and Spiritual Planes.
• Yordle Physiology:Kennen is a Yordle, a being coming from theSpirit Realmand possesses several abilities natural of his species.Immortality:Being spiritual beings, Yordles don't age the same way as normal humans, and they can't normally die.Yordle Magic:Just like anyYordle, Kennen is capable of performing yordle magic, which he utilizes in tandem with his skills as a ninja.
• Electric Magic:Befitting his title as the Heart of The Tempest. Kennen is a master in electric magic. He can wield electricity from small sparks to immense waves of lightning. Kennen's connection to the powers of the storm is such that he can summon massive electric storms, capable of destroying entire armies, and create a ball of electricity that managed to hurt evenSionand bring the juggernaut temporarily down.Electric Conduction:One of his main methods of attack is charging his electric power in his shuriken to increase their destructive power, he can also use this same technique to link target to a powerful electric dischargeFlight:By letting the power of lightning flow through him, Kennen can fly in the air at great speeds, crossing the continent of Ionia in a few hours.
• Kinkou Order Techniques:Kennen has been trained in the techniques of the Kinkou order for a thousand of years, and has mastered and become a teacher of them himself, even creating some of them. Being a skilled ninja and fighter, Kennen can dominate much larger opponents, run at great speeds without being seem, use stealth to hide from danger, and master several different weapons.
• Immortality:Being spiritual beings, Yordles don't age the same way as normal humans, and they can't normally die.
• Yordle Magic:Just like anyYordle, Kennen is capable of performing yordle magic, which he utilizes in tandem with his skills as a ninja.
• Electric Conduction:One of his main methods of attack is charging his electric power in his shuriken to increase their destructive power, he can also use this same technique to link target to a powerful electric discharge
• Flight:By letting the power of lightning flow through him, Kennen can fly in the air at great speeds, crossing the continent of Ionia in a few hours.
Kinkou Order[]
Kennen,Akali, andShenare members of theKinkou Order. LikeShen, his duty is to preserve balance inIonia.
Kennenwas one ofAkali'smentors, teaching her shuriken techniques, and emphasizing speed and agility over strength. He convinced her mother Mayym, the previous Fist of Shadow, to choose her as the successor. Kennen andAkaliassistedIreliaalongsideYasuoandKarmain her resistance in a seaside village against theNoxianarmy that includesSion.
TheKinkou Orderis at war withZedand hisShadow Order. Kennen is willing to forgive the Master of Shadows should he be willing to seek redemption.[1]
Kennen is a friend ofTeemo.
Read More
The Heart of the Tempest
ByIan St. Martin
Starring Champion
Music Video
By Numerous creators
A deadly masterpiece unfolds. A lone resistance made whole. A chance to come alive.
Short Story
Between Light and Shadows
ByJoey Yu
Kennen had not slowed since setting off from the Great Temple of Koeshin.
Magic Misadventures (Video)
Part Two of Ava’s adventure leads her through the enchanted forests of Ionia, where unseen dangers—and unlikely friends—lurk in the shadows.
Short Story
The Bow, and the Kunai
ByJoey Yu
The air of southern Shon-Xan was rife with raw magic.
Mentioned Champion
Short Story
A Bandle Scout Mission Journal
By Numerous creators
Another Bandle Scout mission badge complete.
Mentioned:Corki,Kennen,Lulu,Tristana,Von Yipp
The Rogue Assassin
ByMichael McCarthy
Alternate Universes
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Since its inception, Worlds has grown and evolved. Each unbelievable play and phenomenal match created moments and memories that will never be forgotten. In these iconic moments, players and teams reached for something incredible within themselves and brought it to life on the Summoner’s Rift...
Starring:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Brand,Caitlyn,Darius,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Gnar,Janna,Jax,Jayce,Jinx,Kassadin,Katarina,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lulu,Orianna,Rek'Sai,Rengar,Rumble,Ryze,Shen,Sivir,Tahm Kench,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Yasuo,Ziggs
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Reaching the peak takes more than skill. Only those with the ambition to RISE above all others will know its height.
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Akali,Ashe,Braum,Darius,Ekko,Ezreal,Fiora,Garen,Gnar,Jarvan IV,Jax,Jinx,Kalista,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Leona,Lux,Master Yi,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Riven,Ryze,Sejuani,Swain,Taliyah,Thresh,Tryndamere,Vayne,Xayah,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs
Road to the Cup
As the 2013 League of Legends World Championship final draws near, we showcase the biggest heroes in esports from around the world. Many teams fell by the wayside in epic battles, and now only two remain: Korea's SK Telecom T1 and China's Royal Club. Who will rise?
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Blitzcrank,Brand,Caitlyn,Corki,Elise,Ezreal,Gragas,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Lux,Malphite,Mordekaiser,Orianna,Renekton,Ryze,Shen,Thresh,Twisted Fate,Vayne,Zac,Zed
The Tale of the Poro King
By Numerous creators
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aatrox,Akali,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Darius,Diana,Draven,Ezreal,Gnar,Illaoi,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kai'Sa,Karma,Karthus,Katarina,Kayle,Kayn,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nunu,Ornn,Pantheon,Pyke,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Rhaast,Ryze,Sejuani,Shen,Sion,Sivir,Soraka,Sylas,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Thresh,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Vi,Volibear,Willump,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs,Zoe
• Kennen is an ancient being, having arrived inRuneterramillennia ago.
• The Heart of the Tempests duty is to maintain the balance theEye of Twilightand theFist of Shadowas well as communicate the judgments of the order to those affected by them
• "The eyesnever lie"might be referencing the Eye of Twilight's unbiased judgement.
• Kennen shares quotes with:"Time to strike!""Balance in all things""From the shadows"
• "Time to strike!"
• "Balance in all things"
• "From the shadows"
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Mark of the Storm, Description: Innate: Kennen's abilities apply a stack of Mark of the Storm to enemies hit for 6 seconds, refreshing on subsequent applications and stacking up to 3 times. The third stack against a target consumes them all to stun them for 1. 25 seconds and restore 25 energy . The stun duration is reduced to 0. 5 seconds if this occurs on the same target again within 6 seconds. Slicing Maelstrom can apply only up to 3 stacks on a target., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Kennenwill still restore energy if the target dies from the third stack ofMark of the Storm.', 'AfterSlicing Maelstromapplies its third stack, the target gains a 6-second stack immunity againstSlicing Maelstromthat refreshes on subsequent hits.']} | Name: Thundering Shuriken, Description: Active: Kennen throws a shuriken in the target direction that deals magic damage to the first enemy hit. Magic Damage: 75 / 125 / 175 / 225 / 275 (+ 85% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.']} | Name: Electrical Surge, Description: Passive: Kennen's basic attacks on-attack generate a stack of Electrical Surge , stacking up to 4 times. At 4 stacks, his next basic attack is empowered to consume them all to deal bonus magic damage and apply a stack of Mark of the Storm . Bonus Magic Damage: 35 / 45 / 55 / 65 / 75 (+ 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120% bonus AD) (+ 35% AP) Active: Kennen sends out a surge of electricity that deals magic damage to all nearby enemies afflicted by Mark of the Storm or within Slicing Maelstrom . Magic Damage: 70 / 95 / 120 / 145 / 170 (+ 80% AP) An enemy within 775 units with Mark of the Storm or inside Slicing Maelstrom is required to cast this ability. The target does not have to be visible to be targeted by this ability., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'parries': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'The empowered basic attack applies bonusspell damage, while the electrical surge dealsarea damage.', "Electrical Surge'senhanced attack will be consumed and the bonus damage will not be applied ifKennenisblinded.Electrical Surge'senhanced attack cannot bedodgedorblocked.", "Electrical Surge'senhanced attack cannot bedodgedorblocked.", 'The empowered attack will trigger but not be consumed nor apply its effects againststructuresandwards.', 'Base damage changed to 70 / 90 / 110 / 130 / 150.', 'AP ratio changed to60% AP.']} | Name: Lightning Rush, Description: Active: Kennen turns into lightning for 2 seconds, becoming unable to declare basic attacks but gaining ghosting and 100% bonus movement speed . He deals magic damage to enemies he passes through, reduced to 65% against non-champions, and restores 40 energy upon damaging at least one enemy. Magic Damage: 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 (+ 80% AP) Non-Champion Damage: 52 / 78 / 104 / 130 / 156 (+ 52% AP) Lightning Rush can be recast after 0. 5 seconds, and does so automatically after the duration. Recast: Kennen ends Lightning Rush to gain bonus attack speed and be allowed to exceed the attack speed cap for 4 seconds. Bonus Attack Speed: 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80% Lightning Rush's recast can be used while affected by cast-inhibiting crowd control ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Lightning Rushwill only damage any particular enemy once per cast.', "For the purpose of aim-assist,Kennen'sattack rangeis reduced「\xa0by 575\xa0」「\xa0to -25\xa0」duringLightning Rush, further reduced to -33.75withRapid Firecannon."]} | Name: Slicing Maelstrom, Description: Active: Kennen summons a storm around himself for 3 seconds, gaining bonus armor and bonus magic resistance for the duration. Bonus Resistances: 20 / 40 / 60 The storm strikes lightning bolts down on nearby enemies every 0. 5 seconds, each one dealing magic damage . Magic Damage Per Bolt: 40 / 75 / 110 (+ 22. 5 % AP) Slicing Maelstrom gains 10% additional damage for each subsequent strike a target has received up to a combined total of 150% of the damage of the initial strike. Total Single-Target Damage: 300 / 562. 5 / 825 (+ 168. 75 % AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'No additional notes.', 'Bonus resistances changed to 20 / 30 / 40.', 'Base damage per bolt changed to 30 / 55 / 80.', 'AP ratio per bolt changed to18% AP.']} | His dance references theAirflare, abreakdance move.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.He shares this dance withCamille.Her dance is very similar toPROJECT: Vayne's, whose dance is a similar breakdance move.
Kennen used to gain the'Law of Inverse Ninja Strength'cosmeticEaster eggdebuff ("This unit is a flippin' ninja!"-"Ninjas are more effective when they work alone. For every Ninja on your team beyond yourself, you lose 1 health.") when he,Akali,Shen, and/orZedfound themselves on the same team. It was removed inV3.14for unknown reasons. |
Kha'Zix,the Voidreaver,Rainbow Scyther | | | health: Health643+99, resource: Mana327+40, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)7.5+0.75, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)7.59+0.5, armor: Armor36+4.2, attack damage: Attack damage60+3.1, attack speed: Base AS0.668, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius130, release: 2012-09-27, changed: V13.17, role: Assassin, position: Jungle, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 4800|880 | Missing section(s):
Kha'ZixTitlesReal nameKha'Zix(AncientShuriman: 'You Face Yourself')Nickname(s)Wrong-thingAlias(es)The VoidreaverCharacteristicsSpeciesVoidborn(Unknown Sub-species)Pronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:UnknownWeapon(s)ClawsSpikesPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originThe VoidCurrent residenceUnknown(PossiblyShuriman Jungle)FamilyWatchers(Creators)Professional statusOccupation(s)PredatorServant of theWatchersRegion(s)VoidRelated character(s)Cho'GathKog'MawRengarVel'KozBel'Veth
Real name
• Born:Unknown
• Claws
• Spikes
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
• Predator
• Servant of theWatchers
Related character(s)
The Void grows, and the Void adapts—in none of its myriad spawn are these truths more apparent thanKha'Zix. Evolution drives the core of this mutating horror, born to survive and to slay the strong. Where it struggles to do so, it grows new, more effective ways to counter and kill its prey. Initially a mindless beast, Kha'Zix's intelligence has developed as much as its form. Now, the creature plans out its hunts, and even utilizes the visceral terror it engenders in its victims.
• 1Background1.1Early Life1.2Modern History1.2.1Encountering the Kiilash1.2.2Hunted by Rengar
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early Life
• 1.2Modern History1.2.1Encountering the Kiilash1.2.2Hunted by Rengar
• 1.2.1Encountering the Kiilash
• 1.2.2Hunted by Rengar
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early Life[]
Kha'Zix was born like almost allVoidbornas a product of theWatchersmanipulating organic matter to create servants to infiltrate theRuneterraand provide intel for them. Kha'Zix is a particular Voidborn, a vicious creature seeking to become the ultimate predator in service to the Watchers. At birth, Kha'Zix began as fragile and ravenous, feeding on smaller, weaker creatures that wouldn't allow him to adapt and evolve fast enough. Desiring more, Kha'Zix hunted down more dangerous creatures, risking his life to satisfy his need to consume and evolve. Kha'Zix feasted on every kill, consuming their biological essence and eventually becoming a near-perfect predator roaming the jungles and devouring all types of creatures.
Modern History[]
Encountering the Kiilash[]
Roaming the jungles and savannahs nearShurima, Kha'Zix would encounter some members of avastayantribe known as theKiilash; a culture of fearsome hunters living within the jungles. At some point Ponjaf, the tribe's chieftain at the time, would witness the terrifying Kha'Zix but unable to kill him. Kha'Zix would become renown by the Kiilash as a frightening Void-abomination as some of the most fearless would be unable to hunt him down, including Ponjaf.[1]
Hunted by Rengar[]
At some point Ponjaf's disowned sonRengarwas sent to bring back Kha'Zix's head as a trophy, being the only way Rengar could truly regain honor and return to his people he got exiled from. Searching through the jungles that Kha'Zix is infamous for roaming around, Rengar successfully locates his trail and finds a pack ofjungle raptorsbeing devoured by Kha'Zix. While feasting on the essence of the raptors, Kha'Zix grows a pair of limbs out of his back, which slowly unfurl into dripping wings. While stealthily watching the creature from the trees, Rengar finally lunges for an attack but acts too swiftly, as Kha'Zix is capable of parrying his hunting knife and slashing at his left eye with his claws. Rengar, now missing an eye, sees Kha'Zix hold it up with his claws and devour it tauntingly at Rengar. Angered by this, Rengar triumphantly roars and claws at Kha'Zix with his barehands as the two share a violent, bloody clash with one another.[2]
Though Kha'Zix managed to survive the encounter, Rengar's succesful strikes caused Kha'Zix to feel his blood drip for the first time ever in his life. Because of this defining encounter against the Kiilash hunter, Kha'Zix now sees Rengar as his next target to consume and eventually evolve into a more perfect predator.
When Kha'Zix was created, he was a vicious but unintelligent voidborn that only knew how to kill and eat. However, his mutating abilities allowed Kha'Zix to develop a growing sentience, complete with an intelligent mind, fearless attitude, and a sadistic sense of humor. Kha'Zix has a lot of pride, seeking out "worthy prey" in hopes that he can grow stronger than them and eventually kill them, which was the origin for his rivalry with Rengar, as their previous battle was a stalemate and Kha'Zix now considers him an equal. While hunting the Pridestalker may not be such a wise decision on the surface, Kha'Zix remains determined in his goal, whether it be from arrogance or just as a result of his programming as a Voidborn to seek out and kill the strongest creatures
• VoidbornPhysiology:Kha'Ziz is a Voidborn, a creature constructed by theWatchersfrom within the Void by manipulating organic matter. Voidborn creatures are all programmed with the inherent desire to consume and destroy all of reality but are extremely varied in form and function. Kha'Zix has been created specifically with the ability to quickly evolve and adapt based on what he consumes in order to become the ultimate predator.Adaptive Evolution:By consuming other beings, Kha'Zix can quickly adapt and evolve by mutating his own body. He has used this ability several times already, evolving with many different biological weapons and tools he can utilize to hunt down any prey. Kha'Zix is constantly evolving however, being capable of amplifying his current mutations even further when he consumes enough material and adapts.Claws:Kha'Zix possesses incredibly powerful and sharp claws that cut through many things. He has used these claws to easily parryRengar'shunting knife and slice his eye off.Winged Flight:Kha'Zix has wings that he can use to fly at great speeds and leap at great distances. He recently evolved these after consuming a nest ofraptorsin the jungles nearShurima.Void Spikes:Kha'Zix has spikes on his shoulders that he is capable of shooting out of his body as dangerous projectiles, serving as a form of bio-artillery and capable of exploding on contact. Kha'Zix is able to quickly regenerate these spikes after expunging them, allowing him to reuse them multiple times.Camouflage:Thanks to his Voidborn nature, Kha'Zix is able to blend in with his environment and camouflage himself. With this, he can easily sneak up and ambush any prey while being undetected.Regeneration:By devouring the organic material of other creatures, Kha'Zix can repair and regenerate his own body once damaged by utilizing the consumed biological material.
• Adaptive Evolution:By consuming other beings, Kha'Zix can quickly adapt and evolve by mutating his own body. He has used this ability several times already, evolving with many different biological weapons and tools he can utilize to hunt down any prey. Kha'Zix is constantly evolving however, being capable of amplifying his current mutations even further when he consumes enough material and adapts.Claws:Kha'Zix possesses incredibly powerful and sharp claws that cut through many things. He has used these claws to easily parryRengar'shunting knife and slice his eye off.Winged Flight:Kha'Zix has wings that he can use to fly at great speeds and leap at great distances. He recently evolved these after consuming a nest ofraptorsin the jungles nearShurima.Void Spikes:Kha'Zix has spikes on his shoulders that he is capable of shooting out of his body as dangerous projectiles, serving as a form of bio-artillery and capable of exploding on contact. Kha'Zix is able to quickly regenerate these spikes after expunging them, allowing him to reuse them multiple times.Camouflage:Thanks to his Voidborn nature, Kha'Zix is able to blend in with his environment and camouflage himself. With this, he can easily sneak up and ambush any prey while being undetected.Regeneration:By devouring the organic material of other creatures, Kha'Zix can repair and regenerate his own body once damaged by utilizing the consumed biological material.
• Claws:Kha'Zix possesses incredibly powerful and sharp claws that cut through many things. He has used these claws to easily parryRengar'shunting knife and slice his eye off.
• Winged Flight:Kha'Zix has wings that he can use to fly at great speeds and leap at great distances. He recently evolved these after consuming a nest ofraptorsin the jungles nearShurima.
• Void Spikes:Kha'Zix has spikes on his shoulders that he is capable of shooting out of his body as dangerous projectiles, serving as a form of bio-artillery and capable of exploding on contact. Kha'Zix is able to quickly regenerate these spikes after expunging them, allowing him to reuse them multiple times.
• Camouflage:Thanks to his Voidborn nature, Kha'Zix is able to blend in with his environment and camouflage himself. With this, he can easily sneak up and ambush any prey while being undetected.
• Regeneration:By devouring the organic material of other creatures, Kha'Zix can repair and regenerate his own body once damaged by utilizing the consumed biological material.
Read More
The Voidreaver
By Unknown Author
Starring Champion
Short Story
ByIan St. Martin
“As it has adapted, now so must I. For I will have my kill.”
Mentioned Champion
The Pridestalker
ByAnthony Burch
Alternate Universes
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Since its inception, Worlds has grown and evolved. Each unbelievable play and phenomenal match created moments and memories that will never be forgotten. In these iconic moments, players and teams reached for something incredible within themselves and brought it to life on the Summoner’s Rift...
Starring:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Brand,Caitlyn,Darius,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Gnar,Janna,Jax,Jayce,Jinx,Kassadin,Katarina,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lulu,Orianna,Rek'Sai,Rengar,Rumble,Ryze,Shen,Sivir,Tahm Kench,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Yasuo,Ziggs
Short Story
Submit to Infinity
By Numerous creators
Playtime with Gnar: Series 1
ByRachel J. Corey
Mentioned:Amumu,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Darius,Draven,Karthus,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Malzahar,Nocturne,Nunu,Rengar,Twisted Fate,Willump
Punches and Plants: Series 2
Mentioned:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Amumu,Annie,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Diana,Draven,Ekko,Ezreal,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Kha'Zix,Kog'Maw,Leona,Lucian,Lux,Malphite,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nasus,Nautilus,Nidalee,Olaf,Orianna,Poppy,Quinn,Rakan,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Shaco,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Valor,Vel'Koz,Viktor,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Xin Zhao,Yasuo,Ziggs
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Reaching the peak takes more than skill. Only those with the ambition to RISE above all others will know its height.
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Akali,Ashe,Braum,Darius,Ekko,Ezreal,Fiora,Garen,Gnar,Jarvan IV,Jax,Jinx,Kalista,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Leona,Lux,Master Yi,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Riven,Ryze,Sejuani,Swain,Taliyah,Thresh,Tryndamere,Vayne,Xayah,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs
Road to the Cup
As the 2013 League of Legends World Championship final draws near, we showcase the biggest heroes in esports from around the world. Many teams fell by the wayside in epic battles, and now only two remain: Korea's SK Telecom T1 and China's Royal Club. Who will rise?
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Blitzcrank,Brand,Caitlyn,Corki,Elise,Ezreal,Gragas,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Lux,Malphite,Mordekaiser,Orianna,Renekton,Ryze,Shen,Thresh,Twisted Fate,Vayne,Zac,Zed
The Tale of the Poro King
By Numerous creators
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aatrox,Akali,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Darius,Diana,Draven,Ezreal,Gnar,Illaoi,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kai'Sa,Karma,Karthus,Katarina,Kayle,Kayn,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nunu,Ornn,Pantheon,Pyke,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Rhaast,Ryze,Sejuani,Shen,Sion,Sivir,Soraka,Sylas,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Thresh,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Vi,Volibear,Willump,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs,Zoe
• Kha'Zix's name, according to the Kiilash, means "You Face Yourself" in ancient Shuriman, possibly referencing his ability to consume his prey and evolve based on their strengths.[2]
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Unseen Threat, Description: Innate: Kha'Zix gains Unseen Threat whenever the enemy loses sight of him or he activates Void Assault . Unseen Threat: Kha'Zix empowers his next basic attack against an enemy champion to deal 14 − 116 (based on level) (+ 40% bonus AD) bonus magic damage and slow them by 25% for 2 seconds., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Any form of vision loss may triggerUnseen Threat, such asCurse of the Black Mist,nearsightandBrushmaker.', "Void AssaultgrantsUnseen Threateven ifKha'Zixnever becomes unseen (e.g. affected bytrue sight).Otherstealthsuch asSenna'sCurse of the Black MistandDuskblade of Draktharrdoes not do this.", "Otherstealthsuch asSenna'sCurse of the Black MistandDuskblade of Draktharrdoes not do this.", "Both the attack's damage and bonus spell damage are grouped under the same Spell ID.Because of this, a singleUnseen Threatattack doesnottrigger twoElectrocutestacks.", 'Because of this, a singleUnseen Threatattack doesnottrigger twoElectrocutestacks.', 'Bonus AD ratio changed to55%bonusAD.', 'Slow strength changed to 35%.']} | Name: Taste Their Fear, Description: Passive: Kha'Zix considers any enemy unit to be Isolated if they are not nearby to one of their allies. Taste Their Fear , Evolved Reaper Claws , and Evolved Spike Racks have special interactions against Isolated targets. Active: Kha'Zix slashes the target enemy, dealing physical damage , increased by 110% against Isolated targets. Physical Damage: 70 / 95 / 120 / 145 / 170 (+ 110% bonus AD) Increased Damage: 147 / 199. 5 / 252 / 304. 5 / 357 (+ 231% bonus AD), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Taste Their Fear Details', 'Evolved Reaper Claws Details', "A team's allies arechampions,pets,minionsand outerturrets.Monstersare considered allies for other monsters.Wardsdo not preventIsolation.", 'Monstersare considered allies for other monsters.', 'Wardsdo not preventIsolation.', "A number of targetablechampion summoned unitsare specifically tagged to not be a valid ally of a potentiallyIsolatedtarget. These units are:Gangplank'sPowder KegIllaoi'sProphet of an Elder GodJhin'sCaptive AudienceNidalee'sBushwhackRek'Sai'sTunnelSenna'sAbsolution'sMist WraithsTeemo'sNoxious TrapViego'sSovereign's Domination'sMist WraithsYorick'sDark Procession", "Gangplank'sPowder Keg", "Illaoi'sProphet of an Elder God", "Jhin'sCaptive Audience", "Nidalee'sBushwhack", "Rek'Sai'sTunnel", "Senna'sAbsolution'sMist Wraiths", "Teemo'sNoxious Trap", "Viego'sSovereign's Domination'sMist Wraiths", "Yorick'sDark Procession", "Isolatedtargets are marked by anindicator toKha'Zixwhen visible and within2500units of him. However,Isolationbonuses are evaluated when the relevant spells hit and thus enemies do not need to show the indicator for them to receive the effects.", 'If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the cast time, this ability will cancel but does not go oncooldownnor pay its cost (if applicable).', 'No additional details.', 'Hide', 'Void Spike Details', 'Evolved Spike Racks Details', 'Video', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', "Void Spike'seffect radius is centered around the location of the missile as it collides.", 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', "Evolved Spike Racks'effect radius is centered around the location of the missile as it collides.", 'Spell shieldwill not block thereveal.', 'Hide', 'Leap Details', 'Evolved Wings Details', "Kha'Zixcan use hissummoner spellsanditem activeswhileleaping.", "Kha'Zixcan use hissummoner spellsanditem activeswhileleaping.", 'Hide', 'Void Assault Details', 'Evolved Adaptive Cloaking Details', 'Void Assault 2 Details', "Each cast counts as an ability activation for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.", "Kha'Zixreceives the evolution even if he dies while in cast time.", "Every timeVoid Assaultis ranked, a secondary menu will pop up forKha'Zixto select an ability to evolve, this can only be done once per ability.The only way forKha'Zixto evolve all of his abilities is to gain the fourth evolution point by being victorious inThe Hunt is On!(by scoring atakedownonRengar).", "The only way forKha'Zixto evolve all of his abilities is to gain the fourth evolution point by being victorious inThe Hunt is On!(by scoring atakedownonRengar).", 'No additional details.', "Each cast counts as an ability activation for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.", "Kha'Zixreceives the evolution even if he dies while in cast time.", "Every timeVoid Assaultis ranked, a secondary menu will pop up forKha'Zixto select an ability to evolve, this can only be done once per ability.The only way forKha'Zixto evolve all of his abilities is to gain the fourth evolution point by being victorious inThe Hunt is On!(by scoring atakedownonRengar).", "The only way forKha'Zixto evolve all of his abilities is to gain the fourth evolution point by being victorious inThe Hunt is On!(by scoring atakedownonRengar).", "Worlds 2018 Kha'ZixSkin renamed toWorlds 2018 Kha'ZixfromChampionship Kha'Zix.", "Skin renamed toWorlds 2018 Kha'ZixfromChampionship Kha'Zix.", 'Taste Their FearBonus AD ratio reduced to110%bonusADfrom115%.Isolated bonus AD ratio reduced to231%bonusADfrom241.5%.', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to110%bonusADfrom115%.Isolated bonus AD ratio reduced to231%bonusADfrom241.5%.', 'Isolated bonus AD ratio reduced to231%bonusADfrom241.5%.', 'StatsBase attack damage reduced to 60 from 63.', 'Base attack damage reduced to 60 from 63.', 'Taste Their FearBase damage increased to 70 / 95 / 120 / 145 / 170 from 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160.', 'Base damage increased to 70 / 95 / 120 / 145 / 170 from 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160.', 'Taste Their FearIsolation range reduced to 375 units from 425.', 'Isolation range reduced to 375 units from 425.', 'Evolved Spike RacksSlow reduced to 40% from 60%.Isolated slow reduced to 75% from 90%.', 'Slow reduced to 40% from 60%.', 'Isolated slow reduced to 75% from 90%.', 'Void AssaultRecast duration increased to 12 seconds from 10.', 'Recast duration increased to 12 seconds from 10.', 'Void AssaultBug Fix:Champion model no longer disappears during the effect while using theClassic,Mecha, orDeath Blossomskins.', 'Bug Fix:Champion model no longer disappears during the effect while using theClassic,Mecha, orDeath Blossomskins.', 'GeneralBug Fix:Knocked up/stunned animation is now correctly played.', 'Bug Fix:Knocked up/stunned animation is now correctly played.', 'StatsBase health increased to 643 from 573.Health growth increased to 99 from 85.Armor growth increased to 4.2from 3.Magic resistance growth increased to 2.05from 1.25.', 'Base health increased to 643 from 573.', 'Health growth increased to 99 from 85.', 'Armor growth increased to 4.2from 3.', 'Magic resistance growth increased to 2.05from 1.25.', 'Void SpikeBase heal reduced to 55 / 75 / 95 / 115 / 135 from 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160.', 'Base heal reduced to 55 / 75 / 95 / 115 / 135 from 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160.', 'Taste Their FearBonus AD ratio reduced to115%bonusADfrom130%.Isolated bonus AD ratio reduced to241.5%bonusADfrom273%.', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to115%bonusADfrom130%.Isolated bonus AD ratio reduced to241.5%bonusADfrom273%.', 'Isolated bonus AD ratio reduced to241.5%bonusADfrom273%.', 'StatsBase magic resistance reduced to 32 from 32.1.Base health increased to 573 from 572.8.', 'Base magic resistance reduced to 32 from 32.1.', 'Base health increased to 573 from 572.8.', 'GeneralUpdated visual effects.Updated basic attack swipes and new hit visual effects.', 'Updated visual effects.', 'Updated basic attack swipes and new hit visual effects.', 'Unseen ThreatBlade VFX are more glowy; target effects better fit into the Void color scheme.', 'Blade VFX are more glowy; target effects better fit into the Void color scheme.', 'Taste Their FearUpdated isolated target indicator; reduced noise on target VFX.', 'Updated isolated target indicator; reduced noise on target VFX.', 'Void SpikeNew missile trail effects. Updated Explosion area of effect to match the hitbox.', 'New missile trail effects. Updated Explosion area of effect to match the hitbox.', 'LeapReduced noise on landing effect. Updated area of effect to match the hitbox.', 'Reduced noise on landing effect. Updated area of effect to match the hitbox.', 'Void AssaultUpdated cloaking effect. Improved decloaking effect.', 'Updated cloaking effect. Improved decloaking effect.', "Mecha Kha'ZixVoid Spikerockets stay closer to the missile hitbox.Updated W and E area of effects.", 'Void Spikerockets stay closer to the missile hitbox.', 'Updated W and E area of effects.', "Guardian of the Sands Kha'ZixUpdated W and E area of effects.", 'Updated W and E area of effects.', "Death Blossom Kha'ZixUpdated W and E area of effects.", 'Updated W and E area of effects.', "Dark Star Kha'ZixUpdated W and E area of effects.", 'Updated W and E area of effects.', "Worlds 2018 Kha'ZixUpdated W and E area of effects.", 'Updated W and E area of effects.', 'Evolved Spike RacksBug Fix:Hitting an enemy champion with it no longer reveals a large area around him.', 'Bug Fix:Hitting an enemy champion with it no longer reveals a large area around him.', "Mecha Kha'ZixUnseen ThreatBug Fix:Passive hit SFX has been restored.Taste Their FearBug Fix:Non-isolated and isolated hit SFX have been restored.Void SpikeBug Fix:Missile hits and heal SFX have been restored.LeapBug Fix:Ground hit SFX has been restored.Void AssaultBug Fix:Cast SFX has been restored.", 'Unseen ThreatBug Fix:Passive hit SFX has been restored.', 'Bug Fix:Passive hit SFX has been restored.', 'Taste Their FearBug Fix:Non-isolated and isolated hit SFX have been restored.', 'Bug Fix:Non-isolated and isolated hit SFX have been restored.', 'Void SpikeBug Fix:Missile hits and heal SFX have been restored.', 'Bug Fix:Missile hits and heal SFX have been restored.', 'LeapBug Fix:Ground hit SFX has been restored.', 'Bug Fix:Ground hit SFX has been restored.', 'Void AssaultBug Fix:Cast SFX has been restored.', 'Bug Fix:Cast SFX has been restored.', "Guardian of the Sands Kha'Zix,Death Blossom Kha'Zix, andDark Star Kha'ZixVoid SpikeBug Fix:Heal SFX has been restored.", 'Void SpikeBug Fix:Heal SFX has been restored.', 'Bug Fix:Heal SFX has been restored.', 'Taste Their FearIsolation bonus damage reduced to 110% from 120%.', 'Isolation bonus damage reduced to 110% from 120%.', 'Taste Their FearIsolation bonus damage increased to 120% from 100%.', 'Isolation bonus damage increased to 120% from 100%.', 'Unseen ThreatUndocumented:Base damage reduced to14 − 116 (based on level)from14 − 150 (based on level).', 'Undocumented:Base damage reduced to14 − 116 (based on level)from14 − 150 (based on level).', 'Void AssaultBug Fix:Now properly breaks his stealth when he uses hisEvolved Reaper Claws,Evolved Spike Racks, andEvolved Wings.', 'Bug Fix:Now properly breaks his stealth when he uses hisEvolved Reaper Claws,Evolved Spike Racks, andEvolved Wings.', 'Taste Their FearBase damage increased to 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 from 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150.', 'Base damage increased to 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 from 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150.', 'Taste Their FearBug Fix:Isolatedtarget effect now properly applies to all champions.', 'Bug Fix:Isolatedtarget effect now properly applies to all champions.', 'Void AssaultNew Effect:Ability icon border now shows the remaining time to recast the ability.', 'New Effect:Ability icon border now shows the remaining time to recast the ability.', "Mecha Kha'ZixVoid SpikeBug Fix:On-hit VFX are no longer significantly louder than base.", 'Void SpikeBug Fix:On-hit VFX are no longer significantly louder than base.', 'Bug Fix:On-hit VFX are no longer significantly louder than base.', 'Unseen ThreatBonus AD ratio increased to40%bonusADfrom20%.', 'Bonus AD ratio increased to40%bonusADfrom20%.', 'Void SpikeEvolved Spike Racks slow increased to 60% from 40%.Isolated target slow increased to 90% from 80%.', 'Evolved Spike Racks slow increased to 60% from 40%.', 'Isolated target slow increased to 90% from 80%.', 'Void AssaultCooldown reduced to 100 / 85 / 70 seconds from 100 / 90 / 80.Active invisibility reduced to 1.25seconds from 1.5.', 'Cooldown reduced to 100 / 85 / 70 seconds from 100 / 90 / 80.', 'Active invisibility reduced to 1.25seconds from 1.5.', "Evolved Adaptive CloakingNew Effect:Now increases the invisibility duration by 0.75seconds, for a total of 2 seconds.New Effect:Now increases the number of recast to 3 from 2.Removed:While out-of-combat,Kha'Zixalso passively gainsVoid Assaultfor 3 seconds in brush. This persists for up to 1.5seconds after exiting the brush (10 second per brush cooldown).", 'New Effect:Now increases the invisibility duration by 0.75seconds, for a total of 2 seconds.', 'New Effect:Now increases the number of recast to 3 from 2.', "Removed:While out-of-combat,Kha'Zixalso passively gainsVoid Assaultfor 3 seconds in brush. This persists for up to 1.5seconds after exiting the brush (10 second per brush cooldown).", "Death Blossom Kha'ZixEvolved WingsBug Fix:Wings no longer lose textures and transparency when recalling.", 'Evolved WingsBug Fix:Wings no longer lose textures and transparency when recalling.', 'Bug Fix:Wings no longer lose textures and transparency when recalling.', 'Taste Their FearBase damage reduced to 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 from 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 / 165.Bonus AD ratio increased to130%bonusADfrom120%.Isolation bonus damage increased to 100% from 65%.', 'Base damage reduced to 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 from 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 / 165.', 'Bonus AD ratio increased to130%bonusADfrom120%.', 'Isolation bonus damage increased to 100% from 65%.', 'Void SpikeRemoved:Dealing 20% increased damage to monsters.', 'Removed:Dealing 20% increased damage to monsters.', "Mecha Kha'ZixVoid AssaultBug Fix:Chromas' VFX are now always visible to the enemy when used.", "Void AssaultBug Fix:Chromas' VFX are now always visible to the enemy when used.", "Bug Fix:Chromas' VFX are now always visible to the enemy when used.", 'StatsBase health regeneration reduced to 7.5from 7.51.', 'Base health regeneration reduced to 7.5from 7.51.', 'Unseen ThreatBonus AD ratio reduced to20%bonusADfrom40%.', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to20%bonusADfrom40%.', 'Taste Their FearBonus AD ratio increased to120%bonusADfrom110%.New Effect:Now draws nearby minion aggro when targeting an enemy champion.', 'Bonus AD ratio increased to120%bonusADfrom110%.', 'New Effect:Now draws nearby minion aggro when targeting an enemy champion.', 'StatsBase attack damage increased to 63 from 55.21.Base armor increased to 36 from 27.', 'Base attack damage increased to 63 from 55.21.', 'Base armor increased to 36 from 27.', 'Unseen ThreatBase damage increased to14 − 150 (based on level)from10 − 146 (based on level).', 'Base damage increased to14 − 150 (based on level)from10 − 146 (based on level).', 'Taste Their FearBase damage increased to 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 / 165 from 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160.', 'Base damage increased to 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 / 165 from 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160.', 'Void SpikeBase damage increased to 85 / 115 / 145 / 175 / 205 from 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200.', 'Base damage increased to 85 / 115 / 145 / 175 / 205 from 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200.', "Dark Star Kha'ZixEvolved WingsBug Fix:VFX are now more visible on low and very low graphics settings.", 'Evolved WingsBug Fix:VFX are now more visible on low and very low graphics settings.', 'Bug Fix:VFX are now more visible on low and very low graphics settings.', 'Taste Their FearNo longer forces you to automatically basic attack the target after the ability. Can now queue other spells after the ability instead.', 'No longer forces you to automatically basic attack the target after the ability. Can now queue other spells after the ability instead.', 'Taste Their FearBase damage reduced to 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 from 70 / 95 / 120 / 145 / 170.Bonus AD ratio reduced to110%bonusADfrom120%.Increased damage to isolated targets increased to 65% from 50%.', 'Base damage reduced to 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 from 70 / 95 / 120 / 145 / 170.', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to110%bonusADfrom120%.', 'Increased damage to isolated targets increased to 65% from 50%.', 'Void AssaultActive stealth duration increased to 1.5seconds from 1.25.', 'Active stealth duration increased to 1.5seconds from 1.25.', 'Evolved Adaptive CloakingBrush stealth duration increased to 3 seconds from 2.5.Invisibility linger duration increased to 1.5seconds from 1.25.', 'Brush stealth duration increased to 3 seconds from 2.5.', 'Invisibility linger duration increased to 1.5seconds from 1.25.', 'Void AssaultBug Fix:No longer shows the incorrect visuals when evolving hisVoid Assault.', 'Bug Fix:No longer shows the incorrect visuals when evolving hisVoid Assault.', 'Void AssaultBug Fix:Is no longer prevented from using hisVoid Assaultpassive by being "in combat" when stepping onHoneyfruitor attacking plants.', 'Bug Fix:Is no longer prevented from using hisVoid Assaultpassive by being "in combat" when stepping onHoneyfruitor attacking plants.', 'GeneralBug Fix:Dance VO now loops more consistently.', 'Bug Fix:Dance VO now loops more consistently.', 'Taste Their FearBonus AD ratio reduced to120%bonusADfrom140%bonusAD.', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to120%bonusADfrom140%bonusAD.', 'Evolved Reaper ClawsCooldown refund reduced to 45% from 60%.', 'Cooldown refund reduced to 45% from 60%.', "GeneralBug Fix:Enemy spell shields are no longer consumed when a nearbyKha'Zixevolves an ability.", "Bug Fix:Enemy spell shields are no longer consumed when a nearbyKha'Zixevolves an ability.", "Unseen ThreatBug Fix:Fixed several cases where abilities that create objects (ex.Jarvan IV'sDemacian Standard) caused their casters to no longer be considered Isolated for the purposes ofUnseen Threat.", "Bug Fix:Fixed several cases where abilities that create objects (ex.Jarvan IV'sDemacian Standard) caused their casters to no longer be considered Isolated for the purposes ofUnseen Threat.", "GeneralBug Fix:Corrected some scaling information in Kha'Zix's tooltips.", "Bug Fix:Corrected some scaling information in Kha'Zix's tooltips.", 'Unseen ThreatBonus damage changes to10 − 146 (based on level)(+ 40%bonusAD)from15 − 190 (based on level)(+ 50% AP).', 'Bonus damage changes to10 − 146 (based on level)(+ 40%bonusAD)from15 − 190 (based on level)(+ 50% AP).', 'Taste Their FearCooldown increased to 4 seconds from 3.Bonus AD ratio increased to140%bonusADfrom120%bonusAD.Isolation bonus increased to 50% from 30%.Isolation damage increased to 105 / 142.5/ 180 / 217.5/ 255(+ 210%bonusAD)from 91 / 123.5/ 156 / 188.5/ 221(+ 156%bonusAD).', 'Cooldown increased to 4 seconds from 3.', 'Bonus AD ratio increased to140%bonusADfrom120%bonusAD.', 'Isolation bonus increased to 50% from 30%.Isolation damage increased to 105 / 142.5/ 180 / 217.5/ 255(+ 210%bonusAD)from 91 / 123.5/ 156 / 188.5/ 221(+ 156%bonusAD).', 'Isolation damage increased to 105 / 142.5/ 180 / 217.5/ 255(+ 210%bonusAD)from 91 / 123.5/ 156 / 188.5/ 221(+ 156%bonusAD).', "Evolved Reaper ClawsRenamed toEvolved Reaper ClawsfromEvolved Enlarged Claws.Removed:Increasing damage against Isolated targets.New Effect:If target is Isolated, refunds 60% ofTaste Their Fear'scooldown.", 'Renamed toEvolved Reaper ClawsfromEvolved Enlarged Claws.', 'Removed:Increasing damage against Isolated targets.', "New Effect:If target is Isolated, refunds 60% ofTaste Their Fear'scooldown.", 'Void SpikeRemoved:Slowing by 20% damaged enemies.', 'Removed:Slowing by 20% damaged enemies.', 'Evolved Spike RacksEvolved slow reduced to 40% from 50%.New Effect:Isolated targets are now slowed by 80% instead.', 'Evolved slow reduced to 40% from 50%.', 'New Effect:Isolated targets are now slowed by 80% instead.', 'Void AssaultStealth reclassified asInvisibility.Stealth duration increased to 1.25seconds from 1.', 'Stealth reclassified asInvisibility.', 'Stealth duration increased to 1.25seconds from 1.', "Evolved Adaptive CloakingRenamed toEvolved Adaptive CloakingfromEvolved Active Camouflage.Removed:Increasing invisibility duration and number of charges.New Effect:Kha'ZixgainsVoid Assaultfor 2.5seconds in brush, which lingers for 1.5seconds after exiting the brush. This can only be triggered while out of combat and there is a 10-second per-brush cooldown.", 'Renamed toEvolved Adaptive CloakingfromEvolved Active Camouflage.', 'Removed:Increasing invisibility duration and number of charges.', "New Effect:Kha'ZixgainsVoid Assaultfor 2.5seconds in brush, which lingers for 1.5seconds after exiting the brush. This can only be triggered while out of combat and there is a 10-second per-brush cooldown.", "Void AssaultBug Fix:ActivatingYoumuu's Ghostbladeno longer breaks stealth.", "Bug Fix:ActivatingYoumuu's Ghostbladeno longer breaks stealth.", 'Taste Their FearCooldown reduced to 3 seconds from 3.5.', 'Cooldown reduced to 3 seconds from 3.5.', 'Void SpikeCooldown reduced to 9 seconds from 10.', 'Cooldown reduced to 9 seconds from 10.', "Void Spike/Void AssaultNew Effect:Can be 'buffered' mid-Leapto cast slightly before landing (only if last one).", "New Effect:Can be 'buffered' mid-Leapto cast slightly before landing (only if last one).", 'Unseen ThreatAttack frame on enhanced attacks reduced.', 'Attack frame on enhanced attacks reduced.', 'Void SpikeExplosion radius increased to 275 from 225.', 'Explosion radius increased to 275 from 225.', 'LeapRange increased to 700 from 600 (Evolved Wingsrange unchanged).', 'Range increased to 700 from 600 (Evolved Wingsrange unchanged).', 'StatsBase armor increased to 27 from 24.', 'Base armor increased to 27 from 24.', 'Taste Their FearMana cost reduced to 20 from 25.', 'Mana cost reduced to 20 from 25.', 'Taste Their FearIsolation indicator updated for Classic and Guardian of the Sands.', 'Isolation indicator updated for Classic and Guardian of the Sands.', 'Taste Their FearIsolation radius reduced to 425 from 500.', 'Isolation radius reduced to 425 from 500.', 'Void SpikeBase heal increased to 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 from 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160.', 'Base heal increased to 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 from 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160.', 'Void SpikeCooldown increased to 10 seconds from 8.', 'Cooldown increased to 10 seconds from 8.', 'Void SpikeBase damage reduced to 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200 from 75 / 115 / 155 / 195 / 235.', 'Base damage reduced to 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200 from 75 / 115 / 155 / 195 / 235.', 'Taste Their FearBase damage increased to 70 / 95 / 120 / 145 / 170 from 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155.', 'Base damage increased to 70 / 95 / 120 / 145 / 170 from 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155.', 'GeneralBug Fix:Recallanimation would occasionally cancel.', 'Bug Fix:Recallanimation would occasionally cancel.', 'Taste Their FearBase damage reduced to 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155 from 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 / 190.Bonus AD ratio reduced to120% bonus ADfrom150%.Isolation bonus damage reduced to 30% from 45%.Isolation base damage reduced to 71.5/ 104 / 136 / 169 / 201 from 101.5/ 145 / 188.5/ 232 / 275.5.Isolation bonus AD ratio reduced to156% Bonus ADfrom217.5%.', 'Base damage reduced to 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155 from 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 / 190.', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to120% bonus ADfrom150%.', 'Isolation bonus damage reduced to 30% from 45%.Isolation base damage reduced to 71.5/ 104 / 136 / 169 / 201 from 101.5/ 145 / 188.5/ 232 / 275.5.Isolation bonus AD ratio reduced to156% Bonus ADfrom217.5%.', 'Isolation base damage reduced to 71.5/ 104 / 136 / 169 / 201 from 101.5/ 145 / 188.5/ 232 / 275.5.', 'Isolation bonus AD ratio reduced to156% Bonus ADfrom217.5%.', "Evolved Enlarged ClawsRemoved:% of target's missing healthbonus damageRemoved:Bonus damage to non-Isolated targetsNew Effect:Deals10 − 180 (based on level)(+ 104% Bonus AD)bonus damage to Isolated targetsIsolation total damage changed to 71.5/ 104 / 136 / 169 / 201 +10 − 180 (based on level)(+ 260% Bonus AD)from 101.5/ 145 / 188.5/ 232 / 275.5(+ 217.5Bonus AD)(+ 8.7% of target's missing health)", "Removed:% of target's missing healthbonus damage", 'Removed:Bonus damage to non-Isolated targets', 'New Effect:Deals10 − 180 (based on level)(+ 104% Bonus AD)bonus damage to Isolated targets', "Isolation total damage changed to 71.5/ 104 / 136 / 169 / 201 +10 − 180 (based on level)(+ 260% Bonus AD)from 101.5/ 145 / 188.5/ 232 / 275.5(+ 217.5Bonus AD)(+ 8.7% of target's missing health)", 'Void SpikeNew Effect:Deals 20% bonus damage to monsters.', 'New Effect:Deals 20% bonus damage to monsters.', 'Evolved Spike RacksNew Effect:Deals 20% bonus damage to monsters.Slow increased to 50% from 30%.New Effect:Grants sight of champions hit for 2 seconds.', 'New Effect:Deals 20% bonus damage to monsters.', 'Slow increased to 50% from 30%.', 'New Effect:Grants sight of champions hit for 2 seconds.', 'Evolved Active CamouflageRemoved:50% damage reduction while stealthed.', 'Removed:50% damage reduction while stealthed.', 'Taste Their FearDamage amplifier against isolated targets reduced to 30% from 35%.', 'Damage amplifier against isolated targets reduced to 30% from 35%.', 'Evolved Enlarged ClawsDamage amplifier against isolated targets reduced to 30% from 35%.', 'Damage amplifier against isolated targets reduced to 30% from 35%.', "Evolved WingsBug Fix:Cooldown longer thanLeap's.Cooldown reduced to 22 / 20 / 18 / 16 / 14 seconds from 24 / 22 / 20 / 18 / 16.", "Bug Fix:Cooldown longer thanLeap's.", 'Cooldown reduced to 22 / 20 / 18 / 16 / 14 seconds from 24 / 22 / 20 / 18 / 16.', 'Taste Their FearIsolation radius increased to 500 from 350.New Effect:Turrets count as allies when determining Isolation.', 'Isolation radius increased to 500 from 350.', 'New Effect:Turrets count as allies when determining Isolation.', 'Void AssaultRe-cast window increased to 15 seconds from 10.Per-cast cooldown increased to 2 seconds from 1.', 'Re-cast window increased to 15 seconds from 10.', 'Per-cast cooldown increased to 2 seconds from 1.', 'StatsBase armor increased to 19 from 15.', 'Base armor increased to 19 from 15.', 'Void AssaultBug Fix:ActivatingFlashwill no longer break stealth.', 'Bug Fix:ActivatingFlashwill no longer break stealth.', 'Evolved Active CamouflageRemoved:No longer reduces damage from turrets.', 'Removed:No longer reduces damage from turrets.', "Evolved Enlarged ClawsBonus damage reduced to6% of target's missing healthfrom8%.Maximum damage to monsters reduced to 100 from 200.", "Bonus damage reduced to6% of target's missing healthfrom8%.", 'Maximum damage to monsters reduced to 100 from 200.', 'LeapBonus AD ratio reduced to20% Bonus ADfrom80%.', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to20% Bonus ADfrom80%.', "Void AssaultNew Effect:Kha'Zix ignores unit collision while stealthed.", "New Effect:Kha'Zix ignores unit collision while stealthed.", 'Evolved Active CamouflageNew Effect:Increases stealth duration by 1 second.', 'New Effect:Increases stealth duration by 1 second.', "Twisted TreelineTaste Their FearIsolation bonus damage reduced to 35% from 45%.Evolved Enlarged ClawsBonus damage reduced to6% of target's missing healthfrom8%.", 'Taste Their FearIsolation bonus damage reduced to 35% from 45%.', 'Isolation bonus damage reduced to 35% from 45%.', "Evolved Enlarged ClawsBonus damage reduced to6% of target's missing healthfrom8%.", "Bonus damage reduced to6% of target's missing healthfrom8%.", "Evolved Spike RacksNew Effect:IncreasesVoid Spike's slow to 30% from 20%.", "New Effect:IncreasesVoid Spike's slow to 30% from 20%.", "DominionTaste Their FearIsolation bonus damage reduced to 35% from 45%.Evolved Enlarged ClawsBonus damage reduced to6% of target's missing healthfrom8%.", 'Taste Their FearIsolation bonus damage reduced to 35% from 45%.', 'Isolation bonus damage reduced to 35% from 45%.', "Evolved Enlarged ClawsBonus damage reduced to6% of target's missing healthfrom8%.", "Bonus damage reduced to6% of target's missing healthfrom8%.", 'Taste Their FearNew Effect:Isolation grants 45% bonus damage.', 'New Effect:Isolation grants 45% bonus damage.', "Evolved Enlarged ClawsNew Effect:Grants8% of target's missing healthbonus damage (further increased by Isolation).", "New Effect:Grants8% of target's missing healthbonus damage (further increased by Isolation).", 'Void SpikeNew Effect:Targets hit are slowed by 20% for 2 seconds.Mana cost reduced to 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 from 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100.AD ratio increased to100% ADfrom90% AD.Removed:Being able to be cast duringLeap.', 'New Effect:Targets hit are slowed by 20% for 2 seconds.', 'Mana cost reduced to 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 from 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100.', 'AD ratio increased to100% ADfrom90% AD.', 'Removed:Being able to be cast duringLeap.', 'Evolved Spike RacksRemoved:No longer consumes or appliesUnseen Threat.', 'Removed:No longer consumes or appliesUnseen Threat.', 'Void AssaultStealthed damage reduction increased to 50% from 40%.', 'Stealthed damage reduction increased to 50% from 40%.', 'Unseen ThreatBase damage reduced to15 − 190 (based on level)from 15 - 220.Slow reduced to 25% from 35%.', 'Base damage reduced to15 − 190 (based on level)from 15 - 220.', 'Slow reduced to 25% from 35%.', 'Taste Their FearBonus AD ratio reduced to150% Bonus ADfrom160%.Isolation bonus AD ratio reduced to200% Bonus AD)from240%.', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to150% Bonus ADfrom160%.', 'Isolation bonus AD ratio reduced to200% Bonus AD)from240%.', 'StatsMovement speed increased to 350 from 325.', 'Movement speed increased to 350 from 325.', "Unseen Threat(Innate)When Kha'Zix is not visible to the enemy team, he gains Unseen Threat, causing his next basic attack against an enemy champion to deal bonus magic damage and slow.", "When Kha'Zix is not visible to the enemy team, he gains Unseen Threat, causing his next basic attack against an enemy champion to deal bonus magic damage and slow.", "Taste Their Fear(Q)Deal physical damage to a single target. Damage against isolated targets is significantly increased. Kha'Zix passively marks enemies that are isolated from nearby allies.Evolved Enlarged Claws:Increases damage to isolated targets even further. Kha'Zix also gains increased range on both Taste Their Fear and his basic attack.", "Deal physical damage to a single target. Damage against isolated targets is significantly increased. Kha'Zix passively marks enemies that are isolated from nearby allies.", "Evolved Enlarged Claws:Increases damage to isolated targets even further. Kha'Zix also gains increased range on both Taste Their Fear and his basic attack.", "Void Spike(W)Kha'Zix fires spikes that explode on contact, dealing physical damage to all nearby enemies. Kha'Zix is healed if he is within the explosion radius.Evolved Spike Racks:Causes Void Spike to fire three projectiles in a cone. Spikes will also apply Unseen Threat to all enemies caught within the area of effect.", "Kha'Zix fires spikes that explode on contact, dealing physical damage to all nearby enemies. Kha'Zix is healed if he is within the explosion radius.", 'Evolved Spike Racks:Causes Void Spike to fire three projectiles in a cone. Spikes will also apply Unseen Threat to all enemies caught within the area of effect.', "Leap(E)Kha'Zix leaps to an area, dealing physical damage to enemies in the area he lands.Evolved Wings:Increases Leap's range dramatically and causes a kill or assists to refresh the cooldown of Leap.", "Kha'Zix leaps to an area, dealing physical damage to enemies in the area he lands.", "Evolved Wings:Increases Leap's range dramatically and causes a kill or assists to refresh the cooldown of Leap.", "Void Assault(Ultimate)Each rank of Void Assault allows Kha'Zix to evolve one of his active abilities, granting it an additional effect. Upon activation, Kha'Zix enters stealth and gains Unseen Threat, increasing movement speed. Kha'Zix can cast Void Assault again for a short time after activation.Evolved Active Camouflage:Allows Kha'Zix to cast Void Assault three times over the course of its duration and reduces any damage he sustains while in stealth.", "Each rank of Void Assault allows Kha'Zix to evolve one of his active abilities, granting it an additional effect. Upon activation, Kha'Zix enters stealth and gains Unseen Threat, increasing movement speed. Kha'Zix can cast Void Assault again for a short time after activation.", "Evolved Active Camouflage:Allows Kha'Zix to cast Void Assault three times over the course of its duration and reduces any damage he sustains while in stealth.", "Kha'Zix's production name was 'Teek'.[2]", "Ryan 'Morello' Scottstated Kha'Zix is completely unrelated to canceled championOmen.[3]", "Kha'Zix was the last champion to feature an 'Art Spotlight'.", "When concealing himself (usingVoid Assault) Kha'Zix will run in a different manner than usual.", "When acquiringEvolved Wings, Kha'Zix will fly for a few seconds while moving (Pulsefire EzrealandMonarch Kog'Mawdo the same).", "The Hunt is On!between Kha'Zix andRengarreferencesAlien vs Predator.", "IsolationreferencesAlien(Kha'Zix's main inspiration).", "Being an arthropodic invader from another world with scythes as his primary weapon, he also bears a striking resemblance to the real-lifemantis&Metroid's Space Pirates, though he also possesses beetles' hardened outer wings.", "Void Spike'sprojectiles might be referencing aHydralisk'sfromStarCraft.", "Kha'Zix can spend evolution points on abilities he has not learned yet (doing this only benefitsTaste Their Fearfor the bonus range on basic attacks).Kha'Zix must spend evolution points before ranking up any ability if he has any unspent points after ranking upVoid Assault.", "Kha'Zix mus | Name: Void Spike, Description: Active: Kha'Zix fires a bolt of spikes in the target direction that explodes upon hitting an enemy, dealing physical damage to nearby enemies. Physical Damage: 85 / 115 / 145 / 175 / 205 (+ 100% bonus AD) Kha'Zix heals himself if he is within the explosion. Heal: 55 / 75 / 95 / 115 / 135 (+ 50% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Void Spike Details', 'Evolved Spike Racks Details', 'Video', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', "Void Spike'seffect radius is centered around the location of the missile as it collides.", 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', "Evolved Spike Racks'effect radius is centered around the location of the missile as it collides.", 'Spell shieldwill not block thereveal.', 'Hide', 'Leap Details', 'Evolved Wings Details', "Kha'Zixcan use hissummoner spellsanditem activeswhileleaping.", "Kha'Zixcan use hissummoner spellsanditem activeswhileleaping.", 'Hide', 'Void Assault Details', 'Evolved Adaptive Cloaking Details', 'Void Assault 2 Details', "Each cast counts as an ability activation for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.", "Kha'Zixreceives the evolution even if he dies while in cast time.", "Every timeVoid Assaultis ranked, a secondary menu will pop up forKha'Zixto select an ability to evolve, this can only be done once per ability.The only way forKha'Zixto evolve all of his abilities is to gain the fourth evolution point by being victorious inThe Hunt is On!(by scoring atakedownonRengar).", "The only way forKha'Zixto evolve all of his abilities is to gain the fourth evolution point by being victorious inThe Hunt is On!(by scoring atakedownonRengar).", 'No additional details.', "Each cast counts as an ability activation for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.", "Kha'Zixreceives the evolution even if he dies while in cast time.", "Every timeVoid Assaultis ranked, a secondary menu will pop up forKha'Zixto select an ability to evolve, this can only be done once per ability.The only way forKha'Zixto evolve all of his abilities is to gain the fourth evolution point by being victorious inThe Hunt is On!(by scoring atakedownonRengar).", "The only way forKha'Zixto evolve all of his abilities is to gain the fourth evolution point by being victorious inThe Hunt is On!(by scoring atakedownonRengar).", "Worlds 2018 Kha'ZixSkin renamed toWorlds 2018 Kha'ZixfromChampionship Kha'Zix.", "Skin renamed toWorlds 2018 Kha'ZixfromChampionship Kha'Zix.", 'Taste Their FearBonus AD ratio reduced to110%bonusADfrom115%.Isolated bonus AD ratio reduced to231%bonusADfrom241.5%.', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to110%bonusADfrom115%.Isolated bonus AD ratio reduced to231%bonusADfrom241.5%.', 'Isolated bonus AD ratio reduced to231%bonusADfrom241.5%.', 'StatsBase attack damage reduced to 60 from 63.', 'Base attack damage reduced to 60 from 63.', 'Taste Their FearBase damage increased to 70 / 95 / 120 / 145 / 170 from 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160.', 'Base damage increased to 70 / 95 / 120 / 145 / 170 from 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160.', 'Taste Their FearIsolation range reduced to 375 units from 425.', 'Isolation range reduced to 375 units from 425.', 'Evolved Spike RacksSlow reduced to 40% from 60%.Isolated slow reduced to 75% from 90%.', 'Slow reduced to 40% from 60%.', 'Isolated slow reduced to 75% from 90%.', 'Void AssaultRecast duration increased to 12 seconds from 10.', 'Recast duration increased to 12 seconds from 10.', 'Void AssaultBug Fix:Champion model no longer disappears during the effect while using theClassic,Mecha, orDeath Blossomskins.', 'Bug Fix:Champion model no longer disappears during the effect while using theClassic,Mecha, orDeath Blossomskins.', 'GeneralBug Fix:Knocked up/stunned animation is now correctly played.', 'Bug Fix:Knocked up/stunned animation is now correctly played.', 'StatsBase health increased to 643 from 573.Health growth increased to 99 from 85.Armor growth increased to 4.2from 3.Magic resistance growth increased to 2.05from 1.25.', 'Base health increased to 643 from 573.', 'Health growth increased to 99 from 85.', 'Armor growth increased to 4.2from 3.', 'Magic resistance growth increased to 2.05from 1.25.', 'Void SpikeBase heal reduced to 55 / 75 / 95 / 115 / 135 from 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160.', 'Base heal reduced to 55 / 75 / 95 / 115 / 135 from 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160.', 'Taste Their FearBonus AD ratio reduced to115%bonusADfrom130%.Isolated bonus AD ratio reduced to241.5%bonusADfrom273%.', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to115%bonusADfrom130%.Isolated bonus AD ratio reduced to241.5%bonusADfrom273%.', 'Isolated bonus AD ratio reduced to241.5%bonusADfrom273%.', 'StatsBase magic resistance reduced to 32 from 32.1.Base health increased to 573 from 572.8.', 'Base magic resistance reduced to 32 from 32.1.', 'Base health increased to 573 from 572.8.', 'GeneralUpdated visual effects.Updated basic attack swipes and new hit visual effects.', 'Updated visual effects.', 'Updated basic attack swipes and new hit visual effects.', 'Unseen ThreatBlade VFX are more glowy; target effects better fit into the Void color scheme.', 'Blade VFX are more glowy; target effects better fit into the Void color scheme.', 'Taste Their FearUpdated isolated target indicator; reduced noise on target VFX.', 'Updated isolated target indicator; reduced noise on target VFX.', 'Void SpikeNew missile trail effects. Updated Explosion area of effect to match the hitbox.', 'New missile trail effects. Updated Explosion area of effect to match the hitbox.', 'LeapReduced noise on landing effect. Updated area of effect to match the hitbox.', 'Reduced noise on landing effect. Updated area of effect to match the hitbox.', 'Void AssaultUpdated cloaking effect. Improved decloaking effect.', 'Updated cloaking effect. Improved decloaking effect.', "Mecha Kha'ZixVoid Spikerockets stay closer to the missile hitbox.Updated W and E area of effects.", 'Void Spikerockets stay closer to the missile hitbox.', 'Updated W and E area of effects.', "Guardian of the Sands Kha'ZixUpdated W and E area of effects.", 'Updated W and E area of effects.', "Death Blossom Kha'ZixUpdated W and E area of effects.", 'Updated W and E area of effects.', "Dark Star Kha'ZixUpdated W and E area of effects.", 'Updated W and E area of effects.', "Worlds 2018 Kha'ZixUpdated W and E area of effects.", 'Updated W and E area of effects.', 'Evolved Spike RacksBug Fix:Hitting an enemy champion with it no longer reveals a large area around him.', 'Bug Fix:Hitting an enemy champion with it no longer reveals a large area around him.', "Mecha Kha'ZixUnseen ThreatBug Fix:Passive hit SFX has been restored.Taste Their FearBug Fix:Non-isolated and isolated hit SFX have been restored.Void SpikeBug Fix:Missile hits and heal SFX have been restored.LeapBug Fix:Ground hit SFX has been restored.Void AssaultBug Fix:Cast SFX has been restored.", 'Unseen ThreatBug Fix:Passive hit SFX has been restored.', 'Bug Fix:Passive hit SFX has been restored.', 'Taste Their FearBug Fix:Non-isolated and isolated hit SFX have been restored.', 'Bug Fix:Non-isolated and isolated hit SFX have been restored.', 'Void SpikeBug Fix:Missile hits and heal SFX have been restored.', 'Bug Fix:Missile hits and heal SFX have been restored.', 'LeapBug Fix:Ground hit SFX has been restored.', 'Bug Fix:Ground hit SFX has been restored.', 'Void AssaultBug Fix:Cast SFX has been restored.', 'Bug Fix:Cast SFX has been restored.', "Guardian of the Sands Kha'Zix,Death Blossom Kha'Zix, andDark Star Kha'ZixVoid SpikeBug Fix:Heal SFX has been restored.", 'Void SpikeBug Fix:Heal SFX has been restored.', 'Bug Fix:Heal SFX has been restored.', 'Taste Their FearIsolation bonus damage reduced to 110% from 120%.', 'Isolation bonus damage reduced to 110% from 120%.', 'Taste Their FearIsolation bonus damage increased to 120% from 100%.', 'Isolation bonus damage increased to 120% from 100%.', 'Unseen ThreatUndocumented:Base damage reduced to14 − 116 (based on level)from14 − 150 (based on level).', 'Undocumented:Base damage reduced to14 − 116 (based on level)from14 − 150 (based on level).', 'Void AssaultBug Fix:Now properly breaks his stealth when he uses hisEvolved Reaper Claws,Evolved Spike Racks, andEvolved Wings.', 'Bug Fix:Now properly breaks his stealth when he uses hisEvolved Reaper Claws,Evolved Spike Racks, andEvolved Wings.', 'Taste Their FearBase damage increased to 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 from 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150.', 'Base damage increased to 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 from 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150.', 'Taste Their FearBug Fix:Isolatedtarget effect now properly applies to all champions.', 'Bug Fix:Isolatedtarget effect now properly applies to all champions.', 'Void AssaultNew Effect:Ability icon border now shows the remaining time to recast the ability.', 'New Effect:Ability icon border now shows the remaining time to recast the ability.', "Mecha Kha'ZixVoid SpikeBug Fix:On-hit VFX are no longer significantly louder than base.", 'Void SpikeBug Fix:On-hit VFX are no longer significantly louder than base.', 'Bug Fix:On-hit VFX are no longer significantly louder than base.', 'Unseen ThreatBonus AD ratio increased to40%bonusADfrom20%.', 'Bonus AD ratio increased to40%bonusADfrom20%.', 'Void SpikeEvolved Spike Racks slow increased to 60% from 40%.Isolated target slow increased to 90% from 80%.', 'Evolved Spike Racks slow increased to 60% from 40%.', 'Isolated target slow increased to 90% from 80%.', 'Void AssaultCooldown reduced to 100 / 85 / 70 seconds from 100 / 90 / 80.Active invisibility reduced to 1.25seconds from 1.5.', 'Cooldown reduced to 100 / 85 / 70 seconds from 100 / 90 / 80.', 'Active invisibility reduced to 1.25seconds from 1.5.', "Evolved Adaptive CloakingNew Effect:Now increases the invisibility duration by 0.75seconds, for a total of 2 seconds.New Effect:Now increases the number of recast to 3 from 2.Removed:While out-of-combat,Kha'Zixalso passively gainsVoid Assaultfor 3 seconds in brush. This persists for up to 1.5seconds after exiting the brush (10 second per brush cooldown).", 'New Effect:Now increases the invisibility duration by 0.75seconds, for a total of 2 seconds.', 'New Effect:Now increases the number of recast to 3 from 2.', "Removed:While out-of-combat,Kha'Zixalso passively gainsVoid Assaultfor 3 seconds in brush. This persists for up to 1.5seconds after exiting the brush (10 second per brush cooldown).", "Death Blossom Kha'ZixEvolved WingsBug Fix:Wings no longer lose textures and transparency when recalling.", 'Evolved WingsBug Fix:Wings no longer lose textures and transparency when recalling.', 'Bug Fix:Wings no longer lose textures and transparency when recalling.', 'Taste Their FearBase damage reduced to 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 from 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 / 165.Bonus AD ratio increased to130%bonusADfrom120%.Isolation bonus damage increased to 100% from 65%.', 'Base damage reduced to 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 from 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 / 165.', 'Bonus AD ratio increased to130%bonusADfrom120%.', 'Isolation bonus damage increased to 100% from 65%.', 'Void SpikeRemoved:Dealing 20% increased damage to monsters.', 'Removed:Dealing 20% increased damage to monsters.', "Mecha Kha'ZixVoid AssaultBug Fix:Chromas' VFX are now always visible to the enemy when used.", "Void AssaultBug Fix:Chromas' VFX are now always visible to the enemy when used.", "Bug Fix:Chromas' VFX are now always visible to the enemy when used.", 'StatsBase health regeneration reduced to 7.5from 7.51.', 'Base health regeneration reduced to 7.5from 7.51.', 'Unseen ThreatBonus AD ratio reduced to20%bonusADfrom40%.', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to20%bonusADfrom40%.', 'Taste Their FearBonus AD ratio increased to120%bonusADfrom110%.New Effect:Now draws nearby minion aggro when targeting an enemy champion.', 'Bonus AD ratio increased to120%bonusADfrom110%.', 'New Effect:Now draws nearby minion aggro when targeting an enemy champion.', 'StatsBase attack damage increased to 63 from 55.21.Base armor increased to 36 from 27.', 'Base attack damage increased to 63 from 55.21.', 'Base armor increased to 36 from 27.', 'Unseen ThreatBase damage increased to14 − 150 (based on level)from10 − 146 (based on level).', 'Base damage increased to14 − 150 (based on level)from10 − 146 (based on level).', 'Taste Their FearBase damage increased to 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 / 165 from 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160.', 'Base damage increased to 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 / 165 from 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160.', 'Void SpikeBase damage increased to 85 / 115 / 145 / 175 / 205 from 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200.', 'Base damage increased to 85 / 115 / 145 / 175 / 205 from 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200.', "Dark Star Kha'ZixEvolved WingsBug Fix:VFX are now more visible on low and very low graphics settings.", 'Evolved WingsBug Fix:VFX are now more visible on low and very low graphics settings.', 'Bug Fix:VFX are now more visible on low and very low graphics settings.', 'Taste Their FearNo longer forces you to automatically basic attack the target after the ability. Can now queue other spells after the ability instead.', 'No longer forces you to automatically basic attack the target after the ability. Can now queue other spells after the ability instead.', 'Taste Their FearBase damage reduced to 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 from 70 / 95 / 120 / 145 / 170.Bonus AD ratio reduced to110%bonusADfrom120%.Increased damage to isolated targets increased to 65% from 50%.', 'Base damage reduced to 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 from 70 / 95 / 120 / 145 / 170.', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to110%bonusADfrom120%.', 'Increased damage to isolated targets increased to 65% from 50%.', 'Void AssaultActive stealth duration increased to 1.5seconds from 1.25.', 'Active stealth duration increased to 1.5seconds from 1.25.', 'Evolved Adaptive CloakingBrush stealth duration increased to 3 seconds from 2.5.Invisibility linger duration increased to 1.5seconds from 1.25.', 'Brush stealth duration increased to 3 seconds from 2.5.', 'Invisibility linger duration increased to 1.5seconds from 1.25.', 'Void AssaultBug Fix:No longer shows the incorrect visuals when evolving hisVoid Assault.', 'Bug Fix:No longer shows the incorrect visuals when evolving hisVoid Assault.', 'Void AssaultBug Fix:Is no longer prevented from using hisVoid Assaultpassive by being "in combat" when stepping onHoneyfruitor attacking plants.', 'Bug Fix:Is no longer prevented from using hisVoid Assaultpassive by being "in combat" when stepping onHoneyfruitor attacking plants.', 'GeneralBug Fix:Dance VO now loops more consistently.', 'Bug Fix:Dance VO now loops more consistently.', 'Taste Their FearBonus AD ratio reduced to120%bonusADfrom140%bonusAD.', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to120%bonusADfrom140%bonusAD.', 'Evolved Reaper ClawsCooldown refund reduced to 45% from 60%.', 'Cooldown refund reduced to 45% from 60%.', "GeneralBug Fix:Enemy spell shields are no longer consumed when a nearbyKha'Zixevolves an ability.", "Bug Fix:Enemy spell shields are no longer consumed when a nearbyKha'Zixevolves an ability.", "Unseen ThreatBug Fix:Fixed several cases where abilities that create objects (ex.Jarvan IV'sDemacian Standard) caused their casters to no longer be considered Isolated for the purposes ofUnseen Threat.", "Bug Fix:Fixed several cases where abilities that create objects (ex.Jarvan IV'sDemacian Standard) caused their casters to no longer be considered Isolated for the purposes ofUnseen Threat.", "GeneralBug Fix:Corrected some scaling information in Kha'Zix's tooltips.", "Bug Fix:Corrected some scaling information in Kha'Zix's tooltips.", 'Unseen ThreatBonus damage changes to10 − 146 (based on level)(+ 40%bonusAD)from15 − 190 (based on level)(+ 50% AP).', 'Bonus damage changes to10 − 146 (based on level)(+ 40%bonusAD)from15 − 190 (based on level)(+ 50% AP).', 'Taste Their FearCooldown increased to 4 seconds from 3.Bonus AD ratio increased to140%bonusADfrom120%bonusAD.Isolation bonus increased to 50% from 30%.Isolation damage increased to 105 / 142.5/ 180 / 217.5/ 255(+ 210%bonusAD)from 91 / 123.5/ 156 / 188.5/ 221(+ 156%bonusAD).', 'Cooldown increased to 4 seconds from 3.', 'Bonus AD ratio increased to140%bonusADfrom120%bonusAD.', 'Isolation bonus increased to 50% from 30%.Isolation damage increased to 105 / 142.5/ 180 / 217.5/ 255(+ 210%bonusAD)from 91 / 123.5/ 156 / 188.5/ 221(+ 156%bonusAD).', 'Isolation damage increased to 105 / 142.5/ 180 / 217.5/ 255(+ 210%bonusAD)from 91 / 123.5/ 156 / 188.5/ 221(+ 156%bonusAD).', "Evolved Reaper ClawsRenamed toEvolved Reaper ClawsfromEvolved Enlarged Claws.Removed:Increasing damage against Isolated targets.New Effect:If target is Isolated, refunds 60% ofTaste Their Fear'scooldown.", 'Renamed toEvolved Reaper ClawsfromEvolved Enlarged Claws.', 'Removed:Increasing damage against Isolated targets.', "New Effect:If target is Isolated, refunds 60% ofTaste Their Fear'scooldown.", 'Void SpikeRemoved:Slowing by 20% damaged enemies.', 'Removed:Slowing by 20% damaged enemies.', 'Evolved Spike RacksEvolved slow reduced to 40% from 50%.New Effect:Isolated targets are now slowed by 80% instead.', 'Evolved slow reduced to 40% from 50%.', 'New Effect:Isolated targets are now slowed by 80% instead.', 'Void AssaultStealth reclassified asInvisibility.Stealth duration increased to 1.25seconds from 1.', 'Stealth reclassified asInvisibility.', 'Stealth duration increased to 1.25seconds from 1.', "Evolved Adaptive CloakingRenamed toEvolved Adaptive CloakingfromEvolved Active Camouflage.Removed:Increasing invisibility duration and number of charges.New Effect:Kha'ZixgainsVoid Assaultfor 2.5seconds in brush, which lingers for 1.5seconds after exiting the brush. This can only be triggered while out of combat and there is a 10-second per-brush cooldown.", 'Renamed toEvolved Adaptive CloakingfromEvolved Active Camouflage.', 'Removed:Increasing invisibility duration and number of charges.', "New Effect:Kha'ZixgainsVoid Assaultfor 2.5seconds in brush, which lingers for 1.5seconds after exiting the brush. This can only be triggered while out of combat and there is a 10-second per-brush cooldown.", "Void AssaultBug Fix:ActivatingYoumuu's Ghostbladeno longer breaks stealth.", "Bug Fix:ActivatingYoumuu's Ghostbladeno longer breaks stealth.", 'Taste Their FearCooldown reduced to 3 seconds from 3.5.', 'Cooldown reduced to 3 seconds from 3.5.', 'Void SpikeCooldown reduced to 9 seconds from 10.', 'Cooldown reduced to 9 seconds from 10.', "Void Spike/Void AssaultNew Effect:Can be 'buffered' mid-Leapto cast slightly before landing (only if last one).", "New Effect:Can be 'buffered' mid-Leapto cast slightly before landing (only if last one).", 'Unseen ThreatAttack frame on enhanced attacks reduced.', 'Attack frame on enhanced attacks reduced.', 'Void SpikeExplosion radius increased to 275 from 225.', 'Explosion radius increased to 275 from 225.', 'LeapRange increased to 700 from 600 (Evolved Wingsrange unchanged).', 'Range increased to 700 from 600 (Evolved Wingsrange unchanged).', 'StatsBase armor increased to 27 from 24.', 'Base armor increased to 27 from 24.', 'Taste Their FearMana cost reduced to 20 from 25.', 'Mana cost reduced to 20 from 25.', 'Taste Their FearIsolation indicator updated for Classic and Guardian of the Sands.', 'Isolation indicator updated for Classic and Guardian of the Sands.', 'Taste Their FearIsolation radius reduced to 425 from 500.', 'Isolation radius reduced to 425 from 500.', 'Void SpikeBase heal increased to 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 from 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160.', 'Base heal increased to 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 from 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160.', 'Void SpikeCooldown increased to 10 seconds from 8.', 'Cooldown increased to 10 seconds from 8.', 'Void SpikeBase damage reduced to 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200 from 75 / 115 / 155 / 195 / 235.', 'Base damage reduced to 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200 from 75 / 115 / 155 / 195 / 235.', 'Taste Their FearBase damage increased to 70 / 95 / 120 / 145 / 170 from 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155.', 'Base damage increased to 70 / 95 / 120 / 145 / 170 from 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155.', 'GeneralBug Fix:Recallanimation would occasionally cancel.', 'Bug Fix:Recallanimation would occasionally cancel.', 'Taste Their FearBase damage reduced to 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155 from 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 / 190.Bonus AD ratio reduced to120% bonus ADfrom150%.Isolation bonus damage reduced to 30% from 45%.Isolation base damage reduced to 71.5/ 104 / 136 / 169 / 201 from 101.5/ 145 / 188.5/ 232 / 275.5.Isolation bonus AD ratio reduced to156% Bonus ADfrom217.5%.', 'Base damage reduced to 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155 from 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 / 190.', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to120% bonus ADfrom150%.', 'Isolation bonus damage reduced to 30% from 45%.Isolation base damage reduced to 71.5/ 104 / 136 / 169 / 201 from 101.5/ 145 / 188.5/ 232 / 275.5.Isolation bonus AD ratio reduced to156% Bonus ADfrom217.5%.', 'Isolation base damage reduced to 71.5/ 104 / 136 / 169 / 201 from 101.5/ 145 / 188.5/ 232 / 275.5.', 'Isolation bonus AD ratio reduced to156% Bonus ADfrom217.5%.', "Evolved Enlarged ClawsRemoved:% of target's missing healthbonus damageRemoved:Bonus damage to non-Isolated targetsNew Effect:Deals10 − 180 (based on level)(+ 104% Bonus AD)bonus damage to Isolated targetsIsolation total damage changed to 71.5/ 104 / 136 / 169 / 201 +10 − 180 (based on level)(+ 260% Bonus AD)from 101.5/ 145 / 188.5/ 232 / 275.5(+ 217.5Bonus AD)(+ 8.7% of target's missing health)", "Removed:% of target's missing healthbonus damage", 'Removed:Bonus damage to non-Isolated targets', 'New Effect:Deals10 − 180 (based on level)(+ 104% Bonus AD)bonus damage to Isolated targets', "Isolation total damage changed to 71.5/ 104 / 136 / 169 / 201 +10 − 180 (based on level)(+ 260% Bonus AD)from 101.5/ 145 / 188.5/ 232 / 275.5(+ 217.5Bonus AD)(+ 8.7% of target's missing health)", 'Void SpikeNew Effect:Deals 20% bonus damage to monsters.', 'New Effect:Deals 20% bonus damage to monsters.', 'Evolved Spike RacksNew Effect:Deals 20% bonus damage to monsters.Slow increased to 50% from 30%.New Effect:Grants sight of champions hit for 2 seconds.', 'New Effect:Deals 20% bonus damage to monsters.', 'Slow increased to 50% from 30%.', 'New Effect:Grants sight of champions hit for 2 seconds.', 'Evolved Active CamouflageRemoved:50% damage reduction while stealthed.', 'Removed:50% damage reduction while stealthed.', 'Taste Their FearDamage amplifier against isolated targets reduced to 30% from 35%.', 'Damage amplifier against isolated targets reduced to 30% from 35%.', 'Evolved Enlarged ClawsDamage amplifier against isolated targets reduced to 30% from 35%.', 'Damage amplifier against isolated targets reduced to 30% from 35%.', "Evolved WingsBug Fix:Cooldown longer thanLeap's.Cooldown reduced to 22 / 20 / 18 / 16 / 14 seconds from 24 / 22 / 20 / 18 / 16.", "Bug Fix:Cooldown longer thanLeap's.", 'Cooldown reduced to 22 / 20 / 18 / 16 / 14 seconds from 24 / 22 / 20 / 18 / 16.', 'Taste Their FearIsolation radius increased to 500 from 350.New Effect:Turrets count as allies when determining Isolation.', 'Isolation radius increased to 500 from 350.', 'New Effect:Turrets count as allies when determining Isolation.', 'Void AssaultRe-cast window increased to 15 seconds from 10.Per-cast cooldown increased to 2 seconds from 1.', 'Re-cast window increased to 15 seconds from 10.', 'Per-cast cooldown increased to 2 seconds from 1.', 'StatsBase armor increased to 19 from 15.', 'Base armor increased to 19 from 15.', 'Void AssaultBug Fix:ActivatingFlashwill no longer break stealth.', 'Bug Fix:ActivatingFlashwill no longer break stealth.', 'Evolved Active CamouflageRemoved:No longer reduces damage from turrets.', 'Removed:No longer reduces damage from turrets.', "Evolved Enlarged ClawsBonus damage reduced to6% of target's missing healthfrom8%.Maximum damage to monsters reduced to 100 from 200.", "Bonus damage reduced to6% of target's missing healthfrom8%.", 'Maximum damage to monsters reduced to 100 from 200.', 'LeapBonus AD ratio reduced to20% Bonus ADfrom80%.', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to20% Bonus ADfrom80%.', "Void AssaultNew Effect:Kha'Zix ignores unit collision while stealthed.", "New Effect:Kha'Zix ignores unit collision while stealthed.", 'Evolved Active CamouflageNew Effect:Increases stealth duration by 1 second.', 'New Effect:Increases stealth duration by 1 second.', "Twisted TreelineTaste Their FearIsolation bonus damage reduced to 35% from 45%.Evolved Enlarged ClawsBonus damage reduced to6% of target's missing healthfrom8%.", 'Taste Their FearIsolation bonus damage reduced to 35% from 45%.', 'Isolation bonus damage reduced to 35% from 45%.', "Evolved Enlarged ClawsBonus damage reduced to6% of target's missing healthfrom8%.", "Bonus damage reduced to6% of target's missing healthfrom8%.", "Evolved Spike RacksNew Effect:IncreasesVoid Spike's slow to 30% from 20%.", "New Effect:IncreasesVoid Spike's slow to 30% from 20%.", "DominionTaste Their FearIsolation bonus damage reduced to 35% from 45%.Evolved Enlarged ClawsBonus damage reduced to6% of target's missing healthfrom8%.", 'Taste Their FearIsolation bonus damage reduced to 35% from 45%.', 'Isolation bonus damage reduced to 35% from 45%.', "Evolved Enlarged ClawsBonus damage reduced to6% of target's missing healthfrom8%.", "Bonus damage reduced to6% of target's missing healthfrom8%.", 'Taste Their FearNew Effect:Isolation grants 45% bonus damage.', 'New Effect:Isolation grants 45% bonus damage.', "Evolved Enlarged ClawsNew Effect:Grants8% of target's missing healthbonus damage (further increased by Isolation).", "New Effect:Grants8% of target's missing healthbonus damage (further increased by Isolation).", 'Void SpikeNew Effect:Targets hit are slowed by 20% for 2 seconds.Mana cost reduced to 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 from 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100.AD ratio increased to100% ADfrom90% AD.Removed:Being able to be cast duringLeap.', 'New Effect:Targets hit are slowed by 20% for 2 seconds.', 'Mana cost reduced to 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 from 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100.', 'AD ratio increased to100% ADfrom90% AD.', 'Removed:Being able to be cast duringLeap.', 'Evolved Spike RacksRemoved:No longer consumes or appliesUnseen Threat.', 'Removed:No longer consumes or appliesUnseen Threat.', 'Void AssaultStealthed damage reduction increased to 50% from 40%.', 'Stealthed damage reduction increased to 50% from 40%.', 'Unseen ThreatBase damage reduced to15 − 190 (based on level)from 15 - 220.Slow reduced to 25% from 35%.', 'Base damage reduced to15 − 190 (based on level)from 15 - 220.', 'Slow reduced to 25% from 35%.', 'Taste Their FearBonus AD ratio reduced to150% Bonus ADfrom160%.Isolation bonus AD ratio reduced to200% Bonus AD)from240%.', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to150% Bonus ADfrom160%.', 'Isolation bonus AD ratio reduced to200% Bonus AD)from240%.', 'StatsMovement speed increased to 350 from 325.', 'Movement speed increased to 350 from 325.', "Unseen Threat(Innate)When Kha'Zix is not visible to the enemy team, he gains Unseen Threat, causing his next basic attack against an enemy champion to deal bonus magic damage and slow.", "When Kha'Zix is not visible to the enemy team, he gains Unseen Threat, causing his next basic attack against an enemy champion to deal bonus magic damage and slow.", "Taste Their Fear(Q)Deal physical damage to a single target. Damage against isolated targets is significantly increased. Kha'Zix passively marks enemies that are isolated from nearby allies.Evolved Enlarged Claws:Increases damage to isolated targets even further. Kha'Zix also gains increased range on both Taste Their Fear and his basic attack.", "Deal physical damage to a single target. Damage against isolated targets is significantly increased. Kha'Zix passively marks enemies that are isolated from nearby allies.", "Evolved Enlarged Claws:Increases damage to isolated targets even further. Kha'Zix also gains increased range on both Taste Their Fear and his basic attack.", "Void Spike(W)Kha'Zix fires spikes that explode on contact, dealing physical damage to all nearby enemies. Kha'Zix is healed if he is within the explosion radius.Evolved Spike Racks:Causes Void Spike to fire three projectiles in a cone. Spikes will also apply Unseen Threat to all enemies caught within the area of effect.", "Kha'Zix fires spikes that explode on contact, dealing physical damage to all nearby enemies. Kha'Zix is healed if he is within the explosion radius.", 'Evolved Spike Racks:Causes Void Spike to fire three projectiles in a cone. Spikes will also apply Unseen Threat to all enemies caught within the area of effect.', "Leap(E)Kha'Zix leaps to an area, dealing physical damage to enemies in the area he lands.Evolved Wings:Increases Leap's range dramatically and causes a kill or assists to refresh the cooldown of Leap.", "Kha'Zix leaps to an area, dealing physical damage to enemies in the area he lands.", "Evolved Wings:Increases Leap's range dramatically and causes a kill or assists to refresh the cooldown of Leap.", "Void Assault(Ultimate)Each rank of Void Assault allows Kha'Zix to evolve one of his active abilities, granting it an additional effect. Upon activation, Kha'Zix enters stealth and gains Unseen Threat, increasing movement speed. Kha'Zix can cast Void Assault again for a short time after activation.Evolved Active Camouflage:Allows Kha'Zix to cast Void Assault three times over the course of its duration and reduces any damage he sustains while in stealth.", "Each rank of Void Assault allows Kha'Zix to evolve one of his active abilities, granting it an additional effect. Upon activation, Kha'Zix enters stealth and gains Unseen Threat, increasing movement speed. Kha'Zix can cast Void Assault again for a short time after activation.", "Evolved Active Camouflage:Allows Kha'Zix to cast Void Assault three times over the course of its duration and reduces any damage he sustains while in stealth.", "Kha'Zix's production name was 'Teek'.[2]", "Ryan 'Morello' Scottstated Kha'Zix is completely unrelated to canceled championOmen.[3]", "Kha'Zix was the last champion to feature an 'Art Spotlight'.", "When concealing himself (usingVoid Assault) Kha'Zix will run in a different manner than usual.", "When acquiringEvolved Wings, Kha'Zix will fly for a few seconds while moving (Pulsefire EzrealandMonarch Kog'Mawdo the same).", "The Hunt is On!between Kha'Zix andRengarreferencesAlien vs Predator.", "IsolationreferencesAlien(Kha'Zix's main inspiration).", "Being an arthropodic invader from another world with scythes as his primary weapon, he also bears a striking resemblance to the real-lifemantis&Metroid's Space Pirates, though he also possesses beetles' hardened outer wings.", "Void Spike'sprojectiles might be referencing aHydralisk'sfromStarCraft.", "Kha'Zix can spend evolution points on abilities he has not learned yet (doing this only benefitsTaste Their Fearfor the bonus range on basic attacks).Kha'Zix must spend evolution points before ranking up any ability if he has any unspent points after ranking upVoid Assault.", "Kha'Zix must spend evolution points before ranking up any ability if he has any unspent points after ranking upVoid Assault.", "Kha'Zix is the only Voidborn champion without true damage on any ability (unlikeFeast,Icathian Surprise,Furious Bite,Endless Banquet,Organic Deconstruction, andLifeform Disintegration Ray).", 'Kha\'Zix\'s name means "You face yourself" in an old mortal language, possibly Shuriman or Ixtalian', 'Kha\'Zix had his game assets reused for severalfeatured game modes.He was given a retexture and features as a monster called the "Jumpy Slashy Monster" inInvasion.His animations were reused for theShimmerstrikermonster inOdyssey: Extraction.', 'He was given a retexture and features as a monster called the "Jumpy Slashy Monster" inInvasion.', 'His animations were reused for theShimmerstrikermonster inOdyssey: Extraction.', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'Ao Shin', 'Avasha', 'Averdrian', 'CeeCee', 'Cybo | Name: Leap, Description: Active: Kha'Zix leaps to the target location, dealing physical damage to nearby enemies upon arrival. Physical Damage: 65 / 100 / 135 / 170 / 205 (+ 20% bonus AD) Taste Their Fear can be cast during the dash. Leap will cast at max range if cast beyond that., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Leap Details', 'Evolved Wings Details', "Kha'Zixcan use hissummoner spellsanditem activeswhileleaping.", "Kha'Zixcan use hissummoner spellsanditem activeswhileleaping.", 'Hide', 'Void Assault Details', 'Evolved Adaptive Cloaking Details', 'Void Assault 2 Details', "Each cast counts as an ability activation for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.", "Kha'Zixreceives the evolution even if he dies while in cast time.", "Every timeVoid Assaultis ranked, a secondary menu will pop up forKha'Zixto select an ability to evolve, this can only be done once per ability.The only way forKha'Zixto evolve all of his abilities is to gain the fourth evolution point by being victorious inThe Hunt is On!(by scoring atakedownonRengar).", "The only way forKha'Zixto evolve all of his abilities is to gain the fourth evolution point by being victorious inThe Hunt is On!(by scoring atakedownonRengar).", 'No additional details.', "Each cast counts as an ability activation for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.", "Kha'Zixreceives the evolution even if he dies while in cast time.", "Every timeVoid Assaultis ranked, a secondary menu will pop up forKha'Zixto select an ability to evolve, this can only be done once per ability.The only way forKha'Zixto evolve all of his abilities is to gain the fourth evolution point by being victorious inThe Hunt is On!(by scoring atakedownonRengar).", "The only way forKha'Zixto evolve all of his abilities is to gain the fourth evolution point by being victorious inThe Hunt is On!(by scoring atakedownonRengar).", "Worlds 2018 Kha'ZixSkin renamed toWorlds 2018 Kha'ZixfromChampionship Kha'Zix.", "Skin renamed toWorlds 2018 Kha'ZixfromChampionship Kha'Zix.", 'Taste Their FearBonus AD ratio reduced to110%bonusADfrom115%.Isolated bonus AD ratio reduced to231%bonusADfrom241.5%.', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to110%bonusADfrom115%.Isolated bonus AD ratio reduced to231%bonusADfrom241.5%.', 'Isolated bonus AD ratio reduced to231%bonusADfrom241.5%.', 'StatsBase attack damage reduced to 60 from 63.', 'Base attack damage reduced to 60 from 63.', 'Taste Their FearBase damage increased to 70 / 95 / 120 / 145 / 170 from 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160.', 'Base damage increased to 70 / 95 / 120 / 145 / 170 from 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160.', 'Taste Their FearIsolation range reduced to 375 units from 425.', 'Isolation range reduced to 375 units from 425.', 'Evolved Spike RacksSlow reduced to 40% from 60%.Isolated slow reduced to 75% from 90%.', 'Slow reduced to 40% from 60%.', 'Isolated slow reduced to 75% from 90%.', 'Void AssaultRecast duration increased to 12 seconds from 10.', 'Recast duration increased to 12 seconds from 10.', 'Void AssaultBug Fix:Champion model no longer disappears during the effect while using theClassic,Mecha, orDeath Blossomskins.', 'Bug Fix:Champion model no longer disappears during the effect while using theClassic,Mecha, orDeath Blossomskins.', 'GeneralBug Fix:Knocked up/stunned animation is now correctly played.', 'Bug Fix:Knocked up/stunned animation is now correctly played.', 'StatsBase health increased to 643 from 573.Health growth increased to 99 from 85.Armor growth increased to 4.2from 3.Magic resistance growth increased to 2.05from 1.25.', 'Base health increased to 643 from 573.', 'Health growth increased to 99 from 85.', 'Armor growth increased to 4.2from 3.', 'Magic resistance growth increased to 2.05from 1.25.', 'Void SpikeBase heal reduced to 55 / 75 / 95 / 115 / 135 from 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160.', 'Base heal reduced to 55 / 75 / 95 / 115 / 135 from 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160.', 'Taste Their FearBonus AD ratio reduced to115%bonusADfrom130%.Isolated bonus AD ratio reduced to241.5%bonusADfrom273%.', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to115%bonusADfrom130%.Isolated bonus AD ratio reduced to241.5%bonusADfrom273%.', 'Isolated bonus AD ratio reduced to241.5%bonusADfrom273%.', 'StatsBase magic resistance reduced to 32 from 32.1.Base health increased to 573 from 572.8.', 'Base magic resistance reduced to 32 from 32.1.', 'Base health increased to 573 from 572.8.', 'GeneralUpdated visual effects.Updated basic attack swipes and new hit visual effects.', 'Updated visual effects.', 'Updated basic attack swipes and new hit visual effects.', 'Unseen ThreatBlade VFX are more glowy; target effects better fit into the Void color scheme.', 'Blade VFX are more glowy; target effects better fit into the Void color scheme.', 'Taste Their FearUpdated isolated target indicator; reduced noise on target VFX.', 'Updated isolated target indicator; reduced noise on target VFX.', 'Void SpikeNew missile trail effects. Updated Explosion area of effect to match the hitbox.', 'New missile trail effects. Updated Explosion area of effect to match the hitbox.', 'LeapReduced noise on landing effect. Updated area of effect to match the hitbox.', 'Reduced noise on landing effect. Updated area of effect to match the hitbox.', 'Void AssaultUpdated cloaking effect. Improved decloaking effect.', 'Updated cloaking effect. Improved decloaking effect.', "Mecha Kha'ZixVoid Spikerockets stay closer to the missile hitbox.Updated W and E area of effects.", 'Void Spikerockets stay closer to the missile hitbox.', 'Updated W and E area of effects.', "Guardian of the Sands Kha'ZixUpdated W and E area of effects.", 'Updated W and E area of effects.', "Death Blossom Kha'ZixUpdated W and E area of effects.", 'Updated W and E area of effects.', "Dark Star Kha'ZixUpdated W and E area of effects.", 'Updated W and E area of effects.', "Worlds 2018 Kha'ZixUpdated W and E area of effects.", 'Updated W and E area of effects.', 'Evolved Spike RacksBug Fix:Hitting an enemy champion with it no longer reveals a large area around him.', 'Bug Fix:Hitting an enemy champion with it no longer reveals a large area around him.', "Mecha Kha'ZixUnseen ThreatBug Fix:Passive hit SFX has been restored.Taste Their FearBug Fix:Non-isolated and isolated hit SFX have been restored.Void SpikeBug Fix:Missile hits and heal SFX have been restored.LeapBug Fix:Ground hit SFX has been restored.Void AssaultBug Fix:Cast SFX has been restored.", 'Unseen ThreatBug Fix:Passive hit SFX has been restored.', 'Bug Fix:Passive hit SFX has been restored.', 'Taste Their FearBug Fix:Non-isolated and isolated hit SFX have been restored.', 'Bug Fix:Non-isolated and isolated hit SFX have been restored.', 'Void SpikeBug Fix:Missile hits and heal SFX have been restored.', 'Bug Fix:Missile hits and heal SFX have been restored.', 'LeapBug Fix:Ground hit SFX has been restored.', 'Bug Fix:Ground hit SFX has been restored.', 'Void AssaultBug Fix:Cast SFX has been restored.', 'Bug Fix:Cast SFX has been restored.', "Guardian of the Sands Kha'Zix,Death Blossom Kha'Zix, andDark Star Kha'ZixVoid SpikeBug Fix:Heal SFX has been restored.", 'Void SpikeBug Fix:Heal SFX has been restored.', 'Bug Fix:Heal SFX has been restored.', 'Taste Their FearIsolation bonus damage reduced to 110% from 120%.', 'Isolation bonus damage reduced to 110% from 120%.', 'Taste Their FearIsolation bonus damage increased to 120% from 100%.', 'Isolation bonus damage increased to 120% from 100%.', 'Unseen ThreatUndocumented:Base damage reduced to14 − 116 (based on level)from14 − 150 (based on level).', 'Undocumented:Base damage reduced to14 − 116 (based on level)from14 − 150 (based on level).', 'Void AssaultBug Fix:Now properly breaks his stealth when he uses hisEvolved Reaper Claws,Evolved Spike Racks, andEvolved Wings.', 'Bug Fix:Now properly breaks his stealth when he uses hisEvolved Reaper Claws,Evolved Spike Racks, andEvolved Wings.', 'Taste Their FearBase damage increased to 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 from 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150.', 'Base damage increased to 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 from 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150.', 'Taste Their FearBug Fix:Isolatedtarget effect now properly applies to all champions.', 'Bug Fix:Isolatedtarget effect now properly applies to all champions.', 'Void AssaultNew Effect:Ability icon border now shows the remaining time to recast the ability.', 'New Effect:Ability icon border now shows the remaining time to recast the ability.', "Mecha Kha'ZixVoid SpikeBug Fix:On-hit VFX are no longer significantly louder than base.", 'Void SpikeBug Fix:On-hit VFX are no longer significantly louder than base.', 'Bug Fix:On-hit VFX are no longer significantly louder than base.', 'Unseen ThreatBonus AD ratio increased to40%bonusADfrom20%.', 'Bonus AD ratio increased to40%bonusADfrom20%.', 'Void SpikeEvolved Spike Racks slow increased to 60% from 40%.Isolated target slow increased to 90% from 80%.', 'Evolved Spike Racks slow increased to 60% from 40%.', 'Isolated target slow increased to 90% from 80%.', 'Void AssaultCooldown reduced to 100 / 85 / 70 seconds from 100 / 90 / 80.Active invisibility reduced to 1.25seconds from 1.5.', 'Cooldown reduced to 100 / 85 / 70 seconds from 100 / 90 / 80.', 'Active invisibility reduced to 1.25seconds from 1.5.', "Evolved Adaptive CloakingNew Effect:Now increases the invisibility duration by 0.75seconds, for a total of 2 seconds.New Effect:Now increases the number of recast to 3 from 2.Removed:While out-of-combat,Kha'Zixalso passively gainsVoid Assaultfor 3 seconds in brush. This persists for up to 1.5seconds after exiting the brush (10 second per brush cooldown).", 'New Effect:Now increases the invisibility duration by 0.75seconds, for a total of 2 seconds.', 'New Effect:Now increases the number of recast to 3 from 2.', "Removed:While out-of-combat,Kha'Zixalso passively gainsVoid Assaultfor 3 seconds in brush. This persists for up to 1.5seconds after exiting the brush (10 second per brush cooldown).", "Death Blossom Kha'ZixEvolved WingsBug Fix:Wings no longer lose textures and transparency when recalling.", 'Evolved WingsBug Fix:Wings no longer lose textures and transparency when recalling.', 'Bug Fix:Wings no longer lose textures and transparency when recalling.', 'Taste Their FearBase damage reduced to 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 from 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 / 165.Bonus AD ratio increased to130%bonusADfrom120%.Isolation bonus damage increased to 100% from 65%.', 'Base damage reduced to 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 from 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 / 165.', 'Bonus AD ratio increased to130%bonusADfrom120%.', 'Isolation bonus damage increased to 100% from 65%.', 'Void SpikeRemoved:Dealing 20% increased damage to monsters.', 'Removed:Dealing 20% increased damage to monsters.', "Mecha Kha'ZixVoid AssaultBug Fix:Chromas' VFX are now always visible to the enemy when used.", "Void AssaultBug Fix:Chromas' VFX are now always visible to the enemy when used.", "Bug Fix:Chromas' VFX are now always visible to the enemy when used.", 'StatsBase health regeneration reduced to 7.5from 7.51.', 'Base health regeneration reduced to 7.5from 7.51.', 'Unseen ThreatBonus AD ratio reduced to20%bonusADfrom40%.', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to20%bonusADfrom40%.', 'Taste Their FearBonus AD ratio increased to120%bonusADfrom110%.New Effect:Now draws nearby minion aggro when targeting an enemy champion.', 'Bonus AD ratio increased to120%bonusADfrom110%.', 'New Effect:Now draws nearby minion aggro when targeting an enemy champion.', 'StatsBase attack damage increased to 63 from 55.21.Base armor increased to 36 from 27.', 'Base attack damage increased to 63 from 55.21.', 'Base armor increased to 36 from 27.', 'Unseen ThreatBase damage increased to14 − 150 (based on level)from10 − 146 (based on level).', 'Base damage increased to14 − 150 (based on level)from10 − 146 (based on level).', 'Taste Their FearBase damage increased to 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 / 165 from 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160.', 'Base damage increased to 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 / 165 from 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160.', 'Void SpikeBase damage increased to 85 / 115 / 145 / 175 / 205 from 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200.', 'Base damage increased to 85 / 115 / 145 / 175 / 205 from 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200.', "Dark Star Kha'ZixEvolved WingsBug Fix:VFX are now more visible on low and very low graphics settings.", 'Evolved WingsBug Fix:VFX are now more visible on low and very low graphics settings.', 'Bug Fix:VFX are now more visible on low and very low graphics settings.', 'Taste Their FearNo longer forces you to automatically basic attack the target after the ability. Can now queue other spells after the ability instead.', 'No longer forces you to automatically basic attack the target after the ability. Can now queue other spells after the ability instead.', 'Taste Their FearBase damage reduced to 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 from 70 / 95 / 120 / 145 / 170.Bonus AD ratio reduced to110%bonusADfrom120%.Increased damage to isolated targets increased to 65% from 50%.', 'Base damage reduced to 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 from 70 / 95 / 120 / 145 / 170.', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to110%bonusADfrom120%.', 'Increased damage to isolated targets increased to 65% from 50%.', 'Void AssaultActive stealth duration increased to 1.5seconds from 1.25.', 'Active stealth duration increased to 1.5seconds from 1.25.', 'Evolved Adaptive CloakingBrush stealth duration increased to 3 seconds from 2.5.Invisibility linger duration increased to 1.5seconds from 1.25.', 'Brush stealth duration increased to 3 seconds from 2.5.', 'Invisibility linger duration increased to 1.5seconds from 1.25.', 'Void AssaultBug Fix:No longer shows the incorrect visuals when evolving hisVoid Assault.', 'Bug Fix:No longer shows the incorrect visuals when evolving hisVoid Assault.', 'Void AssaultBug Fix:Is no longer prevented from using hisVoid Assaultpassive by being "in combat" when stepping onHoneyfruitor attacking plants.', 'Bug Fix:Is no longer prevented from using hisVoid Assaultpassive by being "in combat" when stepping onHoneyfruitor attacking plants.', 'GeneralBug Fix:Dance VO now loops more consistently.', 'Bug Fix:Dance VO now loops more consistently.', 'Taste Their FearBonus AD ratio reduced to120%bonusADfrom140%bonusAD.', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to120%bonusADfrom140%bonusAD.', 'Evolved Reaper ClawsCooldown refund reduced to 45% from 60%.', 'Cooldown refund reduced to 45% from 60%.', "GeneralBug Fix:Enemy spell shields are no longer consumed when a nearbyKha'Zixevolves an ability.", "Bug Fix:Enemy spell shields are no longer consumed when a nearbyKha'Zixevolves an ability.", "Unseen ThreatBug Fix:Fixed several cases where abilities that create objects (ex.Jarvan IV'sDemacian Standard) caused their casters to no longer be considered Isolated for the purposes ofUnseen Threat.", "Bug Fix:Fixed several cases where abilities that create objects (ex.Jarvan IV'sDemacian Standard) caused their casters to no longer be considered Isolated for the purposes ofUnseen Threat.", "GeneralBug Fix:Corrected some scaling information in Kha'Zix's tooltips.", "Bug Fix:Corrected some scaling information in Kha'Zix's tooltips.", 'Unseen ThreatBonus damage changes to10 − 146 (based on level)(+ 40%bonusAD)from15 − 190 (based on level)(+ 50% AP).', 'Bonus damage changes to10 − 146 (based on level)(+ 40%bonusAD)from15 − 190 (based on level)(+ 50% AP).', 'Taste Their FearCooldown increased to 4 seconds from 3.Bonus AD ratio increased to140%bonusADfrom120%bonusAD.Isolation bonus increased to 50% from 30%.Isolation damage increased to 105 / 142.5/ 180 / 217.5/ 255(+ 210%bonusAD)from 91 / 123.5/ 156 / 188.5/ 221(+ 156%bonusAD).', 'Cooldown increased to 4 seconds from 3.', 'Bonus AD ratio increased to140%bonusADfrom120%bonusAD.', 'Isolation bonus increased to 50% from 30%.Isolation damage increased to 105 / 142.5/ 180 / 217.5/ 255(+ 210%bonusAD)from 91 / 123.5/ 156 / 188.5/ 221(+ 156%bonusAD).', 'Isolation damage increased to 105 / 142.5/ 180 / 217.5/ 255(+ 210%bonusAD)from 91 / 123.5/ 156 / 188.5/ 221(+ 156%bonusAD).', "Evolved Reaper ClawsRenamed toEvolved Reaper ClawsfromEvolved Enlarged Claws.Removed:Increasing damage against Isolated targets.New Effect:If target is Isolated, refunds 60% ofTaste Their Fear'scooldown.", 'Renamed toEvolved Reaper ClawsfromEvolved Enlarged Claws.', 'Removed:Increasing damage against Isolated targets.', "New Effect:If target is Isolated, refunds 60% ofTaste Their Fear'scooldown.", 'Void SpikeRemoved:Slowing by 20% damaged enemies.', 'Removed:Slowing by 20% damaged enemies.', 'Evolved Spike RacksEvolved slow reduced to 40% from 50%.New Effect:Isolated targets are now slowed by 80% instead.', 'Evolved slow reduced to 40% from 50%.', 'New Effect:Isolated targets are now slowed by 80% instead.', 'Void AssaultStealth reclassified asInvisibility.Stealth duration increased to 1.25seconds from 1.', 'Stealth reclassified asInvisibility.', 'Stealth duration increased to 1.25seconds from 1.', "Evolved Adaptive CloakingRenamed toEvolved Adaptive CloakingfromEvolved Active Camouflage.Removed:Increasing invisibility duration and number of charges.New Effect:Kha'ZixgainsVoid Assaultfor 2.5seconds in brush, which lingers for 1.5seconds after exiting the brush. This can only be triggered while out of combat and there is a 10-second per-brush cooldown.", 'Renamed toEvolved Adaptive CloakingfromEvolved Active Camouflage.', 'Removed:Increasing invisibility duration and number of charges.', "New Effect:Kha'ZixgainsVoid Assaultfor 2.5seconds in brush, which lingers for 1.5seconds after exiting the brush. This can only be triggered while out of combat and there is a 10-second per-brush cooldown.", "Void AssaultBug Fix:ActivatingYoumuu's Ghostbladeno longer breaks stealth.", "Bug Fix:ActivatingYoumuu's Ghostbladeno longer breaks stealth.", 'Taste Their FearCooldown reduced to 3 seconds from 3.5.', 'Cooldown reduced to 3 seconds from 3.5.', 'Void SpikeCooldown reduced to 9 seconds from 10.', 'Cooldown reduced to 9 seconds from 10.', "Void Spike/Void AssaultNew Effect:Can be 'buffered' mid-Leapto cast slightly before landing (only if last one).", "New Effect:Can be 'buffered' mid-Leapto cast slightly before landing (only if last one).", 'Unseen ThreatAttack frame on enhanced attacks reduced.', 'Attack frame on enhanced attacks reduced.', 'Void SpikeExplosion radius increased to 275 from 225.', 'Explosion radius increased to 275 from 225.', 'LeapRange increased to 700 from 600 (Evolved Wingsrange unchanged).', 'Range increased to 700 from 600 (Evolved Wingsrange unchanged).', 'StatsBase armor increased to 27 from 24.', 'Base armor increased to 27 from 24.', 'Taste Their FearMana cost reduced to 20 from 25.', 'Mana cost reduced to 20 from 25.', 'Taste Their FearIsolation indicator updated for Classic and Guardian of the Sands.', 'Isolation indicator updated for Classic and Guardian of the Sands.', 'Taste Their FearIsolation radius reduced to 425 from 500.', 'Isolation radius reduced to 425 from 500.', 'Void SpikeBase heal increased to 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 from 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160.', 'Base heal increased to 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 from 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160.', 'Void SpikeCooldown increased to 10 seconds from 8.', 'Cooldown increased to 10 seconds from 8.', 'Void SpikeBase damage reduced to 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200 from 75 / 115 / 155 / 195 / 235.', 'Base damage reduced to 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200 from 75 / 115 / 155 / 195 / 235.', 'Taste Their FearBase damage increased to 70 / 95 / 120 / 145 / 170 from 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155.', 'Base damage increased to 70 / 95 / 120 / 145 / 170 from 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155.', 'GeneralBug Fix:Recallanimation would occasionally cancel.', 'Bug Fix:Recallanimation would occasionally cancel.', 'Taste Their FearBase damage reduced to 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155 from 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 / 190.Bonus AD ratio reduced to120% bonus ADfrom150%.Isolation bonus damage reduced to 30% from 45%.Isolation base damage reduced to 71.5/ 104 / 136 / 169 / 201 from 101.5/ 145 / 188.5/ 232 / 275.5.Isolation bonus AD ratio reduced to156% Bonus ADfrom217.5%.', 'Base damage reduced to 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155 from 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 / 190.', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to120% bonus ADfrom150%.', 'Isolation bonus damage reduced to 30% from 45%.Isolation base damage reduced to 71.5/ 104 / 136 / 169 / 201 from 101.5/ 145 / 188.5/ 232 / 275.5.Isolation bonus AD ratio reduced to156% Bonus ADfrom217.5%.', 'Isolation base damage reduced to 71.5/ 104 / 136 / 169 / 201 from 101.5/ 145 / 188.5/ 232 / 275.5.', 'Isolation bonus AD ratio reduced to156% Bonus ADfrom217.5%.', "Evolved Enlarged ClawsRemoved:% of target's missing healthbonus damageRemoved:Bonus damage to non-Isolated targetsNew Effect:Deals10 − 180 (based on level)(+ 104% Bonus AD)bonus damage to Isolated targetsIsolation total damage changed to 71.5/ 104 / 136 / 169 / 201 +10 − 180 (based on level)(+ 260% Bonus AD)from 101.5/ 145 / 188.5/ 232 / 275.5(+ 217.5Bonus AD)(+ 8.7% of target's missing health)", "Removed:% of target's missing healthbonus damage", 'Removed:Bonus damage to non-Isolated targets', 'New Effect:Deals10 − 180 (based on level)(+ 104% Bonus AD)bonus damage to Isolated targets', "Isolation total damage changed to 71.5/ 104 / 136 / 169 / 201 +10 − 180 (based on level)(+ 260% Bonus AD)from 101.5/ 145 / 188.5/ 232 / 275.5(+ 217.5Bonus AD)(+ 8.7% of target's missing health)", 'Void SpikeNew Effect:Deals 20% bonus damage to monsters.', 'New Effect:Deals 20% bonus damage to monsters.', 'Evolved Spike RacksNew Effect:Deals 20% bonus damage to monsters.Slow increased to 50% from 30%.New Effect:Grants sight of champions hit for 2 seconds.', 'New Effect:Deals 20% bonus damage to monsters.', 'Slow increased to 50% from 30%.', 'New Effect:Grants sight of champions hit for 2 seconds.', 'Evolved Active CamouflageRemoved:50% damage reduction while stealthed.', 'Removed:50% damage reduction while stealthed.', 'Taste Their FearDamage amplifier against isolated targets reduced to 30% from 35%.', 'Damage amplifier against isolated targets reduced to 30% from 35%.', 'Evolved Enlarged ClawsDamage amplifier against isolated targets reduced to 30% from 35%.', 'Damage amplifier against isolated targets reduced to 30% from 35%.', "Evolved WingsBug Fix:Cooldown longer thanLeap's.Cooldown reduced to 22 / 20 / 18 / 16 / 14 seconds from 24 / 22 / 20 / 18 / 16.", "Bug Fix:Cooldown longer thanLeap's.", 'Cooldown reduced to 22 / 20 / 18 / 16 / 14 seconds from 24 / 22 / 20 / 18 / 16.', 'Taste Their FearIsolation radius increased to 500 from 350.New Effect:Turrets count as allies when determining Isolation.', 'Isolation radius increased to 500 from 350.', 'New Effect:Turrets count as allies when determining Isolation.', 'Void AssaultRe-cast window increased to 15 seconds from 10.Per-cast cooldown increased to 2 seconds from 1.', 'Re-cast window increased to 15 seconds from 10.', 'Per-cast cooldown increased to 2 seconds from 1.', 'StatsBase armor increased to 19 from 15.', 'Base armor increased to 19 from 15.', 'Void AssaultBug Fix:ActivatingFlashwill no longer break stealth.', 'Bug Fix:ActivatingFlashwill no longer break stealth.', 'Evolved Active CamouflageRemoved:No longer reduces damage from turrets.', 'Removed:No longer reduces damage from turrets.', "Evolved Enlarged ClawsBonus damage reduced to6% of target's missing healthfrom8%.Maximum damage to monsters reduced to 100 from 200.", "Bonus damage reduced to6% of target's missing healthfrom8%.", 'Maximum damage to monsters reduced to 100 from 200.', 'LeapBonus AD ratio reduced to20% Bonus ADfrom80%.', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to20% Bonus ADfrom80%.', "Void AssaultNew Effect:Kha'Zix ignores unit collision while stealthed.", "New Effect:Kha'Zix ignores unit collision while stealthed.", 'Evolved Active CamouflageNew Effect:Increases stealth duration by 1 second.', 'New Effect:Increases stealth duration by 1 second.', "Twisted TreelineTaste Their FearIsolation bonus damage reduced to 35% from 45%.Evolved Enlarged ClawsBonus damage reduced to6% of target's missing healthfrom8%.", 'Taste Their FearIsolation bonus damage reduced to 35% from 45%.', 'Isolation bonus damage reduced to 35% from 45%.', "Evolved Enlarged ClawsBonus damage reduced to6% of target's missing healthfrom8%.", "Bonus damage reduced to6% of target's missing healthfrom8%.", "Evolved Spike RacksNew Effect:IncreasesVoid Spike's slow to 30% from 20%.", "New Effect:IncreasesVoid Spike's slow to 30% from 20%.", "DominionTaste Their FearIsolation bonus damage reduced to 35% from 45%.Evolved Enlarged ClawsBonus damage reduced to6% of target's missing healthfrom8%.", 'Taste Their FearIsolation bonus damage reduced to 35% from 45%.', 'Isolation bonus damage reduced to 35% from 45%.', "Evolved Enlarged ClawsBonus damage reduced to6% of target's missing healthfrom8%.", "Bonus damage reduced to6% of target's missing healthfrom8%.", 'Taste Their FearNew Effect:Isolation grants 45% bonus damage.', 'New Effect:Isolation grants 45% bonus damage.', "Evolved Enlarged ClawsNew Effect:Grants8% of target's missing healthbonus damage (further increased by Isolation).", "New Effect:Grants8% of target's missing healthbonus damage (further increased by Isolation).", 'Void SpikeNew Effect:Targets hit are slowed by 20% for 2 seconds.Mana cost reduced to 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 from 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100.AD ratio increased to100% ADfrom90% AD.Removed:Being able to be cast duringLeap.', 'New Effect:Targets hit are slowed by 20% for 2 seconds.', 'Mana cost reduced to 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 from 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100.', 'AD ratio increased to100% ADfrom90% AD.', 'Removed:Being able to be cast duringLeap.', 'Evolved Spike RacksRemoved:No longer consumes or appliesUnseen Threat.', 'Removed:No longer consumes or appliesUnseen Threat.', 'Void AssaultStealthed damage reduction increased to 50% from 40%.', 'Stealthed damage reduction increased to 50% from 40%.', 'Unseen ThreatBase damage reduced to15 − 190 (based on level)from 15 - 220.Slow reduced to 25% from 35%.', 'Base damage reduced to15 − 190 (based on level)from 15 - 220.', 'Slow reduced to 25% from 35%.', 'Taste Their FearBonus AD ratio reduced to150% Bonus ADfrom160%.Isolation bonus AD ratio reduced to200% Bonus AD)from240%.', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to150% Bonus ADfrom160%.', 'Isolation bonus AD ratio reduced to200% Bonus AD)from240%.', 'StatsMovement speed increased to 350 from 325.', 'Movement speed increased to 350 from 325.', "Unseen Threat(Innate)When Kha'Zix is not visible to the enemy team, he gains Unseen Threat, causing his next basic attack against an enemy champion to deal bonus magic damage and slow.", "When Kha'Zix is not visible to the enemy team, he gains Unseen Threat, causing his next basic attack against an enemy champion to deal bonus magic damage and slow.", "Taste Their Fear(Q)Deal physical damage to a single target. Damage against isolated targets is significantly increased. Kha'Zix passively marks enemies that are isolated from nearby allies.Evolved Enlarged Claws:Increases damage to isolated targets even further. Kha'Zix also gains increased range on both Taste Their Fear and his basic attack.", "Deal physical damage to a single target. Damage against isolated targets is significantly increased. Kha'Zix passively marks enemies that are isolated from nearby allies.", "Evolved Enlarged Claws:Increases damage to isolated targets even further. Kha'Zix also gains increased range on both Taste Their Fear and his basic attack.", "Void Spike(W)Kha'Zix fires spikes that explode on contact, dealing physical damage to all nearby enemies. Kha'Zix is healed if he is within the explosion radius.Evolved Spike Racks:Causes Void Spike to fire three projectiles in a cone. Spikes will also apply Unseen Threat to all enemies caught within the area of effect.", "Kha'Zix fires spikes that explode on contact, dealing physical damage to all nearby enemies. Kha'Zix is healed if he is within the explosion radius.", 'Evolved Spike Racks:Causes Void Spike to fire three projectiles in a cone. Spikes will also apply Unseen Threat to all enemies caught within the area of effect.', "Leap(E)Kha'Zix leaps to an area, dealing physical damage to enemies in the area he lands.Evolved Wings:Increases Leap's range dramatically and causes a kill or assists to refresh the cooldown of Leap.", "Kha'Zix leaps to an area, dealing physical damage to enemies in the area he lands.", "Evolved Wings:Increases Leap's range dramatically and causes a kill or assists to refresh the cooldown of Leap.", "Void Assault(Ultimate)Each rank of Void Assault allows Kha'Zix to evolve one of his active abilities, granting it an additional effect. Upon activation, Kha'Zix enters stealth and gains Unseen Threat, increasing movement speed. Kha'Zix can cast Void Assault again for a short time after activation.Evolved Active Camouflage:Allows Kha'Zix to cast Void Assault three times over the course of its duration and reduces any damage he sustains while in stealth.", "Each rank of Void Assault allows Kha'Zix to evolve one of his active abilities, granting it an additional effect. Upon activation, Kha'Zix enters stealth and gains Unseen Threat, increasing movement speed. Kha'Zix can cast Void Assault again for a short time after activation.", "Evolved Active Camouflage:Allows Kha'Zix to cast Void Assault three times over the course of its duration and reduces any damage he sustains while in stealth.", "Kha'Zix's production name was 'Teek'.[2]", "Ryan 'Morello' Scottstated Kha'Zix is completely unrelated to canceled championOmen.[3]", "Kha'Zix was the last champion to feature an 'Art Spotlight'.", "When concealing himself (usingVoid Assault) Kha'Zix will run in a different manner than usual.", "When acquiringEvolved Wings, Kha'Zix will fly for a few seconds while moving (Pulsefire EzrealandMonarch Kog'Mawdo the same).", "The Hunt is On!between Kha'Zix andRengarreferencesAlien vs Predator.", "IsolationreferencesAlien(Kha'Zix's main inspiration).", "Being an arthropodic invader from another world with scythes as his primary weapon, he also bears a striking resemblance to the real-lifemantis&Metroid's Space Pirates, though he also possesses beetles' hardened outer wings.", "Void Spike'sprojectiles might be referencing aHydralisk'sfromStarCraft.", "Kha'Zix can spend evolution points on abilities he has not learned yet (doing this only benefitsTaste Their Fearfor the bonus range on basic attacks).Kha'Zix must spend evolution points before ranking up any ability if he has any unspent points after ranking upVoid Assault.", "Kha'Zix must spend evolution points before ranking up any ability if he has any unspent points after ranking upVoid Assault.", "Kha'Zix is the only Voidborn champion without true damage on any ability (unlikeFeast,Icathian Surprise,Furious Bite,Endless Banquet,Organic Deconstruction, andLifeform Disintegration Ray).", 'Kha\'Zix\'s name means "You face yourself" in an old mortal language, possibly Shuriman or Ixtalian', 'Kha\'Zix had his game assets reused for severalfeatured game modes.He was given a retexture and features as a monster called the "Jumpy Slashy Monster" inInvasion.His animations were reused for theShimmerstrikermonster inOdyssey: Extraction.', 'He was given a retexture and features as a monster called the "Jumpy Slashy Monster" inInvasion.', 'His animations were reused for theShimmerstrikermonster inOdyssey: Extraction.', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'Ao Shin', 'Avasha', 'Averdrian', 'CeeCee', 'Cyborg Cowboy', 'Eagle Rider', 'Gavid', 'Husk', 'Iron Engineer', 'Ivan', 'Omen', 'Priscilla', 'Rob Blackblade', 'Seth', 'Tabu', 'Tiki', 'Urf', 'Well', "↑Kha'Zix's profile", "↑Phreak on Kha'Zix", "↑Morello on Kha'Zix"]} | Name: Void Assault, Description: Passive: Each rank in Void Assault allows Kha'Zix to evolve one of his abilities, granting it additional effects. Evolving an ability causes him to enter a 2-second cast time. Kha'Zix cannot evolve while he is unable to cast abilities. Active: Kha'Zix becomes invisible for 1. 25 seconds, during which he gains 40% bonus movement speed . After 2 seconds of leaving invisibility , and for the next 12 seconds, Void Assault can be recast at no additional cost. Recast : Kha'Zix mimics the first cast's effects., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'details': ['Hide', 'Void Assault Details', 'Evolved Adaptive Cloaking Details', 'Void Assault 2 Details', "Each cast counts as an ability activation for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.", "Kha'Zixreceives the evolution even if he dies while in cast time.", "Every timeVoid Assaultis ranked, a secondary menu will pop up forKha'Zixto select an ability to evolve, this can only be done once per ability.The only way forKha'Zixto evolve all of his abilities is to gain the fourth evolution point by being victorious inThe Hunt is On!(by scoring atakedownonRengar).", "The only way forKha'Zixto evolve all of his abilities is to gain the fourth evolution point by being victorious inThe Hunt is On!(by scoring atakedownonRengar).", 'No additional details.', "Each cast counts as an ability activation for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.", "Kha'Zixreceives the evolution even if he dies while in cast time.", "Every timeVoid Assaultis ranked, a secondary menu will pop up forKha'Zixto select an ability to evolve, this can only be done once per ability.The only way forKha'Zixto evolve all of his abilities is to gain the fourth evolution point by being victorious inThe Hunt is On!(by scoring atakedownonRengar).", "The only way forKha'Zixto evolve all of his abilities is to gain the fourth evolution point by being victorious inThe Hunt is On!(by scoring atakedownonRengar).", "Worlds 2018 Kha'ZixSkin renamed toWorlds 2018 Kha'ZixfromChampionship Kha'Zix.", "Skin renamed toWorlds 2018 Kha'ZixfromChampionship Kha'Zix.", 'Taste Their FearBonus AD ratio reduced to110%bonusADfrom115%.Isolated bonus AD ratio reduced to231%bonusADfrom241.5%.', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to110%bonusADfrom115%.Isolated bonus AD ratio reduced to231%bonusADfrom241.5%.', 'Isolated bonus AD ratio reduced to231%bonusADfrom241.5%.', 'StatsBase attack damage reduced to 60 from 63.', 'Base attack damage reduced to 60 from 63.', 'Taste Their FearBase damage increased to 70 / 95 / 120 / 145 / 170 from 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160.', 'Base damage increased to 70 / 95 / 120 / 145 / 170 from 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160.', 'Taste Their FearIsolation range reduced to 375 units from 425.', 'Isolation range reduced to 375 units from 425.', 'Evolved Spike RacksSlow reduced to 40% from 60%.Isolated slow reduced to 75% from 90%.', 'Slow reduced to 40% from 60%.', 'Isolated slow reduced to 75% from 90%.', 'Void AssaultRecast duration increased to 12 seconds from 10.', 'Recast duration increased to 12 seconds from 10.', 'Void AssaultBug Fix:Champion model no longer disappears during the effect while using theClassic,Mecha, orDeath Blossomskins.', 'Bug Fix:Champion model no longer disappears during the effect while using theClassic,Mecha, orDeath Blossomskins.', 'GeneralBug Fix:Knocked up/stunned animation is now correctly played.', 'Bug Fix:Knocked up/stunned animation is now correctly played.', 'StatsBase health increased to 643 from 573.Health growth increased to 99 from 85.Armor growth increased to 4.2from 3.Magic resistance growth increased to 2.05from 1.25.', 'Base health increased to 643 from 573.', 'Health growth increased to 99 from 85.', 'Armor growth increased to 4.2from 3.', 'Magic resistance growth increased to 2.05from 1.25.', 'Void SpikeBase heal reduced to 55 / 75 / 95 / 115 / 135 from 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160.', 'Base heal reduced to 55 / 75 / 95 / 115 / 135 from 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160.', 'Taste Their FearBonus AD ratio reduced to115%bonusADfrom130%.Isolated bonus AD ratio reduced to241.5%bonusADfrom273%.', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to115%bonusADfrom130%.Isolated bonus AD ratio reduced to241.5%bonusADfrom273%.', 'Isolated bonus AD ratio reduced to241.5%bonusADfrom273%.', 'StatsBase magic resistance reduced to 32 from 32.1.Base health increased to 573 from 572.8.', 'Base magic resistance reduced to 32 from 32.1.', 'Base health increased to 573 from 572.8.', 'GeneralUpdated visual effects.Updated basic attack swipes and new hit visual effects.', 'Updated visual effects.', 'Updated basic attack swipes and new hit visual effects.', 'Unseen ThreatBlade VFX are more glowy; target effects better fit into the Void color scheme.', 'Blade VFX are more glowy; target effects better fit into the Void color scheme.', 'Taste Their FearUpdated isolated target indicator; reduced noise on target VFX.', 'Updated isolated target indicator; reduced noise on target VFX.', 'Void SpikeNew missile trail effects. Updated Explosion area of effect to match the hitbox.', 'New missile trail effects. Updated Explosion area of effect to match the hitbox.', 'LeapReduced noise on landing effect. Updated area of effect to match the hitbox.', 'Reduced noise on landing effect. Updated area of effect to match the hitbox.', 'Void AssaultUpdated cloaking effect. Improved decloaking effect.', 'Updated cloaking effect. Improved decloaking effect.', "Mecha Kha'ZixVoid Spikerockets stay closer to the missile hitbox.Updated W and E area of effects.", 'Void Spikerockets stay closer to the missile hitbox.', 'Updated W and E area of effects.', "Guardian of the Sands Kha'ZixUpdated W and E area of effects.", 'Updated W and E area of effects.', "Death Blossom Kha'ZixUpdated W and E area of effects.", 'Updated W and E area of effects.', "Dark Star Kha'ZixUpdated W and E area of effects.", 'Updated W and E area of effects.', "Worlds 2018 Kha'ZixUpdated W and E area of effects.", 'Updated W and E area of effects.', 'Evolved Spike RacksBug Fix:Hitting an enemy champion with it no longer reveals a large area around him.', 'Bug Fix:Hitting an enemy champion with it no longer reveals a large area around him.', "Mecha Kha'ZixUnseen ThreatBug Fix:Passive hit SFX has been restored.Taste Their FearBug Fix:Non-isolated and isolated hit SFX have been restored.Void SpikeBug Fix:Missile hits and heal SFX have been restored.LeapBug Fix:Ground hit SFX has been restored.Void AssaultBug Fix:Cast SFX has been restored.", 'Unseen ThreatBug Fix:Passive hit SFX has been restored.', 'Bug Fix:Passive hit SFX has been restored.', 'Taste Their FearBug Fix:Non-isolated and isolated hit SFX have been restored.', 'Bug Fix:Non-isolated and isolated hit SFX have been restored.', 'Void SpikeBug Fix:Missile hits and heal SFX have been restored.', 'Bug Fix:Missile hits and heal SFX have been restored.', 'LeapBug Fix:Ground hit SFX has been restored.', 'Bug Fix:Ground hit SFX has been restored.', 'Void AssaultBug Fix:Cast SFX has been restored.', 'Bug Fix:Cast SFX has been restored.', "Guardian of the Sands Kha'Zix,Death Blossom Kha'Zix, andDark Star Kha'ZixVoid SpikeBug Fix:Heal SFX has been restored.", 'Void SpikeBug Fix:Heal SFX has been restored.', 'Bug Fix:Heal SFX has been restored.', 'Taste Their FearIsolation bonus damage reduced to 110% from 120%.', 'Isolation bonus damage reduced to 110% from 120%.', 'Taste Their FearIsolation bonus damage increased to 120% from 100%.', 'Isolation bonus damage increased to 120% from 100%.', 'Unseen ThreatUndocumented:Base damage reduced to14 − 116 (based on level)from14 − 150 (based on level).', 'Undocumented:Base damage reduced to14 − 116 (based on level)from14 − 150 (based on level).', 'Void AssaultBug Fix:Now properly breaks his stealth when he uses hisEvolved Reaper Claws,Evolved Spike Racks, andEvolved Wings.', 'Bug Fix:Now properly breaks his stealth when he uses hisEvolved Reaper Claws,Evolved Spike Racks, andEvolved Wings.', 'Taste Their FearBase damage increased to 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 from 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150.', 'Base damage increased to 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 from 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150.', 'Taste Their FearBug Fix:Isolatedtarget effect now properly applies to all champions.', 'Bug Fix:Isolatedtarget effect now properly applies to all champions.', 'Void AssaultNew Effect:Ability icon border now shows the remaining time to recast the ability.', 'New Effect:Ability icon border now shows the remaining time to recast the ability.', "Mecha Kha'ZixVoid SpikeBug Fix:On-hit VFX are no longer significantly louder than base.", 'Void SpikeBug Fix:On-hit VFX are no longer significantly louder than base.', 'Bug Fix:On-hit VFX are no longer significantly louder than base.', 'Unseen ThreatBonus AD ratio increased to40%bonusADfrom20%.', 'Bonus AD ratio increased to40%bonusADfrom20%.', 'Void SpikeEvolved Spike Racks slow increased to 60% from 40%.Isolated target slow increased to 90% from 80%.', 'Evolved Spike Racks slow increased to 60% from 40%.', 'Isolated target slow increased to 90% from 80%.', 'Void AssaultCooldown reduced to 100 / 85 / 70 seconds from 100 / 90 / 80.Active invisibility reduced to 1.25seconds from 1.5.', 'Cooldown reduced to 100 / 85 / 70 seconds from 100 / 90 / 80.', 'Active invisibility reduced to 1.25seconds from 1.5.', "Evolved Adaptive CloakingNew Effect:Now increases the invisibility duration by 0.75seconds, for a total of 2 seconds.New Effect:Now increases the number of recast to 3 from 2.Removed:While out-of-combat,Kha'Zixalso passively gainsVoid Assaultfor 3 seconds in brush. This persists for up to 1.5seconds after exiting the brush (10 second per brush cooldown).", 'New Effect:Now increases the invisibility duration by 0.75seconds, for a total of 2 seconds.', 'New Effect:Now increases the number of recast to 3 from 2.', "Removed:While out-of-combat,Kha'Zixalso passively gainsVoid Assaultfor 3 seconds in brush. This persists for up to 1.5seconds after exiting the brush (10 second per brush cooldown).", "Death Blossom Kha'ZixEvolved WingsBug Fix:Wings no longer lose textures and transparency when recalling.", 'Evolved WingsBug Fix:Wings no longer lose textures and transparency when recalling.', 'Bug Fix:Wings no longer lose textures and transparency when recalling.', 'Taste Their FearBase damage reduced to 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 from 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 / 165.Bonus AD ratio increased to130%bonusADfrom120%.Isolation bonus damage increased to 100% from 65%.', 'Base damage reduced to 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 from 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 / 165.', 'Bonus AD ratio increased to130%bonusADfrom120%.', 'Isolation bonus damage increased to 100% from 65%.', 'Void SpikeRemoved:Dealing 20% increased damage to monsters.', 'Removed:Dealing 20% increased damage to monsters.', "Mecha Kha'ZixVoid AssaultBug Fix:Chromas' VFX are now always visible to the enemy when used.", "Void AssaultBug Fix:Chromas' VFX are now always visible to the enemy when used.", "Bug Fix:Chromas' VFX are now always visible to the enemy when used.", 'StatsBase health regeneration reduced to 7.5from 7.51.', 'Base health regeneration reduced to 7.5from 7.51.', 'Unseen ThreatBonus AD ratio reduced to20%bonusADfrom40%.', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to20%bonusADfrom40%.', 'Taste Their FearBonus AD ratio increased to120%bonusADfrom110%.New Effect:Now draws nearby minion aggro when targeting an enemy champion.', 'Bonus AD ratio increased to120%bonusADfrom110%.', 'New Effect:Now draws nearby minion aggro when targeting an enemy champion.', 'StatsBase attack damage increased to 63 from 55.21.Base armor increased to 36 from 27.', 'Base attack damage increased to 63 from 55.21.', 'Base armor increased to 36 from 27.', 'Unseen ThreatBase damage increased to14 − 150 (based on level)from10 − 146 (based on level).', 'Base damage increased to14 − 150 (based on level)from10 − 146 (based on level).', 'Taste Their FearBase damage increased to 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 / 165 from 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160.', 'Base damage increased to 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 / 165 from 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160.', 'Void SpikeBase damage increased to 85 / 115 / 145 / 175 / 205 from 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200.', 'Base damage increased to 85 / 115 / 145 / 175 / 205 from 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200.', "Dark Star Kha'ZixEvolved WingsBug Fix:VFX are now more visible on low and very low graphics settings.", 'Evolved WingsBug Fix:VFX are now more visible on low and very low graphics settings.', 'Bug Fix:VFX are now more visible on low and very low graphics settings.', 'Taste Their FearNo longer forces you to automatically basic attack the target after the ability. Can now queue other spells after the ability instead.', 'No longer forces you to automatically basic attack the target after the ability. Can now queue other spells after the ability instead.', 'Taste Their FearBase damage reduced to 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 from 70 / 95 / 120 / 145 / 170.Bonus AD ratio reduced to110%bonusADfrom120%.Increased damage to isolated targets increased to 65% from 50%.', 'Base damage reduced to 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 from 70 / 95 / 120 / 145 / 170.', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to110%bonusADfrom120%.', 'Increased damage to isolated targets increased to 65% from 50%.', 'Void AssaultActive stealth duration increased to 1.5seconds from 1.25.', 'Active stealth duration increased to 1.5seconds from 1.25.', 'Evolved Adaptive CloakingBrush stealth duration increased to 3 seconds from 2.5.Invisibility linger duration increased to 1.5seconds from 1.25.', 'Brush stealth duration increased to 3 seconds from 2.5.', 'Invisibility linger duration increased to 1.5seconds from 1.25.', 'Void AssaultBug Fix:No longer shows the incorrect visuals when evolving hisVoid Assault.', 'Bug Fix:No longer shows the incorrect visuals when evolving hisVoid Assault.', 'Void AssaultBug Fix:Is no longer prevented from using hisVoid Assaultpassive by being "in combat" when stepping onHoneyfruitor attacking plants.', 'Bug Fix:Is no longer prevented from using hisVoid Assaultpassive by being "in combat" when stepping onHoneyfruitor attacking plants.', 'GeneralBug Fix:Dance VO now loops more consistently.', 'Bug Fix:Dance VO now loops more consistently.', 'Taste Their FearBonus AD ratio reduced to120%bonusADfrom140%bonusAD.', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to120%bonusADfrom140%bonusAD.', 'Evolved Reaper ClawsCooldown refund reduced to 45% from 60%.', 'Cooldown refund reduced to 45% from 60%.', "GeneralBug Fix:Enemy spell shields are no longer consumed when a nearbyKha'Zixevolves an ability.", "Bug Fix:Enemy spell shields are no longer consumed when a nearbyKha'Zixevolves an ability.", "Unseen ThreatBug Fix:Fixed several cases where abilities that create objects (ex.Jarvan IV'sDemacian Standard) caused their casters to no longer be considered Isolated for the purposes ofUnseen Threat.", "Bug Fix:Fixed several cases where abilities that create objects (ex.Jarvan IV'sDemacian Standard) caused their casters to no longer be considered Isolated for the purposes ofUnseen Threat.", "GeneralBug Fix:Corrected some scaling information in Kha'Zix's tooltips.", "Bug Fix:Corrected some scaling information in Kha'Zix's tooltips.", 'Unseen ThreatBonus damage changes to10 − 146 (based on level)(+ 40%bonusAD)from15 − 190 (based on level)(+ 50% AP).', 'Bonus damage changes to10 − 146 (based on level)(+ 40%bonusAD)from15 − 190 (based on level)(+ 50% AP).', 'Taste Their FearCooldown increased to 4 seconds from 3.Bonus AD ratio increased to140%bonusADfrom120%bonusAD.Isolation bonus increased to 50% from 30%.Isolation damage increased to 105 / 142.5/ 180 / 217.5/ 255(+ 210%bonusAD)from 91 / 123.5/ 156 / 188.5/ 221(+ 156%bonusAD).', 'Cooldown increased to 4 seconds from 3.', 'Bonus AD ratio increased to140%bonusADfrom120%bonusAD.', 'Isolation bonus increased to 50% from 30%.Isolation damage increased to 105 / 142.5/ 180 / 217.5/ 255(+ 210%bonusAD)from 91 / 123.5/ 156 / 188.5/ 221(+ 156%bonusAD).', 'Isolation damage increased to 105 / 142.5/ 180 / 217.5/ 255(+ 210%bonusAD)from 91 / 123.5/ 156 / 188.5/ 221(+ 156%bonusAD).', "Evolved Reaper ClawsRenamed toEvolved Reaper ClawsfromEvolved Enlarged Claws.Removed:Increasing damage against Isolated targets.New Effect:If target is Isolated, refunds 60% ofTaste Their Fear'scooldown.", 'Renamed toEvolved Reaper ClawsfromEvolved Enlarged Claws.', 'Removed:Increasing damage against Isolated targets.', "New Effect:If target is Isolated, refunds 60% ofTaste Their Fear'scooldown.", 'Void SpikeRemoved:Slowing by 20% damaged enemies.', 'Removed:Slowing by 20% damaged enemies.', 'Evolved Spike RacksEvolved slow reduced to 40% from 50%.New Effect:Isolated targets are now slowed by 80% instead.', 'Evolved slow reduced to 40% from 50%.', 'New Effect:Isolated targets are now slowed by 80% instead.', 'Void AssaultStealth reclassified asInvisibility.Stealth duration increased to 1.25seconds from 1.', 'Stealth reclassified asInvisibility.', 'Stealth duration increased to 1.25seconds from 1.', "Evolved Adaptive CloakingRenamed toEvolved Adaptive CloakingfromEvolved Active Camouflage.Removed:Increasing invisibility duration and number of charges.New Effect:Kha'ZixgainsVoid Assaultfor 2.5seconds in brush, which lingers for 1.5seconds after exiting the brush. This can only be triggered while out of combat and there is a 10-second per-brush cooldown.", 'Renamed toEvolved Adaptive CloakingfromEvolved Active Camouflage.', 'Removed:Increasing invisibility duration and number of charges.', "New Effect:Kha'ZixgainsVoid Assaultfor 2.5seconds in brush, which lingers for 1.5seconds after exiting the brush. This can only be triggered while out of combat and there is a 10-second per-brush cooldown.", "Void AssaultBug Fix:ActivatingYoumuu's Ghostbladeno longer breaks stealth.", "Bug Fix:ActivatingYoumuu's Ghostbladeno longer breaks stealth.", 'Taste Their FearCooldown reduced to 3 seconds from 3.5.', 'Cooldown reduced to 3 seconds from 3.5.', 'Void SpikeCooldown reduced to 9 seconds from 10.', 'Cooldown reduced to 9 seconds from 10.', "Void Spike/Void AssaultNew Effect:Can be 'buffered' mid-Leapto cast slightly before landing (only if last one).", "New Effect:Can be 'buffered' mid-Leapto cast slightly before landing (only if last one).", 'Unseen ThreatAttack frame on enhanced attacks reduced.', 'Attack frame on enhanced attacks reduced.', 'Void SpikeExplosion radius increased to 275 from 225.', 'Explosion radius increased to 275 from 225.', 'LeapRange increased to 700 from 600 (Evolved Wingsrange unchanged).', 'Range increased to 700 from 600 (Evolved Wingsrange unchanged).', 'StatsBase armor increased to 27 from 24.', 'Base armor increased to 27 from 24.', 'Taste Their FearMana cost reduced to 20 from 25.', 'Mana cost reduced to 20 from 25.', 'Taste Their FearIsolation indicator updated for Classic and Guardian of the Sands.', 'Isolation indicator updated for Classic and Guardian of the Sands.', 'Taste Their FearIsolation radius reduced to 425 from 500.', 'Isolation radius reduced to 425 from 500.', 'Void SpikeBase heal increased to 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 from 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160.', 'Base heal increased to 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 from 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160.', 'Void SpikeCooldown increased to 10 seconds from 8.', 'Cooldown increased to 10 seconds from 8.', 'Void SpikeBase damage reduced to 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200 from 75 / 115 / 155 / 195 / 235.', 'Base damage reduced to 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200 from 75 / 115 / 155 / 195 / 235.', 'Taste Their FearBase damage increased to 70 / 95 / 120 / 145 / 170 from 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155.', 'Base damage increased to 70 / 95 / 120 / 145 / 170 from 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155.', 'GeneralBug Fix:Recallanimation would occasionally cancel.', 'Bug Fix:Recallanimation would occasionally cancel.', 'Taste Their FearBase damage reduced to 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155 from 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 / 190.Bonus AD ratio reduced to120% bonus ADfrom150%.Isolation bonus damage reduced to 30% from 45%.Isolation base damage reduced to 71.5/ 104 / 136 / 169 / 201 from 101.5/ 145 / 188.5/ 232 / 275.5.Isolation bonus AD ratio reduced to156% Bonus ADfrom217.5%.', 'Base damage reduced to 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155 from 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 / 190.', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to120% bonus ADfrom150%.', 'Isolation bonus damage reduced to 30% from 45%.Isolation base damage reduced to 71.5/ 104 / 136 / 169 / 201 from 101.5/ 145 / 188.5/ 232 / 275.5.Isolation bonus AD ratio reduced to156% Bonus ADfrom217.5%.', 'Isolation base damage reduced to 71.5/ 104 / 136 / 169 / 201 from 101.5/ 145 / 188.5/ 232 / 275.5.', 'Isolation bonus AD ratio reduced to156% Bonus ADfrom217.5%.', "Evolved Enlarged ClawsRemoved:% of target's missing healthbonus damageRemoved:Bonus damage to non-Isolated targetsNew Effect:Deals10 − 180 (based on level)(+ 104% Bonus AD)bonus damage to Isolated targetsIsolation total damage changed to 71.5/ 104 / 136 / 169 / 201 +10 − 180 (based on level)(+ 260% Bonus AD)from 101.5/ 145 / 188.5/ 232 / 275.5(+ 217.5Bonus AD)(+ 8.7% of target's missing health)", "Removed:% of target's missing healthbonus damage", 'Removed:Bonus damage to non-Isolated targets', 'New Effect:Deals10 − 180 (based on level)(+ 104% Bonus AD)bonus damage to Isolated targets', "Isolation total damage changed to 71.5/ 104 / 136 / 169 / 201 +10 − 180 (based on level)(+ 260% Bonus AD)from 101.5/ 145 / 188.5/ 232 / 275.5(+ 217.5Bonus AD)(+ 8.7% of target's missing health)", 'Void SpikeNew Effect:Deals 20% bonus damage to monsters.', 'New Effect:Deals 20% bonus damage to monsters.', 'Evolved Spike RacksNew Effect:Deals 20% bonus damage to monsters.Slow increased to 50% from 30%.New Effect:Grants sight of champions hit for 2 seconds.', 'New Effect:Deals 20% bonus damage to monsters.', 'Slow increased to 50% from 30%.', 'New Effect:Grants sight of champions hit for 2 seconds.', 'Evolved Active CamouflageRemoved:50% damage reduction while stealthed.', 'Removed:50% damage reduction while stealthed.', 'Taste Their FearDamage amplifier against isolated targets reduced to 30% from 35%.', 'Damage amplifier against isolated targets reduced to 30% from 35%.', 'Evolved Enlarged ClawsDamage amplifier against isolated targets reduced to 30% from 35%.', 'Damage amplifier against isolated targets reduced to 30% from 35%.', "Evolved WingsBug Fix:Cooldown longer thanLeap's.Cooldown reduced to 22 / 20 / 18 / 16 / 14 seconds from 24 / 22 / 20 / 18 / 16.", "Bug Fix:Cooldown longer thanLeap's.", 'Cooldown reduced to 22 / 20 / 18 / 16 / 14 seconds from 24 / 22 / 20 / 18 / 16.', 'Taste Their FearIsolation radius increased to 500 from 350.New Effect:Turrets count as allies when determining Isolation.', 'Isolation radius increased to 500 from 350.', 'New Effect:Turrets count as allies when determining Isolation.', 'Void AssaultRe-cast window increased to 15 seconds from 10.Per-cast cooldown increased to 2 seconds from 1.', 'Re-cast window increased to 15 seconds from 10.', 'Per-cast cooldown increased to 2 seconds from 1.', 'StatsBase armor increased to 19 from 15.', 'Base armor increased to 19 from 15.', 'Void AssaultBug Fix:ActivatingFlashwill no longer break stealth.', 'Bug Fix:ActivatingFlashwill no longer break stealth.', 'Evolved Active CamouflageRemoved:No longer reduces damage from turrets.', 'Removed:No longer reduces damage from turrets.', "Evolved Enlarged ClawsBonus damage reduced to6% of target's missing healthfrom8%.Maximum damage to monsters reduced to 100 from 200.", "Bonus damage reduced to6% of target's missing healthfrom8%.", 'Maximum damage to monsters reduced to 100 from 200.', 'LeapBonus AD ratio reduced to20% Bonus ADfrom80%.', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to20% Bonus ADfrom80%.', "Void AssaultNew Effect:Kha'Zix ignores unit collision while stealthed.", "New Effect:Kha'Zix ignores unit collision while stealthed.", 'Evolved Active CamouflageNew Effect:Increases stealth duration by 1 second.', 'New Effect:Increases stealth duration by 1 second.', "Twisted TreelineTaste Their FearIsolation bonus damage reduced to 35% from 45%.Evolved Enlarged ClawsBonus damage reduced to6% of target's missing healthfrom8%.", 'Taste Their FearIsolation bonus damage reduced to 35% from 45%.', 'Isolation bonus damage reduced to 35% from 45%.', "Evolved Enlarged ClawsBonus damage reduced to6% of target's missing healthfrom8%.", "Bonus damage reduced to6% of target's missing healthfrom8%.", "Evolved Spike RacksNew Effect:IncreasesVoid Spike's slow to 30% from 20%.", "New Effect:IncreasesVoid Spike's slow to 30% from 20%.", "DominionTaste Their FearIsolation bonus damage reduced to 35% from 45%.Evolved Enlarged ClawsBonus damage reduced to6% of target's missing healthfrom8%.", 'Taste Their FearIsolation bonus damage reduced to 35% from 45%.', 'Isolation bonus damage reduced to 35% from 45%.', "Evolved Enlarged ClawsBonus damage reduced to6% of target's missing healthfrom8%.", "Bonus damage reduced to6% of target's missing healthfrom8%.", 'Taste Their FearNew Effect:Isolation grants 45% bonus damage.', 'New Effect:Isolation grants 45% bonus damage.', "Evolved Enlarged ClawsNew Effect:Grants8% of target's missing healthbonus damage (further increased by Isolation).", "New Effect:Grants8% of target's missing healthbonus damage (further increased by Isolation).", 'Void SpikeNew Effect:Targets hit are slowed by 20% for 2 seconds.Mana cost reduced to 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 from 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100.AD ratio increased to100% ADfrom90% AD.Removed:Being able to be cast duringLeap.', 'New Effect:Targets hit are slowed by 20% for 2 seconds.', 'Mana cost reduced to 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 from 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100.', 'AD ratio increased to100% ADfrom90% AD.', 'Removed:Being able to be cast duringLeap.', 'Evolved Spike RacksRemoved:No longer consumes or appliesUnseen Threat.', 'Removed:No longer consumes or appliesUnseen Threat.', 'Void AssaultStealthed damage reduction increased to 50% from 40%.', 'Stealthed damage reduction increased to 50% from 40%.', 'Unseen ThreatBase damage reduced to15 − 190 (based on level)from 15 - 220.Slow reduced to 25% from 35%.', 'Base damage reduced to15 − 190 (based on level)from 15 - 220.', 'Slow reduced to 25% from 35%.', 'Taste Their FearBonus AD ratio reduced to150% Bonus ADfrom160%.Isolation bonus AD ratio reduced to200% Bonus AD)from240%.', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to150% Bonus ADfrom160%.', 'Isolation bonus AD ratio reduced to200% Bonus AD)from240%.', 'StatsMovement speed increased to 350 from 325.', 'Movement speed increased to 350 from 325.', "Unseen Threat(Innate)When Kha'Zix is not visible to the enemy team, he gains Unseen Threat, causing his next basic attack against an enemy champion to deal bonus magic damage and slow.", "When Kha'Zix is not visible to the enemy team, he gains Unseen Threat, causing his next basic attack against an enemy champion to deal bonus magic damage and slow.", "Taste Their Fear(Q)Deal physical damage to a single target. Damage against isolated targets is significantly increased. Kha'Zix passively marks enemies that are isolated from nearby allies.Evolved Enlarged Claws:Increases damage to isolated targets even further. Kha'Zix also gains increased range on both Taste Their Fear and his basic attack.", "Deal physical damage to a single target. Damage against isolated targets is significantly increased. Kha'Zix passively marks enemies that are isolated from nearby allies.", "Evolved Enlarged Claws:Increases damage to isolated targets even further. Kha'Zix also gains increased range on both Taste Their Fear and his basic attack.", "Void Spike(W)Kha'Zix fires spikes that explode on contact, dealing physical damage to all nearby enemies. Kha'Zix is healed if he is within the explosion radius.Evolved Spike Racks:Causes Void Spike to fire three projectiles in a cone. Spikes will also apply Unseen Threat to all enemies caught within the area of effect.", "Kha'Zix fires spikes that explode on contact, dealing physical damage to all nearby enemies. Kha'Zix is healed if he is within the explosion radius.", 'Evolved Spike Racks:Causes Void Spike to fire three projectiles in a cone. Spikes will also apply Unseen Threat to all enemies caught within the area of effect.', "Leap(E)Kha'Zix leaps to an area, dealing physical damage to enemies in the area he lands.Evolved Wings:Increases Leap's range dramatically and causes a kill or assists to refresh the cooldown of Leap.", "Kha'Zix leaps to an area, dealing physical damage to enemies in the area he lands.", "Evolved Wings:Increases Leap's range dramatically and causes a kill or assists to refresh the cooldown of Leap.", "Void Assault(Ultimate)Each rank of Void Assault allows Kha'Zix to evolve one of his active abilities, granting it an additional effect. Upon activation, Kha'Zix enters stealth and gains Unseen Threat, increasing movement speed. Kha'Zix can cast Void Assault again for a short time after activation.Evolved Active Camouflage:Allows Kha'Zix to cast Void Assault three times over the course of its duration and reduces any damage he sustains while in stealth.", "Each rank of Void Assault allows Kha'Zix to evolve one of his active abilities, granting it an additional effect. Upon activation, Kha'Zix enters stealth and gains Unseen Threat, increasing movement speed. Kha'Zix can cast Void Assault again for a short time after activation.", "Evolved Active Camouflage:Allows Kha'Zix to cast Void Assault three times over the course of its duration and reduces any damage he sustains while in stealth.", "Kha'Zix's production name was 'Teek'.[2]", "Ryan 'Morello' Scottstated Kha'Zix is completely unrelated to canceled championOmen.[3]", "Kha'Zix was the last champion to feature an 'Art Spotlight'.", "When concealing himself (usingVoid Assault) Kha'Zix will run in a different manner than usual.", "When acquiringEvolved Wings, Kha'Zix will fly for a few seconds while moving (Pulsefire EzrealandMonarch Kog'Mawdo the same).", "The Hunt is On!between Kha'Zix andRengarreferencesAlien vs Predator.", "IsolationreferencesAlien(Kha'Zix's main inspiration).", "Being an arthropodic invader from another world with scythes as his primary weapon, he also bears a striking resemblance to the real-lifemantis&Metroid's Space Pirates, though he also possesses beetles' hardened outer wings.", "Void Spike'sprojectiles might be referencing aHydralisk'sfromStarCraft.", "Kha'Zix can spend evolution points on abilities he has not learned yet (doing this only benefitsTaste Their Fearfor the bonus range on basic attacks).Kha'Zix must spend evolution points before ranking up any ability if he has any unspent points after ranking upVoid Assault.", "Kha'Zix must spend evolution points before ranking up any ability if he has any unspent points after ranking upVoid Assault.", "Kha'Zix is the only Voidborn champion without true damage on any ability (unlikeFeast,Icathian Surprise,Furious Bite,Endless Banquet,Organic Deconstruction, andLifeform Disintegration Ray).", 'Kha\'Zix\'s name means "You face yourself" in an old mortal language, possibly Shuriman or Ixtalian', 'Kha\'Zix had his game assets reused for severalfeatured game modes.He was given a retexture and features as a monster called the "Jumpy Slashy Monster" inInvasion.His animations were reused for theShimmerstrikermonster inOdyssey: Extraction.', 'He was given a retexture and features as a monster called the "Jumpy Slashy Monster" inInvasion.', 'His animations were reused for theShimmerstrikermonster inOdyssey: Extraction.', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'Ao Shin', 'Avasha', 'Averdrian', 'CeeCee', 'Cyborg Cowboy', 'Eagle Rider', 'Gavid', 'Husk', 'Iron Engineer', 'Ivan', 'Omen', 'Priscilla', 'Rob Blackblade', 'Seth', 'Tabu', 'Tiki', 'Urf', 'Well', "↑Kha'Zix's profile", "↑Phreak on Kha'Zix", "↑Morello on Kha'Zix"]} | Kha'Zix's production name was 'Teek'.[2]
Ryan 'Morello' Scottstated Kha'Zix is completely unrelated to canceled championOmen.[3]
Kha'Zix was the last champion to feature an 'Art Spotlight'.
