straight men, often an intimate partner.The Human Rights Campaign has tracked at least 136 deaths of transgender people since 2013 due to fatal violence, with most victims being black transgender women, but the organization said the violence is hard to track due to misgendering and transphobia. The actual number of killings could be much higher.One of the most-recent victims, 22-year-old Muhlaysia Booker, was fatally shot in Dallas last week , just months after she spoke out against a gang of men who brutally attacked her while yelling transphobic slurs."She was always full of life, the life of the party and a jokester," Booker's aunt, Lakeitha Lemons, told ABC News. "She knew the things she would have to face. She knew about the violence, the backlash and the criticismparticular grievance was dated within the eight day period but was not received by the company prior to the expiration of the time limit. The arbitrator held that there was no evidence to indicate that it was the intent of the Union to consider the grievance settled and noted that in the past the parties had not used the excuse of time limits to deny a grievance. Further, the arbitrator found that to deny the arbitrability of this matter could result in the deterioration of the good relationship between the Company and the Union. The district court denied the Company's petition to vacate the award, holding that the correctness of the arbitrator's decision was not subject to review, so long as his decision was based upon a construction of
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sexually active during the estrous phase of their cycle (near the time of ovulation). This is also referred to as being "in heat." In contrast, females of species with menstrual cycles can be sexually active at any time in their cycle, even when they are not about to ovulate. Humans, unlike some other species, do not have any external signs to signal receptivity at ovulation. The menstrual cycle is under the control of the reproductive hormone system and is necessary for reproduction. In women, menstrual cycles occur typically on a monthly basis between puberty and menopause. During the menstrual cycle, the sexually mature female body builds up the lining of the uterus with gradually increasing amounts of estrogen, and when this hormone reaches a critical level, estradiol is produced, andmanifests itself to the outer world in the form of the menses (also menstruum): essentially part of the endometrium and blood products that pass out of the body through the vagina. Although this is commonly referred to as blood, it differs in composition from venous blood. Menstrual cycles are counted from the beginning of menstruation because this is an outside sign that corresponds closely with the hormonal cycle. Menses, or bleeding, and other menstrual signs may end at different points in the new cycle. Common terminology refers to menstruation and menses as a period. This bleeding serves as a sign that a woman has not become pregnant. However, this cannot be taken as certainty, as sometimes there is some bleeding in early pregnancy. During the reproductive years, failure to
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menstruate may provide the first indication to a woman that she may have become pregnant. A woman might say that her "period is late" when an expected menstruation has not started and she might have become pregnant. Menstruation forms a normal part of a natural cyclic process occurring in healthy women between puberty and the end of the reproductive years. The onset of menstruation, known as menarche, occurs at an average age of 12, but is normal anywhere between the ages of eight and 16. Factors such as heredity, diet, and overall health can accelerate or delay the onset of menarche (Menstruation 2005). The condition precocious puberty has caused menstruation to occur in girls as young as eight months old (Mikkelson 2004). Some women experience their first period in theirin the lengths of their menstrual cycles. While cycle length may vary, 28 days is generally taken as representative of the average ovulatory cycle in women. Convention uses the onset of menstrual bleeding to mark the beginning of the cycle, so the first day of bleeding is called "cycle day one." The menstrual cycle can be divided into four phases: Menstruation Eumenorrhea denotes normal, regular menstruation that lasts for a few days (usually three to five days, but anywhere from two to seven days is considered normal) (MedicineNet). The average blood loss during menstruation is 35 milliliters with 10-80 mL considered normal; many women also notice shed endometrium lining that appears as tissue mixed with the blood. An enzyme called plasmin—contained in the endometrium—inhibits the blood from clotting. Because of this
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conclusion into question. Hormonal Control Extreme intricacies regulate the menstrual cycle. For many years, researchers have argued over which regulatory system has ultimate control: the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland, or the ovary with its growing follicle; but all three systems have to interact. In any scenario, the growing follicle has a critical role: it matures the lining, provides the appropriate feedback to the hypothalamus and pituitary, and modifies the mucus changes at the cervix. Two sex hormones play a role in the control of the menstrual cycle: estradiol and progesterone. While estrogen peaks twice, during follicular growth and during the luteal phase, progesterone remains virtually absent prior to ovulation, but becomes critical in the luteal phase and during pregnancy. Many tests for ovulation check for the presence of progesterone. These sexhormones come under the influence of the pituitary gland, and both FSH and LH play necessary roles. FSH stimulates immature follicles in the ovaries to grow. LH triggers ovulation. The gonadotropin-releasing hormone of the hypothalamus controls the pituitary gland, yet both the pituitary and the hypothalamus receive feedback from the follicle. After ovulation the corpus luteum—which develops from the burst follicle and remains in the ovary—secretes both estradiol and progesterone. Only if pregnancy occurs do hormones appear in order to suspend the menstrual cycle, while production of estradiol and progesterone continues. Abnormal hormonal regulation leads to disturbance in the menstrual cycle. Some women with neurological conditions experience increased activity of their conditions at about the same time every month. Eighty percent of women with epilepsy (tendency to have seizures)
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takes hormone pills for 21 days, followed by seven days of non-functional placebo sugar pills or no pills at all. Then the cycle starts again. During the seven placebo days, a withdrawal bleeding occurs; this differs from ordinary menstruation, and skipping the placebos and continuing with the next batch of hormone pills may suppress it. (Two main versions of the pill exist: monophasic and triphasic. With triphasic pills, skipping of the placebos and continuing with the next month's dose can make a woman more likely to experience spotting or breakthrough bleeding.) In 2003, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved low-dose monophasic birth control pills that induce withdrawal bleedings only every 3 months. Etymology and the Lunar Month The terms "menstruation" and "menses" come from the Latin mensis(month), which in turn relates to the Greek mene (moon) and to the roots of the English words month and moon—reflecting the fact that the moon also takes close to 28 days to revolve around the Earth (actually 27.32 days). The synodical lunar month, the period between two new moons (or full moons), is 29.53 days long. A 1975 book by Louise Lacey documented the experience of herself and 27 of her friends, who found that when they removed all artificial night lighting their menstrual cycles began to occur in rhythm with the lunar cycle. She dubbed the technique Lunaception (Lacey 1975). Later studies in both humans (Singer 2004) and animals (Harder 2004) have found that artificial light at night does influence the menstrual cycle in humans and the
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rituals. Christianity Some Christian denominations, including some (but by no means all) authorities of the Orthodox Church, advise women not to receive communion during their menstrual period. Other denominations follow the rules laid out in the Holiness Code section of Leviticus, somewhat similar to the Jewish ritual of Niddah. Most Christian denominations do not follow any specific rituals or rules related to menstruation. The traditional Islamic interpretation of the Qur'an forbids intercourse, but not physical intimacy, during a woman's menstrual period. During menstrual periods, women are not allowed to perform prayers or fast. A ritual exclusion applies to a woman while menstruating and for about a week thereafter, until she immerses herself in a mikvah, which is a ritual bath. During this time, a married couple has to avoid sexual intercourse and physicalintimacy. While Orthodox Jews follow this exclusion, many Jews in other branches of the religion do not. During the menses, many Hindu women, especially Brahmins, avoid routine work and do not enter the kitchen or pooja (altar) room. They do not touch members of their family or exchange clothes with them. They may even sleep on mats instead of their usual beds, or in special rooms or huts for this purpose. This is maintained for three days, with the starting day counted as one day. On the morning of the fourth day, they bathe and end the ritual. On the fifth day, they take an oil bath and go back to their regular routine. As with menstrual regulations in many other religions, this is a rule followed more in orthodox
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context, some women call menstruation their "moon time." Some ancient views also regarded menstruation as a cleansing of the body and compare it to bloodletting as a major medical treatment of pre-modern times. Bloodletting refers to the removal of blood from a vein usually for therapeutic measures. Menstruation in Other Mammals A regular menstrual cycle as described here only occurs in the great apes. Menstrual cycles vary in length from an average of 29 days in orangutans to an average of 37 days in chimpanzees. Females of other mammalian species go through certain episodes called "estrus," or "heat," in each breeding season. During these times, ovulation occurs and females become receptive to mating, a fact advertised to males in some way. If no fertilization takes place, the uterus reabsorbs the endometriumactivities and success of the day in a recent … more → This short film highlights the competitors of Speyorama, the world’s premiere spey casting competition held annually at the Golden Gate Angling & Casting Club (GGACC) in San Francisco, California. Via Keith Brauneis Productions. Angler Thane Morgan from Amarillo, Texas, guided by Dustin Huff, won the Grand Championship prize in the 51st Annual Gold Cup Tarpon Tournament in Islamorada, Florida. 25 anglers competed in the catch and release tournament for the coveted name place … more → The third annual “Carp Throwdown” event will be held June 28, 2014, at Lake Henshaw in California, with both wade and boating divisions. Prizes include gear from Simms, Yeti and Patagonia, among others. Read more in the press release below. The American Museum of
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Fly Fishing has announced an art sale, with proceeds going to benefit the public programs and outreach of the museum. “Angling & Art: The Confluence of Passions” will run July 1 through July 31, with artwork … more → The Florida Keys Fly Fishing School is a two-day session running every February, June, and October. Students there learn the ins and outs of saltwater fishing from masters of the sport, including Steve Huff, Steve Rajeff, Chico Fernandez, and Diana … more → Redington has announced it will partner with GoPro as the official fly fishing sponsor of the upcoming GoPro Mountain Games to be held in Vail, Colorado June 5-8, 2014. Read more in the press release below. The American Museum of Fly Fishing has announced the launch their participation ingoing on about how to address the issues of the Northern Irish border. A huge amount of progress is being made,” Johnson told the Mail on Sunday, without giving details. The opposition Labour Party called for more details on what Johnson was proposing. Johnson drew parallels between Britain’s situation in Brexit talks and the frustrations felt by fictional scientist Bruce Banner, who when enraged turned into the super-strong Incredible Hulk, frequently leaving behind a trail of destruction. “Banner might be bound in manacles, but when provoked he would explode out of them,” he said. The Sunday Times reported that Johnson’s senior adviser Dominic Cummings had raised the idea of suspending parliament for a second time. Parliament is currently suspended until Oct. 14 - a decision which is being challenged in the courts
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William Leonard, who oversaw state secrecy under George W Bush, says successive US presidents have abused system Successive US presidents, including Barack Obama, have abused the system for handling classified information to expand their executive powers, the former senior official who oversaw state secrecy under George W Bush has claimed. William Leonard, who was entrusted with ensuring proper treatment of state secrets by government agencies in the immediate aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, said that over the past decade both the Obama and the previous Bush administrations had manipulated their classification authority to create new executive powers without congressional oversight or judicial review. ADVERTISEMENT Leonard, the former head of the Information Security Oversight Office from 2002 to 2007, said that what was at stake was “the abuse of the very formrecent days as the White House has come under intense pressure to make public the legal advice for the targeted killing program – the use of unmanned drones to assassinate terror suspects in Pakistan, Yemen and elsewhere. The subject was given additional publicity last week during the course of a 13-hour filibuster by the Republican senator, Rand Paul, who demanded an assurance that Obama would not authorise drones to kill American citizens on domestic soil. ADVERTISEMENT The issue of classification of sensitive intelligence material has also been central in the prosecution of Bradley Manning, the source of the massive WikiLeaks publication of US state secrets. The US soldier had asked for permission to present evidence at his upcoming trial that he said would show the classification system was broken, and that
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a large portion of the hundreds of thousands of documents he transferred to WikiLeaks were ranked “secret” when they were, in fact, anodyne. The judge in the Manning case, Colonel Denise Lind, ruled the over-classification argument to be inadmissible at trial. Excessive secrecy in government has now been recognised at all levels, from Obama down. In 2009 he effected an executive order that provided for information to be released to the public as soon as possible, and the following year he signed HR 553, the “reducing over-classification act”. ADVERTISEMENT Yet, at the same time as Obama has talked about enhancing transparency, he has also presided over one of the toughest administrations in terms of policing state secrets. There have been six prosecutions under the 1917 Espionage Act under his watch – moreWoman's College. Willard had previously been engaged to Fowler and had broken off the engagement. Activist (WCTU and suffrage) After her resignation, Willard focused her energies on a new career: the women's temperance movement. In 1874, Willard participated in the founding convention of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) where she was elected the first Corresponding Secretary. In 1876, she became head of the WCTU Publications Department, focusing on publishing and building a national audience for the WCTU's weekly newspaper, The Union Signal. In 1885 Willard joined with Elizabeth Boynton Harbert, Mary Ellen West, Frances Conant and 43 others to found the Illinois Woman's Press Association. In 1879, she sought and successfully obtained presidency of the National WCTU. Once elected, she held the post until her death. Her tireless efforts for
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( -- Jeanette Potter was in the Atlanta airport when she started to feel a bit off. "I thought I had the flu, but it was a heavier kind of flu," says Potter, 34, who had been flying home to Rochester, New York, after a weeklong vacation in Key West. "I was achy. I had a headache. I was kind of disoriented." Her symptoms weren't from the flu, as it turns out. They were the early signs of dengue fever, a viral disease native to the tropics but incredibly rare in the continental U.S. -- so rare that it took two weeks, three visits to the doctor, and one trip to the emergency room before experts at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention finally identified what ailed her, inher blood cells, one of the markers for a viral infection was high." After consulting with a colleague who's an expert on infectious diseases, Trout arranged for a sample of Potter's blood to be sent to the CDC office in Puerto Rico to be tested for dengue fever. Travel health: What to do if you get ill The tests came back positive, and with that Potter became the first confirmed case of the fever acquired in Florida since 1934. Once widespread in the Western hemisphere (including the Southern U.S.), dengue fever was largely eradicated in the 1960s after the carrier mosquitoes were targeted with the pesticide DDT. The disease slowly rebounded after those efforts were discontinued, however, and while it generally stays confined to the tropics now, a handful of small,
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branch at the CDC, Harold Margolis, said in a statement that accompanied the report. Health: Beat the top summer health hazards The symptoms Potter experienced were textbook. Often mistaken for the flu, dengue symptoms include nausea, fever, debilitating headaches, eye pain, and bloody urine. The rash noticed by Trout is a telltale sign of dengue hemorrhagic fever. Rick Branch, 41, a U.S. Navy officer stationed in Key West, was among the first cases to be confirmed after Potter. He started feeling sick on the Monday after Easter Sunday earlier this year. "It felt kind of like a hangover -- though I wasn't drinking the night before," he says. "I had a foggy head. I was a little bit tired." Three hours later, Branch was freezing cold and had a fever. By Tuesday hisThe Pearlwoman Pages Wednesday, 31 December 2014 Meet the woman behind UK’s most prestigious award for women of colour – Divas of colour. Faustina Anyanwu also known as Fauntee. Creator of Divas of colour International women’s day. CEO Faunteewrites limited, Co-founder, creative director and Chief editor C. hub magazine, poet, author, and founder of MBW PR. She describes herself as simple and humble. But you can see with me, there’s nothing simple about this woman of many talent. She is the curator of the women’s award buzzing all over the internet – Divas of colour. Divas of colour was launched in March 2014, to become the first ever all inclusive and most lavish event to celebrate women of colour from around the globe. As it prepares to host its second edition in March
