Morgana is quite decent in team fights as she will be able to run down enemies with her Q and Ultimate R. Her E will allow her to ave her allies from hard CC and engages.Adding 2 points in her Ultimate R will give her a massive power spike. She will be able to use the ability frequently, impacting team fights often.At level nine, her Q will be maxed out. It will let her get frequent picks on the enemy, especially from the fog of war.
Jarvan’s all-in can be interrupted, but it will be hard. It’s best to try and dodge it and then turn it around.Try to keep the Drake warded so you can see if Jarvan is taking it. Ping and communicate with your team so you can counter them and try to kill them or steal the Dragon if possible.Beware of Jarvan's early game pressure. They’re much stronger than you and will try to make plays to get themselves and their teammates ahead.Jarvan truly comes online when they have’ve unlocked their Ultimate and hit level 6. Beware that they will start ganking more frequently when they have it up.
Graves is a good early game skirmisher. Make sure you invade and try to fight him and set him behind.You are a good counter-ganker. After Brand has gone in, try to counter-gank him as you can easily turn around his ganks.Playing around your Ultimate is very important. Look to gank whenever your Ultimate is up.Your objective control is pretty good. Make sure you solo them as often as possible to get your team ahead.
As Ekko is a melee champion, he will get bullied down by the superior range from other Mid laners. He must not let them bully him down otherwise he’ll fall behind in gold and XP.Common flanking spots can easily be warded by the enemy team, reducing Ekko’s flanking potential. Ekko will have to devote some time to clearing wards if he wants to be successful in picking off enemy champions.Ekko is prone to CC. If he gets hit by layered CC, it's going to be difficult for him to deal damage, use his W or escape the fight with his Ultimate R.
In the late game, look for picks on immobile or miss positioned enemies. Taking someone down in the late game can give you enough time to force a fight, siege an objective or take the Baron or Elder Dragon.If the enemy is grouping, look to group with your team too. In team fights, continue to focus the squishiest and easiest to kill high priority targets in the backline.Flank in team fights to make getting on the enemy backline easily. Make sure you’re near your team at all times so you can get in the fight fast.
Skarner will look to flank in team fights with his E. Ward the flanks to make it easier for you to escape him before he comes charging at you.Avoid fighting in the jungle, around objectives or near the Baron. You need to be spaced out so he cannot land his Ultimate on multiple champions at once.Invest in armor and magic penetration items. Skarner will be building tank items and you will be unable to kill him if you do not buy these items.
Peel for your team in team fights. Keeping them alive and using your E to protect and keep them alive is important. Focus the nearest champion to your carries to make killing them easier too.Look for picks with your E. CC’ing someone and catching them out of position will make it easier to win late game team fights: especially if your allies are nearby.Avoid splitting up. You need to stick with your team in the late game to win. Elise isn’t that good unless she’s ahead in the late game.
Nasus doesn’t want to fight in the early game. Instead, he wants to focus on farming and stacking his Q. Try to fight him when he is focused on stacking as he may focus on the farm rather than fighting you- which will allow you to gain a health advantage. Do not push Nasus under his turret as it allows him to farm safely. Instead, freeze the lane towards your side of the map so he has to overextend for farm.Once Nasus has some levels behind him and has multiple points in his W, he will have good gank set up. You’ll need to play safer if the wave is closer to his side of the map during this time so you don’t die from ganks.
While not strictly a power spike, if Ivern has the opportunity to steal your level 1 buff, you will fall behind early. Prevent this by placing wards in the river at 1:25. Once Ivern hits level 6, he will unlock Daisy R. This increases his gank ability and potency on the map. Try to delay his power spike by stealing away his camps and counter ganking when necessary. Ivern usually hits his power spikes between 11 mins and 20 mins when he hits his 2 item power spike (Redemption and Ardent). Always take his Redemption in consideration when trying to kill the enemy.
In the late game, Ashe’s y will be on an incredibly low cooldown which allows her to poke the enemy down a ton before a late game team fight erupts.At level 16, Ashe will have 3 points in her Ultimate w. It will also be on a much lower cooldown (on a lower cooldown than the enemy will think). This allows her to get surprising picks to win the late game for her team.In the later parts of the game, Ashe will be at max or near max build. Her damage output will be incredibly high if she can 1, poke the enemy with her y, 2 activate her Q and 3, kite in late game team fights.
Move to the mid lane and either stick with your ADC in the mid lane or hug your Mid laners hand to prevent the enemy from taking the mid lane tier 1.Make sure you place vision around nearby lanes and objectives. If you can spot the enemy moving around the map, your team may be able to collapse on to them and get a free kill.Avoid wandering too far away from your allies at any given time. If you get caught out, the enemy may be able to take a nearby objective like Baron, Dragon, a tower or even win a 5v4.
If they invade you early, just back off. This is especially true if they are ahead, as you will not win early fights with themBe proactive with your Ultimate, as they will look to use theirs whenever it is up. Force ganks with your R!As they will be ganking often in the early game, you need to make sure that you are also looking to gank as often as you can and abuse your E.Focus on securing those objectives. You must take Rift Heralds and Drakes whenever you can!
