This is an automated message from the [Librarian Bot]( I found the following papers similar to this paper. The following papers were recommended by the Semantic Scholar API * [4M: Massively Multimodal Masked Modeling]( (2023) * [Convolutional Channel-wise Competitive Learning for the Forward-Forward Algorithm]( (2023) * [Read Between the Layers: Leveraging Intra-Layer Representations for Rehearsal-Free Continual Learning with Pre-Trained Models]( (2023) * [Scalable Pre-training of Large Autoregressive Image Models]( (2024) * [Masked Modeling for Self-supervised Representation Learning on Vision and Beyond]( (2023) Please give a thumbs up to this comment if you found it helpful! If you want recommendations for any Paper on Hugging Face checkout [this]( Space You can directly ask Librarian Bot for paper recommendations by tagging it in a comment: `@librarian-bot recommend`
This is an automated message from the [Librarian Bot]( I found the following papers similar to this paper. The following papers were recommended by the Semantic Scholar API * [Heterogeneous Encoders Scaling in the Transformer for Neural Machine Translation]( (2023) * [Quick Back-Translation for Unsupervised Machine Translation]( (2023) * [MosaicBERT: A Bidirectional Encoder Optimized for Fast Pretraining]( (2023) * [TCNCA: Temporal Convolution Network with Chunked Attention for Scalable Sequence Processing]( (2023) Please give a thumbs up to this comment if you found it helpful! If you want recommendations for any Paper on Hugging Face checkout [this]( Space You can directly ask Librarian Bot for paper recommendations by tagging it in a comment: `@librarian-bot recommend`
This is an automated message from the [Librarian Bot]( I found the following papers similar to this paper. The following papers were recommended by the Semantic Scholar API * [XAI for In-hospital Mortality Prediction via Multimodal ICU Data]( (2023) * [Improving age prediction: Utilizing LSTM-based dynamic forecasting for data augmentation in multivariate time series analysis]( (2023) Please give a thumbs up to this comment if you found it helpful! If you want recommendations for any Paper on Hugging Face checkout [this]( Space You can directly ask Librarian Bot for paper recommendations by tagging it in a comment: `@librarian-bot recommend`
This is an automated message from the [Librarian Bot]( I found the following papers similar to this paper. The following papers were recommended by the Semantic Scholar API * [Robust Overfitting Does Matter: Test-Time Adversarial Purification With FGSM]( (2024) * [Exploring the Adversarial Frontier: Quantifying Robustness via Adversarial Hypervolume]( (2024) * [Improving Adversarial Training using Vulnerability-Aware Perturbation Budget]( (2024) * [Tighter Bounds on the Information Bottleneck with Application to Deep Learning]( (2024) * [Robust optimization for adversarial learning with finite sample complexity guarantees]( (2024) Please give a thumbs up to this comment if you found it helpful! If you want recommendations for any Paper on Hugging Face checkout [this]( Space You can directly ask Librarian Bot for paper recommendations by tagging it in a comment: `@librarian-bot recommend`
This is an automated message from the [Librarian Bot]( I found the following papers similar to this paper. The following papers were recommended by the Semantic Scholar API * [VoxGenesis: Unsupervised Discovery of Latent Speaker Manifold for Speech Synthesis]( (2024) * [A Closer Look at Wav2vec2 Embeddings for On-Device Single-Channel Speech Enhancement]( (2024) * [Diffusion Models for Audio Restoration]( (2024) * [PeriodGrad: Towards Pitch-Controllable Neural Vocoder Based on a Diffusion Probabilistic Model]( (2024) Please give a thumbs up to this comment if you found it helpful! If you want recommendations for any Paper on Hugging Face checkout [this]( Space You can directly ask Librarian Bot for paper recommendations by tagging it in a comment: `@librarian-bot recommend`
This is an automated message from the [Librarian Bot]( I found the following papers similar to this paper. The following papers were recommended by the Semantic Scholar API * [Stylized Face Sketch Extraction via Generative Prior with Limited Data]( (2024) * [Hierarchical Generative Network for Face Morphing Attacks]( (2024) * [Deformable One-shot Face Stylization via DINO Semantic Guidance]( (2024) * [DiffusionAct: Controllable Diffusion Autoencoder for One-shot Face Reenactment]( (2024) * [RoNet: Rotation-oriented Continuous Image Translation]( (2024) Please give a thumbs up to this comment if you found it helpful! If you want recommendations for any Paper on Hugging Face checkout [this]( Space You can directly ask Librarian Bot for paper recommendations by tagging it in a comment: `@librarian-bot recommend`
