3 values
He got married in 1982 and had three sons (Tahir, Abdullah Saqib and Muaz) and four daughters. He was a Multilingual (able to speak many languages); in addition to his native language of Hindko language and the Arabiclanguage from his graduate study, He was also fluent in English, Urdu, Pashto and Greek, and could read and understand Persian.Who is Zubair Alizai, his family, his sons - URL Death Hafiz Zubair Alizai died on the 10th of November 2013 after short admission in Benazir Bhutto Hospital Rawalpindi, Pakistan , and the cause of his death was lung failure.
He got married in 1982 and had three sons (Tahir, Abdullah Saqib and Muaz) and four daughters. In addition to his native language of Hindko and Arabic, he was also fluent in English, Urdu, Pashto and Greek, and could read and understand Persian.Who is Zubair Alizai, his family, his sons - URL Death Hafiz Zubair Alizai died on the 10th of November 2013 in Benazir Bhutto Hospital in Rawalpindi, Pakistan . The cause of his death was lung failure.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "He was a Multilingual (able to speak many languages); in", "after": "In", "start_char_pos": 95, "end_char_pos": 151, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "clarity", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "language and the Arabiclanguage from his graduate study, He", "after": "and Arabic, he", "start_char_pos": 194, "end_char_pos": 253, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "after short admission", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 453, "end_char_pos": 474, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "coherence", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "in", "start_char_pos": 502, "end_char_pos": 502, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": ", and the", "after": ". The", "start_char_pos": 524, "end_char_pos": 533, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "others", "coherence" ] } ]
[ 0, 94, 148, 344 ]
170px|Textile doll (cotton, wool, wood) The Chancay were a pre-Columbian archeological civilization which developed between the valleys of Fortaleza, Pativilca, Supe, Huaura, Chancay, Chilln, Rimac and Lurn, on the central coast of Peru, from about CE 1000 to 1470. History 200px|Llama effigy (earthenware, slip paint) Not much is known about the Chancay civilization, which developed in the later part of the Inca Empire. This culture emerged after the fall of the Wari civilization. Parts of the southern Chancay area were conquered by the Chim in the early fifteenth century and in about 1450 A.D. the Incas were occupying both areas. It is believed that the Chancay had a centralized political structure , forming a small regional state. Thus the Chancay culture declined in the fifteenth centuryto make way for the territorial expansion of the Inca Empire . The settlements in Lauri, Lumbra, Tambo Blanco, Handrail, Pisquillo Chico and Tronconal focused mainly on artisans producing large-scale ceramics and textiles. The Chancay culture is the first of the Peruvian cultures that had mass production of ceramics, textiles and metals such as gold and silver which were ritualistic and domestic goods. They were also noted for their wood carved items. In type of fabric used include llama wool, cotton, chiffon and feathers. Their technique involved were decorated open weave, brocade, embroidery, and painting. Brushes were used to paint anthropomorphic, zoomorphic, geometric and other creative designs directly on the canvases. The Chancay are known for the quality of their painted tapestries. The typically geometric designs also included drawings of plants, animals such as fish, cats, birds, monkeys and dogs (most notably the hairless Peruvian dog) as well as human figures. Some of the human fiber sculptures are elaborate and include such scenes as a mother teaching her daughter to weave on a backstrap loom. Birds and deities wearing crescent-like headdresses were one of the more common decorative features. They produced a variety of goods such as clothing, bags, and funeral masks.
170px|Textile doll (cotton, wool, wood) The Chancay were a pre-Hispanic archeological civilization that developed between the valleys of Fortaleza, Pativilca, Supe, Huaura, Chancay, Chilln, Rimac and Lurn, on the central coast of Peru, from about 1000 to 1470 CE. History 200px|Llama effigy (earthenware, slip paint) Not much is known about the Chancay civilization, which developed in the later part of the Inca Empire. This culture emerged after the fall of the Wari civilization. Parts of the southern Chancay area were conquered by the Chim in the early 1400s, and by about 1450 CE the Incas were occupying both areas. The Chancay likely had a centralized political structure and formed a small regional state. Thus the Chancay culture declined in the later 15th century, as the Inca Empire expanded into their lands . The settlements in Lauri, Lumbra, Tambo Blanco, Handrail, Pisquillo Chico and Tronconal focused mainly on artisans producing large-scale ceramics and textiles. The Chancay culture is the first of the Peruvian cultures that had mass production of ceramics, textiles and metals such as gold and silver which were ritualistic and domestic goods. They were also noted for their wood carved items. In type of fabric used include llama wool, cotton, chiffon , and feathers. Their technique involved were decorated open weave, brocade, embroidery, and painting. Brushes were used to paint anthropomorphic, zoomorphic, geometric and other creative designs directly on the canvases. The Chancay are known for the quality of their painted tapestries. The typically geometric designs also included drawings of plants, animals such as fish, cats, birds, monkeys and dogs (most notably the hairless Peruvian dog) as well as human figures. Some of the human fiber sculptures are elaborate and include such scenes as a mother teaching her daughter to weave on a backstrap loom. Birds and deities wearing crescent-like headdresses were one of the more common decorative features. They produced a variety of goods such as clothing, bags, and funeral masks.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "pre-Columbian archeological civilization which", "after": "pre-Hispanic archeological civilization that", "start_char_pos": 59, "end_char_pos": 105, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "CE", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 249, "end_char_pos": 251, "major_intent": "style", "raw_intents": [ "style", "clarity", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "1470.", "after": "1470 CE.", "start_char_pos": 260, "end_char_pos": 265, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "fifteenth century and in", "after": "1400s, and by", "start_char_pos": 560, "end_char_pos": 584, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "A.D.", "after": "CE", "start_char_pos": 596, "end_char_pos": 600, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "It is believed that the Chancay", "after": "The Chancay likely", "start_char_pos": 638, "end_char_pos": 669, "major_intent": "style", "raw_intents": [ "style", "style", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": ", forming", "after": "and formed", "start_char_pos": 708, "end_char_pos": 717, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "fifteenth centuryto make way for the territorial expansion of the Inca Empire", "after": "later 15th century, as the Inca Empire expanded into their lands", "start_char_pos": 783, "end_char_pos": 860, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "style", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": ",", "start_char_pos": 1315, "end_char_pos": 1315, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] } ]
[ 0, 265, 422, 484, 637, 741, 862, 1022, 1205, 1255, 1329, 1416, 1535, 1602, 1787, 1924, 2025 ]
Although debatable, many agricultural historians also believe that the introduction of convertible husbandry was brought about with the introduction of the turnip. They argue that "the lowly turnip made possible a change in crop rotation which did not require much capital, but which brought about a tremendous rise in agricultural productivity."Timmer, C. Peter, "The Turnip, New Husbandry, and The English Agricultural Revolution", The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 83, No. 3 (Aug., 1969), pp. 375-395 They believe that this "fodder" crop pushed agriculture in a direction in which "alternating" husbandry was seen as more efficient than traditional permanent pasture farming and jump-started the improvement of crop rotation and agricultural output versus capital. Although the turnip was popularized by Lord Townshend during the mid-18th century, the use of turnips being grown as fodder was seen as early as the 16th century. Convertible husbandry has been praised as the "best way to keep high fertility on both arable and pasture and to retain excellent soil texture and composition."Slicher van Bath, B.H., "Agrarian History of Western Europe", 1963, pp 249-54. It is adaptable to the type of land or soil at the location, and it provided a rotation between pasture and arable land which "not only produced the same amount of grain on a much reduced area, but broke the agrarian cycle of diminished returns by allowing more sheep and cattle to be kept, animals whose dung maintained" fertility.
Although often praised as increasing yields and efficiency, this is debatable. Yields were often poor in the late Middle Ages and approximately equivalent to regular common fields. It was not always adaptable to the type of land or soil at all locations. Kitsikopoulos claims it was the introduction of fodder legumes, such as clover, in the early modern period which eventually truly achieved greater agricultural productivity. Although debatable, many agricultural historians also believe that the introduction of convertible husbandry was brought about with the introduction of the turnip. They argue that "the lowly turnip made possible a change in crop rotation which did not require much capital, but which brought about a tremendous rise in agricultural productivity."Timmer, C. Peter, "The Turnip, New Husbandry, and The English Agricultural Revolution", The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 83, No. 3 (Aug., 1969), pp. 375-395 They believe that this "fodder" crop pushed agriculture in a direction in which "alternating" husbandry was seen as more efficient than traditional permanent pasture farming and jump-started the improvement of crop rotation and agricultural output versus capital. Although the turnip was popularized by Lord Townshend during the mid-18th century, the use of turnips being grown as fodder was seen as early as the 16th century. Convertible husbandry has been praised as the "best way to keep high fertility on both arable and pasture and to retain excellent soil texture and composition."Slicher van Bath, B.H., "Agrarian History of Western Europe", 1963, pp 249-54. According to one author, the rotation it provided between pasture and arable land "not only produced the same amount of grain on a much reduced area, but broke the agrarian cycle of diminished returns by allowing more sheep and cattle to be kept, animals whose dung maintained" fertility.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "debatable,", "after": "often praised as increasing yields and efficiency, this is debatable. Yields were often poor in the late Middle Ages and approximately equivalent to regular common fields. It was not always adaptable to the type of land or soil at all locations. Kitsikopoulos claims it was the introduction of fodder legumes, such as clover, in the early modern period which eventually truly achieved greater agricultural productivity.", "start_char_pos": 9, "end_char_pos": 19, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "Although debatable,", "start_char_pos": 20, "end_char_pos": 20, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "It is adaptable to the type of land or soil at the location, and it provided a rotation", "after": "According to one author, the rotation it provided", "start_char_pos": 1178, "end_char_pos": 1265, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "style" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "which", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 1298, "end_char_pos": 1303, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "others", "fluency" ] } ]
[ 0, 164, 346, 775, 938, 1098, 1177 ]
19881993: Beginnings Aniston first worked in Off-Broadway productions such as For Dear Life and Dancing on Checker's Grave, and supported herself with part-time jobs which included working as a telemarketer, waitress , and bike messenger. In 1988 , she had an uncredited minor role in the critically panned sci-fi adventure film Mac and Me. The next year she appeared on The Howard Stern Show as a spokesmodel for Nutrisystem, and moved back to LosAngeles. Aniston also appeared in two more failed television comedy series , The Edge and Muddling Through, and guest-starred in Quantum Leap, Herman's Head , and Burke's Law. 19942004: Friends and worldwide recognition Depressed over her four unsuccessful television shows, Aniston approached Warren Littlefield at a Los Angeles gas station asking for reassurance. The head of NBC entertainment encouraged her to continue acting, and a few months later helped cast her in Friends, a sitcom that was set to debut on NBC's 19941995 fall lineup. The producer originally wanted Aniston to audition for the role of Monica Geller, but Courteney Cox was deemed more suitable . Thus, Aniston was cast as Rachel Green. She was also offered a spot as a featured player on Saturday Night Live, but turned it down in favor of Friends. She played Rachel until the show ended in 2004. upAniston at the 2008 Toronto International Film Festival The program was a massive hit and Aniston, along with her co-stars, gained worldwide recognition among television viewers . Her character was widely popularand is now regarded as one of the greatest female characters in American television history. Aniston received five Primetime Emmy Award nominations (two for Supporting Actress, three for Lead Actress), including a win for Lead Actress. She was also nominated for two Golden Globe Awards and won in 2003 as Best Actress Television Series Musical or Comedy. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, Aniston (along with her female co-stars) became the highest-paid television actress of all time with her $1million-per-episode paycheck for the final season of Friends. Her character's relationship with Ross Geller, portrayed by David Schwimmer in the show, was widely popular among audiences, and the couple was frequently voted as television's favorite couple in polls and magazines. Following a four-year hiatus, Aniston returned to film work in 1996, when she performed in the ensemble cast of romantic comedy She's the One. Aniston's first starring vehicle was Picture Perfect (1997), in which she played a struggling young advertising executive opposite Kevin Bacon and Jay Mohr. While the film received mixed reviews, it was a moderate commercial success, and Aniston's performance was more warmly received, with many critics suggesting that she had screen presence. In 1998, she appeared as a woman who falls for a gay man (played by Paul Rudd) in the romantic comedy The Object of My Affection, and the next year she starred as a restaurant waitress in the cult film Office Space. Aniston appeared in the dramedy Rock Star (2001) opposite Mark Wahlberg and Dominic West. She starred in the independent dramedy The Good Girl (2002) as an unglamorous cashier who cheats on her husband. The film was a commercial success in limited release, taking in over $ 14million in North America. Film critic Roger Ebert declared it her breakthrough: Aniston's biggest commercial success in film has been the comedy Bruce Almighty (2003), in which she played the girlfriend of a television field reporter (Jim Carrey) offered the chance to be God for one week. With a worldwide box office gross of $484million, the film was the fifth-highest-grossing big screen production of the year. Aniston next starred as the old classmate of a tightly wound newly-wed in the romantic comedy Along Came Polly (2004), opposite Ben Stiller, which placed number one at the North American box office, earning $ 27.7million in its opening weekend; it eventually made $172million worldwide.
19881993: Beginnings Aniston first worked in Off-Broadway productions such as For Dear Life and Dancing on Checker's Grave, and supported herself with part-time jobs including work as a telemarketer, waitress and bike messenger. In 1988 she had an uncredited minor role in the critically panned sci-fi adventure film Mac and Me. The next year she appeared on The Howard Stern Show as a spokesmodel for Nutrisystem, and moved back to LosAngeles. Aniston also appeared in the two failed television comedy series The Edge and Muddling Through, and guest-starred in Quantum Leap, Herman's Head and Burke's Law. 19942004: Friends and worldwide recognition Depressed over her four unsuccessful television shows, Aniston approached Warren Littlefield at a Los Angeles gas station asking for reassurance. The head of NBC entertainment encouraged her to continue acting, and a few months later helped cast her in Friends, a sitcom set to debut on NBC's 19941995 fall lineup. The producer wanted Aniston to audition for the role of Monica Geller, but Courteney Cox was deemed more suitable , and Aniston was cast as Rachel Green. She was also offered a spot as a featured player on Saturday Night Live, but turned it down in favor of Friends. She played Rachel until the show ended in 2004. upAniston at the 2008 Toronto International Film Festival The program was a massive hit and Aniston, along with her co-stars, gained worldwide recognition . Her character was especially popular. She received five Primetime Emmy Award nominations (two for Supporting Actress, three for Lead Actress), and won for Lead Actress. She was also nominated for two Golden Globe Awards and won in 2003 as Best Actress Television Series Musical or Comedy. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, Aniston (along with her female co-stars) became the highest-paid television actress of all time with her $1million-per-episode paycheck during the final season of Friends. Her character's relationship with Ross Geller, portrayed by David Schwimmer, was widely popular among audiences; they were frequently voted television's favorite couple in polls and magazines. After a four-year hiatus, Aniston returned to film work in 1996, when she performed in the ensemble cast of romantic comedy She's the One. Her first starring film vehicle was Picture Perfect (1997), where she played a struggling young advertising executive opposite Kevin Bacon and Jay Mohr. It received mixed reviews and was only a moderate commercial success; but Aniston's performance was more warmly received, with many critics suggesting that she had screen presence. In 1998, she appeared as a woman who falls for a gay man (played by Paul Rudd) in the romantic comedy The Object of My Affection, and the next year she starred as a restaurant waitress in the cult film Office Space. Aniston appeared in the dramedy Rock Star (2001) opposite Mark Wahlberg and Dominic West. She starred in the independent dramedy The Good Girl (2002) as an unglamorous cashier who cheats on her husband. The film was a commercial success in limited release, taking in over $ 14million in North America. Film critic Roger Ebert declared it her breakthrough: Aniston's biggest commercial success in film has been the comedy Bruce Almighty (2003), where she played the girlfriend of a television field reporter (Jim Carrey) offered the chance to be God for one week. With a worldwide box office gross of $484million, it was the fifth-highest-grossing feature film of the year. Aniston next starred as the old classmate of a tightly wound newlywed in the romantic comedy Along Came Polly (2004) opposite Ben Stiller, which placed number one at the North American box office, earning $ 27.7million in its opening weekend; it eventually made $172million worldwide.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "which included working", "after": "including work", "start_char_pos": 166, "end_char_pos": 188, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "fluency", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": ",", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 217, "end_char_pos": 218, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "others", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": ",", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 247, "end_char_pos": 248, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "two more", "after": "the two", "start_char_pos": 482, "end_char_pos": 490, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "others", "style" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": ",", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 523, "end_char_pos": 524, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": ",", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 605, "end_char_pos": 606, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "that was", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 939, "end_char_pos": 947, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "coherence", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "originally", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 1005, "end_char_pos": 1015, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "coherence", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": ". Thus,", "after": ", and", "start_char_pos": 1117, "end_char_pos": 1124, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "others", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "among television viewers", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 1475, "end_char_pos": 1499, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "coherence", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "widely popularand is now regarded as one of the greatest female characters in American television history. Aniston", "after": "especially popular. She", "start_char_pos": 1520, "end_char_pos": 1634, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "including a win", "after": "and won", "start_char_pos": 1736, "end_char_pos": 1751, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "style", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "$1million-per-episode paycheck for the final season of Friends. Her character's relationship with Ross Geller, portrayed by David Schwimmer in the show, was widely popular among audiences, and the couple was frequently voted as television's favorite couple in polls and magazines. Following a four-year hiatus, Aniston returned to film work in 1996, when she performed in the ensemble cast of romantic comedy She's the One. Aniston's first starring vehicle was Picture Perfect (1997), in which she played a struggling young advertising executive opposite Kevin Bacon and Jay Mohr. While the film received mixed reviews, it was a moderate commercial success, and Aniston's performance was more warmly received, with many critics suggesting that she had screen presence. In 1998, she appeared as a woman who falls for a gay man (played by Paul Rudd) in the romantic comedy The Object of My Affection, and the next year she starred as a restaurant waitress in the cult film Office Space. Aniston appeared in the dramedy Rock Star (2001) opposite Mark Wahlberg and Dominic West. She starred in the independent dramedy The Good Girl (2002) as an unglamorous cashier who cheats on her husband. The film was a commercial success in limited release, taking in over $", "after": "$1million-per-episode paycheck during the final season of Friends. Her character's relationship with Ross Geller, portrayed by David Schwimmer, was widely popular among audiences; they were frequently voted television's favorite couple in polls and magazines. After a four-year hiatus, Aniston returned to film work in 1996, when she performed in the ensemble cast of romantic comedy She's the One. Her first starring film vehicle was Picture Perfect (1997), where she played a struggling young advertising executive opposite Kevin Bacon and Jay Mohr. It received mixed reviews and was only a moderate commercial success; but Aniston's performance was more warmly received, with many critics suggesting that she had screen presence. In 1998, she appeared as a woman who falls for a gay man (played by Paul Rudd) in the romantic comedy The Object of My Affection, and the next year she starred as a restaurant waitress in the cult film Office Space. Aniston appeared in the dramedy Rock Star (2001) opposite Mark Wahlberg and Dominic West. She starred in the independent dramedy The Good Girl (2002) as an unglamorous cashier who cheats on her husband. The film was a commercial success in limited release, taking in over $", "start_char_pos": 2044, "end_char_pos": 3302, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "in which", "after": "where", "start_char_pos": 3473, "end_char_pos": 3481, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "coherence", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "$484million, the film was the fifth-highest-grossing big screen production of the year. Aniston next starred as the old classmate of a tightly wound newly-wed in the romantic comedy Along Came Polly (2004), opposite Ben Stiller, which placed number one at the North American box office, earning $", "after": "$484million, it was the fifth-highest-grossing feature film of the year. Aniston next starred as the old classmate of a tightly wound newlywed in the romantic comedy Along Came Polly (2004) opposite Ben Stiller, which placed number one at the North American box office, earning $", "start_char_pos": 3632, "end_char_pos": 3928, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] } ]
[ 0, 238, 340, 456, 813, 991, 1118, 1158, 1271, 1501, 1626, 1769, 1889, 2107, 2324, 2467, 2624, 2812, 3028, 3118, 3231, 3330, 3594, 3719, 3964 ]
Jane Toppan (March 31, 1854 August 17, 1938), born Honora Kelley, was an American serial killer, nicknamed "Jolly Jane". After her arrest in 1901, she confessed to 31 murders, but only 12 were confirmed. Toppan is quoted as saying that her ambition was "to have killed more peoplehelpless peoplethan any other man or woman who ever lived". Toppan worked as a nurse from c. 1885 to 1902. Her victims consisted of her patients and their family members. In 1860, only a few years after his wife's death, Kelley took his two youngest children, eight-year-old Delia Josephine and six-year-old Honora, to the Boston Female Asylum, an orphanage for indigent female children. Kelley surrendered the two girls, never to see them again. Documents from the asylum note that they were "rescued from a very miserable home". No records exist of Delia and Honora's experiences during their time in the asylum, but reportedly, Delia became a prostitute while their older sister Nellie (who was not committed to the orphanage) was committed to an insane asylum. In November 1862, less than two years after her father had left them , Honora Kelley was placed as an indentured servant in the home of Mrs. Ann C. Toppan of Lowell, Massachusetts. Though never formally adopted by the Toppans, Honora took on the surname of her benefactors and eventually became known as Toppan. The original Toppan family already had a daughter, Elizabeth, with whom Honora was on good terms. The surviving members of the Davis family ordered a toxicology exam on Alden Davis' youngest daughter, Minnie. The report found that she had been poisoned, and local authorities assigned a police detail on Toppan to watch her. On October 29, 1901, she was arrested for murder. By 1902, she had confessed to 31 murders. Soon after the trial, one of William Randolph Hearst's newspapers, the New York Journal, printed what was purported to be Toppan's confession to her lawyer, claiming that she had killed more than 31 people, and that she wanted the jury to find her sane so she could eventually have a chance at being released. Toppan insisted upon her own sanity in court, claiming that she could not be insane if she knew what she was doing and knew that it was wrong, but nonetheless she was declared insane and committed. On June 23, in the Barnstable County Courthouse, she was found not guilty by reason of insanity and committed for life in the Taunton Insane Hospital.
Jane Toppan (March 31, 1854 August 17, 1938), born Honora Kelley, was an American serial killer, nicknamed "Jolly Jane". After her arrest in 1901, she confessed to thirty-one murders, but only twelve were confirmed. Toppan is quoted as saying that her ambition was "to have killed more peoplehelpless peoplethan any other man or woman who ever lived". Toppan worked as a nurse from around 1885 to 1902. Her victims consisted of her patients and their family members. In 1860, only a few years after his wife's death, Kelley took his two youngest children, eight-year-old Delia Josephine and six-year-old Honora, to the Boston Female Asylum, an orphanage for indigent female children. Kelley surrendered the two girls, never to see them again. Documents from the asylum note that they were "rescued from a very miserable home". No records exist of Delia and Honora's experiences during their time in the asylum, but reportedly, Delia became a prostitute while their older sister Nellie (who was not committed to the orphanage) was committed to an insane asylum. In November 1862, less than two years after being abandoned by her father , Honora Kelley was placed as an indentured servant in the home of Mrs. Ann C. Toppan of Lowell, Massachusetts. Though never formally adopted by the Toppans, Honora took on the surname of her benefactors and eventually became known as Toppan. The original Toppan family already had a daughter, Elizabeth, with whom Honora was on good terms. The surviving members of the Davis family ordered a toxicology exam on Alden Davis' youngest daughter, Minnie. The report found that she had been poisoned, and local authorities assigned a police detail on Toppan to watch her. On October 29, 1901, she was arrested for murder. By 1902, she had confessed to thirty-one murders. Soon after the trial, one of William Randolph Hearst's newspapers, the New York Journal, printed what was purported to be Toppan's confession to her lawyer, claiming that she had killed more than thirty-one people, and that she wanted the jury to find her sane so she could eventually have a chance at being released. Toppan insisted upon her own sanity in court, claiming that she could not be insane if she knew what she was doing and knew that it was wrong, but nonetheless she was declared insane and committed. On June 23, in the Barnstable County Courthouse, she was found not guilty by reason of insanity and committed for life in the Taunton Insane Hospital.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "31", "after": "thirty-one", "start_char_pos": 164, "end_char_pos": 166, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "style" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "12", "after": "twelve", "start_char_pos": 185, "end_char_pos": 187, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "c.", "after": "around", "start_char_pos": 370, "end_char_pos": 372, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "others", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "her father had left them", "after": "being abandoned by her father", "start_char_pos": 1089, "end_char_pos": 1113, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "31", "after": "thirty-one", "start_char_pos": 1762, "end_char_pos": 1764, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "clarity", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "31", "after": "thirty-one", "start_char_pos": 1970, "end_char_pos": 1972, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "others", "style" ] } ]
[ 0, 120, 203, 339, 386, 450, 667, 726, 810, 1044, 1185, 1225, 1356, 1454, 1565, 1681, 1731, 1773, 2083, 2281 ]
The Brussels Agreement ( / Briselski sporazum, ), formally the First Agreement of Principles Governing the Normalisation of Relations, was a multilateral treaty proposed to normalize relations between the nations of Serbia and KosovoAs to the agreement not having been signed, see text of agreement. . The agreement was negotiated and concluded in Brussels under the auspices of the European Union and signed on 19 April 2013. Negotiations were led by Serbian Prime Minister Ivica Dai and Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thai and mediated by EU High Representative Catherine Ashton. The government of Serbia does not recognize Kosovo as a sovereign state, but began normalizing relations with the government of Kosovo nonetheless, in accordance with the Brussels URL Background Following the Kosovo War and NATO bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999, Kosovo, as part of Serbia and Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, was placed under United Nations administration under UNSC Resolution 1244. In 2008, Kosovo declared independence and has since been recognized by 96 countries. However, Serbia maintains that Kosovo continues to be its territory. Kosovo has become a member of several URLanizations, while according to Serbia and about half of the UN member states, Resolution 1244 remains legally binding on all parties. The EU-mediated dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia was launched in March 2011, three years after Kosovo declared URL Belgrade and Pristina were urged to continue talks in Brussels, but Serbia was not obliged to recognize Kosovo at any point in the URL Talks Until preset, ten rounds of talks have been held at the European External Action Service office in Brussels. Baroness Ashton, the EU High Representative, had been chairing talks for two years, followed by Federica Mogherini. Normalization of relations with neighboring states is a key precondition for states wishing to join the EU; the Brussels Agreement brought Serbia close to EU accession talks and Kosovo to initialing a Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA). The SAA was signed by HR Mogherini and PM Mustafa in October 2015. Removing the parallel Serbian structures in the Northern part of Kosovo remains challenging. 330px|Ivica Dai, Prime Minister of Serbia (left), Catherine Ashton (middle), and Hashim Thai, Prime Minister of Kosovo (right) in Munich, 2014. United States diplomats have supported the EU-led dialogue from the beginning. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton invited Baroness Ashton to undertake joint travel in the Balkans, and the two made joint visits to Belgrade and Pristina (as well as Sarajevo) in October 2012. Clinton assigned Deputy Assistant Secretary of State ambassador Philip Reeker to support Ashton's efforts. Reeker and his team coordinated closely with EU colleagues and met with Serbian and Kosovar representatives on the margins of every dialogue session in Brussels, and during visits to the region. The result was the 15-point "First Agreement of Principles Governing the Normalisation of Relations", initialed but not signed on 19 April 2013. After the agreement was concluded, the European Commission officially advised that work start on an SAA with Kosovo, and accession negotiations began with Serbia. The agreement was supported by the European Union, NATO, the OSCE, and the United Nations. In October 2013, arrangements were made for Serbian officials to visit North Kosovo. It was agreed that electoral bodies in Kosovo would include Kosovo Serb representatives and that international dialing code +383 would be attributed to Kosovo. The new code was expected to go into effect in late 2015 but has again been delayed by Serbia until March 2016. The geographic phone code was implemented in December 2016. The National Assembly of Serbia has not treated the agreement as international and has not ratified it into a binding law, which is a procedure required for international agreements in Serbia.Zakon o zakljucivanju i izvrsenju medjunarodnih ugovora It has, however, merely accepted the government report about the "hitherto process of political and technical dialog with the temporary institutions in Pristina with the mediation of EU, including the process of implementation of the achieved agreements".O PRIHVATANjU IZVETAJA O DOSADANjEM PROCESS POLITIKOG I TEHNIKOG DIJALOGA SA PRIVREMENIM INSTITUCIJAMA SAMOUPRAVE U PRITINI UZ POSREDOVANjE EVROPSKE UNIJE, UKLjUUJUI PROCES IMPLEMENTACIJE POSTIGNUTIH DOGOVORA The constitutional court in Belgrade did not answer the question about constitutionality of the agreement, stating in December 2014 that the issue raised is a political question, and not a legal one. Serbia has accepted, however, that progress in implementing the Brussels agreement is a prerequisite for EU accession talks within the opening of Chapter 35 negotiations in December 2015.
The Brussels Agreement ( / Briselski sporazum, ), formally the First Agreement of Principles Governing the Normalisation of Relations, was a multilateral treaty proposed to normalize relations between the governments of Serbia and Kosovo. The agreement was negotiated and concluded in Brussels under the auspices of the European Union and signed on 19 April 2013. Negotiations were led by Serbian Prime Minister Ivica Dai and Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thai and mediated by EU High Representative Catherine Ashton. The government of Serbia does not recognize Kosovo as a sovereign state, but began normalizing relations with the government of Kosovo nonetheless, in accordance with the Brussels URL Background Following the Kosovo War and NATO bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999, Kosovo, as part of Serbia and Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, was placed under United Nations administration under UNSC Resolution 1244. In 2008, Kosovo declared independence and has since been recognized by 96 countries. However, Serbia maintains that Kosovo continues to be its territory. The European Union-mediated dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia was launched in March 2011, three years after Kosovo declared URL Belgrade and Pristina were urged to continue talks in Brussels, but Serbia was not obliged to recognize Kosovo at any point in the URL Talks Until preset, ten rounds of talks have been held at the European External Action Service office in Brussels. Baroness Ashton, the EU High Representative, had been chairing talks for two years, followed by Federica Mogherini. Normalization of relations with neighboring states is a key precondition for states wishing to join the EU; the Brussels Agreement brought Serbia close to EU accession talks and Kosovo to initialing a Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA). The SAA was signed by HR Mogherini and PM Mustafa in October 2015. 330px|Ivica Dai, Prime Minister of Serbia (left), Catherine Ashton (middle), and Hashim Thai, Prime Minister of Kosovo (right) in Munich, 2014. United States diplomats have supported the EU-led dialogue from the beginning. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton invited Baroness Ashton to undertake joint travel in the Balkans, and the two made joint visits to Belgrade and Pristina (as well as Sarajevo) in October 2012. After the agreement was concluded, the European Commission officially advised that work start on an SAA with Kosovo, and accession negotiations began with Serbia. The agreement was supported by the European Union, NATO, the OSCE, and the United Nations. In October 2013, arrangements were made for Serbian officials to visit North Kosovo. It was agreed that electoral bodies in Kosovo would include Kosovo Serb representatives and that international dialing code +383 would be attributed to Kosovo. After some delays, the new geographic phone code was implemented in December 2016. The National Assembly of Serbia has not treated the agreement as international and has not ratified it into a binding law, which is a procedure required for international agreements in Serbia.Zakon o zakljucivanju i izvrsenju medjunarodnih ugovora It has, however, merely accepted the government report about the "hitherto process of political and technical dialogue with the temporary institutions in Pristina with the mediation of EU, including the process of implementation of the achieved agreements".O PRIHVATANjU IZVETAJA O DOSADANjEM PROCESS POLITIKOG I TEHNIKOG DIJALOGA SA PRIVREMENIM INSTITUCIJAMA SAMOUPRAVE U PRITINI UZ POSREDOVANjE EVROPSKE UNIJE, UKLjUUJUI PROCES IMPLEMENTACIJE POSTIGNUTIH DOGOVORA The constitutional court in Belgrade did not answer the question about constitutionality of the agreement, stating in December 2014 that the issue raised is a political question, and not a legal one.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "nations", "after": "governments", "start_char_pos": 205, "end_char_pos": 212, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "KosovoAs to the agreement not having been signed, see text of agreement. .", "after": "Kosovo.", "start_char_pos": 227, "end_char_pos": 301, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "clarity", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Kosovo has become a member of several URLanizations, while according to Serbia and about half of the UN member states, Resolution 1244 remains legally binding on all parties. The EU-mediated", "after": "The European Union-mediated", "start_char_pos": 1131, "end_char_pos": 1321, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "style", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "Removing the parallel Serbian structures in the Northern part of Kosovo remains challenging.", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 2104, "end_char_pos": 2196, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "coherence", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "Clinton assigned Deputy Assistant Secretary of State ambassador Philip Reeker to support Ashton's efforts. Reeker and his team coordinated closely with EU colleagues and met with Serbian and Kosovar representatives on the margins of every dialogue session in Brussels, and during visits to the region.", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 2620, "end_char_pos": 2921, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "clarity", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "The result was the 15-point \"First Agreement of Principles Governing the Normalisation of Relations\", initialed but not signed on 19 April 2013.", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 2922, "end_char_pos": 3066, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "coherence", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "The new code was expected to go into effect in late 2015 but has again been delayed by Serbia until March 2016. The", "after": "After some delays, the new", "start_char_pos": 3566, "end_char_pos": 3681, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "clarity", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "dialog", "after": "dialogue", "start_char_pos": 4096, "end_char_pos": 4102, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "Serbia has accepted, however, that progress in implementing the Brussels agreement is a prerequisite for EU accession talks within the opening of Chapter 35 negotiations in December 2015.", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 4650, "end_char_pos": 4837, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "coherence", "coherence" ] } ]
[ 0, 426, 579, 976, 1061, 1130, 1305, 1672, 1788, 1896, 2036, 2103, 2196, 2340, 2419, 2619, 2726, 2921, 3066, 3229, 3320, 3405, 3565, 3677, 3737, 3930, 4241, 4649 ]
The National Assembly of Serbia has not treated the agreement as international and has not ratified it into a binding law, which is a procedure required for international agreements in Serbia .Zakon o zakljucivanju i izvrsenju medjunarodnih ugovora It has, however, merely accepted the government report about the "hitherto process of political and technical dialogue with the temporary institutions in Pristina with the mediation of EU, including the process of implementation of the achieved agreements".O PRIHVATANjU IZVEŠTAJA O DOSADAŠNjEM PROCESS POLITIČKOG I TEHNIČKOG DIJALOGA SA PRIVREMENIM INSTITUCIJAMA SAMOUPRAVE U PRIŠTINI UZ POSREDOVANjE EVROPSKE UNIJE, UKLjUČUJUĆI PROCES IMPLEMENTACIJE POSTIGNUTIH DOGOVORA The constitutional court in Belgrade did not answer the question about constitutionality of the agreement, stating in December 2014 that the issue raised is a political question, and not a legal one.
