import streamlit as st from src.evaluate import evaluate_prompt, model_list st.title("Toxic Tweets") # description of the project"This app utilizes a multi-head classifier that is fine-tuned to evaluate the toxicity level of a given prompt, providing 6 labels and their corresponding toxicity scores in descending order. By utilizing pre-trained language models, large labeled datasets, and fine-tuning techniques, the app helps determine if the prompt is toxic or not and contributes to enhancing online safety.") # variables defined sentiment_model_names = model_list() section1, section2 = st.columns(2) # function to predict the output def predict(model_name, prompt): output = evaluate_prompt(model_name, prompt) with section2: st.table(output) st.success("Completed!") # main code with section1: st.header("Input") prompt = st.text_area("Prompt", "You fucking idiot. I will kill you!") model = st.selectbox("Select Model", sentiment_model_names) st.warning("albert & bert are self-supervised models, so possible relations are\ LABLE_0|NEGATIVE, LABEL_1|POSITIVE.") st.button("Submit", on_click=lambda: predict(model, prompt)) with section2: st.header("Output") st.write("")