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UK, especially, there are no platforms for women of ethnic background to meet and share their stories of success, struggle and contributions. Divas of colour provides that. It is an opportunity for women of colour from every background to share a glorious moment of celebration together with borders. Divas of colour is not just an award event, it is a movement, a festival, a convention for women of colour from around the world. A day to celebrate, recognise, reward and discover the best of women of colour. We have fashion show (Diva designer), pageant (Diva face) , trade show and the award ceremony. Wow, what sort of women of colour is Divas of colour is trying to attract? Divas of colour is for every woman of colour, those who haveNo stranger to the Palouse, Lopes rejoins the WSU staff after serving on the Idaho men's basketball staff the last four seasons, the last three as associate head coach and the first year as assistant coach. Lopes was a member of Kelvin Sampson's Cougar coaching staff during the 1993-94 season as an assistant coach, before following him to Oklahoma to serve in the same capacity from 1994-2002. In Lopes' lone year with the Cougars under Sampson, WSU recorded a 20-11 overall mark, finished fourth in the Pacific-10 Conference and advanced to the first round of the NCAA Tournament. "Ray adds a dimension to our staff that will help us meet the goals we're looking to fulfill within the basketball program here at WSU," Bone said. "He is an experienced
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coach who has been at several Division I universities that have had success with his recruiting and coaching abilities. He has won at Washington State before and has been to several NCAA Tournaments, including a trip to the Final Four while at Oklahoma in 2002. He is a great recruiter with ties all over the country and has had success recruiting to the Palouse." Lopes' résumé shows success at multiple levels in his 20-plus years of coaching, and includes a Western Athletic Conference regular-season title with Fresno State in 2003 and an NBA D-League Championship with the Idaho Stampede during the 2007-08 season, as well as an NCAA Final Four appearance with Oklahoma in 2002. While at Idaho, Lopes helped lead the team to 69 victories over four seasons, threetop-three WAC finishes and three postseason appearances in four seasons. During that span, Idaho earned two of the team's three all-time postseason victories. Lopes spent two years as associate head coach of the Idaho Stampede at Boise. The team finished 36-14 on its way to the 2007-08 NBA D-League Championship. During the 2006-07 season, the Stampede tied for the best record in the league at 33-17.He spent the season prior as a personnel scout for the San Antonio Spurs. Prior to his NBA experience, Lopes was head coach at Fresno State, compiling a cumulative 50-37 record over three seasons. He was named WAC Coach of the Year and CBS Sportsline Rookie Coach of the Year in 2003 as the Bulldogs captured the WAC regular-season title. Before he landed at Fresno, Lopes
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spent eight seasons as an assistant coach at the Oklahoma under Sampson. He helped the Sooners to eight-consecutive NCAA Tournament appearances, including a trip to the Sweet 16 in 1999 and the 2002 Final Four. While at Oklahoma, the Sooners won at least 20 games five seasons in a row, averaging 26 wins per year, including a 31-5 record in 2001-02. The Sooners had a 187-74 record while Lopes was an assistant coach and won the 2001 and 2002 Big 12 Tournament titles. Oklahoma was no worse than a No. 4 seed in the NCAA Tournament over his final three years. Lopes joined the Washington State staff after a four-year stint as an assistant at UC Santa Barbara from 1989-93 under head coach Jerry Pimm. The Gauchos posted a73-44 record and advanced to three postseason tournaments. In 1990, UC Santa Barbara advanced to the second round of the NCAA Southeast Regional before losing to the Steve Smith-led Michigan State Spartans. That year, the Gauchos knocked off Jerry Tarkanian's great UNLV team that won 34 consecutive games and the NCAA title. Lopes gained his first Division I coaching position in 1988 at Weber State under Denny Huston, where he tutored the Wildcat guards for one season. He began his coaching career at West Valley (Saratoga, Calif.) Community College as an assistant during the 1987-88 season. There he helped guide West Valley to a 23-7 record and a spot in the state tournament's Elite Eight. During his 14 seasons as an assistant coach, Lopes has been in the postseason
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12 years, including 10 NCAA Tournament appearances. A native of New Haven, Conn., Lopes moved to Hayward, Calif., as a junior in high school. He played two seasons at West Valley Community College before transferring to the College of Idaho. He was a two-year starter for the Coyotes and led them to two-consecutive district championships and trips to the NAIA National Championship in Kansas City. He earned a bachelor of arts degree in business administration from the College of Idaho in 1987. Lopes and his wife, Pierrette, have two daughters, Alaina and Teylor, and a son, bring the two sides to come together and resolve their differences in a civilized manner. Please, listen to the many speeches and interviews the leadership led by W/t Birtukan Midekssa has done and the interview Hailu Showl has given for the past four months and find out where the truth lies. I recommend you to read the recent KIL report to give you a head start. The crack started long before their release from detention when the chairman issued a letter to establish KIC with out consulting the other four of the five-men collective leadership established in the prison walls of Kaliti. KIL was established with the responsibility of providing political leadership in the absence of the legitimately elected leaders. On the other hand, KIC was later created
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by Hailu Showl, alone, as recommended by four of the twelve splitting leaders of KIL and the two friends of the chairman whose mandate it was to finding facts and reconcile the quartet and octet splitting with in KIL. Not more than three weeks after the birth of KIC the leaders were released. In a few days after their release, with a press release signed by Hailu Showl, the elected leaders thanked all the leaders in the Diaspora and disbanded both of them. One of the factions(KIL) accepted and did so but the other faction(KIC) refused to do so, despite the official press release and stern message on VOA from the spokesperson of CUD. From the get go, KIC with its reluctant-to-resign leader at the fore front hasleader has already made up his mind as to how he runs the ‘company’. And no force would dissuade him to do otherwise. There was no ‘out right condemnation’ as you put it but treated it as a family feud that would be resolved through mediation. The only ‘fact’ you tried to bring forth was that Hailu Showl had played a great role in the formation of CUD and later on the famous election 2005, and get frustrated when the other leaders got recognition by coming to America without him. For starters, it is hard to exclusively ascribe the success for a specific party among the quartet that formed CUD. It was a case of the whole being greater than the pieces. The two older parties(AEUP and EDUP) among
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you are the father. Only dictators live by telling us what they sacrificed in order to be a leader. Not in a democracy! You remember the famous case of Churchill after WW2. It is unfortunate that HS did get sick; however, it is ludicrous to suggest that the party has to stop functioning because the chairman has fallen ill. The right leader would have delegated power to the next in line who happens to be the first vice-chairperson, as opposed to naming, yet another of his buddies citing a non-existing article from the bylaw he seemingly never comprehended. When he was sick, the young leaders went out of their way, as if they were employees of his company, to brief him at his house the daily chores of theexecutive committee; while he was conspiring behind them to take Kinijit back to his old party, AEUP, where he used to run things by giving orders. It was an acceptable to Hailu Showl that the executive committee seamlessly runs the party’s daily activity without him. It was uncharted territory for him to be told ‘no’ when he is doing the wrong thing. It must be frustrating for the poor chairman to realize no one person is ‘indispensable’ for the party. The party has to go on doing its daily business when he is pretending to be sick and do cowardly things behind his friends, when he is truly sick, when he is in a retreat in Minnesota, and even when he dies. A good leader has got to
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compatriots and fellow prisoners; he exposed his dubious character in many ways; shamelessly failed to readily cite a non- existing article in the bylaw of the CUD that he claimed empowered him to fire the five delegates; he acted like a king when he demanded the other delegates to be on his welcoming ceremony; and he further cited a wrong article when he delegated his power to his buddy other than the one next in line to him according to the bylaw of the CUD. It is also worth mentioning Hailu showl didn’t stop the culprits, when they took the CUD supporters to court for using the Kinijit logo which was created by Debebe Eshetu. If the above mentioned reasons were not enough, he hit rock bottom whenRichard Wilson’s show “Journey into the Soul” will be featured in Hammond Gallery at the Boykin Center from Jan. 10 through Feb. 23, with an opening reception on Jan. 10 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. There will also be an artist talk at 5 p.m.. Wilson is a visual artist who uses reality and creativity to produce images that reflect the beauty in the world around him. His talents were evident at an early age, and under the mentorship of his father he continued to develop his artistic skills. After attending Barton College, he received a degree in advertising and graphic design from Pitt Community College, where he later served as an instructor. Wilson’s artistic strength lies in his capacity to reach a broad audience. Some paintings are nostalgic, some
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express connections that are only found within the family and some express the challenges of life. He is a portrait artist who is able to extract personality and depth from his subjects, all of which are represented in his realistic style. Besides a 20-year career as a professional artist, Wilson maintains his graphic design business as well as teaching at Pitt Community College. He has work in numerous collections, both public and private, but is most proud of his official portrait of George Henry White, the last former slave to serve in Congress.identity of the other man using stolen passport was still under investigation. The news that two passengers on board were using stolen passports had led to speculation of a terrorist attack. Referring to the police probe, Khalid said the authorities are mainly looking into four areas: hijacking, sabotage, psychological problems of the passengers and crew and personal problems among the passengers and crew. Elaborating on the personal problems, the official said there may be passengers on the flight who has bought huge sums of insurance or owed a lot of money. The fate of the Malaysian Flight MH370 with 239 people on board that vanished about an hour into a flight to Beijing remained a mystery, as a massive multilateral search, now in its fourth day, failed to turn up any trace
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President Trump has agreed to sit down with his North Korean nemesis Kim Jong Un sometime in the next two months to discuss stripping the hermit nation of its nuclear arsenal, it was announced Thursday. The historic meeting was brokered by the South Korean government, which delivered the invitation to the White House and divulged the details outside the West Wing. “He expressed his eagerness to meet President Trump as soon as possible,” South Korean national security director Chung Eui-yong said of Kim. “President Trump appreciated the briefing and said he would meet Kim Jong Un by May to achieve permanent denuclearization.” According to Chung, the North also agreed to suspend nuclear and missile tests during such future talks — a longstanding US demand. The White House said the meeting will be heldmore powerful one than his, and my Button works!” But Trump struck a more conciliatory tone Tuesday, when he tweeted about the possibility of a diplomatic solution to the conflict. “Possible progress being made in talks with North Korea. For the first time in many years, a serious effort is being made by all parties concerned,” Trump wrote. “The World is watching and waiting! May be false hope, but the U.S. is ready to go hard in either direction!” No American president has ever met with a North Korean leader. The US and North Korea do not even have formal diplomatic relations and the two nations remain in a state of war — because the 1950-53 Korean War ended with an armistice. The major development follows diplomatic moves by the North to thaw its
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Welcome to the uh Southside, No, uh-uh, I said the Southside of H-Town.You gotta peep game, you know what I'm sayin 'cause um,Texas from the south And Louisiana from the south And Mississippi from the southAtlanta, Georgia from the south [Chorus:]That's why we doin the uh South Side, the South Side, yeah The South Side, the South Side, everybody do the,South Side, the South Side, yeah,The South Side, the South Side, raise your hands and do the South Side, the South Side, yeah, The South Side, the South Side, Shokarock it do the South Side, the South Side yeah, The South Side, the South Side, H-town is thowin up the duce And givin niggas dabYou know the Southside actin bad on the slab, (uh-huh)We're thowin up the duce And givina Child for Immoral Purposes. He was transported to the DeKalb County Detention Center where he remains without bond. Sheriff Harris said, "This is the second arrest we have made in the last two weeks related to inappropriate texting between a man in his twenties and a teenaged girl. This is a real problem, and we continue to encourage parents to monitor children's cell phone and computer use. You just never know when someone might be inappropriately contacting them." Billy Graham would be the first to say that his message was not complex or unique, but he won over audiences worldwide with his friendliness, openness, humility and unyielding religious conviction.More Billy Graham would be the first to say that his message was not complex or unique, but he won over audiences
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Funds are requested to defray in part the travel, registration, and local expenses of participants in the Medicinal Inorganic Chemistry (MIC) symposium to be held at the Fall American Chemical Society (ACS) meeting in New York, NY, September 9-11, 2003. This symposium, the first of its kind, is sponsored jointly by the Inorganic Chemistry and the Medicinal Chemistry Divisions of the ACS. It is intended to extend and support the newly initiated set of Gordon Conferences of the same name (MIC-GRC) that were inaugurated at Colby-Sawyer College in July 2002 and which are planned for the same venue in July of 2004. As has been true for the MIC-GRC meetings, the purpose of the MIC-ACS symposium is to outline the state-of-the-art in the field, from drug design to[PHOTOS] Behind the Scenes at the Museum: A Preview of SLAM's New Addition Along with the fancy new galleries, the museum will get a few other amenities: A three-level parking garage (not free, alas): An expanded gift shop and café: And a restaurant that looks out onto Forest Park, more specifically down Art Hill toward the lagoon: The restaurant hasn't been named, nor has a chef been appointed, but it will be run by Bon Appétit, the same company that prepares Washington University's award-winning cuisine. "We specialize in farm to fork," says spokeswoman Rosemary Pastore, "with seasonal ingredients and nothing from more than 150 miles away. We expect the new restaurant to be one hundred percent compliant." The restaurant will serve lunch on weekdays, dinner on Fridays and brunch on the weekends. Brunch at
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Journalists released from Turkish jails pending appeal May 9, 2014 4:05 PM ET New York, May 9, 2014--The Committee to Protect Journalists welcomes the release from jail on Thursday of Fusün Erdoğan, former general manager of Özgür Radyo, and Bayram Namaz, a columnist for the weekly Atılım, and urges Turkish authorities to remove restrictions on their travel and lift their prison sentences on appeal. Both journalists were imprisoned in September 2006 on a series of anti-state charges, including "breaching the Constitution," "forming organizations with the intention of committing crimes," "possessing hazardous substances without permission," "endangering public safety intentionally," "damaging property," and "forgery of official documents," among others. In November 2013, the Tenth Court of Serious Crimes in Istanbul sentenced Erdoğan and Namaz to life in jail. The journalists' lawyers told CPJ that they have filed appeals to the Supreme Court of Appeals, andCPJ. At least 16 journalists continue to be imprisoned in Turkey, CPJ research shows. "We welcome these releases and urge the authorities to continue until Turkey has no journalists behind bars or under threat of imprisonment," said CPJ Deputy Director Robert Mahoney. "This is a transformative year for Turkish democracy, and media should be free of all political and judicial interference in order to provide the information and platform for debate that citizens need." When CPJ conducted its annual prison census in December 2013, Turkey was the world's worst jailer with at least 40 journalists behind bars. Since then, 24 journalists have been freed from Turkish jails, but most are still facing charges. Their releases came after Turkey introduced changes to its anti-terrorism laws, reducing the term for detention without conviction from 10 years to five years, and because of judicial reform that