The National Assembly of Serbia has not treated the agreement as international and has not ratified it , which would be the procedure required in Serbia for approving an international agreement .Zakon o zakljucivanju i izvrsenju medjunarodnih ugovora It has, however, merely accepted the government report about the "hitherto process of political and technical dialogue with the temporary institutions in Pristina with the mediation of EU, including the process of implementation of the achieved agreements".O PRIHVATANjU IZVEŠTAJA O DOSADAŠNjEM PROCESS POLITIČKOG I TEHNIČKOG DIJALOGA SA PRIVREMENIM INSTITUCIJAMA SAMOUPRAVE U PRIŠTINI UZ POSREDOVANjE EVROPSKE UNIJE, UKLjUČUJUĆI PROCES IMPLEMENTACIJE POSTIGNUTIH DOGOVORA The constitutional court in Belgrade did not answer a question about the constitutionality of the agreement, stating in December 2014 that the issue raised was a political question, and not a legal one.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "into a binding law, which is a procedure required for international agreements in Serbia", "after": ", which would be the procedure required in Serbia for approving an international agreement", "start_char_pos": 103, "end_char_pos": 191, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "style", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "the question about", "after": "a question about the", "start_char_pos": 774, "end_char_pos": 792, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "is", "after": "was", "start_char_pos": 876, "end_char_pos": 878, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "fluency", "fluency" ] } ]
[ 0, 122, 506 ]
The Brussels Agreement ( / Briselski sporazum, ), formally the First Agreement of Principles Governing the Normalisation of Relations, was a multilateral treaty proposed to normalize relations between the nations of Serbia and KosovoAs to the agreement not having been signed, see text of agreement. . The agreement was negotiated and concluded in Brussels under the auspices of the European Union and signed on 19 April 2013. Negotiations were led by Serbian Prime Minister Ivica Dačić and Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi and mediated by EU High Representative Catherine Ashton. The government of Serbia does not recognize Kosovo as a sovereign state, but began normalizing relations with the government of Kosovo nonetheless, in accordance with the Brussels URL In 2018, Serbia's president Aleksandar Vucic commented that the agreement is a difficult compromise for Serbia, which according to him fulfilled all of its obligations. Background Following the Kosovo War and NATO bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999, Kosovo, as part of Serbia and Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, was placed under United Nations administration under UNSC Resolution 1244. In 2008, Kosovo declared independence and has since been recognized by 98 countries. However, Serbia maintains that Kosovo continues to be its territory. Kosovo has become a member of several international organizations, while according to Serbia and about half of the UN member states, Resolution 1244 remains legally binding on all parties. The EU-mediated dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia was launched in March 2011, three years after Kosovo declared URL Belgrade and Pristina were urged to continue talks in Brussels, but Serbia was not obliged to recognize Kosovo at any point in the URL Talks Until preset, ten rounds of talks have been held at the European External Action Service office in Brussels. Baroness Ashton, the EU High Representative, had been chairing talks for two years, followed by Federica Mogherini. Normalization of relations with neighboring states is a key precondition for states wishing to join the EU; the Brussels Agreement brought Serbia close to EU accession talks and Kosovo to initialing a Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA). The SAA was signed by HR Mogherini and PM Mustafa in October 2015. Removing the parallel Serbian structures in the Northern part of Kosovo remains challenging. 330px|Ivica Dačić, Prime Minister of Serbia (left), Catherine Ashton (middle), and Hashim Thaçi, Prime Minister of Kosovo (right) in Munich, 2014. United States diplomats have supported the EU-led dialogue from the beginning. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton invited Baroness Ashton to undertake joint travel in the Balkans, and the two made joint visits to Belgrade and Pristina (as well as Sarajevo) in October 2012. Clinton assigned Deputy Assistant Secretary of State ambassador Philip Reeker to support Ashton's efforts. Reeker and his team coordinated closely with EU colleagues and met with Serbian and Kosovar representatives on the margins of every dialogue session in Brussels, and during visits to the region. The result was the 15-point "First Agreement of Principles Governing the Normalisation of Relations", initialed but not signed on 19 April 2013. After the agreement was concluded, the European Commission officially advised that work start on an SAA with Kosovo, and accession negotiations began with Serbia. The agreement was supported by the European Union, NATO, the OSCE, and the United Nations. In October 2013, arrangements were made for Serbian officials to visit North Kosovo. It was agreed that electoral bodies in Kosovo would include Kosovo Serb representatives and that international dialing code +383 would be attributed to Kosovo. The new code was expected to go into effect in late 2015 but has again been delayed by Serbia until March 2016. The geographic phone code was implemented in December 2016. The National Assembly of Serbia has not treated the agreement as international and has not ratified it into a binding law, which is a procedure required for international agreements in Serbia .Zakon o zakljucivanju i izvrsenju medjunarodnih ugovora It has, however, merely accepted the government report about the "hitherto process of political and technical dialog with the temporary institutions in Pristina with the mediation of EU, including the process of implementation of the achieved agreements".O PRIHVATANjU IZVEŠTAJA O DOSADAŠNjEM PROCESS POLITIČKOG I TEHNIČKOG DIJALOGA SA PRIVREMENIM INSTITUCIJAMA SAMOUPRAVE U PRIŠTINI UZ POSREDOVANjE EVROPSKE UNIJE, UKLjUČUJUĆI PROCES IMPLEMENTACIJE POSTIGNUTIH DOGOVORA The constitutional court in Belgrade did not answer the question about constitutionality of the agreement, stating in December 2014 that the issue raised is a political question, and not a legal one. Serbia has accepted, however, that progress in implementing the Brussels agreement is a prerequisite for EU accession talks within the opening of Chapter 35 negotiations in December 2015.
The Brussels Agreement ( / Briselski sporazum, ), formally the First Agreement of Principles Governing the Normalisation of Relations, was a multilateral treaty proposed to normalize relations between the governments of Serbia and Kosovo. The agreement was negotiated and concluded in Brussels under the auspices of the European Union and signed on 19 April 2013. Negotiations were led by Serbian Prime Minister Ivica Dačić and Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi and mediated by EU High Representative Catherine Ashton. The government of Serbia does not recognize Kosovo as a sovereign state, but began normalizing relations with the government of Kosovo nonetheless, in accordance with the Brussels URL In 2018, Serbia's president Aleksandar Vučić commented that the agreement is a difficult compromise for Serbia, which according to him fulfilled all of its obligations. Background Following the Kosovo War and NATO bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999, Kosovo, as part of Serbia and Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, was placed under United Nations administration under UNSC Resolution 1244. In 2008, Kosovo declared independence and has since been recognized by 96 countries. However, Serbia maintains that Kosovo continues to be its territory. The European Union-mediated dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia was launched in March 2011, three years after Kosovo declared URL Belgrade and Pristina were urged to continue talks in Brussels, but Serbia was not obliged to recognize Kosovo at any point in the URL Talks Until preset, ten rounds of talks have been held at the European External Action Service office in Brussels. Baroness Ashton, the EU High Representative, had been chairing talks for two years, followed by Federica Mogherini. Normalization of relations with neighboring states is a key precondition for states wishing to join the EU; the Brussels Agreement brought Serbia close to EU accession talks and Kosovo to initialing a Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA). The SAA was signed by HR Mogherini and PM Mustafa in October 2015. 330px|Ivica Dačić, Prime Minister of Serbia (left), Catherine Ashton (middle), and Hashim Thaçi, Prime Minister of Kosovo (right) in Munich, 2014. United States diplomats have supported the EU-led dialogue from the beginning. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton invited Baroness Ashton to undertake joint travel in the Balkans, and the two made joint visits to Belgrade and Pristina (as well as Sarajevo) in October 2012. After the agreement was concluded, the European Commission officially advised that work start on an SAA with Kosovo, and accession negotiations began with Serbia. The agreement was supported by the European Union, NATO, the OSCE, and the United Nations. In October 2013, arrangements were made for Serbian officials to visit North Kosovo. It was agreed that electoral bodies in Kosovo would include Kosovo Serb representatives and that international dialing code +383 would be attributed to Kosovo. After some delays, the new geographic phone code was implemented in December 2016. The National Assembly of Serbia has not treated the agreement as international and has not ratified it , which would be the procedure required in Serbia for approving an international agreement .Zakon o zakljucivanju i izvrsenju medjunarodnih ugovora It has, however, merely accepted the government report about the "hitherto process of political and technical dialogue with the temporary institutions in Pristina with the mediation of EU, including the process of implementation of the achieved agreements".O PRIHVATANjU IZVEŠTAJA O DOSADAŠNjEM PROCESS POLITIČKOG I TEHNIČKOG DIJALOGA SA PRIVREMENIM INSTITUCIJAMA SAMOUPRAVE U PRIŠTINI UZ POSREDOVANjE EVROPSKE UNIJE, UKLjUČUJUĆI PROCES IMPLEMENTACIJE POSTIGNUTIH DOGOVORA The constitutional court in Belgrade did not answer a question about the constitutionality of the agreement, stating in December 2014 that the issue raised was a political question, and not a legal one.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "nations", "after": "governments", "start_char_pos": 205, "end_char_pos": 212, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "KosovoAs to the agreement not having been signed, see text of agreement. .", "after": "Kosovo.", "start_char_pos": 227, "end_char_pos": 301, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Vucic", "after": "Vučić", "start_char_pos": 806, "end_char_pos": 811, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "98", "after": "96", "start_char_pos": 1220, "end_char_pos": 1222, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Kosovo has become a member of several international organizations, while according to Serbia and about half of the UN member states, Resolution 1244 remains legally binding on all parties. The EU-mediated", "after": "The European Union-mediated", "start_char_pos": 1303, "end_char_pos": 1507, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "coherence", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "Removing the parallel Serbian structures in the Northern part of Kosovo remains challenging.", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 2290, "end_char_pos": 2382, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "coherence", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "Clinton assigned Deputy Assistant Secretary of State ambassador Philip Reeker to support Ashton's efforts. Reeker and his team coordinated closely with EU colleagues and met with Serbian and Kosovar representatives on the margins of every dialogue session in Brussels, and during visits to the region.", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 2809, "end_char_pos": 3110, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "coherence", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "The result was the 15-point \"First Agreement of Principles Governing the Normalisation of Relations\", initialed but not signed on 19 April 2013.", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 3111, "end_char_pos": 3255, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "clarity", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "The new code was expected to go into effect in late 2015 but has again been delayed by Serbia until March 2016. The", "after": "After some delays, the new", "start_char_pos": 3755, "end_char_pos": 3870, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "into a binding law, which is a procedure required for international agreements in Serbia", "after": ", which would be the procedure required in Serbia for approving an international agreement", "start_char_pos": 4030, "end_char_pos": 4118, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "dialog", "after": "dialogue", "start_char_pos": 4286, "end_char_pos": 4292, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "the question about", "after": "a question about the", "start_char_pos": 4699, "end_char_pos": 4717, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "style", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "is", "after": "was", "start_char_pos": 4801, "end_char_pos": 4803, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "Serbia has accepted, however, that progress in implementing the Brussels agreement is a prerequisite for EU accession talks within the opening of Chapter 35 negotiations in December 2015.", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 4847, "end_char_pos": 5034, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "coherence", "coherence" ] } ]
[ 0, 426, 582, 935, 1148, 1233, 1302, 1491, 1858, 1974, 2082, 2222, 2289, 2382, 2529, 2608, 2808, 2915, 3110, 3255, 3418, 3509, 3594, 3754, 3866, 3926, 4049, 4431, 4846 ]
Cities that installed their sewage collection systems before the 1930s typically used single piping systems to transport both urban runoff and sewage. This type of collection system is referred to as a combined sewer system (CSS). The cities' rationale when combined sewers were built was that it would be cheaper to build just a single system. Burrian, Steven J., et al. (1999)."The Historical Development of Wet-Weather Flow Management." EPA, National Risk Management Research Laboratory, Cincinnati, OH. Document No. EPA/600/JA-99/275. In these systems a sudden large rainfall that exceeds sewage treatment capacity is allowed to overflow directly from storm drains into receiving waters via structures called combined sewer overflows.EPA. "Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Control Policy." Federal Register, 59 FR 18688. April 19, 1994. Storm drains are typically at shallower depths than combined sewers ; because , while storm drains are designed to accept surface runoff from streets, combined sewers were designed to also accept sewage flows from buildings with basements .
Cities that installed their sewage collection systems before the 1930s typically used single piping systems to transport both urban runoff and sewage. This type of collection system is referred to as a combined sewer system (CSS). The cities' rationale when combined sewers were built was that it would be cheaper to build just a single system. In these systems a sudden large rainfall that exceeds sewage treatment capacity is allowed to overflow directly from storm drains into receiving waters via structures called combined sewer overflows.EPA. "Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Control Policy." Federal Register, 59 FR 18688. April 19, 1994. Storm drains are typically installed at shallower depths than combined sewers . This is because combined sewers were designed to accept sewage flows from buildings with basements , in addition to receiving surface runoff from streets .
[ { "type": "D", "before": "Burrian, Steven J., et al. (1999).\"The Historical Development of Wet-Weather Flow Management.\" EPA, National Risk Management Research Laboratory, Cincinnati, OH. Document No. EPA/600/JA-99/275.", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 345, "end_char_pos": 538, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "coherence", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "installed", "start_char_pos": 865, "end_char_pos": 865, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "others", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "; because , while storm drains are designed to accept surface runoff from streets,", "after": ". This is because", "start_char_pos": 907, "end_char_pos": 989, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "coherence", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "also", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 1023, "end_char_pos": 1027, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": ", in addition to receiving surface runoff from streets", "start_char_pos": 1078, "end_char_pos": 1078, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] } ]
[ 0, 150, 230, 344, 379, 439, 538, 738, 790, 821, 837, 908 ]
Euthymia is defined as a normal, tranquil mental state or mood. It is often used to describe a stable mental state or mood in those affected with bipolar disorder that is neither manic nor depressive, yet is distinguishable from healthy controls. Euthymia is also used to describe the baseline of other cyclical mood disorders like major depressive disorder (MDD), borderline personality disorder (BPD) and narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). This state is the goal of psychiatric and psychological interventions. The word euthymia traces its roots to the Greek words eu, meaning well, and thymo, meaning soul or emotion. The word thymos also had four additional meanings: life energy; feelings and passions; desires and inclinations; and thought or intelligence. Euthymia is also derived from a verb, euthymeo, that means both I am happy, in good spirits and I make others happy, I reassure and encourage. This is the basis on which the first formal definition of euthymia was built.
In psychiatry and psychology, euthymia is a normal, tranquil mental state or mood. In those with bipolar disorder, euthymia is a stable mental state or mood that is neither manic nor depressive, yet is distinguishable from healthy controls. Euthymia is also the baseline of other cyclical mood disorders like major depressive disorder (MDD), borderline personality disorder (BPD) and narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). This state is the goal of psychiatric and psychological interventions. The word euthymia is derived from the Greek words eu, well, and thymo, soul or emotion. The word thymos also had four additional meanings: life energy; feelings and passions; desires and inclinations; and thought or intelligence. Euthymia is also derived from a verb, euthymeo, that means both I am happy, in good spirits and I make others happy, I reassure and encourage. This is the basis on which the first formal definition of euthymia was built.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "Euthymia is defined as", "after": "In psychiatry and psychology, euthymia is", "start_char_pos": 0, "end_char_pos": 22, "major_intent": "others", "raw_intents": [ "others", "others", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "It is often used to describe", "after": "In those with bipolar disorder, euthymia is", "start_char_pos": 64, "end_char_pos": 92, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "in those affected with bipolar disorder", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 123, "end_char_pos": 162, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "coherence", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "used to describe", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 264, "end_char_pos": 280, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "coherence", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "traces its roots to", "after": "is derived from", "start_char_pos": 537, "end_char_pos": 556, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "style" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "meaning", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 577, "end_char_pos": 584, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "meaning", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 602, "end_char_pos": 609, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "style" ] } ]
[ 0, 63, 246, 447, 518, 626, 690, 713, 739, 768, 911 ]
Reality-Virtuality Continuum.The Virtuality Continuum is a continuous scale ranging between the completely virtual, a Virtuality , and the completely real: Reality. The reality-virtuality continuum therefore encompasses all possible variations and compositions of real and virtual objects. It has been described as a concept in new media and computer science, but in fact it could be considered a matter of anthropology. The concept was first introduced by Paul Milgram. The area between the two extremes, where both the real and the virtual are mixed, is the so-called Mixed reality. This in turn is said to consist of both Augmented Reality , where the virtual augments the real, and Augmented virtuality, where the real augments the virtual. Cyberspace, the world's computer systems considered as an interconnected whole, can be thought of as a virtual reality; for instance, it is portrayed as such in the cyberpunk fiction of William Gibson and others. Second life and MMORPGs such as World of Warcraft are examples of artificial environments or virtual worlds (falling some way short of full virtual reality) in cyberspace.
Reality-virtuality continuum.The virtuality continuum is a continuous scale ranging between the completely virtual, a virtuality , and the completely real: reality. The realityvirtuality continuum therefore encompasses all possible variations and compositions of real and virtual objects. It has been described as a concept in new media and computer science, but in fact it could be considered a matter of anthropology. The concept was first introduced by Paul Milgram. The area between the two extremes, where both the real and the virtual are mixed, is the so-called mixed reality. This in turn is said to consist of both augmented reality , where the virtual augments the real, and augmented virtuality, where the real augments the virtual. Cyberspace, the world's computer systems considered as an interconnected whole, can be thought of as a virtual reality; for instance, it is portrayed as such in the cyberpunk fiction of William Gibson and others. Second Life and MMORPGs such as World of Warcraft are examples of artificial environments or virtual worlds (falling some way short of full virtual reality) in cyberspace.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "Reality-Virtuality Continuum.The Virtuality Continuum", "after": "Reality-virtuality continuum.The virtuality continuum", "start_char_pos": 0, "end_char_pos": 53, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Virtuality", "after": "virtuality", "start_char_pos": 118, "end_char_pos": 128, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Reality. The reality-virtuality", "after": "reality. The realityvirtuality", "start_char_pos": 156, "end_char_pos": 187, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "style" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Mixed", "after": "mixed", "start_char_pos": 570, "end_char_pos": 575, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Augmented Reality", "after": "augmented reality", "start_char_pos": 625, "end_char_pos": 642, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Augmented", "after": "augmented", "start_char_pos": 686, "end_char_pos": 695, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "life", "after": "Life", "start_char_pos": 965, "end_char_pos": 969, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] } ]
[ 0, 29, 164, 289, 420, 470, 584, 744, 864, 957 ]
Saraswata was brought up by Sage Dadhichi who found him as a child floating in the Saraswati River . Deva king Indra made a weapon named the Vajra using the skeleton of Dadhichi, which he used in his battle against his enemies, the Asuras. In this battle 99 heroes in the army of the Daityas, (a clan of Asuras) were slain. After this great war there was a drought extending for 12 years. During that drought extending for twelve years, the great sages (who practiced Vedic traditions and who were settled on the banks of Saraswati River) for the sake of sustenance, migrated from the river valley (9:51). However, Sage Saraswata continued to live on the banks of the Saraswati. After the drought of 12 years had died, the great sages solicited one another for lectures on the Vedas. While wandering with famished stomachs, the sages had lost the knowledge of the Vedas. There was, indeed, not one amongst them that could understand the scriptures. It chanced that someone amongst them encountered Saraswata, that foremost of sages, while the latter was reading the Vedas with concentrated attention. Coming back to the conclave of rishis, he spoke to them of Saraswata, of unrivalled splendour and god-like form engaged in reading the Vedas in a solitary forest. Then all the great Rishis came to that spot, and jointly asked him to teach them the Vedas. Those sages duly became his disciples and obtaining from him their knowledge of the Vedas, once more began to practice their rites. A total of 60,000 sages became disciples of the venerable Rishi Saraswata for the sake of acquiring their knowledge of the Vedas from him (9:51). The present day Goud Saraswat Brahmins who are Goud saraswat , Shenvis, Chitrapur saraswats, bhalvalikar, Rajapur Saraswats, and pednekars, have this event as part of their culture. This event is repeated again at (3:85):- At the forest of Tungaka in olden days sage Saraswata taught the Vedas to the ascetics. When the Vedas had been lost in consequence of the sages having URLotten them. Here (3:85) he is mentioned as the son of Angirasa. The asylum of Aditya, the place of Soma and the hermitage of Dadhichi were mentioned as adjacent places on the banks of Saraswati at (3:83). Here it is mentioned that Angirasa - a great sage belonging to the Saraswata race - was born in the ashram of Dadhichi . At (13:50) Saraswata is mentioned as Sage Atris son. Saraswata is mentioned as a sage from the western regions of India at (12:207, 13:165).
Saraswata was born to family of sage brighu his father was sage (some time prince) dhadichi ( not one who donate his bones for vajra) . Deva king Indra made a weapon named the Vajra using the skeleton of Dadhichi, which he used in his battle against his enemies, the Asuras. In this battle 99 heroes in the army of the Daityas, (a clan of Asuras) were slain. After this great war there was a drought extending for 12 years. During that drought extending for twelve years, the great sages (who practiced Vedic traditions and who were settled on the banks of Saraswati River) for the sake of sustenance, migrated from the river valley (9:51). However, Sage Saraswata continued to live on the banks of the Saraswati. After the drought of 12 years had died, the great sages solicited one another for lectures on the Vedas. While wandering with famished stomachs, the sages had lost the knowledge of the Vedas. There was, indeed, not one amongst them that could understand the scriptures. It chanced that someone amongst them encountered Saraswata, that foremost of sages, while the latter was reading the Vedas with concentrated attention. Coming back to the conclave of rishis, he spoke to them of Saraswata, of unrivalled splendour and god-like form engaged in reading the Vedas in a solitary forest. Then all the great Rishis came to that spot, and jointly asked him to teach them the Vedas. Those sages duly became his disciples and obtaining from him their knowledge of the Vedas, once more began to practice their rites. A total of 60,000 sages became disciples of the venerable Rishi Saraswata for the sake of acquiring their knowledge of the Vedas from him (9:51). The present day Saraswat Brahmins who are kashmiri pandits, punjabi brahmins, Goud saraswat brahmins , Shenvis, Chitrapur saraswats, bhalvalikar, Rajapur Saraswats, and pednekars, have this event as part of their culture. This event is repeated again at (3:85):- At the forest of Tungaka in olden days sage Saraswata taught the Vedas to the ascetics. When the Vedas had been lost in consequence of the sages having URLotten them. Here (3:85) he is mentioned as the son of Angirasa. The asylum of Aditya, the place of Soma and the hermitage of Dadhichi were mentioned as adjacent places on the banks of Saraswati at (3:83). Here it is mentioned that Angirasa - a great sage belonging to the Saraswata race . At (13:50) Saraswata is sometimes mentioned as Sage Atris son. Saraswata is mentioned as a sage from the western regions of India at (12:207, 13:165).
[ { "type": "R", "before": "brought up by Sage Dadhichi who found him as a child floating in the Saraswati River", "after": "born to family of sage brighu his father was sage (some time prince) dhadichi ( not one who donate his bones for vajra)", "start_char_pos": 14, "end_char_pos": 98, "major_intent": "style", "raw_intents": [ "style", "style", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "Goud", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 1650, "end_char_pos": 1654, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Goud saraswat", "after": "kashmiri pandits, punjabi brahmins, Goud saraswat brahmins", "start_char_pos": 1681, "end_char_pos": 1694, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "- was born in the ashram of Dadhichi", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 2299, "end_char_pos": 2335, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "coherence", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "sometimes", "start_char_pos": 2362, "end_char_pos": 2362, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "coherence" ] } ]
[ 0, 239, 323, 388, 605, 678, 783, 870, 948, 1100, 1263, 1355, 1487, 1633, 1815, 1944, 2023, 2075, 2216, 2337, 2391 ]
Children of the Open Road () is a Swiss feature/drama film that was produced in 1992, focusing on the fictitious family, the Kesslers, and the historically real attempt of the Swiss to eliminate the Yeniche culture in Switzerland by the Kinder der Landstrasse foundation between 1926 and 1973. Plot The Yeniche Kessel family Theresa, Paul and their five-year-old daughter Jana - escapes the Nazi terror and returns to Switzerland in 1939. Trusting to have escaped the hell, they get into their supposedly safe home into the clutches of the auxiliary Kinder der Landstrasse and victims of racial persecution in the name of so-called children's welfare: Jana Kessler (Martina Straessler, Jara Weiss as a child, and Jasmin Tabatabai as adult Jana), in 1939 five years old, has been snatched from her parents , and the following years she's consigned to a life of orphanages and foster homes, in order to sever her ties with her culture and to 'assimilate' Jana to a 'better way of life'.
Children of the Open Road () is a Swiss feature/drama film that was produced in 1992. Its topic is the Kinder der Landstrasse foundation , active between 1926 and 1973, which controversially attempted to assimilate the itinerant Yeniche population of Switzerland by forcibly moving their children to foster homes or orphanages. The historical topic is presented in fictionalized account. Plot The Yeniche Kessel family Theresa, Paul and their five-year-old daughter Jana - escapes the Nazi terror and returns to Switzerland in 1939. They become victims of the Kinder der Landstrasse activities as Jana Kessler (Martina Straessler, Jara Weiss as a child, and Jasmin Tabatabai as adult Jana), in 1939 five years old, is snatched from her parents and consigned to a life of orphanages and foster homes, in order to sever her ties with her culture and to 'assimilate' Jana to a 'better way of life'.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "1992, focusing on the fictitious family, the Kesslers, and the historically real attempt of the Swiss to eliminate the Yeniche culture in Switzerland by the", "after": "1992. Its topic is the", "start_char_pos": 80, "end_char_pos": 236, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "others", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": ", active", "start_char_pos": 271, "end_char_pos": 271, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "1973.", "after": "1973, which controversially attempted to assimilate the itinerant Yeniche population of Switzerland by forcibly moving their children to foster homes or orphanages. The historical topic is presented in fictionalized account.", "start_char_pos": 289, "end_char_pos": 294, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Trusting to have escaped the hell, they get into their supposedly safe home into the clutches of the auxiliary", "after": "They become victims of the", "start_char_pos": 440, "end_char_pos": 550, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "others", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "and victims of racial persecution in the name of so-called children's welfare:", "after": "activities as", "start_char_pos": 574, "end_char_pos": 652, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "has been", "after": "is", "start_char_pos": 771, "end_char_pos": 779, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "style", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": ", and the following years she's", "after": "and", "start_char_pos": 806, "end_char_pos": 837, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "others", "clarity" ] } ]
[ 0, 294, 439, 652 ]
Most land trusts are URLanizations which owns and manages land, and sometimes waters. There are three main types of land trust, distinguished from one another by the ways in which they are legally structured and by the purposes for which they URLanized and operated . A real estate investment trust is a fiduciary arrangement whereby one party (the trustee) agrees to own and to manage real property for the benefit of a limited number of beneficiaries. Aldrich, R. Wyerman, J. 2005 National Land Trust Census Report (2006), Land Trust Alliance A community land trust (CLT) is a private, nonprofit corporation that acquires, manages, and develops land for a variety of purposes, primarily for the production and stewardship of affordable housing, although many CLTs are also engaged in non-residential buildings and uses. A conservation land trust is a private, non-profit corporation in the US that acquires land or conservation easements for the purpose of limiting commercial development and preserving open space, natural areas, waterways, and/or productive farms and forests. Another of landholding is sometimes referred to as a "trust" in the United States ; approximately of land are owned by the United States government and held in trust for Native American tribes and individuals .U.S. Department of the Interior. Office of the Special Trustee. History. In Australia, Aboriginal land trusts are a type of URLanisation that holds the freehold title to an area of land on behalf of a community of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people. History Ancient example Possible earliest concept of equity in land held in trust is the depiction of this ancient king (trustor) which grants property back to its previous owner (beneficiary) during his absence, supported by witness testimony (trustee). In essence and in this case, the king, in place of the later state (trustor and holder of assets at highest position) issues ownership along with past proceeds (equity) back to the beneficiary: Land trusts have been actively used in Illinois for over a hundred years and in recent decades have begun to be used in other states. The declaration of a trust is through a "deed to trustee". If the trust is filed as a public document, it removes all of the asset protection provided by the formation of the land trust. Robert Pless pioneered the use of the land trust that has been used by many firms throughout the United States since the early 1990s. Conservation land trusts The Land Trust Alliance, formed in 1981, provides technical support to land trusts in the United States. The Alliance performs a National Land Trust Census that keeps track of the land protected by local and regional land trusts. The last Census, conducted in 2003, reported that these trusts have protected almost 9.4million acres (38,000km2) of land in the United States, double the 4.7million acres (19,000km2) recorded in the 1998 survey. Over 5million acres (20,000km2) of that was protected by conservation easement in 2003. Although it does not include national or international land trusts in its Census, the LTA estimates another 25million acres (100,000km2) in the U.S. have been protected by URLanizations. The largest amount of land protected by local and regional trusts is in the Northeast with 2.9million acres (12,000km2), while the fastest growing region between 1998 and 2003 was the Pacific (consisting of California, Nevada, and Hawaii), with protected land increasing 147\% to 1.5million acres (6,100km2) in 2003.
Land trusts are URLanizations which own and manage land, and sometimes waters. There are three common types of land trust, distinguished from one another by the ways in which they are legally structured and by the purposes for which they URLanized and operated : A real estate investment trust is a fiduciary arrangement whereby one party (the trustee) agrees to own and to manage real property for the benefit of a limited number of beneficiaries. A community land trust (CLT) is a private, nonprofit corporation that acquires, manages, and develops land for a variety of purposes, primarily for the production and stewardship of affordable housing, although many CLTs are also engaged in non-residential buildings and uses. A conservation land trust is a private, non-profit corporation in the US that acquires land or conservation easements for the purpose of limiting commercial development and preserving open space, natural areas, waterways, and/or productive farms and forests. In the United States , the land owned by the United States government and held in trust for Native American tribes and individuals is sometimes referred to as a land trust. In Australia, Aboriginal land trusts are a type of URLanisation that holds the freehold title to an area of land on behalf of a community of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people. History Ancient example Possible earliest concept of equity in land held in trust is the depiction of this ancient king (trustor) which grants property back to its previous owner (beneficiary) during his absence, supported by witness testimony (trustee). In essence and in this case, the king, in place of the later state (trustor and holder of assets at highest position) issues ownership along with past proceeds (equity) back to the beneficiary: Ben-Barak, Zafrira. "Meribaal and the System of Land Grants in Ancient Israel." Biblica (1981): 73-91. Land trusts have been actively used in Illinois for over a hundred years and in recent decades have begun to be used in other states. The declaration of a trust is through a "deed to trustee". If the trust is filed as a public document, it removes all of the asset protection provided by the formation of the land trust. Robert Pless pioneered the use of the land trust that has been used by many firms throughout the United States since the early 1990s. A real estate investment trust is a fiduciary arrangement whereby one party (the trustee) agrees to own and to manage real property for the benefit of a limited number of beneficiaries.Aldrich, R. Wyerman, J. 2005 National Land Trust Census Report (2006), Land Trust Alliance Conservation land trusts The Land Trust Alliance, formed in 1981, provides technical support to land trusts in the United States. The Alliance performs a National Land Trust Census that keeps track of the land protected by local and regional land trusts. The last Census, conducted in 2003, reported that these trusts have protected almost 9.4million acres (38,000km2) of land in the United States, double the 4.7million acres (19,000km2) recorded in the 1998 survey. Over 5million acres (20,000km2) of that was protected by conservation easement in 2003. Although it does not include national or international land trusts in its Census, the LTA estimates another 25million acres (100,000km2) in the U.S. have been protected by URLanizations. The largest amount of land protected by local and regional trusts is in the Northeast with 2.9million acres (12,000km2), while the fastest growing region between 1998 and 2003 was the Pacific (consisting of California, Nevada, and Hawaii), with protected land increasing 147\% to 1.5million acres (6,100km2) in 2003. Other types In the United States; approximately (as of 2008) of land are owned by the United States government and held in trust for Native American tribes and individuals.U.S. Department of the Interior. Office of the Special Trustee. History. In Australia, Aboriginal land trusts are a type of URLanisation that holds the freehold title to an area of land on behalf of a community of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "Most land", "after": "Land", "start_char_pos": 0, "end_char_pos": 9, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "style", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "owns and manages", "after": "own and manage", "start_char_pos": 41, "end_char_pos": 57, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "main", "after": "common", "start_char_pos": 102, "end_char_pos": 106, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": ".", "after": ":", "start_char_pos": 266, "end_char_pos": 267, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "others", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "Aldrich, R.", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 454, "end_char_pos": 465, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "coherence", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "Wyerman, J. 2005 National Land Trust Census Report (2006), Land Trust Alliance", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 466, "end_char_pos": 544, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "coherence", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Another of landholding is sometimes referred to as a \"trust\" in", "after": "In", "start_char_pos": 1081, "end_char_pos": 1144, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "; approximately of land are", "after": ", the land", "start_char_pos": 1163, "end_char_pos": 1190, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "style", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": ".U.S. Department of the Interior. Office of the Special Trustee. History.", "after": "is sometimes referred to as a land trust.", "start_char_pos": 1290, "end_char_pos": 1363, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "Ben-Barak, Zafrira. \"Meribaal and the System of Land Grants in Ancient Israel.\" Biblica (1981): 73-91.", "start_char_pos": 2003, "end_char_pos": 2003, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "A real estate investment trust is a fiduciary arrangement whereby one party (the trustee) agrees to own and to manage real property for the benefit of a limited number of beneficiaries.Aldrich, R.", "start_char_pos": 2459, "end_char_pos": 2459, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "Wyerman, J. 2005 National Land Trust Census Report (2006), Land Trust Alliance", "start_char_pos": 2460, "end_char_pos": 2460, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "style", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "Other types In the United States; approximately (as of 2008) of land are owned by the United States government and held in trust for Native American tribes and individuals.U.S. Department of the Interior. Office of the Special Trustee. History.", "start_char_pos": 3521, "end_char_pos": 3521, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "In Australia, Aboriginal land trusts are a type of URLanisation that holds the freehold title to an area of land on behalf of a community of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people.", "start_char_pos": 3522, "end_char_pos": 3522, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] } ]
[ 0, 85, 267, 453, 821, 1080, 1164, 1323, 1354, 1553, 1808, 2137, 2196, 2324, 2458, 2590, 2715, 2928, 3016, 3203 ]
Provincial tour 350px|The Roman Empire during the reign of Caracalla In spring 214, Caracalla departed for the eastern provinces, travelling through the Danubian provinces and arriving in Asia and Bithynia. The winter of 214/215 he spent at Nicomedia. Before 4 April 214 he had left Nicomedia, and in the summer he was at Antioch on the Orontes. From December 215 he was at Alexandria in the Nile Delta, where he stayed until March or April 216. When the inhabitants of Alexandria heard of Caracalla's claims that he had killed his brother Geta in self-defence, they produced a satire mocking this as well as Caracalla's other pretensions. In 215 Caracalla travelled to Alexandria and responded to this insult by slaughtering the deputation of leading citizens who had unsuspectingly assembled before the city to greet his arrival , before setting his troops against Alexandria for several days of looting and plunder. In spring 216 he arrived again at Antioch and before 27 May had set out for his Persian War. For the winter of 215/216 he was at Edessa. Caracalla moved east into Armenia. By 216 he had pushed through Armenia and south into Parthia.
Provincial tour 350px|The Roman Empire during the reign of Caracalla In spring 214, Caracalla departed for the eastern provinces, travelling through the Danubian provinces and the Anatolian provinces of Asia and Bithynia. He spent the winter of 214/215 in Nicomedia. By 4 April 215 he had left Nicomedia, and in the summer he was at Antioch on the Orontes. From December 215 he was in Alexandria in the Nile Delta, where he stayed until March or April 216. When the inhabitants of Alexandria heard of Caracalla's claims that he had killed his brother Geta in self-defence, they produced a satire mocking this as well as Caracalla's other pretensions. Caracalla responded to this insult by slaughtering the deputation of leading citizens who had unsuspectingly assembled before the city to greet his arrival in December 215 , before setting his troops against Alexandria for several days of looting and plunder. In spring 216 he returned to Antioch and before 27 May had set out to lead his Roman army against the Parthians. During the winter of 215/216 he was in Edessa. Caracalla then moved east into Armenia. By 216 he had pushed through Armenia and south into Parthia.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "arriving in", "after": "the Anatolian provinces of", "start_char_pos": 176, "end_char_pos": 187, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "The", "after": "He spent the", "start_char_pos": 207, "end_char_pos": 210, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "meaning-changed", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "he spent at Nicomedia. Before", "after": "in Nicomedia. By", "start_char_pos": 229, "end_char_pos": 258, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "coherence", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "214", "after": "215", "start_char_pos": 267, "end_char_pos": 270, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "at", "after": "in", "start_char_pos": 371, "end_char_pos": 373, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "In 215 Caracalla travelled to Alexandria and", "after": "Caracalla", "start_char_pos": 640, "end_char_pos": 684, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "coherence", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "in December 215", "start_char_pos": 831, "end_char_pos": 831, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "arrived again at", "after": "returned to", "start_char_pos": 937, "end_char_pos": 953, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "for his Persian War. For", "after": "to lead his Roman army against the Parthians. During", "start_char_pos": 992, "end_char_pos": 1016, "major_intent": "others", "raw_intents": [ "others", "others", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "at", "after": "in", "start_char_pos": 1046, "end_char_pos": 1048, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "others", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "then", "start_char_pos": 1067, "end_char_pos": 1067, "major_intent": "others", "raw_intents": [ "others", "others", "coherence" ] } ]
[ 0, 206, 251, 345, 445, 639, 919, 1012, 1056, 1092 ]
Kulbhushan Sudhir Jadhav (also spelled Kulbhushan Yadav, alleged alias Hussain Mubarak Patel) (born 16 April 1970) is an Indian national. It is alleged by the Pakistani government that he was arrested in the Pakistani province of Balochistan on charges of terrorism and spying for India's Research and Analysis Wing. On 10 April 2017, India's Ministry of External Affairs stated that he had been "kidnapped last year from Iran and his subsequent presence in Pakistan has never been explained credibly". The Pakistani government claimed that he was a commander in the Indian Navy who was involved in subversive activities inside Pakistan and was arrested on 3 March 2016 during a counter-intelligence operation in Balochistan. The Indian government recognised Jadhav as a former naval officer but denied any current links with him and maintained that he took premature retirement and operated a business in Iranian city of Chabahar and was abducted from there .Revealed: 'Spy' Kulbhushan Yadav not caught but abducted by extremist Sunni group Jaishul Adil , India Today, 30 March 2016. Pakistani security forces reported Jadhav as a serving officer in the Indian Navy and stated that he was commissioned to the Research and Analysis Wing , India's external intelligence agency. They believed him to be involved in subversive activities in Balochistan and Karachi. Jadhav was soon shifted to Islamabad for interrogation. While according to Indian sources, Jadhav was kidnapped by Mullah Shahozi of Jaish ul-Adl from Chabahar and was transported via Sarbaz to IranPakistan border and where he handed Jadhav over to the Pakistani Army. In a statement issued in the Parliament of India on 11 April 2017, Rajnath Singh, India's Minister of Home Affairs, reiterated that Jadhav was kidnapped by Pakistani agencies from Iran and put through trial as a R AW agent. Sushma Swaraj, India's Minister of External Affairs said there was no evidence of any wrongdoing by Jadhav and termed his sentencing an act of "premeditated murder". Swaraj said that if Pakistan implemented the death sentence, the bilateral relations between both countries would face dire consequences. The ICJ proceedings began in The Hague on 15 May to review the case. India and Pakistan both sent their legal teams to put forward their arguments, led by Harish Salve and Khawar Qureshi QC respectively. On 18 May 2017, the International Court of Justice stayed the hanging of Jadhav by Pakistan . On 22 June 2017, Pakistani sources confirmed that Jadhav had sought clemency from the country's army chief following his conviction. Pakistan also released a new confessional video of Jadhav, in which he stated that he visited Karachi twice for gathering intelligence on naval facilities. He also admitted to supporting and funding, on behalf of R AW , Baloch militants affiliated with the BLA and BRA, in addition to infiltrating and establishing "30 to 40 R AW operatives along the Makran Coast" for involvement in terrorist activities. Jadhav said that R AW 's activities in Balochistan and Sindh were conducted under the direction of Anil Kumar Dhasmana. India's Foreign Ministry again dismissed the confession as "false propaganda", stating that Pakistan was trying to influence ICJ proceedings while denying the consular rights to Jadhav. ICJ did not allow Pakistan to play the video during the hearing. On 17 July 2019, the ICJ, in its verdict, rejected India's appeal for Jadhav's release and directed Pakistan to allow consular access and effectively Stayed the death sentence. The court ordered that Pakistan should grant consular access to Jhadav. Pakistan and India both claimed victory and welcomed the judgement of ICJ.
