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A binary system 14,800 light-years from Earth known as X9 likely contains a white dwarf circling a stellar mass black hole once every 28 minutes, a new study suggests. Talk about living dangerously. A white dwarf star nearly 15,000 light-years from Earth apparently whips around its companion black hole once every 28 minutes, a new study suggests. That means the two objects are likely separated by just 2.5 Earth-moon distances — the tightest such orbit ever observed around a black hole, study team members said. "This white dwarf is so close to the black hole that material is being pulled away from the star and dumped onto a disk of matter around the black hole before falling in," study lead author Arash Bahramian, of the University of Alberta in Canada and Michigan State University, said in a statement. "Luckily for this star, we don't think it will follow this path into oblivion, but instead will stay in orbit." [Images: Black Holes of the Universe] But the black hole could still end up destroying the white dwarf, team members said. "Eventually, so much matter may be pulled away from the white dwarf that it ends up only having the mass of a planet," co-author Craig Heinke, an associate professor of physics at the University of Alberta, said in the same statement. "If it keeps losing mass, the white dwarf may completely evaporate." A binary system 14,800 light-years from Earth known as X9 likely contains a white dwarf circling a stellar mass black hole once every 28 minutes, a new study suggests. (Image: © X-ray: NASA/CXC/University of Alberta/A.Bahramian et al.; Illustration: NASA/CXC/M.Weiss) Black holes are strange regions where gravity is strong enough to bend light, warp space and distort time. [ See how black holes work in this SPACE.com infographic .] (Image: © Karl Tate, SPACE.com contributor) White dwarfs are the corpses of sun-like stars that have run out of fuel. These objects tend to pack roughly the mass of the sun into a body only slightly larger than Earth, making them about 200,000 times denser than our planet. The white-dwarf-black-hole binary that's the focus of the new study is called X9. It lies 14,800 light-years from Earth, in the globular cluster 47 Tucanae, and features a stellar mass black hole. Such objects are lightweights as black holes go, tending to harbor five to 10 times more mass than the sun, astronomers have said. For the new study, the research team observed X9 with two space telescopes (NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory and the agency's Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array, or NuSTAR) and one ground-based instrument (the Australia Telescope Compact Array). The data revealed that X9 brightens in X-ray light once every 28 minutes, which the team interpreted as the white dwarf's orbital period. And they think the system does indeed contain a white dwarf, because Chandra spotted a lot of oxygen in the system, a characteristic feature of these stellar corpses. The binary might have been born when a black hole encountered a red giant — a bloated, dying star on its way to becoming a white dwarf, the researchers said. Over time, the emission of gravitational waves has brought the two objects into their tight orbital dance. Such gravitational waves are too low-frequency to be detected by the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO), which recently spotted waves from several different black-hole mergers, study team members said. The team favors the white-dwarf-black-hole scenario for the X9 binary, but it's not the only explanation for the system. It's also possible that the white dwarf orbits not a black hole but a neutron star, a stellar corpse even denser than a white dwarf. In such pairings, neutron stars rotate faster and faster as they pull material from their companions, sometimes spinning on their axes thousands of times per second. When this happens, the neutron stars become known as "transitional millisecond pulsars." The light emitted by transitional millisecond pulsars is extremely variable in X-ray and radio wavelengths — characteristics not seen in the X9 system, study team members said. But they can't rule out this hypothesis yet. "We're going to watch this binary closely in the future, since we know little about how such an extreme system should behave", said co-author Vlad Tudor, of Curtin University and the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research in Perth, Australia. "We're also going to keep studying globular clusters in our galaxy to see if more evidence for very tight black-hole binaries can be found." The new study has been accepted for publication by the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. You can read it for free on the online preprint site arXiv.org. Follow Mike Wall on Twitter @michaeldwall and Google+. Follow us @Spacedotcom, Facebook or Google+. Originally published on Space.com.
STP Brands Hatch 1969 - Racing Sports Cars (settings) | Login RSC Home > Races > STP Brands Hatch 1969 Event: Date: 25.5.1969 Track: Brands Hatch Circuit (United Kingdom), 1.996 kms Organiser: Mini Se7en Club STP Brands Hatch STP (round 2) Weather: unknown Start time: unknown Grid: unknown Distance: 10 laps Attendance: unknown Entered: unknown Practiced: unknown Started: unknown Finished: unknown Classes: Grand Touring +2500 Grand Touring 2500 Grand Touring 1600 Grand Touring 1150 No Photos YetEntered CarsTechnical DataAppearanceRace ResultsLap Times Winners: Overall: Chevron B8 Ford Barrie Smith Grand Touring +2500: Lola T70 Mk.3 GT Chevrolet Jim Beach Grand Touring 2500: Chevron B8 BMW Terry Croker Fastest Laps: Overall: Chevron B8 BMW Terry Croker 51.800 Grand Touring 1600: Chevron B8 Ford Barrie Smith 52.000 Notes of interest: Top makes by numbers: Chevron (2) Top engines by numbers: Ford (2) Top car types by numbers: Chevron B8 (2) Driver nationalities: GB (4) Team nationalities: GB (4) Oldest known drivers: Barrie Smith (25) Youngest known drivers: Barrie Smith (25) Official Race Programme: Cover Entry List Schedule Track Map Menu Photo Gallery Championships Cars Drivers Races Tracks & Covers Reports & News Formula 1 Touring Cars Latest Updates Links Donations Search Google Search Contact Us Contact Page Random Photo Donations PayPal Recommended News Your likely location: United States © RacingSportsCars (2002-2022) - data, texts and all other information is protected by copyright law and cannot be used without permission. All pictures on this page are in property of their original authors, photographers or owners and have been kindly provided to RSC just for use on this website and it is expressly forbidden to use them elsewhere without prior written permission of RacingSportsCars and the copyright owner. The RacingSportsCars.com website is intended exclusively for private use and under any circumstances it may not be republished, retransmitted in any form, stored in a retrieval system, sold through any media, without the prior written permission of RacingSportsCars and the copyright owner. All data are presented here just for informative use, they cannot be used as a source for any kind of business. FAQ | About Us | Privacy Policy | Contact Us × RSC website is made possible by displaying online advertisements to our visitors. Please, turn off or otherwise disable your Ad Blocking software or become an RSC Donator and contact us.
Let Kelly Lack Be Your San Fransisco Tour Guide - PlayJunkie Home Art Food Animals Trending Search PlayJunkie Home Art Food Animals Trending Home Travel Let Kelly Lack Be Your San Fransisco Tour Guide Let Kelly Lack Be Your San Fransisco Tour Guide By Ron K - May 25, 2022 Travel writer and social media manager Kelly Lack is always up for a good adventure. Based in San Francisco, her work has appeared in publications like Martha Stewart Weddings, Travel + Leisure, and AFAR, and her clients include brands like Zappos, Conde Nast Traveler, and One Kings Lane. Aside from writing, she’s also amassed an impressive following on Instagram, where she shares her experiences with her fans. “When I’m traveling, I go nuts trying to capture it all from sweeping scenic shots to quiet moments in markets to the comings and goings of locals,” she admitted once in an interview with Lonny. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Kelly Lack (@kellyalack) But with travel being more or less impossible these past months, Lack stays close to home. In a piece she wrote for Harper’s BAZAAR, she sums up the 88 things to do and see in San Francisco. Her recommendations include spending the afternoon at Mission Dolores Park (which she calls “the ultimate hipster hang”), and experiencing the Camera Obscura in the shadow of the Cliff House. “I love an adventure,” says Lack, “I get bored when standing still. I also love how [traveling] smashes the pre-conceived notions you have about the world, even when you don’t realize you have them! We’re all human, trying to get by and struggling with and finding joy in the same things—only in different settings.” Make sure you follow her lead when visiting California (or elsewhere). View this post on Instagram A post shared by Kelly Lack (@kellyalack) View this post on Instagram A post shared by Kelly Lack (@kellyalack) View this post on Instagram A post shared by Kelly Lack (@kellyalack) View this post on Instagram A post shared by Kelly Lack (@kellyalack) View this post on Instagram A post shared by Kelly Lack (@kellyalack) TAGS San Francisco Travel Travel Journal Previous articleThis Artist Twists the World Around Him in His Paintings Next articleAstonishing Surreal Portraits by Rafael Silveira Ron K RELATED ARTICLESMORE FROM AUTHOR Liz Carlson’s Manifesto to the Solo Female Traveler is a Must Read! Canoeing, Fishing, Exploring: Follow Jenny Anderson’s Travels Danielle and Tommy Will Inspire You to Hit the Road Popular These Sausage Dogs are Actual Squad Goals Ava K - May 13, 2022 0 Some squads are superior to others—and Harriet Birch's Sausage Squad is high above the rest. Composed of five adorable Daschunds, this is... 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new TypeError("Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.")}var o,a=!0,d=!1;return{s:function(){n=n.call(e)},n:function(){var e=n.next();return a=e.done,e},e:function(e){d=!0,o=e},f:function(){try{a||null==n.return||n.return()}finally{if(d)throw o}}}}(t);try{for(i.s();!(n=i.n()).done;){var o,a=n.value;e.iframeEnabled&&a.body.params.userSyncURL&&r.push({type:"iframe",url:a.body.params.userSyncURL}),e.pixelEnabled&&(0,y.isArray)(a.body.params.userSyncPixels)&&(o=a.body.params.userSyncPixels.map(function(e){return{type:"image",url:e}}),r.push.apply(r,(0,d.Z)(o)))}}catch(e){i.e(e)}finally{i.f()}return r},onBidWon:function(e){null!=e&&((0,y.logInfo)("onBidWon:",e),e.hasOwnProperty("nurl")&&0e.length)&&(t=e.length);for(var n=0,r=new Array(t);n=e.length?{done:!0}:{done:!1,value:e[i++]}},e:function(e){throw e},f:r}}throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.")}var o,a=!0,d=!1;return{s:function(){n=n.call(e)},n:function(){var e=n.next();return a=e.done,e},e:function(e){d=!0,o=e},f:function(){try{a||null==n.return||n.return()}finally{if(d)throw o}}}}(t);try{for(i.s();!(n=i.n()).done;){var o,a=n.value;e.iframeEnabled&&a.body.params.userSyncURL&&r.push({type:"iframe",url:a.body.params.userSyncURL}),e.pixelEnabled&&(0,y.isArray)(a.body.params.userSyncPixels)&&(o=a.body.params.userSyncPixels.map(function(e){return{type:"image",url:e}}),r.push.apply(r,(0,d.Z)(o)))}}catch(e){i.e(e)}finally{i.f()}return r},onBidWon:function(e){null!=e&&((0,y.logInfo)("onBidWon:",e),e.hasOwnProperty("nurl")&&0<(t=t.filter(function(e){return"string"==typeof e||((0,C.logWarn)("PubMatic: acat: Each category should be a string, ignoring category: "+e),!1)}).map(function(e){return e.trim()}).filter(function(e,t,n){return n.indexOf(e)===t})).length&&((0,C.logWarn)("PubMatic: acat: Selected: ",t),e.ext.acat=t)}function m(e){return!0===(0,C.isArray)(e)&&0<=r.indexOf('span class="PubAPIAd"'))t.mediaType=k.Mk;else if(i.test(r))t.mediaType=k.pX;else try{(n=JSON.parse(r.replace(/\\/g,"")))&&n.native&&(t.mediaType=k.B5)}catch(e){(0,C.logWarn)("PubMatic: Error: Cannot parse native reponse for ad response: "+r)}}}(t,n),n.mediaType){case k.Mk:break;case k.pX:n.width=t.hasOwnProperty("w")?t.w:e.video.w,n.height=t.hasOwnProperty("h")?t.h:e.video.h,n.vastXml=t.adm,function(e,t){var n,r,i;if(t.bidderRequest&&t.bidderRequest.bids){for(var o=0;ot.length&&(t=n[r])}}catch(e){t=null}return t}((0,g.parseUrl)(d).hostname),u=s||d,l=e[0].params.publisherId,p="".concat("https://hb.undertone.com/hb","?pid=").concat(l,"&domain=").concat(c),f=v(t.gdprConsent);return f&&(p+="&".concat(f)),t.uspConsent&&(p+="&ccpa=".concat(t.uspConsent)),e.map(function(t){var e={bidRequestId:t.bidId,coordinates:function(e){var t=document.getElementById(e),n=-1,r=-1;if(t){n=t.offsetLeft,r=t.offsetTop;var i=t.offsetParent;return i&&(n+=i.offsetLeft,r+=i.offsetTop),[n,r]}return null}(t.adUnitCode),hbadaptor:"prebid",url:u,domain:c,placementId:null!=t.params.placementId?t.params.placementId:null,publisherId:t.params.publisherId,sizes:t.sizes,params:t.params},n=(0,m.Z)(t,"mediaTypes.video"),r=n?b.pX:b.Mk;e.mediaType=r,e.bidfloor=function(){if("function"!=typeof t.getFloor)return 0;var e=t.getFloor({currency:"USD",mediaType:r,size:"*"});return e&&"USD"===e.currency&&e.floor||0}(),n&&(e.video={playerSize:(0,m.Z)(t,"mediaTypes.video.playerSize")||null,streamType:(0,m.Z)(t,"mediaTypes.video.context")||null,playbackMethod:(0,m.Z)(t,"params.video.playbackMethod")||null,maxDuration:(0,m.Z)(t,"params.video.maxDuration")||null,skippable:(0,m.Z)(t,"params.video.skippable")||null}),a["x-ut-hb-params"].push(e)}),{method:"POST",url:p,withCredentials:!0,data:JSON.stringify(a)}},interpretResponse:function(e,t){var n=[],r=e.body;return r&&Array.isArray(r)&&0<=(r.floor=parseFloat(r.floor))?r.floor:void 0,rp_secure:"1",tk_flint:"".concat(j.int_type||"pbjs_lite","_v7.10.0"),"x_source.tid":e.transactionId,l_pb_bid_id:e.bidId,"x_source.pchain":r.pchain,p_screen_res:[window.screen.width,window.screen.height].join("x"),tk_user_key:r.userId,"p_geo.latitude":isNaN(parseFloat(d))?void 0:parseFloat(d).toFixed(4),"p_geo.longitude":isNaN(parseFloat(s))?void 0:parseFloat(s).toFixed(4),"tg_fl.eid":e.code,rf:O(e,t)};if("function"==typeof e.getFloor&&!j.disableFloors){try{n=e.getFloor({currency:"USD",mediaType:"banner",size:"*"})}catch(e){(0,y.logError)("Rubicon: getFloor threw an error: ",e)}c.rp_hard_floor="object"!==(0,v.Z)(n)||"USD"!==n.currency||isNaN(parseInt(n.floor))?void 0:n.floor}var u={1:"atf",3:"btf"}[(0,h.Z)(e,"mediaTypes.banner.pos")]||"";c.p_pos="atf"===r.position||"btf"===r.position?r.position:u;var l=w.vc.getConfig("user.id");return l&&(c.ppuid=l),e.userIdAsEids&&e.userIdAsEids.forEach(function(e){try{var t;"adserver.org"===e.source?(c.tpid_tdid=e.uids[0].id,c["eid_adserver.org"]=e.uids[0].id):"liveintent.com"===e.source?(c["tpid_liveintent.com"]=e.uids[0].id,c["eid_liveintent.com"]=e.uids[0].id,e.ext&&Array.isArray(e.ext.segments)&&e.ext.segments.length&&(c["tg_v.LIseg"]=e.ext.segments.join(","))):"liveramp.com"===e.source?c.x_liverampidl=e.uids[0].id:"id5-sync.com"===e.source?c["eid_id5-sync.com"]="".concat(e.uids[0].id,"^").concat(e.uids[0].atype,"^").concat(e.uids[0].ext&&e.uids[0].ext.linkType||""):c["eid_".concat(e.source)]="".concat(e.uids[0].id,"^").concat(e.uids[0].atype||""),c.ppuid||(t=(0,p.sE)(e.uids,function(e){return e.ext&&"ppuid"===e.ext.stype}))&&t.id&&(c.ppuid=t.id)}catch(t){(0,y.logWarn)("Rubicon: error reading eid:",e,t)}}),t.gdprConsent&&("boolean"==typeof t.gdprConsent.gdprApplies&&(c.gdpr=Number(t.gdprConsent.gdprApplies)),c.gdpr_consent=t.gdprConsent.consentString),t.uspConsent&&(c.us_privacy=encodeURIComponent(t.uspConsent)),c.rp_maxbids=t.bidLimit||1,T(e,x.Mk,c),!0===w.vc.getConfig("coppa")&&(c.coppa=1),e.schain&&k(e.schain)&&(c.rp_schain=S.serializeSupplyChain(e.schain)),c},serializeSupplyChain:function(e){if(!k(e))return"";var t=e.ver,n=e.complete,r=e.nodes;return"".concat(t,",").concat(n,"!").concat(S.serializeSupplyChainNodes(r))},serializeSupplyChainNodes:function(e){var n=["asi","sid","hp","rid","name","domain"];return e.map(function(t){return n.map(function(e){return encodeURIComponent(t[e]||"")}).join(",")}).join("!")},interpretResponse:function(c,e){var u=e.bidRequest;if(!(c=c.body)||"object"!==(0,v.Z)(c))return[];if(c.seatbid){var t=(0,h.Z)(c,"ext.errors.rubicon");Array.isArray(t)&&0\n\n \n\x3c!-- Rubicon Project Ad Tag --\x3e\n \n \n \n")),a=g[t.size_id].split("x").map(function(e){return Number(e)}),d=(0,f.Z)(a,2),o.width=d[0],o.height=d[1]),o.rubiconTargeting=(Array.isArray(t.targeting)?t.targeting:[]).reduce(function(e,t){return e[t.key]=t.values[0],e},{rpfl_elemid:s.adUnitCode}),e.push(o)):(0,y.logError)("Rubicon: bidRequest undefined at index position:".concat(n),u,c),e},[]).sort(function(e,t){return(t.cpm||0)-(e.cpm||0)})},getUserSyncs:function(e,t,n,r){if(!u&&e.iframeEnabled){var i={};return n&&("boolean"==typeof n.gdprApplies&&(i.gdpr=Number(n.gdprApplies)),"string"==typeof n.consentString&&(i.gdpr_consent=n.consentString)),r&&(i.us_privacy=encodeURIComponent(r)),i=Object.keys(i).length?"?".concat((0,y.formatQS)(i)):"",u=!0,{type:"iframe",url:"https://".concat(j.syncHost||"eus",".rubiconproject.com/usync.html")+i}}},transformBidParams:function(e,t){return(0,y.convertTypes)({accountId:"number",siteId:"number",zoneId:"number"},e)}};function O(e,t){var n=e.params.referrer?e.params.referrer:t.refererInfo.page;return e.params.secure?n.replace(/^http:/i,"https:"):n}function d(e){var t,n,r,i=document.getElementById(e.adUnitCode);(t=i.querySelector("div[id^='google_ads']"))&&t.style.setProperty("display","none"),n=i.querySelector("script[id^='sas_script']"),(r=n&&n.nextSibling)&&"iframe"===r.localName&&r.style.setProperty("display","none");var o=e.renderer.getConfig();e.renderer.push(function(){window.MagniteApex.renderAd({width:e.width,height:e.height,vastUrl:e.vastUrl,placement:{attachTo:i,align:o.align||"center",position:o.position||"append"},closeButton:o.closeButton||!1,label:o.label||void 0,collapse:o.collapse||!0})})}function C(e,t){var n=e.params;if("video"===t){var r=[];return n.video&&n.video.playerWidth&&n.video.playerHeight?r=[n.video.playerWidth,n.video.playerHeight]:Array.isArray((0,h.Z)(e,"mediaTypes.video.playerSize"))&&1===e.mediaTypes.video.playerSize.length?r=e.mediaTypes.video.playerSize[0]:Array.isArray(e.sizes)&&0<2?void(r&&(0,y.logError)("Rubicon: could not determine the playerSize of the video")):(r&&(0,y.logMessage)("Rubicon: making video request for adUnit",e.adUnitCode),"video"):0===C(e,"banner").length?void(r&&(0,y.logError)("Rubicon: could not determine the sizes for banner request")):(r&&(0,y.logMessage)("Rubicon: making banner request for adUnit",e.adUnitCode),"banner")}function k(e){var t=!1,n=["asi","sid","hp"];return e.nodes&&((t=e.nodes.reduce(function(e,t){return e?n.every(function(e){return t.hasOwnProperty(e)}):e},!0))||(0,y.logError)("Rubicon: required schain params missing")),t}function o(e,t){return"rp_schain"===e?"rp_schain=".concat(t):"".concat(e,"=").concat(encodeURIComponent(t))}var u=!1;(0,r.dX)(S),window.pbjs.installedModules.push("rubiconBidAdapter")}},function(e){e(e.s=40060)}]),(self.pbjsChunk=self.pbjsChunk||[]).push([[3286],{64898:function(e,t,n){var l=n(64358),p=n(20265),r=n(14699),a=n(24679),i=n(35706),o=n(34614),d=n(25102),s="emx_digital",c="https://js.brealtime.com/outstream/1.30.0/bundle.js",u=[{key:"idl_env",source:"liveramp.com",rtiPartner:"idl",queryParam:"idl"},{key:"uid2.id",source:"uidapi.com",rtiPartner:"UID2",queryParam:"uid2"}],f={validateSizes:function(e){return(0,l.isArray)(e)&&void 0!==e[0]?e.every(function(e){return(0,l.isArray)(e)&&2===e.length}):((0,l.logWarn)("emx_digital: Sizes should be an array"),!1)},checkVideoContext:function(e){return e&&e.mediaTypes&&e.mediaTypes.video&&e.mediaTypes.video.context&&("instream"===e.mediaTypes.video.context||"outstream"===e.mediaTypes.video.context)},buildBanner:function(e){var t=[],t=e.mediaTypes&&e.mediaTypes.banner&&e.mediaTypes.banner.sizes?e.mediaTypes.banner.sizes:e.sizes;return f.validateSizes(t)||((0,l.logWarn)("emx_digital: could not detect mediaType banner sizes. Assigning to bid sizes instead"),t=e.sizes),{format:t.map(function(e){return{w:e[0],h:e[1]}}),w:t[0][0],h:t[0][1]}},formatVideoResponse:function(t,e,n){return t.vastXml=e.adm,n.bidderRequest&&n.bidderRequest.bids&&0 ").concat(i)),i}return(0,I.logWarn)("[33Across Adapter] Unable to locate element for ad unit code: '".concat(e,"'")),null}(i)),n=d.sizes,c=(0,I.isArray)(n)&&2===n.length&&!(0,I.isArray)(n[0])?[U(n)]:n.map(U),u="function"==typeof r.getFloor?c.map(function(e){var t,n=B(r,e,w.Mk);return n&&(t={ext:{ttx:{bidfloors:[n]}}}),Object.assign({},e,t)}):c,l=c.reduce(function(e,t){return t.h*t.w=t.right)return null;if(t.top=Math.max(t.top,e[n].top),t.bottom=Math.min(t.bottom,e[n].bottom),t.top>=t.bottom)return null}return t.width=t.right-t.left,t.height=t.bottom-t.top,t}([{left:0,top:0,right:t.innerWidth,bottom:t.innerHeight},o]);return null!==a?a.width*a.height/(o.width*o.height)*100:0}(e,t,{w:i,h:o}):0}(s,(0,I.getWindowTop)(),l),{ttx:{viewability:{amount:isNaN(o)?o:Math.round(o)}}})}))),(0,_.Z)(t,"mediaTypes.video")&&(f.video=function(e){var t=(0,_.Z)(e,"mediaTypes.video",{}),n=(0,_.Z)(e,"params.video",{}),r=j(j({},t),n),i={},o=U(r.playerSize[0]),a=o.w,d=o.h;i.w=a,i.h=d,O.forEach(function(e){r.hasOwnProperty(e)&&(i[e]=r[e])});var s,c=R(e);return i.placement=i.placement||2,c===S&&(i.startdelay=i.startdelay||0,i.placement=1),"function"!=typeof e.getFloor||(s=B(e,{w:i.w,h:i.h},w.pX))&&Object.assign(i,{ext:{ttx:{bidfloors:[s]}}}),i}(t)),f))}),b.site={id:y},b.device=(t=(0,I.getWindowSelf)(),{ext:{ttx:j(j({},(r=(0,I.getWindowSelf)(),i=r.innerWidth,o=r.innerHeight,a=r.screen,d=[Math.max(a.width,a.height),Math.min(a.width,a.height)],s=d[0],c=d[1],i | )/gm,"\t").replace(/(<\/td>|<\/th>)/gm,"\n").replace(/^ /gm,"").replace(/( \n| )/gm,"\n").replace(/ (.*)<\/h1>/gm,"\n\n===== $$1 =====\n\n").replace(/(.*)<\/h[2-6]>/gm,"\n\n*** $$1 ***\n\n").replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/gim,""),(0,U.logMessage)("https://console.appnexus.com/docs/understanding-the-debug-auction"),(0,U.logMessage)(n)),a;var r="in response for ".concat(o.bidderCode," adapter");return e&&e.error&&(r+=": ".concat(e.error)),(0,U.logError)(r),a},getMappingFileInfo:function(){return{url:"https://acdn.adnxs-simple.com/prebid/appnexus-mapping/mappings.json",refreshInDays:2}},getUserSyncs:function(e,t,n){if(e.iframeEnabled&&(0,Z.h)(n))return[{type:"iframe",url:"https://acdn.adnxs.com/dmp/async_usersync.html"}]},transformBidParams:function(n,e,t,r){var i,o,a=U.transformBidderParamKeywords;return!0===e&&(i=null,o=R.vc.getConfig("s2sConfig"),(0,U.isPlainObject)(o)?i=(0,D.Z)(o,"endpoint.p1Consent"):(0,U.isArray)(o)&&o.forEach(function(e){(0,B.q9)(e.bidders,t.bids[0].bidder)&&(i=(0,D.Z)(e,"endpoint.p1Consent"))}),i&&i.match("/openrtb2/prebid")&&(a=c)),n=(0,U.convertTypes)({member:"string",invCode:"string",placementId:"number",keywords:a,publisherId:"number"},n),e&&(n.use_pmt_rule="boolean"==typeof n.usePaymentRule&&n.usePaymentRule,n.usePaymentRule&&delete n.usePaymentRule,s(n.keywords)&&n.keywords.forEach(W),Object.keys(n).forEach(function(e){var t=(0,U.convertCamelToUnderscore)(e);t!==e&&(n[t]=n[e],delete n[e])})),n},onBidWon:function(e){e.native&&function(e){var t,n,r,i=function(e){var t;if((0,U.isStr)(e)&&w(e))t=e;else if((0,U.isArray)(e))for(var n=0;n=e.length?{done:!0}:{done:!1,value:e[i++]}},e:function(e){throw e},f:r}}throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.")}var o,a=!0,d=!1;return{s:function(){n=n.call(e)},n:function(){var e=n.next();return a=e.done,e},e:function(e){d=!0,o=e},f:function(){try{a||null==n.return||n.return()}finally{if(d)throw o}}}}function s(e,t){(null==t||t>e.length)&&(t=e.length);for(var n=0,r=new Array(t);nt.video.maxduration)return(0,V.logError)("IX Bid Adapter: video minduration [".concat(t.video.minduration,"] cannot be greater than video maxduration [").concat(t.video.maxduration,"]"),{bidder:G,code:g}),{};var o=r&&r.context||n&&n.context;if(o&&!t.video.hasOwnProperty("placement")&&(o===v.LD?t.video.placement=1:o===v.gZ?(0,W.Z)(r,"playerConfig.floatOnScroll")?t.video.placement=5:t.video.placement=4:(0,V.logWarn)("IX Bid Adapter: Video context '".concat(o,"' is not supported"))),!t.video.w||!t.video.h){var a=ce((0,W.Z)(t,"video.playerSize"))||ce((0,W.Z)(e,"params.size"));if(!a)return(0,V.logWarn)("IX Bid Adapter: Video size is missing in [mediaTypes.video]"),{};t.video.w=a[0],t.video.h=a[1],(0,W.Z)(t,"ext.sid")||(t.ext.sid=(0,V.parseGPTSingleSizeArray)(a))}return ie(e,t,H.pX),t}function re(e){var t={};return t.id=e.bidId,t.ext={},t.ext.siteID=e.params.siteId.toString(),!e.params.hasOwnProperty("id")||"string"!=typeof e.params.id&&"number"!=typeof e.params.id||(t.ext.sid=String(e.params.id)),t}function ie(e,t,n){var r=null,i=null;if(e.params.bidFloor&&e.params.bidFloorCur&&(r={floor:e.params.bidFloor,currency:e.params.bidFloorCur}),(0,V.isFn)(e.getFloor)){var o,a="*",d="*";n&&(0,V.contains)(I,n)&&(d=[(o=t[a=n]).w,o.h]);try{i=e.getFloor({mediaType:a,size:d})}catch(e){(0,V.logWarn)("priceFloors module call getFloor failed, error : ",e)}}i?(t.bidfloor=i.floor,t.bidfloorcur=i.currency,t.ext.fl=u):r&&(t.bidfloor=r.floor,t.bidfloorcur=r.currency,t.ext.fl=l)}function oe(e,t,n){var 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When is a request for product recommendations not a request for product recommendations? - Meta Server Fault Stack Exchange Network Stack Exchange network consists of 182 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Visit Stack Exchange Loading… Back to Server Fault Return to the main site Tour Start here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have What's Meta? How Meta is different from the main site About Us Learn more about Stack Overflow the company Business Learn more about our products current community Server Fault help chat Meta Server Fault your communities Sign up or log in to customize your list. more stack exchange communities company blog Log in Sign up Home Public Questions Tags Users Unanswered Teams Stack Overflow for Teams – Start collaborating and sharing organizational knowledge. Create a free Team Why Teams? Teams Create free Team Teams Q&A for work Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Learn more about Teams When is a request for product recommendations not a request for product recommendations? Ask Question Asked 8 years, 7 months ago Modified 8 years, 6 months ago Viewed 1k times 8 1 I have a vested interest in this issue, since I recently asked about https://serverfault.com/questions/576648/solutions-for-integrated-management-of-l2tp-ipsec-vpn-clients-and-802-1x-wired and it was put on hold because it was perceived as a request for product recommendations. I know that product selection was part of the question, but it was part of the wider issue of building a solution for strong VPN & wifi authentication and certificate administration. The issue that's repeated in response to questions about product recommendations seems to be that they become outdated. What I fail to understand is why this matters. Many questions become outdated very quickly as well, but it seems that because they're related to operations rather than to design and implementation, they're OK. For example, Resolving "php54w-common-5.4.24-1.w6.x86_64 conflicts php-common < 5.4.0" is a question I was able to help with; it will be not only out of date by the time PHP5.5 or CentOS 7 rolls around, but it's probably localised to a very small number of systems worldwide. Questions and answers have dates on them, and ServerFault readers can easily discern whether they are still relevant or not. The answers to Where is an appropriate place to ask for server-oriented product recommendations? suggest that there is no place on SE to ask specifically for product recommendations, and if that's the policy then I guess that's your choice, but to rule out questions on solution design because they aren't 1. problem 2. solution style seems to fly in the face of ServerFault's aim to get professional sysadmins to share knowledge. Maybe this is something that will never belong on on ServerFault, but surely there is (or should be) a place for people who build things to share questions and answers about why and how to build them. Does ServerFault not consider infrastructure design and implementation part of sysadmin? EDIT: The cynic in me might point out Backup strategy for developer-focused Apple environments? (which is a strikingly similar type of question - if somewhat smaller) and wonder whether SF isn't a bit of an old boys club. discussion Share Follow edited Apr 13, 2017 at 12:14 CommunityBot 1 asked Feb 21, 2014 at 9:11 Paul GearPaul Gear 3,9381010 silver badges88 bronze badges 2 5 Some people consider infrastructure design beyond thescopr of Q&A and into the realms of $Consulting. Another issue with $product/$service recommendation questions is that they tend to attract more spam than other questions. If you want to do this sort of thing you may get somewhere with chat. – user9517 Feb 21, 2014 at 9:30 4 In addition to Iain's comment, the other problem with your type of question is that it's just too big to fit well in the Q&A format SE has, IMO. Regarding the rest, whether we agree with it or not, the Stack Exchange policy has been no "shopping questions" for quite some time, so... well, is what it is. Not something we have any real control over. – HopelessN00b Feb 21, 2014 at 9:53 Add a comment | 2 Answers 2 Sorted by: Reset to default Highest score (default) Date modified (newest first) Date created (oldest first) 11 That close reason is really rather poorly worded. Going obsolete isn't the primary reason we close shopping questions; the real reason is that they attract poor quality answers: answers consisting primarily of opinion, rather than facts, references or specific expertise, and spam or purely promotional answers. While not every answer to such a question is necessarily poor quality, a large number of them are. (I'm going to rewrite that close reason, but it may be a bit before it shows up, as it requires another moderator to concur with the change, and I also want to get community feedback on it. Look for another meta post soon.) With respect to your particular question, "What products are out there?" is the classic shopping question. It's the sort of thing better served by Wikipedia's lists, targeted web searches, or even live chat. Moreover, it's not really our place to do the shopping for you, as it were. We presume that you are as capable of reading and understanding a product description as any of us. Of course, when the product description is unclear, or you aren't sure whether a particular product can be used in a specific scenario, then it's time for a question to the sales rep, or perhaps us. Also, our format is not well suited to this sort of question: You can see in the linked example of a classic shopping question that Nagios is the highest rated answer, despite the fact that everyone hates it. When something better comes along (and many people think that has already happened), that new product has almost no chance of being voted up far enough to be seen in a lengthy list like this. That is the sort of obsolescence being referred to. Not that the products go out of date quickly, but the answers do. PHP 5.4 will always be PHP 5.4. But the best X for scenario Y changes over time. All that said, a Stack Exchange site has been proposed for software recommendations, and it has just entered public beta. The experience seen there should help shape the future of such questions. Share Follow edited Apr 13, 2017 at 12:50 CommunityBot 1 answered Feb 21, 2014 at 15:00 Michael HamptonMichael Hampton 237k11 gold badge5353 silver badges125125 bronze badges 7 2 I guess our main point of difference is that I don't consider the overall question a shopping question. I consider it a design question. serverfault.com/questions/575357/… seems much more shopping-centric in comparison. Perhaps I just need to improve my wording. – Paul Gear Feb 21, 2014 at 23:49 2 @PaulGear The Apple backup solution question resulted from a glaring lack of guidance about this requirement and silence from Apple on how their software should be used in larger environments. My question was intended to solicit opinions and solutions devised by other people in my situation. It was not "what software should I buy?" is different than "How have you solved this problem?" – ewwhite Feb 25, 2014 at 22:32 "What is the best design for XYZ" versus "What design have people used to solve XYZ" I guess is the difference. "the best" is an opinion which does not work, "what solution have you use" is some data you can use to form your opinion. – ETL Feb 25, 2014 at 23:48 @ewwhite Which is precisely the type of question I asked. Or tried to - suggestions gratefully accepted for edits that would make this clearer. – Paul Gear Feb 26, 2014 at 23:12 @PaulGear (it probably shouldn't have been closed). I'm not a fan of hard closing of product questions. Sometimes people need what they need! – ewwhite Feb 26, 2014 at 23:20 @PaulGear I would start by not explicitly asking "What products are out there?" Instead, define the end state, what you want to accomplish, and then any constraints. And I'd personally lose the bullet list and rewrite any necessary parts of it in prose, but that's mainly style. – Michael Hampton Feb 26, 2014 at 23:22 Software Recommendations is no longer in beta and a complementary Hardware Recommendations Stack Exchange community (still in beta) has also been formed. – HBruijn Apr 14, 2016 at 18:04 Add a comment | -4 I think that the major criteria for keeping a questions should be: are others going to benefit from having answers for this question? All the other criteria should be less important, let's face it there is huge gray area and people should be discouraged from closing questions. There is nothing wrong on asking about how to do something and in a big number of cases the answer is a tool/utility/product. I had a really bad experience on SF due to this kind of activity (while I had a very good on other SE sites). I am starting to believe that there is a personality pattern on SF, and that's not necessarily the most willing to help kind of... Share Follow answered Mar 6, 2014 at 14:12 sorinsorin 7,6681313 silver badges44 bronze badges 3 4 Lovely that you feel that way and all, but its both irrelevant and contrary to the Stack Exchange philosophy. If you want a place where questions are basically never closed, and no one cares about quality or signal-to-noise ratio, check out Yahoo! Answers. Not only can you find answers to questions about computer stuff, but you can even learn why your butt hurts after sex! – HopelessN00b Mar 6, 2014 at 21:07 4 @sorin has a point. There IS a gray area... I do think SF needs to slightly reconsider the stance because product recommendations are sometimes unavoidable. – ewwhite Mar 6, 2014 at 21:38 @sorin does indeed have a point, especially about the personality pattern. Sometimes when there's a nice clean "right" answer that's well-accepted in the industry, the person with the most in-your-face answer tends to get the most upvotes. However, questions with several right-ish answers don't tend to attract the same number of upvotes, even though they are often more helpful than seeing a single "Here's what you should do" type of answer. – Paul Gear Mar 8, 2014 at 10:36 Add a comment | You must log in to answer this question. Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged discussion . Greetings! This site is for discussion about Server Fault. You must have an account there to participate. Help The Overflow Blog We hate Scrum and Agile…when it’s done wrong (Ep. 489) Five nines uptime without developer burnout (Ep. 488) Visit chat Linked 8 Should ServerFault loosen its tie and start allowing "Shopping" questions? 10 Clarifying the "shopping question" close reason 5 Reopen Question 25K+ Views, appears to be a valid question, lots of answers 1 Can I ask for a comparison between two specific testing tools? 5 Where is an appropriate place to ask for server-oriented product recommendations? -4 On-topic automation/management tools vs off-topic product recommendations - where the border lies? Related 5 Where is an appropriate place to ask for server-oriented product recommendations? 10 What is our policy on "legacy" off-topic questions? 11 At what point do bounty questions become consulting or off-topic? 18 Chat is not a place for live support, but what is live support? 3 Should this question have been / why was this question closed? 8 Should ServerFault loosen its tie and start allowing "Shopping" questions? 1 Why was this given as the reason for off-topic? 2 What do you do when you see an outdated question or answer? Hot Network Questions Why does a MOSFET gate respond to voltage and not current? What is the best way to notate/convey this ornament? Main water supply's grounding wires As a PhD student in theoretical physics, what fraction of my time (if any) should I spend on background material rather than my research problem? SIngle-directional linked list in C Possible explanations for abnormal day/night cycle? What exactly did the "UNFORMAT" MS-DOS command do? 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Matt K - Evolutionary Informatics Working Group Matt K From Evolutionary Informatics Working Group Revision as of 15:01, 9 March 2009 by Gendlerk@gmail.com (talk) (Redirecting to User:Mkosnik) (diff) ← Older revision | Latest revision (diff) | Newer revision → (diff) Redirect page Jump to: navigation, search Redirect to: User:Mkosnik Retrieved from "https://evoinfo.nescent.org/w/index.php?title=Matt_K&oldid=4236" Navigation menu Personal tools Create account Log in Namespaces Page Discussion Variants Views Read View source View history More Search Navigation Categories / Tags Site Map Standards Data Resources Meetings Working Group Home WG Participants projects CDAO NeXML PhyloWS Concept Glossary Use Cases Hackathon Home Hack'on Participants Subgroups other IT + General Help Wiki Help All Pages NESCent Tools What links here Related changes Special pages Printable version Permanent link Page information Content is available under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International unless otherwise noted. Privacy policy About Evolutionary Informatics Working Group Disclaimers
Anthony Morrison Ambassador Club - Anthony Morrison Affiliate Program Anthony Morrison Online Business Services Portfolio About Team Contact Anthony Morrison Amazon Affiliate Anthony Morrison Clickbank Digital Marketing Academy Anthony Morrison Anthony Morrison Education Is Anthony Morrison a scam? No, he isn't. He is a legit and successful entrepreneur who is renowned around the globe. His courses are also proven effective. Anthony Morrison Affiliate PWA might not be the best because of the upsells attached to it but the main one you need is clickfunnels to enable you download the done for you funnels and build redirect to track your conversion if you don’t already have a software for that. The fact of the matter is that you will be building an email list in the process. . Anthony Morrison Infomercial 2. There’s a Money-Back Guarantee. The refund policy is in place for people that want to get their money back after trying out Partner With Anthony and don’t like it. As I’ve said, there are many businesses affiliated with him and the prices of each course or program varies. Success Connection Webinar There are many individuals already whom he has helped through his training courses and many have vouched that his programs have given them immense amounts of knowledge about marketing. My biggest gripe with done-for-you systems is they think you’re too dumb to do internet marketing. Why not teach people how to create their own landing pages and write their own emails instead? Why not training and equip aspiring marketers instead of patronising them with sleazy sales talk and supposed quick fixes? Success Connection Login Yeah I know, ClickFunnels isn’t exactly the world’s most cost-effective software to begin your journey with… Anthony Morrison Education Anthony Morrison Ambassador Anthony Morrison Anthony Morrison Amazon Anthony Morrison Cnn Anthony Morrison Refund Anthony Morrison Fan Page Anthony Morrison Wiki Anthony Morrison Infomercial Success Connection Webinar Anthony Morrison Affiliate Anthony Morrison Affiliate Program Anthony Morrison Tiktok One of which is Anthony Morrison. You might have heard about him and asked yourself... Anthony Morrison Course Free Download What seems to be missing, however, is the interviews with the experts AND the digital book bonus that he promised. When you join this program, you’ll get access to a number of courses and products that can help you in your path toward online marketing success. And you’ll be able to participate in live coaching sessions that will give you an opportunity to learn from the man himself. Anthony has a proven system that works. And if you want to learn how to earn income through affiliate marketing, sign up for Anthony Morrison Online today! How a 26-Year-Old College Dropout Makes $15,000 a Month With Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Without Breaking a Sweat Sebastian Rossi of Los Angeles, California was tired of worrying all the time where the next pay check would come from. Life seemed merely a succession of bills and worrying about how to pay them. One late night while surfing the internet, curiosity got the best of him and he started researching Bitcoin and cryptocurrency. His long hours of research paid off and he was able to discover a method of making money that would change his life. He was finally able to make a substantial amount of money while having enough free time to enjoy it. I read Sebastian's blog last month and decided to feature his story on our job report. In our phone interview he told me his amazing story. "I basically make around $12,000 to $15,000 a month. It's way more money than I ever made before, and I don't even really have to do anything." One of the most popular and interesting methods people use to trade cryptocurrency is through automated trading software. Unlike the stock market, cryptocurrency can be traded 24 hours a day. So traders are able to run trading software from their home computers and profit in their sleep. The phenomenon of running automated software to trade cryptocurrencies and generate money online is not new. Nevertheless, recently these programs have managed to get a lot of attention because they have become far more accurate and profitable. Sebastian's success with Bitcoin and cryptocurrency trading started when he discovered BinBotPro. An automated trading software that functions through the use of high frequency trading. Meaning, it makes high-speed algorithmic trades that take advantage of the volatility present in the cryptocurrency marketplace. The profits per trade may not be that much, but when you run the program 24 hours a day these little trades can add up to quite a bit of money. Trading cryptocurrencies has been a big break for Sebastian, who struggled for months going from one dead end job to another. "I lost my job a year ago and since then have been unable to find a steady paying job, but with BinBotPro I was able to create a passive income stream that put money in my pocket daily." At the time Sebastian first got his hands on BinBotPro it was going through its first round of beta testing, so he was able to test it out fully without paying a dime. He was part of a select group of individuals chosen for a trial run of the program. Best of all he was able to keep all the profits he made. BinBotPro is cleverly and intuitively designed, so that even newcomers can understand the whole process in minutes. As of now, this software has been hailed as the most profitable and easiest to use automated crypto trader. I asked Sebastian why he decided on sharing with the world his secret to success. He responded, "I feel like I just got really lucky and wanted to share my knowledge and experience with everyone. I want to show that you don't have to be a computer geek to get into this. In college I studied Theater before dropping out, and I'm not that tech savvy, but even then I was able to profit immensely from this new technology." BinBotPro is holding their final round of beta testing and is currently looking for people to help out in testing their software. This is the perfect opportunity for anyone looking to get involved in cryptocurrency. Remember, it’s always better to start small if you are a beginner. Don’t risk a lot of money when initially starting out. With the BinBotPro System you can start trades with a minimal amount of money. Remember, large profit doesn’t have to mean large investment. So it’s advisable to start small, and slowly increase your trading account as you make profit and add to your account by reinvesting what you’ve made. So, as a result of promoting the same program applying the things that I’ve learnt from inside PWA, I started generating commissions from other software platforms as well without even promoting them which is absolutely awesome. Updated Results New Updated BR commissions 2021 New updated Getresponse commissions New Clickfunnels commissions Anthony Morrison Funnels Anthony Morrison was creating the blueprint for his later success without realizing it, Anthony Morrison expanded upon a business he’d had as a teen and established his first company when financial ruin threatened his family, Cool Blue Performance. Thirdly, Morrison has made it easier for you to earn multiple recurring income streams from some of the best tools on the market. I totally agree, Collins! You’re never gonna find that “perfect” program because product creators can’t please everyone online or even offline, for that matter. Anthony Morrison Frankly speaking, he doesn’t have a good reputation and his marketing techniques are manipulative and frustrating. They kept billing me for a service which did not exist. That’s a rip off and a scam! The only way to make money with Anthony is to bring other newbies into the funnel and rip them off. Stay away! Well, I’m not going to disguise the fact that this Fan Page Domination course does cost a fair amount of money. At $1997, it’s a bit rich and in my opinion, slightly overpriced. Having said that if you implement all the training here, there’s a good chance of making that money back. Anthony Morrison Affiliate Program About: Anthony Morrison's latest video course promising to show you how to become a successful affiliate marketer. Partner With Anthony is an affiliate marketing training platform that teaches newbies and entrepreneurs who wanted to earn more profit online and make progress. His net worth has been growing significantly in 2020-2021. So, how much is Anthony Morrison worth at the age of 39 years old? Anthony Morrison’s income source is mostly from being a successful Fighter. He is from American. We have estimated Anthony Morrison's net worth, money, salary, income, and assets. Net Worth in 2021 $1 Million - $5 Million Salary in 2020 Under Review Net Worth in 2019 Pending Salary in 2019 Under Review House Not Available Cars Not Available Source of Income Fighter Anthony Morrison Social Network Instagram Linkedin Twitter Facebook Anthony Morrison Facebook Wikipedia Anthony Morrison Wikipedia Imdb Timeline Be Part Of Our Story! Anthony Morrison Infomercial All PostingsBusiness & FinanceConstruction & TradesHealth CareInformation TechnologySales & ServicesScience & TechnologyMore Categories* Post a Job Ad Anthony Morrison Clickbank I've reviewed hundreds of courses or programs that claim to help people make money online. And I've spoken to dozens of 6-7 figure online entrepreneurs on my podcast. Anthony Morrison Customer Service The advantage of this method is that you don’t need to build your own list of subscribers and the disadvantage is that it’s not your list, not your audience. You don’t know exactly what they want and each time you want to send your offer, you have to pay money. Contact Us If you try visiting his channel, you'll see a lot of his videos with a fair amount of views and comments and most of them are positive ones. Send Message Create an account. I agree to the license terms. Sign Up You already have an account? Login here. Copyright � Anthony Morrison Fan Page Privacy Policy Terms of Use Html Sitemap Text Sitemap Anthony Morrison Wiki He knows entrepreneurial uptakes and is very much knowledgeable and experienced when it comes to affiliate marketing. You can always cancel the $7 per month subscription fee once you’ve worked through the content. Right? 25 March 2020 at 6:20 pm I really loved this straightforward and honest review!! I like that you didn’t give me a whole bunch of smoke, bells and whistles! Our training has been recommended by some of the smartest people in the world. Here’s what a few had to say… Are you suggesting this course to be in concert with Wealthy Affiliate, in place of it or just for people that know everything there is at Wealthy Affiliate. As I said, PWA is an Eco-System (AKA “The Profit Cycle Blueprint”) that’s built up of numerous Profit Centers. ! Anthony Morrison Amazon Affiliate Success Connection Facebook Anthony Morrisons Inbox Inner Circle Close Project Anthony Morrison Ambassador Login Education Details: Then locate the "Partner With Anthony" tab which will be shown just like you see here in this image. Please click on this tab and then click on access to login to the program. STEP 4: If you do not get the email with your login info within 5 minutes please send us an email to [email protected] and request your login details be sent to anthony morrison Despite his bad reputation, Anthony is a marketing expert and a guy who knows how to make money online. He’s been featured in a lot of magazines and TV shows too. This is quite lucrative to the person selling but it should be a red flag if you're buying from a person that does this. Sports Products About Support Sign up Log In Anthony Morrison October 4th, 2018 MMA News » Facebook » Twitter » Instagram » YouTube » Jared Cannonier Rebounds, Turns Away Kelvin Gastelum in UFC on ESPN 29... Cheick Kongo Choke Submits Sergei Kharitonov in Bellator 265 Main Event UFC on ESPN 29 ‘Cannonier vs. Gastelum’ Play-by-Play, Results &... Bellator 265 ‘Kongo vs. Kharitonov’ Play-by-Play, Results & Round... Kayla Harrison Brutalizes Genah Fabian, Punches Ticket to PFL... 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Dillashaw win vs Cory Sandhagen loss All Access Videos » Hall of [email protected]#$%&g Awesome » Yearly Awards » MMA at 20 » Fight Odds » After the Bell: Shillan & Duffy Recap UFC on ESPN 29 UFC on ESPN 29 Highlight Video: Saidyokub Kakhramonov Guillotine... Pictures Photo Galleries » Infographics » Pictures: UFC 259 UFC 259 was headlined by a trio of title fights. Forum UFC Discussion » Worldwide MMA Discussion » Boxing Discussion » Training Discussion » All Forums » UFC Vegas 34: Cannonier vs Gastelum - All fight finishes (VIDEOS) Conor McGregor will go down as the Mike Tyson of MMA I don't buy UFC champs are the baddest people on the planet! Filthy casual who missed the card last night has only one question: Boxing Boxing » Kickboxing » Glory KB » Boxing Coach Luiz Dorea Discusses Upcoming Bouts for Anderson Silva,... Anderson Silva, Tito Ortiz Slated for Boxing Match at Triller-Promoted... Born: 1984-03-29 AGE: 37 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania United States Height 170.18 cm Weight 65.77 kg Association: Daddis Fight Camps Class: Featherweight N/C 1 Result Fighter Event Method/Referee R Time loss Cody Stevens RFO - Big Guns 24 Jon Schorle 1 2:13 loss Mike Thomas Brown WEC 46 - Varner vs. Henderson Well, no one can really become fully satisfied with someone or something. There might be many positive feedback about him, his courses, and his books, but there are still negative comments you can also find online. Anthony Morrison Wiki Anthony Morrison Internet Marketing Success Connection Anthony Morrison Close Project Anthony Morrison Bbb Anthony says that the Partner With Anthony is a DFY system, which is also not true. Yes, you’ll get a few resources such as landing pages, email swipes, and a few other bonuses that you can use down the road. Anthony Morrison Email The links to all those resources can be found within your Partner With Anthony dashboard. I sleep soundly at night after reading comments and emails from people who nearly fell for some scummy internet scam or other but didn’t, thus saving them wasted time, money and frustration. Not to mention the dozens of success stories I read from Wealthy Affiliate members every single day. 15 September 2020 at 2:31 am When you’re trying to make money online, whether it’s with affiliate marketing or any other method, then one of the biggest challenges you’ll face is actually loneliness. The problem with making money online is firstly that you are all by yourself with your computer and an internet connection, and without the input and help from other people, you can often end up wasting a lot of time and leading yourself down dead-end paths because you don’t have someone more experienced with you who can show you the right routes to success. Kevin Mulhall 3 5:00 loss Micah Miller Shine Fights 2 - ATT vs. The World Anthony Morrison has always been full of vigor and talent. He aims to spread and share this vigor with the next generation of entrepreneurs and marketers. His works and services have helped users. Anthony Morrison Products; books, courses, software, they all are valuable. Everything formulated with the aim to guide users to the best of the effort. So recognize your inner entrepreneur today using Anthony Morrison products and services. Follow Anthony Morrison on WordPress.com Recent Posts List Building Accelerator | I Just Gave Away $11,500! Stay connected with me every day via my other Social Media accounts. Links below: Step 1: Follow me on Instagram http://instagram.com/officialanthonymorrison Step 2: Follow me on Snapchat http://go.thesc.com/snapchat Always be ready to take the opportunities that approach you. Get your FREE copy of my book “Your Email Profits” to learn how to build your business! Get yours now!-> http://www.anthonysfanpage.com/freebook Take a minute to follow me on Instagram and Snapchat now! Privacy & Cookies: This site uses cookies. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: Cookie Policy Anthony Morrison Reviews Anthony Morrisons Inbox Inner Circle Anthony Morrison Free Book Close Project Anthony Morrison Publishing One of the issues being constantly raised by individuals who purchased Anthony’s products is the fact that the refund rate is too high; it leaves them doubtful. In case of differentiate in time zone or we are in relax, please allow us max 6 - 8 hours to fullfil your order. The business model is based on revenue sharing. A company has a product that they want to sell, and they find people who are willing to promote them on a website, a blog, or any form of online marketing. It gives people an incentive to promote their products, and it adds value to their audience. They can also earn an income from any traffic that turns into a successful sale. One of the issues being constantly raised by individuals who purchased Anthony’s products is the fact that the refund rate is too high; it leaves them doubtful. Originally from North Philadelphia, Anthony Morrison began boxing at the age of 14 and also competed in high school wrestling before deciding to compete in MMA professionally. Keep up to date with all the latest information from Anthony Morrison. Join one of Anthony Morrison’s businesses today and see what he has to offer. Anthony Morrison wants everyone to be successful so Anthony Morrison is constantly providing the latest information to help all of his student’s. You can join one of Anthony Morrison’s • Read More » Tags: anthony morrison, anthony morrison bio, anthony morrison blog, anthony morrison blog. anthony morrison books, Anthony Morrison Information, anthony morrison online, anthony morrison products, anthony morrison programs, anthony morrison projects, anthony morrison students, anthony morrison testimonials, anthony morrison weekly, anthony morrison.com, anthony morrsion inc, anthony morrsion training programs, anthonymorirson.com, anthonymorrison.com, anthonymorrison.com anthony morrison reviews, morrison training programs Anthony Morrison – Marketing Companies July 21, 2009 | By admin | No Comments | Filed in: Uncategorized. Anthony Morrison Anthony Morrison Hidden Millionaire Anthony Morrison Marketing Close Project Anthony Morrison Infomercial And like I said, there are better programs out there that are going to train you on how to do affiliate marketing the right way. In fact, I think it’s either Anthony or Spencer Mecham that are the top ClickFunnels affiliates. Hi Ceci, thanks! As you can see, PWA has got a lot of hidden costs down the road. They just keep popping out. Thanks for checking out my Wealthy Affiliate link. I’m glad you like it. Thanks for sharing my article with your friend. I hope it’s going to make a difference in their lives. I had been looking for a proper review about partner with Anthony because I am an internet marketer. It is a pity to see such programs and personally you have saved me the trouble because I like programs which are transparent So I will definitely check out this guy Anthony but need a lot of detail about his program. Like for example…what does he offer as training? How do we know it works? What method of reimbursement etc etc. You know the drill! Looking forward to the facts there…. So who exactly is Anthony Morrison? Well, he is in fact a highly successful entrepreneur and self-made multi-millionaire who has won more than a couple of awards. Partner With Anthony is definitely a good program if you want to learn affiliate marketing and start generating commissions Anthony Morrison Cnn Anthony Morrison Shopify Anthony Morrison Clickbank Close Project Anthony Morrison Partnership During his PPH sessions Adrian teaches advanced strategies for optimizing your Facebook advertising as well as the conversions and profit margins in your Shopify store. NICK LEWIS I hope we exceed your expectations and look forward to providing you with whatever tools, resources and trainings we can in the future to help you grow your business online. He’s just so good at marketing himself and that’s why he’s had people buy into the programs and courses without providing them with anything of decent quality. To check out Success Connection you need to join Anthonys Free Portal here and get free access to Profit Cycle Blueprint >>> Does it really make him the bad guy or just an opportunist who enriches himself by helping others succeed online? Julia Michaels shows off armpit hair in body positive post: ‘Pretty fed up with beauty standards and societal norms’ Anthony Morrison Clickbank Anthony Morrison Affiliate Anthony Morrison Clickbank Close Project X Anthony Morrison Marketing
