the most voted but not downloaded model?

by NickyNicky - opened

It's question time.

Will this model adapt to our needs?
Will it fit on a single GPU or 2 GPUs?
Could it be that it is very expensive to train him?
I love the open but how many can deploy this little gem?

Elon Musk,
Thank you very much for the gem but people don't download it because it is very large and very expensive to train, store, etc.
The community needs quality data, an accessible model.

Give the interns and foreign contractors a break. Their instructions probably only said to vote for it, nothing about actually downloading it.

I have downloaded it. Using huggingface_hub snapshot. I don't know why the total download says zero. In fact, I have downloaded twice

"The community needs quality data, an accessible model."

I mean someone built a house for you and handed you the keys + the blueprints to build your own house and/or gave you the option to further improve the house given to you.

@MrRaja , What you write is true and I give you my 100% support but, even if there is access, it is not for everyone and the previous questions still exist.

Soon we will have 1-bit LLMs i can't wait for a GPT-4 level 1-bit LLM

1-bit, 3-bit , 4-bit , etc ->

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