Kulbhushan Sudhir Jadhav (also spelled Kulbhushan Yadav, alleged alias Hussain Mubarak Patel) (born 16 April 1970) is an Indian national. It is alleged by the Pakistani government that he was arrested in the Pakistani province of Balochistan on charges of terrorism and spying for India's intelligence agency, the Research and Analysis Wing. On 10 April 2017, Indian foreign ministry alleged he had been "kidnapped last year from Iran and his subsequent presence in Pakistan has never been explained credibly". The Pakistani government stated that he was a commander in the Indian Navy who was involved in subversive activities inside Pakistan and was arrested on 3 March 2016 during a counter-intelligence operation in Balochistan. The Indian government recognised Jadhav as a former naval officer but denied any current links with him and maintained that he took premature retirement and was abducted from Iran .Revealed: 'Spy' Kulbhushan Yadav not caught but abducted by extremist Sunni group Jaishul Adil , India Today, 30 March 2016. Pakistani security forces reported Jadhav as a serving officer in the Indian Navy and stated that he was commissioned to the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) , India's external intelligence agency. They believed him to be involved in subversive activities in Balochistan and Karachi. Jadhav was soon shifted to Islamabad for interrogation. While according to Indian sources, Jadhav was kidnapped by Mullah Omar Irani of Jaish ul-Adl from Sarbaz City, Iran who later handed over Jadhav to the Pakistani Army. In a statement issued in the Parliament of India on 11 April 2017, Rajnath Singh, India's Minister of Home Affairs, reiterated that Jadhav was kidnapped by Pakistani agencies from Iran and put through trial as a RAW agent. Sushma Swaraj, India's Minister of External Affairs said there was no evidence of any wrongdoing by Jadhav and termed his sentencing an act of "premeditated murder". Swaraj said that if Pakistan implemented the death sentence, the bilateral relations between both countries would face dire consequences. The ICJ proceedings began in The Hague on 15 May to review the case. India and Pakistan both sent their legal teams to put forward their arguments, led by Harish Salve and Khawar Qureshi respectively. On 18 May 2017, the International Court of Justice stayed the hanging of Jadhav . On 22 June 2017, Pakistani sources confirmed that Jadhav had sought clemency from the country's army chief following his conviction. Pakistan also released a new confessional video of Jadhav, in which he stated that he visited Karachi twice for gathering intelligence on naval facilities. He also admitted to supporting and funding, on behalf of India's RAW , Baloch militants affiliated with the BLA and BRA, in addition to infiltrating and establishing "30 to 40 RAW operatives along the Makran Coast" for involvement in terrorist activities. Jadhav said that RAW 's activities in Balochistan and Sindh were conducted under the direction of Anil Kumar Dhasmana. India's Foreign Ministry again dismissed the confession as "false propaganda", stating that Pakistan was trying to influence ICJ proceedings while denying the consular rights to Jadhav. ICJ did not allow Pakistan to play the video during the hearing. On 17 July 2019, the ICJ, in its verdict, rejected India's appeal for Jadhav's release and directed Pakistan to allow consular access and effectively review the death sentence. The court ordered that Pakistan should grant consular access to Jhadav. Pakistan and India both claimed victory and welcomed the judgement of ICJ.
[ { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "intelligence agency, the", "start_char_pos": 289, "end_char_pos": 289, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "India's Ministry of External Affairs stated that", "after": "Indian foreign ministry alleged", "start_char_pos": 336, "end_char_pos": 384, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "style", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "claimed", "after": "stated", "start_char_pos": 529, "end_char_pos": 536, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "operated a business in Iranian city of Chabahar and", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 884, "end_char_pos": 935, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "there", "after": "Iran", "start_char_pos": 954, "end_char_pos": 959, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "(RAW)", "start_char_pos": 1238, "end_char_pos": 1238, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "others", "style" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Shahozi", "after": "Omar Irani", "start_char_pos": 1487, "end_char_pos": 1494, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Chabahar and was transported via Sarbaz to IranPakistan border and where he handed Jadhav over", "after": "Sarbaz City, Iran who later handed over Jadhav", "start_char_pos": 1516, "end_char_pos": 1610, "major_intent": "others", "raw_intents": [ "others", "others", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "R", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 1846, "end_char_pos": 1847, "major_intent": "others", "raw_intents": [ "others", "others", "others" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "AW", "after": "RAW", "start_char_pos": 1848, "end_char_pos": 1850, "major_intent": "others", "raw_intents": [ "others", "others", "others" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "QC", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 2349, "end_char_pos": 2351, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "by Pakistan", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 2446, "end_char_pos": 2457, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "coherence", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "R", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 2806, "end_char_pos": 2807, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "AW", "after": "India's RAW", "start_char_pos": 2808, "end_char_pos": 2810, "major_intent": "others", "raw_intents": [ "others", "others", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "R", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 2918, "end_char_pos": 2919, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "AW", "after": "RAW", "start_char_pos": 2920, "end_char_pos": 2922, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "clarity", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "R", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 3016, "end_char_pos": 3017, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "coherence", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "AW", "after": "RAW", "start_char_pos": 3018, "end_char_pos": 3020, "major_intent": "others", "raw_intents": [ "others", "others", "others" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Stayed", "after": "review", "start_char_pos": 3520, "end_char_pos": 3526, "major_intent": "others", "raw_intents": [ "others", "others", "style" ] } ]
[ 0, 137, 317, 503, 726, 961, 1085, 1278, 1364, 1420, 1633, 1857, 2023, 2161, 2230, 2365, 2459, 2592, 2748, 2998, 3118, 3304, 3369, 3546, 3618 ]
Green hunting ( eco-hunting, green bullet concept, green darting , darting safari) is the practice of hunting game animals with tranquilizer dart guns or bows and the subsequent release of the live animals . Green hunting would typically be performed when tranquilization of the animal is necessary for veterinary, monitoring , or translocation purposes. Green hunting has been advocated as a conservation-minded alternative to destructive sport hunting, because it allows the hunter to experience the thrill of a traditional hunt without killing the animal, leaving the wildlife abundance undiminished and contributing directly to conservation initiatives. The measurements and details of a tranquilized animal are accepted in URLanization's record books and fiberglass replicas can be made for the hunter. There are some advantages of eco-hunting . The hunter may have the additional option to be kept regularly updated on the animal's future movements if the darting was part of a GPS collaring project. Though still costly (sometimes upwards of $25,000 USD), green hunting is more economical as fees are lower than trophy hunting (up to $ 60,000 USD). The fees finance the conservation project that necessitates an immobilized animal for micro-chipping , ear-notching, tissue collection or GPS tracking and any additional funds can be used to support the management of the protected area involved. The hunter must get within 30 meters from the animal to successfully dart it, often much closer than required for traditional hunting. Group darting safaris also exist, where a group witnesses the work, without participating in the procedures.
Green hunting ( also eco-hunting, green bullet concept, green darting or darting safari) is the practice of hunting game animals with non-lethal tranquilizer guns or bows and subsequently releasing the captured animals alive . Green hunting would typically be performed when tranquilization of the animal is necessary for veterinary, monitoring or translocation purposes. Green hunting has been advocated as a conservation-minded alternative to destructive sport hunting, because it allows the hunter to experience the thrill of a traditional hunt without killing the animal, leaving the wildlife abundance undiminished and thus contributing directly to conservation initiatives. The measurements and details of a tranquilized animal are generally accepted by URLanization's logbooks and fiberglass trophies can be made to accolade the hunter. There are some other advantages of eco-hunting , as the hunter has the additional option to be kept regularly updated on the animal's future movements if the darting was part of a GPS tracking project. Though still costly (sometimes upwards of $25,000 USD), green hunting is more economical as fees are typically lower than trophy hunting (up to $ 60,000 USD). The fees finance the conservation project that necessitates an immobilized animal for microchipping , ear-notching, tissue collection or GPS tracking and any additional funds can be used to support the management of the protected area involved. Due to the significantly reduced terminal ballistics, the hunter must get within from the target animal to successfully dart it, often much closer than required for traditional hunting. Group darting safaris also exist, where a group of spectators witness the hunt without participating in the procedures.
[ { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "also", "start_char_pos": 16, "end_char_pos": 16, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": ",", "after": "or", "start_char_pos": 66, "end_char_pos": 67, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "tranquilizer dart", "after": "non-lethal tranquilizer", "start_char_pos": 129, "end_char_pos": 146, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "meaning-changed", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "the subsequent release of the live animals", "after": "subsequently releasing the captured animals alive", "start_char_pos": 164, "end_char_pos": 206, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": ",", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 327, "end_char_pos": 328, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "thus", "start_char_pos": 608, "end_char_pos": 608, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "coherence", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "accepted in", "after": "generally accepted by", "start_char_pos": 718, "end_char_pos": 729, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "record books and fiberglass replicas", "after": "logbooks and fiberglass trophies", "start_char_pos": 745, "end_char_pos": 781, "major_intent": "style", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "style", "style" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "for", "after": "to accolade", "start_char_pos": 794, "end_char_pos": 797, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "style", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "other", "start_char_pos": 825, "end_char_pos": 825, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "coherence", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": ". The hunter may have", "after": ", as the hunter has", "start_char_pos": 852, "end_char_pos": 873, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "clarity", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "collaring", "after": "tracking", "start_char_pos": 991, "end_char_pos": 1000, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "$25,000 USD), green hunting is more economical as fees are lower than trophy hunting (up to $", "after": "$25,000 USD), green hunting is more economical as fees are typically lower than trophy hunting (up to $", "start_char_pos": 1052, "end_char_pos": 1145, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "style" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "micro-chipping", "after": "microchipping", "start_char_pos": 1245, "end_char_pos": 1259, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "The", "after": "Due to the significantly reduced terminal ballistics, the", "start_char_pos": 1405, "end_char_pos": 1408, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "30 meters from the", "after": "from the target", "start_char_pos": 1432, "end_char_pos": 1450, "major_intent": "style", "raw_intents": [ "style", "style", "others" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "witnesses the work,", "after": "of spectators witness the hunt", "start_char_pos": 1588, "end_char_pos": 1607, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "meaning-changed", "clarity" ] } ]
[ 0, 355, 659, 809, 853, 1009, 1158, 1404, 1539 ]
In the 1800s, rammed earth was popularized in the United States by the book Rural Economy by S. W. Johnson. The technique was used to construct the Borough House Plantation and the Church of the Holy Cross in Stateburg, South Carolina, both being National Historic Landmarks. From the 1920s through the 1940s rammed-earth construction in the US was studied. South Dakota State College extensively researched and constructed almost one hundred weathering walls of rammed earth. For over 30 years the college investigated the use of paints and plasters in relation to colloids in soil. In 1945, Clemson Agricultural College of South Carolina published the results of their research of rammed earth in a pamphlet titled "Rammed Earth Building Construction". In 1936, on a homestead near Gardendale, Alabama, the United States Department of Agriculture constructed an experimental community of rammed-earth edifices with architect Thomas Hibben. The houses were inexpensively constructed and were sold to the public along with sufficient land for gardens and small plots for livestock. The project successfully provided valuable homes to low-income families. The US Agency for International Development is working with undeveloped countries to improve the engineering of rammed-earth houses. It also financed the authorship of the Handbook of Rammed Earth by Texas A&M University and the Texas Transportation Institute. The Handbook was unavailable for purchase by the public until the Rammed Earth Institute International gained permission to reprint it.
United States and Canada In the 1800s, rammed earth was popularized in the United States by the book Rural Economy by S. W. Johnson. The technique was used to construct the Borough House Plantation and the Church of the Holy Cross in Stateburg, South Carolina, both being National Historic Landmarks. From the 1920s through the 1940s rammed-earth construction in the US was studied. South Dakota State College extensively researched and constructed almost one hundred weathering walls of rammed earth. For over 30 years the college investigated the use of paints and plasters in relation to colloids in soil. In 1945, Clemson Agricultural College of South Carolina published the results of their research of rammed earth in a pamphlet titled "Rammed Earth Building Construction". In 1936, on a homestead near Gardendale, Alabama, the United States Department of Agriculture constructed an experimental rammed-earth edifices with architect Thomas Hibben. The houses were inexpensively constructed and were sold to the public along with sufficient land for gardens and small plots for livestock. The project was successful provided homes to low-income families. The US Agency for International Development is working with developing countries to improve the engineering of rammed-earth houses. It also financed the authorship of the Handbook of Rammed Earth by Texas A&M University and the Texas Transportation Institute. The Handbook was unavailable for purchase by the public until the Rammed Earth Institute International gained permission to reprint it.
[ { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "United States and Canada", "start_char_pos": 0, "end_char_pos": 0, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "community of", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 878, "end_char_pos": 890, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "style", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "successfully provided valuable", "after": "was successful provided", "start_char_pos": 1095, "end_char_pos": 1125, "major_intent": "others", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "others", "others" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "undeveloped", "after": "developing", "start_char_pos": 1216, "end_char_pos": 1227, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "style", "clarity" ] } ]
[ 0, 108, 276, 358, 477, 584, 755, 942, 1082, 1155, 1288, 1416 ]
Publicity and witness accounts Multiple news reports would have details of family, friends, and acquaintances calling him normal and without a propensity to hurt people, not believing the bombings were an " anti-government " message, as speculated by the magnitude of the attacks and Helder's manifesto. Helder also reportedly asked for a Bible to look through the contents of the pages. Helder was notably a major fan of Kurt Cobain , even after Cobain committed suicide, having posters and merchandise of Cobain and his band, Nirvana, in his room when he was arrested. A bandmate in Apathy remarked Helder had "an interesting style of singing" and would write much of the lyrics of the group's tracks, not having a full understanding of their meaning.
Publicity and witness accounts News reports detailed family, friends, and acquaintances calling him normal and without a propensity to hurt people, disbelieving the bombings were an anti-government message. Though the same articles mentioned his roommate noting he had become obsessed with death and astral projection, and had begun telling them extended monologues about his new spiritual beliefs. Helder was notably a fan of Kurt Cobain ; merchandise of Cobain and his band, Nirvana, decorated his room when he was arrested. A bandmate in Apathy remarked Helder had "an interesting style of singing" and would write much of the lyrics of the group's tracks, not having a full understanding of their meaning.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "Multiple news reports would have details of", "after": "News reports detailed", "start_char_pos": 31, "end_char_pos": 74, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "not believing", "after": "disbelieving", "start_char_pos": 170, "end_char_pos": 183, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "fluency", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "\"", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 205, "end_char_pos": 206, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "\" message, as speculated by the magnitude of the attacks and Helder's manifesto. Helder also reportedly asked for a Bible to look through the contents of the pages.", "after": "message. Though the same articles mentioned his roommate noting he had become obsessed with death and astral projection, and had begun telling them extended monologues about his new spiritual beliefs.", "start_char_pos": 223, "end_char_pos": 387, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "major", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 409, "end_char_pos": 414, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": ", even after Cobain committed suicide, having posters and", "after": ";", "start_char_pos": 434, "end_char_pos": 491, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "in", "after": "decorated", "start_char_pos": 537, "end_char_pos": 539, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "others", "clarity", "clarity" ] } ]
[ 0, 303, 387, 570 ]
Writings and theories Helder performing with Apathy in his hometown of Pine Island, Minnesota While Helder was not at the top of his college class, his teachers described him as a reasonably good, quiet and polite student, and at first there was confusion as to what the motivation for the bombings could be. Within the year prior to his arrest, Helder had become passionate about astral projection techniques and came to believe that death of the flesh and body is not the end of existence, as evidenced by the manifesto he sent to The Badger Herald of the University of WisconsinMadison at the beginning of the bombing spree. The essay also includes statements such as "I'm taking very drastic measure in attempt to provide this information to you... I will die/change in the end for this, but that's ok, hahaha paradise awaits! I'm dismissing a few individuals from reality, to change all of you for the better"Lagorio, Christine. "News Analysis: Newspapers receipt of shady mail a daily occurrence." The Badger Herald May 10, 2002 Musical background Prior to his bombing spree, Helder was a member of Apathy, a Rochester, Minnesota, three-piece grunge band. Although the band was successful only on a local scale, it recorded a CD named Sacks of People at the end of their first summer together, which they funded and released themselves. When the news broke that Helder was the pipe bomber, the media made significant mention of his status as a musician. Many music critics scrambled to acquire copies of Apathy's CD, some of which were auctioned on eBay for as much as $200. Publicity and witness accounts News reports detailed family, friends, and acquaintances calling him normal and without a propensity to hurt people, disbelieving the bombings were an anti-government message. Though the same articles mentioned his roommate noting he had become obsessed with death and astral projection, and had begun telling them extended monologues about his new spiritual beliefs. Helder was notably a fan of Kurt Cobain; merchandise of Cobain and his band, Nirvana, decorated his room when he was arrested. A bandmate in Apathy remarked Helder had "an interesting style of singing" and would write much of the lyrics of the group's tracks, not having a full understanding of their meaning.
Writings and theories Helder performing with Apathy in his hometown of Pine Island, Minnesota Family, friends, and acquaintances referred to Helder as normal and without a propensity to hurt people, though in the same articles, his roommate noted he had become obsessed with death and astral projection, and had begun reciting extended monologues about his new spiritual beliefs to his friends. Helder was not at the top of his college class, but his teachers described him as a reasonably good, quiet and polite student, and at first there was confusion as to what the motivation for the bombings could be. Within the year prior to his arrest, Helder had become passionate about astral projection techniques and came to believe that death of the flesh and body is not the end of existence, as evidenced by the manifesto he sent to The Badger Herald of the University of WisconsinMadison at the beginning of the bombing spree. The essay also includes statements such as "I'm taking very drastic measure in attempt to provide this information to you... I will die/change in the end for this, but that's ok, hahaha paradise awaits! I'm dismissing a few individuals from reality, to change all of you for the better"Lagorio, Christine. "News Analysis: Newspapers receipt of shady mail a daily occurrence." The Badger Herald May 10, 2002 Musical background Prior to his bombing spree, Helder was a member of Apathy, a Rochester, Minnesota, three-piece grunge band. Although the band was successful only on a local scale, it recorded a CD named Sacks of People at the end of their first summer together, which they funded and released themselves. Helder, a fan of Kurt Cobain, had heavily decorated his dorm room with Nirvana posters and ephemera. A bandmate in Apathy remarked Helder had "an interesting style of singing" and would write much of the lyrics of the group's tracks, not having a full understanding of their meaning. When the news broke that Helder was the pipe bomber, the media made significant mention of his status as a musician. Many music critics scrambled to acquire copies of Apathy's CD, some of which were auctioned on eBay for as much as $200.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "While Helder", "after": "Family, friends, and acquaintances referred to Helder as normal and without a propensity to hurt people, though in the same articles, his roommate noted he had become obsessed with death and astral projection, and had begun reciting extended monologues about his new spiritual beliefs to his friends. Helder", "start_char_pos": 94, "end_char_pos": 106, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "but", "start_char_pos": 148, "end_char_pos": 148, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "clarity", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "Helder, a fan of Kurt Cobain, had heavily decorated his dorm room with Nirvana posters and ephemera. A bandmate in Apathy remarked Helder had \"an interesting style of singing\" and would write much of the lyrics of the group's tracks, not having a full understanding of their meaning.", "start_char_pos": 1344, "end_char_pos": 1344, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "meaning-changed", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "Publicity and witness accounts News reports detailed family, friends, and acquaintances calling him normal and without a propensity to hurt people, disbelieving the bombings were an anti-government message. Though the same articles mentioned his roommate noting he had become obsessed with death and astral projection, and had begun telling them extended monologues about his new spiritual beliefs.", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 1583, "end_char_pos": 1981, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "clarity", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "Helder was notably a fan of Kurt Cobain; merchandise of Cobain and his band, Nirvana, decorated his room when he was arrested. A bandmate in Apathy remarked Helder had \"an interesting style of singing\" and would write much of the lyrics of the group's tracks, not having a full understanding of their meaning.", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 1982, "end_char_pos": 2291, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "coherence", "coherence" ] } ]
[ 0, 309, 628, 753, 831, 934, 1004, 1162, 1343, 1461, 1582, 1789, 1981, 2022, 2108 ]
Personality, writings and theories Helder performing with Apathy in his hometown of Pine Island, Minnesota Family, friends, and acquaintances referred to Helder as normal and without a propensity to hurt people, though in the same articles, his roommate noted he had become obsessed with death and astral projection, and had begun reciting extended monologues about his new spiritual beliefs to his friends . Helder was not at the top of his college class, but his teachers described him as a reasonably good, quiet and polite student, and at first there was confusion as to what the motivation for the bombings could be .
Personality, writings and theories Helder performing with Apathy in his hometown of Pine Island, Minnesota Helder was not at the top of his college class, but his teachers described him as a reasonably good, quiet and polite student, and at first there was confusion as to what the motivation for the bombings could be. Family, friends, and many acquaintances referred to Helder as normal and without a propensity to hurt people, though his roommate noted he had recently become obsessed with death , had begun smoking marijuana, and had been reciting extended monologues about his new spiritual beliefs to his friends (which they had mostly "laughed off") .
[ { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "Helder was not at the top of his college class, but his teachers described him as a reasonably good, quiet and polite student, and at first there was confusion as to what the motivation for the bombings could be.", "start_char_pos": 107, "end_char_pos": 107, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "coherence", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "many", "start_char_pos": 129, "end_char_pos": 129, "major_intent": "style", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "style", "style" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "in the same articles,", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 221, "end_char_pos": 242, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "style", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "recently", "start_char_pos": 269, "end_char_pos": 269, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "meaning-changed", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "and astral projection, and had begun", "after": ", had begun smoking marijuana, and had been", "start_char_pos": 297, "end_char_pos": 333, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "style", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": ". Helder was not at the top of his college class, but his teachers described him as a reasonably good, quiet and polite student, and at first there was confusion as to what the motivation for the bombings could be", "after": "(which they had mostly \"laughed off\")", "start_char_pos": 410, "end_char_pos": 623, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "coherence", "clarity" ] } ]
[ 0, 12, 96, 115, 213 ]
History In the late 19th century, Portugal's dominance of Mozambique was threatened by the expansionist colonial ambitions of Great Britain and Germany . Although the borders of Mozambique had nominally been fixed by the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885, Portugal lacked the capital to exert effective control or exploitation of the territory. To help overcome this, in 1891 the Portuguese government authorised three private companies by royal charter to manage portions of Mozambique: the Mozambique Company, the Zambezi Company and the Niassa Company. In 1913-14, a German banking consortium bought a majority of the shares of the Niassa Company, aiming at a partition of Mozambique between Germany and Great Britain. With the outbreak of World War I , the British government confiscated German equities and handed them over to an English financial group led by Owen Philipps, chairman of the Union-Castle Line, which did much business in Portuguese East Africa, but which found the concession to be more of a liability. During the war, the Niassa Company's territory was the scene of several resistance operations by the local chiefs aided by the Germans (including in the Kionga Triangle). To resist this invasion, more than 300 kilometers of roads were opened. This also meant the effective occupation of the Mueda Plateau, which was occupied by the heavily-armed Makonde people. The Niassa Company only managed to suppress the Makonde by the early 1920s, and the tribe later became the backbone of the FRELIMO movement in the 1960s and 1970s against continued Portuguese colonial rule. In addition, the company relied on a hut tax , modelled after the system in British East Africa . Although theoretically a tax on each dwelling, in reality the tax was on each adult person, which could be paid in cash or in produce. The hut tax, which was two escudo in 1921 was increased to 50 escudo in 1927 and to 85 escudo in 1929. This was party due to devaluation of the escudo, but was also due to a dwindling tax base, as thousands of Mozambicans sought refuge in Tanganyika or Nyasaland to avoid the tax. As a tax of 50 escudo was the equivalent of three months paid labor, many people fell deeply into debt or forced labor.
History In the late 19th century, Portugal's dominance of Mozambique began to be challenged by the establishment of neighboring British and German colonies . Although the borders of Mozambique had nominally been fixed by the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885, Portugal lacked the capital to exert effective control or economic exploitation of the territory. To help overcome this, in 1891 the Portuguese government authorised three private companies by royal charter to manage portions of Mozambique: the Mozambique Company, the Zambezi Company and the Niassa Company. In 1913-14, a German banking consortium bought a majority of the shares of the Niassa Company, aiming to bring about a partition of Portuguese Mozambique between Germany and Great Britain. With the outbreak of the First World War , the British government confiscated the German equities and handed them over to an English financial group led by Owen Philipps, chairman of the Union-Castle Line, which conducted several businesses in Portuguese East Africa, but which found the concession to be more of a liability. During the war, the Niassa Company's territory was the scene of several anti-Portuguese resistance operations by the local chiefs aided by the Germans (including in the Kionga Triangle). To resist this invasion, more than 300 kilometers of roads were opened. This also meant the effective occupation of the Mueda Plateau, which was occupied by the heavily-armed Makonde people. The Niassa Company only managed to suppress the Makonde by the early 1920s, and the tribe later became the backbone of the FRELIMO movement in the 1960s and 1970s against continued Portuguese colonial rule. In addition, the company relied on a hut tax to fund its operations . Although theoretically a tax on each dwelling, in reality the tax was on each adult person, which could be paid in cash or in produce. The hut tax, which was two escudo in 1921 was increased to 50 escudo in 1927 and to 85 escudo in 1929. This was party due to devaluation of the escudo, but was also due to a dwindling tax base, as thousands of Mozambicans sought refuge in Tanganyika or Nyasaland to avoid the tax. As a tax of 50 escudo was the equivalent of three months paid labor, many people fell deeply into debt or forced labor.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "was threatened by the expansionist colonial ambitions of Great Britain and Germany", "after": "began to be challenged by the establishment of neighboring British and German colonies", "start_char_pos": 69, "end_char_pos": 151, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "economic", "start_char_pos": 311, "end_char_pos": 311, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "at", "after": "to bring about", "start_char_pos": 656, "end_char_pos": 658, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "Portuguese", "start_char_pos": 674, "end_char_pos": 674, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "World War I", "after": "the First World War", "start_char_pos": 742, "end_char_pos": 753, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "style", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "the", "start_char_pos": 791, "end_char_pos": 791, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "did much business", "after": "conducted several businesses", "start_char_pos": 922, "end_char_pos": 939, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "style", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "anti-Portuguese", "start_char_pos": 1097, "end_char_pos": 1097, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": ", modelled after the system in British East Africa", "after": "to fund its operations", "start_char_pos": 1640, "end_char_pos": 1690, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "clarity", "clarity" ] } ]
[ 0, 153, 342, 553, 720, 1024, 1196, 1268, 1387, 1594, 1692, 1827, 1930, 2108 ]
To its north, Chile imposed its dominance by eliminating the threat posed by the union of Bolivia with Peru during the War of the Confederation (1836-1839), followed by the conquest of these countries' mineral-rich territories in the Atacama during the War of the Pacific (1879-1884)in the process leaving Bolivia landlocked and pillaging the Peruvian capital. To its south and east, Chile used military force and colonization to occupy Araucana , a still undefeated indigenous nation (1861-1883) and although Chile retained westernmost Patagonia and the Strait of Magellan with the treaty of 1881, it yielded to Argentina most of Patagonia and its access to the Atlantic to avoid the outbreak of war in multiple fronts during the War of the Pacific . Chile's expansionist drive practically culminated with Easter Island's annexation in 1888, but vestiges of it continued well into the 20th centurye.g., the country's claim over Antarctic territory in 1940.
To its north, Chile imposed its dominance by eliminating the threat posed by the union of Bolivia with Peru during the War of the Confederation (1836-1839), followed by the conquest of these countries' mineral-rich territories in the Atacama during the War of the Pacific (1879-1884)in the process leaving Bolivia landlocked and pillaging the Peruvian capital. To its south and east, Chile used military force and colonization to occupy Araucana (1861-1883) and successfully dispute Argentine claims over westernmost Patagonia and the Strait of Magellanthe outbreak of war only narrowly avoided in multiple occasions . Chile's expansionist drive practically culminated with Easter Island's annexation in 1888, but vestiges of it continued well into the 20th centurye.g., the country's claim over Antarctic territory in 1940.
[ { "type": "D", "before": ", a still undefeated indigenous nation", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 446, "end_char_pos": 484, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "although Chile retained", "after": "successfully dispute Argentine claims over", "start_char_pos": 501, "end_char_pos": 524, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Magellan with the treaty of 1881, it yielded to Argentina most of Patagonia and its access to the Atlantic to avoid the", "after": "Magellanthe", "start_char_pos": 565, "end_char_pos": 684, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "coherence", "style" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "in multiple fronts during the War of the Pacific", "after": "only narrowly avoided in multiple occasions", "start_char_pos": 701, "end_char_pos": 749, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "style" ] } ]
[ 0, 360, 751 ]
Chile's Polynesian aspirations would again be awakened in the aftermath of the country's decisive victory against Peru in the War of the Pacific, which left the Chilean fleet as the dominant maritime force in the Pacific coast of the Americas. Valparaso had also become the most important port in the Pacific coast of South America, providing Chilean merchants with the capacity to find markets in the Pacific for its new mineral wealth acquired from the Atacama. During this period, the Chilean intellectual and politician Benjamn Vicua Mackenna (who served as senator in the National Congress from 1876 to 1885) was an influential voice in favor of Chilean expansionism into the Pacifiche considered that Spain's discoveries in the Pacific had been stolen by the British, and envisioned that Chile's duty was to create an empire in the Pacific that would reach Asia . In the context of this imperialist fervor is that, in 1886, Captain Policarpo Toro of the Chilean Navy proposed to his superiors the annexation of Easter Island; a proposal that attained support from President Jos Manuel Balmaceda because of the island's apparent strategic location and economic value. After Toro transferred the rights to the island's sheep ranching operations from Tahiti-based businesses to the Chilean-based Williamson-Balfour Company in 1887, Easter Island's annexation process was culminated with the signing of the "Agreement of Wills" between Rapa Nui chieftains and Toro, in name of the Chilean government, in 1888.See:
Chile's Polynesian aspirations would again be awakened in the aftermath of the country's decisive victory against Peru in the War of the Pacific, which left the Chilean fleet as the dominant maritime force in the Pacific coast of the Americas. Valparaso had also become the most important port in the Pacific coast of South America, providing Chilean merchants with the capacity to find markets in the Pacific for its new mineral wealth acquired from the Atacama. During this period, the Chilean intellectual and politician Benjamn Vicua Mackenna (who served as senator in the National Congress from 1876 to 1885) was an influential voice in favor of Chilean expansionism into the Pacifiche considered that Spanish discoveries in the Pacific had been taken by the British, and envisioned that Chile's duty was to create an empire in the Pacific that would reach Asian shores . In the context of this imperialist fervor is that, in 1886, Captain Policarpo Toro of the Chilean Navy proposed to his superiors the annexation of Easter Island; a proposal that attained support from President Jos Manuel Balmaceda because of the island's apparent strategic location and economic value. After Toro transferred the rights to the island's sheep ranching operations from Tahiti-based businesses to the Chilean-based Williamson-Balfour Company in 1887, Easter Island's annexation process was culminated with the signing of the "Agreement of Wills" between Rapa Nui chieftains and Toro, in name of the Chilean government, in 1888.See:
[ { "type": "R", "before": "Spain's", "after": "Spanish", "start_char_pos": 707, "end_char_pos": 714, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "stolen", "after": "taken", "start_char_pos": 751, "end_char_pos": 757, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "style", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Asia", "after": "Asian shores", "start_char_pos": 863, "end_char_pos": 867, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "style", "clarity", "clarity" ] } ]
[ 0, 243, 463, 869, 1031, 1172 ]
James Robert Phillips (1863 - 1897) was the deputy commissioner and consul for the Niger Coast Protectorate. He is remembered for his part in the events that led to the Benin Expedition of 1897. In 1897 Phillips set out to depose the Oba of Benin, although his reasons for doing so remain unclear. He and many of his party were killed as they approached Benin City . Although Phillips had acted without authority , after his death a British punitive force deposed the Benin monarchy, pillaged Benin City and took many riches including the Benin Bronzes back to Britain . Aftermath The British Admiralty responded swiftly to the Benin Massacre by authorizing the Benin Punitive Expedition of February 1897. On 18 February, Benin City was taken by the British and the kingdom of Benin overthrown . The British Government revoked the Royal Niger Company's charter (granted in 1886) as a result of these events and ongoing complaints against the company from the Brass people of the Benin Rivers, the killings of Hausa princes during the Bida Battle ( 1897 ) and ongoing territorial rivalry with the French. Following the revoking of its charter on 31 December 1899, the Royal Niger Company sold its holdings to the British government for 865,000 (). On 1 January 1900 all its territories and assets passed to the British crown . The surrendered territories together with the Niger Coast Protectorate were formed into Northern and Southern Protectorates of the Niger River. In 1914, the two protectorates were formally united and amalgamated as the Colony and Protectorate of Nigeria by Governor Lord Frederick Lugard. Memorials An eagle lectern in Christ Church, Ivegill, was inscribed in his memory; it is now in Carlisle Cathedral. At the site of the massacre, a memorial cross was erected to the seven British killed.
James Robert Phillips (1863 - 1897) was the deputy commissioner and consul for the Niger Coast Protectorate. He is remembered for his part in the events that led to the Benin Expedition of 1897. In 1897 , Phillips set out to depose the Oba of Benin, although his reasons for doing so remain unclear. He and his party was ambushed and slaughtered as they approached Benin City , with Philips being among the casualties. Though Philips had acted without consulting the Royal Niger Company authorities , after his death the British government dispatched an punitive force against the Benin monarchy, which the force defeated and deposed, leading to the kingdom's eventual absorption into colonial Nigeria . Aftermath The British Admiralty responded swiftly to the Benin Massacre by authorizing the punitive expedition which departed in February 1897. On 18 February, Benin City was captured by the expedition and the Kingdom of Benin was overthrown; it was eventually absorbed into colonial Nigeria . The British government revoked the Royal Niger Company's charter (granted in 1886) as a result of these events and ongoing complaints against the company from the Brass people of the Benin Rivers, the deaths of Hausa princes during skirmishes in the Bida Emirate in 1897 and ongoing territorial rivalry with the French. Following the revoking of its charter on 31 December 1899, the Royal Niger Company sold its holdings to the British government for 865,000 (). On 1 January 1900 all its territories and assets passed to the British Crown . The surrendered territories together with the Niger Coast Protectorate were formed into Northern and Southern Protectorates of the Niger River. In 1914, the two protectorates were formally united and amalgamated as the Colony and Protectorate of Nigeria by Governor Lord Frederick Lugard. Memorials An eagle lectern in Christ Church, Ivegill, was inscribed in his memory; it is now in Carlisle Cathedral. At the site of the massacre, a memorial cross was erected to the seven Britons killed.
[ { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": ",", "start_char_pos": 203, "end_char_pos": 203, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "many of his party were killed", "after": "his party was ambushed and slaughtered", "start_char_pos": 306, "end_char_pos": 335, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": ". Although Phillips", "after": ", with Philips being among the casualties. Though Philips", "start_char_pos": 366, "end_char_pos": 385, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "authority", "after": "consulting the Royal Niger Company authorities", "start_char_pos": 404, "end_char_pos": 413, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "a British punitive force deposed", "after": "the British government dispatched an punitive force against", "start_char_pos": 432, "end_char_pos": 464, "major_intent": "style", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "style", "style" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "pillaged Benin City and took many riches including the Benin Bronzes back to Britain", "after": "which the force defeated and deposed, leading to the kingdom's eventual absorption into colonial Nigeria", "start_char_pos": 485, "end_char_pos": 569, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Benin Punitive Expedition of", "after": "punitive expedition which departed in", "start_char_pos": 663, "end_char_pos": 691, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "style", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "taken by the British and the kingdom of Benin overthrown", "after": "captured by the expedition and the Kingdom of Benin was overthrown; it was eventually absorbed into colonial Nigeria", "start_char_pos": 738, "end_char_pos": 794, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Government", "after": "government", "start_char_pos": 809, "end_char_pos": 819, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "killings", "after": "deaths", "start_char_pos": 998, "end_char_pos": 1006, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "the Bida Battle (", "after": "skirmishes in the Bida Emirate in", "start_char_pos": 1031, "end_char_pos": 1048, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "clarity", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": ")", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 1054, "end_char_pos": 1055, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "others", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "crown", "after": "Crown", "start_char_pos": 1319, "end_char_pos": 1324, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "British", "after": "Britons", "start_char_pos": 1803, "end_char_pos": 1810, "major_intent": "style", "raw_intents": [ "style", "clarity", "fluency" ] } ]
[ 0, 108, 194, 298, 367, 706, 796, 1104, 1247, 1326, 1470, 1615, 1698, 1731 ]
James Robert Phillips (1863 - 1897) was the deputy commissioner and consul for the Niger Coast Protectorate. He is remembered for his part in the events that led to the Benin Expedition of 1897. In 1897, Phillips set out to depose the Oba of Benin, although his reasons for doing so remain unclear. He and his party was ambushed and slaughtered as they approached Benin City, with Philips being among the casualties. Though Philips had acted without consulting the Royal Niger Company authorities, after his death the British government dispatched an punitive force against the Benin monarchy, which the force defeated and deposed, leading to the kingdom's eventual absorption into colonial Nigeria. Life James Phillips was the eldest son of Rev. Thompson Phillips, vicar of Ivegill and later Archdeacon of Furness in the Diocese of Carlisle, and Eliza, daughter of General James Wallace Sleigh. The Benin massacre Boisragon and Locke, the two British men to survive the ambush Captain Phillips statue, Museum of Black Civilisations, Dakar On 17 December 1896, Phillips set off from Old Calabar in the yacht Ivy on the expedition to Benin. He also sent a message through Chief Dogho (Itsekiri Chief) to Ovonramwen, the 36th Oba of Benin, that he was on his way to visit. Although they had given word of their intended visit, they were later informed that their arrival must be delayed, because no foreigner could enter the city while rituals were being conducted;Benin Diplomatic Handbook, p. 21. however, the travellers continued on their expedition. His true intentions were not clear to Oba Ovonramwen, who replied asking him to wait for some days whilst he and his Council of Chiefs investigated claims that the whitemen are bringing war to Benin. He also informed Phillips that he was currently engaged in 'worshipping his father's head' in the Ague Festival. Phillips failed to heed the Oba's advice, as well as pleas from his Itsekiri advisors, and on 4 January 1897 he pressed ahead with his plan.
James Robert Phillips (1863 - 1897) was the deputy commissioner and consul for the Niger Coast Protectorate. He is remembered for his part in the events that led to the Benin Expedition of 1897. In 1897, Phillips set out to depose the Oba of Benin, although his reasons for doing so remain unclear. He and his party was ambushed and slaughtered as they approached Benin City, with Phillips being among the casualties. Though Phillips had acted without consulting the Royal Niger Company authorities, after his death the British government dispatched an punitive expedition against the Benin monarchy, which the force defeated and deposed, leading to the kingdom's eventual absorption into colonial Nigeria. Life James Phillips was the eldest son of Reverend Thompson Phillips, vicar of Ivegill and later Archdeacon of Furness in the Diocese of Carlisle, and Eliza, daughter of General James Wallace Sleigh. The Benin massacre Boisragon and Locke, the two British men to survive the ambush On 17 December 1896, Phillips set off from Old Calabar in the yacht Ivy on the expedition to Benin. He also sent a message through Chief Dogho (Itsekiri Chief) to Ovonramwen, the 36th Oba of Benin, that he was on his way to visit. Although they had given word of their intended visit, they were later informed that their arrival must be delayed, because no foreigner could enter the city while rituals were being conducted;Benin Diplomatic Handbook, p. 21. however, the travellers continued on their expedition. His true intentions were not clear to Oba Ovonramwen, who replied asking him to wait for some days whilst he and his Council of Chiefs investigated claims that the whitemen are bringing war to Benin. He also informed Phillips that he was currently engaged in 'worshipping his father's head' in the Ague Festival. Phillips failed to heed the Oba's advice, as well as pleas from his Itsekiri advisors, and on 4 January 1897 he pressed ahead with his plan.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "Philips", "after": "Phillips", "start_char_pos": 381, "end_char_pos": 388, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Philips", "after": "Phillips", "start_char_pos": 424, "end_char_pos": 431, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "force", "after": "expedition", "start_char_pos": 560, "end_char_pos": 565, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "style", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Rev.", "after": "Reverend", "start_char_pos": 742, "end_char_pos": 746, "major_intent": "style", "raw_intents": [ "style", "clarity", "style" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "Captain Phillips statue, Museum of Black Civilisations, Dakar", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 978, "end_char_pos": 1039, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "coherence", "clarity" ] } ]
[ 0, 108, 194, 298, 416, 699, 895, 1139, 1270, 1551, 1751, 1864 ]
Following the outbreak of the influenza epidemic in 1918 which devastated her area, Nkwenkwe believed that she was spared for a divine purpose. And in undertaking her work as first a seer, then a diviner, and ultimately a prophet, her life was changed dramatically. She began having visions and telling locals that had God told her the epidemic was punishment for people's sins and that her mission was to reform society. However, in the wake of the Bulhoek massacre where a 183 African Israelites were killed at Bulhoek in 1921, white attitudes to any large-scale black gatherings became increasingly paranoid. Officials reported that farm workers around Fort Beaufort (near Fort Hare) had been enraptured by her message and were reluctant to return to work. The government became paranoid of any independent black thinkers. Nkwenkwe great-grandson Mzimkhulu Bungu believes that some established mission churches, worried about her growing following, had also complained about her activities. Nkwenkwe's sermons also encouraged unity among educated and "red" Xhosa people, something that was in conflict with the colonial system's divide and conquer mechanism. According to Edgar, R and Sapire, H, she was further accused of encouraging Africans to boycott white churches . She was now seen as subversive, [ and was] arrested, and jailed in 1922. Nkwenkwe continued to preach despite the terms of her release, and she was re-arrested in April 1923. The arrest of Nkwenkwe enraged her supporters. In a show of solidarity, hundreds of her supporters gathered, ready to engage the authorities in the event that she was charged. Mindful of the disorder that could be unleashed by a possible court appearance, the authorities committed Nontetha to Fort Beaufort Mental Hospital. Her followers would walk as far as 80 km to the town to consult with her. In 1924, Nkwenkwe was transferred her to Weskoppies asylum in Pretoria . After two years of no correspondence about her condition, Nkwenkwe's supporters , decided to visit their leader in Pretoria. On November 23 1926, her follower began a 1000 km walk which lasted for 55 day walk from Eastern Cape to Pretoria. When they met her on January 18 1927, the movement had grown as some people joined them along the way. A second pilgrimage was cut short and loaded onto trains after crossing the Orange River at Aliwal North without passes 1930.
Following the outbreak of the influenza epidemic in 1918 which devastated her area, Nkwenkwe believed that she was spared for a divine purpose. And in undertaking her work as first a seer, then a diviner, and ultimately a prophet, her life was changed dramatically. She began having visions and telling locals that God had told her the epidemic was punishment for people's sins and that her mission was to reform society. However, in the wake of the Bulhoek massacre where a 183 African Israelites were killed at Bulhoek in 1921, white attitudes to any large-scale black gatherings became increasingly paranoid. Officials reported that farm workers around Fort Beaufort (near Fort Hare) had been enraptured by her message and were reluctant to return to work. The government became suspicious of any independent black thinkers. Nkwenkwe 's great-grandson Mzimkhulu Bungu believes that some established mission churches, worried about her growing following, had also complained about her activities. Nkwenkwe's sermons also encouraged unity among educated and "red" Xhosa people, something that was in conflict with the colonial system's divide and conquer mechanism. According to Edgar, R and Sapire, H, she was further accused of encouraging Africans to boycott white churches ' . She was now seen as subversive, [ was] arrested, and jailed in 1922. Nkwenkwe continued to preach despite the terms of her release, and she was re-arrested in April 1923. The arrest of Nkwenkwe enraged her supporters. In a show of solidarity, hundreds of her supporters gathered, ready to engage the authorities in the event that she was charged. Mindful of the disorder that could be unleashed by a possible court appearance, the authorities committed Nontetha to Fort Beaufort Mental Hospital. Her followers would walk as far as 80 km to the town to consult with her. In 1924, Nkwenkwe was transferred to the Weskoppies Mental Hospital in Pretoria, the government's prime psychiatric observation institution . After two years of no correspondence about her condition, Nkwenkwe's supporters decided to visit their leader in Pretoria. On November 23 1926, her followers began a 1000 km walk which lasted for 55 days, walking from Eastern Cape to Pretoria. When they met her on January 18 1927, the movement had grown as some people joined them along the way. A second pilgrimage was cut short and the marchers loaded back onto trains after crossing the Orange River at Aliwal North without passes in 1930.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "had God", "after": "God had", "start_char_pos": 315, "end_char_pos": 322, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "paranoid", "after": "suspicious", "start_char_pos": 782, "end_char_pos": 790, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "style", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "'s", "start_char_pos": 835, "end_char_pos": 835, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "'", "start_char_pos": 1274, "end_char_pos": 1274, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "others", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "and", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 1311, "end_char_pos": 1314, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "her to Weskoppies asylum in Pretoria", "after": "to the Weskoppies Mental Hospital in Pretoria, the government's prime psychiatric observation institution", "start_char_pos": 1885, "end_char_pos": 1921, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": ",", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 2004, "end_char_pos": 2005, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "follower", "after": "followers", "start_char_pos": 2074, "end_char_pos": 2082, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "day walk", "after": "days, walking", "start_char_pos": 2124, "end_char_pos": 2132, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "loaded", "after": "the marchers loaded back", "start_char_pos": 2305, "end_char_pos": 2311, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "style", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "in", "start_char_pos": 2387, "end_char_pos": 2387, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "coherence", "fluency" ] } ]
[ 0, 143, 265, 421, 611, 759, 825, 994, 1162, 1276, 1349, 1451, 1498, 1627, 1776, 1850, 1923, 2048, 2163, 2266 ]
Comparison with American flag 205px|The Grand Union Flag, 1775 The flag of the East India Company is considered to have inspired the 1775 Grand Union Flag, the first flag of the United States, as the two flags were of the same design. This connection is attributed to numerous sources. Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania once gave a speech endorsing the adoption of the Company's flag by the United States as their national flag. He said to George Washington of Virginia, "While the field of your flag must be new in the details of its design, it need not be entirely new in its elements. There is already in use a flag, I refer to the flag of the East India Company." This was a way of symbolising American loyalty to the Crown as well as the United States' aspirations to be self-governing, as was the East India Company. Some colonists also felt that the Company could be a powerful ally in the American War of Independence, as they shared similar aims and grievances against Crown tax policies. Colonists therefore flew the Company's flag, to endorse the Company. However, the theory that the Grand Union Flag was a direct descendant of the flag of the East India Company has been criticised as lacking written evidence. On the other hand, the resemblance is obvious, and a number of the Founding Fathers of the United States were aware of the East India Company 's activities and of their free administration of India under Company rule.
Comparison with American flag 205px|The Grand Union Flag, 1775 The flag of the East India Company may or may not have have inspired the 1775 Grand Union Flag, the first flag of the United States, as the two flags were of the same design. This connection is attributed to numerous sources. Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania once gave a speech endorsing the adoption of the Company's flag by the United States as their national flag. He said to George Washington of Virginia, "While the field of your flag must be new in the details of its design, it need not be entirely new in its elements. There is already in use a flag, I refer to the flag of the East India Company." This was a way of symbolising American loyalty to the Crown as well as the United States' aspirations to be self-governing, as was the East India Company. Some colonists also felt that the Company could be a powerful ally in the American War of Independence, as they shared similar aims and grievances against Crown tax policies. Colonists therefore flew the Company's flag, to endorse the Company. However, the theory that the Grand Union Flag was a direct descendant of the flag of the East India Company has been criticised as lacking written evidence. The British East India Company ’s flag ranged from nine to thirteen red and white stripes and was usually only flown when it was sailing in the Indian Ocean. The Continental Army flew the flag until 1777.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "is considered to have", "after": "may or may not have have", "start_char_pos": 98, "end_char_pos": 119, "major_intent": "style", "raw_intents": [ "style", "style", "style" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "On the other hand, the resemblance is obvious, and a number of the Founding Fathers of the United States were aware of the", "after": "The British", "start_char_pos": 1224, "end_char_pos": 1346, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "clarity", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "'s activities and of their free administration of India under Company rule.", "after": "’s flag ranged from nine to thirteen red and white stripes and was usually only flown when it was sailing in the Indian Ocean. The Continental Army flew the flag until 1777.", "start_char_pos": 1366, "end_char_pos": 1441, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] } ]
[ 0, 234, 285, 428, 587, 667, 822, 997, 1066, 1223 ]
Comparison with American flag 205px|The Grand Union Flag, 1775 The flag of the East India Company may or may not have have inspired the 1775 Grand Union Flag, the first flag of the United States, as the two flags were of the same design. This connection is attributed to numerous sources. Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania once gave a speech endorsing the adoption of the Company's flag by the United States as their national flag. He said to George Washington of Virginia, "While the field of your flag must be new in the details of its design, it need not be entirely new in its elements. There is already in use a flag, I refer to the flag of the East India Company." This was a way of symbolising American loyalty to the Crown as well as the United States' aspirations to be self-governing, as was the East India Company. Some colonists also felt that the Company could be a powerful ally in the American War of Independence, as they shared similar aims and grievances against Crown tax policies. Colonists therefore flew the Company's flag, to endorse the Company. However, the theory that the Grand Union Flag was a direct descendant of the flag of the East India Company has been criticised as lacking written evidence. The British East India Company ’s flag ranged from nine to thirteen red and white stripes and was usually only flown when it was sailing in the Indian Ocean. The Continental Army flew the flag until 1777.
Comparison with American flag 205px|The Grand Union Flag, 1775 The flag of the East India Company is considered to have inspired the 1775 Grand Union Flag, the first flag of the United States, as the two flags were of the same design. This connection is attributed to numerous sources. Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania once gave a speech endorsing the adoption of the Company's flag by the United States as their national flag. He said to George Washington of Virginia, "While the field of your flag must be new in the details of its design, it need not be entirely new in its elements. There is already in use a flag, I refer to the flag of the East India Company." This was a way of symbolising American loyalty to the Crown as well as the United States' aspirations to be self-governing, as was the East India Company. Some colonists also felt that the Company could be a powerful ally in the American War of Independence, as they shared similar aims and grievances against Crown tax policies. Colonists therefore flew the Company's flag, to endorse the Company. However, the theory that the Grand Union Flag was a direct descendant of the flag of the East India Company has been criticised as lacking written evidence. On the other hand, the resemblance is obvious, and a number of the Founding Fathers of the United States were aware of the East India Company 's activities and of their free administration of India under Company rule.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "may or may not have have", "after": "is considered to have", "start_char_pos": 98, "end_char_pos": 122, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "The British", "after": "On the other hand, the resemblance is obvious, and a number of the Founding Fathers of the United States were aware of the", "start_char_pos": 1227, "end_char_pos": 1238, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "’s flag ranged from nine to thirteen red and white stripes and was usually only flown when it was sailing in the Indian Ocean. The Continental Army flew the flag until 1777.", "after": "'s activities and of their free administration of India under Company rule.", "start_char_pos": 1258, "end_char_pos": 1431, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "meaning-changed" ] } ]
[ 0, 237, 288, 431, 590, 670, 825, 1000, 1069, 1226, 1384 ]
Fashion activism is the practice of the cultural capital of fashion as a medium for social and environmental change. The term was coined by Cline Semaan, co-founder of the Slow Factory Foundation . As with other forms of activism, the aim is to promote, impede, direct, or intervene into social arrangements of dress to lay claim to a certain political agenda as well as influence systemic change within the fashion industry . It merges popular styles of dress, from clothing and shoes, to headwear and accessories, with efforts to implement social and political change beyond the designated channels of influence offered by the local political system, such as voting. Fashion activism can be used as a form of protest, whether expressing dissent or support. Slow factory Beyond the use amongst designers promoting sustainability and user engagement, the term has also more recently been coined by designer Cline Semaan in her work with the NYC-based fashion lab Slow Factory. In this context, items in her collections have been used as means of fashion activism; a 'Dignity Key' necklace with which people can show support for displaced Middle Eastern refugees, a 'Banned' scarf showing the universal impact of President Trump's Muslim ban, and a '1st Amendment Flight Jacket' collaboration with ACLU, featuring the First Amendment text is written in Arabic, standing up to the rise in islamophobia in the United States and hate crimes against American Muslims.
Fashion activism is the practice of using fashion as a means of social change, sometimes through ethical consumerism, but often beyond the act of purchasing symbolic fashionable objects . As with other forms of activism, the aim is to promote, impede, direct, or intervene into social arrangements of dress to lay claim to a certain political agenda . It merges popular styles of dress, from clothing and shoes, to headwear and accessories, with efforts to implement social and political change beyond the designated channels of influence offered by the local political system, such as voting. Fashion activism can be used as a form of protest, whether expressing dissent or support. Slow factory Beyond the use amongst designers promoting sustainability and user engagement, the term has also more recently been used by designer Cline Semaan in her work with the NYC-based fashion lab Slow Factory. In this context, items in her collections have been used as means of fashion activism; a 'Dignity Key' necklace with which people can show support for displaced Middle Eastern refugees, a 'Banned' scarf showing the universal impact of President Trump's Muslim ban, and a '1st Amendment Flight Jacket' collaboration with ACLU, featuring the First Amendment text is written in Arabic, standing up to the rise in islamophobia in the United States and hate crimes against American Muslims.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "the cultural capital of", "after": "using", "start_char_pos": 36, "end_char_pos": 59, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "medium for social and environmental change. The term was coined by Cline Semaan, co-founder of the Slow Factory Foundation", "after": "means of social change, sometimes through ethical consumerism, but often beyond the act of purchasing symbolic fashionable objects", "start_char_pos": 73, "end_char_pos": 195, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "as well as influence systemic change within the fashion industry", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 360, "end_char_pos": 424, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "coined", "after": "used", "start_char_pos": 888, "end_char_pos": 894, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] } ]
[ 0, 116, 197, 426, 668, 758, 976, 1063 ]
Deepak Mathur (born 8 April 1952) is an Indian molecular and atomic physicist and , until recently, a distinguished professor at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research. He is currently the J C Bose National Fellow at the Department of Atomic and Molecular Physics at Manipal University . Known for his research on molecular and biological physics, Mathur is an elected fellow of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Indian National Science Academy and The World Academy of Sciences. The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, the apex agency of the Government of India for scientific research, awarded him the Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize for Science and Technology, one of the highest Indian science awards, for his contributions to physical sciences in 1991.
Deepak Mathur (born 8 April 1952) is an Indian molecular and atomic physicist and was a Distinguished Professor at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research. He has been the J C Bose National Fellow at the Department of Atomic and Molecular Physics at Manipal Academy of Higher Education and Founding Director of the UM-DAE Centre for Excellence in Basic Science at the University of Mumbai . Known for his research on molecular and biological physics, Mathur is an elected fellow of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Indian National Science Academy and The World Academy of Sciences. The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, the apex agency of the Government of India for scientific research, awarded him the Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize for Science and Technology, one of the highest Indian science awards, for his contributions to physical sciences in 1991.
[ { "type": "R", "before": ", until recently, a distinguished professor", "after": "was a Distinguished Professor", "start_char_pos": 82, "end_char_pos": 125, "major_intent": "style", "raw_intents": [ "style", "others", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "is currently", "after": "has been", "start_char_pos": 176, "end_char_pos": 188, "major_intent": "style", "raw_intents": [ "style", "clarity", "style" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "University", "after": "Academy of Higher Education and Founding Director of the UM-DAE Centre for Excellence in Basic Science at the University of Mumbai", "start_char_pos": 279, "end_char_pos": 289, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] } ]
[ 0, 172, 481 ]
Development and dissolution Invested with considerable powers, Santa Cruz endeavoured to establish in Peru the same type of authoritarian order he had imposed in Bolivia. He issued a civil code, a penal code, a trade regulation, a customs regulation and URLanized tax collectionprocedures allowing an increase in state revenues while restraining expenditures. However, the Confederation generated resistances among several groups in both countries , which resented the dilution of national identities , and also among neighbouring countries. An important number of Peruvian politicians opposed to the idea of the Confederation fled to Chile, where they received support and this led to the War of the Confederation . Chile declared war on December 28, 1836, and Argentina followed suit on May 9, 1837. The Chilean military expedition against Santa Cruz, led by Admiral Manuel Blanco Encalada failed and had to submit to the signature of the Treaty of Paucarpata, on November 17, 1837. The Chilean government URLanized a second expedition, which defeated the Supreme Protector at the Battle of Yungay on January 20, 1839 , and forced the dissolution of the Confederation. When Agustn Gamarra took office as the new president of Peru on August 25, 1839, he officially declared the dissolution of the Confederation and of the merging of the Northern and Southern Peruvian Republics into a single state to be called again Peru and separate from Bolivia.
Development and dissolution Invested with considerable powers, Santa Cruz endeavoured to establish in Peru the same type of authoritarian order he had imposed in Bolivia. He issued a civil code, a penal code, a trade regulation, a customs regulation and procedures for URLanizing tax collection, which allowed an increase in state revenues and reduced expenditures. However, the Confederation generated resistances among several groups in both countries that resented the dilution of national identities and by neighbouring countries. Many Peruvian politicians opposed to the idea of the Confederation fled to Chile, where they received support and this led to the War of the Confederation Chile declared war on December 28, 1836, and Argentina followed suit on May 9, 1837. The Chilean military expedition against Santa Cruz, led by Admiral Manuel Blanco Encalada , failed and had to submit to the signature of the Treaty of Paucarpata, on November 17, 1837. The Chilean government URLanized a second expedition, which defeated the Supreme Protector at the Battle of Yungay on January 20, 1839 and forced the dissolution of the Confederation. When Agustn Gamarra took office as the new president of Peru on August 25, 1839, he officially declared the dissolution of the Confederation and of the merging of the Northern and Southern Peruvian Republics into a single state , again called Peru, and separate from Bolivia.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "URLanized tax collectionprocedures allowing", "after": "procedures for URLanizing tax collection, which allowed", "start_char_pos": 254, "end_char_pos": 297, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "while restraining", "after": "and reduced", "start_char_pos": 328, "end_char_pos": 345, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": ", which", "after": "that", "start_char_pos": 448, "end_char_pos": 455, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "clarity", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": ", and also among", "after": "and by", "start_char_pos": 501, "end_char_pos": 517, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "coherence", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "An important number of", "after": "Many", "start_char_pos": 542, "end_char_pos": 564, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": ".", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 715, "end_char_pos": 716, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": ",", "start_char_pos": 892, "end_char_pos": 892, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": ",", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 1121, "end_char_pos": 1122, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "to be called again Peru", "after": ", again called Peru,", "start_char_pos": 1400, "end_char_pos": 1423, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "coherence" ] } ]
[ 0, 170, 359, 541, 716, 801, 985, 1171 ]
Relation to traditional epistemology Traditional epistemology and Bayesian epistemology are both forms of epistemology, but they differ in various respects, for example, concerning their methodology, their interpretation of belief , the role justification or confirmation plays in them and some of their research interests. Traditional epistemology focuses on topics such as the analysis of the nature of knowledge, usually in terms of justified true beliefs , the sources of knowledge , like perception or testimony, the structure of a body of knowledge, for example in the form of foundationalismor coherentism, and the problem of philosophical skepticism or the question of whether knowledge is possible at all . These inquiries are usually based on epistemic intuitions and regard beliefs as either present or absent . Bayesian epistemology, on the other hand, works by formalizing concepts and problems, which are often vague in the traditional approach. It thereby focuses more on mathematical intuitions and promises a higher degree of precision. It sees belief as a continuous phenomenon that comes in various degrees, so-called credences. Some Bayesians have even suggested that the regular notion of belief should be abandoned. But there are also proposals to connect the two, for example, the Lockean thesis, which defines belief as credence above a certain threshold. Justification plays a central role in traditional epistemology while Bayesians have focused on the related notions of confirmation and disconfirmation through evidence. The notion of evidence is important for both approaches but only the traditional approach has been interested in studying the sources of evidence, like perception and memory. Bayesianism, on the other hand, has focused on the role of evidence for rationality: how someone's credence should be adjusted upon receiving new evidence. There is an analogy between the Bayesian norms of rationality in terms of probabilistic laws and the traditional norms of rationality in terms of deductive consistency. Certain traditional problems, like the topic of skepticism about our knowledge of the external world, are difficult to express in Bayesian terms.
Relation to traditional epistemology Traditional epistemology and Bayesian epistemology are both forms of epistemology, but they differ in various respects, for example, concerning their methodology, the propositional attitudes they study , the role justification or confirmation plays in them and some of their research interests. Bayesian epistemology focuses on degrees of belief, also often called credences. On the other hand, Traditional epistemology focuses on knowledge, analyzed by Plato as being justified true beliefs . They then seek to understand what counts as knowledge and how to evaluate one's beliefs (see foundationalism, coherentism, and the problem of philosophical skepticism or the question of whether knowledge is possible at all ) . Bayesian epistemology, on the other hand, works by formalizing concepts and problems, which are often vague in the traditional approach. It thereby focuses more on mathematical intuitions and promises a higher degree of precision. It sees belief as a continuous phenomenon that comes in various degrees, so-called credences. Some Bayesians have even suggested that the regular notion of belief should be abandoned. But there are also proposals to connect the two, for example, the Lockean thesis, which defines belief as credence above a certain threshold. Justification plays a central role in traditional epistemology while Bayesians have focused on the related notions of confirmation and disconfirmation through evidence. The notion of evidence is important for both approaches but only the traditional approach has been interested in studying the sources of evidence, like perception and memory. Bayesianism, on the other hand, has focused on the role of evidence for rationality: how someone's credence should be adjusted upon receiving new evidence. There is an analogy between the Bayesian norms of rationality in terms of probabilistic laws and the traditional norms of rationality in terms of deductive consistency. Certain traditional problems, like the topic of skepticism about our knowledge of the external world, are difficult to express in Bayesian terms.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "their interpretation of belief", "after": "the propositional attitudes they study", "start_char_pos": 200, "end_char_pos": 230, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "clarity", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Traditional", "after": "Bayesian", "start_char_pos": 324, "end_char_pos": 335, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "clarity", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "topics such as the analysis of the nature of knowledge, usually in terms of", "after": "degrees of belief, also often called credences. On the other hand, Traditional epistemology focuses on knowledge, analyzed by Plato as being", "start_char_pos": 360, "end_char_pos": 435, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": ", the sources of knowledge , like perception or testimony, the structure of a body of knowledge, for example in the form of foundationalismor", "after": ". They then seek to understand what counts as knowledge and how to evaluate one's beliefs (see foundationalism,", "start_char_pos": 459, "end_char_pos": 600, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "coherence", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": ". These inquiries are usually based on epistemic intuitions and regard beliefs as either present or absent", "after": ")", "start_char_pos": 714, "end_char_pos": 820, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "coherence", "coherence" ] } ]
[ 0, 323, 715, 959, 1053, 1147, 1237, 1379, 1548, 1723, 1879, 2048 ]
Relation to traditional epistemology Traditional epistemology and Bayesian epistemology are both forms of epistemology, but they differ in various respects, for example, concerning their methodology, the propositional attitudes they study , the role justification or confirmation plays in them and some of their research interests. Bayesian epistemology focuses on degrees of belief, also often called credences. On the other hand, Traditional epistemology focuses on knowledge, analyzed by Plato as being justified true beliefs . They then seek to understand what counts as knowledgeand how to evaluate one's beliefs (see foundationalism, coherentism, and the problem of philosophical skepticism or the question of whether knowledge is possible at all ) . Bayesian epistemology, on the other hand, works by formalizing concepts and problems, which are often vague in the traditional approach. It thereby focuses more on mathematical intuitions and promises a higher degree of precision. It sees belief as a continuous phenomenon that comes in various degrees, so-called credences. Some Bayesians have even suggested that the regular notion of belief should be abandoned. But there are also proposals to connect the two, for example, the Lockean thesis, which defines belief as credence above a certain threshold. Justification plays a central role in traditional epistemology while Bayesians have focused on the related notions of confirmation and disconfirmation through evidence. The notion of evidence is important for both approaches but only the traditional approach has been interested in studying the sources of evidence, like perception and memory. Bayesianism, on the other hand, has focused on the role of evidence for rationality: how someone's credence should be adjusted upon receiving new evidence. There is an analogy between the Bayesian norms of rationality in terms of probabilistic laws and the traditional norms of rationality in terms of deductive consistency. Certain traditional problems, like the topic of skepticism about our knowledge of the external world, are difficult to express in Bayesian terms.
Relation to traditional epistemology Traditional epistemology and Bayesian epistemology are both forms of epistemology, but they differ in various respects, for example, concerning their methodology, their interpretation of belief , the role justification or confirmation plays in them and some of their research interests. Traditional epistemology focuses on topics such as the analysis of the nature of knowledge, usually in terms of justified true beliefs , the sources of knowledge, like perception or testimony, the structure of a body of knowledge, for example in the form of foundationalism or coherentism, and the problem of philosophical skepticism or the question of whether knowledge is possible at all . These inquiries are usually based on epistemic intuitions and regard beliefs as either present or absent . Bayesian epistemology, on the other hand, works by formalizing concepts and problems, which are often vague in the traditional approach. It thereby focuses more on mathematical intuitions and promises a higher degree of precision. It sees belief as a continuous phenomenon that comes in various degrees, so-called credences. Some Bayesians have even suggested that the regular notion of belief should be abandoned. But there are also proposals to connect the two, for example, the Lockean thesis, which defines belief as credence above a certain threshold. Justification plays a central role in traditional epistemology while Bayesians have focused on the related notions of confirmation and disconfirmation through evidence. The notion of evidence is important for both approaches but only the traditional approach has been interested in studying the sources of evidence, like perception and memory. Bayesianism, on the other hand, has focused on the role of evidence for rationality: how someone's credence should be adjusted upon receiving new evidence. There is an analogy between the Bayesian norms of rationality in terms of probabilistic laws and the traditional norms of rationality in terms of deductive consistency. Certain traditional problems, like the topic of skepticism about our knowledge of the external world, are difficult to express in Bayesian terms.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "the propositional attitudes they study", "after": "their interpretation of belief", "start_char_pos": 200, "end_char_pos": 238, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Bayesian", "after": "Traditional", "start_char_pos": 332, "end_char_pos": 340, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "style", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "degrees of belief, also often called credences. On the other hand, Traditional epistemology focuses on knowledge, analyzed by Plato as being", "after": "topics such as the analysis of the nature of knowledge, usually in terms of", "start_char_pos": 365, "end_char_pos": 505, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "coherence", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": ". They then seek to understand what counts as knowledgeand how to evaluate one's beliefs (see foundationalism,", "after": ", the sources of knowledge, like perception or testimony, the structure of a body of knowledge, for example in the form of foundationalism or", "start_char_pos": 529, "end_char_pos": 639, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "coherence", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": ")", "after": ". These inquiries are usually based on epistemic intuitions and regard beliefs as either present or absent", "start_char_pos": 753, "end_char_pos": 754, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] } ]
[ 0, 331, 412, 530, 893, 987, 1081, 1171, 1313, 1482, 1657, 1813, 1982 ]
Muweilah () is an archaeological site in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates , in the suburb of Al Jurainah near Sharjah University City. A large, fortified settlement thought to have been occupied during the Iron Age II period (1,100-600BC), the site has been explored by archaeologists since the discovery of pottery shards by a local resident led to a French survey of the area in 1989 and archaeological work by an Australian expedition in 1994 It has yielded the oldest known example of writing found to date in the UAE, a pottery shard with an inscription, thought to be Sabean, with the letters 'bml'. Foundation Carbon dating artefacts found at Muweilah puts the settlement's original date of establishment at between 850 and 800 BC and it enjoyed a brief heyday before being destroyed in a fire around 600BC. Constructed in the main from interlocked mud bricks and mud/stone brick walls, the walled settlement itself surrounds a large walled enclosure with seven buildings, thought to have provided living quarters as well as an administrative centre. This central building contained at least twenty columns and has been a rich trove for archaeologists, with extensive finds of painted and spouted vessels, iron weapons and hundreds of bronze pieces. Analysis of bioarchaeological remains has uncovered important information on subsistence strategies at Muweilah, largely linked to the role played by the domestication of the camel, with marine resources supplementing subsistence based on animal husbandry. The settlement at Muweilah is thought to have flourished through trade with inland settlements such as Masafi that made use of falaj irrigation to build agricultural resources.
Muweilah () is an archaeological site in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates . it is located in what is now the suburb of Al Jurainah near Sharjah University City. A large, fortified settlement thought to have been occupied during the Iron Age II period (1,100-600BC), the site has been explored by archaeologists since the discovery of pottery shards by a local resident led to a French survey of the area in 1989 and archaeological work by an Australian expedition in 1994 It has yielded the oldest known example of writing found to date in the UAE, a pottery shard with an inscription, thought to be Sabean, with the letters 'bml'. Foundation Carbon dated artefacts found at Muweilah put the settlement's original date of establishment at between 850 and 800 BC and archaeological analysis has shown it enjoyed a brief heyday before being destroyed in a fire around 600BC. Constructed in the main from interlocked mud bricks and mud/stone brick walls, the walled settlement itself surrounds a large walled enclosure with seven buildings, thought to have provided living quarters as well as an administrative centre. This central building contained at least twenty columns and has been a rich trove for archaeologists, with extensive finds of painted and spouted vessels, iron weapons and hundreds of bronze pieces. Bio-archaeological analysis of remains has uncovered important information on subsistence strategies at Muweilah, largely linked to the role played by the domestication of the camel, with marine resources supplementing subsistence based on animal husbandry. The settlement at Muweilah is thought to have flourished through trade with inland settlements such as Masafi that made use of falaj irrigation to build agricultural resources.