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This past month I’ve amused myself (and hopefully y’all!) by writing about various Christians who are convinced that they know why their religion is failing and what ought to be done about it. We’ve focused mostly on evangelicals and Catholics in our quest to see just how self-deceived Christians can get about the state of their religion. But today we’ve got a progressive Christian who’s here to give us the real skinny about just what’s wrong and just what has to happen to fix everything. I’ll spoiler this thing now by telling y’all that he’s wrong, just in a different direction than we normally see. In essence, we’re seeing a Christian here who lacks situational awareness. That’s a military term that means living in reality, making plans that reflect reality, drawing upon the real strengths of one’s teammates, and adjusting plans as new facts come to light or things go seriously pear-shaped. (As always, all quotes come directly from the noted source material–no scare quotes are used.) Everyone, Meet Christian Piatt. Christian Piatt is a young, hip, progressive Christian who writes and does podcasts that are apparently at least partially aimed at non-progressive Christians. He’s been blogging with the Progressive Christian channel here on Patheos for a while. He’s also the author of various books seeking to teach his fellow Christians how to be nice people, since “Jesus” sure isn’t doing anything in that department (one of these, postChristian: What’s Left? Can We Fix It? Do We Care?, is indicative of his oeuvre). He also contributes to Red Letter Christians and some other similar groups. I think I’ve mentioned this guy at least obliquely in the past. He doesn’t seem that bad, though he often doesn’t understand his own privilege as a Christian in American society and he’s entirely too optimistic about his religion’s future. One viral post of his I read years ago advised his tribemates how to treat people compassionately and decently. His advice was called “Ten Cliches Christians Should Never Use,” which you might have heard of; it seemed to travel everywhere at the time. The post turned out to be so incredibly popular he went on to write a couple more posts along similar lines, about other terrible things Christians say and do that they really should stop doing immediately because it was wrecking their credibility and their sales numbers. The response of Christians to those viral posts was sadly predictable; the ones who got his point already knew that stuff, while the ones who really needed to see it had a million excuses for why they absolutely had to keep mistreating people. And no small number of pickup-artist Christians took it as an instruction manual for how to trick their sales marks into relaxing their guard. That’s been about the extent of his impact on the religion through his career. Given his social-justice leanings and inclusiveness, his rejection of the inerrancy/literalism party line, and his lack of interest in controlling people’s lives, most fundagelicals and hardcore Catholics would consider Christian Piatt deeply heretical, to the point where he’s written a post about exactly why he’s a Christian at all–and the comments to his post are also sadly predictable. Even though he states firmly that he’s literally heard all the fundagelical talking points by now and rejected them, fundagelicals gotta fundagelical. So overall, he seems like a likeable enough young man and it’s obvious that he’s trying very hard to bring his more toxic bunkmates up to a standard they are bitterly resisting every step of the way. He simply suffers from the same shortcomings that so many of his progressive peers suffer from: an inability to see his religion and his religious peers the way that many of the rest of us see them. Today’s post, therefore, isn’t actually a slam or anything on him; I suspect that we agree with him about a lot more than we disagree about (his criticism of how much power his religion’s leaders get is spot-on, though he doesn’t seem to understand why his religion’s entire social system seems to lend itself so well to authoritarianism and unlimited power for its leaders). I’m not criticizing him as a person. Instead, think of this post as an exercise in critical thinking. What we’re seeing here is simply what it looks like when someone lacks situational awareness and doesn’t have the capacity for double-checking their perceptions against reality. The “Basic Reasons.” Today’s essay is called “The Real Reason Christianity is Still in Decline.” Mr. Piatt wrote this post in 2015, not long after that Religious Landscape Study was released that showed Christianity in such a steep nosedive. I briefly checked his written materials since then and haven’t seen anything else on the topic of Christianity’s decline, so I’m assuming this is still how he feels about the matter. First he dispenses with what he calls “the basic reasons,” which I suspect means the reasons that Christians typically think of and reach for when they finally come face-to-face with that decline. These include: People are too busy for religion nowadays. People have cars and are used to driving everywhere they want to go. There’s “less social stigma about not going to church.” People just don’t trust Christians anymore. And this is a very curious list. He dismisses them as not being the real reason that people are leaving Christian groups and churches, but let’s look at them first. The first three reasons he gives as “basic reasons” boil down to people recognizing that the former coercion that compelled them to attend church is no longer quite as powerful a force as it was once. People are rarely “too busy” for something that’s really important to them. They make time for stuff that they value and cherish. If they’re not making time, then they’re saying that they are prioritizing that thing way lower than stuff they value more highly. The last reason–Christians’ loss of credibility and trust in the public eye–almost flutters into view in his mental model of reality, but because of its position in the “basic reasons” list it’s clear that he doesn’t think it’s the real reason for his religion’s downfall. Rather, the inclusion of this glaring off-note in his list is more of a sign that he edged up to the ledge of understanding and then skittered away from it. They’re Just Not That Into You, Christianity. He’s talking about people re-prioritizing their lives in his first three “basic reasons.” If you’ve ever heard about that old standby brush-off “I can’t accept a date for that evening–I’m washing my hair then,” then you probably immediately realized that it’s actually a serious insult (TVTropes Walkabout Warning!). The woman saying it isn’t just rejecting a date; she’s also declaring that a paid night out with this potential suitor means less to her than taking care of a routine hygiene task. Granted, in the age when the brush-off was invented that task was considerably more time-consuming than it is now, but still, nobody even then was uncertain about exactly what was meant by the rejection. Christian Piatt is hearing the exact same brush-off now with regards to his religion, but he’s not seeing it for the statement about priorities that it really is. The fact that Americans (he’s only talking about Americans in this post, I’m pretty sure) can get in cars and drive pretty much anywhere only adds to the brush-off nature and full extent of their rejection of church. As a teenager, I had no car. Getting one at 16 was by no means a guarantee in my culture (only really wealthy kids got one, in the mid-80s–and it’d probably be a total beater); I didn’t own one until just before my sophomore year of college. So yes, getting transportation to church was a big concern for me. I couldn’t just hop in a car and drive to whatever church I wanted to attend. I had to find friends who not only lived in my area but also attended the same church. That wasn’t always a sure thing. Because church was important to me at the time, I found a way. I figured it out, just like my friends did when they really wanted to get somewhere but didn’t have a car. I’ve gone even further in the past to get to church. As a child, I dragged my kid sister out of bed and forced us to walk what had to be a couple of miles down the road to our little Catholic church in Northern California. It was always freezing cold even in the summer, in my memory, but I rousted her out of bed every Sunday morning without fail. We went to church without our parents, who slept in on the weekends and had only one rule while they were sleeping: don’t for the love of orange kittens ever wake them up. Set the house on fire, fine. Stay up till 5am watching animated movies way above our age level, fine. Invite 100 friends over, fine. Just don’t wake them up. (I’m not saying this was awesome parenting, just how things worked.) And I followed that rule and still went to church and strong-armed my sister into attending church because it was important to me that we attend church. People go to trouble for stuff that is important to them. The more important that stuff is, the more trouble they’ll go to over it. Conversely: the less important something is to someone, the less trouble they’ll go to over it. Increasing numbers of people are just not going to particular pains to do Christian stuff anymore, is all. And this writer we’re looking at today, Christian Piatt, kinda knows this. He reveals as much when he notes the lowered social stigma associated with withdrawal from church attendance. I wonder how comfortable he is with the notion that this social stigma is literally the only thing that kept his religion’s dominance alive for the time it had it–and that the tidal wave of disengagements and deconversions* we’re seeing now almost certainly would have begun much earlier if people had felt free to accept or reject his religion’s “good news.” A Catastrophic Loss of Credibility and Trust. His fourth “basic reason” is “folks just don’t trust us.” And if you got the same mental record-scratch noise in your head that I did when I saw that, well, your situational awareness is better than Christian Piatt’s. He equates all of the “basic reasons” with hypocrisy–with Christians not “practicing what they preach.” In the next section he goes on to develop this idea further by plaintively asking why Christians pretend to be perfect when they obviously aren’t. But the first three of his “basic reasons” are about people feeling less forced to participate in Christian showboating and being more free to reject the religion. They’re about people re-prioritizing their lives to reflect what they really enjoy doing and what they really find more meaningful than doing Christian stuff. That fourth “basic reason” has only a tangential link to the first three, but it’s obviously the one he really wants to discuss in his post. He writes regarding the corruption in the upper ranks of Christian leadership, The bigger problem is honesty. I’m not just talking about leaders lying about their transgressions. I mean that all Christians, as a whole, have a tendency to promote a false veneer of flawlessness to the world, as if somehow once you are a Christian, your hair is perennially straight, teeth are white, and your bodily functions magically smell like roses. He goes on to laud the honesty of the totally hip-and-happenin’ Lutheran pastor Nadia Bolz Weber for declaring to new members of her small church that yeah, sooner or later either she or the church’s membership itself will disappoint those new folks and she wants everyone to be totally aware of that up-front. He clearly thinks that her example is one that all Christian leaders should follow. And here’s where a full understanding of reality would have come in handy for him. A Foolproof (Broken) System. What Mr. Piatt is doing here is criticizing his fellow Christians for not being totally honest about their shortcomings. And he’s right: they’re not. Every one of us who were Christian probably lied about something to someone. And those of us who were never Christian probably encountered plenty of that same dishonesty in Christians. The religion itself promotes that kind of dishonesty and firmly punishes those who try to be more authentic and honest–while richly rewarding people who are obviously lying to themselves and others. Christian Piatt isn’t saying anything new when he brings up this dishonesty. His goal is to convince Christians to be more honest about their shortcomings so that their god’s supposed divine grace can flow through them to heal those shortcomings. He wants them to reveal their deep need for a cosmic handyman to come in and fix them to make them seem more authentic to non-Christians. He thinks that if Christians are more honest about their flaws and struggles, that’ll make their sales marks trust them more and maybe purchase his product to get this divine healing/fixing for themselves. He thinks that his tribemates are so busy pretending they’re perfect to impress and gain admiration from their sales marks that they sacrifice their main sales pitch of absolutely needing a supernatural friend to make them better and to save them from themselves. He ends with a flourish about how it’s soooo much more important to be trusted than to be admired. Hooray Team Jesus! But he’s criticizing the wrong people for the wrong reasons–and the cause of the problem isn’t even vaguely related to what is actually happening. How This Could Have Gone (But Didn’t). When we look at Christian dishonesty, we first have to understand that this dishonesty is baked right into the system of the religion. Even really nice Christians get taught from earliest childhood that sales–ie, conversions of others–matter more than anything in the world. Mistreating others, being blatantly dishonest, whatever they’ve got to do to “save” people from an eternity in Hell is A-OK–even laudable. So yes, absolutely. Most Christians will lie at the drop of a hat if they think it’s for a greater good. But the place to lay criticism is not at their feet; it’s at the feet of the architects of their broken system. In other words, Christian Piatt’s hating on the players when he should be hating on the game. You can see the exact same mechanism at work with people who criticize women for spending too much time on their appearance–rather than criticizing a social system that penalizes women for both spending too much time and not spending enough time on their appearance. In the same way, women get criticized for not explaining themselves fully when they reject a man’s attention–but then they are penalized doubly when they actually do make that attempt because their reasons are never acceptable to the men they’re rejecting. In this case, Christian Piatt is demanding that his tribemates be strictly honest about their flaws–but he’s not dismantling the system that leads to that urge to be dishonest. Indeed, he cannot dismantle it; he doesn’t have the power in the religion to change anything about its overarching flaws. The Christians who are not honest already about those things will be hugely penalized by their peers because this honesty is seen as interfering with sales. Further, Christians are taught to be dishonest about how happy they are in their groups–and how well their membership in that group is turning out for them. More than simple belief in Christianity’s various supernatural claims, Christians are selling membership in their groups. If they present those groups as they really are, in all their petty, backbiting, vindictive, mean-spirited glory, then nobody’s going to want to join! No matter how dysfunctional and toxic a group is, the Christians in it will downplay its flaws and invent virtues if they must in order to make the group look so great that anybody sensible would want to join it. And they will viciously suppress the few Christians who make those groups look any different. Once those new members are through the doors and have taken the plunge into the group and the religion (literally and figuratively), the group has a variety of tactics at hand to try to keep those people firmly planted in the pews. The ends, these group members are taught, always justify the means. So the Christians who are honest already aren’t making a lot of sales, but they’re not part of groups that police sales as hard as the others do. They have the freedom to be more honest. Just as we find in multi-level marketing scams, the more sales-oriented a Christian group is, the more dishonesty you’re going to find in its members. The Ultimate Threat. The reason that sales-minded Christians can’t let go of dishonesty is that they are almost all terrified of Hell–and if they are among the few who don’t fear Hell, then they are grabbing for power over others and know that this terrifying threat is an easy way to achieve their goal. Fear and greed lie at the blackened heart of Christianity–and always have. That’s why coercion has always been a major part of Christian culture, and why so many Christians today can’t let go of their desire to use coercion. Oh, they’re happy to try the lovey-dovey stuff first, by pushing the image of Jesus as this gentle and meek shepherd who only wants to lurrrrrrve his sheep and gosh won’t you just let him into your heart to help you withstand the stuff he’ll do/allow to happen if you don’t let him in, but if that attempt fails then they know there’s a much bigger–and more effective–gun they can haul out. Coercion works, and it works grandly. It always has. That’s exactly why so many Christians are happy to use it as a tool against others. It’s only begun to fail in the last couple of decades–and there are still plenty of people who aren’t wise to this form of Christian salesmanship. That is why Christian leaders have not managed to produce a single bit of credible evidence through the entire run of their religion for their various claims–both supernatural and non-supernatural. If anything in their religion were true, they’d be able to do that–or would be hard at work on it. Instead, they’ve spent their time honing their threats, nonsensical apologetics, and come-ons to scare, bamboozle, and entice the people they’ve marked as sales prospects. If someone has coercion, they literally don’t need a good and valid selling point. They’ve already got something more powerful. And it overshadows anything else that these salespeople could use to persuade others. As a progressive Christian, Christian Piatt probably doesn’t believe in a literal Hell. Most of that lot don’t. The ones who do generally err on the side of compassion in discussing the idea, defanging it as a threat as much as they can. That’s largely why so many of their more conventional peers are so angered by what progressive/emergent Christians are saying: they know that without the threat of Hell, most of their sales tactics suddenly don’t work at all. You Always Knew I Was Awful. Something that really bugged me about Christian Piatt’s post about the “real reason Christianity is still in decline” is his assertion that it’s a great idea to warn people up-front about how flawed and terrible Christians are so that they won’t leave when they see those flaws. The pastor he admires so much, Nadia Bolz Weber, tells her congregants that they should “stick around” when they’ve been deeply disappointed in her or the church itself so they don’t “miss the way that God’s grace comes in and fills in the cracks of our brokenness. It’s too beautiful to miss.” I’ve got a really great idea: how about creating a social system that isn’t so reliable about producing “brokenness?” And how about defining what it means for their god’s activities when this “brokenness” occurs? Christians can be absolutely terrible people. Some of them are really nice, but most are not anywhere close to living up to the ideals they say they want to cultivate in themselves. Overall, it’s a very fair observation to make that Christianity seems to have absolutely nothing to do with the creation of good people or harmonious groups. If anything, it seems to make decent people worse and to create and foster dysfunction in groups. At its best, one could say that it is totally superfluous. The obvious solution for Christians worried about their image is to fix their group’s problems first, then to go sell the group to others. But for some reason that doesn’t ever occur to a single Christian in the religion–not even the nice ones like this fellow. They’re trying to sell membership in groups that anybody with perception could tell is struggling even to live up to a basic standard of morality and decency toward others. It really reminds me of those gaslighting jerks who tell potential romantic partners about all their flaws, so that later, when those flaws become too glaring to ignore, they can get mad at their partners because they knew about those flaws to begin with and apparently consented to enduring them forever without comment. If someone knows they have flaws, the thing to do is address them like an adult–not to use them as permission slips to act out. I’m not even going to get into how preposterous the idea of “God’s grace” is and how no Christian ever really defines it–or “brokenness” for that matter–in a satisfactory way. This concept is simply one of the many, many nebulous and poorly-defined ideas in Christianity that sound great but are never explained. If by this term Christian Piatt and his pastor friend mean the natural generosity of people and their tendency to forgive errors and overlook flaws for various reasons, well, that’s sure not uniquely Christian. That’s part of what good friends and solid groups do anyway–no matter what their ideology is or what common interest binds them together. I suspect very strongly that if he could actually define exactly what he means here, he’d stumble into the truth. But he’s content to use these common Christianese thought-stoppers. In essence, he’s not saying anything different from “We’re not perfect, just forgiven.” And that’s unacceptable. Cause and Effect. Christian Piatt is setting up an if-then statement in his post as well, and his lack of situational awareness has caused him not to notice that statement or to test it. If we can’t or won’t test our ideas, we’re not going to get a clear picture of reality and we’re not going to be able to adapt our plans to that reality–or recover from inevitable failures. His statement could be worded this way: If Christians are perfectly honest about all of their flaws and struggles, then more non-Christians will buy the product Christians are selling. He’s assuming that his tribe’s inability to be honest about those flaws and struggles is the cause of their declining membership. But it’s not. He’s also hypothesizing that honesty about those flaws and struggles will halt that decline. But it won’t. I cannot recall one single deconversion story that ever involved dishonesty about flaws and struggles as a tipping point for anyone deconverting. Nor can I remember honesty about flaws and struggles as a tipping point for anyone entering the religion. He’s speaking here against the Jesus Aura myth: the idea that non-Christians are so blinded by Christians’ connection to their god and their general sanctification that obviously they’ll want the same connection and sanctification for themselves. Putting the Cart Before the Honey Badger. Hypocrisy itself does tip people into doubts, since a big part of Christian culture and salesmanship is the creation and promotion of myths about how much better Christians are than non-Christians. I literally ran into a guy on a comment box yesterday who’d just stumbled into a major realization about his religious tribemates that he could no longer ignore or downplay. But I really can’t remember anybody saying that dishonesty about hypocrisy was some kind of huge problem. For a start, we may just be too used to Christian dishonesty to be concerned about that specific form of dishonesty. We don’t expect used-car salesmen or politicians to be totally honest about anything they’re pushing, after all, and most of us are well aware that Christians will say and do anything to close a sale. Second, most people are well aware that Christians’ Jesus Aura is a myth. We’re far too familiar with Christian hypocrisy to buy the idea that Christians have easier lives, that they’re happier, that they’re better-adjusted, or that they’ve got their lives more figured out. If they were suddenly totally honest about all of those things, it’d be nice, but it wouldn’t make us believe their various supernatural claims. But third and most importantly, the decline that Christianity is experiencing in America isn’t going to be solved by Christians being honest about their flaws. People are leaving Christianity because it doesn’t offer them nearly enough benefits for the demands it makes on their time and resources. They’re leaving because they figured out Christianity makes a lot of false claims, and they don’t want to be in Christian groups if the claims undergirding the religion aren’t even true. The decline will be halted if Christian leaders can find something to offer potential customers that makes their demands an acceptable burden. They’re never going to make true supernatural claims; they can’t. No religion ever could. The smart ones avoid even going there (and yes, there are some smart ones out there). There’s no evidence that anything supernatural even exists, much less anything supernatural that’s specifically Christian. So instead, Christians are going to have to focus on making their groups so attractive that they’re worth joining. The problem is, that’s not going to happen. Most Christian leaders seem to be totally indignant over the idea that they even need to find something to offer potential customers. They act like they’re entitled to congregations’ time and resources, like if they build it, believers will come. They’re still ruling like lords rather than behaving like salespeople, deciding from their positions on high whether or not those congregants will be allowed to leave–and what circumstances constitute an acceptable reason to leave. They aren’t thinking like people who are operating in a free market; they’re thinking like people who own monopolies. That’s a big part of why Christianity is so broken as a system. Without dismantling that broken system, Christian Piatt can’t change his tribe’s inherent dishonesty–or reverse his religion’s steep decline. But he can’t see that–yet. He isn’t situationally aware of his environment enough to see it. And so he’s offering a solution in search of a problem–and it will fail. Only by engaging with reality could Christianity be saved, but that’s the one thing that most of its followers can’t do. We’re going to talk some more about situational awareness next–how to get it, how to keep it, and how to avoid falling out of it. This is Life After Deconversion 101! Keep that PDF link about it handy, because we’re circling back to it–see you then! Disengagement is a term religion researchers use to describe someone pulling away from Christianity and its various observances. Someone disengaged isn’t always deconverted–they’re just not doing Christian stuff anymore. They’re not praying, going to church, talking about religion with their pals, or studying the Bible in that way that only religious people do. A deconversion, of course, is what happens when someone totally rejects the religion. Some deconverted people still attend church for a variety of reasons, so they’re not fully disengaged (yet).
A 4.7-magnitude earthquake has struck Oklahoma, the US Geological Survey reported, adding that the quake hit at a depth of 6.2 km, just 13 km from the town of Cherokee. There have been no reports of damage or casualties following the quake. Local media reports said that the earthquake was also felt in neighboring Kansas. Kansas-based KSN reported that the quake had affected Wichita, the largest city in Kansas, with almost 400,000 residents. A 4.7 magnitude hitting Oklahoma, feeling it up till Kansas. This was a big one. Thought the building might collapse for a sec. — Jonathan John (@JonathanJohn92) November 19, 2015 "It was a quick jolt with windows rattling with [the first waves], then 5-10 seconds later [the second waves] rattled windows and shook appliances and computer monitors," said AccuWeather Enterprise Solutions meteorologist William Clark, who felt the earthquake in Wichita. Oklahoma has repeatedly seen seismic activity, which reportedly has links with fracking operations being undertaken in the area. In July 2015, an astounding 40 earthquakes were reported within the space of a week in the state. Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin acknowledged the link between such earthquake clusters and wastewater disposal procedures used in fracking. READ MORE: Oklahoma shaken by 40 earthquakes in one week, fracking waste blamed I swear I just felt an earth quake in Lawrence ks. Anyone else??? #earthquake#kansas — بندر الظفيري (@b2nder__q8) November 19, 2015 Rain, snow, tornado and now earthquake all in the last 48 hours. Mother Mature you're drunk. Go home! #kansas — Katie Hargis (@bigredkate44) November 19, 2015 In 2013, Oklahoma experienced 109 earthquakes and tremors of magnitude 3.0 or higher. In 2014, the number skyrocketed to 585 such seismic events, according to state website Earthquakes in Oklahoma. This puts the current frequency at some 600 times the historical average. And geologists in Kansas believe a string of mysterious earthquakes may have been caused by pumping chemicals into the ground as part of the controversial gas and oil extraction process known as hydraulic fracturing. READ MORE: ​‘Strong correlation’ between quakes and fracking in Kansas – official That #earthquake was big enough to wake me up from a dead sleep. And not much can do that. #kansas — Beki (@TheRustedChain) November 19, 2015
Last week, the Kentucky-based Tri-State Freethinkers sent a letter to the Grant County Schools, asking them to put a stop to the numerous constitutional violations they had documented. We still haven’t seen a public response from the District just yet, but the atheist group’s leader, Jim Helton, has seen some disturbing messages flood his inbox. That’s just a sampling. Another message he received was just a picture of a gun. He told me he’s not entirely surprised by this — religious people are often vicious to atheists whom they falsely accuse of taking away their freedoms — but now that his family members are being targeted, it’s more complicated: When I created the Tri-State Freethinkers I knew there would come a day when my life would be threatened and I accepted that risk and knew I wouldn’t back down when the day came. But now my wife and kids are at risk and my decisions affect them. I thought it would be unfair to them if they were not part of the discussion. I fully explained to my children what was going on, the threats made against them, and also told them I would understand if they wanted me to stop. Without hesitation they both said no! I do take the threats seriously and we have also taken many new precautions to insure their safety. In the long run they will be safer when the local residents and students realize that threats will no longer work against people, the status quo is no longer acceptable, and the students of Grant County will be able to speak out on their own without fear. This is the world I want them to live in. Not one where they have to hide their beliefs and remain silent to an oppressor. Jim added that he’s also received messages of support — and people have privately messaged him to say they tried to “speak out against the [constitutional] violations but they were intimidated into silence.” But there are far too many in his community who believe the threats against his family are justified because of what he’s trying to do… which is to make sure the District remains neutral on matters of religion so that all students, religious and otherwise, aren’t coerced into accepting a particular brand of faith. No one should have to deal with this.
Edward Archer of the University of South Carolina, lead author of a scathing examination of U.S. federally-funded nutrition research, has written an even more scathing editorial in The Scientist (here) (H/t Margaret Wente of the Toronto Globe and Mail here.) Some quotes: We may be witnessing the confluence of two inherent components of the human condition: incompetence and self-interest And while the self-correcting nature of science necessitates failure, the vast majority of nutrition’s failures were engendered by a complete lack of familiarity with the scientific method. Rather than training graduate students in the scientific method, and allowing their research to serve the needs of society, the field’s leaders choose to train their mentees to serve only their own professional needs—namely, to obtain grant funding and publish their research. But by not training mentees in the basics of science and skepticism, the nutrition field has fostered the use of measures that are so profoundly dissonant with scientific principles that they will never yield a definitive conclusion. As such, we now have multiple generations of nutrition researchers who dominate federal nutrition research and the peer review of that work, but lack the critical thinking skills necessary to critique or conduct sound scientific research. The subjective data yielded by poorly formulated nutrition studies are also the perfect vehicle to perpetuate a never-ending cycle of ambiguous findings leading to ever-more federal funding. Archer culminates with the following allegation (going much further than any of my comparatively mild critiques of climate scientists): Perhaps more importantly, to waste finite health research resources on pseudo-quantitative methods and then attempt to base public health policy on these anecdotal “data” is not only inane, it is willfully fraudulent… The fact that nutrition researchers have known for decades that these techniques are invalid implies that the field has been perpetrating fraud against the US taxpayers for more than 40 years—far greater than any fraud perpetrated in the private sector (e.g., the Enron and Madoff scandals). The study was not funded by the U.S. federal government, but by an “unrestricted research grant” from Coca-Cola. This study was funded via an unrestricted research grant from The Coca-Cola Company. The sponsor of the study had no role in the study design, data collection, data analysis, data interpretation, or writing of the report. I wonder if federally-funded nutrition scientists will respond with attacks on the Coke Brothers.
ABSTRACT Background: Altering the macronutrient composition of the diet influences hunger and satiety. Studies have compared high- and low-protein diets, but there are few data on carbohydrate content and ketosis on motivation to eat and ad libitum intake. Objective: We aimed to compare the hunger, appetite, and weight-loss responses to a high-protein, low-carbohydrate [(LC) ketogenic] and those to a high-protein, medium-carbohydrate [(MC) nonketogenic] diet in obese men feeding ad libitum. Design: Seventeen obese men were studied in a residential trial; food was provided daily. Subjects were offered 2 high-protein (30% of energy) ad libitum diets, each for a 4-wk period—an LC (4% carbohydrate) ketogenic diet and an MC (35% carbohydrate) diet—randomized in a crossover design. Body weight was measured daily, and ketosis was monitored by analysis of plasma and urine samples. Hunger was assessed by using a computerized visual analogue system. Results: Ad libitum energy intakes were lower with the LC diet than with the MC diet [P = 0.02; SE of the difference (SED): 0.27] at 7.25 and 7.95 MJ/d, respectively. Over the 4-wk period, hunger was significantly lower (P = 0.014; SED: 1.76) and weight loss was significantly greater (P = 0.006; SED: 0.62) with the LC diet (6.34 kg) than with the MC diet (4.35 kg). The LC diet induced ketosis with mean 3-hydroxybutyrate concentrations of 1.52 mmol/L in plasma (P = 0.036 from baseline; SED: 0.62) and 2.99 mmol/L in urine (P < 0.001 from baseline; SED: 0.36). Conclusion: In the short term, high-protein, low-carbohydrate ketogenic diets reduce hunger and lower food intake significantly more than do high-protein, medium-carbohydrate nonketogenic diets. INTRODUCTION With the global rise in obesity has come an intensive search for effective weight-loss strategies. This effort has stimulated the promotion of numerous (alternative) diet plans, mostly based on the message “eat less and exercise more” (1, 2). It is generally accepted that diet composition strongly affects ad libitum energy intake, and laboratory (3, 4) and free-living (5) studies have highlighted protein as being a more satiating macronutrient. Carbohydrate and fat are less satiating (6), even when energy density is controlled. High-protein weight-loss diets have therefore come under scrutiny as a potential tool to aid dieters (7), especially because higher compliance may be anticipated. The greater satiation provided by protein is important because feeling hungry is one of the main reasons that dieters break their weight-loss regimens (8). Of the research conducted to date, many trials have focused on comparing high-protein, low-carbohydrate (LC) diets and low-fat, high-carbohydrate diets in a free-living environment but with limited subject contact (9–13). Results have indicated greater weight loss with high-protein diets than with the high-carbohydrate, low-fat alternatives for periods up to 6 mo (9–13), but some studies have found no evident difference at 12 mo (12, 14). When carbohydrate intakes are very low (<20 g/d), a ketogenic state occurs because of the reduced glucose availability that results in increased production of ketone bodies from fat reserves (15). Such diets have become popular with dieters (16, 17), but, as yet, there is no consensus as to how they promote intakes below energy requirements. Although a ketogenic state is not absolutely essential for improved satiety (ie, less hunger and less caloric intake) with high-protein diets, voluntary intakes appear to be greater for such diets when their carbohydrate content is moderate (35–45% of energy; 14) rather than low (<10% of energy; 18). The use of ketogenic diets as a weight-loss therapy is not a novel idea (19, 20), and there is renewed interest in high-protein, low-carbohydrate diets as a weight-loss therapy (10, 21–23). To date, however, the data from direct comparisons of high-protein ketogenic diets and high-protein, medium-carbohydrate (MC) nonketogenic diets (21) in studies in which the diets have been completely controlled and the subjects have acted as their own control are too few to allow adequate assessment of the effects on hunger. The current study compares hunger and appetite response in healthy, obese men offered ad libitum access to an LC ketogenic diet or an MC nonketogenic diet in a controlled laboratory setting. SUBJECTS AND METHODS Subjects Twenty men 20–65 y old and with a body mass index (BMI; in kg/m2) of >30 were recruited by newspaper advertisement to participate in a diet trial. Thus, the subjects were nonrandomly selected persons who were sufficiently motivated to actively respond to the request for volunteers. Inclusion criteria specified that subjects were not consuming any specialized diet and were not on medication. All subjects had normal-range results on clinical biochemistry and hematologic testing. During recruitment, subjects underwent a medical examination, and their general practitioners were contacted to confirm their medical suitability for participation in the study. Written informed consent was obtained from all participants. The study was approved by the North of Scotland Research Ethics Service. Study protocol Participants were resident in the Human Nutrition Unit (HNU) at the Rowett Research Institute (Aberdeen, United Kingdom) but were allowed to leave the unit to go to work. All food and drink consumed during weight-loss and weight maintenance periods was supplied by dietetic staff in the HNU, and the food was weighed before and after consumption to measure intake. The order of treatments was randomized in a within-subject, crossover design, whereby half of the subjects started on the LC ketogenic diet and the other half started on the MC nonketogenic diet (Figure 1). The protocol lasted 65 d. On days 1–3 (maintenance period), subjects consumed a mandatory maintenance diet (13%, 30%, and 57% of energy as protein, fat, and carbohydrate, respectively), proportions that were calculated to meet energy requirements (estimated at 1.6 × the measured resting metabolic rate). After this stage, subjects were randomly allocated to 1 of the 2 diets (LC or MC) and were instructed to eat ad libitum for a 4-wk period (days 4–31). Then the subjects were again fed for a 3 d (days 32–34) a fixed mandatory maintenance diet that was calculated to meet their energy requirements (estimated at 1.6 × their new energy requirements). The next stage was the second ad libitum feeding phase, again for 4 wk (days 35–62), but with subjects switched to the other diet (MC or LC). Finally, the study was completed with a 3-d maintenance phase (days 63–65). FIGURE 1. View largeDownload slide Diagram of the study protocol. The order of treatment was randomized in a within-subject, crossover design, whereby one-half of the subjects began with the high-protein, low-carbohydrate (ketogenic) diet and the other half began with the high-protein, medium-carbohydrate (nonketogenic) diet. FIGURE 1. View largeDownload slide Diagram of the study protocol. The order of treatment was randomized in a within-subject, crossover design, whereby one-half of the subjects began with the high-protein, low-carbohydrate (ketogenic) diet and the other half began with the high-protein, medium-carbohydrate (nonketogenic) diet. Formulation and preparation of the diets The composition of each meal, in terms of energy, fat, carbohydrate and protein, was calculated by using McCance and Widdowson's the composition of foods (24). The meals and snacks of the LC diet contained 30%, 4%, and 66% of energy as protein, carbohydrate, and fat, respectively; the meals and snacks of the MC diet contained 30%, 35%, and 35% of energy as protein, carbohydrate, and fat, respectively. All meals within both diets had a fixed energy density of 5.5 MJ/kg; this consistent energy density was achieved by ensuring that the weight of each meal was similar by using, if necessary, low-energy density foods (eg, mushrooms). All 3 main meals (ie, breakfast, lunch, and dinner) were offered as fixed 400-g portions, and snacks were available in 150-g portions. More specific information on the diets can be obtained from one of us (AMJ). The LC meals contained 38.8 g (660 kJ) protein, 39.2 g (1450 kJ) fat, 5.5 g (88 kJ) carbohydrate, and 2198 kJ energy. The MC meals contained 38.8 g (660 kJ) protein, 20.8 g (770 kJ) fat, 48.0 g (767 kJ) carbohydrate, and 2197 kJ energy. The menu plan is given in Appendix A, which details the rotating menu with up to 9 meal options for each main meal and 3 sweet and 3 savory snack options. Additional meals were made up on request throughout the day. More information on the formulation of the meals is available by request from one of us (AMJ). Presentation of the diets and measurement of food intake While resident at the HNU, each subject was allocated a refrigerator and freezer that were stocked daily with his food. The kitchen research staff prepared and weighed all meals daily; any leftovers were weighed to the nearest gram. Breakfasts were eaten in the HNU. Subjects completed food diaries, which allowed determination of feeding behavior in terms of meal size, frequency, and composition. Subjects had free access to water and decaffeinated beverages. Energy and nutrient intakes were calculated by using WINDIETS software (version 1.0; Univation Ltd; The Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, United Kingdom). Measurement of anthropometric variables, resting metabolic rate, and blood pressure Measurements of body composition and metabolic rate were conducted under standardized conditions. Subjects were instructed to fast overnight (10 h) and not to consume caffeine or to smoke before the tests. At the beginning of the study, height was measured to the nearest 0.5 cm with the use of a stadiometer (Holtain Ltd, Crymych, Dyfed, United Kingdom). Subjects were weighed daily, after voiding, while wearing only a previously weighed dressing gown, to the nearest 50 g on a digital scale (DIGI DS-410; CMS Weighing Equipment, London, United Kingdom). Abdominal and gluteal (hip) circumference was measured at the beginning and end of each dietary intervention period, as described previously (25), according to the guidelines of the International Standards for Anthropometric Assessment (ISAK). Resting metabolic rate was measured at the beginning and the end of each dietary intervention period by using indirect calorimetry over 30–40 min with the use of a ventilated hood system (Deltatrac II, MBM-200; Datex Instrumentarium Corporation, Helsinki, Finland). Subjects refrained from any physical activity before measurement, and they lay still (but awake) on a bed in a thermoneutral room. Resting metabolic rate was calculated (26) from minute-by-minute data, on the basis of the mean of 15 min of stable measurements. Details of calibration burns and repeatability testing were described previously (25). Blood pressure was monitored at the beginning and the end of each dietary intervention period with the use of an automated system (Omron M5-1; Omron Healthcare Inc, Bannockburn, IL). Subjects were supine for 10 min before the measurement, and the average of 3 measures taken 5 min apart was recorded. Assessment of appetite Hunger and appetite were assessed hourly during waking hours with the used of visual analogue scales (VASs), as described previously (27). Instead of the original paper-and-pen method, this study used a handheld electronic computer (Visor Handspring; Palm Inc, Sunnyvale, CA). The questionnaire included 6 questions related to motivation to eat, all in the line-scale format; the questions assessed hunger, thirst, preoccupation with thoughts of food, fullness, desire to eat, and prospective consumption. Scales were recorded from, for example, “not at all hungry” to “extremely hungry,” so that higher scores indicated more intense subjective sensations. Assessment of pleasantness of the meals Pleasantness was assessed for each meal with the use of the VAS, as described previously (27), and was also logged on the Visor Handspring handheld computer. Subjects were prompted to record on a line scale, 15 min after eating, how pleasant the meals were. Scales were recorded from “extremely unpleasant” to “extremely pleasant,” and the higher scores indicated more pleasant meals. The use of this questionnaire rates the whole meal, rather than aspects associated with specific food items. The use of the questionnaire after eating will capture subjects' feelings of palatability in the early postingestion phase. Self-reported influences on eating behavior and mood Subjects self-completed 2 questionnaires at the beginning and end of each dietary intervention period. Mood was assessed by using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (28), in which possible scores range from 0 to 21, and a score up to 7 is considered normal. Influences on eating behavior were assessed by using the Three-Factor Eating Inventory questionnaire (29) that related to “hunger,” “cognitive restraint of eating,” and “disinhibition”; the questionnaire was scored as described by Stunkard and Messick. Measurement of body composition Body composition was calculated with the use of a 4-compartment model (30) that involved dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) on a Norland XR-36, Mark II densitometer (Norland Corp, Fort Atkinson, WI), which is equipped with dynamic filtration, and the use of the BodPod system's software (version 2.5.2; Norland Corp). Body density was calculated with the use of air displacement whole-body plethysmography (BodPod Body Composition System; Life Measurement Instruments, Concord, CT), and total body water was measured with the use of deuterium dilution (31). Compliance and metabolic profile Compliance with the dietary regimen was monitored by daily body weight measurements and urine testing plus weekly blood sample analysis. All subjects steadily lost weight, and this was an indicator that they were in negative energy balance. Subjects were asked for daily spot samples of urine for compliance testing. This was relevant for the LC diet, because the samples of urine were tested for acetoacetate concentration (a ketone body) with single-use dipsticks (Combur Test; Roche Diagnostics Ltd, Lewes, United Kingdom), and the colorimetric result was recorded as negative, 1+, 2+, or 3+ in comparison with a reference. In addition to this qualitative approach, urinary elimination of 3-hydroxybutyrate (3-OHB) was quantified on two 24-h collections of urine/wk by using the same procedure as for plasma (see below). Fasted plasma concentrations were measured at 4 timepoints, at the start (before treatment) and the end (after treatment) of each of the 2 dietary phases. For hormone and metabolite analysis, whole blood was sampled from a large antecubital vein in the morning after an overnight fast, before breakfast, by using an 18G butterfly needle (Sarstedt, Nuernbrecht, Germany) and an adapter and collected into separate EDTA and lithium heparin tubes. The samples were immediately centrifuged (1000 × g at 4 °C for 10 min), and the plasma was stored at −80 °C for subsequent analysis. Insulin was measured on duplicate samples by using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kit (Mercodia, Uppsala, Sweden), with within-assay and between-assay CVs of 5% and 3%, respectively. A discrete automated clinical analyzer (Kone Oyj, Espoo, Finland) was used for the analysis of plasma 3-OHB, glucose, triacylglycerol, and total, LDL, and HDL cholesterol by using commercial kits (Labmedics; Salford, Manchester, United Kingdom). Homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) was measured by using the fasting glucose and insulin values (32). Statistical analysis Data on energy intake, body weight and composition, blood metabolites, and meal ratings were analyzed by hierarchical (split-plot) ANOVA, with subject, period (order) within subject, and day within period as blocking factors (random effects) and diet, order, and day as treatment terms (fixed effects). Diet and order were tested against the period-within-subject error term, their interaction was tested against the subject error term, and day and all relevant interactions were tested against the day-within-period error term. The VASs were affected by a high rate of noncompliance (47%), which led to unbalanced data, and so were additionally analyzed by residual maximum likelihood (REML) with random effects for subject, period within subject, and day within period and with fixed effects for diet, day, time of day, and their interactions. This was done to confirm the results of the ANOVA, which used missing value imputation. All analyses were performed by using GENSTAT software (version 8.1; Lawes Agricultural Trust, VSN International Ltd, Hemel Hempstead, United Kingdom). To determine appropriate subject numbers, energy intake was considered as the main outcome variable. We wished to detect a difference of ≥1 MJ/d between the treatments. A within-subject variation (SD) of 2.87 MJ was calculated from previous data from a group of subjects (n = 150) who were feeding ad libitum (25). The within-subject variability (SD) for the experiment (over 28 d) was estimated as 2.87/ \(\sqrt{28}\) = 0.542. Thus, their ratio is 1/0.542—ie, 1.8—that gives a minimum of 10 subjects (at 95% power) to detect at 5% significance. More subjects were used, because intake differences would be compared over shorter intervals (eg, 10 d) and, thus, over smaller weight differences within the experimental design. RESULTS Ad libitum energy and macronutrient intakes Three subjects withdrew for personal reasons, and therefore, the data presented include only the 17 volunteers who completed the study. The subjects' baseline characteristics are described in Table 1. Volunteers consumed significantly (P = 0.020) more energy (0.7 MJ/d) when following the MC nonketogenic diet than when following the LC ketogenic diet (Table 2). Average daily ad libitum energy intake for each diet is shown in Figure 2. The diets were isoenergetic, which meant that the subjects consumed significantly more food, including more protein (12 g/d; P = 0.022) and carbohydrate (148 g/d; P = 0.001), but significantly less fat (51 g/d; P < 0.001) with the MC nonketogenic diet than with the LC ketogenic diet (Table 2). There were no significant time effects within the ad libitum periods, as assessed by diet × days of diet or diet × week interactions, or any significant period (order) or period × diet effects. TABLE 1 Characteristic Value Men (n) 17 Age (y) 38 ± 10 (23–57)1 Height (m) 1.78 ± 0.05 (1.67–1.84) Body weight (kg)2 111.1 ± 13.0 (87.5–131.4) BMI (kg/m2) 35.1 ± 3.8 (30.0–41.5) Percentage body fat (%)3 36.6 ± 6.0 (26.3–48.0) Characteristic Value Men (n) 17 Age (y) 38 ± 10 (23–57)1 Height (m) 1.78 ± 0.05 (1.67–1.84) Body weight (kg)2 111.1 ± 13.0 (87.5–131.4) BMI (kg/m2) 35.1 ± 3.8 (30.0–41.5) Percentage body fat (%)3 36.6 ± 6.0 (26.3–48.0) View Large TABLE 1 Characteristic Value Men (n) 17 Age (y) 38 ± 10 (23–57)1 Height (m) 1.78 ± 0.05 (1.67–1.84) Body weight (kg)2 111.1 ± 13.0 (87.5–131.4) BMI (kg/m2) 35.1 ± 3.8 (30.0–41.5) Percentage body fat (%)3 36.6 ± 6.0 (26.3–48.0) Characteristic Value Men (n) 17 Age (y) 38 ± 10 (23–57)1 Height (m) 1.78 ± 0.05 (1.67–1.84) Body weight (kg)2 111.1 ± 13.0 (87.5–131.4) BMI (kg/m2) 35.1 ± 3.8 (30.0–41.5) Percentage body fat (%)3 36.6 ± 6.0 (26.3–48.0) View Large TABLE 2 Total fluid and food intake Dietary intake Maintenance intake LC diet MC diet SED P2 Energy intake (MJ) 12.6 7.25 7.95 0.27 0.020 Energy density (kJ/100 g) 6.59 2.49 2.54 0.05 NS Weight (kg) 1.913 2.910 3.123 0.113 0.079 Protein (g) 94 123 135 4.75 0.022 (%) 13 30 30 Total fat (g) 126 129 78 4.85 <0.001 (%) 37 66 34 Monounsaturated fat (g) 38.4 51.8 26.8 2.38 <0.001 Saturated fat (g) 43.8 46.3 28.9 1.85 <0.001 Polyunsaturated fat (g) 19.1 19.2 10.7 1.06 <0.001 Total carbohydrate (g) 396 22 170 9.00 <0.001 (%) 50 5 36 Sugar (g) 145.8 16.2 67.1 6.30 <0.001 Starch (g) 196.9 2.0 95.3 4.5 <0.001 NSP (g) 25.1 6.7 11.7 0.7 <0.001 Total fluid and food intake Dietary intake Maintenance intake LC diet MC diet SED P2 Energy intake (MJ) 12.6 7.25 7.95 0.27 0.020 Energy density (kJ/100 g) 6.59 2.49 2.54 0.05 NS Weight (kg) 1.913 2.910 3.123 0.113 0.079 Protein (g) 94 123 135 4.75 0.022 (%) 13 30 30 Total fat (g) 126 129 78 4.85 <0.001 (%) 37 66 34 Monounsaturated fat (g) 38.4 51.8 26.8 2.38 <0.001 Saturated fat (g) 43.8 46.3 28.9 1.85 <0.001 Polyunsaturated fat (g) 19.1 19.2 10.7 1.06 <0.001 Total carbohydrate (g) 396 22 170 9.00 <0.001 (%) 50 5 36 Sugar (g) 145.8 16.2 67.1 6.30 <0.001 Starch (g) 196.9 2.0 95.3 4.5 <0.001 NSP (g) 25.1 6.7 11.7 0.7 <0.001 View Large TABLE 2 Total fluid and food intake Dietary intake Maintenance intake LC diet MC diet SED P2 Energy intake (MJ) 12.6 7.25 7.95 0.27 0.020 Energy density (kJ/100 g) 6.59 2.49 2.54 0.05 NS Weight (kg) 1.913 2.910 3.123 0.113 0.079 Protein (g) 94 123 135 4.75 0.022 (%) 13 30 30 Total fat (g) 126 129 78 4.85 <0.001 (%) 37 66 34 Monounsaturated fat (g) 38.4 51.8 26.8 2.38 <0.001 Saturated fat (g) 43.8 46.3 28.9 1.85 <0.001 Polyunsaturated fat (g) 19.1 19.2 10.7 1.06 <0.001 Total carbohydrate (g) 396 22 170 9.00 <0.001 (%) 50 5 36 Sugar (g) 145.8 16.2 67.1 6.30 <0.001 Starch (g) 196.9 2.0 95.3 4.5 <0.001 NSP (g) 25.1 6.7 11.7 0.7 <0.001 Total fluid and food intake Dietary intake Maintenance intake LC diet MC diet SED P2 Energy intake (MJ) 12.6 7.25 7.95 0.27 0.020 Energy density (kJ/100 g) 6.59 2.49 2.54 0.05 NS Weight (kg) 1.913 2.910 3.123 0.113 0.079 Protein (g) 94 123 135 4.75 0.022 (%) 13 30 30 Total fat (g) 126 129 78 4.85 <0.001 (%) 37 66 34 Monounsaturated fat (g) 38.4 51.8 26.8 2.38 <0.001 Saturated fat (g) 43.8 46.3 28.9 1.85 <0.001 Polyunsaturated fat (g) 19.1 19.2 10.7 1.06 <0.001 Total carbohydrate (g) 396 22 170 9.00 <0.001 (%) 50 5 36 Sugar (g) 145.8 16.2 67.1 6.30 <0.001 Starch (g) 196.9 2.0 95.3 4.5 <0.001 NSP (g) 25.1 6.7 11.7 0.7 <0.001 View Large FIGURE 2. View largeDownload slide Plot of average daily ad libitum energy intake (MJ) for the high-protein, low-carbohydrate (ketogenic) diet (•) and the high-protein, medium-carbohydrate (nonketogenic) diet (▪). Average ad libitum energy intakes of the 17 subjects over the 4-wk period were significantly (P = 0.02) lower with the LC diet than with the MC diet: 7.25 and 7.95 MJ/d (SED: 0.27), respectively (ANOVA). FIGURE 2. View largeDownload slide Plot of average daily ad libitum energy intake (MJ) for the high-protein, low-carbohydrate (ketogenic) diet (•) and the high-protein, medium-carbohydrate (nonketogenic) diet (▪). Average ad libitum energy intakes of the 17 subjects over the 4-wk period were significantly (P = 0.02) lower with the LC diet than with the MC diet: 7.25 and 7.95 MJ/d (SED: 0.27), respectively (ANOVA). The fact that all meals and snacks within the diet also had the same energy density ensured that the amount (weight) of food eaten, and thus the “gut fill,” did not compromise energy intake. The energy density of the meals was chosen to approximate that of a healthy diet (6). The subjects' average (SD) consumption of beverages was not different did not differ between the LC and MC diets (1.655 ± 1.05 and 1.662 ± 1.12 kg, respectively). These beverages were free of both calories and caffeine, and thus the difference in energy intake was due to weight of food eaten, rather than fluid intake. The total weight of food intake was 1.25 ± 0.56 and 1.46 ± 0.43 kg with the LC and the MC diet, respectively. The amount and type of refusal of food (eg, salad return or meat return) were accounted for in these calculations. Appetite Subjects felt significantly (P = 0.014) less hungry (−4.6 on the VAS) while following the LC ketogenic diet than while following the MC nonketogenic diet (Table 3). The average daily hunger score for each diet, with the data averaged across the day (from 0800 to 2200), is shown in Figure 3. There was a significant effect of day and a significant day × diet interaction (P < 0.001 for both). The latter suggests that subjects responded differently over time (days) to the 2 diets or, more specifically, that hunger was reduced over week 1 to a greater extent with the LC ketogenic diet than with the MC nonketogenic diet. There was no significant diet × time interaction for any of the appetite scores. Order effect was considered by the period and period × diet interactions. There were no period × diet interactions for any of the appetite variables, but there were period effects for prospective consumption (P = 0.037) and thirst (P = 0.035), whereby values were higher in the first period than in the second. This suggests adaptation throughout the study duration. Despite encouragement, subjects in general became less compliant at completing their hourly questionnaires, and this needed to be accommodated within the statistical analysis (as described in Subjects and Methods). There were no significant differences (P > 0.10) between diets for thirst, desire to eat, prospective consumption, preoccupation with thoughts of food, or fullness. TABLE 3 Visual Analogue Scale rating LC diet (ketogenic) MC diet (nonketogenic) SED P2 mm Motivation to eat Hunger 16.8 21.4 1.76 0.014 Fullness 54.3 54.2 2.02 0.975 Desire to eat 18.7 23.0 2.59 0.093 Prospective consumption 23.1 26.4 1.92 0.070 Thirst 33.7 33.7 1.2 0.970 Preoccupation with thoughts of food 13.6 15.6 1.410 0.177 Postmeal ratings Pleasantness 86.6 88.8 1.67 0.213 Satisfying 86.0 88.5 1.67 0.164 Visual Analogue Scale rating LC diet (ketogenic) MC diet (nonketogenic) SED P2 mm Motivation to eat Hunger 16.8 21.4 1.76 0.014 Fullness 54.3 54.2 2.02 0.975 Desire to eat 18.7 23.0 2.59 0.093 Prospective consumption 23.1 26.4 1.92 0.070 Thirst 33.7 33.7 1.2 0.970 Preoccupation with thoughts of food 13.6 15.6 1.410 0.177 Postmeal ratings Pleasantness 86.6 88.8 1.67 0.213 Satisfying 86.0 88.5 1.67 0.164 View Large TABLE 3 Visual Analogue Scale rating LC diet (ketogenic) MC diet (nonketogenic) SED P2 mm Motivation to eat Hunger 16.8 21.4 1.76 0.014 Fullness 54.3 54.2 2.02 0.975 Desire to eat 18.7 23.0 2.59 0.093 Prospective consumption 23.1 26.4 1.92 0.070 Thirst 33.7 33.7 1.2 0.970 Preoccupation with thoughts of food 13.6 15.6 1.410 0.177 Postmeal ratings Pleasantness 86.6 88.8 1.67 0.213 Satisfying 86.0 88.5 1.67 0.164 Visual Analogue Scale rating LC diet (ketogenic) MC diet (nonketogenic) SED P2 mm Motivation to eat Hunger 16.8 21.4 1.76 0.014 Fullness 54.3 54.2 2.02 0.975 Desire to eat 18.7 23.0 2.59 0.093 Prospective consumption 23.1 26.4 1.92 0.070 Thirst 33.7 33.7 1.2 0.970 Preoccupation with thoughts of food 13.6 15.6 1.410 0.177 Postmeal ratings Pleasantness 86.6 88.8 1.67 0.213 Satisfying 86.0 88.5 1.67 0.164 View Large FIGURE 3. View largeDownload slide Plot of mean (±SEM) daily hunger (mm), as assessed with the Visual Analogue Scale, with consumption of the high-protein, low-carbohydrate (ketogenic) diet (•) and the high-protein, medium-carbohydrate (nonketogenic) diet (▪). Over the 4-wk period, hunger was significantly (P = 0.014) lower with the LC diet than with the MC diet in the 17 subjects (ANOVA). FIGURE 3. View largeDownload slide Plot of mean (±SEM) daily hunger (mm), as assessed with the Visual Analogue Scale, with consumption of the high-protein, low-carbohydrate (ketogenic) diet (•) and the high-protein, medium-carbohydrate (nonketogenic) diet (▪). Over the 4-wk period, hunger was significantly (P = 0.014) lower with the LC diet than with the MC diet in the 17 subjects (ANOVA). Pleasantness of the diets Subjects had no significant overall preferences for either diet, as assessed by the postmeal questionnaires (Table 3) for pleasantness (P = 0.213) or satisfaction (P = 0.164). The mean daily score for diets on each day is shown in Figure 4. Breakfast was the most enjoyable meal of the day (P < 0.001) and dinner the least enjoyable (P < 0.001), with average meal scores of 89.7, 87.5 and 85.8 mm (SED: 1.10) for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, respectively. A diet × day interaction (P = 0.021) indicated that the subjects perceived pleasantness improved with the MC diet and declined with the LC diet over the first few days. There was no correlation of the difference in pleasantness between the LC and MC diets and the difference in energy intake. There were no period or diet × period effects. FIGURE 4. View largeDownload slide Plot of mean (±SEM) daily pleasantness (mm), as assessed with the Visual Analogue Scale, of the high-protein, low-carbohydrate (ketogenic) diet (•) and the high-protein, medium-carbohydrate (nonketogenic) diet (▪). The pleasantness of the 2 diets for the 17 subjects did not differ significantly (ANOVA). FIGURE 4. View largeDownload slide Plot of mean (±SEM) daily pleasantness (mm), as assessed with the Visual Analogue Scale, of the high-protein, low-carbohydrate (ketogenic) diet (•) and the high-protein, medium-carbohydrate (nonketogenic) diet (▪). The pleasantness of the 2 diets for the 17 subjects did not differ significantly (ANOVA). Self-reported influences on eating behavior and mood On average, there was no significant difference in perceived anxiety or depression according to diet composition. Mean ± SD scores for anxiety with the LC diet were 4.1 ± 3.3 and 3.4 ± 2.5 and those for depression were 2.5 ± 2.1 and 2.8 ± 2.2 before and after treatment, respectively. Similarly, mean scores for anxiety with the MC diet were 4.1 ± 3.4 and 3.4 ± 2.3 and those for depression were 3.6 ± 2.2 and 2.9 ± 2.6 before and after treatment, respectively. There was a period effect with anxiety: scores decreased between weight-loss periods 1 and 2 (P = 0.043). There was no diet effect or diet × period effect, even with covariate adjustment for baseline (before treatment) scores. Influences on eating behavior, as assessed by the Three-Factor Eating Inventory questionnaire, showed no diet effects in any variable (ie, restraint, disinhibition, and hunger) but, when adjusted for covariate analysis [based on baseline (before treatment) levels], there were significant order effects and order × diet effects, which reflected higher scores during period 1 than in period 2. Specifically, restraint increased on both diets with mean scores for LC of 5.8 ± 4.6 to 6.7 ± 4.8 and those for MC were 5.8 ± 4.0 to 6.5 ± 4.8 before and after treatment, respectively. The influence of disinhibition remained unchanged on both diets with mean values for LC of 6.7 ± 2.4 to 6.8 ± 3.0 and those for