Syndra is really potent during the mid-game as she can dish out a lot of damage to squishy enemies. She can easily set up death brushes as well.Multiple points in her Ultimate R will allow her to blow off enemies with ease. Enemy squishies will have a tough time dealing with Syndra.Her first ability will be maxed out at level 9, and she will be dishing out a lot of damage consistently. She can also deal a lot of damage if she is sitting somewhere out of vision.
Your goal throughout the laning phase is to poke and harass the enemy in lane. You have a lot of poke, so try to poke the enemy down as often as you can.Play safe for the first few levels while you land poke on the enemy with your d. Once they’re low enough, you can commit to an all-in.Once you’ve hit level 6 and purchased key component items, look to harass and constantly push the enemy into their tower. This will allow you to earn turret plating and increase your gold income.
Be wary of his CC as much as possible in this matchup. Failing to do so can easily get you taunted and killed.If he leaves the lane, or ults out, look to push hard and take down Shen's tower. The extra gold will always help your team.Keep the wave close to your tower. The enemy has no sort of sieging potential and can be easily exposed to ganks.Shen must be poked out before looking for an all-in. This way, even if he manages to all-in you, he will die.
Quinn's Q is a potent tool in the lane. It can completely negate the ability to auto-attack from one or multiple enemies.Gaining her E is a significant power spike in the lane. This ability makes her very slippery and a menace to deal with.Getting her Ultimate R unlocks Quinn's roaming potential. She can now go for a 'hit and run' kind of playstyle and gank other lanes when required.
Just like in the mid-game, you should stick with your Support throughout the later parts of the game. Do not go around the map alone as you will die easily.Do not play super aggressive in team fights. Just kite and auto-attack the nearest enemy champion. If you walk too far forward, the enemy will focus you and take you down.Continue to kite in team fights and consistently adapt your positioning. Avoid standing still in fights as you’ll be an easy target.
Your immobility is your greatest weakness on Zyra. Therefore, you should always be conscious of your positioning in lane and in team fights.During a fight, always stay at a distance and avoid crowd control abilities. Once locked down, you won’t be able to do anything to save yourself and will most probably get killed if the enemy follows up on you.Missing your E places you in a very vulnerable position, so only try to land it when you can guarantee a hit.
Level sixteen will be a massive spike as it will reduce the cooldown of his Ultimate t and increase his mushrooms' damage. Enemies will have a hard time traversing choke points now.He will have a pretty high amount of Ability Haste now, which means that he can drop a lot more mushrooms around the map. The enemies will have to invest heavily in vision to keep themselves safe.He will complete his build during this phase of the game, which will allow him to one-shot squishy targets. His t blind should come in handy during this phase of the game as well.
Very immobile and can be killed almost immediately if she is caught out without her g. Layered CC will make her absolutely useless.She is somewhat item reliant, so camping and killing her a lot during the early game will just make her a shield bot during the late game.She can be picked off easily by the enemy team if she wanders too far from her team, or when she is trying to take the Blue Buff. She will also be very weak against complete all-ins from the enemy team.
Swain's Ultimate R is going to be really powerful from level 11. He will be able to affect team fights quickly, and his zoning potential will increase drastically to ensure that his backline remains safe at all times.Swain will have the opportunity to impact team fights during the mid-game, predominantly neutral objective fights a lot. This is quite beneficial for him, given the AoE aspect of his Ultimate R.His first ability will be maxed out at level 9. This will increase his burst damage by quite a lot and make it easier for him to secure picks on isolated enemy targets.
He can start ganking as soon as he hits level 2. Don’t be afraid to go for a level 2 gank in one of your lanes.Your Ultimate e is an insane tool that can help you get kills. Gank as soon as your Ultimate e is off cooldown as it will usually result in easy kills.Nautilus has the most CC of any champion in League of Legends.
After your bot lane has moved to the mid lane, rotate to the bot side of the map or somewhere else on the map so you can continue to farm and gain XP. Flank in team fights with your W and E to make getting on the enemy backline easily. Make sure you’re near your team at all times so you can get in the fight fast.As you’re good at getting picks and killing isolated targets, try to ambush and assassinate enemies who are alone or walking around Summoners Rift alone. After killing someone, make the call for a nearby objective.
Decide in the early game if you’re going to be proxy farming or having a traditional laning phase. Decide early but be prepared to switch it up.Look to roam to the mid lane frequently once you push the wave. Singed is good at helping his allies if the enemy is overextended.Keep a constant eye on the minimap at all times. Do not die constantly by trying to kill the enemy or proxy farming their minion wave.
Keep going for short burst trades with your Q in this matchup but don't use your E too freely. It can be used to bait Warwick under your tower.Your W will help you a lot in this matchup. Make sure you drop it on him when his E is active and he is running at you. Also, do not stay in the lane with low health.Get some Grievous Wounds quickly in this matchup. It will let you balance the duels that happen in the top lane.Keep the wave close to your tower and ask your Jungler to gank you regularly. Also, ensure that you tell the Jungler to be on high HP else Warwick will see the gank coming.