When concealing himself (usingVoid Assault) Kha'Zix will run in a different manner than usual.
When acquiringEvolved Wings, Kha'Zix will fly for a few seconds while moving (Pulsefire EzrealandMonarch Kog'Mawdo the same).
The Hunt is On!between Kha'Zix andRengarreferencesAlien vs Predator.
IsolationreferencesAlien(Kha'Zix's main inspiration).
Being an arthropodic invader from another world with scythes as his primary weapon, he also bears a striking resemblance to the real-lifemantis&Metroid's Space Pirates, though he also possesses beetles' hardened outer wings.
Void Spike'sprojectiles might be referencing aHydralisk'sfromStarCraft.
Kha'Zix can spend evolution points on abilities he has not learned yet (doing this only benefitsTaste Their Fearfor the bonus range on basic attacks).Kha'Zix must spend evolution points before ranking up any ability if he has any unspent points after ranking upVoid Assault.
Kha'Zix is the only Voidborn champion without true damage on any ability (unlikeFeast,Icathian Surprise,Furious Bite,Endless Banquet,Organic Deconstruction, andLifeform Disintegration Ray).
Kha'Zix's name means "You face yourself" in an old mortal language, possibly Shuriman or Ixtalian
Kha'Zix had his game assets reused for severalfeatured game modes.He was given a retexture and features as a monster called the "Jumpy Slashy Monster" inInvasion.His animations were reused for theShimmerstrikermonster inOdyssey: Extraction. |
Kindred,The Eternal Hunters,Lamb and Wolf | | | health: Health610+104, resource: Mana300+35, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)7+0.55, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)7+0.4, armor: Armor29+4.7, attack damage: Attack damage65+3.25, attack speed: Base AS0.625, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius120, release: 2015-10-14, changed: V13.17, role: Marksman, position: Jungle, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 4800|880 | Games
KindredMainIonianShadowTitlesNickname(s)LambandWolfInaandAniFaryaandWolyoTwin faces of DeathAlias(es)The KindredThe TakerThe Spirit of DeathThe Eternal HuntersThe Two HuntersThe Educated Lamb of LightThe Great Black WolfGrey ManDeathCharacteristicsSpeciesSpirit GodsPronoun(s)She/Her(Lamb)He/Him(Wolf)They/Them(Kindred)TimelineBorn:Earlier than 9000 BNWeapon(s)Arrows(Lamb)Teeth(Wolf)Personal statusStatusAlive(Death)Place of originUnknownPossibly the Spirit RealmCurrent residenceRuneterra(No Fixed Abode)Professional statusOccupation(s)ReapersSpirit of DeathRegion(s)RuneterraRelated character(s)KarthusMordekaiserYorick
• Main
• Ionian
• Shadow
• LambandWolf
• InaandAni
• FaryaandWolyo
• Twin faces of Death
• The Kindred
• The Taker
• The Spirit of Death
• The Eternal Hunters
• The Two Hunters
• The Educated Lamb of Light
• The Great Black Wolf
• Grey Man
• Death
• Born:Earlier than 9000 BN
• Arrows(Lamb)
• Teeth(Wolf)
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
• Reapers
• Spirit of Death
Related character(s)
Separate, but never parted,Kindredrepresents the twin essences of death. Lamb's bow offers a swift release from the mortal realm for those who accept their fate. Wolf hunts down those who run from their end, delivering violent finality within his crushing jaws. Though interpretations of Kindred's nature vary acrossRuneterra, every mortal must choose the true face of their death.
• 1Background1.1Origin
• 2Appearance2.1Lamb2.2Wolf
• 3Personality3.1Lamb3.2Wolf
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Fiddlesticks5.2Grey Man5.3Other Representations of Death
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Origin
• 2.1Lamb
• 2.2Wolf
• 3.1Lamb
• 3.2Wolf
• 5.1Fiddlesticks
• 5.2Grey Man
• 5.3Other Representations of Death
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
As a spirit who is closer to a force of nature than a living being, it is difficult to tell how Kindred came to be who they are today. However, one of the many legends surrounding the origins of the Kindred tell of 'a pale man with dark hair' (Runeterra's ownGrim Reaper) who was 'very lonely' and so split himself 'right down the middle' so he 'would always have a friend'. Assuming there is some fact to this tale, one can extrapolate that his emotions (materialized in his dark hair) became Wolf, while his rationale (materialized in his pale self) became Lamb.
Kindredis an entity, with two distinct aspects and appearances:
Lamb, as her name would suggest, looks like a sheep/lamb with pale fur and lamb's legs and feet. She doesn't wear clothes, her body is covered in white fur. The most distinctive ornament on her attire is the"wolf" mask which has a dark color. She carries with her a mystical bow.
Wolf, as his name would suggest, has the appearance of a spectral wolf with dark fur and only the head being visible. He wears no clothes, the rest of his body is covered in a long, spectral dark veil. The most distinctive ornament on his attire is the"lamb" mask which is white in color.
In the beginning, Kindred was a single being, isolated from the others due to their nature as a god of death. Lonely and craving companionship, they took an axe and cut themself in half dividing them in two beings, Lamb and Wolf. Both deeply attached to each other.
Lamb is the calm marksman that swiftly and painlessly ends the life of those that accept death by shooting them down with a single well aimed arrow, if they run away from their fate, they will find themselves in the maw of Wolf. Lamb appears to be Kindred's decision maker often the one pointing Wolf towards their goal and is often the one explaining the emotions of others to Wolf. Despite being calmer and less prone to violence than Wolf, Lamb is noticeably more apathetic towards others.
Wolf is the bestial half of the Kindred, representing a violent death. Those who will not fall to Lamb's arrows doom themselves to Wolf's jaws as he goes on the chase. Always hungry, he feels emotion but does not truly understand it - the counterpart to Lamb's impassive knowledge of feelings. The Kindred stalk the world, bringing peaceful death to those who will fall by Lamb. All who do not make one more chase for Wolf.
• Spirit God:Kindred is an ancient divine being embodying a particular aspect of the world, in this case, death. Kindred nurtures themselves from both their role as death gods and from the belief and memory of worshipers.Immortality:So long as there is life on Runeterra and there still be people that believe in them, Kindred will continue existing.Spiritual Connection:Both parts of the Kindred are connected to each other through a powerful spiritual bond.Avatar of Death:Kindred is a god of death, responsible for the passing of living beings to the afterlife. More of a function than a power, Kindred will come to those that are close to death, and take them to the beyond. Whether Kindred chooses the death or they're simply drawn to those close to death seems to vary. If the dying chooses a peaceful death, then Lamb will take them swiftly with their arrows, if they choose to fight death, them Wolf will come for them. The nature of the "choice" is not always clear and obvious, as many have chosen without knowing, due to living a life that put them in the path of one of the Kindred.
• Immortality:So long as there is life on Runeterra and there still be people that believe in them, Kindred will continue existing.
• Spiritual Connection:Both parts of the Kindred are connected to each other through a powerful spiritual bond.
• Avatar of Death:Kindred is a god of death, responsible for the passing of living beings to the afterlife. More of a function than a power, Kindred will come to those that are close to death, and take them to the beyond. Whether Kindred chooses the death or they're simply drawn to those close to death seems to vary. If the dying chooses a peaceful death, then Lamb will take them swiftly with their arrows, if they choose to fight death, them Wolf will come for them. The nature of the "choice" is not always clear and obvious, as many have chosen without knowing, due to living a life that put them in the path of one of the Kindred.
Fiddlesticksan equally ancient entity, is one of the only champions to refer to Kindred prior to their split, calling out to Kindred as theLink▶️"Grey man..."This would 'explain' why the Kindred are two halves of a whole and why one has what the other lacks (Lamb's cold reason, Wolf's hot instinct).
Grey Man[]
Lamb and Wolf (or any other 2 forms of Kindred) consider each other the only friend. InSpirit Bonds, it was implied certain parts of the Grey Man still exist somewhere in the Spirit Realm.
Other Representations of Death[]
As a god of deaths, Kindred is related to all other representations of deaths in Runeterra. Legends say2Mask Mothercreated Kindred. While it's unknown how true the story is, both Lamb and Wolf call her their mother. InFinishing Soates, it is revealed once theKindredare forgotten (or should all things have died out),LambandWolfwill kill each other, while6The Etherfiendwill take away what's left.
Read More
The Eternal Hunters
ByMatthew Dunn
Starring Champion
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A Good Death
ByMatthew Dunn,Scott Hawkes
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All Kindred Eve
ByMatthew Dunn
Little Lamb? Yes, dear Wolf, o' companion mine, My darkest friend in all of time?
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Finishing Soates
ByMatthew Dunn
Tarnold knew the performance was doomed when all his playwright’s tricks were exhausted.
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Forest for the Trees
ByMatthew Dunn
The battle spilled over like a feast before them. Such delicious life—so many to end, so many to hunt! Wolf paced in the snow while Lamb danced lithely from sword edge to spear tip, the red-blooded butchery never staining her pale coat.
Listen to their Tale
Lamb, tell me a story.
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A Death Knot
ByOdin Austin Shafer
Sejuani slammed the axe into the tree's trunk.
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Art is Life
ByGraham McNeill
Nights in Noxus were never silent.
Beyond the Garden
With the arrival of the Spirit Blossom Festival, a magical fawn musters the courage to venture out and uncover the mystery behind her ailing forest.
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Dead of Winter
ByGraham McNeill
Even from a distance, Sejuani could see the mammoth was dying.
Ezreal's Field Notes
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Who needs a map?
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ByDana Luery Shaw
Many had feared that the spirit blossoms would never return to Ionia, a sign of the imbalance still permeating the land and its people.
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The Curse of the Sad Mummy
ByChristian Linke
Every child in Valoran has heard the tale before. About the cursed mummy boy who felt his heart no more.
The Deathsinger
ByGraham McNeill
The Princeling's Lament
ByGraham McNeill
Scrape the bench of sunless moss.
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The Principles of Strength
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My name is Alyssa Roshka Gloriana val-Lokan. For almost two millennia, my ancestors ruled the Delverhold as kings.
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The Shuttered Manse
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She felt the thief coming closer with every careful step he took.
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The Voice from the Hearth
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No one knew who lit the fire, but we saw the plume of smoke from far away.
Alternate Universes
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Spirit Bonds
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They say the Spirit Blossom Festival represents a thinning of the veil between our world and the Spirit Realm.
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ByTrue Damage
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The Blade Dancer: Issue 2
The Path, An Ionian Myth
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• Kindredmeans 'one's family and relations', from Old Englishcynrēde[1]The duo's titleEternal Hunterspossibly references the European folkmythWild Huntinvolving supernatural beings likeelvesorghosts.
• Kindred are Runeterra's most common spirit god that embodydeath, although they are not the only ones.[2]They usually don't kill actively but rather appear to those who die naturally except for a few circumstances like inAll Kindred Eve. They also can prevent death if they want to.[3][4]They are empowered by the relevance sentient beings give them as well as the extent of their sphere of influence.[5]Kindred is a character that straddles the border between life and death. Lamb interacts with the world more physically than Wolf does to draw that parallel.Yin and yang are presented in both their appearance and personality wise. Lamb feels little but knows everything, whereas Wolf feels everything but knows relatively little. This is meant to reinforce them being halves of a whole. They're two halves of one whole that are always in conflict with one another but couldn't exist without each other.Lamb ends those who have accepted their fate, she likes creamy. Quick deaths are the realm of Lamb.Wolf chases those in denial of their end, prefers crunchy. Slow, lingering deaths are in the realm of Wolf.Different cultures of Runeterra have different understandings and relationships to death. Kindred is interesting as the myth of Kindred takes many forms across many of Runeterra's cultures. Kindred are a mythical being, known only in legends and folk tales. They have many names. TheLambandWolfare known in the west as Ina and Ani, in the east as Farya and Wolyo, and many others, but they are always the Kindred. Although their masks are a universal symbol of theirs, their existence 'per se' is only known to the dead or those few who almost were.In-game Kindred (Lamb and Wolf) are depicted as they appear in southernFreljordian myth. Lamb and Wolf are by far the most prevalent representation drew from widerValoranas well as the oldest depiction of the Kindred.Some northern versions make lamb more baby elnuk like. (The southern Freljord does have goats and visually it's more of a kid than a lamb).As said inAll Kindred Eve, theKindredare seen byShurimansas elegant tusked gazelles partnered with speckled hyenas, byIoniansas a snake and a sparrow. Some Ionians also imagine them asthe Taker, represented as a little girl and her beastly companion. Other interpretations are a jaull-fish and a minnow, a bloody-antlered stag and a sleek rabbit, a rose and a stinging bee.Different cultures have different preferences of the Kindred. InDemacia, Lamb's arrows and swift deaths are praised. In theFreljord, warriors fight for their lives and accept a violent death in battles with Wolf, while the children and weaklings will be claimed by Lamb. Similarly,Noxiansare more into Wolf than Lamb due to the nature of the empire. InBilgewater, Lamb is seen as weak and coward.InBilgewater, a festival known as Kindred Eve, is held in celebration of theKindred. There, people from the isles gather in an island called "Witch-Tree Rock" where they watch a play about their tale of theKindred, party, and watch the most "coward" person found inBilgewaterat the time, fight a strong person. The coward, also known as the Lambfool, fights the Wolfkin Warrior and the outcome of the fight, determines the behavior of the folk ofBilgewaterfor the next year. They want the Wolf to win, otherwise, they would have to act as good people, not lying, cheating, or killing, hence why the fight favors the side of the wolf. (All Kindred Eve).The Noxiantally-menillustrate a case of pseudo-worship.It is unclear which version of Kindred one may see when they die, however. Is Lamb and Wolf the one true version of Kindred one sees when they die, or do people see their own cultural interpretation of Kindred? It's interesting, really, because to go one way over another would suggest the power of the conscious mind overrides the spirit world, or vice versa with Lamb and Wolf being a cold, hard truth about death. Both of these interpretations have valid arguments and say a lot about the natural and spiritual worlds. InA Good Death, each person who died in the Mechanical's camp met Kindred, but did they see a Lamb and a Wolf, or some other interpretation?If the culture does not have the concept of Kindred, the souls of people from it possibly would not be claimed by them, with the prime example beingMordekaiser's.[6]Due to different planes of existence, like other spirits they don't meet up with celestials but both sides are aware of each other in some forms.
• Kindred are primordial forces that may predate humanity. Kindred have always been inRuneterraas long as people have known. Some of the earliest myths in Runeterra were about Kindred.Pre-split Kindred is a myth that has become widespread across Runeterra, though the myth will be present among its people, Kindred have always been Kindred. The story of the Pale Man is not intended to be literal, but a coded origin story, one most likely made up by people, and therefore it grasps certain truths but fails in the details. The truth may be known only to Kindred.A version of this story fromBilgewaterappears inAll Kindred Eve. The story of a Pale Rider who rides a great black beast, who people avoided since looking at him meant death. One night he came upon a forked path, with an edlock tree in the middle. He then knelt before the ancient tree and cut "himself right down the middle", using an axe, so he could go through both paths. One road led to a deep, dark wood, and the other toward a city of light. The two paths met again, and the Pale Rider's halves regarded each other. They had grown different despite being the same. They drowned his axe in a river and decreed to forever walk side by side so they would never be alone.
• Kindred are a neutral force of nature, like a tornado isn't inherently good/evil.Kindred are either happy or sad when souls die. Death is a natural process, and they play a role in the passing of souls from one stage of life to the next. Whether Lamb or Wolf claims a soul depends on the internal conflict within the dying person and whether they accept death willingly or struggle to cling to life. It has less to do with the means of their death.Morality and actions in life do not matter, only the way one chooses to die.People don't know that they are running from Wolf—or accepting Lamb's arrow—until the bitter end. If someone is being attacked by, let's say, their ultimate nemesis, and choosing to run rather than fight back, Wolf will be chasing that person's soul to give them a brutal end. If that person fought for their life, choosing to take on the challenge, Lamb would be there in the final moments to give a swift end. Lamb and Wolf end a soul's life based on the choices one makes in his/her life.Running away from Wolf not always physically fleeing, but a denial of the inevitable; a fear of whatever comes next. In some cases this is physically running (from a battlefield) in others, it's living with a choice one has made and slowly passing away.
• Everyone (who believes in them) that dies has a direct interaction with Kindred. Some get to meet them earlier, others only at the moment of death. People who have near death encounters can see Kindred. As with all near-death experiences, people tend to re-examine their lives afterwards. This was Magga's case inA Good Death.A Good Deathis set inDemacia, pre-Jarvan III.
• Kindred as entity do not follow normal rules that apply to us beings of space and time; therefore; they can be in different places at once.Their large presence grants Kindred many insights.The Shadow Isles are not welcome to them, and in their eyes its undead are a mockery of the cycle of life and death they uphold. Shadow Isles beings are abominations in the eyes of Kindred.Timelinedisruptionis fascinating. Timeline cheating still won't save them from Kindred once they have met.Resurrection (coincidental,forced, experimental) or evenartificial life extensionis cheating. Lamb may be feel sorry forSion'scurrent state. Wolf will be coming for all of them at the end of their newly borrowed time.Roboticlifeformsmay or may not be exempt of being paid a visit. Lamb would probably admire/appreciate the wonders of man-made/robotic conscious beings. Wolf would probably be slightly confused in a "I want to chase this but I can't" sort of way.
• The duo's titleEternal Hunterspossibly references the European folkmythWild Huntinvolving supernatural beings likeelvesorghosts.
• Yin and yang are presented in both their appearance and personality wise. Lamb feels little but knows everything, whereas Wolf feels everything but knows relatively little. This is meant to reinforce them being halves of a whole. They're two halves of one whole that are always in conflict with one another but couldn't exist without each other.Lamb ends those who have accepted their fate, she likes creamy. Quick deaths are the realm of Lamb.Wolf chases those in denial of their end, prefers crunchy. Slow, lingering deaths are in the realm of Wolf.
• Different cultures of Runeterra have different understandings and relationships to death. Kindred is interesting as the myth of Kindred takes many forms across many of Runeterra's cultures. Kindred are a mythical being, known only in legends and folk tales. They have many names. TheLambandWolfare known in the west as Ina and Ani, in the east as Farya and Wolyo, and many others, but they are always the Kindred. Although their masks are a universal symbol of theirs, their existence 'per se' is only known to the dead or those few who almost were.In-game Kindred (Lamb and Wolf) are depicted as they appear in southernFreljordian myth. Lamb and Wolf are by far the most prevalent representation drew from widerValoranas well as the oldest depiction of the Kindred.Some northern versions make lamb more baby elnuk like. (The southern Freljord does have goats and visually it's more of a kid than a lamb).As said inAll Kindred Eve, theKindredare seen byShurimansas elegant tusked gazelles partnered with speckled hyenas, byIoniansas a snake and a sparrow. Some Ionians also imagine them asthe Taker, represented as a little girl and her beastly companion. Other interpretations are a jaull-fish and a minnow, a bloody-antlered stag and a sleek rabbit, a rose and a stinging bee.Different cultures have different preferences of the Kindred. InDemacia, Lamb's arrows and swift deaths are praised. In theFreljord, warriors fight for their lives and accept a violent death in battles with Wolf, while the children and weaklings will be claimed by Lamb. Similarly,Noxiansare more into Wolf than Lamb due to the nature of the empire. InBilgewater, Lamb is seen as weak and coward.InBilgewater, a festival known as Kindred Eve, is held in celebration of theKindred. There, people from the isles gather in an island called "Witch-Tree Rock" where they watch a play about their tale of theKindred, party, and watch the most "coward" person found inBilgewaterat the time, fight a strong person. The coward, also known as the Lambfool, fights the Wolfkin Warrior and the outcome of the fight, determines the behavior of the folk ofBilgewaterfor the next year. They want the Wolf to win, otherwise, they would have to act as good people, not lying, cheating, or killing, hence why the fight favors the side of the wolf. (All Kindred Eve).The Noxiantally-menillustrate a case of pseudo-worship.It is unclear which version of Kindred one may see when they die, however. Is Lamb and Wolf the one true version of Kindred one sees when they die, or do people see their own cultural interpretation of Kindred? It's interesting, really, because to go one way over another would suggest the power of the conscious mind overrides the spirit world, or vice versa with Lamb and Wolf being a cold, hard truth about death. Both of these interpretations have valid arguments and say a lot about the natural and spiritual worlds. InA Good Death, each person who died in the Mechanical's camp met Kindred, but did they see a Lamb and a Wolf, or some other interpretation?If the culture does not have the concept of Kindred, the souls of people from it possibly would not be claimed by them, with the prime example beingMordekaiser's.[6]
• Due to different planes of existence, like other spirits they don't meet up with celestials but both sides are aware of each other in some forms.
• Lamb ends those who have accepted their fate, she likes creamy. Quick deaths are the realm of Lamb.
• Wolf chases those in denial of their end, prefers crunchy. Slow, lingering deaths are in the realm of Wolf.
• In-game Kindred (Lamb and Wolf) are depicted as they appear in southernFreljordian myth. Lamb and Wolf are by far the most prevalent representation drew from widerValoranas well as the oldest depiction of the Kindred.Some northern versions make lamb more baby elnuk like. (The southern Freljord does have goats and visually it's more of a kid than a lamb).As said inAll Kindred Eve, theKindredare seen byShurimansas elegant tusked gazelles partnered with speckled hyenas, byIoniansas a snake and a sparrow. Some Ionians also imagine them asthe Taker, represented as a little girl and her beastly companion. Other interpretations are a jaull-fish and a minnow, a bloody-antlered stag and a sleek rabbit, a rose and a stinging bee.
• Different cultures have different preferences of the Kindred. InDemacia, Lamb's arrows and swift deaths are praised. In theFreljord, warriors fight for their lives and accept a violent death in battles with Wolf, while the children and weaklings will be claimed by Lamb. Similarly,Noxiansare more into Wolf than Lamb due to the nature of the empire. InBilgewater, Lamb is seen as weak and coward.InBilgewater, a festival known as Kindred Eve, is held in celebration of theKindred. There, people from the isles gather in an island called "Witch-Tree Rock" where they watch a play about their tale of theKindred, party, and watch the most "coward" person found inBilgewaterat the time, fight a strong person. The coward, also known as the Lambfool, fights the Wolfkin Warrior and the outcome of the fight, determines the behavior of the folk ofBilgewaterfor the next year. They want the Wolf to win, otherwise, they would have to act as good people, not lying, cheating, or killing, hence why the fight favors the side of the wolf. (All Kindred Eve).
• The Noxiantally-menillustrate a case of pseudo-worship.
• It is unclear which version of Kindred one may see when they die, however. Is Lamb and Wolf the one true version of Kindred one sees when they die, or do people see their own cultural interpretation of Kindred? It's interesting, really, because to go one way over another would suggest the power of the conscious mind overrides the spirit world, or vice versa with Lamb and Wolf being a cold, hard truth about death. Both of these interpretations have valid arguments and say a lot about the natural and spiritual worlds. InA Good Death, each person who died in the Mechanical's camp met Kindred, but did they see a Lamb and a Wolf, or some other interpretation?
• If the culture does not have the concept of Kindred, the souls of people from it possibly would not be claimed by them, with the prime example beingMordekaiser's.[6]
• Some northern versions make lamb more baby elnuk like. (The southern Freljord does have goats and visually it's more of a kid than a lamb).
• As said inAll Kindred Eve, theKindredare seen byShurimansas elegant tusked gazelles partnered with speckled hyenas, byIoniansas a snake and a sparrow. Some Ionians also imagine them asthe Taker, represented as a little girl and her beastly companion. Other interpretations are a jaull-fish and a minnow, a bloody-antlered stag and a sleek rabbit, a rose and a stinging bee.
• InBilgewater, a festival known as Kindred Eve, is held in celebration of theKindred. There, people from the isles gather in an island called "Witch-Tree Rock" where they watch a play about their tale of theKindred, party, and watch the most "coward" person found inBilgewaterat the time, fight a strong person. The coward, also known as the Lambfool, fights the Wolfkin Warrior and the outcome of the fight, determines the behavior of the folk ofBilgewaterfor the next year. They want the Wolf to win, otherwise, they would have to act as good people, not lying, cheating, or killing, hence why the fight favors the side of the wolf. (All Kindred Eve).
• Pre-split Kindred is a myth that has become widespread across Runeterra, though the myth will be present among its people, Kindred have always been Kindred. The story of the Pale Man is not intended to be literal, but a coded origin story, one most likely made up by people, and therefore it grasps certain truths but fails in the details. The truth may be known only to Kindred.A version of this story fromBilgewaterappears inAll Kindred Eve. The story of a Pale Rider who rides a great black beast, who people avoided since looking at him meant death. One night he came upon a forked path, with an edlock tree in the middle. He then knelt before the ancient tree and cut "himself right down the middle", using an axe, so he could go through both paths. One road led to a deep, dark wood, and the other toward a city of light. The two paths met again, and the Pale Rider's halves regarded each other. They had grown different despite being the same. They drowned his axe in a river and decreed to forever walk side by side so they would never be alone.
• A version of this story fromBilgewaterappears inAll Kindred Eve. The story of a Pale Rider who rides a great black beast, who people avoided since looking at him meant death. One night he came upon a forked path, with an edlock tree in the middle. He then knelt before the ancient tree and cut "himself right down the middle", using an axe, so he could go through both paths. One road led to a deep, dark wood, and the other toward a city of light. The two paths met again, and the Pale Rider's halves regarded each other. They had grown different despite being the same. They drowned his axe in a river and decreed to forever walk side by side so they would never be alone.
• Kindred are either happy or sad when souls die. Death is a natural process, and they play a role in the passing of souls from one stage of life to the next. Whether Lamb or Wolf claims a soul depends on the internal conflict within the dying person and whether they accept death willingly or struggle to cling to life. It has less to do with the means of their death.Morality and actions in life do not matter, only the way one chooses to die.People don't know that they are running from Wolf—or accepting Lamb's arrow—until the bitter end. If someone is being attacked by, let's say, their ultimate nemesis, and choosing to run rather than fight back, Wolf will be chasing that person's soul to give them a brutal end. If that person fought for their life, choosing to take on the challenge, Lamb would be there in the final moments to give a swift end. Lamb and Wolf end a soul's life based on the choices one makes in his/her life.Running away from Wolf not always physically fleeing, but a denial of the inevitable; a fear of whatever comes next. In some cases this is physically running (from a battlefield) in others, it's living with a choice one has made and slowly passing away.
• Morality and actions in life do not matter, only the way one chooses to die.People don't know that they are running from Wolf—or accepting Lamb's arrow—until the bitter end. If someone is being attacked by, let's say, their ultimate nemesis, and choosing to run rather than fight back, Wolf will be chasing that person's soul to give them a brutal end. If that person fought for their life, choosing to take on the challenge, Lamb would be there in the final moments to give a swift end. Lamb and Wolf end a soul's life based on the choices one makes in his/her life.Running away from Wolf not always physically fleeing, but a denial of the inevitable; a fear of whatever comes next. In some cases this is physically running (from a battlefield) in others, it's living with a choice one has made and slowly passing away.
• People don't know that they are running from Wolf—or accepting Lamb's arrow—until the bitter end. If someone is being attacked by, let's say, their ultimate nemesis, and choosing to run rather than fight back, Wolf will be chasing that person's soul to give them a brutal end. If that person fought for their life, choosing to take on the challenge, Lamb would be there in the final moments to give a swift end. Lamb and Wolf end a soul's life based on the choices one makes in his/her life.Running away from Wolf not always physically fleeing, but a denial of the inevitab | Name: Mark of the Kindred, Description: Innate: Both Lamb and Wolf mark targets to hunt . Scoring a takedown against a hunted target collects a stack of Mark of the Kindred . Mark of the Kindred: Lamb gains 75 − 250 (based on marks) bonus range on her basic attacks and Mounting Dread . Innate - Lamb: Lamb is offered a selection of enemy champions to hunt if she has not been in combat with them in the last 6 seconds. Once selected, the mark is applied after an 8-second delay and thereafter it can be collected by Kindred . Lamb gains the ability to select a new target every 75 seconds. Targets successfully hunted cannot be marked again for 4 minutes. Innate - Wolf: Starting at 3:15 , Wolf periodically marks a random large monster within the enemy team's jungle for 180 seconds. The hunted camp is highlighted on the mini map to both teams. Once the hunted target is slain or the mark expires, Wolf will wait 45 seconds before selecting a new target. The type of monster that Wolf can mark changes based on Kindred's current Mark of the Kindred stacks: 0 : Rift Scuttler 1 – 3: Rift Scuttler , Crimson Raptor , Gromp 4 – 7: Ancient Krug , Blue Sentinel , Greater Murk Wolf , or Red Brambleback 8 + : Rift Herald or Baron Nashor , Dragon or Elder Dragon Link ▶️ "Our mark looms over you.", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Takedownsonmonstersoccur ifKindredhad damaged them within the last 6 seconds.This only includes if the monster was slain byKindredor an ally.', 'This only includes if the monster was slain byKindredor an ally.', "Only killing the large monster is required to claimWolf'smark.", "Gaining stacks from champions that would change what constitutes as a valid target forWolfwill not affectKindred'sability to claimWolf'scurrent target.", "Wolfcannot mark monsters that have been slain, even ifKindred'steam doesn't know that the camp has been slain.", "Wolf'scooldown is not displayed in-game. Combined with the above point and the target restrictions,Wolfmay go extended periods of time without seeming to do anything.", "Wolf'smarked target will always have its mark removed from the map 15 seconds after dying for both teams, regardless of whether they have vision of it or not.", 'Removed:Jungle camps are no longer marked.', 'On-champion-kill stacks changed to 2.', 'New Effect:Now always grant a stack when killing theBlue Sentinel,Red BramblebackorRift Herald.', 'New Effect:Gains 1Mark of the Kindredstack per round.']} | Name: Dance of Arrows, Description: Active: Lamb dashes toward the target location, gaining 35% (+ 5% per mark ) bonus attack speed for 4 seconds and firing an arrow at up to 3 nearby visible enemies that deals physical damage . Her current attack target within any proximity will be prioritized by one of the arrows. Physical Damage: 40 / 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 (+ 75% bonus AD) Dance of Arrows' total cooldown is reduced to an amount while Lamb is within the area of Wolf's Frenzy . Casting Wolf's Frenzy reduces Dance of Arrows' current cooldown to the same amount. Static Cooldown: 4 / 3. 5 / 3 / 2. 5 / 2 Dance of Arrows resets Lamb's basic attack timer. Lamb can cast any of her abilities during the dash. Dance of Arrows will cast at max range if cast beyond that., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'The dash distance can be extended to up to 400 units when dashing across terrain.', 'The cooldown will not be modified if it cannot be reduced (the current cooldown would have to be less than the reduction amount in this case).', "Cooldown while inWolf's Frenzyset to 0.5seconds.*"]} | Name: Wolf's Frenzy, Description: Passive: As Kindred move and attack, they build up to 100 stacks of Hunter's Vigor . At maximum stacks, Lamb's next basic attack heals her for 0% − 100% (based on Kindred's missing health) of 47 − 81 (based on level) . The heal is not triggered if Kindred is at full health. Active: Wolf dashes to the target location, then claims the surrounding area as his territory for the next 8. 5 seconds, separating from Lamb . He automatically attacks the closest nearby visible enemy within the area, prioritizing the last enemy Lamb has attacked, then enemy champions, then non-champions. Wolf's attacks deal magic damage and scale with 25% of Kindred's bonus attack speed . Against monsters, his attacks deal 150% damage and slow the target by 50% for 2 seconds. Magic Damage: 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 (+ 20% bonus AD) (+ 20% AP) (+ 1. 5 % (+ 1% per mark ) of target's current health) Monster Damage: 37. 5 / 45 / 52. 5 / 60 / 67. 5 (+ 30% bonus AD) (+ 30% AP) (+ 2. 25 % (+ 1. 5 % per mark ) of target's current health) Wolf's Frenzy ends immediately if Lamb leaves the area or dies., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Wolfisuntargetableandghostedbut he cannot move through terrain other than the initial dash on activation.', "Wolfis not able to re-targetRift Scuttlerif he losessightof her while he's attacking it.", "Wolf's Frenzydoes not end ifLambentersresurrection.", "Wolf's Frenzyapplies ability haste to its cooldown post-effect.Given a base cooldown of 14 seconds at rank 5 with 100 ability haste, casting the ability and then ending it after 4 seconds will result in a remaining cooldown of(14−4)×0.5=5{\\displaystyle (14-4)\\times 0.5=5}seconds, where 0.5 isderived from ability haste.Because of this, there will always be some cooldown time remaining post-effect regardless of the amount of ability haste, unlike certain other abilities with cooldowns that start on-cast.", 'Given a base cooldown of 14 seconds at rank 5 with 100 ability haste, casting the ability and then ending it after 4 seconds will result in a remaining cooldown of(14−4)×0.5=5{\\displaystyle (14-4)\\times 0.5=5}seconds, where 0.5 isderived from ability haste.', 'Because of this, there will always be some cooldown time remaining post-effect regardless of the amount of ability haste, unlike certain other abilities with cooldowns that start on-cast.', 'Base damage changed to 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30.', 'Bonus AD ratio changed to10%bonusAD.', "Health ratio changed to1% of target'scurrenthealth.", 'Damage per mark changed to 0.5%.']} | Name: Mounting Dread, Description: Active: Lamb fires a shot at the target enemy that slows them by 30% (+ 5% per 100 AP) for 1 second and marks them for 4 seconds. Her basic attacks against the marked target each apply a stack , refreshing the duration and stacking up to 3 times. The third stack directs Wolf to pounce on the target, consuming all stacks to deal additional physical damage , capped at 300 against monsters . Additional Physical Damage: 80 / 100 / 120 / 140 / 160 (+ 80% bonus AD) (+ 5% (+ 0. 5 % per Mark ) of target's missing health) Enhanced damage below threshold: 80 / 100 / 120 / 140 / 160 (+ 80% bonus AD) (+ 7. 5 % (+ 2. 25 %) (+ 0. 75 % (+ 0. 175 %) per Mark ) of target's missing health) The additional damage will critically strike against targets below 25% − 75% (based on critical strike chance) of their maximum health , increasing the missing health portion by (50% + 45% ) , and cannot critically strike otherwise. The base damage of the pounce can independently critically strike ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Guinsoo's Ragebladedoes not prevent theadditionaldamage fromcritically striking.", 'If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the cast time, this ability will cancel and not pay its cost but still go oncooldown.(bug)', 'This ability cannot be cast on a target withMounting Dreadstacks.', "Base health ratio changed to2% of target'smissinghealth."]} | Name: Lamb's Respite, Description: Active: Lamb blesses the ground under herself for 4 seconds and enters a 0. 264 seconds cast time . All units inside the zone gain a minimum health threshold of 10% of their maximum health , and will become invulnerable for the remaining duration when they reach or are at the threshold, during which they also cannot be healed , but can still regenerate health . All targetable units within the zone are healed when the blessing ends. Heal: 225 / 300 / 375 Link ▶️ "Shine once more, before the end.", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Lamb's Respitewill affect allchampions,minions, andmonsters, but notwards,turrets, orjungle plants.", "Lamb's Respitewill affectuntargetableunits but does not grant them thehealat the end of the blessing.It will specifically not affect champions that areresurrectingfromGuardian Angel.", 'It will specifically not affect champions that areresurrectingfromGuardian Angel.', "Health costswill ignoreLamb's Respite'sthreshold.The cost will not be paid if the caster is below the threshold.", 'The cost will not be paid if the caster is below the threshold.', "Lamb's Respitehas no effect onzombie stateorcloneunits.", 'The effects are applied before the cast time.']} | Kindredis one of 14 champions that have an ability that infinitely stacks an effect:Aurelion Sol,Bard,Bel'Veth,Cho'Gath,Draven,Nasus,Senna,Shyvana,Sion,Swain,Sylas,Thresh, andVeigar.In Kindred's case,Mark of the Kindredinfinitely stacks the bonusattack speedofDance of Arrows,magic damageofWolf's Frenzyandbonus physical damageofMounting Dread.
Kindred is the first champion to not have their icon derived from their artwork (considering theirs is a two-for-one case) as well as the first whose release was celebrated withsummoner icons(one forLamb and one forWolf).
Kindred's dance referencesthe 'Cups' tap dance performed by Christopher Rice.[2]A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.
In the classic splash art,Lamb's hand has 4 fingers (with a possible hidden thumb) while in-game and inSuper Galaxy Kindred'ssplash art she has 3 fingers. |
Kled,the Cantankerous Cavalier,Kled and Skaarl | | | health: Health810+151.64705882353, resource: ResourceN/A, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)6+0.75, resource regen: Secondary BarCourage(100), armor: Armor35+5.2, attack damage: Attack damage65+3.5, attack speed: Base AS0.625, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius140, release: 2016-08-10, changed: V12.10, role: Skirmisher, position: TopMiddle, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 6300|975 | Missing section(s):
KledMainMountedTitlesAlias(es)The Cantankerous CavalierThe Great HussarThe High General Marshal SergeantThe Mountain AdmiralLord Colonel Major CenturionRear Forward Brigadier AdmiralForward Admiral MajorSir Admiral MajorLieutenant Sergeant CommodoreSergeant General ColonelSergeant Double AdmiralHigh Major Commodore of the First Legion Third Multiplication Double Admiral Artillery Vanguard CompanyLord Major Admiral of the Second Legion's Forward Artillery-Cavalry MultiplicationCharacteristicsSpeciesYordle(Kled)Drakalops(Skaarl)Pronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:Around 2 BN(Kled)Weapon(s)Long AxeBear Trap on a RopePocket PistolPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originBandle CityCurrent residenceDalamor Plain,NoxusPet(s)SkaarlProfessional statusOccupation(s)Pluridecorated Noxian Army SoldierRegion(s)NoxusFaction(s)Trifarian LegionRelated character(s)SkaarlSwainDariusTristanaElise
• Main
• Mounted
• The Cantankerous Cavalier
• The Great Hussar
• The High General Marshal Sergeant
• The Mountain Admiral
• Lord Colonel Major Centurion
• Rear Forward Brigadier Admiral
• Forward Admiral Major
• Sir Admiral Major
• Lieutenant Sergeant Commodore
• Sergeant General Colonel
• Sergeant Double Admiral
• High Major Commodore of the First Legion Third Multiplication Double Admiral Artillery Vanguard Company
• Lord Major Admiral of the Second Legion's Forward Artillery-Cavalry Multiplication
• Yordle(Kled)
• Drakalops(Skaarl)
• Born:Around 2 BN
• Long Axe
• Bear Trap on a Rope
• Pocket Pistol
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
Related character(s)
A warrior as fearless as he is ornery, theyordleKledembodies the furious bravado ofNoxus. Many claimKledhas fought in every campaign the warhosts have waged, acquired every military title, and never once backed down from a fight. Though the truth of the matter is often questionable, one part of his legend is always the same: charging into battle on his un-trusty steed,Skaarl, Kled fights to protect what's his... and takes whatever else he can get.
• 1Background
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Sion5.2Skaarl
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 5.1Sion
• 5.2Skaarl
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Alternate Universes
• Yordle Physiology:Kled is a Yordle, (a being from theSpirit Realm) and possesses several abilities natural to his species.Immortality:Being spiritual beings, Yordles don't age the same way as normal humans, and cannot die naturally.Yordle Magic:Just like anyYordle, Kled is capable of performing yordle magic, which he utilizes in tandem with his skills as a soldier.
• Immortality:Being spiritual beings, Yordles don't age the same way as normal humans, and cannot die naturally.
• Yordle Magic:Just like anyYordle, Kled is capable of performing yordle magic, which he utilizes in tandem with his skills as a soldier.
Kled foughttogetherwithSionback when Sion still lived, but doesn't think much of the new undead abomination.
Kled considers everyone (including himself, bizarrely) his rival and he sees Skaarl as his only friend.[1]
Read More
The Cantankerous Cavalier
ByOdin Austin Shafer
Starring Champion
The Reunion
Another day on the northern plains. Prickly shrubs. Harsh winds. Killin' trespassers.
Short Story • 7 Minute Read
Where The Drakalops Roam
ByOdin Austin Shafer
The Northern Steppes ain't the place for fancy undies and golden piss pots. It's tough land. Ain't nothing go here but barbarian raiders, poison grass, and harsh winds. To survive, you gotta eat rocks and crap lava. And I'm the toughest, meanest, killingest bastard in these parts. So I figure that makes these plains mine.
Alternate Universes
Crystal Quest: Series 1
Mentioned:Anivia,Ashe,Braum,Bristle,Caitlyn,Camille,Elise,Ezreal,Garen,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Illaoi,Ivern,Katarina,Kled,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lucian,Nami,Olaf,Poppy,Ryze,Senna,Singed,Skaarl,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Veigar,Vi,Zac
• Kled's name resembles Welsh nouncledd(yf)/kleːð(ɨv)/ "sword", from Proto-Celtic*kladiwosKladiwosmight have been loaned into Latin asgladius, or both come from samePIEroot*kelh₂-"to strike"[2](compareBrand'sPyroclasm)
• Skaarl is from a species calleddrakalops, immortal, unkillable wind spirits that embody the desolation of the Noxian Plains.[3]Kled's posters call Skaarl the 'pride of Noxus' and a 'decorated veteran of the battle of Bucket Creek', with the drakalops' gender changing depending on the poster; Kled knows that Skaarl is female, yet unaware of the posters' conundrum.
• Kled is over 1000 years old, older thanNoxusitself as he was present among the Noxii during the Rune War and possibly even earlier than that. He has become a myth and an icon of the empire, even though most are not aware of his true appearance and the fact that he is aYordle.The battle ofDrugnehappened around some point between the year 0 and 400.[4]The General participating in the battle was a member of House Zavaan, whichElisebecame a Matron of at some point.
• Kled's relation with Noxus draws parallels withPoppy'srelation to the founding ofDemaciaand a hero's reputation, although Poppy's name is not known.
• Kled is the most distinguished military person to ever live, although most of his titles are made up and/or self-proclaimed.
• Kled's 'mushroom juice' may be derived from the onesTeemouses for histraps.
• Kladiwosmight have been loaned into Latin asgladius, or both come from samePIEroot*kelh₂-"to strike"[2](compareBrand'sPyroclasm)
• Kled's posters call Skaarl the 'pride of Noxus' and a 'decorated veteran of the battle of Bucket Creek', with the drakalops' gender changing depending on the poster; Kled knows that Skaarl is female, yet unaware of the posters' conundrum.
• The battle ofDrugnehappened around some point between the year 0 and 400.[4]The General participating in the battle was a member of House Zavaan, whichElisebecame a Matron of at some point.
• The General participating in the battle was a member of House Zavaan, whichElisebecame a Matron of at some point.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Skaarl, the Cowardly Lizard, Description: Innate: Kled rides his semi-trusty mount, Skaarl . While Mounted , all damage dealt to the duo is suffered by Skaarl , who has 400 − 1550 (based on level) (+ 100% bonus health) base health . Effects based on percentage health consider Kled and Skaarl's combined maximum health . Being reduced to 0 health causes Skaarl to flee, forcing Kled to be Dismounted , with all damage in excess of Skaarl's health being ignored. Upon dismounting, Kled dashes in the direction of the allied Nexus , though not through terrain, cleanses himself of all crowd control and becomes unable to act , untargetable , and immune to crowd control for 0. 5 seconds, during which he also reduces all incoming damage received by 100%. While Kled is Dismounted , his base health and base movement speed are reduced, his base attack range is increased, Bear Trap on a Rope is replaced with Pocket Pistol , and Jousting and Chaaaaaaaarge!!! become unusable., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'It is possible for theNexus Obeliskto not be able to bringKleddown fromSkaarlfor a few seconds, even ifSkaarlhas no health.', "Kled'shealth is rounded up whileSkaarl'shealth is rounded down.", "Health regenerationonly regeneratesKled'sorSkaarl'shealth, not both.", "The onlycrowd controlstatus whichKled'sdismount does not dispel isRealm of Death."]} | Name: Bear Trap on a Rope, Description: Active: Kled throws a bear trap in the target direction that deals physical damage to enemies hit, increased by 50% against minions and small monsters . The bear trap collides against the first enemy champion or large monster hit, forming a tether between Kled and the target for 1. 75 seconds, during which they are revealed . Physical Damage: 30 / 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 (+ 65% bonus AD) Minion and Small Monster Damage: 45 / 82. 5 / 120 / 157. 5 / 195 (+ 90% bonus AD) The tether's radius shrinks over its duration, and if it is not broken before then, Kled pulls the target 100 units toward him, deals physical damage , inflicts Grievous Wounds for 5 seconds, and slows them for 1. 5 seconds. Physical Damage: 60 / 110 / 160 / 210 / 260 (+ 130% bonus AD) Total Physical Damage: 90 / 165 / 240 / 315 / 390 (+ 195% bonus AD) Slow: 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60% Bear Trap on a Rope can be cast while Jousting ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'Bear Trap on a Ropewill notpullthe target if they are instasis.']} | Name: Violent Tendencies, Description: Passive: Kled periodically gains Violent Tendencies , which starts expiring upon his next basic attack. Violent Tendencies: Kled gains 150% bonus attack speed on his next 4 basic attacks within 4 seconds. The fourth attack deals bonus physical damage , capped against monsters . Bonus Physical Damage: 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 (+ 4. 5 / 5 / 5. 5 / 6 / 6. 5 % (+ 5% per 100 bonus AD) of target's maximum health) Capped Monster Damage: 220 / 230 / 240 / 250 / 260 Turrets are only affected by the base damage., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'The bonus damage applieslife steal.', 'Attacking aplantwill not activate the effect.This is intentional to preventKledfrom "wasting" the cooldown.', 'This is intentional to preventKledfrom "wasting" the cooldown.']} | Name: Jousting, Description: Active: Skaarl dashes in the target direction, though not through terrain, dealing physical damage to enemies he passes through and pulling minions and small monsters hit towards them. Physical Damage: 35 / 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 (+ 65% bonus AD) Upon hitting an enemy champion or large monster , Skaarl dashes a fixed 200 -units through them, marking them for 3 seconds, during which they are revealed . After the dash ends, the duo gain 50% bonus movement speed for 1 second. Jousting can be recast after 0. 5 seconds of the first dash ending while the target is marked. Recast: Skaarl consumes the mark to dash through the marked target, applying the same effects as the first cast. Total Physical Damage: 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 (+ 130% bonus AD) The mark will remain even if the target dies, and ends prematurely if the duo are too far away or Kled dismounts . Bear Trap on a Rope and Chaaaaaaaarge!!! can be cast during either of the dashes., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection/Auto', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', "Both casts count as ability activations for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.", 'CastingChaaaaaaaarge!!!duringJoustingwill not interrupt the dash.', 'RecastingJoustingwhile outside of maximum range will cause the ability to go on cooldown without activation.', 'Joustingcan be recast even while the target isuntargetable.']} | Name: Chaaaaaaaarge!!!, Description: Active: Kled & Skaarl charge toward the target location, automatically navigating terrain along the way, during which they're ghosted and immune to crowd control . If the charge does not complete within 15 seconds, it will end prematurely. The charge is interrupted instantly if Kled dismounts during it. While charging, the duo gain bonus movement speed and a shield for every 0. 25 seconds of traveling, up to 950 total movement speed over 3 seconds and 10% − 100% (based on time traveling) of the maximum shield amount over 2. 25 seconds respectively. The shield lasts for 2 seconds upon finishing the charge. The duo trails a directional draft in their wake, lasting 9 seconds. Allied champions following the draft gain Mr. Kled's Wild Ride . Minimum Shield: 20 / 30 / 40 (+ 30% bonus AD) Maximum Shield: 200 / 300 / 400 (+ 300% bonus AD) Mr. Kled's Wild Ride: Gain 650 total movement speed . Skaarl dashes toward the first enemy champion in range, colliding with the first visible enemy champion in his path to deal physical damage , increased by 0% − 200% (based on time traveling) , and knock them back 100 units, though not through terrain. Minimum Physical Damage: 4 / 5 / 6% (+ 4% per 100 bonus AD) of target's maximum health Maximum Physical Damage: 12 / 15 / 18% (+ 12% per 100 bonus AD) of target's maximum health Link ▶️ Charge alert., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', "KledandSkaarlwill track the target if they change locations.They will dash to the target's previous location if the target is too far away or moves beyond2500units.", "They will dash to the target's previous location if the target is too far away or moves beyond2500units.", 'During the charge the duo gain:(950\xa0−\xa0(currentmovement speed))\xa0÷\xa012\xa0×\xa0(time\xa0÷\xa00.25)bonusmovement speed', '(950\xa0−\xa0(currentmovement speed))\xa0÷\xa012\xa0×\xa0(time\xa0÷\xa00.25)bonusmovement speed', 'KledandSkaarlareimmune to crowd controlduring the charge as well while dashing to the target.', 'The bonus movement speed is not affected bymovement speed caps.', 'The charge will not give any movement speed toKledif he has more than1440movement speed.', 'The trail will not giveKledand his allies any movement speed if they have more than840movement speed.', 'Movement speed is granted merely by facing the direction of the draft.', 'Enemies gain partial vision ofKledwhen he charges nearby.', 'Kledwill re-path if his current pathing is blocked by a newly created terrain (either player created or by theMountainous Rift).', "The charge will not be interrupted ifKled'slocation changes drastically.", "CastingPrimal Smitewhile charging will redirect the duo to the target's location regardless of how far away they are.(bug)The charge will still end prematurely after 15 seconds.", 'The charge will still end prematurely after 15 seconds.', 'The following table refers for interactions whileKledis charging:']} | Kledis one of 20 champions without a singleability powerratio on any ability:Aatrox,Camille,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Garen,Kayn,Naafiri,Nilah,Olaf,Pyke,Riven,Samira,Sett,Talon,Urgot,Xayah,Yone, andZed.
Kled and Skaarl are the first champion with two health bars, combining to form the highest in-game base health, with Kled's being the lowest.Kled is also the first champion and one of the two champions in the game whose health cannot be improved except through growth per level, the second beingPyke.
Kled, whiledismounted, has the lowest basemovement speedof all champions at 285.
Mr. Kled's Wild Rideis most likely a reference to the Disneyland attractionMr. Toad's Wild Ridefrom the animated filmThe Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad, originally adapted from the children's novelThe Wind in the Willowsby Kenneth Grahame.Kled and Skaarl, asMr. ToadandCyril the Horserespectively.J. Thaddeus Toad And Cyril Proudbottom
Mr. Kled's Wild Rideis a probable reference to "MR BONES WILD RIDE", a custom roller coaster built inRollerCoaster Tycoon 2called that took in game years to complete its course. Then, once a passenger finally got off the ride, it led back to the start of the ride, creating an never-ending cycle of riding the attraction. One of the most famous quotes that a ton of riders thought was "I want to get off 'MR BONES WILD RIDE'".
Kled is the first champion to swear (albeit censored) in-game.
Kled'sdismounteddance references theMoonwalk, a famousdance move.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.
The song used in the short cinematicThe ReunionisEdvard Grieg's,Peer Gynt - Morning Mood. |
Kog'Maw,the Mouth of the Abyss | | | health: Health635+99, resource: Mana325+40, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)3.75+0.55, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)8.75+0.7, armor: Armor24+4.45, attack damage: Attack damage61+3.1, attack speed: Base AS0.665, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius130, release: 2010-06-24, changed: V13.12, role: Marksman, position: MiddleBottom, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 4800|880 | Games
Kog'MawTitlesAlias(es)The Mouth of the AbyssCharacteristicsSpeciesVoidborn(Unknown Sub-species)Pronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:964 AN - 993 ANWeapon(s)Caustic SpittlePersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originThe Void(Creation)Icathia(Entry point into Runeterra)Current residenceShuriman Continent(No Fixed Abode, Likely between Icathia and Amakra)FamilyWatchers(Creators)Professional statusOccupation(s)PredatorWatcher's ServantRegion(s)VoidRelated character(s)MalzaharKha'ZixCho'GathVel'KozBel'Veth
• Born:964 AN - 993 AN
Personal status
Place of origin
• The Void(Creation)
• Icathia(Entry point into Runeterra)
Current residence
Professional status
• Predator
• Watcher's Servant
Related character(s)
Belched forth from a rotting Void incursion deep in the wastelands of Icathia, Kog'Maw is an inquisitive yet putrid creature with a caustic, gaping mouth. This particular Void-spawn needs to gnaw and drool on anything within reach to truly understand it. Though not inherently evil, Kog'Maw's beguiling naiveté is dangerous, as it often precedes a feeding frenzy—not for sustenance, but to satisfy its unending curiosity.
• 1Background1.1Creation
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1VoidEntities5.1.1The Watchers5.1.2Malzahar5.2Tryndamere
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 11See also
• 1.1Creation
• 5.1VoidEntities5.1.1The Watchers5.1.2Malzahar
• 5.2Tryndamere
• 5.1.1The Watchers
• 5.1.2Malzahar
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Alternate Universes
Kog'Maw was created by thesame entitythat corruptedMalzahar, being spit out fromThe Voidin Shurima. It spent most of its first days onRuneterraexploring and devouring most things that he saw. It is slowly being drawn towards Malzahar, the purpose of this pull and what will happen when the two meet are both unknown.
Kog'Maw is a bipedal creature with short legs that give way to a small upper body, mostly taken up by his head. The head possesses five backwards pointing thorns. Kog'maw also possesses two very small arms. He has four ember colored eyes, a slightly spiked, segmented body, and a cylindrical tongue that Kog'Maw can stick out at will. He has three toes on each foot and is colored blue on the lower half of his body and sand colored on the upper half.
Kog'Maw is a curious creature with baseline instincts and seems to have no personality or consciousness beyond that. It is not known to what extent Kog'Maw is able to understand itself or its surroundings, however it is aware of it's creator and the destruction that'll come along with the void. Kog'maw is mostly driven by an insatiable hunger and most of it's thoughts revolve around food.
• Voidborn:Kog'Maw is a voidborn, a being coming from the void to enter the material realm. Because the Void posses different laws of reality, voidborn have to create new bodies from the matter of Runeterra.Eternal Hunger:Kog'maw is constantly hungry, to satisfy his hunger, he can eat anything in existence.Acid:Kogmaw can shoot out acid from his stomach. This acid can completely disintegrate any living organism very quickly, which leaves Kog'Maw eternally hungry.
• Eternal Hunger:Kog'maw is constantly hungry, to satisfy his hunger, he can eat anything in existence.
• Acid:Kogmaw can shoot out acid from his stomach. This acid can completely disintegrate any living organism very quickly, which leaves Kog'Maw eternally hungry.
The Watchers[]
The Watchers are the creators of all voidborn entities, including Kog'Maw,Cho'Gath,Kha'Zix,Rek'Sai, andVel'Koz. All voidborn creatures are part of a collective whose goal is to learn more about Runeterra and prepare for the Watchers' return.
Kog'maw is being drawn toMalzaharby the Watchers. The reason for this is not known and it is unknown what will happen once Kog'Maw reaches him.
At some point Tryndamere either interacted with Kog'Maw or at least knew of him, as he at some point referred to Kog'Maw, saying "If that's just hungry, I don't want to see angry."
Read More
The Mouth of the Abyss
By Unknown Author
Starring Champion
Alternate Universes
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
Return to the Stars
Starring:Aurelion Sol,Bard,Cassiopeia,Gnar,Illaoi,Kog'Maw,Nautilus,Nocturne,Teemo,Urgot,Vayne,Viktor,Ziggs
The Unlikely Companions
Join Zoe and Kog'Maw as they journey through a magical world and confront the dark wizard, Shaco.
Academy Adventures: Series 1
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Akali,Amumu,Anivia,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Braum,Cho'Gath,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fiora,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Ivern,Jhin,Jinx,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nidalee,Olaf,Poppy,Rek'Sai,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Shen,Sion,Sona,Soraka,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tristana,Trundle,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Vel'Koz,Vi,Yorick,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 3
ByGutter Rat
Olaf vs Everything: Series 2
ByTom Barton
Mentioned:Ahri,Aurelion Sol,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Gnar,Illaoi,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Nagakabouros,Ornn,Renekton,Skarner,Teemo,Tryndamere,Urgot,Vel'Koz,Vi,Viktor,Vladimir,Warwick,Zyra
Punches and Plants: Series 2
Mentioned:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Amumu,Annie,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Diana,Draven,Ekko,Ezreal,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Kha'Zix,Kog'Maw,Leona,Lucian,Lux,Malphite,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nasus,Nautilus,Nidalee,Olaf,Orianna,Poppy,Quinn,Rakan,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Shaco,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Valor,Vel'Koz,Viktor,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Xin Zhao,Yasuo,Ziggs
The Roadtrip
ByCassie Parkes,Marvin Clifford
Mentioned:Ahri,Ashe,Azir,Bard,Braum,Darius,Fiddlesticks,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Irelia,Jinx,Kalista,Katarina,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Lulu,Master Yi,Nami,Poppy,Rakan,Shaco,Sona,Swain,Taric,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Varus,Xayah,Yasuo,Zilean
Change log[]
See also[]
See also[] | Name: Icathian Surprise, Description: Innate: Upon taking fatal damage , Kog'Maw enters a zombie state for 4 seconds, becoming ghosted and gaining up to 40% bonus movement speed over the duration. At the end of the duration, he explodes to deal 140 − 650 (based on level) true damage to nearby enemies. While under this state, Kog'Maw becomes invulnerable , untargetable , and immune to crowd control , but is also rendered unable to declare basic attacks , cast abilities , use summoner spells , and activate items ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'True', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Icathian Surprise'suntargetabilitydoes notdestroyin-flightprojectiles.", "AfterIcathian Surpriseends, the corpse ofKog'Mawwill retainunit collisionfor the duration of his death animation.", "Icathian Surprisewill still trigger ifKog'Mawis killed by theNexus Obelisk.", "IfKog'Mawhas the missile from a basic attack in-flight at the same time that he's moving while he dies, as long as the missile hits the target afterIcathian Surprisehas started,Kog'Mawwill be able to use a basic attack once duringIcathian Surprise.", "Kog'Maw'susablesummoner spellswill be placed on a 5 second cooldown upon becoming a zombie.", "DuringIcathian Surprise,Kog'Maw'sattack rangeis reduced「\xa0to 0\xa0」「\xa0by 500\xa0」, making him automatically path near enemies he is trying to target.", 'Zombie states trigger upon takinglethal damage.Raw damageeffects will not prevent zombie states from triggering.', 'Raw damageeffects will not prevent zombie states from triggering.', 'Allresurrectioneffects will take precedence over effects that reanimate as a zombie.', 'A champion that enters a zombie state will start their death timer upon triggering the effect.', "Most buffs and debuffs will be lost upon transitioning into a zombie state.Those that persist through death, such asBrand'sBlaze, will remain.Undisplayed marker buffs, such as those imposed byVeigar'sEvent HorizonandViktor'sGravity Fieldto prevent being affected multiple times by the same effect, will be lost.(bug)This does not apply when transitioning from one zombie state to another zombie state.(bug)", "Those that persist through death, such asBrand'sBlaze, will remain.", "Undisplayed marker buffs, such as those imposed byVeigar'sEvent HorizonandViktor'sGravity Fieldto prevent being affected multiple times by the same effect, will be lost.(bug)", 'This does not apply when transitioning from one zombie state to another zombie state.(bug)', "Units within a zombie state cannot:UseRecallorCorrupting Potion/Refillable Potion.Activateresurrectioneffects.TakeDark Passage,Catapult, orgates.Pick up theEye of the Herald.Be targeted by the following:BailoutChronoshiftUmbral Trespass.Be affected by the following:Curse of the Black MistFear Beyond Death'schain missileTest of Spirit'sinitial missileLamb's RespiteRealm of DeathFountainhealth restore", 'UseRecallorCorrupting Potion/Refillable Potion.', 'Activateresurrectioneffects.', 'TakeDark Passage,Catapult, orgates.', 'Pick up theEye of the Herald.', 'Be targeted by the following:BailoutChronoshiftUmbral Trespass.', 'Bailout', 'Chronoshift', 'Umbral Trespass.', "Be affected by the following:Curse of the Black MistFear Beyond Death'schain missileTest of Spirit'sinitial missileLamb's RespiteRealm of DeathFountainhealth restore", 'Curse of the Black Mist', "Fear Beyond Death'schain missile", "Test of Spirit'sinitial missile", "Lamb's Respite", 'Realm of Death', 'Fountainhealth restore']} | Name: Caustic Spittle, Description: Passive: Kog'Maw gains bonus attack speed . Bonus Attack Speed: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30% Active: Kog'Maw ejects a wad of spittle in the target direction that deals magic damage to the first enemy hit and reduces their armor and magic resistance for 4 seconds. Magic Damage: 90 / 140 / 190 / 240 / 290 (+ 70% AP) Resistances Reduction: 23 / 25 / 27 / 29 / 31%, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.', 'Resistances reduction changed to 15 / 17.5/ 20 / 22.5/ 25%.', 'AP ratio changed to100% AP.']} | Name: Bio-Arcane Barrage, Description: Active: Kog'Maw empowers his basic attacks for the next 8 seconds to gain bonus attack range and deal bonus magic damage on-hit , capped at 100 against minions and monsters . Bonus Attack Range: 130 / 150 / 170 / 190 / 210 Bonus Magic Damage: 3 / 3. 75 / 4. 5 / 5. 25 / 6% (+ 1% per 100 AP) of target's maximum health, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'The attacks do not deal thebonusdamage againststructures.', "Base damage changed to2 / 2.75/ 3.5/ 4.25/ 5% of target'smaximumhealth."]} | Name: Void Ooze, Description: Active: Kog'Maw spews a gob of ooze in the target direction that deals magic damage to enemies hit. Magic Damage: 75 / 120 / 165 / 210 / 255 (+ 70% AP) A field of ooze is created in its wake for 4 seconds, slowing enemies every 0. 25 seconds. Slow: 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50%, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.', 'PENDING FOR TEST:: The missile leaves a blob of ooze on the ground every 125 units traveled.', 'AP ratio changed to90% AP.', 'Slow strength changed to 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60%.']} | Name: Living Artillery, Description: Active: Kog'Maw spits a globule of acid into the air that drops to the target location after 0. 6 seconds, granting sight of the area before dealing magic damage to enemies hit and revealing them for 2 seconds. Living Artillery's damage is increased by 0% − 50% (based on target's missing health) , or instead by 100% if the target is below 40% maximum health . Minimum Magic Damage: 100 / 140 / 180 (+ 65% bonus AD) (+ 35% AP) Maximum Magic Damage: 200 / 280 / 360 (+ 130% bonus AD) (+ 70% AP) Kog'Maw then gains a stack of Living Artillery for 8 seconds, refreshing on subsequent casts and stacking up to 9 times. Living Artillery: For each stack, Living Artillery's mana cost is increased by 40 ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Living Artillerywill not revealstealthedchampions.', 'AP ratio changed to45% AP.']} | Kog'Maw isvoicedbyPatrick Seitz.Renektonis also voiced by the same voice actor, whileLucianused to be voiced by the same voice actor.
Kog'Maw's dance referencesMichigan J. Frog'sdancefromOne Froggy Evening.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.
DespiteIcathian Surprisecausing him to blow up, Kog'Maw does have a 'normal' death animation which can only be seen when he's being revived byChronoshiftorGuardian Angel.
Icathian Surpriseis one of only three abilities that allow their casters tocontinue fighting after death, the others beingDeath DefiedandGlory in Death.
Kog'Maw is the only Void-related champion without 'Void' in his title.
While idle Kog'Maw blinks one eye at a time and sometimes spins around in a manner resembling dogs chasing their own tail.
Kog'Maw was the first champion to have a joke animation (the second beingMiss Fortune).
Kog'Maw was first spotted in a screenshot fromMalzahar'sreveal.
Maw is another word for mouth.
Kog'Maw's abilities ironically make no use of his spoken-of and downright-self-stated insatiable hunger.
Kog'Maw had his game assets reused for severalfeatured game modes.He was given a retexture and features as a monster called the "Scary Spitty Monster" inInvasion.His animations were reused for theArcraptorandSkitterbeakmonsters inOdyssey: Extraction.
In theV1.0.0.115April Fools' Daypatch, he was jokingly listed to receive a skin called"Seeing-Eye Kog", referencing a seeing-eye dog, another term forGuide dog. |
LeBlanc,the Deceiver,Emilia (Evaine) LeBlanc,LB | | | health: Health598+111, resource: Mana400+25, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)7.5+0.55, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)8+0.8, armor: Armor22+4.7, attack damage: Attack damage55+2.7, attack speed: Base AS0.658, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius100, release: 2010-11-02, changed: V13.22, role: Burst, position: MiddleSupport, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 3150|790 | Games
LeBlancMainCurrentHoodedTitlesAlias(es)The DeceiverMatron LeBlancThe Pale WomanPale SorceressCharacteristicsSpeciesHuman(Magically Altered)Pronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:900 BN - 450 BNWeapon(s)Illusion MagicMimicPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originUnknown(Medieval Times)Current residenceNoxus Prime,NoxusProfessional statusOccupation(s)Matron ofThe Black RoseRegion(s)NoxusFaction(s)Black RoseRelated character(s)AnnieMordekaiserVeigarVladimirSwainEliseDariusSamiraRellJarvan IVGarenQuinnBoram Darkwill
• Main
• Current
• Hooded
• The Deceiver
• Matron LeBlanc
• The Pale Woman
• Pale Sorceress
• Born:900 BN - 450 BN
• Illusion Magic
• Mimic
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
Related character(s)
Mysterious even to other members of theBlack Rosecabal,LeBlancis but one of many names for a pale woman who has manipulated people and events since the earliest days ofNoxus. Using her magic to mirror herself, the sorceress can appear to anyone, anywhere, and even be in many places at once. Always plotting just out of sight, LeBlanc's true motives are as inscrutable as her shifting identity.
• 1Background1.1Early Records1.2Plotting in the Shadows of Noxus1.3The Iron Maiden1.4Recent Events
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Mordekaiser5.2Veigar5.3Black Rose5.4Boram Darkwill5.5Jericho Swain5.6Samira5.7Rell5.8Riven Konte5.9Demacia
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8References
• 9See also
• 1.1Early Records
• 1.2Plotting in the Shadows of Noxus
• 1.3The Iron Maiden
• 1.4Recent Events
• 5.1Mordekaiser
• 5.2Veigar
• 5.3Black Rose
• 5.4Boram Darkwill
• 5.5Jericho Swain
• 5.6Samira
• 5.7Rell
• 5.8Riven Konte
• 5.9Demacia
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early Records[]
More than a thousand years ago, Leblanc was a member of the inner-circle cabal of mages of the infamousIron Revenent. During the height of his reign, LeBlanc conspired with the barbarian Noxii tribes andtheir godto bring him down. With this alliance, LeBlanc would betray her master, severing his ties to the Immortal Bastion and allowing the united noxii tribes to invade it. She also helped seal Mordekaiser's personal hound demons,6Tybaulkand another unnamed shadow demon.
This alliance between Leblanc and Vladimir would lay the foundations for theBlack Rosecabal.
Plotting in the Shadows of Noxus[]
Over the centuries, others would join the Black Rose in its political schemes, like powerful nobles, exalted masters of magic, and beings darker still. This hidden cabal would guide the throne ofNoxusfor more than a thousand years, orchestrating many of the empire’s most ambitious campaigns.
One of those nobles was namedLady Elise. LeBlanc, seeing in her a certain cunning and ruthlessness, would approach the poisoned, bedridden woman with the offer of joining theBlack Rose. In an attempt to prove her worth, Elise would set sail to theShadow Islesin order to find an esteemed item for the cabal, only to be mutated into a half-spider creature under the control ofVilemaw, the spider king.
LeBlanc saw this as a opportunity to travel to the Isles in safety. And thus began the pact between the two women, she would give Elise acolytes for sacrifice and in turn she would bring powerful artifacts from the isles. This deal would endure centuries until the present days.
During the final days of theFirst Demacian-Noxian War, LeBlanc spearheaded the resurrection of the national noxian heroSion, although he was deemed uncontrollable by the Grand General and was locked inside his own statue.
In time, Leblanc would manipulate and control the next candidate for the throne of Noxus:Boram Darkwill. The Black Rose aided in his bid for the throne, but when he took control, he refused the Black Rose's advisors, and Leblanc took drastic measures. She manipulated ayoung noblemaninto revealing the cabal and having it appear that the most prominent conspirators, along with Leblanc herself, were executed.
Years later, Leblanc would once again contact an aging Boram Darkwill. Paranoid about his aging body, Darkwill caved into Leblanc's demands. Once again, Leblanc had control of the throne. She sent the nobleman that she had manipulated all those years ago to die in the war againstIonia, and it ended with Swain crippled and cast out. However, Swain came back. In the Immortal Bastion had lied a power that many had tried and failed to obtain: the power of Raum. Swain had found a way to use Raum to his own benefit, and with the knowledge, powers, and restored physical form that it gave him, he staged a coup and took over the throne in one night.
The Iron Maiden[]
In 987 AN, LeBlanc noticed the unusual talent and magic of a Noxian girl namedRell, so she approached the family of the girl with an offer. She would induct the girl to Roseguard Academy, a hidden school of magical young-lings. She had the intention to strengthen the girl's magic so one day she could face Noxus’ most hated, ancientfoe. She would grant Rell's mother the headmistress position of the Academy and continued to oversee the procedure until 986 AN when Rell escaped the academy.
Recent Events[]
In 996 AN,LeBlancdemanded2Tifalenjito returnRiven's runic blade back to her, threatening to take her life if she didn't bring it back.
On the same year,LeBlanctook the form of a tattoo artist and kept an eye onSamira. Later, she revealed herself to6Indari,Samira's mentor, and declared theBlack Rosehas plans for her.
In 997 AN, one year after the Death of7Jarvan III, the relationship between Demacia andNockmirchlacked communication thanks to the turmoil of theMage Rebellion. LeBlanc took advantage of this and created a clone ofGaren's great-uncle Hargold in order to pressure Lord Eldwyn to side with Noxus. Her efforts ended up falling and Nockmirch renewed its truce with Demacia.
LeBlanc is a slender with dark purple shoulder length hair, golden eyes and paper-like white skinned woman, hence her monikerThe Pale Woman.She wears notorious noble raiment with a distinct purple, black and gold palette. The most distinct ornament on her attire is her golden three point crown. She also owns a metallic staff with floating jewels on its tip.
Leblanc is a deceptive individual, often using her sorcery to trick, confuse, or convince people into serving her and the interests of the Black Rose. Leblanc is also clever, using all manner of methods to serve the interests of her and the Black Rose. Her ultimate goal is to have control of Noxus, whether publicly or by proxy.
Although she seeks the striving of herself and her coven, LeBlanc never takes the spotlight of her schemes. Instead, she manipulates others to do the dirty work for her, as she convinces them through their little struggles as she sees the big picture.
• Master Sorceress: LeBlanc can harness powerful magic capable of creatingblasts of energy,energy constructs, anditem enchantments. She also has an extensive knowledge of the arcane and the nature of magic itself, which helped her in noticing thatRellhad the right type of magic that could stopMordekaiserwhen he returns.Illusion Magic: Illusions are LeBlanc's signature magic. She is capable of casting illusions, clones, changing appearances and being at multiple places at once. This magic gave her notoriety and the nicknameThe Deceiver.Teleportation: LeBlanc is capable of teleportation from one place to another.Clone Creation: LeBlanc is able of creating mirror images of herself that act independently but on her command. She is also capable of creating clones of other people as well.Glamour: LeBlanc can take on the appearance of others.
• Immortality: LeBlanc is millennia old, being around before the foundation of Noxus.
• Guile: LeBlanc is a master in political intrigue and has changed the course of civilizations. She deceivedMordekaiserand locked him away in thespirit realm, and plannedSwain'sdeath on the Ionian battlefields by manipulating Boram Darkwill.
• Illusion Magic: Illusions are LeBlanc's signature magic. She is capable of casting illusions, clones, changing appearances and being at multiple places at once. This magic gave her notoriety and the nicknameThe Deceiver.Teleportation: LeBlanc is capable of teleportation from one place to another.Clone Creation: LeBlanc is able of creating mirror images of herself that act independently but on her command. She is also capable of creating clones of other people as well.Glamour: LeBlanc can take on the appearance of others.
• Teleportation: LeBlanc is capable of teleportation from one place to another.
• Clone Creation: LeBlanc is able of creating mirror images of herself that act independently but on her command. She is also capable of creating clones of other people as well.
• Glamour: LeBlanc can take on the appearance of others.
• Sorcerer's staff: Like all magicians, Leblanc has a staff with which she better channels her magical powers. Her cane is black and gold, it has only one point, and it has the shape of a waning moon with magic crystals in the center.
LeBlanc was forced to work for Mordekaiser, whose downfall she would later plan. To secure theThe Immortal Bastion, she has designed battle plans against the revenant's eventual return.
LeBlanc knowsVeigar, who was in Mordekaiser's inner circle.[1]
Black Rose[]
LeBlanc is the Matron of theBlack Rose, whose members includeCassiopeia,EliseandVladimir.
LeBlanc tasksElisewith bearing magical artifacts for her fromShadow Islesand in exchange, she gives Elise acolytes to offer as sacrifices toVilemaw.
Sionwas resurrected under the help of the Black Rose, likely at LeBlanc's command.
Boram Darkwill[]
LeBlanc assisted Boram Darkwill's rise to Grand Generalship, but when he refused to be Leblanc's puppet, she orchestrated a revealing of the Black Rose, manipulatingJericho Swaininto revealing the Black Rose and its members. She then staged a fake execution of herself.[2]However, in the later years of Darkwill's life, Leblanc seduced him to her will once again with the promise of extending his mortal lifespan.
Jericho Swain[]
When Darkwill refused to follow Leblanc's orders after ascending to the throne, Leblanc manipulated Swain into revealing the Black Rose and its members, including his own parents. In the later years of Darkwill's life, Leblanc and Darkwill sent Swain into a battle inIoniaknowing he would lose, leaving Swain crippled. After Swain's takeover of the Noxian government and the establishment of theTrifarix, Leblanc has spent all of her time (multiplied by her many doppelgangers) plotting Swain's destruction.[3]
LeBlanc has a special interest in Samira.
LeBlanc secretly trainedRellas a weapon specifically against Mordekaiser.
Riven Konte[]
Riven'sblade was enchanted by LeBlanc herself. LeBlanc later sent a small warband that included Riven's old team mates to bring her and the blade back to Noxus.
LeBlanc may be plotting a war betweenDemaciaandNoxusat the moment, with either one of her Black Rose spies or even a clone of herself having encounteredGarenandQuinnin the process.[4]
It is implied that LeBlanc was involved in the capture ofJarvan IVby the Noxian army, based on the flavor text of7King Jarvan III.
Her interactions with8Incisive Tacticianand2Black Rose Spymentioning "golden crowns" suggest that LeBlanc might have been involved in the death of7King Jarvan III.
Read More
The Deceiver
ByDavid Slagle
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill,Mordekaiser,Swain
Starring Champion
Short Story
The Shuttered Manse
ByGraham McNeill
She felt the thief coming closer with every careful step he took.
Short Story
Thorns of the Black Rose
ByLaurie Goulding
I smile, playing my part. “It is the simplest of things,” I tell him, “to hide in plain sight.”
Starring:Brannin Granth,LeBlanc
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill,Darius,Mordekaiser,Swain
Mentioned Champion
Short Story
Art is Life
ByGraham McNeill
Nights in Noxus were never silent.
Short Story
Daredevil Impulse
ByMichael Luo
The weapons shop looked grimy—just the way Samira liked it.
Ezreal's Field Notes
ByMatthew Dunn
Who needs a map?
Katarina: Issue 5
ByScott Hawkes
The kingdom of Demacia is in chaos! While the Great City has its focus on Sylas and his mage rebellion, a cunning, redheaded assassin, Katarina, lurks in the shadows. Focused on executing the most dangerous mission of her life, she hopes to finally live up to her father’s impossible expectations. However, when she is forced to choose between the mission and her own instincts, will she have to betray Noxus’ Master of Assassins?
Starring:Drann,Jaredan,Katarina,Marcus Du Couteau,Swain
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill,Garen,Jarvan III,LeBlanc,Lux,Mordekaiser,Soreana Du Couteau,Sylas,Talon
Short Story
Sisterhood of War Part 1: Old Wounds
ByIan St. Martin
“Is anything you just heard unclear to you?”
Short Story • 5 Minute Read
The Black Powder Plot
ByDavid Slagle
He arrived at the camp only moments before the strategy council was to begin, flanked by a small honor guard, each handpicked from the Trifarian Legion. They remained at the entrance as I watched him approach.
Starring:Brannin Granth,Swain
The Crimson Reaper
By'Blood Magicks'
The Exile
ByAriel Lawrence
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill,LeBlanc,Singed
Short Story
The Eyes and the Embers
ByConor Sheehy
Starring:Gregori Hastur,Tybaulk
Mentioned:Atakhan,Fynn Retrick,LeBlanc,Mordekaiser,Telsi
The Iron Maiden
ByJared Rosen,David Slagle
The Mageseeker
ByDigital Sun
In the kingdom of Demacia, the Mageseekers hold the power to oppress magic-using citizens in the name of public order–by inducting and indoctrinating them, locking them away, or driving them into hiding. Play as Sylas, a spell-stealing mage who has just broken free of his unjust captivity at the Mageseekers’ hands. Wielding the chains that once bound you, you must liberate your homeland from tyranny, one Mageseeker at a time.
Starring:Aidan,Eldred,Garen,Gideon,Hesbeth,Jarvan IV,Kara,Killan,Leilani,Lux,Morgana,Rayn,Rukko,Shyvana,Sylas,Wisteria,Yops
Mentioned:Aatrox,Anden Mayne,Dalin,Dominick,Evelynn,Falden,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Jaredan,Jarvan III,Katarina,Kayle,LeBlanc,Mihira,Naafiri,Nocturne,Rhaast,Ryze,Sion,Tianna,Varus
The Noxian Grand General
ByDavid Slagle
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill,Irelia,LeBlanc
The Spider Queen
ByGraham McNeill
Alternate Universes
ByInstitute of War
The truest opponent lies within.
Starring:Boram Darkwill,Brand,Caitlyn,Cassiopeia,Galio,Graves,Irelia,Jarvan IV,Karma,LeBlanc,Lee Sin,Leona,Lux,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nocturne,Orianna,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Skarner,Sona,Swain,Talon,Trundle,Urgot,Varus,Vayne,Vladimir,Wukong,Xerath,Xin Zhao,Yorick
Make History
In this battle of regions, one will conquer all others to make history.
Starring:Alistar,Ashe,Azir,Bard,Brand,Caitlyn,Cassiopeia,Elise,Evelynn,Janna,Karma,LeBlanc,Lee Sin,Lucian,Morgana,Nautilus,Orianna,Pyke,Ryze
By Numerous creators
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill,Elise,Jarvan IV,Vladimir
Academy Adventures: Series 3
ByGutter Rat
Music Video
ByTrue Damage
Mentioned:Ahri,Azir,Book,Camille,Corki,Jinx,Kayn,Kindred,LeBlanc,Lucian,Pyke,Rhaast,Tahm Kench,Teemo,Thresh,Twitch,Yuumi
Music Video
Worlds Collide
By Numerous creators
Two teams have risen above their peers. Ten warriors have laid claim to the Summoner’s Cup. Five champions will etch their names in history.
Starring: N/A
• Her "name" means(the) Whitein French, <PGmc*blankaz"bright, shining, gleaming" <PIE*bʰel-"shiny, white".[5]One of her aliases,The Pale Woman, was possibly inspired by it.LeBlancis grammatically masculine (feminine **LaBlanche).
• LeBlancis only one among many of this secretive, agelessPale Woman's aliases.
• Thorns of the Black Roseis the prequel ofThe Black Powder Plot.
• She has some relation to Noxus' Principle of Guile, known as the Faceless, although she has been confirmed to not be the Faceless.[6]
• LeBlanc's headdress could totally be directly modeled on the symbol of Noxus as she’s been secretly influencing Noxus since the empire began.[7]The1Guilesymbol may be based on LeBlanc herself rather than the other way round.[8]
• LeBlanc is capable of creating multipleclonesof herself, who assist her in doing her tasks.HerLegends of Runeterrainteractions imply many of her clones have gone rogue over the years.
• She is also capable of mimicking other's appearance. Whether it has anything to do withShomalikeNeekois unknown.
• Being present duringMordekaiser'sreign, she is at least over 1100 years old. Her true age is intentionally left unknown.However, the current LeBlanc may possibly be just areflectionof the original pale sorceress.
• One of her aliases,The Pale Woman, was possibly inspired by it.
• LeBlancis grammatically masculine (feminine **LaBlanche).
• The1Guilesymbol may be based on LeBlanc herself rather than the other way round.[8]
• HerLegends of Runeterrainteractions imply many of her clones have gone rogue over the years.
• However, the current LeBlanc may possibly be just areflectionof the original pale sorceress.
• Emilia LeBlancis not an individual but a mantle, with the current one (Evaine) being in charge of the underground society 'The Black Rose', whose members includeElise,Swain, andVladimir.
• Evaine set the stage forSwain'sascension to Grand General of Noxus.
• LeBlanc had spearheadedSion'sinitial resurrection (assumedly by dispatchingEliseto the Shadow Isles, where she first metVilemaw) and the current one managed to restore his mind withJarvan IV'sblood (the hemomantic ritual was conducted byVladimir)How she obtained the Exemplar's blood is unknown, but it is suspected his capture and imprisonment was led bySwainand then she herself impersonated the prince to avoid suspicion from Demacia.
• How she obtained the Exemplar's blood is unknown, but it is suspected his capture and imprisonment was led bySwainand then she herself impersonated the prince to avoid suspicion from Demacia.
See also[] | Name: Mirror Image, Description: Innate: Periodically, when LeBlanc is damaged to 40% maximum health , she creates a clone of herself, after which they both instantly become invisible for 1 second. The clone can basic attack but deals no damage, lasts for 8 seconds, and starts moving 1900 units towards a random place in front of LeBlanc decided the moment it spawns. See Pets for more details about LeBlanc's clone. Link ▶️ "Looks can be deceiving.", STATIC COOLDOWN: STATICCOOLDOWN:60, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Theclonehas aleash range.']} | Name: Sigil of Malice, Description: Active: LeBlanc projects an orb at the target enemy that deals magic damage and marks them for 3. 5 seconds. Magic Damage: 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 / 165 (+ 40% AP) LeBlanc's next damaging ability against the marked target will consume the mark to deal them the same damage again. Total Magic Damage: 130 / 180 / 230 / 280 / 330 (+ 80% AP) Sigil of Malice's initial mark deals 10 − 146 (based on level) bonus magic damage against minions and refunds 100% of its mana cost and 30% of its remaining cooldown if either the mark or its consumption kills the target., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Sigil of MaliceandMimic: Sigil of Malicecan detonate each other's marks.", 'If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the cast time, this ability will cancel but does not go oncooldownnor pay its cost (if applicable).', 'Base damage changed to 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 / 175.']} | Name: Distortion, Description: Active: LeBlanc dashes to the target location, dealing magic damage to all nearby enemies upon arrival and leaving a return pad at the cast location for 4 seconds. Distortion can be recast after 0. 2 seconds of the dash ending for the pad's duration. Magic Damage: 75 / 115 / 155 / 195 / 235 (+ 75% AP) Recast: LeBlanc blinks to Distortion's return pad, regardless of range. Distortion will cast at max range if cast beyond that., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation/Auto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Distortionwill be buffered and cast as soon as the cooldown ends if the player attempts to cast it within 0.5seconds of the cooldown ending.Therecastwill be buffered and cast as soon as it becomes available if the player attempts to cast it within 0.3seconds of it becoming available to cast.', 'Therecastwill be buffered and cast as soon as it becomes available if the player attempts to cast it within 0.3seconds of it becoming available to cast.', "The initial cast counts as an ability activation for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.Recasting the ability does not.Mimic: Distortionhas the same properties.", 'Recasting the ability does not.', 'Mimic: Distortionhas the same properties.', 'DistortionandMimic: Distortionhave independent return pads andLeBlanccan travel to both while they are active.', "Distortion'spad duration starts once the dash ends.", 'AP ratio changed to70% AP.', 'Now affected by +15 ability haste.']} | Name: Ethereal Chains, Description: Active: LeBlanc flings an illusory chain in the target direction that deals magic damage to the first enemy it hits and forms a tether between LeBlanc and the target for 1. 5 seconds, during which they are revealed . Magic Damage: 50 / 70 / 90 / 110 / 130 (+ 35% AP) If the tether is not broken by the end of its duration, the target is dealt magic damage and is rooted for 1. 5 seconds, during which they are revealed . Magic Damage: 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 (+ 80% AP) Total Damage: 130 / 190 / 250 / 310 / 370 (+ 115% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Both the initial and the delayed damage can detonateSigil of Malice.', 'Ethereal ChainsandMimic: Ethereal Chainsare separate debuffs, and can both be tethered to the same target without overriding each other. Therootduration for either one are unchanged.', "Spell shieldwill block the tether's application and initial damage but not the aftereffects of one already applied.", 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.']} | Name: Mimic, Description: Active: LeBlanc casts a mimicked version of her most recently used basic ability, applying the same effects and dealing modified magic damage . Mimic: Sigil of Malice : Deals modified damage and double damage upon triggering the mark. Magic Damage: 70 / 140 / 210 (+ 40% AP) Enhanced Damage: 140 / 280 / 420 (+ 80% AP) Total Magic Damage: 210 / 420 / 630 (+ 120% AP) Mimic: Distortion : Deals modified damage. Magic Damage: 150 / 300 / 450 (+ 75% AP) Mimic: Ethereal Chains : Deals modified damage and double damage after the tether lasts its full duration. Magic Damage: 70 / 140 / 210 (+ 40% AP) Enhanced Damage: 140 / 280 / 420 (+ 80% AP) Total Magic Damage: 210 / 420 / 630 (+ 120% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputVaried', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Mimicwill default toMimic: Sigil of MaliceifLeBlancranks upMimicwithout having used any abilities beforehand (even if she has not yet learnedSigil of Malice).', "BothMimic: Ethereal ChainsandMimic: Sigil of Malicewill apply damage twice if the original ability's condition to do so is met.", 'Now affected by +15 ability haste.', 'Mimic: Sigil of MaliceBase damage changed to 90 / 160 / 230.AP ratio changed to50% AP.', 'Base damage changed to 90 / 160 / 230.', 'AP ratio changed to50% AP.', 'Mimic: Ethereal ChainsBase damage changed to 90 / 160 / 230.AP ratio changed to50% AP.', 'Base damage changed to 90 / 160 / 230.', 'AP ratio changed to50% AP.']} | LeBlanc isvoicedbyCarrie KeraneninLeague of LegendsandLegends of Runeterra.[2]Lux,Elementalist Lux,Cosmic LuxandDark Cosmic Luxare also voiced by the same voice actress.
LeBlanc is the first champion to have a Loading screen and Portrait icon not focus the actual champion, in her case, focus on herMimic.The second one isJhin, focus on the mirror image.The same case applies for some of her skins:Prestigious,Elderwood,ProgramandCoven.
Mimicused to be the only ability (currentlyRelentless Pursuit,Inferno TriggerandPurge) that ended up costing0 manawhen fully-ranked.
LeBlanc is one of a few champions to have multiple textures in one skin. When she usesMirror Image, her clone will be of a different colour palette which can only be seen by LeBlanc and her allies. To the opposing team, the two LeBlancs look exactly the same, including copies of any externalbuffsanditemeffects active at the moment the clone is spawned (Prior to patchV5.22, clones did not duplicate external buff/active item effect particles).Four other champions with this feature areWukong(viaWarrior Trickster),Shaco's(viaHallucinate),Nasus(viaFury of the Sands) andMalphite(viaGranite ShieldandThunderclap).
The Black Rosemight have been inspired by and/or might be referencing theBlack Hand.
Her staff appears to be inspired, partially or in full, by that of Tsukasa from .hack//SIGN.
The name 'LeBlanc' may be a reference toMaurice Leblanc, creator of the characterArsène Lupin. Like Lupin, part of LeBlanc's character is that of a master of disguise. |
Lee Sin,the Blind Monk | | | health: Health645+105, resource: Energy200+0, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)7.5+0.7, resource regen: Energy regen. (per 5s)50, armor: Armor36+4.9, attack damage: Attack damage66+3.7, attack speed: Base AS0.651, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius103, release: 2011-04-01, changed: V13.19, role: Diver, position: Jungle, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 1350|585 | Missing section(s):
Lee SinMainCurrentAcolyteCasualTitlesAlias(es)The Blind MonkCharacteristicsSpeciesHuman(Magical)Pronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:956 AN - 961 ANWeapon(s)Dragon StancePersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originIoniaCurrent residenceShojin Monastery,IoniaProfessional statusOccupation(s)MonkMonastery GuardianRegion(s)IoniaFaction(s)Shojin OrderRelated character(s)KarmaRakanXayahUdyr
Lee Sin
• Main
• Current
• Acolyte
• Casual
• Born:956 AN - 961 AN
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
• Monk
• Monastery Guardian
Related character(s)
A master ofIonia'sancient martial arts,Lee Sinis a principled fighter who channels the essence of the dragon spirit to face any challenge. Though he lost his sight many years ago, the warrior-monk has devoted his life to protecting his homeland against any who would dare upset its sacred balance. Enemies who underestimate his meditative demeanor will endure his fabled burning fists and blazing roundhouse kicks.
• 1Background
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Udyr5.2Disciples5.3Shadow Order
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 5.1Udyr
• 5.2Disciples
• 5.3Shadow Order
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Lee Sin is a friend ofUdyrwho he met in the Freljord. With his help Lee Sin was able to repel Noxian invaders from his homeland, while Udyr was able to find peace and calmness with the help of the monks.
While Lee Sin has relations with all of theShojin OrderDragon disciples, he has some deeper relations with2Ying Yue.
Shadow Order[]
Lee Sin has fought members of theShadow Order, presumably because they defy the sacred balance ofIonia.
Read More
The Blind Monk
ByMichael Luo
Starring:Lee Sin
Starring Champion
Short Story • 5 Minute Read
All That Glitters...
ByGraham McNeill
Ancient roots, sinuous trees and thickly-leafed vines clinging to the rocks all but obscured the path through the lush jungle. Three men sweated as they hacked their way onward, driven by hearts filled with greed and dreams of untold wealth. For six days the jungle had defied them, but now the temple reared from the undergrowth. Its facade was carved into a colossal stone outcropping, with blossoms of red and blue spreading around its base. Serene statuary filled golden alcoves and garlands of golden orchids were entwined around its eaves.
Starring:Lee Sin
Legends Never Die
The pursuit of mastery is an endless journey, but those who persevere etch their names in history.
Starring:Ashe,Garen,Lee Sin
Mentioned Champion
The Spirit Walker
ByDana Luery Shaw
Mentioned:Kalkia,Lee Sin,Sejuani
Alternate Universes
All That Glitters...: Issue 1
Starring:Lee Sin
All That Glitters...: Issue 2
Starring:Lee Sin
All That Glitters...: Issue 3
Starring:Lee Sin
All That Glitters...: Issue 4
Starring:Lee Sin
God Fist
By Numerous creators
Starring:Lee Sin
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
ByInstitute of War
The truest opponent lies within.
Starring:Boram Darkwill,Brand,Caitlyn,Cassiopeia,Galio,Graves,Irelia,Jarvan IV,Karma,LeBlanc,Lee Sin,Leona,Lux,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nocturne,Orianna,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Skarner,Sona,Swain,Talon,Trundle,Urgot,Varus,Vayne,Vladimir,Wukong,Xerath,Xin Zhao,Yorick
Make History
In this battle of regions, one will conquer all others to make history.
Starring:Alistar,Ashe,Azir,Bard,Brand,Caitlyn,Cassiopeia,Elise,Evelynn,Janna,Karma,LeBlanc,Lee Sin,Lucian,Morgana,Nautilus,Orianna,Pyke,Ryze
Short Story
Trials of the God Fist
By Numerous creators
Starring:Lee Sin
Crystal Quest: Series 1
Mentioned:Anivia,Ashe,Braum,Bristle,Caitlyn,Camille,Elise,Ezreal,Garen,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Illaoi,Ivern,Katarina,Kled,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lucian,Nami,Olaf,Poppy,Ryze,Senna,Singed,Skaarl,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Veigar,Vi,Zac
Olaf vs Everything: Series 2
ByTom Barton
Mentioned:Ahri,Aurelion Sol,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Gnar,Illaoi,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Nagakabouros,Ornn,Renekton,Skarner,Teemo,Tryndamere,Urgot,Vel'Koz,Vi,Viktor,Vladimir,Warwick,Zyra
Playtime with Gnar: Series 1
ByRachel J. Corey
Mentioned:Amumu,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Darius,Draven,Karthus,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Malzahar,Nocturne,Nunu,Rengar,Twisted Fate,Willump
Road to the Cup
As the 2013 League of Legends World Championship final draws near, we showcase the biggest heroes in esports from around the world. Many teams fell by the wayside in epic battles, and now only two remain: Korea's SK Telecom T1 and China's Royal Club. Who will rise?
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Blitzcrank,Brand,Caitlyn,Corki,Elise,Ezreal,Gragas,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Lux,Malphite,Mordekaiser,Orianna,Renekton,Ryze,Shen,Thresh,Twisted Fate,Vayne,Zac,Zed
Music Video
Take Over
By Numerous creators
We're Taking Over.
