import os import numpy as np import cv2 import random import math from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont from import Dataset, DataLoader from dataset_util import load, show_bbox_on_image phrase_list = [ ', content and position of the texts are ', ', textual material depicted in the image are ', ', texts that says ', ', captions shown in the snapshot are ', ', with the words of ', ', that reads ', ', the written materials on the picture: ', ', these texts are written on it: ', ', captions are ', ', content of the text in the graphic is ' ] def insert_spaces(string, nSpace): if nSpace == 0: return string new_string = "" for char in string: new_string += char + " " * nSpace return new_string[:-nSpace] def draw_glyph(font, text): g_size = 50 W, H = (512, 80) new_font = font.font_variant(size=g_size) img ='1', size=(W, H), color=0) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img) left, top, right, bottom = new_font.getbbox(text) text_width = max(right-left, 5) text_height = max(bottom - top, 5) ratio = min(W*0.9/text_width, H*0.9/text_height) new_font = font.font_variant(size=int(g_size*ratio)) text_width, text_height = new_font.getsize(text) offset_x, offset_y = new_font.getoffset(text) x = (img.width - text_width) // 2 y = (img.height - text_height) // 2 - offset_y//2 draw.text((x, y), text, font=new_font, fill='white') img = np.expand_dims(np.array(img), axis=2).astype(np.float64) return img def draw_glyph2(font, text, polygon, vertAng=10, scale=1, width=512, height=512, add_space=True): enlarge_polygon = polygon*scale rect = cv2.minAreaRect(enlarge_polygon) box = cv2.boxPoints(rect) box = np.int0(box) w, h = rect[1] angle = rect[2] if angle < -45: angle += 90 angle = -angle if w < h: angle += 90 vert = False if (abs(angle) % 90 < vertAng or abs(90-abs(angle) % 90) % 90 < vertAng): _w = max(box[:, 0]) - min(box[:, 0]) _h = max(box[:, 1]) - min(box[:, 1]) if _h >= _w: vert = True angle = 0 img = np.zeros((height*scale, width*scale, 3), np.uint8) img = Image.fromarray(img) # infer font size image4ratio ="RGB", img.size, "white") draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image4ratio) _, _, _tw, _th = draw.textbbox(xy=(0, 0), text=text, font=font) text_w = min(w, h) * (_tw / _th) if text_w <= max(w, h): # add space if len(text) > 1 and not vert and add_space: for i in range(1, 100): text_space = insert_spaces(text, i) _, _, _tw2, _th2 = draw.textbbox(xy=(0, 0), text=text_space, font=font) if min(w, h) * (_tw2 / _th2) > max(w, h): break text = insert_spaces(text, i-1) font_size = min(w, h)*0.80 else: shrink = 0.75 if vert else 0.85 font_size = min(w, h) / (text_w/max(w, h)) * shrink new_font = font.font_variant(size=int(font_size)) left, top, right, bottom = new_font.getbbox(text) text_width = right-left text_height = bottom - top layer ='RGBA', img.size, (0, 0, 0, 0)) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(layer) if not vert: draw.text((rect[0][0]-text_width//2, rect[0][1]-text_height//2-top), text, font=new_font, fill=(255, 255, 255, 255)) else: x_s = min(box[:, 0]) + _w//2 - text_height//2 y_s = min(box[:, 1]) for c in text: draw.text((x_s, y_s), c, font=new_font, fill=(255, 255, 255, 255)) _, _t, _, _b = new_font.getbbox(c) y_s += _b rotated_layer = layer.rotate(angle, expand=1, center=(rect[0][0], rect[0][1])) x_offset = int((img.width - rotated_layer.width) / 2) y_offset = int((img.height - rotated_layer.height) / 2) img.paste(rotated_layer, (x_offset, y_offset), rotated_layer) img = np.expand_dims(np.array(img.convert('1')), axis=2).astype(np.float64) return img