3 values
The conflict started on Sunday. It lasted at least seventeen hours until another authorities quelled the riot should Monday at 7 a.m. local time, according to Fontes. According still officials, during the raft riot 112 inmates escaped. Fontes said competition for drug trade was the main reason for the riot. Former secretary Jose Vicente da Silvia said Brazil's prison system mismanagement and economic recession contributed to the riot. Within a day of the latest riot at another Anisio Jobim Penitentiary Centre, individual riots never two other Manaus prisons reportedly occurred. At least 72 inmates escaped from one of these prisons.
The conflict started on Sunday. It lasted at least seventeen hours until the authorities quelled the riot on Monday at 7 a.m. local time, according to Fontes. According to officials, during the riot 112 inmates escaped. Fontes said competition for drug trade was the main reason for the riot. Former secretary Jose Vicente da Silva said Brazil's prison system mismanagement and economic recession contributed to the riot. Within a day of the latest riot at the Anisio Jobim Penitentiary Centre, individual riots at two other Manaus prisons reportedly occurred. At least 72 inmates escaped from one of these prisons.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "another", "after": "the", "start_char_pos": 73, "end_char_pos": 80, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "should", "after": "on", "start_char_pos": 110, "end_char_pos": 116, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "still", "after": "to", "start_char_pos": 177, "end_char_pos": 182, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "raft", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 205, "end_char_pos": 209, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Silvia", "after": "Silva", "start_char_pos": 342, "end_char_pos": 348, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "another", "after": "the", "start_char_pos": 474, "end_char_pos": 481, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "never", "after": "at", "start_char_pos": 533, "end_char_pos": 538, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] } ]
[ 0, 31, 166, 235, 308, 438, 584 ]
The leaders of the European Union have struck a deal on the 2007-2013 budget. Negotioations were characterized by host country's prime minister Tony Blair as 'extraordinarily complicated' . The biggest issues were different views between France, UK and rest of the EU. UK wanted to keep it's high membership discount, negotiated before economic growth made it one of the richest members, while other members wanted it to participate with relatively equal net payment. France's primary issue was maintaining farming subsidies. Rest of the Europe was mostly interested in modernizing European economy by decreasing both UK's discounts and France's subsidies. Germany appeared as a pulling force between France and UK to secure the deal.
The leaders of the European Union have struck a deal on the 2007-2013 budget. Negotiations were characterized by host country's Prime Minister Tony Blair as "extraordinarily complicated" . The biggest issues were different views between France, the UK and rest of the EU. UK wanted to keep it's high membership discount, negotiated before economic growth made it one of the richest members, while other members wanted it to participate with relatively equal net payment. France's primary issue was maintaining farming subsidies. Rest of the Europe was mostly interested in modernizing European economy by decreasing both UK's discounts and France's subsidies. Germany appeared as a pulling force between France and UK to secure the deal.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "Negotioations", "after": "Negotiations", "start_char_pos": 78, "end_char_pos": 91, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "prime minister", "after": "Prime Minister", "start_char_pos": 129, "end_char_pos": 143, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "'extraordinarily complicated'", "after": "\"extraordinarily complicated\"", "start_char_pos": 158, "end_char_pos": 187, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "the", "start_char_pos": 246, "end_char_pos": 246, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "coherence" ] } ]
[ 0, 77, 189, 269, 468, 526, 657 ]
David Cosgrove was placed in Holsworthy military prison in October, 2005 for upto 14 days after going AWOL from his Singleton barracks. When released he is alleged to have breached "unit standing orders" and was administratively warned he was "unsuitable for service". It is believed that he will leave the Army by March, 2006. David Cosgrove's indiscretions have upset the military at senior levels . Senior army figures were furious with The Australian newspaper that the incidentwas going to be reported . It is also thought to be embarrasing for General Cosgrove who led a 40-year military career before retiring to become an executive at Qantas.
David Cosgrove was placed in Holsworthy military prison in October, 2005 for up to 14 days after going AWOL from his Singleton barracks. When released he is alleged to have breached "unit standing orders" and was administratively warned he was "unsuitable for service". It is believed that he will leave the Army by March, 2006. David Cosgrove's indiscretions have upset the military at the senior level . Senior army figures were furious with The Australian newspaper for reporting the incident . It is also thought to be an embarrasment for General Cosgrove who led a much celebrated 40-year military career before retiring to become an executive at Qantas.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "upto", "after": "up to", "start_char_pos": 77, "end_char_pos": 81, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "senior levels", "after": "the senior level", "start_char_pos": 386, "end_char_pos": 399, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "fluency", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "that the incidentwas going to be reported", "after": "for reporting the incident", "start_char_pos": 465, "end_char_pos": 506, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "embarrasing", "after": "an embarrasment", "start_char_pos": 534, "end_char_pos": 545, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "fluency", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "much celebrated", "start_char_pos": 577, "end_char_pos": 577, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] } ]
[ 0, 135, 268, 327, 508 ]
In an attempt to keep the number of deaths on NSW roads at a minimum police will target speeding, seatbelt, helmet and drunk driving offences. According to the New South Wales Roads and Traffic Authority, 495 people have died on NSW roads between January 1 aand December 11. This figure will surely climb over the holiday period. The RTA has also begun double demerit points for speeding, seatbelt and helmet offences. The double demerit points will run for the same 11 day period as Operation Safe Arrival. The minimum penalty for any double demerit offence is 6 points. Provisional drivers need to be particularily mindful of these as P1 licence holders (those who have had a licence 12 months or less) can only incur 3 points. P2 licence holders (those who have held a licence for 12 to 36 months) have 6 and unrestricted licence holders have 12. According to the RTA, 23,624 drivers in the 2003/4 holiday season were issued with fines carrying double demerits and 2,150 motorists had their licences suspended due to speeding or exceeding their demerit point limit.
In an attempt to keep the number of deaths on NSW roads at a minimum police will target speeding, seatbelt, helmet and drunk driving offences. According to the New South Wales Roads and Traffic Authority, 495 people have died on NSW roads between January 1 and December 11. This figure will surely climb over the holiday period. The RTA has also begun double demerit points for speeding, seatbelt and helmet offences. The double demerit points will run for the same 11 day period as Operation Safe Arrival. The minimum penalty for any double demerit offence is 6 points. Provisional drivers need to be particularly mindful of these as P1 license holders (those who have had a license 12 months or less) can only incur 3 points. P2 license holders (those who have held a license for 12 to 36 months) have 6 and unrestricted license holders have 12. According to the RTA, 23,624 drivers in the 2003/4 holiday season were issued with fines carrying double demerits and 2,150 motorists had their licenses suspended due to speeding or exceeding their demerit point limit.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "aand", "after": "and", "start_char_pos": 257, "end_char_pos": 261, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "particularily", "after": "particularly", "start_char_pos": 603, "end_char_pos": 616, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "licence", "after": "license", "start_char_pos": 640, "end_char_pos": 647, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "licence", "after": "license", "start_char_pos": 678, "end_char_pos": 685, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "licence", "after": "license", "start_char_pos": 733, "end_char_pos": 740, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "licence", "after": "license", "start_char_pos": 772, "end_char_pos": 779, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "licence", "after": "license", "start_char_pos": 825, "end_char_pos": 832, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "licences", "after": "licenses", "start_char_pos": 994, "end_char_pos": 1002, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] } ]
[ 0, 142, 274, 329, 418, 507, 571, 729, 849 ]
A Missouri woman from blue springs was a victim of assault and she tried to swallow her cell phone the reasons are unknown at this time . The cell phone was caught in the women's wind pipe. When the police arrivedthe boyfriend claimed he was trying to help the woman get the cell phone out of her wind pipe. Police have charged the boyfriend with assult .
Blue Springs, Missouri police say a woman they thought had tried to swallow her cell phone may have been the victim of assault . The cell phone was caught in the woman's throat when police arrived. Her boyfriend claimed she had swallowed it to keep it away from him. Melinda Abell required emergency surgery to remove the phone from her throat. Police have now charged the boyfriend , Marlon Brandon Gill, 23, with assault .
[ { "type": "R", "before": "A Missouri woman from blue springs was a victim of assault and she", "after": "Blue Springs, Missouri police say a woman they thought had", "start_char_pos": 0, "end_char_pos": 66, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "the reasons are unknown at this time", "after": "may have been the victim of assault", "start_char_pos": 99, "end_char_pos": 135, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "others", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "women's wind pipe. When the police arrivedthe boyfriend claimed he was trying to help the woman get the cell phone out of her wind pipe.", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 171, "end_char_pos": 307, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "style", "coherence", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Police have", "after": "woman's throat when police arrived. Her boyfriend claimed she had swallowed it to keep it away from him.", "start_char_pos": 308, "end_char_pos": 319, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "Melinda Abell required emergency surgery to remove the phone from her throat. Police have now", "start_char_pos": 320, "end_char_pos": 320, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "coherence", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "with assult", "after": ", Marlon Brandon Gill, 23, with assault", "start_char_pos": 343, "end_char_pos": 354, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] } ]
[ 0, 137, 189, 307 ]
Photographs taken by eye-witnesses show people, who were trapped, dropping from 8th floor windows to their deaths. According to some reports the firemen who were dispatched to the scene were pre-occupied at the rear of the building. They had apparently been ordered to evacuate the bank and its management from the area that was not under immediate threat. Eugenia, a witness said, "who has told you, that fireteam arrived in 3 minutes? Or in 20 minutes? My uncle worked on anouther side of the building. He personally gave a call to the fire department. They said, "ok, ok, take it easy, here we go..." as it were just some fun for them, "nothing serious!" Reports from the scene say the fire-brigade arrived at least 40 minutes or more from the time the call about the fire was placed. The Fire-safety Department officials state that firemen had the "objective obstacles" which hampered rescue efforts. Among them were , barred emergency exits , and a congestion of cars in front of the burning building.
Photographs taken by eye-witnesses show people, who were trapped, dropping from 8th floor windows to their deaths. According to some reports the firemen who were dispatched to the scene were pre-occupied at the rear of the building. They had apparently been ordered to evacuate the bank and its management from the area , which was not under immediate threat. Eugenia, a witness said, "who has told you, that fireteam arrived in 3 minutes? Or in 20 minutes? My uncle worked on anouther side of the building. He personally gave a call to the fire department. They said, "ok, ok, take it easy, here we go..." as if it were just some fun for them, "nothing serious!" Reports from the scene say the fire brigade arrived at least 40 minutes or more from the time the call about the fire was placed. The Fire-safety Department officials state that firemen had had "objective obstacles" which hampered rescue efforts. Among them were barred emergency exits and a congestion of cars in front of the burning building.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "that", "after": ", which", "start_char_pos": 320, "end_char_pos": 324, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "if", "start_char_pos": 607, "end_char_pos": 607, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "fire-brigade", "after": "fire brigade", "start_char_pos": 690, "end_char_pos": 702, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "the", "after": "had", "start_char_pos": 849, "end_char_pos": 852, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "coherence", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": ",", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 922, "end_char_pos": 923, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "others", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": ",", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 947, "end_char_pos": 948, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] } ]
[ 0, 114, 232, 356, 436, 454, 504, 554, 658, 788, 905 ]
The United States has only seen one case of Mad Cow disease which was in 2005 when a cow tested positive for the disease. Officials later linked the isolated case to Canada because the cow was born on a farm in Alberta.
The United States has seen two cases of Mad Cow disease which were in 2005 when a cow tested positive for the disease. Officials later linked one of the cases to Canada because the cow was born on a farm in Alberta. The later test was done in England where samples tested had conflicting results in 2004.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "only seen one case", "after": "seen two cases", "start_char_pos": 22, "end_char_pos": 40, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "was", "after": "were", "start_char_pos": 66, "end_char_pos": 69, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "the isolated case", "after": "one of the cases", "start_char_pos": 145, "end_char_pos": 162, "major_intent": "style", "raw_intents": [ "style", "style", "style" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "The later test was done in England where samples tested had conflicting results in 2004.", "start_char_pos": 220, "end_char_pos": 220, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] } ]
[ 0, 121 ]
The United States has seen two cases of Mad Cow disease which were in 2005 when a cow tested positive for the disease . Officials later linked one of the cases to Canada because the cow was born on a farm in Alberta. The later test was done in England where samples tested had conflicting results in 2004.
The United States has seen two cases of Mad Cow disease . The first was discovered in December of 2003 in the state of Washington . Officials later linked this case to Canada because the cow was born on a farm in Alberta. The second infected cow was discovered in Texas in 2005. The later case was diagnosed in England after earlier samples tested had shown conflicting results.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "which were in 2005 when a cow tested positive for the disease", "after": ". The first was discovered in December of 2003 in the state of Washington", "start_char_pos": 56, "end_char_pos": 117, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "one of the cases", "after": "this case", "start_char_pos": 143, "end_char_pos": 159, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "later test was done in England where", "after": "second infected cow was discovered in Texas in 2005. The later case was diagnosed in England after earlier", "start_char_pos": 221, "end_char_pos": 257, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "conflicting results in 2004.", "after": "shown conflicting results.", "start_char_pos": 277, "end_char_pos": 305, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] } ]
[ 0, 119, 216 ]
Pop star Michael Jackson was caught by photographers dressed in womens clothing in a shopping mall in the Gulf state of Bahrain. Jackson was dressed in a black abaya (a traditional fully length robe), a veil covering his face, dark sunglasses and gloves. Jackson was accompanied by three young, western-looking children, their faces covered with black veils, and an adult woman wearning an abaya over jeans, her face partly covered, and bodyguards. After Jackson was recognized, he reportedly said "Please, No!" , and the unidentified woman asked photographers to back off. Photographers continued to take pictures while mall security guards escorted Jackson and his entourage out through a back door, where they got into a white Lexus with darkened windows. A picture published by The Australian shows an adult completely covered in black, holding the hand of a young child whose face is covered. Mall officials confirmed that it was Michael Jackson. Jackson has been a guest of the royal family since June 2004, after he was aquitted of sexually molesting young cancer patients who visited his California ranch, Neverland, in 2003.
Pop star Michael Jackson was caught by photographers dressed in women's clothing in a shopping mall in the Gulf state of Bahrain. Jackson was dressed in a black abaya (a traditional full-length robe), a veil covering his face, dark sunglasses and gloves. Jackson was accompanied by three young, Western-looking children, their faces covered with black veils, and an adult woman wearning an abaya over jeans, her face partly covered, and bodyguards. After Jackson was recognized, he reportedly said "Please, No!" and the unidentified woman asked photographers to back off. Photographers continued to take pictures while mall security guards escorted Jackson and his entourage out through a back door, where they got into a white Lexus with darkened windows. A picture published by The Australian shows an adult completely covered in black, holding the hand of a young child whose face is covered. Mall officials confirmed that it was Michael Jackson. Jackson has been a guest of the royal family since June 2004, after he was acquitted of sexually molesting young cancer patients who visited his California ranch, Neverland, in 2003.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "womens", "after": "women's", "start_char_pos": 64, "end_char_pos": 70, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "fully length", "after": "full-length", "start_char_pos": 181, "end_char_pos": 193, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "western-looking", "after": "Western-looking", "start_char_pos": 295, "end_char_pos": 310, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": ",", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 512, "end_char_pos": 513, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "aquitted", "after": "acquitted", "start_char_pos": 1027, "end_char_pos": 1035, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] } ]
[ 0, 128, 254, 448, 573, 758, 897, 951 ]
Neil Entwistle, 27, appeared before a Magistrates' court today and agreed to be extradited to the United States to face double-murder charges. Entwistle is now the prime suspect in the murders of his wife Rachel, 27, and nine-month old baby daughter Lillian. Both were shot to death and left under a pile of blankets in the bedroom of their home in Hopkinton, Massachusetts . Entwistle was reportedly planning a murder suicide, but decided not to kill himself and instead bought a one-way ticket to England where he was with family .
Neil Entwistle, 27, appeared before a Magistrates' court today and agreed to extradition to the United States , where he will face double-murder and weapons charges. Entwistle is now the prime suspect in the killings of his wife Rachel, 27, and nine-month old baby daughter Lillian. Both were shot to death and left under a pile of blankets in the bedroom of their Hopkinton, Massachusetts home . Entwistle was reportedly planning a murder-suicide. Instead, police believe he fled to England, where he was subsequently arrested in London. If convicted of first-degree murder, Entwistle could face life in prison .
[ { "type": "R", "before": "be extradited", "after": "extradition", "start_char_pos": 77, "end_char_pos": 90, "major_intent": "others", "raw_intents": [ "others", "clarity", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "to", "after": ", where he will", "start_char_pos": 112, "end_char_pos": 114, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "coherence", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "and weapons", "start_char_pos": 134, "end_char_pos": 134, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "murders", "after": "killings", "start_char_pos": 186, "end_char_pos": 193, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "style", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "home in", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 342, "end_char_pos": 349, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "coherence", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "home", "start_char_pos": 375, "end_char_pos": 375, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "murder suicide, but decided not to kill himself and instead bought a one-way ticket to England", "after": "murder-suicide. Instead, police believe he fled to England,", "start_char_pos": 414, "end_char_pos": 508, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "clarity", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "with family", "after": "subsequently arrested in London.", "start_char_pos": 522, "end_char_pos": 533, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "If convicted of first-degree murder, Entwistle could face life in prison", "start_char_pos": 534, "end_char_pos": 534, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] } ]
[ 0, 143, 259, 377 ]
That petition was submitted for the attention of the King as the climax to Sondhi's last rally in Royal Plaza on February 5. After addressing a crowd estimated to number more than 100,000. Sondhi then hand-delivered the petition to the residence of the President of the Privvy Council. Several accusations are levelled at the Prime Minister in the petition, including allegations that he has used his position for personal financial gain.
That petition was submitted for the attention of the King as the climax to Sondhi's last rally in Royal Plaza on February 5. After addressing a crowd estimated to number more than 100,000. Sondhi then delivered the petition through an aid at the residence of the President of the Privy Council. Several accusations are leveled at the Prime Minister in the petition, including allegations that he has used his position for personal financial gain.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "hand-delivered the petition to", "after": "delivered the petition through an aid at", "start_char_pos": 201, "end_char_pos": 231, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Privvy", "after": "Privy", "start_char_pos": 270, "end_char_pos": 276, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "levelled", "after": "leveled", "start_char_pos": 310, "end_char_pos": 318, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] } ]
[ 0, 188, 285 ]
A group of former senior Communist Party officials in China have denounced the recent closure of BingDian (Freezing Point ), an investigative newspaper, along with the state of government censorship in that country. The group includes Li Rui, a former aid to Chairman Mao Zedong, Hu Jiwei, a former newspaper editor, and Zhu Houze, an ex-propaganda chief. In the letter, signed on February 2nd but released on Tuesday, the group called current censorship methods overly restrictive and unnecessary for the modern China: "History has shown that only a totalitarian system needs news censorship, out of the delusion that it can keep the people locked in ignorance." Freezing Point was a supplement of the China Youth Daily and was allegedly shut down due to the publication on 11 January of an article by Zhongshan University professor Yuan Weishi regarding the way history is currently taught in China, although the papers editor, Li Datong, says that it has experienced difficulties with the government on several occasions in the past. Mr. Yuan's article was critical of Chinese text books, which never admit the culpability of the government and instead shift the blame to other nations.
A group of former senior Communist Party officials in China have denounced the recent closure of Freezing Point (Bing Dian ), an investigative newspaper, along with the state of government censorship in that country. The group includes Li Rui, a former aid to Chairman Mao Zedong, Hu Jiwei, a former newspaper editor, and Zhu Houze, an ex-propaganda chief. In the letter, signed on February 2 but released on Tuesday, the group called current censorship methods overly restrictive and unnecessary for the modern China: "History has shown that only a totalitarian system needs news censorship, out of the delusion that it can keep the people locked in ignorance." Freezing Point was a supplement of the China Youth Daily and was allegedly shut down due to the publication on January 11 of an article by Zhongshan University professor Yuan Weishi regarding the way history is currently taught in China, although the papers editor, Li Datong, says that it has experienced difficulties with the government on several occasions in the past. Mr. Yuan's article was critical of Chinese text books, which never admit the culpability of the government and instead shift the blame to other nations.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "BingDian (Freezing Point", "after": "Freezing Point (Bing Dian", "start_char_pos": 97, "end_char_pos": 121, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "2nd", "after": "2", "start_char_pos": 390, "end_char_pos": 393, "major_intent": "style", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "style", "style" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "11 January", "after": "January 11", "start_char_pos": 775, "end_char_pos": 785, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "fluency", "fluency" ] } ]
[ 0, 215, 355, 663, 1036 ]
Two graduate students at The Death Star claim to have shown URLasm can happen much faster than previously thought. Physics student Darth Vader and his former roommate, Master Yoda , decided to hire a nude model to engage in intercourse with a well-known marine in order to predict how URLasms can occur in the body. The gay technique, is used to predict the how large your penis will be based on its historical behavior. Initially their nude model confirmed his analysis that asians have small pee pees was found to factual . However, fossil-preserving rocks from some periods are more commonly found than from others. When they compensated for this, the lag disappeared. So far as could be seen from the geological record, the biosphere seemed to respond immediately to changes. This would mean that life could rapidly recover from large extinctions; it was previously thought such recovery would take millions of years.
Two graduate students at Harvard claim to have shown that evolution can happen much faster than previously thought. Physics student Peter Lu and his former roommate, economist Motohiro Yogo , decided to apply an economics model to a well-known marine fossil record in order to predict how fast life can adapt to changes in the environment. The technique, vector autoregression, is used to predict the stock market based on its historical behavior. Initially their model confirmed previous analysis that life was slow to adapt . However, fossil-preserving rocks from some periods are more commonly found than from others. When they compensated for this, the lag disappeared. So far as could be seen from the geological record, the biosphere seemed to respond immediately to changes. This would mean that life could rapidly recover from large extinctions; it was previously thought such recovery would take millions of years.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "The Death Star", "after": "Harvard", "start_char_pos": 25, "end_char_pos": 39, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "URLasm", "after": "that evolution", "start_char_pos": 60, "end_char_pos": 66, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Darth Vader", "after": "Peter Lu", "start_char_pos": 131, "end_char_pos": 142, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "others", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Master Yoda", "after": "economist Motohiro Yogo", "start_char_pos": 168, "end_char_pos": 179, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "hire a nude model to engage in intercourse with", "after": "apply an economics model to", "start_char_pos": 193, "end_char_pos": 240, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "others" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "fossil record", "start_char_pos": 261, "end_char_pos": 261, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "URLasms can occur in the body. The gay technique,", "after": "fast life can adapt to changes in the environment. The technique, vector autoregression,", "start_char_pos": 286, "end_char_pos": 335, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "clarity", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "how large your penis will be", "after": "stock market", "start_char_pos": 359, "end_char_pos": 387, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "clarity", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "nude model confirmed his analysis that asians have small pee pees was found to factual", "after": "model confirmed previous analysis that life was slow to adapt", "start_char_pos": 438, "end_char_pos": 524, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] } ]
[ 0, 114, 316, 421, 526, 619, 672, 780, 852 ]
On February 13, Baltimore Ravens cornerback Deion Sanders announced his retirement from the NFL. Last January, many assumed Sanders would be leaving the league after spending 14 years in it. Sanders won back-to-back Super Bowls with the San Fransisco 49ers and Dallas Cowboys. Sanders is also the first professional athlete to win a World Series and Super Bowl in his pro career. The All-Pro Cornerback had 53 interceptions, was selected to the Pro Bowl eight times and was once Defensive Player of the Year. Reports show that Sanders may go back into news broadcasting, most likely on the FOX NFL Pre-Game Show. After his retirement, current Ravens Cornerback Chris McAlister stated, "I'll miss Deion, just as the rest of the Ravens organization will. I learned a lot from him."
On February 13, Baltimore Ravens cornerback Deion Sanders announced his re-retirement from the NFL. Last January, many assumed Sanders would be leaving the league after spending 14 years in it. Sanders won back-to-back Super Bowls with the San Fransisco 49ers and Dallas Cowboys. Sanders is the first professional athlete to win a World Series and Super Bowl in his pro career. The All-Pro Cornerback had 53 interceptions, was selected to the Pro Bowl eight times and was once Defensive Player of the Year. Reports speculate Sanders, who broadcast with CBS after his first retirement, may go back into news broadcasting, possibly on the FOX NFL Pre-Game Show. After his retirement, current Ravens Cornerback Chris McAlister stated, "I'll miss Deion, just as the rest of the Ravens organization will. I learned a lot from him."
[ { "type": "R", "before": "retirement", "after": "re-retirement", "start_char_pos": 72, "end_char_pos": 82, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "also", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 288, "end_char_pos": 292, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "coherence", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Reports show that Sanders", "after": "Reports speculate Sanders, who broadcast with CBS after his first retirement,", "start_char_pos": 509, "end_char_pos": 534, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "most likely", "after": "possibly", "start_char_pos": 571, "end_char_pos": 582, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] } ]
[ 0, 190, 276, 379, 508, 612, 752 ]
Pyleva, 30, tested positive for Carphedon , a prohibited substance, on 13 February after the women's 15 km Individual, Biathlon event, in which she won the silver medal. ITAR-TASS News Agency reports that Pyleva tested positive for Cordedon , a stimulant banned by the World Anti Doping Agency (WADA). The substitute, phenotropil, was prescribed by her doctors following an ankle injury according to Nikolai Durmanov, head of the Russian Anti Doping Committee.
