Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [articolo di Valerio Valentini per http Mario Monti ha presentato, nei giorni scorsi, la... http] = neutral
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ grazie 😊❤] = positive
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [E vai adesso con Mario Monti/Superman, crisi finita, stipendi in aumento, e riforme. Grazie Stato! Se non ci fossi bisognerebbe inventarti!] = negative
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [#Grillo 5 Stelle: ecco tutti i pro e i contro - Crisis http via #m5s] = neutral
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ ci prepariamo per tornare a Roma e come sempre non trova nulla ! É adorabile XD] = positive
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Della serie non c'e' limite al peggio da #Monti a #Grillo dalla gotta alla lebbra da #Bersani a #Vendola da Leone di Lernia a Wanda Osiris] = negative
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Giorgio Gaber, nome d'arte di Giorgio Gaberscik (Milano, 25 gennaio 1939 – Montemagno di Camaiore, 1º gennaio 2003)] = neutral
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [è arrivano ora che ne avevo un bisogno estremo e mi sta facendo essere felice come mai prima.] = positive
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [#la7 ma perche' Mario Monti non fa il premier? Che persona competente e per bene!] = negative
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Ho spostato la luce della scrivania sopra al letto così dato che il lampadario è fulminato posso spegnere la luce senza alzarmi #sonoungenio] = neutral
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Semplificazioni, procedure anagrafiche e di Stato civile più veloci: #certificati #mario monti #semplificazioni... http] = positive
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Siete così bravi a parlare di Juve che ho perfino letto uno stato che parla della Yuve] = negative
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [RT : Bufera Pdl, arrestato Vignali. Il pm: “Contattava Berlusconi grazie alla Macrì” - Il Fatto Quotidiano http] = neutral
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Potrebbe anche ricordare i primi Berlusconi e Bossi, ma #Grillo è l'unico che merita il mio estremo gesto di speranza. #serviziopubblico] = positive
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Non parlatemi di morti per favore, vi scongiuro parlate di tutto ma non di questo.] = negative
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ Ahahhahaha si ci credo ma quanto l'hai pagato?] = neutral
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ Mario Monti la sta vedendo la conferenza stampa di fine anno? Diciamo che è uno che sa il fatto suo] = positive
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Fa ridere vedere come si spremono quel poco di cervello per capire il significato di un'occupazione.Senza midollo,ne dignità.] = negative
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Arbasina/Giavazzi sul Corriere a proposito della politica economica del governo Monti: Ciò che conta è la qualità http] = neutral
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ il giovedì abbiamo rotazioneee hahah] = positive
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Leggete 'Goldman Sachs innesca la crisi e poi piazza Mario Monti a risolverla video' di Claudio Messora http] = negative
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Scorie nucleari: il governo Monti le liberalizza ? la mappa http] = neutral
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Bersani, Pd: pieno appoggio a governo Monti, avanti con riforme... http] = positive
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Con il Governo Monti #agorarai invece di svegliarmi mi addormenta. Senza B. la politica torna ad essere noiosa.] = negative
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [REUTERS ANALISI Crisi, di corsa verso il governo Monti] = neutral
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Ho mangiato metà uovo di cioccolata e mio cognato ha sgridato sua figlia e lei diceva \"è stato lo zio\" e io ho negato tutto!! mi sento power] = positive
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [RT : non credo che i ragazzi reggeranno sette ore di twitcam. hanno l'attenzione pari a quella di un bradipo addormentato.] = negative
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Governo Monti a lezione dai precari. Domani flash mob a piazza del Gesù #Napoli http] = neutral
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [RT : number one da Rocco. Puoi morire felice.] = positive
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Senza misure per lo sviluppo sarà #recessione. Il dati #Istat di oggi non lasciano dubbi. Ma, Governo #Monti, dove sono queste misure?] = negative
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [#Maroni parla agli industriali: "Burocrazia zero e niente Irap per le start up" http] = neutral
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [buonanotte a chi è felice e domani fidati, sarà migliore...e buonanotte a chi cerca i perchè di una vita che stenta ancora ad accettare...] = positive
