Every year sportswriters and fans complain about how unfair the BCS is, so what's preventing the various conferences from a playoff system?
- The bowls came first and have to be dislodged\n\n- The bowl organizers control larges amounts of money. Some of these monies are given to participating universities and their conferences. Bowl organizers do not want to risk lossing this money. And universities who frequent bowls want to be assured of still receiving the big bucks before switching. Hence bowl organizers are generally against playoffs and univerisities are only luke warm supporters.\n\n- Universities like to believe their players are really students (some actually are) and not semi-professional atheletes, so they limit the number of games per year. Playing a game takes a lot of the players time preparing and practicing. Also due the physical nature of the game, players need several days to recovery. This limits games to about one every 5 days or so (about one a week). A playoff system would require the two teams meeting for the championship to play and additional 2-4 games depending on the number of teams allowed to participate in the playoffs.
What kind of guitar is Joaquin Phoenix playing in the "Germany" scenes in Walk the Line? You can see the one I mean at about 30 seconds and 50 seconds (the hangar and the music store) in the trailer on Yahoo! Movies.\n\nIt doesn't appear to have a standard sound hole, just two curved openings on either side of the strings. It's almost like an archtop, but I can't believe it's an electric; that seems out of character and you never see him with an amp.\n\nBonus points, where can I buy one?
Can't answer your question exactly, but it looks an awful lot like a Gibson archtop or a Gretsch. You can poke around either of their websites to see guitars that look pretty similar to the one in the picture. There are particular models of Gibson & Gretsch that have the diagonal bridge piece that appears in the movie -- Gretsch calls it a "chromatic tailpiece". I didn't see that Gibson had a particular name for their version but they definitely have guitars sporting that same shape.\n\nThe one thing I'll agree with you about is that unless it's an anachronism (a modern guitar that doesn't belong in the time period depicted in the movie), it's not an electric guitar -- you can clearly see there's no obvious "soapbar" pickup like there would be on an archtop electric guitar (there are sneaky mics/pickups in acoustic guitars today, but I can't believe that was available then).
I am looking to spend roughly $1,500.
For $1500, you're starting to get out of the "entry-level" stage. I have a Trek 1000 and absolutely love it. I've used it for century rides, triathlons and duathlons no problem. The Trek 1000 was about $900 CDN. The only difference in the bikes up to the $1500 range is the shifters are usually a little better (they don't stretch as easily, which makes shifting cleaner for longer). The weight and wheels are basically the same. \n\nIf you want to trim 30 sec off your race time, you might consider the more expensive bikes. But, you should be an elite athlete to really notice the difference. \n\nI'd go for a $1000 bike and spend the rest on pumps (road and home), spare tires, some nice cycling clothes, tools and a bike computer. Maybe even a trainer for home use.
I don't know what the minimum GPA is to get into colleges. If my GPA isn't that high will I still get in? I don't want to go to a community college though.
Yeah u can get in to college . A 3.0 is really good my friend. I understand what you are going through..\n\n Then is a good source
And what sport was she famous for?
Historically I believe it would be Babe Didrikson Zaharias, who was a golfer and olympic track star.\n\'s bio says: " Mildred 'Babe' Didrikson Zaharias was voted the outstanding woman athlete of the century in a 1950 Associated Press poll. Though she gained her greatest professional fame as a golfer, she rivalled Jim Thorpe in her remarkable ability to excel at nearly any sport. She began as a basketball All-American, then won two track and field golds at the 1932 Olympics. Next she turned professional and began touring the country, exhibiting her prowess in track, swimming, tennis, baseball, and even billiards. In 1935 Zaharias took up golf and excelled at that, too, winning 82 tournaments in a 20-year career. She was only 42 when she died of cancer in 1956."
In much the same way that a a radio telescope 'sees' past events, could a very powerful directional microphone pickup sounds from the past?
In a sense, any microphone is picking up sounds from the past, due to the speed of sound. This is similar to what you mentioned with radio telescopes.\n\nThe main differences are 1) velocity -- light moves at about 1 foot per nanosecond while sound moves around 1 foot per 1/1000 second, and 2) that sound moving though a medium diffuses quite rapidly. Something really loud, like thunder, you might hear from 20-30 seconds away. For normal, everyday sounds, the delay won't be more than maybe a few tenths of a second.
I'm interested in paintings
I visited the SF Art Institute a few years ago with my brother, who was considering an art school for his undergrad work, and we were pretty impressed with the student work and facilities.
what are the differences between the those beams?
Materials that form an inverse energy distribution? Not quite.\n\nThere are three basic components for getting a laser to work. First, one needs an excitation source (pumping source) such as a flashlamp, an electrical spark, etc. Second, one needs a material (the gain medium) which can exhibit what's known as population inversion - the capacity for a material to raise the electron energy level from the lower to the upper energy states. Nearly all materials will exhibit this behavior with some more efficiently than others. Finally, one needs to direct the stimulated energy by using a resonator.\n\nThere are many combinations of pump sources, lasing materials and optical configurations depending on the intended use. There are solid state (ruby, Nd:YAG), gas (nitrogen, helium-neon) and semiconductor (gallium-arsenide) lasers that come in a variety of wavelengths (colors) to choose from, again, depending on what you want to do with it.\n\nJust a little bit of background: My degree is in Physics, and I've been working in the lasers and electro-optics field for the past 10+ years. You can see what my graduate lab at SDSU looked like at:
what supports this theory?
The answer to your question is no. There is no absolutely definitive evidence to date. We do have very strong evidence that significant amounts of water once existed on the Martian surface, and some recent results show that Martian water may still exist below ground, and under heavy packs of ice. There are many scientists who believe that Mars once had a thicker atmosphere, which would have made it a considerably wetter and warmer place. Given this, and the ability for solar system bodies to seed each other via ejecta from large impacts, Mars could very possibly have been seeded by Earth or vice versa many billions of years ago. Still, we're not sure if life exists or every existed there. The most recent chapter was the recent discovery of methane there. Methane can be created by non-biological processes, but we have not observed the right conditions for this on Mars. Another possible explanation would be a biological origin for the gas, potentially from colonies of microscopic organisms in the soil. Given our current rate of deepening understanding, we will likely solve this mystery sometime in the next 50 years, but as of now we simply don't have enough evidence to constitute "proof"
my league has PT, RB, AS, ST, BL, 3s, TO, FG%, FT%\n\nshould i give up Baron and Joe for The Answer and a scrub? or for Elton Brand and a scrub?
Whenever you can trade 2 good players for 1 superstar player, it is a steal! Because now it will open up another slot on your active roster and now you can play your other good player that's always in your bench. But if you don't have depth, I wouldn't pull the trade trigger.
I've also heard that it's bad to sleep more than 10 hours a night.
i've heard several times that the amount of sleep each individual requires is based on a number of factors, some of which include age, weight, and even diet. everyone has different schedules, and each one is independent to one another depending on their own individual health.<br />\ni'm not one to set an example, but i average anywhere from 5-7 hours of sleep on a regular basis. sometimes my body requires more, sometimes less, but it seems to balance out and i never feel as though i'm suffering from lack, or over abundance, of sleep.<br />\ni've included a yahoo! health article to help shed light on some of your own personal sleep habits.
Please, none of those "it's beyond our understanding" answers. I want some real answers here!
