stringlengths 6
| Answer
stringlengths 3
| Explanation
stringlengths 5
Need religious correspondent to remove line on possible cathedral location (7) | PAUCITY | Definition: Need
"Paul"(religious correspondent/writer of the Epistles/Letters of Paul, some of the books in the New Testament of the Bible) **minus**(to remove) "l"(abbrev. for "line") **plus**(on) CITY(a town created a city by charter, and usually containing a cathedral/a possible cathedral location).
Defn: …/a lack of. |
Family man failing to finish off poisoner is set free (7) | UNCLASP | Definition: set free
"uncle"(a family man/a blood relation) **minus ****its last letter**(failing to finish off) + ASP(a poisoner/a poisonous creature, specifically, this variety of snake). |
Novice losing footing in alpine region (4) | TYRO | Definition: Novice
"Tyrol"(an alpine region, specifically, in West Austria and North Italy) **minus ****its last letter **(losing footing …, in a down clue). |
Mirror supplies base to support Independent publication (5) | IMAGE | Definition: Mirror
E(in maths, an abstract number that is the base for natural logarithms) **placed below**(to support, in a down clue) [ I(abbrev. for "Independent", a non-member of any political party) + MAG(short for "magazine", a periodical publication) ].
Defn: …/a thing regarded as an accurate representation of something else, as in "the eyes are the mirror of the soul". |
Dependants damn individual short of capital (7-2) | HANGERS-ON | Definition: Dependants
HANG!(like "damn!", an expression of anger or frustration at someone or something) + "person"(an individual/someone) **minus ****its 1st letter**(short of capital). |
Artfully rig agendas to create unjustly favourable impression (10) | AGGRANDISE | Definition: to create unjustly favourable impression
**Anagram of**(Artfully) RIG AGENDAS. |
Following a particular plan could become mechanistic without sources of novel ideas (9) | SCHEMATIC | Definition: Following a particular plan
**Anagram of**(could become) [ "mechanistic" **minus ****1st letters, respectively, of**(without sources of) "novel ideas" ]. |
Undertake surprise audit to identify arrangement of men on board (4-5) | SPOT-CHECK | Definition: Undertake surprise audit
SPOT(to identify/to recognise) CHECK(an arrangement of pieces/men on a chessboard where a player has placed his/her opponent's king under direct attack).
Or does "check" refer to the black and white squares on which the pieces are placed? |
Prison implicated in a peculiar secret (7) | ARCANUM | Definition: secret
CAN(slang for "prison") **contained in**(implicated in) [A + RUM(peculiar/odd) ]. |
Unions associated with Attlee and Freud (not the Liberal)? (7) | CEMENTS | Definition: Unions
"Clements"(plural of "Clement", the first names of Attlee, former British PM, and Freud, British Liberal MP and broadcaster) **minus**(not the) "L"(abbrev. for "Liberal", a member of the Liberal Party).
Defn: I'm not sure about this. "cement" and "union" as nouns are not synonymous – the former achieves the latter; and unlike "cement", "union" cannot be a verb. |
Old Norse character finds god at bottom of mountain (5) | THORN | Definition: Old Norse character
THOR(the hammer-wielding god in Scandinavian mythology) **plus**(at) **last letter of**(bottom of, in a down clue) "mountain".
Defn: …/letter in the Old Norse alphabet. |
Money expressed in pounds sterling more often than not (5) | LOLLY | Definition: Money
Cryptic defn: L(or £/symbol for pounds sterling/English money unit) appears in the solution more often than the other letters (3 out of 5).
Defn: Slang for … |
Elevated element of Scandinavian idolatry (4) | ODIN | Definition: Elevated element of Scandinavian idolatry
**Hidden in**(element of) **reversal of**(Elevated …) "Scandinavian idolatry".
Defn: A widely revered god/elevated element in Scandinavian idolatry/mythology. |
Register egg being eaten by tragic figure, along with large bap (9,4) | ELECTORAL ROLL | Definition: Register
O(a circle, a rounded object resembling an egg) **contained in**(being eaten by) ELECTRA(the mythological main character in Greek tragedies by Sophocles, Euripides and others) **plus**(along with) L(abbrev. for "large") + ROLL(bap/a large round flattish bread roll).
