Timed out error

by tuansunday05 - opened

Why I got "httpcore.ConnectTimeout: timed out" after restarting my space. Is that a missed GPU requirement ?

@hysts Hello Sir. Please assist me, I think you've got the answer.

@tuansunday05 Sorry for the inconvenience. I'm seeing the same error in other ZeroGPU Spaces too. I think it's an infra issue, so can you try restarting after a while, like a few hours or a day? Not sure how long it takes to our infra team to fix it, though.

@hysts Thank for your support. This information is very helpful to me.

@tuansunday05 The issue was fixed. We restarted your Space and it's back up now.

@hysts Have a good day Sir. Thank you so much. I'm really glad to hear that.

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