And he said Mama I 'm home
I didn 't know what I was going for or anything so was to report to a designated place in Washington
He didn 't get to go
And I was like OK and that was it
I was just there just trying to figure it out
And uh they kind of actually stopped visiting the family because they were just just determined that they were going to be white
And Granny used to tell the story about how her sister and her sister 's husband decided that they were going to move to the city to Augusta and pass for white
Michael Santo of of Firewell and Company of Buffalo NY they was the one that uh manufactured uh invented the high O2 regulator before that they built fire control on the stove well
But he was you know in a lot of ways just like a plantation owner 's son because he was the son of this guy who owned a lot of property
But my job was to put parachutes on it and life preservers when we would load it and start to an overseas location
Now that 's how uh I stay buckled in
And he was a philanderer an d oh yeah he was like out there And ah so you know I didn 't like him but anyway those are my stories
When I pull when he pulls the canopy for me to start getting him out he points to two instruments on the left side of the aircraft that had actually melted during the flight
And she didn 't really understand
Maybe she told everyone else and I wasn 't paying attention at that particular time
Only lost two three aircraft while we was there and uh test phase
I need you to do something for me
Different totally different types parachutes and in an bird that flies uh three times the speed of sound over 22000 miles an hour
It was uh which we uh had Rudolph Anderson in a a formulation of three U2 's
She was still in there
Also oh let me go through this
But all of a sudden we was called out to look at what was flying
He would tear the the paper up and put it in the sand ashtray sand set it on a fire and burn it and then stir the ashes up like that
Um You need to call Ramona at Concord mind you she 's at an office actually she 's in a client all the way across town we 're in Monroe she 's in Concord
That 's kind of unique in that I uh spent uh about 16 years of my career in Special Activities
I think that 's why I remember that
And it makes you feel just awful
You don 't have to stay there
That was that was a pretty scary day
Uh well it 's uh the speeds got faster faster and faster until we deployed overseas
So well I uh anyway uh uh this is the three uh U2 pilots that uh President Kennedy 's office in Washington with General May
Before you give me a spanking why don 't you just let me have one big glass of chocolate milk first
And then once you get everything entered you can go on from there
But uh think about it
They took Joe with them and my Granny said she said it was such a sad time in the house because you know everybody was missing Joe and they didn 't know what to do
The part was there was 158 parts to it and we had to break it down put it back together break it down and never make a mistake
I don 't want to go into the Third SS that 's Third Strategic Support Squadron
It wasn 't nothing but a desert there was sagebrush out on the runway
He didn 't say a time again so he just got me over there stressing out and I really don 't even know when it 's needed
He is from Greece and he is from a small village in Greece called Tokalleka and he came to America and I believe it was 1969 or 1970 and he shortly got married
So anyhow I call Ramona back because I had a question about I was like All right let me hurry up on with it and I had a question about something I was doing
Little things like that made a big difference in what I was trying to do
Well there 's nobody there to help me
The CIA unloaded the the film taken them to the United Nations the next day
I already told him I tried to explain to him that I was frustrated I didn 't have all the information I needed
That 's why I didn 't graduate college but I never I never read any of the books I was supposed to
Um and so they just left town and she she never did see her sister again never saw her sister again
So Granny got up and she kind of walked down the steps off the porch and she was walking up towards the road and she then just stood there
The story I shall talk about today is about my father and the culture diversities he had when he moved to America
It was still cultural area but suburbs was still the dominant form
And then I heard him leave so I 'm still finishing what I had to do
And they found this house or this apartment building or whatever it was that they could live in and it was right on the edge of Broad Street
It would not explode without the trigger
And so when they told her she had to go home with this guy she said Go home with him
And our father always told us not to say they are animals
I don 't care if you don 't know anything about it
Even though I don 't see how he could have expected me to have it done
I never did see and don 't know yet why unless it was just ex ex expressing the the the need to know what you was a doing and whatever
They asked a few questions and I answered them and they said Get your baggage and leave there immediately and come to the address you were supposed to when you arrived in Washington
Come to find out it was a U2 aircraft but we couldn 't we could not say one word about what it was nothing to our wives kids or anybody
If if your hand was exposed outside of the pressure suit your hands would go to about five times the size if you had a decompression
Is there any reason why she didn 't tell you
They had wound up starting out to New York to visit some relatives of this this cousin and they just stayed and he didn 't know how to get back so he just stayed with them
No it was just that one time in the morning and she said that she was going to come back to the office
We didn 't know what a U2 was and nobody knew anything about a U2
My grandmother was born in 1910 she was a little girl
So he stayed in Augusta after that
Anyway it got up to we had about uh ah I don 't remember the numbers
Anyhow so I finished came home at 6 30 today and that was my day
And so she sat back down and you know they were still chatting and they could still see this person and this person was walking really really fast
And uh if it surged and just kept surging it would go ' whish ' and like it was going to pull your head off
I don 't have enough information
I 'll call you back in about an hour he says
Of course they questioned me there why I went
I had to start training in course
Well anyway I went back to my my desk
Now that 's how classified it was
They didn 't want to stay captive
So it took me like an hour to two hours just to find what I needed
Physiological support differs from life support in that he handles the altitude chambers which run pilots up to 80 thousand feet in high altitude chambers and brings him back down
And uh they moved downtown and there was uh and it 's still like this in Augusta this big street downtown called Broad Street and it really was just this broad street in a downtown area
That was my messed up
She 's like But you need to look here look here she 's gives me like three different places to look in the computer
oh it was Snake River oh Snake River with a lot of snakes in it
yeah i have a credit union
exactly it 's it 's an active state it 's not something that you can kind of you know be passively involved in and expect to do any good really i don 't think
and that what i think is gonna be really interesting is what we do about it i mean we are gonna have to change the people who represent us
and they can be very nice too after after they 've been trained
and it can go on for ten twenty years i i think this is a little ridiculous
yeah you you must 've had a cordless
are you saying the teachers or the parents
besides i probably would look at something uh maybe a a V six
well i guess it would i guess so well i don 't know i i i really haven 't sorted out all my feelings on the drug testing uh i 'm totally straight would never consider using drugs
care about how the national news affects the local area
but no we usually you know skirt and skirt and blouse or suit or dress is is what you see down here so it 's nice with me working at home because i can wear pants
yeah there there 's something about having a place to live i don 't know
yeah yeah i you know i i wouldn 't even mind so much if they had a um corporation that is financed
yeah it 's ours up here we have our rural connections are real bad
and uh i kind of kind of like the black eyed pea but i don 't think it 's a chain
but on the other hand we 've eaten a lot of raccoon and possum and turtle all kinds of