Orianna’s Ultimate d can be game-changing and she can use it on up to 5 enemy champions. If she gets one good Ultimate d} off, it could turn the tide of the game.Has lots of utility. Her d can be a zoning tool, her d is a shield and her Ultimate d is CC. Not to mention her d is a speed up too!She has good wave clear and a good auto attack animation. You should be able to pick up a lot of CS when playing Orianna.
His early game is rather weak but killing him can be difficult. Expect him to focus on farming rather than fighting in the very early game. Zac is really good in team fights as his kit has tons of CC. Try to disengage whenever he E’s in to make it harder for him to get a good knockup.Once Zac hits level 6 and unlocks his Ultimate R, his kill pressure increases. Expect him to either play aggressive and go for a kill or expect him to set up his Jungler for a gank.
Look for constant skirmishes with the enemy to gain a health or kill lead.Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map in the early game. This will allow you to chase and all-in the enemy when they walk up to farm with your Q.Once you’re level 6, use your strength to fight the enemy and go for a kill. Your Ultimate R is a great duelling tool and can help you get a lead in lane.
When no team fights are occurring, split push and draw the enemies attention to you while your team sieges or makes plays on the other side of the map.Keep a constant eye on the map during the mid-game so you can assist your allies with your Ultimate R when appropriate. Try and always stay somewhat near your team so you can use your Ultimate R to help them. One way you can achieve this is by pushing a side lane with your Q and then running towards them while the wave keeps pushing.
His Ultimate R is completely dependent on the enemy team comp. If the enemy has lacklustre ultimates, Sylas won’t be able to do much.If used improperly, his W can get him killed due to him getting displaced to another location. If the enemy purchases Grievous Wounds, they can easily counter this heal by a good amount.Proper vision placement can ruin his chances of being able to flank the enemy team with his E. He won’t be able to effectively impact a fight when he can’t flank the enemy team.
After your bot lane has rotated to the mid lane, move to the side lane and start farming and gaining XP there. You can look to 1v1 any enemy who tries to stop you.Look for frequent trades with the enemy throughout the laning phase. Getting an early kill could snowball the lane heavily in your favour.Once you’re level 6, look to play more aggressive. Your Ultimate R is a great skirmishing tool and you can get kills with it.
Very vulnerable when his E is down which can allow him to be very susceptible to ganks. Enemy Junglers can take this opportunity to camp him relentlessly.Reliant on items to win the game. If he is set back during the early game, he won’t be able to do a lot in the late game as he just falls off.If he manages to get an early lead, he may be able to snowball if left unchecked. He falls off massively though so the longer the game goes, the worse it is for Lucian.
Aurelion is a mana hungry champion. Keep a constant eye on your mana bar at all times otherwise you'll have little kill threat. He will also be vulnerable to ganks and all-ins if he is low. Ensure you have enough mana to use your W just in case something happens.Aurelion Sol is a very difficult champion to play. You will need to put in a lot of time to master Aurelion Sol.As Aurelion Sol is a roam heavy champion, it can be difficult for you to roam if your side lanes are not strong. It will also be hard to roam against champions with good pushing power.
Putting the second point in Fiddlesticks Ultimate R at level 11 is very important for him. It will put his Ultimate R on a shorter cooldown and allow him to look for more aggressive plays.At this stage of the game, Fiddlesticks should’ve completed an item or two. His damage output will be quite high which can allow him to win mid-game team fights.In the mid-game, teams start to group. This is good for Fiddlesticks as he benefits from teams grouping closely together as his Ultimate R is an AOE tool.
At level 11, Varus will be able to add 2 points into his Ultimate R. This makes it really easy for Varus to pick off enemies, especially when Varus is trying to swap lanes.His first ability will be maxed out at level 9. This will allow him to deal a lot of damage to his opponents in the lane. It will also provide him the incentive to carry for his team if he is already ahead.Varus' AoE poke and Ultimate R make clumped fights disastrous for the enemy team. They will suffer if Varus manages to get an excellent Ultimate R during neutral, objective fights.
As Zed is an Assassin, he will look to take down targets that are walking around the map alone. Avoid moving through the river if it’s not warded. Keep a constant eye on the map and do not put yourself in the same area as Zed if you don’t know his exact whereabouts.Expect Zed to flank and takedown squishy targets with his Ultimate R. Ensure that your flanks are warded when sieging an objective so he cannot get the jump on you. During the mid-game, Zed will often be in a side lane split pushing. With this in mind, you could use the fact that he cannot impact the fight to start a team fight 4v4 or 5v4 with the numbers advantage.
Jarvan’s level 2 all-in is pretty good. Once he unlocks both his d and e, he can look for a favourable trade.Depending on his build path, he can either deal a lot of damage, be incredibly tanky, or offer his team a lot of utility. It all depends on his build! This makes Jarvan incredibly versatile. His Ultimate m is really good in team fights as it can lock down multiple enemy champions at once.
Stick with your team in the late game. Do not split up or walk away from them otherwise the enemy may try to pick you off or initiate a 4v5 fight when you’re away from your team.Use your s to harass the enemy as much as possible before committing to the team fight. Getting them low first will make it easier for you to win the fight.Peel for your carries and focus the nearest enemy champion if you’re weak. If you’re ahead, focus the backline and try to take them down instead.