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Caitlyn,Galio,Jarvan IV,Kassadin,Lee Sin,Thresh,Xayah
The Roadtrip
ByCassie Parkes,Marvin Clifford
Mentioned:Ahri,Ashe,Azir,Bard,Braum,Darius,Fiddlesticks,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Irelia,Jinx,Kalista,Katarina,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Lulu,Master Yi,Nami,Poppy,Rakan,Shaco,Sona,Swain,Taric,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Varus,Xayah,Yasuo,Zilean
The Tale of the Poro King
By Numerous creators
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aatrox,Akali,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Darius,Diana,Draven,Ezreal,Gnar,Illaoi,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kai'Sa,Karma,Karthus,Katarina,Kayle,Kayn,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nunu,Ornn,Pantheon,Pyke,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Rhaast,Ryze,Sejuani,Shen,Sion,Sivir,Soraka,Sylas,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Thresh,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Vi,Volibear,Willump,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs,Zoe
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Flurry, Description: Innate: After casting an ability , Lee Sin's next 2 basic attacks within 3 seconds gain 40% bonus attack speed and restore energy . The first attack restores 20 / 30 / 40 (based on level) energy and the second attack restores 「 half of that amount. 」 「 10 / 15 / 20 (based on level) energy . 」, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'parries': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Flurrywill still restore energy even if the attacks areblockedor missed whileLee Sinisblinded, but notdodged.']} | Name: Sonic Wave, Description: Active: Lee Sin fires a sonic blast in the target direction that deals physical damage to the first enemy hit and marks them for 3 seconds, during which they are revealed . Physical Damage: 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155 (+ 115% bonus AD) While the target is marked, Lee Sin can cast Resonating Strike ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Sonic Wave Details', 'Resonating Strike Details', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.', "Lee Sinwill track the target if they change locations.He will dash to the target's previous location without consuming the mark if the target is too far away or moves beyond 2000 units.", "He will dash to the target's previous location without consuming the mark if the target is too far away or moves beyond 2000 units.", 'Lee Sinwill attempt to place himself on top of the target upon arrival.The damage dealt byResonating Strikecan be negated if the targetblinks. Sometimes,Lee Sinwill end the dash at their last location but appear on top of the target after a short delay.Originally,Lee Sinwould land 50 units in front of his target. Since there are no patch notes where this is noted to have changed, landing on top of his target may be a bug.', 'The damage dealt byResonating Strikecan be negated if the targetblinks. Sometimes,Lee Sinwill end the dash at their last location but appear on top of the target after a short delay.', 'Originally,Lee Sinwould land 50 units in front of his target. Since there are no patch notes where this is noted to have changed, landing on top of his target may be a bug.', 'Resonating Strikecannot be cast without the marked target nearby or if the target isuntargetable.', "IfResonating Strikeinterrupts another dash,TempestandDragon's Ragecan be cast during it (both otherwise cannot be cast).", 'Death', 'Hide', 'Safeguard Details', 'Iron Will Details', 'Lee Sincannot self-castSafeguardeven whilegroundedorrooted.', 'Safeguardcan be used on any targetable allied unit excludingstructures.This includeschampions,minions,wards, andchampion summoned units(e.g.Noxious Trap,Demacian Standard,Dark Passage).', 'This includeschampions,minions,wards, andchampion summoned units(e.g.Noxious Trap,Demacian Standard,Dark Passage).', 'If no unit is directly targeted,Safeguardwill search for wards in a 100 radius to target.This aidsLee Sinin performing the dash to a ward he just placed.', 'This aidsLee Sinin performing the dash to a ward he just placed.', 'Safeguardwill not grant itsshieldif the dash is interrupted.If the dash overrides or is overridden byResonating Strike, he will grant the shield immediately rather than on arrival.', 'If the dash overrides or is overridden byResonating Strike, he will grant the shield immediately rather than on arrival.', "IfSafeguard'sdash interrupts another dash,TempestandDragon's Ragecan be cast during it (both otherwise cannot be cast).", 'No additional details.', 'Hide', 'Tempest Details', 'Cripple Details', "Tempest'ssight reveal only reveals the affected targets, but visually also lights up the Fog of War in a 400 radius.", "Tempest'ssight reveal is not removed whenLee SincastsCripple(unlikeSonic Wave's).", 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', "Tempest'sreveal is not removed whenLee SincastsCripple.", 'Cripplecannot be cast without a marked target within 550 range.', 'The missilesLee Sinsends out are nowadays missing their visual effects.(bug)', 'Hide', 'Details', 'Appliesspell damageto the primary target andarea damageto secondary targets.', "Thespell indicatorfor this ability also displays the direction for the knock back relative toLee Sin'sposition.", 'If the target ofDragon Ragediesinitially on the first hit there will be no displacement of any kind.', "Thedisplacement'sdirection is decided at the moment of impact and not byLee Sinand his target's relative locations at the start of the cast (the only way forLee Sinto control where his target is displaced is by usingFlashbefore the cast time ofDragon's Rageends).", 'If theairbornedebuff is removed from the target, its ability to collide with enemies is removed aswell, even if the target has not come to a stop yet.(bug)The airborne debuff and with it collision of the target remains for the normal duration even if its trajectory isdisplacedby another source (i.e -Headbutt).The target may still collide with other enemies for the remaining airborne duration after they reach their destination, as the airborne debuff lasts longer than the displacement.', 'The airborne debuff and with it collision of the target remains for the normal duration even if its trajectory isdisplacedby another source (i.e -Headbutt).', 'The target may still collide with other enemies for the remaining airborne duration after they reach their destination, as the airborne debuff lasts longer than the displacement.', "The knockback distance is intended to be 800, but due to a bug, this is reduced by up-to the sum ofLee Sin'sand his target'sgameplay radius, depending on how far they are away from one another at the end of the cast time.", 'If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the cast time, this ability will cancel but does not go oncooldownnor pay its cost (if applicable).', 'StatsBase armor increased to 36 from 34.', 'Base armor increased to 36 from 34.', 'Iron WillLife steal and spell vamp changed to 10 / 14 / 18 / 22 / 26% from 5 / 10.5/ 16 / 21.5/ 27%.', 'Life steal and spell vamp changed to 10 / 14 / 18 / 22 / 26% from 5 / 10.5/ 16 / 21.5/ 27%.', 'TempestBase damage reduced to 35 / 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 from 35 / 65 / 95 / 125 / 155.', 'Base damage reduced to 35 / 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 from 35 / 65 / 95 / 125 / 155.', 'GeneralUpdated ability icons.', 'Updated ability icons.', 'Sonic WaveBonus AD ratio increased to115%bonusADfrom110%.', 'Bonus AD ratio increased to115%bonusADfrom110%.', 'Resonating StrikeBonus AD ratio increased to115%bonusADfrom110%.', 'Bonus AD ratio increased to115%bonusADfrom110%.', 'SafeguardBug Fix:Now properly self-casts if quick cast is enabled.', 'Bug Fix:Now properly self-casts if quick cast is enabled.', 'StatsBase attack damage reduced 66 from 68.Base armor reduced to 34 from 36.', 'Base attack damage reduced 66 from 68.', 'Base armor reduced to 34 from 36.', "Dragon's RageBug Fix:Knocked back target now properly knocks up allies they collide with at all times.", 'Bug Fix:Knocked back target now properly knocks up allies they collide with at all times.', "SafeguardBug Fix:Now properly grants the allied target champion a shield even after dashing intoBaron Nashor'shit box withResonating Strike.", "Bug Fix:Now properly grants the allied target champion a shield even after dashing intoBaron Nashor'shit box withResonating Strike.", 'Sonic WaveBonus AD ratio increased to110%bonusADfrom100%.', 'Bonus AD ratio increased to110%bonusADfrom100%.', 'Resonating StrikeBonus AD ratio increased to110%bonusADfrom100%.', 'Bonus AD ratio increased to110%bonusADfrom100%.', 'TempestBase damage reduced to 35 / 65 / 95 / 125 / 155 from 100 / 130 / 160 / 190 / 220.AD ratio increased to100%totalADfrom100%bonusAD.', 'Base damage reduced to 35 / 65 / 95 / 125 / 155 from 100 / 130 / 160 / 190 / 220.', 'AD ratio increased to100%totalADfrom100%bonusAD.', 'CrippleSlow increased to 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 / 80% from 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60%.', 'Slow increased to 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 / 80% from 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60%.', 'GeneralBug Fix:No longer displays debug text in his tooltips on the ability bar and death recap.', 'Bug Fix:No longer displays debug text in his tooltips on the ability bar and death recap.', 'StatsHealth growth increased to 105 from 99.', 'Health growth increased to 105 from 99.', 'Iron WillLife steal and spell vamp increased to 5 / 10.5/ 16 / 21.5/ 27% from 5 / 9.5/ 14 / 18.5/ 23%.', 'Life steal and spell vamp increased to 5 / 10.5/ 16 / 21.5/ 27% from 5 / 9.5/ 14 / 18.5/ 23%.', 'Resonating StrikeEnergy cost reduced to 25 from 30.', 'Energy cost reduced to 25 from 30.', 'Iron WillEnergy cost reduced to 25 from 30.', 'Energy cost reduced to 25 from 30.', 'CrippleEnergy cost reduced to 25 from 30.', 'Energy cost reduced to 25 from 30.', 'StatsBase attack damage increased to 68 from 66.', 'Base attack damage increased to 68 from 66.', 'Sonic WaveBase damage increased to 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155 from 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150.', 'Base damage increased to 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155 from 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150.', 'Resonating StrikeBase damage increased to 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155 from 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150.', 'Base damage increased to 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155 from 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150.', 'StatsBase health increased to 645 from 575.Health growth increased to 99 from 85.Armor growth increased to 4.9from 3.7.Magic resistance growth increased to 2.05from 1.25.', 'Base health increased to 645 from 575.', 'Health growth increased to 99 from 85.', 'Armor growth increased to 4.9from 3.7.', 'Magic resistance growth increased to 2.05from 1.25.', 'SafeguardBase shield reduced to 50 / 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 from 55 / 110 / 165 / 220 / 275.', 'Base shield reduced to 50 / 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 from 55 / 110 / 165 / 220 / 275.', 'Iron WillLife steal and spell vamp reduced to 5 / 9.5/ 14 / 18.5/ 23% from 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25%.', 'Life steal and spell vamp reduced to 5 / 9.5/ 14 / 18.5/ 23% from 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25%.', 'StatsBase attack damage reduced to 66 from 68.', 'Base attack damage reduced to 66 from 68.', 'Sonic WaveBase damage reduced to 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 from 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155.Bug Fix:Tooltip now displays the accurate damage values.', 'Base damage reduced to 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 from 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155.', 'Bug Fix:Tooltip now displays the accurate damage values.', 'Resonating StrikeBase damage reduced to 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 from 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155.', 'Base damage reduced to 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 from 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155.', 'FlurryBug Fix:Now properly takes effect even after usingResonating StrikeorCripplewhile winding up a basic attack.', 'Bug Fix:Now properly takes effect even after usingResonating StrikeorCripplewhile winding up a basic attack.', 'StatsBase attack damage reduced to 68 from 70.', 'Base attack damage reduced to 68 from 70.', 'Iron WillLife steal and spell vamp reduced to 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25% from 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30%.', 'Life steal and spell vamp reduced to 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25% from 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30%.', 'TempestBase damage reduced to 100 / 130 / 160 / 190 / 220 from 100 / 140 / 180 / 220 / 260.', 'Base damage reduced to 100 / 130 / 160 / 190 / 220 from 100 / 140 / 180 / 220 / 260.', 'TempestCooldown increased to 9 seconds from 8.', 'Cooldown increased to 9 seconds from 8.', 'TempestCooldown reduced to 8 seconds from 10.', 'Cooldown reduced to 8 seconds from 10.', 'Sonic WaveCooldown reduced to 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 seconds from 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 / 7.', 'Cooldown reduced to 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 seconds from 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 / 7.', 'StatsBase magic resistance reduced to 32 from 32.1.', 'Base magic resistance reduced to 32 from 32.1.', 'StatsBase armor increased to 36 from 33.', 'Base armor increased to 36 from 33.', 'SafeguardCooldown reduced to 12 seconds from 14.', 'Cooldown reduced to 12 seconds from 14.', 'TempestBase damage increased to 100 / 140 / 180 / 220 / 260 from 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240.', 'Base damage increased to 100 / 140 / 180 / 220 / 260 from 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240.', 'StatsAttack damage growth increased to 3.7from 3.2.', 'Attack damage growth increased to 3.7from 3.2.', 'SafeguardCooldown increased to 14 seconds from 12.', 'Cooldown increased to 14 seconds from 12.', 'SafeguardBug Fix:Now properly treats allied clones as champions and shields them properly when he dashes to one.', 'Bug Fix:Now properly treats allied clones as champions and shields them properly when he dashes to one.', "Dragon's RageBug Fix:Enemy-attached indicator is no longer visible through Fog of War.", 'Bug Fix:Enemy-attached indicator is no longer visible through Fog of War.', 'GeneralRecommended items updated.', 'Recommended items updated.', 'Resonating StrikeBug Fix:Now properly triggers rune stacks.', 'Bug Fix:Now properly triggers rune stacks.', 'CrippleBug Fix:Now properly triggers rune stacks.', 'Bug Fix:Now properly triggers rune stacks.', "Prestige Nightbringer Lee SinBug Fix:Minimized model's neck stretching during several animations (Idle1, Idle2, and Run).", "Bug Fix:Minimized model's neck stretching during several animations (Idle1, Idle2, and Run).", 'StatsBase health increased to 575 from 570.8.Base attack damage increased to 70 from 69.18.', 'Base health increased to 575 from 570.8.', 'Base attack damage increased to 70 from 69.18.', "Dragon's RageBase damage increased to 175 / 400 / 625 from 150 / 375 / 600.", 'Base damage increased to 175 / 400 / 625 from 150 / 375 / 600.', 'Resonating StrikeBug Fix:Dash speed is now at its proper speed.', 'Bug Fix:Dash speed is now at its proper speed.', 'Resonating StrikeBug Fix:Hitbox will no longer warp across the map when casting it.Undocumented:Lee Sin now dashes to the center of the target instead of slightly before it.', 'Bug Fix:Hitbox will no longer warp across the map when casting it.', 'Undocumented:Lee Sin now dashes to the center of the target instead of slightly before it.', 'Sonic WaveBase damage increased to 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155 from 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150.', 'Base damage increased to 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155 from 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150.', 'Resonating StrikeMinimum base damage increased to 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155 from 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150.', 'Minimum base damage increased to 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155 from 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150.', 'GeneralNew voice over.', 'New voice over.', 'GeneralBasic attack and ability visual effects have been updated for base skin and all skins using base VFX.Non-VO audio has been updated for base skin and all skins using base SFX.', 'Basic attack and ability visual effects have been updated for base skin and all skins using base VFX.', 'Non-VO audio has been updated for base skin and all skins using base SFX.', 'Pool Party Lee SinResonating StrikeBug Fix:Marker has been updated.', 'Resonating StrikeBug Fix:Marker has been updated.', 'Bug Fix:Marker has been updated.', 'Knockout Lee SinSafeguardBug Fix:Shield VFX have been updated.', 'SafeguardBug Fix:Shield VFX have been updated.', 'Bug Fix:Shield VFX have been updated.', 'God Fist Lee SinTempestBug Fix:VFX more clearly indicate the hitbox.', 'TempestBug Fix:VFX more clearly indicate the hitbox.', 'Bug Fix:VFX more clearly indicate the hitbox.', "GeneralUpdated store assets forDragon Fist Lee Sin'schroma set.", "Updated store assets forDragon Fist Lee Sin'schroma set.", 'Sonic WaveBase damage reduced to 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 from 55 / 85 / 115 / 145 / 175.Bonus AD ratio increased to100%bonusADfrom90%.', 'Base damage reduced to 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 from 55 / 85 / 115 / 145 / 175.', 'Bonus AD ratio increased to100%bonusADfrom90%.', "Resonating StrikeBase damage reduced to 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 from 55 / 85 / 115 / 145 / 175.Bonus AD ratio increased to100%bonusADfrom90%.Removed:Damage no longer scales with8% of target'smissinghealth.New Effect:Damage is now increased by0% − 100% (based on target'smissinghealth), up to a maximum of 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 / 300(+ 200%bonusAD).", 'Base damage reduced to 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 from 55 / 85 / 115 / 145 / 175.', 'Bonus AD ratio increased to100%bonusADfrom90%.', "Removed:Damage no longer scales with8% of target'smissinghealth.", "New Effect:Damage is now increased by0% − 100% (based on target'smissinghealth), up to a maximum of 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 / 300(+ 200%bonusAD).", 'GeneralUpdated mixing and mastering for current SFX.', 'Updated mixing and mastering for current SFX.', 'Playmaker Lee SinBug Fix:Shields and bindings on his model are now appropriately sized.', 'Bug Fix:Shields and bindings on his model are now appropriately sized.', 'SafeguardCooldown reduced to 12 seconds from 14.', 'Cooldown reduced to 12 seconds from 14.', 'TempestBase damage increased to 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 from 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 / 210.', 'Base damage increased to 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 from 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 / 210.', 'FlurryEnergy restored on first hit increased to20 / 30 / 40 (based on level)from20 / 25 / 30 (based on level).Energy restored on second hit increased to10 / 15 / 20 (based on level)from10 / 12.5/ 15 (based on level).', 'Energy restored on first hit increased to20 / 30 / 40 (based on level)from20 / 25 / 30 (based on level).', 'Energy restored on second hit increased to10 / 15 / 20 (based on level)from10 / 12.5/ 15 (based on level).', 'Sonic WaveNew Effect:Timer displays on icon, showing second cast availability.New Effect:Cooldown reduction now also applies for the duration of the reactivation time.', 'New Effect:Timer displays on icon, showing second cast availability.', 'New Effect:Cooldown reduction now also applies for the duration of the reactivation time.', 'SafeguardNew Effect:Timer displays on icon, showing second cast availability.New Effect:Cooldown reduction now also applies for the duration of the reactivation time.', 'New Effect:Timer displays on icon, showing second cast availability.', 'New Effect:Cooldown reduction now also applies for the duration of the reactivation time.', 'TempestNew Effect:Timer displays on icon, showing second cast availability.New Effect:Cooldown reduction now also applies for the duration of the reactivation time.', 'New Effect:Timer displays on icon, showing second cast availability.', 'New Effect:Cooldown reduction now also applies for the duration of the reactivation time.', 'FlurryEnergy restored on first hit increased to20 / 25 / 30 (based on level)from 20 at all levels.Energy restored on second hit increased to10 / 12.5/ 15 (based on level)from 10 at all levels.', 'Energy restored on first hit increased to20 / 25 / 30 (based on level)from 20 at all levels.', 'Energy restored on second hit increased to10 / 12.5/ 15 (based on level)from 10 at all levels.', 'Resonating StrikeRange increased to 1200 from 1100.', 'Range increased to 1200 from 1100.', "Dragon's RageBase damage increased to 150 / 375 / 600 from 150 / 300 / 450.", 'Base damage increased to 150 / 375 / 600 from 150 / 300 / 450.', 'StatsBase health regeneration increased to 7.5from 7.426.', 'Base health regeneration increased to 7.5from 7.426.', "Dragon's RageNew Effect:Now draws nearby minion aggro when targeting an enemy champion.", 'New Effect:Now draws nearby minion aggro when targeting an enemy champion.', 'SafeguardBug Fix:Fixed a bug where it being cast on a champion withSummon Aerywould cause Aery would jump to the caster of that ability.', 'Bug Fix:Fixed a bug where it being cast on a champion withSummon Aerywould cause Aery would jump to the caster of that ability.', 'StatsBase attack damage increased to 69 from 61.176.Base armor increased to 33 from 24.216.', 'Base attack damage increased to 69 from 61.176.', 'Base armor increased to 33 from 24.216.', 'Sonic Wave/Resonating StrikeBase damage increased to 55 / 85 / 115 / 145 / 175 from 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170.', 'Base damage increased to 55 / 85 / 115 / 145 / 175 from 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170.', 'TempestBase damage increased to 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 / 210 from 60 / 95 / 130 / 165 / 200.', 'Base damage increased to 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 / 210 from 60 / 95 / 130 / 165 / 200.', "Dragon Fist Lee SinDragon's RageBug Fix:No longer losesGargoyle Stoneplate'sactive overlay VFX whenDragon's Rageis in use.", "Dragon's RageBug Fix:No longer losesGargoyle Stoneplate'sactive overlay VFX whenDragon's Rageis in use.", "Bug Fix:No longer losesGargoyle Stoneplate'sactive overlay VFX whenDragon's Rageis in use.", 'God Fist Lee SinBug Fix:Death shadow no longer persists.', 'Bug Fix:Death shadow no longer persists.', 'SafeguardBase shield strength changed to 55 / 105 / 165 / 220 / 275 from 40 / 100 / 160 / 220 / 280.', 'Base shield strength changed to 55 / 105 / 165 / 220 / 275 from 40 / 100 / 160 / 220 / 280.', 'Resonating StrikeChanged several interactions where it overwrotes any spell queuing commands, instead forcing the caster to immediately begin basic-attacking once the ability completed.', 'Changed several interactions where it overwrotes any spell queuing commands, instead forcing the caster to immediately begin basic-attacking once the ability completed.', 'GeneralAdjusted splash artwork forDragon Fist Lee Sin.', 'Adjusted splash artwork forDragon Fist Lee Sin.', "SafeguardNew Effect:Cast can now be buffered when placing wards, allowingLee Sinto quickly place and hop to wards on high-latency environments.Removed:No longer works with the Quick + Selfcast setting. We're looking into restoring this functionality in a later patch.", 'New Effect:Cast can now be buffered when placing wards, allowingLee Sinto quickly place and hop to wards on high-latency environments.', "Removed:No longer works with the Quick + Selfcast setting. We're looking into restoring this functionality in a later patch.", "Dragon Fist Lee SinBack design of his shirt changed to yellow from red.Dragon's RageNew Effect:Shirt changes to yellow when castingDragon's Rage.", 'Back design of his shirt changed to yellow from red.', "Dragon's RageNew Effect:Shirt changes to yellow when castingDragon's Rage.", "New Effect:Shirt changes to yellow when castingDragon's Rage.", 'StatsBase movement speed reduced to 345 from 350.', 'Base movement speed reduced to 345 from 350.', "Dragon's RageCooldown increased to 110 / 85 / 60 seconds from 90 / 75 / 60.", 'Cooldown increased to 110 / 85 / 60 seconds from 90 / 75 / 60.', 'TempestNo longer reveals invisible targets.Now only reveals targets damaged byTempest(no longer reveals nearby allies of damaged targets).', 'No longer reveals invisible targets.', 'Now only reveals targets damaged byTempest(no longer reveals nearby allies of damaged targets).', "Dragon's RageBase damage reduced to 150 / 300 / 450 from 200 / 400 / 600.", 'Base damage reduced to 150 / 300 / 450 from 200 / 400 / 600.', 'Resonating StrikeBug Fix:Resonating StrikeandSafeguardonce again dropLee Sindirectly on top of his target.', 'Bug Fix:Resonating StrikeandSafeguardonce again dropLee Sindirectly on top of his target.', 'Resonating StrikeBug Fix:Resonating StrikeandSafeguardno longer cause him to dash directly on top of his target.', 'Bug Fix:Resonating StrikeandSafeguardno longer cause him to dash directly on top of his target.', "Sonic WaveBug Fix:WhenSonic Wavetarget dies beforeLee Sincan castResonating Strike, it now cancelsResonating Strike's3-second cast window instantly rather than waiting out the remainder of the duration.", "Bug Fix:WhenSonic Wavetarget dies beforeLee Sincan castResonating Strike, it now cancelsResonating Strike's3-second cast window instantly rather than waiting out the remainder of the duration.", 'Iron WillSustain values increased to 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30% from 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25%.', 'Sustain values increased to 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30% from 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25%.', 'Resonating StrikeBug Fix:Fixed a bug whereResonating Strikedealt no damage if cast while dashing viaSafeguard.', 'Bug Fix:Fixed a bug whereResonating Strikedealt no damage if cast while dashing viaSafeguard.', "Muay Thai Lee SinRemoved:Seam lines on model at 'Very Low' settings.", "Removed:Seam lines on model at 'Very Low' settings.", 'SafeguardBase shield strength increased to 40 / 100 / 160 / 220 / 280 from 40 / 80 / 120 / 160 / 200.', 'Base shield strength increased to 40 / 100 / 160 / 220 / 280 from 40 / 80 / 120 / 160 / 200.', 'GeneralSplash artwork forDragon Fist Lee Sinupdated to the Chinese art.', 'Splash artwork forDragon Fist Lee Sinupdated to the Chinese art.', 'GeneralSplash artwork forTraditional Lee SinandAcolyte Lee Sinupdated to the Chinese art.', 'Splash artwork forTraditional Lee SinandAcolyte Lee Sinupdated to the Chinese art.', 'FlurryPer-hit energy gain changed to 20 on first and 10 on second from 15 on both.', 'Per-hit energy gain changed to 20 on first and 10 on second from 15 on both.', "Dragon's RageNew Effect:Enemies hit by the target take(+ 12 / 15 / 18% of kicked target's bonus health)bonus physical damage.", "New Effect:Enemies hit by the target take(+ 12 / 15 / 18% of kicked target's bonus health)bonus physical damage.", 'StatsBase armor reduced to 24.216from 26.216.Base health regen reduced to 7.45from 9.45.', 'Base armor reduced to 24.216from 26.216.', 'Base health regen reduced to 7.45from 9.45.', 'GeneralNew splash artwork forOriginal Lee Sin.', 'New splash artwork forOriginal Lee Sin.', 'Sonic WaveBug Fix:True sight revealingStealth Wards under certain circumstances.', 'Bug Fix:True sight revealingStealth Wards under certain circumstances.', 'TempestBug Fix:True sight revealingStealth Wards under certain circumstances.', 'Bug Fix:True sight revealingStealth Wards under certain circumstances.', 'StatsBase health regen increased to 8.95from 6.95.', 'Base health regen increased to 8.95from 6.95.', 'SafeguardShield duration reduced to 2 seconds from 4.', 'Shield duration reduced to 2 seconds from 4.', 'CrippleRemoved:20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60% attack speed slow.', 'Removed:20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60% attack speed slow.', 'StatsBase armor increased to 20 from 16.', 'Base armor increased to 20 from 16.', 'SafeguardCooldown increased to 14 seconds from 9.New Effect:Cooldown is reduced by 50% if target is self or an allied champion.Shield duration reduced to 4 seconds from 5.Self shielding changed to allied champions only from all allied units (targeting unchanged).', 'Cooldown increased to 14 seconds from 9.', 'New Effect:Cooldown is reduced by 50% if target is self or an allied champion.', 'Shield duration reduced to 4 seconds from 5.', 'Self shielding changed to allied champions only from all allied units (targeting unchanged).', 'Iron WillBonus sustain duration reduced to 4 seconds from 5.', 'Bonus sustain duration reduced to 4 seconds from 5.', 'SafeguardAllied shielding changed to champions only from all allied units.', 'Allied shielding changed to champions only from all allied units.', 'SafeguardBug Fix:Tooltip incorrectly stating Lee Sin gains energy when shield is broken (removed inV1.0.0.118).', 'Bug Fix:Tooltip incorrectly stating Lee Sin gains energy when shield is broken (removed inV1.0.0.118).', 'Iron WillRemoved:Granting armor while active.Bonus sustain increased to 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25% from 5 / 9 / 13 / 17 / 21%.', 'Removed:Granting armor while active.', 'Bonus sustain increased to 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25% from 5 / 9 / 13 / 17 / 21%.', 'CrippleRange reduced to 600 from 800.Slow reduced to 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60% from 30 / 37.5/ 45 / 52.5/ 60%.', 'Range reduced to 600 from 800.', 'Slow reduced to 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60% from 30 / 37.5/ 45 / 52.5/ 60%.', 'StatsMovement speed increased to 350 from 325.', 'Movement speed increased to 350 from 325.', 'SafeguardCooldown increased to 9 seconds from 8.', 'Cooldown increased to 9 seconds from 8.', 'Iron WillBonus sustain reduced to 5 / 9 / 13 / 17 / 21% from 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25%.', 'Bonus sustain reduced to 5 / 9 / 13 / 17 / 21% from 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25%.', 'Sonic WaveBase damage increased to 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 from 45 / 75 / 105 / 135 / 165.', 'Base damage increased to 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 from 45 / 75 / 105 / 135 / 165.', 'FlurryBonus attack speed reduced to 40% from 50%.', 'Bonus attack speed reduced to 40% from 50%.', "Resonating StrikeBonus damage reduced to(+ 8% of target's missing healthfrom 10%.", "Bonus damage reduced to(+ 8% of target's missing healthfrom 10%.", 'Sonic WaveCooldown increased to 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 seconds from 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6.Bonus AD ratio reduced to90% Bonus ADfrom100%.', 'Cooldown increased to 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 seconds from 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6.', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to90% Bonus ADfrom100%.', 'SafeguardRange reduced to 700 from 750.', 'Range reduced to 700 from 750.', 'Resonating StrikePost-dash targeting changed to champions only from all enemy units.', 'Post-dash targeting changed to champions only from all enemy units.', 'Resonating StrikeNew Effect:Lee Sin will attempt to attack the target he dashed to.', 'New Effect:Lee Sin will attempt to attack the target he dashed to.', 'SafeguardNew Effect:Can target wards but they will be revealed for 2 seconds if so.', 'New Effect:Can target wards but they will be revealed for 2 seconds if so.', 'SafeguardRemoved:Targeting wards.', 'Removed:Targeting wards.', 'TempestBug Fix:Being able to be activated twice.', 'Bug Fix:Being able to be activated twice.', 'Sonic WaveEnergy cost reduced to 50 from 60', 'Energy cost reduced to 50 from 60', 'Resonating StrikeEnergy cost reduced to 30 from 40.', 'Energy cost reduced to 30 from 40.', 'SafeguardRemoved:Shield restoring energy when broken.Energy cost reduced to 50 from 60.', 'Removed:Shield restoring energy when broken.', 'Energy cost reduced to 50 from 60.', 'Iron WillEnergy cost reduced to 30 from 40.', 'Energy cost reduced to 30 from 40.', 'TempestRange increased to 450 from 400.Energy cost reduced to 50 from 60.', 'Range increased to 450 from 400.', 'Energy cost reduced to 50 from 60.', 'CrippleEnergy cost reduced to 30 from 40.', 'Energy cost reduced to 30 from 40.', 'Resonating StrikeBug Fix:Lee Sin following targets over indefinite distances.', 'Bug Fix:Lee Sin following targets over indefinite distances.', 'Sonic WaveBase damage reduced to 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 from 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180Projectile updated to match effect better.', 'Base damage reduced to 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 from 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180', 'Projectile updated to match effect better.', 'Resonating StrikeBase damage reduced to 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 from 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180.', 'Base damage reduced to 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 from 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180.', 'SafeguardRange increased to 750 from 700.', 'Range increased to 750 from 700.', 'Iron WillBonus sustain reduced to 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25% from 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30%.', 'Bonus sustain reduced to 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25% from 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30%.', 'FlurryPer-hit energy gain increased to 15 from 10.', 'Per-hit energy gain increased to 15 from 10.', 'Sonic WaveBonus AD ratio increased to100% Bonus ADfrom80%.', 'Bonus AD ratio increased to100% Bonus ADfrom80%.', 'Resonating StrikeBonus AD ratio increased to100% Bonus ADfrom80%.', 'Bonus AD ratio increased to100% Bonus ADfrom80%.', 'TempestBonus AD ratio increased to100% Bonus ADfrom60%.', 'Bonus AD ratio increased to100% Bonus ADfrom60%.', "Dragon's RageBonus AD ratio increased to200% Bonus ADfrom150%.", 'Bonus AD ratio increased to200% Bonus ADfrom150%.', 'Flurry(Innate)After Lee Sin uses an ability, his next 2 basic attacks gain 50% attack speed and return 10 energy each.', 'After Lee Sin uses an ability, his next 2 basic attacks gain 50% attack speed and return 10 energy each.', 'Sonic Wave(Q)Lee Sin projects a discordant wave of sound to locate his enemies, dealing physical damage to the first enemy it encounters. If Sonic Wave hits, Lee Sin can cast Resonating Strike for the next 3 seconds.Resonating Strike(second cast)Lee Sin dashes to the enemy hit by Sonic Wave, dealing physical damage plus 10% of their missing health.', 'Lee Sin projects a discordant wave of sound to locate his enemies, dealing physical damage to the first enemy it encounters. If Sonic Wave hits, Lee Sin can cast Resonating Strike for the next 3 seconds.', 'Resonating Strike(second cast)Lee Sin dashes to the enemy hit by Sonic Wave, dealing physical damage plus 10% of their missing health.', 'Lee Sin dashes to the enemy hit by Sonic Wave, dealing physical damage plus 10% of their missing health.', "Safeguard(W)Lee Sin rushes towards a target ally, shielding them both from damage. If a shield is broken, half the energy cost is returned. After using Safeguard, Lee Sin can cast Iron Will for the next 3 seconds.Iron Will(second cast)Lee Sin's intense training allows him to thrive in battle. For 5 seconds, Lee Sin gains life steal, spell vamp, and armor.", 'Lee Sin rushes towards a target ally, shielding them both from damage. If a shield is broken, half the energy cost is returned. After using Safeguard, Lee Sin can cast Iron Will for the next 3 seconds.', "Iron Will(second cast)Lee Sin's intense training allows him to thrive in battle. For 5 seconds, Lee Sin gains life steal, spell vamp, and armor.", "Lee Sin's intense training allows him to thrive in battle. For 5 seconds, Lee Sin gains life | Name: Safeguard, Description: Active: Lee Sin dashes to the target allied unit's location. If the ally is a champion upon arrival, both they and Lee Sin gain a shield for 2 seconds and Safeguard's cooldown is halved. Lee Sin can self-cast Safeguard to shield himself. Shield Strength: 50 / 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 (+ 80% AP) After Safeguard is cast, Lee Sin can cast Iron Will within the next 3 seconds. Iron Will and Cripple can be cast during the dash., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Safeguard Details', 'Iron Will Details', 'Lee Sincannot self-castSafeguardeven whilegroundedorrooted.', 'Safeguardcan be used on any targetable allied unit excludingstructures.This includeschampions,minions,wards, andchampion summoned units(e.g.Noxious Trap,Demacian Standard,Dark Passage).', 'This includeschampions,minions,wards, andchampion summoned units(e.g.Noxious Trap,Demacian Standard,Dark Passage).', 'If no unit is directly targeted,Safeguardwill search for wards in a 100 radius to target.This aidsLee Sinin performing the dash to a ward he just placed.', 'This aidsLee Sinin performing the dash to a ward he just placed.', 'Safeguardwill not grant itsshieldif the dash is interrupted.If the dash overrides or is overridden byResonating Strike, he will grant the shield immediately rather than on arrival.', 'If the dash overrides or is overridden byResonating Strike, he will grant the shield immediately rather than on arrival.', "IfSafeguard'sdash interrupts another dash,TempestandDragon's Ragecan be cast during it (both otherwise cannot be cast).", 'No additional details.', 'Hide', 'Tempest Details', 'Cripple Details', "Tempest'ssight reveal only reveals the affected targets, but visually also lights up the Fog of War in a 400 radius.", "Tempest'ssight reveal is not removed whenLee SincastsCripple(unlikeSonic Wave's).", 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', "Tempest'sreveal is not removed whenLee SincastsCripple.", 'Cripplecannot be cast without a marked target within 550 range.', 'The missilesLee Sinsends out are nowadays missing their visual effects.(bug)', 'Hide', 'Details', 'Appliesspell damageto the primary target andarea damageto secondary targets.', "Thespell indicatorfor this ability also displays the direction for the knock back relative toLee Sin'sposition.", 'If the target ofDragon Ragediesinitially on the first hit there will be no displacement of any kind.', "Thedisplacement'sdirection is decided at the moment of impact and not byLee Sinand his target's relative locations at the start of the cast (the only way forLee Sinto control where his target is displaced is by usingFlashbefore the cast time ofDragon's Rageends).", 'If theairbornedebuff is removed from the target, its ability to collide with enemies is removed aswell, even if the target has not come to a stop yet.(bug)The airborne debuff and with it collision of the target remains for the normal duration even if its trajectory isdisplacedby another source (i.e -Headbutt).The target may still collide with other enemies for the remaining airborne duration after they reach their destination, as the airborne debuff lasts longer than the displacement.', 'The airborne debuff and with it collision of the target remains for the normal duration even if its trajectory isdisplacedby another source (i.e -Headbutt).', 'The target may still collide with other enemies for the remaining airborne duration after they reach their destination, as the airborne debuff lasts longer than the displacement.', "The knockback distance is intended to be 800, but due to a bug, this is reduced by up-to the sum ofLee Sin'sand his target'sgameplay radius, depending on how far they are away from one another at the end of the cast time.", 'If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the cast time, this ability will cancel but does not go oncooldownnor pay its cost (if applicable).', 'StatsBase armor increased to 36 from 34.', 'Base armor increased to 36 from 34.', 'Iron WillLife steal and spell vamp changed to 10 / 14 / 18 / 22 / 26% from 5 / 10.5/ 16 / 21.5/ 27%.', 'Life steal and spell vamp changed to 10 / 14 / 18 / 22 / 26% from 5 / 10.5/ 16 / 21.5/ 27%.', 'TempestBase damage reduced to 35 / 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 from 35 / 65 / 95 / 125 / 155.', 'Base damage reduced to 35 / 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 from 35 / 65 / 95 / 125 / 155.', 'GeneralUpdated ability icons.', 'Updated ability icons.', 'Sonic WaveBonus AD ratio increased to115%bonusADfrom110%.', 'Bonus AD ratio increased to115%bonusADfrom110%.', 'Resonating StrikeBonus AD ratio increased to115%bonusADfrom110%.', 'Bonus AD ratio increased to115%bonusADfrom110%.', 'SafeguardBug Fix:Now properly self-casts if quick cast is enabled.', 'Bug Fix:Now properly self-casts if quick cast is enabled.', 'StatsBase attack damage reduced 66 from 68.Base armor reduced to 34 from 36.', 'Base attack damage reduced 66 from 68.', 'Base armor reduced to 34 from 36.', "Dragon's RageBug Fix:Knocked back target now properly knocks up allies they collide with at all times.", 'Bug Fix:Knocked back target now properly knocks up allies they collide with at all times.', "SafeguardBug Fix:Now properly grants the allied target champion a shield even after dashing intoBaron Nashor'shit box withResonating Strike.", "Bug Fix:Now properly grants the allied target champion a shield even after dashing intoBaron Nashor'shit box withResonating Strike.", 'Sonic WaveBonus AD ratio increased to110%bonusADfrom100%.', 'Bonus AD ratio increased to110%bonusADfrom100%.', 'Resonating StrikeBonus AD ratio increased to110%bonusADfrom100%.', 'Bonus AD ratio increased to110%bonusADfrom100%.', 'TempestBase damage reduced to 35 / 65 / 95 / 125 / 155 from 100 / 130 / 160 / 190 / 220.AD ratio increased to100%totalADfrom100%bonusAD.', 'Base damage reduced to 35 / 65 / 95 / 125 / 155 from 100 / 130 / 160 / 190 / 220.', 'AD ratio increased to100%totalADfrom100%bonusAD.', 'CrippleSlow increased to 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 / 80% from 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60%.', 'Slow increased to 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 / 80% from 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60%.', 'GeneralBug Fix:No longer displays debug text in his tooltips on the ability bar and death recap.', 'Bug Fix:No longer displays debug text in his tooltips on the ability bar and death recap.', 'StatsHealth growth increased to 105 from 99.', 'Health growth increased to 105 from 99.', 'Iron WillLife steal and spell vamp increased to 5 / 10.5/ 16 / 21.5/ 27% from 5 / 9.5/ 14 / 18.5/ 23%.', 'Life steal and spell vamp increased to 5 / 10.5/ 16 / 21.5/ 27% from 5 / 9.5/ 14 / 18.5/ 23%.', 'Resonating StrikeEnergy cost reduced to 25 from 30.', 'Energy cost reduced to 25 from 30.', 'Iron WillEnergy cost reduced to 25 from 30.', 'Energy cost reduced to 25 from 30.', 'CrippleEnergy cost reduced to 25 from 30.', 'Energy cost reduced to 25 from 30.', 'StatsBase attack damage increased to 68 from 66.', 'Base attack damage increased to 68 from 66.', 'Sonic WaveBase damage increased to 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155 from 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150.', 'Base damage increased to 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155 from 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150.', 'Resonating StrikeBase damage increased to 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155 from 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150.', 'Base damage increased to 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155 from 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150.', 'StatsBase health increased to 645 from 575.Health growth increased to 99 from 85.Armor growth increased to 4.9from 3.7.Magic resistance growth increased to 2.05from 1.25.', 'Base health increased to 645 from 575.', 'Health growth increased to 99 from 85.', 'Armor growth increased to 4.9from 3.7.', 'Magic resistance growth increased to 2.05from 1.25.', 'SafeguardBase shield reduced to 50 / 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 from 55 / 110 / 165 / 220 / 275.', 'Base shield reduced to 50 / 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 from 55 / 110 / 165 / 220 / 275.', 'Iron WillLife steal and spell vamp reduced to 5 / 9.5/ 14 / 18.5/ 23% from 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25%.', 'Life steal and spell vamp reduced to 5 / 9.5/ 14 / 18.5/ 23% from 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25%.', 'StatsBase attack damage reduced to 66 from 68.', 'Base attack damage reduced to 66 from 68.', 'Sonic WaveBase damage reduced to 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 from 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155.Bug Fix:Tooltip now displays the accurate damage values.', 'Base damage reduced to 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 from 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155.', 'Bug Fix:Tooltip now displays the accurate damage values.', 'Resonating StrikeBase damage reduced to 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 from 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155.', 'Base damage reduced to 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 from 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155.', 'FlurryBug Fix:Now properly takes effect even after usingResonating StrikeorCripplewhile winding up a basic attack.', 'Bug Fix:Now properly takes effect even after usingResonating StrikeorCripplewhile winding up a basic attack.', 'StatsBase attack damage reduced to 68 from 70.', 'Base attack damage reduced to 68 from 70.', 'Iron WillLife steal and spell vamp reduced to 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25% from 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30%.', 'Life steal and spell vamp reduced to 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25% from 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30%.', 'TempestBase damage reduced to 100 / 130 / 160 / 190 / 220 from 100 / 140 / 180 / 220 / 260.', 'Base damage reduced to 100 / 130 / 160 / 190 / 220 from 100 / 140 / 180 / 220 / 260.', 'TempestCooldown increased to 9 seconds from 8.', 'Cooldown increased to 9 seconds from 8.', 'TempestCooldown reduced to 8 seconds from 10.', 'Cooldown reduced to 8 seconds from 10.', 'Sonic WaveCooldown reduced to 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 seconds from 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 / 7.', 'Cooldown reduced to 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 seconds from 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 / 7.', 'StatsBase magic resistance reduced to 32 from 32.1.', 'Base magic resistance reduced to 32 from 32.1.', 'StatsBase armor increased to 36 from 33.', 'Base armor increased to 36 from 33.', 'SafeguardCooldown reduced to 12 seconds from 14.', 'Cooldown reduced to 12 seconds from 14.', 'TempestBase damage increased to 100 / 140 / 180 / 220 / 260 from 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240.', 'Base damage increased to 100 / 140 / 180 / 220 / 260 from 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240.', 'StatsAttack damage growth increased to 3.7from 3.2.', 'Attack damage growth increased to 3.7from 3.2.', 'SafeguardCooldown increased to 14 seconds from 12.', 'Cooldown increased to 14 seconds from 12.', 'SafeguardBug Fix:Now properly treats allied clones as champions and shields them properly when he dashes to one.', 'Bug Fix:Now properly treats allied clones as champions and shields them properly when he dashes to one.', "Dragon's RageBug Fix:Enemy-attached indicator is no longer visible through Fog of War.", 'Bug Fix:Enemy-attached indicator is no longer visible through Fog of War.', 'GeneralRecommended items updated.', 'Recommended items updated.', 'Resonating StrikeBug Fix:Now properly triggers rune stacks.', 'Bug Fix:Now properly triggers rune stacks.', 'CrippleBug Fix:Now properly triggers rune stacks.', 'Bug Fix:Now properly triggers rune stacks.', "Prestige Nightbringer Lee SinBug Fix:Minimized model's neck stretching during several animations (Idle1, Idle2, and Run).", "Bug Fix:Minimized model's neck stretching during several animations (Idle1, Idle2, and Run).", 'StatsBase health increased to 575 from 570.8.Base attack damage increased to 70 from 69.18.', 'Base health increased to 575 from 570.8.', 'Base attack damage increased to 70 from 69.18.', "Dragon's RageBase damage increased to 175 / 400 / 625 from 150 / 375 / 600.", 'Base damage increased to 175 / 400 / 625 from 150 / 375 / 600.', 'Resonating StrikeBug Fix:Dash speed is now at its proper speed.', 'Bug Fix:Dash speed is now at its proper speed.', 'Resonating StrikeBug Fix:Hitbox will no longer warp across the map when casting it.Undocumented:Lee Sin now dashes to the center of the target instead of slightly before it.', 'Bug Fix:Hitbox will no longer warp across the map when casting it.', 'Undocumented:Lee Sin now dashes to the center of the target instead of slightly before it.', 'Sonic WaveBase damage increased to 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155 from 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150.', 'Base damage increased to 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155 from 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150.', 'Resonating StrikeMinimum base damage increased to 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155 from 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150.', 'Minimum base damage increased to 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155 from 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150.', 'GeneralNew voice over.', 'New voice over.', 'GeneralBasic attack and ability visual effects have been updated for base skin and all skins using base VFX.Non-VO audio has been updated for base skin and all skins using base SFX.', 'Basic attack and ability visual effects have been updated for base skin and all skins using base VFX.', 'Non-VO audio has been updated for base skin and all skins using base SFX.', 'Pool Party Lee SinResonating StrikeBug Fix:Marker has been updated.', 'Resonating StrikeBug Fix:Marker has been updated.', 'Bug Fix:Marker has been updated.', 'Knockout Lee SinSafeguardBug Fix:Shield VFX have been updated.', 'SafeguardBug Fix:Shield VFX have been updated.', 'Bug Fix:Shield VFX have been updated.', 'God Fist Lee SinTempestBug Fix:VFX more clearly indicate the hitbox.', 'TempestBug Fix:VFX more clearly indicate the hitbox.', 'Bug Fix:VFX more clearly indicate the hitbox.', "GeneralUpdated store assets forDragon Fist Lee Sin'schroma set.", "Updated store assets forDragon Fist Lee Sin'schroma set.", 'Sonic WaveBase damage reduced to 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 from 55 / 85 / 115 / 145 / 175.Bonus AD ratio increased to100%bonusADfrom90%.', 'Base damage reduced to 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 from 55 / 85 / 115 / 145 / 175.', 'Bonus AD ratio increased to100%bonusADfrom90%.', "Resonating StrikeBase damage reduced to 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 from 55 / 85 / 115 / 145 / 175.Bonus AD ratio increased to100%bonusADfrom90%.Removed:Damage no longer scales with8% of target'smissinghealth.New Effect:Damage is now increased by0% − 100% (based on target'smissinghealth), up to a maximum of 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 / 300(+ 200%bonusAD).", 'Base damage reduced to 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 from 55 / 85 / 115 / 145 / 175.', 'Bonus AD ratio increased to100%bonusADfrom90%.', "Removed:Damage no longer scales with8% of target'smissinghealth.", "New Effect:Damage is now increased by0% − 100% (based on target'smissinghealth), up to a maximum of 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 / 300(+ 200%bonusAD).", 'GeneralUpdated mixing and mastering for current SFX.', 'Updated mixing and mastering for current SFX.', 'Playmaker Lee SinBug Fix:Shields and bindings on his model are now appropriately sized.', 'Bug Fix:Shields and bindings on his model are now appropriately sized.', 'SafeguardCooldown reduced to 12 seconds from 14.', 'Cooldown reduced to 12 seconds from 14.', 'TempestBase damage increased to 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 from 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 / 210.', 'Base damage increased to 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 from 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 / 210.', 'FlurryEnergy restored on first hit increased to20 / 30 / 40 (based on level)from20 / 25 / 30 (based on level).Energy restored on second hit increased to10 / 15 / 20 (based on level)from10 / 12.5/ 15 (based on level).', 'Energy restored on first hit increased to20 / 30 / 40 (based on level)from20 / 25 / 30 (based on level).', 'Energy restored on second hit increased to10 / 15 / 20 (based on level)from10 / 12.5/ 15 (based on level).', 'Sonic WaveNew Effect:Timer displays on icon, showing second cast availability.New Effect:Cooldown reduction now also applies for the duration of the reactivation time.', 'New Effect:Timer displays on icon, showing second cast availability.', 'New Effect:Cooldown reduction now also applies for the duration of the reactivation time.', 'SafeguardNew Effect:Timer displays on icon, showing second cast availability.New Effect:Cooldown reduction now also applies for the duration of the reactivation time.', 'New Effect:Timer displays on icon, showing second cast availability.', 'New Effect:Cooldown reduction now also applies for the duration of the reactivation time.', 'TempestNew Effect:Timer displays on icon, showing second cast availability.New Effect:Cooldown reduction now also applies for the duration of the reactivation time.', 'New Effect:Timer displays on icon, showing second cast availability.', 'New Effect:Cooldown reduction now also applies for the duration of the reactivation time.', 'FlurryEnergy restored on first hit increased to20 / 25 / 30 (based on level)from 20 at all levels.Energy restored on second hit increased to10 / 12.5/ 15 (based on level)from 10 at all levels.', 'Energy restored on first hit increased to20 / 25 / 30 (based on level)from 20 at all levels.', 'Energy restored on second hit increased to10 / 12.5/ 15 (based on level)from 10 at all levels.', 'Resonating StrikeRange increased to 1200 from 1100.', 'Range increased to 1200 from 1100.', "Dragon's RageBase damage increased to 150 / 375 / 600 from 150 / 300 / 450.", 'Base damage increased to 150 / 375 / 600 from 150 / 300 / 450.', 'StatsBase health regeneration increased to 7.5from 7.426.', 'Base health regeneration increased to 7.5from 7.426.', "Dragon's RageNew Effect:Now draws nearby minion aggro when targeting an enemy champion.", 'New Effect:Now draws nearby minion aggro when targeting an enemy champion.', 'SafeguardBug Fix:Fixed a bug where it being cast on a champion withSummon Aerywould cause Aery would jump to the caster of that ability.', 'Bug Fix:Fixed a bug where it being cast on a champion withSummon Aerywould cause Aery would jump to the caster of that ability.', 'StatsBase attack damage increased to 69 from 61.176.Base armor increased to 33 from 24.216.', 'Base attack damage increased to 69 from 61.176.', 'Base armor increased to 33 from 24.216.', 'Sonic Wave/Resonating StrikeBase damage increased to 55 / 85 / 115 / 145 / 175 from 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170.', 'Base damage increased to 55 / 85 / 115 / 145 / 175 from 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170.', 'TempestBase damage increased to 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 / 210 from 60 / 95 / 130 / 165 / 200.', 'Base damage increased to 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 / 210 from 60 / 95 / 130 / 165 / 200.', "Dragon Fist Lee SinDragon's RageBug Fix:No longer losesGargoyle Stoneplate'sactive overlay VFX whenDragon's Rageis in use.", "Dragon's RageBug Fix:No longer losesGargoyle Stoneplate'sactive overlay VFX whenDragon's Rageis in use.", "Bug Fix:No longer losesGargoyle Stoneplate'sactive overlay VFX whenDragon's Rageis in use.", 'God Fist Lee SinBug Fix:Death shadow no longer persists.', 'Bug Fix:Death shadow no longer persists.', 'SafeguardBase shield strength changed to 55 / 105 / 165 / 220 / 275 from 40 / 100 / 160 / 220 / 280.', 'Base shield strength changed to 55 / 105 / 165 / 220 / 275 from 40 / 100 / 160 / 220 / 280.', 'Resonating StrikeChanged several interactions where it overwrotes any spell queuing commands, instead forcing the caster to immediately begin basic-attacking once the ability completed.', 'Changed several interactions where it overwrotes any spell queuing commands, instead forcing the caster to immediately begin basic-attacking once the ability completed.', 'GeneralAdjusted splash artwork forDragon Fist Lee Sin.', 'Adjusted splash artwork forDragon Fist Lee Sin.', "SafeguardNew Effect:Cast can now be buffered when placing wards, allowingLee Sinto quickly place and hop to wards on high-latency environments.Removed:No longer works with the Quick + Selfcast setting. We're looking into restoring this functionality in a later patch.", 'New Effect:Cast can now be buffered when placing wards, allowingLee Sinto quickly place and hop to wards on high-latency environments.', "Removed:No longer works with the Quick + Selfcast setting. We're looking into restoring this functionality in a later patch.", "Dragon Fist Lee SinBack design of his shirt changed to yellow from red.Dragon's RageNew Effect:Shirt changes to yellow when castingDragon's Rage.", 'Back design of his shirt changed to yellow from red.', "Dragon's RageNew Effect:Shirt changes to yellow when castingDragon's Rage.", "New Effect:Shirt changes to yellow when castingDragon's Rage.", 'StatsBase movement speed reduced to 345 from 350.', 'Base movement speed reduced to 345 from 350.', "Dragon's RageCooldown increased to 110 / 85 / 60 seconds from 90 / 75 / 60.", 'Cooldown increased to 110 / 85 / 60 seconds from 90 / 75 / 60.', 'TempestNo longer reveals invisible targets.Now only reveals targets damaged byTempest(no longer reveals nearby allies of damaged targets).', 'No longer reveals invisible targets.', 'Now only reveals targets damaged byTempest(no longer reveals nearby allies of damaged targets).', "Dragon's RageBase damage reduced to 150 / 300 / 450 from 200 / 400 / 600.", 'Base damage reduced to 150 / 300 / 450 from 200 / 400 / 600.', 'Resonating StrikeBug Fix:Resonating StrikeandSafeguardonce again dropLee Sindirectly on top of his target.', 'Bug Fix:Resonating StrikeandSafeguardonce again dropLee Sindirectly on top of his target.', 'Resonating StrikeBug Fix:Resonating StrikeandSafeguardno longer cause him to dash directly on top of his target.', 'Bug Fix:Resonating StrikeandSafeguardno longer cause him to dash directly on top of his target.', "Sonic WaveBug Fix:WhenSonic Wavetarget dies beforeLee Sincan castResonating Strike, it now cancelsResonating Strike's3-second cast window instantly rather than waiting out the remainder of the duration.", "Bug Fix:WhenSonic Wavetarget dies beforeLee Sincan castResonating Strike, it now cancelsResonating Strike's3-second cast window instantly rather than waiting out the remainder of the duration.", 'Iron WillSustain values increased to 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30% from 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25%.', 'Sustain values increased to 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30% from 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25%.', 'Resonating StrikeBug Fix:Fixed a bug whereResonating Strikedealt no damage if cast while dashing viaSafeguard.', 'Bug Fix:Fixed a bug whereResonating Strikedealt no damage if cast while dashing viaSafeguard.', "Muay Thai Lee SinRemoved:Seam lines on model at 'Very Low' settings.", "Removed:Seam lines on model at 'Very Low' settings.", 'SafeguardBase shield strength increased to 40 / 100 / 160 / 220 / 280 from 40 / 80 / 120 / 160 / 200.', 'Base shield strength increased to 40 / 100 / 160 / 220 / 280 from 40 / 80 / 120 / 160 / 200.', 'GeneralSplash artwork forDragon Fist Lee Sinupdated to the Chinese art.', 'Splash artwork forDragon Fist Lee Sinupdated to the Chinese art.', 'GeneralSplash artwork forTraditional Lee SinandAcolyte Lee Sinupdated to the Chinese art.', 'Splash artwork forTraditional Lee SinandAcolyte Lee Sinupdated to the Chinese art.', 'FlurryPer-hit energy gain changed to 20 on first and 10 on second from 15 on both.', 'Per-hit energy gain changed to 20 on first and 10 on second from 15 on both.', "Dragon's RageNew Effect:Enemies hit by the target take(+ 12 / 15 / 18% of kicked target's bonus health)bonus physical damage.", "New Effect:Enemies hit by the target take(+ 12 / 15 / 18% of kicked target's bonus health)bonus physical damage.", 'StatsBase armor reduced to 24.216from 26.216.Base health regen reduced to 7.45from 9.45.', 'Base armor reduced to 24.216from 26.216.', 'Base health regen reduced to 7.45from 9.45.', 'GeneralNew splash artwork forOriginal Lee Sin.', 'New splash artwork forOriginal Lee Sin.', 'Sonic WaveBug Fix:True sight revealingStealth Wards under certain circumstances.', 'Bug Fix:True sight revealingStealth Wards under certain circumstances.', 'TempestBug Fix:True sight revealingStealth Wards under certain circumstances.', 'Bug Fix:True sight revealingStealth Wards under certain circumstances.', 'StatsBase health regen increased to 8.95from 6.95.', 'Base health regen increased to 8.95from 6.95.', 'SafeguardShield duration reduced to 2 seconds from 4.', 'Shield duration reduced to 2 seconds from 4.', 'CrippleRemoved:20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60% attack speed slow.', 'Removed:20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60% attack speed slow.', 'StatsBase armor increased to 20 from 16.', 'Base armor increased to 20 from 16.', 'SafeguardCooldown increased to 14 seconds from 9.New Effect:Cooldown is reduced by 50% if target is self or an allied champion.Shield duration reduced to 4 seconds from 5.Self shielding changed to allied champions only from all allied units (targeting unchanged).', 'Cooldown increased to 14 seconds from 9.', 'New Effect:Cooldown is reduced by 50% if target is self or an allied champion.', 'Shield duration reduced to 4 seconds from 5.', 'Self shielding changed to allied champions only from all allied units (targeting unchanged).', 'Iron WillBonus sustain duration reduced to 4 seconds from 5.', 'Bonus sustain duration reduced to 4 seconds from 5.', 'SafeguardAllied shielding changed to champions only from all allied units.', 'Allied shielding changed to champions only from all allied units.', 'SafeguardBug Fix:Tooltip incorrectly stating Lee Sin gains energy when shield is broken (removed inV1.0.0.118).', 'Bug Fix:Tooltip incorrectly stating Lee Sin gains energy when shield is broken (removed inV1.0.0.118).', 'Iron WillRemoved:Granting armor while active.Bonus sustain increased to 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25% from 5 / 9 / 13 / 17 / 21%.', 'Removed:Granting armor while active.', 'Bonus sustain increased to 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25% from 5 / 9 / 13 / 17 / 21%.', 'CrippleRange reduced to 600 from 800.Slow reduced to 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60% from 30 / 37.5/ 45 / 52.5/ 60%.', 'Range reduced to 600 from 800.', 'Slow reduced to 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60% from 30 / 37.5/ 45 / 52.5/ 60%.', 'StatsMovement speed increased to 350 from 325.', 'Movement speed increased to 350 from 325.', 'SafeguardCooldown increased to 9 seconds from 8.', 'Cooldown increased to 9 seconds from 8.', 'Iron WillBonus sustain reduced to 5 / 9 / 13 / 17 / 21% from 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25%.', 'Bonus sustain reduced to 5 / 9 / 13 / 17 / 21% from 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25%.', 'Sonic WaveBase damage increased to 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 from 45 / 75 / 105 / 135 / 165.', 'Base damage increased to 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 from 45 / 75 / 105 / 135 / 165.', 'FlurryBonus attack speed reduced to 40% from 50%.', 'Bonus attack speed reduced to 40% from 50%.', "Resonating StrikeBonus damage reduced to(+ 8% of target's missing healthfrom 10%.", "Bonus damage reduced to(+ 8% of target's missing healthfrom 10%.", 'Sonic WaveCooldown increased to 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 seconds from 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6.Bonus AD ratio reduced to90% Bonus ADfrom100%.', 'Cooldown increased to 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 seconds from 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6.', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to90% Bonus ADfrom100%.', 'SafeguardRange reduced to 700 from 750.', 'Range reduced to 700 from 750.', 'Resonating StrikePost-dash targeting changed to champions only from all enemy units.', 'Post-dash targeting changed to champions only from all enemy units.', 'Resonating StrikeNew Effect:Lee Sin will attempt to attack the target he dashed to.', 'New Effect:Lee Sin will attempt to attack the target he dashed to.', 'SafeguardNew Effect:Can target wards but they will be revealed for 2 seconds if so.', 'New Effect:Can target wards but they will be revealed for 2 seconds if so.', 'SafeguardRemoved:Targeting wards.', 'Removed:Targeting wards.', 'TempestBug Fix:Being able to be activated twice.', 'Bug Fix:Being able to be activated twice.', 'Sonic WaveEnergy cost reduced to 50 from 60', 'Energy cost reduced to 50 from 60', 'Resonating StrikeEnergy cost reduced to 30 from 40.', 'Energy cost reduced to 30 from 40.', 'SafeguardRemoved:Shield restoring energy when broken.Energy cost reduced to 50 from 60.', 'Removed:Shield restoring energy when broken.', 'Energy cost reduced to 50 from 60.', 'Iron WillEnergy cost reduced to 30 from 40.', 'Energy cost reduced to 30 from 40.', 'TempestRange increased to 450 from 400.Energy cost reduced to 50 from 60.', 'Range increased to 450 from 400.', 'Energy cost reduced to 50 from 60.', 'CrippleEnergy cost reduced to 30 from 40.', 'Energy cost reduced to 30 from 40.', 'Resonating StrikeBug Fix:Lee Sin following targets over indefinite distances.', 'Bug Fix:Lee Sin following targets over indefinite distances.', 'Sonic WaveBase damage reduced to 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 from 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180Projectile updated to match effect better.', 'Base damage reduced to 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 from 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180', 'Projectile updated to match effect better.', 'Resonating StrikeBase damage reduced to 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 from 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180.', 'Base damage reduced to 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 from 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180.', 'SafeguardRange increased to 750 from 700.', 'Range increased to 750 from 700.', 'Iron WillBonus sustain reduced to 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25% from 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30%.', 'Bonus sustain reduced to 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25% from 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30%.', 'FlurryPer-hit energy gain increased to 15 from 10.', 'Per-hit energy gain increased to 15 from 10.', 'Sonic WaveBonus AD ratio increased to100% Bonus ADfrom80%.', 'Bonus AD ratio increased to100% Bonus ADfrom80%.', 'Resonating StrikeBonus AD ratio increased to100% Bonus ADfrom80%.', 'Bonus AD ratio increased to100% Bonus ADfrom80%.', 'TempestBonus AD ratio increased to100% Bonus ADfrom60%.', 'Bonus AD ratio increased to100% Bonus ADfrom60%.', "Dragon's RageBonus AD ratio increased to200% Bonus ADfrom150%.", 'Bonus AD ratio increased to200% Bonus ADfrom150%.', 'Flurry(Innate)After Lee Sin uses an ability, his next 2 basic attacks gain 50% attack speed and return 10 energy each.', 'After Lee Sin uses an ability, his next 2 basic attacks gain 50% attack speed and return 10 energy each.', 'Sonic Wave(Q)Lee Sin projects a discordant wave of sound to locate his enemies, dealing physical damage to the first enemy it encounters. If Sonic Wave hits, Lee Sin can cast Resonating Strike for the next 3 seconds.Resonating Strike(second cast)Lee Sin dashes to the enemy hit by Sonic Wave, dealing physical damage plus 10% of their missing health.', 'Lee Sin projects a discordant wave of sound to locate his enemies, dealing physical damage to the first enemy it encounters. If Sonic Wave hits, Lee Sin can cast Resonating Strike for the next 3 seconds.', 'Resonating Strike(second cast)Lee Sin dashes to the enemy hit by Sonic Wave, dealing physical damage plus 10% of their missing health.', 'Lee Sin dashes to the enemy hit by Sonic Wave, dealing physical damage plus 10% of their missing health.', "Safeguard(W)Lee Sin rushes towards a target ally, shielding them both from damage. If a shield is broken, half the energy cost is returned. After using Safeguard, Lee Sin can cast Iron Will for the next 3 seconds.Iron Will(second cast)Lee Sin's intense training allows him to thrive in battle. For 5 seconds, Lee Sin gains life steal, spell vamp, and armor.", 'Lee Sin rushes towards a target ally, shielding them both from damage. If a shield is broken, half the energy cost is returned. After using Safeguard, Lee Sin can cast Iron Will for the next 3 seconds.', "Iron Will(second cast)Lee Sin's intense training allows him to thrive in battle. For 5 seconds, Lee Sin gains life steal, spell vamp, and armor.", "Lee Sin's intense training allows him to thrive in battle. For 5 seconds, Lee Sin gains life steal, spell vamp, and armor.", 'Tempest(E)Lee Sin smashes the ground sending out a shockwave that deals magic damage and reveals enemy units hit. If Tempest hits an enemy, Lee Sin can cast Cripple for the next 3 seconds.Cripple(second cast)Lee Sin cripples nearby enemies revealed by Tempest, reducing their movement and attack speed for 4 seconds. Movement and attack speed recover gradually over the duration.', 'Lee Sin smashes the ground sending out a shockwave that deals magic damage and reveals enemy units hit. If Tempest hits an enemy, Lee Sin can cast Cripple for the next 3 seconds.', 'Cripple(second cast)Lee Sin cripples nearby enemies revealed by Tempest, reducing their movement and attack speed for 4 seconds. Movement and attack speed recover gradually over the duration.', 'Lee Sin cripples nearby enemies revealed by Tempest, reducing their movement and attack speed for 4 seconds. Movement and attack speed recover gradually over the duration.', "Dragon's Rage(Ultimate)Lee Sin performs a powerful roundhouse kick launching his target back, dealing physical damage to the target and any enemies they collide with. Enemies the target collides with are knocked into the air for a short duration.", 'Lee Sin performs a powerful roundhouse kick launching his target back, dealing physical damage to the target and any enemies they collide with. Enemies the tar | Name: Tempest, Description: Active: Lee Sin smashes the ground beneath him, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies, marking them for 4 seconds and, if they are not invisible when struck, revealing them for the same duration. Magic Damage: 35 / 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 (+ 100% AD) If Tempest hits an enemy, Lee Sin can cast Cripple within the next 3 seconds after a 0. 1 -second delay., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Tempest Details', 'Cripple Details', "Tempest'ssight reveal only reveals the affected targets, but visually also lights up the Fog of War in a 400 radius.", "Tempest'ssight reveal is not removed whenLee SincastsCripple(unlikeSonic Wave's).", 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', "Tempest'sreveal is not removed whenLee SincastsCripple.", 'Cripplecannot be cast without a marked target within 550 range.', 'The missilesLee Sinsends out are nowadays missing their visual effects.(bug)', 'Hide', 'Details', 'Appliesspell damageto the primary target andarea damageto secondary targets.', "Thespell indicatorfor this ability also displays the direction for the knock back relative toLee Sin'sposition.", 'If the target ofDragon Ragediesinitially on the first hit there will be no displacement of any kind.', "Thedisplacement'sdirection is decided at the moment of impact and not byLee Sinand his target's relative locations at the start of the cast (the only way forLee Sinto control where his target is displaced is by usingFlashbefore the cast time ofDragon's Rageends).", 'If theairbornedebuff is removed from the target, its ability to collide with enemies is removed aswell, even if the target has not come to a stop yet.(bug)The airborne debuff and with it collision of the target remains for the normal duration even if its trajectory isdisplacedby another source (i.e -Headbutt).The target may still collide with other enemies for the remaining airborne duration after they reach their destination, as the airborne debuff lasts longer than the displacement.', 'The airborne debuff and with it collision of the target remains for the normal duration even if its trajectory isdisplacedby another source (i.e -Headbutt).', 'The target may still collide with other enemies for the remaining airborne duration after they reach their destination, as the airborne debuff lasts longer than the displacement.', "The knockback distance is intended to be 800, but due to a bug, this is reduced by up-to the sum ofLee Sin'sand his target'sgameplay radius, depending on how far they are away from one another at the end of the cast time.", 'If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the cast time, this ability will cancel but does not go oncooldownnor pay its cost (if applicable).', 'StatsBase armor increased to 36 from 34.', 'Base armor increased to 36 from 34.', 'Iron WillLife steal and spell vamp changed to 10 / 14 / 18 / 22 / 26% from 5 / 10.5/ 16 / 21.5/ 27%.', 'Life steal and spell vamp changed to 10 / 14 / 18 / 22 / 26% from 5 / 10.5/ 16 / 21.5/ 27%.', 'TempestBase damage reduced to 35 / 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 from 35 / 65 / 95 / 125 / 155.', 'Base damage reduced to 35 / 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 from 35 / 65 / 95 / 125 / 155.', 'GeneralUpdated ability icons.', 'Updated ability icons.', 'Sonic WaveBonus AD ratio increased to115%bonusADfrom110%.', 'Bonus AD ratio increased to115%bonusADfrom110%.', 'Resonating StrikeBonus AD ratio increased to115%bonusADfrom110%.', 'Bonus AD ratio increased to115%bonusADfrom110%.', 'SafeguardBug Fix:Now properly self-casts if quick cast is enabled.', 'Bug Fix:Now properly self-casts if quick cast is enabled.', 'StatsBase attack damage reduced 66 from 68.Base armor reduced to 34 from 36.', 'Base attack damage reduced 66 from 68.', 'Base armor reduced to 34 from 36.', "Dragon's RageBug Fix:Knocked back target now properly knocks up allies they collide with at all times.", 'Bug Fix:Knocked back target now properly knocks up allies they collide with at all times.', "SafeguardBug Fix:Now properly grants the allied target champion a shield even after dashing intoBaron Nashor'shit box withResonating Strike.", "Bug Fix:Now properly grants the allied target champion a shield even after dashing intoBaron Nashor'shit box withResonating Strike.", 'Sonic WaveBonus AD ratio increased to110%bonusADfrom100%.', 'Bonus AD ratio increased to110%bonusADfrom100%.', 'Resonating StrikeBonus AD ratio increased to110%bonusADfrom100%.', 'Bonus AD ratio increased to110%bonusADfrom100%.', 'TempestBase damage reduced to 35 / 65 / 95 / 125 / 155 from 100 / 130 / 160 / 190 / 220.AD ratio increased to100%totalADfrom100%bonusAD.', 'Base damage reduced to 35 / 65 / 95 / 125 / 155 from 100 / 130 / 160 / 190 / 220.', 'AD ratio increased to100%totalADfrom100%bonusAD.', 'CrippleSlow increased to 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 / 80% from 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60%.', 'Slow increased to 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 / 80% from 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60%.', 'GeneralBug Fix:No longer displays debug text in his tooltips on the ability bar and death recap.', 'Bug Fix:No longer displays debug text in his tooltips on the ability bar and death recap.', 'StatsHealth growth increased to 105 from 99.', 'Health growth increased to 105 from 99.', 'Iron WillLife steal and spell vamp increased to 5 / 10.5/ 16 / 21.5/ 27% from 5 / 9.5/ 14 / 18.5/ 23%.', 'Life steal and spell vamp increased to 5 / 10.5/ 16 / 21.5/ 27% from 5 / 9.5/ 14 / 18.5/ 23%.', 'Resonating StrikeEnergy cost reduced to 25 from 30.', 'Energy cost reduced to 25 from 30.', 'Iron WillEnergy cost reduced to 25 from 30.', 'Energy cost reduced to 25 from 30.', 'CrippleEnergy cost reduced to 25 from 30.', 'Energy cost reduced to 25 from 30.', 'StatsBase attack damage increased to 68 from 66.', 'Base attack damage increased to 68 from 66.', 'Sonic WaveBase damage increased to 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155 from 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150.', 'Base damage increased to 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155 from 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150.', 'Resonating StrikeBase damage increased to 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155 from 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150.', 'Base damage increased to 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155 from 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150.', 'StatsBase health increased to 645 from 575.Health growth increased to 99 from 85.Armor growth increased to 4.9from 3.7.Magic resistance growth increased to 2.05from 1.25.', 'Base health increased to 645 from 575.', 'Health growth increased to 99 from 85.', 'Armor growth increased to 4.9from 3.7.', 'Magic resistance growth increased to 2.05from 1.25.', 'SafeguardBase shield reduced to 50 / 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 from 55 / 110 / 165 / 220 / 275.', 'Base shield reduced to 50 / 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 from 55 / 110 / 165 / 220 / 275.', 'Iron WillLife steal and spell vamp reduced to 5 / 9.5/ 14 / 18.5/ 23% from 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25%.', 'Life steal and spell vamp reduced to 5 / 9.5/ 14 / 18.5/ 23% from 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25%.', 'StatsBase attack damage reduced to 66 from 68.', 'Base attack damage reduced to 66 from 68.', 'Sonic WaveBase damage reduced to 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 from 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155.Bug Fix:Tooltip now displays the accurate damage values.', 'Base damage reduced to 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 from 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155.', 'Bug Fix:Tooltip now displays the accurate damage values.', 'Resonating StrikeBase damage reduced to 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 from 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155.', 'Base damage reduced to 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 from 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155.', 'FlurryBug Fix:Now properly takes effect even after usingResonating StrikeorCripplewhile winding up a basic attack.', 'Bug Fix:Now properly takes effect even after usingResonating StrikeorCripplewhile winding up a basic attack.', 'StatsBase attack damage reduced to 68 from 70.', 'Base attack damage reduced to 68 from 70.', 'Iron WillLife steal and spell vamp reduced to 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25% from 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30%.', 'Life steal and spell vamp reduced to 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25% from 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30%.', 'TempestBase damage reduced to 100 / 130 / 160 / 190 / 220 from 100 / 140 / 180 / 220 / 260.', 'Base damage reduced to 100 / 130 / 160 / 190 / 220 from 100 / 140 / 180 / 220 / 260.', 'TempestCooldown increased to 9 seconds from 8.', 'Cooldown increased to 9 seconds from 8.', 'TempestCooldown reduced to 8 seconds from 10.', 'Cooldown reduced to 8 seconds from 10.', 'Sonic WaveCooldown reduced to 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 seconds from 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 / 7.', 'Cooldown reduced to 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 seconds from 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 / 7.', 'StatsBase magic resistance reduced to 32 from 32.1.', 'Base magic resistance reduced to 32 from 32.1.', 'StatsBase armor increased to 36 from 33.', 'Base armor increased to 36 from 33.', 'SafeguardCooldown reduced to 12 seconds from 14.', 'Cooldown reduced to 12 seconds from 14.', 'TempestBase damage increased to 100 / 140 / 180 / 220 / 260 from 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240.', 'Base damage increased to 100 / 140 / 180 / 220 / 260 from 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240.', 'StatsAttack damage growth increased to 3.7from 3.2.', 'Attack damage growth increased to 3.7from 3.2.', 'SafeguardCooldown increased to 14 seconds from 12.', 'Cooldown increased to 14 seconds from 12.', 'SafeguardBug Fix:Now properly treats allied clones as champions and shields them properly when he dashes to one.', 'Bug Fix:Now properly treats allied clones as champions and shields them properly when he dashes to one.', "Dragon's RageBug Fix:Enemy-attached indicator is no longer visible through Fog of War.", 'Bug Fix:Enemy-attached indicator is no longer visible through Fog of War.', 'GeneralRecommended items updated.', 'Recommended items updated.', 'Resonating StrikeBug Fix:Now properly triggers rune stacks.', 'Bug Fix:Now properly triggers rune stacks.', 'CrippleBug Fix:Now properly triggers rune stacks.', 'Bug Fix:Now properly triggers rune stacks.', "Prestige Nightbringer Lee SinBug Fix:Minimized model's neck stretching during several animations (Idle1, Idle2, and Run).", "Bug Fix:Minimized model's neck stretching during several animations (Idle1, Idle2, and Run).", 'StatsBase health increased to 575 from 570.8.Base attack damage increased to 70 from 69.18.', 'Base health increased to 575 from 570.8.', 'Base attack damage increased to 70 from 69.18.', "Dragon's RageBase damage increased to 175 / 400 / 625 from 150 / 375 / 600.", 'Base damage increased to 175 / 400 / 625 from 150 / 375 / 600.', 'Resonating StrikeBug Fix:Dash speed is now at its proper speed.', 'Bug Fix:Dash speed is now at its proper speed.', 'Resonating StrikeBug Fix:Hitbox will no longer warp across the map when casting it.Undocumented:Lee Sin now dashes to the center of the target instead of slightly before it.', 'Bug Fix:Hitbox will no longer warp across the map when casting it.', 'Undocumented:Lee Sin now dashes to the center of the target instead of slightly before it.', 'Sonic WaveBase damage increased to 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155 from 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150.', 'Base damage increased to 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155 from 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150.', 'Resonating StrikeMinimum base damage increased to 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155 from 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150.', 'Minimum base damage increased to 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155 from 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150.', 'GeneralNew voice over.', 'New voice over.', 'GeneralBasic attack and ability visual effects have been updated for base skin and all skins using base VFX.Non-VO audio has been updated for base skin and all skins using base SFX.', 'Basic attack and ability visual effects have been updated for base skin and all skins using base VFX.', 'Non-VO audio has been updated for base skin and all skins using base SFX.', 'Pool Party Lee SinResonating StrikeBug Fix:Marker has been updated.', 'Resonating StrikeBug Fix:Marker has been updated.', 'Bug Fix:Marker has been updated.', 'Knockout Lee SinSafeguardBug Fix:Shield VFX have been updated.', 'SafeguardBug Fix:Shield VFX have been updated.', 'Bug Fix:Shield VFX have been updated.', 'God Fist Lee SinTempestBug Fix:VFX more clearly indicate the hitbox.', 'TempestBug Fix:VFX more clearly indicate the hitbox.', 'Bug Fix:VFX more clearly indicate the hitbox.', "GeneralUpdated store assets forDragon Fist Lee Sin'schroma set.", "Updated store assets forDragon Fist Lee Sin'schroma set.", 'Sonic WaveBase damage reduced to 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 from 55 / 85 / 115 / 145 / 175.Bonus AD ratio increased to100%bonusADfrom90%.', 'Base damage reduced to 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 from 55 / 85 / 115 / 145 / 175.', 'Bonus AD ratio increased to100%bonusADfrom90%.', "Resonating StrikeBase damage reduced to 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 from 55 / 85 / 115 / 145 / 175.Bonus AD ratio increased to100%bonusADfrom90%.Removed:Damage no longer scales with8% of target'smissinghealth.New Effect:Damage is now increased by0% − 100% (based on target'smissinghealth), up to a maximum of 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 / 300(+ 200%bonusAD).", 'Base damage reduced to 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 from 55 / 85 / 115 / 145 / 175.', 'Bonus AD ratio increased to100%bonusADfrom90%.', "Removed:Damage no longer scales with8% of target'smissinghealth.", "New Effect:Damage is now increased by0% − 100% (based on target'smissinghealth), up to a maximum of 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 / 300(+ 200%bonusAD).", 'GeneralUpdated mixing and mastering for current SFX.', 'Updated mixing and mastering for current SFX.', 'Playmaker Lee SinBug Fix:Shields and bindings on his model are now appropriately sized.', 'Bug Fix:Shields and bindings on his model are now appropriately sized.', 'SafeguardCooldown reduced to 12 seconds from 14.', 'Cooldown reduced to 12 seconds from 14.', 'TempestBase damage increased to 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 from 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 / 210.', 'Base damage increased to 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 from 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 / 210.', 'FlurryEnergy restored on first hit increased to20 / 30 / 40 (based on level)from20 / 25 / 30 (based on level).Energy restored on second hit increased to10 / 15 / 20 (based on level)from10 / 12.5/ 15 (based on level).', 'Energy restored on first hit increased to20 / 30 / 40 (based on level)from20 / 25 / 30 (based on level).', 'Energy restored on second hit increased to10 / 15 / 20 (based on level)from10 / 12.5/ 15 (based on level).', 'Sonic WaveNew Effect:Timer displays on icon, showing second cast availability.New Effect:Cooldown reduction now also applies for the duration of the reactivation time.', 'New Effect:Timer displays on icon, showing second cast availability.', 'New Effect:Cooldown reduction now also applies for the duration of the reactivation time.', 'SafeguardNew Effect:Timer displays on icon, showing second cast availability.New Effect:Cooldown reduction now also applies for the duration of the reactivation time.', 'New Effect:Timer displays on icon, showing second cast availability.', 'New Effect:Cooldown reduction now also applies for the duration of the reactivation time.', 'TempestNew Effect:Timer displays on icon, showing second cast availability.New Effect:Cooldown reduction now also applies for the duration of the reactivation time.', 'New Effect:Timer displays on icon, showing second cast availability.', 'New Effect:Cooldown reduction now also applies for the duration of the reactivation time.', 'FlurryEnergy restored on first hit increased to20 / 25 / 30 (based on level)from 20 at all levels.Energy restored on second hit increased to10 / 12.5/ 15 (based on level)from 10 at all levels.', 'Energy restored on first hit increased to20 / 25 / 30 (based on level)from 20 at all levels.', 'Energy restored on second hit increased to10 / 12.5/ 15 (based on level)from 10 at all levels.', 'Resonating StrikeRange increased to 1200 from 1100.', 'Range increased to 1200 from 1100.', "Dragon's RageBase damage increased to 150 / 375 / 600 from 150 / 300 / 450.", 'Base damage increased to 150 / 375 / 600 from 150 / 300 / 450.', 'StatsBase health regeneration increased to 7.5from 7.426.', 'Base health regeneration increased to 7.5from 7.426.', "Dragon's RageNew Effect:Now draws nearby minion aggro when targeting an enemy champion.", 'New Effect:Now draws nearby minion aggro when targeting an enemy champion.', 'SafeguardBug Fix:Fixed a bug where it being cast on a champion withSummon Aerywould cause Aery would jump to the caster of that ability.', 'Bug Fix:Fixed a bug where it being cast on a champion withSummon Aerywould cause Aery would jump to the caster of that ability.', 'StatsBase attack damage increased to 69 from 61.176.Base armor increased to 33 from 24.216.', 'Base attack damage increased to 69 from 61.176.', 'Base armor increased to 33 from 24.216.', 'Sonic Wave/Resonating StrikeBase damage increased to 55 / 85 / 115 / 145 / 175 from 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170.', 'Base damage increased to 55 / 85 / 115 / 145 / 175 from 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170.', 'TempestBase damage increased to 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 / 210 from 60 / 95 / 130 / 165 / 200.', 'Base damage increased to 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 / 210 from 60 / 95 / 130 / 165 / 200.', "Dragon Fist Lee SinDragon's RageBug Fix:No longer losesGargoyle Stoneplate'sactive overlay VFX whenDragon's Rageis in use.", "Dragon's RageBug Fix:No longer losesGargoyle Stoneplate'sactive overlay VFX whenDragon's Rageis in use.", "Bug Fix:No longer losesGargoyle Stoneplate'sactive overlay VFX whenDragon's Rageis in use.", 'God Fist Lee SinBug Fix:Death shadow no longer persists.', 'Bug Fix:Death shadow no longer persists.', 'SafeguardBase shield strength changed to 55 / 105 / 165 / 220 / 275 from 40 / 100 / 160 / 220 / 280.', 'Base shield strength changed to 55 / 105 / 165 / 220 / 275 from 40 / 100 / 160 / 220 / 280.', 'Resonating StrikeChanged several interactions where it overwrotes any spell queuing commands, instead forcing the caster to immediately begin basic-attacking once the ability completed.', 'Changed several interactions where it overwrotes any spell queuing commands, instead forcing the caster to immediately begin basic-attacking once the ability completed.', 'GeneralAdjusted splash artwork forDragon Fist Lee Sin.', 'Adjusted splash artwork forDragon Fist Lee Sin.', "SafeguardNew Effect:Cast can now be buffered when placing wards, allowingLee Sinto quickly place and hop to wards on high-latency environments.Removed:No longer works with the Quick + Selfcast setting. We're looking into restoring this functionality in a later patch.", 'New Effect:Cast can now be buffered when placing wards, allowingLee Sinto quickly place and hop to wards on high-latency environments.', "Removed:No longer works with the Quick + Selfcast setting. We're looking into restoring this functionality in a later patch.", "Dragon Fist Lee SinBack design of his shirt changed to yellow from red.Dragon's RageNew Effect:Shirt changes to yellow when castingDragon's Rage.", 'Back design of his shirt changed to yellow from red.', "Dragon's RageNew Effect:Shirt changes to yellow when castingDragon's Rage.", "New Effect:Shirt changes to yellow when castingDragon's Rage.", 'StatsBase movement speed reduced to 345 from 350.', 'Base movement speed reduced to 345 from 350.', "Dragon's RageCooldown increased to 110 / 85 / 60 seconds from 90 / 75 / 60.", 'Cooldown increased to 110 / 85 / 60 seconds from 90 / 75 / 60.', 'TempestNo longer reveals invisible targets.Now only reveals targets damaged byTempest(no longer reveals nearby allies of damaged targets).', 'No longer reveals invisible targets.', 'Now only reveals targets damaged byTempest(no longer reveals nearby allies of damaged targets).', "Dragon's RageBase damage reduced to 150 / 300 / 450 from 200 / 400 / 600.", 'Base damage reduced to 150 / 300 / 450 from 200 / 400 / 600.', 'Resonating StrikeBug Fix:Resonating StrikeandSafeguardonce again dropLee Sindirectly on top of his target.', 'Bug Fix:Resonating StrikeandSafeguardonce again dropLee Sindirectly on top of his target.', 'Resonating StrikeBug Fix:Resonating StrikeandSafeguardno longer cause him to dash directly on top of his target.', 'Bug Fix:Resonating StrikeandSafeguardno longer cause him to dash directly on top of his target.', "Sonic WaveBug Fix:WhenSonic Wavetarget dies beforeLee Sincan castResonating Strike, it now cancelsResonating Strike's3-second cast window instantly rather than waiting out the remainder of the duration.", "Bug Fix:WhenSonic Wavetarget dies beforeLee Sincan castResonating Strike, it now cancelsResonating Strike's3-second cast window instantly rather than waiting out the remainder of the duration.", 'Iron WillSustain values increased to 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30% from 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25%.', 'Sustain values increased to 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30% from 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25%.', 'Resonating StrikeBug Fix:Fixed a bug whereResonating Strikedealt no damage if cast while dashing viaSafeguard.', 'Bug Fix:Fixed a bug whereResonating Strikedealt no damage if cast while dashing viaSafeguard.', "Muay Thai Lee SinRemoved:Seam lines on model at 'Very Low' settings.", "Removed:Seam lines on model at 'Very Low' settings.", 'SafeguardBase shield strength increased to 40 / 100 / 160 / 220 / 280 from 40 / 80 / 120 / 160 / 200.', 'Base shield strength increased to 40 / 100 / 160 / 220 / 280 from 40 / 80 / 120 / 160 / 200.', 'GeneralSplash artwork forDragon Fist Lee Sinupdated to the Chinese art.', 'Splash artwork forDragon Fist Lee Sinupdated to the Chinese art.', 'GeneralSplash artwork forTraditional Lee SinandAcolyte Lee Sinupdated to the Chinese art.', 'Splash artwork forTraditional Lee SinandAcolyte Lee Sinupdated to the Chinese art.', 'FlurryPer-hit energy gain changed to 20 on first and 10 on second from 15 on both.', 'Per-hit energy gain changed to 20 on first and 10 on second from 15 on both.', "Dragon's RageNew Effect:Enemies hit by the target take(+ 12 / 15 / 18% of kicked target's bonus health)bonus physical damage.", "New Effect:Enemies hit by the target take(+ 12 / 15 / 18% of kicked target's bonus health)bonus physical damage.", 'StatsBase armor reduced to 24.216from 26.216.Base health regen reduced to 7.45from 9.45.', 'Base armor reduced to 24.216from 26.216.', 'Base health regen reduced to 7.45from 9.45.', 'GeneralNew splash artwork forOriginal Lee Sin.', 'New splash artwork forOriginal Lee Sin.', 'Sonic WaveBug Fix:True sight revealingStealth Wards under certain circumstances.', 'Bug Fix:True sight revealingStealth Wards under certain circumstances.', 'TempestBug Fix:True sight revealingStealth Wards under certain circumstances.', 'Bug Fix:True sight revealingStealth Wards under certain circumstances.', 'StatsBase health regen increased to 8.95from 6.95.', 'Base health regen increased to 8.95from 6.95.', 'SafeguardShield duration reduced to 2 seconds from 4.', 'Shield duration reduced to 2 seconds from 4.', 'CrippleRemoved:20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60% attack speed slow.', 'Removed:20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60% attack speed slow.', 'StatsBase armor increased to 20 from 16.', 'Base armor increased to 20 from 16.', 'SafeguardCooldown increased to 14 seconds from 9.New Effect:Cooldown is reduced by 50% if target is self or an allied champion.Shield duration reduced to 4 seconds from 5.Self shielding changed to allied champions only from all allied units (targeting unchanged).', 'Cooldown increased to 14 seconds from 9.', 'New Effect:Cooldown is reduced by 50% if target is self or an allied champion.', 'Shield duration reduced to 4 seconds from 5.', 'Self shielding changed to allied champions only from all allied units (targeting unchanged).', 'Iron WillBonus sustain duration reduced to 4 seconds from 5.', 'Bonus sustain duration reduced to 4 seconds from 5.', 'SafeguardAllied shielding changed to champions only from all allied units.', 'Allied shielding changed to champions only from all allied units.', 'SafeguardBug Fix:Tooltip incorrectly stating Lee Sin gains energy when shield is broken (removed inV1.0.0.118).', 'Bug Fix:Tooltip incorrectly stating Lee Sin gains energy when shield is broken (removed inV1.0.0.118).', 'Iron WillRemoved:Granting armor while active.Bonus sustain increased to 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25% from 5 / 9 / 13 / 17 / 21%.', 'Removed:Granting armor while active.', 'Bonus sustain increased to 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25% from 5 / 9 / 13 / 17 / 21%.', 'CrippleRange reduced to 600 from 800.Slow reduced to 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60% from 30 / 37.5/ 45 / 52.5/ 60%.', 'Range reduced to 600 from 800.', 'Slow reduced to 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60% from 30 / 37.5/ 45 / 52.5/ 60%.', 'StatsMovement speed increased to 350 from 325.', 'Movement speed increased to 350 from 325.', 'SafeguardCooldown increased to 9 seconds from 8.', 'Cooldown increased to 9 seconds from 8.', 'Iron WillBonus sustain reduced to 5 / 9 / 13 / 17 / 21% from 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25%.', 'Bonus sustain reduced to 5 / 9 / 13 / 17 / 21% from 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25%.', 'Sonic WaveBase damage increased to 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 from 45 / 75 / 105 / 135 / 165.', 'Base damage increased to 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 from 45 / 75 / 105 / 135 / 165.', 'FlurryBonus attack speed reduced to 40% from 50%.', 'Bonus attack speed reduced to 40% from 50%.', "Resonating StrikeBonus damage reduced to(+ 8% of target's missing healthfrom 10%.", "Bonus damage reduced to(+ 8% of target's missing healthfrom 10%.", 'Sonic WaveCooldown increased to 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 seconds from 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6.Bonus AD ratio reduced to90% Bonus ADfrom100%.', 'Cooldown increased to 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 seconds from 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6.', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to90% Bonus ADfrom100%.', 'SafeguardRange reduced to 700 from 750.', 'Range reduced to 700 from 750.', 'Resonating StrikePost-dash targeting changed to champions only from all enemy units.', 'Post-dash targeting changed to champions only from all enemy units.', 'Resonating StrikeNew Effect:Lee Sin will attempt to attack the target he dashed to.', 'New Effect:Lee Sin will attempt to attack the target he dashed to.', 'SafeguardNew Effect:Can target wards but they will be revealed for 2 seconds if so.', 'New Effect:Can target wards but they will be revealed for 2 seconds if so.', 'SafeguardRemoved:Targeting wards.', 'Removed:Targeting wards.', 'TempestBug Fix:Being able to be activated twice.', 'Bug Fix:Being able to be activated twice.', 'Sonic WaveEnergy cost reduced to 50 from 60', 'Energy cost reduced to 50 from 60', 'Resonating StrikeEnergy cost reduced to 30 from 40.', 'Energy cost reduced to 30 from 40.', 'SafeguardRemoved:Shield restoring energy when broken.Energy cost reduced to 50 from 60.', 'Removed:Shield restoring energy when broken.', 'Energy cost reduced to 50 from 60.', 'Iron WillEnergy cost reduced to 30 from 40.', 'Energy cost reduced to 30 from 40.', 'TempestRange increased to 450 from 400.Energy cost reduced to 50 from 60.', 'Range increased to 450 from 400.', 'Energy cost reduced to 50 from 60.', 'CrippleEnergy cost reduced to 30 from 40.', 'Energy cost reduced to 30 from 40.', 'Resonating StrikeBug Fix:Lee Sin following targets over indefinite distances.', 'Bug Fix:Lee Sin following targets over indefinite distances.', 'Sonic WaveBase damage reduced to 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 from 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180Projectile updated to match effect better.', 'Base damage reduced to 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 from 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180', 'Projectile updated to match effect better.', 'Resonating StrikeBase damage reduced to 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 from 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180.', 'Base damage reduced to 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 from 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180.', 'SafeguardRange increased to 750 from 700.', 'Range increased to 750 from 700.', 'Iron WillBonus sustain reduced to 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25% from 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30%.', 'Bonus sustain reduced to 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25% from 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30%.', 'FlurryPer-hit energy gain increased to 15 from 10.', 'Per-hit energy gain increased to 15 from 10.', 'Sonic WaveBonus AD ratio increased to100% Bonus ADfrom80%.', 'Bonus AD ratio increased to100% Bonus ADfrom80%.', 'Resonating StrikeBonus AD ratio increased to100% Bonus ADfrom80%.', 'Bonus AD ratio increased to100% Bonus ADfrom80%.', 'TempestBonus AD ratio increased to100% Bonus ADfrom60%.', 'Bonus AD ratio increased to100% Bonus ADfrom60%.', "Dragon's RageBonus AD ratio increased to200% Bonus ADfrom150%.", 'Bonus AD ratio increased to200% Bonus ADfrom150%.', 'Flurry(Innate)After Lee Sin uses an ability, his next 2 basic attacks gain 50% attack speed and return 10 energy each.', 'After Lee Sin uses an ability, his next 2 basic attacks gain 50% attack speed and return 10 energy each.', 'Sonic Wave(Q)Lee Sin projects a discordant wave of sound to locate his enemies, dealing physical damage to the first enemy it encounters. If Sonic Wave hits, Lee Sin can cast Resonating Strike for the next 3 seconds.Resonating Strike(second cast)Lee Sin dashes to the enemy hit by Sonic Wave, dealing physical damage plus 10% of their missing health.', 'Lee Sin projects a discordant wave of sound to locate his enemies, dealing physical damage to the first enemy it encounters. If Sonic Wave hits, Lee Sin can cast Resonating Strike for the next 3 seconds.', 'Resonating Strike(second cast)Lee Sin dashes to the enemy hit by Sonic Wave, dealing physical damage plus 10% of their missing health.', 'Lee Sin dashes to the enemy hit by Sonic Wave, dealing physical damage plus 10% of their missing health.', "Safeguard(W)Lee Sin rushes towards a target ally, shielding them both from damage. If a shield is broken, half the energy cost is returned. After using Safeguard, Lee Sin can cast Iron Will for the next 3 seconds.Iron Will(second cast)Lee Sin's intense training allows him to thrive in battle. For 5 seconds, Lee Sin gains life steal, spell vamp, and armor.", 'Lee Sin rushes towards a target ally, shielding them both from damage. If a shield is broken, half the energy cost is returned. After using Safeguard, Lee Sin can cast Iron Will for the next 3 seconds.', "Iron Will(second cast)Lee Sin's intense training allows him to thrive in battle. For 5 seconds, Lee Sin gains life steal, spell vamp, and armor.", "Lee Sin's intense training allows him to thrive in battle. For 5 seconds, Lee Sin gains life steal, spell vamp, and armor.", 'Tempest(E)Lee Sin smashes the ground sending out a shockwave that deals magic damage and reveals enemy units hit. If Tempest hits an enemy, Lee Sin can cast Cripple for the next 3 seconds.Cripple(second cast)Lee Sin cripples nearby enemies revealed by Tempest, reducing their movement and attack speed for 4 seconds. Movement and attack speed recover gradually over the duration.', 'Lee Sin smashes the ground sending out a shockwave that deals magic damage and reveals enemy units hit. If Tempest hits an enemy, Lee Sin can cast Cripple for the next 3 seconds.', 'Cripple(second cast)Lee Sin cripples nearby enemies revealed by Tempest, reducing their movement and attack speed for 4 seconds. Movement and attack speed recover gradually over the duration.', 'Lee Sin cripples nearby enemies revealed by Tempest, reducing their movement and attack speed for 4 seconds. Movement and attack speed recover gradually over the duration.', "Dragon's Rage(Ultimate)Lee Sin performs a powerful roundhouse kick launching his target back, dealing physical damage to the target and any enemies they collide with. Enemies the target collides with are knocked into the air for a short duration.", 'Lee Sin performs a powerful roundhouse kick launching his target back, dealing physical damage to the target and any enemies they collide with. Enemies the target collides with are knocked into the air for a short duration.', "Lee Sin was one of the first six champions designed (the others beingAnnie,Singed,Sion,Sivir, andTwisted Fate)[2][3]Lee Sin is the only allegedly canceled champion reintroduced with his original name.Lee Sin is the first champion to be redesigned and to be technically given a relaunch skin (Traditional Lee Sin), although it was done prior to his actual release.Lee Sin is the first champion to feature two 'Champion Spotlights' (anApril Fools' Dayone and a real one).", 'Lee Sin is the only allegedly canceled champion reintroduced with his original name.', 'Lee Sin is the first champion to be redesigned and to be technically given a relaunch skin (Traditional Lee Sin), although it was done prior to his actual release.', "Lee Sin is the first champion to feature two 'Champion Spotlights' (anApril Fools' Dayone and a real one).", "Lee Sin is the second of eight champions to have more than four abilities (the others beingElise,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Karma,Nidalee, andRek'Sai).", 'Lee Sin is the first monk type champion announced but the second to be released (afterUdyr).', 'Lee Sin is the first | Name: Dragon's Rage, Description: Active: Lee Sin roots the target enemy champion over the cast time, then roundhouse kicks them to deal physical damage and knock them back up to 800 units over 0. 8 seconds , rendering them airborne for 1 second. Physical Damage: 175 / 400 / 625 (+ 200% bonus AD) Enemies that collide with the displaced enemy while it is airborne take the same damage plus bonus physical damage and are knocked up for 1 second. Collision Physical Damage: 175 / 400 / 625 (+ 200% bonus AD) (+ 12 / 15 / 18% of primary target's bonus health), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Appliesspell damageto the primary target andarea damageto secondary targets.', "Thespell indicatorfor this ability also displays the direction for the knock back relative toLee Sin'sposition.", 'If the target ofDragon Ragediesinitially on the first hit there will be no displacement of any kind.', "Thedisplacement'sdirection is decided at the moment of impact and not byLee Sinand his target's relative locations at the start of the cast (the only way forLee Sinto control where his target is displaced is by usingFlashbefore the cast time ofDragon's Rageends).", 'If theairbornedebuff is removed from the target, its ability to collide with enemies is removed aswell, even if the target has not come to a stop yet.(bug)The airborne debuff and with it collision of the target remains for the normal duration even if its trajectory isdisplacedby another source (i.e -Headbutt).The target may still collide with other enemies for the remaining airborne duration after they reach their destination, as the airborne debuff lasts longer than the displacement.', 'The airborne debuff and with it collision of the target remains for the normal duration even if its trajectory isdisplacedby another source (i.e -Headbutt).', 'The target may still collide with other enemies for the remaining airborne duration after they reach their destination, as the airborne debuff lasts longer than the displacement.', "The knockback distance is intended to be 800, but due to a bug, this is reduced by up-to the sum ofLee Sin'sand his target'sgameplay radius, depending on how far they are away from one another at the end of the cast time.", 'If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the cast time, this ability will cancel but does not go oncooldownnor pay its cost (if applicable).']} | Lee Sin was one of the first six champions designed (the others beingAnnie,Singed,Sion,Sivir, andTwisted Fate)[2][3]Lee Sin is the only allegedly canceled champion reintroduced with his original name.Lee Sin is the first champion to be redesigned and to be technically given a relaunch skin (Traditional Lee Sin), although it was done prior to his actual release.Lee Sin is the first champion to feature two 'Champion Spotlights' (anApril Fools' Dayone and a real one).
Lee Sin is the second of eight champions to have more than four abilities (the others beingElise,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Karma,Nidalee, andRek'Sai).
Lee Sin is the first monk type champion announced but the second to be released (afterUdyr).
Lee Sin is the first non-ninja Ionian champion to useenergy.
Lee Sin's dance referencesShaolin Soccer.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.
An inside joke is that Lee Sin was taughtDragon's RagebyJesse Perring(yet the Blind Monk does not kick players off the map). |
Leona,the Radiant Dawn | | | health: Health646+101, resource: Mana302+40, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)8.5+0.85, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)6+0.8, armor: Armor47+4.8, attack damage: Attack damage60+3, attack speed: Base AS0.625, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius75, release: 2011-07-13, changed: V13.21, role: Vanguard, position: Support, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 450|260 | Games
LeonaMainYoungAspectTitlesAlias(es)The Radiant DawnAspect of the SunCommander LeonaCharacteristicsSpeciesAspect Host(formerlyHuman)Pronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:915 AN - 925 ANWeapon(s)Zenith BladeShield of DaybreakSolar MagicPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originRakkor Caves,Mount TargonCurrent residenceRakkor Caves,Mount TargonFamilyIasur(Father)Melia(Mother)Aidonel(Sibling)Kespina(Sibling)Diana(Former Lover)Professional statusOccupation(s)Aspect of the SunReligious FigureheadLeader of theRa'HorakRegion(s)TargonFaction(s)SolariRakkorRelated character(s)DianaApheliosAluneAurelion SolPantheonSorakaTaricZoe
• Main
• Young
• Aspect
• The Radiant Dawn
• Aspect of the Sun
• Commander Leona
• Aspect Host(formerlyHuman)
• Born:915 AN - 925 AN
• Zenith Blade
• Shield of Daybreak
• Solar Magic
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Iasur(Father)
• Melia(Mother)
• Aidonel(Sibling)
• Kespina(Sibling)
• Diana(Former Lover)
Professional status
• Aspect of the Sun
• Religious Figurehead
• Leader of theRa'Horak
• Solari
• Rakkor
Related character(s)
Imbued with the fire of the sun,Leonais a holy warrior of theSolariwho defendsMount Targonwith herZenith Bladeand theShield of Daybreak. Her skin shimmers with starfire while her eyes burn with the power of the celestial Aspect within her. Armored in gold and bearing a terrible burden of ancient knowledge, Leona brings enlightenment to some, death to others.
• 1Background1.1Early Life1.1.1Relationship with Diana1.1.2Ascending Mount Targon1.1.3Becoming an Aspect1.2Modern History1.2.1Confronting Diana1.2.2Facing Atreus
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Diana5.2Pantheon5.3Soraka5.4ApheliosandAlune
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early Life1.1.1Relationship with Diana1.1.2Ascending Mount Targon1.1.3Becoming an Aspect
• 1.2Modern History1.2.1Confronting Diana1.2.2Facing Atreus
• 1.1.1Relationship with Diana
• 1.1.2Ascending Mount Targon
• 1.1.3Becoming an Aspect
• 1.2.1Confronting Diana
• 1.2.2Facing Atreus
• 5.1Diana
• 5.2Pantheon
• 5.3Soraka
• 5.4ApheliosandAlune
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early Life[]
Leona was born to Sunforgers Iasur and Melia within theRakkortribes ofMount Targon. Along with her younger siblings Aidonel and Kespina, Leona was raised since birth to honor the faith of theSolari, a religious sect of the Rakkor that highly venerated the sun.
Leona took to the Solari faith as easily as breathing, proving excellence in capability, willpower and devotion to the faith. Leona's faith and skill was so strong that her peers grew jealous, as nobody had doubts that she would one day become one of the eliteRa'Horakwarriors of the Solari.
Relationship with Diana[]
One night, Diana confided a secret to Leona and spoke of the hidden alcove she discovered in the mountain, an ancient place where the walls depicted strange imagery of the moon and forgotten societies dressed in silver armor, proving that the sun and the moon were in fact not enemies at all. Noticing the heresy of what Diana described, she urged her to abandon this search and never speak of her discoveries, seeking to protect Diana from the brutal punishments of the other Solari if they heard of what she found. Diana reluctantly promised Leona that she'd abandon her discoveries and the two never spoke of it again as time passed, while Leona believed that her friend finally came to her senses.
Ascending Mount Targon[]
On one fateful night, Leona caught a glimpse of Diana sneaking out of the temple. Though Leona's first instincts was to tell the elders, she instead decided to protect her friend from their punishments and set off to follow her into the night.
Following Diana, Leona ascended Mount Targon itself and endured a brutal trial unlike anything she'd ever faced before as every fiber of her being was tested to its limits. As she passed frozen bodies embedded into the mountain's slopes, Leona continued her journey and endured thanks to her training, willpower and drive to protect Diana.
Miraculously, to Leona's surprise, she finally reached the peak of the mountain after what felt like an eternity. Exhausted and beholding an uncanny landscape at the peak, she found Diana engulfed in a column of silver light, writhing in agony to Leona's horror. As she rushed to her aid, a second, golden column of light burst from the heavens and enveloped her entire body.
Becoming an Aspect[]
Leona felt the sun's powers course through her and sear away her very being, but her indomitable will allowed her to retain her consciousness. Leona expected to be incinerated but instead emerged the newHostfor the6Aspect of the Sun, realizing that she was destined to protect the Solari in dire times to come.
Diana also emerged as a new Aspect of6the Moon, now clad in silver armor that reflected the golden armor Leona found herself wearing. Diana was overjoyed that the two of them became Aspects together and begged Leona to join her on a new quest to find answers outside of the Solari faith, but Leona demanded that they return home and present themselves for the priests' judgements. The two argued and neither conceded as they engaged in swift combat utilizing their newfound powers. Diana eventually had her crescent blade at Leona's throat but refused to deal the killing blow and fled. Devastated, Leona descended the mountain without Diana and hurried to report to the elders.
Unfortunately, when Leona arrived, she found many Solari priests and Ra'Horak guards slaughtered, seemingly by Diana's hands. The survivors emerged and awed at Leona's arrival, amazed by the arrival of not one buttwoAspects among them. Now as the new Aspect of the Sun, Leona knew that great threats and changes were coming to Runeterra and vowed to act as a guiding light for her people serving as fierce leader.
Modern History[]
Leona continued to lead the Solari as an avatar of their faith and was eventually appointed as the commander for the entire Ra'Horak, gaining complete control and loyalty of all the Solari warriors. Though she seeks to preserve the religious dominance of the Solari, she has sworn to find and locate Diana in fear of what the Aspect of the Moon will do to her if she does not learn to control it.
Confronting Diana[]
Facing Atreus[]
Leona is a tall, beautiful woman with lightly tanned skin, light brown eyes, and back-length shiny auburn hair.
Her attire consists of red and gold Solari armor that covers her entire body, a spiked golden crown on her head, and she always carries her sword and shield.
Leona is a devout and loyal Solari warrior, willing to give her life in the name of the sun and her people. She has an incredibly strong force of will, evidenced by her early schooling, the trials she undertook before being imbued by the Aspect of the Sun, and her commitment to guiding the Solari as host to the Aspect.
She is a warm soul, especially withDiana, who was her closest friend and lover before her betrayal at the peak of Mount Targon. Many Solari demanded Diana's head due to this betrayal, but Leona instead endeavors to help her control the Moon Aspect's power before it destroys her. She still loves Diana despite her betrayal, but is unable to bring herself to reconcile with her.
• Aspect Host Physiology:Leona is the mortal host to the6Aspect of the Sun, blessing her with incredible abilities tied to her aspect as well as enhanced strength, speed, immunity to pain and sickness and a dramatically increased lifespan.Solar Magic:Leona's powers are tied to her Aspect, granting her magical abilities tied to the sun. Leona can utilize this magic to summon solar flares from the sky to strike down enemies as well as magically empower herswordandshieldwith solar energies capable of burning and searing her enemies in fire.
• Combat Training:Leona was trained in the eliteRa'Horak,the highest order of warriors in theSolarifaith. Leona's combat expertise was so exceptional that since childhood nobody had doubts that she would one day become a member of the Ra'Horak.Sword & Shield Proficiency:Leona is incredibly talented in combat with the traditional Ra'Horak weapons of a sword and shield.
• Shield of Daybreak:Leona wields the Shield of Daybreak, which was summoned into her arms when she first emerged as the Aspect of the Sun. This legendary shield is inherently tied to the Aspect and can be empowered with solar energies, allowing it to create a barrier of solar energy and emitting heat and light.
• Zenith Blade:Leona wields the Zenith Blade, which was summoned into her arms when she first emerged as the Aspect of the Sun. This legendary sword is inherently tied to the Aspect and can be empowered with solar energies, allowing it to emit powerful light and heat capable of instantly searing flesh.
• Solar Magic:Leona's powers are tied to her Aspect, granting her magical abilities tied to the sun. Leona can utilize this magic to summon solar flares from the sky to strike down enemies as well as magically empower herswordandshieldwith solar energies capable of burning and searing her enemies in fire.
• Sword & Shield Proficiency:Leona is incredibly talented in combat with the traditional Ra'Horak weapons of a sword and shield.
Despite their disagreements,DianaandLeonawere close friends and lovers growing up on Mount Targon, but have since became enemies after becoming Aspects. The two expressedromantic interestduring the Festival of the Nightless Eve.
Leona saw the moment Diana was imbued with the moon's power, she rushed to help before being imbued with the sun's power herself and made an Aspect.
Atreusclimbed Mount Targon to find the power of Aspects when Leona refused to destroy the trespassers that attacked his patrol. After he defeatedAatroxand became the new Aspect of War, he opposes her and other Targonian Aspects.
Leona would not move against the Barbarians because she knewAatroxwas slaughtering them, which Atreus would only understand later on.[7]
Soraka refers toLeonaas "Woman whose face burned like the sun".
As the champion of theSolari, Alune seesLeonaas the Lunari's ultimate enemy. However, like most of theLunari, she is not necessarily hostile towards Leona or the Solari.
Read More
The Radiant Dawn
ByIan St. Martin
Starring Champion
Call of the Mountain (Video)
The mountain calls. Will you answer?
Starring:Aurelion Sol,Diana,Illi,Inviolus Vox,Leona
Short Story
Rise with Me
ByDana Luery Shaw
Hear! Upon the Great Mountain,
The Call
For the fallen. For the deserted. For the downtrodden. And for those who will rise again.
Short Story • 4 Minute Read
The Light Bringer
ByGraham McNeill
The raiders attacked before dawn; fifty wolf-lean men in iron hauberks mantled with strange furs and bearing ash-dulled axes. Their steps were swift as they entered the settlement at the foot of the mountain. These were men who had fought as brothers for years, who lived in the heartbeat between life and death. A warrior in battered scale armor and bearing a heavy-bladed greatsword over his shoulder led them. Beneath his dragon-helm, his face was bearded and raw, burned by a lifetime of war-making under a harsher sun than this.
The Vaulted Road
In the shadow of an approaching eclipse, a young Lunari scout escapes captivity with her Solari lover, and the two of them decide to turn their backs on Targon forever.
Mentioned Champion
Short Story
Halfway Between the Stars and Earth
ByKatie Chironis
It was a perfectly good night for a cup of tea. Chilly, certainly, but clear—as crisp a night as frigid Mount Targon ever got, really. Soraka was expecting a visitor. The snow in the stone kettle had already begun to melt over the hearth at the center of her little yurt; as it grew warmer, the room was suffused with the smell of dried tea leaves and sparse mountain herbs.
Short Story
In Battle, Broken
ByLaurie Goulding
Weary from the day’s labors, Iula wiped her stiff hands upon her apron, and raised a cup to the mantel.
Scorn of the Moon
ByDaniel Couts
Tales of Runeterra
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Akali,Braum,Corki,Darius,Diana,Ekko,Fiora,Garen,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jinx,Leona,Lulu,Miss Fortune,Shen,Teemo,Thresh,Tristana,Twisted Fate
Short Story • 3 Minute Read
The Mountain
ByGraham McNeill
Mount Targon is the mightiest peak in Runeterra, a towering mountain of sun-baked rock amid a range of summits unmatched in scale anywhere else in the world. Located far from civilization, Mount Targon is utterly remote and all but impossible to reach save by the most determined seeker.
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aurelion Sol,Diana,Leona,Pantheon,Taric,Zoe
The Unbreakable Spear
ByDavid Slagle
Alternate Universes
A New Dawn
Day breaks over a landscape consecrated by blood and steel. A battle begins as a new dawn rises.
Answer To Her Light
By Unknown Author
The omens are clear: The coven has reassembled in the name of the old gods. Eclipse Leona is ready to meet them.
Short Story
Battle Queen Crests
ByCat Manning,Jared Rosen
To be a Battle Queen is to see with open eyes. As you complete Keystone Crest Missions, you’ll be rewarded with a story of nobility.
Dawn by Raid
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
ByInstitute of War
The truest opponent lies within.
Starring:Boram Darkwill,Brand,Caitlyn,Cassiopeia,Galio,Graves,Irelia,Jarvan IV,Karma,LeBlanc,Lee Sin,Leona,Lux,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nocturne,Orianna,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Skarner,Sona,Swain,Talon,Trundle,Urgot,Varus,Vayne,Vladimir,Wukong,Xerath,Xin Zhao,Yorick
Crystal Quest: Series 1
Mentioned:Anivia,Ashe,Braum,Bristle,Caitlyn,Camille,Elise,Ezreal,Garen,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Illaoi,Ivern,Katarina,Kled,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lucian,Nami,Olaf,Poppy,Ryze,Senna,Singed,Skaarl,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Veigar,Vi,Zac
Starring:Fiora,Lucian,Master Yi,Zed
Playtime with Gnar: Series 1
ByRachel J. Corey
Mentioned:Amumu,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Darius,Draven,Karthus,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Malzahar,Nocturne,Nunu,Rengar,Twisted Fate,Willump
Punches and Plants: Series 1
Mentioned:Ahri,Alistar,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Braum,Caitlyn,Darius,Diana,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Evelynn,Ezreal,Gangplank,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jinx,Karma,Katarina,Leona,Lucian,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Nunu,Quinn,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Sivir,Sona,Soraka,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Valor,Varus,Vel'Koz,Vladimir,Volibear,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Zac,Ziggs
Punches and Plants: Series 2
Mentioned:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Amumu,Annie,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Diana,Draven,Ekko,Ezreal,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Kha'Zix,Kog'Maw,Leona,Lucian,Lux,Malphite,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nasus,Nautilus,Nidalee,Olaf,Orianna,Poppy,Quinn,Rakan,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Shaco,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Valor,Vel'Koz,Viktor,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Xin Zhao,Yasuo,Ziggs
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Reaching the peak takes more than skill. Only those with the ambition to RISE above all others will know its height.
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Akali,Ashe,Braum,Darius,Ekko,Ezreal,Fiora,Garen,Gnar,Jarvan IV,Jax,Jinx,Kalista,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Leona,Lux,Master Yi,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Riven,Ryze,Sejuani,Swain,Taliyah,Thresh,Tryndamere,Vayne,Xayah,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs
13 regional champions will compete at the 2019 Mid-Season Invitational, but there can be only one winner. Who will lift the trophy? Who will represent?
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aatrox,Aurelion Sol,Darius,Garen,Kayn,Leona,Poppy
Short Story
The Stranger on the Road
ByRiver Jaffe
The road from Tenacity to Progress was a flat, barren thing, unspooling across miles and miles of cactus country from one edge of the sky to the other.
Mentioned:Ashe,Katarina,Leona,Mordekaiser,Senna,Tahm Kench,Twitch,Varus
The Tale of the Poro King
By Numerous creators
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aatrox,Akali,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Darius,Diana,Draven,Ezreal,Gnar,Illaoi,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kai'Sa,Karma,Karthus,Katarina,Kayle,Kayn,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nunu,Ornn,Pantheon,Pyke,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Rhaast,Ryze,Sejuani,Shen,Sion,Sivir,Soraka,Sylas,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Thresh,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Vi,Volibear,Willump,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs,Zoe
Music Video
By Numerous creators
The battle begins, and sixteen teams across the globe are fighting towards one goal – to win the League of Legends World Championship.
Starring: N/A
• Leona has been confirmed to be part of the LGBTQIA+ community after years of speculation, debuting inRise with Me.[8]
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Sunlight, Description: Innate: Leona's abilities mark enemies hit for 1. 5 seconds, refreshing on subsequent hits. Allied champions' damaging attacks and abilities against a marked target will consume the mark to deal 32 − 168 (based on level) bonus magic damage ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Sunlight'smark damage is credited to the allied champion and not toLeona.The damage will benefit from allies'magic penetrationand will apply anyspell effectsandspell vampthey have.PENDING FOR TEST::Omnivamp", "The damage will benefit from allies'magic penetrationand will apply anyspell effectsandspell vampthey have.", 'PENDING FOR TEST::Omnivamp', 'Zyrahas a hidden passive that grants her 10% increased size for33 secondsafter havingSunlightapplied to her.']} | Name: Shield of Daybreak, Description: Active: Leona illuminates her shield, empowering her next basic attack within 6 seconds to have a 0. 25 -second cast time, gain 50 bonus range , deal bonus magic damage and stun the target for 1 second. Bonus Magic Damage: 10 / 35 / 60 / 85 / 110 (+ 30% AP) Shield of Daybreak resets Leona's basic attack timer., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'parries': 'Missing', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "The enhanced attack will apply otheron-hiteffects and cancritically strikeas normal.Critical strikesdo not interact withShield of Daybreak'sbonus damage.", "Critical strikesdo not interact withShield of Daybreak'sbonus damage.", "PENDING FOR TEST::Shield of Daybreak'sinteractions withdodging,blocking, andblindingeffects.", "Shield of Daybreak'sattack does not putLeona'sbasic attack on cooldown.(bug)This effectively performs a secondattack reset.This is unlike other empowered attacks (including those which, similar toShield of Daybreak, use a more unconventional spell cast rather than an attack override).Leonawill wait outShield of Daybreak'swind-down before automatically attacking, anyway. The player must issue the next attack themselves to gain the full benefit of the second reset.Probably not a bug because her High Noon skin gives the second attack a new distinguishable attack animation, which means that it's designed so.", 'This effectively performs a secondattack reset.', 'This is unlike other empowered attacks (including those which, similar toShield of Daybreak, use a more unconventional spell cast rather than an attack override).', "Leonawill wait outShield of Daybreak'swind-down before automatically attacking, anyway. The player must issue the next attack themselves to gain the full benefit of the second reset.", "Probably not a bug because her High Noon skin gives the second attack a new distinguishable attack animation, which means that it's designed so.", "If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away during the empowered attack's cast time, it is cancelled but not consumed.", 'The empowered attack will not trigger againstbuildings.']} | Name: Eclipse, Description: Active: Leona raises her guard for 3 seconds, gaining flat damage reduction of up to 50% of the damage instance and bonus armor and bonus magic resistance . Flat Damage Reduction: 8 / 12 / 16 / 20 / 24 Bonus Armor: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 (+ 20% bonus armor) Bonus Magic Resistance: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 (+ 20% bonus magic resistance) Her shield detonates after the duration, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies. If this hits an enemy, Leona's guard is extended for an additional 3 seconds. Magic Damage: 55 / 90 / 125 / 160 / 195 (+ 40% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Neither the cast nor detonation ofEclipseinterrupts any ofLeona'sprevious orders or ongoing attack windups.", "The resistance scaling will factor from all other sources, excludingEclipse'sflat bonus. This will recalculate over the duration.", "Spell shieldwill block the damage butEclipse'sextended duration will not be prevented."]} | Name: Zenith Blade, Description: Active: Leona projects her sword in the target direction that deals magic damage to enemies hit. Magic Damage: 50 / 90 / 130 / 170 / 210 (+ 40% AP) If she hits at least one enemy champion , she will dash 225 units behind the last one struck within 3000 range and root them for 0. 5 seconds. Leona is unable to move or attack while Zenith Blade is in flight. She can cast any of her abilities during the dash., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Leonawill be ordered to basic attack the target.', "Spell shieldwill blockZenith Blade'seffects as well as preventingLeonafrom dashing to the last target hit.", 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.']} | Name: Solar Flare, Description: Active: Leona calls down a solar flare that strikes upon the target location after 0. 625 seconds, granting sight of the area before impact and for another 3 seconds afterwards. Enemies hit are dealt magic damage . Magic Damage: 100 / 175 / 250 (+ 80% AP) Targets are also slowed by 80% for 1. 75 seconds, or stunned for the same duration if they are hit by the epicenter., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Solar Flare'svisual effects are only visible to enemies if they havesightof the area it was cast upon.", 'The cast indicator shows 300 radius for thearea of effectand 120 radius for the epicenter, however the actual hitbox radii are larger than those values.', 'The revealed radius is not obstructed byterrainorbrush.']} | Leona's dance resembles 'Shield Break' by theForce ShielderfromCabal Online.
SunlightandIlluminationhave nearly identical functionality, with the only differences being who (Leona's allies andLuxherself, respectively) and what (any allied damage source andLux'sbasic attacks, respectively) triggers them.
Sunlightdeals1 less damage to champions wearing sunglasses(whether by default likeVayneor through a skin likeRiot GravesorSurfer Singed).
Leonais the modern feminine derivative of Ancient Greek nameLeonΛέων "lion", from an Afro-Asiatic source[2](cf. Proto-Semitic*labuʔ ~ *labiʔ);[3]Her title 'the Radiant Dawn' might be referencingFire Emblem: Radiant Dawn&Hausos, thePIEDawn Goddess.
A functional real-life replica of Leona'sZenith Bladewas crafted in an episode of YouTube seriesMan At Arms: Reforged.This video can be viewedhere.There are also episodes where they crafted:Diana'sCrescent Moonblade(functional)Katarina'sDaggers(functional)Master Yi's'Highlander' Ring Sword(functional)Poppy'sHammer of Orlon(functional)Yasuo's'Last Breath' Sword(functional)Ziggs'Hexplosive Bomb(prop) |
Lillia,the Bashful Bloom,Cute jungler | | | health: Health605+105, resource: Mana410+50, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)2.5+0.55, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)11.5+0.95, armor: Armor22+5.2, attack damage: Attack damage61+3.1, attack speed: Base AS0.625, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius135, release: 2020-07-22, changed: V13.8, role: Skirmisher, position: TopJungle, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 4800|880 | Games
LilliaMainNo BudBirthTitlesNickname(s)Dream fawnAlias(es)The Bashful BloomCharacteristicsSpeciesFae FawnPronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:3 BN - 896 ANWeapon(s)Dream Blossom CenserSpirit MagicPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originGarden of Forgetting,Navori,IoniaCurrent residenceIonia(No Fixed Abode)FamilyThe Dreaming Tree("Mother")Ivern Bramblefoot("Grandfather")Professional statusOccupation(s)Protector of The Dreaming TreeRegion(s)IoniaRelated character(s)AhriIvernYasuoYone
• Main
• No Bud
• Birth
• Dream fawn
• The Bashful Bloom
• Born:3 BN - 896 AN
• Dream Blossom Censer
• Spirit Magic
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• The Dreaming Tree("Mother")
• Ivern Bramblefoot("Grandfather")
Professional status
• Protector of The Dreaming Tree
Related character(s)
Intensely shy, the fae fawnLilliaskittishly wandersIonia'sforests. Hiding just out of sight of mortals—whose mysterious natures have long captivated, but intimidated, her—Lillia hopes to discover why their dreams no longer reach the ancient Dreaming Tree. She now travels Ionia with a magical branch in hand, in an effort to find people's unrealized dreams. Only then can Lillia herself bloom and help others untangle their fears to find the sparkle within. Eep!
• 1Background1.1Early Life1.2Contemporary history1.3Beyond the Garden1.4The Garden of Dreaming
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Ivern5.2Yone
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early Life
• 1.2Contemporary history
• 1.3Beyond the Garden
• 1.4The Garden of Dreaming
• 5.1Ivern
• 5.2Yone
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Alternate Universes
Early Life[]
Lillia was born from the Divine Willow when one of its buds fell to the ground before blooming, the bud came to life and took on a humanoid and animal appearance, thus Lillia was born. Lillia took care of the tree buds ever since and made sure they bloomed healthily.
Over the centuries Lillia learned a lot about humanity through the dreams of humans, causing her to be given a great feeling of curiosity about life beyond her garden.
Contemporary history[]
When the Noxus invasion of Ionia began, the tree of dreams began to weaken due to dreams no longer coming to the tree, to such an extent that the tree's protection weakened and caused the Noxians to invade its garden.
Scared, Lillia hid and saw how those humans tried to enter her garden by cutting the branches and roots of the tree, unable to bear it, she used her magic to put them all to sleep.
Beyond the Garden[]
Lilliasays Dreaming Tree revealed to her dreams of a world beyondher garden, Lillia says she learned that everyone has a little spark and that light stays on people even when they sleep, and shines when they face the most terrible nightmare.
Lillia says the dreams are gone, and that Mother Tree is dying, but she promises that she will explore theworldbeyond her garden and save her Mother Tree.
The Garden of Dreaming[]
Lillia is a slenderFae Fawn, with brownish fur, long hair with a distinct palette of lilac and blue, large ears and four deer legs. She doesn't wear clothes, just a plain top made of leaves with a green palette. The most distinctive ornament on her attire is the flower bud on her head. She also has the magical branch in hand. Despite looking similar to aVastaya,Lilliais not one.
Lillia is a very shy and kind individual, but is also extremely protective and determined in her cause to help her Mother tree. She is very passionate and devoted to her mission to save the Mother tree's life. Lillia is very curious, with a broad imagination and an everlasting sense of wonder. She is both clumsy and competent.
• Fae Fawn Physiology:Lilia is a Fae Fawn, a magical being born from dreams of the Dreaming Tree, connected to the Spirit Realm, that combines the traits of both animals and plants.Longevity:Lilia is much older than she appears.Enhanced Speed:Lilia is Much faster than a normal humanSpirit Magic:As a Fae Fawn, Lillia is connected to the Spirit Realm, and able to wield spirit magic in the form ofBlooming Blows,Spiritual dust blastandSwirlseed.Dream Magic:Lilia, Having been born from the Dreaming Tree, Lillia can wield the powers of dreams to her wishes. She can make others fall asleep that can last for a long time. She can see the dreams of others and shepherd them to the Dreaming Tree, or control them and change them. When using her powers she releasesDream Dust.She is able to applyDream Dustagainst enemiesDream-Laden Bough,Lullaby.Empathy:By the way of her connection to dreams, Lilia can feel the emotions of others, such as their fears and desires. She sometimes connects herself to others to the point of feeling the same feeling, like having the same nightmare as someone else even without that making sense. By the way of her dream magic, she can also change people's emotions.Nature Magic:Having been born from a flower bud of the Dreaming Tree, Lilia has a natural connection to the natural world. she can affect the growth of plants so they can grow much faster, like she did when creating her Censer, turning a small branch into a great staff. She is also capable of using seeds as an weapon.
• Longevity:Lilia is much older than she appears.
• Enhanced Speed:Lilia is Much faster than a normal human
• Spirit Magic:As a Fae Fawn, Lillia is connected to the Spirit Realm, and able to wield spirit magic in the form ofBlooming Blows,Spiritual dust blastandSwirlseed.
• Dream Magic:Lilia, Having been born from the Dreaming Tree, Lillia can wield the powers of dreams to her wishes. She can make others fall asleep that can last for a long time. She can see the dreams of others and shepherd them to the Dreaming Tree, or control them and change them. When using her powers she releasesDream Dust.She is able to applyDream Dustagainst enemiesDream-Laden Bough,Lullaby.Empathy:By the way of her connection to dreams, Lilia can feel the emotions of others, such as their fears and desires. She sometimes connects herself to others to the point of feeling the same feeling, like having the same nightmare as someone else even without that making sense. By the way of her dream magic, she can also change people's emotions.
• Nature Magic:Having been born from a flower bud of the Dreaming Tree, Lilia has a natural connection to the natural world. she can affect the growth of plants so they can grow much faster, like she did when creating her Censer, turning a small branch into a great staff. She is also capable of using seeds as an weapon.
• Empathy:By the way of her connection to dreams, Lilia can feel the emotions of others, such as their fears and desires. She sometimes connects herself to others to the point of feeling the same feeling, like having the same nightmare as someone else even without that making sense. By the way of her dream magic, she can also change people's emotions.
The Dreaming Tree is her parent, and as such Ivern is also considered her relative, due to both having deep connections with the God-Willow.
Yone met Lillia at some point (likely when they were both travelling to the Spirit Blossom festival ofWeh'le) and has vowed to protect her from any Azakana and Demon of Nightmare.[1]
Read More
The Bashful Bloom
ByDavid Slagle
Starring Champion
Beyond the Garden
With the arrival of the Spirit Blossom Festival, a magical fawn musters the courage to venture out and uncover the mystery behind her ailing forest.
Short Story
The Garden of Dreaming
ByDavid Slagle
The child slowly makes her way into the forest. And sometimesbeneaththe forest as the canopy of leaves weaves a green blanket against the clouds. Oh! And sometimesoverthe forest when there are roots!Don't trip, little girl, don't trip.And now… she's goingthroughit.
Alternate Universes
Spirit Bonds
ByJared Rosen,Michael Yichao,Rayla Heide,Elan Stimmel,Cat Manning,David Slagle,John O'Bryan,Michael Luo,Phillip Vargas
They say the Spirit Blossom Festival represents a thinning of the veil between our world and the Spirit Realm.
The Path, An Ionian Myth
Every myth carries a seed of truth. A slain swordsman must decide if he will make peace with his past—or be consumed by it.
• Lillia was born from the Dreaming Tree's desires to have an attendant or protector of sorts, so it's very possible that the tree dreamed of the God-Willow's previous protectors, being the ancientVastayashai'rei.This may explain her Vastaya-like appearance despite being a unique being separate from the Vastaya, as her appearance is based on the dreams of the Dreaming Tree.
• Lillia speaks with a Scottish accent, as she was heavily inspired by the fairies of the British Isles.
• This may explain her Vastaya-like appearance despite being a unique being separate from the Vastaya, as her appearance is based on the dreams of the Dreaming Tree.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Dream-Laden Bough, Description: Innate: Lillia's abilities apply Dream Dust to enemies hit, which deals 「 5% (+ 1. 5 % per 100 AP) of the target's maximum health total magic damage over 3 seconds, capped at 70 − 150 (based on level) 」 「 0. 8 3 % (+ 0. 25 % per 100 AP) of the target's maximum health magic damage every 0. 5 seconds over 3 seconds, capped at 11. 67 − 25 (based on level) per tick 」 against monsters . Lillia heals for 39 − 54 (based on level) (+ 15% AP) against large monsters and 6 − 90 (based on level) (+ 30% AP) against champions over the duration of Dream Dust , reduced to 33% effectiveness for each target beyond the first. She may only heal against 1 monster at a time., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Lilting Lullaby'sapplication does not applyDream Dust, but its triggering damage does.", 'Dream Dustis applied even if the target takes no damage from an ability, e.g. by beingshieldedorinvulnerable, but not when the ability hit is prevented in the first place (e.g.spell shield).']} | Name: Blooming Blows, Description: Passive: Whenever Lillia's abilities hit at least one enemy, she generates a stack of Prance for 6. 5 seconds, refreshing on subsequent hits and stacking up to 4 times. Stacks expire by one every 1. 5 seconds when the duration ends. Prance: For each stack, Lillia gains bonus movement speed . Bonus Movement Speed: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7% (+ 3% per 100 AP) Maximum Bonus Movement Speed: 12 / 16 / 20 / 24 / 28% (+ 12% per 100 AP) Active: Lillia swings her censer around her, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies. Enemies hit within the outer edge of the area additionally take the same amount as bonus true damage . Magic Damage: 35 / 45 / 55 / 65 / 75 (+ 45% AP) Total Mixed Damage: 70 / 90 / 110 / 130 / 150 (+ 90% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic/True', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Lilliacan move duringBlooming Blows'cast time.", 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'Spell shieldwill not preventLilliafrom gaining aPrancestack.', "For the purpose of aim-assist,Lillia'sattack rangeis reduced「\xa0to 275\xa0」「\xa0by 50\xa0」duringBlooming Blows'scast time."]} | Name: Watch Out! Eep!, Description: Active: Lillia dashes to 150 units in front of the target location over 0. 759 seconds , though not through terrain, and deals magic damage in an area around the target spot. Enemies hit within the epicenter are dealt 200% increased damage . Magic Damage: 80 / 100 / 120 / 140 / 160 (+ 35% AP) Increased Damage: 240 / 300 / 360 / 420 / 480 (+ 105% AP) Watch Out! Eep! deals 50% damage to minions . Minion Damage: 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 (+ 17. 5 % AP) Increased Minion Damage: 120 / 150 / 180 / 210 / 240 (+ 52. 5 % AP) Watch Out! Eep! will cast at max range if cast beyond that., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Lilliadashes to her target location over0.627to 0.759seconds, but cannot move before the strike goes off at 0.759seconds, regardless.', 'Lilliacan hop over the edges of certain walls despite the ability being unable to traverse terrain.']} | Name: Swirlseed, Description: Active: Lillia lobs a seed at the target location that rolls forward indefinitely. The seed detonates upon hitting an enemy or terrain while on the ground, dealing magic damage to enemies in a cone, slowing them by 40% for 3 seconds and revealing them for 2 seconds. Magic Damage: 70 / 95 / 120 / 145 / 170 (+ 60% AP) Swirlseed will cast at max range if cast beyond that., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Swirlseed'sorigin is determined fromLillia'sposition at the start of cast, the rolling direction is determined fromLillia'sposition at the end of cast (when the projectile is created, not when the seed starts rolling).", 'Spell shielddoes not prevent the seed from detonating thus striking nearby targets.', "Projectile destroying effectswill still make the rolling seed detonate upon colliding with them, but not when the initial arcing missile is destroyed.IfBraum'sUnbreakableblocks the initial projectile, it is destroyed and deals 0 damage to him, as well as not triggering the cone-shaped area of effect.", "IfBraum'sUnbreakableblocks the initial projectile, it is destroyed and deals 0 damage to him, as well as not triggering the cone-shaped area of effect.", 'The spot at which the seed will collide with terrain is highlighted while it is rolling.', 'Cooldown changed to 18 seconds.']} | Name: Lilting Lullaby, Description: Active: Lillia casts a magical lullaby over all enemy champions affected by Dream Dust , which arrives after 0. 3 seconds and renders them drowsy for 1. 5 seconds, slowing them by 10%. After the duration, they fall asleep for a duration. Sleep Duration: 2 / 2. 25 / 2. 5 The next instance of non- persistent non- minion non-small and medium monster damage against a sleeping target consumes the debuff to deal additional magic damage . Magic Damage: 100 / 150 / 200 (+ 40% AP) An enemy champion affected by Dream Dust is required to cast this ability. Link ▶️ "Sleepy time!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Thesleepdebuff is namedShhh.. They're Asleep.", "Lilliacan move duringLilting Lullaby'scast time.", 'The additionalmagic damagedealt is accredited toLilliaand benefits from hermagic penetration.', "Lilting Lullaby'smissile will still hit even if the target becomesuntargetableduring the cast time.(bug)If the target becomes so while it is travelling, it will be destroyed.", 'If the target becomes so while it is travelling, it will be destroyed.', "Lilting Lullaby'sapplication does not trigger aggro fromturrets, only its triggering damage does.Dream Dust'spersistent damage will still causeLilliato trigger turret aggro, unless she castsLilting Lullabyright before it runs out.", "Dream Dust'spersistent damage will still causeLilliato trigger turret aggro, unless she castsLilting Lullabyright before it runs out.", 'Dream Dustwill mark targets ifLilting Lullabyis learned.']} | Lillia has different animations, voice over queues and blooms depending on how many stacks ofBlooming Blowsshe has.[2]
Her name and title likely pun on Latinlilia, plural oflilium< Greekleírionλείριον <Coptichlēriϩⲗⲏⲣⲓ <Ancient Egyptianḥrrt"flower, blossom".
