test_app / app.py
sanmoy27's picture
Upload app.py
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sat Jun 10 21:53:15 2023
@author: sanmpaul
from st_pages import Page, Section, add_page_title, show_pages
from st_pages import show_pages_from_config
# show_pages_from_config("pages_sections1.toml")
from st_pages import Page, Section, show_pages, add_page_title
# add_page_title() # By default this also adds indentation
# Specify what pages should be shown in the sidebar, and what their titles and icons
# should be
#Page("upload_file.py", "File Upload", "🏠"),
Page('https://tecoholic.github.io/ner-annotator/', 'NER Annotator'),
# Unless you explicitly say in_section=False
Page("text_input.py", "Text Input", "🏠")