Defn: … of eligible voters in a district or constituency. |
Obstacle to getting off home? One moans terribly (8) | INSOMNIA | Definition: Obstacle to getting off
IN(home/not out of the house, as in "I'm home") + **anagram of**(… terribly) [ I(Roman numeral for "one" + MOANS].
Defn: …/falling asleep. |
Memorable words of Tramp and Anto to put out (6) | SLOGAN | Definition: Memorable words
SLOG(to tramp/to walk with difficulty or effort) **plus**(and) "Anto" **minus**(… put out) "to". |
Obtain energy, conserving energy (6) | DERIVE | Definition: Obtain
DRIVE(energy/determination to achieve) **containing**(conserving) E(symbol for "energy" in physics). |
Visibly, it's where drinkers are left in charge (2,6) | IN PUBLIC | Definition: Visibly
[IN PUB](in a place where you will find drinkers) + L(abbrev. for "left") + IC(abbrev. for "in charge"). |
Intended name removed from fund … (6) | FIANCE | Definition: Intended
"n"(abbrev. for "name") **deleted from**(removed from) "finance"(to fund/to provide with money for a purpose).
Defn: The …/the someone, in this case, a male, to whom one is engaged to be married. |
denied profits and funding (8) | GAINSAID | Definition: denied
GAINS(profits/amount earned over and above amount spent) **plus**(and) AID(support of a practical nature, including funding).
Defn: …/contradicted. |
Capers in mains, oddly, yours truly fed to cook (8) | MISCHIEF | Definition: Capers
**1st, 3rd and 5th letters of**(…, oddly) "mains" + [ I(yours truly, the setter using the self-referential pronoun) **contained in**(fed to) CHEF(a professional cook) ]. |
Setter about to eat £25 Caesar salad, perhaps (6) | EPONYM | Definition: Caesar salad, perhaps
**Reversal of**(… about) ME(the setter, using the self-referential pronoun) **containing**(to eat) PONY(slang for the sum of £25).
Defn: A thing named after someone, an example being/perhaps "Caesar salad". |
Picturegoer gutted about some current spoiler? (8) | PAMPERER | Definition: spoiler
"Picturegoer" **minus all its innder letters**(gutted) **containing**(about) AMPERE(a unit of/some electrical current).
Defn: …/one who spoils/indulges somebody. |
Nuanced translation of dialogue ignores it (6) | SUBTLE | Definition: Nuanced
"subtitle"(captions displayed on a cinema or TV screen that translate the on-going dialogue) **minus**(ignores) "it". |
Order rubbish with a little butter to get sent back (6) | DIKTAT | Definition: Order
**Reversal of**(… to get sent back) [ TAT(rubbish/shoddy items clothes, say) **plus**(with a) KID(a young goat/a little butter/thing that butts) ]. |
Mingle in club owned by Jagger, we hear (8) | INTERMIX | Definition: Mingle
INTER(short for Inter Milan, professional football team in the Italian league) + **homophone of**(…, we hear) "Mick's"(owned by/belonging to Mick, in this case Jagger of the Rolling Stones). |
Dance with great skill where oil's found (9,4) | DISCOVERY WELL | Definition: where oil's found
DISCO(dance to disco music) [VERY WELL](with great skill/expertise).
Defn: …, specifically the first well to produce in a new oilfield. |
Wise bird swallows start to irritate (5) | ERNIE | Definition: Wise
ERNE(bird, in this case the sea eagle) **containing**(swallows) **1st letter of**(start to) "irritate".
Defn: First name of half of the comedic duo Morecambe and Wise. |
Love trendy coats Oscar's wearing (7) | EROSION | Definition: wearing
EROS(sexual love/desire, originating from the Greek god of love) + IN(trendy/in fashion) **containing**(coats) O(letter represented by "Oscar" in the phonetic alphabet).
Defn: …/the process of being worn by friction. |
What may be perfect figure with statue's outline (5) | TENSE | Definition: What may be perfect
TEN(the figure 10) **plus**(with) **1st and last letters of**(…'s outline) "statue".