Lillia was teased in-game with theLillia's Haikuloot item earnable in patchV10.14. It wasawardedby scoring takedowns asJungleand openable from July 22, 2020. The card contained a Lillia Champion Permanent. |
Lissandra,the Ice Witch | | | health: Health620+110, resource: Mana475+30, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)7+0.55, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)8+0.4, armor: Armor22+4.9, attack damage: Attack damage55+2.7, attack speed: Base AS0.656, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius89, release: 2013-04-30, changed: V13.22, role: Burst, position: MiddleSupport, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 4800|880 | Games
LissandraMainCurrentYoungTitlesAlias(es)The Ice WitchLady of Ice and DarknessKeeper of DreamsThe Lady of Ice and DarknessSeeker LissandraCharacteristicsSpeciesHuman(Iceborn)Pronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:9000 BN - 8500 BNWeapon(s)Dark Ice MagicDream ManipulationPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originFreljord(Ancient Times)Current residenceFrostguard Citadel,FreljordFamilyAvarosa†(Sister)Serylda†(Sister)Ashe(Potential Reincarnation of Avarosa)Sejuani(Potential Reincarnation of Serylda)Professional statusOccupation(s)Tribal LeaderThe FrozenWatchers' SeekerRegion(s)FreljordFaction(s)FrostguardRelated character(s)VolibearOrnnAniviaIvernTrundleUdyrAsheSejuaniBraumTryndamereNunuWillump
• Main
• Current
• Young
• The Ice Witch
• Lady of Ice and Darkness
• Keeper of Dreams
• The Lady of Ice and Darkness
• Seeker Lissandra
• Born:9000 BN - 8500 BN
• Dark Ice Magic
• Dream Manipulation
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Avarosa†(Sister)
• Serylda†(Sister)
• Ashe(Potential Reincarnation of Avarosa)
• Sejuani(Potential Reincarnation of Serylda)
Professional status
• Tribal Leader
• The FrozenWatchers' Seeker
Related character(s)
As the reclusive leader of theFrostguard, many believeLissandrais a living saint whose followers bring healing and wisdom to the tribes of theFreljord. The truth is perhaps more sinister, as she uses her elemental magic to twist the power of True Ice into something dark and terrible, entombing or impaling any who would reveal her deepest secrets. Indeed, the legacy of her past may yet be the beginning of the end for Runeterra.
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2War of the Three Sisters1.3Founding of the Frostguard1.4The Dream Thief1.5The Hero of the Frost Moon1.6Story Hunting
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Avarosa and Serylda5.2Spirit Gods5.3Watchers5.4Ivern5.5Yeti5.6Trolls5.7Udyr5.8AsheandSejuani5.9NunuandWillump
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2War of the Three Sisters
• 1.3Founding of the Frostguard
• 1.4The Dream Thief
• 1.5The Hero of the Frost Moon
• 1.6Story Hunting
• 5.1Avarosa and Serylda
• 5.2Spirit Gods
• 5.3Watchers
• 5.4Ivern
• 5.5Yeti
• 5.6Trolls
• 5.7Udyr
• 5.8AsheandSejuani
• 5.9NunuandWillump
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early life[]
Lissandra came into existence millennia ago, a time when the barriers between the tangible, physical world andotherrealmswere hotly contested andbeings of old magicroamed freely.
In this chaotic epoch, Lissandra and her sisters, Avarosa and Serylda, sought to conquer whatever they could. Lissandra tried to control the mortal world, only to be attacked by the claws ofVolibear, rendering her sightless.
War of the Three Sisters[]
Deprived of her sight, Lissandra walked in dreams instead. Using her magic, she established a connection with powerful extradimensional entities known as theWatchers. On behalf of herself and her sisters, she made a deal with them to prepare Runeterra for the impending arrival of the Void.
In exchange, Lissandra and her sisters would be granted near-immortality and the ability to withstand the worst of the numbing frost. NamedIceborn, they were promised to be spared until the very end. Lissandra herself became the Watchers' Seeker, mediating their will to the Iceborn.
However, Avarosa and Serylda grew weary of their subservient role and sought to free themselves from their constraints. Caught in the middle, Lissandra tried to soothe her sisters' concerns while appealing to the Watchers for more time, but the Watchers became increasingly impatient. At some point, Avarosa and Serylda beseeched the demi-godOrnnto construct an expansivechasm and bridge, where they would then lock away the Watchers.
The sisters' conflicts had escalated into a full-scale war. As the war drew to an end, Avarosa and Serylda led their armies up into the mountains to face Lissandra. Despite Lissandra's efforts to remind them of the conquests achieved through their allegiance to the Watchers, her sisters remained indifferent.
At last, the Watchers had arrived in Runeterra. Drawing upon all ancient magic, Lissandra sacrificed her sisters and their amassed armies, before sealing the Watchers underneath a barrier of magical ice at the depths of the Howling Abyss.
Founding of the Frostguard[]
Over the passing years, Lissandra slowly realized that the barrier containing the Watchers was insufficient. The monstrous beings she had entombed were merely slumbering, gradually corrupting the True Ice around them into a more sinister essence. Now, they roamed through Lissandra's dreams as easily as she had theirs, and always she would wake, terrified, professing her loyalty to the chilling eternity they promised.
Lissandra rallied her remaining devotees to venerate her departed sisters. Their objective: accumulate as much True Ice as possible to prolong the delay of the Watchers' return, scouring the frozen expanses to enlist those of Iceborn lineage who would join their cause.
Lissandra and the first of her Frostguard exhausted all means to rewrite the history of the Freljord, erasing all records of the true events. Yet, whispers of rumors and prophetic tales endured in folklore and songs, foretelling the return of Avarosa and Serylda. Lissandra would kill silently anyone who had been claimed their reincarnations.
The Dream Thief[]
In one instance, Lissandra senses a Watcher trying to wake up. Laying down on the Howlling Abyss, naked, she uses her psychic powers to feed the Watcher dreams of others. She traverses the entire Freljord in astral form looking checking on other's dreams and even remarks on a young girl who appears to be iceborn.
In the final moments of the ritual, Lissandra enters the Watcher own dream, where she sees herself being devoured by them. She awakens horrified and spilling bile out of her mouth. But the Watcher is finally sleeping again. For her, this is a small price to pay for to keep them at bay.
The Hero of the Frost Moon[]
On a night of frost moon, Lissandra walks through a sacred sanctum of hears, where she visits numerous ice coffins holding half-dead frozen people whom she uses to feed the Watchers. She visits their dreams as she passes between them.
She remarks two sisters who were frozen together and who seemingly are devoted to each other. She thinks their devotion is foolish and mentions she found it more convenient to lose her sisters.
Story Hunting[]
At recent events, Lissandra commanded the story hunters to attack the Notai tribe, for they may harbor ancient history through their culture of retelling myths and legends. They foundNunuand other Notai children and took them to theFoundling Village. There, he met Lissandra personally, who asked him countless questions about his mother’s stories, always seeking information about oneparticularsong.
Lissandra also told him about one fierce monster that killed all who sought its power, thwarting the Frostguard who were sent each year, never to return. Actually, she was trying to discover the location of the Svellsongur artifact.
Lissandra is a towering blue pale-skinned woman with a semblance of a sculpture. She wears a gown that looks like is made of stone or ice. She wears her signature horned headpiece and is always being followed by a trail ofDark Ice. Her bluish silver hair is braided into a single pigtail that goes down to her waist.
Lissandra is a very imposing presence. She ports herself like a glorious monolith, always standing above everyone else. Lissandra is very manipulative, frigid, demanding, a perfectionist, and will do anything to achieve her goals. She is a very harsh leader and does not cope well with defeat or failure. She is also a very patient person, observing the Howling Abyss for almost ten millennia, waiting for the beings below to wake up.
Although she has this icy facade, Lissandra is a fearful person. She is in constant dread that her past will catch up to her and perpetually carries a heavy burden. She came to accept that she will find no peace in this life.
• Iceborn Physiology: Lissandra is one of the original iceborn, being immortal and resistant to the worst of the numbing frost. She is also capable of wielding True Ice without getting hurt.
• Master Sorceress: Lissandra is a very old and knowledgeable sorceress, performing powerful magic even before becoming iceborn.Dark Ice Magic: Lissandra's signature magic is manipulating dark ice, a corrupted form of True Ice. She is capable offreezinganyone who opposes her, conjuring ice in any shape she desires, such asspears of ice, walls or chain, and others.Teleportation: Lissandra is able to reform herself wherever her dark ice is spread.Enthralling: Lissandra can use her ice magic to enslave other beings to her will. She often does this toTrundle's minions who fail to obey and fall in line.Supernatural Awareness: It is hinted that Lissandra has some sort of magical awareness because, despite being blind, she is capable of sensing her surroundings to perfection. If it is related to her ability to control the temperatures or some sort of extension of her psychic abilities is not known.Psychic Abilities: Lissandra possesses telepathic abilities which allow her to mind-travel during her dreams to see things beyond her sight, enter others' dreams, and communicate with theWatchers.Dream Manipulation: Lissandra is capable of entering the dreams of other beings, manipulate those dreams and putting others back to sleep. She does it to the Watchers so they may not try to invade Runeterra again.
• Dark Ice Magic: Lissandra's signature magic is manipulating dark ice, a corrupted form of True Ice. She is capable offreezinganyone who opposes her, conjuring ice in any shape she desires, such asspears of ice, walls or chain, and others.Teleportation: Lissandra is able to reform herself wherever her dark ice is spread.Enthralling: Lissandra can use her ice magic to enslave other beings to her will. She often does this toTrundle's minions who fail to obey and fall in line.Supernatural Awareness: It is hinted that Lissandra has some sort of magical awareness because, despite being blind, she is capable of sensing her surroundings to perfection. If it is related to her ability to control the temperatures or some sort of extension of her psychic abilities is not known.
• Psychic Abilities: Lissandra possesses telepathic abilities which allow her to mind-travel during her dreams to see things beyond her sight, enter others' dreams, and communicate with theWatchers.Dream Manipulation: Lissandra is capable of entering the dreams of other beings, manipulate those dreams and putting others back to sleep. She does it to the Watchers so they may not try to invade Runeterra again.
• Teleportation: Lissandra is able to reform herself wherever her dark ice is spread.
• Enthralling: Lissandra can use her ice magic to enslave other beings to her will. She often does this toTrundle's minions who fail to obey and fall in line.
• Supernatural Awareness: It is hinted that Lissandra has some sort of magical awareness because, despite being blind, she is capable of sensing her surroundings to perfection. If it is related to her ability to control the temperatures or some sort of extension of her psychic abilities is not known.
• Dream Manipulation: Lissandra is capable of entering the dreams of other beings, manipulate those dreams and putting others back to sleep. She does it to the Watchers so they may not try to invade Runeterra again.
Avarosa and Serylda[]
Lissandra and her two sisters, Avarosa and Serylda, were three Iceborn sisters who served the FrozenWatchersuntil the latter two decided to fight for independence. Lissandra is the youngest of the triplets.[1]At the final battle on the Bridge above the Howling Abyss, she sacrificed her two sisters. After the fall of the Watchers and the deaths of her two sisters, Lissandra tried to wipe out any historical records of them from the Freljord. She was unable to completely snuff out legends regarding Avarosa and Serylda which still lingered on to the modern day. Seeing a threat in the tales about her past, Lissandra secretly plots the kill any potential Avarosa and Serylda figureheads.
Spirit Gods[]
She lost her sight toVolibearduring one of their confrontations in the early days of the Freljord and along with her Frostguard has been actively containing his worship as well as other old demigods' in order to weaken them, though he refuses to vanish and continues to actively expand his influence.
Legend says the Three Sisters asked forOrnn'shelp to build theHowling Abyss, though the tale may not be true.
Lissandra is actively trying to contain the worship ofAnivia, sending out allied raiding parties to attack Notai carravans. At some point Anivia herself would battle against the Frostguard army.
The Watchers would give Lissandra and her sisters trueIcebornpowers. Lissandra was the 'Seeker', the intermediary between the Iceborn and the Watchers. Eventually, after learning about the Watchers true intent, her sisters would openly rebel against them, with Lissandra seemingly still allied with them. During the final day of the rebellion, the Watchers broke out and threatened to consume the world, Lissandra betrayed theWatchersand sealed them away under theHowling Abyss. At that battle she sacrificed many, including both Avarosa and Serylda. Lissandra and her Frostguard keep watch over the Howling Abyss in an attempt to prevent the release of theWatchers.
Before becoming the Green Father,Ivernthe Cruel was opposed to the Three Sisters.
Lissandra unleashed an icy cataclysm to seal theWatcherwhich also decimated the Yeti civilization and robbed the Yeti of their magic, resulting in most Yeti descending intosavagery. The Frostguard keep some of the living savage Yetis as military animals.
Lissandra has found an easy ally inTrundleand the FrostTrolls. She would1freezemany Frost Trolls, eventually turning them into obedient8thralls.
Lissandra tried to kill Udyr and other spirit walkers when he was a boy.
Ashe and Sejuani are believed by Freljordians to be the reincarnations of Avarosa and Serylda, but are also possibly their direct descendants, making Lissandra their great-aunt-many-times-removed. Currently Lissandra is the leader of theFrostguardand openly hostile towardsAshe'sand herAvarosan, andSejuaniand theWinter's Claw(as suggested byLegends of Runeterraofficial artworks, whereTryndamereis battling against the Frostguard forces, as well as the Frostguard openly raiding Avarosan settlements and attackingBraumwhen excapingDa'arvonginThe Raidcinematic).
During her attempt to find Avarosa's grave, Ashe and her original Avarosans were attacked by Lissandra's followers who were trying to conceal the truth. It is unknown what Ashe thinks of the Frostguard at the moment. Lissandra appears to know about Ashe faking the origin of her bow, as stated by one of theirLegends of Runeterrainteractions.
She metNunuin the Foundling Village after his tribe was attacked by raiders. She told him about a beast that lived near by, which Nunu would later befriend and nameWillump. Her intention was to gain a gem that swirled with the dreams of any mortal mind nearby that theYetiWillumpwas keeping.
Read More
The Ice Witch
ByAriel Lawrence
Starring Champion
Short Story
Hero of the Frost Moon
ByMatthew Dunn
A hero is anyone who answers the call to do what must be done.
Short Story
Legend of the Frozen Watchers
ByLaurie Goulding
Of all the tales of the old Freljord that have somehow endured into the modern age, there is one—and one alone—that can chill the blood of even the hardiest Iceborn.
Song of Nunu
ByTequila Works
Short Story
The Dream Thief
ByMatthew Dunn
The Ice Witch does not sleep in her citadel.
Music Video
You and Me Makes Us
By Numerous creators
Mentioned Champion
Short Story
A Feast Fit for a King
ByGraham McNeill
A hulking figure trudged through the waist-deep snow of the canyon, lumbering uphill with a purposeful gait that dared the blizzard to stop him.
Short Story
Stone Cold
ByDavid Slagle
I wake up suddenly, like a story that starts in the middle of the action.
The Boy and His Yeti
ByDavid Slagle
Short Story • 35 Minute Read
The Eye in the Abyss
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Sigvar Half-Quiver knelt on one knee, head bowed, while the wind beyond the gates howled like the ice-wraiths of legend.
Starring: N/A
The Eye of the Void
ByIan St. Martin
The Green Father
ByMatthew Dunn
Short Story • 15 Minute Read
The Lost Tales of Ornn
ByMatthew Dunn
I have never seen the forgotten god. My grandmother told me these tales, but she never saw the forgotten god either—nor did her grandmother before her, or hers before her, a thousand times over. His legends endure only around crackling fires and meals of roasted fish. The further back we trace our ancestors, the truer the tales become.
The Night Hunter
ByAnthony Burch
The Relentless Storm
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné,Rayla Heide
Short Story
The Shackles of Belief
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Thorva, Sister of Frost, hauled on her reins, dragging her hulking drüvask to a halt alongside Scarmother Vrynna of the Winter's Claw.
The Troll King
ByLaurie Goulding
Short Story • 3 Minute Read
Tomb of the Troll Boy
ByLeslee Sullivant Heintz
'Would you like to hear a bedtime story?'
Warmother: Issue 1
ByOdin Austin Shafer,Nina Vakueva
Thousands of years ago, the War of the Three Sisters nearly tore the frigid wilds of the Freljord apart. Today, the tribes descended from the three sisters - the Winter's Claw, the Avarosan, and the Frostguard - still fight for power and survival. Ashe, daughter of the Avarosan warmother, trains to someday lead her people. Food is scarce in the Freljord. Warmth, even more so.
Warmother: Issue 2
ByOdin Austin Shafer,Nina Vakueva
Faced with impossible odds, Ashe and her tribe must decide what is worth dying for.
Alternate Universes
A Hero Awakens
What secrets lie beneath the shards?
Mentioned:Amumu,Diana,Kindred,Teemo,Xin Zhao
Enter the Freljord
Enter the Freljord
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
Short Story
Keeper of Dreams
By Unknown Author
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Destroy your doubt, face the future.
The Seeker's Tale
ByChristina Norman
Mentioned:Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Sejuani,Xerath
Answer To Her Light
By Unknown Author
The omens are clear: The coven has reassembled in the name of the old gods. Eclipse Leona is ready to meet them.
Crystal Quest: Series 1
Mentioned:Anivia,Ashe,Braum,Bristle,Caitlyn,Camille,Elise,Ezreal,Garen,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Illaoi,Ivern,Katarina,Kled,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lucian,Nami,Olaf,Poppy,Ryze,Senna,Singed,Skaarl,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Veigar,Vi,Zac
Crystal Quest: Series 2
Short Story
Journey Into The Freljord
By Unknown Author
Mentioned:Ashe,Jarvan IV,Lissandra,Trundle
Music Video
By Numerous creators
The battle begins, and sixteen teams across the globe are fighting towards one goal – to win the League of Legends World Championship.
Starring: N/A
• Lissandra is among the very last living originalIceborn.Based on the timeline inRealms of Runeterra, Lissandra is between around 9000 and 10000 years old.
• Lissandra used to tellthe storyof theHowling Abyssif one waits 30 seconds after winning a game there. It was later removed due to having some details clashing with the current canon."Before magic shattered the broken peaks"might be referencingAurelion Solunleashing anewborn starinto a mountain to seal a Void rift or the destruction made by the Rune Wars."Before the desert swallowedShurima"implies she is as or even older thanAzir.Both of the previous statements are confirmed true based on the official timeline.
• Of the Three Sisters, Lissandra is possibly the most worshipped due to the Cult of the Three Sisters which she proliferated. The Ice Witch; however, is one of the most feared and hated figures in Freljord.
• Thematically, Lissandra lost her sight, Serylda lost her voice and Avarosa lost her hearing as Lissandra could see what needed to be done, but was blind to the cost, Avarosa could no longer ‘hear’ Lissandra’s explanations and Serylda’s voice in the matter has been lost to time.[2]
• Lissandra controls the narrative of what happened to make it easier to bend it to her will as well as to hide the failure of her family.[3]
• Lissandra might think she’s more clear headed than she actually is due to hearing the whispers of theWatchersover millenia.[4]
• Not all of the original followers of the Three Sisters werehumans, which explains the existence of non-humanIcebornin theFreljord.
• Lissandra's eyes were mauled byVolibearhimself before she became Iceborn. After she became one, she managed to overcome her blindness through ice manipulation.[5]Lissandra might use echolocation to guide herself (considering how she shouts after using any of her abilities).Her original eyes were crystal-blue in color.
• Lissandra possesses telepathic abilities which allow her to mind-travel during her dreams to see things beyond her sight, enter others' dreams and communicate with theWatchers.Lissandra uses this ability to feed the Watchers with those dreams.Lissandra seeks those who areIcebornsince they could prove useful or dangerous in the future.Lissandra uses dream manipulation to stop those seeking to destroy her andThe Frostguard Citadel.Each time Lissandra dies in someone else's dream or tries to put a Watcher back to its sleep, she loses part of her spirit.
• The 5 characters appearing in her storyThe Dream Thiefwill potentially play an important role during the11returnof theWatchers.
• Based on the timeline inRealms of Runeterra, Lissandra is between around 9000 and 10000 years old.
• "Before magic shattered the broken peaks"might be referencingAurelion Solunleashing anewborn starinto a mountain to seal a Void rift or the destruction made by the Rune Wars.
• "Before the desert swallowedShurima"implies she is as or even older thanAzir.Both of the previous statements are confirmed true based on the official timeline.
• Both of the previous statements are confirmed true based on the official timeline.
• Lissandra might use echolocation to guide herself (considering how she shouts after using any of her abilities).
• Her original eyes were crystal-blue in color.
• Lissandra uses this ability to feed the Watchers with those dreams.
• Lissandra seeks those who areIcebornsince they could prove useful or dangerous in the future.
• Lissandra uses dream manipulation to stop those seeking to destroy her andThe Frostguard Citadel.
• Each time Lissandra dies in someone else's dream or tries to put a Watcher back to its sleep, she loses part of her spirit.
• Lissandra and her two sisters, Avarosa and Serylda were three Iceborn sisters who served the FrozenWatchersuntil Avarosa decided to fight for independence despite Lissandra's objections. Her Iceborn army andAniviaeventually defeated the Watchers. It is implied Lissandra would later murder Avarosa for revenge.
• Lissandra is her original name, but later became similar to a title for the Frostguard leader. She murdered and stole the identity of a Frostguard leader, then she slowly began to warp the tribe's proud traditions. Whenever her human form grew old, she faked her own death and then murdered her successor to steal her identity.
• TheSeeker's Armguardused to be hers. The gauntlet is now inSejuani'spossession (how the Fury of the North got it is uncertain).[6]
• The Frostguard appears to be an ally ofAshe'sAvarosanbut is actually preparing for the return of the Watchers, ready to strike both the Avarosan and the Winter's Claw in the process.
• Lissandra met withQuinnandValorin theFrostguardcitadel when theyjourneyed to the Freljordon a scouting mission atJarvan IV'sbehest.She later pursued them in her true form (the Ice Witch) after they sneaked out the citadel (neither knows both incarnations are the same person).
• It is implied Lissandra was behind the imprisonment of the fire spirit known asBrand.
• She later pursued them in her true form (the Ice Witch) after they sneaked out the citadel (neither knows both incarnations are the same person).
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Iceborn Subjugation, Description: Innate: Whenever a nearby enemy champion dies, Lissandra spawns a Frozen Thrall from their corpse. Frozen Thralls are ice spirits that have 33. 48 − 325 (based on seconds) movement speed and slow nearby enemies by 25%. They will chase nearby visible enemies for 4 seconds, prioritizing champions , after which they shatter to deal 120 − 520 (based on level) (+ 50% AP) magic damage to nearby enemies., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Thrallsare units that are considered champions (they areclones) and they take the form of the champion they arise from.Additionally, near the end of their life span, they will cue that champion'sbasic attackanimation.They cannot be teleported by an alliedRealm Warp.", "Additionally, near the end of their life span, they will cue that champion'sbasic attackanimation.", 'They cannot be teleported by an alliedRealm Warp.', 'Thrallsareuntargetableandinvulnerable.', 'Thrallsare revealed to enemies through the fog of war.', 'Thrallswill continue to chase their target even if they enter abrush.', "Iceborn Subjugationwill not summon aThrallagainst enemy champions that enter azombie state, and will instead summon one after they've left the state."]} | Name: Ice Shard, Description: Active: Lissandra launches a shard of ice in the target direction that deals magic damage and slows enemies hit for 1. 5 seconds. Magic Damage: 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200 (+ 80% AP) Slow: 20 / 24 / 28 / 32 / 36% If Ice Shard hits an enemy, it will shatter, increasing its width and maximum range., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'Ice Shardpicks a location 950 units away in the direction of the cast for the shattered missile to end up at.', 'The initialIce Shardmissile has a range of 700 units which it arrives at after0.33seconds. If it hasn\'t collided with an enemy in this path when it does, it checks for enemies in a100 radius around the point 25 units in front of it.Colliding or hitting an enemy in either fashion creates a new "shattered" missile with the same speed but greater width that continues to travel along the same line to the designated point 950 units from the cast\'s original position, originating at the location at which the initial missile collided at.', 'Colliding or hitting an enemy in either fashion creates a new "shattered" missile with the same speed but greater width that continues to travel along the same line to the designated point 950 units from the cast\'s original position, originating at the location at which the initial missile collided at.', 'Spell shieldwill block the damage and the slow but will not stop the projectile from shattering.']} | Name: Ring of Frost, Description: Active: Lissandra freezes nearby enemies, dealing magic damage and rooting them for a duration. Magic Damage: 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 / 210 (+ 70% AP) Root Duration: 1. 25 / 1. 35 / 1. 45 / 1. 55 / 1. 65, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'No additional information.']} | Name: Glacial Path, Description: Active: Lissandra sends a claw of ice in the target direction that deals magic damage to enemies it passes through, decelerating over 1. 25 seconds. Glacial Path can be recast after 0. 5 seconds while the claw is active. Magic Damage: 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 / 210 (+ 60% AP) Recast: Lissandra consumes the claw and blinks to its current location., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection/Auto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Both casts count as ability activations for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.", "Lissandracan reactivateGlacial Pathfor the duration (plus another 0.2-0.3seconds after the claw 'sinks' into the ground).The Claw can also hit enemies near the end point at this time, shortly after the missile has reached its maximum range.", 'The Claw can also hit enemies near the end point at this time, shortly after the missile has reached its maximum range.', 'Glacial PathallowsLissandrato surpass through every single wall in all maps, so long as the claw is at least halfway through them.', 'Glacial Pathcannot be recast whilegroundedorrooted.', "Glacial Path'sendpoint shows through terrain,fog of warandbrushto enemies within 600 range of it."]} | Name: Frozen Tomb, Description: Active: Lissandra can cast Frozen Tomb on herself or an enemy champion. Enemy Cast: Lissandra freezes the target enemy champion, knocking them down and stunning them for 1. 5 seconds. Self Cast: Lissandra instantly entombs herself in ice, entering stasis for 2. 5 seconds and healing herself every 0. 25 seconds over the duration. The healing is increased by 0% − 100% (based on missing health at the time of cast) . Minimum Heal per Tick: 10 / 15 / 20 (+ 5. 5 % AP) Maximum Heal per Tick: 20 / 30 / 40 (+ 11 AP) Minimum Total Heal: 100 / 150 / 200 (+ 55% AP) Maximum Total Heal: 200 / 300 / 400 (+ 110% AP) Frozen Tomb creates a field of ice that spreads out from the target over 1. 5 seconds and covers the surrounding area for 3 seconds, dealing magic damage to enemies and slowing them for 0. 5 seconds, refreshing every 0. 25 seconds while they remain. Magic Damage: 150 / 250 / 350 (+ 75% AP) Slow: 30 / 52. 5 / 75% Link ▶️ "Entomb!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Enemies can only be damaged by the field of ice once every 4 seconds.Under normal circumstances, this means once per cast ofFrozen Tomb.', 'Under normal circumstances, this means once per cast ofFrozen Tomb.', "Enemies who come in contact withFrozen Tomb'sslow field will be damaged and a small visual and sound effect will play.", 'Spell shieldwill block the single-targeted portion and the radiating ice damage, but will not stop it from spreading.', 'If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away during the cast time, this ability will cancel but does not go oncooldownnor pay its cost.This only applies to the enemy cast.', 'This only applies to the enemy cast.']} | Lissandra first appeared in theJournal of Justice,Issue 2, several years before her announcement as a champion. Like now, she was portrayed as the leader of one of the three tribes of the Freljord, but her portrayal was originally vastly different, as a mortal princess allied withAshe's tribe.This was later revealed to be her alter ego, and most people are not aware of her being the Ice Witch herself.
If Ashe, Lissandra, and/orSejuaniare played on opposing teams,Battle for Freljordwill trigger. This in-game quest consists in one killing the other to earn the title of 'Queen of Freljord' (complete with a floating ice crown floating above their heads) referencing the civil war taking place there, between the three tribes each lead.
Lissandra is the only champion to possess a single-targeted ability (Frozen Tomb) that can be used on herself but not on allies.
Lissandra,Elise, andLucianare the only champions to feature a monologue on their login screens.
Lissandramay be the feminine form of Greek name Λύσανδρος (Lysander or "liberator").
Her champion theme is the same as the pick music ofARAMand is titled "Freljord". |
Lucian,the Purifier | | | health: Health641+100, resource: Mana320+43, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)3.75+0.65, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)7+0.8, armor: Armor28+4.2, attack damage: Attack damage60+2.9, attack speed: Base AS0.638, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius100, release: 2013-08-22, changed: V13.17, role: Marksman, position: BottomMiddle, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 1350|585 | Missing section(s):
LucianMainCurrentPastTitlesAlias(es)The PurifierSentinel of LightCharacteristicsSpeciesHumanPronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:961 AN - 966 ANWeapon(s)Urias' Relic PistolSenna's Relic PistolPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originDemaciaCurrent residenceUnknown(No Fixed Abode)FamilyUrias†(Father)Unnamed Mother†Senna Abaru(Spouse)Professional statusOccupation(s)Undead HunterSentinel of LightRegion(s)DemaciaBlessed IslesFaction(s)Sentinels of LightRelated character(s)SennaThreshAkshanMiss FortuneOlafHecarimViegoGwenVayneGravesIreliaRivenDianaPykeRengar
• Main
• Current
• Past
• The Purifier
• Sentinel of Light
• Born:961 AN - 966 AN
• Urias' Relic Pistol
• Senna's Relic Pistol
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Urias†(Father)
• Unnamed Mother†
• Senna Abaru(Spouse)
Professional status
• Undead Hunter
• Sentinel of Light
• Demacia
• Blessed Isles
Related character(s)
Lucian, a Sentinel of Light, is a grim hunter of undying spirits, pursuing them relentlessly and annihilating them with his twin relic pistols. After the wraithThreshslewhis wife, Lucian embarked on the path of vengeance—but even with her return to life, his rage is undiminished. Merciless and single-minded, Lucian will stop at nothing to protect the living from the long-dead horrors of the Black Mist.
• 1Background
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Senna5.2Miss Fortune5.3Viego5.4Gwen5.5Sentinels of Light5.6Akshan
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 5.1Senna
• 5.2Miss Fortune
• 5.3Viego
• 5.4Gwen
• 5.5Sentinels of Light
• 5.6Akshan
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
• Relic Pistol Proficiency:As a noviceSentinel, Lucian was trained in wielding the relic pistol of his deceased father Urias. After the loss of his wifeSenna, Lucian wielded her pistol as well, learning to wield both masterfully. With these pistols, Lucian is capable of firingconcentrated rays of lighteither as single blasts or even in the form of abarrage of shots.These pistols are uniquely designed to harm the undeadwraithsof theShadow Islesthanks to their relic stone material.
• Enhanced Agility:Lucian is capable of dashing moderate distances at incredible speeds, almost to the speed of light. This skill allows Lucian to dodge danger or pursue fleeing enemies. It is unknown what the nature of this ability is but it could potentially be magical or a result of his relic pistols.
• Undead Hunting Mastery:As a veteran Sentinel, Lucian is extremely well versed in hunting the undead, particularly the wraiths of the Shadow Isles. Having trained alongside his wife for years, Lucian has become knowledgeable on the weaknesses of these wraiths as well as the best tactics in combatting them.
Lucian andSennaare husband and wife. Lucian's father Urias saved Senna as a child and later helped her become a Sentinel. Senna met Lucian to deliver the news of his father's death. Love developed between them and they became husband and wife. She also helped him become a Sentinel.Threshkilled3Sennawhen she tried to save Lucian. This event fueled Lucian's hatred for Thresh andShadow Isles. Luciantraveledto Bilgewater in pursuit of theHarrowingto locate Thresh. It was then he found out Senna's soul is trapped inside the Chain Warden'slantern. Lucian continued to pursue the Mist to free her and finallysucceeded, though he did not expect her to come back to life. Although Senna has been freed, Lucian remains obsessed with exacting vengeance from Thresh, as he is certain the Chain Warden’s machinations have only begun.
Miss Fortune[]
During the events ofShadow and Fortune, Lucian andMiss Fortuneencountered each other in a recentBilgewater'sHarrowing. They both fought the undead from the Shadow Isles and parted way in friendly terms. Despite this, she would eventually betray him and the Sentinels of Light toViego. She intended to persuade him to help her claim Bilgewater. They also encounteredOlafin the same events but did not think much of him. Olaf would eventually forget that he met Lucian.
After Senna was freed, the couple's main goal is now to stopViegoand his Black Mist. Upon finding out about Senna's relation to Isolde, his wife, Viego chased her and Lucian and succeeded in retrieving Isolde in spite of their efforts to stop him.
Gwenallied herself with Lucian and Senna to aid the Sentinels of Light and oppose Viego.
Sentinels of Light[]
Lucian and Senna recruited multiple Sentinels of Light to aid them against Viego, including:Diana,Graves,Irelia,Olaf,Pyke,Rengar,Riven, andVayne. Lucian and a Rookie saved Rengar from some wraiths when they traveled to the jungles Ixtal in search of a fetter.
Lucian snuck off to Shurima to find the Absolver and metAkshan. While initially refusing to join their cause, Akshan would have a change of heart and revived Lucian after he was killed by wraiths.
Read More
The Purifier
ByDevon Giehl
Starring Champion
Absolution (Cinematic)
Two souls entwined by fate. One life for the other’s freedom.
Before Dawn
In the darkest night, a new Sentinel rises.
Dark Passage
This ends now.
Short Story
ByPhillip Vargas
Lucian sat on a hilltop beneath the shadow of a large banyan tree and scanned the valley below.
Short Story
Hunter of Shadows
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
They came at Lucian in a blur of shadow, lunging at him with insubstantial talons and ancient, rusted blades.
Short Story
ByPhillip Vargas
Senna woke with a gasp, her breath pluming in the frigid night.
Rise of the Sentinels
ByJohn O'Bryan
Black Mist pours across Runeterra, enthralling its champions and shrouding the continent in darkness. If the last Sentinels are going to save Runeterra, they're going to need all the help they can get. And that meansyouRookie!
Starring:Akshan,Diana,Draven,Graves,Gwen,Irelia,Isolde,Karma,Lucian,Miss Fortune,Olaf,Pantheon,Pyke,Rengar,Riven,Senna,Shyvana,Thresh,Vayne,Vex,Viego,Yorick
Ruination (Video)
A king returns. All he touches turns to ruin.
Short Story • 51 Minute Read
Shadow and Fortune: Chapter Four
ByGraham McNeill
She is not Dead, Strange Bedfellows, In Motion Again
Starring:Hecarim,Illaoi,Lucian,Miss Fortune,Olaf,Rafen,Thresh
Short Story • 51 Minute Read
Shadow and Fortune: Chapter One
ByGraham McNeill
Blood on the Streets, Glory in Death, Down to the Bearded Lady/nThe Butcher Blades had hung the Jackdaw from a rusted marlinspike through his jawbone and left him for the quayside scavengers. This was the seventeenth murdered ganger the hooded man had seen tonight.
Starring:Lucian,Miss Fortune,Olaf,Rafen
Short Story • 51 Minute Read
Shadow and Fortune: Chapter Three
ByGraham McNeill
The Purifier, City of the Dead, Sanctuary
Starring:Hecarim,Lucian,Miss Fortune,Olaf,Rafen,Thresh
Short Story • 51 Minute Read
Shadow and Fortune: Chapter Two
ByGraham McNeill
Something Stupid, The Red Shroud, The Shadow of War
Starring:Lucian,Miss Fortune,Olaf,Rafen
Mentioned:Hecarim,Morgana,Senna,Tahm Kench,Thresh
Shadow's Embrace
Those trapped in darkness need light the most.
Shadows and Reflections
By Numerous creators
The Purifier Remembers
Steadfast Heart: Issue 1
ByIan St. Martin
Separated by a millennium, personal tragedy draws Viego and Lucian to islands shrouded in mist and mystery.
Steadfast Heart: Issue 2
ByIan St. Martin
Viego and Lucian grapple with losing the loves of their lives. Will either find peace, or only ruin?
Steadfast Heart: Issue 3
ByIan St. Martin
As Ruination spreads across Runeterra, the Sentinels begin a quest for allies.
Steadfast Heart: Issue 4
ByIan St. Martin
Tension brews as the Sentinels recruit more allies and prepare to take on the Ruined King. Can this motley crew win this fight?
Steadfast Heart: Issue 5
ByIan St. Martin
Senna trains the new Sentinels of Light, as Lucian searches for the wielder of a legendary weapon in Shurima. Meanwhile, the Ruined King gains allies of his own.
Steadfast Heart: Issue 6
ByIan St. Martin
The final showdown between Light and Darkness - the fate of Runeterra lies in the balance!
The Climb
Take the first step and begin your climb.
Starring:Blitzcrank,Ekko,Illaoi,Lucian,Miss Fortune,Senna,Taliyah,Thresh,Xerath,Yasuo
Short Story
The Voices of the Dead
ByDavid Slagle
There's a saying on my island. “Only through stealing our breath can the wind speak.” You want me to describe the Black Mist that greeted me when I first arrived in the Ionian village, hood raised, relic cannon on my back?
Mentioned Champion
Ruined King
ByAirship Syndicate
Rise Against Ruin - Unite a party of League of Legends Champions, explore Bilgewater and set sail for the Shadow Isles to uncover the secrets of the deadly Black Mist in this immersive turn-based RPG.
Starring:Ahri,Braum,Gangplank,Illaoi,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Necrit,Pyke,Rafen,Thresh,Viego,Yasuo
Mentioned:Ashe,Elise,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Gwen,Hecarim,Isolde,Ivern,Janna,Jarvan IV,Kalista,Ledros,Lucian,Nagakabouros,Nautilus,Olaf,Ornn,Rhasa,Riven,Senna,Swain,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Twisted Fate,Udyr,Volibear,Yone,Yorick,Zed
The Chain Warden
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
The Redeemer
ByDavid Slagle
Alternate Universes
A Fireside Frightener
ByLuchador Teemo,ZeOcelot
A New Devil's In Town
By Numerous creators
Make History
In this battle of regions, one will conquer all others to make history.
Starring:Alistar,Ashe,Azir,Bard,Brand,Caitlyn,Cassiopeia,Elise,Evelynn,Janna,Karma,LeBlanc,Lee Sin,Lucian,Morgana,Nautilus,Orianna,Pyke,Ryze
Starring:Fiora,Lucian,Master Yi,Zed
Short Story
Out of Time
ByMichael Yichao
Systems Online
In the wake of a ruthless Praetorian threat, an elite team converges to stop them. Prepare to engage—you're just in time.
Short Story
The Man with the Grinning Shadow
ByJared Rosen
“You the marshal?”
“Nothing's going to stop me.” Inspired by the true story of Doublelift, Team Liquid ADC and five-time North American LCS champion. It's On.
Crystal Quest: Series 1
Mentioned:Anivia,Ashe,Braum,Bristle,Caitlyn,Camille,Elise,Ezreal,Garen,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Illaoi,Ivern,Katarina,Kled,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lucian,Nami,Olaf,Poppy,Ryze,Senna,Singed,Skaarl,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Veigar,Vi,Zac
Music Video
ByTrue Damage
Mentioned:Ahri,Azir,Book,Camille,Corki,Jinx,Kayn,Kindred,LeBlanc,Lucian,Pyke,Rhaast,Tahm Kench,Teemo,Thresh,Twitch,Yuumi
A band of cybernetic castoffs plans to infiltrate The City to destroy the entity that created—and then abandoned—them: the PROJECT Corporation.
Punches and Plants: Series 1
Mentioned:Ahri,Alistar,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Braum,Caitlyn,Darius,Diana,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Evelynn,Ezreal,Gangplank,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jinx,Karma,Katarina,Leona,Lucian,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Nunu,Quinn,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Sivir,Sona,Soraka,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Valor,Varus,Vel'Koz,Vladimir,Volibear,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Zac,Ziggs
Punches and Plants: Series 2
Mentioned:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Amumu,Annie,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Diana,Draven,Ekko,Ezreal,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Kha'Zix,Kog'Maw,Leona,Lucian,Lux,Malphite,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nasus,Nautilus,Nidalee,Olaf,Orianna,Poppy,Quinn,Rakan,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Shaco,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Valor,Vel'Koz,Viktor,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Xin Zhao,Yasuo,Ziggs
Short Story
With Hell Before Them
ByJared Rosen
June 7th, 1868
• Lucian’s dual pistols were passed down through generations of the Sentinels of Light. One belonged to his father, Urias, and the other to his wife,Senna; whenThreshimprisoned her, Lucian took up the weapon in her honor.[1]
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Lightslinger, Description: Innate: After casting an ability , Lucian's next basic attack within 3. 5 seconds fires an additional shot on-attack after 0. 25 seconds, which deals 50 / 55 / 60% (based on level) AD physical damage , increased to 100% AD against minions . He will shoot the same target, else another target in range. The second shot applies on-hit and on-attack effects at 100% effectiveness and is affected by critical strike modifiers. Innate - Vigilance: Whenever Lucian is healed or shielded , or an enemy champion within 1000 units is immobilized , his next two shots within 6 seconds are empowered to deal 15 (+ 15% AD) bonus magic damage on-hit . He can store up to 4 empowered shots at a time., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Lightslingeris triggered and consumed by the first attack, even if no target can be found upon firing the second attack.', 'The second attack, if the initial target was killed, will prioritize enemy champions regardless of havingsightof them or not and enemyminionswithlow health.', 'Luciancan perform actions freely while firingLightslingersince the second attack is integrated into the first one.The second attack has special movement animations depending on the directionLucianis moving while firing.', 'The second attack has special movement animations depending on the directionLucianis moving while firing.', "The second attack counts as a separate hit for effects such asElectrocute,Muramana'sShock, andEclipse'sEver Rising Moon.", 'The second attack separately rollscritical strike.', 'The empowered shots will apply against structures.']} | Name: Piercing Light, Description: Active: Lucian fires a laser in a line in the direction of the target enemy that deals physical damage to enemies hit. Physical Damage: 95 / 125 / 155 / 185 / 215 (+ 60 / 75 / 90 / 105 / 120% bonus AD) Piercing Light's cast time ends prematurely if the initial target dies, allowing Lucian to attack and move freely, or to immediately begin casting either Ardent Blaze or The Culling . (bug), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Piercing Lightwill attempt to lead the target if it is moving but does not adjust further during the cast time (enemies can dodge the laser if they change their position by a sufficient amount during the cast time).', 'Luciancan bufferArdent BlazeorThe Cullingduring the cast time.Relentless Pursuitis locked out.This is whyLuciancan use them early if the cast time prematurely ends.', 'This is whyLuciancan use them early if the cast time prematurely ends.']} | Name: Ardent Blaze, Description: Active: Lucian fires a missile in the target direction that explodes in a cross pattern upon hitting an enemy or reaching maximum range, dealing magic damage to enemies hit and granting sight of the area for 1 second. Magic Damage: 75 / 110 / 145 / 180 / 215 (+ 90% AP) Enemies hit are marked for 6 seconds. Lucian gains bonus movement speed for 1 second when he or allied champions damage a marked target. Allied champions triggering this effect grant Lucian Vigilance . Bonus Movement Speed: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'parries': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.Like mostmissiles, it will not collide with enemies whose center is beyond the maximum range (not behindLucian), but this determines only the center and timing of the explosion.', 'Like mostmissiles, it will not collide with enemies whose center is beyond the maximum range (not behindLucian), but this determines only the center and timing of the explosion.', 'Ardent Blazewill cast from whereverLucianis at the end of the cast time.', "Lucianwill not gainArdent Blaze'sbonus movement speed if attacks onmarkedtargets aredodged,blocked, or if missed while the attacker isblinded.", 'DoTswill procArdent Blazeonly once.', 'Spell shieldwill not prevent the mark.']} | Name: Relentless Pursuit, Description: Passive: Relentless Pursuit's current cooldown is reduced by 1 second for each Lightslinger shot hit, doubled to 2 seconds against enemy champions . Active: Lucian dashes in the target direction. Relentless Pursuit resets Lucian's basic attack timer. Lucian can cast any of his abilities during the dash. Relentless Pursuit can be cast during Ardent Blaze's cast time and during The Culling's channel. Relentless Pursuit will cast at max range if cast beyond that., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Additional on-hits duringLightslingerare not considered for the cooldown reduction (i.eRunaan's Hurricane,Guinsoo's Rageblade).", "Unlike some dashes,Lucian'sdash speed doesnotscale with hismovement speed.", "Relentless Pursuit'sdash can go through terrain, but will not be extended further if the target location is within terrain, unlike other dashes, likeEkko'sPhase Dive.", "CastingRelentless Pursuitdirectly after attacking withLightslingerwill reduce Relentless Pursuit's cooldown when the projectiles hit the target.WithNavori Quickbladesand 10 more ability haste, attacking a champion withLightslinger, followed byRelentless Pursuit, and another Lightslinger attack will fully reset rank 5 Relentless Pursuit's cooldown.", "WithNavori Quickbladesand 10 more ability haste, attacking a champion withLightslinger, followed byRelentless Pursuit, and another Lightslinger attack will fully reset rank 5 Relentless Pursuit's cooldown.", "Relentless Pursuitcan be cast duringRecall'scast time.IfRelentless Pursuitis cast just as the cast time ends,Lucianwill not perform his Recall animation, instead staying idle. This allowsLucianto use hisemotesduring his Recall.", 'IfRelentless Pursuitis cast just as the cast time ends,Lucianwill not perform his Recall animation, instead staying idle. This allowsLucianto use hisemotesduring his Recall.']} | Name: The Culling, Description: Active: Lucian channels for up to 3 seconds, rapidly firing up to 22 (+ 1 per 4% critical strike chance) shots in the target direction. Each shot deals physical damage to the first enemy hit, doubled against minions . The Culling can be recast after 0. 75 seconds during the channel, and does so automatically when the channel ends. Physical Damage Per Shot: 15 / 30 / 45 (+ 25% AD) (+ 15% AP) Additional Damage per 20% Crit Chance: 75 / 150 / 225 (+ 125% AD) (+ 75% AP) Total Physical Damage: 330 / 660 / 990 (+ 550% AD) (+ 330% AP) + 15 / 30 / 45 (+ 25% AD) (+ 15% AP) per 4% critical strike chance Minion Damage Per Shot: 30 / 60 / 90 (+ 50% AD) (+ 30% AP) Additional Minion Damage per 20% Crit Chance: 150 / 300 / 450 (+ 250% AD) (+ 150% AP) Total Minion Damage: 660 / 1320 / 1980 (+ 1100% AD) (+ 660% AP) + 30 / 60 / 90 (+ 50% AD) (+ 30% AP) per 4% critical strike chance While channeling, Lucian is ghosted and may still move. Recast: Lucian ends The Culling . Link ▶️ "For Senna !", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection/Auto', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'At100% critical strike chance,The Cullingfires up to 25 additional shots, for a total of 47 shots.Thetotaldamage at the maximum number of shots (at100% critical strike chance) is705 / 1410 / 2115(+ 1175% AD)(+ 705% AP)physical damage.Against minions, this is increased to1410 / 2820 / 4230(+ 2350% AD)(+ 1410% AP).', 'Thetotaldamage at the maximum number of shots (at100% critical strike chance) is705 / 1410 / 2115(+ 1175% AD)(+ 705% AP)physical damage.', 'Against minions, this is increased to1410 / 2820 / 4230(+ 2350% AD)(+ 1410% AP).', 'The fire rate increases with the number of shots.', "DuringThe Culling,Lucian'sfacing direction is in the direction that he is firing.", 'Luciancan interact withDark Passageor alliedDevourwithoutinterruptingThe Culling.', "The Cullingcreates the shots at an offset of 35 units to the front plus 35 units towards each side ofLucian(sides alternating, first shot fired fromLucian'sright gun), unlike the missiles of most abilities.", 'The damage dealt by each bullet ofThe Cullingis calculated when the bullet reaches a target, just like single missile abilities.', 'Spell shieldonly blocks one instance of damage.', 'The following table refers for interactions whileLucianischanneling:', 'Death', 'Cast-inhibiting effects']} | Lucian's is the first login screen to start with an animated sequence (his shows his wife Senna's soul being dragged intoThresh'slantern).
The Cullingused to be the first ability in the game to directly scale with attack speed (untilV5.22) and is the first that allows firing backwards while moving.
Lucian'srecallingreferencesEquilibrium.A side by side comparison can be seenhere.The sloped front of Lucian's guns is also very reminiscent of the weapons wielded by the Clerics in Equilibrium.
Lucian's dance referencesRevolver Ocelot'sgun spinningfromMetal Gear.A side by side comparison can be seenhere.
Lucian was the first champion to ever get a Chroma Pack for his Classic skin.
Of Lucian's guns the less ornate one is his (an L is engraved on its side) and the more intricate one was Senna's (an S instead);[2]the letters were at first thought to meanLightandShadow.
People in Lucian's social circle possess light-theme names:Lucianderives from Latin praenomenLucius, fromlux(cognate with Englishlight), sharing one samePIEroot*leuk-asLuxanna.Sennafrom Arabic سناءSanāʼ"brightness, sublimity",[3]from roots-n-y(>Sin"moon" &seneh"burning bush").[4]Lucian's father's nameUriasΟυριας is the Greek rendition of Hebrew אוריהUriah"my light[5]isYah".
Lucian andZedperform the'Naruto run'when having very high movement speed.
IfSennaandThreshare played on opposing teams, aquestwill trigger for Lucian as well. This in-game quest consists of a battle of himself vs Thresh to earn the opposing champion's stack of souls, Lucian's death will grant Senna's stacks to Thresh.[6] |
Lulu,the Fae Sorceress | | | health: Health595+92, resource: Mana350+55, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)6+0.6, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)11+0.6, armor: Armor26+4.9, attack damage: Attack damage47+2.6, attack speed: Base AS0.625, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius100, release: 2012-03-20, changed: V13.22, role: Enchanter, position: Support, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 4800|880 | Missing section(s):
LuluMainCurrentTitlesAlias(es)The Fae SorceressCharacteristicsSpeciesYordlePronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:UnknownWeapon(s)Fae MagicPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originBandle CityCurrent residenceUnknown(FormerlyThe Glade)Pet(s)PixProfessional statusOccupation(s)SorceressTricksterRegion(s)Bandle CityRelated character(s)YuumiGnarVeigarPoppyTristanaCorkiTeemoDravenZoeGravesTwisted Fate
• Main
• Current
• Born:Unknown
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
• Sorceress
• Trickster
Related character(s)
TheyordlemageLuluis known for conjuring dreamlike illusions and fanciful creatures as she roamsRuneterrawith her fairy companion Pix. Lulu shapes reality on a whim, warping the fabric of the world, and what she views as the constraints of this mundane, physical realm. While others might consider her magic at best unnatural, and at worst dangerous, she believes everyone could use a touch of enchantment.
• 1Background
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1PoppyandTristana5.2DravenandTamara5.3Graves
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 5.1PoppyandTristana
• 5.2DravenandTamara
• 5.3Graves
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Lulu is a yordle with lilac-colored skin, and olive green eyes that have brighter tones closer to the iris. She has straight, long dark purple hair with some lash-grazing pieces in the front.
She wears a vermillion-colored pointy hat and robes with accents of gold. Her shoes are brown with a elf-styled toe tip.
• Yordle Physiology:Lulu is a Yordle, a being coming from theSpirit Realmand possesses several abilities natural of her species.Immortality:Being spiritual beings, Yordles don't age the same way as normal humans, and they can't normally die.Yordle Magic:Just like anyYordle, Lulu is capable of performing yordle magic, which she utilizes in tandem with her transmogrification skills.
• Fae Magic:Lulu was taken to the Glade, a magical location beyond the Bandlewood, there her magic powers were expanded to an even greater level than that of a average Yordle.Transmogrification:Lulu can transform others and herself in many ways, she can increase or decrease ones physical atributtes, or change their shape into an animal, or augment their size.
• Immortality:Being spiritual beings, Yordles don't age the same way as normal humans, and they can't normally die.
• Yordle Magic:Just like anyYordle, Lulu is capable of performing yordle magic, which she utilizes in tandem with her transmogrification skills.
• Transmogrification:Lulu can transform others and herself in many ways, she can increase or decrease ones physical atributtes, or change their shape into an animal, or augment their size.
Lulu likes bothPoppyandTristana, but she sometime finds them too serious for her liking.
DravenandTamarahaveencounteredboth Lulu andTristana, fought and fled from them during his return trip fromBasilichto Noxus Prime.
Graves capturedTeemofor the bounty onyordleswhile Twisted Fate refuses because "messing with Yordles brings a whole heap of trouble."Corki, Lulu andTristanafoughtGraveswhen trying to save Teemo, which ended up in Graves beingturnedinto a frog and the Yordles escaping.
Read More
The Fae Sorceress
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Starring Champion
Don't Mess With Yordles
Wanna go cause a ruckus? When Teemo goes missing, Tristana finds plenty of volunteers to help bring him home to Bandle City—in all the ways that only yordles can!
Starring:Corki,Graves,Lulu,Teemo,Tristana,Twisted Fate
Short Story
The Whispering Doodad
ByGraham McNeill
“Here, doodad,” she whispers to the grass. “Pretty please, with sprinkles on top! I'll let you take us somewhere you want to go next.” The doodad—or whatever it's really called—doesn't respond, but I sense it rolling away from Lulu. Well, not really rolling, as such, more making itself be where she isn't.
Mentioned Champion
Short Story
A Bandle Scout Mission Journal
By Numerous creators
Another Bandle Scout mission badge complete.
Mentioned:Corki,Kennen,Lulu,Tristana,Von Yipp
Tales of Runeterra
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Akali,Braum,Corki,Darius,Diana,Ekko,Fiora,Garen,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jinx,Leona,Lulu,Miss Fortune,Shen,Teemo,Thresh,Tristana,Twisted Fate
Alternate Universes
Short Story
Ambition's Embrace
ByMichael Yichao
Bound by darkness.
Starring:Ashe,Kassadin,Lulu,Lux,Master Yi,Rakan,Thresh,Xayah,Xin Zhao
Be Your Best Santa
Santa Draven, Ambitious Elf Jinx, and Snow Fawn Poppy step up to help Santa Braum with this year’s Snowdown festivities. But with Jinx and Draven at the frontlines, the celebrations could easily snowball into shenanigans!
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Since its inception, Worlds has grown and evolved. Each unbelievable play and phenomenal match created moments and memories that will never be forgotten. In these iconic moments, players and teams reached for something incredible within themselves and brought it to life on the Summoner’s Rift...
Starring:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Brand,Caitlyn,Darius,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Gnar,Janna,Jax,Jayce,Jinx,Kassadin,Katarina,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lulu,Orianna,Rek'Sai,Rengar,Rumble,Ryze,Shen,Sivir,Tahm Kench,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Yasuo,Ziggs
Short Story
New Stars
ByAriel Lawrence
Star Guardians can only defeat the darkness that spreads across the universe if they stand together. They will fight as one or fall as many.
Short Story
ByAriel Lawrence
A team bonding trip will test Lux's leadership and confidence as the group welcomes new stars during the annual meteor shower.
Starring:Ahri,Ezreal,Janna,Jinx,Lulu,Lux,Miss Fortune,Poppy,Soraka,Syndra
Short Story
The Slumber Party Summoning
ByAriel Lawrence
Okay, I'll admit slamming the door in their faces was a bit of an overreaction.
Starring:Ezreal,Janna,Jinx,Lulu,Lux,Miss Fortune,Poppy,Soraka
Short Story
The Twilight Star
ByAriel Lawrence
I have too many questions I want to ask her.
Starring:Janna,Jinx,Lulu,Lux,Miss Fortune,Poppy
Short Story
Twin Stars
ByCat Cheresh
Akali could see the stars.
Starring:Ahri,Akali,Ezreal,Janna,Jinx,Kai'Sa,Lulu,Lux,Miss Fortune,Neeko,Poppy,Rakan,Soraka,Syndra,Xayah,Zoe
Academy Adventures: Series 1
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Akali,Amumu,Anivia,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Braum,Cho'Gath,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fiora,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Ivern,Jhin,Jinx,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nidalee,Olaf,Poppy,Rek'Sai,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Shen,Sion,Sona,Soraka,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tristana,Trundle,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Vel'Koz,Vi,Yorick,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 3
ByGutter Rat
Harmonies: Issue 2
ByMichael Yichao
Seraphine navigates a life-changing moment as she embraces her dream becoming reality.
Mentioned:Ezreal,Janna,Jinx,Lulu,Lux,Miss Fortune,Poppy,Soraka,Syndra,Volibear,Yasuo
Music Video
The Roadtrip
ByCassie Parkes,Marvin Clifford
Mentioned:Ahri,Ashe,Azir,Bard,Braum,Darius,Fiddlesticks,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Irelia,Jinx,Kalista,Katarina,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Lulu,Master Yi,Nami,Poppy,Rakan,Shaco,Sona,Swain,Taric,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Varus,Xayah,Yasuo,Zilean
The Tale of the Poro King
By Numerous creators
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aatrox,Akali,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Darius,Diana,Draven,Ezreal,Gnar,Illaoi,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kai'Sa,Karma,Karthus,Katarina,Kayle,Kayn,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nunu,Ornn,Pantheon,Pyke,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Rhaast,Ryze,Sejuani,Shen,Sion,Sivir,Soraka,Sylas,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Thresh,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Vi,Volibear,Willump,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs,Zoe
• Lulu may have had a quirky encounter withShacoat some point.
• In the old lore, Lulu is a friend ofVeigar. Their connection in the new lore is left unambiguous.This might have been Riot's response to a fanfictionthreadabout their misadventures. According to Rivini (its author), Riot officially made them friends, AFTER the thread was created.
• This might have been Riot's response to a fanfictionthreadabout their misadventures. According to Rivini (its author), Riot officially made them friends, AFTER the thread was created.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Pix, Faerie Companion, Description: Innate: Lulu is assisted by Pix , an untargetable faerie, who follows her around and fires a barrage of 3 bolts towards her target whenever she uses a basic attack on-attack . Each bolt deals 3 − 37 (based on level) (+ 5% AP) magic damage to the first enemy it collides with, for a total of 9 − 111 (based on level) (+ 15% AP) on hitting a single target with all three bolts. Casting Help, Pix! on an ally champion transfers Pix's help to them, causing him to fire the bolts dependent on their basic attacks. Pix snaps back to Lulu if she is too far away., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'parries': 'Bypass', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Pix'sbolts do not fire alongside abilities that applyon-hiteffects (e.g.Runaan's Hurricane).", 'Pixdoes not fire if the target dies.', "Pixconsumes one stack ofSpellthief's Edge'sTribute.", 'Pixfires from his own location and not from the unit he is following.', "Pix'sdamage is counted towards the champion he is currently helping.", "The empowered attack does not trigger againststructuresnorwards.Neither of them will interceptPix'sbolts.", "Neither of them will interceptPix'sbolts."]} | Name: Glitterlance, Description: Active: Lulu and Pix each fire a magic bolt towards the target point, each one dealing magic damage to enemies hit, reduced to 70% against minions , and slowing them by 80% decaying over 2 seconds. Magic Damage: 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 / 210 (+ 50% AP) Minion Damage: 49 / 73. 5 / 98 / 122. 5 / 147 (+ 35% AP) Enemies take 25% damage from a second bolt. Reduced Damage: 17. 5 / 26. 25 / 35 / 43. 75 / 52. 5 (+ 12. 5 % AP) Total Magic Damage: 87. 5 / 131. 25 / 175 / 218. 75 / 262. 5 (+ 62. 5 % AP) Reduced Minion Damage: 12. 25 / 18. 375 / 24. 5 / 30. 625 / 36. 75 (+ 8. 75 % AP) Total Minion Damage: 61. 25 / 91. 875 / 122. 5 / 153. 125 / 183. 75 (+ 43. 75 % AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.Pixfires his bolt from wherever he is whenLulucastsGlitterlance.Lulu'sbolt will fire from wherever she is at the end of the cast time.Depending on cursor position both bolts can either crossfire, fire in parallel, or in opposite directions.", "Pixfires his bolt from wherever he is whenLulucastsGlitterlance.Lulu'sbolt will fire from wherever she is at the end of the cast time.Depending on cursor position both bolts can either crossfire, fire in parallel, or in opposite directions.", 'Depending on cursor position both bolts can either crossfire, fire in parallel, or in opposite directions.']} | Name: Whimsy, Description: Active: Lulu can cast Whimsy on herself or a champion. Enemy Cast: Lulu launches a spell onto the target enemy champion that polymorphs them into a harmless critter for a duration, during which their base movement speed is reduced by 60 , and disarms them for the same duration. Disable Duration: 1. 2 / 1. 4 / 1. 6 / 1. 8 / 2 Self / Ally Cast: Lulu instantly casts erratic magic upon the target allied champion or herself, granting the target bonus attack speed and 25% (+ 5% per 100 AP) bonus movement speed for the duration. Bonus Attack Speed: 25 / 27. 5 / 30 / 32. 5 / 35% Duration: 3 / 3. 25 / 3. 5 / 3. 75 / 4, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Whimsy'smovement speed reduction is not affected byslow resist.", 'If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the cast time, this ability will cancel but still go oncooldownand pay its cost.(bug)This only applies to the enemy cast.', 'This only applies to the enemy cast.']} | Name: Help, Pix!, Description: Active: Lulu can cast Help, Pix! on herself or an ally or enemy. Enemy Cast: Lulu sends Pix to the far side of the target enemy for 4 seconds, dealing magic damage and revealing them for the same duration. Magic Damage: 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 (+ 50% AP) Self / Ally Cast: Lulu sends Pix to the target ally for 6. 25 seconds. If the target is a champion , they are granted a shield for 2. 5 seconds. Shield Strength: 75 / 115 / 155 / 195 / 235 (+ 55% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Help, Pix!can beself-cast.', "If the player castsHelp, Pix!on a non-champion target, the spell script will first search for a targetable allied or enemy champion within75 radius around the target. If there is at least one, it'll apply the effects to the closest one instead of the initial target.PENDING FOR TEST:Allies or enemies or proximity take priortity?This effect does not respect that the champion may not be visible toLuluand not a valid target for normal selection for this reason. Therefore it can for instance apply the effects to stealthed enemy champions this way.(bug)Since the original cast did not target the champion, some effects (such asGuardian) may behave incorrectly.(bug)It is not known in which patch this effect was added.", 'PENDING FOR TEST:Allies or enemies or proximity take priortity?', 'This effect does not respect that the champion may not be visible toLuluand not a valid target for normal selection for this reason. Therefore it can for instance apply the effects to stealthed enemy champions this way.(bug)', 'Since the original cast did not target the champion, some effects (such asGuardian) may behave incorrectly.(bug)', 'It is not known in which patch this effect was added.', 'Spell shieldandRipostewill block the damage butPixwill still follow regardless.', "Pixwill continue to assist the target ally for the full duration even if the shield breaks (the same applies for the shield if the target ally leavesPix'sleash range).", "Pix'sGlitterlancebolt can be fired while he is away fromLulufrom his location and towards the cursor (effectively extendingGlitterlance'srange)."]} | Name: Wild Growth, Description: Active: Lulu enlarges herself or the target allied champion, knocking up nearby enemies for 0. 75 seconds. For the next 7 seconds, the target gains bonus health and 40% increased size and slows nearby enemies, which lingers for 0. 25 seconds. Bonus Health: 275 / 425 / 575 (+ 45% AP) Slow: 30 / 45 / 60% Link ▶️ "Hugify!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Wild Growth'sbonushealthis not affected byGrievous Woundsand its resulting health restoration will persist after the duration ends.", "Wild Growth'ssize increase scales additively with other size increases."]} | Lulu is the first champion to:Be announced directly through an "Art Spotlight".Be available for play on thePBEbefore her official release.Have her own login screen and dedicated theme.
Lulu was the last champion to release with 2 skins alongside her Classic one.
Whimsy,Help, Pix!,Lamb's Respite,Tempered FateandTime Warpare the only abilities in the game that can affect themselves, allies, and enemies.
Lulu's abilities grant buffs and debuffs depending if her target is an ally or an enemy.UsingHelp, Pix!on an enemy will grant them a debuff reading 'Hey! Listen!' referencingNavifromThe Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.In chat, the enemy player's character name is replaced by "Harmless Critter" while they arepolymorphedbyWhimsy.BeforeV11.1, this changed name would range along a number of possible ones, depending on Lulu's skin:Squill,Cupcake,Kitty,Dragon,Snowman,Blob,JellyandBlob.[2] |
Lux,the Lady of Luminosity,Luxanna Crownguard | | | health: Health560+99, resource: Mana480+23.5, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)5.5+0.55, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)7+0.8, armor: Armor19+5.2, attack damage: Attack damage54+3.3, attack speed: Base AS0.669, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius100, release: 2010-10-19, changed: V13.17, role: BurstArtillery, position: MiddleSupport, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 450|260 | Games
LuxMainArmored 1Armored 2Armored 3YoungTitlesReal nameLuxanna CrownguardNickname(s)Girl PersonLittle LightAlias(es)The Lady of LuminosityLady CrownguardRadiant LuxThe Unseen LightCharacteristicsSpeciesHuman(Magical)Pronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:976 ANWeapon(s)Light MagicRadiant StaffPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originHigh Silvermere,DemaciaCurrent residenceTerbisia,DemaciaFamilyPieter Crownguard(Father)Augatha Crownguard(Mother)Garen Crownguard(Brother)Fossian Crownguard(Great-Grandfather)†Unnamed Uncle†Hargold Crownguard(Great-Uncle)†Tianna Crownguard(Aunt)Eldred Crownguard(Uncle)†Pet(s)Starfire(Personal Horse)Professional statusOccupation(s)IlluminatorGovernor ofTerbisiaRegion(s)DemaciaFaction(s)Crownguard HouseIlluminatorsRelated character(s)GarenTiannaFioraJarvan IVXin ZhaoGalioNocturneSylasKatarinaEldred
• Main
• Armored 1
• Armored 2
• Armored 3
• Young
Real name
• Girl Person
• Little Light
• The Lady of Luminosity
• Lady Crownguard
• Radiant Lux
• The Unseen Light
• Born:976 AN
• Light Magic
• Radiant Staff
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Pieter Crownguard(Father)
• Augatha Crownguard(Mother)
• Garen Crownguard(Brother)
• Fossian Crownguard(Great-Grandfather)†
• Unnamed Uncle†
• Hargold Crownguard(Great-Uncle)†
• Tianna Crownguard(Aunt)
• Eldred Crownguard(Uncle)†
Professional status
• Illuminator
• Governor ofTerbisia
• Crownguard House
• Illuminators
Related character(s)
Luxanna Crownguardhails fromDemacia, an insular realm where magical abilities are viewed with fear and suspicion. Able to bend light to her will, she grew up dreading discovery and exile, and was forced to keep her power secret in order to preserve her family's noble status. Nonetheless, Lux's optimism and resilience have led her to embrace her unique talents, and she now seeks to bring greater tolerance and understanding to her homeland.
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2Contemporary history1.3Meeting Sylas1.4Recent events1.5Mageseeker
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities4.1Weapons
• 5Relations5.1Family5.2Galio5.3Illuminators5.4Sylas5.5Nocturne
• 6Trivia
• 7Read More7.1Biography7.2Starring Champion7.3Mentioned Champion7.4Alternate Universes
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2Contemporary history
• 1.3Meeting Sylas
• 1.4Recent events
• 1.5Mageseeker
• 4.1Weapons
• 5.1Family
• 5.2Galio
• 5.3Illuminators
• 5.4Sylas
• 5.5Nocturne
• 7.1Biography
• 7.2Starring Champion
• 7.3Mentioned Champion
• 7.4Alternate Universes
Early life[]
Lux was born in Demacia in Silvermere into the Crownguard family, one of the richest and most powerful families in the kingdom, after Garen joined the Demacian army, Lux was groomed to be an obedient and helpful person to the Crownguard family and the royal family, but she was quite a rebellious girl who wanted to explore the world and what was outside the walls of Demacia.
One night Lux was riding back home after a long exploration, but at that moment a pack of wolves ambushed her and her horse with the intention of eating her, when they were about to attack her, Lux, full of fear, unleashed a powerful blast of light from his hand, horrified, Lux realized that she was a mage, the terror of the Demacians and her family, since then she did everything she could to hide her powers for fear of being locked up and murdered.
Contemporary history[]
For the next few years, Lux tried to hide her magical powers, afraid of what would happen. Thinking that she would turn bad or that her family would fall into disgrace. She spent sleepless nights trying to suppress her powers but then began to familiarize herself with magic, practicing and experimenting in secret; bending the solar rays of the gardens making them take different solid forms or making sparkles dance between her fingers. Lux decided that she will keep her powers a secret as long as possible.
When she turned 16, Lux was taken to Demacia by her parents to see Garen's ascension in the army. Lux began to study the laws so that over time the world would stop hating magicians like her.
Meeting Sylas[]
Lux stayed with Garen in Demacia and over time helped him maintain order in the city, however one day Garen chased a mage girl who was escaping, Garen managed to immobilize her and arrest her which made Lux very uncomfortable. Lux discovered that the woman had a spell book which she used to practice her magic, realizing the number of confiscated magic books, she decided to use her family influence to enter the place where all those books were to investigate if anyone could help to control their powers.
After not having found anything useful, she decided to take a walk around the place, where she found an entrance she did not know, two guards tried to stop her but she said it was a Crownguard and they let her pass, accompanied by a guard she discovered that it is the place where they lock up mages. She felt quite surprised and at the same time somewhat horrified to learn that she would be sent there if she was discovered but she went ahead and saw that all the mages were forced to drink a liquid which weakens their powers.
Lux asked why they didn't just exile them, but the guard responded by telling her that sometimes exile wasn't enough punishment. As they walked, Lux saw a large door that caught her attention. The guard told him not to enter sinceSylas of Dregbournewas there, one of the most dangerous criminals in Demacia.
Recent events[]
After her powers were discovered, Lux was forced to flee Demacia, but not wanting to go with Sylas, she founded her own mage's refuge in which she would shelter mages who did not want to get involved in the civil war.
Lux is a short, pale-skinned young woman with big blue eyes and shoulder-length large golden blonde hair, on top of which she always wears a dark blue headband.
While she generally wears typical demacian noble attire in public, she is primarily seen in armor with a silver-white breastplate and skirt, dark blue leggings covering her legs and arms, white heeled boots to match her skirt and breastplate.
When Lux uses her magic, her eyes can sometimes change from blue to bright gold.
Lux presents an energetic and optimistic disposition, being happy and finding humor all the time. However, in more serious situations, Lux's facade drops and she turns out to be constrained and worried about her magic and being found out. She wishes for mages to be accepted in Demacia and opposes the Mageseekers' prosecution of them just because of their powers, sympathizing with Sylas for being unfairly imprisoned. When he betrayed her and started the rebellion, Lux saw him as the danger he truly was, though since the rebellion she has decided to help innocent mages secretly escape Demacia and join Sylas' camp, since being under his rule would be better than being trapped in a nation which saw them only as criminals.
• Magicborn Physiology:Lux is an individual born with natural magical ability, which she has been shown to struggle controlling, mainly for the lack of proper training, due to Demacia's prejudice towards mages. She has gone through progression being already powerful enough to awakenGalio, The Colossus.Light Magic:Lux can wield the light as a conduit to her magic powers, including the following abilities:Bioluminescence: Lux is capable of making her whole body or parts of it shine, since whenever she gets nervous her hands start to glow.Light solidification:She can solidify the light to create bindings or shields for herself and her allies.Light control:Controlling the strength of her light from small sparkles to massive blasts of light, she can concentrate to create various types of lights or make herself invisible.Telekinesis:Lux also has some telekinetic abilities, being able to levitate both herself and her staff with her mind alone.
• Horseback riding:Like most Demacian nobles, Lux was taught how to ride a horse. She rides her personal horse named Starfire.
• Light Magic:Lux can wield the light as a conduit to her magic powers, including the following abilities:Bioluminescence: Lux is capable of making her whole body or parts of it shine, since whenever she gets nervous her hands start to glow.Light solidification:She can solidify the light to create bindings or shields for herself and her allies.Light control:Controlling the strength of her light from small sparkles to massive blasts of light, she can concentrate to create various types of lights or make herself invisible.
• Telekinesis:Lux also has some telekinetic abilities, being able to levitate both herself and her staff with her mind alone.
• Bioluminescence: Lux is capable of making her whole body or parts of it shine, since whenever she gets nervous her hands start to glow.
• Light solidification:She can solidify the light to create bindings or shields for herself and her allies.
• Light control:Controlling the strength of her light from small sparkles to massive blasts of light, she can concentrate to create various types of lights or make herself invisible.
Mage Staff: Lux has a cane with which she can channel her magical powers with, the appearance deriving from a cane with a double tip of metallic blue and gold or silver and black in color.
Lux is the youngest in noble family Crownguard, born with magical abilities she keeps hidden for fear of being executed or exiled fromDemacia. Lux feared of what could happen if her older brotherGarenfound out about her powers (their uncle was killed by a mage, an event that made Garen show magic users both zero tolerance and no mercy). She believed their mother was the only one who knew, however, she had no idea that Garen and their auntTiannahad realized that she was a mage several years earlier, and were thinking of ways to protect her. Although they are aware of her power, they were somewhat in denial of Lux being a mage herself. After the events of theLux comic, Lux got Garen to verbally acknowledge that she was a mage. The two parted ways on good terms.
Garen and Luxanna's father, Pieter Crownguard, was a defender during the failed Noxian assault nicknamedCyrus's Folly. This is likely referring to the same Cyrus who conquered the port city Basilich, which also happens to be the hometown ofDariusandDraven.
Galiodeems Lux 'the only mage he likes' (Link▶️"You. Young girl person. Can you stay and accompany me wherever I go?") and the one that can help him attain prolonged animation periods longer than a single battle. Lux was apparently the first person to have a conversation with Galio when she was 13-years-old, but he first became aware of her when her family made a pilgrimage to see him when she was a toddler. During the events ofWarriors, Lux would make an appearance during Sylas' attack with theWinter's Clawon a northern fortress, which Garen and his soldiers had retreated to. When things were going badly for the Demacians, she openly reveals her magical power to call for Galio's help, which rallied Garen and his men.
Lux was introduced to theIlluminatorsby Kahina,Sona'sadoptive sister.
Lux metSylaswhen he's in prison. They developed certain bonds during their exchange, while Lux brought him food and books, Sylas taught her how to control her power. Later, Lux was manipulated and used bySylasto escape Demacian imprisonment after he learnt about the property of petricite thanks to her. Sylas genuinely cares about Lux, but will not hesitate to harm her if she stops in his way. Lux, in turn, is also ready to stop him if necessary.Luxwas intended to marryJarvan IVLightshield as suggested by her brotherGarenand her auntTianna, in order to gain political immunity that would protect her of any controversial accusations that would otherwise damage her and her family's reputation in Demacia.
Nocturneterrorized the Demacian settlement of Fossbarrow untilGarenandLuxexpelled him from the neighboring tomb. Nocturne was sealed in the grave of their great-grandfather Fossian, who died during the fight versus him, before a young mage named Luca accidentally woke him up.
• She is around 20 years old.She was 19 years old during the events ofFor Demaciaand laterLux Comic.[1]She turned 20 at some point after the events of the comic.She was 16 years old when her brother joined the ranks of theDauntless VanguardShe was 13 years old during the events ofFlesh and Stone.
• Lux'sRadiant Staffwas given to her by a mage woman named Cim that she saved during the events ofLux: Issue 5.
• She was 19 years old during the events ofFor Demaciaand laterLux Comic.[1]She turned 20 at some point after the events of the comic.
• She was 16 years old when her brother joined the ranks of theDauntless Vanguard
• She was 13 years old during the events ofFlesh and Stone.
• Ezrealhas fallen unrequited in love with her . However, Lux barely knows him.ZoeseesLuxas a rival since she has a crush onEzreal.In the old lore,LuxandEzrealwere strongly hinted to be dating.They are hinted to also have feelings for each other in alternative universes likeStar GuardianandBattle Academia.
• ZoeseesLuxas a rival since she has a crush onEzreal.
• In the old lore,LuxandEzrealwere strongly hinted to be dating.
• They are hinted to also have feelings for each other in alternative universes likeStar GuardianandBattle Academia.
Read More
The Lady of Luminosity
ByGraham McNeill
Mentioned:Garen,Jarvan III,Tianna
Starring Champion
Binding Light
A young Demacian mage has a secret she must hide - not just from her family, but the entire kingdom.
Short Story • 17 Minute Read
Flesh and Stone
ByJohn O'Bryan
A young girl ashamed of her power. A monolith that can't help his curiosity. An unlikely pair - or the perfect match?
Short Story • 28 Minute Read
For Demacia
ByGraham McNeill
In a town plagued by nightmares, can even the best and bravest of Demacia bring back the light?
Mentioned:Jarvan IV,Morgana,Shyvana
Katarina: Issue 2
ByScott Hawkes
The kingdom of Demacia is in chaos! While the Great City has its focus on Sylas and his mage rebellion, a cunning, redheaded assassin, Katarina, lurks in the shadows. Focused on executing the most dangerous mission of her life, she hopes to finally live up to her father’s impossible expectations. However, when she is forced to choose between the mission and her own instincts, will she have to betray Noxus’ Master of Assassins?
Starring:Arrika,Jarvan III,Katarina,Lux,Marcus Du Couteau
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill,Garen,Soreana Du Couteau,Swain,Sylas,Talon
Short Story • 4 Minute Read
Last Light
ByGraham McNeill
In the wake of disaster, Lux risks all for the sake of a wounded soldier.
Lux: Issue 1
ByJohn O'Bryan,Billy Tan,Haining,Gadson,John Roshell
In Demacia, order reigns and magic is forbidden. How will the order be upset when Lux's hidden magic emerges?
Mentioned:Jarvan III,Jarvan IV
Lux: Issue 2
ByJohn O'Bryan,Billy Tan,Haining,Gadson,John Roshell
Struggling to control her growing magic, Lux bluffs her way into the Mageseeker compound.
Starring:Garen,Jarvan IV,Lux,Sylas
Mentioned:Galio,Jarvan III,Morgana,Tianna
Lux: Issue 3
ByJohn O'Bryan,Billy Tan,Haining,Gadson,John Roshell
If saving Sylas means exposing her powers, will Lux dare risk her own future to save a criminal?
Mentioned:Jarvan III,Jarvan IV
Lux: Issue 4
ByJohn O'Bryan,Billy Tan,Haining,Gadson,John Roshell
Sylas' master plan is revealed! But is it too late for a guilt-ridden Lux to turn the tide?
Starring:Garen,Jarvan III,Jarvan IV,Lux,Sylas,Tianna
Lux: Issue 5
ByJohn O'Bryan,Billy Tan,Haining,Gadson,John Roshell
As all mages are hunted down by Prince Jarvan IV and forces led by Garen, Lux must make her ultimate decision!
Starring:Garen,Jarvan IV,Lux,Sylas
Mentioned:Jarvan III
The Mageseeker
ByDigital Sun
In the kingdom of Demacia, the Mageseekers hold the power to oppress magic-using citizens in the name of public order–by inducting and indoctrinating them, locking them away, or driving them into hiding. Play as Sylas, a spell-stealing mage who has just broken free of his unjust captivity at the Mageseekers’ hands. Wielding the chains that once bound you, you must liberate your homeland from tyranny, one Mageseeker at a time.
Starring:Aidan,Eldred,Garen,Gideon,Hesbeth,Jarvan IV,Kara,Killan,Leilani,Lux,Morgana,Rayn,Rukko,Shyvana,Sylas,Wisteria,Yops
Mentioned:Aatrox,Anden Mayne,Dalin,Dominick,Evelynn,Falden,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Jaredan,Jarvan III,Katarina,Kayle,LeBlanc,Mihira,Naafiri,Nocturne,Rhaast,Ryze,Sion,Tianna,Varus
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Mentioned Champion
Short Story
Garen: First Shield
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
The King is dead. Demacia is mourning. And in the eyes of Garen Crownguard, it’s his fault. But can he rise to the challenge when Demacia needs him again? While on a peacetime expedition beyond the borders of Demacia, Garen, Quinn, and the Dauntless Vanguard uncover a plot that threatens to destroy long-standing alliances. As the knight-ranger Quinn tries to get word back to Demacia, Garen and his comrades make a desperate last stand. How long can they last, and at what cost?
Mentioned:Jarvan IV,Lux,Sylas
Katarina: Issue 3
ByScott Hawkes
The kingdom of Demacia is in chaos! While the Great City has its focus on Sylas and his mage rebellion, a cunning, redheaded assassin, Katarina, lurks in the shadows. Focused on executing the most dangerous mission of her life, she hopes to finally live up to her father’s impossible expectations. However, when she is forced to choose between the mission and her own instincts, will she have to betray Noxus’ Master of Assassins?
Mentioned:Arrika,Drann,Jarvan III,Lux,Marcus Du Couteau,Swain,Sylas
Katarina: Issue 5
ByScott Hawkes
The kingdom of Demacia is in chaos! While the Great City has its focus on Sylas and his mage rebellion, a cunning, redheaded assassin, Katarina, lurks in the shadows. Focused on executing the most dangerous mission of her life, she hopes to finally live up to her father’s impossible expectations. However, when she is forced to choose between the mission and her own instincts, will she have to betray Noxus’ Master of Assassins?
Starring:Drann,Jaredan,Katarina,Marcus Du Couteau,Swain
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill,Garen,Jarvan III,LeBlanc,Lux,Mordekaiser,Soreana Du Couteau,Sylas,Talon
League Animation Workshop
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Darius,Lux,Miss Fortune,Zed
Tellstones: King's Gambit (Video)
Can you play like a champion?
Mentioned:Fiora,Garen,Jarvan IV,Lux,Quinn,Sona,Taric,Valor,Xin Zhao
The Might of Demacia
ByGraham McNeill
Mentioned:Jarvan III,Jarvan IV,Lux,Tianna
Short Story • 7 Minute Read
The Soldier and the Hag
ByGraham McNeill
The Lady of the Stones took a fellow soldier. Now, she'll take on Garen and his broadsword.
The Unshackled
ByJohn O'Bryan
Alternate Universes
A Hero Awakens
What secrets lie beneath the shards?
Mentioned:Amumu,Diana,Kindred,Teemo,Xin Zhao
Short Story
Ambition's Embrace
ByMichael Yichao
Bound by darkness.
Starring:Ashe,Kassadin,Lulu,Lux,Master Yi,Rakan,Thresh,Xayah,Xin Zhao
Choncc Dome
ByTy Sheedlo,Taylor Dinwiddie,Isa Mari De Leon,Elyse Lemoine
Just because the Tournament of Souls is all about 1v1 combat doesn't mean you have to train alone! That's why Choncc has gathered some of the greatest Soul Fighters under one roof—er… dome. So choose a champ and start gettin'swole, Choncc-style!
Dominion (Video)
Starring:Cassiopeia,Irelia,Jarvan IV,Lux,Malphite,Miss Fortune,Mordekaiser,Ryze,Swain,Teemo
There's nothing like teaming up with your favorite duo partner in League of Legends. Just ask LilyPichu and sleightlymusical. It's On.
Fight for Yours
Music Video
Fire to the Fuse
ByNumerous Creators
Driven by an endless need for revenge, Pyke hunts down other versions of himself across dimensions. After each kill, the dimension collapses and a new Empyrean is born with volatile powers and a mission all their own.
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
ByInstitute of War
The truest opponent lies within.
Starring:Boram Darkwill,Brand,Caitlyn,Cassiopeia,Galio,Graves,Irelia,Jarvan IV,Karma,LeBlanc,Lee Sin,Leona,Lux,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nocturne,Orianna,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Skarner,Sona,Swain,Talon,Trundle,Urgot,Varus,Vayne,Vladimir,Wukong,Xerath,Xin Zhao,Yorick
Just One More
Every League of Legends player knows what it's like to chase the next win. Inspired by the true story of the five North American League of Legends players with the longest losing streak in one sitting. It's On.
Light's End
By Numerous creators
A cruel light. A flickering dark.
Short Story
New Stars
ByAriel Lawrence
Star Guardians can only defeat the darkness that spreads across the universe if they stand together. They will fight as one or fall as many.
Short Story
ByAriel Lawrence
A team bonding trip will test Lux's leadership and confidence as the group welcomes new stars during the annual meteor shower.
Starring:Ahri,Ezreal,Janna,Jinx,Lulu,Lux,Miss Fortune,Poppy,Soraka,Syndra
The Light Within
A kingdom hangs on the edge of ruin as an army of titanic elemental beasts wage war on humanity. The last line of defense is held by a lone warrior queen, Elementalist Lux. To save her people, she must look within and reveal her true matter what form it takes.
Short Story
The Slumber Party Summoning
ByAriel Lawrence
Okay, I'll admit slamming the door in their faces was a bit of an overreaction.
Starring:Ezreal,Janna,Jinx,Lulu,Lux,Miss Fortune,Poppy,Soraka
Short Story
The Twilight Star
ByAriel Lawrence
I have too many questions I want to ask her.
Starring:Janna,Jinx,Lulu,Lux,Miss Fortune,Poppy
Tournament of Souls
ByTaylor Dinwiddie,Ty Sheedlo
Play League of Legends to build Samira's reputation and style on your competition at the Tournament of Souls! Face off against the strongest soul fighters in a series of fierce 1v1 matches to help Samira chase down her biggest bounty yet and fulfill her SOUL'S DESIRE!
Short Story
Twin Stars
ByCat Cheresh
Akali could see the stars.
Starring:Ahri,Akali,Ezreal,Janna,Jinx,Kai'Sa,Lulu,Lux,Miss Fortune,Neeko,Poppy,Rakan,Soraka,Syndra,Xayah,Zoe
Unite Against The Dark
Hear the story of Lunar Empress Lux, Lunar Guardian Nasus, and Lunar Guardian Warwick as we celebrate the Year of the Dog in League of Legends.
Music Video
You Really Got Me
By Numerous creators
Ready for the Rift?
Academy Adventures: Series 1
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Akali,Amumu,Anivia,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Braum,Cho'Gath,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fiora,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Ivern,Jhin,Jinx,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nidalee,Olaf,Poppy,Rek'Sai,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Shen,Sion,Sona,Soraka,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tristana,Trundle,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Vel'Koz,Vi,Yorick,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 3
ByGutter Rat
Short Story
An ancient mystery in Runeterra
ByExplorer Ezreal
Mentioned:Jayce,Lux,Twisted Fate
Another Sky
ByJared Rosen,Taylor Dinwiddie,Ty Sheedlo
As a new generation of Star Guardians prepares to fight back the forces of chaos, rising star Akali finds herself wracked with doubt. Does she have what it takes to be a Star Guardian? Or will the darkness she senses inside spell doom for her and her friends?
Mentioned:Ahri,Akshan,Ezreal,Gwen,Jinx,Lux,Miss Fortune,Rakan,Xayah
Music Video
Coming Alive
ByNumerous Creators
In the fight of a lifetime, you may get knocked down. But never knocked out.
Crystal Quest: Series 2
Music Video
Everything Goes On
ByPorter Robinson
Together with some familiar faces, a new generation of Star Guardians ascend to battle a looming threat. But even when confronted with eternal darkness, their hope burns brighter than fear.
Mentioned:Ahri,Lux,Miss Fortune
Harmonies: Issue 2
ByMichael Yichao
Seraphine navigates a life-changing moment as she embraces her dream becoming reality.
Mentioned:Ezreal,Janna,Jinx,Lulu,Lux,Miss Fortune,Poppy,Soraka,Syndra,Volibear,Yasuo
Playtime with Gnar: Series 2
ByRachel J. Corey
Punches and Plants: Series 2
Mentioned:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Amumu,Annie,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Diana,Draven,Ekko,Ezreal,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Kha'Zix,Kog'Maw,Leona,Lucian,Lux,Malphite,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nasus,Nautilus,Nidalee,Olaf,Orianna,Poppy,Quinn,Rakan,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Shaco,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Valor,Vel'Koz,Viktor,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Xin Zhao,Yasuo,Ziggs
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Reaching the peak takes more than skill. Only those with the ambition to RISE above all others will know its height.
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Akali,Ashe,Braum,Darius,Ekko,Ezreal,Fiora,Garen,Gnar,Jarvan IV,Jax,Jinx,Kalista,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Leona,Lux,Master Yi,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Riven,Ryze,Sejuani,Swain,Taliyah,Thresh,Tryndamere,Vayne,Xayah,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs
Represent Your House
Which side will you choose?
Starring: N/A
Road to the Cup
As the 2013 League of Legends World Championship final draws near, we showcase the biggest heroes in esports from around the world. Many teams fell by the wayside in epic battles, and now only two remain: Korea's SK Telecom T1 and China's Royal Club. Who will rise?
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Blitzcrank,Brand,Caitlyn,Corki,Elise,Ezreal,Gragas,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Lux,Malphite,Mordekaiser,Orianna,Renekton,Ryze,Shen,Thresh,Twisted Fate,Vayne,Zac,Zed
Sharp: Issue 1
ByMichael Yichao
Learn more about K/DA and their upcoming ALL OUT EP in this very special edition of SHARP magazine.Read through over 16 dedicated pages about Ahri, Evelynn, Kai’Sa and Akali, and how the pop group sensation renewed their ambitions since the launch of their electric 2018 debut single, POP/STARS. Discover how K/DA staged their comeback with THE BADDEST, the first song of their new and long-awaited EP, and meet Seraphine, their talented new collaborator.This special edition of SHARP also includes a special quiz to prove to yourself and your friend that you are a real BLADE!
The Tale of the Poro King
By Numerous creators
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aatrox,Akali,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Darius,Diana,Draven,Ezreal,Gnar,Illaoi,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kai'Sa,Karma,Karthus,Katarina,Kayle,Kayn,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nunu,Ornn,Pantheon,Pyke,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Rhaast,Ryze,Sejuani,Shen,Sion,Sivir,Soraka,Sylas,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Thresh,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Vi,Volibear,Willump,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs,Zoe
Welcome Aboard
Consider this your invite to join the greatest crew in the galaxy.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Illumination, Description: Innate: Lux's abilities apply a mark to enemies hit for 6 seconds, refeshing on subsequent hits. Lux's basic attacks and Final Spark consume the mark to deal 30 − 200 (based on level) (+ 25% AP) bonus magic damage ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'parries': 'Missing', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Starting anattack windupagainst a target with a mark that is about to expire refreshes its duration to 0.25seconds. CastingFinal Sparkrefreshes the marks of all marked enemies to 1.25seconds if they are within5000units of the ability's casting position and have a mark with a remaining duration of less than 1 second.", 'Spell shieldpreventsFinal Sparkfrom consuming the mark.The on-hit damage fromIlluminationvia basic attack cannot be blocked byspell shield.', 'The on-hit damage fromIlluminationvia basic attack cannot be blocked byspell shield.', "Illumination'strigger from a basic attack can beblocked(bonus damage is negated and the mark will still be consumed).", 'PENDING FOR TEST:: Parry interactions (dodge,blind).', 'AP ratio changed to45% AP.']} | Name: Light Binding, Description: Active: Lux shoots a sphere of light in the target direction that deals magic damage to the first two enemies hit and roots them for 2 seconds. Magic Damage: 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 (+ 60% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Targets immune to therootstill count towardsLight Binding'stwo-target limit.", 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'Light Bindingspawns an additional missile at the same location and vector as the main missile. This additional "Dummy" missile has the same visual effects as the main missile and gets destroyed when it hits a single enemy, thereby making the surviving VFX of the single missile weaker in intensity.The dummy missile only has100 width (for some reason). Because the missile hit happens, even if it applies no effects,spell shieldscan get consumed by the dummy missileifthe width difference caused the main missile to hit the target on a game tick before the dummy missile does, and the spell shield is activated between those two events.PENDING FOR TEST:This hacky solution also causes Lux Q to count as two skillshots for things such as "skillshots dodged" Eternals.', 'The dummy missile only has100 width (for some reason). Because the missile hit happens, even if it applies no effects,spell shieldscan get consumed by the dummy missileifthe width difference caused the main missile to hit the target on a game tick before the dummy missile does, and the spell shield is activated between those two events.', 'PENDING FOR TEST:This hacky solution also causes Lux Q to count as two skillshots for things such as "skillshots dodged" Eternals.', 'Base damage changed to 110 / 150 / 190 / 230 / 270.', 'AP ratio changed to65% AP.', 'Cooldown changed to 10 / 9.5/ 9 / 8.5/ 8 seconds.']} | Name: Prismatic Barrier, Description: Active: Lux throws her wand in the target direction that homes back to her after reaching maximum range. Allied champions hit by the wand gain a shield for 2. 5 seconds, which can stack up to 2 times, stacking with the previous shield and refreshing its duration. Shield Strength: 40 / 55 / 70 / 85 / 100 (+ 35% AP) Maximum Shield: 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200 (+ 70% AP) Lux receives the shield upon throwing the wand and upon its return., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Each pass of the wand grants a shield to each target once.', "Prismatic Barriermay only stack up to 2 times. Subsequent instances of passing through the wand have no effect on the shield's strength nor duration.", "The shield will also be granted to allies near the wand's return location.", 'Both passes ofPrismatic Barriercannot hit units whosecenteris beyond the missile range or behind its origin, even if theirhitbox radiusoverlaps.At the return location, this behaviour is overridden by an additional center check with the same diameter as the missile width.', 'At the return location, this behaviour is overridden by an additional center check with the same diameter as the missile width.', 'IfLuxdiesbefore her wand returns it will fizzle upon reaching maximum range.', "Lux'swand decelerates on the way out and accelerates on the way back.", 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.', 'Prismatic Barrieris destroyed byWind WallandBlade Whirlbut notUnbreakable.', 'Base shield changed to 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180.', 'AP ratio changed to45% AP.']} | Name: Lucent Singularity, Description: Active: Lux sends a lucent singularity to the target location, remaining there for 5 seconds to grant sight of the area and slow nearby enemies. Slow: 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45% Lucent Singularity can be recast at any time while it is in flight or within the duration, and does so automatically after the duration. Recast: Lux detonates the singularity, dealing magic damage to enemies within. If Lucent Singularity was recast while in flight, it will detonate upon arrival. Magic Damage: 65 / 115 / 165 / 215 / 265 (+ 80% AP) The slow lingers for 1 second after leaving the area. Enemies hit by Lucent Singularity's detonation are also slowed by the same amount for 1 second., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation/Auto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "The initial cast counts as an ability activation for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.The manual recast does not.", 'The manual recast does not.', 'Lucent Singularitygrantssightwhile also in flight.']} | Name: Final Spark, Description: Active: Lux fires a massive laser in a line in the target direction that deals magic damage to enemies hit and reveals them for 1. 5 seconds, as well as granting sight of the surrounding area. Magic Damage: 300 / 400 / 500 (+ 120% AP) Link ▶️ "By the light!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Final Sparkgrants sight of its surroundings during the cast time and for 0.5seconds afterwards.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.', 'Death, unless protected byResurrection']} | Luxannacomes from Latin word for light,lux.
Lux's ultimate has had three names, all referencingMarisa KirisamefromTouhou Project.Finales Funkeln(German: 'final sparkle') (V1.0.0.103-V1.0.0.144)Infinite Light(V1.0.0.144-V1.0.0.145)Final Spark(V1.0.0.145- present, references Marisa Kirisame'sLast Spellin Imperishable Night)Final Sparkalso referencesFinal FlashbyVegetafromDragon Ball Z).
The Lady of Luminositymight come fromLuminance Fräulein("Lady" in German) (an ability name during production).
Lux,Ezreal, andKatarinaare the only champions to be visually redesigned between being announced and being released (Lux's wasconceivedbyNA Summoner 'Katertot'akaKatie 'TeaTime' De Sousa).
Lux -Garenis one of seven pairs of sibling champions (the others beingCassiopeia-Katarina,Kayle-Morgana,Nasus-Renekton,Yasuo-Yone,Darius-Draven, andVi-Jinx).Though not a pair,Anivia,Ornn, andVolibearare also siblings.
Theward skinLuminosity Wardis her classic staff. |
Malphite,Shard of the Monolith | | | health: Health644+104, resource: Mana280+60, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)7+0.55, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)7.3+0.55, armor: Armor37+4.95, attack damage: Attack damage62+4, attack speed: Base AS0.736, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius80, selection radius: Selection radius125, release: 2009-09-02, changed: V13.8, role: Vanguard, position: TopJungleMiddleSupport, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 450|260 | Missing section(s):
MalphiteMainCurrentTitlesReal nameMalphite(Ancient Ixtali: 'Bad Stone')Nickname(s)PapaGiant moving rockAlias(es)Shard of the MonolithA Shard of a Greater WholeA Servant of Order Seeking PurposeCharacteristicsSpeciesElemental GolemPronoun(s)It/Its(Masculine)[1]TimelineBorn:2500 BN - 2000 BNWeapon(s)Earth MagicPersonal statusStatusAlive(Constructed)Place of originMonolith,Ixtal(Ancient Times)Current residenceShuriman Jungle(Deep Underground)FamilyNe'Zuk†(Creator)1Chip(Spawn/Son)[2]Professional statusOccupation(s)Order EnforcerRegion(s)IxtalShurimaRelated character(s)EzrealKassadinQiyanaTaliyah
• Main
• Current
Real name
• Papa
• Giant moving rock
• Shard of the Monolith
• A Shard of a Greater Whole
• A Servant of Order Seeking Purpose
• Born:2500 BN - 2000 BN
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Ne'Zuk†(Creator)
• 1Chip(Spawn/Son)[2]
Professional status
• Ixtal
• Shurima
Related character(s)
A massive creature of living stone,Malphitewas born from the heart of the greatIxtalconstruct known as the Monolith. He has studied the elemental balance ofRuneterrafor thousands of years, using his tremendous strength to maintain order in a frequently chaotic world. Now, roused all too often from his slumbers, Malphite endures the fluid temperaments of mortals, while struggling to find a cause worthy of the last of his kind.
• 1Background
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Read More
Shard of the Monolith
ByIan St. Martin
Starring Champion
Short Story
Roots of a Poisoned Tree
ByGraham McNeill
Dust hung in veils as Shoorai followed the mechanical-limbed form of Tunnel-Chief Hewlett deeper into the mine shaft.
Mentioned Champion
Guardians of the Ancient (Video)
Runeterra is in turmoil! Noxian warships set sail for Ionia’s shores. But all is not lost. Heroes will rise. Fates will change.
Short Story
Milio's Super-Special Adventure Reports
ByElyse Lemoine
Greetings, family! It is I, Milio, with my first official Adventure Report!
Alternate Universes
Dominion (Video)
Starring:Cassiopeia,Irelia,Jarvan IV,Lux,Malphite,Miss Fortune,Mordekaiser,Ryze,Swain,Teemo
Welcome Aboard
Consider this your invite to join the greatest crew in the galaxy.
Music Video
You Really Got Me
By Numerous creators
Ready for the Rift?
Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Short Story
Ambition's Embrace
ByMichael Yichao
Bound by darkness.
Starring:Ashe,Kassadin,Lulu,Lux,Master Yi,Rakan,Thresh,Xayah,Xin Zhao
Olaf vs Everything: Series 1
ByTom Barton
Punches and Plants: Series 2
Mentioned:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Amumu,Annie,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Diana,Draven,Ekko,Ezreal,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Kha'Zix,Kog'Maw,Leona,Lucian,Lux,Malphite,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nasus,Nautilus,Nidalee,Olaf,Orianna,Poppy,Quinn,Rakan,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Shaco,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Valor,Vel'Koz,Viktor,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Xin Zhao,Yasuo,Ziggs
Road to the Cup
As the 2013 League of Legends World Championship final draws near, we showcase the biggest heroes in esports from around the world. Many teams fell by the wayside in epic battles, and now only two remain: Korea's SK Telecom T1 and China's Royal Club. Who will rise?
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Blitzcrank,Brand,Caitlyn,Corki,Elise,Ezreal,Gragas,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Lux,Malphite,Mordekaiser,Orianna,Renekton,Ryze,Shen,Thresh,Twisted Fate,Vayne,Zac,Zed
• Malphitemeansbad stoneinIxtali.
• Malphite was created by theGod-WarriorNe’Zuk, who was the original owner ofEzreal'sgauntlet.
• Being created to fight theVoidwar after the fall ofIcathia, Malphite is between 3000 to 3500 years old.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Granite Shield, Description: Innate - Shard of the Monolith: Malphite gains increased percentage size equal to 8% of his total armor , capped at 35% increased size at 437. 5 armor . Innate: Malphite grants himself a shield for 9% of his maximum health . The shield lasts until it is broken, and refreshes after a few seconds of not taking damage., STATIC COOLDOWN: STATICCOOLDOWN:8 / 7 / 6 (based on level), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Malphite'sincreased size is affected by his base armor and growth, but also reduced byBlack Cleaver. His increased size does not considerThunderclap'sbonusarmor.The bonuswillbecome a size reduction ifMalphiteis dropped tonegativearmor values.", 'The bonuswillbecome a size reduction ifMalphiteis dropped tonegativearmor values.', 'Granite Shielddoes not refresh its cooldown from damage that is mitigated byshields.']} | Name: Seismic Shard, Description: Active: Malphite sends a shard to the target enemy that deals magic damage and slows them for 3 seconds. Magic Damage: 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 (+ 60% AP) Slow: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40% Malphite also gains bonus movement speed equal to the raw amount the target lost from the slow for the duration., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'The rock spawns 100 units in front ofMalphite.', 'Malphitewill gain the bonus movement speed for the full duration as long asSeismic Shardimpacts the target.Both a buff shown in the hotbar and duration bar above the ability icon will indicate the remaining duration.', 'Both a buff shown in the hotbar and duration bar above the ability icon will indicate the remaining duration.', "Seismic Shard'smovement speed gain is entirely based off the target's current, and loss of, movement speed.Targets that are alreadyslowedby another effect will grantMalphitediminished movement speed.Slow-resistantandslow-immunetargets will reduce or nullifyMalphite'sgain.", 'Targets that are alreadyslowedby another effect will grantMalphitediminished movement speed.', "Slow-resistantandslow-immunetargets will reduce or nullifyMalphite'sgain.", 'If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the cast time, this ability will cancel but does not go oncooldownnor pay its cost (if applicable).']} | Name: Thunderclap, Description: Passive: Malphite gains bonus armor , tripled while Granite Shield is active. Bonus Armor: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30% armor Increased Bonus Armor: 30 / 45 / 60 / 75 / 90% armor Active: Malphite empowers his next basic attack within 6 seconds to have an uncancelable windup , gain 50 bonus range , and deal bonus physical damage on-hit . Bonus Physical Damage: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 (+ 20% AP) (+ 15% armor) Additionally, Malphite's basic attacks on-hit for the next 5 seconds are empowered to trigger a cone in the direction of the target that deals physical damage to enemies hit. Physical Damage: 15 / 25 / 35 / 45 / 55 (+ 30% AP) (+ 15% armor) Thunderclap resets Malphite's basic attack timer., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'parries': 'Missing', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "The passivewillamplifynegativearmor, too, ifMalphite'sarmor is dropped that low.", "The empowered attack:Benefits fromThunderclap'scone effect.PreventsMalphitefrom castingSeismic ShardandGround Slamduring its windup.Cannothave itswindupcanceled by new movement or attack commands, or castingUnstoppable Force.Canhave its windup canceled by castingHextech Rocketbelt.", "Benefits fromThunderclap'scone effect.", 'PreventsMalphitefrom castingSeismic ShardandGround Slamduring its windup.', 'Cannothave itswindupcanceled by new movement or attack commands, or castingUnstoppable Force.', 'Canhave its windup canceled by castingHextech Rocketbelt.', "The cone starts fromMalphite'slocation.Unlike similar spells, it does not deal its damage separately to the primary target of the attack(s); if the target is outside thearea of effectwhen struck, it will not take the bonus damage.", 'Unlike similar spells, it does not deal its damage separately to the primary target of the attack(s); if the target is outside thearea of effectwhen struck, it will not take the bonus damage.', 'PENDING FOR TEST:: Interaction with parrying effects (dodge,block,blind).', "Taking into accountMalphite'sbaseattack speedand attack speed growth, he'll be able to use up to 4-6 (levels 1-18) empowered attacks (including the initial one).With2.5attack speed, he'll be able to use up to 12.", "With2.5attack speed, he'll be able to use up to 12."]} | Name: Ground Slam, Description: Active: Malphite slams the ground beneath him, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies and crippling them for 3 seconds. Magic Damage: 70 / 110 / 150 / 190 / 230 (+ 60% AP) (+ 40% armor) Cripple: 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50%, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Thecripplestacks multiplicativelywith other sources ofattack speed reductions.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'Thecripplecan be applied more than once; it can bestackedby multipleGround Slams.']} | Name: Unstoppable Force, Description: Active: Malphite dashes with displacement immunity to the target location. Upon arrival, he deals magic damage to nearby enemies and knocks them up for 1. 5 seconds. Magic Damage: 200 / 300 / 400 (+ 90% AP) Unstoppable Force will cast at max range if cast beyond that., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'The dash speed can be up-to doubled ifUnstoppable Forceis targeted at the middle of a wall so that his destination ends up on the other side.It will be decreased if his destination ends up closer to him than his target location.', 'It will be decreased if his destination ends up closer to him than his target location.', 'IfMalphitedies during hisdash, the ability cancels.If the dash is interrupted withoutMalphitedying, for instance when he entersresurrectionduringUnstoppable Force, he halts and the ability instead affects enemies at the stopped location.', 'If the dash is interrupted withoutMalphitedying, for instance when he entersresurrectionduringUnstoppable Force, he halts and the ability instead affects enemies at the stopped location.']} | While theGround Slam'sicon shows Malphite punching the ground, the actual animation has him slam the ground with his open palm instead.Ground Slamleaves an imprint shaped like theRiot Games Inc.logo upon impact.
Malphite is one of a few champions to have multiple textures in one skin. When he usesGranite ShieldorThunderclap.Four other champions with this feature areLeBlanc(viaMirror Image),Shaco(viaHallucinate),Nasus(viaFury of the Sands) andWukong(viaWarrior Trickster).
Malphite's dance referencesCapoeira('Ginga Steps'in particular).A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.
Malphite is voiced byDavid SobolovinLegends of Runeterra, who also voicesVolibear.[2] |
Malzahar,the Prophet of the Void | | | health: Health580+101, resource: Mana375+28, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)6+0.6, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)8+0.8, armor: Armor18+4.7, attack damage: Attack damage55+3, attack speed: Base AS0.625, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius89, release: 2010-06-01, changed: V13.19, role: Battlemage, position: TopMiddle, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 4800|880 | Games
MalzaharTitlesAlias(es)The Prophet of the VoidThe ProphetCharacteristicsSpeciesHuman(Void Touched)Human(Magical)Pronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:946 AN - 956 ANWeapon(s)Void MagicPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originAmakra,ShurimaCurrent residenceUnknown(PossiblyIcathia)FamilyUnnamed Father†Unnamed Mother†Pet(s)VoidlingsProfessional statusOccupation(s)Void BringerSeerRegion(s)VoidFaction(s)The Cult of the VoidRelated character(s)Bel'VethKassadinKai'SaKog'MawRyze
• The Prophet of the Void
• The Prophet
• Human(Void Touched)
• Human(Magical)
• Born:946 AN - 956 AN
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Unnamed Father†
• Unnamed Mother†
Professional status
• Void Bringer
• Seer
Related character(s)
A religious zealot dedicated to the unification of all life,Malzahartruly believes the newly emergentVoidto be the gateway to Runeterra's salvation. In the desert wastes ofShurima, he opened his mind to the universe, and the whispers that answered led him to Icathia. Amidst the ruins of that land, he gazed into the dark heart of the Void itself—and Malzahar emerged changed, a shepherd empowered to bring others into the fold… or to release the voidling creatures that dwell beneath.
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2Contemporary history
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Kassadin5.2Shurima5.3Kog'Maw5.4Bel'Veth
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2Contemporary history
• 5.1Kassadin
• 5.2Shurima
• 5.3Kog'Maw
• 5.4Bel'Veth
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early life[]
Beneath the glare of the Shuriman sun, there have always been those blessed with the power of foresight. The only son of aging trinket peddlers, Malzahar did not realize his gift until his parents had already succumbed to a wasting sickness, leaving the young, traumatized boy to fend for himself on the city streets ofAmakra. He read fortunes in the gutter, for a coin or scraps of bread.
As his auguries proved more and more accurate, his reputation grew. He used his second sight to predict who a curious cameleer might marry, or where throwing daggers would land in games of chance at the bazaar. Soon, he began to receive patrons dressed not in dirtied sandals, but jeweled slippers.
However, for all this, Malzahar could never see his own destiny. His future was hidden.
Increasingly disillusioned with his success, he noted the common disparities of wealth, and witnessed those unhappy with their lives acting out in spiteful violence against one another. It was apparent to him that people were bound up in a never-ending cycle of pain, often of their own making, and no hopeful prophecy seemed able to break it. Malzahar himself soon felt nothing but a sense of emptiness, finally relinquishing his mortal possessions and leaving Amakra for good.
Contemporary history[]
For years, he roamed the land, from the trackless wastes of the lessersaito the ruins of old Shurima. By distancing himself from others, he was alone with his thoughts at last. He divined not just how callous people could be, but also how corrupt the world might yet become. Feverish visions began to plague his waking hours, along with otherworldly whispers of war and strife, and endless suffering.
He wandered far, until the sands turned to salt. He could not know that he had arrived inIcathia, a lost city ravaged in the wars of a bygone age. There, gazing into the depths of a ragged abyss, Malzahar opened his unsteady mind, desperate for understanding.
And the Void answered.
That would have been the end of any other tale, and yet somehow Malzahar endured. What lay in the darkness below brushed against the soul of the broken seer, only for an instant, and yet its strange and unknowable energies saturated his mind completely.
The lone figure that eventually strode out of Icathia was no longer just a man, but something greater. Malzahar had seen in the abyss an end to all the suffering he had witnessed in his mortal lifetime. Malzahar was then whispered to byBel'Veth, the Void Empress, who granted him a vision promising the destruction of Runeterra. He realized the future he had believed hidden from him all this time was in fact a vision of his true calling: to accelerate the world toward inevitable oblivion. Malzahar devoted himself completely to the Empress's will, his mind corrupted by the touch of a higher power. He had to return to the people, and spread word of the holy nothingness that would gladly embrace them, the willing and non-believers alike. He would become the herald of the world’s salvation.
Among the nomads of the deep desert, he found his first disciples. Before their astonished eyes, he used his new Void-given powers to rend the very earth itself, summoning chittering, nightmarish creatures to carry away any who dared to deny him. Within a matter of months, strange rumors began to travel with the merchant caravans; rumors of men and women gladly sacrificing themselves to unseen powers, and of powerful quakes opening up the bedrock of Shurima in new fault lines hundreds of miles long.
gathering his followers, the Cult of the Void. Even since, rumors had been told of merchants killing themselves for their "prophet", earthquakes opening up large faults across Shurima, and settlers said to experience horrifying vision, sacrificing their cattle to satisfy the Void, Malzahar grows ever closer to bring about the apocalypse of Runeterra.
In the years since, Malzahar’s legend has spread even to the northern ports. As followers of “the Prophet” grow in number, nearby settlers are said to experience malefic visions grasping at their hearts, and fear gives rise to superstition—even the hardy villagers of the far wastes now make offerings of livestock to appease the voidling creatures below.
Malzahar is a Shuriman man with dark skin and blue eyes. He dresses himself in desert clothes, with blue shirts and pants, and a pink scarf covering most of his head. His most distinctive characteristic is the top of his head, that thanks to the power of the void, reveals a grotesque hole from where void energy pulses and flows.
As child, Malzahar lost his family and was forced to live alone, which gave him great sadness and also a sense of empathy towards others less fortunate. After becoming a famous fortune-teller, Malzahar took joy in helping others make choices about their futures and guiding their lives to a better path. In spite of this, he was still unhappy, as his experiences with others made him see more and more of human misery. This made Malzahar lose hope in humanity, which led to him come to Icathia and embrace the Void.
As The Prophet Of the Void, Malzahar is fanatically devoted to the powers of the Void, regularly sacrifing entire cities to the Void.
• Psychic Abilities:Malzahar was born with powerful psychic abilities. This mainly manifested in his ability to see the future, which he used to live as a fortune-teller, revealing the future of others. He was also able to feel the call tothe Void. After being touched by the Void, he is also able to force others to see visions. He mainly uses this to submit them to terrible visions that break the minds of others. He also demonstrated the ability to levitate.
• Void Touched:Malzahar was touched by the Void, which changed his nature into a new strange form, and granted him many powers that few others in Runeterra have. He can survive in Void-infested areas, commune withthe Voidborn, and developed strange mutations, the more obvious one being the center of his head that seems to have become a hole were void energy constantly pulses.Energy Manipulation:Malzahar can freely manipulate raw Void energy, mainly in the form of destructive blasts of power. He also seems to be capable of creating forces fields of this energy, or control the direction of the energy to bring devastation to foes.Portal Making:Malzahar can open portals to the Void and let it's influence fester in the physical realm.Summoning:With his powers, Malzahar can call fourth Voidborns to do his bidding. This Voidborns are mainly voidlings.
• Energy Manipulation:Malzahar can freely manipulate raw Void energy, mainly in the form of destructive blasts of power. He also seems to be capable of creating forces fields of this energy, or control the direction of the energy to bring devastation to foes.
• Portal Making:Malzahar can open portals to the Void and let it's influence fester in the physical realm.
• Summoning:With his powers, Malzahar can call fourth Voidborns to do his bidding. This Voidborns are mainly voidlings.
Even though Malzahar (andKassadin) are bothShurimantheir ties tothe Voiddirects all their focus to the ancient city ofIcathiaand what lies within it.
Malzahar might be attempting to make Icathia rise again just likeAzirdid with the Ancient Shuriman capital. It is uncertain whether or not he is aware of theriseoftheAscended. Even if so, making way for the Voidborn takes precedence over a handful of actually mortal demigods that can be overrun by infinite hordes anyway.
Malzahar in turn luredKog'MawintoRuneterra. It could be speculated the hivemind entity is the Mouth of the Abyss' 'Daddy', the 'Terror who is coming'. In shortKog'Mawmight be foreshadowing a cataclysm on an interdimensional scale so large the Rune Wars will seem a children's brawl in comparison.
Bel'Vethis Malzahar's master, helping him in his goal to bring theVoidtoRuneterrain exchange for him providing her with sacrifices to assimilate.
Read More
The Prophet of the Void
ByMichael Luo
Starring Champion
Bel'Veth's Promise
Short Story
Feast of the Prophet
ByJared Rosen
Meir follows a crowd of cultists out of the prophet’s tent city, and down into a low valley at the edge of the desert.
Mentioned Champion
The Mouth of the Abyss
By Unknown Author
The Void Walker
ByAriel Lawrence
Short Story
Whom Does the Desert Know?
ByLaurie Goulding
Shurima is dying. I do not think she will rise again.
Alternate Universes
A Snowdown Snowtale
The Poro King sends a young poro on an urgent mission: find the one with the magnificent mustache to save Snowdown!
Be Your Best Santa
Santa Draven, Ambitious Elf Jinx, and Snow Fawn Poppy step up to help Santa Braum with this year’s Snowdown festivities. But with Jinx and Draven at the frontlines, the celebrations could easily snowball into shenanigans!
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
Academy Adventures: Series 1
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Akali,Amumu,Anivia,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Braum,Cho'Gath,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fiora,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Ivern,Jhin,Jinx,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nidalee,Olaf,Poppy,Rek'Sai,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Shen,Sion,Sona,Soraka,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tristana,Trundle,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Vel'Koz,Vi,Yorick,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 3
ByGutter Rat
Playtime with Gnar: Series 1
ByRachel J. Corey
Mentioned:Amumu,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Darius,Draven,Karthus,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Malzahar,Nocturne,Nunu,Rengar,Twisted Fate,Willump
Punches and Plants: Series 1
Mentioned:Ahri,Alistar,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Braum,Caitlyn,Darius,Diana,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Evelynn,Ezreal,Gangplank,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jinx,Karma,Katarina,Leona,Lucian,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Nunu,Quinn,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Sivir,Sona,Soraka,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Valor,Varus,Vel'Koz,Vladimir,Volibear,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Zac,Ziggs
The Tale of the Poro King
By Numerous creators
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aatrox,Akali,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Darius,Diana,Draven,Ezreal,Gnar,Illaoi,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kai'Sa,Karma,Karthus,Katarina,Kayle,Kayn,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nunu,Ornn,Pantheon,Pyke,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Rhaast,Ryze,Sejuani,Shen,Sion,Sivir,Soraka,Sylas,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Thresh,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Vi,Volibear,Willump,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs,Zoe
• Malzahar's story may be referencingAbdul Alhazredfrom theCthulhu MythosbyH. P. Lovecraft.
• The "eye" in his forehead is a physical manifestation of Malzahar's connection with the Void.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Void Shift, Description: Innate: Periodically, Malzahar gains Void Shift until he takes non- minion damage or negates a crowd control effect, to which it then lingers for 0. 25 seconds before expiring. Void Shift: Malzahar gains crowd control immunity and 90% damage reduction. Void Shift's cooldown refreshes whenever Malzahar takes non- minion damage or is affected by a crowd control effect, and resets upon respawning ., STATIC COOLDOWN: STATICCOOLDOWN:30 / 24 / 18 / 12 (based on level), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Void Shiftwill not resist alliedcrowd controlnor will it be deactivated by them.', 'Void Shiftwill not mitigatetrue damagebut the buff will still be consumed.It does not deactivate against theNexus Obelisk.', 'It does not deactivate against theNexus Obelisk.', 'Shieldswill take priority overVoid Shift, but the buff will still be consumed (does not reduce damage inflicted).Void Shifttriggers even if the shield negated the damage entirely.However, ifMalzaharhas aspell shieldand theshieldfully mitigates the damage,Void Shiftdoes not trigger.(bug)The damage taken must be from an effect that cannot be negated byspell shields.', 'However, ifMalzaharhas aspell shieldand theshieldfully mitigates the damage,Void Shiftdoes not trigger.(bug)The damage taken must be from an effect that cannot be negated byspell shields.', 'Spell shieldstake priority overVoid Shift. If the triggering hostile ability does not contain acrowd controleffect, bothVoid Shiftand thespell shieldbreak simultaneously.Sincespell shieldsare precedent overVoid Shift, appliedcrowd controlfrom effects that cannot be blocked byspell shields(i.e.Wall of Pain) will also ignoreVoid Shiftdespite itscrowd control immunity. The effect must not damageMalzaharfor this event to take place.', 'Sincespell shieldsare precedent overVoid Shift, appliedcrowd controlfrom effects that cannot be blocked byspell shields(i.e.Wall of Pain) will also ignoreVoid Shiftdespite itscrowd control immunity. The effect must not damageMalzaharfor this event to take place.', 'Void Shiftwill specifically not deactivate ifMalzahareatsHoneyfruitor is within a hostileFrozen Heartpassiveaura.', 'Void Shiftwill preventChum the Watersfrom attaching to him.']} | Name: Call of the Void, Description: Active: Malzahar opens two portals to the void centered at the target location, granting sight of the area in between. After 0. 4 seconds, enemies between the portals are dealt magic damage and silenced for a duration. Magic Damage: 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 / 210 (+ 55% AP) Silence Duration: 1 / 1. 25 / 1. 5 / 1. 75 / 2, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Spell shieldwill preventCall of the Void'srefresh onMalefic Visions.Malefic Visions'debuff will also be removed.(bug)", "Malefic Visions'debuff will also be removed.(bug)", 'Deals 80% damage to minions (60% total).']} | Name: Void Swarm, Description: Passive: Malzahar generates a stack of Zz'Rot Swarm when he casts another ability , up to a maximum of 2. Active: Malzahar consumes all Zz'Rot Swarm stacks and, after a 0. 5 -second delay, summons a Voidling at the target location. Additional Voidlings are then summoned for each Zz'Rot Swarm stack consumed. Voidling Duration: 8 / 8 / 9 / 9 / 10 Voidlings deal magic damage with their attacks, reduced by 50% against epic monsters and increased by 200% to enemy minions infected by Malefic Visions . Magic Damage: 5 − 64. 5 (based on level) (+ 12 / 14 / 16 / 18 / 20) (+ 40% bonus AD) (+ 20% AP) See Pets for more details about Voidlings., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Malzaharloses allstacksupondeath.', "Zz'Rot Swarmstacks are gained per cast and not per ability activation. For example, ifMalefic Visionsis cast and the ability cancels under certain circumstances, aZz'Rot Swarmstack will still be granted despite the ability's failure to complete.", 'Deals 80% damage to minions (60% total).']} | Name: Malefic Visions, Description: Active: Malzahar infects the target enemy's mind, dealing magic damage every 0. 25 seconds over 4 seconds, which refreshes upon damaging them with Call of the Void or Nether Grasp . Malefic Visions executes minions if they would be damaged below 10 − 30 (based on level) health . Total Magic Damage: 80 / 115 / 150 / 185 / 220 (+ 80% AP) Magic Damage Per Tick: 5 / 7. 1875 / 9. 375 / 11. 5625 / 13. 75 (+ 5% AP) If the target dies while infected, they spread Malefic Visions onto the closest nearby enemy and Malzahar restores 2% of his maximum mana ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'No additional notes.']} | Name: Nether Grasp, Description: Active: Malzahar tethers to the target enemy champion, knocking them down . He then channels for up to 2. 5 seconds, suppressing and revealing the target and dealing them magic damage every 0. 25 seconds, revealing himself in the process. Total Magic Damage: 125 / 200 / 275 (+ 80% AP) Magic Damage Per Tick: 12. 5 / 20 / 27. 5 (+ 8% AP) Malzahar will continue to channel as long as the tether is not broken, even if the suppression is removed. Additionally, a Null Zone is opened beneath the target's location at the time of cast that lasts 5 seconds, dealing magic damage every 0. 5 seconds to enemies within, capped at 120 per tick against minions and monsters . Total Magic Damage: 10 / 15 / 20% (+ 2. 5 % per 100 AP) of target's maximum health Magic Damage Per Tick: 1 / 1. 5 / 2% (+ 0. 25 % per 100 AP) of target's maximum health Null Zone will persist even if the channel is interrupted., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Appliespersistent damagefor thetetherandpersistent area damageto enemies within theNull Zone.', 'The tether will not break if the target enters azombie stateor entersresurrection.', 'Removing thesuppressionwill also remove thereveal.', 'Nether GraspandNull Zonecount as two different abilities for effects such asElectrocute.', 'Malzaharplaces himself onto the ground and interruptsdisplacementsaffecting him upon starting the channel.', 'The following table refers for interactions whileMalzaharischanneling:', 'Death', 'Cast-inhibiting effects', 'Null Zonedeals 80% damage to minions (60% total).']} | After theBattlemageupdateinV6.9, Malzahar's Voidlings had their color scheme changed frompurple with yellow eyestogray with purple eyes.
Malzahar is one of the few champions to have apet, the others beingAnnie,Elise,Heimerdinger,Ivern,Shaco, andYorick.
Malzahar and hisVoidlings'dance referencesU Can't Touch ThisbyMC Hammer.A side-by-side comparison for Malzahar's part can be seenhere.A side-by-side comparison for hisVoidlings'part can be seenhere.He shares this dance (specifically hisVoidlings'part) withJayce.
Upon the removal ofZz'Rot Portalin patchV9.23,Gathering Swarmstacks forVoid Swarmwas renamed toZz'Rot Swarmto honor the item.This might indirectly imply that Malzahar'svoidlingsare a similar if not the same species as theVoidspawnthat spawned from that item.
Malzahar'sVoidlinghad its assets reused for severalrotating game modes.It was given a retexture and features as a monster inInvasion.Its animations were reused for theCytemonster inOdyssey: Extraction. |
Maokai,the Twisted Treant | | | health: Health635+109, resource: Mana375+43, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)5+0.75, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)7.2+0.6, armor: Armor39+5.2, attack damage: Attack damage64+3.3, attack speed: Base AS0.8, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius80, selection radius: Selection radius125, release: 2011-02-16, changed: V13.15, role: Vanguard, position: TopJungleSupport, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 4800|880 | Missing section(s):
MaokaiMainCurrentTitlesAlias(es)The Twisted TreantCharacteristicsSpeciesTreantPronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:Earlier than 9000 BNWeapon(s)Nature MagicPersonal statusPlace of originBlessed IslesCurrent residenceShadow IslesFamilySaplings('Children')Professional statusOccupation(s)Blessed Isles' GuardianUndead SlayerRegion(s)Shadow IslesBlessed IslesRelated character(s)ZyraYorickAhriBraumYasuoIllaoiMiss FortunePyke
• Main
• Current
• Born:Earlier than 9000 BN
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
• Blessed Isles' Guardian
• Undead Slayer
• Shadow Isles
• Blessed Isles
Related character(s)
Maokaiis a rageful, towering treant who fights the unnatural horrors of theShadow Isles. He was twisted into a force of vengeance after amagical cataclysmdestroyed his home, surviving undeath only through the waters of life infused within his heartwood. Once a peaceful nature spirit, Maokai now furiously battles to banish the scourge of unlife from the Shadow Isles and restore his home to its former beauty.
• 1Background
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
• Treant:Maokai is a Treant, an ancient elemental spirit. More than that, Maokai is the oldest of Treants, having come to life thousands of years ago. This grants him many greater powers than what a average treant could theoretically have.Nature Magic:As an ancient tree spirit, Maokai can wield powerful magic over nature. His connection to the environment around make him capable of sensing disturbances and corruptions of the natural balance and allow to heal to some degree those corruptions. He can manipulate plant life to make it grow faster, change shape or attack his foes.Morphing:Maoaki can use his control over nature to change his shape, being a plant creature himself. For example, he turn himself into a massive pile of rots that move much faster than before, allowing him to reach his destination in no time.Regeneration:Maokai can regrow his own wooden body in a instant.Super Strength:Maokai possesses immense physical strength.
• Waters of Life:Due to drinking from the waters of life, Maokai gained some of it's mysterious properties.Immortality:Maokai survived the Ruination of the Blessed Isles.Anti-Wraiths:Maokai can harm the undead.
• Nature Magic:As an ancient tree spirit, Maokai can wield powerful magic over nature. His connection to the environment around make him capable of sensing disturbances and corruptions of the natural balance and allow to heal to some degree those corruptions. He can manipulate plant life to make it grow faster, change shape or attack his foes.Morphing:Maoaki can use his control over nature to change his shape, being a plant creature himself. For example, he turn himself into a massive pile of rots that move much faster than before, allowing him to reach his destination in no time.Regeneration:Maokai can regrow his own wooden body in a instant.Super Strength:Maokai possesses immense physical strength.
• Morphing:Maoaki can use his control over nature to change his shape, being a plant creature himself. For example, he turn himself into a massive pile of rots that move much faster than before, allowing him to reach his destination in no time.
• Regeneration:Maokai can regrow his own wooden body in a instant.
• Super Strength:Maokai possesses immense physical strength.
• Immortality:Maokai survived the Ruination of the Blessed Isles.
• Anti-Wraiths:Maokai can harm the undead.
• Yorick,Kalista, andMaokaishare similar interests but don't really spend time together due to other differences.
• Vladimirtook the nightbloom seeds from a grove once tendered by Maokai.
• Maokai is looking to defeatViegoin hope of restoring the Blessed Isles.
Read More
The Twisted Treant
ByRayla Heide
Starring Champion
Short Story • 5 Minute Read
Nightbloom (Short Story)
ByRayla Heide
The chill wind whips through cracks in my bark with a hollow whistling sound. I shiver. My limbs have long forgotten the warmth of summer.
Ruined King
ByAirship Syndicate
Rise Against Ruin - Unite a party of League of Legends Champions, explore Bilgewater and set sail for the Shadow Isles to uncover the secrets of the deadly Black Mist in this immersive turn-based RPG.
Starring:Ahri,Braum,Gangplank,Illaoi,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Necrit,Pyke,Rafen,Thresh,Viego,Yasuo
Mentioned:Ashe,Elise,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Gwen,Hecarim,Isolde,Ivern,Janna,Jarvan IV,Kalista,Ledros,Lucian,Nagakabouros,Nautilus,Olaf,Ornn,Rhasa,Riven,Senna,Swain,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Twisted Fate,Udyr,Volibear,Yone,Yorick,Zed
Mentioned Champion
Short Story
Art is Life
ByGraham McNeill
Nights in Noxus were never silent.
The Princeling's Lament
ByGraham McNeill
Scrape the bench of sunless moss.
Starring: N/A
Alternate Universes
Be Your Best Santa
Santa Draven, Ambitious Elf Jinx, and Snow Fawn Poppy step up to help Santa Braum with this year’s Snowdown festivities. But with Jinx and Draven at the frontlines, the celebrations could easily snowball into shenanigans!
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
ByInstitute of War
The truest opponent lies within.