If they invade you early, just back off. This is especially true if they are ahead, as you will not win early fights with them.Be proactive with your Ultimate. Force ganks with your R!As they will be ganking often in the early game, you need to make sure that you are also looking to gank as often as you can and abuse your E.Focus on securing those objectives. You must take Rift Heralds and Drakes whenever you can!
He is weak early on as his presence is negligible, and he can't do much against ranged champions. All he needs to do is conserve his health till he gets to level six.Once he hits level six, his presence will skyrocket, becoming a significant threat for the enemy laner. Working with the allied Jungler will help him massively.The first item component will allow him to spam his abilities quite frequently. It will also let him deal more damage, especially once he gets his Ultimate h.
You will want to look for regular burst trades with Warwick. Your W and E should allow you to win fights easily.Once you get your Ultimate R, you should be able to all-in enemies regularly. You may even be able to gank other lanes as and when possible.Getting your core items should allow you to fight way more easily and sustain yourself in the lane. Your Q will be really beneficial for you to ensure survival during the brunt of the fight.
At level 6, Yone will unlock his Ultimate R, which will allow him to set up plays with ease for both his Jungler and his team during any stage of the game.Yone will get brief power spikes as he keeps adding points to his Q. This will allow him to go for short burst trades against his laner so that he may all-in them later on.The first item component will bring significant improvements to Yone's trading in the lane. Depending on which component he gets, the effects will vary, but it will be good for him regardless.
His early game can be quite good, especially if he is in a favourable matchup. Look to trade and skirmish with the enemy frequently.At level 6, your trading power intensifies. You can use your Ultimate in your own lane or to help you gank your mid-lane.Once you’ve got your first item, you can trade heavily with the enemy.
His Ultimate R can easily be dodged by enemies who have dashes or any movement tools.If the enemy has good positioning in lane, it will be very difficult for you to engage or use your E in the lane. This is because your E can be blocked by minions if the target is not directly behind them.Gragas’s Ultimate R is very easy to mess up. You may want to use it aggressively to knock someone forward but instead, knock them backwards.
At level 6, Sivir’s all-in potential increases. Avoid over-extending without vision post 6.Stand away from the minion wave as much as you can. This will limit how much poking and pushing power she has.Try and keep the wave closer to your side of the map, or even (without vision). She has good all-in potential and you’re quite immobile and prone to all-ins.Limit auto-attack trades. Focus on poking her down and not taking damage in return. She will normally win auto-attack fights with you.
Once she has 2 points in her Ultimate e, she will easily be able to take over team fights and disrupt them as well. Her positioning will be the defining factor from now.Her first ability will be maxed out at level 9. This will significantly boost her damage and will let her one-shot squishies.Miss Fortune excels at team fights. This is due to her Ultimate e and Passive combined with her kiting potential. She just needs some peeling to become a demon in team fights.
Aphelios is very strong in team fights thanks to his Ultimate R. Try to take him down before or at the start of the team fight to reduce the enemies chances of winning the fight. Extended trades work in the favour of Aphelios depending on his weapon setup. Try to keep trades short- preferably around his r. Once Aphelios gets his first item, he will be very strong and sustain very well in lane. Unless you match his damage, try not to fight him too much unless you can catch him out of position.
Once Soraka hits level 6, her map pressure increases and she can impact the map with her Ultimate R. Once she is level 6, make sure you ping your team so they know she has her Ultimate R available. After Soraka has completed her first item, her damage output and sustain will increase. Expect her to play slightly more aggressive when she has this item completed.When Soraka has her 3 healing items completed, her healing ability will skyrocket. Make sure your carries have healing reduction items like Executioner’s Calling or Morellonomicon.
In the late game, Anivia’s damage will be truly horrific. She will have multiple completed items, and her Ultimate m will deal tons of consistent damage.Teams will continue grouping in the late game. This helps Anivia as she can land a 5 person t, and her Ultimate m is an AOE tool. This means she can deal a lot of damage to targets if they’re grouped closely together.In the late game, Anivia will have very short cooldowns on most of her abilities. She will be able to look for picks more frequently and secure kills with her team. Her t, in particular, will be on a very low cooldown in the late game.
At level 9, Cho’Gath will max out his first ability. Generally speaking, this ability is his s. At level 11, Cho’Gath should put the second point in his Ultimate t. His kill pressure increases dramatically at this time.He should be stronger during the mid-game as he will have earned more defensive stats thanks to using his Feast t on minions and champions.
Three points in her Ultimate R will give her a massive power spike. Then, with a short cooldown, she will take more fights and easily pick enemies in the side lanes.At this point, due to her items, Irelia will be extremely tanky and will be dealing tons of damage. The amount of damage she deals will catch most enemies off-guard, especially if she manages to flank the enemy.Irelia is especially good in fights, specifically fights which occur around choke points. This is because her Ultimate R limits the enemy's movement and allows her teammate to dive on the enemy.
