{ "patients": [ { "id": "P001", "name": "John Smith", "age": 32, "gender": "Male", "contact": "+1 123-456-7890", "address": "123 Main Street, City, Country", "issue": { "description": "The patient is experiencing symptoms of anxiety and panic attacks.", "symptoms": ["restlessness", "shortness of breath", "heart palpitations"], "diagnosis": "Panic Disorder", "treatment": "Prescribed anti-anxiety medication and advised cognitive-behavioral therapy." } }, { "id": "P002", "name": "Sarah Johnson", "age": 41, "gender": "Female", "contact": "+1 234-567-8901", "address": "456 Elm Street, City, Country", "issue": { "description": "The patient is experiencing persistent sadness and loss of appetite.", "symptoms": ["low mood", "fatigue", "weight loss"], "diagnosis": "Major Depressive Disorder", "treatment": "Prescribed antidepressant medication and recommended psychotherapy sessions." } }, { "id": "P003", "name": "Michael Williams", "age": 27, "gender": "Male", "contact": "+1 345-678-9012", "address": "789 Oak Avenue, City, Country", "issue": { "description": "The patient is experiencing difficulty concentrating and irritability.", "symptoms": ["inability to focus", "mood swings", "agitation"], "diagnosis": "Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)", "treatment": "Prescribed stimulant medication and advised behavioral therapy." } }, { "id": "P004", "name": "Emily Davis", "age": 35, "gender": "Female", "contact": "+1 456-789-0123", "address": "987 Maple Lane, City, Country", "issue": { "description": "The patient is experiencing intrusive thoughts and compulsive behaviors.", "symptoms": ["obsessions", "rituals", "anxiety"], "diagnosis": "Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)", "treatment": "Prescribed selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) medication and recommended exposure and response prevention therapy." } }, { "id": "P005", "name": "David Wilson", "age": 48, "gender": "Male", "contact": "+1 567-890-1234", "address": "321 Pine Street, City, Country", "issue": { "description": "The patient is experiencing mood swings and episodes of elevated energy.", "symptoms": ["mania", "irritability", "decreased need for sleep"], "diagnosis": "Bipolar Disorder", "treatment": "Prescribed mood stabilizer medication and advised regular therapy sessions." } }, { "id": "P006", "name": "Olivia Thompson", "age": 29, "gender": "Female", "contact": "+1 678-901-2345", "address": "543 Cedar Road, City, Country", "issue": { "description": "The patient is experiencing social withdrawal and lack of interest in activities.", "symptoms": ["isolation", "anhedonia", "low motivation"], "diagnosis": "Major Depressive Disorder", "treatment": "Prescribed antidepressant medication and recommended supportive counseling." } }, { "id": "P007", "name": "Daniel Anderson", "age": 36, "gender": "Male", "contact": "+1 789-012-3456", "address": "876 Oak Street, City, Country", "issue": { "description": "The patient is experiencing recurrent nightmares and flashbacks.", "symptoms": ["nightmares", "hypervigilance", "emotional distress"], "diagnosis": "Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)", "treatment": "Prescribed selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) medication and advised trauma-focused therapy." } }, { "id": "P008", "name": "Sophia Martinez", "age": 42, "gender": "Female", "contact": "+1 890-123-4567", "address": "234 Elm Avenue, City, Country", "issue": { "description": "The patient is experiencing excessive worry and physical tension.", "symptoms": ["chronic worrying", "muscle tension", "restlessness"], "diagnosis": "Generalized Anxiety Disorder", "treatment": "Prescribed anti-anxiety medication and advised relaxation techniques." } } ] }