Starring:Boram Darkwill,Brand,Caitlyn,Cassiopeia,Galio,Graves,Irelia,Jarvan IV,Karma,LeBlanc,Lee Sin,Leona,Lux,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nocturne,Orianna,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Skarner,Sona,Swain,Talon,Trundle,Urgot,Varus,Vayne,Vladimir,Wukong,Xerath,Xin Zhao,Yorick
Punches and Plants: Series 2
Mentioned:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Amumu,Annie,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Diana,Draven,Ekko,Ezreal,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Kha'Zix,Kog'Maw,Leona,Lucian,Lux,Malphite,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nasus,Nautilus,Nidalee,Olaf,Orianna,Poppy,Quinn,Rakan,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Shaco,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Valor,Vel'Koz,Viktor,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Xin Zhao,Yasuo,Ziggs
Change log[]
See also[]
• Bilgewater
• Camavor
• Demacia
• Freljord
• Ionia
• Shadow Isles
• Runeterra
• Journals
• Ruined King (Soundtrack)
• The Ruined King Saga (Universe) | Name: Sap Magic, Description: Innate: Periodically, Maokai empowers his next basic attack to have an uncancellable windup and heal him for 4 − 34 (based on level) (+ 4% − 12% (based on level) maximum health) after a 0. 25 -second delay. Each time Maokai casts an ability , hits at least one enemy champion or epic monster with Sapling Toss , or is struck by an enemy's ability, Sap Magic's cooldown is reduced by 4 seconds, modified to 1. 5 if he is hit by a large monster's basic attack or ability. Sap Magic resets Maokai's basic attack timer, and will not trigger if he is above 95% maximum health ., STATIC COOLDOWN: STATICCOOLDOWN:30 / 25 / 20 (based on level), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'parries': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Sap Magicdoes not occur if the attack isdodgedand/or missed ifMaokaiisblinded. It will occur if it isblocked.', 'The striking ability has to triggerspell effectssuch asspell damageorarea damagefor the cooldown to be reduced.', 'IfMaokaipossesses aspell shieldand it consumes an enemy ability, he will still receive the cooldown reduction.', 'The empowered attack will not trigger againststructuresnorwards.', 'Heal increased to4 − 94 (based on level)(+4% − 19.2% (based on level)maximumhealth).', 'Cooldown refund changed to 3 seconds.']} | Name: Bramble Smash, Description: Active: Maokai sends a shockwave in the target direction that deals magic damage to enemies hit and slows them by 99% for 0. 25 seconds. Bramble Smash deals bonus magic damage to monsters . Magic Damage: 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 (+ 2 / 2. 5 / 3 / 3. 5 / 4% of the target's maximum health) (+ 40% AP) Bonus Monster Damage: 80 / 100 / 120 / 140 / 160 Total Monster Damage: 150 / 220 / 290 / 360 / 430 (+ 2 / 2. 5 / 3 / 3. 5 / 4% of the target's maximum health) (+ 40% AP) Enemies near Maokai are also stunned for 0. 5 seconds and knocked back up to 300 units based on their proximity to him., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', "Bramble Smash'sdamage based on the target's health ratio is capped at 9999 against non-champions.", 'Displacement immunitywill also resist the application of thestun.', 'Base damage changed to 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160.', 'AP ratio changed to60% AP.']} | Name: Twisted Advance, Description: Active: Maokai dashes to the target enemy while being untargetable . Upon arrival, he deals magic damage and roots them for a duration. Magic Damage: 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 (+ 40% AP) Root Duration: 1 / 1. 1 / 1. 2 / 1. 3 / 1. 4, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Maokaiwill track the target if they change locations.He will dash to the target's previous location without applyingTwisted Advance'seffects if the target is too far away or moves beyond2000units.He will stop dashing if the target is too far away the moment the dash begins.", "He will dash to the target's previous location without applyingTwisted Advance'seffects if the target is too far away or moves beyond2000units.", 'He will stop dashing if the target is too far away the moment the dash begins.', 'Twisted Advancewill fail to deal damage and apply therootif the target isuntargetableupon arrival.', 'Cooldown changed to 15 / 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 seconds.']} | Name: Sapling Toss, Description: Active: Maokai flings a Sapling to the target location, granting sight of the area . Once landed, a Sapling remains stationary for 30 seconds or until it reacts to the first nearby visible enemy, chasing them for up to 2. 5 seconds. The Sapling explodes upon colliding with an enemy or when it expires, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies, capped at 300 against non-champions, and slowing them by 45% for 2 seconds. Magic Damage: 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 (+ 5% bonus health) (+ 25% AP) A Sapling placed in brush instead lasts 30 (+ 2. 5 % bonus health) seconds, deals double damage to struck non- minion targets over 3 bursts, and slows them by 45% (+ 1% per 100 bonus health) (+ 1% per 100 AP) , as well as reveals them for 3 seconds. The first instance of damage is dealt instantly and the second and third instances occur each 0. 75 seconds thereafter. The total damage is capped at 600 against non-champions. Total Enhanced Damage: 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 / 300 (+ 10% bonus health) (+ 50% AP) Enhanced Damage Per Tick: 33. 33 / 50 / 66. 67 / 83. 33 / 100 (+ 3. 33 % bonus health) (+ 16. 67 % AP) See Pets for more details about Saplings. Link ▶️ "Away, my sapling.", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Appliesarea damagefrom a normalSaplingand dealspersistent damageto enemies hit by an empoweredSapling.', "Saplingshave a basemovement speedof 400, increased based onMaokai'sboots:Boots: 425Berserker's Greaves,Ionian Boots of Lucidity,Mercury's Treads,Plated SteelcapsandSorcerer's Shoes: 445Boots of SwiftnessandMobility Boots: 460", 'Boots: 425', "Berserker's Greaves,Ionian Boots of Lucidity,Mercury's Treads,Plated SteelcapsandSorcerer's Shoes: 445", 'Boots of SwiftnessandMobility Boots: 460', 'Sapling Tossgrantssightof the target location even while theSaplingis in flight.', 'TheSaplingswill continue to chase their target even if they losesightof them (but they do not prioritize champions so they will chase the first target they encounter).', 'Saplingswill appear on the map as minions despite being untargetable and invulnerable.', 'Saplingscannot stack on top of each other (they will move a short distance away from one another if they are aimed at the same location).', 'The damage of empoweredSaplingsis equally split into chunks of 66.7% of the normalSaplingdamage every second, once immediately, and then at the 1 and 2 second mark.', 'TheSaplingwill stop its movement upon colliding withUnbreakable.', 'SaplingsattackBaron Nashoralways at the same two points, no matter where they were placed.', 'Limited to 5Saplingsactive.']} | Name: Nature's Grasp, Description: Active: Maokai summons a colossal wall of five thorny brambles that slowly advances in the target direction, accelerating over time, each stopping when they collide with an enemy champion . Hitting at least one enemy champion grants Maokai bonus movement speed decaying over 2 seconds. Bonus Movement Speed: 40 / 50 / 60% Each bramble deals magic damage to enemies hit and roots them for 0. 8 − 2. 6 (based on distance traveled) seconds. Magic Damage: 150 / 225 / 300 (+ 75% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "The brambles are made up of 4missileseach which trail 100 units behind one another. The front missile carries the visual effect. When colliding with a champion, all missiles of one bramble are destroyed simultaneously.Missiles destroyed by other means such asSamira'sBlade Whirlmay not destroy their fellows from the same branch, resulting in one or more invisible missiles that may still collide.(bug)", "Missiles destroyed by other means such asSamira'sBlade Whirlmay not destroy their fellows from the same branch, resulting in one or more invisible missiles that may still collide.(bug)", 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.']} | Maokai was named after his concept artistMaokai Xiao(his concept artist).[2].
In Chinese, Maokai is rendered as 茂凯 / Màokǎi.
Maokai's dance references theHarlem Globetrotters.
Tabs forJarvan IVand'blindmonk'can be seen during Maokai's 'Art Spotlight'. |
Master Yi,the Wuju Bladesman | | | health: Health669+100, resource: Mana251+42, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)7.5+0.65, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)7.25+0.45, armor: Armor33+4.2, attack damage: Attack damage65+2.2, attack speed: Base AS0.679, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius125, release: 2009-02-21, changed: V13.21, role: Skirmisher, position: Jungle, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 450|260 | Missing section(s):
Master YiMainUnmaskedYoungTitlesReal nameYiAlias(es)The Wuju BladesmanCharacteristicsSpeciesHuman(Magical)Pronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:946 AN - 956 ANWeapon(s)Wuju BladeWuju StyleDoran's Seven Lenses of InsightPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originWuju,IoniaCurrent residenceIoniaFamilyUnnamed Father†Unnamed Mother†Professional statusOccupation(s)Wuju PractitionerWuju TeacherRegion(s)IoniaFaction(s)Wuju OrderRelated character(s)WukongSingedDoranXolaaniRhaastKayn
Master Yi
• Main
• Unmasked
• Young
Real name
• Born:946 AN - 956 AN
• Wuju Blade
• Wuju Style
• Doran's Seven Lenses of Insight
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Unnamed Father†
• Unnamed Mother†
Professional status
• Wuju Practitioner
• Wuju Teacher
Related character(s)
Master Yihas tempered his body and sharpened his mind, so that thought and action have become almost as one. Though he chooses to enter into violence only as a last resort, the grace and speed of his blade ensures resolution is always swift. As one of the last living practitioners of theIonianart of Wuju, Yi has devoted his life to continuing the legacy of his people—scrutinizing potential new disciples with the Seven Lenses of Insight to identify the most worthy among them.
• 1Background1.1Early Life1.2Recent events
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Master Doran5.2Wukong
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early Life
• 1.2Recent events
• 5.1Master Doran
• 5.2Wukong
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early Life[]
Yi was born in the village of Wuju in the province of Bahrl in Ionia. His parents were swordsmiths and he longed to learn the ways of the sword after seeing warriors who carried blades with poems to their names enter his parents’ workshop. He spent the mornings sparring with his mother and his nights reciting poetry with his father.
Soon, he began to train under the Wuju masters. He surpassed all expectations and became known as the “Young Master” Yi. But he was always curious about the rest of Ionia. However, he was forbidden to leave the village with his blade because the Wuju sought to keep their swordsmanship a secret and believed it was too precious to draw blood.
This all changed when Noxus invaded. Yi decided to forego the Wuju traditions in order to defend his homeland. He was like a one-man army, sweeping the outsiders with blinding swordplay. He then journeyed with some of his fellow disciples to Navori, a critical location in the war.
The Noxians identified the Wuju as a threat that they could not ignore and used chemical attacks to destroy the village of Wuju. Yi returned the only surviving disciple, slain in spirit when he learned of what had happened to his home village.
Recent events[]
• Spirit Magic:Yi has a deep connection to theSpirit Realm, created through meditation and spiritual pratices, allowing him to sense the influence of the Spirit Realm, and use it's magic for several purposes. Yi has nurtured that connection by mastering the Wuju Style.Wuju Style:Yi has mastered the Wuju fighting style, a martial art technique that uses the magic of the Spirit Realm to increase the body's physical power, making him almost unbeatable in combat.
• Wuju Style:Yi has mastered the Wuju fighting style, a martial art technique that uses the magic of the Spirit Realm to increase the body's physical power, making him almost unbeatable in combat.
Master Doran[]
Yi was trained by MasterDoran.
Master Yi has a close teacher- student relationship withWukong. As the last survivor ofWujuvillage, he taught Wukong theWuju Styleto honor the legacy of his lost home (although the Monkey King uses astaffrather than a sword).
Read More
The Wuju Bladesman
ByMichael Luo
Starring:Master Yi
Starring Champion
Short Story
ByMichael Luo
Returning once more to his home, Master Yi faces his past and prepares for what the future will bring.
Starring:Master Yi
Short Story
Poetry with a Blade
ByMo Xiong
Yi frowned at Master Doran as the elder scrambled up the path toward him.
Starring:Doran,Master Yi
Mentioned Champion
Short Story • 5 Minute Read
Fast and Dumb
ByAnthony Burch
When a life hangs in the balance, there are two options: slow and smart, or fast and dumb.
Mentioned:Master Yi
The Monkey King
ByAnthony Burch
Mentioned:Master Yi
Alternate Universes
Short Story
Ambition's Embrace
ByMichael Yichao
Bound by darkness.
Starring:Ashe,Kassadin,Lulu,Lux,Master Yi,Rakan,Thresh,Xayah,Xin Zhao
Clash of Fates
Starring:Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Cho'Gath,Evelynn,Jax,Karthus,Kayle,Master Yi,Nunu,Rammus,Ryze,Singed,Sivir,Soraka,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Warwick,Willump,Zilean
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
No war stays hidden for long.
Starring:Ezreal,Master Yi,Shen,Sona,Vi
Starring:Fiora,Lucian,Master Yi,Zed
The Day Before Snowdown
Gather ‘round and hear the story of how Winter Wonder Neeko, Snow Man Yi, Winter Wonder Soraka, and Ice King Mundo saved Snowdown from Ice King Twitch in the Snowdown 2018 event in League of Legends.
Starring:Akali,Dr. Mundo,Master Yi,Neeko,Soraka,Twitch
Welcome to League of Legends
Starring:Alistar,Ashe,Cho'Gath,Katarina,Kayle,Master Yi,Morgana,Nasus,Ryze,Warwick
Short Story
Where the Heavens Touch the Earth
By Numerous creators
Starring:Fiora,Janna,Master Yi
Immortal Journey Cinematic
Mentioned:Irelia,Jax,Master Yi,Nami,Riven
Mac Client Available
Starring:Dr. Mundo
Mentioned:Amumu,Ashe,Caitlyn,Ezreal,Fizz,Gragas,Graves,Katarina,Master Yi,Miss Fortune,Mordekaiser,Orianna,Riven,Ryze,Singed,Soraka,Viktor,Zac,Ziggs
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Reaching the peak takes more than skill. Only those with the ambition to RISE above all others will know its height.
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Akali,Ashe,Braum,Darius,Ekko,Ezreal,Fiora,Garen,Gnar,Jarvan IV,Jax,Jinx,Kalista,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Leona,Lux,Master Yi,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Riven,Ryze,Sejuani,Swain,Taliyah,Thresh,Tryndamere,Vayne,Xayah,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs
The Roadtrip
ByCassie Parkes,Marvin Clifford
Mentioned:Ahri,Ashe,Azir,Bard,Braum,Darius,Fiddlesticks,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Irelia,Jinx,Kalista,Katarina,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Lulu,Master Yi,Nami,Poppy,Rakan,Shaco,Sona,Swain,Taric,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Varus,Xayah,Yasuo,Zilean
Wandering Spirits
Maybe this is the year. Sett leaves home once again to find his akana father, the Spirit of Abandonment. Will the spirits along the path lead him away? Or will he finally find the way back to his mother?
Mentioned:Master Yi,Syndra,Tristana
• The fact thatWukongwas trained under Master Yi is a possible reference to Sun Wukong's original master,Subhuti, or Wukong's more famous master during his pilgrimage to the West, the historical Chinese Buddhist pilgrimXuanzang, who contributed greatly to the translation of Buddhist texts into Chinese, thus earning the bynameTripitakaत्रिपिटक (Mandarin: 三藏Sānzàng), after the Pali canon.
• In the initial lore, the Seven Lenses of Insight were fashioned byHeimerdinger. However, in the revised lore, credit for their creation goes to MasterDoranof theWuju, a parallel mirrored in the crafting ofWukong's's staff by Doran.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Double Strike, Description: Innate: Master Yi's basic attacks on-hit generate a stack of Double Strike for 4 seconds, refreshing on subsequent hits and stacking up to 3 times. At 3 stacks, Master Yi's next basic attack on-attack is empowered to consume the stacks to strike twice, the second strike dealing 50% AD physical damage . The second strike applies on-hit and on-attack effects at 100% effectiveness and is affected by critical strike modifiers. If Master Yi's primary target is killed before the second strike, he automatically attacks another enemy within 300 range. The second strike can critically strike structures ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'SinceDouble Strikeresets the counter on-attack and the second strike applies on-hit effects, the second strike is able to add a stack for the nextDouble Strikeactivation.', "IfDouble Strike'starget becomesuntargetableshortly after the triggering attack, it will still occur and deal its effects as usual.", 'The second strike will trigger but not consumeDouble Strikestacks if the primary attack isdodged.PENDING FOR TEST::Blind', 'PENDING FOR TEST::Blind']} | Name: Alpha Strike, Description: Active: Master Yi vanishes and becomes unable to act . After 0. 231 seconds , he marks the target enemy and then proceeds to mark the nearest visible un-marked enemy within 600 units, recurring every 0. 231 seconds 「 up to 3 times. 」 「 for a total of 4 marks. 」 If there are no other un-marked targets before then, Master Yi can mark the same enemies again. During Alpha Strike , Master Yi can select a direction from the primary target. Upon finishing marking, Master Yi reappears 75 units in the targeted direction, or in front of the target otherwise, and then becomes able to act again 「 after 0. 165 seconds . 」 「 1. 087 seconds total after the start of the cast with 4 bounces. 」 If the primary target dies or is too far away during the delay, Master Yi will reappear at the initial cast location instead. Master Yi then detonates the marks, dealing physical damage and applying on-hit effects at 75% effectiveness. Marks after the first on the same target instantly deal 25% damage and apply on-hit effects at 18. 75 % effectiveness. Alpha Strike deals bonus physical damage to monsters per hit. Physical Damage: 30 / 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 (+ 50% AD) Reduced Damage per hit: 7. 5 / 15 / 22. 5 / 30 / 37. 5 (+ 12. 5 % AD) Maximum Single-Target Damage: 52. 5 / 105 / 157. 5 / 210 / 262. 5 (+ 87. 5 % AD) Monster Bonus Damage: 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 / 175 Monster Total Damage: 105 / 160 / 215 / 270 / 325 (+ 50% AD) Reduced Monster Damage per hit: 26. 25 / 40 / 53. 75 / 67. 5 / 81. 25 (+ 12. 5 % AD) Max Monster Single-Target Damage: 183. 75 / 280 / 376. 25 / 472. 5 / 568. 75 (+ 87. 5 % AD) Alpha Strike's primary and lesser damage can critically strike for bonus physical damage equal to (17. 5 % + 7. 875 % ) AD and (4. 375 % + 1. 96875 % ) AD respectively. Basic attacks on-hit reduce Alpha Strike's current cooldown by 1 second . Wuju Style and Highlander can be cast during Alpha Strike. Each time Alpha Strike hits a target, the durations of Wuju Style and Highlander are refreshed by their current duration. Alpha Strike does not trigger its cooldown reduction nor grant a stack of Double Strike when applying on-hit effects. Link ▶️ "Many foes, one strike!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'parries': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Alpha Strike'sprimary damage applies afterMaster Yireappears.", "Alpha Strike'scooldown reductionapplies onstructures.", "WhenMaster Yibounces from a unit it will grantvisionin a 600 radius around it for up-to0.627secondsafterAlpha Strikeends, including across terrain, though not intobrushes.It will always grant vision around the primary target, even if he doesn't bounce off it.", "It will always grant vision around the primary target, even if he doesn't bounce off it.", "Alpha Strike'sdamage is calculated at the moment that each mark is placed. Because of this, it is possible to inflict differing amounts of damage ifMaster Yi'sADchanges between marks.", "Master Yiwill follow all his primary target's movements.Alpha Strikecan only follow up-to2000units; If the target teleports a very long distance, it will not be followed.", 'Alpha Strikecan only follow up-to2000units; If the target teleports a very long distance, it will not be followed.', "If the primary target becomesuntargetableand there are no other nearby valid targets,Alpha Strikewill end prematurely and will not deal the damage occurring afterMaster Yi'sreappearance.", 'The choice of exit direction occurs through an indicator anchored to the target during the time thatMaster Yiis vanished. Selection commands (default: MB1/left click) and movement commands (default: MB2/right click) are both valid.Multiple commands can be issued, but only thefinalcommand before exiting will determine the direction.', 'Multiple commands can be issued, but only thefinalcommand before exiting will determine the direction.', 'If the primary target is a champion,Master Yiwill be automatically ordered to basic attack them afterAlpha Strikeends.Master Yiwill not be able to buffer other abilities.(bug)', 'Master Yiwill not be able to buffer other abilities.(bug)', 'Spell shieldwill only block a single instance of damage.', "On-hit damage applied byAlpha Strikewill be negated bydodgeandblock, but not whileMaster Yiisblinded.Alpha Strike'sown damage will not be negated.", "Alpha Strike'sown damage will not be negated.", 'IfMaster YidiesduringAlpha Strikeand he is only focusing one target, the ability will only deal the reduced damage strikes and not the final tick of damage from reappearing.If he is striking multiple targets the damage will be dealt immediately whendying, and if hediesbefore the bounce from the last target,Alpha Strikewill deal reduced damage only to all units he already bounced from.(bug)', 'If he is striking multiple targets the damage will be dealt immediately whendying, and if hediesbefore the bounce from the last target,Alpha Strikewill deal reduced damage only to all units he already bounced from.(bug)', 'IfMaster YientersresurrectionduringAlpha Strikeand he is only focusing one target, the ability will deal the reduced damage strikes as normal and the final tick of damage after beingresurrected.If he is striking multiple targets,Alpha Strikewillsometimesdeal the reduced damage from repeated bounces and the main damage after beingresurrected, andsometimesonly the reduced damage, unrelated to the number of targets available.(bug)', 'If he is striking multiple targets,Alpha Strikewillsometimesdeal the reduced damage from repeated bounces and the main damage after beingresurrected, andsometimesonly the reduced damage, unrelated to the number of targets available.(bug)', 'The following table refers for interactions whileMaster Yiis performingAlpha Strike:', 'Death', 'Cooldown begins after the blink.']} | Name: Meditate, Description: Active: Master Yi channels for up to 4 seconds, healing himself every 0. 5 seconds, increased by 0% − 100% (based on missing health) . Minimum Heal Per Tick: 15 / 25 / 35 / 45 / 55 (+ 12. 5 % AP) Maximum Heal Per Tick: 30 / 50 / 70 / 90 / 110 (+ 25% AP) Minimum Total Heal: 120 / 200 / 280 / 360 / 440 (+ 100% AP) Maximum Total Heal: 240 / 400 / 560 / 720 / 880 (+ 200% AP) While channeling, Master Yi gains 90% damage reduction for the first 0. 5 seconds, which is then modified to a reduced amount for the remaining duration of the channel. Meditate's damage reduction is halved against turrets and lingers for 0. 5 seconds after the channel ends. Damage Reduction: 45 / 47. 5 / 50 / 52. 5 / 55% Turret Damage Reduction: 22. 5 / 23. 75 / 25 / 26. 25 / 27. 5 % Meditate resets Master Yi's basic attack timer, pauses Wuju Style's and Highlander's duration, and grants one stack of Double Strike per second during the channel. Link ▶️ "Mind and body.", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Meditate'shealing amount updates dynamically as he heals himself, makingMaster Yiheal for less as hiscurrenthealth increases.", 'The following table refers for interactions whileMaster Yiischanneling:', 'Death', 'Cast-inhibiting effects']} | Name: Wuju Style, Description: Active: Master Yi empowers his basic attacks within the next 5 seconds to deal bonus true damage on-hit . Bonus True Damage: 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50 (+ 30% bonus AD), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'True', 'parries': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Wuju Stylecan be cast duringAlpha Strike.', "Wuju Stylecan't be cast while it is already active.", "Wuju Style'sbonus true damage does not interact withcritical strikes.", "Wuju Style'sbonus true damage cannot beblockedbut can bedodgedand/or missed ifMaster Yiisblinded.", 'The attacks do not deal thebonusdamage againststructures.']} | Name: Highlander, Description: Passive: Scoring a champion takedown reduces the current cooldowns of Master Yi's basic abilities by 70%. Active: Master Yi cleanses himself from all slows and cripples . For the next 7 seconds, he gains ghosting , bonus attack speed , bonus movement speed , slow immunity , and cripple immunity . Bonus Attack Speed: 25 / 35 / 45% Bonus Movement Speed: 35 / 45 / 55% While active, scoring a champion takedown extends Highlander's duration by 7 seconds. Link ▶️ "Speed of thought!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Highlandercan be cast duringAlpha Strike.', "There are two situations that can happen ifMaster YiusesHighlanderwhileHighlander'sbuff is active.If the buff's duration is under 7 seconds, the buff refreshes to 7 seconds.If the buff's duration is above 7 seconds, nothing happens.", "If the buff's duration is under 7 seconds, the buff refreshes to 7 seconds.", "If the buff's duration is above 7 seconds, nothing happens."]} | Master Yi's name is a play on the word "mastery".
Master Yi's goggles and hisswordcan both be seen in the game's Mac Version trailer.
Master Yi is the champion with the highest basemovement speedin-game (355).
Master Yi'sRecallanimation referencesJunpei Iori'svictory poseinPersona 4 Arena Ultimax.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.
Master Yi's dance references the"Running Man" dance.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere,which references theversiondone byDee DeefromDexter's Laboratory.The more total movement speed he has,the fasterhe dances.Inversely, the less total movement speed he has,the slowerhe dances.His pre-reworkdance referencesNapoleon Dynamite, viaone of its portions.He shared this dance withKatarina, whose dance references the other portions.
Master Yi's title in the Chinese localization also dubs him as a "Sword Sage", a title given to most master swordmen in history such as Miyamoto Musashi.In the Chinese localization, it is instead named as "Wuji" (無極, lit. Extremeless/Apolar/Infinite). Wuji is also represented by an empty circle atop theTaijitu(太極圖 lit. Great Poles' Chart), which includes the well-knownYin and Yang. HisWuju Styleability in Chinese is also dubbed as "Wuji Jiandao" (無極劍道, lit. Extremeless Sword Path), "jiandao" is also the pinyin reading of Japanesekendou.
Highlanderwas named after as well as referencesthe eponymous franchise, with its cooldown reset mechanic possibly referencing the "quickening" effect.
A functional real-life replica of Master Yi's'Highlander' Ring Swordwas crafted in an episode of YouTube seriesMan At Arms: Reforged.This video can be viewedhere.There are also videos where the following are crafted:Diana'sCrescent Moonblade(functional)Katarina'sDaggers(functional)Leona'sZenith Blade(functional)Poppy'sHammer of Orlon(functional)Yasuo's'Last Breath' Sword(functional)Ziggs'Hexplosive Bomb(prop) |
Milio,The Gentle Flame | | | health: Health560+88, resource: Mana365+43, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)5+0.5, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)11.5+0.4, armor: Armor26+4.6, attack damage: Attack damage48+3.2, attack speed: Base AS0.625, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius125, release: 2023-03-23, changed: V13.21, role: Enchanter, position: Support, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 6300|975 | Games
MilioTitlesNickname(s)The boy with the soothing flamesThe Tough and Rugged MilioLittle firebugHonorary PakaaAlias(es)The Gentle FlameCharacteristicsSpeciesHuman(Magical)Pronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:985 ANWeapon(s)Fire AxiomFurnasitaPersonal statusStatusAliveCurrent residenceIxaocan,IxtalFamilyUnnamed FatherUnnamed MotherLupé(Grandmother)Luné(Grandaunt)Meli(Older Sister)Tomasin(Older Sister)Javi(Cousin)Jaime(Cousin)Xalvadora(Cousin-in-Law)Unnamed Cousin Once Removed(Jaime and Xalvadora's Child)Luca(Older Brother)Cedro(Brother-in-Law)Isabella(Cousin)Alba(Aunt)Pet(s)FuemigosProfessional statusRegion(s)IxtalRelated character(s)NeekoNidaleeQiyanaMalphiteZyra
• The boy with the soothing flames
• The Tough and Rugged Milio
• Little firebug
• Honorary Pakaa
• The Gentle Flame
• Born:985 AN
• Fire Axiom
• Furnasita
Personal status
Current residence
• Unnamed Father
• Unnamed Mother
• Lupé(Grandmother)
• Luné(Grandaunt)
• Meli(Older Sister)
• Tomasin(Older Sister)
• Javi(Cousin)
• Jaime(Cousin)
• Xalvadora(Cousin-in-Law)
• Unnamed Cousin Once Removed(Jaime and Xalvadora's Child)
• Luca(Older Brother)
• Cedro(Brother-in-Law)
• Isabella(Cousin)
• Alba(Aunt)
Professional status
Related character(s)
Miliois a warmhearted boy fromIxtalwho has, despite his young age, mastered the fire axiom and discovered something new: soothing fire. With this newfound power, Milio plans to help his family escape their exile by joining the Yun Tal—just like his grandmother once did. Having traveled through the Ixtal jungles to the capital of Ixaocan, Milio now prepares to face the Vidalion and join the Yun Tal, unaware of the trials—and dangers—that await him.
• 1Background1.1Early Life1.1.1Family History1.1.2Childhood1.2Modern History1.2.1Journey to Ixaocan1.3Recent Events
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Family5.1.1Lupé5.1.2Luné5.2Fuemigos5.3Nidalee5.4Zyra5.5Malphite5.6Neeko
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early Life1.1.1Family History1.1.2Childhood
• 1.2Modern History1.2.1Journey to Ixaocan
• 1.3Recent Events
• 1.1.1Family History
• 1.1.2Childhood
• 1.2.1Journey to Ixaocan
• 5.1Family5.1.1Lupé5.1.2Luné
• 5.2Fuemigos
• 5.3Nidalee
• 5.4Zyra
• 5.5Malphite
• 5.6Neeko
• 5.1.1Lupé
• 5.1.2Luné
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
Early Life[]
Family History[]
Before Milio was born, his grandmother Lupé and her twin sister Luné both strove to join the Yun Tal through passing the Vidallion's trials, with Lupé being a master of earth while Luné mastered fire. However, Luné was caught plotting treason against the Yun Tal and imprisoned while Lupé and her family faced punishment by proxy of Lupé being her twin. Exiled to the furthest reaches ofIxtal, Lupé and her family lived in a faraway village that would eventually become Milio's birthplace.
As Milio came of age, Lupé started to teach him how to master the elemental axiomata. Unlike the rest of the family, Milio showed great potential as a prodigy of elemental magic but struggled to understand the discipline that came with it. Disappointed, Lupé eventually gave up on Milio's teachings but he still trained his own abilities in private. Abandoning the rigid restrictions of the teachings of his grandmother, Milio eventually learned how to control fire, the only element Lupé avoided out of spite against her twin sister. However, Milio began to question the capabilities of the fire axiom and instead believed it had potential for more positive effects rather than destructive ones.
One night, Milio was chasing a group of fireflies when he noticed a village huntress who was left badly injured and unable to move. Milio rushed to help her by keeping her stable with his fire axiom, but it wasn't enough. Knowing that the healer would've been too far away to arrive on time, Milio tried as hard as he could to shape his powers into a force that could heal. Milio felt the huntress'inner flame, a feeling of warmth which he began to sense in the nature all around him. Focusing all of his concentration on that warm and cozy feeling, Milio manifested his fire magic into a small fire elemental which was able to heal the huntress' wounds.
Having discovered a new axiom which he named "soothing flames," Milio went home to tell his family about what he had done and showed off his new ability to summon his signature fire elementals, dubbed "fuemigos". While his family celebrated, Lupé was astonished by Milio's success in mastering the fire axiom despite going against the traditional teachings and discovering an entirely new axiom. Seeing his potential to undo the burdens placed on the family by her sister Luné, Lupé dedicated herself to teaching her grandson how to master his newfound abilities, preparing him for a journey toIxaocanin order to restore the family's honor. Though he was nervous to endure the long trip by himself, Milio was motivated purely by the love he had for his family. For his journey, he and Lupé fashioned a backpack to store his fuemigos which he dubbed his "furnasita" and got a new set of clothes made by his family members. At the age of 12, Milio left his village and began his journey to Ixaocan, travelling across Ixtal while sending letters to his family about his adventures.
Modern History[]
Journey to Ixaocan[]
• A drawing on Milio's first letter to his family, depicting him leaving his home forIxaocan.
• A drawing on Milio's letter depicting his new friendship withNidalee.
• A drawing on Milio's letter depicting him healing a group of injured villagers.
• A drawing on Milio's letter depicting his encounters withZyra,MalphiteandNeeko
Milio travelled through the jungle when he noticed a young cougar who was injured. Wanting to help, Milio used his fuemigos to heal the cougar and the cat repaid him with affection. They both took a nap under a sun spot until they were found byNidalee, the fearsomeKashdaji Queenas told in scary stories across Ixtal. The young cougar was revealed to be a pakaa and a member of her pack. While initially distrustful towards Milio for being a human, Nidalee began to warm up to him and allowed him travel with the pack for a short while, befriending Nidalee and her pack. Milio eventually left for a nearby village having a bonfire in order to continue his adventure, but hoped to see Nidalee again someday.
At the village, Milio found a lot of hurt people and, using his soothing fire powers, tried healing as many as he can. Unfortunately, Milio was unable to heal everyone and a few villagers were too injured to be saved. Luckily, Milio was able to make their final moments warm and comforting. Despite being able to save lots of people with his powers, Milio began to become discouraged due to the villagers he lost and continued his journey. Throughout his journey, Milio encountered many other sights while hopping around many villages on the pathway to Ixaocan. At one point, he encountered alady made of plantswho Milio heard rumors of in a nearby village as well as agiant moving rock. Eventually, a shapeshiftingvastayanamedNeekosmelled the scent of the pakaa on Milio and, becoming curious, attempted to play a prank on him by shapeshifting as Milio himself. Milio eventually befriended Neeko, learning about her tribe and language before continuing on his journey. Throughout his travels, Milio became a legend amongst the Ixtali as "the boy with the soothing flames."[1]
Recent Events[]
Drawing on Milio's last letter to his family, depicting his triumphant arrival inIxaocan.
Finally making it to Ixaocan, Milio explored the wondrous capital city of Ixtal, amazed by the many sights. However, Milio has begun to notice that people are staring at him; spying on him. Unbeknowst to him, stories about his adventures caught the intrigue of his grandaunt Luné, who has been incarcerated deep below the city all this time without his family's knowledge. Despite all this, Milio eagerly began his training so that he may one day face the Vidalion and hopefully restore the honor of his family.
Milio is a prepubescent Ixtali boy with tan skin, amber eyes and curly black hair. He wears a red Ixtali poncho made by his family with shoulder guards. On his back, he wears his signature furnasita; a white cone-shaped knapsack with highlights made of green jewels. His furnasita holds a large fuemigo; a round fire elemental with ring-shaped eyes and a crest on its forehead.
Milio is incredibly compassionate and caring for others, using his abilities to heal and soothe wounds and expresses deep remorse when he's unable to save people. He cares deeply for others and has been capable of befriending lots of people on his journey to Ixaocan. However, he cares the absolute most for his family; his driving force for his whole journey in the first place. Though he has been at odds with his grandmother Lupé at times, especially during his training, he wishes to fulfill her wishes and regain honor to his family even if he seems content with how his family is living currently.[2]Though a natural prodigy of elemental magic, he lacks the rigid discipline that Ixtali practitioners of magic typically have as he struggles to grasp the rules of his grandmother's training.
Milio is very playful and kind when he speaks to others. He is very forward thinking and focused on his journey to one day best the Vidalion, speaking on how he wants to grow big and strong one day once he grows up and trains his magic enough. Because of his dedication and love for his family, he often mentions and talks about them a lot, especially his parents and his grandmother Lupé.
• Mage: Milio was born with elemental magic abilities, which could grow once he comes of age and trains his abilities further. He was trained by his grandmother in the Ixtali traditions but found it difficult in following its rigid rules. Despite this, he decided to train by himself and developed his own style and understanding of elemental magic.Fire Axiom: Milio is a prodigy in the fire axiom and has learned to master the element of fire. Because his grandmother avoided teaching him the fire axiom out of spite against her twin sister, he's completely self taught and uses the axiom in his own unorthodox way.Soothing Flames:Millio has developed an entirely new axiom of his own called"soothing flames", utilizing fire as a source of healing instead of destruction. By connecting himself with the 'inner flame' of living beings he can heal their injuries, offering a sense of comfort and warmth to many people at a time.Fuemigo Summoning:Milio's fire magic manifests as round little fire elementals he calls 'fuemigos.' As manifestations of Milio's 'soothing flames' axiom, they are capable of healing wounds and soothing pain with their warmth. Though mostly used for healing, the fuemigos are solid and bouncy, capable of being bounced around like fire balls by Milio.
• Fire Axiom: Milio is a prodigy in the fire axiom and has learned to master the element of fire. Because his grandmother avoided teaching him the fire axiom out of spite against her twin sister, he's completely self taught and uses the axiom in his own unorthodox way.Soothing Flames:Millio has developed an entirely new axiom of his own called"soothing flames", utilizing fire as a source of healing instead of destruction. By connecting himself with the 'inner flame' of living beings he can heal their injuries, offering a sense of comfort and warmth to many people at a time.Fuemigo Summoning:Milio's fire magic manifests as round little fire elementals he calls 'fuemigos.' As manifestations of Milio's 'soothing flames' axiom, they are capable of healing wounds and soothing pain with their warmth. Though mostly used for healing, the fuemigos are solid and bouncy, capable of being bounced around like fire balls by Milio.
• Soothing Flames:Millio has developed an entirely new axiom of his own called"soothing flames", utilizing fire as a source of healing instead of destruction. By connecting himself with the 'inner flame' of living beings he can heal their injuries, offering a sense of comfort and warmth to many people at a time.
• Fuemigo Summoning:Milio's fire magic manifests as round little fire elementals he calls 'fuemigos.' As manifestations of Milio's 'soothing flames' axiom, they are capable of healing wounds and soothing pain with their warmth. Though mostly used for healing, the fuemigos are solid and bouncy, capable of being bounced around like fire balls by Milio.
Milio has a great bond with all of his family members, ranging from his parents to his siblings as well as his many cousins, all of whom he grew up with in his home village outside of Ixaocan. They celebrated his accomplishment after he discovered an entirely new axiom when healing the wounded huntress. They made him the clothes that he would wear on his journey and continuously praise and encourage him.
Milio speaks about his family very often, speaking highly of them and describing his extremely close and friendly relationship with each of them. He has seemingly befriended almost every member of his family, all of whom act as his driving force and motivate him to continue his journey. During his travels, he exchanged letters with his family to keep in touch with them, inquiring with them about their lives while he was away and often stating how he misses them and wants to make them proud.
Lupé is Milio's grandmother and the one who initially tried training him in his elemental magic. Though she noticed his natural affinity for magic, Lupé actually stopped training Milio as he couldn't follow the traditional disciplines of the axiomata. Once Milio showed promise in the fire axiom, which she actively refused to teach him out of spite against her sister Luné, Lupé put her grudge aside and saw the potential in her grandson. Lupé helped prepare Milio for his journey to Ixaocan in order to showcase his natural abilities and restore honor to her family, creating his signature 'furnasita' and resuming his training.
Milio very dearly loves his grandma, or 'omele,' and is strictly motivated in making her proud once he restores the family honor. He often mentions her on his travels, stating how proud she'd be to see him now. On top of that, he speaks very highly of his omele, describing her as very strong and similar in personality toNidalee, the fearsome Kashdaji queen he met on his travels.[1]Lupé is almost entirely focused on Milio's potential to restore the family's honor at Ixaocan, perhaps even disregarding her own family's feelings about it.
Luné was imprisoned beneath Ixaocan before Milio was born, meaning she never got to meet her grand-nephew in person. However, after he gained fame across Ixtal as the 'boy with the soothing flames', she caught word of the stories about him and recently found out he made it into Ixaocan after his long journey.
Milio's fuemigos serve as his main companions, as they are literal manifestations of his fire magic come to life. He carries a large one within his furnasita and often deploys smaller ones to heal and soothe wounds with their warmth.
Milio considers his fuemigos as his best friends and, despite their inability to verbally communicate, ventriloquizes the fuemigos with a higher-pitched voice to reinforce his own thoughts.
Milio used to hear stories of Nidalee as a frightening creature to be feared named the Kashdaji queen, but met her in person during his journey to Ixaocan after he healed one of her pakaa. While initially distrustful towards him at first due to his human nature, Nidalee grew a fondness for the boy and allowed him to travel with her pack for a while to the next village. She calls Milio her 'fire bug' and considers him an honorary pakaa. Milio left the pack on friendly terms with Nidalee, noting that she appears as extremely harsh and fearsome on the outside but was capable of seeing the genuine softness underneath her tough exterior.[1]
Milio encountered Zyra on his travels, having initially heard stories about her in a nearby village and thinking of them as nothing but scary stories to tell to children. Though he saw Zyra from a distance, he immediately noticed how dangerous her plants looked and knew not to greet her and endanger himself. However, he notes in his letter to his parents that, despite her frightening appearance, he wishes he could say hi and befriend her.[1]
Milio encountered Malphite on his travels, initially noticing the large mountain in his way despite it being nowhere on the map. Milio investigated the strange appearance of a new mountain and discovered Malphite's face and saw him begin to move. He didn't directly greet Malphite however, despite seeing him as extremely friendly, as he didn't wanna risk being stepped on.[1]
Neeko noticed Milio because of the scent of the pakaa on his clothes, as he traveled with Nidalee's pack temporarily before leaving. Because Neeko was very close with Nidalee, she wanted to investigate and shapeshifted into Milio as a prank, amusing the boy and sparking their friendship. As the two traveled for a bit, Neeko shared lots of details about her language as well as her tribe that she's slowly creating, offering a home to any people in the jungle without one.
Milio considers Neeko a new best friend and notes that he wishes he could help her on her mission to create a new tribe but prioritizes traveling to Ixaocan to restore his family's honor instead, wishing her farewell.[1]
Read More
The Gentle Flame
ByElyse Lemoine
Starring Champion
Short Story
Milio's Super-Special Adventure Reports
ByElyse Lemoine
Greetings, family! It is I, Milio, with my first official Adventure Report!
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Fired Up!, Description: Innate: Milio's ability hits on himself and allied champions grant an enchantment for 4 seconds, which causes the next basic attack or ability hit against enemies to deal 15% of their AD bonus magic damage and apply a burn that deals 「 15 − 50 (based on level) (+ 20% AP) magic damage over 1. 5 seconds. 」 「 2. 5 − 8. 33 (based on level) (+ 3. 33 % AP) magic damage every 0. 25 seconds over 1. 5 seconds. 」, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'parries': 'Missing', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Damage dealt byFired Up!counts asMilio'sdamage.This does not affect kill credit.", 'This does not affect kill credit.', 'Subsequent applications ofFired Up!only refresh the duration.', 'Spell shieldwill not block the effect if applied by a basic attack.']} | Name: Ultra Mega Fire Kick, Description: Active: After a 0. 25 -second delay, Milio kicks a fireball in the target direction that grants sight of its path and knocks back and stuns the first enemy it hits over 1 second. Upon collision, the ball bounces once in the same direction from the target's location, granting sight of the area before exploding in the same radius after a brief delay, dealing magic damage to enemies hit and slowing them for 1. 5 seconds. Magic Damage: 80 / 145 / 210 / 275 / 340 (+ 120% AP) Slow: 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60% (+ 5% per 100 AP) If the primary target is a non-champion, the ball knocks back further and creates a larger explosion. Milio cannot cast other abilities during Ultra Mega Fire Kick's delay., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'No additional details.']} | Name: Cozy Campfire, Description: Active: Milio summons a fuemigo at the target location or upon the target allied champion for 6 seconds that follows the nearest allied champion and grants sight of its surroundings. Allied champions near the fuemigo gain bonus attack range equal to a percentage of their base attack range and heal every 0. 264 seconds over the duration. Base Attack Range Scaling: 10 / 12. 5 / 15 / 17. 5 / 20% Heal per Tick: 2. 8 / 3. 6 / 4. 4 / 5. 2 / 6 (+ 0. 6 % AP) Total Heal: 70 / 90 / 110 / 130 / 150 (+ 15% AP) Cozy Campfire can be recast after 0. 5 seconds within the duration. Recast: Milio commands the fuemigo to follow the target allied champion to within 150-units, placing the recast on a 0. 5 -second static cooldown. Milio counts as an allied champion for this ability. Cozy Campfire may grant Fired Up! upon being summoned and at most once every 3 seconds thereafter., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation/Unit', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Theattack rangeincrease lingers on allies for the entire duration ofCozy Campfire, even if they leave the zone.']} | Name: Warm Hugs, Description: Active: Milio envelops himself or the target allied champion in protective flames, granting the target a shield and bonus movement speed for 2. 5 seconds. Shield Strength: 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 (+ 30% AP) Bonus Movement Speed: 12 / 14 / 16 / 18 / 20% Milio periodically stocks a Warm Hugs charge, up to a maximum of 2. Warm Hugs' effects can stack up to 2 times., STATIC COOLDOWN: STATICCOOLDOWN:0.5, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'No additional details.']} | Name: Breath of Life, Description: Active: Milio explodes in soothing flames, healing and cleansing himself and nearby allied champions of non- airborne crowd control , and granting them 65% tenacity for 3 seconds. Heal: 150 / 250 / 350 (+ 50% AP) Milio cannot cast his other abilities for 0. 75 seconds after Breath of Life's activation. Breath of Life cannot be used while affected by cast-inhibiting crowd control ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Breath of Lifeaffectsuntargetableunits.', "Miliocan cleanse himself fromMordekaiser'sRealm of Death. Other targetable allies inside theDeath Realm(possible through ahijackedRealm of Deathor if multipleMordekaisersare in the same match) will not be affected by the heal nor the cleanse."]} | null |
Miss Fortune,the Bounty Hunter,Sarah Fortune,MF | | | health: Health640+103, resource: Mana300+40, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)3.75+0.65, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)8+0.8, armor: Armor28+4.2, attack damage: Attack damage52+2.4, attack speed: Base AS0.656, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius100, release: 2010-09-08, changed: V13.3, role: Marksman, position: BottomSupport, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 450|260 | Games
Miss FortuneMainCurrentFormal 1Formal 2Formal 3Formal 4Casual 1Casual 2Casual 3Casual 4Casual 5Casual 6Casual 7RuinedYoungTitlesReal nameSarah FortuneNickname(s)Miss FortuneMissy FortuneAlias(es)The Bounty HunterQueen of BilgewaterCaptain FortuneCharacteristicsSpeciesHumanPronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:966 AN - 971 ANWeapon(s)Shock & AwePersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originBilgewater,Serpent IslesCurrent residenceBilgewater,Serpent IslesFamilyUnnamed Father†Abigale Fortune†(Mother)Professional statusOccupation(s)Bounty HunterCaptain of7The SyrenRuler of BilgewaterProtector of LifeRegion(s)BilgewaterFaction(s)SyrensRelated character(s)GangplankRafenIllaoiTwisted FateGravesLucianOlafHecarimRyzeAhriBraumPykeYasuoNecritViego
Miss Fortune
• Main
• Current
• Formal 1
• Formal 2
• Formal 3
• Formal 4
• Casual 1
• Casual 2
• Casual 3
• Casual 4
• Casual 5
• Casual 6
• Casual 7
• Ruined
• Young
Real name
• Miss Fortune
• Missy Fortune
• The Bounty Hunter
• Queen of Bilgewater
• Captain Fortune
• Born:966 AN - 971 AN
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Unnamed Father†
• Abigale Fortune†(Mother)
Professional status
• Bounty Hunter
• Captain of7The Syren
• Ruler of Bilgewater
• Protector of Life
Related character(s)
ABilgewatercaptain famed for her looks but feared for her ruthlessness,Sarah Fortunepaints a stark figure among the hardened criminals of the port city. As a child, she witnessed the reaver kingGangplankmurder her family—an act she brutally avenged years later, blowing up his flagship while he was still aboard. Those who underestimate her will face a beguiling and unpredictable opponent... and, likely, a bullet or two in their guts.
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2Contemporary history1.3Recent events1.3.1The Ruined King
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1{{cbi|Gangplank}5.2Lucian5.3Olaf5.4Illaoi5.5Ryze5.6Piltover5.7Crew of the Charming Lady5.8Viego
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2Contemporary history
• 1.3Recent events1.3.1The Ruined King
• 1.3.1The Ruined King
• 5.1{{cbi|Gangplank}
• 5.2Lucian
• 5.3Olaf
• 5.4Illaoi
• 5.5Ryze
• 5.6Piltover
• 5.7Crew of the Charming Lady
• 5.8Viego
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early life[]
Sarah Fortune was born to the famous weapons manufacturer Abigail Fortune, her father's name is unknown, she lived with her mother in Bilgewater, her mother taught her to make weapons of all kinds, the most prominent being firearms. Little Sarah's life was quite happy and pleasant, until the well-known looter Gangplank went to her mother's business to demand that she create two powerful pistols, to which Abigail accepted and said that in a year she would have them made.
After a year Gangplank returned but had no intention of paying Abigail, she finished the pistols and he took them from her and then proceeded to shoot Abigail, then her husband and finally Sarah and later destroyed the Fortunes' workshop, but miraculously, Sarah survived. With the little strength she had left, she managed to escape from the fire along with her mother's guns. Her body had recovered, but she began to suffer night terrors and post-traumatic stress from the incident, as well as an intense thirst for revenge.
Contemporary history[]
When she reached adolescence, Sarah with her mother's weapons already repaired plunged into the world of crime, committed her first murder which had a great reward, Sarah saw a few other flyers of criminals and after a few days she claimed all the rewards for their heads,little by little Sarah began to build her reputation and began to be feared and respected by the inhabitants of Bilgewater, and they started calling her Miss Fortune.
Sarah, determined to take revenge on Gangplank, began to look for allies and little by little began to gain more power, until she was finally able to face Gangplank, Sarah devised such an ingenious plan which caused the fall of Gangplak and without him she finally took the throne of the city.
Recent events[]
Miss Fortune along with her crew try to negotiate with the other captains of Bilgewater who previously served Gangplank, if the captains refused, Sarah killed them and kept her crew.
The Ruined King[]
Miss Fortune tried to negotiate with a captain about joining her, but he refused and Sarah ended up killing him. Although she didn't mind killing captains, she was tired because none of them cooperated with her.
Miss Fortune is an incredibly beautiful woman with a slim and voluptuous build, light skin, pale green eyes and her most prominent feature is her long, wavy scarlet-red hair.
Normally she wears somewhat revealing clothes, consisting of a white blouse with seperate long sleeves, with a dark green vest that reveals her abdomen, black bell-bottom pants, black high-heeled boots and wears a black pirate hat on her head.
Sarah is a born and calculating leader, she usually uses her beauty and wit to get what she wants. She is usually quite flirtatious and lascivious when speaking, but she is really a dismissive and ambitious woman, however, she shows great concern for her followers and allies, being able to give her life for them or even avenge them.
• Expert Marksman: Miss Fortune is an extremely skilled marksman being considered the best gunslinger in all of Bilgewater.Shock and Awe: They are Miss Fortune's two favorite weapons and they are the ones she usually uses.
• Shock and Awe: They are Miss Fortune's two favorite weapons and they are the ones she usually uses.
Miss Fortune survivedGangplank'smurder attempt which killed her mother and plotted to avenge her mother's death. She hiredTwisted Fateto robGangplank'swarehouse while also tipping offGravesabout it. Both men acted as a massive distraction so that she could make final preparations to land the killing blow onGangplank. When they later returned toBilgewaterin search of the Abyssal Crown, they angered a sea witch in the process. Miss Fortune, who had her quartermaster caught by the same witch, tricked and captured them both and then gave them to the witch in exchange for her quartermaster, but then helped T.F. and Graves escape.Gravesholds a grudge against Sarah but still thinks she is impressive.
BetweenBurning TidesandShadow and Fortune, Miss Fortune is purgingBilgewaterof all those loyal toGangplankafter the power vacuum his 'death' caused (she is sure she can make Bilgewater prosper if the people are united under her banner). At one point beforeGangplank's'death', him and Miss Fortune struck an uneasy truce in order to fight off theHarrowing, right on the shores of theSerpent Isles, in 'The Battle of Knife Straits'. They were successful (despite heavy casualties and their combined fleet scattering), while farther southNautilusmanaged to fight off the rest of the undead.
During the events ofShadow and Fortune,Lucianand Miss Fortune encountered each other in a recentBilgewater'sHarrowing. They both fought the undead from theShadow Islesand parted way in friendly terms. She intended to persuade him to help her claimBilgewater.
She encounteredOlafbut did not think much of him.
Illaoiprotected Miss Fortune from the Black Mist andHecarim. Unknown to Sarah, Illaoi secretly helpedGangplankreclaim the city, while also intending to test her in the near future.
During a shootout between Miss Fortune and a rival captain's crew,Ryzegot caught in their conflict and helped her out.
Based on herLegends of Runeterravoice lines, Miss Fortune may have gone toPiltoverat some point and gotten involved in some accident through which she metViandCaitlyn.
Crew of the Charming Lady[]
During the events ofRuined King,Ahri,Illaoi,Braum,Pyke,YasuoandMiss Fortunetravel to theShadow Islesto confrontViegoin order to protect Bilgewater. Viego would try to sway her to his side with the promise of power, but her will proved stronger and she sealed him inside a Buhru artifact.
However, Miss Fortune would eventually acceptViego'soffer, when theSentinels of Lightcame to Bilgewater, becomingruinedin the process. She had accepted his offer because she had grown desperate after months of fighting against Gangplank.[1]
Read More
The Bounty Hunter
ByGraham McNeill
Starring:Miss Fortune
Starring Champion
Short Story
Burning Tides: Act 2
ByScott Hawkes,George Krstic,Anthony Reynolds Lenné,John O'Bryan
Starring:Gangplank,Graves,Miss Fortune,Rafen,Twisted Fate
Short Story
Burning Tides: Act 3
ByScott Hawkes,George Krstic,Anthony Reynolds Lenné,John O'Bryan
Starring:Gangplank,Graves,Miss Fortune,Rafen,Twisted Fate
Short Story
Burning Tides: Epilogue
ByScott Hawkes,George Krstic,Anthony Reynolds Lenné,John O'Bryan
Starring:Gangplank,Graves,Miss Fortune,Twisted Fate
Short Story
Dead in the Water
ByGraham McNeill
Red tide out, red tide in.
Starring:Miss Fortune,Nautilus
Short Story
Destiny and Fate
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Ah, Bilgewater.
Starring:Graves,Miss Fortune,Twisted Fate
Double-Double Cross
Down on the slaughter docks, Miss Fortune springs a trap for wanted criminals Twisted Fate and Graves… but soon finds the tables turned against her.
Starring:Graves,Miss Fortune,Rafen,Twisted Fate
Short Story • 4 Minute Read
Down Among the Dead Men
ByGraham McNeill
Bilgewater's White Wharf had earned its name thanks to the layer of bird waste covering it from end to end, which was only to be expected at a resting place for the dead. Folk here didn't bury corpses; they returned them to the sea. A grave of the sunken dead hung suspended in the cold depths, marked by hundreds of bobbing grave-buoys. Some were merely name posts, while others were elaborate tomb markers carved to resemble rearing krakens or buxom sea wenches.
Starring:Miss Fortune
Fortune Smiles
ByAnthony Burch
Bilgewater. A haven for Runeterra's most notorious monster hunters, mercenaries, and scoundrels. For decades, a ruthless pirate named Gangplank kept the city in check. Under his merciless rule, Bilgewater was an orderly place to make a dishonest living. But now Gangplank is dead. Murdered, by a crimson-haired bounty hunter seeking vengeance for her parents' deaths. Bilgewater has descended into chaos. Only the woman who killed Gangplank can save it. Her name is Sarah. They call her Miss Fortune.
Starring:Miss Fortune
Music Video
Kingdom (Video)
By Numerous creators
Starring:Ahri,Braum,Illaoi,Miss Fortune,Pyke,Viego,Yasuo
Rise of the Sentinels
ByJohn O'Bryan
Black Mist pours across Runeterra, enthralling its champions and shrouding the continent in darkness. If the last Sentinels are going to save Runeterra, they're going to need all the help they can get. And that meansyouRookie!
Starring:Akshan,Diana,Draven,Graves,Gwen,Irelia,Isolde,Karma,Lucian,Miss Fortune,Olaf,Pantheon,Pyke,Rengar,Riven,Senna,Shyvana,Thresh,Vayne,Vex,Viego,Yorick
Ruined King
ByAirship Syndicate
Rise Against Ruin - Unite a party of League of Legends Champions, explore Bilgewater and set sail for the Shadow Isles to uncover the secrets of the deadly Black Mist in this immersive turn-based RPG.
Starring:Ahri,Braum,Gangplank,Illaoi,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Necrit,Pyke,Rafen,Thresh,Viego,Yasuo
Mentioned:Ashe,Elise,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Gwen,Hecarim,Isolde,Ivern,Janna,Jarvan IV,Kalista,Ledros,Lucian,Nagakabouros,Nautilus,Olaf,Ornn,Rhasa,Riven,Senna,Swain,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Twisted Fate,Udyr,Volibear,Yone,Yorick,Zed
Short Story • 51 Minute Read
Shadow and Fortune: Chapter Four
ByGraham McNeill
She is not Dead, Strange Bedfellows, In Motion Again
Starring:Hecarim,Illaoi,Lucian,Miss Fortune,Olaf,Rafen,Thresh
Short Story • 51 Minute Read
Shadow and Fortune: Chapter One
ByGraham McNeill
Blood on the Streets, Glory in Death, Down to the Bearded Lady/nThe Butcher Blades had hung the Jackdaw from a rusted marlinspike through his jawbone and left him for the quayside scavengers. This was the seventeenth murdered ganger the hooded man had seen tonight.
Starring:Lucian,Miss Fortune,Olaf,Rafen
Short Story • 51 Minute Read
Shadow and Fortune: Chapter Three
ByGraham McNeill
The Purifier, City of the Dead, Sanctuary
Starring:Hecarim,Lucian,Miss Fortune,Olaf,Rafen,Thresh
Short Story • 51 Minute Read
Shadow and Fortune: Chapter Two
ByGraham McNeill
Something Stupid, The Red Shroud, The Shadow of War
Starring:Lucian,Miss Fortune,Olaf,Rafen
Mentioned:Hecarim,Morgana,Senna,Tahm Kench,Thresh
Her back's to the wall. Bad luck for them. There's only one way out alive, and they aren't taking it.
Starring:Miss Fortune
The Climb
Take the first step and begin your climb.
Starring:Blitzcrank,Ekko,Illaoi,Lucian,Miss Fortune,Senna,Taliyah,Thresh,Xerath,Yasuo
Short Story
The Will of the Dead
ByLaura Michet
Long before she became a Truth Bearer of her people, Illaoi had been an acolyte priestess at a Buhru temple on the coast.
Starring:Illaoi,Miss Fortune,Yorick
Mentioned:Gangplank,Maiden of the Mist,Nagakabouros,Pyke,Tahm Kench,Thresh,Viego
Mentioned Champion
Call of Power
Ryze scours Runeterra for fragments of a forgotten past, each step bringing him closer to incredible power—and terrible ruin.
Mentioned:Miss Fortune,Nasus,Sona,Trundle
Short Story • 3 Minute Read
Double Down
ByGraham McNeill
All eyes in Fortune's Glory were on Twisted Fate. He felt the gambling hall's many patrons regarding him with a mixture of envy, vicarious excitement, and spiteful longing for him to lose everything on the turn of the last card.
Starring:Twisted Fate
Mentioned:Miss Fortune
League Animation Workshop
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Darius,Lux,Miss Fortune,Zed
Tales of Runeterra
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Akali,Braum,Corki,Darius,Diana,Ekko,Fiora,Garen,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jinx,Leona,Lulu,Miss Fortune,Shen,Teemo,Thresh,Tristana,Twisted Fate
Short Story • 8 Minute Read
The Burden
ByOdin Austin Shafer
Truth Bearer, this is why we must retreat to Buhru. We cannot save the paylangi' the Hierophant said. The heavy-set woman grinned, obviously pleased by the prospect of leaving Bilgewater.
Mentioned:Graves,Miss Fortune,Nagakabouros,Twisted Fate
The Saltwater Scourge
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Mentioned:Miss Fortune,Swain
Alternate Universes
A New Horizon
A mysterious new team arrives: Star Guardian Ahri, Miss Fortune, Syndra, Soraka, and Ezreal.
Starring:Ahri,Ezreal,Miss Fortune,Soraka,Syndra
A New Journey
Inspired by the true story of Michelle, a university student and League of Legends player who joined a team and joined the fight. Season 2019 of League of Legends starts now! It's On.
Starring:Ahri,Blitzcrank,Braum,Caitlyn,Ekko,Miss Fortune,Ornn,Riven,Yasuo,Zed,Zoe
Another Sky: Wild Rift Edition
ByTy Sheedlo
Join the Star Guardians as they fight for the future by saving a ghost from their past!
Starring:Ahri,Miss Fortune,Orianna,Rakan,Senna,Seraphine,Xayah
Dominion (Video)
Starring:Cassiopeia,Irelia,Jarvan IV,Lux,Malphite,Miss Fortune,Mordekaiser,Ryze,Swain,Teemo
ByInstitute of War
The truest opponent lies within.
Starring:Boram Darkwill,Brand,Caitlyn,Cassiopeia,Galio,Graves,Irelia,Jarvan IV,Karma,LeBlanc,Lee Sin,Leona,Lux,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nocturne,Orianna,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Skarner,Sona,Swain,Talon,Trundle,Urgot,Varus,Vayne,Vladimir,Wukong,Xerath,Xin Zhao,Yorick
Short Story
By Numerous creators
Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Starring:Kai'Sa,Miss Fortune
Payback is a Goddess
Ten years ago, a great civil war stretched across the galaxy.
Starring:Miss Fortune
Star-Crossed: Embrace
ByJared Rosen,Callie Miller
Final showdown! The Guardians have played all their cards, but something in Xayah tells her to keep fighting—she’ll find a way to redeem Rakan or die (again) trying.
Starring:Ahri,Akali,Kai'Sa,Miss Fortune,Orianna,Rakan,Senna,Seraphine,Xayah
Star-Crossed: Hope
ByJared Rosen,Callie Miller
Months later, some familiar faces from Xayah’s past appear during the heat of battle. Her team may be stronger than ever, but what if Rakan doesn’t want to be saved?
Starring:Ahri,Miss Fortune,Orianna,Rakan,Senna,Seraphine,Xayah
Short Story
ByAriel Lawrence
A team bonding trip will test Lux's leadership and confidence as the group welcomes new stars during the annual meteor shower.
Starring:Ahri,Ezreal,Janna,Jinx,Lulu,Lux,Miss Fortune,Poppy,Soraka,Syndra
Short Story
The Slumber Party Summoning
ByAriel Lawrence
Okay, I'll admit slamming the door in their faces was a bit of an overreaction.
Starring:Ezreal,Janna,Jinx,Lulu,Lux,Miss Fortune,Poppy,Soraka
Short Story
The Twilight Star
ByAriel Lawrence
I have too many questions I want to ask her.
Starring:Janna,Jinx,Lulu,Lux,Miss Fortune,Poppy
Short Story
Twin Stars
ByCat Cheresh
Akali could see the stars.
Starring:Ahri,Akali,Ezreal,Janna,Jinx,Kai'Sa,Lulu,Lux,Miss Fortune,Neeko,Poppy,Rakan,Soraka,Syndra,Xayah,Zoe
Academy Adventures: Series 1
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Akali,Amumu,Anivia,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Braum,Cho'Gath,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fiora,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Ivern,Jhin,Jinx,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nidalee,Olaf,Poppy,Rek'Sai,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Shen,Sion,Sona,Soraka,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tristana,Trundle,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Vel'Koz,Vi,Yorick,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Another Sky
ByJared Rosen,Taylor Dinwiddie,Ty Sheedlo
As a new generation of Star Guardians prepares to fight back the forces of chaos, rising star Akali finds herself wracked with doubt. Does she have what it takes to be a Star Guardian? Or will the darkness she senses inside spell doom for her and her friends?
Mentioned:Ahri,Akshan,Ezreal,Gwen,Jinx,Lux,Miss Fortune,Rakan,Xayah
Music Video
Everything Goes On
ByPorter Robinson
Together with some familiar faces, a new generation of Star Guardians ascend to battle a looming threat. But even when confronted with eternal darkness, their hope burns brighter than fear.
Mentioned:Ahri,Lux,Miss Fortune
First light after the Harrowing
Though the Black Mist fades and the souls it claimed will soon forget their past, the threat of the fell tide will not be forgotten. Worse than all previous years, those who lived are left to wonder where it will return, and whether anyone will survive when it does.
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Gangplank,Hecarim,Miss Fortune,Mordekaiser,Nautilus
Harmonies: Issue 2
ByMichael Yichao
Seraphine navigates a life-changing moment as she embraces her dream becoming reality.
Mentioned:Ezreal,Janna,Jinx,Lulu,Lux,Miss Fortune,Poppy,Soraka,Syndra,Volibear,Yasuo
Music Video
Light and Shadow
By Numerous creators
A cosmic darkness threatens to overcome three former teammates who were thought to have perished.
Mentioned:Miss Fortune
Mac Client Available
Starring:Dr. Mundo
Mentioned:Amumu,Ashe,Caitlyn,Ezreal,Fizz,Gragas,Graves,Katarina,Master Yi,Miss Fortune,Mordekaiser,Orianna,Riven,Ryze,Singed,Soraka,Viktor,Zac,Ziggs
Punches and Plants: Series 1
Mentioned:Ahri,Alistar,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Braum,Caitlyn,Darius,Diana,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Evelynn,Ezreal,Gangplank,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jinx,Karma,Katarina,Leona,Lucian,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Nunu,Quinn,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Sivir,Sona,Soraka,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Valor,Varus,Vel'Koz,Vladimir,Volibear,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Zac,Ziggs
Punches and Plants: Series 2
Mentioned:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Amumu,Annie,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Diana,Draven,Ekko,Ezreal,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Kha'Zix,Kog'Maw,Leona,Lucian,Lux,Malphite,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nasus,Nautilus,Nidalee,Olaf,Orianna,Poppy,Quinn,Rakan,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Shaco,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Valor,Vel'Koz,Viktor,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Xin Zhao,Yasuo,Ziggs
Star-Crossed: Clockwork
ByJared Rosen,Callie Miller
Xayah grapples with what it means to be a leader, but her latest Star Guardian recruit may be the rational, logical antidote to her angst and axiety.
Mentioned:Ahri,Miss Fortune,Rakan
Star-Crossed: Convince Me
ByJared Rosen,Callie Miller
Xayah travels to a new planet to enlist the help of a seasoned Star Guardian with a big gun and, secretly, a bigger heart.
Mentioned:Ahri,Miss Fortune
The Tale of the Poro King
By Numerous creators
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aatrox,Akali,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Darius,Diana,Draven,Ezreal,Gnar,Illaoi,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kai'Sa,Karma,Karthus,Katarina,Kayle,Kayn,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nunu,Ornn,Pantheon,Pyke,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Rhaast,Ryze,Sejuani,Shen,Sion,Sivir,Soraka,Sylas,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Thresh,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Vi,Volibear,Willump,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs,Zoe
• Sarah taking the name 'Miss Fortune' for bounty hunting references the old sailor myth that women on ships brought... misfortune.
• Miss Fortune's first shipmate is called Rafen.
• Miss Fortune is based on manyreal-life female pirates, especiallyAnne Bonny&Mary Read.
• Miss Fortune's background resemblesInigo Montoya'sfromThe Princess Bride.
• Her guns were forged by her mother forGangplank, who later killed Sarah's family and destroyed the pistols.Sarah later rebuilt them, became 'Miss Fortune', and finally avenged her family years later (butGangplankdidn't truly die).
• Sarah later rebuilt them, became 'Miss Fortune', and finally avenged her family years later (butGangplankdidn't truly die).
Change log[]
See also[]
• Bilgewater
• Camavor
• Demacia
• Freljord
• Ionia
• Shadow Isles
• Runeterra
• Journals
• Ruined King (Soundtrack)
• The Ruined King Saga (Universe) | Name: Love Tap, Description: Innate: Miss Fortune's basic attacks are empowered to apply a mark that expires upon attacking a new enemy. If the enemy was unmarked, this also deals 50% − 100% (based on level) AD bonus physical damage , halved to 25% − 50% (based on level) AD against minions ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "WithRunaan's Hurricane,Love Taponly applies to the primary target.", 'The bonus damage applieslife steal.', 'The empowered attack will not trigger againstbuildings.']} | Name: Double Up, Description: Active: Miss Fortune fires a shot at the target enemy that deals physical damage , which then bounces to hit another enemy behind them. This applies on-attack effects to the first enemy hit, and on-hit effects to both enemies hit. Physical Damage: 20 / 45 / 70 / 95 / 120 (+ 100% AD) (+ 35% AP) Double Up's bounce is affected by critical strike modifiers. If Double Up kills the primary target, the bounce will critically strike . The bounce prioritizes units directly behind the primary target. A target does not have to be visible be hit by the bounce., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Double Updealsbasic damageto both targets, but also triggers spell effects by dealing an additional 0spell damage.', 'Spell shieldscan be used by either target. If it is on the primary target, the spell shield will not prevent the shot from bouncing.', 'Neutral units count as valid targets to bounce.', 'The bounce follows a priority order on targets behind in a certain angle:500 units in 20º.500 units in 40º.500 units in 110º.150 unitsin 160º.', '500 units in 20º.', '500 units in 40º.', '500 units in 110º.', '150 unitsin 160º.', "Double Up'scast range adjusts based onMiss Fortune'sattack range, which can be increased by items such asRapid Firecannon.", "The damage of acritically strikingshot is 35 / 70 / 105 / 140 / 175(+ 175% AD)(+ 61.25% AP)physical damage, increased to 42 / 84 / 126 / 168 / 210(+ 210% AD)(+ 73.5% AP)physical damagebyInfinity Edge'sbonus critical damage.", 'If there is no secondary target, the shot will not bounce and the dud will instead fall to the ground.The dud lands on the ground 176 units behind the primary target and has a missile speed of 400 on its way there.', 'The dud lands on the ground 176 units behind the primary target and has a missile speed of 400 on its way there.', 'If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the cast time, this ability will cancel but does not go oncooldownnor pay its cost (if applicable).', 'AP ratio changed to55% AP.']} | Name: Strut, Description: Passive: Miss Fortune gains 25 bonus movement speed after 5 seconds without taking non- persistent damage. This bonus is increased after another 5 seconds, and is granted instantly whenever Strut is cast or upon respawning . Increased Bonus Movement Speed: 55 / 65 / 75 / 85 / 95 Active: Miss Fortune gains bonus attack speed for 4 seconds. Bonus Attack Speed: 40 / 55 / 70 / 85 / 100% Marking a new target with Love Tap reduces Strut's current cooldown by 2 seconds ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'No additional notes.']} | Name: Make It Rain, Description: Active: Miss Fortune casts a storm of bullets at the target location for 2 seconds, granting sight of the area, dealing magic damage every 0. 25 seconds to enemies within, and slowing them by 40% (+ 6% per 100 AP) . Magic Damage Per Tick: 8. 75 / 12. 5 / 16. 25 / 20 / 23. 75 (+ 15% AP) Total Magic Damage: 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 / 190 (+ 120% AP) Make It Rain will cast at max range if cast beyond that., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Make It Rain'sslowcannot becleansed.", 'AP ratio per second changed to90% AP.']} | Name: Bullet Time, Description: Active: Miss Fortune channels for up to 3 seconds, firing a number of waves of bullets in the target direction. Each wave is in a spread of 6 projectiles that deals 75% AD (+ 25% AP) physical damage to enemies hit. Total Waves: 14 / 16 / 18 Maximum Total Physical Damage: 1050 / 1200 / 1350% AD (+ 350 / 400 / 450% AP) Wave Interval Time: 0. 2036 / 0. 1781 / 0. 1583 Each of the waves can critically strike for (20% + 9% ) bonus physical damage ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'The damage dealt by each wave ofBullet Timeis calculated when the wave reaches the target.', 'Miss Fortunerevealsherself for 4.5seconds if there is an enemy champion within the area.', 'Targets cannot be damaged by more than one projectile per wave.', "The bullet streams that each fire 1 projectile per wave are spead by 6° between one another, aiming towards the angles +-3/9/15° fromMiss Fortune'sfacing direction.", 'Bullet timepicks 6 locations on the ground 500 units fromMiss Fortune(with the aforementioned angles) and fires a bullet stream towards each.IfMiss Fortuneis moved to a new location, these locationswillupdate (since patchV13.3); the cone will fire towards her new facing direction.', 'IfMiss Fortuneis moved to a new location, these locationswillupdate (since patchV13.3); the cone will fire towards her new facing direction.', 'Bullet timefires the first wave at0.066seconds, and the last at2.904seconds. Times between waves are equally spread between these values.Miss Fortunemay cancel the last ~0.1seconds of channel time at no loss of effect.', 'Miss Fortunemay cancel the last ~0.1seconds of channel time at no loss of effect.', 'The following table refers for interactions whileMiss Fortuneischanneling:', 'Death', 'Cast-inhibiting effects', 'AP ratio changed to35% AP.']} | Miss Fortune's name is a play on the word "misfortune".
Miss Fortune's twin pistols ('Shock' and 'Awe') are named afterthe eponymous military tactic.They can be seen in the game's Mac version launch trailer, together with a poster of Miss Fortune herself.
Bullet Timeis named afterthe eponymous motion picture effectand referencesMax Payne.
Miss Fortune is the third champion to have herInfluence Pointprice reduced twice (the others beingGarenandWarwick) and the second to include a joke animation on release (the other beingKog'Maw).
Miss Fortune is one of the first champions to have 12 skins.She andEzrealgot their twelfth skin at the same time. The skins are in theStar GuardianPajama skin set. |
Mordekaiser,the Iron Revenant | | | health: Health645+104, resource: ResourceN/A, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)5+0.75, resource regen: Secondary BarShield, armor: Armor37+4.2, attack damage: Attack damage61+4, attack speed: Base AS0.625, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius80, selection radius: Selection radius125, release: 2010-02-24, changed: V13.12, role: Juggernaut, position: TopJungle, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 1350|585 | Missing section(s):
MordekaiserMainCurrentTitlesReal nameSahn-UzalNickname(s)The Big Armored MeanieAlias(es)The Iron RevenantThe Lord of DeathThe Dread LordGeneral MordekaiserConqueror of the WildlandsMaster of the TribesCharacteristicsSpeciesRevenantHumanPronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:550 BN - 400 BNDied:100 BNWeapon(s)NightfallNecromantic SorceryRealm of DeathPersonal statusStatusDeceasedPlace of originUnknown(Medieval Times)Current residenceMitna RachnunProfessional statusOccupation(s)RevenantWarlordRegion(s)NoxusFaction(s)Iron RevenantRelated character(s)LeBlancVladimirVeigarKindredTybaulk
• Main
• Current
Real name
• The Iron Revenant
• The Lord of Death
• The Dread Lord
• General Mordekaiser
• Conqueror of the Wildlands
• Master of the Tribes
• Revenant
• Human
• Born:550 BN - 400 BN
• Died:100 BN
• Nightfall
• Necromantic Sorcery
• Realm of Death
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
• Revenant
• Warlord
Related character(s)
Twice slain and thrice born,Mordekaiseris a brutal warlord from a foregone epoch, who uses hisnecromantic sorceryto bind souls into an eternity of servitude. Few now remain who remember his earlier conquests, or know the true extent of his powers—but there are some ancient souls that do, and they fear the day when he may return to claim dominion over both the living and the dead.
• 1Background
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Kindred5.2Veigar5.3LeBlanc5.4Januk5.5Viego
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 5.1Kindred
• 5.2Veigar
• 5.3LeBlanc
• 5.4Januk
• 5.5Viego
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Mordekaiser appears to be a massive suit of animated armor with no visible trace of humanity save for two spectral teal eyes. Rigid and angular, the black metal plates that comprise his form are enormous, featuring three large spikes on each shoulder and two "horns" from the helmet. The armor seems to pulse and glow with the bright teal color of necromantic magic. He also wears a dark red loin cloth and a tri-pointed cape, faded and tattered.
His oversized mace, Nightfall, is colored identically to his armor and is spiked outward in four directions.
Mordekaiser is a brutal warlord that desires to conquer everything and destroy all those that stands in their way.
• Necromancy:After dying, Sahn-Uzal was placed inside a foggy plane of the Spirit World. There he learned Ochnun, the language of the dead, permitting him to pass through the veil. Now with the new name of Mordekaiser, the Iron Revenant can control spectral energy to his desires.Self-Resurrection:Mordekaiser is able to bind his own soul in his suit of armor, allowing him to continue in the physical world.Soul-Bidding:When someone is slain by Mordekaiser or one under his control, their spirits are bound to his will, becoming servants in his army, regardless of their previous alliances.Soul Constructs:Mordekaiser can collect the soul of his victims and twist them in to whatever shape he desires. Many of his belongings, such as his armor and his mace, are made from the souls of the dead.
• Metallic Armor:Mordekaiser often posses a enchanted armor that allows him to exist in the physical plane, and destroy his foes with overwhelming force.
• Self-Resurrection:Mordekaiser is able to bind his own soul in his suit of armor, allowing him to continue in the physical world.
• Soul-Bidding:When someone is slain by Mordekaiser or one under his control, their spirits are bound to his will, becoming servants in his army, regardless of their previous alliances.
• Soul Constructs:Mordekaiser can collect the soul of his victims and twist them in to whatever shape he desires. Many of his belongings, such as his armor and his mace, are made from the souls of the dead.
• Afterlife Realm:By sheer force of will, Mordekaiser has been able to create his own realm of the dead where he and those he controls go after leaving the physical plane. This allows him a home base that no army can reach.
Given Sahn-Uzal (Mordekaiser when he was human)'s faith in the Hall of Bones, it's safe to say his culture did not have aKindredmyth; which would explain why he was never claimed by them.
Mordekaiser torturedVeigar, who would later mimic him after his downfall.
LeBlanc, another from his inner circle, was instrumental to his downfall. She is preparing to banish him when he returns to keepThe Immortal Bastionfor herself.
JanuktaskedEzrealto obtainThe Elixir of Uloawith which he would be able to resurrect Mordekaiser. However, Ezreal intentionally gave him a fake vial and left Januk while stealing an old Ochnun bell.
While it's not directly confirmed, it has been implied Mordekaiser may have a certain level of awareness aboutViego'sactions and is waiting to benefit from them once he decides to return.[1]It has been confirmed if they were to directly fight, Mordekaiser would likely win.
Read More
The Iron Revenant
ByMichael Yichao
Starring Champion
Short Story
The Final Reign
ByMichael Yichao
A raised fist. A surge of necromantic power. Before him, the final spire of the final tower takes form, inky smoke coalescing into black iron.
Mentioned Champion
Short Story
Art is Life
ByGraham McNeill
Nights in Noxus were never silent.
Ezreal's Field Notes
ByMatthew Dunn
Who needs a map?
Katarina: Issue 5
ByScott Hawkes
The kingdom of Demacia is in chaos! While the Great City has its focus on Sylas and his mage rebellion, a cunning, redheaded assassin, Katarina, lurks in the shadows. Focused on executing the most dangerous mission of her life, she hopes to finally live up to her father’s impossible expectations. However, when she is forced to choose between the mission and her own instincts, will she have to betray Noxus’ Master of Assassins?
Starring:Drann,Jaredan,Katarina,Marcus Du Couteau,Swain
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill,Garen,Jarvan III,LeBlanc,Lux,Mordekaiser,Soreana Du Couteau,Sylas,Talon
The Aspect of Twilight
ByOdin Austin Shafer
Mentioned:Aurelion Sol,Mordekaiser
The Crimson Reaper
By'Blood Magicks'
Short Story • 4 Minute Read
The Curator's Gambit
ByMatthew Dunn
Look, I should be clear—I didn't want anything to do with “the dread lord,” or whoever Januk was talking about. I was just trying to sell this stupid little vial to the guy who asked me to get it for him. Should have been easy.
The Deceiver
ByDavid Slagle
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill,Mordekaiser,Swain
Short Story
The Eyes and the Embers
ByConor Sheehy
Starring:Gregori Hastur,Tybaulk
Mentioned:Atakhan,Fynn Retrick,LeBlanc,Mordekaiser,Telsi
The Iron Maiden
ByJared Rosen,David Slagle
The Spider Queen
ByGraham McNeill
The Tiny Master of Evil
ByMichael Luo
Short Story
Thorns of the Black Rose
ByLaurie Goulding
I smile, playing my part. “It is the simplest of things,” I tell him, “to hide in plain sight.”
Starring:Brannin Granth,LeBlanc
Mentioned:Boram Darkwill,Darius,Mordekaiser,Swain
Alternate Universes
Dominion (Video)
Starring:Cassiopeia,Irelia,Jarvan IV,Lux,Malphite,Miss Fortune,Mordekaiser,Ryze,Swain,Teemo
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
Music Video
Pentakill II: Grasp of the Undying
No one shreds like the undead.
Music Video
Pentakill III: Lost Chapter
Join Karthus, Mordekaiser, Sona, Yorick, Olaf, and Kayle to do battle with Viego and the Dissonant One, as the future of all Metal hangs in the balance...
Music Video
Pentakill: Smite and Ignite
The era of metal has begun.
Short Story • 3 Minute Read
Shadows of Damnation
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
The Black Mist coiled and twisted like a living creature as it rolled forward to encircle the isolated, grey-stoned castle.
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Ambition's Embrace
ByMichael Yichao
Bound by darkness.
Starring:Ashe,Kassadin,Lulu,Lux,Master Yi,Rakan,Thresh,Xayah,Xin Zhao
First light after the Harrowing
Though the Black Mist fades and the souls it claimed will soon forget their past, the threat of the fell tide will not be forgotten. Worse than all previous years, those who lived are left to wonder where it will return, and whether anyone will survive when it does.
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Gangplank,Hecarim,Miss Fortune,Mordekaiser,Nautilus
Mac Client Available
Starring:Dr. Mundo
Mentioned:Amumu,Ashe,Caitlyn,Ezreal,Fizz,Gragas,Graves,Katarina,Master Yi,Miss Fortune,Mordekaiser,Orianna,Riven,Ryze,Singed,Soraka,Viktor,Zac,Ziggs
Road to the Cup
As the 2013 League of Legends World Championship final draws near, we showcase the biggest heroes in esports from around the world. Many teams fell by the wayside in epic battles, and now only two remain: Korea's SK Telecom T1 and China's Royal Club. Who will rise?
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Blitzcrank,Brand,Caitlyn,Corki,Elise,Ezreal,Gragas,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Lux,Malphite,Mordekaiser,Orianna,Renekton,Ryze,Shen,Thresh,Twisted Fate,Vayne,Zac,Zed
The Siren's Call
It waits. Make the world anew with Coven Nami, Elise, Akali, Syndra, Nilah, and Old God Mordekaiser.
Short Story
The Stranger on the Road
ByRiver Jaffe
The road from Tenacity to Progress was a flat, barren thing, unspooling across miles and miles of cactus country from one edge of the sky to the other.
Mentioned:Ashe,Katarina,Leona,Mordekaiser,Senna,Tahm Kench,Twitch,Varus
• Mordekaiser is at least 1500 years old, but due to the unknown period of time between Sahn-Uzal's death and his resurrection, Mordekaiser's actual age is unknown.Morderkaiser was originally resurrected around 400 BN.According to his writer and ex-RioterMichael Yichaoon Mordekaiser Mains discord, Mordekaiser may have been living during theShurimaEmpire.
• Mordekaiser defied death by sheer force of will because he refused to accept the reality around him. He gained necromantic powers by teaching himself Ochnun in the death realm, which allowed him to speak beyond the veil of death to deceive mortals into resurrecting him.
• Mordekaiser's quoteLink▶️"Destiny. Domination. Deceit."would subconsciously inspire Noxus'Principles of Strength: Vision, Might, and Guile.
• Mitna Rachnunis a portion of the Spirit Realm that Mordekaiser has corrupted for his own uses.[2]
• Mordekaiser's story referencesDraculafromCastlevaniaandSigmafromMegaman X.
• Mordekaiser's mace being calledNightfallreferencesthe eponymous bandas well asthe eponymous songbyBlind Guardian.Both it and a child's drawing of old Mordekaiser (standing next to a burning house with 'I ♥ My Daddy' written at the top) can be seen inthe game's Mac Version trailer.
• The Hall of Bones in Sahn-Uzal/Mordekaiser's lore referencesValhalla"Hall of the Slain" inNorse mythology;
• However, much to his anger, the dead Sahn-Uzal ended up in an empty, foggy wasteland with other lost souls fading into oblivion;This wasteland likely referencesSheol, a dark realm where both the righteous and the wicked will go to after death, inHebrew mythology. It is also similar to the Underworld inMesopotamian mythology.
• The Elixir of Uloahas the properties to resurrectMordekaiser.
• His armor has two layers of metal, a black iron skeletal under-layer and the tarnished proto-noxian armour on top of that.[3]
• As revealed inRell'slorelive Q&A, Mordekaiser's armor is made from souls and iron.
• Morderkaiser was originally resurrected around 400 BN.
• According to his writer and ex-RioterMichael Yichaoon Mordekaiser Mains discord, Mordekaiser may have been living during theShurimaEmpire.
• Both it and a child's drawing of old Mordekaiser (standing next to a burning house with 'I ♥ My Daddy' written at the top) can be seen inthe game's Mac Version trailer.
• This wasteland likely referencesSheol, a dark realm where both the righteous and the wicked will go to after death, inHebrew mythology. It is also similar to the Underworld inMesopotamian mythology.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Darkness Rise, Description: Innate: Mordekaiser's basic attacks are empowered to deal 40% AP bonus magic damage on-hit . Morderkaiser generates a stack for each enemy champion or large monster hit by his damaging basic attacks or basic abilities , lasting for 4 seconds, refreshing on subsequent hits, and stacking up to 3 times. At 3 stacks, he gains Darkness Rise . Darkness Rise: Mordekaiser gains 3 / 6 / 9% (based on level) bonus movement speed and deals 「 5 − 15. 2 (based on level) (+ 30% AP) (+ 1% − 5% (based on level) of target's maximum health) magic damage every second 」 「 0. 63 − 1. 9 (based on level) (+ 3. 75 % AP) (+ 0. 13 % − 0. 63 % (based on level) of target's maximum health) magic damage every 0. 125 seconds 」 to nearby enemies. Against monsters, the damage is capped at 「 28 − 164 (based on level) per second. 」 「 3. 5 − 20. 5 (based on level) per 0. 125 seconds. 」, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Mordekaiserhas a stack counter under his health-bar that is not visible to other champions.', "Darkness Rise'sdamage doesn't refreshDarkness Rise'sbuff."]} | Name: Obliterate, Description: Active: Mordekaiser strikes his mace down in a line in the target direction, dealing magic damage to enemies within, increased if only one enemy is hit. Magic Damage: 5 − 139 (based on level) (+ 75 / 95 / 115 / 135 / 155) (+ 60% AP) Damage Increase: 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60% Link ▶️ "Shatter!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Appliesspell damageif it hits one target andarea damageto multiple targets.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.']} | Name: Indestructible, Description: Passive: Mordekaiser stores 45% of the post-mitigation damage he deals and 15% of the pre-mitigation damage he takes, 「 reduced by 75% for non-champion sources, 」 「 reduced to 11. 25 % of damage dealt and 3. 75 % of damage taken for non-champion sources, 」 as Potential Shield on his secondary resource bar, up to 30% of his maximum health . The Potential Shield decays by 8 − 25 (based on level) every second after not dealing or taking damage for 1 second. While Indestructible is not on cooldown, the Potential Shield will not decay below a minimum of 5% of his maximum health , and it will be set to that amount when it comes off cooldown if it was previously below it. Active: Mordekaiser consumes his Potential Shield to grant himself a shield for the same amount for 4 seconds. The shield decays exponentially over the duration. Indestructible can be recast after 0. 5 seconds while the shield is active. Recast: Mordekaiser consumes the remaining shield, healing for a portion of the amount. Shield to Healing: 35 / 37. 5 / 40 / 42. 5 / 45% Link ▶️ "Unbreakable.", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Both casts count as ability activations for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive."]} | Name: Death's Grasp, Description: Passive: Mordekaiser gains magic penetration . Magic Penetration: 5 / 7. 5 / 10 / 12. 5 / 15% Active: Mordekaiser summons a claw in the target direction that grants sight of the area. After 0. 5 seconds, it deals magic damage to enemies within and pulls them 250 units. Magic Damage: 80 / 95 / 110 / 125 / 140 (+ 60% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Death's Graspwill stillpulleven ifMordekaiserdies.", 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.']} | Name: Realm of Death, Description: Active: Mordekaiser slows the target enemy champion by 75% over the cast time, then banishes them with him to the Death Realm for 7 seconds. Mordekaiser also consumes the target's soul for 7 seconds, healing himself for 10% of their maximum health and reducing their current attack damage , ability power , total attack speed , maximum health , armor , magic resist , and size by 10%, in addition to gaining them for himself. If the target dies while inside the Death Realm , Mordekaiser keeps their partial stats until they respawn . Units between realms see each other as spirits, considering each other dead and negating any interactions between each other. Only Mordekaiser and the target will enter the realm; other champions cannot follow them. Everything that occurs inside the Death Realm is hidden to units outside of it, and vice versa. All pets still inside the realm are killed at its end. If one of the two affected champions leave the Death Realm, because of having died or having it dispelled, the other will do so as well. Link ▶️ "Welcome to oblivion.", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Tips & Tricks', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Realm of DeathretainsMordekaiser'spreviouscurrenthealth percentage when granting him a portion of the target'smaximumhealth.", "Realm of Deathwill cancel and go on cooldown after its cast time if:The target isdisplacement immune,crowd control immuneor protected by aspell shield.The target is acloneorSion'sGlory in Death.", 'The target isdisplacement immune,crowd control immuneor protected by aspell shield.', "The target is acloneorSion'sGlory in Death.", 'If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the cast time, this ability will cancel but does not go oncooldownnor pay its cost (if applicable).', "Realm of Deathcan be dispelled if:The target uses acleansingeffect, with the exceptions ofCleanse,Mikael's Blessing, andKled'sDismount.Soul Unbound'srecast is disabled while in theRealm of Death, but will cleanse it if somehow cast.Mordekaiseror the target cast anotherRealm of Death. The affected champions will remain stuck for the duration of the new circle.", "The target uses acleansingeffect, with the exceptions ofCleanse,Mikael's Blessing, andKled'sDismount.Soul Unbound'srecast is disabled while in theRealm of Death, but will cleanse it if somehow cast.", "Soul Unbound'srecast is disabled while in theRealm of Death, but will cleanse it if somehow cast.", 'Mordekaiseror the target cast anotherRealm of Death. The affected champions will remain stuck for the duration of the new circle.', 'Spell shieldwill not block the initialslow.', "If the target'shealthis lower than the amount that should be stolen, they will be brought down to 1 health.Mordekaiserwill still get the usual amount of maximum health.", 'Entering or leaving theDeath Realmwill cause all targetedprojectilesto bedestroyed.', "The transition in and out of theDeath Realmdoesn't interruptchannels.Grand Starfallwill always be interrupted from the transition into the realm.", 'Grand Starfallwill always be interrupted from the transition into the realm.', 'The boundaries are not considered terrain (Unstoppable Onslaughtexception), and enemies that try to move out of the area will be displaced back inside.Dashes,blinks,displacementsand other forms of movement will cap their effect range to the boundary. Targets will stop at the boundary even after it expired.', 'Dashes,blinks,displacementsand other forms of movement will cap their effect range to the boundary. Targets will stop at the boundary even after it expired.', 'Realm of Deathwill not be dispelled if either of the two affected champions enterresurrectionafter taking lethal damage. It is dispelled if the target enters azombie state.', 'Any activetethereffects (both friendly and hostile ones) existing on either of the two champions entering the realm will be broken (unless the tether is between those two).', 'Upon entering the realm,Mordekaiserand the target arecleansedfrom allforced actioneffectsThe cleanse will occur even if the source enters the realm.(bug)', 'The cleanse will occur even if the source enters the realm.(bug)', "Unlike the other stats,Mordekaiserdoes notstealenemy total size; instead he gains 10% of his own size and reduces the enemy's size by 10% of theirs (all size modifiers stack additively).Mordekaisergrows in size over 0.25seconds after successfully stealing his targets' stats, and shrinks over 0.25seconds after the buff runs out again. The target shrinks over 0.25seconds after their stats are stolen, but grows back to normal size instantly when the effect ends.", "Mordekaisergrows in size over 0.25seconds after successfully stealing his targets' stats, and shrinks over 0.25seconds after the buff runs out again. The target shrinks over 0.25seconds after their stats are stolen, but grows back to normal size instantly when the effect ends.", "Realm of Death'sinteractions with other elements/abilities:MultipleDeath Realms(possible through ahijackedRealm of Deathor if multipleMordekaisersare in the same match) spawned will exist in the same dimension, allowing champions to see and interact with champions bound to other circles. Champions are only affected by their boundaries and are not able to see the others.Tahm Kench'sDevourcan carry a target outside of their circle, but they will be displaced back inside onceRegurgitated.An activeCease and Desiston a target outside the perimeter will causeVito continue her charge until her circle ends. She can knock back and damage secondary targets multiple times.Structuresexist in all realms at the same time.Turretswill behave normally as if all units were in the same realm.Hex-gatesonHextech Riftwill not be present between realms.Brusheswill maintain their presence between realms.Switching realms detaches allattachedchampions on either of the two champions entering the realm.Kayn'sUmbral Trespasswill cause him to detach immediately whenRealm of Deathends.The allied health, resource, and ultimate indicators (champion portraits located on the screen) will not update between realms as theplayershave novisionof them.Camille'sThe Hextech Ultimatum, catchingDraven'sSpinning Axe,Ekko'sTimewinderandParallel Convergence,Malzahar'sNull Zone,Maokai'sTwisted Advance,Lulu'sPix,Pyke'sDeath from Below,Taliyah'sWorked Grounds,Viktor'sGravity Field,Ziggs'Satchel Charge, andRift Scuttler'sSpeed Shrineare exceptions and may still take effect between dimensionsifthe conditions are valid.Effects such asRequiem,Absolute Zero,Grand StarfallandFinal Sparkwill only deal damage to enemies of the dimension they're in at time of cast. Ending the channel or cast time while inside another dimension will not do damage to nearby enemies.Any spawned terrain while in theDeath Realmwill remain inside until expired. They will not be destroyed.Akali'sShuriken Flipcan be recast even if the target is in another realm.Kindred'sLamb's Respiteis one of many area of effect abilities that will not take presence between realms.Malzahar'sVoid Shiftdispels from the initial cast'sslow, thus not being able to resist theRealm of Deathwith its crowd control immunity.(bug)Nocturne'sParanoiaonly appliesnearsightto enemy champions in the same dimension as him.Orianna'sBallwill snap back to her the moment she switches realms.The target ofDevourwill immediately leaveTahm Kench'sbelly when he enters or leaves theRealm of Death.Taliyah'sWeaver's Wallis interrupted both for if she enters or leaves theRealm of Death.Urgot'sFear Beyond Deathcannot be recast while the target is in a different dimension than him. If the target is being reeled in however, then the execution at the end of the channel will take place regardless of the dimension either he or the target is in.The fear upon a successful execution will occur inUrgot'srealm.Viego'sMist Wraithswill spawn between realms.Harrowed Pathwill also take presence between realms.Xayah'sBladecallercannot callFeathersbetween dimensions.Zed'sShadowswill take presence between realms.Eye of the HeraldandTeleportare disabled while in theRealm of Death.Controllablepetsanddecoyscan still be commanded between realms.Jungle plants(Blast Cone,Honeyfruit,Scryer's Bloom) will not take presence between realms.", "MultipleDeath Realms(possible through ahijackedRealm of Deathor if multipleMordekaisersare in the same match) spawned will exist in the same dimension, allowing champions to see and interact with champions bound to other circles. Champions are only affected by their boundaries and are not able to see the others.Tahm Kench'sDevourcan carry a target outside of their circle, but they will be displaced back inside onceRegurgitated.An activeCease and Desiston a target outside the perimeter will causeVito continue her charge until her circle ends. She can knock back and damage secondary targets multiple times.", "Tahm Kench'sDevourcan carry a target outside of their circle, but they will be displaced back inside onceRegurgitated.", 'An activeCease and Desiston a target outside the perimeter will causeVito continue her charge until her circle ends. She can knock back and damage secondary targets multiple times.', 'Structuresexist in all realms at the same time.Turretswill behave normally as if all units were in the same realm.', 'Hex-gatesonHextech Riftwill not be present between realms.', 'Brusheswill maintain their presence between realms.', "Switching realms detaches allattachedchampions on either of the two champions entering the realm.Kayn'sUmbral Trespasswill cause him to detach immediately whenRealm of Deathends.", "Kayn'sUmbral Trespasswill cause him to detach immediately whenRealm of Deathends.", 'The allied health, resource, and ultimate indicators (champion portraits located on the screen) will not update between realms as theplayershave novisionof them.', "Camille'sThe Hextech Ultimatum, catchingDraven'sSpinning Axe,Ekko'sTimewinderandParallel Convergence,Malzahar'sNull Zone,Maokai'sTwisted Advance,Lulu'sPix,Pyke'sDeath from Below,Taliyah'sWorked Grounds,Viktor'sGravity Field,Ziggs'Satchel Charge, andRift Scuttler'sSpeed Shrineare exceptions and may still take effect between dimensionsifthe conditions are valid.", "Effects such asRequiem,Absolute Zero,Grand StarfallandFinal Sparkwill only deal damage to enemies of the dimension they're in at time of cast. Ending the channel or cast time while inside another dimension will not do damage to nearby enemies.", 'Any spawned terrain while in theDeath Realmwill remain inside until expired. They will not be destroyed.', "Akali'sShuriken Flipcan be recast even if the target is in another realm.", "Kindred'sLamb's Respiteis one of many area of effect abilities that will not take presence between realms.", "Malzahar'sVoid Shiftdispels from the initial cast'sslow, thus not being able to resist theRealm of Deathwith its crowd control immunity.(bug)", "Nocturne'sParanoiaonly appliesnearsightto enemy champions in the same dimension as him.", "Orianna'sBallwill snap back to her the moment she switches realms.", "The target ofDevourwill immediately leaveTahm Kench'sbelly when he enters or leaves theRealm of Death.", "Taliyah'sWeaver's Wallis interrupted both for if she enters or leaves theRealm of Death.", "Urgot'sFear Beyond Deathcannot be recast while the target is in a different dimension than him. If the target is being reeled in however, then the execution at the end of the channel will take place regardless of the dimension either he or the target is in.The fear upon a successful execution will occur inUrgot'srealm.", "The fear upon a successful execution will occur inUrgot'srealm.", "Viego'sMist Wraithswill spawn between realms.Harrowed Pathwill also take presence between realms.", "Xayah'sBladecallercannot callFeathersbetween dimensions.", "Zed'sShadowswill take presence between realms.", 'Eye of the HeraldandTeleportare disabled while in theRealm of Death.', 'Controllablepetsanddecoyscan still be commanded between realms.', "Jungle plants(Blast Cone,Honeyfruit,Scryer's Bloom) will not take presence between realms.", 'Death, unless protected byResurrection', "While in lane,Realm of Deathis best used while the target is between you and your turret. This is so the target doesn't have much space to go towards their turret, since the area of theDeath Realmis created in front ofMordekaiser, leaving little space to move behind him.", 'When certain Events begin, bothMordekaiserand his target immediately leave theDeath Realm.']} | Mordekaiser might have been inspired by theFour Horsemen of the Apocalypse, particularly Conquest.
Mordekaiser was the only champion without any mobility or crowd control effects untilV5.4onwards whereCreeping Deathwas changed to give him situational bonus movement speed.
Mordekaiser might have been responsible for around 80% of all live bugs in League of Legends.[2]
Mordekaiser's abilities referencedheavy/thrashmetal songs and/or bands:Iron ManbyBlack Sabbath(M)Ace of SpadesbyMotörheadMorgenstern(German: 'Morning Star') byRammsteinHarvester of SorrowbyMetallicaCreeping Death(Old W) by MetallicaSy(m)phon(y) of DestructionbyMegadethChildren of the GravebyBlack SabbathThe PrisonerbyIron MaidenDragonForceMordekaiser's mace referencesNightfallbyBlind Guardian
Mordekaiser used to be one of four champions who use their health as their sole spellcasting resource (the others beingDr. Mundo,Vladimir, andZac).
Children of the Graveused to apply the longest damage-over-time effect in the game (10 seconds).
'Mordekaiser es #1 huehuehue' is the product of'Brazil 5v5 tier list' by NA Summoner 'SKILLSHOT MASTER'and'This is why we hate Mordekaiser' by 'McRooster'.
Mordekaiser's helmet resembled the M inSodom'slogo. |
Morgana,the Fallen | | | health: Health630+104, resource: Mana340+60, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)5.5+0.4, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)11+0.4, armor: Armor25+5, attack damage: Attack damage56+3.5, attack speed: Base AS0.625, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius120, release: 2009-02-21, changed: V13.21, role: Catcher, position: JungleMiddleSupport, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 1350|585 | Games
MorganaTitlesNickname(s)SisterAlias(es)The FallenThe Veiled LadyThe Veiled OneProtector of the DowntroddenSword of ShadowThe Winged ProtectorWinged Protector of DemaciaCharacteristicsSpeciesHuman(Magically Altered;Aspect HostCandidate)Pronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:13 BN - 10 BNWeapon(s)Ascended WingsCelestial Dark Fire MagicSpirit MagicEarth MagicStarfire SpellbladePersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originMount Targon(Ancient Times)Current residenceSacred Woods,Valoran(No Fixed Abode)FamilyMihira(Mother)Kilam†(Father)Kayle(Twin Sister)Professional statusOccupation(s)Protector of JusticeProtector of the DowntroddenGuardianRegion(s)DemaciaMount TargonRelated character(s)KayleMihiraSylas
• Sister
• The Fallen
• The Veiled Lady
• The Veiled One
• Protector of the Downtrodden
• Sword of Shadow
• The Winged Protector
• Winged Protector of Demacia
• Born:13 BN - 10 BN
• Ascended Wings
• Celestial Dark Fire Magic
• Spirit Magic
• Earth Magic
• Starfire Spellblade
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Mihira(Mother)
• Kilam†(Father)
• Kayle(Twin Sister)
Professional status
• Protector of Justice
• Protector of the Downtrodden
• Guardian
• Demacia
• Mount Targon
Related character(s)
Conflicted between her celestial and mortal natures,Morganabound her wings to embrace humanity, and inflicts her pain and bitterness upon the dishonest and the corrupt. She rejects laws and traditions she believes are unjust, and fights for truth from the shadows ofDemacia—even as others seek to repress it—by casting shields and chains of dark fire. More than anything else,Morganatruly believes that even the banished and outcast may one day rise again.
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2Becoming Demacia's Winged Protector1.3Battle of the Winged Sisters and Departure1.4Life as the Veiled Lady1.5Mage Rebellion and Demacian Revolution
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Attributes4.1Powers4.2Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Kayle5.2Sylas
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2Becoming Demacia's Winged Protector
• 1.3Battle of the Winged Sisters and Departure
• 1.4Life as the Veiled Lady
• 1.5Mage Rebellion and Demacian Revolution
• 4.1Powers
• 4.2Abilities
• 5.1Kayle
• 5.2Sylas
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early life[]
Morgana and her twin sisterKaylewere born onMount Targonduring the height of the Rune Wars toKilamandMihira, the current Aspect of Justice. Due to Mihira ascending while pregnant, the sisters were born with a fraction of her celestial power. As the war raged on, Mihira's celestial power began to overshadow her personality and affections as she dedicated more and more of her time to her duties as an aspect. Fearing what Mihira was becoming, as well as the enemies drawn to her light, Kilam resolved to take their daughters to safety. He fledTargonwith his children and they would sail to the land that would be known asDemacia.
Becoming Demacia's Winged Protector[]
The sisters grew to having distinct and clashing personalities. While Kayle was arguing about the settlement's rules, Morgana would empathize with the newly arrived refugees.
One day, Mihira's sword would fell from the sky and clash into two. From that moment, feathered wings bursted from the sister's backs and remained, confirming the celestial magic would still remain inside them. While Kayle embraced her new power, Morgana resented her gifts. One day, the settlement was attacked, and the sisters flew to aid the people of Zeffira. While Kayle was busy dealing with the frontline attack, Morgana learned of a hidden wave of enemies attacking the city and left the frontlines to aid the citizens. After the battle Kayle lost trust in her sister for leaving her on the battlefield. Since that day, they were hailed as the Winged Protectors.
Battle of the Winged Sisters and Departure[]
Warriors flocked to Kayle's banner at Silvermere's Peak, where she founded a judicator order to enforce the law, and hunted down rebels and reavers with equal fervor. Kayle allowed Morgana to rehabilitate wrongdoers who appeared humble enough to admit their guilt. However, some people in the Judicator Order and especially Ronas, one of Kayle's ardent disciples, decided to arrest Morgana and her followers when Kayle was bringing justice upon a distant kingdom ruled by a cruel, unrighteous king. In an attempt to protect her followers, Morgana conjured magical chains of fire and bound him until he fell dead. His death led to an outbreak of riot in the settlement.
When Kayle found out what happened, she became enraged and with her power she summoned divine fire to punish the sinners and Ronas' killer. Morgana flew up to meet her, the two dueled in the sky, knocking down columns where they passed and killing people without realizing it. It seemed that one of them was eventually going to win but Morgana faltered because she and Kayle heard their father's screams and stopped fighting. Their father was mortally wounded, Morgana hurled her sword at Kayle through tears, and plunged to the surface like a meteorite to cradle her father.
She took her dying father in her arms, and in a sea of tears, cursed her heavenly inheritance for the destruction around her. A moment later, Kayle landed too, and between sobs Morgana asked her if the purification of mortals by smiting included her father. Kayle kept silent, grabbed Morgana's sword and soared into the heavens without looking back, disappearing. Morgana, hurt, tried to tear off her wings because now they were a reminder of her pain, she tried everything to remove them but could not do it, so she decided to tie them with steel chains to walk in the world of mortals, Morgana was known since then as the Veiled Lady.
Life as the Veiled Lady[]
Over time, Morgana's role as one of the Winged Protectors of Demacia would fade into obscurity, with few knowing that there were in fact two protectors. Instead, Morgana would become known as the Veiled Lady or the Veiled One, a deity that Demacian's would pray to in order ensure their loved ones passed safely into the afterlife. Morgana would walk the realm, embracing mortals and enacting justice when needed.
One day, a cleric and his pupil entered the woods to find the Veiled One, for the Pupil had erred. After listening to them, The Veiled One chained the sinful cleric for hitting the pupil in front of her eyes and forced him to endure all the shame, suffering, and loneliness he had inflicted on his pupils. On another day, she saved two girls from the men with swords, asking question about their village, and threatening them.
She currently resides in Sacred Woods outside of Demacia, waiting for the day she is needed again.
Mage Rebellion and Demacian Revolution[]
When the rebellion of the mages of Demacia broke out,Sylas, one of the most powerful mages of the rebellion, decided to go into Sacred Woods to find the Veiled Lady in search of power and knowledge for his cause. She told him that he should fight with her as a test to have the knowledge. After the fight, Morgana refused to give Sylas the information he was looking for, because she saw that in his heart there was only vengeance and hatred.
As Sylas makes his way to the Veiled Lady's refuge, he reflects on how he failed to save Leilani. When he reaches Morgana, Sylas finally understands why he failed her test, his rage and vengeance alone isn't enough to win them this war. Seeing him humbled by his failures, Morgana satisfied is ready to give Sylas her blessing and shows him the true origin of Demacia.
Sylas realizes Morgana was one of the Winged Protectors, alongside her sister Kayle. When he asks why she doesn't reveal herself, Morgana replies that if she returned, so would her sister, and Demacia isn't ready for her judgment. She then presents him with one of her sister's feathers and uses it grant him her blessing, the ability to show the vision of Demacia's foundation.
Now, the people of Demacia know that there were two Winged Protectors during the foundation of the nation, since Sylas showed the vision to the common folk.
Morgana is a slim and curvy young woman with dull pale skin, dark purple short hair with a bang on the left side, bright violet eyes with makeup runnings, pointy ears, dark purple lipstick and four wings on her waist and two wings on her nape that vary in black and purple colors. She was ascended on her thirties, so her aging has stopped since then.
Her attire consists of a long dress that matches the color of her wings, revealing her arms and neckline, leaving her back uncovered, and with various chain ornaments behind her wings and hips.
Contradicting everything they think of her, Morgana is not the "evil twin"; she is just an incarnation of the other side of justice, while her sister Kayle represents blind justice, Morgana represents compassionate justice that consists of listening to reasons first for the sinners' actions before deciding whether or not to punish them, indicating that Morgana is fair and compassionate towards people.
At first she rejected her celestial powers and that caused them to become corrupted, but she sees them as a perfect weapon to punish in a fair and compassionate way, so as not to forget her humanity and her emotions. Since she could not cut her wings, she tied them. Having her wings tied together symbolizes that she still has humanity inside her and although Kayle is her rival, deep down she still loves her and wishes that one day they can be together again as sisters and not as enemies.
• Unique Celestial Physiology:Coming in contact with celestial magic while still on the womb, Morgana has a unique physiology very similar to those who are aspect hosts, although she is not considered one herself. She has less access to celestial magic than those hosting aspects, but has a more unified identity.Celestial Fire Magic:Like her sister, Morgana's specific aspect powers give her access to celestial fire manipulation, although by suppressing her celestial nature, it became corrupted. She can cast bursts of dark fire and conjure dark fire chains that cause immense pain to those she ensnares.
• Immortality:Due to her celestial alteration, Morgana is immortal and cannot die of old age or by conventional means.
• Flight:Morgana's ascension made her sprout wings out of her back. Even though she bound them with iron chains, they still allow her to fly and release themselves when Morgana surrenders to her celestial powers.
• Master Sorceress:Aside from her heritage celestial powers, Morgana's millennial existence made her very cult on the arcane. She is able to cast a variety of spells, like shields, ground burning and siphoning life force.Energy Projection:Morgana can project powerful beams and bursts of magical energy from her hands.Umbrakinesis:The majority of Morgana's magic is based on the manipulation of shadows, so she can conjure it and launch bolts of dark energy from her hands.Terra-Pyrokinesis:Morgana can scorch earth or ground, and burn the ones within the area.Binding:Morgana has the power to bind and stop someone from moving with her magic.Force-Field Generation:Morgana can create fields formed from energy that are capable of blocking attacks, including physical and magical attacks.Illusions:Morgana can generate and cast realistic illusion. She has demonstrated the power to hide her shelter in the Sacred Woods.Omnipresence:Morgana has the ability to be omnipresent since she always appears to, listens to or hear everyone who invokes and prays to her. She can also hear the ones who pray to her sister.Catoptromancy:Morgana can see far away people, objects, places, and events through the reflections on the magical pool in her shelter.Retrocognition:Morgana has the ability to see and show events from the past, she also has the ability to give them to others.Empowerment:Morgana, like all Aspects, has the ability to give parts of her power to those she deems worthy.
• Celestial Fire Magic:Like her sister, Morgana's specific aspect powers give her access to celestial fire manipulation, although by suppressing her celestial nature, it became corrupted. She can cast bursts of dark fire and conjure dark fire chains that cause immense pain to those she ensnares.
• Energy Projection:Morgana can project powerful beams and bursts of magical energy from her hands.
• Umbrakinesis:The majority of Morgana's magic is based on the manipulation of shadows, so she can conjure it and launch bolts of dark energy from her hands.
• Terra-Pyrokinesis:Morgana can scorch earth or ground, and burn the ones within the area.
• Binding:Morgana has the power to bind and stop someone from moving with her magic.
• Force-Field Generation:Morgana can create fields formed from energy that are capable of blocking attacks, including physical and magical attacks.
• Illusions:Morgana can generate and cast realistic illusion. She has demonstrated the power to hide her shelter in the Sacred Woods.
• Omnipresence:Morgana has the ability to be omnipresent since she always appears to, listens to or hear everyone who invokes and prays to her. She can also hear the ones who pray to her sister.
• Catoptromancy:Morgana can see far away people, objects, places, and events through the reflections on the magical pool in her shelter.
• Retrocognition:Morgana has the ability to see and show events from the past, she also has the ability to give them to others.
• Empowerment:Morgana, like all Aspects, has the ability to give parts of her power to those she deems worthy.
• Expert Swordsman:Although she no longer uses her sword, Morgana was quite an accomplished swordswoman.
Both Morgana and Kayle are twin siblings, Kayle being the older of the two. Their relationship soured after the event that lead to the death of their father.
Morgana chooses not to return to Demacia because she knows her sister would return as well.[1]
Sylas knows certain truths about the sisters and calls out their power during the events ofLux comics. Morgana aided Sylas in defeating theMageseekersby revealing her true identity and giving him her blessing.
Read More
The Fallen
ByRayla Heide
Starring Champion
Short Story
Canticle of the Winged Sisters
ByGraham McNeill
Born beneath the vault of stars,one in Light, one in Shadow.Kayle and Morgana,Sisters by Fate, joined hand in hand
Short Story
Prayer to a Crumbling Shrine
ByRayla Heide
Guilt can teach many things to a heart humbled by intent.
The Mageseeker
ByDigital Sun
In the kingdom of Demacia, the Mageseekers hold the power to oppress magic-using citizens in the name of public order–by inducting and indoctrinating them, locking them away, or driving them into hiding. Play as Sylas, a spell-stealing mage who has just broken free of his unjust captivity at the Mageseekers’ hands. Wielding the chains that once bound you, you must liberate your homeland from tyranny, one Mageseeker at a time.
Starring:Aidan,Eldred,Garen,Gideon,Hesbeth,Jarvan IV,Kara,Killan,Leilani,Lux,Morgana,Rayn,Rukko,Shyvana,Sylas,Wisteria,Yops
Mentioned:Aatrox,Anden Mayne,Dalin,Dominick,Evelynn,Falden,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Jaredan,Jarvan III,Katarina,Kayle,LeBlanc,Mihira,Naafiri,Nocturne,Rhaast,Ryze,Sion,Tianna,Varus
Mentioned Champion
Short Story • 28 Minute Read
For Demacia
ByGraham McNeill
In a town plagued by nightmares, can even the best and bravest of Demacia bring back the light?
Mentioned:Jarvan IV,Morgana,Shyvana
Short Story
Fragile Legacies
ByDana Luery Shaw
I was young and unafraid, heart aflame with the sort of righteousness that cast out all shadows of doubt, on the day I first met Barrett Buvelle.
Starring:Eldred,Jarvan III,Quinn,Sona,Tianna
Mentioned:Barrett Buvelle,Jarvan IV,Kayle,Morgana
Short Story • 4 Minute Read
Last Light
ByGraham McNeill
In the wake of disaster, Lux risks all for the sake of a wounded soldier.
Lux: Issue 2
ByJohn O'Bryan,Billy Tan,Haining,Gadson,John Roshell
Struggling to control her growing magic, Lux bluffs her way into the Mageseeker compound.
Starring:Garen,Jarvan IV,Lux,Sylas
Mentioned:Galio,Jarvan III,Morgana,Tianna
Lux: Issue 4
ByJohn O'Bryan,Billy Tan,Haining,Gadson,John Roshell
Sylas' master plan is revealed! But is it too late for a guilt-ridden Lux to turn the tide?
Starring:Garen,Jarvan III,Jarvan IV,Lux,Sylas,Tianna
Short Story • 51 Minute Read
Shadow and Fortune: Chapter Two
ByGraham McNeill
Something Stupid, The Red Shroud, The Shadow of War
Starring:Lucian,Miss Fortune,Olaf,Rafen
Mentioned:Hecarim,Morgana,Senna,Tahm Kench,Thresh
The Righteous
ByRayla Heide
Alternate Universes
Another Sky
ByJared Rosen,Taylor Dinwiddie,Ty Sheedlo
As a new generation of Star Guardians prepares to fight back the forces of chaos, rising star Akali finds herself wracked with doubt. Does she have what it takes to be a Star Guardian? Or will the darkness she senses inside spell doom for her and her friends?
Mentioned:Ahri,Akshan,Ezreal,Gwen,Jinx,Lux,Miss Fortune,Rakan,Xayah
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
Short Story
Lunar Guardian
By Numerous creators
There was an age when darkness smothered all hope. A traveler arrived, late into that twilight hour, bearing with him the first light of dawn.
Make History
In this battle of regions, one will conquer all others to make history.
Starring:Alistar,Ashe,Azir,Bard,Brand,Caitlyn,Cassiopeia,Elise,Evelynn,Janna,Karma,LeBlanc,Lee Sin,Lucian,Morgana,Nautilus,Orianna,Pyke,Ryze
Shadow of a Doubt
Star Guardians have a brilliant light, but some stagger in the darkness. Can Akali escape her own nightmares?
Unite Against The Dark
Hear the story of Lunar Empress Lux, Lunar Guardian Nasus, and Lunar Guardian Warwick as we celebrate the Year of the Dog in League of Legends.
Welcome to League of Legends
Starring:Alistar,Ashe,Cho'Gath,Katarina,Kayle,Master Yi,Morgana,Nasus,Ryze,Warwick
• In-universe,Morgana'sname is the modernized, more-revised version of her mother,Mihira.From Sanskrit मिहिरMihira"sun", fromProto-Indo-Iranic*mitrás"covenant".Out-of-universe, Morgana might have been named afterMorgan le Fayfrom theKing Arthurmythos.The name derives from Proto-Celtic,[2]though its meaning is debatable:Most straightforwardly*Mori-genā"sea-born".OrMorā-riganis"phantom queen".
• Her parents were from one of the tribes onMount Targon, an earlier version of theRakkor.[3]
• She was born over 1000 years ago at the height of the Rune War.
• Morgana andKayle'scurrent lore represents the interaction between two approaches tojustice:restorativeandretributive, respectively; both sisters are not viewed as mutual enemies who fight each other but are comprised by aYin and Yangforce that fights back evil.Their old story resembles the struggle betweenMichael&Satan, dating back toEarly Christianity.[4]They were the first pair of sibling champions (the others beingGaren-Lux,Nasus-Renekton,Darius-Draven,Katarina-Cassiopeia, andYasuo-Yone)Though not a pair,Anivia,Ornn, andVolibearare also siblings.
• Kayleand Morgana are fraternal twins.[5]
• Morgana andKayleare technically not hosts of the Aspect of Justice. They retained and share the power of the aspect due to their mother, who was the former ascended host of the aspect, being pregnant with them during her ascension, which also makes them half mortal.[6]Morgana andKaylecurrently have less celestial power than the other Aspects due to being the children of an Aspect but have free will and a more unified identity.[7]Morgana andKaylebecame ascended when their wings materialized shortly after their mother's swords fell from the heavens.[8]Morgana's wings break free from their bonds when she usesSoul Shacklesand she surrenders herself to her celestial powers.[9]Morgana rejects her celestial heritage and in turn her magic has become twisted and corrupt.[10]If she stops rejecting her celestial power, it may develop in the same way asKayle's.Based onKayle'sin-game appearance,Morganais between her potential Arisen and Aflame forms.Morgana's magic is a combination of earth magic, spirit magic and the opposite of heavenly light, or dark light.[11][12]Morgana'sBlack ShieldandKayle'sDivine Judgmentcome from the same source but are interpreted in different ways due to their opposing viewpoints.[13]
• Morgana's worst flaw - her inability to let go of past mistakes. Morgana's best quality - the empathy she feels for all sinners, regardless of their crime.[14]
• Morgana currently resides in the outlying wilds ofDemaciaand rectifies wrongs she sees fit on an interpersonal level as the Veiled One.[15]
• Morgana's view on justice is more nuanced than Kayle's as she cares more about the intent of why someone would commit a crime. She believes criminals deserve to feel the pain and suffering they have inflicted in order to truly reform, redeem themselves and feel empathy for others.[16]
• The wayDemaciaviews the Veiled Lady has changed over the years, some see her has a figure of punishment and others see her as a figure of judgement as well as a guide in death.[17]Most Demacians have forgotten that that there were two Winged Protectors and assume Kayle is the sole Protector.Most Demacians don't necessarily know the Winged Protectors were female, and suspecting the Veiled Lady may be one would be considered heresy.[18]The Winged Protectors are seen as myth or a legend in Demacia, similar to saints with forgotten names.[19]An example of this skewing of the facts is a book thatLuxborrows from the Crownguard's library forSylasto read, titledTales of the Veiled Lady. She described it as"about a spooky old witch who haunts Demacia."[20]
• Morgana's left hand appears to be more dominant as she startsbasic attackwith her left hand, throwsDark Bindingwith her left and uses her left hand to castTormented Shadow. This is opposed toKaylewho appears to be more right-hand oriented. This likely references the fact that historically right-handedness is associated with beneficence, goodness, light and righteousness, while left-handedness is associated with malevolence, wickedness, darkness and sinfulness.
• From Sanskrit मिहिरMihira"sun", fromProto-Indo-Iranic*mitrás"covenant".
• Out-of-universe, Morgana might have been named afterMorgan le Fayfrom theKing Arthurmythos.The name derives from Proto-Celtic,[2]though its meaning is debatable:Most straightforwardly*Mori-genā"sea-born".OrMorā-riganis"phantom queen".
• The name derives from Proto-Celtic,[2]though its meaning is debatable:Most straightforwardly*Mori-genā"sea-born".OrMorā-riganis"phantom queen".
• Most straightforwardly*Mori-genā"sea-born".
• OrMorā-riganis"phantom queen".
• Their old story resembles the struggle betweenMichael&Satan, dating back toEarly Christianity.[4]
• They were the first pair of sibling champions (the others beingGaren-Lux,Nasus-Renekton,Darius-Draven,Katarina-Cassiopeia, andYasuo-Yone)Though not a pair,Anivia,Ornn, andVolibearare also siblings.
• Though not a pair,Anivia,Ornn, andVolibearare also siblings.
• Morgana andKaylecurrently have less celestial power than the other Aspects due to being the children of an Aspect but have free will and a more unified identity.[7]
• Morgana andKaylebecame ascended when their wings materialized shortly after their mother's swords fell from the heavens.[8]
• Morgana's wings break free from their bonds when she usesSoul Shacklesand she surrenders herself to her celestial powers.[9]
• Morgana rejects her celestial heritage and in turn her magic has become twisted and corrupt.[10]If she stops rejecting her celestial power, it may develop in the same way asKayle's.Based onKayle'sin-game appearance,Morganais between her potential Arisen and Aflame forms.Morgana's magic is a combination of earth magic, spirit magic and the opposite of heavenly light, or dark light.[11][12]
• Morgana'sBlack ShieldandKayle'sDivine Judgmentcome from the same source but are interpreted in different ways due to their opposing viewpoints.[13]
• If she stops rejecting her celestial power, it may develop in the same way asKayle's.Based onKayle'sin-game appearance,Morganais between her potential Arisen and Aflame forms.
• Morgana's magic is a combination of earth magic, spirit magic and the opposite of heavenly light, or dark light.[11][12]
• Based onKayle'sin-game appearance,Morganais between her potential Arisen and Aflame forms.
• Most Demacians have forgotten that that there were two Winged Protectors and assume Kayle is the sole Protector.
• Most Demacians don't necessarily know the Winged Protectors were female, and suspecting the Veiled Lady may be one would be considered heresy.[18]
• The Winged Protectors are seen as myth or a legend in Demacia, similar to saints with forgotten names.[19]
• An example of this skewing of the facts is a book thatLuxborrows from the Crownguard's library forSylasto read, titledTales of the Veiled Lady. She described it as"about a spooky old witch who haunts Demacia."[20]
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Soul Siphon, Description: Innate: Morgana heals herself for 18% of the post-mitigation damage dealt by her abilities against champions , large minions , and medium and large monsters ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'No additional details.']} | Name: Dark Binding, Description: Active: Morgana throws a sphere of dark magic in the target direction that deals magic damage to the first enemy hit and roots them for a duration. Magic Damage: 80 / 135 / 190 / 245 / 300 (+ 90% AP) Root Duration: 2 / 2. 25 / 2. 5 / 2. 75 / 3, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.']} | Name: Tormented Shadow, Description: Passive: Tormented Shadow's current cooldown is reduced by 5% of its total cooldown whenever Soul Siphon triggers. Simultaneous triggers from multiple targets will stack the cooldown reduction. Active: Morgana torments the soil at the target location, causing the area to become desecrated for 5 seconds. Enemies within take magic damage on-cast and every 0. 5 seconds, increased by 0% − 170% (based on target's missing health) . Tormented Shadow deals 170% damage against monsters . Minimum Damage Per Tick: 6 / 11. 5 / 17 / 22. 5 / 28 (+ 8. 5 % AP) Maximum Damage Per Tick: 16. 2 / 31. 05 / 45. 9 / 60. 75 / 75. 6 (+ 22. 95 % AP) Minimum Total Damage: 60 / 115 / 170 / 225 / 280 (+ 85% AP) Maximum Total Damage: 162 / 310. 5 / 459 / 607. 5 / 756 (+ 229. 5 % AP) Link ▶️ "The earth reflects your torment!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Tips & Tricks', 'Damage from multipleTormented Shadowsdoes not stack.', "The interaction withSoul Siphondoes not excludeTormented Shadow'sdamage, which means it can effectively reduce its own cooldown."]} | Name: Black Shield, Description: Active: Morgana grants a shield to the target allied champion or herself for 5 seconds, which absorbs incoming magic damage and grants crowd control immunity while it holds. Magic Shield Strength: 80 / 135 / 190 / 245 / 300 (+ 70% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Black Shieldwill not resist self nor alliedcrowd control.', 'Black Shieldwill not resistnearsight.', "Black Shieldnegatescrowd controleffects before any magic damage is absorbed, even if the shield is broken by an enemy's ability its associated disables will not apply, except forshield-destroying effectssuch asRuthless PredatorandStatic Field.", "Black Shieldwill not prevent any other effect other thancrowd controlunless absolutely necessary. As such, an ability that has two different mechanics likeNether Graspwill notsuppressa target protected byBlack Shieldbut thetetherstill applies.Although not considered acrowd controleffect,Black Shieldmay also blockIllaoi'sTest of Spirit'sspirit pull.", "Although not considered acrowd controleffect,Black Shieldmay also blockIllaoi'sTest of Spirit'sspirit pull.", 'Black Shieldtakes precedence over other sources ofcrowd control immunityand those that grant immunity to specific types of crowd control (displacement immunityandslow immunity).Spell shieldwill take priority overBlack Shield.', 'Spell shieldwill take priority overBlack Shield.', 'Black Shieldwill always take priority over regularshields. If used in conjunction withLifeline, the most recently-applied one will do so however.', "Black Shieldwill not negate self or ally applied crowd control effects such as an alliedBard'sTempered Fate."]} | Name: Soul Shackles, Description: Active: Morgana latches chains of energy onto nearby enemy champions over the cast time, dealing magic damage and forming a tether between herself and each target for 3 seconds, during which she gains bonus movement speed and the targets are revealed and slowed by 20%. Magic Damage: 175 / 250 / 325 (+ 80% AP) Total Magic Damage: 350 / 500 / 650 (+ 160% AP) Bonus Movement Speed: 10 / 35 / 60% If a target does not break their tether by the ends of its duration, they are dealt the same magic damage again and become stunned for a duration, during which they are revealed . Stun Duration: 1. 5 / 1. 75 / 2 A nearby enemy champion is required to cast this ability. The target does not have to be visible to be tethered by this ability. Link ▶️ "I will take on everything!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Spell shieldwill block the tether's application and initial damage but not the aftereffects of one already applied.", 'Morganawill turn to face southeast upon castingSoul Shackles.']} | Dark Binding'sdebuffreads:“This unit is unable to move. Lasts for roughly 3 years.” |
Naafiri,The Hound of a Hundred Bites | | | health: Health635+120, resource: Mana400+55, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)9+0.9, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)7.5+1, armor: Armor32+4.7, attack damage: Attack damage55+2.1, attack speed: Base AS0.663, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius55, selection radius: Selection radius111, release: 2023-07-19, changed: V13.23, role: Assassin, position: TopMiddle, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 6300|975 | Games
NaafiriTitlesReal nameNaafiri{Darkin}Nickname(s)SisterDog beastGood puppyAlias(es)The Hound of a Hundred BitesCharacteristicsSpeciesDarkin(Naafiri)Dune Hounds(Naafiri’s hosts)God-Warrior(Naafiri)Human(Naafiri)Pronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:5000 BN - 2530 BNWeapon(s)Darkin DaggersHemomancyPersonal statusStatusAlivePet(s)Shuriman Dune Hound PackProfessional statusOccupation(s)Darkin PredatorShuriman GuardianRegion(s)RuneterraShurimaFaction(s)DarkinRelated character(s)AatroxVarusRhaastXolaaniKayn
Real name
• Sister
• Dog beast
• Good puppy
• The Hound of a Hundred Bites
• Darkin(Naafiri)
• Dune Hounds(Naafiri’s hosts)
• God-Warrior(Naafiri)
• Human(Naafiri)
• Born:5000 BN - 2530 BN
• Darkin Daggers
• Hemomancy
Personal status
Professional status
• Darkin Predator
• Shuriman Guardian
• Runeterra
• Shurima
Related character(s)
Across the sands ofShurima, a chorus of howls rings out. It is the call of the dune hounds, voracious predators who form packs and compete for the right to hunt in these barren lands. Among them, one pack stands above all, for they are driven not only by canine instincts, but by the ancient power of theDarkin.