Defn: …, in grammar. |
Row in boxing arena because of matches where severe blow is likely (7,7) | ROARING FORTIES | Definition: where severe blow is likely
OAR(to row with, well, oars) **contained in**(in) RING(boxing arena – a square ring) + FOR(because of, as in "he failed for lack of experience") + TIES(sporting matches between two sides).
Defn: The ocean tracts between latitudes 40 and 50 degrees south which experience very severe winds/blows. |
What you must pay great pianist heard on piano with lyricist (4,5) | LIST PRICE | Definition: What you must pay
**Homophone of**(… heard) "Liszt"(Franz, great Hungarian pianist) **placed above**(on, in a down clue) P(abbrev. for "piano", musical direction to play softly) **plus**(with) RICE(Tim, English lyricist, best known for collaborating with Andrew Lloyd Webber).
Defn: … to purchase a product (except when the seller gives a discount off it). |
Diamond edging for rich decoration on vehicle (7) | RHOMBUS | Definition: Diamond
**1st and last letters of**(edging for) "rich" + OM(abbrev. for the Order of Merit, an honour/decoration given by the monarch of the Commonwealth) + BUS(a large vehicle for people transport).
… a pattern made up of rhombi. |
Pounds given to one with potential for debt (9) | LIABILITY | Definition: debt
L(or £, symbol for the British monetary unit, the pound sterling) **plus**(given to) I(Roman numeral for "one") + ABILITY(potential/skill that you possess to be able to do something). |
Echoing musical with two notes raised (9) | IMITATIVE | Definition: Echoing
**Reversal of**(… raised, in a down clue) [ EVITA(musical with music by Andrew Lloyd Webber and lyrics by Tim Rice) **plus**(with) MI,TI(or "me" and "te", respectively, 2 notes in the sol-fa music scale) ]. |
Entering eg Qatar, granddaughter went abroad (9) | EMIGRATED | Definition: went abroad
[ EMIRATE(a nation reigned by an emir, an example of which/eg. is Qatar) **containing**(Entering …) G(abbrev. for "grand"/£1000) ] + D(abbrev. for "daughter"). |
Better country with 20% less stock (7) | CAPITAL | Definition: stock
CAP(to better/to surpass) + "Italy"(European country) **minus the last out of 5 letters**(with 20% less).
Defn: Money raised by a company through the issue and subscription of shares. |
English playmaker Jack heading for nightclub in drag (7) | OSBORNE | Definition: English playmaker
OS(abbrev. for "ordinary seaman", a sailor/Jack) + [ **1st letter of**(heading for) "nightclub" **contained in**(in) BORE(a drag/a tiresome situation or activity) ].
Answer: …, John, English playwright/playmaker, if you like, best known for his play "Look Back In Anger". |
Scrap the second group picked up (3-2) | SET-TO | Definition: Scrap
**Homophone of**(group picked up) "set two"(the second/number 2 set/group).
Defn: …/a fight. |
New Labourite losing head, with yen to be flashy (5) | LAIRY | Definition: flashy
"Blair"(Tony, British Labour Party leader who was a key figure in the New Labour, the brand used to signify a newly reformed party) **minus its 1st letter**(losing head) + Y(abbrev. for "yen", the Japanese currency unit).
Defn: …/ostentatious. |
Place for a constitutional Liberal and a sleep? (9) | ESPLANADE | Definition: Place for a constitutional
**Anagram of**(Liberal) AND A SLEEP.
Defn: …, a walk by the sea for good health. |
Temperance society conceals unopened wine vessel (5) | AORTA | Definition: vessel
AA(abbrev. for "Alcoholics Anonymous", a mutual aid society helping members recover from alcoholism by practising temperance/abstinence from alcohol) **containing**(conceals) "port"(a fortified wine) **minus its 1st letter**(unopened …).
