help please

by janeelwin - opened

hi im an idiot at programming, and when i press to loading the Select and Load Model thing request me an authentication token and idk what is that, what should i do? please

hey, having trouble running settings:
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
548 # dispatch to appropriate renderer
549 if anim_args.animation_mode == '2D' or anim_args.animation_mode == '3D':
--> 550 render_animation(args, anim_args)
551 elif anim_args.animation_mode == 'Video Input':
552 render_input_video(args, anim_args)

5 frames
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/numexpr/ in stringToExpression(s, types, context)
291 ex = expressions.ConstantNode(ex, expressions.getKind(ex))
292 elif not isinstance(ex, expressions.ExpressionNode):
--> 293 raise TypeError("unsupported expression type: %s" % type(ex))
294 finally:
295 expressions._context.set_new_context(old_ctx)

TypeError: unsupported expression type: <class 'tuple'>

any help?

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