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介绍 (Introduction)




Chuxin-1.6B-Base is a model with 1.6 billion parameters. Chuxin-1.6B is built entirely on open-source data. After being trained with large-scale data, Chuxin has very competitive capabilities in various downstream tasks.

Chuxin-1.6B-1M is the result of training the Chuxin-1.6B model with a 1M windows. Experiments such as searching for a needle in a haystack demonstrate its strong contextual retrieval abilities.

If you would like to learn more about the Chuxin-1.6B open-source model, we suggest you refer to our technical report.



You can easily call the model with the following code:

from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer

tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("chuxin-llm/Chuxin-1.6B-1M", trust_remote_code=True)
model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained("chuxin-llm/Chuxin-1.6B-1M", device_map="auto", trust_remote_code=True, bf16=True).eval()
inputs = tokenizer('蒙古国的首都是乌兰巴托(Ulaanbaatar)\n冰岛的首都是雷克雅未克(Reykjavik)\n埃塞俄比亚的首都是', return_tensors='pt')
inputs = inputs.to(model.device)
pred = model.generate(**inputs, max_new_tokens=15, do_sample=False)
print(tokenizer.decode(pred.cpu()[0], skip_special_tokens=True))
# 蒙古国的首都是乌兰巴托(Ulaanbaatar)\n冰岛的首都是雷克雅未克(Reykjavik)\n埃塞俄比亚的首都是亚的斯亚贝巴(Addis Ababa)...


常识推理和阅读理解 (Common Sense Reasoning and Reading Comprehension tasks)

Model size ARC-c ARC-e Boolq Copa Hellaswag OpenbookQA Piqa Sciq Winogrande Avg
chuxin-1.6B-base 1.6B 39.68 71.38 71.25 83 66.09 35.00 77.09 95 63.54 66.89
chuxin-1.6B-32k 1.6B 39.16 70.66 67.71 81 65.69 35.8 76.88 94.2 62.51 65.96
chuxin-1.6B-64k 1.6B 38.48 70.24 67.52 82 65.6 35.2 76.61 94.3 63.3 65.92
chuxin-1.6B-128k 1.6B 39.08 69.4 67.71 80 65.74 35.4 76.39 94.1 63.3 65.68
chuxin-1.6B-256k 1.6B 40.19 70.75 69.3 78 65.85 35.8 76.88 93.5 63.85 66.01
chuxin-1.6B-512k 1.6B 40.61 71.21 67.77 78 64.82 34.8 76.88 93.6 61.88 65.51
chuxin-1.6B-1M 1.6B 41.13 72.26 62.08 75 64.59 34.8 76.71 93.33 62.43 64.7

Open LLM LeaderBoard

Model size ARC-c HellaSwag MMLU TruthfulQA Winogrande GSM-8k Avg Avg wo GSM
chuxin-1.6B-base 1.6B 39.68 66.09 41.07 37.65 63.54 12.66 43.45 49.61
chuxin-1.6B-32k 1.6B 39.16 65.69 38.63 35.66 62.51 11.6 42.21 48.33
chuxin-1.6B-64k 1.6B 38.48 65.6 38.43 35.07 63.3 11.9 42.13 48.18
chuxin-1.6B-128k 1.6B 39.08 65.74 37.65 34.89 63.3 11.07 41.96 48.13
chuxin-1.6B-256k 1.6B 40.19 65.85 37.16 35.2 63.85 10.16 42.07 48.45
chuxin-1.6B-512k 1.6B 40.61 64.82 36.66 33.66 61.88 8.11 40.96 47.53
Chuxin-1.6B-1M 1.6B 41.13 64.59 35.76 34.67 62.43 6.82 40.9 47.72

大海捞针 (needle in a haystack)

引用 (Citation)


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  author={Xiaomin Zhuang, Yufan Jiang, Qiaozhi He, Zhihua Wu},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.04828},

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