1 value
[51d4ff][line 3]Base sequence: human genome confirmed[-] [51d4ff][line 3]Alignment: Lawful-Neutral[-]
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
[51d4ff][line 3]塩基配列  ヒトゲノムと確認[-] [51d4ff][line 3]霊器属性  善性・中立と確認[-]
[51d4ff]Welcome to the data center for the future of humankind.[-] [51d4ff]This is the Security Organization for the Preservation of Humanity, Chaldea.[-]
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
[51d4ff]ようこそ、人類の未来を語る資料館へ。[-] [51d4ff]ここは[#人理継続保障機関:じんりけいぞくほしょうきかん] カルデア。[-]
[51d4ff]Fingerprint, voiceprint, and DNA authentication cleared.[-] [51d4ff]Magical Circuit assessment complete.[-]
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
[51d4ff]指紋認証 声紋認証 遺伝子認証 クリア。[-] [51d4ff]魔術回路の測定……完了しました。[-]
[51d4ff]Username matched.[-] [51d4ff]You are recognized as a member of the primates.[-]
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
[51d4ff]登録名と一致します。[-] [51d4ff]貴方を霊長類の一員である事を認めます。[-]
[51d4ff]Nice to meet you.[-] [51d4ff]You're our final visitor today.[-]
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
[51d4ff]はじめまして。[-] [51d4ff]貴方は本日 最後の来館者です。[-]
[51d4ff]We hope you enjoy your time here.[-]
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
[51d4ff]We are very sorry. Another 180 seconds is needed to complete the admission process.[-]
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
[51d4ff]……申し訳ございません。[-] [51d4ff]入館手続き完了まであと180秒必要です。[-]
[51d4ff]Enjoy a simulated battle while you wait.[-]
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
[51d4ff]Regulation: Senior[-] [51d4ff]Contract Servants: Saber, Lancer, Archer[-]
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
[51d4ff]レギュレーション:シニア[-] [51d4ff]契約サーヴァント:セイバー ランサー アーチャー[-]
[51d4ff]There will be no record of your score.[-] [51d4ff]Please feel free to enjoy.[-]
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
[51d4ff]スコアの記録はいたしません。[-] [51d4ff]どうぞ気の向くまま、自由にお楽しみください。[-]
[51d4ff]Activating Heroic Spirit Summoning System Fate.[-] [51d4ff]We hope you have a good experience as a Master for these 180 seconds.[-]
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
[51d4ff]英霊召喚システム フェイト 起動します。[-] [51d4ff]180秒の間、マスターとして善い経験ができますよう。[-]
Fou? Kyuu... Kyuu?
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
フォウ……? キュウ……キュウ?
Fou! Fou...Fou!
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
フォウ! フー、フォーウ!
...What's that sound?
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
...Feels like something just licked my cheek...
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
...Umm. Since it's neither morning nor night, please wake up, Senpai.
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
………………………あの。 朝でも夜でもありませんから、起きてください、先輩。
Who are you?
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
That's a hard question to answer suddenly. Maybe I'm not important enough for you to know my name?
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
いきなり難しい質問なので、返答に困ります。 名乗るほどのものではない[line 3]とか?
No, I do have a name. I have a proper name.
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
いえ、名前はあるんです。 名前はあるのです、ちゃんと。
But I never really had the chance to use it... I'm afraid I don't leave a good first impression...
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
でも、あまり口にする機会がなかったので…… 印象的な自己紹介ができないというか……
Where are we?
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
Right. That's a simple question. I really appreciate it.
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
はい。それは簡単な質問です。 たいへん助かります。
This is the passageway from the front gate to the Central Command Room, which is in front of the Main Chaldea Gate.
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
ここは正面ゲートから中央管制室に向かう通路です。 より大雑把に言うと、カルデア正面ゲート前、です。
...Ahem. Anyway, can I ask you a question, Senpai?
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
……コホン。 どうあれ、質問よろしいでしょうか、先輩。
You were asleep, but I don't see why you'd sleep in the hall. Can you not sleep unless you're on a hard bed?
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
お休みのようでしたが、通路で眠る理由が、ちょっと。 硬い床でないと眠れない性質なのですか?
Was I sleeping here?
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
Yes, like a log. It was such a deep sleep, it was almost textbook.
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
はい、すやすやと。 [#教科書:テキスト]に載せたい程の熟睡でした。
Yes. I can't sleep unless I'm on a straw mat.
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
Oh, a Japanese carpet. I've heard of those before. I see... I see.
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
ジャパニーズカーペットですね。 噂には聞いていました。なるほど……なるほど。
Fou! Kyuuu! Kyao!
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
フォウ! キュー、キャーウ!
...I completely forgot. I still haven't introduced you yet, have I, Fou?
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
……失念していました。 あなたの紹介がまだでしたね、フォウさん。
This squirrel-like creature is Fou. He's a Privileged Life-Form allowed to freely walk around Chaldea.
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
こちらのリスっぽい方はフォウ。 カルデアを自由に散歩する特権生物です。
Fou led me here, and that's how I ran into you, Senpai.