MC of 3.3 ± 3.4 to 6.2 ± 3.0 before and after treatment, respectively. Finally, hunger declined with both diets: from 6.3 ± 1.8 to 5.8 ± 2.3 with the LC diet and from 7.0 ± 2.5 to 6.7 ± 2.5 before and after weight loss, respectively. Subjects were encouraged to record in their electronic notepad how they felt about the regimen. It is noted that some of the subjects felt the regimen caused bad breath or a change in their bowel movements (or both). The effect of the dietary regimen on gut health and, specifically, on the microbial population has been reported elsewhere (33). Weight loss and body composition The mean changes in body weight over the duration of the LC (ketogenic) and MC (nonketogenic) diets are illustrated in Figure 5. Weight loss during the 4-wk period was significantly (P = 0.006) greater with the LC than with the MC diet (6.34 ± 2.24 and 4.35 ± 2.61 kg, respectively; it was equivalent to a 5.8% and 4.0% reduction in body weight (P < 0.001), respectively, expressed as a proportion of body weight at the start each diet phase. There was a significantly (P = 0.002; SED: 0.282) greater weight loss during week 1 of the LC ketogenic diet than during week 1 of the MC nonketogenic diet (2.68 and 1.62 kg, respectively). There was a significant period effect (P = 0.005), in that subjects lost more weight during weight-loss period 1 than during period 2. There were no diet × order effects. FIGURE 5. View largeDownload slide Plot of mean (±SEM) daily body weight (kg) with consumption of the high-protein, low-carbohydrate (ketogenic) diet (•) and the high-protein, medium-carbohydrate (nonketogenic) diet (▪) in the 17 subjects. Average weight loss was significantly (P = 0.006) greater with the LC diet than with the MC diet: 6.34 and 4.35 kg, respectively (ANOVA). Subjects regained some of their lost weight during the maintenance period. FIGURE 5. View largeDownload slide Plot of mean (±SEM) daily body weight (kg) with consumption of the high-protein, low-carbohydrate (ketogenic) diet (•) and the high-protein, medium-carbohydrate (nonketogenic) diet (▪) in the 17 subjects. Average weight loss was significantly (P = 0.006) greater with the LC diet than with the MC diet: 6.34 and 4.35 kg, respectively (ANOVA). Subjects regained some of their lost weight during the maintenance period. The significantly (P = 0.006) greater weight loss with the LC diet (1.99 kg) than with the MC diet was due, in part, to the difference in water loss with the ketogenic diet, although this difference did not reach significance (0.71 kg; P = 0.158) (Table 4). There also tended to be greater losses of fat mass (1.05 kg; P = 0.083) and fat-free mass (0.94 kg; P = 0.054) with the LC diet than with the MC diet. In the 4-compartment model used, glycogen is considered part of the fat-free mass, and it cannot easily be directly measured. Examination of the change in protein mass (rather than in fat-free mass), calculated from the 4-compartment model, indicated that there was a weight loss of 0.25 and 0.02 kg with the LC ketogenic and MC nonketogenic diets, respectively (P = 0.281; SED: 0.202). TABLE 4 Body composition2 Before treatment After treatment Δ SED P kg Body weight 0.62 0.006 LC diet 108.02 101.69 −6.34 MC diet 108.18 103.83 −4.35 Fat mass 0.57 0.083 LC diet 38.53 33.39 −5.13 MC diet 38.85 34.76 −4.09 Fat-free mass 0.45 0.054 LC diet 69.49 68.29 −1.20 MC diet 69.33 69.07 −0.26 Total body water 0.48 0.158 LC diet 50.78 49.83 −0.95 MC diet 50.51 50.27 −0.24 Body composition2 Before treatment After treatment Δ SED P kg Body weight 0.62 0.006 LC diet 108.02 101.69 −6.34 MC diet 108.18 103.83 −4.35 Fat mass 0.57 0.083 LC diet 38.53 33.39 −5.13 MC diet 38.85 34.76 −4.09 Fat-free mass 0.45 0.054 LC diet 69.49 68.29 −1.20 MC diet 69.33 69.07 −0.26 Total body water 0.48 0.158 LC diet 50.78 49.83 −0.95 MC diet 50.51 50.27 −0.24 View Large TABLE 4 Body composition2 Before treatment After treatment Δ SED P kg Body weight 0.62 0.006 LC diet 108.02 101.69 −6.34 MC diet 108.18 103.83 −4.35 Fat mass 0.57 0.083 LC diet 38.53 33.39 −5.13 MC diet 38.85 34.76 −4.09 Fat-free mass 0.45 0.054 LC diet 69.49 68.29 −1.20 MC diet 69.33 69.07 −0.26 Total body water 0.48 0.158 LC diet 50.78 49.83 −0.95 MC diet 50.51 50.27 −0.24 Body composition2 Before treatment After treatment Δ SED P kg Body weight 0.62 0.006 LC diet 108.02 101.69 −6.34 MC diet 108.18 103.83 −4.35 Fat mass 0.57 0.083 LC diet 38.53 33.39 −5.13 MC diet 38.85 34.76 −4.09 Fat-free mass 0.45 0.054 LC diet 69.49 68.29 −1.20 MC diet 69.33 69.07 −0.26 Total body water 0.48 0.158 LC diet 50.78 49.83 −0.95 MC diet 50.51 50.27 −0.24 View Large When considered over the span of 4 wk, however, only 35% of the difference in total weight loss between the 2 diets was accounted for by water depletion. The remainder of the difference was accounted for mainly by fat mass and some lean mass. These additional losses probably are associated with the 0.7 MJ/d lower energy intake with the LC diet than with the MC diet. This difference would be supported by other data from this study (34), which indicate that the energy cost is comparable to measured negative energy balance. Compliance and metabolic profile Values for blood variables at the beginning and end of each diet phase are shown in Table 5, after analysis for changes between (and within) diets, where appropriate. Both fasting glucose (P < 0.001) and HOMA (P < 0.001) were significantly lower than baseline with the LC diet. In contrast, these values were unchanged with the MC diet, which led to significant between-diet effects (P < 0.035, and P = 0.038, for glucose and HOMA, respectively). Total and LDL cholesterol were reduced to a significantly greater extent with the MC diet than with the LC diet (P = 0.002 and P = 0.004, respectively), but there was no significant diet effect on HDL or triacylglycerol. There were significant diet effects for glucose (P = 0.035), insulin (P = 0.035), and HOMA-IR (P = 0.038), which reflected the differing carbohydrate intakes. There was a similar small increase in plasma concentration of urea with both diets, which probably reflects the elevated protein intake and which was considered an indicator of compliance. There was no difference in response between diets. Furthermore, as anticipated, fasted plasma 3-OHB increased 6-fold (P = 0.007) with the LC ketogenic diet. TABLE 5 Plasma Before treatment After treatment Δ P for change2 SED P for diet3 mmol/L Urea 0.21 NS LC diet 4.84 5.21 0.37 — MC diet 4.51 5.10 0.59 — 3-OHB 0.40 0.036 LC diet 0.20 1.52 1.32 0.007 MC diet 0.28 0.28 0.00 NS Glucose 0.12 0.035 LC diet 5.90 5.28 −0.62 <0.001 MC diet 5.98 5.65 −0.35 NS Insulin (IU/mL) 0.85 0.035 LC diet 10.07 6.09 −3.98 <0.001 MC diet 10.54 9.48 −1.41 NS HOMA-IR 0.24 0.038 LC diet 2.66 1.44 −1.22 <0.001 MC diet 2.81 2.39 −0.52 NS Total cholesterol 0.10 0.002 LC diet 5.14 4.75 −0.39 NS MC diet 5.32 4.40 −0.92 <0.001 HDL cholesterol 0.02 NS LC diet 1.10 1.13 0.03 — MC diet 1.12 1.04 −0.08 — LDL cholesterol 0.09 0.004 LC diet 3.13 2.95 −0.18 NS MC diet 3.37 2.70 −0.67 0.002 Triacylglycerol 0.05 NS LC diet 1.76 1.07 −0.69 — MC diet 1.60 0.99 −0.61 — Plasma Before treatment After treatment Δ P for change2 SED P for diet3 mmol/L Urea 0.21 NS LC diet 4.84 5.21 0.37 — MC diet 4.51 5.10 0.59 — 3-OHB 0.40 0.036 LC diet 0.20 1.52 1.32 0.007 MC diet 0.28 0.28 0.00 NS Glucose 0.12 0.035 LC diet 5.90 5.28 −0.62 <0.001 MC diet 5.98 5.65 −0.35 NS Insulin (IU/mL) 0.85 0.035 LC diet 10.07 6.09 −3.98 <0.001 MC diet 10.54 9.48 −1.41 NS HOMA-IR 0.24 0.038 LC diet 2.66 1.44 −1.22 <0.001 MC diet 2.81 2.39 −0.52 NS Total cholesterol 0.10 0.002 LC diet 5.14 4.75 −0.39 NS MC diet 5.32 4.40 −0.92 <0.001 HDL cholesterol 0.02 NS LC diet 1.10 1.13 0.03 — MC diet 1.12 1.04 −0.08 — LDL cholesterol 0.09 0.004 LC diet 3.13 2.95 −0.18 NS MC diet 3.37 2.70 −0.67 0.002 Triacylglycerol 0.05 NS LC diet 1.76 1.07 −0.69 — MC diet 1.60 0.99 −0.61 — View Large TABLE 5 Plasma Before treatment After treatment Δ P for change2 SED P for diet3 mmol/L Urea 0.21 NS LC diet 4.84 5.21 0.37 — MC diet 4.51 5.10 0.59 — 3-OHB 0.40 0.036 LC diet 0.20 1.52 1.32 0.007 MC diet 0.28 0.28 0.00 NS Glucose 0.12 0.035 LC diet 5.90 5.28 −0.62 <0.001 MC diet 5.98 5.65 −0.35 NS Insulin (IU/mL) 0.85 0.035 LC diet 10.07 6.09 −3.98 <0.001 MC diet 10.54 9.48 −1.41 NS HOMA-IR 0.24 0.038 LC diet 2.66 1.44 −1.22 <0.001 MC diet 2.81 2.39 −0.52 NS Total cholesterol 0.10 0.002 LC diet 5.14 4.75 −0.39 NS MC diet 5.32 4.40 −0.92 <0.001 HDL cholesterol 0.02 NS LC diet 1.10 1.13 0.03 — MC diet 1.12 1.04 −0.08 — LDL cholesterol 0.09 0.004 LC diet 3.13 2.95 −0.18 NS MC diet 3.37 2.70 −0.67 0.002 Triacylglycerol 0.05 NS LC diet 1.76 1.07 −0.69 — MC diet 1.60 0.99 −0.61 — Plasma Before treatment After treatment Δ P for change2 SED P for diet3 mmol/L Urea 0.21 NS LC diet 4.84 5.21 0.37 — MC diet 4.51 5.10 0.59 — 3-OHB 0.40 0.036 LC diet 0.20 1.52 1.32 0.007 MC diet 0.28 0.28 0.00 NS Glucose 0.12 0.035 LC diet 5.90 5.28 −0.62 <0.001 MC diet 5.98 5.65 −0.35 NS Insulin (IU/mL) 0.85 0.035 LC diet 10.07 6.09 −3.98 <0.001 MC diet 10.54 9.48 −1.41 NS HOMA-IR 0.24 0.038 LC diet 2.66 1.44 −1.22 <0.001 MC diet 2.81 2.39 −0.52 NS Total cholesterol 0.10 0.002 LC diet 5.14 4.75 −0.39 NS MC diet 5.32 4.40 −0.92 <0.001 HDL cholesterol 0.02 NS LC diet 1.10 1.13 0.03 — MC diet 1.12 1.04 −0.08 — LDL cholesterol 0.09 0.004 LC diet 3.13 2.95 −0.18 NS MC diet 3.37 2.70 −0.67 0.002 Triacylglycerol 0.05 NS LC diet 1.76 1.07 −0.69 — MC diet 1.60 0.99 −0.61 — View Large Daily urine testing with indicator sticks (acetoacetate) showed that all subjects became ketotic after 1–3 d of the LC diet and remained so for the duration of the dietary period. This effect was also reflected in the concentration of 3-OHB in the 24-h urine collections, which did not change significantly (P > 0.05) between the end of week 1 and the end of week 4 [2.98 and 2.99 mmol/L (SED: 0.36) and 0.47 and 0.18 mmol/d (SED: 0.21), respectively] of the LC and MC diets, respectively. Total urine output of 3-OHB differed significantly (P < 0.001) between diets, but did not change significantly between the end of week 1 and the end of week 4 of each diet: 4.37 and 5.02 mmol/d (SED: 0.62), respectively, with the LC diet and 0.30 and 0.51 mmol/d (SED: 0.29), respectively, with the MC diet. The decrease in blood pressure did not differ significantly between diets, so these improvements were probably a response to the weight loss. Similarly, changes in waist and gluteal circumferences did not differ significantly (P > 0.01) between the 2 diets. Efficacy of the 3-d maintenance diet The 3-d maintenance diet was designed to 1) neutralize the ketogenic state and replete liver carbohydrate stores and 2) to return hunger to baseline levels—equivalent to the maintenance period 1, before ad libitum feeding—recognizing that a carry-over effect from the weight-loss phase existed. This design is particularly relevant for the subjects who were given the LC ketogenic diet first and then the MC nonketogenic diet. The plasma data would support that the 2 goals above were achieved, in that fasted plasma 3-OHB concentrations did not differ significantly (P > 0.05) between the 2 phases for the maintenance periods 1 and 2. In addition, glucose concentration did not differ significantly between diets (P > 0.05) for maintenance period 1 or period 2. Moreover, comparison of fasted plasma 3-OHB concentrations at maintenance period 2 and at the end of the MC nonketogenic diet showed no significant difference between the 2 phases. The data from all 3 maintenance periods indicated that hunger had returned to baseline or below within 3 d. DISCUSSION Effect of diet composition on ad libitum energy intake The primary aim of this study was to determine whether the ketotic state was a major factor in the reduced voluntary intake (and, thus, weight loss) associated with a very-low-carbohydrate diet. To achieve this objective, the macronutrient content of the 2 diets was strictly controlled, unlike the protocol in other studies, in which fat or protein content was allowed to vary over the experimental periods (11–13). The current data suggest that reducing the carbohydrate content between the 2 high-protein diets resulted in an energy intake decrease of 0.7 MJ/d (294 kcal/d) and a corresponding effect on the negative energy balance. The reduction in intake, as a proportion of initial maintenance requirements, varied from 18% to 83% with the LC ketogenic diet and from 29% to 94% with the MC nonketogenic diet. The reasons for this large interindividual variation of response to the diet manipulation are unknown. Numerous physiologic and psychological factors influence appetite and food intake, including the effects of altered fuel status across the brain on both mood and satiety centers (35). It is also likely that the degree of dietary restraint was an important psychological factor determining daily energy intake (8). A large decrease in energy intake (average: 40%) was observed between the maintenance diet and the 2 high-protein diets, a finding that is similar to responses observed previously (14). Although the effect of protein on satiety was not tested directly, the observed decrease in intake supports the notion that protein is the most satiating of the macronutrients (36). Indeed, Weigle et al (37) showed that increasing the dietary protein content from 15% to 30% produced a sustained decrease in ad libitum intakes. Effect of diet composition on hunger Hunger predicts a failure to comply with a calorie-restricted regimen (8) and an inability to maintain weight loss (38, 39). Proponents of high-protein diets say that one advantage of those diets over other weight-loss regimens is the improved satiety that leaves the dieter feeling less hungry (7). Therefore, even if weight loss was similar between dietary strategies, high-protein diets should allow better compliance. This is the ultimate “holy grail” for dieters—to eat less to lose weight, and yet not to feel hungry. Limited data are available on daily hunger scores during ketogenic and nonketogenic diets, and daily hunger scores were a key component of the current study. The Eating Inventory Questionnaire has been used as an indicator of less hunger with LC diets than with low-fat diets, with values recorded at baseline, week 1, and week 6 (9). Other studies (21, 40) reported two 6-wk protocols that utilized a weekly measurement of prelunch hunger on a Likert scale. In the first trial (21), subjects following a high-protein, low-fat diet reported feeling more satiated in the first 4 wk than did subjects following a high-carbohydrate, low-fat diet, but, in the second study (40), there was no difference between the diets. Unfortunately, that study was probably underpowered for a between-group comparison. Furthermore, only one rating taken prelunch would not reflect the diurnal pattern known to affect appetite (41). In the present study, the observed decrease in hunger between the LC ketogenic and MC nonketogenic diets is due to the difference in carbohydrate or fat intake (or both), because the energy density and protein content were held constant. Others have examined the satiating effect of fat and found no effect (42). The suggestion that ketone bodies have an anorexic effect in humans is not novel (43), and high plasma 3-OHB concentrations act as a satiety signal in rodents (44). During insulinopenia (eg, type 1 diabetes) or hyperketonemia (eg, acute or prolonged fasting), the normal reliance of the brain on glucose as the major energy substrate (>97%) is reduced; instead, ketone bodies provide as much as 30–50% of the metabolic fuel (45). Given that the brain is a major regulator of appetite (46), the provision of an alternative fuel supply may affect the motivation to eat. The discrepancy between hunger and these other measures of appetite is not a novel feature of the current study. One may anticipate that the questions overlap; however, in the current study, subjects consumed a similar weight and energy density of food, and thus the sensitivity of the questions relating to gut fill (ie, unfullness, desire to eat, prospective consumption, and preoccupation with thoughts of food) is reduced. In the present study, the question relating to motivation to eat (hunger) is the most sensitive in terms of dietary manipulation. The issue of what the questions relate to is addressed in a review (47) by means of principal components analysis. It is argued that these questions do not relate to one single phenomenon—ie, motivation to eat—but, rather, that they address more than one underlying motivation. Palatability of the diet Hunger, or at least motivation to eat, is influenced by the palatability of the diet, which is an important determinant of intake (48), both in short-term (49) and longer-term (50) trials. Indeed, it has been suggested that lower energy intakes with LC diets are due to a lower palatability, or greater monotony, of the diet (9). This possibility is not supported by the current study, in which there was no significant difference between the 2 diets. Others also failed to show a lower palatability of their LC diets (14). In the current study, the subjects were provided a wide variety of both savory and sweet palatable foods. In real life, dieters may, by default, adopt more limited diet choice because their nutritional knowledge is less than that of dietetic professionals. Were the study conducted over a longer time, palatability ratings may gradually decrease, because desire for even a favorite food will wane if the food is offered repeatedly (51). Influence on body weight and composition There is growing evidence that weight loss, at least in the short term, is significantly greater in obese persons following low-carbohydrate diets than in those following low-fat diets (8, 12, 13). The present data also support this possibility. Astrup et al (52) suggested that the apparent paradox that ad libitum intake of high-fat foods leads to weight loss is due to the depletion of hepatic glycogen stores through carbohydrate restrictions and to the associated loss of water. Volek et al (53) concluded that low-carbohydrate diets favor loss of fat and preservation of lean body mass, a response partly mediated by reduced plasma insulin. They also found that LC diets promote trunk or abdominal fat loss (54), which would be particularly advantageous for patients with the metabolic syndrome. Further work utilizing magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) would allow precise quantification of subcutaneous and visceral fat loss. Effect on metabolic health risk factors One aim for weight-loss strategies is the reduction of comorbidity risk. Low-carbohydrate diets inevitably contain high fat, which has caused concerns among nutritionists (55). Nonetheless, evidence of adverse effects in controlled situations is lacking: many studies report an improvement in fasting blood lipids or glucose or both (12, 13, 56). Several reviews concluded that, in subjects who lose weight with low-carbohydrate diets, there is a marginal reduction in total and LDL cholesterol and a consistent decrease in triacylglycerol concentrations (54, 57, 58). Such conclusions are supported by the present study. Nonetheless, greater (and statistically significant) improvements in total and LDL cholesterol were observed with the MC diet; they probably reflect the 40% decrease in fat intake with this diet. It is well recognized that LC diets promote reductions in fasting glucose and insulin concentrations (54) and improve insulin sensitivity (59). Indeed, decreases in fasting insulin concentrations have been reported after 3 or 4 d of consumption of a low-carbohydrate diet (60, 61), and improvements in HOMA have been noted within 2 wk (62). In view of current theories that insulin resistance is a precursor for many other obesity-associated morbidities (63), the use of a low-carbohydrate diet may be a preferred option, at least in the early phase of weight loss. It is not known, however, whether these effects persist or whether insulin insensitivity returns rapidly when carbohydrate intake is increased. Some concern has been expressed in the literature with respect to the safety and efficacy of high-protein ketogenic diets (52, 55), because not all patients will be medically suitable for consideration for such weight-loss diets (64). The current data, however, would suggest that these diets are safe within this relatively short period of time (2 mo), as assessed by the reported clinical biochemistry, and that, under medically supervised conditions, they could be used to achieve considerable weight loss to improve mortality and morbidity in obese patients. Efficacy of the 3-d washout period The 3-d maintenance period was sufficient to restore plasma 3-OHB and glucose concentrations to baseline, before starting the second ad libitum feeding phase. Other variables, eg, total cholesterol, remained reduced throughout this period and this was accounted for within the statistical analysis (order effect). In conclusion, the low-carbohydrate component of the high-protein regimen affects subjective motivation to eat, and volunteers feel less hungry and consume less energy, at least in the short term. Whether LC (ketogenic) diets are a suitable tool for weight loss will remain an important issue for some time, as more complex interactions between phenotype and diet composition are identified (23). This regimen appears to reduce calorie intake without increased hunger, and, therefore, it promotes compliance. The current evidence would support the use of such diets, in the short term at least, as a measure to reduce mortality and morbidity in obese subjects who would benefit from a modest weight loss. APPENDIX A Meal options High-protein, low-carbohydrate (ketogenic) diet Breakfast (made-to-order as 400-g portion) Scrambled eggs and turkey slice Mixed grill 1 and grapefruit (grilled bacon, tomato, mushrooms, and fried egg) Mushroom and cheese scrambled eggs and bacon Mixed grill 2 (turkey slice, mushrooms, baked beans, fried egg, tomato, and cheese) Spanish-style omelette and yogurt (eggs with ham, cheese, grilled tomato, baked beans, and mushrooms; Greek-style yogurt) Smoked haddock and raspberry yogurt (haddock and boiled egg; cheese and cucumber salad; and raspberry yogurt drink Turkey slice and poached egg (turkey slice; poached egg; feta cheese salad—tomato, cucumber, raisins, and mushrooms) Raspberry yogurt and bacon and poached egg (raspberry yogurt drink; poached egg; grilled bacon; and cucumber and mushrooms) Salmon scrambled eggs (scrambled egg; salmon; celery, raisin, and mushroom salad) Lunch (400 g) Day 1 Chicken breast salad Prawn and salmon salad Day 2 Cottage cheese and ham salad Tuna salad with mayonnaise Day 3 Ham and cheese salad Avocado and bacon salad Day 4 Pork salad Tuna and egg salad Day 5 Cheese and chicken Caesar salad Cottage cheese and ham salad Day 6 Avocado and bacon salad Tuna salad with mayonnaise Day 7 Ham and cheese salad Pork salad Dinner (400 g) Day 1 Chili beef Ham and cauliflower bake Day 2 Chicken Creole Salami and ham stew Day 3 Pork loin and ratatouille Ham and cauliflower bake Day 4 Chicken curry Salmon and prawns Day 5 Steak and mushrooms Chicken Creole Day 6 Chicken stir fry Chili beef Day 7 Salami and ham stew Chicken curry Snacks (150 g) Day 1 Chocolate mousse Chicken soup Tuna salad Day 2 Orange mousse Chicken soup Scrambled egg with ham and tomato Day 3 Chilled cappuccino Chicken soup Smoked ham wrap Day 4 Chocolate mousse Chicken soup Pork kebabs Day 5 Strawberry mousse Chicken soup Smoked ham wrap Day 6 Chilled cappuccino Chicken soup Egg salad with mayonnaise Day 7 Raspberry mousse Chicken soup Pork kebabs High-protein, medium-carbohydrate (nonketogenic) diet Breakfast options (made to order as 400-g portion) Porridge, turkey slice, and raspberry yogurt Mixed grill 1, toast, and yogurt (grilled bacon, mushrooms, white bread, baked beans, mushrooms, heated tomato, and yogurt drink) Crumpet and ham and yogurt (toasted crumpet with ham and poached egg; Greek-style yogurt) Mixed grill 2 and toast (turkey slice, white bread, mushrooms, poached egg, and grilled tomato) Mixed grill 3 and toast (grilled sausage, turkey slice, white bread, grilled tomato, ketchup, and scrambled egg) Kedgeree (rice, smoked haddock, and boiled egg) Red fruit smoothie (raspberries, strawberries, and yogurt) All-bran cereal, poached egg, and yogurt (raspberry yogurt drink, poached egg, All-bran, and milk) Continental (croissant, turkey slice, strawberry jam, butter, and yogurt smoothie) Lunch (400 g) Day 1 Chicken and macaroni salad Prawn and salmon salad Day 2 Cottage cheese and ham salad Tuna salad with mayonnaise Day 3 Prawn and ham salad Avocado and bacon salad Day 4 Pork salad Tuna salad with mayonnaise Day 5 Cheese and chicken Caesar salad Cottage cheese and ham salad Day 6 Avocado and bacon salad Tuna salad with mayonnaise Day 7 Chicken and sweetcorn salad Pork salad Dinner (400 g) Day 1 Chili beef risotto Spaghetti carbonara Day 2 Chicken Creole Salami and ham stew Day 3 Pork grill Spaghetti carbonara Day 4 Chicken curry Salmon and egg-fried rice Day 5 Steak and mash Chicken Creole Day 6 Chicken stir fry Chili beef Day 7 Salami and ham stew Chicken curry Snacks (150 g) Day 1 Chocolate mousse Chicken soup Tuna salad roll Day 2 Strawberry cooler Chicken soup Turkey cheese and tomato sandwich Day 3 Chilled cappuccino Chicken soup Tuna salad roll Day 4 Rhubarb and ginger fool Chicken soup Hummus and pita bread Day 5 Chocolate mousse Chicken soup Cheese and tomato sandwich Day 6 Strawberry cooler Chicken soup Salmon and toast Day 7 Raspberry cooler Chicken soup Cheese and tomato sandwich Meal options High-protein, low-carbohydrate (ketogenic) diet Breakfast (made-to-order as 400-g portion) Scrambled eggs and turkey slice Mixed grill 1 and grapefruit (grilled bacon, tomato, mushrooms, and fried egg) Mushroom and cheese scrambled eggs and bacon Mixed grill 2 (turkey slice, mushrooms, baked beans, fried egg, tomato, and cheese) Spanish-style omelette and yogurt (eggs with ham, cheese, grilled tomato, baked beans, and mushrooms; Greek-style yogurt) Smoked haddock and raspberry yogurt (haddock and boiled egg; cheese and cucumber salad; and raspberry yogurt drink Turkey slice and poached egg (turkey slice; poached egg; feta cheese salad—tomato, cucumber, raisins, and mushrooms) Raspberry yogurt and bacon and poached egg (raspberry yogurt drink; poached egg; grilled bacon; and cucumber and mushrooms) Salmon scrambled eggs (scrambled egg; salmon; celery, raisin, and mushroom salad) Lunch (400 g) Day 1 Chicken breast salad Prawn and salmon salad Day 2 Cottage cheese and ham salad Tuna salad with mayonnaise Day 3 Ham and cheese salad Avocado and bacon salad Day 4 Pork salad Tuna and egg salad Day 5 Cheese and chicken Caesar salad Cottage cheese and ham salad Day 6 Avocado and bacon salad Tuna salad with mayonnaise Day 7 Ham and cheese salad Pork salad Dinner (400 g) Day 1 Chili beef Ham and cauliflower bake Day 2 Chicken Creole Salami and ham stew Day 3 Pork loin and ratatouille Ham and cauliflower bake Day 4 Chicken curry Salmon and prawns Day 5 Steak and mushrooms Chicken Creole Day 6 Chicken stir fry Chili beef Day 7 Salami and ham stew Chicken curry Snacks (150 g) Day 1 Chocolate mousse Chicken soup Tuna salad Day 2 Orange mousse Chicken soup Scrambled egg with ham and tomato Day 3 Chilled cappuccino Chicken soup Smoked ham wrap Day 4 Chocolate mousse Chicken soup Pork kebabs Day 5 Strawberry mousse Chicken soup Smoked ham wrap Day 6 Chilled cappuccino Chicken soup Egg salad with mayonnaise Day 7 Raspberry mousse Chicken soup Pork kebabs High-protein, medium-carbohydrate (nonketogenic) diet Breakfast options (made to order as 400-g portion) Porridge, turkey slice, and raspberry yogurt Mixed grill 1, toast, and yogurt (grilled bacon, mushrooms, white bread, baked beans, mushrooms, heated tomato, and yogurt drink) Crumpet and ham and yogurt (toasted crumpet with ham and poached egg; Greek-style yogurt) Mixed grill 2 and toast (turkey slice, white bread, mushrooms, poached egg, and grilled tomato) Mixed grill 3 and toast (grilled sausage, turkey slice, white bread, grilled tomato, ketchup, and scrambled egg) Kedgeree (rice, smoked haddock, and boiled egg) Red fruit smoothie (raspberries, strawberries, and yogurt) All-bran cereal, poached egg, and yogurt (raspberry yogurt drink, poached egg, All-bran, and milk) Continental (croissant, turkey slice, strawberry jam, butter, and yogurt smoothie) Lunch (400 g) Day 1 Chicken and macaroni salad Prawn and salmon salad Day 2 Cottage cheese and ham salad Tuna salad with mayonnaise Day 3 Prawn and ham salad Avocado and bacon salad Day 4 Pork salad Tuna salad with mayonnaise Day 5 Cheese and chicken Caesar salad Cottage cheese and ham salad Day 6 Avocado and bacon salad Tuna salad with mayonnaise Day 7 Chicken and sweetcorn salad Pork salad Dinner (400 g) Day 1 Chili beef risotto Spaghetti carbonara Day 2 Chicken Creole Salami and ham stew Day 3 Pork grill Spaghetti carbonara Day 4 Chicken curry Salmon and egg-fried rice Day 5 Steak and mash Chicken Creole Day 6 Chicken stir fry Chili beef Day 7 Salami and ham stew Chicken curry Snacks (150 g) Day 1 Chocolate mousse Chicken soup Tuna salad roll Day 2 Strawberry cooler Chicken soup Turkey cheese and tomato sandwich Day 3 Chilled cappuccino Chicken soup Tuna salad roll Day 4 Rhubarb and ginger fool Chicken soup Hummus and pita bread Day 5 Chocolate mousse Chicken soup Cheese and tomato sandwich Day 6 Strawberry cooler Chicken soup Salmon and toast Day 7 Raspberry cooler Chicken soup Cheese and tomato sandwich View Large APPENDIX A Meal options High-protein, low-carbohydrate (ketogenic) diet Breakfast (made-to-order as 400-g portion) Scrambled eggs and turkey slice Mixed grill 1 and grapefruit (grilled bacon, tomato, mushrooms, and fried egg) Mushroom and cheese scrambled eggs and bacon Mixed grill 2 (turkey slice, mushrooms, baked beans, fried egg, tomato, and cheese) Spanish-style omelette and yogurt (eggs with ham, cheese, grilled tomato, baked beans, and mushrooms; Greek-style yogurt) Smoked haddock and raspberry yogurt (haddock and boiled egg; cheese and cucumber salad; and raspberry yogurt drink Turkey slice and poached egg (turkey slice; poached egg; feta cheese salad—tomato, cucumber, raisins, and mushrooms) Raspberry yogurt and bacon and poached egg (raspberry yogurt drink; poached egg; grilled bacon; and cucumber and mushrooms) Salmon scrambled eggs (scrambled egg; salmon; celery, raisin, and mushroom salad) Lunch (400 g) Day 1 Chicken breast salad Prawn and salmon salad Day 2 Cottage cheese and ham salad Tuna salad with mayonnaise Day 3 Ham and cheese salad Avocado and bacon salad Day 4 Pork salad Tuna and egg salad Day 5 Cheese and chicken Caesar salad Cottage cheese and ham salad Day 6 Avocado and bacon salad Tuna salad with mayonnaise Day 7 Ham and cheese salad Pork salad Dinner (400 g) Day 1 Chili beef Ham and cauliflower bake Day 2 Chicken Creole Salami and ham stew Day 3 Pork loin and ratatouille Ham and cauliflower bake Day 4 Chicken curry Salmon and prawns Day 5 Steak and mushrooms Chicken Creole Day 6 Chicken stir fry Chili beef Day 7 Salami and ham stew Chicken curry Snacks (150 g) Day 1 Chocolate mousse Chicken soup Tuna salad Day 2 Orange mousse Chicken soup Scrambled egg with ham and tomato Day 3 Chilled cappuccino Chicken soup Smoked ham wrap Day 4 Chocolate mousse Chicken soup Pork kebabs Day 5 Strawberry mousse Chicken soup Smoked ham wrap Day 6 Chilled cappuccino Chicken soup Egg salad with mayonnaise Day 7 Raspberry mousse Chicken soup Pork kebabs High-protein, medium-carbohydrate (nonketogenic) diet Breakfast options (made to order as 400-g portion) Porridge, turkey slice, and raspberry yogurt Mixed grill 1, toast, and yogurt (grilled bacon, mushrooms, white bread, baked beans, mushrooms, heated tomato, and yogurt drink) Crumpet and ham and yogurt (toasted crumpet with ham and poached egg; Greek-style yogurt) Mixed grill 2 and toast (turkey slice, white bread, mushrooms, poached egg, and grilled tomato) Mixed grill 3 and toast (grilled sausage, turkey slice, white bread, grilled tomato, ketchup, and scrambled egg) Kedgeree (rice, smoked haddock, and boiled egg) Red fruit smoothie (raspberries, strawberries, and yogurt) All-bran cereal, poached egg, and yogurt (raspberry yogurt drink, poached egg, All-bran, and milk) Continental (croissant, turkey slice, strawberry jam, butter, and yogurt smoothie) Lunch (400 g) Day 1 Chicken and macaroni salad Prawn and salmon salad Day 2 Cottage cheese and ham salad Tuna salad with mayonnaise Day 3 Prawn and ham salad Avocado and bacon salad Day 4 Pork salad Tuna salad with mayonnaise Day 5 Cheese and chicken Caesar salad Cottage cheese and ham salad Day 6 Avocado and bacon salad Tuna salad with mayonnaise Day 7 Chicken and sweetcorn salad Pork salad Dinner (400 g) Day 1 Chili beef risotto Spaghetti carbonara Day 2 Chicken Creole Salami and ham stew Day 3 Pork grill Spaghetti carbonara Day 4 Chicken curry Salmon and egg-fried rice Day 5 Steak and mash Chicken Creole Day 6 Chicken stir fry Chili beef Day 7 Salami and ham stew Chicken curry Snacks (150 g) Day 1 Chocolate mousse Chicken soup Tuna salad roll Day 2 Strawberry cooler Chicken soup Turkey cheese and tomato sandwich Day 3 Chilled cappuccino Chicken soup Tuna salad roll Day 4 Rhubarb and ginger fool Chicken soup Hummus and pita bread Day 5 Chocolate mousse Chicken soup Cheese and tomato sandwich Day 6 Strawberry cooler Chicken soup Salmon and toast Day 7 Raspberry cooler Chicken soup Cheese and tomato sandwich Meal options High-protein, low-carbohydrate (ketogenic) diet Breakfast (made-to-order as 400-g portion) Scrambled eggs and turkey slice Mixed grill 1 and grapefruit (grilled bacon, tomato, mushrooms, and fried egg) Mushroom and cheese scrambled eggs and bacon Mixed grill 2 (turkey slice, mushrooms, baked beans, fried egg, tomato, and cheese) Spanish-style omelette and yogurt (eggs with ham, cheese, grilled tomato, baked beans, and mushrooms; Greek-style yogurt) Smoked haddock and raspberry yogurt (haddock and boiled egg; cheese and cucumber salad; and raspberry yogurt drink Turkey slice and poached egg (turkey slice; poached egg; feta cheese salad—tomato, cucumber, raisins, and mushrooms) Raspberry yogurt and bacon and poached egg (raspberry yogurt drink; poached egg; grilled bacon; and cucumber and mushrooms) Salmon scrambled eggs (scrambled egg; salmon; celery, raisin, and mushroom salad) Lunch (400 g) Day 1 Chicken breast salad Prawn and salmon salad Day 2 Cottage cheese and ham salad Tuna salad with mayonnaise Day 3 Ham and cheese salad Avocado and bacon salad Day 4 Pork salad Tuna and egg salad Day 5 Cheese and chicken Caesar salad Cottage cheese and ham salad Day 6 Avocado and bacon salad Tuna salad with mayonnaise Day 7 Ham and cheese salad Pork salad Dinner (400 g) Day 1 Chili beef Ham and cauliflower bake Day 2 Chicken Creole Salami and ham stew Day 3 Pork loin and ratatouille Ham and cauliflower bake Day 4 Chicken curry Salmon and prawns Day 5 Steak and mushrooms Chicken Creole Day 6 Chicken stir fry Chili beef Day 7 Salami and ham stew Chicken curry Snacks (150 g) Day 1 Chocolate mousse Chicken soup Tuna salad Day 2 Orange mousse Chicken soup Scrambled egg with ham and tomato Day 3 Chilled cappuccino Chicken soup Smoked ham wrap Day 4 Chocolate mousse Chicken soup Pork kebabs Day 5 Strawberry mousse Chicken soup Smoked ham wrap Day 6 Chilled cappuccino Chicken soup Egg salad with mayonnaise Day 7 Raspberry mousse Chicken soup Pork kebabs High-protein, medium-carbohydrate (nonketogenic) diet Breakfast options (made to order as 400-g portion) Porridge, turkey slice, and raspberry yogurt Mixed grill 1, toast, and yogurt (grilled bacon, mushrooms, white bread, baked beans, mushrooms, heated tomato, and yogurt drink) Crumpet and ham and yogurt (toasted crumpet with ham and poached egg; Greek-style yogurt) Mixed grill 2 and toast (turkey slice, white bread, mushrooms, poached egg, and grilled tomato) Mixed grill 3 and toast (grilled sausage, turkey slice, white bread, grilled tomato, ketchup, and scrambled egg) Kedgeree (rice, smoked haddock, and boiled egg) Red fruit smoothie (raspberries, strawberries, and yogurt) All-bran cereal, poached egg, and yogurt (raspberry yogurt drink, poached egg, All-bran, and milk) Continental (croissant, turkey slice, strawberry jam, butter, and yogurt smoothie) Lunch (400 g) Day 1 Chicken and macaroni salad Prawn and salmon salad Day 2 Cottage cheese and ham salad Tuna salad with mayonnaise Day 3 Prawn and ham salad Avocado and bacon salad Day 4 Pork salad Tuna salad with mayonnaise Day 5 Cheese and chicken Caesar salad Cottage cheese and ham salad Day 6 Avocado and bacon salad Tuna salad with mayonnaise Day 7 Chicken and sweetcorn salad Pork salad Dinner (400 g) Day 1 Chili beef risotto Spaghetti carbonara Day 2 Chicken Creole Salami and ham stew Day 3 Pork grill Spaghetti carbonara Day 4 Chicken curry Salmon and egg-fried rice Day 5 Steak and mash Chicken Creole Day 6 Chicken stir fry Chili beef Day 7 Salami and ham stew Chicken curry Snacks (150 g) Day 1 Chocolate mousse Chicken soup Tuna salad roll Day 2 Strawberry cooler Chicken soup Turkey cheese and tomato sandwich Day 3 Chilled cappuccino Chicken soup Tuna salad roll Day 4 Rhubarb and ginger fool Chicken soup Hummus and pita bread Day 5 Chocolate mousse Chicken soup Cheese and tomato sandwich Day 6 Strawberry cooler Chicken soup Salmon and toast Day 7 Raspberry cooler Chicken soup Cheese and tomato sandwich View Large We thank Marion Scott, Jean Bryce, Nina Lanza and Kim Giles for their assistance in the preparation of the study diets and Sylvia Hay and Linda Dewar for support in the Human Nutrition Unit. 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LightStream announces pledge to join the World Economic Forum’s Trillion Tree Movement, planting 1 million trees with American Forests by 2022 – Glendale Careers CA Skip to content Menu Glendale Careers CA Home News Network California Los Angeles San Francisco San Diego CareerMVP BusinessMVP Close Menu LightStream announces pledge to join the World Economic Forum’s Trillion Tree Movement, planting 1 million trees with American Forests by 2022 Press Releases Banking, Finance, Green, Truist CHARLOTTE, N.C., July 21, 2021 /PRNewswire/– LightStream announced today a pledge to grow 1 million trees by 2022 in partnership with American Forests. The pledge was made to the U.S. Chapter of 1t.org, an initiative co-led by American Forests and the World Economic Forum, in support of the global effort to conserve, restore and grow 1 trillion trees worldwide by 2030. “The 1t.org US Chapter is thrilled to receive LightStream’s commitment to grow 1 million trees by 2022, in partnership with American Forests,” said Justin Adams, director of Nature-Based Solutions, World Economic Forum, “It’s wonderful to see LightStream’s ambitious pledge and hope that it inspires other companies to join the global movement to accelerate nature-based solutions and invest in our forests.” LightStream has partnered with American Forests on forest restoration initiatives since the company launched in 2013. Each time LightStream funds a loan, it donates money to American Forests to plant a tree on the customer’s behalf. “It has been said that ‘We don’t inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children,'” said LightStream Senior Vice President Kristin Shuff. “And when we borrow–whether by taking out a loan to achieve a goal, or by drawing upon our planet’s beautiful, but fragile natural resources–we have an obligation to make good on our debt. LightStream understands the importance of responsible borrowing, both the financial and environmental kind. It’s part of our duty to future generations, and we believe it’s also one of the things that has made us the nation’s premier online consumer lender.” Through their partnership with American Forests, LightStream grown their reforestation efforts from a single post-wildlife recovery project in Montana to diverse restoration projects in several cities and states across the United States. As part of their pledge to the 1t.org US Chapter, LightStream will leverage climate smart reforestation and management techniques provided by American Forests, including: Planting genetically diverse collections of native species Planting trees that are better able to thrive under future climate conditions Screening seedlings for disease resistance Spacing seedlings to mimic natural tree regrowth after wildfire and reduce risk of future fires Planting seedlings in plastic shelter tubes that dramatically increase plant survival in drought-prone areas “The climate crisis is not slowing down, but thankfully, neither are those of us committed to forests as natural climate solutions,” said Jad Daley, president and CEO of American Forests. “With this pledge, LightStream will accelerate its reforestation efforts, utilizing the latest in climate conscious forestry management guidance from American Forests. We are very excited to welcome them to the 1t.org team.” Continued Shuff, “Our American Forests partnership aligns with LightStream’s culture and purpose. It reflects our commitment to reforest American wilderness and wildlife areas while now also extending to support the World Economic Forum’s Trillion Tree Movement to restore the planet’s health and well-being for all.” About American Forests American Forests is the first national non-profit conservation organization created in the US. Since its founding in 1875, the organization has been the pathfinders for the forest conservation movement. Its mission is to create healthy and resilient forests, from cities to wilderness, that deliver essential benefits for climate, people, water and wildlife. The organization advances its mission through forestry innovation, place-based partnerships to plant and restore forests, and movement building. The LightStream/American Forests partnership started as a way to celebrate LightStream’s paperless loan process. Over the years, it has grown into an eco-movement that goes beyond planting trees and preservation activities. LightStream also supports American Forests’ educational and research efforts to build awareness and educate people about the value of trees. More information on the American Forests and LightStream partnership can be found at AmericanForests.org. About the World Economic Forum The World Economic Forum, committed to improving the state of the world, is the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation. The Forum engages the foremost political, business and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas. About LightStream LightStream is a national online lending division of SunTrust now Truist. Through a simple online process, LightStream provides unsecured loans up to $100,000 to good-credit customers for practically any purpose. Funds with highly competitive interest rates can be provided as soon as the same day an application is submitted, and with no fees. (Click here for additional background about same day funding) Financing is available in all 50 states, plus Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico. Visit LightStream.com for more information. About Truist Truist Financial Corporation is a purpose-driven financial services company committed to inspiring and building better lives and communities. Formed by the historic merger of equals of BB&T and SunTrust, Truist has leading market share in many high-growth markets in the country. The company offers a wide range of services including retail, small business and commercial banking; asset management; capital markets; commercial real estate; corporate and institutional banking; insurance; mortgage; payments; specialized lending; and wealth management. Headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina, Truist is a top 10 U.S. commercial bank with total assets of $522 billion as of June 30, 2021. Truist Bank, Member FDIC. Learn more at Truist.com. SOURCE Truist Financial Corporation Related Posts Press Releases Bank of America Names Marc Perez President of Long Island Press Releases BofA Unveils “VAM 2.0”, an Enhanced Virtual Account Management Solution Press Releases Key4Women and SCORE announce women-owned business pitch contest finalists Featured News Bank of America Names Marc Perez President of Long Island BofA Unveils “VAM 2.0”, an Enhanced Virtual Account Management Solution Key4Women and SCORE announce women-owned business pitch contest finalists PetSmart Charities® Commits Up to $1 Million To Support Hurricane Ida Relief Efforts First Indigenous-Developed Clinical Simulation Space Planned at WSU Spokane With Bank of America Grant Back To Top Glendale Careers CA Copyright © BusinessMVP.com All Rights Reserved!
Believe it or not, if you’re using Photoshop to design website, you’re on the right path to become a successful web designer. This is simply because Photoshop is one of the most advanced tool in the design industry that can make your creative imagination comes true with its plethora of professional tools which boost your productivity at the same time. But how well do you know about Photoshop? Sometimes we’re wondering why certain web designer can design a website layout with extremely heavy graphics in 5 days, while we need around 10 days to complete that kind of design. It’s probably not about how fast you can click, it’s about how well you know about Photoshop, how you gonna unlock its full potential to boost your productivity. We want you to know how to unlock its full potential. Yes, that’s why we created this post, to provide you 10 extremely useful Photoshop tips to boost your design speed. There can be shortcut, feature or setting you don’t know about, but not anymore. With this article you gonna learn them all, and you will design faster, and faster. Note: Shortcut keys mentioned in this article are in Windows Photoshop format. If you are using Mac, be sure to know that Ctrl = Cmd (Command) and Alt = Opt (Option). 10. Undo, More Undo Please I totally believe that we designer are very addictive to undo something, even until when we made a mistake on sketching, we tend to ‘undo’ it. Well as you might know by pressing Ctrl + Z in Photoshop you can undo the previous action you made, but when you press the same key combination again, it will redo the previous action. This is quite unnatural and troublesome as you always need to undo multiple times to get to the state you want. Believe it or not, Photoshop has a specific button for multiple undo, and it is Alt + Ctrl + Z. Yes, by using this key combination you can undo multiple times, according to the value of History States you set in Edit > Preference > Performance. If you’re used to common Undo’s key combination which is Ctrl + Z, you can simply press Ctrl + Shift + Alt + K to access Keyboard Shortcut panel and change Undo’s key combination under the Edit section to Ctrl + Z. 9. Sampling Color, anywhere! Stumbled upon a nicely designed website and wondering which exact colors is it using? This happens very often when I’m seeking inspiration during the time I’m doing site layout in Photoshop. For me I will launch a color picker, pick the color and get its hex number, then click on the color palette in Photoshop, then input the hex number then get the color, pretty annoying isn’t it? Well you don’t really need to suffer like that, you can actually just click on Eyedropper tool or pressing I to activate it, then click on the Photoshop’s work screen and drag the Eyedropper icon to anywhere on the monitor screen to get the color you want. Yeah, it’s really that easy. 8. Flexible Guide Tip #8 is actually combination of 2 tips, I hope you don’t mind about getting more tips. As web designer we have to deal a lot with guide to position an element correctly, in other words is pixel perfect. How do you create a guide? Click on View, New Guide then decide it’s horizontal or vertical guide, input its position and click Enter? Alright, you can save these works by just pressing Ctrl + R to activate the Ruler tool, click on the tool and drag it down to create a horizontal guide, or vice versa. Besides instant guide creation, here’s another useful tip for you. While dragging a guide with Move tool which can be activated using V key, press and hold Alt key to change the horizontal guide to vertical guide, or vice versa. Now you can probably consider yourself as professional on using guide. 7. Fun Layer Style Cloning Layer styles are very entertaining when you can just apply them to make, let’s say, a social media icon looks pretty charming and unique, but it will be very tiring if you want to apply same layer styles to all social media icons which usually come in multiple pieces. Have you ever realized that there’s an fx icon beside your layer? Well everything exists for a reason, if you press Alt and drag the fx icon to another layer, it will copy first layer’s styles to the one you dragged to, convenient isn’t it? Also if you are interested about the common use of that fx icon, it allows you to move a layer’s styles to another and all you need to do is simply drag the icon to another layer without pressing Alt key. 6. Element Centering Made Easy In order to achieve a pixel perfect design, we oftenly have to position element to exactly where it should be. This seems easy as you can just create some guides and snap the element to those guides, but it will be daunting if you want to absolute center an element in certain area, which requires a lot of guides, measurement and focus. In fact you have a way to make this entire process a lot more easier, click on the element’s layer which you want to absolute center, then press Ctrl + A to select the entire document. After that, fire the Move tool and you will see some icons beside the option, Show Transform Controls. Click on the 2nd icon to vertical center the element, then click on 5th icon to horizontal center the element, there you go, an absolute centered element. You can not only absolute center the element in entire document’s area, but also absolute center it in certain area. Let’s say I want to absolute center an element in footer area, I can simply select the footer area by using the Selection tool which can be activated by pressing M key, then absolute center the element in that specific area. You can study other alignment options beside the Show Transform Controls option, they are very useful for aligning your elements in a wide range of situations. 5. View Selection, One At A Time Often in designing a layout you need to check how an element looks exactly by its own or by few elements, for example in website layout below, I want to check slider’s buttons to confirm that they do not have transparency so they look exactly the same with or without slider’s image. In past I have to turn off the visibility of slider image’s layer, slider background’s layer and even content’s background layer, but now I can just simply hold down the Alt key, then click on the ‘eye’ icon beside the button group to turn off all layers’ visibility so that I only view those buttons. After I checked them, I can just repeat the trick again to bring all layers’ visbilibity back. This trick is also extremely useful while it comes to image slicing. You want to slice slider’s button without any other element like slider image, so you can use this trick to turn off all layer’s visibility to just slice the button, then repeat the trick to recover all layer’s visibility so it saves a lot of time wasted on turn on and off layers’ visibility. 4. Customize Font’s Tracking, Anytime This particular tip shows you how to increase the font’s tracking in certain part of the type easily, so it might only be used on certain specific situation like logo or button creation, but it’s a professional tip that can save lots of time on finding fonts with suitable typography for your logo or button creation. Alright, let’s say I want to decrease the tracking of the type, ‘360’ so my logo’s type looks unique that visitor remembers it easier. I can select ‘POLO360’ by using Type tool which can be activated by pressing T key, then hold down the Alt and press button to start decreasing the type’s tracking, which will bring the result above. You can use this trick to tackle tracking issue of some artistic fonts, so there’s no worries about tracking next time you want to find graphical fonts for your logo creation! 3. Instant Layer Selection = Win Layout design is an exhausting job as we have to tackle lots of issues such as typography, spacing and graphic, but it will be overwhelming if we want to find a specific element’s layer from hundreds of layers. Let this trick makes your designer’s life easier. Activate the Move tool using V key and hold down the Ctrl key, then click on the element and you will automatically select the element’s layer. It’s really that simple but keep in mind that if you put elements into a group, then by using the same trick you will be selecting the group’s folder that contains the element you clicked, as shown above. 2. Smart Object For Smart Designer Just as its name, Smart Object makes your editing smarter by carrying out 2 primary functions: perform nondestructive transforms and perform filtering. This feature comes in very handy especially when you’re producing a site layout with heavy graphics like stock photos, social media icons and UI kits, and all you need to do is right click a layer, then click ‘Convert to Smart Object’ to enjoy its benefits. The first function says that once a layer is converted into a Smart Object, you can transform it anyway you want without losing its original quality. In our case we want to make the image slider smaller so we convert image slider’s layers to Smart Object and transformed it into something smaller. Ouch, it’s just too small so I decided to change it back. Looks like everything’s okay and nothing happened right? Below is the result if you applied a backward transformation without converting layer to Smart Object. So you can probably see the difference here, especially slider’s buttons part. The backward transformation without Smart Object applied on layers makes the slider and slider’s buttons lose their quality. So by converting a layer to Smart Object, you can transform it to any smaller size you want but once you regretted about your decision, you can change it back without losing quality. Another benefit by converting layer into Smart Object is once you applied filter on a Smart Object, a filter’s layer will appear under the Smart Object’s layer so you can disable filter easier by just turn off the visibility of the filter’s layer, and that’s called nondestructive filtering, great time saver for your project. 1. A Snapshot Of Beautiful Past Now you learned how to undo multiple times, copy layer styles, faster layer selection and using Smart object these great time saving tips. Well, these are really handy skills that greatly boosts your productivity but how about after 2 hour’s work, you regretted your editing and decided to start from the middle? Redo it completely will be very exhausting and boring even you applied all killer tips you learned before, so that’s when Snapshot kicks in. Snapshot allows you to create a temporary copy of any state of your editing so when you have trouble on improving your design and decided to go back, you can simply click on a snapshot to bring you back to the state you desired. To take a snapshot, you just have to open History palette, and click on the 2nd icon you see on the bottom of the palette. There are also some useful features for snapshot like you can take multiple snapshots so you have more choices and you can name them so you remember them easier. Ultimately you can also use these snapshots to compare different effects you created for your design. However, be sure to remember that once you closed the document, snapshots will be deleted instantly so if you want to keep those states, you can click on each snapshot and save the document as another file. Reflection You’ve come to the end of the article, great job. By this time you should got enough time-saving killer tips to boost your design speed, but always remember that learning is the best way for you to know more about your Photoshop, thus increasing your productivity. So keep learning more, and you will become a more competitive web designer of all time. Well we’ve shared our best, how about you? If you don’t mind, please share your Photoshop killer tips to let us know the better way to use Photoshop, thanks for your generosity!
Alarmed by President Trump and the shrinking faction of Republicans willing and able to stand up to him, Mitt Romney is seriously considering one more run for public office. Sources close to Romney tell TPM that he’s leaning toward a run if Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) decides to retire, a move that sources close to Hatch say is more likely than not. And they say that while Romney was initially not keen on running for the Senate, the retirements of Trump-critical Sens. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) and Bob Corker (R-TN) and John McCain’s (R-AZ) ongoing health problems have left a void he thinks desperately needs to be filled. “There’s a demand for people like him in the Senate. We’re losing people like Jeff Flake, who’s a conservative but an independent voice, we’re losing Bob Corker. Now more than ever we need statesmen and people with integrity in public office, and Mitt Romney fits that description,” former Romney spokesman Ryan Williams told TPM, after emphasizing he hasn’t talked to Romney about the race. Flake’s decision to retire this week means the GOP senator most fiercely critical of Trump won’t be around for much longer. But the other Arizona senator’s status is likely weighing more on Romney’s mind. McCain is the only Republican left in Washington who can truly stand up to Trump in an effective way at this point. He has the gravitas and celebrity of a former presidential nominee that gives him a huge platform, and he was just reelected and doesn’t need to worry about the GOP base. McCain can’t be dismissed as too moderate like Sens. Susan Collins (R-ME) and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), or as a conservative gadfly like Sens. Rand Paul (R-KY) and Ben Sasse (R-NE). McCain’s bleak cancer prognosis has left his political future uncertain. That paired with the loss of Flake and Corker, as TPM noted earlier this week, means barely anyone in the GOP worth noting could be left to buck the White House after 2018. That would change if the 70-year-old Romney, who led the anti-Trump GOP resistance throughout the 2016 campaign, steps out of retirement to run for Senate. “If Mitt Romney runs for Senate in Utah, then we might see the beginnings of a counter-insurgency, but until then it does look like a mopping up operation,” National Review writer and Trump critic David French said on MSNBC Friday evening. Romney took it upon himself to lead the anti-Trump charge throughout the GOP primary, with many of his deputies following him to battle Trumpism. After giving a nationally televised speech where he called Trump a “fraud,” Romney led the last-gasp efforts to stop him in the primary, campaigning from Utah to Ohio to try to deprive Trump of the nomination, slamming him even after he’d sown it up, and refusing to endorse him in the general election. “Through the calculated statements of its leader, Trumpism has become associated with racism, misogyny, bigotry, xenophobia, vulgarity and, most recently, threats and violence. I am repulsed by each and every one of these,” he wrote in a March Facebook post. “I don’t think you could have a bigger cultural clash, and Romney would give that point of view a very powerful and eloquent voice in Washington,” Alex Castellanos, a former Romney adviser who first fought Trump’s nomination then helped him in the general election, told TPM. “Donald Trump has unified the Republican Party, he’s purged it of the non-Trump Republicans. McCain may unfortunately leave because of his health, Corker and Flake are on their way out. There’s a vacuum of powerful establishment Republican voices.” Hatch, who is 83, is publicly rejecting the idea that he’s decided not to run for reelection. But sources close to Hatch’s office tell TPM that he’s leaning that way — and wants Romney to step up if and when he decides to retire after tax reform efforts conclude. “Hatch has told Romney ‘I want you to replace me if I don’t run again,'” a source close to Hatch’s office told TPM on Friday. Romney would be a formidable candidate in Utah, where he has an immense reservoir of goodwill and where the Mormon Church holds sway, especially in GOP politics. But he’d likely face a primary challenge from a more conservative foe, likely with the backing of former Trump chief strategist Steve Bannon. “Mitt doesn’t have a clear shot. Utah politics are so convoluted right now. Obviously if he jumps in that’d clear the deck of a couple of mid-tier candidates in deference to the Thirteenth Apostle. But Mike Lee was on that third tier eight years ago and emerged out of nowhere,” a Utah GOP strategist, who declined to discuss the race on record until Hatch makes a formal decision, told TPM. Sources who know Romney also say public service truly animates him — that’s why even after all his harsh criticism of Trump he was willing to be Trump’s secretary of state. “To you or me, you’re sitting on a few hundred million dollars and 30-some grandkids … Why would you waste all that being in the Senate? But Romney, to his credit, he views his role as someone like John McCain. If John McCain, the conscience of the Senate, isn’t around much longer who fills that role? I think Romney thinks he can fill that role,” said the Utah Republican. It’s far from certain that Mr. Romney will go to Washington. But if he does, that could shake up a city where anti-Trump Republicans are an endangered species. And it would put Romney directly back into the spotlight after years in the wilderness. “I do think that Mitt’s career and political journey are unfinished,” said Castellanos.