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on Turkey to ensure Odatv's safety after series of threats January 4, 2019 3:12 PM ET Istanbul, January 4, 2019--The Committee to Protect Journalists today called on Turkish authorities to ensure the safety of journalists working for the news website Odatv amid a series of threats directed at the outlet, including published remarks by a civil servant Islamic scholar.... Turkish court hands heavy sentences to Zaman journalists July 6, 2018 3:38 PM ET New York, July 6, 2018--Turkish authorities should drop all charges against six journalists who worked for the now-shuttered Zaman daily newspaper, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. The journalists were found guilty today by a court in Istanbul and handed heavy prison sentences, BBC Türkçe and the daily... Turkish authorities seize control of pro-Kurdish national daily March 28, 2018 4:05 PMcontained in the United States Constitution . . ." It appears that petitioner was released on March 27, 1967, on parole from a sentence of 15 years imprisonment imposed upon him on or about June 2, 1960, by the United States District Court of the Western District of Louisiana. On March 8, 1970, he was arrested and charged with the offense for which he is presently serving time at the Federal Penitentiary. Petitioner alleges that the Honorable James E. Noland of the United States District Court, Southern District of Indiana, in imposing the present 12-year sentence, "specifically ordered that the sentence run concurrently with the balance of the 15-year sentence previously imposed." Petitioner states that on September 3, 1970, he received notice that a warrant for "parole violation" had been
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lodged against him by the respondents. In October of 1970, he was given a hearing before an examiner of the United States Board of Parole, and in November of 1970, he was notified by the respondents that the matter of parole violation, as well as any consideration on the new sentence, would be taken up in July, 1973. From the petitioner's rendition of the facts, the court is able to conclude the following: 1. A mandatory release violator's warrant need not be executed immediately upon issuance; it is not self-executing when the violator is not taken into custody thereunder; it need not be executed prior to the end of the sentence imposed on conviction of the crime committed on parole; and the withholding of the warrant does not deprive theMcCain's Coal Contradiction -- In The Bush Tradition If John McCain's double standard on clean fuel -- opposing government support that "picks winners" among to renewable fuels, but favoring aid for clean coal -- seems familiar, that may be because it's been embraced by the current occupant of the Oval Office. In April, President Bush announced an extremely modest proposal "to stop the growth of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by 2025." There is, he said, "a wrong way and a right way to approach reducing greenhouse gas emissions." The wrong way is to jeopardize our energy and economic security by abandoning nuclear power and our nation's huge reserves of coal. The right way is to promote more emission-free nuclear power and encourage the investments necessary to produce electricity from coal without
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cost. In 1999, this concern led to a regulatory dispute between the United States and the European Union, where the EU proposed a new noise ordinance which effectively prevented the use of hush kits in Europe. This regulation threatened to reduce the value of the mostly-American used airplanes that employed hush kits and hurt the profits of American hush kit manufacturers. EU Regulation 925/99 was passed over US threats to ban Concorde but was superseded (and effectively repealed) by EU Directive No. 2002/30/EC issued March 26, 2002. See also Chevron (aerospace) Winglets References External links BBC News, "Hell-bent on a trade war," March 5, 1999 NASA - Quiet Aircraft Facts Category:Aircraft engines Category:Noise reductionOne day, humans experimented with a weapon called "nuclear" that had a huge impact on the world Things that never happened Things that awakened And some things are coming THEIR STORY BEGINS NEWCLEAR'S EFFECT At a place in the world An earthquake wakes something up Chemicals spread throughout the ocean SOMETHING WORK UP Plant mutation Plant poisoning is spreading all over the nearby island SOMETHING HAS TRANSFORMED BECOME A KAIJU In the city that is lit by the fire And madness Waking up kaiju And the fierce encounters of Kaiju Something is threatening With Kaiju from an Outer Space THE PROTECTOR SOMETHING FROM UNDER THE DEEP OCEAN Kaiju, an alien looking for something DESTRUCTION DESTRUCTION FROM THE DESTROYER The other side of the city ENEMY DESTROYER Fight together AND DEFEAT LOST TO STRENGTH Why did it become like this? Even though We are We are friends
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you. And the thoughts that He is thinking about you are good thoughts. You may also forward them via e-mail or post them to your website - leaving the whole message in tact unless permission is granted to do otherwise. Please remember to give credit to About the Master's Business Ministry. Wednesday, May 29, 2013 "And the king loved Esther above all the women, and she obtained grace and favour in his sight more than all the virgins; so that he set the royal crown upon her head, and made her queen instead of Vashti." Esther 2:17 Esther had been chosen to be queen. She had responsibilities that came along with her title and position. She now had a public reputation. She served along side of her husband the king in ruling the people, making decrees and enforcing laws. But at the endof the day, when the crown was removed, when the royal robe was taken off, when the work of ruling was finished, she was the king's wife. She was in an intimate relationship with him. This is a spiritual parallel of our relationship with our heavenly King Jesus. As His people we have a public responsibility-- go into all the world and preach the gospel. We serve in doing the work of the Kingdom with Him-- laborers together with Christ. We have a responsibility that comes along with our "title" (Christian) and "position" (seated together with Him in heavenly places). We are a royal priesthood that shows forth the praises of our God. But like Esther, at the end of the day when the work of the Kingdom is finished, when the ministry is over, when the preaching is
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receive eternal life. It is this "same Jesus" that still sets captives free and opens prison doors to those who are bound. It is the "same Jesus" who makes intercession for us. It is the "same Jesus" who gives us healing. It is this "same Jesus" who still answers prayers. Although He is not walking around on earth among us like He did with the disciples, He is still ever present in the affairs of mankind. He is still the head of His church. He is still watching over us. He has not gone and forgotten us, stopped loving us, or neglected us. This same Jesus- not another one- loves you and cares about you still today. Have a great day. The same Jesus who walked the earth, is still very active in the lives of those who place their trustit is not. Then they will tell you something else, which a little later down the road turns out to be wrong as well. It is so confusing, you never know. The word here for faithfulness means steadiness, steadfastness, firmness. God is steadfast- He is unchanging. You never have to wonder about Him. He never changes His mind, or opinion, from day to day. He doesn't change His thoughts about the issues. For example, if He ever said something was sin, it is still sin. If He ever said something was acceptable, it is still acceptable. Whatever God has said, He still says- He never changes His mind about it. He is faithful- firm in nature, firm in His word. He doesn't change just because society changes. He doesn't discover that He was wrong about something and retract it. He
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credit to About the Master's Business Ministry. Wednesday, May 1, 2013 "And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent" Matthew 27:51 Yesterday we talked about prayer being a spiritual "hot spot" where we can get a "connection" to the Presence of God. In the Old Testament there was only one "hot spot"- it was behind the veil where the Holy of Holies was. The priest was the only one who was allowed access to it, and then only once a year, and only after he had gone through certain ceremonial rituals. No one else had the opportunity to this "connection". Recently, I was at a place of business and tried to connect to the wifi. I tried and tried yet could not getconnected. Finally, I asked the receptionist if there was a password to be able to get connected. She said it was and gave it to me. I put the password in and was instantly connected. When Jesus was crucified, the veil was torn and the place where the Holy of Holies was was now accessible to anyone who desired to come into the Presence of God. Jesus became the "password". He became the "access". He became the "connection". He became the "hot spot". We can enter into the Presence of God through and because of Him. God's Presence is now available to all who would come to Him. There is nothing standing in the way. Whosoever will can "connect" to Him. It is a priviledges that has been granted to us. When I connect to the wifi at a place
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Authorities in California are searching for a bikini-clad Arizona woman who went missing after being separated from her husband while hiking in the Mojave Desert. The San Bernardino County Sheriff's Office says 69-year-old Barbara Thomas, of Bullhead City, was last seen Friday wearing a black bikini, a red baseball cap and tan hiking boots with black socks. Thomas had no cell phone or supplies when she vanished around 2.30pm but her husband Robert say she was holding a can of beer when she vanished. Barbara Thomas, 69, went missing while hiking in the Mojave Desert on Friday around 2.30pm Her husband Robert believes she was picked up against her will while trying to return to their camper van. He became emotional during an interview where he appealed to her 'captors' to releaseher Temperatures in the area climbed to more than 100 degrees (38 Celsius) over the weekend and are forecast to remain triple-digit throughout the week Thomas and her husband were hiking approximately 20 miles (32 kilometers) north of the I-40 freeway and east of Kelbaker Rd when they got separated. Robert says he stopped during their two-mile hike to take a picture when when he turned around his spouse had disappeared around a corner after continuing her trek. Thomas was last seen Friday wearing a black bikini, a red baseball cap and tan hiking boots with black socks Their trailer was parked beside the road and Robert believes she may have been picked up while trying to cross it. But the missing woman's family doesn't believe she left by choice. Robert said he won't press
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charges if Barbara is dropped off to safety. 'My feeling is she was picked up. She was wearing a bikini and she had a beer in her hand,' Robert shared with KTNV. He added about his companion: 'We always tell each other before we go to bed at night how much we love each other.' On Monday it was 104 in the area where she disappeared. However her spouse thinks she may have been taken to the Las Vegas area and asked people in the area to remain vigilant. An active search is underway with the assistance from Search & Rescue members, fire personnel, Park Rangers, K9s, deputies and Sheriff's Aviation. Robert emotionally said in an interview: 'We always tell each other before we go to bed at night how much we loveeach other' Thomas (pictured right) is described as being 5'9, 130 lbs, with blonde hair and green eyes 'I just want my wife back and if somebody out there has her, which I feel somebody does, please drop her off at a safe place where she can contact us and that’s it,' Robert cried during an interview with KTNV. 'Whoever has her, please release her,' he added. Temperatures in the area climbed to more than 100 degrees (38 Celsius) over the weekend and are forecast to remain triple-digit throughout the week. Thomas is described as being 5'9, 130lbs, with blonde hair and green eyes. Anyone with information regarding Barbara's whereabouts is urged to contact the Colorado River Station at (760)326-9200 or Sheriff's Dispatch at (760)956-5001.
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opportunity to present newly discovered evidence. No evidence was advanced, and the stay was lifted on May 19, 1976. Appellant contends that the juvenile court abused its discretion in denying his motions for continuance of the reference hearing. The county attorney notified Douglas Hall of the Legal Rights Center, Inc., who was the last attorney of record for appellant in juvenile proceedings, of the scheduled May 18 hearing by letter dated May 7. Hall was at trial in another town on the 18th. The attorneys who appeared for appellant were colleagues of Hall at the Legal Rights Center, Inc.; they learned of the hearing on the afternoon of May 17 from a call by the county attorney. Given the short time available to them to prepare (basically the luncheonfrom around him. at the same time, his self control is delayed. he doesn't know how to postpone gratiifcation, to wait, to ask before he grabs. and so he does that and others get bothered and then he reacts A LOT to their upset. if a child hits or bumps into him by accident, his is TERRIBLY upset by it,feels wounded, hurt, and then infuriated by it and can respond wildly. although, underneath, he wants to be friends, wants to feel liked. he also needs to be in on the 'working things out', feel considered and included when we are problem solving as a family. he feels the injustice or the powerlessness very deeply when or if a descision is made in a unilateral way. it's tricky to parent
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four evacuated our New Orleans residence due to Hurricane Katrina. We spent four months in MA, (ironically not far from Susan Senator) because schools were closed in New Orleans. Jared and his younger brother Thomas enjoyed living at their Mimis' house, but were totally pumped to return to their home in New Orleans. Jared changed schools, but (cha-ching!)had his same teacher from the previous school year. For the first 30 days Jared was happy and cooperative, but it was still a challenge to get him to do work. As much as we love this teacher, it seemed like Jared had learned how to push her buttons to the point that nothing productive was happening in class. This year, same school new teacher. She has 20 yrs. experience withspecial ed., but has never had a class of autistic kids. In this class of three, Jared is the only verbal child, he has done more work in class this year, but is starting to give his new teacher "the business". This aggression has been going on for at least two years, and has escalated in the last six months. Twice over the holidays, Jared threw tonka trucks at me (oh, and he's got a good arm)while I was driving, because we weren't going to stop and buy him a toy. Tantrums erupt over the tiniest frustration, stubbed toe, hair washing is a nightmare. Jared will take out his frustration on whomever is closest. After three extreme tantrums (screaming from office, down elevator through lobby to the parking garage)
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over leaving the child psychologistsoffice, we've had the last two appointments without Jared.Unfortunately, Jared and his brother are well aware of the stress and tension between their parents. All too frequently Jared will scream and protest when I try to help him get dressed for school, his father enters the room glaring at me and asks Jared to get dressed, and Jared complies without a word. Jared skips happily into his classroom most mornings, when I take him he refuses to get out of the car. The last time, the school guard carried him kicking and screaming to his class, 20 minutes later he was fine. My husband thinks I am an abject failure with these children. Sometimes I agree with him, but it's not for lack ofCitation Nr: 1829871 Decision Date: 09/19/18 Archive Date: 09/24/18 DOCKET NO. 15-34 180 ) DATE ) ) On appeal from the Department of Veterans Affairs Regional Office in Phoenix, Arizona THE ISSUES Entitlement to a rating in excess of 70 percent for a psychiatric disability. REPRESENTATION Appellant represented by: Disabled American Veterans ATTORNEY FOR THE BOARD H. Ahmad, Associate Counsel INTRODUCTION The Veteran served on active duty from May 1963 to March 1969. This matter is before the Board of Veterans' Appeals (Board) on appeal from a March 2012 rating decision by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Regional Office (RO) in Phoenix, Arizona. FINDING OF FACT On August 14, 2018, VA was notified that the appellant died in August 2018. CONCLUSION OF LAW Due to the death of the appellant, the Board has no jurisdiction to adjudicate the merits of this appeal at
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Friedman, a psychiatrist, gives one such example involving a patient with chronic depression who had been referred to him by another provider, "...a man in his early 30s, who had suffered from depression since his teenage years. In six years of psychotherapy, he had been given nearly every antidepressant under the sun, but his mood hadn't budged. Weeping in my office one day, he explained that he was depressed because he was a failure and a whiner. 'Even my therapist agreed with me,' he said. 'She said that maybe I don't want to get better.'"26 Friedman reports that, "About a month later, I saw this patient respond remarkably well to a novel treatment. Free of depression at last, he was joyful and relieved - an odd reaction, youstance toward her, when we see her, "as a morally responsible agent, as a term of moral relationships, as a member of the moral community".40 This 15 way of regarding another person, he claims, creates a propensity to feel the reactive attitudes, which he characterizes as, "essentially natural human reactions to the good or ill will or indifference of others toward us, as displayed in their attitudes and actions".41 Though we can suspend the reactive attitudes temporarily even with those whom we regard as responsible agents in order to "[seek] refuge from the strains of involvement," Strawson argues that this could not be our normal mode of responding to these agents.42 It is unclear whether, on Strawson's view, one could suspend some range of the reactive attitudes while
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2000. McKenna, Michael. Conversation and Responsibility. Oxford University Press, 2012. Pickard, Hanna with commentary by Lisa Ward. "Responsibility without Blame: Philosophical Reflections on Clinical Practice." In The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Psychiatry, edited by KWM Fulford, Martin Davies, Richard Gipps, George Graham, John Sadler, Giovanni Stanghellini, and Tim Thornton, 1134–54. Oxford University Press, 2013. Sher, George. In Praise of Blame. Oxford University Press, 2005. Shoemaker, David. "Response-Dependent Responsibility; or, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Blame." Philosophical Review 126, no. 4 (2017): 481–527. ------. Responsibility from the Margins. Oxford University Press, 2015. Smith, Angela. "On Being Responsible and Holding Responsible." Journal of Ethics 11, no. 4 (2007): 465–84. ------. "Responsibility for Attitudes: Activity and Passivity in Mental Life." Ethics 115, no. 2 (2005): 236–71. Strawson,P.F. "Freedom and Resentment." In Freedom and Resentment and Other Essays, 1–28. Routledge, 2008. Wallace, R. J. Responsibility and the Moral Sentiments. Oxford University Press, 1994. Watson, Gary. "Responsibility and the Limits of Evil: Variations on a Strawsonian Theme." In Agency and Answerability: Selected Essays., 219–59. Oxford University Press, 2004. -------. "Two Faces of Responsibility." Philosophical Topics 24, no. 2 (1995): 227–48.
