[Comic] Sneaky Sundays

by MeSohn - opened

Story prompt:

a south african artist finds true happiness because they started painting sneakers

Style/character prompt:



Neutral (no style)


Drag & drop your comic image (converted to JPG) here!

AI Comic Factory - a Hugging Face Space by jbilcke-hf 5.jpg

No idea why the captions did not export. They were really cute.

Inkosi (she/her) embraces her newfound passion for sneaker art, taking to the streets to share her talent with the world.
Curiosity strikes him, captivated by the symmetrical design of each sneaker. His heart flutters at the sight of the artist, Inkosi, gazing intently at her art.
Inkosi pours her heart into each sneaker, transforming ordinary shoes into works of art. The city serves as her muse, fueling her

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