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
わたしはフォウさんにここまで誘導され、 お休み中の先輩を発見したんです。
Fou. Mmkyu, Fou!
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
フォウ。 ンキュ、フォーウ!
He ran off somewhere again. He does that sometimes, just walks around.
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
……またどこかに行ってしまいました。 あのように、特に法則性もなく散歩しています。
...I've never seen an animal like that.
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
...What a mysterious creature.
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
Yes, normally he doesn't go near anyone aside from me, but he seems to like you, Senpai.
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
はい。わたし以外にはあまり近寄らないのですが、 先輩は気に入られたようです。
Congratulations. Now you shall be the second caretaker of Fou in Chaldea.
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
おめでとうございます。 カルデアで二人目の、フォウのお世話係の誕生です。
Ah, there you are, Mash. That won't do, you know, wandering about without permission...
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
ああ、そこにいたのかマシュ。 だめだぞ、断りもなしで移動するのはよくないと……
Oh, someone's already with you? You're... I see... The rookie who just got assigned here.
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
おっと、先客がいたんだな。 君は……そうか、今日から配属された新人さんだね。
I'm Lev Lainur, one of the technicians employed here.
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
私はレフ・ライノール。 ここで働かせてもらっている技師の一人だ。
And your name is?
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
Hmm, [%1]. So you're the last of the 48 candidates.
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
ふむ、[%1]君と。 招集された48人の適性者、その最後の一人というワケか。
Welcome to Chaldea. I'm glad you're here.
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
I heard you were selected out of many public applicants, how long was your training? A year? 6 months? 3 months?
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
一般公募のようだけど、訓練期間はどれくらいだい? 一年? 半年? それとも最短の三ヶ月?
...I'll leave that to your imagination.
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
I see that you already know how competitive it is in here. You're going to hide your info from your rivals?
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
おや、早くも競争意識に目覚めたのかな? 他のライバルたちに向けて情報は隠匿するのかい?
Dr. Lev, [%1]'s training was less than a few hours. I think it's from embarrassment.
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
レフ教授。[%1]さんの訓練期間は 数時間レベルです。単に恥ずかしがっているだけかと。
Oh? Well, now... I see. We had an emergency opening for applicants to fill out numbers.
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
おや。それは……そうか、数合わせのために緊急で 採用した一般枠があったな。
No, I didn't go through any training.
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
Oh? So you're a complete amateur?
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
ほう? という事はまったくの素人なのかい?
Right... Come to think of it, we did call for applicants just to fill numbers.
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
ああ……そういえば、 数合わせに採用した一般枠があるんだっけ。
So you're one of them? Do forgive me, I was inconsiderate.
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
君はそのひとりだったのか。 申し訳ない。配慮に欠けた質問だった。
But please don't be discouraged because you're a public applicant. We need all of you for this mission.
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
けど一般枠だからって悲観しないでほしい。 今回のミッションには君たち全員が必要なんだ。
38 elite mages, plus 10 talented public applicants... Somehow, we were able to gather all possible candidates.
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
魔術の名門から38人、才能ある一般人から10人…… なんとか48人のマスター候補を集められた。
That's something to rejoice over. This year, 2017, all possible candidates capable of Spiritron Dives were brought to Chaldea.
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
これは喜ばしい事だ。この2015年において[#霊子:りょうし]ダイブが 可能な適性者すべてをカルデアに集められたのだから。
If there's something you don't understand, feel free to ask Mash or myself anytime... Hmm?
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
わからない事があったら私やマシュに 遠慮なく声をかけて……おや?
Come to think of it, what were you talking about with [&him:her], Mash? That's not like you. Did you know each other before?
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
そういえば、[&彼:彼女]と何を話していたんだいマシュ? らしくないじゃないか。以前から面識があったとか?
No, I'd never met Senpai before. I saw Senpai sleeping here, so I just...
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
いえ、先輩とは初対面です。 この区画で熟睡していらしたので、つい。
Sleeping? [%1] was asleep, here?
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
熟睡していた……? [%1]君が、ここで?
Ahh, you went through the simulation when you entered, right? Spiritron Dives can get to you if you're not used to them.
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
ああ、さては入館時にシミュレートを受けたね? [#霊子:りょうし]ダイブは慣れていないと脳にくる。
After the simulation, the gate must've opened and you walked over here before you returned to consciousness.
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
シミュレート後、表層意識が覚醒しないまま ゲートから開放され、ここまで歩いてきたんだろう。
It's a type of sleep-walking. When you fell, [%1], that was when Mash spoke to you.
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
一種の夢遊状態だ。[%1]君が 倒れたところで、ちょうどマシュが声をかけたのさ。
You seem to be fine, but I'd like to take you to the infirmary just in case...
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
見たところ異常はないが、万が一という事もある。 医務室まで送ってあげたいところなんだが……
Sorry, hang in there a little longer. The Director's orientation is about to start. You should hurry over.
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
すまないね、もう少し我慢してくれ。じき所長の 説明会がはじまる。君も急いで出席しないと。
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
The Director's the director. The person in charge of Chaldea, and the commander of our special missions.