This is an automated message from the [Librarian Bot]( I found the following papers similar to this paper. The following papers were recommended by the Semantic Scholar API * [CNN-DRL for Scalable Actions in Finance]( (2024) * [Deep Reinforcement Learning for Quantitative Trading]( (2023) * [Distributional Reinforcement Learning-based Energy Arbitrage Strategies in Imbalance Settlement Mechanism]( (2023) * [Scalable Agent-Based Modeling for Complex Financial Market Simulations]( (2023) * [CVA Hedging by Risk-Averse Stochastic-Horizon Reinforcement Learning]( (2023) Please give a thumbs up to this comment if you found it helpful! If you want recommendations for any Paper on Hugging Face checkout [this]( Space You can directly ask Librarian Bot for paper recommendations by tagging it in a comment: `@librarian-bot recommend`
This is an automated message from the [Librarian Bot]( I found the following papers similar to this paper. The following papers were recommended by the Semantic Scholar API * [Towards a Unified Language Model for Knowledge-Intensive Tasks Utilizing External Corpus]( (2024) * [Re3val: Reinforced and Reranked Generative Retrieval]( (2024) * [Learning to Generate Instruction Tuning Datasets for Zero-Shot Task Adaptation]( (2024) * [RAGGED: Towards Informed Design of Retrieval Augmented Generation Systems]( (2024) * [ARL2: Aligning Retrievers for Black-box Large Language Models via Self-guided Adaptive Relevance Labeling]( (2024) Please give a thumbs up to this comment if you found it helpful! If you want recommendations for any Paper on Hugging Face checkout [this]( Space You can directly ask Librarian Bot for paper recommendations by tagging it in a comment: `@librarian-bot recommend`
This is an automated message from the [Librarian Bot]( I found the following papers similar to this paper. The following papers were recommended by the Semantic Scholar API * [Lossy Image Compression with Foundation Diffusion Models]( (2024) * [Laplacian-guided Entropy Model in Neural Codec with Blur-dissipated Synthesis]( (2024) * [Conditional Distribution Modelling for Few-Shot Image Synthesis with Diffusion Models]( (2024) * [Neural Flow Diffusion Models: Learnable Forward Process for Improved Diffusion Modelling]( (2024) * [Physics-Informed Diffusion Models]( (2024) Please give a thumbs up to this comment if you found it helpful! If you want recommendations for any Paper on Hugging Face checkout [this]( Space You can directly ask Librarian Bot for paper recommendations by tagging it in a comment: `@librarian-bot recommend`
This is an automated message from the [Librarian Bot]( I found the following papers similar to this paper. The following papers were recommended by the Semantic Scholar API Please give a thumbs up to this comment if you found it helpful! If you want recommendations for any Paper on Hugging Face checkout [this]( Space You can directly ask Librarian Bot for paper recommendations by tagging it in a comment: `@librarian-bot recommend`
This is an automated message from the [Librarian Bot]( I found the following papers similar to this paper. The following papers were recommended by the Semantic Scholar API * [GiMeFive: Towards Interpretable Facial Emotion Classification]( (2024) * [BEE-NET: A deep neural network to identify in-the-wild Bodily Expression of Emotions]( (2024) * [Multi-model learning by sequential reading of untrimmed videos for action recognition]( (2024) Please give a thumbs up to this comment if you found it helpful! If you want recommendations for any Paper on Hugging Face checkout [this]( Space You can directly ask Librarian Bot for paper recommendations by tagging it in a comment: `@librarian-bot recommend`
This is an automated message from the [Librarian Bot]( I found the following papers similar to this paper. The following papers were recommended by the Semantic Scholar API * [Improving Cross-lingual Representation for Semantic Retrieval with Code-switching]( (2024) * [Multi-Task Contrastive Learning for 8192-Token Bilingual Text Embeddings]( (2024) * [Adapting Large Language Models for Document-Level Machine Translation]( (2024) * [TransliCo: A Contrastive Learning Framework to Address the Script Barrier in Multilingual Pretrained Language Models]( (2024) * [AdaMergeX: Cross-Lingual Transfer with Large Language Models via Adaptive Adapter Merging]( (2024) Please give a thumbs up to this comment if you found it helpful! If you want recommendations for any Paper on Hugging Face checkout [this]( Space You can directly ask Librarian Bot for paper recommendations by tagging it in a comment: `@librarian-bot recommend`
This is an automated message from the [Librarian Bot]( I found the following papers similar to this paper. The following papers were recommended by the Semantic Scholar API * [Modeling Caption Diversity in Contrastive Vision-Language Pretraining]( (2024) * [CatLIP: CLIP-level Visual Recognition Accuracy with 2.7x Faster Pre-training on Web-scale Image-Text Data]( (2024) * [Adapting Dual-encoder Vision-language Models for Paraphrased Retrieval]( (2024) * [RankCLIP: Ranking-Consistent Language-Image Pretraining]( (2024) * [CLIP with Quality Captions: A Strong Pretraining for Vision Tasks]( (2024) Please give a thumbs up to this comment if you found it helpful! If you want recommendations for any Paper on Hugging Face checkout [this]( Space You can directly ask Librarian Bot for paper recommendations by tagging it in a comment: `@librarian-bot recommend`