Frankly, the answers thus far show a complete lack of understanding of basic theodicy and even the Christian Bible. Assuming that – as a Christian – you buy into Job’s tale as at least allegorical, then there is acknowledgement that you cannot know the mind of G-d. To attempt to do so is itself blasphemous. To attempt know the mind of G-d is to be G-d, yet we are admonished when G-d responds to Job, not with an explanation for Job's suffering but rather with a question: Where was Job when G-d created the world?\n\nAnd it was said:\nJob 40 \n1 ¶ And Jehovah answered Job and said:\n2 Shall a reprover contend with the Almighty? He who reproves God, let him answer it.\n3 Then Job answered Jehovah and said:\n4 Behold, I am vile! What shall I answer You? I will put my hand to my mouth.\n5 Once I have spoken, but I will not answer; yea, twice, but I will go no further.\n6 ¶ And Jehovah answered Job out of the tempest and said:\n7 Now gird up your loins like a man, and I will question you; and you make Me to know.\n8 Will you also set aside My judgment; will you condemn Me so that you may be justified?\n9 And have you an arm like God; or can you thunder with a voice like His?\n10 Adorn yourself with majesty now, and with grandeur, and clothe yourself with glory and honor;\n11 pour forth the outbursts of your anger; yea, look on everyone who is proud, and bring him down low;\n12 look on everyone who is proud, and humble him, and trample the wicked in their place;\n13 hide them in the dust together; bind their faces in darkness.\n\nKnow that to contend to know G-d is to set yourself above him.\n\nA previous answer blasphemed: “G-d desires that we do not suffer, but as a result of the choices men made we have suffering.”\n\nAnd also: “But there is a plan to alleviate the suffering. And that is through redemption.”\n\nLies. \n\nAnd “John 3:16”?! I think that means “go Broncos.”\n\nAn alternative explanation is the easy one: there is no G-d. You either believe that, or you blaspheme in the attempt to understand Him.
Appeal to their ego? wallets? sense of belonging? or something else?
I think that, though counterintuitive, one of the most effective ways was to limit the number of questions a user can answer per day. A casual user will still answer the 11th question the next day, and more hard-core users will try to answer as many questions as allowed. For this to work, the limit has to be pretty small, at least starting out, so that it is reasonably easy for someone with other commitments to achieve it. Setting a small limit also requires users to choose which questions they most want to answer, which increases the likelihood that their answers will be useful. When more answers are useful, it increases the usefulness of the service, which in turn "incentivizes" people to answer questions. And by placing a premium on the number of questions a user can answer per unit time, the likelihood that the user will throw him/herself into it full-throttle but then quickly become bored is also decreased.\n\nSee my answer to the question, "Why am I only allowed to answer 10 questions a day here?":\n\n\n\nOn the issue of the term "incentivize"--it is shameless corporate-speak, but it describes an impersonal, profit-oriented process. To attempt to use softer language to describe something that is inherently cold, calculating, and opportunistic (though not necessarily bad or wrong) would constitute euphemism, and would be both misleading and dangerous.
Nikki Hilton's and Renee Zellwegger's super-short marriages this year got me thinking-- which celebrity had the shortest marriage of all time?
Well, if you overlook one tiny but technical detail (Zsa Zsa Gabor was still married to husband #7) then Mrs. Gabor's marriage to husband #8 was shorter than Britney's. \n\nBritney's was 48 hours, while Mrs. Gabor's was just a day.
I'm sick of all the pre-approved credit card solicitations, etc....
Here is a useful link:
Why this bird? Any Significance?
It is believed that the pilgrims and indians shared wild turkey and venison on the original Thanksgiving. \n\nTurkey's "Americanness" was established by Benjamin Franklin, who had advocated for the turkey, not the bald eagle, becoming the national bird.
For a podcasting application, I'd like my web server to be able to receive audio straight from the browser. Something like a "Push to talk" button. It seems it's possible to do this with Flash. Is there any other way?\n\nWith Flash, do I need to buy a Macromedia server licence, or are there alternatives to have Flash on the browser talk to my server?
Userplane has an audio/video recorder that will do that - you can check it out at
I'm trying to make a cell that has a list of other cells. e.g. I want my cell to say "[d4's value], [d5's value]"\n\nCan I do that? Right now when I try, Excel spits out the "#value" error. Can you help?
Use the CONCATENATE function, with one of the arguments being ", "\n\nThe formula you end up with should look something like this:\n=CONCATENATE(D3,", ",D5)
"Who Shot J.R.?" on Dallas or the finale of "M*A*S*H"?
The finale of "M*A*S*H":\n\n'"Dallas," by the way, delivered an amazing 53.3 rating and 76 share with its "Who Shot JR?" wrap-up in 1980. It ranks as the No. 2 show of all time, behind only the 1983 series finale of "MASH" (60.2/77).'
Can someone give me tips?
Some fundamentals for men: talk 30-40% and let her talk the rest of the time. Open doors, pick up the tab, and make eye contact. One big mistake I see guys make, and one that I made back in my dating days, is making the date seem more like an interview. Sure, you want to get to know the person, but that doesn't have to be crammed into one night of Q&A. Make an effort to strike up casual conversation, and talk about things that are in the moment. Remember, people evaluate how much they like or dislike you based upon the quality of the experience they have in your presence. If you are able to show people a good time, they will be attracted to you. If you make people feel like they are interviewing for a job, they will not be so keen on another date. (Watch any episode of Blind Date to find out what NOT to do.)
Don't want to go overboard on budget or features. Just want something better than a 17" monitor to work and play with.\n\nMore interested in quality, performance, ease of use.
The answer to this question changes from day to day. Dell flatscreens have a good reputation. If you stay away from the very biggest screens (25" for example) you can save a lot of money.\n\nSharkeyExtreme ( recommends 17" LCDs for the most savings (~ $250). If you want something a little bigger, they suggest the Dell Ultrasharp 2005FPW 20.1" LCD. I got one of those myself and it's gorgeous. I checked and found one for $518.
Walgreen's had two ugly ones to choose from. Any place have a better selection of skirts to lay down beneath the Christmas tree?
Target has a great selection. You can get plain red felt for $4.99, or a variety of more elaborate ones for a lot more. As always, Target is a great choice!
I know "nobody walks in L.A." but what if you don't have a car? What are my options for getting around L.A. by bus or other public transit?
Los Angeles does have a public transit system, including the Metro Red Line and other light rail. However, if you want to get around without a car, you'll have to budget significant time (and I mean significant) to catch connections and lines. Plus, if you miss a connection you can get stranded (I have many times). Not recommended unless you're on the main bus or rail lines. Check the MTA site for more info on transportation routes. Also call their help number--their operators can tell you if a line is particularly problematic!
Pure luck or Government's way of trying to balance the rich and the poor.
I would put it down to psychology.\n\nPeople who feel they are well-off feel no need to participate in the lottery programs. While those who feel they are less than well off think "Why not bet a buck or two on the chance to make a few million?". \n\nIt would seem to make sense to me.\n\naddition: Yes Matt - agreed. I just didn't state it as eloquently. Feeling 'no need to participate' is as you say related to education, and those well off tend to have a better education.
Maps, web-sites and tips are most welcome...