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SEOUL, South Korea — As the protests against her have grown larger, louder and closer, and her career, reputation and presidency march inexorably toward an impeachment vote on Friday, President Park Geun-hye has kept mostly hidden from public view, gripped by self-pity and despair, and largely alone. Cloistered in the presidential Blue House, which in a twist of fate befitting a Greek tragedy is also her childhood home, she has had few visitors, aides said. At 64, she is not married and has no children. Her brother and sister have been estranged from her for years. Her three most trusted aides have been fired over the corruption and influence-peddling scandal that now threatens to undo her presidency. One has been jailed. Ms. Park’s closest friend and confidante, Choi Soon-sil, isthat four levels of analysisshould be put together: the biological (genetical), the developmental (how anindividual is socialized), the situational (how the environment influencesbehavior), and the adaptive (how a person responds to the benefits and costsof alternative courses of action). Antunes, George and Hunt, A. Lee (1973) , 'The Impact of Certainty and Severity ofPunishment on Levels of Crime in American States : An Extended Analysis', 64 Journalof Criminal Law and Criminology , 486-493. Cook, Philip J. (1986) , 'The Demand and Supply of Criminal Opportunities', in Tonry,Michael and Morris, Norval (eds.), Crime and Justice: An Annual Review of Research ,Chicago and London, The University of Chicago Press, 1-28. Ehrlich, Isaac and Brower, George D. (1987) , 'On the Issue of Causality in the EconomicModel of Crime and the Law Enforcement: Some
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and Robert Martinson (eds.), Crime Deterrence andOffender Career , New York, City College of the City University of New York, 136-172. Van Den Haag, Ernest (1975) , 'Deterrence, Deterrability and Effective Sanctions', in Vanden Haag, Ernest and Martinson, Robert (eds.), Crime Deterrence and Offender Career ,New York, City College of the City University of New York, 1-99.County Durham train plant decision delayed The government has delayed making a decision on replacing ageing Intercity trains, which it was hoped would bring 800 jobs to County Durham. A consortium led by Japanese company Hitachi was the preferred bidder to build carriages and trains at a site at Newton Aycliffe. But the government will now consider a cheaper revised bid from Hitachi, as well as an alternative for a fleet of all-electric trains. A decision is expected next year. Hitachi was provisionally awarded a £7.5bn contract to build carriages, with its preferred location being Newton Aycliffe. The estimated boost to the North East economy was projected to be £660m over 20 years. But the scheme is dependant on Hitachi being granted the Intercity Express Programme Contract, a decision which Transport Secretary Philip Hammond
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budget, the Government locked in some money for its Metronet plans but committed little in the way of major new spending pledges. But Premier Mark McGowan said the budget was proof his Government's economic plan was working, with slashed spending, a large pool of Commonwealth funding and a boost in royalty income leading to a significant improvement in WA's financial position. WA Premier Mark McGowan and Treasurer Ben Wyatt with the 2018 budget. ( Supplied: The West Australian ) A return to the black WA is still expected to be back in the black by 2020-21, for the first time since 2014, with a $1.3 billion surplus predicted for that year. The predicted deficit for this year is also substantially lower than previously forecast, at $1.3 billion. The better-than-expected budget results will also limitFort Thomas is an attractive residential city of secluded streets and landscaped lawns and gardens on a rolling ridge that rises between the Ohio and Licking Rivers. Most of its people are connected with the business and industrial life of the metropolitan area. In the Covington Waterworks, occupying an extensive area in Fort Thomas, water drawn from the Ohio River is filtered and pumped through supply mains to reservoirs. The reciprocal agreement by which Fort Thomas draws its water supply from the Covington reservoirs in return for the space occupied by the waterworks has been in effect for many years. A 90-foot water tower, of rough-hewn Kentucky limestone, South Fort Thomas Ave. at the entrance to Fort Thomas Military Reservation, was presented by citizens of Covington, Cincinnati, and Newport as
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a Spanish-American War Memorial. It commemorates members of the U.S. Infantry who lost their lives in that war and Brigadier General Harry Clay Egbert, colonel of the 6th Infantry during the Cuban campaign, who was killed in action in the Philippines. The two cannons near the tower, excellent specimens of the workmanship of Spanish gunsmiths of the eighteenth century, are trophies of the Cuban campaign. Federal Writers' Project of the Works Progress Administration for the State of Kentucky, University of Kentucky, Kentucky: A Guide to the Bluegrass State, American Guide Series, Harcourt Brace and Company, New York, 1939.unnamed berg pictured above has been frozen in place by sea ice in North Star Bay. Harbeck shot the photograph—a composite of four 49-second images—on March 21 at about 2:30 a.m. local time. The sun never fully sets at this time of year in the Arctic, so sunlight appears on the left side of the image. Lights from Thule are visible on the right side. Look for the Milky Way (top left) and a few very faint meteors visible in the early morning sky. Harbeck left the dock at Thule with sea ice scientist (and current IceBridge project scientist) Nathan Kurtz and a local recreation officer at about 10 p.m. From there, the group hiked 2.4 kilometers (1.5 miles) across the still-thick sea ice in weather that Harbeck called
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323: The Super In 1980's New York City, rent is rising: it seems out of control, and residents struggle to keep up. So Jack Hitt helps organize tenants, and threatens a rent strike. This does not go over so well with his building super, who, as it turns out, is a very dangerous man. Josh Bearman's favorite story was told to him by his super. It involved these elements: A gas station, a beautiful woman, an orchid, a snowman, Indonesia, and a check for $30,000. But when Josh decided to try and publish the story in a magazine, it changed everything. — Josh BearmanIn fact, the mechanical folding of the outer wrapper sheet in correspondence of the bottom head end of the pack leads to the formation of two flaps one of which has the contour of an isosceles trapezium, while the other has the contour of a rectangular trapezium, due to the actual impossibility of folding the angle section of the edge of the sheet which is superposed and glued to the other underlying edge. In order to avoid this inconvenience, and to obtain a cigarette pack in which the bottom end of the outer wrapper sheet results from the superposition of two identical flaps having each the contour of an isosceles trapezium, presently there are employed outer wrapper sheets which are rectangular and present one bevel angle. The use of
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the 8 academic hospitals in the Netherlands. This was one of the first hospitals that launched a patient portal in the Netherlands. In 2013, a less advanced portal with fewer functionalities had been introduced, which was replaced by the MyChart portal when Epic was implemented in the hospital in 2015. The quantitative study arm included patients who were registered on the portal between January 1, 2016, and January 1, 2017, and patients older than 12 years who had visited the hospital at least once in the year 2016 and were alive on December 31, 2016. Think-aloud participants were recruited through referrals from the hospital registration desk. The focus group participants (patients and HCPs) were recruited from 2 outpatient departments: the dermatology and ophthalmology departments. These departments were selected because49ers head to Super Bowl, beating Falcons 28-24 ATLANTA (AP) - Frank Gore ran for a pair of second-half touchdowns and the 49ers rebounded from a 17-0 deficit to beat the Atlanta Falcons 28-24 in the NFC championship game Sunday, sending San Francisco to the Super Bowl for the first time since 1995. The top-seeded Falcons (14-4) tried to pull out another season-saving drive at the end, but Matt Ryan's fourth-down pass for Roddy White with 1:13 remaining was knocked down by San Francisco linebacker NaVorro Bowman. The 49ers (13-4-1) will meet the winner of the AFC title game between New England and Baltimore. San Francisco will be trying to join Pittsburgh as the only teams with six Super Bowl championships. The victory was sweet redemption for the 49ers, who lost an
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "Pile-CC" ] }
communicates with a different one of the wheel circuits, with each LDU cylinder being connected to the same chambers of the wheel cylinders on opposite sides of the vehicle, i.e. one of the inward chambers of one of the LDU cylinders is connected to the wheel cylinder circuit that connects the front left bore side (upper) wheel cylinder chamber with the rear right rod side (lower) wheel cylinder chamber, and the other inward chamber of the same LDU cylinder is connected to the wheel circuit that connects the front right bore side wheel cylinder chamber with the rear left rod side wheel cylinder chamber. In the same manner, the inward chambers of the other LDU cylinder are connected to the two wheel circuits that connect the front rodPolice find letter containing claim of responsibility for attack prior to Champions League game with Monaco This article is more than 3 years old This article is more than 3 years old Three explosive devices went off by the side of the bus carrying the German football team Borussia Dortmund on Tuesday night, injuring one player. The incident occurred at about 7.15pm local time in Dortmund’s Höchstem district, approximately six miles (10km) from the club’s stadium, where they were due to play a Champions League quarter-final against Monaco. Borussia Dortmund's Marc Bartra injured after explosion near team bus – live updates Read more Police confirmed there were three explosions near the bus, breaking some of the vehicle’s windows. The defender Marc Bartra was injured by shards of glass and was taken to hospital. He
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not prescribed, and that the property at issue is still subject to the conditions of the Act of Donation, but we find that the property at issue is still being used by the School Board in accordance with the conditions of the Act of Donation, so we hold that the donation cannot be revoked at this time. In 1913, the President of NOLC wrote to the Mayor of the City of New Orleans agreeing to donate the property at issue, which is a tract in Lakeview, to the City. The next year, the Lakeview School was built on the site by the School Board which began to use the building as a school. In 1929, it was discovered that no Act of Donation of the property at issue hadever been executed. *872 Thus, an Act of Donation was drawn up, executed and recorded in 1929. NOLC quitclaimed all its property to Hedwig in 1967, at which time NOLC was dissolved. In 1973, the City put title to the donated property in the name of the School Board. After the 1984-85 school year, the School Board ceased to use the Lakeview School building as a school. However, the School Board did make use of the building for an administrative center from 1985 to 1993. In 1993, the School Board ceased to use the building as an administrative center. However, from 1993, the School Board did make use of the building for storage of School Board property and continues to do so. It is uncontested that the property at
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issue was donated in 1929. However, the School Board and Hedwig contest the interpretation of the Act of Donation with respect to the condition placed upon the donation. The Act of Donation at one point states that the property is "to be used for school purposes" and at another point states that it is "to be used for public school purposes." The School Board interprets this to mean that the property must be used specifically for a school. The School Board argues that it ceased to use the property for a school in 1985, that the prescriptive period for the right to revoke a donation is five years and that, therefore, the right to revoke prescribed in 1990. The present action was filed in 1996. Hedwig argues thatthe phrases "school purposes" and "public school purposes" are broad enough that they do not require an actual school to be on the donated property and that the use of the property as a School Board administrative center until 1993 is a school purpose that complies with the condition of the donation. Thus, Hedwig contends that the right to revocation would not prescribe until 1998. The trial court resolved this issue in favor of Hedwig and stated in its Reasons for Judgment that "the phrase public school purposes is indeed ambiguous and would include any general goal, aim, need or interest of the Orleans Parish School Board." The law applicable is set out in the Civil Code. "The donor may impose on the donee any charges or conditions he
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context of the present case. In Manson, two lots had been donated "to be used for public school purposes," and a school had been located upon them for some years. Later, however, the School Board closed the school and rented out the premises to a third party for a small sum. Still later, the school building was condemned and demolished and the vacant lots were put up for sale by the School Board. The Supreme Court held that sale of the lots was not a use for which they had been donated even if the proceeds of the sale would be used for public school purposes. The Supreme Court also held that, as the School Board had ceased using the property for school purposes, the donation should bethe property at issue, and a report of the City's Commissioner of Property) all of which date from 1913 and all of which suggest that, in 1913, the expectation was that a school would be built on the property at issue. But, while these documents are at least arguably suggestive as to the intentions of the persons *874 involved in the transaction in 1913, the Act of Donation was prepared, executed and recorded in 1929. Because the documents relied upon by the School Board are not at all contemporaneous with the Act of Donation, they are not reliable sources as to the meaning of the phrases "school purposes" and "public school purposes" in the Act of Donation. Over a period of sixteen years, City administrations, School Board personnel
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then it would seem likely that the Act of Donation would say that the donated property "is to be used for a school" or "is to be used for the purpose of a school." The phrase "school purposes," particularly the use of the plural form of the word "purposes," suggests a general category of purposes related to the City's schools rather than the single specific purpose of an actual school. In short, we cannot say that the trial court's resolution of this factual issue was clearly wrong or manifestly erroneous. We turn next to Hedwig's argument that the donation should be revoked because the property at issue is not being used for "school purposes." It is uncontested that, from 1993 to the time of trial (and presumably to thethe meaning of the Act of Donation in the absence of any trial court finding of fact specifically as to that issue. However, as discussed above in connection with the prescription issue, the trial court did make a finding of fact that the phrase "school purposes" in the Act of Donation "would include any general goal, aim, need or interest of the Orleans Parish School Board." Based upon this finding of fact, which we have held above to be not clearly wrong or manifestly erroneous, there is apparent difficulty with the argument that storage of School Board property is not a "school purpose." Indeed, there is inherent difficulty in arguing that the phrase "school purposes" should be read broadly so as to include a School Board administrative center, but
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well as Soviet-era buildings. Tashkent is rich in museums, theaters and concert halls; there are a lot of traditional Central Asian and European-like restaurants and clubs, and several very nice parks, including a zoo and a huge botanical garden. Tashkent is the only Central Asian city which has an underground railway system (Tashkent Metro). It is probably one of the world’s most beautiful: its stations are real works of art, each featuring unique designs covering various themes, such as famous people, events, valued notions, terms or just common nouns. Tashkent is a city of wide streets and numerous avenues, and is abundant in trees; although it is located in Central Asia, it has recently had a lot of evergreens planted, in addition to its traditional planes, poplars, oaks,willows, etc. Tashkent looks modern - it grew to its present size mainly during the Soviet times - but it is over 2,000 years old, and there is still some of its old part surviving, called Old City or Old Town. Tashkent Old city features a huge traditional Central Asian bazaar (there are many large and small bazaars in the city; most farmer products in the city are sold through them, not through stores), as well as several Islamic architectural monuments and quaint adobe mahalla neighborhoods, quite worth visiting for their charm. Tourist Attractions of Samarkand Samarkand (also spelled Samarqand) is probably the most famous Uzbekistan’s historic city. Over 2,750 years of age, it boasts very impressive architectural monuments and a rich history. Samarkand originated from a settlement called Afrosiab
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(or Afrasiab), the ruins of which can be seen on the northern outskirts of the city. Later, still before the Common Era, it was the capital of Sogdiana (or Sogdia, Suguda, Sogdiane, Sogd, Sugd), named Marakanda (or Maracanda) then. When the city became the capital of the huge empire of Tamerlane (Timur) in the 14th century, it had enjoyed substantial growth and construction of splendorous edifices, some of which we can stll see today. The Registan Square, with the three grand madrasahs (Islamic colleges) on its sides, is the top Samarkand attraction. Among the others stand out Gur-e Amir Mausoleum (also spelled Gur-e Amir, Gur Emir, Guri Amir) where Tamerlane rests under a jade tombstone; Bibi-Khanym Mosque (also spelled Bibi-Khanom, Bibi-Khanum) - one of the largest mosques incenter in the Middle Ages, with over 350 mosques and 80 madrasahs (Islamic colleges), many of which survive. All the streets in Bukhara lead to the central historic complex Lyab-i Hauz (also spelled Lyab-i Khauz, Lyabi Khauz, Lyabi Hauz), where besides magnificent architectural monuments by a hauz pond a number of cozy restaurants and teahouses are located. Among the numerous attractions in Bukhara stand out the famous Kalyan Minaret (also Minorai Kalon, Minara-i Kalan), the impressive ancient Ark Fortress, functioning medieval bathhouses and domed shopping arcades. There over 140 architectural monuments in the city! Tourist Attractions of Khiva Khiva was one of the major cities of ancient Khorezm and is the only city in Uzbekistan with an almost intact medieval old town area. It is Ichan-Kala (‘inner town’) in Khiva.