This is an automated message from the [Librarian Bot]( I found the following papers similar to this paper. The following papers were recommended by the Semantic Scholar API * [StablePT: Towards Stable Prompting for Few-shot Learning via Input Separation]( (2024) * [Effectively Prompting Small-sized Language Models for Cross-lingual Tasks via Winning Tickets]( (2024) * [Enabling Natural Zero-Shot Prompting on Encoder Models via Statement-Tuning]( (2024) * [Q-Tuning: Queue-based Prompt Tuning for Lifelong Few-shot Language Learning]( (2024) * [ReFT: Representation Finetuning for Language Models]( (2024) Please give a thumbs up to this comment if you found it helpful! If you want recommendations for any Paper on Hugging Face checkout [this]( Space You can directly ask Librarian Bot for paper recommendations by tagging it in a comment: `@librarian-bot recommend`
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This is an automated message from the [Librarian Bot]( I found the following papers similar to this paper. The following papers were recommended by the Semantic Scholar API * [D'OH: Decoder-Only random Hypernetworks for Implicit Neural Representations]( (2024) * [The Simpler The Better: An Entropy-Based Importance Metric To Reduce Neural Networks' Depth]( (2024) * [NEPENTHE: Entropy-Based Pruning as a Neural Network Depth's Reducer]( (2024) * [Towards Generalized Entropic Sparsification for Convolutional Neural Networks]( (2024) * [Enabling High-Sparsity Foundational Llama Models with Efficient Pretraining and Deployment]( (2024) Please give a thumbs up to this comment if you found it helpful! If you want recommendations for any Paper on Hugging Face checkout [this]( Space You can directly ask Librarian Bot for paper recommendations by tagging it in a comment: `@librarian-bot recommend`
This is an automated message from the [Librarian Bot]( I found the following papers similar to this paper. The following papers were recommended by the Semantic Scholar API * [ComFusion: Personalized Subject Generation in Multiple Specific Scenes From Single Image]( (2024) * [Object-Driven One-Shot Fine-tuning of Text-to-Image Diffusion with Prototypical Embedding]( (2024) * [Direct Consistency Optimization for Compositional Text-to-Image Personalization]( (2024) * [Textual Localization: Decomposing Multi-concept Images for Subject-Driven Text-to-Image Generation]( (2024) * [Pick-and-Draw: Training-free Semantic Guidance for Text-to-Image Personalization]( (2024) Please give a thumbs up to this comment if you found it helpful! If you want recommendations for any Paper on Hugging Face checkout [this]( Space You can directly ask Librarian Bot for paper recommendations by tagging it in a comment: `@librarian-bot recommend`
This is an automated message from the [Librarian Bot]( I found the following papers similar to this paper. The following papers were recommended by the Semantic Scholar API * [A Knowledge Plug-and-Play Test Bed for Open-domain Dialogue Generation]( (2024) * [Infusing Knowledge into Large Language Models with Contextual Prompts]( (2024) * [Learning to Reduce: Optimal Representations of Structured Data in Prompting Large Language Models]( (2024) * [SGSH: Stimulate Large Language Models with Skeleton Heuristics for Knowledge Base Question Generation]( (2024) * [RAFT: Adapting Language Model to Domain Specific RAG]( (2024) Please give a thumbs up to this comment if you found it helpful! If you want recommendations for any Paper on Hugging Face checkout [this]( Space You can directly ask Librarian Bot for paper recommendations by tagging it in a comment: `@librarian-bot recommend`
This is an automated message from the [Librarian Bot]( I found the following papers similar to this paper. The following papers were recommended by the Semantic Scholar API * [A Mechanistic Analysis of a Transformer Trained on a Symbolic Multi-Step Reasoning Task]( (2024) * [Dictionary Learning Improves Patch-Free Circuit Discovery in Mechanistic Interpretability: A Case Study on Othello-GPT]( (2024) * [Competition of Mechanisms: Tracing How Language Models Handle Facts and Counterfactuals]( (2024) * [Identifying Semantic Induction Heads to Understand In-Context Learning]( (2024) * [Universal Neurons in GPT2 Language Models]( (2024) Please give a thumbs up to this comment if you found it helpful! If you want recommendations for any Paper on Hugging Face checkout [this]( Space You can directly ask Librarian Bot for paper recommendations by tagging it in a comment: `@librarian-bot recommend`
