how to get the pub date of each article

by summerA01 - opened


Thank you for your sharing! It is a great contribution for us.

But I have one question:
I find that in the pubmed dataset, there is no of the publication, like the "real" pubdate of the article, the "DateCompleted" field in the "MedlineCitation" does not appear to be the publication date of the article. I would like to ask if there is any possibility to get this information (the publication date of the article) from this pubmed dataset? And how could I get this information?

It would be very appreciate if you could reply me!

Hi @summerA01 , good question.

I have been looking through the PubMed data specification and it seems it should be at the "PubDate" field:

However, I am not sure if this field is parsed...
Maybe this could be an opportunity to propose an improvement of the parsing script?

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