[ { "type": "R", "before": ", in", "after": ". it is located in what is now", "start_char_pos": 71, "end_char_pos": 75, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "coherence", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "dating", "after": "dated", "start_char_pos": 621, "end_char_pos": 627, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "puts", "after": "put", "start_char_pos": 656, "end_char_pos": 660, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "archaeological analysis has shown", "start_char_pos": 739, "end_char_pos": 739, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Analysis of bioarchaeological", "after": "Bio-archaeological analysis of", "start_char_pos": 1255, "end_char_pos": 1284, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] } ]
[ 0, 131, 602, 812, 1055, 1254, 1511 ]
In its purest form, Civil libertarianism is a political philosophy supporting civil liberties, or which emphasize individual rights and personal freedoms over authorities - such as governments , a corporation and/or social peer pressures . Civil libertarianism is not limited to an individual ideology, rather, it is a philosophy based on a strict interpretation of the Constitution's civil liberties and the many civil rightslaws enacted since . In the libertarian movement The primary concern of most Civil Libertarians is the government's reach over the individual. In theory, the civil libertarian seeks to reduce the role of government to a minimum - preferring private businesses to fill the many social needs for most Americans. Under the control of elected officials, the government is only relied upon for regulation, without excessively interfering in the lives of its citizens. The Civil Libertarian sees the government's role as critical - supporting free enterprise and the privatization of government programs wherever improvements are possible. One of the central pillars of Civil Libertarianism is free speech. In many cases Civil Libertarians oppose bans on hate speech and obscenity. Although they may or may not personally condone behaviors associated with these issues, civil libertarians hold that the advantages of unfettered public discourse outweigh all disadvantages. With the advent of personal computers, the Internet, email, cell phones and other information technology advances a subset of civil libertarianism has arisen that focuses on protecting individuals' digital rights and privacy . Just as acting Democrats and Republicans hold varying degrees of left and right-leaning beliefs; few Civil Libertarians, if any, hold all of the views defined by this philosophy .
Civil libertarianism is a strain of political thought that supports civil liberties, or which emphasizes the supremacy of individual rights and personal freedoms over and against any kind of authority (such as a state , a corporation , social norms imposed through peer pressure and so on) . Civil libertarianism is not a complete ideology— rather, it is a collection of views on the specific issues of civil liberties and civil rights . In the libertarian movement In the domain of libertarian philosophy, the primary concern of the civil libertarian is the relationship of the government to the individual. In theory, the civil libertarian seeks to restrict this relationship to an absolute minimum in which the state can function and provide basic services and securities without excessively interfering in the lives of its citizens. One key cause of civil libertarianism is upholding free speech. Specifically, civil libertarians oppose bans on hate speech and obscenity. Although they may or may not personally condone behaviors associated with these issues, civil libertarians hold that the advantages of unfettered public discourse outweigh all disadvantages. With the advent of personal computers, the Internet, email, cell phones and other information technology advances a subset of civil libertarianism has arisen that focuses on protecting individuals' digital rights and privacy .
[ { "type": "D", "before": "In its purest form,", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 0, "end_char_pos": 19, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "coherence", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "political philosophy supporting", "after": "strain of political thought that supports", "start_char_pos": 46, "end_char_pos": 77, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "emphasize", "after": "emphasizes the supremacy of", "start_char_pos": 104, "end_char_pos": 113, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "authorities - such as governments", "after": "and against any kind of authority (such as a state", "start_char_pos": 159, "end_char_pos": 192, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "style" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "and/or social peer pressures", "after": ", social norms imposed through peer pressure and so on)", "start_char_pos": 209, "end_char_pos": 237, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "limited to an individual ideology,", "after": "a complete ideology—", "start_char_pos": 268, "end_char_pos": 302, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "philosophy based on a strict interpretation of the Constitution's", "after": "collection of views on the specific issues of", "start_char_pos": 319, "end_char_pos": 384, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "the many civil rightslaws enacted since", "after": "civil rights", "start_char_pos": 405, "end_char_pos": 444, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "The", "after": "In the domain of libertarian philosophy, the", "start_char_pos": 475, "end_char_pos": 478, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "style", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "most Civil Libertarians is the government's reach over", "after": "the civil libertarian is the relationship of the government to", "start_char_pos": 498, "end_char_pos": 552, "major_intent": "style", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "style", "style" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "reduce the role of government to a minimum - preferring private businesses to fill the many social needs for most Americans. Under the control of elected officials, the government is only relied upon for regulation,", "after": "restrict this relationship to an absolute minimum in which the state can function and provide basic services and securities", "start_char_pos": 611, "end_char_pos": 826, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "The Civil Libertarian sees the government's role as critical - supporting free enterprise and the privatization of government programs wherever improvements are possible. One of the central pillars of Civil Libertarianism is", "after": "One key cause of civil libertarianism is upholding", "start_char_pos": 889, "end_char_pos": 1113, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "coherence", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "In many cases Civil Libertarians", "after": "Specifically, civil libertarians", "start_char_pos": 1127, "end_char_pos": 1159, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": ".", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 1618, "end_char_pos": 1619, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "style", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "Just as acting Democrats and Republicans hold varying degrees of left and right-leaning beliefs; few Civil Libertarians, if any, hold all of the views defined by this philosophy", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 1620, "end_char_pos": 1797, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "coherence", "clarity" ] } ]
[ 0, 446, 568, 735, 888, 1059, 1126, 1201, 1392, 1716 ]
upTrujillo in 1952 In May 1961, the ruler of the Dominican Republic, Rafael Trujillo was murdered with weapons supplied by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). An internal CIA memorandum states that a 1973 Office of Inspector General investigation into the murder disclosed "quite extensive Agency involvement with the plotters." The CIA described its role in "changing" the government of the Dominican Republic as a 'success' in that it assisted in moving the Dominican Republic from a totalitarian dictatorship to a Western-style democracy."CIA "Family Jewels" Memo, 1973 (see page 434) Family Jewels (Central Intelligence Agency) Juan Bosch, an earlier recipient of CIA funding , was elected president of the Dominican Republic in 1962, and was deposed in 1963.
upTrujillo in 1952 In May 1961, the ruler of the Dominican Republic, right-wing dictator Rafael Trujillo, was murdered with weapons supplied by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). An internal CIA memorandum states that a 1973 Office of Inspector General investigation into the murder disclosed "quite extensive Agency involvement with the plotters." The CIA described its role in "changing" the government of the Dominican Republic as a 'success' in that it assisted in moving the Dominican Republic from a totalitarian dictatorship to a Western-style democracy."CIA "Family Jewels" Memo, 1973 (see page 434) Family Jewels (Central Intelligence Agency) Socialist Juan Bosch, whose propoganda and institute for political training had recieved some CIA funding via the J.M. Kaplan Fund , was elected president of the Dominican Republic in its first free elections, in December 1962. Bosch was deposed by a right-wing coup in September 1963, and President Johnson sent troops to prevent him from being restored to power.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "Rafael Trujillo", "after": "right-wing dictator Rafael Trujillo,", "start_char_pos": 69, "end_char_pos": 84, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "Socialist", "start_char_pos": 649, "end_char_pos": 649, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "an earlier recipient of CIA funding", "after": "whose propoganda and institute for political training had recieved some CIA funding via the J.M. Kaplan Fund", "start_char_pos": 662, "end_char_pos": 697, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "1962, and was deposed in 1963.", "after": "its first free elections, in December 1962. Bosch was deposed by a right-wing coup in September 1963, and President Johnson sent troops to prevent him from being restored to power.", "start_char_pos": 751, "end_char_pos": 781, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] } ]
[ 0, 175, 345, 559 ]
The Alter Strom, in the sea resort of Warnemnde, Germany. The Royal Canal in Ireland. Small boat canals such as the Basingstoke Canal fuelled the industrial revolution in much of Europe and the United States. Bridge on the Naviglio Grande, in the town of Cassinetta di Lugagnano, in Italy Canal in Broek in Waterland, Netherlands. Canal in Venice. Canals are waterways channels, or artificial waterways, for water conveyance, or to service water transport vehicles. They may also help with irrigation. It can be thought of as an artificial version of a river. Canals carry free surface flow under atmospheric pressure . In most cases, the engineered works will have a series of dams and locks that create reservoirs of low speed current flow. These reservoirs are referred to as slack water levels, often just called levels. A canal is also known as a navigation when it parallels a river and shares part of its waters and drainage basin, and leverages its resources by building dams and locks to increase and lengthen its stretches of slack water levels while staying in its valley. In contrast, a canal cuts across a drainage divide atop a ridge, generally requiring an external water source above the highest elevation. Many canals have been built at elevations towering over valleys and other water ways crossing far below .
The Alter Strom, in the sea resort of Warnemnde, Germany. The Royal Canal in Ireland. Small boat canals such as the Basingstoke Canal fuelled the industrial revolution in much of Europe and the United States. Bridge on the Naviglio Grande, in the town of Cassinetta di Lugagnano, in Italy Canal in Broek in Waterland, Netherlands. Canal in Venice. Canals are waterway channels, or artificial waterways, for water conveyance, or for servicing water transport vehicles. They carry free surface flow under atmospheric pressure , and can be thought of as artificial rivers . In most cases, a canal has a series of dams and locks that create reservoirs of low speed current flow. These reservoirs are referred to as slack water levels, often just called levels. A canal can be called a navigation canal when it parallels a river and shares part of its waters and drainage basin, and leverages its resources by building dams and locks to increase and lengthen its stretches of slack water levels while staying in its valley. A canal can cut across a drainage divide atop a ridge, generally requiring an external water source above the highest elevation. The best-known example of such a canal is the Panama Canal. Many canals have been built at elevations , above valleys and other waterways .
[ { "type": "R", "before": "Canals are waterways", "after": "Canals are waterway", "start_char_pos": 348, "end_char_pos": 368, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "coherence", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "to service", "after": "for servicing", "start_char_pos": 429, "end_char_pos": 439, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "style", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "may also help with irrigation. It can be thought of as an artificial version of a river. Canals", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 471, "end_char_pos": 566, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "coherence", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": ", and can be thought of as artificial rivers", "start_char_pos": 618, "end_char_pos": 618, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "the engineered works will have a", "after": "a canal has a", "start_char_pos": 636, "end_char_pos": 668, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "style", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "is also known as a navigation", "after": "can be called a navigation canal", "start_char_pos": 834, "end_char_pos": 863, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "style", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "In contrast, a canal cuts", "after": "A canal can cut", "start_char_pos": 1085, "end_char_pos": 1110, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "coherence", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "The best-known example of such a canal is the Panama Canal.", "start_char_pos": 1224, "end_char_pos": 1224, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "towering over", "after": ", above", "start_char_pos": 1267, "end_char_pos": 1280, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "water ways crossing far below", "after": "waterways", "start_char_pos": 1299, "end_char_pos": 1328, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] } ]
[ 0, 57, 85, 208, 330, 347, 465, 501, 559, 620, 743, 825, 1084, 1223 ]
2000 onwards Sabri Brothers performed at Musica Sacra International Mktoberdorf Event in the year 2000 at Germany. Maqbool Ahmed Sabri & Mehmood Ghaznavi Sabri Leading The Sabri Brothers In Moscow, 2001 Mehmood Ghaznavi Sabri performing in Moscow, 2001 In 2001, Kamal Ahmed Sabri second eldest of the Sabri brothers , died after suffering from a second heart attack, after the death of Kamal Sabri, instruments such as Swarmandal and Flexatone came to end in the ensemble . Later the same year, Sabri Brothers performed live at in DOM at On The Carpet Oriental Culture Festival on 17 November 2001 in Moscow which was later released in 2003 as album Live in Moscow Diwani Maqbool Ahmed Sabri along with Mehmood Ghaznavi Sabri toured India in 2004 and recorded an album titled Rabb E Akbar. which was his last official release. In 2005, Sabri Brothers performed at Virsast Fesival held in Dehradun, India. The same year, Maqbool Ahmed Sabri was invited to perform in different cities of Madhya Pardesh, India and was awarded the Tansen Samman Award by Government of Madhya Pradesh. In 2006, Sabri Brothers performed at Ajmer Sharif and they performed in Pune, Maharashtra during the same year. the same year , he re created and re released his old hits like Khwaja Ki Deewani, Mera Koi Nahi Hai Tere Siwa, Mann Bole Mann, and Hum Panjatani Hai which proved to be a big hit . Maqbool Ahmed Sabri did various international and national tours till his death. He performed in Hyderabad India in 2008.
2000 onwards Sabri Brothers performed at Musica Sacra International Mktoberdorf Event concerts during the year 2000 in Germany. Maqbool Ahmed Sabri along with Mehmood Ghaznavi Sabri did several tours of India and recorded various Musial albums which were released by Tips Music. Maqbool Ahmed Sabri & Mehmood Ghaznavi Sabri Leading The Sabri Brothers In Moscow, 2001 Mehmood Ghaznavi Sabri performing in Moscow, 2001 In 2001, Kamal Ahmed Sabri who was the second eldest of the Sabri Brothers , died after suffering from a second heart attack, after the death of Kamal Sabri, instruments such as Swarmandal (Zither) and Chidya Tarang (Flexatone) came to end in Sabri Brothers group . Later the same year, Sabri Brothers performed live in DOM at On The Carpet Oriental Culture Festival on 17 November 2001 in Moscow which was later released in 2003 as album Live in Moscow Diwani In 2005, Sabri Brothers performed at Virsast Fesival held in Dehradun, India. The same year, Maqbool Ahmed Sabri was invited to perform in different cities of Madhya Pardesh, India and was awarded the Tansen Samman Award by Government of Madhya Pradesh. In 2006, Sabri Brothers performed at Ajmer Sharif and they performed in Pune, Maharashtra . The same year , Maqbool Ahmed Sabri re created and re released his old blockbuster super hits including Khwaja Ki Deewani, Mera Koi Nahi Hai Tere Siwa, Mann Bole Mann, and Hum Panjatani Hai which were released by SB Studios in Karachi and proved to be a big hit worldwide . Maqbool Ahmed Sabri did various tours and Qawwali concerts till his death. He performed in Hyderabad India in 2008.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "in", "after": "concerts during", "start_char_pos": 86, "end_char_pos": 88, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "at", "after": "in", "start_char_pos": 103, "end_char_pos": 105, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "along with Mehmood Ghaznavi Sabri did several tours of India and recorded various Musial albums which were released by Tips Music.", "start_char_pos": 135, "end_char_pos": 135, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "Maqbool Ahmed Sabri", "start_char_pos": 136, "end_char_pos": 136, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "who was the", "start_char_pos": 282, "end_char_pos": 282, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "brothers", "after": "Brothers", "start_char_pos": 310, "end_char_pos": 318, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "and Flexatone", "after": "(Zither) and Chidya Tarang (Flexatone)", "start_char_pos": 433, "end_char_pos": 446, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "the ensemble", "after": "Sabri Brothers group", "start_char_pos": 462, "end_char_pos": 474, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "at", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 528, "end_char_pos": 530, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "coherence", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "Maqbool Ahmed Sabri along with Mehmood Ghaznavi Sabri toured India in 2004 and recorded an album titled Rabb E Akbar. which was his last official release.", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 675, "end_char_pos": 829, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "during the same year. the", "after": ". The", "start_char_pos": 1174, "end_char_pos": 1199, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "he", "after": "Maqbool Ahmed Sabri", "start_char_pos": 1212, "end_char_pos": 1214, "major_intent": "style", "raw_intents": [ "style", "clarity", "style" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "hits like", "after": "blockbuster super hits including", "start_char_pos": 1250, "end_char_pos": 1259, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "were released by SB Studios in Karachi and", "start_char_pos": 1352, "end_char_pos": 1352, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "worldwide", "start_char_pos": 1376, "end_char_pos": 1376, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "international and national tours", "after": "tours and Qawwali concerts", "start_char_pos": 1411, "end_char_pos": 1443, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] } ]
[ 0, 114, 199, 249, 263, 320, 369, 829, 907, 1083, 1459 ]
The Wlastkwewiyik, or Maliseet (,Erickson, Vincent O. (1978). "Maliseet-Passamaquoddy." In Northeast, ed. Bruce G. Trigger. Vol. 15 of Handbook of North American Indians, ed. William C. Sturtevant. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution, pg. 123. also spelled Malecite), are an Algonquian-speaking First Nation of the Wabanaki Confederacy. They are the indigenous people of the Wlastk River (Saint John River) valley and its tributaries , and their territory extends across the current borders of New Brunswick and Quebec in Canada, and parts of Maine in the United States. The Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians, based on the Meduxnekeag River in the Maine portion of their traditional homeland, are since 19 July 1776, the first foreign Treaty allies with the United States of America and a federally recognized tribe of Maliseet people by the United States . Today Maliseet people have also migrated to other parts of the world. Maliseets are forest, river and coastal people within their 20,000, 000 acre, 200 mile wide, and 600 mile long Saint John river watershed homeland . Name The people call themselves Wlastkwewiyik after the Wlastkw River at the heart of their expansive territory in what is now New Brunswick and Maine. Wlastkw means "Beautiful River." English colonists later named it the Saint John River. Wlastkwewiyik means "People of the Beautiful River," in Maliseet.LeSourd, Philip, ed. 2007. Tales from Maliseet Country: The Maliseet Texts of Karl V. Teeter, Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press, p. 17, fnote 4 The Maliseet (Malecite) have long been associated with the Saint John . Their territory still extends as far as the Saint Lawrence River. Their lands and resources are bounded on the east by the Mikmaq people, on the west by the Penobscot people , and on the south by the Passamaquoddy people , who also still speak related Algonquian languages. Malesse'jik was a Mikmaq word believed to mean "He speaks slowly," or differently by which the Mikmaq people contrasted the other tribe's language to their own. The meaning of the word today is unknown but is commonly mistranslated to "he speaks badly, lazy, or broken" Erickson 1978, pg. 135 This term is the exonym by which the Mikmaq people referred to this group when speaking to early Europeans. The Europeans met the Mikmaq people before the Wlastkwewiyik, and adopted Malesse'jik as Malcite in French for the people, not understanding that it was not their true name. The later English colonists anglicized this term as Maliseet, in another transliteration of sound . 17th century At the time of European encounter, the Wlastkwewiyik were living in walled villages and practicing horticulture (corn, beans, squash and tobacco). In addition to growing crops, the women gathered and processed fruits, berries, nuts and natural produce. The men contributed by fishing and hunting . Written accounts in the early 17th century, such as those of Samuel de Champlain and Marc LesCarbot, refer to a large Malecite village at the mouth of the Saint John River. Later in the century, sources indicate their headquarters had shifted upriver to Meductic, on the middle reaches of the Saint John River. The French explorers were the first to establish a fur trade with the Wlastkwewiyik, which became important in their territory. Some European goods were desired because they were useful to Wlastkwewiyik subsistence and culture. The French Jesuits also established missions where some Wlastkwewiyik converted to Catholicism. With years of colonialism, many learned the French language. The French called them Malcite, a transliteration of the Mi'kmaq name for the people. Local histories depict many encounters with the Iroquois, five powerful nations based south and east of the Great Lakes, and the Innu . Contact with European fisher-traders in the early 17th century and with specialized fur traders developed into a stable relationship which lasted for nearly 100 years. Despite devastating population losses to European infectious diseases, to which they had no immunity, these Atlantic First Nations held on to their traditional coastal or river locations for hunting, fishing and gathering , and were concentrated along river valleys for trapping.
The Wlastkwewiyik, or Maliseet (,Erickson, Vincent O. (1978). "Maliseet-Passamaquoddy." In Northeast, ed. Bruce G. Trigger. Vol. 15 of Handbook of North American Indians, ed. William C. Sturtevant. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution, pg. 123. also spelled Malecite), are an Algonquian-speaking First Nation of the Wabanaki Confederacy. They are the indigenous people of the Wlastk River (Saint John River) valley and its tributaries . Their territory extends across the current borders of New Brunswick and Quebec in Canada, and parts of Maine in the United States. The Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians, based on the Meduxnekeag River in the Maine portion of their traditional homeland, are since 19 July 1776, the first foreign treaty allies with the United States of America . They are a federally recognized tribe of Maliseet people . Today Maliseet people have also migrated to other parts of the world. The Maliseet have occupied areas of forest, river and coastal areas within their 20,000, 000-acre, 200-mile wide, and 600-mile long homeland in the Saint John river watershed . Name The people call themselves Wlastkwewiyik after the Wlastkw River at the heart of their expansive territory in what is now New Brunswick and Maine. Wlastkw means "Beautiful River." English colonists later named it the Saint John River. Wlastkwewiyik means "People of the Beautiful River," in Maliseet.LeSourd, Philip, ed. 2007. Tales from Maliseet Country: The Maliseet Texts of Karl V. Teeter, Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press, p. 17, fnote 4 The Maliseet (Malecite) have long been associated with the Saint John River . Their territory still extends as far as the Saint Lawrence River. Their lands and resources are bounded on the east by the Mikmaq people, on the west by the Penobscot , and on the south by the Passamaquoddy , who also still speak related Algonquian languages. Malesse'jik was a Mikmaq word believed to mean "He speaks slowly," or differently , by which the Mikmaq people contrasted the other tribe's language to their own. The meaning of the word today is unknown but it is commonly mistranslated to "he speaks badly, lazy, or broken" . Erickson 1978, pg. 135 This term is the exonym by which the Mikmaq people referred to this group when speaking to early Europeans. The Europeans met the Mikmaq people before the Wlastkwewiyik, and transliterated Malesse'jik to Malcite in French for this people, not understanding that it was not their true name. The later English colonists anglicized this term as Maliseet, in another transliteration of sound in their own language . 17th century At the time of European encounter, the Wlastkwewiyik were living in walled villages and practicing horticulture (corn, beans, squash and tobacco). In addition to cultivating and growing crops, the women gathered and processed fruits, berries, nuts and natural produce. The men contributed by fishing and hunting , and the women cooked these finds . Written accounts in the early 17th century, such as those of Samuel de Champlain and Marc LesCarbot, refer to a large Malecite village at the mouth of the Saint John River. Later in the century, sources indicate their headquarters had shifted upriver to Meductic, on the middle reaches of the Saint John River. The French explorers were the first to establish a fur trade with the Wlastkwewiyik, which became important in their territory. Some European goods were desired because they were useful to Wlastkwewiyik subsistence and culture. The French Jesuits also established missions , where some Wlastkwewiyik converted to Catholicism. After years of colonialism, many learned the French language. The French called them Malcite, a transliteration of the Mi'kmaq name for the people. Local histories depict many encounters with the Iroquois, five powerful nations based south and east of the Great Lakes, and the Innu located to the north . Contact with European fisher-traders in the early 17th century and with specialized fur traders developed into a stable relationship which lasted for nearly 100 years. Despite devastating population losses to European infectious diseases, to which they had no immunity, these Atlantic First Nations held on to their traditional coastal or river locations for hunting, fishing and gathering . They lived along river valleys for trapping.
[ { "type": "R", "before": ", and their", "after": ". Their", "start_char_pos": 440, "end_char_pos": 451, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "others", "coherence", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Treaty", "after": "treaty", "start_char_pos": 740, "end_char_pos": 746, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "and", "after": ". They are", "start_char_pos": 788, "end_char_pos": 791, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "clarity", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "by the United States", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 840, "end_char_pos": 860, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "others", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Maliseets are", "after": "The Maliseet have occupied areas of", "start_char_pos": 933, "end_char_pos": 946, "major_intent": "others", "raw_intents": [ "others", "fluency", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "people", "after": "areas", "start_char_pos": 973, "end_char_pos": 979, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "clarity", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "000 acre, 200 mile", "after": "000-acre, 200-mile", "start_char_pos": 1001, "end_char_pos": 1019, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "600 mile long", "after": "600-mile long homeland in the", "start_char_pos": 1030, "end_char_pos": 1043, "major_intent": "others", "raw_intents": [ "others", "fluency", "style" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "homeland", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 1071, "end_char_pos": 1079, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "coherence", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "River", "start_char_pos": 1615, "end_char_pos": 1615, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "people", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 1785, "end_char_pos": 1791, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "people", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 1832, "end_char_pos": 1838, "major_intent": "others", "raw_intents": [ "others", "style", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": ",", "start_char_pos": 1974, "end_char_pos": 1974, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "it", "start_char_pos": 2099, "end_char_pos": 2099, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": ".", "start_char_pos": 2164, "end_char_pos": 2164, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "adopted", "after": "transliterated", "start_char_pos": 2362, "end_char_pos": 2369, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "as", "after": "to", "start_char_pos": 2382, "end_char_pos": 2384, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "clarity", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "the", "after": "this", "start_char_pos": 2407, "end_char_pos": 2410, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "others", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "in their own language", "start_char_pos": 2568, "end_char_pos": 2568, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "style", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "cultivating and", "start_char_pos": 2746, "end_char_pos": 2746, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": ", and the women cooked these finds", "start_char_pos": 2881, "end_char_pos": 2881, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": ",", "start_char_pos": 3468, "end_char_pos": 3468, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "With", "after": "After", "start_char_pos": 3520, "end_char_pos": 3524, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "others", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "located to the north", "start_char_pos": 3801, "end_char_pos": 3801, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": ", and were concentrated", "after": ". They lived", "start_char_pos": 4194, "end_char_pos": 4217, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "others", "coherence", "coherence" ] } ]
[ 0, 61, 87, 105, 123, 174, 197, 342, 576, 862, 932, 1233, 1321, 1387, 1413, 1472, 1617, 1683, 1891, 2053, 2295, 2469, 2730, 2837, 2883, 3056, 3194, 3322, 3422, 3519, 3580, 3666, 3971 ]
Rauf Lala (Urdu: ) (born 1970 in Larkana, Sindh, Pakistan) is a popular Pakistani comedian, actor, writer, and producer. He has been working for over three decades in Pakistani media, And is well known for his comedic talent and stage work. Lala also have been working in Indiaand has won The Great Indian Laughter Challenge - Season 2. Career Stage play He started his career in 1985 as a comedian in One day Theaterin Karachialong with his teacher Razak Rajo. His first commercial show was Susral Bara Janjaal in 1985 with Umer Sharif Javed Sheikh and others. He has worked with Umer Sharif and Moin Akhtar on many stage shows such as Bhudda Ghar Per Hai, and Bakra Qistoon Pay in 1989 which still is a popular and well-known Pakistani stage show internationally. Lala came on several comedy reality shows and gained popularity on television as well as movies in India. Filmography Year Title Role Place 1983 Manila K Jaanbaz Supporting Role Lollywood 1990 Hum Toh Chale Susraal Guy From America Lollywood 1993 Duniya Dil Walo Ki Saud's Friend Lollywood 2009 Runway Tulip Joshi's Friend Bollywood 2010 Bhavnao Ko Samjho Film Director Bollywood Television Lala has worked in various serials, commercials , television filmsand shows for almost three decades including: Ek Raat Ek Kahani Funny Family Super Karara Comedy Kings Comedy Champions The Great Indian Family Drama In 2006, he was invited in an Indian reality show by channel Star One, to participate with other fellow Pakistani's and Indian actors. His special episode was when Bipasha Basu was there in the final episode of The Great Indian Laughter Challenge - Season 2 which he won and where he was awarded the title "Comedy Ka Shahenshah". He is the first Pakistani to win that major Indian contest. | |
Rauf Lala (Urdu: ) (born 1970 in Larkana, Sindh, Pakistan) is a Pakistani comedian, actor, writer, and producer. Working in Pakistani media for over three decades , he is well known for his comedic talent and stage work. Lala has also worked in India, winning season two of The Great Indian Laughter Challenge . Career Rauf Lala began his stage career in 1985 , as a comedian in One Day Theater, Karachi, alongside his teacher, Razak Rajo. His first commercial show was Susral Bara Janjaal also in 1985 , which featured Umer Sharif and Javed Sheikh. He has collaborated with Umer Sharif and Moin Akhtar on many stage shows , including Bhudda Ghar Per Hai, and in 1989, Bakra Qistoon Pay , which remains a popular and well-known Pakistani stage show internationally. Lala has appeared on several comedy reality shows , gaining popularity on television , as well as appearing in movies in Pakistan and India. In 2006, he was invited to appear in season two of The Great Indian Laughter Challenge, an Indian reality television show on channel Star One, which he won. He was awarded the title "Comedy Ka Shahenshah", becoming the first Pakistani to win the major Indian contest. He appeared alongside actress Bipasha Basu in the final episode. Filmography Year Title Role Place 1983 Manila K Jaanbaz Supporting Role Lollywood 1990 Hum Toh Chale Susraal Guy From America Lollywood 1993 Duniya Dil Walo Ki Saud's Friend Lollywood 2009 Runway Tulip Joshi's Friend Bollywood 2010 Bhavnao Ko Samjho Film Director Bollywood Television Lala has worked in various serials, commercials and television films, including: Ek Raat Ek Kahani Funny Family Super Karara Comedy Kings Comedy Champions The Great Indian Family Drama
[ { "type": "D", "before": "popular", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 64, "end_char_pos": 71, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "style", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "He has been working", "after": "Working in Pakistani media", "start_char_pos": 121, "end_char_pos": 140, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "others", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "in Pakistani media, And", "after": ", he", "start_char_pos": 164, "end_char_pos": 187, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "also have been working in Indiaand has won", "after": "has also worked in India, winning season two of", "start_char_pos": 246, "end_char_pos": 288, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "meaning-changed", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "- Season 2.", "after": ".", "start_char_pos": 325, "end_char_pos": 336, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "others", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Stage play He started his", "after": "Rauf Lala began his stage", "start_char_pos": 344, "end_char_pos": 369, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "meaning-changed", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": ",", "start_char_pos": 385, "end_char_pos": 385, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "day Theaterin Karachialong with his teacher", "after": "Day Theater, Karachi, alongside his teacher,", "start_char_pos": 407, "end_char_pos": 450, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "also", "start_char_pos": 513, "end_char_pos": 513, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "meaning-changed", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "with Umer Sharif Javed Sheikh and others. 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He was awarded the title \"Comedy Ka Shahenshah\", becoming the first Pakistani to win the major Indian contest. He appeared alongside actress Bipasha Basu in the final episode.", "start_char_pos": 877, "end_char_pos": 877, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "meaning-changed", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": ", television filmsand shows for almost three decades", "after": "and television films,", "start_char_pos": 1211, "end_char_pos": 1263, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "In 2006, he was invited in an Indian reality show by channel Star One, to participate with other fellow Pakistani's and Indian actors. His special episode was when Bipasha Basu was there in the final episode of The Great Indian Laughter Challenge - Season 2 which he won and where he was awarded the title \"Comedy Ka Shahenshah\". He is the first Pakistani to win that major Indian contest. | |", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 1379, "end_char_pos": 1772, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "coherence", "coherence" ] } ]
[ 0, 120, 240, 462, 563, 769, 876, 1274, 1513, 1708 ]
Wissenschaft is the German language term for scholarship, research, higher education, and academia. The word translates exactly into many other languages, e.g. vetenskap in Swedish or nauka in Polish, but there is no exact translation in modern English. The common translation as "science " is misleading, because Wissenschaft equally includes humanities , and sciences and humanities are mutually exclusive categories in modern English. Wissenschaft includes humanities like art or religion at the same level as sciences like chemistry or psychology. Wissenschaft incorporates scientific and non-scientific inquiry, learning, knowledge, scholarship, and does not necessarily imply empirical research. History Before Immanuel Kant published his Critique of Judgment in 1790, the "schöne Wissenschaft" (roughly, "fine sciences") were highly regarded. The " schöne Wissenschaft" included poetry, rhetoric, and other subjects that were meant to promote an understanding of truth, beauty, and goodness. Kant argued that aesthetic judgments were not an area of systematic knowledge, and therefore were outside the realm of Wissenschaft.
Wissenschaft is a German language term that embraces scholarship, research, higher education, and academia. Wissenschaft translates exactly into many other languages, e.g. vetenskap in Swedish or nauka in Polish, but there is no exact translation in modern English. The common translation to science is misleading, because Wissenschaft equally includes humanities (Geisteswissenschaft) , and sciences and humanities are mutually exclusive categories in modern English. Wissenschaft includes humanities like history, anthropology, or arts (study of literature, visual arts, or music) at the same level as sciences like chemistry or psychology. Wissenschaft incorporates scientific and non-scientific inquiry, learning, knowledge, scholarship, and does not necessarily imply empirical research. History Before Immanuel Kant published his Critique of Judgment in 1790, "schöne Wissenschaft" was highly regarded. " Schöne Wissenschaft" included poetry, rhetoric, and other subjects that were meant to promote an understanding of truth, beauty, and goodness. Kant argued that aesthetic judgments were not an area of systematic knowledge, and therefore were outside the realm of Wissenschaft.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "the", "after": "a", "start_char_pos": 16, "end_char_pos": 19, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "others", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "for", "after": "that embraces", "start_char_pos": 41, "end_char_pos": 44, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "style", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "The word", "after": "Wissenschaft", "start_char_pos": 100, "end_char_pos": 108, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "as \"science \"", "after": "to science", "start_char_pos": 277, "end_char_pos": 290, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "others", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "(Geisteswissenschaft)", "start_char_pos": 355, "end_char_pos": 355, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "art or religion", "after": "history, anthropology, or arts (study of literature, visual arts, or music)", "start_char_pos": 477, "end_char_pos": 492, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "the", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 776, "end_char_pos": 779, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "(roughly, \"fine sciences\") were", "after": "was", "start_char_pos": 802, "end_char_pos": 833, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "The", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 851, "end_char_pos": 854, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "others", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "schöne", "after": "Schöne", "start_char_pos": 857, "end_char_pos": 863, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] } ]
[ 0, 99, 253, 438, 552, 702, 850, 999 ]
The celebration took place for the first time on 1 October 1991. The day is known to increase awareness of the factors and issues that affect older adults, such as age deterioration and the study of problems that affect their lives, elder abuse. It is also a day to recognize and acknowledge the contributions of older people to society. Purpose The main purpose of National Senior Citizen's Day is to raise awareness of the condition of older people and to support them throughout the aging process. The day is also recognized for the well-being of the elderly to recognize and appreciate their accomplishments and their participation in society in order to promote through their skills and knowledge. The reason to celebrate this day is to thank the elders for everything they have done for their children and to acknowledge them. They sacrifice their entire lives to nurture their relationships. Such a selfless service that his whole life has received from his family deserves something important. That's why National Senior Citizens' Day is celebrated. When they dedicate a special day of the year to the elderly, they give their families the opportunity to see their love and commitment. National Senior Citizens' Day is an important moment to remind the government of its commitment to work towards goals, to help seniors and, among other things, to end hunger and poverty for the elderly and people of all ages.
