
by unoc - opened


可以上 twitter 催一催 @bwang0911 : https://twitter.com/bo_wangbo 🙈

@Wauplin , the translation feature seems to be broken

@Jackmin108 Looks like the model didn't translate correctly indeed. Don't know if we can do much at the moment (apart from using another model) but thanks for reporting :) cc @julien-c @victor

Jina AI org

hi all, give us around 4 weeks, good news, the data preparation is done, and we will soon start training, a dedicated chinese embedding model!

@bwang0911 A dedicated Chinese embedding modelIt is great, a multilingual one is even better!

Jina AI org

hi all, since the chinese model has been released, i'll create this ticket. All models, en/zh/es/de/code can be found in jina-embeddings-v2-collections.

bwang0911 changed discussion status to closed

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