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Il governo Monti richiede ai cittadini comuni grandi sacrifici ma ha avuto uno scarso coraggio nell'aggredire i privilegi consolidati."] = negative
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Quale argomento di conversazione consideri noioso? — qualunque cosa sia anche lontanamente collegata all'epica.... http] = neutral
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ io del governo Monti non mi lamento per nulla infatti] = positive
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ dovrebbero tassare anche le corna che i mariti mettono alle mogli e viceversa..però vale solo per i politici..] = negative
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Consiglio aperto sulla manovra del governo Monti http Pontedera] = neutral
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Cala il sipario sul #Quirinale. Rito della campanella concluso. Adesso tocca riassestare l'Italia. Buon lavoro a Mario Monti. #governomonti] = positive
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [A rischio il governo Monti, con la #concordia si va a fondo #giglio] = negative
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [http idee per il #governo #monti] = neutral
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Forse con il governo #Monti si tornerà a fare politica.] = positive
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Un altro passo falso del governo Monti http] = negative
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Energia e Ambiente: GOVERNO MONTI: IL MINISTRO CLINI DICE SI AGLI INCENTIVI http] = neutral
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [jhdfgh forse a settembre vado a londra cazzo non ci credo è il sogno di una vita glkds] = positive
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Brunetta sostiene di tornare a fare l'economista, Mario Monti terrorizzato progetta di mollare tutto ed aprire un negozio di pescheria] = negative
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [: #Berlusconi ha ragione. La fiducia sulla manovra del governo #Monti sarà inevitabile. ] = neutral
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Spero che questa sera non facciano vedere solo #Grillo che urla ma anche quello che fa il #M5S a #serviziopubblico e #piazzapulita] = positive
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [#movimento5stelle di #Grillo al 7,2%? che c'è di strano? in #italia la #politica perde credibilità e l'antipolitica avanza di qualnquismo] = negative
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ ultima chance per il presidente napolitano se il governo monti non dovesse farcela vedi foto http] = neutral
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [#Grillo magari non avrà risposte certe per l'Italia.. Ma è una ventata di freschezza ed è dalle novità che nascono le idee migliori!] = positive
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [colpo di scena nel nuovo Governo #Monti. Più che colpo di scena mi sa che sarà il solito inciucio... #facimmeimpresse] = negative
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [#rt seguimi e ti seguo. Voglio seguire tanti Smilers, Selenators, Directioners, Lovatics, Beliebers e altri fandom di cui fate parte. x38] = neutral
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ manca poco, nn vedo l'ora di rivederti ❤️❤️❤️] = positive
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [GASPARRI: Sulle liberalizzazioni il governo Monti si è mostrato poco coraggioso http] = negative
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [I'm at Il Bar dell'Università (Torino, Italia) http] = neutral
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ mhmh ~ *annuisce entrando piano nell'appartamento* finalmente al caldo~] = positive
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [e in mysterious lady, la sua voce ci sarebbe stata perfettamente. invece come al solito é relegato a fare i background vocali.] = negative
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [harry e tay sarebbero venuti in italia.] = neutral
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Non riesco a trovare nani e ballerine nel governo Monti. Ci deve essere un errore! :)] = positive
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [RT : Vi dovete strozzare con la mozzarella della pizza (la vera mozzarella della vera pizza) che con tanto gusto mangiate quando…] = negative
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Sto leggendo \"Nelle Trame della Moda\" http via ] = neutral
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ con #Grillo tutta la vita!!! W il #M5S.] = positive
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [La via per uscire dalla crisi per la Bce è a senso unico; la manovra varata dal governo #Monti sembra andare contromano http] = negative
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [22/4/2011:- Fu leakkato il Remix di \"TTWE\" con Niki Minaj e Ke$ha- \"S&M REMIX\" sale alla #1 della Billboard hot... http] = neutral
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ Mario Monti dice le parolacce] = positive
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [sto di merda in tutti i sensi] = negative
