How to use this correctly in text-generation-webui?

by ulymp - opened

I tried the AutoGPTQ version (because of limited VRAM). In the model settings, I chose AutoGPTQ loader and wbits=4 was automatically set.

When using chat mode, it gives a "correct" answer but then continues with a new question.


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Der deutsche Bundeskanzler ist Olaf Scholz. Er wurde am 26. Februar 2023 in sein Amt eingeführt und löst Angela Merkel ab, die seit 2005 Bundeskanzlerin war.

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When switching to chat-instruct mode and choosing the "Open Assistant" instruction template in the "Chat settings", the answer is just a garbled mess:

Der aktuelle deutsche Bundes German Chancellor ist Ang* Mer Sch Stein See W W B B* M M

What are the correct settings to use this?

I have never used the text-generation-webui project, so i dont know whats the difference between that modes.
could you specify whats the difference between that modes ?

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