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Safe for Work Classifier Model for Malaysian Data(WORK IN PROGRESS)

Finetuned https://huggingface.co/mesolitica/malaysian-mistral-191M-MLM-512 with Malaysian NSFW data.

Image in a markdown cell

How to use

from classifier import MistralForSequenceClassification
model = MistralForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained('malaysia-ai/malaysian-sfw-classifier')
                                precision    recall  f1-score   support

                       racist    0.96737   0.92272   0.94452      1928
              religion insult    0.94210   0.91785   0.92982      3457
psychiatric or mental illness    0.97140   0.92858   0.94951      5559
                       sexist    0.93154   0.83968   0.88323      1734
                   harassment    0.76633   0.94214   0.84519      2005
                  informative    0.84307   0.88797   0.86494      1821
                safe for work    0.86179   0.91640   0.88826      1878
                         hate    0.87780   0.84726   0.86226      2357

                     accuracy                        0.90622     20739
                    macro avg    0.89518   0.90033   0.89596     20739
                 weighted avg    0.91115   0.90622   0.90725     20739
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Model size
166M params
Tensor type