• 1Background1.1Early life1.1.1Ascension1.1.2Darkin War1.2Modern History1.2.1Host Bodies1.3Recent events
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Darkin5.2Myisha/Zoe5.3Unnamed Human Raider5.4Dune Hounds
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early life1.1.1Ascension1.1.2Darkin War
• 1.2Modern History1.2.1Host Bodies
• 1.3Recent events
• 1.1.1Ascension
• 1.1.2Darkin War
• 1.2.1Host Bodies
• 5.1Darkin
• 5.2Myisha/Zoe
• 5.3Unnamed Human Raider
• 5.4Dune Hounds
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early life[]
Naafiri began as one of the manyAscendedGod-Warriors ofShurima, having achieved Ascension at an unknown point in the past. As a part of the Ascended Host, Naafiri fought alongside her fellow God-Warriors when the city-state ofIcathiabegan theiruprising. During this war, she witnessed the horrors of theVoidas the Icathians attempted to weaponize it, scarring her mind.[1]
Darkin War[]
After theShuriman Empire felldue to the sudden and disastrous death of the emperorAzir, the many Ascended renamed themselvesSunbornand violently clashed with one another due to the lack of leadership and purpose. Their battle brought so much devastation that the mortals eventually began to call these SunbornDarkin, an old Shuriman word which most closely translated toThe Fallen.
During theGreat Darkin War, Naafiri was considered one of the more powerful among them and sought out to lead the rest of her kind. Her pride and vanity got the best of her when she was easily tricked by Myisha, theAspectofTwilight, who imprisoned Naafiri inside one of her steel throwing daggers.
Modern History[]
Host Bodies[]
While imprisoned within a dagger, Naafiri was hidden within a Shuriman crypt and left unable to move or speak due to her newfound curse. Inert and left to dwell on her shame and regret, Naafiri suddenly felt an eager anticipation when she sensed ahumanpresence nearby. She intended to posess the body of this grave robber, but the man was well aware of Naafiri's magic and made careful efforts not to make contact with the blade. Using tongs to pick it up, he wrapped Naafiri in a thick, lead-lined cloth and rode off across the desert that afternoon.
Naafiri despaired over her thwarted plan to escape her confinment, but saw an opportunity when she sensed the howls of a pack of Shuriman dune hounds across the desert. She called out to the beasts, hoping they would be driven to the grave robber and allow her to possess his body. The man made efforts not to touch the dagger, holding it through the thick fabric of the lead cloth, but was ultimately ravaged by the ravenous hounds as they tore him and his horse apart. In that moment, the hounds attempted to devour Naafiri and, upon contact, Naafiri felt the sudden rush of senses return to her as she completely possessed the entire pack of dune hounds, shattering her consciousness across all of them.
Initially, Naafiri resented her new form and cursed the beasts that encompassed it. She considered the hounds as nothing but feral animals and despised their smell, fleas and their need for companionship among each other. Over time, Naafiri felt a sense of enlightenment as she realized the true strength and wisdom that comes with being a collective. Apart, the hounds would quickly starve to death, but together they could easily become apex predators.
Recent events[]
With newfound wisdom thanks to her new form, Naafiri realizes that the concept of a collective overpowering all living things was not limited to just her dune hounds, but could easily be applied to the likes of the Darkin as well. Realizing that the Darkin ultimately fell due to their petty, personal grudges with one another, Naafiri wishes to locate her fellow Darkin siblings and restore their place as the rightful and violent rulers of Runeterra.
Now, Naafiri stalks the Shuriman deserts in hopes of unifying the rest of her Darkin and becoming the ultimate apex predator. Her pack acts with perfect unity and stalk the pitch black Shuriman nights, ravenously feasting on anyone they find as she continues her quest.
Naafiri's "primary" body is that of a monstrous, vicious-looking dog with numerous large, blade-like spikes protruding from her shoulders. Like other Darkin, she appears to have tough, ridged, armor-like skin: primarily black with red accents and an area of white around her lower face. She has bright yellow eyes. Naafiri's most prominent facial feature is the infused dagger. The dagger also has a golden spike ornament dangling from a chain, and she is shown to wear it as an earring on her left ear.
Her packmates are slightly smaller dogs with a simpler color scheme: solid red with areas of black on their tails and the tops of their heads. They also only have one blade-like spike protruding from their heads.
Naafiri wants the Darkin to become the dominant lifeform on Runeterra again. As a means to power, she has abandoned her idea of self, allowing her consciousness to inhabit multiple bodies.[2]Due in part to her canine hosts, she is vicious and bloodthirsty, with a bestial instinct to hunt and kill.
• Darkin Physiology:Naafiri is a Darkin, originally one of the manyAscendedGod-Warriors ofShurimain ancient times trapped within a weapon. As a Darkin, Naafiri has immense physical strength, size and access to some celestial magics.Immortality:Because her consciousness is trapped within her indestructible throwing dagger, Naafiri is immortal and immune to aging and dying as there is no known way to permanently kill her.
• Dune Hound Physiology:Naafiri's host consists of a pack of Shuriman dune hounds, inheriting their agility, sense of smell, ferocious bites and their pack-hunting behaviors.Hive Mind:Naafiri's consciousness is shattered and split across the entire pack of hounds, granting her the ability to control all of her dune hounds and see through their eyes and senses. As a hive mind, Naafiri has reached a sense of enlightenment as she has learned to find strength in her unity.
• Hemomancy:Like most Darkin, Naafiri utilizes the magic ofhemomancyto manipulate the flesh and blood of mortals for her own purposes. Naafiri's use of hemomancy is what allows her to possess multiple dune hounds at once, as well as manipulate their flesh to spawn additional hounds.
• Throwing Dagger Proficiency:Naafiri was skilled in wielding a set of throwing daggers, having been one of the stronger Darkin in combat. Even after being imprisoned in one of her blades and possessing the pack of dune hounds, she still utilizes her skills with throwing daggers by firing them out as projectiles, capable of slicing and damaging enemies from a small distance.
• Immortality:Because her consciousness is trapped within her indestructible throwing dagger, Naafiri is immortal and immune to aging and dying as there is no known way to permanently kill her.
• Hive Mind:Naafiri's consciousness is shattered and split across the entire pack of hounds, granting her the ability to control all of her dune hounds and see through their eyes and senses. As a hive mind, Naafiri has reached a sense of enlightenment as she has learned to find strength in her unity.
During the Darkin War, Naafiri fought against her fellow Darkin with the intent to become their leader. After her epiphany, she believed that strength in numbers could even apply to Darkin as their infighting only weakened them, so she strove to reunite with her fellow Darkin and show them her philosophy, so they could rule over Runeterra.
Naafiri initially resented Myisha for imprisoning her, but since being enlightened by her new hosts she expresses thanks towards Myisha's successorZoeafter her imprisonment led to Naafiri's own benefit.
Unnamed Human Raider[]
While imprisoned in the crypt, Naafiri's dagger was found by a raider whom she intended to make her host, but due to him knowing about the Darkin's assimilation abilities he took precautions to avoid making contact with her. Out of desperation, she called to the nearby pack of dune hounds to make the man slip so he would be able to touch her, but they ended up killing him and so she ended up assimilating the hounds instead.
Dune Hounds[]
While Naafiri was being held by the raider, she noticed a nearby pack of dune hounds and influenced them to attack him so she would be freed. Once she ended up assimilating the pack instead in the scuffle, she initially felt disdain towards the hounds for their lack of hygiene and their need for companionship. But over time, she realized that the hounds' cooperation made them more powerful than an individual, which gave her an epiphany to unite the other Darkin in a similar way.
Read More
The Hound of a Hundred Bites
ByJohn O'Bryan
Starring Champion
Hounds of Iron
Her pack will always find the lone prey. So, the choice is yours: starve or feast.
Mentioned Champion
Short Story
Dark Kin
ByGraham McNeill
Varus followed a river running through the desert. Its water was gritty, but drinkable. The new body he had wrought to bear his bow was beautiful, fast and strong, but it came with the weaknesses of flesh. It hungered. It thirsted.
The Mageseeker
ByDigital Sun
In the kingdom of Demacia, the Mageseekers hold the power to oppress magic-using citizens in the name of public order–by inducting and indoctrinating them, locking them away, or driving them into hiding. Play as Sylas, a spell-stealing mage who has just broken free of his unjust captivity at the Mageseekers’ hands. Wielding the chains that once bound you, you must liberate your homeland from tyranny, one Mageseeker at a time.
Starring:Aidan,Eldred,Garen,Gideon,Hesbeth,Jarvan IV,Kara,Killan,Leilani,Lux,Morgana,Rayn,Rukko,Shyvana,Sylas,Wisteria,Yops
Mentioned:Aatrox,Anden Mayne,Dalin,Dominick,Evelynn,Falden,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Jaredan,Jarvan III,Katarina,Kayle,LeBlanc,Mihira,Naafiri,Nocturne,Rhaast,Ryze,Sion,Tianna,Varus
Alternate Universes
Tournament of Souls
ByTaylor Dinwiddie,Ty Sheedlo
Play League of Legends to build Samira's reputation and style on your competition at the Tournament of Souls! Face off against the strongest soul fighters in a series of fierce 1v1 matches to help Samira chase down her biggest bounty yet and fulfill her SOUL'S DESIRE!
Music Video
Coming Alive
ByNumerous Creators
In the fight of a lifetime, you may get knocked down. But never knocked out.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: We Are More, Description: Innate: Periodically, Naafiri summons a Packmate that fights alongside her. She may have up to 2 / 3 (based on level) Packmates at a time. Naafiri summons the maximum number of Packmates when the game starts and upon respawning . Hitting champions or large monsters with abilities reduces the cooldown by 4 seconds. Killing enemies reduces it by 1 second. See Pets for full details on Packmates. Link ▶️ "We are more!", STATIC COOLDOWN: STATICCOOLDOWN:30 / 25 / 20 / 15 (based on level), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "DuringThe Call of the Pack,We Are More'scooldown is reduced to15 / 12.5/ 10 / 7.5(based on level).", 'Packmate attack damage bonus AD ratio changed to6%bonusAD.']} | Name: Darkin Daggers, Description: Active: Naafiri hurls a dagger in the target direction that deals physical damage to enemies hit and inflicts them with a bleed for 5 seconds, which deals bonus physical damage every 0. 5 seconds over the duration and executes minions if they would be damaged below 30 − 70 (based on level) health . Darkin Daggers can be recast after 0. 5 seconds and within 4 seconds at no additional cost. Initial Physical Damage: 35 / 45 / 55 / 65 / 75 (+ 20% bonus AD) Bonus Physical Damage per Tick: 3 / 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 (+ 8% bonus AD) Total Bonus Physical Damage: 30 / 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 (+ 80% bonus AD) Total Physical Damage: 65 / 105 / 145 / 185 / 225 (+ 100% bonus AD) If a target is already bleeding , they are instead dealt the remaining bleed damage plus additional bonus physical damage which is increased by 0% − 100% (based on target's missing health) . If that target is also a champion , Naafiri heals herself. Minimum Bonus Physical Damage: 30 / 45 / 60 / 75 / 90 (+ 40% bonus AD) Maximum Bonus Physical Damage: 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 (+ 80% bonus AD) Heal: 45 / 60 / 75 / 90 / 105 (+ 40% bonus AD) Recast: Naafiri mimics the first cast's effects. Darkin Daggers deals 60% damage against minions ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'Darkin Daggerscalculates its additional damage based on missing health before applying the remaining bleed damage.', "Darkin Daggers'execute against minions considers both the damage of the initial hit of the dagger and any bleed tick for putting the target under the threshold.", 'Initial base damage changed to 45 / 57.5/ 70 / 82.5/ 95.', 'Initial damage bonus AD ratio changed to25%bonusAD.', 'Bleed base damage changed to 40 / 80 / 120 / 160 / 200.', 'Bleed total bonus AD ratio changed to100%bonusAD.', 'Minimum bonus damage changed to 40 / 55 / 70 / 85 / 100.Maximum bonus damage changed to 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200.', 'Maximum bonus damage changed to 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200.', 'Minimum bonus damage bonus AD ratio changed to45%bonusAD.Maximum bonus damage bonus AD ratio changed to90%bonusAD.', 'Maximum bonus damage bonus AD ratio changed to90%bonusAD.', 'Base heal changed to 60 / 82.5/ 105 / 127.5/ 150.', 'Heal bonus AD ratio changed to50%bonusAD.']} | Name: Hounds' Pursuit, Description: Active: Naafiri and her Packmates channel for 0. 75 seconds to single out the target enemy, revealing them in the duration. Upon completion, they dash to the target, each colliding with the first enemy champion hit. Upon impact, Naafiri deals physical damage and slows the target by 99% for 0. 25 seconds, while Packmates deal 10% of that damage to their own targets. Physical Damage: 30 / 70 / 110 / 150 / 190 (+ 80% bonus AD) Packmate Physical Damage: 3 / 7 / 11 / 15 / 19 (+ 8% bonus AD) Packmates become untargetable during their windup and dash, and can individually damage targets. Hounds' Pursuit refunds 50% of its cooldown if the channel is cancelled., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Naafiriwill track the target if they change locations.', 'Spell shieldwill block one instance of damage.', 'Naafiriwill be ordered to basic attack the target at the end of the dash.', 'Naafiriwill windup a basic attack while dashing.(bug)', 'The target isrevealedfor another 1.5seconds after the channel completes.', 'Packmateshitting the same target asNaafiriwill count as dealing "additional" damage.', "The following table refers for interactions whileNaafiriischanneling:IfNaafiri'schannel is interrupted, thePackmates'channels will be canceled as well.", "IfNaafiri'schannel is interrupted, thePackmates'channels will be canceled as well.", 'Death', 'Grounding effects', 'Immobilizing effects', 'Cast-inhibiting effects']} | Name: Eviscerate, Description: Active: Naafiri dashes in the target direction and deals physical damage to enemies she passes through. Upon arrival, she explodes in a flurry of blades to deal physical damage to nearby enemies. Dash Physical Damage: 35 / 50 / 65 / 80 / 95 (+ 50% bonus AD) Flurry Physical Damage: 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 (+ 80% bonus AD) Total Physical Damage: 95 / 140 / 185 / 230 / 275 (+ 130% bonus AD) Packmates vanish during the dash and reappear near Naafiri on her arrival. They are also healed to full health., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Packmateswill not be affected byEvisceratewhile under the effect ofHounds' Pursuit."]} | Name: The Call of the Pack, Description: Passive: Hounds' Pursuit gains bonus cast range. Bonus Range: 80 / 160 / 240 Active: Naafiri prepares her grand hunt, immediately despawning all active Packmates then summoning the maximum number of new ones along with extra Packmates . She grants herself and all Packmates bonus movement speed that decays over 4 seconds and is reduced upon taking non- minion damage. She also grants sight of the surrounding area for 2 seconds, and reveals nearby enemy champions for 4 seconds. Extra Packmates Summoned: 2 / 3 / 4 Bonus Movement Speed: 70 / 85 / 100% Reduced Bonus Movement Speed: 35 / 42. 5 / 50% Naafiri goes on the hunt for 15 seconds, during which she gains bonus attack damage , increases the maximum health of all her Packmates by 25%, and reduces the total cooldown of We Are More by 50%. Her first basic attack or ability hit against a champion will grant her a shield for 3 seconds. Bonus Attack Damage: 5 / 15 / 25 (+ 8 / 16 / 24% AD) Shield Strength: 125 / 325 / 525 (+ 50% bonus AD) Naafiri's first champion takedown within the duration refreshes all effects of The Call of the Pack , restores all Packmates to full health, and grants Naafiri the same shield again, though not stacking with the first one. When the hunt ends, any extra Packmates are despawned and all other ones are restored to full health., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Naafirican move duringThe Call of the Pack'scast time.", "WhileThe Call of the Packis active, it increasesWe Are More'ssummon cap to4 / 6 / 7 (based on level).", 'IfWe Are Moreis on cooldown whenThe Call of the Packis cast, itscurrentcooldown is also reduced by 50%.', "Darkin Daggers'bleeding effect does not count as a hit for gaining the shield.", "WhenThe Call of the Packrefreshes,Naafiriwill trigger all effects of the ability a second time.If the effect refreshes withoutNaafiriever gaining a shield, she will gain the shield automatically upon the refresh.In this case, she will not gain the second shield automatically and will have to hit a champion in the duration to receive it.The first and second shield do not stack with each other. Hitting a champion with the first shield only refreshes its duration.In a similar case, if she has the shield and the refresh occurs, the shield's duration will also be refreshed.If that shield had mitigated some damage, then its strength will also be restored. The second shield can no longer be gained in this case.", "If the effect refreshes withoutNaafiriever gaining a shield, she will gain the shield automatically upon the refresh.In this case, she will not gain the second shield automatically and will have to hit a champion in the duration to receive it.The first and second shield do not stack with each other. Hitting a champion with the first shield only refreshes its duration.In a similar case, if she has the shield and the refresh occurs, the shield's duration will also be refreshed.If that shield had mitigated some damage, then its strength will also be restored. The second shield can no longer be gained in this case.", 'In this case, she will not gain the second shield automatically and will have to hit a champion in the duration to receive it.The first and second shield do not stack with each other. Hitting a champion with the first shield only refreshes its duration.', 'The first and second shield do not stack with each other. Hitting a champion with the first shield only refreshes its duration.', "In a similar case, if she has the shield and the refresh occurs, the shield's duration will also be refreshed.If that shield had mitigated some damage, then its strength will also be restored. The second shield can no longer be gained in this case.", 'If that shield had mitigated some damage, then its strength will also be restored. The second shield can no longer be gained in this case.', "This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.The revealed area and revealed enemy champions are determined based onNaafiri'slocation when the cast time completes andNaafiridoes not reveal and additional area or champions where she moves to, nor any champions that enter the revealed area after the point in time.", "The revealed area and revealed enemy champions are determined based onNaafiri'slocation when the cast time completes andNaafiridoes not reveal and additional area or champions where she moves to, nor any champions that enter the revealed area after the point in time.", 'The additionalPackmatesthat despawn are predetermined by an order, most likely their internal unit (spawn) IDs. It does not consider whichPackmatesare the closest or healthiest.', 'Base shield changed to 250 / 500 / 750.', 'Shield bonus AD ratio changed to70%bonusAD.']} | Naafiriis one of 20 champions without a singleability powerratio on any ability:Aatrox,Camille,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Garen,Kayn,Kled,Nilah,Olaf,Pyke,Riven,Samira,Sett,Talon,Urgot,Xayah,Yone, andZed.
Naafiri has a special joke animation which comes in a sequence of three animations, playing the next animation in the sequence once the appropriate key combination is pressed just as the previous animation ends.[2]The first animation plays by pressingCtrl + 1twice, which shows Naafiri being pet on the head by a hand resembling the Legacy cursor.The second animation plays by pressingCtrl + 2as the first animation ends, with Naafiri being petted on the neck before falling on her back.The third animation plays by pressingCtrl + 3as the second animation ends, showing Naafiri being rubbed on the belly while still lying down. PressingCtrl + 3again during the end of the animation will allow it to be repeated again as many times as the player keeps pressing the key. |
Nami,the Tidecaller | | | health: Health560+88, resource: Mana365+43, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)5.5+0.55, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)11.5+0.4, armor: Armor29+5.2, attack damage: Attack damage51+3.1, attack speed: Base AS0.644, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius125, release: 2012-12-07, changed: V13.21, role: Enchanter, position: Support, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 3150|790 | Games
NamiMainCurrentCasualYoungTitlesNickname(s)BelovedPele'ai(Beloved one)4Young TidecallerHuman without the legsPretty ladyAlias(es)The TidecallerCharacteristicsSpeciesMaraiPronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:Earlier than 816 ANWeapon(s)Tidecaller StaffWater MagicPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originMarai Village,Mount TargonCurrent residenceUnknown(No Fixed Abode)FamilyUnnamed Mother2Tama(Lover)4Loto(Lover)Pet(s)SharkeesProfessional statusOccupation(s)TidecallerEmissaryRegion(s)RuneterraFaction(s)VastayaRelated character(s)DianaFizzLongtoothNautilus
• Main
• Current
• Casual
• Young
• Beloved
• Pele'ai(Beloved one)
• 4Young Tidecaller
• Human without the legs
• Pretty lady
• The Tidecaller
• Born:Earlier than 816 AN
• Tidecaller Staff
• Water Magic
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Unnamed Mother
• 2Tama(Lover)
• 4Loto(Lover)
Professional status
• Tidecaller
• Emissary
Related character(s)
A headstrong youngvastayaof the seas,Namiwas the first of theMaraitribe to leave the waves and venture onto dry land, when their ancient accord with theTargonianswas broken. With no other option, she took it upon herself to complete the sacred ritual that would ensure the safety of her people. Amidst the chaos of this new age, Nami faces an uncertain future with grit and determination, using her Tidecaller staff to summon the strength of the oceans themselves.
• 1Background1.1Early Life1.2The Moonstone Dims
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.14Lotoand2Tama5.2Diana5.3Fizzand4Longtooth5.4Marai Tribe
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early Life
• 1.2The Moonstone Dims
• 5.14Lotoand2Tama
• 5.2Diana
• 5.3Fizzand4Longtooth
• 5.4Marai Tribe
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Alternate Universes
Early Life[]
Namiwas born and raised in the territory of theMarai, a tribe ofVastayathat live underwater in the sea on the coastline ofMount Targon. Nami grew up to be a stubborn but fierce fighter, but it often got her in trouble. She aspired to become the tribe's Tidecaller, a title given to a strong warrior who would go into the depths of the sea to find a pearl. The Marai would give this pearl to a group of humans in exchange for a moonstone, a glowing rock that would ward off dangerous creatures from the deep sea. A Tidecaller is titled and sent on their quest whenever the moonstone's light starts to dim. The deep sea is wrought with dangerous creatures, so the warrior titled a Tidecaller must be strong enough to survive them and find the pearl.
The Moonstone Dims[]
During Nami's adolescence, the moonstone in the center of the Marai's village began to dim.Namiattempted the trial of the Tidecaller, but she was denied due to her impulsiveness. Instead, another warrior named Rasho was sent down into the deep sea to retrieve the pearl. But after a month, Rasho had not returned. Determined to prove herself and save her people, Nami took her mother's staff and plunged into the depths.
After several days, Nami returned with the pearl and Rasho's staff. She was designated Tidecaller by her people and she went to the surface to trade with the humans for the moonstone. However, when she arrived to the surface, a woman told Nami that theAspect of the Moon, the person that made the moonstones, had fled Targon and as such they could not give them the stone. Nami then vowed to find the Aspect and retrieve the moonstone. Then, Nami used the Tidecaller staff to summon a perpetual pool of moving water underneath her fins and set out on her quest.
Nami is a slenderVastayaMarai, with green scales and sand-colored skin, long hair with a distinct palette of yellow, and a long fin instead of legs. She wears no clothes, her body is covered in green scales. The most distinctive ornament on her attire is the Tidecaller crown, which is dark and has a light blue amulet in its center on her head. She carries with her theTidecaller Staff.
Nami is a very kind and friendly individual, but she is also extremely protective and determined in her duty to protect her people, theMaraiand she is loyal to her cause.
• Vastayan Physiology:Nami is a Vastaya, an ancient race of demi-humans changed by magic of the Spirit World. The connection to the Spirit Realm increased their longevity so they can live for centuries, and granted them powerful magic. The Vastaya are divided into several different tribes, each one defined by an specific animal. Nami is a Marai, a type of aquatic Vastaya .Amphibious:Being a Marai, Nami is adapted to survive underwater. She can breathe underwater, survive intense pressures, and swin at great speeds.
• Water Magic:As aVastayaMarai, Nami is able to control water magic in the form ofImprison others in water bubbles,increase the power of others or herselfandSummon powerful waves. She can move it, turn it into different shapes, and even make itfly in the air.Healing Magic:Nami is able to heal individuals withhealing waters.
• Amphibious:Being a Marai, Nami is adapted to survive underwater. She can breathe underwater, survive intense pressures, and swin at great speeds.
• Healing Magic:Nami is able to heal individuals withhealing waters.
Nami is in a bisexual polyamorous relationship withLotoandTama.[1]Nami refers toLotoas "My heart" and also refers toTamaas "My soul".Tamarefers to Nami as "Pele'ai" means "Beloved one", a term of close endearment.Lotorefers to Nami as "Beloved".
She is searching for theAspect of the Moon, which is the only one that can create the Moonstone her people need to survive. Nami refers toDianaas "Luminous Wanderer", "Child of the moon" and "Marai's light".
Nami is friends withFizzand is implied to personally know his pet shark4Longtooth
Nami is currently the Tidecaller of the Marai tribe. She is the emissary of everyone in the tribe asTama,4Greatmother,2Ai'la,3Journeying Sandhopper,Lotoand6Leo'lei.
Read More
The Tidecaller
ByRayla Heide
Starring Champion
Short Story • 5 Minute Read
First Steps
ByRayla Heide
She brings her curiosity and a dire message. They bring torches and a violent fear.
Into the Abyss
ByRayla Heide
Deep in the oceans of Runeterra, the Marai are protected from terrors by the light of a moonstone. Through an ancient ritual, the Marai choose one of their people to dive into the abyss and retrieve an abyssal pearl, which is exchanged with a landwalker for the moonstone. Their chosen Tidecaller has not returned. Nami, a headstrong girl of the Marai, decides to descend into the black before the moonstone's light dims forever…
Alternate Universes
The Siren's Call
It waits. Make the world anew with Coven Nami, Elise, Akali, Syndra, Nilah, and Old God Mordekaiser.
Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Crystal Quest: Series 1
Mentioned:Anivia,Ashe,Braum,Bristle,Caitlyn,Camille,Elise,Ezreal,Garen,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Illaoi,Ivern,Katarina,Kled,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lucian,Nami,Olaf,Poppy,Ryze,Senna,Singed,Skaarl,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Veigar,Vi,Zac
Immortal Journey Cinematic
Mentioned:Irelia,Jax,Master Yi,Nami,Riven
Punches and Plants: Series 1
Mentioned:Ahri,Alistar,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Braum,Caitlyn,Darius,Diana,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Evelynn,Ezreal,Gangplank,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jinx,Karma,Katarina,Leona,Lucian,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Nunu,Quinn,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Sivir,Sona,Soraka,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Valor,Varus,Vel'Koz,Vladimir,Volibear,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Zac,Ziggs
The Roadtrip
ByCassie Parkes,Marvin Clifford
Mentioned:Ahri,Ashe,Azir,Bard,Braum,Darius,Fiddlesticks,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Irelia,Jinx,Kalista,Katarina,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Lulu,Master Yi,Nami,Poppy,Rakan,Shaco,Sona,Swain,Taric,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Varus,Xayah,Yasuo,Zilean
• Nami's tribe, the Marai, were possibly named after the Latin word for 'sea' (mare).
• Nami is over 180 years old.[2]
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Surging Tides, Description: Innate: Nami's abilities grant 100 (+ 25% AP) bonus movement speed to allied champions hit, decaying over 1. 5 seconds. The bonus is 「 doubled 」 「 increased to 200 (+ 50% AP) 」 from Tidal Wave ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'No additional notes']} | Name: Aqua Prison, Description: Active: Nami launches a bubble at the target location that lands after 0. 726 seconds , dealing magic damage to enemies hit and suspending them for 1. 5 seconds, during which they are revealed . Magic Damage: 90 / 145 / 200 / 255 / 310 (+ 50% AP) Allied champions are granted Surging Tides in a slightly larger area., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'The combined time from the start of the cast time to the bubble landing is0.264seconds+0.726seconds= 0.99 seconds.', 'Aqua Prisonprovides the status effect that allowsLast Breathto be cast.[2]', 'AP ratio changed to70% AP.']} | Name: Ebb and Flow, Description: Active: Nami unleashes a stream of water onto the target champion or herself, which then bounces to nearby unaffected champions up to twice, alternating between enemies and allies and Nami . Ebb and Flow heals allies and deals magic damage to enemies, with each bounce modifying the effectiveness of the next by -15% (+ 7. 5 % per 100 AP) . Heal: 55 / 75 / 95 / 115 / 135 (+ 25% AP) Minimum Heal: 38. 5 / 52. 5 / 66. 5 / 80. 5 / 94. 5 (+ 17. 5 % AP) Magic Damage: 60 / 100 / 140 / 180 / 220 (+ 55% AP) Minimum Damage: 42 / 70 / 98 / 126 / 154 (+ 38. 5 % AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'If cast on an enemy with aspell shieldthey will not take damage butEbb and Flowwill still continue to bounce, and the target who blocked the ability may be targeted again by the final bounce.', 'If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the cast time, this ability will cancel but does not go oncooldownnor pay its cost (if applicable).', 'Base damage changed to 75 / 120 / 165 / 210 / 255.', 'Damage AP ratio changed to65% AP.', 'Base heal changed to 70 / 110 / 150 / 190 / 230.', 'Heal AP ratio changed to30% AP.']} | Name: Tidecaller's Blessing, Description: Active: Nami blesses herself or an allied champion for 6 seconds, empowering their next 3 basic attacks or abilities to each deal bonus magic damage and slow enemies for 1 second. Bonus Magic Damage Per Hit: 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 / 80 (+ 20% AP) Total Bonus Magic Damage: 60 / 105 / 150 / 195 / 240 (+ 60% AP) Slow: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35% (+ 5% per 100 AP) Empowered abilities that apply area damage only deal 33% − 66% (based on level) of the bonus damage to non-champions., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Thebonusmagic damagedealt by this ability calculates damage using Nami'smagic penetration, even if cast on an ally[3]. Prior to 13.21 it would use themagic penetrationof the champion buffed by this ability.", 'The effect will not trigger againststructuresnorwards.', "Damage instances ofTidecaller's Blessingbeyond the first do not count as separate applications for the purposes ofElectrocuteandPhase Rush.", "Allied champions will applyImperial Mandate'sCoordinated Fireand trigger it on subsequent attacks ifNamihas the item."]} | Name: Tidal Wave, Description: Active: Nami surges a tidal wave in the target direction, granting sight around its trajectory as it travels, dealing magic damage to enemies hit, knocking them up for 0. 5 seconds, and slowing them for 2 − 4 (based on distance traveled) seconds. Magic Damage: 150 / 250 / 350 (+ 60% AP) Slow: 50 / 60 / 70% Link ▶️ "Oceans, spill forth!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.Despite the visuals,Tidal Wavespawns atNami'scenter, not at an offset behind her.", "Despite the visuals,Tidal Wavespawns atNami'scenter, not at an offset behind her.", 'Surging Tideswill trigger immediately onNamion-cast.', 'The wave travels over3.267seconds.', 'Death, unless protected byResurrection']} | Nami's backstory resemblesDinotopia's.
When playing Nami and typing 'hat' in the store search bar the result displayed will beBoots of Speed, referencingThe Little Mermaid. |
Nasus,the Curator of the Sands | | | health: Health631+104, resource: Mana326+62, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)9+0.9, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)7.45+0.5, armor: Armor34+4.7, attack damage: Attack damage67+3.5, attack speed: Base AS0.638, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius80, selection radius: Selection radius135, release: 2009-10-01, changed: V13.12, role: Juggernaut, position: TopMiddle, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 1350|585 | Missing section(s):
NasusMainCurrentTitlesAlias(es)The Curator of the SandsThe ScholarLost Son of the DesertGeneral NasusCharacteristicsSpeciesGod-Warrior(formerlyHuman)Pronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:2900 BN - 2800 BNWeapon(s)War StaffMany Suns Spirit FirePersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originShurima City,Shurima(Ancient Times)Current residenceShurima(No Fixed Abode)FamilyRenekton(Brother)Professional statusOccupation(s)Ascended HeroGuardianCuratorGeneralRegion(s)ShurimaRelated character(s)RenektonAatroxRhaastVarusJaxAzirXerathZoeRyzeSivirCassiopeiaTaliyah
• Main
• Current
• The Curator of the Sands
• The Scholar
• Lost Son of the Desert
• General Nasus
• God-Warrior(formerlyHuman)
• Born:2900 BN - 2800 BN
• War Staff
• Many Suns Spirit Fire
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
• Ascended Hero
• Guardian
• Curator
• General
Related character(s)
Nasusis an imposing, jackal-headedAscendedbeing from ancientShurima, a heroic figure regarded as a demigod by the people of the desert. Fiercely intelligent, he was a guardian of knowledge and peerless strategist whose wisdom guided the ancient empire of Shurima to greatness for many centuries. After the fall of the empire, he went into self-imposed exile, becoming little more than a legend. Now that the ancient city of Shurima has risen once more, he has returned, determined to ensure it never falls again.
• 1Background
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Other Ascended5.2Sivir5.3Taliyah5.4Myisha5.5Ryze
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 5.1Other Ascended
• 5.2Sivir
• 5.3Taliyah
• 5.4Myisha
• 5.5Ryze
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Nasus is depicted as a corpulent humanoid figure with the features and face of a black jackal, sharp teeth, and glowing blue eyes.
His outfit is mainly a golden Shuriman armor that leaves his chest and legs exposed.
• Ascended:Nasus is one of the Ascended, also known as God-Warriors or Sunborn. The Ascended are mortals that were empowered byThe Sun Discinto immensely powerful demigods. Each Ascended has unique powers depending on the individual they were prior to the Ascension.Immortality:The ascended do not age, and do not need to eat or sleep. Baring beings of similar power, the Ascended cannot be killed.Regeneration:Nasus can heal from almost any injury in a matter of seconds.Superhuman Strength:Nasus is much stronger than any normal human, being able to destroy building by merely punching them, breaking a man's entire body with his fists.Life Draining:Nasus has the power of creating an life-draining aura, aging them down at an extremely fast pace and reducing them to dust in a matter of seconds.Size Shifting:Nasus can change size to become gigantic and destroy his foes.
• Immortality:The ascended do not age, and do not need to eat or sleep. Baring beings of similar power, the Ascended cannot be killed.
• Regeneration:Nasus can heal from almost any injury in a matter of seconds.
• Superhuman Strength:Nasus is much stronger than any normal human, being able to destroy building by merely punching them, breaking a man's entire body with his fists.
• Life Draining:Nasus has the power of creating an life-draining aura, aging them down at an extremely fast pace and reducing them to dust in a matter of seconds.
• Size Shifting:Nasus can change size to become gigantic and destroy his foes.
When the Shurima Empire still existed, Nasus fought alongside other Ascended hosts including those that would later become theDarkin. Nasus was a warrior scholar who spearheaded the military and cultural uprising of Ancient Shurima, butAzir'smisledarroganceled to the empire's downfall, costing him his own brotherRenekton. Nasus was forced to imprison his own brother with the betrayerXerath, who would later drive Renekton into madness. After being freed, Renekton started to hunt down Nasus, believing he was the cause of all his suffering. Nasus hopes he can cureRenektonof his madness, so that the united brothers might defeatXerathand restore Shurima to greatness together with their resurrected emperorAzir.
Nasus first soughtSivirfor her royal bloodline and finds in her the hope of a reborn Shurima and the key to defeatingXerath. Nasus would later confront Xerath himself to buy time for her andTaliyahto escape alongside other citizens.
Nasus encounteredTaliyahwhen she was protecting an injured Sivir. Nasus would later confront Xerath himself to buy time for her andSivirto escape alongside other citizens.
Myisha, the previousAspect of Twilight, led theDarkinTa'anari to Nasus who guided them to the Chalicar, the blade that belonged to the Ascended queen Setaka and belongs toSivirin the present day, which Ta'anari later used to perform a ritual that reverted the Ascension of the nearby Darkins, vaporing them.
Long before Shurima rose again from the sands,Ryzeand Nasus delved into a ruined archive beneath the Great Sai and fought its awakened protector.
Read More
The Curator of the Sands
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Starring Champion
Short Story • 36 Minute Read
ByGraham McNeill
Taliyah had almost forgotten how much she'd missed the furnace heat of Shurima – the sweat and crush of hundreds of people pushing, cursing, haggling and speaking with such passion and speed that outsiders often thought they were fighting.
Empires of the Ascended (Video)
A buried empire. A brother’s betrayal. A relic that could change everything.
Fall of the Empire
By Numerous creators
Short Story • 4 Minute Read
ByRyan Verniere
Nasus walked at night, unwilling to face the sun. The boy followed in his wake.
Mentioned Champion
ByDouble Stallion Games
Rewind the Past, Control the Future - Explore and traverse through the spectacular city of Zaun as Ekko, a young inventor with an ingenious device to manipulate time, in this story-driven action platformer. Play as a young Ekko and realize the full potential of one of League’s fan-favorite Champions.
Starring:Aximander,Camille,Chadd,Corin Reveck,Corina Veraza,Drake Poingdestre,Ekko,Elie,Inna,Jinx,Lem,Red,Rungs,Vale Poingdestre,Warwick,Wyeth,Zarkon Poingdestre
Mentioned:Ashlesh,Azir,Blitzcrank,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Eramis,Evil Kay,Farron,Fiddlesticks,Janna,Jayce,Kay,Nasus,Orianna,Renata Glasc,Seraphine,Shomi,Singed,Twitch,Urgot,Vi,Viktor,Zac,Zeri,Ziggs
Call of Power
Ryze scours Runeterra for fragments of a forgotten past, each step bringing him closer to incredible power—and terrible ruin.
Mentioned:Miss Fortune,Nasus,Sona,Trundle
Short Story
Dark Kin
ByGraham McNeill
Varus followed a river running through the desert. Its water was gritty, but drinkable. The new body he had wrought to bear his bow was beautiful, fast and strong, but it came with the weaknesses of flesh. It hungered. It thirsted.
Short Story • 4 Minute Read
Darkness Renews
ByGraham McNeill
Am I a god?
Descent into the Tomb
Scroll after scroll in Noxian libraries chronicle the power buried within Shurima. Now Cassiopeia thinks she's found the key. Learn how the saga began.
Short Story
Halfway Between the Stars and Earth
ByKatie Chironis
It was a perfectly good night for a cup of tea. Chilly, certainly, but clear—as crisp a night as frigid Mount Targon ever got, really. Soraka was expecting a visitor. The snow in the stone kettle had already begun to melt over the hearth at the center of her little yurt; as it grew warmer, the room was suffused with the smell of dried tea leaves and sparse mountain herbs.
Short Story
ByGraham McNeill
There's light under the earth, if you know where to look.
Rise of the Ascended
Discover the tale of Ancient Shurima, where the fates of Azir and Siver intertwine.
The Battle Mistress
ByRayla Heide
The Butcher of the Sands
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
The Emperor of the Sands
ByGraham McNeill
The Magus Ascendant
ByGraham McNeill
Short Story • 25 Minute Read
Twilight of the Gods
ByGraham McNeill
They came to a dead city in the mountain's shadow under cover of night.
Short Story • 22 Minute Read
Where Icathia Once Stood
ByGraham McNeill
My name is Axamuk Var-Choi Kohari Icath'or.
Short Story
With Teeth
ByGraham McNeill
Firewood was precious in the desert, but the blackened ruins of Vekaura offered a plentiful supply of charred timbers to hurl on bonfires.
Alternate Universes
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
There Will Be Mayhem
Starring:Alistar,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Nasus,Nunu,Teemo,Trundle,Volibear,Willump
Unite Against The Dark
Hear the story of Lunar Empress Lux, Lunar Guardian Nasus, and Lunar Guardian Warwick as we celebrate the Year of the Dog in League of Legends.
Welcome to League of Legends
Starring:Alistar,Ashe,Cho'Gath,Katarina,Kayle,Master Yi,Morgana,Nasus,Ryze,Warwick
Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 3
ByGutter Rat
Punches and Plants: Series 1
Mentioned:Ahri,Alistar,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Braum,Caitlyn,Darius,Diana,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Evelynn,Ezreal,Gangplank,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jinx,Karma,Katarina,Leona,Lucian,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Nunu,Quinn,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Sivir,Sona,Soraka,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Valor,Varus,Vel'Koz,Vladimir,Volibear,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Zac,Ziggs
Punches and Plants: Series 2
Mentioned:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Amumu,Annie,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Diana,Draven,Ekko,Ezreal,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Kha'Zix,Kog'Maw,Leona,Lucian,Lux,Malphite,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nasus,Nautilus,Nidalee,Olaf,Orianna,Poppy,Quinn,Rakan,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Shaco,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Valor,Vel'Koz,Viktor,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Xin Zhao,Yasuo,Ziggs
Music Video
By Numerous creators
The battle begins, and sixteen teams across the globe are fighting towards one goal – to win the League of Legends World Championship.
Starring: N/A
• Nasus is over 3796 years old and less than 3900 years old.He fought alongside Setaka for 3 centuries before she died in the battle of Icathia, which happened around 2500 BN or 3500 years ago.NasusisRenekton'solder brother and both became Ascended at the same time.
• Renek was one of the nations that belonged to the ancientShurimaEmpire and was possibly located somewhere near theRenek River. The siblings may have originated from here andRenektonmay have been named after it.
• He may be immune toAmumu'spower due to his power's connection to death.
• The Ascension Ritual takes a long time andXerathkept it going far longer than was normal (hence his body was all but obliterated...) so that gave time forNasusandRenektonto get back (and a day for mortals, might only be a few hours for Ascended beings...).
• He fought alongside Setaka for 3 centuries before she died in the battle of Icathia, which happened around 2500 BN or 3500 years ago.
• NasusisRenekton'solder brother and both became Ascended at the same time.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Soul Eater, Description: Innate: Nasus gains 11 / 16 / 21% (based on level) life steal ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'No additional details.']} | Name: Siphoning Strike, Description: Active: Nasus empowers his next basic attack within 10 seconds to have an uncancellable windup , gain 50 bonus range , and deal bonus physical damage . Bonus Physical Damage: 30 / 50 / 70 / 90 / 110 (+ Siphoning Strike stacks) If Siphoning Strike kills the target, Nasus permanently gains 3 stacks , increased to 12 if the target is a champion , large minion , or large monster . Siphoning Strike resets Nasus' basic attack timer., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Nasuscan gainSiphoning Strikestacksby killing any enemy unit, this includeschampions,minions,monsters,wards,turrets, andpets.Jungle plantsandstructuresthat are not turrets (e.g.inhibitors) will not grantstacks.', 'Jungle plantsandstructuresthat are not turrets (e.g.inhibitors) will not grantstacks.', 'Siphoning Strikewill not generatestacksfrom secondary units killed by other effects (e.g.Tiamat).', 'Life stealapplies to the entire damage ofSiphoning Strike', 'Siphoning Strikecancritically strike, but only the100% ADand flat bonus damage from ranks are increased. The bonus damage fromstacksdoesnotfactor into its critical damage.', "Siphoning Strikewill triggerTear of the Goddess'Mana Charge.", 'Per-kill stacks increased to6.', 'Per-large-kill stacks increased to24.', 'On-kill stacks changed to 6.', 'On-large-kill stacks changed to 24.', 'New Effect:Gains 50 stacks per round.']} | Name: Wither, Description: Active: Nasus ages the target enemy champion for 5 seconds, slowing them by 35% and crippling them by 「 75% of that amount, 」 「 26. 25 %, 」 both increasing every second over the duration. Maximum Slow: 47 / 59 / 71 / 83 / 95% Additional Slow Per Second: 3 / 6 / 9 / 12 / 15% Maximum Cripple: 35. 25 / 44. 25 / 53. 25 / 62. 25 / 71. 25 % Additional Cripple Per Second: 2. 25 / 4. 5 / 6. 75 / 9 / 11. 25 % Link ▶️ "Become dust.", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "IfWither'sduration is affected byTenacitythe effects will apply slower (negative tenacity percentage) or faster (positive tenacity percentage) so the maximum values are still reached when the modified duration ends.", "Wither'scripple effectiveness calculates from its slow's base values, thusslow resistwill not interact with the attack speed modifier indirectly.", 'BothslowandcripplefromWitherare considered to be a singledebuff.(bug)Therefore,slow immunitywill prevent both, even without technicalcripple immunity.', 'Therefore,slow immunitywill prevent both, even without technicalcripple immunity.', 'If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the cast time, this ability will cancel but does not go oncooldownnor pay its cost (if applicable).']} | Name: Spirit Fire, Description: Active: Nasus unleashes a spirit fire at the target location, granting sight of the area for 2. 5 seconds and, after a 0. 264 seconds delay, dealing magic damage to enemies within. Magic Damage: 55 / 95 / 135 / 175 / 215 (+ 60% AP) The fire then remains for 5 seconds, dealing magic damage each second to enemies within and inflicting them with armor reduction , lingering for 1 second. Magic Damage Per Tick: 11 / 19 / 27 / 35 / 43 (+ 12% AP) Total Magic Damage: 110 / 190 / 270 / 350 / 430 (+ 120% AP) Armor Reduction: 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45% of target's armor, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'The sight is granted when the cast time completes, the damage happens after an additional delay.']} | Name: Fury of the Sands, Description: Active: Nasus empowers himself for 15 seconds, gaining bonus health , bonus armor , bonus magic resistance , increased size , and 50 bonus attack range for the duration. Bonus Health: 300 / 450 / 600 Bonus Resistances: 40 / 55 / 70 Increased Size: 30 / 35 / 40% While Nasus is empowered, he deals magic damage every 0. 5 seconds to nearby enemies, capped at 240 per second, and Siphoning Strike's cooldown is halved. Magic Damage Per Tick: 1. 5 / 2 / 2. 5 % (+ 0. 5 % per 100 AP) of target's maximum health Total Magic Damage: 45 / 60 / 75% (+ 15% per 100 AP) of target's maximum health, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Fury of the Sands'bonus health is not affected byGrievous WoundsandNasusretains it once the duration ends."]} | Nasusliterally means "nose" in Latin - referencing hisgolden wolfhead's long nose.During development he was simply calledAnubis Heador 'Ammon' "hidden, unseen".[2]
He was voiced by Gene McDaniels.
In the now-removed official League of Legendsforums, theoriginal iconofFury of the Sandswas used to represent the "Player Concepts" and "Champion Feedback" sections. |
Nautilus,the Titan of the Depths | | | health: Health646+100, resource: Mana400+47, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)8.5+0.55, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)8.65+0.5, armor: Armor39+4.95, attack damage: Attack damage61+3.3, attack speed: Base AS0.706, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius80, selection radius: Selection radius125, release: 2012-02-14, changed: V13.17, role: Vanguard, position: Support, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 4800|880 | Missing section(s):
NautilusMainCurrentTitlesAlias(es)The Titan of the DepthsCharacteristicsSpeciesRevenantHumanPronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:Around 787 ANWeapon(s)AnchorCursed Diving GearPersonal statusStatusUndeadPlace of originBilgewater,Serpent IslesCurrent residenceGuardian's Sea(No Fixed Abode)Professional statusOccupation(s)GuardianSpiritDiverRegion(s)BilgewaterRelated character(s)FizzIllaoiNamiTahm Kench
• Main
• Current
• Revenant
• Human
• Born:Around 787 AN
• Anchor
• Cursed Diving Gear
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
• Guardian
• Spirit
• Diver
Related character(s)
A lonely legend as old as the first piers sunk inBilgewater, the armored goliath known asNautilusroams the dark waters off the coast of theBlue Flame Isles. Driven by a forgotten betrayal, he strikes without warning, swinging his enormous anchor to save the wretched, and drag the greedy to their doom. It is said he comes for those who forget to pay the "Bilgewater tithe", pulling them down beneath the waves with him—an iron-clad reminder that none can escape the depths.
• 1Background
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Bilgewater5.2Fizz
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 5.1Bilgewater
• 5.2Fizz
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
While theGangplank-Miss Fortunecombined armada foughtthe Black MistonBilgewater'sshores (eventually succeeding but at great cost) Nautilus managed to stall and/or defeat the rest of the undead threat a few miles from the port city itself.
Nautilus hatesFizzand would like to see him dead.
Read More
The Titan of the Depths
ByAriel Lawrence
Starring Champion
Short Story
Dead in the Water
ByGraham McNeill
Red tide out, red tide in.
Starring:Miss Fortune,Nautilus
Rise From the Deep
Best keep an eye out for what lurks in the depths.
The Ophidian
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
No, no, that seat's not taken. Pull up a chair, and sink a few, friend... Though that might be a poor turn o' phrase, given my history. Heh.
Mentioned Champion
Ruined King
ByAirship Syndicate
Rise Against Ruin - Unite a party of League of Legends Champions, explore Bilgewater and set sail for the Shadow Isles to uncover the secrets of the deadly Black Mist in this immersive turn-based RPG.
Starring:Ahri,Braum,Gangplank,Illaoi,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Necrit,Pyke,Rafen,Thresh,Viego,Yasuo
Mentioned:Ashe,Elise,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Gwen,Hecarim,Isolde,Ivern,Janna,Jarvan IV,Kalista,Ledros,Lucian,Nagakabouros,Nautilus,Olaf,Ornn,Rhasa,Riven,Senna,Swain,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Twisted Fate,Udyr,Volibear,Yone,Yorick,Zed
The Lucky Kraken
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Eh! Well, 'allo there, young 'uns. Shouldn't you cheeky little sprats already be a-bed? What's that? You want a suppertime story from old One-Legged Lars, eh?
Alternate Universes
A New Dawn
Day breaks over a landscape consecrated by blood and steel. A battle begins as a new dawn rises.
Make History
In this battle of regions, one will conquer all others to make history.
Starring:Alistar,Ashe,Azir,Bard,Brand,Caitlyn,Cassiopeia,Elise,Evelynn,Janna,Karma,LeBlanc,Lee Sin,Lucian,Morgana,Nautilus,Orianna,Pyke,Ryze
Return to the Stars
Starring:Aurelion Sol,Bard,Cassiopeia,Gnar,Illaoi,Kog'Maw,Nautilus,Nocturne,Teemo,Urgot,Vayne,Viktor,Ziggs
First light after the Harrowing
Though the Black Mist fades and the souls it claimed will soon forget their past, the threat of the fell tide will not be forgotten. Worse than all previous years, those who lived are left to wonder where it will return, and whether anyone will survive when it does.
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Gangplank,Hecarim,Miss Fortune,Mordekaiser,Nautilus
Punches and Plants: Series 2
Mentioned:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Amumu,Annie,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Diana,Draven,Ekko,Ezreal,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Kha'Zix,Kog'Maw,Leona,Lucian,Lux,Malphite,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nasus,Nautilus,Nidalee,Olaf,Orianna,Poppy,Quinn,Rakan,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Shaco,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Valor,Vel'Koz,Viktor,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Xin Zhao,Yasuo,Ziggs
• Nautilus' backstory might be referencingThe Pirates of Dark Water.
• Despite similarities to Nautilus's lore, Riot decided to keepPyke'slore the same because they felt there was enough room for two deep sea revenants that desired revenge.[1]
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Staggering Blow, Description: Innate: Nautilus' basic attacks are empowered to deal 14 − 116 (based on level) bonus physical damage and root the target for 0. 75 − 1. 5 (based on level) seconds. This effect cannot occur on the same target more than once every few seconds., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'parries': 'Missing', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Spell shieldwill block therootbut not the bonus damage.', "Staggering Blow'senhanced attack can beblocked(the on-target cooldown will still be applied).", 'The empowered attack will not trigger againststructures.', "PENDING FOR TEST::Staggering Blow'sinteractions withdodgingandblindingeffects.", 'On-target cooldown changed to 5 seconds.']} | Name: Dredge Line, Description: Active: Nautilus hurls his anchor in the target direction that stops on the first enemy or terrain hit. If the anchor hits an enemy, it deals magic damage and reveals them, dragging them toward Nautilus while he also dashes toward them within 0. 9 seconds. Afterwards, the target is rooted for 0. 1 seconds. Magic Damage: 70 / 115 / 160 / 205 / 250 (+ 90% AP) If the anchor hits terrain, Nautilus dashes to that location and 50% of Dredge Line's cooldown and mana cost are refunded. Nautilus is unable to move or attack while Dredge Line is in flight. He can cast Titan's Wrath and Riptide during the dash., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Dredge Linecan interact withplayer-generated terrain.', "Nautiluswilldashall the way to the target's location ifDredge Lineexecuted them or they negated thedisplacement.", 'Dredge Linewill not interrupt any movement commandsNautiluswas issued pre-cast so long as their directions somewhat correlate (this is intentional to smooth out traveling/escaping).', 'Spell shieldwill block the ability butNautiluswill still dash partway to the target.', 'The anchor projectile will stop ifNautilusdies while the projectile is traveling. Enemies hit will still be dealt damage. Thedragandrootare not applied ifNautilusdid not initiate the dash.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.', 'Death, unless protected byResurrection']} | Name: Titan's Wrath, Description: Active: Nautilus grants himself a shield for 6 seconds, and while it holds, his basic attacks are empowered to apply Pain of Wrath to the target and surrounding enemies. Shield Strength: 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 (+ 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12% maximum health) Pain of Wrath: The target takes magic damage over time, half dealt immediately and the other half dealt after 1. 25 seconds. Magic Damage: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 (+ 40% AP) Titan's Wrath resets Nautilus' basic attack timer., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'parries': 'Missing', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Nautilus'empowered attacks use different attack animations.The damage over time will always apply when this animation plays (even if the shield fades during a basic attack).", 'The damage over time will always apply when this animation plays (even if the shield fades during a basic attack).', 'ThePain of Wrathdamage over time debuff replaces itself when reapplied to the target, restarting its tick timer. This will prevent the second instance of damage from the previous debuff.', 'The attacks do not deal thebonusdamage againststructures.', 'PENDING FOR TEST:: Interaction withdodge,blockandblind.', 'Spell shieldwill block the ability (but only a single application).', 'Base damage changed to 40 / 55 / 70 / 85 / 100.', 'Damage AP ratio changed to55% AP.', 'Base shield changed to 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 110.', 'Shield health ratio changed to9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13% ofmaximumhealth.']} | Name: Riptide, Description: Active: Nautilus sends three waves of explosions that radiate from him over 0. 561 seconds . Each wave deals magic damage to enemies hit, reduced to 50% against those hit by subsequent waves beyond the first, and slows them by an amount that decays over 1. 5 seconds. Magic Damage: 55 / 90 / 125 / 160 / 195 (+ 50% AP) Reduced Damage: 27. 5 / 45 / 62. 5 / 80 / 97. 5 (+ 25% AP) Maximum Total Damage: 110 / 180 / 250 / 320 / 390 (+ 100% AP) Slow: 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50% Riptide deals 150% damage against monsters . Monster Damage: 82. 5 / 135 / 187. 5 / 240 / 292. 5 (+ 75% AP) Reduced Monster Damage: 41. 25 / 67. 5 / 93. 75 / 120 / 146. 25 (+ 37. 5 % AP) Maximum Total Monster Damage: 165 / 270 / 375 / 480 / 585 (+ 150% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'The first wave is centered aroundNautilus, while the second and third wave are centered at an offset of 25 units in front ofNautilusat the original cast location.Because of this, there are a zone each in which you can be hit by only 1 wave, or all 3 waves, respectively, without moving.', 'Because of this, there are a zone each in which you can be hit by only 1 wave, or all 3 waves, respectively, without moving.', 'The first wave happens at 0 seconds after the cast time ends, the second wave at 0.297seconds and the third wave at 0.561seconds.The intended timing may be 0.25seconds for each delay, however these are the measured, effective times.', 'The intended timing may be 0.25seconds for each delay, however these are the measured, effective times.', "Theexplosionsare only a visual effect. The first wave has 8, the seconds has 9, and the third wave has 10 explosions, equally distributed around the rings, starting with one explosion directly inNautilus'facing direction on each."]} | Name: Depth Charge, Description: Active: Nautilus sends out a Depth Charge that chases the target enemy champion , accelerating over time and creating eruptions every 0. 264 seconds in its wake that also briefly grant sight of the area. Enemies hit by the eruptions are dealt magic damage , knocked up for 1 second, and stunned for a duration. Magic Damage: 125 / 175 / 225 (+ 40% AP) Stun Duration: 1 / 1. 5 / 2 Upon reaching the primary target or when it moves too far away, the Depth Charge erupts a final time. The primary target takes increased damage, is stunned for the same duration, and knocked up for a modified duration. Increased Damage: 150 / 275 / 400 (+ 80% AP) Knock Up Duration: 1 / 1. 5 / 2, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Enemies a certain distance away from the charge / eruption are insteadknocked back.', 'Depth Chargeends prematurely when the target is more than 3000 units away from it.', 'Depth Chargewill not stop chasing if the target dies or becomes untargetable.', "Dredge Linewill not overrideDepth Charge'sknock up.", 'Nautiluswillrevealhimself during the cast time.', 'Displacement immunitywill not resist the application of thestun.', 'If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the cast time, this ability will cancel but does not go oncooldownnor pay its cost (if applicable).']} | Nautilus' dance references the'Peeparoonie'.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.
A tab for'Urgot Mech'can be seen in Nautilus' 'Art Spotlight'.
Nautilus has the longestbasic attackanimation in-game (which results in enemies being rooted byStaggering Blowwhen they visibly got out ofrange).
Nautilus was released without the 'Tank' tag, though he actually is one. It was added shortly after.
Nautilus does theCaptain Morganpose when standing idle for a long while.
Nautiluscomes from Greek word for sailor, ναυτίλος.Out of universe, Nautilus is also the name ofa mollusc taxonomic family, the submarine fromTwenty Thousand Leagues Under the SeabyJules Verne, and subsequently the firstnuclear-powered submarine
Nautilus andZiggswere first conceived as 'Ivanthe Mad Bomber'.
During Nautilus' joke, when he is swimming in the air, he is humming a tune.This is the same tune that Squidward hums to himself in the shower during the Spongebob Movie.
Nautilus is voiced byRichard NewmaninLegends of Runeterra.[2] |
Neeko,the Curious Chameleon | | | health: Health610+104, resource: Mana450+30, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)7.5+0.75, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)7+0.7, armor: Armor21+5.2, attack damage: Attack damage48+2.5, attack speed: Base AS0.625, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius90, release: 2018-12-05, changed: V13.22, role: BurstCatcher, position: MiddleSupport, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 4800|880 | Games
NeekoTitlesNickname(s)Lizard girlAlias(es)The Curious ChameleonCharacteristicsSpeciesOovi-KatPronoun(s)She/Her(Female Glamour; Base)He/Him(Male Glamour)They/Them(Other Glamour)TimelineBorn:Earlier than 816 ANWeapon(s)Sho'maSpirit MagicPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originOovi-Kat IslandCurrent residenceKalduga,Shuriman JungleProfessional statusOccupation(s)WandererShapeshifterRegion(s)IxtalFaction(s)VastayaRelated character(s)NidaleeRengarEzrealMilio
• Lizard girl
He/Him(Male Glamour)They/Them(Other Glamour)
• Born:Earlier than 816 AN
Spirit Magic
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
• Wanderer
• Shapeshifter
Related character(s)
Hailing from a long lost tribe ofvastaya,Neekocan blend into any crowd by borrowing the appearances of others, even absorbing something of their emotional state to tell friend from foe in an instant. No one is ever sure where—or who—Neeko might be, but those who intend to do her harm will soon witness her true colors revealed, and feel the full power of her primordial spirit magic unleashed upon them.
• 1Background1.1Early Life1.1.1Cataclysm1.1.2Arrival In Harelport1.1.3Encounter with Nidalee1.2Modern History1.3Recent Events
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Nidalee5.2Ezreal
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early Life1.1.1Cataclysm1.1.2Arrival In Harelport1.1.3Encounter with Nidalee
• 1.2Modern History
• 1.3Recent Events
• 1.1.1Cataclysm
• 1.1.2Arrival In Harelport
• 1.1.3Encounter with Nidalee
• 5.1Nidalee
• 5.2Ezreal
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early Life[]
Neeko is avastayaborn in theOovi-Kattribe, who lived on aremote islandfar to the east ofValoran. The Oovi-Kat retained most of their ancient heritage, tracing their lineage back to thevastayashai'rei—the ancestors of all vastaya. The Oovi-Kat lived in a peaceful and harmonious paradise that blended into thespirit realm. Because of this, the Oovi-Kat had a talent in sensing theSho'ma, or 'soul' of living beings, creating a society free of secrets. Neeko grew up in this tribe with a fondness for games and trinkets, growing a sense of innocence and curiosity for all things.
When an undisclosed cataclysm devastated the Oovi-Kat, the elders of the tribe sacrificed themselves to allow some of the remaining vastaya to escape with their lives. Neeko, being among them, took the form of a bird and fled the smoldering destruction as her home faded into the border between realms.
Days later, Neeko became exhausted and clung to a plank of driftwood in the ocean. She eventually came across a mercantile vessel travelling forHarelportand crept aboard, resting where she could and calling into the spirit realm for her tribe. The only response she could get were scattered echoes and images of dead trees laying over the horizon.
Arrival In Harelport[]
When the vessel arrived in the city, Neeko emerged in an unfamiliar world bustling with unique personalities and shapes that were completely alien to her. Neeko became entranced with curiosity and wandered with awe, eventually being spotted by a vastayan sailor named Krete. He demanded to know what tribe she was a member of and, in response, Neeko reached into his Sho'ma and mimicked his appearance; an expression of friendliness and peace in Oovi-Kat culture. Krete became offended and frightened by Neeko's shapeshifting and, overwhelmed by his thoughts, Neeko fled into the crowd.
Encounter with Nidalee[]
Neeko eventually traveled out of Harelport and into the lush jungles ofIxtal. Seeking solace, she spotted a pack ofpakaafrom the trees; fierce and majestic jungle cats native to the forests. By taking their form, Neeko ran with them across the jungles. While enjoying this cougar-like form she took, the leader of this pack unexpectedly shapeshifted into a seeminglyhumanwoman namedNidalee. After a tense standoff, Nidalee reluctantly accepted Neeko into her pack.
Living within the pack, Neeko and Nidalee became inseparable as some sort of relationship blossomed between them, feeling a deep sense of kinship for Nidalee. For months, Nidalee enjoyed mentoring Neeko in the art of survival within the jungles and the two enjoyed wandering the wilds together.[1]Though Neeko began to feel intense romantic feelings for her new friend, these feelings went mostly unrequited, though still blossoming with lots of potential.
Though Nidalee despised the towns and cities of the civilized people, Neeko constantly felt an urge to curiously explore them and she longed to explore more of the world outside of the jungles. One night, Neeko's Oovi-Kat ancestors came to her in a dream, showing her the pale branches of dead trees and acting as an omen of warning to Neeko of the danger her people are in. With this, Neeko vowed to recreate the Oovi-Kat as an entirely new tribe of her own, wishing to venture out to pursue this personal journey. Though she urged Nidalee to join her, she could not be persuaded and the two parted ways to follow their own quests.
Modern History[]
Neeko continued her journey to rebuild the Oovi-Kat in her own way, welcoming all beings whether they be like-hearted vastaya,yordles, humans and other creatures. Those that join her tribe are easily befriended by Neeko, who in turn vows to defend their sho'ma with her own life.
While travelling, Neeko found herself at aNoxianOutpost atKalduga. Curious to see if the Noxians were friendly, she snuck into the outpost and took the form of Ewaii, one of the patrolling soldiers at the outpost. While disguised, Ewaii's commander Yubbers began to yell commands at Neeko under the impression that she was in fact Ewaii.
Neeko then took a mote of Yubber's sho'ma, shifting her shape into his and confusing the soldiers even more. Eventually, Neeko got caught by the actual Yubbers and disappeared into a crowd of people while changing her shape. Mayhem ensued as the guards began to accuse one another and kill each other out of fear as Neeko snuck away. The soldiers abandoned the outpost completely, each going their separate ways and uncertainty of who was secretly Neeko all along.[2]
Recent Events[]
At some point, Neeko got captured by a band ofPiltovanpoachers led by7Captain Rowain. These poachers sought to catch and eventually sell exotic creatures of the jungles in hopes of making a large profit. A scientist who had been hired by the poachers named3Anura, alongside her pet frog Froop, felt sympathy for the captured vastaya and devised a massive escape plan to free her.[3]
Successfully freed from her capture by the poachers, Neeko found herself back in the jungles and reunited with her old friend Nidalee. Neeko warned Nidalee of the poachers and the two planned to drive them out of the jungle. Under the cover of night, Nidalee and Neeko ambushed the poachers' encampment alongside the rest of the pakaa pack and some6other wildlife, driving them out of the forests.[4]
Neeko is a female vastaya that has a teen-like appearance and some characteristics of a chameleon, like scales and reptile eyes. She has very colorful hair with glands sprouting out of her head which she uses to capture others' Sho'ma. She wears tribal clothes and walks barefoot.
Neeko has a very jovial and fun-going personality. She is somewhat innocent and unaware the dangers that surround her. She does not comprehend most of human society and relationships, and some of the words, so she usually creates chaotic scenarios thanks to her naivety.
• Vastayan Physiology:Neeko is a Vastaya, an ancient race of demi-humans changed by magic of theSpirit Realm. This connection to the Spirit Realm has increased their longevity and granted them powerful magics, allowing them to live for centuries. Neeko is a member of the Oovi-Kat tribe of vastaya; reptilian vastaya that resemble chameleons.Spiritual Magic:Because the Oovi-Kat retained most of their heritage directly connected to theVastayashai'rei, Neeko has strong ties to the Spirit Realm and access to lots of magical abilities tied to it. She can utilize this is many different ways, such as firingblasts of energyat her opponent, restraining enemies withvine-like energiesor creating a burst of colorful flowers to damage and blind enemies.Shapeshifting:By reaching into a person'sSho'ma, or their 'soul' according to Oovi-Kat culture, Neeko can instantly take the appearance of any being who has a soul. When Neeko shapeshifts into someone, she can tap into their inner feelings and memories but is unable to access their abilities.Spiritual Reading:Neeko can inherently see theSho'maof living beings, or their 'soul.' Because of this, she can sense the inner feelings of beings around her and can see the true intentions and emotions of others, granting her a strong sense of empathy.Illusion Creation:Neeko can create perfect duplicates of herself that last for a short amount of time before fizzling away, allowing her to deceive and confuse opponents.
• Spiritual Magic:Because the Oovi-Kat retained most of their heritage directly connected to theVastayashai'rei, Neeko has strong ties to the Spirit Realm and access to lots of magical abilities tied to it. She can utilize this is many different ways, such as firingblasts of energyat her opponent, restraining enemies withvine-like energiesor creating a burst of colorful flowers to damage and blind enemies.Shapeshifting:By reaching into a person'sSho'ma, or their 'soul' according to Oovi-Kat culture, Neeko can instantly take the appearance of any being who has a soul. When Neeko shapeshifts into someone, she can tap into their inner feelings and memories but is unable to access their abilities.Spiritual Reading:Neeko can inherently see theSho'maof living beings, or their 'soul.' Because of this, she can sense the inner feelings of beings around her and can see the true intentions and emotions of others, granting her a strong sense of empathy.Illusion Creation:Neeko can create perfect duplicates of herself that last for a short amount of time before fizzling away, allowing her to deceive and confuse opponents.
• Shapeshifting:By reaching into a person'sSho'ma, or their 'soul' according to Oovi-Kat culture, Neeko can instantly take the appearance of any being who has a soul. When Neeko shapeshifts into someone, she can tap into their inner feelings and memories but is unable to access their abilities.
• Spiritual Reading:Neeko can inherently see theSho'maof living beings, or their 'soul.' Because of this, she can sense the inner feelings of beings around her and can see the true intentions and emotions of others, granting her a strong sense of empathy.
• Illusion Creation:Neeko can create perfect duplicates of herself that last for a short amount of time before fizzling away, allowing her to deceive and confuse opponents.
Neeko has spent some time with Nidalee and her pack. Though Nidalee wouldn't aid her in her further quests, they parted on relatively positive terms. Neeko is in love with Nidalee, and while it was unreturned at first, their relationship is beginning to blossom.[5][6]The two care for each other deeply and Neeko is perhaps the only person outside of her whom Nidalee would risk her life for.
Neekomimicked Ezreal in the jungle during his search forThe Elixir of Uloa.
Read More
The Curious Chameleon
ByMatthew Dunn
Starring Champion
Short Story
The Monster of Kalduga Outpost
ByMatthew Dunn
Neeko was familiar with the shapes of humans, and while they had their quirks—socks for instance… why?—they never struck her as particularly strange. Not until the outpost at Kalduga.
Mentioned Champion
Ezreal's Field Notes
ByMatthew Dunn
Who needs a map?
Short Story
Milio's Super-Special Adventure Reports
ByElyse Lemoine
Greetings, family! It is I, Milio, with my first official Adventure Report!
The Bestial Huntress
ByMichael Luo
Alternate Universes
Starring:Aurelion Sol,Azir,Braum,Kindred,Neeko,Ornn,Pantheon,Warwick
Music Video
Light and Shadow
By Numerous creators
A cosmic darkness threatens to overcome three former teammates who were thought to have perished.
Mentioned:Miss Fortune
The Day Before Snowdown
Gather ‘round and hear the story of how Winter Wonder Neeko, Snow Man Yi, Winter Wonder Soraka, and Ice King Mundo saved Snowdown from Ice King Twitch in the Snowdown 2018 event in League of Legends.
Starring:Akali,Dr. Mundo,Master Yi,Neeko,Soraka,Twitch
Short Story
Twin Stars
ByCat Cheresh
Akali could see the stars.
Starring:Ahri,Akali,Ezreal,Janna,Jinx,Kai'Sa,Lulu,Lux,Miss Fortune,Neeko,Poppy,Rakan,Soraka,Syndra,Xayah,Zoe
A New Horizon
A mysterious new team arrives: Star Guardian Ahri, Miss Fortune, Syndra, Soraka, and Ezreal.
Starring:Ahri,Ezreal,Miss Fortune,Soraka,Syndra
Short Story
ByAriel Lawrence
A team bonding trip will test Lux's leadership and confidence as the group welcomes new stars during the annual meteor shower.
Starring:Ahri,Ezreal,Janna,Jinx,Lulu,Lux,Miss Fortune,Poppy,Soraka,Syndra
Short Story
The Twilight Star
ByAriel Lawrence
I have too many questions I want to ask her.
Starring:Janna,Jinx,Lulu,Lux,Miss Fortune,Poppy
• Neeko is a few hundred years old, but her maturity is at the level of someone in their late teens or early twenties.[7]She may be about 180 years old.[8]
• Neeko isNOTa Vastayashai'rei.Neeko is not a pure Vastayashai’rei, but she is closer to it than most of the other vastaya. The Oovi-Kat tribe splintered off from the vastaya tribes very early and have largely lived in isolation, so their magic is more pure and ancient than other vastaya. There is very, very little human blood in Neeko’s lineage.[9]It is revealed that Neeko being a Vastayashai'rei was a mistake in the script.[10]
• The Oovi-Kat looked at the shedding tails as milestones in maturity, like birthdays. This does not occur annually, but is linked to growth in the spiritual realm.[11]Neeko is currently on her fourth tail.
• The flowers on her head are actually beautiful glands, like the pineal gland, which allow Neeko to sense and interact with people's Sho'Ma.[12]
• Her favorite food is cheese bread.[13]This is a reference topão de queijo, Brazilian cheese bread, because her voice actress is Brazilian.
• Neekois better, faster at shapeshifting than other Vastaya types thanks to her more powerful connection to magic and being attracted to an animal spirit that is good at changing. Neeko could change her appearance dramatically in 2 seconds and hold it for several days.[14][15]Neeko's size when shape shifting is only limited by the immensity of her shoma. She could become an exact replica ofGaliobut wouldn't be able to hold it for long.[16]
• Neeko has lines showing romantic interest in female champions and was confirmed by her writer, Matt "FauxSchizzle" Dunn, to be the first known lesbian champion.[17]
• She may be about 180 years old.[8]
• Neeko is not a pure Vastayashai’rei, but she is closer to it than most of the other vastaya. The Oovi-Kat tribe splintered off from the vastaya tribes very early and have largely lived in isolation, so their magic is more pure and ancient than other vastaya. There is very, very little human blood in Neeko’s lineage.[9]
• It is revealed that Neeko being a Vastayashai'rei was a mistake in the script.[10]
• This is a reference topão de queijo, Brazilian cheese bread, because her voice actress is Brazilian.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Inherent Glamour, Description: Innate: Neeko has a collection of disguises to take on the appearance of allied champions. She can choose a new champion to switch her disguise or select herself to deactivate her disguise, placing Inherent Glamour on a 0. 5 -second cooldown. Standing by the nearest visible allied or neutral non-champion non-structure unit will gather its Sho'Ma over 2 seconds, adding its disguise to the collection and placing Inherent Glamour on a 1-second cooldown. Neeko can collect only one Sho'Ma , but can discard or consume it. She cannot gather Sho'Ma while disguised. She can store Sho'Ma from the following units: Non-epic monsters Minions Traps Wards Pets Jungle plants While disguised, Neeko can use basic attacks while keeping her form. Her disguise breaks if her form takes lethal damage or if she becomes immobilized , deals damage to a structure with a non-champion form, or uses a damaging ability , summoner spell , or item active , placing Inherent Glamour on full cooldown. Inherent Glamour's disguise is not deactivated from Pop Blossom until after 0. 5 seconds of its cast. Neeko cannot activate Inherent Glamour while she is unable to cast abilities., STATIC COOLDOWN: STATICCOOLDOWN:6, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', "Neekocan store up theSho'Maof multiple units at a time.", "IfNeekoattempts to activate a disguise while near and for the trap, ward, or jungle plant she storedSho'Mafor, she will leap to that unit's exact position over 1 second and then become disguised. If she does so for a monster and is near its respective jungle camp, she will leap to that monster's usual position in the camp.She will fail to activate the disguise after the leap if she is affected by the same conditions that would break a disguise.", 'She will fail to activate the disguise after the leap if she is affected by the same conditions that would break a disguise.', "Neekowill copy aesthetics as well as superficial mechanicalstatistics. She will fake a number of readings:Health bar(original's current amount becomes her apparent maximum)Secondary resource- e.g.mana,energyor none at all (original's current amount becomes her apparent maximum)StatsBuffsanddebuffswith their respective icons and VFX/SFX (there are exceptions)Neekosees the buffs that are actually applied to her, while enemies see the disguised champion's buffs.Kill feed icon", "Health bar(original's current amount becomes her apparent maximum)", "Secondary resource- e.g.mana,energyor none at all (original's current amount becomes her apparent maximum)", 'Stats', "Buffsanddebuffswith their respective icons and VFX/SFX (there are exceptions)Neekosees the buffs that are actually applied to her, while enemies see the disguised champion's buffs.", "Neekosees the buffs that are actually applied to her, while enemies see the disguised champion's buffs.", 'Kill feed icon', "A number of attributes she actually adopts are:Base movement speedThe melee or ranged classification of the championBase attack speed and attack ratioThe projectile or non-projectile quality of their attackAttack range (adopt the new formattack range)Size(including size modifiers and base champion size)Default transformation toggle (non-innate)Voice linesCharacter interactions (jokes, taunts, dances, laughs, toggle effects), as well as theirRecallanimationNeekocan copySamira'staunt animation but she will not actually throw the coin via theTauntability.", 'Base movement speed', 'The melee or ranged classification of the champion', 'Base attack speed and attack ratio', 'The projectile or non-projectile quality of their attack', 'Attack range (adopt the new formattack range)', 'Size(including size modifiers and base champion size)', 'Default transformation toggle (non-innate)', 'Voice lines', "Character interactions (jokes, taunts, dances, laughs, toggle effects), as well as theirRecallanimationNeekocan copySamira'staunt animation but she will not actually throw the coin via theTauntability.", "Neekocan copySamira'staunt animation but she will not actually throw the coin via theTauntability.", "Inherent Glamour'sdisguise is broken by the following spell casts:CastingBlooming BurstorTangle-Barbs.Pop Blossom'scast will not break the disguise, but does so after its windup completes.UsingExhaust,Ignite, orSmite.ActivatingEverfrost,Galeforce,Hextech Rocketbelt,Ironspike Whip(Goredrinker/Stridebreaker),RedemptionorMinion Dematerializer.", "CastingBlooming BurstorTangle-Barbs.Pop Blossom'scast will not break the disguise, but does so after its windup completes.", "Pop Blossom'scast will not break the disguise, but does so after its windup completes.", 'UsingExhaust,Ignite, orSmite.', 'ActivatingEverfrost,Galeforce,Hextech Rocketbelt,Ironspike Whip(Goredrinker/Stridebreaker),RedemptionorMinion Dematerializer.', "The scoreboard's question mark ofNeeko(which indicates an enemy is not currently visible to your team) will disappear, if thedisguisedNeekois visible. Therefore, it can be used to determine, whether a unit isNeekoor not."]} | Name: Blooming Burst, Description: Active: Neeko tosses a seed that blooms at the target location, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies. Magic Damage: 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260 (+ 50% AP) If the bloom kills an enemy or hits a champion or large monster , it will bloom again after 0. 75 seconds to deal magic damage . This may occur up to 2 times per cast. Magic Damage: 35 / 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 (+ 25% AP) Total Maximum Magic Damage: 150 / 245 / 340 / 435 / 530 (+ 100% AP) Each bloom deals bonus magic damage against monsters . Bonus Monster Damage: 35 / 50 / 65 / 80 / 95 Blooming Burst will cast at max range if cast beyond that., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'Spell shieldblocks an instance of damage but does not prevent subsequentBlooms.']} | Name: Shapesplitter, Description: Passive: Neeko's basic attacks on-hit generate a stack of Shapesplitter , which refreshes on subsequent attacks and stacks up to 2 times. At 2 stacks, her next basic attack on-attack consumes them all to become non-projectile , deal bonus magic damage and grant her bonus movement speed for 1 second. This attack deals 75 bonus magic damage against monsters . Bonus Magic Damage: 40 / 75 / 110 / 145 / 180 (+ 60% AP) Bonus Movement Speed: 10 / 17. 5 / 25 / 32. 5 / 40% Active: Neeko creates a clone of her current form , after which they both instantly become invisible for 0. 5 seconds and gain bonus movement speed for 3 seconds. Shapesplitter can be recast at any time while the clone is active. Bonus Movement Speed: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40% The clone lasts for 3 seconds, starts running a fixed distance in the target direction, and is untargetable to allies and for the first 0. 5 seconds of its lifespan to enemies. Additionally, the clone plays the animations for Blooming Burst and Tangle-Barbs whenever Neeko casts them. She can also command the clone once to play the animation of her next emote or Recall for a set duration that overrides its original duration. Recast: Neeko sends her clone to the target location if it is not playing an emote or Recall animation. Link ▶️ (Clone is destroyed) "Hahaa! You fell for it!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'WhenNeekoforces her clone to play an emote orRecallanimation, she modifies its duration based on the animation played.Joke - 8 seconds.Dance - 8 seconds.Taunt - 4.25seconds.Laugh - 3 seconds.Recall- 8 seconds.Empowered Recall- 4 seconds.', 'Joke - 8 seconds.', 'Dance - 8 seconds.', 'Taunt - 4.25seconds.', 'Laugh - 3 seconds.', 'Recall- 8 seconds.', 'Empowered Recall- 4 seconds.', 'BothNeekoand the clone use the same running animation.', 'The clone can still be targeted by alliedauto-targetedeffects (e.g.Heal,Celestial Blessing).', 'The empowered attack will not trigger againstwardsandjungle plants.']} | Name: Tangle-Barbs, Description: Active: Neeko slings a magical spiral in the target direction that deals magic damage to enemies hit and roots them for a duration. Magic Damage: 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 / 210 (+ 65% AP) Root Duration: 0. 7 / 0. 9 / 1. 1 / 1. 3 / 1. 5 If the spiral hits at least one enemy, it grows in size and its speed and root duration is increased. Empowered Root Duration: 1. 8 / 2. 1 / 2. 4 / 2. 7 / 3, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.']} | Name: Pop Blossom, Description: Active: Neeko winds up spiritual essence over 1. 25 seconds and highlights an area around herself, which is visible to enemies unless she is disguised . If Neeko is in a disguise , it will break after 0. 5 seconds into the duration. After winding up, the cast time begins and Neeko leaps upward, knocking up nearby enemies for 0. 6 seconds. When the cast time ends, she lands to emit a burst of energy that deals magic damage to nearby enemies and stuns them for 0. 75 seconds. Magic Damage: 150 / 350 / 550 (+ 120% AP) Link ▶️ "Get ready!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', "The wind up uses a special bar similar to cast bars to represent whenPop Blossom'scast time will start.The wind up has no special interactions.", 'The wind up has no special interactions.', 'The highlighted area is fixed aroundNeeko.', "Shapesplitterclones disappear whenPop Blossom'scast time starts.", 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'On-cast effects are applied on activation.', 'Pop Blossomcan start its cast time duringstasis.', 'Death, unless protected byResurrection']} | In Neeko's trailer, the frog jumping off a cliff referencesGeorge the Suicidal Frog.
She was the last champion released in 2018.
The icon forShapesplitterwas reused for theTeamfight TacticsitemNeeko's Help, which references her.
Neeko waves at jungle camps when she walks near them.
Neekowas the first stated LGBTQIA+ representative in League of Legends, withDianalater retroactively confirmed. |
Nidalee,the Bestial Huntress | | | health: Health610+109, resource: Mana295+45, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)6+0.6, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)6+0.8, armor: Armor32+5, attack damage: Attack damage58+3.5, attack speed: Base AS0.638, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius110, release: 2009-12-17, changed: V13.16, role: Specialist, position: JungleSupport, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 3150|790 | Games
NidaleeMainCurrentCasualCougar 1Cougar 2TitlesNickname(s)Beast womanAlias(es)The Bestial HuntressQueen of the JungleKashdaji QueenCharacteristicsSpeciesHuman(Magical;VastayanAncestery)Pronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:966 AN - 971 ANWeapon(s)Javelin SpearHoneyfruit Healing SalvesPakaa ClawsPakaa TeethPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originUnknownCurrent residenceShuriman JungleFamilyUnnamed Pakaa†(Adopted Mother)Pack of Pakaa(Adopted Family)3Unnamed Kupakaa(Adopted Siblings)Professional statusOccupation(s)HuntressPackmotherRegion(s)IxtalFaction(s)Pakaa TribeRelated character(s)MilioNeekoRengarUdyr
• Main
• Current
• Casual
• Cougar 1
• Cougar 2
• Beast woman
• The Bestial Huntress
• Queen of the Jungle
• Kashdaji Queen
• Born:966 AN - 971 AN
• Javelin Spear
• Honeyfruit Healing Salves
• Pakaa Claws
• Pakaa Teeth
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Unnamed Pakaa†(Adopted Mother)
• Pack of Pakaa(Adopted Family)
• 3Unnamed Kupakaa(Adopted Siblings)
Professional status
• Huntress
• Packmother
Related character(s)
Raised in the deepest jungle,Nidaleeis a master tracker who can shapeshift into a ferocious pakaa at will. Neither wholly woman nor beast, she viciously defends her territory from any and all trespassers, with carefully placed traps and deft spear throws. She cripples her quarry before pouncing on them in feline form—the lucky few who survive tell tales of a wild woman with razor-sharp instincts, and even sharper claws...
• 1Background1.1Early Life1.1.1The Pakaa1.2Modern History1.2.1Meeting Neeko1.2.2The Kashdaji Queen1.2.3The Gentle Flame1.3Recent Events1.3.1Piltovan Poachers
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Pakaa5.2Vastaya5.2.1Kiilash5.2.2Neeko5.2.3Kuulcan5.3Humans5.3.1Piltovans5.3.2Captain Rowain5.3.3Percy5.3.4Milio
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early Life1.1.1The Pakaa
• 1.2Modern History1.2.1Meeting Neeko1.2.2The Kashdaji Queen1.2.3The Gentle Flame
• 1.3Recent Events1.3.1Piltovan Poachers
• 1.1.1The Pakaa
• 1.2.1Meeting Neeko
• 1.2.2The Kashdaji Queen
• 1.2.3The Gentle Flame
• 1.3.1Piltovan Poachers
• 5.1Pakaa
• 5.2Vastaya5.2.1Kiilash5.2.2Neeko5.2.3Kuulcan
• 5.3Humans5.3.1Piltovans5.3.2Captain Rowain5.3.3Percy5.3.4Milio
• 5.2.1Kiilash
• 5.2.2Neeko
• 5.2.3Kuulcan
• 5.3.1Piltovans
• 5.3.2Captain Rowain
• 5.3.3Percy
• 5.3.4Milio
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early Life[]
As a cub, Nidalee was left abandoned in the heart of the eastern jungles that border bothIxtalandShurima. Though her true origins and how she got to the jungle remains unknown, she was eventually found by the mystical pakaa; cougar-like wildcats native to the jungles. The mother of this pack, roaming with her cubs, sensed a mysterious yet familiar scent on Nidalee and accepted her without hesitation, bringing her back to her den.
The Pakaa[]
Raised in the pakaa pack and treated as one of their own, Nidalee learned to hunt with her teeth and claws, becoming a capable huntress an honorary member of the pack. As she grew up, Nidalee would randomly enter strange moments of temporary half-transformation as her form shifted into a vaguelyhumanlikeappearance. One night, Nidalee underwent a transformation that caused her to get a fever. Wandering out of the den and delirious, she followed hazy visions of two mysterious figures whispering comforting words to her before fading away. Though she learned from her pakaa siblings to beware outsiders, she felt a sense of comfort from these mysterious figures despite their outsider appearances.
At the height of the summer rains, a group ofvastayan Kiilashhunters stalked the jungle in search of prestigious beasts to slay and trophies to collect. Angered by the invasive outsiders on their territory, Nidalee's packmother attempted to chase them away but became wounded by the hunters' blades and spears. Before they could deal the killing blow, Nidalee lunged from the undergrowth and pounced on the Kiilash, howling with rage as she tore into them with her claws. Suddenly, she felt the spirit of another heritage rise within her, completely transforming her pakaa body into that of a humanoid figure. Cornered by the hunters and stuck in a strange new body, Nidalee quickly grasped one of the hunters'javelin spearsand used the weapon agaisnt them. Angered by her interruption of their hunt, the Kiilash spat out curses in their vastayan language, which Nidalee found she could inexplicably understand partialy.
After the Kiilash fled, Nidalee held her dying adoptive mother in her arms and grieved. Her fellow pakaa siblings surrounded her, wary of her new form but calmed by the comforting scent Nidalee carried. With their packmother now dead, the pakaa willingly accepted the mysterious shapeshifting Nidalee as their new leader.
Modern History[]
As packmother, Nidalee vowed to protect the jungles from hunters that threatened her pack and her home. Overtime, she learned to better control her mysterious shapeshifting powers, learning to shift between both forms instantaneously. Nidalee also began to grow more adept with her strange humanoid form, learning how to take advantage of the environment to craft new tools,trapsand evenhealing salvescompletely unknown to the pakaa. Though she still considers the pakaa as her family, she secretly yearned to discover her true origins and learn more about her shapeshifting abilities, hoping to one day find another being similar to her.
Meeting Neeko[]
When theOovi-KatNeekoinfiltrated Nidalee's pack by curiously taking the shape of a fellow pakaa and leaping across the jungle with them, Nidalee noticed the strange impostor and shifted into her humanoid form. After a tense standoff between the two, Nidalee introduced herself and reluctantly accepted Neeko into her pack.
Neeko lived with Nidalee's pack for months, allowing the two to develop a strong and loving relationship with one another. The two felt a kinship unlike anything before, as Neeko felt a strong connection to Nidalee's vastayan heritage. Nidalee often mentored her new companion on the ways of surviving the jungle, while Neeko shared stories and culture of her Oovi-Kat tribe. The two were inseparable, often exploring the jungle together and enjoying its many wonders. At some point Neeko began to feel strong, romantic feelings for Nidalee, which went mostly unrequited for a time. However, Nidalee still shared a deep love for Neeko that she herself cannot fully understand, possibly blossoming into something more for their relationship.
Eventually, Neeko began to get mysterious visions of her ancestors and sought to follow them. Feeling drawn to the cities and towns of the outsiders that Nidalee despised, she sought to form a new tribe of her own and urged Nidalee to join her. Unfortunately, Nidalee could not be persuaded and the two departed as Neeko sought her own destiny beyond the jungles while Nidalee continued her duty of protecting the untouched wilderness of her home.[1]
The Kashdaji Queen[]
Continuing her protection of the jungles, Nidalee became infamous within the villages and communities of civilized outsiders that she despised. Because of her reputation for leaving very few alive whenever they trespass in her territory, stories about Nidalee began to circulate, describing her as a frightening, shapeshifting beast woman known as theKashdaji Queen.
While patrolling the jungles one day, Nidalee found a reptilian vastaya caught in a trap laid by a hunter named Percy. Distracting Percy with her human-like appearance, she shifted into a pakaa cougar and pounced on him, threatening Percy to leave the jungles or die. Percy, now injured with a wound from Nidalee's spear, quickly fled the scene alive, frightened by the beast woman he encountered.
Nidalee tending toKuulcan'swounds after freeing him from a hunter's trap.
Nidalee proceeded to free the vastaya from the trap and heal his injuries, bandaging his tail and shoulder. The vastayan, introducing himself asKuulcan, began to question Nidalee's heritage despite her insistence of being a fellow vastaya. Kuulcan however was not convinced, stating that he has never met a vastaya that resembled her before, which Nidalee brushed off and ignored before inviting Kuulcan to accompany her and her pack for a hunt.
That night, Nidalee and her pack followed Percy to his camp, where he told stories of his encounter to the rest of his colleagues. His fellow hunters however did not believe Percy's accounts of this 'beast woman' and instead pranced around singing lude songs about her. Out of the darkness, Nidalee and her pack quickly killed the rest of the hunters because of their unwillingness to leave her territory before Nidalee herself confronted Percy in pakaa form, stating again that she already warned him to leave before viciously killing him.[2]
The Gentle Flame[]
A drawing made byMilioas part of his letter back, writing back to his family about how he met Nidalee and joined her pack for a time.
Nidalee made another friend with an outsider when she found one of the pakaa cubs taking a nap with a young Ixtali boy under a sunspot. Though initially distrustful of the boy for being a human outsider, she quickly warmed up to him when its revealed that he actually healed the cub with his magic. Learning the boy's name asMilio, she allowed him to travel with the pack on his journey toIxaocan, quickly befriending him and considering him another honorary cub of the pack. Nidalee accompanied Milio until he reached a nearby village, where he departed from the rest of the pakaa and continued on his journey.[3]
Recent Events[]
Piltovan Poachers[]
• Nidalee reuniting withNeeko, who is warning her of thePiltovanpoachers.
• Nidalee in her pakaa form confronting one of the poachers after ambushing them at their camp.
After Neeko got captured by a band ofPiltovanpoachers led byCaptain Rowain, she was quickly freed by the scientistAnuraand found herself reunited with Nidalee and the rest of her pack.[4]Having already encountered the poachers, Neeko warned Nidalee about them, stating that they were scouring the land for rare beasts to capture and hunt.
Wishing to protect her home and the wildlife, Nidalee gathered Neeko and the rest of the pack to plan an ambush on the the poachers' camp. When it turned night, Nidalee and her pack ambushed the camp, killing most of the poachers and freeing the captured wildlife to help them in the battle, such as the mighty towering6pairofants.[5]
Nidalee is a dark-skinned woman with black hair, emerald green eyes, white tribal markings on her body and a green gem on her forehead. She often wears a pair of earrings fashioned from sharp animal teeth, a necklace adorned with teeth and usually wields a spear with markings on its tip adorned with four animal teeth and a rope on the back. Her usual appearance depicts her with her hair tied into a ponytail, a belt fashioned from animal teeth tied together, revealing clothing made from animal hide and thick fur boots.
In hercougar form, Nidalee retains the green eyes, markings and forehead gem shared with her human form, but instead wears a leather collar adored with animal teeth on her neck.
Nidalee is a fearsome huntress who embraces the nature of the wild and takes enjoyment from hunting prey. She is protective towards her pakaa and the jungle they live in, being distrustful towards outsiders who trespass into her tribe's homeland. She usually tries to intimidate them and chase them away, but won't hesitate to kill should they ignore her warnings.
• Vastayan Heritage:Though Nidalee's true species and nature is unknown even to her, she is aware that she has some form of vastayan heritage. Because of this, she is granted animalistic features akin to the pakaa cats she grew up with and some shapeshifting abilities. Along with that, her heritage allowed her to inexplicably know the language of the vastaya after her first encounter with a group ofKiilashhunters.Shapeshifting:Because of her vastayan heritage, Nidalee has the ability to shapeshift and alter her form completely. She can utilize this to shift minor changes in her appearance, such as pieces of fur clothing and animal features like cat ears, but she most notably uses this ability to shift between the body of a humanoid woman and a mighty pakaa. She can shift between her two forms with ease, mastering how to utilize her transformations and the skills that come with each form.
• Pakaa Cougar Physiology:Nidalee can take the form of a pakaa, a jungle cat cougar native toIxtal. As a pakaa, Nidalee gains intense agility and the ability to quicklyleap great distancesthanks to her new jungle cat physiology as well as feroicious teeth andclawsto strike with.
• Javelin Proficiency:In her humanoid form, Nidalee uses a javelin spear as her primary weapon. She can easily toss the large spear with precision at her opponents with intense strength and from long distances.
• Survival Mastery:Having lived her whole life in the jungles, Nidalee has learned a multitude of unique survival skills thanks to her humanoid form. Nidalee has learned how to buildtrapsand weapons out of natural materials, crafthealing salvesout ofhoneyfruitand how to generally utilize the land's seeds and flowers to protect and illuminate her territory.
• Shapeshifting:Because of her vastayan heritage, Nidalee has the ability to shapeshift and alter her form completely. She can utilize this to shift minor changes in her appearance, such as pieces of fur clothing and animal features like cat ears, but she most notably uses this ability to shift between the body of a humanoid woman and a mighty pakaa. She can shift between her two forms with ease, mastering how to utilize her transformations and the skills that come with each form.
Nidalee was adopted by a pakaa packmother when she was abandoned as an infant in the jungles. Though her origins are an enigma, she was accepted by the pack as one of their own and she grew up deeply loving the other pakaa as her siblings, orkupakaa. After her mother was killed by a party of Kiilash hunters, Nidalee became the pakaa's new packmother, having vowed to protect her family and her home from outside invaders.
Though Nidalee is unsure of what her true nature is, she knows that she has some connection to the vastaya, identifying as such whenever people ask what she is. When she first underwent a complete transformation, Nidalee inexplicably understood the natural vastayan language and retains her shapeshifting abilities from this heritage.
A hunting party of Kiilash were responsible for the death of Nidalee's packmother, ultimately causing her first full transformation and allowing Nidalee to take up the mantle of packmother. The Kiilash, angered for their hunt being interrupted, cursed at Nidalee in their vastayan language before running away.
Since then, Nidalee has developed a disdain towards the Kiilash, such asRengar, seeking vengeance for the death of her adoptive mother.
When Neeko temporarily joined Nidalee's pack, the two became inseparable and formed an intensely loving friendship with one another. Nidalee gladly taught Neeko many survival skills and the two reveled in the many wondrous sights of the wilderness. When Neeko sought to fulfill her own journey, she urged Nidalee to follow but was unable to persuade her, causing them to depart as Neeko traveled outside of the jungles. When Neeko became freed from being captured by a band of Piltovan poachers, she reunited with Nidalee and the two ambushed the poachers under the cover of night.
Neeko shared, and possibly still shares, immense romantic feelings towards Nidalee, but these feelings went largely unrequited for a while as Nidalee remains unsure of what her feelings truly mean. Though she's not sure what her relationship with Neeko could blossom into, she's absolutely certain that she deeply cares for Neeko exclusively in a way she has never felt for anyone else. With them reunited, new feelings are beginning to arise as the two share an even deeper bond.
Nidalee met Kuulcan when he was trapped by a hunter named Percy. After freeing him and scaring the hunter into fleeing, the two conversed as Kuulcan questioned Nidalee's heritage, unconvinced that she is a simple vastaya and noting her unique nature. That same night, Nidalee invited Kuulcan to join her and her pack on a hunt, following Percy back to his camp and killing the rest of the hunters for not leaving her territory.
Nidalee dislikes almost all outsiders and 'civilized' peoples, most notably humans. Though her appearance is most similar to that of a human, she holds a disdain for them because of their constant hunting and poaching in her territory and actively denies any claims that she herself is just a human.
Because of the Piltovans' continuous hunt for resources in the jungles, they constantly expand and intrude onto Nidalee's territory, poaching the sacred wildlife for profit. Referring to them asbrass-bones, Nidalee makes an effort to chase them out of her territory, willing to even kill to do so.
Captain Rowain[]
Most recently, Nidalee has faced off against a band of poachers led by7Captain Rowain, having a vicious hatred for one another as Rowain sees Nidalee as an obstacle in his quest to monopolize the beasts of the jungle. These poachers began capturing and hunting down many creatures in Nidalee's territory, which she only learned of after3Anurafreed a captured Neeko from their captivity and allowed her to alert Nidalee of the poachers. That night, Nidalee and her pack ambushed the poachers at their camp.
Percy is the hunter that Nidalee caught trying to capture Kuulcan, tossing a javelin into his shoulder and threatening him to leave. When he returned to his camp of hunters, they mocked him for his story about a mythical 'beast-woman' in the jungles, eventually leading to them getting ambushed by the pakaa and getting killed.
Nidalee first found Milio resting under a sunspot with one of the pakaa cubs. Though she was initially distrustful of the young human outsider, she instantly warmed up to him when she learned that he actually saved the cub by healing her with his magic. The boy accompanied Nidalee and her pack during his journey to the city ofIxaocan, quickly befriending the pack and Nidalee. Eventually, Milio made it to his next stop at the nearest town and had to depart from the pack.
Milio was aware of Nidalee from stories calling her the fearsome 'Kashdaji Queen,' but was ultimately surprised by how loving she truly is once you get to know her. Milio states in his journals that, because of Nidalee's strong personality, she reminds him of his own grandmother in a way. To Milio, Nidalee expresses a softer personality not normally seen by others, considering him an 'honorary pakiti' and even nicknaming him 'Little Fire-Bug.'
Read More
The Bestial Huntress
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Alternate Universes
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Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
Academy Adventures: Series 1
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Akali,Amumu,Anivia,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Braum,Cho'Gath,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fiora,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Ivern,Jhin,Jinx,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nidalee,Olaf,Poppy,Rek'Sai,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Shen,Sion,Sona,Soraka,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tristana,Trundle,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Vel'Koz,Vi,Yorick,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Punches and Plants: Series 2
Mentioned:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Amumu,Annie,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Diana,Draven,Ekko,Ezreal,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Kha'Zix,Kog'Maw,Leona,Lucian,Lux,Malphite,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nasus,Nautilus,Nidalee,Olaf,Orianna,Poppy,Quinn,Rakan,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Shaco,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Valor,Vel'Koz,Viktor,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Xin Zhao,Yasuo,Ziggs
Music Video
Worlds Collide
By Numerous creators
Two teams have risen above their peers. Ten warriors have laid claim to the Summoner’s Cup. Five champions will etch their names in history.
Starring: N/A
• Nidalee's true species is unknown, but she has dilutedvastayanheritage that gives her shapeshifting abilities.[6]
• Nidalee's pack are the pakaa, a species of cougar inRuneterra, while the word 'pakiti' refers to the kittens.[7]Packmates and siblings within Nidalee's pack are referred as 'kupakaa.'[8]
• TheIxtaliand other outsiders call Nidalee's pack the 'kashdaji,' which is seen as somewhat as an insult to the pakaa. The word is akin to referring to a wildcat as a regular house cat.[9]When Nidalee became packmother, outsiders began to refer to her as the 'Kashdaji Queen.'
• Packmates and siblings within Nidalee's pack are referred as 'kupakaa.'[8]
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Prowl, Description: Innate - Prowl: While in brush , Nidalee gains 10% bonus movement speed , increased to 30% when facing a nearby visible enemy champion , and persisting for 2 seconds after leaving brush. Innate - Hunt: Hitting monsters or enemy champions with Javelin Toss , or Bushwhack while they are nearby , applies a Hunted mark and reveals them for 4 seconds. During this time, Nidalee gains 10% bonus movement speed , increased to 30% when facing a nearby Hunted target. Additionally, Nidalee's first use of Takedown and Pounce against Hunted targets are empowered. The bonus movement speed from Prowl and Hunt can stack, but cannot exceed 30% ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Bushwhackrevealsthe target for 4 seconds even whileNidaleeis not nearby.', 'Bonus movement speed changed to 20%.']} | Name: Javelin Toss, Description: Active: Nidalee hurls a javelin in the target direction that deals magic damage to the first enemy hit, increased by 0% − 200% (based on distance traveled) . Minimum Magic Damage: 70 / 90 / 110 / 130 / 150 (+ 50% AP) Maximum Magic Damage: 210 / 270 / 330 / 390 / 450 (+ 150% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.', 'The damage amplification is based on the distance fromNidalee\'slocation at theendof the cast time to the struck target\'s center at the time of collision.The damage increase is very slightly higher than the spear\'s travel distance due to edge range behaviour of collisions and the distance being measured as the radius from the picked "origin" location at the end of the cast time, rather than just along the vector of the cast.The damage increase does not have distinct thresholds based on the distance the spear travelled.Picking Nidalee\'s location at the end of the cast time as the "origin" for the damage calculation may be unintended.(bug)', 'The damage increase is very slightly higher than the spear\'s travel distance due to edge range behaviour of collisions and the distance being measured as the radius from the picked "origin" location at the end of the cast time, rather than just along the vector of the cast.', 'The damage increase does not have distinct thresholds based on the distance the spear travelled.', 'Picking Nidalee\'s location at the end of the cast time as the "origin" for the damage calculation may be unintended.(bug)', 'Javelin TossAD ratio changed to120% AD.', 'Takedownminimum AP ratio changed to80% AP.']} | Name: Bushwhack, Description: Active: Nidalee lays a trap at the target location that becomes stealthed after arming over 1. 5 seconds, lasting for up to 120 seconds and granting sight within its radius. The trap will spring upon contact with an enemy, dealing magic damage every second over 4 seconds. Magic Damage Per Tick: 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 (+ 5% AP) Total Magic Damage: 40 / 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 (+ 20% AP) Traps have 6 maximum health and can only be damaged by champion basic attacks (2 hit points from ranged and 3 hit points from melee ). Up to a maximum of 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 (based on level) traps may be active at once. See Pets for more details about traps., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'No additional notes.', 'Maximum traps changed to 100.']} | Name: Primal Surge, Description: Active: Nidalee revitalizes herself or the target allied champion, granting the target bonus attack speed for 7 seconds and healing them for an amount that is increased by 0% − 100% (based on target's missing health) . Bonus Attack Speed: 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60% Minimum Heal: 35 / 50 / 65 / 80 / 95 (+ 27. 5 % AP) Maximum Heal: 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 / 190 (+ 55% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Thebonusattack speedwill persist throughCougar FormifNidaleeusesPrimal Surgeon herself.', 'Primal Surgebase heal changed to 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180.', 'Swipebonus AD ratio changed to80%bonusAD.']} | Name: Takedown, Description: Active: Nidalee empowers her next basic attack within 10 seconds to have an uncancellable windup , gain 75 bonus range and deal modified magic damage that is increased by an amount for every 1% of the target's missing health . Takedown scales with Aspect of the Cougar's rank Minimum Magic Damage: 5 / 30 / 55 / 80 (+ 75% AD) (+ 40% AP) Maximum Magic Damage: 10 / 67. 5 / 137. 5 / 220 (+ 150 / 168. 75 / 187. 5 / 206. 25 % AD) (+ 80 / 90 / 100 / 110% AP) Increased Damage Modifier: 1 / 1. 25 / 1. 5 / 1. 75 % Maximum Increased Damage: 100 / 125 / 150 / 175% Hunt Bonus: Hitting a Hunted target increases Takedown's damage by 40%. Prowl -Enhanced Minimum Damage: 7 / 42 / 77 / 112 (+ 105% AD) (+ 56% AP) Prowl -Enhanced Maximum Damage: 14 / 94. 5 / 192. 5 / 308 (+ 210 / 236. 25 / 262. 5 / 288. 75 % AD) (+ 112 / 126 / 140 / 154% AP) Takedown resets Nidalee's basic attack timer. Other damage converted to magic damage by Takedown are not increased by Takedown's respective effects. Nidalee loses Takedown's empowered attack immediately when she switches to Human Form ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'parries': 'Missing', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Takedown'sattack dealsbasic damage, but also triggers spell effects by dealing an additional 0spell damage.", 'Increased damage toHuntedtargets is displayed as acosmetic critical strike: UnlessNidaleehas critical strike chance and the attack rolled acritical strikenaturally, it is unaffected by critical damage modifiers.', 'Basic attacksenhanced byTakedownconvertSpellbladedamage from physical to magic, if it was not already magic. Their damage is however not increased byTakedown.', "Takedown'sdamage will applylife steal.", "Structuresalways takeTakedown'sminimum damage.", 'PENDING FOR TEST:- Parry interactions (dodge,blockandblind).', 'Javelin TossAD ratio changed to120% AD.', 'Takedownminimum AP ratio changed to80% AP.']} | Nidalee was the first of eight champions to have more than 4abilities(the others beingElise,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Karma,Lee Sin, andRek'Sai).
Nidalee,Elise,Gnar,Jayce, andKayleSamiraare the only champions to be bothrangedandmelee.
Nidalee is one of a few champions to have multiple textures in per skin (one for human form and another matching one for cougar).
Nidalee was the first champion to feature a transformation ability (the others beingElise,GnarShyvana, andSwain).
Nidalee has four running animations (human run, humanbrushsprint, cougar run, cougar brush sprint).
Pouncewas the first ability to feature a static cooldown (was removed inV1.0.0.124).
Nidalee used to have ahidden passivewhere nearby allied champions gain5bonusexperienceevery 5 secondsif Nidalee ishigher-leveled.
After Fiddlestick get reworked, A maximum-rangeJavelin Tosshas the highest damage of any single-targeted basic ability in-game (Only surpassed by the pre-rework, fully chargedDrain) and higher damage than many ultimate abilities.
Nidalee was deemed overpowered/obnoxious in theUltra Rapid Firegame mode (2014 edition) and was ultimately disabled in non-custom games.
After her visual rework, her feline forms received morphological features from cougars'bigger relatives, like mane, higher shoulders than haunches, long skull & jaws, & occasionally long fangs ofsabre-toothed catsand othercat-likerelatives.
The game client's shop filters Nidalee as a Support despite her no longer having that tag as a secondary one.
Nidalee is one of the first champions to have one skin for each of the three big annual events of the year -Lunar Revel,HarrowingandSnowdown Showdown. She andKatarinareceived theirWarring Kingdomsas their last skin in 2015.The other one isJinxwith herAmbitious Elf Jinxin 2017.Annie finishes her last skin (Panda) in 2013. But herFrostfire Annieskin were not released during theSnowdown Showdownevent.
Given that she's awild child, it is unknown how Nidalee could've learnt to speak languages fluently; since in real life, feral humans who learn their first languagelate in lifenever master such linguistic aspects like phonology, morphology, and syntax. |
Nilah,the Joy Unbound | | | health: Health570+101, resource: Mana350+35, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)4+0.9, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)8.2+0.7, armor: Armor27+4.2, attack damage: Attack damage58+2, attack speed: Base AS0.697, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius75, release: 2022-07-13, changed: V13.22, role: Skirmisher, position: Bottom, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 6300|975 | Games
NilahMainTitlesReal nameAshlesh(Demon)Alias(es)NilahThe Joy UnboundLord of Joy(Ashlesh)CharacteristicsSpeciesHuman(Magically Altered)Demon(Ashlesh)Pronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:UnknownWeapon(s)UrumiDemonic PowerPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originKathkanCurrent residenceBilgewater(No Fixed Abode)Professional statusOccupation(s)BookwormAscetic WarriorHeroic FigureMonster HunterCaptain of the6TidedancerRegion(s)KathkanBilgewaterRelated character(s)FiddlesticksGravesJannaIllaoiVolibearViego
Real name
• Nilah
• The Joy Unbound
• Lord of Joy(Ashlesh)
• Born:Unknown
• Urumi
• Demonic Power
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
• Bookworm
• Ascetic Warrior
• Heroic Figure
• Monster Hunter
• Captain of the6Tidedancer
• Kathkan
• Bilgewater
Related character(s)
Nilahis an ascetic warrior from a distant land, seeking the world’s deadliest, most titanic opponents so that she might challenge and destroy them. Having won her power through an encounter with the long-imprisoned demon of joy, she has no emotions other than unceasing jubilation—a small price to pay for the vast strength she now possesses. Channeling the demon’s liquid form into a blade of unparalleled might, she stands defiant against ancient threats long forgotten.
• 1Background1.1Early Life1.1.1Reemergence from the Seventh Layer1.2Modern History1.2.1Viego's Imprisonment1.2.2Arrival in Bilgewater1.2.3Confronting Malcolm Graves1.3Recent Events1.3.1Encountering Iascylla1.3.2Battle With the Volibear
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Viego5.2Sentinels of Light5.2.1Graves5.3Fiddlesticks5.4Oyster Bill
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Changelog
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early Life1.1.1Reemergence from the Seventh Layer
• 1.2Modern History1.2.1Viego's Imprisonment1.2.2Arrival in Bilgewater1.2.3Confronting Malcolm Graves
• 1.3Recent Events1.3.1Encountering Iascylla1.3.2Battle With the Volibear
• 1.1.1Reemergence from the Seventh Layer
• 1.2.1Viego's Imprisonment
• 1.2.2Arrival in Bilgewater
• 1.2.3Confronting Malcolm Graves
• 1.3.1Encountering Iascylla
• 1.3.2Battle With the Volibear
• 5.1Viego
• 5.2Sentinels of Light5.2.1Graves
• 5.3Fiddlesticks
• 5.4Oyster Bill
• 5.2.1Graves
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early Life[]
Though her original name is unknown, the girl who would become Nilah was born to a large family inKathkan; a nation that saw relative peace and no need for warriors after the fall of their violent neighborCamavor. Growing up as a bookworm, the girl became obsessed with reading about the many stories and legends of Kathkani mythology including the fall of Camavoran kingViego, the creation of the firstdragonsand theorigin of the universe. She was particularly interested in a story calledThe Cycle of Ashlesh, which told of a primordialdemonnamedAshleshthat consumed the extreme forms of joy. According to the legends, the demon was struck down by thegodswhen it tried to consume theirrealm, being imprisoned in a lake within the seventh layer of the Kathkani underworld and guarded by a secret order of heroes.
The emblem of the Seventh Layer, where the demonAshleshis imprisoned.
The girl obsessed with finding this mythical order to stand among them as an equal and learn the truths behind the myths. By deciphering the many riddles within the stories of Ashlesh, the girl discovered that the order was hidden right underneath the heart of the Kathkani capital and set out to find them.
When the girl delved into the heart of the Kathkani capital to search for the order, she went missing and completely disappeared form all public knowledge. Evidence of the girl's existence faded away as written records with her true name evaporated and she faded away from the collective memory of Runeterra.
Reemergence from the Seventh Layer[]
After ten years, the girl resurfaced and adopted a new name;Nilah,named after the legendary river of fate in Kathkani mythology. It's unknown what exactly transpired over those ten years, but some theorize that Nilah found and trained with the mythical order of heroes while others believe she battled the demon Ashlesh for ten years in the darkness. Some even believe that the girl never even reemerged at all and that Nilah is actually a demonic pretender wearing her flesh as a disguise. Nonetheless, Nilah reemerged with an imprisoned Ashlesh granting her both new abilities and a curse of perpetual joy suppressing all other emotions.
With newfound supernatural strength and aliquid bladeformed by the power of Ashlesh, Nilah set off on a legendary quest to slay the greatest threats of myths she read about as a child. On her conquest, Nilah faced many foes such as the progenitor dragon Grandmother Viper, the demon of change Imago and the mad demigod Nabavelicus. With the powers of Ashlesh, Nilah faced greater and greater evils that could threaten the safety of her homeland in a flurry of water and color. In doing so, Nilah slowly grew as a legendary hero and monster hunter, hoping to make her name remembered by all that witness her great deeds.
Modern History[]
Viego's Imprisonment[]
After theSentinels of Lightdefeated Viego, they imprisoned him within Camavor's capital city of Alovedra and bound him in Hallowed Mist placed byGwen.[1]Nilah noticed Viego's imprisonment from Kathkan and discovered that the magic binding Viego to his prison had begun to fade. Viego'sRuination magichad adverse side effects that induces a frenzy-like state in all demons, potentially waking up Ashlesh's primordial demon siblings. Discovering this, Nilah sailed westward to find the Sentinels of Light, hoping they can help her find a way to keep Viego imprisoned.
Arrival in Bilgewater[]
The aftermath of Nilah's encounter with a rowdy band ofNoxiansat Oyster Bill's Oyster Shack.
Traveling across theGuardian's Sea, Nilah arrived inBilgewaterseemingly overnight and instantly began slaying giant sea serpents around the port city. Word quickly spread about her strange arrival and amazing feats as she became a celebrity monster hunter. Asking around Bilgewater for information about the Sentinels, she eventually rented out a room above Oyster Bill's Oyster Shack. While living at the shack, she would often get into dazzling fights with troublesome monsters or locals, such as a rowdy band ofNoxiansthat knocked over her bowl of oysters.[2]
Confronting Malcolm Graves[]
Nilah confronting the formerSentinel of Light,Malcolm Graves.
At some point, Nilah learned about the infamous thiefMalcolm Graves, who was one of the Sentinels that helped imprison Viego. Fearing the strange and foreign monster hunter and unsure what she wanted with him, Graves spent weeks avoiding Nilah but eventually faced her in Oyster Bill's Oyster Shack.
While challenging him in combat, Nilah tried interrogating him about Viego and his imprisonment. Graves insisted that Nilah was better off asking his former Sentinel leaderSennaand proceeded to fire his gunNew Destinyat her. As she narrowly avoided it by hiding in a veil of {{ai|W|Nilah|magical mist}], their fight was interrupted as a group of mercenaries entered the tavern with some2deep eaters. The mercenaries sought to collect the bounty on Nilah's head placed by their bosses, who were unhappy with the effects Nilah had on their serpent-hunting business. However, Nilah looked past the mercenaries and instead became interested in fighting the deep eaters, which she easily slew. After defeating the mercenaries and their monsters, Graves asked Nilah why she was so interested in Viego as she revealed that the magic keeping him imprisoned has begun fading. Graves explained that the Sentinels actually disbanded shortly after Viego's defeat and that he'd already pawned off his Sentinel gear. Knowing that Graves had no more information to give her, Nilah returned to her room to rest and continue her quest another day.[3][4]
Recent Events[]
Nilah departingBilgewateron her vessel the6Tidedancerto face theVolibear.
After learning of a new monstrous threat in theFreljordcalled theVolibear, Nilah saw a perfect opportunity to test her skills once more. Setting off for a distant journey to the north, Nilah gathered a crew of fellow Kathkani monster-hunters and departed Bilgewater on her vessel6the Tidedancer.[5]
Encountering Iascylla[]
While sailing towards the north, Nilah and her crew faced off against an ancient sea monster named6Lascylla, also known as theFigurehead of the Deep.As Nilah sought to face more beasts on her journey to the Volibear, she gladly fought against Iascylla alongside her crew.[6]Though Iascylla proved as a worthy foe, the Tidedancer eventually sailed close to the port city ofPiltoverand gained the attention of the spirit goddessJanna, who used her powers over the winds to dispel Iascylla, protecting Nilah and pushing her away from the shores of Piltover.[7]
Battle With the Volibear[]
After leaving Piltover, Nilah continued sailing to the Freljord and landed on the shores ofLokfar. From there, Nilah traveled further north to a treacherous mountain pass where theUrsine, Volibear's most loyal followers, resided and offered blood sacrifices.[8]Finally facing off against the Volibear himself, the two engaged in brutal combat as Nilah personally challenged him to a duel, insulting Volibear as he saw her as a 'puny girl' with feeble power. The two battled as a violent storm raged and shattered stone mountains, which Nilah used to her advantage as she leapt across floating masses of rock.[9]
As of right now it's unclear how their fight concluded.
Nilah is a tall and slender woman with dark skin and an athletic, lanky physique. Her hair is dark brown in color, very long, and braided into two pigtails that meet at the bottom of her back in the shape of a circle. Her eyes are a bright violet color that changes to a pale blue when she uses her powers. Due to her curse, she has an almost permanent smile on her face that is seen as somewhat unsettling and even intimidating.
Nilah wears a yellow tunic with dark blue, baggy purple pants and a brown glove on her right hand. She has two earrings in the shape of large blue orbs on her ears and her left earring connects to a nose ring by a silver chain. Her outfit has many intricate details made of a dark silvery metal and styled with lots of hand imagery, something that ties her back to her home culture of Kathkan. On her hip she has a metal trinket shaped like two hands holding a bright blue orb made of glass and filled with prismatic water; the prison for the demon Ashlesh.
When Nilah was a young girl she was a shy bookworm constantly daydreaming about the many stories and myths she would read. She took a particular interest in the Cycle of Ashlesh and obsessed over finding the mystical order of heroes that the story spoke of. Having immense knowledge on the many myths of Kathkani culture, she was capable of discovering Ashlesh's prison the Kathkani capital and delved into it in search of knowledge and to become a hero alongside them.
Nilah was very different after her ten year absence; now cursed by Ashlesh with a permanent feeling of intense joy and the suppression of any other emotion. Nilah is actually aware of the emotions that are being suppressed but she cannot outwardly express them, such as how she laments the sorrow of having her very existence erased from her homeland. Despite this, she is a fearless heroine always aiming to save the helpless, especially her homeland. She is incredibly confident and obsessed with slaying giant foes both to reenact the many myths she read as a child as well as to test her own strength.
Nilah speaks with a consistently upbeat tone and happily recites many mantras and prayers from Kathkani culture even in the middle of combat. She has a signature laugh that is known to echo throughout the battlefield whenever she fights a foe.
• Demonic Bonding:Nilah is in command of the many abilities ofAshlesh, one of the ten primordialdemonsand the Lord of Joy in Kathkani mythology. She utilizes many abilities granted by Ashlesh, but is cursed with an eternal feeling of joy suppressing all other emotions.Emotional Feeding:Like other Demons, Ashlesh feeds itself with emotion, specifically joy. By absorbing the joy of others, Ashlesh, and by extension Nilah, can sustain themselves for prolonged periods of time. To keep from being completely consumed by Ashlesh, Nilah must recite mantras and prayers to keep the demon's influence at bay.Water Manipulation:By drawing on the waters of Ashlesh's prison, Nilah can magically manipulate water in a variety of ways. She has shown abilities ranging from summoning currents to crash into enemies, creating aliquid bladeout of Ashlesh's magical waters or even shrouding herself in amistto make her immune to harm.Waterwalking:Nilah is capable of easily treading across bodies of water as if they were solid ground, capable of sliding, running and jumping when on water.
• Enhanced Strength and Agility:When Nilah returned from her ten year absence, she inexplicably possessed a more wiry acrobatic strength after bonding with Ashlesh. She has easily taken down many giant foes without any lethal damage thanks to her capabilities in dodging dangerous attacks with her acrobatics as well as striking enemies with immense strength with her Urumi.
• Urumi Proficiency:Nilah is able to create a formless blade, also known as an Urumi, out of Ashlesh's waters. As her primary weapon in battle, she shows great skill in utilizing it to strike giant foes with immense strength and power.
• Mythology Mastery:Since she was a child, Nilah had an immense knowledge on the many myths, legends and stories of Kathkani culture and possibly many other parts of Runeterra. Her knowledge of these many legends has given her a good basis on where to find great mythological foes she wishes to battle.
• Emotional Feeding:Like other Demons, Ashlesh feeds itself with emotion, specifically joy. By absorbing the joy of others, Ashlesh, and by extension Nilah, can sustain themselves for prolonged periods of time. To keep from being completely consumed by Ashlesh, Nilah must recite mantras and prayers to keep the demon's influence at bay.
• Water Manipulation:By drawing on the waters of Ashlesh's prison, Nilah can magically manipulate water in a variety of ways. She has shown abilities ranging from summoning currents to crash into enemies, creating aliquid bladeout of Ashlesh's magical waters or even shrouding herself in amistto make her immune to harm.Waterwalking:Nilah is capable of easily treading across bodies of water as if they were solid ground, capable of sliding, running and jumping when on water.
• Waterwalking:Nilah is capable of easily treading across bodies of water as if they were solid ground, capable of sliding, running and jumping when on water.
Nilah initially read stories about Viego's fall and the eventual collapse ofCamavorin books and myths. After Viego got imprisoned in Alovedra, his influence threatened Kathkan and drew Nilah's attention. She's more concerned with the implications of his ruination magic and how it affectsdemons, as Viego's ruinations causes them to go into mad frenzies and could potentially wake up the remaining primordial demons. Discovering Viego's imprisonment is what caused Nilah to travel westward in search of the legendary Sentinels of Light.[3]
Sentinels of Light[]
Nilah is on an quest to keep Viego from breaking free in order to save her homeland and stop his ruinations from reawakening the ten primordial demons. To do this, she needs the aid of the legendary Sentinels of Light, whom she only read about in stories.
Nilah encountered Graves in Oyster Bill's Oyster Shack, tracking him down after asking aroundBilgewaterfor information regarding the Sentinels of Light. Her investigation lead her to Graves, who she fought in an attempt to get information and convince him to help her on her quest. Its revealed that the Sentinels of Light actually disbanded shortly after defeating Viego, as Graves already pawned off his Sentinel gear away.
Nilah regards Graves as a friend and fellow hero of legend. Though its unclear whether or not Graves also regards Nilah as a friend, he has shown to be mostly freaked out by her, intimidated by the encounter but also intrigued as he sees her as a 'neat lady.'[3]
Fiddlesticks is one of the ten primordial demons that Nilah is concerned with keeping asleep. It is the eldest sibling of Ashlesh, the same demon that Nilah encountered and keeps trapped within a jar on her hip. Though Nilah recognizes Fiddlesticks, as well as all of the primordial demons, as a threat to the world, she is supremely confident in her ability to fight them back utilizing the power of Ashlesh.[10]
Oyster Bill[]
Oyster Bill is an oyster-man in Bilgewater who owns Oyster Bill's Oyster Shack. While gaining status as a famous sea-monster hunter in Bilgewater, she rented out a spare room in the shack and currently resides there. Oyster Bill often tells stories about Nilah and her amazing feats to the visitors of his shack, even allowing visitors to speak to her if they wish.[2]
Read More
The Joy Unbound
ByJared Rosen
Starring Champion
Short Story
An Intimate Evening at Oyster Bill's
ByJared Rosen
You will know joy...
Mentioned:Ashlesh,Rengar,Senna,Tahm Kench,Viego
Mentioned Champion
Short Story
The Boys and Bombolini
ByJared Rosen
There existed, among the multitude of disgusting Bilgewater shipping warehouses filled with rusted knives and arms-length carnivorous rats, one Bilgewater shipping warehouse devoid of such things.
Starring:Graves,Twisted Fate
Mentioned:Akshan,Gwen,Nilah,Tahm Kench,Vayne,Viego
Alternate Universes
Another Sky
ByJared Rosen,Taylor Dinwiddie,Ty Sheedlo
As a new generation of Star Guardians prepares to fight back the forces of chaos, rising star Akali finds herself wracked with doubt. Does she have what it takes to be a Star Guardian? Or will the darkness she senses inside spell doom for her and her friends?
Mentioned:Ahri,Akshan,Ezreal,Gwen,Jinx,Lux,Miss Fortune,Rakan,Xayah
Music Video
Everything Goes On
ByPorter Robinson
Together with some familiar faces, a new generation of Star Guardians ascend to battle a looming threat. But even when confronted with eternal darkness, their hope burns brighter than fear.
Mentioned:Ahri,Lux,Miss Fortune
The Siren's Call
It waits. Make the world anew with Coven Nami, Elise, Akali, Syndra, Nilah, and Old God Mordekaiser.
Tournament of Souls: Wild Rift Edition
ByKristina Atanasoski
Be careful what you wish for—and what youfightfor. Draven entered the Tournament of Souls to make a name for himself, but when the results don't live up to expectations, it's time for some quiet introspection. ...Aww, who are we kidding?! It's time to double down and carve through the competition! Join Draven on his winding path to glory in the League of Legends: Wild Rift's Soul Fighter Event!
Starring:Draven,Irelia,Nilah,Xin Zhao,Yasuo
Music Video
Coming Alive
ByNumerous Creators
In the fight of a lifetime, you may get knocked down. But never knocked out.
• Nilah comes from Kathkan, a country on the same eastern continent asCamavor.[11]
• Nilah is currently staying inBilgewater, renting out the spare room above Oyster Bill's Oyster Shack.[12]
• Nilah is something similar to anAspect Host, the difference being that her power source is an inhuman & extremely evil monster rather than a Celestial entity.[13]
• Nilah's name might come from the South Asian language Telugu, where నీళ్ళు (pronounced NEE-loo) means "water"
• Nilah's name also might come from the South Asian language Tamil, where நிலா (pronounced NIL-ah) means "moon".
See also[] | Name: Joy Unending, Description: Innate: Whenever Nilah kills a minion , she and the nearest allied champion gain an additional 50% of the experience they would have lost from sharing. Innate: Whenever a nearby allied champion uses an ability to heal or shield either Nilah or themselves, both they and Nilah receive a bonus amount equal to 7. 5 % of the healing or 15% of the shielding after a 0. 5 -second delay. Bonus shielding lasts as long as the shield that triggered the effect, up to a maximum duration of 4 seconds., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Nilahwill gain a portion of all healing and all shielding from nearby allies that activate either of the effects on themselves while she is within range of them.The same applies to allies that grantNilaha heal or shield; they gain a portion of the heal or shield given to her by them, even if the heal or shield affects both units.', 'The same applies to allies that grantNilaha heal or shield; they gain a portion of the heal or shield given to her by them, even if the heal or shield affects both units.', 'Heal and shields granted byitems,runes, andsummoner spellswillnottrigger the increased amount.', 'The heal and shield increases do not trigger from their own heal or shield.', "Nilahmay still gain a shield from her allies' shields even if they are longer than 4 seconds, but the buff of the shield will only last for up to 4 seconds.", 'Nilahcan receive a normal shield from nearby allies that gainphysicalormagicshields.', 'The shield fromJoy Unendingis uncapped howeverruneslikeOverhealwill limit the shield.(bug)']} | Name: Formless Blade, Description: Passive: Nilah gains 0% − 33% (based on critical strike chance) armor penetration . Her basic attacks and Formless Blade heal her for 0% − 20% (based on critical strike chance) of the post-mitigation damage dealt to champions , converting each heal instance beyond maximum health into a shield that last 6 seconds. Active: Nilah cracks her whip-blade in a line in the target direction that deals physical damage to enemies hit, increased by 0% − 120% (based on critical strike chance) . Formless Blade can hit structures and applies life steal at 100% effectiveness. Minimum Physical Damage: 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 (+ 90 / 97. 5 / 105 / 112. 5 / 120% AD) Maximum Physical Damage: 11 / 22 / 33 / 44 / 55 (+ 198 / 214. 5 / 231 / 247. 5 / 264% AD) If Formless Blade is cast during Slipstream , Nilah leaves behind a wave that is sent towards her location at the end of the dash, dealing the same damage to enemies hit. If Formless Blade hits an enemy, Nilah empowers herself for 4 seconds: gaining 125 bonus attack range and 10% − 50% (based on level) bonus attack speed , and causing her basic attacks to strike in a cone that deals 100% AD physical damage to enemies hit. Against secondary non-champion targets, this is reduced to 33% AD for minions and 10% AD for monsters , and additionally executes minions left below 20 health . On-hit effects are applied only to the primary target., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'parries': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', "Formless Blade'sactive cast triggers call for help for dealing damage despite not being a targeted spell.(bug)", 'Appliesarea damageon the empowered attacks.', "Spell shieldwill not blockFormless Blade'sempowered basic attacks.", "Parrying effects (dodge,block,blind) will negateFormless Blade'sempowered attacks only as the primary target.", "Formless Blade'scast's damage and the damage from the AOE cone of the attacks are increased byNavori Quickblades'Impermanence. The damage to the primary target of the enhanced attacks is only affected byInfinity Edgeand classified asbasic damage."]} | Name: Jubilant Veil, Description: Active: Nilah envelops herself in mist for 2. 25 seconds, during which she becomes ghosted , gains bonus movement speed , reduces all incoming magic damage taken by 25%, and dodges all non- turret basic attacks. Bonus Movement Speed: 15 / 17. 5 / 20 / 22. 5 / 25% Allied champions she touches will also be enveloped for 1. 5 seconds, gaining the same effects., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Allies may only be affected byJubilant Veilonly once every 6 seconds.', "Jubilant Veil'scooldown is not affected bySpear of ShojinDragonforce.(bug)"]} | Name: Slipstream, Description: Active: Nilah dashes a fixed distance in the direction of the target unit, dealing physical damage to enemies she passes through. Physical Damage: 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 / 165 (+ 20% AD) Nilah periodically stocks a Slipstream charge, up to a maximum of 2. Slipstream resets Nilah's basic attack timer. Formless Blade and Apotheosis can be cast during the dash., STATIC COOLDOWN: STATICCOOLDOWN:0.5, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Slipstreamhas a very brief cast time before the start of the dash.(bug)', 'Formless Bladeused duringSlipstreammight not register, rendering it on cooldown without being casted.(bug)', 'Slipstreamhas a chance of visually not using charge, causing it to showing one available charge without possibility of using it.(bug)', 'Dashing to target through a wall within casting range will cancel the dash if wall is longer than dash range.(bug)']} | Name: Apotheosis, Description: Active: Nilah whirls her whip-blade over 1 second, dealing physical damage to nearby enemies every 0. 25 seconds. She then unleashes a burst that deals physical damage and pulls them 250 units towards her. Each hit also slows targets by 10% for 3 seconds, refreshing on subsequent hits. Physical Damage per Tick: 15 / 30 / 45 (+ 20% bonus AD) Total Physical Damage: 60 / 120 / 180 (+ 80% bonus AD) Burst Physical Damage: 125 / 225 / 325 (+ 120% bonus AD) Maximum Total Physical Damage: 185 / 345 / 505 (+ 200% bonus AD) Nilah heals herself and nearby allied champions for 20% − 50% (based on critical strike chance) of the post-mitigation damage dealt to champions , reduced to 10% against non-champions, converting each heal instance beyond maximum health into a shield that last 6 seconds. Nilah is unable to basic attack and cast her other abilities during Apotheosis, but she is able to move., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Apotheosiscan pull enemies through walls and can knock them acrossNilah'slocation.", 'Spell shieldwill only block the burst damage.', 'Apotheosisshielding reuses indicators fromJoy Unending.', 'The following table refers for interactions whileNilahis performingApotheosis:', 'Death']} | Nilahis one of 20 champions without a singleability powerratio on any ability:Aatrox,Camille,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Garen,Kayn,Kled,Naafiri,Olaf,Pyke,Riven,Samira,Sett,Talon,Urgot,Xayah,Yone, andZed. |
Nocturne,the Eternal Nightmare | | | health: Health655+109, resource: Mana275+35, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)7+0.75, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)7+0.45, armor: Armor38+4.7, attack damage: Attack damage62+2.6, attack speed: Base AS0.721, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius120, release: 2011-03-15, changed: V13.15, role: Assassin, position: Jungle, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 3150|790 | Missing section(s):
NocturneMainCurrentTitlesNickname(s)Nightmare-ManAlias(es)The Eternal NightmareThe Demon of NightmaresCharacteristicsSpeciesDemonPronoun(s)ItTimelineBorn:6 BN - 3 BNWeapon(s)Umbra BladesShadow MagicPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originSpirit Realm(Ancient Times)Current residenceRocky Highlands,Demacia(No Fixed Abode)Professional statusOccupation(s)Demon of NightmaresRegion(s)RuneterraRelated character(s)EvelynnTahm KenchZedGarenLuxSylas
• Main
• Current
• The Eternal Nightmare
• The Demon of Nightmares
• Born:6 BN - 3 BN
• Umbra Blades
• Shadow Magic
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
Related character(s)
A demonic amalgamation drawn from the nightmares that haunt every sentient mind, the thing known asNocturnehas become a primordial force of pure terror. It is liquidly chaotic in aspect, a faceless shadow with cold eyes and armed with wicked-looking blades. After freeing itself from the spirit realm, Nocturne now continually descends upon the waking world, to feed on the kind of fear that can only thrive in true darkness.