Defn: A blood … in your body. |
Couples found in bed, most regularly after sex (5) | ITEMS | Definition: Couples
**2nd, 4th and 6th letters of**(… regularly) "bed, most" **placed after**(after) IT(slang for "sex").
Defn: … involved in a romantic or sexual relationship. Therefore the whole clue could be the definition. |
Wants the grass conditioned and nothing planted (9) | SHORTAGES | Definition: Wants
**Anagram of**(… conditioned) THE GRASS **containing**(and … planted) O(letter representing 0/nothing). |
Gets criminal stashing smuggled rum (7) | STRANGE | Definition: rum
**Anagram of**(… criminal) GETS **containing**(stashing) RAN(smuggled/brought goods illegally and secretly into a country).
Defn: …/odd. |
A list published in Whitehall startles (3-4) | ALL-STAR | Definition: A list
**Hidden in**(published in) "Whitehall startles".
Defn: …, specifically, of A-list/outstanding performers, as in "the film features an A-list cast". Or it could be a missing hyphen in the clue. |
Suffer ruin, recklessly taking cocaine (5) | INCUR | Definition: Suffer
**Anagram of**(…, recklessly) RUIN **containing**(taking) C(abbrev. for "cocaine").
Defn: As in "to … losses". |
Buttonhole flower people leaving taxi? (3) | CAR | Definition: taxi?
"carnation"(a flower that you wear in the buttonhole or pinned to the lapel of your coat or dress) **minus**(… leaving) "nation"(a large body of people inhabiting a particular country or territory).
Defn: That which could be/? used as a taxi. |
Religious rule could anger non-believers over Nature's origins (5) | CANON | Definition: Religious rule
**1st letters, respectively, of**(…'s origins) "could anger non-believers over Nature". |
Appeal to rent cycles before lunch? (7) | ENTREAT | Definition: Appeal
"RENT" ***with its 1st letter moved to the end***(cycles) **plus**(before) EAT(to lunch). |
A prospective partner lands government contract (7) | ABRIDGE | Definition: contract
A + BRIDE(a prospective partner/a wife-to-be) **containing**(lands) G(abbrev. for "government").
Defn: …/to condense. |
Sorry husband entertained by jolly people carrier (9) | TROOPSHIP | Definition: people carrier
[ OOPS!("sorry!"/an expression acknowledging an error) + H(abbrev. for "husband") ] **contained in**(entertained by) TRIP(a jolly/a trip made for pleasure by public official/s at public expense).
Defn: …, specifically people in the armed forces. |
Old lady hosting company event is hot stuff (5) | MAGMA | Definition: hot stuff
MA(informal term for one's mother, one's old lady) **containing**(hosting) AGM(abbrev. for "annual general meeting" of the shareholders of a company).
Defn: … below or within the earth's crust. |
Rule breaking, i.e. rebelliously holds back (5) | REIGN | Definition: Rule
**Hidden in**(… holds) **reversal of**(… back) "breaking, i.e. rebelliously". |
Stacks fruit vehicles (9) | RICKSHAWS | Definition: vehicles
RICKS(stacks of hay, corn, or similar material) + HAWS(the red fruit of the hawthorn tree). |
Record set in Kane's first international cap (4) | KEPI | Definition: cap
EP(abbrev. for "extended play"/a disc of recorded audio material) **contained in**(set in) [ **1st letter of**(…'s first) "Kane" + I(abbrev. for "international") ].
And, in football, Harry Kane has many times been capped an England international. |
Surface active bum paper (6) | APPEAR | Definition: Surface
A(abbrev. for "active") + **anagram of**(bum) PAPER.
Defn: To …, from being hidden under or behind a, well, surface. |
Dorset men ploughed over a plum location (6,4) | DAMSON TREE | Definition: plum location
**Anagram of**(… ploughed) DORSET MEN **containing**(over) A.
Defn: On which you might find a fruit similar to the plum. |
Analyse East Persian dialect (6) | PARSEE | Definition: Persian dialect
PARSE(to analyse/to resolve a sentence into its component parts) + E(abbrev. for "East"). |
Elegant young lady making first appearance broadcasting live (8) | DEBONAIR | Definition: Elegant
DEB(short for "debutante", a young lady making her first formal appearance in fashionable society) + [ON AIR](broadcasting live on the radio or TV). |
Rush of air from wide behind (4) | WAFT | Definition: Rush of air
W(abbrev. for "wide") + AFT(behind/at the stern). |
Good French harbours appropriate for seaside resort (8) | BRIGHTON | Definition: seaside resort
BON(French for "good") **containing**(harbours ) RIGHT(acceptable/appropriate).