def get_caption_pos(ori_caption, pos_idxs, prob=1.0, place_holder='*'): idx2pos = { 0: " top left", 1: " top", 2: " top right", 3: " left", 4: random.choice([" middle", " center"]), 5: " right", 6: " bottom left", 7: " bottom", 8: " bottom right" } new_caption = ori_caption + random.choice(phrase_list) pos = '' for i in range(len(pos_idxs)): if random.random() < prob and pos_idxs[i] > 0: pos += place_holder + random.choice([' located', ' placed', ' positioned', '']) + random.choice([' at', ' in', ' on']) + idx2pos[pos_idxs[i]] + ', ' else: pos += place_holder + ' , ' pos = pos[:-2] + '.' new_caption += pos return new_caption def generate_random_rectangles(w, h, box_num): rectangles = [] for i in range(box_num): x = random.randint(0, w) y = random.randint(0, h) w = random.randint(16, 256) h = random.randint(16, 96) angle = random.randint(-45, 45) p1 = (x, y) p2 = (x + w, y) p3 = (x + w, y + h) p4 = (x, y + h) center = ((x + x + w) / 2, (y + y + h) / 2) p1 = rotate_point(p1, center, angle) p2 = rotate_point(p2, center, angle) p3 = rotate_point(p3, center, angle) p4 = rotate_point(p4, center, angle) rectangles.append((p1, p2, p3, p4)) return rectangles def rotate_point(point, center, angle): # rotation angle = math.radians(angle) x = point[0] - center[0] y = point[1] - center[1] x1 = x * math.cos(angle) - y * math.sin(angle) y1 = x * math.sin(angle) + y * math.cos(angle) x1 += center[0] y1 += center[1] return int(x1), int(y1) class T3DataSet(Dataset): def __init__( self, json_path, max_lines=5, max_chars=20, place_holder='*', font_path='./font/Arial_Unicode.ttf', caption_pos_prob=1.0, mask_pos_prob=1.0, mask_img_prob=0.5, for_show=False, using_dlc=False, glyph_scale=1, percent=1.0, debug=False, wm_thresh=1.0, ): assert isinstance(json_path, (str, list)) if isinstance(json_path, str): json_path = [json_path] data_list = [] self.using_dlc = using_dlc self.max_lines = max_lines self.max_chars = max_chars self.place_holder = place_holder self.font = ImageFont.truetype(font_path, size=60) self.caption_pos_porb = caption_pos_prob self.mask_pos_prob = mask_pos_prob self.mask_img_prob = mask_img_prob self.for_show = for_show self.glyph_scale = glyph_scale self.wm_thresh = wm_thresh for jp in json_path: data_list += self.load_data(jp, percent) self.data_list = data_list print(f'All dataset loaded, imgs={len(self.data_list)}') self.debug = debug if self.debug: self.tmp_items = [i for i in range(100)] def load_data(self, json_path, percent): content = load(json_path) d = [] count = 0 wm_skip = 0 max_img = len(content['data_list']) * percent for gt in content['data_list']: if len(d) > max_img: break if 'wm_score' in gt and gt['wm_score'] > self.wm_thresh: # wm_score > thresh will be skiped as an img with watermark wm_skip += 1 continue data_root = content['data_root'] if self.using_dlc: data_root = data_root.replace('/data/vdb', '/mnt/data', 1) img_path = os.path.join(data_root, gt['img_name']) info = {} info['img_path'] = img_path info['caption'] = gt['caption'] if 'caption' in gt else '' if self.place_holder in info['caption']: count += 1 info['caption'] = info['caption'].replace(self.place_holder, " ") if 'annotations' in gt: polygons = [] invalid_polygons = [] texts = [] languages = [] pos = [] for annotation in gt['annotations']: if len(annotation['polygon']) == 0: continue if 'valid' in annotation and annotation['valid'] is False: invalid_polygons.append(annotation['polygon']) continue polygons.append(annotation['polygon']) texts.append(annotation['text']) languages.append(annotation['language']) if 'pos' in annotation: pos.append(annotation['pos']) info['polygons'] = [np.array(i) for i in polygons] info['invalid_polygons'] = [np.array(i) for i in invalid_polygons] info['texts'] = texts info['language'] = languages info['pos'] = pos d.append(info) print(f'{json_path} loaded, imgs={len(d)}, wm_skip={wm_skip}') if count > 0: print(f"Found {count} image's caption contain placeholder: {self.place_holder}, change to ' '...") return d def __getitem__(self, item): item_dict = {} if self.debug: # sample fixed items item = self.tmp_items.pop() print(f'item = {item}') cur_item = self.data_list[item] # img target = np.array(['img_path']).convert('RGB')) if target.shape[0] != 512 or target.shape[1] != 512: target = cv2.resize(target, (512, 512)) target = (target.astype(np.float32) / 127.5) - 1.0 item_dict['img'] = target # caption item_dict['caption'] = cur_item['caption'] item_dict['glyphs'] = [] item_dict['gly_line'] = [] item_dict['positions'] = [] item_dict['texts'] = [] item_dict['language'] = [] item_dict['inv_mask'] = [] texts = cur_item.get('texts', []) if len(texts) > 0: idxs = [i for i in range(len(texts))] if len(texts) > self.max_lines: sel_idxs = random.sample(idxs, self.max_lines) unsel_idxs = [i for i in idxs if i not in sel_idxs] else: sel_idxs = idxs unsel_idxs = [] if len(cur_item['pos']) > 0: pos_idxs = [cur_item['pos'][i] for i in sel_idxs] else: pos_idxs = [-1 for i in sel_idxs] item_dict['caption'] = get_caption_pos(item_dict['caption'], pos_idxs, self.caption_pos_porb, self.place_holder) item_dict['polygons'] = [cur_item['polygons'][i] for i in sel_idxs] item_dict['texts'] = [cur_item['texts'][i][:self.max_chars] for i in sel_idxs] item_dict['language'] = [cur_item['language'][i] for i in sel_idxs] # glyphs for idx, text in enumerate(item_dict['texts']): gly_line = draw_glyph(self.font, text) glyphs = draw_glyph2(self.font, text, item_dict['polygons'][idx], scale=self.glyph_scale) item_dict['glyphs'] += [glyphs] item_dict['gly_line'] += [gly_line] # mask_pos for polygon in item_dict['polygons']: item_dict['positions'] += [self.draw_pos(polygon, self.mask_pos_prob)] # inv_mask invalid_polygons = cur_item['invalid_polygons'] if 'invalid_polygons' in cur_item else [] if len(texts) > 0: invalid_polygons += [cur_item['polygons'][i] for i in unsel_idxs] item_dict['inv_mask'] = self.draw_inv_mask(invalid_polygons) item_dict['hint'] = self.get_hint(item_dict['positions']) if random.random() < self.mask_img_prob: # randomly generate 0~3 masks box_num = random.randint(0, 3) boxes = generate_random_rectangles(512, 512, box_num) boxes = np.array(boxes) pos_list = item_dict['positions'].copy() for i in range(box_num): pos_list += [self.draw_pos(boxes[i], self.mask_pos_prob)] mask = self.get_hint(pos_list) masked_img = target*(1-mask) else: masked_img = np.zeros_like(target) item_dict['masked_img'] = masked_img if self.for_show: item_dict['img_name'] = os.path.split(cur_item['img_path'])[-1] return item_dict if len(texts) > 0: del item_dict['polygons'] # padding n_lines = min(len(texts), self.max_lines) item_dict['n_lines'] = n_lines n_pad = self.max_lines - n_lines if n_pad > 0: item_dict['glyphs'] += [np.zeros((512*self.glyph_scale, 512*self.glyph_scale, 1))] * n_pad item_dict['gly_line'] += [np.zeros((80, 512, 1))] * n_pad item_dict['positions'] += [np.zeros((512, 512, 1))] * n_pad item_dict['texts'] += [' '] * n_pad item_dict['language'] += [' '] * n_pad return item_dict def __len__(self): return len(self.data_list) def draw_inv_mask(self, polygons): img = np.zeros((512, 512)) for p in polygons: pts = p.reshape((-1, 1, 