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I am losing my effect on you.” That’s my Girl. Always frank. My Girl. I love the sound of that. Will make her mine…One fine day. Meghana V writes with the pen name Sagarika. She is from Bangalore, India. She is an avid reader. She mainly reads Adult and New Adult romance as well as dark and psychological thrillers. She plans on writing mainly for these Genres. She spends most of her free time reading, writing or watching anime. Depending on her mood, she tends to write two to three books at a time. She is a crazy fan of Dragonball Z and can be seen watching the episodes in repeat. Vegeta is her all time favourite character.Replace these Affiliate Programs at ANYTIME! Your banner here within the next hour. Learn How! Cultural Events in Los Angeles, popular Online magazine serving Los Angeles audiences, now provides artists with the opportunity to increase their visibility, promote their work and shape their image in the media. Cultural Events In Los Angeles is a source of information about current cultural events: Live Theatre in Los Angeles, Live Music in Los Angeles, Fine Arts in Los Angeles, as well as Entertainment Industry News and Events, with a special emphasis on live culture. In addition to featuring current cultural event listings, the Website features reviews of cultural events, feature stories, photos, and interviews with artists. Our new Get Exposure feature provides affordable feature stories on demand; interviews on demand and even photo services
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on demand. The benefits of the Get Exposure feature can be priceless to major stars who want to spread the word about a new project they’re working on, or to correct some misinformation about themselves as well as to up and coming talent who needs to increase its visibility with the public and within the entertainment industry itself. The concept is original, unique and fair as it offers artists the opportunity of communicating with the public on THEIR terms. About Cultural Events in Los Angeles Cultural Events In Los Angeles is a Website dedicated to all aspects of live culture in Los Angeles. Our mission is to provide fair and impartial information while facilitating the exchange between the creators and consumers of culture. We take special pride in the positivereception our coverage of the US Army Golden Knights Parachute Team - Entertainment Industry Jump Clinic (featuring Pamela Bach-Hasselhoff and Dwight Hicks, among others) has received from our readers and other media. With Cultural Events In Los Angeles popularity on the rise and the growing demand for our coverage of cultural events in L.A., we believe that the new Get Exposure feature will meet the needs of the creative community and its audience while establishing Cultural Events in Los Angeles as the ultimate source of culture and entertainment-related information in Southern California. For additional information on Cultural Events in Los Angeles and with inquiries about the Get Exposure feature, contact Eve Enrich. Newswire Today - PRZOOM / PRTODAY disclaims any content contained in this article. If you need/wish to contact
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a jump ball, is certainly a credit to Kaepernick and his case.” Numbers Game 30 Whatever you end up thinking about Joe Flacco’s tenure in Baltimore, I would urge you to remember what he did six years ago, in the postseason of his fifth NFL year. He beat Andrew Luck by 15 in a wild-card game. He made the throw of his life to help beat Peyton Manning, in 2-degree wind chill in Denver, by three in a divisional game. He beat Tom Brady by 15 in the AFC Championship Game in Foxboro. He beat the broiling-hot Colin Kaepernick by three in the Super Bowl. Flacco, easily, had one of the best postseasons by a quarterback in history. Who beats two of the top five quarterbacks ever, in the span of eightroad playoff wins in history. Joe Flacco has seven road playoff wins. II Two factoids about baseball in the Kyler Murray family: In 1992, Calvin Murray, Kyler’s uncle, was the seventh player picked in the first round. Picked sixth overall: Derek Jeter. In 2000, on the final day of the regular season, Calvin Murray, playing center field for the Giants, hit a game-winning grand slam off 2000 Cy Young winner Randy Johnson of Arizona. That’s one of only eight home runs Murray hit in his career, and, presumably, he told his nephew that just because you get drafted high in baseball doesn’t mean you’re going to be a great major-leaguer. King of the Road 40 One of the fun things about traveling for a newspaper nerd like me is USA Today’s “50 States” page. Every
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might not find anywhere else. If anyone had an offer to visit Tom Brady at his home in Montana a week after the Super Bowl, or Julian Edelman at his home in LA a week after the Super Bowl, I can assure you they would take it, the same way I did. • Regarding the Patriots: No team in one long era has won six championships with the same QB and coach and owner in history … and this team is doing it in the free agency era when it’s hard to keep teams together, and this particular team did it after losing prime free agents Nate Solder and Malcolm Butler last offseason. No team since free agency began in March 1994 in its unrestricted form has won moreMurphy, who wrote so eloquently of his slide out of journalism and into driving an Amazon delivery truck over the holidays for The Atlantic. Murphy last week took a job for one of the great medium-sized papers in America, the Santa Rosa (Calif.) Press Democrat. Excited for Murphy, and for all of us. We get to read him regularly again. 10. I think these are my other thoughts of the week: a. Basketball Story of the Week: Ben Goliver of the Washington Post, on Charles Barkley’s smart and pointed attack on the NBA for its trend toward superteams and a caste system of rich and poor in basketball. b. Column of the Week: by Ken Belson and Kevin Draper of the New York Times, a reasoned and smart analysis of the
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Scott Swain is President and James Woodrow Hassell Professor of Systematic Theology at Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando, Florida, and an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church in America. He and his wife, Leigh, have four children. Scott Swain is President and James Woodrow Hassell Professor of Systematic Theology at Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando, Florida, and an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church in America. He and his wife, Leigh, have four children. Christian theology has a deep and abiding interest in the topic of happiness because it has a deep and abiding interest in “the happy God” (1 Timothy 1:11) and in the happiness of the people whose God is the Lord (Psalm 144:15). In our first installment in a Christian theology of happiness, we considered the supremeone inaccessible place in my attic to another. I turned up an old paperback titled Will the Soviet Union Survive Until 1984? This book was a collection of essays by the Brezhnev-era Soviet dissident Andrei Amalrik , the lead-off essay giving the book its title. That essay was written in 1969, so Amalrik was looking fifteen years ahead. Amalrik’s essay makes dull reading now. He speaks at length of the social stresses in late-Soviet society, and predicts a war with China —a war which, of course, never happened. He was only seven years out in his prediction, though, which is pretty darn good as political prognostications go. And the essay did remind me what a great surprise the collapse of the USSR was to a lot of people, including
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I should guess to be the two most salient ones: an objection from the nature of the union, and an objection from the nature of the populace. First, there is the rather striking difference between the USA and the USSR , that the one of those nations is held together by the consent of the governed, while the other was held together by brute force and terror. Some of you might perhaps think my whole premise is insulting on this account. I mean no insult to my adopted country. (I am a naturalized US citizen.) I am only saying that like the old USSR , the USA lacks that innate sense of ethnic solidarity that older nations have, and that sense, what Walker Connor, in his book of this titlescratching away at his ledger book in the counting-house. As industrial production au tom ated and moved abroad, Bartleby in turn came into his own, and a third middle class of knowledge workers came up: the cube people of our own time, the ones now watching anxiously as their jobs drift off to Bangalore and Beijing. The assumption here is that like the buggy-whip makers you hear about in Economics 101, like Ethan Frome , like the middle-class engineer of 1960, the Cube People of today will go do something else, creating a new middle class from some heretofore-despised category of drudges. But... what? What is the next term in the series: farm, factory, office,...? Which category of despised drudges will be the middle class of tom orrow? Do
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Proclamation. Again, there is a separation, a fragmentation here. As Huntington says: Before the Civil War… American history was primarily the histories of individual states and localities. National history emerged after that war and for a hundred years was central to defining American identity. Then in the late twentieth century, the histories of subnational racial and cultural groups rose to a new prominence comparable to that of pre-1860 state and local histories, and national history was downgraded. If, however, a nation is a remembered as well as an imagined community, people who are losing that memory are becoming something less than a nation. Perhaps we can glimpse there the trajectory of American history from the beginning of this nation to its end. First, for ninety years, we were a loose federationcountry in reasonable harmony. Unfortunately no-one has bothered to prove the Multicultural Theorem; and the evidence is mounting that it may actually turn out to be false. In the special case of the USA there is the issue of a large Third World country sharing a long border with us; and a US upper-middle class that would much rather have cheerful small brown people mowing its lawns and watching its kids, than large surly black people, even though the black people are our fellow citizens, with American ancestry going back, in many cases, further than ours; while the brown people are foreigners. Nobody, until very recently, was willing to think through the long-term social consequences of multiculturalism. When I started doing office work in London in the late 1960s, every
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look at this story from WorldNetDaily , about an auto accident in which three members of a family of six were killed by a drunk Mexican illegal immigrant. The father of the family, who survived the accident, had this to say: Gary Ceran has said he is leaning on his faith to deal with this tragedy and to extend forgiveness to Prieto [i.e. the Mexican]. “He has to endure all the pain that I have to endure, plus knowing that he was the cause of it,” says Ceran. “I have hundreds of people coming to visit and thousands of people praying for me. But who's praying for him?” The family are Mormons, but this sniveling, groveling, all-forgiving attitude towards evil-doers is very Christian. It has always been present to someSINGAPORE: A 20-year-old man who deserted his role in the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) for more than a year was jailed for nine months and two weeks on Tuesday (Nov 20). Muhammad Hirkee Sahir was posted to the Civil Defence Academy in Jalan Bahar for his National Service, and was supposed to report for duty on Jan 17, 2017. He failed to show up for more than one-and-a-half years until he was arrested by the police on Jul 21 this year. In that time, Muhammad Hirkee had no legitimate reasons or medical exemptions to justify his absence, the prosecutor said. After he was charged in court for desertion, he was released on bail and asked to report for duty at SCDF. He again failed to turn up from Jul 25 to
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Aug 2. When hauled back to court, he claimed that he had medical certificates from Clementi Polyclinic to cover his absence. The certificates were submitted to the polyclinic to verify their authenticity. It found that there were no records of Muhammad Hirkee visiting the polyclinic on those dates, and discovered that the "doctors" who signed on the certificates were not doctors with Clementi Polyclinic. The polyclinic told SCDF and lodged a police report. Investigations found that Muhammad Hirkee had bought the certificates at S$15 each from a seller on online marketplace Carousell, who said he could provide medical certificates from a list of polyclinics in Singapore. Muhammad Hirkee pleaded guilty to desertion and using a forged document. He also pleaded guilty to a separate charge of giving an unlicensed moneylender his ATM cardto use, which earned him a fine of S$30,000. District Judge Victor Yeo in passing his sentence said he took into consideration the accused's early plea of guilt and the fact that he was a relatively young first offender. He said he took the seriousness of the offences in consideration, in particular "his desertion from SCDF for a fairly long duration of more than one-and-a-half years".
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Bangladesh slips 5 notches in Global Passport Power Index Bangladesh has ranked 100th in the Global Passport Power Rank 2018, slipping five notches from its previous ranking. In 2017, Bangladesh ranked 95th with visa-free access to 38 countries, according to the rankings released on Tuesday by Henley & Partners, a US-based citizenship and planning firm. Bangladesh is placed at 100th position jointly with Lebanon, Iran and Kosovo in the global ranking for 2018, all having visa-free access to 41 countries, according to the index. Japan has the most powerful passport, according to the ranking, with visa-free access to 190 countries in the world. Singapore secured the second position with visa-free access to 189 countries. Passports of France, Germany, and South Korea, all of which have visa-free access to 188 countries, have beenplaced third. Iraq and Afghanistan remained at the low end of the spectrum, providing visa-free access to 30 countries each, with Syria and Somalia just ahead with 32 visa-free destinations. Among Bangladesh's neighbours, India and Pakistan placed 81st and 104th while Myanmar on the 93rd spot with Nepal 101st and Bhutan 86th position, the report revealed. The statistics of the Henley Passport Index are based on exclusive data from the International Air Transport Association, which maintains the world's largest and most accurate database of travel information, and is enhanced by extensive in-house research.
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Current undergraduate women in Nevada are eligible to apply for this scholarship. Applicants must be majoring in public relations, communication, media studies, marketing or journalism and must be... more This award is available to currently graduating high school seniors at Beacon High School, John Jay High School, or Roy C. Ketcham High School in the mid-Hudson Valley region of New York State. ... more This award is available for current seniors at Arlington Highschool in New York state. Applicants must have been affected by the serious illness of a parent or close guardian.Awarded By: Community... more This award is available for current high school seniors who are graduating from John Jay High School or Roy C. Ketcham High School. Students must have a grade point average of 2.5 or higher and...more This award is available to female high school seniors in Dutchess County New York who are involved in athletics and demonstrate leadership on and off the field.Awarded By: Community Foundations of... more This award is available for graduating high school seniors in Massachusetts who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender. Applicants must participate in athletics and serve as a constant... more This scholarship is available for high school seniors, college freshman, and college sophomores who are active participants in any sport. To apply, students must submit an essay about an experience... more This scholarship is open to U.S. high school seniors who attend a high school in Berks County, Penn., that employs or contracts with an athletic trainer. Students must have participated in student... more This scholarship is open to U.S.
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high school seniors who attend high schools in Berks County, Pennsylvania, and swam on a high school or club swim team in at least their senior year of high school... more This award is available for graduating seniors at Littlefield High School in Littlefield, Texas. Applicants must have a grade point average of 3.0 or higher and demonstrate involvement in school... more This scholarship is available for high school seniors in Baltimore, MD who have a grade point average of 2.5 or higher. Preference will be given to students who are active in athletics or other... more This scholarship is available for high school seniors in Baltimore who are active in athletics. Applicants must have a grade point average of 2.5 or higher and must demonstrate work ethic, a sense... more ThisCHERISH OTHERS ORGANISATION KENYA Cherish Others Organisation- Kenya was registered in 2004 as a local non-governmental organization dedicated to uplift the lives of the vulnerable members of the community that include the women, girl child, the youth and the orphans. Cherish Others exists to improve the livelihoods of the resource poor communities through information sharing, education and providing support and care while working with them towards reducing HIV/AIDS prevalence within their environment. The organization contributes to advocacy campaigns on issues affecting the girl child, such as education, girl child rights and adolescent pregnancies. It is also involved in mentoring young girls for professional development...
