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[ [ 70, 54, 433, 74 ], [ 97, 114, 867, 129 ], [ 97, 128, 838, 142 ], [ 97, 141, 203, 155 ], [ 97, 162, 827, 177 ], [ 97, 175, 866, 190 ], [ 97, 189, 858, 203 ], [ 97, 202, 551, 217 ], [ 97, 223, 463, 238 ], [ 463, 223, 836, 238 ], [ 836, 223, 861, 238 ], [ 97, 237, 795, 251 ], [ 97, 250, 847, 265 ], [ 97, 264, 288, 278 ], [ 97, 285, 813, 299 ], [ 97, 298, 790, 313 ], [ 97, 311, 269, 326 ], [ 97, 333, 836, 347 ], [ 97, 346, 219, 360 ], [ 97, 346, 219, 360 ], [ 700, 363, 734, 378 ], [ 822, 364, 856, 378 ], [ 718, 377, 756, 392 ], [ 97, 377, 358, 392 ], [ 676, 377, 684, 392 ], [ 800, 377, 811, 392 ], [ 840, 377, 878, 392 ], [ 726, 391, 759, 406 ], [ 114, 391, 147, 406 ], [ 164, 391, 257, 406 ], [ 847, 391, 881, 406 ], [ 739, 405, 756, 419 ], [ 97, 405, 232, 419 ], [ 861, 405, 878, 419 ], [ 718, 419, 756, 433 ], [ 97, 419, 252, 433 ], [ 840, 419, 878, 433 ], [ 736, 432, 761, 447 ], [ 111, 433, 138, 447 ], [ 152, 433, 312, 447 ], [ 849, 433, 883, 447 ], [ 718, 446, 756, 461 ], [ 97, 446, 345, 461 ], [ 676, 446, 684, 461 ], [ 800, 446, 811, 461 ], [ 840, 446, 878, 461 ], [ 97, 488, 876, 502 ], [ 97, 501, 814, 516 ], [ 97, 515, 352, 529 ], [ 97, 549, 789, 567 ], [ 97, 572, 608, 587 ], [ 695, 595, 729, 609 ], [ 819, 595, 853, 609 ], [ 708, 609, 745, 623 ], [ 97, 609, 327, 623 ], [ 676, 609, 685, 623 ], [ 805, 609, 811, 623 ], [ 830, 609, 868, 623 ], [ 702, 622, 748, 637 ], [ 97, 623, 259, 637 ], [ 827, 623, 871, 637 ], [ 714, 636, 748, 651 ], [ 97, 636, 267, 651 ], [ 837, 636, 871, 651 ], [ 706, 650, 745, 665 ], [ 112, 650, 323, 665 ], [ 676, 650, 685, 665 ], [ 806, 650, 812, 665 ], [ 832, 650, 868, 665 ], [ 97, 687, 886, 702 ], [ 97, 701, 872, 715 ], [ 97, 714, 858, 729 ], [ 97, 727, 551, 742 ], [ 97, 749, 539, 763 ], [ 555, 749, 782, 763 ], [ 97, 762, 655, 776 ], [ 97, 783, 860, 798 ], [ 97, 796, 861, 811 ], [ 97, 810, 887, 824 ], [ 97, 823, 794, 838 ], [ 924, 963, 930, 979 ], [ 941, 963, 947, 979 ] ]
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[ "NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS", "Finance receivables that originated outside the U.S. were $52.7 billion and $47.5 billion at December 31, 2004 and 2003, ", "respectively. Other finance receivables consisted primarily of real estate, commercial and other collateralized loans and ", "accrued interest. ", "Included in net finance and other receivables at December 31, 2004 and 2003 were $16.9 billion and $14.3 billion, ", "respectively, of receivables that have been sold for legal purposes to consolidated securitization SPEs and are available only ", "for repayment of debt issued by those entities, and to pay other securitization investors and other participants; they are not ", "available to pay our other obligations or the claims of our other creditors.", "Future maturities, exclusive of the effects of SFAS No. 133, ", "Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities", ", of ", "total finance receivables including minimum lease rentals are as follows (in billions): 2005 - $64.7; 2006 - $24.3;", "2007 - $13.9; thereafter - $10.1. Experience indicates that a substantial portion of the portfolio generally is repaid before", "the contractual maturity dates. ", "Finance receivables subject to fair value at December 31, 2004 and 2003 were $106.2 billion and $102.0 billion, ", "respectively. The fair value of these finance receivables at December 31, 2004 and 2003 was $106.4 billion and", "$103.8 billion, respectively.", "Included in retail receivables above are investments in direct financing leases. The net investment at December 31 was as", "follows (in millions):", "follows (in millions):", "2004", "2003", "4,972", "Total minimum lease rentals to be received", "$", "$ ", "5,532", "(758)", "Less:", "Unearned income", "(972)", "50", "Loan origination costs", "42", "3,367", "Estimated residual values", "4,017", "(82)", "Less:", "Allowance for credit losses", "(139)", "7,549", "Net investment in direct financing leases", "$", "$ ", "8,480", "The investment in direct financing leases relates to the leasing of vehicles, various types of transportation and other equipment ", "and facilities. Future maturities of minimum lease rentals, as included above, are as follows (in billions): 2005 - $2.1;", "2006 - $1.5; 2007 - $1; thereafter - $0.4.", "NOTE 11. NET INVESTMENT IN OPERATING LEASES – FINANCIAL SERVICES SECTOR", "The net investment in operating leases at December 31 was as follows (in millions):", "2004", "2003", "41,545", "Vehicles and other equipment, at cost", "$", "$", "44,098", "(9,477)", "Accumulated depreciation", "(11,615)", "(305)", "Allowances for credit losses", "(624)", "31,763", "Net investment in operating leases", "$", "$", "31,859", "Included in net investment in operating leases at December 31, 2004 were interests in operating leases and the related vehicles ", "of about $2.5 billion that have been transferred for legal purposes to consolidated securitization SPEs and are available only ", "for repayment of debt issued by those entities, and to pay other securitization investors and other participants; they are not ", "available to pay our other obligations or the claims of our other creditors.", "Minimum rentals on operating leases are contractually due as follows:", "2005 - $4.7 billion; 2006 - $2.2 billion;", "2007 - $1.3 billion; 2008 - $548 million; 2009 - $135 million; thereafter - $407 million. ", "Assets subject to operating leases are depreciated primarily on the straight-line method over the term of the lease to reduce ", "the asset to its estimated residual value. Estimated residual values are based on assumptions for used vehicle prices at lease ", "termination and the number of vehicles that are expected to be returned. Operating lease depreciation expense (which includes ", "gains and losses on disposal of assets) was $6.4 billion in 2004, $8.5 billion in 2003, and $9.9 billion in 2002.", "7", "1" ]
[ [ 233, 337, 416, 349 ], [ 416, 337, 505, 349 ], [ 573, 337, 882, 349 ], [ 233, 357, 269, 369 ], [ 274, 357, 513, 369 ], [ 573, 357, 805, 369 ], [ 233, 377, 531, 389 ], [ 573, 388, 876, 401 ], [ 233, 397, 531, 410 ], [ 573, 409, 870, 421 ], [ 233, 417, 543, 430 ], [ 573, 429, 877, 441 ], [ 233, 438, 524, 450 ], [ 573, 449, 868, 461 ], [ 233, 458, 539, 470 ], [ 573, 469, 872, 482 ], [ 233, 478, 529, 490 ], [ 573, 489, 764, 502 ], [ 764, 489, 853, 502 ], [ 233, 498, 531, 511 ], [ 573, 510, 816, 522 ], [ 233, 518, 521, 531 ], [ 573, 530, 647, 542 ], [ 647, 530, 675, 542 ], [ 680, 530, 720, 542 ], [ 725, 530, 878, 542 ], [ 233, 539, 541, 551 ], [ 573, 550, 872, 562 ], [ 233, 559, 539, 571 ], [ 573, 570, 843, 583 ], [ 573, 590, 753, 603 ], [ 155, 618, 214, 636 ], [ 203, 618, 273, 636 ], [ 573, 622, 858, 634 ], [ 573, 642, 824, 655 ], [ 155, 654, 206, 668 ], [ 270, 654, 544, 668 ], [ 573, 662, 882, 675 ], [ 155, 675, 269, 688 ], [ 223, 675, 544, 688 ], [ 573, 683, 876, 695 ], [ 155, 695, 186, 709 ], [ 530, 695, 544, 709 ], [ 573, 703, 875, 715 ], [ 155, 715, 218, 729 ], [ 231, 715, 544, 729 ], [ 573, 723, 826, 735 ], [ 155, 735, 228, 749 ], [ 247, 735, 307, 749 ], [ 314, 735, 487, 749 ], [ 487, 735, 544, 749 ], [ 573, 743, 859, 756 ], [ 155, 755, 214, 769 ], [ 214, 755, 225, 769 ], [ 227, 755, 372, 769 ], [ 379, 755, 416, 769 ], [ 418, 755, 538, 769 ], [ 538, 755, 543, 769 ], [ 573, 763, 849, 776 ], [ 155, 776, 216, 789 ], [ 216, 776, 239, 789 ], [ 267, 776, 300, 789 ], [ 300, 776, 348, 789 ], [ 348, 776, 436, 789 ], [ 436, 776, 544, 789 ], [ 573, 784, 881, 796 ], [ 155, 796, 168, 810 ], [ 521, 796, 544, 810 ], [ 573, 804, 882, 816 ], [ 155, 816, 194, 830 ], [ 496, 816, 544, 830 ], [ 573, 824, 879, 836 ], [ 155, 836, 235, 850 ], [ 233, 836, 379, 850 ], [ 573, 844, 857, 857 ], [ 573, 864, 871, 877 ], [ 573, 885, 854, 897 ], [ 24, 943, 32, 953 ] ]
[ 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5 ]
[ "While the success of the ", "Grand Theft", "attention to detail and ability to recognize", "Auto", "franchise is extremely rewarding,", "what makes games compelling.", "creating a blockbuster of this magnitude", "Rockstar’s unique market position is com-", "also affords Take-Two an invaluable base", "plemented by Gathering’s focus on pub-", "of knowledge and expertise. During fiscal", "lishing premium and mid-priced products", "2003, Take-Two took significant steps to", "on PC, console and handheld platforms.", "share and leverage internal resources and", "We firmly believe demand for our premi-", "experiences to create a more integrated", "um priced games such as ", "Grand Theft", "and seamless publishing operation. Our", "Auto, Max Payne, Midnight Club,", "Rockstar Games, Gathering and Global", "Manhunt, ", "and", "Mafia", "will continue to grow", "Star Software publishing labels have been", "as the installed base of video game plat-", "streamlined to tap Rockstar’s knowledge, ", "forms increases – creating more con-", "sumers for our products.", "Global", "Star", "Additionally, with gradual reductions in", "hardware pricing and the resulting", "Global", "Star Software publishes value-priced", "increased penetration of video game plat-", "entertainment", "software across all platforms.", "forms, there is a much greater opportuni-", "Cor", "Global Star franchises include the hit", "ty to attract a more diverse and, at times,", "Outlaw", "sports series (under license from", "price conscious gamer. Jack of All", "MTV);the", "Tycoon", "franchise, including ", "School", "Games’ success in distributing budget-", "Tycoon", ", ", "Airport Tycoon 3", "and ", "Mall Tycoon 2", ";", "priced titles has proven that the value", "Motocr", "oss", "Mania", "; and ", "Army Men", ". In addition", "segment of the software market is a desir-", "to", "original content, Global Star manages the", "able long-term business. Accordingly, our", "jewel", "case and value compilation business for", "Global Star label is publishing games that", "all Take-T", "wo PC products. ", "combine value pricing with compelling", "game play and is distributing these titles", "exclusively through Jack of All Games,", "4" ]
[ [ 127, 72, 453, 83 ], [ 528, 72, 828, 83 ], [ 127, 87, 458, 98 ], [ 528, 87, 701, 98 ], [ 127, 102, 449, 113 ], [ 127, 117, 460, 128 ], [ 528, 117, 866, 128 ], [ 127, 132, 465, 143 ], [ 528, 132, 861, 143 ], [ 127, 147, 446, 158 ], [ 528, 147, 863, 158 ], [ 127, 162, 461, 173 ], [ 528, 162, 854, 173 ], [ 127, 177, 404, 188 ], [ 528, 177, 859, 188 ], [ 127, 192, 465, 203 ], [ 528, 192, 855, 203 ], [ 127, 207, 460, 218 ], [ 528, 207, 839, 218 ], [ 127, 222, 455, 233 ], [ 528, 222, 861, 233 ], [ 127, 237, 470, 248 ], [ 528, 237, 575, 248 ], [ 127, 252, 460, 264 ], [ 127, 267, 459, 279 ], [ 528, 267, 751, 279 ], [ 127, 282, 442, 294 ], [ 127, 298, 436, 309 ], [ 528, 298, 817, 309 ], [ 127, 313, 446, 324 ], [ 528, 313, 860, 324 ], [ 127, 328, 436, 339 ], [ 528, 328, 847, 339 ], [ 127, 343, 398, 354 ], [ 528, 343, 829, 354 ], [ 528, 358, 867, 369 ], [ 127, 373, 413, 384 ], [ 528, 373, 828, 384 ], [ 127, 388, 467, 399 ], [ 528, 388, 839, 399 ], [ 127, 403, 434, 414 ], [ 528, 403, 771, 414 ], [ 127, 418, 415, 429 ], [ 528, 433, 833, 444 ], [ 127, 433, 449, 444 ], [ 528, 448, 869, 459 ], [ 127, 448, 460, 459 ], [ 127, 463, 405, 474 ], [ 689, 494, 723, 505 ], [ 764, 494, 795, 504 ], [ 841, 494, 872, 504 ], [ 528, 496, 573, 504 ], [ 127, 508, 325, 520 ], [ 528, 509, 587, 519 ], [ 685, 509, 718, 520 ], [ 718, 509, 723, 519 ], [ 758, 509, 765, 519 ], [ 777, 509, 795, 519 ], [ 835, 509, 841, 519 ], [ 856, 509, 872, 519 ], [ 528, 524, 589, 534 ], [ 696, 524, 718, 535 ], [ 718, 524, 723, 534 ], [ 770, 524, 795, 534 ], [ 847, 524, 872, 534 ], [ 127, 539, 465, 550 ], [ 528, 539, 673, 550 ], [ 691, 539, 723, 550 ], [ 765, 539, 795, 550 ], [ 841, 539, 872, 550 ], [ 127, 554, 462, 565 ], [ 528, 554, 595, 565 ], [ 703, 554, 718, 565 ], [ 718, 554, 723, 565 ], [ 777, 554, 795, 565 ], [ 860, 554, 872, 565 ], [ 127, 569, 460, 580 ], [ 528, 570, 674, 580 ], [ 127, 584, 420, 595 ], [ 539, 585, 559, 595 ], [ 703, 585, 718, 595 ], [ 718, 585, 723, 595 ], [ 777, 585, 795, 595 ], [ 853, 585, 872, 595 ], [ 127, 599, 466, 610 ], [ 528, 600, 678, 610 ], [ 127, 614, 469, 625 ], [ 539, 615, 607, 625 ], [ 685, 615, 718, 626 ], [ 718, 615, 723, 625 ], [ 758, 615, 765, 625 ], [ 782, 615, 795, 625 ], [ 834, 615, 841, 625 ], [ 852, 615, 872, 625 ], [ 127, 629, 429, 640 ], [ 528, 645, 541, 655 ], [ 545, 645, 855, 655 ], [ 551, 660, 847, 670 ], [ 127, 674, 358, 686 ], [ 551, 675, 865, 685 ], [ 551, 690, 869, 700 ], [ 127, 704, 300, 716 ], [ 551, 705, 851, 715 ], [ 551, 720, 868, 730 ], [ 127, 734, 442, 746 ], [ 551, 735, 850, 745 ], [ 127, 749, 450, 761 ], [ 551, 750, 870, 760 ], [ 127, 764, 451, 776 ], [ 551, 765, 826, 775 ], [ 127, 780, 450, 791 ], [ 551, 780, 870, 791 ], [ 127, 795, 447, 806 ], [ 551, 796, 856, 806 ], [ 127, 810, 471, 821 ], [ 551, 811, 863, 821 ], [ 127, 825, 436, 836 ], [ 551, 826, 753, 836 ], [ 127, 840, 378, 851 ], [ 528, 855, 858, 866 ], [ 127, 870, 467, 881 ], [ 528, 870, 858, 881 ], [ 127, 885, 404, 896 ], [ 528, 885, 860, 896 ], [ 491, 944, 508, 955 ] ]
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[ "been designated as cash flow hedges, had maturities of five", "employees), hourly job rates or specified benefit rates", "years or less as of December 31, 2004. For the years ended", "(hourly and union employees).", "December 31, 2004, 2003 and 2002, net unrealized gains", "totaling $72 million, $53 million and $49 million after taxes", "International Paper makes contributions that are sufficient to", "and minority interest, respectively, were recorded to OCI. Net", "fully fund its actuarially determined costs, generally equal to", "gains after taxes and minority interest of $26 million, $41", "the minimum amounts required by the Employee Retirement", "million and $14 million were reclassified to earnings for the", "Income Security Act (ERISA). International Paper made no", "years ended December 31, 2004, 2003 and 2002,", "contribution in 2003 or 2004, and does not expect to make", "respectively. Of the net gains reclassified to earnings in 2004,", "any contributions in 2005 or 2006, to the qualified defined", "$6 million related to hedges that are no longer probable. As", "benefit plan. The nonqualified plan is only funded to the", "of December 31, 2004, gains of $40 million after taxes and", "extent of benefits paid which are expected to be $21 million", "minority interest are expected to be reclassified to earnings in", "in 2005.", "2005. Other contracts are used to offset the earnings impact", "relating to the variability in exchange rates on certain short-", "Net Periodic Pension Expense (Income)", "term monetary assets and liabilities denominated in non-", "functional currencies and are not designated as hedges.", "Service cost is the actuarial present value of benefits", "Changes in the fair value of these instruments, recognized", "attributed by the plans’ benefit formula to services rendered", "currently in earnings to offset the remeasurement of the", "by employees during the year. Interest cost represents the", "related assets and liabilities, were not significant.", "increase in the projected benefit obligation, which is a", "discounted amount, due to the passage of time. The expected", "International Paper does not hold or issue financial", "return on plan assets reflects the computed amount of", "instruments for trading purposes. The counterparties to swap", "current year earnings from the investment of plan assets", "agreements and foreign exchange contracts consist of a", "using an estimated long-term rate of return.", "number of major international financial institutions.", "Net periodic pension expense (income) for qualified and", "International Paper continually monitors its positions with", "nonqualified U.S. defined benefit plans comprised the following:", "and the credit quality of these financial institutions and does", "not expect nonperformance by the counterparties.", "2004)", "2003)", "2002)", "In millions", "NOTE 14 CAPITAL STOCK", "Service cost", "$ 115", ")", "$", "107)", "$", "96)", "Interest cost", "467", ")", "469)", "466)", "The authorized capital stock at both December 31, 2004 and", "Expected return on plan assets", "(592)", "(598)", "(663)", "2003 consisted of 990,850,000 shares of common stock, $1", "Actuarial loss", "94", ")", "57)", "7)", "par value; 400,000 shares of cumulative $4 preferred stock,", "Amortization of prior service ", "without par value (stated value $100 per share); and", "cost", "27", ")", "25)", "19)", "8,750,000 shares of serial preferred stock, $1 par value. The", "Net periodic pension expense ", "serial preferred stock is issuable in one or more series by the", "(income) (a)", "$ 111", ")", "$", "60)", "$", "(75)", "Board of Directors without further shareholder action.", "(a)", "Excludes $3.4 million, $8.3 million and $2.6 million in 2004,", "2003 and 2002, respectively, in curtailment losses, and $1.4", "NOTE 15 RETIREMENT PLANS", "million, $6.3 million and $2.4 million in 2004, 2003 and 2002,", "respectively, of special termination benefits, in connection with a", "U.S. Defined Benefit Plans", "cost reduction program and facility rationalizations that were", "recorded in Restructuring and other charges in the consolidated", "International Paper maintains pension plans that provide", "statement of operations. Also excludes $0.3 million and $8.8", "retirement benefits to substantially all domestic employees", "million of curtailment losses in 2003 and 2002, respectively, and", "hired prior to July 1, 2004. These employees generally are", "$10.6 million of settlement gains in 2002, related to the", "eligible to participate in the plans upon completion of one", "divestitures of Masonite, Flexible Packaging, Decorative Products", "year of service and attainment of age 21. Employees hired", "and other smaller businesses that were recorded in Net losses", "after June 30, 2004, who are not eligible for this pension plan", "(gains) on sales and impairments of businesses held for sale in", "will receive an additional company contribution to their", "the consolidated statement of operations.", "savings plan (see “Other Plans” on page 74).", "The increase in 2004 U.S. pension expense, and the change", "The plans provide defined benefits based on years of credited", "in 2003 to net pension expense from income in 2002, were", "service and either final average earnings (salaried", "principally due to a reduction in 2003 in the expected long-", "71" ]
[ [ 367, 69, 522, 79 ], [ 510, 69, 534, 79 ], [ 534, 69, 612, 79 ], [ 89, 69, 304, 79 ], [ 367, 85, 477, 96 ], [ 573, 85, 594, 96 ], [ 89, 85, 325, 96 ], [ 89, 101, 331, 112 ], [ 367, 118, 383, 129 ], [ 575, 118, 630, 129 ], [ 89, 118, 287, 129 ], [ 367, 134, 433, 145 ], [ 567, 134, 582, 145 ], [ 89, 134, 311, 145 ], [ 367, 151, 421, 162 ], [ 548, 151, 609, 162 ], [ 89, 151, 300, 162 ], [ 367, 167, 443, 178 ], [ 575, 167, 618, 178 ], [ 89, 167, 322, 178 ], [ 367, 184, 480, 194 ], [ 526, 184, 590, 194 ], [ 89, 184, 282, 194 ], [ 367, 200, 501, 211 ], [ 582, 200, 623, 211 ], [ 89, 200, 326, 211 ], [ 367, 216, 502, 227 ], [ 565, 216, 603, 227 ], [ 89, 216, 309, 227 ], [ 367, 233, 459, 244 ], [ 596, 233, 599, 244 ], [ 89, 233, 311, 244 ], [ 367, 249, 401, 260 ], [ 556, 249, 596, 260 ], [ 89, 249, 324, 260 ], [ 367, 266, 425, 276 ], [ 526, 266, 591, 276 ], [ 89, 266, 300, 276 ], [ 367, 282, 437, 293 ], [ 529, 282, 605, 293 ], [ 89, 282, 318, 293 ], [ 367, 298, 384, 309 ], [ 549, 298, 609, 309 ], [ 89, 298, 340, 309 ], [ 367, 315, 423, 326 ], [ 528, 315, 590, 326 ], [ 89, 315, 216, 326 ], [ 367, 331, 496, 342 ], [ 603, 331, 613, 342 ], [ 367, 348, 383, 359 ], [ 509, 348, 517, 359 ], [ 523, 348, 603, 359 ], [ 89, 348, 226, 359 ], [ 367, 364, 493, 375 ], [ 624, 364, 627, 375 ], [ 367, 380, 462, 391 ], [ 591, 380, 617, 391 ], [ 89, 381, 318, 391 ], [ 367, 397, 383, 408 ], [ 588, 397, 610, 408 ], [ 89, 397, 329, 408 ], [ 367, 413, 478, 424 ], [ 574, 413, 618, 424 ], [ 89, 413, 330, 424 ], [ 367, 430, 386, 441 ], [ 500, 430, 508, 441 ], [ 516, 430, 618, 441 ], [ 89, 430, 326, 441 ], [ 367, 446, 397, 457 ], [ 547, 446, 613, 457 ], [ 89, 446, 329, 457 ], [ 367, 463, 391, 473 ], [ 558, 463, 588, 473 ], [ 89, 463, 306, 473 ], [ 367, 479, 419, 490 ], [ 499, 479, 503, 490 ], [ 550, 479, 557, 490 ], [ 89, 479, 323, 490 ], [ 89, 495, 350, 506 ], [ 89, 512, 327, 523 ], [ 89, 562, 150, 569 ], [ 153, 562, 409, 569 ], [ 412, 562, 444, 569 ], [ 447, 562, 506, 569 ], [ 505, 562, 889, 569 ], [ 89, 572, 270, 579 ], [ 273, 572, 299, 579 ], [ 302, 572, 467, 579 ], [ 782, 572, 797, 579 ], [ 799, 572, 861, 579 ], [ 864, 572, 897, 579 ], [ 89, 583, 527, 589 ], [ 530, 583, 563, 589 ], [ 566, 583, 909, 589 ], [ 89, 593, 161, 600 ], [ 164, 593, 190, 600 ], [ 193, 593, 405, 600 ], [ 704, 593, 743, 600 ], [ 746, 593, 822, 600 ], [ 825, 593, 883, 600 ], [ 89, 603, 284, 610 ], [ 287, 603, 339, 610 ], [ 342, 603, 352, 610 ], [ 754, 603, 769, 610 ], [ 772, 603, 830, 610 ], [ 833, 603, 881, 610 ], [ 89, 613, 340, 620 ], [ 343, 613, 369, 620 ], [ 372, 613, 433, 620 ], [ 775, 613, 905, 620 ], [ 729, 963, 890, 971 ], [ 897, 963, 909, 971 ] ]
[ 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5, 5 ]
