Interstellar Living Planet

by awacke1 - opened

Create a streamlit python user app with full code listing to create a UI implementing the usable choose your own adventure graphic novel rules and story using streamlit, session_state, file_uploader, camera_input, on_change = funcction callbacks, randomness and dice rolls using emojis and st.markdown, st.expander, st.columns and other UI controls in streamlit as a game interface and create inline data tables for entities implemented as variables with python list dictionaries for the game rule entities and stats. Design it as a fun data driven app and show full python code listing for this ruleset and thematic story plot line:

Query: Interstellar Living Planet Create a streamlit python user app with full code listing to create a UI implementing the usable choose your own adventure graphic novel rules and story using streamlit, session_state, file_uploader, camera_input, on_change = funcction callbacks, randomness and dice rolls using emojis and st.markdown, st.expander, st.columns and other UI controls in streamlit as a game interface and create inline data tables for entities implemented as variables with python list dictionaries for the game rule entities and stats. Design it as a fun data driven app and show full python code listing for this ruleset and thematic story plot line: # Response: Creating a graphic novel story with a Streamlit app that revolves around the theme of "Interstellar Living Planet" and incorporates choose-your-own-adventure elements, randomness, and dice rolls, along with a structured story plot, is an ambitious and creative project. Below, I'll outline the structure of such an app, including the story outline based on the "Story Structure Architect" rules, and provide a sample code snippet to get you started with the Streamlit app.

Story Outline

  1. Plan: The protagonist, a young space explorer named Alex, discovers a living, sentient planet named Gaia-X in a distant galaxy. The planet can change its landscapes at will and harbors secrets of ancient civilizations.

  2. Structure: The story follows a three-act structure:

    • Act 1 (Setup): Introduction of Alex, discovery of Gaia-X, and the initial exploration.
    • Act 2 (Confrontation): Alex faces challenges on Gaia-X, including hostile environments, puzzles left by an ancient civilization, and the moral dilemma of exploiting or preserving the planet.
    • Act 3 (Resolution): Alex decides Gaia-X's fate and learns valuable lessons about life, coexistence, and the importance of preserving the wonders of the universe.
  3. Top Three Dramatic Situations:

    • The Quest: Alex's journey to uncover Gaia-X's secrets.
    • Revolt: Gaia-X's ecosystems start to revolt against human intrusion.
    • Enigma: The mystery of the ancient civilization and their connection with Gaia-X.

Streamlit App Outline

The Streamlit app will allow users to navigate through the story, make choices that affect the outcome, and engage in challenges that require dice rolls and randomness. The app will use session_state to keep track of the story progress and choices, file_uploader and camera_input for interactive elements, and on_change callbacks to update the story based on user input.

Code Snippet

Below is a basic code structure for the Streamlit app. This example sets up the app framework, state management, and a simple choice-based navigation. Expanding this into a full game would require adding more content, logic for dice rolls, and additional story paths.

import streamlit as st
import random

# Initialize session state variables
if 'current_state' not in st.session_state:
    st.session_state['current_state'] = 'start'
    st.session_state['player_health'] = 100

def roll_dice(sides=6):
    return random.randint(1, sides)

def on_choice(option):
    if option == 'explore':
        st.session_state['current_state'] = 'exploring'
    elif option == 'leave':
        st.session_state['current_state'] = 'leaving'
    # Add more options and update states accordingly

st.title("Interstellar Living Planet Adventure")

# Story navigation
if st.session_state['current_state'] == 'start':
    st.write("You've landed on the living planet Gaia-X. Do you explore or leave?")
    col1, col2 = st.columns(2)
    with col1:
        if st.button("Explore"):
    with col2:
        if st.button("Leave"):

elif st.session_state['current_state'] == 'exploring':
    st.write("Gaia-X reveals its secrets. You encounter a challenge.")
    # Implement challenges, dice rolls, etc.

elif st.session_state['current_state'] == 'leaving':
    st.write("You decide to leave Gaia-X, taking with you the lessons you've learned.")
    # Option to restart or end the game

# Additional story states and logic here

# Example of a dice roll
st.write("Roll a dice for your fate!")
if st.button('Roll Dice'):
    dice_result = roll_dice(6)
    st.write(f"You rolled a {dice_result}!")

