Apply for community grant: Personal project (gpu)

by SkalskiP - opened

I created quite an interesting space combining SAM and MetaCLIP. But it requires GPU to run fast enough. If you think he is worth it I would be very pleased if I got a grant for it. ๐Ÿค—

Hi @SkalskiP , we've assigned a10g-small as a grant for now, as it was the hardware you were using.
Regarding the hardware, can you optimize memory usage so that it can run on T4? I duplicated the Space and tested it on T4, but got CUDA OOM after a while. (Maybe my input image was too big?)

Hi @hysts ! This is awesome! Thank you very much! ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป I am pretty confident that I can optimize the model to the T4 level. Maybe rescaling the image to a lower resolution will help?

@SkalskiP Thanks! As I haven't looked into the code, so I'm not sure when OOM occurs, but yeah, rescaling the input image if it's too large might fix it.

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