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PNG community responds to Cherokee Nation revoking certificate - Port Arthur News | Port Arthur News Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) Click to print (Opens in new window) Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window) Subscribe Home News Community Opinion Sports Obits E-Edition Classifieds Public Notices Contests Services About Us Submit a news tip Submit a photo Submit a Classified Ad Submit a letter to the editor Special Sections Season Of Giving PNG community responds to Cherokee Nation revoking certificate Published 1:58 pm Thursday, July 9, 2020 By Cassandra Jenkins Many businesses on Port Neches Avenue sell Port Neches-Groves Indians memorabilia including the Cherry Tree Florist. PORT NECHES — On Wednesday, Port Neches-Groves Independent School District received an official letter from the Cherokee Nation revoking the district’s 1979 certificate naming the PNG Indians as official “Ambassadors of Goodwill.” After weeks of controversy, outcry finally reached current chief Chuck Hoskin Jr., who sent a letter to the district calling for a change in the mascot. Chrissy Lee Mercer, owner of the Port Neches Avenue business Wren, sports PNG Indians gear sold in her store to represent her stance on the mascot debate. “Continued use by Port Neches Independent School District of its current mascot and imagery does further injury to a proud Indian Nation and a people who have endured enough,” he wrote. “It should stop.” Subscribe to our free email newsletter Get the latest news sent to your inbox In response to the news, Superintendent Dr. Mike Gonzales released a statement on the school’s official Facebook page. “It is important to remember that our PNG schools belong to the PNG community and any future decisions on this topic will also belong to the community,” he stated. Gonzales’ letter gathered 224 comments, 236 shares and 369 likes within 12 hours. The comments section flooded with the majority in favor of keeping the Indian symbol. At the top of the list is 1981 graduate of Port Neches-Groves Liz Suiter. She said she remembers the day the Cherokee Nation visited the gym to give the original seal of approval. “I don’t remember everything that was said the day we were visited, but it was a school assembly,” she recalled. “The Cherokee Nation at the time said we represented them with pride and dignity. Don’t remember the exact words, but that was the message received.” Suiter’s daughter recently graduated as head drum major of the Indian Band. The longstanding tradition of being a PNG Indian is a proud one. “Honestly, as a person, I can appreciate all opinions on the subject,” Suiter said. “Every individual has their own belief system and values. Personally, as a Port Neches community member, former class of 1981 PNG student and parent of a class of 2020 student, I feel that through the years we have upheld being the PNG Indians with pride, honor and dignity. “For those reasons we were given the seal of approval by the Cherokee Nation and granted the honorary member status during an assembly in the PNG gym back in October 1979. We were all very proud that day.” Lydia Comstock Lydia Comstock, owner of the Cherry Tree Florist in Port Neches, said she agrees that the mascot is not derogatory but represents pride and spirit. “It’s nothing but respect,” she said. “No one has ever misused it in anyway to offend Indians. I pray for our school, our kids and community and I want to thank the school board all they do and to Dr. Gonzales for giving him strength, knowledge and to be strong during these trying times we have faced.” Displaying PNGISD and Indian memorabilia in her shop, Comstock said she hopes the community will fight against the change. “The kids have been through so much already. Now they want to take PNG Indians away from us?” she said. “We have to do something to not let this happen.” Susan Wood, second-generation PNG alum, said the notion of changing the mascot is a sad one. “Nothing has changed in our 41-year history since the Cherokee approved our Indian representation,” she said. “Now the children and grandchildren of the Cherokee people that approved our ambassadorship, who have grown up with a different mindset, and whom the media has told them to be offended by cultural appropriation, are now making the decisions.” Wood said because of “political correctness” the community might lose many years of tradition. Wood’s mom was a graduate of the class of 1963. Her dad attended in 1970. As a member of the class of 1992 herself, her kids will follow suit as third-generation Indians. “Our kids have lived and breathed PNG Indian traditions,” she said. “To our fellow [Nederland] Bulldogs who have offered up their services, legal and all others, thank you. When it comes down to brass tacks, we are all on the same side. “This is war, guys and gals. We have got to be ready. We can’t afford to be silent this time. We may not win, but we have to try to protect our honor, pride and tradition.” Wren displays an assortment of Port Neches-Groves ISD gear. More News Port Arthur firefighter recruited as first African American to join Dive Team Officer describes tense moments talking man off edge of bridge Woman indicted was reportedly found with IDs of 59 people Groves Police Department arrests & responses: Sept. 14-20 Print Article Sections Home News Sports Opinion Lifestyle Classifieds Small Business Services About Us Policies Submit a news tip Submit a photo Copyright © 2022, Port Arthur News
Is Shark Week sports? This year, the answer is 100 percent yes. The Discovery Channel announced on Friday that Michael Phelps will race against a great white shark as part of its week of shark-related festivities. Phelps vs. Shark: Great Gold vs. Great White will air on Sunday, July 23 at 8 p.m. ET. They are one of the fastest and most efficient predators on the planet: Sharks. He is our greatest champion to ever get in the water: Michael Phelps. 39 world records. 23 Olympic golds. But he has one competition left to win. An event so monumental no one has ever attempted it before. The world’s most decorated athlete takes on the ocean’s most efficient predator: Phelps V Shark – the race is on! It’s unclear how this race will take place, because as it stands, this is the most one-sided competition in history. The fastest Phelps has ever swam is 6 miles per hour, which is incredible for a human — but horrible by shark standards. A great white shark swims an average of 25 miles per hour and even faster when attacking prey. There is absolutely no way Phelps can beat a shark in an open competition — so there’s going to be some form of handicap to try and even this up a little. Or the entire purpose of this show is proving that no human ever has a chance of getting away from a shark. I guess we won’t know until July. h/t Washington Post
Washington: Donald Trump’s intensifying battle with his own party is tearing open the nation’s political map, pulling Republicans across the country into a self-destructive feud that could imperil dozens of lawmakers in Congress and potentially throw conservative-leaning states into Hillary Clinton’s column. Democrats are moving swiftly to exploit Trump’s crumbling position in the presidential race, aiming to run up a big margin of victory for Clinton and extend their political advantage into the congressional elections next month. Clinton’s campaign has concluded that at least two traditionally Republican states, Georgia and Arizona, are realistic targets for her campaign to win over. And Republican polling has found that Trump is at dire risk of losing Georgia, according to people briefed on the polls, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. Clinton now holds such a strong upper hand that Priorities USA, a super PAC backing her campaign, may direct some of its war chest into Senate races, two people said, and may begin broadcasting ads for those contests as soon as next week. Congressional Democrats also hope to persuade Clinton to continue pouring money and campaign resources into states like Virginia and Colorado, where they believe her victory is assured, in order to lift other Democratic candidates. In a signal of Democrats’ growing focus on the House and Senate, Clinton used a visit on Tuesday to Miami to attack both Trump and Senator Marco Rubio, whom Clinton blasted for what she described as his indifference to climate change. “We need to elect people up and down the ballot, at every level of government, who take it seriously,” Clinton said, adding, “It is an unacceptable response for Marco Rubio, when asked about climate change, to say, ‘I’m not a scientist.’” Clinton’s campaign chairman, John D. Podesta, told reporters that she would continue to call out down-ballot Republicans. Rubio, who has led in his re-election campaign by a comfortable but not overwhelming margin, is among the Republicans whom Priorities USA may seek to defeat, if the group decides to intervene in Senate races, one strategist said. Increasingly anxious Republicans have not come up with a unified strategy for containing the damage from Trump’s embattled candidacy, and several strategists and party officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity said they were awaiting a new round of polling before settling on a course. But, in a sign that Republicans now view the presidential race as a lost cause, several Senate candidates are preparing ads asking voters to elect them as a check on Clinton in the White House. Yet Trump himself, having been rejected in recent days by dozens of Republican elected officials, has indicated that he will make any separation an exceptionally messy and painful ordeal for the party. Trump lashed out publicly on Tuesday morning at two of his best-known critics: Senator John McCain of Arizona, who withdrew his endorsement of Trump over the weekend, and Paul Ryan, the speaker of the House, who informed congressional Republicans on Monday that he would no longer defend Trump. Seething on Twitter, Trump attacked Ryan as “weak and ineffective” and described McCain as “very foul mouthed.” And in a Fox News interview, Trump mocked both men as disloyal, reserving special venom for Ryan. “Paul Ryan opened borders and amnesty and bad budgets,” Trump said. He declared himself a liberated man, writing on Twitter: “It is so nice that the shackles have been taken off me and I can now fight for America the way I want to.” Should Trump continue deriding the leaders of the institutional Republican Party, it could have profound consequences down the ballot, potentially depressing turnout by demoralising the party or leading Trump’s ardent supporters to deny their votes to Republicans who abandoned him. But there is little Republicans can do to control Trump’s behaviour: The party’s donors have no leverage over him, he is relying largely on small donors and, at 70, he is not mindful of any future campaign. The emerging dynamic may be especially toxic for Republicans in swing states that are also home to competitive races for the House and Senate, where the party’s candidates must choose between two unpalatable options: alienating much of their party’s base or standing behind a nominee who is unacceptable to most mainstream voters. The voting bloc that especially concerns Republican officials are the right-of-centre, college-educated voters who usually favour Republican candidates but cannot abide Trump. These voters can make up anywhere between a quarter to a third of the party’s electoral coalition. “That voter is clearly not going to vote for Donald Trump,” said Josh Holmes, a Republican strategist who is working on several Senate races. “But if they don’t vote at all, it’s catastrophic for us.” The nightmare possibility for the party is that swing voters punish the party because of Trump, the anti-Trump Republicans stay at home and Trump’s base casts a ballot for him and then leaves the polls. Under those conditions, Senate races in places like Pennsylvania and North Carolina could fall to Democrats, while Senate and House races in places like Missouri, Arizona and Kansas could move to the centre of the battlefield. Already, Republicans view Trump’s sharp downturn in the presidential race as having jeopardised their majorities in Congress. A poll published on Tuesday by NBC News and The Wall Street Journal found Trump trailing Clinton by 9 percentage points nationally and drawing just 37 per cent of the vote. No major-party nominee since World War II has received a smaller share of the vote.
Newswise — As many as 1.4 million Americans suffer from uncomfortable abdominal cramping and diarrhea that come with ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. These conditions, collectively known as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), are associated with an imbalance among the thousands of species of “good” bacteria that inhabit the gut. A University of Utah study published on Jan. 22, 2015, in Cell Host and Microbe demonstrates that mice deficient for a component of the immune system, a protein called MyD88, have an imbalanced gut bacterial community – with some species dominating over others - and are more susceptible to contracting a severe IBD-like illness. Further, fecal transplants from healthy donors alleviate IBD symptoms in these mice. The results show that the immune system encourages growth of a healthy community of “good” bacteria that is important for digestive health. This perspective on immune system function is in contrast to its best known role as the first line of defense in the fight against pathogens, including invasive bacteria. “Our work highlights that the immune system shapes the composition of bacterial communities in the intestine,” says senior author June Round, Ph.D., assistant professor of pathology at the University of Utah School of Medicine. “This interaction is important because it’s becoming more and more clear that resident microbes are very important for our health.” Considering that some people with IBD have mutations in genes that are part of a MyD88-controlled pathway, fecal transplantation - which involves collecting and processing stool from a healthy donor, and delivering it into the host’s gut - might help to ameliorate disease in these people, according to Round. Loss of MyD88 disturbs the microbial community because it disrupts production of IgA. The antibody acts like a gatekeeper that controls which types of bacteria, and how many, are allowed to inhabit the gut. By performing inventories of total gut bacteria compared to species that bind IgA, the scientists determined that without MyD88, IgA failed to recognize species that it can otherwise. The work not only demonstrates that a balanced microbial community promotes digestive health, but that it also shapes the host’s immune system. Mice raised in a sterile, germ-free environment have a faulty immune system, a defect that can be fixed if they are fed bacterial components, TLR2 agonists, that activates the immune system. The rescue does not work in mice deficient for MyD88, demonstrating again that the protein is key to interpreting communications between microbes and the immune system. “There is a conversation between our immune system and our resident bacteria,” explains Round. “The microbes can send signals that tell our immune system how to develop and in turn our immune system can shape what types of microbes live on our body.” The dependency of host health on good bacteria has made the conversation a necessity. In response to demand, the immune system has adapted from a system designed to fight the body’s invaders to one that also fosters a harmonious relationship with the body’s peaceful inhabitants. MyD88 Signaling in T Cells Directs IgA-Mediated Control of the Microbiota to Promote Health. Jason L. Kubinak, Charisse Petersen, W. Zac Stephens, Ray Soto, Erin Bake, Ryan M. O’Connell and June L. Round. Cell Host and Microbe, Jan. 22, 2015 SEE ORIGINAL STUDY
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South High Theater Presents: Seussical – Corcoran News Press "Enter" to skip to content Search Search Corcoran News Home Board Minutes About Contact Archived Issues September 24, 2022 open menu Back Main Page Calendar Variety Midtown Farmers Market Public Safety Business Gallery Event Page Recent Articles Business Spotlight, Curly Girl Boutique By Corcoran Newspaper on October 5, 2021 Gardening: Iris Borers By Lorien Kinzel-Auer on August 19, 2021 Look On the Light Rail! – by Landry S., Youth writer By Corcoran Newspaper on August 17, 2021 Corcoran Neighborhood Rewarded For Community Work By Corcoran Newspaper on July 19, 2021 Welcome back to the Library – by Landry S., Youth writer By Kelly Savage on July 2, 2021 Archives October 2021 August 2021 July 2021 June 2021 April 2021 December 2020 October 2020 September 2020 July 2020 June 2020 May 2020 March 2020 February 2020 December 2019 November 2019 August 2019 July 2019 June 2019 May 2019 April 2019 March 2019 February 2019 December 2018 October 2018 August 2018 April 2018 February 2018 December 2015 « All Events This event has passed. South High Theater Presents: Seussical March 14, 2019 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm « Land Use & Housing Committee Meeting South High Theater Presents: Seussical » Related + Google Calendar+ iCal Export Details Date: March 14, 2019 Time: 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Event Category: Community Organizer South High School « Land Use & Housing Committee Meeting South High Theater Presents: Seussical » Have an Calendar suggestion? Contact us! – Event suggestion page Important & Featured Articles Welcome back to the Library – by Landry S., Youth writer Corcoran Needs You!!! L&H Housing Developments are Moving Forward Subscribe to Blog via Email Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Email Address Subscribe FOLLOW THE CNO FOLLOW THE CNO CORCORAN NEIGHBORHOOD ORGANIZATION 3451 Cedar Ave South, Minneapolis MN 55407 612-724-7457 info@corcoranneighborhood.org Corcoran News Mission The Corcoran News aims to publish the original work of Corcoran residents each month concerning issues, ideas, highlight events, and happenings in Corcoran neighborhood and surrounding neighborhoods. Corcoran News will also publish CNO meeting minutes in accordance with the CNO bylaws. The CNO on Instagram [instagram-feed] CORCORAN NEWS MISSION The Corcoran News aims to publish the original work of Corcoran residents each month concerning issues, ideas, highlight events, and happenings in Corcoran neighborhood and surrounding neighborhoods. Corcoran News will also publish CNO meeting minutes in accordance with the CNO bylaws. September 2022 M T W T F S S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 « Oct Meta Log in Entries feed Comments feed WordPress.org The Corcoran News Committee news@corcoranneighborhood.org The Corcoran News Paper Committee has no regular meetings as of now, please contact us with article ideas or id you’d like to volunteer Mission News Theme by Compete Themes.
A standoff with police ended peacefully early Friday morning after a man had locked himself in east-end motel, claiming he had a gun. A release from the Kingston Police said the man gave himself up at 1:30 a.m., having barricaded himself for close to 11 hours. His name or the reason why he decided to barricade himself were not given. Hwy. 2 was reopened to traffic. Police cordoned off an east-end motel Thursday around 2:30 p.m., after a man called The Whig-Standard claiming to have barricaded himself in a local hotel with a gun. A man identifying himself as Bronco called The Whig-Standard office said that his sister had died earlier this week and that he "was being set up". He then said he was at the Siesta Motel. "I’m barricading myself and I’ve got a gun," he said. The Whig-Standard called the Kingston Police and they responded to the scene. “We received information at approximately 2:30 p.m. this afternoon in regards to the fact that there’s a male barricaded at the Siesta Motel,” said Kingston Police Const. Steve Koopman at the corner of Hwy. 2 and Hwy. 15. late Thursday afternoon. Police blocked off a wide safety zone around the motel, setting up barricades at Glenview Avenue east of the motel and Niagara Park Drive to the west. Eastbound traffic was re-routed up Hwy. 15 and westbound traffic up Abbey Dawn Road. With schools wrapping up for the day, the standoff created a traffic headache for many with school buses and other traffic having to be rerouted from the east end’s busiest thoroughfare. “We’re doing that for public safety reasons, to contain the scene and make sure that everyone is safe including the individual we’re talking to,” Koopman explained. At the time, he wouldn’t divulge the number of officers on the scene or if police have deployed their emergency response team, for safety reason. “Because we want to make sure that information isn’t being accidentally passed on to the individual,” Koopman said. Due to the internet and social media there have been cases in the United States, Koopman said, where the barricaded individual can get information police resources and where they may be located during the standoff. “So we have to be careful of that,” he said. Getting the man out of the hotel was not a simple matter. “To our understanding have one lone male barricaded at the Siesta Motel. Obviously that person has some issues and we’re trying to touch base and be in contact with that person and trying to hopefully have a happy resolution for everybody and one that is safe.” Police evacuated other guests at the hotel and advised neighbours in the area to either stay in their homes or evacuate with the help of police. “We’re trying to obviously isolate and contain this individual so that there are no extra factors we have to consider.”
President Bush will leave office as one of the most unpopular departing presidents in history, according to a newshowing Mr. Bush's final approval rating at 22 percent. Seventy-three percent say they disapprove of the way Mr. Bush has handled his job as president over the last eight years. Mr. Bush's final approval rating is the lowest final rating for an outgoing president since Gallup began asking about presidential approval more than 70 years ago. The rating is far below the final ratings of recent two-term presidents Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan, who both ended their terms with a 68 percent approval rating, according to CBS News polling. Recent one term presidents also had higher ratings than Mr. Bush. His father George H.W. Bush had an end-of-term rating of 54 percent, while Jimmy Carter's rating was 44 percent. Harry Truman had previously had the lowest end-of-term approval at 32 percent, as measured by Gallup. Views of Mr. Bush's popularity are highly partisan. Only 6 percent of Democrats approve of the job he has done as president, while 57 percent of Republicans approve. Eighteen percent of independents approve. Interestingly, Mr. Bush also has the distinction of having the highest approval rating for a president, as well as the lowest. In November 2008, just before the presidential election, only 20 percent approved of the job he was doing as president - the lowest of any president since Gallup began asking the question in 1938. But Mr. Bush enjoyed a high approval rating of 90 percent -- the highest of any president -- following the Sept. 11 attacks in 2001. Mr. Bush edged out his father for that highest rating. George H.W. Bush received an 88 percent approval rating in 1991 amid the success of the first Gulf War. Truman comes closest to Mr. Bush's record low approval rating of 20 percent. In February 1952, just 22 percent of Americans approved of the job Truman was doing as president. Evaluations Of The President Half of all Americans, when they look back on Mr. Bush's eight years in office, believe he has been a poor president. Thirty-three percent think he has been an average president. Twelve percent say he has been a good president, and only 5 percent say he has been a very good president. This evaluation is more negative than the ones Americans gave both the current president's predecessor, Mr. Clinton, and the president's father. The president has also fallen short of expectations: As Mr. Bush was preparing to enter the White House in January 2001, 43 percent thought he would be a very good or good president. Only 12 percent thought he would be a poor one. As for the incoming president, the CBS News poll also asked about expectations of President-elect Barack Obama. Sixty-eight percent think Mr. Obama will be a good or very good president - 25 points higher than expectations for Mr. Bush. Nine in 10 Democrats expect Mr. Obama to be a good president, including 48 percent who think he will be a "very good" one. Republicans are less hopeful, but 38 percent still say Mr. Obama will be a good president. Opinions of Mr. Bush personally have also taken a hit since his term began, and he receives his lowest favorability rating of his presidency in this poll. Just 26 percent of Americans view the president favorably, while 60 percent view him negatively. In February 2001, a month into his presidency, 42 percent of Americans had a favorable opinion of Mr. Bush. Vice President Dick Cheney Vice President Dick Cheney also leaves office amid negative perceptions, as his approval rating stands at just 13 percent. That matches his lowest approval since he assumed office. Forty-four percent of Americans now view Cheney unfavorably, while 42 percent are undecided or haven't heard enough. This is a reversal from March 2001, when CBS News took its first measure of Cheney's favorability as vice president. Back then, 34 percent held a favorable opinion of the vice president and only 11 percent viewed him unfavorably. On The Issues Assessments of Mr. Bush's handling of two critical issues - the war in Iraq and the economy - are poor. He does better on the issue of terrorism - his strongest area during his years as president - but, even here, less than half approve of his handling of the issue. In light of the Sept. 11 attacks and the U.S. military action in Iraq two years later, terrorism and the Iraq war have come to define Mr. Bush's presidency. The nation's struggling economy has recently had an impact as well. Mr. Bush never received stellar ratings on the economy, but as the nation's economic concerns have become more severe, his rating on the issue has plummeted. Currently, 17 percent approve and 77 percent disapprove of his handling of the economy. In September 2008, amid the collapse and subsequent bailout of some of the nation's financial institutions, just 16 percent approved of the president's handling of the economy - a record low for him. His highest rating on the economy came in October 2001, shortly after the 9/11 attacks.
Body Solid T-Bar Row Machine - Gopher Sport The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. We use cookies to make your experience better. By using our site, you consent to our use of cookies. Learn more. 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Direct Ship, Estimated Ship Date is 10/04/2022 Item# 64-220 Unit: Ea Freight Delivery Easily perform T-bar rows without a landmine or barbell. Qty Add to Cart Add to Wish List Email Skip to the end of the images gallery Skip to the beginning of the images gallery Details Instantly perform T-bar rows and more without setting up a landmine or barbell. Durable 11-guage steel frame and oversized footplate lend strength and stability to the machine’s premium construction. Machine measures 79”L x 42-1/2”W x 18-3/4”H; 163 lb. Skip the time-consuming setup and immediately start training with one of the most effective movements in fitness using Body Solid’s T-Bar Row Machine. Athletes simply step onto the platform and perform T-bar rows, bent-over rows, landmine exercises, and more all on a single machine. Its versatility allows them to work every major muscle in their back, biceps, shoulders, and core without needing to gather additional equipment like landmines or barbells. A premium oversized footplate keeps users stable throughout long sets and is diamond-plated for ultimate toughness. A wide T-bar with 16”L knurling on both sides allows for wide and close grips, while an eyelet expands versatility with additional bar and handle attachments (not included). Durable 11-gauge steel construction looks great in your gym and keeps athletes rowing for years to come. Machine measures 79”L x 42-1/2”W x 18-3/4”H; 163 lb. Price Actual Price Add to Cart Our price is lower than the manufacturer's "minimum advertised price." As a result, we cannot show you the price in catalog or the product page. You have no obligation to purchase the product once you know the price. You can simply remove the item from your cart. Our price is lower than the manufacturer's "minimum advertised price." As a result, we cannot show you the price in catalog or the product page. You have no obligation to purchase the product once you know the price. You can simply remove the item from your cart. 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Depending upon all of the terms, that figures out to an APR of more than five hundred per-cent. No Credit Rating Inspect Lendings Payday fundings are often marketed as no debt check finances. You don’t need to have great credit history or even a credit report, and obtaining authorized is simple about a lot more conventional financings. Therefore, they are well-known withpeople dealing withfinancial problems. Pitfalls of Payday Loans The major challenge along withpayday advance loan is their expense. As a result of remarkably highcosts, they don’ t support you resolve the genuine trouble. If you’ re possessing persistent monetary problems, cashadvance simply make factors muchworse. You’ re paying an extraordinarily higher interest rate whichmeans that your costs are actually just rising. As a temporary method- possibly once or twice in your lifestyle, if that- payday advance loans may get you via a toughspot. For example, you may need to have an emergency situation fixing for your cars and truck so you can easily reachwork as well as keep gaining profit. As a long-term strategy, payday advance are going to pull you under. You also may obtain undone if traits get out of hand. Bouncing checks that you contact the payday advance loan facility may end up on your ChexSystems file and cause over-limit fees coming from your banking company. Financial institutions and retailers may at that point be unwilling to team up withyou. Lenders likewise might sue you or deliver your account to selections, whichare going to dent up your credit scores. If you maintain stretching out payday advance loan, you’ll pay even more in rate of interest and also expenses than you ever before acquired initially. Payday Loans From a Financial Institution Banks have relocated right into the cashadvance business, probably so as to earn more profits. While standard bank loans that require you to certify based upon your debt, earnings, and possessions can be a muchbetter option, bank payday advance loan are absolutely no muchbetter than every other cashadvance. They might go by a variety of titles, however they’ re still costly and also unsafe. In truth, payday advance loan coming from financial institutions could be also muchworse than the lendings you reacha paydayone funding establishment because the bank has access to your checking account, as well as you must consent to let them take funds from your profile to settle the lending. When you obtain in other places, you may have a lot more control over just how and when your amount of money leaves behind. Alternatives to Pay Day Loans Instead of making use of a payday advance, look at some choices: Build up an unexpected emergency money fund in your money market account. Build credit report so you can easily acquire from mainstream lenders. Keep an open visa or mastercard for emergency expenditures. Get a trademark loan (or unsafe lending) coming from your bank or even cooperative credit union. Pick up a part-time work for extra cash. Negotiate a payment plan or even paydayone funding adjustment withyour lending institutions. Investigate overdraft account defense prepare for your bank account. Try peer-to-peer financing companies for a better offer. 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The Badain Jaran Desert occupies parts of China and Inner Mongolia covering an area of 49,000 sq. kilometers making it the third largest desert in China. Although not a lot of people are familiar with this desert, outside China, it is known for having the tallest stationary dunes on earth. Some of these dunes have been measured to reach heights of more than 500 meters. Badain Jaran has an extremely arid climate with an annual precipitation between 50-60mm. Nearly 40-80 times of the precipitation gets evaporated away before it falls as rainfall. Despite these dry conditions, one of the most remarkable feature of Badain Jaran is the existence of nearly 140 permanent lakes that lie between the dunes. It’s these lakes that give the desert its name which in Mongolian means "mysterious lakes". Photo credit These mysterious lakes are believed to be fed by underground water springs that flow under the gravel deposits and appear between the dunes where the deposits become fine-grained and the water flow is blocked. The source of this water is precipitation and snowmelt in the mountains surrounding the desert hundreds of kilometers away. Runoff from these mountains flows through the fractured rocks and through gravel deposits beneath the desert, and emerge at scattered places giving rise to numerous lakes. Although the springs carry fresh water, most of the lakes are saline, which can be explained by their high rate of evaporation. Some of the lakes change color due to the presence of a large populations of algae, brine shrimp and minerals. Evaporation have also led some hypersaline lakes to form salt crust around the rim of the lakes. The fresh water lakes provide the life sustenance in the desert supporting camels, goats and horses which are herded by nomads that travel through the desert. Most lakes also support a green ring of vegetation that populate the close vicinity around the lakes. In recent decades, some of these lakes have shrunk or even disappeared, as a result of reduction in groundwater brought about by urbanization, irrigation, water diversion, and an increase in population. Also see: Lençóis Maranhenses National Park: The Flooded Desert A satellite photo shows a section of the Badain Jaran desert littered with dozens of lakes. Photo credit Photo credit Photo credit Photo credit Photo credit Photo credit Photo credit Photo credit Photo credit Sources: Wikipedia / Chinese Science Bulletin / The Water Network via Atlas Obscura
Here’s the full transcript from Hansard: Ms. Lisa MacLeod: My question is to the Minister of Education. For the past 48 hours, my inbox and the phone calls to my office have been very much focused on the lack of security systems in place at the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board elementary schools. More than anything, though, I’m concerned about the children and not only their safety, but how they’re reacting to this. In fact, my own 10-year-old daughter this morning told me she was having lockdown practice today in a school that no longer locks. This is ongoing not only in Ottawa but, as you know, also in Halton. When the former Liberal leader—when you were a parliamentary assistant to the Minister of Education, you increased the school safety supports in 2012 in wake of the Sandy Hook shootings. It was also during labour strife, but it had widespread support. Now, three years later, student safety has been reduced to a bargaining chip, and I want to know, are you going to fix this before Thanksgiving weekend? Hon. Liz Sandals: Speaker, we obviously share their concern about the safety of the children in the schools, and certainly we, too, agree that it has been a big concern for parents to make sure that their children are safe in their schools. I did call on the president of OSSTF to rethink that part of the strike action that they are taking, with respect to the monitoring of the buzzers and the screens and making sure that we have safe access to schools and safe entry to schools. We are absolutely working on that. The Speaker (Hon. Dave Levac): Supplementary. Ms. Lisa MacLeod: Minister, that’s not enough. Yesterday, in a neighbouring community to mine, in Kemptville, where the member of Leeds–Grenville is the MPP, there was a man wielding a knife outside of three schools, which went into lockdown. Their school board isn’t affected; the kids that I represent are. They’re expecting more from our government. These kids in elementary schools in eastern Ontario and the rest of Ontario have been going through labour strife since 2012 with Bill 115. This is ongoing for three years and now they are fearing for their basic safety in the nation’s capital. The Speaker (Hon. Dave Levac): The Associate Minister of Finance is warned. Ms. Lisa MacLeod: I am asking the government to take this seriously. I would ask the government to ensure that, before the kids in my constituency and elsewhere in this province go back to school tomorrow and for the Thanksgiving weekend, you resolve this issue. I do understand that you called upon the president of OSSTF. I actually went one step further and had the conversation and asked directly. You need to do the same. Will you do it? Interjections. The Speaker (Hon. Dave Levac): Be seated, please. Be seated, please. Thank you. Minister. Hon. Liz Sandals: We have certainly been in touch with the directors each day in terms of how they are handling this situation, what protocols they have put in place, and obviously, the directors are reporting back to us on the steps that they are taking to secure the schools. But I must challenge some of what the member opposite is saying. What she has reported accurately during her questions is (1) that lockdown drills are continuing, as they always do at this time of the school year, and (2) that when there was an actual threat to safety, the lockdown procedures were immediately implemented by the schools in question to ensure the safety of the children. So I think she needs to actually listen to her own question that when there is an imminent threat, that threat is dealt with— Ms. Lisa MacLeod: Yes, we should just scare children? That’s what we should to? Just frightening them, that’s what they’re doing. But you don’t have kids in school, so you wouldn’t know. Interjections. The Speaker (Hon. Dave Levac): Excuse me. Order. Interjections. The Speaker (Hon. Dave Levac): Order. The member for Nepean–Carleton is named. Ms. MacLeod was escorted from the chamber. Mr. Todd Smith: Wow, that’s pretty sad. Double standard, Speaker; come on. That’s pretty sad. The Speaker (Hon. Dave Levac): The member is seeking himself to be removed? The Minister of Education is warned.
2018 Budget Kills Off the Agency Probing the Toxic Houston Chemical Fire; Congress Wants to Keep It The Trump administration wants to kill off the tiny, independent agency that is investigating the French company where volatile chemicals in Texas exploded after Hurricane Harvey. Trump’s proposed $1.1 trillion budget for the fiscal year that starts Oct. 1 would not fund the Chemical Safety Board, an agency with less than 50 employees and a budget this year of about $11 million or about one thousandth of 1% of Trump’s overall proposed budget. Action Box/ What You Can Do About It Contact your senators and representatives to ask them to fully fund the Chemical Safety Board. The CSB can be reached at 1750 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Suite 910, Washington, D.C. 20006 Phone: (202) 261-7600. Email: public@csb.gov. The board is investigating Arkema, where chemicals exploded at the company’s Crosby, Texas, facility about 25 miles from downtown Houston. Last week three trailers ignited; each was filled with a half-ton of volatile organic peroxides used in plastics and paints. Arkema intentionally burned six others on Sunday. The Chemical Safety Board has also warned oil and chemical companies to take precautions when restarting plants that were shut down because of the hurricane. Companies have reported more than 1 million pounds of dangerous air pollutants released along the Texas Gulf coast in the week after Harvey. “It’s clear that what actions and precautions were taken and were in place have proved inadequate,” said Bill Hoyle, a former senior investigator for the board. “When Crosby is resolved, there are many more dominoes to fall in the region.” Arkema successfully lobbied with help from top Texas Republican lawmakers to delay new regulations that were supposed to improve safety procedures at chemical plants. EPA administrator Scott Pruitt blocked the rules from taking effect. The Chemical Safety Board was set up by Congress to investigate accidents at chemical plants and oil refineries. Like the National Transportation Safety Board, which investigates transportation accidents, the Chemical Safety Board looks for the root cause of accidents and makes recommendations about what industry should do to avoid them. In Crosby, flood waters knocked out power and generators needed to keep chemicals stored at the Arkema facility cool. Nearby residents were evacuated. Richard Rowe, Arkema’s CEO for North American operations, said the magnitude of the storm overwhelmed the company’s plan which included extra generators to keep the chemicals cool. But Sam Mannan of Texas A&M University’s Mary Kay O’Connor Process Safety Center said companies can quench organic peroxides by combining them with another chemical. “It’s safer than letting it go into runaway mode,” Mannan said. The House Appropriations Committee included funding for Chemical Safety Board in its 2018 budget. Congress returns from summer recess today (Sept. 5). The Chemical Safety Board has suggested tighter regulation of reactive chemicals, such as the ones that exploded in Crosby, since at least 2002. Congress will ultimately decide whether the board’s investigation of Arkema goes forward. Without money, the board won’t be able to investigate what should be done to prevent explosions like the ones in Crosby. “Certainly, if we were eliminated, that would hinder our ability to wrap up any open investigation,” said Vanessa Sutherland, the chairperson of the Chemical Safety Board. Featured Photo: Fire at the Arkema chemical plant near Houston (KTRK video grab).
TRENTON -- Gov. Chris Christie's now-suspended presidential campaign has sold its email list of supporters and donors to his former chief Republican rival Marco Rubio, the governor's campaign spokesman confirmed Monday. That means those who supported the governor are now getting messages from Rubio, who was Christie's prime target during the New Hampshire primary. The first e-mail message went out Sunday afternoon. Samantha Smith, a spokeswoman for Christie's campaign, told NJ Advance Media the decision to sell the e-mail list to Rubio was "no endorsement" and that "it is standard practice for other campaigns to buy lists. ... Anyone can rent/buy the list via the vendor." Just two weeks ago, Christie was on a GOP debate stage in Manchester, N.H. savaging Rubio as an automaton who endlessly produced the same 25 second soundbite. The junior senator "simply does not have the experience to be president of the United States," Christie said. But on Sunday afternoon, Christie supporters heard from none other than Rubio. "The results we got last night in South Carolina were amazing. My opponents and the media had written us off, but we showed them." began an email from Marco Rubio for President. In the e-mail he claimed the Republican contest was now "a three man race" but acknowledged "we have a lot of work to do" and solicited donations. With businessman Donald Trump rapidly tightening his grip with back-to-back primary wins, Rubio's shot at becoming the GOP nominee hinges on quickly accessing Republican "establishment" supporters, many of which were Christie's, who pulled the plug on his campaign after the New Hampshire primary. While the email makes it clear that while Rubio's campaign is reaching the sender "because you are a part of Chris Christie's online community" it cautions that it "is not an endorsement by Chris Christie." Smith declined to say how much the Rubio campaign had paid for the Christie campaign's email list, referring questions to a Rubio campaign spokesman. Alex Conant, a spokesman for the Rubio campaign, did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Claude Brodesser-Akner may be reached at cbrodesser@njadvancemedia.com. Follow him on Twitter @ClaudeBrodesser. Find NJ.com Politics on Facebook.
By Adam Taylor So far on our Zynq development Journey of Discovery, we have yet to look at the Zynq SoC’s Gigabit Ethernet capabilites, which allow your application to be network enabled. Gigabit Ethernet provides very fast, flexible communications but Ethernet communications are a little more complicated than a simple RS-232 link. It’s nothing to be scared of, once you understand the topic and I think you will understand after the next few blog posts in this series. There are two Gigabit Ethernet Controllers in the Zynq SoC’s PS (Processor System). Each of these controllers can be configured and used independently. The Gigabit Ethernet Controller, once correctly configured, implements a MAC—Media Access Controller—which forms part of the data link layer in the 7-layer OSI model. A MAC operates as a subsection of the data link layer in the OSI model. Over the next few blog posts in this series, we will be looking more at the MAC and then progressing on to TCP/IP and higher protocol levels. Therefore, I think a quick refresher on the OSI model is due. acThe Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) 7-layer model uses an abstract model to describe how protocols function at different layers in the protocol stack. Layer One: Physical Layer—describes the physical interconnection. Layer Two: Data Link Layer—describes the means for transferring data over the physical layer (Physical Addressing). Layer Three: Network Layer—describes the means to transfer data between different networks (Logical Addressing). Layer Four: Transport Layer—provides transfer of data between end users. Layer Five: Session Layer—controls the connections between end users. Layer Six: Presentation layer—transforms data presentation between higher level and low-level layers. Layer Seven: Application Layer—interfaces to the final application where the data transferred is used or gathered for another transfer. It is worth noting at this point that not all levels of the model are required to be present within a particular implementation of the protocol. The physical layer is implemented with an external PHY device. The Zynq SoC interfaces to a PHY device using one of two approaches depending upon your system design. The first choice is to connect the PHY to the Zynq SoC’s MIO using an RGMII interface. Alternatively, you can connect the Zynq SoC to the Phy using the EMIO via a GMII/MII interface. On the MicroZed board, the PHY is a Marvel Alaska 88E1512 device connected to a combined RJ45/USB connector. To ensure that a PHY can be used across the maximum number of applications and to ensure design reuse, a standard interface has been developed called the Media Independent Interface which is the “MII” in the names RGMII, GMII, and MII above. “RG” means “Reduced Gigabit” while “G” is simply “Gigabit.” These are adaptations of the MII standard for higher data rates and, in some cases, a reduced number of signal pins. Having looked at how the Zynq Gigabit Ethernet Controller interfaces with the network and the external world, we will now examine how the Zynq SoC’s internal Ethernet controller interfaces with the PS. A simple register interface provides control and status while high-speed transfers for bidirectional Gigabit data communications requires DMA (Direct Memory Accesses) between a system’s memory and the Ethernet controler. In the next blog we will look at configuring the MAC with the help of a Xilinx example. We can then go forward to create more network-enabled designs. Now, you can have convenient, low-cost Kindle access to the first year of Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles for a mere $7.50. Click here. Please see the previous entries in this MicroZed Chronicles series by Adam Taylor: Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles Part 76: Constraints for Relatively Placed Macros Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles, Part 75: Placement Constraints – Pblocks Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles, Part 73: Physical Constraints Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles, Part 73: Working with other Zynq-Based Boards Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles, Part 72: Multi-cycle Constraints Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles, Part 70: Constraints—Clock Relationships and Avoiding Metastability Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles, Part 70: Constraints—Introduction to timing and defining a clock Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles Part 69: Zynq SoC Constraints Overview Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles Part 68: AXI DMA Part 3, the Software Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles Part 67: AXI DMA II Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles Part 66: AXI DMA Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles Part 65: Profiling Zynq Applications II Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles Part 64: Profiling Zynq Applications Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles Part 63: Debugging Zynq Applications Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles Part 62: Answers to a question on the Zynq XADC Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles Part 61: PicoBlaze Part Six Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles Part 60: The Zynq and the PicoBlaze Part 5—controlling a CCD Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles Part 59: The Zynq and the PicoBlaze Part 4 Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles Part 58: The Zynq and the PicoBlaze Part 3 Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles Part 57: The Zynq and the PicoBlaze Part Two Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles Part 56: The Zynq and the PicoBlaze Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles Part 55: Linux on the Zynq SoC Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles Part 54: Peta Linux SDK for the Zynq SoC Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles Part 53: Linux and SMP Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles Part 52: One year and 151,000 views later. Big, Big Bonus PDF! Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles Part 51: Interrupts and AMP Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles Part 50: AMP and the Zynq SoC’s OCM (On-Chip Memory) Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles Part 49: Using the Zynq SoC’s On-Chip Memory for AMP Communications Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles Part 48: Bare-Metal AMP (Asymmetric Multiprocessing) Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles Part 47: AMP—Asymmetric Multiprocessing on the Zynq SoC Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles Part 46: Using both of the Zynq SoC’s ARM Cortex-A9 Cores Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles Part 44: MicroZed Operating Systems—FreeRTOS Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles Part 43: XADC Alarms and Interrupts Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles MicroZed Part 42: MicroZed Operating Systems Part 4 Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles MicroZed Part 41: MicroZed Operating Systems Part 3 Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles MicroZed Part 40: MicroZed Operating Systems Part Two Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles MicroZed Part 39: MicroZed Operating Systems Part One Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles MicroZed Part 38 – Answering a question on Interrupts Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles Part 37: Driving Adafruit RGB NeoPixel LED arrays with MicroZed Part 8 Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles Part 36: Driving Adafruit RGB NeoPixel LED arrays with MicroZed Part 7 Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles Part 35: Driving Adafruit RGB NeoPixel LED arrays with MicroZed Part 6 Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles Part 34: Driving Adafruit RGB NeoPixel LED arrays with MicroZed Part 5 Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles Part 33: Driving Adafruit RGB NeoPixel LED arrays with the Zynq SoC Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles Part 32: Driving Adafruit RGB NeoPixel LED arrays Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles Part 31: Systems of Modules, Driving RGB NeoPixel LED arrays Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles Part 30: The MicroZed I/O Carrier Card Zynq DMA Part Two – Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles Part 29 The Zynq PS/PL, Part Eight: Zynq DMA – Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles Part 28 The Zynq PS/PL, Part Seven: Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles Part 27 The Zynq PS/PL, Part Six: Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles Part 26 The Zynq PS/PL, Part Five: Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles Part 25 The Zynq PS/PL, Part Four: Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles Part 24 The Zynq PS/PL, Part Three: Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles Part 23 The Zynq PS/PL, Part Two: Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles Part 22 The Zynq PS/PL, Part One: Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles Part 21 Introduction to the Zynq Triple Timer Counter Part Four: Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles Part 20 Introduction to the Zynq Triple Timer Counter Part Three: Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles Part 19 Introduction to the Zynq Triple Timer Counter Part Two: Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles Part 18 Introduction to the Zynq Triple Timer Counter Part One: Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles Part 17 The Zynq SoC’s Private Watchdog: Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles Part 16 Implementing the Zynq SoC’s Private Timer: Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles Part 15 MicroZed Timers, Clocks and Watchdogs: Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles Part 14 More About MicroZed Interrupts: Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles Part 13 MicroZed Interrupts: Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles Part 12 Using the MicroZed Button for Input: Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles Part 11 Driving the Zynq SoC's GPIO: Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles Part 10 Meet the Zynq MIO: Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles Part 9 MicroZed XADC Software: Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles Part 8 Getting the XADC Running on the MicroZed: Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles Part 7 A Boot Loader for MicroZed. Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles, Part 6 Figuring out the MicroZed Boot Loader – Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles, Part 5 Running your programs on the MicroZed – Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles, Part 4 Zynq and MicroZed say “Hello World”-- Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles, Part 3 Adam Taylor’s MicroZed Chronicles: Setting the SW Scene Bringing up the Avnet MicroZed with Vivado
by Cristine Edusi Follow @iAmCroe A new ideology has reared its head in our “post racial” century and we have labelled it colour blind. The doctrine rests on the idea that we no longer see colour, just people. We no longer “see” race but may choose to characterise a person by their gender, perhaps even the colour of their hair or eyes but never race. The doctrine’s appeal is that it supposedly counteracts racism. I would contest that opinion. If colourblindness developed out of the desire to be more politically correct then I would say we have in fact become the complete opposite. If colour blindness developed out of a desire to suppress racism then I would say it does nothing but fuel it. Colourblindness has even started to infiltrate the “coloured” community and again I would have to question the intent behind this trend. The idea that we can redefine our racial identity was thrust into mainstream culture recently when Raven Symone uttered the (rather ambiguous) statement “I’m not African American, I am American…….. I’m an American, and that’s a colorless person.” Her statement received backlash from many who were appalled by what they deemed anti-black rhetoric and although she later attempted to clarify her misdemeanour with another (even more ambiguous) statement “I never said I wasn’t black… I want to make that very clear. I said I am not African-American” the damage to our perceptions of blackness had already been done. Of course the terms African and Black are not synonymous but when we consider that African Americans are classed as black by society, Raven’s denial becomes a racial issue. Her denial feeds into the discussion on colourblindness because if black people do not also “see” colour then victims of racism are no longer classed as victims but troublemakers and the civil rights movement is no longer a just war but a historical embarrassment. Rhetoric like “I’m not black” , or “I’m not African American” invalidate every moment that has ever helped to alleviate discrimination towards people of colour. A brief discussion of what racism is and is not is needed to fully appreciate the ramifications of the ‘colourblind’ doctrine. As always I reach for my dictionary, where your average Internet user may have picked up their working definition and I am reminded that it is a dense term with many facets to it. The first of the definitions provided by the Oxford dictionary is “the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races: Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior:” Not quite satisfied with that definition I perused the internet for any additional meanings, found many but settled on one I stumbled across after painstakingly sifting through relevant and irrelevant Google searches: “a policy, system of government, etc, based upon fostering such a doctrine; discrimination and the last one reads “ hatred or intolerance of another race or races.” To unpack this…If racism is an intolerance of other races then surely “colourblindness” as an aversion to racism must be a tolerance of other races? This is demonstrably not the case. In an AtlantaBlackstar article A.Moore gives some tips on how to respond to your everyday colourblind racist: ‘“People are just people.” ”I don’t see color.” ”We’re all just human.” “Character, not color, is what counts with me.” Colorblindness” negates the cultural values, norms, expectations and life experiences of people of color. Even if an individual white person can ignore a person’s skin color, society does not. Claiming to be “colorblind” can also be a defense when someone is afraid to discuss racism, especially if the assumption is that all conversation about race or color is racist. Color consciousness does not equal racism.’ Colourblindness does not result in a tolerance of other races, it is in practice a willful ignorance of other races and thus is actually just a mutation of the disease. Herein lies the problems with colourblindness and sadly those that endorse it are blind to its flaws. I wonder what we stand to gain by disregarding the things that make us distinctive but altogether equally beautiful? We do not live in a homogenous world and so a total disregard for our differences by champions of colourblindness is wholly unrealistic. Could it be we are eager to proclaim our colour-blindness as a result of fear? but what exactly are we afraid of? Sandra Kerr OBE says ‘Racial prejudice is often borne out of fear of the unknown, with individuals feeling more ‘comfortable’ with people of similar backgrounds – be it ethnicity or otherwise. This “unconscious bias” affects recruitment of people of an ethnic minority background, and perpetuates a ‘them and us’ way of thinking. It’s well researched that CVs with ethnic minority names are more likely to be rejected in favour of the exact same CV with a more traditional ‘white’ name..’ Any racist accused of being racist can easily utter “I do not see colour.” Advocates for colourblindness have ended up closing their eyes to racism, especially the covert kind. I wonder if these advocates realise that they are in effect eradicating the years of struggle endured by thousands of prominent activists such as Martin Luther King Jr who were not demonstrating for the colour of their skin to be ignored but accepted as equal. If those prominent people did not “see colour” their fight for equal opportunities for black people would not have been a fight at all. Ascribing to the doctrine of colourblindness may end up with our hard won rights being eroded and eventually relegated to the past with our ancestors. _____________________________________________________________ All work published on Media Diversified is the intellectual property of its writers. Please do not reproduce, republish or repost any content from this site without express written permission from Media Diversified. For further information, please see our reposting guidelines. _________________________________________________ Cristine Edusi is an aspiring solicitor and a freelance writer. She is currently trying to change the world a mind at a time through her blog thepromisciouspen and PenTalk, a series of discussion events that will unpack sociological and economic issues within society. She has a passion for displacing stereotypes, gender relations, emerging markets and personal development. When she is not working on her master plan to become the British equivalent to Ally McBeal, you will find her writing. She is a graduate of Politics and History and wrote a thesis on the Arab Spring with a particular focus on Yemen.She also recently completed a graduate diploma in law. Find her on Twitter: @iamcroe.
Comments on FLOWERS DAY - Flowers Wallpaper ID 1175584 - Desktop Nexus Nature Hi everyone! We're hard at work trying to keep our community clean, so if you see any spam, please report it here and we'll review ASAP! Thanks a million! 5,924 Users Online 640,129,772 Downloads 1,696,349 Wallpapers 1,565,068 Members 12,971,712 Votes 5,965,287 Favorites Desktop Nexus Wallpapers Home Explore Wallpaper Galleries: AbstractAircraftAnimalsAnimeArchitectureBoatsCarsEntertainmentMotorcyclesNaturePeopleSpaceSportsTechnologyVideo Games Groups Popular Or login to your account » Categories View All (1,146) Animals (Link) Beaches (32,767) Bugs (1,665) Canyons (3,312) Coral Reefs (474) Deserts (3,450) Fields (18,134) Flowers (32,767) Forces of Nature (8,691) Forests (31,790) Grass (3,800) Greenroofs (318) Lakes (32,767) Mountains (32,767) Oceans (12,003) Rainbows (1,649) Rivers (16,622) Sky (16,023) Sunsets (32,767) Waterfalls (18,724) Winter (32,767) Other (32,767) Downloads: 640,129,772 Nature Walls: 358,512 All Wallpapers: 1,696,349 Tag Count: 9,948,936 Comments: 1,959,854 Members: 1,565,068 Votes: 12,971,712 5,924 Users Online 102 members, 5,822 guests AlvaradoSulwen, Anderlecht, artinconstruction, Astro, BestPsychic000, bmpressurewashing2, Boatent98, boliou, brandbajade, bridgecounseling, brighterfinance, CarrollDentistry, cell-phone-hacking, chatonfragile, Cleaners567, ColbyRichardson, cortez68341, crypticpixelseo, cupidc657, deborahhinkley, doyleplumbinggroup, driverjoe, duanvinhomescom, dubmovie, enailvietnam, erahobb, Francisco47, GeorgePaterson, Gibsonfan, gotrup, guybishop3, hevenpainrelief, Iamgroottt616, ianbose22, ikcinbots, infognana, Installationvinyl11, jasonguck, JokersStash, josephfirarae, jun8888, KayaXu8, khungnhomkinhvietphon..., kinggohan, Lalina, Lamamake, leonbetappin, lertuiosq, lilla811, lirikmerch, maayash, macthanhvu, marquisbarkley, mayapatil281995, McKinneysTX, mikepaxson, missshweta, mistydaydream1, modzoro, mumtazdental, new888today, nhacais777, nhomxingfasadava, Ninagrace123, nojeses574, omnidigital, Onbetlinkcom, Penmanmnotaries, Pepa47D, phanmemketoan, PianoDoors, prestam1os, PsyBlade, qckntxhitnhed, SabineBrown, SalasloveStore, Samlokiy, sarmsvssteroids, Shakhawat101, Sharktankketogummiesu..., Shonu12aug, socialbacklink1, sonygatla, steverogers9005, susiestravelweb, SwastikPackersinMumba..., taigamekingfunus, texasnurselawyers, theglobalcitysvn24, theparkavenuecity, ThorsenBryan99, tiptopumzug, top10vietnamta, topd026, trainwellnessbike, Tropics777, tyrestore, valeriakorrie, virtualpangeaseo, vn138biz1, w88betfun, xxLuxury777xx Most users ever online was 150,759 on 9/11/14. Get your weekly helping of fresh wallpapers! View All Comments - ID 1175584 FLOWERS DAY Uploaded on: September 11, 2012 Uploaded by: LOUVE972 View more wallpapers from this user Gallery: Nature Category: Flowers Total Downloads: 72 Total Comments: 1 << Go Back to Wallpaper Comments shown in chronological (descending) order. Posted by Kendra1949 on 03/05/13 at 08:24 PM Fabulous Desktop Nexus Home About Us Popular Wallpapers Popular Tags Community Stats Member List Contact Us Tags of the Moment Backgrounds of Flowers Garden Pictures Church Wallpapers Obama Pictures Sunset Pictures Thanksgiving Wallpapers Christmas Wallpapers Recently Active Groups Green Images Pon Pon Images Night Time Photography Wallpapers High Resolution Images Excellent Photography Images Wallpapers of 4K Plus Images of Dogs And Cats Data Privacy Privacy Policy | Terms of Service | Partnerships | DMCA Copyright Violation © Desktop Nexus - All rights reserved. Page rendered with 9 queries (and 0 cached) in 0.081 seconds from server 11.