Dataset Card for XNLI Code-Mixed Corpus (Sampled)

Dataset Summary

Supported Tasks and Leaderboards

Binary mode classification (spoken vs written)


  • English
  • German
  • French
  • German-English code-mixed by Equivalence Constraint Theory
  • German-English code-mixed by Matrix Language Theory
  • French-English code-mixed by Equivalence Constraint Theory
  • German-English code-mixed by Matrix Language Theory

Dataset Structure

Data Instances

{ 'text': "And he said , Mama , I 'm home", 'label': 0 }

Data Fields

  • text: sentence
  • label: binary label of text (0: spoken 1: written)

Data Splits

  • monolingual
    • train (English, German, French monolingual): 2490
    • test (English, German, French monolingual): 5007
  • de_ec
    • train (English, German, French monolingual): 2490
    • test (German-English code-mixed by Equivalence Constraint Theory): 14543
  • de_ml
    • train (English, German, French monolingual): 2490
    • test (German-English code-mixed by Matrix Language Theory): 12750
  • fr_ec
    • train (English, German, French monolingual): 2490
    • test (French-English code-mixed by Equivalence Constraint Theory): 18653
  • fr_ml
    • train (English, German, French monolingual): 2490
    • test (French-English code-mixed by Matrix Language Theory): 17381