[ "that increase efficiency", "and", "product-", "a senior engineer at Con Edison", "ivity in every area", "of the company.", "of New York, and David Kalokitis of", "Sarnoff Corporation, were named to", "The", "industries that will drive the growth", "the list of “50 Key Information", "of our area", "— financial services,", "Technology Players in Energy” by", "business", "services, communications,", "RaderEnergy, a Houston-based", "health care,", "and technology — are all", "consultancy. Stergiou and Kalokitis", "consuming more", "energy. And the", "were honored for leading the", "telecommunications", "infrastructure that", "development of a system that used", "supports the growing", "technological", "Global Positioning Satellite (GPS)", "sophistication", "of other industries is", "technology to bring a new power", "itself", "evolving into a highly energy-", "substation on line in just four hours", "intensive", "one. As new supplies of", "instead of the normal 72 hours.", "electricity", "become available, and as", "The breakthrough will allow power", "the", "demand for energy in our region", "systems to recover more quickly after", "continues", "to rise, Con Edison will", "unforeseen events.", "continue to reinforc", "its transmission", "and", "delivery", "infrastructure so that it", "On It for the Future", "can accommodate", "the addition of new", "power sources", "and new power users", "Over the next 10 years, residential", "—", "all while maintaining our industry-", "and business customers within Con", "leading reliability.", "Doing so will require", "Edison’s service area will require the", "the", "steady", "commitment of resources,", "delivery of significantly more energy", "time,", "and attention. But these efforts", "than they do today. We are meeting", "will", "be necessary to continue our", "this challenge through increased", "tradition", "of", "excellent service.", "investment in our transmission and", "distribution networks and development", "of new technologies and processes", "Page 14, Left:", "Katherine Boden, chief engineer, reviewing electric operations.", "Center:", "The company’", "s commitment to the community is furthered by the energy and enthusiasm of the many Con", "Edison employees who serve as volunteers.", "Right:", "Each year we invest significant resources", "to maintain our electric system, including upgrading equipment at substations.", "Page 15, Left:", "Norman", "Clarke, mechanic A. To improve the gas system, more than 150,000 feet of gas mains are being replaced.", "Center:", "New businesses are putting down roots in our area and Con Edison is preparing to", "meet their needs.", "Right:", "The needs of future energy users will be met through", "the investments being made today in our transmission and distribution systems.", "Back Cover, Left:", "James Wong,", "customer field representative, checking meters.", "Center Left:", "Our", "commitment is to continue to successfully deliver power to the world‘s most dynamic marketplace.", "Center Right:", "Con Edison", "proudly serves an area that includes the world’s greatest city.", "Right:", "Kevin McGuire,", "senior specialist, Central Field Services, helping to install a new transformer at the World Trade Center substation.", "Con Edison Annual Report 2003", "15" ]
[ [ 919, 37, 933, 45 ], [ 455, 38, 514, 45 ], [ 513, 38, 742, 45 ], [ 769, 38, 907, 45 ], [ 121, 88, 329, 98 ], [ 498, 88, 564, 98 ], [ 654, 113, 715, 120 ], [ 558, 123, 617, 129 ], [ 689, 123, 715, 129 ], [ 372, 132, 416, 138 ], [ 430, 132, 472, 138 ], [ 495, 132, 542, 138 ], [ 560, 132, 617, 138 ], [ 642, 132, 715, 138 ], [ 794, 132, 938, 138 ], [ 383, 141, 416, 148 ], [ 440, 141, 472, 148 ], [ 509, 141, 542, 148 ], [ 563, 141, 617, 148 ], [ 693, 141, 715, 148 ], [ 748, 141, 774, 148 ], [ 829, 141, 858, 148 ], [ 903, 141, 938, 148 ], [ 121, 142, 355, 148 ], [ 121, 156, 258, 164 ], [ 364, 156, 416, 164 ], [ 435, 156, 473, 164 ], [ 482, 156, 541, 164 ], [ 566, 156, 622, 164 ], [ 667, 156, 718, 164 ], [ 727, 156, 734, 164 ], [ 743, 156, 778, 164 ], [ 797, 156, 861, 164 ], [ 884, 156, 939, 164 ], [ 121, 169, 182, 177 ], [ 404, 169, 416, 177 ], [ 461, 169, 473, 177 ], [ 529, 169, 541, 177 ], [ 576, 169, 619, 177 ], [ 703, 169, 715, 177 ], [ 763, 169, 775, 177 ], [ 818, 169, 861, 177 ], [ 884, 169, 939, 177 ], [ 121, 181, 308, 189 ], [ 141, 193, 277, 201 ], [ 161, 203, 250, 211 ], [ 404, 203, 416, 211 ], [ 461, 203, 473, 211 ], [ 529, 203, 541, 211 ], [ 579, 203, 622, 211 ], [ 703, 203, 715, 211 ], [ 763, 203, 775, 211 ], [ 821, 203, 864, 211 ], [ 927, 203, 939, 211 ], [ 141, 215, 277, 223 ], [ 161, 224, 256, 232 ], [ 404, 224, 416, 232 ], [ 461, 224, 473, 232 ], [ 529, 224, 541, 232 ], [ 586, 224, 622, 232 ], [ 703, 224, 715, 232 ], [ 763, 224, 775, 232 ], [ 828, 224, 864, 232 ], [ 927, 224, 939, 232 ], [ 141, 237, 278, 245 ], [ 161, 246, 256, 254 ], [ 404, 246, 416, 254 ], [ 461, 246, 473, 254 ], [ 529, 246, 541, 254 ], [ 586, 246, 622, 254 ], [ 703, 246, 715, 254 ], [ 763, 246, 775, 254 ], [ 828, 246, 864, 254 ], [ 927, 246, 939, 254 ], [ 121, 258, 305, 266 ], [ 141, 268, 230, 275 ], [ 404, 268, 416, 275 ], [ 461, 268, 473, 275 ], [ 529, 268, 541, 275 ], [ 573, 268, 622, 275 ], [ 703, 268, 715, 275 ], [ 763, 268, 775, 275 ], [ 815, 268, 864, 275 ], [ 927, 268, 939, 275 ], [ 121, 280, 323, 288 ], [ 141, 289, 223, 297 ], [ 404, 289, 416, 297 ], [ 461, 289, 473, 297 ], [ 529, 289, 541, 297 ], [ 579, 289, 622, 297 ], [ 703, 289, 715, 297 ], [ 763, 289, 775, 297 ], [ 821, 289, 864, 297 ], [ 927, 289, 939, 297 ], [ 121, 302, 311, 309 ], [ 141, 311, 276, 319 ], [ 404, 311, 416, 319 ], [ 453, 311, 473, 319 ], [ 499, 311, 541, 319 ], [ 607, 311, 619, 319 ], [ 703, 311, 715, 319 ], [ 763, 311, 775, 319 ], [ 818, 311, 861, 319 ], [ 927, 311, 939, 319 ], [ 121, 323, 280, 331 ], [ 141, 332, 260, 340 ], [ 404, 332, 416, 340 ], [ 459, 332, 473, 340 ], [ 512, 332, 541, 340 ], [ 607, 332, 619, 340 ], [ 703, 332, 715, 340 ], [ 763, 332, 775, 340 ], [ 831, 332, 861, 340 ], [ 927, 332, 939, 340 ], [ 121, 345, 338, 353 ], [ 141, 354, 240, 362 ], [ 377, 354, 419, 362 ], [ 459, 354, 473, 362 ], [ 505, 354, 541, 362 ], [ 607, 354, 619, 362 ], [ 703, 354, 715, 362 ], [ 763, 354, 775, 362 ], [ 849, 354, 861, 362 ], [ 927, 354, 939, 362 ], [ 121, 366, 334, 374 ], [ 404, 366, 416, 374 ], [ 459, 366, 473, 374 ], [ 505, 366, 541, 374 ], [ 607, 366, 619, 374 ], [ 703, 366, 715, 374 ], [ 763, 366, 775, 374 ], [ 825, 366, 861, 374 ], [ 927, 366, 939, 374 ], [ 121, 379, 309, 387 ], [ 141, 388, 227, 396 ], [ 396, 388, 416, 396 ], [ 461, 388, 473, 396 ], [ 529, 388, 541, 396 ], [ 607, 388, 619, 396 ], [ 703, 388, 715, 396 ], [ 763, 388, 775, 396 ], [ 841, 388, 861, 396 ], [ 927, 388, 939, 396 ], [ 121, 400, 320, 408 ], [ 141, 410, 309, 418 ], [ 404, 410, 416, 418 ], [ 466, 410, 473, 418 ], [ 512, 410, 541, 418 ], [ 607, 410, 619, 418 ], [ 703, 410, 715, 418 ], [ 763, 410, 775, 418 ], [ 831, 410, 861, 418 ], [ 927, 410, 939, 418 ], [ 121, 422, 277, 430 ], [ 141, 431, 300, 439 ], [ 404, 431, 416, 439 ], [ 461, 431, 473, 439 ], [ 529, 431, 541, 439 ], [ 607, 431, 619, 439 ], [ 679, 431, 715, 439 ], [ 763, 431, 775, 439 ], [ 825, 431, 861, 439 ], [ 903, 431, 939, 439 ], [ 121, 444, 323, 452 ], [ 141, 453, 250, 461 ], [ 404, 453, 416, 461 ], [ 461, 453, 473, 461 ], [ 529, 453, 541, 461 ], [ 607, 453, 619, 461 ], [ 703, 453, 715, 461 ], [ 739, 453, 775, 461 ], [ 825, 453, 861, 461 ], [ 927, 453, 939, 461 ], [ 121, 465, 224, 473 ], [ 404, 465, 416, 473 ], [ 461, 465, 473, 473 ], [ 529, 465, 541, 473 ], [ 607, 465, 619, 473 ], [ 693, 465, 718, 473 ], [ 763, 465, 775, 473 ], [ 838, 465, 864, 473 ], [ 916, 465, 942, 473 ], [ 121, 481, 278, 489 ], [ 373, 481, 416, 489 ], [ 443, 481, 473, 489 ], [ 489, 481, 541, 489 ], [ 579, 481, 622, 489 ], [ 683, 481, 718, 489 ], [ 739, 481, 775, 489 ], [ 808, 481, 861, 489 ], [ 884, 481, 939, 489 ], [ 121, 498, 182, 505 ], [ 404, 498, 416, 505 ], [ 461, 498, 473, 505 ], [ 529, 498, 541, 505 ], [ 576, 498, 619, 505 ], [ 703, 498, 715, 505 ], [ 763, 498, 775, 505 ], [ 818, 498, 861, 505 ], [ 884, 498, 939, 505 ], [ 121, 510, 308, 518 ], [ 121, 522, 257, 530 ], [ 141, 532, 230, 539 ], [ 404, 532, 416, 539 ], [ 461, 532, 473, 539 ], [ 529, 532, 541, 539 ], [ 586, 532, 622, 539 ], [ 703, 532, 715, 539 ], [ 763, 532, 775, 539 ], [ 828, 532, 864, 539 ], [ 927, 532, 939, 539 ], [ 121, 544, 257, 552 ], [ 141, 553, 236, 561 ], [ 404, 553, 416, 561 ], [ 461, 553, 473, 561 ], [ 529, 553, 541, 561 ], [ 586, 553, 622, 561 ], [ 703, 553, 715, 561 ], [ 763, 553, 775, 561 ], [ 828, 553, 864, 561 ], [ 927, 553, 939, 561 ], [ 121, 566, 258, 573 ], [ 141, 575, 236, 583 ], [ 404, 575, 416, 583 ], [ 461, 575, 473, 583 ], [ 529, 575, 541, 583 ], [ 586, 575, 622, 583 ], [ 703, 575, 715, 583 ], [ 763, 575, 775, 583 ], [ 828, 575, 864, 583 ], [ 927, 575, 939, 583 ], [ 121, 587, 334, 595 ], [ 141, 596, 176, 604 ], [ 404, 596, 416, 604 ], [ 459, 596, 473, 604 ], [ 505, 596, 541, 604 ], [ 607, 596, 619, 604 ], [ 703, 596, 715, 604 ], [ 763, 596, 775, 604 ], [ 825, 596, 861, 604 ], [ 927, 596, 939, 604 ], [ 121, 609, 294, 617 ], [ 141, 618, 278, 626 ], [ 370, 618, 419, 626 ], [ 453, 618, 473, 626 ], [ 499, 618, 541, 626 ], [ 607, 618, 619, 626 ], [ 703, 618, 715, 626 ], [ 763, 618, 775, 626 ], [ 849, 618, 861, 626 ], [ 927, 618, 939, 626 ], [ 121, 630, 283, 638 ], [ 404, 630, 416, 638 ], [ 466, 630, 473, 638 ], [ 512, 630, 541, 638 ], [ 607, 630, 619, 638 ], [ 703, 630, 715, 638 ], [ 739, 630, 775, 638 ], [ 825, 630, 861, 638 ], [ 927, 630, 939, 638 ], [ 121, 643, 305, 651 ], [ 141, 652, 308, 660 ], [ 141, 661, 188, 669 ], [ 404, 661, 416, 669 ], [ 461, 661, 473, 669 ], [ 529, 661, 541, 669 ], [ 573, 661, 622, 669 ], [ 703, 661, 715, 669 ], [ 763, 661, 775, 669 ], [ 815, 661, 864, 669 ], [ 927, 661, 939, 669 ], [ 121, 674, 300, 682 ], [ 141, 683, 272, 691 ], [ 141, 692, 223, 700 ], [ 404, 692, 416, 700 ], [ 461, 692, 473, 700 ], [ 529, 692, 541, 700 ], [ 582, 692, 619, 700 ], [ 703, 692, 715, 700 ], [ 763, 692, 775, 700 ], [ 825, 692, 861, 700 ], [ 927, 692, 939, 700 ], [ 121, 705, 280, 712 ], [ 141, 714, 260, 722 ], [ 404, 714, 416, 722 ], [ 459, 714, 473, 722 ], [ 505, 714, 541, 722 ], [ 607, 714, 619, 722 ], [ 703, 714, 715, 722 ], [ 763, 714, 775, 722 ], [ 825, 714, 861, 722 ], [ 927, 714, 939, 722 ], [ 121, 726, 334, 734 ], [ 404, 726, 416, 734 ], [ 459, 726, 473, 734 ], [ 505, 726, 541, 734 ], [ 607, 726, 619, 734 ], [ 703, 726, 715, 734 ], [ 763, 726, 775, 734 ], [ 825, 726, 861, 734 ], [ 927, 726, 939, 734 ], [ 121, 739, 320, 746 ], [ 141, 748, 309, 756 ], [ 404, 748, 416, 756 ], [ 466, 748, 473, 756 ], [ 512, 748, 541, 756 ], [ 607, 748, 619, 756 ], [ 703, 748, 715, 756 ], [ 763, 748, 775, 756 ], [ 831, 748, 861, 756 ], [ 927, 748, 939, 756 ], [ 121, 760, 277, 768 ], [ 141, 769, 300, 777 ], [ 404, 769, 416, 777 ], [ 461, 769, 473, 777 ], [ 529, 769, 541, 777 ], [ 607, 769, 619, 777 ], [ 683, 769, 718, 777 ], [ 763, 769, 775, 777 ], [ 828, 769, 864, 777 ], [ 906, 769, 942, 777 ], [ 121, 782, 303, 790 ], [ 141, 791, 244, 799 ], [ 404, 791, 416, 799 ], [ 461, 791, 472, 799 ], [ 529, 791, 541, 799 ], [ 607, 791, 619, 799 ], [ 683, 791, 718, 799 ], [ 763, 791, 775, 799 ], [ 828, 791, 864, 799 ], [ 906, 791, 942, 799 ], [ 121, 807, 278, 815 ], [ 364, 807, 416, 815 ], [ 435, 807, 473, 815 ], [ 482, 807, 541, 815 ], [ 566, 807, 622, 815 ], [ 667, 807, 718, 815 ], [ 734, 807, 776, 815 ], [ 797, 807, 861, 815 ], [ 884, 807, 939, 815 ], [ 121, 832, 344, 840 ] ]
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[ "49", "CONSOLIDA", "TED STATEMENTS OF SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY", "VORNADO REALTY TRUST", "CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS", "OF SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY", "Accumulated", "Distributions", "Other", "Preferred", "Common", "Additional", "in Excess of", "Comprehensive", "Shareholders’ Comprehensive", "Shares", "Shares", "Capital", "Net Income", "Loss", "Other", "Equity", "Income", "(AMOUNTS IN THOUSANDS, EXCEPT PER SHARE AMOUNTS)", "Balance, January 1, 2001", "$ 481,460", "$3,472", "$1,709,284", "$ (90,366)", "$ (20,426)", "$", "(4,704)", "$ 2,078,720", "$ 215,013", "Net Income", "—", "—", "—", "263,738", "—", "—", "263,738", "$ 263,738", "Dividends paid on Preferred Shares", "Series A Preferred Shares", "($3.25 per share)", "—", "—", "—", "(19,505)", "—", "—", "(19,505)", "—", "Series B Preferred Shares", "($2.125 per share)", "—", "—", "—", "(7,225)", "—", "—", "(7,225)", "—", "Series C Preferred Shares", "($2.125 per share)", "—", "—", "—", "(9,775)", "—", "—", "(9,775)", "—", "Dividends paid on common shares", "($2.32 per share)", "—", "—", "—", "(201,813)", "—", "—", "(201,813)", "—", "Dividends payable on common shares", "($.31 per share)", "—", "—", "—", "(30,701)", "—", "—", "(30,701)", "—", "Common shares issued, net of shelf", "registration costs of $260", "—", "391", "376,542", "—", "—", "—", "376,933", "—", "Common shares issued under", "employees’ share plan", "—", "12", "9,947", "—", "—", "—", "9,959", "—", "Conversion of Series A Preferred Shares ", "to common shares", "(13,441)", "15", "13,426", "—", "—", "—", "—", "—", "Redemption of units for common shares", "—", "70", "52,017", "—", "—", "—", "52,087", "—", "Accretion of issuance expenses on ", "preferred shares", "958", "—", "—", "—", "—", "—", "958", "—", "Common shares issued in connection", "with dividend reinvestment plan", "—", "1", "1,296", "—", "—", "—", "1,297", "—", "Change in unrealized net loss", "on securities available for sale", "—", "—", "—", "—", "18,178", "—", "18,178", "18,178", "Deferred compensation shares earned", "but not yet delivered", "—", "—", "—", "—", "—", "38,253", "38,253", "—", "Pension obligations", "—", "—", "—", "—", "(732)", "—", "(732)", "(732)", "Balance, December 31, 2001", "468,977", "3,961", "2,162,512", "(95,647)", "(2,980)", "33,549", "2,570,372", "$ 281,184", "Net Income", "—", "—", "—", "232,903", "—", "—", "232,903", "$ 232,903", "Dividends paid on Preferred Shares", "Series A Preferred Shares", "($3.25 per share)", "—", "—", "—", "(6,167)", "—", "—", "(6,167)", "—", "Series B Preferred Shares", "($2.125 per share)", "—", "—", "—", "(7,225)", "—", "—", "(7,225)", "—", "Series C Preferred Shares", "($2.125 per share)", "—", "—", "—", "(9,775)", "—", "—", "(9,775)", "—", "Net proceeds from issuance of common", "shares", "—", "56", "56,397", "—", "—", "—", "56,453", "—", "Conversion of Series A Preferred", "shares to common shares", "(203,489)", "225", "203,264", "—", "—", "—", "—", "—", "Deferred compensation shares", "—", "2", "2,627", "—", "—", "25,778", "28,407", "—", "Dividends paid on common shares", "($2.97 per share, including $.31", "for 2001)", "—", "—", "—", "(314,419)", "—", "—", "(314,419)", "—", "Reversal of dividends payable on ", "common shares in 2001 ", "($.31 per share)", "—", "—", "—", "30,701", "—", "—", "30,701", "—", "Common shares issued under", "employees’ share plan", "—", "36", "24,349", "—", "—", "—", "24,385", "—", "Redemption of units for common shares", "—", "38", "30,380", "—", "—", "—", "30,418", "—", "Common shares issued in connection", "with dividend reinvestment plan", "—", "2", "1,885", "—", "—", "—", "1,887", "—", "Change in unrealized net loss", "on securities available for sale", "—", "—", "—", "—", "(8,936)", "—", "(8,936)", "(8,936)", "Other non-cash changes, primarily", "pension obligations", "—", "—", "—", "—", "(1,648)", "—", "(1,648)", "(1,648)", "Balance, December 31, 2002", "$ 265,488", "$4,320", "$2,481,414", "$(169,629)", "$ (13,564)", "$59,327", "$ 2,627,356", "$ 222,319", "See notes to consolidated financial statements." ]
[ [ 75, 40, 195, 50 ], [ 203, 40, 473, 50 ], [ 42, 91, 61, 105 ], [ 73, 92, 478, 108 ], [ 73, 92, 478, 108 ], [ 808, 106, 831, 114 ], [ 879, 106, 901, 114 ], [ 822, 115, 831, 123 ], [ 892, 115, 901, 123 ], [ 814, 115, 822, 122 ], [ 884, 115, 892, 122 ], [ 75, 131, 258, 142 ], [ 794, 131, 831, 142 ], [ 866, 131, 901, 142 ], [ 42, 178, 61, 192 ], [ 73, 179, 149, 195 ], [ 73, 179, 149, 195 ], [ 808, 193, 831, 201 ], [ 879, 193, 901, 201 ], [ 822, 202, 831, 210 ], [ 892, 202, 901, 210 ], [ 814, 202, 822, 209 ], [ 884, 202, 892, 209 ], [ 75, 218, 168, 229 ], [ 815, 218, 831, 229 ], [ 886, 218, 901, 229 ], [ 75, 233, 246, 244 ], [ 823, 233, 831, 244 ], [ 893, 233, 901, 244 ], [ 75, 252, 107, 263 ], [ 815, 252, 831, 263 ], [ 886, 252, 901, 263 ], [ 75, 277, 406, 288 ], [ 417, 277, 481, 288 ], [ 493, 277, 521, 288 ], [ 406, 277, 417, 288 ], [ 481, 277, 493, 288 ], [ 42, 327, 61, 341 ], [ 73, 328, 516, 344 ], [ 73, 328, 516, 344 ], [ 808, 342, 831, 350 ], [ 879, 342, 901, 350 ], [ 822, 351, 831, 359 ], [ 892, 351, 901, 359 ], [ 814, 351, 822, 359 ], [ 884, 351, 892, 359 ], [ 75, 367, 196, 378 ], [ 806, 367, 831, 378 ], [ 878, 367, 901, 378 ], [ 75, 382, 129, 393 ], [ 823, 382, 831, 393 ], [ 886, 382, 901, 393 ], [ 75, 397, 175, 408 ], [ 823, 397, 831, 408 ], [ 893, 397, 901, 408 ], [ 75, 415, 107, 427 ], [ 806, 415, 831, 427 ], [ 878, 415, 901, 427 ], [ 42, 463, 61, 477 ], [ 73, 463, 607, 479 ], [ 73, 463, 607, 479 ], [ 808, 478, 831, 486 ], [ 879, 478, 901, 486 ], [ 822, 486, 831, 494 ], [ 892, 486, 901, 494 ], [ 814, 486, 822, 494 ], [ 884, 486, 892, 494 ], [ 75, 503, 184, 514 ], [ 823, 503, 831, 514 ], [ 893, 503, 901, 514 ], [ 75, 517, 129, 529 ], [ 815, 517, 831, 529 ], [ 886, 517, 901, 529 ], [ 75, 532, 175, 544 ], [ 823, 532, 831, 544 ], [ 893, 532, 901, 544 ], [ 75, 551, 107, 562 ], [ 815, 551, 831, 562 ], [ 886, 551, 901, 562 ], [ 75, 577, 843, 588 ], [ 75, 591, 430, 603 ], [ 441, 591, 487, 603 ], [ 498, 591, 898, 603 ], [ 430, 592, 441, 603 ], [ 487, 592, 498, 603 ], [ 75, 606, 341, 618 ], [ 50, 969, 66, 976 ], [ 75, 969, 382, 976 ] ]
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[ "REED ELSEVIER NV", "> NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS", "12", "Fixed asset investments – parent company", "Fixed asset investments – parent company", "2003", "2002", "m", "m", "€", "€", "Investment in joint ventures", "2,161", "2,161", "13", "Debtors", "Debtors", "2003", "2002", "m", "m", "€", "€", "Joint ventures", "50", "50", "Other accounts receivable", "6", "6", "Total", "56", "56", "Amounts falling due after more than one year are ", "nil (2002: ", "nil). ", "€", "€", "14", "Creditors: amounts falling due within one year", "Creditors: amounts falling due within one year", "2003", "2002", "m", "m", "€", "€", "Proposed dividend", "162", "156", "Taxation", "9", "10", "Other creditors", "3", "1", "Total", "174", "167", "15", "Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year", "Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year", "2003", "2002", "m", "m", "€", "€", "Debenture loans", "7", "6", "Taxation", "58", "58", "Other creditors", "–", "1", "Total", "65", "65", "Debenture loans comprise four convertible personnel debenture loans with a weighted average interest rate of 5.2%.", "Depending on the conversion terms, the surrender of ", "227 or ", "200 par value debenture loans qualifies for the acquisition of", "€", "€", "20-50 Reed Elsevier NV ordinary shares.", "100", "REED ELSEVIER ANNUAL REPORTS & FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2003" ]
[ [ 91, 40, 320, 50 ], [ 327, 40, 670, 50 ], [ 58, 91, 77, 105 ], [ 90, 92, 305, 108 ], [ 305, 97, 368, 106 ], [ 664, 122, 687, 130 ], [ 896, 122, 918, 130 ], [ 506, 135, 547, 143 ], [ 738, 135, 777, 143 ], [ 510, 143, 547, 151 ], [ 564, 143, 617, 151 ], [ 639, 143, 687, 151 ], [ 742, 143, 777, 151 ], [ 796, 143, 848, 151 ], [ 872, 143, 918, 151 ], [ 538, 152, 547, 160 ], [ 608, 152, 617, 160 ], [ 678, 152, 687, 160 ], [ 768, 152, 777, 160 ], [ 838, 152, 848, 160 ], [ 908, 152, 918, 160 ], [ 530, 152, 538, 160 ], [ 600, 152, 608, 160 ], [ 670, 152, 678, 160 ], [ 760, 152, 768, 160 ], [ 830, 152, 838, 160 ], [ 900, 152, 908, 160 ], [ 91, 168, 398, 179 ], [ 106, 183, 250, 194 ], [ 91, 198, 172, 209 ], [ 601, 198, 617, 209 ], [ 671, 198, 687, 209 ], [ 832, 198, 848, 209 ], [ 902, 198, 918, 209 ], [ 91, 213, 125, 224 ], [ 601, 213, 617, 224 ], [ 671, 213, 687, 224 ], [ 824, 213, 848, 224 ], [ 894, 213, 918, 224 ], [ 91, 227, 252, 239 ], [ 593, 227, 617, 239 ], [ 663, 227, 687, 239 ], [ 824, 227, 848, 239 ], [ 894, 227, 918, 239 ], [ 91, 242, 235, 254 ], [ 601, 242, 617, 254 ], [ 671, 242, 687, 254 ], [ 832, 242, 848, 254 ], [ 902, 242, 918, 254 ], [ 91, 257, 391, 268 ], [ 106, 272, 249, 283 ], [ 575, 272, 622, 283 ], [ 645, 272, 692, 283 ], [ 809, 272, 852, 283 ], [ 879, 272, 922, 283 ], [ 91, 287, 238, 298 ], [ 575, 287, 622, 298 ], [ 645, 287, 692, 298 ], [ 809, 287, 852, 298 ], [ 879, 287, 922, 298 ], [ 91, 302, 257, 313 ], [ 596, 302, 622, 313 ], [ 666, 302, 692, 313 ], [ 828, 302, 852, 313 ], [ 898, 302, 922, 313 ], [ 91, 316, 159, 328 ], [ 596, 316, 622, 328 ], [ 666, 316, 692, 328 ], [ 820, 316, 852, 328 ], [ 890, 316, 922, 328 ], [ 575, 335, 622, 347 ], [ 645, 335, 692, 347 ], [ 809, 335, 852, 347 ], [ 879, 335, 922, 347 ], [ 91, 354, 424, 365 ], [ 106, 369, 352, 380 ], [ 91, 384, 218, 395 ], [ 510, 384, 547, 395 ], [ 596, 384, 622, 395 ], [ 666, 384, 692, 395 ], [ 743, 384, 777, 395 ], [ 828, 384, 852, 395 ], [ 890, 384, 922, 395 ], [ 91, 398, 225, 410 ], [ 523, 398, 547, 410 ], [ 604, 398, 622, 410 ], [ 666, 398, 692, 410 ], [ 743, 398, 777, 410 ], [ 836, 398, 852, 410 ], [ 898, 398, 922, 410 ], [ 91, 413, 215, 425 ], [ 531, 413, 547, 425 ], [ 609, 413, 617, 425 ], [ 679, 413, 687, 425 ], [ 754, 413, 777, 425 ], [ 840, 413, 848, 425 ], [ 910, 413, 918, 425 ], [ 91, 428, 260, 439 ], [ 523, 428, 547, 439 ], [ 609, 428, 617, 439 ], [ 679, 428, 687, 439 ], [ 743, 428, 777, 439 ], [ 840, 428, 848, 439 ], [ 906, 428, 922, 439 ], [ 91, 443, 328, 454 ], [ 531, 443, 547, 454 ], [ 609, 443, 617, 454 ], [ 679, 443, 687, 454 ], [ 754, 443, 777, 454 ], [ 840, 443, 848, 454 ], [ 902, 443, 918, 454 ], [ 510, 462, 547, 473 ], [ 596, 462, 622, 473 ], [ 658, 462, 692, 473 ], [ 743, 462, 777, 473 ], [ 828, 462, 852, 473 ], [ 890, 462, 922, 473 ], [ 91, 481, 275, 492 ], [ 510, 481, 547, 492 ], [ 575, 481, 622, 492 ], [ 645, 481, 692, 492 ], [ 743, 481, 777, 492 ], [ 809, 481, 852, 492 ], [ 879, 481, 922, 492 ], [ 91, 505, 917, 517 ], [ 91, 520, 922, 531 ], [ 91, 534, 882, 545 ], [ 91, 548, 922, 559 ], [ 91, 562, 784, 573 ], [ 91, 583, 144, 594 ], [ 91, 597, 926, 608 ], [ 91, 611, 915, 622 ], [ 91, 625, 142, 637 ], [ 668, 659, 732, 667 ], [ 840, 659, 880, 667 ], [ 661, 672, 687, 680 ], [ 725, 672, 757, 680 ], [ 821, 672, 848, 680 ], [ 885, 672, 918, 680 ], [ 672, 680, 687, 688 ], [ 742, 680, 757, 688 ], [ 833, 680, 848, 688 ], [ 903, 680, 918, 688 ], [ 91, 696, 282, 708 ], [ 679, 696, 687, 708 ], [ 728, 696, 762, 708 ], [ 831, 696, 848, 708 ], [ 896, 696, 923, 708 ], [ 91, 711, 519, 723 ], [ 674, 711, 692, 723 ], [ 741, 711, 757, 723 ], [ 826, 711, 853, 723 ], [ 909, 711, 918, 723 ], [ 91, 730, 545, 741 ], [ 679, 730, 687, 741 ], [ 736, 730, 762, 741 ], [ 831, 730, 848, 741 ], [ 904, 730, 923, 741 ], [ 91, 745, 480, 756 ], [ 679, 745, 687, 756 ], [ 744, 745, 762, 756 ], [ 831, 745, 848, 756 ], [ 896, 745, 923, 756 ], [ 91, 764, 310, 775 ], [ 679, 764, 687, 775 ], [ 736, 764, 762, 775 ], [ 831, 764, 848, 775 ], [ 896, 764, 923, 775 ], [ 91, 783, 153, 794 ], [ 91, 797, 454, 809 ], [ 679, 797, 687, 809 ], [ 736, 797, 762, 809 ], [ 831, 797, 848, 809 ], [ 896, 797, 923, 809 ], [ 91, 812, 508, 824 ], [ 679, 812, 687, 824 ], [ 736, 812, 762, 824 ], [ 831, 812, 848, 824 ], [ 896, 812, 923, 824 ], [ 621, 969, 928, 976 ], [ 939, 969, 950, 976 ] ]