• 1Background
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Garen&Lux
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 5.1Garen&Lux
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Nocturne is made of pure, inky-black darkness, only vaguely humanoid with a head and two arms. Its fingers appear clawed and its head is featureless save for two solid white eyes. From the waist down, its body seems to dissolve into a plume of black smoke.
It is usually seen wearing armor, either purple or red with a gray trim. It wears a breastplate and two large, spiked pauldrons. Its signature weapons are a pair of massive blades attached to either forearm, both viciously curved with numerous points.
• Demon Physiology:Nocturne is a demon, a malevolent spirit that feeds from human emotions. it has no physical form and cannot be harmed by physical weapons (unless it has magical properties). Each demon is linked to a specific emotion, in this case, Nocturne feeds itself on the fear that comes from nightmares.Emotional Feeding:Like other demons, Nocturne can feed itself from an specific emotion, in it's case, the fear that comes from nightmares. By absorbing the fears of others, Nocturne can sustain itself for prolonged periods of time. Nocturne instinctively knows ones nightmares.Immortality:So long as nightmares exist, Nocturne will continue existing in some form.Shadow Form:Nocturne is composed of pure darkness that it can mold at will.Dream Control:Nocturne can control the dreams of others to his will, he can mold the dream escape of his victims to his will, turning even the most pleasant dream in a hellish nightmare.
• Emotional Feeding:Like other demons, Nocturne can feed itself from an specific emotion, in it's case, the fear that comes from nightmares. By absorbing the fears of others, Nocturne can sustain itself for prolonged periods of time. Nocturne instinctively knows ones nightmares.
• Immortality:So long as nightmares exist, Nocturne will continue existing in some form.
• Shadow Form:Nocturne is composed of pure darkness that it can mold at will.
• Dream Control:Nocturne can control the dreams of others to his will, he can mold the dream escape of his victims to his will, turning even the most pleasant dream in a hellish nightmare.
Nocturne terrorized the Demacian settlement of Fossbarrow untilGarenandLuxexpelled it from the neighboring tomb. It was sealed in the grave of their great-grandfather Fossian, who died during the fight versus Nocturne, before it was woken up by a mage boy named Luca.
Read More
The Eternal Nightmare
ByIan St. Martin
Starring Champion
Short Story • 28 Minute Read
For Demacia
ByGraham McNeill
In a town plagued by nightmares, can even the best and bravest of Demacia bring back the light?
Mentioned:Jarvan IV,Morgana,Shyvana
Short Story • 4 Minute Read
The Shadow Door
ByIan St. Martin
”Tell me another story.”
Mentioned Champion
The Mageseeker
ByDigital Sun
In the kingdom of Demacia, the Mageseekers hold the power to oppress magic-using citizens in the name of public order–by inducting and indoctrinating them, locking them away, or driving them into hiding. Play as Sylas, a spell-stealing mage who has just broken free of his unjust captivity at the Mageseekers’ hands. Wielding the chains that once bound you, you must liberate your homeland from tyranny, one Mageseeker at a time.
Starring:Aidan,Eldred,Garen,Gideon,Hesbeth,Jarvan IV,Kara,Killan,Leilani,Lux,Morgana,Rayn,Rukko,Shyvana,Sylas,Wisteria,Yops
Mentioned:Aatrox,Anden Mayne,Dalin,Dominick,Evelynn,Falden,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Jaredan,Jarvan III,Katarina,Kayle,LeBlanc,Mihira,Naafiri,Nocturne,Rhaast,Ryze,Sion,Tianna,Varus
Alternate Universes
A Twist of Fate
The battle seems decided... until there is a Twist of Fate.
Starring:Annie,Fiddlesticks,Garen,Katarina,Nocturne,Ryze,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
ByInstitute of War
The truest opponent lies within.
Starring:Boram Darkwill,Brand,Caitlyn,Cassiopeia,Galio,Graves,Irelia,Jarvan IV,Karma,LeBlanc,Lee Sin,Leona,Lux,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nocturne,Orianna,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Skarner,Sona,Swain,Talon,Trundle,Urgot,Varus,Vayne,Vladimir,Wukong,Xerath,Xin Zhao,Yorick
Return to the Stars
Starring:Aurelion Sol,Bard,Cassiopeia,Gnar,Illaoi,Kog'Maw,Nautilus,Nocturne,Teemo,Urgot,Vayne,Viktor,Ziggs
Short Story
The Spirit of Copperwood Glade
ByJared Rosen
It is common in these dark days to speak of the Elderwood with some deference, as both the young and old know it as a place of great danger, filled with tricks and traps laid by the last true children of the wilds.
Playtime with Gnar: Series 1
ByRachel J. Corey
Mentioned:Amumu,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Darius,Draven,Karthus,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Malzahar,Nocturne,Nunu,Rengar,Twisted Fate,Willump
• According toNocturne'slore and theRealms of Runeterratimeline placement of the Rune Wars, it came to be around 1000 years ago.
• Based on its cards' flavour text inLegends of Runeterra, Nocturne came back to the material realm through theShadow Islesand ended up inFossbarrow,Demacia, where the events ofFor Demaciaoccured, by haunting the historian Jens Tommen who travelled there when trying to escape from it.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Umbra Blades, Description: Innate: Periodically, Nocturne empowers his next basic attack to slash in a circle, dealing 120% AD physical damage to the target and nearby enemies and healing himself for 13 − 30 (based on level) (+ 30% AP) per enemy hit. Against minions , Umbra Blade's damage to secondary targets and healing are reduced by 50% and it applies on-hit effects (bug) to all targets at 100% effectiveness. Umbra Blades can critically strike against the primary target, modifying the physical damage dealt to 「 (192. 5 % + 49. 5 % ) AD . 」 「 110% of the critical damage of his basic attacks. 」 Basic attacks reduce Umbra Blades' cooldown by 1 second, increased to 3 against enemy champions and monsters ., STATIC COOLDOWN: STATICCOOLDOWN:13, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'The primary target of the enhanced attack takesbasic damagewhile the secondary targets of the slash are dealtdefault damage.', "The enhanced attack will apply otheron-hit effects(only to main target) and cancritically strikeas normal.The critical strike damage of the attack is notably unusual.(bug)It stems from a time where critical strikes by default did200% ADdamage, which meant that 110% of it equaled220% AD, equal to a more standardUmbral Blades'bonus damage of20% ADadded to the critical damage. This also causes bonus critial damage such asInfinity Edge'spassive to be 10% stronger on the attack.Now, the formula reduces the expected critical damage slightly by-2.5% AD, which is 10% of the reduction in base critical damage fromPre-Season 11.", "The critical strike damage of the attack is notably unusual.(bug)It stems from a time where critical strikes by default did200% ADdamage, which meant that 110% of it equaled220% AD, equal to a more standardUmbral Blades'bonus damage of20% ADadded to the critical damage. This also causes bonus critial damage such asInfinity Edge'spassive to be 10% stronger on the attack.Now, the formula reduces the expected critical damage slightly by-2.5% AD, which is 10% of the reduction in base critical damage fromPre-Season 11.", 'The empowered attack will not trigger againststructuresnorwards.Basic attacks against them will still grant the cooldown reduction.', 'Basic attacks against them will still grant the cooldown reduction.', 'Parry effects will only block the damage dealt to the primary target.']} | Name: Duskbringer, Description: Active: Nocturne casts out a shadow blade in the target direction that leaves a Dusk Trail in its wake, dealing physical damage to enemies hit. Enemy champions hit will leave a Dusk Trail behind while moving. Dusk Trails last 5 seconds and will slowly disappear afterwards. Physical damage: 65 / 110 / 155 / 200 / 245 (+ 85% bonus AD) While on the Dusk Trail , Nocturne is ghosted and gains bonus attack damage and bonus total movement speed . Bonus Attack Damage: 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 Bonus Movement Speed: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35%, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Duskbringer'sdamage is not increased by thebonusADgained from its trail, meaning that casting it again while on the trail from the last cast will not result in higher damage.It is observed from seasons ago that this is intentionally hard-coded into the ability to avoid the projectile increasing its own damage. This feature is somewhat deprecated as it also limits chain-castingDuskbringer.", 'It is observed from seasons ago that this is intentionally hard-coded into the ability to avoid the projectile increasing its own damage. This feature is somewhat deprecated as it also limits chain-castingDuskbringer.', "Duskbringer's Dusk Trailwill expose the path of affected units until its duration ends. It is a form ofobscured vision; the trail indirectly reveals the location of enemy units even in the fog of war, including those shrouded bystealth.", 'Spell shieldwill block the damage and also prevents theDusk Trailfrom following the target.', 'The formedDusk Traildoes not disappear ifDuskbringeris intercepted byWind WallorUnbreakable.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.', 'Thebonusmovement speedstacks multiplicativelywith other sources of movement speed boosts.']} | Name: Shroud of Darkness, Description: Passive: Nocturne gains bonus attack speed . Bonus Attack Speed: 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50% Enhanced Bonus Attack Speed: 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100% Active: Nocturne gains a spell shield for 1. 5 seconds. Upon successfully blocking a hostile effect, Shroud of Darkness' bonus attack speed is doubled for 5 seconds., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'IfShroud of Darknessis active whenNocturnere-castsParanoiato dash to a target, its duration is refreshed every 0.25seconds during the dash.']} | Name: Unspeakable Horror, Description: Passive: Nocturne gains 90% bonus movement speed while facing nearby feared targets. Active: Nocturne torments the target, forming a tether between himself and the target for 2 seconds, during which the target takes magic damage every 0. 5 seconds over the duration. Total Magic Damage: 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260 (+ 100% AP) Magic Damage per Tick: 20 / 31. 25 / 42. 5 / 53. 75 / 65 (+ 25% AP) If the tether is not broken by the end of its duration, the target is feared for a duration while being slowed by 90%. Disable Duration: 1. 25 / 1. 5 / 1. 75 / 2 / 2. 25, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Feared enemies in a180° total angle withinNocturne'sfacing direction will triggerUnspeakable Horror'spassive.The movement speed buff is granted even whileNocturneis standing still.Nocturnedoes not need to have sight of fleeing targets to gain movement speed towards them.", 'The movement speed buff is granted even whileNocturneis standing still.', 'Nocturnedoes not need to have sight of fleeing targets to gain movement speed towards them.', "Spell shieldwill block the tether's application but not the damage and aftereffects of one already applied."]} | Name: Paranoia, Description: Active: Nocturne terrorizes all enemy champions, nearsighting them for 6 seconds. He can recast Paranoia for the same duration after 0. 25 seconds. Recast: Nocturne dashes with displacement immunity to the target enemy champion, dealing physical damage upon arrival. Physical Damage: 150 / 275 / 400 (+ 120% bonus AD) Nocturne can cast any of his abilities during the dash. Link ▶️ "Darkness... " Link ▶️ Activation alert., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto/Unit', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Nocturnewill track the target if they change locations.He will dash to the target's previous location without dealing damage if the target is too far away or moves beyond 3500 / 4250 / 5000 (based onParanoia'srank) units.", "He will dash to the target's previous location without dealing damage if the target is too far away or moves beyond 3500 / 4250 / 5000 (based onParanoia'srank) units.", "Paranoia'snearsightwill apply to enemy champions that areuntargetableor are dead, and will persist throughdeath.", 'Nocturnecan cast any of hisabilities,summoner spells(excludingHexflash), oritem activesduring flight.Using adashorblinkability will interrupt the flight.The flight will also be interrupted ifNocturneis affected by aBlast Conetriggered by an allied champion.(bug)', 'Using adashorblinkability will interrupt the flight.', 'The flight will also be interrupted ifNocturneis affected by aBlast Conetriggered by an allied champion.(bug)', 'Paranoiacannot be recast whilegroundedorrooted.', "Paranoia'snearsightdoes not apply toclones.", "Players'screens will turn a different color whenParanoiais cast, based on their perspective: blue for allies and red for enemies.", "Aspell indicatortelegraphed toNocturneand his allies will be placed on all enemychampionswithin range ofParanoia'srecast while the ability is active.The following images display the indicator for the defaultskin:"]} | Nocturne is the only champion to have spoken lines in the major cinematics.
Nocturnecomes from the Frenchnocturne, which is derived from the Latinnocturnus"of the night".
Umbra Bladesis named after Latinumbrafor shade or shadow.
Nocturne was the first champion to be previewed at a major event prior to release (PAXEast 2011).He was also previewed inIGN. |
Nunu & Willump,the Boy and His Yeti,Nunu & Willump | | | health: Health610+90, resource: Mana280+42, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)5+0.8, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)7+0.5, armor: Armor29+4.2, attack damage: Attack damage61+3, attack speed: Base AS0.625, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius140, release: 2009-02-21, changed: V13.19, role: Vanguard, position: JungleMiddle, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 450|260 | Missing section(s):
NunuMainYoungTitlesAlias(es)The Boy and his YetiCharacteristicsSpeciesHuman(Magically Altered)Pronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:988 ANWeapon(s)SvellsongurSnowballsIce MagicPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originNotai Tribe,FreljordCurrent residenceUnknown(No Fixed Abode)FamilyLayka(Missing Mother)Professional statusOccupation(s)AdventurerFlute MusicianRegion(s)FreljordFaction(s)FrostguardRelated character(s)LissandraWillumpAniviaBraumVolibearOrnn
• Main
• Young
• Born:988 AN
• Svellsongur
• Snowballs
• Ice Magic
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
• Adventurer
• Flute Musician
Related character(s)
Once upon a time, there was a boy who wanted to prove he was a hero by slaying a fearsome monster—only to discover that the beast, a lonely and magical yeti, merely needed a friend. Bound together by ancient power and a shared love of snowballs,NunuandWillumpnow ramble wildly acrossthe Freljord, breathing life into imagined adventures. They hope that somewhere out there, they will find Nunu’s mother. If they can save her, maybe they will be heroes after all…
• 1Background
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Freljordian Legends5.2Avarosan
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 5.1Freljordian Legends
• 5.2Avarosan
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Nunu is a small Notai boy of eight years, with dark hair and blue eyes. He wears a orange furred cape, with leather gloves and boots, and a hood made in semblance of Willump.
Nunu is a kind, excitable child, eager for adventures and travelling. Having listened to the stories of his mother since he was born, Nunu dreams of being a mighty hero, fighting against terrible foes and exploring the world.
After the loss of his tribe, Nunu felt great sorrow, but nevertheless remained hopeful. Desiring to help his new caretaker Lissandra, and wishing to fullfill his dreams of being a hero, Nunu went to face a terrible beast and prove himself a hero for his people—only to meet Willump and befriend the yeti, the two forming an intense and loving bond.
Having been protected by Willump for a long time, Nunu is somewhat sheltered from the more complicated and darker aspects of life. He tends to see the best of people, for better or worse, and tries to fit them into his very naive beliefs about the world. Nunu also has a hyperactive imagination, often coming up with fantastic ideas to entertain himself and Willump.
• Mystical Empowerment:Nunu was blessed by Willump with the powers of a gem of dreams, granting him the power to make his imagination come true. Due to his inexperience, Nunu's powers have yet to reach their peak.Ice Magic:Nunu can create and summon ice to his aid, and to help his allies. He can create icy constructs like bridges and walls, or summon near infinite snowballs to throw at his foes. He freezes his foes with ice, slowing them down to hamper their abilities.True Ice:Nunu is capable of summoning True Ice, magical, unmeltable ice.
• Ice Magic:Nunu can create and summon ice to his aid, and to help his allies. He can create icy constructs like bridges and walls, or summon near infinite snowballs to throw at his foes. He freezes his foes with ice, slowing them down to hamper their abilities.True Ice:Nunu is capable of summoning True Ice, magical, unmeltable ice.
• True Ice:Nunu is capable of summoning True Ice, magical, unmeltable ice.
Freljordian Legends[]
Nunuheard many Freljordian legends and tales from his mother Layka, such as those regardingAnivia,Braum,Lissandra,Ornn, andVolibear. Anivia is a spiritual guide to the Notai tribe from which Nunu hails from. Nunu has always seen Braum as something to aspire towards. If he ever met Braum, he would ask him to become his father.Nunuwas a refugee taken in by theFrostguardafter his tribe was attacked by raiders. He metLissandra, who told him about a beast. Nunu would later befriend this beast and call himWillump.
It is unknown if Nunu and Willump supportAshe, but their deeds around the Freljord lead towards the sameAvarosangoals of peace and unification.
Read More
The Boy and His Yeti
ByDavid Slagle
Starring Champion
Short Story
Frozen Hearts
ByDavid Slagle
“Mom… can I ask you a question?”
Music Video
It's Me and You
ByHozure,TJ Brown
Song of Nunu
ByTequila Works
Short Story
Stone Cold
ByDavid Slagle
I wake up suddenly, like a story that starts in the middle of the action.
Music Video
You and Me Makes Us
By Numerous creators
Mentioned Champion
The Missing Link
ByMichael Luo,David Slagle
The Path to Hearth-Home
ByKole Hicks
In the echoes of the mountains and the crackling of the embers, a legend once forgotten is remembered with a song older than any tribe.
Alternate Universes
Clash of Fates
Starring:Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Cho'Gath,Evelynn,Jax,Karthus,Kayle,Master Yi,Nunu,Rammus,Ryze,Singed,Sivir,Soraka,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Warwick,Willump,Zilean
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
Nunu & Willump: Issue 1
ByIan St. Martin
This comic is an alternate/inspired story of how Nunu and Willump met.
Nunu & Willump: Issue 2
ByIan St. Martin
This comic is an alternate/inspired story of how Nunu and Willump met.
Nunu & Willump: Issue 3
ByIan St. Martin
This comic is an alternate/inspired story of how Nunu and Willump met.
Nunu & Willump: Issue 4
ByIan St. Martin
This comic is an alternate/inspired story of how Nunu and Willump met.
Nunu & Willump: Issue 5
ByIan St. Martin
This comic is an alternate/inspired story of how Nunu and Willump met.
There Will Be Mayhem
Starring:Alistar,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Nasus,Nunu,Teemo,Trundle,Volibear,Willump
Academy Adventures: Series 3
ByGutter Rat
Playtime with Gnar: Series 1
ByRachel J. Corey
Mentioned:Amumu,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Darius,Draven,Karthus,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Malzahar,Nocturne,Nunu,Rengar,Twisted Fate,Willump
Punches and Plants: Series 1
Mentioned:Ahri,Alistar,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Braum,Caitlyn,Darius,Diana,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Evelynn,Ezreal,Gangplank,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jinx,Karma,Katarina,Leona,Lucian,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Nunu,Quinn,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Sivir,Sona,Soraka,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Valor,Varus,Vel'Koz,Vladimir,Volibear,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Zac,Ziggs
The Tale of the Poro King
By Numerous creators
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aatrox,Akali,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Darius,Diana,Draven,Ezreal,Gnar,Illaoi,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kai'Sa,Karma,Karthus,Katarina,Kayle,Kayn,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nunu,Ornn,Pantheon,Pyke,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Rhaast,Ryze,Sejuani,Shen,Sion,Sivir,Soraka,Sylas,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Thresh,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Vi,Volibear,Willump,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs,Zoe
• Nunu suggests that Willump's favorite foods are "Roasted Raptosaurus,Pollywog pudding,Egg popsicles,Rocks,More rocks, andBloblets."Willump doesn't eat human foods as they do not provide magic/arcane power.
• Willump has a different perspective on the world because he's so ancient. He sometimes tones down his wisdom so he can have fun with his best friend, but they have moments of mentorship too.
• Nunu's mother was the singer inOrnn'steaser song,The Path to Hearth-Home.[1]
• {Nunu is 8 years old, whileWillumpis much older (possibly old as the three sisters).Nunu was 5 years old when heobtainedhis flute and was separated from his mother and tribe after a raider attack.Svellsongur is Old Norse for "Swell Singer."
• Nunu is theorized to be about 4'2", withWillumpbeing about 12'.
• Nunu could develop a crush onAnnie, due to a voice line from theNunu & Willump Botskin, referring to her as "too pretty".
• Willump doesn't eat human foods as they do not provide magic/arcane power.
• Nunu was 5 years old when heobtainedhis flute and was separated from his mother and tribe after a raider attack.
• Svellsongur is Old Norse for "Swell Singer."
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Call of the Freljord, Description: Innate: When Nunu and Willump deal damage against an enemy champion , large monster or structure , they and a nearby allied champion gain Call of the Freljord for 4 seconds, prioritizing the ally with highest attack speed . Call of the Freljord: Gain 20% bonus attack speed and 10% bonus movement speed . Willump's basic attacks additionally deal 30% AD physical damage to secondary targets in a cone in front of him. Nunu and Willump cannot trigger Call of the Freljord from the same enemy again for a time. Successive triggers of Call of the Freljord while it is active will extend the duration by 4 seconds., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'The splash damage will critically strike when the basic attack does, but will not deal any bonus damage.', "Call of the Freljordrange to be shared with allies is based onNunuandWillump'slocation.If no ally is prioritized based on their stats, it will be given to the one closest to them.", 'If no ally is prioritized based on their stats, it will be given to the one closest to them.', "Enemies that can triggerCall of the Freljordhave a marker overhead.This marker isn't present on inhibitors or the nexus (because they cannot hold buffs and debuffs including the one that hosts this VFX), but they still triggerCall of the Freljordwhen attacked.", "This marker isn't present on inhibitors or the nexus (because they cannot hold buffs and debuffs including the one that hosts this VFX), but they still triggerCall of the Freljordwhen attacked.", "Call of the Freljord'smaximum remaining duration is 44 seconds.The buff has no cap for its maximum total duration.", 'The buff has no cap for its maximum total duration.']} | Name: Consume, Description: Active: Willump takes a bite out of the target enemy, dealing damage and healing himself. The heal is increased by 50% while he is below 50% maximum health . Against minions and monsters , he deals true damage . Additionally, if Consume would kill the target minion or small or medium monster, the target is stunned and pulled towards Willump over the cast time. Non-Champion True Damage: 400 / 600 / 800 / 1000 / 1200 Base Non-Champion Heal: 65 / 95 / 125 / 155 / 185 (+ 90% AP) (+ 10% bonus health) Empowered Non-Champion Heal: 97. 5 / 142. 5 / 187. 5 / 232. 5 / 277. 5 (+ 135% AP) (+ 15% bonus health) Against champions , he deals magic damage and the heal is reduced to 60%. Champion Magic Damage: 60 / 100 / 140 / 180 / 220 (+ 65% AP) (+ 5% bonus health) Base Champion Heal: 39 / 57 / 75 / 93 / 111 (+ 54% AP) (+ 6% bonus health) Empowered Champion Heal: 58. 5 / 99. 375 / 140. 25 / 181. 125 / 222 (+ 81% AP) (+ 9% bonus health), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'True damage/Magic damage', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Icon border glows when he is within the maximum healing threshold.', 'Spell shieldswill block the damage and the heal.', 'If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the cast time, this ability will cancel but does not go oncooldownnor pay its cost (if applicable).']} | Name: Biggest Snowball Ever!, Description: Active: Willump cleanses himself from all slows and channels for up to 10 seconds, becoming ghosted and slow-immune and creating a rolling snowball . Willump automatically navigates his movement and can steer the snowball with a slow turn rate that increases over time, resetting upon changing direction. The duo have their movement speed reduced by 50% for the first 1 second, but after a delay they start gaining 14 movement speed every 0. 25 seconds, up to a cap . The snowball increases in size and power over 5 seconds. Biggest Snowball Ever! can be recast after 0. 5 seconds during the channel, and does so automatically after the channel or if interrupted . The snowball explodes upon hitting an enemy champion , large pet , medium / large monster or terrain, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies, increased by 0% − 400% (based on charge time) , knocking them up for 0. 5 − 0. 75 (based on charge time) seconds and subsequently stunning them for 0 − 0. 5 (based on charge time) seconds. Minimum Magic Damage: 36 / 45 / 54 / 63 / 72 (+ 30% AP) Maximum Magic Damage: 180 / 225 / 270 / 315 / 360 (+ 150% AP) The snowball rolls over enemy minions and small monsters hit, dealing 33. 3 % of the damage as magic damage . Minimum Reduced Damage: 11. 988 / 14. 985 / 17. 982 / 20. 979 / 23. 976 (+ 9. 99 % AP) Maximum Reduced Damage: 59. 94 / 74. 925 / 89. 91 / 104. 895 / 119. 88 (+ 49. 95 % AP) Recast: Willump releases the snowball, sending it rolling forward up to a maximum distance during which it will not grow any larger and will explode upon hitting an enemy. Link ▶️ "This is gonna be the biggest snowball ever!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'The initial cast and the manual recast count as ability activations for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeandForce Pulse.', 'The movement speed reduction the duo receive from initially castingBiggest Snowball Ever!is not considered aslow, thus it will not be resisted by theirslow immunity.', 'There are 3 stages where the turn rate increases from the original one:After turning for 1 second, the turn rate is increased to 175%.After turning for 3 seconds, the turn rate is increased to 250%.After turning for 6 seconds, the turn rate is increased to 325% where it caps.', 'After turning for 1 second, the turn rate is increased to 175%.', 'After turning for 3 seconds, the turn rate is increased to 250%.', 'After turning for 6 seconds, the turn rate is increased to 325% where it caps.', 'The time threshold to begin gaining bonus movement speed may be bugged, as Flat Bonus MS increases the time while\xa0% Bonus MS decreases the time.The formula appears to be (X ÷ 100) - Y, where:X =TotalFlat MS after capsY = 0.1per 1% %MSThe delay is not modified from its initially calculated value on-cast, even if additional movement speed is gained.', 'The formula appears to be (X ÷ 100) - Y, where:X =TotalFlat MS after capsY = 0.1per 1% %MS', 'X =TotalFlat MS after caps', 'Y = 0.1per 1% %MS', 'The delay is not modified from its initially calculated value on-cast, even if additional movement speed is gained.', 'Nunu and Willumpkeep all increases inmovement speedat time of cast for the duration of the charge.', "Nunu and Willump'smovement speed always increases in increments of ~14, reaching the greater value between「TotalMS +85 − 255 (based on level)」「TotalUncappedFlat MS +85 − 255 (based on level)」(click to toggle).This takes 6 increments to reach theTotalMS + 85, but may take more to reach the Uncapped Flat + 85. Due to flat bonuses increasing the time threshold, it is possible for the ability's effects to end before reaching thetotaluncapped movement speed.Thebonusmovement speed ignores themovement speed cap.", "This takes 6 increments to reach theTotalMS + 85, but may take more to reach the Uncapped Flat + 85. Due to flat bonuses increasing the time threshold, it is possible for the ability's effects to end before reaching thetotaluncapped movement speed.", 'Thebonusmovement speed ignores themovement speed cap.', 'IfNunuturns continuously he will create a600unit circle, increased withbonusmovement speed, striking the same point up to 3 times, for a maximum of180 / 225 / 270 / 315 / 360(+ 300% AP)magic damage. The damage can be further increased by detonating the snowball, for atotalof360 / 450 / 540 / 630 / 720(+450% AP)magic damage.', "Ryze'sRealm Warpwill only teleportNunu and Willump, leaving thesnowballbehind.", 'Hovering the cursor on the HUD (e.gmini map/ champion portraits) does not affect the cast and steering ofBiggest Snowball Ever!.', 'Nunugains a slightly larger field of view duringBiggest Snowball Ever!.', 'Biggest Snowball Ever!is disabled for the first 15 seconds of the game.', 'Displacement immunitywill not resist the application of thestun.', 'The following table refers for interactions whileNunu & Willumparechanneling:', 'Death', 'Grounding effects', 'Immobilizing effects', 'Cast-inhibiting effects']} | Name: Snowball Barrage, Description: Active: Nunu swiftly throws a volley of 3 snowballs in the target direction over 0. 4 seconds that each shatter upon hitting an enemy, dealing magic damage to enemies in a cone. Magic Damage Per Hit: 16 / 24 / 32 / 40 / 48 (+ 15% AP) Total Magic Damage: 48 / 72 / 96 / 120 / 144 (+ 45% AP) Enemies hit 3 times are slowed for 1 second. Champions and large monsters hit once are marked Snowbound for 4 seconds, refreshing on each hit. Snowball Barrage can be recast twice within 3 seconds at no additional cost and with a cooldown in between casts. Slow: 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50% Recast: Nunu hurls another volley of snowballs, mimicking the first cast's effects. An enemy may only be slowed once for being hit by snowballs. Maximum Total Magic Damage: 144 / 216 / 288 / 360 / 432 (+ 135% AP) After 3 seconds from the first cast, Snowbound enemies near Willump take magic damage and are rooted for 0. 5 − 1. 5 (based on level) seconds. Magic Damage: 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 (+ 80% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Each cast volley of snowballs counts as an ability activation for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassiveEach volley of snowballs is also a separatecast instance, allowingSnowball Barrageto triggerPhase Rushon its own or trigger 6 stacks ofConqueror.Snowboundconsumption does not trigger on-cast effects, neither does it count as a separatecast instance(e.g. for the purposes ofConqueror).", 'Each volley of snowballs is also a separatecast instance, allowingSnowball Barrageto triggerPhase Rushon its own or trigger 6 stacks ofConqueror.', 'Snowboundconsumption does not trigger on-cast effects, neither does it count as a separatecast instance(e.g. for the purposes ofConqueror).', "The three snowballs are thrown independently from one another over the 0.4seconds and their direction is determined fromNunu & Willump'sposition at any given moment."]} | Name: Absolute Zero, Description: Active: Nunu and Willump channel a blizzard for up to 3 seconds, granting themself a shield and slowing nearby enemies by 0% − 95% (based on channel time) . Shield Strength: 65 / 75 / 85 (+ 150% AP) (+ 30 / 40 / 50% bonus health) Absolute Zero can be recast after 0. 5 seconds during the channel, and does so automatically when the channel ends by any means. Recast: Nunu and Willump explode, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies, modified to 0% − 100% (based on channel time) . Affected enemies will remain slowed for 0 − 3 (based on channel time) seconds and any of the duo's remaining shield will decay over 3 seconds. Magic Damage: 625 / 950 / 1275 (+ 300% AP), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'The initial cast and the manual recast count as ability activations for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeandForce Pulse.', 'The affected area is hidden if the duo is notvisibleto the enemy team.', "While it's unlikely to happen normally, it is possible to deal zero damage withAbsolute Zeroif canceled as soon as it's started.", 'The following table refers for interactions whileNunu & Willumparechanneling:', 'Death', 'Cast-inhibiting effects']} | Nunu was named afterSteve 'Guinsoo' Feak'sdog.[citation needed]Nunuis also a nickname for his wife.[citation needed]
The update in patchV7.16that made it so the portrait of the selected skin would be used in the central portion of the in-game UI showed the portrait ofWillumpinstead of Nunu for every skin except for hisOriginalskin.
Absolute Zerowas named afterthe theoretical temperatureat which matter stops moving completely (referencing both slows the ability has) and has the highest singleability powerratio in-game (300%).
In theV1.0.0.115April Fools' Daypatch, he was jokingly listed to receive a skin called"Nunurf", referencingUrf. |
Olaf,the Berserker | | | health: Health645+119, resource: Mana316+50, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)6.5+0.6, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)7.5+0.6, armor: Armor35+4.2, attack damage: Attack damage68+4.7, attack speed: Base AS0.694, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius111, release: 2010-06-09, changed: V13.7, role: Diver, position: TopJungle, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 3150|790 | Games
OlafCurrentSentinelTitlesAlias(es)The BerserkerCharacteristicsSpeciesHuman(Iceborn)[1]Pronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:956 AN - 961 ANWeapon(s)True Ice AxeBerserker RageRelic Stone AxesPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originLokfar,FreljordCurrent residenceFreljordProfessional statusOccupation(s)WarriorSeafarerSentinel of LightRegion(s)FreljordFaction(s)Winter's ClawSentinels of LightRelated character(s)SejuaniVolibearMiss FortuneLucianViegoSennaAkshanGravesGwenVayneIreliaRivenDianaPykeRengar
• Current
• Sentinel
• Born:956 AN - 961 AN
• True Ice Axe
• Berserker Rage
• Relic Stone Axes
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
• Warrior
• Seafarer
• Sentinel of Light
• Winter's Claw
• Sentinels of Light
Related character(s)
An unstoppable force of destruction, the axe-wieldingOlafwants nothing but to die in glorious combat. Hailing from the brutalFreljordianpeninsula ofLokfar, he once received a prophecy foretelling his peaceful passing—a coward's fate, and a great insult among his people. Seeking death, and fueled by rage, he rampaged across the land, slaughtering scores of great warriors and legendary beasts in search of any opponent who could stop him. Now a brutal enforcer for theWinter's Claw, he seeks his end in the great wars to come.
• 1Background1.1Early Life1.2A Warrior's Death1.3Sentinels of Light1.4The Great Cauldron ofOrnn
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Sejuani5.2Volibear5.3Shadow and Fortune5.4Sentinels of Light
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early Life
• 1.2A Warrior's Death
• 1.3Sentinels of Light
• 1.4The Great Cauldron ofOrnn
• 5.1Sejuani
• 5.2Volibear
• 5.3Shadow and Fortune
• 5.4Sentinels of Light
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early Life[]
Olaf grew up in theFreljordin the region ofLokfar, where battle and death was common and happened frequently. Olaf was a warrior and would often boast about the many battles he fought and won. However, his demeanor and lack of hesitation to share his many stories would anger and annoy some in his tribe.
A Warrior's Death[]
After boasting one night about one of his many battles, Olaf was confronted by an elder warrior who told him to prove his worth and see what his future held for him, how he would die, whether in battle or peacefully of old age. Olaf accepted and was angered when his fortune told of a long life and peaceful death. Determined to achieve a warrior's death, Olaf traveled to battle a revered frost serpent who had slain thousands. However, the battle ended with the serpent slain and Olaf alive.
Olaf tried to find a warrior's death against many creatures, but when he became enraged, nothing could hurt or stop him, and he found that he was able to defeat every single beast that he challenged. During his pursuits, he even tried to battle the ghost of a Krakenwyrm during aHarrowingatBilgewater. However,this endeavoronly ended with the Krekenwyrm slain twice.
Resolving that no mere beast could beat him, Olaf decided to take on theWinter's Claw, the most fearsome tribe in the Freljord. He battled and defeated their most fearsome warriors before battlingSejuaniherself. Their battle shook glaciers with its intensity until they reached a deadlock. Sejuani stared into Olaf's soul with such intensity that his frenzy was quelled long enough for her to offer him a place in her tribe and the warrior's death he had always hoped for.
Sentinels of Light[]
During the period ofViego's Ruination, after almost being killed fightingVex, Olaf joined the Sentinels of Light in order to defeat Viego. He guided the Sentinels through the Freljord and returned to his normal life after Viego had been defeated.
The Great Cauldron ofOrnn[]
With low resources and spread out forces, the Winter's Claw are bracing for the coldest winter in many years. After gaining knowledge from a man who claimed to have drank from the Great Cauldron of Ornn, Sejuani resolved to invade the land of Volibear and steal the Cauldron from him. With newfound resolve, the Winter's Claw continue to trudge on, battling the Ursine on their way through.
Olaf is an abnormally large fair-skinned man with toned muscles and a large ginger beard. He often wears a metal helmet with two large horns and various furs around his torso, wrists, and feet. He wields two axes tempered with True Ice that he uses constantly in battle.
Irritable and easily angered, Olaf lives for nothing but the heat and rage of battle. A competent fighter and fierce warrior, he is never scared to go into a fight and, in fact, enjoys it. More than anything, he is determined to obtain nothing less than a warrior's death fitting for as fierce a warrior as him.
• Iceborn:Olaf has a rare magical alteration from birth, giving him a strong resistance to the cold of theFreljordand allowing him to be able to wield True Ice. Olaf uses this power to wield his axes tempered with True Ice in battle.
• Fighter:Olaf is a competent fighter, having felled beasts, ghosts, and entire armies by himself in his lifetime.
• Rage:When threatened, Olaf is able to enter an adrenaline filled, rage-like state in which he gains a strong boost of strength and energy, along with a large resistance to pain. This ability may be magical in nature, although this has not been confirmed.
Looking for his warrior's death, Olaf fought theWinter's Clawand defeated many of their warriors before fighting Sejuani. During the battle, Sejuani was able to convince him to join the Winter's Claw, and they now work together in order to accomplish Sejuani's goals of conquest and Olaf's goals of finally obtaining his warrior's death.
Olaf along with the rest of theWinter's Claware on a mission to steal the Great Cauldron ofOrnnfrom Volibear and the Ursine in order to survive the oncoming winter, which is told to be the coldest winter in ages.
Shadow and Fortune[]
While looking for a warrior's death inBilgewater, aHarrowingcommenced, prompting Olaf to fight the ghost of a Krakenwyrm that he had previously defeated. After being thrown away by the Krakenwyrm, Olaf traveled withLucian,Miss Fortune, and their companions as they traveled towards the temple ofNagakabouros, a temple headed byIllaoi. While traveling, Olaf saw the undead Krakenwyrm and rushed to fight it again, abandoning the people he was traveling with.
Sentinels of Light[]
After almost being killed fightingVex, Olaf joined the Sentinels of Light (consisting ofAkshan,Lucian,Senna, andVayne) along withDiana,Graves,Irelia,Pyke,Rengar, andRivenin order to defeatViego, who had unleashed his Ruination onto the world. He guided the Sentinels through the Freljord and returned to his normal life after Viego had been defeated.
Read More
The Berserker
By Unknown Author
Starring Champion
Short Story
Dead of Winter
ByGraham McNeill
Even from a distance, Sejuani could see the mammoth was dying.
Rise of the Sentinels
ByJohn O'Bryan
Black Mist pours across Runeterra, enthralling its champions and shrouding the continent in darkness. If the last Sentinels are going to save Runeterra, they're going to need all the help they can get. And that meansyouRookie!
Starring:Akshan,Diana,Draven,Graves,Gwen,Irelia,Isolde,Karma,Lucian,Miss Fortune,Olaf,Pantheon,Pyke,Rengar,Riven,Senna,Shyvana,Thresh,Vayne,Vex,Viego,Yorick
Short Story • 51 Minute Read
Shadow and Fortune: Chapter Four
ByGraham McNeill
She is not Dead, Strange Bedfellows, In Motion Again
Starring:Hecarim,Illaoi,Lucian,Miss Fortune,Olaf,Rafen,Thresh
Short Story • 51 Minute Read
Shadow and Fortune: Chapter One
ByGraham McNeill
Blood on the Streets, Glory in Death, Down to the Bearded Lady/nThe Butcher Blades had hung the Jackdaw from a rusted marlinspike through his jawbone and left him for the quayside scavengers. This was the seventeenth murdered ganger the hooded man had seen tonight.
Starring:Lucian,Miss Fortune,Olaf,Rafen
Short Story • 51 Minute Read
Shadow and Fortune: Chapter Three
ByGraham McNeill
The Purifier, City of the Dead, Sanctuary
Starring:Hecarim,Lucian,Miss Fortune,Olaf,Rafen,Thresh
Short Story • 51 Minute Read
Shadow and Fortune: Chapter Two
ByGraham McNeill
Something Stupid, The Red Shroud, The Shadow of War
Starring:Lucian,Miss Fortune,Olaf,Rafen
Mentioned:Hecarim,Morgana,Senna,Tahm Kench,Thresh
The Call
For the fallen. For the deserted. For the downtrodden. And for those who will rise again.
Mentioned Champion
Ruined King
ByAirship Syndicate
Rise Against Ruin - Unite a party of League of Legends Champions, explore Bilgewater and set sail for the Shadow Isles to uncover the secrets of the deadly Black Mist in this immersive turn-based RPG.
Starring:Ahri,Braum,Gangplank,Illaoi,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Necrit,Pyke,Rafen,Thresh,Viego,Yasuo
Mentioned:Ashe,Elise,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Gwen,Hecarim,Isolde,Ivern,Janna,Jarvan IV,Kalista,Ledros,Lucian,Nagakabouros,Nautilus,Olaf,Ornn,Rhasa,Riven,Senna,Swain,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Twisted Fate,Udyr,Volibear,Yone,Yorick,Zed
Alternate Universes
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
Olaf vs Everything: Series 1
ByTom Barton
Olaf vs Everything: Series 2
ByTom Barton
Mentioned:Ahri,Aurelion Sol,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Gnar,Illaoi,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Nagakabouros,Ornn,Renekton,Skarner,Teemo,Tryndamere,Urgot,Vel'Koz,Vi,Viktor,Vladimir,Warwick,Zyra
Music Video
Pentakill II: Grasp of the Undying
No one shreds like the undead.
Music Video
Pentakill III: Lost Chapter
Join Karthus, Mordekaiser, Sona, Yorick, Olaf, and Kayle to do battle with Viego and the Dissonant One, as the future of all Metal hangs in the balance...
Music Video
Pentakill: Smite and Ignite
The era of metal has begun.
Academy Adventures: Series 1
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Akali,Amumu,Anivia,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Braum,Cho'Gath,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fiora,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Ivern,Jhin,Jinx,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nidalee,Olaf,Poppy,Rek'Sai,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Shen,Sion,Sona,Soraka,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tristana,Trundle,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Vel'Koz,Vi,Yorick,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Crystal Quest: Series 1
Mentioned:Anivia,Ashe,Braum,Bristle,Caitlyn,Camille,Elise,Ezreal,Garen,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Illaoi,Ivern,Katarina,Kled,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lucian,Nami,Olaf,Poppy,Ryze,Senna,Singed,Skaarl,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Veigar,Vi,Zac
Crystal Quest: Series 2
Punches and Plants: Series 2
Mentioned:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Amumu,Annie,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Diana,Draven,Ekko,Ezreal,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Kha'Zix,Kog'Maw,Leona,Lucian,Lux,Malphite,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nasus,Nautilus,Nidalee,Olaf,Orianna,Poppy,Quinn,Rakan,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Shaco,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Valor,Vel'Koz,Viktor,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Xin Zhao,Yasuo,Ziggs
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Reaching the peak takes more than skill. Only those with the ambition to RISE above all others will know its height.
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Akali,Ashe,Braum,Darius,Ekko,Ezreal,Fiora,Garen,Gnar,Jarvan IV,Jax,Jinx,Kalista,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Leona,Lux,Master Yi,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Riven,Ryze,Sejuani,Swain,Taliyah,Thresh,Tryndamere,Vayne,Xayah,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs
Olaf is a naturally large man, described as being as tall as a mountedSejuani.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Berserker Rage, Description: Innate: Olaf gains bonus attack speed and life steal based on his missing health , up to 50% − 100% (based on level) bonus attack speed and 8% − 25% (based on level) life steal at 70% missing health ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'No additional details.']} | Name: Undertow, Description: Active: Olaf throws an axe to the target location that deals physical damage to enemies it passes through and slows them for 1. 5 − 2. 5 (based on distance traveled) seconds. Enemy champions hit are also inflicted with 20% armor reduction for 4 seconds. Physical Damage: 65 / 115 / 165 / 215 / 265 (+ 100% bonus AD) Slow: 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45% The axe remains in place for a duration equal to Undertow's cooldown, briefly granting sight of its surroundings. Olaf can pick up the axe to reduce Undertow's current cooldown to 2. 5 seconds , which resets the cooldown if that has already elapsed. Undertow will cast at max range if cast beyond that. Nearby monsters are granted ghosting upon Undertow's cast., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Undertowmay hit additional targets upon landing, but not targets already struck in-flight.The axe will land approximately 50 units further thanUndertow'starget range if cast below maximum range.", "The axe will land approximately 50 units further thanUndertow'starget range if cast below maximum range.", 'The axe is stopped prematurely upon encounteringWind WallorUnbreakable, remaining on the ground upon collision.', 'The timer for how long an axe stays on the ground does not begin until it has landed, thus it is possible to throw another axe before retrieving the first.', "Olafcannot pick up an enemyOlaf'saxe on the ground.", 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.']} | Name: Tough It Out, Description: Active: Olaf gains bonus attack speed for 4 seconds. Bonus Attack Speed: 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80% He also grants himself a shield for 2. 5 seconds with an amount that is capped at 70% missing health . Shield Strength: 10 / 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 (+ 17. 5 % missing health) Tough It Out resets Olaf's basic attack timer., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'No additional details.']} | Name: Reckless Swing, Description: Active: Olaf strikes thunder onto the target enemy, dealing true damage . True Damage: 70 / 115 / 160 / 205 / 250 (+ 50% AD) If Reckless Swing kills the target, Olaf heals himself equal to the health cost . Basic attacks reduce Reckless Swing's cooldown by 1 second., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'True', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'The health cost is equal to 30% of thetotaldamage dealt by the ability.', "Reckless Swingcan be cast even ifOlafdoesn't have the sufficient amount of health to pay for the health cost.As with all abilities with health costs,Reckless Swingwill not reduceOlaf'shealth below1.", "As with all abilities with health costs,Reckless Swingwill not reduceOlaf'shealth below1.", "Reckless Swing'shealth refund is considered ahealtherefore it is affected by healing modifiers.", 'If the target becomesuntargetable,dies, or is too far away or no longer insightduring the cast time, this ability will cancel but does not go oncooldownnor pay its cost (if applicable).']} | Name: Ragnarok, Description: Passive: Olaf gains bonus armor and bonus magic resistance . Bonus Resistances: 10 / 20 / 30 Active: Olaf becomes enraged for 3 seconds, cleansing himself of all crowd control and becoming immune to them , as well as gaining bonus attack damage and 10% increased size . For the first second of Ragnarok , he also gains bonus movement speed while facing visible enemy champions within 2000 units. Bonus Attack Damage: 10 / 20 / 30 (+ 25% AD) Bonus Movement Speed: 20 / 45 / 70% Ragnarok's duration is increased by and up to 2. 5 seconds for each basic attack on-hit or cast of Reckless Swing against an enemy champion ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Ragnarokremoves the underlyingstunfromairborneeffects, but not the forced displacement, which requires him to use ablinkordashability to override it.', "Ragnarokdoes not bypass self or ally applied effects, unless otherwise stated. Some examples includeZhonya's Hourglass,Guardian Angel, andFate's Call.He prevents both ally and enemyBardfrom putting him instasiswithTempered Fate.The ability will remain for its full duration regardless.", 'He prevents both ally and enemyBardfrom putting him instasiswithTempered Fate.', 'The ability will remain for its full duration regardless.', 'Ragnarokdoes not negate anydebuffsother thancrowd controlfrom being applied unless absolutely necessary.', 'Thebonusattack damageupdates dynamically over the duration; Increases or reductions inattack damageafter the effect has been applied will still be amplified.', 'The25% attack damagescaling amplifies the flatattack damagebonusas well.', "Ragnarokwill not expire duringReckless Swing'scast time.", "Ragnarokwill not resist the displacement caused by the 10 additionalBlast Conesspawned byInfernal Riftif they're triggered byOlaf.(bug)", "Ragnarok'sduration will not be increased if the basic attack isdodged.", "Ragnarok'sduration will be increased if the basic attack isblocked."]} | Olafis one of 20 champions without a singleability powerratio on any ability:Aatrox,Camille,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Garen,Kayn,Kled,Naafiri,Nilah,Pyke,Riven,Samira,Sett,Talon,Urgot,Xayah,Yone, andZed.
OlaftheBerserkermight be referencingClerks.
Olaf's dance referencesTechnoviking.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.
Ragnarokis named afterthe eponymous eventsfromNorse mythology.The symbol displayed in its icon is 力 (from Chinese, loaned into Japanese, Vietnamese, Korean:power) while thecrowd controlremoval references thePoetic Edda.
During development he was simply calledEnrage Barbarian.
Olaf's name derives fromOld West NorseᚬᛚᛅᚠᛦÓláfʀ,[2].Many Vikings, Norse-Gaels, and Varangians bore this name and its derivatives.His title means"bear-sark", referencing the garment worn by Norseberserkers.
Since his lore-retconning, Olaf fears his prophesied death in peace & obscurity and instead longs for an unforgettable, glorious death in combat, inspired by the commonIndo-Europeanliterary motif "Imperishable Glory".[3]Likewise,Pantheonchallenges his opponent(s) into an epic battle.
In theV1.0.0.115April Fools' Daypatch, he was jokingly listed to receive a skin called"Urlaf", referencingUrf. |
Orianna,the Lady of Clockwork,Orianna Reveck | | | health: Health600+110, resource: Mana418+25, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)7+0.55, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)8+0.8, armor: Armor20+4.2, attack damage: Attack damage40+2.6, attack speed: Base AS0.658, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius120, release: 2011-06-01, changed: V13.22, role: Burst, position: Middle, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 4800|880 | InDev Update - Champs, Lore & More, Laura 'poisonpixxi' DeYoung, Head of IP Creative for Riot Games, elaborated on their new approach to narrative cohesiveness by ironing out any inconsistencies that have sprung up over the years.
This article contains information that conflicts with this new narrative and will most likely be changed/moved in the following year(s).
Missing section(s):
OriannaMainCurrentTitlesReal nameOrianna ReveckAlias(es)The Lady of ClockworkCharacteristicsSpeciesTechmaturgicalGolemHumanPronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:946 AN - 976 ANWeapon(s)GearsPersonal statusStatusAlive(Constructed)Place of originPiltoverCurrent residencePiltoverFamilyCorin Reveck(Father; Creator)Pet(s)The BallProfessional statusOccupation(s)InventorDancerRegion(s)PiltoverFaction(s)PiltoverRelated character(s)BlitzcrankCamilleViktorSkarner
• Main
• Current
Real name
• TechmaturgicalGolem
• Human
• Born:946 AN - 976 AN
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
• Inventor
• Dancer
Related character(s)
Once a curious girl of flesh and blood,Oriannais now a technological marvel comprised entirely of clockwork. She became gravely ill after an accident in the lower districts ofZaun, and her failing body had to be replaced with exquisite artifice, piece by piece. Accompanied by the extraordinary brass orb that houses her hextech heart, Orianna is now free to explore the wonders ofPiltover, and beyond.
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2Recent events
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2Recent events
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early life[]
Orianna Reveck was born inPiltoveras the daughter of Corin Reveck, an artificer who designed artificial limbs. She helped her father run his shop as his assistant, but she had an adventurous spirit.Corinrefused to let Orianna go beyond her neighborhood and instead took her to the theater, where she was inspired by dancers who told stories of different regions, aspiring to visit them some day.
When news about a disaster inZaunreached the Revecks' shop, Orianna wanted to help, but Corin forbade her as Zaun was too dangerous. However, she snuck into Zaun at night so she could help the victims of the disaster, supplying them with respirators and even giving her own to save a child who could barely breathe. Corin was angry at her when she returned, but soon she became terminally ill due to her lungs being destroyed by the poisonous gas. Corin spent weeks developing artificial lungs and augmented them into Orianna, but kept her lungs wound with a key so she would not venture off again. As she returned to work, the poison spread to the rest of her body, so the Revecks worked hard to construct artificial parts to replace Orianna's failing body parts. She was eventually able to survive perfectly fine, but at the cost of all but her heart being replaced with bionic parts. She started to lose the memories of who she was before as her humanity began to fade.
Several years later, Corin's heart began to fail. Orianna constructed figurines to sell, but they could not raise enough money to save her father, so out of desperation she made a deal with a chem-baron, whom gave her a hextech crystal. As she paid him, she began to run out of money and knew he would turn to violence next time, so she decided to sacrifice her human heart to save her father. She constructedthe Ball, a floating machine which housed the hextech crystal within, designing it to defend and assist her. She anesthetized Corin to begin a surgery to replace his heart with her own. After the surgery was over, she realized that she had sacrificed the last remnant of her humanity, and was now only a machine. She set off to explore Piltover, eager to find her new place as a lady of clockwork. When Corin woke up and found that Orianna had left, he kept a figurine she had created as a memento to his daughter.
Recent events[]
Orianna visited a venue for Sir Fiesterly's Fantastical Fair, waiting until everybody had left. She felt attracted toward a fellow automaton named Fieram, displayed within a glass cabinet. He asked Orianna for her name, and repeated it claiming her name had soft sounds. He told her that he was afraid of the outside world, and was safe in the glass. He demonstrated a magic trick, to Orianna's awe. The two automatons began to converse with each other romantically, with Orianna interested with him to the point where she started to express her emotions, which she had lessened capability over. When Fieram told her of his dreams of seeing the outside world, she was obliged to free him by breaking the lock and the cage. Two security watchmen noticed and tried to stop her from damaging their property. Desperate to take Fieram with her, Orianna urged him to use his smoke-emitting trick, then knocked the two guards into unconsciousness using her Ball. After seeing Fieram repeat his lines, Orianna realized that he was a simple animatronic only following his programming, feeling sadness towards the revelation. As she bode goodbye to Fieram, she left without looking back, but not before seeing what appeared to be Fieram winking in the distance.
Orianna was helpful and altruistic, willing to do whatever it takes to help others even when dissuaded, and often sacrificed herself in numerous ways to offer others a chance to live. She enjoyed crafting like her father, but as she became more robotic she became more detached from her humanity, yet still retained her concern towards her father. She transplanted her own heart into her father as she saw it as the most logical option. After becoming fully robotic, she now wishes to find her place in the world as a robot retaining her human memories.
Orianna has trouble expressing her emotions, but is still capable of feeling them. She initially felt love towards Fieram due to being an automaton like her, even going as far as to attack the watchmen due to believing they were trying to stop her from freeing him. When he turned out just to be a robot apparently following his programming, she was saddened and left feeling defeated.[1]
Read More
The Lady of Clockwork
ByRayla Heide
Mentioned:Corin Reveck
Starring Champion
Short Story • 6 Minute Read
ByRayla Heide
Orianna walked through the fairground, empty and still in the evening gloom. Sir Feisterly's Fantastical Fair opened its gates to delighted crowds of Zaunites but twice a year, and Orianna did not want to miss her chance to see its wonders. She had waited until everyone had left for the day, and the rowdy laughter and accordion tunes had fallen silent. Only the low hum of nearby pipelines pumping steam through the chem district disturbed the quiet. Detritus lay strewn along the ground; colorful streamers and bright balloons mingling with crumpled wax paper that once held sweet jam pastries.
Mentioned Champion
ByDouble Stallion Games
Rewind the Past, Control the Future - Explore and traverse through the spectacular city of Zaun as Ekko, a young inventor with an ingenious device to manipulate time, in this story-driven action platformer. Play as a young Ekko and realize the full potential of one of League’s fan-favorite Champions.
Starring:Aximander,Camille,Chadd,Corin Reveck,Corina Veraza,Drake Poingdestre,Ekko,Elie,Inna,Jinx,Lem,Red,Rungs,Vale Poingdestre,Warwick,Wyeth,Zarkon Poingdestre
Mentioned:Ashlesh,Azir,Blitzcrank,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Eramis,Evil Kay,Farron,Fiddlesticks,Janna,Jayce,Kay,Nasus,Orianna,Renata Glasc,Seraphine,Shomi,Singed,Twitch,Urgot,Vi,Viktor,Zac,Zeri,Ziggs
Alternate Universes
Another Sky: Wild Rift Edition
ByTy Sheedlo
Join the Star Guardians as they fight for the future by saving a ghost from their past!
Starring:Ahri,Miss Fortune,Orianna,Rakan,Senna,Seraphine,Xayah
Be Your Best Santa
Santa Draven, Ambitious Elf Jinx, and Snow Fawn Poppy step up to help Santa Braum with this year’s Snowdown festivities. But with Jinx and Draven at the frontlines, the celebrations could easily snowball into shenanigans!
Music Video
Everything Goes On
ByPorter Robinson
Together with some familiar faces, a new generation of Star Guardians ascend to battle a looming threat. But even when confronted with eternal darkness, their hope burns brighter than fear.
Mentioned:Ahri,Lux,Miss Fortune
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Since its inception, Worlds has grown and evolved. Each unbelievable play and phenomenal match created moments and memories that will never be forgotten. In these iconic moments, players and teams reached for something incredible within themselves and brought it to life on the Summoner’s Rift...
Starring:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Brand,Caitlyn,Darius,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Gnar,Janna,Jax,Jayce,Jinx,Kassadin,Katarina,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lulu,Orianna,Rek'Sai,Rengar,Rumble,Ryze,Shen,Sivir,Tahm Kench,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Yasuo,Ziggs
ByInstitute of War
The truest opponent lies within.
Starring:Boram Darkwill,Brand,Caitlyn,Cassiopeia,Galio,Graves,Irelia,Jarvan IV,Karma,LeBlanc,Lee Sin,Leona,Lux,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nocturne,Orianna,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Skarner,Sona,Swain,Talon,Trundle,Urgot,Varus,Vayne,Vladimir,Wukong,Xerath,Xin Zhao,Yorick
Make History
In this battle of regions, one will conquer all others to make history.
Starring:Alistar,Ashe,Azir,Bard,Brand,Caitlyn,Cassiopeia,Elise,Evelynn,Janna,Karma,LeBlanc,Lee Sin,Lucian,Morgana,Nautilus,Orianna,Pyke,Ryze
New Dreams
The school year comes and goes, but we’ll share these memories forever.
Star-Crossed: Clockwork
ByJared Rosen,Callie Miller
Xayah grapples with what it means to be a leader, but her latest Star Guardian recruit may be the rational, logical antidote to her angst and axiety.
Mentioned:Ahri,Miss Fortune,Rakan
Star-Crossed: Embrace
ByJared Rosen,Callie Miller
Final showdown! The Guardians have played all their cards, but something in Xayah tells her to keep fighting—she’ll find a way to redeem Rakan or die (again) trying.
Starring:Ahri,Akali,Kai'Sa,Miss Fortune,Orianna,Rakan,Senna,Seraphine,Xayah
Star-Crossed: Hope
ByJared Rosen,Callie Miller
Months later, some familiar faces from Xayah’s past appear during the heat of battle. Her team may be stronger than ever, but what if Rakan doesn’t want to be saved?
Starring:Ahri,Miss Fortune,Orianna,Rakan,Senna,Seraphine,Xayah
Short Story
Submit to Infinity
By Numerous creators
Mac Client Available
Starring:Dr. Mundo
Mentioned:Amumu,Ashe,Caitlyn,Ezreal,Fizz,Gragas,Graves,Katarina,Master Yi,Miss Fortune,Mordekaiser,Orianna,Riven,Ryze,Singed,Soraka,Viktor,Zac,Ziggs
Punches and Plants: Series 2
Mentioned:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Amumu,Annie,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Diana,Draven,Ekko,Ezreal,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Kha'Zix,Kog'Maw,Leona,Lucian,Lux,Malphite,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nasus,Nautilus,Nidalee,Olaf,Orianna,Poppy,Quinn,Rakan,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Shaco,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Valor,Vel'Koz,Viktor,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Xin Zhao,Yasuo,Ziggs
Road to the Cup
As the 2013 League of Legends World Championship final draws near, we showcase the biggest heroes in esports from around the world. Many teams fell by the wayside in epic battles, and now only two remain: Korea's SK Telecom T1 and China's Royal Club. Who will rise?
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Blitzcrank,Brand,Caitlyn,Corki,Elise,Ezreal,Gragas,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Lux,Malphite,Mordekaiser,Orianna,Renekton,Ryze,Shen,Thresh,Twisted Fate,Vayne,Zac,Zed
• Orianna's backstory might be referencing Olimpia fromThe SandmanbyE. T. A. Hoffmann.
• Her new background is an example of theShip of Theseusdebate.
• Vaido Violante, a former apprentice of her father Corin Reveck, created the Atlas Gauntlets, a pair of which are used byVi. This is retconned in theArcane (TV Series)as in the show, Vi's Atlas Gauntlets were invented byJaycealongside his partnerViktor.As he was possibly quite young like mostPiltoverapprentices when working for Corin Reveck, Orianna was likely born around somewhere between 30 and 100 years ago.
• Orianna's in-game appearance depicts the old chassis that used a key to wind up her lung function.
• In episode 8 of Arcane, the as-of-yet unnamed doctor professes that he once had a daughter whom he lost. The picture of his daughter that he carries within a pendant resembles Orianna. The doctor is credited asSinged, a monikor he likely gained after being mutilated during a shimmer exploison in episode 3.
• As he was possibly quite young like mostPiltoverapprentices when working for Corin Reveck, Orianna was likely born around somewhere between 30 and 100 years ago.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Clockwork Windup, Description: Innate - The Ball: Orianna is accompanied by The Ball , which she commands with her abilities . The Ball incurs a 0. 01 -second global cooldown on all of her abilities when she casts any ability. Additionally, The Ball attaches to Orianna if she is near it, and snaps back to her if she moves too far away from it, which incurs a 0. 75 -second cooldown on Command: Shockwave . Innate: Orianna's basic attacks generate a stack of Clockwork Winding for 4 seconds, refreshing on subsequent attacks and stacking up to 2 times. All stacks are lost when attacking a new enemy. Clockwork Winding: Orianna's basic attacks are empowered to deal 10 − 50 (based on level) (+ 15% AP) bonus magic damage on-hit , increased by 「 20% 」 「 2 − 10 (based on level) (+ 3% AP) 」 per stack, up to 14 − 70 (based on level) (+ 21% AP) total bonus magic damage . See Pets for more details about The Ball., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Clockwork Winding'sstack count can be seen inOrianna'sbuff bar.", 'The Ballwill not incur its global cooldown from aCommand: Protectcast that is used on a target already attached to it.', 'The attacks do not deal thebonusdamage againststructures.', "Runaan's Hurricane'sextra bolts will causeClockwork Windingto reset its stacks, as she hits targets other than her latest oneon-hit.(bug)"]} | Name: Command: Attack, Description: Active: Orianna commands The Ball to fly to the target location and remain there, dealing magic damage to enemies it passes through and nearby enemies upon arrival, reduced to 70% against those hit beyond the first. Magic Damage: 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 (+ 50% AP) Reduced Damage: 42 / 63 / 84 / 105 / 126 (+ 35% AP) Link ▶️ "Ravage.", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'IfThe Ballis currently onOriannaherself,Command: Attackwill have it cast to fly at least 150 units if the player attempts to cast it closer.', 'The Balldoes not grantsightwhile in flight, but the sound effect of striking an enemy is audible through the Fog of War.', 'Oriannacannot useCommand: ProtectwhileThe Ballis in transit withCommand: Attackbut she may bufferCommand: DissonanceandCommand: Shockwaveto cast once it has reached the location.', "The Ballwill remain at the target location untilOriannaretrieves it or if she goes beyond its leash range.Oriannawill attempt to walk toCommand: Attack'scast point if it lies outside cast range (The Ballwill never exceed its leash range regardless of target direction).", "Oriannawill attempt to walk toCommand: Attack'scast point if it lies outside cast range (The Ballwill never exceed its leash range regardless of target direction).", "PENDING FOR TEST:The Ballwill drop to the ground upon colliding withYasuo'sWind Wallbut not withBraum'sUnbreakable.Samira'sBlade Whirl?", "Samira'sBlade Whirl?"]} | Name: Command: Dissonance, Description: Active: Orianna commands The Ball to emit an electric pulse that deals magic damage to nearby enemies. Magic Damage: 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 (+ 70% AP) The pulse leaves behind an electric field that last 3 seconds, granting bonus movement speed to Orianna and her allies when they move within. Enemies that move within the field are slowed by the same amount, decaying over 2 seconds after leaving. Movement Speed Modifier: 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50% Link ▶️ "Pulse.", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'No additional notes.']} | Name: Command: Protect, Description: Passive: The Ball grants bonus armor and bonus magic resistance to the unit it is attached to. Bonus Resistances: 6 / 12 / 18 / 24 / 30 Active: Orianna commands The Ball to fly to herself or the target allied champion and attach itself to the target, dealing magic damage to enemies it passes through and granting the target a shield for 2. 5 seconds upon arrival. Magic Damage: 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 (+ 30% AP) Shield Strength: 55 / 90 / 125 / 160 / 195 (+ 45% AP) Link ▶️ "Protect.", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'The Balldoes not grantsightwhile in flight, but the sound effect of striking an enemy is audible through the Fog of War.', 'Oriannacannot cast her other abilities while theThe Ballis moving to the target withCommand: Protect.', "OriannagainsCommand: Protect'sbonus resistances wheneverThe Ballis attached to her (even if she didn't self-cast).", "The Ballwill remain whereCommand: Protect'starget allydiedor, if they died or becameuntargetablebefore The Ball reaches them, it will instead snap back toOrianna.The Ballwill return toOriannaifCommand: Protect'starget ally moves too far away from her (The Ballwill always respect itsleash range, which is increased by 100 when attached to allied champions).", "The Ballwill return toOriannaifCommand: Protect'starget ally moves too far away from her (The Ballwill always respect itsleash range, which is increased by 100 when attached to allied champions).", "The Ballwill joinCommand: Protect'starget ally instealthif they are affected by it whenOriannatargets them.", 'The Ballsnaps back toOriannaupon being intercepted byprojectile-blockingeffects.']} | Name: Command: Shockwave, Description: Active: Orianna commands The Ball to unleash a shockwave that deals magic damage to nearby enemies, stunning them for 0. 75 seconds, and pulling them over 325 units, though not through terrain. Magic Damage: 250 / 400 / 550 (+ 95% AP) Link ▶️ "Throw.", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Command: Shockwavetosses enemies a set distance (those on the edge of the flinging area will be tossed to the center while those close to the middle will go overThe Balltowards the edge) and can send them through walls.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.Command: Shockwavewill cast from wherever the unit theThe Ballis attached to is at the end of the cast time, even if the unit exceeds max tether range.', 'Command: Shockwavewill cast from wherever the unit theThe Ballis attached to is at the end of the cast time, even if the unit exceeds max tether range.', 'Displacement immunitywill not resist the application of thestun.']} | Oriannais a widespreadRomancename, merged from two Latin roots with feminine suffix-na:Orior"I rise"; cf.Orientalis, referring the rising sun.Aurum"gold"; which she shares withAurelion Sol.
Orianna was the last champion priced lower than6300on release.
Clockwork Windingis named after and referencesthe eponymous gear mechanism.
Orianna's icon during her 'Champion Spotlight' was awalfas-styled face.
Multiple miniature copies ofThe Ballcan be seen onCorporate Mundo'sdesk during the game's Mac Version trailer.
In the now-removed official League of Legendsforums, theiconofCommand: Shockwavewas used to represent the "Forum Games" section. |
Ornn,The Fire below the Mountain | | | health: Health660+109, resource: Mana341+65, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)9+0.9, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)8+0.6, armor: Armor33+5.2, attack damage: Attack damage69+3.5, attack speed: Base AS0.625, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius80, selection radius: Selection radius125, release: 2017-08-23, changed: V13.19, role: Vanguard, position: Top, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 4800|880 | Games
OrnnMainArmoredPastTitlesReal nameRamhaurg(Ancient Freljordian)Nickname(s)Old OrnnGrumpy old goatAlias(es)The MountainsmithThe Shaping HandThe Fire Below the MountainThe Spirit of FireThe Great RamThe FirebringerFirst BuilderForgelordMaster of the ForgeFather of the SnowSpirit of the Great RamHearth and ForgeFire RamCharacteristicsSpeciesSpirit GodPronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:Earlier than 9000 BNWeapon(s)The HammerPrimordial FlameThe SpadeThe ForkThe Ram-DoorPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originFreljord(The Formation)Current residenceHearth-Home,FreljordFamilyVolibear(Brother)Anivia(Sister)Ildhaurg(Sibling)Unnamed Wildclaw(Sibling)Unnamed Raven(Sibling)Seal Sister(Sister)Unnamed Lynx(Sibling)Unnamed Owl(Sibling)Pet(s)Lava ElementalProfessional statusOccupation(s)SmithCraftsmanGuardianDemi-God Spirit(Forging and Craftmanship)Region(s)FreljordRelated character(s)AniviaVolibearAsheSejuaniLissandraBraumDoranUdyrNunuWillump
• Main
• Armored
• Past
Real name
• Old Ornn
• Grumpy old goat
• The Mountainsmith
• The Shaping Hand
• The Fire Below the Mountain
• The Spirit of Fire
• The Great Ram
• The Firebringer
• First Builder
• Forgelord
• Master of the Forge
• Father of the Snow
• Spirit of the Great Ram
• Hearth and Forge
• Fire Ram
• Born:Earlier than 9000 BN
• The Hammer
• Primordial Flame
• The Spade
• The Fork
• The Ram-Door
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Volibear(Brother)
• Anivia(Sister)
• Ildhaurg(Sibling)
• Unnamed Wildclaw(Sibling)
• Unnamed Raven(Sibling)
• Seal Sister(Sister)
• Unnamed Lynx(Sibling)
• Unnamed Owl(Sibling)
Professional status
• Smith
• Craftsman
• Guardian
• Demi-God Spirit(Forging and Craftmanship)
Related character(s)
Ornnis theFreljordiandemi-god of forging and craftsmanship. He works in the solitude of a massive smithy, hammered out from the lava caverns beneath the volcanoHearth-Home. There he stokes bubbling cauldrons of molten rock to purify ores and fashion items of unsurpassed quality. When other deities—especiallyVolibear—walk the earth and meddle in mortal affairs,Ornnarises to put these impetuous beings back in their place, either with his trusty hammer or the fiery power of the mountains themselves.
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2Notable Creations1.3The Hearthblood1.4Recent events
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Freljord5.2Siblings5.2.1Anivia5.2.2Volibear5.3Lissandra5.4Braum5.5Udyr
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2Notable Creations
• 1.3The Hearthblood
• 1.4Recent events
• 5.1Freljord
• 5.2Siblings5.2.1Anivia5.2.2Volibear
• 5.3Lissandra
• 5.4Braum
• 5.5Udyr
• 5.2.1Anivia
• 5.2.2Volibear
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early life[]
Not much is known about Ornn's early life, only tales and stories told around campfires persist, and even then the validity of these stories is not known.
One such story tells of when Ornn was young. Looking for a fight with a worthy opponent, Ornn challenged the land around him to a battle. Ornn fought the land, reshaping it with each blow. He headbutted mountains, beat valleys into shape, and shaped the earth into the landscape of what would become known as theFreljordtoday. When he was tired, Ornn thanked the land for the glorious match, and in return, the land opened itself to him, showing him its core. This gave Ornn the power of the primordial flame, and Ornn then dedicated himself to forging tools and weapons.
Another story tells of how after his first home burned down, Ornn made a mountain out of ore, and inside was a forge that channeled the primordial flame from deep within the earth. However, the mountain was too hot even for Ornn, who slept through his first home burning down around him, and so he channeled a sea of cold water into the mountain. It took three days for the home to finally cool, and the ocean had dipped a few inches because of how much water was used. So much steam had risen from the cooling that the sky soon filled with dark clouds and burst with snow. It snowed for a hundred years, and that event is what causes the Freljord to have so much snow even today.
Notable Creations[]
It is said that one day, Three Sisters came to Ornn for help. They asked him to dig a hole deep and wide enough to lure their enemies into. Ornn said yes, as he was already planning on digging a hole, and the proposed site was a fine spot. After he was done digging the hole, Ornn returned to his work. Several years later, the Sisters, having endured years of war, came to Ornn again. They asked him to forge a bridge over the abyss, made out of a metal that fell from the sky. This metal was so durable and unyielding that only he could forge it. Ornn agreed, accepting the metal itself as payment. He builtthe bridge, and so durable was it that it would have stood until the end of time hadone sisternot ruined Ornn's work by casting spells onto it.
In the making of this bridge, Ornn had made a tool from the star metal that he called 'hammer', as he had used it to hammer. Ornn grew so attached to this hammer that even when he had thrown away his favorite spade and eating fork, he could not bring himself to throw away the hammer. He still uses the hammer to forge his creations to this day.
One of Ornn's last known creations was made when a troll named Grubrack challenged him to a drinking contest. Ornn accepted and promised that if Grubrack won, he would build him a door to protect Grubrack's riches. When the time came, Ornn lost due to Grubgrack putting a shard of True Ice in his drink, causing it to infinitely melt and put endless amounts of drink in Ornn's cup. Ornn was angry at Grubgrack for cheating, but stuck to his word and built the door. However, once Grubrack closed the door, he could not get it open, no matter how hard he tried. The door was indestructible, so much so that many years after its creation,a heroic manelected to go through the mountain around the door in order to reach a child stuck behind it.
Grubrack could not get it open no matter how hard he tried. Ornn did not care, and considered it justice for Grubrack cheating. To this day, some say that just before an avalanche, you can still hear Grubrack's wails, lamenting on his lost riches.
The Hearthblood[]
In time, like many other demigods, Ornn amassed a group of followers. They were legion of some of the best forgers inRuneterrawho came from far and wide to hone their skills under Ornn's guidance. They called themselves the Hearthblood, for they never felt the bitter cold of the Freljord and could bare the intense heat of lava and fire just beneath them, heating up the ground. They presented their work to Ornn, and every so often he would appraise their work, calling the best creations "passable." This was a big compliment from Ornn, as he rarely ever appraised anything, instead electing to let good work speak for itself. He never admitted it, but Ornn secretly cared for the Hearthblood. He admired them for being dedicated to nothing but honing their skills, and not giving him sacrifices or preaching the misconstrued words of their god to people who did not want to hear. They made him smile, though no one could tell because his mouth was hidden behind his beard.
One day, Ornn's closest siblingVolibearand his followers came to visit him. Volibear had grown jealous of the love that Ornn's followers freely gave him, and was itching for a fight with Ornn. Volibear came and asked for swords and axes for him and his army of followers, but Ornn refused, not wanting to have anything to do with his brother's warmongering. Volibear threatened to take what his brother wouldn't give, and in return Ornn charged onto Volibear and hit him with his horns so hard that the base of Ornn's mountain shook. They fought for eight days, causing lightning to strike the mountain and molten lava to explode out of the ground. When it ended, the Hearthblood were killed and their home was destroyed. Volibear and Ornn still lived, returning to their individual pursuits. Volibear swore off his brother and shed his rune-inscribed armor, electing to instead fight with tooth, claw, might, and thunder. Ornn returned to his solitary work, continuing to make weapons and armor for years to come.
Recent events[]
Ornn continues his work in solitude, not interacting with anybody. His name is still spoken, but not by many. Every now and then, smoke rises from Ornn's mountain. Some say that he is lighting his furnace to stop the fire underneath the world from going out. Others say that he is building a great weapon. And there are some who claim that he is dead, as he has not been seen in the Freljord since his fateful battle.
Ornn has a large humanoid-like figure with a square shaped torso and muscular arms, chiseled by his endless work of forging and crafting weapons. He has the head of a ram with large horns and a large red beard that covers up most of his face. Ornn's eyes, left arm, and the tips of his horns glow orange with the heat and power of primordial fire, and he wears nothing but a large metal apron around his torso.
Ornn is a quiet and stoic individual, not bothering or interacting with anybody unless they come to him. Ornn often will not do things unless he deems it necessary, even using the shortest sentences he can to get his point accross. Ornn is dedicated to his craft and works day and night, and while he takes satisfaction in his work, he does not appraise it, instead electing to let good work speak for itself. He is apathetic to many things, including the people around him. The only people Ornn has ever truly admired or respected were the Hearthblood, and the destruction of their people hurt his soul more than anything else in this world. He has not cared about anyone or anything else since.
• Spirit God:Ornn is an ancient divine being embodying a particular aspect of the world, in this case, fire, volcanoes, forging and craftsmanship. Ornn nurtures himself from both his role as a fire and forging god and the belief and memory of worshipers.Immortality:As a demigod and the god of fire and forging, so long as those two elements exist in Runeterra and people still believe and remember him, Ornn will continue existing.Primordial Flame:Ornn wields the power of the Primordial Flame, magical fire capable of many feats of strength and magic. Ornn is the only known being that can melt True Ice.Earth Magic:Ornn has some minor control over the earth, mainly as a god of volcanoes. He can mold the shape of the earth, and create magma in seconds.Immense Strength:Ornn posses immense, godlike strength. It is said that he is so strong that he challenged the land to a battle, and in doing so crafted the landscape of the Freljord that exists to this day.Divine Craftsmanship:As a god of the Forge, Ornn is divinely gifted in the arts of forging. Many of his creations crafted millenia ago still exist to this day.
• Immortality:As a demigod and the god of fire and forging, so long as those two elements exist in Runeterra and people still believe and remember him, Ornn will continue existing.
• Primordial Flame:Ornn wields the power of the Primordial Flame, magical fire capable of many feats of strength and magic. Ornn is the only known being that can melt True Ice.
• Earth Magic:Ornn has some minor control over the earth, mainly as a god of volcanoes. He can mold the shape of the earth, and create magma in seconds.
• Immense Strength:Ornn posses immense, godlike strength. It is said that he is so strong that he challenged the land to a battle, and in doing so crafted the landscape of the Freljord that exists to this day.
• Divine Craftsmanship:As a god of the Forge, Ornn is divinely gifted in the arts of forging. Many of his creations crafted millenia ago still exist to this day.
Many in the Freljord know of Ornn, yet few worship him or are considered his 'followers'. Once, an entire village of people known as the Hearthblood worshiped him and followed in his ways of forging and crafting weapons. However, the Hearthblood were all killed and their home destroyed during a battle between Ornn andVolibear.
Ornn has numerousdemigod siblings, includingAnivia,Volibear, and many others such asIldhaurgand theSeal Sister. They were once all close, but soon grew apart due to their own ventures.
In myths, it is said that Anivia once accidentally burned down Ornn's Horn Hall after trying to get back at him for felling her favorite perching trees in order to make it. Ornn did not know that it was her that did it and believed that it was his own arrogance that caused his home to burn down. He vowed to never again compliment his own work, which contributed to his stoic and quiet personality.
Volibear and Ornn were once close, fighting in many battles together. However, as they drifted apart, Volibear grew jealous of the love that the Hearthblood freely gave to Ornn. Volibear and his followers went to Ornn seeking weapons and armor for battle. When Ornn refused, Volibear said that he would take what Ornn would not give, which caused Ornn to attack Volibear. Their fight lasted for eight days and neither of them perished. However, this fight killed the Hearthblood and Ornn has not been seen since.
Legends say that Ornn dug out theHowling Abyssand built a bridge over it at the request of Lissandra and her two sisters, Serylda (Sejuani'ssupposed ancestor) and Avarosa (Ashe'ssupposed ancestor). How truthful the myths are is unknown.
Lissandra and herFrostguardhave been trying to sabotage the worship of the old demi-gods, including Ornn, in order to deny them power and influence.
Braum's original tribe has a strong connection to Ornn and hence his magic takes the shape of the ram. Ornn is responsible for making the unbreakable door that is used as a shield by Braum.
As a shaman: Udyr is able to harness his power, appearing as two lava orange horns on his shoulders.
Read More
The Fire Below the Mountain
ByMatthew Dunn
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Song of Nunu
ByTequila Works
The Call
For the fallen. For the deserted. For the downtrodden. And for those who will rise again.
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The Lost Tales of Ornn
ByMatthew Dunn
I have never seen the forgotten god. My grandmother told me these tales, but she never saw the forgotten god either—nor did her grandmother before her, or hers before her, a thousand times over. His legends endure only around crackling fires and meals of roasted fish. The further back we trace our ancestors, the truer the tales become.
The Path to Hearth-Home
ByKole Hicks
In the echoes of the mountains and the crackling of the embers, a legend once forgotten is remembered with a song older than any tribe.
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The Voice from the Hearth
ByMatthew Dunn
No one knew who lit the fire, but we saw the plume of smoke from far away.
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Rise Against Ruin - Unite a party of League of Legends Champions, explore Bilgewater and set sail for the Shadow Isles to uncover the secrets of the deadly Black Mist in this immersive turn-based RPG.
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Mentioned:Ashe,Elise,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Gwen,Hecarim,Isolde,Ivern,Janna,Jarvan IV,Kalista,Ledros,Lucian,Nagakabouros,Nautilus,Olaf,Ornn,Rhasa,Riven,Senna,Swain,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Twisted Fate,Udyr,Volibear,Yone,Yorick,Zed
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Olaf vs Everything: Series 2
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Mentioned:Ahri,Aurelion Sol,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Gnar,Illaoi,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Nagakabouros,Ornn,Renekton,Skarner,Teemo,Tryndamere,Urgot,Vel'Koz,Vi,Viktor,Vladimir,Warwick,Zyra
The Tale of the Poro King
By Numerous creators
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aatrox,Akali,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Darius,Diana,Draven,Ezreal,Gnar,Illaoi,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kai'Sa,Karma,Karthus,Katarina,Kayle,Kayn,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nunu,Ornn,Pantheon,Pyke,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Rhaast,Ryze,Sejuani,Shen,Sion,Sivir,Soraka,Sylas,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Thresh,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Vi,Volibear,Willump,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs,Zoe
• Ornncrafted many things:TheHowling Abyssand the bridge that was constructed above it. The bridge would have been unbreakable if the Third Sister, Lissandra, had not cast spells upon itEnchanted Ram Doorthat later came to be wielded byBraum.[1]A fork that later came to be wielded as a trident by a mer-king, likely the king of theMarai.The first hammer onRuneterra.[2]
• Ornnis the physical form of the Great Spirit of the Ram, as such spirit walkers likeUdyrcan harness a bit of his primal spirit magic.Ornn is one of the spirit gods. "Spirit gods" are more like manifestations of cultural ideas, given immense power by the belief of their followers and can wax and wane, depending - or disappear for a long, long time.[3]
• Most of Ornn's followers were killed long ago when he fought with his brother Volibear. Ornn's disappearance was partly due to him removing himself from the world's affairs, but also due to the work of his enemies (possibly Lissandra, who tried to erase all information about her near-destruction of the Freljord). This happens in our world, too. Entire mythologies from ancient times (Pre-Roman) are lost or exist in tantalizingly few places. Even books that were once in the Bible are gone and lost. Ornn has been forgotten, and he's honestly just fine with that.[4]Ornn has been inactive for over 8000 years.[5]
• TheHowling Abyssand the bridge that was constructed above it. The bridge would have been unbreakable if the Third Sister, Lissandra, had not cast spells upon it
• Enchanted Ram Doorthat later came to be wielded byBraum.[1]
• A fork that later came to be wielded as a trident by a mer-king, likely the king of theMarai.
• The first hammer onRuneterra.[2]
• Ornn is one of the spirit gods. "Spirit gods" are more like manifestations of cultural ideas, given immense power by the belief of their followers and can wax and wane, depending - or disappear for a long, long time.[3]
• Ornn has been inactive for over 8000 years.[5]
Obscured behind Ornn's teaser poem, additional information regarding the champion's background is revealed. Each localization (language) reveals different information.
• English"One, there were Three Sisters (...) However, did not care to (...) reasons, and he did not (...) journeying many days.""(...) possibly ever (...) Ornn agreed, but (...) bridge.""So Ornn (...) Also, he had planned (...) When Ornn was finished with the tren(...)word. For he had already said far too much to them.""Then he turned east and threw his (...) in the Great Sea. Some say, later, a mer-k (king? kind?) (...) sea-bottom, and still uses it to rule his Kingdom."
• Frenchtranslated byNecrozardHe likes to eat spicy cherries.
• Germantranslated byAngelOfPorn265"Simply the quality (...) At home""Ornn would have a special desire (...) He made a spade for himself (...) And a fork.""It gave him the power of (...) Origin of changes. He looked at the Land (...) Of his K(...)was and nodded. It was good."
• Greektranslated byAngelOfPorn265"It wasAnivia'sfault(...)Even if(...)WhyAnivianever told him the(...)because I told that(...)"'(...)I like my job', said Ornn(...)""Where(...)its covered""When [Ornn] was exhausted he wished(...)And the Earth answered to him opening up a flaming(...)throwing her heart."
• Latin America Southtranslated byLordGoopy"If you had seen the metalis (...)This material, as it was[expensive/almost like](...) But[I]would work only and (...) The third sister (...) The Bridge.""With thattool (...)[bad/evil/wrong] through the (...) Ornn [who/whom/that] (...).""Forge (...) [An accord/according to] (...) Build (...)""Meanwhile (...) [A shovel/shoves/digs] so (...) In the darkness.""Then he turned to the east, where he threw his (...) His(?).Lost [his] (...)In thedarkness (...). [It] landed in the Great Sea. Some say that (...) Powerful trident at the bottom of the sea, and still uses it torule [over]."
• Russiantranslated byAngelOfPorn265"She fell into the Bottom of the Great(...)Found a powerful Trident and till this time with its(...)""Except that he still(...)After the Job was done Orn left the three(...)
• "One, there were Three Sisters (...) However, did not care to (...) reasons, and he did not (...) journeying many days."
• "(...) possibly ever (...) Ornn agreed, but (...) bridge."
• "So Ornn (...) Also, he had planned (...) When Ornn was finished with the tren(...)word. For he had already said far too much to them."
• "Then he turned east and threw his (...) in the Great Sea. Some say, later, a mer-k (king? kind?) (...) sea-bottom, and still uses it to rule his Kingdom."
• He likes to eat spicy cherries.
• "Simply the quality (...) At home"
• "Ornn would have a special desire (...) He made a spade for himself (...) And a fork."
• "It gave him the power of (...) Origin of changes. He looked at the Land (...) Of his K(...)was and nodded. It was good."
• "It wasAnivia'sfault(...)Even if(...)
• WhyAnivianever told him the(...)because I told that(...)
• "'(...)I like my job', said Ornn(...)"
• "Where(...)its covered"
• "When [Ornn] was exhausted he wished(...)And the Earth answered to him opening up a flaming(...)throwing her heart."
• "If you had seen the metalis (...)This material, as it was[expensive/almost like](...) But[I]would work only and (...) The third sister (...) The Bridge."
• "With thattool (...)[bad/evil/wrong] through the (...) Ornn [who/whom/that] (...)."
• "Forge (...) [An accord/according to] (...) Build (...)"
• "Meanwhile (...) [A shovel/shoves/digs] so (...) In the darkness."
• "Then he turned to the east, where he threw his (...) His(?).Lost [his] (...)In thedarkness (...). [It] landed in the Great Sea. Some say that (...) Powerful trident at the bottom of the sea, and still uses it torule [over]."
• "She fell into the Bottom of the Great(...)Found a powerful Trident and till this time with its(...)"
• "Except that he still(...)After the Job was done Orn left the three(...)
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Living Forge, Description: Innate - Living Forge: Ornn can purchase non- consumable items from anywhere on the field by forging them himself, and is also presented a Forge Menu to quickly forge his recommended items. Forging takes 4 seconds and is interrupted if Ornn takes damage from enemy champions or turrets , disabling Living Forge for a few seconds. Gold is only expended upon completing the forge . Innate - Master Craftsman: Ornn increases his bonus armor , bonus magic resistance and bonus health by 10% from all sources, further increased by 4% each time he upgrades a Mythic item into a Masterwork item. When Ornn reaches level 13, the Mythic item he owns or purchases is upgraded automatically. For each level after 13 (levels 14–17), Ornn can upgrade one of an allied champion's Mythic item by selecting them within 600 range. Masterwork items have roughly 1000 -worth of additional stats. See details. Innate - Temper: Ornn's basic attacks against Brittle enemies knock them back a short distance. Ornn's and allies' immobilizing effects against Brittle enemies will consume the debuff to deal bonus magic damage equal to 10% − 18% (based on Ornn's level) of the target's maximum health , capped at 250 against monsters , and last 30% longer (if applicable). "The weapons I forge do not have names. They have ambitions." Link ▶️ Masterwork item alert., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Missing', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Tips & Tricks', 'Map-Specific Differences', "PENDING FOR TEST:Spell shieldinteraction withOrnn'sempowered attack againstBrittletargets.", "Ornn'sbasic attacks againstBrittleenemies will end the duration of the debuffon-hitprematurely even if theknock backis not applied.His basic attacks againstBrittleepicmonsterswill still render the debuff without theknock backbeing applied against them.", 'His basic attacks againstBrittleepicmonsterswill still render the debuff without theknock backbeing applied against them.', "Brittle'sTenacityreduction will benefit all applicable types ofcrowd control, not justimmobilizes. The following do not consumeBrittlebut benefit from the reduction:blinds,cripples,disarms,grounding,silences, andslows.", 'Thebonusmagic damageinflicted byBrittleis credited toOrnn, and benefits from hismagic penetration.', 'The following table shows a list of allMasterworkitems and the additional stats they provide compared to their non-upgraded version, as well as thegold valueof these stats: (edit)', "Health and mana items built on the field will retainOrnn'sprevioushealthandmanapercentage. Returning to base still brings health and mana items back to full.", "Living Forge'sincrease inbonushealthstacks multiplicativelywithVigilant Wardstone'sChosen of Ixtal.", 'Masterworkitems and their components are not the same item and so in theory any unnamed passives would stack and any unnamed actives would only put themselves on cooldown upon activated. This is however not true. Actives will always place their counterpart on cooldown.', 'IfOrnnbuys another mythic item after he has reached level 13, selling it will grant no gold.(bug)This will persist even if he purchases the initial item again.', 'This will persist even if he purchases the initial item again.', "IfOrnnhas one of his Mythic item's components in the first item slot, in addition to his completed Mythic item in any other slot, the component will vanish upon upgrading the Mythic item.(bug)This does not occur upon upgrading an ally's item.", "This does not occur upon upgrading an ally's item.", "The following table refers for interactions whileOrnnischanneling:All ofOrnn'sactions are disabled during the first 0.5seconds of the channel.", "All ofOrnn'sactions are disabled during the first 0.5seconds of the channel.", 'Damaging effects', 'Death', 'Cast-inhibiting effects', "Althoughairborneeffects won't be extended byBrittle, if the spell simultaneouslystunsthe target, this stun will be extended and persist past the airborne duration, for an overall increased crowd control duration.Ornn'sSearing ChargeandCall of the Forge Godeach apply both airborne and stun simultaneously for the same duration for this reason.", "Ornn'sSearing ChargeandCall of the Forge Godeach apply both airborne and stun simultaneously for the same duration for this reason.", 'New Effect:Forging an item putsLiving Forgeon a 120-second cooldown.', 'Automatic Masterwork upgrade changed to level 11.', 'Stat increase perMythicitem forged changed to 6%.', "New Effect:Upon receiving the automatic upgrade, both his and his ally'sMythicitems are upgraded to theirMasterworkvariants."]} | Name: Volcanic Rupture, Description: Active: Ornn sends a fissure in the target direction that deals physical damage to enemies hit and slows them by 40% for 2 seconds. Physical Damage: 20 / 45 / 70 / 95 / 120 (+ 110% AD) The fissure stops at maximum range or 200 units behind the first enemy champion struck. After 1. 125 -seconds, a magma pillar then erupts to knock aside enemies, though not through terrain, and linger as impassible terrain for 4 seconds. The pillar will not expire while Ornn is charging ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'The fissure will move an 200 units beyond the first champion it hits, not exceeding the maximum range of the ability.It can still damage additional targets.', 'If launched in a wall, pillar will try to appear on the other side of the wall, if it cannot the pillar will be destroyed.', 'Spell shieldwill not prevent theknock asidefrom the magma pillar forming.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.']} | Name: Bellows Breath, Description: Active: Ornn marches forward 90 units in the target direction over 0. 75 seconds, gaining displacement immunity and becoming unable to act for the duration. Over the march he belches fire over a cone in front of him, dealing magic damage every 0. 15 seconds to enemies hit. The final gout of flame will apply Brittle for 3 seconds. Total Magic Damage: 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16% of target's maximum health Magic Damage Per Tick: 2. 4 / 2. 6 / 2. 8 / 3 / 3. 2 % of target's maximum health Bellows Breath has a minimum damage threshold, which is also the damage dealt to minions . Monsters take modified damage as well. Total Minimum/Minion Damage: 80 / 130 / 180 / 230 / 280 Minimum/Minion Damage Per Tick: 16 / 26 / 36 / 46 / 56 Total Monster Damage: 155 / 180 / 205 / 230 / 255 Monster Damage Per Tick: 31 / 36 / 41 / 46 / 51, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Spell shieldwill negate the final instance of damage and preventsBrittlefrom being applied.', 'Ornncan see the on-target VFX on targets that are being struck even while they are in thefog of war.', "Ornnplaces himself onto the ground and interruptsdisplacementsaffecting him upon castingBellow's Breath.", 'The following table refers for interactions whileOrnnis performingBellows Breath:', 'Death']} | Name: Searing Charge, Description: Active: Ornn charges in the target direction, dealing physical damage to enemies he passes through and stopping upon colliding with terrain. Physical Damage: 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260 (+ 40% bonus armor) (+ 40% bonus magic resistance) If Ornn collides with terrain during the charge, he creates a shockwave that knocks up and stuns nearby enemies for 1. 25 seconds and deals the same damage if they were not already hit by the charge. The shockwave destructs the pillar formed by Volcanic Rupture and partially destroys terrain created by enemy champions ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Spell shieldsmay only block one instance of damage.', 'Brittleenemies withoutTenacityof their own will bestunnedfor a total of 1.625seconds.', 'Searing Chargecan interact withplayer-generated terrain.', 'Ornnwill notdashafter the cast time if he isairborneorresurrecting.', 'Displacement immunitywill also resist the application of thestun.', 'Death, unless protected byResurrection']} | Name: Call of the Forge God, Description: Active: Ornn sounds his horn, summoning a lava elemental at maximum range from the target direction that stampedes towards his casting position at increasing speed. The elemental deals magic damage to enemies it passes through and slows them for 2 seconds. Magic Damage: 125 / 175 / 225 (+ 20% AP) Slow: 40 / 50 / 60% Call of the Forge God can be recast after 1. 25 seconds while the elemental is active. Recast: Ornn dashes in the target direction, though not through terrain. If he collides with the elemental, he sends it stampeding in the same direction. The elemental deals the same damage to enemies it passes through and knocks them up and stuns them for 1 second, reduced to 0. 5 seconds after the first enemy champion hit. Total Magic Damage: 250 / 350 / 450 (+ 40% AP) Each pass applies Brittle to targets for 3 seconds and can affect enemies only once. The elemental briefly grants sight around its trajectory as it travels. Link ▶️ Activation alert., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Both casts count as ability activations for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.Despite this, the effects of both casts count as the samecast instance.", 'Despite this, the effects of both casts count as the samecast instance.', 'Call of the Forge Godcannot be recast whilegroundedorrooted.', 'Brittleenemies withoutTenacityof their own will bestunnedfor a total of 1.3seconds.', 'Spell shieldsmay only block one pass.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.', 'Displacement immunitywill also resist the application of thestun.', 'Death, unless protected byResurrection']} | Ornn's dance referencesAttila'sdanceduring the songI've Got a Dream.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.
The language used in the musical accompaniment for The Path To Hearth-Home is described, in-universe, as "Ancient Freljordian".[2]It is based on Old Norse, and can be mostly understood byNorth Germanic speakers, like Icelanders, Norwegians, Danes, Swedes, etc. & to a lesser extentWest Germanic speakerslike English people, Germans, Netherlanders (Dutch people), etc.The singer isNunu'smotherLayka, voiced by Norwegian-Swedish composerChristine Hals, who has worked on Disney's cartoonFrozensoundtracks;[3]Ancient Freljordian is linguistically related to the Runeterran lingua franca (real-life English), due to in-universe cognates.
Ornnis a pre-Freljordian theonym, with forgotten meaning;[4]Ornnresembles Old Norse verb*oʀnaᚢᛉᚾᚨ "to warm up" < Proto-Germanic*uznanan<PIE*Hus-n̥eh₂-.[5]
Thehorned, caprinine appearanceofOrnn'sand hissummoned element'smay be referencing:Thor's goatsTanngrisnir and Tanngnjóstr;ThehornedIndo-European pastoral god(s).
In-universe, Ornn nameshammerafter the verb; vice-versa in reality.
The icon forLiving Forgeis reused for theTeamfight TacticsitemReforger. |
Pantheon,the Unbreakable Spear,Atreus | | | health: Health650+109, resource: Mana317+31, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)6+0.65, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)7.35+0.45, armor: Armor40+4.95, attack damage: Attack damage64+3.3, attack speed: Base AS0.658, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius125, release: 2010-02-02, changed: V13.5, role: Diver, position: TopJungleMiddleSupport, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 1350|585 | Games
PantheonCurrentUnmaskedRuinedAspectConstellationTitlesReal nameAtreus(Current Host)Zeonia(Previous Host)Astraea(Previous Host)Areion(Previous Host)Nickname(s)Warrior with a spearAlias(es)The Unbreakable SpearAspect of WarAspect of the WarriorThe Spear of TargonCharacteristicsSpeciesHumanAspect HostPronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:925 AN - 935 ANWeapon(s)Celestial MagicSkyfall of AreionAegis of ZeoniaSolstice of AstraeaNova of AtreusPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originTargon Prime(Pantheon, Ancient Times)Rakkor Caves,Mount Targon,Targon(Atreus)Current residenceRakkor Caves,Mount Targon,TargonProfessional statusOccupation(s)Mortal Aspect(War)Ra’Horak WarriorRegion(s)TargonFaction(s)RakkorSolariRelated character(s)LeonaDianaAurelion SolAatroxTaricZoeSorakaXerathIulaViegoGravesLucianVayne
• Current
• Unmasked
• Ruined
• Aspect
• Constellation
Real name
• Atreus(Current Host)
• Zeonia(Previous Host)
• Astraea(Previous Host)
• Areion(Previous Host)
• The Unbreakable Spear
• Aspect of War
• Aspect of the Warrior
• The Spear of Targon
• Human
• Aspect Host
• Born:925 AN - 935 AN
• Celestial Magic
• Skyfall of Areion
• Aegis of Zeonia
• Solstice of Astraea
• Nova of Atreus
Personal status
Place of origin
• Targon Prime(Pantheon, Ancient Times)
• Rakkor Caves,Mount Targon,Targon(Atreus)
Current residence
Professional status
• Mortal Aspect(War)
• Ra’Horak Warrior
• Rakkor
• Solari
Related character(s)
Once an unwilling host to the Aspect of War,Atreussurvived when the celestial power within him was slain, refusing to succumb to a blow that tore stars from the heavens. In time, he learned to embrace the power of his own mortality, and the stubborn resilience that goes along with it. Atreus now opposes the divine asPantheonreborn, his unbreakable will fueling the fallen Aspect’s weapons on the field of battle.
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2The Aspect of War1.3Resurrection of Pantheon1.4Recent Events
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Pylas5.2Iula5.3Leona5.4The Aspect of War5.5Aatrox5.6Tor5.7Eshiyme5.8Camphor5.9Xerath5.10Viego
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2The Aspect of War
• 1.3Resurrection of Pantheon
• 1.4Recent Events
• 5.1Pylas
• 5.2Iula
• 5.3Leona
• 5.4The Aspect of War
• 5.5Aatrox
• 5.6Tor
• 5.7Eshiyme
• 5.8Camphor
• 5.9Xerath
• 5.10Viego
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early life[]
Atreuswas born on the slopes ofMount Targon, belonging to the tribes of the Rakkor. From a young age, Atreus would train for battle, joining the military unit of the Rakkor, the Ra'Horak. Never particularly talented, nor possessing any innate strength, young Atreus would constantly fail every training regiment and bout he partook in. However, his impressive endurance and relentless fighting spirit always ensured that he would stand back up, in spite of how bloodied and bruised he would be after each encounter. This would earn him the respect of his much more skilled rival and eventual best friend, Pylas, whom Atreus would constantly challenge despite being outmatched in every fight. Through the bloodied and gruesome training circles, Pylas and Atreus would forge a strong bond of brotherhood, a bond that only grew stronger as the two battled proudly for their tribe.
The Aspect of War[]
Atreus and his Ra'Horak companions were ambushed by a barbarian incursion looking to make way into Rakkor territory. The battle would leave most of the patrol dead, save for Atreus and Pylas. The two would seek retribution for their fallen comrades from the Aspect of the Sun, but the Aspect refused to lend aid to fight off the trespassers making their way into their homes. Outraged, Atreus and Pylas vowed to end the fight themselves by making the climb to Targon's peak to acquire power.
Similar to the many people that previously attempted to make the climb, the two underestimated the intensity and difficulty of the task. It was a difficult trial, as the two would eventually make their way to the top, but with Pylas dying on the peak of the mountain in Atreus' arms. With Atreus the only one at the peak, the skies opened for the gods to choose their host. Atreus was taken by the Aspect of War, the Pantheon.
Pantheon deemed Atreus too unworthy to wield the power it possessed, but War needed a host body. It took over Atreus' body, stopping Atreus from having any control over the body that Pantheon now inhabited.
What Atreus endured while Pantheon took over his body were visions of Pantheon looking for theDarkinacrossRuneterra, the living weapons that remained after theDarkin Wars.
Eventually, Pantheon facedAatrox. Aatrox sought to reach the peak of Targon, with Pantheon arriving to stop the Darkin's ascent. They battled, and it ended with Aatrox driving his blade into the aspect, killing it and erasing its constellation from the skies.
With Pantheon gone, Atreus reawoke, finding himself impaled with the Darkin's blade. Bleeding and on the verge of death, Atreus spit on Aatrox's face as an act of defiance. Aatrox was bemused by this and left Atreus to die.
Atreus stood back up, powered with nothing but bitter rage and regret at his own failings. He stumbled his way into Rakkor territory, until he reached the home of Iula, the widowed wife of Pylas. She nursed him back to health, and as Atreus recovered, he was reinvigorated to keep fighting, finding pride in being a mortal human being instead of a god.
While he recovered, he received news that a barbarian incursion was headed towards the territory that included Iula's farm. Atreus learned that it was led by Aatrox, who convinced the barbarians to invade Targonian settlements. Atreus picked up his weapons and headed to battle to confront Aatrox in an attempt to put an end to the madness.
When Atreus reached the site of battle, Aatrox saw the lack of power flowing through his spear and the scar which seared into both his shield and his body. Despite Aatrox's advantages, Atreus fought him, invigorated by the cries of the people around him. Just before he was about to be defeated, Atreus struck Aatrox's sword arm, detaching the Darkin from its host.
This act brought back Pantheon's constellation into the sky, and Atreus made a vow to be the shield, to protect all mortals against those that wanted to destroy them. Forsaking his name, he instead took the mantle of the Pantheon, the Aspect of War.
Resurrection of Pantheon[]
Atreus was present whenViegocame to Targon to search for a fetter of queen Isolde's soul. He battled the Ruined King at the peak, but was overwhelmed by the time the Sentinels of Light arrived. Atreus' consciousness was subsumed, but Pantheon was resurrected by the king's magic and had taken control of his body. Pantheon attempted to bury the Sentinels with an avalanche, while Viego continued his search. When the Sentinels retaliated, Pantheon summoned an army of ghouls and leapt into battle. He was eventually defeated byDiana, but Viego had already secured the fetter. Pantheon went to the Shadow Isles and guarded the Sentinels as made their final stand against the Ruined King, where Viego would revive his queen. When Viego was defeated, Atreus was freed, and he reclaimed his body from Pantheon.
Recent Events[]
After the Aspect of War was defeated once again, Atreus visited Iula again. While there, he told her that he had finally given up. After the Aspect was defeated, Atreus lost his celestial powers and couldn't go on. He considered himself defeated after having experienced so much and didn't resist Iula when she pointed his own spear to his chest, even pulling it towards himself so that she could finish the job that the Aspect had started. Iula responded to this with anger. She told him that Pylas had died to make him the protector that he had become and the fact that he was throwing everything away was an insult to her and Pylas' memory. Pantheon left in shame, thinking of what Iula said.
Despite his despair, Atreus was reinvigorated by what Iula had said. With unclear motives, Atreus traveled into the territory of the Solari, to the location of a portal that they had constructed that went to the peak of Mount Targon. The Solari, along withLeona, fought him. Despite fighting valiantly, Pantheon was knocked off of the cliff that they were fighting on by a comet of unknown origin. At the bottom of the cliff, surrounded by the bodies and weapons of fallen soldiers, Atreus sat in quiet reflection. During this time, he found a reinvigorated passion. With this newfound passion, Atreus' celestial powers returned, and he flew into the night sky.
Atreus is a physically imposing warrior, with a physique that is carved from a lifetime of training as a soldier. A deep scar runs across his chest, a scar which he received when he was impaled by Aatrox's Darkin blade. He sports the cape of Solstice, a blue ethereal cape with constellations of the sky gleaming from the very fabric. Within certain in-game depictions, when Pantheon has his helmet on, his visage darkens, tying into identity as a faceless soldier of war defending humanity. When his helmet is off, he has a mohawk and sports a thick beard, tied up to keep straight. His face, and much of his body, have golden Solari-based golden tattoos, which harken back to his Ra'Horak days.
When Pantheon was briefly resurrected after being Ruined by Viego, Pantheon's appearance changed drastically. Like most of the Ruined champions, Pantheon's chest had the dark and green downward facing triangle, signifying his Ruination. The shield he wielded bared a face with some similarity to Atreus. On top of a loincloth, Pantheon wears dark jeans and boots to match. The top of his helmet has a plume with long and thick white fur.
Stoic and unwavering, Atreus as Pantheon possesses a strong fighting spirit. As the stalwart defender of humanity, Pantheon often feels over-encumbered by his duties and his expectations as an Aspect. Despite his failings, he presses forward stubbornly, and he encourages all of his compatriots to do the same.
He is not very accepting of most god-like beings with immense powers, which include Aspects, Darkins, Ascendants, and demons alike. Given his own experience with War, Pantheon is hesitant in placing his trust with greater powers, preferring to rely on his own mortal will to fight his battles.
• Aspect Empowerment:Atreus has been chosen as an Aspect's host, empowering him with celestial magic correspondent with the Aspect's role. In Atreus case, he's been chosen by the Aspect of War. Unlike other Host thought, Atreus and the Aspect's personality have not merged, but the Aspect seized the right to control. After Aatrox killed the Aspect, Atreus took back control of his body.Enhanced Physical Power:The ascension into an Aspect has greatly increased Atreus strength, resistance and durability to the levels of superhuman, far above any mortal.Celestial Magic:Pantheon can call forth the power of the stars to increase the power of his attacks.
• Weapon Proficiency:Pantheon has weapons that he carries with him at all times that help him in battle.Spear:Pantheon is gifted with the use of the spear. The spear that he wields is imbued with his celestial magic, making it stronger, more durable, and able to fly back to him in battle.Shield:Like his spear, Pantheon's shield is imbued with his celestial magic, making it much more durable.
• Enhanced Physical Power:The ascension into an Aspect has greatly increased Atreus strength, resistance and durability to the levels of superhuman, far above any mortal.
• Celestial Magic:Pantheon can call forth the power of the stars to increase the power of his attacks.
• Spear:Pantheon is gifted with the use of the spear. The spear that he wields is imbued with his celestial magic, making it stronger, more durable, and able to fly back to him in battle.
• Shield:Like his spear, Pantheon's shield is imbued with his celestial magic, making it much more durable.
Pylas was Atreus' childhood friend which he deeply respected. Both would climbMount Targonafter the Aspect of the Sun[1]denied their pleas to fight invading barbarians, with only Atreus surviving the climb.
3Iulawas the wife of Pylas. Inspired by the actions of her husband and Atreus, she would take up a spear and fight for the mortals of Targon against foes such as6Camphor.Years later, Iula would remind a broken Atreus of his purpose, reigniting his determination and warrior's spirit.
Atreus would fight Leona while trying to reach the peak of Mount Targon.
The Aspect of War[]
5The Pantheonis the Targonian Celestial Aspect of War, a being that (uncommon among Aspects) completely possessed the body of the current host, Atreus. After the death of the Aspect at the hands ofAatrox, Atreus would be freed from the aspects control. He would breefly be controlled by a resurrected Aspect during the events of the Ruination. Atreus resents The Warrior for his arrogance towards mortals, an opinion that has shaped most of Atreus' viepoints towards god-like beings. He now prides in the power and resilience of mortals, and opposes the greater powers that threaten the world.
Aatrox is instrumental in killing the Aspect that has shackled Atreus since his ascension. Atreus would survive this encounter (with a scar gowing down his chest as a constant reminder), later succeeded in his second fight against the Darkin Blade, reigniting the Aspect's power.
Atreus inspired many mortals to fight in order to protect others, one of which is1Tor, a saga seeker that would eventually fight against a demon known as Camphor.
Atreus inspired many mortals to fight in order to protect others, one of which is4Eshiyme, a revered oracle that was blinded by the demon Camphor, which she would eventually fight against.
6Camphorwas a demon who stalked the lands of Targon for centuries, using the people very own doubt as a tool against them. Atreus and a group of warriors would eventually confront this demon and fight her until she was slain.
Atreus and dozens of Ra'Horak fought against Xerath inNerimazeth.
Atreus fought and was defeated by Viego, who resurrected the Aspect of War and subsumed Atreus. He was eventually freed from Viego and the Aspect's control after the Ruined King was defeated with the aid ofDianaand the rest of theSentinels of Light.
Read More
The Unbreakable Spear
ByDavid Slagle
Starring Champion
Absolution (Cinematic)
Two souls entwined by fate. One life for the other’s freedom.
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For Those Who Have Fallen
ByDavid Slagle
When I land in the ruins of Nerimazeth, it does not feel as if I have leapt, celestial magic burning my path across the sky, but as if I have fallen. I am, after all, only a man.
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In Battle, Broken
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Weary from the day’s labors, Iula wiped her stiff hands upon her apron, and raised a cup to the mantel.
Rise of the Sentinels
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Black Mist pours across Runeterra, enthralling its champions and shrouding the continent in darkness. If the last Sentinels are going to save Runeterra, they're going to need all the help they can get. And that meansyouRookie!
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For the fallen. For the deserted. For the downtrodden. And for those who will rise again.
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The Spear of Targon
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A lone figure awaited the armed convoy, standing silhouetted against the sun. His heavy cloak and the long plume atop his helm billowed in the hot, dry desert wind. A tall spear was held at his side.
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Halfway Between the Stars and Earth
ByKatie Chironis
It was a perfectly good night for a cup of tea. Chilly, certainly, but clear—as crisp a night as frigid Mount Targon ever got, really. Soraka was expecting a visitor. The snow in the stone kettle had already begun to melt over the hearth at the center of her little yurt; as it grew warmer, the room was suffused with the smell of dried tea leaves and sparse mountain herbs.
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The Darkin Blade
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Mount Targon is the mightiest peak in Runeterra, a towering mountain of sun-baked rock amid a range of summits unmatched in scale anywhere else in the world. Located far from civilization, Mount Targon is utterly remote and all but impossible to reach save by the most determined seeker.
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Twin Dawns
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This world's familiar sun still hides below the horizon. Crude and unpolished earth unfurls below. Mountains contort into barriers that stretch like fingers across empty scrub lands. Palaces, or rather, what pass for palaces, fail to loom over anything but the squattest of hills. The curvature of the planet meets the stars with a serenity and grace few of the dwellers below will ever witness. They are so scattered across the globe and grasp so blindly for any sort of understanding that it's no surprise they've been conquered and don't even comprehend their predicament.
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Alternate Universes
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ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
Short Story
Out of Time
ByMichael Yichao
Systems Online
In the wake of a ruthless Praetorian threat, an elite team converges to stop them. Prepare to engage—you're just in time.
Short Story
The Slumber Party Summoning
ByAriel Lawrence
Okay, I'll admit slamming the door in their faces was a bit of an overreaction.
Starring:Ezreal,Janna,Jinx,Lulu,Lux,Miss Fortune,Poppy,Soraka
The Tale of the Poro King
By Numerous creators
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aatrox,Akali,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Darius,Diana,Draven,Ezreal,Gnar,Illaoi,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kai'Sa,Karma,Karthus,Katarina,Kayle,Kayn,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nunu,Ornn,Pantheon,Pyke,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Rhaast,Ryze,Sejuani,Shen,Sion,Sivir,Soraka,Sylas,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Thresh,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Vi,Volibear,Willump,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs,Zoe
Short Story
The Twilight Star
ByAriel Lawrence
I have too many questions I want to ask her.
Starring:Janna,Jinx,Lulu,Lux,Miss Fortune,Poppy
• Pantheon is aRakkorwarrior named Atreus, whose body was possessed by theAspectof War before being slain byAatrox. Atreus was able to resurface after the Aspect had died.The card5The Warriordepicts the Aspect in Atreus' body.
• Pantheon dedicates himself to the protection of mortals against the Darkin, Aspects, and others with great power.
• Pantheon wields the armor and weapons of the previous hosts to the Aspect of War. They were imbued with celestial magic and became holy objects before the Aspect of War was killed.[2]His spear is named Skyfall and was used by a host namedAreion.His shield is namedAegisand was used by a host namedZeonia.His cloak is named Solstice and was used by a host namedAstraea.His helmet is named Nova and is used by his current host, Atreus.
• According to Rioters who worked on Pantheon, he stands at 5’9, or 175.25 cm.
• The card5The Warriordepicts the Aspect in Atreus' body.
• His spear is named Skyfall and was used by a host namedAreion.
• His shield is namedAegisand was used by a host namedZeonia.
• His cloak is named Solstice and was used by a host namedAstraea.
• His helmet is named Nova and is used by his current host, Atreus.
• Pantheon is the paragon of Rakkor warriors who looks down on people ofValoranfor installing an organization to replace war and joins theInstitute of Warto show the world a true warrior.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Mortal Will, Description: Innate: Pantheon generates a stack of Mortal Will whenever he lands a basic attack on-hit or casts an ability , stacking up to 5 times. At 5 stacks, Pantheon's next basic ability consumes the stacks to become empowered with an additional effect. Pantheon gains maximum stacks of Mortal Will upon starting the game, completing a Recall channel, and respawning ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'No additional details.']} | Name: Comet Spear, Description: Active: Pantheon charges while being slowed by 10% for up to 4 seconds to increase Comet Spear's range after 0. 35 seconds of channeling. Comet Spear can be recast within the duration. Recast: Pantheon hurls his spear in the target direction that deals physical damage to enemies hit, increased against enemies below 20% of their maximum health but reduced by 50% against enemies beyond the first. Total damage is increased to 105% against monsters and reduced to 70% against minions . Physical Damage: 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 / 190 (+ 115% bonus AD) Increased Damage: 155 / 230 / 305 / 380 / 455 (+ 230% bonus AD) Secondary Physical Damage: 35 / 50 / 65 / 80 / 95 (+ 57. 5 % bonus AD) Increased Secondary Damage: 77. 5 / 115 / 152. 5 / 190 / 227. 5 (+ 115% bonus AD) Releasing the ability within 0. 35 seconds causes Pantheon to instead thrust his spear in the target direction, dealing the same physical damage to enemies hit and refunding 60% of Comet Spear's cooldown . The thrust's damage is not reduced against enemies beyond the first. If the charge is interrupted or completes without reactivation, Comet Spear is cancelled and the ability is put on full cooldown but refunds half the mana cost . Mortal Will : Comet Spear gains 20 − 240 (based on level) (+ 115% bonus AD) bonus physical damage , affected by the previous damage reductions. Consumes the stacks upon recasting., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto/Direction', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Only the ranged version ofComet Spearcan beintercepted.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'The following table refers for interactions whilePantheonischanneling:', 'Death', 'Cast-inhibiting effects', 'Casting an item active that interrupts will causeComet Spearto recast automatically and the active to buffer to cast afterwards.', 'Cooldown changed to 10 / 9.25/ 8.5/ 7.75/ 7 seconds.']} | Name: Shield Vault, Description: Active: Pantheon leaps to the front of the target enemy's location. If the target is within 800 units upon arrival, he deals physical damage and stuns them for 1 second. Physical Damage: 60 / 100 / 140 / 180 / 220 (+ 100% AP) Mortal Will : Pantheon empowers his next basic attack within 4 seconds to have a cast time and strike the target 3 times over a brief period, dealing 40% − 55% (based on level) AD physical damage per hit, up to 120% − 165% (based on level) AD . Each hit is affected by critical strike modifiers and applies on-hit effects at 100% effectiveness. Empowered Shield Vault resets Pantheon's basic attack timer. Pantheon will attempt to basic attack the target at the end of the leap., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Appliesspell damageon the initial vault. Dealsdefault damageon the additional attacks from the empowered ability.', "Despite the multi-hit attack only having a hidden 0.375-second cast time,Pantheonwill remainunable to actuntil the last strike has been dealt.The empowered attack's total time is affected byPantheon'sattack speed.PENDING FOR TEST:The attack's total time is the cast time plusPantheon'sattack windup time.", "The empowered attack's total time is affected byPantheon'sattack speed.", "PENDING FOR TEST:The attack's total time is the cast time plusPantheon'sattack windup time.", 'The 3 strikes that occurs afterEmpowered Shield Vaulteach apply a stack ofMortal Will, even if the attacks aredodged,blocked, or missed whilePantheonisblinded.', 'The empowered attack will not trigger againststructures.']} | Name: Aegis Assault, Description: Active: Pantheon braces his shield in the target direction and channels for 1. 5 seconds, during which he becomes invulnerable against non- turret damage dealt by enemies from the target direction. He also continually performs strikes in a cone in front of him, dealing 8. 3 % AD physical damage every 0. 125 seconds to enemies hit, reduced by 50% against minions and up to 100% AD total physical damage . Aegis Assault can be recast after 0. 3 seconds, and does so automatically after the duration. Aegis Assault's channel cannot be interrupted by crowd control . Recast: Pantheon slams with his shield in a cone in front of him, dealing physical damage to enemies hit. Physical Damage: 55 / 105 / 155 / 205 / 255 (+ 150% bonus AD) Mortal Will : After recasting, Pantheon gains 60% bonus movement speed for 1. 5 seconds., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "The initial cast count as an ability activation for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.Detonating the ability manually is not.", 'Detonating the ability manually is not.', "Pantheonretains hisinvulnerabilityduring the recast's cast time.", "This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.**Pantheonwill slam from wherever he was at the start of the recast's' cast time.", "Spell shieldwill only block the slam's damage.", 'The following table refers for interactions whilePantheonischanneling:', 'Death']} | Name: Grand Starfall, Description: Passive: Pantheon gains armor penetration . Armor Penetration: 10 / 20 / 30% Active: Pantheon channels for 2 seconds, then leaps high into the air, vanishing and becoming immune to crowd control until he reappears. While in the air, Pantheon channels again for 2. 2 seconds and grants sight around the target location 0. 5 seconds into the channel. After 0. 8 seconds into the channel, Pantheon prepares for landing by hurling his spear to the target location over 0. 2 seconds that deals 40 − 190 (based on Comet Spear's rank) (+ 115% bonus AD) physical damage to enemies near its landing point and slows them by 50% for 2 seconds. Over the remaining 1. 2 seconds, Pantheon crashes down and creates a shockwave alongside himself that travels toward the target location, dealing magic damage to enemies hit, reduced by up to 50% for those hit at the edge of the area. Upon completion of the channel, Pantheon reappears at the target location and gains full stacks of Mortal Will . Magic Damage: 300 / 500 / 700 (+ 100% AP) Reduced Damage: 150 / 250 / 350 (+ 50% AP) Grand Starfall is put on a 30-second cooldown if the first channel is canceled. Grand Starfall will cast at max range if cast beyond that. Link ▶️ Landing alert., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Physical/Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Grand Starfall'sfirst channel can be interrupted bycast-inhibiting crowd control, but its second channel cannot becausePantheongains crowd control immunity during it.", "The spear's damage is not empowered byMortal Will, nor increased against enemies below20% of theirmaximumhealth.", 'During the second channel,Pantheongains aminimum health thresholdof 1.Pantheonwill instantly die upon reappearing if he reaches this threshold.', 'Pantheonwill instantly die upon reappearing if he reaches this threshold.', 'Abilities that targetPantheonwill redirect to the last location.', 'Pingingthe ability will inform allies inchatwhichvisibleenemy champions are in range ofGrand Starfall.', 'Pantheonis considered to be in his original casting position even after leaping, but he willblinkto the target location the moment the second channel completes.', 'UsingGrand Starfallwill inform allies with a ping.', 'The following table refers for interactions whilePantheonischanneling(first channel):', 'Death', 'Grounding effects', 'Immobilizing effects', 'Cast-inhibiting effects', 'The cast time and second channel have the same interactions except they can only be interrupted bydeath.', "Grand Starfall'sfirst channel will also be interrupted if he enters theRealm of Death.", 'Cooldown changed to 60 / 50 / 40 seconds.']} | Pantheonwas named afterΠάνθεον(a noun originally referring to all deities fromAncient Greek religion, laterTwelve Olympians).His human name comes from pre-Greek Ἀτρεύς, analyzed by folk-etymology as "untrembling"; based on the name of anAchaeanwarlord known to the Hittites asAttarsiya.Atreus' friend's name ΠύλαςPylasalso derives from the pre-Greek architectural term πῠ́ληpylē"gate", from which we have "pylon".[2] |
Poppy,Keeper of the Hammer | | | health: Health610+104, resource: Mana280+40, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)8+0.8, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)7+0.7, armor: Armor38+4.7, attack damage: Attack damage64+4, attack speed: Base AS0.625, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius55, selection radius: Selection radius95, release: 2010-01-13, changed: V13.8, role: Warden, position: TopJungleSupport, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 450|260 | Missing section(s):
PoppyTitlesAlias(es)Keeper of the HammerHero of DemaciaCharacteristicsSpeciesYordlePronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:Earlier than 1 ANWeapon(s)Orlon's HammerShieldyPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originBandle CityCurrent residenceDemacia(No Fixed Abode)Professional statusOccupation(s)Hero SeekerWarriorRegion(s)DemaciaRelated character(s)LuluTristanaGalioShyvanaVayne
• Keeper of the Hammer
• Hero of Demacia
• Born:Earlier than 1 AN
• Orlon's Hammer
• Shieldy
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
• Hero Seeker
• Warrior
Related character(s)
Runeterrahas no shortage of valiant champions, but few are as tenacious asPoppy. Bearing the legendary hammer of Orlon, a weapon twice her size, this determinedyordlehas spent untold years searching in secret for the fabled “Hero of Demacia,” said to be its rightful wielder. Until then, she dutifully charges into battle, pushing back the kingdom's enemies with every whirling strike.
• 1Background
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Orlon5.2Lulu&Tristana5.3Vayne
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 5.1Orlon
• 5.2Lulu&Tristana
• 5.3Vayne
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Poppy is a yordle with light blue fur, and magenta colored eyes. Her hair is styled in two ash-blonde ponytails. Her outfit consists of a red scarf, various armor pieces, and Shieldy mounted on her back.
• Yordle Physiology:Poppy is a Yordle, a being coming from theSpirit Realmand possesses several abilities natural of her species.Immortality:Being spiritual beings, Yordles don't age the same way as normal humans, and they can't normally die.Yordle Magic:Just like anyYordle, Poppy is capable of performing yordle magic, which she utilizes in tandem with her skills as a warrior.
• Trained Warrior:Poppy was trained in the arts of combat and war for centuries, since Demacia was founded. She incredibly good with the hammer, which she wields without problem in combat
• Immortality:Being spiritual beings, Yordles don't age the same way as normal humans, and they can't normally die.
• Yordle Magic:Just like anyYordle, Poppy is capable of performing yordle magic, which she utilizes in tandem with her skills as a warrior.
Poppy'shammerbelonged to Demacia's founder and weaponsmith Orlon, who passed it on to her on his deathbed. She is searching for the 'Hero of Demacia' meant to wield the hammer (without realizing she is the one). When Orlon passed the hammer to Poppy, he did not specifically identify her as the Hero (or meant to, but died before he could), leading to Poppy's misunderstanding. Poppy andKledare notable for being Yordles responsible for helping in building the human civilizations they align themselves with (Demacia andNoxus, respectively).
Poppy knows about the existence ofLuluandTristana, though it is uncertain what she thinks about them. Lulu states that Poppy and Tristana has "a little furrow just above her nose when she gets mad".
During a Black Mist attack byViegoon a Demacian city,Vayneand Poppy fought side by side against the undead army.
Read More
Keeper of the Hammer
ByJohn O'Bryan
Starring Champion
A Hero's Calling
ByJohn O'Bryan
A weapon holding the hope of a kingdom has found its champion. She just doesn't know it.
Ruination (Video)
A king returns. All he touches turns to ruin.
Short Story • 4 Minute Read
The Slayer
ByJohn O'Bryan
Poppy had nothing against the briar wolf, aside from the fact that it was about to maul her. Its muzzle was stained crimson from a previous kill, and the yordle wouldn't chance being its next. She was hot on the trail of a renowned monster slayer, and she didn't intend to die before she found the man and judged his worth.
Mentioned Champion
Short Story
The Whispering Doodad
ByGraham McNeill
“Here, doodad,” she whispers to the grass. “Pretty please, with sprinkles on top! I'll let you take us somewhere you want to go next.” The doodad—or whatever it's really called—doesn't respond, but I sense it rolling away from Lulu. Well, not really rolling, as such, more making itself be where she isn't.
Alternate Universes
Be Your Best Santa
Santa Draven, Ambitious Elf Jinx, and Snow Fawn Poppy step up to help Santa Braum with this year’s Snowdown festivities. But with Jinx and Draven at the frontlines, the celebrations could easily snowball into shenanigans!
Journal of Justice
ByInstitute of War
Formare veneficum est formare fatum.