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [#Congo Civili e operatori umanitari nel mirino http] = neutral
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [http http 'sti due mi fanno morire. Potrei anche shipparli. Ah, già lo faccio] = positive
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Ci battiamo non solo per #equità dei #sacrifici in #manovra ma anche per la loro utilità. Su entrambi #governo #Monti in pesante #deficit.] = negative
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [La vostra stella: l'oroscopo di domani (3) http] = neutral
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Il governo Monti è politicissimo . Buon lavoro e speriamo di votare prima del 2013 | Tempi: http via ] = positive
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ #serviziopubblico si capirà solo quando si toccherà il fondo ...tutti però] = negative
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [De Laurentiis: \"La giustizia sportiva ora va cambiata, Napoli-Juve è come Napoli contro l'Italia. Il http] = neutral
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Amo Demi in una maniere che non riesco nemmeno a spiegare.] = positive
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Allargare la flessibilita' in uscita per il Governo Monti] = negative
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [#Beppe #Grillo #Puglia Caccia alla strega http #hithotit] = neutral
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ Fantasia sorridere E poter dire c era una volta. Con tanti occhi diversi Invisibili] = positive
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Il Parlamento fa a pezzi la #manovra del Governo #Monti. Le agenzie di rating degli hashtag lo declassano da #rimontiamo in #rimontato.] = negative
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [http PORTA A PORTA, OSPITE MARIO MONTI] = neutral
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Auguri di buon lavoro al neo Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri Mario Monti ed a tutto il Governo. Good Luck Italia #oramonti #italia] = positive
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Il #populismo è un nemico della #democrazia. I regimi reazionari sono nati nella cultura populista. #Grillo è un fenomeno inquietante.] = negative
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ a Milano c'erano 2 rigori per il Barcellona !!!!] = neutral
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ Che emozione] = positive
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Mario Monti è conosciuto dal 60% degli intervistati. Che però preferiscono chiamarlo gamberi e zucchine. serena gandhi http] = negative
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [GOVERNO MONTI E DISABILITA': A ROMA LA MANIFESTAZIONE DI TUTTI A SCUOLA | http http] = neutral
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Fini, governo Monti non e' fallimento della politica Politica (cont) http] = positive
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ mi riferisco alle procedure dei ristoranti - se non si seguissero entro 15 giorni andrebbe tutto a ramengo] = negative
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Se il governo #Monti vuole rappresentare un vero cambio di passo #Malinconico si deve dimettere] = neutral
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [La «buona fede» del Professor Monti* | Global Project http] = positive
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Mario Monti stasera a 8 e Mezzo. Che vergogna avere un Presidente del Consiglio che si abbassa a comparire in postriboli televisivi.] = negative
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Liberalizzare pure il #carcere? Secondo il governo #Monti si può http] = neutral
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [La lega non sosterrà il governo monti. Comincio a strapparmi i capelli x il dispiacere.] = positive
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ dopo #piazzapulita #serviziopubblico trovo la parola giusta x definire #Grillo i sermoni] = negative
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [Controlla questo video Napoli De Magistris chiede al Governo Monti un tavolo su Napoli http via ] = neutral
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ per forza succedere qualcosa di bello dopo.È una specie di legge cosmica. e poi andrà tutto bene,ne sono più che sicura.] = positive
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [GENTE CHE PARLA MALE DEI ...FATEVI UNA VITA PRIMA CHE VE LA DISTRUGGA IO U.U] = negative
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [#Grillo boicottato a #Palermo? Namo bene! http] = neutral
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [ ahahaah ma a me va bene anche SS! :D tranquilli ahaha] = positive
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [“dovrei ringraziare scooby doo,perchè è grazie a lui se ho imparato che i veri mostri sono le persone.”] = negative
Analyze the sentiment of the news headline enclosed in square brackets, determine if it is positive, neutral, or negative, and return the answer as the corresponding sentiment label "positive" or "neutral" or "negative" [I'm at Tutti Frutti SM Centerpoint (Quezon City, Metro Manila) http] = neutral