--- license: "mit" datasets: - robomimic - Push-T arxiv: 2307.01849 tags: - robotics - diffusion - self-supervised learning - behaviour-cloning - diffusion policy --- # Crossway Diffusion: Improving Diffusion-based Visuomotor Policy via Self-supervised Learning This is the checkpoint release of the [ICRA'24](https://2024.ieee-icra.org/) paper [Crossway Diffusion: Improving Diffusion-based Visuomotor Policy via Self-supervised Learning](https://arxiv.org/abs/2307.01849). This repo contains: - Pretrained models (500 epochs): `./checkpoints/crossway_diffusion--s.ckpt` - SHA1 checksums: `./checkpoints/crossway_diffusion--s.ckpt.sha1` - Evaluation results (1000 episodes): `./checkpoints/crossway_diffusion--s.ckpt.json` Available tasks: `can_mh`, `can_ph`, `lift_mh`, `lift_ph`, `square_mh`, `square_ph`, `transport_mh`, `transport_ph`, `tool_hang_ph`, `pusht` Available seeds: `42`, `43`, `44` Please replace `` with a specific task name and replace `` with `42`, `43`, or `44` to navigate the repo. For example, the path of pretrained model for task Push-T trained on seed 42 is `./checkpoints/crossway_diffusion-pusht-s42.ckpt` For the training and evaluation code, please visit our [github repo](https://github.com/LostXine/crossway_diffusion). Watch [🎬 video presentation](https://youtu.be/9deKHueZBuk)! For questions, please raise a [github issue](https://github.com/LostXine/crossway_diffusion/issues).