from langchain.prompts import StringPromptTemplate import re import langchain from qa_txt import conversation_chain from key_extract import chain from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import requests from data_process import * from import StructuredTool from langchain.agents import initialize_agent from qa_txt import llm from trans import trans import pathlib import gradio as gr from langchain.agents import ( create_react_agent, AgentExecutor, tool, ) from langchain import hub file_text = pathlib.Path('intents_v2.txt').read_text() prompt = hub.pull("hwchase17/react") def faq(query: str) -> str: reponse = conversation_chain.invoke({"input": query, 'document': file_text}) return reponse qa_faq = StructuredTool.from_function( func = faq , description=""" Respond to general questions about the website like the documentation, contact, utility, support... Don't use it when the user request data about a subject (economie, justice, water, or any type of public dataset) only for contact or useful links data. Parameters : - query (string) : the same input as the user input no more no less and dont translate it even if it is in another language. Returns : - string : the output as returned from the function in french. """ ) def request_data(query: str) -> str: request = chain.invoke({"input": query}) mot_cle = nettoyer_string(request) mots = mot_cle.split() ui = mots[0] rg = chercher_data(ui) if len(rg[0]): reponse_final = format_reponse(rg) return reponse_final else: return "Désolé, il semble que nous n'ayons pas de données correspondant à votre demande pour le moment. Avez-vous une autre question ou avez-vous besoin d'aide sur quelque chose d'autre?" fetch_data = StructuredTool.from_function( func=request_data, description=""" Request and fetch data using a search keyword. Parameters : - query (string) : the same input as the user input no more no less and always it must be in french if it isn't already. For example : "give me data about health" the input is health in french which is santé, same for other languages and the words translatted must be nouns not adjectives or verbs also the user may request data about an organization where you need to take just the main subject for example "Je veux les données de l'agence de développement digitale" you take just "développement". Returns : - string : the output as returned from the function in french , includes the link to all the data about the keyword along with an example. """, ) def translate(query: str) -> str: translated = trans.invoke({"input": query})['text'] return translated translate_text = StructuredTool.from_function( func=translate, description= """ Translate from any language to french. Don't use it if the text is already in french Parameters : - query (string) : the same input as the user input no more no less. Returns : - string : isolate just the translated text in french with no other useless words. """, ) tools_add = [ qa_faq, fetch_data, translate_text, ] agent = create_react_agent(llm=llm, tools=tools_add, prompt=prompt) agent_executor = AgentExecutor( agent=agent, tools=tools_add, verbose=True, max_iterations = 10, #max_execution_time = 45, optionel mais useful dans le deployement ) def data_gov_ma(message, history): try: response = agent_executor.invoke({"input": message}) final_response = response['output'] timeout_iteration_error = 'Agent stopped due to iteration limit or time limit.' if final_response == timeout_iteration_error: return "Je suis désolé, je n'ai pas compris votre question.Pourriez-vous la reformuler s'il vous plaît ?" else: return final_response except ValueError as e: return "Je suis désolé, je n'ai pas compris votre question.Pourriez-vous la reformuler s'il vous plaît ?" gr.ChatInterface(data_gov_ma).launch()