Vayne will be often left alone to split push and farm. While she’s away from her team, you could look to collapse on her and take her down. Do not commit multiple players to killing her though if she’s bot side and the Baron’s up.Vayne is prone to CC. Locking her down at the start of the fight will make it incredibly difficult for her to kite, deal damage and win the team fight.Playing around her Ultimate n will be a great way of increasing your chances of killing Vayne in a team fight. Forcing a team fight one after another will decrease her chances of surviving in the next one.
This champion is an early game bully. Play aggressive throughout the laning phase to get kills. If you can get a kill or two, you can snowball your lead pretty quickly.Whenever your Ultimate e is up, you can look for aggressive plays to try and kill the enemy. Your Ultimate e is a great trading tool which makes you much stronger.Keep the minion wave even or slightly closer to your side of the map early on. This will allow you to run the enemy down while protecting yourself from ganks. If you keep pushing when you’re not ahead, you will be unable to run the enemy down and you’ll be an easy target for the enemy Jungler.
Udyr will start to fall off as the game goes on, so he should focus on getting a lead early and then finishing the game by taking objectives and setting enemy laners behind.As usual, his Ultimate e won't give him a massive spike at level 16 as it doesn't make any significant difference for Udyr. It will only allow him to take down his targets quickly.Udyr will become really tanky during this stage of the game. Combined with his movement speed, he will have an effortless time dodging skillshots and CC'ing important targets on the enemy team.
Try to harass and poke her down with your abilities before initiating a team fight. She is pretty squishy. If she uses her W trying to block incoming skill shots, look to start a fight while it’s on cooldown.Gwen will be split pushing in the mid-game. You can use the numbers advantage to take her down or start a team fight on her team while she is elsewhere on the map.When playing pick champions like Blitz, Thresh, Ashe, Vel’koz etc, try to get close to her- or at least keep in mind that she can stop you from catching her out with her W. Bait it out if possible.
Cassiopeia has a lot of mana problems in the early game, but once she gets Tear of the Goddess she will play a lot more aggressive.Cassiopeia really shines in the late game. She scales better than most champs and she can build 6 items. If you get ahead early- try closing out the game as soon as possible.Not many champions are as strong as Cassiopeia is at level 2. Beware of the level 2 all-in with her Q and E spam.
Locking down Ekko in team fights will prevent him from using his Ultimate R to escape with. Keep track of his Ultimate R in fights as he can use it to either set up an escape or engage.Keep vision in typical flanking spots as Ekko will try to set up an engage with his W from out of vision. If you see him running towards you, back up for a few seconds as he would have used his W.When no team fights are occurring, Ekko will be looking to split push. Avoid leaving him alone in a side lane by making sure there is always someone matching him.
When Ahri hits level 11, she will have 2 points in her Ultimate. This offers her extra pick potential during the mid-game.During the mid-game, Ahri will have lower cooldowns which can help her get picks with her team. Her E will be on a shorter cooldown, which makes her an extra threat during this part of the game.When Ahri hits level 9, she would’ve maxed her Q out. When combined with your ADC’s damage, the pair of you will be a menacing threat during the mid-game.
His mid-game is decent as he will have his core items, and he will be able to dish out tons of damage. All Brand needs to do is hit his abilities on enemies during a fight.Brand should melt through neutral objectives and enemy champions alike. Hence taking fights around neutral objectives will be a thing Brand should follow. His ability to cause mayhem with his Ultimate R will really help him.Brand should be taking care of his positioning during this phase of the game. He will be a prime target to be CC'd and picked off by the enemy team, so he should work with his Support or tankier teammates to set vision around the map.
At level 1, expect Shaco to have placed multiple boxes x around the lane. Wait for the minion wave to approach before walking to lane. Do not hug the side of the lane at level 1 as it is likely he has placed boxes there.If Shaco has been picked first, avoid playing somebody who needs to hard engage as it will be very difficult for you to engage without dying. Pick someone who is ranged and can poke instead.When playing as a ranged champion, try and use your range advantage to poke and harass him as much as possible.
At level 9, Diana will max her Q. Her Q offers her a lot of extra wave clear and more poke in lane. She will be a real threat when she hits level 9.At level 11, Diana will put the second point in her Ultimate R. It will be on a lower cooldown that allows her to go for more aggressive all-ins. With the lower cooldown comes additional damage. She will deal a lot of burst damage in the mid-game if she is ahead.As Diana is an assassin, she will be able to pick off targets in the mid-game that are walking around the map alone. In particular, she can ambush the enemy Support as they try to ward upcoming objectives.
Flank in team fights to make getting on the enemy backline easily. Make sure you’re near your team at all times so you can get in the fight fast.After your bot lane has moved to the mid lane, rotate to the bot side of the map or somewhere else on the map so you can continue to farm and gain XP. As you’re good at getting picks and killing isolated targets, try to ambush and assassinate enemies who are alone or walking around Summoners Rift alone. After killing someone, make the call for a nearby objective.
