
by acrastt - opened

Thanks, it was a copy paste readme. I updated it to link to base model and use cc by sa

acrastt changed discussion status to closed
acrastt changed discussion status to open

Thanks, it was a copy paste readme. I updated it to link to base model and use cc by sa

What about "provide a link to the license, and indicate if chances were made"?

It's a fine tuned model, and the readme indicates which base model was used and the dataset used to do, which to me seems sufficient to indicate changes.

cc-by-sa is a pretty standard license, and I linked to the repo. The stability ai repo itself doesn't actually provide a license text file, so I don't know about that...

It's a fine tuned model, and the readme indicates which base model was used and the dataset used to do, which to me seems sufficient to indicate changes.

cc-by-sa is a pretty standard license, and I linked to the repo. The stability ai repo itself doesn't actually provide a license text file, so I don't know about that...

Screenshot 2023-10-24 at 5.10.43 PM.png
Though it do provide a link to the license... IDK not good at those licensing stuff. I'm gonna close this for now.

acrastt changed discussion status to closed

Fair, I added a link.

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