convert variable name to string?
custom sort an alphanumeric list `l`
sorted(l, key=lambda x: x.replace('0', 'Z'))
python: script to detect data hazards
line1 = ['ld a8,0x8910', 'mul a3,a2,8', 'shl a3,a3,4', 'add a3,a3,a8']
dynamically change widget background color in tkinter
fetch all elements in a dictionary `parent_dict`, falling between two keys 2 and 4
dict((k, v) for k, v in parent_dict.items() if 2 < k < 4)
alias for dictionary operation in python
{frozenset([1, 2, 3]): 4, frozenset([1]): 5}
python matplotlib: plot with 2-dimensional arguments : how to specify options?
remove special characters from string
unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', source).encode('ascii', 'ignore')
run flask application `app` in debug mode.
python dictionary values sorting
OrderedDict(sorted(list(d.items()), key=d.get))
multiprocessing queue in python
how do i format a number with a variable number of digits in python?
"""One hundred and twenty three with three leading zeros {0:06}.""".format(123)
concatenate dataframe `df_1` to dataframe `df_2` sorted by values of the column 'y'
pd.concat([df_1, df_2.sort_values('y')])
how do i get the modified date/time of a file in python?
tkinter: how to use after method
get only digits from a string `strs`
"""""".join([c for c in strs if c.isdigit()])
how to print negative zero in python
print(('%.0f\xb0%.0f\'%.0f"' % (deg, fabs(min), fabs(sec))).encode('utf-8'))
regular expression matching all but 'aa' and 'bb' for string `string`
re.findall('-(?!aa-|bb-)([^-]+)', string)
how do you extract a column from a multi-dimensional array?
a = [[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4]]
how can i convert a python dictionary to a list of tuples?
[(k, v) for k, v in a.items()]
convert letters to lower case
re.sub('[AEIOU]+', lambda m:, 'SOME TEXT HERE')
how to create an integer array within a recursion?
return foo(n - 1) + [1]
how do i get the full xml or html content of an element using elementtree?
"""""".join([t.text] + [xml.tostring(e) for e in t.getchildren()])
is there a way to make the tkinter text widget read only?
unique plot marker for each plot in matplotlib
check if any item from list `b` is in list `a`
print(any(x in a for x in b))
request http url `url`
r = requests.get(url)
python max length of j-th item across sublists of a list
[max(len(b) for b in a) for a in zip(*x)]
how to remove a key from a python dictionary?
my_dict.pop('key', None)
reading data into numpy array from text file
data = numpy.genfromtxt(yourFileName, skiprows=n)
calling an external command "some_command with args"
os.system('some_command with args')
pull a value with key 'name' from a json object `item`
subtract all items in a list against each other
[(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 4), (1, 1), (2, 3), (1, 2)]
django: ordered list of model instances from different models?
how do i sort a list of strings in python?
mylist.sort(key=lambda x: x.lower())
sort a list of dictionary provided an order
sorted(list_of_dct, key=lambda x: order.index(list(x.values())[0]))
python: how to remove all duplicate items from a list
x = list(set(x))
in python, how can i find the index of the first item in a list that is not some value?
return next((i for i, v in enumerate(L) if v != x), -1)
convert string to dict using list comprehension in python
dict([x.split('=') for x in s.split()])
django get all records of related models
python: how can i run python functions in parallel?
how can i resize the root window in tkinter?
create sub matrix of a list of lists `[[2, 3, 4], [2, 3, 4], [2, 3, 4]]` (without numpy)
[[2, 3, 4], [2, 3, 4], [2, 3, 4]]
how can i split a string into tokens?