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The present invention relates to an agricultural working machine with a device for adjusting the ground speed. With agricultural working machines such as forage harvesters, there is a need to adjust the air pressure in the tires depending on the ground being driven over, in particular to reduce the stress on the ground. Lowering the tire pressure increases the ground contact area, which results in less damage being done to the ground being driven over. The tire pressure is increased for street driving, however, since a higher pressure is required at high speeds to prevent tire damage. Publication DE 198 04 249 describes a device and a method for adjusting the tire pressure, with which the air pressure in the tire is adjusted—during travel—to the particular circumstances. The tire pressureWordSpace Presents at Dallas Festival of Books & IdeasWhen: Saturday, June 1, 11:00 a.m.What: The Poet Experience, presented by WordSpaceListen to local poets B Randall and Opalina Salas read from their work, talk about how they got started, what inspires their poetry, the experience of hosting poetry events, and more. Moderated by Monika Bell.Where: J. Erik Jonsson Central Library 1515 Young St. 75201 B Randall Opalina Salas B Randall, is an Author, Director, Host, Poet, Producer, and Visionary. B Randall is the host of Poetry Smash at The Black Academy of Arts and Letters, and Verse & Rhythm at the Oak Cliff Cultural Center. B. Randall is host/producer of “In The Words Of A Sistah” now in its 11th season it is the longest running all female cast poetry show of
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its kind. In 2012, Randall launched her first touring show, “Poetry Is My Praise,” an inspirational, motivational, and spiritual poetry show. Randall was commissioned by the Multicultural Alumni Association of Texas A&M –Commerce to pen a poem commemorating the 50th Anniversary desegregation. Randall’s recorded work has been featured at 500X Gallery. She currently serves on the board of directors for WordSpace. Randall is the writer, producer, director of A Poets Tribute to Nina. In May 2017, B Randall was invited to present at the National Day of Prayer Luncheon Celebrating 40th year anniversary of Thanks-Giving Square. Randall continues to create works and encourage writers of all genres to produce work that touch moves and inspires. Opalina Salas is a poet, a former Oak Cliff bookstore owner, an editor offemme lit zine, Let It Bleed, and creator and host of Poets on X+ reading series held in her beloved home of Oak Cliff TX. She serves as Vice President on the board of WordSpace Dallas. She is a regular contributor to The Mad Swirl, and was a featured performer at The Texas Beat Poetry Festival 2012, Forest Fest in Lamesa TX in 2011, and a participant in the first annual New Orleans Poetry Fest of 2016. Her Poem was featured in CITY OF ____________: DISPATCHES FROM 16 DALLAS POETS, she has been a performer for OPP: Other People’s Poetry, and has featured at Pandora’s Box and Arte y Pan Dulce a PoC Art Show. She is a host and co- conspirator for ATTACK OF THE POETS, an
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annual multi day festival hosting poets from around the US, bridging the gaps between various literary communities far and wide. She has been writing and performing in and around the DFW area for 20 years with her comrade, partner and fellow poet, Carlos Salas, and got her start at the legendary Club Clearview Dallas Poetry Slam. Her collection of work, Black Sparrow Dress from Mad Swirl Press was released this April. Photo Credit Dan Rodriguezof the ball this week, Russell Henley ($7,300) is currently ranked 15th on tour in that category. Hendley is 37th in GIR and has averaged 2.61 strokes gained on Texas courses. Henley has missed two straight cuts but hasn’t missed 3 in a row since March of 2016, so I’m looking for that streak to come to an end this week in Fort Worth. Preceding the missed cuts, he finished T15 at The Masters and T8 at The Houston Open. A player who seems to be under the radar this season is Adam Hadwin ($7,600). Hadwin has yet to miss a cut this year and has scored par or better in 9 of his last 10 tournaments played. He has finished T53, T22, and T5 here in 3 tries,
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on the listed bingo rooms. Bingo Online Top Websites Online Bingo has now become one of the fastest growing online gaming industries, it has gained immense popularity and today is one of the most popular online games. A massive increase in online players was registered in many countries around the globe, especially in countries like Australia, and other growing markets such as Italy, Netherlands and South America, particularly in Brazil. Online bingo is now played by millions of players on a daily basis. It is very obvious to see why Bingo has gained such large amounts of players, since it is such an easy game to play and this is one of the things that constantly attracts new players. Bingo games, regardless their type, are very easy to understand, thusExcellence for Quantum Computation and Communication Technology (CQC2T) in Sydney, who said fabrication of the new design should be easily within reach of today's technology. Lead author Guilherme Tosi, a Research Fellow at CQC2T, developed the pioneering concept along with Morello and co-authors Fahd Mohiyaddin, Vivien Schmitt and Stefanie Tenberg of CQC2T, with collaborators Rajib Rahman and Gerhard Klimeck of Purdue University in the USA. "It's a brilliant design, and like many such conceptual leaps, it's amazing no-one had thought of it before," said Morello. "What Guilherme and the team have invented is a new way to define a 'spin qubit' that uses both the electron and the nucleus of the atom. Crucially, this new qubit can be controlled using electric signals, instead of magnetic ones. Electric signals are significantly easier
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a quantum computer has been called the 'space race of the 21st century' - a difficult and ambitious challenge with the potential to deliver revolutionary tools for tackling otherwise impossible calculations, with a plethora of useful applications in healthcare, defence, finance, chemistry and materials development, software debugging, aerospace and transport. Its speed and power lie in the fact that quantum systems can host multiple 'superpositions' of different initial states, and in the spooky 'entanglement' that only occurs at the quantum level the fundamental particles. "It will take great engineering to bring quantum computing to commercial reality, and the work we see from this extraordinary team puts Australia in the driver's seat," said Mark Hoffman, UNSW's Dean of Engineering. "It's a great example of how UNSW, like many of theSevere water shortages have become an increasing occurrence, particularly in the southwest and western states of the United States, and a hindrance to the development of commercial and residential properties. An unrelated problem with the use of slab building foundations, a very common building technique involving securing a residence or other structure on top of a horizontal slab of reinforced concrete, is the damage caused to the foundation and the supported structure by expanding and contracting subsoil due to variations in the subsoil moisture content throughout the year. Insect infestations are also the scourge of property owners, particularly in the southern states, and range from termite invasion of wooden above-ground structures by way of nests located in the subsurface below the structure to grub worm and fire ant
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Sleeper, team depth lift Caribou runners to title Caribou's Christian Sleeper runs to a fourth-place finish at the Class B state cross country championships in Belfast Saturday. Chapman's finish helped Caribou win the state team title. (BDN Photo by Ryan McLaughlin) Silas Eastman of Fryeburg Academy won the state Class B boys cross country race with a time of 16 minutes, 2 seconds Saturday in Belfast. (Bangor Daily News/Ryan McLaughlin) Fryeburg Academy's Silas Eastman runs to a first-place finish of 16 minutes, 2 seconds in the Class B state cross country meet in Belfast Saturday. (BDN Photo by Ryan McLaughlin) BELFAST — Christian Sleeper had a nervous yet confident look on his face Saturday as officials posted results of the Class B boys cross country championship meet on a red building atTroy Howard Middle School. When Sleeper finally peered at the team standings and saw the name “Caribou” at the top, he subsequently jumped, ran over to hug coach Roy Alden and began the search for his teammates. “They were all freaking out,” Sleeper said. The Vikings had good reason to do so, as they claimed their first state championship in cross country since 1938 by edging Falmouth 92 points to 100. Story continues below advertisement. Caribou’s triumph was also the first for an Eastern Maine team in Class B since Louie Luchini led Ellsworth to the top in 1998. Cape Elizabeth finished third in the tight team race with 109 points while Hampden Academy was fourth with 113, followed by Greely of Cumberland Center (124). Western Maine teams would dominate the remainder of the meet,
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Jessica Biel is back on the small screen and people are loving her! Cape Town – We first got to know Jessica Biel as Mary Camden in 7th Heaven on the small screen. Now she's back in a new role that's causing a stir. In the limited series The Sinner, Biel plays Cora Tannetti a young mother at the centre of a murder after killing someone in public. Watch the trailer here: What the critics say The series has a 94% rating on Rotten.Tomatoes with critics calling the 'whydunit' suspenseful and filled with power performances. Brian Tallerico from says: "If I had all eight episodes of The Sinner, I would have watched them consecutively. It is the television version of a page-turner, as you inch forward in your seat, waiting to see where it"Do no harm" should probably be the top aim of a reshuffle. In the end, it was relatively minor. There were five new faces at the Cabinet table, some rebranded departments and a shift around of jobs at Justice, Work & Pensions, Northern Ireland, Education and the Cabinet Office. The first problem with the reshuffle was it was over-hyped, presumably by some people who thought they were being helpful to Theresa May. This was not helped by the Conservatives' official Twitter account wrongly heralding Chris Grayling as Sir Patrick McLoughlin's replacement as party chairman. The second problem was that it did not assert the Prime Minister's post-Brexit negotiation authority. In allowing Jeremy Hunt, Greg Clark, Justine Greening and Damian Hinds to hang around Downing Street for hours in total - with at least two
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of them pushing back against the PM's decision-making - it made for a rather public display of a lack of authority. But above all, the principal consequence - along with the decision of Mrs May's allies to brief against Ms Greening and Mr Clark - is the PM now has a "Putney problem". Image: One Tory MP says Justine Greening's exit is a 'damaging loss' for the PM Ms Greening, the Putney MP and now former education secretary, is not going quietly and her friends are furious with her treatment. One told me: "She should have absolutely expected to continue. She saw people who have been massively disloyal, others not competent, allowed to stay in Cabinet, and even given expanded briefs." A Tory MP told me that Ms Greening was a "damaging loss"and Mrs May made a "dreadful error... caving into boys but not a woman" - a reference to Jeremy Hunt staying in post. Ms Greening's constituency voted 75% in favour of remaining in the EU. She has argued in Cabinet for a "pragmatic" Brexit and her friends say she achieved some progress with the teaching community, few of whom voted Tory, but who proved influential in driving the electoral decisions of important swing voters. :: Cabinet reshuffle: Who's in and who's out Image: Ms Greening will now serve from the backbenches Now, there is an extra backbencher whose inner scepticism about elements of Mrs May's Brexit strategy has so far been held in check by Governmental loyalty. Number 10 pointed out that the PM was disappointed by the departure of Ms Greening, who was
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that movie uplinked to us on orbit," Feustel said. "I really liked the movie. I thought it was pretty neat." Endeavour's STS-134 astronauts are slated to launch aboard shuttle Endeavour from here at Kennedy Space Center on Monday at 8:56 a.m. EDT (1256 GMT). It will be the last voyage for Endeavour before the orbiter is retired. [Photos: Endeavour's Final Mission] Space, the real final frontier Feustel said he suggested the latest "Star Trek" film as the theme for the STS-134 poster, and the rest of the crew agreed. But Feustel's crewmate Greg Chamitoff remembered it differently. "I kept trying to remember whose idea that was, and I think it might have been mine," Chamitoff said in an interview. Regardless of the origin of the poster idea, the crew seemed to unite behind theconcept. "A lot of us are ["Star Trek" fans]," Chamitoff said of the Endeavour astronauts. The poster features the six astronauts looking stoically ahead, their faces each in half shadow, with a dark background and "STS-134" in Star Trek font underneath. Leading the crew, in the James T. Kirk position, is Endeavour commander Mark Kelly. "It's a pretty close approximation," Feustel said of the finished product. "It looks pretty cool; we like it." NASA and "Star Trek" The poster is not the STS-134 crew's only connection to the famous science fiction TV and movie franchise. In May 2005, mission specialist Mike Fincke appeared as an extra during the final episode of the show "Star Trek: Enterprise." He visited the set during vacation, along with fellow astronaut Terry Virts, who also appeared in the episode.
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Fincke played an NX-01 engineer on the fictional starship. The International Space Station's Expedition 21 crew (the current crew is Expedition 27) also donned Star Trek uniforms for their mission poster in 2009. On Endeavour's last mission before the orbiter is retired, the space shuttle will visit the International Space Station to deliver spare hardware and a new $2 billion astrophysics experiment to search for exotic particles. In an odd side-note, Kelly and Chamitoff also have another movie-themed poster under their belt. Both astronauts were on the crew of NASA's STS-124 flight to the space station in 2008. That crew's choice of a film to emulate: "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix." Kelly commanded that mission on the shuttle Discovery. The mission's new name, according to the poster? "STS-124 and[The latest: The man was identified as a philosophy teacher who has had run-ins with law enforcement.] A 37-year-old New Jersey man carrying a pair of full two-gallon cans of gasoline was arrested on Wednesday night after entering St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York, the police said. The man entered the cathedral just before 8 p.m. but was turned away by a church security officer, according to John Miller, the Police Department’s deputy commissioner of intelligence and counterterrorism. As the man exited, some gasoline spilled on the floor. The security officer then notified two police officers outside the cathedral, who caught up to the man and began to question him. While he was cooperative, his answers were inconsistent and evasive, Mr. Miller said at a news conference.