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[ "COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS", "> NOTES TO THE COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS", "22", "Financial instruments ", "(continued)", "2003", "2002", "Notional", "Notional", "amount", "Book value", "Fair value", "amount", "Book value", "Fair value", "m", "m", "m", "m", "m", "m", "€", "€", "€", "€", "€", "€", "Primary financial instruments held or issued", "to finance operations", "Investments", "58", "58", "90", "90", "Cash", "97", "97", "259", "259", "Short term investments ", "809", "809", "613", "612", "Other financial assets", "33", "33", "31", "31", "Short term borrowings and current portion of", "long term borrowings", "(1,701)", "(1,700)", "(2,091)", "(2,102)", "Long term borrowings", "(2,573)", "(2,702)", "(2,961)", "(3,127)", "Other financial liabilities ", "(19)", "(19)", "(27)", "(27)", "Provisions", "(72)", "(72)", "(109)", "(109)", "(3,368)", "(3,496)", "(4,195)", "(4,373)", "Derivative financial instruments held to manage ", "interest rate and currency exposure", "Interest rate swaps", "1,995", "(10)", "(77)", "1,115", "(14)", "(112)", "Interest rate options", "878", "(6)", "(46)", "1,050", "(6)", "(99)", "Interest rate floors", "71", "–", "–", "230", "–", "–", "Forward rate agreements", "359", "–", "–", "1,481", "–", "(2)", "Forward foreign exchange contracts", "74", "–", "7", "376", "–", "13", "3,377", "(16)", "(116)", "4,252", "(20)", "(200)", "Total financial instruments", "3,377", "(3,384)", "(3,612)", "4,252", "(4,215)", "(4,573)", "The amounts shown as the book value of derivative financial instruments represent accruals or deferred income arising from", "these financial instruments. The fair value of long term debt has been based on current market rates offered to Reed Elsevier", "for debt of the same remaining maturities. The fair values for interest rate swaps, interest rate options and forward rate", "agreements represent the replacement cost calculated using market rates of interest at 31 December 2003 and 2002. The fair", "values of all other items have been calculated by discounting expected future cash flows at market rates.", "Hedges", "The unrecognised and deferred gains and losses on financial instruments used for hedging purposes as at 31 December 2003,", "and before taking into account gains and losses arising in the year and included in the profit and loss account, are derived as", "follows:", "Unrecognised", "Deferred", "Gains", "Losses", "Gains", "Losses", "£m", "£m", "£m", "£m", "On hedges at 1 January 2003", "8", "(126)", "58", "(15)", "Arising in previous years included in 2003 profit and loss account", "(8)", "49", "(30)", "8", "Arising in previous years not included in 2003 profit and loss account", "–", "(77)", "28", "(7)", "Arising in 2003 not included in 2003 profit and loss account", "7", "(1)", "41", "(18)", "On hedges at 31 December 2003", "7", "(78)", "69", "(25)", "Of which:", "Expected to be included in 2004 profit and loss account", "4", "(35)", "44", "(14)", "Expected to be included in 2005 profit and loss account or later", "3", "(43)", "25", "(11)", "REED ELSEVIER ANNUAL REPORTS & FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2003", "65" ]
[ [ 138, 60, 555, 81 ], [ 138, 97, 155, 113 ], [ 170, 97, 549, 113 ], [ 138, 126, 158, 141 ], [ 162, 126, 249, 141 ], [ 527, 126, 548, 141 ], [ 552, 126, 605, 141 ], [ 138, 153, 479, 165 ], [ 527, 153, 607, 165 ], [ 138, 165, 483, 177 ], [ 138, 178, 478, 190 ], [ 527, 178, 870, 190 ], [ 138, 190, 290, 202 ], [ 527, 190, 868, 202 ], [ 527, 202, 866, 214 ], [ 527, 215, 869, 226 ], [ 527, 227, 869, 239 ], [ 138, 229, 151, 244 ], [ 165, 229, 238, 244 ], [ 527, 239, 870, 251 ], [ 527, 251, 868, 263 ], [ 138, 257, 299, 269 ], [ 527, 264, 871, 276 ], [ 527, 276, 870, 288 ], [ 138, 281, 480, 293 ], [ 527, 288, 867, 300 ], [ 138, 294, 480, 306 ], [ 527, 301, 873, 313 ], [ 138, 306, 477, 318 ], [ 527, 313, 868, 325 ], [ 138, 318, 478, 330 ], [ 527, 325, 866, 337 ], [ 138, 331, 284, 343 ], [ 527, 337, 871, 349 ], [ 527, 350, 866, 362 ], [ 138, 355, 480, 367 ], [ 527, 362, 871, 374 ], [ 138, 367, 479, 379 ], [ 527, 374, 857, 386 ], [ 138, 380, 477, 392 ], [ 138, 392, 477, 404 ], [ 527, 399, 732, 411 ], [ 138, 404, 479, 416 ], [ 138, 417, 477, 429 ], [ 527, 424, 865, 436 ], [ 138, 429, 440, 441 ], [ 527, 436, 695, 448 ], [ 555, 460, 866, 472 ], [ 527, 461, 531, 472 ], [ 138, 466, 151, 481 ], [ 165, 466, 212, 481 ], [ 555, 473, 867, 485 ], [ 555, 485, 866, 497 ], [ 555, 497, 867, 509 ], [ 138, 507, 283, 520 ], [ 555, 510, 817, 522 ], [ 555, 510, 817, 522 ], [ 555, 522, 870, 534 ], [ 555, 522, 870, 534 ], [ 527, 522, 531, 534 ], [ 527, 522, 531, 534 ], [ 138, 533, 252, 545 ], [ 555, 534, 707, 546 ], [ 138, 557, 476, 569 ], [ 527, 559, 867, 571 ], [ 138, 570, 479, 582 ], [ 527, 571, 872, 583 ], [ 138, 582, 477, 594 ], [ 527, 583, 867, 595 ], [ 138, 594, 478, 606 ], [ 527, 596, 584, 608 ], [ 138, 607, 287, 618 ], [ 527, 620, 869, 632 ], [ 527, 633, 866, 644 ], [ 527, 645, 869, 657 ], [ 138, 645, 281, 658 ], [ 527, 657, 867, 669 ], [ 527, 669, 809, 681 ], [ 138, 671, 278, 683 ], [ 527, 694, 867, 706 ], [ 138, 695, 174, 707 ], [ 190, 695, 235, 707 ], [ 251, 695, 321, 707 ], [ 337, 695, 357, 707 ], [ 373, 695, 441, 707 ], [ 457, 695, 472, 707 ], [ 527, 706, 868, 718 ], [ 138, 708, 478, 720 ], [ 527, 719, 662, 731 ], [ 138, 720, 485, 732 ], [ 138, 732, 476, 744 ], [ 527, 743, 541, 758 ], [ 545, 743, 778, 758 ], [ 138, 745, 481, 756 ], [ 138, 757, 477, 769 ], [ 138, 769, 477, 781 ], [ 527, 771, 867, 782 ], [ 138, 781, 476, 793 ], [ 527, 783, 867, 795 ], [ 138, 794, 158, 806 ], [ 175, 794, 230, 806 ], [ 248, 794, 300, 806 ], [ 317, 794, 369, 806 ], [ 386, 794, 409, 806 ], [ 427, 794, 472, 806 ], [ 527, 795, 871, 807 ], [ 138, 806, 482, 818 ], [ 527, 807, 866, 819 ], [ 138, 818, 477, 830 ], [ 527, 820, 868, 832 ], [ 138, 831, 456, 843 ], [ 527, 832, 867, 844 ], [ 527, 844, 861, 856 ], [ 527, 857, 870, 868 ], [ 527, 869, 867, 881 ], [ 527, 881, 866, 893 ], [ 527, 893, 865, 905 ], [ 527, 906, 780, 918 ], [ 139, 949, 156, 962 ], [ 224, 949, 812, 962 ] ]
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[ "Notes to the Financial Statements (continued) ", "1. ", "Statement of Significant Accounting Policies (continued) ", "(h)", "Inventories ", "(k)", "Taxes ", "Inventories are valued at the lower of cost and net ", "Income Tax ", "realisable value. Costs have been assigned to ", "inventory quantities on hand at balance date using a ", "Income tax has been brought to account using a ", "weighted average basis. ", "method of tax effect accounting whereby income tax ", "expense for the period is calculated on the accounting ", "profit after adjusting for items which, as a result of ", "their treatment under income tax legislation, create ", "(i)", "Intangibles", "permanent differences between that profit and the ", "taxable income. The tax effect of timing differences ", "Goodwill on Acquisition ", "which arise from the recognition of revenue and ", "expense items in the accounts in periods different ", "On acquisition of a controlled entity, the difference ", "from those in which they are assessable or allowable ", "between the purchase consideration plus incidental ", "for income tax purposes, are presented in the ", "expenses and the fair value of identifiable net assets ", "Statement of Financial Position as a “future income ", "acquired is initially brought to account as goodwill or ", "tax benefit” at the tax rate expected to apply when the ", "discount on acquisition. ", "differences reverse. A future income tax benefit ", "relating to timing differences is only carried forward as ", "Purchased goodwill is amortised on a straight line ", "an asset where realisation of the benefit can be ", "basis over the period during which the benefits are ", "regarded as being assured beyond reasonable doubt. ", "expected to arise, which is currently between five and ", "twenty years. The unamortised balance of goodwill is ", "Goods and Services Tax (GST) ", "reviewed at each balance date and charged to the ", "Statement of Financial Performance to the extent that ", "Revenues, expenses and assets are recognised net of ", "applicable future benefits are no longer probable. ", "the amount of GST except: ", "Where the GST incurred on a purchase of goods ", "ƒ", "(j)", "Leases", "and services is not recoverable from the taxation ", "authority, in which case the GST is recognised as ", "part of the cost of acquisition of the asset or as ", "Company as lessee ", "part of the expense item as applicable; and", "part of the expense item as applicable; and", "Receivables and payables are stated with the ", "Receivables and payables are stated with the ", "ƒ", "ƒ", "Operating leases ", "amount of GST included.", "Where title is not expected to pass to the lessee at the ", "The net amount of GST recoverable from, or payable ", "end of the lease term the lease is classified as an ", "to, the taxation authority is included as part of ", "operating lease. Lease payments are charged to the ", "receivables or payables in the Statement of Financial ", "Statement of Financial Performance in the periods in ", "Position. ", "which they are incurred. ", "Cash flows are included in the Statement of Cash ", "Flows on a net basis and the GST component of cash ", "flows arising from investing and financing activities, ", "Company as lessor ", "which is recoverable from, or payable to, the taxation ", "authority is classified as operating cash flows. ", "Direct finance leases ", "Commitments and contingencies are disclosed net of ", "Direct", "finance", "receivables", "are", "recognised", "as", "the amount of GST recoverable from, or payable to, ", "receivables at the beginning of the lease term at the ", "the taxation authority. ", "present value of the minimum lease payments ", "receivable plus the present value of any unguaranteed ", "(l)", "Provisions for Employee Benefits ", "residual expected to accrue to the benefit of the ", "consolidated entity at the end of the lease term. The ", "discount rate used in determining the present value is ", "Provision has been made in the financial statements ", "the interest rate implicit in the lease. Lease payments ", "for benefits accruing to employees in relation to such ", "are", "allocated", "between", "principal", "and", "interest", "matters as annual leave, long service leave and ", "components. Lease receivables are reduced by ", "workers compensation. All employee benefit liabilities ", "payments of principal whilst the interest component is ", "are measured at the present value of the estimated ", "credited to the Statement of Financial Performance. ", "future cash outflow to be made in respect of services ", "provided by employees up to reporting date. All on-", "costs, including payroll tax, workers’ compensation ", "premiums and fringe benefits tax are included in the ", "determination of the provisions. Employee entitlement ", "expenses and revenues are charged against profits on ", "a net basis in their respective categories. ", "30 ", "HARVEY NORMAN HOLDINGS LIMITED AND ITS CONTROLLED ENTITIES – ANNUAL REPORT 2003 " ]
[ [ 113, 100, 568, 116 ], [ 113, 135, 177, 143 ], [ 509, 135, 636, 143 ], [ 113, 160, 225, 168 ], [ 509, 160, 632, 168 ], [ 113, 173, 302, 181 ], [ 509, 173, 703, 181 ], [ 113, 186, 251, 194 ], [ 509, 198, 634, 207 ], [ 113, 211, 228, 219 ], [ 509, 211, 641, 220 ], [ 113, 224, 238, 232 ], [ 509, 224, 755, 232 ], [ 113, 237, 308, 245 ], [ 509, 250, 617, 258 ], [ 113, 262, 232, 271 ], [ 509, 262, 708, 271 ], [ 113, 275, 307, 284 ], [ 113, 288, 203, 296 ], [ 509, 288, 655, 296 ], [ 509, 301, 770, 309 ], [ 113, 313, 229, 322 ], [ 113, 326, 140, 335 ], [ 509, 326, 583, 334 ], [ 113, 339, 393, 347 ], [ 509, 339, 789, 347 ], [ 113, 352, 275, 360 ], [ 509, 364, 609, 373 ], [ 113, 377, 190, 385 ], [ 509, 377, 781, 386 ], [ 113, 390, 162, 398 ], [ 113, 403, 253, 411 ], [ 509, 403, 612, 411 ], [ 509, 416, 779, 424 ], [ 113, 428, 231, 437 ], [ 509, 428, 643, 437 ], [ 113, 441, 359, 450 ], [ 113, 454, 282, 462 ], [ 509, 454, 603, 462 ], [ 509, 467, 753, 475 ], [ 113, 479, 206, 488 ], [ 113, 492, 207, 501 ], [ 509, 492, 620, 500 ], [ 113, 505, 228, 513 ], [ 509, 505, 700, 513 ], [ 113, 530, 231, 539 ], [ 509, 530, 661, 539 ], [ 113, 543, 269, 552 ], [ 509, 543, 729, 552 ], [ 113, 556, 297, 564 ], [ 509, 569, 604, 577 ], [ 113, 582, 241, 590 ], [ 509, 582, 772, 590 ], [ 113, 594, 162, 603 ], [ 509, 607, 607, 615 ], [ 113, 607, 252, 616 ], [ 509, 620, 805, 628 ], [ 113, 620, 262, 628 ], [ 509, 645, 581, 654 ], [ 113, 645, 209, 654 ], [ 509, 658, 726, 667 ], [ 113, 658, 303, 667 ], [ 113, 671, 323, 679 ], [ 509, 684, 628, 692 ], [ 509, 697, 805, 705 ], [ 113, 697, 224, 705 ], [ 113, 709, 187, 718 ], [ 509, 722, 603, 730 ], [ 113, 722, 165, 731 ], [ 509, 735, 768, 743 ], [ 113, 748, 238, 756 ], [ 113, 760, 204, 769 ], [ 113, 773, 238, 782 ], [ 234, 884, 897, 891 ], [ 234, 893, 895, 900 ], [ 234, 902, 899, 909 ], [ 234, 910, 511, 918 ], [ 234, 927, 370, 934 ], [ 61, 943, 73, 952 ] ]
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[ "DIRECTORS AND CORPORATE OFFICERS*", "DIRECTORS", "CORPORATE OFFICERS", "LINDA G. ALVARADO", "MICHAEL J. CRITELLI ", "President and Chief Executive Officer", "Chairman and Chief Executive Officer ", "Alvarado Construction, Inc.", "BRIAN M. BAXENDALE", "COLIN G. CAMPBELL", "Senior Vice President and", "Chairman and President", "President, Enterprise Relationship Development", "The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation", "DESSA M. BOKIDES", "MICHAEL J. CRITELLI", "Vice President—Finance and Treasurer", "Chairman and Chief Executive Officer ", "Pitney Bowes Inc.", "GREGORY E. BUONCONTRI", "Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer", "JESSICA P. EINHORN", "Dean", "AMY C. CORN", "Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies", "Vice President, Secretary and Chief Governance Officer", "of the Johns Hopkins University", "STEVEN J. GREEN", "ERNIE GREEN", "Vice President—Finance and Chief Accounting Officer", "President", "Ernie Green Industries, Inc.", "ARLEN F. HENOCK", "Vice President, Finance, Global Enterprise Solutions ", "HERBERT L. HENKEL", "and Chief Tax Officer, PBI ", "Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer", "Ingersoll-Rand Company Limited", "LUIS A. JIMENEZ", "Senior Vice President and Chief Strategy Officer", "JAMES H. KEYES", "Retired Chairman ", "MURRAY D. MARTIN", "Johnson Controls, Inc.", "President and Chief Operating Officer", "JOHN S. MCFARLANE", "MICHELE COLEMAN MAYES", "Former Chief Executive Officer", "Senior Vice President and General Counsel", "Ascendent Telecommunications Inc.", "BRUCE P. NOLOP", "EDUARDO R. MENASCÉ", "Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer", "President", "FRED M. PURDUE", "Enterprise Solutions Group", "Vice President and General Manager, Business Processes", "Verizon Communications Inc.", "ARUN SINHA", "MICHAEL I. ROTH", "Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer", "Chairman and Chief Executive Officer", "The Interpublic Group of Companies, Inc.", "JOHNNA G. TORSONE", "Senior Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer", "DAVID L. SHEDLARZ", "Vice Chairman", "JOSEPH E. WALL", "Pfizer Inc.", "Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer", "ROBERT E. WEISSMAN", "Retired Chairman", "IMS Health Incorporated", "Stockholders may visit the Pitney Bowes corporate governance website at for information concerning the Company’s", "governance practices, including the Governance Principles of the Board of Directors, charters of the committees of the Board, the Company’s Business", "Practices Guidelines and the Directors’ Code of Business Conduct and Ethics. Stockholders who wish to obtain copies of these documents may do so by", "writing to the corporate secretary at our headquarters address.", "*Information as of March 2005.", "30" ]
[ [ 376, 33, 639, 40 ], [ 525, 119, 904, 129 ], [ 110, 119, 353, 131 ], [ 525, 135, 904, 145 ], [ 110, 139, 488, 150 ], [ 525, 150, 904, 161 ], [ 110, 155, 488, 166 ], [ 525, 166, 904, 177 ], [ 110, 171, 488, 181 ], [ 525, 182, 904, 193 ], [ 110, 186, 473, 197 ], [ 525, 198, 904, 208 ], [ 110, 211, 449, 223 ], [ 525, 213, 745, 224 ], [ 110, 232, 489, 242 ], [ 525, 239, 877, 250 ], [ 110, 248, 488, 258 ], [ 525, 260, 904, 271 ], [ 110, 263, 488, 274 ], [ 525, 276, 904, 286 ], [ 110, 279, 488, 290 ], [ 525, 291, 904, 302 ], [ 110, 295, 488, 306 ], [ 525, 307, 904, 318 ], [ 110, 311, 489, 321 ], [ 525, 323, 904, 334 ], [ 110, 326, 488, 337 ], [ 525, 339, 904, 349 ], [ 110, 342, 489, 353 ], [ 525, 355, 904, 365 ], [ 110, 358, 488, 369 ], [ 525, 370, 904, 381 ], [ 110, 374, 488, 384 ], [ 525, 386, 904, 397 ], [ 110, 390, 488, 400 ], [ 525, 402, 904, 413 ], [ 110, 405, 488, 416 ], [ 525, 418, 904, 428 ], [ 110, 421, 488, 432 ], [ 525, 433, 904, 444 ], [ 110, 437, 488, 448 ], [ 525, 449, 904, 460 ], [ 110, 453, 468, 463 ], [ 525, 465, 904, 476 ], [ 125, 468, 489, 479 ], [ 525, 481, 904, 492 ], [ 110, 484, 495, 495 ], [ 525, 497, 904, 507 ], [ 110, 500, 489, 511 ], [ 525, 512, 904, 523 ], [ 110, 516, 488, 527 ], [ 525, 528, 904, 539 ], [ 110, 532, 489, 542 ], [ 525, 544, 904, 555 ], [ 110, 547, 488, 558 ], [ 525, 560, 588, 570 ], [ 110, 563, 489, 574 ], [ 110, 579, 488, 590 ], [ 525, 581, 657, 592 ], [ 110, 595, 384, 605 ], [ 525, 599, 904, 610 ], [ 125, 611, 489, 621 ], [ 525, 615, 904, 625 ], [ 110, 626, 489, 637 ], [ 525, 630, 904, 641 ], [ 110, 642, 488, 653 ], [ 525, 646, 904, 657 ], [ 110, 658, 488, 669 ], [ 525, 662, 904, 673 ], [ 110, 674, 488, 684 ], [ 525, 678, 904, 688 ], [ 110, 689, 442, 700 ], [ 525, 694, 904, 704 ], [ 125, 705, 488, 716 ], [ 525, 709, 904, 720 ], [ 110, 721, 489, 732 ], [ 525, 725, 904, 736 ], [ 110, 737, 488, 747 ], [ 525, 741, 904, 752 ], [ 110, 753, 488, 763 ], [ 525, 757, 704, 767 ], [ 110, 768, 488, 779 ], [ 525, 778, 807, 789 ], [ 110, 784, 488, 795 ], [ 525, 796, 904, 806 ], [ 110, 800, 488, 811 ], [ 525, 812, 904, 822 ], [ 110, 816, 488, 826 ], [ 525, 827, 904, 838 ], [ 525, 843, 904, 854 ], [ 500, 959, 514, 971 ] ]
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[ "MCCORMICK & COMPANY 2004 ANNUAL REPORT", "effective for the first interim or annual period beginning", "Off-Balance Sheet Arrangements", "after June 15, 2005. Upon adoption of SFAS No. 123R,", "The Company had no off-balance sheet arrangements as of", "amounts previously disclosed under SFAS No. 123 will be", "November 30, 2004. In 2003, the Company consolidated", "recorded in the consolidated income statement. The", "the lessor of a leased distribution center and, as a result,", "Company is evaluating the alternatives allowed under the", "the entity is reflected in the consolidated balance sheet. ", "standard, which the Company is required to adopt begin-", "Recently Issued Accounting Pronouncements ", "ning in the fourth quarter of 2005.", "In January 2003, the FASB issued and subsequently", "Critical Accounting Estimates and Assumptions", "revised Interpretation No. 46, “Consolidation of Variable", "In preparing the financial statements in accordance with", "Interest Entities.” The Company adopted Interpretation", "United States generally accepted accounting principles", "No. 46 as it relates to special purpose entities in the fourth", "(GAAP), management is required to make estimates and", "quarter of 2003. The Company consolidated the lessor of a", "assumptions that have an impact on the assets, liabilities,", "leased distribution center used by the Company and", "revenue, and expense amounts reported. These esti-", "recorded a cumulative effect of an accounting change of", "mates can also affect supplemental information disclosed", "$2.1 million (net of income tax benefit of $1.2 million).", "by the Company, including information about contingen-", "Consolidation of this entity increased assets by $11.2 mil-", "cies, risk, and financial condition. The Company believes,", "lion, long-term debt by $14.0 million and minority interest", "given current facts and circumstances, its estimates and", "by $0.5 million. The effect of consolidation of this entity in", "assumptions are reasonable, adhere to GAAP, and are", "prior years would have reduced net income in 2002 by $0.3", "consistently applied. Inherent in the nature of an estimate", "million. In the third quarter of 2004, the Company adopted", "or assumption is the fact that actual results may differ", "the remaining provisions of Interpretation No. 46 and there", "from estimates and estimates may vary as new facts and", "was no material effect upon adoption of this statement.", "circumstances arise. In preparing the financial statements,", "In May 2004, the FASB issued Staff Position 106-2,", "the Company makes routine estimates and judgments in", "“Accounting and Disclosure Requirements Related to ", "determining the net realizable value of accounts receiv-", "the Medicare Prescription Drug Improvement and", "able, inventory, fixed assets, and prepaid allowances.", "Modernization Act of 2003” which provides guidance on", "Management believes the Company’s most critical", "the accounting for the effects of the Act. FASB Staff", "accounting estimates and assumptions are in the follow-", "Position 106-2 is effective for the first interim or annual", "ing areas:", "period beginning after June 15, 2004. The Company", "adopted FASB Staff Position 106-2 in the third quarter of", "Customer Contracts", "2004. See Note 10 for impact of adoption.", "In several of its major markets, the consumer business", "In November 2004, the FASB issued SFAS No. 151,", "sells its products by entering into annual or multi-year con-", "“Inventory Costs,” an amendment to ARB No. 43,", "tracts with its customers. These contracts include provi-", "Chapter 4, “Inventory Pricing.” SFAS No. 151 is effective", "sions for items such as sales discounts, marketing", "for inventory costs incurred during fiscal years beginning", "allowances and performance incentives. The discounts,", "after June 15, 2005. The Company believes there will be", "allowances, and incentives are expensed based on certain", "no material effect upon adoption of this statement.", "estimated criteria such as sales volume of indirect cus-", "In December 2004, the FASB issued SFAS No. 123R,", "tomers, customers reaching anticipated volume thresh-", "“Share-Based Payment,” a revision of SFAS No. 123,", "olds, and marketing spending. The Company routinely", "“Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation” and super-", "reviews these criteria and makes adjustments as facts", "seding APB Opinion No. 25, “Accounting for Stock Issued", "and circumstances change.", "to Employees.” SFAS No. 123R requires the Company to", "Goodwill and Brand Name Asset Valuation", "expense grants made under the stock option and employee", "The Company reviews the carrying value of goodwill and", "stock purchase plan programs. That cost will be recognized", "brand name assets annually utilizing discounted cash flow", "over the vesting period of the plans. SFAS No. 123R is", "models. Changes in estimates of future cash flows caused", "by items such as unforeseen events or changes in market", "33" ]