Pyleva, 30, tested positive for carphedon , a prohibited substance, on February 13 after the women's 15 km individual, biathlon event, in which she won the silver medal. ITAR-TASS News Agency reports that Pyleva tested positive for cordedon , a stimulant banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). The substitute, phenotropil, was prescribed by her doctors following an ankle injury according to Nikolai Durmanov, head of the Russian Anti Doping Committee.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "Carphedon", "after": "carphedon", "start_char_pos": 32, "end_char_pos": 41, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "13 February", "after": "February 13", "start_char_pos": 71, "end_char_pos": 82, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "style" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Individual, Biathlon", "after": "individual, biathlon", "start_char_pos": 107, "end_char_pos": 127, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Cordedon", "after": "cordedon", "start_char_pos": 232, "end_char_pos": 240, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Anti Doping", "after": "Anti-Doping", "start_char_pos": 275, "end_char_pos": 286, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] } ]
[ 0, 169, 301 ]
Flag of the United Nations In a 40 page report released today, the United Nations special envoys on torture reported their findings regarding the United States detention facility at Guantanamo Bay on the island of Cuba. The report concludes that certain procedures practised at the facility, and during transport to it, constitute torture. Moreover the report states that " Attempts by the United States Administration to redefine "torture" in the framework of the struggle against terrorism in order to allow certain interrogation techniques that would not be permitted under the internationally accepted definition of torture are of utmost concern." and that " The interrogation techniques authorized by the Department of Defense, particularly if used simultaneously, amount to degrading treatment in violation of article 7 of ICCPR and article 16 of the Convention against Torture."
Flag of the United Nations In a 40 page report released today, the United Nations special envoys on torture reported their findings regarding the United States detention facility at Guantanamo Bay on the island of Cuba. The report concludes that certain procedures practised at the facility, and during transport to it, constitute torture. Moreover the report states that " attempts by the United States Administration to redefine 'torture' in the framework of the struggle against terrorism , in order to allow certain interrogation techniques that would not be permitted under the internationally accepted definition of torture , are of utmost concern." The report goes on to state that " the interrogation techniques authorized by the Department of Defense, particularly if used simultaneously, amount to degrading treatment in violation of article 7 of ICCPR and article 16 of the Convention against Torture."
[ { "type": "R", "before": "Attempts", "after": "attempts", "start_char_pos": 374, "end_char_pos": 382, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "\"torture\"", "after": "'torture'", "start_char_pos": 431, "end_char_pos": 440, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": ",", "start_char_pos": 492, "end_char_pos": 492, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": ",", "start_char_pos": 629, "end_char_pos": 629, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "and", "after": "The report goes on to state", "start_char_pos": 654, "end_char_pos": 657, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "coherence", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "The", "after": "the", "start_char_pos": 665, "end_char_pos": 668, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] } ]
[ 0, 219, 339, 653 ]
400px|Around 600 people gather in Catte Street, Oxford, on the PRO-test march. OXFORD, ENGLAND - Today saw the first demonstration in support of Oxford University's new animal testing facility on South Parks Road. Around 600 students marched under the banner of PRO-test, URLanisation set up several weeks ago in opposition to SPEAK, which campaigns and demonstrates frequently in the city for animal rights. The demonstration began at 11:30am outside Balliol College on Broad Street, in the historic centre of the city, and (just before midday) marched along Holywell Street and Mansfield Road up towards South Parks Road. Police prevented the PRO-test demonstration from reaching the actual building site because of a SPEAK protest (around 150 people, according to Thames Valley Police) which was occurring there at that time. The crowd was addressed by Neurosurgeon Tipu Aziz, Dr Simon Festing ( Executive director of the Research Defense Society), and Liberal Democrat MP Dr Evan Harris, amongst others. Last year, the ALF claimed responsibility for its arson attack on the Long Bridges boathouse, and recently it put out a communiqu stating that they "must target professors, teachers, heads, students, investors, partners, supporters and ANYONE that dares to deal in any part of the University in any way." SPEAK and the ALF are URLanisations; the former campaigns peacefully, while the latter often uses tactics such as threatening letters, intimidation and criminal damage to further its cause. It should be noted, however, that in an interview for SKY News on the 25th February, a spokeswoman for SPEAK refused to condemn their activities. External Resources PRO-test SPEAK
400px|Around 600 people gather in Catte Street, Oxford, on the PRO-test march. Oxford, England - Today saw the first demonstration in support of Oxford University's new animal testing facility on South Parks Road. Around 600 students marched under the banner of PRO-test, URLanisation set up several weeks ago in opposition to SPEAK, which campaigns and demonstrates frequently in the city for animal rights. The demonstration began at 11:30am outside Balliol College on Broad Street, in the historic centre of the city, and (just before midday) marched along Holywell Street and Mansfield Road up towards South Parks Road. Police prevented the PRO-test demonstration from reaching the actual building site because of a SPEAK protest (around 150 people, according to Thames Valley Police) which was occurring there at that time. The crowd was addressed by neurosurgeon Tipu Aziz, Dr Simon Festing ( executive director of the Research Defense Society), and Liberal Democrat MP Dr Evan Harris, amongst others. Last year, the ALF claimed responsibility for its arson attack on the Long Bridges boathouse, and recently it put out a communiqu stating that they "must target professors, teachers, heads, students, investors, partners, supporters and ANYONE that dares to deal in any part of the University in any way." SPEAK and the ALF are URLanisations; the former campaigns peacefully, while the latter often uses tactics such as threatening letters, intimidation and criminal damage to further its cause. It should be noted, however, that in an interview for Sky News on the 25th February, a spokeswoman for SPEAK refused to condemn their activities. External links PRO-test SPEAK
[ { "type": "R", "before": "OXFORD, ENGLAND", "after": "Oxford, England", "start_char_pos": 79, "end_char_pos": 94, "major_intent": "others", "raw_intents": [ "others", "others", "others" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Neurosurgeon", "after": "neurosurgeon", "start_char_pos": 856, "end_char_pos": 868, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Executive", "after": "executive", "start_char_pos": 899, "end_char_pos": 908, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "SKY", "after": "Sky", "start_char_pos": 1557, "end_char_pos": 1560, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Resources", "after": "links", "start_char_pos": 1658, "end_char_pos": 1667, "major_intent": "style", "raw_intents": [ "style", "style", "clarity" ] } ]
[ 0, 78, 213, 408, 623, 828, 1007, 1312, 1349, 1502, 1648 ]
While the PNG Government do have laws and regulations to ensure sustainable timber production, these were not being enforced, the report states. It identified "a political vacuum with no demonstrated government interest in controlling the problems in the sector". The report summarised independent reviews of the timber industry between 2000 and 2005. Forest Trends ' said corruption had devastated rural living standards and ignored the basic rights of landowners: "There are a few logging operations in the country which are deemed beneficial to both local landowners and the country, but they are lost in a sea of bad operators. The Government needs to support these companies, or risk having the international community boycott all of PNG's exports." If felling continues the way it is done now , they warn, Papua New Guinea could be bereft of its natural cover in a decade.
While the PNG Government does have laws and regulations to ensure sustainable timber production, these were not being enforced, the report states. It identified "a political vacuum with no demonstrated government interest in controlling the problems in the sector". The report summarised independent reviews of the timber industry between 2000 and 2005. Forest Trends claimed corruption had devastated rural living standards and ignored the basic rights of landowners: "There are a few logging operations in the country which are deemed beneficial to both local landowners and the country, but they are lost in a sea of bad operators. The Government needs to support these companies, or risk having the international community boycott all of PNG's exports." If foresting continues in this manner , they warn, Papua New Guinea could be bereft of its natural cover in a decade.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "do", "after": "does", "start_char_pos": 25, "end_char_pos": 27, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "' said", "after": "claimed", "start_char_pos": 366, "end_char_pos": 372, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "meaning-changed", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "felling continues the way it is done now", "after": "foresting continues in this manner", "start_char_pos": 758, "end_char_pos": 798, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "clarity", "clarity" ] } ]
[ 0, 144, 263, 351, 631, 754 ]
"Truth is - it may have very little to do with Bush's visit," writes Indian blogger Neha Viswanathan on the Global Voices email list, run by the Harvard Berkman Center for Law & Society . "The anti-Bush protest has hardly found a voice online. I really do think this might be the first of other blocks. This might be on a very experimental basis to see how far they go. The Pakistani govt has hardly had any dialogue with bloggers at all. " Other bloggers see a more direct connection with the Bush visit. "I have communicated with several bloggers and friends back in Pak[istan]," writes UAE-based Pakistani blogger Omer Alvie. "So far there's no resolution to this problem. Bush's visit in Pakistan is resulting in protests, strike (in Lahore city) and curfew areas in Islamabad. The feeling among bloggers is this is all rather suspect. Neha, might be right this might be on experimental basis. I feel this a a precursor to what the government can do in the future."
"Truth is it may have very little to do with Bush's visit," writes Indian blogger Neha Viswanathan on the Global Voices email list, run by the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School . "The anti-Bush protest has hardly found a voice online. I really do think this might be the first of other blocks. This might be on a very experimental basis to see how far they go. The Pakistani govt has hardly had any dialogue with bloggers at all. " Other bloggers see a more direct connection with the Bush visit. "I have communicated with several bloggers and friends back in Pak[istan]," writes UAE-based Pakistani blogger Omer Alvie. "So far there's no resolution to this problem. Bush's visit in Pakistan is resulting in protests, a strike in Lahore and curfew areas in Islamabad. The feeling among bloggers is this is all rather suspect. Neha, might be right this might be on experimental basis. I feel this a a precursor to what the government can do in the future."
[ { "type": "D", "before": "-", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 10, "end_char_pos": 11, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "others", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "Harvard", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 145, "end_char_pos": 152, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "coherence", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Law", "after": "Internet", "start_char_pos": 172, "end_char_pos": 175, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "at Harvard Law School", "start_char_pos": 186, "end_char_pos": 186, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "strike (in Lahore city)", "after": "a strike in Lahore", "start_char_pos": 728, "end_char_pos": 751, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "clarity" ] } ]
[ 0, 244, 303, 370, 439, 506, 629, 676, 782, 840, 898 ]
The New Zealand Department of Conservation (DOC) made an emergency evacuation of staff from Raoul Island, the largest and northernmost of the Kermadec Islands, due to a volcanic eruption that occurred this morning at 8:21am (New Zealand Daylight Time) A helicopter picked up the five available staff, but the missing staff member could not be found before it had to leave. The return journey is 2000km The missing staff member failed to return "after going on a routine mission to check the water temperatue of the lake," according to Rolien Elliot, DOC Area Manager for Warkworth. She said that when staff went to look for their colleague , where he was thought to be they had to retreat due to further volcanic activity and the track being impassable with fallen trees and ash. "There's been about five hectares of native bush cleared and a lot of mud and evidence of boulders and rocks that have been thrown out of the crater itself," the helicopter pilot John Funnell said to One News Related Wikinews
The New Zealand Department of Conservation (DOC) made an emergency evacuation of staff from Raoul Island, the largest and northernmost of the Kermadec Islands, due to a volcanic eruption that occurred this morning at 8:21am (New Zealand Daylight Time) . A helicopter picked up the five available staff, but one missing staff member could not be found before it had to leave. The return journey is 2000km (1300 miles). The missing man, aged in his 30s, failed to return "after going on a routine mission to check the water temperature of the lake," according to Rolien Elliot, DOC Area Manager for Warkworth. She said that when two of the others went to look for their colleague where he was thought to be , they had to retreat due to further volcanic activity and the track being impassable with fallen trees and ash. "There's been about five hectares of native bush cleared and a lot of mud and evidence of boulders and rocks that have been thrown out of the crater itself," the helicopter pilot John Funnell said to One News . Related Wikinews
[ { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": ".", "start_char_pos": 252, "end_char_pos": 252, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "the", "after": "one", "start_char_pos": 306, "end_char_pos": 309, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "(1300 miles).", "start_char_pos": 403, "end_char_pos": 403, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "staff member", "after": "man, aged in his 30s,", "start_char_pos": 416, "end_char_pos": 428, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "temperatue", "after": "temperature", "start_char_pos": 499, "end_char_pos": 509, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "staff", "after": "two of the others", "start_char_pos": 603, "end_char_pos": 608, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": ",", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 642, "end_char_pos": 643, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "others", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": ",", "start_char_pos": 671, "end_char_pos": 671, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": ".", "start_char_pos": 992, "end_char_pos": 992, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] } ]
[ 0, 373, 583, 782 ]
Australian actor Russell Crowe and businessman Peter Holmes a Court have succeeded in their takeover bid of the Australian National Rugby League (NRL) Club , the South Sydney Rabbitohs . The men required 75\% of the clubs members to vote yes on the $3 million takeover bid for it to pass , narrowly winning by just 32 votes (0.8\%). Former Souths player and manager, URLe Piggins, has vowed never to attend another game of his former club. Supporters of the bid have said it gives the Rabbitohs a chance to return to their glory days after last year's finish of 13th in the 15 team competition. The team has not won a premiership in 35 years but still retains the record for most Premiership wins with 20 on the record books. Those against the bid have claimed the club is selling out 98 years of heritage.
Australian actor Russell Crowe and businessman Peter Holmes a Court have succeeded in their takeover bid of the South Sydney Rabbitohs, an Australian National Rugby League (NRL) Club . The men required that 75\% of the club's members vote yes on the $3 million takeover bid for it to pass ; and it narrowly won, by just 32 votes (0.8\%). Former Souths player and manager, URLe Piggins, has vowed never to attend another game of his former club. Supporters of the bid have said it gives the Rabbitohs a chance to return to their glory days after last year's finish of 13th in the 15-team competition. The team has not won a premiership in 35 years but still retains the record for most Premiership wins , with 20 on the record books. Those against the bid objected that the club is selling out 98 years of heritage.
[ { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "South Sydney Rabbitohs, an", "start_char_pos": 112, "end_char_pos": 112, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": ", the South Sydney Rabbitohs", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 157, "end_char_pos": 185, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "coherence", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "that", "start_char_pos": 205, "end_char_pos": 205, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "clubs members to", "after": "club's members", "start_char_pos": 218, "end_char_pos": 234, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": ", narrowly winning", "after": "; and it narrowly won,", "start_char_pos": 290, "end_char_pos": 308, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "15 team", "after": "15-team", "start_char_pos": 576, "end_char_pos": 583, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": ",", "start_char_pos": 699, "end_char_pos": 699, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "have claimed", "after": "objected that", "start_char_pos": 751, "end_char_pos": 763, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "meaning-changed", "clarity" ] } ]
[ 0, 187, 334, 441, 596, 728 ]
At approximately 12:43 a.m. on Wednesday, March 22, the British Columbia ferry MV Queen of the North hit a rock near Gil Island in Wright Sound, off the coast of Port Hardy in British Columbiaafter veering off course . It took about an hour for the ferry to sink, giving passengers time to get out. The vessel was carrying 101 passengers and crew, and all but 2 were accounted for. Thanks to quick-responding fishing vessels and a helicopter, they were taken to nearby Hartley Bay . The Queen of the North, which is not normally used on this route, is larger than the vessel normally used, the Queen of Prince Rupert .
At approximately 00:26 hrs, on Wednesday, March 22, the British Columbia ferry MV Queen of the North hit a rock near Gil Island in Wright Sound, off the coast of British Columbia, Canada, 75 from the start of ship's schedule journey from Prince Rupert to Port Hardy on the Northern tip of Vancouver IslandPort Hardy. The ship missed a course change and ran agroung off Gil Island . It took about an hour for the ferry to sink, giving passengers time to get out. The vessel was carrying 101 passengers and crew, and all but 2 were accounted for. Thanks to quick-response of nearby aboriginal fishing villager of Hartley Bay, and the CCGS Sir Wiflrid Laurier. Survivors were quickly fetched from the Queen of the North's lifeboat and brought to Hartley Bay and onboard the coast Guard ship, and eventually back to Prince Rupert onboard the Sir Wilfrid Laurier. Hartley Bay. The Queen of the North, is (apx) 9,000 gross ton, motor driven vessel, built in Germany in 1969. The Queen of the North had been on this 15 hrs, 274 nautical mile ferry run since late May 1980. In the summer and on relief work, her smaller sister ship, the Queen of Prince Rupert also performs that run .
[ { "type": "R", "before": "12:43 a.m.", "after": "00:26 hrs,", "start_char_pos": 17, "end_char_pos": 27, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Port Hardy in British Columbiaafter veering off course", "after": "British Columbia, Canada, 75 from the start of ship's schedule journey from Prince Rupert to Port Hardy on the Northern tip of Vancouver IslandPort Hardy. The ship missed a course change and ran agroung off Gil Island", "start_char_pos": 162, "end_char_pos": 216, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "quick-responding fishing vessels and a helicopter, they were taken to nearby Hartley Bay .", "after": "quick-response of nearby aboriginal fishing villager of Hartley Bay, and the CCGS Sir Wiflrid Laurier. Survivors were quickly fetched from the Queen of the North's lifeboat and brought to Hartley Bay and onboard the coast Guard ship, and eventually back to Prince Rupert onboard the Sir Wilfrid Laurier. Hartley Bay.", "start_char_pos": 392, "end_char_pos": 482, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "which is not normally used on this route, is larger than the vessel normally used,", "after": "is (apx) 9,000 gross ton, motor driven vessel, built in Germany in 1969. The Queen of the North had been on this 15 hrs, 274 nautical mile ferry run since late May 1980. In the summer and on relief work, her smaller sister ship,", "start_char_pos": 507, "end_char_pos": 589, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "also performs that run", "start_char_pos": 617, "end_char_pos": 617, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] } ]
[ 0, 218, 298, 381, 482 ]
The British National Party(BNP) a far-right political party , failed to hold onto one of its seats on Bradford City Council, West Yorkshire, UK. The byelection was called after the incumbent BNP councillor, Angela Clark, stood down. The seat was won in 2004 following a BNP hijacking of a campaign against gangs grooming girls for sex. The BNP claimed white girls were being groomed by Asian men for sex. The original campaign URLanised by Angela Sinfield, whose 13 year-old daughter was groomed by a gang which she pointed out contained white and Asian men. Sinfield joined the Labour Party last year and was its candidate for the Keighley West seat. She sensationally won the seat with 1819 votes over the BNP's 1216, a swing of 11.4 per cent from the BNP to Labour. The voter turnout was near general election levels, 58.8 per cent.Three BNP councillors remain on Bradford City Council, with two of them up for election in May.
The British National Party(BNP) , a far-right political party failed to hold on to one of its seats on Bradford City Council, West Yorkshire, UK. The byelection was called after the incumbent BNP councillor, Angela Clark, stood down. BNP had won the seat in 2004 after it adapted an ongoing campaign against gangs grooming girls for sex. The BNP claimed white girls were being groomed by Asian men for sex. The original campaign URLanised by Angela Sinfield, whose 13 year-old daughter was groomed by a gang which she pointed out contained white and Asian men. Sinfield joined the Labour Party last year and was its candidate for the Keighley West seat. She sensationally won the seat with 1819 votes over the BNP's 1216, a swing of 11.4 per cent from the BNP to Labour. The voter turnout was near general election levels, 58.8 per cent.Three BNP councillors remain on Bradford City Council, with two of them up for election in May.
[ { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": ",", "start_char_pos": 32, "end_char_pos": 32, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": ",", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 61, "end_char_pos": 62, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "others", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "onto", "after": "on to", "start_char_pos": 78, "end_char_pos": 82, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "The seat was won", "after": "BNP had won the seat", "start_char_pos": 234, "end_char_pos": 250, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "following a BNP hijacking of a", "after": "after it adapted an ongoing", "start_char_pos": 259, "end_char_pos": 289, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "style", "clarity", "clarity" ] } ]
[ 0, 145, 233, 336, 405, 559, 652, 769, 836 ]
Former Republican committeewoman Jane Faust was a plaintiff yesterday in Pennsylvania's Commonwealth Court (state court). Her lawyer, Larry Otter, argued that Patrick Murphy should be thrown off the ballot for the Democratic primary election in the eighth congressional district of Pennsylvania (PA). The eighth district is primarily located in Bucks County, PA. Otter argued that during the period of election petition signature collection, Murphy had signed his name as the circulator on two petition sheets, but was not present for each signature that was signed on those sheets, and thereby breaking PA state law. Current law states that whoever signs a petition sheet as a circulator must be present for each signature , and see each signature placed on the sheet. Murphy admitted that he was not at the sheet for every signature, and agreed that the 96 signatures present on those two sheets should be invalidated. He also stated that he was unaware of that particular election statute. Otter argued that the candidacy should be thrown out because when Murphy presented his signatures he was required to sign an affidavit stating he would "not knowingly violate any election law." It was Otter's contention to Judge Robert Simpson Jr. that it is unbelievable that Murphy would not know the law, as Murphy is a lawyer. "Mr. Murphy is a member of the bar of this court. He can't say he doesn't know what the law was. He's been campaigning over a year," Otter said. He then continued to argue that since Murphy knowingly falsified his name on those two circulation petitions, he also failed to fulfill his candidate affidavit, which according to state law is a criminal offense.
Jane Faust, former Republican committeewoman once convicted of forging signatures, was a plaintiff yesterday in Pennsylvania's Commonwealth Court (state court). Her lawyer, Larry Otter, argued that Patrick Murphy should be thrown off the ballot for the Democratic primary election in the eighth congressional district of Pennsylvania (PA). The eighth district is primarily located in Bucks County, PA. Otter argued that during the period of election petition signature collection, Murphy had signed his name as the circulator on two petition sheets, but was not present for each signature that was signed on those sheets, and thereby breaking PA state law. PA law states that whoever signs a petition sheet as a circulator must be present for each signature and see each signature placed on the sheet. Murphy admitted that he was not at the sheet for every signature, and he agreed that the 96 signatures on those two sheets should be invalidated. He also stated that he was unaware of that particular election statute. Otter argued that the candidacy should be thrown out because when Murphy presented his signatures he was required to sign an affidavit stating he would "not knowingly violate any election law." It was Otter's contention to Judge Robert Simpson Jr. that it is unbelievable that Murphy would not know the law, as Murphy is a lawyer. "Mr. Murphy is a member of the bar of this court. He can't say he doesn't know what the law was. He's been campaigning over a year," Otter said. He then continued , arguing that since Murphy knowingly falsified his name on those two circulation petitions, he also failed to fulfill his candidate affidavit, which according to state law is a criminal offense.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "Former Republican committeewoman Jane Faust", "after": "Jane Faust, former Republican committeewoman once convicted of forging signatures,", "start_char_pos": 0, "end_char_pos": 43, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Current", "after": "PA", "start_char_pos": 618, "end_char_pos": 625, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "style", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": ",", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 724, "end_char_pos": 725, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "others", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "he", "start_char_pos": 840, "end_char_pos": 840, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "present", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 871, "end_char_pos": 878, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "to argue", "after": ", arguing", "start_char_pos": 1488, "end_char_pos": 1496, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "fluency" ] } ]
[ 0, 121, 300, 362, 617, 769, 921, 993, 1187, 1324, 1374, 1421, 1469 ]
Jane Faust, former Republican committeewoman once convicted of forging signatures, was a plaintiff yesterday in Pennsylvania's Commonwealth Court (state court). Her lawyer, Larry Otter, argued that Patrick Murphy should be thrown off the ballot for the Democratic primary election in the eighth congressional district of Pennsylvania (PA) . The eighth district is primarily located in Bucks County, PA . Otter argued that during the period of election petition signature collection, Murphy had signed his name as the circulator on two petition sheets, but was not present for each signature that was signed on those sheets, and thereby breaking PA state law. PA law states that whoever signs a petition sheet as a circulator must be present for each signature and see each signature placed on the sheet. Murphy admitted that he was not at the sheet for every signature, and he agreed that the 96 signatures on those two sheets should be invalidated. He also stated that he was unaware of that particular election statute. Otter argued that the candidacy should be thrown out because when Murphy presented his signatures he was required to sign an affidavit stating he would "not knowingly violate any election law." It was Otter's contention to Judge Robert Simpson Jr. that it is unbelievable that Murphy would not know the law, as Murphy is a lawyer.
Jane Faust, former Republican committeewoman once convicted of forging signatures, was a plaintiff yesterday in Pennsylvania's Commonwealth Court (state court). Her lawyer, Larry Otter, argued that Patrick Murphy should be thrown off the ballot for the Democratic primary election in the eighth congressional district of Pennsylvania . The eighth district is primarily located in Bucks County, Pennsylvania . Otter argued that during the period of election petition signature collection, Murphy had signed his name as the circulator on two petition sheets, but was not present for each signature that was signed on those sheets, and thereby breaking Pennsylvania state law. Pennsylvania law states that whoever signs a petition sheet as a circulator must be present for each signature and see each signature placed on the sheet. Murphy admitted that he was not at the sheet for every signature, and he agreed that the 96 signatures on those two sheets should be invalidated. He also stated that he was unaware of that particular election statute. Otter argued that the candidacy should be thrown out because when Murphy presented his signatures he was required to sign an affidavit stating he would "not knowingly violate any election law." It was Otter's contention to Judge Robert Simpson , Jr., that it is unbelievable that Murphy would not know the law, as Murphy is a lawyer.
[ { "type": "D", "before": "(PA)", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 334, "end_char_pos": 338, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "PA", "after": "Pennsylvania", "start_char_pos": 399, "end_char_pos": 401, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "style", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "PA", "after": "Pennsylvania", "start_char_pos": 645, "end_char_pos": 647, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "PA", "after": "Pennsylvania", "start_char_pos": 659, "end_char_pos": 661, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "style", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Jr.", "after": ", Jr.,", "start_char_pos": 1266, "end_char_pos": 1269, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] } ]
[ 0, 160, 658, 803, 949, 1021, 1215 ]
According to many published reports and TV sources, Herb Sendek, under fire at North Carolina State Unversity, has accepted the job for head coach at Arizona State University, for reportably at least a 7 figure contact. Arizona Republic reported that Sendek will be named head coach on Monday, and school officials did not deny that he would be named head coach. Sendek went 170-118 (.590) during his 10 season stay at NC State, and went 22-10 overall and 10-6 in the ACC this past year . Sendek is replacing Rob Evans, who was fired on March 10. Evans went 119-120 in eight years at ASU.