['x', '+', '13', '.', '5', '*', '10', 'x', '-', '4', 'e', '1']
how to subquery in queryset in django?
people2 = Person.objects.filter(employee__company='Private')
how can i make an animation with contourf()?
how can i insert data into a mysql database?
how to iterate over columns of pandas dataframe to run regression
df1.ix[0, 1]
taking the floor of a float
datetime objects format
calcuate mean for selected rows for selected columns in pandas data frame
df[['b', 'c']].iloc[[2, 4]].mean(axis=0)
how to change the color of a single bar if condition is true matplotlib
how to open a url in python'')
how to get the url address from upper function in scrapy?
yield Request(url=url, callback=self.parse, meta={'page': 1})
zip lists in python
zip(a, b, c)
sorting the content of a dictionary by the value and by the key
sorted(list(d.items()), key=lambda x: x[::-1])
python dict comprehension with two ranges
{k: v for k, v in zip(range(1, 5), count(7))}
plot a (polar) color wheel based on a colormap using python/matplotlib
display_axes.set_rlim([-1, 1])
how do you read tensorboard files programmatically?
how to send a session message to an anonymous user in a django site?
request.session['message'] = 'Some Error Message'
how to i disable and re-enable console logging in python?
logging.critical('This is a critical error message')
open the file 'words.txt' in 'ru' mode
f = open('words.txt', 'rU')
merge two or more lists with given order of merging
list(ordered_merge([[3, 4], [1, 5], [2, 6]], [1, 2, 0, 0, 1, 2]))
qdialog not opening from main window (pyqt)
specific shuffling list in python
['e', 'b', 'f', 'c', 'a', 'd']
python pandas - how to flatten a hierarchical index in columns
[' '.join(col).strip() for col in df.columns.values]
python regex search and split
re.split('(d(d)d)', 'aaa bbb ccc ddd eee fff', 1)
how to calculate cointegrations of two lists?
b = [5.23, 6.1, 8.3, 4.98]
remove dictionary from list `a` if the value associated with its key 'link' is in list `b`
a = [x for x in a if x['link'] not in b]
how to exclude a character from a regex group?
how do i parse a vcard to a python dictionary?
pandas: joining items with same index
df.assign(id=df.groupby([0]).cumcount()).set_index(['id', 0]).unstack(level=1)
pandas to_csv call is prepending a comma
pupil detection in opencv & python
contour = cv2.convexHull(contour)
obtain the current day of the week in a 3 letter format from a datetime object'%a')
reverse a string in python
l = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
create ntfs junction point in python
kdll.CreateSymbolicLinkA('d:\testdir', 'd:\testdir_link', 1)
twitter streaming api with tweepy rejects oauth
auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_token_secret)
regular expression to match a dot
re.findall('(\\w+[.]\\w+)@', s)
is there a numpy function to return the first index of something in an array?
how do i watch a file for changes using python?
how to create only one table with sqlalchemy?
python: how to make a list of n numbers and randomly select any number?
mylist = list(range(10))
how to attach debugger to a python subproccess?
comparing values in two lists in python
z = [(i == j) for i, j in zip(x, y)]
check if string contains a certain amount of words of another string
re.findall('(?=(\\b\\w+\\s\\b\\w+))', st)
replacing 'abc' and 'ab' values in column 'brandname' of dataframe `df` with 'a'
df['BrandName'].replace(['ABC', 'AB'], 'A')
how to encode integer in to base64 string in python 3
matplotlib: two y-axis scales, how to align gridlines?
multiplying a tuple by a scalar
tuple([(10 * x) for x in img.size])
json load/dump in python
the_dump = json.dumps(['foo', {'bar': ['baz', None, 1.0, 2]}])
sorting a text file alphabetically (python)
select value from list of tuples where condition
results = [t[1] for t in mylist if t[0] == 10]
subprocess run command 'start command -flags arguments' through the shell'start command -flags arguments', shell=True)
how can i replace all the nan values with zero's in a column of a pandas dataframe
in django, filter `task.objects` based on all entities in ['a', 'p', 'f']
Task.objects.exclude(prerequisites__status__in=['A', 'P', 'F'])
plotting a 3d surface from a list of tuples in matplotlib
python: how can i include the delimiter(s) in a string split?
['(', 'two', 'plus', 'three', ')', 'plus', 'four']
python regex replace
new_string = re.sub('"(\\d+),(\\d+)"', '\\1.\\2', original_string)
login to a site using python and opening the login site in the browser'')