His Passive can be really obnoxious to deal with, especially when he is hiding in a brush and moving in and out while pelting his laner with his t and t.He is the bane of ADC mains as his t quite literally makes them miss their auto-attacks. This can reduce the effectiveness of the carry for a while, which gives his team some time to engage/disengage freely.The Ultimate t can act as a substitution for vision, as well as deal a lot of damage when kept in the right spots. This is especially useful when it comes to avoiding ganks.
Try to end the game as quickly as you can as the longer the game goes, the stronger Kayle becomes.Kayle will tend to be split pushing during the mid-game. You can use this time to force a team fight with the numbers advantage while she is pushing in a side lane. Kayle is rather vulnerable when her Ultimate R is on cooldown. Try to force fights and kill her while her Ultimate R is down.
Focus on farming in the early game. You need to earn as much gold as possible to be a major threat later on.You’re going to naturally push the minion wave with your Turrets Q. While you’re pushing, keep a constant eye on the map. Heimer is vulnerable to ganks if he doesn’t have 3 Turrets Q up, so keep this in mind.If the enemy laner roams, don’t bother trying to contest their roam. Instead, push the minion wave and start earning turret plate gold.
Your early Dragon control is far superior to Evelynn’s. With this in mind, try to secure early Dragons to get your team ahead. One way of doing this is by ganking mid or bot and then rotating straight after.As Evelynn will not be ganking early, try to gank as much as you can to get your allies aheadEvelynn is weak in the early game and will be trying to power farm until level 6. Try to invade her to delay her level 6 power spike.Try to track her through good vision placed inside her jungle. Pre-6, this will help your team know where she is and post 6 it will help reduce ganks. Control Wards in bushes and Yellow Wards on her camps will make tracking her easy.
Try your hardest to dodge Vel’koz Q’s in lane. Invest in early Boots if you’re struggling to dodge this ability. As soon as he channels his Ultimate R, either disengage, CC him or commit to the all-in. Hard CC will interrupt his Ultimate R, but roots do not.After he has got his first item, Vel’koz will constantly push the minion wave. Stand close but outside of the minion wave at all times so he is unable to push and poke at the same time.
Fizz has a lot of outplay potential with his E. The increased mobility allows him to get on to the enemy quickly, dodge incoming damage and escape ganks easily.At level 6, Fizz gains access to his Ultimate R which is a great tool at all stages of the game. It deals a lot of damage and has a large radius.Fizz is an assassin and can take down squishy champions easily. He is incredibly strong in the mid-game if he can get picks.
Focus on poking the enemy from range and use your Q to slow them if they try to dash and catch up to you. It will allow you to scale and bully your opponent relentlessly.Do not push up too far up in this lane without setting proper vision around. Junglers will definitely try to gank you due to how immobile you are.You can play more liberally once you get your Ultimate R. It will also let you bait enemies into diving you when you're low on health. Combined with your W, you can quickly secure kills.
A low Ultimate R cooldown means that he can team fight frequently. It will also boost his overall pick potential, making team fights unfair for the enemy team.Volibear is really tanky during the later parts of the game. It becomes tough to take him down, even with Grievous Wounds.Volibear starts falling off during the late game. He will now function as a reliable front-liner than an actual duelist to protect his carries.
Level six is a significant spike for Neeko as she gains access to her power Ultimate R. Team fighting will become really easy now.The first component will allow her to spam abilities and not run out of mana. It will also let her deal a lot of damage in the lane.Once the warding quest is done, Neeko can start setting up a vision around the map. Her W will make it quite challenging for the enemy to ambush her.
Kled will always be stronger when he is mounted. He is slightly weaker when he is dismounted.At level 6, Kled has increased mobility and the potential to impact multiple lanes with his Ultimate R. He can also use his Ultimate R to engage and chase down the enemy. Do not overextend in lane as he can easily kill you.Kled is one of the strongest champions in the game. He will try to fight you as much as he can to get an early lead.
Level 16 isn't that great because she won't be getting a lot except for a reduced cooldown on her Ultimate R. It won't be as strong as other ultimates.Her tankiness will be out of bounds during this phase of the game. She can keep soaking damage and act as a reliable frontline for her team in fights.She will have a lot of items during this phase of the game. It will make her tanky and will let her dive face-first into the enemy team. She will play a massive role in disrupting team fights for the enemy team.
The first item component will allow her to deal more damage and spam her abilities due to the increased mana.Level six is a massive spike due to her getting her hands on her Ultimate d. This will let her make plays of her own or in combination with her team.She isn't really great pre-six as she can easily be caught out and killed. Post-six is a different story, and the Ultimate d can ultimately tip the balance of a fight.
Getting to level 3 is going to be pretty important in this matchup so ask for a hard leash and quickly clear the Jungle. Once you're level 3, you can start ganking.Try to initiate ganks by using your E to slow down overextended enemies. This will mean that you will need to gank when a fresh minion wave is showing up.In the first few levels, play safe and avoid committing to any duel. Your very early game is rather weak, so you’ll probably lose trades versus an aggressive jungler.
She is good at ganking her allies as her Q is quite easy to hit and will CC the target for a long period of time.Morgana has good objective control with her W which allows her to take Drakes with ease.Furthermore, Morgana has good jungle clear with her W as it has a large area of effect.