This is an automated message from the [Librarian Bot]( I found the following papers similar to this paper. The following papers were recommended by the Semantic Scholar API * [Unveiling the Generalization Power of Fine-Tuned Large Language Models]( (2024) * [Multitask Multilingual Model Adaptation with Featurized Low-Rank Mixtures]( (2024) * [Learning to Generate Instruction Tuning Datasets for Zero-Shot Task Adaptation]( (2024) * [PEMT: Multi-Task Correlation Guided Mixture-of-Experts Enables Parameter-Efficient Transfer Learning]( (2024) * [Fine-tuning Large Language Models for Domain-specific Machine Translation]( (2024) Please give a thumbs up to this comment if you found it helpful! If you want recommendations for any Paper on Hugging Face checkout [this]( Space You can directly ask Librarian Bot for paper recommendations by tagging it in a comment: `@librarian-bot recommend`
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This is an automated message from the [Librarian Bot]( I found the following papers similar to this paper. The following papers were recommended by the Semantic Scholar API * [Efficacy of Machine-Generated Instructions]( (2023) * [SelectLLM: Can LLMs Select Important Instructions to Annotate?]( (2024) * [Benchmarking Large Language Models on Controllable Generation under Diversified Instructions]( (2024) * [Kun: Answer Polishment for Chinese Self-Alignment with Instruction Back-Translation]( (2024) * [WaveCoder: Widespread And Versatile Enhanced Instruction Tuning with Refined Data Generation]( (2023) Please give a thumbs up to this comment if you found it helpful! If you want recommendations for any Paper on Hugging Face checkout [this]( Space You can directly ask Librarian Bot for paper recommendations by tagging it in a comment: `@librarian-bot recommend`
This is an automated message from the [Librarian Bot]( I found the following papers similar to this paper. The following papers were recommended by the Semantic Scholar API * [Evaluation of LLMs on Syntax-Aware Code Fill-in-the-Middle Tasks]( (2024) * [CodeShell Technical Report]( (2024) * [StarCoder 2 and The Stack v2: The Next Generation]( (2024) * [EvoCodeBench: An Evolving Code Generation Benchmark Aligned with Real-World Code Repositories]( (2024) * [Investigating the Performance of Language Models for Completing Code in Functional Programming Languages: a Haskell Case Study]( (2024) Please give a thumbs up to this comment if you found it helpful! If you want recommendations for any Paper on Hugging Face checkout [this]( Space You can directly ask Librarian Bot for paper recommendations by tagging it in a comment: `@librarian-bot recommend`
This is an automated message from the [Librarian Bot]( I found the following papers similar to this paper. The following papers were recommended by the Semantic Scholar API * [Fuzzy Datalog$^\exists$ over Arbitrary t-Norms]( (2024) * [A Strategy for Implementing description Temporal Dynamic Algorithms in Dynamic Knowledge Graphs by SPIN]( (2024) * [Sandra - A Neuro-Symbolic Reasoner Based On Descriptions And Situations]( (2024) * [A Neuro-Symbolic Approach to Multi-Agent RL for Interpretability and Probabilistic Decision Making]( (2024) * [Soft Reasoning on Uncertain Knowledge Graphs]( (2024) Please give a thumbs up to this comment if you found it helpful! If you want recommendations for any Paper on Hugging Face checkout [this]( Space You can directly ask Librarian Bot for paper recommendations by tagging it in a comment: `@librarian-bot recommend`
This is an automated message from the [Librarian Bot]( I found the following papers similar to this paper. The following papers were recommended by the Semantic Scholar API * [TwoStep: Multi-agent Task Planning using Classical Planners and Large Language Models]( (2024) * [NL2Plan: Robust LLM-Driven Planning from Minimal Text Descriptions]( (2024) * [DELTA: Decomposed Efficient Long-Term Robot Task Planning using Large Language Models]( (2024) * [Large Language Models as Planning Domain Generators (Student Abstract)]( (2024) * [Empowering Large Language Models on Robotic Manipulation with Affordance Prompting]( (2024) Please give a thumbs up to this comment if you found it helpful! If you want recommendations for any Paper on Hugging Face checkout [this]( Space You can directly ask Librarian Bot for paper recommendations by tagging it in a comment: `@librarian-bot recommend`
This is an automated message from the [Librarian Bot]( I found the following papers similar to this paper. The following papers were recommended by the Semantic Scholar API * [WaveCoder: Widespread And Versatile Enhanced Instruction Tuning with Refined Data Generation]( (2023) * [Benchmarking Large Language Models on Controllable Generation under Diversified Instructions]( (2024) * [One Shot Learning as Instruction Data Prospector for Large Language Models]( (2023) * [SelectLLM: Can LLMs Select Important Instructions to Annotate?]( (2024) * [Jatmo: Prompt Injection Defense by Task-Specific Finetuning]( (2023) Please give a thumbs up to this comment if you found it helpful! If you want recommendations for any Paper on Hugging Face checkout [this]( Space You can directly ask Librarian Bot for paper recommendations by tagging it in a comment: `@librarian-bot recommend`
