Apply for community grant: Personal project (gpu)

by GrandaddyShmax - opened


Hello, I'm working on an all-in-one webui for MusicGen
I would really appreciate if I could be able to host freely this space for people to use, experiment and leave feedback for me to work on

Current unique features that this space holds are:

  • Generated audio stores metadata of the generation settings
  • Mono to clean Stereo or Stereo effect, custom resampling
  • Multi-prompt: Allows users to divide their prompt into segments that affect different parts of the song
  • Music Continuation: Made it possible to input any length of music sample and of course generate to any length

I will of course keep working on it and improving it with new features and improvements that I come up with

Thank you in advance 🤗

You've done a great job!

I had issues with other spaces but yours has worked consistently so far... excellent work!

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