Here we present links to other useful tools and resources to use with Battlegrounds: RPG Edition and/or Battlegrounds Gaming Engine. While we think you might find the information useful, the fact that a product or site is listed here does not necessarily mean that we endorse them or their products. If you would like to be listed here, or wish to suggest that we list a particular site or product, please visit our Forums and post your suggestion there. Links that are not hyperlinks are known to be defunct websites, and are recorded here for historical purposes only. MAPPING SOFTWARE Dundjinni Produces beautiful maps (especially battlemaps). Recommended. Note: This software cannot currently be purchased, due to the DJ Store being offline. http://www.dundjinni.com/ ProFantasy The makers of Campaign Cartographer 2, CC3, CC3+, and other mapping programs. http://www.profantasy.com/ AutoREALM http://sourceforge.net/projects/autorealm/ RPGMapMaker Mac-only http://fmteau.perso.neuf.fr/rpgmapmaker/rpgmapmaker.htm MapCrafter Note: The link below is now defunct. http://www.empowergames.com/ DungeonForge http://www.dungeonmapping.com/df/public_html/ MapMaker http://www.demonspawn.net/games/map/default.htm zMapper http://www.zuggsoft.com/zmapper/zmapperinfo.htm Benny’s Dungeon Map Maker Note: The link below is now defunct. http://www.sev.org/members/bmazur/dndminis/dmm.html StoneSword.com Free mapping software that works right in your browser. http://www.stonesword.com/ Dungeon Tile Mapper http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/dnd/20061121t Dungeon Crafter 3 http://www.freenew.net/windows/dungeon-crafter-iii-silver-edition-3033/19872.htm Inkarnate Browser-based mapping site, currently in beta. http://inkarnate.com/ Hexmapper Registration to the Yahoo Group is required to download the program. http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/Hexmapper_Haven/ HexDraw http://www.hexdraw.com/ Hexographer Free and commercial versions available. http://www.hexographer.com/ Dungeon Demon Previously commercial, free version now available. Windows-only. http://www.rustyaxe.com/apps/dd/index.php Grumble Mapper Donation-ware. Cross-platform (Adobe AIR). http://evanjacover.com/grumblemapper Grid Mapper Donation-ware. Windows-only. http://www.superdan.net/gridmapper/ Dungeonographer From the developer of Hexographer. Free and commercial versions available. http://www.dungeonographer.com/ Dungeon Painter Free; runs in a browser. http://pyromancers.com/dungeon-painter-online Ortelius Professional cartography/mapping software. Mac OS X only. http://www.mapdiva.com/ortelius/ BG MapEditor Free; WIP Ye Olde Map Maker http://yeoldemapmaker.com/ Explorations http://www.explore-rpg.com/ Lior’s Map Creator Free, Windows-only http://liors.net/software/map_creator/help/index.html Worldspinner Currently in beta. May require a subscription. http://worldspinner.com/ Fantasy Map Builder Currently in beta. Browser-based, with Fog of War feature. http://www.fantasymapbuilder.com/ Map Maker Free. Browser-based. http://mapmaker.dwarvenforge.com/ Dungeon Painter Studio Currently on Steam Greenlight. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=772020449 MapForge Commercial app currently on Kickstarter (already funded), but also offers free use level. MapForge Software FREE ART RPGMapShare.com A highly recommended repository of maps and artwork for RPGs. Be sure to set the Usage Rights for any artwork that you upload here, or it will be promptly deleted. http://rpgmapshare.com/ Dundjinni Forums An extremely friendly and helpful community that posts new artwork daily. You might even be able to request a specific prop that you need, and have it a few days later. All the artwork posted on these forums is free to download for personal use, and much of it can even be used commercially. http://www.dundjinni.com/forums/default.asp Dundjinni’s Free Download of the Week Discontinued. http://www.dundjinni.com/art/dotw.asp ROLEPLAYING AIDS CSUAC The new home of the CSUAC art archives (a treasure-trove of free artwork originally compiled from the Dundjinni forums, but perfect for use with BRPG). http://www.musicalquests.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=135&func=select&id=32 CrystalBall3 Mac-only. http://www.crystalballsoft.com/crystalball.html PCGen RPG character generator & maintenance program Java-based (multi-platform). http://pcgen.sourceforge.net/01_overview.php RPG Patsy A replacement for your pencil and paper character sheet Java-based (multi-platform). http://www.rpgpatsy.com/ Roleplaying Tips A weekly newsletter/e-zine. http://www.roleplayingtips.com/index.php DA: The Roleplayer’s Digital Assistant A game-independent software toolset (Windows-only). http://www.mjhkstudios.com/DA/Frameset.htm Map Mage Lots of different software tools (some free, most for sale, Windows-only). http://www.mapmage.com/ Turn Watcher An initiative tracker for GMs (Windows and Linux only) http://www.turnwatcher.com/ On-Screen DM Screen A handy online reference tool for d20 System. http://www.systemreferencedocuments.org/resources/systems/pennpaper/dnd35/soveliorsage/toolsScreen.html Arr-Kelaan Software’s RPG Tools Lots of different software tools (free, for Windows 95 only). http://www.rmcomics.com/ak/tools.htm Treasure Tables Advice, tips, ideas, and resources for GMs. http://www.treasuretables.org/ MUSIC & SOUND EFFECTS The RPG SoundMixer A tool specifically designed to create music and effect backgrounds for “Pen&Paper” RPG sessions. http://www.rpgsoundmixer.com/ SoundDogs The largest sound effects library on the internet. http://sounddogs.com/ FindSounds http://www.findsounds.com/ SoundBible http://soundbible.com/ FreeSFX http://www.freesfx.co.uk/ Tabletop Audio http://tabletopaudio.com/ VOICE CHAT APPLICATIONS Using these can significantly speed up play of online game sessions, but all users will probably need to have a broadband internet connection. Most of these are available in both Windows and Mac versions. Skype Also supports video conferencing (which is not free) http://www.skype.com/ Ventrilo Great push-to-talk feature http://www.ventrilo.com/ Gizmo http://www.filehippo.com/download_gizmoproject/ Ineen http://www.ineen.com/ TeamSpeak (Note: the unofficial and unrelated “TeamSpeex” Mac client is still in beta) http://www.goteamspeak.com/ Dolby Axon Supports surround sound (but not in the free client, which is good for up to 5 users) https://axon.dolby.com/ Discord Free, supports browsers, Friends list, multiple channels, direct messaging https://discordapp.com/ VIRTUAL TABLETOP (VT) PROGRAMS FOR RPGs Below are links to every virtual tabletop program I could find, both free and commercial, so you can judge for yourself which tool best fits your needs. Note that if there is no hyperlink, it’s on purpose. The site is known to no longer exist, and I’ve simply posted the last known link that used to work, in case someone wants to track it down on Wayback Machine. Commercial Programs: Battlegrounds: RPG Edition That’s what the rest of this site is about. I’m just including BRPG to make the list complete. http://www.battlegroundsgames.com/nutshell.html Fantasy Grounds Windows-only. Many people like the look and feel of this app, and the 3D dice rolling. http://www.fantasygrounds.com/ D20Pro Java-based, 2-week free trial license. http://www.d20pro.com/ ScreenMonkey Only the GM must pay. Players play free, using their web browser. The GM app is Windows-only. A Lite version is available for free. http://www.nbos.com/products/screenmonkey iTabletop Pandoren (v2) Browser-based (requires MS Silverlight, Adobe Flash, and 1 GB RAM) Windows or Mac OS X. Features built-in voice chat, and streaming video/webcam support. http://www.itabletop.com/ EpicTable Windows-only. http://www.epictable.com/ RPG Table Mac OS X-only (v10.5.8 or greater). No online play in v1.0. http://www.codechemistry.com/ 3DVT In beta. No system requirements publicly available. http://myvirtualtable.com/ 3D Virtual Tabletop Free for solo play, subscription-based for online play. iOS and Android http://www.3dvtt.com/ Roll20 Browser-based. Free, or monthly subscription for extra features. http://roll20.net/ Tabletop Connect Windows and Mac OS X. http://www.tabletopconnect.com/ Psi-DiCE VTT – Dice Roller 1.0 Windows, Mac and Linux. VTT is currrently in development, but Dice Roller 1.0 has been released. https://www.psifire.com/products.html Beyond Tabletop Browser-based (web app), one time fee (no subscriptions) http://www.beyondtabletop.com/ Battlemat Miniatures Battle System Windows, Mac, Linux http://store.steampowered.com/sub/54333/ Revolution: Virtual Playspace Windows, Mac, Linux http://www.revolutionvirtualplayspace.com/ Skirmish! VT Windows only, currently seeking funding on Kickstarter http://www.skirmish-vt.com/ Infinitas DM Android and iOS http://www.infinitasdm.com/ GM Forge Local app for GM (Windows only); players join for free using a browser. https://www.gmforge.io/ Also on Steam. Role Gate Play asynchronously on mobile or browser. https://www.gmforge.io/ Patreon-supported Astral Browser-based app. Free or subscription-based (monthly or yearly). Formerly known as PowerVTT. https://www.gmforge.io/ Free Programs: OpenRPG Once had the biggest user base of any VTT app. http://www.rpgobjects.com/index.php?c=orpg OpenRPG+ This site hosts the development version of OpenRPG. http://rpg.wikia.com/wiki/Installing_OpenRPG MapTool Java-based. Developers are actively enhancing this program regularly. http://www.rptools.net/index.php?page=maptool VTable (formerly known as Gametable) Java-based. http://sourceforge.net/projects/gametableproj/ Interactive Dungeon Windows-only http://www.big12inch.com/id/ Dave’s Flash Mapper Possibly still in development. http://www.csgmedia.com/files/david/fm/ RPG Manager Windows-only. v2.0 is in development, and screenshots for it are now available. http://www.rpgmanager.net/Home.htm Playing Fields Java-based. http://gdiac.cis.cornell.edu/Projects/2006sp/PlayingFields/index.html Dices Windows-only. http://sourceforge.net/projects/dices/files/dices/ Dungeon Helper Windows-only. http://dh.abomb.info/index.php Avalomhilly Windows-only. http://www.avalomhilly.20m.com/ TTopRPG 2.0 Windows-only. http://www.gamemodel.com/TTopRPG/index.htm Rolistik Windows & Mac OS X. In French. http://rolistik.free.fr/ Virtual Tabletop Windows-only. Note that the link below is a download link, not a website. http://64digits.com/users/brighteyes/Virtual_Tabletop_v0.6_.zip Virtual Game Table (VGT) Windows-only. http://www.siliconstorm.net/vgt/vgt.html Irony Games’ MapMagical Encounter Editor Java-based, runs in a web browser. http://pages.infinit.net/pdclarke/mmee/index.html Map Maker (beta) MS Silverlight app, runs in a web browser. http://dnd.gudjonhrafn.com/mm/ Qex Windows-only. http://qex.skyfire.ca/ Masterplan Windows-only. No online component http://www.habitualindolence.net/masterplan/ Taulukko Donation-ware. http://www.taulukko.com.br/ Infrno Unclear whether this is free for good, or free while-in-beta. Windows & Mac OS; has video-conferencing feature. Closing down in June 2018 http://infrno.net/base/welcome RPGrounds Unclear whether this will free when released, or just while-in-beta. Will supposedly be a 3D VTT. http://www.rpgrounds.com/ Live-Tabletop Not even alpha yet. Will support RPGs and boardgames http://code.google.com/p/live-tabletop/ Fabletop (formerly known as Tabletop Quest) Browser-based. Open beta. Unclear whether this will free when released, or just while-in-beta. http://fabletop.com/ MyRPG Browser-based. Unclear whether this will free when released, or just while-in-beta. http://myrpg.ca/ Mote Java-based. Based on the MapTool codebase. https://front.idleideas.biz/ Rolisteam Windows, Mac OS X, Linux. Based on Rolistik (see above), with some improvements. http://www.rolisteam.org/ Skwyre Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Android (iOS eventually), commercial app, but free while in beta http://www.nbos.com/products/skwyre DM Tools & Virtual Table Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.konrad.dungeonanddragons.dmtools Dodontof Strictly for Japanese users, Browser-based, requires Flash Player. http://www.dodontof.com/ Discontinued, Abandoned, or Unsupported Programs: WebRPG http://www.webrpg.com/gamesystem/ Note: The link above seems to be dead, which to me indicates that this is a discontinued product, but I’ve found a mirror site here, in case you still want to check this out. KloogeWerks Java-based. Steep learning curve, but powerful. http://www.kloogeinc.com/ Tabletop Mapper Windows-only. http://www.tabletopmapper.hpg.ig.com.br/ Interactive Adventures Wizard of the Coast pulled the plug on this when they revoked their D&D license, so these are no longer available as of November 30, 2006. http://www.codemonkeypublishing.com/ GhostOrb There was never an official announcement that this was cancelled, but the website homepage hadn’t been updated since December 2005, and now the site is gone entirely. http://www.ghostorb.com/ Vellum An abandoned project that looked promising. http://vellum.berlios.de/ Battle Aide Free. Windows-only. http://www.drakevision.com/projects/battle_aide/index.html DNDMapper Theoretically in development, but no updates since December 2005. http://www.eeconsulting.net/tmp/ Online RPG Battle Tool Presumed to be an abandoned project. Probably Windows-only. http://home.comcast.net/~r.soult/ V-FORT Windows-only. The site is no longer available. http://v-fort.org/ BattlePawn The site is no longer available. http://www.battlepawn.com/ RolePlayingMaster Windows-only. http://www.enworld.org/RolePlayingMaster/ YumiChat Windows-only server, Windows and Mac clients. http://www.rabidcomics.com/yumichat/index.html TRIS Text-based only. Note: This site seems to no longer be available. http://trisrpg.bronzeforge.com/index.htm AjaxVTT Linux-only. Not for the technically-challenged. http://linux.softpedia.com/get/GAMES-ENTERTAINMENT/RPG/AjaxVTT-18260.shtml# Tabletop Mapper Windows-only. Note: This site is no longer available. http://www.tabletopmapper.hpg.ig.com.br GlitterComm Windows-only. http://glittercomm.com RPGWorkbench Runs in a web browser. http://rpgworkbench.blogspot.com/2007/08/content.html Virtual Battlemat Runs in a web browser. Note: This site is no longer available. http://virtualbattlemat.com/ BYOND Tabletop Gaming Presumably still in development, but no updates since August 2005. http://shadowdarke.byondhome.com/tt/intro.html D&D Game Table Windows and Mac OS X. Cancelled. Again. http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/26286405/The_Dungeons__Dragons_Virtual_Table Scene Grinder Runs in browser. Subscription-based. http://www.scenegrinder.com/ weRole Subscription-based. Features built-in webcam and voice chat. http://www.werole.com/ Online Pen & Paper World Windows-only. http://www.opnpw.com/ Tri Axe Dungeons & Dragons Chat Windows-only. http://www.triaxe.co.uk/ D20Map Windows-only. http://bd20map.runboard.com/ RPGui Windows-only. The site is no longer available. http://www.togamario.com/ Battle Map v2.0 Flash-based, runs in your browser. http://www.incend.net/treasure_trove/index.htm Diavida VTT Runs in a web browser. http://diavida.com/ GRiP No longer developed. Update: The site is no longer available. http://www.rpgrealms.com/grip tabledice Runs in a web browser (Firefox or Chrome). http://tabledice.com/ RPG Tonight Runs in your browser. http://www.rpgtonight.com ViewingDale Windows-only. Great zoom feature. No longer sold. http://www.viewing.ltd.uk/cgi-bin/viewingdale.pl?category=main&sx=1280 SyncRPG Based on a MapTool fork. https://www.syncrpg.com/ Epical Online – 3D RPG Virtual Tabletop Runs in your browser. http://www.epicalonline.com https://www.facebook.com/EpicalOnline/info?tab=page_info SimpleBM (short for Battle Map) Browser-based. http://sbm.elagplus.com/ You might wonder why a commercial VTT site such as this one has links to every “competing” VTT (both commercial and free). Many people have said (or at least thought) that I am nuts for doing this, but I want you to make an informed decision before purchasing my products (or choosing another VT), and while I believe Battlegrounds holds up very well when evaluated against other VTs, I also realize that no one program is going to appeal to everyone. Fortunately, gamers have lots of options when it comes to choosing which VTT is right for them. VIRTUAL TABLETOP PROGRAMS FOR WARGAMES, BOARDGAMES & CARD GAMES Battlegrounds: RPG Edition (BRPG) and Battlegrounds Gaming Engine (BGE) That’s what the rest of this site is about. I’m just including the Battlegrounds software here to make the list complete. http://www.battlegroundsgames.com/nutshell.html Vassal Free. Cross-platform (Java-based). The most popular VTT for wargaming, with a huge library of game modules available. http://www.vassalengine.org/community/index.php CyberBoard PBEM-only. Windows-only. http://cyberboard.brainiac.com/ ZunTzu Free. Windows-only. Built-in voice chat. http://www.zuntzu.com/ Aide de Camp 2 (aka ADC2) Commercial app. Windows-only. http://www.hpssims.com/pages/products/adc2/ADC2-Main.html ACTS Free. PBEM. http://acts.warhorsesim.com/ OCTGN Free. Windows-only. http://www.octgn.net/ Taebl MS Silverlight-based. http://taebl.com/ Ditzie Still in beta. http://ditzie.com/ FlexibleRules Windows-only. http://diuf.unifr.ch/pai/flexiblerules/index.php Sleep Is Death (Geisterfahrer) Cross-platform http://sleepisdeath.net/ Wildcard (alpha) Mac OS X only. http://www.blacktree.com/ Board Games Online (beta) Windows-only. http://sourceforge.net/projects/boardgames/
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Today the company is still “the Marvel-DC alternative, with books like Invincible, but they’re more about offering high-quality comics by up-and-coming creators that offer an alternative to the mainstream,” Mr. Zalben wrote. Mr. Kirkman was asked to join Image in part to reward him for his commitment to putting out his creations through the company for several years, said Eric Stephenson, who was promoted to publisher of Image last month. “Beyond that, Robert has a pretty strong vision of what he wants to do and what comics he wants to make,” Mr. Stephenson said. That vision includes Invincible, which he created along with the artist Cory Walker, which was first published in 2003. It follows the title character, a k a Mark Grayson, the son of Omni-Man, a superhuman with alien origins, as he copes with his legacy, college and more. The comic received an A minus from Entertainment Weekly, which called it “a charming antidote to the histrionics present in so many fights-and-tights books,” adding that it had “the strongest female character seen in many a moon: Mark’s stoic mom.” Newsletter Sign Up Continue reading the main story Please verify you're not a robot by clicking the box. Invalid email address. Please re-enter. You must select a newsletter to subscribe to. Sign Up You will receive emails containing news content , updates and promotions from The New York Times. You may opt-out at any time. You agree to receive occasional updates and special offers for The New York Times's products and services. Thank you for subscribing. An error has occurred. Please try again later. View all New York Times newsletters. Another Kirkman title, The Walking Dead, chronicles a world overrun by zombies. In 2004 Publishers Weekly said in a review of the first collected edition: “Forceful scripting that gives the book a strong grounding in reality, crisp B-and-W artwork, a shocking final sequence and brisk gory proceedings elevate this book from the trash heap of pedestrian horror comics.” Mr. Kirkman’s first published book, in 2000, was Battle Pope, a satirical look at a condemned man of God on a mission to save St. Michael. Several companies, including Image, rejected the series when Mr. Kirkman proposed it, so he published it himself. (Image has since reprinted it. ) Through Battle Pope he met Mr. Larsen, one of Image’s founders and until last month the company’s publisher. “I would keep him on the phone from time to time chatting about comics,” Mr. Kirkman said. Mr. Larsen soon asked him, and Mr. Walker, to work on a mini-series. “They kind of liked what we did,” Mr. Kirkman said, “and I was kind of able to weasel my way into a ton of books for them.” He was noticed by Marvel, which hired him to contribute stories to Captain America in 2004, and the next year to pen Marvel Team-Up, a series that frequently featured Spider-Man. For four years he worked under an exclusive contract, which Marvel and DC give only to their most popular creators. The contract, which excepted his Image titles, ended this month. “I enjoyed my time at Marvel and I have an affinity for their characters, but they are their characters,” Mr. Kirkman said. “I wouldn’t feel creatively fulfilled if I was 40 and still writing Spider-Man and hadn’t done anything on my own.” Besides being a fan of the Image founders — Mr. Kirkman said he had long followed their work after they left Marvel — he said he appreciated “the unprecedented amount of freedom that they offer.” He added: “If I wanted to kill Invincible, I wouldn’t have to get clearance. At the end of the day, the decisions fall on me and my creative team.”
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Watch the Sunset 2. Join a Catamaran Cruise 3. Walk on the Caldera 4. Visit Volcano and Swim in Hot Springs 5. Swim in the Black Beach 6. Visit Red Beach 7. Delish Dinner at Ammoudi 8. Visit a Winery on Caldera 9. Visit the Charming Prophet Elias Monastery 10. Visit Akrotiri Excavations See the Top 10 Things to Do in Santorini Explore Caldera Volcano & Hot Springs Beaches Villages Museums Restaurants & Taverns Attractions Castles Wineries Nightlife Plan your trip Travel guides First time in Santorini How to get there Where to stay Getting around Best time to visit Santorini Where to eat Weather by month Where is Santorini? 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Sorry, no results were found matching your criteria. See all tours or activities in Santorini, Greece Filters CLEAR ALL Check availability Select date... Experiences Boat Tours in Santorini Catamaran Cruises Volcano Tours Romantic Honeymoon Experiences Private Boat Tours & Cruises Sunset Boat Tours & Cruises Yacht Cruises Private Boats for Parties and Events Yacht Charter & Boat Rental More experiences Sailing Cruises Food and Drink Experiences Activities Bus tours Photo tours Scuba diving & snorkeling Walking & hiking Tours Water sports Cultural Tours Popular Attractions CLEAR Sunset (0) Volcano (0) Hot springs (0) Red beach (0) White beach (0) Oia (0) Excavation of Akrotiri (0) Blue dome (0) Prophet Elias Mountain (0) Imerovigli (0) Winery (0) Therasia (0) Popular CLEAR Meal (0) Drinks (0) Free hotel/Airbnb pickup (0) Private tour (0) Small-group tour (0) Duration up to 5 hours (0) Full-Day (0) Price range CLEAR up to $50 (0) $50-$100 (0) $100-$200 (0) Greater than $200 (0) Popular searches Private Boat Tours & Cruises Catamaran Cruises Romantic Experiences Sunset Boat Tours & Cruises Yacht Cruises Why book with us Santorini View, licenced Greek travel agency, offers tours, activities and cruises in Santorini, organised by selected local tour operators. We help travellers have the best experience in Santorini by finding local advice and recommendations. Best tour operators in Santorini Hand-picked tours & activities Official tour operators' prices Chat support with operator Secure payment with PayPal or Debit/Credit card Flexible cancellation policy We support many payment methods Have a question or need suggestion? We're happy to answer any questions you may have or to provide any extra information you need. contact us Need help deciding? We're here for you! Ask a question WhatsApp All the Tours, Cruises and Activities you can do in Santorini Frequently Asked Questions Can I cancel a tour/cruise? Yes, you can cancel your reservation and you are entitled to a refund of up to 100% of the initial amount, based on the cancellation policy of the tour/cruise that appears on the product page. Please visit the page of the tour you are interested in so that you can find out its cancellation policy or contact us. Furthermore, once you have made your reservation, an email with a link from which you can manage/cancel your reservation will be sent to you. What happens in case of bad weather? If the tour or cruise is cancelled due to bad weather conditions, you will be refunded the entire amount you paid unless you wish to change the date of your booking with no extra cost. Is a catamaran cruise suitable for children? Yes, if your children are acquainted with the sea, they will love the catamaran ride. In addition, there is snorkeling equipment available on board. Don’t forget to take sunscreen, a hat and a light jacket with you. Can I book a private cruise to nearby islands? Yes! On the page Yacht Charter & Boat Rental, you can see all the boats with which you can visit the nearby islands of Santorini! Please contact us for any advice or tour/cruise alteration you are interested in. What type of tour should I book to hike on the volcano? The Volcano Tours offer the opportunity to walk on the volcano and swim in its Hot Springs. What type of tour should I book for a wedding proposal? A Private Boat Tour is the perfect choice for your special occasion. Combine food, wine and the most spectacular sunset onboard and your proposal to your beloved person will be memorable. Can we organize a birthday party on board? Yes! Many people choose Private Catamaran Cruises (for large groups) or Private Motor Yacht Cruises to celebrate with their beloved companions. BBQ food, drinks, cocktails, friendly and discreet crew, music and lots of fun with a view of Santorini’s caldera or the famous sunset ꟷ what is better than this? What should I choose for a honeymoon cruise? We recommend that you check the Romantic Honeymoon Experiences we have carefully chosen for you. Enjoy the enchanting sunset of Santorini while having dinner on board with local specialties, accompanied by the fine Santorinian wines or fancy cocktails. Can I have a bachelor or wedding party on board? Of course! If you are a big company, choose the Private Catamaran Cruises that offer spacious areas and therefore more comfort for your bachelor or wedding party. Ready for some fun on board? Which tour do you suggest for children? It depends on the children’s age and preferences. If they are sporty and love exploration, you can choose one from the Volcano Tours. If they love swimming and diving, then they will be very pleased with a Catamaran Cruise. If you have very young children, perhaps a private tour, which will offer you more comfort and the ability to customize the itinerary, is ideal for you. Missing some information? Ask a question Book boat tours, catamaran cruises and activities in Santorini Browse our collection of the best Santorini experiences. Book online now! 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Plan the best holiday with our Santorini Trip Planner! Together, we create unique holiday programs based on your spending plan and travel preferences! We are always willing to help with changes or inquiries about your personal program and continually by your side throughout your stay in Santorini! My Trip Plan Hey! We’re here for you! Our travel experts from Santorini will be more than glad to help you select the right hotel and find the best experiences on this heavenly Greek island! Contact us About us We’re Santorini’s leading marketplace to explore and book unforgettable travel experiences. Santorini View is operated by Atlantis Software E-Services, a reliable travel agency licensed by the Greek National Tourism Organization with registry number ΜΗ.Τ.Ε. 0206E70000659501. About Santorini View Why choose us? We offer you only the best tours and activities you can do on the island of Santorini by leading local tour operators! We help travellers have the best experience in Santorini by finding local advice and recommendations. Contact us Tours & Cruises Boat tours Catamaran cruises POPULAR Volcano tours Sunset cruises & boat tours Private boat tours TRENDING Yacht charter & boat rental Bus tours Water sports See all Santorini tours Hotels Hotels with Infinity Pool Hotels with Private Pool Santorini Suites Hotels on the Caldera Honeymoon Hotels Hotels with Swimming Pools Affordable Hotels with Caldera View Santorini Villas See all Santorini hotels Plan your trip First time in Santorini How to get to Santorini Where to stay What to do Where to eat Getting around Weather in Santorini Interactive Santorini Map See all travel guides The security of your data is our highest priority. We use 256-bit encryption for data transmission from DigiCert, one of the world's largest SSL Certificate providers. We use PayPal and Stripe, both leaders in online payments, to handle our payment transaction processes safely and securely. We accept all major credit/debit cards. Our servers run on Microsoft's Azure Cloud platform. Highest levels of trust, transparency, standards conformance, and regulatory compliance of any cloud service provider. © 2022Santorini View | About us | Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy | Contact us Loading
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Don’t just follow the crowd How Effective Are You On LinkedIn? Your SSI will tell you. LinkedIn vs The Real World Networking online or in person? Yes, you do need a LinkedIn Company Page 5 Ways to Build trust Online What Problem Does Your Content Solve? LinkedIn Video for Beginners 5 Types of People to Avoid on LinkedIn No Spam – Authorised Access Only We Aren’t Meant To Be Alone Are you LinkedIn or LinkedOut? How To Build A Strong Personal Brand 28 Ways To Manage Data LinkedIn Collects on You Are People Responding to Your LinkedIn Inmails? Video Selection Interviews – Practical Tips for Hiring Managers How Much Content Is Right for Your LinkedIn profile? How to Source Talent on LinkedIn Diversity in business may be the way out Is your Customer Service Screaming for Attention in your Business? Will your business survive or thrive: How to diversify in a crisis Is your business ready for the post-Covid world? Make your online presence and profile stand out! Is your schedule dominating your life? The truth about performance reviews Learning to Learn: Skill, reskill and upskill Let go and successfully expand your business in 2020 Make your blog stand out to gain more traction in your business Business stagnation: A simple solution to avoid it Is your content great, relevant and trending? Learn how to get there The ultimate question – should businesses rely only on modern methods of sales? How to eliminate bottlenecks and grow your business There is a fine line between Promotion and Spamming on LinkedIn Are You Guilty of Overusing Buzzwords? Work and personal life: Striking a balance that works for you What kind of influencer are you? Why your influencer profile matters Social Media Messaging: Is this part of your strategy online? 5 Signs that it’s time for a content review How to outsource your social media content and management effectively The Do’s and Don’ts of Social Media Advertising How to Create and Execute a Marketing Campaign Are you on board with the 11 major social media trends for 2019? 33 social media tips you can implement today Review marketing: Are client testimonials really necessary for your online content? Are you on board with the 11 major social media trends for 2019? 7 steps to build a targeted audience and engage your followers How to ensure your content is not being “shadow banned” on social media Getting sales from social media – it’s just not happening! What’s your message in business and do you replicate it in your social media content? There’s too much content … how on earth can you stand out? The 3 biggest challenges facing small business owners on social media 33 tricks to grow your social media profile: More shares, comments and likes 29 social media top tips How to get 50 per cent more engagement on Instagram How Do Consumers Spend Their Time Online? 7 Ways to Annoy Consumers on Social Media How Video Marketing Influences Your Customers’ Buying Decisions Copywriting Mastery: 8 Ways to Effective Copywriting Facebook Advertising: Does it Actually Work? How To Understand Your Marketing Funnel and Generate Never-Ending Leads Your 5 Step Guide to Implementing Your Content Marketing Strategy 4-Step Formula for Generating Leads that Close at Over 20% Video Marketing: What Social Media Platforms Are Most Effective? How To Create a Brand Positioning Strategy And Own Your Marketplace Social Media: How to Avoid The 9 Most Common Mistakes in 2017 ONLINE MARKETING EXPOSED: How To Avoid The Biggest Myths in 2017 6 Powerful Ways To Leverage Your Brand Through Video 11 Secrets of the Entrepreneur Mindset Imagine If You Could Create a Business With a “Real” Purpose For Good Lead Conversion Strategy: How to Convert Web Traffic Into Qualified Leads Hiring In-House or Marketing Agency – What’s the Best Solution For You? Brand Positioning: How To Develop Preeminence In Your Market Through Strategic Branding How To Create a High-Converting Blog In 5 Simple Steps Social Media Marketing – The Best Social Media Tips To Generate New Leads To Your Business in 2017 6 Simple Tips To Building Trust With Your Followers and Customers 7 Hot Tips to Build Valuable and Genuine Social Conversations Better Business, Better Life, Better World How to Ensure Your Children Are Safe on Social Media 14/06/2022 by Prominence Global Pages: About Blog Contact Design Styles FREE 4 week Twitter Course Home Impact Impact Influencer Challenge Linkedin 5 Day Course LinkedIn Landing Page Magic Four Privacy Policy Products Service Agreement Academy Service Agreement Academy International Service Agreement Inner Circle Academy Events Service Agreement Inner Circle Academy Events International Service Agreement Legends Service Agreement Legends International Service Agreement Legends Light Service Agreement Legends Light International Styles Tags Terms and Conditions Testimonials Thank You Thank You Thank You Work With Us Categories: Brand Business Business success Business success Influencer Instagram internet LinkedIn SSI LinkedIn Audience LinkedIn conversation LinkedIn Data LinkedIn Event Linkedin feed LinkedIn Mistakes Linkedin Network LinkedIn Scheduler Marketing content marketing copywriting Facebook Advertising Marketing Tips News Newsletter Social Media video marketing Uncategorized LinkedIn Authors: Prominence Global (61) Prominence Global (54) Monthly: September 2022 August 2022 July 2022 June 2022 May 2022 April 2022 March 2022 February 2022 January 2022 December 2021 November 2021 September 2021 August 2021 July 2021 June 2021 May 2021 April 2021 March 2021 February 2021 January 2021 December 2020 November 2020 October 2020 September 2020 August 2020 July 2020 June 2020 May 2020 April 2020 March 2020 February 2020 January 2020 December 2019 November 2019 August 2019 July 2019 June 2019 May 2019 April 2019 March 2019 February 2019 January 2019 December 2018 November 2018 October 2018 September 2018 August 2018 July 2018 June 2018 May 2018 April 2018 March 2018 January 2018 December 2017 November 2017 October 2017 September 2017 August 2017 July 2017 June 2017 May 2017 April 2017 March 2017 February 2017 January 2017 December 2016 November 2016 October 2016 September 2016 Recent Posts: Are You Using LinkedIn Creator Mode Analytics On Your Profile Should you be using your profile services page on LinkedIn LinkedIn Marketing Tips to help grow your business! Do you know how to create a LinkedIn Event? Are You Using Creator Mode? Turn It on Now With These Simple Steps! How to control your conversations and feed on LinkedIn! Tips To Supercharge Engagement On LinkedIn This Year How to Demonstrate Your Expertise and Build Your Brand on LinkedIn Top Metrics to Track on LinkedIn How To Utilise Lead Magnets On LinkedIn A Step By Step Guide On How To Use LinkedIn For Business Why You Should Be Using LinkedIn’s Sales Navigator Are You Creating A Stand Out Profile On LinkedIn In 2022? Why you should be connecting online and closing offline on LinkedIn How you can become a LinkedIn Influencer! How to Stand out on LinkedIn! Are You Making These Common LinkedIn Mistakes? Are you using a scheduling assistant to schedule your LinkedIn posts in advance? How to optimise your LinkedIn business profile How to create a LinkedIn Newsletter 8 Tips for Increasing Engagement on LinkedIn A Cool Way To Connect on LinkedIn How to become a true thought leader. Don’t just follow the crowd How Effective Are You On LinkedIn? Your SSI will tell you. LinkedIn vs The Real World Networking online or in person? Yes, you do need a LinkedIn Company Page 5 Ways to Build trust Online What Problem Does Your Content Solve? LinkedIn Video for Beginners 5 Types of People to Avoid on LinkedIn No Spam – Authorised Access Only We Aren’t Meant To Be Alone Are you LinkedIn or LinkedOut? How To Build A Strong Personal Brand 28 Ways To Manage Data LinkedIn Collects on You Are People Responding to Your LinkedIn Inmails? Video Selection Interviews – Practical Tips for Hiring Managers How Much Content Is Right for Your LinkedIn profile? How to Source Talent on LinkedIn Diversity in business may be the way out Is your Customer Service Screaming for Attention in your Business? Will your business survive or thrive: How to diversify in a crisis Is your business ready for the post-Covid world? Make your online presence and profile stand out! Is your schedule dominating your life? The truth about performance reviews Learning to Learn: Skill, reskill and upskill Let go and successfully expand your business in 2020 Make your blog stand out to gain more traction in your business Business stagnation: A simple solution to avoid it Is your content great, relevant and trending? Learn how to get there The ultimate question – should businesses rely only on modern methods of sales? How to eliminate bottlenecks and grow your business There is a fine line between Promotion and Spamming on LinkedIn Are You Guilty of Overusing Buzzwords? Work and personal life: Striking a balance that works for you What kind of influencer are you? Why your influencer profile matters Social Media Messaging: Is this part of your strategy online? 5 Signs that it’s time for a content review How to outsource your social media content and management effectively The Do’s and Don’ts of Social Media Advertising How to Create and Execute a Marketing Campaign Are you on board with the 11 major social media trends for 2019? 33 social media tips you can implement today Review marketing: Are client testimonials really necessary for your online content? Are you on board with the 11 major social media trends for 2019? 7 steps to build a targeted audience and engage your followers How to ensure your content is not being “shadow banned” on social media Getting sales from social media – it’s just not happening! What’s your message in business and do you replicate it in your social media content? There’s too much content … how on earth can you stand out? The 3 biggest challenges facing small business owners on social media 33 tricks to grow your social media profile: More shares, comments and likes 29 social media top tips How to get 50 per cent more engagement on Instagram How Do Consumers Spend Their Time Online? 7 Ways to Annoy Consumers on Social Media How Video Marketing Influences Your Customers’ Buying Decisions Copywriting Mastery: 8 Ways to Effective Copywriting Facebook Advertising: Does it Actually Work? How To Understand Your Marketing Funnel and Generate Never-Ending Leads Your 5 Step Guide to Implementing Your Content Marketing Strategy 4-Step Formula for Generating Leads that Close at Over 20% Video Marketing: What Social Media Platforms Are Most Effective? How To Create a Brand Positioning Strategy And Own Your Marketplace Social Media: How to Avoid The 9 Most Common Mistakes in 2017 ONLINE MARKETING EXPOSED: How To Avoid The Biggest Myths in 2017 6 Powerful Ways To Leverage Your Brand Through Video 11 Secrets of the Entrepreneur Mindset Imagine If You Could Create a Business With a “Real” Purpose For Good Lead Conversion Strategy: How to Convert Web Traffic Into Qualified Leads Hiring In-House or Marketing Agency – What’s the Best Solution For You? Brand Positioning: How To Develop Preeminence In Your Market Through Strategic Branding How To Create a High-Converting Blog In 5 Simple Steps Social Media Marketing – The Best Social Media Tips To Generate New Leads To Your Business in 2017 6 Simple Tips To Building Trust With Your Followers and Customers 7 Hot Tips to Build Valuable and Genuine Social Conversations Better Business, Better Life, Better World How to Ensure Your Children Are Safe on Social Media 03/05/2022 by Prominence Global Pages: About Blog Contact Design Styles FREE 4 week Twitter Course Home Impact Impact Influencer Challenge Linkedin 5 Day Course LinkedIn Landing Page Magic Four Privacy Policy Products Service Agreement Academy Service Agreement Academy International Service Agreement Inner Circle Academy Events Service Agreement Inner Circle Academy Events International Service Agreement Legends Service Agreement Legends International Service Agreement Legends Light Service Agreement Legends Light International Styles Tags Terms and Conditions Testimonials Thank You Thank You Thank You Work With Us Categories: Brand Business Business success Business success Influencer Instagram internet LinkedIn SSI LinkedIn Audience LinkedIn conversation LinkedIn Data LinkedIn Event Linkedin feed LinkedIn Mistakes Linkedin Network LinkedIn Scheduler Marketing content marketing copywriting Facebook Advertising Marketing Tips News Newsletter Social Media video marketing Uncategorized LinkedIn Authors: Prominence Global (61) Prominence Global (54) Monthly: September 2022 August 2022 July 2022 June 2022 May 2022 April 2022 March 2022 February 2022 January 2022 December 2021 November 2021 September 2021 August 2021 July 2021 June 2021 May 2021 April 2021 March 2021 February 2021 January 2021 December 2020 November 2020 October 2020 September 2020 August 2020 July 2020 June 2020 May 2020 April 2020 March 2020 February 2020 January 2020 December 2019 November 2019 August 2019 July 2019 June 2019 May 2019 April 2019 March 2019 February 2019 January 2019 December 2018 November 2018 October 2018 September 2018 August 2018 July 2018 June 2018 May 2018 April 2018 March 2018 January 2018 December 2017 November 2017 October 2017 September 2017 August 2017 July 2017 June 2017 May 2017 April 2017 March 2017 February 2017 January 2017 December 2016 November 2016 October 2016 September 2016 Recent Posts: Are You Using LinkedIn Creator Mode Analytics On Your Profile Should you be using your profile services page on LinkedIn LinkedIn Marketing Tips to help grow your business! Do you know how to create a LinkedIn Event? Are You Using Creator Mode? Turn It on Now With These Simple Steps! How to control your conversations and feed on LinkedIn! Tips To Supercharge Engagement On LinkedIn This Year How to Demonstrate Your Expertise and Build Your Brand on LinkedIn Top Metrics to Track on LinkedIn How To Utilise Lead Magnets On LinkedIn A Step By Step Guide On How To Use LinkedIn For Business Why You Should Be Using LinkedIn’s Sales Navigator Are You Creating A Stand Out Profile On LinkedIn In 2022? Why you should be connecting online and closing offline on LinkedIn How you can become a LinkedIn Influencer! How to Stand out on LinkedIn! Are You Making These Common LinkedIn Mistakes? Are you using a scheduling assistant to schedule your LinkedIn posts in advance? How to optimise your LinkedIn business profile How to create a LinkedIn Newsletter 8 Tips for Increasing Engagement on LinkedIn A Cool Way To Connect on LinkedIn How to become a true thought leader. Don’t just follow the crowd How Effective Are You On LinkedIn? Your SSI will tell you. LinkedIn vs The Real World Networking online or in person? Yes, you do need a LinkedIn Company Page 5 Ways to Build trust Online What Problem Does Your Content Solve? LinkedIn Video for Beginners 5 Types of People to Avoid on LinkedIn No Spam – Authorised Access Only We Aren’t Meant To Be Alone Are you LinkedIn or LinkedOut? How To Build A Strong Personal Brand 28 Ways To Manage Data LinkedIn Collects on You Are People Responding to Your LinkedIn Inmails? Video Selection Interviews – Practical Tips for Hiring Managers How Much Content Is Right for Your LinkedIn profile? How to Source Talent on LinkedIn Diversity in business may be the way out Is your Customer Service Screaming for Attention in your Business? Will your business survive or thrive: How to diversify in a crisis Is your business ready for the post-Covid world? Make your online presence and profile stand out! Is your schedule dominating your life? The truth about performance reviews Learning to Learn: Skill, reskill and upskill Let go and successfully expand your business in 2020 Make your blog stand out to gain more traction in your business Business stagnation: A simple solution to avoid it Is your content great, relevant and trending? Learn how to get there The ultimate question – should businesses rely only on modern methods of sales? How to eliminate bottlenecks and grow your business There is a fine line between Promotion and Spamming on LinkedIn Are You Guilty of Overusing Buzzwords? Work and personal life: Striking a balance that works for you What kind of influencer are you? Why your influencer profile matters Social Media Messaging: Is this part of your strategy online? 5 Signs that it’s time for a content review How to outsource your social media content and management effectively The Do’s and Don’ts of Social Media Advertising How to Create and Execute a Marketing Campaign Are you on board with the 11 major social media trends for 2019? 33 social media tips you can implement today Review marketing: Are client testimonials really necessary for your online content? Are you on board with the 11 major social media trends for 2019? 7 steps to build a targeted audience and engage your followers How to ensure your content is not being “shadow banned” on social media Getting sales from social media – it’s just not happening! What’s your message in business and do you replicate it in your social media content? There’s too much content … how on earth can you stand out? The 3 biggest challenges facing small business owners on social media 33 tricks to grow your social media profile: More shares, comments and likes 29 social media top tips How to get 50 per cent more engagement on Instagram How Do Consumers Spend Their Time Online? 7 Ways to Annoy Consumers on Social Media How Video Marketing Influences Your Customers’ Buying Decisions Copywriting Mastery: 8 Ways to Effective Copywriting Facebook Advertising: Does it Actually Work? How To Understand Your Marketing Funnel and Generate Never-Ending Leads Your 5 Step Guide to Implementing Your Content Marketing Strategy 4-Step Formula for Generating Leads that Close at Over 20% Video Marketing: What Social Media Platforms Are Most Effective? How To Create a Brand Positioning Strategy And Own Your Marketplace Social Media: How to Avoid The 9 Most Common Mistakes in 2017 ONLINE MARKETING EXPOSED: How To Avoid The Biggest Myths in 2017 6 Powerful Ways To Leverage Your Brand Through Video 11 Secrets of the Entrepreneur Mindset Imagine If You Could Create a Business With a “Real” Purpose For Good Lead Conversion Strategy: How to Convert Web Traffic Into Qualified Leads Hiring In-House or Marketing Agency – What’s the Best Solution For You? Brand Positioning: How To Develop Preeminence In Your Market Through Strategic Branding How To Create a High-Converting Blog In 5 Simple Steps Social Media Marketing – The Best Social Media Tips To Generate New Leads To Your Business in 2017 6 Simple Tips To Building Trust With Your Followers and Customers 7 Hot Tips to Build Valuable and Genuine Social Conversations Better Business, Better Life, Better World How to Ensure Your Children Are Safe on Social Media 19/04/2022 by Prominence Global Pages: About Blog Contact Design Styles FREE 4 week Twitter Course Home Impact Impact Influencer Challenge Linkedin 5 Day Course LinkedIn Landing Page Magic Four Privacy Policy Products Service Agreement Academy Service Agreement Academy International Service Agreement Inner Circle Academy Events Service Agreement Inner Circle Academy Events International Service Agreement Legends Service Agreement Legends International Service Agreement Legends Light Service Agreement Legends Light International Styles Tags Terms and Conditions Testimonials Thank You Thank You Thank You Work With Us Categories: Brand Business Business success Business success Influencer Instagram internet LinkedIn SSI LinkedIn Audience LinkedIn conversation LinkedIn Data LinkedIn Event Linkedin feed LinkedIn Mistakes Linkedin Network LinkedIn Scheduler Marketing content marketing copywriting Facebook Advertising Marketing Tips News Newsletter Social Media video marketing Uncategorized LinkedIn Authors: Prominence Global (61) Prominence Global (54) Monthly: September 2022 August 2022 July 2022 June 2022 May 2022 April 2022 March 2022 February 2022 January 2022 December 2021 November 2021 September 2021 August 2021 July 2021 June 2021 May 2021 April 2021 March 2021 February 2021 January 2021 December 2020 November 2020 October 2020 September 2020 August 2020 July 2020 June 2020 May 2020 April 2020 March 2020 February 2020 January 2020 December 2019 November 2019 August 2019 July 2019 June 2019 May 2019 April 2019 March 2019 February 2019 January 2019 December 2018 November 2018 October 2018 September 2018 August 2018 July 2018 June 2018 May 2018 April 2018 March 2018 January 2018 December 2017 November 2017 October 2017 September 2017 August 2017 July 2017 June 2017 May 2017 April 2017 March 2017 February 2017 January 2017 December 2016 November 2016 October 2016 September 2016 Recent Posts: Are You Using LinkedIn Creator Mode Analytics On Your Profile Should you be using your profile services page on LinkedIn LinkedIn Marketing Tips to help grow your business! Do you know how to create a LinkedIn Event? Are You Using Creator Mode? Turn It on Now With These Simple Steps! How to control your conversations and feed on LinkedIn! Tips To Supercharge Engagement On LinkedIn This Year How to Demonstrate Your Expertise and Build Your Brand on LinkedIn Top Metrics to Track on LinkedIn How To Utilise Lead Magnets On LinkedIn A Step By Step Guide On How To Use LinkedIn For Business Why You Should Be Using LinkedIn’s Sales Navigator Are You Creating A Stand Out Profile On LinkedIn In 2022? Why you should be connecting online and closing offline on LinkedIn How you can become a LinkedIn Influencer! How to Stand out on LinkedIn! Are You Making These Common LinkedIn Mistakes? Are you using a scheduling assistant to schedule your LinkedIn posts in advance? How to optimise your LinkedIn business profile How to create a LinkedIn Newsletter 8 Tips for Increasing Engagement on LinkedIn A Cool Way To Connect on LinkedIn How to become a true thought leader. Don’t just follow the crowd How Effective Are You On LinkedIn? Your SSI will tell you. LinkedIn vs The Real World Networking online or in person? Yes, you do need a LinkedIn Company Page 5 Ways to Build trust Online What Problem Does Your Content Solve? LinkedIn Video for Beginners 5 Types of People to Avoid on LinkedIn No Spam – Authorised Access Only We Aren’t Meant To Be Alone Are you LinkedIn or LinkedOut? How To Build A Strong Personal Brand 28 Ways To Manage Data LinkedIn Collects on You Are People Responding to Your LinkedIn Inmails? Video Selection Interviews – Practical Tips for Hiring Managers How Much Content Is Right for Your LinkedIn profile? How to Source Talent on LinkedIn Diversity in business may be the way out Is your Customer Service Screaming for Attention in your Business? Will your business survive or thrive: How to diversify in a crisis Is your business ready for the post-Covid world? Make your online presence and profile stand out! Is your schedule dominating your life? The truth about performance reviews Learning to Learn: Skill, reskill and upskill Let go and successfully expand your business in 2020 Make your blog stand out to gain more traction in your business Business stagnation: A simple solution to avoid it Is your content great, relevant and trending? Learn how to get there The ultimate question – should businesses rely only on modern methods of sales? How to eliminate bottlenecks and grow your business There is a fine line between Promotion and Spamming on LinkedIn Are You Guilty of Overusing Buzzwords? Work and personal life: Striking a balance that works for you What kind of influencer are you? Why your influencer profile matters Social Media Messaging: Is this part of your strategy online? 5 Signs that it’s time for a content review How to outsource your social media content and management effectively The Do’s and Don’ts of Social Media Advertising How to Create and Execute a Marketing Campaign Are you on board with the 11 major social media trends for 2019? 33 social media tips you can implement today Review marketing: Are client testimonials really necessary for your online content? Are you on board with the 11 major social media trends for 2019? 7 steps to build a targeted audience and engage your followers How to ensure your content is not being “shadow banned” on social media Getting sales from social media – it’s just not happening! What’s your message in business and do you replicate it in your social media content? There’s too much content … how on earth can you stand out? The 3 biggest challenges facing small business owners on social media 33 tricks to grow your social media profile: More shares, comments and likes 29 social media top tips How to get 50 per cent more engagement on Instagram How Do Consumers Spend Their Time Online? 7 Ways to Annoy Consumers on Social Media How Video Marketing Influences Your Customers’ Buying Decisions Copywriting Mastery: 8 Ways to Effective Copywriting Facebook Advertising: Does it Actually Work? How To Understand Your Marketing Funnel and Generate Never-Ending Leads Your 5 Step Guide to Implementing Your Content Marketing Strategy 4-Step Formula for Generating Leads that Close at Over 20% Video Marketing: What Social Media Platforms Are Most Effective? How To Create a Brand Positioning Strategy And Own Your Marketplace Social Media: How to Avoid The 9 Most Common Mistakes in 2017 ONLINE MARKETING EXPOSED: How To Avoid The Biggest Myths in 2017 6 Powerful Ways To Leverage Your Brand Through Video 11 Secrets of the Entrepreneur Mindset Imagine If You Could Create a Business With a “Real” Purpose For Good Lead Conversion Strategy: How to Convert Web Traffic Into Qualified Leads Hiring In-House or Marketing Agency – What’s the Best Solution For You? Brand Positioning: How To Develop Preeminence In Your Market Through Strategic Branding How To Create a High-Converting Blog In 5 Simple Steps Social Media Marketing – The Best Social Media Tips To Generate New Leads To Your Business in 2017 6 Simple Tips To Building Trust With Your Followers and Customers 7 Hot Tips to Build Valuable and Genuine Social Conversations Better Business, Better Life, Better World How to Ensure Your Children Are Safe on Social Media 10/03/2022 by Prominence Global Pages: About Blog Contact Design Styles FREE 4 week Twitter Course Home Impact Impact Influencer Challenge Linkedin 5 Day Course LinkedIn Landing Page Magic Four Privacy Policy Products Service Agreement Academy Service Agreement Academy International Service Agreement Inner Circle Academy Events Service Agreement Inner Circle Academy Events International Service Agreement Legends Service Agreement Legends International Service Agreement Legends Light Service Agreement Legends Light International Styles Tags Terms and Conditions Testimonials Thank You Thank You Thank You Work With Us Categories: Brand Business Business success Business success Influencer Instagram internet LinkedIn SSI LinkedIn Audience LinkedIn conversation LinkedIn Data LinkedIn Event Linkedin feed LinkedIn Mistakes Linkedin Network LinkedIn Scheduler Marketing content marketing copywriting Facebook Advertising Marketing Tips News Newsletter Social Media video marketing Uncategorized LinkedIn Authors: Prominence Global (61) Prominence Global (54) Monthly: September 2022 August 2022 July 2022 June 2022 May 2022 April 2022 March 2022 February 2022 January 2022 December 2021 November 2021 September 2021 August 2021 July 2021 June 2021 May 2021 April 2021 March 2021 February 2021 January 2021 December 2020 November 2020 October 2020 September 2020 August 2020 July 2020 June 2020 May 2020 April 2020 March 2020 February 2020 January 2020 December 2019 November 2019 August 2019 July 2019 June 2019 May 2019 April 2019 March 2019 February 2019 January 2019 December 2018 November 2018 October 2018 September 2018 August 2018 July 2018 June 2018 May 2018 April 2018 March 2018 January 2018 December 2017 November 2017 October 2017 September 2017 August 2017 July 2017 June 2017 May 2017 April 2017 March 2017 February 2017 January 2017 December 2016 November 2016 October 2016 September 2016 Recent Posts: Are You Using LinkedIn Creator Mode Analytics On Your Profile Should you be using your profile services page on LinkedIn LinkedIn Marketing Tips to help grow your business! Do you know how to create a LinkedIn Event? Are You Using Creator Mode? Turn It on Now With These Simple Steps! How to control your conversations and feed on LinkedIn! Tips To Supercharge Engagement On LinkedIn This Year How to Demonstrate Your Expertise and Build Your Brand on LinkedIn Top Metrics to Track on LinkedIn How To Utilise Lead Magnets On LinkedIn A Step By Step Guide On How To Use LinkedIn For Business Why You Should Be Using LinkedIn’s Sales Navigator Are You Creating A Stand Out Profile On LinkedIn In 2022? Why you should be connecting online and closing offline on LinkedIn How you can become a LinkedIn Influencer! How to Stand out on LinkedIn! Are You Making These Common LinkedIn Mistakes? Are you using a scheduling assistant to schedule your LinkedIn posts in advance? How to optimise your LinkedIn business profile How to create a LinkedIn Newsletter 8 Tips for Increasing Engagement on LinkedIn A Cool Way To Connect on LinkedIn How to become a true thought leader. Don’t just follow the crowd How Effective Are You On LinkedIn? Your SSI will tell you. LinkedIn vs The Real World Networking online or in person? Yes, you do need a LinkedIn Company Page 5 Ways to Build trust Online What Problem Does Your Content Solve? LinkedIn Video for Beginners 5 Types of People to Avoid on LinkedIn No Spam – Authorised Access Only We Aren’t Meant To Be Alone Are you LinkedIn or LinkedOut? How To Build A Strong Personal Brand 28 Ways To Manage Data LinkedIn Collects on You Are People Responding to Your LinkedIn Inmails? Video Selection Interviews – Practical Tips for Hiring Managers How Much Content Is Right for Your LinkedIn profile? How to Source Talent on LinkedIn Diversity in business may be the way out Is your Customer Service Screaming for Attention in your Business? Will your business survive or thrive: How to diversify in a crisis Is your business ready for the post-Covid world? Make your online presence and profile stand out! Is your schedule dominating your life? The truth about performance reviews Learning to Learn: Skill, reskill and upskill Let go and successfully expand your business in 2020 Make your blog stand out to gain more traction in your business Business stagnation: A simple solution to avoid it Is your content great, relevant and trending? Learn how to get there The ultimate question – should businesses rely only on modern methods of sales? How to eliminate bottlenecks and grow your business There is a fine line between Promotion and Spamming on LinkedIn Are You Guilty of Overusing Buzzwords? Work and personal life: Striking a balance that works for you What kind of influencer are you? Why your influencer profile matters Social Media Messaging: Is this part of your strategy online? 5 Signs that it’s time for a content review How to outsource your social media content and management effectively The Do’s and Don’ts of Social Media Advertising How to Create and Execute a Marketing Campaign Are you on board with the 11 major social media trends for 2019? 33 social media tips you can implement today Review marketing: Are client testimonials really necessary for your online content? Are you on board with the 11 major social media trends for 2019? 7 steps to build a targeted audience and engage your followers How to ensure your content is not being “shadow banned” on social media Getting sales from social media – it’s just not happening! What’s your message in business and do you replicate it in your social media content? There’s too much content … how on earth can you stand out? The 3 biggest challenges facing small business owners on social media 33 tricks to grow your social media profile: More shares, comments and likes 29 social media top tips How to get 50 per cent more engagement on Instagram How Do Consumers Spend Their Time Online? 7 Ways to Annoy Consumers on Social Media How Video Marketing Influences Your Customers’ Buying Decisions Copywriting Mastery: 8 Ways to Effective Copywriting Facebook Advertising: Does it Actually Work? How To Understand Your Marketing Funnel and Generate Never-Ending Leads Your 5 Step Guide to Implementing Your Content Marketing Strategy 4-Step Formula for Generating Leads that Close at Over 20% Video Marketing: What Social Media Platforms Are Most Effective? How To Create a Brand Positioning Strategy And Own Your Marketplace Social Media: How to Avoid The 9 Most Common Mistakes in 2017 ONLINE MARKETING EXPOSED: How To Avoid The Biggest Myths in 2017 6 Powerful Ways To Leverage Your Brand Through Video 11 Secrets of the Entrepreneur Mindset Imagine If You Could Create a Business With a “Real” Purpose For Good Lead Conversion Strategy: How to Convert Web Traffic Into Qualified Leads Hiring In-House or Marketing Agency – What’s the Best Solution For You? Brand Positioning: How To Develop Preeminence In Your Market Through Strategic Branding How To Create a High-Converting Blog In 5 Simple Steps Social Media Marketing – The Best Social Media Tips To Generate New Leads To Your Business in 2017 6 Simple Tips To Building Trust With Your Followers and Customers 7 Hot Tips to Build Valuable and Genuine Social Conversations Better Business, Better Life, Better World How to Ensure Your Children Are Safe on Social Media 08/02/2022 by Prominence Global Pages: About Blog Contact Design Styles FREE 4 week Twitter Course Home Impact Impact Influencer Challenge Linkedin 5 Day Course LinkedIn Landing Page Magic Four Privacy Policy Products Service Agreement Academy Service Agreement Academy International Service Agreement Inner Circle Academy Events Service Agreement Inner Circle Academy Events International Service Agreement Legends Service Agreement Legends International Service Agreement Legends Light Service Agreement Legends Light International Styles Tags Terms and Conditions Testimonials Thank You Thank You Thank You Work With Us Categories: Brand Business Business success Business success Influencer Instagram internet LinkedIn SSI LinkedIn Audience LinkedIn conversation LinkedIn Data LinkedIn Event Linkedin feed LinkedIn Mistakes Linkedin Network LinkedIn Scheduler Marketing content marketing copywriting Facebook Advertising Marketing Tips News Newsletter Social Media video marketing Uncategorized LinkedIn Authors: Prominence Global (61) Prominence Global (54) Monthly: September 2022 August 2022 July 2022 June 2022 May 2022 April 2022 March 2022 February 2022 January 2022 December 2021 November 2021 September 2021 August 2021 July 2021 June 2021 May 2021 April 2021 March 2021 February 2021 January 2021 December 2020 November 2020 October 2020 September 2020 August 2020 July 2020 June 2020 May 2020 April 2020 March 2020 February 2020 January 2020 December 2019 November 2019 August 2019 July 2019 June 2019 May 2019 April 2019 March 2019 February 2019 January 2019 December 2018 November 2018 October 2018 September 2018 August 2018 July 2018 June 2018 May 2018 April 2018 March 2018 January 2018 December 2017 November 2017 October 2017 September 2017 August 2017 July 2017 June 2017 May 2017 April 2017 March 2017 February 2017 January 2017 December 2016 November 2016 October 2016 September 2016 Recent Posts: Are You Using LinkedIn Creator Mode Analytics On Your Profile Should you be using your profile services page on LinkedIn LinkedIn Marketing Tips to help grow your business! Do you know how to create a LinkedIn Event? Are You Using Creator Mode? Turn It on Now With These Simple Steps! How to control your conversations and feed on LinkedIn! Tips To Supercharge Engagement On LinkedIn This Year How to Demonstrate Your Expertise and Build Your Brand on LinkedIn Top Metrics to Track on LinkedIn How To Utilise Lead Magnets On LinkedIn A Step By Step Guide On How To Use LinkedIn For Business Why You Should Be Using LinkedIn’s Sales Navigator Are You Creating A Stand Out Profile On LinkedIn In 2022? Why you should be connecting online and closing offline on LinkedIn How you can become a LinkedIn Influencer! How to Stand out on LinkedIn! Are You Making These Common LinkedIn Mistakes? Are you using a scheduling assistant to schedule your LinkedIn posts in advance? How to optimise your LinkedIn business profile How to create a LinkedIn Newsletter 8 Tips for Increasing Engagement on LinkedIn A Cool Way To Connect on LinkedIn How to become a true thought leader. Don’t just follow the crowd How Effective Are You On LinkedIn? Your SSI will tell you. LinkedIn vs The Real World Networking online or in person? Yes, you do need a LinkedIn Company Page 5 Ways to Build trust Online What Problem Does Your Content Solve? LinkedIn Video for Beginners 5 Types of People to Avoid on LinkedIn No Spam – Authorised Access Only We Aren’t Meant To Be Alone Are you LinkedIn or LinkedOut? How To Build A Strong Personal Brand 28 Ways To Manage Data LinkedIn Collects on You Are People Responding to Your LinkedIn Inmails? Video Selection Interviews – Practical Tips for Hiring Managers How Much Content Is Right for Your LinkedIn profile? How to Source Talent on LinkedIn Diversity in business may be the way out Is your Customer Service Screaming for Attention in your Business? Will your business survive or thrive: How to diversify in a crisis Is your business ready for the post-Covid world? Make your online presence and profile stand out! Is your schedule dominating your life? The truth about performance reviews Learning to Learn: Skill, reskill and upskill Let go and successfully expand your business in 2020 Make your blog stand out to gain more traction in your business Business stagnation: A simple solution to avoid it Is your content great, relevant and trending? Learn how to get there The ultimate question – should businesses rely only on modern methods of sales? How to eliminate bottlenecks and grow your business There is a fine line between Promotion and Spamming on LinkedIn Are You Guilty of Overusing Buzzwords? Work and personal life: Striking a balance that works for you What kind of influencer are you? Why your influencer profile matters Social Media Messaging: Is this part of your strategy online? 5 Signs that it’s time for a content review How to outsource your social media content and management effectively The Do’s and Don’ts of Social Media Advertising How to Create and Execute a Marketing Campaign Are you on board with the 11 major social media trends for 2019? 33 social media tips you can implement today Review marketing: Are client testimonials really necessary for your online content? Are you on board with the 11 major social media trends for 2019? 7 steps to build a targeted audience and engage your followers How to ensure your content is not being “shadow banned” on social media Getting sales from social media – it’s just not happening! What’s your message in business and do you replicate it in your social media content? There’s too much content … how on earth can you stand out? The 3 biggest challenges facing small business owners on social media 33 tricks to grow your social media profile: More shares, comments and likes 29 social media top tips How to get 50 per cent more engagement on Instagram How Do Consumers Spend Their Time Online? 7 Ways to Annoy Consumers on Social Media How Video Marketing Influences Your Customers’ Buying Decisions Copywriting Mastery: 8 Ways to Effective Copywriting Facebook Advertising: Does it Actually Work? How To Understand Your Marketing Funnel and Generate Never-Ending Leads Your 5 Step Guide to Implementing Your Content Marketing Strategy 4-Step Formula for Generating Leads that Close at Over 20% Video Marketing: What Social Media Platforms Are Most Effective? How To Create a Brand Positioning Strategy And Own Your Marketplace Social Media: How to Avoid The 9 Most Common Mistakes in 2017 ONLINE MARKETING EXPOSED: How To Avoid The Biggest Myths in 2017 6 Powerful Ways To Leverage Your Brand Through Video 11 Secrets of the Entrepreneur Mindset Imagine If You Could Create a Business With a “Real” Purpose For Good Lead Conversion Strategy: How to Convert Web Traffic Into Qualified Leads Hiring In-House or Marketing Agency – What’s the Best Solution For You? 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The 3 biggest challenges facing small business owners on social media 33 tricks to grow your social media profile: More shares, comments and likes 29 social media top tips How to get 50 per cent more engagement on Instagram How Do Consumers Spend Their Time Online? 7 Ways to Annoy Consumers on Social Media How Video Marketing Influences Your Customers’ Buying Decisions Copywriting Mastery: 8 Ways to Effective Copywriting Facebook Advertising: Does it Actually Work? How To Understand Your Marketing Funnel and Generate Never-Ending Leads Your 5 Step Guide to Implementing Your Content Marketing Strategy 4-Step Formula for Generating Leads that Close at Over 20% Video Marketing: What Social Media Platforms Are Most Effective? How To Create a Brand Positioning Strategy And Own Your Marketplace Social Media: How to Avoid The 9 Most Common Mistakes in 2017 ONLINE MARKETING EXPOSED: How To Avoid The Biggest Myths in 2017 6 Powerful Ways To Leverage Your Brand Through Video 11 Secrets of the Entrepreneur Mindset Imagine If You Could Create a Business With a “Real” Purpose For Good Lead Conversion Strategy: How to Convert Web Traffic Into Qualified Leads Hiring In-House or Marketing Agency – What’s the Best Solution For You? 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Why your influencer profile matters Social Media Messaging: Is this part of your strategy online? 5 Signs that it’s time for a content review How to outsource your social media content and management effectively The Do’s and Don’ts of Social Media Advertising How to Create and Execute a Marketing Campaign Are you on board with the 11 major social media trends for 2019? 33 social media tips you can implement today Review marketing: Are client testimonials really necessary for your online content? Are you on board with the 11 major social media trends for 2019? 7 steps to build a targeted audience and engage your followers How to ensure your content is not being “shadow banned” on social media Getting sales from social media – it’s just not happening! What’s your message in business and do you replicate it in your social media content? There’s too much content … how on earth can you stand out? 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These are just some of the stories about some of the cats. More cats were taken to vets, but I don’t have photos of them all. Up to thirty cats are fed daily. I tried to make the stories less graphic and less heartbreaking, but I can’t make them happy-end stories, because it’s a developing every-day process and right now there seem to be no end to it at all. So, please, make sure you are emotionally ready to read these stories. Pirate is basically the guy who started the whole process. I noticed him in the middle of July. His eye was irreparably damaged. It took me four days to break all previous inner rules and limits and take a street kitten to a vet. I had no place for him after the operation, so we spent seven hours under a palm tree while he was recovering after anesthesia. He had a course of antibiotics afterwards but got ill anyway, and had to go through another course of antibiotics. After he recovered he received all necessary vaccines. I tried to find a home for him, but failed. Pirate still lives near that palm tree. Other cats have joined him. I call them “a palm tree gang”. Updt: Pirate is no longer a street cat. He is our cat now. Mitsi is Pirate’s sister. She wasn’t always called this way. She was called “an always scared cat”. When she was tiny, she was so scared she would yell from inside a bush because of her mixed feelings and dilemmas. She wanted to come out and take her food, and yet she was too scared to. The first time she crawled out I tried not to breath. As it always happens with these cats those who are the most frightened in the beginning, later get attached to a human the most. It was on the second day after she allowed me to touch her, when a family took her to live in their garden. They were the ones who gave her the name Mitsi and they were the ones who threw her away, while trying to lie to me that the cat had escaped. I know they lied because when I found the cat and called them to ask if they still needed her (as I had my suspicions) they said “no”. They needed to return to their lovely Luxemburg, their kids had enough of the toy. By that time, Mitsi was vaccinated, microchipped and totally ready for a flight to Luxemburg. I prepared her as those people were considering taking her with them. Maybe it was just another lie. When I found her she was totally stressed. She chased women that looked like the one who threw her away. Then she got trapped on a roof for four days but I found her again. It all happened two months ago. She now lives in a pride not far away from the place where “her” garden was. Some people regularly feed her and others. I often visit those cats too and bring them food and water. Every time I leave she chases me, so I have to give her something tasty to distract her while I’m running away. Updt:Mitsi has found home. Osen’ means “Autumn”. She’s one of the “palm tree gang”. The first time I saw her she was yelling in the middle of a little park, refusing to come near or take food from me. Once she was attacked by a large cat. She was really brave, fought back and escaped. When she sees that cat now she tries to beat him up. Eventually she found her way to the “palm tree place” and joined Pirate in his homeless cat life. Osen’ received only the first part of a vaccine against FVR, FCV, FPV (they are three main cat viruses, two vaccines are needed against them to complete the vaccination). I decided not go on with the vaccination now as cold weather created risks of a vaccine developing into a full-blown desease. Updt: Osen’ has been neutered. Chyorniy means “a black one”. It took him about a week to persuade me that he wasn’t going to harm the kittens (Pirate and Osen’) as other grown-up male cats usually do. He would just sit near, and would try to come closer when the kittens played. One day I found them all together and saw he was no danger to the kittens. Osen’ adores him and he protects them all from dogs and other grown-up cats. People on the street tell me he is a dangerous one as he catches birds. I guess, they thought he was supposed to eat stones until I started feeding him. Chorniy is not vaccinated because the warm weather is over. He’s been cleaned from fleas. Beliy means “a white one”. He was the first one to receive help thanks to the money raised by Victoria from Neowatercolour blog. Beliy had a wound on his front paw. He was so horribly thin that the wind was pushing him along the street. He also had the worst flea infestation I’ve ever seen. His paw mended. He started putting on weight. That’s when dogs attacked him. It was an indescribable challenge to find a badly needed indoor place for him. He couldn’t stay outside because now he couldn’t walk. I exhausted my phonebook, I offered money, but nobody could take him even for a day, so the first several hours I was simply sitting next to him waiting for a miracle. And the miracle happened. A person, who is usually indifferent to animals, first risked her job to save him and then took him home. It’s not clear now how long she can keep him for. He needs twenty days to recover, today is the fifth one. He visits vets regularly for his antibiotic shots and painkillers. In theory, he needs an operation for his hind paw to recover perfectly, but in practice he can’t undergo it as he has no place to stay in for two months after the operation. Thus, the best that can happen to his paw now is that it recovers with only slight changes. Updt: Beliy has recovered and became a pet of the family that took him after the attack. Kisa means “a kitty”. The name was given to her by a vet because there was no time for me to spell Kisa’s real name, which, if translated, means “a little naughty thing”. That’s what Kisa is and always was, apart from a moment when I found her under a bush being not naughty at all. In fact, she didn’t notice either me or food. She was too busy searching for the shortest way to the Rainbow. After she received treatment at the vet, Kisa agreed it probably was too early for the Rainbow. Two days after the visit she was chasing me, demanding treats instead of usual food, just as she always did before she caught the virus. The vet told me then it was a really good luck that I noticed Kisa and brought her to the clinic. Kisa wouldn’t have made it without the treatment. Kisa was saved on the money raised by Victoria from Neowatercolour blog. Hvostik means “a little tail”. I’ll probably change her name later as it seems a bit cynical to call a cat “a little tail” when her tail is badly damaged and she, indeed, can end up with just “a little tail”. The very beginning was the hardest. Doctors insisted an urgent operation was needed to amputate the tail. They also insisted it was crucial that the cat stays indoors for the next ten days after the operation. I couldn’t find those ten days indoors for her. Then a miracle happened (I’ve noticed miracles love cats) and very bad processes which were developing in her tail stopped. She still needs the operation, because her tail now is a fragile part which she can’t properly control. Right now, though, the operation is not urgent. I bring her to the vets for her regular antibiotic shots and sprays every three days. At the vet, whenever her tail is examined, she digs her head into my arm and stays still. I don’t know why she trusts me. Doctors say her injuries are most likely man-made. I’ve cut the photo deliberately. I believe not all people can stand the view. Hvostik’s treatment is paid for with the money raised by Victoria from Neowatercolour blog. Updt: Hvostik was attacked again and lost her tail completely. She was operated and spent two weeks recovering on our balcony. She now feels fine and lives on the streets. I’m very thankful for the vet who gave us a big discount, although he came to operate on Sunday, when the clinic was closed, after I found him at his own home. A page with general information about homeless cats of Montenegro is here. A shop which sells products to help homeless cats of Montenegro is here. An album with more photos of homeless cats of Montenegro is here. If you have any ideas how to help homeless cats of Montenegro you can contact me on my email sasha.zakharova@gmail.com Advertisements
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The first female Federal Reserve Chairwoman forcefully emphasized the necessity of closing the gender wage gap and inequities in workforce opportunities, arguing that economic growth depended on it. Speaking at Brown University’s “125 Years of Women at Brown Conference,” a celebration of the decision to admit women into the Ivy League university, Janet Yellen, a Brown alumna, used anecdotes from her own family to trace female economic progress over the past century. She highlighted the progress that had been made, saying female participation was crucial to the growth and prosperity of the 20th century, but noted it hasn’t been sufficient. “Despite this progress, evidence suggests that many women remain unable to achieve their goals,” Yellen said. Women, she said, still face an opportunity gap, underrepresented in many industries and often unable to fulfill their potential due to adequate workplace policies. “If these obstacles persist, we will squander the potential of many of our citizens and incur a substantial loss to the productive capacity of our economy at a time when the aging of the population and weak productivity growth are already weighing on economic growth,” Yellen said. Yellen titled her speech “So We All Can Succeed,” which she explained was inspired by Malala Yousafzai’s remarks that “we cannot all succeed when half of us are held back.” Yellen’s full remarks can be found here.