Starring:Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Cassiopeia,Cho'Gath,Corki,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Evelynn,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Gangplank,Garen,Gragas,Heimerdinger,Irelia,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jax,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lux,Malzahar,Maokai,Master Yi,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nasus,Nidalee,Nocturne,Nunu,Olaf,Pantheon,Poppy,Rammus,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Shaco,Shen,Singed,Sion,Sivir,Skarner,Sona,Soraka,Swain,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Udyr,Urgot,Veigar,Vladimir,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Xin Zhao,Yorick,Zilean
Short Story
New Stars
ByAriel Lawrence
Star Guardians can only defeat the darkness that spreads across the universe if they stand together. They will fight as one or fall as many.
Short Story
ByAriel Lawrence
A team bonding trip will test Lux's leadership and confidence as the group welcomes new stars during the annual meteor shower.
Starring:Ahri,Ezreal,Janna,Jinx,Lulu,Lux,Miss Fortune,Poppy,Soraka,Syndra
Short Story
The Slumber Party Summoning
ByAriel Lawrence
Okay, I'll admit slamming the door in their faces was a bit of an overreaction.
Starring:Ezreal,Janna,Jinx,Lulu,Lux,Miss Fortune,Poppy,Soraka
Short Story
The Twilight Star
ByAriel Lawrence
I have too many questions I want to ask her.
Starring:Janna,Jinx,Lulu,Lux,Miss Fortune,Poppy
Short Story
Twin Stars
ByCat Cheresh
Akali could see the stars.
Starring:Ahri,Akali,Ezreal,Janna,Jinx,Kai'Sa,Lulu,Lux,Miss Fortune,Neeko,Poppy,Rakan,Soraka,Syndra,Xayah,Zoe
Academy Adventures: Series 1
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Akali,Amumu,Anivia,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Braum,Cho'Gath,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fiora,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Ivern,Jhin,Jinx,Karthus,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nidalee,Olaf,Poppy,Rek'Sai,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Shen,Sion,Sona,Soraka,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Tristana,Trundle,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Vel'Koz,Vi,Yorick,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 3
ByGutter Rat
Crystal Quest: Series 1
Mentioned:Anivia,Ashe,Braum,Bristle,Caitlyn,Camille,Elise,Ezreal,Garen,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Illaoi,Ivern,Katarina,Kled,Lee Sin,Leona,Lissandra,Lucian,Nami,Olaf,Poppy,Ryze,Senna,Singed,Skaarl,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Veigar,Vi,Zac
Harmonies: Issue 2
ByMichael Yichao
Seraphine navigates a life-changing moment as she embraces her dream becoming reality.
Mentioned:Ezreal,Janna,Jinx,Lulu,Lux,Miss Fortune,Poppy,Soraka,Syndra,Volibear,Yasuo
Music Video
Pentakill II: Grasp of the Undying
No one shreds like the undead.
Punches and Plants: Series 2
Mentioned:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Amumu,Annie,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Diana,Draven,Ekko,Ezreal,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Kha'Zix,Kog'Maw,Leona,Lucian,Lux,Malphite,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nasus,Nautilus,Nidalee,Olaf,Orianna,Poppy,Quinn,Rakan,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Shaco,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Valor,Vel'Koz,Viktor,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Xin Zhao,Yasuo,Ziggs
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Reaching the peak takes more than skill. Only those with the ambition to RISE above all others will know its height.
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Akali,Ashe,Braum,Darius,Ekko,Ezreal,Fiora,Garen,Gnar,Jarvan IV,Jax,Jinx,Kalista,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Leona,Lux,Master Yi,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Riven,Ryze,Sejuani,Swain,Taliyah,Thresh,Tryndamere,Vayne,Xayah,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs
13 regional champions will compete at the 2019 Mid-Season Invitational, but there can be only one winner. Who will lift the trophy? Who will represent?
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aatrox,Aurelion Sol,Darius,Garen,Kayn,Leona,Poppy
The Roadtrip
ByCassie Parkes,Marvin Clifford
Mentioned:Ahri,Ashe,Azir,Bard,Braum,Darius,Fiddlesticks,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Irelia,Jinx,Kalista,Katarina,Kog'Maw,Lee Sin,Lulu,Master Yi,Nami,Poppy,Rakan,Shaco,Sona,Swain,Taric,Teemo,Twisted Fate,Varus,Xayah,Yasuo,Zilean
• Orlon was also a weaponsmith, and had actually craftedOrlon's Hammerhimself. He was also the one who craftedJarvan IV'sspear,Drakebane.[1]
• Poppy's true age is unknown, but since the in-universe present year is at least 997 AN and Poppy's earliest known event is her arrival on Runeterra during the Rune Wars (13 BN - 3 BN), it can be safely concluded that she is at least 1000 years old.
• The Hammer of Orlon is represented as the Hammer stone inTellstones: King's Gambit.The author of the rulebook is aware that Poppy is the true hero and that she does not know it.
• The author of the rulebook is aware that Poppy is the true hero and that she does not know it.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Iron Ambassador, Description: Innate: Periodically, Poppy's next basic attack is empowered to throw her buckler, gaining 350 bonus range and dealing 20 − 180 (based on level) bonus magic damage . After it hits, the buckler then falls to a location near the target over 1 second, landing and remaining there for up to 4 seconds. Poppy can move over the buckler to retrieve it, gaining a shield for 13 / 15. 5 / 18% (based on level) of her maximum health for 3 seconds. If the buckler kills the target, it bounces back to Poppy instead of falling. Enemy champions can move over the buckler to destroy it. Link ▶️ "Shield to the face!", STATIC COOLDOWN: STATICCOOLDOWN:13 / 10 / 7 (based on level), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'No additional details.']} | Name: Hammer Shock, Description: Active: Poppy smashes the area in the target direction, dealing physical damage to enemies hit. Against monsters , the damage based on their health ratio is capped. Physical Damage: 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 (+ 90% bonus AD) (+ 9% of target's maximum health) Capped Monster Health Damage: 30 / 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 Maximum Monster Damage: 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 (+ 90% bonus AD) The impact creates a field for 1 second that slows enemies within, which then ruptures to deal the same physical damage . Slow: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40% Total Physical Damage: 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 (+ 180% bonus AD) (+ 18% of target's maximum health) Total Maximum Monster Damage: 140 / 240 / 340 / 440 / 540 (+ 180% bonus AD), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Spell shieldswill block only a single instance of damage.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.']} | Name: Steadfast Presence, Description: Passive: Poppy increases her total armor and total magic resistance by 12%, doubled to 24% while she is below 40% maximum health . Active: Poppy gains 40% bonus movement speed and creates an aura around herself for 2 seconds, causing all enemies who attempt to dash into or within it to be dealt magic damage and knocked up for 0. 5 seconds. If a target was successfully interrupted, they become grounded and slowed by 25% for 2 seconds. Magic Damage: 70 / 110 / 150 / 190 / 230 (+ 70% AP) Steadfast Presence can only block a single dash per enemy per cast. Link ▶️ "No getting through me.", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Steadfast Presencedoes not stopdashesif the unit iscrowd control immune,displacement immune,untargetable, or protected byspell shieldin the process (e.g.Death Mark,Stormbringer,Unstoppable Force).Dashes when the unit iscrowd control immuneordisplacement immunestill trigger the aura and take the damage, but do not getknocked upand thus also never becomegroundedandslowed.Spell shieldsdeny all the effects ifSteadfast Presenceis triggered by their holder, and are consumed in the process.BeinguntargetablepreventsSteadfast Presencefrom triggering, but this does not prevent it from triggering against another, targetable dash.', 'Dashes when the unit iscrowd control immuneordisplacement immunestill trigger the aura and take the damage, but do not getknocked upand thus also never becomegroundedandslowed.', 'Spell shieldsdeny all the effects ifSteadfast Presenceis triggered by their holder, and are consumed in the process.', 'BeinguntargetablepreventsSteadfast Presencefrom triggering, but this does not prevent it from triggering against another, targetable dash.', 'Steadfast Presencedoes not trigger againstlunges.', 'Cooldown changed to 26 / 23.5/ 21 / 18.5/ 16 seconds.']} | Name: Heroic Charge, Description: Active: Poppy dashes to the target enemy's location. If they are in range upon arrival, she deals physical damage and carries them along with her for up to 400 units. Physical Damage: 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 / 140 (+ 50% bonus AD) If the target hits terrain, she stops to deal the same physical damage again and stuns them for a duration. Stun Duration: 1. 6 / 1. 7 / 1. 8 / 1. 9 / 2 Total Physical Damage: 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 / 280 (+ 100% bonus AD), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Tips & Tricks', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Poppywill be ordered to basic attack the target.', 'Heroic Chargecan applyspell effectstwice (once whenPoppyhits her target and once she stuns them against a wall).Both instances of damage and crowd control are all the samecast instance. Effects that only trigger once per spell cast will not trigger twice.', 'Both instances of damage and crowd control are all the samecast instance. Effects that only trigger once per spell cast will not trigger twice.', 'Poppydashes slightly less far than the distance she pushes the target.', 'Heroic Chargecan interact withplayer-generated terrain.', "Thedashdoes not follow targets. The target's position at the time ofHeroic Charge'scast is the directionPoppywill dash towards.Poppydoes notcarrynor deal damage to the target if they have left a certain radius before she collides with them.", 'Poppydoes notcarrynor deal damage to the target if they have left a certain radius before she collides with them.', 'Heroic Chargecan traverse terrain, provided that the target is within range.', 'Cooldown changed to 21 / 19.5/ 18 / 16.5/ 15 seconds.']} | Name: Keeper's Verdict, Description: Active: Poppy charges while being slowed by 15% for up to 4 seconds to increase Keeper's Verdict's range and knock back distance over 0. 5 seconds after the first 0. 5 seconds of the channel. Keeper's Verdict can be recast within the duration. Recast: Poppy releases the charge to launch her hammer upwards, dealing physical damage to enemies nearby and in an area in front of her and knocking them up for 1 second. Physical Damage: 100 / 150 / 200 (+ 45% bonus AD) If Keeper's Verdict was charged for at least 0. 5 seconds, it deals 100% increased damage and enemies hit are knocked back up-to 3400 units toward the enemy team's fountain . Additionally, if no enemies are hit in front of Poppy , she sends a shockwave that travels in the target direction until it collides with an enemy champion, which causes a hammer to erupt. Targets hit by the shockwave or the eruption receive the charged effects. Increased Damage: 200 / 300 / 400 (+ 90% bonus AD) If the charge is interrupted or completes without reactivation, Keeper's Verdict is cancelled and the ability is put on a 15-second cooldown. Enemies knocked airborne are revealed and are rendered untargetable while being displaced if Keeper's Verdict was charged for more than 0. 5 seconds., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto/Direction', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "During the Recast's cast time,Poppy'sFlashissealed.", 'The erupting hammer of the charged cast that sends out a missile will be centered on the first champion struck, not at the location the missile collided with them.', "Enemies within the enemy team's fountain (at least 400 units away from thecenter of the fountain) that are hit by aKeeper's Verdictthat would knock them back are insteadknocked upfor 0.75seconds and not rendereduntargetable, like the uncharged effect. They still receive the full damage.", "Keeper's Verdictdoes not destroy in-flightprojectilesfor enemies hit if they are rendereduntargetable.", "Theknock backwill only displace enemies as far as they can go (e.g. to the furthest current spot available ofRealm of Death'sandThe Hextech Ultimatum'sborders and to the corner of the fountain).The displacement's duration will remain unchanged regardless of if the knock back cannot achieve its full distance due to the affected target being restricted by boundaries they are unable to cross. In order for this to be possible, the speed of the knock back is decreased (based on where the actual landing point is) to match the amount of distance covered to time spent displaced.", "The displacement's duration will remain unchanged regardless of if the knock back cannot achieve its full distance due to the affected target being restricted by boundaries they are unable to cross. In order for this to be possible, the speed of the knock back is decreased (based on where the actual landing point is) to match the amount of distance covered to time spent displaced.", "Keeper's Verdict'sairbornedebuff is non-dispellable and thus cannot be removed bycleansingeffects.The debuff will remove itself automatically when the forced movement ends.", 'The debuff will remove itself automatically when the forced movement ends.', 'The following table refers for interactions whilePoppyischanneling:', 'Death', 'Cast-inhibiting effects', 'Death, unless protected byResurrection']} | Poppy was the firstchampionreleased in2010.
Poppy is the first and so far only post-launch champion to be priced at1350on release (all other champions with the same price were already present when the game officially launched in October 2009).
Poppy is one of two champions that went into the weeklychampion rotationon the day of their release. The other one isUdyr.
Of all champion updates in the game, Poppy has gone the longest without an update to her base splash art prior to her VGU in2015. |
Pyke,the Bloodharbor Ripper | | | health: Health670+110, resource: Mana415+50, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)7+0.5, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)8+1, armor: Armor45+4.7, attack damage: Attack damage62+2, attack speed: Base AS0.667, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius120, release: 2018-05-31, changed: V13.19, role: AssassinCatcher, position: Support, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 3150|790 | Games
PykeCurrentCasual 1Casual 2SentinelTitlesAlias(es)The Bloodharbor RipperRipperCharacteristicsSpeciesRevenantHumanPronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:946 AN - 966 ANWeapon(s)Drowned Ones MagicBone SkewerRelic Stone KnifePersonal statusStatusAlive(Resurrected)Place of originBilgewater,Serpent IslesCurrent residenceBilgewater,Serpent IslesProfessional statusOccupation(s)RipperSentinel of LightHarpoonerSailor aboard 'The Terror'Region(s)BilgewaterFaction(s)Sentinels of LightRelated character(s)Miss FortuneGangplankAhriBraumIllaoiYasuoMaokaiNecritThreshViegoLucianSennaAkshanDianaGravesIreliaOlafRengarRivenVayneGwen
• Current
• Casual 1
• Casual 2
• Sentinel
• The Bloodharbor Ripper
• Ripper
• Revenant
• Human
• Born:946 AN - 966 AN
• Drowned Ones Magic
• Bone Skewer
• Relic Stone Knife
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
• Ripper
• Sentinel of Light
• Harpooner
• Sailor aboard 'The Terror'
Related character(s)
A renowned harpooner from the slaughter docks ofBilgewater,Pykeshould have met his death in the belly of a giganticjaull-fish; and yet, he returned. Now, stalking the dank alleys and backways of his former hometown, he uses his new supernatural gifts to bring a swift and gruesome end to those who make their fortune by exploiting others—and a city that prides itself on hunting monsters now finds a monster hunting them.
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2Contemporary history1.3Recent events1.4Ruined King
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Captains5.2Crew of the Charming Lady5.3Olaf
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2Contemporary history
• 1.3Recent events
• 1.4Ruined King
• 5.1Captains
• 5.2Crew of the Charming Lady
• 5.3Olaf
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early life[]
In life and in his youth, Pyke worked on the slaughterhouse docks to earn a living, he found work at the Red Dock and it didn't take him long to get used to the business, the hard work and its minimum wage. But deep down he aspired for more and every time he saw a crew arrive with huge creatures to sell his desire grew more and more, he worked hard and finally managed to stand out and join a crew. Pyke demonstrated great talent forBuhru-style harpoon hunting, earning the title of the best harpooner of his time.
One day while his ship was sailing, a Haule Fish appeared, one of the most coveted and strongest monstrous fish in all of Runeterra since its oil had magical properties. Pyke without hesitation jumped into the sea into the mouth of the fish to try to kill it, but the fish emitted a powerful scream which called a herd of Haule Fish which began to push the boat.
The desperate captain was forced to cut Pyke's lifeline. The last thing he saw was the horrified faces of his companions as they saw him being devoured by the monstrous fish. However, in the jaw of the fish Pyke survived, when he opened his eyes he saw lights which were watching him, something mysterious crushed his mind and showed him visions of his companions benefiting from his death.
The magical oils of the monstrous fish changed Pyke who now only had in his mind a great desire for revenge and punishment, granting him supernatural powers, eventually Pyke left the monster and returned to Bilgewater determined to get revenge.
Contemporary history[]
As time went by, there began to be homicides of captains. At first, people did not take it seriously due to the constant killings, but when weeks and months began to pass, people saw a pattern, as the captains appeared mutilated in their beds, indicating that the they killed during the night,
Soon they were no longer just captains, now they were anyone who was linked to dirty and shady businesses in the Red Dock, a reward order was issued for the one baptized, Red Dock Ripper.
Recent events[]
Ruined King[]
Due to the fear he instilled in Bilgewater, Illaoi, the high priestess of the Buhru, decided to put a stop to the Red Dock Ripper, leaving the Serpent Isles and venturing into Bilgewater to try to track him down. When she was about to kill a retired captain, Pyke encountered Illaoi and her followers. At first he did not see interest in killing her, but when he saw how insistent she was on stopping him, he prepared to fight her.
The battle was fierce, but Illaoi finally managed to overpower Pyke. Seeing that he was an undead, she felt disgusted since the undead were a blasphemy to her religion. So she subjected him to the test of Nagakabouros knowing that due to his undead nature he would not survive and would be crushed and destroyed by the power of the Goddess.
However, Pyke managed to survive, because to the confusion of Illaoi, the Goddess considered him worthy. Pyke was left stunned and with his mind spinning wondering what she had done to him, but he still had enough strength to escape and fled from a disconcerted Illaoi.
Pyke is a corpse-like entity that has been in the water for quite some time. He is thin, skeletal, has slightly pale dark skin, a shaved head, and bright blue-green lights that shine in his sockets as eyes.
In life, Pyke was a very loyal and hard-working man who was willing to do anything to be recognized. After dying and resurrecting he became a living killing machine, he was ruthless, sadistic and very vengeful, he was determined to take revenge on those responsible for his death.
AfterIllaoitested him and proved him worthy, Pyke regained some of his former self, always sharpening his knife to avoid falling into a fit of rage.
• Revenant:Pyke has been resurrected by a mysterious power in the ocean, granting him many strange abilities.Swimming Intangibility:Pyke can "swim" through solid substances as if they were liquids.Invisibility:Pyke can turn invisible while in water.
• Swimming Intangibility:Pyke can "swim" through solid substances as if they were liquids.
• Invisibility:Pyke can turn invisible while in water.
Miss FortuneandGangplankare both on Pyke's list, both being captains.[1]He would later hunt Miss Fortune duringRise of the Sentinels, when the Sentinels told her she was on his list.
Crew of the Charming Lady[]
During the events ofRuined King,Ahri,Braum,Illaoi,Miss Fortune, Pyke andYasuowould set sail to theShadow Islesto fightViegoin order to protect Bilgewater. Although Pyke is an undead, Illaoi sees Pyke as an eddy of a much deeper tide and therefore is in motion.[2]She subjects Pyke to Nagakabouros' test and her influence calms him from his murderous states. Later,Pykesaved theSentinels of LightfromMiss Fortune'sattack after she made a deal withViegoin exchange for power. Pyke then joined the team despite most of the members not approving it.
Olaf wanted to fightPyke, thinking he could grant him a warrior's death, and said he cut his line.
Read More
The Bloodharbor Ripper
ByMatthew Dunn
Starring Champion
Music Video
Kingdom (Video)
By Numerous creators
Starring:Ahri,Braum,Illaoi,Miss Fortune,Pyke,Viego,Yasuo
Pyke, the Drowned Man
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Listen as Lars spins a tale of four Bilgewater legends - Nautilus, Fizz, Tahm Kench, and Pyke - and discovers the terrifying fact woven into his fiction.
Rise From the Deep
Best keep an eye out for what lurks in the depths.
Rise of the Sentinels
ByJohn O'Bryan
Black Mist pours across Runeterra, enthralling its champions and shrouding the continent in darkness. If the last Sentinels are going to save Runeterra, they're going to need all the help they can get. And that meansyouRookie!
Starring:Akshan,Diana,Draven,Graves,Gwen,Irelia,Isolde,Karma,Lucian,Miss Fortune,Olaf,Pantheon,Pyke,Rengar,Riven,Senna,Shyvana,Thresh,Vayne,Vex,Viego,Yorick
Ruined King
ByAirship Syndicate
Rise Against Ruin - Unite a party of League of Legends Champions, explore Bilgewater and set sail for the Shadow Isles to uncover the secrets of the deadly Black Mist in this immersive turn-based RPG.
Starring:Ahri,Braum,Gangplank,Illaoi,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Necrit,Pyke,Rafen,Thresh,Viego,Yasuo
Mentioned:Ashe,Elise,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Gwen,Hecarim,Isolde,Ivern,Janna,Jarvan IV,Kalista,Ledros,Lucian,Nagakabouros,Nautilus,Olaf,Ornn,Rhasa,Riven,Senna,Swain,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Twisted Fate,Udyr,Volibear,Yone,Yorick,Zed
The Bloodharbor Ripper (Video)
Pyke's shipmates watched him drown. In his eyes, all of Bilgewater is guilty.
Short Story • 4 Minute Read
Then, Teeth
ByMatthew Dunn
Mazier is sprawled on the rotten planks, waves lapping at stone underneath. Her slowing heartbeat pumps blood into the seawater. She stares, unblinking, at the shanty-dwellings above, and the stars beyond.
Mentioned Champion
Short Story
Dead in the Water
ByGraham McNeill
Red tide out, red tide in.
Starring:Miss Fortune,Nautilus
Rise of the Underworlds (Video)
Theirs are the names frantically whispered by scoundrels and swindlers. They come from below—the sea, the sands, the city—and wherever they surface, the legends follow.
Short Story
The Will of the Dead
ByLaura Michet
Long before she became a Truth Bearer of her people, Illaoi had been an acolyte priestess at a Buhru temple on the coast.
Starring:Illaoi,Miss Fortune,Yorick
Mentioned:Gangplank,Maiden of the Mist,Nagakabouros,Pyke,Tahm Kench,Thresh,Viego
Alternate Universes
Music Video
Fire to the Fuse
ByNumerous Creators
Driven by an endless need for revenge, Pyke hunts down other versions of himself across dimensions. After each kill, the dimension collapses and a new Empyrean is born with volatile powers and a mission all their own.
Make History
In this battle of regions, one will conquer all others to make history.
Starring:Alistar,Ashe,Azir,Bard,Brand,Caitlyn,Cassiopeia,Elise,Evelynn,Janna,Karma,LeBlanc,Lee Sin,Lucian,Morgana,Nautilus,Orianna,Pyke,Ryze
A band of cybernetic castoffs plans to infiltrate The City to destroy the entity that created—and then abandoned—them: the PROJECT Corporation.
Tournament of Souls
ByTaylor Dinwiddie,Ty Sheedlo
Play League of Legends to build Samira's reputation and style on your competition at the Tournament of Souls! Face off against the strongest soul fighters in a series of fierce 1v1 matches to help Samira chase down her biggest bounty yet and fulfill her SOUL'S DESIRE!
Music Video
ByTrue Damage
Mentioned:Ahri,Azir,Book,Camille,Corki,Jinx,Kayn,Kindred,LeBlanc,Lucian,Pyke,Rhaast,Tahm Kench,Teemo,Thresh,Twitch,Yuumi
No war stays hidden for long.
Starring:Ezreal,Master Yi,Shen,Sona,Vi
The Tale of the Poro King
By Numerous creators
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Aatrox,Akali,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Darius,Diana,Draven,Ezreal,Gnar,Illaoi,Janna,Jarvan IV,Jayce,Kai'Sa,Karma,Karthus,Katarina,Kayle,Kayn,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Lee Sin,Leona,Lulu,Lux,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nunu,Ornn,Pantheon,Pyke,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Rhaast,Ryze,Sejuani,Shen,Sion,Sivir,Soraka,Sylas,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Thresh,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Vi,Volibear,Willump,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs,Zoe
Short Story
Trial of the Masks
ByJared Rosen
Imagine the world as a mirror
• Pyke was not resurrected by Nagakabouros or the Shadow Isles Black Mist. He was resurrected by the magic of the Jaull fish.Pyke is part ocean now, he can magically turn intosea-mistand swim between the air. When he's in this state, he sees the real world as "underwater".[3]The mist/Mordekaisercannot control Pyke. He is a different sort of undeath. His powers are probably tied to the spirit world in some way. They are boons of the swimming city.[4]
• The 'Swimming City' mentioned by Pyke multiple times is noted as being a very real thing, a city that literally swims and never stays in the same place. This is noted because Pyke is stated to never lie. Pyke's death and resurrection warbled his mind significantly, so what he's saying isn't necessarily false, it's simply distorted though madness. The Swimming City might not be what most people would consider it to be.[5]The city is like a global mind, like if the city and it's inhabitants were to live as one, or maybe something even more complex. This city isn't the same as the oneFizzused to live in, as it is active and alive.[6]
• Pyke clearly can't seem to remember or understand that the names on his list are being altered. He occasionally remembers being manipulated by higher power but doesn't care about it.[7]
• Pyke believes that before drowning he was a sailor aboardThe Terrorhowever no one has records of that vessel. Since Pyke's list keeps increasing (usually before killing someone) it's likely thatThe Terroris a fabrication from his own broken mind, and a way for whatever gave him his powers to keep Pyke interested in killing people.The ship he was a sailor of was a different one, with one known member being Lars whom Pyke later killed.[8]
• Despite similarities toNautilus'lore, Riot decided to keep Pyke's lore the same because they felt there was enough room for two deep sea revenants that desired revenge.[9]
• Pyke is half Buhru islander and half immigrant. His mother was from theSerpent Islesand his father immigrated to Bilgewater from theFreljordor the outer territories ofNoxus.[10]
• His favorite food is salted pork and his favorite beverage is red wine cut with salt water.[11]
• After theRuined King'sreturn, Pyke became benevolent as a result of Nagakabouros' influence, but may eventually return back to his murderous state.
• Pyke is part ocean now, he can magically turn intosea-mistand swim between the air. When he's in this state, he sees the real world as "underwater".[3]
• The mist/Mordekaisercannot control Pyke. He is a different sort of undeath. His powers are probably tied to the spirit world in some way. They are boons of the swimming city.[4]
• The city is like a global mind, like if the city and it's inhabitants were to live as one, or maybe something even more complex. This city isn't the same as the oneFizzused to live in, as it is active and alive.[6]
• The ship he was a sailor of was a different one, with one known member being Lars whom Pyke later killed.[8]
Change log[]
See also[]
• Bilgewater
• Camavor
• Demacia
• Freljord
• Ionia
• Shadow Isles
• Runeterra
• Journals
• Ruined King (Soundtrack)
• The Ruined King Saga (Universe) | Name: Gift of the Drowned Ones, Description: Innate: Pyke's maximum health cannot increase except through growth (per level) , instead he gains 「 1 bonus attack damage per 14 bonus health . 」 「 bonus attack damage equal to 7. 143 % of bonus health . 」 Innate: Pyke gains 1 bonus movement speed while in the river. Innate: Pyke stores 9% (+ 0. 2 % per 1 Lethality) of the post-mitigation damage he takes from enemy champions as grey health on his health bar , increased to 40% (+ 0. 4 % per 1 Lethality) while there are two or more visible enemy champions nearby. He can store up to 80 (+ 800% bonus AD) grey health , with an upper cap of 55% of his maximum health . While Pyke is not visible to enemies, he rapidly consumes his grey health to heal for the same amount., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Game elements that increase health based on the champion's health (e.gOvergrowth) will increase the health before getting converted byGift of the Drowned Ones, thus granting increasedbonus AD.", "Spirit VisageandGrievous Woundstake effect afterGift of the Drowned Ones'shealing cap.", "Pyke'sgrey healthdoes not have a time limit, and will stay on hishealth baruntilPykeleaves enemy vision or dies.", "SincePyke'smaximumhealth cannot be increased,Gift of the Drowned Onesreaches the upper cap of55% ofmaximumhealthat40.25− 180.5(based on level)bonusattack damage.", "Untargetablechampions count towardsPyke'smodifiedgrey healthstoring.", 'Amount of attack damage granted from list of items that grants health, converted withGift of the Drowned Ones:', 'Base damage stored near one enemy changed to 60%.', 'Base damage stored near multiple enemies changed to 120%.']} | Name: Bone Skewer, Description: Active: Pyke charges while being slowed by 20% for up to 3 seconds to increase Bone Skewer's range over the first second of the channel. Bone Skewer can be recast within the duration. Recast: Pyke hurls his harpoon in the target direction that deals physical damage to the first enemy hit and pulls them, during which they are also revealed , then slows them by 90% for 1 second. Physical Damage: 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 / 300 (+ 60% bonus AD) Releasing the ability within 0. 4 seconds causes Pyke to instead thrust his blade in the target direction, dealing the same damage to the closest enemy champion , or closest enemy otherwise. If the charge is interrupted or completes without reactivation, Bone Skewer is cancelled and the ability is put on full cooldown but refunds 75% of the mana cost . Bone Skewer's mana cost is also refunded if it hits an enemy champion., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto/Direction', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Only the charged version ofBone Skewerwill beintercepted.', 'The pull can fling an enemy behindPykeif the harpoon hits at close range.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'Pykecan still usesummoner spellsbesidesFlash,Teleport,Hexflash, andMark/Dashwhile hurling the harpoon but he cannot perform any other action.', 'The following table refers for interactions whilePykeischanneling:', 'Death', 'Cast-inhibiting effects', 'Base damage changed to 140 / 210 / 280 / 350 / 420.', 'Bonus AD ratio changed to80%bonusAD.', 'Cooldown changed to 9 / 8.5/ 8 / 7.5/ 7 seconds.']} | Name: Ghostwater Dive, Description: Active: Pyke submerges into water for 5 seconds, entering camouflage and gaining 40% (+ 1. 5 % per 1 Lethality) bonus movement speed that decays over the duration. Attacking or casting abilities ends Ghostwater Dive immediately. Enemy champions within 1500 units of Pyke are alerted of his presence and whether he can execute them with Death from Below . Link ▶️ Dive alert. Link ▶️ Execute alert., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'When an enemy is alerted, sharks will circle underneath their feet while a sound will be played to them that changes based on health threshold.']} | Name: Phantom Undertow, Description: Active: Pyke dashes in the target direction, leaving behind a Phantom . After 1 second, the Phantom homes back to Pyke to stun enemies around it and those it passes through along the way for 1. 25 (+ 0. 1 per 10 Lethality) seconds. Enemy champions hit also take physical damage . Physical Damage: 105 / 145 / 185 / 225 / 265 (+ 100% bonus AD), {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Thedashdistance can be extended to up to 900 units (estimated) when targeting across terrain.', "Like mostprojectiles, the flyingPhantomcannot hit targets whosecenteris behind the position it originates at or beyond the position it catches up toPykeat, but the spellcanhit targets behind its origin as long as theirhitbox radiusoverlaps with the original unitPhantom's110-radius check at the end of its lifespan.", 'Cooldown changed to 13 / 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 seconds.']} | Name: Death from Below, Description: Active: Pyke marks the target location with an X before striking it, executing enemy champions within the area that are below 250 − 550 (based on level) (+ 80% bonus AD) (+ 1. 5 per 1 Lethality) health . Other enemies hit and enemy champions above the threshold are instead dealt 「 50% of the amount as physical damage . 」 「 125 − 275 (based on level) (+ 40% bonus AD) (+ 0. 75 per 1 Lethality) physical damage . 」 If Death from Below hits an enemy champion or at least one is killed inside the X by the execution or an ally, Pyke will blink to the center of the X . For the latter case Pyke can also recast the ability within 20 seconds at no cost. Each successful execution grants one Your Cut to the last assisting ally, instead of its natural assist gold . Otherwise, Pyke is granted a Your Cut for each enemy champion killed inside the X by an ally during Death from Below's cast time. Link ▶️ "Sink with me...", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Physical damage/True damage', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Appliesraw damageto executed targets andarea damageto targets above the threshold.', "Death from Below'sexecute against an enemy champion will aggro nearby enemy minions.", 'Death from Belowcannot executeclones. They are always dealt 50%physical damage.', 'If the target is in azombie state, does not enter thedeathstate, or is killed by the ability whileabovethe execution threshold,Death from Belowdoes not grantYour Cutnor the recast.', 'Spell shielddoes not preventPykefromblinking.', "If an enemy champion dies inside theXduringDeath from Below'scast time,Pykewill be shown as having received an assist in the kill feed, but this will not triggertakedowneffects.", 'Death from Belowcannot beinterrupted;Pykewill always appear at the target location if enemy champions are caught inside theXeven if he is moved (e.g. by beingdisplaced) during the cast time.The only exception is if he is beingsuppressed, in which case he will notblink.', 'The only exception is if he is beingsuppressed, in which case he will notblink.', 'Damage to enemies above threshold changed to 80%.', 'New Effect:Executing an enemy champion now grants600to the champion on the team who did not kill them.']} | Pykeis one of 20 champions without a singleability powerratio on any ability:Aatrox,Camille,Darius,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Garen,Kayn,Kled,Naafiri,Nilah,Olaf,Riven,Samira,Sett,Talon,Urgot,Xayah,Yone, andZed.
Pyke's name is a pun on thepole weaponand thepredatory fish, both fromPIEroot*(s)pey-"sharp, pointy stick".[2]Namely,Pyke, the capital of the Iron Islands, an island state within the continent of Westeros;Pyke'sinhabitants also worship a deity called "the Drowned God".
Pykewill play his critical strike animation when applyingDuskblade of Draktharr'sbonus damage, additionally using theTogglekey bind (default [Ctrl] + [5]) will also display his critical strike animation on his next attack.
Bone Skewercan be toggled to stop glowing with theTogglekey bind (default [Ctrl] + [5]). It will revert to glowing at 1:00 or whenever he respawns.
Pyke's dance references the traditionalMāoriHakawarrior dance.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.He shares this dance withRengar.
Bone Skewer'sshape is possibly based on those ofharpoon-heads carved frombone,antler, &walrus ivory,[3][4]though his is made of metal and magnified to be effective against gigantic in-universe sea-monsters.
Pyke is one of the two champions in the game whose health can not be improved except through growth per level, the other beingKled.
Pyke quite coincidentally shares his name with alocationin George R.R. Martin's novel seriesA Song of Ice and Fire.
Gift of the Drowned Onesgrants1bonusmovement speedto Pyke while inriver.
Gift of the Drowned Onesis 93.75%gold efficient.1 HP = 2.66... gold. (calculated withRuby Crystal. 400g / 150 hp = 2.66)1 AD = 35 gold. (calculate withLong Sword. 350g / 10ad = 35g)AD/HP (35 / 2.66) = 13.125 (this is to find where AD=HP, meaning 13.125 HP is equal to 1 AD. The equation would be 13.75[HP] = [AD])Pyke's passive converts every 14 bonus hp into 1 ad. so if you divide 13.125 by 14, you get 0.9375, meaning each bonus HP you buy is only 93.75% the gold value you get for each AD.100% efficiency would be 8 AD for every 105 HP. |
Qiyana,Empress of the Elements | | | health: Health590+124, resource: Mana320+50, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)6+0.9, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)8+0.7, armor: Armor28+4.7, attack damage: Attack damage66+3.1, attack speed: Base AS0.688, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius120, release: 2019-06-28, changed: V13.5, role: Assassin, position: JungleMiddle, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 4800|880 | Games
QiyanaTitlesReal nameQiyana YunalaiNickname(s)QiqiAlias(es)Empress of the ElementsChild of the YunYun Tal QiyanaCharacteristicsSpeciesHuman(Magical)Pronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:976 ANWeapon(s)OhmlatlWater AxiomMagma AxiomNature AxiomPersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originIxaocan,IxtalCurrent residenceIxaocan,IxtalFamilyUnnamed GrandmotherUnnamed ParentsInessa Yunnalai(Sister)Mara Yunalai(Sister)7 Unnamed SistersProfessional statusOccupation(s)Elemental Mage(Water, Magma, Nature)Princess of IxaocanPrefect of TikrasRegion(s)IxtalRelated character(s)MalphiteRengarZyra
Real name
• Empress of the Elements
• Child of the Yun
• Yun Tal Qiyana
• Born:976 AN
• Ohmlatl
• Water Axiom
• Magma Axiom
• Nature Axiom
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
• Unnamed Grandmother
• Unnamed Parents
• Inessa Yunnalai(Sister)
• Mara Yunalai(Sister)
• 7 Unnamed Sisters
Professional status
• Elemental Mage(Water, Magma, Nature)
• Princess of Ixaocan
• Prefect of Tikras
Related character(s)
In the jungle city ofIxaocan,Qiyanaplots her own ruthless path to the high seat of the Yun Tal. Last in line to succeed her parents, she faces those who stand in her way with brash confidence and unprecedented mastery over elemental magic. With the land itself obeying her every command, Qiyana sees herself as the greatest elementalist in the history of Ixaocan—and by that right, deserving of not only a city, but an empire.
• 1Background1.1Early Life1.2Contemporary history
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Family
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early Life
• 1.2Contemporary history
• 5.1Family
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Alternate Universes
Early Life[]
Qiyana was born into the royal family of Ixaocan, the Yunalai, being the last of her nine sisters in the line of succession and grew up thinking that the throne would never be hers. Wishing to know what his role would be in his family and his place in Ixaocan
Contemporary history[]
Qiyana was educated in the elemental magical arts of Ixtal, she proved to be one of the best students of her time and not only that but at a very early age she mastered powerful techniques and spells that her older sisters were still struggling to achieve. Seeing the potential within her, Qiyana began to believe that the throne of Yun Tal should be hers.
As time went by, Qiyana's magical powers increased enormously, being able to perfectly master three types of elemental magic, Earth, Water and Nature. With her powers, her pride grew more and more, proclaiming herself as the Empress of the Elements.
As time went by, Qiyana began to try to get her parents' attention because she wanted to prove herself and was scandalized when they chose one of her sisters and not her. Inessa, her older sister, clashed with her the most, having very heated arguments until it got to the point where Inessa challenged Qiyana to a ritual combat to teach her sister some humility.
The battle was fierce but finally Qiyana not only emerged victorious but also left Inessa paraplegic. Qiyana expected her reward but her parents were horrified by how she left her sister and refused to give her her reward. Qiyana was quite hurt and resentful by her parents' response, but then she realized that the entire town of Ixaocan was quite impressed with her powers, giving her one of the things she most wanted to have, respect.
Qiyana is a young and attractive Ixtali woman with tanned skin and wavy shoulder-length white hair. She has a round face and button nose, and yellow eyes. She is of short and curvaceous stature, with a trim waist, broad hips, and thick thighs.
She wears a strapless blue-green dress with a black midsection, detailed all over in gold. On her lower half she wears black leggings and a pair of open-toed sandals. She lavishes her appearance with jewellery and makeup, wearing a golden tiara, bracelets on her wrists and upper arms, and a necklace, all of which are inlaid with large green gems. Her eyes are decorated with golden-green eye shadow, and her nails are also painted in her signature green.
Though she does possess the skill to back it up, Qiyana is a proud and arrogant woman who brags often and loudly for all to hear about her prowess with elemental magic, her ostentatious nature reflected even in her choice of attire. She thinks very highly of herself and is fully convinced she deserves the throne regardless of her place in the line of succession.
She is extremely competitive, proactive, and determined. When challenged by her older sister Inessa to ritual combat, Qiyana displayed a ruthless side by not only rising to the challenge but crippling her sister in the fight to assert how seriously she takes her desire to rise to the top and ultimately become Empress.
• Magical:Qiyana was born with natural magical abilities, which can grow the more she trains and expands her knowledge about magic. Qiyana is a natural prodigy in the elemental magics ofIxtal, proven to be one of the most powerful elementalists in Ixtal. Since childhood, Qiyana has managed to master the most advanced elemental techniques where her sisters struggled to grasp the basics. The most unique part of Qiyana's special talent in elemental magic is that she has learned to master not just a single element, as most of the Yun Tal do, but rather she has masteredthree. Despite this, the elemental magic that Qiyana struggles with isfire, which she is self-conscious about it.Water Axiom:By manipulating water, Qiyana is capable of infusing her weapon with water magic, allowing her to toss out small waves and instantly freeze it to create ice. With this, she can throw out shards of ice at her opponents or freeze them in place.Magma AxiomBy manipulating magma and rocks, Qiyana is capable of infusing her weapon with magma magic, allowing her to toss heated stones at her opponents to deal immense damage and cause huge explosions.Nature AxiomBy manipulating plants, Qiyana is capable of infusing her weapon with nature magic, allowing her to manipulate grass to restrain enemies and grow large bushes to camouflage her.
• Ohmlatl Proficiency:Qiyana's primary weapon used in combat is anohmlatl, a traditional ring-shaped Ixtali blade capable of acting as a medium for Qiyana's elemental magic, allowing her to infuse it with magical properties. Qiyana wields it with ease, capable of spinning and tossing it with acrobatic strength.
• Combat Mastery:Qiyana is a well versed fighter, especially in ritualistic Ixtali combat. She expressed this during her initial attempt to claim the title of empress within the Yun Tal, challenging her eldest sister Inessa in combat, easily defeating and crippling her.
• Water Axiom:By manipulating water, Qiyana is capable of infusing her weapon with water magic, allowing her to toss out small waves and instantly freeze it to create ice. With this, she can throw out shards of ice at her opponents or freeze them in place.
• Magma AxiomBy manipulating magma and rocks, Qiyana is capable of infusing her weapon with magma magic, allowing her to toss heated stones at her opponents to deal immense damage and cause huge explosions.
• Nature AxiomBy manipulating plants, Qiyana is capable of infusing her weapon with nature magic, allowing her to manipulate grass to restrain enemies and grow large bushes to camouflage her.
Qiyana's parents neglected her due to her being the youngest of her 9 sisters, and thus furthest fromthe throne.[1]As a result of her parent's preferential treatment, Qiyana does not have a good relationship with her siblings.
Inessa, the eldest daughter and 12 years Qiyana's senior, sought to humble her by besting her in ritual combat, but was instead defeated and crippled. Mara, the youngest of Qiyana's elder sisters, conceded her prefectship over Tikras after Qiyana exposed the hidden paths between villages inIxtal. ThePiltovanraid that followed killed about half the populace, and nearly Mara herself. Unbeknownst to Mara, Qiyana planned the entire ordeal in order to take over as prefect, amassing additional power and support from Ixtal citizens.
Read More
Empress of the Elements
ByJohn O'Bryan
Starring Champion
Empress of the Elements (Video)
The people of Ixaocan celebrate her prowess. The world is next.
Short Story
Fit to Rule
ByJohn O'Bryan
“I'm starting to sweat, Bayal. Please, do not let me sweat.”
Short Story
The Axiomata
ByDaniel Couts
The river brings memories from a dead world.
Starring:Aliay Qunlan,Qiyana
Alternate Universes
Short Story
Battle Queen Crests
ByCat Manning,Jared Rosen
To be a Battle Queen is to see with open eyes. As you complete Keystone Crest Missions, you’ll be rewarded with a story of nobility.
Virtual hip-hop group True Damage was born when K/DA's lead rapper Akali sought to bring together the distinct talents of Ekko, Senna, Qiyana, and Yasuo in an ambitious, genre-defying collaboration.
Music Video
ByTrue Damage
Mentioned:Ahri,Azir,Book,Camille,Corki,Jinx,Kayn,Kindred,LeBlanc,Lucian,Pyke,Rhaast,Tahm Kench,Teemo,Thresh,Twitch,Yuumi
Harmonies: Issue 1
ByMichael Yichao
In a difficult moment during a recording secession, Akali reassures a nervous Seraphine that K/DA's bonds run deep.
• "Empress of the Elements" is a self proclaimed title Qiyana gave herself, she is only a princess inIxtal.[2]
• Qiyana is 20 years old.[3]She was 7 years old when she mastered advanced elemental techniques.
• She was 7 years old when she mastered advanced elemental techniques.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Royal Privilege, Description: Innate: Qiyana's basic attacks and basic abilities deal 15 − 83 (based on level) (+ 30% bonus AD) (+ 30% AP) additional physical damage . This effect cannot occur on the same target more than once every few seconds. Gathering an Element with Terrashape resets Royal Privilege's per-target cooldown for enemies affected by Royal Privilege using a different Element (or no Element )., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'parries': 'Missing', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', "Royal Privilege'strigger from a basic attack can beblocked(bonus damage is negated and the on-target cooldown does not apply).", 'Royal Privilegewill not apply a cooldown to targets that are hit with anElemental Wraththat has a differentElementthan theElementQiyanacurrently holds.This does not occur if a newElemental Wrathwith a differentElementis cast before the first one lands.', 'This does not occur if a newElemental Wrathwith a differentElementis cast before the first one lands.', 'The effect will not trigger againststructuresnorwards.', "PENDING FOR TEST::Royal Privilege'sinteraction withparryingeffects (dodge,blind).", 'Bonus AD ratio changed to50%bonusAD.', 'AP ratio changed to50% AP.']} | Name: Edge of Ixtal, Description: Active: Qiyana slashes forward in the target direction, dealing physical damage to enemies in a line, reduced to 75% damage against targets beyond the first. Edge of Ixtal deals 150% damage against monsters . Physical Damage: 50 / 85 / 120 / 155 / 190 (+ 75% bonus AD) Reduced Damage: 37. 5 / 63. 75 / 90 / 116. 25 / 142. 5 (+ 56. 25 % bonus AD) Gathering an Element with Terrashape resets Edge of Ixtal's cooldown and upgrades it into Elemental Wrath . If cast during Audacity's dash towards an enemy champion and the target is within 150 units of Qiyana at the end of the dash, Edge of Ixtal will autonomously aim at the target., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'parries': 'Missing', 'details': ['Hide', 'Edge of Ixtal Details', 'Elemental Wrath Details', "If cast duringAudacityand the target uses a dash or blink or is no longer in vision,Edge of Ixtalwill aim at the target's last location prior to them starting the dash or blink or being in vision.", 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Terrashapedoes not interact withplayer-generated terrain.', "The water puddles formed by theOcean RiftonSummoner's Riftcount as valid terrain for obtaining theRiverelement.", "Thebrushesgrown byIvern'sBrushmakercount for gathering theBrushelement.", 'Passive bonus damage from basic attacks can beblocked.', "The passive damage works withGuinsoo's Rageblade'sPhantom Hit.", 'PENDING FOR TEST:: Passive bonus damage interaction withparryingeffects (dodge,blind).', 'Targeting a Health Relic onHowling Abyssgrants theRiverElement.', 'Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Audacityonly damages targets if within 250 range upon completion of the dash.', 'Base damage changed to 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270.', 'Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'The windblast needs only to reach near terrain to trigger the terrain shockwave.', 'The shockwave grants sight along each part of its path for 0.75seconds.', "Artificial terrain (e.g,Anivia'sCrystallize,Taliyah'sWeaver's Wall,Trundle'sPillar of Ice) touching map terrain will be treated as a single piece of terrain, even when bridging two pieces of map terrain together; the shockwave will wrap around all connecting terrain. The shockwave's path is determined once it initially spreads; any expired terrain will be treated as if it were still there.", 'Projectile-interceptingeffects will block the windblast but not the shockwave.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'Cooldown changed to 80 seconds.', 'Edge of IxtalBase damage increased to 50 / 85 / 120 / 155 / 190 from 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170.', 'Base damage increased to 50 / 85 / 120 / 155 / 190 from 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170.', 'AudacityCooldown reduced to 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 seconds from 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 / 8.', 'Cooldown reduced to 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 seconds from 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 / 8.', 'Royal PrivilegeBug Fix:On-target cooldown reset now behaves more consistently when castingElemental Wrath,Terrashape, andElemental Wrathagain in quick succession.', 'Bug Fix:On-target cooldown reset now behaves more consistently when castingElemental Wrath,Terrashape, andElemental Wrathagain in quick succession.', 'Royal PrivilegeBonus AD ratio reduced to30%bonusADfrom45%.Bug Fix:No longer applies an extra proc ofRoyal PrivilegewithFirst Strikeequipped.', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to30%bonusADfrom45%.', 'Bug Fix:No longer applies an extra proc ofRoyal PrivilegewithFirst Strikeequipped.', 'Elemental WrathBug Fix:Casting the ability twice, both before and after usingTerrashape, no longer causes it to deal less damage than intended.', 'Bug Fix:Casting the ability twice, both before and after usingTerrashape, no longer causes it to deal less damage than intended.', 'Edge of IxtalBug Fix:Now consistenly collides with targets that are moving towards the caster.', 'Bug Fix:Now consistenly collides with targets that are moving towards the caster.', 'StatsBase health increased to 590 from 520.Health growth increased to 124 from 110.Armor growth increased to 4.7from 3.5.Magic resistance growth increased to 2.05from 1.25.', 'Base health increased to 590 from 520.', 'Health growth increased to 124 from 110.', 'Armor growth increased to 4.7from 3.5.', 'Magic resistance growth increased to 2.05from 1.25.', 'Royal PrivilegeBonus AD ratio reduced to45%bonusADfrom55%.', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to45%bonusADfrom55%.', 'StatsBase health regeneration reduced to 6 from 7.5.', 'Base health regeneration reduced to 6 from 7.5.', 'Elemental WrathGrass trail duration reduced to 3 seconds from 3.5.', 'Grass trail duration reduced to 3 seconds from 3.5.', 'StatsBase health reduced to 520 from 590.Health growth increased to 110 from 90.', 'Base health reduced to 520 from 590.', 'Health growth increased to 110 from 90.', 'Edge of IxtalBase damage changed to 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 from 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160.Bonus AD ratio reduced to75%bonusADfrom90%.', 'Base damage changed to 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 from 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160.', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to75%bonusADfrom90%.', 'AudacityBase damage increased to 50 / 90 / 130 / 170 / 210 from 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170.Bonus AD ratio reduced to50%bonusADfrom70%.', 'Base damage increased to 50 / 90 / 130 / 170 / 210 from 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170.', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to50%bonusADfrom70%.', "Edge of IxtalDamage against monsters increased to 150% from 125%.Edge of Ixtalautonomously aiming atAudacity'starget now also requires the enemy champion to be withinQiyana'sbasic attack range (150 units) at the end of the dash.Bug Fix:Cooldown can no longer be sometimes bypassed after castingTerrashape.", 'Damage against monsters increased to 150% from 125%.', "Edge of Ixtalautonomously aiming atAudacity'starget now also requires the enemy champion to be withinQiyana'sbasic attack range (150 units) at the end of the dash.", 'Bug Fix:Cooldown can no longer be sometimes bypassed after castingTerrashape.', 'Edge of IxtalBug Fix:Fixed a bug where displacements would cause the autonomous targeting by casting it duringAudacityto become dysfunctional.', 'Bug Fix:Fixed a bug where displacements would cause the autonomous targeting by casting it duringAudacityto become dysfunctional.', 'StatsBase health regeneration reduced to 7.5from 9.Base attack speed increased to 0.688from 0.625.Attack speed ratio unchanged.', 'Base health regeneration reduced to 7.5from 9.', 'Base attack speed increased to 0.688from 0.625.Attack speed ratio unchanged.', 'Attack speed ratio unchanged.', "Edge of IxtalDamage against monsters increased to 125% from 100%.New Effect:If cast duringAudacityand the target uses a dash or blink or is no longer in vision during the dash, the ability will now aim at the target's last position prior to them starting the dash or blink or being in vision.", 'Damage against monsters increased to 125% from 100%.', "New Effect:If cast duringAudacityand the target uses a dash or blink or is no longer in vision during the dash, the ability will now aim at the target's last position prior to them starting the dash or blink or being in vision.", 'AudacityBase damage reduced to 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 from 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180.', 'Base damage reduced to 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 from 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180.', 'TerrashapeBonus movement speed reduced to 3 / 5 / 7 / 9 / 11% from 5 / 7 / 9 / 11 / 13%.', 'Bonus movement speed reduced to 3 / 5 / 7 / 9 / 11% from 5 / 7 / 9 / 11 / 13%.', 'TerrashapeBase bonus magic damage damage increased to 8 / 22 / 36 / 50 / 64 from 8 / 16 / 24 / 32 / 40.Bonus magic damage AP ratio increased to45% APfrom30% AP.Bonus movement speed increased to 5 / 7 / 9 / 11 / 13% from 5 / 6.25/ 7.5/ 8.75/ 10%.', 'Base bonus magic damage damage increased to 8 / 22 / 36 / 50 / 64 from 8 / 16 / 24 / 32 / 40.', 'Bonus magic damage AP ratio increased to45% APfrom30% AP.', 'Bonus movement speed increased to 5 / 7 / 9 / 11 / 13% from 5 / 6.25/ 7.5/ 8.75/ 10%.', 'Supreme Display of TalentBase damage increased to 100 / 200 / 300 from 100 / 170 / 240.', 'Base damage increased to 100 / 200 / 300 from 100 / 170 / 240.', 'StatsBase health regeneration increased to 9 from 8.5.Health regeneration growth increased to 0.9from 0.65.Base attack damage increased to 66 from 64.Base magic resistance reduced to 32 from 32.1.', 'Base health regeneration increased to 9 from 8.5.', 'Health regeneration growth increased to 0.9from 0.65.', 'Base attack damage increased to 66 from 64.', 'Base magic resistance reduced to 32 from 32.1.', 'TerrashapeBonus AD ratio reduced to10%bonusADfrom20%.', 'Bonus AD ratio reduced to10%bonusADfrom20%.', 'AudacityBase damage reduced to 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 from 60 / 95 / 130 / 165 / 200.', 'Base damage reduced to 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 from 60 / 95 / 130 / 165 / 200.', 'Elemental WrathBug Fix:Fixed a bug where it would not damage its target if she died before the ability landed.', 'Bug Fix:Fixed a bug where it would not damage its target if she died before the ability landed.', "Elemental WrathBug Fix:Brush-empoweredElemental Wrathnow properly leaves a stealth trail when she casts it after reviving from something likeGuardian AngelorZilean'sTime Warp.", "Bug Fix:Brush-empoweredElemental Wrathnow properly leaves a stealth trail when she casts it after reviving from something likeGuardian AngelorZilean'sTime Warp.", 'GeneralRecommended items updated.', 'Recommended items updated.', "Supreme Display of TalentBug Fix:No longer breaks unstoppable animations/abilities when cast in the river or in a brush.Bug Fix:When casting the ability towards a wall just barely withinYasuo'sWind Wall, she should no longer be able to successfully explode the targeted wall.", 'Bug Fix:No longer breaks unstoppable animations/abilities when cast in the river or in a brush.', "Bug Fix:When casting the ability towards a wall just barely withinYasuo'sWind Wall, she should no longer be able to successfully explode the targeted wall.", 'Battle Boss QiyanaRoyal PrivilegeBug Fix:Cooldown indicator is no longer barely visible in brush.', 'Royal PrivilegeBug Fix:Cooldown indicator is no longer barely visible in brush.', 'Bug Fix:Cooldown indicator is no longer barely visible in brush.', 'TerrashapeBonus attack speed changed to 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25% from 20% at all ranks.', 'Bonus attack speed changed to 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25% from 20% at all ranks.', 'Edge of IxtalBug Fix:Range indicator now displays the intended range when she hasn\'t gathered any Elements and "Enable Line Missile" is disabled.', 'Bug Fix:Range indicator now displays the intended range when she hasn\'t gathered any Elements and "Enable Line Missile" is disabled.', 'True Damage QiyanaLoading screen border is now uniquely colored per True Damage skin.', 'Loading screen border is now uniquely colored per True Damage skin.', "Supreme Display of TalentBug Fix:VFX no longer desynchronize with its effects and they properly follow the outline around terrain all the way through from the enemies' perspective if it is cast in Fog of War.", "Bug Fix:VFX no longer desynchronize with its effects and they properly follow the outline around terrain all the way through from the enemies' perspective if it is cast in Fog of War.", 'Edge of IxtalBase damage reduced to 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 from 80 / 100 / 120 / 140 / 160.', 'Base damage reduced to 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 from 80 / 100 / 120 / 140 / 160.', 'Elemental WrathBase damage reduced to 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 from 80 / 100 / 120 / 140 / 160.Bug Fix:No longer breaks stealth when usingTerrashape.', 'Base damage reduced to 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 from 80 / 100 / 120 / 140 / 160.', 'Bug Fix:No longer breaks stealth when usingTerrashape.', 'AudacityBase damage reduced to 60 / 95 / 130 / 165 / 200 from 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 / 210.', 'Base damage reduced to 60 / 95 / 130 / 165 / 200 from 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 / 210.', 'Supreme Display of TalentCooldown increased to 120 seconds at all ranks from 120 / 100 / 80.', 'Cooldown increased to 120 seconds at all ranks from 120 / 100 / 80.', 'TerrashapeNew Effect:Now gainsRiverElementwhen dashing towards a Health Relic onHowling Abyss.', 'New Effect:Now gainsRiverElementwhen dashing towards a Health Relic onHowling Abyss.', "AudacityNew Effect:Now only damages targets if within 250 range at the end of the dash.Enemies that dash orFlashaway can now dodge Audacity's damage.", "New Effect:Now only damages targets if within 250 range at the end of the dash.Enemies that dash orFlashaway can now dodge Audacity's damage.", 'Supreme Display of TalentCooldown changed to 120 / 100 / 80 seconds from 100 at all ranks.', 'Cooldown changed to 120 / 100 / 80 seconds from 100 at all ranks.', 'AudacityBug Fix:Targets no longer face and cast abilities towards the center of the map when hit byEdge of Ixtalcasted duringAudacity.', 'Bug Fix:Targets no longer face and cast abilities towards the center of the map when hit byEdge of Ixtalcasted duringAudacity.', "TerrashapeBug Fix:Passive now triggers correctly withLiandry's Torment.", "Bug Fix:Passive now triggers correctly withLiandry's Torment.", 'Edge of IxtalBug Fix:No longer gets locked out of auto-attacking after stealthing from a brush enchantedEdge of Ixtal.', 'Bug Fix:No longer gets locked out of auto-attacking after stealthing from a brush enchantedEdge of Ixtal.', 'Edge of IxtalBug Fix:No longer gets stuck aiming at the same target for the rest of the game.', 'Bug Fix:No longer gets stuck aiming at the same target for the rest of the game.', "Royal Privilege(Innate)Innate:Qiyana'snext basic attack or damaging ability against a target unit deals15 − 83 (based on level)(+ 55%bonusAD)(+ 30% AP)bonusphysical damage.This effect cannot occur on the same target more than once every 25 seconds, not affected by cooldown reduction.Royal Privilege'scooldown on all targets isresetupon gathering or changing anElement.", "Innate:Qiyana'snext basic attack or damaging ability against a target unit deals15 − 83 (based on level)(+ 55%bonusAD)(+ 30% AP)bonusphysical damage.", 'This effect cannot occur on the same target more than once every 25 seconds, not affected by cooldown reduction.', "Royal Privilege'scooldown on all targets isresetupon gathering or changing anElement.", 'Edge of Ixtal(Q)Active - Edge of Ixtal:Qiyanaslashes forward in a line, dealing 80 / 100 / 120 / 140 / 160(+ 90%bonusAD)physical damage, reduced to 75% damage against subsequent units beyond the closest.Upon gathering anElement,Edge of Ixtalis upgraded toElemental Wrathand its cooldown isreset.Active - Elemental Wrath:Qiyanaconsumes her currentElementandhurlsher blade out instead, which detonates in a line upon colliding with an enemy or reaching maximum range, dealing the same damage to all units hit and applying a bonus effect based on the consumedElement.River:Rootsfor X seconds, thenslowsby 20% for 1 second.Wall:Enemies below50% ofmaximumhealthtake 60%bonusdamage.Brush:The blade raises agrass trailbehind for 3.5seconds, grantingQiyanainvisibilityand20%bonusmovement speeduntil she attacks or exits.Target Range:650.Mana Cost:35.Cooldown:7 seconds.', 'Active - Edge of Ixtal:Qiyanaslashes forward in a line, dealing 80 / 100 / 120 / 140 / 160(+ 90%bonusAD)physical damage, reduced to 75% damage against subsequent units beyond the closest.', 'Upon gathering anElement,Edge of Ixtalis upgraded toElemental Wrathand its cooldown isreset.', 'Active - Elemental Wrath:Qiyanaconsumes her currentElementandhurlsher blade out instead, which detonates in a line upon colliding with an enemy or reaching maximum range, dealing the same damage to all units hit and applying a bonus effect based on the consumedElement.River:Rootsfor X seconds, thenslowsby 20% for 1 second.Wall:Enemies below50% ofmaximumhealthtake 60%bonusdamage.Brush:The blade raises agrass trailbehind for 3.5seconds, grantingQiyanainvisibilityand20%bonusmovement speeduntil she attacks or exits.', 'River:Rootsfor X seconds, thenslowsby 20% for 1 second.', 'Wall:Enemies below50% ofmaximumhealthtake 60%bonusdamage.', 'Brush:The blade raises agrass trailbehind for 3.5seconds, grantingQiyanainvisibilityand20%bonusmovement speeduntil she attacks or exits.', 'Target Range:650.', 'Mana Cost:35.', 'Cooldown:7 seconds.', 'Terrashape(W)Passive:While holding anElement,Qiyanagains20%bonusattack speed, 25bonusrange, her basic attacks and basic abilities deal 8 / 16 / 24 / 32 / 40(+ 20%bonusAD)(+ 30% AP)bonusmagic damage, and she gains out-of-combat 5 / 6.25/ 7.5/ 8.75/ 10%bonusmovement speedwhile moving through theElementcurrently being held.Active:Qiyanadashestowards a target location, potentially gathering anElementof theWall,RiverorBrushshe targeted.Mana Cost:25 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45.Cooldown:7 seconds.', 'Passive:While holding anElement,Qiyanagains20%bonusattack speed, 25bonusrange, her basic attacks and basic abilities deal 8 / 16 / 24 / 32 / 40(+ 20%bonusAD)(+ 30% AP)bonusmagic damage, and she gains out-of-combat 5 / 6.25/ 7.5/ 8.75/ 10%bonusmovement speedwhile moving through theElementcurrently being held.', 'Active:Qiyanadashestowards a target location, potentially gathering anElementof theWall,RiverorBrushshe targeted.', 'Mana Cost:25 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45.', 'Cooldown:7 seconds.', 'Audacity(E)Active:Qiyanadashesa fixed distance towards the target unit, dealing 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 / 210(+ 70%bonusAD)physical damage.CastingEdge of IxtalduringAudacitywill aim at the dash target.Target Range:650.Mana Cost:40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60.Cooldown:12 / 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 seconds.', 'Active:Qiyanadashesa fixed distance towards the target unit, dealing 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 / 210(+ 70%bonusAD)physical damage.', 'CastingEdge of IxtalduringAudacitywill aim at the dash target.', 'Target Range:650.', 'Mana Cost:40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60.', 'Cooldown:12 / 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 seconds.', "Supreme Display of Talent(R)Active:Qiyanasends awindblastin the target direction thatknocks backenemies. Thewindblaststops upon hitting aWall.Thewindblastthen creates a shockwave across anyRiverorBrushit passes through, as well as around the borders ofterrainit reaches, dealing 100 / 170 / 240(+ 170%bonusAD)(+ 10% of target'smaximumhealth)physical damageandstunningenemies for0.5− 1 (based on proximity)seconds.Target Range:950.Mana Cost:100.Cooldown:100 seconds.", 'Active:Qiyanasends awindblastin the target direction thatknocks backenemies. Thewindblaststops upon hitting aWall.', "Thewindblastthen creates a shockwave across anyRiverorBrushit passes through, as well as around the borders ofterrainit reaches, dealing 100 / 170 / 240(+ 170%bonusAD)(+ 10% of target'smaximumhealth)physical damageandstunningenemies for0.5− 1 (based on proximity)seconds.", 'Target Range:950.', 'Mana Cost:100.', 'Cooldown:100 seconds.', "WhileQuinnwas the first champion whose name starts with Q, the then only remaining unused letter in the alphabet regarding champion names prior to her release, Qiyana's release made it so there were at least 2 champions starting with each letter of the alphabet.", 'Qiyanadabsif she uses any emote within 10 seconds of a takedown.[2]', "Qiyana is the strongest among the 10 sisters and this might be referring to '1v9,’ a common player term used when both having bad teammates and enemies.", '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'Ao Shin', 'Avasha', 'Averdrian', 'CeeCee', 'Cyborg Cowboy', 'Eagle Rider', 'Gavid', 'Husk', 'Iron Engineer', 'Ivan', 'Omen', 'Priscilla', 'Rob Blackblade', 'Seth', 'Tabu', 'Tiki', 'Urf', 'Well', "↑Qiyana's profile", '↑Qiyana Dabs']} | Name: Terrashape, Description: Passive: While holding an Element , Qiyana gains bonus attack speed , 25 bonus attack range and bonus magic damage on her basic attacks on-hit and basic abilities. While out-of-combat and moving near the Element currently being held, she gains bonus movement speed . Bonus Attack Speed: 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25% Bonus Magic Damage: 8 / 22 / 36 / 50 / 64 (+ 10% bonus AD) (+ 45% AP) Bonus Movement Speed: 3 / 5 / 7 / 9 / 11% Active: Qiyana dashes up to 300 units towards the target location to gather the Element of the nearest Brush , River or Terrain she targeted. A target Element is required to cast this ability . Once Terrashape has been learned, Qiyana is automatically given the Terrain element upon respawning . Qiyana can cast any of her abilities during the dash., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'proc', 'parries': 'Missing', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Terrashapedoes not interact withplayer-generated terrain.', "The water puddles formed by theOcean RiftonSummoner's Riftcount as valid terrain for obtaining theRiverelement.", "Thebrushesgrown byIvern'sBrushmakercount for gathering theBrushelement.", 'Passive bonus damage from basic attacks can beblocked.', "The passive damage works withGuinsoo's Rageblade'sPhantom Hit.", 'PENDING FOR TEST:: Passive bonus damage interaction withparryingeffects (dodge,blind).', 'Targeting a Health Relic onHowling Abyssgrants theRiverElement.']} | Name: Audacity, Description: Active: Qiyana dashes a fixed distance in the direction of the target enemy. If they are in range upon arrival, she deals physical damage . Physical Damage: 50 / 90 / 130 / 170 / 210 (+ 50% bonus AD) Qiyana can cast any of her abilities during the dash., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Audacityonly damages targets if within 250 range upon completion of the dash.', 'Base damage changed to 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270.']} | Name: Supreme Display of Talent, Description: Active: Qiyana sweeps a windblast in the target direction that knocks back enemies hit, though not through terrain, and stops upon hitting Terrain . The windblast creates a cascading shockwave across any River or Brush it passes through, as well as around the borders of Terrain it reaches, dealing physical damage to enemies hit, stunning them for 0. 5 − 1 (based on proximity) seconds, and briefly granting sight of the area along its path. The damage based on the target's health ratio is capped against monsters . Physical Damage: 100 / 200 / 300 (+ 170% bonus AD) (+ 10% of target's maximum health) Capped Monster Health Damage: 500 / 750 / 1000, {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'The windblast needs only to reach near terrain to trigger the terrain shockwave.', 'The shockwave grants sight along each part of its path for 0.75seconds.', "Artificial terrain (e.g,Anivia'sCrystallize,Taliyah'sWeaver's Wall,Trundle'sPillar of Ice) touching map terrain will be treated as a single piece of terrain, even when bridging two pieces of map terrain together; the shockwave will wrap around all connecting terrain. The shockwave's path is determined once it initially spreads; any expired terrain will be treated as if it were still there.", 'Projectile-interceptingeffects will block the windblast but not the shockwave.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'Cooldown changed to 80 seconds.']} | WhileQuinnwas the first champion whose name starts with Q, the then only remaining unused letter in the alphabet regarding champion names prior to her release, Qiyana's release made it so there were at least 2 champions starting with each letter of the alphabet.
Qiyanadabsif she uses any emote within 10 seconds of a takedown.[2]
Qiyana is the strongest among the 10 sisters and this might be referring to '1v9,’ a common player term used when both having bad teammates and enemies. |
Quinn,Demacia's Wings,Quinn and Valor | | | health: Health565+107, resource: Mana269+35, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)5.5+0.55, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)7+0.4, armor: Armor28+4.7, attack damage: Attack damage59+2.7, attack speed: Base AS0.668, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius120, release: 2013-03-01, changed: V13.20, role: Specialist, position: TopMiddle, rangetype: Ranged, adaptivetype: Physical, cost: 4800|880 | Games
QuinnMainCurrent 1Current 2TitlesReal nameQuinn of UwendaleAlias(es)Demacia's WingsCharacteristicsSpeciesHumanPronoun(s)She/HerTimelineBorn:966 AN - 971 ANWeapon(s)Tuskvore Crossbow(Quinn)Claws(Valor)Personal statusCurrent residenceDemacia City,DemaciaFamilyUnnamed FatherUnnamed MotherCaleb†(Twin Brother)Pet(s)ValorProfessional statusOccupation(s)RangersScoutAmbassadorArtistRegion(s)DemaciaFaction(s)Buvelle HouseDemacian RangersRelated character(s)ValorJarvan IVGarenSonaTiannaCithria
• Main
• Current 1
• Current 2
Real name
• Born:966 AN - 971 AN
• Tuskvore Crossbow(Quinn)
• Claws(Valor)
Personal status
Current residence
• Unnamed Father
• Unnamed Mother
• Caleb†(Twin Brother)
Professional status
• Rangers
• Scout
• Ambassador
• Artist
• Buvelle House
• Demacian Rangers
Related character(s)
Sponsored by the noble Buvelle family,Quinnis aranger-knight of Demaciawho undertakes dangerous missions deep in enemy territory. She and herlegendary eagle,Valor, share an unbreakable bond, and their foes are often slain before they realize they are fighting not one, but two of the kingdom’s greatest heroes. Nimble and acrobatic,Quinntakes aim with her crossbow while Valor marks their elusive targets from above, making them a deadly pair on the battlefield.
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2Death of Caleb1.3The bond with Valor1.4Contemporary history1.5Shield of Remembrance1.6Nockmirch Expedition1.7Recent events
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Caleb & Buvelle House5.2Demacian Rangers5.3Dauntless Vanguard
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2Death of Caleb
• 1.3The bond with Valor
• 1.4Contemporary history
• 1.5Shield of Remembrance
• 1.6Nockmirch Expedition
• 1.7Recent events
• 5.1Caleb & Buvelle House
• 5.2Demacian Rangers
• 5.3Dauntless Vanguard
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early life[]
Quinn and her twin brother Caleb were born inUwendaleto a weaponsmith and a ranger. When7King Jarvan IIIvisited the village, they were impressed by the knights in their shining armor, and began to imitate them. Their father supported them in their endeavors, but as they grew older, the children took after their mother and spent time ranging in the wilds.
As young adults, Quinn and her brother were a formidable team of rangers, proficient in tracking and hunting prey. Quinn used a bow, while Caleb used a spear.
Death of Caleb[]
Quinn and Caleb were hired to accompany a hunting parting of nobles from the capital. The nobles hunted a giantTuskvore, but did not manage to kill it. The wounded beast turned on the hunters, and the twins intervened. As they drove off the creature, it killed Caleb. The leader of the nobles,2Lord Barrett Buvelle, helped Quinn bury her brother, who saved their life.
The death of Caleb broke Quinn, she couldn't focus on her tasks and would often make mistakes in the wilderness. A few months after the incident, Lady LestaraBuvellevisited Quinn's family and asked what her house could do for the grieving family. Quinn did not have an answer for her; She politely thanked her for the offer and turned her away.
The bond with Valor[]
One year after Caleb's death, Quinn returned to his grave as she often did. Due to her carelessness, she was taken by surprise when a tuskvore attacked her. She noticed it was the same beast that killed her brother, from the eye he took out before his death. Quinn fought the tuskvore, but found that she couldn't win. Just as it was about to kill her too, anAzurite Eagleswooped in and distracted the creature. With this help, Quinn managed to kill the tuskvore.
She nursed the wounded bird back to health and named himValor. The connection she felt with the eagle helped Quinn, and she once again contemplated how to serveDemacia. With help from her father, she crafted her repeater crossbow, then journeyed to thecapitalto become a ranger-knight.
Contemporary history[]
At the funeral of Lord Barrett Buvelle, Quinn spoke with his widow Lestara Buvelle. Lestara expressed her gratitude for saving his life two years ago, and asked again how she could repay Quinn. Quinn hesitated at first, then asked Lady Buvelle to sponsor her for knighthood. Lestara agreed and spoke withTianna Crownguard, and Quinn became a ranger-knight in the same week.
As ranger-knight, Quinn served in the Demacian military with her companion Valor. She has traveled far across Runeterra in her missions, includingthe FreljordandNoxian-held territories.[1]
Shield of Remembrance[]
In the late autumn of996 AN, Quinn received orders fromTianna Crownguard. She was to meet withGarenand a detachment of theDauntless Vanguardand escort them toNockmirch, but was distracted by a burned cabin in the woods. There she met up with3Greenfang WardenDalin, and decided to pursue the attackers. They tracked the group to the eastern border, where Quinn confronted them. She learned that the widow and her child who lived in the cabin were not abducted, but that she willingly returned toSkaggornwith her brother. It was forbidden to leave the country due to the ongoing rebellion, but the group knew of a secret passage unknown to the Demacian guards. Quinn decided to still let them go, ordering Dalin to stand down. She then told him to ensure a watchtower was built so this could not happen again, and ran off to make her original assignment.
Nockmirch Expedition[]
After running through the forest for multiple days and nights, Quinn met with the Dauntless Vanguard and boarded the ship"Stormbright". As ranger, it was her duty to scout ahead and make sure the environment was safe. She was the one to discover a fortified bridge spanning the ravine betweenRijenlandandAlderburg, and later discovered thenoxian armynearby. She rushed back to Alderburg to alertGaren, and they left with the Vanguard. Quinn was supposed to make it back to Demacia and alert them, but she was wounded while trying to open the gates of the bridge for the trapped soldiers. Valor, despite also being wounded, made it out and managed to lead5Silverwing ridersto the trapped Demacians. Quinn and the survivors then made it back to theGreat Cityto recover from their wounds.
Recent events[]
Quinn continues to lead therangersin the fight againstSylas'rebellion. Their involvement seems to help the soldiers.[2]
Quinn is a lean, fierce-looking woman with stern features.[3]She has amber eyes, described as similar to Valor's golden eyes.[4]She usually wears light leather armor, and also travels with no or only a light pack. Quinn is almost always accompanied by herAzurite Eagle, Valor.
Quinn is friendly and well-liked with her subordinate rangers, rarely using her superior position to give direct orders. She takes her duty seriously and always tries to protect those she is in charge of. She does what is right, even when it goes against rules or the law.[5]
She is generally wary of strangers and "doesn't like people overmuch as a rule". She is more comfortable alone in the wild than among company.Cithrianotes that she exudes an "easy confidence".[3]
• Ranger-Knight of Demacia: Quinn is extremely proficient in hunting and tracking prey, both animals and humans. She can be patient and has attention to detail. She can conceal herself and her tracks well in the forest.Heightened Senses: Her senses are far keener than the average.[3]
• Animal Bond: Like mostDemacian Rangers, she has a close bond to her companion,Valor. He is capable of understanding some of her commands.Valor can take out a specific target that Quinn calls out, or distract enemy archers.He can even carry her over short distances or when gliding down from heights.[5]
• Athletic: Quinn is a fast and endurant runner in the wilderness. She is able to run multiple days and nights with minimal rest. She can also sprint at high speeds, and is a nimble fighter.
• Repeater Crossbow: Quinn built this weapon with help from her father. Its firepower is weaker than a regular crossbow, but it can fire multiple bolts without having to reload.
• Intelligence: Quinn has shown excellent deduction capabilities.[5]By her own account, she speaks a dozen languages.[4]
• Heightened Senses: Her senses are far keener than the average.[3]
• Valor can take out a specific target that Quinn calls out, or distract enemy archers.
• He can even carry her over short distances or when gliding down from heights.[5]
Caleb &Buvelle House[]
Quinn's twin brother Caleb died while defending Barrett Buvelle, the adoptive father ofSona, from a tuskvore attack. After his death, Lestara Buvelle petitioned toTianna Crownguardto let Quinn become a ranger-knight.
Demacian Rangers[]
Quinn is the leader of theDemacian Rangers, whose known members include6Genevieve Elmheartand her5greathorn named Cern, theYordle4Betrandand3his badgerbear Beemer, the3Greenfang WardenDalin and his dog Rigby. She's receives her orders from High MarshalTianna Crownguardand carries them out dutifully.
Dauntless Vanguard[]
She has worked withGarenand theDauntless Vanguardon theirexpedition to the Nockmirch. Quinn and Garen like and respect each other.
Read More
Demacia's Wings
ByGraham McNeill
Mentioned:Barrett Buvelle,Jarvan III,Tianna
Starring Champion
Short Story
Fragile Legacies
ByDana Luery Shaw
I was young and unafraid, heart aflame with the sort of righteousness that cast out all shadows of doubt, on the day I first met Barrett Buvelle.
Starring:Eldred,Jarvan III,Quinn,Sona,Tianna
Mentioned:Barrett Buvelle,Jarvan IV,Kayle,Morgana
Short Story
Garen: First Shield
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
The King is dead. Demacia is mourning. And in the eyes of Garen Crownguard, it’s his fault. But can he rise to the challenge when Demacia needs him again? While on a peacetime expedition beyond the borders of Demacia, Garen, Quinn, and the Dauntless Vanguard uncover a plot that threatens to destroy long-standing alliances. As the knight-ranger Quinn tries to get word back to Demacia, Garen and his comrades make a desperate last stand. How long can they last, and at what cost?
Mentioned:Jarvan IV,Lux,Sylas
Short Story • 4 Minute Read
Rules of Survival
ByGraham McNeill
The Demacian wilds are no place for thieving Noxians, but that's who Quinn just found.
Short Story
Shield of Remembrance
ByAnthony Reynolds Lenné
Quinn ran through the forest, moving softly and swiftly.
Mentioned Champion
Tellstones: King's Gambit (Video)
Can you play like a champion?
Mentioned:Fiora,Garen,Jarvan IV,Lux,Quinn,Sona,Taric,Valor,Xin Zhao
Alternate Universes
Another Sky
ByJared Rosen,Taylor Dinwiddie,Ty Sheedlo
As a new generation of Star Guardians prepares to fight back the forces of chaos, rising star Akali finds herself wracked with doubt. Does she have what it takes to be a Star Guardian? Or will the darkness she senses inside spell doom for her and her friends?
Mentioned:Ahri,Akshan,Ezreal,Gwen,Jinx,Lux,Miss Fortune,Rakan,Xayah
Demacia Needs Heroes
By Numerous creators
She is a new kind of hero, one of new mind and new method. One who can go where armies cannot reach, where swords cannot clash.
Mentioned:Garen,Jarvan IV,Talon
Short Story
Journey Into The Freljord
By Unknown Author
Mentioned:Ashe,Jarvan IV,Lissandra,Trundle
Olaf vs Everything: Series 1
ByTom Barton
Punches and Plants: Series 1
Mentioned:Ahri,Alistar,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Brand,Braum,Caitlyn,Darius,Diana,Dr. Mundo,Ekko,Evelynn,Ezreal,Gangplank,Garen,Gnar,Gragas,Graves,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jinx,Karma,Katarina,Leona,Lucian,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Nunu,Quinn,Renekton,Rumble,Ryze,Sejuani,Sivir,Sona,Soraka,Tahm Kench,Taliyah,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Trundle,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Valor,Varus,Vel'Koz,Vladimir,Volibear,Warwick,Willump,Wukong,Zac,Ziggs
Punches and Plants: Series 2
Mentioned:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Amumu,Annie,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Diana,Draven,Ekko,Ezreal,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Kha'Zix,Kog'Maw,Leona,Lucian,Lux,Malphite,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nasus,Nautilus,Nidalee,Olaf,Orianna,Poppy,Quinn,Rakan,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Shaco,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Valor,Vel'Koz,Viktor,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Xin Zhao,Yasuo,Ziggs
Shadow of a Doubt
Star Guardians have a brilliant light, but some stagger in the darkness. Can Akali escape her own nightmares?
• Her name derives from Proto-Celtic*kʷennom"head, chief",[6]referencingConn of the Hundred Battles.Coincidentally, she is also the leader of theDemacian rangers.Her brother's nameCaleb(כָּלֵב) means "dog" in Hebrew (afterthe eponymous Biblical scout), from Proto-Semitic *kalb-.[7]
• Quinn is a Ranger-Knight. There are Rangers in theDemacianmilitary, but not all Rangers have the rank and privileges of being Knights. To be a knight, especially as a commoner, a person typically requires a sponsorship from a Noble House. The Buvelle's didn't just vouch for Quinn and Valor, they sponsored their ascension to becoming a knight and paid for and equipped her with the necessary resources that she'd need.[8]
• In the old lore:When receiving her scouting mission to theFreljordto assess the tribal situation there, she metJarvan IVandGaren.Jarvan IVis 'not what she expected' whileGarenis 'by the books' (Valor doesn't respect him)Quinn and Valor journeyed to the FreljordatJarvan IV'sbehest, managing to escape death by theIce Witch'shand.
• Valor is shown playingTellstoneswith Quinn (even besting the ranger from time to time)
• Coincidentally, she is also the leader of theDemacian rangers.
• Her brother's nameCaleb(כָּלֵב) means "dog" in Hebrew (afterthe eponymous Biblical scout), from Proto-Semitic *kalb-.[7]
• When receiving her scouting mission to theFreljordto assess the tribal situation there, she metJarvan IVandGaren.Jarvan IVis 'not what she expected' whileGarenis 'by the books' (Valor doesn't respect him)
• Quinn and Valor journeyed to the FreljordatJarvan IV'sbehest, managing to escape death by theIce Witch'shand.
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Harrier, Description: Innate: Quinn's Blinding Assault against the primary target, Vault , and Skystrike mark enemies hit with Vulnerable for 4 seconds, during which they are revealed . If no Vulnerable target exists for 1 second, Valor automatically marks a nearby visible enemy. He cannot do this again for 8 − 2. 93 (based on critical strike chance) seconds after the mark expired or was consumed or overwritten by another mark. Quinn's basic attacks against Vulnerable targets are empowered to consume the mark to deal 10 − 95 (based on level) (+ 16% − 50% (based on level) AD) bonus physical damage . While Behind Enemy Lines is active, Harrier is disabled and all Vulnerable marks are removed., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'parries': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', "If a mark applied by an ability is overwritten, consumed, or timed out,Harriergoes on a 1-second cooldown if it's not already on cooldown.", "Harrier'stargeting priority:Last unit hit (if it was a small minion it appears to select a different target).Lowest-health enemy champion.Lowest-health enemy minion.", 'Last unit hit (if it was a small minion it appears to select a different target).', 'Lowest-health enemy champion.', 'Lowest-health enemy minion.', 'Harrieris consumed even if it is parried, the attack is negated in any case.', 'Harrierwill not mark enemyminionswhileQuinnis notvisible, but will mark enemychampions.', 'Quinnsmay only trigger the bonus damage from their ownVulnerabledebuffs.Note that all active debuffs are visible to allQuinnsand are not easily distinguished unless its appearance is modified by a skin.', 'Note that all active debuffs are visible to allQuinnsand are not easily distinguished unless its appearance is modified by a skin.', 'Enemies can have multipleVulnerabledebuffs active on them at a time.', 'Base damage changed to11.5− 109.25(based on level).', 'AD ratio changed to118.4% − 157.5% (based on level)AD.']} | Name: Blinding Assault, Description: Active: Quinn sends Valor in the target direction who stops upon hitting an enemy, marking them as Vulnerable and dealing physical damage to all nearby enemies. Physical Damage: 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 (+ 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120% AD) (+ 50% AP) If the primary target was a champion , they become nearsighted for 1. 75 seconds, otherwise they are disarmed instead. Link ▶️ "Gouge 'em, Valor!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', "Blinding Assault'snearsightwill persist throughdeath.", 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the start of the cast time.', 'AD ratio changed to90 / 100 / 110 / 120 / 130% AD.', 'AP ratio changed to75% AP.']} | Name: Heightened Senses, Description: Passive: Whenever Quinn uses a basic attack on-attack against a Vulnerable target or consumes their mark, she gains bonus attack speed and bonus movement speed for 2 seconds. Bonus Attack Speed: 28 / 36 / 44 / 52 / 60% Bonus Movement Speed: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40% Active: Valor grants sight of the surrounding area for 2 seconds and reveals enemy champions within for the same duration. Link ▶️ "Eyes in the sky.", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'spell_shield': 'Not Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Map-Specific Differences', 'Video', 'No additional details.', 'Quinnswill gain the passive bonus for attacking aVulnerableenemy versus enemies marked by anyQuinn.Note that only theQuinnwho applied the mark can consume the mark for bonus damage. OneQuinncan apply the mark and then deliberately not trigger the mark to allow their allies to continually trigger the passive bonus.', 'Note that only theQuinnwho applied the mark can consume the mark for bonus damage. OneQuinncan apply the mark and then deliberately not trigger the mark to allow their allies to continually trigger the passive bonus.', 'Attack speed changed to 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70%.', 'Now affected by +100 ability haste.']} | Name: Vault, Description: Active: Quinn dashes to the target enemy, marking them as Vulnerable , dealing physical damage , knocking them back a very short distance, and slowing them by 50% decaying over 1. 5 seconds. She then leaps back 525 units away from them. Physical damage: 40 / 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 (+ 20% bonus AD) Heightened Senses can be cast during either of the dashes., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Video', "Quinnwill track the target if they change locations.She will dash to the target's previous location without applyingVault'seffects if the target is too far away or moves beyond1200units.", "She will dash to the target's previous location without applyingVault'seffects if the target is too far away or moves beyond1200units.", "VaultresetsQuinn'sremaining attack cooldown a short delay after the first dash ends (even if interrupted).This delay is a fuzzy 0.25to 0.5seconds and this matches up with the moment the target ofVaultis marked asVulnerable.", 'This delay is a fuzzy 0.25to 0.5seconds and this matches up with the moment the target ofVaultis marked asVulnerable.', 'Quinnwill automatically attempt to attack the target once she completesVault.', 'The target will turn to face the opposite direction after beingknocked back.', "Unlike its constant cast rangeVault'sbounce's can vary to allowQuinnto close or to make a gap between herself and the target (depending on casting position) or even to jump through a wall (if there is enough landing room on the other side).", 'Vaultalso interrupts basic attacks withuncancellable windups.(bug)']} | Name: Behind Enemy Lines, Description: Active: Quinn channels for 2 seconds, signaling Valor to pair up. Upon completion, he picks her up and they unite, increasing her total movement speed , granting her ghosting , and allowing her to cast Skystrike . Behind Enemy Lines can be recast after 0. 5 seconds during the channel. Total Movement Speed Increase: 70 / 100 / 130% Taking damage from non- minions while Behind Enemy Lines is active or while Quinn is channeling the ability causes her to lose the bonus total movement speed for 3 seconds. Becoming immobilized , grounded , or silenced ends Behind Enemy Lines immediately and puts it on cooldown without performing Skystrike . Once Behind Enemy Lines has been learned, respawning or returning to the allied summoning platform will spawn Valor instantly. Recast: Quinn cancels the channel, placing Behind Enemy Lines on cooldown. Link ▶️ "Valor, to me!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Physical', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Behind Enemy Lines Details', 'Skystrike Details', 'Video', 'Taking damage from non-minionsremoves the bonus movement speed buff temporarily by suppressing it with the status effect of aslow.', "Behind Enemy Linesdoes not refund itsmana costif the channel was canceled via recast.The only exception is ifQuinn'smanafalls below themana cost, in which case she is granted enoughmanaback (the equal amount needed) to be able to castBehind Enemy Linesagain.", "The only exception is ifQuinn'smanafalls below themana cost, in which case she is granted enoughmanaback (the equal amount needed) to be able to castBehind Enemy Linesagain.", 'Respawningor returning to thesummoning platformwill not spawnValorifBehind Enemy Linesis on cooldown.', 'IfValoris spawned byrespawningor returning to thesummoning platform,Skystrikewill be disabled from being manually cast for 2.5seconds upon uniting. However, it will still automatically activate upon declaring abasic attackor castingBlinding AssaultorVault.', 'Behind Enemy Linesends immediately withoutSkystrikebeing cast if she enters or is inside the enemyfountain. The ability will go on fullcooldown.Quinnwill also spawnValorwhen entering the enemy fountain but she will instantly lose him afterwards.', 'Quinnwill also spawnValorwhen entering the enemy fountain but she will instantly lose him afterwards.', "Self-immobilizationssuch asStopwatchandZhonya's Hourglassalso count for endingBehind Enemy Lines.", 'The following table refers for interactions whileQuinnischanneling:Behind Enemy Linesis not amovement channel, and so will not beinterruptedbyrootandground.', 'Behind Enemy Linesis not amovement channel, and so will not beinterruptedbyrootandground.', 'Death', 'Cast-inhibiting effects', "IfQuinnusesVaultwhileBehind Enemy Linesis active,Skystrikewill activate at her target's location after she bounces back.", "Upon respawning,Quinn'sfirstSkytrikewill deal double the normal amount of damage (140% AD) to enemies hit.(bug)", 'StatsAttack damage growth increased to 2.7from 2.4.Base health reduced to 565 from 603.Base movement speed reduced to 330 from 335.', 'Attack damage growth increased to 2.7from 2.4.', 'Base health reduced to 565 from 603.', 'Base movement speed reduced to 330 from 335.', 'StatsHealth growth increased to 107 from 99.', 'Health growth increased to 107 from 99.', 'Blinding AssaultBase damage reduced to 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 from 20 / 45 / 70 / 95 / 120.', 'Base damage reduced to 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 from 20 / 45 / 70 / 95 / 120.', 'VaultBase damage reduced to 40 / 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 from 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160.', 'Base damage reduced to 40 / 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 from 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160.', 'StatsBase mana regeneration increased to 7 from 6.97.', 'Base mana regeneration increased to 7 from 6.97.', 'GeneralBug Fix:Knocked up/stunned animation is now correctly played.', 'Bug Fix:Knocked up/stunned animation is now correctly played.', 'StatsBase health increased to 603 from 533.Health growth increased to 99 from 85.Armor growth increased to 4.7from 3.5.Magic resistance growth increased to 1.3from 0.5.', 'Base health increased to 603 from 533.', 'Health growth increased to 99 from 85.', 'Armor growth increased to 4.7from 3.5.', 'Magic resistance growth increased to 1.3from 0.5.', 'Heightened SensesBonus attack speed increased to 28 / 36 / 44 / 52 / 60% from 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60%.', 'Bonus attack speed increased to 28 / 36 / 44 / 52 / 60% from 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60%.', 'SkystrikeAD ratio increased to70% ADfrom40% AD.', 'AD ratio increased to70% ADfrom40% AD.', 'Heightened SensesBonus attack speed reduced to 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60% from 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 / 80%.', 'Bonus attack speed reduced to 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60% from 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 / 80%.', 'GeneralBug Fix:Base voice lines have been remastered to sound clearer, cleaner, and smoother.', 'Bug Fix:Base voice lines have been remastered to sound clearer, cleaner, and smoother.', 'GeneralUndocumented:Quinn and Valor now properly take turns talking during theirjoke emote.', 'Undocumented:Quinn and Valor now properly take turns talking during theirjoke emote.', 'Heartseeker QuinnBug Fix:Recall SFX now play properly.', 'Bug Fix:Recall SFX now play properly.', 'StatsBase health increased to 533 from 532.8.', 'Base health increased to 533 from 532.8.', 'Blinding AssaultNearsightduration increased to 1.75seconds from 1.5.', 'Nearsightduration increased to 1.75seconds from 1.5.', 'GeneralBase run animation updated.', 'Base run animation updated.', 'StatsAttack damage growth reduced to 2.4from 3.', 'Attack damage growth reduced to 2.4from 3.', 'StatsBase armor reduced to 28 from 32.', 'Base armor reduced to 28 from 32.', 'HarrierBase damage reduced to10 − 95 (based on level)from15 − 100 (based on level).', 'Base damage reduced to10 − 95 (based on level)from15 − 100 (based on level).', 'GeneralAdjusted splash artwork forCorsair Quinn.', 'Adjusted splash artwork forCorsair Quinn.', 'Behind Enemy LinesBug Fix:Fixed a bug whereSkystrikewould fail to activate when cast after respawning.Bug Fix:Fixed a bug whereBehind Enemy Linescould not be cast until she respawned or returned to the summoning platform if she got interrupted during herVaultdash.Bug Fix:Fixed a bug whereBlinding Assaultwould visually pass through targets if cast duringBehind Enemy Lines.', 'Bug Fix:Fixed a bug whereSkystrikewould fail to activate when cast after respawning.', 'Bug Fix:Fixed a bug whereBehind Enemy Linescould not be cast until she respawned or returned to the summoning platform if she got interrupted during herVaultdash.', 'Bug Fix:Fixed a bug whereBlinding Assaultwould visually pass through targets if cast duringBehind Enemy Lines.', 'StatsBase attack damage reduced to 59 from 62.Attack damage growth increased to 3 from 2.41.', 'Base attack damage reduced to 59 from 62.', 'Attack damage growth increased to 3 from 2.41.', 'HarrierNew Effect:Basic attacks that are already in-flight will now trigger and consume theHarriermark.New audio cues have been added for hitting a target with aVulnerablemark.', 'New Effect:Basic attacks that are already in-flight will now trigger and consume theHarriermark.', 'New audio cues have been added for hitting a target with aVulnerablemark.', 'Behind Enemy LinesNew Effect:Skystrikenow marks asVulnerableall enemy champions hit.New Effect:Taking damage while channeling no longer breaks channel.New Effect:Taking damage from non-minions whileBehind Enemy Linesis active no longer breaks the channel or form. Instead, the movement speed bonus is removed for 3 seconds.New Effect:Taking damage from minions no longer has any effect.New Effect:Returning to the fountain now automatically castsBehind Enemy Linesif it has been learned.Removed:No longer goes on 3-second cooldown when in combat.Bug Fix:Skystrikeno longer fails to cast if cast within the last 10 seconds.Bug Fix:Skystrikeno longer deals double damage when cast by reactivating R.Bug Fix:Behind Enemy Linesno longer ends immediately when used near a turret thatQuinnhad been attacking.Bug Fix:CancelingBehind Enemy LineswhilePresence of Mindis active no longer refunds mana that was never consumed.Bug Fix:Behind Enemy Linesno longer removes existing movement orders or ignores new movement orders given during its cast and channel.', 'New Effect:Skystrikenow marks asVulnerableall enemy champions hit.', 'New Effect:Taking damage while channeling no longer breaks channel.', 'New Effect:Taking damage from non-minions whileBehind Enemy Linesis active no longer breaks the channel or form. Instead, the movement speed bonus is removed for 3 seconds.', 'New Effect:Taking damage from minions no longer has any effect.', 'New Effect:Returning to the fountain now automatically castsBehind Enemy Linesif it has been learned.', 'Removed:No longer goes on 3-second cooldown when in combat.', 'Bug Fix:Skystrikeno longer fails to cast if cast within the last 10 seconds.', 'Bug Fix:Skystrikeno longer deals double damage when cast by reactivating R.', 'Bug Fix:Behind Enemy Linesno longer ends immediately when used near a turret thatQuinnhad been attacking.', 'Bug Fix:CancelingBehind Enemy LineswhilePresence of Mindis active no longer refunds mana that was never consumed.', 'Bug Fix:Behind Enemy Linesno longer removes existing movement orders or ignores new movement orders given during its cast and channel.', 'StatsBase health regeneration increased to 5.5from 5.424.', 'Base health regeneration increased to 5.5from 5.424.', 'VaultNew Effect:Now draws nearby minion aggro when targeting an enemy champion.', 'New Effect:Now draws nearby minion aggro when targeting an enemy champion.', 'StatsBase attack damage increased to 62 from 54.46.Base armor increased to 32 from 23.38.', 'Base attack damage increased to 62 from 54.46.', 'Base armor increased to 32 from 23.38.', 'Heartseeker QuinnBug Fix:Is once again swinging on her swing during her recall animation.', 'Bug Fix:Is once again swinging on her swing during her recall animation.', 'Heartseeker QuinnBug Fix:Pieces of bracer no longer disappear during her laugh animation.', 'Bug Fix:Pieces of bracer no longer disappear during her laugh animation.', 'Phoenix QuinnSkystrikeBug Fix:No longer uses classic skin sound.', 'SkystrikeBug Fix:No longer uses classic skin sound.', 'Bug Fix:No longer uses classic skin sound.', 'StatsMagic resistance growth increased to 0.5from 0.', 'Magic resistance growth increased to 0.5from 0.', "Behind Enemy LinesBug Fix:Fixed a bug where some types of enemy champion damage (e.g.Ignite,Titanic Hydra,Statikk Shivetc) didn't end the effect.", "Bug Fix:Fixed a bug where some types of enemy champion damage (e.g.Ignite,Titanic Hydra,Statikk Shivetc) didn't end the effect.", 'Heightened SensesBonus attack speed increased to 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 / 80% from 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40%.', 'Bonus attack speed increased to 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 / 80% from 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40%.', 'SkystrikeAD ratio reduced to40% ADfrom100% AD.New Effect:After putting at least one point inBehind Enemy Lines,Quinnrespawns as Valor after deaths for the rest of the game.', 'AD ratio reduced to40% ADfrom100% AD.', 'New Effect:After putting at least one point inBehind Enemy Lines,Quinnrespawns as Valor after deaths for the rest of the game.', "HarrierBug Fix:Fixed a bug where, ifQuinncanceled a basic attack against a target marked byHarrierand quickly attacked again afterward,Harrierdidn't deal bonus physical damage.", "Bug Fix:Fixed a bug where, ifQuinncanceled a basic attack against a target marked byHarrierand quickly attacked again afterward,Harrierdidn't deal bonus physical damage.", 'VaultBug Fix:Fixed a bug where if sheVaultedGangplankat the same time as he triggered aPowder Kegexplosion on multiple targets, it made for one fast pirate.', 'Bug Fix:Fixed a bug where if sheVaultedGangplankat the same time as he triggered aPowder Kegexplosion on multiple targets, it made for one fast pirate.', 'Blinding AssaultCooldown increased to 11 / 10.5/ 10 / 9.5/ 9 seconds from 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 / 7.Disables duration reduced to 1.5seconds from 2.', 'Cooldown increased to 11 / 10.5/ 10 / 9.5/ 9 seconds from 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 / 7.', 'Disables duration reduced to 1.5seconds from 2.', 'Blinding AssaultBug Fix:Some enhanced basic attacks missing while nearsighted.', 'Bug Fix:Some enhanced basic attacks missing while nearsighted.', 'StatsBase attack damage reduced to 54.46from 56.46.', 'Base attack damage reduced to 54.46from 56.46.', 'Blinding AssaultMana cost increased to 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 from 50 at all ranks.Base damage reduced to 20 / 45 / 70 / 95 / 120 from 25 / 55 / 85 / 115 / 145.AD ratio reduced to80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120% ADfrom80 / 95 / 110 / 125 / 140% AD.', 'Mana cost increased to 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 from 50 at all ranks.', 'Base damage reduced to 20 / 45 / 70 / 95 / 120 from 25 / 55 / 85 / 115 / 145.', 'AD ratio reduced to80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120% ADfrom80 / 95 / 110 / 125 / 140% AD.', 'HarrierBonus damage changed to15 − 100 (based on level)(+16 − 50 (based on level)% AD)from50% AD', 'Bonus damage changed to15 − 100 (based on level)(+16 − 50 (based on level)% AD)from50% AD', "Blinding AssaultRenamed fromAerial AssaultBase damage increased to 25 / 55 / 85 / 115 / 145 from 20 / 45 / 70 / 95 / 120AD ratio increased to(+ 80 / 95 / 110 / 125 / 140% AD)from(+ 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90% AD)AP ratio increased to(+ 50% AP)from(+ 35% AP)Removed:Increased damage based on target's missing healthRemoved:On-kill 50% cooldown reductionNew Effect:Applies nearsight to primary target and disarms non-champion ones", 'Renamed fromAerial Assault', 'Base damage increased to 25 / 55 / 85 / 115 / 145 from 20 / 45 / 70 / 95 / 120', 'AD ratio increased to(+ 80 / 95 / 110 / 125 / 140% AD)from(+ 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90% AD)', 'AP ratio increased to(+ 50% AP)from(+ 35% AP)', "Removed:Increased damage based on target's missing health", 'Removed:On-kill 50% cooldown reduction', 'New Effect:Applies nearsight to primary target and disarms non-champion ones', 'Behind Enemy LinesRenamed fromTag Team', 'Renamed fromTag Team', "Gameplay UpdateGeneralRecommended items updatedStatsAttack damage increased to 56.46from 51.04Attack damage growth reduced to 2.41from 3HarrierBonus damage changed to50% ADfrom25 − 215 (based on level)(+ 50% Bonus AD)Valor AI updatedCooldown changed to8 − 2.93(based on critical strike chance\xa0%)from10/7Aerial AssaultRenamed fromBlinding AssaultRemoved:BlindNew Effect:Targets hit are marked asVulnerable(area-of-effect damage unchanged)New Effect:Cooldown is reduced by 50% if it kills at least one targetBase damage reduced to 20 / 45 / 70 / 95 / 120 from 70 / 110 / 150 / 190 / 230AD ratio increased to(+ 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90% Bonus AD)from(+ 65% Bonus AD)at all ranksAP ratio reduced to(+ 35% AP)from(+ 50% AP)New Effect:Damage is increased by 1% for every1% of target's missing healthup to 40 / 90 / 140 / 190 / 240(+ 140 / 150 / 160 / 170 / 180% Bonus AD)(+ 70% AP)maximum damageMana cost reduced to 50 at all ranks from 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70Cast time reduced to 0.25seconds from 0.31Projectile width reduced to 60 from 80Heightened SensesPassive bonus movement speed changed to 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40% from 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 flatPassive duration reduced to 2 seconds from 3VaultDash speed increasedBackflip AI updatedSlow duration reduced to 1.5seconds from 2Range reduced to 675 from 700Tag TeamRemoved:Valor replacing Quinn upon activationNew Effect:Upon activation and after channeling for 2 seconds, Valor soars down and picks up Quinn, granting her substantially increased movement speed. Quinn can castSkystrikewhile being carried by Valor, but taking damage or being disabled while channeling or while being carried will make Valor fly away and place Tag Team on a 3 seconds cooldown without triggeringSkystrikeRemoved:CooldownMovement speed increase changed to70 / 100 / 130% totalCost changed to 100 / 50 / 0 from 100 at all ranksSkystrikeNew Effect:Triggers automatically with Quinn's first basic attack,Aerial Assault, orVaultduringTag TeamDamage changed to100% ADfrom 100 / 150 / 200(+ 50% Bonus AD)Removed:Increased damage based on target's missing health", 'GeneralRecommended items updated', 'Recommended items updated', 'StatsAttack damage increased to 56.46from 51.04Attack damage growth reduced to 2.41from 3', 'Attack damage increased to 56.46from 51.04', 'Attack damage growth reduced to 2.41from 3', 'HarrierBonus damage changed to50% ADfrom25 − 215 (based on level)(+ 50% Bonus AD)Valor AI updatedCooldown changed to8 − 2.93(based on critical strike chance\xa0%)from10/7', 'Bonus damage changed to50% ADfrom25 − 215 (based on level)(+ 50% Bonus AD)', 'Valor AI updated', 'Cooldown changed to8 − 2.93(based on critical strike chance\xa0%)from10/7', "Aerial AssaultRenamed fromBlinding AssaultRemoved:BlindNew Effect:Targets hit are marked asVulnerable(area-of-effect damage unchanged)New Effect:Cooldown is reduced by 50% if it kills at least one targetBase damage reduced to 20 / 45 / 70 / 95 / 120 from 70 / 110 / 150 / 190 / 230AD ratio increased to(+ 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90% Bonus AD)from(+ 65% Bonus AD)at all ranksAP ratio reduced to(+ 35% AP)from(+ 50% AP)New Effect:Damage is increased by 1% for every1% of target's missing healthup to 40 / 90 / 140 / 190 / 240(+ 140 / 150 / 160 / 170 / 180% Bonus AD)(+ 70% AP)maximum damageMana cost reduced to 50 at all ranks from 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70Cast time reduced to 0.25seconds from 0.31Projectile width reduced to 60 from 80", 'Renamed fromBlinding Assault', 'Removed:Blind', 'New Effect:Targets hit are marked asVulnerable(area-of-effect damage unchanged)', 'New Effect:Cooldown is reduced by 50% if it kills at least one target', 'Base damage reduced to 20 / 45 / 70 / 95 / 120 from 70 / 110 / 150 / 190 / 230', 'AD ratio increased to(+ 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90% Bonus AD)from(+ 65% Bonus AD)at all ranks', 'AP ratio reduced to(+ 35% AP)from(+ 50% AP)', "New Effect:Damage is increased by 1% for every1% of target's missing healthup to 40 / 90 / 140 / 190 / 240(+ 140 / 150 / 160 / 170 / 180% Bonus AD)(+ 70% AP)maximum damage", 'Mana cost reduced to 50 at all ranks from 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70', 'Cast time reduced to 0.25seconds from 0.31', 'Projectile width reduced to 60 from 80', 'Heightened SensesPassive bonus movement speed changed to 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40% from 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 flatPassive duration reduced to 2 seconds from 3', 'Passive bonus movement speed changed to 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40% from 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 flat', 'Passive duration reduced to 2 seconds from 3', 'VaultDash speed increasedBackflip AI updatedSlow duration reduced to 1.5seconds from 2Range reduced to 675 from 700', 'Dash speed increased', 'Backflip AI updated', 'Slow duration reduced to 1.5seconds from 2', 'Range reduced to 675 from 700', 'Tag TeamRemoved:Valor replacing Quinn upon activationNew Effect:Upon activation and after channeling for 2 seconds, Valor soars down and picks up Quinn, granting her substantially increased movement speed. Quinn can castSkystrikewhile being carried by Valor, but taking damage or being disabled while channeling or while being carried will make Valor fly away and place Tag Team on a 3 seconds cooldown without triggeringSkystrikeRemoved:CooldownMovement speed increase changed to70 / 100 / 130% totalCost changed to 100 / 50 / 0 from 100 at all ranks', 'Removed:Valor replacing Quinn upon activation', 'New Effect:Upon activation and after channeling for 2 seconds, Valor soars down and picks up Quinn, granting her substantially increased movement speed. Quinn can castSkystrikewhile being carried by Valor, but taking damage or being disabled while channeling or while being carried will make Valor fly away and place Tag Team on a 3 seconds cooldown without triggeringSkystrike', 'Removed:Cooldown', 'Movement speed increase changed to70 / 100 / 130% total', 'Cost changed to 100 / 50 / 0 from 100 at all ranks', "SkystrikeNew Effect:Triggers automatically with Quinn's first basic attack,Aerial Assault, orVaultduringTag TeamDamage changed to100% ADfrom 100 / 150 / 200(+ 50% Bonus AD)Removed:Increased damage based on target's missing health", "New Effect:Triggers automatically with Quinn's first basic attack,Aerial Assault, orVaultduringTag Team", 'Damage changed to100% ADfrom 100 / 150 / 200(+ 50% Bonus AD)', "Removed:Increased damage based on target's missing health", 'Quinn is the first champion whose name starts withQ(back then the only remaining unused letter in the alphabet regarding champion names).', "Quinn's dance referencesAre You That SomebodybyAaliyah.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.", 'A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.', "OnlySkystrikefires Quinn's crossbow despite it being her weapon of choice.Quinn's bolts arefletchedwith blue feathers which turn to a much lighter shade when hitting a target marked byHarrier.", "Quinn's bolts arefletchedwith blue feathers which turn to a much lighter shade when hitting a target marked byHarrier.", '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'Ao Shin', 'Avasha', 'Averdrian', 'CeeCee', 'Cyborg Cowboy', 'Eagle Rider', 'Gavid', 'Husk', 'Iron Engineer', 'Ivan', 'Omen', 'Priscilla', 'Rob Blackblade', 'Seth', 'Tabu', 'Tiki', 'Urf', 'Well', "↑Quinn's profile"]} | Quinn is the first champion whose name starts withQ(back then the only remaining unused letter in the alphabet regarding champion names).
Quinn's dance referencesAre You That SomebodybyAaliyah.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.
OnlySkystrikefires Quinn's crossbow despite it being her weapon of choice.Quinn's bolts arefletchedwith blue feathers which turn to a much lighter shade when hitting a target marked byHarrier. |
Rakan,The Charmer | | | health: Health610+99, resource: Mana315+50, health regen: Health regen. (per 5s)5+0.5, resource regen: Mana regen. (per 5s)8.75+0.5, armor: Armor30+4.9, attack damage: Attack damage62+3.5, attack speed: Base AS0.635, gameplay radius: Gameplay radius65, selection radius: Selection radius125, release: 2017-04-19, changed: V13.20, role: Catcher, position: Support, rangetype: Melee, adaptivetype: Magic, cost: 4800|880 | Games
RakanMainCurrentTitlesAlias(es)The CharmerCharacteristicsSpeciesLhotlanPronoun(s)He/HimTimelineBorn:Earlier than 816 ANWeapon(s)Magical PlumagePersonal statusStatusAlivePlace of originLhotlan Village,Qaelin,IoniaCurrent residenceIoniaFamilyXayah(Spouse)Professional statusOccupation(s)Battle-DancerFreedom FighterRegion(s)IoniaFaction(s)VastayaRelated character(s)XayahZedLee Sin
• Main
• Current
• Born:Earlier than 816 AN
Personal status
Place of origin
Current residence
Professional status
• Battle-Dancer
• Freedom Fighter
Related character(s)
As mercurial as he is charming,Rakanis an infamousvastayantroublemaker and the greatest battle-dancer in Lhotlan tribal history. To the humans of theIonianhighlands, his name had long been synonymous with wild festivals, uncontrollable parties, and anarchic music. But this energetic, traveling showman has left his old life behind, dedicating himself to the cause of his lover, the rebelXayah. Together, they seek to free Ionia’s wild magic, restoring the vastaya’s birthright.
• 1Background1.1Early life1.2Contemporary history
• 2Appearance
• 3Personality
• 4Abilities
• 5Relations5.1Xayah5.2Zed
• 6Read More6.1Biography6.2Starring Champion6.3Mentioned Champion6.4Alternate Universes
• 7Trivia
• 8Change log
• 9References
• 10See also
• 1.1Early life
• 1.2Contemporary history
• 5.1Xayah
• 5.2Zed
• 6.1Biography
• 6.2Starring Champion
• 6.3Mentioned Champion
• 6.4Alternate Universes
Early life[]
The Lhotlan vastaya once lived on the ancient, mystical borders of Ionia’s deep forests, on the eastern island of Qaelin. It was a place where magic was breathed like air, and time had little meaning. To these chimeric creatures, the lands of mortals were an unforgiving desert, virtually devoid of magic—and over the centuries, that desert only grew, encroaching on the vastaya’s territories.
Rakan was born into a tribe in decline, yet he never gave up hope.
Like his brethren, Rakan watched as human settlements continued to expand, damming the flow of Ionia’s wild, chaotic magic for their own safety. Many tribes sent emissaries to negotiate with them, securing treaties to protect the mystical energy the vastaya needed to thrive. Yet over and over again, these promises were broken.
Disillusioned, most vastaya became increasingly isolationist as they clung to their remaining lands. But young Rakan advocated a different path. The battle-dancer believed that mortals could be convinced to let wild magic run free if they could only appreciate its beauty, and he boasted that he was the one to make them see it. For this, he was labeledmu’takl—distrusted as a human sympathizer, and collaborator.
Rakan left the Lhotlan tribe, determined to spread the song of his people across Ionia. He was an entertaining rogue, a welcome performer at any tavern or village carnival, but over the years he realized that wasallhe was to mortals—no matter how many dances and songs he performed, no matter how much he enthralled the crowds, he merely provided diversion to drunken revelers.
Rakan grew restless, finding himself without purpose... until he had a chance encounter with Xayah, a fellow Lhotlan, at the harvest festival in Vlonqo.
Seeing her in the crowd, Rakan sang one of his old songs, entrancing the entire town with his gleaming plumage. Though countless human and vastayan women had fallen for him in the past, this violet raven seemed immune to his charms, though not uninterested.
How could she see him and yet choose not to follow him? It was a puzzle with no easy answer.
Intrigued, the battle-dancer approached Xayah and asked after the welfare of their tribe. When she told him that the Lhotlan had lost the last of their lands, Rakan howled with rage. This finally seemed to impress Xayah, and she assured him that there was still hope: she was part of something greater, a rebellion of sorts, to take back what the vastaya had lost. Not just for the Lhotlan, but for all tribes.
Rakan was thunderstruck. Here was a chance for him to redeem his people, a cause he was willing to die for. He implored Xayah to let him accompany her, and she agreed—as long as he carried his weight.
And, as Xayah would soon learn, Rakan’s dances were as impressive in battle as they were on stage. He called himself the greatest battle-dancer in Lhotlan history, a boast that none could refute. His grand entrances and dazzling acrobatics distracted and befuddled enemies, before Xayah felled them with her razor-sharp quills. In any dangerous situation, they fought together with uncanny harmony.
Contemporary history[]
During their travels, Rakan became fascinated by how Xayah interacted with the world. She seemed always prepared, aloof, and focused... whereas he was absent-minded, affable, and lacking seriousness. Although Rakan would often forget her carefully laid plans, he made up for it with his ability to read the emotions of others, using charisma and insight to persuade them. The two vastaya were so different, and yet they achieved great feats, each one’s strengths complementing the other’s weaknesses.
Soon enough, Rakan couldn’t imagine life without Xayah, and it was clear that she felt the same for him. The pair pledged themselves to each other in the midst of a raucous tavern brawl.
Yet they did not see eye to eye in all things. Where she viewed the world as black and white, with mortals always the enemy, he had more compassion, and believed some of them were redeemable. Despite this difference, Rakan was certain that his and Xayah’s love for each other would bear them through the storms that lay ahead.
Through Xayah, Rakan has found purpose. Inspired by his partner’s singular drive, Rakan has made her crusade his own, and together they will fight to reclaim the First Lands for the vastaya.
Rakan has white hair, which is accentuated by a bold red stripe running through it. His small red cape conceals the base of vibrant yellow plumage, which cascades down like a regal cape. Adorning the cape is a single bird skull which keeps the cape in place. Shirtless, he showcases two bracers on his arms, concealing additional yellow plumage underneath. Rakan wears azure pants which secured by a red rope belt adorned with bird skulls. True to hisLhotlanlineage, Rakan bears avian features such as bird legs and pointed, feathered ears.
As the title suggests, he's as charming as they come, being an emotionally aware guy and incredibly graceful. Because this he can be a flamboyant and showy performer, as he is energetic and confident. But he is also brave and loyal, and compassionate and unlike his lover, Xayah, he tends to act on instinct than planning.
• Vastayan Physiology:Rakan is a Vastaya, an ancient race of demi-humans changed by magic of the Spirit Realm. The connection to the Spirit Realm increased their longevity so they can live for centuries, and granted them powerful magic. The Vastaya are divided into several different tribes, each one defined by an specific animal. Rakan is a Lothlan, a type of birdlike Vastaya.Enhanced Agility:Lothlan are much more agile than a normal human.Magical Plumage:Rakan has a "wing" on his right shoulder that produces magical feathers that can be used for several purposes. He can throw them at a foe, create powerful gusts of wind that can knock his enemies of the ground, or help others by creating barriers and healing them.
• Enhanced Agility:Lothlan are much more agile than a normal human.
• Magical Plumage:Rakan has a "wing" on his right shoulder that produces magical feathers that can be used for several purposes. He can throw them at a foe, create powerful gusts of wind that can knock his enemies of the ground, or help others by creating barriers and healing them.
Rakan is a LhotlanVastayanwho travelsIoniaas a wandering entertainer. After meeting and getting in a relationship withXayah, both travel Ionia to preserve Ionia's natural magic from being controlled by humans. They are not married, sinceXayahwants to hear him proposing to her everyday.
Rakan andXayahfoughtZedand his Order of the Shadow inWild Magicto prevent them from harvesting a magical grove for the Kashuri Armories, the creators ofJhin'sWhisper.
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The Charmer
ByOdin Austin Shafer
Starring Champion
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A Piece of Shadow Cake
ByOdin Austin Shafer
Xayah jumped upward into the trees' foliage, dodging the gunfire that exploded from the temple's walls.
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Nothing Rhymes with Tubebow
ByOdin Austin Shafer
Two paths lead to the monastery fortress from the villages below it,' Xayah begins.
Wild Magic
Restoring the wild magic of Ionia won't be easy when a deadly enemy lurks in the shadows.
Mentioned Champion
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Puboe Prison Break
ByMatthew Dunn
Rakan is the worst.
The Rebel
ByMatthew Dunn
Alternate Universes
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Ambition's Embrace
ByMichael Yichao
Bound by darkness.
Starring:Ashe,Kassadin,Lulu,Lux,Master Yi,Rakan,Thresh,Xayah,Xin Zhao
Another Sky: Wild Rift Edition
ByTy Sheedlo
Join the Star Guardians as they fight for the future by saving a ghost from their past!
Starring:Ahri,Miss Fortune,Orianna,Rakan,Senna,Seraphine,Xayah
Music Video
Everything Goes On
ByPorter Robinson
Together with some familiar faces, a new generation of Star Guardians ascend to battle a looming threat. But even when confronted with eternal darkness, their hope burns brighter than fear.
Mentioned:Ahri,Lux,Miss Fortune
Music Video
Light and Shadow
By Numerous creators
A cosmic darkness threatens to overcome three former teammates who were thought to have perished.
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Star-Crossed: Convince Me
ByJared Rosen,Callie Miller
Xayah travels to a new planet to enlist the help of a seasoned Star Guardian with a big gun and, secretly, a bigger heart.
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Star-Crossed: Embrace
ByJared Rosen,Callie Miller
Final showdown! The Guardians have played all their cards, but something in Xayah tells her to keep fighting—she’ll find a way to redeem Rakan or die (again) trying.
Starring:Ahri,Akali,Kai'Sa,Miss Fortune,Orianna,Rakan,Senna,Seraphine,Xayah
Star-Crossed: Hope
ByJared Rosen,Callie Miller
Months later, some familiar faces from Xayah’s past appear during the heat of battle. Her team may be stronger than ever, but what if Rakan doesn’t want to be saved?
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Twin Stars
ByCat Cheresh
Akali could see the stars.
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A New Horizon
A mysterious new team arrives: Star Guardian Ahri, Miss Fortune, Syndra, Soraka, and Ezreal.
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Academy Adventures: Series 2
ByGutter Rat
Mentioned:Amumu,Anivia,Annie,Ashe,Aurelion Sol,Braum,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Dr. Mundo,Draven,Elise,Ezreal,Fiddlesticks,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Heimerdinger,Janna,Jhin,Jinx,Kog'Maw,Lulu,Lux,Malphite,Malzahar,Miss Fortune,Nami,Nasus,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Rammus,Rek'Sai,Riven,Rumble,Ryze,Shaco,Singed,Sona,Soraka,Syndra,Taliyah,Talon,Taric,Teemo,Thresh,Tibbers,Tristana,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Veigar,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Yasuo,Yorick,Zac,Zed,Ziggs,Zyra
Academy Adventures: Series 3
ByGutter Rat
Another Sky
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As a new generation of Star Guardians prepares to fight back the forces of chaos, rising star Akali finds herself wracked with doubt. Does she have what it takes to be a Star Guardian? Or will the darkness she senses inside spell doom for her and her friends?
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New Dreams
The school year comes and goes, but we’ll share these memories forever.
Punches and Plants: Series 2
Mentioned:Aatrox,Ahri,Alistar,Amumu,Annie,Aurelion Sol,Azir,Bard,Blitzcrank,Caitlyn,Cho'Gath,Diana,Draven,Ekko,Ezreal,Fizz,Galio,Gnar,Graves,Heimerdinger,Jayce,Kha'Zix,Kog'Maw,Leona,Lucian,Lux,Malphite,Maokai,Miss Fortune,Nasus,Nautilus,Nidalee,Olaf,Orianna,Poppy,Quinn,Rakan,Renekton,Riven,Rumble,Shaco,Taric,Teemo,Tibbers,Tristana,Trundle,Udyr,Valor,Vel'Koz,Viktor,Volibear,Warwick,Wukong,Xayah,Xin Zhao,Yasuo,Ziggs
Music Video
By Numerous creators
Reaching the peak takes more than skill. Only those with the ambition to RISE above all others will know its height.
Starring: N/A
Mentioned:Akali,Ashe,Braum,Darius,Ekko,Ezreal,Fiora,Garen,Gnar,Jarvan IV,Jax,Jinx,Kalista,Kennen,Kha'Zix,Leona,Lux,Master Yi,Olaf,Poppy,Rakan,Riven,Ryze,Sejuani,Swain,Taliyah,Thresh,Tryndamere,Vayne,Xayah,Yasuo,Zed,Ziggs
Star-Crossed: Clockwork
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Star-Crossed: Shine So Bright
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The Roadtrip
ByCassie Parkes,Marvin Clifford
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The Twilight Star
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I have too many questions I want to ask her.
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• Rakan is confirmed to haveADHDbased on his in-game voice lines and short story.[1]This was confirmed byOdin 'WAAARGHbobo' Shafer, who explained that they indirectly gave Rakan ADHD through piecing parts of their personality together, as well as events from their friends and family, to create him.
• His tribe's name, Lhotlan, was named after Lhotl, a Vastayashai’rei hero during the war against a race of titans from the sky.
• He was originally intended to be 28 in equivalence to human age, but due to being a youngVastaya, he is over a few hundreds years old.[2][3]This can be explained that as one enters a vastayan forest, time — as we know it — becomes to be less reliable. This is the border to the spirit world, so time can go strangely; days can become years, or months can become seconds in the world outside of the forest.[4]
• Rakan's emotional intelligence and self-awareness is through the roof. He is evidently also verypresentat any given time; he lives in the moment. Rakan was aware of his emotional interest inXayahas it happened. It's not a singular moment for Rakan, it was a journey.[5]The Vastayan culture's relationship and marriage rituals are somewhat different than ours, in part because magic is largely integral to them and their landscape. Their culture is big on declarations. Symbolically when you declare something, it becomes true; with Vastayan magic, these sort of declarations also form a weak charm. Reinvoking it maintains its status and makes others aware. From a human perspective, they are not married nor engaged, and would self-describe as a "couple". But for a Vastayan, declaring someone your companion is equivalent: it means you are allowing your magics to entwine.
• Vlonqo, the town whereXayahand Rakan first met, is a town with a monastery and a Quinlon.[6]Quinlons are the magical filters and damns scattered around Ionia that attempt to contain the amount of magic released into the region, or limit it to positive and helpful magic, which in turn affect the Vastayan livelihood due to their dependence on magic.[7]InWild Magic,Xayahand Rakan destroyed one of the Quinlons thatZedand hisShadow Orderuse to create their Ichor which is used to channel Shadow magic .
• This was confirmed byOdin 'WAAARGHbobo' Shafer, who explained that they indirectly gave Rakan ADHD through piecing parts of their personality together, as well as events from their friends and family, to create him.
• This can be explained that as one enters a vastayan forest, time — as we know it — becomes to be less reliable. This is the border to the spirit world, so time can go strangely; days can become years, or months can become seconds in the world outside of the forest.[4]
• The Vastayan culture's relationship and marriage rituals are somewhat different than ours, in part because magic is largely integral to them and their landscape. Their culture is big on declarations. Symbolically when you declare something, it becomes true; with Vastayan magic, these sort of declarations also form a weak charm. Reinvoking it maintains its status and makes others aware. From a human perspective, they are not married nor engaged, and would self-describe as a "couple". But for a Vastayan, declaring someone your companion is equivalent: it means you are allowing your magics to entwine.
• Quinlons are the magical filters and damns scattered around Ionia that attempt to contain the amount of magic released into the region, or limit it to positive and helpful magic, which in turn affect the Vastayan livelihood due to their dependence on magic.[7]InWild Magic,Xayahand Rakan destroyed one of the Quinlons thatZedand hisShadow Orderuse to create their Ichor which is used to channel Shadow magic .
• InWild Magic,Xayahand Rakan destroyed one of the Quinlons thatZedand hisShadow Orderuse to create their Ichor which is used to channel Shadow magic .
Change log[]
See also[] | Name: Fey Feathers, Description: Innate: Periodically, Rakan grants himself a shield for 30 − 225 (based on level) (+ 95% AP) that lasts until broken. After being out of combat for 5 seconds, any leftover shield will be restored to maximum value. Rakan's basic attacks and ability hits reduce Fey Feathers' cooldown by 1 second for each enemy champion hit. Innate - Lover's Leap: If either Rakan or Xayah is channeling Recall , the other may move nearby and channel their own to join alongside them. Both reach base at the time of which the initiator's Recall completes., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputPassive', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'Revitalizewill record bonus shielding when a new shield is created, but not when it regenerates. In either case, there is no bonus shielding received.', 'The cooldown reduction is granted even if the ability is blocked by aspell shield.']} | Name: Gleaming Quill, Description: Active: Rakan slings an enchanted feather in the target direction that deals magic damage to the first enemy hit. Magic Damage: 70 / 115 / 160 / 205 / 250 (+ 70% AP) If the target was an enemy champion or epic monster , a radius is marked around Rakan . After 3 seconds or if an allied champion enters the radius, Rakan heals himself and nearby allied champions for 40 − 210 (based on level) (+ 55% AP) ., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputDirection', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'See Notes', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'The trigger radius is slightly smaller than the heal radius.', 'Spell shieldwill not prevent the marked area from being formed.', 'The heal can activate immediately after the projectile hits the target, before the healing return animation completes.', 'This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.', 'The heal will trigger and affectRakaneven if he isuntargetable.']} | Name: Grand Entrance, Description: Active: Rakan dashes to the target location. After a 0. 35 -second delay upon arrival, he deals magic damage to nearby enemies and knocks them up for 1 second. Magic Damage: 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 (+ 80% AP) Rakan will be knocked down by any immobilizing or polymorphing crowd control, excluding sleep (bug) , during Grand Entrance. Grand Entrance will cast at max range if cast beyond that., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputLocation', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'No additional details.']} | Name: Battle Dance, Description: Active: Rakan grants a shield to the target allied champion for 3 seconds and then dashes to and around them. Battle Dance can be recast within 5 seconds at no additional cost. Shield Strength: 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 (+ 70% AP) Recast: Rakan mimics the first cast's effects. Rakan will be knocked down by any immobilizing or polymorphing crowd control, excluding sleep (bug) , during Battle Dance. If Xayah is the target, Battle Dance can be cast from an increased range., {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputUnit', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', "Both casts count as ability activations for the purposes of on-cast effects such asSpellbladeand triggeringForce Pulse'spassive.", 'The shields do not stack ifBattle Danceis cast on the same target twice. Only the duration and shield amount is refreshed.']} | Name: The Quickness, Description: Active: Rakan breaks into a captivating sprint for 4 seconds, gaining ghosting and 75% bonus movement speed for the duration. During this time, he deals magic damage to enemies he collides with and charms and slows them by 75% for a duration. This cannot affect the same enemy more than once. Magic Damage: 100 / 200 / 300 (+ 50% AP) Disable Duration: 1 / 1. 25 / 1. 5 Colliding with an enemy champion extends The Quickness' duration by 0. 25 seconds, which can occur once per champion. When Rakan collides with his first enemy champion, he gains an additional 75% bonus movement speed that decays after 0. 5 seconds by 20% every 0. 5 seconds, then by 15% after decaying by 60% over 1. 5 seconds. During The Quickness, Rakan cannot basic attack enemy champions he did not collide with, unless the attack command was inputted before the ability was activated. Link ▶️ "Party starter!", {'targeting_input': 'Targeting inputAuto', 'damage_type': 'Magic', 'spell_shield': 'Blocked', 'details': ['Hide', 'Details', 'The following table refers for interactions whileRakanis in cast time:', 'Death, unless protected byResurrection']} | Rakan's andXayah'sdual release is the first one sinceV1.0.0.72.They were also the firstchampionsreleased in2017.
Rakan's and Xayah's loading screens always align themselves to the rightmost side before a game starts and when picked on the same team (to mirror their shared splash art).
Rakan's cloak is actually his wings disguised by Vastayan magic in order to blend in with humans.
Rakan and Xayah are sometimes depicted together with combined wings. The one-wingedJian birdin Chinese mythology has a similar codependency, which represents the bond of two lovers.
Rakan has the second highest basic attack range amongstmeleechampions (300 units) behindLillia(325 units).He used to have the lowest basic attack range amongstrangedchampions prior toV12.22.
Rakan's favorite human food is chocolate; even though chocolate's theobromine maypoisonRakan due to his half-bird physiology, his human half may help metabolize the compound & alleviate its effects.
Rakan's dance referencesJailhouse RockbyElvis Presley.A side-by-side comparison can be seenhere.He shared this dance withPantheon, until the latter eventually got a full relaunch.
When Rakanbasic attacksfrom a far distance he hits his target with his cape, if he is closer, he will punch them instead.At release, Rakan had a hidden passive: he also dealt 1 morephysical damagewith his punches.[2]
His name resembles theMalaynounrakan"friend, relative";
He is the only champion with 3 points at 3 skills by the client classification. |
Subsets and Splits