Do LCM LoRAs work in WebUI (Auto1111)?

by noodlecake - opened

Will this immediately work in WebUI or will we have to wait for some kind of update or extension to get them working?

I dont know, mine is not working

1.5lora works

It does. You may not see the Lora, but you can use it in the prompt even if you don't see it, as long it is in the Lora folder.
It should appears at some point, or not lol.

You can 'inject' the LCM sampler by installing the AnimateDiff extension.
Check out the Civitai gallery here, i posted some pics with the LCM sampler today :

Was previsouly using Euler a with good results. But LCM sampler is above, using good settings.
I'm using 10 steps, CFG 2.7



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