# Implement more game mechanics, story paths, and interactive elements as needed

This code snippet is a starting point. Developing a full-fledged graphic novel story app with Streamlit involves adding more story content, implementing the outlined game mechanics, and enhancing the user interface with Streamlit widgets. You can expand upon this example by adding more states, story paths, and incorporating user inputs (like file uploads or camera inputs) to influence the game's direction.# Response2: Creating a full-fledged Streamlit app that encompasses the entire "Interstellar Living Planet" adventure, complete with user interactions, state management, and game mechanics, is quite an extensive task. Below is an expanded example of how you might start to build out this app, incorporating more of the requested features and providing a more interactive experience. This code will include additional story elements, a basic combat system using dice rolls, and some placeholders for you to expand upon.

import streamlit as st
import random

# Initialize session state for tracking progress and stats
if 'current_state' not in st.session_state:
    st.session_state['current_state'] = 'start'
    st.session_state['player_health'] = 100
    st.session_state['player_inventory'] = []

# Function to roll dice
def roll_dice(sides=6):
    return random.randint(1, sides)

# Function to handle choices made by the player
def on_choice(option):
    if option == 'explore':
        st.session_state['current_state'] = 'exploring'
    elif option == 'leave':
        st.session_state['current_state'] = 'leaving'
    # Add more options and update states accordingly

# Function to simulate combat
def combat():
    st.write("A wild creature attacks!")
    player_roll = roll_dice(6)
    creature_roll = roll_dice(6)
    if player_roll >= creature_roll:
        st.success("You defeated the creature!")
        st.session_state['player_health'] -= 10
        st.error("You've been wounded in the fight. Current health: {}".format(st.session_state['player_health']))

# Main app layout and story progression
st.title("Interstellar Living Planet Adventure")

if st.session_state['current_state'] == 'start':
    st.write("You've landed on the living planet Gaia-X. Do you explore or leave?")
    col1, col2 = st.columns(2)
    with col1:
        if st.button("Explore"):
    with col2:
        if st.button("Leave"):

elif st.session_state['current_state'] == 'exploring':
    st.write("Gaia-X reveals its secrets. You encounter a wild creature.")

elif st.session_state['current_state'] == 'leaving':
    st.write("You decide to leave Gaia-X, taking with you the lessons you've learned.")
    # Option to restart or end the game

# Implementing file uploader for user to upload images as part of the adventure
st.subheader("Upload a photo of your space explorer")
uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Choose a file")
if uploaded_file is not None:
    st.image(uploaded_file, caption='Your Explorer')

# Camera input (Note: This feature works best in local development environments)
# st.subheader("Or take a picture with your webcam")
# picture = st.camera_input("Take a picture")
# if picture:
#     st.image(picture, caption='Your Explorer')

# Example of a dice roll within the story
st.write("Roll a dice to determine your next encounter!")
if st.button('Roll Dice'):
    dice_result = roll_dice(6)
    st.write(f"You rolled a {dice_result}!")

# Placeholder for expanding the game with more complex mechanics and story paths
# Here you can add more conditions, story arcs, and interactive elements based on dice rolls and user choices

# Example of using session_state to track inventory (can be expanded upon)
if 'mysterious artifact' not in st.session_state['player_inventory']:
    if st.button("Pick up the mysterious artifact"):
        st.session_state['player_inventory'].append('mysterious artifact')
        st.write("You've obtained a mysterious artifact!")

This code snippet provides a skeleton for your interactive graphic novel. You can expand upon this by adding more story elements, more complex decision trees, and additional game mechanics like inventory management and character stats. You can also enhance the user experience with more Streamlit widgets and interactive elements to make the adventure more engaging.

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