This is an automated message from the [Librarian Bot]( I found the following papers similar to this paper. The following papers were recommended by the Semantic Scholar API * [AVT2-DWF: Improving Deepfake Detection with Audio-Visual Fusion and Dynamic Weighting Strategies]( (2024) * [Exploiting Style Latent Flows for Generalizing Deepfake Detection Video Detection]( (2024) * [G4G: A Generic Framework for High Fidelity Talking Face Generation with Fine-grained Intra-modal Alignment]( (2024) * [DiffSal: Joint Audio and Video Learning for Diffusion Saliency Prediction]( (2024) * [Siamese Vision Transformers are Scalable Audio-visual Learners]( (2024) Please give a thumbs up to this comment if you found it helpful! If you want recommendations for any Paper on Hugging Face checkout [this]( Space You can directly ask Librarian Bot for paper recommendations by tagging it in a comment: `@librarian-bot recommend`
This is an automated message from the [Librarian Bot]( I found the following papers similar to this paper. The following papers were recommended by the Semantic Scholar API * [StarCoder 2 and The Stack v2: The Next Generation]( (2024) * [Investigating the Performance of Language Models for Completing Code in Functional Programming Languages: a Haskell Case Study]( (2024) * [CommitBench: A Benchmark for Commit Message Generation]( (2024) * [CodeShell Technical Report]( (2024) * [Evaluation of LLMs on Syntax-Aware Code Fill-in-the-Middle Tasks]( (2024) Please give a thumbs up to this comment if you found it helpful! If you want recommendations for any Paper on Hugging Face checkout [this]( Space You can directly ask Librarian Bot for paper recommendations by tagging it in a comment: `@librarian-bot recommend`
This is an automated message from the [Librarian Bot]( I found the following papers similar to this paper. The following papers were recommended by the Semantic Scholar API * [Emergent Abilities in Reduced-Scale Generative Language Models]( (2024) * [Better&Faster Large Language Models via Multi-token Prediction]( (2024) * [Do Not Worry if You Do Not Have Data: Building Pretrained Language Models Using Translationese]( (2024) * [ReFT: Representation Finetuning for Language Models]( (2024) * [Why do small language models underperform? Studying Language Model Saturation via the Softmax Bottleneck]( (2024) Please give a thumbs up to this comment if you found it helpful! If you want recommendations for any Paper on Hugging Face checkout [this]( Space You can directly ask Librarian Bot for paper recommendations by tagging it in a comment: `@librarian-bot recommend`
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This is an automated message from the [Librarian Bot]( I found the following papers similar to this paper. The following papers were recommended by the Semantic Scholar API * [RoCoIns: Enhancing Robustness of Large Language Models through Code-Style Instructions]( (2024) * [Fine-tuning Large Language Models with Sequential Instructions]( (2024) * [Language Models for Text Classification: Is In-Context Learning Enough?]( (2024) * [Eliciting Better Multilingual Structured Reasoning from LLMs through Code]( (2024) * [Chain-of-Instructions: Compositional Instruction Tuning on Large Language Models]( (2024) Please give a thumbs up to this comment if you found it helpful! If you want recommendations for any Paper on Hugging Face checkout [this]( Space You can directly ask Librarian Bot for paper recommendations by tagging it in a comment: `@librarian-bot recommend`
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This is an automated message from the [Librarian Bot]( I found the following papers similar to this paper. The following papers were recommended by the Semantic Scholar API * [Photorealistic Video Generation with Diffusion Models]( (2023) * [GenTron: Delving Deep into Diffusion Transformers for Image and Video Generation]( (2023) * [Boosting Latent Diffusion with Flow Matching]( (2023) * [KOALA: Self-Attention Matters in Knowledge Distillation of Latent Diffusion Models for Memory-Efficient and Fast Image Synthesis]( (2023) * [SwiftBrush: One-Step Text-to-Image Diffusion Model with Variational Score Distillation]( (2023) Please give a thumbs up to this comment if you found it helpful! If you want recommendations for any Paper on Hugging Face checkout [this]( Space You can directly ask Librarian Bot for paper recommendations by tagging it in a comment: `@librarian-bot recommend`
This is an automated message from the [Librarian Bot]( I found the following papers similar to this paper. The following papers were recommended by the Semantic Scholar API * [Marathon: A Race Through the Realm of Long Context with Large Language Models]( (2023) * ["Paraphrasing The Original Text" Makes High Accuracy Long-Context QA]( (2023) * [Enhancing Large Language Model Performance To Answer Questions and Extract Information More Accurately]( (2024) * [LongAlign: A Recipe for Long Context Alignment of Large Language Models]( (2024) * [Structured Packing in LLM Training Improves Long Context Utilization]( (2023) Please give a thumbs up to this comment if you found it helpful! If you want recommendations for any Paper on Hugging Face checkout [this]( Space You can directly ask Librarian Bot for paper recommendations by tagging it in a comment: `@librarian-bot recommend`