Defn: … on the south coast of England. |
Bolts lawyers' entrance to Strangeways (4) | BARS | Definition: Bolts
BAR(lawyers/barristers, collectively) + **1st letter of**(entrance to) "Strangeways".
And Strangeways is a prison, where lawyers might visit some of their clients.
Defn: …/fastens a door or window with sliding bar that fits into a socket. |
Ill-feeling shown by rejection of on-line advice? (5) | SPITE | Definition: Ill-feeling
**Reversal of**(rejection of) [ E-(prefix denoting something available on-line/on the Internet) + TIPS(a piece of useful advice) ]. |
Tearing up racy Holmes novel (10) | LACHRYMOSE | Definition: Tearing up
**Anagram of**(… novel) RACY HOLMES.
Defn: …/weeping. |
Classify mountains (5) | RANGE | Definition: Classify,mountains
Double defn: 1st: …/to put into a specific category, as in "they ranged themselves with the far right movement"; and 2nd: … in a chain forming a single system. |
Stop tailless pet's sign of affection outside comprehensive (8) | CATHOLIC | Definition: comprehensive
HO(or whoa!, signalling a horse to stop) **contained in**(… outside) "cat lick"(a sign of affection by your pet cat) **minus ****its last letter**(tailless …).
Defn: …/all-embracing. |
Spooner's announcement to close Justice Centre is finished early (3,5) | CUT SHORT | Definition: finished early
Spoonerism of(Spooner's announcement) [ "shut"(to close) + "court"(a Justice Centre/where justice is dispensed) ]. |
Face mask uncovered and kissed – I say! (6) | ASPECT | Definition: Face
"mask" **minus its ****1st and last letters**(uncovered) **plus**(and) **homophone of**(… – I say) "pecked"(kissed lightly). |
Page turned down party clothes (3-3) | DOG-EAR | Definition: Page turned down
DO(party/a social gathering) + GEAR(clothes/outfits).
Defn: …, in a book, say. |
Loud stag gathering upset the horse-racing world (4) | TURF | Definition: horse-racing world
**Reversal of**(… upset, in a down clue) [ F(abbrev. for "forte", a musical direction to play loudly) + RUT(a stag gathering, or more precisely, the time of year when stags gather to fight each other to decide who mates with whom) ].
Defn: A general term for horse-racing and what goes with it. |
Rolled up joint we're told is undersized (4) | PUNY | Definition: undersized
**Reversal of**(Rolled) UP + **homophone of**(… we're told) "knee"(a joint in the leg). |
Miss the start of Fall recess (4) | APSE | Definition: recess
**1st letter ****deleted from**(Miss the start of) "lapse"(a fall/a decline from previously high standards).
Defn: A large … in a church. |
Proceeds with instruction to enter after part exchange (6) | INCOME | Definition: Proceeds
["COME IN"](instruction to enter/come through) **with the last 2 letters exchanging position with the first 4** (after part exchange). |
Gather with capacity to contain returning chaos (8) | ASSEMBLE | Definition: Gather
ABLE(with capacity/with the ability or power to do) **containing**(to contain) **reversal of**(returning) MESS(chaos/mayhem). |
Stress from 'sexercise' (6) | STRAIN | Definition: Stress
'S + TRAIN(to exercise'/to work out). |
Five he-men stripped into skimpy underwear by the roadside? (8) | PAVEMENT | Definition: roadside
[ V(Roman numeral for "five") + "he-men" **minus its 1st and last letters**(stripped) ] **contained in**(into) "pants"(underwear, specifically underpants or knickers) ***minus its last letter***(skimpy …).
Defn: A … that has been raised and paved for pedestrians. |
Changes suitable to feature in publicity (6) | ADAPTS | Definition: Changes
APT(suitable/appropriate) **contained in**(to feature in) ADS(short for advertisements/publicity material). |
Unique ruling as ordered (8) | SINGULAR | Definition: Unique
**Anagram of**(… ordered) RULING AS. |
Providing assurance on the way to protect northern tree (10) | CONFIRMING | Definition: Providing assurance
COMING(on the way/approaching) **containing**(to protect) [ N(abbrev. for "northern") + FIR(a coniferous tree) ].
