import os from typing import List, Optional import logging import dotenv from import TextAnalyticsClient from azure.core.credentials import AzureKeyCredential from presidio_analyzer import EntityRecognizer, RecognizerResult, AnalysisExplanation from presidio_analyzer.nlp_engine import NlpArtifacts logger = logging.getLogger("presidio-streamlit") class AzureAIServiceWrapper(EntityRecognizer): from import PiiEntityCategory TA_SUPPORTED_ENTITIES = [r.value for r in PiiEntityCategory] def __init__( self, supported_entities: Optional[List[str]] = None, supported_language: str = "en", ta_client: Optional[TextAnalyticsClient] = None, ta_key: Optional[str] = None, ta_endpoint: Optional[str] = None, ): """ Wrapper for the Azure Text Analytics client :param ta_client: object of type TextAnalyticsClient :param ta_key: Azure cognitive Services for Language key :param ta_endpoint: Azure cognitive Services for Language endpoint """ if not supported_entities: supported_entities = self.TA_SUPPORTED_ENTITIES super().__init__( supported_entities=supported_entities, supported_language=supported_language, name="Azure AI Language PII", ) self.ta_key = ta_key self.ta_endpoint = ta_endpoint if not ta_client: ta_client = self.__authenticate_client(ta_key, ta_endpoint) self.ta_client = ta_client @staticmethod def __authenticate_client(key: str, endpoint: str): ta_credential = AzureKeyCredential(key) text_analytics_client = TextAnalyticsClient( endpoint=endpoint, credential=ta_credential ) return text_analytics_client def analyze( self, text: str, entities: List[str] = None, nlp_artifacts: NlpArtifacts = None ) -> List[RecognizerResult]: if not entities: entities = [] response = self.ta_client.recognize_pii_entities( [text], language=self.supported_language ) results = [doc for doc in response if not doc.is_error] recognizer_results = [] for res in results: for entity in res.entities: if entity.category not in self.supported_entities: continue analysis_explanation = AzureAIServiceWrapper._build_explanation( original_score=entity.confidence_score, entity_type=entity.category, ) recognizer_results.append( RecognizerResult( entity_type=entity.category, start=entity.offset, end=entity.offset + len(entity.text), score=entity.confidence_score, analysis_explanation=analysis_explanation, ) ) return recognizer_results @staticmethod def _build_explanation( original_score: float, entity_type: str ) -> AnalysisExplanation: explanation = AnalysisExplanation( recognizer=AzureAIServiceWrapper.__class__.__name__, original_score=original_score, textual_explanation=f"Identified as {entity_type} by Text Analytics", ) return explanation def load(self) -> None: pass if __name__ == "__main__": import presidio_helpers dotenv.load_dotenv() text = """ Here are a few example sentences we currently support: Hello, my name is David Johnson and I live in Maine. My credit card number is 4095-2609-9393-4932 and my crypto wallet id is 16Yeky6GMjeNkAiNcBY7ZhrLoMSgg1BoyZ. On September 18 I visited and sent an email to, from the IP My passport: 191280342 and my phone number: (212) 555-1234. This is a valid International Bank Account Number: IL150120690000003111111 . Can you please check the status on bank account 954567876544? Kate's social security number is 078-05-1126. Her driver license? it is 1234567A. """ analyzer = presidio_helpers.analyzer_engine( model_path="Azure Text Analytics PII", ta_key=os.environ["TA_KEY"], ta_endpoint=os.environ["TA_ENDPOINT"], ) analyzer.analyze(text=text, language="en")