Here are my favorite mountain bike trails in the Bay Area:\n\n-Upper Stevens Creek which hooks up to the Montbello Preserve in the Cupertino/Saratoga Foothills\n-St. Joseph's Hill in Los Gatos\n-Fort Ord / Laguana Seca near Montery\n-Wilder Ranch in Santa Cruz\n-Nisene Marks in Santa Cruz\n-Fremont Older in Cupertino/Saratoga
In the US and other countries.\n\ne.g. could I create a web site where I say that I rate Doctor X 70/100 and Doctor Y 75/100, without any other explanation?\n\nWhat if I do provide an explanation?\n\nWhat if I rated mechanics instead of medical doctors?
NOT LEGAL ADVICE:\nAs long as you make it clear that you are offering your opinion, then your ratings will be protected by the US Constitution's 1st Amendment protection for free speech. (You are in the US, right?) \n\nIf you falsely or misleadingly indicate that your rankings are based on something other than your opinion, then there may be liability for libel or even fraud. However, if the rankings are based on some criteria other than your opinion, and you are explicit about the basis for the rankings and truthful about the results, you are similarly protected. \n\nShouldn't be a difference for medical or mechanical rankings. But, keep in mind that if people rely on your endorsement and then something goes wrong, they may seek to hold you liable. The best protection against this is to be explicit about your sources (opinion, etc.) and have a lawyer advise you.\n\nGood luck!
Jojo never goes to the shop, and if she does, she never gets me anything. Why is that?
Why don't you ALL go to the shop and stop stealing from my survivors "end of the world" kit of food!!!
It's my first time building a bike from scratch and I found some wheels I really like but I was told that they aare 26" rims and not the standard 700c clinchers I think I need. Would it still be compatible with my aluminum cyclocross frame?
The 26" wheels won't work. They're slightly smaller in diameter than a 700c wheel–that's what cyclocross frames are built to take. Back in the late 80's/early 90's you could get clamp-on cantilever brake mounts from Moots, but I don't know that they make those anymore. And regardless, if you were to do that, you'd also be dropping the overall height of your bike. This in turn would mean that your bottom bracket would also be lower to the ground. That's counterproductive in terms of cyclocross applications, where you want a higher bottom bracket than you would on a road bike (for clearence issues).\n\nThere's some good general information on equipment on Dave Carr's Cross Page (listed below). Good luck!
Since FIMA is estimating that the next big disaster will be a more then 7.0 earthquake in CA.&#xd;<br><br>Just a reminder that on Aug 2001 they have predicted 3 disaster scenarios: &#xd;<br>First: terror attack on NYC&#xd;<br>Second: a 5.0 category hurricane in New Orleans&#xd;<br>Third: a more then 7.0 earthquake in California&#xd;<br><br>We are down to the third one……
it's probably not a bad idea to stock up on the following: flashlight, battery powered radio (and batteries), non-perishable food (i.e. canned food and juices), non-electric can opener, bottled water, medications (both non-prescription and prescription if taking any regularly), first aid kit, paper plates, cups, and plastic utensils, toothbrushes, toothpaste, comb, brush, contact lens supplies, and feminine hygiene supplies, plastic garbage bags and ties, change of clothes and shoes, and an extra pair of prescription glasses if needed.<br />\nthe red cross offers a checklist for an emergency kit, the link is below.
Seems the vast majority of humans live long enough to procreate. Is natural selection dead (or sleepy)? If not, what are the attributes that are being selected for/against in humans these days?
Evolution is ever-present as always. You could argue it's rate is a function of environment change. So to answer what's driving human evolution you need to look at the human environment as part of the equation. Extreme evolution happens when an organism's environment changes and it cannot escape it. As a previous post mentioned, humans now have the ability to easily move around the world and escape a 'bad' environment. So evolution may indeed have slowed, but it is not dead. Some cataclysmic change affecting the whole planet, if it doesn't kill the species completely, will certainly speed up the evolutionary process when you compare the human race a few generations either side of said event.\n\nGiven that evolution is the result of genetic mutation/favoritism during sexual reproduction are we seeing those more desirable for sex setting the evolutionary path while environment change is minimized by our ability to control it or escape it?\n\nIs average height an example of this? It would certainly seem that humans are growing taller on average, and what western (cultural bias) woman does not want a tall mate for example. It should be noted however that who we think is desirable for sex is very culturally dependent and may not lead to the best long-term (breeding) prospects for an individual conceived to those parents.
Should I go with Pittsburgh or New England?
I would go Pittsburg. Polamalu is almost guaranteed at least 2 interceptions against Palmer.
On September 21, 1991, USA Basketball announced the\n"Dream Team" for the 1992 Olympics. Charles Barkley,\nLarry Bird, Patrick Ewing, Magic Johnson, Michael\nJordan, Karl Malone, Chris Mullin, Scottie Pippen,\nDavid Robinson and John Stockton were named. Christian\nLaettner and Clyde Drexler were later added. Which\nplayer led the team in scoring at the Barcelona Games?
Charles Barkley with 144 points (18.0 avg).
I lived in Canada for a year and when ever I asked a Canadian why they celebrated thanksgiving (I understand why Americans do, but not canadians!) they didnt know either... so if you do know - let me know!
Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving on the 2nd Monday of October.\n\n"The farmers in Europe held celebrations at harvest time. They filled a curved goat's horn with fruit and grain to give thanks for their good fortune and the abundance of food. They brought this tradition when they came to Canada.\n\nDuring the American Revolution, Americans who remained loyal to England moved to Canada where they brought the customs and practices of the American Thanksgiving to Canada."\n\nMore information about the history of Canadian Thanksgiving:\n\n
It seems to mean different things and different technologies to different people.
The best article I've read on the subject is in the link below. In summary, the article cites the following 7 factors common to Web 2.0:\n\n* Services, not packaged software, with cost-effective scalability\n* Control over unique, hard-to-recreate data sources that get richer as more people use them\n* Trusting users as co-developers\n* Harnessing collective intelligence\n* Leveraging the long tail through customer self-service\n* Software above the level of a single device\n* Lightweight user interfaces, development models, AND business models
With Harden's oblique seeming like Hudson part deux..\nCan Billy dare trade Zito this year?\nPart 2 of the question If Zito is not traded, will he be signed next year and beyond or allowed to to enter free agency after 2006?
IMHO, the A's will be traded Zito this off-season or in the middle of next season. The "Money-ball" philosophy has been working for them and they will continue. Trading Zito will also get them some good young players too.
assuming of course they were in power in new york and new jersey, respectively, at the same time instead of decades apart. and i'll choose your answer as the best one if you can match up members of each family who'd go head to head if they went to war.
The Corleones are more powerful, hands down.\n\nand for one reason, alone: The Sopranos don't have the muscle to take out the heads of all five crime families in one swoop and live to tell about it, including the big man in Vegas and take over his operation. The Corleons are a much bigger organization with a wider network.\n\nHead to head war, \nCorleones (GF1) vs. Sopranos (S1):\nVito (or Michael) Corleone vs. Tony Soprano\nSonny vs. Christopher\nClemenza vs. Silvio\nTessio vs. Paulie\nFredo vs. Big Pussy\nBarzini vs. Junior\nand Kay vs. Carmela :-)
why do people talk about google as "evil" (or "not evil")? Where does this relationship come from?
Their motto is "Don't be evil", in response to Microsoft's reputation as "The Evil Empire".
I'm concerned that upgrading via a PCI card will not be any better. Any advice would be appreciated.
Most onboard video for PC desktop motherboards are far short of performance for even a PCI-only card. For the Intel 845 chipset, having a dedicated PCI video card can definitely improve your performance, especially for 3D games.
dhcp server from where my interface got the lease on Linux.