Other Statistics

Average Sentence Length

  • monolingual

    • train: 19.18714859437751
    • test: 19.321150389454765
  • de_ec

    • train: 19.18714859437751
    • test: 11.24314103004882
  • de_ml

    • train: 19.18714859437751
    • test: 12.159450980392156
  • fr_ec

    • train: 19.18714859437751
    • test: 12.26526564091567
  • fr_ml

    • train: 19.18714859437751
    • test: 13.486968528853346

Label Split

  • monolingual

    • train

      • 0: 498
      • 1: 1992
    • test

      • 0: 1002
      • 1: 4005
  • de_ec

    • train

      • 0: 498
      • 1: 1992
    • test

      • 0: 2777
      • 1: 11766
  • de_ml

    • train

      • 0: 498
      • 1: 1992
    • test

      • 0: 2329
      • 1: 10421
  • fr_ec

    • train

      • 0: 498
      • 1: 1992
    • test

      • 0: 3322
      • 1: 15331
  • fr_ml

    • train

      • 0: 498
      • 1: 1992
    • test

      • 0: 2788
      • 1: 14593

Dataset Creation

Curation Rationale

Using the XNLI Parallel Corpus, we generated a code-mixed corpus using CodeMixed Text Generator, and sampled a maximum of 30 sentences per original English sentence.

The XNLI Parallel Corpus is available here: https://huggingface.co/datasets/nanakonoda/xnli_parallel It was created from the XNLI corpus. More information is available in the datacard for the XNLI Parallel Corpus.

Here is the link and citation for the original CodeMixed Text Generator paper. https://github.com/microsoft/CodeMixed-Text-Generator

    title = "{GCM}: A Toolkit for Generating Synthetic Code-mixed Text",
    author = "Rizvi, Mohd Sanad Zaki  and
      Srinivasan, Anirudh  and
      Ganu, Tanuja  and
      Choudhury, Monojit  and
      Sitaram, Sunayana",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 16th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: System Demonstrations",
    month = apr,
    year = "2021",
    address = "Online",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "https://aclanthology.org/2021.eacl-demos.24",
    pages = "205--211",
    abstract = "Code-mixing is common in multilingual communities around the world, and processing it is challenging due to the lack of labeled and unlabeled data. We describe a tool that can automatically generate code-mixed data given parallel data in two languages. We implement two linguistic theories of code-mixing, the Equivalence Constraint theory and the Matrix Language theory to generate all possible code-mixed sentences in the language-pair, followed by sampling of the generated data to generate natural code-mixed sentences. The toolkit provides three modes: a batch mode, an interactive library mode and a web-interface to address the needs of researchers, linguists and language experts. The toolkit can be used to generate unlabeled text data for pre-trained models, as well as visualize linguistic theories of code-mixing. We plan to release the toolkit as open source and extend it by adding more implementations of linguistic theories, visualization techniques and better sampling techniques. We expect that the release of this toolkit will help facilitate more research in code-mixing in diverse language pairs.",

Source Data

XNLI Code-Mixed Corpus https://huggingface.co/datasets/nanakonoda/xnli_cm

XNLI Parallel Corpus https://huggingface.co/datasets/nanakonoda/xnli_parallel

Original Source Data

XNLI Parallel Corpus was created using the XNLI Corpus. https://github.com/facebookresearch/XNLI

Here is the citation for the original XNLI paper.

  author = "Conneau, Alexis
        and Rinott, Ruty
        and Lample, Guillaume
        and Williams, Adina
        and Bowman, Samuel R.
        and Schwenk, Holger
        and Stoyanov, Veselin",
  title = "XNLI: Evaluating Cross-lingual Sentence Representations",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods
               in Natural Language Processing",
  year = "2018",
  publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
  location = "Brussels, Belgium",

Initial Data Collection and Normalization

We removed all punctuation from the XNLI Parallel Corpus except apostrophes.

Who are the source language producers?



Annotation process


Who are the annotators?


Personal and Sensitive Information


Considerations for Using the Data

Social Impact of Dataset


Discussion of Biases


Other Known Limitations


Additional Information

Dataset Curators


Licensing Information


Citation Information



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