[Error] 'list' object cannot be interpreted as an integer

by cerizzi - opened

I'm trying to compile/convert the model for using it with AWS Neuron. Running: "optimum-cli export neuron --model segmind/SSD-1B --batch_size 1 --height 1024 --width 1024 --auto_cast matmul --auto_cast_type bf16 sdxl_segmind_neuron/" I get the following python error: "'list' object cannot be interpreted as an integer". I thought that was an incompatibility problem with AWS Neuron, but I get the exact same error even if I try the inference using HF inference. I'm attaching a screenshot.

Thank you in advance for the help.
Screenshot 2023-11-15 at 19.01.26.png

Segmind org

The Inference API is not yet supported please use the Demo Space instead.

Ok, thank you so much! So, I assume also: https://huggingface.co/docs/optimum-neuron/main/en/package_reference/export is not supported.

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