There are a number of different DHCP clients that run on Linux. Use the command "ps ax" to try to determine what processes are running that might have something to do with your ethernet interface.\n\nDHCPCD is a popular one. Look to /etc/dhcpc for any files that might be there.\n\nPUMP is also a frequent program in use by some versions of RedHat Linux. Run "pump -i eth0 --status" assuming your ethernet interface is eth0\n\nDHCLIENT -- run "locate dhclient.leases" and look into that file if you see that process running.
downhill skateboarding is aka slope style skateboarding.
the streets of san francisco --amazing views, a lot of stamina, cool cafes to stop by...
The formulas would be helpful as well!
Permutation\nSuppose we want to find the number of ways to arrange the three letters in the word CAT in different two-letter groups where CA is different from AC and there are no repeated letters.\n\nBecause order matters, we're finding the number of permutations of size 2 that can be taken from a set of size 3. This is often written 3_P_2. We can list them as:\n\n CA CT AC AT TC TA\n\nCombination\nWhen we want to find the number of combinations of size 2 without repeated letters that can be made from the three letters in the word CAT, order doesn't matter; AT is the same as TA. We can write out the three combinations of size two that can be taken from this set of size three:\n\n CA CT AT
I see many firms advertising that they assist with "Sarbaines Oxley compliance". Can you explain the legislation and who is affected? How does one become "Sarbaines Oxley compliant"?
The Sarbanes-Oxley act was sponsored by Senator Paul Sarbanes and Representative Michael Oxley, and is a response to the auditing scandals surrounding Enron, WorldCom, and others. Essentially it aims to protect investors by requiring public companies to adhere to certain standards around auditor independence, information integrity, and greater financial disclosure.\n\nFrom an IT perspective S-Ox compliance revolves around preserving information and ensuring that the systems that maintain financial records are capturing all the correct data. Of course, S-Ox compliance can be rather complex and counterintuitive, so there are plenty of consultants who earn a living by making companies S-Ox compliant, as it is a requirement for all public companies.
If you don't have a handicap higher lower than 10 or are playing super hard and fast greens does it make a difference in performance to use exepnsive 2,3 or 4 layer urethane golf balls instead of cheaper ones?
I find that it does. The Pro V1 for me is the best ball out there in terms of providing durability, distance and control. I've also used Nike and Top Flight and always come back to the Pro V1. But, the real answer is how the ball reacts to your swing and game. I recommend playing a few rounds with different brands.
And why do we stop searching for it?
Well, from wich perspective do you look at it? In my opinion, physical reality incarnations are done for the purpouse of spiritual growth..."body is a car, soul is a driver, YOU". Aside from that, I believe all is devine, in other words, all is god, source, as some say it. I also believe that each seek's to reunite with source... :) Take Care, Love and Light
Whenever I'm visiting Peets and order a speciality coffee, I'm asked for my firstname, for which I do not know the English equivalent (I'm currently using "Ryan". "Reggie" turned out to be a disaster!).\n\nAccording to Wikipedia, the name "Reinhard" is composed of the ancient Germanic words "ragina" ('advice') and "harti" ('hard', 'strong'), meaning: "strong in giving advice" = "the knowledgeable".\n\nOh, so a great name for "Yahoo! Q&A" could also be "Yahoo! Reinhard"?!
According to this page in the French wikipedia, Reinhard comes from Regin + Hard (strong advice as you mention)\n\n\n\nInterestingly, the page goes on to say that the word "renard" (French for "fox") comes from Reinhard! Reinhard was the name of the fox (originally "goupil" in French) in a famous story "Reynard the fox", but due to the popularity of the fox character, the French name for fox became "renard" instead of "goupil".\n\n"Reinhard : Voir Renard pour le sens. Le nom est porté en Alsace-Lorraine. Variantes : Reinhardt, Reinhart, Reinharth, Reinard, Reinardt, Reinartz, Reinert, Reinertz."\n\n"Renard, Renart Nom de personne d'origine germanique, Raginhard (ragin = conseil + hard = dur). Faut-il le rappeler, le nom commun renard est au départ un prénom, et c'est la popularité du goupil, nommé Renart dans le célèbre roman médiéval, qui en a fait peu à peu un nom commun."\n\nThe English version has less information regarding the names:\n\n\n\nSo you can just ask people to call you "Fox". :-)
I'm working remotely right now and I was wondering if it would be worth it to fly back to check in with all things Y! and attend the Year End Party. For people who've been there before, is it worth it?
Whether any party would be worthy flying cross-country for is definitely up to you, but as far as company parties go, I think Yahoo's are tops.\n\nThey go all out in so many ways. The bands are impressively big (for a party) like this year's Earth, Wind, and Fire (, there is a huge variety of food and alcohol (including ice sculpture martini luges), and lots of other activities (gambling, full-body video games). \n\nBut despite all that, your enjoyment will probably be determined more by how much you enjoy being around your co-workers (if they're going), your date, and/or how long you can enjoy gambling/dancing.\n\nThe last two parties really really impressed me, but I enjoyed the second one much more because my date and I shared a great enthusiasm for the party and dancing.\n\nIt doesn't look like last year's photos links work anymore :(
I seem that the entire world is dealing with it- what makes it different then other epidemic diseases?
The 1918, 1957 and and 1968 flu pandemics can be traced back to bird flu mutating with human virus. These pandemics killed scores of people. The panic also stems from the fact that there is no vaccine for H5N1 virus, the bird flu that is currently affecting Asia. Like last year, vaccines for "regular" human flu are in short supply as well.\nUnder normal circumstances, when the flu hits you're just feverish, achey and fatigued for a few days. When the flu strikes more vulnerable people, like the elderly and very young babies, it can cause respiratory problems and even kill them.
would love to be able to watch games from Europe...
Your best bet is to look at which has the schedule. The channels you want are: Fox Soccer channel (Premiership, bundesliga and Italian Serie A) Setanta (Chelsea TV and Champions League) Gol (SPanish and Latam Soccer) These are all available via Directv If you want to go to a pub the best is Mad dog in the fog in San Francisco, Fibbar Magees in Sunnyvale is good for lunch time champions league games.
I tried configuring and setting up my wirelesss router which I bought from CompUSA but it won't let me get online even though it detects my IP address and shows a strong wireless connection. What could be the problem?
Few things to look for:\n\n1. Do you have cable or dsl or dial connection?\n2. Earlier when you did not have the router, were you entering the login/password to connect to internet? If so, you have to configure your cable/dsl modem to host the login/password. For SBC DSL modem you can do it by and there is a option available in "advanced configuration" to do that.\n3. Did you connect the ethernet cable from the cable/dsl modem to the \n WAN port of the router?\n4. Are you getting the Dynamic IP assigned by the router? Check it by Start->Run->Cmd->ipconfig. It should show you some IP address like 192.168.1.x.\n5. Run the following command in the command window (start->Run->cmd)\n ping\n\nHope this helps.
in which movie he had introduced more new techniques the any of his movies?