[ [ 119, 261, 425, 290 ], [ 60, 300, 647, 342 ], [ 119, 357, 715, 385 ], [ 119, 421, 895, 439 ], [ 143, 454, 916, 467 ], [ 119, 471, 917, 485 ], [ 119, 489, 579, 503 ], [ 143, 519, 910, 532 ], [ 119, 536, 209, 550 ], [ 226, 536, 910, 550 ], [ 209, 537, 221, 544 ], [ 119, 554, 910, 568 ], [ 119, 572, 195, 585 ], [ 195, 572, 207, 579 ], [ 143, 601, 910, 615 ], [ 119, 619, 852, 632 ], [ 143, 648, 910, 662 ], [ 119, 666, 910, 680 ], [ 119, 684, 359, 697 ], [ 379, 684, 917, 697 ], [ 359, 684, 371, 691 ], [ 119, 701, 910, 715 ], [ 119, 719, 580, 733 ], [ 143, 748, 700, 762 ], [ 119, 766, 700, 780 ], [ 119, 784, 700, 798 ], [ 119, 801, 700, 815 ], [ 119, 819, 516, 833 ], [ 945, 962, 953, 974 ] ]
[ 10, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5 ]
[ "We continue to ask", "“What’s in your wallet?”", "And the answer keeps getting better.", "Capital One is now in a league with the best-known brands in financial services. ", "We’ve always offered the most innovative products, the best prices and hassle-free service, but Capital One ", "wasn’t a household name until we started marketing our brand with the same energy we put into marketing ", "credit cards and loans. Now 96% of Americans know who we are.", "In 2002 we reached 95% of American households an average of 70 times with our award-winning “What’s in", "your wallet?”", "ads, which air during top-rated TV series and high-profile events, including college football games.", "SM", "We also became the sole title sponsor of the former Capital One Florida Citrus Bowl, which is now the Capital", "One Bowl.", "SM", "We have positioned Capital One as a maverick brand for smart consumers looking for great value, a strategy", "that supports our growth and gives the brand a cachet with consumers in all credit and income brackets. ", "There’s more than advertising behind the success of Capital One’s brand building. Consumers trust the brand", "because they know it’s backed by first-rate products and performance. We promise great prices and great service,", "and we deliver. Our “No-Hassle”", "credit cards and loans are truly hassle-free. We see every interaction with ", "SM", "consumers as an opportunity to build the brand, and through millions of encounters each day, we continue to show", "that Capital One is a company that really does put customers first.", "A powerful brand is a powerful competitive advantage. It differentiates Capital", "One from hundreds of look-alike MasterCard and Visa issuers. It wins customers", "and keeps them. It’s a great asset as we continue our diversification beyond credit", "cards. It helps us form mutually profitable alliances with leading companies in other", "industries. And it draws top-flight talent to Capital One.", "9" ]
[ [ 57, 44, 941, 56 ], [ 57, 58, 942, 70 ], [ 57, 71, 942, 83 ], [ 57, 85, 816, 97 ], [ 85, 115, 942, 127 ], [ 57, 128, 942, 140 ], [ 57, 142, 289, 154 ], [ 57, 174, 778, 186 ], [ 85, 207, 233, 219 ], [ 85, 235, 942, 247 ], [ 57, 249, 941, 261 ], [ 57, 262, 942, 275 ], [ 57, 276, 942, 288 ], [ 57, 289, 942, 302 ], [ 57, 303, 942, 315 ], [ 57, 317, 942, 329 ], [ 57, 330, 942, 342 ], [ 57, 344, 484, 356 ], [ 85, 359, 942, 371 ], [ 57, 372, 942, 385 ], [ 57, 386, 942, 398 ], [ 57, 399, 942, 412 ], [ 57, 413, 942, 425 ], [ 57, 427, 942, 439 ], [ 57, 440, 942, 452 ], [ 57, 454, 942, 466 ], [ 57, 467, 942, 480 ], [ 57, 481, 942, 493 ], [ 57, 494, 941, 507 ], [ 57, 508, 942, 520 ], [ 57, 522, 942, 534 ], [ 57, 535, 942, 547 ], [ 57, 549, 942, 561 ], [ 57, 562, 942, 575 ], [ 57, 576, 942, 588 ], [ 57, 590, 645, 602 ], [ 85, 619, 942, 632 ], [ 57, 633, 122, 645 ], [ 85, 663, 333, 675 ], [ 85, 693, 942, 705 ], [ 57, 706, 942, 718 ], [ 57, 720, 942, 732 ], [ 57, 733, 942, 746 ], [ 57, 747, 942, 759 ], [ 57, 761, 942, 773 ], [ 57, 774, 663, 786 ], [ 85, 804, 303, 816 ], [ 85, 834, 942, 846 ], [ 57, 847, 942, 860 ], [ 57, 861, 942, 873 ], [ 57, 874, 942, 887 ], [ 57, 888, 942, 900 ], [ 57, 902, 942, 914 ], [ 57, 915, 404, 927 ], [ 28, 969, 44, 979 ] ]
[ 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5 ]
[ "and Fiscal 2003 compared to the year ended February 28, 2002 (“Fiscal 2002”), and (ii) financial liquidity and capital resources", "for Fiscal 2004. This discussion and analysis also identifies certain restructuring and related charges expected to affect consolidat-", "ed results of operations of the Company for the year ended February 28, 2005 (“Fiscal 2005”). This discussion and analysis should", "be read in conjunction with the Company’s consolidated financial statements and notes thereto included herein.", "As discussed in Note 1 to the financial statements, the Company adopted SFAS No. 142 on March 1, 2002. Upon the adop-", "tion of SFAS No. 142, the Company ceased amortization of goodwill and indefinite lived intangible assets. Retroactive application", "of SFAS No. 142 is not permitted.", "ACQUISITIONS IN FISCAL 2004, FISCAL 2003 AND FISCAL 2002 AND JOINT VENTURE", "Acquisition of Hardy", "On March 27, 2003, the Company acquired control of BRL Hardy Limited, now known as Hardy Wine Company Limited", "(“Hardy”), and on April 9, 2003, the Company completed its acquisition of all of Hardy’s outstanding capital stock. As a result", "of the acquisition of Hardy, the Company also acquired the remaining 50% ownership of Pacific Wine Partners LLC (“PWP”), the", "joint venture the Company established with Hardy in July 2001. The acquisition of Hardy along with the remaining interest in PWP", "is referred to together as the “Hardy Acquisition.” Through this acquisition, the Company acquired Australia’s largest wine pro-", "ducer with interests in wineries and vineyards in most of Australia’s major wine regions as well as New Zealand and the United", "States. Hardy has a comprehensive portfolio of wine products across all price points with a strong focus on premium wine produc-", "tion. Hardy’s wines are distributed worldwide through a network of marketing and sales operations, with the majority of sales gen-", "erated in Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States.", "Total consideration paid in cash and Class A Common Stock to the Hardy shareholders was $1,137.4 million. Additionally,", "the Company recorded direct acquisition costs of $17.7 million. The acquisition date for accounting purposes is March 27, 2003.", "The Company has recorded a $1.6 million reduction in the purchase price to reflect imputed interest between the accounting acqui-", "sition date and the final payment of consideration. This charge is included as interest expense in the Consolidated Statement of", "Income for the year ended February 29, 2004. The cash portion of the purchase price paid to the Hardy shareholders and option-", "holders ($1,060.2 million) was financed with $660.2 million of borrowings under the Company’s March 2003 Credit Agreement", "(as defined below) and $400.0 million of borrowings under the Company’s Bridge Agreement (as defined below). Additionally, the", "Company issued 3,288,913 shares of the Company’s Class A Common Stock, which were valued at $77.2 million based on the sim-", "ple average of the closing market price of the Company’s Class A Common Stock beginning two days before and ending two days", "after April 4, 2003, the day the Hardy shareholders elected the form of consideration they wished to receive. The purchase price", "was based primarily on a discounted cash flow analysis that contemplated, among other things, the value of a broader geographic", "distribution in strategic international markets and a presence in the important Australian winemaking regions. The Company and", "Hardy have complementary businesses that share a common growth orientation and operating philosophy. The Hardy Acquisition", "supports the Company’s strategy of growth and breadth across categories and geographies, and strengthens its competitive position", "in its core markets. The purchase price and resulting goodwill were primarily based on the growth opportunities of the brand port-", "folio of Hardy. In particular, the Company believes there are growth opportunities for Australian wines in the United Kingdom,", "United States and other wine markets. This acquisition supports the Company’s strategy of driving long-term growth and positions", "the Company to capitalize on the growth opportunities in “new world” wine markets.", "The results of operations of Hardy and PWP have been reported in the Company’s Constellation Wines segment as of March", "27, 2003.", "Acquisition of Ravenswood Winery", "On July 2, 2001, the Company acquired all of the outstanding capital stock of Ravenswood Winery, Inc. (the “Ravenswood", "Acquisition”), a leading premium wine producer based in Sonoma, California. On June 30, 2002, Ravenswood Winery, Inc. was", "merged into Franciscan Vineyards, Inc. (a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company). The Ravenswood business produces, markets", "and sells super-premium and ultra-premium California wine, primarily under the Ravenswood brand name. The vast majority of", "the wine the Ravenswood business produces and sells is red wine, including the number one super-premium Zinfandel in the United", "States. The results of operations of the Ravenswood business are reported in the Constellation Wines segment and have been includ-", "ed in the consolidated results of operations of the Company since the date of acquisition.", "Acquisition of the Corus Assets", "On March 26, 2001, in an asset acquisition, the Company acquired certain wine brands, wineries, working capital (primarily", "inventories), and other related assets from Corus Brands, Inc. (the “Corus Assets”). In this acquisition, the Company acquired sev-", "eral well-known premium wine brands primarily sold in the northwestern United States, including Covey Run, Columbia, Ste.", "Chapelle and Alice White. In connection with the transaction, the Company also entered into long-term grape supply agreements", "with affiliates of Corus Brands, Inc. covering more than 1,000 acres of Washington and Idaho vineyards. The results of operations", "of the Corus Assets are reported in the Constellation Wines segment and have been included in the consolidated results of opera-", "tions of the Company since the date of acquisition.", "25" ]
[ [ 306, 48, 750, 60 ], [ 184, 64, 815, 76 ], [ 375, 80, 625, 94 ], [ 677, 109, 733, 116 ], [ 524, 119, 568, 126 ], [ 689, 119, 714, 126 ], [ 337, 128, 377, 135 ], [ 414, 128, 483, 135 ], [ 531, 128, 563, 135 ], [ 598, 128, 634, 135 ], [ 670, 128, 736, 135 ], [ 749, 128, 788, 135 ], [ 817, 128, 856, 135 ], [ 344, 136, 369, 144 ], [ 403, 136, 435, 144 ], [ 453, 136, 486, 144 ], [ 531, 136, 563, 144 ], [ 598, 136, 636, 144 ], [ 692, 136, 713, 144 ], [ 756, 136, 778, 144 ], [ 809, 136, 871, 144 ], [ 901, 136, 925, 144 ], [ 56, 163, 186, 170 ], [ 336, 163, 344, 170 ], [ 365, 163, 372, 170 ], [ 389, 163, 395, 170 ], [ 412, 163, 431, 170 ], [ 443, 163, 449, 170 ], [ 476, 163, 492, 170 ], [ 516, 163, 522, 170 ], [ 536, 163, 570, 170 ], [ 586, 163, 591, 170 ], [ 622, 163, 659, 170 ], [ 669, 163, 674, 170 ], [ 694, 163, 729, 170 ], [ 745, 163, 791, 170 ], [ 805, 163, 813, 170 ], [ 853, 163, 875, 170 ], [ 882, 163, 890, 170 ], [ 900, 163, 934, 170 ], [ 56, 173, 156, 181 ], [ 65, 184, 179, 191 ], [ 365, 184, 372, 191 ], [ 423, 184, 431, 191 ], [ 487, 184, 495, 191 ], [ 565, 184, 570, 191 ], [ 622, 184, 659, 191 ], [ 721, 184, 728, 191 ], [ 783, 184, 791, 191 ], [ 867, 184, 875, 191 ], [ 900, 184, 937, 191 ], [ 65, 194, 258, 201 ], [ 85, 204, 254, 212 ], [ 365, 204, 372, 212 ], [ 423, 204, 431, 212 ], [ 487, 204, 495, 212 ], [ 565, 204, 572, 212 ], [ 651, 204, 659, 212 ], [ 699, 204, 729, 212 ], [ 783, 204, 791, 212 ], [ 867, 204, 875, 212 ], [ 908, 204, 934, 212 ], [ 85, 215, 239, 222 ], [ 93, 225, 282, 232 ], [ 365, 225, 372, 232 ], [ 423, 225, 431, 232 ], [ 487, 225, 495, 232 ], [ 565, 225, 572, 232 ], [ 651, 225, 656, 232 ], [ 710, 225, 728, 232 ], [ 783, 225, 788, 232 ], [ 867, 225, 875, 232 ], [ 919, 225, 937, 232 ], [ 93, 236, 310, 243 ], [ 365, 236, 372, 243 ], [ 423, 236, 431, 243 ], [ 487, 236, 495, 243 ], [ 565, 236, 572, 243 ], [ 651, 236, 656, 243 ], [ 707, 236, 729, 243 ], [ 783, 236, 791, 243 ], [ 867, 236, 875, 243 ], [ 916, 236, 937, 243 ], [ 85, 246, 236, 253 ], [ 924, 246, 937, 253 ], [ 73, 256, 226, 264 ], [ 908, 256, 938, 264 ], [ 59, 267, 154, 274 ], [ 900, 267, 937, 274 ], [ 59, 277, 281, 284 ], [ 73, 287, 215, 295 ], [ 365, 287, 372, 295 ], [ 423, 287, 431, 295 ], [ 481, 287, 492, 295 ], [ 565, 287, 573, 295 ], [ 651, 287, 659, 295 ], [ 721, 287, 728, 295 ], [ 783, 287, 790, 295 ], [ 867, 287, 875, 295 ], [ 930, 287, 934, 295 ], [ 56, 298, 240, 305 ], [ 365, 298, 372, 305 ], [ 418, 298, 431, 305 ], [ 487, 298, 495, 305 ], [ 541, 298, 572, 305 ], [ 651, 298, 659, 305 ], [ 721, 298, 728, 305 ], [ 783, 298, 791, 305 ], [ 867, 298, 875, 305 ], [ 906, 298, 934, 305 ], [ 56, 308, 277, 315 ], [ 365, 308, 372, 315 ], [ 423, 308, 431, 315 ], [ 487, 308, 495, 315 ], [ 554, 308, 572, 315 ], [ 651, 308, 658, 315 ], [ 721, 308, 728, 315 ], [ 764, 308, 790, 315 ], [ 867, 308, 875, 315 ], [ 911, 308, 937, 315 ], [ 56, 318, 289, 326 ], [ 365, 318, 372, 326 ], [ 423, 318, 431, 326 ], [ 487, 318, 495, 326 ], [ 565, 318, 572, 326 ], [ 651, 318, 659, 326 ], [ 721, 318, 728, 326 ], [ 783, 318, 791, 326 ], [ 856, 318, 875, 326 ], [ 919, 318, 937, 326 ], [ 56, 329, 260, 336 ], [ 365, 329, 372, 336 ], [ 423, 329, 431, 336 ], [ 487, 329, 495, 336 ], [ 536, 329, 572, 336 ], [ 651, 329, 659, 336 ], [ 721, 329, 728, 336 ], [ 759, 329, 790, 336 ], [ 867, 329, 875, 336 ], [ 900, 329, 937, 336 ], [ 56, 339, 249, 347 ], [ 365, 339, 372, 347 ], [ 423, 339, 431, 347 ], [ 487, 339, 495, 347 ], [ 541, 339, 572, 347 ], [ 651, 339, 659, 347 ], [ 721, 339, 728, 347 ], [ 783, 339, 791, 347 ], [ 867, 339, 875, 347 ], [ 906, 339, 937, 347 ], [ 56, 350, 284, 357 ], [ 365, 350, 372, 357 ], [ 423, 350, 431, 357 ], [ 487, 350, 492, 357 ], [ 559, 350, 572, 357 ], [ 651, 350, 659, 357 ], [ 721, 350, 728, 357 ], [ 783, 350, 788, 357 ], [ 867, 350, 875, 357 ], [ 924, 350, 937, 357 ], [ 56, 360, 83, 367 ], [ 365, 360, 372, 367 ], [ 423, 360, 431, 367 ], [ 487, 360, 495, 367 ], [ 554, 360, 573, 367 ], [ 651, 360, 659, 367 ], [ 721, 360, 728, 367 ], [ 783, 360, 790, 367 ], [ 867, 360, 875, 367 ], [ 919, 360, 937, 367 ], [ 56, 381, 186, 388 ], [ 365, 381, 372, 388 ], [ 412, 381, 431, 388 ], [ 476, 381, 495, 388 ], [ 536, 381, 572, 388 ], [ 622, 381, 659, 388 ], [ 694, 381, 729, 388 ], [ 756, 381, 791, 388 ], [ 858, 381, 875, 388 ], [ 900, 381, 937, 388 ], [ 56, 391, 156, 398 ], [ 73, 401, 188, 409 ], [ 365, 401, 372, 409 ], [ 423, 401, 431, 409 ], [ 487, 401, 492, 409 ], [ 565, 401, 573, 409 ], [ 622, 401, 659, 409 ], [ 721, 401, 728, 409 ], [ 783, 401, 790, 409 ], [ 867, 401, 874, 409 ], [ 900, 401, 937, 409 ], [ 73, 412, 267, 419 ], [ 85, 422, 254, 430 ], [ 365, 422, 370, 430 ], [ 423, 422, 428, 430 ], [ 487, 422, 492, 430 ], [ 565, 422, 570, 430 ], [ 651, 422, 656, 430 ], [ 697, 422, 728, 430 ], [ 783, 422, 790, 430 ], [ 867, 422, 875, 430 ], [ 906, 422, 935, 430 ], [ 85, 433, 275, 440 ], [ 99, 443, 222, 450 ], [ 365, 443, 370, 450 ], [ 423, 443, 428, 450 ], [ 487, 443, 492, 450 ], [ 565, 443, 570, 450 ], [ 651, 443, 656, 450 ], [ 712, 443, 732, 450 ], [ 783, 443, 790, 450 ], [ 867, 443, 875, 450 ], [ 921, 443, 938, 450 ], [ 85, 453, 289, 461 ], [ 99, 464, 172, 471 ], [ 365, 464, 370, 471 ], [ 423, 464, 428, 471 ], [ 487, 464, 492, 471 ], [ 565, 464, 570, 471 ], [ 651, 464, 656, 471 ], [ 694, 464, 732, 471 ], [ 783, 464, 790, 471 ], [ 867, 464, 875, 471 ], [ 903, 464, 938, 471 ], [ 73, 474, 226, 481 ], [ 903, 474, 938, 481 ], [ 56, 484, 151, 492 ], [ 900, 484, 937, 492 ], [ 56, 495, 275, 502 ], [ 73, 505, 217, 512 ], [ 365, 505, 370, 512 ], [ 424, 505, 428, 512 ], [ 488, 505, 492, 512 ], [ 565, 505, 570, 512 ], [ 651, 505, 656, 512 ], [ 721, 505, 726, 512 ], [ 783, 505, 788, 512 ], [ 868, 505, 872, 512 ], [ 930, 505, 935, 512 ], [ 56, 516, 242, 523 ], [ 365, 516, 370, 523 ], [ 418, 516, 431, 523 ], [ 488, 516, 492, 523 ], [ 541, 516, 573, 523 ], [ 651, 516, 656, 523 ], [ 721, 516, 726, 523 ], [ 783, 516, 788, 523 ], [ 868, 516, 872, 523 ], [ 906, 516, 935, 523 ], [ 56, 526, 280, 533 ], [ 365, 526, 370, 533 ], [ 424, 526, 428, 533 ], [ 488, 526, 492, 533 ], [ 546, 526, 573, 533 ], [ 651, 526, 656, 533 ], [ 721, 526, 726, 533 ], [ 764, 526, 791, 533 ], [ 868, 526, 872, 533 ], [ 911, 526, 938, 533 ], [ 56, 536, 277, 544 ], [ 365, 536, 370, 544 ], [ 424, 536, 428, 544 ], [ 488, 536, 492, 544 ], [ 554, 536, 573, 544 ], [ 651, 536, 656, 544 ], [ 721, 536, 726, 544 ], [ 777, 536, 791, 544 ], [ 853, 536, 876, 544 ], [ 930, 536, 935, 544 ], [ 56, 547, 292, 554 ], [ 365, 547, 370, 554 ], [ 424, 547, 428, 554 ], [ 488, 547, 492, 554 ], [ 565, 547, 570, 554 ], [ 651, 547, 656, 554 ], [ 721, 547, 726, 554 ], [ 783, 547, 788, 554 ], [ 856, 547, 875, 554 ], [ 919, 547, 938, 554 ], [ 56, 557, 252, 564 ], [ 365, 557, 370, 564 ], [ 424, 557, 428, 564 ], [ 488, 557, 492, 564 ], [ 546, 557, 573, 564 ], [ 651, 557, 656, 564 ], [ 721, 557, 726, 564 ], [ 783, 557, 788, 564 ], [ 868, 557, 872, 564 ], [ 911, 557, 938, 564 ], [ 56, 567, 288, 575 ], [ 365, 567, 370, 575 ], [ 424, 567, 428, 575 ], [ 488, 567, 492, 575 ], [ 559, 567, 573, 575 ], [ 651, 567, 656, 575 ], [ 721, 567, 726, 575 ], [ 783, 567, 788, 575 ], [ 868, 567, 872, 575 ], [ 924, 567, 938, 575 ], [ 56, 578, 80, 585 ], [ 365, 578, 370, 585 ], [ 424, 578, 428, 585 ], [ 487, 578, 492, 585 ], [ 554, 578, 570, 585 ], [ 651, 578, 656, 585 ], [ 721, 578, 726, 585 ], [ 783, 578, 788, 585 ], [ 868, 578, 872, 585 ], [ 919, 578, 935, 585 ], [ 59, 598, 191, 606 ], [ 365, 598, 370, 606 ], [ 412, 598, 431, 606 ], [ 476, 598, 495, 606 ], [ 535, 598, 573, 606 ], [ 622, 598, 659, 606 ], [ 693, 598, 729, 606 ], [ 756, 598, 791, 606 ], [ 853, 598, 876, 606 ], [ 892, 598, 938, 606 ], [ 56, 609, 158, 616 ], [ 85, 619, 201, 627 ], [ 365, 619, 370, 627 ], [ 424, 619, 428, 627 ], [ 488, 619, 492, 627 ], [ 565, 619, 570, 627 ], [ 622, 619, 659, 627 ], [ 721, 619, 726, 627 ], [ 783, 619, 788, 627 ], [ 868, 619, 872, 627 ], [ 900, 619, 938, 627 ], [ 85, 630, 281, 637 ], [ 100, 640, 317, 647 ], [ 105, 650, 173, 658 ], [ 365, 650, 370, 658 ], [ 424, 650, 428, 658 ], [ 488, 650, 492, 658 ], [ 565, 650, 570, 658 ], [ 651, 650, 656, 658 ], [ 691, 650, 729, 658 ], [ 783, 650, 788, 658 ], [ 868, 650, 872, 658 ], [ 900, 650, 938, 658 ], [ 85, 661, 241, 668 ], [ 100, 671, 305, 678 ], [ 365, 671, 370, 678 ], [ 424, 671, 428, 678 ], [ 488, 671, 492, 678 ], [ 565, 671, 570, 678 ], [ 651, 671, 656, 678 ], [ 697, 671, 729, 678 ], [ 783, 671, 788, 678 ], [ 868, 671, 872, 678 ], [ 906, 671, 938, 678 ], [ 100, 681, 325, 689 ], [ 365, 681, 370, 689 ], [ 424, 681, 428, 689 ], [ 488, 681, 492, 689 ], [ 565, 681, 570, 689 ], [ 651, 681, 656, 689 ], [ 699, 681, 729, 689 ], [ 783, 681, 788, 689 ], [ 868, 681, 872, 689 ], [ 908, 681, 938, 689 ], [ 85, 692, 238, 699 ], [ 906, 692, 938, 699 ], [ 85, 702, 300, 710 ], [ 100, 713, 188, 720 ], [ 365, 713, 370, 720 ], [ 424, 713, 428, 720 ], [ 488, 713, 492, 720 ], [ 565, 713, 570, 720 ], [ 651, 713, 656, 720 ], [ 707, 713, 729, 720 ], [ 783, 713, 788, 720 ], [ 868, 713, 872, 720 ], [ 916, 713, 938, 720 ], [ 85, 723, 292, 730 ], [ 100, 733, 168, 741 ], [ 365, 733, 370, 741 ], [ 424, 733, 428, 741 ], [ 488, 733, 492, 741 ], [ 565, 733, 570, 741 ], [ 651, 733, 656, 741 ], [ 693, 733, 729, 741 ], [ 783, 733, 788, 741 ], [ 868, 733, 872, 741 ], [ 902, 733, 938, 741 ], [ 73, 744, 243, 751 ], [ 900, 744, 938, 751 ], [ 59, 754, 155, 761 ], [ 900, 754, 938, 761 ], [ 59, 764, 278, 772 ], [ 73, 775, 217, 782 ], [ 365, 775, 370, 782 ], [ 424, 775, 428, 782 ], [ 488, 775, 492, 782 ], [ 565, 775, 570, 782 ], [ 651, 775, 656, 782 ], [ 721, 775, 726, 782 ], [ 783, 775, 788, 782 ], [ 868, 775, 872, 782 ], [ 930, 775, 935, 782 ], [ 56, 785, 242, 792 ], [ 365, 785, 370, 792 ], [ 418, 785, 431, 792 ], [ 488, 785, 492, 792 ], [ 541, 785, 573, 792 ], [ 651, 785, 656, 792 ], [ 721, 785, 726, 792 ], [ 783, 785, 788, 792 ], [ 868, 785, 872, 792 ], [ 906, 785, 938, 792 ], [ 56, 796, 280, 803 ], [ 365, 796, 370, 803 ], [ 424, 796, 428, 803 ], [ 488, 796, 492, 803 ], [ 546, 796, 573, 803 ], [ 651, 796, 656, 803 ], [ 721, 796, 726, 803 ], [ 764, 796, 791, 803 ], [ 868, 796, 872, 803 ], [ 911, 796, 935, 803 ], [ 56, 806, 255, 813 ], [ 365, 806, 370, 813 ], [ 418, 806, 431, 813 ], [ 488, 806, 492, 813 ], [ 535, 806, 573, 813 ], [ 651, 806, 656, 813 ], [ 721, 806, 726, 813 ], [ 783, 806, 788, 813 ], [ 868, 806, 872, 813 ], [ 900, 806, 938, 813 ], [ 56, 816, 212, 824 ], [ 364, 816, 373, 824 ], [ 424, 816, 428, 824 ], [ 488, 816, 492, 824 ], [ 535, 816, 573, 824 ], [ 651, 816, 656, 824 ], [ 721, 816, 726, 824 ], [ 783, 816, 788, 824 ], [ 868, 816, 872, 824 ], [ 900, 816, 938, 824 ], [ 56, 827, 180, 834 ], [ 365, 827, 370, 834 ], [ 424, 827, 428, 834 ], [ 488, 827, 492, 834 ], [ 565, 827, 570, 834 ], [ 626, 827, 656, 834 ], [ 721, 827, 726, 834 ], [ 783, 827, 788, 834 ], [ 868, 827, 872, 834 ], [ 908, 827, 938, 834 ], [ 56, 837, 255, 844 ], [ 73, 847, 233, 855 ], [ 365, 847, 370, 855 ], [ 418, 847, 431, 855 ], [ 488, 847, 492, 855 ], [ 541, 847, 573, 855 ], [ 651, 847, 656, 855 ], [ 721, 847, 726, 855 ], [ 783, 847, 788, 855 ], [ 868, 847, 872, 855 ], [ 906, 847, 935, 855 ], [ 56, 858, 292, 865 ], [ 365, 858, 370, 865 ], [ 424, 858, 428, 865 ], [ 488, 858, 492, 865 ], [ 565, 858, 570, 865 ], [ 651, 858, 656, 865 ], [ 721, 858, 726, 865 ], [ 783, 858, 788, 865 ], [ 856, 858, 875, 865 ], [ 919, 858, 938, 865 ], [ 56, 868, 252, 875 ], [ 365, 868, 370, 875 ], [ 424, 868, 428, 875 ], [ 488, 868, 492, 875 ], [ 541, 868, 573, 875 ], [ 651, 868, 656, 875 ], [ 721, 868, 726, 875 ], [ 783, 868, 788, 875 ], [ 868, 868, 872, 875 ], [ 906, 868, 938, 875 ], [ 56, 878, 288, 886 ], [ 365, 878, 370, 886 ], [ 424, 878, 428, 886 ], [ 488, 878, 492, 886 ], [ 559, 878, 573, 886 ], [ 651, 878, 656, 886 ], [ 721, 878, 726, 886 ], [ 783, 878, 788, 886 ], [ 868, 878, 872, 886 ], [ 924, 878, 938, 886 ], [ 56, 889, 80, 896 ], [ 365, 889, 370, 896 ], [ 424, 889, 428, 896 ], [ 487, 889, 492, 896 ], [ 554, 889, 570, 896 ], [ 651, 889, 656, 896 ], [ 721, 889, 726, 896 ], [ 783, 889, 788, 896 ], [ 868, 889, 872, 896 ], [ 919, 889, 935, 896 ], [ 56, 910, 188, 917 ], [ 336, 910, 342, 917 ], [ 364, 910, 373, 917 ], [ 390, 910, 395, 917 ], [ 412, 910, 431, 917 ], [ 444, 910, 449, 917 ], [ 476, 910, 495, 917 ], [ 517, 910, 573, 917 ], [ 586, 910, 591, 917 ], [ 614, 910, 659, 917 ], [ 669, 910, 674, 917 ], [ 691, 910, 729, 917 ], [ 746, 910, 791, 917 ], [ 805, 910, 810, 917 ], [ 859, 910, 876, 917 ], [ 882, 910, 938, 917 ], [ 321, 947, 684, 954 ], [ 28, 969, 44, 979 ] ]