Defn: … that something is correct or true. |
Letters from interesting people (10) | CHARACTERS | Definition: Letters,interesting people
Double defn: 1st: Written or printed …; and 2nd: …/unusual or amusing persons. |
Everything you say is never wrong (8) | UNIVERSE | Definition: Everything
**Homophone of**(… say) "you" + **anagram of**(… wrong) IS NEVER. |
Remember finally offer the public the lot (6) | RECALL | Definition: Remember
**Last letters, respectively, of**(finally) "offer the public" + ALL(the lot/everything). |
Most absurd to get poorly during a short nap (8) | SILLIEST | Definition: Most absurd
ILL(poorly/feeling unwell) **contained in**(during) "siesta"(an afternoon nap) **minus ****its last letter**(short …). |
Swimmer's hairstyle (6) | MULLET | Definition: Swimmer,hairstyle
Double defn. 1: A food fish:
; and 2: |
Height and distance from the equator after a tweak (8) | ALTITUDE | Definition: Height
LATITUDE(the angular distance of a place north or south of the equator) **with its 1st 2 letters exchanging positions**(after a tweak).
Defn: … of an object above sea or ground level. |
Kind offer (6) | TENDER | Definition: Kind,offer
Double defn: 1: …/soft-hearted; and 2: …/to present. |
Home position, for example (8) | INSTANCE | Definition: example
IN(home, as in "I'm home tonight) + STANCE(a position/a posture or viewpoint).
Defn: An …/a case in point. |
Window dressing all over? (8) | CURTAINS | Definition: Window dressing,all over
Double defn: 2nd: Slang for "ending in death or ruin"/all over, as in "if that becomes public, it will be curtains for us". |
Care for chief isn't commonly included (8) | MAINTAIN | Definition: Care for
MAIN(chief/principal) **containing**(… included) AIN'T(a non-standard/in coarse language/a commonly used contraction of "is not"/"isn't"). |
Static on the radio provides material for writers (10) | STATIONERY | Definition: material for writers
**Homophone of**(… on the radio) "stationary"(static/unmoving). |
Turn green with envy in the end — that's life! (6) | ENERGY | Definition: life
**Anagram of**(Turn) GREEN **plus**(with) **last letter of**(… in the end) "envy".
Defn: …/vitality. |
Volkswagen buzzer let loose (6) | BEETLE | Definition: Volkswagen
BEE(a buzzer/a buzzing creature) + **anagram of**(… loose) LET.
Defn: Nickname for the iconic … model. |
Blackmail previously upset communist (6) | EXTORT | Definition: Blackmail
EX-(prefix signifying "previously"/formerly) + **reversal of**(upset) TROT(short for "Trotskyite", a supporter of the communist politics of Leon Trotsky). |
Stressed editor after cooking pies and mash (10) | EMPHASISED | Definition: Stressed
ED(abbrev. for "editor") **placed below**(after, in a down clue) **anagram of**(cooking) [PIES **plus**(and) MASH].
Defn: …/gave special importance to something in speech or text. |
Timetable for school 50% escape to head north (8) | SCHEDULE | Definition: Timetable
**1st 3 letters of**(…: 50%) "school" + **reversal of**(… to head north, in a down clue) ELUDE(to escape from or to avoid). |
Elaborate hindquarters indeed (8) | DETAILED | Definition: Elaborate
TAIL(hindquarters/the rear) **contained in**(in) DEED. |
Switch to sailor mode (8) | ISOLATOR | Definition: Switch
**Anagram of**(… mode/a way in which something is expressed or done) TO SAILOR.
Defn: A type of electrical … |
Aggressor starts to raid Ukraine, still stuck in action (6) | RUSSIA | Definition: Aggressor starts to raid Ukraine
**1st letters, respectively, of**(starts to) "raid Ukraine, still stuck in action". |
Flower arranging — love it! (6) | VIOLET | Definition: Flower
**Anagram of**(arranging) LOVE IT. |
Subsets and Splits