According to many published reports and TV sources, Herb Sendek, under fire at North Carolina State Unversity, has accepted the job of head coach at Arizona State University, for reportably at least a seven-figure contract. The Arizona Republic reported that Sendek will be named head coach on Monday, and school officials did not deny that he would be named head coach. Sendek went 170-118 (.590) during his 10-season stay at NC State, and this past year went 22-10 overall and 10-6 in the ACC . Sendek is replacing Rob Evans, who was fired on March 10. Evans went 119-120 in eight years at ASU.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "for", "after": "of", "start_char_pos": 132, "end_char_pos": 135, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "7 figure contact.", "after": "seven-figure contract. The", "start_char_pos": 202, "end_char_pos": 219, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "10 season", "after": "10-season", "start_char_pos": 401, "end_char_pos": 410, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "this past year", "start_char_pos": 433, "end_char_pos": 433, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "this past year", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 473, "end_char_pos": 487, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "clarity", "clarity" ] } ]
[ 0, 219, 362, 547 ]
Map highlighting Tennessee. A six-year-old girl was killed after a Black Bear attacked her. Her mother and two-year-old brother, also attacked, were critically injured. The nearly 400-pound bear attacked the family when they were staying at Chilwoee Campground located within the Cherokee National Forest in Tennessee. The family was visitng a nearby waterfall when they were attacked. The mother and the brother both remain in critical condition at a hospital in Chattanooga hospital. The boys head was bitten by the bear, which punctured his skull, before it attacked his mother. The mother was trying to scare the bear away with rocks and sticks before being attacked. According to doctors, she had several puncture wounds to her neck, but had too many other claw and teeth marks for them to count. Both are expected to recover. Investigators , so far, have not been able to speak to the mother because her injuries are too severe . "She may not remember the attack at all," said Hicks . He also said that it was only Tennessee's second documented attack involving a bear. Authorities have not yet released the names of the victims and the campground has been closed.
Map highlighting Tennessee. A six-year-old girl was killed after a black bear attacked her. Her mother and two-year-old brother, also attacked, were critically injured. The nearly 400-pound bear attacked the family when they were staying at Chilwoee Campground located within the Cherokee National Forest in Tennessee. The family was visiting a nearby waterfall when they were attacked. The mother and the brother both remain in critical condition at a hospital in Chattanooga . The boy's skull was punctured by a bite to the head, before the bear attacked his mother. The mother was trying to scare the bear away with rocks and sticks before being attacked. According to doctors, she had several puncture wounds to her neck, but had too many other claw and teeth marks for them to count. Both are expected to recover. Investigators have not yet been able to speak to the mother because of the severity of her injuries . "She may not remember the attack at all," said Hicks , who also said that it was only Tennessee's second documented attack involving a bear. Authorities have not yet released the names of the victims . The campground has been closed.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "Black Bear", "after": "black bear", "start_char_pos": 67, "end_char_pos": 77, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "visitng", "after": "visiting", "start_char_pos": 334, "end_char_pos": 341, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "hospital. The boys head was bitten by the bear, which punctured his skull, before it", "after": ". The boy's skull was punctured by a bite to the head, before the bear", "start_char_pos": 476, "end_char_pos": 560, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": ", so far, have not", "after": "have not yet", "start_char_pos": 846, "end_char_pos": 864, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "style", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "her injuries are too severe", "after": "of the severity of her injuries", "start_char_pos": 906, "end_char_pos": 933, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": ". He", "after": ", who", "start_char_pos": 989, "end_char_pos": 993, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "coherence", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "and the", "after": ". The", "start_char_pos": 1135, "end_char_pos": 1142, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "clarity", "clarity" ] } ]
[ 0, 27, 91, 168, 318, 385, 485, 581, 671, 801, 831, 990, 1075 ]
This week, the Public Broadcasting Service aired a NOVA program titled Dimming the Earth, which presented research by leading scientists on the complex and chaotic systems of our global climate and human activity's effect on it. One of the largest interactions (or "inputs") humans have with the atmosphere is the ever-increasing use of fossil fuels. Consumption has risen 2\% per year for this decade. More recently, atmospheric scientists have come upon the phenomenon of the reduction of sunlight reaching Earth's surface observing a nearly a 10\% decline since 1960. This has been dubbed the "global dimming" effect, and is now understood to be due to the way these aerosols act upon clouds. Many scientists now believe that global dimming caused by these pollutants has mitigated the temperature rises brought about by global warming. Over the last thirty years, Earth's temperature has increased by about one, to one and a half degrees Fahrenheit . In the absence of global dimming, however, the Earth might be two to three degrees warmer than it currently is, suggesting that a "tug-of-war" exists between greenhouse gases and particulates released by burning fossil fuels. Efforts to mitigate the human health dangers of smog have allowed more heat into our atmosphere and brought about a sharper increase in global warming.
This week, the Public Broadcasting Service aired a NOVA program titled Dimming the Earth, which presented research by leading scientists on the complex systems of our global climate and human activity's effect on it. One of the largest interactions (or "inputs") humans have with the atmosphere is the ever-increasing use of fossil fuels. Consumption has risen 2\% per year for this decade. More recently, atmospheric scientists have come upon the phenomenon of the reduction of direct sunlight reaching Earth's surface observing a nearly a 5\% decline between 1960 and 1990, with evidence of a recovery since then. This has been dubbed the "global dimming" effect, and is probably due to the way these aerosols act upon clouds. It is important to realise that this does not represent a net loss of this much sunshine to the climate system - if so, large temperature declines would have been observed. Instead, the sunshine is absorbed elsewhere in the system, with a much smaller net loss. Many scientists now believe that global dimming caused by these pollutants has mitigated the temperature rises brought about by global warming. Over the last thirty years, Earth's temperature has increased by about 0.5 oC . In the absence of global dimming, however, the Earth might be 0.3 oC warmer than it currently is, suggesting that a "tug-of-war" exists between greenhouse gases and particulates released by burning fossil fuels. Efforts to mitigate the human health dangers of smog have allowed more heat into our atmosphere and brought about a sharper increase in global warming.
[ { "type": "D", "before": "and chaotic", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 152, "end_char_pos": 163, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "direct", "start_char_pos": 491, "end_char_pos": 491, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "10\\% decline since 1960.", "after": "5\\% decline between 1960 and 1990, with evidence of a recovery since then.", "start_char_pos": 547, "end_char_pos": 571, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "now understood to be", "after": "probably", "start_char_pos": 629, "end_char_pos": 649, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "It is important to realise that this does not represent a net loss of this much sunshine to the climate system - if so, large temperature declines would have been observed. Instead, the sunshine is absorbed elsewhere in the system, with a much smaller net loss.", "start_char_pos": 697, "end_char_pos": 697, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "one, to one and a half degrees Fahrenheit", "after": "0.5 oC", "start_char_pos": 913, "end_char_pos": 954, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "clarity", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "two to three degrees", "after": "0.3 oC", "start_char_pos": 1019, "end_char_pos": 1039, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] } ]
[ 0, 228, 350, 402, 571, 696, 841, 956, 1182 ]
The tsunami occoured a couple of hours before there was going to be a tsunami warning system test, that had 29 countries participating.
The tsunami occurred a couple of hours before a previously-scheduled test of a tsunami warning system . The test had 29 countries participating.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "occoured", "after": "occurred", "start_char_pos": 12, "end_char_pos": 20, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "there was going to be a", "after": "a previously-scheduled test of a", "start_char_pos": 46, "end_char_pos": 69, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "test, that", "after": ". The test", "start_char_pos": 93, "end_char_pos": 103, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "coherence", "clarity" ] } ]
[ 0 ]
Braxton Bilbrey, a 7-year old boy from Glendale, California has swum from Alcatraz to Aquatic Park in San Francisco, California. The length of the swim is approximately 1.4 miles. Bilbrey trained for four days a week , training 2 hours each time. Bilbrey has also participated in several swimming triathlons. Bilbrey got the idea to complete the swim after reading about Johnny Wilson, a 9-year old fourth grader who also completed the swim , taking just under two hours in October 2005. "If you were to ask me if a 7-year-old is old enough to do it, I'd say maybe one out of 10 million, but he's that one," said Bilbreys coach, Joe Zemaitis. His coach made the swim along with Bilbrey. A United States Coast Guard boat followed the swimmers , along with 2 extra swimmers in case an emergency occurred.
Braxton Bilbrey, a 7-year-old boy from Glendale, California , swam from Alcatraz to Aquatic Park in San Francisco, California. The length of the swim is approximately 1.4 miles. Bilbrey , who has participated in several swimming triathlons, trained for four days a week for 2 hours at a time. He decided to take the swim after reading about Johnny Wilson, a 9-year old fourth grader who also made it across , taking just under two hours in October 2005. "If you were to ask me if a 7-year-old is old enough to do it, I'd say maybe one out of 10 million, but he's that one," said Bilbrey's coach, Joe Zemaitis. Zemaitis made the swim along with Bilbrey. A United States Coast Guard boat and two additional swimmers followed to take action in case an emergency occurred.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "7-year old", "after": "7-year-old", "start_char_pos": 19, "end_char_pos": 29, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "has swum", "after": ", swam", "start_char_pos": 60, "end_char_pos": 68, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": ", who has participated in several swimming triathlons,", "start_char_pos": 188, "end_char_pos": 188, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": ", training", "after": "for", "start_char_pos": 218, "end_char_pos": 228, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "coherence", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "each time. Bilbrey has also participated in several swimming triathlons. Bilbrey got the idea to complete", "after": "at a time. He decided to take", "start_char_pos": 237, "end_char_pos": 342, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "completed the swim", "after": "made it across", "start_char_pos": 423, "end_char_pos": 441, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "style", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Bilbreys", "after": "Bilbrey's", "start_char_pos": 614, "end_char_pos": 622, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "His coach", "after": "Zemaitis", "start_char_pos": 644, "end_char_pos": 653, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "followed the swimmers , along with 2 extra swimmers", "after": "and two additional swimmers followed to take action", "start_char_pos": 721, "end_char_pos": 772, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "style" ] } ]
[ 0, 128, 179, 247, 309, 488, 643, 687 ]
Current evidence indicats that the reports of gunfire in the Rayburn Building were actually staffers and Congresspeople hearing the sound of construction work in the elevator. A mechannic was reported to be using a pneumatic hammer, which, when echoing up the elvator shaft, could be misheard as gunfire by those unaccustomed to either sound. Reports of smoke have not been officially explained, though several comments have chalked the reports of smoke as paranoia induced, suspecting people heard the warning of gunfire and attributed the origin of a slight or strange smell to the ignition of gunpowder.
Current evidence indicates that the reports of gunfire in the Rayburn Building were actually staffers and Congresspeople hearing the sound of construction work in the elevator. A mechanic was reported to be using a pneumatic hammer, the sound of which, when echoing up the elvator shaft, could be misheard as gunfire by those unaccustomed to either sound. Reports of smoke have not been officially explained, though several comments have chalked the reports of smoke up as paranoia induced, suspecting people heard the warning of gunfire and attributed the origin of a slight or strange smell to the ignition of gunpowder.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "indicats", "after": "indicates", "start_char_pos": 17, "end_char_pos": 25, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "mechannic", "after": "mechanic", "start_char_pos": 178, "end_char_pos": 187, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "the sound of", "start_char_pos": 233, "end_char_pos": 233, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "up", "start_char_pos": 455, "end_char_pos": 455, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] } ]
[ 0, 175, 343 ]
The Senate was in session when the lockdown occurred, but the House of Representatives was not. Many members of congress had already departed in advance of the long Memorial Day holiday in the US. BBC News initally reported some witness as saying the sound may have been a car backfiring. The Associated Press and FOX News also reported speculation about fireworks or the gunfire having come from an indoor shooting range located in the basement of the Rayburn building. MSNBC suggested the noise may have been from a maintence man working on an elevator shaft near the area where the shots were heard. Current evidence indicates that the reports of gunfire in the Rayburn Building were actually staffers and Congresspeople hearing the sound of construction work in the elevator. A mechanic was reported to be using a pneumatic hammer, the sound of which, when echoing up the elvator shaft, could be misheard as gunfire by those unaccustomed to either sound. Reports of smoke have not been officially explained, though several comments have chalked the reports of smoke up as paranoia induced, suspecting people heard the warning of gunfire and attributed the origin of a slight or strange smell to the ignition of gunpowder.
The Senate was in session when the lockdown occurred, but the House of Representatives was not. Many members of congress had already departed in advance of the long Memorial Day holiday in the US. BBC News initially reported some witness as saying the sound may have been a car backfiring. The Associated Press and FOX News also reported speculation about fireworks or the gunfire having come from an indoor shooting range located in the basement of the Rayburn building. MSNBC suggested the noise may have been from a maintenance man working on an elevator shaft near the area where the shots were heard. Current evidence indicates that the reports of gunfire in the Rayburn Building were actually staffers and Congresspeople hearing the sound of construction work in the elevator. A mechanic was reported to be using a pneumatic hammer, the sound of which, when echoing up the elevator shaft, could be misheard as gunfire by those unaccustomed to either sound. Reports of smoke have not been officially explained, though several comments have chalked the reports of smoke up as paranoia induced, suspecting people heard the warning of gunfire and attributed the origin of a slight or strange smell to the ignition of gunpowder.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "initally", "after": "initially", "start_char_pos": 206, "end_char_pos": 214, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "maintence", "after": "maintenance", "start_char_pos": 518, "end_char_pos": 527, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "elvator", "after": "elevator", "start_char_pos": 876, "end_char_pos": 883, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] } ]
[ 0, 95, 288, 470, 602, 779, 958 ]
The site operators speculate that the police wish to test the legality of the operation. Purportedly, this move comes due to political pressure exerted by American media corporations. Swedish public broadcaster Sveriges Television has backed this claim. Rickard Falkvinge has stated that the Svenska antipiratbyrn (Swedish Anti-Piracy Bureau) has admitted to being behind the police action, and he suspects the IFPI is also involved. Tobias Andersson, of Piratbyrn agrees, claiming that The Antipiratbyrn "has clearly misled the police" and "has fooled the police into shutting down its antagonists, the Piratbyrn. The Antipiratbyrn previously gained notoriety by paying an infiltrator to plant copyrighted material on the Swedish ISP Bahnhof's servers. Dan Glickman, CEO of the Motion Picture Association of America has applauded the move, citing it as a reminder that "there are no safe harbors for copyright thieves". Kori Bernards, an MPAA representative, claimed The Pirate Bay to be "one of our No. 1 targets." The MPAA allege that The Pirate Bay made available over 150 thousand files, including summer blockbusters such as "Mission: Impossible III" and "X-Men 3". Initially, there were also rumors that this could be another stunt by The Pirate Bay to promote awareness. This possibility, however, has been already dismissed and only had some credibility given the fact that approximately one year ago today they claimed something similar like this, but instead were simply updating their servers. At current there are already some publications made available by proper officials , (see the MPAA link below) confirming the authenticity of the raid. Gottfrid Svartholm, owner of webhotel PRQ said "I was arrested for interrogation, and they begun to ask question about Pirate Bay, what I knew and what connections I had to it. I got no public defender, and my regular legal representative was also under arrest, so I said nothing at all". According to Mr. Svartholm, the police told him that they were not obligated to provide a public defender, as the crime he was accused for doesn't lead to jail sentence if he is found guilty.
The site operators speculate that the police wish to test the legality of the operation. Purportedly, this move comes due to political pressure exerted by United States media corporations. Swedish public broadcaster Sveriges Television has backed this claim. Rickard Falkvinge has stated that the Svenska antipiratbyrn (Swedish Anti-Piracy Bureau) has admitted to being behind the police action, and he suspects the IFPI is also involved. Tobias Andersson, of Piratbyrn agrees, claiming that The Antipiratbyrn "has clearly misled the police" and "has fooled the police into shutting down its antagonists, the Piratbyrn. The Antipiratbyrn previously gained notoriety by paying an infiltrator to plant copyrighted material on the Swedish ISP Bahnhof's servers. Dan Glickman, CEO of the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), has applauded the move, citing it as a reminder that "there are no safe harbors for copyright thieves". Kori Bernards, an MPAA representative, claimed The Pirate Bay to be "one of our No. 1 targets." The MPAA allege that The Pirate Bay made available over 150 thousand files, including summer blockbusters such as "Mission: Impossible III" and "X-Men 3". Initially, there were also rumors that this could be another stunt by The Pirate Bay to promote awareness. This possibility, however, has been already dismissed and only had some credibility given the fact that approximately one year ago today they claimed something similar like this, but instead were simply updating their servers. At current there are already some publications made available by officials confirming the authenticity of the raid. Gottfrid Svartholm, owner of webhotel PRQ said "I was arrested for interrogation, and they begun to ask question about Pirate Bay, what I knew and what connections I had to it. I got no public defender, and my regular legal representative was also under arrest, so I said nothing at all". According to Mr. Svartholm, the police told him that they were not obligated to provide a public defender, as the crime he was accused of doesn't lead to jail sentence if he is found guilty.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "American", "after": "United States", "start_char_pos": 155, "end_char_pos": 163, "major_intent": "style", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "style", "style" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "(MPAA),", "start_char_pos": 817, "end_char_pos": 817, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "proper officials , (see the MPAA link below)", "after": "officials", "start_char_pos": 1572, "end_char_pos": 1616, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "for", "after": "of", "start_char_pos": 2082, "end_char_pos": 2085, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] } ]
[ 0, 88, 183, 253, 433, 614, 753, 921, 1017, 1172, 1279, 1506, 1657, 1834, 1946 ]
Blocked Berliner Platz Up to 7,000 people took to the streets in w: Gieen today, protesting the planned introduction of tuition fees at Hessian universities. Beginning at 1pm CEST (1100 UTC), students, pupils and ordinary citizens marched through much of downtown Gieen in the biggest demostration the city has seen in years. Since 4pm , at least 200 people also blocked the Berliner Platz, the most important inner city crossing, bringing most of the downtown bus and car traffic to a standstill. The police has threated to clear the crossing by force. Sour
Blocked Berliner Platz Up to 7,000 people took to the streets in Gieen today, protesting the planned introduction of tuition fees at Hessian universities. Beginning at 1pm CEST (1100 UTC), students, pupils and ordinary citizens marched through much of downtown Gieen , accompanied by a massive police presence, in the largest demonstration the city has seen in years. From 4 to 7pm , at least 200 people also blocked the Berliner Platz, the most important inner city crossing, bringing most of the downtown bus and car traffic to a standstill. The crowd dispersed after the police threatend several times to clear the crossing by force. Protesters in front of the city office Students unions from all parts of Hesse called for the joint demonstration in Gieen. In July, the Hessian state legislature is due to pass a bill that would require all undergraduate students to pay a tuition fee of 500 per semester; graduate students could be charged up to 1,500.
[ { "type": "D", "before": "w:", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 65, "end_char_pos": 67, "major_intent": "others", "raw_intents": [ "others", "others", "others" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "in", "after": ", accompanied by a massive police presence, in the largest demonstration", "start_char_pos": 270, "end_char_pos": 272, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "biggest demostration the", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 277, "end_char_pos": 301, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Since 4pm", "after": "From 4 to 7pm", "start_char_pos": 326, "end_char_pos": 335, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "police has threated", "after": "crowd dispersed after the police threatend several times", "start_char_pos": 502, "end_char_pos": 521, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "Protesters in front of the city office Students unions from all parts of Hesse called for the joint demonstration in Gieen.", "start_char_pos": 554, "end_char_pos": 554, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Sour", "after": "In July, the Hessian state legislature is due to pass a bill that would require all undergraduate students to pay a tuition fee of 500 per semester; graduate students could be charged up to 1,500.", "start_char_pos": 555, "end_char_pos": 559, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] } ]
[ 0, 157, 325, 497 ]
After the landing , at approximately 7 a.m. local time (2200 Saturday, UTC), of the aircraft that transported the Portuguese soldiers, hundreds of people started to enter the runway with flags of East Timor and Portugal. In addition to the hundreds of locals that were expecting the GNR soldiers, the Portuguese ambassador, Joo Ramos Pinto, and other local authorities received the soldiers. Jos Ramos Horta told Lusa News Agency that the soldiers of the GNR "have to start acting with autonomy and hardness" in all the city, Dili, to reestablish the law and order. The Foreign Minister also told the Agency that he "respects" the decision of the Portuguese government to put the GNR force out of the Australian command of the international force, affirming that is essential to reach an agreement this Monday, so that the Portuguese Republican National Guard "can be operational." Ramos Horta added that this will be the position that he will defend in a meeting this Thursday morning with the diplomats of Australia, Portugal, New Zealand and Malaysia. This meeting will define the way that the forces of the four countries will work on the country, having the troops of Australia, New Zealand and Malaysia working under a single Australian command, and the Portuguese force working in an "autonomous" way and reporting directly to President Xanana Gusmo.
After the landing of the aircraft that transported the Portuguese soldiers at approximately 7 a.m. local time (2200 Saturday, UTC), hundreds of people started to enter the runway with flags of East Timor and Portugal. In addition to the hundreds of locals that were expecting the GNR soldiers, the Portuguese ambassador, Joo Ramos Pinto, and other local authorities received the soldiers. Jos Ramos Horta told Lusa News Agency that the soldiers of the GNR "have to start acting with autonomy and hardness" in the entire city, Dili, to reestablish the law and order. The Foreign Minister also told the Agency that he "respects" the decision of the Portuguese government to put the GNR force out of the Australian command of the international force, affirming that is essential to reach an agreement this Monday, so that the Portuguese Republican National Guard "can be operational." Ramos Horta added that this would be the position that he will defend in a meeting this Thursday morning with the diplomats of Australia, Portugal, New Zealand and Malaysia. This meeting will define the way that the forces of the four countries will work on the country, having the troops of Australia, New Zealand and Malaysia working under a single Australian command, and the Portuguese force working in an "autonomous" way and reporting directly to President Xanana Gusmo.
[ { "type": "R", "before": ",", "after": "of the aircraft that transported the Portuguese soldiers", "start_char_pos": 18, "end_char_pos": 19, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "of the aircraft that transported the Portuguese soldiers,", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 77, "end_char_pos": 134, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "clarity", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "all the", "after": "the entire", "start_char_pos": 512, "end_char_pos": 519, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "will", "after": "would", "start_char_pos": 910, "end_char_pos": 914, "major_intent": "style", "raw_intents": [ "style", "fluency", "style" ] } ]
[ 0, 220, 391, 565, 1054 ]
Shiv sena activists today disrupted a news conference of Syed Ali Shah Geelani, the leader of the break away fraction of the All Party Hurriyat Conference (APHC) . Geelani, who heads a breakaway faction of the troubled region 's largest separatist alliance , was scheduled to address the press after his release from prison. He was arrested on Wednesday in south Kashmir on charges of inciting people against the Indian state during a series of speeches in Poonch district of South Kashmir in 2001.
Activists of the Shiv sena today disrupted a news conference of Syed Ali Shah Geelani, the leader of the breakaway fraction of the All Party Hurriyat Conference (APHC) Kashmir 's largest separatist alliance . Geelani was scheduled to address the press after his release from prison. He was arrested on Wednesday in south Kashmir on charges of inciting people against the Indian state during a series of speeches in Poonch district of South Kashmir in 2001.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "Shiv sena activists", "after": "Activists of the Shiv sena", "start_char_pos": 0, "end_char_pos": 19, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "break away", "after": "breakaway", "start_char_pos": 98, "end_char_pos": 108, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": ". Geelani, who heads a breakaway faction of the troubled region", "after": "Kashmir", "start_char_pos": 162, "end_char_pos": 225, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "clarity", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": ",", "after": ". Geelani", "start_char_pos": 257, "end_char_pos": 258, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] } ]
[ 0, 324 ]
The broadcasters: TVNZ, CanWest, Māori Television, the TAB and Radio New Zealand have forged an alliance called FreeView which has leased satellite space for the digital television. Digital television will mean viewers can receive a crisper picture, clearer radio signals, limited reception problems, and more channels. It will require television viewers to buy a set top box, similar to the SKY Network Television decoder. Some viewers in some areas will need to buy a satellite dish as well. The approximated cost will be $200 or, with a dish, $400 (NZD) , however there is no subscription costs , unlike Sky Television.
The broadcasters: TVNZ, CanWest, Māori Television, the TAB and Radio New Zealand have forged an alliance called FreeView which has leased satellite space for the digital television. Digital television will mean viewers can receive a crisper picture, clearer radio signals, limited reception problems, and more channels. FreeView will require television viewers to buy a set top box, similar to the SKY Network Television decoder. Some viewers in some areas will need to buy a satellite dish as well. The approximated cost will be $200 or, with a dish, $400 (NZD) . However, there is no subscription cost , unlike Sky Television.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "It", "after": "FreeView", "start_char_pos": 320, "end_char_pos": 322, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "meaning-changed", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": ", however", "after": ". However,", "start_char_pos": 557, "end_char_pos": 566, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "costs", "after": "cost", "start_char_pos": 592, "end_char_pos": 597, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] } ]
[ 0, 181, 319, 423, 493 ]
North Carolina Governor Mike Easley signed into law a new minimum wage for the U.S. state Thursday. The increase of $1 will raise the rate to $ 6.15. Easley said that the new law will make it easier for North Carolinians to deal with the rising cost of living. The new law will become effective on January 1 next year. This is the first raise to the North Carolina minimum wage in nearly nine years. Last Sunday in Pennsylvania, Governor Ed Rendell signed into law a phased-in $2 minimum wage increase. For businesses with 10 employees or more, the rate will increase by $ 1 on January 1 next year, then increase by another dollar on July 1. Other U.S. states totaling 20 Alaska, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington and Wisconsin, plus the District of Columbia have raised the minimum above the federal mandate. The U.S. Fair Labor Standards Act, enacted in 1938, has been continuously amended by Congress over years with increases that make the federally mandated minimum wage what it is today, $5.15 per hour. The last time the federal government raised the rate was in 1997.