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[ "CONSTELLATION BRANDS, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES", "CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN STOCKHOLDERS’ EQUITY", "(in thousands, except share data)", "Accumulated ", "Additional", "Other", "Preferred ", "Common Stock ", "Paid-in ", "Retained", "Comprehensive ", "Treasury ", "Unearned", "Stock ", "Class A", "Class B ", "Capital ", "Earnings ", "Loss ", "Stock", "Compensation ", "Total ", "BALANCE, February 28, 2001 ", "$ ", "– ", "$", "749 ", "$", "148", "$", "267,206", "$", "455,798 ", "$", "(26,004)", "$ (81,478)", "$ ", "(151)", "$ ", "616,268", "Comprehensive income: ", "Net income for Fiscal 2002 ", "–", "–", "–", "–", "136,421 ", "–", "–", "–", "136,421 ", "Other comprehensive (loss) income, net of tax: ", "Foreign currency translation adjustments ", "–", "–", "–", "– ", "–", "(9,239)", "–", "–", "(9,239)", "Unrealized gain on cash flow hedges: ", "Net derivative gains, net of tax effect of $105 ", "–", "–", "–", "–", "–", "212 ", "–", "–", "212 ", "Reclassification adjustments, net of tax effect of $92 ", "–", "–", "–", "–", "–", "(191)", "–", "–", "(191)", "Unrealized gain on cash flow hedges ", "21 ", "Other comprehensive loss, net of tax ", "(9,218)", "Comprehensive income", "127,203 ", "Conversion of 196,798 Class B Convertible Common ", "shares to Class A Common shares ", "–", "2 ", "(2)", "–", "–", "–", "–", "–", "–", "Exercise of 4,234,440 Class A stock options ", "–", "42 ", "–", "45,602 ", "–", "–", "–", "–", "45,644", "Employee stock purchases of 120,674 treasury shares ", "–", "–", "–", "639 ", "–", "–", "1,347 ", "–", "1,986 ", "Amortization of unearned restricted stock compensation ", "–", "–", "–", "–", "–", "–", "–", "101 ", "101 ", "Issuance of 9,385,000 treasury shares, net of fees ", "–", "–", "–", "104,714 ", "–", "–", "46,765 ", "–", "151,479 ", "Tax benefit on Class A stock options exercised ", "–", "–", "–", "12,836 ", "–", "–", "–", "–", "12,836 ", "Tax benefit on disposition of employee stock purchases ", "–", "–", "–", "65 ", "–", "–", "–", "–", "65 ", "Other ", "–", "–", "–", "154 ", "–", "–", "–", "–", "154 ", "BALANCE, February 28, 2002 ", "–", "793 ", "146 ", "431,216 ", "592,219 ", "(35,222)", "(33,366)", "(50)", "955,736 ", "Comprehensive income: ", "Net income for Fiscal 2003 ", "–", "–", "–", "–", "203,306 ", "–", "–", "–", "203,306 ", "Other comprehensive (loss) income, net of tax: ", "Foreign currency translation adjustments ", "–", "–", "–", "–", "–", "18,521 ", "–", "– ", "18,521", "Reclassification adjustments for net derivative ", "gains, net of tax effect of $13 ", "–", "–", "–", "–", "–", "(21) ", "–", "– ", "(21)", "Minimum pension liability adjustment, net of tax ", "effect of $18,681 ", "–", "–", "–", "–", "–", "(42,535) ", "–", "– ", "(42,535)", "Other comprehensive loss, net of tax ", "(24,035)", "Comprehensive income", "179,271 ", "Conversion of 29,900 Class B Convertible Common ", "shares to Class A Common shares ", "–", "–", "–", "–", "–", "–", "–", "–", "–", "Exercise of 2,096,061 Class A stock options ", "–", "21 ", "–", "28,148 ", "–", "–", "–", "–", "28,169", "Employee stock purchases of 139,062 treasury shares ", "–", "–", "–", "1,410 ", "–", "–", "1,475 ", "–", "2,885 ", "Issuance of 7,080 restricted Class A Common shares ", "–", "–", "–", "127 ", "–", "–", "74 ", "(201)", "–", "Amortization of unearned restricted stock compensation ", "–", "–", "–", "–", "–", "–", "–", "100 ", "100 ", "Tax benefit on Class A stock options exercised ", "–", "–", "–", "8,440 ", "–", "–", "–", "–", "8,440 ", "Tax benefit on disposition of employee stock purchases ", "–", "–", "–", "74 ", "–", "–", "–", "–", "74 ", "Other", "–", "–", "–", "309", "–", "–", "–", "–", "309", "BALANCE, February 28, 2003 ", "–", "814 ", "146 ", "469,724 ", "795,525 ", "(59,257)", "(31,817)", "(151)", "1,174,984 ", "Comprehensive income: ", "Net income for Fiscal 2004 ", "–", "–", "–", "–", "220,414 ", "–", "–", "–", "220,414 ", "Other comprehensive income (loss), net of tax: ", "Foreign currency translation adjustments, net of tax ", "effect of $6,254 ", "–", "–", "–", "–", "–", "410,694 ", "–", "–", "410,694 ", "Unrealized gain on cash flow hedges: ", "Net derivative gains, net of tax effect of $15,714 ", "–", "–", "–", "–", "–", "38,199 ", "–", "–", "38,199 ", "Reclassification adjustments, net of tax effect of $507 ", "–", "–", "–", "–", "–", "(1,250)", "–", "–", "(1,250)", "Unrealized gain on cash flow hedges ", "36,949 ", "Unrealized loss on marketable equity securities, net ", "of tax effect of $185 ", "–", "–", "–", "–", "–", "(432)", "–", "–", "(432)", "Minimum pension liability adjustment, net of tax ", "effect of $6,888 ", "–", "–", "–", "–", "–", "(15,652)", "–", "–", "(15,652)", "Other comprehensive income, net of tax ", "431,559 ", "Comprehensive income", "651,973 ", "Conversion of 13,860 Class B Convertible Common ", "shares to Class A Common shares ", "–", "–", "–", "–", "–", "–", "–", "–", "–", "Exercise of 2,612,311 Class A stock options ", "–", "26 ", "–", "36,209 ", "–", "–", "–", "–", "36,235 ", "Employee stock purchases of 165,776 treasury shares ", "–", "–", "–", "1,658 ", "–", "–", "1,824 ", "–", "3,482", "Issuance of 9,800,000 Class A Common Shares ", "–", "98 ", "–", "261,118 ", "–", "–", "–", "–", "261,216 ", "Issuance of 170,500 Preferred Shares ", "2 ", "–", "–", "164,868 ", "–", "–", "–", "–", "164,870 ", "Dividend on Preferred Shares ", "–", "–", "–", "–", "(5,746)", "–", "–", "–", "(5,746)", "Issuance of 3,288,913 Class A Common Shares ", "in connection with Hardy Acquisition ", "–", "33 ", "–", "77,210 ", "–", "–", "–", "–", "77,243", "Amortization of unearned restricted stock compensation ", "–", "–", "–", "–", "–", "–", "–", "101 ", "101 ", "Tax benefit on Class A stock options exercised ", "–", "–", "–", "13,029 ", "–", "–", "–", "–", "13,029 ", "Tax benefit on disposition of employee stock purchases ", "–", "–", "–", "82 ", "–", "–", "–", "–", "82 ", "Other", "–", "–", "–", "150", "–", "–", "–", "–", "150", "BALANCE, February 29, 2004 ", "$", "2 ", "$", "971 ", "$", "146 ", "$ 1,024,048 ", "$", "1,010,193 ", "$", "372,302 ", "$ (29,993)", "$", "(50)", "$ 2,377,619 ", "The accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements are an integral part of these statements.", "41" ]
[ [ 118, 43, 301, 51 ], [ 55, 43, 95, 50 ], [ 55, 169, 152, 181 ], [ 638, 169, 916, 180 ], [ 347, 169, 624, 180 ], [ 638, 185, 916, 196 ], [ 347, 185, 625, 196 ], [ 55, 185, 333, 196 ], [ 638, 201, 916, 212 ], [ 347, 201, 624, 212 ], [ 55, 201, 333, 212 ], [ 638, 217, 916, 228 ], [ 347, 217, 624, 228 ], [ 55, 217, 333, 228 ], [ 638, 233, 916, 244 ], [ 347, 233, 625, 244 ], [ 55, 233, 333, 244 ], [ 638, 249, 916, 260 ], [ 347, 249, 624, 260 ], [ 55, 249, 334, 260 ], [ 638, 265, 917, 276 ], [ 361, 265, 624, 276 ], [ 55, 265, 333, 276 ], [ 638, 281, 916, 291 ], [ 347, 281, 625, 291 ], [ 55, 281, 333, 291 ], [ 638, 296, 916, 307 ], [ 347, 296, 494, 307 ], [ 55, 296, 333, 307 ], [ 638, 312, 916, 323 ], [ 55, 312, 333, 323 ], [ 347, 325, 415, 330 ], [ 588, 325, 620, 330 ], [ 638, 328, 916, 339 ], [ 55, 328, 333, 339 ], [ 347, 337, 521, 347 ], [ 588, 337, 617, 347 ], [ 638, 344, 916, 355 ], [ 55, 344, 333, 355 ], [ 347, 353, 449, 363 ], [ 588, 353, 617, 363 ], [ 638, 360, 916, 371 ], [ 55, 360, 333, 371 ], [ 347, 369, 420, 379 ], [ 588, 369, 617, 379 ], [ 638, 376, 916, 387 ], [ 55, 376, 333, 387 ], [ 347, 384, 565, 394 ], [ 588, 384, 614, 394 ], [ 638, 392, 917, 403 ], [ 55, 392, 333, 403 ], [ 638, 408, 916, 418 ], [ 55, 408, 338, 418 ], [ 347, 420, 522, 436 ], [ 638, 423, 917, 434 ], [ 55, 423, 131, 434 ], [ 347, 436, 479, 452 ], [ 638, 439, 916, 450 ], [ 55, 455, 142, 467 ], [ 347, 455, 507, 467 ], [ 638, 455, 916, 466 ], [ 649, 471, 916, 482 ], [ 55, 471, 333, 482 ], [ 347, 471, 633, 482 ], [ 638, 472, 649, 482 ], [ 638, 487, 916, 498 ], [ 55, 487, 333, 498 ], [ 347, 487, 624, 498 ], [ 638, 503, 916, 514 ], [ 55, 503, 333, 514 ], [ 347, 503, 630, 514 ], [ 638, 519, 916, 530 ], [ 55, 519, 171, 530 ], [ 347, 519, 625, 530 ], [ 638, 535, 860, 545 ], [ 69, 535, 339, 545 ], [ 347, 535, 390, 545 ], [ 55, 550, 333, 561 ], [ 347, 566, 359, 578 ], [ 363, 566, 405, 578 ], [ 638, 566, 650, 578 ], [ 654, 566, 777, 578 ], [ 55, 566, 333, 577 ], [ 55, 582, 333, 593 ], [ 347, 582, 625, 593 ], [ 638, 582, 916, 593 ], [ 55, 598, 333, 609 ], [ 347, 598, 625, 609 ], [ 638, 598, 916, 609 ], [ 55, 614, 333, 625 ], [ 347, 614, 625, 625 ], [ 638, 614, 921, 625 ], [ 55, 630, 333, 641 ], [ 347, 630, 625, 641 ], [ 638, 630, 916, 641 ], [ 55, 646, 333, 657 ], [ 347, 646, 625, 657 ], [ 638, 646, 921, 657 ], [ 55, 662, 333, 672 ], [ 347, 662, 625, 672 ], [ 638, 662, 916, 672 ], [ 55, 677, 333, 688 ], [ 347, 677, 625, 688 ], [ 638, 677, 916, 688 ], [ 55, 693, 333, 704 ], [ 347, 693, 624, 704 ], [ 638, 693, 916, 704 ], [ 55, 709, 333, 720 ], [ 347, 709, 625, 720 ], [ 638, 709, 916, 720 ], [ 55, 725, 333, 736 ], [ 347, 725, 624, 736 ], [ 638, 725, 916, 736 ], [ 55, 741, 333, 752 ], [ 347, 741, 625, 752 ], [ 638, 741, 916, 752 ], [ 55, 757, 332, 768 ], [ 347, 757, 624, 768 ], [ 638, 757, 916, 768 ], [ 55, 773, 333, 784 ], [ 347, 773, 564, 784 ], [ 638, 773, 917, 784 ], [ 55, 789, 333, 799 ], [ 638, 789, 923, 799 ], [ 347, 804, 360, 816 ], [ 364, 804, 460, 816 ], [ 55, 804, 333, 815 ], [ 638, 804, 916, 815 ], [ 347, 820, 420, 832 ], [ 55, 820, 333, 831 ], [ 638, 820, 916, 831 ], [ 55, 836, 333, 847 ], [ 638, 836, 922, 847 ], [ 347, 836, 625, 847 ], [ 55, 852, 193, 863 ], [ 638, 852, 916, 863 ], [ 347, 852, 624, 863 ], [ 69, 868, 332, 879 ], [ 638, 868, 916, 879 ], [ 347, 868, 624, 879 ], [ 55, 884, 338, 895 ], [ 638, 884, 763, 895 ], [ 347, 884, 625, 895 ], [ 55, 900, 333, 911 ], [ 652, 900, 917, 911 ], [ 347, 900, 625, 911 ], [ 55, 915, 333, 926 ], [ 638, 915, 922, 926 ], [ 347, 916, 625, 926 ] ]
[ 6, 6, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 9, 9, 10, 10, 9, 9, 10, 10, 9, 9, 10, 10, 9, 9, 10, 10, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 8, 10, 8, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 8, 8, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 8, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 ]
[ "Bombardier Inc. Annual Report 2003-04", "page 72", "Credit support", "the U.K. facility was renewed at £50 million,", "2004). Also, a rating downgrade below invest-", "the same level as last year. The U.S. facility", "ment grade by either Moody’s Investor", "The indentures governing BC’s long-term debt", "provides for a 364-day purchase commitment", "Services Inc. or Standard & Poor’s could result", "and credit facilities provide for substantially", "for trade receivables originating from North", "in the wind-down of $125 million US ($166 mil-", "similar covenant and “keepwell” packages", "American manufacturing operations, while the", "lion) of Bombardier securitiza-tion conduits", "from the Corporation. Bombardier Inc.’s keep-", "U.K. facility is an uncommitted facility to pur-", "($72 million outstanding as at January 31, 2004).", "well agreements provide for minimum", "chase trade receivables from U.K.-based", "As of March 17, 2004, the following invest-", "ownership of 51% in BC and for the injection", "Bombardier Transportation operations. These", "ment grade ratings applied to the long-term", "of equity in the event that certain minimum", "securitization activities replaced Bombardier", "debt of the Corporation:", "net worth levels are not met or if a fixed charge", "receivable factoring activities historically carried", "coverage ratio falls below 1.2. Finally, these", "RATING AGENCY", "RATING", "out through BC. The Corporation received pro-", "indentures provide for the undertaking of", "Moody’s Investor Services Inc.", "Baa3", "ceeds of $905 million and $477 million on the", "Bombardier Inc. to maintain the existing cross-", "Standard & Poor’s", "BBB-", "sale of trade receivables for the U.S. and U.K.", "default provision in the indenture governing", "Fitch Ratings", "BBB-", "facilities respectively during fiscal year 2004.", "the Corporation’s $150-million debentures due", "Dominion Bond Rating Service Limited", "BBB", "The amounts sold and outstanding with", "in 2026, as well as to provide for similar", "respect to the U.S. and U.K. facilities were", "cross-default provisions in all of its future ", "Off-balance sheet", "$118 million as at January 31, 2004 and", "public debt. ", "arrangements", "$169 million as at January 31, 2003. In addition,", "Credit events", "Financial arrangements ", "in December 2003, Bombardier entered into a", "100-million ($165-million) four-year factoring", "Certain of the Corporation’s financial commit-", "In the normal course of business, the ", "€", "arrangement with a third party, ($60 million", "ments include provisions that could become", "Corporation finances certain activities through", "outstanding as at January 31, 2004) for cer-", "effective in the event of a rating downgrade", "off-balance sheet transactions, consisting ", "tain receivables originating from Bombardier", "of the Corporation.", "of leases, securitizations and others arrange-", "Transportation’s German operations.", "A rating downgrade below investment ", "ments.", "grade could result in the reimbursement of", "a)", "Leases", "c)", "Other arrangements", "customer advances amounting to $170 million", "in the aerospace segment. In addition, the", "The Corporation leases certain of its buildings", "In the aerospace segment, Bombardier has", "Corporation may be required to repurchase at", "and equipment from others, and assumes", "entered into various agreements with third", "fair value of $26 million US ($34 million) as at", "operating lease obligations in connection with", "parties, through which it sells rights under ", "January 31, 2004, the call options related to", "the sale of new aircraft. The Corporation", "certain manufacturing contracts on an ongoing", "the Putable/Callable notes due in 2013, should", "finances freight cars, used aircraft and trans-", "basis. The amount of the rights sold totalled ", "the call holder elect early termination. The", "portation equipment through sale and", "$170 million as at January 31, 2004, compared", "Putable/Callable notes amounting to $300 mil-", "leaseback structures. The Corporation’s undis-", "to $369 million as at January 31, 2003. These", "lion US ($398 million) would become repayable", "counted minimum lease payments under such", "are accounted for as advances received and", "at the next coupon reset date (May 31, 2004),", "leases amounted to $1.5 billion for operating", "deducted from inventories or presented as", "immediately following such a downgrade.", "leases and $1.6 billion for sale and leaseback", "advances in excess of related costs. In con-", "Furthermore, BC has entered into an interest-", "transactions as at January 31, 2004. These", "nection with these sales, the Corporation has", "rate swap agreement whereby the counterparty", "commitments are disclosed in note 24 to the", "provided recourse to one purchaser amounting", "has an optional early termination right in the", "Consolidated Financial Statements.", "to $17 million as at January 31, 2004. The", "event of a rating downgrade below investment", "Corporation’s maximum exposure under ", "b)", "Securitizations ", "grade of the Corporation by either Moody’s", "this recourse is included in note 24 to the", "Bombardier", "Investor Services Inc. or Standard & Poor’s.The", "Consolidated Financial Statements. Revenues", "estimated settlement value as at January 31,", "and related profits on sales of aircraft are ", "In January 2004, Bombardier renewed its", "2004 is not significant.", "recognized on delivery and the sale of rights", "third-party U.S. and U.K. facilities for the secu-", "A rating downgrade by Dominion Bond Rating", "does not result in the acceleration of revenue", "ritization of trade receivables generated in the", "Services Ltd. could result in the wind-down ", "or profit recognition.", "normal course of business. The U.S. facility", "of $200 million of a BC securitization conduit", "The Corporation provides administrative", "was renewed at $125 million US (down from", "($80 million outstanding as at January 31,", "services to special-purpose entities (SPEs) ", "$200 million US as at January 31, 2003) and" ]
[ [ 417, 35, 583, 39 ], [ 640, 151, 902, 162 ], [ 88, 151, 471, 162 ], [ 514, 154, 632, 160 ], [ 514, 167, 887, 179 ], [ 88, 167, 484, 179 ], [ 514, 184, 899, 195 ], [ 88, 184, 480, 195 ], [ 514, 200, 887, 211 ], [ 88, 200, 479, 211 ], [ 514, 217, 905, 228 ], [ 88, 217, 478, 228 ], [ 514, 233, 897, 244 ], [ 88, 233, 364, 244 ], [ 514, 249, 899, 261 ], [ 514, 266, 897, 277 ], [ 88, 266, 454, 277 ], [ 514, 282, 889, 293 ], [ 88, 282, 468, 293 ], [ 514, 299, 891, 310 ], [ 88, 299, 474, 310 ], [ 514, 315, 903, 326 ], [ 88, 315, 465, 326 ], [ 514, 332, 652, 343 ], [ 88, 332, 481, 343 ], [ 88, 348, 458, 359 ], [ 514, 364, 864, 376 ], [ 88, 364, 473, 376 ], [ 514, 381, 891, 392 ], [ 88, 381, 465, 392 ], [ 514, 397, 607, 408 ], [ 88, 397, 471, 408 ], [ 88, 414, 364, 425 ], [ 848, 414, 896, 423 ], [ 855, 424, 896, 433 ], [ 853, 434, 896, 443 ], [ 763, 445, 818, 453 ], [ 871, 445, 896, 453 ], [ 88, 446, 463, 458 ], [ 783, 455, 818, 463 ], [ 846, 455, 896, 463 ], [ 88, 463, 483, 474 ], [ 514, 473, 642, 483 ], [ 88, 479, 475, 490 ], [ 529, 485, 614, 495 ], [ 760, 489, 818, 493 ], [ 857, 489, 897, 493 ], [ 88, 496, 460, 507 ], [ 514, 500, 558, 510 ], [ 760, 504, 818, 508 ], [ 864, 504, 897, 508 ], [ 88, 512, 476, 523 ], [ 514, 516, 566, 526 ], [ 775, 519, 818, 523 ], [ 864, 519, 897, 523 ], [ 88, 529, 463, 540 ], [ 514, 531, 563, 541 ], [ 775, 534, 818, 538 ], [ 864, 534, 897, 538 ], [ 88, 545, 478, 556 ], [ 514, 546, 554, 556 ], [ 811, 549, 818, 553 ], [ 889, 549, 897, 553 ], [ 514, 565, 642, 575 ], [ 529, 577, 637, 587 ], [ 88, 578, 459, 589 ], [ 760, 581, 818, 585 ], [ 857, 581, 897, 585 ], [ 514, 593, 558, 603 ], [ 88, 594, 478, 605 ], [ 760, 596, 818, 600 ], [ 864, 596, 897, 600 ], [ 514, 608, 566, 618 ], [ 88, 611, 477, 622 ], [ 768, 611, 818, 615 ], [ 864, 611, 897, 615 ], [ 514, 623, 563, 633 ], [ 775, 626, 818, 631 ], [ 864, 626, 897, 631 ], [ 88, 627, 474, 638 ], [ 514, 638, 554, 648 ], [ 811, 641, 818, 646 ], [ 889, 641, 897, 646 ], [ 88, 643, 475, 655 ], [ 514, 657, 627, 667 ], [ 88, 660, 450, 671 ], [ 529, 670, 651, 680 ], [ 760, 673, 818, 677 ], [ 857, 673, 897, 677 ], [ 88, 676, 185, 687 ], [ 514, 685, 558, 695 ], [ 771, 688, 779, 692 ], [ 771, 688, 786, 692 ], [ 779, 688, 793, 692 ], [ 786, 688, 804, 692 ], [ 796, 688, 811, 692 ], [ 804, 688, 818, 692 ], [ 811, 688, 818, 692 ], [ 864, 688, 872, 692 ], [ 864, 688, 879, 692 ], [ 871, 688, 889, 692 ], [ 882, 688, 896, 692 ], [ 889, 688, 896, 692 ], [ 514, 700, 566, 710 ], [ 768, 703, 779, 707 ], [ 771, 703, 786, 707 ], [ 779, 703, 793, 707 ], [ 786, 703, 804, 707 ], [ 796, 703, 811, 707 ], [ 804, 703, 818, 707 ], [ 811, 703, 818, 707 ], [ 864, 703, 872, 707 ], [ 864, 703, 879, 707 ], [ 871, 703, 889, 707 ], [ 882, 703, 896, 707 ], [ 889, 703, 896, 707 ], [ 415, 709, 463, 720 ], [ 88, 712, 407, 718 ], [ 514, 715, 563, 725 ], [ 775, 718, 786, 723 ], [ 779, 718, 793, 723 ], [ 786, 718, 804, 723 ], [ 796, 718, 811, 723 ], [ 804, 718, 818, 723 ], [ 811, 718, 818, 723 ], [ 864, 718, 872, 723 ], [ 864, 718, 879, 723 ], [ 871, 718, 889, 723 ], [ 882, 718, 896, 723 ], [ 889, 718, 896, 723 ], [ 88, 725, 476, 737 ], [ 514, 730, 554, 740 ], [ 811, 733, 818, 738 ], [ 890, 733, 897, 738 ], [ 88, 742, 483, 753 ], [ 514, 749, 642, 759 ], [ 88, 758, 469, 769 ], [ 529, 762, 637, 772 ], [ 761, 765, 768, 769 ], [ 761, 765, 779, 769 ], [ 771, 765, 786, 769 ], [ 779, 765, 793, 769 ], [ 786, 765, 804, 769 ], [ 796, 765, 811, 769 ], [ 804, 765, 818, 769 ], [ 811, 765, 818, 769 ], [ 858, 765, 865, 769 ], [ 858, 765, 872, 769 ], [ 865, 765, 879, 769 ], [ 872, 765, 890, 769 ], [ 882, 765, 897, 769 ], [ 890, 765, 897, 769 ], [ 88, 775, 471, 786 ], [ 514, 785, 632, 794 ], [ 88, 791, 468, 802 ], [ 514, 800, 622, 810 ], [ 771, 803, 818, 807 ], [ 857, 803, 897, 807 ], [ 88, 808, 479, 819 ], [ 514, 815, 622, 825 ], [ 760, 818, 818, 822 ], [ 857, 818, 897, 822 ], [ 88, 824, 473, 835 ], [ 514, 830, 622, 840 ], [ 761, 833, 768, 837 ], [ 761, 833, 779, 837 ], [ 771, 833, 786, 837 ], [ 779, 833, 793, 837 ], [ 786, 833, 804, 837 ], [ 796, 833, 811, 837 ], [ 804, 833, 818, 837 ], [ 811, 833, 818, 837 ], [ 858, 833, 865, 837 ], [ 858, 833, 872, 837 ], [ 865, 833, 879, 837 ], [ 872, 833, 890, 837 ], [ 882, 833, 897, 837 ], [ 890, 833, 897, 837 ], [ 88, 840, 442, 852 ], [ 919, 972, 932, 977 ] ]
