Put All of Your BEST QR Art Here!

by UnitySolutions - opened

A dream-like futuristic city with the light trails of cars zipping through it's many streets.

Prompt: Create a 3-D dark and futuristic city street with vibrant blue, purple, and turquoise colors
Negative Prompt: ugly, disfigured, low quality, blurry, NSFW
Use QR Code as Init Image: Checked
Conditioning Scale: 1.6
Strength: .95
Guidance Scale: 13
Sampler: DPM++ Karras SDE

Unity Site 3-D Final.png

A surreal 3D render of a cityscape with twisted buildings, upside-down structures, and floating objects, creating a dreamlike and disorienting atmosphere, by Simon Stålenhag


Check this out! Lost the prompt unfortunately but was something along the lines of: old fashioned small business street vibrant colors" and I provided a reference image. Its too bad the QR code doesn't actually work!

Screenshot 2023-06-27 150130.png

hi this is best tools
here is prompt for following link
Colossal and beautiful hindu temple inspired city, Ornate architecture, carved in orangey, white and rose marble, Cliffside, lush jungle, massive river, beautiful Atmosphere, Dramatic lighting, Epic composition, Close up, Low angle, Wide angle, by Miyazaki, Nausicaa Ghibli, Breath of The Wild,with beautiful colors likes orange, yellow ,blue ,with alliance of line,with beautiful picture of temple

image (6).png

Yoooo I love each of one of these and the prompts are solid!! Bonus points to those who also had working QR's and I hope more people post here :)

image (1).png
prompt - Create a 3-D dark and technologies with vibrant orange, blue, and turquoise colors,cityscape with twisted buildings, upside-down structures, and floating objects, creating a dreamlike and disorienting atmosphere, by Simon Stålenhag

Raj Puraswani

image (5).png
Create a beautiful beach scene with soft, white sand and turquoise water gently lapping at the shore. In the foreground, showcase a single, tall palm tree with a swaying canopy of green leaves casting a refreshing shade on the sand.

QR code working!

Controlnet Conditioning Scale
Guidance Scale
DPM++ Karras SDE

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