Write an article on Global warming in about 200 words Claim your FREE Seat in Vedantu Master Classes! Register now Free Classes Sign in Questions & Answers CBSE English Grade 8 Article Writing Answer Write an article on Global warming in about 200 words Answer Verified 197.1k+ views Global warming or climate change has today become a major threat to the mankind. The Earth’s temperature is on the rise and there are various reasons for it such as greenhouse gases emanating from carbon dioxide ($CO_2$) emissions, burning of fossil fuels or deforestation. Impact of Greenhouse Gases The rise in the levels of carbon dioxide ($CO_2$) leads to substantial increase in temperature. It is because $CO_2$ remains concentrated in the atmosphere for even hundreds of years. Due to activities like fossil fuel combustion for electricity generation, transportation, and heating, human beings have contributed to increase in the $CO_2$ concentration in the atmosphere. Global Warming: A Gradual Phenomenon Recent years have been unusually warm, causing worldwide concern. But the fact is that the increase in carbon dioxide actually began in 1800, due to the deforestation of a large chunk of North-eastern American, besides forested parts of the world. The things became worse with emissions in the wake of the industrial revolution, leading to increase in carbon dioxide level by 1900. Cause of Concern According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), global temperature is likely to rise by about 1-3.5 Celsius by the year 2100. It has also suggested that the climate might warm by as much as 10 degrees Fahrenheit over the next 100 years. Impact of Global Warming The sea levels are constantly rising as fresh water marshlands, low-lying cities, and islands have been inundated with seawater. There have been changes in rainfall patterns, leading to droughts and fires in some areas, and flooding in other areas. Ice caps are constantly melting posing a threat to polar bears as their feeding season stands reduced. Glaciers are gradually melting. Animal populations are gradually vanishing as there has been a widespread loss of their habitat. Conclusion As per Kyoto protocol, developed countries are required to cut back their emissions. There is a need to reduce coal-fired electricity, increase energy efficiency through wind and solar power, and also high efficiency natural gas generation Recently Updated Pages An open pipe is in resonance in 2nd harmonic with frequency class 11 physics CBSE Find dfracddxcos 1 x22 1 2x1 x2sin 1 x22 2 4x1 x2sin class 11 maths CBSE If left sqrt 5 + sqrt 3i right33 249z then modulus class 11 maths CBSE The maximum value of fx sin x1 + cos x A 3dfracsqrt class 11 maths CBSE The moment of inertia of a circular ring of mass M class 11 physics CBSE Can a diamond conduct electricity class 11 chemistry CBSE An open pipe is in resonance in 2nd harmonic with frequency class 11 physics CBSE Find dfracddxcos 1 x22 1 2x1 x2sin 1 x22 2 4x1 x2sin class 11 maths CBSE If left sqrt 5 + sqrt 3i right33 249z then modulus class 11 maths CBSE The maximum value of fx sin x1 + cos x A 3dfracsqrt class 11 maths CBSE The moment of inertia of a circular ring of mass M class 11 physics CBSE Can a diamond conduct electricity class 11 chemistry CBSE 1 2 Trending doubts Difference Between Plant Cell and Animal Cell Give 10 examples for herbs , shrubs , climbers , creepers Write a letter to the principal requesting him to grant class 10 english CBSE List out three methods of soil conservation A Short Paragraph on our Country India Differentiate between homogeneous and heterogeneous class 12 chemistry CBSE What is the difference between anaerobic aerobic respiration class 10 biology CBSE Differentiate between the Western and the Eastern class 9 social science CBSE Derive an expression for electric potential at point class 12 physics CBSE Difference Between Plant Cell and Animal Cell Give 10 examples for herbs , shrubs , climbers , creepers Write a letter to the principal requesting him to grant class 10 english CBSE List out three methods of soil conservation A Short Paragraph on our Country India Differentiate between homogeneous and heterogeneous class 12 chemistry CBSE What is the difference between anaerobic aerobic respiration class 10 biology CBSE Differentiate between the Western and the Eastern class 9 social science CBSE Derive an expression for electric potential at point class 12 physics CBSE 1 2 3 Related Questions Question 1 How will population become a gift in the global market scene? Question 2 Write an article to be published in a local newspaper about the use and misuse of cell phones keeping in view of student life. Question 3 Ragging has raised its ugly head again. A recent incident at a prestigious school has shown that this evil has not come yet to an end. Write an article on 150-200 words on 'Ragging-an evil'. You are Navtej/Navita. *A practice from the British era *Original aim, respect for hierarchy *Enforcing traditions, discipline *Prefect- a teacher substitute *Misuse of authority *Verbal aspect *Fatalities *Solution Question 4 Write an article on the need and importance of sports in 100-150 words. Question 5 Write an article to be published in a local newspaper in about 100 words on the topic 'Pollution'. Question 6 Write an article for your School magazine on a competition that was recently held in your school. Write the article in about 300 words using the points given below :- Name of the competition - nature of event - organisers - number of participants - chief guest - judges - quality of the competition - criteria for judgement - winners - overall experience. Question 7 Write an article in 150-120 words for your school magazine on the topic “Obesity among School Children.” You are Mohini/Mohit. Question 8 Write an article to be published in a local newspaper in about 100 words on the topic ‘Pollution’. Question 9 Write an article on the need and importance of sports in 100 — 150 words. 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Yesterday on July 23 at about 22:30 terrorists of so-called Lugansk People’s Republic shelled fired at a bus of 24th “Aidar” battalion. They fired 2 times using RPG-26 grenade launcher. This happened near Kryakivka village located on Ukraine controlled part of Lugansk Region. The commander of the brigade of Ukrainian Army sent a group of scouts to the location where the incident happened. When Ukrainian scouts were getting close to the place they noticed illegal armed group of 6-8 men. Ukrainian solders opened fire and chased Russian saboteurs. Russian soldiers run away and left ammo on a battlefield. There were no casualties among soldiers of “Aidar” battalion or Ukrainian Army scouts. Terrorists unit left food packages manufactured in Russian Federation by “RUSKON” company www.ruskon.ru exclusively for the Ministry of Defense of Russian Federation, that information can be seen in product description on their website. It says that it is part of all type of MRE used by Russia. In the photo below is a grenade manufactured in 2011 in Russian Federation and this modification is used by Russian Army, but never been exported to Ukraine. Among other weapon left by Russian unit were landmines MON-50 manufactured in 1987. Reported by Ruslan Tkachuk, ATO adviser in Lugansk Region at ato.lisichansk.in.ua Previously 2 Russian GRU soldiers were captured near Shchastya city in Lugansk Region on May 16, 2015. Read report here: “I am a soldier of Russian Federation”. Full translation of the video of Russian POW published by Ukrainian soldier. On July 25, 2015, another Russian soldier was captured in Donetsk Region, read report here: Russian army officer captured on Ukrainian checkpoint near Donetsk with a truck full of ammo.
The 1 percent played Tea Party for suckers When the super-rich feel threatened, they foment grass-roots uprising on their behalf. Here's why it always works On Election Day, November 2, 2010, more than eight million Americans voted for congressional candidates who claimed to represent the Tea Party and its grassroots insurgency against the federal government. Most of the Tea Party candidates won. Their victory marked a sea change in American government. Even before the winners were sworn in, reporters began to refer to the 112th Congress as “the Tea Party Congress.” On the day of the swearing-in, the prominent Tea Party backer David Koch likened the electoral success of the Tea Party to the American Revolution. “It’s probably the best grassroots uprising since 1776 in my opinion,” he said. The proposals of the new Congress had little in common with the revolutionary slogans of 1776, but many of them would be familiar to activists who had participated in the grassroots uprisings on behalf of the rich in the twentieth century. Advertisement: On January 5, for example, House Republicans introduced a “balanced budget amendment” that was really a tax limitation amendment—modeled on the precedents that the National Taxpayers Union and the National Tax Limitation Committee had furnished in the 1970s. A flurry of other balanced budget amendment bills followed. On January 23, Senate Republicans, led by Orrin Hatch, introduced a tax limitation/balanced budget amendment bill of their own that was even more restrictive. The next day, Representatives Steve King (R-IA) and Rob Woodall (R-GA) introduced a one-sentence proposal to repeal the Sixteenth Amendment. On March 15, 2011, Representative Ron Paul (R-TX) introduced the Liberty Amendment, precisely as Willis Stone drafted it in 1956. And throughout the session, Republicans introduced bill after bill to cut top income tax rates and make estate tax repeal permanent. Many of these tax proposals were regressive enough that they might have made even an Andrew Mellon blush. But they would have warmed the heart of J. A. Arnold if he could have lived to see them. They could almost have been copied from the 1927 program of the American Taxpayers’ League. Thanks in part to proposals like these, the Tea Party Congress is likely to be remembered as one of the most conservative Congresses in American history. Scholars have described this rightward turn in Congress as “historic,” as “a new phase in the extreme ideological polarization of U.S. politics,” and as a “historically unprecedented development.” And they have pointed to unprecedented conditions to explain it. The historic segmentation of media markets is said to have allowed voters to surround themselves in closed and ideologically extreme social worlds. The influx of money into politics following the Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, 558 U.S. 50 (2010), is said to have given an edge to ultraconservative candidates whose policy proposals flatter the pocketbook interests of the very richest Americans. Some new conditions like these are surely part of the explanation for how such radically inegalitarian tax policy proposals came to dominate the policy agenda of Congress. But these new conditions cannot be the whole story, because so many of the proposals themselves are old: not founding-fathers old, but early-twentieth-century old. They are the harvest of a century of rich people’s movements. Why Rich People’s Movements Now? Advertisement: What can we say about the sources of this new radicalism, and how long it is likely to be with us? The answers depend on a proper understanding of the history of rich people’s movements. Even commentators who recognize that the Tea Party has historical roots might be forgiven for thinking those roots do not go very deep. Social scientists have noticed other movements that share many of the hallmarks of rich people’s movements—including the use of protest tactics by relatively affluent people; the fact that the activists were already fully enfranchised participants in the political system; and the fact that these activists seem to demand the preservation of comfortable consumer lifestyles, rather than the realization of some utopian vision of the future—and have argued that these are distinguishing characteristics of late-twentieth-century social movements. An influential body of scholarship on “new social movements” argues that protest movements took on these characteristics in postindustrial economies of the late twentieth century because economic development had made earlier agrarian and industrial class conflicts passé. The rising incomes of even ordinary wage earners made the late-twentieth-century United States into a consumer society. It is small wonder, to this way of thinking, that some protest movements today consist of affluent consumers protesting their taxes, rather than wage earners protesting their poverty. Another body of scholarship argues that the professionalization of social movement organizations in the late twentieth century made possible a mainstreaming of social protest, by taming the more disruptive protesters and by standardizing tactics so that they became easier for ordinary citizens to learn and apply in new contexts. Some scholars have also credited, or blamed, the mass media for the spread of social movements to the middle classes. Television, for example, brought images of the 1960s protest movements to middle-class households around the country, and thereby taught a new style of politics to previously staid suburbanites. All of these scholars describe how the economic and technological transformations of the twentieth century made the social movement repertoire available to ever-more affluent people. It is tempting to see the rich people’s movements of our time as the endpoint of these transformations—the newest new social movement, the capstone on the social movement society, or the last ripple in the widening circle of people who have appropriated and repurposed the political techniques of the poor. Whatever the uses of theories like these for explaining the emergence of new social movements in the late twentieth century, they would miss the mark in accounting for rich people’s movements, because rich people’s movements are not that new. When the Texas tax clubs under the leadership of J. A. Arnold mobilized for tax cuts in the top brackets, they were not expressing the demands of suburban consumers in a postindustrial economy; they were advocating for the interests of rural bankers in a predominantly agrarian economy. When Edward Rumely and Vivien Kellems first began to commit civil disobedience in protest against the federal income tax, television had not yet brought images of the Civil Rights movement into the homes of millions of Americans. For much of the twentieth century, these movements relied on tactics that were decidedly old-fashioned even for their times. In the 1940s, Rumely used direct mail techniques to bypass existing civic associations and recruit directly, because that was the model that he had learned in the Progressive Party. In the 1950s, Kellems organized through women’s clubs, argued on the basis of constitutional rights, and attempted to inspire imitators through civil disobedience, because those were the techniques she had learned from the fight for woman suffrage. In the 1960s, Willis Stone recruited supporters for the Liberty Amendment through fraternal organizations and veterans’ organizations, because those were the organizations in which he had acquired his own civic education after the First World War. The tactics of all of these activists hearkened to the early decades of the twentieth century because these social movement entrepreneurs acquired their skills and organizing experience in social movement organizations of that era. Many activists in rich people’s movements know that their movements have deeper roots in the early twentieth century. In particular, they have often portrayed their movements as reactions to the so-called revolution of 1913. The ratification of the Sixteenth Amendment, according to these activists, was a turning point in the history of the United States. It marked the end of limited government and the beginning of a new era of expanding federal power. If any great social change of the twentieth century paved the way for rich people’s movements, according to this story, it was not economic growth or the development of the postindustrial economy or the development of new communications technologies, but the growth of the federal budget; and that development, the story goes, was set in motion by the Sixteenth Amendment. Advertisement: This activist story also gets the causal dynamics wrong. It is true that rich people’s movements would not have emerged in the absence of federal taxes on income and wealth. But such movements are not inevitable just because the Constitution authorizes progressive taxes. They did not emerge in direct response to the ratification of the Sixteenth Amendment. To contemporaries, there was no “revolution of 1913.” It was not until after World War I that the dramatic consequences of the new federal income tax became clear. Nor did these movements grow in lock-step with the long-term expansion of the federal budget. By comparing the campaigns described in this book, we can see instead that rich people’s movements arose episodically in response to immediate policy threats. The particular policies that provoked protest were heterogeneous. The top statutory tax rates on income and wealth nevertheless give us a crude but serviceable index of policy threats to the rich. By fixing our attention on the timing of new campaigns, the figure illustrates the simple point that activists started these campaigns in the wake of policy threats. It was not heavy taxes that caused protest. It was rapid tax increases on the rich that did. Two late-twentieth-century campaigns look like exceptions to the rule, but these exceptions are more apparent than real. The campaign to revive a tax limitation amendment in 1978, for example, began at a time when top rates of federal income and estate tax were stable. However, activists launched this campaign at that time in order to capitalize on an influential movement for state and local property tax limitation; and that movement was triggered by policy changes that produced a rapid increase in local property taxes. The revival of a campaign for estate tax repeal in 1993, at a time when estate tax rates had not changed for almost a decade, also looks like an exception to the rule. However, the activists who inaugurated that campaign were responding to a proposed increase in the estate tax, and their movement gained adherents when a previously scheduled expiration of the top tax rate was revoked. Even these campaigns were triggered by policy threats. Advertisement: History teaches us that policy threats are necessary conditions for the emergence of rich people’s movements. Such threats help to explain not just when people felt aggrieved enough to protest taxes on the rich, but also who felt aggrieved enough to support tax cuts for the rich. In every case, the pool of potential recruits extended well below the top tax brackets. The non-rich sympathizers, however, always had particular reasons to see top tax rates as threatening—from the farm mortgage bankers of 1924 who feared that high tax rates advantaged their competitors, to the married women of 1952 who saw that they were subject to higher marginal tax rates than their husbands, to the upper-middle-income taxpayers of 1978 who saw that inflation could push them into higher income tax brackets. Many people like these campaigned for tax cuts in the top brackets because they believed they were also protecting their own economic security. These movements took advantage of the structure of political opportunities established by the American constitutional order, which may help to explain why they seem so distinctively American. In Western Europe, affluent people who feared taxes on the rich in the twentieth century sometimes started new political parties. But they rarely used the sort of populist tactics employed in the United States, and they never made the sort of constitutional arguments that characterized the American movement. Perhaps it is unsurprising that the American rich and their allies turned to social movement organizing and interest group lobbying instead of third-party politics; the combination of direct presidential elections, single-member districts, and the winner-takes-all electoral system make it difficult for small political parties to achieve anything in the United States. But there is more to the explanation than that. These political institutions merely create obstacles to founding new political parties. They do not dictate which alternative to party politics will be pursued by threatened people. Why did policy threats to the rich provoke grassroots movements instead of conventional interest-group lobbying? Given the ease with which many rich people have secured selective tax privileges by back-room lobbying, the choice to pursue universalistic benefits for all rich people by means of public grassroots lobbying campaigns is puzzling. The solution to this puzzle is tradition. The rich and their allies joined grassroots social movement campaigns because that is what they were recruited and taught to do by experienced movement entrepreneurs. Those entrepreneurs were passing on tactical skills and lore that they had learned in other movements. To call this set of political practices a tradition is to say that it is more than merely a recurrent phenomenon. It is to say that similar patterns recur because people learn from and imitate the past. Advertisement: It may be that all social movements rest on a bedrock of tradition. For rich people’s movements, however, the existence of a social movement tradition was almost certainly indispensable. Short-term causes such as policy threats were necessary, but not sufficient, conditions to explain mobilization. Social movement tactics have a history; they must be passed down in order to become available to particular people at a particular time. It is doubtful whether rich people’s movements would exist at all today if activists did not have a long movement tradition to draw on. Under What Conditions Do They Win? The history of rich people’s movements may also tell us about their prospects for victory in the future. Even the wildest optimists in the Tea Party Caucus probably did not expect their proposals to become law, at least as long as the Democratic Party retained the presidency and the majority in the Senate. But the comparison of past rich people’s movements shows that such radical proposals may influence policies even when they are not enacted. Rich people’s movements in the twentieth century made extreme demands that made moderate groups appear comparatively reasonable. Sometimes they also used tactics that threatened public order—for example, by calling on businesses to disobey the Internal Revenue Service, or plausibly threatening to call a constitutional convention that could throw American politics into turmoil—and thereby permitted moderate conservatives to sell their own preferred policies as ways to co-opt an unruly movement and restore order. The Tea Party may have similar effects. Its activists have not won the war against the income tax, nor are they likely to repeal the Sixteenth Amendment. By keeping radical tax proposals on the policy agenda, however, they have positioned a radical flank for battles to come. The history of rich people’s movements shows that the mobilization of a radical flank can indeed influence the shape of federal tax policy. Influential Republican politicians sometimes felt compelled to propose tax cuts in order to obviate the need for more radical proposals to repeal the Sixteenth Amendment. The Republican chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, Daniel Alden Reed of New York, made this argument explicitly to his collegues in 1944. “[T]he movement to limit federal tax rates by constitutional amendment should be noted,” he wrote; “One way to meet this issue is by voluntary Congressional action to establish moderate tax rate levels.” So did the presidential candidate Dwight David Eisenhower in 1952, when he wrote that “a prudent and positive administration should be able to approach the goal which the amendment seeks without the difficulty and dangers involved in the adoption or continuing operation of such an amendment to our Constitution.” There is no evidence that rich people’s movements had any direct influence on legislation under these leaders. But in a handful of other instances, including the Revenue Act of 1926, the ERTA of 1981, and the EGTRRA of 2001, there is evidence—in the timing of the laws, in the geographic distribution of legislators’ support, and in the statements of some members of Congress—that at least some provisions of the law were intended as responses to movement demands. These acts legislated some of the largest tax cuts in American history. So it is that rich people’s movements, through their influence on the ERTA and the EGTRRA, made a small but real contribution to the growing income inequality—the rise of the so-called 1 percent—that is one of the most important social changes of our time. Advertisement: Sometimes rich people’s movements had an impact, but at other times, the radical rich found themselves isolated and powerless. Their failure to influence policy is most evident in the case of the Sixteenth Amendment repealers. The activists of the American Taxpayers’ Association and the Committee for Constitutional Government tried for two decades to bend federal tax policy toward greater inequality, with no measurable success. Their peak years of mobilization corresponded to the years when federal income tax rates were highest, and yet there is little evidence that they were able to pull top tax rates down. It is possible that these movements may have exercised a kind of diffuse cultural influence, and thereby helped to restrain policymakers by swaying public opinion against progressive taxation; perhaps federal revenues would have grown even more rapidly in the absence of their grassroots pressure. History does not give us a comparison case that would provide the critical test of this hypothesis. But it is clear that, in many instances, their efforts had no immediate impact. Consider the Liberty Amendment campaign. The peak years of the Liberty Amendment Committee coincided with one of the biggest income tax cuts in American history, but the activists could claim no credit for the Kennedy-Johnson tax cuts. Their radical posture condemned them to stand on the sidelines while liberal technocrats cut rich people’s taxes. Why were these movements sometimes so influential and other times so impotent? The comparison of campaigns shows that geographically dispersed grassroots mobilization made a difference. Activists sometimes had particular influence when they were able to mobilize in congressional swing districts, as when the tax clubs swayed the votes of Representatives Green and Garner in 1926. As the comparisons across states have shown, policy crafting was also crucial for allowing these activists to get tax cuts for the rich on the policy agenda. Some tax cuts for the rich could not get a serious hearing because they were too politically costly. Activists had the greatest impact when they were willing to craft their policy demands to obscure these costs, and package their favored tax cuts with additional policy benefits for new allies. But to move beyond agenda access to influence legislation required more than clever policy crafting. It also required a critical mass of ideological allies in Congress and the presidency. There were only three presidents in the last century who allied themselves openly with rich people’s movements—Calvin Coolidge, Ronald Reagan, and George W. Bush—and it was during their administrations that these movements exercised the greatest sway over legislative outcomes. The late-twentieth-century movement for estate tax repeal provides a critical test of presidential influence. Activists managed to get the Death Tax Elimination Act through both houses of Congress, only to have it vetoed by President Bill Clinton in 2000. Estate tax repeal would become law the following year, when President Bush signed the EGTRRA. The support of the president made the difference. The program of the party that controlled Congress mattered too. Both the Revenue Act of 1926 and the EGTRRA of 2001 passed Congress when it was united under conservative Republican control. The ERTA of 1981 does not quite fit this pattern. It was passed by a divided Congress, with the help of some Democratic votes in the House. Even in this case, however, it was near-unanimous Republican support that made it possible; and congressional Democrats were under extraordinary pressure from a popular Republican president and an assertive grassroots campaign that nearly called a constitutional convention. Advertisement: Rich people’s movements, in short, may influence policy when their partisan allies have control of elected policymaking bodies. For this reason, the most important legacy of rich people’s movements for American politics may be the capture of the Republican Party by veteran activists of these movements in the twenty-first century. This also may be the most important lesson of rich people’s movements for students of other American social movements. Sociologists know that activists are most likely to win collective benefits from policymakers when those policymakers are their partisan allies. But our most successful theoretical models of social movements persist in treating the party in power as an external condition, like the weather. The lesson that social movement scholars have drawn from their studies is that a movement may be most influential when its grassroots campaign is timed to match a window of political opportunity opened by its partisan allies in office. The most astute activists in twentieth-century rich people’s movements saw the same historical pattern, but they drew a different conclusion. The lesson they drew was not that they should time their actions carefully, or wait for partisan allies to show up and open a window of political opportunity. It was that they should take over a political party. The Century of Rich People’s Movements The first century of rich people’s movements is over. Rich people’s movements emerged in response to big wartime increases in the progressive rates of income tax and estate tax; comparable tax increases are almost unimaginable today. The most influential social movement entrepreneurs who led these movements acquired their skills in social movement organizations of the Progressive Era, and those movements and organizations are mostly long gone too. Rich people’s movements have been thoroughly institutionalized and thereby tamed. Many former activists are now well entrenched in the Republican Party and its allied think tanks, and their tactics are now correspondingly oriented toward inside lobbying. Some movement goals remain unrealized only because they are nigh unachievable. The barriers to amending the Constitution are so high, for example, that the Sixteenth Amendment will almost certainly remain unrepealed. For all of these reasons, it is tempting to think that the story told here is at an end. I think it is much more likely that the story of rich people’s movements is just beginning. The Tea Party may prove to have been a flash in the pan. The long-term trends, however, suggest that something like it will be back. The population of the United States is growing older. The cost of caring for our elders and our sick loved ones continues to rise. For these reasons, the pressure on the federal budget is unlikely to abate. Pressure on the budget means that pressure for tax increases is unlikely to go away; and the threat of tax increases, in turn, is likely to stimulate more protest. Even when a tax increase can be targeted to a narrow segment of the richest Americans, it is likely to provoke a broader backlash, if people lower in the income distribution believe that this policy change signals further tax increases to come. People need not be dupes in order to protest on behalf of others who are richer than they are. The activists and supporters of rich people’s movements were defending their own real interests, as they saw them. A tax increase on the richest 1 percent may be perceived by many upper-middle-income property owners as the first step in a broader assault on property rights. When it is so perceived, we can expect a movement in defense of the rich. Advertisement: Knowledge of the history of rich people’s movements will not allow us to predict the date when these movements will arise, or who exactly will join them. Such movements do not arrive like clockwork, any more than tax increases do. What we can predict is that some people will be ready to protest when policy threats come. We can also predict that some skilled movement entrepreneurs will be ready to help them organize. The proliferation of professional tax protest organizations since the 1970s has given rise to a generation of skilled movement entrepreneurs whose experience in rich people’s movements equips them for future campaigns. When policy threats make people ready to protest, there will be no shortage of movement entrepreneurs who have the skills and the mailing lists to recruit them. No doubt the rich people’s movements of the future will also surprise us. They will exploit new technologies and organizing techniques. They will draw on some very old arguments and policy ideas, but they will recombine them and thereby invent some new ones. They will craft their policy proposals to recruit strange-bedfellows coalitions, just as their predecessors did. We can be confident that they will also continue to have all of the characteristics that so baffled observers of rich people’s movements in the twentieth century. They will use the traditional tactics of the poor on behalf of tax cuts for the rich. They will behave like outsiders, but demand policies designed to benefit people who are consummate insiders in American politics. They will include many protesters who look unusually well heeled, and who will demand collective benefits for people even better off than themselves. Rich people’s movements have a permanent place in the American political bestiary. As long as one of our great political parties is programmatically allied with the radical rich, it is safe to predict that rich people’s movements will continue to influence public policy in ways that preserve—and perhaps even increase—the extremes of inequality in America. Reprinted from "Rich People’s Movements" by Isaac William Martin with permission from Oxford University Press USA. Copyright 2013 Oxford University Press USA and published by Oxford University Press USA. (www.oup.com/us). All rights reserved.
As we reported first, last week saw the second confirmation of the Hindenburg Omen, most recently sighted for the first time on August 12. Presumably this is an indication of putting one's money where one's mouth is (and away from the market). From the WSJ: The latest trigger has prompted the Omen’s creator, Jim Miekka, to exit the market. “I’m taking it seriously and I’m fully out of the market now,” Miekka, a blind mathematician, said in a telephone interview from his home in Surry, Maine. “I would’ve probably stayed in until the beginning of September,” depending on how the indicators varied. “That was my basic plan, until the Hindenburg came along.” The Omen has been behind every market crash since 1987, but significant stock-market declines have followed only 25% of the time. So there’s a high likelihood that the Omen could be nothing more than a false signal. But that isn’t stopping Miekka from taking any chances, especially as September, typically the market’s worst-performing month, sits only one week away. “It’s sort of like a funnel cloud,” he said. “It doesn’t mean it’s going to crash, but it’s a high probability. You don’t get a tornado without a funnel cloud.” He added he’s not currently shorting anything, although he may look to short Nasdaq stock index futures in the next few weeks, “depending on how the technicals go.” Despite the ominous forecast, there are some glimmers of hope. Miekka doesn’t expect to sit on the sidelines for very long. In fact, Miekka, who is an avid target shooter despite being blind, is looking at put volumes and various moving averages that will offer clues of when he will start buying again.
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UPDATE: The managing director of Element 14 has responded officially in the comments below and has CONFIRMED that it IS a US denied persons list! If your name happens to be fairly common like mine, then you may end up having your orders flagged and put on hold by Element 14, at least here in Australia. Because, well, their system sucks arse, and it seems like they are licking the arse of the United States government to boot. Am I pissed? You betcha! I placed an order for some innocuous parts from Element 14 in Australia the other day and their system automatically “flagged” my order and put it on hold based on my name being on some US Government watch list! Yep, you read that right. My delivery address in Element 14’s system has “David Jones” on it, and apparently the US government are watching someone called David Jones, so you know, a parts distributor in Australia has to flag that and put my order on hold. Makes sense huh? Here is the story: Through the website I ordered some local in-stock parts from the Element 14 warehouse in Sydney, for pickup at the trade counter. Usually they are very efficient and have the parts ready for collection before I have time to drive there. But this day I gave them a few hours extra. When I got there my parts weren’t ready and it took them a bit of time to figure out that my order had been placed “on hold”. I was not informed of this hold by email (FAIL #1). Now, I seemed to recall that this wasn’t the first time this has happened, so instead of just saying “no worries” and waiting I enquired as to why exactly it was put on hold, but it didn’t seem all that unusual a scenario. The counter person wasn’t sure, so checked with someone else who came and wasn’t 100% sure, but knew that the system does automatically flag orders based on various identifiers. It could have possibly been one of those stupid US government trade restriction things, because, you know capacitors and opamps can be used by evil terrorists and the like… (International customers have to fill out silly forms with US distributors and manufacturers saying we won’t use the parts in nuclear weapons – seriously) But they enquired further with someone else and the word came back that it wasn’t the parts that had been flagged, it was my NAME that was flagged. And they said it was a US government watch list of some description. I was stunned, and it seemed like they didn’t quite understand why I was so shocked at this. Because, you know, the whole world has to just sit by and let the US government dictate everything at will. More specifically, and the staff being ever so helpful (seriously, they were great and handled it well), they even knew the exact mechanism in their system, and a “way around it” happening again. Here is the screen shot of their order system page in question: They said it was the first field on the delivery address (right side) that gets searched against this unknown US database, and if the name matches anyone on the list, bingo, the system automatically flags and puts the order on hold. No matching of address to ensure that only the naughty people get flagged, nooooo, anyone with the same generic name. The “fix” is to move your name to the 2nd line so it doesn’t get flagged, or to simply remove the name from the delivery address, as the system prints your name from the other database field onto the shipping label anyway I was told. They even offered to do this for me, which I declined. As it turns out, when I got home and logged in to see and change it myself, it seems that they were wrong. My name wasn’t in the delivery address as shown, it’s auto-added by their system anyway. So it seems, unless Element 14 fix this BS, I’m screwed forever. Thanks. Unless of course I change my name to Doc Brown, Marty McFly, or Ivan Itchydick (suggestions invited), or I convince Uncle Sam that that 70’s singer who’s real name is David Jones isn’t someone who they should particularly care about. Except for Space Oddity, which is an awesome song. Anyway, after all that kerfuffle they instantly cleared my order and I had my parts in 5 minutes, great service. I was also informed that my order would have eventually gotten taken off hold anyway. Indeed, I now recall that several of my previous delivered orders have not turned up the next day as promised, but have been a day or two late, which is very unlike traditional Farnell/Element 14 I’ve come to have relied upon over the decades. I even now recall I tweeted them about my dissatisfaction with these abnormal delays, and a rep even called me to appogise. And you guessed it, I recall them using the “hold” word as an excuse in there somewhere. So this has all been going on for quite some time now it seems. So that begs two questions: 1) What happens when it gets put on hold? Does some spook at some three letter US agency have to spend parts of those billions of wasted Yankee tax dollars to push a button and clear it? I doubt it, so I suspect it’s: 2) Someone at Element 14 eventually gets around to pushing the clear button at the end of the day, thus making the system completely pointless for it’s intended purpose (as ludicrous as that purpose may be), and just yet another stupid procedure forced upon the world and corporations by the US government. And when the company themselves know of and recommend a way around the system, that just takes it all into the stratosphere of pointlessness. So lets see if I have this straight – An Australian subsidiary, owned by a UK parent company, listed on the UK stock exchange, has an ordering system that automatically matches generic names against some US Government watch list, and flags those orders and puts them on hold, for parts that are already stocked in Australia, are likely not made in the US, and likely have come from the main UK warehouse. Call me stupid, but something doesn’t seem right with that… Seriously, WTF Element 14? Please explain. And fix your stupid retarded ordering system, and remove this flagging BS. You can also discuss this on the Forum HERE
The World of Aden is struggling for survival against a foe that seems invincible. Not so long ago, the world was in the throes of an industrial revolution, with the discovering of gunpowder and steam power giving rise to the incredible power of mechamagic, the union of magic and technology. Each passing year brought incredible new advancements, and war had been absent for so long that it was virtually forgotten. But ten years ago, the sun went black during an unexplained eclipse, and in that moment of darkness, every horror imaginable crawled from the shadows to prey upon the people of the Known Lands. This event became known as the Darkfall, and it changed the face of the world forever. Ten years later, the world of Aden still fights for survival. The creatures created by the Darkfall, known as Nocturnals, have destroyed countless hundreds of settlements, tens of thousands of lives, and brought entire nations to ruin. Every day brings a sigh of relief that the world has survived, and every nightfall brings another threat that it may end. And yet, there is hope. Those who fight against the Darkfall are not necessarily heroes, for there are many who seek to preserve Aden for their own purposes. Regardless, however, the common folk look upon them as leaders and inspiration, because the struggle for their survival is a desperate one. Foremost among the warriors who take the field against the evil plaguing the land are those who possess the power of mechamagic, either in the form of a mechamage, who commands a powerful golem to do his bidding, or a golemoid warrior, whose body has been modified to possess steam-powered weapons built right into their flesh. Others, including the technology-creating steamwright and the survivors of the divinatory Seer order, are only a few of those who hope to save Aden from an evil that no one yet understands. In Thunderscape, your character can fight against the hordes of nocturnals spawned by the Darkfall in a desperate attempt to win back the vast stretches of wasteland lost over the course of years. Or you can defend the few remaining settlements from your enemies, both nocturnals and mortal. You can take up the banner of Urbana and forge new trade routes across the Known Lands, or you can fight against the oppressive regime of Lord Urbane in hopes of liberating the people from his brand of 'necessary tyranny.' You can plumb the depths of the Burning Coast in hopes of retrieving lost treasures, or search for the mysteries of the lost creators of Le'Ciel. Hunt giants in the deep jungles of the Misland Republics, or fight off necromantic incursions from the Gray Isles as part of Arasteen's Radiant Order. The possibilities are limitless! “In my mind, Thunderscape: the World of Aden is one of the best campaign setting books released, and if I had anything bad to say about it, it would be that 224 pages left me wanting more…” – Jere M., DriveThruRPG “This book is great! I wasn't familiar with the history of the world of Aden until I picked this up, but I'm quite glad that Kyoudai Games got their hands on the rights. The book has some pretty amazing magi-tech related material: from people with cybernetic implants to airships and tanks, this book probably has what you are looking for.” – James Langley, Paizo.com “I'm a big fan of mixing magic and technology. I love properties like He-Man, Thundercats and Flash Gordon so for a while I was on a huge lookout for products that would satisfy my need to run a few Magitech or Dungeon Punk campaigns. Thunderscape is the book that satisfied me in ways that other similar products didn't.” – Malwing, Paizo.com Savage Thunderscape is a complete campaign setting and mechanics sourcebook for the Savage Worlds role-playing game. It details the World of Aden, including eleven different races (including the standard human, elf, and dwarf that so many fantasy aficionados love), twelve unique nations, and countless different groups and organizations that are perfect for a party of enterprising adventurers to be a part of. Editing is still in progress, so we can’t give you an exact page count just yet, but the final product of Savage Thunderscape will be a full-color, 8.5’ by 11’ work with a high quality and density of artwork designed specifically for our setting. When Kyoudai Games first brought Thunderscape back to tabletop gaming, we utilized the Pathfinder system. Since that time, though, the most frequent question we’ve been asked is whether or not we were going to create a Savage Worlds version. Our initial Kickstarter reached a stretch goal that would allow for a free conversion guide to Savage Worlds, but the writer we contracted to write 5,000 words ended up producing 50,000! Finally we admitted that it seems the universe wants this book to happen. And why shouldn’t it? Both are creations of Shane Hensley, after all. The World of Aden was created and developed by Shane Hensley in the mid 1990s as the setting for two computer games, three novels, and two role-playing supplements. Many years later, Shane would go on to develop Savage Worlds with much the same emphasis on vibrant, exciting experiences for everyone involved. Uniting Thunderscape and Savage Worlds is a perfect opportunity to pay homage to the man’s vision while simultaneously spreading our deep and abiding love of the setting to more people. The members of Kyoudai Games have been playing RPGs set in Aden for literally two decades, using all manner of different systems. We’ve had the time of our lives, and we want to share that with you. This is an extremely important section so please read this carefully! Barring the achievement of some really high-end stretch goals, we are not producing a line of printed books as part of this Kickstarter. Rather, if you back at a level that would give you access to a physical copy of the book, you gain the ability to purchase an at-cost print-on-demand copy. That’s why the increase from PDF to physical copy is only $5, because you will still have to pay the printing cost and the shipping cost for that book. Make no mistake, paying for printing is a lot less than a normal book’s cost, but we do want you to be aware of what you’re getting for your money. For example, one of our 48 page adventure modules has an actual print cost of about $8, which is significantly less than the cover price. With regard to shipping, you may want to investigate how close the nearest Lightning Media printing facility is (that is the company we use through DriveThruRPG). The closer you are to one of their outlets, the less shipping will cost you. We know that they have European facilities, so that should save a tremendous amount on shipping if you are a European backer. It may seem a little bit unusual, but we believe that this process will actually save you money if you are interested in a physical copy. Many of you are likely familiar with the quality of work that DriveThru print-on-demand services provide, and the sheer volume of shipping that they do, even internationally, will allow them to offer you a less expensive rate. Of course, if you’re just interested in a PDF, please disregard this entire disclaimer. Digital Add-on Menu: These may be selected by any backer! Thunderscape: the World of Aden, Pathfinder Edition PDF: $10 (normally $20!) Thunderscape Pathfinder Edition Ultimate Bundle: $50 (normally $117!) This includes all fourteens products from our Pathfinder line, including the core rulebook up through our April release, Heroes of Aden, all at a better than 50% discount! Deck of Thunderscape Playing Cards, at-cost print-on-demand: $5! (With this, you may purchase a deck for the cost of printing, which is between $4 and $5, and the cost of shipping it to your house.) Unique Thunderscape Fiction: $25! You can create your own Thunderscape character in either system and the Kyoudai Games Creative Team will write a fiction about your character, based on your requests! If we get enough of these we will compile them into an epub file, which will be free to all participants, and offer it for sale on Amazon! Physical Add-on Menu: These items are restricted to our Misari Giantslayer backers and above in order to consolidate physical items with the shipments we're already sending you! Thunderscape T-Shirt: $10! Deck of Thunderscape Playing Cards: $10! Thunderscape Bumper Sticker: $5! Thunderscape Bumper Pin: $1! The Thunderscape Playing Card Deck is something new that we're working on right now. The design is not yet final, but here's a glimpse of what Mike "Mad Max" Brodu has been working on so far. Witness the Queen of Hearts! As this is our second Kickstarter, we learned a great deal about the proper preparation of stretch goals. To be honest, we were surprised by the level of success we experienced in our first one, and as a result we had to scramble to put some stretch goals together at the last minute. That led to some choices that we perhaps might not have made if we had considered it longer! As a result, we have more stretch goals planned out than you can possibly achieve, just in case. For now, however, here are the first few. Thank you so much for your help! Let’s get Savage! Reaching this level of funding means that we will immediately commission conversions of our two Thunderscape Vistas settings, the Mechamagical Academy and the Besieged Village, upon conclusion of the Kickstarter. No waiting for them to be paid for by sales! You get them as soon as we can get them converted and laid out, thanks to your generosity! As above, this goal means that we will immediately convert and lay out the Savage Worlds conversion of our two Thunderscape Nights mini-modules, Trouble at the Dunswood Inn and Mission of Mercy! No waiting around, they get converted immediately, and like many other items on this list, are free to backers at level $20 and above! The first great adventure in the Lost Lexicon series, Heart of the Machine, will be converted immediately upon conclusion of the Kickstarter! Two of the most popular types of characters in Thunderscape are the Golemoids, men and women who have given up parts of their body to be replaced with mechamagical steam-powered weaponry, and the Thunder Scouts, who roam the wastelands in steam-powered vehicles, bringing order to the chaos brought by the Darkfall! Ready to get Savage with these guys? More options, more steam, more everything! No waiting for it to be paid for by sales, it's paid for now! Immediate commissioning of the first in our series of Thunderscape World books, the Radiant Order! Curious about the egalitarian paladins who rule the nation of Arasteen? Here's everything you need to know! Immediate commissioning of the first installment of our Aden Wildlife Journals! Read the bickering expertise of Dr. Danderfall Malcolm of Mekanus and his BFF Professor Atticus Caesar of Refuge! Learn all the secrets of the goreaux race! Learn about the enigmatic salamanders that hide away beneath the smoking volcanoes of the Charred Peaks! And learn all the horrible truths six of Aden's most dangerous and deadly creatures! Immediate commissioning of the second Lost Lexicon adventure, Radiant Demise! What horrible secrets are hidden in the history of Arasteen? Where will the path of the lost lexicon lead next? What is causing the breakdown of diplomacy between mankind and the secretive slurgithians? Find out here! Hey, who’s making this thing anyway? Well, as you know, the setting and system were both originally created by Shane Hensley, which might explain why they seem to mesh together so well. However, since Kyoudai Games got the rights to Aden from Shane Hensley, all creative direction has been handled by Shawn Carman and Rich Wulf, both of whom you may know from their days working on the Legend of the Five Rings CCG and RPG (and Rich also wrote an amazing trilogy of Eberron novels for Wizards of the Coast!). Shawn and Rich are operating largely in an oversight capacity on Savage Thunderscape, however, helping provide direction and guidance to ensure all mechanics mesh with the themes of Thunderscape as it currently exists, a delicious blend of old-school Hensley innovation and modern role-playing advancements. For our Savage Worlds mechanics, we turned to a couple of long-standing members of the Savage Worlds community, Mark Swafford and John Beattie. These two gentlemen have done an amazing job of taking the spirit of the World of Aden and translating it into the fast, furious fun of Savage Worlds. You’ll be seeing a lot more of these guys in the months and years to come, I’ll wager. And of course we would be remiss if we did not mention the wonderful Jodi Black of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Jodi has been a mentor to us as we work to ensure that our game is 100% worthy of the mantle of Savage Worlds, and with every suggestion she offered us she included ample amounts of encouragement as well, for which we will forever be in her debt. Thanks, Jodi! I would go on for pages about the amazing graphic design skills of our layout guy, Mike Brodu, but I don’t have to. You’ll see the pages and you’ll know this man is a champion among designers. It’s going to be amazing.
Reviews – Sandhurst Cooperative Preschool Skip to content 4710 NE 70th St Seattle, WA 98115 (206) 525-2649 info@sandhurstcoop.org Sandhurst Cooperative Preschool Welcome Virtual Tour Our Preschool Our Preschool Meet Our Teachers Toddlers Pre-3’s 3 to 5’s Parent Education Our Covid-19 Plan Registration Registration Info Tuition Rates Scholarships Current Families Calendar + Events Forms Fundraising Wish List Shop Blog Contact Us Category: Reviews Lauren W. 0 Sandhurst has been an amazing place where I have really built my village! I started with the Pre 3s class and continued the following year with my younger kid in the Toddlers and now Pre 3s class again. I have […] Reviews Sarah B. 0 My son and I have had a wonderful experience at Sandhurst Co-op in the toddler and pre-3s classes! Teacher Amy is super skilled at helping with gentle separation and my son adores her. We love the school community, the song […] Reviews Amy H. 0 My daughter and I started attending in Toddlers and are now in Pre-3s and she is LOVING IT! Toddlers was the perfect transition for her to become accustomed to spending time away from mama, and now she hardly acknowledges me […] Reviews Andrea T. 0 I have done the Toddlers and Pre-3s classes with my child and I cannot say enough great things about Sandhurst! Dedicated teachers and loving parents work together to help all the children thrive in a play based learning environment. The […] Reviews Search for: Follow Us Facebook Instagram YouTube Sandhurst Co-op Shop Check Out Sandhurst Co-op's Swag Shop! Co-op Info + Resources How to Build Community in Cooperative Preschool Creating Safe Spaces for Small and Big Artists Lauren W. Sarah B. Amy H. Upcoming events Search Search for: Contact 4710 NE 70th St Seattle, WA 98115 (206) 525-2649 info@sandhurstcoop.org Copyright Sandhurst © 2021 All rights reserved.
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Our Origin Story Our Team Our Sister Companies Our Equipment Partners Meet Our Patrons Helping Our Community See Our Testimonials Expedition Packages View All Expeditions Everest – 8,848m/29,028ft Lhotse – 8,516m/27,940ft Makalu – 8,463m/27,765ft Manaslu – 8,163m/26,781ft Himlung – 7,126m/23,379ft Baruntse and Mera Peak – 7,162m/23,497ft Ama Dablam – 6,812m/22,349ft Book a Private Group Contact Us Menu About Thamserku Why Work With Us? Our Origin Story Our Team Our Sister Companies Our Equipment Partners Meet Our Patrons Helping Our Community See Our Testimonials Expedition Packages View All Expeditions Everest – 8,848m/29,028ft Lhotse – 8,516m/27,940ft Makalu – 8,463m/27,765ft Manaslu – 8,163m/26,781ft Himlung – 7,126m/23,379ft Baruntse and Mera Peak – 7,162m/23,497ft Ama Dablam – 6,812m/22,349ft Book a Private Group Contact Us See All Our Expeditions Menu Language Selector English '; return true; } }; if(fromURL) { if(options.galleryPIDs) { // parse real index when custom PIDs are used // http://photoswipe.com/documentation/faq.html#custom-pid-in-url for(var j = 0; j < items.length; j++) { if(items[j].pid == index) { options.index = j; break; } } } else { options.index = parseInt(index, 10) - 1; } } else { options.index = parseInt(index, 10); } // exit if index not found if( isNaN(options.index) ) { return; } var radios = document.getElementsByName('gallery-style'); for (var i = 0, length = radios.length; i < length; i++) { if (radios[i].checked) { if(radios[i].id == 'radio-all-controls') { } else if(radios[i].id == 'radio-minimal-black') { options.mainClass = 'pswp--minimal--dark'; options.barsSize = {top:0,bottom:0}; options.captionEl = false; options.fullscreenEl = false; options.shareEl = false; options.bgOpacity = 0.85; options.tapToClose = true; options.tapToToggleControls = false; } break; } } if(disableAnimation) { options.showAnimationDuration = 0; } // Pass data to PhotoSwipe and initialize it gallery = new PhotoSwipe( pswpElement, PhotoSwipeUI_Default, items, options); // see: http://photoswipe.com/documentation/responsive-images.html var realViewportWidth, useLargeImages = false, firstResize = true, imageSrcWillChange; gallery.listen('beforeResize', function() { var dpiRatio = window.devicePixelRatio ? window.devicePixelRatio : 1; dpiRatio = Math.min(dpiRatio, 2.5); realViewportWidth = gallery.viewportSize.x * dpiRatio; if(realViewportWidth >= 1200 || (!gallery.likelyTouchDevice && realViewportWidth > 800) || screen.width > 1200 ) { if(!useLargeImages) { useLargeImages = true; imageSrcWillChange = true; } } else { if(useLargeImages) { useLargeImages = false; imageSrcWillChange = true; } } if(imageSrcWillChange && !firstResize) { gallery.invalidateCurrItems(); } if(firstResize) { firstResize = false; } imageSrcWillChange = false; }); gallery.listen('gettingData', function(index, item) { if( useLargeImages ) { item.src = item.o.src; item.w = item.o.w; item.h = item.o.h; } else { item.src = item.m.src; item.w = item.m.w; item.h = item.m.h; } }); gallery.init(); }; // select all gallery elements var galleryElements = document.querySelectorAll( gallerySelector ); for(var i = 0, l = galleryElements.length; i < l; i++) { galleryElements[i].setAttribute('data-pswp-uid', i+1); galleryElements[i].onclick = onThumbnailsClick; } // Parse URL and open gallery if it contains #&pid=3&gid=1 var hashData = photoswipeParseHash(); if(hashData.pid && hashData.gid) { openPhotoSwipe( hashData.pid, galleryElements[ hashData.gid - 1 ], true, true ); } }; initPhotoSwipeFromDOM('.pafe-lightbox'); initPhotoSwipeFromDOM('.pafe-lightbox-gallery .gallery'); })();
There is a myth that every living being has a brain. However, the truth is that there are few invertebrates like jellyfish, starfish, adult sea squirts and sponges that possess only nerve nets to cater their body functions. In human beings, the brain is located in the head and it remains close to the primary sensory organs such as eyes, ears, nose and tongue. One of the most complex organs in the human body, it is said to contain more than a billion neurons for handling day-to-day activities using body parts. In recent times, mental and psychological illness have been on the increase due to change in lifestyles and a survey has indicated that people are diagnosed more with mental conditions such as chronic depression, dementia, personality disorders, Parkinson’s disease and eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia nervosa. However, the best way to promote brain health is through following a strict healthy lifestyle and a proper diet which provides many of the essential nutrients vital to this body part. In this article on top 10 Herbs To Boost Your Brain To Be Healthy and you will be given information on the top Mother Nature’s gifts to mankind that can carry out this function with ease. These herbs as well as their extracts can not only enhance the memory and brain power but also prevent various disorders of the mental variety. Herbs can be best defined in medical terms as drugs of nature which contain medicinal components that can give benefits to the body. So a humble request to sit straight and complete reading all the herbs given below in one shot! 10 Amazing Herbs To Boost Your Brain To Be Healthy! 1. Huperzia In other terms, called as Chinese club moss. The main medical component or in other words, phytochemical beneficial to brain is Huperzine A. The medicinal components can break beta amyloid proteins that can cause nerve damage in the brain. The acetylcholinesterase inhibitor it is, cognitive function is enhanced, thus protecting degeneration of neurons. This process helps to improve memory and stabilization of body. All these factors make this herb a prime candidate to be used against Alzheimer’s disease. 2. Rhodiola Rosea This herb has other names such as King’s Crown and Aaron’s rod. Known as an adaptogen, it assists in improving mood and relieves symptoms of depression. These factors are achieved due to the presence of endorphins (opioid peptides) and enhance the levels of serotonin and dopamine in the brain. This herb can increase the acetylcholine levels in the brain that contributes to better health in all parts of the body. Acetylcholine(chief neurotransmitter) is essential for memory, learning and having clarity of thoughts. Which makes it one of the best Herbs To Boost Your Brain To Be Healthy ! 3. Thyme The volatile oils in this herb can stimulate the production of more levels of omega-3 fatty acid, known as docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) in the brain. This acid prevents dementia or age-related cognitive decline. The volatile oil components of this herb are known as borneol, geraniol and how can we forget the all important – thymol? The flavonoids, when mixed with manganese, make a potent antioxidant combination and they are naringenin, luteolin, apigenin and thymonin. This herb also makes an excellent supply for Vitamin K and other minerals such as manganese, iron and calcium. Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) makes the neurotransmitters positive by reducing the effect of stress hormone, cortisol. Next time, you hear about thyme, never forget that it has the highest number of antioxidants than any herb? 4. Rosemary The phytochemical responsible for protecting the brain from paralytic stroke and other neurodegenerative conditions (Alzheimer disease) is known as carnosic acid. The other benefits are reversal of damage to nerve cells, dilation of cerebral vascular tissues, prevent breakdown of (what else!) neurotransmitters in the brain. The circulation of blood to the brain is also increased. Another acid to make a sizable contribution is in the name of the herb itself – rosmarinic acid. In a study on aromatherapy where rosemary oil was used, one of the ingredients called as 1,8-cineole led to increased levels of acetylcholine in the brain and improved functions. 5. Sage Similar to Rosemary, it contains carnosic acid that can prevent damage of nerve cells in the brain. Also, it also boosts the production of glutathione (anti-aging antioxidant). This anti oxidant is in use to treat a variety of neurological diseases (or shall we say disorders) such as autism, Alzheimer etc. The leaves of this herb contain niacin, oleic acid, tannic acid, flavonoid glycosides, fumaric acid, flavones and other active ingredients such as thujone and cineole. The acetylcholine levels in the brain are increased whereas the number of the plaque forming beta amyloids goes down. To boost your memory and for better brain health, add this herb to stews, soups, salad dressings or in simple terms, use sage as a – you heard it right – tea. 6. Ginkgo Biloba The beneficial compounds in this herb are known as ginkgolides and also, bilobalides. They can actively prevent formation of clotting in the blood and increase circulation. The formation of harm causing beta amyloid proteins (believed to be the root of Alzheimer’s disease) is stopped by Gingko Biloba. However, you need to take this herb or its supplements for a longer time to get the positive symptoms. As per a research, prior intake is beneficial in the treatment of diseases such as Alzheimer’s and dementia. 7. Ginseng Known as an adaptogen and used in situations of stress, is there any doubt that Ginseng will stand away from making the mark as the herb for promoting brain health? The phytochemicals responsible for good mental health are known as ginsenosides (or panaxosides). They are known as saponins and belong to the Rb1 class and the Rg1 class. Rg1 panaxosides enhance the spatial memory by activating neuronal activity in the hippocampus. 8. Green Tea The antioxidants available in green tea are tocopherol, vitamin C, zinc, chromium, manganese and carotenoids. The essential components for enhancing memory power are known as catechins (prominent: EGCG or epigallocatechin gallate). It makes a sizable contribution to memory by protecting the neurons and brain cells from damage (oxidative). EGCG gobbles the free radicals as well as reactive oxygen compounds produced from peroxidation of lipids. Also, the production of new brain cells also takes place by the process of neurogenesis. 9. Brahmi Known as a top herb that can assist both the sides of the brain (left and right), it rejuvenates the nervous system as well as the brain. The three benefits come in order – the brain gets the ability to withstand stress, focus on the goals and you feel less nervous and anxiety. The dopamine receptors in the brain are stimulated and they help in simple ailments such as depression and also in major diseases such as Parkinson’s. The saponin component in Brahmi which has been found effective against epilepsy is known as Bacoside A. also, the specific areas of the brain important for maintaining balance of neurotransmitters are also protected. It helps in relaxation of moods by enhancing the effects of gamma-aminobutyric acid, acetylcholine or serotonin. 10. Ashwagandha It reduces the symptoms of overwork and promote cognitive functioning and mental clarity. The brain cell deterioration is prevented and enhances the immune system. The harmful beta amyloid proteins that can form plaques in the brain are prevented from formation. The process of neurogenesis is also stimulated. The majority of medicinal properties of Ashwagandha are related to two components, withaferin A and Withanolide D. Both are withanolides. The brain cells had more levels of glutathione that act as antioxidant and prevents age-related factors. This herb also possesses tryptophan the neurotransmitter for regulating moods. If you know some more herbs which can help in better brain function, drop a review/suggestion/ tips in the Comments box. It will be answered and if found suitable, included in the next article.