Generally, film geeks tend to come down in favor of Vertigo or Notorious, but the previously mentioned North By Northwest gets a lot of votes, too.\n\nNotorious is usually cited by European critics because of the amazing work by both Cary Grant and Ingrid Bergman, plus it is the film that introduced the concept of the McGuffin. Essentially, this is the plot device that everything seems to be hinging upon while the story is doing something else (much sneakier) in the background. In Notorious, the McGuffin is (are) the wine bottles full of uranium.\n\nI tend to think that Vertigo is his best because it's just so damn unbelievable and over-the-top but he still pulls it off. Jimmy Stewart was never better in his whole career and the cinematography, music and mood is just amazing.\n\nOther (not yet mentioned) great Hitchcock films that you must see would be:\n\n1. Early Period: The Thirty-Nine Steps (1939), The Lady Vanishes, Strangers on a Train\n2. Middle-Period: The Trouble with Harry (very funny), Suspicion, Rebecca\n3. Later: Rear Window, and Psycho (of course)
The Microsoft Help section is pitiful!
First load the add-in:\nTools > Add-Ins > Analysis Tool Pack\nthen find it:\nTools > Data Analysis & Choose Regression\nIf you need any more help mail me.
I live in an area with very high real estate prices. I can afford to buy, but I'm wondering if I should just rent and save a bunch of money.
It depends on what you mean by "save a lot of money". If you are trying to save money over a period of time, it depends. Over the long haul you might save money by buying, since you'll end up owning the property and could sell it and recover your investment. You might even make money by buying if you live in an area where the property value is likely to go up over the period of time you might live there.\n\nIf you're trying to save money on a monthly basis, renting is usually cheaper, unless a) you might rent out one or more rooms, thus off-setting your out-of-pocket monthly expenses, or b) you can afford to put down a large down-payment.\n\nLiving in a high-cost area myself, I say "buy" if you can afford it. If nothing else you can go to town on decorating or remodeling, something you can't usually do when you rent.
I went on a date with a girl I met online but there's no chemistry between us.
It's best to be honest. She'll appreciate you not wasting her time.
A apartment complex with gym, swimming pool, recreation room, etc.
Take a look on Barker Cypress Rd. there are a few places that looks like a place you would call home.\nthe rent would you from $750.00 to $1,100
What are the market shares of the top 10 blogging packages / ASPs?
I have a lot of friends that use Xanga, and they have tons of features that make them very popular. I know that Yahoo 360 has a new service avaliable but I haven't use it yet. I have, however, read the Yahoo Answers Team 360 Blog and it seems to be alright.
I remember from physics class in college that two correlated wavefunctions (e.g., sum of wavefunction spins = 0) can exhibit strange behavior at a distance. left alone (e.g., without measurement of wavefunctions), each wavefunction (called A & B) has a probability of 50% spin up and 50% spin down. WavefunctionA (WF_A) is IN NEITHER state until it is ACTUALLY measured. the moment WF_A it is measured, WF_B assumes the opposite spin with DEFINITE probability. i understand that no information is transferred at a distance between WF_A and WF_B, but HOW does this happen. WHAT is the mechanism that collapes WF_B into a definite spin state at a distance? I am not looking for explanations like "satisfies laws of conservation" ... instead i am looking for physical mechanism that allow this seemingly incredible phenomena to work. If the "weirdness" i am describing is an artifact of the way i am asking the question (which is what i suspect), explainations there would be appreciated as well.
An equally valid question would be "what is the mechanism that causes WF_A to collapse when it is measured?" The schroedinger equation does not predict collapse as a result of any interaction, so it is outside the theory taught in undergraduate classes. There is no accepted theory (or in my opinion, any reasonable theory at all) as to why measurement causes a selection of a single eigenvalue out some non-eigenstate. The idea that measurement on one object has ramifications on another object seems more mysterious, but it's not fundamentally different than the idea that measurement causes collapse in the first place. You won't find a satisfying answer.
I'm really looking for ways to answer this when my son asks in a few years :)
I guess it's because I'm not a parent, but I don't understand why you can't tell your son where babies actually come from? Don't you know?
For household we have 110 V, 220 V.\nFor high voltage lines: 11 KV, 22 KV , 33 KV etc.
110 Volts is nominal and may vary when measured by a voltmeter. That said, power is supplied using sets of three separate parallel wires that you can see up on most power poles. The very high voltage there is stepped down using a transformer to supply most houses and businesses with a usable lower voltage. The voltage between any one of the three wires to ground in a house is 110 Volts for example to light a light bulb. The voltage between any two wires is 220 Volts and is used for example to power a clothes dryer or kitchen range. Houses do not use all three wires. A machine shop may power a large motor by connecting all three wires (in a delta or Y configuration) to obtain 440 Volts. Therefore the progression of 110, 220, and 440 Volts stems from the use of single, two and three-phase wiring circuits. Electrical power is conducted cross-country at very high voltages using high tension lines strung in sets of three wires or phases which produces the multiple of 11 you mention. Incidentally there may be an additional single wire above all the rest to arrest lightning strikes.
This has been addressesd on a few different places I frequent.\n\nthe question: if an airplane is on a treadmill or some type of conveyer belt that senses speed and accelerates accordingly. Will the plane ever gain enough windspeed to actually take off?
If the plane is on a treadmill like the ones we run on at the gym, then it won't really be 'going' anywhere and will not take off because no air is passing by the wings to generate lift. \n\nI think you might have to clarify this one further...
what percentage? how much is transaction fee?
There are two basic fees:\n1. Insertion fee\n2. Final value fee\n\nThe lower your set the opening price, the lower the insertion fee. Low opening prices help drive more bids.\n\nYou can also add feature fees (galley, bold, etc...) or add a reserve price or Buy It Now price. \n\nWhatever you sell, make sure you accept PayPal. It protects both you and buyer and it's listed on more than 85% of listings.
I was told that my gum is healthy if I can see less than 4mm of it. But I thought the gum is the flesh connecting the teeth to the jaw, and I can see the entire pink flesh covering my teeth. There must be at least 1.5cm. How can it be less than 4mm? Am I missing something?
The 4 mm probably refers to the depth of your gum pockets (the space betwen the top of your gums to the alveolar bone that holds your teeth. Your dentist would measure this with a probe.\n\nIf your pockets are deeper than 4 mm then it means that you have had bone loss which is usually caused by periodontal disease (an infection in the gums). The best way to prevent periodontal problems is to brush and FLOSS your teeth regularly (brush at least twice a day for two minutes). \n\nI emphasize flossing, because often people don't realize just how important it is. The contact between the two teeth are where food are most likely to get stuck, and therefore where bacteria sticks most often, too. The purpose of flossing is to really clean that surface where two teeth touch. So instead of focusing on just making the floss go down between the teeth, you want to follow the sides of your teeth to make sure you remove the plaque. So you should be going up and down two to three times along the tooth on both sides of the contact.\n\nHope this helps!
I'd like to have multiple personalities in this community but I don't know if it's possible.
You can change the nickname in your 360 profile. Then select that nickname in Q&A by clicking on your current nickname (it's a link). However, you can only have one nickname at a time in Q&A using the same yahoo ID.
looking for a platform for handling business objects as well as application flow so people would not have to hard code each page transition and each business logic step in php.\n\nWhat do people recommend?
