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Model Overview

The kz919/mistral-7b-clf-router-reward-e5-mistral-7b-instruct is a routing model designed to determine the most suitable model for generating responses to a given query. This decision is based on the effectiveness of five different models, as established by the labels from the dataset kz919/mistral-7b-clf-router-reward-e5-mistral-7b-instruct.

Model Architecture

This model utilizes a classifier architecture, leveraging the capabilities of the Mistral 7B model. It has been specifically trained to analyze queries and predict which of the five available models will provide the best response.

Training Procedure

  • Objective: To accurately predict the most suitable model for a given query, maximizing the effectiveness of the response.
  • Training Data: The model was trained using data from kz919/flan-50k-synthetic-reward-pretrained-mistral-7b-open-orca, which includes various queries and their best-suited model responses.
  • Methodology: The training involved teaching the classifier to recognize patterns and characteristics in queries that align with the strengths of each of the five models.

Model Output

  • Output: The model outputs a prediction indicating which of the five models is most likely to generate the most effective response to a given query.
  • Interpretation: The output should be used to route queries to the appropriate model, aiming to enhance the overall quality and relevance of responses.

Use Cases

This model is particularly useful in systems where multiple AI models are available for response generation. It helps in optimizing the selection process, ensuring that each query is addressed by the most capable model, thus enhancing efficiency and accuracy.


  • The model's performance is contingent on the quality and representativeness of the training data.
  • It may inherit biases present in the training dataset, impacting its routing decisions.
  • The model is specialized for the specific context and models it was trained on and might not generalize well to other sets of models or queries.

Ethical Considerations

Users should be mindful of potential biases in routing decisions, especially in sensitive applications. Regular evaluations and updates are recommended to maintain fairness and relevance in the model's predictions.

Maintenance and Updates

The model will be periodically reviewed and updated to improve its routing accuracy and adapt to changes in the performance of the underlying models. This includes expanding the training dataset to cover more diverse queries and response scenarios.

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Model size
7.11B params
Tensor type

Dataset used to train kz919/mistral-7b-clf-router-reward-e5-mistral-7b-instruct