The celebration took place for the first time on 1 October 1991. The day is intended to increase awareness of the factors and issues that affect older adults, such as health deterioration and elder abuse. It is also a day to recognize and acknowledge the contributions of older people to society. Purpose The main purpose of National Senior Citizen's Day is to raise awareness of the condition of older people and to support them throughout the aging process. The day is also recognized for the well-being of the elderly to recognize and appreciate their accomplishments and their participation in society in order to promote their skills and knowledge. The reason to celebrate this day is to thank the elders for everything they have done for their children and to acknowledge them. By dedicating a special day of the year to the elderly, they give their families the opportunity to see their love and commitment. National Senior Citizens' Day is an important moment to remind governments of their commitment to work towards goals, to help seniors and, among other things, to end hunger and poverty for the elderly and people of all ages.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "known", "after": "intended", "start_char_pos": 76, "end_char_pos": 81, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "others", "style" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "age deterioration and the study of problems that affect their lives,", "after": "health deterioration and", "start_char_pos": 164, "end_char_pos": 232, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "through", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 667, "end_char_pos": 674, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "They sacrifice their entire lives to nurture their relationships. Such a selfless service that his whole life has received from his family deserves something important. That's why National Senior Citizens' Day is celebrated. When they dedicate a", "after": "By dedicating a", "start_char_pos": 833, "end_char_pos": 1078, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "coherence", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "the government of its", "after": "governments of their", "start_char_pos": 1257, "end_char_pos": 1278, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "others", "style" ] } ]
[ 0, 64, 245, 337, 500, 702, 832, 898, 1001, 1057, 1193 ]
Focus of celebrations by year Event logo on a digital screen in Riga Each year of the anniversary has a keyword in recognition of events that took place 100 years ago, which were significant to the foundation of the country. Dignitaries laying wreaths at the Freedom Monument on 18 November 2018 As per events on its actual centennial anniversary on 18 November 2018, many high-level government officials, dignitaries, military leaders, and public figures laid wreaths and flowers at the Freedom Monument in the capital. A musical concert was held at the Latvian National Theatre, where Latvia declared its sovereignty in 1918. A special meeting of the Saeima was alsoheld at the theatre. Military Parade The Italian Bersaglieri marching in the military parade . The annual military parade along the 11. novembra krastmala (November 11th Embankment) in Riga marked the centennial anniversary' s main events . It was the largest in history with around 1,700 soldiers from the Latvian National Armed Forces participating in the march past. It was composed of personnel of the Land Forces, Navy, Air Force, National Guard, Border Guard, Military Police, State Police, State Fire and Rescue Service and military academies. The parade was led by Latvian President Raimonds Vjonis, Chief of the National Defence Forces Leonds Kalni and Naval Forces commander Ingus Vizulis. Estonian President Kersti Kaljulaid and Armed Forces chief Riho Terras, Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskait, Finnish President Sauli Niinist and Icelandic President Guni Th. Jhannesson joined in attending the military parade and the celebrations. The NATO countries and other military partners of Latvia that were represented at the parade were Italy, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, the Czech Republic, Finland, Albania, Croatia, the Netherlands, Norway, Slovakia, Spain Slovenia, Britain, Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Canada and the United States.26th Latvian Song and Dance Festival closing concert "On the Starry Path" . Latvian Song and Dance Festival
Focus of celebrations by year Event logo on a digital screen in Riga on Brvbas iela Each year of the anniversary has a keyword in recognition of events that took place 100 years ago, which were significant to the foundation of the country. Dignitaries laying wreaths at the Freedom Monument on 18 November 2018 As per the events on its actual centennial anniversary on 18 November 2018, many high-level government officials, dignitaries, military leaders, and public figures laid wreaths and flowers at the Freedom Monument in the capital. A musical concert was held at the Latvian National Theatre, where Latvia declared its sovereignty in 1918. A special meeting of the Saeima was alsoheld at the theatre. Military Parade The Italian Bersaglieri marching in the military parade The annual military parade along the 11. novembra krastmala (November 11th Embankment) in Riga marked one of the main events of the centennial anniversary' . It was the largest military parade in Latvian history with around 1,700 soldiers from the Latvian National Armed Forces participating in the march past. It was composed of personnel of the Land Forces, Navy, Air Force, National Guard, Border Guard, Military Police, State Police, State Fire and Rescue Service and military academies. The parade was led by Latvian President Raimonds Vjonis, Chief of the National Defence Forces Leonds Kalni and Naval Forces commander Ingus Vizulis. Estonian President Kersti Kaljulaid and Armed Forces chief Riho Terras, Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskait, Finnish President Sauli Niinist and Icelandic President Guni Th. Jhannesson joined in attending the military parade and the celebrations. The NATO countries and other military partners of Latvia that were represented at the parade were Italy, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, the Czech Republic, Finland, Albania, Croatia, the Netherlands, Norway, Slovakia, Spain Slovenia, Britain, Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Canada and the United States.26th Latvian Song and Dance Festival closing concert "On the Starry Path" Latvian Song and Dance Festival
[ { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "on Brvbas iela", "start_char_pos": 69, "end_char_pos": 69, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "the", "start_char_pos": 304, "end_char_pos": 304, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": ".", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 763, "end_char_pos": 764, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "others" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "the", "after": "one of the main events of the", "start_char_pos": 867, "end_char_pos": 870, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "s main events", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 895, "end_char_pos": 908, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "in", "after": "military parade in Latvian", "start_char_pos": 930, "end_char_pos": 932, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": ".", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 1998, "end_char_pos": 1999, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] } ]
[ 0, 225, 522, 629, 690, 764, 910, 1039, 1220, 1369, 1546, 1619, 1924 ]
To some degree the term 'Iron Age' is misapplied, as little evidence exists for any indigenous iron-work outside the finds at Muwailah , themselves thought to be imports, and even the extensive evidence of smelting throughout the Iron Age found at Saruq Al Hadid is dominated by copper and tin production. Iron Age II A pot, discovered in the Iron Age building at Bidaa bint Saud and on display at the Al Ain National Museum. It is thought to be an incense burner. Extensive evidence of Iron Age II settlement has been found throughout the UAE, particularly at Muwailah, Al Thuqeibah, Bidaa bint Saud, as well as Rumailah and Qattara in Al Ain. The development of increasingly complex irrigation ditches and waterways, falaj (plural aflaj) took place during this time and finds at Bidaa bint Saud and Thuqeibah date back to the Iron Age II period pre-dating finds of qanat waterways in Iran. Early finds of aflaj, particularly those around the desert city of Al Ain, have been cited as the earliest evidence of the construction of these waterways. It is thought nearby Bidaa bint Saud became an important site during the Iron Age, both as a caravan stop and as a settled community of farmers that used the falaj irrigation system there. Two of these irrigation passages have been partly excavated at Bidaa bint Saud, with a number of sections remaining in reasonable condition. In one of the excavations, a number of sandstone-lined shaft holes were discovered, as well as a stepped underground access point and a large open cistern. Evidence of formerly irrigated land has also been found at the site. Iron age aflaj Recent finds of pottery in Thuqeibah and Madam have further linked the development of early aflaj ( or qanat ) water systems there to an Iron Age II date, further substantiating the attribution of the innovation of these water systems to a southeastern Arabian origin based on the extensive archaeological work of Dr Wasim Takriti around the area of Al Ain. The 2002 publication of a paper by Tikriti, The south-east Arabian origin of the falaj system, provided the first counterpoint to the long-accepted narrative, that the Qanat originated in Persia and was identified as such by accounts of the campaigns of the Assyrian King, Sargon II, in 714 BCE. Tikriti cites this and also accounts by the Greek second and third century historian Polybius as being the basis for academic attribution of the technology to Persia. He notes academics such as JC Wilkinson (1977) adopting an Iranian origin for the technology under the influence of Sargon's annals and Polybius, but points out at least seven Iron Age aflaj (plural for falaj, the word used to denote waterways of this type in the United Arab Emirates) recently discovered in the Al Ain area of the UAE have been reliably carbon dated back to the beginning of the first millennium BCE. Additional to finds of Iron Age aflaj in Al Ain, Tikrit pointed to excavations in Al Madam, Sharjah, by the French archaeological team working there, as well as by a German team working in Maysar, in Oman. Tikriti is at pains to point out that, despite long-standing efforts since the 19th century to excavate qanat systems in Iran, no evidence has been found for any such qanat there dated earlier than the 5th century BCE. He concludes that the technology originated in South East Arabia and was likely taken to Persia, likely by the Sasanian conquest of the Oman peninsular. Others have followed Tikriti's lead. In 2016, Rmy Boucharlat in his paper Qant and Falaj: Polycentric and Multi-Period Innovations Iran and the United Arab Emirates as Case Studies, asserted that the attribution of the technology to Iranians in the early first millennium BCE is a position that cannot longer be maintained . He asserts that the carbon dating of alfaj in Oman and the UAE to the ninth century BCE by Cleuziou and evidence for such an early date provided by Tikriti are definitive. Additionally, Boucharlat maintains that no known Iranian qanat can be dated to the pre-Islamic period. Post Iron Age The period from 3000 BCE has been dubbed both the Mleiha and the Late Pre-Islamic period, and follows on from the dissolution of Darius III's empire. Although the era has been called Hellenistic, Alexander the Great's conquests went no further than Persia and he left Arabia untouched. However, Macedonian coinage unearthed at Ed-Dur dates back to Alexander the Great and contemporary Greek manuscripts have given the exports from Ed-Dur as 'pearls, purple dye, clothing, wine, gold and slaves, and a great quantity of dates'.
To some degree the term 'Iron Age' is misapplied, as little evidence exists for any indigenous iron-work outside the finds at Muweilah , themselves thought to be imports, and even the extensive evidence of smelting throughout the Iron Age found at Saruq Al Hadid is dominated by copper and tin production. Iron Age II A pot, discovered in the Iron Age building at Bidaa bint Saud and on display at the Al Ain National Museum. It is thought to be an incense burner. Extensive evidence of Iron Age II settlement has been found throughout the UAE, particularly at Muweilah, Thuqeibah, Bidaa bint Saud, as well as Rumailah and Qattara in Al Ain. The development of increasingly complex irrigation ditches and waterways, falaj (plural aflaj) took place during this time and finds at Bidaa bint Saud and Thuqeibah date back to the Iron Age II period pre-dating finds of qanat waterways in Iran. Early finds of aflaj, particularly those around the desert city of Al Ain, have been cited as the earliest evidence of the construction of these waterways. It is thought nearby Bidaa bint Saud became an important site during the Iron Age, both as a caravan stop and as a settled community of farmers that used the falaj irrigation system there. Two of these irrigation passages have been partly excavated at Bidaa bint Saud, with a number of sections remaining in reasonable condition. In one of the excavations, a number of sandstone-lined shaft holes were discovered, as well as a stepped underground access point and a large open cistern. Evidence of formerly irrigated land has also been found at the site. Iron age aflaj Recent finds of pottery in Thuqeibah and Madam have further linked the development of early aflaj ( plural for falaj, the word used to denote waterways of this type in the United Arab Emirates ) water systems there to an Iron Age II date, further substantiating the attribution of the innovation of these water systems to a southeastern Arabian origin based on the extensive archaeological work of Dr Wasim Takriti around the area of Al Ain. The 2002 publication of a paper by Tikriti, The south-east Arabian origin of the falaj system, provided the first counterpoint to the long-accepted narrative, that the Qanat originated in Persia and was identified as such by accounts of the campaigns of the Assyrian King, Sargon II, in 714 BCE. Tikriti cites this and also accounts by the Greek second and third century historian Polybius as being the basis for academic attribution of the technology to Persia. He notes academics such as JC Wilkinson (1977) adopting an Iranian origin for the technology under the influence of Sargon's annals and Polybius, but points out at least seven Iron Age aflaj recently discovered in the Al Ain area of the UAE have been reliably carbon dated back to the beginning of the first millennium BCE. Additional to finds of Iron Age aflaj in Al Ain, Tikrit pointed to excavations in Al Madam, Sharjah, by the French archaeological team working there, as well as by a German team working in Maysar, in Oman. Tikriti is at pains to point out that, despite long-standing efforts since the 19th century to excavate qanat systems in Iran, no evidence has been found for any such qanat there dated earlier than the 5th century BCE. He concludes that the technology originated in South East Arabia and was likely taken to Persia, likely by the Sasanian conquest of the Oman peninsular. Others have followed Tikriti's lead. In 2016, Rmy Boucharlat in his paper Qant and Falaj: Polycentric and Multi-Period Innovations Iran and the United Arab Emirates as Case Studies, asserted that the attribution of the technology to Iranians in the early first millennium BCE is a position that cannot longer be maintained , and that the carbon dating of aflaj in Oman and the UAE to the ninth century BCE by Cleuziou and evidence for such an early date provided by Tikriti are definitive. Additionally, Boucharlat maintains that no known Iranian qanat can be dated to the pre-Islamic period. Post Iron Age The period from 3000 BCE has been dubbed both the Mleiha and the Late Pre-Islamic period, and follows on from the dissolution of Darius III's empire. Although the era has been called Hellenistic, Alexander the Great's conquests went no further than Persia and he left Arabia untouched. However, Macedonian coinage unearthed at Ed-Dur dates back to Alexander the Great . Contemporary Greek manuscripts have given the exports from Ed-Dur as 'pearls, purple dye, clothing, wine, gold and slaves, and a great quantity of dates'.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "Muwailah", "after": "Muweilah", "start_char_pos": 126, "end_char_pos": 134, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Muwailah, Al", "after": "Muweilah,", "start_char_pos": 561, "end_char_pos": 573, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "or qanat", "after": "plural for falaj, the word used to denote waterways of this type in the United Arab Emirates", "start_char_pos": 1718, "end_char_pos": 1726, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "clarity", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "(plural for falaj, the word used to denote waterways of this type in the United Arab Emirates)", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 2630, "end_char_pos": 2724, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "coherence", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": ". He asserts", "after": ", and", "start_char_pos": 3759, "end_char_pos": 3771, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "coherence", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "alfaj", "after": "aflaj", "start_char_pos": 3798, "end_char_pos": 3803, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "and contemporary", "after": ". Contemporary", "start_char_pos": 4418, "end_char_pos": 4434, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "coherence", "coherence" ] } ]
[ 0, 305, 425, 464, 644, 891, 1047, 1236, 1377, 1533, 1602, 1975, 2271, 2438, 2857, 3063, 3282, 3435, 3472, 3760, 3932, 4035, 4199, 4335 ]
Brig. Pritam Singh is an Indian Army Officer, born in Dina Village in Ferozpur, Punjab, India. He fought in the battle in Singapore in 1942. After the war, he promoted to Lt. Colonel. In 1947, he fought against Pakistan in Poonch. Army Life and Struggle Operation Easy. Poonch link-up 1 November 1948 - 26 November 1948 As a young officer, Brig Pritam Singh fought the battle of Singapore in 1942 and he wounded badly. Opponent Army prisoned Pritam Singh. Somehow he escaped from the prison of the army campand after, six months he reached , Manipur, India. Later, he was awarded the coveted Military Cross for his great show of bravery. Lt Col Pritam Singh was promoted to the rank of Brigadier in December 1948. Poonch withstood a siege by the Pakistanis from November 1947 till relieved by an Indian offensive, Operation Easy on 20 November 1948. The besieged garrison , commanded by Brig. Pritam Singh , was maintained by air supply. Military operations ended with Poonch town and the eastern part of Poonch district in Indian hands and western Poonch in Pakistani hands. In 1951, he faced a court-martial.
Brig. Pritam Singh is an Indian Army Officer, born in Dina Village in Ferozpur, Punjab, India. He fought in the Battle of Singapore in 1942. After the war, he promoted to Lt. Colonel. In 1947, he fought against Pakistan in Poonch. Army career Operation Easy. Poonch link-up 1 November 1948 - 26 November 1948 As a young officer, Pritam Singh fought in the battle of Singapore in 1942 and was wounded badly. He was imprisoned by the enemy, but escaped from the army camp, and after six months reached Manipur, India. Later, he was awarded the coveted Military Cross for his bravery. Lt Col Pritam Singh was promoted to the rank of Brigadier in December 1948. Poonch withstood a siege by the Pakistan Army from November 1947 till relieved by an Indian offensive, Operation Easy on 20 November 1948. The besieged garrison Singh commanded was maintained by air supply. Military operations ended with Poonch town and the eastern part of Poonch district in Indian hands and western Poonch in Pakistani hands. In 1951, Singh faced a court-martial.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "battle in", "after": "Battle of", "start_char_pos": 112, "end_char_pos": 121, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "style", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Life and Struggle", "after": "career", "start_char_pos": 236, "end_char_pos": 253, "major_intent": "others", "raw_intents": [ "others", "others", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "Brig", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 340, "end_char_pos": 344, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "coherence", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "in", "start_char_pos": 365, "end_char_pos": 365, "major_intent": "others", "raw_intents": [ "others", "others", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "he", "after": "was", "start_char_pos": 402, "end_char_pos": 404, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Opponent Army prisoned Pritam Singh. Somehow he", "after": "He was imprisoned by the enemy, but", "start_char_pos": 420, "end_char_pos": 467, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "clarity", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "prison of the army campand after, six months he reached ,", "after": "army camp, and after six months reached", "start_char_pos": 485, "end_char_pos": 542, "major_intent": "others", "raw_intents": [ "others", "others", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "great show of", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 616, "end_char_pos": 629, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Pakistanis", "after": "Pakistan Army", "start_char_pos": 747, "end_char_pos": 757, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "meaning-changed", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": ", commanded by Brig. Pritam Singh ,", "after": "Singh commanded", "start_char_pos": 873, "end_char_pos": 908, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "he", "after": "Singh", "start_char_pos": 1086, "end_char_pos": 1088, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "clarity", "clarity" ] } ]
[ 0, 94, 140, 174, 230, 269, 419, 456, 558, 638, 714, 850, 893, 938, 1076 ]
Time perception is usually categorized under the following three distinct ranges, because different ranges of durations are processed in different parts of the brain . There are many theories and computational models for time perception mechanisms in the brain. William J. Friedman (1993) contrasted two theories for a sense of time: Another theory involves the brain's subconscious tallying of "pulses" during a specific interval, forming a biological stopwatch. This theory proposes that the brain can run multiple biological stopwatches at one time depending on the type of task one is involved in. The location of these pulses and what these pulses actually consist of is unclear. This model is only a metaphor and does not stand up in terms of brain physiology or anatomy .
Time perception is typically categorized in three distinct ranges, because different ranges of duration are processed in different areas of the brain : There are many theories and computational models for time perception mechanisms in the brain. William J. Friedman (1993) contrasted two theories of the sense of time: Another hypothesis involves the brain's subconscious tallying of "pulses" during a specific interval, forming a biological stopwatch. This theory proposes that the brain can run multiple biological stopwatches independently depending on the type of tasks being tracked. The source and nature of the pulses is unclear. They are as yet a metaphor whose correspondence to brain anatomy or physiology is unknown .
[ { "type": "R", "before": "usually categorized under the following", "after": "typically categorized in", "start_char_pos": 19, "end_char_pos": 58, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "durations", "after": "duration", "start_char_pos": 110, "end_char_pos": 119, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "parts", "after": "areas", "start_char_pos": 147, "end_char_pos": 152, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "style", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": ".", "after": ":", "start_char_pos": 166, "end_char_pos": 167, "major_intent": "others", "raw_intents": [ "others", "coherence", "others" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "for a", "after": "of the", "start_char_pos": 313, "end_char_pos": 318, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "style" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "theory", "after": "hypothesis", "start_char_pos": 342, "end_char_pos": 348, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "at one time", "after": "independently", "start_char_pos": 540, "end_char_pos": 551, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "style", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "task one is involved in. The location of these pulses and what these pulses actually consist of", "after": "tasks being tracked. The source and nature of the pulses", "start_char_pos": 577, "end_char_pos": 672, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "style", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "This model is only a metaphor and does not stand up in terms of brain physiology or anatomy", "after": "They are as yet a metaphor whose correspondence to brain anatomy or physiology is unknown", "start_char_pos": 685, "end_char_pos": 776, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] } ]
[ 0, 167, 261, 463, 601, 684 ]
Principles and Foundation During the Warring States period, Han Feizi would propose the establishment of the first all-encompassing autocratic monarchy for the future of the state. During the same time period, Shang Yang from the state of Qin would enact political reforms into practice. The imperial system would be constituted by the time of the establishment of the Qin, as well as the system of three lords and nine ministers, and the system of prefectures and counties. Weights, measures, currency, and writing were unified. Books and scholars were burned and buried as the ideological control strengthened . Officials were to act as teachers of the law .
Principles and Foundation During the Warring States period, Han Feizi would propose the establishment of the first all-encompassing autocratic monarchy for the future of the state. During the same time period, Shang Yang from the state of Qin would enact political reforms into practice. The imperial system would eventually be constituted by the time of the establishment of the Qin, which would introduce the system of Three Lords and Nine Ministers, and foster the system of prefectures and counties. Units of measurements, currency, and writing would be standardized and books and scholars of the previous regime were burned and buried ; vital to ideological integrity . Officials were then to act as faculties of the law from this point forward .
[ { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "eventually", "start_char_pos": 314, "end_char_pos": 314, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "as well as", "after": "which would introduce", "start_char_pos": 375, "end_char_pos": 385, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "coherence", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "three lords and nine ministers, and", "after": "Three Lords and Nine Ministers, and foster", "start_char_pos": 400, "end_char_pos": 435, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Weights, measures,", "after": "Units of measurements,", "start_char_pos": 476, "end_char_pos": 494, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "were unified. Books and scholars", "after": "would be standardized and books and scholars of the previous regime", "start_char_pos": 517, "end_char_pos": 549, "major_intent": "style", "raw_intents": [ "style", "clarity", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "as the ideological control strengthened", "after": "; vital to ideological integrity", "start_char_pos": 573, "end_char_pos": 612, "major_intent": "style", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "style", "style" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "then", "start_char_pos": 630, "end_char_pos": 630, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "coherence", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "teachers", "after": "faculties", "start_char_pos": 641, "end_char_pos": 649, "major_intent": "style", "raw_intents": [ "style", "style", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "from this point forward", "start_char_pos": 661, "end_char_pos": 661, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "clarity", "meaning-changed" ] } ]
[ 0, 180, 287, 475, 530, 614 ]
Evolution of the system of selecting officials Imperial examination paper of Ming dynasty in 1598 AD The emperor receives a candidate during the Palace Examination. The selection of official standards by family background gradually developed to the selection of talent , while the selection method by selection gradually developed to the form of public examination. The selecting mechanism based on talent later became institutionalised and much more rigorous . + Examination and degree hierarchy Degree Ranks Exam Times held Child student (Tongsheng) County/Prefectural Annual (February/April) Student member (Shengyuan) Granary student (1st class)Expanded student (2nd class)Attached student (3rd class) College Triennial (twice) Recommended man (Juren) Top escorted examinee (1st rank) Provincial Triennial Tribute scholar (Gongshi) Top conference examinee (1st rank) Metropolitan Triennial Advanced scholar (Jinshi) Top thesis author (1st rank)Eyes positioned alongside (2nd rank)Flower snatcher (3rd rank) Palace Triennial
Evolution of Official Selection Imperial examination paper of Ming dynasty in 1598 AD The emperor receives a candidate during the Palace Examination. The standard of Official Selection by familial history gradually developed to emphasize talent instead. This method would eventually progress to form the standard of public examinations, to which this mechanism of cultivating talent would be institutionalized, making examinations a notoriously rigorous process to accomplish . + Examination and degree hierarchy Degree Ranks Exam Times held Child student (Tongsheng) County/Prefectural Annual (February/April) Student member (Shengyuan) Granary student (1st class)Expanded student (2nd class)Attached student (3rd class) College Triennial (twice) Recommended man (Juren) Top escorted examinee (1st rank) Provincial Triennial Tribute scholar (Gongshi) Top conference examinee (1st rank) Metropolitan Triennial Advanced scholar (Jinshi) Top thesis author (1st rank)Eyes positioned alongside (2nd rank)Flower snatcher (3rd rank) Palace Triennial
[ { "type": "R", "before": "the system of selecting officials", "after": "Official Selection", "start_char_pos": 13, "end_char_pos": 46, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "selection of official standards by family background", "after": "standard of Official Selection by familial history", "start_char_pos": 169, "end_char_pos": 221, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "style", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "the selection of talent , while the selection method by selection gradually developed to the form of public examination. The selecting mechanism based on talent later became institutionalised and much more rigorous", "after": "emphasize talent instead. This method would eventually progress to form the standard of public examinations, to which this mechanism of cultivating talent would be institutionalized, making examinations a notoriously rigorous process to accomplish", "start_char_pos": 245, "end_char_pos": 459, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "coherence", "clarity" ] } ]
[ 0, 164, 365, 551 ]
He is known for using his position as a marja for political use in the Persian Constitutional Revolution (19051911), where he was one of the main clerical supporters of the revolution. He believed that "constitutional form of government" would be the best possible choice in the absence of Imam and regarded the "Persian revolution" a Jihad ("holy war") in which all Muslims had to participate. He died "suddenly" and "mysteriously", when he aimed to leave Iraq for Iran in order against support constitutionalists' resistance to the Anglo-Russian invasion in 1911.
He is known for using his position as a marja for a poignant political leadership in the Persian Constitutional Revolution (19051911), where he was one of the main clerical supporters of the revolution. He believed that "constitutional form of government" would be the best possible choice in the absence of Imam and regarded the constitutional revolution" a Jihad ("holy war") in which all Muslims had to participate. He died "suddenly" and "mysteriously", when he aimed to leave Iraq for Iran in order to support constitutionalists' resistance to the Anglo-Russian invasion in 1911.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "political use", "after": "a poignant political leadership", "start_char_pos": 50, "end_char_pos": 63, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "style", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "\"Persian", "after": "constitutional", "start_char_pos": 312, "end_char_pos": 320, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "clarity", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "against", "after": "to", "start_char_pos": 480, "end_char_pos": 487, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "others", "fluency" ] } ]
[ 0, 184, 394 ]
The dwarf planet Pluto has an unusual set of climate zones, due to its atypical axial configuration. Five climate zones are assigned on the dwarf planet: tropics, arctic, tropical arctic, diurnal, and polar. These climate zones are delineated based on astronomically defined boundaries or sub-solar latitudes, which are not associated with the atmospheric circulations on the dwarf planet. Charon, the largest moon of Pluto, is tidally locked with it, and thus has the same climate zone structure as Pluto itself. 318x318px|Haze with multiple layers in the atmosphere of Pluto. Part of the plain Sputnik Planitia with nearby mountains is seen below. Photo by New Horizons, taken 15 min after the closest approach to Pluto. Pluto is an icy body, the most prominent object in the solar system's Kuiper belt. Its surface is primarily composed of methane (CH4), nitrogen (N2), and carbon monoxide (CO) volatile ices in various spatial abundances and distribution. Though Pluto is small compared to typical planets, it has an atmosphere, though much thinner than Earth's. Consisting of multiple layers of haze, its atmosphere is composed mainly of nitrogen (N2) with trace amount of methane (CH4) and carbon monoxide (CO). Long-term climate cycles of planetary bodies (e.g., Earth) are associated with the obliquity variation of the parent body, orbital eccentricitycycle, and axial precession cycles . However, in the case of Pluto, the orbital eccentricity cycle and axial precession cycles have less influence in the climate cycles of the dwarf planet than the obliquity variation. Consequently, the climate zones of Pluto were determined based on the obliquity variation only.
The dwarf planet Pluto has an unusual set of climate zones, due to its atypical axial configuration. Five climate zones are assigned on the dwarf planet: tropics, arctic, tropical arctic, diurnal, and polar. These climate zones are delineated based on astronomically defined boundaries or sub-solar latitudes, which are not associated with the atmospheric circulations on the dwarf planet. Charon, the largest moon of Pluto, is tidally locked with it, and thus has the same climate zone structure as Pluto itself. 318x318px|Haze with multiple layers in the atmosphere of Pluto. Part of the plain Sputnik Planitia with nearby mountains is seen below. Photo by New Horizons, taken 15 min after the closest approach to Pluto. Pluto is an icy body, the most prominent object in the solar system's Kuiper belt. Its surface is primarily composed of methane (CH4), nitrogen (N2), and carbon monoxide (CO) volatile ices in various spatial abundances and distribution. Though Pluto is small compared to typical planets, it has an atmosphere, though much thinner than Earth's. Containing multiple layers of haze, its atmosphere is composed mainly of nitrogen (N2) with trace amount of methane (CH4) and carbon monoxide (CO). Long-term climate cycles of planetary bodies (e.g., Earth) are associated with axial precession and variations in the obliquity and orbital eccentricity . However, in the case of Pluto, the orbital eccentricity and axial precession cycles have less influence on the climate cycles of the dwarf planet than the obliquity variation. Consequently, the climate zones of Pluto were determined based on the obliquity variation only.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "Consisting of", "after": "Containing", "start_char_pos": 1067, "end_char_pos": 1080, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "style", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "the obliquity variation of the parent body, orbital eccentricitycycle, and axial precession cycles", "after": "axial precession and variations in the obliquity and orbital eccentricity", "start_char_pos": 1297, "end_char_pos": 1395, "major_intent": "style", "raw_intents": [ "style", "clarity", "style" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "cycle", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 1454, "end_char_pos": 1459, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "in", "after": "on", "start_char_pos": 1508, "end_char_pos": 1510, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] } ]
[ 0, 100, 207, 389, 577, 649, 722, 805, 959, 1066, 1217, 1397, 1579 ]
Tropical arctic The tropical arctic zone covers the overlapping regions of the tropical and arctic zones. This unique climatic zone is only possible on objects that have an obliquity range between 45 and 135. Since the obliquity of Pluto varies between a minimum of 103 and a maximum of 127, it therefore has a tropical arctic climate zone. This high obliquity implies that most of Pluto's surface experiences both tropical and arctic climates over the 2.8 million year obliquity cycle. The tropical arctic zone includes the region that overlaps between tropical and arctic zones extending between 13N to 77N and 13S to 77S. At this latitudinal range the zones cover 75\% of the total surface area. However, like the oscillation of tropical (between 53 and 77 latitude) and arctic (between 13 and 37 latitude) zones, the tropical arctic zone also expands and contrasts over the course of the obliquity cycle. Only the latitude range between 37 to 57 in each hemisphere remains stable over the period, and therefore, those bands are called the permanent tropical arctic zones on Pluto (which covers 20\% of the total area). Polar Pluto's polar zone comprises those areas where the Sun never reaches the zenith at any time of the orbital period of the dwarf planet over its entire obliquity cycle. This region always experiences arctic climate, never tropical climate, and it consistently experiences the longest duration of arctic winter and summer during each and every orbital rotation of Pluto. The polar zone has a radius of 13 from each pole. The zone spans from 77N to 90N and from 77S to 90S, encompassing an area total of 3\% of the dwarf planet. The regions between 77 to 90 latitudes of each hemisphere are called the permanent range of the polar climate zone . However, the maximum extent of the polar zone can spans up to from 53N to 90N and from 53S to 90S with an area total of 20\% of the body. At present day, the polar zones extend between 60 and 90 of both the northern and southern hemispheres (covering an area of 13\% of the planet). Pluto's biggest moon Charon also has a polar zone consisting of a polar cap.
Tropical arctic The tropical arctic zone covers the overlapping regions of the tropical and arctic zones. This unique climatic zone is only possible on objects that have an obliquity range between 45 and 135. Since the obliquity of Pluto varies between a minimum of 103 and a maximum of 127, it therefore has a tropical arctic climate zone. This high obliquity implies that most of Pluto's surface experiences both tropical and arctic climates over the 2.8 million year obliquity cycle. The tropical arctic zone includes the region that overlaps between tropical and arctic zones extending between 13N to 77N and 13S to 77S. At this latitudinal range the zones cover 75\% of the total surface area. However, like the oscillation of tropical (between 53 and 77 latitude) and arctic (between 13 and 37 latitude) zones, the tropical arctic zone also expands and contrasts over the course of the obliquity cycle. Only the latitude range between 37 to 53 in each hemisphere remains stable over the period, and therefore, those bands are called the permanent tropical arctic zones on Pluto (which covers 20\% of the total area). Polar Pluto's polar zone comprises those areas where the Sun never reaches the zenith at any time of the orbital period of the dwarf planet over its entire obliquity cycle. This region always experiences arctic climate, never tropical climate, and it consistently experiences the longest duration of arctic winter and summer during each and every orbital rotation of Pluto. The polar zone has a radius of 13 from each pole. The zone spans from 77N to 90N and from 77S to 90S, encompassing an area total of 3\% of the dwarf planet. The regions between 77 to 90 latitudes of each hemisphere are called the permanent polar climate zones . However, the maximum extent of the polar zones can span from 53N to 90N and from 53S to 90S with an area total of 20\% of the body. At present day, the polar zones extend between 60 and 90 of both the northern and southern hemispheres (covering an area of 13\% of the planet). Pluto's biggest moon Charon also has a polar zone consisting of a polar cap.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "57", "after": "53", "start_char_pos": 947, "end_char_pos": 949, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "range of the polar climate zone", "after": "polar climate zones", "start_char_pos": 1737, "end_char_pos": 1768, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "style" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "zone can spans up to", "after": "zones can span", "start_char_pos": 1812, "end_char_pos": 1832, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "clarity", "clarity" ] } ]
[ 0, 105, 208, 340, 486, 624, 698, 908, 1122, 1295, 1496, 1546, 1653, 1770, 1908, 2053 ]
In 2011, Mercado accepted an offer to complete a PhD on Criminology at the Philippine College of Criminology , with his brother Marlon Lim . After being designated as the Vice President of Research, Extension, Planning and Development of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines, he attended an Executive Development Program held by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) with other university administrators to further his knowledge on higher education management. Career Polytechnic University of the Philippines ( 2005present ) In 2004, Mercado first sat as the Acting Director of PUP Ragay. Consequently, in 2006, he was appointed as the director of PUP Sto. Tomas Batangas and then designated as the Dean of the College of Science. At the same time, he was also the Assistant Director of Center for Data and Statistical Analysis. Three years later, he became the Executive Director for Branches and Campuses. Mercado then sat as the Vice President for Branches and Campuses for another three years. In late 2015, Mercado was then appointed by Emanuel de Guzman, the university's President, to be the Vice President for Research, Extension, Planning and Development. To pursue personal endeavours, Mercado resigned from office in mid-2018. However, he still serves as a faculty member and professor in College of Science and teaches basic statistics, quantitative business analysis, management science statistics and other higher statistics subjects. He also manages several working groups and committees such as the Federasyon ng mga Alumni Associations sa PUP, Inc (FEDAAPI), Unyon ng mga guro sa PUP, etc .
In 2011, Mercado accepted an offer to complete a PhD on Criminology at the Philippine College of Criminology . After being designated as the Vice President of Research, Extension, Planning and Development of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines, he attended an Executive Development Program held by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) with other university administrators to further his knowledge on higher education management. Career Polytechnic University of the Philippines ( 20052018 ) In 2004, Mercado first sat as the Acting Director of PUP Ragay. Consequently, in 2006, he was appointed as the director of PUP Sto. Tomas Batangas and then designated as the Dean of the College of Science. At the same time, he was also the Assistant Director of Center for Data and Statistical Analysis. Three years later, he became the Executive Director for Branches and Campuses. Mercado then sat as the Vice President for Branches and Campuses for another three years. In late 2015, Mercado was then appointed by Emanuel de Guzman, the university's President, to be the Vice President for Research, Extension, Planning and Development. To pursue personal endeavours, Mercado resigned from office in mid-2018. He still serves as an expert to the university, specializing in Applied Statistics .
[ { "type": "D", "before": ", with his brother Marlon Lim", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 109, "end_char_pos": 138, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "coherence", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "2005present", "after": "20052018", "start_char_pos": 525, "end_char_pos": 536, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "style", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "However, he", "after": "He", "start_char_pos": 1252, "end_char_pos": 1263, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "clarity", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "a faculty member and professor in College of Science and teaches basic statistics, quantitative business analysis, management science statistics and other higher statistics subjects. He also manages several working groups and committees such as the Federasyon ng mga Alumni Associations sa PUP, Inc (FEDAAPI), Unyon ng mga guro sa PUP, etc", "after": "an expert to the university, specializing in Applied Statistics", "start_char_pos": 1280, "end_char_pos": 1619, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "coherence" ] } ]
[ 0, 140, 473, 602, 670, 744, 842, 921, 1011, 1178, 1251, 1462 ]
Campaign against Armenia Till the summer of 34 BCE Antony waited in Alexandria till he made his attack in early September. The Armenian troops attempted to put up resistance but were no match for the Romans. On September 18th Antonys troops entered the capital and captured Artavasdes II . He was then brought to Alexandria and was kept imprisoned by Cleoptatra till he was executed in 31 BCE. Rome maintained control over Armenia till the Final war of the Roman Republic. In 20 BCE Augustus negotiated a peace treaty between Rome and Parthia which led to Armenia becoming a buffer state between the two .
Campaign Until the summer of 34 BCE , Antony waited in Alexandria , and he made his attack in early September. The Armenian troops attempted to put up resistance but were no match for the Romans. On September 18, Antony's troops entered the capital and captured Artavasdes II , who was then brought to Alexandria and was kept imprisoned by Cleoptatra until he was executed in 31 BCE. Rome maintained control over Armenia till the Final war of the Roman Republic. In 20 BCE , Augustus negotiated a peace treaty between Rome and Parthia , which led to Armenia becoming a buffer state between them .
[ { "type": "R", "before": "against Armenia Till", "after": "Until", "start_char_pos": 9, "end_char_pos": 29, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "style" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": ",", "start_char_pos": 51, "end_char_pos": 51, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "till", "after": ", and", "start_char_pos": 80, "end_char_pos": 84, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "18th Antonys", "after": "18, Antony's", "start_char_pos": 222, "end_char_pos": 234, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": ". He", "after": ", who", "start_char_pos": 289, "end_char_pos": 293, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "coherence", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "till", "after": "until", "start_char_pos": 363, "end_char_pos": 367, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": ",", "start_char_pos": 484, "end_char_pos": 484, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": ",", "start_char_pos": 545, "end_char_pos": 545, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "the two", "after": "them", "start_char_pos": 599, "end_char_pos": 606, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "style", "clarity" ] } ]
[ 0, 123, 208, 394, 473 ]
Farzi refers to an outer garment of the Mughal court. It was a short coat with half sleeves and fur collars, opened in front similar to Jama. Farzi was essentially fastened with a decorated piece of cloth, i.e., Katzeb around the waist area with loosely hanging ends. Farzi was a winter's garment. Mughal emperors and courtiers were wearing it. Farzi was one of the costumes given in Khilat ( awards to the Mughal nobles and other courtiers ) . The coat was very much famous in the 17th century among the royals.
