Apply for community grant: Personal project (gpu)

by Tim-gubski - opened

We have created an AI auto charter for the game Clone Hero, built off the T5 transformer pipeline, and the Pop2Piano model. Our auto charter will generate a fun to play, rhythmically accurate, medium difficulty chart for the game Clone Hero with any audio file as input. We are currently using the free space setup to share our auto charter with the Clone Hero community and anyone who wants to use it, but each conversion is taking us upwards of 3 minutes which is pretty slow. A community grant for speeding up our conversions would be incredible!
Here is a video of our auto charter working!
And here is our existing HuggingFace Space:
Thank you!

Hi @Tim-gubski , we've assigned ZeroGPU to this Space. Please check the compatibility and usage sections of this page so your Space can run on ZeroGPU.

Thank you!

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