This is an automated message from the [Librarian Bot]( I found the following papers similar to this paper. The following papers were recommended by the Semantic Scholar API * [Conifer: Improving Complex Constrained Instruction-Following Ability of Large Language Models]( (2024) * [Teaching Llama a New Language Through Cross-Lingual Knowledge Transfer]( (2024) * [Improving the Robustness of Large Language Models via Consistency Alignment]( (2024) * [Automated Data Curation for Robust Language Model Fine-Tuning]( (2024) * [Self-Refine Instruction-Tuning for Aligning Reasoning in Language Models]( (2024) Please give a thumbs up to this comment if you found it helpful! If you want recommendations for any Paper on Hugging Face checkout [this]( Space You can directly ask Librarian Bot for paper recommendations by tagging it in a comment: `@librarian-bot recommend`
This is an automated message from the [Librarian Bot]( I found the following papers similar to this paper. The following papers were recommended by the Semantic Scholar API * [Plug and Play with Prompts: A Prompt Tuning Approach for Controlling Text Generation]( (2024) * [FlashBack:Efficient Retrieval-Augmented Language Modeling for Long Context Inference]( (2024) * [Visually Guided Generative Text-Layout Pre-training for Document Intelligence]( (2024) * [LLM2Vec: Large Language Models Are Secretly Powerful Text Encoders]( (2024) * [Q-PEFT: Query-dependent Parameter Efficient Fine-tuning for Text Reranking with Large Language Models]( (2024) Please give a thumbs up to this comment if you found it helpful! If you want recommendations for any Paper on Hugging Face checkout [this]( Space You can directly ask Librarian Bot for paper recommendations by tagging it in a comment: `@librarian-bot recommend`
This is an automated message from the [Librarian Bot]( I found the following papers similar to this paper. The following papers were recommended by the Semantic Scholar API Please give a thumbs up to this comment if you found it helpful! If you want recommendations for any Paper on Hugging Face checkout [this]( Space You can directly ask Librarian Bot for paper recommendations by tagging it in a comment: `@librarian-bot recommend`
This is an automated message from the [Librarian Bot]( I found the following papers similar to this paper. The following papers were recommended by the Semantic Scholar API * [Reinforcement Learning from LLM Feedback to Counteract Goal Misgeneralization]( (2024) * [Uncertainty-Penalized Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback with Diverse Reward LoRA Ensembles]( (2023) * [Improving Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback with Efficient Reward Model Ensemble]( (2024) * [Secrets of RLHF in Large Language Models Part II: Reward Modeling]( (2024) * [West-of-N: Synthetic Preference Generation for Improved Reward Modeling]( (2024) Please give a thumbs up to this comment if you found it helpful! If you want recommendations for any Paper on Hugging Face checkout [this]( Space You can directly ask Librarian Bot for paper recommendations by tagging it in a comment: `@librarian-bot recommend`
This is an automated message from the [Librarian Bot]( I found the following papers similar to this paper. The following papers were recommended by the Semantic Scholar API * [Spacetime Gaussian Feature Splatting for Real-Time Dynamic View Synthesis]( (2023) * [4D Gaussian Splatting: Towards Efficient Novel View Synthesis for Dynamic Scenes]( (2024) * [EndoGaussian: Real-time Gaussian Splatting for Dynamic Endoscopic Scene Reconstruction]( (2024) * [Deblurring 3D Gaussian Splatting]( (2024) * [TRIPS: Trilinear Point Splatting for Real-Time Radiance Field Rendering]( (2024) Please give a thumbs up to this comment if you found it helpful! If you want recommendations for any Paper on Hugging Face checkout [this]( Space You can directly ask Librarian Bot for paper recommendations by tagging it in a comment: `@librarian-bot recommend`
This is an automated message from the [Librarian Bot]( I found the following papers similar to this paper. The following papers were recommended by the Semantic Scholar API * [Teaching Llama a New Language Through Cross-Lingual Knowledge Transfer]( (2024) * [Automated Data Curation for Robust Language Model Fine-Tuning]( (2024) * [Conifer: Improving Complex Constrained Instruction-Following Ability of Large Language Models]( (2024) * [COIG-CQIA: Quality is All You Need for Chinese Instruction Fine-tuning]( (2024) * [ADELIE: Aligning Large Language Models on Information Extraction]( (2024) Please give a thumbs up to this comment if you found it helpful! If you want recommendations for any Paper on Hugging Face checkout [this]( Space You can directly ask Librarian Bot for paper recommendations by tagging it in a comment: `@librarian-bot recommend`