Two weeks ago, the United States had a Benjamin Netanyahu problem. The Israeli prime minister seemed to have gone rogue. His ambassador to Washington had secretly negotiated with Republicans to have Netanyahu address a joint session of Congress. Against the Obama administration’s wishes, Netanyahu spoke on the floor of the House of Representatives against U.S. foreign policy. He told members of Congress that the speech wasn’t political. Then he went home and used video of their applause in an ad promoting his re-election . Many Americans, including me, thought these rants would hurt Netanyahu. We were wrong. In those final days, his support soared. On Tuesday, Netanyahu’s party, Likud, won a plurality of seats in Israel’s parliament. Thirty-three percent of Israelis voted for Likud or for smaller parties that officially rejected a Palestinian state. Another 15 percent voted for Jewish nationalist or ultra-Orthodox parties that have blocked Palestinian independence. A further 7 percent voted for a Likud offshoot that is expected to round out the new government. That adds up to more than 55 percent of the electorate. It’s more than 60 percent of Israel’s Jewish voters. – Read more: The Price Israel Must Pay – Slate
There’s been a lot of concern expressed about whether the Second Amendment could survive four more years if Hillary Clinton is elected president. I share that concern as a gun owner and a champion of the Constitution. But I very much doubt that is the only constitutional protection of our liberties that will be trampled upon should the American people make such a profoundly bad decision to put her in the White House. I believe the First Amendment will be, for all intents and purposes, shredded, obliterated, forgotten. One thing I know personally about Hillary Clinton after 24 years of covering her is this: She hates dissent. She reviles it with a passion. To her, anyone with whom she disagrees is an enemy. She will go to any length to punish them – and I do mean any length. She will come after them by any means necessary. She will use all the power you give her to destroy her political adversaries or anyone else who stands in her way of achieving her objectives. Like most socialists, Hillary believes the ends justify the means. I know as one of the walking wounded. But it’s not just dissent she will use her power to crush. It’s the whole First Amendment. Let’s review it here for the low-information voters: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” You will notice that the first prohibition mentioned is against Congress making any law to establish a religion or prohibiting the free exercise of religion. Hillary is already on board America’s policy freight train to do just that – with new “anti-discrimination laws” that put sexual behavior and “lifestyles” ahead of religious conviction in the public square. People who believe the Bible is the Word of God will find themselves under serious persecution in a Hillary Clinton administration. Experience more of Joseph Farah’s no-nonsense truth-telling in his books, audio and video products, featured in the WND Superstore Maybe you say, “Farah, if Hillary’s elected, she’s not going to have that kind of power.” To which I say, “I know she won’t have such power legitimately, but she won’t need it. Look what Barack Obama has done with his illegitimate attacks on the Constitution. Where was the opposition? Where were the checks and balances?” Furthermore, even now there are cultural forces at work that are pushing our nation in this direction. You probably missed this, but on Aug. 8, the most powerful legal group in the nation, the American Bar Association, approved resolution 109, which is designed to curtail freedom of speech for every lawyer who is a member. But it’s meant to do much more than that. It’s designed to curtail everyone’s speech. Among its provisions is a new standard for professional conduct, prohibiting any “that the lawyer knows or reasonably should know is harassment or discrimination on the basis of race, sex, religion, national origin, ethnicity, disability, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status or socioeconomic status in conduct related to the practice of law.” And that is defined as “harmful verbal or physical conduct that manifests bias or prejudice towards others. Harassment includes sexual harassment and derogatory or demeaning verbal or physical conduct.” Should state courts adopt the change, lawyers found to violate it could be sanctioned and possibly disbarred. Because professional rules are legally binding on lawyers, the prospect that states may regulate “verbal conduct” implicates First Amendment concerns. We know where freedom of speech has been going in this country thanks to the so-called “progressives,” like Hillary, approving speech codes, all the while labeling those that disagree as “racists, bigots, homophobes and Islamophobes.” The major cultural institutions have already caved. They’ve surrendered and capitulated to the speech fascists. Once you control the media, the schools, the universities, the legal system and the foundations, as the so-called “progressives” do, the plain Constitution fails to be much of a limit on power, as we have seen. In other words, Hillary will have plenty of help – and very little resistance – to turning this country into a repressive shell of its former self. Keep that in mind when you cast your vote. Media wishing to interview Joseph Farah, please contact [email protected].
Are you preparing a Minecraft related costume for Halloween? You have a variety of options when it comes to props. You can get the official foam pickaxe from Mojang and ThinkGeek, or you can print one of your in-game tools or creations. Here’s a third option that’s in between the other two, courtesy of Etsy seller CarryTheWhat: 3D printed replicas of the game’s pickaxe and sword. The pickaxe is about 4″ long, while the sword is about 5.3″ long. Both are made of ABS plastic and have been hand-painted. You can customize the color of your order, so you don’t have to settle for a wood pickaxe. You can even have them sent unpainted if you want. Put down those blocks for a minute and order the Minecraft pickaxe and sword from CarryTheWhat’s Etsy shop. The pickaxe sells for $10.50 (USD) while the sword can be yours for $11. You can also download the templates for both at Thingiverse. [via Geeks are Sexy]
A 21-year-old man has been charged with assaulting an Afghan teenager in south Dublin last week. Joseph Connors, with an address at Daletree Place in Ballycullen, appeared before Dún Laoghaire District Court this morning. Mr Connors was arrested yesterday in connection with the attack on three Afghan males, including 18-year-old Naqeebullah Ahmadzai, on Broadford Road in Ballinteer on May 5th. Today, he was charged with the assault under section 3 of the Non-Fatal Offences Against the Person Act, 1997. He was remanded on bail and is due to appear at the same court on July 26th. Mr Connors was also charged with stealing a box of Coors Light, worth €20, and bottled beer, worth around €35, from the Centra shop in Ballinteer on the same day as the incident. Afghan brothers Naqeebullah Ahmadzai (18) and Fazalrahman Ahmadzai (20) were cycling home from Marley Park with their 13-year-old nephew Abdul last Thursday when they were assaulted at around 8.20pm. Gardaí said the four men who attacked them were “travelling in car described as a blue coloured Peugeot”. “Following the assault the four males left the scene in the car in the direction of Dundrum,” a spokesperson for the force said. Two of the injured men were taken to St James' Hospital, one in a serious condition. The other male was taken to Our Lady's Hospital for Sick Children in Crumlin. Gardaí said this afternoon that they were seeking three other men in connection with the incident.
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By Keith Johnson Who’s really responsible for a recent series of cyberattacks on American banks? If United States officials and politicians are to be believed, the government of Iran and its so-called “terrorist” proxies are to blame. However, some information security experts have cast doubt on this allegation, while others insist that the attacks are an obvious false-flag operation whose perpetrators have multiple, far-reaching objectives. Word of compromised computer banking systems first surfaced in late September, when Wells Fargo, Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase and other financial institutions reported falling victim to computer network attacks that temporarily blocked many of their customers from engaging in online banking. Since then, Capital One, BB&T, HSBC and Regions banks have also reported experiencing similar disruptions to their websites. An obscure group—identifying itself as the Izz ad-din al-Qassam Cyber Fighters—claimed responsibility for the first wave of attacks as retaliation for the amateurish Innocence of Muslims film that mocked the Islamic prophet Mohammed and sparked protests throughout the Middle East. However, almost immediately following this announcement, unidentified U.S. national security officials allegedly told NBC News that this claim was just “a cover” story for the Iranian government’s cyberterrorism operations. Similarly, on October 12, another unnamed U.S. official told The Wall Street Journal that the recent attacks against U.S. banks bore “signatures” traced to “a network of fewer than 100 Iranian computer-security specialists at universities and network security companies in Iran.” The alleged source went on to say “These are not ordinary Iranians,” and added that the “hackers don’t have the resources to mount major attacks without the support and technical expertise of the government.” Despite the government’s claims, tracing a computer hack to its original source is far from conclusive. “In most cases, if the attacker is highly skilled, it is nearly impossible to clearly determine the origin of an event, and even more difficult to ascertain if the attack was state-sponsored or instigated by individual actors,” writes Anthony M. Freed at Security Bistro. “The use of multiple proxies, Internet routing tricks, employing compromised systems belonging to a third party and the use of spoofed [Internet computer] addresses can all be easily coordinated to give the appearance that an attack is originating far from the actual source.” Cesar Cerrudo, an information security specialist and chief technology officer for IO/Active Labs, is also at odds with the government’s allegations. “It’s very easy to attack some group of people or some country and make it look like it came from another country,” Cerrudo said in a recent post for network security magazine Dark Reading. “You can engage them into cyberwar via a third party.” As an example, Cerrudo cites a 2010 hack that targeted China’s Baidu search engine by a group claiming to be the Iranian Cyber Army. “The Chinese were surprised that Iranians had attacked them,” said Cerrudo. “After that, the Chinese attacked Iran. But it turns out it wasn’t actually Iran behind the Baidu attack. Someone else attacked the Chinese to get them to attack the Iranians.” (Some say the so-called Iranian Cyber Army is or was a group of Russian hackers based outside Iran.) Although no one can be sure who perpetrated the recent hacks on U.S. banks, many are asking the obvious question: Cui bono? (Who benefits?) “With President Obama ready to sign an executive order to control the Internet in the name of cybersecurity, could it be more obvious that this ‘cyberattack’ is a total setup?” asked Eric Blair on the popular website Activist Post. “Especially since all versions of Internet control legislation have failed to pass in normal government channels both domestically and internationally,” he added. Susanne Posel of another popular website, Occupy Corporatism, wrote: “Framing Iran for the American banking system’s computer failure kills two birds with one stone. Not only would the banking cartels be able to shut down all banking computers (and simultaneously siphon the remaining money in their customers’ accounts) but also use this fake cyberattack to engage the American public against Iran and justify their highly anticipated military strike.” In a recent edition of the computer magazine Information Security, other theories were explored that have received little attention in the media. Among the possible culprits considered are hacktivist groups like Anonymous and Russian crime syndicates. But in terms of motive and capability, Israelis top the list. Not only do they consider Iran to be the greatest threat to their existence, but they’ve also demonstrated a proficiency in cyberwarfare through the creation of sophisticated viruses that have been successfully used against Iran’s infrastructure. Recently, a new virus dubbed “mini-Flame” has targeted banks in Lebanon and Iran. Mike Rivero, a former NASA employee and webmaster of the website What Really Happened, suspects that Israel is behind the recent attacks, and believes Israel will likely follow it up with a complete take-down of U.S. financial computers that will falsely be blamed on Iran. “This also gets Wall Street and Washington, D.C. off the hook,” he said, “because now the financial meltdown is an act of war, rather than the result of decades of Wall Street crime and corruption and the predations of private central banks.” Keith Johnson is an independent journalist and the editor of Revolt of the Plebs, an alternative news website. Keith is also a licensed private detective.
This release is available in French. A previously unknown mutation discovered in a common roundworm holds the promise of new treatments for obesity in humans, McGill University researchers say. Their study was published Dec. 3 in the journal Nature, and was funded by the Canadian Cancer Society and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. In lean times, a normal Caenorhabditis elegans worm goes into a form of suspended animation called "dauer" that slows its metabolism and allows it to survive for extended periods without food. "When they go into dauer, these worms radically alter their metabolism," said Dr. Richard Roy, a cancer researcher at McGill's Department of Biology specializing in the control of cell division. "They shut down everything energy-consuming, which includes foraging, cell division and reproduction." Unlike other "hibernating" organisms, C. elegans maintains a degree of mobility during dauer by stocking up on energy in the form of fats - or lipids - which they store in special cells or reserves. "This allows them to live up to six months without eating, instead of the two weeks they would otherwise have," Roy explained. A worm with the newly discovered mutation, however, will usually die within a week of going into dauer "These mutants somehow cannot shut down the process of cell division, which is why we noticed them in the first place," Roy said. "However, that's not what kills them. They cannot adjust their metabolism correctly. They store up their six-month lipid reserves, but as soon as they shift into dauer they use them up within a few days. This is because they lack an enzyme that blocks the activity of a very important triglyceride lipase. Without this regulation the lipase burns up all the fat it encounters and destroys the worm's energy reserves." This discovery was a near-accidental by-product of Roy's regular line of research, searching for cells that abnormally disobey cellular signals in a cancer context, and he gives graduate student and study first author Patrick Narbonne much of the credit. "Patrick was absolutely brilliant. He was so observant that he noticed these animals were dying way too early, and he also realized that they were not dying because of the cell-division issue." Roy and Narbonne believe this discovery, which will require considerable additional research, may have significant long-term implications for human health. "I think we should start looking at the enzymes involved in this cascade, particularly in obese individuals. They are likewise accumulating lipids, but in a reverse situation to C. elegans, this enzyme isn't recognizing it, or something is blocking its function. We're making the case that we can uncouple this enzyme from its normal regulation. If we could develop drugs to do that selectively in fatty tissue, we'd be able to chew up all the fat." "This study fascinates me," said Dr. Robert Sladek, one of Canada's most prominent diabetes researchers, affiliated to the McGill Department of Human Genetics and the McGill and Genome Quebec Innovation Centre. "It will be exciting to see whether this pathway that controls energy storage and lifespan in worms plays a similar role in humans. The implications for patients with obesity and diabetes might be quite far-reaching." ### ABOUT McGILL UNIVERSITY McGill University, founded in Montreal, Que., in 1821, is Canada's leading post-secondary institution. It has two campuses, 11 faculties, 10 professional schools, 300 programs of study and more than 33,000 students. McGill attracts students from more than 160 countries around the world. Almost half of McGill students claim a first language other than English - including 6,000 francophones - with more than 6,200 international students making up almost 20 per cent of the student body. ABOUT THE CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY The Canadian Cancer Society is a national community-based organization of volunteers whose mission is to eradicate cancer and to enhance the quality of life of people living with cancer. It is the largest national charitable funder of cancer research in Canada. Last year, the Society funded close to $49.5 million in leading-edge research projects across the country. To know more about cancer, visit the website at www.cancer.ca or call the toll-free, bilingual Cancer Information Service at 1 888 939-3333.
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Analyst: Something 'Doesn't Add Up' With AT&T's Fiber Promises While AT&T is certainly expanding gigabit fiber into a few key areas, we've noted a few times how AT&T's PR department has made the deployment appear significantly larger than it actually is. With the exception of a few locations such as LA, Austin and select areas of North Carolina, AT&T's effectively been running fiber to a few key housing developments -- then trying to imply the entire surrounding market is "launched." That pretty consistently results in disappointed customers who try to sign up for service in said launched market -- only to find it doesn't exist. The "fiber to the press release" tactic as we like to call it has proven to be very successful so far, thanks to a media that has never been much into fact checking ma bell. "AT&T is out-building Google Fiber," the Washington Post crows. AT&T is "outpacing every other competitor" when it comes to fiber to the home, an analyst tells Computer World. AT&T's building fiber "much faster" than everybody else, proclaims USAToday. These are only three of hundreds of such stories that hit the news wires each and every time AT&T declares a new fiber market is "launched." The problem, as we've noted a few times, is that AT&T's actually been slashing its fixed-line broadband investment budget as it focuses primarily on wireless. In fact, AT&T's busier than ever trying to back away from millions of DSL customers the company has absolutely no intention to upgrade. And most of the company's full fiber to the home deployment stats have tended to ebb and flow -- depending on what AT&T wants from regulators. It's pretty rare to find an analyst or reporter that actually notices this. Enter CCG consulting, which over at its Pots and Pans blog tried to dig into AT&T's claims of fiber deployment, only to find that something "doesn't add up." And again, what doesn't add up is AT&T's CAPEX. While the company has a $22 billion capital budget for this year, $10 billion of that is aimed at overseas spending including $3 billion to build out from their new acquisition in Mexico. The rest is predominately aimed at some side projects like smart cities and the IOT, while the lion's share is wireless. In fact, just $2 billion of the $22 billion total is budgeted for AT&T's entire wireline network this year, nowhere near enough to meet the kind of utterly massive fiber expansion AT&T has convinced the press and regulators it's currently engaged in. "It’s just hard to see that AT&T is serious about actually meeting the fiber targets it promised to the FCC," notes the firm, speaking of AT&T's promise to wire 14 million locations with fiber by 2019 to get DirecTV merger approval. "To meet their goals will cost something in the range of $14 billion, and yet they have told Wall Street they will only be spending $2 billion per year on wireline capital. Something isn’t adding up." What doesn't add up is that AT&T's deployment promises to the FCC are a bluff. Government and the media never really fact checks AT&T's broadband deployment claims, as such they've shifted, varied, and changed over the years depending on what AT&T wants from government. A pretty standard industry trick is to conflate "homes passed" (anywhere up to several blocks away) with homes actually served, giving an inflated idea of how big a deployment is. Another trick is to count homes, developments and apartments where fiber was already deployed (or required minimal work to finish) as new builds. AT&T has long offered fiber to the home to some development communities, but capped those users at DSL speeds -- until recently. It took little effort to bump more than a million of these customers to gigabit speeds, letting AT&T recently crow how it now serves 1.6 million fiber to the home users -- without really having to do much heavy lifting. Again to be clear, there's some areas like Austin and pockets of North Carolina where AT&T's very busy trying to keep up with Google Fiber -- and with AT&T's scale some of these deployments won't be small potatoes. But AT&T's promise that it's building gigabit fiber out to "56 communities" is exceptionally hollow, something that's going to become more and more apparent as users in these locations actually try to sign up for service that more likely than not -- doesn't actually exist. Again to be clear, there's some areas like Austin and pockets of North Carolina where AT&T's very busy trying to keep up with Google Fiber -- and with AT&T's scale some of these deployments won't be small potatoes. But AT&T's promise that it's building gigabit fiber out to "56 communities" is exceptionally hollow, something that's going to become more and more apparent as users in these locations actually try to sign up for service that more likely than not -- doesn't actually exist. News Jump Thursday Morning Links Wednesday Morning Links Tuesday Morning Links Monday Morning Links TGI Friday Morning Links Thursday Morning Links Wednesday Morning Links Tuesday Morning Links Friday Morning Links Thursday Morning Links - Valentines Edition ---------------------- this week last week most discussed Most recommended from 41 comments TIGERON join:2008-03-11 Boston, MA Motorola MG7550 17 recommendations TIGERON Member All while AT&T is trying to end wireline in California Talk about a sad joke Karl. Steve Blum of www.tellusventure.com last reported that the AT&T sponsored bill the company tried to get passed under the public's nose that would've given the company permission to effectively shut down the copper fixed line network in the state was met with ferocious opposition by organized labor and angry communities who don't want to be screwed with very expensive, capped inferior wireless that can't even deliver nearly have of the demands of the current applications and services now. Good. But this isn't going to stop the company from trying again next year. Hopefully, Randall Stephenson will make a deal to hand over the copper to CenturyLink as a possible buyer. Thank the gods in three weeks I'm moving out of California. I don't want to be here when the shit hits the fan. Dampier Phillip M Dampier join:2003-03-23 Rochester, NY 9 recommendations Dampier Member We Should Be Analysts We knew it was BS at least a year ago when we were saying it was a fractured fiber fairy tale. I actually do get calls from Wall Street firms looking for my views, presumably so they can short some stocks when people realize a press release is not a documentary and they are fibbing to you. betam4x join:2002-10-12 Nashville, TN 7 recommendations betam4x Member No GigaPower to be found I've yet to see anyone with AT&T GigaPower here in Nashville. There probably are a couple, but based on what I've seen, Google actually has a more active deployment right now. wavelength CyberSec Pro join:2015-05-22 Raleigh, NC ·Google Fiber Juniper SRX240 Ubiquiti UniFi UAP-AC-PRO 6 recommendations wavelength Member ATT's secret... Look at the contractors. At least in North Carolina, ATT has been using very low cost contractors to do their work. For example, most of their Uverse fiber is direct buried without conduit. The work crews largely appear to be immigrant workers; forty of them show up, each digs a hole spaced 20-30 feet from the next guy and then they use a pneumatic piston to burrow through the ground, attach the fiber and pull it back. Funny thing is that they wired up the neighborhood faster than ATT has made service available afterwards. It took them two weeks to wire our entire neighborhood. It has been more than two months since they finished and service still is not available. Kiwi Premium Member join:2003-05-26 6 recommendations Kiwi Premium Member AT&T I'm tired of decades of promises and no delivery, AT&T has become a PR nightmare relic of yesteryear and just needs to go away, that will save a few billion in tax dollars. battleop join:2005-09-28 00000 4 recommendations battleop Member Lost credibility... This story lost credibility at "Analyst:". Since when did Analysts fact check? Anon192e5 @comcast.net 2 recommendations Anon192e5 Anon It's just a question but... »www.wsj.com/articles/SB9 ··· 23462500 Enron was building a fiber network too. Do we need to get Arthur Andurson to do an audit?
Michael Moore took to Twitter this week to outline his list of demands following the riots in Baltimore: Disarm the police and open prisons. As The Washington Times reports, Moore unleashed his own brand of trolling... “Imprison u, shoot u, sever your spine, crush your larynx, send u to war, keep u poor, call u a thug, not let u vote. But u can sing for us,” the liberal film director tweeted to his 1.83 million followers. His comments comes amid violent unrest in Baltimore since the death of Freddie Gray, a 25-year-old black man who died after suffering a severe spinal injury while in police custody. More than 200 people were arrested in clashes with police Monday and Tuesday and more than a dozen officers injured. “Here’s my demand: I want every African-American currently incarcerated for drug ‘crimes’ or nonviolent offenses released from prison today,” Mr. Moorecontinued. “And the rest who r imprisoned- I don’t believe 50% of them did what they’re accused of. Lies. Greed. A modern day slave system. Poor whites 2.” “Next demand: Disarm the police,” he wrote. “We have a 1/4 billion 2nd amendment guns in our homes 4 protection. We’ll survive til the right cops r hired.” “Local cops now militarized. Founding Fathers said NO army policing on our soil. Why do cops have tanks? Oh, right - the Enemy: The Black Man,” Mr. Moore concluded.
By Frank Bi and Ryan Mac Less than two weeks after the Federal Aviation Administration unveiled its proposed regulations for commercial drones, one California-based drone company sealed its latest round of financing. North America’s largest personal drone manufacturer, 3D Robotics, raised $50 million on Wednesday led by Qualcomm Ventures. A valuation was not disclosed. The round was the largest amount raised by any U.S.-based consumer drone company to date. The company intends to use the funds to expand its product development in both its hardware and software products. 3D Robotics will also work with Qualcomm to utilize the company's Snapdragon processors. "The incredible pace of innovation in the smartphone industry is transforming many adjacent industries, including drones. By working with Qualcomm Technologies, Inc., we can bring advanced computing to the skies at an increasing pace” said 3D Robotics' cofounder and former Wired Magazine editor, Chris Anderson in a statement. “Such multi-gigahertz Linux-based onboard computing platforms, combined with state-of-the-art cameras and other sensors and wireless technologies, will allow us to create next-gen drones that are smarter, easier, and safer than ever before." A financial document filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Wednesday, showed that the company was only looking to raise $40 million in the round. According to the document, it had sold just over $32 million worth of shares. It's unclear how 3D Robotics exceeded the $40 million it originally expected to raise. A company spokesperson has not said how they exceeded their original funding expectation. The $50 million round, first reported by VentureWire, boosts 3D Robotics' total funding to more than $85 million to date. 3D Robotics produces a range of consumer drones for photography and mapping. The company also sells drone parts and accessories, including an open source autopilot that’s well-liked with the DIY drone crowd. In addition to hardware, 3D Robotics also maintains a popular drone how-to website. Anderson and Jordi Munoz founded 3D Robotics in 2009 depite never meeting in person. Munoz, then a 20-year-old Mexican immigrant living in Los Angeles, first met the magazine editor virtually through a forum for drone hobbyists. Impressed with a prototype Munoz had posted to the forum, Anderson, who is also the creator of the forum, reached out to Munoz to offer advice and ended up funding his prototype. From there, the two regularly exchanged emails and correspondence before starting the company. Now 3D Robotics has offices in three cities in addition to a factory in Tijuana. The company is expected to reach sales of $50 million this year according to the BBC. Meanwhile, the drone industry in the U.S. is expected to have an economic impact of more than $13.6 billion in the first three years of integration, but current laws prohibit the use of drones commercially without an exemption, of which a total of less than 50 have been granted thus far. New regulations proposed by the FAA earlier this month would allow commercial drone applications to exist on the condition that the pilot abides by a set of flight restrictions and other safety guidelines in addition to obtaining a specialized license. Follow @FrankieBi
When the so-called sequester — billions upon billions of dollars of cuts to domestic programs, military funding, social services and pretty much any other government program you care to name — was agreed on in 2011 after a spectacularly unproductive round of budget talks, it was meant to be a gun to the head of the American economy. The idea of making blind, thoughtless cuts to popular programs was thought to be so detrimental to the nation’s economy and welfare that the thought of going through it would force Democrats and and Republicans to come together and finally pound out a budget deal that everyone can live with. With the deadline looming and no agreement in sight, though, it seems that we’ve proven no idea is too stupid for the U.S. government. In all likelihood, the sequester will kick in at the end of this week, making cuts in the budgets of agencies like NASA, the NIH, and plenty more American science and technology agencies. How bad is it going to be? Well, here are just a few ways the sequester will kick the teeth right out of science funding. If the sequester hits — and all indications are that it will kick in at the end of this week on March 1, the Centers for Disease Control, which monitors and works to control outbreaks of disease from food borne illness to STDs, can expect to see budget cuts of between 8-10%. That will mean layoffs, furloughs, and less people tracking everything from the flu to HIV. One of the most noticeable effects of more lax disease tracking could be an increase in outbreaks of diseases like salmonella and E. Coli — the American Public Health Association estimates that CDC belt-tightening would result in up to 150 more outbreaks of food borne illness every year. And with fewer epidemiologists on hand to try to manage and control outbreaks, those more frequent outbreaks could affect more people when they do strike, too. The National Institutes of Health is looking at 6.4% cuts, which will almost certainly result in labs closing down, though which labs will lose their funding isn’t clear quite yet. What is clear, though, is that lab closures won’t just result in projects and research grinding to a halt. Plenty of scientists with families to feed, mortgages to pay, and more than a few student loans coming due will find themselves out of jobs, as the American Heart Association estimates that more than 20,000 researchers and technicians could be staring down pink slips when the NIH budget gets slashed by $1.6 billion, which looks likely to happen this Friday. The National Science Foundation, meanwhile, will see it’s ability to make grants for basic research pretty severely hampered. The $538 million in cuts the agency is looking at is about 75% of their 2011 budget for biological research, according to research advocacy group Research America, which included grants for research in agriculture, homeland security, and pretty much everything in between. That also means less money for training programs and scholarships for science students, who can look forward to carrying even more student loans than the current crop of researchers do. Because to be competitive in an evolving global marketplace, America needs to make it more difficult and costly to become a scientist is why. Our favorite cut — and by favorite, we of course mean “the best example of why this is a terrible idea” — is a fairly tiny cut to NASA’s Commercial Crew Program of just $25 million. That $25 million cut, though, is expected to stall the program for two years, making it a particularly brutal cut in the long term. The CCP incentivizes commercial space travel companies like SpaceX to develop craft that can deliver not just goods, but astronauts to the International Space Station. With the shuttle fleet retired, NASA is left hitching rides from the Russian space agency Roscosmos until a private solution is developed. And since Russia knows it’s our ride, they recently raised the price of a ticket to the ISS from $55.8 million to $62.7 million, and there’s nothing keeping them from raising it again. A delay of two years guarantees that we’ll be paying those ticket prices — whatever they are — for longer than we need to. Harold Bloom has a great rundown of how the sequester will cut funding to American tech companies in favor of writing bigger checks to the Russian government at Scientific American. So that’s some of the bad news. The worse news? Pretty much all of these cuts are a going to get made, at least for a little while, starting this Friday. Even if we do have an agreement later on, interruptions to funding could still have longstanding effects on America’s scientific standing in the world. Testing on drugs in the research pipeline could be derailed by a funding interruption, while students and scientists in training who lose grants could leave the field never to return, NIH Director Francis Collins told Nature. And this isn’t even taking into account cuts to programs like Medicare or defense budgets that will hit civilian employees on bases across the country as well men and women in uniform. Things are going to be bad all over, and frankly, there’s no good reason for it other than our elected representatives flat out refusing to work together on one of the most basic functions of government and being more willing to blow a smoking crater in U.S. funding for technology and innovation rather than compromise a single inch. In short, it looks like those clowns in Congress have done it again. What a bunch of clowns. 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ace of disks | Kosmic Tonic Login / Register My Account 0 Items Home Posts Reading Packages Jasmine Richardson Eliza Robertson Kestrel Neathawk About Us Sign Up Podcast Testimonials Select Page Ace of Disks by Kosmic Tonic | Feb 21, 2019 | Tarot The Ace of Disks represents the root of the powers of Earth, which Crowley did not view as passive or inert, but active, in motion. To highlight this animated quality of earth, the Thoth deck invokes a whirring disk, rather than a coin or a pentacle. Crowley writes: Thus, in particular, the old conception of the Earth as a passive, immobile, even dead, even “evil” element, had to go. … Nor are the Disks any more to be considered as Coins; the Disk is a whirling emblem. Naturally so; since it is now known that every Star, every true Planet, is a whirling sphere. The Atom, again, is no more the hard, intractable, dead Particle of Dalton, but a system of whirling forces, comparable to the Solar hierarchy itself. The background of this card is lush green stippled with gold: the colour of sun leaking through fir branches, or a beam of light rinsing the face of an emerald. We see four sets of wings, of angels or peacocks. (The Book of Thoth does reference Isis with this card, and a peacock is one symbol for the Egyptian goddess.) In the centre of the card, the whirling disk itself is printed with Crowley’s seal: ΤΟ ΜΕΓΑ ΘΗΡΙΟΝ. It means “the Great Beast,” a reference to the Beast prophesied in Revelation. The letters add up to 666 using isopsephy, and 666 is inscribed in the centre of the disk inside the tiny triad of circles. Here we land on a striking archetypal point: the earth element as corrupt or corruptible. Our bodies and the material realm as somehow embarrassing or wicked. The Devil in this deck is linked to the sign of Capricorn, for instance. (The goat.) I can’t help but wonder if the subtle maligning of the material realm in western culture has contributed, even tangentially, to how little we respect our planet. This card represents the purest form of the Earth element: raw material; money; exchange; prosperity; abundance; pragmatism; security; stability; the ability to make shit real, or manifest. Angeles Arrien suggests this card signifies inner and outer success. The four sets of wings indicate the four levels conscious development (mental, emotional, spiritual, physical), while the coins and crystals signify prosperity. To me, this card represents a seed. A new venture that involves the material realm, possibly money, but also any form of physical reality: seizing an idea or ideal (represented by air and fire) and crystallizing it into being. A sort of psychic 3-D printing. This card represents the triplicity of Earth in astrology: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. Earth as the stretching of tree roots, the weaving of words, the building of castles. Earth not as a static lump, but a whirling disk, the planet we’re living on. References: Book of Thoth by Aleister Crowley The Tarot Handbook by Angeles Arrien Esoteric Meanings © Kosmic Tonic 2022. Please don't steal content.
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As summer starts to slowly fade, the new movie The Last Exorcism (directed by Daniel Stamm) opens in theaters today to the delight of horror fans. I haven't yet seen it, and probably won't till it comes to DVD. But I thought we might revisit some of my previous comments about possession and exorcism from one of my earliest postings here at Psychology Today more than two years ago. Exorcism--the ritualistic expulsion of evil spirits inhabiting body, brain or place--has been practiced in some form throughout history, and is probably the prototype of modern . Hippocrates, the father of western medicine, was initially an exorcist. Jesus of Nazareth is reputed to have healed individuals suffering from mental and physical symptoms by casting out demons. Now, more than two millennia later, the Roman Catholic Church is secretly educating a new crop of exorcists to meet a rapidly rising demand for exorcisms in Italy, Australia, America and elsewhere around the globe. Here in the U.S., where there is apparently an acute shortage of formally trained exorcists, burgeoning numbers of suffering souls, some deeply disillusioned with or wary of what mainstream psychology and psychiatry offer them these days, are desperately turning to exorcism to expiate their debilitating "devils" and "demons." This explosion of interest today in exorcism was confirmed by a Washington Post article (Feb. 10, 2008) titled "Exorcism makes a comeback in Europe: Citing modern ills, hundreds of priests have trained to expel the devil." In that stunning news report, a Catholic priest in Poland routinely conducting twenty exorcisms per week explains, " ' there is a group of people who cannot get relief through any other practices and who need peace.' " Another priest who holds a doctorate in theology and serves as the resident exorcist at a psychological counseling center outside Warsaw, states that "the institute realized they needed an exorcist on staff after encountering an increase in people plagued by evil.' " The article notes that, in keeping with current Vatican policy, exorcists regularly consult with psychologists and psychiatrists in an effort to differentiate mental disorders from bona fide demonic possession. But according to one busy practitioner, " 'My remedy is based on means, which cannot be replaced by any pharmaceutical remedies. . . .I do not stop at the level of just treating symptoms. I'm very much interested in the soul of a person. As a priest, I keep asking questions a doctor will never ask.' " Perhaps it's high time psychologists start asking some of those same questions: What is exorcism? How does it heal? Can we learn something valuable about psychotherapy from exorcism? Are there certain techniques employed by exorcists that psychologists should consider when treating angry, psychotic or violent patients? Are there vital existential or spiritual questions addressed by exorcism--for example, the riddle of evil--that psychotherapy neglects to its and the patient's detriment? This question as to the true nature of what I call the "possession syndrome" is at the very crux of the matter regarding exorcism: Exorcism is the traditional treatment for possession. What is possession? Is so-called demonic possession a psychological phenomenon, a form of psychosis or another as yet ill-defined mental disorder? Or is it the work of the Devil, and irrefutable proof of Satan's powerful reality? In what was literally my very first posting here, "Dangerous States of Mind," I alluded to and subsequently discussed the infamous Andrea Yates filicide case. By the time she deliberately drowned her five children in 2001, Yates was convinced she was possessed. Satan himself, said Yates, compelled her to carry out her incredibly evil deed. How can we make sense of her delusions and diabolically destructive behavior? ? Schizophrenia? ? Or was Yates, as she fervently believed, a hapless victim of "demonic possession"? And if so, what exactly is that? What is evil? Where does it come from? What is our relationship to it? Is evil and possession a proper subject of study for psychology and psychiatry? And, if so, how can we better deal with and treat it as psychotherapists? The idea of demonic possession is nothing less than a metaphysical, theological or spiritual explanation for human evil. The Exorcist (1973), a film based on William Peter Blattey's book about an allegedly true case, provides a highly dramatized depiction of evil, possession and exorcism, and stimulated renewed public fascination with the possession syndrome. 2005's The Exorcism of Emily Rose, also loosely based on an acutal case, had a similar effect, raising legitimate ethical, legal and questions regarding the practice of exorcism. Psychiatrist M. Scott Peck (1983), who believed in and sometimes practiced exorcism, drew a distinction (like the Catholic Church, but mistaken in my view) between demonic possession and mental illness.Depth psychologists C.G. Jung (in his concept of the shadow) and Rollo May (1969) provide psychologically sophisticated, secular theories of human evil and daimonic (as opposed to demonic) possession which do not demand literal belief in the existence of the devil or demons. (I discuss these matters in much greater detail in my book Anger, Madness, and the Daimonic: The Psychological Genesis of Violence, Evil, and Creativity , published originally in 1996 with a Foreword by Rollo May and with an updated Preface in 2006.) Possession has been a well-documented phenomenon occurring across cultures in virtually every era. But the term possession is seldom mentioned in the psychiatric and psychological literature. Instead, we speak of obsession, which has similar intrusive, involuntary, subjectively disturbing qualities. Or we refer to "multiple " (Dissociative Disorder), in which one or more sub-personalities temporarily take possession of the person seemingly against his or her will. (See my prior post.) Or we diagnose Bipolar Disorder in those possessed by mania, irritability or melancholy, and Intermittent Explosive Disorder (see my prior post) to describe someone repeatedly possessed or overtaken by uncontrollable rage. It must be admitted that the archetypal phenomenon known historically as "possession" persists today in differing forms and varying degrees. The only difference is the way in which we now attempt to explain and treat it. The subjective experience of possession--feeling powerfully influenced by some foreign, alien force beyond the ego's control-- is, to some extent, an aspect of most mental disorders. Obsessive-Complusive Disorder, for example, consists of undesired ideas intruding unbidden into one's thoughts as though someone or something else has internally taken control of the mind. Other patients frequently speak of symptoms, unacceptable impulses, thoughts or emotions as ego-alien, and uncharacteristic moods or destructive behaviors as "not being myself," commonly exclaiming "I don't know what got into me," or wondering "What possessed me to do that?" Presently, such disturbing symptoms are believed by psychiatry (and sadly, increasingly by clinical psychology) to be primarily due to some underlying neurological or biochemical aberration. Biochemistry, in the form of the tiny neurotransmitter, has become our postmodern demon du jour for which all manner of evils are conveniently blamed. Not unlike the scapegoat of the Devil. Despite its continued prevalence in varying forms, most psychotherapy does not adequately treat the possession syndrome. For some bedeviled individuals, the traditional ritual of exorcism or myth of "demonic possession" serves to make more sense of their suffering than the scientific, secular, biochemical explanations and cognitive-behavioral theories proffered these days by conventional mainstream psychiatry and psychology. If psychotherapy as a healing of the soul (not just the mind) is to survive and thrive into the next century, our obsession with , behavior, , neurology and biochemistry must be counterbalanced by the inclusion of the spiritual and depth psychological dimension of human existence. The truth is, most psychotherapy patients need far more than what pharmaceutical intervention and/or cognitive therapy--the two most popular so-called "evidence-based" or empirically supported modalities today--can provide. They need and deserve support and accompaniment through their painful, frightening, disorienting, perilous spiritual or existential crises, their "dark night of the soul." They need a psychologically meaningful method to confront their metaphorical devils and demons, their repressed or rage, and the existential reality of evil. They need a secular spiritual psychotherapy willing to ask the right questions. In a time where so many have lost faith in God, rejected organized religion, yet still seek something transpersonal to believe in, something spiritual, something transcendental or , the notion of demonic possession has diabolically tempting appeal. For to believe that the Devil and his demons can take possession of one's body, mind and soul is to find evidence also of God's existence. And to make meaning from meaninglessness. This "will to meaning," as existential psychiatrist Viktor Frankl called it, is a fundamental human drive, one which abhors a meaningless "existential vacuum." For those who have lost faith, the myth of demonic possession can--in addtion to providing a possibility of attributing responsibility for our darkest, most despicable or spiritually unacceptable emotions, impulses and evil deeds to something or someone other than ourselves-- paradoxically provide a path back to God, since God and the Devil are but two sides of the same spiritual coin. Unless psychology can provide a better or at least equally satisfying, meaningful alternate explanation of the possession syndrome--and a more effective way to deal with it-- belief in demonic possession and the practice of exorcism are bound to escalate.
Hungry Diner, The – New England Riders New England Riders northeast's motorcycling community Home Ride Best of NorthEast Best of Appalachia Beyond the East NER Trips POI Files Easy Ed’s Bests Rider Reviews and Ratings Learn GPS Tips Riding Technique & Safety Training/ Instruction Group Riding Gear Bike Purchase & Documentation Maintenance Travel & Touring Recommended Reading/Viewing Meet Community Guidelines NER Online Community Events NER Member Map History of New England Riders Contact Us Represent NER Oval Stickers NER Calendar Other NER Merchandise User Accounts Hungry Diner, The Locale: New Hampshire. Cuisines: Pub Food. 9 Edwards Ln Walpole, NH 03608 Restaurant's Website Customer Reviews Rated by Riders One review per rider. Learn more about Rider Reviews and Ratings You must Log In to leave a review. Read about NER User Accounts before attempting to register. Average Rider Rating Food 0.005 (0 Review) Service 0.005 (0 Review) Ambiance/View 0.005 (0 Review) MC Parking 0.005 (0 Review) MC Attire Appropriate 0.005 (0 Review) Score All Stars 1 star2 stars3 stars4 stars5 starsAll PositiveAll Critical Order By Most Recent Rating Score Order DESC ASC No reviews yet! Load more ← Hobbs Tavern & Brewing Johnson Seafood & Steak (New Durham) → Search Best of the NorthEast (BONE) Click under the "Ride" menu above to find the best motorcycling roads in the Northeast and beyond! Upcoming Events European Motorcycle Day Sunday 09/25/2022 Brookline, MA Breakfast then Hoosac Tunnel Sunday 10/09/2022 Rindge, NH RTE at Chengdu Taste Wednesday 10/12/2022 Providence, RI All NER Events Best of the NorthEast (BONE) Click under the "Ride" menu above to find the best motorcycling roads in the Northeast and beyond! Upcoming Events European Motorcycle Day Sunday 09/25/2022 Brookline, MA Breakfast then Hoosac Tunnel Sunday 10/09/2022 Rindge, NH RTE at Chengdu Taste Wednesday 10/12/2022 Providence, RI 2022 NER Foliage Ride Saturday 10/15/2022 Westfield, MA Lunch during the Foliage Ride Saturday 10/15/2022 Great Barrington, MA Copyright © 2022 New England Riders. Theme by Colorlib Powered by WordPress Copyright 2020 by New England Riders - Contact Us
The shrine in Chidian village of Fujian province, southeastern China The shrine in Chidian village of Fujian province, southeastern China On the first day of every lunar month, a few dozen villagers gather in front of a small temple in the centre of Chidian, a run-down village tucked away in the urban sprawl of Jinjiang industrial town, the "world's shoe factory", in southeastern China. Here at the shrine, called the Xingji Pavilion, the residents pray and burn incense-not an unusual sight in the Buddhist and Taoist villages of eastern China. The Chidian shrine, however, is unlike any other in China-the golden deity it houses is neither Buddhist nor Taoist, but Hindu. The four-armed goddess has unmistakably Indian features, strikingly resembling deities in the Vishnu and Shiva temples of Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh. She sits upright, flanked by two companions, and standing over a fallen demon. "It was only 10 or 15 years ago that we discovered this goddess was something different," says Chen Jingtu, a schoolteacher in Chidian. "The village had always thought this shrine was a local version of Guanyin (a popular Bodhisattva), but local scholars told us this goddess is from India." How does a south Indian goddess find herself in a remote corner of Fujian? Local historians believe traders from south India made Quanzhou and its surrounding areas their home during the reign of the Song (960-1279 AD) and Yuan (1279-1368 AD) dynasties when Quanzhou was the busiest port in the world. Chidian is upstream from the Quanzhou port along the Jinjiang, or Jin river, which gives its name to the nearby industrial town. Some of this history has been preserved in Quanzhou's Kaiyuan temple, one of China's most famous, which has at its entrance a panel of inscriptions depicting Narasimha, the man-lion avatar of Vishnu. None of the other shrines have been found intact, only leaving behind panels, statues and Tamil inscriptions. Chidian, however, is a remarkable living museum-perhaps, local historians say, the only such surviving shrine. While its story is known only to residents and a few local historians, what is even more remarkable is that its treasures have never been documented entirely. On a recent visit, india today found what are possibly invaluable Hindu stone statues still adorning old homes. These have never been studied before. Lying in a corner of the Li family shrine, an ancient courtyard home that pays tribute to Chidian's most famous resident, a wealthy sugar baron named Li Wu (1386-1457 AD), is what appears to be a beautifully rendered Nandi bull, the mount of lord Shiva. This Nandi lies out of sight, propped up against the walls of the home. Covered in dust are stone panels that appear to show images of Hindu gods and goddesses, possibly dating back more than 800 years. These are valuable testaments to a part of India's own cultural history. Today, they lie forgotten in a village home in a corner of China. Wang Liming has been, for the greater part of a decade, waging a lone battle to bring this chapter of history to light. The soft-spoken vice-director of the Quanzhou Maritime Museum says there is much that is still not known about Chidian's Xingji Pavilion. The maritime museum has collected and preserved many of the findings from Quanzhou and surrounding areas. The discoveries comprise an extraordinary trove. There is a stone engraving showing an elephant garlanding a Shiva lingam-an image one finds in south Indian temples-and beautifully rendered Vishnu statues. Most of the exhibits on display in the museum are replicas but there are some perfectly preserved originals as well, such as stone temple pillars that one would expect to find in Madurai, not Fujian. Not much is known about Quanz-hou's Indian community but the mus-eum offers some fascinating insights: the traders were likely wealthy as is evident from the fact that they built grand temples. In 1271, an Italian merchant, on a stopover in Quanzhou, wrote that Indian residents of the city were "recognised easily". Chidian's villagers have on their own preserved what could have easily gone to ruin but now stands as possibly the last surviving Hindu shrine of its kind in China. It has not been an easy effort. The village has seen better times. The wave of urbanisation that has transformed Fujian, a prosperous coastal province in China's southeast, has skipped the narrow bylanes of Chidian. It is a poor suburb sandwiched between the prosperous port city of Quanzhou and Jinjiang, a manufacturing town littered with shoe factories. The village, like many in south China, is home to only the elderly and young children; most women and men are employed in nearby cities. A small museum set up at the village's local Communist Party headquarters speaks of its once glorious past. It chronicles the life of Li Wu, who is, six centuries on, still the most famous person to come out of Chidian. After historians told villagers about it, the Hindu deity has become its second-most famous resident. Li Sanlong, who like many other Chidian residents sports the Li surname-they are all descendants of Li Wu-says the villagers are proud of their role in protecting the deity. "The belief was that this was a statue of Guanyin that brought good luck and fortune," Li says. "Though we now know this is a goddess from India, this belief hasn't changed." Wang Liming says some of Chidian's finds, such as the Nandi, haven't yet been studied. "We would like to do some in-depth research, but we are facing problems," she says. "For example, in decoding the messages (in Tamil)." Her painstaking efforts, however, got a new lease of life after Chinese President Xi Jinping launched the "Maritime Silk Road" initiative last year. The initiative envisages connecting China, with Quanzhou as the base, to Southeast Asian and Indian Ocean region nations through sea lanes. This plan has brought in fresh funds into Quanzhou, and renewed interest in Wang's maritime museum. Quanzhou wasn't home to only the Hindu temples; there were Christian and Islamic shrines as well. But it is the Hindu past of the city that is the biggest mystery. "We are more clear about the Christian and Islamic statues than we are about the Hindu statues," Wang says. "There are many questions. We want to build a team with Indian scholars to try and answer them. Are these statues from one big temple? Or were there several temples? Who made them? Was it local artisans or were they brought from India? What do they represent?" There is much that isn't known about the Quanzhou shrines, which is perhaps the biggest mystery of all considering the wealth of information that still survives-even if forgotten-in a small village in a corner of China. Follow the writer on Twitter @ananthkrishnan
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A construction project, sometimes just referred to as a ‘project’, is the organized process of constructing, renovating, refurbishing, etc. a building, structure or infrastructure. That is, a project team, brief and financing are put together to produce a unique design that delivers a single project. GALLERY GLIMPSE Load More WHY CHOOSE US IMPROVE AND INNOVATE WITH THE AC INTERIOR GROUP General Maintenance Leaky faucet? Clogged toilet? We got you covered with our wide range of maintenance services. 24/7 Service No matter the time or day are on call to serve you. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts. Certified And Licensed Properly trained team having license and have special certifications that show their level of skill and expertise KNOW MORE ABOUT US AC Interior has managed the construction of over 1,000,000 square feet of facilities throughout New York & New Jersey. Our overriding concern for Customer Satisfaction Our pursuit for continual improvement Our commitment to the highest level of ethical standards of business The upliftment and well-being of our employees Our adherence to the law of preservation and to the protection of the environment KNOW MORE ABOUT US AC Interior has managed the construction of over 1,000,000 square feet of facilities throughout New York & New Jersey. Our overriding concern for Customer Satisfaction Our pursuit for continual improvement Our commitment to the highest level of ethical standards of business The upliftment and well-being of our employees Our adherence to the law of preservation and to the protection of the environment TESTIMONIALS READY TO GET STARTED? CONTACT US NOW! READY TO GET STARTED? CONTACT US NOW! NAVIGATION MENU HOME COMPANY Services Projects Contact SERVICES Architectural and Design Service Bathroom Renovations Carpet Tiles Chalkboard Removal CLOSET / CABINET REMOVAL CONTACT INFO ADDRESS 30 Wall Street, 8th floor New York, NY 10005 Office: 1-212-796-4390 EMAIL info@acinteriorgroup.com AC INTERIOR GROUP © Copyright 2022. All Rights Reserved. HOME COMPANY Services Services Air Conditioner & Hvac Install And Service Bathroom Renovations Class Rooms And Speciality Rooms Closet / Cabinet Removal Plastering & Painting Electric Upgrades Architectural and Design Service Framing & drywall​ Gym Padding Fire Rated Doors Office Build Outs, Classroom Build 1-Day Installations Whiteboards, Cork Boards & Projectors Projects Contact Previous Next Close Test Caption Test Description goes like this
UMFS is seeking loving families willing to take in one or more kids in order to give them stability, security, and set them up for success later in life. There’s a desperate need for families in the Richmond area to take in teenagers currently in Virginia’s foster care system. This according to UMFS, a nonprofit which serves the needs of kids in need of foster care and other high risk populations. In recent years across Virginia, the number of children entering the foster care system has grown, the organization says. A majority of children are removed from their homes due to physical abuse or neglect, according to data from the Virginia Department of Social Services. In 2016, 386 teenagers in central Virginia needed foster families. Today, there are 414 teenagers in central Virginia that need a place to call home and the support and security of family. “We know that there are simply not enough homes available to support all the teenagers in central Virginia who are entering the foster care system,” said Adalay Wilson, vice president of community-based services at UMFS. “We are calling on the community to help in this time of need. Parents who will support the teenagers in our community by standing up and taking action, are the ones we are looking for.” When there are not enough foster homes available to care for children entering the system, they are typically placed in emergency shelters or group homes. Studies have shown that when a teenager is transitioned from these settings and placed in a family setting, the result is often long-term stability, success in school, and mastery of basic life skills. “All of the children need families that can give them stability,” Wilson added. “A lot of the children are coming from environments where they didn’t have a lot of consistency or security or boundaries. They need a lot of those.” “Our highest need is homes for teens and sibling groups,” she said. “The best gift we can give children who enter the foster care system is to preserve their connections with their brothers and sisters. We are passionate about recruiting homes that can accept sibling groups.” Those interested in supporting children who need a home can contact Adalay Wilson at 804.353.4461 ext. 1105, or by email.
Professional AC Duct & Vent Cleaning | Bozeman & Belgrade Skip to content REQUEST SERVICE REQUEST ESTIMATE Online Scheduler (406) 418-9373 Filter Store Menu Heating Ductless Systems Gas Furnaces Heat Pumps Indoor Air Quality Cooling Air Conditioning Air Ducts Air Handlers Ductless Systems Sheet Metal Whole-House Humidifiers and Dehumidifiers Zone Controls Indoor Air Quality Duct Cleaning Commercial Cooling HVAC New Construction Indoor Air Quality Heating Products American Standard Lennox Mitsubishi Air Scrubber Advanced Company About Us Community Involvement Contact Us Request Service Request Estimate Careers Filter Store Financing Leave a Review Maintenance Scheduler Monarch Comfort Club News Read Our Reviews Service Area Specials Spring Maintenance Promotion Summer AC Giveaway Duct Cleaning In spring or fall our focus is usually on our heating and cooling equipment which moves the air in your home but what about your air ducts? The ductwork in your home plays a vital role in how well your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system performs. Yet, because those ducts are hidden, homeowners tend to neglect them. We often go to homes where the equipment is brand new, but the ductwork is poorly maintained. Why does it matter? Over time, dust and debris accumulate in those ducts. Neglected ductwork also invites pet dander, mold, dust mites—even vermin. Keep in mind the air you breathe travels through these ducts. Your indoor air quality IAQ greatly depends on the condition of your ductwork. Our team at Monarch Heating and Cooling specializes in restoring ductwork. We take pressurized readings to pinpoint any leaks or tears that allow airflow to escape. Our powerful vacuums, blowers, and brushes can remove all the debris accumulated in your ductwork for you to enjoy fresh, clean air. Why Should You Clean Your Air Ducts? When leaks and tears form in your ductwork, airflow escapes and contaminants infiltrate. The US Department of Energy (DOE) estimates the average duct system loses up to 40 percent of the airflow created by your HVAC system. That’s a lot of money slipping through those cracks. What about your HVAC equipment? Clogged air ducts make it harder for your furnace and air conditioner to do their jobs. Your system has to stay on longer to reach target temperatures, shortening the service life of the equipment. What about your health? Compromised air quality can trigger respiratory illnesses such as allergies and asthma. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) consistently ranks indoor air quality among the top five environmental risks to our health. Think your ducts may have sprung a leak? Here are some giveaways: You noticed an uptick in your utility bills. Rooms are more difficult to heat or cool down. Some rooms are muggy or chilly—never quite the right temperature. Your system keeps cycling on and off without reaching target temperatures. At Monarch Heating and Cooling, we work extra hard to earn your business. Give us a call for a free consultation and have one of our licensed professionals come out to inspect the ductwork in your home. Duct Cleaning Services in Montana Duct cleaning requires the right tools and training. Otherwise, you can create a mess. We can promise you that our team understands every facet of ductwork, from installation to repair. We guarantee good results. We only use industry-approved equipment, starting with powerful duct cleaning trucks and vacuums that can remove the most stubborn contaminants. Our tools remove any particles that accumulate in your ductwork, grilles, and return vents. You will notice the difference right away. Duct cleaning is not a job you can do on your own. It takes the right tools and training. Without the right equipment, more than likely, any dust and debris you draw out of your ducts will end up scattered throughout your home. We work with every type of ductwork. Enjoy a breath of fresh air—give us a call today. How Often Should You Clean Your Air Ducts? The National Air Ducts Cleaners Association (NADCA) recommends cleaning your ducts every three years on average. Doing so helps keep your HVAC system operating at peak efficiency and contributes to lower energy bills. Regular maintenance, such as annual tune-ups, also plays a critical role in helping you get the most value from your HVAC system. You should consider getting your ducts cleaned more often if: You recently had some work done, such as a remodeling project or addition. You have pets or someone who smokes in your home. Someone in your household suffers from allergies or asthma. You detect signs of mold or vermin in your ducts. Duct Cleaning Repairs and Maintenance If you detect reduced airflow or suspect some other issue with your ductwork, give us a call right away. More often than not, our team can uncover minor issues before they turn into costly repairs. At Monarch Heating and Cooling, we always provide accurate upfront pricing to avoid any surprises. Our company core values begin with honesty and integrity. We value the trust you place in our professionals and work hard to keep your business. Emergency repairs happen at all hours. That’s why our company offers 24/7 emergency response times. We want to be there when you need us. Did you know planned maintenance can keep your system running like new? Even if you haven’t scheduled a tune-up in years, our team can rejuvenate your equipment. You invested a significant amount in your HVAC system—maintaining it only makes sense. Call Us for Your Duct Cleaning Needs Our team at Monarch Heating and Cooling is your trusted source to clean and repair the air ducts in your Belgrade, MT, home or business. Call (406) 418-9373 or request service online today to learn more about ductwork cleaning and other products to improve your indoor air quality. Schedule Duct Cleaning Need Duct Cleaning Service? Contact the experts at Monarch Heating and Cooling. Call us at (406) 418-9373! Request Service (406) 418-9373 26 Pipkin Way, Belgrade, MT 59714 Services PRODUCTS SPECIALS FINANCING NEWS CAREERS COMPANY CONTACT 5/5 - 6 reviews Leave a Review © 2022 | All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy Service (406) 418-9373
Cameron Stewart has won his compensation claim against Leeds United and will receive a minimum of £500,000, according to Yorkshire Evening Post reporter Phil Hay. Stewart took Leeds to court after an agreement to sign the winger after a loan spell was not taken up by the Whites, despite a contract being signed. The claim was for the difference in wages between the agreed wage at Leeds and the wage he receives at Ipswich after agreeing to sign with them instead. The full story can be accessed here. Following a hearing involving Stewart, Leeds United and the Football Association, it has been decided that Stewart was correct in his claim and Leeds will have to pay the owed money. This is just the latest in a long line of court cases involving Leeds United in recent years, with the club being involved in disputes with West Yorkshire Police, former directors at the club, and Massimo Cellino’s tax evasion trial involving his yacht in Italy.
