72b Eval model failed

by paloalma - opened
Open LLM Leaderboard org

Hi @paloalma !
As @alozowski mentioned, we encountered network problems this weekend/beginning of week, which prevented your models from being downloaded.
Thanks to your other issues, we were able to give logs to our infra team, who are now working on making our network even more stable to prevent timeouts.
Please note that the bigger your models, the more likely they are to (naturally) encounter network issues.

For the current failure, this is entirely a human error from us, as we managed to break the prod this morning while adding a small fix, so all models which ran in the last 4 hours probably failed and will be rescheduled asap (we're doing some last checks to make sure we reverted all accidental changes).

Awesome, I understand much better now. Thank you, feel free to keep me updated, we are writting a research paper for an engineering school hence the need of benchmarking these models as they have been built with different and new methods. We will make sure to quote hugging face open llm leaderboard results in the research paper once we get the results.

Open LLM Leaderboard org

Hi! @alozowski relaunched all models yesterday so I'm closing this issue. Feel free to reopen it if needed!

clefourrier changed discussion status to closed

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