Farzi refers to an outer garment of the Mughal court. It was a coat with short sleeves and fur collars, opened in front . The length was shorter than Jama. Farzi was a winter's garment. Mughal emperors and courtiers were wearing it over the Jama, fastened with a decorated piece of cloth, i.e., Katzeb around the waist area with loosely hanging ends. Farzi was one of the costumes given in Khilat ( rewards of robes) to the Mughal nobles and other courtiers . The coat was very much famous in the 17th century among the royals.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "short coat with half", "after": "coat with short", "start_char_pos": 63, "end_char_pos": 83, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "similar to", "after": ". The length was shorter than", "start_char_pos": 125, "end_char_pos": 135, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "style", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "essentially", "after": "a winter's garment. Mughal emperors and courtiers were wearing it over the Jama,", "start_char_pos": 152, "end_char_pos": 163, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "others", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "a winter's garment. Mughal emperors and courtiers were wearing it. Farzi was", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 278, "end_char_pos": 354, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "clarity", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "awards", "after": "rewards of robes)", "start_char_pos": 393, "end_char_pos": 399, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": ")", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 441, "end_char_pos": 442, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] } ]
[ 0, 53, 141, 267, 297, 344, 444 ]
Abduljabbar Nasuru Kabara (born 7 February 1970) is an Islamic cleric and a scholar based in Kano, Nigeria. He is the son of Nasuru Kabara, a formal Qadiriyya leader in Africa.
Abduljabbar Nasuru Kabara (born 7 February 1970) is a controversial Islamic cleric and a scholar based in Kano, Nigeria. Who was accused of blasphemy towards prophet Muhammad, He is the son of Nasuru Kabara, the formal Qadiriyya leader of West Africa.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "an", "after": "a controversial", "start_char_pos": 52, "end_char_pos": 54, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "style" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "Who was accused of blasphemy towards prophet Muhammad,", "start_char_pos": 108, "end_char_pos": 108, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "a", "after": "the", "start_char_pos": 141, "end_char_pos": 142, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "style", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "in", "after": "of West", "start_char_pos": 167, "end_char_pos": 169, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "clarity", "meaning-changed" ] } ]
[ 0, 107 ]
As a crew member, it is to be noticed that a Wiper may undergo a condition known as burnout syndrome . This is where a seafarer may be overcome by increased anxiety and stress by means of poor leadership, long hours, and high-risk applications. The implications of work-related stress stemming from seafaring operations can be largely alleviated through clear communication of crew and leadership and occasionally moderation through a human resources department. For this reason, it is of medical importance that a wiper finds employment where the safety and well being of workers is held to a high standard. Seafarers and labor unions, necessitated from this occurrence, are closely related in this nature.
A Wiper may undergo burnout syndrome and be overcome by increased anxiety and stress due to leadership, long hours, and high-risk applications. Work-related stress stemming from seafaring operations can be largely alleviated through clear communication between crew and leadership and occasionally moderation through a human resources department. For this reason, it is of medical importance that a wiper finds employment where the safety and well being of workers is held to a high standard. Seafarers and labor unions, necessitated from this occurrence, are closely related in this nature.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "As a crew member, it is to be noticed that a", "after": "A", "start_char_pos": 0, "end_char_pos": 44, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "a condition known as burnout syndrome . This is where a seafarer may", "after": "burnout syndrome and", "start_char_pos": 63, "end_char_pos": 131, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "by means of poor", "after": "due to", "start_char_pos": 176, "end_char_pos": 192, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "The implications of work-related", "after": "Work-related", "start_char_pos": 245, "end_char_pos": 277, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "of", "after": "between", "start_char_pos": 374, "end_char_pos": 376, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] } ]
[ 0, 102, 244, 462, 608 ]
Empress Gi was one of those Kongnyo women, and when she became empress of Yuan, she started to recruit many Goryeo court maids in the palace. The late Yuan dynasty poet Zhang Xu wrote a few poems about the popularity of Goryeo-style, which was dubbed as Goryeoyang (). At the end of the Yuan dynasty, the Goryeoyang clothing is described as a short, banryong (, square collar) banbi (, a short sleeve upper garment) which passed beneath the waist. However, so far, the modern interpretation on the appearance of Mongol royal women's clothing influenced by Goryeoyang is based on authors' suggestions. Moreover, the possibility that goryeoyang continued to influence the clothing of the Ming dynasty after the fall of the Yuan dynastyis also based on speculations and is a topic which needs to investigated further.
Empress Gi was one of those Kongnyo women, and when she became empress of Yuan, she started to recruit many Goryeo court maids in the palace. The late Yuan dynasty poet Zhang Xu wrote a few poems about the popularity of Goryeo-style, which was dubbed as Goryeoyang (). At the end of the Yuan dynasty, the Goryeoyang clothing is described as a short, banryong (, square collar) banbi (, a short sleeve upper garment) which passed beneath the waist. However, so far, the modern interpretation on the appearance of Mongol royal women's clothing influenced by Goryeoyang is based on authors' suggestions. According to Hyunhee Park: "Like the Mongolian style, it is possible that this Kory style Kory yang continued to influence some Chinese in the Ming period after the Ming dynasty replaced the Yuan dynasty, a topic to investigate further."
[ { "type": "R", "before": "Moreover, the possibility that goryeoyang", "after": "According to Hyunhee Park: \"Like the Mongolian style, it is possible that this Kory style", "start_char_pos": 601, "end_char_pos": 642, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "Kory yang", "start_char_pos": 643, "end_char_pos": 643, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "some Chinese in the Ming period after", "start_char_pos": 667, "end_char_pos": 667, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "clothing of the", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 672, "end_char_pos": 687, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "after the fall of the Yuan dynastyis also based on speculations and is a topic which needs to investigated further.", "after": "replaced the Yuan dynasty, a topic to investigate further.\"", "start_char_pos": 701, "end_char_pos": 816, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "clarity", "clarity" ] } ]
[ 0, 141, 268, 447, 600 ]
The Shanghai massacre of 12 April 1927, the April 12 Purge or the April 12 Incident as it is commonly known in China, was the violent suppression of Communist Party of China URLanizations in Shanghai by the military forces of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek and conservative factions in the Kuomintang (Nationalist Party, or KMT). Following the incident, conservative KMT elements carried out a full-scale purge of Communists in all areas under their control, and even more violent suppression occurred in Guangzhou and Changsha.Wilbur, Nationalist Revolution 114 The purge led to an open split between left and right wing factions in the KMT, with Chiang Kai-shek establishing himself as the leader of the right wing faction based in Nanjing, in opposition to the original left-wing KMT government based in Wuhan led by Wang Jingwei. By 15 July 1927, the Wuhan regime had also expelled the Communists in its ranks, effectively ending the KMT's four-year alliance with the Comintern and the Chinese Communist Party . For the remainder of 1927, the CPC launched several uprisings in an attempt to regain their previous power, marking the beginning of the Chinese Civil War. With the failure of the Guangzhou Uprising however, the Communist Party was largely diminished in their influence , unable to launch another major urban offensive.Wilbur, Nationalist Revolution 170.
The Shanghai massacre of 12 April 1927, the April 12 Purge or the April 12 Incident as it is commonly known in China, was the violent suppression of Communist Party of China URLanizations and leftist elements in Shanghai by forces supporting General Chiang Kai-shek and conservative factions in the Kuomintang (Nationalist Party, or KMT). Following the incident, conservative KMT elements carried out a full-scale purge of Communists in all areas under their control, and violent suppression occurred in Guangzhou and Changsha.Wilbur, Nationalist Revolution 114 The purge led to an open split between left and right wing factions in the KMT, with Chiang Kai-shek establishing himself as the leader of the right wing faction based in Nanjing, in opposition to the original left-wing KMT government based in Wuhan led by Wang Jingwei. By 15 July 1927, the Wuhan regime had also expelled the Communists in its ranks, effectively ending the First United Front, a working alliance of the KMT and the CPC under the tutelage of Comintern agents . For the remainder of 1927, the CPC launched uprisings to regain power, marking the beginning of the Chinese Civil War. With the failure of the Guangzhou Uprising however, the Communist power was largely diminished , unable to launch another major urban offensive.Wilbur, Nationalist Revolution 170.
[ { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "and leftist elements", "start_char_pos": 188, "end_char_pos": 188, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "the military forces of Generalissimo", "after": "forces supporting General", "start_char_pos": 204, "end_char_pos": 240, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "even more", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 463, "end_char_pos": 472, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "KMT's four-year alliance with the Comintern and the Chinese Communist Party", "after": "First United Front, a working alliance of the KMT and the CPC under the tutelage of Comintern agents", "start_char_pos": 938, "end_char_pos": 1013, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "coherence", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "several uprisings in an attempt to regain their previous", "after": "uprisings to regain", "start_char_pos": 1060, "end_char_pos": 1116, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Party", "after": "power", "start_char_pos": 1238, "end_char_pos": 1243, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "style" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "in their influence", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 1267, "end_char_pos": 1285, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] } ]
[ 0, 329, 528, 833, 1015, 1171, 1335 ]
Fidelis Thaliath (1929 2008), popularly known as Doctoramma (Mother Doctor), was an Indian nun, gynecologist and social reformer who worked among the destitute people in Delhi. She was declared Servant of God by the Holy See in 2021. Early years Fidelis Thaliath was born in 1929 in Puthanpally, a village in Ernakulam district of the south Indian state of Kerala to Joseph Thaliath and Mariakkutty . She joined the Sisters of the Destitute movement in 1952 and took the oath of celibacy in 1956. In 1964, she moved to Chicago where she joined the Loyola University to obtain a medical degree in Gynecology. Subsequently, she returned to India to start her career as a medical professional in Holy Angels' Nursing Home in Delhi but returned to Chicago in 1973 to complete her master's degree in 1977. Social career Returning to India in 1977, Thaliath joined the efforts of Varghese Payyappilly Palakkappilly, the founder of the Sisters of the Destitute movement, to found the Jivodya Hospital, which was built on a plot of land in Ashok Vihar in Delhi, bought with a gift of 1000 she had received for purchasing a car and served there in the Department of Gynecology. During her time in Delhi, she was involved in several social activities, focusing on helping the destitute people and founded two centres, one to house the destitute women in Vikaspuri and the other, a home for the handicapped children in Ghaziabad. Thaliath died on January 17, 2008, at the age of 79. Loyola University Chicago, her alma mater, have since instituted a scholarship, Class Of 1960 Sister Fidelis Thaliath, MD, Medical Student Scholarship Fund, in her honor. Canonization Thaliath, who was popularly known as Doctoramma (Mother Doctor), is reported to have performed several miracles which are being considered and verified by Roman Catholic Church and her social and religious contributions were considered by the Church while deciding upon initiation of her canonization process. As the first step towards canonization, she was declared Servant of God by the Roman Catholic Church on 14 July 2021.
Fidelis Thaliath (1929 2008), popularly known as Doctoramma (Mother Doctor), was an Indian nun, gynecologist and social reformer who worked among the destitute people in Delhi. She was declared Servant of God in 2021. Early years Fidelis Thaliath was born as Kochuthresia in 1929 in Puthanpally, a village in Ernakulam district of the south Indian state of Kerala to Joseph Thaliath and Mariamkkutty . She joined the religious congregation, Sisters of the Destitute in 1952 and took the perpetual vow of chastity in 1956. In 1964, she moved to Chicago where she joined the Loyola University to obtain a medical degree in Gynecology. Subsequently, she returned to India to start her career as a medical professional in Holy Angels' Nursing Home in Delhi but returned to Chicago in 1973 to complete her master's degree in 1977. Social career Returning to India in 1977, she founded the Jivodya Hospital, which was built on a plot of land in Ashok Vihar in Delhi, bought with a gift of 1000 she had received for purchasing a car and served there in the Department of Gynecology. During her time in Delhi, she was involved in several social activities, focusing on helping the destitute people and founded two centres, one to house the poor women in Vikaspuri and the other, a home for the handicapped children in Ghaziabad. Spirituality Hers was a life set aside for the underprivileged and the needy. Nourished by the sacrament of eucharist and rosary in her hands, she walked through the streets of Delhi, caring for the sick and the abandoned. She not only took care of them and provided medicines, but also prayed for them. Her selfless service brought meaning to the lives of so many poor patients, especially the lepers. Thaliath died on January 17, 2008, at the age of 79. Loyola University Chicago, her alma mater, have since instituted a scholarship, Class Of 1960 Sister Fidelis Thaliath, MD, Medical Student Scholarship Fund, in her honor. Cause of Canonization Thaliath is reported to have performed several miracles which are being considered and verified by Roman Catholic Church and her social and religious contributions were considered by the Church while deciding upon initiation of her canonization process. As the first step towards canonization, she was declared Servant of God by the Roman Catholic Church on 14 July 2021 in the archdiocese of Faridabad by the Archbishop Mar Kuriakose Bharanikulangara.
[ { "type": "D", "before": "by the Holy See", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 209, "end_char_pos": 224, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "as Kochuthresia", "start_char_pos": 272, "end_char_pos": 272, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Mariakkutty", "after": "Mariamkkutty", "start_char_pos": 388, "end_char_pos": 399, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "religious congregation,", "start_char_pos": 417, "end_char_pos": 417, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "movement", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 443, "end_char_pos": 451, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "style", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "oath of celibacy", "after": "perpetual vow of chastity", "start_char_pos": 473, "end_char_pos": 489, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "style", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Thaliath joined the efforts of Varghese Payyappilly Palakkappilly, the founder of the Sisters of the Destitute movement, to found the", "after": "she founded the", "start_char_pos": 845, "end_char_pos": 978, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "coherence", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "destitute", "after": "poor", "start_char_pos": 1327, "end_char_pos": 1336, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "style", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "Spirituality Hers was a life set aside for the underprivileged and the needy. Nourished by the sacrament of eucharist and rosary in her hands, she walked through the streets of Delhi, caring for the sick and the abandoned. She not only took care of them and provided medicines, but also prayed for them. Her selfless service brought meaning to the lives of so many poor patients, especially the lepers.", "start_char_pos": 1421, "end_char_pos": 1421, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Canonization Thaliath, who was popularly known as Doctoramma (Mother Doctor),", "after": "Cause of Canonization Thaliath", "start_char_pos": 1646, "end_char_pos": 1723, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "2021.", "after": "2021 in the archdiocese of Faridabad by the Archbishop Mar Kuriakose Bharanikulangara.", "start_char_pos": 2081, "end_char_pos": 2086, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "fluency" ] } ]
[ 0, 176, 233, 401, 498, 609, 802, 1170, 1420, 1474, 1645, 1968 ]
URLe Lilanga (1934 27 June 2005) was a Tanzanian painter and sculptor, active from the late 1970s and until the early years of the 21st century. He belonged to the Makonde people and lived most of his life in Dar es Salaam, the largest city in Tanzania. The main gate of the Nyumba ya Sanaa cultural centre in Dar es Salaam has decorations by Lilanga URLe Lilanga (right) and fellow painter Patrick Francis Imanjama outside Nyumba ya Sanaa In 1970, Lilanga decided to move to Dar es Salaam, where there were greater opportunities for selling sculptures and practising contemporary art. In 1971, he found his first employment, thanks to his uncle, Augustino Malaba, an already well-known sculptor, who would be his future collaborator. He worked as a night guard at the House of Art (Nyumba ya Sanaa), a centre for the development of African art and craftsmanship in Dar es Salaam. Lilanga's talents were soon recognized by Jean Pruitt, an American aid worker promoting Tanzanian art. Lilanga welcomed other artists like Robino Ntila, Augustino Malaba and Patrick Francis Imanjama to join Nyumba ya Sanaa . He also began to create paintings on batik cloth, on goatskin and on metal sheets for the finishing of railings and gates of the centre. In 1977, he made his first journey outside Africa, travelling to New York, where he had a show at the Maryknoll Sisters Ossining Center . He stayed for a brief time in Manhattan, selling prints made on paper or cardboard, standing on street corners. Artistic development & success Shortly after beginning grammar school, Lilanga had his first contact with sculpture ( roots, softwood and, later, hard ebony), working in the Makonde tradition. He dedicated himself almost exclusively to this technique from 1961 until 1972. He showed his first works to Europeans who worked in the refugee camps during Mozambique's war of independence. Following their advice, in 1970 Lilanga decided to move to Dar es Salaam, where there were greater opportunities for selling sculptures. A lot of URLe Lilanga's lifetime art works can be found in leading international collections like The Contemporary African Art Collection (CAAC) of Jean Pigozzi or the Hamburg Mawingu Collection HMC of German collector Peter-Andreas Kamphausen. Directly after the death of the artist, the HMC: URLe Lilanga Collection presented the first systematically and thematically complete catalogue of Lilanga's work. In addition, the book explores the traditional roots of East African Makonde art, as well as four decades of Lilanga's artistic development with different materials and techniques, including sculpture, paintings, etchings, drawings and metal works. Currently the HMC publish the URLe Lilanga News as an online blog with information about the artist, his art works, exhibitions and other interesting background material. Also in 2005, the African Collection series (Skira Editore, Milan) published a well-illustrated book on Lilanga's work with useful information.
URLe Lilanga (1934 27 June 2005) was a Tanzanian painter and sculptor, active from the late 1970s and until the early 21st century. He belonged to the Makonde people and lived most of his life in Dar es Salaam, the largest city in Tanzania. The main gate of the Nyumba ya Sanaa cultural centre in Dar es Salaam with sculptures by Lilanga URLe Lilanga (right) and fellow painter Patrick Francis Imanjama outside Nyumba ya Sanaa In 1970, Lilanga decided to move to Dar es Salaam, where there were greater opportunities for selling sculptures and practising contemporary art. In 1971, he found his first employment, thanks to his uncle, Augustino Malaba, an already well-known sculptor, who would be his future collaborator. He started as a night guard at the House of Art (Nyumba ya Sanaa), a cultural centre for the development of African art and craftsmanship in Dar es Salaam. In 1982, he created wooden doors with clourful shetani figures for this cultural centre. After the Nyumba ya Sanaa was destroyed, these doors were bought and restored by a German collector and are documented in the book URLe Lilanga: The Doors of Nyumba ya Sanaa. As a modern artist in his own right, he joined other artists like Robino Ntila, Augustino Malaba and Patrick Francis Imanjama . He also began to create paintings on batik cloth, on goatskin and on metal sheets for the finishing of railings and gates of the centre. Lilanga's talents were recognized by Maryknoll Sister Jean Pruitt, an American aid worker promoting Tanzanian art. In 1977, he made his first journey outside Africa, travelling to New York, where he had a show at the Maryknoll Sisters ' Ossining Center in New York State . He stayed for a brief time in Manhattan, selling prints made on paper or cardboard, standing on street corners. Artistic development & success Shortly after beginning grammar school, Lilanga had his first contact with wooden sculpture, made from roots, softwood and, later, ebony, and working in the Makonde tradition. He dedicated himself almost exclusively to this technique from 1961 until 1972. He showed his first works to Europeans who worked in the refugee camps during Mozambique's war of independence. Following their advice, in 1970 Lilanga decided to move to Dar es Salaam, where there were greater opportunities for selling sculptures. URLe Lilanga's art works can be found in leading international collections like The Contemporary African Art Collection (CAAC) of Jean Pigozzi or the Hamburg Mawingu Collection (HMC) of German collector Peter-Andreas Kamphausen. Shortly after the death of the artist, the URLe Lilanga Collection presented the first systematically and thematically complete catalogue of Lilanga's work. In addition, the book explores the traditional roots of East African Makonde art, as well as four decades of Lilanga's artistic development with different materials and techniques, including sculpture, paintings, etchings, drawings and metal works. Currently the HMC publish the URLe Lilanga News as an online blog with information about the artist, his art works, exhibitions and other interesting background material. Also in 2005, the African Collection series (Skira Editore, Milan) published a well-illustrated book on Lilanga's work with useful information.
[ { "type": "D", "before": "years of the", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 118, "end_char_pos": 130, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "has decorations", "after": "with sculptures", "start_char_pos": 324, "end_char_pos": 339, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "worked", "after": "started", "start_char_pos": 738, "end_char_pos": 744, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "cultural", "start_char_pos": 803, "end_char_pos": 803, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "clarity", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Lilanga's talents were soon recognized by Jean Pruitt, an American aid worker promoting Tanzanian art. Lilanga welcomed", "after": "In 1982, he created wooden doors with clourful shetani figures for this cultural centre. After the Nyumba ya Sanaa was destroyed, these doors were bought and restored by a German collector and are documented in the book URLe Lilanga: The Doors of Nyumba ya Sanaa.", "start_char_pos": 882, "end_char_pos": 1001, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "As a modern artist in his own right, he joined", "start_char_pos": 1002, "end_char_pos": 1002, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "coherence", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "to join Nyumba ya Sanaa", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 1082, "end_char_pos": 1105, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "Lilanga's talents were recognized by Maryknoll Sister Jean Pruitt, an American aid worker promoting Tanzanian art.", "start_char_pos": 1245, "end_char_pos": 1245, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Ossining Center", "after": "' Ossining Center in New York State", "start_char_pos": 1366, "end_char_pos": 1381, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "sculpture (", "after": "wooden sculpture, made from", "start_char_pos": 1602, "end_char_pos": 1613, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "others" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "hard ebony),", "after": "ebony, and", "start_char_pos": 1642, "end_char_pos": 1654, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "coherence", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "A lot of", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 2018, "end_char_pos": 2026, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "coherence", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "lifetime", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 2042, "end_char_pos": 2050, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "HMC", "after": "(HMC)", "start_char_pos": 2213, "end_char_pos": 2216, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "others", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Directly", "after": "Shortly", "start_char_pos": 2263, "end_char_pos": 2271, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "coherence", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "HMC:", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 2307, "end_char_pos": 2311, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "others", "fluency", "fluency" ] } ]
[ 0, 144, 253, 585, 734, 881, 984, 1107, 1244, 1383, 1495, 1688, 1768, 1880, 2017, 2262, 2425, 2674, 2845 ]
Salimuzzaman Siddiqui, ( ; 19 October 1897 14 April 1994) was a URLanic chemist specialising in natural products, and a professor of the chemistry at the University of Karachi. Siddiqui studied philosophy at Aligarh Muslim University and later studied chemistry at Frankfurt University, where he received his PhD in 1927. On return to British India, he worked at the Tibbia College Delhi and the Indian Council for Scientific and Industrial Research. He later moved to Pakistan and worked in the Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research and went on to establish the Pakistan National Science Council and was appointed as its first chairman in 1961. In the same year he became the Fellow of the Royal Society. He later also co-founded Pakistan Academy of Sciences, and after retirement from the government, he founded the Hussain Ebrahim Jamal Research Institute of Chemistry. Siddiqui is credited for pioneering the isolation of unique chemical compounds from the Neem (Azadirachta indica), Rauvolfia, and various other flora. As the founder director of H.E.J. Research Institute of Chemistry, he revolutionised the research on pharmacology of various domestic plants found in South Asia to extract novel chemical substances of medicinal importance.Akhtar (1996), pp. 400417 During his career, Siddiqui published more than 300 research papers and obtained 40 patents mainly from the field of natural product chemistry. In addition to his scientific talents, Siddiqui was also an avid painter, a poet, and a great connoisseur of Western music. His paintings were exhibited in the United States, Germany, India, and Pakistan.
Salimuzzaman Siddiqui, ( ; 19 October 1897 14 April 1994) was a URLanic chemist specialising in natural products, and a professor of chemistry at the University of Karachi. Siddiqui studied philosophy at Aligarh Muslim University and later studied chemistry at Frankfurt University, where he received his PhD in 1927. On return to British India, he worked at the Tibbia College Delhi and the Indian Council for Scientific and Industrial Research. He later moved to Pakistan and worked in the Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research . He went on to establish the Pakistan National Science Council and was appointed as its first chairman in 1961. In the same year he became a Fellow of the Royal Society. He later co-founded the Pakistan Academy of Sciences, and after retirement from the government, he founded the Hussain Ebrahim Jamal Research Institute of Chemistry. Siddiqui is credited for pioneering the isolation of unique chemical compounds from the Neem (Azadirachta indica), Rauvolfia, and various other flora. As the founder director of H.E.J. Research Institute of Chemistry, he revolutionised research of the pharmacology of various domestic plants found in South Asia to extract novel chemical substances of medicinal importance.Akhtar (1996), pp. 400417 During his career, Siddiqui published more than 300 research papers and obtained 40 patents mainly from the field of natural product chemistry. In addition to his scientific talents, Siddiqui was also an avid painter, poet, and a great connoisseur of Western music. His paintings were exhibited in the United States, Germany, India, and Pakistan.
[ { "type": "D", "before": "the", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 133, "end_char_pos": 136, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "and", "after": ". He", "start_char_pos": 551, "end_char_pos": 554, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "coherence", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "the", "after": "a", "start_char_pos": 690, "end_char_pos": 693, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "clarity", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "also", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 732, "end_char_pos": 736, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "others", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "the", "start_char_pos": 748, "end_char_pos": 748, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "others", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "the research on", "after": "research of the", "start_char_pos": 1127, "end_char_pos": 1142, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "others", "style" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "a", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 1508, "end_char_pos": 1509, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "coherence" ] } ]
[ 0, 26, 176, 321, 450, 662, 722, 890, 1041, 1264, 1433, 1557 ]
In matrilineal succession (also known as Marumakathayam), practiced in Kerala by the Nair nobility and royal families, a man's wealth and title is inherited by his sister's children, and his own children receive their inheritance from their own maternal uncles. The Maharajah of Travancore is therefore succeeded by his sister's son, and his own son receives a courtesy title but has no place in the line of succession. Since Indian Independence and the passing of several acts such as the Hindu Succession Act (1956), this form of inheritance is no longer recognised by law. Regardless, the pretender to the Travancore throne is still determined by matrilinear succession. The Akans of Ghana and the Ivory Coast, West Africa have similar matrilineal succession and as such Otumfour Osei-Tutu II, Asantehene inherited the Golden Stool through his mother (the Asantehemaa) Nana Afia Kobi Serwaa Ampem II.
Some cultures pass honours down through the female line. A man's wealth and title are inherited by his sister's children, and his children receive their inheritance from their maternal uncles. In Kerala, southern India, this custom is known as Marumakkathayam. It is practiced by the Nair nobility and royal families. The Maharajah of Travancore is therefore succeeded by his sister's son, and his own son receives a courtesy title but has no place in the line of succession. Since Indian Independence and the passing of several acts such as the Hindu Succession Act (1956), this form of inheritance is no longer recognised by law. Regardless, the pretender to the Travancore throne is still determined by matrilinear succession. The Akans of Ghana and the Ivory Coast, West Africa have similar matrilineal succession and as such Otumfour Osei-Tutu II, Asantehene inherited the Golden Stool (the throne) through his mother (the Asantehemaa) Nana Afia Kobi Serwaa Ampem II.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "In matrilineal succession (also known as Marumakathayam), practiced in Kerala by the Nair nobility and royal families, a", "after": "Some cultures pass honours down through the female line. A", "start_char_pos": 0, "end_char_pos": 120, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "style", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "is", "after": "are", "start_char_pos": 144, "end_char_pos": 146, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "own", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 191, "end_char_pos": 194, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "fluency", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "own", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 241, "end_char_pos": 244, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "In Kerala, southern India, this custom is known as Marumakkathayam. It is practiced by the Nair nobility and royal families.", "start_char_pos": 262, "end_char_pos": 262, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "coherence", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "(the throne)", "start_char_pos": 836, "end_char_pos": 836, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "clarity" ] } ]
[ 0, 261, 420, 576, 674 ]
Lateral succession Lateral or fraternal system of succession mandates principles of seniority among members of a dynasty or dynastic clan, with a purpose of election a best qualified candidate for the leadership. The leaders are elected as being the most mature elders of the clan, already in possession of military power and competence. Fraternal succession is preferred to ensure that mature leaders are in charge, removing a need for regents. The lateral system of succession may or may not exclude male descendants in the female line from succession. In practice, when no male heir is mature enough, a female heir is usually determined "pragmatically", by proximity to the last monarch, like Boariks of the Caucasian Huns or Tamiris of Massagetes in Middle Asia . The lateral monarch is generally elected after the leadership throne becomes vacant. In the early years of the Mongol empire, the death of the ruling monarchs, Genghis Khan and gedei Khan, immediately stopped the Mongol western campaigns because of the upcoming elections. A drawback of the lateral succession is that, while ensuring a most competent leadership for the moment, the system inherently created derelict prince lines not eligible for succession. Any scion of an eligible heir that did not live long enough to ascend to the throne was cast aside as not eligible, creating a pool of discontented pretenders called Tegin in Turkic and Izgoi in Rus dynastic lines. The unsettled pool of derelict princes would eventually bring havoc to the succession order and dismemberment to the state.
Lateral succession Lateral or fraternal system of succession mandates principles of seniority among members of a dynasty or dynastic clan, with a purpose of election a best qualified candidate for the leadership. The leaders are elected as being the most mature elders of the clan, already in possession of military power and competence. Fraternal succession is preferred to ensure that mature leaders are in charge, removing a need for regents. The lateral system of succession may or may not exclude male descendants in the female line from succession. In practice, when no male heir is mature enough, a female heir is usually determined "pragmatically", by proximity to the last monarch, like Boariks of the Caucasian Huns or Tamiris of Massagetes in Middle Asia were selected . The lateral monarch is generally elected after the leadership throne becomes vacant. In the early years of the Mongol empire, the death of the ruling monarchs, Genghis Khan and gedei Khan, immediately stopped the Mongols' western campaigns because of the upcoming elections. A drawback of the lateral succession is that, while ensuring a most competent leadership for the moment, the system inherently created derelict princely lines not eligible for succession. Any scion of an eligible heir who did not live long enough to ascend to the throne was cast aside as not eligible, creating a pool of discontented pretenders called Tegin in Turkic and Izgoi in Rus dynastic lines. The unsettled pool of derelict princes would eventually bring havoc to the succession order and dismemberment to the state.
[ { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "were selected", "start_char_pos": 766, "end_char_pos": 766, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "style", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Mongol", "after": "Mongols'", "start_char_pos": 982, "end_char_pos": 988, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "style" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "prince", "after": "princely", "start_char_pos": 1186, "end_char_pos": 1192, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "that", "after": "who", "start_char_pos": 1258, "end_char_pos": 1262, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] } ]
[ 0, 212, 337, 445, 554, 768, 853, 1041, 1227, 1442 ]
250px|Ziwa ruins, enclosure view from a distance. Ziwa, or Ziwa ruinsformerly Van Niekerk ruins after Major Pompey Van Niekerk who was second in command of the Afrikaner Corps is the remains of a vast late Iron Age agricultural settlement that has been dated to the 15th century. The site is located in Nyanga District. Ziwa was declared a National Monument in 1946 and is currently under consideration for World Heritage listing. The site contains a large variety of stonework structures including stone terraces running along contours of hills and steep landscapes. Archaeological investigations have also engendered important aspects of pottery and rock art.
250px|Ziwa ruins, enclosure view from a distance. Ziwaformerly Van Niekerk ruins after Major Pompey Van Niekerk who was second in command of the Afrikaner Corps is an archaeological site in Nyanga District, Zimbabwe, containing the remains of a vast late Iron Age agricultural settlement dated to the 15th century. Ziwa was declared a National Monument in 1946 and is currently under consideration for World Heritage listing. The site contains a large variety of stonework structures including stone terraces running along contours of hills and steep landscapes. Archaeological investigations have also uncovered important aspects of pottery and rock art.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "Ziwa, or Ziwa ruinsformerly", "after": "Ziwaformerly", "start_char_pos": 50, "end_char_pos": 77, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "style", "others" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "an archaeological site in Nyanga District, Zimbabwe, containing", "start_char_pos": 179, "end_char_pos": 179, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "coherence", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "that has been", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 240, "end_char_pos": 253, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "The site is located in Nyanga District.", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 281, "end_char_pos": 320, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "clarity", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "engendered", "after": "uncovered", "start_char_pos": 609, "end_char_pos": 619, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "clarity", "clarity" ] } ]
[ 0, 49, 280, 320, 431, 568 ]
A Bouguer reduction is called simple or incomplete if the terrain is approximated by an infinite flat plate called the Bouguer plate. A refined or complete Bouguer reduction removes the effects of terrain precisely. The difference between the two , the differential gravitational effect of the unevenness of the terrain , is called the terrain effect. It is always negative.
Reduction A Bouguer reduction is called simple (or incomplete) if the terrain is approximated by an infinite flat plate called the Bouguer plate. A refined (or complete) Bouguer reduction removes the effects of terrain more precisely. The difference between the two is called the terrain effect and is due to the differential gravitational effect of the unevenness of the terrain ; it is always negative.
[ { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "Reduction", "start_char_pos": 0, "end_char_pos": 0, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "style", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "or incomplete", "after": "(or incomplete)", "start_char_pos": 38, "end_char_pos": 51, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "or complete", "after": "(or complete)", "start_char_pos": 145, "end_char_pos": 156, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "clarity", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "more", "start_char_pos": 206, "end_char_pos": 206, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": ", the", "after": "is called the terrain effect and is due to the", "start_char_pos": 249, "end_char_pos": 254, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": ", is called the terrain effect. It", "after": "; it", "start_char_pos": 322, "end_char_pos": 356, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "style", "clarity" ] } ]
[ 0, 134, 217, 353 ]
Penang's only synagogue, located on 28, Nagore Road, was opened in 1929 but closed down in 1976 as the community could no longer fulfill the minyan, a quorum of ten or more adult Jews assembled for purposes of fulfilling a public religious obligation. Today, approximately 100 Jews who are refugees from Russia are said to reside in Malaysia. The original Penang Jewish community ceased to exist with the death of Mordecai (Mordy) David Mordecai on 15 July 2011.News Straits Times (Northern Edition) article on 18 July 2011 entitled: "Uncle Mordy laid to rest" The rest of the Penang Jews have either embraced Christianity or else have emigrated to other countries, especially with the rise of anti-semitic sentiments and anti-Israel policies pursued by the Malaysian government since the 1970s.
Penang's only synagogue, located on 28, Nagore Road, was opened in 1929 but closed down in 1976 as the community could no longer fulfill the minyan, a quorum of ten or more adult Jews assembled for purposes of fulfilling a public religious obligation. In 2008, it was reported that approximately 100 Jewish refugees from Russia were residing in Malaysia. The original Penang Jewish community ceased to exist with the death of Mordecai (Mordy) David Mordecai on 15 July 2011.News Straits Times (Northern Edition) article on 18 July 2011 entitled: "Uncle Mordy laid to rest" The rest of the Penang Jews have either embraced Christianity or else have emigrated to other countries, especially with the rise of anti-semitic sentiments and anti-Israel policies pursued by the Malaysian government since the 1970s.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "Today,", "after": "In 2008, it was reported that", "start_char_pos": 252, "end_char_pos": 258, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Jews who are", "after": "Jewish", "start_char_pos": 277, "end_char_pos": 289, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "are said to reside", "after": "were residing", "start_char_pos": 311, "end_char_pos": 329, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] } ]
[ 0, 251, 342, 462 ]
Economic importance Economic extraction of SMS deposits is in the theoretical stage, the greatest complication being the extreme water depths at which these deposits are forming. However, apparent vast areas of the peripheral areas of these black smoker zones contain a sulfide ooze which could, theoretically, be vacuumed up off the seafloor. Nautilus Minerals Inc. (Nautilus) is engaged in commercially exploring the ocean floor for copper, gold, silver and zinc seafloor massive sulphide (SMS) deposits, and mineral extraction from an SMS system. Nautilus' Solwara 1 Project located at 1600 metres water depth in the Bismarck Sea, Papua New Guinea, will be the world's first deep-sea mining project, with first production expected in 2017.
Economic importance Economic extraction of SMS deposits is in the theoretical stage, the greatest complication being the extreme water depths at which these deposits are forming. However, apparent vast areas of the peripheral areas of these black smoker zones contain a sulfide ooze which could, theoretically, be vacuumed up off the seafloor. Nautilus Minerals Inc. (Nautilus) was engaged in commercially exploring the ocean floor for copper, gold, silver and zinc seafloor massive sulphide (SMS) deposits, and mineral extraction from an SMS system. Nautilus' Solwara 1 Project located at 1,600 metres water depth in the Bismarck Sea, Papua New Guinea, was an attempt at the world's first deep-sea mining project, with first production originally expected in 2017. However, the company went bankrupt in 2019 after failing to secure funding for the project.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "is", "after": "was", "start_char_pos": 378, "end_char_pos": 380, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "1600", "after": "1,600", "start_char_pos": 589, "end_char_pos": 593, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "will be", "after": "was an attempt at", "start_char_pos": 652, "end_char_pos": 659, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "originally", "start_char_pos": 725, "end_char_pos": 725, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "However, the company went bankrupt in 2019 after failing to secure funding for the project.", "start_char_pos": 744, "end_char_pos": 744, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] } ]
[ 0, 178, 343, 549 ]
Books of remembrance at a crematorium. A Book of remembrance is a book commemorating those who have died, usually listing their names in date or alphabetical order. They are often compiled to commemorate war dead and others who have died on military operations , but may also commemorate those buried in a cemetery .(2019, April 3). "History of the Books of Remembrance". Veterans Affairs Canada. Retrieved August 15, 2019. Books of Remembrance are often held by municipal authorities or churches and pages may be turned daily in memory of those on each page. (2019, February 14). "Today's Page in the Books of Remembrance". Veterans Affairs Canada. Retrieved August 15, 2019.