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riverfront. Every great city needs free music series. These are some cutting room floor portraits I did of the boys earlier this summer. GO SEE LETTUCE!!! Tonight Nashville, tomorrow Asheville. Sweetness!!!!! Sunday, July 20, 2014 This sucks! Can't stand sitting still. Things were going so well. Started the spring off riding bikes in Moab, Fruita, Lyons, Missoula and Bozeman. Then a big trip to celebrate memorial day in Sun Valley, Idaho. Tasted some primo single track in Jackson, Wyoming and at Grand Targhee Resort. I had to sit out the annual celebration of Mike Rosales blessing the earth with his presence in Crested Butte (filled with late night wresting rivalries, shuttle runs of Doctor's Park, all those waist deep wildflowers and downhillin at CB with the boys. However I got tothe fellow older attendees present, some of which, perhaps, were currently or soon to be financially dependent on their children. Three hours. That was the amount of time Dominic claimed his mother had put into publishing DASH Diet Recipes Jumpstart Cookbook back in 2014 after he had run her through the steps. He used her as an example of how even one who lacked tech savviness. With that, Dominic put forth testimonies in the form of pictures and videos (again, I wondered how this quantified towards the S$5,000 value). One lady named Alicia claimed to have made $5,000 in ten days after attending Dominic’s course. Another was of a Thai participant who went by the name of Hunsa, whose testimonial can be viewed here. One of her published books was revealed to
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Hee was released from jail for misappropriating the church’s funds, while, beyond the walls of the church, a large majority of Singaporeans could not fathom why the church’s members would still remain loyal. On the other hand, I thought of “The Big Short”, a film which chronicled the events of the 2008 Subprime Mortgage Crisis. Christian Bale starred as Michael Burry, a hedge fund manager who saw the market collapse coming and bet over $1 billion against market-based mortgage-backed securities (which were the investor’s hotcakes back then) to the dismay of many of his investors. The market collapsed eventually and while a large majority of people out there got burnt, Burry and his few partners made billions. His investors who once thought he was lighting money on fire nowpublish a single eBook. The third man however, was deriving constant income. – I was expecting negative feedback from the first two people but all three spoke very highly of Dominic. – The third man refused to divulge his titles but I managed to find them. They were littered with fake reviews and false credentials as well. – I spoke with him about it and he explained the fake reviews were necessary to get one started. – The third man stated that for him to succeed he had to put in a lot of effort (contrary to Dominic’s advertised claims, although he did say one could ‘set up’ in 3 hours) and agreed that a person without a good command of English would find it difficult to get started. – Bought one of
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the day, two incidents came to mind: 1. The City Harvest Church case where ex-pastor Kong Hee and his wife Sun Ho “first appeared to loud applause from the packed church” upon returning to CHC for the first time after Kong Hee was released from jail for misappropriating the church’s funds, while, beyond the walls of the church, a large majority of Singaporeans could not fathom why the church’s members would still remain loyal. 2. “The Big Short”, a film where a hedge fund manager, along with a few loyal aides makes a big, seemingly crazy bet against market-based mortgage-backed securities to the dismay of his investors and against the tide of the economy. At the end of the day, however, his bet proved to be correct. While he madeTheir most experienced test side ever is selected to face Brave Blossoms at Stadium MK on Saturday MILTON KEYNES, 1 Oct - Samoa head coach Stephen Betham has named his starting XV for the Pool B match against Japan at Stadium MK on Saturday. Samoa have named their most-capped RWC team ever for the game, with a starting line-up boasting 346 caps. The cap number beats the 316 total Samoa's starting XV had in their final pool match against South Africa at RWC 2011. The team is also Samoa's second-oldest RWC starting XV with an average age of 30 years 331 days, just below their oldest (and the RWC's oldest ever at 31 years 4 days), which started the 25-16 opening-match win over USA at RWC 2015. They have made five changes
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to the line-up that started the previous match against South Africa with Johnny Leota, Tusi Pisi, Fafili Levave, Kane Thompson and Ole Avei all named in the run-on team. Leota makes his RWC debut, while Kane Thompson plays for the first time at RWC 2015 after serving a two-match ban for striking Australia's Saia Fainga'a in the 27-24 defeat by the Barbarians at London's Olympic stadium on 29 August. Thompson already has eight RWC appearances from 2007 and 2011. Tim Nanai-Williams, Ken Pisi, Paul Perez and Filo Paulo all start their third matches at RWC 2015, while Census Johnston and Alesana Tuilagi move into the group of players on 11 RWC appearances who sit behind Samoa record-holder Brian Lima (18). Tusi Pisi - who plays rugby in Japan for Suntory SungoliathDOWN AND BECOME EXPERT HERDERS AND RAIDERS." "HORSE-BASEDWARRIORCULTURES ARE GOING TO BE THE OPTIMAL MODE" "OF EXISTENCE." "SOCLIMATEDIVIDESTHE OLD" "WORLD AND GIVES US DIFFERENT DESTINIES" "WHERE IT'S WARM, PERMANENT PROSPEROUS SETTLEMENTS BUILT ON" "FARMING." "WHERE IT'S COLDER, ROVING BANDS" "OF NOMADS WHO SOMETIMES LOOT AND PILLAGE RICHES FROM THE SOUTH" "AND EVEN BRING ENTIRE CIVILIZATIONS CRASHING DOWN." "[men shouting] FROM THE TRIBES THAT SWARM OVER" "CHINA'S GREAT WALL TO THE HUNS, GOTHS, AND VANDALS WHO DESTROY" "THE ROMAN EMPIRE, TO THE MONGOLS WHO CONQUER MOST OF THE KNOWN" "WORLD, IT'S AN EPIC CONFLICT THAT LASTS 5,000 YEARS." "BUT CLIMATE IS NOT THE ONLY FORCE WITH A PROFOUND IMPACT ON" "BIG HISTORY." "GEOLOGY, THE SHAPE AND MOVEMENT" "OF CONTINENTS, AND THE LOCATION OF FORMIDABLE MOUNTAIN BARRIERS" "PLAYS A VITAL
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Superman was first published in 1938 by the publisher who would become DC Comics, in the anthology comic, Action Comics. In 2018, the character will be celebrating eighty years of publication. Bleeding Cool speculated that Action Comics #1000, due next year, would be a bookshelf-size volume as the most upcoming volumes collecting #993 to #999 and from #1001 to #1006. And at NYCC, that was confirmed. New hardcover book: Join us for an 80th anniversary celebration of the single most important comic in American history: ACTION COMICS #1 and the birth of Superman. Revisit classic stories from over the decades featuring the debuts of Superman, Supergirl, Brainiac, the Fortress of Solitude, the Human Target and so much more. Read Superman stories by generations of top writers and artists and enjoy sparkling"After being accepted at the University of Cape Town, my family and I had high hopes and dreams about my future. There I was, a teenager and the first one amongst my siblings to come to a University. I had a vision of myself on my graduation day and my proud mother standing right next to me. I also saw myself getting excellent marks as I… was known as one of the excellent learners in my school. February 1999 came and I had to go to an Orientation week. This was the first time that I was going to see the place that was going to fulfil my dreams and I did not know what to expect. The first thing I noticed about the place was how big
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He was a god of agriculture long before he was a being than which nothing greater can be conceived. And he was a god of shepherds long before he was the supreme watch-maker. He was a god of many other things too, one of the being creation, but the conventions of that creation are not those of philosophical explanation. The account of creation we find in the Old Testament is the sort of loose-ended story-telling that one finds in the Iliad, the Mahabharata, or even the stories of elders in various native communities. The moral lessons of such stories and the ethos they facilitate are simply not those of the great philosophical arguments. We may use the same name to reference Him in each of these instances, butessay written by Clare Carlisle, a Lecturer at King’s College in London. This is part of a series on Bertrand Russell, focusing on his views on religion and spirituality in general. Russell is of course one the great figures of freethought, and many atheists (myself among them) would count him as a strong and positive influence. Carlisle insists that Russell was an agnostic who rejected atheism. She explains: However, the same intellectual integrity that made Russell unable to accept religious beliefs also prevented him from embracing atheism. Rather like the 18th-century Scottish philosopher David Hume, Russell maintained a sceptical attitude to metaphysical questions. He explains this position very clearly in a 1953 essay on his agnosticism, where he states that, ‘it is impossible, or at least impossible at the
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from the attributed arms of the Kingdom of Wessex. The Wessex dragon also features in the arms of the neighbouring counties of Dorset, Avon and Wiltshire. To make the design distinctive, the dragon supports a civic mace. Thus the arms show that this is a local council in Wessex. The Motto is Sumorsaete Ealle meaning All the people of Somerset as mentioned in this extract from the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle: A.D. 878. This year about mid-winter, after twelfth-night, the Danish army stole out to Chippenham, and rode over the land of the West-Saxons; where they settled, and drove many of the people over sea; and of the rest the greatest part they rode down, and subdued to their will; -- ALL BUT ALFRED THE KING. He, with a little band, uneasilysought the woods and fastnesses of the moors. And in the winter of this same year the brother of Ingwar and Healfden landed in Wessex, in Devonshire, with three and twenty ships, and there was he slain, and eight hundred men with him, and forty of his army. There also was taken the war- flag, which they called the RAVEN. In the Easter of this year King Alfred with his little force raised a work at Athelney; from which he assailed the army, assisted by that part of Somersetshire which was nighest to it. Then, in the seventh week after Easter, he rode to Brixton by the eastern side of Selwood; and there came out to meet him all the people of Somersetshire, and Wiltshire, and that part
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The Political Economy of States May Save Republicans America has become deeply polarized not just along racial, gender and class lines but also along geography (driven in many cases by a divide between rural and urban counties). But, it is the less thought of divide that might benefit Republicans the most this cycle. The political economy. Electorally, Democrats have become increasingly concentrated on the Pacific Coast and along the Eastern Seaboard. While they have made gains in diversifying Sunbelt states this has not translated to down-ballot success (let alone Presidential success in all cases). Republicans have found increased success, especially down-ballot, in the Midwest. While Obama found success twice in these states he did so during an election when the stock market crashed under an incumbent Republican and a reelection campaignin their teens. Check out this year’s MVP shortlist; aside from Steph Curry it is a concentration of players with no more than two years experience at NBA factory power colleges excluding LeBron James who went straight into the NBA from high school. Surprises in the NBA are few, which makes them even more pleasant when they do present themselves. No surprise at the top end of the NBA has been bigger or sweeter than Damian Lillard’s ascension to the absolute elite of the NBA. The days of the surprise packet college senior from a mid-major school making a splash in the NBA were thought to be gone forever. However that was before 22-year-old Weber State point guard Damian Lillard took aim at the NBA. Hardly a high school All-American, Lillard
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had to transfer high schools because of lack of playing time and despite averaging 22.4 PPG and 5.2 APG his senior year was only rated a two-star prospect, out of five by evaluators at Lillard received a total of five scholarship offers in total. Weber State was the first so that’s where he ended up. Largely an anonymous college prospect heading into his fourth year at Weber State in the Big Sky Conference, Lillard emerged as one best players in the country averaging 24.5 points per game and finishing second in the nation in scoring with a True Shooting Percentage (TS%) of 62%. His rise from second round prospect to the most unlikely of lottery picks from Weber State, a school that had produced just two lottery picksin 34 years prior was one of the most fascinating subplots of the 2012 NBA Draft. In a weak draft for point guards, Lillard was rated as the top prospect to play the one-spot. The Portland Trail Blazers were in desperate need of a floor general, and drafted Lillard at number six. Entering the league at 22 after four years of college, Lillard was perhaps the most NBA ready player from the 2012 Draft, however many talent evaluators questioned whether his advanced age lowered his developmental ceiling. Lillard hit the ground running in Portland and has not stopped since. Joining a Trail Blazer team that had won 28 games the season prior, Lillard wasted no time in forming a dynamic duo out west with big man LaMarcus Aldridge. The Trail
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Blazers, buoyed by Lillard, were in playoff contention until a late season swoon saw them lose their final 13 games of the season to finish with 33 wins. Lillard was an instant success, winning all six Rookie of the Month awards on the way to being unanimously voted Rookie Of The Year, joining Blake Griffin, David Robinson and Ralph Sampson as the only other unanimous winners. Lillard also joined Oscar Robertson and Allen Iverson as the only Rookie in history with at least 1500 points and 500 assists. His final stat line was 19.0 PPG, 3.1 RPG, 6.5 APG contributing to .088 Win Shares per 48 Minutes (WS/48) and a 1.9 Value Over Replacement Player (VORP). Despite winning Rookie Of The Year, Lillard was still not considered an elite prospect.Many believed Lillard to be the beneficiary of a system and coach in Terry Stotts that played him 900 minutes more than the next highest rookie and allowed him to shoot almost 16 times per game despite converting at only 42.9%. Both Lillard and the Trail Blazers entered the 2013-14 system with major question marks, however any remaining questions were quickly answered. Exploding out of the gates, the Trail Blazers — led by Lillard — jumped out to a 22-4 start as Damian Lillard was voted to the All-Star team. Finishing with 54 wins, the Trail Blazers returned to the post season to face the Houston Rockets in a series decided by Lillard’s iconic buzzer-beating, series ending, walk off three pointer. Despite winning only one game in the next round
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title contending team. The Blazers have the 10th best offense in the league scoring 108.9 points per 100 possessions and the third best defense allowing only 102.0 points per 100 possessions. Nine of the previous 10 NBA champions have had both offenses and defenses ranking inside the top ten in efficiency (points per 100 posessions). The only outlier being the 09-10 Lakers who’s offense was ranked 11th. Sooner or later we need to simply believe what we see and forget Lillard came from Weber State, that he was 22 when he was drafted, lacked elite athleticism and remove the ladders of inference which distort our perspective and stop being surprised. Damian Lillard is on a very short list of the best basketball players on the planet, pure and simple, noMain menu Putting Love of God Above All Else Saint Jerome, whose feast we celebrate today, Tuesday, September 30, 2014, Saint Jerome, put the love of God as He has revealed Himself to us through His true Church above all else. As one who understood that God's love for us is an act of His Divine Will, Saint Jerome did not have time for the sentimentality and terminal "niceness" that so many Catholics who are possessed of one naturalistic attitude after another mistake for "love." Saint Jerome, a tireless worker in behalf of the proper translation of the books of Sacred Scripture from the Hebrew and Greek Septuagint into the Latin Vulgate, used direct, blunt and frequently insulting language to denounce fools and nitwits. He was particularly searing in his language
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against heretics, people whom he knew to be the most dangerous people on the face of this earth as they propagated ideas and beliefs contrary to Divine Revelation and thus contrary to the good of the souls for whom Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ shed every single drop of His Most Precious Blood on the wood of the Cross, thus sowing the seeds of disorder within societies and making war among nations of men more possible. Saint Jerome was thus unstinting in his criticism of Pelagianism and other heresies, refusing to accept any accommodations with error whatsoever. Saint Jerome told us in his own words that Catholics had a solemn duty to oppose heresy and error without regard for the sensitivities of the person or persons responsiblethe Papacy, whose legitimate holders can never give us false doctrine or approve of defective, sacrilegious liturgies, to the rescue! Obviously, this applies also to those who want to "support 'Pope' Francis when he says something Catholic" as though there is such a thing as "partial-credit" Catholicism, a patently absurd and utterly preposterous proposition that is contradicted by the dogmatic teaching of Holy Mother Church herself and is without a shred of Patristic evidentiary support whatsoever. As one who was direct and who had not a blessed ounce of sentimentality, having led an austere life from the days as a student in Rome when he repented of engaging in some frivolous, time-wasting activities, it was fitting for Saint Jerome to spend the better part of his life in a cave
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near Bethlehem as those Catholics possessed of a sentimental nature were aghast at what they considered to be the scholar's "heartlessness." He told his principal benefactress, Paula, to, in essence, "get over it" when her dear friend, Blaesilla, had died after Saint Jerome had prescribed ascetic practices that weakened her to the point of death. Saint Jerome had no time to waste on sentiment. He prayed for Blaesilla's immortal soul and went about his business of defending the Faith. Paula understood, continuing to support for him for years thereafter as he settled eventually in a monastery near the cave in Bethlehem where Our Lord was born to do his important work of translating the Old Testament from the Hebrew and the New Testament from the Greek Septuagint intoworking with a man who had a pure love for God and His Sacred Scripture. It is, of course, that Saint Jerome made saints out of those who had to live around him as he tried their patience so that they had to demonstrate heroic virtue to aid him in the work that we still profit from to this very day. Despite all of the satire and directness, Saint Jerome had true humility. He could admit when he was wrong, doing so very famously when he had accused his pet lion of eating a donkey that had been, unbeknownst to him, stolen by a band of thieves, who later returned the donkey to Saint Jerome and were forgiven by him right readily: In a day towards even Jerome sat with