This is an automated message from the [Librarian Bot]( I found the following papers similar to this paper. The following papers were recommended by the Semantic Scholar API * [PersianMind: A Cross-Lingual Persian-English Large Language Model]( (2024) * [Orion-14B: Open-source Multilingual Large Language Models]( (2024) * [TURNA: A Turkish Encoder-Decoder Language Model for Enhanced Understanding and Generation]( (2024) * [On the importance of Data Scale in Pretraining Arabic Language Models]( (2024) * [Turning English-centric LLMs Into Polyglots: How Much Multilinguality Is Needed?]( (2023) Please give a thumbs up to this comment if you found it helpful! If you want recommendations for any Paper on Hugging Face checkout [this]( Space You can directly ask Librarian Bot for paper recommendations by tagging it in a comment: `@librarian-bot recommend`
This is an automated message from the [Librarian Bot]( I found the following papers similar to this paper. The following papers were recommended by the Semantic Scholar API * [Learning Shortcuts: On the Misleading Promise of NLU in Language Models]( (2024) * [TinyLlama: An Open-Source Small Language Model]( (2024) * [VinaLLaMA: LLaMA-based Vietnamese Foundation Model]( (2023) * [Orion-14B: Open-source Multilingual Large Language Models]( (2024) * [PersianMind: A Cross-Lingual Persian-English Large Language Model]( (2024) Please give a thumbs up to this comment if you found it helpful! If you want recommendations for any Paper on Hugging Face checkout [this]( Space
This is an automated message from the [Librarian Bot]( I found the following papers similar to this paper. The following papers were recommended by the Semantic Scholar API * [Vocabulary-free Image Classification and Semantic Segmentation]( (2024) * [Few-Shot Image Classification and Segmentation as Visual Question Answering Using Vision-Language Models]( (2024) * [TAG: Guidance-free Open-Vocabulary Semantic Segmentation]( (2024) * [Renovating Names in Open-Vocabulary Segmentation Benchmarks]( (2024) * [UniFS: Universal Few-shot Instance Perception with Point Representations]( (2024) Please give a thumbs up to this comment if you found it helpful! If you want recommendations for any Paper on Hugging Face checkout [this]( Space You can directly ask Librarian Bot for paper recommendations by tagging it in a comment: `@librarian-bot recommend`
This is an automated message from the [Librarian Bot]( I found the following papers similar to this paper. The following papers were recommended by the Semantic Scholar API * [Rephrasing the Web: A Recipe for Compute and Data-Efficient Language Modeling]( (2024) * [OMPGPT: A Generative Pre-trained Transformer Model for OpenMP]( (2024) * [Principled Instructions Are All You Need for Questioning LLaMA-1/2, GPT-3.5/4]( (2023) * [Language Resources for Dutch Large Language Modelling]( (2023) * [TinyGSM: achieving >80% on GSM8k with small language models]( (2023) Please give a thumbs up to this comment if you found it helpful! If you want recommendations for any Paper on Hugging Face checkout [this]( Space You can directly ask Librarian Bot for paper recommendations by tagging it in a comment: `@librarian-bot recommend`
This is an automated message from the [Librarian Bot]( I found the following papers similar to this paper. The following papers were recommended by the Semantic Scholar API * [DocLLM: A layout-aware generative language model for multimodal document understanding]( (2023) * [InstructDoc: A Dataset for Zero-Shot Generalization of Visual Document Understanding with Instructions]( (2024) * [Large Language Models for Generative Information Extraction: A Survey]( (2023) * [Designing with Language: Wireframing UI Design Intent with Generative Large Language Models]( (2023) * [UMIE: Unified Multimodal Information Extraction with Instruction Tuning]( (2024) Please give a thumbs up to this comment if you found it helpful! If you want recommendations for any Paper on Hugging Face checkout [this]( Space
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This is an automated message from the [Librarian Bot]( I found the following papers similar to this paper. The following papers were recommended by the Semantic Scholar API * [Aligning Language Models with Offline Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback]( (2023) * [RLAIF: Scaling Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback with AI Feedback]( (2023) * [Efficient RLHF: Reducing the Memory Usage of PPO]( (2023) * [Qwen Technical Report]( (2023) * [Pairwise Proximal Policy Optimization: Harnessing Relative Feedback for LLM Alignment]( (2023) Please give a thumbs up to this comment if you found it helpful! If you want recommendations for any Paper on Hugging Face checkout [this]( Space
This is an automated message from the [Librarian Bot]( I found the following papers similar to this paper. The following papers were recommended by the Semantic Scholar API * [MVDream: Multi-view Diffusion for 3D Generation]( (2023) * [Guide3D: Create 3D Avatars from Text and Image Guidance]( (2023) * [Sparse3D: Distilling Multiview-Consistent Diffusion for Object Reconstruction from Sparse Views]( (2023) * [TeCH: Text-guided Reconstruction of Lifelike Clothed Humans]( (2023) * [3D Reconstruction with Generalizable Neural Fields using Scene Priors]( (2023) Please give a thumbs up to this comment if you found it helpful! If you want recommendations for any Paper on Hugging Face checkout [this]( Space