You can use of of the many php MVC Framework. One of the most used one is phpMVC. \n\nQuoted from their website "php.MVC implements the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern, and encourages application design based on the Model 2 paradigm. This design model allows the Web page or other contents (View) to be mostly separated from the internal application code (Controller/Model), making it easier for designers and programmers to focus on their respective areas of expertise.\n\nThe framework provides a single entry point Controller. The Controller is responsible for allocating HTTP requests to the appropriate Action handler (Model) based on configuration mappings.\n\nThe Model contains the business logic for the application. The Controller then forwards the request to the appropriate View component, which is usually implemented using a combination of HTML with PHP tags in the form of templates. The resulting contents are returned to the client browser, or via another protocol such as SMTP.\n\nphp.MVC is a PHP port of Jakarta Struts. It currently supports many features of Struts, including declarative application configuration via the XML digester. For example, mappings from the various Action business logic components to appropriate results pages can be specified declaratively in the XML configuration file. "
I share my external drive with my brother (we swap dries with files every month or so to keep backups off-site), and we wanted to know if there was a simlpe solution for password protection that would alow recovery of the files to any computer (assuming the original computer dies and you don't want encryption tied to one machine).
I recently backed up and restored a bunch of files using Roxio's Backup MyPC Deluxe, which was bundled with my copy of Easy Media Creator 7.5. I don't know how secure the encryption is, but it definitely lets you recover files to any computer. I would assume that any of the more recognized packages (i.e. Norton/Dantz Retrospect/Ghost) would let you restore files to a different machine as this seems to be a core feature of a backup program.
The platform probably doesn't matter, but just in case, this will be on a Mac. Some possibility of having remote/phone participation on the recording. Prefer answers citing personal experience.
OK - I podcast, just wrapped my 160th show. I use a Plantronics Computer headset. Key is to position microphone 3 fingers away from your mouth, not under your nose. I think it was $14 from Fry's\n\nFor calls, I use a Radio Shack call recorder, plugs in between your phone and headset (phone must have headset jack). Was $24.\n\nProcessing your voice afterwards helps: normalize, use a little reverb, and compress. It makes a big difference, and you dont really need to use hardware to do it. \n\nThats the cheap method. You can spend a lot more and there are huge differences and situations. It depends on where you will be using it, who you will be talking to. Big difference between say a portable , interview show, and/or studio.
I do love my life ... so, are the risks really high while undertaking this thrilling jump?
Check out the link for Skydive Monterey Bay Inc. I haven't done it by my friends have done their first jump there. Their website has a lot of good information on skydiving. As far as I know, your first jumps will always be tandem jumps, where you are strapped to an instructor who will pull the parachute. It seems that the only risk is if the regular parachute and the emergency parachute all fail, which is probably very unlikely.
I have a retirement plan with my former employer and I want to roll it over to a traditional IRA. What are my other options?
Just go to or any of the brokerage firms (Vanguard usually has the lowest fees), sign up for a rollover IRA account, and follow the directions they give you. It usually involves filling out a form and submitting that to whatever company is managing your old 401(k).
With consumer confidence and new home sales up, it is almost 100% sure that the Feds will raise short term interest rate again in December and likely in January. Will long term rate move up more? With current mortage rate, buyer are still willing to pay premium for houses. Clearly, easy money are still out there.
I think there is a lag in new home sales and the closings in October really were under contract in Aug and September, thus November numbers should be down dramatically even after seasonal adjustment. Rates will undoubtedly go up again at the next meeting, but with the advent of so many new mortgage products (interest only, reverse mortgage, etc.) money is still relatively easy but definitly more risky. I expect volume levels to slow, prices to flatten across most of the US but do not see a big drop in prices unless rates get above 8%.
I'd like to find a tennis club that has indoor courts and a variety of events that help you find other players to play with.
the Sunnyvale Municipal Tennis Center (right next to the Cherry Orchard plaza) has great facilities. it's near the sunnyvale/saratoga and el camino real intersection.
As as working professional I dont have time to goto college. I want to do either the Part Time MBA or Certification in Mgmt. Which one has more value and what would you recommend for me?
You see, one of the biggest value an MBA will bring is the "networking" opportunity. Hence, a part-time MBA with no classroom-based activities will miss this important piece.\n\nIf you want to go for a fully remote-based degree, the Open university is a good option.\n\nColumbia also has a good option for a certificate: you keep taking several courses and after some time you can apply for a certificate in business excellence.\n\nI think both the part-time mba or the certificate are good options if you pick a good school.\n\nIf you can afford going to the campus about twice a month, an executive mba is the best option in my opinion. Chech NYU, Kellog or Columbia.
Who Will be the League MVP this Year?\n\nIverson ???\nLebron??\nKobe??
The only correct answer from anybody is that they do not know. The league awards tend to shape up after the All-Star break. Later on in the season would be a better time to ask.
I just love Wood Chucks.... depends if a wood chuck could chuck wood
I seem to remember reading somewhere that in the old sled/carriage days that if a fellow teamster had to bail you out of trouble, you traditionally gave them your sleighbells as a thank you (or mark of shame?). Can't find that reference any more.
Direct quote from "To be somewhere with "bells on" refers to a practice peddlers had when they roamed the area west of the Appalachians selling wares. To avoid Indians, they traveled as silently as possible until they reached a settled area. Then they unmuffled bells hung around their horses necks to announce their arrival to outlying cabins. Hence, "I'll be there with bells on." The peddlers' arrival was a much anticipated major event in the mostly tedious and hard lives of settlers, not only for the goods they sold, but also for the news, letters, and messages they carried from the outside world."
I guess advertisements will be added eventually when it has certain traffic.
I think you answered your own question.\n\nBesides, at orientation weren't we told to make cool stuff, then worry about how to make money? Perhaps this is a cool thing that simply hasn't had a money-making idea created from it yet. However, advertisement is, I think, the most probable means.
the majority of the listening would be in the car (howard stern!), but would love to be able to listen at home/work. would prefer something that could plug into an open aux input on both car stereo or home receiver as opposed to using FM.
You want one of the dockable tuners, all of them have some sort of line out capability. After that the prime factor is form factor and UI. I prefer the look of the Clarion but the JVC and Audiovox are also good. Also, if you have broadband at home, you don't need a tuner, all sirius subscribers can stream Sirius channels via the internet for free.
I figure why pay TiVo or a cable company or a satellite company to use a personal video recorder, after all, it's just a piece of timer software that records data to a hard drive. Just a matter of getting the tv listings, hooking up a home computer and finding the right software for one-time up front cost (something cheap, like $50 and not 300-500 like TiVo/ReplayTV charge you).
Easy, SnapStream, or I think it's now called BeyondTV, there was an article written on it in 2002 on, great article:\n\nA little more than $50, but $69.99 ain't bad. If you don't already have a tv tuner card for your PC then get the bundle that comes with it.\n\nI'm not sure but I think the XP Media Edition PCs have similar software already built-in as well.
I'm considering switching out my triple crankset for a compact. I tried a rental bike with a compact (Cannondale R2000, nice bike) and liked it quite a bit. Right now I'm riding a Specialized Roubaix with Shimano 105 components.\n\nI'm something of a beginner, having just started about three months ago. I have a climber's build and tend to like moderately hilly routes.
The main advantage is that the compact crankset gearing is much closer to the high cadence riding that is the current trend in modern cycling. With a standard triple crank you have 30/42/52 chainrings, from which most people use the 42 and 30 rings. The 30 is a little too short for most hilly rides, and basically you're spinning super fast to get up a hill. The 42 is a bit too small for barrelling down a hill, and the 52 is so steep that it's rarely being used.\n\nThe compact crankset has 50 and 34 tooth gears which are theoretically better for the way most cyclists ride today. The 34 gives you short enough gearing to get up big hills but is not quite as short as the granny gear on the triple, and the 50 gives you the speed in a manageable dose.\n\nA couple things to consider, though. In order to switch to a double compact, you need to replace a fair number of components, including the bottom bracket, cranks, rear derailleur (optional but highly recommended), front derailleur and possibly your left shifter. You might be able to get what you want from switching out the cassette on your bike, which is of course a lot cheaper.
