Make plot responsive to control panel

by tomaarsen HF staff - opened


I think it would be quite useful if the Plot responded to the settings of the control panel. That way, you could decrease how cluttered the plot is by e.g. removing pytorch and float32 if you know you'll be running it at float16 with ONNX.

I made a bit of a start with this locally, but it's infeasible without the OPTIMUM_TOKEN.

  • Tom Aarsen
Hugging Face Optimum org

Nice idea! Thanks for the feedback ๐Ÿค— it's gonna be easy to add since both the Leaderboard and the Plot use the same Dataframe.
Will be added soon with many requested changes ๐Ÿ”ฅ

Hugging Face Optimum org


Awesome! Works like a charm. Good job

tomaarsen changed discussion status to closed

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