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
所長は所長さ。ここカルデアの責任者にして、 [#特務作戦:ミッション]の司令官だよ。
Since you're a rookie from the public, you may have only seen the pamphlet?
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
君は一般公募で来た新人だけど、 もしかしてパンフレットしか見ていない?
It would appear so. Since the Director's profile hasn't been made public.
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
そのようですね。 所長のプロフィールは一般公開されていませんから。
Senpai has no connection to the Director. Only mages from families that have been around for over a century show respect to the Animusphere name.
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
先輩と所長に接点はありません。アニムスフィアの名に 敬意を表すのは、百年以上の家系の魔術師だけです。
Right. Well, whether you know the Director or not, it doesn't affect your work as a Master, so it's not a problem.
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
そうだね。ま、所長を知っていようが知らなかろうが マスターとしての仕事に影響はないし、問題ないな。
But it's good to not get on her bad side. If you wish to work in a peaceful environment, better hurry.
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
だが些細な事で目を付けられるのも良くない。 今後、君が平穏な職場を望むなら急ぎたまえ。
There's an orientation by the Director at the Central Command Room in 5 minutes. She's putting on a presentation for the newbies.
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
五分後に中央管制室で所長の説明会がある。 君たち[#新人:ニューエイジ]への、ちょっとしたパフォーマンスだ。
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
Yes, to greet the Master candidates assigned here today like you, [%1].
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
はい。[%1]さんと同じく、本日付で 配属されたマスター適性者の方達へのご挨拶です。
In other words, it's for the big boss to welcome the careless newbies.
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
ようは組織のボスから、浮ついた新人たちへの はじめの[#挨拶:しつけ]ってヤツさ。
Since the Director is not the type to forgive and forget, if you show up late, you'll be on her radar for the entire year.
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
所長は些細なミスも許容できないタイプだからね、 ここで遅刻でもしたら一年は睨まれるぞ。
The orientation begins in five minutes in the Central Command Room. Go straight down this hall. Hurry.
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
五分後に中央管制室で説明会がはじまる。 この通路をまっすぐ行けばいい。急ぎなさい。
Dr. Lev, do you think I'll be allowed to sit in on the orientation, too?
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
レフ教授。 わたしも説明会への参加が許されるでしょうか?
Hmm? Well, if you stand way back in a corner, I think she'll look the other way... But why?
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
うん? まあ、隅っこで立っているぐらいなら 大目に見てもらえるだろうけど……なんでだい?
I just thought I should take Senpai to the Command Room. It's possible that Senpai might fall asleep on the way again.
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
先輩を管制室まで案内するべきだと思ったのです。 途中でまた熟睡される可能性があります。
...If I leave you alone like this the Director might yell at me... I should tag along as well, eh?
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
……君をひとりにすると所長に叱られるからなあ…… 結果的に私も同席する、という事か。
Well, if that's what you want to do, Mash, go ahead. You okay with that [%1]?
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
まあ、マシュがそうしたいなら好きにしなさい。 [%1]君もそれでいいかい?
If you have no other questions, let's head to the Command Room. Is there anything else you want to know?
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
他に質問がなければ管制室に向かうけど。 今のうちに訊いておく事はある?
I have no questions.
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
All right, let's get going. Stand up straight, but remember to relax, okay?
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
よし、それじゃあ行こうか。 姿勢はピンと正して、でも気持ちは楽にね。
Why is she calling me Senpai?
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
Oh, don't worry about it. To her, every human your age is her senpai.
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
ああ、気にしないで。彼女にとって、 君ぐらいの年頃の人間はみんな先輩なんだ
But it's unusual to hear her actually call someone that. This might be the first time.
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
でも、はっきりと口にするのは珍しいな。 いや、もしかして初めてかな。
Actually, I'm intrigued. Say, Mash, why do you call [&him:her] Senpai?
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
私も不思議になってきたな。ねえマシュ。 なんだって[&彼:彼女]が先輩なんだい?
The reason? [%1] is the most human-like person I've ever met.
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
理由……ですか? [%1]さんは、 今まで出会ってきた人の中でいちばん人間らしいです。
Hmm. Which means?
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
I don't feel threatened. So there's no reason for me to be hostile.
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
まったく脅威を感じません。 ですので、敵対する理由が皆無です。
I see, that is important! People at Chaldea are all a piece of work!
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
なるほど、それは重要だ! カルデアにいる人間は一癖も二癖もあるからね!
I agree with you, Mash. I think you two will get along just fine!
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
私もマシュの意見には賛成だな。 [%1]君とはいい関係が築けそうだ!
...If you like Senpai Dr. Lev, the Director will probably hate Senpai.
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
……レフ教授が気に入るという事は、 所長がいちばん嫌うタイプの人間という事ですね。
...Well, why don't we hide in the restroom to boycott the orientation, then?
Translate the following texts from Japanese to English.
…………あの。このままトイレにこもって説明会を ボイコットする、というのはどうでしょうか?
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