The old `ip-adapter-faceid_sdxl_lora.safetensors` seems to be better than the new

by blanchon - opened

I've been using FaceID-SDXL for a long time with the previous LoRA checkpoint (sha256: 2ade2b53dddff5e96139400f68525c38f286d0597db6f891ba08629a6ade5b20), I've been throw 5 hour of debug to understand why my performance had degrade a lot. Seems to be related to the new LoRA checkpoint (sha256: 4fcf93d6e8dc8dd18f5f9e51c8306f369486ed0aa0780ade9961308aff7f0d64).

Could you elaborate a little bit on this commit ?

Here is a before after comparaison with exactly the same comfy workflow:
New LoRA:
New LoRA
Previous LoRA:
Previous LoRA


Seems that the previous LoRA wasn't loading well (I have a lot of key error in the comfy console). And so it was not using the LoRA. I will investigate but seems that with my current config the LoRA improving anything and even degrading the performance. I will keep make update here if I figure out why ?

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