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[ "partnering for the future", "Bunge has reserved 11,067,145 and 553,357", "to the discretion of Bunge’s compensation committee, in cash,", "available options", "common shares for grants of stock options and other stock", "in Bunge Limited common shares or a combination thereof, once", "awards under the Equity Incentive Plan and the Directors’ Plan,", "the specified terms and conditions of the award are satisfied. At", "respectively. At December 31, 2004, 5,322,918 and 166,357", "the time of pay out, a participant holding a vested performance-", "common shares were available for grant under the Equity Incen-", "based restricted stock unit award will also be entitled to receive", "tive Plan and Directors’ Plan, respectively. The Equity Incentive", "corresponding dividend equivalent payments.", "Plan and the Directors’ Plan provide that up to 10.0% and 0.5%,", "respectively, of Bunge’s total outstanding common shares may", "The time-vested restricted stock unit awards are subject to", "be reserved for issuance pursuant to awards under the plans.", "vesting periods varying from three to four years and vest on a", "Therefore, the number of shares reserved under the plans will", "pro-rata basis over the applicable vesting period or at the end ", "increase as the number of Bunge’s total issued common shares", "of the applicable vesting period. Vesting may be accelerated ", "outstanding increases.", "in certain circumstances such as a change in control of Bunge. ", "The time-vested restricted stock units are paid out in Bunge", "A summary of Bunge’s stock option activity for the Equity", "Limited common shares once the applicable vesting terms are", "Incentive Plan and the Directors’ Plan and related information", "satisfied. At the time of pay out, a participant holding a time-", "was as follows:", "vested restricted stock unit award will also be entitled to receive", "corresponding dividend equivalent payments.", "Weighted", "Average", "Exercise", "Number of", "Price", "Compensation expense related to these restricted stock unit", "Shares", "per Share", "awards is based on the quoted market price of Bunge’s common", "Options outstanding at ", "shares and is recorded in the consolidated statements of income", "January 1, 2002", "2,137,372", "$16.74", "based on the vesting terms. In accordance with APB No. 25,", "Granted", "1,164,100", "21.61", "Bunge recorded compensation expense of $25 million, $9 million", "Exercised", "(83,500)", "16.91", "and $7 million for the years ended December 31, 2004, 2003", "Forfeited", "(37,213)", "15.95", "and 2002, respectively, for grants of restricted stock unit awards.", "Expired", "–", "–", "Options outstanding at ", "December 31, 2002", "At December 31, 2004 and 2003, there were 763,208 and", "3,180,759", "$18.53", "Granted", "452,862, respectively, of primarily performance-based restricted", "1,123,800", "25.22", "Exercised", "stock units granted that had not yet vested. During 2004, Bunge", "(407,653)", "17.54", "Forfeited", "(21,666)", "20.38", "issued approximately 74,894 shares with a weighted average ", "Expired", "–", "–", "fair value of $38.52 per share primarily pursuant to outstanding", "Options outstanding ", "performance-based restricted stock unit awards that had", "at December 31, 2003", "3,875,240", "$20.57", "become vested.", "Granted", "8", "80", "01", "1,,6", "60", "00", "0", "3", "36", "6..9", "93", "3", "Exercised", "((9", "91", "13", "3,,2", "23", "38", "8))", "1", "19", "9..0", "09", "9", "In 2001,", "non-employee directors’ equity incentive plan", "Forfeited", "((4", "43", "3,,3", "30", "00", "0))", "2", "26", "6..0", "00", "0", "Bunge established its Non-Employee Directors’ Equity Incentive", "Expired", "–", "–", "Plan (Directors’ Plan). The Directors’ Plan is a shareholder approved", "Options outstanding at ", "plan. The Directors’ Plan provides for awards of non-statutory", "December 31, 2004", "3", "3,,7", "72", "20", "0,,3", "30", "02", "2", "$", "$2", "24", "4..4", "40", "0", "stock options to non-employee directors. The options vest and", "Exercisable options: ", "are exercisable on the January 1st following the date of grant,", "December 31, 2002", "973,378", "$17.09", "assuming the director continues service as a member of the Board", "December 31, 2003", "1,726,865", "$18.28", "of Directors of Bunge until such date. Vesting may be accelerated", "December 31, 2004", "1", "1,,9", "95", "50", "0,,7", "70", "06", "6", "$", "$1", "19", "9..4", "49", "9", "in certain situations such as a change in control of Bunge.", "81" ]
[ [ 279, 75, 351, 83 ], [ 62, 432, 293, 493 ], [ 200, 476, 845, 537 ], [ 785, 515, 983, 577 ], [ 600, 588, 736, 598 ], [ 763, 588, 769, 598 ], [ 780, 588, 842, 598 ], [ 879, 588, 881, 598 ], [ 601, 600, 860, 610 ], [ 523, 769, 589, 777 ] ]
[ 1, 10, 10, 10, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 1 ]
[ "Westbrook, CT", "www", "tangeroutlet", "com", "TUES ti) aoe", "__", "PAC SUN", "i", "BOSS HUGO BOSS | EI", "Lancaster, PA" ]
[ [ 127, 92, 911, 102 ], [ 107, 110, 745, 120 ], [ 697, 132, 770, 140 ], [ 122, 151, 182, 160 ], [ 822, 151, 843, 159 ], [ 624, 151, 654, 160 ], [ 767, 170, 803, 178 ], [ 851, 170, 897, 178 ], [ 570, 170, 617, 178 ], [ 650, 170, 710, 178 ], [ 769, 183, 803, 191 ], [ 853, 183, 897, 191 ], [ 572, 183, 617, 191 ], [ 653, 183, 710, 191 ], [ 122, 197, 281, 207 ], [ 142, 213, 524, 223 ], [ 748, 214, 754, 222 ], [ 768, 214, 803, 222 ], [ 841, 214, 846, 222 ], [ 861, 214, 896, 222 ], [ 542, 214, 549, 223 ], [ 568, 214, 617, 223 ], [ 635, 214, 642, 223 ], [ 661, 214, 710, 223 ], [ 142, 230, 384, 240 ], [ 394, 230, 524, 240 ], [ 384, 230, 393, 236 ], [ 778, 231, 803, 239 ], [ 872, 231, 896, 239 ], [ 577, 231, 623, 239 ], [ 670, 231, 716, 239 ], [ 142, 246, 181, 256 ], [ 161, 263, 524, 273 ], [ 759, 263, 803, 272 ], [ 852, 263, 896, 272 ], [ 556, 263, 617, 272 ], [ 649, 263, 710, 272 ], [ 161, 279, 524, 289 ], [ 759, 280, 803, 288 ], [ 852, 280, 896, 288 ], [ 556, 280, 617, 288 ], [ 649, 280, 710, 288 ], [ 161, 296, 524, 306 ], [ 768, 296, 803, 305 ], [ 861, 296, 896, 305 ], [ 568, 296, 617, 305 ], [ 661, 296, 710, 305 ], [ 161, 312, 305, 322 ], [ 312, 312, 524, 322 ], [ 768, 313, 803, 321 ], [ 861, 313, 896, 321 ], [ 568, 313, 617, 321 ], [ 661, 313, 710, 321 ], [ 161, 328, 524, 338 ], [ 759, 329, 803, 337 ], [ 852, 329, 896, 337 ], [ 556, 329, 617, 338 ], [ 649, 329, 710, 338 ], [ 161, 345, 303, 355 ], [ 320, 345, 524, 355 ], [ 305, 345, 316, 351 ], [ 768, 345, 808, 354 ], [ 890, 345, 899, 354 ], [ 569, 346, 623, 354 ], [ 702, 346, 710, 354 ], [ 748, 362, 769, 370 ], [ 764, 362, 803, 370 ], [ 841, 362, 896, 370 ], [ 542, 362, 617, 370 ], [ 635, 362, 710, 370 ], [ 122, 378, 303, 388 ], [ 142, 394, 524, 404 ], [ 748, 395, 769, 403 ], [ 764, 395, 803, 403 ], [ 841, 395, 896, 403 ], [ 542, 395, 617, 403 ], [ 635, 395, 710, 403 ], [ 142, 410, 524, 420 ], [ 759, 411, 803, 419 ], [ 852, 411, 896, 419 ], [ 556, 411, 617, 420 ], [ 649, 411, 710, 420 ], [ 142, 427, 524, 437 ], [ 768, 428, 803, 436 ], [ 861, 428, 896, 436 ], [ 568, 428, 617, 436 ], [ 661, 428, 710, 436 ], [ 142, 443, 524, 453 ], [ 759, 444, 803, 452 ], [ 852, 444, 896, 452 ], [ 556, 444, 617, 453 ], [ 649, 444, 710, 453 ], [ 748, 460, 803, 469 ], [ 841, 460, 896, 469 ], [ 542, 460, 617, 469 ], [ 635, 460, 710, 469 ], [ 122, 476, 408, 486 ], [ 408, 476, 418, 483 ], [ 142, 492, 317, 503 ], [ 332, 492, 524, 503 ], [ 317, 493, 328, 499 ], [ 748, 493, 754, 502 ], [ 773, 493, 803, 502 ], [ 841, 493, 846, 502 ], [ 866, 493, 896, 502 ], [ 542, 493, 549, 502 ], [ 575, 493, 617, 502 ], [ 635, 493, 642, 502 ], [ 668, 493, 710, 502 ], [ 142, 509, 277, 519 ], [ 288, 509, 524, 519 ], [ 773, 509, 778, 519 ], [ 277, 509, 287, 515 ], [ 778, 510, 808, 518 ], [ 867, 510, 901, 518 ], [ 577, 510, 623, 518 ], [ 670, 510, 716, 518 ], [ 142, 525, 304, 535 ], [ 317, 525, 524, 535 ], [ 304, 526, 313, 532 ], [ 783, 526, 808, 534 ], [ 876, 526, 901, 534 ], [ 589, 526, 623, 535 ], [ 682, 526, 716, 535 ], [ 748, 542, 754, 551 ], [ 773, 542, 803, 551 ], [ 841, 542, 846, 551 ], [ 866, 542, 896, 551 ], [ 542, 543, 549, 551 ], [ 575, 543, 617, 551 ], [ 635, 543, 642, 551 ], [ 668, 543, 710, 551 ], [ 107, 562, 117, 568 ], [ 119, 563, 440, 571 ], [ 107, 576, 118, 582 ], [ 121, 577, 291, 585 ], [ 107, 590, 118, 596 ], [ 121, 591, 440, 599 ], [ 107, 604, 118, 610 ], [ 121, 605, 328, 613 ], [ 482, 948, 500, 957 ], [ 503, 948, 517, 957 ] ]
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[ "As discussed above, the carrying amounts of certain of the Company’s financial instruments approximate their fair value. The carrying", "amounts and fair values of the Company’s remaining financial instruments are set forth in the following table: ", "At December 31,", "(In thousands)", "2001", "2002", "Carrying", "Estimated", "Carrying", "Estimated", "Amount", "Fair Value", "Amount", "Fair Value", "Financial instrument assets:", "Loans held for sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .", "$", "451,609", "$", "454,536", "$", "476,475", "$", "480,409", "Forward mortgage loan sales commitments", " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .", "(1)", "7,352", "7,352", "(7,454)", "(7,454)", "Loans:", "Consumer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .", "2,509,333", "2,548,617", "3,005,882", "3,068,900", "Commercial real estate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .", "1,622,461", "1,644,263", "1,835,788", "1,883,183", "Commercial business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .", "422,381", "417,896", "440,074", "438,106", "Equipment finance loans", " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .", "271,398", "275,148", "289,558", "299,035", "Residential real estate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .", "2,733,290", "2,795,894", "1,800,344", "1,868,132", "Allowance for loan losses", " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .", "(2)", "(66,876)", "– ", "(68,143)", "–", "$7", ",950,948", "$ 8,143,706", "$ 7,772,524", "$ 8,030,311", "Financial instrument liabilities:", "Checking, savings and money market deposits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .", "$4", ",778,714", "$ 4,778,714", "$ 5,791,233", "$ 5,791,233", "Certificates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .", "2,320,244", "2,357,872", "1,918,755", "1,948,947", "Short-term borrowings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .", "719,859", "719,859", "842,051", "842,051", "Long-term borrowings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .", "2,303,166", "2,410,329", "2,268,244", "2,443,653", "$10,121,983", "$10,266,774", "$10,820,283", "$11,025,884", "Financial instruments with off-balance-sheet risk:", "(3)", "Commitments to extend credit", " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .", "(4)", "$", "13,767", "$", "13,767", "$", "24,569", "$", "24,569", "Standby letters of credit", " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .", "(", "(1)", "2,409)", "(2,409)", "(5,382)", "(5,382)", "Loans serviced with recourse", " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .", "(1)", "(100)", "(100)", "(100)", "(100)", "$", "11,258", "$", "11,258", "$", "19,087", "$", "19,087", "(1)", "Carrying amounts are included in accrued expenses and other liabilities.", "(2)", "Excludes the allowance for lease losses.", "(3)", "Positive amounts represent assets, negative amounts represent liabilities.", "(4)", "Carrying amounts are included in other assets.", "page", "70" ]
[ [ 245, 100, 260, 110 ], [ 264, 100, 405, 110 ], [ 245, 131, 260, 140 ], [ 264, 131, 401, 140 ], [ 595, 153, 664, 161 ], [ 773, 153, 901, 161 ], [ 467, 169, 510, 177 ], [ 613, 169, 664, 177 ], [ 704, 169, 747, 177 ], [ 850, 169, 901, 177 ], [ 473, 179, 510, 187 ], [ 531, 179, 577, 187 ], [ 598, 179, 664, 187 ], [ 709, 179, 747, 187 ], [ 768, 179, 814, 187 ], [ 835, 179, 901, 187 ], [ 245, 196, 390, 206 ], [ 261, 211, 382, 221 ], [ 269, 226, 349, 236 ], [ 468, 226, 510, 236 ], [ 540, 226, 577, 236 ], [ 627, 226, 664, 236 ], [ 697, 226, 747, 236 ], [ 765, 226, 814, 236 ], [ 852, 226, 901, 236 ], [ 245, 261, 261, 270 ], [ 265, 261, 402, 270 ], [ 595, 283, 664, 291 ], [ 467, 298, 510, 306 ], [ 613, 298, 664, 306 ], [ 473, 309, 510, 317 ], [ 531, 309, 577, 317 ], [ 598, 309, 664, 317 ], [ 245, 326, 390, 336 ], [ 261, 341, 382, 351 ], [ 276, 356, 357, 366 ], [ 468, 356, 510, 366 ], [ 551, 356, 581, 366 ], [ 638, 356, 668, 366 ], [ 261, 392, 295, 401 ], [ 779, 392, 819, 401 ], [ 261, 407, 323, 417 ], [ 833, 407, 901, 417 ], [ 245, 422, 281, 432 ], [ 859, 422, 901, 432 ], [ 245, 437, 293, 447 ], [ 644, 437, 698, 447 ], [ 831, 967, 950, 973 ] ]
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[ "(2)", "Interest rate contracts:", "(a)", "As of March 31, 2003:", "Millions of yen", "Thousands of U.S. dollars", "Contract", "Unrealized", "Contract", "Unrealized", "amount", "Fair value", "gains (losses)", "amount", "Fair value", "gains (losses)", "Interest swap contracts:", "Receive floating rate", "pay fixed rate", "¥5,800", "¥(134)", "¥(134)", "$48,253", "$(1,115)", "$(1,115)", "(b)", "As of March 31, 2002:", "Millions of yen", "Contract", "Unrealized", "amount", "Fair value", "gains (losses)", "Interest swap contracts:", "Receive floating rate", "pay fixed rate", "¥3,000", "¥(34)", "¥(34)", "Method", "to determine fair value is based on quotations obtained from financial institutions.", "Derivative", "financial instruments, principally forward exchange contracts and currency and interest", "swaps,", "that qualify as a hedge and are accounted for using the deferred hedge accounting method, are", "excluded", "from the above table according to the disclosure requirements.", "Annual Report 2003 51" ]
[ [ 37, 227, 136, 238 ], [ 37, 238, 123, 249 ], [ 37, 249, 108, 260 ], [ 37, 266, 151, 277 ], [ 37, 277, 167, 288 ], [ 37, 288, 47, 299 ], [ 53, 288, 114, 299 ], [ 37, 304, 154, 315 ], [ 37, 316, 129, 326 ], [ 37, 327, 137, 338 ], [ 37, 338, 170, 349 ], [ 37, 349, 163, 360 ], [ 37, 366, 137, 377 ], [ 37, 377, 199, 388 ], [ 37, 388, 173, 399 ], [ 37, 399, 137, 410 ], [ 37, 416, 93, 427 ], [ 37, 427, 169, 438 ], [ 37, 438, 152, 449 ], [ 37, 454, 98, 465 ], [ 37, 466, 114, 476 ], [ 37, 482, 107, 493 ], [ 37, 493, 163, 504 ], [ 37, 504, 174, 515 ], [ 37, 521, 190, 532 ], [ 37, 532, 167, 543 ], [ 37, 543, 185, 554 ], [ 37, 554, 190, 565 ], [ 37, 817, 117, 828 ], [ 37, 828, 151, 839 ], [ 37, 828, 151, 839 ], [ 37, 839, 176, 850 ], [ 37, 839, 176, 850 ], [ 37, 850, 182, 861 ], [ 37, 861, 166, 872 ], [ 37, 872, 184, 883 ], [ 37, 883, 141, 894 ], [ 37, 894, 200, 905 ], [ 37, 905, 171, 916 ], [ 37, 916, 165, 927 ], [ 37, 928, 94, 939 ], [ 37, 944, 183, 955 ], [ 37, 955, 184, 966 ], [ 37, 966, 115, 977 ] ]
[ 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 8, 10, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 ]
[ "NAME OF ENTITY", "Super Cheap Auto", "Group Limited", "ABN OR EQUIVALENT", "COMPANY REFERENCE", "81", "108 676 204", "REGISTERED OFFICE", "751 Gympie Road ", "Lawnton QLD 4501 ", "Telephone (07) 3205 8511 ", "Facsimile (07) 3205 8522", "SHARE REGISTRY", "ASX Perpetual Registrars Limited ", "Level 8, 580 George Street ", "SYDNEY NSW 2000", "BANKERS", "Australia and New Zealand", "Banking Group Limited", "AUDITORS", "Grant Thornton", "SOLICITORS", "Redmond Van De Graaff ", "Mallesons Stephen Jacques", "STOCK EXCHANGE LISTING", "Super Cheap Auto Group ", "Limited shares are quoted on ", "the Australian Stock Exchange.", "THE ANNUAL ", "GENERAL MEETING", "GENERAL MEETING", "The Annual General Meeting", "The Annual General Meeting", "of the Shareholders of Super ", "Cheap Auto Group Limited", "will be held at the Pine Rivers ", "Memorial Bowls Club,", "Cnr. Sparkes and Francis Roads, ", "Bray Park, Queensland on ", "Thursday 21 October 2004", "at 2.00 pm.", "Formal notice of this meeting ", "and proxy form are enclosed ", "with this report." ]
[ [ 343, 75, 412, 86 ], [ 427, 76, 500, 86 ], [ 500, 76, 790, 86 ], [ 787, 78, 837, 85 ], [ 280, 97, 300, 104 ], [ 343, 97, 473, 104 ], [ 657, 97, 679, 104 ], [ 724, 97, 745, 104 ], [ 789, 97, 810, 104 ], [ 855, 97, 876, 104 ], [ 920, 97, 941, 104 ], [ 343, 114, 405, 124 ], [ 82, 116, 104, 123 ], [ 131, 116, 152, 123 ], [ 178, 116, 199, 123 ], [ 229, 116, 250, 123 ], [ 280, 116, 300, 123 ], [ 343, 127, 455, 136 ], [ 673, 127, 679, 136 ], [ 738, 127, 745, 136 ], [ 804, 127, 810, 136 ], [ 869, 127, 875, 136 ], [ 935, 127, 941, 136 ], [ 343, 140, 370, 149 ], [ 666, 140, 679, 149 ], [ 732, 140, 745, 149 ], [ 797, 140, 810, 149 ], [ 863, 140, 876, 149 ], [ 928, 140, 941, 149 ], [ 73, 146, 104, 155 ], [ 123, 146, 152, 155 ], [ 170, 146, 199, 155 ], [ 221, 146, 250, 155 ], [ 272, 146, 300, 155 ], [ 343, 152, 415, 162 ], [ 666, 152, 679, 162 ], [ 732, 152, 745, 162 ], [ 797, 152, 810, 162 ], [ 863, 152, 876, 162 ], [ 928, 152, 941, 162 ], [ 84, 159, 104, 168 ], [ 133, 159, 152, 168 ], [ 180, 159, 199, 168 ], [ 231, 159, 250, 168 ], [ 281, 159, 300, 168 ], [ 98, 171, 104, 181 ], [ 145, 171, 152, 181 ], [ 193, 171, 199, 181 ], [ 243, 171, 250, 181 ], [ 294, 171, 300, 181 ], [ 343, 171, 467, 181 ], [ 659, 171, 679, 181 ], [ 726, 171, 745, 181 ], [ 791, 171, 810, 181 ], [ 863, 171, 876, 181 ], [ 928, 171, 941, 181 ], [ 91, 184, 104, 193 ], [ 139, 184, 152, 193 ], [ 186, 184, 199, 193 ], [ 237, 184, 250, 193 ], [ 288, 184, 300, 193 ], [ 343, 190, 471, 199 ], [ 474, 191, 487, 199 ], [ 79, 197, 109, 206 ], [ 128, 197, 156, 206 ], [ 176, 197, 203, 206 ], [ 226, 197, 254, 206 ], [ 277, 197, 305, 206 ], [ 343, 203, 459, 212 ], [ 673, 203, 679, 212 ], [ 732, 203, 745, 212 ], [ 799, 203, 815, 212 ], [ 869, 203, 875, 212 ], [ 935, 203, 941, 212 ], [ 93, 209, 109, 218 ], [ 139, 209, 152, 218 ], [ 186, 209, 199, 218 ], [ 233, 209, 254, 218 ], [ 288, 209, 300, 218 ], [ 343, 215, 458, 225 ], [ 668, 215, 684, 225 ], [ 734, 215, 749, 225 ], [ 804, 215, 810, 225 ], [ 865, 215, 880, 225 ], [ 924, 215, 945, 225 ], [ 343, 228, 493, 237 ], [ 661, 228, 684, 237 ], [ 732, 228, 745, 237 ], [ 799, 228, 815, 237 ], [ 869, 228, 876, 237 ], [ 935, 228, 941, 237 ], [ 343, 241, 401, 250 ], [ 666, 241, 679, 250 ], [ 732, 241, 745, 250 ], [ 797, 241, 810, 250 ], [ 869, 241, 876, 250 ], [ 930, 241, 945, 250 ], [ 73, 241, 104, 250 ], [ 123, 241, 152, 250 ], [ 170, 241, 199, 250 ], [ 221, 241, 250, 250 ], [ 272, 241, 300, 250 ], [ 343, 253, 424, 263 ], [ 666, 253, 679, 263 ], [ 726, 253, 745, 263 ], [ 804, 253, 810, 263 ], [ 863, 253, 876, 263 ], [ 935, 253, 941, 263 ], [ 343, 266, 398, 275 ], [ 673, 266, 679, 275 ], [ 734, 266, 749, 275 ], [ 793, 266, 815, 275 ], [ 869, 266, 876, 275 ], [ 930, 266, 945, 275 ], [ 79, 272, 109, 282 ], [ 128, 272, 156, 282 ], [ 176, 272, 203, 282 ], [ 226, 272, 254, 282 ], [ 283, 272, 305, 282 ], [ 343, 279, 426, 288 ], [ 659, 279, 679, 288 ], [ 726, 279, 745, 288 ], [ 804, 279, 810, 288 ], [ 869, 279, 875, 288 ], [ 928, 279, 941, 288 ], [ 343, 291, 416, 300 ], [ 666, 291, 679, 300 ], [ 726, 291, 745, 300 ], [ 797, 291, 810, 300 ], [ 863, 291, 876, 300 ], [ 935, 291, 941, 300 ], [ 79, 298, 109, 307 ], [ 128, 298, 156, 307 ], [ 182, 298, 203, 307 ], [ 233, 298, 254, 307 ], [ 283, 298, 305, 307 ], [ 343, 304, 377, 313 ], [ 673, 304, 679, 313 ], [ 738, 304, 745, 313 ], [ 804, 304, 810, 313 ], [ 869, 304, 875, 313 ], [ 930, 304, 945, 313 ], [ 98, 310, 104, 319 ], [ 145, 310, 152, 319 ], [ 182, 310, 203, 319 ], [ 233, 310, 254, 319 ], [ 290, 310, 305, 319 ], [ 343, 316, 398, 326 ], [ 673, 316, 679, 326 ], [ 728, 316, 749, 326 ], [ 804, 316, 810, 326 ], [ 863, 316, 876, 326 ], [ 930, 316, 945, 326 ], [ 343, 329, 415, 338 ], [ 666, 329, 679, 338 ], [ 732, 329, 745, 338 ], [ 797, 329, 810, 338 ], [ 869, 329, 876, 338 ], [ 928, 329, 941, 338 ], [ 91, 335, 104, 345 ], [ 139, 335, 152, 345 ], [ 186, 335, 199, 345 ], [ 237, 335, 250, 345 ], [ 288, 335, 300, 345 ], [ 343, 342, 381, 351 ], [ 666, 342, 679, 351 ], [ 732, 342, 745, 351 ], [ 799, 342, 815, 351 ], [ 869, 342, 875, 351 ], [ 935, 342, 941, 351 ], [ 343, 354, 419, 364 ], [ 673, 354, 679, 364 ], [ 739, 354, 745, 364 ], [ 804, 354, 810, 364 ], [ 869, 354, 875, 364 ], [ 935, 354, 941, 364 ], [ 91, 361, 104, 370 ], [ 139, 361, 152, 370 ], [ 186, 361, 199, 370 ], [ 237, 361, 250, 370 ], [ 288, 361, 300, 370 ], [ 343, 367, 431, 376 ], [ 666, 367, 679, 376 ], [ 732, 367, 745, 376 ], [ 797, 367, 810, 376 ], [ 863, 367, 876, 376 ], [ 924, 367, 945, 376 ], [ 343, 380, 449, 389 ], [ 673, 380, 679, 389 ], [ 732, 380, 745, 389 ], [ 799, 380, 815, 389 ], [ 869, 380, 876, 389 ], [ 928, 380, 941, 389 ], [ 87, 386, 104, 395 ], [ 136, 386, 152, 395 ], [ 183, 386, 199, 395 ], [ 234, 386, 250, 395 ], [ 285, 386, 300, 395 ], [ 343, 392, 371, 401 ], [ 668, 392, 684, 401 ], [ 734, 392, 749, 401 ], [ 804, 392, 810, 401 ], [ 863, 392, 876, 401 ], [ 930, 392, 945, 401 ], [ 343, 411, 479, 420 ], [ 509, 411, 583, 420 ], [ 659, 411, 679, 420 ], [ 726, 411, 745, 420 ], [ 791, 411, 810, 420 ], [ 856, 411, 876, 420 ], [ 924, 411, 945, 420 ], [ 673, 430, 679, 439 ], [ 726, 430, 745, 439 ], [ 791, 430, 810, 439 ], [ 863, 430, 876, 439 ], [ 922, 430, 941, 439 ], [ 343, 430, 506, 439 ], [ 506, 430, 564, 439 ], [ 280, 438, 300, 445 ], [ 343, 443, 482, 452 ], [ 666, 443, 679, 452 ], [ 739, 443, 745, 452 ], [ 793, 443, 815, 452 ], [ 869, 443, 875, 452 ], [ 935, 443, 941, 452 ], [ 82, 457, 104, 464 ], [ 131, 457, 152, 464 ], [ 178, 457, 199, 464 ], [ 229, 457, 250, 464 ], [ 280, 457, 300, 464 ], [ 343, 462, 500, 471 ], [ 659, 462, 679, 471 ], [ 726, 462, 745, 471 ], [ 791, 462, 810, 471 ], [ 856, 462, 876, 471 ], [ 922, 462, 941, 471 ], [ 97, 487, 104, 496 ], [ 145, 487, 152, 496 ], [ 193, 487, 199, 496 ], [ 243, 487, 250, 496 ], [ 294, 487, 300, 496 ], [ 343, 492, 412, 503 ], [ 427, 493, 491, 503 ], [ 499, 493, 797, 503 ], [ 795, 495, 844, 502 ], [ 97, 512, 104, 522 ], [ 145, 512, 152, 522 ], [ 193, 512, 199, 522 ], [ 243, 512, 250, 522 ], [ 294, 512, 300, 522 ], [ 343, 513, 413, 521 ], [ 657, 513, 679, 521 ], [ 724, 513, 745, 521 ], [ 789, 513, 810, 521 ], [ 855, 513, 876, 521 ], [ 920, 513, 941, 521 ], [ 343, 531, 470, 540 ], [ 485, 531, 508, 540 ], [ 508, 531, 520, 540 ], [ 97, 531, 104, 540 ], [ 139, 531, 152, 540 ], [ 186, 531, 199, 540 ], [ 237, 531, 250, 540 ], [ 288, 531, 300, 540 ], [ 357, 544, 481, 553 ], [ 84, 544, 104, 553 ], [ 133, 544, 152, 553 ], [ 180, 544, 199, 553 ], [ 231, 544, 250, 553 ], [ 281, 544, 300, 553 ], [ 484, 545, 497, 553 ], [ 343, 556, 459, 566 ], [ 673, 556, 679, 566 ], [ 738, 556, 745, 566 ], [ 804, 556, 810, 566 ], [ 869, 556, 875, 566 ], [ 935, 556, 941, 566 ], [ 145, 556, 152, 566 ], [ 193, 556, 199, 566 ], [ 237, 556, 250, 566 ], [ 281, 556, 300, 566 ], [ 91, 556, 104, 566 ], [ 343, 569, 458, 578 ], [ 673, 569, 679, 578 ], [ 732, 569, 745, 578 ], [ 797, 569, 810, 578 ], [ 863, 569, 876, 578 ], [ 928, 569, 941, 578 ], [ 98, 569, 104, 578 ], [ 145, 569, 152, 578 ], [ 193, 569, 199, 578 ], [ 243, 569, 250, 578 ], [ 294, 569, 300, 578 ], [ 343, 582, 493, 591 ], [ 673, 582, 679, 591 ], [ 732, 582, 745, 591 ], [ 804, 582, 810, 591 ], [ 869, 582, 875, 591 ], [ 935, 582, 941, 591 ], [ 84, 588, 104, 597 ], [ 133, 588, 152, 597 ], [ 180, 588, 199, 597 ], [ 231, 588, 250, 597 ], [ 281, 588, 300, 597 ], [ 343, 594, 401, 604 ], [ 666, 594, 679, 604 ], [ 732, 594, 745, 604 ], [ 797, 594, 810, 604 ], [ 869, 594, 876, 604 ], [ 935, 594, 941, 604 ], [ 73, 601, 104, 610 ], [ 123, 601, 152, 610 ], [ 170, 601, 199, 610 ], [ 231, 601, 250, 610 ], [ 281, 601, 300, 610 ], [ 343, 607, 424, 616 ], [ 659, 607, 679, 616 ], [ 732, 607, 745, 616 ], [ 797, 607, 810, 616 ], [ 869, 607, 876, 616 ], [ 928, 607, 941, 616 ], [ 343, 620, 398, 629 ], [ 666, 620, 679, 629 ], [ 738, 620, 745, 629 ], [ 797, 620, 810, 629 ], [ 869, 620, 875, 629 ], [ 935, 620, 941, 629 ], [ 73, 620, 104, 629 ], [ 123, 620, 152, 629 ], [ 170, 620, 199, 629 ], [ 221, 620, 250, 629 ], [ 272, 620, 300, 629 ], [ 343, 632, 426, 641 ], [ 659, 632, 679, 641 ], [ 732, 632, 745, 641 ], [ 797, 632, 810, 641 ], [ 863, 632, 876, 641 ], [ 935, 632, 941, 641 ], [ 343, 645, 416, 654 ], [ 659, 645, 679, 654 ], [ 726, 645, 745, 654 ], [ 797, 645, 810, 654 ], [ 863, 645, 876, 654 ], [ 928, 645, 941, 654 ], [ 343, 657, 377, 667 ], [ 673, 657, 679, 667 ], [ 739, 657, 745, 667 ], [ 804, 657, 810, 667 ], [ 869, 657, 875, 667 ], [ 935, 657, 941, 667 ], [ 343, 670, 398, 679 ], [ 666, 670, 679, 679 ], [ 732, 670, 745, 679 ], [ 797, 670, 810, 679 ], [ 863, 670, 876, 679 ], [ 935, 670, 941, 679 ], [ 80, 676, 104, 686 ], [ 129, 676, 152, 686 ], [ 170, 676, 199, 686 ], [ 221, 676, 250, 686 ], [ 272, 676, 300, 686 ], [ 343, 683, 415, 692 ], [ 666, 683, 679, 692 ], [ 732, 683, 745, 692 ], [ 797, 683, 810, 692 ], [ 863, 683, 876, 692 ], [ 928, 683, 941, 692 ], [ 87, 689, 104, 698 ], [ 136, 689, 152, 698 ], [ 183, 689, 199, 698 ], [ 234, 689, 250, 698 ], [ 285, 689, 300, 698 ], [ 343, 695, 381, 705 ], [ 666, 695, 679, 705 ], [ 732, 695, 745, 705 ], [ 804, 695, 810, 705 ], [ 869, 695, 875, 705 ], [ 935, 695, 941, 705 ], [ 80, 702, 104, 711 ], [ 129, 702, 152, 711 ], [ 177, 702, 199, 711 ], [ 227, 702, 250, 711 ], [ 278, 702, 300, 711 ], [ 343, 708, 419, 717 ], [ 673, 708, 679, 717 ], [ 732, 708, 745, 717 ], [ 797, 708, 810, 717 ], [ 869, 708, 876, 717 ], [ 935, 708, 941, 717 ], [ 74, 714, 104, 724 ], [ 221, 714, 250, 724 ], [ 272, 714, 300, 724 ], [ 141, 716, 152, 723 ], [ 189, 716, 199, 723 ], [ 343, 721, 431, 730 ], [ 666, 721, 679, 730 ], [ 732, 721, 745, 730 ], [ 797, 721, 810, 730 ], [ 863, 721, 876, 730 ], [ 928, 721, 941, 730 ], [ 343, 733, 449, 742 ], [ 666, 733, 679, 742 ], [ 732, 733, 745, 742 ], [ 797, 733, 810, 742 ], [ 863, 733, 876, 742 ], [ 928, 733, 941, 742 ], [ 343, 746, 371, 755 ], [ 666, 746, 679, 755 ], [ 738, 746, 745, 755 ], [ 797, 746, 810, 755 ], [ 863, 746, 875, 755 ], [ 928, 746, 941, 755 ], [ 343, 765, 502, 774 ], [ 502, 765, 545, 774 ], [ 357, 777, 485, 787 ], [ 509, 777, 534, 787 ], [ 659, 777, 679, 787 ], [ 726, 777, 745, 787 ], [ 791, 777, 810, 787 ], [ 856, 777, 876, 787 ], [ 922, 777, 941, 787 ], [ 926, 977, 943, 986 ], [ 642, 979, 918, 985 ] ]
