Provide more information on how to use for image text extraction?

by Harsha-Sai - opened

The document contains limited code snippets. Please provide how this model can be effectively used to extract strcutured information out of an image?

@nielsr please help

Microsoft org

Thank you so much for your prompt reply @nielsr , thanks to it I am able to extract text from my document. Say, is there a way for this model to emit this text in a structured manner? Your help would be greatly appreciated by a beginner who's learning everyday. Thanks.

Hi @neilsr! sorry for bothering you. I was wondering if you could help me. This model extracts text from my document but it does so in an unstructured way, is there a way to extract it in a structured way? if not from this model, is there any other way? you're help would be immensely appreciated!

@Harsha-Sai , you could try to ask in the prompt to return a JSON with the information you require. Some LLMs are pretty good at returning the info with the format that you ask it for.

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