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his brethren for to hear the holy lesson, and a lion came halting suddenly in to the monastery, and when the brethren saw him, anon they fled, and Jerome came against him as he should come against his guest, and then the lion showed to him his foot being hurt. Then he called his brethren, and commanded them to wash his feet and diligently to seek and search for the wound. And that done, the plant of the foot of the lion was sore hurt and pricked with a thorn. Then this holy man put thereto diligent cure, and healed him, and he abode ever after as a tame beast with them. Then Saint Jerome saw that God had sent him to them, not only for the healthof his foot, but also for their profit, and joined to the lion an office, by the accord of his brethren, and that was that he should conduct and lead an ass to his pasture which brought home wood, and should keep him going and coming, and so he did. For he did that which he was commanded, and led the ass thus as a herdsman, and kept him wisely going and coming, and was to him a right sure keeper and defender, and always at the hour accustomed he and the ass came for to have their refection and for to make the ass to do the work accustomed. On a time it happed that the ass was in his pasture, and the lion slept fast, and certain
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merchants passed by with camels and saw the ass alone, and stole him and led him away. And anon after, the lion awoke and when he found not his fellow, he ran groaning hither and thither, and when he saw that he could not find him he was much sorrowful and durst not come in, but abode at the gate of the church of the monastery, and was ashamed that he came without the ass. And when the brethren saw that he was come more late than he was wont, and without the ass, they supposed that by constraint of hunger he had eaten the ass, and would not give to him his portion accustomed, and said to him: Go and eat that other part of the assthat thou hast devoured, and fill thy gluttony. And because they doubted, and they would wit if he had so eaten, they went to the pastures of the town to see if they could have any demonstrance of the death of the ass, and they found nothing, and returned and told it to Jerome, and then he commanded them to enjoin him to do the office of the ass. Then they hewed down bushes and boughs and laid upon him, and he suffered it peaceably. And on a day when he had done his office, he went out to the fields and began to run hither and thither desiring to know what was done to his fellow, and saw from far merchants that came with camels charged and
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And then the lion began to run joyously throughout all the monastery, as he was wont to do, and kneeled down to every brother and fawned them with his tail, like as he had demanded pardon of the trespass that he had done. And Saint Jerome, which knew well what was to come, said to his brethren: Go and make ye ready all things necessary for guests that be coming to us. And as he thus said, there came to him a messenger, saying to him that there were guests at the gate that would speak with the abbot. And as soon as they were come they kneeled to the abbot, and required of him pardon. And he raised and made them to stand up goodly, and commandedthem to take their own good, and not to take away other men's. And then they prayed the holy saint that he would take the half of their oil, and he refused it. And at the last he commanded to take a measure of oil, and then they promised that they should bring every year a measure of oil to that church, and their heirs after them. (Jacobus de Voragine, O.P., The Golden Legend: Saint Jerome.) (Yes, I believe this story! I am not a rationalist, thank you very much.) Most tender of all, however, to the thoroughly Catholic heart of Saint Jerome that was misunderstood by so many of his contemporaries was his pure love of the true God of Revelation and his abiding devotion to His Most Blessed
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rising on the sacred cycle; the dawn of the eternal joy is at hand; the Son of justice will soon shine down upon the valley of judgment. O model of penance, teach us that holy fear, which restrains from sin, or repairs its ravages; guide us along the rugged path of expiation. Historian of great monks, thyself a monk and father of the solitaries attracted like thee to Bethlehem by the sweetness of the divine Infant, keep up the spirit of labour and prayer in the monastic Order, of which several families have adopted thy name. Scourge of heretics, attach us firmly to the Roman faith. Watchful guardian of Christ's flock, protect us against wolves, and preserve us from hirelings. Avenger of Mary's honour, obtain for our sinfulworld that the angelic virtue may flourish more and more. O Jerome, thy special glory is a participation in the power of the Lamb to open the mysterious Book; the key of David was given to thee to unclose the many seals of holy Scripture and to show us Jesus concealed beneath the letter. The Church, therefore, sings thy praises to-day, and presents thee to her children as the official interpreter of the inspired writings which guide her to her eternal destiny. Accept her homage and the gratitude of her sons. May our Lord, by they intercession, renew in us the respect and love due His divine word. May thy merits obtain for the world other holy doctors, and learned interpreters of the sacred Books. But let them bear
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the proximal phalanges. There was no significant difference in the BMD of the distal phalanges between the fingers. In 62 healthy women aged from 22 to 82 years, BMD was at its peak in the metacarpal and proximal phalangeal bones in their thirties, and in the distal phalanges in their forties. Thereafter, BMD decreased linearly with age. In contrast, age-related changes in BMD were not shown in 42 healthy men aged from 22 to 76 years. BMD of the metacarpal and phalangeal bones in RA markedly decreased with disease stage. Four-week immobilization of the hand by a short arm cast affected BMD of the metacarpal bones in 6 healthy volunteers. The mean change in BMD was -4.1% after 4 weeks of immobilization, followed by a return to theoperation to satisfy the complaints or pay any legal fees, expenses, and damages incurred by Pasadena Associates.[2] In February 1988, Hellenic opened the Hallabaloo as a "supper club," investing approximately $150,000 in renovating the premises. This new business venture was a huge success, and it immediately attracted large crowds of customers. As a result, the shopping center parking lot was often congested with customers' vehicles, particularly on weekends, and sometimes Kroger's customers could not find parking space in the center parking lot. There were also complaints of an "inordinate amount of trash on the parking lot" on weekends, and some complaints of harrassment of Kroger's customers by Hellenic's patrons. Both Hellenic and Kroger tried to solve these problems by hiring additional security, valet parking, and clean-up services. But those
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75% of gross revenue. By comparison, Dr. Waskey testified *866 that a restaurant's food sales account for more than 80% of its gross sales. Dr. Waskey also testified that the two primary activities at Hallabaloo are dancing and drinking alcoholic beverages. According to Dr. Waskey, Hallabaloo has recorded music played by a disc jockey at deafening volumes. Its patrons dance on three dance floors and drink alcoholic beverages at three bars. It has fog machines, strobe lights, and mirror balls. It sometimes has a cover charge and sometimes offers a free food buffet. There are no normal restaurant tables, just bar tables and bar stools. Radio advertisements include "dash-for-cash" and "back-to-the-beach" contests, ladies night, and free food buffets. In Dr. Waskey's expert opinion, Hallabaloo was operated as a "nightfrom her impersonation of Dejanira from Hercules. Elsewhere we have recitatives and arias from Teseo, in which she sings Medea, and from Radamisto (as Zenobia); the last named is certainly due for increased scrutiny. My checklist of comments regarding her singing is almost all favourable. This is a clear, clean and well-supported voice; divisions are well taken - O stringerò nel sen from Teseo for example – and there is dramatic infusion when required. Her singing of Morirò from the same opera is full of compelling drama and the accompaniment is equally insightful. She cultivates a true mezzo in the lower part of her voice, in When beauty sorrow liv’ry wears for instance, where one finds her consonants crisp and her English good if not perfect. And she demonstrates, even in the confines of a studio, a talent for "getting it across" – Where shall I fly! is a well known vehicle
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for the delineation of emotive tension but it still needs an instinct for inflection and timing to give it value, and that’s something Wesseling possesses. As indeed she possesses surety in her lyric phrasing, something one can hear in Quando mai from Radamisto, a first cousin of Ombra mai fu. The band shows its mettle in its solo outings – lithe strings and flair in the third act Sinfonia from Hercules are a highlight, but they perform well throughout. There are plenty of soprano, mezzo and counter-tenor Handel recitals that are worthy of a place on ones shelves and I think this is another. Reviews from previous monthsJoin the mailing list and receive a hyperlinked weekly update on the discs reviewed. detailsWe welcome feedback on our reviews. Please use the Bulletin Board Please paste in the first line of your comments the URL of the review to which you refer.dolphins. Then the hunters encircle them with boats, leading them to coves where they are picked and killed one by one. Ishii made his revealing statements last week when joined by dolphin activist and former Flipper trainer, Ric O’Barry at Temple University’s Azuma Hall in Tokyo. Both men spoke to Japanese and foreign residents about the issue of dolphin slaughter and how it is in their hands to end it. Ishii claimed that he will be starting a major signature campaign and that if enough people show their disapproval by signing it, the government will be forced to reevaluate. After slaughtering dolphins for decades, Ishii had a change of heart after seeing the scale in which the animals were being killed during the drives. He said they were highly intelligent creatures
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Paul di Resta is working on the new 2012 car for Force India, but insists he "can't say anything" about his future with the team. Force India has yet to announce its driver line-up for next season, with a decision expected by the end of this week. Di Resta is vying for a place along with Adrian Sutil and Nico Hulkenberg, with Sutil reportedly the most likely to miss out. When asked by the official Formula One website if he would definitely be racing for the team next season, di Resta refused to comment but did admit he was working on the 2012 car. "I can't say anything," di Resta said. "The only thing that I can say is that I am still working closely with the team and helpingsuch as Lally and Dillon, which have become synonymous with the Irish who fought in Europe. However, it was unusual for Irishmen to go and fight for one specific cause, as they did when they formed the Irish Papal Brigade in the summer of 1860. What also marked these men apart was that they were not, by and large, trained soldiers, but rather worked as farmers, labourers and in the professions. A small percentage of them had rudimentary military training, while some had served in the British army. They also counted a small number of RIC men among their ranks. They were recruited to defend the Papal States from the forces of Italian unification. The Papal States, which had been run by the pope from around the 8th century, were
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a vast stretch of land in central Italy, which includes modern-day regions such as Umbria, Lazio, Marche, as well as parts of Emilia-Romagna. In terms of size, they covered an area of land that would take in Munster and Connacht combined. The reigning pope was the de jure ruler of this state, but by all accounts, it was not very well run and its inhabitants were, therefore, delighted at the prospect of being part of a unified Italy. The call for volunteers was made at Masses and meetings all over Ireland, where the case was made for men to go and defend the pope’s temporal authority. Collections were also made around the country and the money raised was sent to Rome to help the effort financially. A list ofsums donated was kept and regularly recorded on the front pages of many newspapers, perhaps to gently encourage others to do likewise. It was difficult for volunteers to travel to Italy directly because of the Foreign Enlistment Act, which barred British subjects from enlisting in foreign armies. To reach there safely, they often travelled in a circuitous route and gave their reason for travel as pilgrimage or said that they were travelling for work. In one case, a group of men from Limerick sailed to Wales, from where they took a train to London. They then sailed on to Belgium and travelled by rail through Germany and Austria, encountering well-wishers at stations along the route. It’s said that at one town near Vienna, 20,000 people tuned out to see
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them. Grandiose promises were made in Ireland before the men set off for the Continent, including one that they would fight in a single brigade under Irish officers. However, when they arrived in Italy, the men were divided up and put in different units with other volunteers from France, Italy, Austria, Switzerland and Belgium. At first, living conditions were poor and uniforms and weapons consisted of outdated surplus stock. They quickly set about training and drilled regularly for some months. War eventually broke out in September 1860 when Piedmontese troops made an incursion into the Papal States. Hostilities lasted for just 18 days. The reality was that the papal army was spectacularly ill-prepared and ill-equipped, and could not put up any sort of sustained defence against the well-equipped professional soldiers they encountered.The Irish fought in several battles against the troops of the Risorgimento, notably in Perugia, Spoleto, Castelfidardo and Ancona. After the war, the Irish volunteers were rounded up and eventually transported back to Ireland, arriving into Queenstown (Cobh) from Le Havre on November 3rd, 1860. Church authorities were divided around how to mark the men’s return. Cork’s tailors made up a thousand tweed suits, which were distributed to replace the worn uniforms that the men were wearing. A crowd of locals gathered to welcome them and bands played on boats alongside, as a unique chapter in papal and Irish history ended at Cobh.
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rent to own home - Cantonment, FL - a commercial property The property sits directly on nine mi. Road with large pylon signage with a left turn in, to the property allowing easy ingress egress. Thi 6,746 SF restaurant was built in 2000 with above average fixtures and lighting. Includes fixtures including hood system, walkin cooler/freezer and grease trap. Tenant may purchase or lease all of the existing restaurant equipment that will be negotiated separately. The property is located on Nine Mile Road Pensacola, FL. nine mi. Road is 1 of the fastest growing areas in Pensacola, FL. Navy Federal Credit Union has a brand new campus located on nine mi. Road and has committed to grow to 10,000 employees by 2020. The University of West Florida is alsohis dedicated team you will receive the best care and services. Patient Priority “I want to personally thank you for the ‘smashing’ suturing job, you did on my son Jordan (skating accident). Had the sutures removed 5 days later and you can not tell there was a deep gash just 5 days prior! I really appreciate the handiwork and expertise! THANK YOU and have a good day!” Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Troy Callahan was born and raised in Queens, NY and completed his undergraduate studies at the State University of New York at Stony Brook. After obtaining a degree in Chemistry, he continued on to study at the Mt. Sinai School of Medicine . . .
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Transgender Child Who Wanted A Sex Change Talks About Life Now That He's In His 20s (VIDEO) In 2004, Oprah met Kaden, an 11-year-old transgender child who was born a girl. Back then, Kaden explained what it was like feeling as if he had been born in the wrong body and said that he was considering a sex change to permanently change his gender when he turned 18. Now in his early 20s, Kaden is old enough to decide whether or not to move forward with gender reassignment surgery -- but did he? "Oprah: Where Are They Now?" followed up with Kaden late last year to hear what his life has been like since appearing on "The Oprah Winfrey Show" nearly a decade ago. "Some good things happened, some bad thingsusually comfortable with it. I haven't really had anyone be against it since back in middle school," he says. "As long as you can push through it and be yourself, honestly, the rewards are worth it." Jacob Rudolph, a high school student in New Jersey, comes out as LGBT during a school assembly in January. Six-year-old Coy Mathis, a transgender girl whose Colorado school refused to let her use the girls' bathroom, has helped shed light on transgender youth issues and helped ignite a debate over anti-discrimination laws. Leo Washington, a Hollywood Hills High School football captain, was inspired by NBA center Jason Collins to come out and tell his story. Katy Butler, an openly lesbian Michigan teen, started a campaign to get the Motion Picture Association of America to change the
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R rating of the film "Bully" to PG-13 so that teens could view it. Jazz, a 12-year-old transgender girl, makes a speech on behalf of trans youth at the GLAAD Media Awards in April. In May, Ted Chalfen, a high school student at Fairview High School in Boulder, Colorado, publicly discussed being gay and thanked his class for its support during high school graduation speech. Tony Zamazal, a Texas transgender teen, won the right to wear a dress and heels to prom in April. Devon, a 19-year-old trans girl who was voted homecoming queen, speaks out on the Katie Couric show in February. Analouisa Valencia, an out lesbian teen beauty queen ran for Miss South Carolina. In May, 18-year-old Riley Roberts gave an impassioned speech before the Nevada Assembly about his two mothers andwhy gay marriage should be legal in the state. When Calliope Wong, an applicant to Smith College, was rejected for being transgender, she spoke out and helped to get the school to begin discussions about reconsidering their admission policies. Constance McMillen's prom was cancelled because her high school didn't want her to attend with her girlfriend. The Fulton, Miss., student stood up to the discrimination and received $35,000 from a discrimination settlement, filed by the ACLU and was also honored as the Grand Marshal of New York's Gay Pride parade in 2010. In March, Matthew Lannon, a sixth grade student, gave a beautiful pro-gay marriage speech in front of the Rhode Island Senate judiciary committee. Damian Garcia, a transgender student at Saint Pius High School in New Mexico, helped garner attention for transgender
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youth issues when his school refused to let him participate in his commencement ceremony in a male graduation gown. Cody Tubman became a Middleborough, Mass. high school's first transgender prom queen. Emma Delsohn, an out lesbian basketball player and songwriter who attends an all-girls Catholic high school in Southern California, encourages other lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) youth to come out. James Spencer, a transgender teen at Clarke High School in Canada, spoke out against his school when he was barred from using the men's restroom. On a brighter note, Spencer received support from his schoolmates. Gay 11-year-old Marcel Neergaard started a petition in hopes of seeing education organization StudentsFirst rescind an award they presented to Tennessee Rep. John Ragan as "reformer of the year." Neergaard, who spent 6th grade being homeschooled after bullying became so intense at his former school that he contemplated suicide, did not think that StudentsFirst should honor the man who sponsored the anti-gay "Classroom Protection Act," which included an amendment requiring school officials to inform parents if they have reason to believe the child might be gay. After less than a week the petition received over 50,000 signatures and StudentsFirst not only took back Ragan's award, said they did not support the "Classroom Protection Act."
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