2 ZERO GPU in one space

by KingNish - opened
ZeroGPU Explorers org

How to use this feature

ZeroGPU Explorers org

No it just means multiple people are using it at once

ZeroGPU Explorers org

ZERO GPUs basically duplicate your space each time someone wants to run it. Whenever you run something on a ZERO Space, it spins up a new "replica" (seen in the image) for each user. That replica runs the task for the user, and when the task is finished, will disappear. So, essentially every tome someone uses your Space it uses a new GPU.

ZeroGPU Explorers org
edited Apr 29

@mrfakename this time you are wrong i also have a space , i checked this many time one time it just touched 7 people and 3900% still one GPU. https://huggingface.co/spaces/KingNish/Instant-Video

whereis that space have all time 2 GPU even on low user count


ZeroGPU Explorers org

Interesting, I might be wrong, but at least on my Spaces the number of replicas corresponds to the number of people using the Space at once.

ZeroGPU Explorers org
edited Apr 29

Interesting, I might be wrong, but at least on my Spaces the number of replicas corresponds to the number of people using the Space at once.

iiii don't have any words
5 gpu at a time

ZeroGPU Explorers org
edited Apr 29

i think there might be a delay between when someone uses it and when it shows up

ZeroGPU Explorers org


ZeroGPU Explorers org

send the link of that hf space with multiple gpus, maybe its something in their code ? or maybe just a delay as its said

ZeroGPU Explorers org

The OpenDalle demo had 4 a couple seconds ago and now 5, but it still says 4 replicas. I think it's just delayed

ZeroGPU Explorers org
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ZeroGPU Explorers org
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ZeroGPU Explorers org
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ZeroGPU Explorers org

This thing is happens when anybody duplicate your space on ZERO and Original version also starts using its GPU and show that GPUs name as replica.

KingNish changed discussion status to closed
ZeroGPU Explorers org
edited Apr 30

This thing is happens when anybody duplicate your space on ZERO and Original version also starts using its GPU and show that GPUs name as replica.

Not sure, I tried duplicating the space multiple times and it didnt show any replicas. But that is what replica means (copy), so maybe it is.

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