Inconsistent version and branch

by cathie - opened

Related to this Github issue

My colleague was unable to run the same model on candle that I was able to run perfectly.

Upon investigation, I found that my model file has a SHA256 hash of 1cd9a9df07350196623f93bf4829cf228959e07ad32f787b8fdd7f5956f5b9de but his is 8a83c7fb9049a9b2e92266fa7ad04933bb53aa1e85136b7b30f1b8000ff2edef - his hash matches the one currently on the model page.

Googling my hash, I found mine on a branch that doesn't exist on the model page here and seems like the author has also continued to push to this branch, suggesting that this is the correct one.

This might be a serious issue, suggesting that the commit has somehow "switched" to another one (the wrong one) without the author knowing it.

cathie changed discussion title from Inconsistent version and brnach to Inconsistent version and branch

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