This is an automated message from the [Librarian Bot]( I found the following papers similar to this paper. The following papers were recommended by the Semantic Scholar API * [Qwen Technical Report]( (2023) * [OpenBA: An Open-sourced 15B Bilingual Asymmetric seq2seq Model Pre-trained from Scratch]( (2023) * [Efficient Finetuning Large Language Models For Vietnamese Chatbot]( (2023) * [MedChatZH: a Better Medical Adviser Learns from Better Instructions]( (2023) * [Examining User-Friendly and Open-Sourced Large GPT Models: A Survey on Language, Multimodal, and Scientific GPT Models]( (2023) Please give a thumbs up to this comment if you found it helpful! If you want recommendations for any Paper on Hugging Face checkout [this]( Space
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This is an automated message from the [Librarian Bot]( I found the following papers similar to this paper. The following papers were recommended by the Semantic Scholar API * [Sequence-to-Sequence Spanish Pre-trained Language Models]( (2023) * [Towards General Text Embeddings with Multi-stage Contrastive Learning]( (2023) * [Baichuan 2: Open Large-scale Language Models]( (2023) * [Examining User-Friendly and Open-Sourced Large GPT Models: A Survey on Language, Multimodal, and Scientific GPT Models]( (2023) * [A Paradigm Shift in Machine Translation: Boosting Translation Performance of Large Language Models]( (2023) Please give a thumbs up to this comment if you found it helpful! If you want recommendations for any Paper on Hugging Face checkout [this]( Space
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This is an automated message from the [Librarian Bot]( I found the following papers similar to this paper. The following papers were recommended by the Semantic Scholar API * [PromptASR for contextualized ASR with controllable style]( (2023) * [Contextual Biasing of Named-Entities with Large Language Models]( (2023) * [SLM: Bridge the thin gap between speech and text foundation models]( (2023) * [Voxtlm: unified decoder-only models for consolidating speech recognition/synthesis and speech/text continuation tasks]( (2023) * [HyPoradise: An Open Baseline for Generative Speech Recognition with Large Language Models]( (2023) Please give a thumbs up to this comment if you found it helpful! If you want recommendations for any Paper on Hugging Face checkout [this]( Space
This is an automated message from the [Librarian Bot]( I found the following papers similar to this paper. The following papers were recommended by the Semantic Scholar API * [Attention Where It Matters: Rethinking Visual Document Understanding with Selective Region Concentration]( (2023) * [Analyzing the Efficacy of an LLM-Only Approach for Image-based Document Question Answering]( (2023) * [Vision Grid Transformer for Document Layout Analysis]( (2023) * [Informed Named Entity Recognition Decoding for Generative Language Models]( (2023) * [Enhancing Visually-Rich Document Understanding via Layout Structure Modeling]( (2023) Please give a thumbs up to this comment if you found it helpful! If you want recommendations for any Paper on Hugging Face checkout [this]( Space
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This is an automated message from the [Librarian Bot]( I found the following papers similar to this paper. The following papers were recommended by the Semantic Scholar API * [Frustratingly Simple Memory Efficiency for Pre-trained Language Models via Dynamic Embedding Pruning]( (2023) * [Do Generative Large Language Models need billions of parameters?]( (2023) * [XGen-7B Technical Report]( (2023) * [Qwen Technical Report]( (2023) * [RecycleGPT: An Autoregressive Language Model with Recyclable Module]( (2023) Please give a thumbs up to this comment if you found it helpful! If you want recommendations for any Paper on Hugging Face checkout [this]( Space
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This is an automated message from the [Librarian Bot]( I found the following papers similar to this paper. The following papers were recommended by the Semantic Scholar API * [Knowledge-Driven CoT: Exploring Faithful Reasoning in LLMs for Knowledge-intensive Question Answering]( (2023) * [Cognitive Mirage: A Review of Hallucinations in Large Language Models]( (2023) * [Halo: Estimation and Reduction of Hallucinations in Open-Source Weak Large Language Models]( (2023) * [DoLa: Decoding by Contrasting Layers Improves Factuality in Large Language Models]( (2023) * [Contrastive Decoding Improves Reasoning in Large Language Models]( (2023) Please give a thumbs up to this comment if you found it helpful! If you want recommendations for any Paper on Hugging Face checkout [this]( Space
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