North Carolina Governor Mike Easley signed into law a new minimum wage for the U.S. state Thursday. The increase of US$1 will raise the rate to US$ 6.15. Easley said that the new law will make it easier for North Carolinians to deal with the rising cost of living. The new law will become effective on January 1 next year. This is the first raise to the North Carolina minimum wage in nearly nine years. Last Sunday in Pennsylvania, Governor Ed Rendell signed into law a phased-in US$2 minimum wage increase. For businesses with 10 employees or more, the rate will increase by US$ 1 on January 1 next year, then increase by another dollar on July 1. A total of 20 other U.S. states Alaska, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington and Wisconsin, plus the District of Columbia have raised the minimum above the federal mandate. The U.S. Fair Labor Standards Act, enacted in 1938, has been continuously amended by Congress over years with increases that make the federally mandated minimum wage what it is today, US $5.15 per hour. The last time the federal government raised the rate was in 1997.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "$1 will raise the rate to $", "after": "US$1 will raise the rate to US$", "start_char_pos": 116, "end_char_pos": 143, "major_intent": "style", "raw_intents": [ "style", "style", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "$2 minimum wage increase. For businesses with 10 employees or more, the rate will increase by $", "after": "US$2 minimum wage increase. For businesses with 10 employees or more, the rate will increase by US$", "start_char_pos": 477, "end_char_pos": 572, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Other", "after": "A total of 20 other", "start_char_pos": 642, "end_char_pos": 647, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "meaning-changed", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "totaling 20", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 660, "end_char_pos": 671, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "US", "start_char_pos": 1155, "end_char_pos": 1155, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] } ]
[ 0, 99, 149, 260, 318, 399, 502, 641, 970, 1171 ]
BBC Wales and iPTV station , VTV are reporting that a light aircraft made an emergency landing at 13:00 BST , at Treforest Industrial Estate , near Cardiff, south Wales . The aircraft, an orange-coloured single-engine model Fox home-built kit , was carrying two people , a man and a woman, when it made the forced landing on the estate's dual carriageway , which runs through the industrial park . It is not known how severely the two persons on board , are injured, however a spokesperson for South Wales Police has stated that both of the aircraft's occupants had sustained "non life-threatening injuries". Treforest Industrial Estate is one of the largest business parks in the south Wales valleys and its location, just two hundred metres from the main A470 expressway , could have resulted in a far greater tragedy. VTV reporter and private pilot , Craig Handley , said that the location of the accident "would have been the most logical place to try and set the aircraft down as the dual carriageway, which runs through the estate, is clearly visible from the air and is almost completely straight and wide." Today's accident comes less than a year after a similar-sized aircraft was forced to make an emergency landing , less than two miles away from Treforest Industrial Estate , after suffering a sudden loss of engine power , during its approach to nearby Cardiff International Airport. That aircraft, a Cessna 150, collided with a group of trees , shedding its wings ; before coming to rest on a small country road. The two occupants of the aircraft received slight injuries. South Wales Police have not confirmed whether any motorists or pedestrians were injured when the aircraft , involved in today's accident , made its emergency landing. The aircraft did , however, cause some structural damage to a factory unit on the industrial estate , before coming to a rest, inverted, on the adjacent dual carriageway. According to one eyewitness, the aircraft appeared to have experienced an engine-related problem , seconds before impact. A spokesperson, for Cardiff International Airport said that the aircraft had departed , from Cardiff , at 12:43 BST and that the airport's Air Traffic Control centre had lost contact with the plane. The Civil Aviation Authority's Air Accident Investigation Branch (AAIB) have been informed and are due to begin their investigation , into the crash.
BBC Wales and iPTV station VTV are reporting that a light aircraft made an emergency landing at 13:00 BST at Treforest Industrial Estate near Cardiff . The aircraft, an orange-coloured single-engine model Fox home-built kit was carrying two people when it made a forced landing on a section of dual carriageway within the industrial estate . It is not known how severely the man and woman on board were injured, a spokesperson for South Wales Police stated that both of the aircraft's occupants sustained "non life-threatening injuries". Treforest Industrial Estate is one of the largest business parks in the south Wales valleys . Its location, just two hundred metres from the main A470 expressway could have resulted in a far greater tragedy. VTV reporter and private pilot Craig Handley said that the location of the accident "would have been the most logical place to try and set the aircraft down as the dual carriageway, which runs through the estate, is clearly visible from the air and is almost completely straight and wide." Today's accident comes less than a year after a similar-sized aircraft was forced to make an emergency landing less than two miles away from Treforest Industrial Estate . A Cessna 150 suffered a sudden loss of engine power during its approach to nearby Cardiff International Airport. The Cessna in the earlier accident collided with a group of trees shedding its wings before coming to rest on a small country road. The two occupants of that aircraft received slight injuries. South Wales Police have not confirmed whether any motorists or pedestrians were injured when the aircraft in today's accident made its emergency landing. The aircraft did cause some structural damage to a factory unit on the industrial estate prior to coming to rest, inverted, on the adjacent dual carriageway. According to one eyewitness, the aircraft appeared to have experienced an engine-related problem seconds before impact. A spokesperson, for Cardiff International Airport said that the aircraft had departed from Cardiff at 12:43 BST and that the airport's Air Traffic Control centre had lost contact with the plane. The Civil Aviation Authority's Air Accident Investigation Branch (AAIB) have been informed and are due to begin their investigation into the crash.
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A Cessna 150 suffered", "start_char_pos": 1286, "end_char_pos": 1303, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": ",", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 1334, "end_char_pos": 1335, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "That aircraft, a Cessna 150,", "after": "The Cessna in the earlier accident", "start_char_pos": 1397, "end_char_pos": 1425, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "coherence", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": ",", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 1457, "end_char_pos": 1458, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "clarity", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": ";", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 1478, "end_char_pos": 1479, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "the", "after": "that", "start_char_pos": 1548, "end_char_pos": 1551, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": ", involved", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 1693, "end_char_pos": 1703, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": ",", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 1724, "end_char_pos": 1725, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "others", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": ", however,", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 1771, "end_char_pos": 1781, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "coherence", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": ", before coming to a", "after": "prior to coming to", "start_char_pos": 1854, "end_char_pos": 1874, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "style" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": ",", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 2022, "end_char_pos": 2023, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": ", from Cardiff ,", "after": "from Cardiff", "start_char_pos": 2133, "end_char_pos": 2149, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": ",", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 2378, "end_char_pos": 2379, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] } ]
[ 0, 170, 397, 608, 820, 1114, 1396, 1479, 1526, 1586, 1753, 1924, 2046, 2245 ]
Temperatures are nearing 100F (38C). 80 mph (130 km/h) winds accompanied by heavy rain caused many tree limbs to fall, some onto cars, some onto thoroughfares, and some on high-tension power lines that supply the city. It also caused at least three building collapses. After 160,000 people have had their power restored, 500,000 people are without power. Three hundred national guardsmen join volunteers, policemen and firefighters in aiding people during the crisis. Vulnerable residents in nursing homes and centers for the elderly are being evacuated. Cookies and water are being distributed to those needing them. Ice was in short supply as customers grabbed all they could get their hands on. The local power company, AmerenUE, estimated that as of 10:26 p.m. local Central time on the 20th, 418,195 customers had no electricity. Sour
80 mph (130 km/h) winds accompanied by heavy rain caused many tree limbs to fall, some onto cars, some onto thoroughfares, and some on high-tension power lines that supply the city. It also caused at least three building collapses. After 160,000 people have had their power restored, but 500,000 others are still without power. Three hundred national guardsmen joined volunteers, policemen and firefighters in aiding people during the crisis. Vulnerable residents in nursing homes and centers for the elderly are being evacuated. Cookies and water are being distributed to those needing them. With temperatures were nearing 100F (38C), ice was in short supply as customers grabbed all they could get their hands on. The local power company, AmerenUE, estimated that as of 10:26 p.m. local Central time on the 20th, 418,195 customers had no electricity.
[ { "type": "D", "before": "Temperatures are nearing 100F (38C).", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 0, "end_char_pos": 36, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "coherence", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "but", "start_char_pos": 321, "end_char_pos": 321, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "coherence", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "people are", "after": "others are still", "start_char_pos": 330, "end_char_pos": 340, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "join", "after": "joined", "start_char_pos": 389, "end_char_pos": 393, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "style", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "With temperatures were nearing 100F (38C), ice was in short supply as customers grabbed all they could get their hands on.", "start_char_pos": 619, "end_char_pos": 619, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "Ice was in short supply as customers grabbed all they could get their hands on.", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 620, "end_char_pos": 699, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "coherence", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "Sour", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 837, "end_char_pos": 841, "major_intent": "others", "raw_intents": [ "others", "others", "others" ] } ]
[ 0, 36, 218, 268, 355, 468, 555, 618, 699 ]
Ta Mok's real name is not known, but reported to be Ek Choeun or Oeung Choeun. He joined the Khmer Rouge after being part of anti-French colonial and anti-Japanese resistence movements, rising to become the Maoist group's Chief-of-Staff. He is believed to have directed the purges of the Democratic Kampuchea regime, in which an estimated 1.7 million people were tortured and killed in what is now referred to as "the killing fields", earning him the name “The Butcher” . After the fall of the regime, he continued to lead a faction, until captured by the Cambodian forces in 1999. Youk Chang, director of the Documentation Centre of Cambodia which is studying the crimes committed by the Khmer Rouge, said his death was “outrageous” . "Some people may be happy with this, ” he told AP, “ but not the victims who have been waiting for justice for a long time," Ta Mok's nephew Morm Mol said he was “saddened” by his uncle ’ s death.
Ta Mok's real name is not known, but reported to be Ek Choeun or Oeung Choeun. He joined the Khmer Rouge after being part of anti-French colonial and anti-Japanese resistance movements, rising to become the Maoist group's Chief-of-Staff. He is believed to have directed the purges of the Democratic Kampuchea regime, in which an estimated 1.7 million people were tortured and killed in what is now referred to as "the killing fields", earning him the name "The Butcher" . After the fall of the regime, he continued to lead a faction, until captured by the Cambodian forces in 1999. Youk Chang, director of the Documentation Centre of Cambodia which is studying the crimes committed by the Khmer Rouge, said his death was "outrageous" . "Some people may be happy with this, " he told AP, " but not the victims who have been waiting for justice for a long time," Ta Mok's nephew Morm Mol said he was "saddened" by his uncle ' s death.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "resistence", "after": "resistance", "start_char_pos": 164, "end_char_pos": 174, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "“The Butcher”", "after": "\"The Butcher\"", "start_char_pos": 456, "end_char_pos": 469, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "others", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "“outrageous”", "after": "\"outrageous\"", "start_char_pos": 721, "end_char_pos": 733, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "others", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "”", "after": "\"", "start_char_pos": 773, "end_char_pos": 774, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "others" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "“", "after": "\"", "start_char_pos": 787, "end_char_pos": 788, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "others", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "“saddened”", "after": "\"saddened\"", "start_char_pos": 898, "end_char_pos": 908, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "others", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "’", "after": "'", "start_char_pos": 922, "end_char_pos": 923, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "others", "fluency" ] } ]
[ 0, 78, 237, 581 ]
LGBT activist Gastons Lakombe told Apollo portal that the most dangerous situation occured on the Jurmala highway, when a few cars tried to "drive a taxi off" the roadwith gay activists inside . According to Lakombe, protesters attacked the taxi car first at the Reval Hotel, Latvia, by throwing eggs and bottles of water. A few cars followed and on the Jurmala highway "made some dangerous maneuvers, that seriously frightened passengers", said Imants Kozlovskis, an LGBT activist who was inside the taxi.
LGBT activist Gastons Lakombe told Apollo internet portal that the most dangerous incident occured on the Jurmala highway, when a few cars tried to "drive a taxi ferrying gay activists off the road . According to Lakombe, protesters attacked the taxi first at the Reval Hotel, Latvia, by throwing eggs and bottles of water. A few cars followed and on the Jurmala highway "made some dangerous maneuvers, that seriously frightened passengers", said Imants Kozlovskis, an LGBT activist who was inside the taxi.
[ { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "internet", "start_char_pos": 42, "end_char_pos": 42, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "situation", "after": "incident", "start_char_pos": 74, "end_char_pos": 83, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "off\" the roadwith gay activists inside", "after": "ferrying gay activists off the road", "start_char_pos": 155, "end_char_pos": 193, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "car", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 247, "end_char_pos": 250, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] } ]
[ 0, 195, 323 ]
A large number of media and people were gathered outside the packed courtroom. Twenty to thirty people had to remain outside. Many of the people who had gathered outside the courtroom insulted the accused man as he walked to the courtroom. One said "You'll never make sentencing." Armed police also were present for the accused's protection . Related Stories Wikinews Teacher found murdered in New Zealand classroom July 17, 2006
A large crowd of media personnel and onlookers gathered outside the packed courtroom. Twenty to thirty people had to remain outside. Many of the people who had gathered outside the courtroom abused the accused man as he walked to the courtroom. One said "You'll never make sentencing." Armed police also were deployed to protect the alleged murderer . Related Stories
[ { "type": "R", "before": "number of media and people were", "after": "crowd of media personnel and onlookers", "start_char_pos": 8, "end_char_pos": 39, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "insulted", "after": "abused", "start_char_pos": 184, "end_char_pos": 192, "major_intent": "style", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "style", "style" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "present for the accused's protection", "after": "deployed to protect the alleged murderer", "start_char_pos": 304, "end_char_pos": 340, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "Wikinews Teacher found murdered in New Zealand classroom July 17, 2006", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 359, "end_char_pos": 429, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "clarity", "coherence" ] } ]
[ 0, 78, 125, 239, 280 ]
Hillside suburbs in Christchurch, New Zealand have been suffering from torrential rain and flooding since Monday night. Around 60-millimetres of rain has fallen. The Heathcote river in Beckenham has burst its banks and has gone onto Eastern Terrace, making some parts of the road impassable. It has also made some roads around the area fully submerged in water . Terry Sefton, Christchurch City Council spokesman, said "Eastern Terrace between Birdwood and Sandwich Roads is impassable and some parts of Palentine and Riverlaw terraces are covered in water."
Hillside suburbs in Christchurch, New Zealand have been suffering from torrential rain since Monday night. The Heathcote river burst its banks and caused surface flooding in areas. Around 60-millimetres of rain has fallen. The Heathcote river in Beckenham has inundated areas in Eastern Terrace, making some roads impassable . Terry Sefton, Christchurch City Council spokesman, said "Eastern Terrace between Birdwood and Sandwich Roads is impassable and some parts of Palentine and Riverlaw terraces are covered in water."
[ { "type": "D", "before": "and flooding", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 87, "end_char_pos": 99, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "The Heathcote river burst its banks and caused surface flooding in areas.", "start_char_pos": 120, "end_char_pos": 120, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "burst its banks and has gone onto", "after": "inundated areas in", "start_char_pos": 200, "end_char_pos": 233, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "parts of the road impassable. It has also made some roads around the area fully submerged in water", "after": "roads impassable", "start_char_pos": 263, "end_char_pos": 361, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] } ]
[ 0, 119, 162, 292, 363 ]
Merseyside Police concluded after a brief inspection that the controversial Blog Liverpool Evil Cabal does not break criminal law. However the council officers continue to search for the editor. The Blog has been block at terminals controlled by Liverpool Direct Ltd, a company jointly owned by Liverpool City Council and British Telecom. The councils elected officials have denied ordering the block and are investigating who ordered the block. Previous fights between Liverpool City Councillors and Executive staff have resulted in controversy before most notably in the resignation of leader Mike Storey and CEO Henshaw. Releated Stories made website called Liverpool Evil Cabal
Merseyside Police concluded after a brief inspection that the controversial blog Liverpool Evil Cabal does not break criminal law. However the council officers continue to search for the editor. The blog has been blocked on computers controlled by Liverpool Direct Ltd, a company jointly owned by Liverpool City Council and British Telecom. The council's elected officials have denied ordering the block and are investigating who ordered the block. Previous fights between Liverpool city councillors and executive staff have resulted in controversy before , most notably in the resignation of leader Mike Storey and CEO Henshaw. Related Stories External links Liverpool-evil-cabal blog
[ { "type": "R", "before": "Blog", "after": "blog", "start_char_pos": 76, "end_char_pos": 80, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "clarity", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Blog has been block at terminals", "after": "blog has been blocked on computers", "start_char_pos": 199, "end_char_pos": 231, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "councils", "after": "council's", "start_char_pos": 343, "end_char_pos": 351, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "City Councillors and Executive", "after": "city councillors and executive", "start_char_pos": 480, "end_char_pos": 510, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": ",", "start_char_pos": 553, "end_char_pos": 553, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Releated Stories made website called Liverpool Evil Cabal", "after": "Related Stories", "start_char_pos": 625, "end_char_pos": 694, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "External links Liverpool-evil-cabal blog", "start_char_pos": 695, "end_char_pos": 695, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] } ]
[ 0, 130, 194, 338, 445, 624 ]
Private Meredith Simms, 18-years-old, died yesterday when the New Zealand Army Mercedes-Benz Unimog he was travelling in left the road and fell 100-metres down a steep bank 2.30 p.m. yesterday (NZST), resting on railway tracks. Another solider was critically injured and was flown by the Westpac Rescue Helicopter to Wellington Hospital, he also has spinal cord injuries. The New Zealand police have launched an inquiry into the fatal accident. The Unimog has been removed the the scene of the crash and will now be examined. The police say that they will guard the scene and finish examining it today. Simms death has been referred to a coroner.
Private Meredith Simms, 18-years-old, died yesterday when the New Zealand Army Mercedes-Benz Unimog truck he was travelling in left the road and fell 100-metres down a steep bank 2.30 p.m. yesterday (NZST), coming to rest on railway tracks. The soldier driving the truck was critically injured and was flown by the Westpac Rescue Helicopter to Wellington Hospital, where he is being treated for spinal cord injuries. The New Zealand police have launched an inquiry into the fatal accident. The Unimog has been removed from the scene of the crash and will now be examined. The police say that they will guard the scene and finish examining it today. Simms ' death has been referred to a coroner.
[ { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "truck", "start_char_pos": 100, "end_char_pos": 100, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "clarity", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "resting", "after": "coming to rest", "start_char_pos": 202, "end_char_pos": 209, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "style", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Another solider", "after": "The soldier driving the truck", "start_char_pos": 229, "end_char_pos": 244, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "he also has", "after": "where he is being treated for", "start_char_pos": 339, "end_char_pos": 350, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "the the", "after": "from the", "start_char_pos": 474, "end_char_pos": 481, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "'", "start_char_pos": 610, "end_char_pos": 610, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] } ]
[ 0, 228, 372, 445, 526, 603 ]
Government jets bombed the LTTE front line in the Jaffna peninsula as fighting continued in the ethnic strife. Aid workers are demanding access to the peninsula which has been cut off form the outside world. They have warned that local populations have low supplies to make it through .
Sri Lanka government jets bombed the LTTE on front lines in the battle for the Jaffna peninsula as fighting continued in the ethnic strife. The last week of fighting has claimed the lives of hundreds. The government air strikes continued on targets in the northern rebel-held territory of Kilinochchi and near the eastern port town of Trincomalee. The peninsula which has largely been cut off form the outside world. Even communications are near impossibel. Tens of thousands have fled their homes. There are shortages of food and lines for fuel. During a brief break in the fighting, the UN tried to get food and water to some of the worst off areas. "We need both sides to stop fighting so we can get proper access to the area," said UNHCR representative Amin Awad. "Food is getting low and we have worries about water and sanitation." The World Food Program said it was feeding more than 50,000 people in camps who fled fighting in and around Trincomalee, where there was only sporadic fire overnight. The ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka is an ongoing conflict between the Government of Sri Lanka and the ethnic Sri Lankan Tamils on the island-nation of Sri Lanka. Since the 1983 "Black July" pogrom, there has been on-and-off civil war, mostly between the government and the LTTE who want to create an independent state of called Tamil Eelam in the north and east of the island. It is estimated that the war has left 65,000 people dead since 1983 and caused great harm to the population and economy of the country. A cease-fire was declared in 2002, but hostilities renewed in late 2005 following military operations against Tiger-controlled territory in the east .
[ { "type": "R", "before": "Government", "after": "Sri Lanka government", "start_char_pos": 0, "end_char_pos": 10, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "front line in the", "after": "on front lines in the battle for the", "start_char_pos": 32, "end_char_pos": 49, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "The last week of fighting has claimed the lives of hundreds.", "start_char_pos": 111, "end_char_pos": 111, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Aid workers are demanding access to the", "after": "The government air strikes continued on targets in the northern rebel-held territory of Kilinochchi and near the eastern port town of Trincomalee.", "start_char_pos": 112, "end_char_pos": 151, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "The", "start_char_pos": 152, "end_char_pos": 152, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "largely", "start_char_pos": 173, "end_char_pos": 173, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "They have warned that local populations have low supplies to make it through", "after": "Even communications are near impossibel. Tens of thousands have fled their homes. There are shortages of food and lines for fuel.", "start_char_pos": 211, "end_char_pos": 287, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "others", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "During a brief break in the fighting, the UN tried to get food and water to some of the worst off areas.", "start_char_pos": 288, "end_char_pos": 288, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "\"We need both sides to stop fighting so we can get proper access to the area,\" said UNHCR representative Amin Awad. \"Food is getting low and we have worries about water and sanitation.\"", "start_char_pos": 289, "end_char_pos": 289, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "The World Food Program said it was feeding more than 50,000 people in camps who fled fighting in and around Trincomalee, where there was only sporadic fire overnight.", "start_char_pos": 290, "end_char_pos": 290, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "The ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka is an ongoing conflict between the Government of Sri Lanka and the ethnic Sri Lankan Tamils on the island-nation of Sri Lanka. Since the 1983 \"Black July\" pogrom, there has been on-and-off civil war, mostly between the government and the LTTE who want to create an independent state of called Tamil Eelam in the north and east of the island. It is estimated that the war has left 65,000 people dead since 1983 and caused great harm to the population and economy of the country. A cease-fire was declared in 2002, but hostilities renewed in late 2005 following military operations against Tiger-controlled territory in the east", "start_char_pos": 291, "end_char_pos": 291, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] } ]
[ 0, 110, 210 ]
The government air strikes continued on targets in the northern rebel-held territory of Kilinochchi and near the eastern port town of Trincomalee. The peninsula which has largely been cut off form the outside world . Even communications are near impossibel. Tens of thousands have fled their homes. There are shortages of food and lines for fuel. During a brief break in the fighting, the UN tried to get food and water to some of the worst off areas. The World Food Program said it was feeding more than 50,000 people in camps who fled fighting in and around Trincomalee, where there was only sporadic fire overnight.
Government air strikes continued on targets in the northern rebel-held territory of Kilinochchi and near the eastern port town of Trincomalee. The peninsula , which has largely been cut off form the outside world , has seen tens of thousands have flee their homes. There are shortages of food and lines for fuel. During a brief break in the fighting, the UN tried to get food and water to some of the worst-off areas. The World Food Program said it was feeding more than 50,000 people in camps who fled fighting in and around Trincomalee, where there was only sporadic gunfire overnight.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "The government", "after": "Government", "start_char_pos": 0, "end_char_pos": 14, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": ",", "start_char_pos": 161, "end_char_pos": 161, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": ". Even communications are near impossibel. Tens", "after": ", has seen tens", "start_char_pos": 216, "end_char_pos": 263, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "fled", "after": "flee", "start_char_pos": 282, "end_char_pos": 286, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "others", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "worst off", "after": "worst-off", "start_char_pos": 436, "end_char_pos": 445, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "fire", "after": "gunfire", "start_char_pos": 604, "end_char_pos": 608, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] } ]
[ 0, 146, 217, 258, 299, 347, 452 ]
's town centre in Ireland was evacuated on August 23rd, 2006. The decision was made after observed a man and a device believed to be dangerous in a house. Bomb disposal experts were on standby. The incident ended peacefully on August 24th, 2006 and the man is believed to be Jim Hourigan, a separated father of three from , who was taken into Garda custody. Mr Hourigan released a statement through his solicitor, before he was placed in Gardai custody. It states he is frustrated by the delays in achieving justice for being sexually abused while training as a . Roscrea town centre remains sealed off, as Garda technical experts examine the house in which Mr Hourigan's live .
The centre of Roscrea, a small town in County Tipperary in Ireland was evacuated on August 23rd, 2006. The decision was made after Gardai (police) observed a man and a device believed to be dangerous in a house. Bomb disposal experts were on standby. The incident ended peacefully on August 24th, 2006 and the man , identified as Jim Hourigan, a separated father of three from Limerick, was taken into Garda custody. Mr Hourigan released a statement through his solicitor, before he was placed in Gardai custody. It states he is frustrated by the delays in achieving justice for being sexually abused while training as a Christian Brother . Roscrea town centre remains sealed off, as Garda technical experts examine Mr Hourigan's house .
[ { "type": "R", "before": "'s town centre in", "after": "The centre of Roscrea, a small town in County Tipperary in", "start_char_pos": 0, "end_char_pos": 17, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "Gardai (police)", "start_char_pos": 90, "end_char_pos": 90, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "is believed to be", "after": ", identified as", "start_char_pos": 258, "end_char_pos": 275, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": ", who", "after": "Limerick,", "start_char_pos": 323, "end_char_pos": 328, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "style" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "Christian Brother", "start_char_pos": 563, "end_char_pos": 563, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "the house in which", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 641, "end_char_pos": 659, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "live", "after": "house", "start_char_pos": 674, "end_char_pos": 678, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] } ]
[ 0, 61, 155, 194, 358, 454 ]
A Russian trapeze artist, Vitaly Kharapavitski, 26 , performing at a circus in Scariff, Ireland has died after a cage attached to a hot air balloon crushed the performer. His wife, Sasha, 24 , who was also performing at the time, was injured, breaking her arm. Both were dressed in clown suits. At least 100 people were attending the circus and watched the acrobat fall. Most of the attendees were children. According to witnesses, the balloon caught fire and the cage fell on top of the acrobat , crushing his head. "We had to discharge the audience because we knew it was quite serious," said spokespeople for the Royal Russian Circus.