Books of remembrance at a crematorium. A book of remembrance is a book commemorating those who have died, usually listing their names in date or alphabetical order. They are often compiled to commemorate war dead and others who have died on military operations .(2019, April 3). "History of the Books of Remembrance". Veterans Affairs Canada. Retrieved August 15, 2019. Another use is to commemorate people who have been cremated or buried at a location, as an alternative to grave markers.A guide to memorial services - Books of remembrance are often held by municipal authorities or churches and pages may be turned daily in memory of those on each page. (2019, February 14). "Today's Page in the Books of Remembrance". Veterans Affairs Canada. Retrieved August 15, 2019.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "Book", "after": "book", "start_char_pos": 41, "end_char_pos": 45, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": ", but may also commemorate those buried in a cemetery", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 261, "end_char_pos": 314, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "Another use is to commemorate people who have been cremated or buried at a location, as an alternative to grave markers.A guide to memorial services -", "start_char_pos": 424, "end_char_pos": 424, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Remembrance", "after": "remembrance", "start_char_pos": 434, "end_char_pos": 445, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] } ]
[ 0, 38, 164, 332, 371, 396, 423, 560, 581, 625, 650 ]
At the 1972 U.S. Olympic trials in Eugene, Oregon, Jenner was in fifth place in the men's decathlon, behind Steve Gough and Andrew Pettes with one event remaining . Needing to make up a 19-second gap on Gough in the 1500 metres, Jenner qualified for the Olympic team by finishing in firstplace 22 seconds ahead of the others. This prompted the Eugene Register-Guard to ask: "Who's Jenner?" Following the Olympic Trials, Jenner finished in tenth place in the decathlon at the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich . By watching Soviet Mykola Avilov win the event, Jenner was inspired to start an intense training regimen. "For the first time, I knew what I wanted out of life and that was it, and this guy has it. I literally started training that night at midnight, running through the streets of Munich, Germany, training for the Games. I trained that day on through the 1976 Games, 68 hours a day, every day, 365 days a year." After graduating from Graceland, Jenner married girlfriend Chrystie Crownover and moved to San Jose, California. Crownover provided most of the family income as a flight attendant for United Airlines. Jenner trained during the day and sold insurance at night, earning a year. In the era before professional American athletes were allowed to compete in Olympic sports, this kind of training was unheard of. On the other hand, Soviet athletes were state sponsored, which gave them an advantage over amateur American athletes. During this period, Jenner trained at the San Jose City College (SJCC) and San Jose State University (SJSU) tracks. San Jose athletics centered on SJCC coach Bert Bonanno; at that time, the city was a hotbed for training and was called the "Track Capital of the World". Many other aspiring Olympic athletes also trained at San Jose; the list included Millard Hampton, Andre Phillips, John Powell, Mac Wilkins, and Al Feuerbach. Jenner's best events were on day two of the decathlon: hurdles, discus, pole vault, javelin and 1500 meters.
At the 1972 U.S. Olympic Trials at Hayward Field in Eugene, Oregon, Jenner was eleventh after the first day in the men's decathlon, but had climbed to fifth behind Steve Gough and Andrew Pettes with one event remaining on the Fourth of July . Needing to make up a 19-second gap on Gough in the 1500 metres, Jenner qualified for the Olympic team by finishing first, 22 seconds ahead of the others. This prompted the Eugene Register-Guard to ask: "Who's Jenner?" Following the trials, Jenner was tenth in the decathlon at the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich , West Germany. Bywatching Soviet Mykola Avilov win the event, Jenner was inspired to start an intense training regimen. "For the first time, I knew what I wanted out of life and that was it, and this guy has it. I literally started training that night at midnight, running through the streets of Munich, Germany, training for the Games. I trained that day on through the 1976 Games, 68 hours a day, every day, 365 days a year." After graduating from Graceland, Jenner married girlfriend Chrystie Crownover and moved to San Jose, California. Crownover provided most of the family income as a flight attendant for United Airlines. Jenner trained during the day and sold insurance at night, earning a year. In the era before professional American athletes were allowed to compete in Olympic sports, this kind of training was unheard of. On the other hand, Soviet athletes were state sponsored, which gave them an advantage over amateur American athletes. During this period, Jenner trained at the San Jose City College (SJCC) and San Jose State University (SJSU) tracks. San Jose athletics centered on SJCC coach Bert Bonanno; at that time, the city was a hotbed for training and was called the "Track Capital of the World". Many other aspiring Olympic athletes also trained at San Jose; the list included Millard Hampton, Andre Phillips, John Powell, Mac Wilkins, and Al Feuerbach. Jenner's best events were on day two of the decathlon: hurdles, discus, pole vault, javelin , and 1500 meters.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "trials", "after": "Trials at Hayward Field", "start_char_pos": 25, "end_char_pos": 31, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "in fifth place in", "after": "eleventh after the first day in", "start_char_pos": 62, "end_char_pos": 79, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "but had climbed to fifth", "start_char_pos": 101, "end_char_pos": 101, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "on the Fourth of July", "start_char_pos": 164, "end_char_pos": 164, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "in firstplace", "after": "first,", "start_char_pos": 282, "end_char_pos": 295, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Olympic Trials, Jenner finished in tenth place", "after": "trials, Jenner was tenth", "start_char_pos": 406, "end_char_pos": 452, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "style", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": ". By watching", "after": ", West Germany. Bywatching", "start_char_pos": 508, "end_char_pos": 521, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": ",", "start_char_pos": 1968, "end_char_pos": 1968, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] } ]
[ 0, 166, 327, 391, 509, 615, 707, 832, 923, 1036, 1124, 1199, 1329, 1447, 1563, 1619, 1717, 1780, 1875 ]
Black people have been 28\% of those killed by police since 2013 despite being only 13\% of the population. This number however does not include that black people are over represented in crimes , which means they have a higher chance of running into police, see Black vs white homicides
Black people have been 28\% of those killed by police since 2013 despite being only 13\% of the population. This number however does not factor that black people are over represented in violent crime , which means they have a higher chance of negative encounters with the police, see Black vs white homicides
[ { "type": "R", "before": "include", "after": "factor", "start_char_pos": 137, "end_char_pos": 144, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "others", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "crimes", "after": "violent crime", "start_char_pos": 187, "end_char_pos": 193, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "running into", "after": "negative encounters with the", "start_char_pos": 237, "end_char_pos": 249, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "clarity" ] } ]
[ 0, 107 ]
Language Dehumanization and dehumanized perception can occur as a result of the language used to describe groups of people. Words such as migrant, immigrant, and expatriate are assigned to foreigners based on their social status and wealth, rather than ability, achievements, or political alignment. Expatriate is a word to describe the privileged, often light-skinned people newly residing in an area and has connotations that suggest ability, wealth, and trust. Meanwhile, the word immigrant is used to describe people coming to a new location to reside and infers a much less-desirable meaning. Further, "immigrant" is a word that can be paired with "illegal", which harbors a profoundly negative connotationto those projecting social cognition towards the other. The perpetual misuse of these words used to describe the other in the English language can alter the perception of a group in a derogatory way. "Most of the time when we hear illegal immigrant%DIFDELCMD < ] %%% used, most of the time, the shorter version 'illegals' is being used as a noun, which implies that a human being is perpetually illegal. There is no other classification that I'm aware of where the individual is being rendered as unlawful as opposed to those individuals' actions." A series of language examinations found a direct relation between homophobic epithets and social cognitive distancing towards a group of homosexuals, a form of dehumanization. These epithets (e.g., faggot) were thought to function as dehumanizing labels because they tended to act as markers of deviance. One pair of studies found that subjects were more likely to associate malignant language with homosexuals, and that such language associations increased the physical distancing between the subject and the homosexual. This indicated that the malignant language could encourage dehumanization, cognitive and physical distancing in ways that other forms of malignant language do not.
Language Dehumanization and dehumanized perception can occur as a result of the language used to describe groups of people. Words such as migrant, immigrant, and expatriate are assigned to foreigners based on their social status and wealth, rather than ability, achievements, or political alignment. Expatriate is a word to describe the privileged, often light-skinned people newly residing in an area and has connotations that suggest ability, wealth, and trust. Meanwhile, the word immigrant is used to describe people coming to a new location to reside and infers a much less-desirable meaning. The word "immigrant" is sometimes paired with "illegal", which harbors a profoundly derogatory connotation. Misuse of these terms - they are often used inaccurately - to describe the other , can alter the perception of a group %DIFDELCMD < ] %%% as a whole in a negative way. Ryan Eller, the executive director of the immigrant advocacy group, Define American, expressed the problem this way: A series of language examinations found a direct relation between homophobic epithets and social cognitive distancing towards a group of homosexuals, a form of dehumanization. These epithets (e.g., faggot) were thought to function as dehumanizing labels because they tended to act as markers of deviance. One pair of studies found that subjects were more likely to associate malignant language with homosexuals, and that such language associations increased the physical distancing between the subject and the homosexual. This indicated that the malignant language could encourage dehumanization, cognitive and physical distancing in ways that other forms of malignant language do not.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "Further,", "after": "The word", "start_char_pos": 598, "end_char_pos": 606, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "coherence", "style" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "a word that can be", "after": "sometimes", "start_char_pos": 622, "end_char_pos": 640, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "negative connotationto those projecting social cognition towards the other. The perpetual misuse of these words used", "after": "derogatory connotation. Misuse of these terms - they are often used inaccurately -", "start_char_pos": 691, "end_char_pos": 807, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "style" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "in the English language", "after": ",", "start_char_pos": 830, "end_char_pos": 853, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "clarity", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "in a derogatory way. \"Most of the time when we hear", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 890, "end_char_pos": 941, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "illegal immigrant", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 942, "end_char_pos": 959, "major_intent": "style", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "style", "style" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "used, most of the time, the shorter version 'illegals' is being used as a noun, which implies that a human being is perpetually illegal. There is no other classification that I'm aware of where the individual is being rendered as unlawful as opposed to those individuals' actions.\"", "after": "as a whole in a negative way. Ryan Eller, the executive director of the immigrant advocacy group, Define American, expressed the problem this way:", "start_char_pos": 978, "end_char_pos": 1259, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] } ]
[ 0, 123, 299, 463, 597, 766, 910, 1114, 1259, 1435, 1564, 1781 ]
Plant perception or biocommunication is the paranormal idea that plants are sentient, that they respond to humans in a manner that amounts to ESP, and that they experience pain and fear. The idea is not accepted by the scientific community, as plants lack nervous systems . Galston, Arthur W; Slayman, Clifford L. Plant Sensitivity and Sensation. In URLe Ogden Abell, Barry Singer. (1981). Science and the Paranormal: Probing the Existence of the Supernatural. Junction Books. pp. 40-55. Tittle, Peg. (2011). Critical Thinking: An Appeal to Reason. Routledge. p. 317. Jong, Tom de; Klinkhamer, Peter. (2005). Evolutionary Ecology of Plant Reproductive Strategies. Cambridge University Press. p. 2. "Plants do not have a nervous system and certainly do not make conscious decisions about what to do next." Paranormal claims in regard to plant perception are considered to be pseudoscience by the scientific community.Audus, Leslie. (1974). Roots of Absurdity. New Scientist. 17 October. p. 207Galston, Arthur W; Slayman, Clifford L. (1979). The Not-So-Secret Life of Plants: In Which the Historical and Experimental Myths About Emotional Communication Between Animal and Vegetable Are Put to Rest. American Scientist 67 (3): 337-344. The idea is distinct from measured plant perception and chemical communication .
Plant perception or biocommunication is the paranormal idea that plants are sentient, that they respond to humans in a manner that amounts to ESP, and that they experience a range of emotions or parapsychological states. Since plants lack nervous systems , Galston, Arthur W; Slayman, Clifford L. Plant Sensitivity and Sensation. In URLe Ogden Abell, Barry Singer. (1981). Science and the Paranormal: Probing the Existence of the Supernatural. Junction Books. pp. 40-55. Tittle, Peg. (2011). Critical Thinking: An Appeal to Reason. Routledge. p. 317. Jong, Tom de; Klinkhamer, Peter. (2005). Evolutionary Ecology of Plant Reproductive Strategies. Cambridge University Press. p. 2. "Plants do not have a nervous system and certainly do not make conscious decisions about what to do next." paranormal claims regarding plant perception are considered pseudoscience by the scientific community.Audus, Leslie. (1974). Roots of Absurdity. New Scientist. 17 October. p. 207Galston, Arthur W; Slayman, Clifford L. (1979). The Not-So-Secret Life of Plants: In Which the Historical and Experimental Myths About Emotional Communication Between Animal and Vegetable Are Put to Rest. American Scientist 67 (3): 337-344. Such paranormal claims are distinct from the ability of plants to sense and respond to the environment via chemical and related stimuli .
[ { "type": "R", "before": "pain and fear. The idea is not accepted by the scientific community, as", "after": "a range of emotions or parapsychological states. Since", "start_char_pos": 172, "end_char_pos": 243, "major_intent": "style", "raw_intents": [ "style", "others", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": ".", "after": ",", "start_char_pos": 272, "end_char_pos": 273, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "style" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Paranormal claims in regard to", "after": "paranormal claims regarding", "start_char_pos": 805, "end_char_pos": 835, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "to be", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 868, "end_char_pos": 873, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "others", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "The idea is distinct from measured plant perception and chemical communication", "after": "Such paranormal claims are distinct from the ability of plants to sense and respond to the environment via chemical and related stimuli", "start_char_pos": 1233, "end_char_pos": 1311, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "others", "clarity" ] } ]
[ 0, 186, 292, 346, 381, 460, 487, 508, 548, 581, 600, 663, 804, 916, 930, 958, 973, 1010, 1039, 1196, 1232 ]
Naseer Ahmad Malhi () (15 August 1911 12 July 1991) was a Pakistani politician, known for playing a pivotal role in the formation of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Malhi is recognised as one of the nation's founding fathers . Birth and family Naseer Ahmad Malhi was born as the second son of Chaudhry Ghulam Haider Malhi, in 1913 , in the town of Baddomalhi, in Sialkot district. Malhi's father was the leading land-owning farmer of the district, one of the elite of Punjab, was noted for his philanthropy, and was decorated by the British Governor for his services to the community. Malhi's great-grandfather, Chaudhry Ali Gohar Malhi, served as Governor of Punjab during the reign of Maharaja Ranjit Singh who ruled Punjab from 1801 to 1839. Malhi had two older sisters, two younger sisters, and an older stepbrother. He fathered three sons and two daughters, of whom only two sons and one daughter survived adolescence. Education Malhi received his primary and secondary education at G.H. (Ghulam Haider) Muslim High School, named after his father, who was encouraged by Maulana Muhammad Ali to found this school in 1918, to educate aspiring students. The school was noted for offering free tuition and books to economically-disadvantaged pupils. The educational expenses of these students were personally met by Malhi's father. Post-independence After the independence of Pakistan, Malhi remained a prominent legislator. He was appointed as the nation's first education minister. It was Jinnah's decision to appoint Malhi as Pakistan's second prime minister, after Liaquat Ali Khan. Jinnah personally notified Malhi of this decision; however, due to Jinnah's sudden death, the writ was never executed. Malhi led Pakistan's delegation at the Geneva Conference in 1955. At this conference he delivered a speech defending the rights of Afro-Asian countries and was awarded a gold medal. Following this success, Malhi led Pakistans delegation to the United Nations, where he addressed the United Nations General Assembly on the political challenges facing South Asia. His speech won acclaim for its political insight, and he was well received by the Assembly. Legacy Malhi died on 12 July 1991.
Naseer Ahmad Malhi () (15 August 1911 12 July 1991) was a Pakistani politician, known for playing a pivotal role in the formation of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Malhi is recognised as one of the nation's activists of the Pakistan Movement . Birth and family Naseer Ahmad Malhi was born as the second son of Chaudhry Ghulam Haider Malhi, in 1911 , in the town of Baddomalhi, in Sialkot district. Malhi's father was the leading land-owning farmer of the district, one of the elite of Punjab, was noted for his philanthropy, and was decorated by the British Governor for his services to the community. Malhi's great-grandfather, Chaudhry Ali Gohar Malhi, served as Governor of Punjab during the reign of Maharaja Ranjit Singh who ruled Punjab from 1801 to 1839. Education Naseer Ahmad Malhi received his primary and secondary education at G.H. (Ghulam Haider) Muslim High School, named after his father, who was encouraged by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan to found this school in 1918, to educate aspiring students. The school was noted for offering free tuition and books to economically-disadvantaged pupils. The educational expenses of these students were personally met by Malhi's father. Post-independence After the independence of Pakistan, Malhi remained a prominent legislator. He was appointed as the nation's first education minister. Malhi led Pakistan's delegation at the Geneva Conference in 1955. At this conference he delivered a speech defending the rights of Afro-Asian countries and was awarded a gold medal. Following this success, Malhi led Pakistans delegation to the United Nations, where he addressed the United Nations General Assembly on the political challenges facing South Asia. Death and legacy Naseer Ahmad Malhi died on 12 July 1991.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "founding fathers", "after": "activists of the Pakistan Movement", "start_char_pos": 210, "end_char_pos": 226, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "1913", "after": "1911", "start_char_pos": 328, "end_char_pos": 332, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "Malhi had two older sisters, two younger sisters, and an older stepbrother. He fathered three sons and two daughters, of whom only two sons and one daughter survived adolescence.", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 747, "end_char_pos": 925, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "clarity", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Education", "after": "Education Naseer Ahmad", "start_char_pos": 926, "end_char_pos": 935, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Maulana Muhammad Ali", "after": "Sir Syed Ahmad Khan", "start_char_pos": 1077, "end_char_pos": 1097, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "It was Jinnah's decision to appoint Malhi as Pakistan's second prime minister, after Liaquat Ali Khan. Jinnah personally notified Malhi of this decision; however, due to Jinnah's sudden death, the writ was never executed.", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 1487, "end_char_pos": 1708, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "coherence", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "His speech won acclaim for its political insight, and he was well received by the Assembly.", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 2071, "end_char_pos": 2162, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "coherence", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Legacy", "after": "Death and legacy Naseer Ahmad", "start_char_pos": 2163, "end_char_pos": 2169, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] } ]
[ 0, 166, 382, 586, 746, 822, 925, 1157, 1252, 1334, 1427, 1486, 1589, 1640, 1708, 1774, 1890, 2070, 2162 ]
The Sialkot Convention was a milestone in MuslimHindu politics. It is widely regarded by Pakistani historians as the landmark event which brought the Muslim League into prominence in undivided Punjab. It broke the Unionist Party's hold over the Muslims of Punjab and swayed their sentiments towards the Muslim League and the Pakistan movement, paving the way for the eventual formation of Pakistan. In his efforts to elevate Pakistan's fledgling profile , Malhi hosted an historic dinner for Eleanor Roosevelt, President of the United Nations General Assembly and former First Lady of the United States. With the advent of martial law in the early sixties, Malhi became a vociferous opponent of the government of General Ayub Khan. In 1965 he allied himself with and supported Fatima Jinnah in her bid to democratically dislodge Ayub Khan from his assumed office. Despite his withdrawal from active political life, Malhi remained an established member of Pakistans elite intellectual and political circles. Death and legacy Naseer Ahmad Malhi died on 12 July 1991. Muhammad Ali Jinnah considered him among his most able stalwarts. Pakistan recognises him as one of its most dedicated founding fathers.
The Sialkot Convention in May 1944 was a milestone in MuslimHindu politics. It is widely regarded by Pakistani historians as the landmark event which brought the Muslim League into prominence in undivided Punjab. It broke the Unionist Party's hold over the Muslims of Punjab and swayed their sentiments towards the Muslim League and the Pakistan movement, paving the way for the eventual formation of Pakistan. Brief History of Sialkot (scroll down to Colonial Sialkot to read about Sialkot Convention (1944) arranged by Naseer Ahmad Malhi) District Courts Sialkot website, Retrieved 21 January 2020 In his efforts to elevate Pakistan's image , Malhi hosted an historic dinner for Eleanor Roosevelt, President of the United Nations General Assembly and former First Lady of the United States. With the advent of martial law in the early sixties, Malhi became a vociferous opponent of the government of General Ayub Khan. In 1965 , he allied himself with and supported Fatima Jinnah in her bid to democratically dislodge Ayub Khan from his assumed office. Death Naseer Ahmad Malhi died on 12 July 1991.
[ { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "in May 1944", "start_char_pos": 23, "end_char_pos": 23, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "Brief History of Sialkot (scroll down to Colonial Sialkot to read about Sialkot Convention (1944) arranged by Naseer Ahmad Malhi) District Courts Sialkot website, Retrieved 21 January 2020", "start_char_pos": 400, "end_char_pos": 400, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "fledgling profile", "after": "image", "start_char_pos": 438, "end_char_pos": 455, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": ",", "start_char_pos": 742, "end_char_pos": 742, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "Despite his withdrawal from active political life, Malhi remained an established member of Pakistans elite intellectual and political circles.", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 867, "end_char_pos": 1009, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Death and legacy", "after": "Death", "start_char_pos": 1010, "end_char_pos": 1026, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "style" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "Muhammad Ali Jinnah considered him among his most able stalwarts. Pakistan recognises him as one of its most dedicated founding fathers.", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 1068, "end_char_pos": 1204, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "coherence", "clarity" ] } ]
[ 0, 64, 201, 399, 605, 733, 866, 1009, 1067, 1133 ]
Practitioners of oil pulling claim it is capable of improving oral and whole-body health, including a benefit in conditions such as headaches, migraines, diabetes mellitus, asthma, and acne, as well as whitening teeth. Its promoters claim it works by pulling out toxins, which are known as ama in Ayurveda, but there is no credible evidence to support some of these claims and only limited and inconclusive evidence to support other some of these claims, primarily having to do with oral health. A review of the evidence published in the scientific journal Heliyon (august 7, 2020) URL found "The limited evidence suggests that oil pulling with coconut oil may have a beneficial effect on improving oral health and dental hygiene. Future clinical trials are of merit considering the universal availability of the intervention. Prospective research should have a robust design with rigorous execution to provide a higher quality of evidence... Oil pulling with coconut oil could be used as a adjunct to normal preventative regimes to improve oral health and dental hygiene although further studies are needed to determine the level of effectiveness." This article was deemed significant enought for the toothpaste maker Colgate to cite it on its website URL
Some practitioners of oil pulling claim it is capable of improving oral and whole-body health, including a benefit in conditions such as headaches, migraines, diabetes mellitus, asthma, and acne, as well as whitening teeth. Some of its promoters claim it works by pulling out toxins, which are known as ama in Ayurveda, . There is no credible evidence to support the claims about toxins. There is only limited and inconclusive evidence to support others of these claims, primarily having to do with oral health. The scientific case for oil pulling for oral health rests on multiple studies that have found that oil pulling, particularly with coconut oil, reduces bacteria and inflammation in the mouth. A review of the evidence published in the scientific journal Heliyon (august 7, 2020) URL found "The limited evidence suggests that oil pulling with coconut oil may have a beneficial effect on improving oral health and dental hygiene. Future clinical trials are of merit considering the universal availability of the intervention. Prospective research should have a robust design with rigorous execution to provide a higher quality of evidence... Oil pulling with coconut oil could be used as a adjunct to normal preventative regimes to improve oral health and dental hygiene although further studies are needed to determine the level of effectiveness." This article was deemed significant enought for the toothpaste maker Colgate to cite it on its website URL
[ { "type": "R", "before": "Practitioners", "after": "Some practitioners", "start_char_pos": 0, "end_char_pos": 13, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "style", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Its", "after": "Some of its", "start_char_pos": 219, "end_char_pos": 222, "major_intent": "style", "raw_intents": [ "style", "coherence", "style" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "but there", "after": ". There", "start_char_pos": 307, "end_char_pos": 316, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "coherence", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "some of these claims and", "after": "the claims about toxins. There is", "start_char_pos": 352, "end_char_pos": 376, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "other some", "after": "others", "start_char_pos": 427, "end_char_pos": 437, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "The scientific case for oil pulling for oral health rests on multiple studies that have found that oil pulling, particularly with coconut oil, reduces bacteria and inflammation in the mouth.", "start_char_pos": 496, "end_char_pos": 496, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] } ]
[ 0, 218, 495, 731, 827, 943, 1150 ]
Oil pulling is an alternative medical practice in which an edible oil is swished around the mouth for a period of time and then spat out, similar to mouthwash. There is only limited and inconclusive evidence to support the claims made for the benefits of oil pulling. Some practitioners of oil pulling claim it is capable of improving oral and whole-body health, including a benefit in conditions such as headaches, migraines, diabetes mellitus, asthma, and acne, as well as whitening teeth. Some of its promoters claim it works by pulling out toxins, which are known as ama in Ayurveda, . There is no credible evidence to support the claims about toxins. There is only limited and inconclusive evidence to support others of these claims, primarily having to do with oral health. The scientific case for oil pulling for oral health rests on multiple studies that have found that oil pulling, particularly with coconut oil, reduces bacteria and inflammation in the mouth. A review of the evidence published in the scientific journal Heliyon (august 7, 2020) URL found "The limited evidence suggests that oil pulling with coconut oil may have a beneficial effect on improving oral health and dental hygiene. Future clinical trials are of merit considering the universal availability of the intervention. Prospective research should have a robust design with rigorous execution to provide a higher quality of evidence... Oil pulling with coconut oil could be used as a adjunct to normal preventative regimes to improve oral health and dental hygiene although further studies are needed to determine the level of effectiveness." This article was deemed significant enought for the toothpaste maker Colgate to cite it on its website URL
Oil pulling is an alternative medical practice in which an edible oil is swished around the mouth for a period of time and then spat out, similar to mouthwash. There is no evidence to support the claims made for the benefits of oil pulling. Practitioners of oil pulling claim it is capable of improving oral and whole-body health, including a benefit in conditions such as headaches, migraines, diabetes mellitus, asthma, and acne, as well as whitening teeth. Its promoters claim it works by pulling out toxins, which are known as ama in Ayurveda, but there is no credible evidence to support this.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "only limited and inconclusive", "after": "no", "start_char_pos": 169, "end_char_pos": 198, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Some practitioners", "after": "Practitioners", "start_char_pos": 268, "end_char_pos": 286, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Some of its", "after": "Its", "start_char_pos": 492, "end_char_pos": 503, "major_intent": "style", "raw_intents": [ "style", "clarity", "style" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": ". There", "after": "but there", "start_char_pos": 588, "end_char_pos": 595, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "style", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "the claims about toxins. There is only limited and inconclusive evidence to support others of these claims, primarily having to do with oral health.", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 631, "end_char_pos": 779, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "coherence", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "The scientific case for oil pulling for oral health rests on multiple studies that have found that oil pulling, particularly with coconut oil, reduces bacteria and inflammation in the mouth. A review of the evidence published in the scientific journal Heliyon (august 7, 2020) URL found \"The limited evidence suggests that oil pulling with coconut oil may have a beneficial effect on improving oral health and dental hygiene. Future clinical trials are of merit considering the universal availability of the intervention. Prospective research should have a robust design with rigorous execution to provide a higher quality of evidence... Oil pulling with coconut oil could be used as a adjunct to normal preventative regimes to improve oral health and dental hygiene although further studies are needed to determine the level of effectiveness.\" This article was deemed significant enought for the toothpaste maker Colgate to cite it on its website URL", "after": "this.", "start_char_pos": 780, "end_char_pos": 1731, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "coherence", "coherence" ] } ]
[ 0, 159, 267, 491, 589, 655, 779, 970, 1205, 1301, 1417, 1624 ]
Habsburg Spain was the Spain of the 16th and 17th centuries (15161700) when it was ruled by kings from the House of Habsburg (also associated with its role in the history of Central and Eastern Europe). The Habsburg Hispanic Monarchs (chiefly Charles I and Philip II) reached the zenith of their influence and power ruling the Spanish Empire. They controlled territories over the five continents including the Americas, the East Indies, the Low Countries, Belgium, Luxembourg and territories now in Italy, France and Germany in Europe, the Portuguese Empire from 1580 to 1640, and various other territories such as small enclaves like Ceuta and Oran in North Africa. This period of Spanish history has also been referred to as the "Age of Expansion". With the Habsburgs, Spain was one of the greatest political and military powers in Europe and the world for much of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The Habsburgyears also ushered in the Spanish Golden Age of arts and literature . Some of the world's most outstanding writers and painters lived in this period , including Teresa of vila, Pedro Caldern de la Barca, Miguel de Cervantes, Francisco de Quevedo, Diego Velzquez, El Greco, Domingo de Soto, Francisco Surez and Francisco de Vitoria. 150px|Arms of Charles I, representing his territories in Spain (top) and his other European possessions (bottom) Spain or "the Spains", referring to Spanish territories across different continents in this period, initially covered the entire Iberian peninsula, including the Kingdoms of Aragon, Castile, Len, Navarre and, from 1580, Portugal.
Habsburg Spain is a contemporary historiographical term referred to the Spain of the 16th and 17th centuries (15161700) when it was ruled by kings from the House of Habsburg (also associated with its role in the history of Central and Eastern Europe). The Habsburg Hispanic Monarchs (chiefly Charles I and Philip II) reached the zenith of their influence and power ruling the Spanish Empire. They controlled territories over the five continents including the Americas, the East Indies, the Low Countries, Belgium, Luxembourg and territories now in Italy, France and Germany in Europe, the Portuguese Empire from 1580 to 1640, and various other territories such as small enclaves like Ceuta and Oran in North Africa. This period of Spanish history has also been referred to as the "Age of Expansion". With the Habsburgs, Spain was the foremost political and military power in Europe and the world for much of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. During the Habsburg's period, Spain ushered in the Spanish Golden Age of arts and literature producing some of the world's most outstanding writers and painters and influential intellectuals , including Teresa of vila, Pedro Caldern de la Barca, Miguel de Cervantes, Francisco de Quevedo, Diego Velzquez, El Greco, Domingo de Soto, Francisco Surez and Francisco de Vitoria. 150px|Arms of Charles I, representing his territories in Spain (top) and his other European possessions (bottom) Spain or "the Spains", referring to Spanish territories across different continents in this period, initially covered the entire Iberian peninsula, including the Kingdoms of Aragon, Castile, Len, Navarre and, from 1580, Portugal.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "was", "after": "is a contemporary historiographical term referred to", "start_char_pos": 15, "end_char_pos": 18, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "clarity", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "one of the greatest", "after": "the foremost", "start_char_pos": 781, "end_char_pos": 800, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "powers", "after": "power", "start_char_pos": 824, "end_char_pos": 830, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "The Habsburgyears also", "after": "During the Habsburg's period, Spain", "start_char_pos": 908, "end_char_pos": 930, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": ". Some", "after": "producing some", "start_char_pos": 988, "end_char_pos": 994, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "coherence", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "lived in this period", "after": "and influential intellectuals", "start_char_pos": 1048, "end_char_pos": 1068, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "clarity", "clarity" ] } ]
[ 0, 202, 342, 666, 750, 907, 1251 ]
The matching hypothesis (also known as the matching phenomenon) is derived from the discipline of social psychology and was first proposed by Elaine Hatfield and her colleagues in 1966, Walster, E., Aronson, V., Abrahams, D., & Rottman, L. (1966). Importance of physical attractiveness in dating behavior. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 4(5), 508-516 . which suggests why people become attracted to their partner. It claims that people are more likely to form and succeed in a committed relationship with someone who is equally socially desirable. This is often researched in the form of physical attraction .
The matching hypothesis (also known as the matching phenomenon) argues that people are more likely to form and succeed in a committed relationship with someone who is equally socially desirable, typically in the form of physical attraction. The hypothesis is derived from the discipline of social psychology and was first proposed by American social psychologist Elaine Hatfield and her colleagues in 1966. Walster, E., Aronson, V., Abrahams, D., & Rottman, L. (1966). Importance of physical attractiveness in dating behavior. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 4(5), 508-516 .
[ { "type": "R", "before": "is", "after": "argues that people are more likely to form and succeed in a committed relationship with someone who is equally socially desirable, typically in the form of physical attraction. The hypothesis is", "start_char_pos": 64, "end_char_pos": 66, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "coherence", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "American social psychologist", "start_char_pos": 142, "end_char_pos": 142, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "1966,", "after": "1966.", "start_char_pos": 181, "end_char_pos": 186, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": ". which suggests why people become attracted to their partner. It claims that people are more likely to form and succeed in a committed relationship with someone who is equally socially desirable. This is often researched in the form of physical attraction", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 367, "end_char_pos": 623, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "coherence", "coherence" ] } ]
[ 0, 248, 306, 429, 563 ]
The Royals selected Greinke in the first round of the 2002 MLB draft, after he won the Gatorade National Player of the Year Award as a high school senior. After playing in the minor leagues, he made his MLB debut in 2004. His career was nearly derailed by his battles with depression and anxiety in 2005 and 2006, and he missed most of the 2006 season. He returned in 2007 as a relief pitcher, before rejoining the starting rotation in 2008 and developing into one of the top pitchers in the game. In 2009, he appeared in the MLB All-Star Game, led the major leagues in earned run average, and won the American League Cy Young Award. In 2019, he was traded to the Astros in a blockbuster deal, becoming a notable third piece in their historic starting rotation on the way to their second World Series berth in three years. Owing to his unusual pitching mechanics, eephus style, and relatively high batting average, Greinke is often considered one of the most unique starting pitchers in baseball. He is a six-time All-Star, and six-time Gold Glove Award winner.
The Royals selected Greinke in the first round of the 2002 MLB draft, after he won the Gatorade National Player of the Year Award as a high school senior. After playing in the minor leagues, he made his MLB debut in 2004. His career was nearly derailed by his battles with depression and anxiety in 2005 and 2006, and he missed most of the 2006 season. He returned in 2007 as a relief pitcher, before rejoining the starting rotation in 2008 and developing into one of the top pitchers in the game. In 2009, he appeared in the MLB All-Star Game, led the major leagues in earned run average, and won the American League Cy Young Award. In 2019, he was traded to the Astros in a blockbuster deal, soon thereafter reaching his 200th career win and becoming a notable third piece in the team's historic starting rotation during their quest for a second World Series berth in three years. Owing to his unusual pitching mechanics, eephus style, and relatively high batting average, Greinke is often considered one of the most unique starting pitchers in baseball. He is a six-time All-Star, six-time Gold Glove Award winner, and two-time Silver Slugger Award winner.
[ { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "soon thereafter reaching his 200th career win and", "start_char_pos": 694, "end_char_pos": 694, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "their", "after": "the team's", "start_char_pos": 729, "end_char_pos": 734, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "on the way to their", "after": "during their quest for a", "start_char_pos": 762, "end_char_pos": 781, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "style" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "and", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 1025, "end_char_pos": 1028, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "coherence", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "Award winner, and two-time Silver Slugger", "start_char_pos": 1049, "end_char_pos": 1049, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] } ]
[ 0, 154, 221, 352, 497, 633, 823, 997 ]
In 2009, he appeared in the MLB All-Star Game, led the major leagues in earned run average, and won the American League Cy Young Award. In 2019 , he was traded to the Astros in a blockbuster deal , soon thereafterreaching his 200th career win and becoming a notable third piece in the team's historic starting rotation during their quest for a second World Series berth in three years.
In 2009, Greinke appeared in the MLB All-Star Game, led the major leagues in earned run average, and won the American League Cy Young Award. After nearly a decade of hopping between franchises , he was sent to the Astros in a blockbuster deal at the 2019 trade deadline. Soon thereafter, Greinke reached his 200th career win and became a notable third piece behind Justin Verlander and Gerrit Cole in the team's historic starting rotation during their quest for a second World Series berth in three years.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "he", "after": "Greinke", "start_char_pos": 9, "end_char_pos": 11, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "In 2019", "after": "After nearly a decade of hopping between franchises", "start_char_pos": 136, "end_char_pos": 143, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "traded", "after": "sent", "start_char_pos": 153, "end_char_pos": 159, "major_intent": "style", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "style", "style" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": ", soon thereafterreaching", "after": "at the 2019 trade deadline. Soon thereafter, Greinke reached", "start_char_pos": 196, "end_char_pos": 221, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "becoming", "after": "became", "start_char_pos": 247, "end_char_pos": 255, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "behind Justin Verlander and Gerrit Cole", "start_char_pos": 278, "end_char_pos": 278, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] } ]
[ 0, 135 ]