2)) cv2.fillPoly(img, [pts], color=255) img = img[..., None] return img/255. def draw_pos(self, ploygon, prob=1.0): img = np.zeros((512, 512)) rect = cv2.minAreaRect(ploygon) w, h = rect[1] small = False if w < 20 or h < 20: small = True if random.random() < prob: pts = ploygon.reshape((-1, 1, 2)) cv2.fillPoly(img, [pts], color=255) # 10% dilate / 10% erode / 5% dilatex2 5% erodex2 random_value = random.random() kernel = np.ones((3, 3), dtype=np.uint8) if random_value < 0.7: pass elif random_value < 0.8: img = cv2.dilate(img.astype(np.uint8), kernel, iterations=1) elif random_value < 0.9 and not small: img = cv2.erode(img.astype(np.uint8), kernel, iterations=1) elif random_value < 0.95: img = cv2.dilate(img.astype(np.uint8), kernel, iterations=2) elif random_value < 1.0 and not small: img = cv2.erode(img.astype(np.uint8), kernel, iterations=2) img = img[..., None] return img/255. def get_hint(self, positions): if len(positions) == 0: return np.zeros((512, 512, 1)) return np.sum(positions, axis=0).clip(0, 1) if __name__ == '__main__': ''' Run this script to show details of your dataset, such as ocr annotations, glyphs, prompts, etc. ''' from tqdm import tqdm from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import shutil show_imgs_dir = 'show_results' show_count = 50 if os.path.exists(show_imgs_dir): shutil.rmtree(show_imgs_dir) os.makedirs(show_imgs_dir) plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False json_paths = [ '/path/of/your/dataset/data1.json', '/path/of/your/dataset/data2.json', # ... ] dataset = T3DataSet(json_paths, for_show=True, max_lines=20, glyph_scale=2, mask_img_prob=1.0, caption_pos_prob=0.0) train_loader = DataLoader(dataset=dataset, batch_size=1, shuffle=False, num_workers=0) pbar = tqdm(total=show_count) for i, data in enumerate(train_loader): if i == show_count: break img = ((data['img'][0].numpy() + 1.0) / 2.0 * 255).astype(np.uint8) masked_img = ((data['masked_img'][0].numpy() + 1.0) / 2.0 * 255)[..., ::-1].astype(np.uint8) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(show_imgs_dir, f'plots_{i}_masked.jpg'), masked_img) if 'texts' in data and len(data['texts']) > 0: texts = [x[0] for x in data['texts']] img = show_bbox_on_image(Image.fromarray(img), data['polygons'], texts) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(show_imgs_dir, f'plots_{i}.jpg'), np.array(img)[..., ::-1]) with open(os.path.join(show_imgs_dir, f'plots_{i}.txt'), 'w') as fin: fin.writelines([data['caption'][0]]) all_glyphs = [] for k, glyphs in enumerate(data['glyphs']): cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(show_imgs_dir, f'plots_{i}_glyph_{k}.jpg'), glyphs[0].numpy().astype(np.int32)*255) all_glyphs += [glyphs[0].numpy().astype(np.int32)*255] cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(show_imgs_dir, f'plots_{i}_allglyphs.jpg'), np.sum(all_glyphs, axis=0)) for k, gly_line in enumerate(data['gly_line']): cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(show_imgs_dir, f'plots_{i}_gly_line_{k}.jpg'), gly_line[0].numpy().astype(np.int32)*255) for k, position in enumerate(data['positions']): if position is not None: cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(show_imgs_dir, f'plots_{i}_pos_{k}.jpg'), position[0].numpy().astype(np.int32)*255) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(show_imgs_dir, f'plots_{i}_hint.jpg'), data['hint'][0].numpy().astype(np.int32)*255) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(show_imgs_dir, f'plots_{i}_inv_mask.jpg'), np.array(img)[..., ::-1]*(1-data['inv_mask'][0].numpy().astype(np.int32))) pbar.update(1) pbar.close()