I need to know the top 10 deadliest volcano in the world.
This site has the answer you are looking for: Many more resources below...
Aryton Senna, Michael Schumacher, Giuseppe Farina, Mike Hawhtorn, Phil Hill, John Surtees, Denis Hulme, Jochen Ridnt, James Hunt , Mario Andretti, Jodie Scheckter, Alan Jones, Keke Rosberg,Nigel Mansell, Damon Hill, Jacques Villenueve?
Statistically Michael Schumacher is the best, though it's not an apples to apples comparison as the car is a much larger factor in driver success than it has been in the past. My vote's with Ayrton, he had a razor sharp focus that I haven't seen since, and F1 in the early 1990's was much more competitive than it is today.
I recently purchased a new DSLR camera and a new photo printer, and I'm ready to replace an older (smaller) monitor.\n\nHow much better are the monitors above $1000?
The problem with most current LCD technology is that the chrominance isn't as good as with traditional CRT-based monitors. There are some LCD ones just coming out that have full-color backlight which should make them actually _better_ than CRTs (according to some Wired article I read, anyhow.)\n\nPersonally, I've been pretty happy with the Dell 24xx monitors - they're under $1k, they have a multitude of inputs, and I think I've only got one stuck pixel (and no dead ones.) You're still going to have to color-correct anyway, but you'd have to do that on _any_ monitor you get. (A good gamma correction curve will solve a multitude of ills.)
Thinking of picking up either Snowboarding or Skiing as a hobby. Which one better? Which one is easier to learn?\n\nThanks,\n\nSam
i found myself picking up snowboarding faster than skiing. by picking up, i mean i felt ready to take on the more intermmediate/advanced runs after a day or two of the bunny slopes. one board and 2 turns (backside and frontside) was a lot less to deal with than 2 poles and 2 skis and limbs flailing around in different directions. moguls are harder on a snowboard and more fun on skis. flatter runs are more frustrating on a snowboard. getting off the ski lift seems easier on skis
just wonderin. the stuff is 2 bucks a pop!
Yes, it is all taken care of by the gods in trivial knowledge panthenon of the discworld called Topaxi, God of certain mushrooms, and also of great ideas that you forgot to write down and will never remember again, and of people who tell other people the "dog" is "god" spelled backwards and think this is in some way revelatory (a little red god)
how has the fibbonacci sequence been used by sculptors, architects,and painters
Well, many people answered the question. Fibonacci sequence starts from 0 and Nth Fibonacci Number is sum of (N-1) th and (N-2) th Fibonacci Number.\nSequence goes like 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34…....\n\nIt is an empirical fact that the ratio of consecutive Fibonacci Numbers converges to an interesting value near to 1.6 called (to be accurate it is (1+SQRT (5))/2) golden ratio or golden mean.\nThere ere are some interesting facts about golden ratio:\n1.\nThe growth of nautilus shell, growth of populations and many other kinds of natural “growing,” are somehow governed by mathematical properties exhibited in the Fibonacci sequence. Not just the rate of growth, but the pattern of growth. Examine the crisscrossing spiral seed pattern in the head of a sunflower, for instance, and you will discover that the number of spirals in each direction is invariably two consecutive Fibonacci numbers.\n2. \nGolden ratio is related to construction of great ancient architectures like Great pyramids in Egypt. \nLink:\n3.\nYou can follow this link for exploring its use in poetry, music, art and now a days it is used for stock market predictions as well. This link will tell you the origin of the word Fibonacci as well.\nLink:
Especially the English language.. who define the ABCDE....
Language predates the alphabet. The origins of Language are lost to the mists of time. The alphabet as we know it was developed by the Phonecians about 3000 years ago, and modified first by the Greeks, and then the Romans for their own languages before we adopted it from the Romans.\n\nThe origins of the English language specifically date to sometime after 1066 when Willam the Conqueror became King of England. The commoners spoke something related to the ancestor language of Dutch while the nobility spoke French. We kept the grammar of the native Anglo-Saxon tongue while adding huge amounts of French vocabulary.\nThe result is recognizably English, while still sounding very different from what we speak today. It's not until Shakespear's time that Modern English emerged.
well Black Woman (lovely):\nit`s because i get from Palenque the gallery`s web mail about Anatanael's, A.K.A El Tanò, information, i send to you there so you can do the rest, well "woman" get yourself to work.\ntake off the fish`s grudges because I don`t know how its flavor is, neither how they cook it, well, fuck, is that this motherfuckers write to me in english and I, luckly talk the spanglish\nUgly black woman, ahh forgive me, my "is a strange way to say dear or baby" call me or write to me\nChely\nWell Ray is hurry here, next to me, that i have to say to you black woman with big mouth, well i told him that you have big mputuh when you were little
I'm trying to add a contact to my Yahoo Msg, can't find "Add Contact." Do I need sending invite before able to chat? If so, how do I do?
The very top of Yahoo Msg. there is "contacts" click on that.. the first option is add on that..follow the instructions.
My husband and I will be celebrating our 6th wedding anniversary next Friday. I would love to do something special for him, but we are a little limited on funds. What can I do to make this night special? \n\nI would love to hear some ideas from some of you! \nThank you in advance! :)
My favorite times with my loved one is when we actually have time to sit and reflect about what the other one means to us. Going out to eat is traditionally what is done on an anniversary, but I prefer one on one time where there is nobody else around. No strangers talking loudly, no waiters to interrupt, no time wasted in line or in the car. \n\nIn my opinion, Anniversaries are about each other, and to do that, you've gotta block out the rest of the world. Here's my recipe for a fabulous anniversary. FIRST, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, GET SOME PAPER, PENS, AND AN ENVELOPE. I'll tell you why in a little bit.\n\nNext, plan the environment - Stay home (or rent a hotel if you want to get away from the day-to-day). Turn off the lights, turn on the music, light the candles. Put your favorite (but easy to prepare) foods around you - cheeses, pizza, strawberries, chocolate, wine, etc.\n\nNow here comes the important part - sit directly in front of each other on the floor. Knee to knee, and eye to eye. Be sure to hold hands and feed each other. Talk about 'the time when we...' or 'that one time when we...'. Before you know it, hours will have passed. Don't be afraid to sip a little more wine than what you normally do. You'll soon find yourself maybe getting a little frisky. \n\nBut before you go any further, grab that piece of paper and pen, and write down a few lines about what that other person means to you. How they make you feel, and why you love them. Why you appreciate them. The more specific you get the better. For example, I love my man more everytime I catch him acting like a little kid when he thinks no one is around. Now don't let the other person read it. Seal it in the envelope, and save it for your next anniversary. It's so fun, and gives you something really fantastic to look forward to. \n\nNow would be a good time to finish off the night with a long kiss...and maybe more.\n\nYou've just created a wonderful memory of the two of you together, sincerely enjoying each other.\n\nMuch better than some boring evening at an overpriced restaurant where nobody talked to each other, don't you think?
will sum1 go to and find a chp by chp summary of Summer of the Monkeys and then post it onto the answers.thanyou so much cuz i dont know how. i tried but cant.
