Diffusers compatible config.json and fp16 version

by OzzyGT HF staff - opened

Hi @destitech , I posted a guide for outpainting in the diffusers repository : https://github.com/huggingface/diffusers/discussions/7482 where I used your model.

I cloned your repository and published a fp16 version and a config.json to make it work out of the box with diffusers. I would like to point people to your repo instead, could you maybe upload the config.json and a fp16 version (so people don't need to download 5GB)?

Hi OzzyGT, thank you so much for this !
I updated the model to be compatible with diffusers, added your fp16 version and updated the model card.
I am glad you liked my model in its current state or at least found it interesting enough to make this guide, I linked it in the model card, if you have any information you would like me to add (on the model or links to your page or work) feel free to ask for it.
Have a great day !

destitech changed discussion status to closed

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