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SDXL Turbo x ComfyUI x Automatic1111

natural scenario
mars rover
luminescent boat
Elon Musk, SAI Pixel Art
rusty robot cartoon
ornamental realistic eye

AUTOMATIC1111 : This could refer to a specific software or system named AUTOMATIC1111 that deals with tensor operations or machine learning tasks. The .safetensors extension might be used to save or serialize tensor data in a safe and structured manner.

ComfyUI: ComfyUI might be a user interface library or framework, and *.safetensors could be related to some functionality within it, perhaps for managing data or state related to tensors in a safe manner.

InvokeAI: If InvokeAI is a platform or tool related to artificial intelligence or machine learning, *.safetensors could be a file format used within it for storing tensor-related information securely.

Use it with diffusers 🧨

from diffusers import AutoPipelineForText2Image
import torch
pipeline = AutoPipelineForText2Image.from_pretrained('Rodan-SDXL-Turbo-Art-Generator-Engine', torch_dtype=torch.float16).to('cuda')        
image = pipeline('A mecha robot in a favela', num_inference_steps=2).images[0]
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