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[ "TABLE 17", "Provision f", "or Credit Losses – Segmented Information ", "($ millions)", "Total", "For the year ended October 31", "2002", "2001", "2000", "1999", "1998", "Individuals", "2002", "2001", "2000", "1999", "1998", "Residential mortgages", "7", "6", "5", "7", "7", "Cards", "58", "48", "35", "26", "26", "1,949", "1,597", "1,427", "1,272", "1,239", "Personal loans", "79", "74", "73", "48", "30", "820", "980", "358", "320", "130", "—", "—", "—", "—", "—", "Total loans to individuals", "144", "128", "113", "81", "63", "68", "40", "44", "47", "64", "Diversified Commercial", "(d)", "(884)", "(698)", "(251)", "(193)", "(195)", "Commercial mortgages", "6", "10", "(1)", "—", "—", "(4)", "30", "19", "(19)", "34", "Commercial real estate", "(2)", "(1)", "1", "(6)", "(66)", "Construction (non-real estate)", "(23)", "28", "(2)", "3", "3", "Retail trade", "29", "74", "20", "6", "(5)", "1,949", "1,949", "1,597", "1,427", "1,272", "Wholesale trade", "19", "114", "3", "10", "1", "Agriculture", "2", "(1)", "(10)", "2", "(5)", "(176)", "(157)", "(139)", "(104)", "(93)", "Communications", "399", "129", "—", "5", "13", "Manufacturing", "94", "280", "81", "14", "4", "(708)", "(541)", "(67)", "(74)", "(99)", "Mining", "—", "5", "—", "—", "(3)", "—", "—", "(45)", "(15)", "(3)", "Oil and gas", "2", "(22)", "6", "43", "(2)", "Transportation", "17", "38", "68", "8", "17", "30", "25", "23", "22", "23", "Utilities", "69", "17", "(1)", "—", "3", "Forest products", "4", "—", "3", "2", "5", "38", "15", "21", "25", "41", "Service industries", "19", "18", "14", "46", "(19)", "Financial institutions ", "5", "64", "(6)", "7", "12", "0.6", "0.4", "0.1", "0.1", "0.1", "Other", "(2)", "(1)", "1", "14", "(1)", "Total commercial, corporate", "and institutional (e)", "638", "752", "177", "154", "(43)", "—", "100", "110", "85", "110", "Net charge to earnings for gener", "al provision", "Total", "Lesser-developed countries ", "38", "—", "(42)", "—", "—", "2002", "2001", "2000", "1999", "1998", "Total provision for credit losses ", "820", "980", "358", "320", "130", "5", "6", "6", "4", "4", "TABLE 18", "Allowanc", "for Credit Losses – Segmented Information ", "($ millions)", "4", "8", "5", "8", "9", "As at October 31", "2002", "2001", "2000", "1999", "1998", "Diversified Commercial", "Specif", "ic ", "9", "14", "11", "12", "13", "Allowance by Industry", "742", "755", "506", "360", "262", "(d)", "Commercial mortgages", "—", "6", "—", "4", "5", "—", "—", "85", "104", "18", "Commercial real estate", "9", "12", "30", "28", "35", "—", "—", "—", "—", "8", "Construction (non-real estate)", "5", "31", "5", "4", "4", "769", "769", "517", "457", "387", "Retail trade", "18", "59", "23", "7", "8", "1,180", "1,180", "1,080", "970", "885", "Wholesale trade", "109", "80", "12", "8", "13", "Agriculture", "14", "3", "10", "6", "4", "1,949", "1,949", "1,597", "1,427", "1,272", "Communications", "116", "60", "30", "13", "8", "Manufacturing", "175", "300", "96", "37", "62", "Mining", "—", "—", "—", "—", "2", "Oil and gas", "20", "18", "51", "44", "1", "83.4", "96.8", "106.4", "130.6", "153.3", "Transportation", "64", "77", "77", "23", "17", "5.1", "7.1", "5.6", "6.3", "8.6", "Utilities", "87", "19", "2", "3", "3", "34.6", "41.5", "38.8", "40.1", "39.3", "Forest products", "6", "10", "19", "7", "6", "100.0", "100.0", "100.0", "na", "na", "Service industries", "44", "48", "85", "56", "31", "Financial institutions ", "11", "26", "35", "35", "27", "Other", "64", "6", "31", "85", "36", "Total specific allowance for cred", "it losses ", "on diversified commercial", "loans (b)", "742", "755", "506", "360", "262", "61", "BMO FINANCIAL GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2002" ]
[ [ 129, 101, 733, 115 ], [ 129, 119, 579, 133 ], [ 129, 168, 256, 178 ], [ 283, 168, 365, 178 ], [ 174, 193, 783, 203 ], [ 129, 205, 529, 215 ], [ 547, 205, 847, 215 ], [ 129, 217, 320, 227 ], [ 129, 241, 147, 251 ], [ 210, 241, 847, 251 ], [ 210, 253, 811, 263 ], [ 210, 265, 847, 275 ], [ 210, 278, 301, 287 ], [ 129, 302, 147, 312 ], [ 210, 302, 820, 312 ], [ 210, 314, 820, 324 ], [ 210, 326, 811, 336 ], [ 210, 338, 711, 348 ], [ 129, 362, 147, 372 ], [ 210, 362, 838, 372 ], [ 210, 375, 702, 384 ], [ 129, 399, 147, 409 ], [ 210, 399, 811, 409 ], [ 210, 411, 829, 421 ], [ 210, 423, 702, 433 ], [ 129, 447, 147, 457 ], [ 210, 447, 774, 457 ], [ 210, 459, 829, 469 ], [ 210, 472, 756, 481 ], [ 210, 484, 547, 493 ], [ 129, 508, 147, 518 ], [ 210, 508, 765, 518 ], [ 210, 520, 792, 530 ], [ 129, 544, 238, 554 ], [ 174, 577, 829, 586 ], [ 129, 590, 219, 600 ], [ 237, 590, 847, 600 ], [ 129, 603, 783, 613 ], [ 129, 617, 838, 627 ], [ 129, 630, 838, 640 ], [ 129, 644, 811, 654 ], [ 129, 657, 756, 667 ], [ 174, 684, 820, 694 ], [ 129, 697, 829, 707 ], [ 129, 711, 501, 721 ], [ 174, 738, 829, 748 ], [ 129, 751, 756, 761 ], [ 129, 765, 247, 775 ], [ 265, 765, 820, 775 ], [ 129, 778, 629, 788 ], [ 486, 916, 501, 927 ] ]
[ 8, 8, 8, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5 ]
[ "MANAGEMENT’S DISCUSSION & ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL", "CONDITION AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS", "OTHER EXPENSES", "continued", "Other expenses in 2002 amounted to $71,009,000, an increase of 57.1", "percent from the prior year, or $25,814,000.", "The following factors account for", "most of the increase.", "1.", "Salaries and benefit expense grew $14,439,000, or 58.4 percent, due to", "normal salary increases, staff additions and additional salary and", "benefit cost of $9,785,000 related to the April 1, 2002 acquisition of", "Lafayette.", "2.", "Telephone expenses increased by $1,497,000 or 140.9 percent, due to", "additional telephone costs related to the acquisition of Lafayette.", "In addition, increased service contract charges related to greater", "usage of telephone lines, contributed to this increase.", "3.", "Equipment expenses increased by $2,188,000 or 48.4 percent, primarily", "related to the April 1, 2002 acquisition of Lafayette.", "4.", "Core deposit intangible amortization increased by $907,000, due to", "utilization of the purchase method of accounting for the Corporation", "related to the April 1, 2002 acquisition of Lafayette.", "5.", "Data processing fees increased by $1,421,000, or 63.4 percent,", "primarily due to increases in processing expenses related to greater", "usage of debit/ATM cards by customers and increases in loans", "originated and processed during 2002.", "6.", "Net occupancy expenses increased by $903,000 or 33.1 percent,", "primarily related to the April 1, 2002 acquisition of Lafayette.", "INCOME TAXES", "Income tax expense totaling $10,717,000 for 2003 decreased by $3,264,000", "from 2002.", "The lower expense in 2003 primarily resulted from the Corporation’s", "tax-exempt investment income on securities and loans, income tax credits", "generated from investments in affordable housing projects, income generated by", "subsidiaries domiciled in a state with no state or local income tax, increases", "in tax exempt earnings from bank-owned life insurance contracts and reduced", "state taxes, resulting from the effect of state income apportionment.", "The increase in 2002 tax expense of $2,057,000, as compared to the 2001", "tax expense, is attributable primarily to the acquisition of Lafayette and an", "increase in pre-tax income of $5,627,000.", "In addition, the effective tax rates for the periods ending December 31,", "2003, 2002 and 2001 were 28.0 percent, 33.4 percent and 34.9 percent,", "respectively.", "The 54 basis point decrease is primarily a result of the same", "factors discussed above regarding the 2003 tax expense.", "19" ]
[ [ 229, 52, 453, 63 ], [ 230, 148, 547, 159 ], [ 578, 148, 895, 159 ], [ 58, 149, 129, 159 ], [ 230, 164, 547, 175 ], [ 578, 164, 895, 175 ], [ 58, 164, 180, 173 ], [ 58, 178, 158, 187 ], [ 230, 179, 547, 190 ], [ 578, 179, 895, 190 ], [ 58, 192, 171, 201 ], [ 230, 195, 547, 206 ], [ 578, 195, 681, 206 ], [ 58, 206, 168, 216 ], [ 230, 210, 547, 222 ], [ 593, 210, 895, 222 ], [ 58, 221, 190, 230 ], [ 230, 226, 547, 237 ], [ 578, 226, 895, 237 ], [ 58, 235, 174, 244 ], [ 230, 242, 547, 253 ], [ 578, 242, 895, 253 ], [ 58, 249, 135, 258 ], [ 230, 257, 547, 268 ], [ 578, 257, 895, 268 ], [ 230, 273, 547, 284 ], [ 578, 273, 895, 284 ], [ 230, 289, 547, 300 ], [ 578, 289, 895, 300 ], [ 230, 304, 547, 315 ], [ 578, 304, 895, 315 ], [ 230, 320, 456, 331 ], [ 578, 320, 895, 331 ], [ 578, 335, 895, 347 ], [ 578, 351, 895, 362 ], [ 230, 358, 318, 369 ], [ 578, 367, 895, 378 ], [ 578, 382, 895, 393 ], [ 230, 382, 547, 393 ], [ 578, 398, 895, 409 ], [ 230, 398, 547, 409 ], [ 578, 414, 895, 425 ], [ 230, 414, 547, 425 ], [ 578, 429, 639, 440 ], [ 230, 429, 547, 440 ], [ 593, 445, 895, 456 ], [ 230, 445, 547, 456 ], [ 578, 460, 591, 472 ], [ 595, 460, 740, 472 ], [ 230, 460, 547, 472 ], [ 745, 460, 895, 472 ], [ 578, 476, 716, 487 ], [ 230, 476, 547, 487 ], [ 720, 476, 895, 487 ], [ 578, 492, 895, 503 ], [ 230, 492, 547, 503 ], [ 230, 507, 510, 518 ], [ 578, 507, 895, 518 ], [ 245, 523, 547, 534 ], [ 578, 523, 895, 534 ], [ 230, 539, 547, 550 ], [ 578, 539, 895, 550 ], [ 578, 554, 809, 565 ], [ 230, 554, 547, 565 ], [ 809, 554, 895, 565 ], [ 230, 570, 547, 581 ], [ 578, 570, 895, 581 ], [ 578, 585, 895, 597 ], [ 230, 585, 547, 597 ], [ 578, 601, 895, 612 ], [ 230, 601, 547, 612 ], [ 578, 617, 895, 628 ], [ 230, 617, 547, 628 ], [ 230, 632, 547, 644 ], [ 578, 632, 895, 643 ], [ 230, 647, 280, 659 ], [ 578, 648, 895, 659 ], [ 285, 648, 547, 659 ], [ 578, 664, 895, 675 ], [ 230, 664, 335, 675 ], [ 578, 679, 895, 690 ], [ 245, 679, 547, 690 ], [ 578, 695, 895, 706 ], [ 230, 695, 547, 706 ], [ 578, 710, 775, 722 ], [ 230, 710, 547, 722 ], [ 230, 726, 553, 737 ], [ 230, 742, 547, 753 ], [ 578, 748, 670, 760 ], [ 230, 758, 547, 768 ], [ 230, 773, 547, 784 ], [ 578, 773, 739, 784 ], [ 230, 789, 332, 800 ], [ 578, 797, 895, 808 ], [ 245, 804, 547, 815 ], [ 578, 812, 895, 824 ], [ 230, 820, 547, 831 ], [ 578, 828, 895, 839 ], [ 230, 835, 547, 847 ], [ 578, 844, 895, 855 ], [ 230, 851, 547, 862 ], [ 578, 859, 895, 870 ], [ 230, 867, 547, 878 ], [ 58, 959, 74, 971 ], [ 85, 961, 205, 970 ], [ 205, 961, 230, 970 ], [ 233, 961, 306, 970 ] ]
[ 6, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5, 5, 5, 5 ]
[ "Management’s Discussion and Analysis", "technologies pose health concerns and cause interfer-", "While Bell ExpressVu has been successful in increas-", "Bell ExpressVu", "ence with hearing aids and other medical devices. This", "ing its share of the satellite television market despite", "Bell ExpressVu currently", "uses three satellites, ", "could lead to additional government regulation, which", "this competition, there is no assurance that it will", "Nimiq 1, Nimiq 2 and", "could have a material and negative effect on the busi-", "continue to do so.", "Nimiq 3, for its video ", "ness of the Bell Canada companies. In addition, actual", "Bell ExpressVu faces a loss of revenue resulting from", "services. Telesat operates or", "or perceived health risks of wireless communications", "the theft of its services. It is taking numerous actions to", "directs the operation of ", "devices could result in fewer new network subscribers,", "reduce these losses, including legal action, investiga-", "these satellites. ", "lower network usage per subscriber, higher churn rates,", "tions, implementing electronic countermeasures targeted", "product liability lawsuits or less outside financing", "at illegal devices, leading information campaigns and", "being available to the wireless communications indus-", "developing new technology. Bell ExpressVu introduced", "try. Any of these would have a negative effect on the", "a smart card swap for its authorized digital receivers", "business of the Bell Canada companies.", "beginning in 2004, that is designed to block unautho-", "rized reception of Bell ExpressVu signals. The smart", "card swap is being introduced in phases and is expected", "Bell ExpressVu", "to be completed in the second half of 2005. As with", "any technology-based security system, it is not possi-", "In order to restore the backup capacity for Bell", "ble to eliminate with absolute certainty the possibility", "ExpressVu, which was diminished by the partial failure", "that security may be compromised at some point in", "of Nimiq 2, Telesat reached an agreement with DirecTV", "the future.", "for an existing spare in-orbit satellite (Nimiq 3). Telesat", "On October 28, 2004, the Court of Québec ruled in", "received approval from Industry Canada to relocate", "R.", "v. D’Argy and Theriault", "this satellite to the orbital slots currently occupied by", "that the provisions in the", "Radiocommunication Act", "Nimiq 1 or Nimiq 2. In July 2004, the CRTC granted", "(Canada) making it a criminal", "offence to manufacture, offer for sale or sell any device", "final approval to the agreement between Bell ExpressVu", "and Telesat to lease the full capacity of Nimiq 3.", "used to decode an encrypted subscription signal relating", "Satellites are subject to significant risks. Any loss,", "to the unauthorized reception of satellite signals vio-", "failure, manufacturing defects, damage or destruction", "late the freedom of expression rights enshrined in the", "Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms", "of these satellites, of Bell ExpressVu’s terrestrial broad-", ". The Canadian", "casting infrastructure or of Telesat’s tracking, teleme-", "Department of Justice has launched an appeal of this", "decision to the Superior Court of Québec. It remains a", "try and control facilities that operate the satellites could", "criminal offence throughout Canada to manufacture,", "have a material and negative effect on Bell ExpressVu’s", "offer for sale or sell any device used to engage in the", "results of operations and financial condition. Please see", "Risks that Could Affect Certain BCE Group Companies", "unauthorized reception of satellite signals. If this deci-", "– Telesat", "sion is ultimately upheld by the courts and Parliament", "for more information on the risks relating to", "does not enact new provisions criminalizing the unau-", "Telesat’s satellites.", "thorized reception of satellite signals, Bell ExpressVu", "Bell ExpressVu is subject to programming and car-", "may face increasing loss of revenue from the unautho-", "riage requirements under CRTC regulations. Changes", "rized reception of satellite signals.", "to the regulations that govern broadcasting could neg-", "atively affect Bell ExpressVu’s competitive position ", "or the cost of providing its services. Bell ExpressVu’s", "Bell Globemedia", "DTH satellite television distribution undertaking", "licence was renewed in March 2004 and expires on", "Dependence on Advertising", "August 31, 2010.", "A large part of Bell Globemedia’s revenue from its tel-", "Bell ExpressVu continues to face competition from", "evision and print businesses comes from advertising", "unregulated U.S. DTH satellite television services that", "revenues. Bell Globemedia’s advertising revenues are", "are illegally sold in Canada. In response, it is partici-", "affected by competitive pressures, including its ability", "pating in legal actions that are challenging the sale of", "to attract and retain viewers and readers. In addition,", "U.S. DTH satellite television equipment in Canada.", "76", "Bell Canada Enterprises ", "2004", "Annual Report" ]
[ [ 32, 56, 410, 69 ], [ 93, 133, 105, 145 ], [ 110, 133, 326, 145 ], [ 209, 149, 639, 160 ], [ 816, 169, 837, 179 ], [ 869, 169, 930, 178 ], [ 789, 179, 837, 188 ], [ 871, 179, 930, 188 ], [ 209, 197, 334, 206 ], [ 715, 197, 744, 206 ], [ 808, 197, 837, 206 ], [ 901, 197, 930, 206 ], [ 209, 213, 239, 224 ], [ 221, 228, 420, 239 ], [ 682, 228, 744, 239 ], [ 775, 228, 837, 239 ], [ 859, 228, 930, 239 ], [ 221, 243, 278, 254 ], [ 708, 243, 744, 254 ], [ 801, 243, 837, 254 ], [ 886, 243, 930, 254 ], [ 221, 259, 356, 269 ], [ 704, 259, 748, 269 ], [ 797, 259, 842, 269 ], [ 882, 259, 935, 269 ], [ 221, 274, 283, 284 ], [ 704, 274, 748, 284 ], [ 797, 274, 842, 284 ], [ 882, 274, 935, 284 ], [ 221, 295, 382, 306 ], [ 682, 295, 744, 306 ], [ 775, 295, 837, 306 ], [ 859, 295, 930, 306 ], [ 209, 317, 264, 327 ], [ 221, 332, 420, 342 ], [ 682, 332, 744, 342 ], [ 775, 332, 837, 342 ], [ 859, 332, 930, 342 ], [ 221, 347, 278, 358 ], [ 700, 347, 744, 358 ], [ 793, 347, 837, 358 ], [ 878, 347, 930, 357 ], [ 221, 362, 297, 373 ], [ 700, 362, 744, 373 ], [ 793, 362, 837, 373 ], [ 878, 362, 930, 373 ], [ 221, 378, 356, 388 ], [ 704, 378, 748, 388 ], [ 797, 378, 842, 388 ], [ 882, 378, 935, 388 ], [ 221, 393, 283, 403 ], [ 719, 393, 744, 403 ], [ 788, 393, 842, 403 ], [ 882, 393, 935, 403 ], [ 221, 414, 382, 425 ], [ 682, 414, 744, 425 ], [ 775, 414, 837, 425 ], [ 861, 414, 930, 425 ], [ 209, 436, 370, 446 ], [ 221, 451, 420, 461 ], [ 682, 451, 744, 461 ], [ 775, 451, 837, 461 ], [ 859, 451, 930, 461 ], [ 221, 466, 278, 476 ], [ 691, 466, 744, 476 ], [ 784, 466, 837, 476 ], [ 866, 466, 930, 476 ], [ 221, 481, 297, 492 ], [ 691, 481, 744, 492 ], [ 784, 481, 837, 492 ], [ 866, 481, 930, 492 ], [ 33, 485, 46, 494 ], [ 221, 496, 356, 507 ], [ 696, 496, 748, 507 ], [ 788, 496, 842, 507 ], [ 873, 496, 935, 507 ], [ 221, 512, 283, 522 ], [ 696, 512, 748, 522 ], [ 793, 512, 837, 522 ], [ 878, 512, 930, 522 ], [ 221, 533, 382, 543 ], [ 682, 533, 744, 543 ], [ 775, 533, 837, 543 ], [ 859, 533, 930, 543 ], [ 209, 554, 357, 565 ], [ 221, 570, 420, 580 ], [ 682, 570, 744, 580 ], [ 775, 570, 837, 580 ], [ 859, 570, 866, 580 ], [ 878, 570, 930, 580 ], [ 221, 585, 278, 595 ], [ 691, 585, 744, 595 ], [ 784, 585, 837, 595 ], [ 866, 585, 930, 595 ], [ 221, 600, 356, 610 ], [ 715, 600, 748, 610 ], [ 808, 600, 842, 610 ], [ 890, 600, 935, 610 ], [ 221, 615, 275, 626 ], [ 687, 615, 748, 626 ], [ 780, 615, 842, 626 ], [ 862, 615, 935, 626 ], [ 221, 637, 382, 647 ], [ 682, 637, 744, 647 ], [ 775, 637, 837, 647 ], [ 859, 637, 866, 647 ], [ 878, 637, 930, 647 ], [ 93, 676, 105, 687 ], [ 110, 676, 173, 687 ], [ 209, 692, 448, 702 ], [ 209, 692, 448, 702 ], [ 816, 703, 837, 712 ], [ 869, 703, 930, 712 ], [ 789, 712, 837, 722 ], [ 871, 712, 930, 722 ], [ 209, 730, 334, 740 ], [ 715, 730, 744, 740 ], [ 808, 730, 837, 740 ], [ 901, 730, 930, 740 ], [ 209, 746, 382, 757 ], [ 682, 746, 744, 757 ], [ 775, 746, 837, 757 ], [ 859, 746, 930, 757 ], [ 209, 762, 266, 772 ], [ 700, 762, 744, 772 ], [ 801, 762, 837, 772 ], [ 886, 762, 930, 772 ], [ 209, 777, 287, 787 ], [ 700, 777, 744, 787 ], [ 793, 777, 837, 787 ], [ 878, 777, 930, 787 ], [ 209, 792, 344, 802 ], [ 696, 792, 748, 802 ], [ 788, 792, 842, 802 ], [ 873, 792, 935, 802 ], [ 209, 813, 343, 824 ], [ 682, 813, 744, 824 ], [ 775, 813, 837, 824 ], [ 859, 813, 930, 824 ] ]
[ 6, 8, 8, 10, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 6, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 8, 8, 9, 10, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9 ]