Lulu will have her core items by now. This means that her shields will be really potent, and it will become challenging for the enemy to all-in her team.Level 11 is when Lulu becomes a true enabler. This is because her Ultimate R will now have two points and won't let her ADC die that easily.Lulu's effectiveness in team fights really comes into play during this phase of the game. Her W and Ultimate R will help her when dealing with enemies who like to flank and get to her backline.
A maxed-out Ultimate y will allow him to make many plays during this game phase. It won't be as powerful as other champions, but his ability to split push will be really high.At level 14, he will have 2 of his abilities maxed out. It will allow him to deal a lot of damage, especially if he manages to CC them beforehand.His burst damage during the late game will be a force to reckon with. He can even one-shot carries, provided he manages to catch them off-guard.
At this stage, teams will be closely grouped together so it’s unlikely you’ll be able to assassinate anyone. Continue to look for picks but expect there to be more than just 1 enemy nearby.It’s going to be difficult for you to 100 to 0 someone as many champions will be full build in the late game or at least have defensive tools like Zhonya’s Hourglass or Guardian Angel available to them.Continue to play team fights slow. While your cooldowns will be short, you need to play around your W as much as possible to ensure you can kill the enemy.
You will want to focus on getting your level 3 quickly as it will allow your ganks to be powerful enough to get kills. Ask your teammates for a hard leash early on for maximal effectiveness.Always target overextended enemies and focus on clearing vision frequently. Although you are mobile in the brunt of a fight, you will first need to get to the enemy undetected.Once you get your Ultimate R, you should be able to capitalize on your ganks. Make sure you keep clearing the Jungle and take neutral objectives regularly.
His tankiness will be really high during this phase of the game due to his items. That, combined with his W, will make him nearly unkillable and allow him to soak a lot of damage.A fully maxed out Ultimate R will further bolster his all-in potential and overall damage dealt in the long run. It will be a massive power spike for him as he can secure easy picks with it.He is terrific during late-game team fights due to his Q and Ultimate R. His effectiveness increases if he manages to find a flank on his enemies or land his Ultimate R on a bunch of enemies clumped together.
Each level is a power spike for Rell because it gives her all-in potential, CC, and sustain, respectively, if she goes for the regular t, E, Q point route. Her all-in potential is increased massively once she hits level 3.Level 6 a significant power spike, and she can be highly effective during clumped fights. It will be helpful during fights near the objective pits as well, as it can completely CC multiple enemies, allowing her team to kill them all.Boots are a major power spike as she can now roam around easily and can stick to enemies with ease. It will also allow her to get to Jungle skirmishes faster than anyone else.
Fiora's Passive can make a huge difference when trading with her. If you’re unhappy with the area marked, walking back a certain distance will reset the position. Playing around Fiora's W is a focal point of the lane. Try baiting it out before you all in her to prevent her from neglecting your CC.Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map will make it very hard for her to chase you down and kill you in lane. If you push and she freezes, you will be very vulnerable to ganks and all-ins from Fiora.
Karthus will be looking to farm as much as possible so he can get his Ultimate e as quickly as he can. You can delay his level 6 power spike by invading his jungle and stealing away his camps. Once Karthus has his Ultimate e, he can impact the map at any given time. When fighting, always consider that he can use his Ultimate e to turn the exchange around. Taking away Karthus’ blue buff will make it harder for him to clear the jungle as he needs as much mana as he can get to clear it quickly. If you know his buffs about to spawn and he’s on the other side of the map, try to steal it away.
As a Support, you’re quite vulnerable and can easily be killed when going to ward, when you’re moving around the map, and when you’re alone. To reduce the chances of dying and getting caught out of position, try and stick with your team at all times.Keep a constant eye on what major objective is spawning next. If it’s spawning soon, make sure you place vision around the objective as quickly and as safely as possible before retreating to safety. Having vision around major objectives is key.Look for picks during the mid-game. If you can pick someone off with the help from your allies, you can abuse their death timer to earn more gold and possibly take a tower, an objective or get more kills.
Nami has lots of poke thanks to her W and E. This can allow her to poke the enemy down and win trades with ease. She can also use her W to heal herself back up if a trade goes poorly.Has lots of kill pressure in the laning phase and in the mid game with her Q and Ultimate R. This makes her a huge threat in team fights.Can keep her allies topped up with HP thanks to her W and the items she will pick up. This increases her allies ability to deal damage and survive team fights.
Gragas can start ganking once he has access to all 3 core abilities. Keep this in mind and try to track him so you can counter gank at level 3.Like most champions, Gragas spikes again at level 6 as his Ultimate R is a really good tool when it comes to ganking. Expect him to gank overextended lanes whenever he is level 6.Always keep an eye on what items he’s buying. Gragas can go tank or can build a lot of AP. If he’s going AP, respect his damage output.
Sylas’ level 6 power spike is really strong depending on the matchup he is in. If your Ultimate is powerful, then his Ultimate R will be powerful too.The longer the game goes the stronger Sylas will become. Avoid feeding him in the early game to reduce his strength in the mid and late game.After Sylas has completed his first item, he will have more lane pressure and will look to play offensive. Up until that point, try to abuse him as much as possible.
