Congrats on demo! Why use SDK `4.16.0` instead of the latest?

by ysharma HF staff - opened

Hi @IDKiro , congratulations on the demo release! I think the app looks super interesting. I was just wondering, is there any specific reason why you are using the SDK version 4.16.0? We have fixed a lot of bugs and released new features since then, and we are currently on the latest version, 4.26.0.



Because the default version of the demo created by hugging face is 4.16.0.
Now I have upgraded gradio to 4.26.0.

IDKiro changed discussion status to closed

I'm not entirely certain I comprehend your point. When I attempted to create a dummy space on Hugging Face, the latest SDK was automatically provided. Did you encounter a different behavior? It's possible that when you created the app, the latest SDK version was 4.16.0, which could explain the discrepancy.



It may be because I copied the README file of the previously created space, I can't remember exactly.

not a problem, thanks again for the upgrade!

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