Part One\n(revised 2.28.96)\n\n\n[Note: This is a single part of what will be, by my classification, about 240 compact tribal histories (contact to 1900). It is limited to the lower 48 states of the U.S. but also includes those First Nations from Canada and Mexico that had important roles (Huron, Micmac, Assiniboine, etc.).\n\nAlthough this Cherokee history is larger than most, it's content and style are representative. The normal process at this point is to circulate an almost finished product among a peer group for comment and criticism.\n\nUsing the Internet, this can be more inclusive. Feel free to comment or suggest corrections via e-mail. Working together we can end some of the historical misinformation about Native Americans. You will find the ego at this end is standard size. Thanks for stopping by. I look forward to your comments...Lee Sultzman]\n\n\n\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\nLocation\nOriginal: \n\nThe southern Appalachian Mountains: including western North and South Carolina, northern Georgia and Alabama, southwest Virginia, and the Cumberland Basin of Tennessee, Kentucky, and northern Alabama.\nCurrent: \nDistributed across the United States, but concentrated in eastern Oklahoma. The eastern Cherokee still maintain their reservation in western North Carolina. The Northern Cherokee Nation of the Old Louisiana Territory has almost 12,000 members and has been recognized by the State of Missouri. Other groups of Cherokee, like the 2,500 members of the North Alabama Cherokee, are located in Arkansas, Georgia, and Alabama but currently do not have federal recognition.\n\nPopulation\nEuropean epidemics introduced into the southeastern United States in 1540 by the Desoto expedition are estimated to have killed at least 75% of the original native population. How much the Cherokee suffered from this disaster in unknown, but their population in 1674 was about 50,000. A series of smallpox epidemics (1729, 1738, and 1753) cut this in half, and it remained fairly stable at about 25,000 until their removal to Oklahoma during the 1830s. The American Civil War was the next disaster and cost the Cherokee 25% of their population. No other group of Americans, red or white, suffered as severely during this conflict. The 1990 census listed 308,132 persons (15,000 full-blood) who identified themselves as Cherokee. Of these, 95,435 were concentrated in eastern Oklahoma while 10,114 eastern Cherokee lived on or near the North Carolina reservation. Cherokee tribal governments have fairly liberal membership standards, and some estimates exceed 370,000, which would make the Cherokee the largest Native American group in the United States.\n\n\nName\nThe most familiar name, Cherokee, comes from a Creek word "Chelokee" meaning "people of a different speech." In their own language the Cherokee originally called themselves the Aniyunwiya (or Anniyaya) "principal people" or the Keetoowah (or Anikituaghi, Anikituhwagi) "people of Kituhwa." Although they usually accept being called Cherokee, many prefer Tsalagi from their own name for the Cherokee Nation (Tsalagihi Ayili). Other names applied to the Cherokee have been: Allegheny (or Allegewi, Talligewi) (Delaware), Baniatho (Arapaho), Caáxi (or Cayaki) (Osage and Kansa), Chalaque (Spanish), Chilukki (dog people) (Choctaw and Chickasaw), Entarironnen (mountain people) (Huron), Gatohuá (Creek), Kittuwa (or Katowá) (Algonquin), Matera (or Manteran) (coming out of the ground) ( Catawba), Nation du Chien (French), Ochietarironnon (Wyandot), Oyatageronon (or Oyaudah, Uwatayoronon) (cave people) (Iroquois), Shanaki (Caddo), Shannakiak (Fox), Tcaike (Tonkawa), and Tcerokieco (Wichita).\n\n\nLanguage\nIroquian, but Cherokee differs significantly from other Iroquian languages.\n\n\nSub-tribes\n\nThe Cherokee have been divided into three divisions depending on location and dialect (east to west): \nLower
Does North Korean and South Korean have the same official language and word?
Yes, Koreans in North Korea and South Korea both speak Korean. However, since the countries have been separated for some time and haven't had much contact, you can expect that some new dialectical differences are developing. However, my guess is that probably some different dialects of Korean were present in different regions even before the country got split up.
I'm trying to start studying to get the USMLE and plan to start with step 2. there's a wealth of books out there and it is hard to choose from. also people don't agree on the best method to study for this exam or the resources to use. I'm interesed in the opinion of people who have done this test to share their insight on how to prepare for this test. thank you in advance
Looks like you're some foreign medical graduate and your medical education system greatly differs from that of USA so you must choose a quick review course which is very easy to understand and not very time consuming. I'll strongly recommend you to check for online education on Step 2 and for a good bunch of QBank. The best book to start with is First Aid for USMLE Step 2 CK. You can find it on\nHope it helps\nBest of luck
I am contemplating buying either ESPN the Magazine or Sports Illustrated...Which is better and why?
i think sports illustrated is the best because it has more details and less addvertisements
What happened in 1961 that will not happen again for over 4000 years?
The year even read upside down will reamin 1961.
Isn't that sad? I can't think of many good questions to ask. Any other time - such as when I'm sitting bored at work - I could think of a mess of them but, when I have the chance to be on here, I can't think of any. Annoying, huh?
So when you're sitting bored at work and thousands of questions jump into your mind, grab a sheet of paper and a pen and write them down. The next time you're on Yahoo!Answers, start asking questions!
i have a dns name and i want to send and recieve email from my pc?how in details
Just install Windows XP PRO , then load iis from the cd and click smtp server.
Did we just lose interest or did we find all we needed to find there.
Yes. I believe the original idea was to build a rocket base from which to explore the solar system. But somebody realised the same thing could be done from Earth via an orbiting space station for a fraction of the cost.\nThe only other reasons for going to the moon were - \n1. To stop the Russians setting up a military base there.\n2. To collect moon rocks.\nWhen the US realised that a Russian moon base wasn't practical, and they had souvenired as many moon rocks as they were ever likely to need, they never bothered to go back.
How do you steer at high speeds? With your feet? (carving) I imagine that canting the mast at high-speeds isn't an option.
In High sped you should use your body balance together wih your legs. While planning, if you wan o go upwind, back leg sraigh, front knee bent and body weight forwar; whereas for downwind, body wheight back, bent rear knee and straight front leg
i want a curricullum vitae
You mean you want to write one?\n\nTry looking for examples from people who are in a field similar to yours, and imitate the format and style. You can ask your professors, for example.
Which is the best skate race ski? If you like a different brand, like Peltonen, or Germina, or madshus, or any other brand that I missed, and you think they have the best brand tell me. Also, Does europe really have skis that I don't have in U.S.? Like a super brand of skis?
Atomic beta, for waxed skis, i dont care about unwaxed skis, atomic has good engineering behind their products\n\nand they also make downhills
best bank rates on Money Market Funds in the Central Fla. Area
You can find interest rates on CDs and money market funds at the link below ( This is by far the best site for finding the highest-paying banks in the country.\n\nWilliam Perez\
One party/ Two different tickets / a group of ten people?
Well as a rule of thumb the up-front cash payout is typically around 30 to 33% of the total winnings due to interest and taxes. [use 1/3 as a quickie rule]. Each state will be different.\n\nFigure if 10 people are sharing 10 million in cash, each person should get somewhere around a million, give or take a couple hundred thousand. Oh and dont forget a little money paid to a lawyer for the innevitable problem when non-family members have to fight about splitting up money.