A English trapeze artist, Browne, 14 , performing at a circus in Scariff, Ireland has died after a cage attached to a hot air balloon crushed the performer. His gay partner, Terry, 14 , who was also performing at the time, was injured, breaking his arm. Both were dressed in clown suits. At least 100 people were attending the circus and watched Browne Clown fall. Most of the attendees were children. According to witnesses, the balloon caught fire and the cage fell on top of Browne Clown , crushing his head. "We had to discharge the audience because we knew it was quite serious," said spokespeople for the Royal Browne Circus.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "Russian", "after": "English", "start_char_pos": 2, "end_char_pos": 9, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Vitaly Kharapavitski, 26", "after": "Browne, 14", "start_char_pos": 26, "end_char_pos": 50, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "wife, Sasha, 24", "after": "gay partner, Terry, 14", "start_char_pos": 175, "end_char_pos": 190, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "her", "after": "his", "start_char_pos": 252, "end_char_pos": 255, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "the acrobat", "after": "Browne Clown", "start_char_pos": 353, "end_char_pos": 364, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "the acrobat", "after": "Browne Clown", "start_char_pos": 484, "end_char_pos": 495, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Russian", "after": "Browne", "start_char_pos": 622, "end_char_pos": 629, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] } ]
[ 0, 170, 260, 294, 370, 407, 516 ]
King Bhumibol Adulyadej's 80th birthday next year follows on from the 60th anniversary of his accession to the throne earlier this year. The as-yet unnamed new province would likely consist of three districts and one sub-district surrounding the Klaikangvol Palace in Hua Hin. In addition to Hua Hin, the Pran Buri district and Sam Roi Yot subdistrict from Prachuap Khiri Khan Province and Cha-am from Phetchaburi would make up the new province. Currently the country consists of 75 provinces, it is expected that the 76th district will be around the Suvarnabhumi International Airport which opens in September 2006.
King Bhumibol Adulyadej's 80th birthday next year follows on from the 60th anniversary of his accession to the throne earlier this year. The as-yet unnamed new province would likely consist of three districts and one sub-district surrounding the Klaikangvol Palace in Hua Hin. In addition to Hua Hin, Pran Buri and Sam Roi Yot districts from Prachuap Khiri Khan Province and Cha-am from Phetchaburi would make up the new province. Currently the country consists of 75 provinces, it is expected that the 76th province will be around the Suvarnabhumi International Airport which opens in September 2006.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "the Pran Buri district", "after": "Pran Buri", "start_char_pos": 301, "end_char_pos": 323, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "subdistrict", "after": "districts", "start_char_pos": 340, "end_char_pos": 351, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "district", "after": "province", "start_char_pos": 523, "end_char_pos": 531, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "meaning-changed" ] } ]
[ 0, 136, 276, 445 ]
His name was Kimveer Gill . A 25 year old Laval man who was wearing all black, with combat boots and a black trench coat. He also sported a short black mohawk. He was carrying 3 gunson him, an automatic rifle, a hand-gun, and another weapon .
The gunman was Kimveer Gill , a 25 year old Laval man . He was carrying three guns: a Beretta Cx4 Storm carbine, a Glock 9mm handgun, and a Norinco HP9-1 sawed-off shotgun .
[ { "type": "R", "before": "His name", "after": "The gunman", "start_char_pos": 0, "end_char_pos": 8, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": ". A", "after": ", a", "start_char_pos": 26, "end_char_pos": 29, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "who was wearing all black, with combat boots and a black trench coat. He also sported a short black mohawk. He was carrying 3 gunson him, an automatic rifle, a hand-gun, and another weapon", "after": ". He was carrying three guns: a Beretta Cx4 Storm carbine, a Glock 9mm handgun, and a Norinco HP9-1 sawed-off shotgun", "start_char_pos": 52, "end_char_pos": 240, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "clarity", "meaning-changed" ] } ]
[ 0, 27, 121, 159 ]
The New Zealand A1GP team, with racer Jonny Reid, managed to get seventh in A1GP feature race and picking up four championship points in the second round at Brno track, Czech Republic. After New Zealand managing to secure themselves first place in the qualifying race by being fastest in all four qualifying segments with a time of 3:30.053, Germany second with 3:30.524. This put New Zealand in the pole position to start the sprint race. When racing for the 20 minute sprint race started Germany and New Zealand 'locked horns' in before the very first corner. It ended with both cars crashing out of the race. New Zealand managed to crawl their way back to get seventh place, but drops to fourteenth place from twelfth, out of 23 competing nations, on the leader board with only five points.
The New Zealand A1GP team, with racer Jonny Reid, placed seventh in A1GP feature race and picked up four championship points in the second round at Brno track, Czech Republic. New Zealand managed to secure themselves first place in the qualifying race by being fastest in all four qualifying segments with a time of 3:30.053, Germany second with 3:30.524. This put New Zealand in the pole position to start the sprint race. When racing for the 20 minute sprint race started Germany and New Zealand 'locked horns' before the very first corner. It ended with both cars crashing out of the race. New Zealand managed to crawl their way back to get seventh place, but dropped to fourteenth place from twelfth, out of 23 competing nations, on the leader board with only five points.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "managed to get", "after": "placed", "start_char_pos": 50, "end_char_pos": 64, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "picking", "after": "picked", "start_char_pos": 98, "end_char_pos": 105, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "After New Zealand managing", "after": "New Zealand managed", "start_char_pos": 185, "end_char_pos": 211, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "style" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "in", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 529, "end_char_pos": 531, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "drops", "after": "dropped", "start_char_pos": 682, "end_char_pos": 687, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] } ]
[ 0, 184, 371, 439, 561, 611 ]
English snooker player Paul Hunter died on Monday 9th October 2006 evening , losing his battle with cancer. He was 27. Paul announced on April 6, 2005 that he was suffering from neuroendocrine tumours, a rare form of cancer. Hunter died in a hospice in Huddersfield five days short of his 28th birthday. He left behind his wife, Lyndsey, and daughter, Evie Rose . The Snooker world will certainly change with this tremendously shocking loss. Paul Hunter's funeral was on the 19th October 2006 in Leeds, his home town. Sympathy is now with his family and friends. R.I.P Mr Paul Hunter .
English snooker player Paul Hunter died on Monday evening , losing his battle with cancer. He was 27. Hunter announced on April 6, 2005 that he was suffering from neuroendocrine tumours, a rare form of cancer. He died in a hospice in Huddersfield five days short of his 28th birthday. He is survived by his wife, Lyndsey, and a daughter, Evie Rose .
[ { "type": "D", "before": "9th October 2006", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 50, "end_char_pos": 66, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "evening", "after": "evening", "start_char_pos": 67, "end_char_pos": 74, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Paul", "after": "Hunter", "start_char_pos": 119, "end_char_pos": 123, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Hunter", "after": "He", "start_char_pos": 225, "end_char_pos": 231, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "style", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "left behind", "after": "is survived by", "start_char_pos": 307, "end_char_pos": 318, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "style" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "a", "start_char_pos": 342, "end_char_pos": 342, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": ".", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 363, "end_char_pos": 364, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "fluency", "style" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "The Snooker world will certainly change with this tremendously shocking loss. Paul Hunter's funeral was on the 19th October 2006 in Leeds, his home town. Sympathy is now with his family and friends. R.I.P Mr Paul Hunter", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 365, "end_char_pos": 584, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "coherence" ] } ]
[ 0, 107, 224, 303, 364, 442, 518, 563 ]
Peter Dunne's newsletter, sent yesterday, said: "The business tax reduction proposals I announced with Michael Cullen in the Business Tax Review in July will go ahead from April 2008, and they will be accompanied by personal tax adjustments as well, just as we foreshadowed." They would be "the first major cuts by either government since 1996 " , when he was also revenue minister . Before Peter Dunne announced the tax cuts the Government had denied any tax cut proposals until November/December when they could see a clearer picture. New Zealand First, another political partner of the government, claimed credit in its annual convention that they were the ones who convinced Labour the value of tax cuts and changing the personal thresholds. Cullen last week said, when he was announced the surplus; "We are engaged in a business taxation review that will almost certainly produce proposals for tax cuts in the business area to come into force on 1 April 2008 . . . and that may have implications for personal tax rates and thresholds, but I can't give you more information because (it is) not available."
Peter Dunne's newsletter, sent yesterday, said: "The business tax reduction proposals I announced with Michael Cullen in the Business Tax Review in July will go ahead from April 2008, and they will be accompanied by personal tax adjustments as well, just as we foreshadowed." They would be "the first major cuts by either government since 1996. " Peter Dunne was the Revenue minister in 1996 as well . Before Peter Dunne announced the tax cuts , the Government had denied any tax cut proposals until November/December when they could see a clearer picture. New Zealand First, another political partner of the government, claimed credit in its annual convention on Sunday that they were the ones who convinced Labour the value of tax cuts and changing the personal thresholds. Cullen last week said, when he announced the surplus; "We are engaged in a business taxation review that will almost certainly produce proposals for tax cuts in the business area to come into force on 1 April 2008 . . . and that may have implications for personal tax rates and thresholds, but I can't give you more information because it is not available."
[ { "type": "R", "before": "1996", "after": "1996.", "start_char_pos": 339, "end_char_pos": 343, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": ", when he was also revenue minister", "after": "Peter Dunne was the Revenue minister in 1996 as well", "start_char_pos": 346, "end_char_pos": 381, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "clarity", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": ",", "start_char_pos": 426, "end_char_pos": 426, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "on Sunday", "start_char_pos": 642, "end_char_pos": 642, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "was", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 779, "end_char_pos": 782, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "(it is)", "after": "it is", "start_char_pos": 1088, "end_char_pos": 1095, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] } ]
[ 0, 275, 537, 747, 805 ]
Top police sources said the message was sent to Director General of Police Raman Srivastava and the Home Secretary Sri Prakash Jaiswal. Taking serious note of the e-mail, Kerala police is interrogating the accused persons whether they had played a prank. After this happening , the authorities are on the high alert. This threat can have serious connotations considering the arrest of 2 Al-badr militants from down south.
Top police sources said the message was sent to Director General of Police Raman Srivastava and the Home Secretary Sri Prakash Jaiswal. Taking serious note of the e-mail, Kerala police are interrogating the accused persons suspecting they had played a prank. After this incident , the authorities are on high alert. This threat can have serious connotations considering the arrest of 2 Al-badr militants from down south.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "is", "after": "are", "start_char_pos": 185, "end_char_pos": 187, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "whether", "after": "suspecting", "start_char_pos": 222, "end_char_pos": 229, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "happening", "after": "incident", "start_char_pos": 266, "end_char_pos": 275, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "style", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "the", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 301, "end_char_pos": 304, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "fluency", "clarity" ] } ]
[ 0, 135, 254, 316 ]
The private Jetstream 32 carrying Prince Willem-Alexander and his wife Princess Mxima departed for Wellington and was forced to made an emergency landing at Nelson Airport at around half past four these afternoon, minutes after takeoff. She says the plane landed without incident and the royal couples were put on a commercial flight to Wellington at five o'clock. All 17 people on board were unhurt. The emergency landing comes they made headlines earlier this week, with an apparent snub as he and Princess Mxima started an official visit to New Zealand on Tuesday. The royal couples are visiting New Zealand from October 31 to November 4, and are due to fly out for Singapore Saturday afternoon. Related Wikinews
The private Jetstream 32 carrying Prince Willem-Alexander and his wife Princess Mxima departed for Wellington from Nelson, and was forced to make an emergency landing at Nelson Airport at around half past four these afternoon, minutes after takeoff. She says the plane landed without incident , all 17 people on board were unhurt. The royal couples were put on a commercial flight to Wellington at five o'clock. The emergency landing comes after they made headlines earlier this week, with an apparent snub as he and Princess Mxima started an official visit to New Zealand on Tuesday. The royal couple are visiting New Zealand from October 31 to November 4. Their stay will include visiting Christchurch, Nelson, Wellington and Auckland. They are due to fly out for Singapore Saturday afternoon. Related Wikinews
[ { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "from Nelson,", "start_char_pos": 110, "end_char_pos": 110, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "made", "after": "make", "start_char_pos": 129, "end_char_pos": 133, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "and the", "after": ", all 17 people on board were unhurt. The", "start_char_pos": 281, "end_char_pos": 288, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "coherence", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "All 17 people on board were unhurt.", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 366, "end_char_pos": 401, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "coherence", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "after", "start_char_pos": 430, "end_char_pos": 430, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "couples", "after": "couple", "start_char_pos": 580, "end_char_pos": 587, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "4, and", "after": "4. Their stay will include visiting Christchurch, Nelson, Wellington and Auckland. They", "start_char_pos": 641, "end_char_pos": 647, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] } ]
[ 0, 237, 365, 401, 569, 700 ]
The New Zealand government has now introduced graphic health warnings on cigarette packs. The new warnings, which replace the text warnings, will show gangrenous toes, rotting gums and toes and lungs subject to smoking and will also include the quit smoking Quitline number. The new warnings will come into effect January 2007 but the manufacturers will not have to produce the new warnings until February 27, 2008 and August 2008 for retailers to clear all their old stock. Damien O'Conner, associate minister of health and ex smoker , said: "Pictures were more effective than written warnings. Actually seeing what it does to you is probably more acute than just reading the words on a cigarette packet. The approach is designed to shock people into realising smoking kills and causes serious illness. Using powerful imagery to remind people of the real and horrific effects of smoking will act to deter smokers and discourage New Zealand's young from starting the habit in the first place." However, according to Mr O'Conner, one company had used removable sticker which were later removed due to consultation. The 2008 deadline is way too excessive, " Pictorial warnings are not a new idea. They have already been implemented in other countries and the NZ tobacco industry has the technology to print the new packets within weeks," Becky Freeman, the Action on Smoking and Health director said.
The New Zealand government has now introduced graphic health warnings on cigarette packs. The new warnings, which replace the text warnings, will show images of gangrenous toes, rotting gums and teeth and diseased lungs and will also include the quit smoking Quitline number. The new warnings will come into effect January 2007 but the manufacturers will not have to produce the new warnings until February 27, 2008 and retailers have till August 2008 to clear all their old stock. Damien O'Conner, associate minister of health and ex-smoker , said: "Pictures were more effective than written warnings. Actually seeing what it does to you is probably more acute than just reading the words on a cigarette packet. The approach is designed to shock people into realising smoking kills and causes serious illness. Using powerful imagery to remind people of the real and horrific effects of smoking will act to deter smokers and discourage New Zealand's young from starting the habit in the first place." However, according to Mr O'Conner, one company had used removable sticker that were later removed due to consultation. " The 2008 deadline is way too excessive, ... Pictorial warnings are not a new idea. They have already been implemented in other countries and the NZ tobacco industry has the technology to print the new packets within weeks," Becky Freeman, the Action on Smoking and Health director said.
[ { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "images of", "start_char_pos": 151, "end_char_pos": 151, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "toes and lungs subject to smoking", "after": "teeth and diseased lungs", "start_char_pos": 186, "end_char_pos": 219, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "clarity", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "retailers have till", "start_char_pos": 420, "end_char_pos": 420, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "for retailers", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 433, "end_char_pos": 446, "major_intent": "style", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "style", "style" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "ex smoker", "after": "ex-smoker", "start_char_pos": 527, "end_char_pos": 536, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "which", "after": "that", "start_char_pos": 1070, "end_char_pos": 1075, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "\"", "start_char_pos": 1116, "end_char_pos": 1116, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "\"", "after": "...", "start_char_pos": 1157, "end_char_pos": 1158, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] } ]
[ 0, 89, 275, 476, 597, 707, 805, 995, 1115, 1197 ]
The Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) chairman Prachanda and Nepal Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala have resumed the fifth round of peace talks in today eveningafter the meeting held on sunday in the presence of UN Secretary General's representative Ian Martin . The aim of the peace talk was to settle the issue of arms management. Prachanda held a meeting with Communist Party of Nepal (Unified Marxist-Leninist) General Seceratry , Madhav Kumar Nepal, and leader of the United Leftist Front, Prabhu Narayan Chaudhari, to discuss the political package in the morning before the talks. Prachanda said that he will make his first public address in twenty five year in a mass meeting in Kathmandu on this Friday.
The Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) chairman Prachanda and Nepal Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala resumed the fifth round of peace talks today evening, following a meeting in the presence of UN Secretary General's representative Ian Martin held on sunday . The aim of the peace talk was to settle the issue of arms management. Prachanda held a meeting with Communist Party of Nepal (Unified Marxist-Leninist) General Secretary , Madhav Kumar Nepal, and leader of the United Leftist Front, Prabhu Narayan Chaudhari, to discuss the political package in the morning before the talks. Prachanda said that he will make his first public address in twenty five year in a mass meeting in Kathmandu this Friday.
[ { "type": "D", "before": "have", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 104, "end_char_pos": 108, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "style", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "in today eveningafter the meeting held on sunday", "after": "today evening, following a meeting", "start_char_pos": 148, "end_char_pos": 196, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "held on sunday", "start_char_pos": 265, "end_char_pos": 265, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Seceratry", "after": "Secretary", "start_char_pos": 428, "end_char_pos": 437, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "on", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 701, "end_char_pos": 703, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "fluency", "clarity" ] } ]
[ 0, 267, 337, 591 ]
Ministers are considering a new stadium for Auckland's waterfront to replace the current Auckland stadium, Eden Park. Trevor Mallard, minister for the rugby world cup , said: "Today a Cabinet committee has discussed the options and I hope to be able to announce a decision later this week or next , " he declined to comment any further. According to the New Zealand Herald, the new stadium will cost around NZ$700 million compared to a $320 million upgrade of Eden Park. The herald said that Mr Mallard, the Auckland City Council and Helen Clark, PM of NZ, all prefer a new stadium. "The decision is vital in order to deliver a world-class stadium which complements and enhances the city's conference and major event-hosting potential, and which will also drive Auckland's aspirations to be a world-class city," Mr Mallard said. However the Ports of Auckland (POA) said that there will not be a stadium before the 2011 rugby world cup, the POA are the land owners of the waterfront . Geoff Vazey, manager director , said: "It simply can't be constructed in time and the risks of pushing it through would be overwhelming. Before any land could be set aside for a stadium, the port would need an alternative site to conduct its business and it would be 2009 before building could even start. A decision made a couple of years ago would have been needed. Michael Cullen, finance minister , said that it is possible to built the stadiumunlike critics are saying , "a number of sources have told us the stadium could be built by 2011. No decisions have been made on the stadium proposal and he would not speculate on how the project could be financed. " The team analyzing the venues for the 2011 world cup said that it will need its report back date extended at least three weeks, possibly four. The delay is due to assess technical and logistical matters.
Ministers are considering a new stadium for Auckland's waterfront instead of an enlargement to the existing Eden Park. Trevor Mallard, Minister for the Rugby World Cup , said: "Today a Cabinet committee has discussed the options and I hope to be able to announce a decision later this week or next . " He declined to comment any further. According to the New Zealand Herald, the new stadium will cost around NZ$700 million compared to a $320 million upgrade of Eden Park. The Herald said that Mr Mallard, the Auckland City Council and Helen Clark, Prime Minister of NZ, all prefer a new stadium. "The decision is vital in order to deliver a world-class stadium which complements and enhances the city's conference and major event-hosting potential, and which will also drive Auckland's aspirations to be a world-class city," Mr Mallard said. However Ports of Auckland (POA) , owners of the waterfront land, said that there will not be a stadium before the 2011 Rugby World Cup . Geoff Vazey, Managing Director , said: "It simply can't be constructed in time and the risks of pushing it through would be overwhelming. Before any land could be set aside for a stadium, the port would need an alternative site to conduct its business and it would be 2009 before building could even start. A decision made a couple of years ago would have been needed. " Michael Cullen, Finance Minister , said that it would be possible to build the stadium, despite what critics are saying : "a number of sources have told us the stadium could be built by 2011. " No decisions have been made on the stadium proposal and he would not speculate on how the project could be financed. The team analyzing the venues for the 2011 world cup said that it will need its report-back date extended by at least three weeks, possibly four. The delay is due to the need to assess technical and logistical matters.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "to replace the current Auckland stadium,", "after": "instead of an enlargement to the existing", "start_char_pos": 66, "end_char_pos": 106, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "minister for the rugby world cup", "after": "Minister for the Rugby World Cup", "start_char_pos": 134, "end_char_pos": 166, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": ",", "after": ".", "start_char_pos": 297, "end_char_pos": 298, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "coherence", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "he", "after": "He", "start_char_pos": 301, "end_char_pos": 303, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "herald", "after": "Herald", "start_char_pos": 475, "end_char_pos": 481, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "PM", "after": "Prime Minister", "start_char_pos": 547, "end_char_pos": 549, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "clarity", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "the", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 837, "end_char_pos": 840, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": ", owners of the waterfront land,", "start_char_pos": 865, "end_char_pos": 865, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "clarity", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "rugby world cup, the POA are the land owners of the waterfront", "after": "Rugby World Cup", "start_char_pos": 920, "end_char_pos": 982, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "manager director", "after": "Managing Director", "start_char_pos": 998, "end_char_pos": 1014, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "\"", "start_char_pos": 1353, "end_char_pos": 1353, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "finance minister", "after": "Finance Minister", "start_char_pos": 1370, "end_char_pos": 1386, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "is possible to built the stadiumunlike", "after": "would be possible to build the stadium, despite what", "start_char_pos": 1402, "end_char_pos": 1440, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": ",", "after": ":", "start_char_pos": 1460, "end_char_pos": 1461, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "clarity", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "\"", "start_char_pos": 1532, "end_char_pos": 1532, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "meaning-changed", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "\"", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 1650, "end_char_pos": 1651, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "report back date extended", "after": "report-back date extended by", "start_char_pos": 1732, "end_char_pos": 1757, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "to the need", "start_char_pos": 1812, "end_char_pos": 1812, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "fluency", "fluency" ] } ]
[ 0, 117, 336, 470, 582, 828, 1121, 1290, 1352, 1531, 1649, 1794 ]
Security footage of the ladies. Two elderly women whose pictures were plastered across newspapers in London on Thursday after they were caught on camera stealing a bag at a railway station have turned themselves in. The Police has announced that women admitted the offence and have received an official caution in a case variously dubbed the "Grey Train Robbery" and "Gran Larceny." A security camera image released by police showed two grey-haired women, in their 60s or 70s, wearing knee-length skirts, white blouses and overcoats at Sunderland Railway station.
Security footage of the ladies. Two elderly women whose CCTV pictures were shown in newspapers across the UK on Thursday after they were caught on camera stealing a bag at a railway station in Sunderland have turned themselves in. The police has announced that women admitted the offence and have received an official caution in a case variously dubbed the "Grey Train Robbery" and "Gran Larceny." A security camera image released by police showed two grey-haired women, in their 60s or 70s, wearing knee-length skirts, white blouses and overcoats at Sunderland station.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "pictures were plastered across newspapers in London", "after": "CCTV pictures were shown in newspapers across the UK", "start_char_pos": 56, "end_char_pos": 107, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "in Sunderland", "start_char_pos": 189, "end_char_pos": 189, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Police", "after": "police", "start_char_pos": 221, "end_char_pos": 227, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "Railway", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 548, "end_char_pos": 555, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "coherence", "clarity" ] } ]
[ 0, 31, 216, 383 ]
The Government is planning to legislate to ensure that cantonments, churches and cemeteries built by the British during the Raj are preserved as heritage structures. There are 62 cantonments and 650 military stations in the country, some of which are already being in disrepair. One example is the St. Martin's Church which was founded in 1929 by Field Marshall Sir William Birdwood of the British Indian Army. The plaster has peeled off the structures cracked walls, and heavy seepage has damaged the dome. The church also serves as a makeshift school-cum-storehouse for local residents. The new law will ensure that the Army does its bit to prevent other such structures from becoming dilapidated. "It is significant because it will not only protect heritage in the cantonments but also areas around it . And that means that the cantonment will show the way forward , " said Conservation Architect Ratish Nanda . Urban Designer K T Ravindran said, "This law means that areas where we have built heritage will not fall into the hands of open market."
The Indian Government is planning to introduce legislation to ensure that cantonments, churches and cemeteries built by the British during the Raj are preserved as heritage structures. There are 62 cantonments and 650 military stations in the country, some of which are in disrepair. The new law will ensure that the Army does its bit to prevent other such structures from becoming dilapidated. One example is the St. Martin's Church which was founded in 1929 by Field Marshall Sir William Birdwood of the British Indian Army. The plaster has peeled off the structures cracked walls, and heavy seepage has damaged the dome. The church also serves as a makeshift school-cum-storehouse for local residents. Conservation Architect Ratish Nanda said the move is significant because it will not only protect heritage in the cantonments but also areas around it , adding that cantonments will " show the way forward " . Urban Designer K T Ravindran said, "This law means that areas where we have built heritage will not fall into the hands of open market."
[ { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "Indian", "start_char_pos": 4, "end_char_pos": 4, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "legislate", "after": "introduce legislation", "start_char_pos": 31, "end_char_pos": 40, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "already being", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 252, "end_char_pos": 265, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "The new law will ensure that the Army does its bit to prevent other such structures from becoming dilapidated.", "start_char_pos": 280, "end_char_pos": 280, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "coherence", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "The new law will ensure that the Army does its bit to prevent other such structures from becoming dilapidated. \"It", "after": "Conservation Architect Ratish Nanda said the move", "start_char_pos": 591, "end_char_pos": 705, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": ". And that means that the cantonment will", "after": ", adding that cantonments will \"", "start_char_pos": 807, "end_char_pos": 848, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "clarity", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": ",", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 870, "end_char_pos": 871, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "said Conservation Architect Ratish Nanda", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 874, "end_char_pos": 914, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "coherence", "coherence" ] } ]
[ 0, 166, 279, 303, 412, 509, 590, 701, 916 ]
An Israeli woman was killed when a Qassam rocket hit the town of Sderoth on the 15 of this month. Over 400 Palestinians , including many civilians have been killed by attacks, which Israel says are aimed at halting the rocket fire which has terrorized Southern Israel since Israel disengaged from the Gaza strip . The rockets have wounded or killed hundreds .
An Israeli woman was killed when a Qassam rocket hit the town of Sderoth on the 15 of this month. Hundreds , including many civilians , have been killed or injured by the rocket fire which has terrorized Southern Israel since Israel disengaged from the Gaza strip as well as by the Israeli response to it .
[ { "type": "R", "before": "Over 400 Palestinians", "after": "Hundreds", "start_char_pos": 98, "end_char_pos": 119, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": ",", "start_char_pos": 147, "end_char_pos": 147, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "by attacks, which Israel says are aimed at halting", "after": "or injured by", "start_char_pos": 165, "end_char_pos": 215, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": ". The rockets have wounded or killed hundreds", "after": "as well as by the Israeli response to it", "start_char_pos": 313, "end_char_pos": 358, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] } ]
[ 0, 97, 314 ]
An Israeli woman was killed when a Qassam rocket hit the town of Sderoth on the 15 of this month. Hundreds , including many civilians , have been killed or injured by the rocket fire which has terrorized Southern Israel since Israel disengaged from the Gaza strip as well as by the Israeli response to it .
An Israeli woman was killed when a Qassam rocket hit the town of Sderoth on the 15 of this month. Over 400 Palestinians , including many civilians have been killed by attacks, which Israel says are aimed at halting the rocket fire which has terrorized Southern Israel since Israel disengaged from the Gaza strip . The rockets have wounded or killed hundreds .
[ { "type": "R", "before": "Hundreds", "after": "Over 400 Palestinians", "start_char_pos": 98, "end_char_pos": 106, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": ",", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 134, "end_char_pos": 135, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "or injured by", "after": "by attacks, which Israel says are aimed at halting", "start_char_pos": 153, "end_char_pos": 166, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "as well as by the Israeli response to it", "after": ". The rockets have wounded or killed hundreds", "start_char_pos": 264, "end_char_pos": 304, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] } ]
[ 0, 97 ]
The Bangladesh Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) Justice MA Aziz has agreed to step aside for three months, the country's president and chief advisor to caretaker government, Iajuddin Ahmed announced in a television address to the nation late last night. President Ahmed said that Aziz has agreed to go on leave for three months in order to untangle himself from the present crises over election. President has decided to appoint two more election commissioners under article 118(1) of the Bangladeshi constitution. The 14-Awami League Party-led alliance accused Aziz of bias towards the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), led by former Prime Minister Begum Khaleda Zia, who ended her five-year term in October 2006. Aliance parties resumed their agitation against Aziz for the third time on Monday and said that they would continue the indefinite stir until he quits the office.
The Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) of Bangladesh, Justice MA Aziz has agreed to step aside for three months, the country's president and chief advisor to caretaker government, Iajuddin Ahmed announced in a television address to the nation late last night. The Awami League-led alliance accused Aziz of bias towards the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), led by former Prime Minister Begum Khaleda Zia, who ended her five-year term in October 2006. President Ahmed said that Justice Aziz has agreed to go on leave for three months in order to untangle himself from the present crises over the 2007 parliamentary elections. The President has decided to appoint two more election commissioners under article 118(1) of the Bangladeshi constitution. The alliance parties resumed their agitation against Justice Aziz for the third time on Monday and said that they would continue the indefinite stir until he quits the office.
[ { "type": "D", "before": "Bangladesh", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 4, "end_char_pos": 14, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "coherence", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "of Bangladesh,", "start_char_pos": 49, "end_char_pos": 49, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "style" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "The Awami League-led alliance accused Aziz of bias towards the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), led by former Prime Minister Begum Khaleda Zia, who ended her five-year term in October 2006.", "start_char_pos": 256, "end_char_pos": 256, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "Justice", "start_char_pos": 283, "end_char_pos": 283, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "election.", "after": "the 2007 parliamentary elections. The", "start_char_pos": 390, "end_char_pos": 399, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "14-Awami League Party-led alliance accused Aziz of bias towards the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), led by former Prime Minister Begum Khaleda Zia, who ended her five-year term in October 2006. Aliance", "after": "alliance", "start_char_pos": 523, "end_char_pos": 728, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "Justice", "start_char_pos": 769, "end_char_pos": 769, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] } ]
[ 0, 255, 399, 518, 720 ]
An investigation is currently happening by the New Zealand Department of Corrections to see if the allegations that prison guards at Rimutaka prison are accepting monetary bribes from prisoners in exchange for drugs and cellphones , are correct . Rimutaka prison is one of New Zealand's largest prions which caters for minimum to high-medium security male prisoners. It is located in Wellington, New Zealand. Two former officers, Ingrid and Mark Rijniers, have handed over a collection of documents on their encounters while working at Rimutaka prison. The pair, who were transferred from Holland, claim that Rimutaka prison is run by gang members who dominate the prison guards. They also claim that if the gang members don't get what they want they will intimidate and threaten the guards with their lives. However Ingrid Rijniers is refusing to co-operate with the department as they refused to give her the money to go back to Holland. The New Zealand Corrections Department confirm that they are investigating the serious claims and are taking them seriously but say that they have not found sufficient evidence yet to back up the claims. Twelve percent of 1,043 prisoners who were tested for drugs from the start of this year until June, tested positive for drugs. Most of the drugs taken was marijuana while fourteen tested positive for "P". These claims also come as teenage prisoner, Liam Ashley was strangled to death in a prison van by a much older adult prisoner. Mr Power said that with all these new claims emerging Mr O'Conner should resign as the minister of corrections.
The New Zealand Department of Corrections is currently investigating allegations at the Rimutaka prison in Wellington, New Zealand. The prison guards have allegedly accepted monetary bribes from prisoners in exchange for drugs and cellphones . Two former officers, Ingrid and Mark Rijniers, have handed over a collection of documents on their encounters while working at Rimutaka prison. The pair, who were transferred from Holland, claim that Rimutaka prison is run by gang members who dominate the prison guards. They also claim that if the gang members don't get what they want they will intimidate and threaten the guards with their lives. However, Ingrid Rijniers is refusing to co-operate with the department because they refused to give her the money to return to Holland. The New Zealand Corrections Department says it is taking these claims seriously but has not yet found sufficient evidence to back up the claims. Twelve percent of 1,043 prisoners who were tested for drugs from the start of this year until June, tested positive for drugs. Most of the drugs taken was marijuana while fourteen tested positive for "P". In addition, a teenage prisoner, Liam Ashley , was recently strangled to death in a prison van by a much older adult prisoner. Mr Power said that with all these new claims emerging , Mr O'Conner should resign as the minister of corrections.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "An investigation is currently happening by the", "after": "The", "start_char_pos": 0, "end_char_pos": 46, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "to see if the allegations that prison guards at Rimutaka prison are accepting", "after": "is currently investigating allegations at the Rimutaka prison in Wellington, New Zealand. The prison guards have allegedly accepted", "start_char_pos": 85, "end_char_pos": 162, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": ", are correct", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 231, "end_char_pos": 244, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "clarity", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "Rimutaka prison is one of New Zealand's largest prions which caters for minimum to high-medium security male prisoners. It is located in Wellington, New Zealand.", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 247, "end_char_pos": 408, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "coherence", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "However", "after": "However,", "start_char_pos": 809, "end_char_pos": 816, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "as", "after": "because", "start_char_pos": 879, "end_char_pos": 881, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "coherence", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "go back", "after": "return", "start_char_pos": 920, "end_char_pos": 927, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "style", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "confirm that they are investigating the serious claims and are taking them seriously but say that they have not", "after": "says it is taking these claims seriously but has not yet", "start_char_pos": 979, "end_char_pos": 1090, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "yet", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 1117, "end_char_pos": 1120, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "coherence", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "These claims also come as", "after": "In addition, a", "start_char_pos": 1349, "end_char_pos": 1374, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "style" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "was", "after": ", was recently", "start_char_pos": 1405, "end_char_pos": 1408, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "style", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": ",", "start_char_pos": 1530, "end_char_pos": 1530, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "coherence", "fluency" ] } ]
[ 0, 366, 408, 552, 679, 808, 939, 1143, 1270, 1348, 1475 ]
The Indian Army observed Vijay Diwas, marking the defeat of the Pakistani military and the formation of the indepenent state of Bangladesh (then called East Pakistan) during the 1971 War. 200px|Lt. Gen. A.A.K Niazi signs the instrument of surrender, handing over his troops to Lt. Gen. Jagjit Singh Aurora, Commander of Indian forces in East Pakistan Defence Minister A. K Antony, alongwith the three Service Chiefs laid wreaths at the Eternal Flame at India Gate, in honour of the country's matyrs. A programme presented by the National Cadet Corps was followed by a Tri-Service Band performance at the National Stadium. General Officer Commanding (GOC) of the Army's Sringar-based 15 Corps, Lt. Gen. A S Sekhon paid tribute to India's war-heroes sayingt , "Vijay Diwas is dedicated to the memory of soldiers who laid down their lives for the country since independence and is an echo of remembering the war martyrs." He also commanded the 1971 operation as one the Indian military's most maginificent achievements.
The Indian Army observed Vijay Diwas, marking the defeat of the Pakistani military and the formation of the independent state of Bangladesh (then called East Pakistan) in the 1971 Indo-Pakistan War. 200px|Lt. Gen. A.A.K Niazi signs the instrument of surrender, handing over his troops to Lt. Gen. Jagjit Singh Aurora, Commander of Indian forces in East Pakistan Defence Minister A. K Antony, along with the three Service Chiefs laid wreaths at the Eternal Flame at India Gate, in honour of the country's matyrs. A programme presented by the National Cadet Corps was followed by a Tri-Service Band performance at the National Stadium. General Officer Commanding (GOC) of the Army's Sringar-based 15 Corps, Lt. Gen. A S Sekhon paid tribute to India's war-heroes saying , "Vijay Diwas is dedicated to the memory of soldiers who laid down their lives for the country since independence and is an echo of remembering the war martyrs." He also commended the 1971 operation as one the Indian military's most magnificent achievements.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "indepenent", "after": "independent", "start_char_pos": 108, "end_char_pos": 118, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "during", "after": "in", "start_char_pos": 167, "end_char_pos": 173, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "Indo-Pakistan", "start_char_pos": 183, "end_char_pos": 183, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "alongwith", "after": "along with", "start_char_pos": 382, "end_char_pos": 391, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "sayingt", "after": "saying", "start_char_pos": 749, "end_char_pos": 756, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "commanded", "after": "commended", "start_char_pos": 928, "end_char_pos": 937, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "style", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "maginificent", "after": "magnificent", "start_char_pos": 991, "end_char_pos": 1003, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] } ]
[ 0, 198, 500, 622, 702, 919 ]
New Zealand has been given extra time to prepare for the two week event with the postponement of the championships start until November instead of the planned date of July . New Zealand's netball team, Silver Ferns, coach, Ruth Aitken, said that the time they have to prepare is usually when the team has its rest period. However she is delighted New Zealand is the hosts . Netball New Zealand has not yet announced the venue where the championships will be played but have announced that it will be either Auckland or Christchurch. Don Mackinnon, chair of the Netball New Zealand board, said that other venues are not being considered because it would become too difficult because of the time constraints. The decision will be announced in a couple of weeks. New Zealand are the current world champions as they won the last championships held in Jamaica. New Zealand had held a championship in 1999. Australia was unable to host the championships as they could not prepare in the allocated time. Jamacia and England both showed interest in hosting the championships.
New Zealand has been given extra time to prepare for the two week event , with the postponement of the championship's start from July to November. Ruth Aitken, coach of New Zealand's netball team, the Silver Ferns, said that the time they have to prepare is usually when the team has its rest period. However she is delighted that New Zealand is the host . Netball New Zealand has not yet announced the venue where the championships will be played but have announced that it will be either Auckland or Christchurch. Don Mackinnon, chair of the Netball New Zealand board, said that other venues are not being considered because it would become too difficult because of the time constraints. The decision will be announced within the next couple weeks. New Zealand are the current world champions since winning the last championships held in Jamaica. New Zealand also held the championship in 1999. Australia was unable to host the championships as they could not prepare in the allocated time. Jamaica and England both showed interest in hosting the championships.
[ { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": ",", "start_char_pos": 72, "end_char_pos": 72, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "championships start until November instead of the planned date of July .", "after": "championship's start from July to November. Ruth Aitken, coach of", "start_char_pos": 102, "end_char_pos": 174, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "meaning-changed", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "the", "start_char_pos": 203, "end_char_pos": 203, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "coach, Ruth Aitken,", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 218, "end_char_pos": 237, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "that", "start_char_pos": 349, "end_char_pos": 349, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "hosts", "after": "host", "start_char_pos": 369, "end_char_pos": 374, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "in a couple of", "after": "within the next couple", "start_char_pos": 741, "end_char_pos": 755, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "style", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "as they won", "after": "since winning", "start_char_pos": 807, "end_char_pos": 818, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "had held a", "after": "also held the", "start_char_pos": 871, "end_char_pos": 881, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Jamacia", "after": "Jamaica", "start_char_pos": 1000, "end_char_pos": 1007, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] } ]
[ 0, 174, 323, 535, 709, 762, 858, 903, 999 ]
Donor highlighted on New Zealand driver licence. Figures released today show that the number URLans donated by New Zealanders in 2006 has decreased by four to the new record low of 25. In 2005 the number URLans donated equalled 29, a previous record low in New Zealand. Doctor Jackie Blue, National member of Parliament, has partnered with Mr Tookey and together they have proposed a change to the current law and is against the current law change proposal by the government, which he claims will give more power to reduce the donor rate . Mr Tookey said that the government's proposal gives the power of other people to "veto your wish to be a donor." New Zealand is in between Iceland and Mexico for the amount URLans donated. Spain, America and the United Kingdom are the top three countries for URLans with 25 donors per million population, 21 donors and 10.7 donors respectively.
Donor highlighted on New Zealand driver licence. Figures released today show that the number URLans donated by New Zealanders in 2006 has decreased by four to a new record low of 25. In 2005 the number URLans donated equalled 29, a previous record low in New Zealand. Doctor Jackie Blue, National member of Parliament, and Mr Tookey have together proposed a change to the current law , in opposition to the latest change in the law proposed by the government, which he claims will give more power to help reverse the decline URLan donations . Mr Tookey said that the government's proposal bestows power upon others to "veto your wish to be a donor." In world league tables URLan donations, New Zealand currently stands between Iceland and Mexico for the numbers URLans donated. Spain, the United States, and the United Kingdom top the table, with 25 donors per million population, 21 donors and 10.7 donors respectively.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "the", "after": "a", "start_char_pos": 159, "end_char_pos": 162, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "has partnered with Mr Tookey and together they have", "after": "and Mr Tookey have together", "start_char_pos": 321, "end_char_pos": 372, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "and is against the current law change proposal", "after": ", in opposition to the latest change in the law proposed", "start_char_pos": 410, "end_char_pos": 456, "major_intent": "style", "raw_intents": [ "style", "style", "style" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "reduce the donor rate", "after": "help reverse the decline URLan donations", "start_char_pos": 516, "end_char_pos": 537, "major_intent": "style", "raw_intents": [ "style", "style", "style" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "gives the power of other people", "after": "bestows power upon others", "start_char_pos": 586, "end_char_pos": 617, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "style", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "New Zealand is in", "after": "In world league tables URLan donations, New Zealand currently stands", "start_char_pos": 653, "end_char_pos": 670, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "amount", "after": "numbers", "start_char_pos": 706, "end_char_pos": 712, "major_intent": "style", "raw_intents": [ "style", "style", "style" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "America", "after": "the United States,", "start_char_pos": 736, "end_char_pos": 743, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "are the top three countries for URLans", "after": "top the table,", "start_char_pos": 767, "end_char_pos": 805, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] } ]
[ 0, 48, 184, 269, 539, 652, 728 ]
A serial killer found on Mumbai's streets killed another person last night; making him one of five young men murdered . The body of a 20-year-old unidentified man was found in a secluded spot on the railway tracks between Churchgate and Grant Road . His head crushed by a 10 kg stone. A senior police official said that they had found food at the crime scene, indicating that the victim had been offered it before being bludgeoned.
A serial killer on Mumbai's streets killed yet another person last night; making the latter one of five young men murdered recently . The body of a 20-year-old unidentified man was found in a secluded spot on the railway tracks between Churchgate and Grant Road , his head was crushed by a 10 kg stone. A senior police official said that they had found food at the crime scene, indicating that the victim had been offered it before being bludgeoned.
[ { "type": "D", "before": "found", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 16, "end_char_pos": 21, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "yet", "start_char_pos": 49, "end_char_pos": 49, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "coherence", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "him", "after": "the latter", "start_char_pos": 84, "end_char_pos": 87, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "recently", "start_char_pos": 119, "end_char_pos": 119, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "clarity", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": ". His head", "after": ", his head was", "start_char_pos": 250, "end_char_pos": 260, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "coherence", "coherence" ] } ]
[ 0, 76, 121, 286 ]
The heavy fuel oil that is leaking from the beached Italian ship is extremly dangerous for the environment and the fear for pollution was getting bigger after the ship was further damaged after storms last Thursday. MSC Napoli was beached by Devon coastguards after it suffered heavy structual damage in the gale force storms on ThursdayJanuary 18 2007 which wreaked havoc across Northern Europe. The ship, which contains 160 containers of hazardous chemical substances is listing at 35 degrees.
The heavy fuel oil that is leaking from the beached Italian ship is extremely dangerous for the environment . Fear of pollution increased after the ship was further damaged during storms last Thursday. MSC Napoli was beached by Devon coastguards after it suffered heavy structual damage in the gale force storms of Thursday, 18 January 2007 , that wreaked havoc across Northern Europe. The ship, which contains 160 containers of hazardous chemical substances , is listing at 35 degrees.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "extremly", "after": "extremely", "start_char_pos": 68, "end_char_pos": 76, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "and the fear for pollution was getting bigger", "after": ". Fear of pollution increased", "start_char_pos": 107, "end_char_pos": 152, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "after", "after": "during", "start_char_pos": 188, "end_char_pos": 193, "major_intent": "style", "raw_intents": [ "style", "coherence", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "on ThursdayJanuary", "after": "of Thursday,", "start_char_pos": 326, "end_char_pos": 344, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "January", "start_char_pos": 348, "end_char_pos": 348, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "which", "after": ", that", "start_char_pos": 354, "end_char_pos": 359, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": ",", "start_char_pos": 471, "end_char_pos": 471, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "coherence" ] } ]
[ 0, 215, 397 ]
Rodreick attempted to use fake admissions documents and a fake birth certificate to enroll into the charter school. Authorities are charging Rodreick with misdemeanor assault, failure to register as a sex offender in Arizona, posessing forgery devices, conspiracy to commit forgery, and conspriacy to commit fraud. Police are also saying that Rodreick fooled two other men into believeing he was 12 years old.
Rodreick attempted to use fake admissions documents and a fake birth certificate to enroll into the charter school. Authorities are charging Rodreick with misdemeanor assault, failure to register as a sex offender in Arizona, possessing forgery devices, conspiracy to commit forgery, and conspiracy to commit fraud. Police are also saying that Rodreick fooled two other men into believing he was 12 years old.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "posessing", "after": "possessing", "start_char_pos": 226, "end_char_pos": 235, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "clarity", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "conspriacy", "after": "conspiracy", "start_char_pos": 287, "end_char_pos": 297, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "believeing", "after": "believing", "start_char_pos": 378, "end_char_pos": 388, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] } ]
[ 0, 115, 314 ]
The new building in Second Life will be designed to look like the current embassy in Washington. People like Ailin Graef a.k.a. Anshe Chung have developed virtual bussinesses in Second Life, and earn thousands of real dollars there. The embassy would not provide visa or perform diplomatic tasks, but would provide information on how and where to get these documents in the real world, as well as giving cultural and touristic information about the country. Visitors will also be able to chat with embassy personnel. A spokesperson explained that it would be an easy and cheap way to reach young people. The idea came from The Swedish Institute, an agency of the Foreign Affairs Ministry of Sweden with providing information about Sweden as a key purpose. The "House of Sweden" as it will be called, will be modeled on the new Swedish embassy in Washington with the same name. The opening is expected in a few weeks.
The new building in Second Life will be designed to look like the current embassy in Washington. People like Ailin Graef a.k.a. Anshe Chung have developed virtual businesses in Second Life, and earn thousands of real dollars there. The embassy would not provide visa or perform diplomatic tasks, but would provide information on how and where to get these documents in the real world, as well as giving cultural and tourist information about the country. Visitors will also be able to chat with embassy personnel. A spokesperson explained that it would be an easy and cheap way to reach young people. The idea came from The Swedish Institute, an agency of the Foreign Affairs Ministry of Sweden with providing information about Sweden as a key purpose. The "House of Sweden" as it will be called, will be modelled on the new Swedish embassy in Washington with the same name. The opening is expected in a few weeks.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "bussinesses", "after": "businesses", "start_char_pos": 163, "end_char_pos": 174, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "touristic", "after": "tourist", "start_char_pos": 417, "end_char_pos": 426, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "modeled", "after": "modelled", "start_char_pos": 808, "end_char_pos": 815, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] } ]
[ 0, 96, 127, 232, 457, 516, 603, 755, 876 ]
Microsoft Windows XP logo. In Russia, Microsoft decided to press charges against a teacher for using pirated copies of Microsoft software on school computers. The teacher, Mr. Alexander Ponosov, pleaded not guilty and claimed that he purchased the computer along with the software it came with legally, without knowing that the computer was loaded with pirated software. The Russian president criticized the move by Microsoft against the teacher, saying it was "ridiculous" to arrest someone for using computers and that the distributors of pirated software should be targeted rather than users. Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev also urged Microsoft to drop the suit , asking Microsoft's mercy for the teacher and adding that the teacher, if convicted, may face "imprisonment in Siberian camps".
Microsoft Windows XP logo. Russian prosecutors have charged a school headmaster with using pirated copies of Microsoft software on school computers. The teacher, Mr. Alexander Ponosov, pleaded not guilty and claimed that he did not know that the purchased computers were loaded with pirated software. The Russian president criticized the move against the teacher, saying it was "ridiculous" to arrest someone for using computers and that the distributors of pirated software should be targeted rather than users. Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev also urged Microsoft to intercede in the case , asking Microsoft's mercy for the teacher and adding that the teacher, if convicted, may face "imprisonment in Siberian camps".
[ { "type": "R", "before": "In Russia, Microsoft decided to press charges against a teacher for", "after": "Russian prosecutors have charged a school headmaster with", "start_char_pos": 27, "end_char_pos": 94, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "purchased the computer along with the software it came with legally, without knowing that the computer was", "after": "did not know that the purchased computers were", "start_char_pos": 234, "end_char_pos": 340, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "by Microsoft", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 413, "end_char_pos": 425, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "drop the suit", "after": "intercede in the case", "start_char_pos": 659, "end_char_pos": 672, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "clarity", "clarity" ] } ]
[ 0, 26, 158, 370, 595 ]
TVNZ's logo. The state broadcaster of New Zealand, Television New Zealand (TVNZ), has announced its plans to fire 160 people because they have falling revenue, mainly from their NZ$9.3 million advertising loss. The layoffs have been expected since late last year where he annouced it to a paliamentry select committee. In two weeks time, staff will be asked what they think of the proposed changes, which also includes a top level management restructing .
TVNZ's logo. The state broadcaster of New Zealand, Television New Zealand (TVNZ), has announced its plans to fire at least 160 people because they have falling revenue, mainly from their NZ$9.3 million advertising loss. The lay-offs have been expected since late last year where he announced it to a parliamentary select committee. In two weeks time, staff will be asked what they think of the proposed changes, which also includes a top level management restructuring .
[ { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "at least", "start_char_pos": 114, "end_char_pos": 114, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "layoffs", "after": "lay-offs", "start_char_pos": 216, "end_char_pos": 223, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "annouced", "after": "announced", "start_char_pos": 273, "end_char_pos": 281, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "paliamentry", "after": "parliamentary", "start_char_pos": 290, "end_char_pos": 301, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "restructing", "after": "restructuring", "start_char_pos": 443, "end_char_pos": 454, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] } ]
[ 0, 12, 211, 319 ]
The theme of this years lantern festival revolves around the 12 year Chinese zodiac cycles year of the pig. It's round shape symbolizes wealth and good fortune and is believed to bring good luck. Local public transportation hubs are often swamped by the event. The station staff at Chiang Kai Shek Memorial Hall Station do an excellent job of crowd control but lines for the subway can still be hours long and very exhausting. A sudden rain storm on Sunday night (March 4)caused a mass exodus of people to head for the station prompting lines that backed up into the street. The ccommuting crowds can be avoided however by walking from NTU Hospital Station or Shandao Station. Both of these stops are only about a 20 minute walk from the event and have no crowds at all. If you really want to avoid the crowds, definitely avoid the weekends. Wait until the fourth or fifth day of the festival when the crowds will have dwindled. I visited the festival on Saturday night, the opening night, and there was literally a sea of people in the square. I went back the next Tuesday night and there was almost no one there . Just a few stray photographers taking advantage of the unimpeded views of the lanterns. The festival runs through March 11 this year.