[ "Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements", "7.", "Property, Plant and Equipment", "Changes in property, plant and equipment resulted from the following:", "Yen", "U.S. Dollars", "(millions)", "(thousands)", "Years ended March 31", "1999", "2000", "2000", "Land", "Balance at beginning of year, net", "¥134,890", "¥133,883", "$1,263,047", "Additions", "6,230", "9,935", "93,727", "Translation differences", "(1,505)", "(1,478)", "(13,943)", "Other, net", "(5,732)", "(7,993)", "(75,406)", "Balance at end of year, net", "¥133,883", "¥134,347", "$1,267,425", "Buildings", "Balance at beginning of year, net", "¥416,632", "¥402,064", "$3,793,057", "Additions", "32,106", "21,904", "206,641", "Depreciation", "39,129", "36,409", "343,481", "Translation differences", "(7,855)", "(8,003)", "(75,500)", "Other, net", "310", "(10,595)", "(99,953)", "Balance at end of year, net", "¥402,064", "¥368,961", "$3,480,764", "Machinery and equipment", "Balance at beginning of year, net", "¥750,262", "¥668,435", "$6,305,991", "Additions", "279,608", "338,213", "3,190,689", "Depreciation", "286,049", "279,187", "2,633,840", "34", "Translation differences", "(23,289)", "(24,732)", "(233,321)", "Other, net", "(52,097)", "28,221", "266,236", "Balance at end of year, net", "¥668,435", "¥730,950", "$6,895,755", "Construction in progress", "Balance at beginning of year, net", "¥ 54,337", "¥ 38,046", "$", "358,925", "Additions", "175,321", "225,437", "2,126,764", "Translation differences", "(753)", "(882)", "(8,321)", "Transfers", "(190,859)", "(218,001)", "(2,056,613)", "Balance at end of year, net", "¥ 38,046", "¥ 44,600", "$", "420,755", "8.", "Goodwill", "An analysis of goodwill is shown below:", "An analysis of goodwill is shown below:", "Yen", "U.S. Dollars", "(millions)", "(thousands)", "Years ended March 31", "1999", "2000", "2000", "Balance at beginning of year", "¥231,267", "¥222,608", "$2,100,075", "Additions", "27,311", "6,405", "60,425", "Amortization", "21,754", "27,621", "260,575", "Translation differences", "(14,216)", "(15,072)", "(142,189)", "Balance at end of year", "¥222,608", "¥186,320", "$1,757,736" ]
[ [ 65, 31, 115, 457 ], [ 178, 91, 519, 103 ], [ 539, 91, 880, 103 ], [ 178, 109, 519, 120 ], [ 539, 109, 880, 120 ], [ 178, 126, 519, 137 ], [ 539, 126, 880, 137 ], [ 178, 143, 519, 154 ], [ 539, 143, 763, 154 ], [ 178, 160, 519, 171 ], [ 178, 177, 519, 188 ], [ 539, 177, 880, 188 ], [ 178, 194, 519, 205 ], [ 539, 194, 880, 205 ], [ 178, 211, 500, 222 ], [ 539, 211, 584, 222 ], [ 595, 211, 632, 222 ], [ 643, 211, 680, 222 ], [ 691, 211, 732, 222 ], [ 742, 211, 825, 222 ], [ 835, 211, 881, 222 ], [ 539, 228, 880, 239 ], [ 178, 245, 519, 256 ], [ 539, 245, 880, 256 ], [ 178, 262, 519, 273 ], [ 539, 262, 880, 273 ], [ 178, 279, 519, 290 ], [ 539, 279, 880, 290 ], [ 178, 296, 519, 307 ], [ 539, 296, 883, 307 ], [ 178, 313, 519, 324 ], [ 178, 330, 437, 341 ], [ 178, 347, 209, 358 ], [ 221, 347, 246, 358 ], [ 258, 347, 326, 358 ], [ 338, 347, 365, 358 ], [ 377, 347, 438, 358 ], [ 857, 360, 865, 373 ], [ 178, 364, 437, 375 ], [ 662, 367, 751, 373 ], [ 479, 372, 507, 378 ], [ 865, 374, 872, 387 ], [ 824, 374, 832, 387 ], [ 773, 375, 781, 382 ], [ 632, 375, 773, 382 ], [ 832, 377, 840, 391 ], [ 795, 379, 803, 393 ], [ 178, 381, 437, 392 ], [ 824, 386, 831, 399 ], [ 804, 386, 811, 399 ], [ 480, 388, 504, 394 ], [ 773, 391, 781, 404 ], [ 765, 391, 772, 404 ], [ 549, 393, 607, 398 ], [ 178, 398, 397, 410 ], [ 549, 401, 611, 407 ], [ 480, 406, 504, 412 ], [ 480, 422, 504, 427 ], [ 734, 428, 742, 441 ], [ 178, 432, 438, 444 ], [ 742, 433, 750, 446 ], [ 464, 437, 473, 488 ], [ 480, 439, 504, 445 ], [ 715, 440, 723, 453 ], [ 704, 441, 712, 454 ], [ 682, 442, 690, 456 ], [ 674, 442, 682, 456 ], [ 178, 449, 437, 461 ], [ 645, 453, 652, 466 ], [ 613, 453, 621, 466 ], [ 479, 455, 504, 461 ], [ 652, 457, 660, 470 ], [ 584, 457, 592, 470 ], [ 622, 457, 629, 470 ], [ 178, 466, 437, 478 ], [ 592, 471, 600, 484 ], [ 479, 472, 504, 478 ], [ 553, 478, 561, 491 ], [ 562, 483, 569, 496 ], [ 178, 484, 231, 495 ], [ 241, 484, 270, 495 ], [ 280, 484, 337, 495 ], [ 347, 484, 374, 495 ], [ 384, 484, 415, 495 ], [ 425, 484, 438, 495 ], [ 479, 488, 504, 494 ], [ 524, 492, 531, 506 ], [ 532, 496, 539, 509 ], [ 178, 501, 437, 512 ], [ 479, 505, 504, 510 ], [ 178, 518, 437, 529 ], [ 480, 521, 504, 527 ], [ 178, 535, 437, 546 ], [ 558, 543, 563, 552 ], [ 682, 544, 686, 552 ], [ 862, 544, 863, 560 ], [ 620, 544, 620, 560 ], [ 741, 544, 742, 560 ], [ 591, 544, 591, 560 ], [ 803, 544, 803, 560 ], [ 710, 544, 710, 560 ], [ 830, 544, 831, 560 ], [ 773, 545, 773, 561 ], [ 651, 545, 652, 561 ], [ 529, 545, 529, 561 ], [ 554, 550, 559, 560 ], [ 678, 550, 682, 560 ], [ 178, 552, 438, 563 ], [ 583, 566, 860, 574 ], [ 178, 569, 437, 580 ], [ 590, 577, 684, 585 ], [ 178, 586, 438, 597 ], [ 178, 603, 437, 614 ], [ 539, 618, 880, 629 ], [ 178, 620, 251, 631 ], [ 539, 635, 559, 646 ], [ 559, 635, 880, 646 ], [ 539, 653, 880, 663 ], [ 178, 654, 519, 665 ], [ 539, 670, 880, 680 ], [ 178, 671, 270, 682 ], [ 281, 671, 357, 682 ], [ 368, 671, 384, 682 ], [ 395, 671, 421, 682 ], [ 432, 671, 495, 682 ], [ 506, 671, 519, 682 ], [ 539, 687, 880, 697 ], [ 178, 688, 519, 699 ], [ 539, 704, 816, 714 ], [ 178, 705, 519, 716 ], [ 178, 722, 519, 733 ], [ 539, 737, 880, 748 ], [ 178, 739, 519, 750 ], [ 539, 754, 881, 765 ], [ 178, 756, 519, 767 ], [ 539, 771, 880, 782 ], [ 178, 773, 478, 785 ], [ 539, 788, 880, 799 ], [ 539, 805, 880, 816 ], [ 178, 821, 297, 834 ], [ 539, 822, 880, 833 ], [ 539, 839, 880, 850 ], [ 178, 856, 519, 867 ], [ 539, 856, 880, 867 ], [ 178, 873, 519, 884 ], [ 539, 873, 880, 884 ], [ 539, 890, 708, 901 ], [ 178, 890, 519, 901 ], [ 497, 961, 503, 969 ] ]
[ 6, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 9, 10, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 9, 9, 9, 10, 9, 10, 9, 10, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 9, 10, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5 ]
[ "longevity", "As a result, we sacrificed income for the sake of improving", "a live oak may experience a rapid first year growth rate", "the risk posture of the Company. Our research indicates", "of up to four feet. Likewise, IBERIABANK Corporation", "our bond portfolio remains very short relative to many", "demonstrated exceptional growth over the last few", "other banks. Clearly, we could improve near-term", "years both internally and externally.", "earnings, at any time, by simply extending maturities,", "but we have elected to keep the portfolio short in", "The level of our internal growth is evident in our", "duration at this time. We have been very patient and", "financial results for the year just completed. During a", "disciplined in our approach to investing our liquidity. ", "period ", "when ", "many ", "banks ", "experienced ", "margin", "compression, our tax-equivalent net interest margin", "Our conviction to run a well-managed commercial bank", "improved from 4.11% in 2001 to 4.49% in 2002, or 38", "is evident in many ways. One is to adhere to the highest", "basis points. Net interest income, on a tax-equivalent", "standards of corporate governance and financial", "basis, increased over 11% in 2002 compared to 2001.", "disclosure. We have been very open and forthright in", "Likewise, total revenues, on a tax-equivalent basis, ", "our communications with investors. We are proud to", "certify the financial statements we file", "with ", "the ", "Securities ", "and ", "Exchange", "$0.79", "Commission. Our management team feels", "Growth Features", "$0.76 ", "$0.76", "$0.76", "S", "Profitability – Quarterly EP", "$0.75", "$0.75", "strongly that honesty and integrity are", "$0.73", "$0.73", "$0.72", "$0.72", "$0.72", "Reported EPS", "critical elements of our foundation.", "IBES* Est. EPS", "$0.68", "$0.64", "$0.63", "To further assist us in cementing this", "$0.62", "Fully-Diluted EPS", "$0.60", "$0.59", "$0.59", "$0.58", "$0.58", "foundation, on July 1, 2002, we officially", "$0.57", "$0.57", "$0.56", "$0.56", "$0.56", "$0.56", "became a member of the Federal Reserve", "$0.53", "$0.52", "$0.51", "$0.50", "System. ", "This ", "decision ", "was ", "due, ", "in", "$0.48", "$0.48", "$0.46", "significant part, to our interest in ensuring", "$.044", "we have the insight and expertise of the", "$0.40", "very capable examiners associated with", "00", "01", "4Q02", "4Q00", "4Q01", "3Q00", "2Q02", "3Q01", "3Q02", "1Q02", "1Q01", "1Q00", "2Q", "2Q", "this agency. We are delighted to have", "* I/B/E/S International is a source of analysts’ earnings", "become a member of the Federal Reserve", "expectations data.", "System, and we look forward to gaining", "insight and wisdom from our affiliation with", "gained nearly 14% over the same period. Net income", "this agency.", "gre", "w 27% during 2002 and fully diluted earnings per share", "(“EPS”) climbed 28%, including the favorable impact of", "We are an organization focused on continuous", "FAS 142. We reported record operating earnings and we", "improvement, ", "methodical ", "in ", "our ", "approach ", "to", "have met or exceeded average analyst expectations for", "investment and disciplined in building our foundation", "fully diluted EPS in each of the last 12 quarters.", "for growth. While patience may mean sacrificing near-term", "benefits for long-term stability and gains, this is an", "Total loans increased over 9% between December 31, 2001", "approach consistent with our culture. As the French", "and December 31, 2002, led by a 20% increase in", "philosopher, Joseph Marie de Maistre, once said, “To", "commercial loans. Commercial loan growth was most", "know how to wait is the great secret of success.” ", "evident in our New Orleans franchise, where commercial", "loans jumped 76% during the year. Growth in the New", "GROWTH", "Orleans market continues to exceed our expectations.", "Tangible book value per share climbed nearly 10% between", "While the oak tree is many times associated with", "year-ends 2001 and 2002. Over the same period, total", "patience, it also bears the characteristic of growing", "assets expanded by 10%, which is the fastest asset growth", "we experienced since 1998.", "quickly. For example, under favorable soil conditions,", "6" ]
[ [ 98, 37, 397, 49 ], [ 117, 68, 468, 79 ], [ 507, 68, 867, 79 ], [ 98, 84, 121, 95 ], [ 126, 84, 474, 95 ], [ 507, 84, 890, 95 ], [ 98, 101, 223, 112 ], [ 507, 101, 856, 112 ], [ 117, 117, 440, 128 ], [ 527, 117, 875, 128 ], [ 98, 133, 473, 145 ], [ 507, 133, 876, 145 ], [ 98, 150, 461, 161 ], [ 507, 150, 889, 161 ], [ 98, 166, 458, 178 ], [ 507, 166, 877, 178 ], [ 98, 183, 470, 194 ], [ 507, 183, 897, 194 ], [ 98, 199, 464, 210 ], [ 507, 199, 877, 210 ], [ 98, 215, 479, 227 ], [ 507, 215, 889, 227 ], [ 98, 232, 413, 243 ], [ 507, 232, 868, 243 ], [ 117, 248, 470, 260 ], [ 507, 248, 882, 260 ], [ 98, 265, 491, 276 ], [ 507, 265, 663, 276 ], [ 98, 281, 485, 292 ], [ 527, 281, 884, 292 ], [ 98, 298, 474, 309 ], [ 507, 298, 874, 309 ], [ 98, 314, 463, 325 ], [ 507, 314, 879, 325 ], [ 98, 330, 444, 342 ], [ 507, 330, 874, 342 ], [ 98, 347, 468, 358 ], [ 507, 347, 641, 358 ], [ 98, 363, 467, 374 ], [ 527, 363, 874, 374 ], [ 98, 380, 295, 391 ], [ 507, 380, 880, 391 ], [ 507, 396, 882, 407 ], [ 98, 407, 126, 420 ], [ 137, 407, 308, 420 ], [ 507, 412, 882, 424 ], [ 507, 429, 835, 440 ], [ 98, 433, 468, 444 ], [ 527, 445, 899, 457 ], [ 98, 449, 443, 460 ], [ 507, 462, 891, 473 ], [ 98, 465, 477, 477 ], [ 507, 478, 867, 489 ], [ 98, 482, 477, 493 ], [ 507, 495, 702, 506 ], [ 98, 498, 462, 510 ], [ 527, 511, 877, 522 ], [ 98, 515, 456, 526 ], [ 507, 527, 870, 539 ], [ 98, 531, 463, 542 ], [ 507, 544, 884, 555 ], [ 98, 548, 482, 559 ], [ 507, 560, 901, 571 ], [ 98, 564, 475, 575 ], [ 507, 577, 895, 588 ], [ 98, 580, 203, 592 ], [ 507, 593, 877, 604 ], [ 117, 597, 462, 608 ], [ 507, 609, 879, 621 ], [ 98, 613, 450, 624 ], [ 507, 626, 774, 637 ], [ 98, 630, 459, 641 ], [ 98, 959, 118, 970 ], [ 123, 961, 365, 970 ] ]
[ 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5, 5 ]
[ "Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements", "As of June 30, 2000, ther e remained approximately", "Distribution and Provider Services, Medical-Surgical", "4.8", "million additional shares available to be issued pur -", "Products and Services, Pharmaceutical Technologies and", "suant to the Plans.", "Services and Automation and Information Services. ", "The market value of restricted shares awarded ", "The Pharmaceutical Distribution and Provider Ser-", "by the Company is recorded in the “Other” component", "vices segment involves the distribution of a br oad line ", "of shareholders’ equity in the accompanying consoli -", "of pharmaceuticals, healthcare and beautycare products,", "dated balance sheets. The compensation awar ds are", "therapeutic plasma and other specialty phar maceutical", "amortized to expense over the period in which par tici-", "products and other items typically sold by hospitals, r etail", "pants perform services, generally one to seven years. ", "drug stores and other healthcare providers. In addition,", "As of June 30, 2000, appr oximately 0.3 million shares", "this segment provides services to the healthcare industry", "remained restricted and subject to forfeiture. ", "through integrated pharmacy management, temporary", "The Company has an employee stock pur chase plan", "pharmacy staffing, as well as franchising of apothecar y-", "under which the sale of 5.0 million of Car dinal’s common", "style retail pharmacies.", "stock have been authorized. The pur chase price is deter-", "The Medical-Surgical Products and Services segment", "mined by the lower of 85 per cent of the closing market", "involves the manufacture of medical, surgical and lab-", "price on the date of subscription or 85 per cent of the", "oratory products and the distribution of these pr oducts ", "closing market price on the last day of the of fering", "to hospitals, physician offices, surgery centers and other", "period. At June 30, 2000, subscriptions of 0.3 million", "healthcare providers.", "were outstanding, however no shares had been issued ", "The Pharmaceutical Technologies and Services seg-", "to employees under the plan.", "ment provides services to the healthcare manufacturing", "industry through the design of unique dr ug delivery sys-", "12.", "Segment Information", "tems, liquid fill contract manufacturing, compr ehensive", "packaging services, and reimbursement services.", "In the prior year, the Company was comprised of thr ee", "The Automation and Information Services segment pro-", "reportable segments: Pharmaceutical Distribution,", "vides services to hospitals and other healthcar e providers", "Pharmaceutical Services and Medical-Surgical Products. ", "through pharmacy automation equipment and clinical", "In September 2000, the Company expanded its manage -", "information system services. ", "ment reporting structure from three to four reportable", "The Company evaluates the performance of the seg-", "segments by separating the Pharmaceutical Services", "ments based on operating earnings after the corporate", "segment primarily into two segments: Phar maceutical", "allocation of administrative expenses. Information about", "Technologies and Services and Automation and Informa-", "interest income and expense, and income taxes is not pr o-", "tion Services. Prior period amounts have been r estated ", "vided on a segment level. In addition, special char ges are", "for this change.", "not allocated to the segments. The accounting policies ", "The Company’s operations are principally managed ", "of the segments are the same as described in the sum -", "on a products and services basis and are comprised ", "mary of significant accounting policies. ", "of four reportable business segments: Pharmaceutical", "48", "Cardinal Health, Inc. Annual Report 2000" ]
[ [ 117, 92, 171, 102 ], [ 458, 124, 466, 135 ], [ 117, 125, 204, 135 ], [ 458, 157, 466, 168 ], [ 117, 158, 210, 168 ], [ 458, 190, 466, 200 ], [ 117, 191, 267, 201 ], [ 458, 223, 466, 233 ], [ 117, 223, 339, 234 ], [ 449, 256, 466, 266 ], [ 117, 256, 414, 267 ], [ 117, 273, 244, 283 ], [ 449, 305, 466, 315 ], [ 117, 306, 414, 316 ], [ 117, 322, 405, 332 ], [ 449, 354, 466, 365 ], [ 117, 355, 393, 365 ], [ 117, 371, 408, 381 ], [ 117, 388, 219, 398 ], [ 449, 420, 466, 430 ], [ 117, 420, 401, 431 ], [ 117, 437, 379, 447 ], [ 117, 453, 180, 463 ], [ 449, 486, 466, 496 ], [ 117, 486, 312, 496 ], [ 117, 915, 249, 923 ], [ 117, 931, 250, 939 ], [ 117, 947, 229, 955 ] ]
[ 8, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10 ]
[ "Content", "2", "The locations", "2", "The Company", "4", "The Chairman’s Report", "8", "Report of Independent Accountants", "10", "Consolidated Balance Sheets as of December ", "31, 2000 and 1999", "11", "Consolidated Statements of Income for years ", "ended December 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998", "12", "Consolidated Statements of Stockholders’ ", "Equity for years ended December 31, 2000, ", "1999 and 1998", "13", "Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for ", "years ended December 31, 2000, 1999 ", "and 1998", "15", "Notes to Financial Statements", "Supply to South Bimini in ", "the Bahamas is scheduled ", "to start June 1st 2001." ]
[ [ 515, 127, 937, 143 ], [ 61, 127, 460, 143 ], [ 515, 148, 937, 164 ], [ 515, 169, 937, 185 ], [ 61, 169, 484, 185 ], [ 515, 189, 937, 205 ], [ 61, 189, 484, 205 ], [ 515, 210, 938, 226 ], [ 61, 210, 484, 226 ], [ 515, 231, 939, 247 ], [ 61, 231, 484, 247 ], [ 515, 251, 939, 267 ], [ 61, 252, 484, 267 ], [ 515, 272, 937, 288 ], [ 61, 272, 486, 288 ], [ 515, 293, 937, 309 ], [ 61, 293, 485, 309 ], [ 515, 314, 634, 329 ], [ 61, 314, 485, 329 ], [ 61, 334, 460, 350 ], [ 515, 355, 937, 371 ], [ 515, 376, 937, 391 ], [ 61, 376, 484, 391 ], [ 515, 396, 937, 412 ], [ 61, 396, 484, 412 ], [ 515, 417, 937, 433 ], [ 61, 417, 484, 433 ], [ 515, 438, 937, 453 ], [ 61, 438, 484, 453 ], [ 515, 458, 618, 474 ], [ 631, 458, 666, 474 ], [ 679, 458, 799, 474 ], [ 812, 458, 836, 474 ], [ 849, 458, 938, 474 ], [ 61, 458, 484, 474 ], [ 515, 479, 937, 495 ], [ 61, 479, 485, 495 ], [ 515, 500, 937, 515 ], [ 61, 500, 484, 515 ], [ 515, 520, 937, 536 ], [ 61, 520, 484, 536 ], [ 515, 541, 938, 557 ], [ 61, 541, 484, 557 ], [ 515, 562, 930, 577 ], [ 61, 562, 484, 577 ], [ 61, 582, 484, 598 ], [ 515, 603, 937, 619 ], [ 61, 603, 484, 619 ], [ 515, 624, 945, 639 ], [ 61, 624, 484, 640 ], [ 515, 644, 939, 660 ], [ 61, 644, 484, 660 ], [ 515, 665, 944, 681 ], [ 61, 665, 484, 681 ], [ 515, 686, 938, 702 ], [ 61, 686, 484, 702 ], [ 515, 706, 817, 722 ], [ 836, 706, 937, 722 ], [ 61, 706, 484, 722 ], [ 515, 727, 938, 743 ], [ 61, 727, 483, 743 ], [ 515, 748, 758, 764 ], [ 779, 748, 938, 764 ], [ 61, 748, 468, 764 ], [ 515, 768, 938, 784 ], [ 515, 789, 937, 805 ], [ 61, 789, 116, 805 ], [ 131, 789, 184, 805 ], [ 200, 789, 242, 805 ], [ 257, 789, 312, 805 ], [ 328, 789, 381, 805 ], [ 396, 789, 484, 805 ], [ 515, 810, 937, 826 ], [ 61, 810, 348, 826 ], [ 369, 810, 489, 826 ], [ 515, 830, 594, 846 ], [ 613, 830, 937, 846 ], [ 61, 830, 484, 846 ], [ 515, 851, 938, 867 ], [ 61, 851, 484, 867 ], [ 515, 872, 937, 888 ], [ 61, 872, 237, 888 ], [ 256, 872, 484, 888 ], [ 515, 892, 660, 908 ], [ 61, 892, 489, 908 ], [ 28, 964, 43, 979 ] ]
[ 10, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5 ]
[ "conversion of its back office and cash register", "A message from our CEO to our shareholders:", "systems into Chico’s systems. We also rolled out", "“The Black Book,” a new customer loyalty program", "Fiscal year 2004 was an exciting year for Chico’s", "for White House | Black Market that emulates the", "and we are extremely proud of our performance.", "extremely successful Chico’s Passport Club.", "Our brand is stronger than ever and we have", "And finally, and probably most noteworthy,", "tremendous momentum. Our customer-centric", "we completed the implementation of the pilot", "philosophy and unique merchandise fueled much", "phase of our new intimate apparel line, soma by", "of our success and helped us exceed the", "Chico’s, with the opening of ten stores across the", "$1 billion mark in yearly sales for the first time.", "United States.", "We also delivered our eighth consecutive year of", "double-digit comparable store sales increases.", "As many of you know, corporate governance has", "always been extremely important to Chico’s, even", "Our financial results and financial position have", "before the recent enactment of more stringent", "never been stronger. In 2004, net income rose", "requirements by the SEC and the New York Stock", "41% from $100 million to almost $141 million or $.78", "Exchange. We have continued to focus on and", "per diluted share on a split-adjusted basis (the per", "strengthen ", "our ", "commitment ", "to ", "corporate", "share information takes into consideration the", "governance. Chico’s is pleased to report that,", "two-for-one stock split we effectuated on", "based on our assessment, management believes", "February 22, 2005). Net sales also increased for", "that the company’s internal controls over financial", "the fiscal year by 39% to a record $1.067 billion.", "reporting are effective and we are in full", "Comparable store sales for company-owned", "compliance with Section 404 of Sarbanes-Oxley.", "stores increased 12.9% for the fiscal year, and both", "gross and operating margins improved once", "We continue to add bench strength to both our", "again. Our balance sheet is solid and we have no", "Board of Directors and our executive and ", "debt other than our current operating liabilities.", "middle management teams. In fiscal 2004,", "We increased our combined cash and marketable", "we expanded our Board to nine members ", "securities balance from $120 million to $266", "with the addition of Stewart P. “Tom” Mitchell,", "million, and our net book value increased by $186", "CFO of Ferguson Enterprises, Inc.", "Mr. Mitchell", "million to end the year in excess of $560 million.", "joined our Board in June and became the chair", "We also adopted a stock repurchase program and", "of our Audit Committee.", "His addition has", "acquired $5 million of stock under this program.", "allowed us to satisfy the New York Stock", "Exchange requirement that a majority of our", "Fiscal ", "2004 ", "saw ", "many ", "other ", "significant", "directors must qualify as independent outside", "accomplishments for Chico’s.", "We opened ", "directors.", "With his financial background, Tom’s", "100 net new stores, expanded or relocated 31", "addition has enabled Chico’s to meet the", "stores, and increased our net square footage by", "requirement that the Audit Committee contain a", "approximately 23%.", "We completed the White", "“financial expert.”", "House | Black Market integration, including the ", "2" ]

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