In team fights, try to destroy his Barrels E before he can blow them up. This will reduce his AOE damage and his ability to win fights. Try to avoid fighting in areas that are tight like around objectives or in the Dragon as his Ultimate R will hit your whole team. Fight in lanes rather than in the jungle and make sure you’re not grouped closely together. Whenever Gangplank has his Ultimate R, ping your team so they know that he can impact skirmishes.
Your goal in the early game is to gain as much gold and XP as quickly as you can. Focus on farming rather than ganking or fighting.Look to secure objectives as often as possible. This will give your team an advantage as the game goes along.Your Ultimate a is an incredibly strong tool. Whenever it is up, try to use it to help your allies and get kills.
Janna will have one of her abilities maxed out when she reaches level nine. Then, depending on the ability, she will either deal tons of damage or provide her allies with a giant shield, both beneficial for her team.Once she hits level 11, she will put two points in her **Ultimate**. This will boost her healing significantly, which will be extremely useful during team fights.Janna's movement speed, combined with her Passive, allows her to rally her team and pick enemies off in the Jungle. In addition, she can easily disrupt escaping champions with her **Q** and **Ultimate** knockback.
Jarvan’s level 2 is pretty strong as he can go for a d into e and knock you up. Make sure you hit level 2 first so you can counter this engage.Once Jarvan hits level 6, his kill pressure intensifies. If you are without Flash, he can easily enclose you with his Ultimate m which will leave you incredibly vulnerable.After Jarvan has completed his first item, his utility and strength increases. Keep this in mind as his shield from Aery and his d will be increased.
Try and lock Irelia down at the start of the fight. This will make it much harder for her to jump around your team and get resets on her Q. Avoid fighting too close together as it will allow Irelia to use her Ultimate R on multiple people and allow her Q to reset. Stand together but not super close together. Try and fight after Irelia uses her E as it is one of her best tools to start a fight. Ideally, try and also fight around her Ultimate R as it will reduce her chances of getting resets.
If your allies move to your lane after destroying their tower, rotate and move around the map to continue farming and gaining XP and gold.Use your abilities to clear the minion waves quickly so your team can siege/ prevent a siege from the enemy team. If you can land poke while also pushing the minion wave, you could look for a favourable trade.While sieging Baron or Dragon, or whenever you’re pushing the enemy under their tower, look for a pick with your abilities. If you can catch someone out of position or blow them up, you’ll be able to take the objective for free.
As a Support, you’re quite vulnerable and can easily be killed when going to ward, when you’re moving around the map, and when you’re alone. To reduce the chances of dying and getting caught out of position, try and stick with your team at all times.Keep a constant eye on what major objective is spawning next. If it’s spawning soon, make sure you place vision around the objective as quickly and as safely as possible before retreating to safety. Having vision around major objectives is key.Look for picks during the mid-game. If you can pick someone off with the help from your allies, you can abuse their death timer to earn more gold and possibly take a tower, an objective or get more kills.
Your first power spike is at level 3 when you unlock all 3 of your basic abilities. You can start ganking at level 3 onwards.When you unlock your Ultimate, ganking will be easier and you’ll be more of a threat.After you’ve completed your first component item, you’ll be quite strong in 1v1s and have a higher chance of getting ganks off.
Pay close attention to your positioning when you want to harass Thresh. Stand behind minions to block his Q (Death Sentence) skillshot, making it more difficult for him to engage or initiate trades.Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map provides better gank opportunities for your jungler. It forces Thresh and his ADC to overextend, making them more vulnerable to ganks and potential kills.When Thresh goes missing from the lane, immediately ping and communicate with your team. Thresh is known for his roaming potential, so it's crucial to alert your teammates to the potential threat and adjust playstyle accordingly.Avoid getting too close to Thresh, as he can use his E (Flay) to interrupt your movement and CC you. Maintain a safe distance and stand far back to make it easier to dodge his E and Q abilities respectively. Respecting his threat range is essential for your survival.
Focus on farming and ganking as often as possible. This will help you get ahead and help you get your allies ahead too.Watch the Supports early itemisation and be prepared to adjust your items. There’s no point buying the same items.One of Iverns early strengths is that he can steal away camps. If you know where the enemy Jungler is and one of their camps is about to spawn, you should try to steal it.
When Ahri’s Charm is down, she has no real way of defending herself without blowing her Ultimate. Look to fight her when her Charm is not available. Try and stand outside of the minion wave, but close to it. This will force her to choose between pushing with her Q or poking with it instead. Stand close to the wave so you can run inside of it to dodge her E. Ahri is incredibly vulnerable when her Ultimate is down. Make sure you abuse the long cooldown early on.
Veigar is relatively weak during the early game, and he should be focusing on trying to e and stack up his Passive when possible. His n will come in handy when trying to prevent all-ins.Post-six, he will have access to all his basic abilities. This is huge for him as he can now CC enemies and then combo them with his r and e when possible.Level six is a significant power spike as it gives him access to his finishing ability. Now he will just have to focus on poking the enemy out in the lane before decimating them with his Ultimate R.
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