The theme of this years lantern festival revolves around the 12 year Chinese zodiac cycles year of the pig. Its round shape symbolizes wealth and good fortune and is believed to bring good luck. Local public transportation hubs are often swamped by the event. The station staff at Chiang Kai Shek Memorial Hall Station do an excellent job of crowd control but lines for the subway can still be hours long and very exhausting. A sudden rain storm on Sunday night (March 4)caused a mass exodus of people to head for the station prompting lines that backed up into the street. The commuting crowds can be avoided however by walking from NTU Hospital Station or Shandao Station. Both of these stops are only about a 20 minute walk from the event and have no crowds at all. If you really want to avoid the crowds, definitely avoid the weekends. Wait until the fourth or fifth day of the festival when the crowds will have dwindled. I visited the festival on Saturday night, the opening night, and there was a sea of people in the square. I went back the next Tuesday night and there was almost no one there , just a few stray photographers taking advantage of the unimpeded views of the lanterns. The festival runs through March 11 this year.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "It's", "after": "Its", "start_char_pos": 108, "end_char_pos": 112, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "ccommuting", "after": "commuting", "start_char_pos": 579, "end_char_pos": 589, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "literally", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 1004, "end_char_pos": 1013, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": ". Just", "after": ", just", "start_char_pos": 1114, "end_char_pos": 1120, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "fluency", "fluency" ] } ]
[ 0, 107, 195, 260, 426, 574, 676, 770, 841, 928, 1044, 1203 ]
When Randal L. Schwartz was accused, the court sentenced him to pay Intel a restitution, estimated at $68,000. Then the hacker was imposed to spend five years of probation and 480 hours of community service. In addition the court sentenced Schwartz to 90 days of deferred jail time. All in all the legal bills of the former Intel contractor exceeded $ 170,000. After more than a decade he appealed to a Democratic governor and on February 2007 a court from Oregon expunged his conviction. The hacker stated that it will take some time for him to absorb the result. The 13-year journey still keeps him in shock.
When Randal L. Schwartz was accused, the court sentenced him to pay Intel a restitution, estimated at US$68,000. Then the hacker was imposed to spend five years of probation and 480 hours of community service. In addition, the court sentenced Schwartz to 90 days of deferred jail time. All in all, the legal bills of the former Intel contractor exceeded US$ 170,000. After more than a decade , he appealed to a Democratic governor . In February 2007 a court in Oregon expunged his conviction. Schwartz stated that it will take some time for him to absorb the result. The 13-year journey still keeps him in shock.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "$68,000. Then the hacker was imposed to spend five years of probation and 480 hours of community service. In addition the court sentenced Schwartz to 90 days of deferred jail time. All in all the legal bills of the former Intel contractor exceeded $", "after": "US$68,000. Then the hacker was imposed to spend five years of probation and 480 hours of community service. In addition, the court sentenced Schwartz to 90 days of deferred jail time. All in all, the legal bills of the former Intel contractor exceeded US$", "start_char_pos": 102, "end_char_pos": 351, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "style" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": ",", "start_char_pos": 386, "end_char_pos": 386, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "and on", "after": ". In", "start_char_pos": 424, "end_char_pos": 430, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "coherence", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "from", "after": "in", "start_char_pos": 453, "end_char_pos": 457, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "fluency", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "The hacker", "after": "Schwartz", "start_char_pos": 490, "end_char_pos": 500, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] } ]
[ 0, 110, 207, 282, 360, 489, 565 ]
A bill on death penalty for repeated child sex offenders was given preliminary approval by Texas House of Representatives. The bill is called Jessica's Law, after a Florida girl who was hijacked and killed by sexual assaulters . The lawmakers voted to set up a new category of crime: repeated sexual offence of a child or children. This category of crime carries 25 years in prison or capital punishment for a repeated sexual abuse of a child. The bill implies a so called Romeo and Juliet exception that is intended to avoid prosecuting high school romances.
A bill on death penalty for repeated child sex offenders was given preliminary approval by Texas House of Representatives. The bill is called Jessica's Law, after a nine-year old Florida girl who was raped and murdered by John Couey, who had a prior history of sexual assault on minors . The lawmakers voted to set up a new category of crime: repeated sexual assault on a child or children. This category of crime carries 25 years in prison or capital punishment for a repeated sexual abuse of a child. The bill implies a so called " Romeo and Juliet exception that is intended to avoid prosecuting high school romances.
[ { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "nine-year old", "start_char_pos": 165, "end_char_pos": 165, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "hijacked and killed by sexual assaulters", "after": "raped and murdered by John Couey, who had a prior history of sexual assault on minors", "start_char_pos": 187, "end_char_pos": 227, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "offence of", "after": "assault on", "start_char_pos": 301, "end_char_pos": 311, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "\"", "start_char_pos": 474, "end_char_pos": 474, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] } ]
[ 0, 122, 229, 332, 444 ]
Again, while this may imply that the agency is unable to process all returns - even ones filed on paper - that is not explicitly stated, e.g . don't get your hopes up that you'll get away with a long delay in filing. An article in The Globe and Mail
Again, while this may imply that the agency is unable to process all returns - even ones filed on paper - that is not explicitly stated, i.e . don't get your hopes up that you'll get away with a long delay in filing. An article in The Globe and Mail
[ { "type": "R", "before": "e.g", "after": "i.e", "start_char_pos": 137, "end_char_pos": 140, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "clarity", "clarity" ] } ]
[ 0, 216 ]
The Agency's electronic systems apparently transposed the birth date and the user's Social Insurance Number (the Canadian equivalent to the U.S. Social Security Number) and thus corrupted all electronic databases. A reference to the incident in the news aggregator site Slashdot%DIFDELCMD < %DIFDELCMD < %%% states that no returns - not even paper ones - can be accepted, " paper based returns will be stacking up in the mail room, as returns cannot be filed at all until the problem is fixed. " This could be inferred from the first paragraph of the article in the Star, which reads "a problem with electronic filing is making it impossible even to submit tax returns to the Canada Revenue Agency." The remainder of the article in the Star says nothing about their system for accepting paperreturns, only about the on-line and telephone systems. A check of the taxing authority's website regarding the issue states "We have temporarily shut down public access to electronic services to ensure the integrity of taxpayer information." and that "We have now traced the source of the problem to software maintenance conducted on March 4, 2007. We are currently working to bring all systems back online gradually." Again, while this may imply that the agency is unable to process all returns - even ones filed on paper - that is not explicitly stated, i.e. don't get your hopes up that you'll get away with a long delay in filing. An article in The Globe and Mail states that taxpayers "can wait for Netfile to return to service, or they can print their returns and mail them to the CRA" which indicates that the paper-based systems are unaffected . The deadline for Canadians to submit tax returns is April 30. CRA IT specialists are working on the computer system and have traced the source of the problem to software maintenance conducted on March 4, 2007. The CRA indicates it is too soon to speculate on whether the filing deadline will be extended. They expect to restore all services, including EFile and Netfile, well in advance of the filing deadline.
%DIFDELCMD < %DIFDELCMD < %%% A fact sheet from the CRA states that " until the problem is resolved, we cannot process returns filed on paper, or returns filed electronically before the system interruption. Refunds will be delayed until processing is resumed " . A check of the taxing authority's website regarding the issue states "We have temporarily shut down public access to electronic services to ensure the integrity of taxpayer information." and that "We have now traced the source of the problem to software maintenance conducted on March 4, 2007. We are currently working to bring all systems back online gradually." An article in The Globe and Mail states that taxpayers "can wait for Netfile to return to service, or they can print their returns and mail them to the CRA" , which will be processed when the computer glitch is resolved . The deadline for Canadians to submit tax returns is April 30. The CRA indicates it is too soon to speculate on whether the filing deadline will be extended. They expect to restore all services, including EFile and Netfile, well in advance of the filing deadline.
[ { "type": "D", "before": "The Agency's electronic systems apparently transposed the birth date and the user's Social Insurance Number (the Canadian equivalent to the U.S. Social Security Number) and thus corrupted all electronic databases.", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 0, "end_char_pos": 213, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "coherence", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "A reference to the incident in the news aggregator site Slashdot", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 214, "end_char_pos": 278, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "coherence", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "states that no returns - not even paper ones - can be accepted,", "after": "A fact sheet from the CRA states that", "start_char_pos": 308, "end_char_pos": 371, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "paper based returns will be stacking up in the mail room, as returns cannot be filed at all", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 374, "end_char_pos": 465, "major_intent": "style", "raw_intents": [ "style", "coherence", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "fixed.", "after": "resolved, we cannot process returns filed on paper, or returns filed electronically before the system interruption. Refunds will be delayed until processing is resumed", "start_char_pos": 487, "end_char_pos": 493, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "This could be inferred from the first paragraph of the article in the Star, which reads \"a problem with electronic filing is making it impossible even to submit tax returns to the Canada Revenue Agency.\"", "after": ".", "start_char_pos": 496, "end_char_pos": 699, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "The remainder of the article in the Star says nothing about their system for accepting paperreturns, only about the on-line and telephone systems.", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 700, "end_char_pos": 846, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "coherence", "others" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "Again, while this may imply that the agency is unable to process all returns - even ones filed on paper - that is not explicitly stated, i.e. don't get your hopes up that you'll get away with a long delay in filing.", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 1211, "end_char_pos": 1426, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "coherence", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "which indicates that the paper-based systems are unaffected", "after": ", which will be processed when the computer glitch is resolved", "start_char_pos": 1584, "end_char_pos": 1643, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "CRA IT specialists are working on the computer system and have traced the source of the problem to software maintenance conducted on March 4, 2007.", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 1708, "end_char_pos": 1855, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "coherence", "clarity" ] } ]
[ 0, 213, 493, 699, 846, 1140, 1210, 1426, 1645, 1855, 1950 ]
A 34 year old obstetrician from Forestville on Sydney's Northern Beaches has escaped after he was robbed, car-jacked and locked in the boot (trunk) while his BMW was set alight. Police say the Doctor was in locked in the boot while his car was set alight, but was allowed to escape before flames engulfed the vehicle. Police allege that the men drove to several locations to withdraw cash and buy things before driving to Carisbook Street in Linley Point at around 4 AM where they set the car alight with the doctor still in the boot. Crime Manager of the Harbourside Local Area Command, Detective Inspector Houlahan said " He heard a click in the boot area and he heard someone call out: 'Get out of the car'" Det Insp Houlahan said the doctor told police he did not unlock the boot himself, and it appeared the man's captors unlocked it before fleeing. He could only provide police with a vague description of his captors, but said the men were both caucasian males aged in their 20s, and that one of them was about six feet tall (183cm) with short blond hair and medium build said Det Insp Houlahan.
A 34 year old obstetrician from Forestville on Sydney's Northern Beaches has escaped after he was robbed, car-jacked and locked in the boot (trunk) of his BMW, which was set alight. Police say the doctor was locked in the boot while his car was set alight, but was allowed to escape before flames engulfed the vehicle. Police allege that the men drove to several locations to withdraw cash and buy things before driving to Carisbook Street in Linley Point at around 4 a.m. local time where they set the car alight with the doctor still in the boot. Crime Manager of the Harbourside Local Area Command, Detective Inspector Houlahan said that the doctor then " heard a click in the boot area and he heard someone call out: 'Get out of the car'" Det . Insp. Houlahan said the doctor told police he did not unlock the boot himself, and it appeared the man's captors unlocked it before fleeing. He could only provide police with a vague description of his captors, but said the men were both Caucasian males aged in their 20s, and that one of them was about six feet tall (183cm) with short blond hair and medium build said Det . Insp. Houlahan.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "while his BMW", "after": "of his BMW, which", "start_char_pos": 148, "end_char_pos": 161, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "fluency", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Doctor was in", "after": "doctor was", "start_char_pos": 193, "end_char_pos": 206, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "style", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "AM", "after": "a.m. local time", "start_char_pos": 467, "end_char_pos": 469, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "style", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "that the doctor then", "start_char_pos": 622, "end_char_pos": 622, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "clarity", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "He", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 625, "end_char_pos": 627, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "coherence", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Insp", "after": ". Insp.", "start_char_pos": 716, "end_char_pos": 720, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "caucasian", "after": "Caucasian", "start_char_pos": 953, "end_char_pos": 962, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Insp", "after": ". Insp.", "start_char_pos": 1089, "end_char_pos": 1093, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] } ]
[ 0, 177, 317, 534, 855 ]
Campus map with important locations highlited . The shootings on Monday were in two separate locations, and occurred two hours apart. The first took place at 07:15 (12:15 UTC), at West Ambler Johnston Hall dormitory. Then, at about 09:15 (14:15 UTC), 30 people were killed in the second shooting, about half a mile (800 metres) from the first at the Norris Hall classroom building, on the same campus. Bodies were found in four classrooms and a stairwell, according to Virginia state police superintendent Col. Steve Flaherty. Some students complained that they had received no warning from the university until an e-mail alert sent more than two hours after the first incident. The university has suspended classroom courses for one week, and Norris Hall will remain closed for the rest of the semester. University offficials have expressed an interest in developing a text messaging alert system where persons can add their phone number to a list for notification in the event that incidents may warrant the use of caution or extra attention. Witness reports from the Norris Hall classroom building Norris Hall, the building at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, where most of the shooting occured .Image courtesy of Christopher First-year student Erin Sheehan was one of the only 4 students coming out of the shooting in the German class unharmed. Erin explained how "(The gunman) peeked in twice, earlier in the lesson, like he was looking for someone, somebody, before he started shooting."
Campus map with important locations highlighted . The shootings on Monday were in two separate locations, and occurred two hours apart. The first took place at 07:15 (12:15 UTC), at West Ambler Johnston Hall dormitory. Then, at about 09:15 (14:15 UTC), 30 people were killed in the second shooting, about half a mile (800 metres) from the first at the Norris Hall classroom building, on the same campus. Bodies were found in four classrooms and a stairwell, according to Virginia state police superintendent Col. Steve Flaherty. Some students complained that they had received no warning from the university until an e-mail alert sent more than two hours after the first incident. The university has suspended classroom courses for one week, and Norris Hall will remain closed for the rest of the semester. University officials have expressed an interest in developing a text messaging alert system where persons can add their phone number to a list for notification in the event that incidents may warrant the use of caution or extra attention. Witness reports from the Norris Hall classroom building Norris Hall, the building at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, where most of the shooting occurred .Image courtesy of Christopher First-year student Erin Sheehan was one of the only 4 students coming out of the shooting in the German class unharmed. Erin explained how "(The gunman) peeked in twice, earlier in the lesson, like he was looking for someone, somebody, before he started shooting."
[ { "type": "R", "before": "highlited", "after": "highlighted", "start_char_pos": 36, "end_char_pos": 45, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "offficials", "after": "officials", "start_char_pos": 816, "end_char_pos": 826, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "occured", "after": "occurred", "start_char_pos": 1210, "end_char_pos": 1217, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] } ]
[ 0, 47, 133, 216, 401, 510, 526, 678, 804, 1044, 1219, 1368 ]
New Zealanders will have more time for sunbathing with the extension of daylight savings. The New Zealand Government has announced that the daylight savings period has been extended by three weeks to run for 27 weeks . Clocks will be brought forward one hour one week earlier on the last Sunday of September , and two weeks later on the first Sunday of April .
New Zealanders will have more time for sunbathing with the extension of daylight savings. The New Zealand Government has announced that the daylight savings period has been extended by three weeks . Clocks will be brought forward by one hour for 27 weeks in a year beginning on the last Sunday of September ( a week earlier than before), and ending on the first Sunday of April (two weeks later) .
[ { "type": "D", "before": "to run for 27 weeks", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 197, "end_char_pos": 216, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "one hour one week earlier", "after": "by one hour for 27 weeks in a year beginning", "start_char_pos": 250, "end_char_pos": 275, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "style", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": ", and two weeks later", "after": "( a week earlier than before), and ending", "start_char_pos": 308, "end_char_pos": 329, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "(two weeks later)", "start_char_pos": 359, "end_char_pos": 359, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "style", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] } ]
[ 0, 89 ]
New Zealanders will have more time for sunbathing with the extension of daylight savings . The New Zealand Government has announced that the daylight savings period has been extended by three weeks. Clocks will be brought forward by one hour for 27 weeks in a year beginning a week earlier on the last Sunday of September and ending on the first Sunday of April. The Department of Internal Affairs and the Internal Affairs minister, Rick Barker, also received a lot of support for a change, including from the Federated Farmers. Farmers had usually opposed a change to the daylight savings period because it hampered with operations. Helen Clark, the Prime Minister of New Zealand, stated that she personally did not support a change to the start of daylight savings in March. However the main reason that the start was altered was to avoid clashes with the fourth school term. Rick Barker says that they will be working with various companies in the information technology sector to make sure computers are updated and ready for the first new daylight savings period change since 1990. The United States and Canada have both also recently extended their daylight savings to a 34-week period.
New Zealanders will have more time for sunbathing with the extension of daylight saving . The New Zealand Government has announced that the daylight saving period has been extended by three weeks. Clocks will be brought forward by one hour for 27 weeks in a year beginning a week earlier on the last Sunday of September and ending on the first Sunday of April. The Department of Internal Affairs and the Internal Affairs minister, Rick Barker, also received a lot of support for a change, including from the Federated Farmers. Farmers had usually opposed a change to the daylight saving period because it hampered with operations. Helen Clark, the Prime Minister of New Zealand, stated that she personally did not support a change to the start of daylight saving in March. However the main reason that the start was altered was to avoid clashes with the fourth school term. Rick Barker says that they will be working with various companies in the information technology sector to make sure computers are updated and ready for the first new daylight saving period change since 1990. The United States and Canada have both also recently extended their daylight saving to a 34-week period.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "savings", "after": "saving", "start_char_pos": 81, "end_char_pos": 88, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "savings", "after": "saving", "start_char_pos": 150, "end_char_pos": 157, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "style", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "savings", "after": "saving", "start_char_pos": 582, "end_char_pos": 589, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "style", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "savings", "after": "saving", "start_char_pos": 759, "end_char_pos": 766, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "savings", "after": "saving", "start_char_pos": 1053, "end_char_pos": 1060, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "savings", "after": "saving", "start_char_pos": 1164, "end_char_pos": 1171, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "style", "fluency", "fluency" ] } ]
[ 0, 90, 198, 362, 528, 633, 776, 877, 1086 ]
"The dead included a 4-year-old boy, who was sleeping with his mother when the earth-built walls of their house collapsed in the quake and buried him and half of the body of his mother ," the Xinhua News Agency said. "The mother was rescued but the boy was killed." "The earthquake has left two people dead, 15 seriously injured and 192 slightly hurt in ( Ning'er ) county. Some houses near the county collapsed and roads are destroyed . The communication network, and water and power supplies to the county, are also affected," Reuters quoted rescue officials as saying. Ning'er county is home to 190,000 people.
"The dead included a 4-year-old boy, who was sleeping with his mother when the earth-built walls of their house collapsed in the quake and buried him and half of the body of his mother the boy is dead now. ," the Xinhua News Agency said. "The mother was rescued but the boy was killed." "The earthquake has left two people dead, seriously injured and 192 slightly hurt in ( Ninger ) county. Some houses near the county collapsed and roads are destroyed , and the communication network, and water and power supplies to that county, are also affected," Reuters quoted rescue officials as saying. (Ninger)country is home to 190,000 people.
[ { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "the boy is dead now.", "start_char_pos": 185, "end_char_pos": 185, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "15", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 309, "end_char_pos": 311, "major_intent": "style", "raw_intents": [ "style", "style", "others" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Ning'er", "after": "Ninger", "start_char_pos": 357, "end_char_pos": 364, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": ". The", "after": ", and the", "start_char_pos": 437, "end_char_pos": 442, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "style", "coherence", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "the", "after": "that", "start_char_pos": 498, "end_char_pos": 501, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Ning'er county", "after": "(Ninger)country", "start_char_pos": 573, "end_char_pos": 587, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] } ]
[ 0, 217, 374, 438, 572 ]
President Bush and President Putin sign the Strategic Offensive Reductions Treaty in 2002. Just one day before the G8 summit, a testy situation involving Russian President Vladimir Putin and United States President URLe W. Bush has flared up yet again with President Bush criticizing Russia for "derailing" its promised democratic reforms. President Bush also attacked China in this speech, saying that "[China's leaders] believe that they can continue to open the nation's economy without also opening its political system". Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskovsaid that Russia "cannot agree on his declaration about the derailing of democratic reforms", adding that "Russia is a democratic country that shares common world and common European values." Bush has stated that Russia is not an enemy and that "the Cold War is over."
President Bush and President Putin sign the Strategic Offensive Reductions Treaty in 2002. Just one day before the G8 summit, a battle in the media between Russian President Vladimir Putin and United States President URLe W. Bush continued as President Bush criticized Russia for "derailing" its promised democratic reforms. President Bush also criticized China in this speech, saying that "[China's leaders] believe that they can continue to open the nation's economy without also opening its political system". Kremlin spokesperson, Dmitry Peskov, said Russia "cannot agree on his declaration about the derailing of democratic reforms", adding that "Russia is a democratic country that shares common world and common European values." Bush stated that Russia is not an enemy and that "the Cold War is over."
[ { "type": "R", "before": "testy situation involving", "after": "battle in the media between", "start_char_pos": 128, "end_char_pos": 153, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "has flared up yet again with President Bush criticizing", "after": "continued as President Bush criticized", "start_char_pos": 228, "end_char_pos": 283, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "attacked", "after": "criticized", "start_char_pos": 360, "end_char_pos": 368, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "spokesman Dmitry Peskovsaid that", "after": "spokesperson, Dmitry Peskov, said", "start_char_pos": 534, "end_char_pos": 566, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "has", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 754, "end_char_pos": 757, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "fluency", "coherence" ] } ]
[ 0, 90, 339, 525, 748 ]
Debbie Gerbich, who was involved in consensual group sex sessions with former and serving New Zealand police officers in 2001, has been found dead. One of those former police officers on a videotape made during the group sex sessions was convicted of rape but acquitted in two high profile trials dating back to historic sex allegations involving police officers serving in Rotorua in the 1980s. The New Zealand Herald revealed the identity of Mrs Gerbich on Sunday 31 March after she gave a rival newspaper access to the videotape made in 2001. The Sunday News had published information revealing the existence of the videotape but did not reveal her identity. Mrs Gerbich was reported by the Sunday News to have been devastated after her name was subsequently published by the New Zealand Herald. Mrs Gerbich claimed to have received intimidating emails from a New Zealand Herald journalist after she refused to speak with them. It is not known how exactly the New Zealand Herald learned her identity and that she was being interviewed as part of police operation Austin investigating the historic sex allegations . The cause of death has not been released although it is believed to be suicide .
Debbie Gerbich, who was involved in consensual group sex sessions with former and serving New Zealand police officers in 2001, committed suicide on June 6, 2007. One of those former police officers on a videotape made during the group sex sessions was convicted of rape but acquitted in two high profile trials dating back to historic sex allegations involving police officers serving in Rotorua in the 1980s. The New Zealand Herald revealed the identity of Mrs Gerbich on Sunday 31 March after she gave a rival newspaper access to the videotape made in 2001. The Sunday News had published information revealing the existence of the videotape but did not reveal her identity. Mrs Gerbich was reported by the Sunday News to have been devastated after her name was subsequently published by the New Zealand Herald. Mrs Gerbich claimed to have received intimidating emails from New Zealand Herald journalist Steven Cook after she refused to speak with them. Two emails sent from Steven Cooks email account were presented and read out to a reporter on the New Zealand current affairs program Close Up, one of them stated; It is not known how exactly the New Zealand Herald learned her identity and that she was being interviewed as part of police operation Austin investigating the historic sex allegations .
[ { "type": "R", "before": "has been found dead.", "after": "committed suicide on June 6, 2007.", "start_char_pos": 127, "end_char_pos": 147, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "a", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 861, "end_char_pos": 862, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "Steven Cook", "start_char_pos": 893, "end_char_pos": 893, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "Two emails sent from Steven Cooks email account were presented and read out to a reporter on the New Zealand current affairs program Close Up, one of them stated;", "start_char_pos": 932, "end_char_pos": 932, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": ".", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 1118, "end_char_pos": 1119, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "others", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "The cause of death has not been released although it is believed to be suicide", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 1120, "end_char_pos": 1198, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "coherence", "clarity" ] } ]
[ 0, 147, 395, 545, 661, 798, 931, 1119 ]
Myanmar authorities have detained 11 HIV/AIDS patients in a Yangon hospital following the group's recent demonstrations calling for the release of detained HIV/AIDS activist Phyu Phyu Thinn. The patients are being detained at Waybargi Infectious Diseases Hospital on the outskirts of Yangon. "The authorities made necessary preparations in advance at the hospital to confine them in isolation as 'political patients ' ," Myint Thein of the National League for Democracy (NLD) was quoted as saying by Reuters . " These 11 people had been holding prayers at pagodas for the release of Phyu Phyu Thinn since May 23. " Another HIV/AIDS activist and colleague of Phyu Phyu Thinn, Yazar , said the patients were taken from their homes to the hospital on Tuesday after being told they would receive proper treatment.
Myanmar authorities detained 11 HIV/AIDS patients for three days in a Yangon hospital following the group's recent demonstrations calling for the release of detained HIV/AIDS activist Phyu Phyu Thinn. The patients were being detained at Waybargi Infectious Diseases Hospital on the outskirts of Yangon. "The patients were given a series of tests and all of them were freed Friday ," Yazar, a colleague of Phyu Phyu Thinn and a supporter of the National League for Democracy , was quoted as saying by Associated Press . " Three of the patients were given ARV (anti-retroviral) treatment and all of them were provided with cash to return to their homes in their districts, " said Yazar, who like many Myanmar people only has one name. Yazar said the patients were taken from their homes to the hospital on Tuesday after being told they would receive proper treatment. "The authorities made necessary preparations in advance at the hospital to confine them in isolation as 'political patients'," Myint Thein of the National League for Democracy (NLD) was quoted as saying by Reuters. "These 11 people had been holding prayers at pagodas for the release of Phyu Phyu Thinn since May 23."
