Apply for community grant: Personal project (gpu)

by oza75 - opened


I hope this message finds you well.

I have recently been working on Machine Translation for the Bambara language, which is predominantly spoken in West Africa by approximately 10 million people. Bambara is primarily a spoken language, resulting in limited resources available for machine translation and Text to Speech (TTS) training.

Despite these challenges, I have successfully fine-tuned some models available on the Hugging Face Hub, achieving satisfactory accuracy levels. I have created this space to share these developments with the global community. However, due to the limitations of the free CPU offering, the processing times are considerably long.

I would greatly appreciate any support in the form of free GPU access for this space to enhance the efficiency and performance of these models.

Thank you for considering my request.

Best regards,


Hi @oza75 , we've assigned ZeroGPU to this Space. Please check the compatibility and usage sections of this page so your Space can run on ZeroGPU.


Thanks @hysts ,I was able to run the space on ZeroGPU. But I have the sleep time set to 5minutes, it is possible to increase the sleep time ? I'm not able to edit that settings unless I change the hardware to a paid one.

Oh, weird. Looks like I can't change it either for some reason. Hmm...

OK, changing the hardware to cpu-basic and reassigning ZeroGPU fixed the sleep time issue. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Thanks a lot, now it is ok.

oza75 changed discussion status to closed

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