Get seed for the generated image

by semantics89 - opened

I love your model! Wanted to make a few consistent images with the same character. Can you help me obtain the seed number of the generated image and how do I specify it in the python? I see this is function available at your website

generator = torch.Generator(device='cuda')

latents = None
seeds = []
for _ in range(1):
seed = generator.seed()
generator = generator.manual_seed(seed)#5451612
image_latents = torch.randn(
(1, pipe.unet.in_channels, 1024 // 8, 768 // 8), #Size of photo (768x1024)
generator = generator,
device = 'cuda'
latents = image_latents if latents is None else, image_latents))


with torch.autocast("cuda"):
image = pipe([prompt]*1, latents=latents, guidance_scale=7.5, generator=generator, num_inference_steps=100)

You can change seed from "generator.manual_seed()"

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