United States President-elect Donald Trump will withdraw the country from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) on his first day in office with an executive action, he says. Mr Trump released a video today laying out actions he would take on his first day in office on 20 January, including withdrawing the US from the free trade deal. That included issuing a notification of intent to withdraw from the TPP, instead negotiating with countries bilaterally. He also said he would issue a rule cutting government regulations, direct the Labor Department to investigate abuses of visa programs, and cancel some restrictions on energy production, including shale oil and gas and coal. He said he would reduce regulations by passing a law requiring two to be removed for every new regulation enacted. On his plan to as he called it "drain the swamp" of corrupt politicians in Washington, he would impose a five-year ban on executive officials becoming lobbyists after leaving the administration and a lifetime ban on those officials lobbying on behalf of foreign governments. Mr Trump has said he was not opposed to trade deals, but would sign only those he considers best for America. In his victory speech, he said the US will "get along" with all countries willing to get along with it. At the APEC summit in Peru this week, countries which have signed up to TPP, including New Zealand, expressed disappointment over Mr Trump's intentions to pull the US out. President Barack Obama also said that not moving ahead with TPP would undermine America's position across the Asia-Pacific region. Mr Obama championed the TPP as a way to counter China's rise. Prime Minister John Key has said he is still prepared to push on with the TPP, even without the US. Photo: RNZ / Rebekah Parsons-King Mr Key said at the APEC summit that if the TPP stood without the US, New Zealand could still reap about two-thirds of the $2.7 billion in estimated benefits. The TPP agreement includes 12 nations including Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam as well as New Zealand and the US. Of those, New Zealand currently does not have free trade agreements with the US, Japan, Mexico, Canada or Peru. The proposed deal was finalised between the 12 nations in Auckland in February. New Zealand's government has already signed the legislation allowing the country to join the agreement, though it remains the only country to have done so. Trade Minister Todd McClay said Mr Trump's comments today changed nothing. He said the comments were nothing new and New Zealand would wait to see what actions the Trump administration actually took. Mr McClay said even without the US, the trade deal could still be New Zealand's first free trade agreement with Peru, Mexico, Canada and Japan. Photo: RNZ / Alexander Robertson The New Zealand Labour and Green parties opposed the bill. The TPP has faced protests and opposition, particularly over a provision giving corporations greater rights to sue governments for introducing legislation that harmed their investments. China has been pushing for its own TPP-like trade agreement, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, which involved 16 nations. Negotiations on RCEP have been continuing for three years. The nations involved include Brunei-Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Australia, China, India, Japan, Korea, and New Zealand.
Exploring fastai with Excel and Python - #8 by Daniel - Part 1 2022 - Deep Learning Course Forums Deep Learning Course Forums Exploring fastai with Excel and Python Part 1 2022 Daniel (深度碎片) July 14, 2022, 1:55pm #1 About the topic This topic is a test on how far I can explore theories and techniques taught in fastai using Excel with great help and guidance from @Moody and many others in fastai community. Why Doing it? Jeremy said it multiple times Excel is greatly underappreciated by many in deep learning On how to do fastai, Jeremy said numerous times: just finish one thing and if you can, finish it nicely! I am deeply inspired by @Moody’s story with excel and fastai I want exploring fastai with detailed note and excel experiments to be my thing. I want to truly test my tenacity this time. (I was ashamed when Jeremy and Radek said you can only fail fastai by giving up. Just imagine it, I joined the forum at the end of 2016. Pray for no accidents this time) What is the plan Experiments and contemplation: so far just the first step and possible future steps (e.g., on learning rate) Building and consolidate notes on fastai lectures, fastbook and docs Reading docs and experimenting src of fastai Learning excel along the way Python basics Fastai spreadsheets Jeremy’s spreadsheets from fastai/fastai1 and spreadsheets from fastai/course22. Sarada’s advanced spreadsheets on fastai. 5 Likes Daniel (深度碎片) July 14, 2022, 1:56pm #2 Daniel: Learning excel along the way Excel tips How to draw graph using columns of data? How to reuse Jeremy’s macros for all my workbooks? get developer tool ready open project explorer open Jeremy’s excel file and your workbook copy and paste the macro to the worksheet you want it to have How to debug or inspect data flow in your formula? How to set primary and secondary axis? How to write a custom VBA function with docs? How to construct a complex Lambda + Let function step by step in Excel? Daniel (深度碎片) July 14, 2022, 2:01pm #3 Daniel: What is the plan so far just the first step and possible future steps (e.g., on learning rate) Experiment and contemplation on graddesc.xlsx Questions experimented Jeremy’s original graddesc.xlsm, and my experiment workbook graddesc-daniel.xlsm How does ReLU (an activation function) make a linear layer/neuron non-linear? (demo by Sarada) Does converting a linear neuron into a non-linear one make training much easier? (experiments) How to calculate derivatives of weights with respect to error without analystical derivative formula? What happens to a 2-neuron model when you give it a ReLU? What happens when you train a 2-neuron model to find a simple linear function y = 2x + 30? How important is your learning rate to ensure training to get started and going? Derivatives of changing weights seem unpredictable, how SGD using learning rate and derivatives to manage weights toward optimal in most cases? How SGD loses control and derivatives and errors go exploding? 2 linear layer model without non-linear function in between is just another linear layer model. But why in experiment the 2 linear layer model is much worse than a 1-linear layer model? What happens when you add a ReLU to the 1st neuro of 2-neuron model? (train freely and 3 weights fixed and derivatives stay zero, does 1-neuron do the same? ) What does momentum look like and what is the intuition behind? Implement average_grad in Excel Daniel (深度碎片) July 14, 2022, 11:11pm #4 Daniel: Building and consolidate notes on fastai resources to assist the excel experiments Notes from fastai teaching You can search all fastai videos with keywords! Thank you very much @fmussari for this wonderful tool! What Jeremy said about Affine function and non-linear activation function and what does ReLU do for neuralnet in general? How should we think of deep learning jargons? Why is non linear activation the power source of neuralnet mathematically? What does Jeremy say about epochs? Summary What is an epoch? What could happen if you run 10 epochs with lots of weights and high learning rate? What would happen related to overfitting if you do just 1 epoch? Are these Jeremy’s experimental knowledge or there is some more blogs or papers can read upon? Radek on weight decay Do weight_decay vs l2_reg behave differently under the same but more complex optimization stepping functions? kurianbenoy (Kurian Benoy) July 15, 2022, 12:32am #5 Thanks for creating this topics and writing about this @Daniel and @Moody. Really appreciate this. 2 Likes Moody (Sarada Lee) July 15, 2022, 12:43am #6 Daniel: Excel tips Cautions: The tips I provided here are just to get you started. They are not the best practice to use Excel in terms of optimizing performance and memories. But, it seems you have so much fun already. 2 Likes Daniel (深度碎片) July 15, 2022, 1:02am #7 Moody: Cautions: The tips I provided here are just to get you started. They are not the best practice to use Excel in terms of optimizing performance and memories. But, it seems you have so much fun already. Yes, thank you Sarada! Daniel (深度碎片) July 15, 2022, 5:23am #8 Daniel: Notes from fastai teaching How should we think of deep learning jargon according to Jeremy? Screen Shot 2022-07-15 at 1.19.26 PM942×1140 91 KB 1 Like Daniel (深度碎片) July 15, 2022, 10:04am #9 Why non-linear function is the power source of neuralnet from a mathematical perspective? Quote from the fastbook Amazingly enough, it can be mathematically proven that this little function can solve any computable problem to an arbitrarily high level of accuracy, if you can find the right parameters for w1 and w2 and if you make these matrices big enough. For any arbitrarily wiggly function, we can approximate it as a bunch of lines joined together; to make it closer to the wiggly function, we just have to use shorter lines. This is known as the universal approximation theorem . The three lines of code that we have here are known as layers . The first and third are known as linear layers , and the second line of code is known variously as a nonlinearity , or activation function . 1 Like fmussari (Francisco Mussari) July 16, 2022, 11:31pm #10 I was playing with the Titanic spreadsheet from the course repository , watching again Lesson 3 and was wondering how to replicate the linear regression in Google Sheets. I didn’t knew of Google Sheets having a Solver (it seems that there are some implementations), but I explored other alternatives. The first one I found was LINEST. LINEST is a function (also available in Excel) that “calculates various parameters about the ideal linear trend using the least-squares method”. When applying it, a loss of 0.396 was obtained. So, according to the Google documentation it should do the job, but the Excel solver was giving us a much better result with loss of 0.1443. In order to achieve a better result, I was wondering on how to apply Gradient Descent but wasn’t sure how to do it. I thought about Apps Script but was a bit reluctant to do it that way (I didn’t want slow for loops). I knew about this article of how to use Tensorflow.js inside Google Sheets: Machine Learning in Google Sheet with Tensorflow.js and Apps Script. I thought that maybe using ts.js loss functions or matrix operation would help me accomplish the objective, but not being proficient neither in Javascript or in Tensorflow would play against the objective. But in the process I finally found all the Google Sheets formulas that allows to apply the Gradient Descent (in a relative simple way) and to get a result as good as Excel Solver. Formulas for Gradient Descent Explore the file here: Titanic - Gradient Descent. – LINEST: The first parameters were obtained with the LINEST formula. As I mentioned, its results produced a loss of 0.396 The other functions used to calculate the gradients are the following: – SUMXMY2: Calculates the sum of the squares of differences of values between two arrays. – MMULT: Calculates the matrix product of two matrices specified as arrays or ranges. – TRANSPOSE: Transposes the rows and columns of an array or range of cells. For calculating the partial derivatives a delta of 1E-6 was established. So, the partials were calculated as follow: ∂v1 = (LOSS(v1, v2, ..., v10) - LOSS(v1+delta, v2, ..., v10)) / delta ∂v2 = (LOSS(v1, v2, ..., v10) - LOSS(v1, v2+delta, ..., v10)) / delta (...) ∂v10 = (LOSS(v1, v2, ..., v10) - LOSS(v1, v2, ..., v10+delta)) / delta
New details have emerged out of the HTC camp regarding today’s announcement of a “Nexus Experience” HTC One. Two main points were brought up when speaking to The Verge, the first concerning the device’s hardware buttons. They will remain on the device, with the Android OS being built around them. Exactly like how they are currently, Google Now will be accessed by long pressing the home button and then double tapping the home button will bring up Android’s multitask windows. The second and most important piece of new information concerns current HTC One owners that might feel a bit left out by this announcement. HTC is currently “examining the best way to support early adopters of the One,” who would potentially prefer an AOSP experience to Sense UI. That’s right, current owners of the One may be given stock Android if they so choose. How and when HTC intends to roll out such a change is still to be determined, but this is a great sign that HTC is open to their customer’s opinions and desires. As of right now, the only way we could think of that they could accomplish such a task is to basically release a vanilla Android ROM for people to download and flash. Either way, we like what we’re hearing. Any HTC One owners in here that can’t wait to flash some stock Android? Via: The Verge
In his inaugural address last week, Rhode Island Governor Lincoln Chafee declared his support for marriage equality in the state. In response, the National Organization for Marriage’s state affiliate has decided to launch a $100,000 ad campaign against him, claiming that Chafee is an “accidental governor” who has no mandate to “impose” marriage equality on the state: “Lincoln Chafee got just 36% of the vote in the recent election, and fewer popular votes than the Cool Moose Party’s candidate for Lieutenant Governor,” said Christopher Plante, Executive Director of NOM-RI. “Our message is that getting 36% of the vote is no mandate to redefine the institution of marriage for all of Rhode Island society.” Chafee signaled in his inaugural address last week that imposing same-sex marriage in Rhode Island is a top priority, and called on the legislature to move quickly to enact it. He opposes giving Rhode Islanders the right to vote on marriage, even though public opinion polls show that 80% of voters want the right to decide this issue themselves. “80% of Rhode Islanders want the chance to vote on marriage, just as voters in 31 other states have done,” the ad states. It calls on Rhode Islanders to call Chafee’s office, and that of House Speaker Fox and Senate President Paiva-Weed to express their views. “In some ways, Lincoln Chafee is an accidental governor for Rhode Island, elected in the most unusual of circumstances,” Plante said. “Yet he expects legislators to follow him off the cliff in pursuit of same-sex marriage. This is what happened in neighboring New Hampshire and before that in Maine. In both those states, politicians who followed their so-called leaders have been replaced with pro-marriage legislators and same-sex marriage has been repealed, or is on its way to being repealed. In Iowa, three judges who voted to impose same-sex marriage were summarily thrown out of office by voters. If legislators in Rhode Island wish to redefine marriage, they should put this issue on the ballot where the people themselves can decide if they wish to abandon one of the most fundamental institutions of society.”
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BBB warns: children continue to be heavily targeted by identity thieves - Pittsburgh Parent Sections Family Life Resource Directories Calendar of THINGS TO DO Topics Crafts SteamForward Community Spotlight Parent to Parent Profile Connect E-Blast Signup Pittsburgh Parent Search E-Blast Signup Family Life Resource Directories Calendar of THINGS TO DO Crafts SteamForward Community Spotlight Parent to Parent Profile BBB warns: children continue to be heavily targeted by identity thieves December 19, 2012 Pittsburgh Parent Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania –According to a study published by Carnegie Mellon University CyLab, a cyber security research center, children are targeted by identity thieves 51 times more frequently than adults. Your Better Business Bureau encourages parents to regularly monitor their children’s credit report to prevent devastating damage to their future. This CyLab study indicated identity thieves are targeting young children and using their unused Social Security numbers to steal their identity. Thieves steal Social Security numbers, attach a different name and birth date to it, and proceed to open credit cards and secure auto loans, student loans and home mortgages, among other things. Children are easy targets because they typically do not start using their information until early adulthood, when applying for college, loans or their first credit card. As a parent, you can better protect your child’s identity by: Safeguarding your child’s personal information. Keep your child’s personally identifiable information, such as his or her Social Security card, date of birth and birth certificate, in a secure spot. Share your child’s Social Security number only when you know and trust the other party. Monitoring your child’s credit report. As soon as you get your child’s social security card you should start monitoring his or her report. www.annualcreditreport.com allows one free credit report a year for each credit-reporting agency. Keeping anti-virus software updated. Some savvy thieves create viruses designed to search computers for documents containing your child’s Social Security number. Safely disposing of personal documents. Shred all papers that include your child’s personal information before you throw them out. Delete computer files that you no longer need, and empty your online trash or recycle bin. BBB System: BBB is an unbiased organization that sets and upholds high standards for fair and honest business behavior. Businesses that earn BBB accreditation contractually agree and adhere to the organization’s high standards of ethical business behavior. BBB provides objective advice, free BBB Business Reviews and BBB Wise Giving ReportsTM, and educational information on topics affecting marketplace trust. To further promote trust, BBB also offers complaint and dispute resolution support for consumers and businesses when there is difference in viewpoints. Please visit www.bbb.org for more information about the BBB System. This article appears in the BBB warns: children continue to be heavily targeted by identity thieves issue of Pittsburgh Parent. Facebook Pinterest Twitter Linkedin Related Park 'til Dark North Park Heinz Endowment helping empower Pittsburgh’s PostPartum support system How do I get my child excited to learn chess? Popular Articles Spending time together - Benefits of family time How to leave a relationship with a child involved Tips for parents on identifying drug smells How to deal with an angry child after divorce What Causes A Baby to be Born Deaf? The tooth is connected to the...Everything! Resource Directories After School & Enrichment Activities Camps Childcare & Preschool Community Services Education Family Attractions & Places To Go Health Party Special Needs Read Our Magazine Issue Archive Contact Us Advertise With Us Contact Information About Us Contact Us Write For Us Advertise With Us Meet Our Staff Looking For Family Life Resource Directories Calendar of THINGS TO DO Camps Childcare Crafts Education Enrichment Health Parenting Party Recipes Special Needs Connect Read Our Magazines E-Blast Signup Submit an Event Facebook Instagram Pinterest Twitter © 2022 Pittsburgh Parent. Privacy Policy | Terms of Service Close Share Toggle Fullscreen Zoom in/out Previous Next
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Psychological distress linked to long COVID, study says Skip to content News Weather Sports Our Town Livestream News COVID-19 Info Great Health Divide What's Your Story National Regional State Weather Weather Maps Radar Weather Blog Weather Academy Weather Radio Severe Weather Resources Closings Livestream Sports Local Scores Beat the Ace Team of the Week Aaron's Aces Cheerleader Challenge Community Calendar COVID-19 Map Elections Good Morning ArkLaMiss Guest Recipes Guest Interview Request Form Health Connections Perfect Home Our Town Service Salute Submit Photos and Videos Feed Your Soul Mr. Food Talking Food TV Listings Station Jobs Contact Us Meet the Team Advertise With Us Jobs Closed Captioning Submit a News Tip The CW Circle - Country Music & Lifestyle Gray DC Bureau PowerNation Investigate TV Latest Newscasts Press Releases Psychological distress linked to long COVID, study says A new study suggests you may be more likely to develop long COVID if you suffer from anxiety, depression or loneliness.(CNN) By CNN Published: Sep. 18, 2022 at 10:07 AM CDT Share on Facebook Email This Link Share on Twitter Share on Pinterest Share on LinkedIn (CNN) – If you suffer from anxiety, depression or loneliness, you may be at a higher risk of developing long COVID-19. A new study published in JAMA Psychiatry said people with common psychiatric issues could have up to a 50% higher risk of longer-term COVID-related symptoms. This includes breathing problems, brain fog, chronic coughing and overwhelming fatigue. Researchers looked at medical data from nearly 55,000 people. Scientists say they adjusted for demographics, body weight, smoking statues and medical history. Researchers say participants with two or more types of psychological distress had the higher risk. One of the authors of the study said your immune system doesn’t work as well against targets like viruses and bacteria when you’re depressed or anxious. Copyright 2022 CNN. All rights reserved. Most Read Richwood Rd. shooting kills woman, injures man FDA: Do not cook chicken in NyQuil MPD looking for two suspects in Richwood Road shooting Human remains found in river date back to prehistoric person, officials say Martial arts instructor accused of raping, sexually assaulting kids Latest News Pharoah Sanders, influential jazz saxophonist, dies at 81 High school student becomes first ever to earn maximum score on AP calculus exam China underscores commitment to Taiwan, warns interlopers 3 baby chimps abducted from animal sanctuary; abductors demanding ransom money Fiona washes houses away, knocks out power in Canada News Weather Sports Contact Us KNOE 1400 Oliver Road Monroe, LA 71201 (318) 388-8888 Terms of Service Privacy Policy Public Inspection File publicfile@knoe.com - (318) 388-8888 EEO Statement FCC Applications Advertising Closed Captioning/Audio Description A Gray Media Group, Inc. Station - © 2002-2022 Gray Television, Inc.
After taking a small poll on this site regarding possible highway tours, the results are in. It would seem that the Cajon Pass area was the most popular. As such, it will be the first tour given. Unless conditions warrant otherwise, the first tour will be on August 12, 2017. It will begin at the San Bernardino Metrolink station at 10 am. While a more exact itinerary will be created in the near future, the tour will cover the highway as well as the geology from the train station to Cajon Summit. The tour will be in a caravan style with specific stopping points. There may be some short hikes as well to see old pavement, alignments, or bridges. There will also be no cost for the tour. Please RSVP as soon as you can so I can get an idea of how many may show. It should be a lot of fun and I hope to see you out there! (Visited 214 times, 1 visits today) Like this: Like Loading...
The second annual performance report on the Seattle Transportation Benefit District (STBD) was released this week. The report highlights local investments in transit service, ridership and on-time performance, access to frequent transit, and transportation equity initiatives such as the Youth ORCA Program and ORCA LIFT. Seattle voters passed Proposition 1 in 2014 that authorized a special vehicle license fee (VLF) and sales tax to fund transit service in Seattle. A $20 VLF had already been on the books at the time, but voters upped by that by $60 and added 0.1% to the sales tax in an effort to stave off deep bus service cuts. At the time, King County Metro Transit was facing funding shortfalls after exhausting reserves during the Great Recession when sales tax receipts were in decline, but by the time voters okayed the measure the proposal had flipped into one of service expansion to serve a growing city. Now that we’ve seen two years of investment in local transit service, we can see that the investment has paid off. The report is chalk full of graphics explaining how the STBD is delivering on system improvements, not just keeping the status quo. Summing up the second year, the STBD reports that access to frequent transit service is way up from where it was in 2015 and surpassing current goals. Additionally, nearly 2,700 youth participated in a free transit pass program, and ridership on several RapidRide lines is up by double digits since 2015. Leading the pack in growth was the RapidRide C which grew 40% since 2015, averaging 11,600 daily rides by last count. Growing Service Hours, Ridership, and Late Night Service In the first year of the STBD, the city invested the equivalent of 270,000 annual service hours into the Seattle bus system. That was spread across 68 routes, boosting frequency on a lot of routes and restoring others (e.g. Route 47) that had been eliminated. Service hours also went toward reducing crowding at peak times, improving on-time performance, and making routes more frequent when demand is highest. The STBD has put a particular emphasis on some core routes such as the 5, 10, 48, and RapidRide C and D Lines. Annual service hours paid by Seattle now total more than 308,000, an astounding sum that in a number of cases is backing more than 30% of the total service hours for city bus routes. Transit ridership is seeing healthy growth in Seattle. A significant amount of this has been on frequent transit bus routes and light rail. In fact, bus-based transit has seen some of the largest gains on the RapidRide C, D, and E Lines. The RapidRide C Line, for instance, has experienced a 40% growth in ridership since 2015. This growth was partially induced by 71,000 additional service hours (21% of the new service hours funded by the STBD in 2015-2016) that were showered onto the RapidRide lines during the first year of STBD investments. The net result was more frequency and higher ridership. But another feature of ballooning transit ridership has been led by light rail with more than 100% growth since 2015. Two new stations in Capitol Hill and at the University of Washington are the primary drivers of that. The STBD is arguably responsible for much of the late-night bus network (or Night Owl Network) that Seattle has today. In 2014, much of the Night Owl Network was proposed for deletion but the STBD saved it. This fall, the STBD led the effort to reform the Night Owl Network significantly by providing service to many areas of Seattle not previously covered before. Seattle bankrolled extended service hours on Routes 3, 5, 11, 44, 48, 65, 67, and 70. King County Metro Transit also chipped in with added service on Routes 120 and 124. No longer do riders late at night have to consult a different schedule and route map from normal times of day. Instead, the reformed system provides consistent operations with all-day routes and allows for connections outside of the city center. Frequent Transit Service Access Seattle has a long-term goal of providing frequent transit service within a 10-minute walk to 72% of all households by 2025. Buses would come every 10 minutes or less throughout the day and into early evening. Funding from the STBD is already making substantial headway toward that goal. 64% of all households meet the frequent transit service standard which is up from 25% in 2015. The expansion of frequent transit service already exceeds the 2020 goal of 53%. Implementation of frequent transit service has been progressive with phased improvements since 2015. In 2016, frequent transit service was added to corridors in several neighborhoods such as West Seattle, Ballard, Uptown, and Central Area. This involved increasing service on core routes like the 44, 48, and RapidRide C and D Lines. The University Link extension also opened that year bringing light rail to Capitol Hill and University of Washington. Additional frequent transit service was brought to Northeast Seattle and Queen Anne through a mix of route consolidations and more trips. Access for Low-Income Households Seattle has been highly successful in enrolling low-income residents into the ORCA LIFT program. Year-over-year, the percent of eligible residents enrolled in the program rose from 11% to 19% in Seattle. Elsewhere in King County, enrollment is lagging with less than 10% of residents participating in the program. The increase in enrollment is intentional with the city pushing advertising of the program through a variety of mediums (e.g., billboards, radio advertisements, and Facebook promotions). The STBD also offers ORCA LIFT cards with pre-loaded funds up to $15. Access for Youth A less noticeable aspect of the STBD is the efforts in supporting youth access and ridership on city bus routes. The program started from local efforts at Rainier Beach High School to encourage transportation access for students. Eventually there was a push to get the city to focus on youth transportation accessibility leading to the creation of the Youth ORCA Program in 2016 as a mean to offer free youth transit passes during the school year. The performance of the program is showing some promising results with the number of participating youth and rides way up–over 800% from the first half-year. Youth are also saving substantial amounts of money in transit fares (approximately $240 per participant). The program is generally geared toward students in middle school and high school who do not qualify for the Seattle Public Schools ORCA card and who are part of households below 200% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines. However, the program was expanded over the summer with a reduced transit fare option for youth generally. Youth participating in the Youth ORCA Program have a variety of reasons for using transit passes. Outside of travel to school, youth surveyed believe the biggest benefits of the pass is staying socially active and putting less pressure on family to transport them. Many youth participants report using their Youth ORCA cards to get them to work (34%), shopping (39%), and after school activities (69%). In the summer time, surveyed youth participants believed that the pass would be instrumental in staying active (65%) and getting a job (47%). These numbers are encouraging showing that participating youth are using transit for more than just school commute; they’re using transit as a feature of normal daily life, too. It is hard to imagine where bus service in Seattle would be right now without the STBD. We likely wouldn’t be seeing the drive-alone commute rate to Downtown Seattle drop to its lowest ever level, with more and more residents switching to different modes all the time. While overcrowding on buses and off-peak frequency remains an issue, the STBD has allowed many more Seatteites to depend on transit to get where they need to go. You can browse the full two-year performance report below. The issue of what is next for the transportation benefit district in the long-term is something that many transit advocates are interested in, and I will have more details on that subject that come from speaking with SDOT’s Transit and Mobility Director, Andrew Glass-Hastings, later this week. We hope you loved this article. If so, please consider supporting our work. The Urbanist is a non-profit that depends on donations from readers like you.
Karma struck China’s Wuhu City last weekend as a man who made the fatal decision to flee the scene of an accident later discovered that his victim was his own mother. Sadly, by the time he had made the discovery, his mother had already succumbed to her injuries. According to reports, the suspect referred to as “Zhang” set out in the early morning for his mother’s home in Anhui Province, China. However, on his way Zhang struck an elderly woman with his car who then collapsed on the ground. Zhang looked around and saw no other pedestrians or cars in the area. It was then that he made the decision to drive away, thinking he didn’t want to be arrested and sent to prison. Ironically, by fleeing the scene of what was then a simple accident, he had cemented his position as a criminal. Still, as they say “it’s only a crime if you get caught.” Later, Zhang arrived at his mother’s front door but found that no one was home. He asked a neighbor who told him that the elderly woman had gone out by herself earlier in the day but hadn’t returned. The message immediately caused Zhang’s stomach to turn and he rushed back to the scene of his crime. Given the time of day and lack of anyone else around, Zhang had a hard time doubting who he had just hit with his car. Then, sure enough, he found his own mother lying in a heap on the ground, unconscious from loss of blood. He called for an ambulance which arrived quickly, but it was already too late and the woman succumbed to her wounds. Zhang was later charged with hit-and-run but it’s safe to say whatever penalty he faces will pale in comparison to his own mental and emotional anguish. UPDATE: After the posting this article we learned that Zhang did not actually hit the woman but simply found her lying on the road after being hit by someone else. He initially refused to stop and help for fear that he would be accused of hitting her. We will keep the original article as is since it would put many readers’ comments out of context, and we apologize for the mistake. Source: Focus China/Livedoor News via My Game News Flash (Japanese), Apple Daily (Chinese) Top Image (Screenshot): Apple Daily
No more latching a tree to the roof of your car or dragging it home on city sidewalks — at least on Thursday. For one day only, Uber will deliver Christmas trees on demand across 10 cities in the United States. The startup that connects passengers with car services is partnering with Home Depot on Thursday to bring live trees and stands to houses or offices just minutes after an order is placed using the Uber smartphone app (for iOS, Android or Blackberry). Requests will be taken between the hours of 11:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. (local time) on Thursday in the following cities: Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles, New York City, Philadelphia, San Diego, San Francisco and Washington, D.C. The service costs $135, but similar to Uber's regular service, you don't need cash upfront. The cost is charged using credit card information that you must load into the app. It's also possible to split the fee among roommates, friends or family members. Some took to Twitter to share complications about tree delivery in urban areas. CitiBike used as Christmas tree delivery vehicle. http://t.co/e4g3RXZHAt — Alex Goldmark (@alexgoldmark) December 2, 2013 SF, what's the best way to get a small Christmas tree delivered to my apt? Also, why is there no seasonal Uber-like app for this yet? — Ashley Brown (@ashbrown) December 3, 2013 Uber has experimented with on-demand services more and more frequently. In fact, its Seattle team will bring Santa to your office or home for pictures, and later this month, the company will launch an "UberSleigh" campaign to collect toys for children in need. Image: Uber
It’s been a while since we had a totally original Joss Whedon movie, but, judging from some of his comments in recent interviews, something new is on the horizon. Speaking to The Wrap yesterday at the HeForShe Media Summit in Los Angeles, Whedon revealed a few details about the script he’s working on now: “It is a story about a girl who goes through some unbelievable sh-t.” Whedon estimates the script could be done as soon as the next few months, saying “it is an original screenplay that is very different from everything I’ve ever done except for that it’s exactly the same […] It’s the first time in my life I’m writing without a sort of studio audience rating—without a plan. I’m just writing about something I care about, so it’s a little terrifying and it’s taking a little longer. But I think it will be good!” At the Tribeca Film Festival last month, Whedon had said that although he’s “very proud” of Avengers: Age of Ultron, “I was so beaten down by the process.” He explained at the time that some of this stress was caused by exhaustion from shooting back-to-back Avengers movies, but some of it was also the result of creative conflicts with Marvel. Still, when asked by The Wrap if “he’d be into directing a female-driven Avengers franchise,” Whedon said he’d consider working with Marvel again on a project like that: “Yeah, of course. Although I tend more towards the Jessica Jones-ey kind of stories than the delightful Supergirl stories that my daughter wants.” Whedon went on to say in regards to Captain Marvel, “Kevin Feige fought a mighty fight to get her on the schedule. So it’s a start. You could say that should be a middle, but it’s a start.” True, it’s a start. But right now it feels so, so far away. (via io9, image via s_bukley/Shutterstock.com) —The Mary Sue has a strict comment policy that forbids, but is not limited to, personal insults toward anyone, hate speech, and trolling.— Follow The Mary Sue on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, & Google+.
Sunday, February 9, 2020 Love, Sweet Love Show in Berkeley – Debra Mugnani Debra Mugnani Musing on life, singing, and performance Sunday, February 9, 2020 Love, Sweet Love Show in Berkeley This entry was written by debramugnani, posted on December 30, 2019 at 7:49 pm, filed under Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post. Post a comment or leave a trackback: Trackback URL. Leave a Reply Click here to cancel reply. Name (required) Mail (will not be published) (required) Website Δ About Me Debra Mugnani sings in a style that is both sophisticated and emotionally direct. Her interpretations of the Great American Songbook show a deep love and respect for the material while adding a delightful spark of personality. Debra’s influences are Ella Fitzgerald, Carmen McCrae and Morgana King. A native of San Francisco, Debra has also been greatly influenced and inspired by vocalists and vocal instructors she has been fortunate enough to study with; Kitty Margolis, Faith Winthrop, Jesse Foster, Madeline Eastman and Dena De Rose. "There is a vitality, a life-force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action and because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and be lost. The world will not have it. It is not your business to determine how good it is nor how valuable nor how it compares with other expressions. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open. You do not even have to believe in yourself or your work. You have to keep open and aware directly to the urges that motivate you. Keep the channel open." Testimonials "Debra, an enchanting chanteuse, delights audiences with playful and seductive performances of her charming repertoire." -- Bonita and Bill "Savor the sultry fashionings of Debra's jazzy renditions of classic confections."-- Linda "Debra is an amazing vocalist who has a special ability to connect with her audience. She brings passion and a bit of flair to every performance." -- Leslie and Michael. "We enjoyed dinner at the Villa D'Este in San Francisco last night accompanied by a great show. They have a diverse troop with varied talent styles, each a treat. The best way to describe Debra's performance is a true reincarnation of one of my favorite singers, Clara Bow, the IT Girl, characterized as Betty Boop. She hit every note and stayed in perfect character. If you haven't yet, you have to experience this event, held every first Monday of the month at the Villa D'Este, a classic Italian family restaurant." "Debra made Bob Sarlatte's surprise birthday party so wonderful! We all enjoyed her choice of music and songs. She really made the party a special occasion!" --Catherine Sarlatte Facebook Debra Mugnani instagram Twitter Tweets by DebraMugnani Pinterest Sign up for our Email Newsletter For Email Marketing you can trust WordPress | RSS | Temptime
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14" Strand of Chinese 5-5.5mm Pearl with a 14K White Clasp — Troy Shoppe Jewellers Skip to main content Menu Troy Shoppe Jewellers 403-293-1100 204 4th Street NE, Calgary AB Troy Shoppe Jewellers on Facebook Troy Shoppe Jewellers on pinterest Troy Shoppe Jewellers on instagram Troy Shoppe Jewellers on youtube Troy Shoppe Jewellers on twitter Homepage Jewellery Engagement Rings Wedding Bands Diamond Jewellery Coloured Gemstone Jewellery Gold and Silver Designs by David Custom Jewellery Brands Services Insurance Claims and Replacements Jewellers Mutual Insurance Appraisals & Quotes Jewellery Repairs Calgary Watch Repairs Cleaning/Polishing/Rhodium Plating Selling Old Jewellery Redesign Jewellery Delivery and Pickup About Covid-19 Tell Us Your Story Our Store Testimonials Blog Specials Contact Homepage Jewellery Engagement Rings Wedding Bands Diamond Jewellery Coloured Gemstone Jewellery Gold and Silver Designs by David Custom Jewellery Brands Services Insurance Claims and Replacements Jewellers Mutual Insurance Appraisals & Quotes Jewellery Repairs Calgary Watch Repairs Cleaning/Polishing/Rhodium Plating Selling Old Jewellery Redesign Jewellery About Troy Shoppe Jewellers Tell Us Your Story Testimonials Blog David’s Blog Social Feed Specials Contact Jewellery backHome / Coloured Gemstone Jewellery / Pearls / Strands / 14″ Strand of Chinese 5-5.5mm Pearl with a 14K White Clasp 14″ Strand of Chinese 5-5.5mm Pearl with a 14K White Clasp $165.00 CAD 14″ strand of Chinese 5-5.5mm Chinese pearls with a 14 karat white clasp. Pearl is the birthstone for June. SKU: 340-50-01-56100 Categories: Coloured Gemstone Jewellery, Pearls, Strands Tag: Necklaces Related products 14K Two-Tone Trillion Shaped Peach Zircon Custom Pendant 3.53ct $2,535.00 CAD 10K Yellow Gold Ring Featuring a 1.39ct Peridot $498.00 CAD White gold Spinel & Tourmaline Lady’s Custom Ring $4,225.00 CAD 10K Rose Gold Tanzanite and Diamond Lady’s Multi Row Band $1,471.00 CAD $$$ Troy Shoppe Jewellers 204 4th Street NE Calgary AB T2E 3S2 403-293-1100 Hours of Operation Mon Closed Tue 11 - 6 Wed 11 - 6 Thu 11 - 6 Fri 11 - 6 Sat 11 - 6 Sun Closed Jewelry Store Website Design © VRB Internet Solutions Ltd.and its licensors. All rights reserved. Sitemap
BANGKOK — An Air Force officer in the northeast is under criminal and disciplinary investigation for pulling a gun on a rock star, a military spokesman said Friday. For allegedly aiming his handgun at singer Pongsit “Pu” Kamphee as the singer performed on stage in a nightclub, Master Sgt. Phoptrai Naksuwan will be tried by the military court for a firearms offense. Police said Phoptrai, who was drunk, was upset the 49-year-old rock legend wouldn’t shake his hand. Air force spokesman Pongsak Semachai said the 48-year-old soldier confessed and faces expulsion from the force. “We cannot yet say what punishment will be issued to him. It varies from probation to expulsion,” Maj. Gen. Pongsak said by phone. “We will see.” Phoptrai was arrested Wednesday night in Amnat Charoen province. A video filmed by another concertgoer shows Pongsit performing on stage at a nightclub when a man later identified as Phoptrai is seen trying to shake the singer’s hand. The singer ignores him. Pongsit is famous for phuea chiwit, a combination of rock and country that touches on life and social issues of the working class. He’s been active in the music scene since the ‘80s. Moments after his handshake was rebuffed, the man pulled a gun and aimed it at Pongsit, prompting the singer to tackle him. Col. Natnawit Sitthapirom, chief of Amnat Charoen city police, said the soldier has been charged with carrying firearm into an entertainment venue and intimidating others. Natnawit said the gun was properly licensed, but he lacked a permit to carry it into an entertainment venue. “He will be indicted by the military court,” the police colonel said. “We are waiting for: one, results of the firearm examination; and two, the results of the fingerprint examination. We believe we will indict him within 30 days.” Phoptrai was heavily intoxicated at the time, he added. Police and soldiers routinely carry firearms, even when off-duty. Gunfights involving armed law enforcement officers are recurring news items. In June 2016, a gunfight between police officers at a nightclub in Phuket left one dead. Three months later, off-duty cops shot two people dead at a bar on Koh Samui. The air force spokesman said Phoptrai was not permitted to carry a firearm into the concert on Wednesday. “He had no right to carry [a gun] without a duty that required him to do so,” Maj. Gen. Pongsak said. “It was a personal crime.” A manager for Pongsit, the singer, also complained to the media that he wants to file a complaint of attempted murder, but police would not accept it. Natnawit, the police station chief, defended the decision by saying the suspect had no intention to murder Pongsit. There was no round in the gun’s chamber at the time he brandished it, and the video did not appear to show the suspect cocking the gun, according to Natnawit. “Threatening someone and planning to murder someone are different,” the police colonel said. “He was a fan himself. He just wanted to shake his hand!”
Student Services and Financial Aid - California State University, Los Angeles - Acalog ACMS™ Javascript is currently not supported, or is disabled by this browser. Please enable Javascript for full functionality. 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These include the University Academic Advisement Center, the University Tutorial Center, the University Testing Center, the University Writing Center, the Career Development Center, the Student Health Center, the Center for Student Financial Aid, the Office for Students with Disabilities, and the offices of Admissions and University Outreach, International Student Services, and Housing and Residence Life. Additional services are provided by various areas of the campus. In addition, many departments, divisions, and colleges offer students opportunities for involvement in campus life. Career Development Center General Information Home Page: www.calstatela.edu/univ/cdc Hours of Operation: Mon./Thurs. 8:00 am – 6:00 pm Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Appointments/Information (323) 343-3237 Student Employment (323) 343-3277 On-Campus Interviews (323) 343-3276 Students are required to show a valid Cal State L.A. Student I.D. to receive career services. Cal State L.A. graduates are entitled to an additional quarter of free access to Career Center services. After that, students must become Career Center Associates or members of the Alumni Association in order to receive career services. Career Counseling Choosing an academic major and investigating career options (including graduate programs and professional schools) are important career planning steps. Integrating all of the details of a job search is an important career placement procedure. Professional career counselors are available by appointment and on a limited walk-in basis for individual consultation about these issues. Workshops A variety of workshops is offered to assist students in their career planning and job search. Workshops address such topics as choosing a major, interview techniques, resumé writing, and job search strategies. A workshop schedule may be obtained through the Career Center Website or by visiting the Career Center at the beginning of each quarter. Career Development Resources Career Assessment Instruments The Strong Interest Inventory (SII) and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) are offered by individual appointment. A small fee is charged for each instrument. Computer-Assisted Guidance Choices This computer-assisted career assessment program focuses on interests, experiences, and work-related values. It provides job titles, descriptions, employment outlook information, and information about colleges and universities across the U.S. WinWay Resume is a program that automates the entire resume writing process, from overall format to job specific content. Perfect Interview is an interactive program that provides mock interviews. A webcam records student responses to an interviewer’s questions. Students can view their responses and see a pre-recorded sample of an expert response. Career Resource Library The Center maintains a comprehensive collection of books, directories, binders, and videos on the following topics: Academic majors and careers Interviewing techniques, resume and cover letter writing, job search strategies. Salary surveys and labor statistics. Job search books for special populations. Graduate and professional programs Company profiles Civil service positions The library also features computers for students to use for career-related purposes. Eagle iJobs The Career Center provides exclusive job listings to Cal State L.A. students featuring full and part-time on and off-campus jobs and internships via Eagle iJobs. All job seekers are encouraged to register with the service, and can see the front desk for details. Student Employment Student Employment offers a valuable service for students who seek part-time employment. There are two types of programs on campus: Student Assistant: Students are employed to assist faculty and staff on a part-time basis, maximum of 20 hours per week, in many offices of the University. Students may consult the Student Employment Unit for information. Federal Work-Study (FWS) Program: The Federal Work-Study program is intended to increase part-time employment opportunities and to assist financially-eligible students. Determination of eligibility for FWS awards is made by the Center for Student Financial Aid, Student Affairs 124. Job openings are listed on display boards in the Career Center and online. Off-Campus Federal Work-Study: Off-Campus employment through the Federal Work-Study program offers an exciting work experience that combines paid community service with active learning, for qualified students. Current openings are listed online and in the Career Center. Other Programs Job Referral Through the Job Referral program, a wide range of vacancies in business, industry, civil service, and education is made available to the campus community. Job vacancies are accessible online via Eagle iJobs and are also listed in the Career Center on our job boards and in our binders. Internships/Cooperative Education Internships may be paid or unpaid and offer students hands-on experience in their major discipline. Cooperative Education positions are internships that enable students, with department/division approval, to earn elective credit toward an academic major or minor. Current listings are available in the Career Center. On-Campus Interview (OCI) Program The Career Center coordinates interviews for seniors and recent graduates with representatives of business, industry, education and government agencies. Interviews for entry level career positions take place in the Career Center in the fall and spring. Career/Job Fairs Each year, more than 200 employers visit the campus during the fall and spring quarters to participate in the Career/Job Fairs. The representatives are interested in students from a variety of majors and a wide range of experiences. The Education Job Fair, a career fair for those seeking employment in schools pre-K - 12, is held each March. Alumni Program Any person who becomes a Career Center Associate or a member of the CSULA Alumni Association is entitled to use most Career Center services. Contact the Career Center for information on how to become a Career Center Associate. An annual fee is charged for membership. Services include: Access to job listings in the Career Center and on Eagle iJobs Use of the Career Resource Library Individual appointments with a career counselor Participation in workshops and career information programs Use of computer-assisted programs Participation in on-campus interviews, limited to a space-available basis (Cal State L.A. graduates only) Attendance at all Career/Job Fairs Center for Student Financial Aid The Center for Student Financial Aid, located in Student Affairs 124, assists students find resources to finance their education at Cal State L.A. The center administers a variety of federal and state grants, scholarships, work-study, and student loan programs. The Center is open Monday through Thursday between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., and Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. To apply for financial assistance, students must submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to the Department of Education processing center. Information submitted is evaluated to determine financial aid eligibility. The priority deadline is March 2nd of each calendar year. Applications received after the March 2nd priority deadline will be processed in a rolling basis and awarded based remaining funds. Students must re-apply for financial aid every academic year. Students are encouraged to apply on-line at http://www.fafsa.ed.gov/index.htm or may obtain a paper (FAFSA) form at the Center for Student Financial Aid, at any college financial aid office, in high school guidance offices, or local libraries. Applicants are notified by email or mail about their eligibility for financial aid. Financial Aid Programs Students who submit a completed (FAFSA) are considered for the following types of financial aid: Grants Federal, state, or institutional funds that do not have to be repaid. Loans Federally-guaranteed student loans with low interest rates that students must begin repaying six months after they graduate or drop below half-time status. Employment through the Federal Work-Study Program On and off-campus student work opportunities offered by the Federal Work-Study Program. The Career Development Center assists in job placement. Need Analysis and Eligibility Financial aid eligibility is determined from information provided on the FAFSA. A Federal Methodology is used to determine the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) from students and their families. The difference between the cost of education and the Expected Family Contribution constitutes financial need. Summer Funding Financial aid (grants, loans and work-study) is available to eligible students for Summer Quarter attendance. To learn more about financial aid at Cal State L.A., visit the Website: http://www.calstatela.edu/univ/finaid/index_FA.htm Scholarships There are over 300 scholarships available to students who are currently attending Cal State L.A. Available scholarships have a wide variety of criteria, and many are for new and continuing undergraduate, graduate and certificate students enrolled with the University. Scholarships are based on such criteria as academic major, academic achievement, campus and/or community participation, financial need, or a variety of other purposes. Some scholarships will provide funding for student fees; others will support the cost of books, transportation and living expenses. Students who wish to be considered for all institutional scholarships for which they are qualified should file one (1) General Scholarship Application and have one (1) letter of recommendation. The application and letter should be submitted to the Center for Student Financial Aid, Student Affairs 124. The submission deadline for new students is in March. The deadline for continuing students is in April. For criteria and up-to-date scholarship listings, go to http://www.calstatela.edu/univ/finaid/on_campus.htm New Student Orientation Programs All freshman students enrolling for the first time at Cal State L.A. are required to attend an orientation to the University prior to registering for classes for their first quarter of attendance. Transfer students are not required to attend but attendance is strongly recommended. Orientation programs are planned to introduce new undergraduate students to Cal State L.A. The programs are held shortly before new student registration; the dates appear in the Schedule of Classes each quarter. Participating students are welcomed by campus administrators and student leaders, given valuable information by faculty advisors, invited to participate in small group sessions with trained student orientation leaders, and assisted in registering for classes. More information is available by calling (323) 343-3195, or at the University Orientation Website: www.calstatela.edu/univ/stuaffrs/orientation Educational Participation in Communities (EPIC) EPIC is the University’s community service learning center. EPIC encourages Cal State L.A. students to become involved in off-campus community service and works with faculty to support service learning courses. Students can gain valuable experience and personal development through a wide range of service opportunities and can also receive academic credit for volunteer service by enrolling in Community Service 395, a course offered by several academic departments. EPIC also coordinates other community service initiatives such as the America Reads/America Counts tutorial program, the annual Toy and Food Drive, and the Youth Employment Program. Utilizing principles of student development, EPIC employs approximately 50 Federal Work Study students who serve as leaders and coordinators of all of the program’s service initiatives. For further information contact EPIC in the lower level of the Career Center or call (323) 343-3380. Student Health Services Medical Services The Student Health Center (SHC) offers a full array of health-related services including general medical care of common health problems, women’s health and family planning, physical examinations, health promotion and education, dental care, pharmacy, X-ray, laboratory, optometry, chiropractic, and massage therapy. Many services are offered free of charge, and others are provided at low costs. The SHC also provides various immunizations such as those required for admission to Cal State L.A., employment, and traveling. The center is open Monday–Friday. For more information call (323)343-3300 or visit the Student Health Center web site, http://www.calstatela.edu/univ/hlth_ctr/. To make appointments, students can call (323)343-3302. Students having severe or complicated illnesses that need hospitalization or care beyond the scope of the health center are referred to private or community providers/facilities. Because on-campus services may not meet students’ year-round health needs, enrollment in a program of supplemental health insurance is recommended. Information about the campus-sponsored program is available at the Student Health Center. Personal Counseling The Counseling and Psychological Services in the SHC provides individual and group counseling for students dealing with issues such as depression, anxiety, personal adjustment difficulties, problems with interpersonal relationships, conflicts about sexuality, coping with stress, and clarifying goals. Counseling can help students deal with their personal and emotional issues and make the most of their education by fostering personal growth and promoting mental health. The center is a place where individuals can explore and express their feelings, values, and concerns with a trained professional in an atmosphere that is confidential, interactive, and non-judgmental. Students can make appointments by calling (323) 343-3314. Other Services and Programs Anna Bing Arnold Child Center The Anna Bing Arnold Child Care Center provides part-time and full-time day care at a nominal cost for children ages two to five years whose parents are Cal State L.A. students, staff, or faculty members. The center is located at 2300 Levanda St. in Los Angeles, adjacent to the campus. The attractive, residential style building with a large, fully fenced yard was designed to serve as a learning environment for Cal State L.A. students as well as for children. For applications and information, call (323) 343-2470. Immigration Counseling Services Provides assistance to visa students, foreign scholars, and foreign faculty with visa issuance (F, H, and J visas, etc.), maintenance of student status, and matters that involve the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Opportunities to Study at Other Universities in the U.S. and Abroad The California State University International Programs (IP) provides the opportunity to study for an academic year at top universities in numerous countries. The International Office (SA 115) offers information about short-term study opportunities in other countries, Fulbright and Rotary fellowships, internships, volunteer programs, and short-term work opportunities abroad. Academic credit is available for study abroad. Financial aid may be applied to these programs. Many programs cost little more than studying at Cal State L.A. For more information about these programs, visit Student Affairs 115, call (323) 343-3170, or refer to the International Programs section in the chapter titled The University. Office for Students with Disabilities The Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) provides services designed to enhance the educational and social experience of students with disabilities. Students with verified disabilities are provided appropriate disability-related services as eligible from the following list: Admission requirement information Orientation to OSD services Priority registration Program change assistance Temporary disabled parking Liaison to the State Department of Rehabilitation Referrals to on- and off-campus resources Referrals for Diagnostic assessment of learning disabilities Referral to on-campus computer labs that have adaptive equipment Disability management counseling Test-taking accommodations Note taking services Tutoring by referral Interpreters (sign language and oral) Real-time captioning Test proctors Lab assistants Adaptive Technology Program The Adaptive Technology Program provides students alternative access to electronic information and computer technology, including orientation and training. The program provides campus-wide support for the libraries, academic technology services, and all academic departments and divisions. The program has a lab of twelve computers in Library South Palmer Wing room 1080. The program provides training and support on standard software, voice-input systems, screen readers, enlargement software, Braille translation and printing, CCTV’s, book-reading equipment, and other educational aids. Alternative Media Services Alternative media accommodations are available to eligible students with documented disabilities that impair the ability to perceive, comprehend or manipulate written materials. Students who believe they are eligible should meet with a Disability Specialist to discuss their needs. The Office for Students with Disabilities is located in Administration 127, (323) 343-3140 (TDD 343-3139); fax (323) 343-6429. Veterans’ Services Cal State L.A. is approved for the training and education of veterans of the military services and their dependents under educational assistance programs established by the state and federal governments. Authorization for education benefits under all federal bills must be obtained from the Veterans Administration through its regional office at 11000 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90024 or online at http://gibill.va.gov/apply-for-benefits/application/. Veterans with no prior claims under the G.I. Bills are urged to request their letter of eligibility at least two months before enrolling. Those transferring from another school should submit their G.I. Bill transfer request at least one month before enrolling. The Veterans Affairs Office, located in Administration 122, (323) 343-5080, and acts as a liaison and advocate for student-veterans on campus. The office also provides General Education academic advising, housing information, additional VA benefits counseling, and is home to the Student Veteran Organization on campus. The Certifying Official is located at Administration 401, (323) 343-3943 and provides enrollment certification for financial benefits and serves as a liaison between the University and the VA regional office for benefit payments and advisement about current benefits. Information about changes in legislative regulations and procedures also is available at both offices. Children of Disabled Veterans Students who qualify as children of certain disabled veterans of U.S. military services may be exempted from paying any student services portion of the registration fees, according to the California Education Code. Information about eligibility requirements and applications for waiver of these fees are available in the Office of Veterans’ Services. Housing Services - Living on Campus Cal State L.A.’s resident apartments offer an excellent “home away from home” for students who choose to live on campus, from freshmen to graduate students. All of the 132 two-bedroom and 60 four-bedroom apartments are furnished, including carpeting and blinds, air conditioning, stoves, microwave ovens and refrigerators. Students may relax in two community centers. The complex also offers a recreation/game room, large TV lounge, computer lab, dining room and laundry facilities. The basketball court is equipped with lights for evening use. Parking is available in a specially designated, well-lit parking area. Live-in staff members help residents build and maintain a sense of community. Resident Advisors provide both educational and social programs to create a well-rounded experience for students who live in on-campus housing. Opening Fall 2011, Dobbs Street Community Housing for Graduate Students. Students can look forward to affordable housing with single occupancy in two-bedroom apartments. There are suite-style and double occupancy rooms for students on a stricter budget. Living at the Dobbs Street Community gives you an opportunity to meet and live among graduate students and enhance your academic experience. Take advantage of our quiet community living with convenient access to classes, faculty, libraries, research facilities and other campus resources. It is perfect for students without cars and only minutes away from class. For more information, contact Housing Services at askhousing@cslanet.calstatela.edu, (323) 343-4800 or visit the website: www.calstatela.edu/univ/housing/. University-Student Union The University-Student Union (U-SU), (323) 343-2450, is the focal point of extracurricular interaction for the University community. Students, staff, faculty, alumni, and invited guests participate in social, cultural, recreational, and educational activities. In temporary quarters until a new University Student Union is built, the Union offers information services, lounge and study areas, and employment opportunities, as well as student activities and special events. Board of Directors The University-Student Union Board of Directors, which comprises 13 voting members including seven students, establishes policy and governance and develops administrative policies that affect the management of the building. The board conducts much of its work through a committee structure that includes fiscal, personnel, space allocation and building usage, student programs and executive committees. Meetings are open to the public, and attendance is encouraged. Applications for the U-SU Board can be picked up in Room 306 or by contacting Joe Sedlacek at 323-343-2450. Union Meeting & Event Services The Union Meeting & Event Services (UMES) office is responsible for processing reservation requests and assisting sponsors with identifying the most efficient use of designated and programmable space in the University-Student Union. This office also coordinates all nonacademic scheduling of campus facilities for recognized student clubs and organizations. Meeting rooms, conference facilities and audio-visual or media equipment for conferences, retreats, receptions, and social events can also be reserved through this office. UMES is located on the third floor of the University-Student Union in Room 306. Please feel free to contact us by phone at 323-343-2465 or by email at ureserv@cslanet.calstatela.edu Student Activities Cross Cultural Centers The mission of the Cross Cultural Centers at California State University, Los Angeles is to encourage student learning as well as foster an inclusive campus community that challenges racism, sexism, heterosexism, classism, and other forms of oppression. With a commitment to social justice and increasing cross-cultural awareness, the CCC offers a wide variety of programs and services that explore the shared and unique experiences, histories, and heritages of our diverse community. The Cross Cultural Centers consist of four resource centers: Gender & Sexuality Resource Center (founded as Women’s Resource Center) in 1976; Pan African Student Resource Center, founded in 1990; Asian Pacific Islander Student Resource Center, founded in 1993; and Chicana/o Latina/o Student Resource Center, founded in 1993. The CCC is located on the second floor of the University-Student Union, Room 206. Contact the Cross Cultural Centers at (323) 343-5001. Center for Student Involvement The Center for Student Involvement serves as a hub for student involvement and programs, adding to the value of campus life at Cal State L.A. The Center is responsible for Campus Programs and Activities; Student Organizations; Fraternities and Sororities; and Student Leadership Initiatives. Over 150 programs are offered each year for Cal State L.A. students, faculty, staff, alumni, and guests. A group of student coordinators plan and promote a variety of events, including Fall Student Fest, Mardi Gras, musical entertainment, comedy performances, lectures, workshops, and recreational trips. Cal State L.A. hosts over 100 student organizations that address a variety of issues and plan hundreds of events each year. The student organizations represent academic, cultural, political, professional, religious and spiritual, service, social, and recreational interests. Students are able to join an existing organization or start one of their own. Many programs are offered that allow students to explore and enhance their leadership abilities including the Leader Project and Leader to Leader. U-Lead workshops are offered throughout the year by the Center to serve all leaders.The Center is located on the second level of the University- Student Union in room 204. Please feel free to contact The Center for Student Involvement at 323-343-5110 or centersd@calstatela.edu. Sororities and Fraternities A traditional part of campus life for many Cal State L.A. students is membership in fraternity and sorority organizations, which offer the chance to meet new friends and participate in an extensive program of activities. In addition to social functions, these organizations are involved in various campus and community projects and provide housing for a limited number of their members. Sororities Fraternities Alpha Sigma Tau Alpha Phi Alpha Alpha Theta Pi Fraternity, Inc Chi Sigma Phi Beta Colony Beta Gamma Nu Delta Phi Sigma Gamma Zeta Alpha Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Phi Sigma Kappa Delta Zeta Sigma Alpha Epsilon Kappa Zeta Phi Sigma Lambda Beta Lambda Theta Alpha Sigma Nu Lambda Theta Nu Sigma Lambda Gamma Colony Upsilon Kappa Delta Zeta Phi Beta Co-Ed Fraternity Alpha Phi Omega Delta Sigma Chi Kappa Mu Alpha Women’s and Gender Studies Activities A wide variety of programs in Women’s and Gender Studies are offered through the Center for the Study of Genders and Sexualities (CSGS). Lectures, performances, faculty-research discussions, internships, and research opportunities are all open to students. CSGS invites students to serve on planning committees as well. Students from all majors and minors are eligible to participate. Intramurals The School of Kinesiology and Nutritional Science offers a variable selection of intramural sports and activities for all men and women at Cal State L.A. Opportunities range from varied recreational interests to competitive intramural leagues. Students may enroll for credit in an intramurals course, PE 110. Student Publications A wide variety of student publications represent the myriad academic and professional interests of Cal State L.A.’s student body. A partial list of these publications appears below. For information about being involved in–or receiving–a particular publication, interested students should contact the appropriate department/division/school. 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