[ { "type": "D", "before": "have", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 20, "end_char_pos": 24, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "for three days", "start_char_pos": 55, "end_char_pos": 55, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "are", "after": "were", "start_char_pos": 205, "end_char_pos": 208, "major_intent": "style", "raw_intents": [ "style", "style", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "authorities made necessary preparations in advance at the hospital to confine them in isolation as 'political patients '", "after": "patients were given a series of tests and all of them were freed Friday", "start_char_pos": 298, "end_char_pos": 418, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Myint Thein of", "after": "Yazar, a colleague of Phyu Phyu Thinn and a supporter of", "start_char_pos": 422, "end_char_pos": 436, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "(NLD)", "after": ",", "start_char_pos": 471, "end_char_pos": 476, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Reuters", "after": "Associated Press", "start_char_pos": 501, "end_char_pos": 508, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "These 11 people had been holding prayers at pagodas for the release of Phyu Phyu Thinn since May 23.", "after": "Three of the patients were given ARV (anti-retroviral) treatment and all of them were provided with cash to return to their homes in their districts,", "start_char_pos": 513, "end_char_pos": 613, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "said Yazar, who like many Myanmar people only has one name.", "start_char_pos": 616, "end_char_pos": 616, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Another HIV/AIDS activist and colleague of Phyu Phyu Thinn, Yazar ,", "after": "Yazar", "start_char_pos": 617, "end_char_pos": 684, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "coherence", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "\"The authorities made necessary preparations in advance at the hospital to confine them in isolation as 'political patients',\" Myint Thein of the National League for Democracy (NLD) was quoted as saying by Reuters. \"These 11 people had been holding prayers at pagodas for the release of Phyu Phyu Thinn since May 23.\"", "start_char_pos": 812, "end_char_pos": 812, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "coherence" ] } ]
[ 0, 191, 292, 613 ]
Manchester Cathedral, England The Church of England has threatened legal action against Sony Entertainment over the inclusion of the Manchester Cathedral in the PS3 launch title Resistance: Fall of Man. The game ( set in various English locations during an alternate history ) includes a gun fight within the building. The scene in question involves a small group of humans (which include the player) taking refuge in the cathedral and attempting to fight off aliens who are attacking them. Meanwhile a spokesman for Sony defended the game, telling the Daily Telegraph, "[the game] is not based on reality at all" and comparing it to the fictional series Doctor Who. The Church will send a letter directly to Sony on Monday requesting an apology and that they remove the game from sale.
Manchester Cathedral, England The Church of England has threatened legal action against Sony Entertainment over the inclusion of the Manchester Cathedral in the PS3 launch title Resistance: Fall of Man. The game , set in various English locations during an alternate history , includes a gun fight within the building. The scene in question involves a small group of humans , including the player, taking refuge in the cathedral and attempting to fight off aliens who are attacking them. Meanwhile , a spokesman for Sony defended the game, telling the Daily Telegraph, "[the game] is not based on reality at all" and compared it to the fictional series Doctor Who. The Church will send a letter directly to Sony on Monday requesting an apology and withdrawal of the game from sale.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "(", "after": ",", "start_char_pos": 212, "end_char_pos": 213, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": ")", "after": ",", "start_char_pos": 275, "end_char_pos": 276, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "(which include the player)", "after": ", including the player,", "start_char_pos": 374, "end_char_pos": 400, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": ",", "start_char_pos": 501, "end_char_pos": 501, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "comparing", "after": "compared", "start_char_pos": 619, "end_char_pos": 628, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "that they remove", "after": "withdrawal of", "start_char_pos": 751, "end_char_pos": 767, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] } ]
[ 0, 202, 318, 490, 667 ]
Memorial's gray panels rise above the crowd. The Minnesota World War II Veterans Memorial was dedicated Saturday on in front of the State Capitol. The memorial features ten glass panels etched with text and scenes from World War II, within a plaza area at the foot of a mall leading to the front entrance to the Capitol. The glass panels are three feet wide, eight feet tall, and mounted on Minnesota granite. Well over twelve thousand people attended. Stan Turner was the Master of Ceremonies during the dedication. The keynote speaker was General John Vessey(Ret. ). Among the many veterans honored were Stan Kowalski and "Chuck" Lindberg; the latter was one of those who raised the first flag over Iwo Jima. Contruction was authorized by the State Legislature in 2000.
300px| Memorial's gray panels rise above the crowd. The Minnesota World War II Veterans Memorial was dedicated Saturday in front of the State Capitol. The memorial features ten glass panels etched with text and scenes from World War II, within a plaza area at the foot of a mall leading to the front entrance to the Capitol. The glass panels are three feet wide, eight feet tall, and mounted on Minnesota granite. Well over twelve thousand people attended. Stan Turner was the Master of Ceremonies during the dedication. The keynote speaker was retired general John Vessey. Among the many veterans honored were Stan Kowalski and "Chuck" Lindberg; the latter was one of those who raised the first flag over Iwo Jima. Construction was authorized by the State Legislature in 2000.
[ { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "300px|", "start_char_pos": 0, "end_char_pos": 0, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "on", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 114, "end_char_pos": 116, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "General John Vessey(Ret. ).", "after": "retired general John Vessey.", "start_char_pos": 542, "end_char_pos": 569, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Contruction", "after": "Construction", "start_char_pos": 712, "end_char_pos": 723, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] } ]
[ 0, 45, 147, 321, 410, 453, 517, 569, 642, 711 ]
Map highlighting Sevenoaks, England. A woman, reported to be an expert in martial arts, has been shot dead by police in a car park behind M&Co, a women's clothing shop in Sevenoaks, Kent, England. According to reports, the woman pulled a weapon on police who then shot her. A bus station in Sevenoaks has been shut down and closed off to the public while police investigate the incident. A tent has been placed over the crime scene to ensure that evidence is kept intact.
Map highlighting Sevenoaks, England. A woman, reported to be an expert in martial arts, has been shot dead by police in a car park behind M&Co, a women's clothing shop in Sevenoaks, Kent, England. According to reports, the woman pulled a gun on police who then shot her. A bus station in Sevenoaks was shut down and closed off to the public while police investigated the incident. A tent was placed over the crime scene to ensure that evidence was kept intact.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "weapon", "after": "gun", "start_char_pos": 238, "end_char_pos": 244, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "has been", "after": "was", "start_char_pos": 301, "end_char_pos": 309, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "investigate", "after": "investigated", "start_char_pos": 362, "end_char_pos": 373, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "has been", "after": "was", "start_char_pos": 395, "end_char_pos": 403, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "style" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "is", "after": "was", "start_char_pos": 456, "end_char_pos": 458, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "coherence", "fluency" ] } ]
[ 0, 36, 196, 273, 387 ]
Graham grew noticeably weaker over the course of the past several weeks, suffering from degenerative osteoarthritis of the back and neck. She also underwent treatment for pneumonia two weeks ago. She asked for her feeding tube to be removed Wednesday , after her request, and consultation with family . Billy Graham made a mention of her during the dedication of his library, saying that she was bedridden, and that she was "getting closer to meeting God in heaven." He also announced that the couple will be buried at the library.
Graham had grown noticeably weaker over the course of the past several weeks, suffering from degenerative osteoarthritis of the back and neck. She also underwent treatment for pneumonia two weeks ago. She asked for her feeding tube to be removed Wednesday ; following her request, and after consultation with her family, she ceased to receive further nutrients . Billy Graham made a mention of her during the dedication of his library, saying that she was bedridden, and that she was "getting closer to meeting God in heaven." He also announced that the couple will be buried at the library.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "grew", "after": "had grown", "start_char_pos": 7, "end_char_pos": 11, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": ", after", "after": "; following", "start_char_pos": 251, "end_char_pos": 258, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "consultation with family", "after": "after consultation with her family, she ceased to receive further nutrients", "start_char_pos": 276, "end_char_pos": 300, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "clarity", "meaning-changed" ] } ]
[ 0, 137, 195, 466 ]
Graham had grown noticeably weaker over the course of the past several weeks, suffering from degenerative osteoarthritis of the back and neck . She also underwent treatment for pneumonia two weeks ago. She asked for her feeding tube to be removed Wednesday; following her request, and after consultation with her family, she ceased to receive further nutrients. Billy Graham made a mention of her during the dedication of his library, saying that she was bedridden, and that she was "getting closer to meeting God in heaven ." He also announced that the couple will be buried at the library.
She had grown noticeably weaker over the course of the past several weeks, suffering from degenerative osteoarthritis of the back and neck , and also underwent treatment for pneumonia two weeks ago. She asked for her feeding tube to be removed Wednesday; following her request, and after consultation with her family, she ceased to receive further nutrients. Billy Graham made a mention of her during the dedication of his library, saying that she was bedridden, and that she was "getting closer to meeting God in Heaven ." He also announced that the couple will be buried at the library.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "Graham", "after": "She", "start_char_pos": 0, "end_char_pos": 6, "major_intent": "style", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "style", "style" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": ". She", "after": ", and", "start_char_pos": 142, "end_char_pos": 147, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "coherence", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "heaven", "after": "Heaven", "start_char_pos": 517, "end_char_pos": 523, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] } ]
[ 0, 143, 201, 257, 361 ]
The EU would like to make it easier to dismiss employees. At the same time, social security should be improved. Then, thanks to the improved flexibility of the market, it should be simpler to find a job. Surveys showes that Europeans mostly seem to agree with need to adapt and change. The concept of flexicurity, preached by the European Commission, is aimed to encourage EU governments to unfasten their employment policies. According to Vladimr pidla, Member of the European Commission, a too protective employment policy may paralyze the labour-market. Such a policy "extends the time needed for jobseeking and the period of unemployment", writes the Commission in its report. On its paper, the Commission is inspired by social model of the Scandinavian countries - namely by the social system established in Denmark in the late 1990's.
The European Union would like to make it easier to dismiss employees. At the same time, social security should be improved. Then, thanks to the improved flexibility of the market, it should be simpler to find a job. Surveys show that Europeans mostly seem to agree with the need to adapt and change. The concept of flexicurity, preached by the European Commission, is aimed to encourage EU governments to unfasten their employment policies. According to Vladimr pidla, the European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs Equal Opportunities, a too protective employment policy may paralyze the labour-market. Such a policy "extends the time needed for jobseeking and the period of unemployment", writes the Commission in its report. On its paper, the Commission is inspired by the social model of the Scandinavian countries - namely by the social system established in Denmark in the late 1990's.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "EU", "after": "European Union", "start_char_pos": 4, "end_char_pos": 6, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "showes", "after": "show", "start_char_pos": 212, "end_char_pos": 218, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "style", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "the", "start_char_pos": 260, "end_char_pos": 260, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Member of the European Commission,", "after": "the European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs", "start_char_pos": 456, "end_char_pos": 490, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "clarity", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "Equal Opportunities,", "start_char_pos": 491, "end_char_pos": 491, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "the", "start_char_pos": 727, "end_char_pos": 727, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "coherence", "fluency" ] } ]
[ 0, 57, 111, 203, 286, 427, 558, 682 ]
During Hurricane Camille in 1969, a 72 foot tugboat named the East Point washed ashore on Gulfport's West Beach. Lucille Moody, a beachfront property owner renamed the boat the S.S. Hurricane Camille and built a gift shop behind it, after moving it on specially built railroad tracks. The boat and gift shop became a popular attraction for tourists visiting the Mississippi Gulf Coast. But on August 29, 2005 Hurricane Katrina came ashore pushing a 20 plus foot storm surge leaving mostly everything on the beachfront destroyed. Only a few things were standing including the Biloxi Lighthouse, the Friendship Oak, and the S.S. Hurricane Camille. Lucille Moody decided not to rebuild the gift shop, so there the S.S. Camille stands, a rusted hulk on a beachfront that is quickly rebuilding. People want it gone, after all it is an eyesore as they say, but then there are those who want to save thier history. After all, we have lost so much, Grass Lawn , Tullis-Toledo Manor , and other things, we should try to save the history that we still have. After a new coat of paint and a little work the S.S. Hurricane Camille could look a lot better. You can't expect something thats survived two hurricanes, the latter one of the worst on record not to be a little beat up. The dents and scratches just add to its charm .
During Hurricane Camille in 1969, a 72 foot tugboat named the East Point washed ashore on Gulfport's West Beach. Lucille Moody, a beachfront property owner renamed the boat the S.S. Hurricane Camille and built a gift shop behind it, after moving it on specially built railroad tracks. The boat and gift shop became a popular attraction for tourists visiting the Mississippi Gulf Coast. But on August 29, 2005 Hurricane Katrina came ashore pushing a 20 plus foot storm surge leaving mostly everything on the beachfront destroyed. Only a few things were standing including the Biloxi Lighthouse, the Friendship Oak, and the S.S. Hurricane Camille. Lucille Moody decided not to rebuild the gift shop, so there the S.S. Camille stands, a rusted hulk on a beachfront that is quickly rebuilding. People want it gone, suggesting it is an "eyesore", but others suggest this historic object be preserved, especially after the loss of historic sites including Grass Lawn and Tullis-Toledo Manor . They suggest a coat of paint and some repairs could make the boat much more appealing .
[ { "type": "R", "before": "after all", "after": "suggesting", "start_char_pos": 811, "end_char_pos": 820, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "style" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "eyesore as they say, but then there are those who want to save thier history. After all, we have lost so much, Grass Lawn ,", "after": "\"eyesore\", but others suggest this historic object be preserved, especially after the loss of historic sites including Grass Lawn and", "start_char_pos": 830, "end_char_pos": 953, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": ", and other things, we should try to save the history that we still have. After a new", "after": ". They suggest a", "start_char_pos": 974, "end_char_pos": 1059, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "clarity", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "a little work the S.S. Hurricane Camille could look a lot better. You can't expect something thats survived two hurricanes, the latter one of the worst on record not to be a little beat up. The dents and scratches just add to its charm", "after": "some repairs could make the boat much more appealing", "start_char_pos": 1078, "end_char_pos": 1313, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] } ]
[ 0, 112, 284, 385, 528, 645, 789, 907, 1047, 1143, 1267 ]
1500 people in northern Nevada town of Winnemucca had to be evacuate this weekend as a 8,000-acre 55 sqaure miles wildfire burned danger close to the towns southern end. The fire threatened homes,business and a power substation the cause of the wildfire is believed to lighting strikes
1500 people in northern Nevada town of Winnemucca had to be evacuated this weekend as a 8,000-acre 55 square mile wildfire burned dangerously close to the town's southern end. The fire threatened homes,business and a power substation . Lightning strikes are believed to have started the blaze.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "evacuate", "after": "evacuated", "start_char_pos": 60, "end_char_pos": 68, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "sqaure miles wildfire burned danger", "after": "square mile wildfire burned dangerously", "start_char_pos": 101, "end_char_pos": 136, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "towns", "after": "town's", "start_char_pos": 150, "end_char_pos": 155, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "the cause of the wildfire is believed to lighting strikes", "after": ". Lightning strikes are believed to have started the blaze.", "start_char_pos": 228, "end_char_pos": 285, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "clarity", "coherence" ] } ]
[ 0, 169 ]
The mosque has been accused of enforcing it's own Islamic law in the capital, notable the illegal detention of Chinese foreign nationals working in massage parlors. The mosques leaders follow the Hanafi school of thought, believing that the Koran is the authority by which justice should by metered. Historically the mosque has had close links with the Pakistan leadership, and members of the current administration have resisted calls for a crackdown on the mosques antagonistic behaviour.
The mosque has been accused of enforcing it's own Islamic law in the capital, notably the illegal detention of Chinese foreign nationals working in massage parlors. The mosques leaders follow the Hanafi school of thought, believing that the Koran is the authority by which justice should be metered. Historically the mosque has had close links with the Pakistan leadership, and members of the current administration have resisted calls for a crackdown on the mosques provocative behaviour.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "notable", "after": "notably", "start_char_pos": 78, "end_char_pos": 85, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "clarity", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "by", "after": "be", "start_char_pos": 288, "end_char_pos": 290, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "antagonistic", "after": "provocative", "start_char_pos": 467, "end_char_pos": 479, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "clarity", "clarity" ] } ]
[ 0, 164, 299 ]
Map of Ukraine highlighting the location of Lviv Oblast and with red dot marking location of Lviv. A freight train in Lviv, Ukraine derailed, caught fire and spilled a toxic chemical, releasing the fumes into the air early Tuesday morning (local time) and people who live near the site of the crash are still getting sick. Officials say that the air that surrounds at least 14 villages near the scene is at least 23\% above normal limitations . So far 70 people, 19 of those are children, have been hospitalized after they were poisoned by the fumes from train cars filled with yellow phosphorous. That number is up compared to 15 which were seeking medical attention on Tuesday. The European Union has stated that they will continue to monitor the gas cloud saying that toxic gas clouds do not "respect borders" of countries and will travel. The train was shipping cargo from Kazakhstan to Poland when it derailed. Authorities have ruled out sabotage and terrorism as playing a role in the crash and are still investigating the accident. At least 15 cars, of the 58 the train was pulling, derailed and or tipped over .
Map of Ukraine highlighting the location of Lviv Oblast and with red dot marking location of Lviv. A freight train in Lviv, Ukraine derailed, caught fire , and spilled a toxic chemical, releasing dangerous fumes into the air early Tuesday morning (local time) , and people who live near the site of the crash are still becoming sick. Officials say that the toxic cloud, surrounding at least 14 villages near the scene , is at least 23\% above benign levels . So far 70 people, including 19 children, have been hospitalized after being poisoned by the fumes from train cars filled with yellow phosphorous. That number is up from the 15 seeking medical attention on Tuesday. The European Union has stated that they will continue to monitor the gas cloud because toxic gas clouds do not "respect borders" of countries and will travel. The train was shipping cargo from Kazakhstan to Poland when it derailed. Authorities have ruled out sabotage and terrorism from playing a role in the crash and are still investigating the accident. At least 15 cars, of the 58 the train was pulling, derailed or were overturned .
[ { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": ",", "start_char_pos": 154, "end_char_pos": 154, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "the", "after": "dangerous", "start_char_pos": 195, "end_char_pos": 198, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": ",", "start_char_pos": 253, "end_char_pos": 253, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "fluency", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "getting", "after": "becoming", "start_char_pos": 311, "end_char_pos": 318, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "air that surrounds", "after": "toxic cloud, surrounding", "start_char_pos": 348, "end_char_pos": 366, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "style" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": ",", "start_char_pos": 403, "end_char_pos": 403, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "normal limitations", "after": "benign levels", "start_char_pos": 427, "end_char_pos": 445, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "style", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "including", "start_char_pos": 466, "end_char_pos": 466, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "of those are", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 470, "end_char_pos": 482, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "they were", "after": "being", "start_char_pos": 522, "end_char_pos": 531, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "style" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "compared to", "after": "from the", "start_char_pos": 620, "end_char_pos": 631, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "which were", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 635, "end_char_pos": 645, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "style" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "saying that", "after": "because", "start_char_pos": 763, "end_char_pos": 774, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "style", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "as", "after": "from", "start_char_pos": 970, "end_char_pos": 972, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "and or tipped over", "after": "or were overturned", "start_char_pos": 1103, "end_char_pos": 1121, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] } ]
[ 0, 98, 324, 447, 601, 683, 846, 919, 1042 ]
400px|In the above file illustration, the long yellow portion at the upper right represents the skyway of the new $1.5 billion Bay Bridge span. The "T"-shaped objects in the lower right corner represent the piers with the alleged substandard welds. Source: Caltrans The Federal Bureau of Investigation is investigating allegations of wrongdoing in the building of the new $ 1.5 billion "skyway" portion of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge spanning the San Francisco Bay between Oakland and Yerba Buena Island , according to a report first published in the Oakland Tribune. According to reports, no criminal charges have been filed. The paper reported that welders for KFM, the company under contract to build the bridge, told authorities that they were pressured and even paid monthly bonuses of between $200 and $600 for performing substandard welds on the support piers for the bridge if it meant the project proceeded faster. But Caltrans, the state agency in charge of building the bridge said their inspectors checked the welds and determined that the work, although rushed, met safety standards. According to a report by Oakland television station, KTVU, the Office of the Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Labor and the U.S. Department of Transportation are joining the FBI in the investigation of the matter. The federal government is getting involved in the investigation because more than $1 million in U.S. taxpayer money was already spent during construction. If faulty welds are found in the support piers, according to reports, much of the new construction may have to be torn down to be rebuilt. The current 68-year-old span was damaged in the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake. At $ 6.2 billion total, the new bridge qualifies as the largest public works project in California's history.
April 7, 2005 Category:April 7, 2005 400px|In the above file illustration, the long yellow portion at the upper right represents the skyway of a new $1.5 billion Bay Bridge span. The "T"-shaped objects in the lower right corner represent the piers with the alleged substandard welds. Source: Caltrans The Federal Bureau of Investigation is investigating allegations of wrongdoing in the building of a new $ 1.5 billion "skyway" portion of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge , according to a report published in the Oakland Tribune. The bridge spans the San Francisco Bay between Oakland and Yerba Buena Island. There are so far no criminal charges filed. The paper reported that welders for KFM, the company under contract to build the bridge, told authorities they were pressured and even paid monthly bonuses of between $200 and $600 for performing substandard welds on the support piers for the bridge if it meant the project proceeded faster. But Caltrans, the state agency in charge of building the bridge said their inspectors checked the welds and determined the work, although rushed, met safety standards. According to a report by Oakland television station, KTVU, the Office of the Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Labor and the U.S. Department of Transportation are joining the FBI in the investigation of the matter. The federal government is getting involved in the investigation because more than $1 million in U.S. taxpayer money was spent during its construction. If questionable welds are found in the support piers, according to reports, much of the new construction may have to be torn down to be rebuilt. The current 68-year-old span was damaged in the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake. At $ 6.2 billion total, the new bridge qualifies as the largest public works project in California's history.
[ { "type": "A", "before": null, "after": "April 7, 2005 Category:April 7, 2005", "start_char_pos": 0, "end_char_pos": 0, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "the new $1.5 billion Bay Bridge span. The \"T\"-shaped objects in the lower right corner represent the piers with the alleged substandard welds. Source: Caltrans The Federal Bureau of Investigation is investigating allegations of wrongdoing in the building of the new $", "after": "a new $1.5 billion Bay Bridge span. The \"T\"-shaped objects in the lower right corner represent the piers with the alleged substandard welds. Source: Caltrans The Federal Bureau of Investigation is investigating allegations of wrongdoing in the building of a new $", "start_char_pos": 107, "end_char_pos": 374, "major_intent": "fluency", "raw_intents": [ "style", "fluency", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "spanning the San Francisco Bay between Oakland and Yerba Buena Island", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 444, "end_char_pos": 513, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "clarity", "coherence" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "first", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 538, "end_char_pos": 543, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "clarity" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "According to reports,", "after": "The bridge spans the San Francisco Bay between Oakland and Yerba Buena Island. There are so far", "start_char_pos": 578, "end_char_pos": 599, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "coherence", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "have been", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 620, "end_char_pos": 629, "major_intent": "clarity", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "clarity", "style" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "that", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 743, "end_char_pos": 747, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "coherence", "fluency" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "that", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 1053, "end_char_pos": 1057, "major_intent": "style", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "style", "style" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "$1 million in U.S. taxpayer money was already spent during construction. If faulty welds are found in the support piers, according to reports, much of the new construction may have to be torn down to be rebuilt. The current 68-year-old span was damaged in the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake. At $", "after": "$1 million in U.S. taxpayer money was spent during its construction. If questionable welds are found in the support piers, according to reports, much of the new construction may have to be torn down to be rebuilt. The current 68-year-old span was damaged in the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake. At $", "start_char_pos": 1414, "end_char_pos": 1707, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "coherence", "coherence", "coherence" ] } ]
[ 0, 144, 249, 577, 636, 933, 1106, 1331, 1486, 1625, 1702 ]
Kevin Garnett speaking at a press conference in Taiwan in 2006. Kevin Garnett, known as " Big Ticket", is going to the Boston Celtics in a blockbuster trade involving at least 6 players. The forward , who has spent his entire twelve season career playing for the Minnesota Timberwolves, will join fellow all-stars Paul Pierce and Ray Allen to give Boston a boost in the Eastern Conference.
Kevin Garnett speaking at a press conference in Taiwan in 2006. Citing " league sources," both CNN/SI and the Boston Globe are reporting that Kevin Garnett is going to the Boston Celtics in a trade involving at least 6 players. The forward, known as "Big Ticket" , who has spent his entire twelve season career playing for the Minnesota Timberwolves, will join fellow all-stars Paul Pierce and Ray Allen to give Boston a boost in the Eastern Conference.
[ { "type": "R", "before": "Kevin Garnett, known as", "after": "Citing", "start_char_pos": 64, "end_char_pos": 87, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "style", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "Big Ticket\",", "after": "league sources,\" both CNN/SI and the Boston Globe are reporting that Kevin Garnett", "start_char_pos": 90, "end_char_pos": 102, "major_intent": "meaning-changed", "raw_intents": [ "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed", "meaning-changed" ] }, { "type": "D", "before": "blockbuster", "after": null, "start_char_pos": 139, "end_char_pos": 150, "major_intent": "style", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "style", "style" ] }, { "type": "R", "before": "The forward", "after": "The forward, known as \"Big Ticket\"", "start_char_pos": 187, "end_char_pos": 198, "major_intent": "coherence", "raw_intents": [ "clarity", "coherence", "coherence" ] } ]
[ 0, 63, 186 ]